Itech1006-Database Management Systems

March 22, 2018 | Author: Karanbir Singh | Category: Relational Database, Test (Assessment), Databases, Turnitin, Educational Assessment



Course DescriptionTitle: Database Management Systems Code: ITECH1006 Formerly: CP611 Faculty / Division: Faculty of Science and Technology Teaching Period: 2015/07 Author: Mohammad Awrangjeb Program Level: AQF Level of Program 5 6 7 8 9 10 Level Introductory Intermediate Advanced Pre-requisites: Nil Co-requisites: Nil Exclusions: (CP611 and CP858 and ITECH5006) Credit Points: 15 ASCED Code: 020303 Organisation: Delivery Mode: Regular semester Structure: This course consists of one two-hour lecture, one one-hour tutorial and one one-hour laboratory. Staff: Type Name Lecturer Mazher Hussain Tutor Belal Chowdhury Course Coordinator Mohammad Awrangjeb Room Telephone 216 Email 0425533266 [email protected] 8600 6700 [email protected] T140 51226462 [email protected] u fdlGrades UD_ITECH1006_2015/07_2015-03-28 13:21:25 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 1/7 utilise a query language tools and techniques to obtain data and information from a database. relational. Values and Graduate Attributes: Values: V1. relation models and normalisation. explain usage of a number of different types of information systems in commercial use.a u Timetable: Time Room Lecture Type Tuesday Day 9:00 . interpret entity-relationship diagrams to implement a relational database. design a relational database for a provided scenario utilising tools and techniques including ER diagrams. A2. S3. fdlGrades UD_ITECH1006_2015/07_2015-03-28 13:21:25 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 2/7 [email protected] 503 Belal Chowdhury Tutorial 3 Tuesday 11:00 . K4. describe relational algebra and its relationship to Structured Query Language (SQL). use a query language for data manipulation. S2. demonstrate an understanding of emerging trends in database technology.M 502 Amita Additional consultation time can be booked by contacting the staff member concerned directly.M 508 Mazher Hussain Tutorial 2 Tuesday 11:00 . Graduate Attributes: Attribute Continuous Learning Brief Description Utilising a blended learning approach facilitated by case studies and Focus Medium scenarios requiring the storage and management of data. network.1:00 P. K2. demonstrate skills in designing and building a database application using a commercially available database management system development tool. K5.1:00 P.1:00 K3.M 216 Mazher Hussain Staff Tutorial 1 Tuesday 11:00 . Learning Outcomes: Knowledge: K1. object).11:00 A. Skills: S1. describe the different models of database management systems (hierarchical.Course Description ITECH1006 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FedUni Lecturer Mohammad Awrangjeb mohammad. Application of knowledge and skills: A1. appreciate the need for a level of professionalism when designing and implementing database solutions. design and implement a relational database using a database management system. Sequence: The following is an approximate guide to the sequence of topics in this course.Course Description ITECH1006 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Self Reliance Students will participate in self-directed learning environment to Medium develop their technical and theoretical expertise in the field of database management systems. Completion of all tutorial and laboratory worksheets for the semester. reading reference material as required. Content: Scope: Topics may include: • • • • • Introduction to database management systems. Engaged Citizenship Students will utilise database management tools currently in use Low within industry. Social Responsibility Students will be introduced to the concepts of information privacy and Medium security. tutorials and computer laboratory classes. structured query language and normalisation. Information Systems / Application Development 10 . access and security provisions for multi-user databases. Recovery. data modelling. organisation and management theories. visual design standards. programming tasks and laboratory exercises covering the systems development and programming design. An end of semester examination is based on all aspects of the course. Students are expected to spend time regularly out of scheduled classes. The relational model. backup and recovery. Database maintenance operations. Learning Outcomes Assessed fdlGrades UD_ITECH1006_2015/07_2015-03-28 13:21:25 Assessment Task CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Assessment Type Page: 3/7 . relational algebra. Security. schemas. primary and foreign keys. Transaction Processing. retrieving information from a database. logical transactions. These may include written assignments. Week(s) Topic(s) 1-3 Database principles and concepts. referential integrity. Review Learning Tasks and Assessment: Participation in lectures. Assessment for this course will be based on a number of tasks.12 Distributed Databases. logging. reviewing topics already covered in lectures and preparing for forthcoming topics and laboratory classes and completing assessment tasks. locking and avoidance of deadlocks. types of information systems. Normalisation 4-6 Relational Algebra / Structured Query Language 7-9 Database Life Cycle / DBA. Human computer interaction fundamentals. E-R Modelling. Database systems in the context of information systems. advantages of the database approach. not memory. 2015 . Completion of all weekly tutorial and laboratory worksheets. if necessary. S3.Course Description ITECH1006 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS K4. Task Tutorial Part 1 Released Due Weighting Type Week 1 In timetabled tutorial 4% A 6% A 20% A 20% A 50% B (Week 5) Tutorial Part 2 Week 1 In timetabled tutorial (Week Various) Assignment 1 Week 2 Thu. It will be a 3 hour exam and students will NOT be permitted to take in any materials. K5. K3. S3 Development of skills and deepening of Assignments.17:00 (Week 7) Assignment 2 Week 8 Thu. A2 K1. The best preparation for the exam is to participate fully in all classes and assessment tasks. Assessment for this course will be based on a number of tasks. Participation in tutorials and computer laboratory classes. Assignments are based on and extend the experience gained in the labs and tutorial work. S2. Final Exam: The final exam in this course will take place in the end of term exam period. Additionally. K2. K4.17:00 (Week 11) Examination Exam period End of exam Students are expected to spend time regularly out of scheduled classes. students must receive a passing mark in the invigilated (Type B) assessment tasks and an overall passing mark in the combined result of all (Type A and Type B) assessment tasks. Assessment Criteria: In order to receive a passing grade in this Course. Failure to satisfy these extra requirements may result in an automatic fail in the course. reading reference material as required. tutorial questions. K5. May 7. to seek assistance from fellow students and teaching staff if the course content is not clear. fdlGrades UD_ITECH1006_2015/07_2015-03-28 13:21:25 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 4/7 . Working with other students and sharing understanding in labs and tutorials is important. S1. Jun 4. The end of semester examination samples the whole course and is designed to test understanding. to consult the textbook and other references provided and. S2. reviewing topics already covered in lectures and preparing for forthcoming topics and tutorial/laboratory classes and completing assessment tasks. understanding laboratory exercises Participation in class activities. 2015 . supplementary Examination(s)/Test(s) reading and other activities as suggested in lectures The following tasks will be graded. A1. students who are determined to be 'at risk' may be subject to extra requirements such as minimum attendance. Available Grades: A list of the available grades. Special Consideration: In the case of serious illness. If students' work is affected to a substantial degree.Course Description ITECH1006 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Topics Assessed : All topics covered during this course are subject to assessment. requiring more than the few days extension. be granted up to one week as an extension on the due date. then they may apply for Special Consideration. a description of the corresponding required student performance and the required percentages for the Course is given in the University Handbook. at the discretion of the Course Coordinator. Application for Special Consideration should be made to the School Administration Office of your course or your Partner Provider Office not later than three days after the date of the examination or submission of the component of assessment. hardship or trauma students may be granted special consideration. Full details of requirements and how to use Turnitin will be provided by the Course Coordinator. fdlGrades UD_ITECH1006_2015/07_2015-03-28 13:21:25 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 5/7 . https://federation. `Turnitin` Submission: In order to verify the originality of assessment tasks. loss or Exam Eligibility: To be eligible to sit for the examination a student must have undertaken and submitted at least one prior assessment task (worth more than 10%) for this Course. Deferred examinations will be held after the end of the normal examination period. students may be required to use Turnitin plagiarism software to check their assignment before The Course Coordinator may standardise raw marks before allocating grades. In cases of absence from a scheduled examination or lateness in submitting an assignment.federation. Extensions: If students are adversely affected by life circumstances then they may. a 10% penalty will be applied to the total mark for each day (or part thereof) late after the due date (including weekends and public holidays).edu. Late Assignment: For all assessment items handed in after the official due date without an agreed extension. see http://policy. For more information on the special consideration policy and to access the appropriate forms. it is the responsibility of the student (or other party) to notify the Course Coordinator preferably on the ideration/ch01. au/category_list.Course Description ITECH1006 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Plagiarism: It is important to learn from the work of others and you are encouraged to explore the procedures and guidelines. normally all students involved will be penalised equally.php?catalogue_id=115 Student Support: The University provides many different kinds of services to help you gain the most from your studies. Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person. Plagiarism is a serious If you do not have access for this course you should notify your course co-ordinator immediately Presentation of Academic Work: FedUni General Guide to Referencing fdlGrades UD_ITECH1006_2015/07_2015-03-28 13:21:25 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 6/7 .edu. This may include changes in times or location of classes.federation. As set out in the University Regulation 6. an exception will be if you can demonstrate the work is your own and you took reasonable care to safeguard against copying. which you can find at http://policy. You can access Moodle from the FedUni home page or at https://moodle. order of the schedule or due dates for assignments. Announcement of these matters in classes and placement of a notice on the course Moodle page shall be deemed to be official notification. be given a zero mark for that Academic Regulations: Supplementary information concerning teaching. However work for assessment must be entirely the student's own work.1. World Wide Web resources and have discussions with other Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to discuss academic support services. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying. for a first and assessment may be provided from time to time in response to unforeseen circumstances. You can see the list of Student Services contacts at http://federation. FedUni has a range of educational A second offence will result in a failing grade for the Course(s) involved and any subsequent offence will be referred to the Student Discipline Committee. The role of the DLU is to support the development of a learning and working environment that maximise participation in University life by students with a disability Learning Management System: This course makes use of Moodle to support your learning. learning. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at http://federation.federation.1 students who are caught plagiarising will. P. Concepts of Database Management (6th Edition). Rob.. Pratt. Riordan. (2003). SAFARI: Hernandez. C. M. & Coronel. and Management. (2002). (2014).M.J. Jennifer. Implementation and Management. & Adamski. Carolyn. A Practical Approach to Design. Thomas and Begg. Note that some material in lectures. Available here. Addison-Wesley. Database Systems: Design Implementation. A First Course in Database Systems. Prentice Hall. and Rob. Thomson Course Technology . J. Absolute Beginner`s Guide to Databases. J.. References: Connolly. P. (2002). J. P.J. (1995). C. Jeffrey D. 11th Edition. Ullman. Cengage Learning. and Widom. Pratt. (2003). Addison Wesley. Morris. Database Systems: Design Implementation.Course Description ITECH1006 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Materials: Reading: Textbooks: Coronel. An Introduction to Database Systems. Philip J. S. assignments and other resources provided to students may contain direct quotations from the text book(s) and references listed. (2008). R. (2007). C. and Management. Database Design for Mere Mortals: A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design. Available here. Adopted Reference Style: APA fdlGrades UD_ITECH1006_2015/07_2015-03-28 13:21:25 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 7/7 . Available here. (2005). Petersen. Addison-Wesley Professional. Que. Date.J. Addison-Wesley. A Guide to SQL. Designing Effective Database Systems. Thomson Course Technology. Cengage Learning. (2002).
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