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Administration/Configuration and Users GuideVersion 2.2 January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies Table of Contents Server Introduction....................................................................................................................................5 FreePBX / Trixbox Installation.............................................................................................................5 Server System Requirements............................................................................................................5 Server Installation.............................................................................................................................5 Asterisk Server Installation...................................................................................................................6 Server System Requirements............................................................................................................6 Server Installation.............................................................................................................................6 FreePBX Module Administration..............................................................................................................8 Configuration.........................................................................................................................................8 iSymphony Module Page..................................................................................................................8 Extension Page................................................................................................................................10 Queue Page.....................................................................................................................................11 Conference Room Page .................................................................................................................11 Administration..........................................................................................................................................11 Server Configuration...........................................................................................................................11 Location Configuration.......................................................................................................................12 Tenant Configuration...........................................................................................................................14 License Installation..............................................................................................................................15 Extension Configuration......................................................................................................................16 Profile Configuration...........................................................................................................................17 Queue Configuration...........................................................................................................................18 Conference Room Configuration........................................................................................................19 Status Configuration............................................................................................................................20 Multi-Tenant Configuration.................................................................................................................20 Updating...................................................................................................................................................21 Automated.......................................................................................................................................21 Manual............................................................................................................................................21 Permissions..............................................................................................................................................22 Default.................................................................................................................................................22 Groups.................................................................................................................................................22 Overrides.............................................................................................................................................23 Permission Glossary............................................................................................................................23 My Extension Permissions.............................................................................................................23 Extension Permissions....................................................................................................................24 Parking Lot Permissions.................................................................................................................25 Queue Permissions.........................................................................................................................26 Conference Room Permissions.......................................................................................................26 Client Introduction...................................................................................................................................27 Client – System Requirements.................................................................................................................27 Client Installation.....................................................................................................................................27 Windows..............................................................................................................................................27 Linux and MacOS...............................................................................................................................27 Profiles.....................................................................................................................................................27 Windows...................................................................................................................................................28 Layout..................................................................................................................................................28 Fast Views.......................................................................................................................................29 Tables...................................................................................................................................................29 Profile Navigator.................................................................................................................................30 My Extensions.....................................................................................................................................30 Call Status.......................................................................................................................................30 Setting Presence and Away Notes...................................................................................................31 Agent login and pausing.................................................................................................................31 Extensions...........................................................................................................................................31 Extension Searching and Sorting....................................................................................................31 Barging...........................................................................................................................................32 Recording........................................................................................................................................32 Email and Chat...............................................................................................................................32 Held Calls............................................................................................................................................32 Parked Calls.........................................................................................................................................32 Queues.................................................................................................................................................33 Statistics..........................................................................................................................................33 Queue Detail...................................................................................................................................33 Agent Detail....................................................................................................................................33 Conference Rooms..............................................................................................................................34 Entering and Inviting......................................................................................................................34 User Control...................................................................................................................................34 Temporary Conference Rooms.......................................................................................................34 Extension Directories..........................................................................................................................35 Voice Mail...........................................................................................................................................36 Listen to and Share Voice Mail.......................................................................................................36 Forwarding, Moving, and Deleting Voice Mail..............................................................................36 Call History.........................................................................................................................................37 Call Control..............................................................................................................................................37 Originating...........................................................................................................................................37 Transferring.........................................................................................................................................38 Views........................................................................................................................................................38 Call Pop ups.............................................................................................................................................39 Caller Id...............................................................................................................................................39 CRM Integration..................................................................................................................................39 URL Pop up....................................................................................................................................40 Application Pop up.........................................................................................................................40 Extension View........................................................................................................................................40 Box Size..............................................................................................................................................40 List Type..............................................................................................................................................40 Chat Options............................................................................................................................................40 For Additional Help.................................................................................................................................41 Errata........................................................................................................................................................41 sh 3) Start the iSymphony server: /opt/isymphony/server/startup.com] iSymphony FreePBX module v1.5.4 or higher FreePBX v2.sh January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 5 of 41 . The installation section has been separated into several sections depending on what you're installing iSymphony on.iSymphony Guide Server Introduction This guide describes the installation process of the i9 Technologies iSymphony Server software version 2.2 or higher Sun Java JRE v1. If your Sun Java JRE is in a different location you must run the following commands and set the correct path. iSymphony assumes your Sun Java JRE is located in /usr/java/latest/ by default. [http://java. FreePBX / Trixbox Installation Server System Requirements Asterisk 1.8 or higher Server Installation 1) Once you have downloaded the iSymphony RPM run the following command to install: rpm -Uvh iSymphonyServer-<version>.5 or higher FreePBX Asterisk API module v2.0.5 or higher.sun.2 and greater.rpm 2) Configure the iSymphony installation. /opt/isymphony/server/config.0. This may take some time as the iSymphony configuration is being built. [http://java. Server System Requirements Asterisk 1. 7) Click Upload module 8) Specify the location of the iSymphony FreePBX module on your computer and click Upload. 6) Verify that you have the Asterisk API module installed under System Administration. iptables -L iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 50000 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 50003 -j ACCEPT service iptables save 5) Login to your FreePBX administrator and click on Module Admin. If you are running IP Tables (installed and activated by default on PBXIAF) run the following commands on the server CLI in order to open the ports. 11) Asterisk will reload and the iSymphony module will populate the extensions and profiles. 9) Return to the Module Admin and Enable the iSymphony module and click Process. Asterisk Server Installation These installation instructions are for a vanilla Asterisk installation. If not select Check for updates online at the top of the page and install the Asterisk API module. There are two options.sun.com] Server Installation 1) Once you have downloaded iSymphony you are ready to install it. depending if you downloaded the RPM or TARBALL server file.iSymphony Guide 4) Verify that ports 50001 and 50003 are not being blocked by any firewall and are forwarded as necessary. 10) Click Apply Configuration Changes.5 or higher.4 or higher Sun Java JRE v1. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 6 of 41 . 0.sh 3) Configure Asterisk by including the isymphony.0.conf 4) Reload the Asterisk Configuration by either restarting asterisk entirely or using the Asterisk CLI to issue a reload command.6 or higher you must issue a manager reload command on the Asterisk CLI in order for the changes to manager. If your Sun Java JRE is in a different location you must run the following commands and set the correct path.conf similar to the following and verify that it contains a permit entry for the IP that the iSymphony server is installed on: [isymphony] secret = mysecret deny=0.255.1/255.rpm Or if you're using the TAR: tar -xzvf iSymphonyServer-<version>. 5) Add an entry into /etc/asterisk/manager. 7) Start the iSymphony server: January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 7 of 41 . /opt/isymphony/server/config./install.0.255.sh 2) Configure the iSymphony installation. iSymphony assumes your Sun Java JRE is located in /usr/java/latest/ by default.conf file in your Asterisk dial plan.0 read = all write = all 6) If you are using Asterisk 1.gz .conf to be applied.0.tar.0.0/0.conf file: #include /opt/isymphony/server/isymphony.0 permit=127.0.iSymphony Guide If using the RPM: rpm -Uvh iSymphonyServer-<version>. This can be accomplished by adding the following line to the end of your Asterisk extensions. iSymphony Module Page A new menu item called iSymphony will be added to your FreePBX Configuration menu. If you're not using the FreePBX module please refer to the Administration section. Reload Performs a internal restart of the iSymphony Server Server: License Licensed To: Displays the person or organization that the license is licensed to.sh 8) Verify that ports 50001 and 50003 are not being blocked by any firewall and are forwarded as necessary. If a specific option is not handled by the FreePBX module you can configure it in the Administration window of the iSymphony Client(See Administration section). FreePBX Module Administration This administration section is for users that are using the FreePBX module. Server Status: Displays the status of the iSymphony Server (Up or Down) Version: Displays the current version and revision number of the server.iSymphony Guide /opt/isymphony/server/startup. This page contains system level configuration options and information. Configuration When the iSymphony FreePBX module is installed new options will be added to the FreePBX interface. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 8 of 41 . Log Messages: If checked all Jabber conversations will be logged on the January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 9 of 41 . Status: Global Jabber Settings Host: The host or IP of your Jabber server. Enable Page If checked page status will be shown in iSymphony. Auto Reload: If check the location will reload whenever the Asterisk dial plan is reloaded in order to pickup on changes made to the Asterisk configuration. Queues: Number of queues that can be monitored in the panel. (default: iSymphony) Port: The port of your Jabber server (default: 5222).e. Server Settings Admin User Administration interface username (default: admin). Activate: Activate a license serial key.com where users are specified as user@yourjabberserver. Domain: The domain name of your Jabber server (i.com). Clients: The number of client connections that are allowed by the license.iSymphony Guide Trial Days: The number of trails days left in the license. yourjabberserver. Resource: Resource that your Jabber users will utilize. Password: Originate The time in milliseconds that the system will attempt to call Timeout: the originating extension before hanging up during an origination request (default: 30000). Name: Admin Administration interface Password (default: secret). iSymphony Guide server. iSymphony Jabber Settings Host: Override for global Jabber host. Email The e-mail address for this extension. Resource: Override for global Jabber resource. Profile: Profile The password for the profile. iSymphony: Auto Answer: If checked all originations made from this extension will automatically answer the origination callback. This will only work on phones that support the auto-answer headers. Address: Cell Phone: The mobile phone number for this extension. User Name: The user name used for logging into the Jabber server. Domain: Override for global Jabber domain. iSymphony Profile Settings Create Adds a user login profile for this extension in iSymphony. Extension Page New fields specific to iSymphony will be added to your extension configuration page. These fields contain extension level configuration options. iSymphony Extension Settings Add To If checked this extension will be added to iSymphony. Password: The password used for logging into the Jabber server. Port: Override for global Jabber port. Password: January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 10 of 41 . Select "Setup administration manager connection". 2) On first startup of the iSymphony client you will be presented with a wizard giving you two options. Administration This administration section is for users that are NOT using the FreePBX module. 5) Alternatively you can set up your administration connection as follows. If checked this queue will be added to iSymphony. If you're using the FreePBX module please refer to the FreePBX Module Administration section. If checked this conference room will be added to iSymphony. Conference Room Page A new field “Add To iSymphony” will be added to your conference room configuration page.iSymphony Guide Queue Page A new field “Add To iSymphony” will be added to your queue configuration page. Ports January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 11 of 41 . 3) Specify the host or IP on which your iSymphony server is installed. Server Configuration 1) Obtain the iSymphony client from i9 Technologies and install. 4) Modify your password to "secret" which is the default administration password. a) Open the admin module configuration screen: Tools → Preferences → Admin Login Username: admin Password: secret (default) b) Open the "Administration" tab(View->Administration) to configure the iSymphony Server. Update URL: URL of update site. HTTP Port: Port used for distributing updates to clients (default: 50003). Location Configuration A location is a physical Asterisk server instance.com/support/internal/updatesites/i symphony). By default iSymphony creates a location with the name default. Auto Install If checked update will download and install automatically if Update if new version is found after selecting the Check For Updates Available: button. Expand the Locations and click on default location. Administration Login Username: Administration interface username (default: admin). Password: Administration interface password (default: secret). CLI Port: The port used to interface with the iSymphony CLI (default: 50001). General January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 12 of 41 . Upon first login you will need to modify some of the settings within the default location.i9technologies. Extension Buttons <Button>: Disables/Enables extension buttons system wide. (default: http://www. Else update will be performed step by step.iSymphony Guide Client Port: The port the server will listen for client connection on (default: 50000). e.iSymphony Guide Name: Identifier for the location.com). Reload on dial If check the location will reload whenever the Asterisk dial plan plan reload: is reloaded in order to pickup on changes made to the Asterisk configuration. Configuration Originate The time in milliseconds that the system will attempt to call the Timeout: originating extension before hanging up during an origination request (default: 30000). Admin Set the password used to allow administrators to login to this Password: specific Location. Port: The port for the Asterisk server AMI(default: 5038). Jabber Host: The host or IP of your Jabber server.conf.com where users are specified as user@yourjabberserver. Force client If checked users in this location will not need to confirm the updates: installation of client updates. Resource: Resource that your Jabber users will utilize. Login: The manager login setup in manager.conf. Asterisk Server Connection Host: The hostname or IP address of the Asterisk server. (default: iSymphony) Port: The port of your Jabber server (default: 5222). Domain: The domain name of your Jabber server (i. yourjabberserver. Password: The manager password setup in manager. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 13 of 41 . Upon first login you will need to modify some of the settings within the default tenant. Expand the tenants and click on default tenant.iSymphony Guide Mask jabber If checked Jabber conversations will display the configured usernames profile name instead of the Jabber username in the iSymphony with profile client. The server will also listen for Device User Mode events in order track the dynamic extension->peer mappings. Configuration Originating The context name which calls will be originated from. FreePBX Mode Enabled: If checked all extension->peer mappings will be automatically pulled from the FreePBX Asterisk database entries. Tenant Configuration By default iSymphony creates a tenant with the name default. Context: January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 14 of 41 . Admin Set the password used to allow administrators to login to this Password: specific tenant. Voicemail Directory: Path to voice mail files (default: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail). Context: Redirecting The context name which calls will be redirected by. If you are not in a multi-tenant environment this must be set to “default”. name: Log messages: If checked all Jabber conversations will be logged on the server. General Name: Tenant identifier as it appears in the peer names. Used to originate calls Number: for the Call History and Voice Mail windows. Please refer to the License Installation section for more details. Whether there's a single tenant or multiple locations with several tenants under each one you will need to click the activate button under the tenant you're attempting to activate. Context: Page context used to detect channels that need to be blocked in order to disable page status in iSymphony. Class: Outside Line The digit dialed to reach an outside line. click the Activate button which is found under each January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 15 of 41 .conf. This extension must be a format supported by your Asterisk server. Page Status Enabled: If checked page status will be shown in iSymphony. even to whom it is licensed. By default the first tenant is named default.iSymphony Guide Agent Login Context used for agent callback when logging in a queue Context: dynamically. File Extension: The extension for the file name. Music on Hold Your music on hold class specified in musiconhold. Mix Mode: When checked it will MUX the incoming and outgoing streams of the call that's being recorded when complete. Recorded Calls File Name: The mask used to create the file name for the recorded calls. The License Management section will display the current configuration of the tenant's license. See the code legend for a list of properties you can insert into the file name. License Installation In iSymphony each Location is individually licensed. To activate a license once you obtain a license key. Configuration Peer: The peer name used by Asterisk to access the extension. Copy the license file into /opt/isymphony/sever/lic 3. Look for your <Tenant> tag and modify the "license" attribute to look like license="license. “IAX/” ect. Start your iSymphony server (/opt/isymphony/server/startup.sh).iSymphony Guide iSymphony tenant.com to have it manually generated. Save the file. If adding more clients or queues simply enter the original license key to retrieve an updated license. If iSymphony has trouble contacting the licensing server it creates a license request file(request-r. If you do not want to utilize the peer value to perform January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 16 of 41 . iSymphony automatically prepends “SIP/” to the extension number.sh) 2. Name: The name you wish to appear for the extension. Cell Phone: The mobile phone number for the extension. Shut down your iSymphony server (/opt/isymphony/server/shutdown. 1. Alt. 5. Extension Configuration Add extensions by right clicking on Extensions and click "New".lic) and it will notify you that you need to send the license file to
[email protected]
file in /opt/isymphony/sever/config 4.lic". Open the extensions. This can be changed to “ZAP/”. Using this feature requires Internet connectivity. General Extension: The extension number. Email: The e-mail address for the extension. Once you receive a license from i9 Technologies follow these steps to get it installed. The license request file is found under /opt/isymphony/server/lic by default. Box: Voice Mail The voicemail box context for the extension. For Method: example if you want to utilize local channels to perform your originations you can set this to “Local/<extension number>”. Hold Class: Auto answer If checked all originations made from this extension will originate automatically answer the origination callback.conf agent number to list of agents that this extension can log into. Context: Agents Add: Add agent. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 17 of 41 . Context: Agent Login Interface to watch for agent status if different than peer. Voicemail Voice Mail The voicemail box number for the extension. Context: Redirecting Override for tenant redirecting context. This will only callback: work on phones that support the auto-answer headers. Context: Agent Login Override for tenant agent login context. Penalty: Music On Override for tenant music on hold class.iSymphony Guide Origination originations you can set an alternative method here. Originating Override for tenant originating context. Interface: Agent Login Penalty to log agents in with (default: 0). User Name: The user name used for logging into the Jabber server. Selected: Profile Configuration Profiles are used by iSymphony to allow users to login and manage extensions. Domain: Override for location Jabber domain. Password: The password used for logging into the Jabber server. Can View If selected this user will be able to see the Everyone Extension Everyone Directory. Extensions Extension Specifies which extension belong to this profile(Which List: extension will show up in the My Extensions area).iSymphony Guide Remove Remove selected agents from the list. Directory: January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 18 of 41 . Login User Name: The user name for the profile Password: The password for the profile. Resource: Override for location Jabber resource. Port: Override for location Jabber port. Jabber Host: Override for location Jabber host. Once setup users can configure their client to access their profile and begin using iSymphony. Each profile has it's own set of permissions and configuration options. conf Number: Extension: The extension which rings the conference room. Conference Room Configuration The area where you set up conference rooms for iSymphony to monitor and display. This is optional but without it the user will not be able to transfer calls into the queue. A room which is configured via an iSymphony administrator.conf) Configuration Extension: The extension used to access the queue within Asterisk.iSymphony Guide Queue Configuration General Name: The name as it will appear in iSymphony Queue: The name of the queue as represented in Asterisk (queues. custom and temporary. Room options are configured through the administration module which users cannot change. Configured January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 19 of 41 . Temporary: These rooms are created by iSymphony users via the Create Temporary Conference Room button.conf file. predefined.Predefined Room The room number as configured in meetme. General Name: The name as it will appear in iSymphony Configuration . Predefined: Custom: A conference room configured via Asterisk's meetme. There are three types of conference rooms. Context: The context in which the queue extension resides. Users can join these conferences but the options for the conference room cannot be changed. for Single User: Exit Room Via Allow users to exit the room by pressing #. (#): Present Room Present a option menu to users when they press *. Coniguration . User Join/Leave: Disable Disable announcement of user names to the room as they Join/Leave enter and exit. and Out. This will determine the user status icon that is displayed. Menu Via (*): Announce Play notification sound when users enter or exit a room. Notification: Record: Record the room. Music on Hold Play Music on Hold if there is only one user in the room. Status Configuration Custom statuses can be configured which are used by profiles to relay information about their presence to other users.conf. Context: The context to which the extension belongs. General Name: The name of the status. Type: Status type.Custom Announce Announce number of users currently in the room to a new User Count: user as they enter. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 20 of 41 . Options are Available. Unavailable.iSymphony Guide in extensions. Back up all files in /opt/isymphony/server/config. Once configured. 2. 3. iSymphony will allow individual employees of these tenants to login without seeing the other tenant's extensions. The tenant name needs to match that of the tenant identifier in the tenant's peer names. For example if your tenant's peers are named SIP/100-mytenant and SIP/200-mytenant the tenant name must be set to “mytenant”. Shutdown the server. Please refer to the Tenant Configuration section of this manual for more details on how to set this up. Select Server to open your server configuration page. Open the iSymphony Client Administration window (See Administration section). with the administration module open. For Thirdlane systems this is “from-inside-<tenant name>”. Upgrades should be performed at a time when the system is not in use to reduce down time. 2. Also the redirecting and originating contexts must be set to that of the main entry point context for the tenant. We recommend that the manual update procedure only be used if the automated procedure fails or an automated update is not an option. /opt/isymphony/server/shutdown. You will be presented with all of the options as you would with a normal tenant. right click on Tenants and click New.iSymphony Guide Multi-Tenant Configuration iSymphony supports multi-tenant environments via context based routing and a peer naming convention. Automated 1. Select Check for Updates button. Each tenant will have it's own context with it's respective name.sh January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 21 of 41 . If using the FreePBX Module make sure to update it to the latest version as well. To add a new tenant. Updating You have two different options for updating your server to the latest version of iSymphony. Manual 1. Permissions iSymphony allows for granular control over every profile and the actions that they can perform. All permissions are Profile→Object based where an "Object" is the profile's local extensions./install. Group.gz . a remote extension. and Override and can be configured in the Server. These will usually specify the permissions that the majority of the users will be given. and Profile configuration pages respectively. Restart the server.iSymphony Guide 3. the parking lot. Default. Download and run the new install. If using the RPM: rpm -Uvh iSymphonyServer-<version>. Default Default permissions are permissions that are used system wide if no other permissions have been specified. /opt/isymphony/server/startup. There are three different tiers of permissions.sh 6.rpm Or if you're using the TAR: tar -xzvf iSymphonyServer-<version>. Permission Group. a queue. 5. For example you can specify what actions profile "John" can perform on queue "Main Queue". Restore all backed up files to /opt/isymphony/server/config. or a conference room. Groups Permission groups are used to create a set of permissions that will be used by a group of users if they January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 22 of 41 .sh 4. New clients can be installed over the old ones.tar. These permissions can be accessed in the Server configuration page. Hangup: Allows users to hangup their local extension's calls via the panel. Configuration of permission overrides are similar to group permissions with the exception that you have to select "Activate" in the permission configuration to utilize them. Overrides Overrides allow you to specify unique permissions for a given profile if you do not wish to use the default permissions.iSymphony Guide will be sharing the same permissions. Record: Allows users to record their local extension's calls. Group permissions will override default permissions. Hold Calls: Allows users place calls on hold. Add Temp Conference Rooms: Allows users to create temporary conference rooms. You can access the Permission Overrides from the profile configuration page in the iSymphony Administration window. Overrides will override both default and group permissions. Permission Glossary My Extension Permissions Call Cell Phone: Allows users to call their local extension's cell phone. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 23 of 41 . To add a permission group right click on “Permission Groups” in the iSymphony Administration window and select New. or you wish to have a group member's permissions slightly modified from what the group specifies. Add Extension Directory: Allows users to create new extension directories. the profile doesn't fit in a permission group. Call Voice Mail: Allows users to call their local extension's voice mail. In the permission configuration screen for a group you can specify if you wish to apply these permissions for all objects by selecting the "Apply permissions to all" check box or you can specify unique permissions for specified objects by checking them off in the object list. Extension Permissions Call Voice Mail: Allows users to call another extension's voice mail. Transfer Call To Voice Mail: Allows users to transfer calls to their local extension's voice mail. Transfer Call To Cell Phone: Allows users to transfer calls to their local extension's cell phone. Record: Allows users to record another extension's calls. Mute: Allows users to mute or un-mute their local extension's calls if in a conference room or a barged call. Email: Allows users to email another extension. Pause Member: Allows users to pause themselves in a queue. Delete Voice Mail: Allows users to delete their voice mail. Agent Login: Allows users to log in or out of their local extension's agents. Set User Status Note: Allows users to set their local extension's note in return time. Barge: Allows users to barge in on another extension's calls. Listen to Voice Mail: Allows users to listen to their voice mail. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 24 of 41 . Transfer Call To Voice Mail: Allows users to transfer calls to another extension's voice mail.iSymphony Guide Set User Status: Allows users to set their local extension's availability status. Move Voice Mail: Allows users to move their voice mail to other folders. Parking Lot Permissions Park Call: Allows users to park calls. Steal Call: Allows users to transfer (steal) calls from another extension. Agent Login: Allows users to log another extension in or out of their agents. Transfer To: Allows users to transfer calls to another extension. Call Cell Phone: Allows users to call another extension's cell phone. Set User Status Note: Allows users to set the status note and return time of another extension.iSymphony Guide Chat: Allows users to initiate a chat session with another extension. View Caller ID: Allows users to see another extension's caller ID. View Calls: Allows users to see another extension's call status. Set User Status: Allows users to set the status of another extension. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 25 of 41 . Forward Voice Mail To: Allows users to forward voice mail to another extension. Originate To: Allows users to originate a call to another extension. Set Parked Call Note: Allows users to set park call notes. Pause Member: Allows users to pause another extension in a queue. Transfer Call To Cell Phone: Allows users to transfer calls to another extension's cell phone. Originate To: Allows users to originate to or invite other extensions into a conference room. Conference Room Permissions Steal Call: Allows users to transfer (steal) calls from a conference room. Mute Users: Allows users to mute or un-mute conference room members. Queue Permissions Steal Call: Allows users to dynamically transfer (steal) calls from a queue. Kick Users: Allows users to kick conference room members. Transfer To: Allows users to transfer calls into a queue. Display: Allows users to view this conference room.iSymphony Guide Un-park Call: Allows users to take a call out of park. Transfer To: Allows users to transfer calls into a conference room. Display: Allows users to view this queue. Dynamic Login: Allows users to log into a queue dynamically. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 26 of 41 . installation might vary slightly.iSymphony Guide Client Introduction This guide describes the installation process and i9 Technologies iSymphony Client software.5 or higher. Defaults to 50000 January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 27 of 41 .gz file and place it in a desired location. Client – System Requirements iSymphony Server configured properly with an Asterisk based phone system Sun Java JRE v1. If you do not see the wizard start the iSymphony client and click on File → New Profile. When asked what kind of connection you would like to make select Profile. Profiles Upon first execution of the program you will be walked through a setup wizard. Windows Execute the iSymphony installation package and follow the on screen installation instructions. Host: The IP address or hostname of the iSymphony server Port: The port of the iSymphony server. Depending on which operating system you're using. [http://java.sun. Simply add the iSymphony server information.com] Client Installation Once you have downloaded iSymphony you are ready to install it. Run the iSymphony executable. Linux and MacOS Unpack the tar. Placed in a Fast View use the minimize button for that window. Right click on the name of the profile you wish to use and click Connect. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 28 of 41 . User name: The name of the profile which was created for you by an administrator. Double click the tab again to normalize the window. Maximized by double clicking the tab (This will place all other windows in a Fast View). Detached from the main panel by right clicking on the window tab and selecting detach. If you are using the FreePBX iSymphony Module this will default to the extension number. This can be turned off by going to Tools→Preferences→Profiles and unchecking Auto Connect. Layout Windows can be: Moved around by clicking and dragging the window tab to another location within the panel. Tenant: The tenant your user name has authorization to sign into. To connect to the profile when Auto Connect is turned off open the Profile Navigator by clicking View → Profile Navigator. If you are using the FreePBX iSymphony Module this will default to “secret”. Password: The password which was created for you by an administrator. Resized by clicking and dragging window edges. or windows of the application. Each window has it’s respective properties which aids in displaying the information to the end user.iSymphony Guide Location: The location your user name has authorization to sign into. Windows iSymphony has many features which are organized into several different sections. By default clients will automatically connect to their profiles. Before letting go of the mouse button you will see an outline where the window will be placed. Locked by selecting View→Lock/Unlock Perspective. Columns – Select which columns will be shown in the table. Once a window is minimized it will shrink into a single icon. Fast Views Fast Views are the ability to minimize a window into an icon for quick retrieval. Move it around until you're pleased with the location. The window will “hover” over the other windows.iSymphony Guide Accessed in a Fast View. Fit Columns To Table – When table is resized all columns will be resized to fit the table width. you can restore a window from a Fast View into a normal window by dragging the icon to the location you prefer. Removing an icon from a Fast View is accomplished by right clicking on the icon and clicking “Close”. Show Header – Show or hide the table header. The table options can be modified by selecting the table option icon at the top right hand corner of the table or window that contains the table. Font Size – Adjust the font size of the table text. Furthermore. click the window icon in the Fast View bar. To close the window. Click the icon again to hide the window again. Row Height – Adjust the height of the table rows. Tables There are several areas in iSymphony where information is displayed in a table format. To access a window from a Fast View simply click on the icon. Alternate Row Background Color – If checked each row background will be alternately colored. ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 29 of 41 January 2010 . click the icon again. These tables can be customized with several different options to fit your needs. These icons can be grouped together and moved to all four sides of the iSymphony application. Show Lines – Show or Hhide the table grid lines. Each window will have the profile name appended to it so the user can differentiate between two of the same types of windows. Orange – On line with call that came from a queue. Yellow – Ringing.iSymphony Guide Normalize Columns – Resize each column to take an equal amount of the total table width. Green – On the line with an outside number. Light Blue – Phone registered but idle. Profile Navigator The Profile Navigator allows users to control their profiles from a single window. A subsequent tree item will be displayed for each profile that exists on that client. ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 30 of 41 January 2010 . Dark Blue – On the line with an office extension. Call Status Call status is represented by the color of the extension boxes. Table Columns can also be reordered by clicking and dragging the column headers. Reset To Default – Resets all table settings to default. To open a window. Purple – Making outgoing call. My Extensions The My Extensions window shows all extensions that the current profile uses. Grey – Phone not registered to this extension. The Profile Navigator can be accessed by going to View→Profile Navigator. double click on the item. All other windows are accessible from the Profile Navigator. From here you can set a note as well as a date and time for your return. note.iSymphony Guide Setting Presence and Away Notes To set presence right click on the header of a local extension and select Availability. All queues the user can log into will show up in the queue sub menu when you select the agent button. then select the presence. right click on the header of a local extension and select Note. This will log you into a queue via the dynamic method.conf the Agent sub menu will display all agents that the administrator has allowed this extension to log into. Extension Searching and Sorting You can search for a specific remote extension using the search box in the upper right hand corner of your Remote Extensions Area. You can also login and out other extensions using their agent button. simply hover over the header of a remote extension. If you are using agents defined in agents. To set the status and note for all my extensions at once use the note button in the header of the my extension window. Agent login and pausing To log into or out of an agent or a queue dynamically simply select the agent login button and select the queue or agent you wish to log in or out of. Extensions This window shows all other extensions in the system that are not used by this profile. A balloon will pop up with their availability. To view other extensions notes. To set your note. ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 31 of 41 January 2010 . Once logged into and agent or queue you will get a pause and unpause option for each agent and queue you are logged into when you select the agent button. Here you may type the extension number or name. and return time. You can set a note on each parked call by selecting the note cell for a specific parked call item. Recording To record a call simply click the record button on the extension/call you wish to record Recorded calls by default are placed in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor.iSymphony Guide You may sort your extensions in various ways using the sort and direction drop down boxes. Email and Chat If set up you can initiate an email using the email button on remote extensions. You can set a note on each held call by selecting the note cell for a specific held call item. All users will be able to view all parked calls as well as any notes set for them. Parked Calls Parked calls are displayed here. No other iSymphony user can see anyone else's calls on hold. Held Calls Held calls that are placed on hold via iSymphony are displayed in the Held Calls window. The barger will automatically be muted but can un-mute/mute themselves with the mute button in the My Extensions area. You may switch to a specific Extension Directory (explained in the Extension Directory section) using the directory drop down box. If set up you can initiate a chat session with a user by using the chat button on remote extensions. Barging To barge in on a call click the barge button on the extension or call you wish to barge in on. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 32 of 41 . caller ID. All drag and drop actions and buttons on the agent entries act in a similar fashion to he extension boxes in the Extensions Window. Each queue entry contains live statistical data for the queue. Statistics – Shows statistical data for the queue. If a maximum queue size is set this area will also display the current load percentage of the queue. Agents – Number of agents currently logged into the queue taking calls. and hold time. Calls – Shows all calls currently waiting in the queue along with their position. Weight – Priority of the queue. Queue Detail By double clicking on a queue in the main queue window you can open the Queue Detail window. On Call – Number of agents currently on a call. Abandoned – Number of calls that hung up before they reached an agent. Agent Detail By double clicking an agent entry in the Queue Detail view you can open the Agent Detail window which will display statistical data about the agent along with a list of all calls the agent is currently on. Avg. Agents – Shows all agents currently logged into the queue along with information and statistics about the agent. This window will act like an extension box so all drag and drop functionality will act in a similar fashion. Statistics Calls – Number of calls currently waiting in queue to be handled by an agent. Completed – Number of calls that were handled by agents in the queue. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 33 of 41 . Hold Time – The average hold time for calls waiting in queue.iSymphony Guide Queues Queues which iSymphony is monitoring are displayed here. Max Calls – Maximum number of calls that can be on hold waiting for an agent. The Queue Detail window is separated into three different areas. Service Level – Percentage of calls that were answered in the specified number of seconds. . If you select “yes”. all users will be kicked from the room and the room will be removed from the list. To create an extension directory use the add bar in the Extension Directory area. allows users to remove ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 35 of 41 January 2010 .iSymphony Guide extension in the invite list. Remove Ext. Add Ext. A permission window will appear. You will be asked if you would like to remove the users in the room. The creator of the room can right click on the room and select options to modify the behavior of the room once it has been created. Use the add user to permission list area to share this directory with that user. Using the check boxes in the permission window you can grant other users the ability to modify that specific directory. To add extensions to directories simply click and drag an extension header into the directory to which you wish to add that specific extension. Once you are done with the room right click and select Remove to destroy the room. Admin permission allows users to modify the permissions and name of that directory as well as allowing that user to remove the directory entirely. When they pick up they will be entered into the room. allows that user to add extensions to the directory. Extension Directories Extension directories are used to group related sets of extensions together so only those extensions will be viewable in your extensions area if selected. Otherwise the room will be removed from the list but the users will remain in the room. To share your extension directory with other users in the system right click the extension directory and select permissions. Moving. To forward multiple voice mails at once to multiple users select the voice mail items you wish to forward. and Deleting Voice Mail You can forward a voice mail to user by clicking and dragging the voice mail item to their extension's voice mail button. A window will appear that will let you select which users to forward the voice mails to. When you pick up the phone the message will be played back. Listen to and Share Voice Mail To listen to a voice mail simply double click the voice mail item or click the Listen To button and a call will be made to your selected originating extension. You can control the playback with the following keys on the phone. Forwarding. The owner of the directory has all rights to modify the directory. ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 36 of 41 January 2010 . and manage voice mail for your profile's extensions. Voice Mail The voice mail window allows you to see. listen to. You can also move voice mails to one of the four predefined folders by right clicking a voice mail item and selecting Move To Folder. right click one of the selected items and click Forward Selected. * – Fast Forward # – Rewind 7 – Stop 8 – Pause 9 – Restart You can also let another extension listen to a voice mail of your choosing by clicking and dragging the voice mail item to their extension.iSymphony Guide extensions from the directory. . . On Click – Pop up will open when the user clicks the Caller ID pop up in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Detailed View a) Allows you to view and manage all of the extension's linked calls.iSymphony Guide 4. (If turned on in Preferences) c) To show all the calls that the extension is on expand the extension using the "+" button at the beginning of the extension row. b) Allows you to view and manage all the extensions calls. CRM Integration A CRM record can be opened based on incoming caller ID by several different events. By using the "Open URL on calls from office extensions" you can enable/disable CRM pop ups on calls from extensions that are configured within iSymphony. List View(Only available in the Extensions area) a) Allows you to view extensions in a compact grid like view. 5. Call Pop ups iSymphony provides call popup mechanism to display caller ID or open Web/Application based CRM user records for incoming calls. Never – Disabled On Ringing – Pop up will open when the user phone is ringing. Caller Id iSymphony provides users with a small caller ID pop up in the bottom right hand corner of the screen on an incoming call. On Answer – Pop up will open once the user answers the call. Simple View a) Allows you to view and manage the extension's most recent linked call. 6. You can also specify how long the pop up will remain open. January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 39 of 41 . You can configure the pop ups by going to Tools→Preferences→Call Popup. List Type You can enable the Extension Window List View to allow all extensions to be expandable so you can view all linked calls on each extension. Application Pop up Application pop ups allow you to open an application based on the incoming caller ID.e. Extension View Several options exist for defining the behavior of the extension boxes and list items in the Extensions window. You can set a static width by selecting Static and specifying the number of pixels. You can configure these options by going to Tools → Preferences → Extension View. Here you can use %CID_NAME % and %CID_NUMBER% in place of the section in the argument list you want the caller ID name and number to appear. You can specify the address in the URL field and use the %CID_NAME% and %CID NUMBER% in place of the section in the URL you want the caller ID name and number to appear. Here you can specify the path to the application you wish to run or click the … button to browse for an application. file paths) you can surround the argument with double quotes.iSymphony Guide URL Pop up URL pop ups allow you to open a URL in the users default web browser based on the incoming caller ID. To access these go to Tools → January 2010 ©2006-2010 i9 Technologies 40 of 41 . If you have arguments that contain spaces but need to be treated as a single argument (i. Chat Options There are several options available if you're using the chat capabilities. Box Size By default iSymphony will resize the extensions boxes for remote extensions in the Simple and Detailed views to show the entirety of all extension information. You can specify arguments for the application in the Arguments field. For Additional Help If you have questions or need technical assistance: E-mail:
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