April 3, 2018 | Author: Lokesh Patidar | Category: Computer Data Storage, Operating System, Computer Hardware, Printer (Computing), Image Scanner



These days’ computers hold an important spot in our lives. Today one can’t think about doing any work without computer. The impact of information technology in various aspects of accounting profession and practice has been pronounced over the last two decades in India, an auditor who does not understand computer based accounting system is bound to face many problem in course of his profession because today mostly all the accounting work is done on computers, so auditors are required to posses good knowledge about computer based accounting. A working knowledge of information technology is a basic requirement of “CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT” today. Hence, the knowledge acquired by the student through “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRAINING” will be very helpful. This ITT program provides us all the Basic Knowledge of computer and its various software like MS-Excel, MS-World, data base management system, basic programming in Visual basic, web technology and software Tally. I heartily thank our instructors, Shashank Sir and Satish Sir, for their immense support, during the entire training and for the successful completion of this project work. management systems. The project is actually to develop software to automate a task or set of tasks. the topic) himself. digital signatures and authentication of electronic records. Visual basic language.e. web technology and systems security maintenance are strengthened. It is framed in order to get the practical knowledge about its application in various areas of professional knowledge. data base. The project is included in the curriculum to test and develop skills of student in actual work situation.The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has provided a 100 Hours Compulsory Information Technology Training which has been framed by modifying the old curriculum of Training. As the part of IT Training course a project has been incorporated in the curriculum. A student could select the task (i. . It focuses on application software relevant for Accounting and Auditing. knowledge of spread sheets. In addition. . The first devices that resemble modern computers date to the mid-20th century (1940–1945). scanner. An input device lets you communicate with a computer. It performs four basic operations. simple computers may be made small enough to fit into a wristwatch and be powered from a watch battery. however. and children's toys. Therefore. • • • • Input Processing Output Storage Input This is the process of entering data and programs in to the computer system. Embedded computers are small devices that are used to control other devices—for example. consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PC).WHAT IS COMPUTER? A computer is an electronic device that manipulates data according to a list of instructions. Weather forecasting etc. although the computer concept and various machines similar to computers existed earlier. Personal computers. digital cameras. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room. touch pads and joystick are examples of input devices. The word “Computer” originates from the word “compute” which means to calculate. Modern computers are based on tiny integrated circuits and are millions to billions of times more capable while occupying a fraction of the space today. . You can use input devices to enter information and issue commands. Computer not only processes data and provides the user required information but it is also able to perform the subsequent steps on the basis of processed information. Computer is an electronic device like any other machine which takes as inputs raw data and performs some processing giving out processed data. mouse. they may be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft to industrial robots. digital camera. the most common form of computer in use today is the embedded computer. the input devices take data from users to the computer in an organized manner for processing. Resume sorting. A keyboard. in various forms. are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "a computer". But now a day. Earlier computer was considered as a calculating device that can perform arithmetic operation at enormous speed. amazingly 85% of work is done in computer even of non-numerical nature like music Composing. • Some Common Computer Input Devices: • Keyboard • • • Used to type data into the computer Most common input device today Has special keys for giving the computer commands o Commands tell the computer to do something.most common pointing device o Track ball .basically an upside down mouse . like save the file o These special keys are called command or function keys • Pointing devices • • Pointing devices move some object on the screen and can do some action Common pointing devices o Mouse . bookshops etc. It is photoelectric scanners that read the bar code printed on a product container. o Game controller • Scanner A scanner allows you to scan documents. pictures.o Joystick o Bar code reader . • • • Used to put printed pictures and text into a computer Converts an image into dots that the computer can understand To scan text. or graphics and view them on the computer. You can also use software to edit the items you scan. optical character recognition (OCR) software is needed .it is used in supermarkets. • Digital Camera • • Used to take electronic pictures of an object The pictures taken by a digital camera can be used directly by a computer • Microphone • • Used to put sound into a computer Need sound recording software • CD-ROM/DVD-ROM • Can be used to put both sound and images into a computer . It is then sent back to the storage unit. • Memory Unit • Arithmetic & Logic Unit • Control unit  Memory Unit The memory unit is the part of the computer that instructions for processing.• Use a laser to read a Compact Disk (CD) or a DVD disk • Video Capture Card • • • Usually it is placed inside the computer's case Used to put video into a computer Need a video source. carried out & completed in CPU. there exists the central processing unit [CPU].  CPU consists of three major parts. Processing The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations is called processing. which determines the class &the quality of the computer. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) takes data and instructions from the storage unit and makes all sorts of calculations based on the instructions given and the type of data provided. All sorts of processing are initiated. • • • • Central Processing Unit (C P U) At the heart of the digital computer. It is a CPU of a computer. Although it is closely associated with the CPU. in actual fact it is . either a video camera or video recorder. plastic strip. etc. internal storage and main memory. main storage. it is stored in the main memory. There are following type of computer memory inside the computer:1) Internal memory(primary memory) 2) External memory(secondary memory)  Internal memory(primary memory) (a) RAM: RAM stand for Random Access Memory. hard disk or CD-ROM. magnetic. magnetic tape. It is an optical circular plate . The main purpose of a cache is to accelerate our computer keeping the price of the computer low. This is really the main store and is the place where the programs and software we load gets stored. coated. it fetches the program instructions from the RAM and carries them out. (c) CACHE MEMORY: Caching is a technology based on the memory subsystem of our computer. The CPU can only fetch or read instructions from Read Only Memory. It is used more as a hard drive than as RAM. When we load software from a floppy disk. (b) ROM: ROM stand for Read Only Memory. hard disk. Some of such devices are floppy disk. These rings are known as “tracks. primary memory. When you work on a computer and want to keep the data and information safe for future use.  Magnetic tape A magnetic type is used for storing a large amount of data. Data is stored in concentric rings. So the secondary memory is used to store the documents. ROM comes with instructions permanently stored inside and these instructions cannot be over-written by the computer’s CPU.separate from it.  External memory(secondary memory) Secondary memory is a permanent memory. CD. you have to use the secondary memory. files or pictures on the computer for future use. A magnetic tape is a long. It is housed in a plastic jacket.  Floppy disk Floppy disk is made of a plastic film coated with a ferromagnetic material and covered with a flexible plastic jacket. RAM or ROM are of no use for this purpose. It is a common storage device on most of the mainframe computers and some personal computers. Caching allows us to do our computer tasks more rapidly. Memory associated with the CPU is also called primary storage. (d) FLASH MEMORY: Flash memory is used for easy and fast information storage in such devices as digital cameras and home video game consoles. When the CPU runs a program. A monitor. printer. False. Now it is blank again. *. Arithmetic operations Ex: +. An output device displays information on a screen. >. and speakers are examples of output devices.  Arithmetic-Logic Unit (A. =. .L. rather it directs other parts of the system to do so. You can write your data or information on a cd-rw and after using it you can erase it from a cd rw. stored program instructions. %. It should communicate both the ALU & Memory. In addition. < etc. True. the disk access time for re writable optical disks is slow as compared to magnetic media. It needs a cd rom drive to run.Logical operations Ex: Compare. Some Common Output Devices: • Monitors and Displays • Shows the processed information on a screen o A monitor uses a Picture Tube like a television with the image displayed on the front of the tube. or execute. you can now again write your data or information onto it.U) The ALU contains the electronic circuitry that executes all arithmetic & logical operations. which is called the screen. Cd-rom stands for compact disk read only memory.  Control Unit The control unit contains electronic circuit that uses electrical signals to direct the entire computer system to carry out. -.  CD-RW Cd-rw stands for compact disc rewritable. These discs are used for read and write data and information repeatedly. creates printed copies or generates sound. Output This is the process of producing results from the data for getting useful information.made of plastic. Optical disks are more expensive and less reliable than magnetic media. active-matrix. A monitor or display produces a soft copy.o Displays are flat and use plasma. or some other technology. • • • • Printers Printers produce a hard copy The information is printed on paper and can be used when the device is off. • • Monitors used to be called Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) because of the picture tube. LCD. When the device is turned off the information goes away. It is also called a printout . which is a large vacuum tube. but still used in business to print multi-part forms.• Dot-matrix printers (impact printer) o o o o o Uses metal pins to strike an inked ribbon to make dots on a piece of paper. Rarely used today because of the poor print quality. Can see the dots that make up the letters or images. Very low in cost per page to use. • Ink jet printers (non-impact printer) o Use drops of magnetic ink to produce dots on a page to produce text or images. . Lowest print quality of all of the printers. Problems with the ink  The ink is very expensive  The ink is water soluble and will run if the paper gets wet Highest cost per page of all the printers For producing color documents. • Laser printers (non-impact printer) o o o o o How the laser printer produces an image  A laser or LEDs make dots on a light sensitive drum  Toner (very tiny particles of plastic) stick to the drum where the dots where made  Paper is pressed against the drum and the toner is placed on the paper  The paper is heated and the toner melts into the paper Produces the highest quality printout For black and white printouts. it has the highest quality at a reasonable price. • Speakers • used to output sound .o o o o The print quality is almost the same as laser printers. very low cost per page Printout is permanent Color laser printers are still fairly expensive. Mini computers were basically developed for use in process control system. These computers have high processing power and are slowly beginning to replace mini and mainframe computers. They can be used on the network or as standalone systems.Storage The process of saving data and instructions permanently is known as storage. MINI COMPUTER They are more powerful than micro and they can support several users. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTER Computer can be classified in following categories. Intermediate results of processing are also stored here. The storage unit performs the following major functions: • • All data and instructions are stored here before and after processing. Therefore the data is first stored in the storage unit for faster access and processing. PDP-8. the desktop and the portable model. . They have larger RAM and backing storage capacity and can process data more quickly. It provides space for storing data and instructions. These computers use microprocessors as their CPU. • • • • Micro Mini Mainframe Super computer MICR0 COMPUTER Microcomputers are the smallest digital computers and are commonly known as Personal Computers (PC). There are two models of microcomputers. This storage unit or the primary storage of the computer system is designed to do the above functionality. PDP-11 and VAX 7500 are its examples. Data has to be fed into the system before the actual processing starts. It is because the processing speed of Central Processing Unit (CPU) is so fast that the data has to be provided to CPU with the same speed. MAIN FRAME These are very large computers with a very high capacity of main store. They are able to accept any high level language. Complex scientific application like weather forecasting requires a large amount data to be manipulated with in a very short time. They use several processors working simultaneously.000. microcomputer or with each other. they are used by big companies. PARAM-10. They can be linked into a network with smaller departmental computer. SUPER COMPUTER They are the most powerful computers. IBM4381. CRAY XMP-24. PARAM can perform one hundred million calculations in a second. Elements of the computing process • • • • • Hardware Software Data People Procedure Hardware A personal computer is made up of computer hardware. handling hundred of users. bank etc. They act as host of large national and international communication networks. a typical personal computer consists of a case or chassis (cabinet) in a tower shape (desktop) and the following parts: o Motherboard o Power supply . Though a PC comes in many different form factors. ICL 39 are its example. Basically hardware refers to those components of a computer system which can not only be seen but can be touched as well. multiple physical components onto which can be loaded into a huge number of software that performs the functions of the computer. For they can process large amount if data very quickly. It can forecast of 15 days before whether in four minutes and five second. also known as application package. procedures and documentation that perform some tasks on a computer system. System software designed to control the operation of a computer system. There are two types of software as follows… SYSTEM SOFTWARE APPLICATION SOFTWARE It includes the computer programs that run or assist to run a computer system itself. Computer software or just software is a general term used to describe a collection of computer programs. • APPLICATION SOFTWARE Operating Systems . is a set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for a specified application. System software consists of:- • SYSTEM SOFTWARE (a) OPERATING SYSTEM (b) UTILITIES Application software. Software refers to those components of a computer which cannot be touched.o o o o o o o Video display controller Removable media devices Hard disk drives Sound card Modem Input devices Output devices Software Computer software provides instruction that tell the computer how to operate. Multi-user operating systems allow two or more users to run programs at the same time. LINUX or "Linus Torvald's UNIX" was inspired by UNIX. MVS and UNIX are two of the most widely used multiprocessing systems. Sun produces Solaris UNIX for their Sparc (their own chip design) and Intel based Sun platforms. The differences between them stem from the hardware they were originally designed to run on and who engineers and manufactures the software. Microsoft got their lead by making an exclusive deal with IBM in 1981 to include their variation of "Quick and Dirty DOS" operating system on every "IBM Personal Computer" microcomputer sold. There are many varieties of operating systems. The most recent version is Microsoft Windows 7. IBM Produced a number of operating systems including OS/360 for mainframes and OS/2 for desktop and personal computers. Multiprocessing operating systems enable several processes to run concurrently. a task being a program. Apple Computer Corporation produces MacOS and OS X exclusively for their Macintosh computers (which run on Motorola processors). the vast majority of Intel-processor based computers have shipped with Microsoft operating systems on them. IBM contracted with Microsoft to install a variation of "Quick and Dirty DOS" on all IBM PC's sold. CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING SYSTEM Operating systems a can be classified as follows:- MULTI-USER.Operating Systems run the computer and provide us with an interface with which to issue commands to the computer system. This "Quick and Dirty DOS" became Microsoft DOS. MULTIPROCESSING. There are two basic type of multitasking:(a) Preemptive (b) Cooperative . MULTITASKING. Ever since that time. To sell their Personal Computers (PC's). Microsoft is the most well know manufacturer of operating systems today. AT&T produced what has become the System V version of the UNIX operating system designed to run on Digital Equipment Corporation computers (PDP-11). but written for the Intel processor. HP produces HP-UX for their computers.Multitasking allows more than one program to run concurrently.Multiprocessing refers to a computer system’s ability to support more than one process at the same time. Multitasking is the ability to execute more than one task at the same time. called threads.MULTITHREADING. This category includes operating systems designed substantially for the purpose of controlling and monitoring external activities with timing constraints. execute REAL-TIME. particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables. words. simultaneously. . Data Data refers to a collection of information or facts usually collected as the result of experience. and DESERT etc. or images. observation or experiment.Real time operating systems are systems that respond to input immediately. CTRON . Most computers require people. Multithreading is the ability of an operating system to different parts of a program. This may consist of numbers. or processes within a computer system. CCP.Multithreading allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently. Data are often viewed as a lowest level of abstraction from which information and knowledge are derived. People Computers were designed by people and occasionally require maintenance by people. who are called users Procedures Procedures are the steps that the user has to follow to accomplish a specific computer related task. Some examples of real-time operating system are C Executive. TALLY INTRODUCTION TO TALLY ***************************************************** Tally is a versatile accounting a Package. Process of financial Accounting Package The document used in Financial Accounting Package is Voucher Journal Ledger . The advantage of this package is simplicity. Ledger posting Profit and Loss & Balance Sheet stock summary done by tally package. Which provides user for voucher entry transaction of related Business? Under this package user has to pass voucher entry and complete all other works like. So it is most beneficial and time saving for user. flexibility and scalability. What the Business earn during the period. What are the business expenses during the year? 4-Income –It is also nominal accounts. 3-Expenses –It is nominal accounts.Rules for Accounting 1-Assets – It is real accounts. documents used and Report. If it is increasing then becomes credit if decreasing then debit. 2-Liabilities. Transaction Recording Voucher Classifying Journal Entry Posting Ledger accounts Consolidating Trial Balance . Basic Steps in Accounts Compilation.It is also real account. It is increasing then becomes debit if decreasing then cr. and real time access to data across location and even with other applications. scalability. minimum and maximum menu item.Report Generation P/L B/S The topic is interpreted as either an accounting package accessible through a windowing interface or one that runs on Microsoft windows operating system. All screen in tally are viewed as windows processing the following-A title bar that displays the name of the application -A tally icon to the left that pulls down the menu comprising restore. Tally fits the description.’ Tally-Power of simplicity’ appears while the software loads. Either way. The Welcome screen. When the Tally start up screen appears. you are ready to explore Tally. Types OF ACCOUNTS Debit Credit Personal accounts The receiver The giver Real accounts What comes in What goes out Nominal accounts Expenses and losses Incomes and gains TALLY START UP -Click on Start>Programs>Tally 9 -Double click on the Tally9 Icon on the desktop. move. The visible advantage of the accounting package is simplicity. speed. . flexibility. size. 4.Create Company is to create new one. .The last option quit is to exit from Tally. Creating a company The company Info screen has five options: 1.Select Company .SETTING UP A NEW COPMANY Company  A company is basically a file where transaction relating to a particular company are select an existing company from the list of company already created 2.Backup is to take a backup of stored data. 3.The option Restore is to extract information from the backup device. 5. Name: It is mandatory to enter the name if the company. Pin code: Enter the Pin code of the specified address. State: Select the appropriate state from the list of state.Selecting Create Company option brings us to the screen given below: Each of the field in the Company Creation screen is explained below. It is Optional to enter the Mailing address of the Company. . This field is optional. Mailing Address: Fill in the Company address details. Tally displays two options –Account only and Accounts with Inventory. Tally Vault Password (if any): Tally vault is a facility to keep the protected using a password. which can define the authority of various users to access the information and to enter/alter/delete/the vouchers. Financial year: This field is used to specify the financial year for the company. . Once the Password is set. Currency Symbol: Tally displays Rs. This field is optional. by default.E-mail Address: E-mail address will be used to e-mail document. Maintain: The field is used to specify which section of Tally your company would like to use. data is maintained permanently in an encrypted form. This field is optional. BASE CURRENCY INFORMATION The completed Company Creation screen appears shown. This field is optional. Use security control: Tally has a range of security controls. reports and data from Tally. This cannot be modified at the time of the creation of the Company. Tally will take you to the “Gateway of Tally” screen that appears as shown. . The company features screen is as shown. This is available in the accounts and inventory masters screens through the F12: Configure button and can be modified as per requirement. Set the Master Configuration as shown: GO to Gateway of Tally >F12: Configure>Accts/Inv Info . F12: Configure Master Configuration: Master Configuration is used to set the details that should appear in the accounts masters. The company features are specific to the current company only and thus each company may have different features activated.F11: FEATURES F11: feature is used to modify the various features of a company. Ledgers: Tally provides a set of 28 pre-defined groups under which the ledger can be classified -Primary groups – 15 .Voucher Configuration Go to Gateway of Tally>f12: configure> voucher entry. -Nine primary groups appear in the Balance sheet.-Sub groups – 13 Out of the pre-determined primary groups. Create single ledger: GO to gateway of Tally >Accounting Info >Ledger >Single Ledger>Create to bring up the Ledger creation screen. Tally has pre-defined ledgers for Cash (under cash –in –hand group) and for the Profit and Loss account (under primary group). which are capital in nature. All the 13 sub-groups are classified under the nine primary groups that are capital in nature and they appear in the Balance sheet. while are revenue in nature. Ledger A/c can also be created from the Voucher screen by using the shortcut key Alt + C . -Six primary groups appears in the Profit and loss Account. .Alter Ledger: You can alter ledger details using either single or multiple modes. You are not allowed to delete a ledger from multiple modes. Press key Alt + D to delete ledger under single alteration modes. The standard vouchers are • Contra Voucher • Payment Voucher . Under multiple modes you can display all ledgers by choosing “All items” in “Under groups” option. You can also specify the particular group of the ledger you want to display. each designed to perform a specific job. FUNCTIONS Accounting Vouchers: Tally is pre-programmed with a variety of accounting vouchers.Display ledger: You can display ledger in either single or multiple modes. Sales Invoice: Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher > F8: Sales display the Sales Invoice. Financial Reports in Tally: .• Receipt Voucher • Journal Voucher • Sales Voucher Contra Voucher: Go to Gateway of Tally>Accounting Voucher>F4: Contra to display the Contra Voucher. Payment voucher: Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher >F5: Payment display the Payment Voucher. Receipt Voucher: Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher > F6: Receipt display the Receipt Voucher. Balance sheet: The balance sheet is a financial statement that indicates the financial strength of the company at any given point. It lists the assets and liabilities of a company. Go to gateway of Tally > Balance sheet. Profit and loss Account: The Profit and loss A/c is a financial Statement that describes the operational results of the company or it’s earning capacity for a given period. It lists the . Go to Gateway of Tally > Profit and Loss A/c. Cash/Bank Books: To view the Cash/Bank summary Go to Gateway of Tally > Display>Accounts Books >Cash/Bank Books. No special processing is required to produce a profit and loss A/c in Tally. .company incomes and expenditure. List of Accounts: List of accounts display the existing chart of accounts .Ledger: To view the Ledger summary Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Accounts Books > ledger >Select ledger A/c Group summary: The group summary statement shows the closing balances of the accounts of a selected group for a specified period up to the current date. Day book. To view journal register details Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Accounts books > journal register. in alphabetical order. Journal registers: Journal registers report display all the journal vouchers that have been passed. To view Day book Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Day book. Day book: The day book s a list of all transaction for a particular day. by default. listed as group . Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Group voucher > Select group. To view group voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Accounts books > Group summary. uses the current data. Group voucher: The group Voucher feature lists all vouchers entered in any ledger of the selected group. To view list of accounts . Cash flow / Fund flow statement: Cash flow and fund flow statement help the management in the decision making process. .Go to Gateway of Tally > display > List of Accounts. Financial analysis tool. Press F6 key in the display of bills Receivable or Bills payable report. Ratio analysis is useful for management in the decision-making process.Ratio Analysis: We can analyze the accounts of our company using ratio analysis. We can even analyze different outstanding of parties using Receivables turnover ratio etc. The age wise analysis can be done either on bill date or due date. We can display the age-wise statement in Tally based on the receivables or payables. Go to Gateway of Tally > Ratio analysis . List of function keys . To select the feature screen. At accounting creation and alteration screens monthly At the ledger voucher screen. F1 0 F1 1 F1 2 Navigate between accounting At the reports screens. Trial Balance. F6 F7 To select the receipt voucher. To view the list of ledgers. group summary and group voucher screens. To switch between group At the group summary and group voucher screens. account books reports. To change voucher type. At the ledger voucher screens At the journal register and daybook screens. . F5 To select the payment voucher AVAILABILITY At almost all screens in tally. To select the configure screen. cash\bank summary. Special function Key Combination ALT+F1 To close a company. To view summary.KE FUNCTIONALITY Y F2 F4 To change the date. and daybook screens. summary screens. To switch between grouped At the trial balance. the At accounting voucher creation and alteration screens. To select the journal voucher. summary and group vouchers. At almost all screens in Tally At almost all screens in Tally. At accounting voucher creation and alteration screen At the trial balance. At all menu screens. At accounting voucher creation and alteration screens. To select the Contra voucher To view the list of Groups. cash/bank summary and group and ledger-wise display. D 150 pcs @ Rs. At almost all screen.D 240 pcs @ Rs. ALT+F2 ALT+F3 ALT+C ALT+N ALT+P CTRL+Q To change a period.D 380 pcs @ Rs.2700 80 gb H.D.2400 Hard disk drives 20 gb H. To explore a line into its details. At all report screen.2800 Samsung dvd drives 200 pcs @ Rs. To quite a screen. To select the company info menu.9700 Ram chips . EXAMPLE Transaction for April 2009 1. cash bank book and Journal register screen.D.1900 40 gb H.5600 Flat screen monitor 145 0cs @ Rs. At all report. To add multiple column to a reports To print report. At almost all report screens At almost all screens. trial balance.3600 Moniters Crt moniters 75 pcs @ Rs.Opening balances:Ram material Dvd drives L. To create a ledger at a voucher At accounting voucher and alteration screen.G dvd drives 125 pcs @ Rs.D.To view a detail report. At gateway of tally screens. screen. At almost all screens. 32000 Medium level computers 20 pcs @ Rs.7000 Rupali Rs.250000 Creditors Arvind tech mart Rs.520 512 mb 350 pcs @ Rs. depreciation @ 15% Generator Rs.2500 Ankush transport Rs.250000 Sigma enterprises Rs.460 Cabinets 225 pcs @ Rs.150000.1 gb 125 pcs @ Rs.5500 Fixed assets Furniture Rs. Rs.200000 Bank Rs.750 Keyboard 450 pcs @ Rs. 18000 Current assets Cash Rs.270 Mouse 250 @ Rs. depreciation @ 10% .250 Finished goods High end computers 100 pcs @ Rs.85000 Nikhil Rs. 25000 Entry level computers 70 pcs @ Rs.13000 Mukul tech hub Rs.48000 Debtors Gupta tradeRs.18000 Heena Rs.700 Icai Rs.75000. 85000. ii. Cheque received from ICAI Rs. Order fro 3 high end computers received from heena order no 258 Cheque received from rupali 5500.800000.Transactions entered:i. iii. depreciation @ 20% Investments Fixed deposits Rs. 3 high end computers sold to heena as per her order Discount allowed 2% Sales tax 7% .400000 RNRL shares Rs.65000 Secured loan Loan from bank 765000 8% debentures 1518000 Current liabilities Sales tax payable 265000 2. iv.Building Rs.80000 ONGC shares Rs. ankush 700. 40 medium level computers. xv. 100000 . xvi. vi. viii. 2000 through cheque Received from Rupali Rs. xix. xx. 10000 Mukul tech hub 45000 Sales tax paid through cheque 50000 Printing expenses Rs. 100000 Heena Rs. xviii. 1 entry level computers Rs. vii. Payment made through cheque Arvind tech mart Rs. 200000 Sigma technologies Rs. xiii. xi. 100000 xvii. Order received from ICAI for 18 entry level computers. gupta trader 2500 Goods sold to ICAi as per order discount allowed 5% and sales tax 7% Payment received from ICAI Sales tax payable paid Rs 20000 Cash deposited in bank Rs.v. xiv. Paid through cheque outstanding wages Rs 7800 and outstanding salaries 2500 Payment of salaries 8000 in cash Printing expenses 5000 Order from rupali fro 2 high end computers. and 10 high end computers. 15000 withdrawn from bank for personal use Goods sold to rupali as per her order Cash received from heen 7000. ix. 3 medium level computers. x. xii. xxii. 18000 xxi. ram chips 1GB 150 pcs @ Rs. order no 125. . Outstanding sales tax paid Rs. 2800. 65000 Order placed with mukul tech hub for lg dvd drives 125 pcs @ Rs.Nikhil Rs. 525 and flat screen 80 pcs @ 9700. Sold 2 high end .xxiii. 75 l. xxvi.g drives. discount allowed 6% Debit note issued to mukul tech hub for 30. 10 flat screens . xxiv. 4 entry level and 1medium level computer for cash. Salaries paid in cash Purchased from mukul tech hub as per order order no 125 Discount received 4% xxv.1 GB ram chips. xxvii.288 for 10 high end compters. Goods sold to rupali as per her order . 5 entry level computers xxviii. Order from rupali order no. 2 medium level computers. Depreciation on furniture. generator and building. . Credit note issued to rupali for 5 high end computers.xxix. 3 entry level computers xxx. 1 medium level computers. point to All Programs then Microsoft Office and click on Microsoft Office Excel 2007.Ms Excel To start Excel 2007 from the Start Menu Click on the Start button. EXCEL’ is a Window based ‘spreadsheet’. It includes all the standard features of a spreadsheet package like automatic recalculations. . US. created by Microsoft Corporation. The package spreadsheet provides statistical. It is mostly used to automate financial statements.graphs and functions. Starting Excel: To invoke Excel choose any of the following three methods: Click on – Start button – Programs menu – select MS Excel. though they still have the basic form of the old spreadsheets. financial and scientific functions. inventory control and accounting. Excel can be used for a variety of applications. It also includes several advanced utilities like the facility to include other objects within a spreadsheet and pivot tables and form designing. the spreadsheets of the Information Age reside on your computer. Excel is currently the most popular Window spreadsheet. However. Spreadsheet originally existed in the physical world as a piece of paper that you could actually write on. These paper spreadsheets were used mainly by Accountants to help organize data in a logical and easy to view manner. accounting and engineering applications to analyze numeric data. Excel can be used in many scientific. Click on – Start button – Programs menu – MS Office – MS Excel Excel Window: . business forecasts. Therefore. we are having a blank spreadsheet like the one we have below: .The Spreadsheet: The spreadsheet (or worksheet) contains or will contain all the data that we enter. When we start up Excel. There are three basic parts of an Excel Spreadsheet: Column . Row .”B”. 3. Here 1. 2. Excel uses numbers to label rows.. but with practice and a little effort this will become second nature to us. Here “A”. 4…….. This may be a little confusing at first.The vertical segments that you see on the spreadsheet are called columns.The horizontal segments are referred to as rows.“ J” Excel uses letters to represent columns and numbers to represent rows. .……………………. . 16 are rows.Parts of the Spreadsheet: Nearly every part of the spreadsheet has its own term and it is quite useful to know our spreadsheet vocabulary to make using Excel that much easier.. Each box that is created from a row and column intersecting is referred to as a cell.Cell . Excel Basics: Create a New Workbook Before we can start learning to use Excel. we need to create a new workbook that will store our data. To create a new Excel workbook follows these steps: Open Microsoft Excel With the mouse. . go to the Excel menu bar and left-click at “New”. let's use Excel functions to figure out what the total number of goals scored by our team. Open up the soccer goal spreadsheet and follow these steps: In cell A9 enter the text Total and make it bold .Excel Functions: Using our soccer goal Excel spreadsheet from the previous lessons. Select cell A9 and locate the formula bar (it's right under the Excel menu bar) and notice that it contains the content of cell B9. . This is the insert function button. which just so happens to be nothing! Let's fix that: - Notice the little fix to the left of the formula bar. .Left-click the fix button to bring up the insert function popup Using the Excel "Search for a function" feature type in the text "Sum" and click “Go”. Make sure SUM is selected and click OK to bring up the Function Arguments Window. Tim's goals. We've done quite a lot and the only thing that remains is to select which numbers we want to sum up. left-click and hold in Cell B2 then drag down to cell B7. Our screen should now look like this: . First we selected a cell that we wanted to have our total goal count appear in. So let's finish this up! Move the Function Arguments Window so we can see the goals scored. Jason's goals and finally release left-click. Next we inserted a function and chose the SUM function. Starting at the top of the list. We want to sum up all the goals scored. so we need to select all the cells that contain goals scored.Before we go any further let's make sure to understand what we have done so far. Click the merge cell check box and then click ok. Select the range in which the title has to be placed. Click cell from the format menu. Enter the title in the upper left all of the range to enter multiple titles. The format cell dialog box appears. Merging Cell: Excel 2000 allows merging data in one cell with adjacent cell to form a big cell. For merging cell follow the following steps. . Click the Alignment cell.Click OK and admire your work. To delete the cells completely follow the following steps. A Pivot table summarizes the column of information in a database in relation ship to each other. Select shift cell down or shift cell Right and then click OK. Select Pivot Table. The delete dialog box appears. The Insert dialog box appears. Pivot table: Pivot Table is a powerful tool for data analysis. Select the cell or range of cells to be deleted. Select the area where the new cell is to be inserted. . Select shift cell left or shift cell up and then click Ok.Inserting and Deleting Cells Follow the following Steps. Steps for creating Pivot Table: Select data menu. Chose cell from Insert menu. Pivot table are excellent tool for working with data in three-dimensional manner. Chose delete from the edit menu. Situations arise in which the cell references must remain the same when copied or when using AutoFill. Dollar ($) signs are used to hold a column and/or row reference constant. and to other workbooks. With references. We can also refer to cells on other sheets in the same workbook. CELL REFERENCING: A reference identifies a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and tells MS-Excel where to look for the values or data we want to use in a formula. Referencing is of three types: Relative Cell References-This is the most widely used type of cell reference in formulas. Press the next button. . Absolute Cell References. we can use data contained in different parts of a worksheet in one formula or use the value from one cell in several formulas. Relative cell reference is basic cell references that adjust and change when copied or when using AutoFill. References to cells in other workbooks are called links. Press finishes button and Then Ok.Select the external data source option. . G$5 and so on when copied across because the column reference is relative. This will allow only users with the password to open and view the workbook. reenter the password for verification. For example. Use mixed references when we want to copy a formula down and across and to have a reference change relatively in one direction but not in the other.Mixed Cell References. Click OK. Using Passwords/Protecting Worksheets: If the workbook contains confidential information. In the Save As dialog box. E$5 will remain E$5 when copied down because the row reference is absolute. click the Tools button to display the drop-down menu. In the Confirm Password dialog box. To protect a workbook following steps are to be followed: Open the workbook and select Save As from the File menu. by locking in either the column or the row. Enter the password in the Password to modify box. a password can be applied to it. making part of a cell address absolute and part relative. but it can change to F$5. Click OK. Enter the password in the Password to open box. Select General Options.We can also create a mixed reference. . Update the Chart Options. click Yes to replace the old version of the file with the new password protected version. Inserting A Chart: Select over the text we want to make our chart with Click Insert --> Chart--> & Select the type of chart we want.Specify a file name and click Save. Confirm or change your data range. If prompted. Then. . maximize all the windows (it's easier to work with .vbp. The first screen will ask whether you want to open a new project or an existing one .some of the examples in the tutorial had to be reduced for the sake of the presentation).call it Score. Now. The Tool Bar The tool bar contains the tools which are frequently used. It will first ask you to save the form .and then the Project . Tool bar contains does not contain all the tool tools it contains some important tools used for making the project.Visual basic Creating the Project First thing to do is to create a Directory where you will store all your VB it's obviously a new one and it will be a Standard EXE. Call it VBApps. for example.frm . Then start VB. save your project. Code Window In this window. user is provided with a kind of white sheet where te user can write his codes for the desired program. . label or grid. It contains the tool used for creating and editing the form.each control appears as a button in the tool box. A control is an object such as a button.The tool box Tool box contains the controls that are used on a form. Form designer window This window is where user designs the forms that make up the user interface Properties window . has a set of properties which control its characteristics Such as size. Project explorer window .A form. position and color. and each control on it. find the property called Back Color and change it to the standard Window background (teal) or to any color you want in the palette. just click anywhere on the form. To get a control you go to the Toolbox. click on the control you want. go to the properties window. Position the controls somewhat like in the diagram below.To change the color. . come back to the Form and click and drag the control to the size and position you want. the text that is displayed in the label BackColor and ForeColor .text centered.Opaque or Transparent .The Label This is probably the first control you will master. It is used to display static text. titles and screen output from operations.font and size of text Alignment . left or right .whether the background is visible or not Font .colors of the background and the text BackStyle . The important properties to remember: • • • • • Caption . You create the frame before the controls.BMP or .• Multiline. The Picture property determines the name of the file.GIF that will be displayed. you can have several lines of text. it is set to False Frame Picture Box When you want to group several controls together . . etc. they are tied to the frame and move with it. The frame back color can be the same as the form's and only the frame borders will be obvious.True or False . for example . or it can be a different color and stand default. . The frame caption is the text that appears at the top of the frame you use it to define the group. When you create controls in a frame. delimited by <CR> in the label . The Picture Box is like a Label with a picture in it instead of text.if use a Frame. It can be used for a company and address. the cursor will not stop at the labels. if the form contains 3 Labels. the first one that was created. When the program is Run. the control with Focus will receive it. The data typed in is in the Text property of the is said to have Focus. For example. You change the Focus with Tab or by clicking on a different control. The Text Box . That is called the Tab order and you have to specify it. it is used to input data into the program.not necessarily the first one on the form but. the cursor will go to the first Textbox or Button . If you type data. When the user hits the Tab key. On the form there is only one control at any given time that has the cursor on it . 3 Textboxes and 3 Buttons. only the controls that can be manipulated will be activated. when it is Run.Textbox Command Button The Textbox is like a Label but. If <<condition>> Then Expressions Else Expressions End If Select Case Statement If you have a lot of conditional statements. .Else could be very messy. However. using If…. Using the syntax label.Else Statement To effectively control the VB program flow. In order to add items to the list. we shall use the If…. Caption.Then…. we can also use the Additem method. it can display text and numeric data. The Combo Box The function of combo box is also to present list of items where the user can click and select the items from the list. For multiple conditional statements. String in a text box can be converted to a common numeric data by using the function Val (text). It can handle string (text) and numeric data but not images or pictures. we can use the Additem method. it is better to use Select Case. In order to add items to the list.Then….Else statement together with conditional operators and logical operators. The List Box The function of the list box is to present a list of items where the user can click and select the items from the list. the user needs to click on the small arrowhead on the right of the combo box to see the items which are presented in a drop-down list. One of its most important properties is Caption. The Label The label is very useful control for Visual Basic.The text box is the standard control that is used to receive input from the user as well as to display the output. Using If….Then…. as it is not only used to provide instructions and guides to users. it can also be used to display outputs. For….Next Loop The format isFor counter = start Number to end Number (Step increment/decrement) One or more VB statements Next Do While Loop The format areDo while <<condition>> Block of one or more VB statements Loop Do Block of one or more VB statements Loop While <<condition>> Do Until <<condition>> Block of one or more VB statements Loop Do Block of one or more VB statements Loop Until <<condition>> Practical Problem . Creating a basic calculator using visual basic Coding:Dim a As Double Dim b As Double Dim c As String Dim d As Double Dim e As Double Codes for addition button Private Sub Command4_Click() b = Text1.Text c = "+" Text1.Text = "0" End Sub Codes for subtractions button Private Sub Command16_Click() b = Text1.Text Text1.Text = "0" c = "-" End Sub Codes for division button Private Sub Command18_Click() b = Text1.Text Text1.Text = "0" c = "/" End Sub Codes for multiplication button Private Sub Command17_Click() b = Text1.Text Text1.Text = "0" c = "*" End Sub Codes for percentage button Private Sub Command1_Click() g = Text1.Text Text1.Text = (b * g / 100) End Sub Codes for equals to button Private Sub Command6_Click() d = Text1.Text Select Case c Case Is = "+" e=d+b Case Is = "-" e=b-d Case Is = "*" e=b*d Case Is = "/" e=b/d End Select Text1.Text = e End Sub Codes for exit button Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Codes for “c.e” button Private Sub Command7_Click() Text1.Text = "0" Text1.SetFocus End Sub Codes for 1 button Private Sub Command3_Click() a = Text1.Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text = "1" Case Else Text1.Text = a & "1" End Select End Sub Codes for 2 button Private Sub Command5_Click() a = Text1.Text Select Case a Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text = "3" Case Else Text1.Text = "4" Case Else Text1.Text = a & "4" End Select End Sub Codes for 5 button Private Sub Command9_Click() a = Text1.Text = a & "2" End Select End Sub Codes for 3 button Private Sub Command14_Click() a = Text1.Text = "2" Case Else Text1.Text = "5" .Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text = a & "3" End Select End Sub Codes for 4 button Private Sub Command8_Click() a = Text1.Case Is = 0 Text1. Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text = "7" Case Else Text1.Text = a & "6" End Select End Sub Codes for 7 button Private Sub Command11_Click() a = Text1.Text = a & "8" .Text = a & "5" End Select End Sub Codes for 6 button Private Sub Command10_Click() a = Text1.Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text = "6" Case Else Text1.Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text = "8" Case Else Text1.Case Else Text1.Text = a & "7" End Select End Sub Codes for 8 button Private Sub Command12_Click() a = Text1. Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text = a & "9" End Select End Sub Codes for 0 button Private Sub Command15_Click() a = Text1.Text = "0" Case Else Text1.End Select End Sub Codes for 9 button Private Sub Command13_Click() a = Text1.Text = "9" Case Else Text1.Text Select Case a Case Is = 0 Text1.Text = a & "0" End Select End Sub .
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