IT6601 Question Bank

April 3, 2018 | Author: RajasekaranAruna | Category: Internet Protocols, Mobile Technology, Computer Network, Telecommunications, Computer Networking



PODHIGAI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, TIRUPATTURDEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING VI SEM / IT6601 – MOBILE COMPUTING QUESTION BANK Unit 1 – Part A 1. Define mobile computing. 2. Explain hidden and exposed terminal problems in ad hoc network?. 3. List any two mobile computing applications? 4. What are the Limitations of Mobile Computing? 5. What are the different random assignment scheme in MAC? 6. Differentiate Mobile Computing and Wireless Networking? 7. Give two characteristics of mobile computing. 8. Comment on MAC protocol. 9. Write a short note on fixed assignment schemes. 10. What is virtual home environment? 11. What are the three tier setups in mobile computing? 12. Mention three applications of mobile computing. 13. List the advantages of Mobile Computing? Part B 1. Explain the structure of mobile computing Application?. (8) 2. Explain Characteristics of Mobile Computing? (8) 3. Explain the various taxonomy of MAC protocols in detail. (16) 4. Define mobile computing. Explain its characteristics and applications. (8) 5. Explain fixed assignment schemes and random assignment schemes. 6. Difference between FDMA,TDMA and CDMA ? (16) 7. Describe the application of Mobile Computing? (8) 8. Explain the distinguishing features of various generation of wireless networks. (8) 9. Explain the Wireless MAC issues in detail (8) 10. Explain MAC protocols for Adhoc Networks (8) Unit 2 – Part A 1. Define mobile IP. 2. What are the goals of mobile IP? 3. Define node, home agent, and home address in mobile IP. 4. Mention the basic capabilities of mobile IP. 5. Write a note on tunneling in mobile IP. 6. What is TCP? 7. Define any two types of TCP. 8. What is DHCP? 9. What is Encapsulation in Mobile IP? 10. Define COA 11. Illustrate the use of BOOTP? 12. What is route optimization? 13. List the modifications proposed in single hop and multi hop wireless networks? 14. What are the advantages of TCP/IP? 15. List any two improvements of TCP/IP. Part B 1. With a neat diagram how packet delivery to and from a mobile node is transferred in mobile IP?. 2. With a diagram, explain DHCP and its protocol architecture? 3. Explain various encapsulation methods in detail? 4. Explain the key mechanism in mobile IP? 5. Explain the various improvements in TCP performance with diagram? 6. Define mobile IP. Explain the routing mechanism in detail. 7. What is TCP? Explain the architecture of TCP/IP with a schematic diagram. 8. Write short notes on i) mobile IP, ii) snooping TCP, iii) overview of TCP/IP. 9. Explain the registration, discovery, tunneling and encapsulation in mobile IP in detail. Unit 3 – Part A 1. What is GSM? 2. Write a note on network and switching subsystem? 3. List the three important features of GSM security? 4. Write about the supplementary services in GSM? 5. Write a note on handover procedure in GSM. 6. What is GPRS? 7. Draw the GPRS architecture. 8. What are LLC, RLC, and MAC in GPRS? 9. Define UMTS 10. What are the main elements of UMTS?. 11. List two advantages in third generation wireless networks. 12. What is a PDP context procedure? 13. What is multicasting? 14. Name the teleservices provided by GSM? 15. Write the suggestion about mobile phone with the human body? Part B 1. Explain GSM authentication, security and handover procedures. . (8) 2. Explain the architecture of GSM and its services in detail. (16) 3. What is GSM? Explain its handover procedure and channel in detail. (8) 4. What are the functions of authentication and encryption in GSM? . (8) 5. Explain GPRS architecture in detail.. (16) 6. Explain the functions of GPRS protocol stack with a neat diagram? . (8) 7. What is UMTS? Explain UMTS architecture in detail. (8) 8. Explain the UMTS networks and list the advantages of third generation wireless standard. . (8) Unit 4 – Part-A 1. What are the advantages of MANET? 2. List any three characteristics of MANETs? 3. Compare MANET vs VANET? 4. Outline the concept of RTT? 5. Mention any four advantages of MANET. 6. Write two properties of MANET. 7. List the applications of MANET? 8. Distinguish Proactive and Reactive Protocols? 9. What are the types of MANET routing protocols? 10. What are the fundamental steps in routing? 11. Write a note on VANET. 12. List any two security issues in MANET. 13. What is traditional routing? Unit 4 – Part B 1. What is MANET? Explain the characteristics and applications of MANET.? (8) 2. Explain traditional routing protocols in MANET? (16) 3. Explain the design issues of MANET routing protocols ? (16) 4. Explain traditional vs MANET routing protocol in detail. (16) 5. Write short notes on i) MANET ii) VANET, iii) traditional routing . (16) 6. Explain vehicular ad-hoc network in detail. (8) 7. Explain DSR routing Protocols? . (8) 8. Draw and explain the architecture of VANET? . (16) 9. Explain the various security and attacks on VANET? . (8) 10. What are the applications of MANET? Explain any one type of routing. 11. What are the VANET routing protocols with an example . (16) 12. What are multicast routing protocols? . (8) 13. Explain the characteristics of MANET. Unit 5 – Part A 1. What is the significance of device OS? 2. What are the special constraints and requirements of Mobile OS? 3. Mention any four mobile operating systems?. 4. Define palm OS. 5. What is function of iOS? 6. Write a note on Android? 7. List the four layer structure of Android. 8. Write a note on Blackberry. 9. What is M-Commerce? Give two advantages. 10. Differentiate E-commerce and M-commerce? 11. Explain the pros and Cons of M-commerce. 12. Write a short note on mobile payment system. Unit 5 – Part B 1. Explain the components of Mobile operating system? (8) 2. Write short notes on Android SDK? (8) 3. What are the special constraints and requirements of mobile operating system? 4. Write short notes about M-commerce . (16) 5. Explain the various application of M-commerce? (8) 6. Compare and contrast various Mobile operating system . (8) 7. What is the importance of software development kit iOS and Blackberry? Explain. Write a note on android, blackberry, windows phone in detail. 8. Explain M-Commerce and security system in detail (16) 9. Explain the mobile payment system and its security . (8)
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