It 6001 Advanced Database Technology

April 2, 2018 | Author: PRIYA RAJI | Category: Databases, Xml, Object (Computer Science), Information Technology Management, Computer Data


Description Department of Information Technology QUESTION BANK –EVEN SEMESTER Name of the Subject ADVANCED DATABASE TECHNOLOGY Subject Code IT6001 Semester IV Year III Department INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT 1 Part-A Q.No Question Competence Level 1 Summarize the types of Fragmentation? Evaluating BTL-5 2 Assess the reason for designing the multiuser system. Evaluating BTL-5 3 List the front end tools of database system. Remembering BTL-1 4 Define centralized database systems. Remembering BTL-1 5 Sketch the general structure of a client–server system. Applying BTL-3 6 Create Vertical fragmentation for bank database Creating BTL-6 7 What is the need of checkpoint process Remembering BTL-1 8 Differentiate the parallel systems and distributed systems. Understanding BTL-2 9 Illustrate the parallel database architecture models. Applying BTL-3 10 Define parallel DBMS Remembering BTL-1 11 Differentiate Inter and Intra operation Parallelism. Analyzing BTL-4 12 Describe the shared-nothing system? Understanding BTL-2 13 Define distributed DBMS. Remembering BTL-1 Applying BTL-3 14 Show the different s between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous DDBMS? 15 What is local transaction? Remembering BTL-1 16 Summarize the Implementation Issues in Distributed Databases. Understanding BTL-2 17 Analyze the issues in Serializability. Analyzing BTL-4 Analyzing BTL-4 Creating BTL-6 Understanding BTL-2 18 19 20 Point out locking protocols used for concurrency control in distributed databases. Generalize the reason using Snapshot logs. Give the three basic data-partitioning strategies followed in I/O parallelism. Part –B S.No 1 Question Discuss in details about the different Database System Architectures design. 2 Explain the Functions and Architecture of a DDBMS. 3 Describe in detail about recovery techniques in distributed databases. 4 5 6 7 With proper illustration explain in details about the Parallel Databases. Explain in details about the Distributed Data Storage. Generalize the methods of how the Locking is achieved in concurrency control of Distributed Database. Explain Distributed Deadlock Management. Competence BTL Understanding BTL-2 Evaluating BTL-5 Remembering BTL-1 Applying BTL-3 Remembering BTL-1 Creating BTL-6 Analyzing BTL-4 Remembering BTL-1 Analyzing BTL-4 Understanding BTL-2 i. List possible types of failure in a distributed system. For each possible failure, explain how 2PC ensure transaction atomicity 8 despite the failure. ii. Explain how I/O parallelism is attained in a parallel database environment. 9 Explain in detail about the Three Tier Client Server Architecture with proper illustrations. Describe the following. i. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of parallel database 10 system.(8) ii. Define fragmentation. What are the various types of fragmentation and also state the rules of fragmentation.(8) UNIT 2 Part-A S.No Question Competence BTL Remembering BTL-1 Analyzing BTL-4 Creating BTL-6 Remembering BTL-1 Applying BTL-3 1 Mention the characteristics of objects? 2 Classify the different types of Persistence of Objects 3 Generalize the need of creating the object identity. 4 What are the goals of OODB 5 Classify the merit of Collection objects over built in data types. 6 Contrast Repeated Inheritance with Selective Inheritance. Understanding BTL-2 7 Give the Features Supported By Object-Relational Data Model. Understanding BTL-2 8 What are the object database standards? Remembering BTL-1 Classify the object constructor, destructor and object modifier? Applying BTL-3 10 Distinguish the Inheritance, Generalization and Specialization? Understanding BTL-2 11 Analyze the reason for using Complex Data Types. Analyzing BTL-4 12 Relate how dictionary constructor applied for data access Applying BTL-3 13 What are the major components of ODMG architecture for an OODBMS? Remembering BTL-1 14 List the features which are supported by ODMG? Evaluating BTL-5 15 Compare the OODM with relational data model. Evaluating BTL-5 16 What is meant by Interface Repository? Remembering BTL-1 17 What is the use of persistent programming language? Remembering BTL-1 18 Predict the Differentiate among ODL and OQL. Understanding BTL-2 19 Compose the employee class by using Object-Oriented programming language Creating BTL-6 20 Point out the object relational features available in oracle? Analyzing BTL-4 9 Part –B S.No 1 2 Question Explain Object oriented Concepts in database and storing objects in Relational Database. Examine the weakness of RDBMS over ORDBMS and OODBMS? Competence BTL Analyzing BTL-4 Remembering BTL-1 Understanding BTL-2 Creating BTL-6 Remembering BTL-1 Evaluating BTL-5 Understanding BTL-2 Applying BTL-3 Analyzing BTL-4 Remembering BTL-1 Differentiate the following with respect to object oriented data model. 3 i. Classes, subclasses and super classes ii. Regular inheritance, multi valued and selective inheritance How will you design an object oriented database? Explain the 4 standards and languages. Describe the following 5 i. Object Query Language (OQL) ii. Persistence Schemes OODBMS 6 7 8 9 Discuss about the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML. and assess the reasons of using UML for OODBMS. Discuss about the Object Relational features in SQL / Oracle. Demonstrate an example of database by using object oriented database features for the application of data management. Explain in detail about the Issues in OODBMS Describe briefly about the following 10 i. Discuss the basic built in interfaces of the ODMG model(12) ii. Structured and unstructured complex object, UNIT 3 Part-A S.No 1 Question What are the differences between structured, semi structured, and unstructured data? Competence BTL Remembering BTL-1 Analyzing BTL-4 2 Contrast the data-centric and document-centric XML documents? 3 List some of the important attributes used in specifying elements in XML schema. Remembering BTL-1 4 Distinguish the XML schema and XML DTD. Understanding BTL-2 5 Illustrate the diagram of JDBC connectivity Applying BTL-3 6 Classify the types of data warehouse? Applying BTL-3 7 Generalize the goal of data warehouse? Creating BTL-6 8 Demonstrate the example of X-Query and its uses? Applying BTL-3 9 Summarize rules of valid or well formed XML. Understanding BTL-2 10 Point out the XML Query languages and tools. Analyzing BTL-4 11 Give an example of XPath to get the data from XML documents. Understanding BTL-2 12 Order the different phase of knowledge Discovery Analyzing BTL-4 13 Summarize the applications of data warehouse. Evaluating BTL-5 14 Name the layers of 3-tier client server architecture and give its functions, Remembering BTL-1 15 Assess the requirements for database web interface Evaluating BTL-5 16 Create an sample XML document for student database Creating BTL-6 17 What is the multidimensional data model? And associate How it is used in data warehousing? Understanding BTL-2 18 What is Web crawlers Remembering BTL-1 19 What are the different approaches to data mining problems Remembering BTL-1 20 What is regression? Remembering BTL-1 Part –B S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Question Competence Explain in detail about the XML documents and create the sample XML database. Discuss in details about the different types of Querying and Transformation languages and tools. Give details about approaches used to store XML documents in database. solve the following views as queries in XQuery on the COMPANY XML schema i. A view that has the department name, manager name, and manager salary for every department. ii. A view that has the employee name, supervisor name, and employee salary for each employee who works in the Research department. iii. A view that has the project name, controlling department name, number of employees, and total hours worked per week on the project for each project. iv. A view that has the project name, controlling department name, number of employees, and total hours worked per week on the project for each project with more than one employee working on it. Compare the DTD and XML schema process on XML document Explain in Shortly about the following i. Describe the decision support system. ii. Explain about forms and reports. What are the ways to represent knowledge extracted during data mining? BTL Creating BTL-6 Understanding BTL-2 Understanding BTL-2 Applying BTL-3 Analyzing BTL-4 Remembering BTL-1 Remembering BTL-1 Remembering BTL-1 8 Describe in detail about the components of a Data warehouse. 9 Explain in details about the JDBC with neat illustration. Analyzing BTL-4 10 Explain in details about the process of Information Retrieval Evaluating BTL-5 UNIT 4 Part-A S.No Question Competence BTL 1 Define mobile computing. Remembering BTL-1 2 What is the need for location dependent queries? Remembering BTL-1 3 Differentiate 2.5G and 3G cellular network system Analyzing BTL-4 4 Define mobile databases? Remembering BTL-1 5 Assess the issues in distributed data management. Evaluating BTL-5 6 Examine the need of handoff operation in mobile network. Applying BTL-3 7 Describe the WAP? And List out its application. Understanding BTL-2 8 Compare WML and XML markup language. Evaluating BTL-5 9 Differentiate the shared lock and exclusive lock modes. Understanding BTL-2 10 Analyze the challenges in mobility client data management. Analyzing BTL-4 11 Create a sample WML markup and describe its syntax. Creating BTL-6 12 How the node failure and timeout actions are performed in commit protocols? Remembering BTL-1 13 Generalize the need to maintaining consistency in mobile application data management? Creating BTL-6 14 What is the use of verion vector scheme? Remembering BTL-1 15 Show the lock Compatibility matrix for multiple-granularity locking protocol Applying BTL-3 16 Differentiate the hard handoff and soft handoff operations. Analyzing BTL-4 17 Illustrate the Wait-for graph method for detecting deadlock. Applying BTL-3 18 Define two phase locking protocol. Remembering BTL-1 19 Predict the problems on using lock protocols. Understanding BTL-2 20 Describe the use of concurrency control mechanism? Understanding BTL-2 Part -B S.No 1 Question Competence How the location and Handoff management can be performed in mobile databases? BTL Remembering 2 Explain the Effect of Mobility on Data Management. 3 Write detailed notes on Concurrency control in mobile database. Understanding 4 Describe about the any two mobile transaction models. Remembering 5 6 7 Explain the concept of mobile databases with mobile data types and data formats. Discuss in details about the Mobile Database Recovery Schemes Write detailed notes on transaction commit protocols in mobile database. Analyzing Evaluating Understanding Analyzing BTL1 BTL4 BTL2 BTL1 BTL5 BTL2 BTL4 Describe the following aspects mobile databases in detail. (i) Mobile Computing 8 (ii) Routing and Query Processing Remembering (iii) Broadcasting data BTL1 (iv) Disconnectivity and consistency. 9 Explain in details about the Timestamp-Based Protocols with proper illustration. Applying BTL3 Explain in details about the following 10 i. Generalize the available methods of Deadlock Detection and Recovery ii. Describe the Graph-Based Protocols concurrency control. Creating BTL6 UNIT 5 Part-A S.No Question Competence 1 Give any three potential applications for Active database. 2 Show the use of active rules. 3 Point out the components of a rule in ECA model? 4 Contrast the deactivated rules and active command? 5 What is row- level trigger and statement- level trigger? 6 Give any two Specifications of Deductive database. 7 Discriminate prolog and datalog 8 Identify the node structure of the Point Quadtrees. 9 What is knowledge base management system (KBMS)? 10 Summarize the use of range query. 11 Define image database. 12 Formulate the query to find all image/video objects containing Big Spender wearing a purple suit this can be expressed as the SMDSSQL query 13 Describe Polysemy problem in text database. 14 How will you create an active rules 15 Classify the types of query available in MM-DBMS. 16 Point out the four steps used in LSI. 17 Differentiate object retrievals method over segment retrieval for querying video data. 18 Demonstrate any four video functions with proper syntax. 19 Name the two indexing methods used in video database. BTL Understanding BTL-2 Applying BTL-3 Analyzing BTL-4 Analyzing BTL-4 Remembering BTL-1 Understanding BTL-2 Evaluating BTL-5 Remembering BTL-1 Remembering BTL-1 Evaluating BTL-5 Remembering BTL-1 Creating BTL-6 Understanding BTL-2 Creating BTL-6 Applying BTL-3 Analyzing BTL-4 Understanding BTL-2 Applying BTL-3 Remembering BTL-1 20 Remembering List the features associated with the audio signal BTL-1 Part -B S.No 1 Question Competence Discuss in details about the Active database with example and it usage. BTL Understanding BTL-2 Understanding BTL-2 Applying BTL-3 Remembering BTL-1 Applying BTL-3 Describe briefly about the following 2 3 i. Compare and contrast active database with deductive database. ii. Suggest a database for knowledge management and explain the concept of knowledge retrieval with suitable example. Illustrate the insertion, deletion, search and range query operation in k-d tree. Describe the following process in Audio Databases 4 i. Capturing audio content through Discrete Transformations. ii. Indexing audio data. 5 Demonstrate how querying content of video libraries with example. 6 Explain in details about the similarity based retrieval approach in image database. And also name some image file formats? Remembering BTL-1 7 Discuss in detail about the design and architecture of Multimedia Database and its issues. Creating BTL-6 8 Briefly discuss about the different types of Query languages for retrieving multimedia data. Analyzing BTL-4 9 Explain in details about the concept of Text/Document Databases. Evaluating BTL-5 10 Discuss in details about the Multimedia Databases. And also summarize the applications. Understanding BTL-2
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