IT 243 DennisWixom TestBank Chapter07



File: ch07, Chapter 7: Moving Into DesignMultiple Choice 1. In what SDLC stage do we determine the business needs for an information systems project? a. The design phase b. The analysis phase c. The dissection stage d. The installation stage e. The big bang stage Ans: b Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 2. System design is the determination of the overall system architecture- consisting of a set of physical processing components, _______________, and the communication among them-that will satisfy the system’s essential requirements. a. Workmanship b. Order entry methods, HR feedback c. Hardware, Software, People d. Engineering data plans, fiber optic specifications e. None of the above Ans: c Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 3. In the initial stage of design, what are business requirements converted into? a. System Requirements b. Work Order Summary c. Computer Qualifications Checklist d. Vanilla System e. Hardware Blueprint Ans: a Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 4. During the design stage, the team must create a(n) _________ by specifying access restrictions and by identifying the need for ________, authentication and virus control. a. System, integration b. Security breach, emergency access c. Secure system, encryption d. Automated program, constant testing e. Pecking order, governmental access Ans: c Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Easy 5. Where are the decisions stored that are made regarding the hardware and software that will be purchased to support the new system? a. Order Manifest b. Hardware Sales Receipt c. Suppliers’ Computer System d. President’s Office e. Hardware and Software Specification Ans: e Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Easy 6. The system inputs and outputs will be designed along with a plan or__________ of the way the system’s features will be navigated. a. Blueprint b. Compass c. Instructional Guide d. Roadmap e. FAQ Ans: d Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 7. _______ repository entries are updated to reflect specific technology decisions as they are made. a. DFD b. Sequential c. CASE d. Hardware e. None of the above Ans: c Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 8. Which of the following lists indicates the correct ordering of deliverables in a system specification document? a. System Acquisition Weighted Alternative Matrix, Interface Design, Physical Data Model Data Storage Design b. Data Storage Design, Interface Design, Architecture Design, Updated Crud Matrix c. Hardware and Software Specifications, Interface Design, Data Storage Design, Architecture Design d. Program Design Specifications, Physical Data Model, Data Storage Design, Architecture Design e. Update CASE Repository Entries, Update CRUD Matrix, Interface Design, Architecture Design hardware and software specification b. All of the above Ans: e Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 11.How many ways does the text suggest one can approach the creation of a new system? a. Porters 5 Forces Model b. A. Technical b. interface design c. RAD and Timeboxing Techniques d. a. and C Ans: e Response: See Transition System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Medium 13. 3 d. 1 b. a. Ans: a Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 9. Outsourcing Model c. B.What skills are necessary when undertaking a custom software design? a. Implement a company-wide project team to handle a custom software scripting . Project Management d. the best way to be sure you remain efficient and effective in designing a system is to utilize the ____________. A and C e. Hire/Fire Motivational Theory e. If on a limited time budget. Functional c. 7 Ans: c Response: See Transition System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Medium 12. Design documents. Not Attempt the Project Ans: c Response: See Avoiding Classic Design Mistakes Difficulty: Medium 10. Architecture design e.For efficiency purposes. Physical process models. Physical data model d. 2 c. it is wise to___________ when there is a basic software need to be satisfied. 4 e.The system specification contains what? a. Not supported by a vendor who supplied the software b.Systems Integration refers to: a. None of the above Ans: d Response: See Transition System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Medium .Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems are: a. The delivery of systems to the final destination office c. Utilize a professional consultant to develop a system of servers7 Ans: b Response: See Transition System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Easy 14. Finding the original data to install on the new server b. Created to interface two software packages that are compatible with each other d. B and C Ans: d Response: See Transition System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Hard 15. Creating a ghost drive to house the old information c. Adding the original hard drives to a newer system e. All-encompassing systems b. Design a blueprint and contract an outside vendor to develop a program d. the legacy system and new software d. Cheaper since they are created by a third party d. b. Combining packaged software. Bringing legacy system data and new data together e. Difficult to install and can result in serious problems for a company c. Installing new software packages on older machines d.Workarounds are: a. Purchase a packaged system c.What makes systems integration so difficult? a. Enterprise Wide Software Packages that are designed for satellite use e. Creating a new software to monitor power consumption Ans: c Response: See Transition System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Medium 17. The process of synching all computers to the mainframe b. None of the above Ans: a Response: See Transition System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Hard 16. A and B e. Make do with the current software package e. Designed by the vendor c. Hiring an external service provider d. Package software Ans: b Response: see Custom Development Difficulty: easy 19. Packaged software works best where the company has a unique need c. The time frame is flexible to long d. System Development Life Cycle Companies (SDLCs) d. Enterprise Resource Providers (ERPs) c. Hiring an external vendor b. In-house development c. B and C Ans: e Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: easy 22. A and C e. CASE tools e. Payroll at Cloverfarms dairy b. Offshore outsourcing b. Accounts receivable at Staples c.Which is probably true about packaged software a. Vendor supplied in-house consulting d. The project has a highly skills project manager who has been with the company for many years and has an excellent relationship with both business users and the IT development staff Ans: d Response: see Packaged Software Difficulty: easy 21. the software is a perfect fit for the companies need b. Rocket control software for NASA d. Application Service Providers (ASPs) b. None of the above . Scanning software for Kroger grocery stores Ans: c Response: see Packaged Software Difficulty: easy 20.Which might NOT be a good package software solution? a. Information Technology Developers (ITDs) e.Another name for custom development might be: a. Hiring an external developer c. Course management system at the University of Nebraska e. a.Outsourcing can include: a.Outsourcing firms called _____________ supply software applications and/or software related services through the Internet. A.18. In most cases. The business need is common e. A and C e. Very flexible b. Always the best option for any project Ans: a Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 24. Cheaper than any other option d. Useless when considering a systems design e. None of the above Ans: d Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 26. The skills are not strategic Ans: a Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 27. Ans: a Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 23. Very rigid c. Useless when considering a systems design e. Very rigid c. Gaining popularity d. When the outsourcer earns a percentage of the completed systems benefits b.A time and arrangements deal is considered: a.Value-added projects are: a. The business need is not core to the business c. Always the best option for any project Ans: b Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 25. Always cheaper than any other option d. The business need is unique b.Packaged systems are used when: a.Fixed-price contracts are considered: a. Not a feasible option for any project at any time c. The project has a project manager who can coordinate vendor efforts d. Very flexible b.Custom development is used when: a. The time frame is short e. The business need is not core to the business . What can push a project off track? a. He is probably involved in: a.Matt is an analyst for the Pauxtis Media Company. The time frame is flexible d. There is a desire to build in-house skills c. The project has a project manager who can coordinate vendor efforts b. The decision to outsource is strategic Ans: d Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 28. Staffing c. Offshore outsourcing Ans: e Response: see Outsourcing Difficulty: medium 30. A.Application service providers might be best associated with: a.Outsourcing is used when: a. In-house functional and technical skills exist d.m. Funding b. Working with vendors on an RFP c. Outsourcing e. In-house development b. A and B e. Packaged software c. He is in his office at 5:00 a. Customizing a package to fit Pauxtis d. Business users d. There is a desire to build in-house skills c. B and C Ans: e Response: Project Management Difficulty: hard . b. Unique and strategic systems d. In-house development b. The business need is not core to the business e. The project has a project manager who can coordinate vendor efforts e. Internet Service Providers Ans: d Response: see Outsourcing Difficulty: easy 29. Working with his regional Ernst and Young consulting team e. every Tuesday morning for a project update videoconference. None of the above Ans: d Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: med 31. Engage mobile computers with mainframe technology e.Requests for Proposals (RFPs) serve what purpose? a. Develop morale amongst managers Ans: c Response: Selecting an Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: hard 33. the following will likely be requested from the possible vendors: a. More Optimal Desires (MOD) Ans: c Response: Selecting an Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: medium 36. A and B e. Alternative Matrix c. Becky is preparing a document that has detailed description of needs. special technical factors. Special technical needs c. RFP d.32. ERP e. Request for Proposal (RFP) b. timetable and more.The following document is utilized with possible vendors on projects with smaller budgets. Detailed description of needs b. Evaluation criteria d. CRUD matrix b.When only a price is needed from a vendor. Create synergy amongst staff members c. She is probably working on a(n): a. B and C Ans: e Response: Selecting an Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: hard 35. Request for Efficient Information Distribution (REID) e. Request for Proposal (RFP) b. Request for Information (RFI) . evaluation criteria. Solicit information from providers d. Request for Information (RFI) c. instead of sending a lengthy document to all possible vendors: a. Integrate systems with one another b. A.Requests for Proposals (RFPs) should contain a. DFD Ans: c Response: see Selecting an Acquisition strategy Difficulty: medium 34. Request for Quote (RFQ) d. How well the criteria are met by the alternative d. How long the coded page will be e. Request for Efficient Information Distribution (REID) e.The score column in the Alternative Matrix represents what? a. c. Involves interviewing of users to determine requirements e. Information d. Produces a user’s manual. More Optimal Desires (MOD) Ans: b Response: Selecting an Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: medium 37. Complete e. How expensive the install will be b. Constant Ans: b Response: see Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: medium . Involves writing of code (generally in an object oriented language) c. does users training and creates online documentation for the new system b. Uses the requirements that were gathered during analysis to create a blueprint for the future system Ans: e Response: see Introduction Difficulty: easy 40. Request for Quote (RFQ) d. The letter “C” in CRUD stands for: a. How easy the install will be c.The design phase of the SDLC: a. Computer b. None of the above Ans: c Response: Selecting an Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: easy 38. Data Analysis c.CRUD matrix can be used in the design phase to work with tables and possible user interaction with those tables. A and D Ans: c Response: Alternative Matrix Difficulty: hard 39. Pricing b. Network Associate Password Help e.A Request for Information (RFI) is used with vendors when there is a need for ________? a. Communicate d. Uses the output of JAD sessions to create logical use cases and DFDs d. Create c. Delete b. Decisions for hardware and software purchases are made b. Buying a pre-written software package Ans: c . Outsourcing to a regional consultant (like IBM) c. Read e. Logical DFDs and ERDs are converted into physical DFDs and ERDs e. outputs. The physical data model is created Ans: c Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: medium 44. The letter “D” in CRUD matrix stands for: a. Deny use c. Custom development b. User interactions are planned out (inputs. Replicate c. Deliver d. Read-only Ans: d Response: see Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: medium 42. Using the company’s programming staff to write the code (aka ‘in- house development’) e.Which of the following is normally NOT done in the design phase of the SDLC? a.41. Use Cases b. Which of the following is NOT a system acquisition strategy as presented in the book? a. Physical Data Model c. Replace b. System Acquisition Weighted alternative Matrix Ans: a Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: medium 45.The letter ‘R’ in CRUD matrix (for tables and user involvement) stands for: a. Denormalize Ans: a Response: see Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: easy 43. Updated CRUD matrix d. Relationship d. Cost / Benefits of the new system are carefully calculated d. Document e. Architecture Design e. user interfaces) c.Which is NOT a part of the System Specification document? a. Use a JAD session to acquire the system d. One problem with using packages software systems is: a. (b) the project has a highly skilled project manager. (c) the time frame is flexible. Many common software packages have been written and tested and are readily available d. Outsource to a company specializing in that technology d. Outsource to India d. Most software packages allow for some customization Ans: b Response: See Business Need (especially figure 7-4) Difficulty: medium 50. (b) there is a desire to build in-house skills. it might be best to: a. Use in-house / custom development b. Do in-house / custom development b.An advantage of custom development might be: . Buy an ERP system c. Hire a consultant Ans: c Response: See Business Need (especially figure 7-4) Difficulty: medium 49. it might be best to: a. Hire a vendor to write the code for you c. The company has to accept the functionality that is provided with the system c. There are many good software packages that are reasonable in price e. Use in-house / custom development b. Buy an ERP system c.If (a) the business need is unique. (c) in-house functional or technical experience does not exist. Response: See System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: medium 46. Purchase a software package e.If (a) the business need is not core to the business. Hire a consultant Ans: d Response: See Business Need (especially figure 7-4) Difficulty: medium 48. it might be best to: a. Outsource to India d. (c) the time frame is short. If (a) the business need is common. (b) the skills needed are not strategic. It takes a very long time to get the system and get it installed b. Purchase a software package e. Purchase a software package e. Hire a consultant Ans: a Response: See Business Need (especially figure 7-4) Difficulty: medium 47. Value-added contract e. The ability for in-house developers to work on systems that are in new programming languages and in technologies that are unknown to them prior to the development Ans: a Response: see Custom Development Difficulty: medium 51. The low cost (as compared to buying a package) d. There can be a low cost of entry d. It requires a large in-house staff e. Project skills e. In-house experience c. Project management Ans: a .Which is NOT one of the primary contract types made with outsourcing? a. Select the vendor. It can be done offshore b. Fixed-price contract c. The rapid development of custom systems c. You get a system that is tailored to the current business and meets specific needs b. Time frame d. developer or service provider carefully e.Which is NOT true of outsourcing? a. Distance and confluence contract d. Keep the lines of communication open between you and your outsourcer Ans: c Response: see Outsourcing Difficulty: medium 54. Define and stabilize requirements before signing a contract b.Which is NOT a recommended guideline for managing outsourcing? a. It can reduce internal IT costs Ans: d Response: See Outsourcing Difficulty: easy 52. Time and arrangements b. Paying for the expenses and time to get the job done Ans: c Response: see Outsourcing Difficulty: medium 53. Data base normalization b. Emphasize rigid expectations and short-term relationships d.Which is NOT a factor in choosing a development option? a. Don’t outsource what you don’t understand c. The low risk factor e. It can be done by an ASP c. a. In terms of project management. 25% to 40% d. 40% to 60% e. Real Forecast Project Ans: b Response: see Selecting an acquisition Strategy Difficulty: easy 58. Rational Forensics Platform d. Relationship with Foreign Providers e.Which of the following will probably NOT be part of a Request for Proposal (RFP)? a. Outsourcing to India c. Outsourcing to Nebraska b. 10% to 25% c. Gentleman’s agreement on the offer . Project timetable e. Response: see Business Need Difficulty: easy 55. Vendor proposal that is a binding offer to accomplish the tasks described in the RFP b. Special technical needs c. Over 60% Ans: e Response: see Business Need Difficulty: medium 56. Use case diagrams Ans: e Response: see Selecting an Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: easy 59.What percentage of companies on the InformationWeek 500 list of business technology innovators say they engage in offshore IT outsourcing? a. which option might require excellent project management skills and a proven methodology? a. Procedures to follow d. Buying a packaged solution d. Buying an ERP system Ans: d Response: see Project Management Difficulty: hard 57. Doing custom development e. Certain key facts that the vendor requires b. Request for Proposal c.A Request for Proposal (RFP) will result in a: a.RFP is an acronym for: a. 0 to 10% b. Reason for Programming b. Value-added contract d. RFP b. Reduction in in-house programming effort Ans: a Response: see Selecting a Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: medium 60. Reluctance factors c. Gantt Chart d. Data stores Ans: c Response: see Alternative Matrix Difficulty: easy 62. frequently analysts will assign ____________ to certain factors to signify the importance of the factor in the decision. Weights d. Probabilities b. Distance and time contract e. Billing operational contract Ans: b Response: See Outsourcing Difficulty: easy True False 63.An outsourcing arrangement where you pay no more than what was expected is known as a(n): a. Custom development e. Substantially more expensive project d. Project sponsors e. Ans: True Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium . Time and arrangements contract b.System requirements are communicated through a collection of design documents and physical processes and data models.A table that can be used to look at various design options is a(n): a. Fixed-price contract c. a. Alternative Matrix e. c. SQL query Ans: d Response: see Alternative Matrix Difficulty: easy 61.When using an alternative matrix. CRUD c. 64.There is no need to determine the reliability or performance of a new system due to the inherent dangers all technologies pose. Ans: False Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 69. to buy.Building a system in-house builds technical skills and functional knowledge that one may not want to allow to walk out of the door. or to outsource influences the design tasks that are performed throughout the rest of the design phase.There is absolutely no need for designing a custom system since there are already so many pre-packaged systems available to any company regardless of its size.CASE repository entries are updated to reflect specific technology decisions as they are made. Ans: True Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Easy 66.The decision to make.Business requirements are communicated through a collection of design documents and physical processes and data models. Ans: False Response: See System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Easy . Ans: False Response: See System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Easy 70. Ans: False Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Easy 67. Ans: True Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 68. Ans: True Response: See System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Easy 71. Ans: False Response: See Transition From Requirements to Design Difficulty: Medium 65. leading to a revision of the physical DFDs or ERPs.Highly skilled IS Professionals are easy to hire and retain.Prototyping is the interface design step that often uncovers additional information that is needed in the system. Time and arrangements deals are potentially more expensive if the service provider requires unforeseen resources to complete the project on time.Outsourcing firms called Application Software Providers (ASPs) supply software applications and/or software related services through the Internet. Ans: True Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Easy 78.A workaround is a custom-built add-on program that interfaces with packaged applications to handle specific needs.The key challenge in systems integration is avoiding a system wide crash upon installation of legacy software.Outsourcing requires the least in-house resources. Ans: True Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 79. Ans: False Response: See System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Medium 76. Ans: True Response: See System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Medium 74. Ans: False Response: See System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Medium 73.Application Software Providers (ASPs) should be utilized when considering non-core programming and/custom needs.Letting technology drive a business can be dangerous.72. Ans: True Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Easy 77.In a custom software case. Ans: True Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Easy . all parts of the system need to be completely customized and scripted to the company’s specifications including ancillary software to the current system. Ans: True Response: See System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: Medium 75. 80. Tomorrow. Ans: False Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: hard 81. Ans: True Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 82. Ans: False Response: Influences on Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: easy .If the business need is core to the business then it is best to outsource the system development.A common need to the business should be satisfied by contracting with an Application Service Provider (ASP).The only skills that are applied during systems projects are functional. marketing and accounting divisions and has added them to the growing list of fixes needed. there will be a request placed by the CTO that there is to be a new processing system put into place that will take the place of the current MS Word system.An IT department has just received its newest onslaught of system maintenance requests from the finance.The only skills that are applied during systems projects are technical. Ans: True Response: Outsourcing Difficulty: Medium 83.The score column in the Alternative Matrix represents how easily specific criteria are met by the alternative. Ans: True Response: Alternative Matrix Difficulty: easy 86.Custom development that can be achieved by the in-house team and core business practices are both examples of times when outsourcing is not an option. Ans: False Response: Project Skills Difficulty: easy 84. Ans: False Response: Project Skills Difficulty: easy 85. The best alternative is to utilize a custom program that will replace the original program. Ans: True Response: Alternative Matrix Difficulty: easy 88. Ans: True Response: See introduction Difficulty: easy 91. the project team converts the business requirements for the system into system requirements.A department head is apprehensive as to what implementation system he should employ.One systems development option is to let users build their own system using tools like Excel and Access. Ans: True Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: medium 95.During the initial part of design. Ans: True Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: easy 94. Ans: False Response: See Introduction Difficulty: Medium 89.The Design phase of the SDLC builds on the logical designs from the analysis phase (like logical ERDs and logical DFDs) Ans: True Response: See Introduction Difficulty: medium 90.During the design phase.One systems development option is to have a system developed by using an outsourcing strategy.The Design phase of the SDLC uses the requirements that were gathered during analysis to actually build (and code if necessary) the final system. . The best method of ensuring a successful and efficient installation of the new systems would be to utilize an alternative matrix. physical aspects of the system (like physical DFDs and physical ERDs) are converted and rebuilt into logical aspects.One systems development option is to build a system from scratch. Ans: False Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: easy 93. Ans: True Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: easy 92. The design phase decides how the new system will operate.87. with support from the Microsoft help desk. end user and maintenance engineers with a written model of the system they are about to implement which will minimize errors as well as allow for timely and effective corrective measures. Ans: False Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: medium 96.In the analysis phase. This is an important consolidation of documents because it provides the creator. What is the consolidated purpose of this deliverable and why is it important? Ans: The system specifications document contains the: physical process models. cable connectivity and any ancillary devices that will be a part of the overall system. fixes and software additions and upgrades to the physical system. Ans: False Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design (actually first defined in chapter 6) Difficulty: hard 97.CRUD stands for Create. there is a document named the system specification that describes the different design documents and their uses. These elements represent the blueprint for the physical system layout inclusive of server configurations. Update and Deploy – and is a matrix of table functions in databases. Ans: False Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design (it is the design phase!!) Difficulty: medium Essaay 99. Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: medium . interface design and program design. physical data model. hardware and software specification. Ans: True Response: See Transition from Requirements to Design Difficulty: medium 98. Redesign. Additionally.During the design phase. the project team carefully considers the nonfunctional business requirements (such as performance. architecture decisions are made and written up in the ‘hardware and software specifications’.At the end of the design phase. patches. cultural and political aspects). the documents contain software. hardware and technical specifications that will enable programmers and service personnel to operate the machinery as well as to prescribe the proper workaround. architecture design. 100. What is an alternative matrix? What does it do? Ans: An alternative matrix is a chart that compares the pros and cons of a project’s attributes based on a grading scheme across the multitude of acquisition methods. This is often the most time consuming and demanding on in- house resources. project management. This option is when the acquisition team installs a pre-written packaged software solution into . there are five different items to consider. project skills: do we have the ability to learn this with our programmers or will we need to outsource programmers to assist us? Fourth. Packaged software is by far the fastest of the implementation strategies. Custom development utilizes the project team’s skills in creating a ground-up software solution. in-house experience will determine whether or not there is enough skill located within the current set of employees to manufacture the desired outcome. one must consider the business need. What types of influences are there on determining the type of installation to pursue with relation to resources and the acquisition of a new system? Ans: When considering a new system. This is a great alternative if the nature of the project is conducive to the skills already present in-house and the need is core to the business itself. packaged software and outsourcing are the three acquisition strategies. Without performing this analysis. Second. First. Third. Is it unique? Is it able to be solved with simple packaged software? Is the need core to our system? This will influence the project strategy as a whole and determine the overall expense of the project. Response: see Alternative Matrix Difficulty: medium 102. can we complete the task with our current management team or will we need consultants to assist us in completing the task? Fifth. The purpose of the chart is to help the IT acquisition team in determining the best alternative for their specific need. Ans: Custom development. how much time do we have? Will we be able to complete the project quickly or are we on a tight time budget? Will we need additional manpower to push the project through? Response: See Business Need (and figure 7-4) Difficulty: medium 101. it is difficult to determine the ultimate implementation plan based on an objective comparison system. What are the three acquisition strategies? Describe them. exporting the responsibilities to an external vendor can expedite the process of programming. In an ideal situation. All that is required is a vendor’s price to complete the job. RFI. What are they and what are their differences? Ans: The three request systems utilized by IT acquisition teams are commonly known as RFP. Jeff is an analyst. only runs on a mainframe system)? What functions does HR want to do that the package does not support? In that payroll . A significant downside to outsourcing is that your system is exposed to the outside vendor’s staff. this takes the bulk of the programming out of the equation and doesn’t completely remove the programmers from their everyday tasks for as long as a custom development strategy. time-frame. The human resources department is very unhappy with their payroll package. RFI is a request for information that is submitted by the acquisition team to a vendor for general information. RFP is a request for proposal that is submitted to a vendor when the in-house team needs the specifications. external programmers can be brought in-house so they may educate the current team for future projects. it is usually targeted to a wider vendor audience to gather basic information about possible solutions. Response: see Selecting an Acquisition Strategy Difficulty: medium 104. and RFQ.its current IT configuration. Often times workarounds are required to intertwine the systems. They want the information systems department to write them a new package as they think they have unique needs that can’t be meet with a packaged solution. Outsourcing utilizes external programmers and engineers. RFQ is a request for quote. This is the final step after the list of equipment needed is determined and complete. system description and how the system proposed will fit their needs.e. Response: see System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: medium 103. This is often expensive if the terms of the contract are not laid out clearly and accurately in the beginning. What should Jeff do? Ans: Payroll is a very common application and there are many good payroll programs on the market. Is it old (i. Jeff really needs to understand what the problems with the current package are. however. There are three request systems utilized by system acquisition teams. which can be a security concern if the system data and/or processes are mission-critical or of a sensitive nature. Its use is often followed with a targeted RFP to the most possible vendors. If this is not an alternative and time is of the essence. In the original contract. What discussions need to take place? Ans: It would seem like RCC either has (a) slow. the agreement was for time-and- arrangements. When he calls to talk to the manager who was in charge when the contract was negotiated. NewTechSystems needs to fully review the arrangement with RCC and review the work that is billed. Response: see System Acquisition Strategies Difficulty: medium 105. Sometimes what seems minor to NewTechSystems with an estimated time of under 2 hours takes RCC 20 hours. Response: See Outsourcing Difficulty: medium 106. but lately it seems like there are excessive time amounts and excessive arrangements.information must be reported to state and federal officials for tax reasons. Response: See Outsourcing Difficulty: hard . (b) found errors that escaped NewTechSystems view. Paul needs to find another manager to talk to – or to find out an exact time to call the original manager. NewTechSystems has contracted with a well-known regional consulting company (RCC). It might be that all is going fine. inept people handling this account. After a detailed investigation. What should Paul do? Ans: (will vary) It seems like maybe there is a communication problem. it probably don’t not make sense to write a complete package but to find one that meets HR needs. Paul is managing the account for NewTechSystems. The subsystem is needed next month for incorporation into the updated system. it may be best to create either an RPI or RPQ to get additional information and bids from potential vendors. (c) is ‘milking’ NewTechSystems for more money and being unethical. When he asks for a status report. NewTechSystems has contracted some subsystem development to Indian Technology Group from Bangalore India. that person is ‘always’ out of the office or unavailable and never returns phone calls. but it might also be that there are problems. he seems to get a vague answer. Is the work needed and legitimate? A high-level meeting with NewTechSystems and Regional Consulting Company is needed now.
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