ISSB prepration book

March 19, 2018 | Author: Dulcet Jawad | Category: Speed, Test (Assessment), Psychology & Cognitive Science



[email protected] 1|Page [email protected] Contents x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Selection Process at ISSB Abbreviations Pointer Stories Picture Stories Writing Events(Part Of Bio-Data Form) Words Association Test Sentence Completion Tests (English) Sentence Completion Tests (Urdu) Group Discussion Topics Mathematics Questions Questions Related To Common Sense Interview Questions Important Countries And Their Capitals Pakistan Army Religion (Islam) General Knowledge Sets Group Planning [email protected] Contact #: 0322-5411956 2|Page [email protected] Selection Process at ISSB If you want to join Pak army, you must have to get a recommendation from Inter Service Selection Board (I.S.S.B.).This institute is developed to select the fit candidates to serve as commissioned officers in Pak Army. There are a variety of tests taken in I.S.S.B to examine the hidden abilities of candidates. I.S.S.B (Inter Services Selection Board) Inter Services Selection Board is the institution based on the following three parts. x Deputy President x Group Testing Officer (G.T.O) x Psychologist The I.S.S.B is like a voting system and a candidate have to get only one vote, voted by the above persons. The above mentioned officers are the selectors of I.S.S.B and their duty is to examine the candidate and recommend to the General Head Quarters. Following are the tests Taken in the I.S.S.B, x Screen Out Test x Psychological tests (Indoor Tasks) x Tests Taken By G.T.O (Outdoor and Indoor Tasks) x Deputy and psychologist Interviews After clearing the above mentioned tests, you will be recommended to join Pak Army as a commissioned officer and will be called for training at Pakistan Military Academy KAKOL. 3|Page com/ Screen Out Test This test is based on intelligence test in which intelligence of the candidate is calculated by taking three types of tests as follows x Verbal Short verbal M.C. Story Writing In English (4 Stories) 5.Qs are provided and these questions are based different types of diagrams with different types of shapes and sequences. (2 Sets) 2. 4. x Mechanical Aptitude Test In mechanical section mechanical approach of the candidate is examined by different types of mechanisms in various diagrams. Word Association Test In English (100 Words) 100 words are played on projector the time gap between two words is 9 t0 10 seconds and the candidate have to make a sentence with in time. 4|Page .Qs are given in this test for a limited time x Non Verbal In non verbal section http://issbpreparationnotes. (4 Sets) 3. Pictures are displayed on projector for 30 seconds and you have to think a story and 3 minutes are provided for story writing.C. Candidate has to solve the questions in limited time. Sentence Completion Test In Urdu 26 incomplete sentences in Urdu are to be filled in by the candidate with in limited time. In these tests psychological approach of the candidate is filtered through following tests. Sentence Completion Test In English 26 incomplete sentences in English are to be filled in with in limited time. Psychological Tests Psychological Tests are taken by the Psychologist.issbnotes@gmail. 6. An interview by physiologist.blogspot. 1. [email protected] and candidates have to solve the problem with in a time limit. x Always think positive during tests x Do not make negative sentences like kill. The main aim of these tests is to examine the abilities of coordination.blogspot. Group Planning In this test a problem is on a model is explained by Tips: x The main goal of short time is to calculate the actual mental approach of the candidate so your approach should be positive while solving the test.T. Candidates can discuss with each other. Half Command Task (HGT) 5|Page .T. Be active and participate in planning and give your views to complete the task and try to impress other members of your group.O.T. In this test self confidence as well as the behavior of the candidate is examined by G. Command Task In this test the group of candidates has given a task in a specified area and one of them is appointed as commander and they have to pass through an area having hurdles and outbound areas. 9. murder. adult etc x Do not criticize any one x Do not give suggestions Group Testing Officer (G. all candidates are appointed as commander one by one according to their chest numbers. Progressive Group Task (PGT) In this Task Your Group will have to complete the given task which is the combination of 3 tasks. Time for this task is 40 minutes. x Do not think negative or write down any negative sentence or word in psychological http://issbpreparationnotes. team working and leadership qualities.O) The candidates are divided into groups at least 6 and max. death. accident. O. education. 6|Page . Interview includes questions about family background. takes a light interview of the candidate including question about his In this task the group is divided into two sub groups and this time no one is commander and candidates have to pass through a specified area having hurdles and outbound places.B where candidate is called for tests & interviews. Final Interview Final Interview is taken by the Deputy President. Final Task In this task no one is commander and group is combined again and the job is same as above but you have to speak in English in this task. mathematics general knowledge and quick response. Tips: Always cooperate with your fellows and do not be a part of leg pulling and imposing your suggestions and orders on your fellows because forces are the name of coordination and team work.S.S.T. intelligence and family back ground sometimes this interview is same as the interview takes by the deputy President.O and the Deputy President He is the head of the particular I.O When a candidate is appointed as commander http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot. G. Final Selection Final selection of the candidate is made by the president base on the reports of Psychologist.issbnotes@gmail. education.T.T. intelligence. Individual Obstacles In this test a candidate have to pass through 9 obstacles within a limited time A light Interview by G. [email protected]/ Tips: x Be confident x Be calm x Be obedient x Be patient x Try to give short answers x Never tell a lie x Do not make any unnecessary move x Think a little bit before answer x Never say sorry on mathematical questions x You can say sorry for any question regarding education or general knowledge x Do not try to shake hand with the interviewer if he do not do so x Dress well x You may use a light perfume but not too much hard x Polish your shoes x Do not be shy on adult questions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7|Page http://issbpreparationnotes. SAARC : South Asian Association For Regional Corporation 8|Page . WSF : WORLD SQUASH FEDERATION 26. LASER : LIGHT AMPLIFICATION BY STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATIONS. VIRUS : VITAL INFORMATION RESOURCES UNDER SEIGE 20. RAM : RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY http://issbpreparationnotes. NASA : NATIONAL AERONOTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION 27. SHO : STATION HOUSE OFFICER 11. ROM : READ ONLY MEMORY 22. NPT : NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFIRATION TREATY 18. 19. ISPR : INTER SERVISES PUBLIC RELATIONS 6.issbnotes@gmail. CTBT : COPMRIHENSIVE TEST BAN TREATY 17. NEPRA : NATIONAL ELECTRIC POWER REGULATORY AUTHORITY 4. SPARCO : SPACE AND UPPER ATMOSPHERE RESEARCH COMMISSION 28. FIH : FEDRATION OF INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY 25. CIA : CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 8. PEMRA : PAKISTAN ELECTRONIC MEDIA REGULATORY AUTHORITY 3. ISI : INTER SERVISES INTELLIGENCE 5. OGDC : Oil And Gas Development Corporation 29. CID : CRIME INVESTIGATION AGENCY 9. FIR : FIRST INFORMATION REPORT 10. ICC : INTERNATIONAL CRICKET BOARD 23. UNICEF : UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN EMERGENCY FUND 12. OGRA : OIL AND GAS REGULATERY AUTHORITY 2. UNHCR : UNITED NATIONS HIGHR COMMISSION FOR REFUGES 13. WHO : WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 15. FIFA : FEDRATION OF INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL 24. NADRA : NATIONAL DATA BASE AND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY 16. RAW : RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS WING Abbreviations 1. FAO : FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGIZATION 14.blogspot. OIC : ORGANIZATION OF ISLAMIC COUNTRIES 45. AEC : ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION 51. ASP : ASSISTANT SUPERITENDANT OF POLICE 39.blogspot.issbnotes@gmail. RPP : RENTAL POWER PROJECT 47. AIDS : ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIANCY SYNDROME 50. DSP : DEPUTY SUPERITENDENT OF POLICE 38. NHA : NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 42. ASEAN : ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS 52. CBR : CENTERAL BOARD OF RENENUES 30. ISSB: Inter Services Selection Board 57. IG : INSPECTOR GENERAL 37. ECO : ECONOMIC COORPORATION ORGANIZATION 46. CSS : CIVIL SERVICES COMMISSION 55. FBI : FEDRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 35. AI : AIR INTELLIGENCE 49. DIG : DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL 40. ESCO : ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO-ORPORATION http://issbpreparationnotes. MI : MILITARY INTELLIGENCE 36. BBC : BRITISH BROADCASTING COORPORATION 53. NLC : NATIONAL LOGISTIC CELL 43. SIM : SUBSCRIBER IDENTITY MODULE 33.I : NAVAL INTELLIGENCE 41. N. NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization 31. OGDC : OIL AND GAS DEVOLPMENT CORPORATION 34. FWO : FRONTIER WORKS ORGANIZATION 44. IMF : INTERNATIONAL MONITORING FUND 56. PMA Pakistan Military Academy 9|Page . SOS : SAVE OUR SOULS 32. http://issbpreparationnotes. He worked very hard but ……………. He joined services to earn money but when he became a leader he …………………………… 13.………………… 9.blogspot. 12. 6. She feel guilt when ………………………………………… 14. Ali was sitting with his friends suddenly ……………………….issbnotes@gmail. In a dark stormy night she was all alone in her room suddenly ……………………… 10.. Their relation took new turn when ………………………………. 1.. His aim was to join army but ………………………………… 10 | P a g e . and accidents in your stories. 7. Story should start with continuity the given incomplete POINTER STORIES ¾ Complete the following stories Stories should be written in positive sense. killing. 3.…………. 11. She was all alone in her room suddenly ……………………………. Their relation suddenly changed when …………………………… 5. Their relations were very good but suddenly ………………………… 2. He was unable to bear the expenses of his family then he …. 4. On seeing a lonely girl on the road he ……………………………. Her life was glamorous till …………………………. Do not use blood issues. He could not stand firm because ………………………………. When she was left no option to save her honour then.. He could not afford his family expenditures then he decided ……………………………… 20.... Because of his young age he ………………………. 11 | P a g e ... Their Relations take a new turn when ………………………………… 24....... 15... Friends were sitting together suddenly ………………………………..blogspot... He was very hard worker but fail to fulfill his expenses so he …………………………… 16.. 25.....issbnotes@gmail.. She was standing lonely on a road suddenly she ……………………………. 21... http://issbpreparationnotes.... He decided to join army for money but ………………………………….. When he saw her in trouble then he ……………………………… 26.. Zahoor was poor boy one day he …………………………………… 23. Amjad feels his youth and he wants to prove ………………………………. On his youth Ahmed wanted to ……………………………… 17.. 22. Time for each story will be 4 minutes. Some pictures are clear to see but some are not easy to observe. Picture#1 12 | P a g e . ¾ Pictures will be shown on projector at ISSB. So write story about what you http://issbpreparationnotes.issbnotes@gmail. ¾ Story must be consists of 8 0r 10 lines. ¾ See and observe the given pictures carefully and make stories that come in your mind. ¾ Now make stories on following Picture Stories Writing ¾ You have to write 4 picture stories at ISSB.blogspot. Avoid writing any accident or killing issues in your stories. Story must be in positive thinking. com/ Picture#2 13 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot. [email protected]/ Picture#3 14 | P a g e http://issbpreparationnotes. [email protected]/ Picture#4 15 | P a g e http://issbpreparationnotes. com/ Picture#5 16 | P a g e .com http://[email protected]. [email protected]/ Picture#6 17 | P a g e .com http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot. com/ Picture#7 18 | P a g e .com http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.issbnotes@gmail. [email protected] Picture#8 19 | P a g e . [email protected]/ Picture#9 20 | P a g e .com http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot. [email protected] Picture#10 21 | P a g e .blogspot. com/ Picture#11 22 | P a g e .com http://[email protected]. [email protected]/ Picture#12 23 | P a g e .com http://issbpreparationnotes. [email protected]/ Picture#13 24 | P a g e .com http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot. [email protected] Picture#14 25 | P a g e . com/ Events (Part of Bio Data Form) One of the following events will be given to you to write First day at ISSB 1. My ambition of life 9. Happiest day of my life 6. Thrilling event of my life 13. Unforgettable incident of my life 2. Bad period of my life. 18. Successful moment of my life. Highest achievement of my life 11. Worst moment of my life 8. Latest dream of my http://issbpreparationnotes. 20. Shocking news of my life. Failure of my life which I cannot forget 7. Pleasant dream of my life‫ل‬ 26 | P a g e . Charming period of my life 15. 22. Turning point of my life 10. 16.issbnotes@gmail. Sweetest dream of my life 5. Painful event of my life 14. Strange event of my life 12. Depressive moment of my life 4.blogspot. 23. 19. Worry of my life. Aim of my life 3. 17. Defeat of my life. Fruitful period of my life. 21. Frequent dream of my life. Family Danger Officer Agree Sad Soldier Regarded Cannot Drink Begin Holiday Playground Fellow Dictatorship Boat Plan Gay Solve Weak Wisdom Wife Time Fast Annoy Fear Wine Escape Risk Bold Kill Luck Climb Future Zeal Haste Leader Appeal Faith Make Rise Last Will Wish Care Mountain Efficiency Weak Week Uppermost Wisdom Service Old Persuade Worry Lead Leader 27 | P a g e .com http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot. Money Money is secondary to Words Association Test (Set#1) ¾ You have to make sentence of each word in 10 sec at ISSB(Total 100 words will be given) Examples: Time Time never comes back.issbnotes@gmail. com http://[email protected]/ Young Guide Failure Injustice Question Insult Dislike Use Wrong Bold Future Fair Mistake Danger Hate Respect Faith Climb Kill Soft Hope Favour Fever Offer Play Sex Keep Overcome Follow Pick Hope Cold Warm Say Tension Unable Wants Obey Words Association Test (Set#2) Hide War Lazy Smoke Differ Meet Bow Tear Habit Clean Tire Crush Show Front Fall Wound Step Defend Oppose Catch Dirt Slip Key Dear 28 | P a g e .blogspot. com/ Spend Past Swim Error Loose Opposite Guilt Swim Wrong Night Press Steam Join Lie Hesitate Beer Rule Team Chair Stop Find Money Death Football Flower Puzzle Shoot Unable Cinema Advice Need Quick Child Words Association Test (Set#3) House Sensible Life Power Relax Punish Sword Interview Bright Careful Trust Solve Story Break Fear Enemy Garden Help Peace Fine Delay Character Travel Journey 29 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot. Ghost Respect Duty Life Poor Use Problem Attempt Happy Books Rest Design Discipline Plan Neglect Step Win Honesty Machine Afraid Beat Continuous Punctuality Copy Cut Beautiful Bad Arrived Air Alone Avoid Agree Action Assist Award Snake Drop Slip Task Think Protect Home Afraid Able Excuse Luck Good Knife Encourage Danger 30 | P a g e .issbnotes@gmail. [email protected] Words Association Test (Set#4) Shine Rumor Defense Confidence Serious Revenge Atom Humble Talk Natural Take Easy Shock Prepare Greed Time Mother Father Sister Brother Withdraw Snake Continue Custom Music Army Interest Health Blood Fortune Merry Loyalty Ask Duty Fight Pity Victory Fault Field Trouble Death Run Light Rent Simple Study Wait Write Sick Trial Matching Insist Flower Fit Earth Sensible Religion Need Home 31 | P a g e . [email protected] Words Association Test (Set#5) Accept Alone System Make Nature Country Company Love Girl War Decide Give Enjoy Fly save Impossible Affection Sympathy Courage Meet Secure Responsibility Tried Boat Science Space Sky Goal Busy False Knowledge Sleep Unfair Project Regular Adventure Climb Now Tie Flow Pressure Dig Sink Cooperative Change Challenge Coward 32 | P a g e .blogspot. 11. 25. He is about to ______________________. 14. 6. 26. http://issbpreparationnotes. His mind is _____________________. 10. Early in the morning ____________________. His father wants that he Sentence Completion Test (Set#1) ¾ You have to complete 26 sentences in 6 minutes at ISSB.issbnotes@gmail. Examples: Beautiful girls are also intelligent. 18. 15. 9. 12. The best time of my life _____________________. For me it is important that _____________________. In hurry he __________________________. By nature he is _____________________. 22. As a school boy he ______________________. 2. 19. 13. When he was young ________________________. 4. His father wants ______________________. To make some money he _____________________. My mother is mostly________________________. I am interested in _______________________. On his failure _________________________. To hide his crime he _______________________. 8. He is struggling to _____________________. It is always good to____________________. 33 | P a g e . Because he is weak ______________________. 1. 16. 21. The sound of gunfire _______________________. 20. His decision is always _____________________.blogspot. I always feel ________________________. 24. 17. When he was in school _____________________. His friends are __________________________. 7. 5. During the war ________________________. I have now realized that ____________________. In the class they were studying. ¾ Complete these sentences. 23. Sometimes he thinks _____________________. It was very easy for him to ______________________. In some ways he ______________________. 20. In his class ____________________. When he failed he tried to _______________________. 15. He is sick because _______________________. 21. 14. The result proved that he was _____________________. 3. 5. 2. To control his anger ______________________. 17. 11. 16.issbnotes@gmail. For the time being he is _______________________. I enjoy ______________________.blogspot. 10. The only trouble is ____________________. In my view he _____________________. 19. 23. 18. 7. 12. 22. By chance he _______________________. 26. Almost every year he ____________________. During the last two years ______________________. 6. It appears that _______________________. 25. 9. 4. 24. Although he is rich yet ______________________. He realized that he must _____________________. At last he found out _____________________. Sitting alone he _______________________. In the middle of the night ______________________. In case of war http://issbpreparationnotes. 34 | P a g e . 13. For each mistake ______________________. Sentence Completion Test (Set#2) 1. The question is _______________________. His success made him _____________________. While playing the match ______________________. com/ Sentence Completion Test (Set#3) 1. 20. 12. He dislike to _____________________. To achieve his purpose he __________________. The difference between http://issbpreparationnotes. 14. 6. 16. 4. If I was in his place __________________. He is able to _____________________. He came to know that __________________. 19. 11. He was young when ________________________. On seeing the blood he ____________________. It was obvious that __________________. If you insult him __________________. He indicated that __________________. It is quite natural that girl ___________________. 13.issbnotes@gmail. 18. He rushed out of his office ____________________. 3. It is bad habit to _________________. 9. 8. 23. 35 | P a g e . 24.blogspot. In the end he _________________. The most valuable thing in life is ____________________. 21. 22. When he failed he ________________. 5. 25. I think I can ____________________. To become a leader ___________________. He never tires of _________________. Under the most trying circumstances he ______________. The way they lived showed _____________________. 26. 15. Early in his life _____________________. 7. 10. He was sad therefore ________________. 17. In this hospital ________________________. 2. With his money ________________. 20. To avoid failure he _________________. 25. 13. 19. It is difficult to work when ____________________. 11. 6. 9. 14. He always hated to _____________________. He is interested to _____________________. In a fit of rage he __________________. 4. 12. In his opinion ___________________. 36 | P a g e . 8. The cause of his anger ___________________. 3. 2. The guard hesitated to _________________. The fact is __________________. 18. 22. There is a risk of ____________________. The woman cried because ____________________. 7. Rejection made him __________________. I cannot understand why _____________________. His memory is _____________________. When I met her first time ___________________. 21.issbnotes@gmail. My father is always _________________. 26. To look smart she _________________. 5. 16. 17. He was alarmed when ______________________. 10. 23. He possesses ____________________. My mother thinks _________________.blogspot. Because she is a girl Sentence Completion (Set#4) 1. 24. 15. He was under pressure __________________. The reason of his success http://issbpreparationnotes. His relatives are __________________. The more he tried ______________________. My next task is ___________________. 20. If you do not work __________________. 9. Our leaders are __________________. 2. 4. 3. To gain popularity he __________________. He decided that _________________. 8. If it is necessary I will _____________________. 15. He is always willing to ____________________. It is not necessary that ____________________. A large portion of his time ____________________. It is high time that ______________________. 23. 26. Because of a little discomfort _____________________. I am not aware that __________________. 17. 13. 24. They help one another to __________________. 11. 21. The teacher feels ________________. 37 | P a g e . He was hopeful _________________. Far away from his house ____________________. Sentence completion Test (Set#5) 1. 16.blogspot. He wants to win __________________. 19. 5. He became inpatient when _____________________. 22. The best thing about mother http://issbpreparationnotes. 7. It is very seldom that he _________________. The best time of his life __________________. 18. They are usually ____________________. 6. 14.issbnotes@gmail. 12. It is very clear that ___________________. His heart sank because ___________________. To express his anger __________________. His family is _________________. When she grew old _________________. 25. 8. It is quite accurate to say ________________. We might invite ____________________. 12. The best part _________________. He was very tense because ____________________. I always feel that _________________. 26. He spread the rumors that ___________________. 5. 13. Due to his ill health ____________________. Young generation is __________________. Sentence Completion Test (Set#6) 1. Behind his cool ____________________. In the company of others ___________________. You may like ____________________. 14. I am used to _________________. 20. 6. 25. He loves to __________________. To change his behavior ________________. I cannot tolerate __________________. 7. 38 | P a g e . 4. 10. The only fear ____________________. 3. 11.blogspot. 22. 19. 18. Wars can lead to __________________. I have applied ____________________. 17. Music is __________________. 16. His only worry is __________________. He says something but ______________________. She is capable of http://issbpreparationnotes. We should not forget ____________________. I am glad __________________. 2. 24.issbnotes@gmail. He was very excited about ________________. 9. Happiness cannot be _________________. 15. 21. issbnotes@gmail. I remember _____________________. 19. His attitude towards his subordinates is Sentence Completion Test (Set#7) 1. 22. 20. 23. Almost everybody has _________________. 10. 24. 6.blogspot. 15. It is not wise to ____________________. 7. 4. I have yet to _________________. Privately he _______________________. 3. 18. He wanted to say _________________. 21. It is fairly easy _________________. 26. In his heart _________________. I have often experienced _______________. It is cruel ______________________. If you allow me _________________. 16. 39 | P a g e . 9. 25. When working with people _______________________. I have tried _________________. It is beyond my knowledge ________________. 17. He took a job because ___________________. 13. 12. He was very serious ________________. In my student days __________________. He was anxious to ________________. It is always true that http://issbpreparationnotes. He was always __________________. He feels the need _________________. 2. 5. I have often been asked __________________. His share of _________________. 11. He forgets to ___________________. 14. Today we know __________________. 8. It seems as if _________________. 12. He was surprised ______________________. Sentence Completion Test (Set#8) 1. I am very ______________________. 8. 13. 4. In a short time ____________________. 22. He objected to _____________________. He has to accept that _______________________. 15. In my family _____________________. He was invited to ____________________. To support himself __________________. 26. All my senses ____________________. 40 | P a g e . He got the message that ___________________. 9. 7. He felt ashamed of __________________. 19. 25. In my thoughts ___________________. At last I hope ____________________.blogspot. 10. 5. I was surprised to know ______________________. It takes a great deal of courage __________________. 16. 11. If you have nothing to do _____________________. 14. The source of his strength is __________________. On his way _____________________. 2. Beautiful girls ______________________. 6. My parents are __________________. On seeing a stranger ______________________. 3. 24. They became so rich http://issbpreparationnotes. 21. 20. 18. The person who __________________. He is shy _________________. 17. He admitted of ____________________.issbnotes@gmail. 4. It is fashionable now _____________________. I feel bad ____________________. Women today __________________. 10. 13. http://issbpreparationnotes. I feel a little hurt ____________________. He felt sorry because _______________. The result of this conflict ______________________. 6. It would be useful ______________________. I imagine myself to be _______________. My aim is ____________________. As the last resort ______________________. 22. People around me ________________. I am havening trouble __________________. 11. To save his skin _____________________. He missed _____________________. 15. He is poor but ________________. 7. She solved the problem because ____________________. 8. 19.issbnotes@gmail. 26. In his dreams _____________________. 2. He hates to _____________________. It is needless to say _____________________. 3. 16. 12. He needed help because _____________________. Sentence Completion Test (Set#9) 1. 17. 23. 21. Until you apologize _____________________. 41 | P a g e . I recognized that ___________________. 9. I never really wanted ______________________. 14. He is considered to be ____________________. He plans to _________________. It is painful _____________________. 25.blogspot. 18. 24. 2. 7. 10. 19.issbnotes@gmail. Depending on others ________________________. 16. 17. Some women are ___________________________. He is popular because _______________________. He has never used _____________________________. 12. 14. 42 | P a g e . He was careful to _________________________________. 3. He forced me to __________________________________. 23.blogspot. 20. 21. He offered me _____________________. 18. When he is alone ____________________________. It appears that __________________________. His mistakes ______________________. For us dancing is ___________________________. 25. 24. You cannot deny that __________________________. The pay is _______________________. When he became rich _____________________. I have never done ______________________. You should remember _______________________. His attention is ______________________. 6. 13. Sentence Completion Test (Set#10) 1. He became uneasy because ___________________________. 11. My father always says ___________________________. 5. Although he was young yet __________________________. It is part of _______________________. 9. During his childhood ______________________. 15. Under normal circumstances _______________________. 8. My future ________________________. It seems to me that __________________________. 22. It is important for me _____________________. http://issbpreparationnotes. Why Govt. http://issbpreparationnotes. ¾ Discuss and prepare these topics. 4. Deeni madrasa are playing an important role in educating poor children but their but their impression is not good.issbnotes@gmail. What steps should be taken to improve their impression? 43 | P a g e . What is the reason of deliration of moral values in our society? Discuss 7. 9. 1. Reason of unemployment is education or poverty? 10. of Pakistan is not bringing up a healthy environment for this game? 8. The personal interests are prevailing over national interests? Group Discussion Topics One of the following topics will be given at ISSB for Group discussion and individual speech. 5. Causes of terrorism in Pakistan. Who plays important role in grooming of children. father or mother? 2. 3. Why western nations are more developed then us? Discuss. Football is cheaper then cricket. The movement for rights of women is imposing a negative effect on society. Struggle for the rights of women is in the rest of country or not? Discuss.blogspot. 19. Love marriage or arrange marriage? 15. Discuss.blogspot. Education or Weapon? 22. Is co-education is useful? 14. Who is spending good life? Hostel students or others? 17. Discuss. which can play a very important role. The reasons for increasing of smuggling in Pakistan and what steps should be taken to overcome this? http://issbpreparationnotes. How we can encounter western and Indian media? 20.issbnotes@gmail. Discuss 44 | P a g e . 13. Participation of students in politics. What could be effective defense of 11. Should we recognize India as regional power? 18. We should link the SINGING OF “CTBT” with Kashmir problem. Who is successful in Life? Couragious Intelligent Or Syppathetic 16. Islam gives us the message of peace but we are murdering one another. 23. “India as most favorite nation” is in favour of Pakistan? 21. Pakistan’s literacy rate can be improved through television. ˮΎ̯ΉΎϳΣ‫ف‬ΑΎϳΏΑγΎ̶̯ϗέΗ̵Ω΍ί΍Ը ̶̯Ύϳվϳϣ 33.issbnotes@gmail. ˮ؏ϳ٬ϧΎϳ‫ف‬ϳΎ̩ΎϧΎϧϣέ΍ϭ٬ΗΎ̯ΕϧγΑ Թ 26. ˮ‫ف‬٫Ύ̩Ύϧέ̯ϡΎ̯έ̯ϝ̰ϧέ٫ΎΑ‫ف‬γέϬ̳ϭ̯؏ϭΗέϭϋΎϳ̯ Թ 45 | P a g e . ‫ف‬ϧέ̯ϝΣϝϳԹ Ύγϣ‫ـ‬έγϭΩϬΗΎγ‫̯ف‬ΕέΎϬΑέ̯ϝ΍վ؏ϳϣ‫ف‬ϧΎΧΩέγϭ̯έϳϣη̯‫؟‬Ϡγϣ Թ ˮ؏ϳ٬ϧΎϳ؏ϳ΋Ύ̩ 29. ˮέ̡ϡϳϠόΗ̶Ϡϋ΍Ύϳ ‫ف‬٫Ύ̶̩ϧϳΩ‫؟‬ΟϭΗϩΩΎϳίέ̡ϡϳϠόΗ̵έϣ ϳԹ ΍έ̡‫ف‬ϟ‫̶̯ف‬ϗέΗ Թ Թ 32. ˮ̶̯ϥϳΩϟ΍ϭΎϳ‫ف‬٫Ύ̶̩ϧέ̶̯οέϣ̶ϧ̡΍ ‫ف‬ϟ‫΅̯ف‬Ύϧ̩‫̯ف‬ϥϳϣΎοϣϭ̯ ̌ΎΑϠρ Թ Թ 30. ˮ؏ϳ٬ϧΎϳ‫ف‬٫Εέϭέο̶̯Εϗϭ̵Ω΍ί΍Ը ̶̯؏ϭΗέϭϋ 28. ˮ؏ϳ٬ϧΎϳ؏ϳ٫‫ف‬Ηϭ٫ί΍Ωϧ΍έΛ΍έ̡؏ϭϳ̳Ωϧί̵έΎϣ٫Ύ̯؏ϭέΎΗγ 24. ˮ؏ϳ٬ϧΎϳ‫ف‬ϳΎ̩Ύϧϳϟέ̯ϡϳϠγΗϭ̯ϝϳ ϳԹ ΍έγ΍؏ϳϣ٫Ύϳ̯ Թ Ի http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot. ˮΎ̵̯Ωέ̴Ηη٫ΩΎϳ‫ف‬٫Ώ٫ΫϣΎ̯ϥϣ΍ϡϼγ΍ 25. com/ Mathematics Questions ¾ Try to solve these questions in mind with any calculation on paper.blogspot. how much time requires to cover 30 km? 7. how much distance will be cover in 15. Questions related to speed 1. how much distance will be cover in 12 minutes? 46 | P a g e .com http://issbpreparationnotes. how much distance will be cover in 46 minutes? 5. A car is going with the speed of 180 km/hr. A train is going with the speed of 30 km/hr. A car is going with the speed of 120 km/hr.5 minutes? 4. ¾ And time for each question is just 6 seconds or maximum 10 seconds.issbnotes@gmail. how much time requires to cover 40 km? 6. how much distance will be cover in 3. An aero plane is going with the speed of 360 km/hr. An aero plane is going with the speed of 1800 km/hr.5 minutes? 2. how much distance will be cover in 6 minutes? 3. A aero plane is going with the speed of 900 km/hr. A car is going with the speed of 315 km/hr. 9. 30 then how much eggs will be of Rs. If 1 dozen eggs are of Rs.42 eggs? Questions related to Partnership U 1. If 1 dozen eggs are of Rs. If 1 dozen eggs are of Rs. what will be the cost of 2. what will be the cost of 3 eggs? 3.5/-? 7. 7.5.30. what will be the cost of 30 eggs? 2. what will be the cost of 4 eggs? 6. If 1 dozen eggs are of Rs.5 dozen eggs? 4.blogspot. what will be the cost of 3 eggs? 5. ‫ؐل‬ϴϠϣϫΩΎϳί‫̡ف‬ϭέ5‫ف‬γ‫ـ‬ήγϭΩϮ̯̮ϳ΍‫̯ؐ؟‬ϳή̯ϢϴδϘΗΡήρα΍ؐϴϣ؏Ϯ̪ΑϮ̯‫̡ف‬ϭέ20 4. http://issbpreparationnotes.3.17. ‫ؐل‬ϳή̯ϢϴδϘΗ‫ف‬γΖΒδϧ̶̯2:3:5Ϯ̯‫̡ف‬ϭέ230 5. ‫ؐل‬ϳή̯ϢδϘΗ‫ف‬γΖΒδϧ̶̯5:7:8؏Ϯ̯֑ϟϦϴΗϮ̯‫̡ف‬ϭέ200 6.4.30. If 1 dozen eggs are of Rs. If 1 dozen eggs are of Rs.22.issbnotes@gmail. Divide Rs. what will be the price of 9.27. ‫ؐل‬ϳή̯ϢϴδϘΗ‫ف‬γΖΒδϧ̶̯2:4:5Ϯ̯‫̡ف‬ϭέ20 47 | P a g e . 60 with the ratio of 2:3:5 2. 6. ‫ؐل‬ϴϠϣ‫ف‬μΣ8Ϯ̯‫ـ‬ήγϭΩέϭ΍‫ف‬μΣ4Ϯ̯̮ϳ΍‫̯ؐ؟‬ϳή̯ϢϴδϘΗΡήρα΍Ϯ̯‫̡ف‬ϭέ60 3. If 1 dozen eggs are of Questions related to eggs 1.24. ˮ‫ف‬ϫέϫΎΑ‫؟‬λΣΎϧΗ̯؏ϳ΋ΎΗΑ‫فل‬ϫΎϳϭϫΎΑϭվ؏ϳϣ̶ϧΎ̡‫؟‬λΣ΍έγϳΗΎ̰γ΍‫فل‬ϫΎΑϣϟέՌϳϣ150αϧΎΑ̮ϳ΍ 5. ˮ̶̳ϭϫΓϭ̯ί̶ϧΗ̯‫̡ف̡؟‬ϭέ18000έϭ΍1700‫ف‬γΏΎγΣ‫̯ف‬2˹5 9.975. How much poles will be in 50 yards? 2. What is 2/4. Find the zakkat on 70000. What is the 5% of 80? 2. Distance between 2 poles is 10 yards.2000.3400.4200.10% of Rs. 9/12. Distance between 2 poles is 2 miles. 75%. What is 25%.1800. 35%. how much distance will be cover by 11 poles? 4.blogspot. which are 50% of total marks.99%. Distance between 2 poles is 100 yards. ˮ‫؏̳ف‬ϳ΋΁έ̡‫ف‬ϠλΎϓ‫ف‬ϧΗ̯‫ف‬ΑϣϬ̯8ˬ9ˬ13ˬ11ˬ14ˬ10ϭΗϭϫί̳9‫؟‬ϠλΎϓ̶ϧΎϳϣέΩΎ̯؏ϭΑϣϬ̯ϭΩ Questions related to percentage U 1. and 40% of 2 rupee? 8. 1/4. What is 25%. How much poles will be in 50 miles? 3.300. 50%. If boy secure 450 marks. What is 10% of 600? 4. what will be the total marks? 6. ˮ̶̳ϭϫ̶ϧΗ̯‫̡؟‬500ϭΗϭϫΓϭ̯ί‫̡ف‬ϭέ2˹5‫̡ف̡ف‬ϭέ100έ̳΍ 8.issbnotes@gmail.? 48 | P a g e Questions related to zakkat U 7.1750.2%.2500. ˮΎ̳ϭϫΎϧΗ̯έϫΎΑϭΗ‫ف‬ϫ؏ϳϣ̶ϧΎ̡‫؟‬λΣ̮ϳ΍‫ف‬γ؏ϳϣ5Ύ̰γ΍ˬ‫ف‬ϫέՌϳϣ555ΉΎΑϣϟ̶̯‫ف‬ΑϣϬ̯̮ϳ΍ 6.22%.5%.88%. Questions related to Poles U 1. 3/9 part of 1 rupee? 7. What is 1% of 300? 5. If a boy secures 680 marks out of 850. 4/ http://issbpreparationnotes. what will be the percentage? 3.500/. If income of 5 months is 10000 rupee. If weekly income is 50 rupee then what will be the annual income?(1 Year=54 weeks) 4.1 and 7? Questions related to income 1. what will be the annual (12 months) income? 2.blogspot.12. what will be the annual saving? 3.issbnotes@gmail. if 1 number is 5 then tells the second http://issbpreparationnotes. What is the average of 2. what will be the annual income? Questions related to average 1. 3. 49 | P a g e .113 and 109? 3. If monthly saving is 450. Tell the average of 105. Average of 2 numbers is 8. If monthly income is 12000 rupee. What is average of 2. 3 and 4? 2. 01x0.1=? 8. 1.issbnotes@gmail. Which is greater? 1/3 or ¾ 2.6x0.5+3. 11/12=? 16.-5 or -2 9.2+7. 4. ¾ Try to solve in mind in 6 seconds each question.3=? 10. 3/6=? 50 | P a g e .5=? Questions Related to Common Sense ¾ These questions are often asked in Interview. 1/2 x 1/3=? 13. If 8 boys are more than girls then tell how many boys and girls are in class? 11. 0.blogspot. 0. 3x3+3=? 5. 2+2x2/2=? 12. A class consists of 60 boys and girls. 1/3+2/4=? 6. 2/3 x 3/4=? http://issbpreparationnotes. Which is greater? -4. 2+2x2=? 4. 8/4-16=? 15. Which is greater? ½ or 2/4 3. 0001 or 9. 7.0001 51 | P a g e .(4/8+1/2)(1/4+3/5) 19. If 5. __x__ =11? 18. Solve 5-(-1) =? 20. A class consists of 73 boys and girls.(1/3+1/4). (6/9+1/3)[email protected]/ 17.(1/9+1/7). Which is greater? a) -7 or -9 b) 1/3 or 3/4 c) 3/4 or 3/9 d) 12/11 or 11/12 e) 11 or -12 f) 1/2 or 1/3 g) 8 or 4/5 h) 1/7 or 1/8 i) 9/3 or 3/9 j) 2 or 9/3 k) 1 or 30/15 l) 1 or 15 /30 m) 0.19 boys are more than girls. Tell how many boys and girls are in class? 21.(1/2+3/4). Add these http://issbpreparationnotes.(1/3+1/2).9. [email protected]/ Sentence Completion Test Urdu (Set#1) ¾ You will be given 26 sentences at ISSB to complete in 6 http://issbpreparationnotes. Examples: ‫ل‬ΎϬΗϥϳ٫Ϋϩϭ̶ϬΑϭΗΎϬΗΎՌϭϬ̩ϩϭΏΟ ‫ل‬Ύϳ̯ϡϼγϭ̯Ώγ‫ف‬ϧα΍̶٫‫ف‬ΗϭϫϝΧ΍Ω؏ϳϣΞϟΎ̯ 1) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϥΩ̮ϳ΍‫ف‬ϧ؏ϳϣ 2) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϧϣΎγ‫ـ‬έϳϣ‫ف‬ϧα΍ 3) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̮Η̶ϬΑ΍ϩϭ 4) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ΩΎΑ̭‫ف‬ϧϠ̰ϧΩϧΎ̩ 5) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έΛ̯΍̶Οϭϓ̮ϳ΍ 6) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ίϭέέϫϥΎϳϣέΩ̭ϥ΍ 7) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ̯Ը΍̲ϧΗ‫ف‬γέ΍έ̰Ηα΍ 8) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϬΗΎγ‫؏̯ف‬ϭέ΍Ω‫ف‬Ηηέ 9) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣϝϭ̰γ‫ـ‬έϳϣ 10)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ΗΎΟ‫ف‬ΗΎΟϭ̯έϳγ 11)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̶ϫ‫ف‬ΗϭϫϝΧ΍Ω؏ϳϣΞϟΎ̯ 12)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰Εϗϭ‫̯ف‬΢Αλ 13)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣΕΎϬϣϟ‫̯ف‬ΉΎϬϧΗ 14)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣέϭΩϩΩϭΟϭϣ 15)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϭΗΕϻΎΣ‫ف‬γϳ΍ 16)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έϳϐΑ‫ـ‬ΎΗΑέϬ̳ ˱ 17)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣ֐ϭΩ̶̶̯̳Ωϧί 18)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϧΎ٬Α̭‫ف‬ϧΎϣΟέΎΑϭέΎ̯ 19)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ̡؏ϭ̳ϭϟ‫ف‬ΗϠ̩ϩ΍έ 20)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϭΗ‫̴ف‬ϟέվΏΟ 21)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϩϭ‫ف‬Ηέ̯‫ف‬Ηέ̯ϡΎ̯ 22)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬γ̶ϣ΍̶ϧ̡΍ϩϭ 23)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬γ‫؟‬Οϭ̶̶̯ϧΎηϳέ̡‫ف‬ϧα΍ 24)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬٫ΎΗϭϫα΍Ω΍ϩϭΏΟ 25)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϭΗϭϫ؏ϳϣαΑ‫ـ‬έϳϣ 26) ‫؏˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ل‬ϳϣ‫ـ‬έϳϫΩϧ΍‫̯ف‬Ε΍έ 52 | P a g e . [email protected]/ Sentence Completion Test Urdu (Set#2) 1) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έΎΑ̮ϳ΍‫ف‬ϧΩϟ΍ϭ‫ـ‬έϳϣ 2) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έρΎΧ̶̯‫ف‬ϧΎ̩ΑϥΎΟ 3) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϧα΍‫ف‬Ϡ٬̡‫ف‬γΏγ 4) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϭΗ؏ϭϫ‫؟‬ϧ‫ف‬γϳ̡έ̳΍ 5) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϭϧϭΩϩϭ‫ف‬Η֐ϟ‫ف‬Η֐ϟ 6) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϧϣΎγ‫̯ف‬ϥϣηΩ 7) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ̡‫ف‬ϧԸ΍έυϧϥέ̶̶̯̯ϧηϭέ 8) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬Η٬γ‫ف‬Η٬γϬ̯Ω 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[email protected]/ Sentence Completion Test Urdu (Set#4) 1) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣ؏ϭϧΩϥ΍ 2) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬΋ϟ‫ـ‬έϳϣ 3) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰Εϗϭ‫̯ف‬ϡΎη 4) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ـ‬ϭϫ‫ف‬Ηέ̯ΕΎΑ Թ 5) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰Ύ٬̯‫ف‬ϧ̶̯֐ϟ 6) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣϥ٫Ϋ‫ـ‬έϳϣ 7) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣ̨ϟϻ‫ف̯ف‬γϳ̡ 8) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬Ηέ̯‫ف‬Ηέ̯ϡΎ̯ 9) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬γ‫؟‬Οϭ̶̯؏ϭϧϬΟϟ΍ 10)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ΍Ω‫ف‬Ηηέ‫ـ‬έϳϣ 11)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̶٫‫ف‬Ηϧγί΍ϭԸ΍̶̯‫ف‬ϧΎ̳ 12)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ̯Ը΍̲ϧΗ‫ف‬γ̵έΎ̰ϳΑ 13)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬γ‫؟‬Οϭ̶̯̲ϧΟ 14)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ـ‬έΎϣ‫̯ف‬ϑϭΧ 15)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ΩϭΟϭΎΑ‫̯ف‬ϥΎ٬Ηϣ΍ 16)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̶٫‫ف‬ΗϠ̰ϧϥΩ 17)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϟ‫ف̯ف‬ϧέ΍ί̳Εϗϭ Թ 18)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ̴ϣ‫ف‬ϫΎΗϫ֐̡ϭΗίΎϣϧϩϭ 19)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬γ‫؟‬Οϭ̶̯؏Ύϣ̶ϧ̡΍؏ϳϣ 20)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ΎϬΗ؏ϳϣϝϭ̰γ؏ϳϣΏΟ 21)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ̯ϭϫϥ΍ϭΟ؏ϳϣ 22)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̱ϭϟ؏ϳϣέ΍ίΎΑ 23)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣΕϟΎΣ̶̵̯έΎϣϳΑ 24)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬٫ΎΗ٫Ύ̩ϭΗ̶ΟΎ̯α΍ 25)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϟ‫ف̯ف‬ϧέ̯‫ـ‬έϭ̡ϕϭη‫ف‬ϧ̡΍ Թ 26)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ΕέϭλΏϭΧ 55 | P a g e http://issbpreparationnotes. [email protected] Sentence Completion Test Urdu (Set#5) 1) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̶̳Ωϧί̶ϧ̡ϳ‫ف‬ϧα΍ 2) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣΕϟΎΣ̶̶̯ϧϳ̩‫ف‬Α 3) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϟ‫ف̯ف‬ϧ΍ϭέ̵̯ΩΎη Թ 4) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣϡϭΟ٫‫؏̯ف‬ϭΗέϭϋ 5) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ـ‬έΎϣ‫̯ف‬ϡέη 6) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̶٫‫ف‬ΗԸ΍ϝΎϳΧΎ̯ϡέΟ‫ف‬ϧ̡΍ 7) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰Εϗϭ‫ف‬Ηέ̯ϡΎ̯ 8) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϬΗΎγ‫؏̯ف‬ϭ̯֐ϟ 9) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έρΎΧ̶̯ΉΎϔλ 10)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϧ؏Ύϣ̵έϳϣ 11)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϧα΍؏ϳϣϥ̡̩Α 12)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϟ‫ف̯ف‬ϧ΍ϭϧϣΕΎΑ̶ϧ̡΍ Թ 13)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ΉϭϫωϭέηεέΎΑ̶٬ϧϭΟ 14)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣ̶̰ϳέΎΗ̶̯Ε΍έ 15)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϧα΍έϬΑ̶̳Ωϧί 16)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϟ΍ϭέϬ̳‫ـ‬έϳϣ 17)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ̯ϥγΏ΍ϭΟΎ̯α΍ 18)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ΩΎΑ‫̶̯ف‬ϣΎ̯Ύϧ 19)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰έ̯Ϭ̰ϳΩϭ̯ϥϣηΩ 20)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϬΗΎγ‫̯ف‬ΕγϭΩ‫ف‬ϧ̡΍ 21)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬ϟ‫ف̯ف‬ϧϧΑέγϓ΍ Թ 22)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϥ̰ϳϟΎϳ̳ϭϫΎϫ֐ϭΑϩϭ 23)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣΉΎ٬ϧΗ 24)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ـ‬έΎϣ‫ف̯ف‬λϏ 25)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣΕϻΎΣ‫ف‬γϳ΍ 26)˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϭΗΎϳ̳ϝϣϊϗϭϣ‫ف‬ϬΟϣ 56 | P a g e . [email protected] Sentence Completion Test Urdu (Set#6) 1) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ـ‬Ը Թ ΍‫؟‬ϧέυϧ‫؟‬Ηγ΍έΉϭ̯ΏΟ 2) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰؏ϳϣέϬ̳‫ف‬ϧ̡΍؏ϳϣ 3) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̶ϬΗΎγ‫ـ‬έΎγ‫ـ‬έϳϣ 4) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̶ϫ‫ف‬ΗϠϣΕϟϭΩ 5) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰̟ΎΑ؏ΎϣέΛ̯΍ 6) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰Ώ΍‫ف‬ϧϣΎγ‫ـ‬έϳϣ 7) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰ϬΗΎγ‫̯ف‬Εϗϭ 8) ˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰˰‫ف‬γ̶̯֐ϟ‫ف‬ϧα΍ 9) 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Which games you play? What are your activities with your friends? What are the pillers of ISLAM? What is the slogan of Pak Army? Naara-e-Takbeer Have you did sexual activities with girl or boy? Anybody Did or tried to do sex with you? Do you have girlfriend? 2+2/2=? 62 | P a g e .issbnotes@gmail. What is your name? What is age of your Father? Your number among brothers and sisters? From which district you belongs? Which personality inspired you? Why you want to join Pak Army? If you found Interview Questions ¾ Mostly these questions are asked at ISSB during http://issbpreparationnotes. ¾ Must prepare these questions before you go for Test at ISSB. [email protected] ˮ‫ف‬٫‫ـ‬΍έΎϳ̯؏ϳϣ‫ـ‬έΎΑ‫̟̯ف‬Ը ΍̶̯؏ϭΗγϭΩ‫̟̯ف‬Ը΍ Թ ˮ؏ϳ΋ΎΗΑ‫؟‬ϳϠΣΎ̯ΕγϭΩ̶Αϳέϗ‫ف‬γΏγ‫ف‬ϧ̡΍ ˮ؏ϳ٫‫ف‬Ηϫ֐̡έΎΑΧ΍Ύγϥϭ̯̟Ը΍ ̲ϧΟ ˮ؏ϳ΋ΎΗΑϡΎϧΎ̯έՌϳվϳ΍‫̯ف‬έΎΑΧ΍ ϥΎϣΣέϟ΍ϝϳϠΧέϳϣ ˮ؏ϳ΋ΎΗΑΕϣϳϗ̶̯έΎΑΧ΍ 10 ‫̡ف‬ϭέ ˮ؏ϳ٫ΕΎΣϔλ‫ف‬ϧΗ̯‫̯ف‬έΎΑΧ΍ 14 ΕΎΣϔλ ˮ؏ϳ٫Ύϳ̯ϝϏΎηϣ‫̟̯ف‬Ը΍ ˮ‫ف‬٫ΎΗϧΑΎϳ̯‫ف‬γVcr Video Cassette Recorder ˮ؏ϳ΋ΎΗΑ؏ΎϳϣΎΧέϭ΍؏ΎϳΑϭΧ̶̯Vcr ΢ϳέϔΗ˱ϼΛϣ؏ϳ٫̶٫؏ΎϳΑϭΧ؏ϳϣέυϧ̵έϳϣ ‫ل‬ϩέϳϏϭΞϟΎϧϝέϧΟέϭ΍ ˮ‫ف‬٫ΎΗϧΑΎϳ̯‫ف‬γBp Blood Pressure, Blue Print and Boiling Point. 63 | P a g e [email protected] ˮ̶Ϭ̰ϳΩ̶ϬΑ̯Bp Yes Sir ˮ̶Ϭ̰ϳΩΏ̯έϭ΍؏ϭϳ̯ ‫̶ل‬Ϭ̰ϳΩέ̡‫ف‬ϔϳ̯ՊϳϧέՌϧ΍ ˮ̶̴ϟ̶γϳ̯Bp ‫فل‬ϳ٫Ύ̶̩ϧϬ̰ϳΩ؏ϳ٬ϧˬ‫ف‬٫؏ϳ٬ϧϡϠϓ̶Ϭ̩΍ Թ ˮ؏ϳ٫έΑϣϧ‫ف‬ϧΗ̯؏ϳϣ̭έՌϳϣ ˮ‫ف‬٫Ύϳ̯‫ف‬γ؏Ύ٬̯̭έՌϳϣ ˮΎϬΗΎϳ̯έΑϣϧϟϭέΎ̯̟Ը΍؏ϳϣ̭έՌϳϣ ˮ‫؟‬ϋϭϣΟϣΎ̯؏ϭέΑϣϧ‫̭̯ف‬έՌϳϣ ˮΩλϳϓΎ̯؏ϭέΑϣϧ؏ϳϣ̭έՌϳϣ ˮ‫ف‬٫̟ϳ̳ΎϧΗ̯؏ϳϣ̶γ‫ل‬αϳ΍‫ل‬ϑϳ΍ΩόΑ‫̭̯ف‬έՌϳϣ ˮΎϳ̯؏ϳϣϝΎγα̯F.Sc ˮΎϬΗΎγϧϭ̯ϥϭϣοϣϩΩϳΩϧγ̡؏ϳϣF.Sc ˮ؏ϳ٫‫ف‬ΗϠϳϬ̯‫ف‬γϧϭ̯ϝϳϬ̯ 64 | P a g e [email protected] Who is the captain of Pakistan hockey and cricket team? Wasim Ahmed. Who is the fastest bowler? Shoaib Akhtar (PAKISTAN) How many types of bowling are there? China man, out swing, in swing, league cutter, off cutter, Yorker. Who is your favorite player? Who has made higher score in one day cricket? Sewag (India) Length of pitch = 22 yards or 66 feet. Distance between wickets = 4 inches. Cricket ball weight = 5.5 ounce. Different fields of cricket = wicket keeper, cover slip, gully, point, cover, mid off, extra cover, mid on, long league, third man, maiden. Types of outs in cricket = clean bold, LBW, hit wicket, run out, stump, catch out. Great cricketers = Imran khan, Sir Donald George Bradman, Gary Sobers. Length of hockey ground = 110 yards Width of hockey ground = 60 yards Height of hockey pole = 7.5 feet Weight of hockey ball = 5.5 ounce Length of hockey “D” = 16 yards Hockey world champion = Finland 65 | P a g e com Important Countries and Their Capitals Asia Country Capital Language Currency Afghanistan Kabul Pashtu Dari Afghani Azerbaijan Baku Azeri Manat Bahrain Manama Arabic. Bahraini Bangladesh Dhaka Bangla Taka Bhutan Thimphu Dzongkha Ngultrum Brunei Darussalam Bandar Seri Begawan Malay. Chinese Hong Kong Dollar Georgia Thilisi Georgian the Lari India New Delhi Hindi Rupee Iran Tehran Farsi Riyal Iraq Baghdad Arabic Dinar Israel Jerusalem Hebrew and Arabic Shekel Japan Tokyo Japanese Yen Jordan Amman Arabic Jordanian Dinar Kazakhstan Astana Kazakh Tinge Kuwait Kuwait City Arabic Kuwait Dinar Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Malay Ringgit Mongolia Ultan Bator Mongolian Tugrik Myanmar Yangon Burmese Kyat 66 | P a g e . Chinese Brunei Dollar China Beijing Chinese (Mandarin) Yuan Hong Kong Victoria English.blogspot. English Dinar.issbnotes@gmail. com/ Nepal Kathmandu Nepali Nepali Rupee Oman Muscat Arabic Omni Rial Pakistan Islamabad Urdu Rupee Qatar Doha Arabic Qatar Riyal Singapore Singapore Malay. French.issbnotes@gmail. Swedish Markka France Paris French French Euro Germany Berlin German Euro Greece Athens Greek Drachma Hungary Budapest Hungarian Forint Iceland Reykjavik Icelandic Krona Ireland Dublin Irish Gaelic. German Euro 67 | P a g e .blogspot. Chinese. Tamil Singapore Dollar Europe Country Capital Language Currency Albania Tirana Albanian Lek Austria Vienna German Euro Schilling Belgium Brussels Denmark Copenhagen Danish Krone Finland Helsinki Finnish. English Irish-Pound Italy Rome Italian Italian Lira Euro The Netherlands Amsterdam Dutch Euro Poland Warsaw Polish Euro Romania Bucharest Romanian Leu Russia Moscow Russian Rouble Flemish (Dutch).com http://issbpreparationnotes. 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Turkish Cyprus Pound Mexico Mexico City Spanish New Peso Monaco Monaco French Franc New Zeeland Wellington South America Country Capital Language Currency Argentina Buenos Aires Spanish Peso Bolivia La Paz Brazil Brasilia Portuguese Real Chile Santiago Spanish Peso Colombia Bogota Spanish Peso French Guayana Caine French Euro Guyana Georgetown English Guyana Dollar Paraguay Asuncion Spanish Guarani Peru Lima Spanish Quechua Nuevo Sol Aymara Spanish. Maori New Zeeland Dollar Panama Panama City Spanish Balboa 69 | P a g e . Sargodha. Chief of air staff : Air-Chief Marshal Rao Suleman 3. Which cities of Pakistan got “Hilal-e-Istaqlal”? I.blogspot. (i) Fighting Corps (ii) Services Corps Infantry Signals Corps Armed Ordinance Corps Artillery Army Education Corps Engineer Corps Army Supply Corps Air Defense Corps Army Medical Corp Army Clerical Corps 1. Chairman NAB : Admiral (retired) Fasih Bokhari 70 | P a g e . Chief of army staff : General Ashfaq Parvez Kyani PAKISTAN ARMY ¾ Pak Army has two sectors. Sialkot http://issbpreparationnotes. Lahore II. Chairman joints chief of staff committee : General Khalid Shameem Wynne 5. Chief of naval staff: Muhammad Asif Sandila 4. 7. Corps commander Rawalpindi : Lieutenant General Khalid Nawaz Khan 6.issbnotes@gmail. blogspot.C (Armoured personnel carrier) is a vehicle used to move Army personals from one place to other. What is A. Commander Squadron Leader Lt. 3. MG. Colonel Commander Wing Commander Colonel Captain Group Captain Brigadier Commodore Air Commodore Maj. rocket launcher. T-85. General Vice Admiral Air Marshal General Admiral Air Chief Marshal Northern Light Infantry 1. Which missile is made by Ranks with Equality of Pakistan Forces Army Navy Air Force 2nd LT mid Shipman Pilot Officer Lt.P. Weapons of Armoured and Infantry Armoured : T-59. Where and which tank is being made in Pakistan? Al-khalid Tank at Taxila 2. Al-khalid Tank.issbnotes@gmail. 71 | P a g e . General Rear Admiral Air Vice Marshal Lt. hand garnet. http://issbpreparationnotes. Abdul Qadir khan and what is its range? Ghouri and range is 1500 km. Lt Flying Officer Captain Lt Flight Lieutenant Major Lt. Mortar Infantry : LMG.C? A. Sub.P. this is armoured weapon. Cannon : Its range is different. 72 | P a g e .issbnotes@gmail. Mortar. This is weapon of Nishan-e-Haider ¾ Nishan-E-Haider Is Made Up Of Gun Metal. Wahga Border 1965 Pilot Office Rashid Minhas Shaheed 22nd Squadron Jaikababad 1971 Jawan Sawar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed 20th Lancer Shaker Garh (Sialkot) Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed 4FF Hilly Sector. Mortar : This is indirect fire.blogspot. This is armoured weapon. Tank : This is for direct fire. This is weapon of artillery. Cannon and Tank Gun : Its range is different. It’s Edges Are Made up of Gold and Crescent and Star Is Made up of Diamond Name Unit Place of Shahadat Year Captain Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed 2nd Punjab Tal Pehtar Uri Sector 1948 Major Tufail Muhammad Shaheed 13th Punjab Lakshmipur. East Pakistan 1971 Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfooz Shaheed 15th Punjab Wagha Border 1971 Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed 6FF Sulemanki Sector 1971 Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed 12th NLI Kargal Sector 1999 Havaldaar Lalak Jan Shaheed 12th NLI1 Kargal Sector 1999 1971 Difference between Gun. East Pakistan 1958 Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed 17th Punjab BRB http://issbpreparationnotes. ˮ̶ϬΗ̶ϧΗ̯Ω΍ΩόΗ̶̯ϑ٬̯ΏΎ٬λ΍ ‫فل‬٫ΎΗ٬̯ϥ΁έϗ7Ύϳ5ˬ3 73 | P a g e .issbnotes@gmail. :ϕΩϧΧϩԹ ϭίϏ 10000ϥϳϗέηϣˬ3000ϥΎϣϠγϣˬ̵έΟ٫5 ‫؏ل‬ϳΗ̯ϼ٫8ˬ؏ϳΗΩΎ٬η6 4. :̭ϭΑΗ‫؝‬ϭίϏ 40000ΉΎγϳϋ‫̰ف‬ϣΎηˬ30000ϥΎϣϠγϣ‫̵ل‬έΟ٫9 7. ˮ‫ف‬٫έ؏ϳϣέΎϏ‫؟‬λέϋΎϧΗ̯ϑ٬̯ΏΎ٬λ΍ ϝΎγ309 Religion (Islam) http://issbpreparationnotes. :έΩΑϩԹ ϭίϏ ˺˹˹˹έΎϔ̯έϭ΍˼˺˼ϥΎϣϠγϣ‫̵ل‬έΟ٫˻ϥΎοϣέ˺̀ ‫ـل‬ϭ٫Ωϳϗ ̀˹έϭ΍̭ϼ٫έΎϔ̯̀˹‫ل‬Ωϳ٬ηϥΎϣϠγϣ˺̊ Թ 2. :‫̰؟‬ϣ΢Ηϓ‫؝‬ϭίϏ ϥΎοϣέ8 6. :ΩΣ΍ϩԹ ϭίϏ ˼˻˹˹έΎϔ̯έϭ΍˺˹˹˹ϥΎϣϠγϣ‫̵ل‬έΟ٫˼ ‫ـل‬ϭϫ̭ϼ٫ ˻̀έϭ΍‫ـ‬ϭϫΩϳ٬η ̀̋ Թ Թ 3. :έΑϳΧ‫؝‬ϭίϏ ‫ل‬ϥΎλϘϧ̶ϟΎϣέϭ΍؏ϳΗ̯ϼ٫έΎϣη‫ف‬Α‫̯ف‬έΎϔ̯ˬΩϳ٬η16‫ل‬έΎϔ̯10000ˬϥΎϣϠγϣ1600‫̵ل‬έΟ٫7 5. ˮ̵έ΍ί̳؏Ύ٬̯έϣϋ ˮ̵έ΍ί̳‫ف‬γϳ̶̯ϧ΍ϭΟ ˮΎϳΎϣ̯‫ف‬γϳ̯ϝΎϣ ˮΎϳ̯έϫΩ̧̯έΧϝΎϣ ˮΎϳ̯ΎϧΗ̯ϝϣϋΎϬΗϡϠϋΎϧΗΟ 17.‫˯ل‬Ύηϋέϭ΍ΏέϐϣˬέΟϓ =؏ϳίΎϣϧ̵έΣΟ 9. Who is called leader of prophets? Hazrat Muhammad (P. ˮ‫ف‬٫ϥϭ̯Ώέ΍έϳΗ ˮ‫ف‬٫Ύϳ̯ϥϳΩ΍έϳΗ ‫م‬ ‫ق̶̳ل‬ΎΟΉΎϬ̯ΩϊϳΑη̶̯̭Ύ̡ϝϭγέ :Εϻ΍ϭγ‫̯ف‬έηΣϥ΍Ωϳϣ 16. When was zakkat made an obligation for Muslims? 2 A.H) 74 | P a g e .U.ˮ‫ف‬٫ΎΑϣϟΎϧΗ̯ϥΩΎ̯ΕϣΎϳϗ ‫ل‬ϝΎγ50000 11.H.‫فل‬٫ΎΗΎΟΎ٬̯έϳ̰ϧέ̰ϧϣϭ̯؏ϭΗηέϓ‫ف‬ϟ΍ϭ‫ف‬ϧέ̯ϝ΍ϭγ؏ϳϣέΑϗ 14.issbnotes@gmail. ˮ̶ϬΗ̶ϧΗ̯Ω΍ΩόΗ̶̯‫؟‬ϔλΏΎ٬λ΍ ‫ل‬70‫ف‬γ60 10.blogspot.B.‫ل‬έλϋˬέ٬υ = (‫ف‬٫ΎΗ٫έεϭϣΎΧϡΎϣ΍)؏ϳίΎϣϧ̵έΡα 18.‫فل‬٫ΎΗΎΟΎ٬ϛϥϳΑΗΎϛ˱Ύϣ΍έϛϭ̯؏ϭΗηέϓ‫ف‬ϟ΍ϭ‫ف‬ϫΩϧ̯‫̯ف‬ϥΎγϧ΍ :Εϻ΍ϭγ‫̯ف‬έϳ̰ϧέ̰ϧϣ 15. ‫(ل‬Ύ̳‫ق‬ΎΟΎϳ΍֐̡̰؏ϳϣϬΗΎ٫؏‫ؠ‬ϳ΍Ω‫̯ف‬ϥ΍ϝΎϣϋ΍‫؟‬ϣΎϧΎ̯ϥΟ)̱ϭϟ̮ϳϧ=ϥϳϣϳϟ΍ΏΎ٬λ΍ 12. 20.‫(ل‬Ύ̳‫ق‬ΎΟΎϳ΍֐̡̰؏ϳϣϬΗΎ٫؏‫ؠ‬ϳΎΑ‫̯ف‬ϥ΍ϝΎϣϋ΍‫؟‬ϣΎϧΎ̯ϥΟ)̱ϭϟ‫ـ‬έΑ=ϝΎϣηϟ΍ΏΎ٬λ΍ http://issbpreparationnotes. S) 23. Give the name of the prophet who became alive after remaining dead for 100 years? Hazrat Uzair (A. 32. 33.A. How many languages could Hazrat Idrees (A. Who was the imam behind whom Hazrat Muhammad (S.W. Give the name of Prophet who was expert of astronomy? Hazrat Idrees ( http://issbpreparationnotes. What was the profession of Hazrat Adam (A.A) 28. 30.A) 24. 36. 38. Who is called father of prophets? Hazrat Ibrahim (A. 35. Give the name of last revealed book? Tawrat. What was the name of Hazrat Usman (R. When was wine declared haram? 8th Hijri. Who was swallowed by the fish? Hazrat Younis (A. Give the name of Prophet other then Hazrat Suleman (A.S). When the Namaz was made compulsory? 12th Nabvi. Who was the first to purpose Azaan for Muslims? Hazrat Umar Farooq (R. Which prophet rules the Jin in addition to human being? Hazrat Suleman (A. 39.S).W) offers his prayers? Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A).S) 22. 34. When the interest was declare prohibited? 9th Hijri. 27.A) Father? Affan. Which prophet discovered Hajr-e-Aswad? Hazrat Ismaeel (A. 25. 29.S).S) who could understand the languages of birds? Hazrat Dawood ( 21. 31. 26.S). When was the last revelation sent? 3rd [email protected]) understand? 72 languages.S). When the fasting was made compulsory? 75 | P a g e . 37. Name the only Sahabi mention in Holy Quran? Hazrat Zaid Bin Harris (R.S)? Cultivation and Weaving. In how many days ALLAH had created earth and the heaven? 6 days. Holy Quran has 6666 Verses.W) performed hajj only one time.S) is present? Saudi Arabia. 53. 49. 63. 44.A) is mentioned in “Surah Ehzaab”. 50.issbnotes@gmail. 64. 58. Surah Fateha is also known as Bab-ul-Quran. What is the meaning of Qasaas? Blood is the revenge of blood. Holy Quran was revealed in 22 years. 40. 61. Six Surah in Holy Quran starts with the name of prophets.S)? Hazrat Shoaib (A. 5 months and 14 days. 41. Longest surah of Quran is Surah Baqra. Holy Quran has 55 names.A. Shortest Surah of Quran is Surah Kouser. The daughter of which prophet married Hazrat Moosa (A. Zakkat made compulsory in 2nd hijri. Azan made compulsory in 2nd hijri 47. 57. Quran has 28 Surah. 60. 56. Name of Hazrat Zaid bin Harris (R. http://issbpreparationnotes. How many sons Hazrat Adam (A. 65. 59. Holy Quran has 30 parts. Name the door through which the fasting people shall in enter the Paradise? Bab-ul-Rayan. 52. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.S) 46.S) had? Three.A) started Jihad in 9th hijri. Hazrat Muhammad (S. Where the grave of Hazrat Adam (A. 54. 48. First Hafiz of Quran is Hazrat Usman (R. 2nd hijri. Longest verse of Holy Quran is “Aayat-ul-Kursi”. Quran has 86 Makki Surah.A). 51. 43. 76 | P a g e . 42. Fatah Makah 8th hijri. Bait-e-Rizwan incident was held in 6th hijri. 55. Holly Quran has 114 Surah. Hazrat Ibrahim (A. 20. Aurangzeb Aalamgir made Badshahi Mosque. Suzie is the name of a city.S). 15. 26. 12. 23.A) arranged the present arrangement of Holy Quran. 13. 29.W. 2. Liaquat Ali Khan was got Martyred on 16th October. who was not in Army.W) had 7 children. 37. 31.O Hume. 22. Ameer-u-deen khhudwai designed national flag. 6. Members of national and provincial assemblies elected the members of senate. Quaid e Azam started his law practice in 1901. Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi attacked 17 times on sub-continent. Hina Lake is in General Knowledge (Set#1) 1. 16. Holy Quran was revealed in 611 A. After freedom war Sir Syed Ahmed Khan took responsibility of Muslims. 24. Oldest power house of Pakistan is “Warsik Dam”. Hazrat Usman (R.W.A. 8. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R. Pakistan first accepted Iran as a Country. 11.S) build “Khana Kaaba”. 19. 35. 77 | P a g e . 14. In 2nd world war America Attacked through Belgium. 34. Tarbella dam is located in Khyber pakhtun khawa. Indian national congress was established by A. 10. 5. 32. 21. Rehmat Ali Khan is “NOW OR NEVER”. 39. Length of river Ravi is 901 km. “Urdu Hindi dispute” started on 1867. 36. Hazrat Muhammad (S. Africa is known as Dark Continent.W) migrated to Madina in 13th Nabvi. Punjab University is the largest university of Pakistan.A) embraced Islam in 6th Hijri. Muhammad bin Qasim defeated raja Dahir. 30. PIA was established in 1955. Jasmine is the national flower of Pakistan.blogspot. Bible was revealed on Hazrat Isa (A. 1951. 18. 17. Holy Quran was revealed in month of Ramzan. Name of the book of Ch. Simon commission came to Pakistan in 1928-1929. 7.3 sons and 4 daughters. 38.C. Messenger of ALLAH is called Prophet. Yousaf Raza Gillani is 27th prime minister of Pakistan. 9.A. Hazrat Muhammad (S. 25. Aab-e-zam zam is 140 feet deep. Bangladesh is in the east of http://issbpreparationnotes. Ali Garh collage got the status of university in 1920. Hallide bridge canal is biggest canal of Pakistan. 27. 33. Mehmood abbas is the president of Palestine. 3. 4. Zulafqar Ali Bhutto was the first president of Pakistan.issbnotes@gmail. 28. Badar is the name of a ground. 24. Area of Punjab is 205345 km. 18. Descartes discover geometry in 1619. 3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan died on 27th march.A).W) was to Abwa. 9. Head office of SAARC is in Kathmandu. 38. 20. 29.W) first came to Madina in 13th Nabvi.issbnotes@gmail. Hazrat Muhammad (S. 13. 16. 25. 34. http://issbpreparationnotes. 1898. “Malay” is the capital of Maldeep. 36. 27. 12. 15. Surah Baqra is at number 2 in Holy Quran. Japan is known as “land of rising sun”. Atlantic Ocean lies between America and Africa. Head quarter of United Nations is in New York. 1857 war was fought between England and India. 20 abutments have been made in 1973 General Knowledge (Set#2) 1. Najashi was preached by Hazrat Jafar Tayyar (R. 78 | P a g e .A. Writer of “Israr-e-Khudi” is Allama Iqbal. 23. 8. Angela Markel is germen chancellor. 22. 2. 17. 4. Head office of OIC is in Jeddah. square. Abu Sufiyan was the leader of non-Muslims in Ghazwa-e-Ohad. 19. 31. 35. 28. Norway Is known as “land of setting sun”. 11. Land between Pakistan and Kazakhstan is known as land of “Pak Afghan Border”. Muslims entered in Sindh in 7012. Holy Quran is 4th Holy Book. 7. 5. 37. Anti terrorist center is established in Peshawar. ECO (economic Corporation Organization) consists of 10 members. 14. Nehru report was presented in 1928. 21. Angel of death is Hazrat Izraeel (A.A. Term “War on Terror” was used after 9/11. First journey of Hazrat Muhammad (S. 6. Afghanistan has no prime minister. Sana’a is the mountain near Khana Kaaba. Pacific Ocean is largest ocean of the world. First five verses of Holy Quran were revealed in Cave Hira. Minto Marley terms were made in 1909. Saudi Arabia. 32. 30. Nepal.W. David Cameron is the prime minister of Pakistan. Nelson Mandela was the first blackish leader of South Africa.blogspot. “End of The World theory” was presented by Locoyama.W. English Channel is associated with BBC. 10. Israel came into being in 1948.S). 26. 25 ft high and 12 ft wide at the top. IRNA is the news agency of Iran. 5. First Pakistani Squash champion is Hashim khan. Whale fish feeds its babies on milk.C. 28. 6.square. “Yang He” is in china. its height is 151.W. Great Wall of China is 1500 miles long. 18. “Puma Lake” is in America. 12. 33.issbnotes@gmail. 11. 24. There are 12 months in Islamic calendar. 14. Hinda was the wife of Abu Sufiyan. “Anti Peterson” was the first women councilor of America. Bahadur shah zafar ruled for 20 years. 9. 29. 17. Great Wall of China was completed in 204 B. So far 27 abundments have been made in the US constitution.1 feet. 79 | P a g e . 2. 4. 10. 36. Jan Sher khan is the Pakistani Squash player.A. Hazrat Muhammad (S. 23. Hazrat Ameer Hamza (R. Abu Sufiyan embraced Islam in 8th Hijri. Old name of Khana Kaaba is “Harram”.com/ General Knowledge (Set#3) 1. GHQ is located in Rawalpindi. Largest waterfall of the world is in “Venswella”.A). In Pakistan voter should be of 18 years. http://issbpreparationnotes. 7. 37. 32. Battle of Plassey was fought in 1757. who has won most championships.A. The statue of liberty was installed in 1886. 34.C.W.W).W) was “Son in law” of Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.W) was “Quba”. First mosque build by Hazrat Muhammad (S. Football world cup held after every four years. 22. 16. 27. 31.blogspot. 13. The city of Rome was founded in 753 B. Head of ICJ (international Court of Justice) is in The Hague (Netherlands). 8. Last Asian games were held in China. Allama Iqbal was the student of “MISSION HIGH SCHOOL.W. Grand Canal is in china. 3.A) was the uncle of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A. 19. 15. “River Tiger” is in Iraq. the Bride of the Sea is in northern Italy. Venice. SIALKOT”. 30. Largest desert of Pakistan is “Thar”. Holy Quran has 558 Rakuh. 26. Population of Pakistan 1998 was 13000000. Incidents of “Chora Chori” were held in 1920. The meaning of Arithmetic is “Sequence”. Area of Afghanistan is 647500km. 25. 20. “Mosque Zarrar” was the name of mosque of Munafqeen. 35. 21. 5. “Atlantic ocean” is between America and Europe. Indian Ocean is in south of General Knowledge (Set#4) 1. “Hilal-e-Jurat” is after Nishan e Haider in Military Awards. Pakistan. Hitler assumed power in Germany in 1933. “Green peace” is Agency for take care of environment. Japan. Pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan are “Khyber pass. North yaman and south yaman were reunited as yaman in 1990. 24. India. Brig. http://issbpreparationnotes. 7. 15. “Sues canal” is in Egypt. There are 99 men and 22 women in Khyber Pakhtun Khawa assembly. The legislative assembly of AJK consists of 49 seats. India did nuclear explosion in “Pokhran”. British higher military award is “Victoria cross”. Aquatic life is not possible in this. Gawadar became a part of Pakistan in 9 September. British have no written constitution. 37. and Khojak pass. Suez Canal was opened in 1869. 17. 20. particularly known as kamal Ataturk. 11.blogspot. The modern Olympic Games were first held in 1896 in Athens. Russia embedded Afghanistan in1979. “Black Sea” is in turkey. 35. Pakistan put its first satellite Badar-I into orbit in 1990. 80 | P a g e . 4. 14. Maldeep. Saudi Arabia is the largest oil exporter in the world. 31. Greece. Bangladesh. 9. 19. “Mongolia” is in the east of China. “Somalia” is located in Africa. This canal joins red sea and Mediterranean Sea. 26. 27. The original inhabitants of America are known as red Indians. Mustafa kamal. 8. 34. West Indies is in the north of Latin America. 13. “Dead sea” is in Jordan. 18. K-2 is the part of “Qaraqaram Mountain”. 6. The people republic of china was established in 1949 after the defeat of nationalist forces. 30.issbnotes@gmail. 10. Lance Naik is equal to Air man of Air Force. 33. 25. Nepal. If there is an explosion on sun. Germany are G-8 countries. 2. America. Afghanistan are countries of SAARC. National anthem is written by Hafeez Jalandhri. Bhutan. 1958. 16. Shami. There is no sea that touches the boundaries of Afghanistan and Nepal. Britain. 32. 29. “Panama canal” is in Panama. its sound cannot reach the earth. Sarfraz Rafique and M. 39. “Yellow Sea” is in China. the founder of modern turkey was born in 1881 and died in 1938. Sri Lanka. 3. 38. Italy. 23.” “Panjnad pass” join Pakistan and china. 28.M Alam were awarded by “Hilal-e-Jurat”. 22. 36. France. 12. Bolan pass. “ALLAHU AKBAR” is the slogan of Pak Army. 21. Nepal is in the west of Bhutan. Weight of any object on earth will be equal to 1/6 of its original General Knowledge (Set#5) 1. Ghouri missile is a nuclear missile. “Desert Gobi” is in China. Panama is in South America. Chaman. Red colour is the sign of dander because its frequency is very high. Length of Pakistan India Border is 1610 km. 2. and OIC. 3. 30. Red sea is besides Saudi Arabia and Yaman. 12. SAARC. 1998 at Chaghi. 26. in national assembly. http://issbpreparationnotes. “Nishan-e-Pakistan” is higher civil award of Pakistan. 27.R.issbnotes@gmail. Dr. 13. Brigadier and Air commodore of Air force are equal. 207 countries are in UNO. 16. 4th OIC conference was held in Pakistan. UNO. 81 | P a g e . 4. Abdul Salam rewarded by first noble prize of physics. 24. Parade held on 23rd march is known as Pakistan day Parade. There are 57 countries in OIC. Afghanistan is in the north of Iran. 23. Length of boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan is 2250 km. Its name is on the name of Shahab-u-din Ghouri. Longest boundary of Pakistan is Durand line along with Afghanistan. 7. ECO. Highest battle field is “Siachen Glacier”. 37.W). 5. Sky colour is blue due to Ozone.blogspot. 21. 36. 11. “Khanki Barrage” is located near Mian Chunu. Chief justice of Pakistan is Iftikhar Ahmed Choudhry. “Minar-e-Pakistan is 197 feet high. 35. square.W. 15. 28. 33. Pakistan did nuclear explosion in 28th may. 6. Upper house of Parliament is called Senate. New Zealand is in Australia continent. 20. 25. Quetta. 17. “Hatf missile” is on the name of Sword of Hazrat Muhammad (S. Qalat. 18. north of Africa and in west of Asia. 29. 22. 8. Taxila located between Rawalpindi and Attock. K.L is the abbreviation of Kahuta Research Laboratories. 34. 32. 19. 38. GTR means Grand Trunk Road. Ziarat. 31. “McMahon line” is boundary line between China and India. Objective resolution was presented by Liaquat Ali Khan in 1949. Mediterranean Sea in the south of Europe. Zob. 10. Area of turkey is 744742 km. 8th OIC conference was held in Iran in 1997. GT road was constructed by Sher Shah Suri. Pakistan is the member of D-8. 9. 3 km. Gujarat. Spain is the world champion of General Knowledge (Set#6) 1. Nosherah. 16. “Battle of Panipat” was fought between Zaheer-u-din Baber and Ibrahim Lodhi in 1526. Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar and Moulana Shoukat Ali Johar were known as “Ali Brothers”. whose half part is in Europe and half is in Asia. British and France are veto power countries. 8. 2. 28. Lake Manchar is in Sindh. “River Dajla” is in Iraq. Sankharr. In Pakistan 53% of population is related to agriculture. 82 | P a g e . 20. 31. 1947. Length of Khojak Pass is 5. “Istanbul” is the city of Turkey. Haiderabad. Length of boundary line between Pakistan and Iran is 900 km. 5. 3. northern and western Wazirstan. 12. Total Coastal area of Pakistan is 700 km. 11. Russia. 19. United Nations Organization (UNO) was established in 1945 in New York. Muhammad Husain Irshad was the first president of SAARC. Shah Jahan constructed “Lal Qila”. 5 large cities of Khyber pakhtun khawa: Peshawar. Islamic Revolution Came in Iran in 1979. 9. 25. World war two started in 1935. 17. 10. National anthem of Pakistan was composed by “Abdul Kareem Chhangla”. Multan and Jhelum. 23.issbnotes@gmail. China. Mirpur Khas and Sakhar. Abbotabad. Height of K-2 is 8624m. Fata Consists of Kuram agency. Pakistan became the member of United Nations in September. Gujranwala.blogspot. “Makran Coast” is the longest Coast of Pakistan. 6. Length of boundary line between Pakistan and China is 600 km. 21. First president of all India Muslim league was Sir Agha Khan. 18. 24. Zob. Qalat and Ziarat. Dera Ismail khan and Dera ghazi khan. Sialkot. Rawalpindi. Malakand agency. 15. 22. 5 large cities of Punjab: Lahore. 13. Mohmand Agency. 5 large cities of Sindh: Karachi. 27. “Neil Armstrong” placed his first step on moon. Major General Sikander Mirza was first president of Pakistan. 26. Range of Ghouri Missile is 1500 km – 2300km. http://issbpreparationnotes. 30. 7. 4. 5 large cities of Baluchistan: Quetta. Muslim League was established in 1906. Chamman. America. 14. ¾ On which you have to make your task according to given specifications by GTO (Group testing officer). ¾ Now prepare all following planings which will help you at ISSB during http://issbpreparationnotes. ¾ Time for model planning is 8 Group Planning Maps ¾ At ISSB you will be given a [email protected]. Planning#1 83 | P a g e . com http://[email protected]/ Planning#2 84 | P a g e . [email protected]/ PLanning#3 85 | P a g e http://issbpreparationnotes. 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