Iub Investigation



1.1.1 Iub bandwidth ofinvestigation, an the task description according toto check the transmission Configure Iub interface specification, the overall principle is to provide enough Iub bandwidth. 2,inputs, No 3 tools RNC LMT and NodeB LMT 4,steps ifare ATM Bandwidth: Step1:implementation of DSP E1T1 the RNC LMT, check the number of E1 NodeB available correspondence, and then estimate the available bandwidth of the physical (one pair E1 can provide a rate of about 0.75 ~ 0.8Mbps), If not, the need to increase E1; Step2: Executive LST AAL2PATH (if it is carrying the optical port) or LST IMAGRP (if it is carried in the form of IMA Group) at the RNC LMT, the corresponding query NodeB traffic using the index; then perform LST ATMTRF, check the configuration of the average rate (SCR), the need is greater than the testing requirements, if not met, need to be modified; Step3: receiving a query execution LST AAL2PATH cell rate (RCR) in the NodeB LMT requiring RCR configuration <= RNC side configuration SCR, if not met, you need to modify. If the IP Bandwidth: Step1:run on the RNC LMT LST IPPATH, check the configuration of the transmission rate rate test requirements are met, and if not satisfied, you need to modify; Step2: execute LST IPLOGICPORT the RNC LMT, check whether the logical port : If not configured, skip this step; If configured, the configuration of the logical port bandwidth required to meet the testing requirements, if not met, you need to modify. 1.1.2 IU-PSBandwidth 1investigation,task descriptions checking IU-PS-bandwidth transmission configuration, the overall principle is to provide enough Iub bandwidth. 2,input RNC MML 3scripts,tools RNC 4, the steps I) according to NODET = IUPS keywords to find IU-PS segments adjacent points in the MML, if there are multiple IU-PS, one by one check. 图1 Find IU-PS neighbors II) Find carry PATH IU-PS according to neighbors (generally IU-PS are carryingover RXBW 图2 Find IU-PS bearer PATH III) examination carries PATH bandwidth (TXBW of downstream bandwidthIP),as upstream bandwidth, unit Kbit / s), the configuration recommended configuration is consistent with the bandwidth of the physical abilities, such as the 100M Ethernet port bandwidth recommended configuration for the 100M, 1000M Ethernet port is also assigned to at least 300M or more (assuming the maximum throughput capacity of the cell To XiM, linked to the ability to lower the number of RNC cell Xi is Ni, then the bandwidth interface configuration IuPS least as X1 * N1 + X2 * N2 + ...). 1.1.3 Iub mouth droppinginvestigation, an the task description to check the Iub interface (including RNC transmission interface board, NodeB transmission interface board, Iub oral transmission) there is no packet loss. 2, the input port Iub loss is certainly a phenomenon manifested rate fluctuations (volatility generally very intense), if the rate is very stable, you can skip this task. 3, the tool RNC UMAT LMT,4,steps Step1: make the user data transmission process CDT RNC user tracking, measuring modes and L2 election increases the number of reported mass, as shown below. In steady-state tracking data transmission few minutes (3-5 minutes), otherwise it will have a significant amount of data. . NodeB Iub interface board packet loss and transmission loss). The method can also refer to FIG 13 shows. Can be opened with UMAT Step1 tracking data. corresponding indicators RB.UsDlRetranRate. according to the operation shown below were observed. will be the performance of RLC layer retransmission rate. the check downlink RLC retransmission rate.图3 RNC CDT track the number of users passing Step2: A method for determining loss: Iub mouth if there is packet loss (including the RNC. RLC retransmission rate should be close to zero. you need to troubleshoot Iub interface. indicating possible loss of the Iub interface. Two methods to determine packet loss: L2 CDT details will track the use of UMAT convert Winshark can view the TCP packet (see below).图4 View downlink RLC retransmission rate in general. not limited by the bandwidth of the Iub or Iub bandwidth is limited when it opened the flow control. If the retransmission rate is higher. . do not receive the packet sequence number 13241193). . indicating loss below the capture location. if the number received the previous packet. If found RNC RNC MAC layer packet capture packets received. or if it is half-duplex auto-negotiation may cause transmission loss. If packet loss is detected IU-PS. but the message is still lost. a large number of duplicate ACK Description 13241193 packets lost. conversely if it is There are dropping below the capture location (possibly Iub mouth dropping. the capture location RNC). Ethereal packet loss appears at the top position (ie IU-PS mouth dropping) appeared packet loss (because from capture to see the red part of the analysis tools to see. therefore. you need to troubleshoot if there is packet loss Iub interface. indicating loss over the capture position.图5 The CDT tracked L2 detailed information into TCP packet retransmission packet loss will have a general loss will have a lot of repetition (> = 5) of the ACK. on the need to troubleshoot IP interface port mode configuration: generally required to use the full-duplex mode. the reference 3. If the modification or the IU-PS packet loss is detected. according to the serial number of duplicate ACK to the front to find the serial number. The figure below is an example (using WireShark open). then we can look forward to find the number of packets.2.17. If you have not received the packet sequence number. RNC side Ethernet interface board verifiable command DSP ETHPORT. 图6 TCP packet lossdetermine . you also need to check the port duplex mode corresponding device) does not solve the problem of RLC retransmission rate downward if configured for full duplex transmission or if the ATM is usually described Iub transport port itself poor quality.doc".5.doc" and "RAN12 IP QoS transmission troubleshooting guide book20101208-V1. recommendations are configured for full duplex.0. you need to focus on the investigation Iub mouth transmission quality. double check whether workers are full-duplex mode. skip 3.2. you need to research the feedback problem troubleshooting interface board is abnormal cause packet loss. Note: Iub mouth packet loss. the general population in Iub transmission loss as much. Iub interface transmission quality investigation. thenthe if Iub IP transmission is the first work to check the Ethernet link between the RNC and NodeB whether full-duplex: RNC and NodeB side were executed in the DSP ETHPORT. get rid of the problem duplex mode configuration. If there is no packet loss Iub transport.17 feedback problems. (If there are other intermediate routing devices. there is a loss. and if not. . and therefore need to be on-site investigation to solve the transmission quality. refer to the attached document "ATM transmission QOS issues positioning guide book V1. Iub transmission quality to determine if the mouth is no problem.is detected toif there is packet loss. otherwise it will have a significant amount of data. In steady-state tracking data transmission few minutes (3-5 minutes). as shown below. NodeB transmission interface board.4. if the rate is very stable.4 Iub mouth droppinginvestigation.1.steps Step1: make the user data transmission process CDT RNC user tracking.1. Iub oral transmission) there is no packet loss. measuring modes and L2 election increases the number of reported mass. . you can skip this task. the input port Iub loss is certainly a phenomenon manifested rate fluctuations (volatility generally very intense). 2. 3. an the task description to check the Iub interface (including RNC transmission interface board. the tool RNC UMAT LMT. NodeB Iub interface board packet loss and transmission loss). corresponding indicators RB.图7 RNC CDT track the number of users passing Step2: A method for determining loss: Iub mouth if there is packet loss (including the RNC. Can be opened with UMAT Step1 tracking data. the check downlink RLC retransmission rate. The method can also refer to FIG 13 shows.UsDlRetranRate. according to the operation shown below were observed. will be the performance of RLC layer retransmission rate. . RLC retransmission rate should be close to zero. you need to troubleshoot Iub interface.图8 View downlink RLC retransmission rate in general. indicating possible loss of the Iub interface. not limited by the bandwidth of the Iub or Iub bandwidth is limited when it opened the flow control. If the retransmission rate is higher. . Two methods to determine packet loss: L2 CDT details will track the use of UMAT convert Winshark can view the TCP packet (see below). The figure below is an example (using WireShark open). conversely if it is There are dropping below the capture location (possibly Iub mouth dropping. If packet loss is detected IU-PS. if the number received the previous packet.17. do not receive the packet sequence number 13241193). on the need to troubleshoot IP interface port mode configuration: generally required to use the full-duplex mode. RNC side Ethernet interface board verifiable command DSP ETHPORT. therefore. but the message is still lost. the reference 3. the capture location RNC). a large number of duplicate ACK Description 13241193 packets lost. If you have not received the packet sequence number. according to the serial number of duplicate ACK to the front to find the serial number. indicating loss over the capture position. Ethereal packet loss appears at the top position (ie IU-PS mouth dropping) appeared packet loss (because from capture to see the red part of the analysis tools to see. you need to troubleshoot if there is packet loss Iub interface. or if it is half-duplex auto-negotiation may cause transmission loss. .图9 The CDT tracked L2 detailed information into TCP packet retransmission packet loss will have a general loss will have a lot of repetition (> = 5) of the ACK. If found RNC RNC MAC layer packet capture packets received. If the modification or the IU-PS packet loss is detected. then we can look forward to find the number of packets.2. indicating loss below the capture location. 图10 TCP packet lossdetermine . you also need to check the port duplex mode corresponding device) does not solve the problem of RLC retransmission rate downward if configured for full duplex transmission or if the ATM is usually described Iub transport port itself poor quality.17 feedback problems. you need to research the feedback problem troubleshooting interface board is abnormal cause packet loss. refer to the attached document "ATM transmission QOS issues positioning guide book V1. recommendations are configured for full duplex. Iub transmission quality to determine if the mouth is no problem.2. . If there is no packet loss Iub transport. get rid of the problem duplex mode configuration. Note: Iub mouth packet loss.doc". and if not. skip 3.0. (If there are other intermediate routing devices. double check whether workers are full-duplex mode. and therefore need to be on-site investigation to solve the transmission quality.5. the general population in Iub transmission loss as much. thenthe if Iub IP transmission is the first work to check the Ethernet link between the RNC and NodeB whether full-duplex: RNC and NodeB side were executed in the DSP ETHPORT. you need to focus on the investigation Iub mouth transmission quality. there is a loss. Iub interface transmission quality investigation.is detected toif there is packet loss.doc" and "RAN12 IP QoS transmission troubleshooting guide book20101208-V1. 3 4 port utilization VS.3 utilization calculation port 1 (ATM1_Used_Ratio): VS.1 VS.ATMDlTotal.ATMDlAvgUsed.IPDlAvgUsed.1. steps STEP1. tools Nastar 4.ATMDlAvgUsed.2 / VS.3 / VS.ATMDlAvgUsed NodeB VS.IPDlAvgUsed.ATMDlAvgUsed. task descriptions investigation IUB interface transfer bandwidth-limited question 2.3 VS. use the following NodeB counter: VS.1.1 VS.1 port 2 utilization (ATM2_Used_Ratio): VS.IPDlAvgUsed. then the system 3. then the system.ATMDlTotal.2 VS. utilization 1) In carrying ATM transmission mode.3 VS.IPDlTotal.4 VS.2 VS.ATMDlTotal.ATMDlTotal.ATMDlTotal.1 VS.ATMDlAvgUsed.IPDlTotal.4 (ATM4_Used_Ratio):2)in the IP transport bearer mode.5 Assessed in accordance with the port bandwidth utilization IUB 1.2 utilization of port 3 (ATM3_Used_Ratio): VS.4 .1 / VS.2 VS.IPDlTotal. to assess IUB Interface ATM / IP port bandwidth .ATMDlTotal.4 IPDlTotal.4 VS. enter the configuration file RNC.ATMDlTotal.ATMDlAvgUsed. VS.ATMDlAvgUsed.1 VS. RNC.IPDlAvgUsed. using the following counter: VS.4 / VS.3 VS.ATMDlTotal. NodeB.ATMDlAvgUsed.2 . STEP2.2 port 3 utilization (IP3_Used_Ratio): VS. as follows: .utilization calculation port 1 (IP1_Used_Ratio): VS.IPDlAvgUsed.IPDlAvgUsed .IPDlTotal. 2) expansion IUB interface transfer configuration bandwidth.IPDlTotal.2 / VS.IPDlAvgUsed. In the IUB interface to the ATM transmission bearer mode.IPDlAvgUsed. As shown below: If you need to increase the number of PATH.1 port 2 utilization (IP2_Used_Ratio): VS. basebyto meet the conditions.3 utilization of port 4 (IP4_Used_Ratio): VS.IPDlTotal.1 / VS. RX traffic record index index was revised to flow after the expansion of bandwidth. the transmission bandwidth expansion by ADD ATMTRF configure and use the MOD AAL2PATH the original AAL2PATH in TX traffic record index.4 / VS.4 expansion port bandwidth utilization threshold and expansion threshold IUB samethreshold70%Y.3 / VS. directly ADD AAL2PATH expansion.IPDlTotal. output the positioning table IUB Tran limit SUMMARY column output Other empty optimization methods: 1) expansion IUB transmission bearer network transmission bandwidth expansion IUB interface physical bandwidth.. tools Nastar 4. IUB.IUB.DropNum.FlowCtrol.DropNum.ReceiveNum.FlowCtrol. then the system.FlowCtrol. RNC.IUB.ReceiveNum. transmission delay statistics for each port ratio) .LgcPort1 NodeBNodeB port a frame loss rate (transport1 drop VS. enter the configuration file RNC.LgcPort2 NodeB STEP2.FlowCtrol.LgcPort2 (transport2/ VS.DL. 1.ReceiveNum.task description transmission qualitytroubleshoot problems 2.ReceiveNum.DL.FlowCtrol.LgcPort2 DL.In the IUB interface IP transport bearer mode transport configuration by MOD IPPATH expansion of bandwidth.DL.IUB.LgcPort1 =/NodeB port 2 frame loss rate drop ratio) = VS.LgcPort1VS.IUB.FlowCtrol.1. NodeB.DL.DL.DropNum. using the followingNodeB counter.IUB.FlowCtrol. then the system 3.LgcPort1VS.DL.DropNum.DL.LgcPort2 VS. or use the ADD IPPATH expansion of the number of PATH. VS.steps STEP1.IUB.6 Quality assessment oftransmission abandwidth.FlowCtrol.IUB. perform frame loss rate statistics VS. check the RNC and NodeB side by ADD IPPATH command.DownBWNum.FlowCtrol.LgcPort2 NodeB IUB logical port 2 HSDPA downlink bandwidth available bandwidth based on packet loss down the number 50332745 VS.FlowCtrol.DownBWNum. the transmission quality is relatively poor quality:2 when transmission delay parameter greater than or equal SET HSDPAFLOWCTRLPARA TD.LgcPort1 NodeB IUB logical port 1 HSDPA downlink bandwidth available bandwidth based on packet loss increases the number 50332754 VS.Drop. Num.IUB.DownBWNum.IUB.LgcPort2 NodeB IUB logical port 2 HSDPA downlink bandwidth is reduced based on the number of available bandwidth delay 50332733 VS.FlowCtrol.LgcPort2 NodeB IUB logical port 2 HSDPA downlink bandwidth available bandwidth based on packet loss increase the number 50332731 VS.DL .DL.LgcPort2 NodeB IUB HSDPA downlink logical port 2 increases the number of available bandwidth based on the bandwidth delay 50332729 VS.FlowCtrol.DL.IUB.DropCong. Shanghai Unicom verified as most of the stronghold of 740ms.Avg next few counter first presented as a 50332728 VS.CongTime.Delay.Num. then the RNC side by ADD AAL2PATH PATH command to query each transmission resource index references. IUB interfaces according to the following criteria to evaluate the transmission 1 When the frame loss rate is greater than or equal to 5% is considered frame loss rate.Num.DownBWNum.Num.DL.port a delay mean (transport1 delay): VS.FlowCtrol.LgcPort1.IUB.LgcPort2.IUB. the unit is 5ms.DL.LgcPort1 NodeB IUB logical port 1 HSDPA downlink bandwidth available bandwidth based on packet loss down the number 50332758 VS. DL.LgcPort1 NodeB IUB logical port congestion time a downlink HSDPA 50332770 VS.IUB.IUB. only.IUB.UpBW .Delay. If the IUB interface ATM transmission bearer.Avg NodeB port 2 delay mean (transport2 delay): VS.FlowCtrol.UpBW.FlowCtrol. empty optimization methods: 1) check the configuration IUB interface transfer bandwidth.FlowCtrol. .IUB.DL.LgcPort2 NodeB IUB logical port 2 HSDPA downlink congestion time STEP3. in NodeB side by ADD AAL2PATH query configuration bandwidth.DL. and then check the configuration of the PATH index corresponding transmission bandwidth is through ADD ATMTRF.UpBW.FlowCtrol.FlowCtrol. poor transmission quality Note: The default value is 4.IUB. If the IUB interface IP transport bearer.CongTime.DelayVara. the need for further appropriate more game point data) will meet the conditions of the base station.LgcPort1 NodeB IUB logical port 1 HSDPA downlink bandwidth is reduced based on the number of available bandwidth delay 50332756 VS.FlowCtrol.DelayCong.UpBW.DL. which is 20ms (to not implement this ruling.LgcPort1 reference:NodeB IUB logical ports available bandwidth based on a downlink HSDPA increase the number of times the bandwidth delay 50332753 VS.DL.DelayVara.FlowCtrol.DL.IUB.Drop.DelayCong. DropCong. the base station will be following all the cells in the output table positioning conclusion IUB Tran quality limit other column output Y. output as a reference.DL.IUB. default 5% is considered high latency. 3) Check the intermediate transmission is abnormal. . the physical interface transfer capability contrast. MOD IPPATH bandwidth of the transmission configuration piecemeal.2) IUB transmission bandwidth of the query above configuration. If the transmission bandwidth is greater than the physical capacity configured in IUB interface to the ATM transmission bearer mode. so IUB interface transfer quality deterioration. so that the physical bearer consistent ability. MOD ATMTRF piecemeal transmission bandwidth configuration. at IUB interface IP transport bearer mode. and then estimate the available bandwidth of the physical (one pair E1 provides a rate of about 1. A) transmission configuration check If the ATMBandwidth: Step1: implementation of DSP E1T1 the RNC LMT. Step2: execute LST AAL2PATH the RNC LMT (optical port if it is hosted) or LST IMAGRP (if it is IMA Group in the form of bearer).1. will also lead to user rate can not achieve the desired objectives. check the corresponding flow index NodeB use. see the corresponding number of E1 NodeB available. if you do not meet the need to increase the E1. Step1:steps:Tracking down all the NodeB HSUPA user throughput on the LMT. . 2. and if not satisfied. under the NodeB RTWP all cell tracking. if not met. check the configuration Average rate (SCR). check the configuration of the transmission rate rate test requirements are met. if you do not meet the need to modify. General transport limited following reasons: due to the transmission configuration causes. B) Traffic inspection 1. skip this step. Step3:the RNC LMT inquiry HSUPA available bandwidth. you need to modify. you need to modify. If configured. need to be modified. Step2: execute LST IPLOGICPORT the RNC LMT. If the IUB interface transfer resource-constrained. tool RNC LMT or NodeB LMT 3. Step3: receiving a query execution LST AAL2PATH cell rate (RCR) in the NodeB LMT. or NodeB users CDT track.7 IUB resource investigation Data issued by theUE correctly received by Node B after FP frame forms need to be sent through RNC IUB interface transfer resources. then perform LST ATMTRF. Because traffic reasons.5Mbps or so). type: rate for all users under the NodeB RNC LMT-tracking. the configuration of the logical port bandwidth required to meet the testing requirements. due to transmission delay jitter and packet loss. check whether the logical port : If not configured. requires more than testing requirements.RNC Step2:RNCunder the NodeB RTWP tracking on all cells LMT. If the IP Bandwidth: Step1:run on the RNC LMT LST IPPATH. if not met. RCR requirements consistent configuration and SCR RNC side configuration.1. the decision whether the user has a delay or packet loss congestion. 4. indicating Iub bandwidth is limited. L2 will be flow control congestion detection. 图11 RNC CDT track . we can track the user's CDT on NodeB LMT. as shown below. enter: RNC LMT-user CDT track 2. the configuration at this time should be less than the target RNC (Iub bandwidth because all cells share a NodeB. 1. Step1:steps:Tracking RNC CDT. tools RNC LMT 3. HSUPA of FPPM turned on by default.If the rate of all users and available bandwidth * ~ = HSUPA bandwidth utilization. R99 flow control information). If the actual traffic and smaller than the theoretical value. Output: tracking results C) transmission delay jitter and packet loss inspection RAN11 version. you need to IUB loss investigation. DecR99FlowCtrlInfo: UPA. If you need further analysis. RTWP measured at the observed values of the cell. it is judged whether the subject is in the Iub bandwidth required to obtain all of the HSUPA users NodeB rate information). message tracking as shown in Figure 3-45 (hook on Hsupa Rlenhance Info Statistic: UPA scheduling information and DecR6FlowCtrlInfo. The following four indicators indicates the number of times within a specified period of congestion occurs (instead of dropping the number). you can confirm whether the user has Iub congestion delay congestion and packet loss statistics based on L2 FP layer. 5.IUB EDCH TNL happen the number of dropped frames congestion * / 图12 L2 uplink Iub flow control packet loss indication if IUB port packet loss. / * IUB DCH TNL congestion dropped frames occur number / * * / ucTNLIubDchTimeDelayNum.Step2:Use UMAT tool to open CDT track. Output: tracking results . you will need to subtract the statistics of the cycle statistics on the cycle is not 0.IUB EDCH TNL delay times of congestion occurs / * * / ucTNLIubEdchFrmLostNum. is an accumulated value. you need to troubleshoot packet loss. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ucTNLIubDchFrmLostNum. then think there is IUB loss.IUB DCH TNL times of congestion delay occurs / * * / ucTNLIubEDchTimeDelayNum. if you want to determine whether the packet loss during the week. to assess IUB Interface ATM / IP port bandwidth utilization 1) In carrying ATM transmission mode.IPUlTotal.3 port 4 utilization VS.4 VS.1 NodeB VS.ATMUlAvgUsed.ATMUlTotal.IPUlTotal. NodeB.ATMUlAvgUsed. steps STEP1.IPUlAvgUsed.ATMUlTotal. enter the configuration file RNC.8 assessed in accordance with the port bandwidth utilization IUB 1. task descriptions investigation IUB interface transfer bandwidth-limited question 2.3 VS.3 / VS.4 NodeB .3 VS.3 VS.ATMUlAvgUsed.1.4 ATMUlAvgUsed.2 VS.4 / VS.ATMUlTotal.ATMUlAvgUsed.IPUlAvgUsed.4 VS.ATMUlTotal.1 VS.1.ATMUlAvgUsed.1 VS.2 VS.ATMUlAvgUsed.IPUlTotal. then the system.IPUlTotal.2 port 1 utilization (ATM1_Used_Ratio): VS.2 VS.ATMUlTotal. use the following counter: VS. tools Nastar 4.1 / VS. using the following counter: VS.1 port 2 utilization (ATM2_Used_Ratio): VS.3 VS. 2 Port 3 utilization (ATM3_Used_Ratio): VS.1 VS.ATMUlAvgUsed.ATMUlTotal.ATMUlTotal. RNC.2 / VS.ATMUlTotal. then the system 3.IPUlAvgUsed.4 (ATM4_Used_Ratio):2)In IP transport bearer mode.IPUlAvgUsed. VS. directly ADD AAL2PATH expansion.1 / VS.port 1 utilization (IP1_Used_Ratio) : VS.IPUlTotal.4 expansion port bandwidth utilization thresholds and IUB expansion threshold using the same threshold of 70%in. the transmission bandwidth expansion by ADD ATMTRF configure and use the MOD AAL2PATH the original AAL2PATH in TX traffic record index.3 / VS. as follows: .IPUlTotal.IPUlTotal.IPUlAvgUsed. Conclusion output positioning table IUB Tran limit empty column output Y. other optimization tips: 1) expansion IUB transmission bearer network transmission bandwidth expansion IUB interface physical bandwidth. the base station will be all of the following areas. 2) expansion IUB interface transfer configuration bandwidth.2 / VS. In the IUB interface to the ATM transmission bearer mode.2 port 3 utilization (IP3_Used_Ratio): VS.IPUlAvgUsed.1 port 2 utilization (IP2_Used_Ratio): VS.IPUlAvgUsed. STEP2.4 / VS.IPUlAvgUsed.3 4 port utilization (IP4_Used_Ratio): VS. to meet the conditions of the base station.IPUlTotal. As shown below: If you need to increase the number of PATH. RX traffic record index index was revised to flow after the expansion of bandwidth. FlowCtrol.SendNum.DropNum.FlowCtrol.UL.IUB.IUB. VS.DropNum.IUB.LgcPort1 port 2 frame loss rate = VS.FlowCtrol. or use the ADD IPPATH expansion of the number of PATH. NodeB.9 Quality assessment oftransmission abandwidth.SendNum. tools Nastar 4. 1.IUB.UL.LgcPort2 VS.IUB.FlowCtrol.LgcPort2 (IubTranDropRatioPort2)/ STEP2.LgcPort1 port a frame loss rate = VS.SendNum. then the system 3.In the IUB interface IP transport bearer mode transport configuration by MOD IPPATH expansion of bandwidth.LgcPort1 / VS.FlowCtrol.LgcPort2 DropNum.IUB.FlowCtrol. enter the configuration file RNC.UL. UL.1.LgcPort1 VS.SendNum.task description transmission qualitytroubleshoot problems 2.UL.UL.UL. thenNodeB system using statistical frame loss rate VS.IUB. calculation of port congestion delay andrate of .UL.LgcPort2VS.DropNum. then the system.FlowCtrol (IubTranDropRatioPort1).IUB.steps STEP1.FlowCtrol. RNC. UL.FlowCtrol.UL. .IUB.UL.CongTime.LgcPort1 IUB an uplink logical ports available bandwidth increases the number 50332752 VS. transmission quality as assessed by standard 1) When the frame loss rate is greater than or equal to 5% is considered high frame loss. and then check the configuration of the PATH index corresponding transmission bandwidth is through ADD ATMTRF. then the RNC side by ADD AAL2PATH PATH command to query each transmission resource index references.IUB.LgcPort2.IUB. to meet the conditions of base stations.IUB.IUB. the transmission is considered delay jitter is too large. in NodeB side by ADD AAL2PATH query configuration bandwidth.UL. 3) congestion time.FlowCtrol.CongTime.IUB.UL.UL. .CongTime.FlowCtrol.IUB.LgcPort1 IUB logical ports 1 upstream congestion time 50332769 VS. If the IUB interface IP transport bearer.DelayCong.UL. Avg port a delay congestion rate (IubTranCongtPort1): VS.LgcPort1 NodeB IUB logical ports 1 upstream bandwidth available bandwidth dropping down on the number 50332757 VS.IUB.UL.FlowCtrol.Num.LgcPort2 IUB logical port 2 uplink congestion time STEP3. IUB. the transmission quality is relatively poor.LgcPort1.DelayCong. FlowCtrol.FlowCtrol. other column is empty optimization methods: 1) check the configuration IUB interface transfer bandwidth.FlowCtrol. poor transmission quality When2) When the transmission delay is greater than equal to 60ms.LgcPort2 IUB 2 uplink logical ports available bandwidth increases the number 50332744 VS. base station beneath all this area.DownBWNum. and if more than 30 percent of congestion (tentatively) that transmission congestion. locate the conclusions in the output table IUB Tran quality limit output Y.LgcPort2/3600 next few counter first presented as a 50332730 VS.LgcPort2 NodeB IUB logical port 2 upstream bandwidth available bandwidth dropping down on the number 50332727 VS.DropCong.UpBW.DelayVara.LgcPort1 reference:NodeB IUB logical ports 1 upstream bandwidth is reduced based on the number of available bandwidth delay 50332755 VS.CongTime. LgcPort2 NodeB IUB logical port 2 upstream bandwidth is reduced based on the number of available bandwidth delay 50332732 VS.UL.FlowCtrol.DownBWNum.FlowCtrol.IUB.UpBW.DelayVara. IUB transmission resource constrained STEP4. check the RNC and NodeB side by ADD IPPATH command.DropCong.IUB.DownBWNum.Num.UL.Avg port 2 delay mean (IubTranDelayPort2): VS.DownBWNum.FlowCtrol.UL.FlowCtrol.IUB.UL.FlowCtrol.LgcPort1/3600 port 2 delay congestion rate (IubTranCongtPort2): VS.delayport 1 Mean (IubTranDelayPort1): VS. If the IUB interface ATM transmission bearer. the physical interface transfer capability contrast. 1. so that the physical bearer consistent ability. but also to the need for a summary table) Table 1: Positioning Conclusion: Table 2: intermediate process.10 HSUPA aggregate output node performance issues above calculation results are summarized in the following table output: (transmission auxiliary counter is not presented. If the transmission bandwidth is greater than the physical capacity configured in IUB interface to the ATM transmission bearer mode. MOD ATMTRF piecemeal transmission bandwidth configuration. MOD IPPATH bandwidth of the transmission configuration piecemeal. at IUB interface IP transport bearer mode. analyze artificial data used: .1.2) IUB transmission bandwidth of the query above configuration. 3) Check the intermediate transmission is abnormal. so IUB interface transfer quality deterioration. 1.1. . information can also be enhanced through the network to determine the downstream side NodeB CDT). 2) According to information confirmed enhanced NodeB CDT downside: low throughput due to the IUB port bandwidth is limited due to the results as follows: a) From the above information we can see that UPA did not rise fast (keeping & deceleration) of the basic reasons for the IUB mouth due to limited bandwidth.11 IUB mouth loss leads to low throughput (IUB mouth problems) Problem Description (version V2R11C00SPC200) a game point a 10ms HSUPA speed test sites.is not in line with expectations the problemanalysis of 1) based onthe first basic troubleshooting data transmission problems locating PS: UE data source is not sufficient and power limited space Kouchong pass convergence (UE side through data analysis. the largest only to around 1Mbps. IUB mouth Bandwidth View (information extraction and Field Meaning Refer 3. you can see the exit port is limited bandwidth of IUB is about 915k.2 (3) below): print information by NodeB CDT can check the bandwidth outBW and statistical Loss export item.3. because too much traffic. further excluded if there is packet loss IUB mouth (information extraction Please refer to the meaning and Field 3. so you can determine the presence of IUB mouth loss: .b) Limited bandwidthanalysis limited bandwidthIUB mouth There are several reasons: ➢ IUB interface resource itself is not enough. we need to troubleshoot if there is packet loss L2.3 in (2) below).) analysis based on the above reasons. etc. causing congestion resulting in flow control algorithm into force after dropping the initiative to adjust the bandwidth ➢ delay jitter IUB port flow control algorithm leads to the entry into forceinitiative to adjust the bandwidth ➢ IUB mouthloss caused by non-congestion will adjust the bandwidth (eg transport configuration reasons. can be seen from the figure downward negative acknowledgment packet (usDlSufiListNum) and the number of dropped frames IUB mouth (ucTNLIubEdchFrmLostNum) is constantly increasing. Loss of points IUB has the following ports need to gradually investigation confirmed that the specific location of theloss ➢ RNC to the middle of the transmissionof a dropoutNodeB ➢ ➢ RNCinterface board packet loss (generally use PING way to check) NodeB internal loss packettreatment dropout Troubleshooting: Run the NodeB LMT Ping command to open a continuous ping detection switch. and ping 1470 barrier. set the ping packet size of 1400 and 1470. if there is ping 1400 can pass. less than 1500 . Solution:the MTU setting is lower than 1500 localwas revised to 1500 . intermediate transmission equipment can determine the MTU setting unreasonable. When the TCP layer rate when 768 ~ 1376kbps. When the TCP layer rate of 320 ~ 736kbps. 2) Iub IP transmission is when. HSUPA Iub bandwidth utilization rate = TCP layer / ATMof bandwidth 图13 ATM transmission efficiency when the TCP layer rate <320kbps when utilization <about 73%. the utilization rate of about 74%.1.2 bandwidth utilizationIUB When1) Iub transport of ATM. HSUPA Iub bandwidth utilization rate = TCP layer / IP bandwidth . utilization is about 75%. 图14 IP bandwidth utilization when the TCP layer rate <224kbps. the utilization rate of about 80% to 85%. the utilization of about 85% to 90%. When the TCP layer rate 480 ~ 1376kbps. the utilization rate of <about 80%. . When the TCP layer rate of 224 ~ 448kbps.
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