IUCN Red List India - Red Data List - Red Book - 1 _ PMF IAS
IUCN Red List India - Red Data List - Red Book - 1 _ PMF IAS
April 5, 2018 | Author: balla vivek | Category:
Endangered Species
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International Union For Conservation Of Nature
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9/7/2016IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS Home Science NT DOC #All Current Affairs Books Geography Site Policy ENVIRONMENT PDF Environment 0 items ₹0.00 GEOGRAPHY DOC GEOGRAPHY PDF IUCN Red List India – Red Data List – Red Book – 1 BIOLOGY PDF Featured Posts Red Data List – Red Book – 1 Newsletter Contents rvation of Nature Join 1,170 other subscribers Enter your Email st or Red Book of April 24, 2016] SUBSCRIBE Mammals Red Bear (Ursus arctos Subscribe salvania) thed Shrew (Crocidura PMF IAS UPSC CSE YouTube rdia kondana) lvira Rat (Cremnomys elvira) 9K Notes for Ups… 14K likes quirrel (Biswamoyopterus Like Page rra civettina) os (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) http://www.pmfias.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 1/20 9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS ul (Cervus elaphus hanglu) uus hemionus khur) dog or Indian wild dog (Cuon or browantlered deer (Panolia hypithecus geei) bellied Musk Deer m rabbit (Caprolagus hispidus) e/ wanderoo (Macaca silenus) ntelope giri leaf monkey (Trachypithecus mmals dolphin MS Word Formats at Hig hly A ord ab le p rice s! IUCN Red List India – Red Data List – Red Book – 2 1 Twitter 0 » Pinterest 0 or Conservation of Nature organization (NGO) working in the field of nature ble use of natural resources. ring and analysis, research, field projects, advocacy, http://www.pmfias.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 2/20 9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS own for compiling and publishing the IUCN Red List. n/referred to as ‘Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas’. es to conserve birds. http://www. vation status of species worldwide. ing to do with the concept “biodiversity hotspots”. nd. n/referred to as ‘Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas’. hotspots’ originated from this organization. Life Partners worldwide.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 3/20 . zation known as ‘Birdlife International’ which of the correct? f Conservation Organizations. their habitats and global biodiversity. the code given below. Switzerland. for the International Nature. e official Red List authority for birds.pmfias. International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna s the Washington Convention) drafted as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at a International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). ds sustainability in the use of natural resources. e world’s largest nature conservation Partnership. e given below.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 4/20 . ternational trade in specimens of wild animals and plants val of the species in the wild. binding on the Parties – in other words they have to does not take the place of national laws. work to be respected by each Party.pmfias. the Illegal Killing of Elephants – MIKE ational Union for Conservation of Nature and nd the Convention on International Trade in Fauna and Flora (CITES). nternational agreement between governments (multilateral ng Network (TRAFFIC) http://www. which has to adopt its ensure that CITES is implemented at the national level.000 species of animals and plants. but this Convention does nal laws. which of the following ited Nations and CITES is an international agreement eld projects around the world to better manage natural the States that have joined it. and it accords varying re than 35.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS 1975. mber of pink pages continue to increase. hose species that were formerly endangered.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS mental organization working globally on trade in wild context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable mme of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and IUCN. new pages are sent to the subscribers. founded in 1964. Data List or Red Book atened Species. and Vulnerable. ed in 1976. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ITES). Endangered. with headquarters now located in Cambridge. As the es.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 5/20 . lication include the critically endangered species. is the world’s most f the global conservation status of biological species. impacts and drivers to dge base on trade in wild animals and plants.pmfias. but have now they are no longer threatened. the official term “threatened” is a grouping of Endangered. There are pitifully IUCN Red List into nine groups http://www. sure that trade in wild plants and animals is not a threat s wildlife trade trends. patterns. Red List. isk of extinction in the wild.com/ ndividuals remaining.britannica. taxa are included in this category.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS its: http://media2. ng the probability of extinction in wild in at least 50% in o be facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. ss than 50 mature individuals). 90% over the last 10 years). kely to become endangered in the near future. or as a naturalized oric range.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 6/20 . Known only to survive in captivity. enough data to make an assessment of its risk of not yet been evaluated against the criteria. sk of endangerment in the wild.web.pmfias. Does not qualify for a more atrisk category. st risk. http://www. – Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. 9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS dits: https://upload.wikimedia. endangered. http://www. ndia [As of April 24.org/ hed by the International Union for Conservation of es (IUCN) contain lists of species present in the biodiversity hotspots. endangered and vulnerable species. bove is/are correct ? ed data book which contains a list of ‘Threatened species’ itically endangered). pecies to the “Red List” of threatened species [973 in 2014]. 2016] UCN ‘Red List’ as of 2015. mal species. ation of nature & natural resources in various countries.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 7/20 .pmfias. This species constructs a nest throughout the year. bitat andEnvironment persecution by humans. and north Pakistan.pmfias. ania) General Science Geography Global Groups Indian Geography pig.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS Mammals ear (Ursus arctos isabellinus) Categories Book List Current Affairs All Posts Biology Economic Geo north India.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 8/20 . http://www. com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 9/20 . Categories Haematopinus oliveri). All Posts Biology Shrew (Crocidura andamanensis) Economic Geo Environment General Science Geography Global Groups to the South Andaman Island of India. Hunting is also a threat.pmfias. rbed. Hispid Swamp Francolin. Now only found in ctuary and its buffer reserves). Wild Buffalo. Current Affairs are loss and degradation of grasslands. twilightIndian or in the night. Geography o selective logging.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS indicators of the management status of grassland pygmy hog resides are crucial for the survival of other Indian Rhinoceros. read across India. and Bhutan. dryseason and afforestation of grasslands. a parasite that feeds only on Pygmy me risk category of critically endangered as its survival is Book List pecies. Swamp Deer. tall ‘terai’ grasslands. natural disasters such as tsunami and thought to contribute to current population declines. ondana) http://www. Nepal. 9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS rom the small Sinhagarh Plateau (about one km2). ropical dry deciduous forests and tropical scrub. Global Groups wn only from Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu. conversion of forests and fuel wood collection. Rat (Cremnomys elvira) Categories Book List Current Affairs All Posts Biology Economic Geo Environment General Science rnal and burrowing rodent endemic to India.pmfias.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 10/20 . habitat loss. Recorded from m above meanGeography sea level. seen in rocky areas. overgrazing of vegetation and disturbance nal activities. Indian habitat loss. near rodent that is found only in India. l (Biswamoyopterus biswasi) http://www. Geography uous shrub land forest. nd found exclusively in the Western Ghats.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 11/20 .9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS Categories Book List Current Affairs Allflying Postssquirrel that is restricted to a single in its genus) P. (or) W.L. http://www.pmfias. Kerala. Economic Geo d only in Namdapha Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh.S.Biology in Arunachal Pradesh. Environment General Science vettina) Geography Global Groups Indian Geography was first reported from Travancore. Science noceros sondaicus) is also believed to be extinct in India Geography urvive in Java and Vietnam.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS d hill slopes of evergreen rainforests.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 12/20 . Global Groups Indian Geography rvus elaphus hanglu) http://www. abitat. Environment onally extinct in India.pmfias. though it once occurred in the and northeast GeneralIndia. ern Ghats. commercial plantations are major threats. cerorhinus sumatrensis) Categories Book List Current Affairs All Posts Biology Economic Geo endangered of the five rhinoceros species. 9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS which is native to India. high valleys. ests. . Indian forests Geography he temperate of the Himalayas. m. and poaching. and mountains of the Kashmir valley Himachal Pradesh. poaching. mionus khur) http://www. ragmentation.pmfias. northern Arunachal Pradesh.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 13/20 . and inbreeding depression. overgrazing by domestic livestock. d Kashmir. Categories Book List Current Affairs All Posts Biology Economic Geo Environment General Science Geography Global Groups able to Endangered recently. hey prefer life in deciduous forests. Economic degradation due toGeo salt activities.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 14/20 . Environment General Science e natural habitat of an Indian animal species. s in Rann ofAll Kutch Biology n the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS Categories Book List Current Affairs Postsregion. r desert http://www. The hat area but its existence is threatened due to the Geography hich one of the following could be that animal? Global Groups Indian Geography n different types of habitat: grasslands. Little Rann of Kutch. Invasive species Prosopis chment and grazing by the Maldhari.pmfias. Assam. o National Park (KLNP). rade for its musk. Book List iseases from domestic and feral dogs. and West Categories etion of its prey base. t (Caprolagus hispidus) http://www.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS Indian wild dog (Cuon alpinus) most of India south of the Ganges. Only males produce the musk. of grassland habitat.pmfias. d Musk Deer and Sikkim. competition from other predators.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 15/20 . particularly in the nd the Western and Eastern Ghats of the southern states. Meghalaya. habit Arunachal Pradesh. Current Affairs wantlered deer (Panolia eldii) All Posts Biology Economic Geo Manipur. Environment General Science hecus geei) Geography onkey Global Groups Indian Geography of western Assam and in the neighboring foothills of the man encroachments. 9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS of the central Himalayas. human encroachments. coffee. pid hares is highly fragmented due to increasing and human development. Categories rasslands in northern Book List India. habitat fragmentation.pmfias. General Science ion due to spread of agriculture and tea. feed or travel through plantations. teak and water reservoirs and human settlements to support such Geography Global Groups ates is liontailed macaque found in its natural Indian Geography the codes given below. oss.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 16/20 . Current Affairs nderoo (Macaca silenus) All Posts Biology Economic Geo d they do Environment not live. in the Western Ghats range. http://www. magnificent horns. ammals http://www.pmfias.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 17/20 . inhabit montane grasslands of ate animal of Tamil Nadu. on. Categories rable to Endangered recently. Book List ened byCurrent huntingAffairs for its fine wool which is used to make at. introduction of exotic tree General Science Geography Global Groups Indian Geography st of the three tahr species.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS n Western Ghats. development activities. All Posts monkey (Trachypithecus johnii) Biology Economic Geo Environment tern Ghats in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. illegal hunting. grazing. So AP is the odd option. e and pesticides. India Book List as been recognized by the government of India as its Current Affairs All Posts Biology kistan and its Beas and Sutlej tributaries. rocodiles. many of otential competitors with dolphins. high dams. http://www. Nepal and Pakistan which is split into two er dolphin and Indus river dolphin. and embankments). Economic Geo re the possible reasons for the decline in the Environment Dolphins? General Science barrages on rivers of crocodiles in rivers Geography nets accidentally Global Groupschemicals in cropfields in the and other agricultural Indian Geography the code given below.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS desh.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 18/20 . municipal sewage discharge and noise Categories maputra Rivers and their tributaries in Bangladesh. ng through entanglement in fishing gear; habitat loss and pment projects (barrages.pmfias. freshwater turtles and wetland birds. pmfias. the saltwater crocodile (Least concern) is Book List n subcontinent. nt within the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary of Odisha Current Affairs present in smaller numbers throughout the Indian and All Posts e Sunderbans.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 19/20 . crocodile is a freshwater species found sparsely in various n the Categories Indian subcontinent. they are extinct in the Indus River. Biology s the national aquatic animal of India? Economic Geo Environment General Science Geography 1 Twitter Global Groups 0 IUCN Red List India – Red Data List – Red Book – 2 Indian Geography Ramsar Sites in India Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Pinterest 0 » Earth Summit 1992 UNCED | CBD | UNCCD In "All" http://www.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS codile. ngered) once thrived in all the major river systems of the y. and in the Irrawaddy River. Their distribution is now ormer range. gharial and the estuarine (coast) crocodile. in the Brahmaputra . st of India. ALL RIGHTS RESERVERD.pm as.9/7/2016 IUCN Red List India Red Data List Red Book 1 | PMF IAS UCN Red List India – Red Data List – Red Book – 3 Biodiversity Conservation In Situ & Ex Situ Conservation In "All" Categories Book List Current Affairs All Posts Biology Economic Geo Environment General Science Geography Global Groups Indian Geography COPYRIGHT © 2015-16 www.pmfias.com . http://www.com/iucnredlistindiareddatalistredbook/#iucnredlistorreddatalistorredbook 20/20 .
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