Isothermal Batch Reactor

March 22, 2018 | Author: Saswiny Ritchie | Category: Sodium Hydroxide, Titration, Chemical Reactions, Sodium, Hydrochloric Acid



ABSTRACTThis experiment’s main purpose is to study the non-catalytic homogenous reaction in an isothermal batch reactor. This experiment allows the study effect of temperature upon the reaction of ethyl acetate and sodium hydroxide in a batch reactor. It also determines the reaction rate constant, K for the saponification of both the solutions. Likewise, determines the activation of energy, E for the same reaction. 1 the change of sodium hydroxide. The reaction chosen is the saponification of ethyl acetate by sodium hydroxide. Saponification is a process that produces soap. ordinarily gave unsettling and a technique for warmth exchange. Batch reactors are tanks. The experimental activation energy is determined as well if the experiment is conducted in different temperatures. Batch reactor is specifically designed for a detailed study of this process. This sort of reactor is essentially utilized for moderately moderate responses of a few hours length of time. the reaction is found to be second order reaction. CH 3COOC 2H5  NaOH  CH 3COONa  C2H5OH EtAc  NaOH  NaAc  EtOH Ethyl acetate sodium hydroxide sodium acetate ethanol 2 . By using the integral method of analysis. subsequent to the downtime for filling and exhausting vast hardware can be critical.INTRODUCTION Batch reactors are utilized broadly as a part of industry at all scales. Technically it involves base that is NaOH to form sodium salt of a carboxylate. Agitation is utilized to keep up homogeneity and to enhance heat exchange. In this experiment. NaOH concentration and conductivity is observed. stirrer of water bath and the stirrer of reactor were switched off. Then the sample of reaction mixture was transferred to conical flask that contained 20ml 0. HCl (Standard Solution) using a 20ml measuring cylinder.1M ethyl acetate solution were prepared. Then at regular intervals of 5 minute. The heater. After making sure that the ON/OFF switches are at OFF point. The solution was then titrated directly and subsequent solutions were titrated for next 4 intervals of 5 minutes till the mixture reached equilibrium. As the water in the water bath was prepared. Then the burette was carefully filled with 0. instantly 3 to 5 drops of phenolphthalein was added as an indicator. Subsequently. 3 . The reactor then was drained out.1M HCl. Once the constant temperature was reached. Then the electric supply was connected to the set up. all the feed flow was stopped by closing the valves. This burette was prepared for titration of the sample that will be collected in time.1M NaOH solution and 1L of 0. the reaction temperature was set (ambient to 70 ͦ C) accordingly by increasing. As well as 400ml of NaOH was prepared in two 500ml beakers. sodium hydroxide was filled into the same reactor.MATERIALS AND METHODS A 1L of 0. The air pressure was also reduced to 0kg/cm 2 by using the pressure regulator and pressure gauge. decreasing and set button of DTC. The set up was then switched on along with the heater and stirrer of the bath. When the experiment was over. the valves V1-V2 was made sure that it was closed. the ethyl acetate solution was filled into the reactor consequently. Once the burette was filled. 10ml of the reaction mixture was collected using a measuring cylinder.1M hydrochloric acid. the motor and stirrer of the reactor was switched on. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1.3163 8.0679 1.min) 44.1169 1.1 Real gas constant R Working volume of reactor VR Volume of HCl VHCl Volume of sample VSAMP Normality of NaOH in feed solution NNaOH Normality of NaOH used for titration N1 Normality of HCl NHCl Table 1: Titration volume according to time intervals and temperature o o T( C) = 45 C V1(ml) 29.2 Time [min] 5 10 15 20 25 o Table 2: Conversion rate and rate reaction constant at temperature of 45 C Time (min) τ (min) XA [1-XA] 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 0.418 0.5686 Table 3: Temperature and rate constants 4 .188 0.329 2 XA/ [1-XA] 2.339 0.393 0.0825 0.368 0.359 0.8351 1.6982 10.6 31.2948 2 K (L/mol.3 31.0837 6.401 0.5 31.426 0.0825 0.1095 15.987 800ml 20ml 10ml 0.5 31.566 0.2330 1. T’ (K) 1/T’ (K¹) K lnK 318 3.1447×10-03 207.5 1 0. 5 . the solution ethyl acetate is not conductive whereas sodium hydroxide is highly conductive.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 τ (min) o Figure 1: Changes in conversion factor according to reaction time at temperature 45 C In this experiment. the decrease in conductivity that occurs as the reaction proceeds also indicates a decrease in sodium hydroxide concentration.333 τ vs XA/[1-XA]² 3 2.5 2 XA/ [1-XA]2 1.14 5. From this relation. However. the experiment shows inaccurate results in Figure 1. which settles that increasing the reaction temperature results in an increase in the reaction rate constant. Moreover.Since sodium hydroxide is being consumed over time. can conclude that the overall reaction rate is second order. its concentration declines with time as per Table 1. the calculated reaction rate constant and activation energy did not equal for the used temperatures. This is mainly due to lack of precision in recording the conductivity. 6 . By using the integral method. From the results obtained from Figure 1. The deviation of graph between minute 0 to minute 10 is due to the titration process in which he pink colour needs to obtain is not as light as needed. Based on the result that we obtained. The deviation of graph in Figure is due to the lateness of addition of sample into hydrochloric acid. Furthermore. 7 . When the burette readings are taken. The error percentage that resulted at the end of the calculations was found to be relatively high. Furthermore. the order of saponification reaction can be determined. The first objective of this study is to determine the order of this saponification reaction. HCl that will quench the reaction between sodium hydroxide and ethyl acetate. This is a result of human error factor. Then the sample must be quickly added into the HCL to avoid any experimental error. The second objective is to determine the rate constant of the reaction which can be calculated. the rate of reaction can be calculated from the slope of the graph in Figure1. through this experiment the reaction that was studied in order to improve the understanding and gain hands on experience in reaction engineering in broad and batch reactors in specific. use white paper placed behind the measurements to read the readings. Hence there are few recommendations regarding this study. The titration process should be done slowly in order to get the first point in which the light pink of the sample is obtained.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The batch reactor study is carried out experimentally. ConnorsChemical Kinetics. Chemical Reaction Engineering (3rd Edition). VCH Publishers 2. Kenneth A. Levenspiel. (1999). John Wiley. O. 8 . 3.REFERENCES 1. 1991. the study of reaction rates in solution. APPENDICES Sample Calculations CA0 = NNaOH (mole/L) CA0 = 0.02× 0.043375 0.01 L 9 .3375× 10−7 mole 1000 CA = HCIR mole × 1000( ) V SAMP L CA = 4.0295)(0.0825) =−4.3375 ×10−7 mole × 1000=0.1 =2× 10−6 moles 1000 HCIR = HCIO- V 1 N1 (mole) 1000 −6 HCIR = (2 ×10 ) - (0.1 mole/L HCIO = V HCl × N HCl (moles) 1000 HCIO = 0. 5663 0.14 0.611 5 × 0.1 mole min 10 . 0 S1: slope of τ vs XA/ [1-XA] ² Kt = 1 L =207.04828× 0.1−0.043375 L =2.043375 mole min 1 L ( ) Kt = S 1 C A mole min .043375 =0.1−0.1× 0.1 C A −C L ( ) t C A C A mole min 0 A 0 K= 0.C A −C XA = XA = K= 0 CA A 0 0.
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