
March 28, 2018 | Author: prasoon_eil | Category: Shell (Computing), Typefaces, Keyboard Shortcut, Computer Keyboard, User Interface



PDS ISOGENReference Guide March 2000 DEA5040B0 For PDS version 06.04.01.** This document replaces DEA5040A0 Warranties and Liabilities All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in your purchase contract, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and should not be considered commitments by Intergraph Corporation. Intergraph Corporation assumes no responsibility for any error that may appear in this document. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. Trademarks Intergraph is a trademark of Intergraph Corporation. MicroStation is a trademark of Bentley Systems Inc., an Intergraph affiliate. Copyright  2000 Intergraph Corporation All Rights Reserved Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright and trade secret law and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software — Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Unpublished — rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001 If You Need Assistance Intergraph Online Our web site brings you fast, convenient, up-to-the-minute information about Intergraph’s products, services, and direction. Our web address is: Telephone Support All Intergraph products are delivered with a 30-day warranty for full coverage of physical media. In the United States, call Intergraph’s standard support number at 1-800-633-7248 from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday, except holidays. If you are outside of the United States, please call your local Intergraph office. The most up-to-date list of international offices and distributors is available on the web at Please have the following information available when you call: The product’s serial number. This can be found on the license agreement or by using the About command in the product. Your name and telephone number. The product’s name. Your CPIN number and service number. A brief description of the problem. Intergraph Directory The following numbers are only valid in the United States unless otherwise indicated. If you are outside the United States, please call your local Intergraph office. Intergraph General Information U.S. — 1-800-345-4856 Canada — 1-800-461-5297 All countries — 1-256-730-2000 Customer Response Center (U.S. Only) Customer Support — 1-800-633-7248 U.S. Customer Care Center — 1-888-779-3824 FAX — 1-800-239-2972 Training Registration (U.S. Only) 1-800-240-3000 Regional Sales Information (U.S. Only) 1-800-240-1000 Mailing Address Intergraph Corporation Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001 U.S.A. You can also reach us by electronic mail at [email protected]. Educational Media Contacts We are constantly working on updates and improvements to the documents and other educational media. If you have any suggestions on where we can improve the documentation or where you think more information is needed, let us know. You can reach us by: Mail Intergraph Corporation Manager, PBS Documentation GD3006 Huntsville, AL 35894-0001 FAX PBS Documentation 1-256-730-3300 Electronic Mail [email protected] Table of Contents vii Table of Contents __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If You Need Assistance .................................................................................. Intergraph Directory ...................................................................................... iii iv Preface ......................................................................................................................... xiii General Conventions ............................................................................................ xv Introduction to ISOGEN ...................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Overview of Isometric Extraction ................................................................ 1-3 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 The Intergraph Interface to ISOGEN ............................................. ASCII to Binary Conversion ............................................................ ISOGEN ............................................................................................ 1-3 1-4 1-4 PDS Environment ................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 PD Shell ........................................................................................................ 2-2 2.1.1 2.1.2 PD_Shell Form Conventions ............................................................ Batch Processes ................................................................................ 2-5 2-8 Interactive Isometric Extraction .......................................................................... 3-1 3.1 3-9 1. 2. 3. Extraction Criteria ....................................................................................... 3.1.1 3.1.2 Model Files ........................................................................................ Pipeline Names ................................................................................. 3-9 3 - 10 Iso Design File .............................................................................................. Plot Isometric Drawing ................................................................................ View Isometric Drawing .............................................................................. Conventions and Limitations ...................................................................... 3 - 12 3 - 14 3 - 17 3 - 19 3.5.1 3.5.2 Extraction Conventions .................................................................... Extraction Limitations ..................................................................... 3 - 19 3 - 20 Batch Software Organization ............................................................................... 4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 The Batch Job Input File ............................................................................. Line Processing (pdsidf) ............................................................................... The ISOGEN Interface ................................................................................ ISOGEN ........................................................................................................ 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-5 4.4.1 4-6 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. Splitting the MTO neutral file (MSPLIT) ....................................... viii PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 5. Generating Title Block Input (TBLOCK) .................................................... Filling in the Title Block (STIB) .................................................................. Plotting ......................................................................................................... Updating the Project Database (pdsidf) ...................................................... Making a Run Log Entry (pdsidf) ................................................................ Investigating Batch Extraction Problems ................................................. 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 Batch Isometric Extraction .................................................................................. 5-1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5-3 5-7 5-9 Initial Setup Considerations ........................................................................ Basic Workflow for Running Batch Isometrics ........................................... Batch Isometric Generation ......................................................................... 5.3.1 Define Default Sets .......................................................................... 5 - 13 Add Default Set .................................................................. Revise Default Set ............................................................. Delete Default Set .............................................................. Copy Default Set ................................................................ 5 - 15 5 - 18 5 - 20 5 - 21 Define Project Options ..................................................................... Revise Iso Area ................................................................................. List Iso Areas .................................................................................... Create Drawing ................................................................................ Revise Drawing ................................................................................. Delete Drawing ................................................................................. List Drawings ................................................................................... Utilities ............................................................................................. 5 - 22 5 - 25 5 - 27 5 - 28 5 - 33 5 - 46 5 - 54 5 - 56 Bulk Load Lines ................................................................. 5 - 57 Load by Area ......................................................................................................... Load by Model ....................................................................................................... Load by Line ......................................................................................................... 5 - 60 5 - 62 5 - 64 Bulk Load Lines from ASCII File .......................................................... Isometric Symbol Editor ........................................................................ 5 - 67 5 - 71 Entering the Iso Symbol Editor Environment .................................................... Input Area Options ............................................................................................... Assembling an Isometric Symbol ......................................................................... Creating a User-defined Symbol Library ............................................................ Using the Newly-created Symbol Library ........................................................... 5 - 72 5 - 73 5 - 76 5 - 83 5 - 84 5 - 85 5 - 86 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 Delete Drawing Records With Undefined Iso Type .............................. Generate FrameWorks Reference Dimension File ............................... 5.3.10 5.3.11 5.3.12 6. Create Batch Job Input .................................................................. Schedule Batch Job ........................................................................ Reports ............................................................................................ 5 - 89 5 - 100 5 - 104 Interpreting the HITS Report .............................................................................. 6-1 Table of Contents ix 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7. Example HITS Report ................................................................................. Section 1: Basic Input Data and Raw Design File Data ............................ Section 2: Design File Data Sorted by Coordinate ..................................... Section 3: Tracing Data ............................................................................... Section 4: Design File Data Sorted by Topo ............................................... Section 5: Design File Data in IDF Order ................................................... Using the HITS Report to Solve Problems ................................................. 6-2 6 - 12 6 - 13 6 - 14 6 - 15 6 - 22 6 - 26 The Options File ................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 8. File Structure ............................................................................................... ISOGEN_OPTIONS_BLOCK ...................................................................... INTERGRAPH_OPTIONS_BLOCK ........................................................... The Files Table ............................................................................................. USER_DEFINED_WELDS ......................................................................... WELD_PREFIX ........................................................................................... DETAIL_SKETCH_FACILITY ................................................................... PIPELINE_HEADER .................................................................................. ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................ INGR_ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................... LINE_ID_DEFINITION ............................................................................ TYPE_1_LABELS ...................................................................................... TYPE_2_LABELS ...................................................................................... TYPE_3_LABELS ...................................................................................... START_POINT_NOTES ............................................................................ END_POINT_COMPONENT_LABELS ................................................... NOZZLE_NOTE ......................................................................................... SECONDARY_ORIENTATION_NOTE .................................................... DOTTED_SYMBOLOGY_CODE_LIST_VALUES ................................... NOMTO_CODE_LIST_VALUES .............................................................. SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES ................................................. OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES ....................................... MOVABLE_TEXT ...................................................................................... NEW_SYMBOL_KEYS .............................................................................. GENITM_NOTE_FORMAT ...................................................................... ALTERNATE_DESCRIPTION_INDEX ................................................... USER_DEFINED_IMPLIED_ITEM_BOM .............................................. USER_DEFINED_GENERATED_ITEM_BOM ....................................... USER_DEFINED_COMPONENT_BOM .................................................. NON_DIMENSIONED_SUPPORTS ........................................................ 7-2 7-4 7-6 7 - 42 7 - 45 7 - 47 7 - 48 7 - 50 7 - 56 7 - 58 7 - 59 7 - 60 7 - 63 7 - 66 7 - 68 7 - 70 7 - 72 7 - 74 7 - 75 7 - 77 7 - 78 7 - 80 7 - 81 7 - 84 7 - 85 7 - 87 7 - 89 7 - 92 7 - 95 7 - 98 User-Defined BOM / Material Control File ......................................................... 8-1 8.1 Types of Material List .................................................................................. 8-2 8.1.1 Operating Requirements .................................................................. 8-4 Material List Definition (MLD) File ............................................................ User-Defined Material Control File (.bom file) ........................................... Offshore Material Category ......................................................................... Transferring Components Between Sort Groups ....................................... Generating an Optional Format for Length Output .................................. Bolt Units (size x length) ............................................................................. 8-6 8-7 8-9 8-9 8 - 10 8 - 10 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 x PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 8.8 Generating a Revised Format of the Cut List ............................................ 8.9 Welds in the Material List ........................................................................... 8.10 Style for Fabricated (Pulled) Bends Output ............................................. 8.11 Style for Material List Output .................................................................. 8.12 Positioning the Title Block ........................................................................ 8.13 MLD File Content ...................................................................................... 8.14 MLD File Format Guidelines .................................................................... 8.14.1 Style 3 Material List .................................................................... 8 - 17 Example User-defined Material List - Style 2 .......................................... Example User-defined Material List - Style 3 .......................................... 8 - 19 8 - 19 Creating Seed Files for Extraction ...................................................................... 9-1 9.1 9.2 Creating an Isometric Seed File .................................................................. Creating a Plot Request File ....................................................................... 9-1 9-3 9.2.1 IPLOT Plot Request Files ................................................................ 9-3 Mapping Attributes to the Title Block ............................................................... 10 - 1 8.15 8.16 9. 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 11. 12. 13. 8 - 11 8 - 13 8 - 13 8 - 13 8 - 14 8 - 14 8 - 15 SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE ..................................................................... DRAWING_DATA_TABLE ..................................................................... SHEET_DATA_TABLE ........................................................................... 10 - 3 10 - 7 10 - 12 Creating a Notes Table ....................................................................................... 11 - 1 11.1 Using the isoc.note File ............................................................................ 11 - 2 The MTO Neutral File Record Map ................................................................... 12 - 1 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 COMMON_RECORD_DATA ................................................................... COMPONENT_ATTRIBUTES ................................................................ IMPLIED_ITEMS .................................................................................... GENERATED_ITEMS ............................................................................. 12 - 2 12 - 4 12 - 6 12 - 9 The PDS-to-ISOGEN Symbol Map .................................................................... 13 - 1 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 The PDS Item Name ................................................................................ The ISOGEN Symbol Name .................................................................... The ISOGEN Record Number ................................................................. Number of Connect Points ....................................................................... Tapped Component Name ....................................................................... 13 - 1 13 - 1 13 - 2 13 - 3 13 - 3 13.5.1 13.5.2 Tapped elbows ............................................................................ Olets attached to fittings ............................................................ 13 - 3 13 - 4 Tapped component record number .......................................................... PDS Valve Operator Name ...................................................................... End Prep Low and End Prep High .......................................................... Order of Table Entries ............................................................................. 13 - 4 13 - 4 13 - 5 13 - 5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 Table of Contents xi 14. The Valve / Operator Table ................................................................................ 14 - 1 15. Repeatability ....................................................................................................... 15 - 1 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Repeatability Restrictions and Limitations ............................................ Extraction Information in the Database ................................................. Determining the Traversal Start Point .................................................. Determining Sheet Split Points ............................................................... Determining Spool Split Points ............................................................... 15 - 2 15 - 3 15 - 4 15 - 4 15 - 5 Welds ................................................................................................................... 16 - 1 Delivered weld symbols ...................................................................................... 16.1 Dotted Weld Symbols ............................................................................... 16.2 User-defined Weld Symbols ..................................................................... 16.3 Codelist Values for Standard Note 180 and 1100 .................................. 16.4 Weld Types and Mapping ........................................................................ 16.5 Offshore Fabrication Category ................................................................ 16.6 Unique Weld Numbering ......................................................................... 16.7 User-defined Weld Prefix ......................................................................... 16.8 The Weld Summary Report ..................................................................... 16 - 2 16 - 2 16 - 3 16 - 3 16 - 3 16 - 4 16 - 4 16 - 4 16 - 5 16. 16.8.1 16.8.2 Weld Definition File Format ...................................................... Example WDF File ..................................................................... 16 - 5 16 - 9 Welds Listed in the Bill of Materials ...................................................... 16 - 10 Dimensioning and Coordinate Output ............................................................... 17 - 1 17.1 17.2 Dimensioning Features ............................................................................ Coordinate Features ................................................................................ 17 - 1 17 - 3 Detail Sketch and Information Note Facility .................................................... 18 - 1 18.1 18.2 Detail Sketch Entries in the DDF ........................................................... Information Note Entries in the DDF ..................................................... 18 - 2 18 - 3 Weight Display ................................................................................................... 19 - 1 19.1 Center of Gravity Calculation ................................................................. 19 - 2 Isometric Presentation ....................................................................................... 20 - 1 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 20.10 20 - 3 20 - 4 20 - 4 20 - 5 20 - 5 20 - 6 20 - 7 20 - 8 20 - 8 20 - 9 16.9 17. 18. 19. 20. PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES ....................................................................... PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-SPECIAL ..................................................... PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-DOTTED ...................................................... BEND/ELBOW-REPRESENTATION .................................................... FITTINGS-GENERAL ............................................................................. FITTINGS-SPECIAL ............................................................................... FITTINGS-UNDIMENSIONED-BRANCHES ....................................... MISC-ITEMS ........................................................................................... LAYER-NAMES ....................................................................................... Program Defaults ................................................................................... xii PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 20.11 21. Example Drawing Definition File ......................................................... 20 - 10 Isometric Types ................................................................................................... 21 - 1 Appendix A: A.1 Warning and Error Messages ............................................................. A-3 Intergraph Interface to ISOGEN ...................................................................... A-4 A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.2 A.3 Information Messages ............................................................................ Warning Messages ................................................................................. Error Messages ...................................................................................... A-5 A-8 A - 15 ISOGEN .............................................................................................................. A - 22 A.2.1 A.2.2 ISOGEN message file errors ................................................................. Design File Interface Error Messages ................................................... A - 22 A - 31 Batch Extraction Software Error Messages ..................................................... A - 32 Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables ......................................................................... B-3 Appendix C: Example Documents ............................................................................ C-3 The Options File (#/dat/isoc.def) ........................................................................ Label Library Label Definitions ........................................................................ HITS Report (.h file) .......................................................................................... Intermediate Data File (.idf file) ....................................................................... Interface Error Log (.err file) ............................................................................. MTO Neutral File (.b# file) ................................................................................ ISOGEN Message File (.msg file) ...................................................................... ISOGEN Printed Parts File (.prt file) ............................................................... ISOGEN Component versus Sheet Number File (.sed file) ............................. ISOGEN Cut Pipe Report (.cut file) ................................................................ Title Block Table (.bit, .seg and .dwg files) ..................................................... C-4 C-9 C - 28 C - 37 C - 54 C - 57 C - 59 C - 60 C - 62 C - 63 C - 64 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 C.10 C.11 Appendix D: D.1 D.2 PDS Database Table Formats ............................................................ D-3 Piping Design Database Table Format ............................................................. Specification/Material Reference Database Table Format .............................. D-4 D - 11 Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions ............................................................... E-3 Glossary ....................................................................................................................... GL - 58 Index ............................................................................................................................ IN - 58 Preface xiii Preface __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Document Purpose This document is a reference guide for Intergraph Corporation’s PD ISOGEN software package. You can use the PD ISOGENTM software to generate piping isometric drawings from 3D models created by PDS. The ISOGEN product is one part of the overall Intergraph Plant Design System. This document is designed as a reference for the PD ISOGEN software. It includes explanations and examples of the operation of all the facilities that make up the software package. Use this guide when you need to reference a specific product function. Document Prerequisites / Audience This document is intended for both beginning and advanced users. The beginning user should: be familiar with an Intergraph workstation have Intergraph and MicroStation operating experience have PDS Piping operating experience. The advanced user should: have a good understanding of basic Windows commands and text editors knowledge of Intergraph software such as EDG and relational databases be capable of modifying the PDS 3D RDB have a good understanding of the general PDS environment. Related Documents/Products MicroStation  32 software is required to operate in the PDS 2D Graphics software. Information about MicroStation 32 capabilities can be found in the following documents: MicroStation 32 Reference Guide MicroStation 32 User’s Guide Intergraph Corporation’s Relational Interface System (RIS)TM is required to operate PDS ISOGEN, along with a relational database management system (RDBMS) supported by RIS. Currently, these include Informix, Oracle, and Ingres. Information about RIS capabilities can be found in the following documents: xiv PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 Relational Interface System (RIS) Reference Manual Relational Interface System (RIS) Operator Training Guide For more information on related aspects of the PD ISOGEN products, consult the following documents: Project Administrator Reference Guide Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide Additional Information The following informational files are delivered with the PDS ISOGEN software in the /usr#/ip32/isogen directory. File Name Contents README Describes changes and additions to the product since the last version. Lists the names and dates of the files in the current release. For a fixes release, the files which have been modified are appended to the top of the initial file to provide a history of all changes to the product. Includes Comments and Trouble Report numbers which describe what problems have been fixed. Provides special notices to the customer. Lists any exceptions made to the certification. product.def Lists all dependencies and related parts for the product. rpt file. Typefaces Italic Indicates a system response. For example.dat to load the ASCII file. Command paths are shown using an arrow between command names. phrases. or groups of related information. . For example.Preface xv General Conventions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This document contains many visual cues to help you understand the meaning of certain words or phrases. For example. Sans serif Indicates a system prompt or message. Choose File > Open to load a new file. Normal Typewriter Indicates an actual file or directory name. Select first segment of alignment Bold Typewriter Indicates what you should literally type in. which requires an action be taken by the user. which is an explanation of what the software is doing. The use of different fonts for different types of information allows you to scan the document for key concepts or commands. The text is placed in the viewing plane. For example. For example. Symbols help abbreviate and identify commonly used words. Bold Indicates a command name. The ASCII report is stored in the layout. Key in original. or dialog box title. parameter name. Map or path — shows you how to get to a specific command or form. ALT CTRL DEL ENTER ESC Alternate key Control key Delete key Enter key Escape key CTRL+z ESC. More information — indicates there is additional or related information. Need a hint — used with activities and labs.March 2000 Symbols This document uses the following symbols to represent mouse buttons and to identify special information: <C> <D> <R> <T> Command button Data button (usually the left mouse button) Reset/reject button (usually the right mouse button) Tentative button (usually the center mouse button) Note — Important supplemental information. Keyboard Conventions The following list outlines the abbreviations this document uses for keyboard keys and describes how to use them in combination. which map menu selections to key combinations. then K. Warning — Critical information that could cause the loss of data if not followed.k To hold down the Control key and press Z. . To press the Escape key. You can make some menu selections through the use of keyboard accelerators. provides a tip or hint for doing the exercises.xvi PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Technical tip or information — provides information on what the software is doing or how it processes information. you would select items to define parameters. such as selecting toggle buttons. Selecting does not initiate an action. Double-click on the file original. For example. For example. If you are using the Windows NT operating system. This also applies to selecting graphic elements from the design file. you click the action you want to affect the item. Key in To type in data and press ENTER to enter the data and execute the default action. Double-click To select and execute a command by clicking the mouse or hand-held cursor button twice in rapid succession. In addition. If you are using the CLIX operating system. Type To key a character string into a text box. Click Apply to save the changes. Select the file original. then click Delete to remove it from the directory. Select To mark an item by highlighting it with key combinations or by picking it with your cursor.Preface xvii Terminology Click To use a mouse or key combination to pick an item that begins an action. This term implies that you are clicking the data button (<D>) as part of a menu or dialog box action. Tentative-select To place a tentative point on an existing graphic element in a design file. In a dialog box. Select the line string to define the graphic template. you tentative-select by double-clicking with a mouse or pressing <T> on a hand-held cursor. After selecting an item. For example. For example. right-button chord. . you tentative-select by pressing a leftbutton. pressing TAB after keying in data will enter the data and move the cursor to the next field.dat to load it into the new surface.dat from the list box. Drag To press and hold the data button (<D>) while moving the mouse or hand-held cursor. March 2000 .xviii PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 1 1.Introduction to ISOGEN 1 . . Introduction to ISOGEN __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PDS Isometric Extraction Software creates piping isometric drawings from 3-D piping models created by the PDS modeling packages. March 2000 The software consists of two principal components: ISOGEN. In addition to the isometric drawing. The ISOGEN software is designed to be flexible because drawing practices vary from one company to another. the software also generates several nongraphic outputs. The above features are collectively referred to as software customization and are dealt with at length in this document. This neutral file is extremely useful for those who want to couple a material control system with Intergraph’s 3-D modeling software. You will find reference information needed for customization in the appendices. The following features of Intergraph’s isometric extraction package allow you to specify drawing format: User-controlled ISOGEN option switches The capability to use an alternate or foreign text A large set of Intergraph option switches User-controlled attribute breaks shown on drawings A flexible method for generating notes Attribute-driven symbology (solid or dotted lines) User-defined component symbology User-controlled mapping of attributes to the title block. The software allows you to extract isometrics from a 3-D plant model: single isometrics interactively or multiple isometrics in a batch mode. . which draws the piping isometric and places it in a MicroStation design file and Intergraph 3-D software packages which create input for ISOGEN and perform other functions necessary in final drawing creation. the most important of which is a completely user-definable MTO neutral file.1-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . the output isometric file name. 1. The interface also reads in data from the options file.3 1.Introduction to ISOGEN 1 . It reads only the input file created for it by the ISOGEN interface.1. The primary input to the ISOGEN interface is an ASCII file named pdsidf. recognition of attribute changes. defining which symbols to use and so on. The interface reads from this file the piping and equipment models involved. This program reads data from the 3-D model files and generates an input file for ISOGEN.dat. and identification of all of the pipelines in the drawing.1 Overview of Isometric Extraction __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This section outlines the software components and how they are organized for interactively extracting isometrics.1 The Intergraph Interface to ISOGEN __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The core software module in isometric extraction (both interactive and batch) is the ISOGEN interface. ISOGEN knows nothing of PDS or any of its files. While ISOGEN is primarily responsible for generating the drawing graphics (including dimensioning) the ISOGEN interface is responsible for most everything else — including note generation. . 2 ASCII to Binary Conversion __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Intergraph interface to ISOGEN creates an ASCII data file containing the input to ISOGEN. The cut pipe report. Finally.March 2000 The options file consists of a collection of switches. can be useful. See the section Interpreting the HITS Report for more information. ISOA_BGEN creates the binary output file FOR036. the internal data structure will not be properly built and isometric extraction will fail. 1. Since ISOGEN requires the input data to be in binary format. options and tables that gives you some control over what the ISOGEN interface puts in its output file (called the intermediate data file or idf) and therefore what appears in the final drawing. The component VRS sheet number file is used by the batch extraction software and is discussed elsewhere. Data from the components is then used to form an internal data structure which represents the network.# which IZOD2 uses to generate the isometric drawing. The order of the records in the idf is in the order of the network traversal.1.3 ISOGEN __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN takes the binary input file and generates graphics in an 2D MicroStation design file.1-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . a program named ISOA_BGEN is run to convert this ASCII data file to binary. 1. including: An ISOGEN MTO neutral file A parts list (bill of material) A cut pipe report A component VRS sheet number file The parts list file contains the same bill of material that is shown on the isometric drawing. ISOGEN can also generate several nongraphic outputs. this network is traversed (the software traces a path through the piping network) and records are generated in the idf. the interface collects from the model files all of the components that make up the piping network. The HITS report can help you to find problems in the piping model and tell you when the interface software is not working properly. If the components in the piping models are not properly connected or other problems exist. Once this data is read in.1. which shows the length of each piece of pipe in the line. Drawing notes and other features such as bill of material information are dealt with component by component as the network is traversed. The graphics consist of the completed isometric drawing. It is possible to turn the drawing bill of material off and attach the printed ASCII file to the drawing instead. . It supports standard software such as NFS. . NQS. This design facilitates the use of non-PDS tools such as relational databases and third party software. All the supported applications use a common interface that is controlled by the PD Shell program. PDS Environment __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PDS 3D software supports a variety of applications. The modules also provide an on-line Help capability for easy access to information while working in the product. This ensures consistency across applications and minimizes the amount of time required to learn the product. The PDS 3D software uses available nucleus tools such as MicroStation and FORMS. The PDS 3D modules provide a simple user interface through extensive use of forms. The PD_Shell Environment and all batch jobs in the PDS 3D products interface to Intergraph’s Network Licensing System.PDS Environment 2 . and RIS required to set up data across a network.1 2. This form identifies the active project(s) and provides access to all the PDS functions. and it identifies the location of the product files. which provides an interactive graphics environment that is used to create and revise equipment model graphics and database information.March 2000 2. Options Schematics Environment — Provides access to the PDS 2D modules that are used to create and modify piping and instrumentation diagrams. These files can be located on the workstation or a server on the network. process flow diagrams. This executes a control script that defines all of the environment variables that are needed to run the product. You can access the Plant Design System Environment form by double-clicking teh PD_Shell icon. Equipment Modeling — Provides access to the Equipment Modeling module. See pds. and instrumentation database records. The script also activates the Plant Design System Environment form.2-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .1 PD Shell __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PD Shell program provides access to the various functions that are associated with the PDS 3D Modules.cmd for more information on this file. . Report Manager — Activates a set of forms that are used to create and revise report format files and report on information in a project including Material Take-Off reports. Drawing Manager — Activates a set of forms that are used to create and manipulate drawings and drawing views. Pipe Stress Analysis — Activates a set of forms that are used to extract information from piping models for input to third-party pipe stress analysis products. Piping Model Builder — Enables you to create piping graphics from a nongraphics environment. Piping Design Data Manager — Provides access to a set of options that are used to verify the integrity of the graphic and database information that is associated with a model. and provide access to a plot manager and vector hiddenline manager. This module is used with PD_Design to create an accurate 3D model of the piping network. Electrical Raceway Environment — Provides access to the Electrical Raceway module. Piping Designer — Activates an interactive command environment that is used to create piping and in-line instrumentation in the model. create and revise structural drawings. Isometric Drawing Manager — Activates a set of forms that are used to extract isometric drawings from piping models and to review or plot the created isometric drawings. Interference Manager — Activates a set of forms that are used to check for interferences among project models and to control approved interferences. which provides an interactive environment that is used to create and revise raceway models and access raceway utilities. and verify the integrity of the data in the model.PDS Environment 2 . DesignReview Integrator — Activates a set of forms that are used to extract information to form label files for use in DesignReview and to review data from a DesignReview session. and propagate structural models. which provides an environment that is used to create and revise structural models. provide access to the interactive graphics environment for drawings. revise existing model graphics and database information.3 FrameWorks Environment — Provides access to the FrameWorks module. . Label Description Library.2-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Alphanumeric Commodity Data. 3D-only. define project seed data. For example. Error messages are displayed in red. and control the project. only those projects for which you have some level of access are displayed.March 2000 Project Administrator — Provides access to a set of forms that are used to create a project. Standard Note Library. If access control has been defined. Project List Field — Displays the defined projects for the network and allows you to select the active project. If access control has been defined. Message Area — Displays prompts and messages that are associated with the active process. and 2D & 3D). . The system lists all the defined PDS projects (2D-only. if the active project is a 2D-only project. no entry is required for this field. Other Fields User ID — Used for access control. and Piping Assembly Library. This field also sets the Review User ID for use in the Interference Manager module. you cannot access the the Interference Manager module. Password — Key in the password for the specified user ID. An error is displayed if you select an option that is incompatible with the active project. Reference Data Manager — Provides access to a set of forms that are used to control the reference data for a project including Piping Job Specification data. you must key in a valid user ID as defined by your system manager to gain access to the projects. If access control has not been defined. create and revise project files. Graphic Commodity Data. The following summarizes other basic actions you use in the environments: Enter — When keying in any data in a key-in field. For most of the forms with scrolling lists. . Select means to place the screen cursor (which appears as an arrow) on top of a screen gadget and press <D>. Selecting Options You move through the PD Shell forms by selecting function buttons or other gadgets from the form.1 PD_Shell Form Conventions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following Conventions describe how to respond to the various buttons. In general. anything you find on a form is called a gadget. Standard Commands The PD Shell forms have a set of standard buttons in the upper right corner of most of the form windows. and other gadgets. press the <ENTER> or <Tab> key for the data to be entered into the system. You can also press <ENTER> or <Tab> to move through a set of key-in fields. scroll through data displayed on the screen. and prompts that make up the environments. press the <Delete> key to erase character(s) to the left of the cursor. lists. access other forms. you can double-click on a row to select and accept the data in that row. The display size of forms and dialog boxes in the non-Microstation graphics environment are independent of the size of the workstation’s display system.5 2. The Help button activates on-line Help for the active form. Help remains active until you delete the Help window. text. You use the select action to select functions. select from lists.1. This performs the same action as selecting a row (which highlights) and then selecting the Accept button. toggle buttons. Most forms contain the same basic features: buttons.PDS Environment 2 . and so on. Delete — If you make a mistake while keying in text. fields. The available commands vary from form to form depending on the type of operation. The following describes these tools. Common Tools on the PD Shell Forms There are many gadgets in the environments that are common to most or all of the forms. activate data fields. The Top button exits the active form and returns control to the top form of the active branch. The items scroll through the window as you move the button. All commands that display a list of design areas or models order the list alphanumerically by the design area number or model number in ascending order. To page through the list. the active form remains active so that you can repeat a similar operation or control returns to the preceding form. You can also select the slider and. For most forms this returns to the Plant Design System Environment form. The Accept button accepts a selection or operation. The list pages up or down accordingly. There is a button that slides between these two arrows to indicate your position on the list. In some forms with scrolling lists. select the arrow buttons on the side of the list. . This performs the same action as selecting a row (which highlights) and then selecting the Accept button. The scrolling list has an arrow pointing up and an arrow pointing down. The Cancel button cancels or exits from the active form. The Restart button clears any key-in fields on the form that have values you can modify. while pressing <D>.March 2000 The Shell button exits the active form and returns control to the base manager that is associated with the active form. you can double-click on a row to select and accept the data in that row. These arrows scroll lists line by line. slide the button up or down the bar. You need to scroll a list only if more options are available than can be displayed in the window. Depending on the active form or option.2-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Scrolling List Some screen menus have a scrolling list of projects or applications. The list scrolls up or down depending on which arrow you select. To scroll a list. The size and position of the button on the scroll bar is an indication of the number of lines and the relative position within the list. select the space above or below the sliding button. Control returns to the immediately preceding form in the hierarchy. PDS Environment 2 . These fields are box-shaped and dark gray. MicroStation requires lowercase characters for the file specification and path name of all design files. . Key in your input. the system automatically converts any input for the file specification and path name of a design file (such as a model or drawing) to lowercase before loading into the Project Control Database. Often. you can key in more characters than a field display shows. It lets you select data from a list instead of keying in information. Shift Left moves the text display to the front of the field. The option displayed is active. At the end of the field. Shift Right moves the text display to the end of the field. When you select this display list box with the screen cursor. Key-in fields have a maximum number of characters depending on the item that is being defined. To change a field. there is a small box with horizontal dashes. For example. You can select a key-in field and key in a new value. there are two buttons marked with arrows. one of which is always displayed. A bar cursor appears in the active key-in field. If you select a key-in field for a code-listed attribute. Place a data point on the roll-through list to scroll through the available options. an associated list of valid input values displays. Select an item from the list to enter its value into the field.7 Key-in Fields Screens that accept keyboard input have key-in fields. the system activates a form that lists the code list values for the selected field. reselect the field and key in the new information. Shift Left and Shift Right buttons At the bottom of some key-in and display fields. Place a data point on the toggle field to toggle between the two choices. and press <Return>. Roll-Through List A roll-through list shows one choice at a time of a list that can be several items long. These buttons are called shift left and shift right buttons. there is a display list associated with the Authorization key-in field shown. Toggle A toggle field on a screen menu enables you to select one of two possible choices. Therefore. Display-List Boxes A display-list box is located at the end of some key-in fields. key-in field.1. or other gadget. you can press <D> along the edge of a form or any area not occupied by a button.2 Batch Processes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When you install the PDS 3D applications. The following list defines the available window icons. When you submit a batch process the system sends an e-mail message to the mail path of the default login reporting the job’s completion status and any error log information. Collapse/Restore Repaint Pop-to-bottom Modify/Resize Pop-to-top Restore Size 2. The batch process e-mail functionality is optional. the system creates the necessary batch queues for that application. . Refer to Loading PDS Products in the Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide for a listing of the batch queues.March 2000 Standard Window Icons When using this software in the CLIX environment.2-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . to display a box of icons. Many of the batch processes can be delayed for submission at a specified time. PDS 3D uses these batch queues to allow you to continue working in the environment while the system processes a request. You can manipulate form windows just like any other workstation window. The active project name is also displayed in the field located in the upper left portion of the form. select a project from the scroll area.Isometric Extraction form and prompts: Initializing Project Control Database.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . The system displays the Plant Design . Select the Isometric Drawing Manager button to enter the ISOGEN environment. Many extraction facilities are not available using interactive extraction. After accessing the PDShell form.1 3. You must have access to an existing PDS Piping model that contains a completed pipeline before an isometric can be generated. this mode of extraction is intended primarily for testing purposes. . Operator Sequence 1. Interactive Isometric Extraction __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This section explains how to execute the software that generates isometrics interactively. You can extract only a single isometric at a time using the interactive modules. Also. The system highlights the project. Select the Select Model Numbers button.3-2 2. keyin the appropriate Model Numbers and Line Names and proceed to step 10. The system displays the Interactive Isometric Extraction form. If you know the information. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . . 3. continue with this procedure. Otherwise. 4.March 2000 Select the Interactive button. 5. Select the Select Line Names Within Models button. 6. — OR — Select the Reset Selection button to cancel all of the previous model selections. The system displays an Interactive Isometric Extraction form that lists all of the lines contained in the selected models. Once all of the appropriate models have been selected. select accept. The system returns to the initial Interactive Isometric Extraction form. 7. Select the models from the scroll area that contain the lines that are to be extracted.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . . you can select the Reset Model Numbers button to clear selections in the Model Number and Line Name fields.3 The system displays an Interactive Isometric Extraction form that lists all of the piping and equipment models within all of the areas from the active project. Up to eight models can be selected for extraction. — OR — Select the Select All button to select all of the areas and models listed in the scroll area. There may be a slight delay while the system searches for the selected lines. If necessary. 10 . The system returns to the initial Interactive Isometric Extraction form with the selected models and pipeline names in their respective fields. . — OR — Select the Select All button to select all of the lines listed in the scroll area.March 2000 Select the line names from the scroll area that are to be extracted. select the accept button to return to the initial Interactive Isometric Extraction form. 9. see Pipeline Names. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Once all of the appropriate lines have been selected. All lines to be extracted must be connected in the piping model. Up to eight lines can be selected for extraction. The system also generates an iso design file name based on the first pipeline name and places it in the Iso Design File field. — OR — Select the Reset Selection button to cancel all of the previous line selections. page 3 . For more information about extractions using pipeline names.3-4 8. Iso Options File and Iso Seed Design File will accept a network address. The default is set to nodename:/login directory.cmd file might be: $ENV{’ISOPATH’}=’PDSNT:C:\users\iso\isofiles\\’. Each should be entered as nodename:drive:\directory path\filename for example: 111jn:C:\win32app\ingr\dat\defaults.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . By default. a typical ISOPATH export statement in the pds. 10. the first pipeline name is displayed with a . You can also select the Reset Model Numbers button to clear selections in the Model Number and Line Name fields. The key-in fields: Iso Output Node:Path. Iso Output Node:Path Select the Iso Output Node:Path field and key in the nodename:path where the ISOGEN output files will be stored. Iso Design File Select the Iso Design File field and key in the ISOGEN design file. edit the ISOPATH export statement. To change the default settings for the Iso Output Node:Path field. .cmd file located in ˜\pdiso\bin.5 If necessary. 11. you can select the Reset Line Names to clear selections in the Line Name fields.dat.iso extension. For example. Edit the pds. the resulting design files would be 400104wc. The default value is determined when the ISOSEED export variable is defined.sed’ export ISOOPTION=$ENV{’ISOOPTION’} = ’pdssrv:D:\proj\iso\ref\isoc.iso extension with a .i01. The default is set to nodename:/pathname. To change the default settings for the Iso Options File and Iso Seed Design File fields. etc. Iso Seed Design File Select the Iso Seed Design File field and key in the nodename:path where the ISOGEN seed design file is located. If you key in a seed filename and the file does not exist then an error message is displayed at the bottom of the form. The iso seed design file is a 2-D design file that is copied to create an empty design file into which the isometric is drawn by ISOGEN. 12.i* extension allows the software to generate multi-sheet isometrics into separate design files where the * will be replaced with a number. Iso Options File Select the Iso Options File field and key in the nodename:path where the ISOGEN options file is located.dat file.. This file allows you to customize iso’s to your standard practice. becomes the first selection on the list of available isos when the Plot or View Graphics command is selected. This procedure will allow you to take advantage of ISOGEN’s plotting capabilities as described in the section Plot Isometric Drawing.def’ . The the most recently processed iso. If you key in an options filename and the file does not exist.i*. displayed in the Iso Design File.iso extension will generate multi-sheet isometrics into a single design file. 400104wc. options and tables that drive the Intergraph interface to ISOGEN. The following are examples of typical ISOSEED and ISOOPTION export statements as they would appear in the defaults. The default is set to nodename:/path name/iso seed file. if the model in the Interactive Isometric Extraction form was changed to 400104wc. The default value is delivered in the options file and can be altered by exporting the ISOOPTION variable.i02. 13.3-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . export ISOSEED=$ENV{’ISOSEED’} = ’pdssrv:D:\proj\iso\ref\isoc. For example. an error message is displayed at the bottom of the form. edit the ISOSEED and ISOOPTION export statements in the PDS.March 2000 The . Replacing the .CMD file. The options file contains switches. 7 14. The system displays the message Creating ISOGEN Intermediate File and then Creating ISOGEN Isometric.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . Select the accept button to accept the information displayed in the form and to initiate the iso extraction process. the system displays the PD ISOGEN Status form. When the process is complete. warning messages and error messages. See Appendix A Error Messages for detailed descriptions of each error and warning message. Use the scroll bar and buttons to scroll through the information displayed on the status form. The ISOGEN Status form displays processing information. . 14 .3-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . refer to View Isometric Drawing. page 3 . To view an isometric drawing using the View Graphics button.17 . page 3 . 16. To plot an isometric drawing using the Plot button.March 2000 15. . refer to Plot Isometric Drawing. The first model number entered is treated as the primary file and therefore must be a Piping model.1 Extraction Criteria __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following sections contain information specific to defining extraction criteria which must be defined prior to initializing an isometric extraction. Up to eight model numbers can be input.1.9 3. The following extraction criteria are covered in this section: Model Files Pipeline Names – Generation by Line Name Substring – Generation by Line ID Iso Design File 3. Equipment Modeling and/or Pipe Support files that should be considered for iso extraction.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . The RDB data that is accessed by the Iso Extraction Software and that must be properly attached to the primary file includes: Specification Material Database Graphic Commodity Library Physical Dimension Library Piping Job Spec Tables Library Standard Notes Library Material Descriptions Library Specialty and Instrument Descriptions Library Label Description Library Miscellaneous data stored within the model itself . Any RDB data accessed during iso extraction is obtained from the primary model (through its type 63 data). Equipment model numbers must be specified in order to generate nozzles on the isometric.1 Model Files __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key in the names of the PDS Piping. . That is. when the substring you want to use is also a substring of another line name. for example. Pipelines can be identified for extraction in two ways: extraction by line name substring and extraction by line id (see the section Conventions and Limitations). you would probably not want to use 6IN-OWS10111 since you may want to extract sections of the line that are not 6" NPD or because multiple 6" sections are connected together by sections that are not 6". Piping segments usually correspond only to sections of piping and NOT to an entire piping system (unless the line is trivial).dat file. 3. Do not extract by line name substring if lines that are similarly named exist together in the models that you are extracting from. Refer to The Options File. Likewise.2 Pipeline Names __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key in the pipe lines that are to be extracted into a single iso. Up to 8 lines can be specified. You probably would not want to use 1C0031 since it is the spec name component of the line name and would probably identify more than one line in the model. Example 1: If the line name is 6IN-OWS10111-1C0031 then a substring that you might use to identify this line is OWS10111. The lines you specify must be connected together in the Piping Model files. If the model number is invalid.10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .3 .March 2000 If the model number that you specify does not exist.1. the software displays the message Error Retrieving Model and the fully expanded filename is displayed in the input field. This situation exists. You cannot specify multiple disconnected piping sections (such as. page 7 . Press <RETURN> to proceed.1 for more information. these pipelines must be a network of piping segments. Extraction by Line Name Substring When extracting by line name substring you should key in any substring of the full PDS line name that uniquely identifies the pipeline you want to include in the iso. the segments that form those lines must also be connected. The method you use depends upon the options selected and set in the iso extraction options file. A filename is considered invalid if it does not exist in the project database. This is the default way of identifying pipelines to extract as defined in the LINE_ID_DEFINITION section of the defaults. For each method. the software displays an error message at the bottom of the form. you identify the network of piping to extract by specifying piping segment attributes. vessel trim piping). In order for the lines to be connected. 11 for more information. page 3 . Example 3: One simple definition of the line ID might be fluid code followed by line sequence number. you must select the proper option in the Options File AND you must know the line ID definition as specified in the options file (refer to LINE_ID_DEFINITION. The line ID is a user defined collection of database attributes that can be used to refer to pipelines by other than their line names. Thus in the example above. Refer to Extraction by Line ID. To ensure that you are extracting the correct line: specify a larger substring of the line name for the line you want to extract. In the case above. When specifying the line ID of a line to extract.11 Example 2: If the line that you want to extract is 8IN-OWS1011-1C0031. Thus. Extraction by Line ID When extracting by line ID you key in the line ID of the lines that you want to extract. you are also specifying that you want to extract 6INOWS10111-1C0031 because OWS1011 is a substring of OWS10111. both the embedded dashes and the ORDER of the attributes is important. and you use the substring OWS1011. OWS-1011 will refer to line 6INOWS1011-1C0031 while OWS-10111 will refer to line 8IN-OWS10111-1C0031. . To extract by line ID. key in the attributes that make up the line id and separate them by dashes. page 7 . that larger substring may be -OWS1011-.59 for information on defining the line ID). The difference between extracting by line ID and extracting by line name substring is that pipeline sections that are extracted are identified by EQUALITY of the line ID attributes rather than by SUBSTRING of the line name attribute. By including the dashes the substring specified is no longer a substring of 6IN-OWS10111-1C0031. neither OWS1011 (because the dash is missing) or 1011-OWS (because the order is incorrect) would suffice if the line ID is defined as fluid code followed by line sequence number. This definition allows you to refer to the line without the NPD or spec name components the line name. To extract a line by its line ID. specify the line ids of the lines you want to extract. This method of identifying lines avoids the problems that can occur with line name substrings (provided that the line id definition is sufficient to uniquely identify pipe lines).Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . bom The ISOGEN message file . You may also use an asterisk (*) in the output file name’s extension.iso name + . the asterisk is replaced by two digits. If more than 9 sheets are generated then the letters a .msg The ISOGEN printed parts list .iso name + .idf The Hits file .iso name + . sheet 1 will be in file test. + .iso name + sheet no.iso name + . If the file does exist. If an invalid iso filename is keyed in. Using more than one fixed character together with an asterisk is not recommended. the software replaces it with a new file when the current iso is extracted. The name portion of this file specification (excluding any wild card character) is used by the software to name several other files that are generated at the same time as the isometric model number. To specify that each isometric sheet is to be drawn in its own design file.2 Iso Design File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key in the name of the output isometric design file. if you key in test.err The ISOGEN mto neutral file .March 2000 3.b# (where: # is the number of times the line has been extracted) The error message file . you can insert an asterisk (*) as a wild card character in the output iso filename. an error message is displayed in the message field. MicroStation requires that all design file names be in lower case.i01. For example.i02. When a wildcard character is inserted in the filename.iso name + . Since UNIX file names cannot have more than 14 characters. These include: The Intermediate data file . the iso design file name is truncated to a maximum of 14 characters.3 . If you do this. This file need not exist prior to running the software. and so on.prt .h The Intergraph mto neutral file .i*.iso name + . the software replaces it with a digit as each iso sheet is generated. sheet 2 will be in test.z are used for replacement of the wildcard.12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . .cut These files are all generated in the Iso Output Node:Path unless they are switched off by option selections (refer to The Options File. Their contents are discussed in more detail in the sections entitled Options File and Isometric Seed File. page 7 .1 for more information).iso name + .Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 .sed The ISOGEN cut pipe report .13 The ISOGEN component vrs sheet file .iso name + . see Initial Setup Considerations. The system displays the Interactive Isometric Extraction form. 2. Select the Iso Seed Plot File field and key in the nodename:path where the seed plotting parameters file exists.3 . . select the Plot button from the Interactive Isometric Extraction form. Select one of the queues from the Queue Name pull down list. To display local device queues. If locally defined queues are used.14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 3. the system generates a Queue Name list from locally defined queues. Select the Plot Copies field and keyin the number of copies that will be plotted. page 5 .3 .March 2000 3.3 Plot Isometric Drawing __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Plot Isometric button allows you to choose one or several generated isometric files for plotting. create a pipe queue that points to the device queue. The default is defined in the ISOPLOT export variable. The queues displayed in the Queue Name field are chosen first from the queues defined in the pdiso_plot portion of the queue_descript file (located in the project directory). 4. If no queues are defined in the queue_descript file. 1. To plot an isometric drawing. For more information on defining ISOGEN export variables. only the pipe queues that are defined will be displayed in the Queue Name pull down list. . Once you have defined a list of subdirectories. For more information on modifying the plot queue. Select an isometric drawing(s) to plot. — OR — Select the Reset Selected Sub-Directories to cancel any of the previously made selections. the time and then select AM or PM.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . — OR — Select the Reset Selections button to cancel any of the previously made selections. select the Display Iso Drawings button. The system searches the previously defined list of subdirectories and displays a listing of the available drawings. etc.15 An example plot parameter file is delivered. The system highlights the selected subdirectories. 5. — OR — Select the Select All Sub-Directories button to select all of the available subdirectories. 8. Tue. Use the scroll bar and buttons to view all available drawings. their creation dates and the subdirectories to which they belong.). — OR — Select the Select All button to select all of the listed drawings for plotting. Submit Batch Immediately/Delay Submit Time toggle Select the Submit Immediately option to run the job immediately. The system highlights the selected drawing(s). Select each subdirectory individually from the Sub-Directories field. Define the run time by keying in the day of the week (Mon. 6. Select the subdirectories that contain the drawings you want to plot. but it should be modified before it can be used or a print queue called laser must exist. see Creating Seed Files for Extraction. page 9 . 7.1 . Select the Delay Submit Time to specify a run time for the job. The system submits the selected drawing(s) to the plotter.16 9. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . As each drawing is processed.3 . . the messages Processing Drawings and Selected Drawings Submitted to Plotter appear in the message field.March 2000 Select the accept button to accept the selected drawings for plotting. select the View Graphics button from the Interactive Isometric Extraction form. If you are unfamiliar with the MicroStation working environment. . To view an isometric drawing.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . — OR — Select the Reset Selected Sub-Directories to cancel any of the previously made selections. Select the subdirectories that contain the drawing you want to view.4 View Isometric Drawing __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The View Isometric Drawing button allows you to view generated graphics in the MicroStation environment. 2. The system highlights the selected subdirectories. refer to the MicroStation Reference Guide for more information. 1. The system searches the Iso Output Node: Path (as defined earlier in the Interactive Isometric Extraction) and displays the Interactive Isometric Extraction form. — OR — Select the Select All Sub-Directories button to select all of the available subdirectories.17 3. Select each subdirectory individually from the Sub-Directories field. select the Display Iso Drawings button. The system searches the previously defined list of subdirectories and displays a listing of the available drawings. MicroStation will automatically attach the bar and panel menus. Select an isometric drawing to view. The system highlights the selected drawing. The system displays the message Initializing MicroStation in the message field and displays the isometric drawing. 5.March 2000 Once you have defined a list of subdirectories.3 . PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Select the exit button to exit the MicroStation environment and return to the View Isometric Drawing form.18 3. 4. their creation dates and the subdirectories to which they belong. 6. Select the accept button to accept the selected drawing for viewing. Use the scroll bar and buttons to view all available drawings. . Thus. a set of conventions. When the other two lines are extracted.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . the branch component is assigned to the header pipeline. Other situations that can arise simply cannot be handled by the extraction software as it is currently written. of. no-mto and it will not appear in the BOM. has been adopted. the tee component will extract onto. End-Point Components When a pipeline in the model changes name at a multi-connect point component then that component is "owned" by more than one line. For example.O. the tee will show up as dotted. when this type of branch is extracted.5 Conventions and Limitations __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some situations that occur commonly can be handled in more than one way by the iso extraction software. When this occurs.) . the component is always assigned to the pipeline attached to connect point 1 of the component. For more information on the Piping Data Control Form.5. branch-welds. the branch component will be drawn dotted. the line at connect point 1 of the tee. (Notice that it is NOT necessary that piping segments in the model be "broken" in any way to achieve the above result.M. have the same line name as the header. A brief summary of these items is also provided below. see the section entitled Piping Data Control in the PD Project Administrator Reference Guide. However. under the branch component. By convention. This depends on the position of the Header/Branch toggle on the Piping Data Control Form (accessed through Project Administrator). you can specify that the branch component is assigned to the branch line. and occasionally half couplings) can be owned by the header or branch pipeline in the 3-D model. described below.O. 3. when the branch line is extracted.1 Extraction Conventions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Olet Type Branches Olet type branch components (such as olets. nomto and will not appear in the B.M. To deal with these. and show up in the B. It is NOT necessary that the piping segment in the model. if three different lines come together and join at a tee.19 3. refer to the PDS Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide for details. If this branch in turn has a branch. This generally does not pose a problem for single pipeline fabrication type isometrics. the line may not extract. You may have multiple supports connected to a component origin. Note. the bolts and gaskets generated at that point may be assigned to either of two lines.20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The first branch off from a line is level 1. This arbitrary assignment prevents the implied materials from being generated twice. They may also be attached to the origin (connect point 0) of any component as well as to a component tap. The one exception to this rule is that supports may be located at the same point as an olet branch (or branches) along a length of pipe.) Pipe Supports Pipe supports in the 3-D model may be attached anywhere along the length of a pipe except at either of the end-points.March 2000 Implied Materials at Line Name Changes When a pipeline name changes at a flanged connection. ISOGEN will currently handle pipelines that contain up to twenty levels of branching. but there should be at most one support attached to a component tap.5. When a support is connected to a tap. . north and elevation coordinate. In this situation. This limitation effectively limits the size of the largest system type isometric that can be extracted. In general. If these guidelines are not followed. When using Batch Extraction. If a pipeline contains more than twenty nested branches. supports should NOT be located at component connect points other than as outlined above. that the ISOGEN interface identifies a traversal sequence that minimizes the number of nested branches in most cases.2 Extraction Limitations __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Branch Nesting There is a limitation on the branch nesting depth that a pipeline may have. the bolts and gaskets are assigned to the flange having the higher east. there must NOT be any other piping attached to the component at that tap. (It is possible to override this assignment. 3. the extraction will fail. Type 63 Information Type 63 data is read from the first model entered on the form for Interactive Extraction. Type 63 data is read from the first piping model in the area specified in each record of the batch input file. then that branch would be level 2.3 . Tapped Piping Components ISOGEN requires that traversal of a pipeline never enter a component through a tap.21 System Isometrics Spool Numbering is not supported for system-type isometrics. change the line name somewhere and extract the network in two sections. the correct bolt length can be generated if the attribute change is made at CP2 of either flange (the nonbolted end). 2) Tapped tee’s cannot be extracted using ISOGEN. It is possible to create a pipeline in the 3-D model that would require the ISOGEN interface to illegally traverse into a tap. If a break must be placed between thru-bolted components. ISOGEN requires first traveling through a component and then traversing "out" the tap. Flanged Pipe Purchased length or fixed length FPIPE reports on the iso BOM as a quantity rather than a length of pipe. Rather. bolt length reports may not be accurate.Interactive Isometric Extraction 3 . . It is possible to create a model where an elbow is tapped more than once. Other limitations having to do with tapped components include: 1) Elbows and pipe bends must not have more than one tap. This limitation exists because ISOGEN only receives information for the first continuation item at a sheet break. a segment of pipe that begins at a component tap should not end at a tap on different component. Bolt Length at Thru-bolted Components with a Sheet or Iso Line Name Break When a line name change or sheet break occurs between a flange and a bolt-thru component. For example. The accuracy of a bolt length report is based on how the system scans the line and also the exact location of the break point. Taps that are placed on flanged pipe will not extract. but this configuration will not extract. If this situation cannot be avoided. in traversing the line. It is recommended that sheet/line breaks not be made between flanges on thru-bolted components. You can avoid this situation by NOT joining components through taps. Refer to Intergraph option 72 for settings that impact flanged pipe. March 2000 .22 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .3 . Batch Software Organization 4 - 1 4. Batch Software Organization __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This section provides an overview of the batch extraction software components and organization. The purpose of this section is to explain to software support personnel how the software works so that problems can be tracked down and reported. Figure 4-1 shows the batch software organization. The batch extraction software is driven by an executable pdsidf and a script file batch.cmd. When you submit a batch job using the Schedule Batch Job form, the batch extraction is submitted to a batch queue named PDisocreate. This queue is created with a job limit of 1 and a priority of 16. These parameters can be modified as needed. In order to run batch isometrics, the pd_iso.cmd file, located in ˜\pdiso\bin, must define locations for required software. This script is executed from the batch queue and allows the batch extraction process to run on a node other than the one from which it was submitted. The following three variables are read from the Windows NT registry: PD_SHELL PD_ISO PD_ISOGEN 4-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 Figure 4 - 1. Batch iso extraction flow Batch Software Organization 4 - 3 4.1 The Batch Job Input File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The input to the batch procedure is an ASCII data file generated by the Batch Environment called the Batch Job Input File. This file is structured as shown in Figure 4-2. Figure 4 - 2. Batch input file data structure The first record in the file contains a file format version number and the name of the Batch Data File from which the Batch Job Input file was generated. The software checks the version number to see if it matches the software version number, and, if it does match, passes the Batch Data File name on to other software modules as needed. The second record is called an option record. The option record contains all of the batch processing options and revision block data that was entered into the BATCH form. Each option is separated from the others by at least one space. This record contains an exclamation point (!) in column 1 which flags it as an option record. The third record holds the name of the default set which was specified in the Create Batch Job Input form. This record also contains an exclamation point in column 1. Subsequent records, which initially contain a space in column 1, hold the model and primary line name for an isometric drawing which will be extracted. After the line is extracted, it is marked by an asterisk (*) in column 1 to indicate that it has been processed. The drawing records can be repeated any number of times in the batch job input file. Each time Accept is selected, from the Create Batch Job Input form, a set of drawing records is written to the batch input file. An example batch job input file is shown in Figure 4-3. Figure 4 - 3. Example Batch Job Input File 4-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 When a batch iso job is submitted using the Schedule Batch Job form, the batch job input file name is passed to the pdsidf executable as a parameter. The system then reads the batch job input file and drawing creation begins. 4.2 Line Processing (pdsidf) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Given the options from the batch input file and the identification of the line, two files are created, seed.dat and pdsidf.dat. These are the same two files that are created during interactive extraction. The Project database is accessed to obtain the list of model files, secondary pipeline names, the seed file names, the options file for the piping area, the output file directory, the iso design file name and the extraction number for the drawing. Type 63 information is read from the first piping model in the area specified in each record of the batch input file. Note that this model may not be the piping model which contains the pipeline being extracted. The two files produced are different from the ones produced for interactive extraction. In pdsidf.dat, the first line name in the line name list is followed by a backslash and the piping area name. Following the line list is a record that contains the default set name. Next is a record that contains batch processing options. The last record contains the extraction number for the drawing. skiso5 skiso4 skiso6 skiso7 *skiso3 40eqp01 40eqp00 pdssk:h:\proj\iso\isofiles\380105wc.i* 380105\skiso\1 proj N Y Y N * * Y * * 04-Aug-1998 * 13 1 0 Batch Software Organization 4 - 5 In SEED.DAT, the seed iso design file name is followed by records containing the plot request file name, the output file directory, the output iso file name, extraction number and number of sections. pdssk:h:\proj\iso\ref\isoc.def pdssk:h:\proj\iso\ref\isoc.sed pdssk:h:\proj\iso\ref\isoc_sml.i pdssk:h:\proj\iso\isofiles 380105 13 4.3 The ISOGEN Interface __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ISOGEN interface performs the same function in batch extraction as in interactive extraction: generation of the Intermediate Data File (IDF), which is the input to ISOGEN. In addition to the IDF the interface may also produce an mto neutral file and three files containing text for the drawing title block. The title block text files are shown symbolically as a single file in Figure 4-1. The contents of each of the title block tables file is controlled by a corresponding table in the title block tables file map. The SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE produces a file with the file extension of .seg, the DRAWING_DATA_TABLE produces a file with the extension of .bit and the SHEET_DATA_TABLE produces a file with the extension of .dwg. The title block text files are only produced if the appropriate option is set in the Intergraph options block. Some of the entries in the DRAWING_DATA_TABLE can only be produced when PDSIDF.DAT contains the extra inputs that appear in the file for batch extraction. A title block record map set up for use with batch extraction might not generate a correct output file if it is generated by running the interactive software. 4.4 ISOGEN __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As in interactive extraction, in batch extraction, the program ISOA_BGEN must be run immediately prior to IZOD2 in order to convert the ASCII IDF to binary. IZOD2, the ISOGEN image which produces the iso, can then be run to generate the isometric drawings. Isometrics generated by the batch software are always created one sheet to a design file. The iso design file name is passed to the interface as name.i*, and so the first sheet will be in a file with the extension .i01, the second in .i02 and so on. When isometrics are created in batch, you must set Intergraph options block word 4 to 1. This causes ISOGEN to create a file that identifies which sheet each component in the line is drawn on. This file (called the sheet data file) is used downstream to split up the mto neutral file by sheet and also to prepare the segment summary table for each isometric sheet. 4-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 4.4.1 Splitting the MTO neutral file (MSPLIT) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After IZOD2 (see Figure 4-1) runs and creates the sheet data file, Intergraph’s MSPLIT executable splits up the mto neutral file so that a separate neutral file is created for each sheet of the drawing. The sheet data file consists of sheet numbers followed by Intergraph database occurrence numbers. MSPLIT assigns each neutral file record to a particular sheet by matching occurrence numbers in the sheet data file with the occurrence number on each record in the mto neutral file. MSPLIT will not work if you have not mapped the Intergraph occurrence anywhere in the neutral file record. MSPLIT is executed by passing the mto neutral file name (without the file extension) and the extraction number as inputs in a foreign command line. Therefore, if the mto file name is test.b and the extraction number for the drawing is 10, the input parameter to MSPLIT would be formed as test 10. MSPLIT then looks for files test.b and test.sht as the input files. The current assignment for the exported variable ISOOPTION is used to obtain the mto neutral file map name. The mto neutral file map must be read so that the field containing the occurrence number can be located in an mto record. When output files are generated by MSPLIT, the output file name contains the extraction number and sheet number. For example, for sheet 2, extraction number 10, the output file name would be test2.b10. 4.5 Generating Title Block Input (TBLOCK) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the same way that MSPLIT assigns a neutral file record to each sheet in an isometric, Intergraph’s TBLOCK assigns segment data to a sheet for the segment data summary. TBLOCK assigns records in the .seg file (produced by the PD_ISO interface) to each sheet. It then sorts the records for each sheet and eliminates duplicates. Finally, TBLOCK assigns each data item in the record a text node number and sends it as output to a new file, which is input to STIB. TBLOCK is also executed by passing the input in a foreign command line. The only input in this case is the isometric file name. The input files are then determined by name plus .seg and name plus .dwg. The title block map name is obtained by reading the options file assigned to ISOOPTION. 4.6 Filling in the Title Block (STIB) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After all of the input for each sheet has been determined, the executable that actually places text in the drawing title block is run. Intergraph’s STIB associates text in an input file with text nodes placed in the design file. Batch Software Organization 4 - 7 4.7 Plotting __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After drawings are created in batch they can be plotted. You can use IP_IPLOT plotting software. To submit a plot, the batch software submits a job to the batch queue named PDisoplot. The job that runs in PDisoplot actually launches the plot. Since the plot jobs are launched from a separate batch queue, you can accumulate the jobs in the queue and release them at some later time. You might also hold the jobs in PDisoplot to prevent normal production plotting queues from getting loaded down with isometric plots. 4.8 Updating the Project Database (pdsidf) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After a line has been successfully extracted, the project database is updated. The extraction number and date are updated each time a drawing is completed, while the revision block is only updated if you chose to update it in the Create Batch Job Input form when you create the batch job input file. 4.9 Making a Run Log Entry (pdsidf) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Making an entry into the run log is the last activity performed. The run log file name is formed using the file name of the batch job input file together with the file extension .job. An entry in the log file consists of the drawing spec (piping area plus line name), an error code, a status message, and the date and time that the run completed. This is the same information given to you in a MAIL message when an error occurs. 4.10 Investigating Batch Extraction Problems __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Since there are many steps involved in the generation of a completed isometric, there are many ways for the process to fail. When a problem occurs and drawing generation fails, you should follow a systematic procedure to determine the cause of the problem and, if needed, call Intergraph support and log the problem. All files will reside in the isoerr subdirectory in the specified output path location. Here is a suggested procedure: 1. Check the run log (.job file) to get the status code and message. If there is no code or message, the batch procedure itself probably failed or was aborted. In this case, go to Step 4. 2. Consult Appendix A for an explanation of the error determined in Step 1. The explanation of the error might be enough to enable you to resolve it easily. If not, 4-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 then the explanation should narrow down the possibilities to a certain extraction facility or a certain area within the batch procedure. For example, it could be that the ISOGEN interface failed or that ISOGEN failed. 3. Check for error message files (.err). Sometimes the cause of an error is reported more specifically in the error log. For example, if the ISOGEN interface fails, it might be that the line did not exist in the model. This fact would be reported to you in the error message log. The .err file contains a note in the files list located near the top of the file. This note indicates which file was read for type 63 data. If any of the type 63 data which could effect the iso (for example: MTO Options, Design Monuments, etc.) has been changed, verify that the changes have been made to the file that is being read by PD_ISO. 4. Check the log file for the batch run. Occasionally, error messages are displayed here and are not reported in the error log file. Also, if an error occurs or some module stack dumps, those conditions will be reported in this log. 5. Rerun the line with the DEBUG and VERIFY options enabled. If the above steps do not lead to a resolution of the problem, use the DEBUG and VERIFY options to generate a detailed log file for the run. These options will also cause log files to be generated for the plotting jobs in case there is a problem with plotting. If you cannot determine the cause of the problem, the detailed log and any other pertinent files will need to be sent to Intergraph for an analysis of the problem. Batch Isometric Extraction 5 - 1 5. Batch Isometric Extraction __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This chapter describes how to set up and use the ISOGEN interface software for generating isometrics in a batch process. Batch generation of isometrics is intended to be the primary means for generating production drawings on a project. Interactive extraction is intended primarily for testing the PDS interface to ISOGEN and ISOGEN itself. Using batch Isometric extraction, you can Generate multiple drawings in a single job Automatically fill out the drawing title block Automatically submit the completed drawing to the plotter. Everything that is needed to extract an isometric (except for line name) is stored in the Project Control Database at the piping area level. The following are types of area information that can be found in the Project Control Database: Area name Equipment Area Continuation Area User-defined information. Within an iso area, any number of isometric drawings can exist. The following are types of drawing information that can be found in the Project Control Database: The pipeline names that are included in the drawing Revision block data Extraction dates User-defined information. 5-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 The Project Control Database helps you manage the isometrics produced on a project. For example, you can use the Project Control Database to keep track of when lines need to be extracted and to record and report on drawing issue dates. Batch Isometric Extraction 5 - 3 5.1 Initial Setup Considerations __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following procedure outlines the basic steps you should follow to use the batch extraction facility. Create a batch options file Set up an options file to be used for batch extraction. For information on modifying the options file, see Define Default Sets, page 5 - 13 . As part of this set-up, you should also create a Title Block Map that is used in generating title block information. For more information on the Title Block Map, see Mapping Attributes to the Title Block, page 10 - 1 . Create border and extraction seed files Create the design files that will contain your isometric drawing border and a seed file that will be copied once for each iso produced. The seed file will contain text nodes in the drawing title block. During the extraction process, the software attaches text strings to these nodes so that the title block is automatically filled out. The border file is attached to the seed file as a reference file. Refer to Creating Seed Files for Extraction, page 9 - 1 and Mapping Attributes to the Title Block, page 10 - 1 for details on setting up these files. Set export variables Set the export variables that define drawing border location and other information that used in various areas of the software for batch extraction. ISOGEN environment variables are defined in the PDS.CMD file. The following is a list of user-defined export variables. ISOPATH $ENV{’ISOPATH’} = ’node:drive:directory path\\’; The exported ISOPATH value is loaded by default into the output path directory slot on the Add Default Set form. It is also used as a default for the output location, Iso output node:Path, when extracting an interactive isometric. ISOOPTION $ENV{’ISOOPTION’} = ’node:drive:directory path\isoc.def’; The exported ISOOPTION value is loaded by default into the Options File field on the Add Default Set form. It is also used as a default for the options file, Iso Options File, when extracting an interactive isometric. 5-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 ISOSEED $ENV{’ISOSEED’} = ’node:drive:directory path\isoc.sed’; The exported ISOSEED value is loaded by default into the Seed File field on the Add Default Set form. It is also used as a default for the seed design file, Iso Seed Design File, when extracting an interactive isometric. ISOPLOT $ENV{’ISOPLOT’} = ’node:drive:directory path\isoc_sml.i’; The exported ISOPLOT value is loaded by default into the Plot File field on the Add Default Set form. It is also used as a default for the plot parameters file, Iso Seed Plot File, when plotting an interactive isometric. ISOBORDER $ENV{’ISOBORDER’} = ’node:drive:directory path\isoc.brd’; The exported ISOBORDER value is loaded by default into the Border File field on the Add Default Set form. ISOBATCH $ENV{’ISOBATCH’} = ’node:drive:directory path\isobat\\’; The exported ISOBATCH value is loaded by default into the Batch Job Input File field on the Create Batch Job Input form. ISOREPORT $ENV{’ISOREPORT’} = ’node:drive:directory path\isorpt’; The exported ISOREPORT value is loaded by default into the Output File field on the Batch Data Reports form. ISOBATCHQUE $ENV{’ISOBATCHQUE’} = ’PDisovreate’; The exported ISOBATCHQUE value is loaded by default into the Process Queue field on the Schedule Batch Job form. ISO_ASCII_LOAD $ENV{’ISO_ASCII_LOAD’} = ’node:drive:directory path\isoascii’; The exported ISO_ASCII_LOAD value is loaded by default into the Filename field on the Bulk Load Lines From ASCII File form. Batch Isometric Extraction 5 - 5 PDISOFONT $ENV{’PDISOFONT’} = ’XX’; The defined font must be a mono-spaced font. The exported font PDISOFONT value defines the font that will be used on the output isometric, both on the body of the iso, and on the MTO on the face of the iso. The defined font must be a mono-spaced font. SYMDGN, SYMNDX and SYMLIB $ENV{’SYMDGN’} = ’node:directory path\symbol.dgn’; $ENV{’SYMNDX’} = ’node:directory path\symbol.ndx’; $ENV{’SYMLIB’} = ’node:directory path\symbol.lib’; The exported values SYMDGN, SYMNDX and SYMLIB are loaded into the Symbol Design Node:File, Symbol Index Node:File and Symbol Library Node:File fields respectively on the Isometric Symbol Editor form. ISOUSRREFDIM Variable and Pointing to a Specific FW+ ASCII File This variable overrides the setting for the data file used in generating isometric drawings with references to gridlines or structural columns. $ENV{’ISOUSRREFDIM’}=’node:directory path\filespec.dat’; Where: filespec.dat is the name of the gridline reference data file. For example: $ENV{’ISOUSRREFDIM’}=’pdsserv1:e:\proj1\project\fw_bldg_a.dat’; Intergraph option 71 must be enabled before data in the filespec.dat file can be referenced. The following rules apply when using the ISOUSRREFDIM variable: If the variable is set and points to the proper location of a valid gridline reference data file, the file will be used for placing structural references on the isometric drawing. If the ISOUSRREFDIM variable is set incorrectly (for example, typos in the UNCpath or filespec), references are not displayed on the isometric drawing. If the ISOUSRREFDIM variable is not set in the pds.cmd file, gridline dimensions are extracted from the fw_projname.dat file by default. 5-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 Overriding the default reference dimension file can be useful in situations where a line passes between two buildings and you want to force the dimension from a specific building rather than using the closest dimension point. See Generate FrameWorks Reference Dimension File, page 5 - 86 for more information on the FrameWorks Dimension File. The MicroStation uconfigure.dat file To avoid problems while using the batch extraction feature, edit the MicroStation configure.dat file and comment out the command line which generates the uconfig.dat file. #do user configure.dat(uconfigure.dat) #[ -f $MS_DIR/cfg/uconfigure.dat ] && . $MS_DIR/cfg/uconfigure.dat The problem can occur when a uconfigure.dat file, generated for one project, overrides another project’s export statement. This causes the isometric extraction to fail when areas, models, and lines can not be located. sets the convention for naming iso design files.uses the area name in defining the output directory path for isos. For more information on defining a default set. Select project options Select the project options that define values throughout the project. directory and file specification for each of the following: options file seed file plot parameters file output path border file Exported information can be overwritten.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . the output design filename and drawing number. . page 5 . A default setup contains the network address. The area name is appended to the output path assigned in the default set as subdirectory. Add drawings to the newly created iso area For each pipeline that you wish to extract in batch you must first create a drawing. For more information on defining project options. The data stored for the piping area together with the data stored for a drawing provide all the same inputs you supply when using interactive extraction.defines the set that is used in bulk load and generating isos Output Path Option .sets the convention for for defining drawing names. see Define Project Options. A single piping area will normally contain many drawings.22 . usually one per each pipeline in the design files that comprise the area. define a default setup.7 5.2 Basic Workflow for Running Batch Isometrics __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Define default setups Using the information from pre-defined export variables. page 5 . Project Default Set . Drawing Number Option .13 . These options include: Iso Name Option . When a drawing is created. define the name(s) of the pipeline(s) to be associated with the drawing. see Define Default Sets. the drawing must be defined matching the format defined in the LINE_ID_DEFINITION section of the options file. it creates an empty MicroStation design file in a temporary directory on the processing machine. Initiate the batch job The batch job is initiated by submitting the Batch Job Input File.89 . If data from an existing model is used to define a drawing. a number of piping and equipment models are attached as reference.March 2000 In either method. When the batch job finishes. page 5 . The quantity of attached models is based on the setting of Intergraph option 60 and the continuation areas as defined through the Batch Isometric environment. the Batch Job Input File can be either be deleted or edited so that it can be resubmitted. Batch Processing Considerations To achieve optimum performance of Piping Isometrics in batch mode. see Schedule Batch Job.5-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Then.56 . Generate a Batch Job Input File A Batch Job Input File specifies run options and drawings/line names for isometric generation. the drawing can be created automatically. A batch job can be submitted either immediately or scheduled for a later time. page 5 . As the PD_ISO software begins processing in batch mode.100 . You can add drawings to a piping area by either keying in the data or downloading data from an existing model. page 5 . see Create Batch Job Input. it is necessary to understand how PD_ISO processes a batch job. For more information see Utilities. Initial Workflow for Running Batch Isometrics . For more information. For more information on generating a batch job input file. 9 5. Select a project from the project display field. The system highlights the project. The active project name is also displayed in the field located in the upper left portion of the form. Operator Sequence 1.Isometric Extraction form and prompts: Initializing Project Control Database. . 2. You must have access to an existing PDS Piping model that contains a completed pipeline before an isometric can be generated. The system displays the Plant Design .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Select the Isometric Drawing Manager button to enter the extraction environment.3 Batch Isometric Generation __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This section explains how to execute the software that generates isometrics in batch mode. 10 3.March 2000 Select the Batch button from the Isometric Extraction form.5 . The system activates the Batch Environment form. 4. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . . Select Option Select one of the appropriate options from the Batch Environment form. see Utilities. page 5 . page 5 . Delete Drawing deletes single or multiple drawings from an iso area. Utilities accesses the utilities menu. Each listing includes information such as primary line name (secondary and tertiary are optional). . page 5 .28 .25 .11 Define Default Sets adds. For more information. drawing number. For more information. see Revise Iso Area. see Define Default Sets. see Revise Drawing. deletes or copies an isometric extraction default set(s). page 5 . The utilities are provided to help simplify the loading of drawings and/or areas.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Revise Iso Area revises the data associated with an existing area. page 5 . see Delete Drawing. batch reference number and iso type. For more information. revises. Each time a drawing is added to the Project Control Database. Create Drawing creates a new drawing and adds it into the Project Control Database. see Create Drawing. For more information. page 5 .56 . Define Project Options defines a project setup from user-defined default sets. a format for the Iso Name option and the Drawing Number Option. page 5 . For more information. For more information. you define which pipelines in the model are included in the isometric drawing.22 . and sets an optional path (by area name) for ISOGEN output. see List Drawings.46 . List Drawing lists all of the drawings within an iso area.54 . see Define Project Options. For more information.33 . A drawing must be added to the Project Control Database prior to extracting it in batch mode. Revise Drawing revises single or multiple drawings.13 . For more information. page 5 . page 5 . Reports generates reports on the data in the Project Control Database. For more information. see Reports. Schedule Batch Job schedules or submits a batch job for a previously created batch input file.104 .12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .89 .100 . see Create Batch Job Input. For more information. .March 2000 Create Batch Job Input generates a batch extraction job file. The batch extraction job file consists of your inputs for some batch processing options and a list of all the drawings to be processed in a batch run. page 5 . see Schedule Batch Job. page 5 .5 . For more information. . Select the Define Default Sets button from the Batch Environment form. revise or delete iso extraction default sets.3.1 Define Default Sets __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Define Default Sets option allows you to add. copy. The system displays the Isometric Extraction Default Sets form. The section Add Default Set contains the procedure for add default sets. no default set is defined.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 .13 5. Default sets are used by the extraction software to determine the location of: Option File Seed File Plot File Extracted Isos Border File 1. Initially. The system activates the selected default set and returns to the Batch Environment form. — OR — Select an existing default set and either the Revise.March 2000 Select the Add button to add a default set. .14 2. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .5 . Delete or Copy button. Select the Add button from the Isometric Extraction Options Sets form.3 . Directory and Specification fields with values as defined by the export variables. Key in a default set description. .1. 2. page 5 . Key in a default set tag name.3. For more information on export variables. The system displays the Network Address.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 .15 5. The system displays the Add Default Set form. see Initial Setup Considerations. 3.1 Add Default Set __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. the above fields will be loaded automatically. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .16 4.sed .March 2000 Key in the appropriate information for each field. Output Path The fields associated with the Output Path fields define the location of the iso extraction files. export ISOPATH=/usr/wp114b/isocert/ export ISOSEED=/usr/wp114b/isocert/isoc. Border File The fields associated with the border file define the name and location of the border file to be used. The following are examples of export statements that can be used in the control shell.5 . Option File The fields associated with the options file define the name and location of the option file to be used. — OR — If the export statements are defined in the control shell. Plot File The fields associated with the plot file define the name and location of the plot file to be used. Seed File The fields associated with the seed file define the name and location of the seed file to be used. i export ISOBORDER=/usr/wp114/isocert/isoc.def export ISOPLOT=/usr/wp114b/isocert/isoc_sml. Select the accept button.brd 5. . The system adds the new default set to the database and returns to the Isometric Extraction Default Sets form.17 export ISOOPTION=/usr/wp114b/isocert/isoc.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Select the default set to be revised from the list of default sets.18 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .5 . The system highlights the default set and displays the Revise Default Set form. Select the Revise button from the Isometric Extraction Options Sets form.2 Revise Default Set __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Revise Default Set command allows you to revise an existing iso default set. Select the appropriate fields and key in the new information.3. 2.1. .March 2000 5. 1. 3. Option File The fields associated with the option file define the name and location of the option file to be used. Plot File The fields associated with the plot file define the name and location of the plot file to be used. . 4.19 Seed File The fields associated with the seed file define the name and location of the seed file to be used. Select the accept button. and returns to the Isometric Extraction Default Sets form. Border File The fields associated with the border file define the name and location of the border file to be used. Output Path The fields associated with the Output Path fields define the location of the extracted iso files.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . updates the database. The system revises the default set. Select the Delete button from the Isometric Extraction Options Sets form. Information displayed on this form is for review purposes only. Select the accept button.1.5 . Select the default set to be deleted from the list of default sets.3.March 2000 5. The system highlights the default set and displays the Delete Default Set form.3 Delete Default Set __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Delete Default Set command allows you to delete an iso default set. 2. The system deletes the default set and updates the database. . 1.20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 3. 2. Key in a description for the new default set. .1.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 .4 Copy Default Set __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Copy Default Set command allows you to copy an iso default set. 1. 5. Select the accept button. Select the Copy button from the Isometric Extraction Options Sets form.3.21 5. Select the default set to be copied from the list of default sets. The system highlights the default set and displays the Copy Default Set form. 4. Key in a tag name for the new default set. The system makes a copy of the selected default set with the new tag and description. 3. Select the Define Project Options button from the Batch Environment form.22 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Drawing Number option. — By Line ID refers to the line ID as defined in the options file.2 Define Project Options __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Define Project Options command allows you to define project options such as Iso Name option. refer to the PDS Reference Data Manager document.5 . 2. For more information on the label description library. project default set and output path option. 1.March 2000 5. The system displays the Isometric Extraction Project Options form. Select the Label Number and key in a label number as it exists in the Reference Data Manager’s label description library. . — By Area and Line ID uses the first character of the area name as a prefix to the line ID. Iso Name Option Set the Project Default toggle to either By Line ID or By Area and Line ID.3. the software only allows iso names up to 14 characters long. — By Area and Line ID uses the first character of the area name as a prefix to the line ID. For more information on the label description library.18 for more information on revising default output paths and other project defaults).89 for more information on the following toggles. Batch Job Options These toggle switch settings define the default switch settings on the Create Batch Job Input form.txt file. 6. page 5 . refer to the PDS Reference Data Manager document. it overrides the Project Default toggle setting as the default for the Iso Name Option. Output Path Option toggle The toggle’s default setting. 3. Drawing Number Option Set the Project Default toggle to either By Line ID or By Area and Line ID. Filename Option toggle The Long Filename Available On NT Only setting allows iso filenames up to 24 characters long. 4. it overrides the Project Default toggle setting as the default for the Drawing Number Option. This option can only be used with isos on an NT file server. Refer to Create Batch Job Input. Create Iso Files In Output Path. Switched from the default setting.3 project you must modify the DDL and database by performing the procedure as described in ˜/pdiso/upd_long. If you are currently running an upgraded 6.23 If a label number is defined. The subdirectory is named after the area name for the line that is being extracted. this toggle allows batch extracted isometrics to be output to a subdirectory of the main output path (see Revise Default Set. If a label number is defined. — Delete Existing Files / Save Existing Files — Do Not Save Details/Save Previous Details — Submit for Plotting / Do Not Plot — Increment Revision Number/Do Not Increment Revision Number 5. When set to Short Filename.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . . Select the Label Number and key in a label number as it exists in the Reference Data Manager’s label description library. — By Line ID refers to the line ID as defined in the options file. will output iso files to the main output path. page 5 . 5 . Select a project default set. the software will fail during the extraction process. 7. 8. Interactive extraction will continue to be output in the location defined in the interactive screen. If a project default set is not selected. but is a project-wide setting. The system returns to the Batch Environment form. Select the accept button. .24 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 This setting is not unique to each default set. 3 Revise Iso Area __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Select an area from the list of areas.25 5. Available options are: Iso Area List updates forms with a list of available iso areas. Select one of the four display buttons located in the lower portion of the Revise Iso Area form. Do not select accept until all revisions have been made. Equipment Area List lists all equipment areas available in the project. . To revise an iso area.3. select the Revise Iso Area button from the Batch Environment form. The system highlights the selected area and displays it in the appropriate Area field. 3.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . 2. The system displays the Revise Iso Area form with a list of available piping areas. These areas are needed for equipment/nozzle information. User Data allows you to define up to ten user data attributes that can be mapped to the title block. Select the accept button once you have revised the iso area. P-1000. The system revises the Iso Area and updates the database. See Intergraph Option 60 for information concerning how PD_ISO recognizes Continuation Area Data. To define user data.5 . For example. You may select an area only for pipeline continuation. The system displays a list of available areas that correspond to the selected Area List button. 5. 4. that runs through areas A and B. select the appropriate user data field.March 2000 Continuation Area List allows you to route a pipeline through multiple piping areas and show line continuation from one area to another. Select an area from the list of areas. consider a line. Area A should be defined as the continuation area for area B and area B should be defined as the continuation area for area A. key in the user data and select the accept button. If the User Data button is selected. The system displays the selected area in the appropriate Area field.26 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . . the system displays the User Data form. 3. Select the appropriate area(s) and select accept to confirm the selection(s).27 5.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . .4 List Iso Areas __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This option displays a list of all available iso areas. 2. 1. If the contents of the Iso Area field are changed. The system displays the List Iso Areas form. The system displays the Create Drawing form. Key in a piping area name.3.5 Create Drawing __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Create Drawing command allows you to create a drawing and add it to an existing iso area.28 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . the system clears all the remaining fields. — OR — Select the Iso Area List button for a list of available iso areas.5 .March 2000 5. . Select the Create Drawing button from the Batch Environment form. as defined in the LINE_ID_DEFINITION of the options file. of the drawing you want to create. To view a list of currently loaded drawings. Refer to the section Isometric Types for more information on Type.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . The line ID cannot contain embedded blanks or the backslash character. Select an iso area from the form. The drawings are listed according to area and line ID. . The system first checks that the line ID you key in is unique. the system clears all the remaining fields. Once a valid line ID is entered. 6. select the Drawing List button to activate the List Drawings form. The system returns to the Create Drawing form with the selected area displayed in the Iso Area field. An error message is displayed if the line ID you key in has already been defined. Select the accept button. the system loads the appropriate information into the Drawing Number and Iso Dgn Name fields. 4. If the Line field is changed. Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type that will be associated with the newly-created drawing.29 3. 5. Select the Line field and key in the primary line ID. The batch reference number is optional. to extract all drawings in a given area with a given batch reference number. The batch reference number allows you to group drawings within the isometric environment.March 2000 Drawing Number / Iso Dgn Name The system displays the drawing number. When a line leaves a piping area and then returns at some other point. 10. The secondary line must be connected to the line identified by the primary line name. Sheet numbering is continuous. For more information on batch jobs and search criteria. The system displays the isometric design file name. Line 3 Key in another secondary line ID. 11. The contents of this field depend upon the iso name option selected from the Define Project Options form. This field is optional. This field is optional. then the sheets from section two will be sheets four and five of the line. This field allows you to treat a disconnected pipeline in the model as one line.89 . If batch reference numbers are supplied. Line 2 Key in a secondary line name. The design file name is used for naming subsidiary files created during the extraction.5 . The contents of this field depend upon the drawing number option selected in the Define Project Options form. then the number of sections should be specified. . you can later specify. 8. for example.30 7. Batch Reference Key in a batch reference number. This line name identifies a secondary line that will be included in the drawing. Number of Sections This field is usually left blank. 9. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The same restrictions apply to Line 3 as to Line 2. such that the pipeline in the area exists in multiple disconnected sections. The next three fields can be used as search criteria when creating batch job input. if a line exists in two sections of a model and section one generates three sheets and section two generates two sheets. page 5 . This option should not be used to extract lines that are not intentionally disconnected. refer to Create Batch Job Input. A line may or may not extract if you attempt to use this field to extract a pipeline not modeled correctly. For example. The following is a list of example codes: N . Model Revised Date Key in a date with the format DD-MMM-YYYY. Last MTO Date The system displays the date that an MTO neutral file was last generated for the drawing. The MTO date is automatically updated by the system whenever an mto neutral file is generated along with the isometric drawing.Line has not been modeled M . This date indicates when the lines comprising the drawing have been revised. The user-defined model status code helps keep track of drawing status. This field could be mapped to a text node near the extraction date text node (see the description of the Extraction Date field). 13. 14. For example.Line has been modeled and checked A . This will help indicate when the drawing was generated. The extraction number helps distinguish between two drawings generated on the same day. . all lines that have been revised since the last drawing revision.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . The Model Revised Date field allows you designate for extraction. The extraction date is automatically updated by the system when batch isometrics extraction occurs.Line has been modeled but not checked C . they can be used later when generating a batch job input file.Line has been revised since last approved If model status codes are defined in this field. you could designate that all lines in a given area be extracted with a given model status. Model Status Key in the model status code.Drawing has been extracted and approved R . Extraction Date The system displays the last extraction date for the drawing. The extraction number is incremented by one each time the drawing is extracted. Extraction Number The system displays the last extraction number for the drawing.31 12. This field should be mapped to a text node that lies just outside of the drawing border. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . When a batch job file is created.32 15. The revision number is automatically updated by the system each time a drawing is extracted. Once you have completed your inputs to the form. . you must decide whether or not to increment the revision number during the run. Date to Mtl Control Key in a date that indicates when the most recent MTO neutral files were passed to a material control system. To increment the number. Line inputs are specified each time a batch job file is created. The Iso Area and Line are the required minimum inputs for the Create Drawing form. This field must be manually updated. a new line of data is added to the revision block automatically. Revision block fields Rev By Chk Apv Date Ext Sht Description Each time the revision number is incremented.March 2000 Sheets Generated The system displays the number of sheets generated by ISOGEN for the drawing the last time it was extracted. the system increments the field by one. The number of sheets is automatically updated by the system each time the drawing is extracted. If the Revision Number field is -1. 16. 19. 17.5 . 18. the system assumes that revision zero of the drawing is being generated. The system writes the data to the Project Control Database. Revision Number The system displays the latest revision number of the drawing. select the accept button. 3. . Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type.33 5. Select the Revise Drawing button from the Batch Environment form.6 Revise Drawing __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This command activates the Revise Drawing form which allows you to revise single or multiple drawings. The system displays the Revise Drawing form. 3. 2. Drawings can be selected by using one of two methods: Select by Line ID Select by Using Search Criteria 1. Select either the Select By Line ID or Select Using "Search Criteria" option and follow one the following procedures to select drawings for revision. The first step in revising a drawing is to select the drawing(s) to be revised. Using this option will help limit the number of drawings displayed for revision.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . 5 . Select the Iso Area List button for a list of available iso areas. The system displays the List Iso Areas form. b. Select the appropriate iso areas then select the accept button. . The system displays the List Drawings form.March 2000 Using the ‘‘Select By Line ID Option’’ to Select Drawings a.34 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Select the Select By Line ID option. c. — OR — Cancel all highlighted drawings by selecting the Reset Selections button. Define search criteria. The system returns to the Revise Drawing form with the selected drawings listed. . — OR — Select all of the listed drawings by selecting the Select All button. e. b. Select individual drawings with a data point.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Select the accept button and proceed to the section Revising a Single Drawing or Revising Multiple Drawings depending on the number of drawings selected for revision. Select the accept button. Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type. Using the ‘‘Search Criteria’’ Option to Select Drawings a. The system displays the Search Criteria fields on the Revise Drawing form. Select the Select Using "Search Criteria" option.35 d. Using this option will help limit the number of drawings displayed for revision. c. f. — Select the appropriate iso area and the accept button. . All defined search criteria must be met before a drawing can be included in an isometric extraction. Iso Area — Key in the name of the iso area that you want to extract lines from.5 . An iso area must be selected before any other search criteria can be defined. you must supply additional criteria such as batch reference numbers and drawing numbers.36 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . If you want to restrict the list further.March 2000 Search Criteria: The following are search criteria that can be used separately or together to locate a drawing or group of drawings within an iso area. The system displays the Iso Areas form. The system returns to the Revise Drawing form with the selected area in the Iso Area field. — OR — Select the Iso Area List button. Model Revised Date Low / Model Revised Date High Model Revised Date Low and Model Revised Date High restricts. the list of lines to retrieve. you must select one or more drawings from the list of drawings in the scroll field.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . the range of lines to retrieve. specify them in individual drawing records when adding drawing records to the Project Control Database. To use batch reference numbers as criteria. If the Select All option is used. Select Subset of All Selections / Select All This toggle allows you to revise further the previously generated list of drawings. Key in a drawing number in each field to identify the range of lines to extract. Key in the model revision date in either the low or high field to restrict the list of lines. Drawing Number Low / Drawing Number High Drawing Number High and Drawing Number Low define. The Select Subset of All Selections / Select All toggle must be set to Select Subset of All Selections before selecting this command. by drawing number. Model Status Code Key in the status code if you want to restrict a list to all lines of a given status. . Drawings can still be unhighlighted and highlighted after this option is selected.37 Batch Reference Key in the batch reference number of the lines you want to extract. by model revision date. all drawings contained in the drawing list are selected. Reset Selections The Reset Selections command allows you to reset the list of drawings to be revised. If the Select Subset of All Selections option is used. Review a Drawing The Review a Drawing command allows you to review information on a single drawing. Revise drawing information by changing the information contained in the following fields. 4. Select the accept button. Revising a Single Drawing If a single drawing is selected for revision. Select the accept button and proceed to the section Revising a Single Drawing or Revising Multiple Drawings depending on the number of drawings selected for revision.March 2000 Display Selections The Display Selections command allows you to view the list of drawings as it is defined by the current search criteria settings. a. 5. The system returns to the Revise Drawing form with the selected drawings listed. .5 .38 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . the system displays the Revise Single Drawing form. This field is optional. Model Status Key in the model status code. The user-defined model status code helps keep track of drawing status. for example. that you want to extract all drawings in a given area with a given batch reference number. A line may or may not extract if you attempt to use this field to extract a pipeline not modeled correctly.Drawing has been extracted and approved R . Line 2 Key in a secondary line name.Line has not been modeled M . This field is optional. The secondary line must be connected to the line identified by the primary line name. This option should not be used to extract lines that are not intentionally disconnected.Line has been modeled but not checked C . if a line exists in two sections of a model and section one generates three sheets and section two generates two sheets.Line has been revised since last approved . The batch reference number is optional. The same restrictions apply to Line 3 as to Line 2. The batch reference number allows you to group drawings within an area. The following is a list of example codes: N . Line 3 Key in another secondary line ID. This field allows you to treat a disconnected pipeline in the model as one line. For example. then the sheets from section two will be sheets four and five of the line. you can later specify. If batch reference numbers are supplied. then the number of sections should be specified.Line has been modeled and checked A . Sheet numbering is continuous. When a line leaves a piping area and then returns at some other point.39 Type Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type that will be associated with the drawing.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . This line name identifies a secondary line to be extracted onto the isometric. Batch Reference Key in a batch reference number. Number of Sections This field is usually left blank. such that the pipeline in the area exists in multiple disconnected sections. Revision Number The system displays the latest revision number of the drawing. You must manually update this field. you could designate that all lines in a given area be extracted with a given model status. To increment the number. Date to Mtl Control Key in a date that indicates when the most recent mto neutral files were passed to a material control system. you must decide whether or not to increment the revision number during the run.5 . Iso Dgn Name The system displays the isometric design file name. Model Revised Date Key in a date with the format DD-MMM-YYYY. The extraction number is incremented by one each time the drawing is extracted. This date indicates when the lines comprising the drawing have been revised. When a batch job file is created.March 2000 If model status codes are defined in this field. The revision number is automatically updated by the system each time a drawing is extracted. This field should be mapped to a text node near the extraction date text node (see the description of the Extraction Date field).40 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . For example. The design file name is used to name subsidiary files created during the extraction. If the Revision Number field is -1. Drawing Number The system displays the active drawing number. The extraction number helps you distinguish between two drawings generated on the same day. The Model Revised Date field allows you designate for extraction. the system assumes that revision zero of the drawing is being generated. the system increments the field by one. . they can be used later when generating a batch input file. The Iso design file name can be changed by selecting the Iso Dgn Name field and keying in a new name. all lines that have been revised since the last drawing revision. Extraction Number The system displays the last extraction number for the drawing. The extraction date is automatically updated by the system when batch isometrics extraction occurs. Sheets Generated The system displays the number of sheets generated by ISOGEN for the drawing the last time it was extracted. . select the appropriate user data field. a new line of data is added to the revision block automatically. key in the updated user data and select the accept button. Last MTO Date The system displays the date that an MTO neutral file was last generated for the drawing. The MTO date is automatically updated by the system whenever an MTO neutral file is generated along with the isometric drawing. Line inputs are specified each time a batch job file is created.41 Extraction Date The system displays the last extraction date for the drawing. This field should be mapped to a text node that lies just outside of the drawing border. To revise user data. The number of sheets is automatically updated by the system each time the drawing is extracted. User Data Select the User Data button to revise previously defined user data. Revision block fields Rev By Chk Apv Date Ext Sht Description Each time the revision number is incremented. This will help indicate when the drawing was generated.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Once you have completed revising the form. When accept is selected. the system displays the Revise Multiple Drawings form. select accept. . you can select individual revisions to be deleted.42 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . To remove red highlighting from revisions. When selected. b. set the toggle back to Select Revisions to Delete. all revisions are highlighted in red. Select All Revisions to Delete / Delete All Revisions When this toggle is set to Delete All Revisions. all red highlighted revisions are deleted. The system writes the revised data to the Project Control Database and returns to the Revise Drawing form. each revision is highlighted in red.5 . all red highlighted revisions are deleted. set the toggle back to Select All Revisions to Delete. c. Revising Multiple Drawings If multiple drawings are selected for revision. When accept is selected. To remove red highlighting from revisions. Select exit to return to the Revise Drawing form.March 2000 Select Revisions to Delete / Delete Selected Revisions When this toggle is set to Delete Selected Revisions. Type Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type that will be associated with the drawing. Sheet numbering is continuous. This field allows you to treat a disconnected pipeline in the model as one line. such that the pipeline in the area exists in multiple disconnected sections. A key-in in any of the following fields. The batch reference number is optional. Number of Sections This field is usually left blank. for example. For example.Drawing has been extracted and approved R . that you want to extract all drawings in a given area with a given batch reference number. will result in an update of all drawings listed in the scroll area.43 a. then the sheets from section two will be sheets four and five of the line. they can be used later when generating a batch job. Model Status Key in the model status code.Line has not been modeled M . The batch reference number allows you to group drawings within an area. then the number of sections should be specified. if a line exists in two sections of a model and section one generates three sheets and section two generates two sheets. If batch reference numbers are supplied. you could designate that all lines in a given area be extracted with a given model status. When a line leaves a piping area and then returns at some other point. A line may or may not extract if you attempt to use this field to extract a pipeline not modeled correctly.Line has been modeled and checked A . The following is a list of example codes: N . you can later specify. The user-defined model status code helps keep track of drawing status. Batch Reference Key in a batch reference number.Line has been modeled but not checked C .Line has been revised since last approved If model status codes are defined in this field. . followed by the accept button. For example.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . This option should not be used to extract lines that are not intentionally disconnected. Revise drawing information for all of the listed drawings by changing the information contained in the following fields. Select the accept button to delete the records. the system increments the field by one. To revise user data. the system assumes that revision zero of the drawing is being generated. Revision block fields Rev By Chk Apv Date Ext Sht Description Each time the revision number is incremented. Line inputs are specified each time a batch job file is created. you must decide whether or not to increment the revision number during the run. Date to Mtl Control Key in a date that indicates when the most recent mto neutral files were passed to a material control system. the system prompts: Accept to delete all records. To increment the number. This date indicates when the lines comprising the drawing have been revised.March 2000 Model Revised Date Key in a date with the format DD-MMM-YYYY.5 . select the appropriate user data field. all lines that have been revised since the last drawing revision. The revision number is automatically updated by the system each time a drawing is extracted. key in the updated user data and select the accept button. After selecting this option. User Data Select the User Data button to revise previously defined user data. If the Revision Number field is -1.44 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . a new line of data is added to the revision block automatically. Delete Revision Record(s) Select the Delete Revision Record(s) button to delete all of the revision history entries. Revision Number The system displays the latest revision number of the drawing. The Model Revised Date field allows you designate for extraction. When a batch job file is created. You must manually update this field. . Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . select accept.45 b. c. Once you have completed revising the form. The system writes the revised data to the Project Control Database and returns to the Revise Drawing form. . Select exit to return to the Revise Drawing form. The system displays the Delete A Drawing form.7 Delete Drawing __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This command activates the Delete A Drawing form that allows you to delete single or multiple drawings.March 2000 5. . Select the Delete Drawing button from the Batch Environment form.3. 2.46 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Select the Type field gadget and select the isometric drawing type that is associated with the drawing.5 . The first step in deleting a drawing is to select the drawing(s) to be deleted. Select by Line ID Select by Using Search Criteria 1. Drawings can be selected by using one of two methods: Deleting a drawing will also delete any associated files that were created in the output location as defined in the default set. Select the Type field gadget and select the one of the isometric drawing types. Select the appropriate iso areas then select the accept button. Select the Iso Area List button for a list of available iso areas. Using this option will help limit the number of drawings displayed for deletion. .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . c. d. Select the Select By Line ID option. The system displays the List Iso Areas form. b.47 3. The system displays the List Drawings form. Select either the Select By Line ID or Select Using "Search Criteria" option and follow one the following procedures to select drawings for revisement. Using the ‘‘Select By Line ID’’ Option to Select Drawings a. The system displays the Search Criteria fields on the Delete A Drawing form.March 2000 Select individual drawings with a data point. Select the accept button and proceed to the section Deleting a Single Drawing or Deleting Multiple Drawings depending on the number of drawings selected for revisement. .5 . Select the accept button. — OR — Select all of the listed drawings by selecting the Select All button. g. Using the ‘‘Search Criteria’’ Option to Select Drawings a. The system returns to the Delete A Drawing form with the selected drawings listed. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . — OR — Cancel all highlighted drawings by selecting the Reset Selections button.48 e. f. Select the Select By "Line ID" option. 49 b. Search Criteria: The following are search criteria that can be used separately or together to locate a drawing or group of drawings within an iso area. The system displays the Iso Areas form. Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type. Iso Area — Key in the name of the iso area that you want to extract lines from. — OR — Select the Iso Area List button. c.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . . Define search criteria. Using this option will help limit the number of drawings displayed for deletion. All defined search criteria must be met before a drawing can be included in an isometric extraction. you must supply additional criteria such as batch reference numbers and drawing numbers. the range of lines to retrieve. Batch Reference Key in the batch reference number of the lines you want to extract. An iso area must be selected before any other search criteria can be defined. If you want to restrict the list further.50 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 — Select the appropriate iso area and the accept button. To use batch reference numbers as criteria. Drawing Number Low / Drawing Number High Drawing Number High and Drawing Number Low define. The system returns to the Delete A Drawing form with the selected area in the Iso Area field. by drawing number.5 . specify them in individual drawing records when adding drawing records to the Project Control Database. Key in a drawing number in each field to identify the range of lines to extract. . Model Status Code Key in the status code if you want to restrict a list to all lines of a given status. Key in the model revision date in either the low or high field to restrict the list of lines. Select the accept button. Reset Selections The Reset Selections command allows you to reset the list of drawings to be deleted. Select the accept button and proceed to the section Deleting a Single Drawing or Deleting Multiple Drawings depending on the number of drawings selected for revisement. Select Subset of All Selections / Select All This toggle allows you to revise further the previously generated list of drawings. The system returns to the Delete A Drawing form with the selected drawings listed. you must select one or more drawings from the list of drawings in the scroll field. all drawings contained in the drawing list are selected. Drawings can still be unhighlighted and highlighted after this option is selected. Display Selections The Display Selections command allows you to view the list of drawings as it is defined by the current search criteria settings. Deleting a Single Drawing If a single drawing is selected for deletion. 5. The Select Subset of All Selections / Select All toggle on the previous form must be set to Select Subset of All Selections before selecting this command. the system displays the Delete A Drawing form that contains drawing information for the selected drawing. 4.51 Model Revised Date Low / Model Revised Date High Model Revised Date Low and Model Revised Date High restricts. the list of lines to retrieve.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . If the Select All option is used. Review a Drawing The Review a Drawing command allows you to review information on a single drawing. If the Select Subset of All Selections option is used. . by model revision date. the system returns to the Delete A Drawing form which contains a listing of the selected drawings. The system deletes the drawing and returns to the Delete A Drawing form. Select the accept button to delete the displayed drawing. only the database drawing record will be deleted.89 for more information).March 2000 If you have never extracted the displayed line with the Increment Revision No toggle option (see Create Batch Job Input. The isometric file will not be deleted. Deleting Multiple Drawings If multiple drawings are selected for deletion.5 . page 5 .52 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . a. . The system will display a warning message box if this situation occurs. Select the accept button to delete the displayed drawings. .53 If any of the lines selected for deletion have never been extracted using the Increment Revision No toggle option (see Create Batch Job Input. The isometric files will not be deleted. The system will display a warning message box if this situation occurs. only the database drawing records will be deleted.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . page 5 89 for more information). a. The system displays the Drawing List form. 1.54 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 5. Key in the piping area that contains the drawings you want to list. . The system displays the List Iso Areas form.5 . 2.8 List Drawings __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This command allows you to list all drawings within a piping area.3. — OR — Select the Iso Area List button for a list of available iso areas. Select the List Drawings command from the Batch Environment form. The system returns to the List Drawing form with the selected area displayed in the Iso Area field. The system displays the drawings that are within the selected piping area. . the system displays an error message. If the area does not exist.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 .55 — THEN — Select an iso area from the form and select the accept button. . Select the Utilities button from the Batch Data Environment form. The system displays the Utilities form.56 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .3. 1.9 Utilities __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Utilities options are used to simplify building and maintaining the Project Control Database and in defining areas and drawing information.March 2000 5.5 . 22 . .9. 3. 4.1 for more information on Iso Type. The system activates the Bulk Load Lines Form. Select the Iso Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type that will be loaded. area or group of line numbers. Select the By Project Default setting (By Line Id or By Area and Line ID) to use the project default set previously defined on the Isometric Extraction Project Options form. page 5 . Key in a Default Batch Reference Number. Set the Iso Name Option toggle to the appropriate setting. page 21 .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Select the Bulk Load Lines button from the Utilities form. 2.3. see Define Project Options.1 Bulk Load Lines __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Bulk Load Lines command allows you to load multiple lines by defining a specific model. Refer to Isometric Types. For more information on defining the project default set. This field input is optional. 1.57 5. Select the By Label Number setting to use the label number previously defined on the Isometric Extraction Project Options form.58 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . For more information on defining the project default set.22 . 5. see Define Project Options. page 5 . Label number refers to the label number as it exists in the Reference Data Manager’s label description library. . page 5 .22 . Select the Default Set field to select another default set from the Isometric Extraction Default Sets form.22 . Select the By Project Default setting (By Line Id or By Area and Line ID) to use the project default set previously defined on the Isometric Extraction Project Options form. not the label library referred to in the Files section of the ISOGEN options file.5 . see Define Project Options.March 2000 Select the By Label Number setting to use the label number previously defined on the Isometric Extraction Project Options form. For more information on defining the project default set. Label number refers to the label number as it exists in the Reference Data Manager’s label description library. not the label library referred to in the Files section of the ISOGEN options file. 6. Set the Drawing Number Option toggle to the appropriate setting. For more information on defining the project default set. page 5 . see Define Project Options. Select a default set from the form and select the accept button to return to the Bulk Load Lines form. 59 7. creates drawing records for all pipelines in a selected Iso Model.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . . creates drawing records for all pipelines in a selected Iso Area. creates drawing records for selected pipelines within a selected Iso Model. Select one of the following methods of bulk loading lines. The system loads all lines associated with the selected area(s) and the area definition if it does not currently exist.5 . Select the appropriate area(s) and select the accept button. The following form will be displayed if the ISOGEN software detects any invalid lines. . the system activates the Bulk Load Lines form and prompts you to select the area(s) that contain the lines to be loaded. 1.60 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 Load by Area __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After the Load by Area button is selected. An invalid line occurs when any attribute value defined in the LINE_ID_DEFINITION section of the option file is left blank. log after all valid iso lines have been processed. .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 .61 The invalid iso line information. The invalid iso line log file will be appended to until the Bulk Load Lines command is exited. is saved into /usr/tmp/ld*****. appended with the current time. .5 . The system updates the form by displaying a list of available iso models that reside within the selected iso area. 1. the system activates the Bulk Load Lines form and prompts you to select an area. Select the area that contains the appropriate models.March 2000 Load by Model __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After the Load by Model button is selected.62 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . log after all valid iso lines have been processed. appended with the current time. The invalid iso line information. Select the appropriate iso model(s) and select the accept button. The invalid iso line log file will be appended to until the Bulk Load Lines command is exited. The following form will be displayed if the ISOGEN software detects any invalid lines.63 2. . An invalid line occurs when any attribute value defined in the LINE_ID_DEFINITION section of the option file is left blank.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . is saved into /usr/tmp/ld*****. The system loads all lines associated with the selected model(s). the system activates the Bulk Load Lines form and prompts you to select an area. The system updates the form by displaying a list of available iso models that reside within the selected iso area. .5 . Select the area that contains the appropriate model. 1.64 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 Load by Line __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After the Load by Line button is selected. 65 2. The system loads all selected lines. Select the appropriate iso model and select the accept button.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . The system updates the form by displaying a list of available iso lines that reside within the selected iso model. An invalid line occurs when any attribute value defined in the LINE_ID_DEFINITION section of the option file is left blank. Select the appropriate iso line(s) and select the accept button. 3. . The following form will be displayed if the ISOGEN software detects any invalid lines. is saved into /usr/tmp/ld*****.March 2000 The invalid iso line information.log after all valid iso lines have been processed. The invalid iso line log file will be appended to until the Bulk Load Lines command is exited. . appended with the current time.66 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .5 . refer to the section Creating 3D Areas and Models in the PDS Project Setup Technical Reference. For example: export ISO_ASCII_LOAD=/pdssk:/usr/50cert The system generates a log file using the system filename with a .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Key in the filename which contains the pipeline information to be loaded. . This file contains error or warning messages and also information about which areas and lines. 1.2 Bulk Load Lines from ASCII File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Since this command does not create ISOGEN areas.67 5. For more information on creating a 3D piping/ISOGEN area.3. if any.9. have been added to the database.log file extension. the ISOGEN area you are loading lines into must exist before running this command. The system activates the Bulk Load Lines From ASCII File form. the above field will be loaded automatically. Select the Bulk Load Lines From ASCII File button. If the export statement is defined in the control shell. 2. and does not update the database.March 2000 Select the accept button. If no errors are detected. The following steps are only used when warnings and/or errors are detected during the loading process. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . . If any errors are detected. 4. but warnings occur. the system displays the errors and any warnings.5 . The system creates an editor window based on the text editor defined by the PDEDITOR export variable in the control shell. Revise File Select the Revise File button to edit the current file using the default editor.68 3. the system adds the lines to the existing ISOGEN areas (as defined in the ASCII file) and returns to the Bulk Load Lines From ASCII File form. the system displays the warning messages and adds the areas and their respective lines to the database. The system checks the file for syntax errors and undefined areas. If no errors are detected. 1 for more information on Iso Type.where n is a number: 1 .up to 5 optional . .69 The following is an example of a typical ASCII file: Projectname ! required . a batch reference number called steam unit would have to appear in the ASCII file as: #B STEAM_UNIT. is a comment line The keywords listed above must precede any information they are associated with.where n is a number: 1 . is the number of sections.Begin Area 1 required optional . Refer to Isometric Types. ISOGEN defaults to Fabrication. 1st column Begin Area IsoAreaName #E EquipmentContArea #C PipeContArea #Un "Area User Data" ! required .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 .must be 1st must be between double quotes .10 End Area ! required .10 "IsoType" ! optional literal string double quotes LineId ! required #L2 LineId2 ! optional #L3 LineId3 ! optional #S NumSections ! optional #B BatchRefNum ! optional #M ModelStatusCode ! optional #Un "Drawing User Data" ! optional . page 21 . is the model status code.10.10 "IsoType" ! optional literal string double quotes LineId ! required #L2 LineId2 ! optional #L3 LineId3 ! optional #S NumSections ! optional #B BatchRefNum ! optional #M ModelStatusCode ! optional #Un "Drawing User Data" ! optional . Where the keyword: Begin Area End Area #E #C #Un #L2 #L3 #S #B #M ! is the beginning of an area record. is the batch reference number. is the continuation equipment areas.up to 10 optional . For example.End Area 1 Begin Area PIPE01 AF7701PQ End Area ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Begin Area 2 Iso Area Name Line ID End Area 2 If Iso Type is not defined.where n is a number: 1 . is the end of area record. is the continuation pipe areas. is user data and a number 1 .data must be between double quotes . is LineId must be between double quotes . is LineId 3. #E = #e User data.5 . Return to step 2. Tabs. must be enclosed in double quotes. spaces and blank lines are allowed anywhere within the file. 6. The project name must be on the first line in the first column. Process "Areas With No Syntax Errors" Select the Process "Areas With No Syntax Errors" button to continue processing areas that have the correct syntax. .March 2000 No spaces are allowed between the # and the letters. For example. KEYWORDS are not case sensitive. Begin Area = BEGIN area = BEGIN AREA. Anything after the ! up to a newline <CR> is considered part of the comment. #Un. 5. The project name will be used as a check to verify that the file belongs to the current project. Comments may be included on any row by using a !.70 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Process another file Select the Process another file button to dismiss the displayed warning/error messages and display the Filename and Log Filename fields. The scale and angle locks and grid display may be turned ON to make symbol construction easier. 2. The symbol definition process consists of the following steps: 1.dgn file are defined as the following: Master Units : M Sub Units : MM sub units per master unit: 1000 uor per sub unit : 1000 The Data readout accuracy is set to .10 GR=10 .dgn and symbol. 4.9.ndx files that are located in the directory ˜/pdiso/dat. so that PDS items are mapped to the appropriate ISOGEN SKEY. It is recommend that you copy the provided design files and index files when creating new symbols. you can redefine them to have new symbology.71 5. If the drawing symbology for some of these symbols is inadequate. These files are the symbol. Create a symbol library from the graphics generated in step 1.3 Isometric Symbol Editor __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN provides an extensive library of symbols that you can select to map PDS symbol names to isometric drawing symbols. Draw the symbol in graphics by using the Symbol Definition Software.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . The following grid setup works well and can be saved using the MicroStation file designed option: GU=0: . 3. Add the symbol library to the options file. Change the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map.02. as needed. The working units of the copied symbol.3. dgn. .March 2000 Entering the Iso Symbol Editor Environment __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Define the Symbol Design.72 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .5 . symbol index file name by two methods. Select the Iso Symbol Editor button from the Utilities form. SYMNDX and SYMLIB to define default values for these fields. Symbol Index and Symbol Library fields to define the location of those files. 2. You can key in the name when revising a symbol that has been defined in a previous session. Use the format nodename:path to define the location of each file. you can key in the name when adding a new symbol to a 2-D design file that already contains one or more user-defined symbols. For example: mynode:/usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/symbol. The system displays the Isometric Symbol Editor form. You can key in the name of a previously-created. Also. You can set the PDS Environment Variables: SYMDGN. some of the default properties of the new symbol are inherited from the old one. The old skey is an existing symbol key chosen from Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables. The basic skeleton or connect point geometry of a new symbol may not vary from that of the old symbol.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Old Skey Select the Old Skey field. For example.73 If a single index file is not maintained for each design file that contains user-defined symbols. select the Symbol Editor button to enter the MicroStation environment and activate the Isometric Symbol Definition form. . you must not define a new angled fitting based on a straight-through fitting. 3. It is recommended that all symbols be defined in one design file with one corresponding index file. After defining the fields in the previous step. you will have difficulty converting the design file graphics into an ISOGEN symbol library. Input Area Options __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Various components of the isometric symbol can be created and/or revised using the commands in the Input area and the Symbol Origin command located on the Isometric Symbol Definition form. When defining a new symbol. and key in an old skey for the symbol you are defining. Symbol Origin If you are revising an existing iso symbol. the symbol will be redefined for all end preps. . a new symbol of that name will be created. The following notes apply to new skey: If you leave the new skey blank. — OR — If the combination does not exist in the index file. and key in a new skey. the software knows that the symbol is being redefined for the first time. the software recognizes that an existing user-defined symbol definition is being revised. If the old skey is variable end prep (that is. all valve symbols that currently use that operator symbol will be redefined with the new operator.74 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . — THEN — If the combination exists. only the symbol with that end prep will be redefined. do not define a symbol origin. The new skey may end with the characters ** to indicate that the symbol is variable end prep. The new skey is the symbol key of the symbol that is currently being defined. Select the Symbol Origin button from the Isometric Symbol Definition form. the old skey ends with the characters **). The symbol origin is the lower left hand corner of a rectangular area in which the new symbol will be drawn.5 . The rectangular area is approximately 20 x 25 mm. the old symbol will be redefined. The software will then perform a window area about the redefined symbol graphics that you previously placed in the design file. If the old skey is a valve operator and the new skey is left blank. The Symbol Origin command defines an area in which the new iso symbol will be created. All iso symbol graphics must be contained within the defined area. the operator must be explicitly attached to new valve symbols (using the spindle key input field). If you specify a new skey. The new skey must never be the same as one of the old skeys that have been previously defined for ISOGEN. If the old skey is a valve operator and a new skey is specified. The system checks the index file to see if the current combination of old and new skey already exists. If the old skey is specified with a specific end prep.March 2000 New Skey Select the New Skey field. you must draw the iso symbol using only MicroStation Line and Linestring commands.dimensions off On . There are 12 existing spindle keys defined in the table in Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables. check valve) Large to Small Bore . This number is used for automatically creating a mirror image symbol. Spindle Key Spindle Key defines the operator subsymbol that will be attached to this symbol when it is drawn in the isometric. You can also define new spindles (operators).none (symbol is symmetrical) Flow Direction Dep . Once the area is placed.same as the old skey Off . this field can be left blank if the symbol does not require a spindle. If the symbol does not require a spindle.flow direction dependent (for example.dimensions on . reducer) Flange Start .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 .same as the old skey No . Keep the symbol as simple and as symmetrical as possible. Available options include: Use Old SKEY .has a flow arrow Dimensions Dimensions control how the fitting or symbol is dimensioned. has a gasket to the left) Flow Arrows Flow Arrows defines the flow arrow for the symbol. Available options include: Symmetrical .flange start (for example.never has a flow arrow Yes . No circles or closed shapes can be used.75 Position the rectangular area and place a data point to place it. Available options include: Use Old SKEY . Use approximately one-fourth of the block for the right proportion of your new symbol.large to small bore (for example. Do not move or change the area once it is placed. ScaleFactor ScaleFactor is used to scale the plotted shape up or down relative to the dimensions used in drawing the symbol. A value of 100 (which is recommended) will give a scaling factor of 1. Orientation Orientation is used to define the type of fitting drawn. Spindle Point The point where a valve operator attaches to a symbol. Tap Points Branch points on a symbol. Assembling an Isometric Symbol __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The different components that make a user-defined isometric symbol include: Symbol Origin Dynamically displays a drawing symbol area (discussed previously). Available options include: Use Old SKEY . Symbol Symbol graphics consist of the lines and line strings that are always drawn when a symbol is drawn in a drawing. Points where other piping components can be attached to the symbol. when a drawing is created normally. A redefined symbol will usually have several tap points. Also.lagging on Tracing On .76 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . only one or two will be used. Similar to the symbol origin in the PDS world.both off Lagging On .both on Setting values in option block words 61 and 62 causes ISOGEN to draw insulation and tracing on every component. Tap points are not exactly analogous to PDS taps. End Point The out point of the symbol. Tracing Tracing graphics consist of the lines and line strings that are only drawn when the heat tracing on the symbol is enabled. These symbols definition options enable you to override the options block switches. The point where the symbol will connect to adjacent symbols.same as old skey Both Off . however. analogous to a connect point in PDS terminology. Lagging Lagging graphics consist of the lines and line strings that are only drawn when the lagging on the symbol is enabled. For example.tracing on Both On . Start Point The in point of the symbol.5 .March 2000 Lagging/Tracing Lagging/Tracing controls the insulation and heat tracing display on the fitting. the previous options allow you to specify that for a specific component neither value should be displayed. a point where the symbol will connect to an adjacent symbol. . even though insulation and tracing on components are enabled. The symbol start point will usually fall on the x-axis. Example: In this example. flange) 90 degree change of direction (for example.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . eccentric reducer. 3. the symbol is created in a coordinate system where the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical. 4-way valve) Other geometries must be obtained through the use of fitting taps. you can map the specialty item to a TEXX (which is a tee). 3-way valve) 4-way (for example. extraction will not be performed properly. 4. caps. so that it properly extracts to a drawing. your symbol definition should not contain any end prep graphics. This is because you can not force ISOGEN to use a specific tap on the iso symbol. 1. a specialty item that resembles a lateral needs to be defined in both PDS and within ISOGEN. the flow should go from top left to bottom right in the symbol coordinate system. angle valve) 3-way (for example. you must consider the ISOGEN symbol to which you will map when selecting the connect point geometry. (In fact. however. the y-axis will bisect the symbol. For example. Appendix B states that no symbols exist with connect point geometry that satisfies the requirements of the speciality item. valves. plugs. an eccentric reducer would be drawn with the large end on the left and the small end on the right.77 The following are guidelines that should be used when assembling components into a symbol. the branch off the side can be a tap. flanges) Offset (for example. If any connect point geometry does not map to an ISOGEN connect point geometry. The only valid connect point geometries that you can define are the following: End point (for example. When defining graphics that are drawn between the end prep symbols. When defining a symbol in PDS. You must define several tap points and allow ISOGEN to choose the one that gives the best graphic representation of the component and connecting piping. This requirement impacts the definition of symbols in the PDS environment. 2. . The origin of the coordinate system should fall on a point of symmetry of the symbol. and the TEXX can not be redefined. Thus. Although. blind flanges) Straight through (for example. with the flat side down or at the bottom of the symbol. When defining an offset fitting. Flanged offset fittings must be created with the end prep graphics drawn integrally with the symbol.) In one solution. you can define the basic connect point skeleton of the item in both PDS and ISOGEN as a straight-through component. In this example. you can not draw graphics that extend from the ISOGEN symbol for the branch. the symbology for a TEXX is not acceptable. No more than three tap points can be placed left of the y axis. Outer tap points in the x-axis direction must be located by at least the greater of 5 mm or 10% of the symbol length down the x-axis if they are to be used. No more than three tap points can be placed right of the y axis. observe the following rules. . all legs of a redefined angled fitting must be identical. The other legs are created automatically by ISOGEN.5 .78 5. No more than three tap points can be placed above the x axis. The symbol will not be written if any of the limits are exceeded. The previously-listed rules are not checked during symbol creation. The leg that you draw must be symmetrical about the x-axis of the symbol coordinate system. but are verified when the symbol is written to the symbol library. No more than three tap points can be placed on the x axis. When distributing tap points. The start point of the leg must be to the left of the y-axis and the end point must be the pivot point or the origin of the symbol. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . when the symbol is drawn. you draw only a single leg. observe the following rules: Outer tap points in the y-axis direction must be located at least 5 mm from the yaxis if they are to be used. All legs of an angled fitting must have a common pivot point (this requirement excludes redefinition of symbols like the angle block BA**). No more than three tap points can be placed below the x axis. A symbol can have up to nine tap points. Allowable and unallowable angled shapes 6. When you define the angled fitting. To use tap points that are not on the x or y axis. No more than three tap points can be placed on the y axis.March 2000 If angled fittings consist of two or more legs. None of the default ISOGEN symbols have defined tap points. The graphics should be symmetrical about the xaxis. you must follow these rules: The start point of the symbol must be the point where the operator attaches to the valve. Therefore. Two alternatives exist for defining pipe supports: The pipe support symbol does not have an orientation (like the default ISOGEN pipe support symbol). Sketches of several of the original ISOGEN symbols appear in Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions. Otherwise. In this case.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Using this criteria. 8. the tap point is assumed to be at the center of the symbol. the start and end points of the symbol should be located at the same point. .79 When a component with taps in the model is mapped to a symbol without taps. A symmetrical symbol should have symmetrically distributed tap points so that ISOGEN always finds an appropriate tap point no matter how the symbol is oriented in a drawing. In redefining a valve operator symbol. 9. Tap points on a flange 7. Redefined symbols can not be too large. The amount of space reserved in a drawing for a symbol is always based on that of the old skey. most symbols should be between 8 and 12 mm long and 4 to 8 mm tall. The operator must be defined on its side with the stem lying along the x-axis and the handwheel lying along the y-axis. problems may occur with graphic interferences within the drawings. you should keep your symbol approximately the same size as the one it is based on. Select the Fit command and place a data point in the view to fit the symbol. — Define the valve operator that will actually be the pipe support graphics. You must cancel out of view commands. The system responds by placing a heavy cross at the point you specify.March 2000 The pipe support symbol has an orientation much like a valve operator does. You can use the MicroStation view manipulation commands while drawing the symbol graphics. End Point Use this command to define the end point of the symbol.5 . You can use the MicroStation element manipulation commands to modify graphics that you place to build the symbol. an end point. you should select commands from the tutorial and locate the various symbol components. The system responds by placing a heavy cross at the point you specify. A symbol must contain one and only one end point. The spindle key for this pipe support should be set so that a valve operator is attached when the symbol is placed. With these guidelines. Start Point You use this command to specify the start point of the symbol. you must identify the point with either a data point or an XY= key-in. A symbol must contain one and only one start point. After you select the command. and a spindle point all located at the same place. The system responds by doing a window area about the box that encompasses the current symbol definition. before making subsequent tutorial selections. the symbol definition should take place in two steps. . In this case.80 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Fit Symbol Command The Fit command is used to perform a fit operation on the symbol definition area. Each tutorial command is described in the following sections. however. After you select the command. you must identify the point with either a data point or an XY= key-in. — Redefine the pipe support so that it consists of only a start point. Tap Points Use the Tap Points command to define tap points on the symbol. The system responds by setting the line code to dot dash. The system responds by placing a heavy cross at the point you specify. After you select this command. After selecting this command.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . The system responds by setting the line code to solid. The system responds by checking your definition to confirm that it contains a start point and end point. you must identify the point with either a data point or an XY= key-in.81 Solid Line Select this command just prior to drawing symbol graphics with the MicroStation place line and place linestring commands. A symbol can contain only one spindle point. Spindle Point Use this command to define the spindle point of the symbol. Symbol graphics can consist of lines and linestrings only. A symbol can contain up to 9 tap points. Insulation graphics can consist of lines and linestrings only. Accept Choose Accept to indicate that the symbol definition is complete. Heat tracing graphics can consist of lines and linestrings only. . identify a point with either a data point or an XY= key-in. Lagging Select this command just prior to drawing insulation graphics using the MicroStation place line and place linestring commands. The system responds by placing a heavy cross at the point you specify. The system then adds a new record to the symbol index file. The system responds by setting the line code to long dash. Tracing Select this command just prior to drawing heat tracing graphics using the MicroStation place line and place linestring commands. Exit Select the Exit command when you are finished redefining symbols.March 2000 Clear Command Choose Clear to stop work on the current symbol and reinitialize the tutorial.82 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The system responds by deleting all of the symbol graphics and any record that may have been written to the symbol index file. The system responds by erasing all tutorial inputs and a fit operation is performed on the design file. The system responds by closing the symbol index file and deactivating the symbol definition tutorial. . Delete Command Choose Delete to delete the current symbol.5 . Upon completion. The system verifies that the symbol file (defined in the Isometric Symbol Editor Screen form) exists. .83 Creating a User-defined Symbol Library __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After drawing the symbol graphics with the Symbol Definition Software. select the Update Symbol Library button from the Isometric Extraction Utilities form.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . the system prompts Symbol library successfully created If any errors are encountered during processing. you must generate a symbol library. Stroking design file contents.. Before Using This Command You must have created a design file containing user-defined symbols. the system displays an error message and returns to the Isometric Symbol Editor Screen form. To create the symbol library. the system displays an error message and returns to the Isometric Symbol Editor Screen form. The system displays the following messages at the start of each phase of processing. Converting ASCII symbols to binary. refer to the log file that is written to the ˜/pdiso/dat directory. and you must also have the corresponding symbol index file. The system performs the following processes when updating the symbol library.. If the file does not exist. If the file does not exist.. The system verifies that the index file (defined in the Isometric Symbol Editor Screen form) exists.. March 2000 Using the Newly-created Symbol Library __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To use the newly-created symbol library. Edit the options file. page 7 . Edit the NEW_SYMBOL_KEYS table in the options file where necessary. page 7 . 2. .5 .1 for more information on the FILES table. Refer to The Options File.84 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . and add the binary symbol library file name to the FILES table. Modify the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map so that PDS symbols map to the newly-defined ISOGEN symbols. you must first perform three actions: 1. 3. Refer to The Options File.1 for more information on the NEW_SYMBOL_KEYS table. 3. .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . All records that have been written to pdtable_185 in the project database must have an assigned iso Type or they cannot be extracted. If you need to assign a Type to a drawing. Spool. one can be assigned by using the Revise Drawing command. etc.4 Delete Drawing Records With Undefined Iso Type __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This command deletes all isometric drawings that do not have an associated Type (fabrication.9.85 5.). an I-beam can be placed using cardinal point 5 (CP5)which is the center of its cross section or it can be placed by CP6 the right-center point on the beam’s cross-section. Select the Frameworks Reference Dimension File button from the Isometric Extraction Utilities form. the referenced column is in the same physical location and the position of the pipeline is unchanged. Structural elements are placed in FrameWorks Plus by using one of ten available cardinal points. column C_25 was placed using CP5 (center-center) while the bottom extraction was placed using CP6 (right-center). However. Since the Structural Column Reference option (Intergraph option 71) references structural elements according to their active cardinal point at the time of placement.9.86 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . note that the easterly dimension varies by half the thickness of the column. In both cases. For example. It is highly recommended that structural columns be placed by CP5 (center-center). the same pipeline is extracted twice. 1. .March 2000 5. In the top extraction. Each cardinal point represents a different point on the cross-section of a structural member.5 Generate FrameWorks Reference Dimension File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The FrameWorks Reference Dimension File command allows you to generate an ASCII file that is used by Intergraph option 71 to place reference dimension in the isometric drawing.5 .3. The Options File. In the previous graphic. For more information on Intergraph option 71 refer to the section. The choice of cardinal point takes on additional relevance when using the Isometric Column Reference (Intergraph option 71) because this is the point that the pipeline will use as a reference. The fields display the nodename and location to which the dimension file and log file will be written. . etc. Set the Submit Batch Immediately/Delay Batch Submit Time toggle.). 2. Tue. The information in the FrameWorks ASCII Data Filename and the Log Filename fields is for display purposes only. 3. Define the run time by keying in the day of the week (Mon. Select the Batch Queue pulldown gadget and select the queue that will be used to generate the dimension file. Select the Submit Batch Immediately option to run the job immediately. the time and then select AM or PM. Select the Delay Batch Submit Time to specify a run time for the job.87 The system activates the Create Reference Dimension File form.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . The system generates the FrameWorks ASCII Data file and log file.March 2000 After the Batch Queue and the Submit Batch toggle have been set.5 . . PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .88 4. select the accept button. 10 Create Batch Job Input __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To extract isometrics using the batch software. The batch job file is an ASCII data file that is submitted to the batch extraction software as an input file. line ID records will be written to the batch job input file using this form’s current search criteria. The system displays the Create Batch Job Input form. Once a batch input file is created. Be sure that you do not select accept on this form unless you have set the appropriate search criteria.89 5. page 5 . Select cancel (X) to exit the form without writing line records. You create the batch input file by identifying which lines to create drawings for and setting the options that determine how the job will be processed. These include defining search criteria to select large groups of lines and selecting lines by line ID. When the accept button is selected on this Create Batch Job Input form. Select the Create Batch Job Input button from the Batch Environment form.3. Lines can be selected for the batch input file using one of two methods. Refer to Schedule Batch Job. 1. you must create a batch job input file.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . . it can be scheduled by using the Schedule Batch Job command.100 for more information. The default editor is notepad. .March 2000 Batch Job Input File Key in the batch job input file name.5 . the system options to the exported variable ISOBATCH. 3.90 2. Select the Overwrite to overwrite the batch input file or select Append to append the information to the existing batch input file information. If a file name is not keyed in. Select Review/Edit to display the batch input file in the default editor. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Append and Review/Edit buttons. If the file already exists the system will display the Overwrite. Default Set Option Select the Default Set Option field to select another default set from the Isometric Extraction Default Sets form. The system checks that the existing file is a valid batch job input file and that it was generated from the same Project Control Database. You can use the export variable PD_EDITOR to define a different default editor. b7 is the MTO neutral file for iso CW1002. As shown in the above example.b + extr number So. Each new MTO file contains the material associated with a single isometric drawing sheet. Delete Existing Files / Save Existing Files toggle If the Delete Existing Files option is selected. 4. Example: The MTO neutral file is named as follows: iso name + sheet number + . the MTO neutral file generated by the ISOGEN interface is split up into multiple files by the batch extraction software. sheet 2. These files include any ISOGEN output you have enabled using the options file and error message files produced by the ISOGEN software. the system will not delete any of the generated miscellaneous files. This toggle will not purge old versions of the MTO neutral files. the system will overwrite all miscellaneous files that were created as a result of a previous isometric generation. The batch extraction software uses the extraction number to name the neutral files.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . If the Save Existing Files option is selected. a MTO file named CW10022. The system returns to the Create Batch Job Input form and displays the selected default set and description in the Default Set Option field.91 Select a default set from the form and select the accept button. from extraction number 7. . Do Not Save Details/Save Previous Details toggle If the Do Not Save Details option is selected. If the Save Previous Details option is selected. edg. If the Do Not Plot option is selected. Refer to Delete Drawing.13 . . refer to the PD Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide. page 5 . none of the isometric drawings will be plotted. the MicroStation file.exe. If a drawing sheet is found. then all graphics that reside on levels 0 and 60 through 63 are merged into the new version of the drawing. If you plan to export the isometric drawing documents to PDME (Plant Data Maintenance Environment). 5.46 for more information about deleting drawings. 7.5 . the system will not update the revision block. If the Do Not Increment Revision Number option is selected. the selected isometric drawings will be submitted for plotting. will not be acceptable or correct when merged into a new version of the drawing. the system ignores any previously added graphics. Some changes. the existing iso will be copied to "output path"/isolast/. This allows you to add manual details that will be retained from version to version of the drawing. Before using the Save Previous Details option. the revision toggle must be set to Increment Revision Number. the system will update the drawing revision block when an isometric is successfully generated. 6.92 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . For more information. see Define Default Sets. page 5 . The software looks in the output directory (as specified in the area level data) for each drawing sheet as it is produced. particularly those made to the isometric drawing itself. the system adds all manually added MicroStation graphics of the previous isometric drawing version to the new version. must be loaded locally to the workstation that will be used to process the isometric drawings. Submit for Plotting / Do Not Plot toggle If the Submit for Plotting option is selected.March 2000 If you choose not to delete the existing files. Increment Revision Number/Do Not Increment Revision Number toggle If the Increment Revision Number option is selected. A Plot Request file name must be specified in the default set. You will encounter problems later when attempting to delete a drawing if a revision history does not exist for a drawing. For more information on exporting isometric drawing documents. 93 When the batch job is run.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Descr To increment drawing revision numbers. Using this option will help limit the number of drawings displayed. Select the Iso Area List button. Date and Descr to update the revision block for the drawing in the Project Control Database. Date. 9. If. for example. Chk. you should key in that issue date to this field. Chk. . The Date field allows you to specify an issue date for the isometric that is different from the current date. Type Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type. The system displays the Iso Areas form. you might want to update the Project Control Database with Chk and Aprv initials after the drawing has been plotted. you are extracting a number of drawings over a period of a few days for issue on a given date. If you leave the Date field blank. Search Criteria: The following are search criteria that can be used separately or together to locate a drawing or group of drawings within an iso area. 8. The data will be written back to the Project Control Database only if the isometric is successfully extracted. All defined search criteria must be met before a drawing can be included in an isometric extraction. key in information to these fields to specify the revision block data. the system will use the inputs for By. Iso Area Key in the name of the iso area that you want to extract lines from. the current date will be used. By. Rather than key in Chk initials at extraction time. — OR — a. 5 . Batch Reference Key in the batch reference number of the lines you want to extract. Model Status Code Key in the status code if you want to restrict a list to all lines of a given status. — OR — . To use batch reference numbers as criteria. The system returns to the Create Batch Job Input form with the selected area in the Iso Area field. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Key in a drawing number in each field to identify the lines to extract.94 b. by drawing number.March 2000 Select the appropriate iso area and the accept button. To restrict the list further. Drawing Number Low / Drawing Number High Drawing Number High and Drawing Number Low define. specify them in individual drawing records when adding drawing records to the Project Control Database. the range of lines to extract. you must supply additional criteria such as batch reference numbers and drawing numbers. The system activates the List Drawings form.95 a. 11. Select the Drawing List button. b. If enabled. Do Not Use Model Revised Date / Use Model Revised Date toggle Select the Use Model Revise Date option to specify that only lines whose Model Revised date is greater than the last drawing revision date can be included in the list of lines to extract. c. The system returns to the Create Batch Job Input form with the selected drawing displayed in the Drawing Number Low field. the system displays the Write to Batch Input File Cancel/Accept form.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . . Once all of the necessary search criteria has been set. 10. select the accept button to begin processing. Activate a cursor in the Drawing Number Low field by placing a data point. d. Select the drawing that will represent the low drawing number and select the accept button. Repeat the above steps for the Drawing Number High field. The system displays a second Create Batch Job Input form which lists all lines contained within the selected iso area. The system displays the List Iso Areas form. To prevent the form from being displayed. Select an iso area and the accept button. It allows you to select individual lines for extraction as opposed to defining different search criteria to select a specific group of lines. The Write to Batch Input File Cancel/Accept form is an added feature to help prevent new users from writing an unnecessary number of lines to the batch input file. Select the Select By Line ID button. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 13. Select By Line ID The Select by Line ID button can be used instead of the various search criteria to select lines for the batch input file.5 . a. add the following environment variable: In the pds.96 12.cmd file.March 2000 Select the Accept button to begin posting the list to the batch input file. $ENV{’NO_CONFIRM_WRITE_BJ’} = ’anything’. . Date and Description fields will be initialized with the input values that were entered in step 8. Use the Reset Selection button at any time to cancel all previous line selections. The system activates the third Create Batch Job Input form. c. — OR — Select the Iso Area List button to select a different iso area from the List Iso Areas form.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Chk. Select the accept button once all of the appropriate lines have been selected. — OR — Select the Select All button to include all of the listed files in the batch file.97 b. — OR — Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type. . The By. Select the lines to be included in the batch file. Using this option will help limit the number of drawings displayed for selection. each line is posted to the batch input file with separate option lines. 16. Date. It displays the type of drawings that are listed. Chk. Drawing List This button displays the List Iso Areas form. Select the accept button The system posts the list to the batch input file. Iso Area List This button displays the List Iso Areas form. the system returns to the Create Batch Job Input form with the iso area in the Iso Area field. e. Select the cancel button to dismiss the form and return to the Create Batch Job Input form.98 d. Iso Type This field is for review purposes only. select the By. the systems displays the List Drawings form. and Description fields on the form and key in the appropriate information for each line. 14. If any of the previously mentioned fields are revised. If the fields are not revised. all of the selected lines will be posted to the batch input file under the same option lines.5 . PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . .March 2000 If necessary. Once an area(s) is selected and accepted. 15. When an Iso Area is selected from the form and accepted. for more information.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . .99 17. Schedule Batch Job. Refer to the next section. Schedule Batch Job This button displays the Schedule Batch Job form. 1. the remaining fields in the form will be given default values with the exception of the Run Time fields. Select the Schedule Batch Job button from the Batch Environment form.100 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Batch Input File Key in the name of the batch input file that was previously created using the Create Batch Job Input command from the Batch Environment form. Blank fields in the file specification will be defaulted according to the current default directory.5 . an error message will be displayed at the bottom of the form. The system activates the Schedule Batch Job form. . If the file name is valid.11 Schedule Batch Job __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Schedule Batch Job command allows you to schedule a batch job for isometric extraction.3. 2.March 2000 5. If the file name does not exist. 101 3. If no queues are defined in the queue_descript file.job. All . the . This is the name for the batch run which will show up in the batch queue when you key in the qstat PDisocreate command. Mail Notify Key in the email path of the machine that will be sent a mail message when the batch iso processing completes. If the batch job input file name remains the same. This log is useful when you are having difficulties getting the batch software to operate.job and . 7. Process Queue Select one of the queues from the pull down list.log file will maintain a cumulative history of each successive run.nqs file to verify write permissions. The batch log file contains an entry for each attempted run together with an error code and/or message when the run fails. The mail message contains the identification of the batch job input file. The error code is explained in more detail in Appendix A. 4. a brief error message.job file) is different from the batch log file (.89 for more information on defining batch job input files. The default job name is the batch input file name. A default for this field is provided by your system manager when the iso extraction product is installed on your system. . Valid queue names include: PDiso_batch.log file) created by the batch procedure. Job Name Key in a batch job name. page 5 . This field is only displayed if the file defined in the Batch Job Input File field was created with the Submit for Plotting toggle turned on. Plot Queue Select one of the queues from the pull down list. If this is not the case. have your system administrator check the hosts. the system generates a Process Queue list from locally defined queues. It contains a log of all error messages issued by the various software modules used to create an isometric. The queues displayed in the Process Queue field are chosen first from the queues defined in the PDiso_batch portion of the queue_descript file (located in the project directory).log files are written to the same directory as the batch job input file. and an error code. The System log file (. The system log file is named using the batch input file name together with a file extension of . 5.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . This field allows you to create a log of the command execution as the job processes in batch. Refer to Create Batch Job Input. The selected batch queue will extract the lines as defined in the batch input file. PDiso_bat_1. System Log File Key in the name of a log file. 6. PDiso_bat_*. the Project Control Database name. the system honors the previous extraction’s pagination.pXX file is used when exporting data to PDME (Plant Data Maintenance Environment). However. the result may be a sheet that contains too much information to decipher. When set to Re-Extract Existing Sheets. Intergraph options 4 (ISOGEN component vs sheet number file) and 20 (Intergraph MTO Neutral File) must be set to 1 (active). 10. This toggle should be set to Do Not Extract Existing Sheets if extensive changes are being made to a pipeline. unlike the previous toggle setting. only the pipe queues that are defined will be displayed in the Plot Queue pull down list. When using this option.1 for additional information. Valid queue names include: PDiso_plot. Do Not Save Sheet Extraction Data / Save Sheet Extraction Data When the toggle is set to Save Sheet Extraction Data.102 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . This toggle should be set to Do Not Save Sheet Extraction Data until the design is stable and your isometrics are ready to be issued for the first time. ISOGEN extracts the line and determines the amount of information that will be placed on each sheet and splits them accordingly.March 2000 The queues displayed in the Plot Queue field are chosen first from the queues defined in the PDiso_plot portion of the queue_descript file (located in the project directory). the system generates a Plot Queue list from locally defined queues. ISOGEN extracts the line normally. create a pipe queue that points to the device queue. Do Not Extract Existing Sheets / Re-Extract Existing Sheets When set to Do Not Extract Existing Sheets. Plot Copies Keyin the number of copies to be plotted for each extracted line. If locally defined queues are used. Repeating data includes such information as: traversal startpoint (saved to the project database) and the extracted item’s iso sheet number (saved to the design database). If no queues are defined in the queue_descript file. To display local device queues.1 for additional information. 11. page 15 . ISOGEN creates a <isogen_drawing_name>.5 . 9. Refer to Repeatability. the system generates and stores repeating data in the project and design databases. Refer to the Export to PDME command in the PDS Project Administrator document for information. The resulting . If extensive revisions are made to a line and the previous pagination is honored. . PDiso_plot_1. PDiso_plt_*. 8. Refer to Repeatability. Do Not Generate PDME Data / Generate PDME Data When set to Generate PDME Data. page 15 .p<sheet_no> file for each extracted iso sheet in the iso output directory. err files produced by the ISOGEN interface to make sure that the drawings do not contain errors. The batch shell marks each entry in the batch job input file as it is processed. Select the Delay Batch Submit Time to specify a run time for the job. Verify On / Verify Off toggle Select the Verify On option to turn on batch job verification.103 12. 15. a batch job log file (containing an entry for each attempted extraction) is created and updated as the batch job executes. Debug On / Debug Off toggle Select the Debug On option to enable the debugging logic in the batch job. Select the Verify Off option to turn off batch job verification. As described earlier. The debugging logic causes the values of several batch procedure variables to be displayed in the system log file. When drawings fail. After all fields contain the appropriate information. a log of all system commands executed by the batch extraction procedure is saved in the iso output directory. 13. consult Appendix A for a more detailed explanation of the error code and message found in the log file. check the . select the accept button. This option is useful for tracking down problems or submitting problems to Intergraph. Tue. If the system goes down and the job is not restarted automatically. When verification is on. Submit Batch Immediately/Delay Batch Submit Time toggle Select the Submit Batch Immediately option to run the job immediately. it can be restarted using the Schedule Batch Job command. the time and then select AM or PM. Define the run time by keying in the day of the week (Mon. etc.).Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . Therefore. Drawings that have already been created will not be re-executed. Also. 14. Examine this log after the job finishes to see that all drawings were successfully completed. Do not enable verification when large numbers of iso’s are being created since the resulting log files will use a large amount of disk space. the batch procedure can be stopped and then restarted at any later time without causing drawings that have already completed to be rerun. Select the Debug Off option to disable the debugging logic in the batch job. . If the system default variable. For example: ISOREPORT=node:/usr/directory. Key in the report filename in the Output File field. is exported in the control. 2. 3. ISOREPORT.March 2000 file. The system displays the Batch Data Reports form. Select the Reports button from the Batch Environment form.5 . the system will default to that value. Choose a report type. 1. a pipe queue named PDprint must exist. Before reports can be printed. For information on creating pipe queues for PDS.104 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .3. . refer to the section Printer/Plotter Setup in the PD Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide.12 Reports __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Reports command allows you to define the report type and to choose whether or not an area or drawing will be included in the report. plot file. This report lists information such as: Line Number Type of Isometric Drawing Number . This report lists information such as: Equipment Areas Continuation Areas The Current Default Set User Data Default (Options) Summary creates an options summary report which shows all default sets. the default output path and border file defined for each default set) Drawing Summary creates a drawing summary report which shows selected data about each drawing that you are reporting.105 Area Summary creates an area summary report which shows all of the data associated with one or more piping areas.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . This report lists information such as: ISOGEN Project Options Information on Each Default Set (such as the seed file. This reports lists information such as: Drawing Number Revision Number Most Recent Revision Date Drawing Number Number of Sheets Most Recent MTO Date Drawing Revision History creates a revision history report which shows the revision dates for each revision of the drawings being reported. 106 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . — OR — a. Iso Area Key in the name of the iso area that you want to extract lines from. the system generates reports on the entire project control database.March 2000 List of Drawing Revision Dates (up to the last five) Search Criteria: The following are search criteria that can be used separately or together to locate a drawing or group of drawings within an iso area.5 . b. All defined search criteria must be met before a drawing can be included in the report list. If no search criteria is defined. If you want to restrict the list further. you must supply additional criteria such as batch reference numbers and drawing numbers. . The system returns to the Batch Data Reports form with the selected area in the Iso Area field. Select the Iso Area List button. Select the appropriate iso area and the accept button. The system displays the Iso Areas form. Activate a cursor in the Drawing Number Low field by placing a data point. the range of lines to extract. Batch Reference Key in the batch reference number of the lines you want to extract. Model Status Code Key in the status code if you want to restrict a list to all lines of a given status.107 Type Select the Type field gadget and select the appropriate isometric drawing type.Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . — OR — Select the List Drawing button for a list of batch reference numbers. . specify them in individual drawing records when adding drawing records to the Project Control Database. Select the Drawing List button. by drawing number. — OR — a. To use batch reference numbers as criteria. Using this option will help limit the number of drawings displayed. Key in a drawing number in each field to identify the lines to extract. b. Drawing Number Low / Drawing Number High Drawing Number High and Drawing Number Low define. The system activates the List Drawings form. Repeat the above steps for the Drawing Number High field. Model Revised Date toggle field Select the Use Model Revise Date option to specify that only lines whose Model Revised date is greater than the last drawing revision date can be included in the list of lines to extract. Select one of three print options. Print/Delete Print/Save Save If the Print/Delete or Print/Save option is selected. The system returns to the Batch Data Report form with the selected drawing displayed in the Drawing Number Low field.March 2000 Select the drawing that will represent the low drawing number and select the accept button. 5. . 4.5 .108 c. the system displays a scroll field that lists available printing queues. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . d. The system initiates report generation. the system defaults to the Save option. .Batch Isometric Extraction 5 . If there is no queue connected to the client workstation. 6. Select the accept button.109 Select a print queue. 110 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .5 .March 2000 . This report can help you determine whether or not the problem exists in your model.ISO then the HITS report filename will be OWS1101. if the isometric design filename is OWS1101. The run time to generate both an IDF and a HITS report is significantly longer than the run time to generate a HITS report only. The HITS report filename is formed from the output isometric design filename. You can use this report to analyze the data collected from the 3-D piping model when a problem extracting an isometric occurs.h. The report is created in the default directory at the time the iso is created. One of the options in the ISOGEN interface defaults file allows you to generate a HITS report only and not an intermediate data file (IDF). Interpreting the HITS Report __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The HITS report is a diagnostic tool generated by the Intergraph interface to ISOGEN.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 .h. Isometric design filename is concatenated with the file extension . You may not always want to generate an IDF with a HITS report. For example. .1 6. in the ISOGEN interface or in ISOGEN itself. Sheet One of Two . The HITS report is composed of 5 basic sections. Refer to the following figure for an illustration of each of the five sections.6-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 6.1 Example HITS Report __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following section discusses an example of a HITS report. The example HITS report in this section was generated using the following line. 45 15.45 15.45 18.58 429.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 15 COMP 32 2 1372.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 8 COMP 27 1 1362.83 429.45 17.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 2 COMP 16 2 1369.58 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 17 12 COMP 29 3 1369.05 422.45 15.80 18.40 422.05 422.40 422.58 423.58 429.58 429.58 429.21 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 25 PIPE 5 1 1370.94 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 6 COMP 14 3 1362.46 Z Node Direct Section 0 0 0 Flags 3 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 9 1 COMP 16 1 1369.80 19.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 9 COMP 29 0 1369.58 429.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 17 COMP 33 1 1372.11 422.42 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 5 COMP 14 2 1363.80 19.45 15.45 15.80 18.58 429.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 26 .58 422.35 422.58 429.80 19.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 10 COMP 29 1 1370.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 22 COMP 35 0 1364.35 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 23 COMP 35 1 1364.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 20 COMP 34 1 1364.20 18.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 .58 420.08 422.45 18.45 14.58 X 421.10 Y 13.33 429.45 18.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 16 COMP 33 0 1373.58 422.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 7 COMP 27 0 1362.08 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 11 COMP 29 2 1369.45 18.58 421.80 19.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 18 COMP 33 2 1373.08 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 14 COMP 32 1 1373.3 Sheet Two of Two Date: 30-MAR-1994 02:03:53 Project Database: pd_stdeng_o43 Model Files: skiso3 skiso1 38eqp01 40eqp01 Raw design file data ——————– Name Occ COMP 16 cp # 0 1369.51 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 24 COMP 35 2 1364.80 18.99 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 13 COMP 32 0 1373.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 19 COMP 34 0 1364.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 4 COMP 14 1 1363.45 18.05 18.80 18.24 13.45 18.21 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 21 COMP 34 2 1365.95 13.83 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 3 COMP 14 0 1363. 08 421.47 13.08 421.41 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 37 COMP 17 1 1369.95 13.83 422.58 421.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 82 COMP 12 1 1363.45 14.47 12.08 421.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 83 COMP 12 2 1363.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 57 COMP 8 2 1363.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 13 79 SUPP 4 1 1369.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 29 PIPE 7 1 1372.45 14.24 13.45 15.54 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 15 67 COMP 26 1 1364.83 429.45 16.45 18.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 46 COMP 31 0 1363.58 423.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 55 COMP 8 0 1363.80 19.08 421.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 72 COMP 23 0 1369.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 27 PIPE 6 1 1373.45 18.08 420.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 66 COMP 26 0 1364.6-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .45 17.45 14.43 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 65 COMP 11 1 1363.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 38 COMP 17 2 1369.45 17.70 13.58 422.08 422.93 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 58 COMP 9 0 1363.80 18.45 15.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 43 COMP 15 0 1363.33 429.58 422.58 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 62 COMP 10 1 1363.08 421.58 429.08 422.80 19.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 53 COMP 7 2 1363.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 28 PIPE 6 2 1373.08 422.30 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 89 COMP 25 0 1369.10 13.47 12.58 422.58 421.08 421.45 14.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 39 COMP 17 3T 1369.58 422.70 13.30 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 11 81 COMP 12 0 1363.45 16.08 422.58 422.08 422.80 19.08 421.08 422.70 13.38 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 90 COMP 25 1 1369.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 75 COMP 24 0 1369.47 12.08 421.47 13.24 13.42 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 74 COMP 23 2 1369.08 421.11 422.08 421.94 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 78 COMP 24 3 1368.58 422.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 33 COMP 30 2 1363.93 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 60 COMP 9 2 1363.70 13.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 64 COMP 11 0 1363.45 14.58 422.38 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 44 COMP 15 1 1363.08 422.March 2000 PIPE 5 2 1372.80 18.37 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 11 80 SUPP 4 2 1369.47 12.58 429.27 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 73 COMP 23 1 1369.45 18.90 422.58 422.08 421.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 41 COMP 6 1 1363.45 12.58 429.58 421.45 18.45 14.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 32 COMP 30 1 1363.58 421.47 13.08 422.08 421.45 13.08 422.08 421.45 15.08 421.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 30 PIPE 7 2 1365.05 18.58 422.08 421.27 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 85 COMP 13 1 1363.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 71 COMP 22 2 1369.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 49 PIPE 4 1 1363.45 14.08 421.45 16.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 54 COMP 7 3T 1363.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 76 COMP 24 1 1369.94 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 91 .46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 17 35 PIPE 3 2 1363.47 12.47 13.58 422.83 422.45 17.08 422.83 422.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 84 COMP 13 0 1363.97 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 47 COMP 31 1 1363.47 13.47 13.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 42 COMP 6 2 1363.58 422.45 14.37 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 88 SUPP 3 2 1363.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 70 COMP 22 1 1369.45 13.20 18.47 12.08 422.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 40 COMP 6 0 1363.41 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 52 COMP 7 1 1363.42 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 77 COMP 24 2 1369.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 48 COMP 31 2 1363.51 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 15 69 COMP 22 0 1369.47 12.45 16.45 14.08 422.45 12.08 422.45 13.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 59 COMP 9 1 1363.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 17 34 PIPE 3 1 1369.24 13.42 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 86 COMP 13 2 1363.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 17 36 COMP 17 0 1369.08 421.08 422.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 87 SUPP 3 1 1363.47 12.58 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 15 68 COMP 26 2 1364.45 16.58 422.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 31 COMP 30 0 1363.12 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 8 51 COMP 7 0 1363.45 15.45 13.45 18.58 421.08 422.47 12.58 429.06 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 56 COMP 8 1 1363.45 15.08 421.08 422.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 61 COMP 10 0 1363.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 63 COMP 10 2 1363.08 422.45 17.71 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 8 50 PIPE 4 2 1363.94 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 45 COMP 15 2 1363. 58 421.47 12.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 92 COMP 305 0 1369.93 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 100 COMP 19 0 1369.46 40 11 0 22 0 0 0 3 5 COMP 6 1 1363.45 16.18 -2 3 0 3 0 0 0 7 1 COMP 27 1 1362.47 12.08 421.08 421.45 15.40 422.90 422.93 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 102 COMP 19 2 1369.43 -2 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 10 COMP 11 1 1363.40 422.47 13.08 422.45 17.47 12.18 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 5 33 COMP 15 1 1363.24 13.24 13.71 4 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 15 COMP 9 0 1363.47 12.12 13 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 40 PIPE 4 2 1363.46 3 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 11 COMP 10 2 1363.08 421.08 421.43 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 107 COMP 21 1 1369.47 13.58 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 13 COMP 9 2 1363.12 13 2 0 5 0 0 0 8 41 COMP 30 1 1363.47 12.5 COMP 25 2 1369.58 421.08 421.82 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 16 COMP 9 1 1363.45 17.71 14 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 42 .08 422.97 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 93 COMP 305 1 1369.37 7 12 0 3 0 0 0 5 24 SUPP 3 2 1363.47 12.93 5 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 18 COMP 8 0 1363.45 12.45 16.45 13.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 13 110 Design file data sorted by coordinate ————————————Name Occ COMP 27 0 1362.08 422.47 13.82 12 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 37 COMP 15 2 1363.99 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 14 97 COMP 18 0 1369.08 422.47 12.47 12.47 12.70 13.97 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 39 COMP 31 2 1363.70 13.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 13 109 COMP 28 1 1368.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 .45 16.08 421.08 422.08 421.27 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 30 COMP 13 1 1363.37 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 5 26 SUPP 3 1 1363.47 13.45 15.47 12.08 421.45 15.47 13.58 422.45 16.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 108 COMP 28 0 1368.37 7 15 0 3 0 0 0 5 23 COMP 7 1 1363.45 16.46 2 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 8 COMP 7 2 1363.08 422.08 422.58 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 104 COMP 20 1 1369.45 17.45 16.08 421.58 421.45 15.85 422.08 422.08 422.45 13.46 2 12 0 3 0 0 0 4 9 COMP 11 0 1363.58 422.08 422.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 94 COMP 305 2 1369.45 15.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 106 COMP 21 0 1369.18 6 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 20 COMP 8 1 1363.08 420.35 422.58 422.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 103 COMP 20 0 1369.08 421.08 422.46 3 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 12 COMP 10 0 1363.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 105 COMP 20 2 1369.08 420.18 6 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 21 COMP 7 0 1363.45 17.08 422.08 422.06 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 98 COMP 18 1 1369.58 421.82 12 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 38 COMP 31 0 1363.08 421.42 10 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 31 COMP 14 1 1363.37 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 5 27 COMP 13 2 1363.47 13.58 421.47 12.47 12.58 422.45 15.45 14.41 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 5 22 COMP 12 1 1363.58 421.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 95 PIPE 103 1 1369.94 11 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 35 COMP 15 0 1363.45 17.93 5 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 17 COMP 8 2 1363.58 421.08 421.45 14.71 4 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 14 COMP 10 1 1363.47 12.47 12.08 421.47 12.47 12.08 421.08 422.08 422.58 421.45 15.58 421.08 420.38 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 36 COMP 31 1 1363.47 12.12 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 14 96 PIPE 103 2 1369.10 13.45 16.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 101 COMP 19 1 1369.12 9 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 28 COMP 12 2 1363.18 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 7 2 COMP 14 3 1362.45 14.08 422.45 14.46 0 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 7 COMP 6 2 1363.94 11 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 34 COMP 14 2 1363.08 421.46 40 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 6 COMP 6 0 1363.45 17.08 422.58 421.30 -3 2 0 8 0 0 0 5 25 COMP 12 0 1363.06 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 19 COMP 7 3T 1363.42 10 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 32 COMP 14 0 1363.70 13.08 421.08 422.12 9 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 29 COMP 13 0 1363.58 422.58 422.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 99 COMP 18 2 1369.18 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 7 3 1 1 1363.95 13.08 421.46 -1 11 0 22 0 0 0 3 4 NOZ cp # X Y Z Node Direct Section Flags Topo Seq Branch Sg_occ NOZ 1 2 1363.47 12.58 421.08 421.45 14.95 13.45 15. 45 17.45 14.46 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 9 67 COMP 16 2 1369.80 19.58 429.58 422.05 422.80 19.54 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 15 53 COMP 26 1 1364.46 34 4 0 5 0 0 0 16 106 PIPE 5 2 1372.46 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 8 43 44 PIPE 3 2 1363.46 18 7 0 3 0 0 0 16 57 PIPE 7 2 1365.46 22 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 72 COMP 20 0 1369.45 12.90 422.45 17.58 422.58 421.37 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 11 86 SUPP 4 1 1369.46 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 16 104 COMP 29 1 1370.06 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 79 COMP 17 3T 1369.82 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 76 COMP 18 2 1369.46 35 4 0 5 0 0 0 16 107 .46 18 7 0 5 0 0 0 16 58 COMP 28 0 1368.45 13.45 16.45 15.80 19.58 41 8 0 22 0 0 0 15 55 NOZ 7 1 1364.05 422.12 32 5 0 5 0 0 0 14 100 COMP 305 2 1369.18 19 3 0 3 0 0 0 13 61 PIPE 3 1 1369.11 422.46 -1 1 0 22 0 0 0 9 64 NOZ 3 2 1369.80 19.80 19.93 24 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 78 COMP 18 0 1369.March 2000 PIPE 4 1 1363.58 422.45 14.58 422.70 13.47 13.46 20 4 0 5 0 0 0 17 62 COMP 29 2 1369.45 13.58 422.18 25 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 81 COMP 17 0 1369.83 422.58 422.58 420.58 420.21 16 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 48 COMP 34 1 1364.11 422.27 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 90 COMP 23 1 1369.93 24 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 77 COMP 19 1 1369.21 16 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 49 COMP 35 0 1364.71 23 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 74 COMP 19 2 1369.58 422.58 422.30 -3 5 0 8 0 0 0 11 85 COMP 22 0 1369.58 421.47 12.6-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .80 18.37 26 14 0 3 0 0 0 11 83 COMP 17 1 1369.33 429.12 32 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 101 PIPE 103 2 1369.45 18.46 39 1 0 3 0 0 0 9 66 COMP 16 0 1369.58 422.45 18.47 12.47 12.46 39 1 0 22 0 0 0 9 65 COMP 16 1 1369.45 16.83 422.45 15.95 13.37 26 9 0 3 0 0 0 11 84 SUPP 4 2 1369.12 28 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 89 COMP 23 0 1369.80 19.42 29 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 92 COMP 24 0 1369.46 22 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 71 COMP 20 2 1369.47 13.47 12.58 421.24 13.45 18.47 12.58 421.85 422.80 19.58 429.58 421.42 29 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 91 COMP 24 1 1369.45 14.45 18.18 19 3 0 3 0 0 0 13 60 COMP 28 1 1368.58 422.58 422.43 -2 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 70 COMP 21 1 1369.46 15 4 0 5 0 0 0 17 45 COMP 30 2 1363.18 25 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 80 COMP 18 1 1369.58 421.80 18.24 13.58 422.58 421.58 422.70 13.18 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 93 COMP 24 2 1369.45 17.58 41 8 0 3 0 0 0 15 54 NOZ 7 2 1364.58 429.45 15.08 422.45 17.71 23 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 75 COMP 19 0 1369.58 422.58 429.58 429.47 12.18 -2 3 0 3 0 0 0 13 59 COMP 24 3 1368.45 18.47 13.70 13.58 421.51 17 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 51 COMP 26 2 1364.58 421.45 16.97 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 99 PIPE 103 1 1369.37 0 5 0 8 0 0 0 11 87 COMP 22 2 1369.35 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 50 COMP 35 1 1364.46 21 1 0 3 0 0 0 9 68 COMP 17 2 1369.58 421.47 13.45 15.45 15.41 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 11 82 COMP 22 1 1369.80 19.47 12.45 17.95 13.80 20.10 13.71 14 2 0 5 0 0 0 8 COMP 30 0 1363.58 420.99 33 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 103 COMP 29 0 1369.82 31 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 97 COMP 305 1 1369.58 421.58 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 73 COMP 20 1 1369.08 422.90 422.58 422.58 422.58 421.46 21 9 0 3 0 0 0 10 69 COMP 21 0 1369.45 18.94 30 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 94 COMP 25 1 1369.58 429.45 16.58 422.58 421.58 -1 8 0 22 0 0 0 15 56 COMP 34 2 1365.38 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 96 COMP 25 2 1369.12 28 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 88 COMP 23 2 1369.80 18.58 421.45 14.58 422.46 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 47 COMP 35 2 1364.47 12.47 12.45 18.58 422.45 18.99 33 5 0 5 0 0 0 14 102 COMP 29 3 1369.58 421.46 15 4 0 3 0 0 0 17 46 COMP 34 0 1364.58 429.58 422.58 421.45 14.58 429.94 30 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 95 COMP 25 0 1369.45 18.51 17 8 0 3 0 0 0 15 52 COMP 26 0 1364.46 34 4 0 3 0 0 0 16 105 PIPE 5 1 1370.58 429.33 429.45 15.58 429.46 20 4 0 3 0 0 0 17 63 NOZ 3 1 1369.82 31 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 98 COMP 305 0 1369.58 421.83 422.58 421. 45 18.83 429.46 37 6 0 3 0 0 0 16 112 PIPE 6 1 1373.58 423.46 38 6 0 3 0 0 0 16 114 PIPE 6 2 1373.80 18.58 429.83 422.80 18.05 18.46 37 6 0 5 0 0 0 16 113 COMP 33 2 1373.20 18.58 429.46 36 7 0 5 0 0 0 16 109 COMP 33 1 1372.46 38 6 0 5 0 0 0 16 115 COMP 33 0 1373.83 429.58 422.45 18.20 18.7 COMP 32 2 1372.80 18.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 .46 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 16 116 Tracing data ———— Occ Cp 5 Next Action 3 2 Name NOZ Node 39 Ref Design 112 1 1 1 5 Next 16 1 COMP 39 2 1 1 2 5 Next 16 2 COMP 21 3 1 1 3 5 Next 17 2 COMP 21 39 1 1 4 6 Push 17 3 COMP 25 40 1 0 0 5 Next 17 1 COMP 26 38 1 1 5 5 Next 22 1 COMP 26 71 1 1 6 5 Next 22 2 COMP 28 72 1 1 7 5 Next 23 2 COMP 28 75 1 1 8 5 Next 23 1 COMP 29 74 1 1 9 5 Next 24 1 COMP 29 77 1 1 10 6 Push 24 3 COMP 19 79 1 0 0 5 Next 24 2 COMP 30 78 1 1 11 5 Next 25 1 COMP 30 91 1 1 12 5 Next 25 2 COMP 31 92 1 1 13 5 Next 305 1 COMP 31 94 1 1 14 5 Next 305 2 COMP 32 95 1 1 15 5 Next 103 1 PIPE 32 96 1 1 16 5 Next 103 2 PIPE 33 97 1 1 17 5 Next 29 3 COMP 33 13 1 1 18 6 Push 29 2 COMP 20 12 1 0 0 5 Next 29 1 COMP 34 11 1 2 1 5 Next 5 1 PIPE 34 26 1 2 2 5 Next 5 2 PIPE 35 27 1 2 3 5 Next 32 2 COMP 35 16 1 2 4 5 Next 32 1 COMP 37 15 1 2 5 5 Next 6 1 PIPE 37 28 1 2 6 5 Next 6 2 PIPE 38 29 1 2 7 5 Next 33 2 COMP 38 19 1 2 8 5 Next 33 1 COMP 36 18 1 2 9 5 Next 7 1 PIPE 36 30 1 2 10 5 Next 7 2 PIPE 18 31 1 2 11 5 Next 34 2 COMP 18 22 1 2 12 5 Next 34 1 COMP 16 21 1 2 13 5 Next 35 2 COMP 16 25 1 2 14 5 Next 35 1 COMP 17 24 1 2 15 5 Next 26 2 COMP 17 69 1 2 16 5 Next 26 1 COMP 41 68 1 2 17 5 Next 7 2 NOZ 41 116 1 2 18 5 Next 7 1 NOZ -1 115 1 2 7 Pull 29 2 COMP 20 12 1 5 Next 29 2 COMP 20 12 1 2 -1 5 Next 3 1 PIPE 20 35 1 2 -2 5 Next 3 2 PIPE 15 36 1 2 -3 5 Next 30 2 COMP 15 34 1 2 -4 5 Next 30 1 COMP 14 33 1 2 -5 5 Next 4 1 PIPE 14 50 1 2 -6 5 Next 4 2 PIPE 13 51 1 2 -7 5 Next 31 2 COMP 13 49 1 2 -8 5 Next 31 1 COMP 12 48 1 2 -9 5 Next 15 2 COMP 12 46 1 2 -10 5 Next 15 1 COMP 11 45 1 2 -11 ++++ ++++ ++++ —- 2 19 0 .46 36 7 0 3 0 0 0 16 110 COMP 32 0 1373.58 429.05 18.58 423.46 35 4 0 3 0 0 0 16 108 PIPE 7 1 1372.46 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 16 111 COMP 32 1 1373. 45 13.54 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 15 9 COMP 29 0 1369.58 429.47 13.46 Z Node Direct Section 0 1 0 Flags 3 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 9 1 COMP 9 0 1363.58 422.45 16.47 13.58 422.18 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 5 4 COMP 10 0 1363.46 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 8 3 COMP 14 0 1363.45 15.45 18.45 14.46 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 16 7 COMP 17 0 1369.58 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 5 COMP 305 0 1369.47 12.58 422.45 18.06 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 11 COMP 22 0 1369.08 422.58 421.08 421.10 Y 13.March 2000 5 Next 14 2 COMP 11 6 1 6 Push 14 3 COMP 1 7 1 5 Next 14 1 COMP 10 5 5 Next 13 1 COMP 10 5 Next 13 2 COMP 9 5 Next 12 2 COMP 5 Next 12 1 5 Next 7 6 Push 2 ++++ -12 0 0 1 2 -13 86 1 2 -14 87 1 2 -15 9 84 1 2 -16 COMP 7 83 1 2 -17 1 COMP 7 53 1 2 -18 7 3 COMP 6 55 1 5 Next 7 2 COMP 2 54 5 Next 6 2 COMP 2 5 Next 6 1 COMP 40 5 Next 1 2 NOZ 5 Next 1 1 7 Pull 7 5 Next ++++ 0 0 1 2 -19 43 1 2 -20 42 1 2 -21 40 114 1 2 -22 NOZ -1 113 1 2 -23 3 COMP 6 55 1 7 3 COMP 6 55 1 3 1 5 Next 8 1 COMP 6 57 1 3 2 5 Next 8 2 COMP 5 58 1 3 3 5 Next 9 1 COMP 5 60 1 3 4 5 Next 9 2 COMP 4 61 1 3 5 5 Next 10 1 COMP 4 63 1 3 6 5 Next 10 2 COMP 3 64 1 3 7 5 Next 11 1 COMP 3 66 1 3 8 5 Next 11 0 COMP -2 65 1 3 7 Pull 14 3 COMP 1 7 1 5 Next 14 3 COMP 1 7 1 4 1 5 Next 27 1 COMP 1 9 1 4 2 5 Next 27 0 COMP -2 8 1 4 7 Pull 24 3 COMP 19 79 1 5 Next 24 3 COMP 19 79 1 5 1 5 Next 28 1 COMP 19 110 1 5 2 5 Next 28 0 COMP -2 109 1 5 7 Pull 17 3 COMP 25 40 1 5 Next 17 3 COMP 25 40 1 6 1 5 Next 18 1 COMP 25 99 1 6 2 5 Next 18 2 COMP 24 100 1 6 3 5 Next 19 1 COMP 24 102 1 6 4 5 Next 19 2 COMP 23 103 1 6 5 5 Next 20 1 COMP 23 105 1 6 6 5 Next 20 2 COMP 22 106 1 6 7 5 Next 21 1 COMP 22 108 1 6 8 5 Next 21 0 COMP -2 107 1 6 -1 39 21 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 36 18 16 17 41 20 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 2 40 6 5 4 3 1 19 25 24 23 22 —- —- —- —- 0 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 9 0 # Sections: 1 Design file data sorted by topo ——————————Name Occ COMP 16 cp # 0 1369.08 422.58 X 421.82 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 2 COMP 30 0 1363.97 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 6 COMP 32 0 1373.47 12.27 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 13 .46 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 16 10 COMP 18 0 1369.58 422.37 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 11 12 COMP 13 0 1363.08 421.58 421.80 19.45 18.08 422.41 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 11 8 COMP 26 0 1364.6-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 47 13.45 17.58 422.11 422.08 421.08 422.58 422.46 34 4 1 5 2 2 0 16 75 PIPE 5 2 1372.08 421.58 429.46 0 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 24 COMP 25 0 1369.41 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 5 27 SUPP 4 1 1369.24 13.70 13.08 422.82 12 2 1 3 2 -10 0 8 64 COMP 31 1 1363.83 422.18 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 18 COMP 31 0 1363.06 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 14 COMP 23 0 1369.58 422.30 -3 5 0 8 0 0 0 11 31 NOZ 3 1 1369.45 16.45 16.45 14.24 13.45 18.58 421.58 421.08 422.42 10 2 1 3 2 -14 0 5 60 COMP 14 1 1363.45 15.45 18.46 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 20 COMP 12 0 1363.45 17.58 422.45 16.37 26 9 1 3 1 5 108 11 37 COMP 22 1 1369.47 12.08 421.45 14.12 32 5 1 3 1 15 0 14 47 PIPE 103 1 1369.38 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 25 COMP 20 0 1369.80 18.46 35 4 1 5 2 3 0 16 76 .08 421.58 422.82 12 2 1 3 2 -9 0 8 65 COMP 31 2 1363.70 13.08 422.70 13.45 17.82 31 5 1 3 1 14 0 14 46 COMP 305 2 1369.58 422.58 422.45 18.12 28 5 1 3 1 8 0 11 40 COMP 23 1 1369.42 29 5 1 3 1 10 105 11 42 COMP 24 2 1369.46 21 9 1 3 1 4 108 10 36 COMP 17 1 1369.46 -1 11 1 22 2 -23 0 3 51 NOZ 1 2 1363.70 13.45 13.80 18.45 15.45 12.45 16.94 30 5 1 3 1 11 105 14 43 COMP 25 1 1369.45 17.58 422.58 421.37 0 5 0 8 0 0 0 11 28 SUPP 3 1 1363.46 15 4 1 5 2 -3 0 17 71 PIPE 3 1 1369.45 16.46 2 11 1 3 2 -20 0 3 54 COMP 7 2 1363.45 18.05 422.45 17.94 11 2 1 3 2 -11 0 8 63 COMP 15 2 1363.12 32 5 1 5 1 16 0 14 48 PIPE 103 2 1369.45 15.97 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 19 COMP 34 0 1364.46 39 1 1 22 1 1 0 9 33 COMP 16 1 1369.42 10 2 1 3 2 -13 102 5 61 COMP 14 2 1363.45 17.95 13.58 429.05 422.71 14 2 1 5 2 -6 0 8 68 COMP 30 1 1363.08 420.37 26 14 1 3 1 6 0 11 38 COMP 22 2 1369.94 11 2 1 3 2 -12 102 8 62 COMP 15 1 1363.45 17.95 13.70 13.08 422.08 422.58 422.08 422.08 422.46 40 11 1 22 2 -22 0 3 52 COMP 6 1 1363.46 15 4 1 3 2 -4 0 17 70 PIPE 3 2 1363.58 422.45 14.45 14.99 33 5 1 3 1 18 -73 14 50 NOZ 1 1 1363.45 14.12 13 2 1 3 2 -8 0 8 66 PIPE 4 2 1363.45 14.24 13.12 9 2 1 3 2 -15 0 5 59 COMP 13 1 1363.45 15.08 422.46 39 1 1 3 1 2 0 9 34 COMP 16 2 1369.46 2 12 1 3 2 -19 93 4 55 COMP 7 1 1363.58 422.47 13.70 13.08 421.45 18.83 422.10 13.58 429.45 18.37 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 5 29 SUPP 3 2 1363.24 13.12 13 2 1 5 2 -7 0 8 67 PIPE 4 1 1363.82 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 22 COMP 35 0 1364.45 12.08 422.08 421.45 14.46 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 16 17 COMP 24 0 1369.08 420.38 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 16 COMP 33 0 1373.58 422.9 COMP 8 0 1363.80 19.46 34 4 1 3 2 1 50 16 74 PIPE 5 1 1370.58 421.58 422.12 9 2 1 3 2 -16 0 5 58 COMP 13 2 1363.71 14 2 1 3 2 -5 0 8 69 COMP 30 2 1363.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 .45 17.95 13.83 422.08 422.58 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 26 COMP 7 0 1363.58 422.58 420.08 422.08 422.46 20 4 1 3 2 -1 50 17 73 COMP 29 1 1370.45 13.45 15.46 -1 1 1 22 1 0 0 9 32 NOZ 3 2 1369.30 -3 2 0 8 0 0 0 5 30 SUPP 4 2 1369.46 20 4 1 5 2 -2 0 17 72 COMP 29 2 1369.58 421.99 33 5 1 5 1 17 0 14 49 COMP 29 3 1369.45 14.58 420.58 421.08 420.27 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 15 COMP 15 0 1363.58 420.58 422.58 422.08 422.35 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 23 COMP 6 0 1363.95 13.08 422.08 422.94 30 5 1 3 1 12 0 14 44 COMP 25 2 1369.45 14.58 422.42 29 5 1 3 1 9 0 11 41 COMP 24 1 1369.45 13.37 7 15 1 3 2 -17 0 5 57 COMP 12 2 1363.46 21 1 1 3 1 3 0 9 35 COMP 17 2 1369.45 16.47 12.12 28 5 1 3 1 7 0 11 39 COMP 23 2 1369.08 421.82 31 5 1 3 1 13 0 14 45 COMP 305 1 1369.45 18.08 422.37 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 5 21 COMP 19 0 1369.11 422.37 7 12 1 3 2 -18 93 5 56 COMP 12 1 1363.46 40 11 1 3 2 -21 0 3 53 COMP 6 2 1363.45 16. 18 25 10 1 3 6 1 -36 12 108 COMP 18 1 1369.18 -2 3 1 3 5 3 0 13 107 COMP 17 3T 1369.58 429.58 421.58 429.47 12.58 429.46 36 7 1 3 2 9 0 16 82 PIPE 7 1 1372.58 429.45 15.March 2000 COMP 32 2 1372.20 18.80 18.47 13.45 15.83 429.08 421.21 16 8 1 3 2 14 0 16 87 COMP 35 1 1364.58 421.47 12.18 6 13 1 3 3 1 -55 6 93 COMP 8 1 1363.47 12.80 18.46 37 6 1 5 2 6 0 16 79 PIPE 6 2 1373.46 36 7 1 5 2 10 0 16 83 PIPE 7 2 1365.43 -2 10 1 3 6 9 0 12 116 Design file data in IDF order —————————– Name X Y Z X Y Z Occ NOZ 33274000 10480294 501904 33274000 10480294 477520 7 in_cp Out_cp Leg Dn_occ Sg_occ 1 2 in 26 15 BLSP 33274000 10480294 477393 33274000 10480294 475615 26 1 2 in 35 15 FWN 33274000 10480294 475615 33274000 10480294 468376 35 1 2 in 34 16 E90L 33274000 10480294 468376 33274000 10480294 450088 34 1 0 in 0 16 E90L 33274000 10480294 450088 33292288 10480294 450088 34 0 2 ou 7 16 PIPE 33292288 10480294 450088 33475168 10480294 450088 7 2 1 in 33 16 E90L 33475168 10480294 450088 33493456 10480294 450088 33 1 0 in 0 16 E90L 33493456 10480294 450088 33493456 10462006 450088 33 0 2 ou 6 16 PIPE 33493456 10462006 450088 33493456 10319258 450088 6 2 1 in 32 16 E90L 33493456 10319258 450088 33493456 10300970 450088 32 1 0 in 0 16 E90L 33493456 10300970 450088 33475168 10300970 450088 32 0 2 ou 5 16 PIPE 33475168 10300970 450088 33407350 10300970 450088 5 2 1 in 29 16 T 33407350 10300970 450088 33395920 10300970 450088 29 1 0 in 0 16 T 33395920 10300970 450088 33395920 10300970 438658 29 0 3 b1 103 14 PIPE 33395920 10300970 438658 33395920 10300970 417449 103 2 1 in 305 14 FWN 33395920 10300970 417449 33395920 10300970 410210 305 2 1 in 25 14 GAT 33395920 10300970 410210 33395920 10300970 388620 25 2 1 in 24 14 Dash .46 18 7 1 3 2 12 0 16 85 COMP 34 1 1364.46 18 7 1 5 2 11 0 16 84 COMP 34 2 1365.80 19.10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .80 18.33 429.58 421.58 423.45 15.71 23 10 1 3 6 5 0 12 112 COMP 20 1 1369.93 24 10 1 3 6 3 0 12 110 COMP 19 1 1369.43 -2 13 1 3 3 9 0 6 101 COMP 14 3 1362.58 41 8 1 22 2 18 0 15 91 NOZ 7 1 1364.08 421.85 422.45 15.40 422.18 1 3 1 3 4 2 0 7 103 COMP 27 0 1362.40 422.58 -1 8 1 22 2 19 0 15 92 COMP 7 3T 1363.47 12.47 12.83 422.18 25 10 1 3 6 2 0 12 109 COMP 18 2 1369.47 12.08 421.71 23 10 1 3 6 6 0 12 113 COMP 20 2 1369.47 12.80 19.18 1 3 1 3 4 1 -61 7 102 COMP 27 1 1362.45 15.90 422.47 13.47 12.08 421.08 421.58 429.46 38 6 1 3 2 8 0 16 81 COMP 33 1 1372.58 421.33 429.51 17 8 1 3 2 15 0 16 88 COMP 26 2 1364.58 421.18 19 3 1 3 5 2 0 13 106 COMP 28 0 1368.51 17 8 1 3 2 16 0 15 89 COMP 26 1 1364.05 18.71 4 13 1 3 3 6 0 6 98 COMP 10 2 1363.47 12.35 422.58 429.47 12.58 41 8 1 3 2 17 0 15 90 NOZ 7 2 1364.20 18.18 19 3 1 3 5 1 -42 13 105 COMP 28 1 1368.58 429.58 429.58 421.46 38 6 1 5 2 7 0 16 80 COMP 33 2 1373.47 13.80 19.83 429.58 423.93 24 10 1 3 6 4 0 12 111 COMP 19 2 1369.46 22 10 1 3 6 8 0 12 115 COMP 21 0 1369.46 3 13 1 3 3 8 0 6 100 COMP 11 0 1363.21 16 8 1 3 2 13 0 16 86 COMP 35 2 1364.47 12.18 6 13 1 3 3 2 0 6 94 COMP 8 2 1363.46 22 10 1 3 6 7 0 12 114 COMP 21 1 1369.46 35 4 1 3 2 4 0 16 77 COMP 32 1 1373.47 12.18 -2 3 1 3 4 3 0 7 104 COMP 24 3 1368.93 5 13 1 3 3 3 0 6 95 COMP 9 1 1363.93 5 13 1 3 3 4 0 6 96 COMP 9 2 1363.6 .08 421.58 429.80 20.47 12.80 19.80 19.45 18.47 13.46 3 13 1 3 3 7 0 6 99 COMP 11 1 1363.47 12.58 421.58 421.80 18.45 15.71 4 13 1 3 3 5 0 6 97 COMP 10 1 1363.08 421.46 37 6 1 3 2 5 0 16 78 PIPE 6 1 1373.90 422.08 421.08 421.80 19.58 421.05 18. 11 STRT 33395920 10300970 388620 33395920 10300970 370078 24 2 0 in 0 14 STRT 33395920 10300970 370078 33379283 10300970 370078 24 0 3 b1 28 13 FBLD 33379283 10300970 370078 33378140 10300970 370078 28 1 0 in 0 13 STRT 33395920 10300970 370078 33395920 10300970 351536 24 0 1 ou 23 11 FWN 33395920 10300970 351536 33395920 10300970 344297 23 1 2 in 22 11 E90L 33395920 10300970 344297 33395920 10300970 326009 22 2 0 in 0 11 PSP2 33395920 10300970 326009 33395920 10300970 299847 4 1 2 in 0 11 E90L 33395920 10300970 326009 33395920 10282682 326009 22 0 1 ou 17 11 REDE 33395920 10282682 326009 33395920 10271506 328168 17 1 2 in 16 11 REDE 33395920 10277094 327089 33395920 10277094 321501 17 0 3 ta 18 12 NIP 33395920 10277094 321501 33395920 10277094 315405 18 1 2 in 19 12 GATR 33395920 10277094 315405 33395920 10277094 309817 19 1 2 in 20 12 NIP 33395920 10277094 309817 33395920 10277094 303721 20 1 2 in 21 12 CAPO 33395920 10277094 303721 33395920 10277094 303213 21 1 0 in 0 12 FWN 33395920 10271506 328168 33395920 10264521 328168 16 2 1 in 3 9 NOZ 33395920 10264394 328168 33395920 10258298 328168 3 2 1 in 0 9 T 33395920 10300970 450088 33384490 10300970 450088 29 0 2 ou 3 17 PIPE 33384490 10300970 450088 33255712 10300970 450088 3 1 2 in 30 17 E90L 33255712 10300970 450088 33237424 10300970 450088 30 2 0 in 0 17 E90L 33237424 10300970 450088 33237424 10300970 431800 30 0 1 ou 4 8 PIPE 33237424 10300970 431800 33237424 10300970 417449 4 1 2 in 31 8 FWN 33237424 10300970 417449 33237424 10300970 410210 31 2 1 in 15 8 GAT 33237424 10300970 410210 33237424 10300970 388620 15 2 1 in 14 8 STRT 33237424 10300970 388620 33237424 10300970 370078 14 2 0 in 0 8 STRT 33237424 10300970 370078 33220787 10300970 370078 14 0 3 b1 27 7 FBLD 33220787 10300970 370078 33219644 10300970 370078 27 1 0 in 0 7 STRT 33237424 10300970 370078 33237424 10300970 351536 14 0 1 ou 13 5 FWN 33237424 10300970 351536 33237424 10300970 344297 13 1 2 in 12 5 E90L 33237424 10300970 344297 33237424 10300970 326009 12 2 0 in 0 5 PSP2 33237424 10300970 326009 33237424 10300970 299847 3 1 2 in 0 5 E90L 33237424 10300970 326009 33237424 10282682 326009 12 0 1 ou 7 5 REDE 33237424 10282682 326009 33237424 10271506 328168 7 1 2 in 6 5 REDE 33237424 10277094 327089 33237424 10277094 321501 7 0 3 ta 8 6 NIP 33237424 10277094 321501 33237424 10277094 315405 8 1 2 in 9 6 GATR 33237424 10277094 315405 33237424 10277094 309817 9 1 2 in 10 6 NIP 33237424 10277094 309817 33237424 10277094 303721 10 1 2 in 11 6 CAPO 33237424 10277094 303721 33237424 10277094 303213 11 1 0 in 0 6 FWN 33237424 10271506 328168 33237424 10264521 328168 6 2 1 in 1 3 NOZ 33237424 10264394 328168 33237424 10258298 328168 1 2 1 in 0 3 End End End Dash End End End Dash .Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . March 2000 6. sect Section number [always 0] flags A bit mask used internally by the software topo Topos [always 0] branch Branch flag [always 0] sg_occ The segment occurrence number. occ The component database occurrence number (excluding the partition number). . The newly created pieces of pipe receive occurrence numbers in the 30000+ range to distinguish them from the original pipe.z The coordinate in the design file coordinate system and is not adjusted for the global origin node A node number assigned to all connect points other than the origin. -1.12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Otherwise. The direction list number identifies all those connect points that lie together on a straight line. cp # The connect point number x. project name and a list of model names that were extracted. Each column of the raw design file data is described below. Two connect points that have the same node number are connected to each other in the model. The software breaks these pipes into multiple sections. the name will be the first four characters of the component item name. is reserved for line endpoints. This occurs whenever olet type components are attached to a pipe. The basic input data consists of the date the report was executed. Name If Intergraph option 61 is set to 1. direct A direction list number.2 Section 1: Basic Input Data and Raw Design File Data __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The first section of the HITS report consists of basic input data and raw design data. A special node number.y. This is the occurrence number of that owner segment. All connect points belong to or are owned by a segment in the piping model. Note that some PIPE components have an occurrence number greater than 30000.6 . a generic item name will be output. . branch- Always 0 here. Some of the data for a specific connect point is sometimes useful — particularly the occurrence number. The software "breaks" these pipes into multiple sections. All connect points "belong to" or "are owned" by a segment in the piping model. the software collects all of the components that are attached to the segments.13 6. This occurs whenever olet type components are attached to a pipe. The branch flag is discussed later in this section. node A node number assigned to all connect points other than the origin. a generic item name will be output. x. [Note that some PIPE components have an occurrence number greater than 30000. Section 2 is primarily used for examining the amount of data pulled in from the models through the database search criteria.z The coordinate in the design file coordinate system and is unadjusted for the global origin. A special node number . sg_occ is the occurrence number of that owner segment. -1.] cp # The connect point number. direct A direction list number. sg_occ- The segment occurrence number.3 Section 2: Design File Data Sorted by Coordinate __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The second section of the HITS report consists of raw design file data for each connect point of the piping components that make up the network that is being extracted. Once the segments are found. The database search criteria (as defined in the options file LINE_ID_DEFINITION) from section 1 is used to find all of the appropriate segments. Section 2 contains several columns of data. Section number is discussed later in this section. Section 2 is the result of this activity. the name will be the first four characters of the component item name. The direction list number identifies all those connect points that lie together on a straight line.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . sect Always 0 here. Otherwise. Topo’s are discussed later in this section. is reserved for line endpoints. occ The database occurrence number of the component (excluding the partition number). flags A bit mask used internally by the software. The newly created pieces of pipe receive occurrence numbers in the 30000+ range to distinguish them from the original pipe.y. Note that two connect points that have the same node number are "connected" to each other in the model. Each column is described below: Name If Intergraph option 61 is set to 1. topo Always 0 here. 4 Section 3: Tracing Data __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 3 of the report. If the number of sections is greater than 1 then the line is not extracted and the intermediate data file is not generated. The solution is to place all of the components on the line. In this case you should examine section 2 of the HITS report to find a connect point whose node number is -1 (which indicates that it is a line endpoint) even though you know it should be connected to something. When you find the connect point. you can use section 4 of the HITS report (see the section Tracing Data) to make a sketch that identifies the disconnected point. disconnected sections of piping to be extracted into a single iso. but is not. Tracing Data is a record of the actions the software is taking in building the internal data structure of the piping network. For a line to be considered connected the connect points from two different components must be within 20 uors of each other. The pipeline being extracted is incomplete and portions of it do not have components on it. ISOGEN does not allow multiple. When the line is complicated. The last statement in section 3 states how many disconnected sections of piping exist in the network identified in the database search criteria. there is a part of it that appears to be connected.14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The database search criteria identified more than one pipeline and the pipelines are not connected together. The solution here is to change the search criteria so that only the piping that you really want to extract is pulled in. . Although the line is finished. use the coordinate to view and repair the disconnected graphics.6 . This is usually quite simple when the line is small.March 2000 6. 2. This section is primarily useful to Intergraph for investigating software problems. The following is a list of possible reasons why a network might be disconnected and some suggested solutions: 1. 3. By definition a topo is a string of piping that starts at a network endpoint or a branch point and ends at a network endpoint or another branch point. The beginning of the topo is a line endpoint as is the end of the topo. A pipeline network may consist of a single topo or dozens of topos depending upon its configuration. A topo is a construction used to group the data representing the pipeline topology.5 Section 4: Design File Data Sorted by Topo __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 4 of the HITS report is probably the most important one. The line in Figure 6-1 consists of one topo because it does not contain any branch points.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . Figure 6-1. This data is organized on the basis of topos. This section is really a print—out of the internal data structure that represents the piping network. Example line consisting of one topo.15 6. Figure 6-2. Example line consisting of two topos . The second topo consists of the line from connect point 1 of weldolet 1 to endpoint 2. The first topo again consists of the line from endpoint 1 to endpoint 4.March 2000 The line in Figure 6-2 contains two topos due to the branch component in it (the tee). Example line consisting of three topos The line in Figure 6-3 contains three topos because there are two branches in it.16 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Figure 6-4. The third topo consists of the line from connect point 1 of weldolet 2 to endpoint 3. One topo is comprised of the line header from endpoint 1 to endpoint 2. The first topo consists of the line from endpoint 1 to endpoint 2 (the header of the pipeline). The other topo starts at the center of one tee and goes to the center of the other tee. The second topo consists of the piping from the center of the tee to line endpoint 3. .6 . Figure 6-3. Topo’s on a line that contains a loop The line in Figure 6-4 consists of two topos. Connect point 2 of the elbow is connected to connect point 1 of a pipe. connect the topos together. The first endpoint is connect point 1 of a 90 degree elbow. The last column in section 4 is a report line number.17 The data in section 4 of the HITS report is sorted primarily by topo number. The value of branch refers you to the line number of the report where the connecting topo begins. If you are interested in the entire network. Thus.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . Subsequent to the lines where the topo number is zero are lines for the first. This same procedure may be followed to sketch out each network topo. Topo sketches are useful if you are interested only in the sequence of components in a particular region of the line. the sequence of components starting from the top is: elbow -> pipe -> elbow -> pipe -> valve -> pipe. These are component origins which do not receive topo numbers or node numbers — they should be ignored. within a topo the data is sorted by node number. When the branch column contains a nonzero value then this indicates that the node is a branch point. The topos are connected together by the branch column in section 4 of the report. The branch column is used together with the last column. The secondary sort key for the data in section 4 of the report is node number. At the very beginning there are several lines where the topo number is zero. Following this logic. You can see by looking back at Figure 6-1 that the last column starts out at 1 and is incremented for each line in section 4. second and subsequent topos. The result is that section 4 of the HITS report contains a trace of each topo of the line. Example 1: The following is an excerpt from a HITS report section 4: Name cp# node E90L E90L PIPE PIPE E90L E90L PIPE PIPE GATR GATR PIPE PIPE 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 -1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 -1 topo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 This trace consists of a single topo. Example 2: The following is an excerpt from a HITS report section 4: Name occ# cp# node topo branch PIPE PIPE PIPE 10 10 30001 1 2 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 5 1 2 3 . This results in connect points with the same node number being adjacent to each other in the report. 20 21 21 22 22 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 53 20 21 22 23 24 25 . Topo 2 consists of a weldolet connected to a piece of pipe. This is confirmed by the fact that the node numbers where topo 2 connects to topo 1 match.March 2000 PIPE WOL WOL PIPE PIPE 30001 15 15 35 35 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 -1 1 2 2 2 2 0 -2 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 The network is composed of two topos. The value of branch for cp1 of the WOL is -2. PIPE (occ 10) cp2. the WOL cp1. That is. . The back pointer on topo 2 points back to line 2 while the forward pointer on topo 1 points to line 5. The back pointer is exactly the same as any other branch value except that it (usually) points back to a previous topo rather than forward to a subsequent topo. Figure 6-5. Network for Example 2 The value for branch at node 1 is 5. Note that where two or more topos are connected together the branch numbers must agree. Example 3: Name PIPE PIPE 90E 90E PIPE PIPE occ# 10 10 35 35 46 46 cp# node topo branch 1 2 2 1 1 2 . Figure 6-5 shows the Network for Example 5. the branch flag pointed to the start point of the connecting topo.6 . In Example 5 they do. . Thus topo 2 connects to topo 1 at node 1. Note that the occurrence number of the second pipe in topo 1 indicates the model contains a single pipe which the software split into two at the olet. Looking at line 5 in the report we see that it is the first line of topo 2. It can also happen that the branch flag points to the endpoint of the connecting topo. Topo 1 is simply two pipes. In Example 2. The negative sign indicates that this is a "back pointer".18 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . In this case you traverse the topo in reverse order. and PIPE (occ 30001) cp1 are all node number 1. pipe. . sockolet. .Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . Topo 7 is a typical drain assembly— plug. the value of branch on topo 3 points to the bottom of topo 7 and the network structure is obtained by moving up topo 3 rather than down (See Figure 6-6). In this case. elbow. topo 3 consists of pipe. block valve. Topo 7 connects to topo 3 at line 53 in the report (the value of branch on line 25 is 53 and the value of branch of line 53 is -25). nipple. 3 3 53 0 26 27 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -25 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 In Example 3. . pipe. Figure 6-6. -1 10 10 11 11 12 12 23 . .19 PIPE PIPE 30003 30003 1 2 PLUG PLUG BLV BLV NIPL NIPL SOL SOL 76 76 82 82 103 103 110 110 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 23 24 . Network for Example 3 Example 4: The following data is from section 4 of a HITS report: Name 90E 90E PIPE PIPE FLWN FLWN GAT GAT FLWN FLWN T Occ 37 37 101 101 22 22 54 54 11 11 36 cp# Node Topo 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 -1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Branch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . Figure 6-7. A tap is always a branch starting point and thus is always the start point of a new topo.6 . The branch flag on the first connect point points to the topo connected at the first tap while the branch flag on the second connect point points to the topo connected to the second tap.March 2000 T PIPE PIPE T PIPE PIPE 36 11 11 36 12 12 2 1 2 3 1 2 6 6 -1 7 7 -1 1 1 1 2 2 2 15 0 0 -11 0 0 12 13 14 15 16 17 In Example 4. This indicates that the reducer is tapped twice. Refer to Figure 6-8. however.20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . which shows the network for Example 5. the tee is slightly different from the olet type components. that the branch flag is set to two different numbers on the reducer. . See Figure 6-7 which shows the Network for Example 4. Branch flags are set on both connect points 1 and 2 of the T and the node numbers do not match where topo 2 connects to topo 1. This is a consequence of the fact that node numbers are not assigned to component origins. Notice. topo 1 consists of a pipe connected to an eccentric reducer which in turn is connected to another pipe. Network for example 4 Example 5: Name PIPE PIPE REDE REDE PIPE PIPE SOL SOL PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE Occ 23 23 24 24 13 13 56 56 42 42 26 26 cp# 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Node Topo -1 1 1 2 2 -1 3 4 4 -1 5 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 Branch 0 0 7 11 0 0 -3 0 0 0 -4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In Example 5. Network for Example 5 If you generate some HITS reports and practice sketching out the pipeline networks.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . .21 Figure 6-8. you will become familiar with the report contents and better understand the concepts presented in the examples above. topo 1 consists of a header. To traverse the network in branch first order manner you start on the header topo and travel connect point by connect point until the value of branch is greater than 0 at some node.6 . The software examines the network of piping and chooses the best (that is. the one least likely to result in problems from ISOGEN) topo to begin the network traversal on. Example 6: The following is an example of a network: Name PIPE PIPE T T PIPE PIPE T PIPE PIPE Occ 10 10 11 11 12 12 11 13 13 cp# 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 Node Topo -1 1 1 2 2 -1 3 3 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Branch 0 0 7 7 0 0 -3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In Example 6. the branch leg of a tee and a branch pipe. This means that whenever a branch is encountered in the network. and the run of a tee. two pipes. the traversal must head down the branch before continuing down the header. When branch is positive then you jump down to the new topo and start traversing it until you come to another branch or to the end.6 Section 5: Design File Data in IDF Order __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 5 of the HITS report contains a record of how the network is traversed as the intermediate data file is being generated. ISOGEN also requires that the traversal of the network be branch first order. If you encounter another branch then you must jump again to another topo.March 2000 6. When the end of the topo is found then you return to the topo from which you jumped and continue tracing. Following the rules given above for traversal of the network would yield the following trace: Name PIPE T T PIPE T PIPE Occ 10 11 11 13 11 12 cp in 1 1 0 1 0 1 cp out Leg 2 0 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 .22 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . ISOGEN prefers certain navigation sequences over others and the interface software tries to choose the optimal sequence. Topo 2 consists of a branch. Change of direction components like elbows. By definition only 4-way components have a leg 3 (which would correspond to the 2nd branch leg). We then jump back to topo 1 and in step 5 travel from the tee origin to connect point 2. Straight through components like pipe. Figure 6-9. and valves consist of one leg. olets. This means that. Traversal in Example 6 In ISOGEN terminology one step in the above trace is termed a component leg. Finally. Looking at the network description. Branch components like tee’s. Although olet type components have a different connect point skeleton than tee’s do they are treated similarly in the network trace. Refer to Figure 6-9 for an illustration of this traversal. Branch legs are treated as other branches are though. In step 4 we travel down a pipe which is the last component on the topo. The header topo number can be found by examining the first line in the traversal. flanges. When a tapped component is encountered in the network then all the tapped legs must be traced before continuing down the topo. Notice that although the origins do not have node numbers they appear in the traversal whenever a change in direction occurs. In this case the first line consists of PIPE — occurrence 10. observe that PIPE — occurrence 10 is on topo number 1. for the tee. Following the first pipe we travel into the tee. In Example 9. 3-way and 4-way valves and crosses consist of three or four legs. in the last step we traverse the remaining pipe on topo 1. This makes topo 1 the header topo. On topo 2 we travel from the origin of the tee to connect point 3 (which is the branch connect point) in step 3. At this point the branch flag is positive and so a jump occurs to topo 2. angle valves and so on consist of two legs. the traversal occurs from connect point 1 to the origin in step 2. Branches off from components formed by taps are termed branch legs and are not given a number.23 Step 1 travels from one end of the first pipe to the other.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . This is highlighted in the next example: . the last leg of the tee is given a leg number of 4. 20 4 Branch 0 46 . Notice also the traversal through the elbow. it is traversed in two legs: 1) from cp1 to the origin and 2) from the origin to cp2. . Example 8: The following is a partial network: Name PIPE Occ cp# 10 1 Node Topo . In this case the traversal does not go anywhere and therefore is called a zero length leg. After the branch topo has been traversed we return to the olet for leg 4 which again goes from cp1 to cp1 — another zero length leg. The second leg traverses from cp1 to cp2 — analogous to the previous example’s traversal from the tee origin to cp3.24 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 Example 7: The following is a network: Name Occ 90E 90E PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE WOL WOL PIPE PIPE 8 8 10 10 30001 30001 6 6 9 9 cp# 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 Node Topo Branch -1 1 1 2 2 -1 1 2 2 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 7 7 0 -4 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The network trace for this network is: Name Occ 90E 90E PIPE WOL WOL PIPE WOL 8 8 10 6 6 9 6 cp in cp out leg 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 In Example 7. It is analogous to the step with the tee where traversal goes from connect point to the origin. When this happens the leg numbers are assigned somewhat differently on the branch component. Since the elbow causes a change of direction.6 . This step is analogous to going from the origin to cp3 in the previous example. . Sometimes the traversal of the network requires traveling into the branch leg of a branch component. the first leg of the olet goes from connect point 1 to connect point 1. a lower numbered topo (topo 4) contains a back pointer to a higher numbered topo (topo 7). The trace for this part of the network would be: Name Occ PIPE T T PIPE T PIPE 10 15 15 12 15 17 cp in 1 3 0 2 0 2 cp out 2 0 1 1 2 1 leg 1 1 2 1 4 1 In this example. Network traversal in example 8 . Figure 6-10. -1 52 52 53 53 -1 4 4 0 -61 47 48 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 48 48 0 0 59 60 61 62 63 64 In Example 8. the traversal will enter branch. Refer to Figure 6-10 which shows this network traversal.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . . Legs 2 and 4 are assigned arbitrarily in this situation and so tracing may go either way (ISOGEN has no preference).25 PIPE T 10 15 2 3 PIPE PIPE T T PIPE PIPE 12 12 15 15 17 17 1 2 1 2 2 1 21 21 . . Whenever this happens. the branch leg of the tee is leg 1 since it is traversed first. This is detected by examining the direction list number. In this case the network for each section should be sketched out. if the traversal is incorrect then ISOGEN will definitely fail. When the data structure in section 4 of the report is correct then the traversal in section 5 should be examined. When the data structure represented in section 4 of the report is incorrect then you can conclude that either the interface has a bug or there is a problem in the model. You should not need to rely on the HITS report to find these kinds of problems. Again. however. Another problem that might occur is that components that should all be colinear are not. Then add a few options at a time until the problem is reproduced. through a process of elimination identify the option that is causing the problem. When this happens there is usually some option or combination of options that have been enabled that resulted in the problem. the topos are not correctly defined and connected or the pointers appear incorrect — then ISOGEN’s input will be wrong and the drawing will definitely be incorrect. the first thing you should do in analyzing the problem is to sketch out the network. some other bug can cause the network traversal to fail. All failures of this type should be reported to Intergraph. . Often this is enough to identify the problem. If the direction list changes for example from one pipe to another then a problem exists in the model and the line can not be extracted properly. Mismatches between the design file and database can also cause iso extraction failures but these types of problems should be trapped and reported adequately in other areas of the software. When both the network and the traversal are correct.March 2000 6. Typical model problems include such things as disconnected sections and overlapping components or pipes. Notice that one of the columns in section 4 of the report is called section.26 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . where the trouble spot is.7 Using the HITS Report to Solve Problems __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When you have difficulty extracting a line. The message will also report a node number where the problem was detected. therefore. The drawing appears correct for the most part but some aspect of it is incorrect. The best way to find the cause of the problem is to start with a basic drawing generation setup that contains few "special" options. If the structure in section 4 of the report is incorrect — that is. some topos will contain a value other than 1. It should be apparent after doing this where the different sections should have been connected in the model and. Even if the network is correct. This can also occur where the connect points of components overlap each other and are not properly connected.6 . then one of the following scenarios is true: 1. there is most likely a problem with ISOGEN. When ISOGEN is at fault. By getting the coordinate of the node you can pinpoint where in the model the problem occurs. Finally. In a correct network all of the topos should have a value of 1 in this column. When the network is composed of multiple disconnected sections. When the modeler has inadvertently placed two pipes on top of each other you will get an error message at the top of the HITS report stating this. The drawing or one sheet of it is scrambled — a total failure. When any sheet of an ISOGEN drawing fails. . The best thing to do when this happens is to try and reextract a smaller portion of the line if possible. ALL sheets from the same pipeline may contain errors and are suspect.27 2. The failure should also be reported to Intergraph.Interpreting the HITS Report 6 . When this happens it is usually the case that disabling options will not result in the drawing working — though sometimes it does. 6 .28 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 . The Options File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The options file consists of a set of options and tables that drive the interface to ISOGEN.The Options File 7 . See the appendices for an example of an options file.1 7. You can modify the options file to customize the drawings that are produced by ISOGEN. Information contained in the remainder of this manual assumes that you have knowledge of the following: The PDS database structure PDS Reference Database The Label Description Library Utility The Standard Note Library Material Description Libraries . The options file keywords consist of the following: ISOGEN_OPTIONS_BLOCK INTERGRAPH_OPTIONS_BLOCK FILES . m1. . You can also have comments preceding any keyword or following the last entry in a table. m2. ..7-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . n2. ’cm’ is a character string in the last entry. nrows is the number of table entries.starting in any column ..that identifies the number of table entries. The keywords and data that follow them can appear in any order in the options file. n3. . ’cm’. m1. Keywords are always followed by a number .. indicating that there are no table entries.. Comments either preceding a keyword or following the last table entry must have an exclamation point (!) in column 1 to identify it as a comment. Where: TABLE_KEYWORD is the table key word discussed above. Each option block and table is preceded in the options file by a keyword that identifies it. a warning message is generated at the time the table is read in. ’c1’.. It is valid for the number to be zero.March 2000 7.. ). If the number that precedes a table does not match the number of entries in the table. are numbers in the last table entry. . .. n1. A typical table in the options file might appear as: TABLE_KEYWORD nrows n1. You can put comments to the right of any table entry but not to the right of a keyword.. .1 File Structure __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The options file is composed of two sets of options and several tables. ’c1’ is a character string in the first entry. Character strings that are part of a table entry MUST be surrounded by single quotes (’ ’). The keyword must begin in column 1 and should NOT be surrounded by single quotes. m2. . m3. are numbers in the first table entry. Entries in tables consist of a row of numbers and sometimes character strings that are separated by commas ( . n2. The Options File 7 - 3 USER_DEFINED_WELDS WELD_PREFIX DETAIL_SKETCH_FACILITY PIPELINE_HEADER ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS INGR_ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS LINE_ID_DEFINITION TYPE_1_LABELS TYPE_2_LABELS TYPE_3_LABELS START_POINT_NOTES SECONDARY_ORIENTATION_NOTE END_POINT_COMPONENT_LABELS NOZZLE_NOTE DOTTED_SYMBOLOGY_CODE_LIST_VALUES NOMTO_CODE_LIST_VALUES SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES MOVABLE_TEXT NEW_SYMBOL_KEYS GENITM_NOTE_FORMAT ALTERNATE_DESCRIPTION_INDEX USER_DEFINED_IMPLIED_ITEM_BOM USER_DEFINED_GENERATED_ITEM_BOM USER_DEFINED_COMPONENT_BOM NON_DIMENSIONED_SUPPORTS When an option in an option block is set to 1, it is enabled. 7-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 7.2 ISOGEN_OPTIONS_BLOCK __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ISOGEN options block is a group of options that are input directly to ISOGEN. These options do not effect the ISOGEN interface but, control the different characteristics of drawing output. However, some options selected in the ISOGEN options block might require that entries be defined in certain of the options file tables in order to work properly. The ISOGEN options block consists of 140 numbers arranged in 10 rows of 14. Each number is referred to as a "word" in the options block. Row 1 contains words 1 through 14, row 2 contains 15 through 28 and so on. The positioning of a number within a word is important. Thus, in editing the options block be sure to keep the units digit of the entry in the same column. The following options should not be changed from their default settings. These options are not used in the Intergraph environment. Words ______ Function _________ 1 7 31 32 33 43-51 55-57 58 131 Plot length control Drawing control Iso output file Plotter scale factor Pipe detailed Wastage factors Diagnostic printing Clear screen Test parameter Be careful when changing words 34 (picture scale) and 38 (split control). Values other than the default sometimes result in drawing failure. Be careful modifying words 115 (angular tolerance) and 116 (linear tolerance). Large values of these options can cause sloped lines to be shown incorrectly. The Drawing control option (word 7) must be left at 0. ISOGEN will sometimes fail if forced to put more information on a sheet than it determines it can fit. You can minimize the number of sheets produced by increasing the sheet size. Option 8 (dimension line distance) does not work when it is set to give a dimension standout greater than 25 mm. In general, ISOGEN is more successful with a large sheet size than a small one. The Options File 7 - 5 You can create virtually any size sheet - including one with a user-defined title block by using the drawing margin options (words 10-13) and the drawing size options (words 14-16). User-defined graphics in reference files must be positioned in drawing margins or in a reserved strip along the bottom of the drawing (option 35) in order for stacking of multisheet drawings to work properly. ISOGEN drawing layout 7-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 7.3 INTERGRAPH_OPTIONS_BLOCK __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Intergraph options block is a group of options, numbered in the same way as the ISOGEN options (Appendix B), that directly control the actions of the ISOGEN interface. The specific meaning of each option is outlined below: Word _____ Value ______ Meaning _ _______ 1 0 1 Do not produce the ISOGEN MTO neutral file. Produce the ISOGEN mto neutral file. ( 2 0 THIS OPTION MUST BE SET TO ZERO 3 0 1 Do not produce the ISOGEN printed parts list. Produce the ISOGEN printed parts list. (isoname.prt) 4 0 Do not produce the ISOGEN component vrs sheet number file. This setting will not split the MTO neutral file. Produce the ISOGEN component vrs sheet number file, isoname.sed. If the MTO map file includes component occurrence numbers and record types, this setting splits the MTO neutral file by sheet. Neutral files created by the split are named: isoname(sheet#).b(extnum). 1 5 0 1 Do not produce the ISOGEN cut pipe report. Produce the ISOGEN cut pipe report. (isoname.cut) When any of options 1-5 are set 0 (not generating a file), the files are in fact still created. However, the command procedures which run ISOGEN delete these files after the drawing is generated. 6 0 Disable the "CONNECTION NOT FOUND" message at line endpoints where no connecting component is found. The Options File 7 - 7 7 1 Enable "CONNECTION NOT FOUND" message at line end points where no connecting component is found. (Does not apply to plugs, caps, and blind flanges.) This option can be used to highlight the fact that no connecting component was found at a line endpoint. When no connecting component is found then implied materials cannot be generated at that endpoint. This option can make checking of the drawings easier. 0 Do not adjust connect point coordinates to the face-of-flange. 1 Adjust connect point coordinates to the face-of-flange. In the piping model, component connect points are placed midway through the gasket at flanged connections. When this option is disabled, dimensioning on the iso also goes to the center of the gasket. When the option is enabled, dimensioning is to the face-of-flange. 7-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 8 Position A Bolt Length This Intergraph option has multiple switch settings (such as A, B, C, D). Intergraph switch settings are read from right to left (D-C-B-A). For example, if this option is set to 21, 1 represents switch position A and 2 represents switch position B. When setting an option with multiple switches, leading zeros may be omitted, but trailing zeros must be included. 0 Output bolt lengths in inches in the BOM printed on the iso. 1 Output bolt lengths in millimeters in the BOM printed on the iso. Position B Bolt Diameter 0 or blank Output bolt diameter in the default units (as defined in ISOGEN option switch 41 and Intergraph option 43) in the BOM printed on the iso. When using this setting, AText -359 must be left blank. The Options File 7 - 9 1 Output bolt diameter in inches in the BOM printed on the iso. This setting overrides the setting defined with ISOGEN switch 41 (position A). When using this setting, AText -359 should be set to NPD and ISOGEN switch 65 (position B) must be set to 1. 2 Output bolt diameter in millimeters in the BOM printed on the iso. This setting overrides the setting defined with ISOGEN switch 41 (position A). When using this setting, AText -359 should be set to NPD and ISOGEN switch 65 (position B) must be set to 2. 9 val Tolerance for considering valve operators and eccentric reducers to be skewed. Val is the maximum direction cosine times 1000. The default value is 10 (or .01). 10 0 The commodity code description includes consideration of component schedule. Therefore, do not append the component schedule to the material description 1 Commodity code description does not include consideration of schedule. Therefore, the component schedule is appended to the material description. Option 10 is not needed if label description library numbers, which output schedules, are embedded ([ ]) within material descriptions found in the Material Description Library. During extraction, the labels are expanded in the material description. For more information on the Label Description Library and the Material Description Library, refer to the Reference Data Manager document. The material description for an elbow appears as follows in the material description library where label 403 is defined to Output Component Schedule: "WELD ELL BE [403] CS ASTM A234-WPB" 7 - 10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 At extraction time, the label description library number [403] is expanded so that the description placed in the drawing is: "WELD ELL BE STD WT CS ASTM A234-WPB" These embedded attributes can also be included in the material descriptions for implied items like bolts and gaskets. 11 val Piping component connection tolerance in uor’s. The default value is 20 uor’s. If the space between connect points is greater than the value defined by this option, the pipes/components are not considered connected. 12 val Number of characters after which a line feed should be inserted in instrument tag numbers for display in an instrument bubble. (See also ISOGEN option number 123.) The following example assumes that the instrument tag number is INST-001. 1 When set to 1, a line feed is inserted after the first character. 10 Replace an embedded dash within the tag number with a linefeed. The Options File 7 - 11 13 0 1 14 Display all valve operators on the isometric regardless of whether or not they are displayed in the piping model. Do not display valve operators on the isometric that are turned off within the model. NOTE: This option can also be used in conjunction with Intergraph options 59 and 48 that deal with valve operator display and orientation notes. 0 Generate implied materials. These include bolts, gaskets and field welds. 1 Do not generate implied materials. 7 - 12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 This option allows you to do testing without incurring the overhead of generating implied materials. Execution of the ISOGEN interface takes a significantly longer time when bolts and gaskets must be generated. 15 16 0 Spool Numbering On (Uses consecutive numbering) 1 10 Spool Numbering Off Spool Numbering On (This option uses consecutive numbering with the exception that spool numbering is set back to 1 for each new sheet.) 0 Generate the HITS report and the intermediate data file. 1 Generate only the HITS report. When generating only a HITS report an iso cannot be generated since no input to ISOGEN is produced. 2 Generate only the intermediate data file for batch extraction. (DO NOT generate the HITS file) Setting two should only be used with batch extraction. If DEBUG is ON for batch extraction, position A is reset to 0. The HITS file is automatically generated when using interactive extraction. 17 0 1 18 0 1 3 Continue trying to extract the line if a component is encountered that is not in the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. Stop extraction if a component is encountered that is not in the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. Generate coordinates in the DESIGN VOLUME coordinate system. Generate coordinates in the PLANT coordinate system. Generate coordinates in the DESIGN VOLUME coordinate system using large coordinates. The Options File 7 - 13 4 Generate coordinates in the PLANT coordinate system using large coordinates. Option 3 or 4 should be used if any coordinate can be outside the range plus or minus 13.3 miles in an English project or plus or minus 21.4 kilometers in a metric project. NOTE: Coordinate System data is stored in the type 63 data of the piping model. For Interactive Extraction, the software reads the type 63 of the first model entered on the form. For Batch Extraction, the software reads the type 63 data from the first piping model in the area specified in each record of the batch input file. 19 1 THIS OPTION MUST BE SET TO 1. 20 0 1 Do not generate an Intergraph mto neutral file. Generate an Intergraph mto neutral file. The naming convention: isoname+sheet number.b# (where # is the extraction number) is used when an Intergraph mto neutral file is generated. MTO neutral file generation is discussed in detail in the section The MTO Neutral File Record Map. NOTE: Intergraph option 4 must be set to 1 in order to generate an mto neutral file. 21 22 0 1 Do not generate welds in the mto neutral file. Generate welds in the mto neutral file where the welds listed on the mto do not appear on the corresponding isometric sheet. 2 Generate welds in the mto neutral file where the welds listed on the mto appear on the corresponding isometric sheet. As a result, using this option setting slightly increases run time and generates a larger intermediate data file. 0 1 Extract by substring of the line name attribute. Extract by equality of the line ID attributes. The meaning of this option is discussed at length in the section Interactive Isometric Generation. NOTE: Option 22 must be set to 1 when running batch isometric extractions 23 0 Use the system-defined nozzle connection note. The system-defined nozzle connection note is formatted as follows: NOZ: xxx - where xxx is the nozzle tag ITEM: xxx - where xxx is the equipment tag For flanged and female ends: size - rating - facing 7 - 14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 For male ends: size - facing - SCH 1 Use the NOZZLE_NOTE table in the options file to form the nozzle connection note. 24 0 1 Generate pipe supports in the intermediate data file. Do not generate pipe supports in the intermediate data file. 25 0 Show bare branch weld as a length of pipe - with coordinate label pointing to CP2 of branch weld. The Options File 7 - 15 1 26 Position A Show bare branch weld as a dot - with coordinate label pointing to CP1 of branch weld. Inspection Number This Intergraph option has multiple switch settings (such as A, B, C, D). Intergraph switch settings are read from right to left (D-C-B-A). For example, if this option is set to 21, 1 represents switch position A and 2 represents switch position B. When setting an option with multiple switches, leading zeros may be omitted, but trailing zeros must be included. 0 1 2 27 Inspection Numbers Do not extract inspection numbers. Extract inspection numbers. Do not display blank inspection number. Extract inspection numbers. Display blank inspection numbers as defined by INGR_ATEXT_SPECIFICATION 16 (default as ****). Position B Inspection Number Enclosure Type 0 1 2 3 4 5 bubble (default) rectangle rectangle with arrowed ends rectangle with rounded ends triangle diamond 0 1 Generate component tags as -37 records in the intermediate data file. Generate component tags as -22 records in the intermediate data file. This option must be set to 1 in order to generate instrument bubbles properly on both in-line and off-line instruments. 7 - 16 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 28 0 Do not replace the ISOGEN instrument dial symbol (IDPL or IDFL) with the instrument balloon. 1 Replace the ISOGEN instrument dial symbol with an instrument balloon. Regardless of which setting is used, the instrument tag number is displayed inside of a circle. 29 0 Do not make off-line instruments no-mto. The Options File 7 - 17 1 Make all off-line instruments no-mto. Offline instruments are defined as any instrument mapped to the ISOGEN symbol IDPL or IDFL. 30 0 Do not show reinforcing pads in the ISOGEN BOM. 7 - 18 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 1 Show reinforcing pads in the ISOGEN BOM. A reinforcing pad can only be shown in the ISOGEN BOM when the PDS branch component in the model is mapped to the ISOGEN component named TERF. The component in the model should have the commodity code and material description for the reinforcing pad. 31 0 1 Do not access the VALOPR table to map PDS symbol names and valve operator names to ISOGEN symbols. Access the VALOPR table to map PDS symbols and valve operators to ISOGEN symbols. This option is provided because there are two ways to map a PDS symbol and valve operator to an ISOGEN symbol. One way is through the VALOPR table described in the section The Valve/Operator Table. The other way is through the PDS-to-ISOGEN symbol map discussed in the section The PDS-to-ISOGEN Symbol Map. When this option is set to 1, the ISOGEN symbol name obtained from the symbol map is replaced by an entry in the VALOPR table if it exists. The Options File 7 - 19 32 0 Do not generate implied materials from the reference database using table 212. 1 Generate implied materials from the reference database using table 212. This option must be enabled (set to 1) in order to generate implied materials in the mto neutral file and/or to generate a note on the drawing for the implied materials. Also, see Intergraph option 45. NOTE: The generation of implied items from the Implied Material Data Table is triggered by special definitions you make in the reference database. Refer to the Reference Data Manager document for details. 7 - 20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 Refer to the Material Take-Off Options material in the Project Administrator’s Reference Guide for more information. Material Takeoff Options that could effect the implied material output on the iso are stored in the type 63 data of the piping model. For Interactive Extraction, the software reads the type 63 of the first model entered on the form. For Batch Extraction, the software reads the type 63 data from the first piping model in the area specified in each record of the batch input file. 33 0 1 Do not generate chain wheel operators, extension stems or floor stands. Generate chain wheel operators, extension stems and floor stands. Output information is based on the setting of INGR Word 45. This option must be set in order to generate chain wheel operators, extension stems and floor stands in the mtoneutral file or to generate a note on the drawing. The generation of chain-wheel operators, extension stems and floor stands is triggered by definitions you make in the model for specific valves. Refer to the Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide for details on making these definitions. For these items the material description library is accessed by adding the operator number to the following strings: Item _____ Prefix ______ Example _ _______ Chain Operators Extension Stems Floor Stands CHAIN_ XSTEM_ FSTAND_ CHAIN_1001 XSTEM_2001 FSTAND_3001 34 0 1 Do not generate the title block data files. Generate the title block data files. The title block data files are used by the batch extraction software to fill out drawing title blocks. If this option is enabled you must also specify a title block tables File under the FILES section of the options file (refer to The Files Table, page 7 - 42 for more information). 35 THIS OPTION MUST BE SET TO ONE. The Options File 7 - 21 36 0 Do not remove unexpanded attribute specifications from material descriptions. 1 Remove unexpanded material descriptions from material descriptions. This option allows you to remove any embedded attribute specifications (labels) that are not expanded when the material description is generated. Thus, if a material description contains labels that refer to unrelated tables, the unused label can be removed from the description. However, labels that cannot be expanded because of error will also be removed - leaving the description incomplete although it may appear complete on the drawing. 7 - 22 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 37 0 Disable use of the alternate index into the material description libraries. 1 Enable use of the alternate index into the material description libraries. This option allows you to access the material description libraries by using an attribute other than commodity code or specialty tag number. Library access is first attempted using the commodity code or tag number. If no material description is found, the attribute defined in the ALTERNATE_DESCRIPTION_INDEX table (discussed in the section ALTERNATE_DESCRIPTION_INDEX) is used to retrieve a description from the appropriate library. This option also allows you to establish a generic description for instruments, specialties and pipe supports. This can be used as an alternative to creating a material description library entry for each item. The Options File 7 - 23 38 val Format of date strings output in the title block text files. Set val as follows: 0 - DD-MMM-YYYY 1 - DD-MMM-YY 2 - MM/DD/YY 3 - DD/MM/YY 4 - MMM DD, YYYY 5 - DD MMM YYYY 6 - MM/DD 7 - DD/MM 39 0 1 Disable flow arrows on pipe. Enable flow arrows on pipe. 40 0 1 Assign pipe flow arrows during traversal. Assign pipe flow arrows by segment. When assigned during traversal, the first pipe receives a flow arrow. Arrows are then generated on the first pipes downstream of branch components. When assigned by segment, the first pipe encountered on each segment receives a flow arrow. 41 0 Disable multi-endprep components. 1 Enable multi-endprep components. This option controls the display of end-prep graphics on components that have more than one end-prep such as the flanged and welded valve shown above. 7 - 24 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 42 0 Disable boxed tag numbers on commodity items. 1 Enable boxed tag numbers on commodity items. This option allows you to show tag numbers on the isometric for commodity items (that is, items other than specialty items, instruments and pipe supports). 43 0 1 2 Output all bores in inches on the isometric. Reserved for future use Output all bores in millimeters on the isometric. The Options File 7 - 25 NOTE: The settings for Intergraph option 43 should correspond with the settings for ISOGEN Option 41, Position A (Dimensional Units). 44 0 THIS OPTION MUST BE SET TO ZERO. 45 val These options determine how implied materials from the reference database (212) (other than bolts and gaskets) are handled. 0 Do not generate either a note in the drawing (based upon the GENITM_NOTE_FORMAT table) or an entry in the ISOGEN bill of material. 1 Generate an entry in the bill of material, but not a note in the drawing. 7 - 26 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 2 Generate a note in the drawing based upon the GENITM_NOTE_FORMAT table, but not an entry in the bill of material. (This option does not apply to implied items from the spec.) 3 Generate a note in the drawing and an entry in the bill of material. (This option will not result in a note for implied items from the spec.) The Options File 7 - 27 NOTE: Material Takeoff Options that could effect the implied material output on the iso are stored in the type 63 data of the piping model. For Interactive Extraction, the software reads the type 63 of the first model entered on the form. For Batch Extraction, the software reads the type 63 data from the first piping model in the area specified in each record of the batch input file. 46 0 1 Do not label the drawing with segment node numbers. Label the drawing with segment node numbers for those segments where data originated from the P&ID. 47 0 Do not generate weight information in the BOM on the face of the iso. Generate weight information in the BOM on the face of the iso using Imperial Units (raw weight). Generate weight information in the BOM on the face of the iso using Metric Units (raw weight). 1 2 NOTE: Raw weight implies that the insulation of the component is not included. Intergraph option 47 should be used in conjunction with ISOGEN option switch 41. 48 0 Disable secondary orientation notes for valve operators. 1 Enable secondary orientation notes. See also the section SECONDARY_ORIENTATION_NOTE. 7 - 28 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 49 0 THIS OPTION MUST BE SET TO ZERO. 50 0 Disable induction bend groups. 1 Enable induction bend groups. NOTE: For Intergraph option 50 to function properly, pipes and pipe bends must be grouped so that they are included in an induction bend group with the Data/Revise/Component Group command from within PD_DESIGN. 1 NOTE: INGR_ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS ATEXT number 3 allows for a comment to be appended to the numeric value. . The default nozzle connection tolerance is 4 mm.29 51 val Nozzle connection tolerance scaling factor. 54 0 Use the pipe support tag number as the index into the specialty material description library for pipe supports. nuts per bolt. 1 Use the pipe support commodity code. The default will be scaled according to the val entered divided by 100. For example. to double the tolerance set val to 200. 52 0 Do not append the number of nuts per bolt to the material description of bolts. which must be upper cased. Append the number of nuts per bolt to the material description of bolts. Thus. as the index into the specialty material description library for pipe supports. 53 0 THIS OPTION MUST BE SET TO ZERO.The Options File 7 . All text generated in the resulting isometric drawings will still be upper-case. This option performs pipeline extractions where attribute data has been stored in a lower-case format in the database.30 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 56 0 Form the commodity code for chain operators using the operator type attribute. and code listed attributes are involved. that the code list set must be stored in lower-case. Note that when extracting by line ID.7 . . Use upper-case extraction criteria.March 2000 55 0 1 2 Do not alter extraction criteria case Convert extraction criteria to Lower-case. 1 Generate labels consisting of segment node numbers to assist flow sheet checking.31 57 1 Form the commodity code for chain operators using the chain operator number. However.The Options File 7 . . labels will not be generated. if the node number is blank. 0 Do not generate labels consisting of segment node numbers. March 2000 58 2 Always generate labels consisting of segment node numbers even when the node number is blank. An * is displayed if the node number is blank. .7 . 0 Append the bolt length to the material description for bolts.32 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The database partitions of the models contained in the primary area (the area listed in the batch input file) are the only models scanned for the pipeline to be extracted as defined by the LINE_ID_DEFINITION section of the options file. The remaining models that are attached as references are scanned for continuation items. as defined by the LINE_ID_DEFINITION. continues into another area. Do not display valve operator when it is not in a primary direction. as defined by the LINE_ID_DEFINITION. 60 0 1 Search continuation areas defined in the Add Iso Area or Revise Iso Area forms for continuation items only. It is recommended that option 60 be set to 0 unless the line to be extracted extends across multiple areas. NOTE: When set to 1. 2 Search all areas of the project for LINE_ID_DEFINITIONs and continuation items ignoring the continuation settings in the Revise Iso Area form. a continuation note is displayed on the iso that points to the same line name as the iso being extracted. both pipeline and equipment nozzles.33 59 1 Do not append the bolt length to the material description for bolts. Also. NOTE: This option is used in conjunction with ATEXT -213. Any items that match the line ID will be included in the output isometric. NOTE: . and the area is listed in the Revise Iso Area form. If the same pipeline. If the same pipeline. the pipeline is included in the extraction. continues into another area. All of the models from all of the pipeline continuation areas defined in the Revise Iso Area form is scanned for the line to extract. ISOGEN searches every piping model in the project for the pipeline to be extracted and also searches every equipment model for nozzle continuation items. option 60 increases iso extraction time. spindle direction. 0 1 Display valve operator when it is not in a primary direction. Search continuation areas for LINE_ID_DEFINITIONs and continuation items. all of the reference models are scanned for continuation items (both pipeline and equipment nozzles).The Options File 7 . 69 -28.69 -28.00 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 27 4 COMP 51 2 16.25 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.00 -1 2 1 3 1 3 0 27 5 Design file data in IDF order —————————– Name X Y Z X Y Z Occ PIPE 333756 -694944 243840 382524 -694944 243840 30 1 2 in 51 27 E90L 382524 -694944 243840 400812 -694944 243840 51 1 0 in 0 27 E90L 400812 -694944 243840 400812 -713232 243840 51 0 2 ou 0 27 61 1 in_cp Out_cp Leg Dn_occ Sg_occ End Item names from the database will be generated for all sections of the HITS file.50 Y 10.44 -28.50 Z 10.69 -28.69 -28.00 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 27 2 COMP 51 0 16. setting 2 will take longer to process that setting 0 or 1.44 -29.March 2000 Because there is no direct control over the number of models scanned by the software.69 -28.50 Y 10.69 -28.00 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 27 5 Design file data sorted by coordinate ————————————Name Occ PIPE 30 cp # 1 13.25 10.25 10. This section will print four characters of the actual item name from the database.00 Z Node Direct Section 0 0 0 Flags 5 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 27 1 PIPE 30 2 15.50 10.50 10. 61 0 Generic item names such as COMP. Raw design file data ——————– Name Occ PIPE 30 cp # 1 X 13.00 -1 1 1 5 1 0 0 27 2 PIPE 30 2 15.34 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .50 10.00 Z Node Direct Section 0 2 0 Flags 3 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 27 1 PIPE 30 1 13.00 1 1 0 5 0 0 0 27 2 COMP 51 1 15.00 Z Node Direct Section -1 1 0 Flags 5 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 27 1 PIPE 30 2 15.00 Node Direct Section 0 0 0 Flags 5 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 27 1 .00 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 27 3 COMP 51 1 15. Intergraph recommends this option be used for debug purposes only.44 -28.00 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 27 4 COMP 51 2 16. and SUPP will be generated in the HITS file until the last section "Design file data in IDF order" is printed.50 Y 10.69 Y -28.00 -1 2 0 3 0 0 0 27 4 COMP 51 0 16.00 1 1 1 5 1 1 0 27 3 COMP 51 1 15.50 10.69 X -28.44 X -28. INST.00 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 27 3 COMP 51 2 16.00 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 27 5 Tracing data ———— Occ Cp Name Node 5 Next Action 30 2 PIPE 1 2 1 1 1 5 Next 51 1 COMP 1 4 1 1 2 5 Next 51 2 COMP -1 5 1 1 3 -1 1 Ref Design 0 # Sections = 1 Design file data sorted by topo ——————————Name Occ COMP 51 cp # 0 16.7 . Raw design file data ——————– Name Occ PIPE 30 cp # 1 13.69 -28.44 -29.44 -29.50 10.50 10.69 X -28. Setting this option to a 1 will increase extraction time by approximately 25%. 00 -1 2 0 3 0 0 0 27 4 E90L 51 0 16.00 -1 2 1 3 1 3 0 27 5 Design file data in IDF order —————————– Name X Y Z X Y Z Occ PIPE 333756 -694944 243840 382524 -694944 243840 30 1 2 in 51 27 E90L 382524 -694944 243840 400812 -694944 243840 51 1 0 in 0 27 E90L 400812 -694944 243840 400812 -713232 243840 51 0 2 ou 0 27 62 Position A in_cp Out_cp Leg Dn_occ Sg_occ End Weld Number Display This Intergraph option has multiple switch settings (such as A.44 X -28.44 -29.00 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 27 2 E90L 51 0 16. leading zeros may be omitted.The Options File 7 . Intergraph switch settings are read from right to left (D-C-B-A). B.69 -28. For example.69 -28.50 10.50 Y 10.50 10.00 1 1 1 5 1 1 0 27 3 E90L 51 1 15.50 10. display the welds in the bill of material (BOM).25 10. if this option is set to 21. D).50 10.25 10.00 Z Node Direct Section 0 2 0 Flags 3 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 27 1 PIPE 30 1 13.00 1 1 0 5 0 0 0 27 2 E90L 51 1 15.50 10.50 10.00 -1 1 1 5 1 0 0 27 2 PIPE 30 2 15.69 -28.35 PIPE 30 2 15.50 10. 1 represents switch position A and 2 represents switch position B. Instead.44 -28. When setting an option with multiple switches.25 10.50 Y 10. Display PDS generated weld numbers on Iso drawings.44 -29.44 -28.00 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 27 3 E90L 51 1 15. but trailing zeros must be included. Position B 0 Weld Number Display on the BOM Do not write weld numbers on isometric drawings.00 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 27 5 Design file data sorted by coordinate ————————————Name Occ PIPE 30 cp # 1 13.00 Z Node Direct Section -1 1 0 Flags 5 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 27 1 PIPE 30 2 15.50 10. 0 1 Do not display PDS generated weld numbers.00 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 27 3 E90L 51 2 16.00 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 27 4 E90L 51 2 16.69 -28.00 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 27 4 E90L 51 2 16. 1 .69 -28.69 -28.44 -29.69 -28. Display weld numbers on isometric drawings and in the bill of material (BOM).00 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 27 5 Tracing data ———— Occ Cp Name Node 5 Next Action 30 2 PIPE 1 2 1 1 1 5 Next 51 1 E90L 1 4 1 1 2 5 Next 51 2 E90L -1 5 1 1 3 -1 1 Ref Design 0 # Sections = 1 Design file data sorted by topo ——————————Name Occ E90L 51 cp # 0 16. C.69 X -28.50 10. ISOGEN option 53. . Refer to The Files Table. this option generates a normal un-boxed arrowed message. 5 IN OD. ____ Weld Description ___________ NPD (IN) ____ CMDTY Code _____ QTY _____ 9 SHOP WELD. By default. Information on the Drawing and/or the parts list will be as follows: COMMODITY CODE (-20 record): ’SHOP’ or ’FIELD’ or ’OFFSHORE’ DESCRIPTION (-21 record): ’Weld Type. Place the weld at the line name break on both sheets. 2 and 5 should be used. 64 0 1 Uses the standard MTO-Neutral file length of 256 bytes. 5 IN OD 4 SHOP 2 4 SHOP 2 10 63 0 1 Do not calculate the isometric center of gravity and the total isometric weight. must be turned on in order to display the generated weld numbers on isometric. B166-600 (N06600) HOT FIN SHOP WELD.42 for more information. only options 1. position C. page 7 . must be set to 1 for ISOGEN option 22 (Field Fit Length) to work properly. If an enclosure is chosen using ISOGEN option 75. Material A. B166-600 (B0660) HOT FIN. Calculate the isometric center of gravity and total isometric weight.switch position A. NOTE: A center of gravity weight library must be defined in the ninth entry under the FILES section of the Options file for option 63 to function properly. 1 NOTE: Intergraph option 62.36 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The weld is displayed as non-dashed on both isometrics and appears in the BOM and MTO for both lines. Material B’ For example: Part No. north and elevation coordinate. Uses the expanded MTO-Neutral file length of 1024 bytes.March 2000 Position C 0 Weld Display at Sheet Breaks Place the weld at the line name break on the sheet containing the component that has the higher east. Weld Numbers.7 . Generate shop welds. the section DETAIL_SKETCH_FACILITY must exist in the options file. NOTE: ISOGEN switch 71 must be set to 8000 for option 66 to function properly. When option 66 is set to 1. Do not generate isometric limit points (sheet split record) in the intermediate data file (IDF). but do not generate shop welds at pipeto-pipe connections. referring you to the appropriate sketch. See Generate FrameWorks Reference Dimension File. 9 and 40 and the NON_DIMENSIONED_SUPPORTS section of the Intergraph options file. Stop extraction for a drawing if the original start point cannot be used.The Options File 7 . Produce the ISOGEN weld summary report. 67 0 1 2 Do Not generate shop welds. 68 0 1 Extract drawing even if original start point cannot be used.37 65 0 1 66 0 1 Dimensions on supports are determined by the ISOGEN option switches 8. The syntax of this section is similar to the TYPE_2_LABEL section. A note. will be automatically generated and placed on the iso. Use the detail sketch facility. . 69 0 1 Do not produce the ISOGEN weld summary report. page 5 . 1 71 Structural Column Reference This option allows you to place reference dimensions from a structural column or grid line to one item on the isometric. 70 0 Generate isometric limit points (sheet split record) in the intermediate data file (IDF) file as defined in PD_Design. NOTE: This option is used in conjunction with ISOGEN’s repeatability function. Disable dimensioning for all supports. Generate shop welds. WARNING: Before using option 71 you must have an up-to-date FrameWorks Reference Definition File that provides the location of all structural components and grid lines in the project. Do not use the detail sketch facility.86. if this option is set to 21. When setting an option with multiple switches.7 . Position A 0 1 Reference Dimension Control Do not place reference dimensions. The referenced structural element will always be the one nearest to the start of the pipeline being extracted. Place structural reference dimension at the first component encountered from the start point. page 5 . Hence. 1 represents switch position A and 2 represents switch position B. If a FAIL message appears on the isometric drawing and the . C.86. It is highly recommended that structural columns be placed by CP5 (center-center) if it is anticipated that the Iso Structural Reference feature will be used. Intergraph switch settings are read from right to left (D-C-B-A). B. This Intergraph option has multiple switch settings (such as A. leading zeros may be omitted.38 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . refer to ISOGEN message file errors section of this document for information on the nature of this error. D). . DOUBLEBACK PIPE error. but trailing zeros must be included. See Generate FrameWorks Reference Dimension File. there is no selectivity as to what structural column or grid line will be referenced on the iso.err file is reporting a (35:2012) DATA FAULT. NOTE: Since a single reference file is used for the entire project. For example. no structural models can be excluded from being referenced.March 2000 This option references structural elements according to their active cardinal point at the time of placement. 39 2 Place structural reference dimension at the start point of the pipeline. Position B 0 1 Reference Location Reference to the closest column. Reference to the closest horizontal and vertical grid lines ignoring elevation changes. .The Options File 7 . March 2000 2 Reference to the closest horizontal and vertical grid lines and display elevation changes. Use an arrow-ended rectangle for an enclosure. Position E 0 1 2 3 4 Line Style Use the default line type.40 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 1 Position D 0 1 2 3 Enclosure Type No enclosure for the reference. References with skewed movements will be displayed with a skewed box.7 . (short dash line) Use style 1 line type (long dash/short dash line) Use style 2 line type (dash/dot-dot line) Use style 3 line type (dotted line) Use style 4 line type (dash/dot-dot line) . Position C 0 Skew Box Display References with skewed movements will not be displayed with a skewed box. Use a rectangle for an enclosure. Use a round-ended rectangle for an enclosure. 1 NOTE: If this option is set to 1 and there are olet branches on the flanged pipe. .idf file). 0 Break flanged pipe into pieces when there is a pipe support or olet branch along the pipe.The Options File 7 .41 72 Breaks on Flanged Pipe This option controls whether flanged pipe will report as one peice or will break at pipe supports or olet branches. the weldolets (WOL) are mapped to ISOGEN symbol key WTBW and represented with coupling record 126 in the Intermediate Data file (. Report flanged pipe as one piece even when there is a pipe support or olet branch along the pipe. All files may be defined as: network address: /directory path/file name. The PDS to ISOGEN symbol map This table maps PDS component names to ISOGEN symbol names. This table is discussed in the section The Valve/Operator Table. The valve / valve operator symbol map (VALOPR table) This file contains a table that can be used to map a PDS valve and valve operator combination to a different symbol than that mapped by valve alone. The entries in this table are order dependent and must be in the order shown below. 2. you can have a separate library that is used specifically for iso extraction and for no other purpose. The ISOGEN user-defined symbol library This is a library of ISOGEN symbols that has either been translated from the VAX (see the README file for translation information) or has been added to those delivered with the ISOGEN product. However. If this entry is left blank then the library referenced by the piping model file is used instead.March 2000 7. if you specify it here.7 .map 1. This library is required and must be specified. 3. The format and contents of the table are discussed in more detail in the section PDS-to-ISOGEN Symbol Map. .42 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The label description library This is a library of user-defined labels which are based on database attributes. Creation of library entries is discussed in the PDS Reference Data Manager document. This library is optional and need not be specified. For example: pdscert: /usr/isofiles/symbol. This file specification is redundant in that a label description library is already referenced by piping model files.4 The Files Table __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Files table contains the names of several external files which are used by the ISOGEN interface. 4. The Options File 7 - 43 In order to use this file, Intergraph options block option 31 must be set to 1. This is an optional file name. 5. The mto neutral file map This file contains the tables which govern the format of the Intergraph mto neutral file. Refer to The MTO Neutral File Record Map, page 12 - 1 for more information. In order to use this table, Intergraph options block option 20 must be set to 1. 6. Reserved 7. The Title Block Tables File This is an optional file containing tables that govern the generation of text that is to be inserted into a drawing title block by the batch extraction software. When you specify this table, you must also enable option 34 in the Intergraph options block. 8. The Notes Table This file is optional and contains data that can be mapped to the title block by the batch extraction software. The table is accessed through the Title Block Tables File. The Notes Table allows you to map data to the title block which is not stored in the database. 9. Center of Gravity Weight Library This is an optional library that generates center of gravity calculations for ISOGEN. For more information on center of gravity calculations, see Center of Gravity Calculation, page 19 - 2 . In order to use this library, Intergraph options block option 63 must be set to 1. 10. Detail Sketch Facility Cell Library This is a cell library which contains the cells specified in the DETAIL_SKETCH_FACILITY section of the options file. 7 - 44 11. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 Drawing Definition File This file allows you to customize line weight, size and output level of the data on the isometric drawing. 12. Welds Definition / Format File This file specifies the format of the weld box that will be appear on the isometric drawing. It is also used to define the weld report. 13. Material List Definition File This file allows you to define the format of a STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Take Off. 14. Basic Bending Parameters File This file can be used as a basic set of input to a bending machine. The 14th entry in the FILES section of the options file will contain the name of this file. If the first character of the entry is *, the generated file will be isoname.bnd; where isoname is the name used in creating the isometric design file name. If this entry contains a node, directory and filename, the bending information is appended to that filename for each extracted line. If this entry is left blank, a bending parameters file will not be generated. The Options File 7 - 45 7.5 USER_DEFINED_WELDS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table allows you to to assign a weld symbol to a particular weld type. ISOGEN, versions 5.0 or later, allow you to create a user-defined weld symbol by using the symbol definition software. Once created, the new weld symbol graphics should be proportionate to other user-defined symbols. The newly created symbol should be mapped to a specific weld type in the USER_DEFINED_WELDS section of the options file. Note that the weld symbol is not mapped in the isomap.tbl file. By using the following table format, you can define which SKEY is used with each weld type. For example, if a weld type codelist number is defined to use the SKEY FFWT, ISOGEN generates the appropriate text and adds extra material as defined in the ISOGEN section of the options file. The format of a table entry is: VTF, VAL1, VAL2, ...,VALn, WELDTYPE, SYM Where: VTF is a number indicating the number of values to follow (maximum of 20 values per line. VAL1-VALn are the weld type attribute values that will be mapped to the symbol defined (SYM). WELDTYPE is a number 1-3 where: 1: SHOP 2: FIELD 3: OFFSHORE SYM is the ISOGEN weld symbol name. 7 - 46 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 If the table is not defined or a weld type code list value is not included in the table, the following action is taken: For more information, see Weld Types and Mapping, page 16 - 3 . codelist value (from codelist 1100, Weld Type) 1 = No weld 11-20 = ’WW’ (shop weld) else = ’WF’ (field fit weld) Example 1: Generating a user-defined weld from codelist values Show the required entries to generate the following welds: a site weld symbol when codelist value 22 is used. This is a field weld, but does not require extra material to be added. an offshore field fit weld symbol for code list values 30-33 inclusive. a mitre offshore weld symbol for codelist value 40. The format of the table entry is: USER_DEFINED_WELDS 3 1, 22, 2, ’WS’ 4, 30, 31, 32, 33, 3, ’WOF’ 1, 40, 3, ’WM’ The Options File 7 - 47 7.6 WELD_PREFIX __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to add a prefix to an isometric weld number that is contained within an enclosure. The WELD_PREFIX table also allows the prefix to be positioned on the drawing frame as a form of general note about weld identification. The weld prefix may also be included as part of the output in the user-defined weld summary report. The format of a table entry is: WELD_PREFIX 1 #, ’TEXT’ Where: # is a number 0 through 3 where: 0 - is a general weld prefix to apply to all weld types 1 - is a shop weld prefix to apply only to fabrication welds 2 - is a site/field weld prefix to apply only to erection welds 3 - offshore weld prefix to apply only to offshore welds ’TEXT’ is the actual prefix to be used If all four prefixes are defined, the general weld prefix (setting 0) will be ignored. Example 1: Defining a Weld Prefix Determine the table entry that would have all offshore welds have the prefix ’OFFSHORE-’ on the iso drawing. The table entry would be: WELD_PREFIX 1 3, ’OFFSHORE-’ 7 - 48 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 7.7 DETAIL_SKETCH_FACILITY __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to generate a detailed sketch or information note for specific item. Any component meeting the specified value defined in this table generates a defined detail sketch or note. The defined value must exactly match the attribute or label. You can generate general or specific notes for components and spools. The general information note places a note on each isometric sheet of the pipeline. The specific information note only places a note on the specific isometric sheet that contains the item generating the note. You can define up to 300 Detail Sketch Facility table entries. The format of a table entry is: TABLE, COL, LABEL, ’COL VAL’, ’DET NAME’ Where: TABLE, COL is the table, column specification of the attribute that will be checked and compared with ’COL VAL’. LABEL is the label description library number that defines the format of the note that will be checked and compared with ’COL VAL’. When using LABEL, TABLE must be set and COL must be 0. ’COL VAL’ is the value that when equal to TABLE,COL or TABLE,LABEL will trigger the detail to be placed on the isometric. ’DET NAME’ is the name of the detail cell from the cell library (defined by the tenth entry under the files section of the options file) to place on the isometric. Information Note Entries Two types of information notes are available: General Notes are indictaed by a _N at the end of the cell. Specific Notes are indictaed by a _S at the end of the cell. The Options File 7 - 49 All cell names that end with _N or _S are treated as Information Notes and placed accordingly. ATEXT numbers -541 and -542 also effect these criteria. -541 _N is used as the delimiter/identifier in the general note name. -542 _S is used at the delimiter/identifier in the specific note name. Example 1: Example of the DETAIL_SKETCH_FACILITY Table DETAIL_SKETCH_FACILITY 5 34, 0, 900, ’6Q1C01 GAT’, ’det_4’ 34, 3, 0, ’6Q3C74’, ’det_1’ 34, 20, 0, ’90.0000’, ’det_2’ 34, 0, 924, ’H’, ’HOLD_N’ 12, 12, 0, ’SYS1’, ’I5_S’ !5 entries to follow !label 900: piping_comp_no, commodity_name !commodity_name, character(6) !bend_angle, double !Comp HOLD status note !Specific Note Package # 7 - 50 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 7.8 PIPELINE_HEADER __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The pipeline header table is used to generate records in the intermediate data file that cause attribute change graphics to be generated in the isometric drawing. Attribute change graphics can be used at changes in piping materials class, insulation type, and so on, along a pipeline. This table allows you to control the database attributes that are used to generate attribute breaks on the drawing. Example attribute change graphics This table is also used to generate a note when some database attribute of a component overrides that of the pipeline. For example, a new pipeline might contain an existing valve. This table can be used to generate a note on the drawing that points to the valve and identifies it as existing. The format of a row (or a single entry) in this table is: RECNO, ST, SC, SN, DFLT, PREFIX, CT, CC, CN, PT, PC, PN, IT, IC, IN Where: RECNO is the ISOGEN record number used for an attribute whose value can change along the length of a pipeline. Record numbers from the following table must be used for this item: The Options File 7 - 51 Table 7 - 1. ISOGEN record numbers for pipeline attributes ISOGEN No _Rec ______ Attribute _________ ATEXT No _____ -6 -7 -11 -14 -15 -16 -17 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 Line name Spool number prefix Piping materials class (spec) Date Record Insulation type Heat tracing type Paint code User-defined 1 User-defined 2 User-defined 3 User-defined 4 User-defined 5 -288 n/a -289 -250 -290 -291 -292 -293 -294 -295 -296 -297 An entry in the PIPELINE_HEADER table with an ISOGEN record number of -7 is used to define a spool number prefix. If defined, the prefix is used by ISOGEN to form spool number labels in the drawing. When defining spool number prefixes, use a single ? symbol to generate spool numbers only. Use two ? symbols for the spool number prefix to generate spool numbers and sheet numbers. As shown in the previous figure, the actual attribute values at an attribute change are preceded by some clarifying text. That text is "MATL," which identifies that the attributes shown are piping materials classes. For information on modifying this text, refer to ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS, page 7 - 56 . The Atext numbers you will need in the ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS table to change the clarifying text are shown above in Table 7-1. In the case of the user-defined attribute changes the default Atexts are blank. In order to generate attribute change graphics in the drawing you MUST define nonblank Atexts that correspond to the ISOGEN record numbers you use. For example, if you want to use ISOGEN record number -41 for a user-defined attribute change then you must define ATEXT number -293 with a nonblank value if you want to see the attribute change on the drawing. The Atext numbers shown in Table 7-1 modify only the clarifying text shown with the attributes in the drawing. They do not modify the title block entries for these attributes. Different Atext numbers are used to modify this text. Refer to Appendix B for details. 7 - 52 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 ST, SC is a table, column specification for the segment attribute whose value might change along the pipeline. This attribute specification can be any segment level attribute in the material database. The segment level table is table 12. The specification for piping materials class, for example, would be table 12, column 12. SN is an optional label description library number that you can use to specify the segment attribute(s) that might change. By using the label description library number rather than than ST, SC (above) you can define composite attributes that are combinations of 2 or more database attributes. The label description library holds a definition of each label description library number. The number and its description in the label library can be used to form a text string (a label) that is formed from database columns. You define which columns are used in the label as well as the label format when making a definition in the label library. Iso extraction treats a string based on a label library number as a pseudo attribute. A pseudo attribute can be used to generate attribute breaks just the same as regular database attribute can. DFLT is an optional string used to define a default value for an attribute or label. When the attribute defined by ST,SC or SN is undefined (blank) then DFLT will be used. This shows attribute breaks for attributes that you normally do not want to provide values for. If you do not provide a value for this field the string "UNDEFINED" is used for undefined attributes. PREFIX is an optional prefix used in forming a note from a database attribute when a component attribute overrides a segment attribute. The override note is formed by appending the database attribute to the prefix defined here. The note formed in this manner points to the appropriate component in the drawing. When the ISOGEN record number for the spool prefix is -7, PREFIX is used as a separator between the spool prefix and the spool number. CT, CC is the table, column specification for the component level attribute that can override the pipeline level attribute defined by ST, SC. These items are optional. Some pipeline level attributes cannot be overridden at the component level (pipeline name and piping materials class are examples). When there is no override attribute these items should be set to 0. Attribute specifications for CT, CC apply to the component table (34) in the design database. The Options File 7 - 53 CN is the component level counterpart to SN. If the label generated by CN differs from that generated by SN then an override note will be generated. In order to avoid generating override notes on every component you must either define CN in exactly the same way as SN except for the table and attribute numbers or not use the component override feature. PT, PC is the same as CT, CC except that this attribute specification applies to pipe rather than components. Attribute specifications can only refer to table 50 in the design database. PN IT, IC is the same as CN except that it applies to pipe. is the same as CT, CC except that this attribute specification applies to instruments rather than components. Attribute specifications are from the instrument table (67). IN is the same as CN except that it applies to instruments. Example 1: Breaking Supply Responsibility Along a Pipeline Since there is no predefined ISOGEN record number for supply responsibility, you must use one of the user-defined records. Record -41 is used in this example. Referring to the database table format, the following database attributes apply: Segment Component Pipe Instrument 12, 39 - does not apply - does not apply - does not apply - The table entry would appear as follows: -41, 12, 39, 0, ’’, ’SUPPLIED BY’, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Example 2: Changing Construction Responsibility Along a Pipeline As in the previous example, there is no predefined ISOGEN record number for construction responsibility. So, you must use one of the user-defined record numbers. Record -42 is used in this example. The applicable database attributes are: Segment Component Pipe Instrument 12, 38 - does not apply - does not apply 67, 29 The appropriate table entry would be: 7 - 54 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 -42, 12, 38, 0, ’’, ’CONSTR BY’, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 29, 0 Example 3: Breaking Composite Attributes by Combining Insulation Purpose and Thickness For this example, we can use ISOGEN record number -15. Since the change that will be shown is made up of multiple attribute changes, we must use the label description library to form a pseudo attribute. Using the label library utility we have defined the following library numbers: 956 - segment insulation purpose and thickness 957 - instrument insulation purpose and thickness The table entry for this case would be: -15, 0, 0, 956, ’’, ’’, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 957 The first entry in the PIPELINE_HEADER table MUST be for line name (using the -6 record). Otherwise, the ISOGEN interface will stop with an error. The attribute that is used for this entry is displayed in the pipeline ID box in the lower right hand corner of the drawing. You can use either the line name attribute (table 12, attribute 2) or the line ID (specified by using table 12, attribute -2) for ST, SC. Refer to LINE_ID_DEFINITION, page 7 - 59 for information on how a line ID differs from a line name. The table entries should be in order of increasing absolute value of ISOGEN record number. Attribute changes in the drawing can be inhibited by either removing the entry for the attribute from this table or by setting the Atext for the clarifying text to blank in the ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS table. When attributes are specified, the label library number should be 0. When the label library number is specified then the attribute specifications should be 0. The line ID (COL = -2) can be used for the spool prefix. ISOGEN word 39 must be set to 0 in order to display spool number labels formed using the spool prefix. The Options File 7 - 55 If ST is less than 0, the attribute is checked for component overrides but no segment level breaks will be shown in the drawing. When ST is made negative, set RECNO to an undefined record number (such as -99). 7 - 56 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide - March 2000 7.9 ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to modify the values of text strings that ISOGEN puts on drawings. A table entry can also "turn off" a text string so that it does not appear. The format of a table entry is: ATEXT number, ’new text’ Where: ATEXT number is one of the ATEXT numbers defined in Appendix B of the ISOGEN Facilities Guide (which is Appendix B of this document). ’new text’ is the new text string to be applied to the Atext number. The ’new text’ will be used instead of the text defined in Appendix B of the facilities guide. A particular text string can be turned off by setting its Atext value to blank. Example 1: Modifying Text Modify the clarifying text that precedes a piping materials class that is generated at a spec change by changing "SPEC" to "MATL". The table entry would be: -289, ’MATL’ Example 2: Modifying Text for an Eccentric Reducer Turn on the "FLAT SIDE DOWN" message that points to eccentric reducers (this message is off by default). Refer to Appendix B for further explanation. The table entry would be: -243, ’FLAT SIDE DOWN’ The table entries must be in order of increasing absolute value of Atext number. That is, -206 should precede -207 and so on. If one specification is out of order then all of the following entries will be ignored. The Options File 7 . ’ ’ -405. ’ ’ -272. ’ ’ -407. ’ ’ . ’ ’ -406. ’ ’ -271. ’ ’ -317. ’ ’ -318. ’ ’ -270.57 In order to turn off all ISOGEN generated title block data the following Atext specifications can be used: -250. ’ ’ -400. ’ ’ -403. ’ ’ -253. ’ ’ -402. ’ ’ -411. ’ ’ -410. ’ ’ -401. ’ ’ -404. ’N’. 4. 7. ’****’ ’’ ’’ ’’ !Used based on Intergraph option 6 and ATEXT -209 !Used based on Intergraph option 58 !Used based on Intergraph option 52 ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ !Used based on Intergraph option 33. 3. ’NUTS PER BOLT’.7 . ’CHAIN_’. The ’old text’ value is used if the ’new text’ value is left blank or if the INGR_ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS records are omitted from the Options file. ’S’.56 !Used based on Intergraph option 33 !Used based on Intergraph option 33 !Horizontal . ’BOLT LENGTH’. ’VOR’. ’XSTEM_’. 12. INGR_ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS include: 1. ’new text’ Where: ATEXT number is 1-15 1: ’NOT FOUND’ 2: ’BOLT LENGTH’ ’old text’ is the text string to be substituted. ’FSTAND_’. 2. ’U’. ’old text’.10 INGR_ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to modify the values of text strings that PD_ISO puts on drawings. ’E’. 6. 8. ’DEG’. 9. 5. ’NOT FOUND’. ’new text’ is the new text string to be applied to the Atext number. 14.58 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The format of a table entry is: ATEXT number.Used for an operator in a 2plane ske !Vertical . 16. ’W’. 13. ’D’. 11.Used for an operator in a 2plane ske !Degree . 10. 15. ’HOR’.March 2000 7.Used for an operator in a 2plane ske !Used with skewed operator orientation notes !Used with skewed operator orientation notes !Used with skewed operator orientation notes !Used with skewed operator orientation notes !Used with skewed operator orientation notes !Used with skewed operator orientation notes !Default text used for unassigned inspection numbers . 10. what is the line ID for a line named 16IN-P12002-1C003? Assuming that a single digit unit number follows sequence number in this line number. 9.59 7. ’-’ 12. The column numbers involved are: Fluid code Sequence no Unit no 12. The line ID itself is formed by linking all the attributes together with their suffixes if defined. Any attribute from the segment level (table 12) can be used. 10 12. 4 The table is defined as: 12. The line ID is intended to be a simpler way of referring to a pipeline. to input the line ID in Example 8 you must key in P-1200-2. A null entry (two successive single quotes) is valid. The format of a table entry is: ST. the line ID would be P-12002. ’’ 12. sequence number and unit code. The result is the line ID label. For instance. ’SUFFX’ Where: ST. The line ID is a composite attribute that should be formed from a subset of those attributes which are used to form the line name attribute. . ’’ Using the previous line ID.11 LINE_ID_DEFINITION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to define the format of the line ID. suffix used to terminate the attribute in the line ID. single character. When inputting line names for extraction every attribute forming the line ID MUST be separated by dashes. this table and column must be set to 12. SC is the table.The Options File 7 . In order to use the Display Iso feature from an interactive piping session. 3 Example 1: Defining a Line ID Define a line ID composed of fluid code. 4. SC. The suffix character defined in the table is used only in generating the text string for display purposes. column specification for one of the attributes making up the line ID. 9 12. ’SUFFX’ is an optional. 0. LDL NO. If this attribute is defined. This table causes a note to be generated when some database attribute which you define in the table has a value.Instrument 5 . To do this. based on the value of a component’s attribute. When a line is extracted. make the value of TABLE negative in the table (such as use -34 instead of 34 to designate table 34). COL is the table. When the attribute is undefined (that is. COL.7 . column specification for the attribute that should be checked.0 or 1 Any attribute that is not undefined is defined and will cause a note to be generated.Pipe 4 .blank or null Coded . An attribute is considered undefined based on its data type as follows: Integer .Commodity item 2 .set to 0 Real . .60 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . You can define up to 50 table entry lines for Type 1 Labels. the note will be generated. at the time it is being processed. each component is processed one at a time.Pipe support TABLE. Allowable values for component type are: 1 . This table allows you to generate a note.March 2000 7. TABLE. ENC TYPE (optional) Where: COMP TYPE is the component type to which the note should apply.12 TYPE_1_LABELS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to generate notes on drawings that point to specific components.Specialty item 3 . The format of a table entry is: COMP TYPE.equal to -32768 ASCII . does NOT have a value) then no note is generated. You can also specify that a Real attribute be considered undefined if it contains the value 0. Type 4 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle a maximum of three characters on a single line. You must define this note in the label description library as defined in the PDS Reference Data Manager document. the attributes must be from the table defined by TABLE or its associated table. we have defined label 910 as shown below: .The Options File 7 . If the label references attributes from the database.61 LDL NO is the label description library label number that defines the format of the note that is to appear on the drawing. use 0 as the enclosure type. Type 2 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line. There are five text-type records that trigger the different enclosures shown below. If an enclosure is not required. ENC TYPE is the enclosure type. Type 1 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line. Using the label library utility. Example 1: Defining Type 1 Labels Define a table entry that would generate a note (without an enclosure) when the REMARKS field attribute for the component is defined. Type 3 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line. Type 5 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle a maximum of three characters on a single line. The note would point to the item (or items) in the drawing that corresponds to the component(s) in the model whose remarks attribute has been defined. The note that is defined by LDL NO need not use the attribute that is defined in the table as TABLE. 80 When LDL NO is set to 0 in the table. A dollar sign ("$") embedded in a label is treated as a line feed by ISOGEN.March 2000 The attribute referred to is table 34. The database table defined by TABLE must correspond to the component type identified by COMP TYP. 34 12. . Thus.62 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .7 . COL. column 46. COL is only the trigger in the note generation process. 67 12. no note is generated. the following restrictions exist: COMP TYP ___________ Allowable values of TABLE __________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 12. The table entry would be: 1. TABLE. 34 12. 910 Where: 910 is the label number which defines the exact format of the note to be generated. 46. 50 12. 34. Use this table to generate a note whenever a specific attribute (user-defined in the table) is defined with a specific value (also defined by you in the table). There are five text-type records that trigger the different enclosures shown below. This table is more selective in that you specify the value of the attribute that is to trigger note generation. Note that generation from the TYPE_1_LABELS table is triggered by an attribute having ANY value.63 7. ENC TYPE (optional) Where: TABLE. . all characters of the attribute will be compared with ’COL VAL’. LDL NO. COL. LENGTH is an optional specification of the number of characters from the database attribute that should be compared with ’COL VAL’. If the label references attributes from the database. ’COL VAL’. ’COL VAL’ is the value of TABLE. ENC TYPE is the enclosure type. LDL NO is the label description library number that defines the format of the note that will be generated when the attribute identified by TABLE. COL then a note will be generated that points to the item. If set to 0. use 0 as the enclosure type.13 TYPE_2_LABELS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to generate notes that point to specific components. LENGTH. the attributes must be from the table defined by TABLE or its associated table. COL that will trigger note generation.The Options File 7 . The format of a table entry is: TABLE. If an enclosure is not required. COL has the value ’COL VAL’ or the first 1 through LENGTH characters of the attribute are the same as ’COL VAL’. You can define up to 99 table entry lines for Type 2 Labels. column specification of the attribute that will be checked and compared with ’COL VAL’. If ’COL VAL’ is the same as the value of TABLE. COL is the table. Notice the difference between this table and the TYPE_1_LABELS table. 3 Where 911 is the label description library label number which defines the format of the note. Type 2 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line. Example 1: Defining Type 2 Labels Define a table entry that would generate a note (with a type 3 enclosure) that points to all blind flanges. ’6Q2C08’. 911. 3. Label 911 is defined as follows: . Type 3 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line. One way to accomplish this would be to check the value of the PDS commodity_name attribute for the string "6Q2C08".64 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .7 .March 2000 Type 1 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line. column 3. Type 4 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle a maximum of three characters on a single line. Type 5 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle a maximum of three characters on a single line. The table entry would be: 3. the PDS commodity name for a Blind Flange. The appropriate attribute is table 34. 0. 986. 3. 14. set LENGTH to 0 and set COLVAL to the code list number. 4. 0. 14(col) is 25 use: 50. and 5 under the description of the TYPE_1_LABELS table. ’25’. . For example. These notes also apply to the TYPE_2_LABELS table.65 Refer to notes 2. To test on code list number values rather than code list text.The Options File 7 . to generate a note when the fabrication category 50(table). Pipe 4. . COL. VAL1. ENC TYPE (optional) Where: TYPE is the component type that the note should apply to..COL is generated as the note. . You can define up to 50 table entry lines for Type 3 labels. the value of TABLE. 34 12. VALN. Use the following values for TYPE: 1. VAL2..March 2000 7.66 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 67 12.14 TYPE_3_LABELS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to generate a note when the value of a code-listed attribute matches one of the values specified in the table entry. TABLE.COL defines the attribute that triggers note generation. This table is similar to TYPE_2_LABELS except that.VALN Code list numbers that should trigger note generation..Commodity item 2. 50 12. VAL1. NVALS. If the label references attributes from the database. rather than being triggered by a single value. LDL NO. a note can be triggered by one of several values.. 80 LDL NO Defines the format of the note to be generated if triggered.Specialty item 3. The format of a table entry is as follows: TYPE. 34 12. If LDL NO is set to 0. NVALS Defines the number of code list numbers in the list to follow.Instrument 5. TABLE must correspond to TYPE as follows: TYPE ______ ALLOWABLE TABLES _ _____________________ 1 2 3 4 5 12.7 . the attributes must be from the table defined by TABLE or its associated table.Pipe Support TABLE. the following would be used to generate the short form of the code list text as the note. 5. Therefore.The Options File 7 . 7. -10. The table entry would be: 1. 34. 994. 1. 34. the short form of the code list text (that to the left of the "=" in the code list source) can be generated by making COL negative. 3. 3. or 17. 17 .67 Example 1: Defining Type 3 Labels Show the table entry needed to generate a note when the component fabrication category is set to code list values 5. 7. 10. 17 Where: Label 994 would define the format of the note that would be generated. 7. 0. 5. in the previous example. When LDL NO is set to 0 so that the code listed text is generated as the drawing note. March 2000 7. ENC TYPE is the enclosure type. The format of a table entry is as follows: TYPE. If an enclosure is not required. . TABLE. There are five text-type records that trigger the different enclosures shown below.15 START_POINT_NOTES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to generate notes at the beginning of a pipeline. TYPE must be set to 0. LDL NO. TABLE defines the tables that will be referenced by LDL NO as follows: TABLE _______ Valid tables in label LDL NO _ __________________________ 12 34 50 67 SEGMENTS COMPONENTS PIPE INSTRUMENT LDL NO Label library number which defines the format of a note to be generated on the first component of the pipeline. ENC TYPE (optional) Where: TYPE TABLE Currently. use 0 as the enclosure type.7 .68 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Type 2 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line.The Options File 7 . Example 1: Defining Start Point Notes Define a table entry that would generate the line name attribute at the start of a pipeline. Type 4 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle a maximum of three characters on a single line. The table entry would be: 0. Type 3 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line. 0 Where: Label 900 returns the line name (T12C2) followed by a dash and the text. 900. "Starts Here".69 Type 1 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle an unlimited number of characters on a single line. 12. . Type 5 Enclosure This enclosure type can handle a maximum of three characters on a single line. CN.7 . When CN is not 0 then CC should be set to zero. Multiline notes are shown as a block of text on the drawing. IN The attribute that is used for this entry is displayed in the pipeline ID box in the lower right hand corner of the drawing. then CT should be set to 34. PT. column specification of the attribute that will be displayed when the connecting item is a pipe. You can use either the line name attribute (table 12. attribute -2) for ST. SC. PN.16 END_POINT_COMPONENT_LABELS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to define the format of notes that are generated at line endpoints when the line endpoint connects on to another pipeline. These entries are analogous to CT. Where: ’PREFIX’ is a short prefix for the attribute that will be displayed at the line endpoint. The format of a table entry is: ’PREFIX’. That is. In generating a line in the line endpoint note either column CT. if the note definition uses table 12 then CT should be set to 12. held in the label library. CT.59 for information on how a line ID differs from a line name.70 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . CC for components. CT. column specification of the attribute that will be displayed when the connecting component is a commodity item or a specialty item. PT. column 2) or the line ID (specified by using table 12. Refer to LINE_ID_DEFINITION. PC is the table. IT. When CN is used then CT should be set to a value that defines the tables referred to in the note description. The note itself is formed from the attributes of the connecting component. CN is a label description library number that defines the format of the note line when the connecting component is a commodity item or a specialty item. When CT. CC is appended to PREFIX or the line is generated using the label description library note identified by CN. page 7 . The note defined by this table is NOT generated at line endpoints that are not connected to other pipelines. Each entry in the table is used to form one line of the note. CC is the table. CC. If the note definition uses table 34. CC is defined then CN should be 0. PC. IC. .March 2000 7. IT. When using IN you must set IT to a value that reflects the table used in the note definition. CT. 12. If it uses table 67 then IE must be set to 67. 12. PT. If it uses table 50 then PT must be set to 50. 0. 0. 951. The table entry for the line name would be: ’’.12 or 50 IT. IN is analogous to CN for components. 12. For the note. the applicable database attribute is table 12. PN is analogous to CN for components. 951. 2.The Options File 7 . For example. column specification of the attribute that will be displayed when the connecting item is an instrument. if the note uses table 12 then PT must be set to 12. For example. 0.12 or 67 . Example 1: Defining Continuation Notes Define the table entries that would generate a continuation note that consists of one line for the connected line’s line name. if the note uses table 12 then IE must be set to 12. IC is the table. These entries are analogous to CT. 12. When using PN you must set PT to a value that reflects the tables used in the note definition. 0. 2. CC for components.12 or 34 PT. 0. 12. and IE are restricted as follows: CT. column 2. 2. 0 Example 2: Defining Continuation Notes Redo example 1 using label description library numbers rather than column numbers. 12.71 PN is the label description library number that defines the format of the note line when the connecting component is a pipe. The table entry would be: ’LINE:’. 951 The label description library number option is useful when you want to display more than one attribute on a single line in the note. IN is the label description library number that defines the format of the note line when the connecting component is an instrument. March 2000 7.size-rating-facing B) Socket weld .17 NOZZLE_NOTE __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is very similar to the END_POINT_COMPONENT_LABELS table except that it is used to form a note when the line endpoint is connected to an equipment indicate that the note line should only be generated when the generic termination type of the nozzle is MALE. Example 1: Defining a Nozzle Connection Note Define a table that generates a nozzle connection consisting of the following lines: Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Equipment item name Nozzle tag number A line that depends on end prep as follows: A) Flanged . If the attributes defined in the note are from the equipment table then TABLE should be 21. If the attributes used in defining the note are from the nozzle table then TABLE should be 22.size-schedule-end prep . 2. LDL NO is the label description library number that defines the format of the note. TABLE is the database table from which attributes are taken in defining the label description library entry that is identified by LDL NO. LDL NO Where: GEN TYP is a number that indicates those generic termination types for which this note line should be generated. TABLE. The format of a table entry is: GEN indicate that the note line should be generated for ALL generic termination types. indicate that the note line should only be generated when the generic termination type of the nozzle is FLANGED. The primary difference is that with the NOZZLE_NOTE table some lines in the connection note can be generated based on the generic termination type of the indicate that the note line should only be generated when the generic termination type of the nozzle is FEMALE.72 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 1. The allowable values of GEN TYP are: -1.size-rating-facing C) Welded .7 . column 4 rating table 22. column 17 The table would be: -1. 22. 3.table 21. 2. The Intergraph Options_Block word 23 controls whether the software uses the ISOGEN default nozzle note or the note defined by this keyword. column 2 Nozzle tag table 22. . 21. 22. This allows you to combine attributes from tables 21 and 22 onto a single line in the note block. column 5 end prep table 22. column 2 size table 22. 22.The Options File 7 .73 The appropriate database attributes are: Equipment name . 22. 1. -1. column 6 schedule table 22. 952 953 954 954 950 A note formed by this table for a flanged nozzle might be: ITEM: 2103-C NOZ: N11 6"-CL150-RFFE If TABLE < 0 (such as -21 or -22) then the line will be appended to the previous line in the table without a linefeed. 7 .18 SECONDARY_ORIENTATION_NOTE __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to define valve operators that require a secondary orientation in order to install them.74 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . For each operator it also defines the prefix for the secondary orientation label. NOTE_PRFX is the prefix that should be used for second orientation. ’NOTE_PRFX’ Where: OPTR_NAME is the symbol name of the valve operator which requires a second orientation. . Example 1: Defining Secondary Orientation Notes Define the table entry that would result in a secondary orientation note for the valve operator OP_9. A table entry is as follows: ’OPER_NAME’. ’ORIENT WRENCH’ The above table entry creates the following note in a drawing: The Intergraph Options_Block word 48 controls whether the software uses the ISOGEN default secondary orientation note or the note defined by this keyword.March 2000 7. The table entry would be: ’OP_9’. Example 1: Defining Dotted Symbology Determine the table entry that will result in dotted symbology on the isometric when the construction status is "existing". SC.The Options File 7 . VAL1-VALn are the values of the code-listed column which will force the symbology to be dotted. VTF. PC defines a pipe column (from table 50) whose value might cause a piece of pipe to be dotted.75 7. . 50. IT. CT.19 DOTTED_SYMBOLOGY_CODE_LIST_VALUES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to allow the values of certain database attributes to determine whether or not the piping in the isometric should be shown in dotted symbology or not. for example. Code-listed attributes are displayed as text strings when the Piping Review Attributes command is used. 34. SC defines a segment level column (from table 12) whose value might cause the piping to be dotted. By using this table you can. VAL1.. VALn Where: ST. PC. VTF is the number of values to follow in the list VAL1 through VALn. VAL2. PT. CC. CC defines a component level column (from table 34) whose value might cause a commodity item or specialty item to be dotted. The relevant database attributes are: segment: component: pipe: instrument: table table table table 12. 67. The format of an entry in this table is: ST.. Attributes are displayed as having an integer data type in the database table format. Only code-listed attributes can be used to determine whether or not a section of piping or a component is to be dotted. column column column column 20 32 27 29 . IC. IC defines an instrument column (from table 67) whose value might cause an instrument to be dotted. IT. make all "existing" piping show up in the iso in dotted symbology rather than with solid lines. PT. CT. 3 Whenever the value of the segment level attribute matches one of those in the list VAL1 through VALn. REVAMPED. RELOCATED. 29. PT. 50.March 2000 Looking at the code-list number 130 (the construction status code-list) we can find that the code-list number for "existing" is 3.76 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . When the value of a component level attribute (defined by CT.7 . . 1. 67. 27. Example 2: Defining Dotted Symbology Determine the table entry that will result in the dotted symbology on the isometric when the construction status is EXISTING. 32. the table entry would be: 12. Thus.IC) matches a value in the list. TEMPORARY.CC. only that item will be drawn with dotted symbology. DISMANTLE or FUTURE. 20.PC. or IT. 34. all of the components attached to the segment will be drawn with dotted symbology in the isometric. 50. This table can be used in addition to the no-mto attribute that explicitly defines a component to be no-mto. page 7 . VAL1. The format of an entry in this table is: ST. VALn Where: ST. Refer to DOTTED_SYMBOLOGY_CODE_LIST_VALUES. Example 1: Defining Components as No MTO Determine the table entry that would result in all components with the construction status of existing to be no-mto.77 7. only code-listed attributes can be used in this table.20 NOMTO_CODE_LIST_VALUES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is very much the same as the DOTTED_SYMBOLOGY_CODE_LIST table except that it is used to imply a status of no-mto based on the value of a code-listed attribute. 27. SC. CT. VTF is the number of values to follow in the list VAL1 through VALn. When a component has a status of no-mto then it does not appear in the ISOGEN bill-of-material. PC.. IC defines an instrument column (from table 67) whose value might cause an instrument to be no-mto. CC. CT. 67. 3 .75 for information on identifying a code-listed column. 1.. PT. IC. PT. 32. SC defines a segment level column (from table 12) whose value might cause the piping to be no-mto. VAL2. IT. VAL1-VALn are the values of the code-listed column which will imply that the item to be no-mto. Again. 29.The Options File 7 . 20. 34. IT. VTF. CC defines a component level column (from table 34) whose value might cause a commodity item or specialty item to be no-mto. This example is very similar to the example covered in the section DOTTED_SYMBOLOGY_CODE_LIST_VALUES and requires an identical table entry: 12. . PC defines a pipe column (from table 50) whose value might cause a piece of pipe to be no-mto. If the codelist number is not listed in the option file sections for "SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES" or "OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES" the item will default to field. VALn Where: VTF is a number indicating the number of values to follow.March 2000 7. . SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES 1 2 5. shop fabricated (codelist value 5) and Shop supplied. some end-prep graphics are changed to distinguish between connections made in the shop and those made in the field. Also.. ISOGEN lists shop materials separately from field materials. Example 1: Segregating Fabrication Categories Define the table entry that would result in the fabrication categories Contractor supplied. shop fabricated (codelist value 15) being interpreted as meaning shop by ISOGEN. The format of the table entry is: VTF. VAL1. VAL1-VALn are the values of the fabrication category attribute that are to be interpreted as meaning shop by ISOGEN. Field connections are implied when the fabrication category changes from shop to field or viceversa. This table is used to identify those values of the fabrication category attribute that are to be interpreted as meaning shop. VAL2. This is necessary because ISOGEN only allows the two options of either shop or field and does not distinguish (as PDS does) between supplier and fabricator of a component. In erection-only isometrics ISOGEN does not list shop materials. . 15 If needed. the item defaults to field.78 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .21 SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If the codelist number is not listed in the option file sections for SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES or OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES.7 . more than one row can be made in the table if the number of codelisted values per row exceeds 25.. The Options File 7 .79 Example 2: . The format of the table entry is: VTF. . refer to Offshore Material Category. VAL1. offshore fabricated (code list value 39) and shop supplied. more than one row can be made in the table if the number of codelisted values per row exceeds 25. Also. page 16 .7 .. The table entry is: OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES 1 2. page 8 . 49 If needed..9 and Offshore Fabrication Category. 39.80 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 7. The OFFSHORE section is optional and is not required in the options file. Example 1: Segregating fabrication categories Define the table entry that would result in the fabrication categories contractor supplied. offshore fabricated (code list value 49) being interpreted as offshore by ISOGEN.22 OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If the codelist number is not listed in the option file sections for SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES or OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES.4 for related material. . VALn Where: VTF is a number indicating the number of values to follow. VAL2. VAL1-Valn are the values of the fabrication category attribute that are to be interpreted as meaning offshore by ISOGEN. the item defaults to field. Y is the y offset in 1/100ths mm from the bottom left corner of the sheet. If an item is not turned off. When setting up a spool number table you set RECNO to -7. XOFF.81 7. Y. text in mm X 100). DIR Where: RECNO is the record number of the item to be moved or turned off.23 MOVABLE_TEXT __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table allows you to relocate or turn off certain text strings and the north arrow generated by ISOGEN. . TXTHGT. page 7 . it can either be moved to its proper position in the drawing title block or moved into a drawing margin so this it is not a part of the plotted drawing. This table is also used to set-up/ define a table or matrix of spool numbers that you locate in your drawing.The Options File 7 . 0 is the default setting as defined in the ISOGEN option switches. Use x and y equal to 0 to turn off a text string.50 ) or one of the following: Recno ______ Item _____ -25 -700 -701 -702 -703 System ID for multi-line isometrics drawing north arrow (reserved) sheet number on a drawing number of sheets on a drawing X is the x offset in 1/100ths mm from the bottom left corner of the sheet. X. Other valid entries include any of the header record numbers defined for the PIPELINE_HEADER table (refer to PIPELINE_HEADER. The maximum number of movable text entries is twenty five. TXTHGT is the text height of the string being moved in 1/100’s mm (that is. The format of a table entry is: RECNO. YOFF. DIR is a compound number that defines the size and filling order of a spool number table as follows: ROWS defines the maximum number of rows in the spool number table.7 . and DIR=1003004 (such as Table entry -7. YOFF=800. If TABLE DIRECTION is set to 0 then rows of the table are filled in succession. 0. If XOFF is negative the next table entry is to the left. 0. YOFF also defines the direction of travel for locating the next table entry in the column. YOFF is the vertical distance in 1/100ths mm between spool numbers in a spool number table. 0. 0. 0. 0. 100. 800. 0. 0. -700. 0. Should be set to zero if RECNO is not -7. 0. 0. 0 -44. 1003004). 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. If TABLE DIRECTION is set to 1 then columns are filled in succession. The following table would accomplish this: -41. . 0. Should be set to zero if RECNO is not -7. 0. 0. If YOFF is negative then the next entry is located below the current one. 100. 0 -45.March 2000 XOFF is the horizontal distance in 1/100ths mm between spool numbers in a spool number table. 0. 0. This parameter should be set to 0 if RECNO is not -7. XOFF also defines the direction of travel for locating the next table entry in the row. 0. otherwise it is located above it. COLS defines the maximum number of columns in the table. 0. otherwise it is to the right. 0. 0 Example 2: Defining Movable Text The following spool table would result from the values XOFF=-700. Example 1: Defining Movable Text Define table entries that would turn off the system ID for multi-pipeline isometrics and any title block text generated by -41 through -45 records in the PIPELINE_HEADER table. TABLE DIRECTION defines the order in which the table is filled with values. 0 -42.82 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 0 -43. 0. 0. Also set PREFIX to a blank. To position the default spool numbers (that is. If you have defined a spool prefix in the PIPELINE_HEADER table then the entire spool number. You can move these items outside the plotted area of the drawing to eliminate them.The Options File 7 . and SN to 0. Do not set X and Y to 0. If you want to position only the number (without the square brackets) then insert an entry into the PIPELINE_HEADER table for the -7 record but set ST.83 Certain ISOGEN text strings like the line name (-6 record) cannot be turned off. left corner of the string. SC. If the number of spools on an iso sheet exceeds the number of table entries defined for a spool number table then the table is filled and an error message is written to the error file. will be positioned in the table. . Text is justified by the lower. including the prefix. where the spool number is surrounded by square brackets) in a spool number table you should not have a -7 entry in the PIPELINE_HEADER table. this logic can not be properly executed. XVXX. RVXX. MVXX. When ISOGEN symbols are redefined and renamed. ’RVXX’ An entry in this table is only required when the old symbol key (or the symbol upon which your symbol is based) is one of the following: CVXX. DRXX. CTXX or any symbol which you redefine and intend to map to a multi-endprep component in the model.7 . PRXX. ’OLD SYMBOL KEY’ Where: SYMBOL KEY is the name of your new ISOGEN symbol. This table allows you to tell the interface software which user-defined symbol your new symbol is based upon so that the special logic can be properly executed.March 2000 7.24 NEW_SYMBOL_KEYS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Certain ISOGEN interface logic depends on the ISOGEN symbol name. HVXX. OLD SYMBOL KEY is the name of the ISOGEN symbol upon which your symbol is based. . SVXX.84 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . OPXX. The format of a table entry is: ’SYMBOL KEY’. Example 1: >Defining ISOGEN Symbol Keys Define a table entry which indicates that the symbol RVXX has been redefined and named RRVV: ’RRVV’. IIXX. A table entry is a text string as follows: Label Definition Where: The label definition is formed from text together with embedded specifications for attributes pertaining to the implied item. This table is enabled by Intergraph option 45. extension stems or floor stands. The third entry is for valves with extension stems.WBAAACFHNB . Example 1: Defining General Item Notes Show a note format that would display item code and quantity for an implied item: ’INCL. The quantity of implied material. [2] . The fourth entry is for the note pointing to a component that generates implied items through the specification database. The second entry is for valves with floor stands. An embedded specification is formed by a number within square brackets (such as [n]).25 GENITM_NOTE_FORMAT __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to format notes for items that imply materials through the Implied Material Data Table and for valves with chain wheel operators. One note is formatted for each item implied through the specification database. The table can contain up to four entries that are used to format notes. The material description of the implied material. for chain wheel operators.[1]’ When an implied item is generated through the reference database. 1 .85 7. the following example note might be generated in the drawing: INCL.The Options File 7 . The chain operator number. Valid numbers that can be used together with their meanings are: [1] [2] [3] [4] The item code or commodity code of the implied item. The first entry is for valves with chain wheel operators. March 2000 Example 2: Defining General Item Notes Show an example note format for a chain wheel operator. CHAIN_3001 WITH 21’-0" CHAIN The note formats should be defined with upper case characters. A dollar sign ($) embedded within the note will act as a line feed. . [1]$WITH [2] CHAIN’ The note generated on the iso might be: INCL.7 . CHAIN WHEEL OPTR. ’INCL. CHAIN WHEEL OPTR.86 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Example 1: Defining Secondary or Alternate Indices for the Material Description Library Show the table entry that defines the secondary index for a pipe support to be the fixed string "PSUPPORT".26 ALTERNATE_DESCRIPTION_INDEX __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used to define which database attributes should be used as a secondary or alternate index into the material description libraries. LDL NO Where: TYPE is a number that indicates the component type that is to have an alternate index into a material description library.Pipe support TABLE. COL. The format of a table entry is: TYPE.Pipe 4 . Intergraph option 37 controls the use of this table. COL for the alternate index. column specification of the attribute that is to serve as the alternate index into a material description library. COL LDL NO is the table. 0.Commodity item 2 . TABLE must correspond to TYPE as follows: TYPE ______ ALLOWABLE VALUES OF TABLE __________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 34 34 50 67 80 is a label description library number that defines a composite attribute that should be used in place of TABLE. The table entry would be: 5. Valid values for type are: 1 . TABLE.The Options File 7 .Instrument 5 .87 7.Specialty item 3 . 972 . 80. 2 80.7 . COL) ______________ 1 2 3 4 5 34. 4 It is not possible to define a secondary index for implied materials (bolts and gaskets). The attribute used as the primary index into the material description libraries is shown for each type below: TYPE ______ Primary Index (TABLE. for generated items (like the stub end for a lap joint flange) from the spec or for generated items from the Implied Material Data Table. . 8 34.March 2000 Where: Label 972 returns the string "PSUPPORT".88 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . It does not reference any attributes in the database record for the support. 12 67. 2 50. refer to User-Defined BOM / Material Control File. CLBL. . 12 and 50. page 8 . SC. CLBL is the label description library number that defines the note format that will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a COMPONENT or SPECIALTY ITEM. IT. PLBL. For more information. ST. bolt length). PC defines a table. flange pressure).The Options File 7 . column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a PIPE. CC. The format of an entry in this table is: TYPE.g.g for the commodity code). Valid values for CT are 0. from data calculated when the item is generated (e. PLBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. CT.1 . COLUMN. CPF. TYPE ______ TABLE ENTRY APPLIES TO ____________________________ 1 2 3 4 Gaskets Only Bolts only Welds only All of the above items Where: CT. from the spec entry for the implied item (e.27 USER_DEFINED_IMPLIED_ITEM_BOM __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This table is used with the user-defined material take off feature. IC. Fields defined in this table will write information to the -80:-89 records for bolts and gaskets. Valid values for PT are 0. ITEM. ILBL. PC. PT. The implied items table provides a means to map attributes that are: from the component that caused the item to be generated (e. FLAG Where: TYPE defines the type of implied component that the table entry is to apply to.g. PT. CC defines a table. 12 and 34.89 7. . Valid values for ST are 0 and 202. Valid values for IT are 0. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is an INSTRUMENT. SC to obtain the attribute from the reference database. CC. it indicates that the attribute should be retrieved from the generating item’ s connect point (that is. Values for item are dependent on the implied item type as shown below.7 . PC. or the attribute to be obtained from the spec. ST. SC defines a table. ITEM When this value is nonzero it indicates that either the attribute to be mapped is data that was generated along with the implied item. FLAG is a special flag used to inhibit conversion of code-listed attributes to their ASCII string equivalents.90 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . IC defines a table. 12 and 67. NOTE: When this flag is set. PT and IT should be set to 0.English Units Bolt length in English Units 3 GASKET WELD 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 Weld ID number Weld Type Material A Material B COLUMN is a number -80:-89 defined in the MATERIAL LISTING DEFINITION (MLD) file where the value will be displayed on the iso. When CPF is set to 1. and IC should be set to a value selected from the Connect Point Attribute index in the USER_DEFINED_COMPONENT_BOM section. Item Type _____ Item _____ Description ___________ ALL -1 BOLT 1 2 Use ST.March 2000 IT. Number of bolts Bolt Length in Project Units English for English Project Metric for Metric or Mixed Project Bolt diameter in Project Units English for English Project Metric for Metric or Mixed Project Number of nuts Bolt diameter . ILBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. the connect point from the item generating the implied material). CPF is a connect point flag. column specification that is to be mapped when the attribute is taken from the reference database entry for the implied item. CT. 0. column pairs for other types to zero. 1. This table entry maps the item name from the reference database for the bolt to the -81 record. column pairs is selected. set the table. 202. 0. 0. 0. 2. -80. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -83. -82. 0. If a component data table entry should apply to only one type of item. All pairs need not be defined. 0. 0. 0 This table entry will generate a note to the -83 record when the current item is a bolt or gasket and the generating component is a COMPONENT or SPECIALTY ITEM. Label 996 defines the format of the note that would be generated and in this case the label will output the generating component fabrication category as the note. 0. 0. Example 1: 1. 0. 0. 0. 0 3. -1. 0. The selected table. 2. If the label number is defined as anything other than 0. 996.91 When information is generated for an item. 0. 0.The Options File 7 . 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 34. column pair is then used to retrieve an attribute from the database. 0 This table entry maps the gasket size to the -80 record. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 This table entry maps the bolt length to the -82 record. 0. 2. 0. 1. 0. the item type is determined and one of the previously listed table. 0. . 1. 0. 4. 0. that value will be used in place of the table. 0. column value or the value from connect point attributes. -81. 12 and 80. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a COMPONENT.92 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . EC defines a table. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is an INSTRUMENT. 12 and 34. PC defines a table. Valid values for ET are 0. for the commodity code). ET. ST. COLUMN. ELBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a PIPE.SC. IC defines a table.CC. 12 and 50. FLAG Where: CT. The generated items table provides a means to map attributes that are: from the component that caused the item to be generated. . CLBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. PLBL. SC defines a table. Valid values for IT are 0.-89 records for items generated through the reference database (Table 212 Implied Items) and for chain wheel operators. CPI.7 . SLBL.IC. Valid values for PT are 0. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a PIPE SUPPORT. The format of an entry in this table is: CT.March 2000 7. ITEM. Valid values for CT are 0. 12 and 34. ET. Valid values for ST are 0. ILBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. ILBL. ST. 12 and 67. from the reference database entry for the implied item (that is. IT.EC. PT. PLBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field.28 USER_DEFINED_GENERATED_ITEM_BOM __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fields defined in this table write information to the -80 . PT.PC. CC defines a table. IT. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a SPECIALTY ITEM. CLBL. ELBL. column pair is then used to retrieve an attribute from the database. The selected table. and IC should be set to a value selected from the Connect Point Attributes index. PC. ITEM CPI ____ Definition __________ 1 2 retrieve a green connect point property retrieve a red connect point property ATT _ ___ Connect Point Attributes _ ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 nominal piping diameter outside diameter end preparation schedule/thickness pressure rating stress analysis node number face to center distance bolt type override gasket separation stress intensification head loss factor signal line type (instruments only) where *C represents either CC. PT. the item type is determined and one of the previously listed table. When FLAG is set to 1. CT. IC and SC should be set according to the table shown below when ITEM is set to 1. FLAG is a special flag that is normally 0 but is set to 1 to inhibit conversion of code-listed attributes to their ASCII string equivalents. ATTR ______ Description ___________ 1 2 Generated item commodity code Generated item quantity COLUMN is a number -80 . IT and ST should be set to zero and CC. EC. or IC When the value is set to 1 it indicates that the attribute to be mapped is data from the reference database.The Options File 7 . When information is generated for an item. PC. EC.93 SLBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field.-89 defined in the MATERIAL LISTING DEFINITION (MLD) file where the value will be displayed on the iso. CPI is a connect point identifier that is used to access connect point attributes by connect point color (green or red) rather than by attribute number. PC. column pairs is selected. the code-list number will be placed in the record. EC. . ET. When CPI is set (nonzero). The value for CC. March 2000 All pairs need not be defined. this entry corresponds to the length of chain. 0. set the table. 34. 80. column value or the value from connect point attributes. 2. 0. In the case of a chain wheel operator. 3. 0. 0. 50. 0. 0.94 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . -81. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.7 . . 0. 3. 0. 0. 0. If the label number is defined as anything other than 0. 0. -80. 0. 0 This entry maps the generated item quantity to the -81 record. 3. Example 1: 34. 0 This entry maps the item name of the component that generates some implied material to the -80 record. 0. 2. that value will be used in place of the table. 4. 2. 67. If a component data table entry should apply to only one type of item. 3. 2. 0. column pairs for other types to zero. 0. Valid values for PT are 0. ET. ELBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. IT and ST should be set to zero and CC. CC defines a table. PT. Valid values for IT are 0. column specification for the case when the current item is a pipe support. column specification for the case when the current item is an instrument. FLAG Where: CT. COLUMN. ILBL. ELBL. pipe. CC. PT. 12 and 50. ST. Valid values for CT are 0. ET. IT. PC.The Options File 7 . . ST. SC defines a table. 12 and 80. EC. CPI. CLBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. CPI is a connect point identifier. specialty item. EC defines a table. ET. column specification for the case when the current item is a component. PT. Valid values for ST are 0. PC defines a table. column specification for the case when the current item is a specialty item. When CPI is set (nonzero) then CT. EC. CLBL. The format of an entry in this table is: CT. IC defines a table. PLBL. PC. 12 and 34. column specification for the case when the current item is a pipe. SLBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field.29 USER_DEFINED_COMPONENT_BOM __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fields defined by this table appear in component. IT. and IC should be set to one of the values shown in the following index. SC. IC. instrument and pipe support records. Valid values for ET are 0. 12 and 67. PLBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. 12 and 34. SLBL. ILBL is the label description library number that defines the format of note which will be retrieved and associated with the COLUMN field. It is used to access connect point attributes by connect point color (green or red) rather than by attribute number.95 7. 50. If the label number is defined as anything other than 0. 0 This table entry maps the item name attribute for all component types to the -80 record. When information is generated for an item. PC. If a component data table entry should apply to only one type of item. The selected table. All pairs need not be defined. 84. 0. 0 This table entry maps the new item name attribute for component types of COMPONENT and PIPE to the -81 record. 0. column pairs for other types to zero. set the table. 0. -80. 34. 0. 4. FLAG is a special flag that is normally 0 but is set to 1 to inhibit conversion of code-listed attributes to their ASCII string equivalents. Nothing is generated in the record for SPECIALTY ITEMS. 0. or IC COLUMN is a number -80:-89 defined in the MATERIAL LISTING DEFINITION (MLD) file where the value will be displayed on the iso. . 0. -81. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 0. EC. 0. the code-list number will be placed in the record. the item type is determined and one of the previously listed table. 0. 3. 0. 0. 3. 3. INSTRUMENTS or PIPE SUPPORTS by this table entry.March 2000 CPI ____ Definition __________ 1 2 retrieve a green connect point property retrieve a red connect point property ATT _ ___ Connect Point Attributes _ ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 nominal piping diameter outside diameter end preparation schedule/thickness pressure rating stress analysis node number face to center distance bolt type override gasket separation stress intensification head loss factor signal line type (instruments only) where *C represents either CC. column pairs is selected. 4. 4. 0. that value will be used in place of the table. column value or the value from connect point attributes.7 . Example 1: 34. 0. When FLAG is set to 1.96 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 0. 67. 34. column pair is then used to retrieve an attribute from the database. 50. 0. 22. 12. 0. 0. 0. 0. 12.97 0. 12. 14. 14. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0 This table entry maps the GREEN schedule (schedule 1) to the -84 record. 22. 0. 0. 0 This table entry maps the RED nominal pipe size (also referred to as size 2) to the -83 record. -82. 1. 4. 0. . The code-list value is put in the record rather than the attribute itself because FLAG is set to 1 and the attribute being mapped is code-listed. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 This table entry maps the paint code CODE_LIST VALUE from the segment to the -86 record. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 14. 0. 0. 0. no number is specified for them in the table entry. 0. 0 This table entry maps the GREEN nominal pipe size (also referred to as size 1) to the -82 record. 0. -86. and in this case the label will output the component fabrication category as the note. 22. 0. 0. 0. 0. 994. 0 This table entry will generate a note to the -87 record when the current item is a component. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 12. 0. 0. 0. -85. Label 994 defines the format of the note that would be generated. 0. 0. 12. -83. 12. 12. 1. 0. Since PIPE SUPPORTS do not have connect point properties. 0. 4. 0. 1. 0. 0. 22. -84.The Options File 7 . 4. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0 This table entry maps the insulation purpose attribute from the segment to the -85 record for all items except PIPE SUPPORTS. 0. 14. -87. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 34. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 12. PSP1 are the pipe support model codes that will be displayed.98 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . PS1. . PS2. The format of a table entry is: NON_DIMENSIONED_SUPPORTS 1 3. page 17 . PS2.30 NON_DIMENSIONED_SUPPORTS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This feature allows you to select all pipe supports and hangers without dimensioning that are displayed on an isometric. but not dimensioned. For more information on other ISOGEN dimensioning features.7 . refer to Dimensioning and Coordinate Output.March 2000 7. PSP1 Where: 1 is the number of lines to follow 3 is the number of values to follow PS1.1 . User-Defined BOM / Material Control File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ISOGEN package allows you to define (within certain limits) the layout and content of the ISOGEN generated Material List and related Material Control File. This style will be defined and controlled by the new Material List Definition (MLD) file. Select part number ID box format on the plotted isometric Define the Optional output of the Length format of pipes.Style 2. — Placing data in a column-type format (no headings) on a user-defined drawing sheet . — Placing user-defined data in a column-type layout .User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 . This way.Style 3. This file is defined and controlled by the new Material List Definition (MLD) file. miscellaneous components and pipe length.1 8. — The current basic style with new optional column for weight . Reserve an area for a user-specified title block. MTO list header information is included in the material list definition file (MLD).Style 1. The MTO list header information is displayed in the iso border file. Create a user-defined Material Control File. Define a full range of Bolt Units (size X length). before committing to project use. When using the new user defined formats. . The MLD file is the 13th entry in the FILES section of the ISOGEN options file. Define welds to be included on the material list. Re-position the tile block. This style is defined and controlled by the new Material List Definition (MLD) file. Revise the format of the cut list. Define optional material accumulation parameters. Create a new Offshore Material category. By making modifications to the Material List Definition (MLD) file and options file you can: Revise the Material List Style. you can verify that the layout is practical and that the requested data is both valid and available. it is recommended that several trial runs are done. User-defined Variation of the Standard Material List . FITTINGS. 35. The MLD file contains the definition of the content and format of Style 2 and Style 3 Material Lists. 25. etc). 27.3 software.Related Information The following is a list of related elements within the ISOGEN software that may be manipulated when creating a user-defined BOM or Material Control file. 10.3 version of the ISOGEN options file can be used without any modifications to produce an iso with the 5. 54. 62 Related Options File Material (Section 7) USER_DEFINED_COMPONENT_BOM USER_DEFINED_IMPLIED_ITEM_BOM USER_DEFINED_GENERATED_ITEM_BOM Also: The thirteenth entry in the FILES Section of the options file: MLD file (See Chapter 8) Related ISOGEN ATEXT Records (Appendix B) -322. Typical checks validate all major headings and all data identifiers. 45. 47.March 2000 Validity checks will be performed on the contents of the MLD file and warning messages output when necessary. This can be done by setting the appropriate Atexts to BLANK. 29. This will continue to provide the capability of producing a continuous-type material list. Style 2 and Style 3. -356 .-363. 30. 37. Style 2 . 33. Style 1 . -421 . -415 . A 4. -323. -367. 30.0 software that looks as it did when it was produced with the 4.1 Types of Material List __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Three types of material lists are available Style 1. 29. -368 . 14. 24. 74 Related Intergraph Options (Section 7) Intergraph Option: 8. 50. 56. turn off the intermediate sub-headings (PIPE. 73. A check is also done to confirm that all mandatory data is included in the file.0 ISOGEN software release. 52. -455 8. 26.-378. 36.Standard Material List To produce a material list identical to those produced prior to the 5.-423. User-defined MTO . FLANGES. 22. -365. 65.-419.8-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 28. ISOGEN option switch 23 controls which Style material list is used. -339. Related ISOGEN Options (Appendix B) ISOGEN Options: 2. 23. Basic Contents of a Style 2 Material List User variation of the Style 1 material list User-definable column headings/data content for horizontal layout (done in the MLD file) Extra data attributes available for listing (This can be done by using the 80.89 record identifiers in the MLD file. (For example. etc pre-defined in the seed isometric or border file) Three major categories of Materials to be identifiable (For example. ERECTION.3 Style 3 . FABRICATION. No headings are output.User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 . The Cut List and Center Line Summary facilities are not available for Style 3.) Similar vertical layout to Style 1. boxes. move Blank Flange from Valve/In-Line Item group to Flange group) Basic Contents for a Style 3 Material List Fully user-defined drawing backing sheet (All column. Basic Contents of a Style 1 Material List Standard form Material List (as currently output and using all current sort criteria) New column for component weight (optional) New section for Offshore materials Revised Cut List (optional) New form of the Bolt size x length output An option for repositioning the title block when Material List on the right is used. (uses the same sort criteria) All options listed for Style 1 Facility for User to change sort group of components.User-defined Text and User-positioned Text Only text is output. OFFSHORE) No intermediate Material Type headings to be output User-definable data content and data output positions for all material list information in the MLD file . Style 3 works well for boxed or column type bills of material. headings. -89 record types — PT-NO. N. Automatic ISO overflow facility (used if there are too many parts for the given backing sheet) 8. CATEGORY. You must define data to be output on the MTO for each component type in the MLD file. WEIGHT. GROUP The user-defined identifiers can contain anything from the database for a specific component. This done by using new or existing data identifiers. you are restricted to using a continuous list (Top to Bottom/Bottom to Top) and should use the column for category identification (For example. You will not be required to output either of these record types on the user-defined BOM. The options file section titled FILES will require a new entry (the 13th entry) defining the location and name of the user-defined MLD file.1. New BOM identifiers consist of user-defined identifiers: — -80 .-89 record types) per item type. QTY..March 2000 Extra data attributes available for listing (This can be done by using the 80.S.1 Operating Requirements __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following requirements must be met to successfully use the user-defined BOM / Material Control File functionality. but the .89 record identifiers in the MLD file Material Listing UP/DOWN facility For example: listing listing listing listing TOP to BOTTOM BOTTOM to TOP Fab Materials DOWN/ Erec Materials UP Erec Materials DOWN/ Fab Materials UP If the Offshore category is used. FAB. Bill of Material Columns. Existing BOM identifiers are Commodity Code (-20 record) or Commodity Description (-21 record). EREC. .idf file will always contain these two records. Material List Definition (MLD) File This will be a required entry when using the user-defined bill of material (Style 2 or Style 3). The -20 and -21 record types can not be redefined.8-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Three sections (see below) of the Intergraph options file define reported information and the identifier that is associated with that information (-80 . OFF ). . instruments and supports. USER_DEFINED_COMPONENT_BOM . USER_DEFINED_IMPLIED_ITEM_BOM .used with components.idf file. pipe. Intergraph option 45 must be set to 1 or 3.User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 .used with cap screws and chain wheel operators. USER_DEFINED_GENERATED_ITEM_BOM . will always follow the -21 record type in the . User-defined information can be formatted by manipulating the following three sections in the options file. gaskets and welds. To generate an entry in the bill of material for generated items. engineered items. if any.5 Type -80 identifiers.used with bolts. mounted and included as a -122 record type in the .2 Material List Definition (MLD) File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The options file section titled FILES will require a new entry (the 13th entry) defining the location and name of the user-defined MLD file. The new entry in the FILES section will be verified. When using a Style 3 Material List. The layout/data content of a user-specified Material Control File. The MLD file allows you to define (with certain limits) the style and content of the following: The Heading content and layout of a PRINTED Style 1 (Weight Heading only) or Style 2 Material List. data content definitions and positional coordinates of the main body of a plotted and/or printed Style 2 Material List. position. the quantities included in the Material Control File must be identical to the quantities generated for the Material List.8-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . This entry is required when using the user-defined bill of material.idf file. and content of the various vertical data columns is the part of the list that is user definable. Because of the current methods used within the ISOGEN program. the option of obtaining a printed list is not available. For a Style 2 type Material List the BASIC FORMAT is the same as the current style. This is because the same accumulation rules are used for both. . The column headings. The number.March 2000 8. The main body of a Style 1 (current style) plotted or printed material list can not be changed. The data content and positional coordinates for all items on a plotted Style 3 Material List. Unit ID entries must be included in the MLD file and immediately follow the MATERIAL-CONTROL-FILE identifier. Unit identification entries will not impact the ISOGEN system. The Material Control File is intended to be used as a vehicle for data transfer between ’Systems’. Any unit id entries will be the first items output in the M/C file. Basic Requirements for a Material Control File Allow any width (Not limited to 132 characters).User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 . There will be several differences in layout when compared with the file generated for a Printed Material List (. Output of lengths in any quantity (QTY) column should be in the format set in ISOGEN option switch 24. . Include any Title Headings/Column Headings (if user-defined) once at the start of the file.7 8. the MLD file allows you to define the layout and content of the printed Material Control File (M/C File). There is no limit on the number of Unit Identification entries and the format is user-definable. The ISOGEN software allows you to identify all UNITS used within the M/C file through the use of Unit Identification entries. Bolts to be included in the file should follow the same rules as the bolts used for the associated material list. Use ATEXT -359 to reformat the size and length information. Some typical unit ID entries: UNITS-BORE data UNITS-LENGTH data UNITS-BOLT-DIA data UNITS-BOLT-LENGTH data Where: data identifies the units used in the M/C file. Allow any length of file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When Intergraph option 1 is set to 1.prt file). No ’Paging’ functionality is required. Size and length units are set by ISOGEN option switch 65.3 User-Defined Material Control File (. Their only purpose is to identify the UNITS used for size and lengths in the M/C interface file. The definition of the required file (layout/content) will follow the MATERIAL-CONTROL-FILE the Unique Name column.March 2000 A user-defined Material Control file will be triggered by the identifier MATERIALCONTROL-FILE which is located in the MLD file.S. the -39 IDF RECORD IDENTIFIER can be included in the Material Control the IDF RECORD NUMBER column. either may be used. -311 . but not on the Material List.8-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The key identifiers to be used are: PRINTED-M/C-TITLES PRINTED-M/C-COLUMN-HEADINGS PRINTED-M/C-DATA-ITEMS In the case of Data Items. When this occurs. .378) uses ATEXT -307. UNIQUE NAMES with no IDF Record Numbers are shown with a . IDF Record Numbers with no UNIQUE NAME are shown with a . Available Data Items for the Material Control File Unique Name _____________ IDF Record Number ___________________ PIPELINE-REFERENCE DRG PIPING-SPEC PT-NO QTY N.-89 (user-defined attributes) -39 Segment and Component Occurrence Numbers UNIQUECOMPONENTIDENTIFIER If Unique Name and associated IDF Record Number both exist. you must use UNIQUE NAME. When this occurs. -339. The file can be generated either with or without Titles and/or Column Headings. use IDF Record Number. -308. -309. This can only be used when using the Material List Non-Accumulation facility (ISOGEN option 74).-315. -375 -80 . ITEM-CODE DESCRIPTION WEIGHT CATEGORY GROUP -6 -11 -20 -21 (uses ATEXT -376 . The definition of Title Headings. Column Headings and Data Items will use the same basic rules as a Style 2 printed material list. 5 Transferring Components Between Sort Groups __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The MLD file has a TRANSFER feature that will allow you to move components from one sort group to another. -315. The identifier TRANSFER must be followed by any relevant information that would identify the component to be transferred and the new group under which it will be listed. -311. and -375 must be set in the options file. -312. -313. A typical entry in the MLD file might be: TRANSFER 107 FLAN Where: . ATEXTs -307. -339. 100 = pipe). The M/C file will contain a 3 in word 6 of existing component records when the item is designated as Offshore. Available sort Group identifiers include: PIPE VALV FITT INST FLAN SUPP GASK MISC BOLT WELD pipe valves + inline items fittings instruments flanges supports gaskets miscellaneous components bolts welds If you plan to list any of the above Group Identifiers on a Style 2 or Style 3 Material List. Component identification will be done by record ID numbers. -314.4 Offshore Material Category __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any item designated as Offshore will be treated as an ERECTION type item in the drawing. -309. 8.User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 . but will be listed on the Material List under a new main heading as defined by ATEXT -371. -308. All materials sorted are within the new heading category. Refer to the Record Identification Numbers listed in Appendix B of this document (35 =Elbow.9 8. 7 Bolt Units (size x length) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Option switch 65. Bolting Length in the M/C file. The text string is created by using a combination of ATEXTs -330 and -331. 8. The suggested setting is diameter x length. length output on the Material List for PIPE.4 M English 10. Any number of blank characters between record ID and Group identifiers are allowed.4 ’ ISOGEN option 24 allows for an alternative format to output either in millimeters or feet and inches. Bolt diameters (in word 2) and bolt lengths (in word 7) of 500 (bolt) records in the M/C file will be generated in the units appropriate to the various ISOGEN switch settings.8 . ISOGEN will always output in a bolt-diameter-by-bolt-length order.March 2000 is the record ID for BLANK FLANGES and FLAN is the NEW sort group under which Blank Flanges should be listed.1/2 (ATEXT -359) (Generated) . Any value set in the last position of ISOGEN option switch 65 is output in the second digit (tens position) of word 2 in the 60 type record in the M/C file. MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS and CL LENGTH is set to the nearest 1/10 M or 1/10 FT and is formatted: Metric 10. Metric 1040 mm English 10’-5" (rounded to the nearest mm) (rounded up to the nearest inch) 8. Typical Bolt Unit Output: BOLTS _______ Bolt Descr. DIA x LENGTH (INS x INS) 3/4 x 2. The alternative output will be used whenever ATEXT -359 is set to any value other than blank. Bolt Units will be placed just below the new heading using a program generated text string.6 Generating an Optional Format for Length Output __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By default.10 107 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Any value set in the second position of ISOGEN option switch 65 is output in the third digit (hundreds position) of word 2 of the 60 type record in the M/C file. The Material List also allows an alternative output format for bolts. allows you to define bolt length/bolt diameters. S. LENGTH (FT-INS) N. Place ATEXT -331(mm) below LENGTH when mixed or metric units are being used. The revised layout still has two cut pieces on each line.User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 . (INS) REMARKS New cut list format The new cut list format has a revised layout with only one cut piece per line. Typical layout: PIECE NO.S. (INS) END ONE END TWO ITEM CODE Gaps between new heading elements are handled by the ISOGEN software based on either the actual Atext heading or the length of the information items that are printed under each heading. To request the new cut list format. Ft-Ins. LENGTH N. will be positioned below LENGTH when imperial units are being used. LENGTH (FT-INS) N. (FT-INS) (INS) REMARKS PIECE NO. use ISOGEN option 2. (INS) END ONE END TWO ITEM CODE — OR — PIECE NO. Set ATEXT -361 so that the default text. Set zero inches to output as 2’0" and not 2’. This will be either the standard Atext or any user-modified Atext.S.S. ATEXT -323 (Length) is moved up to the top line of the headings. . LENGTH (FT-INS) N.11 8. Typical new layout: PIECE NO.8 Generating a Revised Format of the Cut List __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Modifications made to the current cut list format ATEXT -322 (Cut) is ignored. you must verify that the total width of the cut list is less than the width of the requested material list. is required on the cut list instead of ITEM CODE. -365 when using the new cut list format.Flange Orifice Weld Neck FLSE . If PART NO. but do not have the BW end condition as part of the SKEY. End One and End Two Columns Entries in these columns describe the operations performed in order to prepare the ends for fabrication. These items include: Flanges (105/106) FLWN .8 . Five ATEXTs (-366 . -328) are still used. -364. The Cut List Remarks Column Current Atexts for cut list REMARKS (-326. In the new cut list format layout.12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Use ATEXTs -362. This will prevent the cut list from overflowing onto the drawing section of the isometric. WF. If any of these Atexts are changed. WS. ATEXT -364 should be blank and ATEXT -365 set to PART$NO. -327. certain items must be treated as BWs (Butt Welds). sufficient space should be left between column headings to accommodate data. Each remark is located on a separate line.March 2000 When using the new cut list format.LJSE Butt Weld Type All other 105’s and 106’s to use Square Cut The type of end preparation on pipe is determined by the SKEY of the fitting or by the weld type. For example: REMARK LOOSE FLG FF WELD Multiple occurrences of the same remark will be output in the form PLD BEND (2) where the last 2 characters are automatically generated.Flange Weld Neck FOWN .-370) are available to identify the five basic operations that can be recognized by the ISOGEN system. multiple remarks are allowed. For the new cut list format. assume BW end preparation. For weld types: SKEYS WW. . -363. with setting 20 or 21: .9 Welds in the Material List __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When using INTERGRAPH option 62 and ISOGEN option 64. position A and B.0D Bend Radius Angle 85. Welds can be displayed in any of the Fabrication/Erection/Offshore sections of the Material List. 3. 450 mm Bend Radius or 1’-6" Bend Radius).0 1 1 Part numbers less than 10 have a zero included (For example. A bend radius expressed in mm or Ft/Ins uses ATEXT -338 with the actual radius listed.User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 . Accumulation of welds is controlled by ISOGEN option switch 74. Description ___________ NS ___ QTY _____ U03 Fabricated (Pulled) Bend 3. Bend radius messages will use ATEXT -337 for bends expressed in number of diameters. The following is a typical revised output using the Style 1 and Style 2 Material Lists. To list welds in the last position of each section of the Material List. (For example. with sub-groups of Pipe. use the heading defined by ATEXT -375. (For example. When Using ISOGEN option switch 23. welds can be added to the Material List. there is no change to the Material List that is currently generated.0 (for an 85 degree angle). 8. Weld part numbers are not normally indicated on the plotted iso section of the isometric. within each category.13 8. with setting 10 or 11: The current form of output is sorted into the categories. etc. U03 and not U3). the outputs Bend Angle and Bend Radius can be displayed for pulled bends.11 Style for Material List Output __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When using ISOGEN option switch 23. Flanges. Welds added to the Material List will not be included in the standard M/C interface file. Fittings. Except for the addition of the new Weld sub-group. ISOGEN option 73 with a Style 3 for weld part numbers can be used to place weld part numbers. position A and B.10 Style for Fabricated (Pulled) Bends Output __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By using ISOGEN option 23 (position B). If needed. ATEXT -374 is used to generate the ANGLE text element in a format such as 85. It is a user option in any user-defined M/C file.0D Bend Radius). Fab/Erec/Offshore. 8. ISOGEN option switch 35 reserves an area at the bottom of the Material List.’-9’ ’Blank’ AREA REF :. All data items may be identified by either ’NAME’ or their . This does not apply to Gaskets and Bolts that are accumulated. Checks are then made on ATEXTs -317 and -318. A typical MLD file layout for a Style 2 Printed Material List heading would be: PRINTED-MATERIAL-LIST TITLES PAGE ’ ’ ’Blank’ ’Blank’ PIPELINE REF :.March 2000 An alternative form of output that has no separate Fab/Erec categories and no sub groups is generated.13 MLD File Content __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Heading Definitions for a Style 2 printed material list (ISOGEN MTO neutral file) in the MLD file contain three types of information items: A Heading Title element An associated data item to be listed with the Title element A basic activity identifier. This creates a continuous Material List with component and welds listed in the order they were found in the intermediate data file (. This would be either the normal Style 1 list or any Style 2 list that you have defined.idf file record ID Number.idf file).’-11’ DATE OF RUN :. ISOGEN calculates the height of the Title Block and draws a horizontal line between the two vertical lines that form the Material List boundaries.8 . If they are not set to blanks and have not been positioned. 8.’-8’ ’Blank’ PIPING SPEC :.12 Positioning the Title Block __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN option 25 allows you to either turn off or reposition the Title Block to the bottom of the Material List.14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . In the previous example: .’-10’ REVISION NO. :. :. they are printed in the weld list as the first occurrence of each type. the CL summary is positioned above the Title Block.’-14’ ’Blank’ ’Blank’ The normal Material List would then be printed. 8.’-6’ PROJECT NO. other than unique identifiers. Unique identifiers are used to determine what is defined and must match exactly. Column headings in the MLD file. These identifiers include: — STYLE2-COLUMN-HEADINGS — STYLE2-DATA-ITEMS The format must be headings followed by data items.User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 . Data item identifiers will be enclosed in single quotation marks. Title elements. Each name (identifier) must be enclosed in single quotation marks. all heading and title formatting must be positioned in the MLD file exactly as it is to be positioned on the printed output.14 MLD File Format Guidelines __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As a general rule. Number of lines per page will be taken from the existing option switch 63. 8.15 ’’ is used with the page attribute and indicates a program generated page number. There should always be the same number of data items as column headings unless space is left for future data additions. Items Available for Output as Part of a Printed Material List Heading Unique Name _____________ IDF Record Number ___________________ Pipeline-Reference Drawing Piping-Spec Nominal-Class Nominal-Rating Date-DMY Pipeline-Temp System-Reference Page -6 -11 -12 -12 -14 -19 -25 Column Headings and Data Content Guidelines for Style 2 Material List Maximum heading width should not exceed 130 characters. — Blank characters can be used as required. must use the exact format of the required listing followed by the relevant data items to be printed. . can be used with any format. Titles will be output at the top of each new page. ’Blank’ indicates a blank line. If an indicator is not found.March 2000 — Blank columns are allowed. Justification Markers R L N Right Justified Left Justified A true number field. If the PT-NO (part number identifier) column is located at the extreme left or right side of the Material List. the Material List will be generated without a separation line. ’Item-Code’ -30 L or ’-20’ 30 L). If a separation line is required on the generated Material List to separate the PART NO.8 . a | character should be inserted in the required position on the last line of the column headings. Style 2 and Style 3 Data Item Identifiers The following values are available for use as Data Identifiers in the MLD file for Style 2 and Style 3 MTO’s.378 L or R N (fixed) L (fixed) L or R L (fixed) N (fixed) L or R . Column headings can be any ASCII string. If N is not used as a decimal number (Integer). Data Item Identifiers can be defined by using a Unique Name or. the units digit is positioned in the selected column. ITEM-CODE DESCRIPTION WEIGHT CATEGORY -20 -21 uses ATEXT -376 . ISOGEN will generate the vertical dividing line to separate the part numbers from the remaining items. If N is used as a decimal number (Real) the decimal point will be positioned in the selected column. where applicable. The allowable justification for each record is also listed. two spaces beyond the maximum width of the last data item). Data items must carry the following: — A data item identifier — A start position along the horizontal line — A justification marker. Unique Name ______ IDF Record Number _______________ Allowable Justification ____________ PT-NO QTY N. A | character should be inserted end the end of the last line of the column headings to indicate where the right border line of the Material List is required (For example. column from the rest of the List.16 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . — Use a | character to indicate vertical column positions. the IDF Record Number (For example.S. 17 GROUP - uses ATEXT -307 . but no column headings are defined in the MLD file.. 12 and 13) control the drawing graphics boundaries. WEIGHT).S. use the Unique Name.-309.-89 (user-defined attributes) -39 Only used on Material Control listings.-315. — STYLE3-CONTROLS — STYLE3-DATA-ITEMS Basic Control Information for a Style 3 Material List Unless otherwise stated. 8.N. IDF Record Numbers with no Unique Name are shown with a . Valid types include: Continuous-Down Continuous-Up Fabrication-Down Fabrication-Up Erection-Down Erection-Up Offshore-Down . QTY. -375 -80 . -311 . Set the margins so that drawing graphics do not overlap the style 3 MTO. This style of output requires two types of information. 11. All column headings must already exist in the seed or border design files.). either may be used. where a number is required it will be integer or in real mm’s with only one decimal place allowed. continuous. Unless otherwise stated. etc. Define the type of list that will be generated (sectionalized. For style 3 MTO isometrics. The precise format is user-definable. the IDF Record Number column (PT-NO. When this occurs. all of the following inputs are mandatory. Segment and Component Occurrence Numbers L or R L (fixed) L or R When Unique Name and associated IDF Record Number both exist.14.User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 . use IDF Record the Unique Name column. Unique Names with no IDF Record Numbers are shown with a . margins (set by ISOGEN options 10.1 Style 3 Material List __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Style 3 Material List requires a backing sheet (drawing frame) that contains a reserved area for Material List information. When this occurs. 18 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Use the format: MAXIMUM-ENTRIES value Where: value is an integer Define the character height to be used for material list information using the format: TEXT-HEIGHT value Define the level where material list information should be placed (optional). . Using the format: DRAWING-LAYER value Where: value is a level 1 .8 .63 Define character weight (optional).10 Style 3 Data Item Information Data items must specify a data item identifier and start position information. All text will be LEFT justified.March 2000 Offshore-Up Erection/Offshore-Down Erection/Offshore-Up These will be used as either single entries or multiple entries depending on the form of list required. Start position is the x position in mm’s that identifies the bottom left hand point of the text string to be plotted. Using the format: TEXT-THICKNESS value Where: value is a weight 0 .-89 must carry the maximum number of characters allowed on each print line. Identifiers -80 . This number can be defined for the complete list or on a section-by-section basis if the section function is being used. Identify start positions for information using the format: Start-Position XPOS YPOS Where: XPOS and YPOS is the x and y location in the design file Define vertical spacing between each line of horizontal text using the format: VERTICAL-SPACING value Define the maximum number of lines that can be printed before automatic overflow onto another sheet occurs. 19 Example Input: Data Item Identifier ITEM-CODE -80 Xpos 225. QTY BLT DIA BOLT LNGTH NUTS/ BLT MODEL CODE SCH/ RAT END PREP MATL GEOM GRADE STD ’blank’ STYLE2-DATA-ITEMS ’PT-NO’ 2 ’N.5 .16 Example User-defined Material List .5 DRAWING-LAYER CONTINUOUS-DOWN MAXIMUM-ENTRIES TEXT-THICKNESS STYLE3-DATA-ITEMS | 225. 8.Style 3 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Continuous Down Type : STYLE3-CONTROLS START-POSITION VERTICAL-SPACING TEXT-HEIGHT 2.User-Defined BOM / Material Control File 8 .S.15 Example User-defined Material List .0 280 Max char 47 See the previous table under the heading Style 2 and Style 3 Data Identifiers for a list of Style 3 Data Identifiers.5 15 55 2 190.Style 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STYLE2-COLUMN-HEADINGS PART SIZE NO.’ 6 ’ITEM-CODE’ 13 ’DESCRIPTION’ 26 ’QTY’ 58 ’-80’ 79 ’-81’ 85 ’-82’ 92 ’-83’ 97 ’-84’ 107 ’-85’ 68 ’-86’ 73 ’-87’ 62 R L L L N L L L L L L L L 11 28 5 5 5 10 15 10 !Model Code !GCP Sch/Rat !End Prep !Matl Grade !Geo Std !Bolt Length !Nuts/Bolt !Bolt Diameter 8.0 4. (INS) ITEM CODE COMPONENT DESC. 0 2 15 225.0 42.5 225.0 3 15 37 225.0 190.March 2000 Typical Data Fabrication-Down.5 TEXT-THICKNESS DRAWING-LAYER MAXIMUM-ENTRIES FABRICATION-DOWN START-POSITION ERECTION_UP START-POSITION 4.20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .0 7 70 STYLE 3-DATA-ITEMS Typical Data .5 225. Erection-Up Type: STYLE3-CONTROLS VERTICAL-SPACING TEXT-HEIGHT 2.5 TEXT-THICKNESS DRAWING-LAYER FABRICATION-DOWN START-POSITION MAXIMUM-ENTRIES ERECTION_DOWN START-POSITION MAXIMUM-ENTRIES Offshore_DOWN START-POSITION MAXIMUM-ENTRIES 4.8 .0 STYLE3-DATA-ITEMS | Typical Data Split Type: STYLE3-CONTROLS VERTICAL-SPACING TEXT-HEIGHT 2.0 14 190.0 14 130 225. 1 and Define Default Sets. . Also.Creating Seed Files for Extraction 9 . Set ISOGEN option 3 to 1 so that you can see the corners of the drawing border box when an isometric is created.) and set ISOGEN options block word 14 for one of the standard drawing sheet sizes. mxdefaults. set the ISOGEN options block word 35 to define the reserved area for the title block. page 3 . Creating Seed Files for Extraction __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To extract and plot isometrics.1 9.dat. To create an isometric seed file: 1. create a seed design file and a seed plot request file. title block and the ISOGEN drawing will reside. page 5 . Setting these option block words defines a box within which your drawing border. etc.1 Creating an Isometric Seed File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The isometric seed file is an empty MicroStation design file that the system copies before creating a new isometric. Copy one of the product option files (defaults.dat. The seed file usually contains a single reference file consisting of the drawing border and title block. 9.13 for more information). or words 15 and 16 for a nonstandard sheet size. 2. The seed file names are keyed in at the Interactive Isometric Extraction form and the Define Default Set form (see Interactive Isometric Extraction. page 3 . 6. 4. You can use ISOGEN switches to make any size drawing you wish. All of your user-defined border and title block graphics must be drawn within these margins.9-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Place the required text nodes in the new seed file for use with the Title Block Tables file. 11. the drawing graphics and text size must be suitable for the plot size. Use the reference file attachment from the border file and attach the new border to the new seed. After completing Steps 1 through 6.March 2000 3. ISOGEN seems to perform better with a larger drawing area than a smaller one (the drawing area is increased with option 14 or options 15 and 16). Call up the iso in graphics and plot it with the appropriate drawing size. Adjust options 4 and 27 to change the text size. You do not have to plot an ISOGEN D size drawing with D size dimensions. You must fit them into the rectangular margin areas. If the text size cannot be increased. Examine the plot. . At some point. Also. There must be sufficient space for your user-defined border and title block graphics. 7. scaling down a large drawing results in text that is too small. Adjust ISOGEN option 14 or options 15 and 16 to adjust the scale of the drawing. 1/8") since you will probably want to move into that area some ISOGEN-generated text strings that cannot be turned off. then you will either have to plot with a bigger scale (resulting in a larger drawing) or reduce the ISOGEN drawing area (to reduce the amount of scaling needed at plot time). Use the drawing to locate your border and title block. experimentation is usually needed to arrive at a suitable combination of ISOGEN and plotting parameters. 5. The iso should be small enough so that only one sheet is generated. For this reason. Turn off the ISOGEN border with ISOGEN word 18. one or more of them will probably be quite large. You can then scale the drawing to have any plotted size you like.13 to create margins from the edge of the box created in Step 1.1 section Interactive Isometric Generation). 9. Cycle through Steps 2 through 5 until you are satisfied with the resulting plot. Generate an isometric using the interactive software (see Interactive Isometric Extraction. Create a 2D design file for your border and attach the drawing file created above as a reference file. 8. Do not plot a small strip along the bottom of the drawing (appx. 10. Plot the area that will contain both your user-defined graphics and the ISOGEN drawing. You cannot reserve irregularly shaped areas within the drawing box for your border and title block. create a drawing border in a separate design file. Set ISOGEN options 10 . In general. Try to find a median between providing ISOGEN a large drawing area and scaling down the drawing for plotting purposes. Use the following steps to create an IPLOT plot request file: 1. key in the following command to create the IPLOT plot request file: $iplot create "plot parameter filename" -design=design name -queue=queue name -region=[x1. y2] -scale=design units:plotter units -view=# where: plot parameter filename plot parameter filename to be generated design name is the name of the design file created by copying the seed file in step 1 above. turn on/off levels to be plotted. Determine the coordinates. 9. region identifies the area to plot. . of the area to be plotted. It contains values for plotting options and. etc.3 9. a definition of the plot itself. x2.).2. y1.Creating Seed Files for Extraction 9 . queue identifies the plot queue on the plot node. sometimes. The format of the plot request is standard IPLOT format. 2. Use the coordinates determined from step 1.1 IPLOT Plot Request Files __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An IPLOT plot request file is necessary if you want to plot isometrics using the IPLOT software. Set up view 1 to have all of the parameters that you wish to be active for the plotted drawings (that is. Write the coordinates down. Save this set-up with FILE DESIGN. in working units.2 Creating a Plot Request File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The plot request file is a special file used by the plotting software when processing a plot job. These should be the lower left and upper right corners of the fence that would have been used for plotting. Copy your isometric seed file and get into the copy in graphics. From the command line prompt. turn off text node display. 0.i -design=test. . you may use -XSIZE=x size or -YSIZE=y size instead of the -SCALE= parameter to define the scaling.dgn -queue=muxque -region=[0.March 2000 design units: plotter units is an option scaling ratio for the plotted area.11:8] -view=1 The system creates the file test.i. #- view number Example 1: iplot create test.9-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .17:0. If you prefer. You may also leave this parameter off if no scaling is needed. You make this association between attribute data and design file text nodes so the batch iso extraction software can automatically fill out the drawing title block. the number of text nodes in a seed file can not exceed 250. Intergraph option 34 must be set to 1 before the software will generate the title block data files. only data from segments extracted to that sheet is placed in the title block. Attributes mapped through this table will appear on every sheet of a multisheet isometric. Notes Table (Table keyword is SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE) You can use this table to identify the attributes that should be summarized in tabular form on each sheet of a multisheet isometric. data stored within the project control database information (for example. The format is as follows: The body of the table is preceded by a keyword.1 10. from the Notes Table and internally generated information (for example. Usually. revision block data). These sources include database attributes from the line being extracted (for example. The elements of each table entry are separated by commas. from the Notes Table or from the project control database. Drawing Data Table (Table keyword DRAWING_DATA_TABLE) You can use this table to identify attributes from the first piping segment. 1. 2. Each keyword is followed by a number that defines the number of table entries. The format of the tables and the table entries in the Title Block Table Files are identical to that of tables and table entries in the iso extraction Defaults file. Also. Mapping Attributes to the Title Block __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Title Block Tables Files are used to associate database attribute data and other data with text nodes in an isometric design file. The following three tables are used to map attributes to the drawing title block: The text node number can not be greater than 999.Mapping Attributes to the Title Block 10 . the largest piping segment. You can obtain title block information from several sources using the Title Block Tables File. . data summarized in this form will be from piping segments. When the title block for a particular sheet is filled in. sheet number). but it may also originate from the Notes Table. piping materials class). 10 . making the drawing number unique for each sheet.March 2000 Sheet Data Table (Table keyword SHEET_DATA_TABLE) You use this table to place the sheet number and number of sheets in each drawing. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .2 3. . You can also use this table to append the sheet number onto the drawing number for each sheet. FLAG. The segment attributes shown in the table above are: Piping Spec Design Pressure Design Temperature Insulation Type Insulation Thickness Table 12. Table 12.Mapping Attributes to the Title Block 10 .1 SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each sheet of a multisheet iso consists of the piping from one or more segments in the piping model. The ISOGEN interface uses this table to create an output file containing data for all of the segments that make up the pipeline. Table 12. you want to summarize. NODE. Column 12 Column 28 Column 29 Column 14 Column 15 The purpose of the SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE is to allow you to define all of the attributes that make up a single column in the title block summary table. You must have one table entry in the SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE for each attribute you want to summarize in the Segment Summary Table. You can use the SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE to define a summary block of segment information in a drawing title block. the batch extraction software determines how many columns of actual data are needed based upon the specific segments that appear on each sheet. This does not mean that the sheet contains only three segments.3 10. ISOGEN creates an output file that identifies which segments appear on each sheet of a multisheet iso. Table 12. in a table. Example 1: Suppose that for each sheet of an isometric. LEN. An entry in the table has the following form: TBLNO. but that there are only three different segments (where the difference is defined only by the attributes in the table). Here is an example table for a specific sheet: Piping Spec Design Pressure Design Temperature Insulation Type Insulation Thickness 1C0031 150 300 C 6" 1C0031 150 300 D 8" 1C0080 150 600 C 6" In this example. INC where: . OFF. Next. Table 12. SC. SN. These two files are then used to determine the information that must be summarized on each individual sheet. ST. Once you have defined these attributes. data from all of the piping segments that appear. there are three segments where the data being summarized is different. The offset plus length of any field must not exceed 255. OFF is a byte offset (relative to 0) to the start of the field in the output file record. data in table number 1 might be mapped to fields 12 through 100. Valid values for ST are 12 and 1. Set OFF as follows: The minimum offset must be 11.4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . pressure. while data in table number 2 might be mapped to fields 101 through 200. ST and SC should be set to 1. LEN is the length of the field in the output record. When SN is specified (as non-zero). if you use two table numbers and a pipeline contains 10 segments. For example. ST. Text is then extracted from the Notes Table based on the value defined by the absolute value of SN. You can define up to 9 different tables in your title block. SC defines a segment column that will appear in the table. one output file record is generated for each segment in the pipeline.10 . Set FLAG to: 1 to specify that the field should be sorted in descending order. The first 11 bytes of each output record are reserved for the table number and segment occurrence number. -1 to specify that the field should be sorted in ascending order. . Do not map any field to an offset greater than 255. If SN is a negative value. When multiple fields are used for sorting the data. create an isometric label for the appropriate attributes (temperature. the data might not be sorted properly in the title block. Fields from different table numbers must not overlap. the most important sort field should appear in the notes table prior to the least important. For each different table number you should define the attributes and other information that comprise the table definition.March 2000 TBLNO is a table number that ranges from 1 to 9. SN is a label description library number used to define an attribute or a composite attribute that should appear in the title block table. etc. the Notes Table is accessed. FLAG is a special sort flag that indicates that the field is to be considered a sort field for purposes of sorting the data prior to placing it in the title block. Therefore. 20 records are generated in the output file. To eliminate trailing zeros from isometric attributes.) then call the isometric label (instead of the table/column) from the title block mapping file. For each table number defined. If you do overlap fields. Example 2: Define the notes table for the data summarized in Example 11. 6. 0.5 NODE is the initial text node number in the summary table for the attribute. 14. 4. A better solution might be to use a different TBLNO for this type of attribute and summarize in a separate table on the drawing.1. 4. 12. The piping spec field is a sort key that alphabetizes the columns of data in the table so that they appear in alphabetical order by spec name. a typical line could generate a large number of columns or rows in the summary table. 0. 29. Assume that the seed isometric design file has been created with the following set up: Piping Spec Design Pressure Design Temperature Insulation Type Insulation Thickness +10 +11 +12 +20 +21 +22 +30 +31 +32 +40 +41 +42 +50 +51 +52 +60 +61 +62 +70 +71 +72 +80 +81 +82 +13 +14 +23 +24 +33 +34 +43 +44 +53 +54 +63 +64 +73 +74 +83 +84 The numbers represent the text nodes that have been placed in the seed design file. 11. The table needed to summarize this information would be: 1. 12. . 1. The summary information is mapped to a matrix of text nodes in the seed isometric design file. 28. 17. 12. the third at 30 and so on. 0. If you put an attribute like segment npd in a table such as the one in Example 2. 0. 25. 12. 1. 11. The size of the matrix needed is not known until after the isometric is extracted. 27. 1. 1. some are ignored and not summarized in the title block. Text node numbers for each item in the attribute summary are determined by taking the base node number and adding a multiple of the increment whenever a new column (or row) of data is added.Mapping Attributes to the Title Block 10 . If there are more than eight different segments on a sheet. 4. 21. Since there are only eight columns of node numbers. INC is the increment for the text node number. the second at 20. 14. Summarize all of the npd’s and line names shown on a sheet in separate tables. 1. 0. 12. 15. 10. at most only eight segments can be summarized in the title block. 0. The beginning node number for spec is 10 and each new column of data has an increment of 10. 13. Specify here the lowest text node number for an attribute in the table. 0. 2. 10 10 10 10 10 !piping spec !design pressure !design temperature !insulation type !insulation thickness The first entry in the table maps the piping spec to column 12 for a length of 6 bytes. 0. 12. the first spec is placed at node 10. In this example. 12. Example 3: Summarize the data shown in Example 2 in one table. 0. 31. 11. 29. and 102 for npd’s. 0. 10. 0. 1. 21. 12. 15. 12. 0. 0. 11. 3. 12. 14. 4.March 2000 The following notes table would accomplish this: 1.6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 0. 12. 12. 25.10 . 2. 12. 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 !piping spec !design pressure !design temperature !insulation type !insulation thickness !npd !line id In this example. 12. 4. 100. 150. only the three largest sizes on the sheet are displayed. 0. 2. 17. 37. 1. 0. 14. 1. 0. If the seed isometric design file contains only text nodes 100. 6. 0. 6. 28. 11. 1. 101. 1. the fields defined in tables 2 and 3 do not overlap the fields defined in table 1. 27. 12. . 0. -2. 8. 1. -1. 12. 4. This happens because FLAG is set to 1 indicating that the npd field is a sort field. 13. 0. COL that follows. Set TBL to 1 for data from the area level of the file (that is. COL is the database table. 3 if the attribute is from the Project Database. COL depends upon SOURCE as follows: SOURCE is 1 or 2 TBL. COL. or it can be an internally generated attribute.Mapping Attributes to the Title Block 10 . The exact interpretation of TBL. from the Notes Table. An entry in the drawing data table consists of the following: SOURCE. NUM. Set the value of COL as follows: COL Data Item for TBL = 1 . FLAG. 6 if the attribute is from the Notes Table accessed with attributes from the largest piping segment.2 DRAWING_DATA_TABLE __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can use the Drawing Data Table to define attributes that should be placed in every drawing sheet title block. Data that you can place in every title block can originate from the first segment of the pipeline processed by the ISOGEN interface. defines the specific attribute that you want to map to the title block. 4 if the attribute is one of the special items as defined in the description of TBL. 5 if the attribute is from the Notes Table accessed with attributes from the first piping segment. from the project control database. SOURCE is 3 TBL. The following index must be used for TBL. column pair of the attribute to map. NODE where: SOURCE is the source of the attribute that is to be mapped to the title block. COL. COL identifies the attribute to retrieve from the Project Control Database. COL 1 if the attribute is from the first segment of the pipeline.7 10. TBL. any data which appears in the Revise Iso Area form while in the batch iso environment). from the largest npd segment of the pipeline. 2 if the attribute is from the largest npd segment of the pipeline. Set the value of SOURCE to one of the following: TBL. 10 .March 2000 1 2-21 22 23 24 25 26 27 90-99 Piping area Model design files Options file Seed isometric file Plot request form Output file directory Iso design file name option Drawing number option User data 1 through 10 Set TBL to 2 for data from the drawing level of the file (that is. Set the value of COL as follows: COL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 65 90-99 Data Item for TBL = 2 Piping area Primary line id Secondary line id 1 Secondary line id 2 Drawing number Batch reference Iso file name Model status code Model revised date Current extraction date Current extraction number Number of sheets from previous extraction Date MTO neutral file was generated Date MTO was sent for Material Control Current revision number Revision block Revision number Revision block By initials Revision block Chk initials Revision block appv initials Revision block issue date Revision block extraction number Revision block number of sheets Revision block Description Number of Sections User data item 1 through 10 Set TBL to 101 for project description data (as in the project.ddl file). any data from the Revise Drawing form while in the batch iso environment). Set the value of COL as follows: COL Data Item for TBL = 101 2 3 4 5 6 project number project name job number company name plant name SOURCE is 4 Set the value of COL as follows for special items: .8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . When the batch run option INCREMENT REVISION NUMBER is in effect. COL=16-23 Current revision Revision prior to the current revision Revision prior to that for NUM = 1 Revision prior to that for NUM = 2 Revision prior to that for NUM = 3 Revision prior to that for NUM = 4 Revision prior to that for NUM = 5 If the value of NUM is such that the revision that it identifies is less than 0. becomes the input into the Notes Table. NUM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revision level for TBL=2. page 11 . page 11 . no output is generated.Mapping Attributes to the Title Block 10 . The label must refer only to segment table 12. the current revision number is one plus the latest revision number stored in the project database Table 185 Column 17.1 . NUM NUM functions differently depending upon SOURCE as follows: SOURCE is 1 or 2 NUM is a label library number used to define composite database attributes as an alternative to TBL. COL defines which value to return from an entry in the Notes Table.9 COL 1 2 3 Data item for SOURCE=4 Project Database name Mto neutral file name Options file name SOURCE is 5 or 6 TBL should be 1. . refer to Creating a Notes Table. When NUM is defined COL should be 0.1 for more information. SOURCE is 4 NUM must be 0 SOURCE is 5 or 6 NUM is a label library label that. For more information. TBL must be 1. Refer to Creating a Notes Table. TBL should be set to 1. If the option is not in effect. when expanded. COL. the current revision number is the latest revision number stored in the project database Table 185 Column 17. SOURCE is 3 NUM defines which revision level to return data from. 0. 1. Example 1: 1.March 2000 FLAG When SOURCE is 1 or 2. for the data to use on the text node of the iso title block. 2. 91. 0. as shown below. 12. 12 5. 96 Maps the defaults file stored at the area level in the Batch Data File to text node number 96. 982. Title Block Table entry: isoc. 1. 0.10 .blk. in conjunction with the Notes Table. 97 Maps the first user data field for a drawing to text node 97. Example 2: Mapping Values to Title Blocks It is possible to map a value that is not stored in the database to the title block of an iso using the Title Block Table.note.10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .note. isoc. FLAG should be set to 0. the system references the Notes Table.blk. 3. 0. which is expanded using attributes from the largest piping segment in the pipeline. 6. Label 951 is expanded using attributes from the first piping segment of the pipeline. 22. 95 Maps the options file used for the current extraction to text node number 95. 0. 11 Maps the 3rd output field from a Notes Table record to text node number 11. NODE is the text node number to which the attribute should be mapped. 0. For other values of SOURCE. 1. 5 Maps the string defined by label number 951 to text node number 5. isoc. Examples of a Title Block Table isoc. 979. 3. The Notes Table record key is defined by label library label number 979. 951.blk DRAWING_DATA_TABLE 2 5. When entries contain a source of 5 or 6 in the DRAWING_DATA_TABLE section of the Title Block Table. 1. 3.blk and the Notes Table. 3. 1. isoc. 0. isoc. you should set FLAG to 1 if you want to inhibit the conversion of code-listed attributes to their text-string equivalents. 0.note. 1. 0. 992. are shown below. 4. 0. 15 . isoc. 0. 0. Label 982 is the attribute value defined for the Materials of Construction Class. the extracted data might be CS. 1. 982. Column 12 (piping_materials_class). Column 12 and extracts the data.11 Notes Table entries: isoc. The system reads Table 12. the line containing 5. on text node 15. If the piping materials class value is 2C0032. . the error message ’Notes table look-up failed’ is displayed in the . 0. 12 uses label 992. If the extracted data is SS. 15 uses label 982.Mapping Attributes to the Title Block 10 . For instance. The system reads the attribute value and extracts it. The system then compares 1C0031 with the Notes Table and prints the corresponding value of 150# CS on text node 12. Label 992 is defined as Table 12. 1. 992. 1. For instance. When there is no match in the Notes Table for a specific piping materials class entry. Stainless Steel is placed on text node 15. The system then compares CS with the Notes Table and prints the corresponding value.note 1C0031 2C0032 SS CS >150# CS >300# CS >Stainless Steel >Carbon Steel In the example above. 1. Carbon Steel. the extracted data might be piping_materials_class 1C0031. the line containing 5. 300# CS is placed on text node 12. Likewise.err file. 0. FLAG is also used to append the sheet number to the attribute defined by TBL. the sheet number is appended to the data item before it is placed in the title block.) For each sheet in the isometric. Set the value of FLAG as follows: FLAG Data item 1 2 -1 -2 Sheet number when SOURCE = 0 Number of sheets when SOURCE = 0 Append sheet num to attribute defined by TBL. Show the entry needed to append the sheet number to the drawing number for each sheet. COL=5 to specify the drawing number.10 . FLAG identifies internally generated attributes. NODE where: SOURCE is the data item source. A table entry is defined as follows: SOURCE. TBL and COL must also be set to 0.12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . COL. Set the value of SOURCE as follows: SOURCE 0 3 TBL. COL Attribute source Internally generated attribute Attribute from the Project Database identifies a data item only when SOURCE is set to 3. (Use TBL=2.March 2000 10. TBL. COL Append sheet num prefixed by a "-" Sheet number and number of sheets can also be located in a title block using the MOVABLE_TEXT table in the options file. that method will not result in correct sheet numbers when a multi-section isometric is extracted. If SOURCE is set to 0.3 SHEET_DATA_TABLE __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can use the Sheet Data Table to map the sheet number and number of sheets into the drawing title block and to append the sheet number to the drawing number prior to its placement in the title block. FLAG. However. Example 1: Develop the table to map sheet number and number of sheets to the title block. COL. NODE is the text node number to which the attribute should be attached. . 2. 1. 0. 5.Mapping Attributes to the Title Block 10 . 0. 2. 160 161 200 !sheet number !number of sheets !drawing number . 0.13 The table needed to accomplish this would be: 0. 3. 0. 0. -1. March 2000 .14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .10 . 7 . During a batch run. The outputs are the strings "PROJECT ABC".1 11. page 10 . "REFINERY EXPANSION". such as "PROJECT DATA". "ANYWHERE. or is derived from segment level database attributes.Creating a Notes Table 11 . however. The number of table entries is unlimited. one of the table outputs is mapped to a text node.area 10). to 256 bytes or characters.. A Notes Table is a user-defined table that you can use to map nondatabase attributes into an iso drawing border during batch iso extraction. page 10 . In the file one record or line is an entry. The format of a table entry is: TBL INPUT > OUTPUT1> OUTPUT2> . Creating a Notes Table __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This section describes how to create a Notes Table.3 for more information). USA> REFINERY EXPANSION> 6368-20 The key for this table entry is the fixed string "PROJECT DATA". The table is searched until a match is found with the key. The label is used as the key or index into the notes table. The table consists of one input together with a variable number of outputs. refer to DRAWING_DATA_TABLE. For more information. Table Format The Notes Table is an ascii data file you create with the text editor. a table input is determined by expanding a label library number that you define in the Title Block Map (refer to DRAWING_DATA_TABLE. U50-A10> RED The input for this table entry is U50-A10 (unit 50 . page 10 . A single entry is limited. The only output is the string "RED".. You define which output is mapped to which text node in the Title Block Map. . USA".7 and SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE. The key and table outputs are separated from each other with the greater than (>) character. When a match is found. and "6368-10". The input to the table is either a fixed string. >OUTPUTn Example 1: PROJECT DATA > PROJECT ABC> ANYWHERE. blk allows you to map a value. 0. 1. in conjunction with the title block tables file. 1. piping material class) to define search/access criteria that will be used to search line segments in the piping model.11 . 1. to the title block. 150# CS. . 15) will write a note to text node 15 on the iso if the Materials of Construction Class attribute value stored with the line segment is SS or CS. 1. 992.note File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The notes file. 0. The files isoc. For more information. it would be used as input into the Notes Table. 0. Any other piping material class found as a result of the search would output an error Notes table look-up failed. This is because the input value is not in the Notes Table. 982. The second line in the Title Block Table entry (5.note and isoc. The output of the piping model segment search is used as input to the Notes Table (see previous example). 0. on text node 12.March 2000 11. If the piping material class had been 2C0032. not stored in the database. 1. page 10 . "Carbon Steel" would be placed on text node 15. the resulting text on text node 12 would be 300# CS. If SS is returned from the search of the previously mentioned Title Block Table Entry. 1.note.blk are delivered examples of a Notes file and a Title Block Tables file. The software would then place the output value. The resulting output of piping material class 1C0031 would be 150# CS. isoc. column 12.1 Using the isoc. 12 uses label 992 (table 12. In the previous example. line 5. 12 5. 1. isoc. Example Title Block Table entry: Example DRAWING_DATA_TABLE entry: 2 5. If CS was returned. 982. 992. 1.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 15 Example Notes Table entry: 1C0031 2C0032 SS CS >150# CS >300# CS >Stainless Steel >Carbon Steel Entries in the DRAWING_DATA_TABLE section of the Title Block Tables file that have a source of 5 or 6 cause the software to search the Notes Table for information to output onto a text node in the iso title block. If the value returned from the search was piping material class 1C0031.7 . "Stainless Steel" would be placed on text node 15. see DRAWING_DATA_TABLE. The format of a record in the neutral file varies depending on the type of component that generates the record.The MTO Neutral File Record Map 12 . The map is composed of four tables: 1.1 12. each can also contain additional data that is unique to its type (for example. The MTO Neutral File Record Map __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The MTO neutral file record map consists of a set of tables that is used to format records in the MTO neutral file. number of bolts in the bolt record). Component data table (Keyword is COMPONENT_ATTRIBUTES) The component data table defines the attributes that are to be placed into commodity item. The neutral file record length can be either the standard 255 byte or the expanded 1024 byte depending on the setting of Intergraph option 64. Common data table (Table keyword is COMMON_RECORD_DATA) The common data table defines attributes that are to be placed into each record regardless of the type of the record. The neutral file map tables tell the iso extraction software which design database attributes to place in each record and where to place them. A record is generated in the MTO neutral file for each component that is MTO-able in the extracted pipeline. specialty item. instrument and support record types. pipe. . 2. The following record types may exist in a neutral file: Commodity item record Pipe record Engineered item record Instrument item record Pipe support record Implied bolts record Implied gasket record Implied weld record Generated item record While each of these record types can have several fields that contain the same data. 4. column specification for a segment level attribute that is to be mapped into the record or is set as shown in the index below for a special data item.2 3. Generated item table (keyword is GENERATED_ITEMS) The generated item table defines the attributes that are to be placed into the records of items that generated through the reference database. gasket and weld type records. PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . FLAG Where: TABLE.12 .March 2000 Implied item table (Keyword is IMPLIED_ITEMS) The implied item table defines the attributes that are to be placed into bolt.see note below RESERVED FOR LATER USE file units . LENGTH. COL. The keyword is followed by a number that indicates the number of table entries. The tables themselves are similar to options file tables in that the body of a table is preceded by a keyword that identifies the table.1 COMMON_RECORD_DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fields defined in this table appear in every neutral file record. One row or line constitutes a table entry. 12.see note below specialty item material description instrument item material description pipe support item material description generated item material description dry component center of gravity X coordinate reported in sub-units dry component center of gravity Y coordinate reported in sub-units dry component center of gravity Z coordinate reported in sub-units wet component center of gravity X coordinate reported in sub-units . COL is the table. One table entry defines a neutral file record field. TABLE _______ COL _____ Special data item mapped to the record _____________________________________ -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 13 -1 14 -1 15 component occurrence number segment occurrence number commodity code commodity item material description record type (required). An entry in this table has the following form: TABLE. Each table is discussed in detail in this section. OFFSET. 6. The sum of offset + length must not exceed the length of the output record (255 characters). .for bolts WELD .for gaskets BOLT . The record type is a simple character string as follows: COMP .for specialty items INST .for generated items File units is a simple character string as follows: ENGL .for pipe supports GASK . FLAG Is a special flag that is normally 0 but is set to 1 to inhibit conversion of code-listed attributes to their ASCII string equivalents. the code-list number will be placed in the record. 0 maps the piping materials class into EVERY MTO neutral file record starting at output field 15 (offset 14) for 6 bytes. OFFSET Is the offset (relative to 0) in the record for the start of the field. Example: 12. LENGTH Is the length of the data item’s field.for mixed units METR .The MTO Neutral File Record Map 12 . It should be mapped here when commodity codes are size dependent. 14.3 -1 16 -1 17 -1 -1 -1 18 19 20 wet component center of gravity Y coordinate reported in sub-units wet component center of gravity Z coordinate reported in sub-units model name area name partition number The commodity code can be mapped through this table or through the component level tables.for commodity items PIPE . When FLAG is set to 1. 12. Generated items consist of chain wheel operators and items implied through the reference database.for instruments SUPP .for English units MIX .for all Metric units can also use COL=-2 to obtain the line ID rather than the line name.for welds GENR .for pipe ENGR . column specification for the case when the current item is a specialty item. specialty item. 20. If a component data table entry should apply only to one type of item. 0 maps the component database occurrence number into EVERY record starting at output field 21 for 8 bytes. and 50. attribute pairs for other types to zeroes. ET. IC defines a table. 12 and 34. SC. column specification for the case when the current item is a pipe support. IC. Valid values for ET are 0. FLAG Where: CT. 10. CC defines a table.4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . CC. PC defines a table. Note that for implied materials this is the occurrence number of the GENERATING component. set the entity. column specification for the case when the current item is a pipe. ET. 12 and 34. OFFSET. PC. -2. and 80. EC defines a table.March 2000 12. -1. 4. ST. instrument and pipe support records. 0 maps the record type of each record into output field 1 for 4 bytes. It is used to access connect point attributes by connect point color (green or red) rather than by attribute number for the COMPONENT_ATTRIBUTES table. 12. LENGTH. 4. 8. CPI is a connect point identifier. 12. 12. ST. 67. PT. SC defines a table. 12. Valid values for IT are 0. Valid values for PT are 0. Not all pairs in the above set need to be defined. Valid values for CT are 0. 5. CPI. EC. When the MTO neutral file record is being generated for an item then its type is determined and one of the entity. IT. PT. IT. Valid values for ST are 0. CPI is also used by the IMPLIED_ITEMS table when set to 1 to indicate that the attribute will be retrieved from the connect point of the item generating the implied material.2 COMPONENT_ATTRIBUTES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fields defined by this table appear in component. . An entry in the table has the following form: CT. column specification for the case when the current item that is generating a neutral file record is a component. column specification for the case when the current item is an instrument. attribute pairs above is chosen for purposes of fetching an attribute from the database. -1.12 . pipe. 1. 0. 0 maps the line id (defined in the defaults file) into EVERY MTO record starting at output field 5 for 10 bytes. 3. 80. 50. CT. in bytes. LENGTH is the length. 34. 0. Example 1: 34. 67. EC. 6. CPI is used by the IMPLIED_ITEMS table to indicate that the attribute will be retrieved from the connect point of the item generating the implied material. 53. and IC should be set to one of the values shown in the following index. PT. 3. of the field. If lap joint flanges are mapped to ISOGEN record number 106 to generate both the stub and flange in the ISOGEN material list. the code-list number will be placed in the record.1 . a separate record generated is in the MTO neutral file for the stub as well (refer to the section The PDS-toISOGEN Symbol Map. 3. 0 This table entry maps the item name attribute for all component types into the neutral file record starting at column 53 for 6 bytes.) The MTO record for the stub is generated by overlaying attributes from the reference database entry for the stub onto the database record for the flange and then applying the COMPONENT_ATTRIBUTES table to this temporary occurrence. CPI ____ Means _ _____ 1 2 retrieve a green connect point property retrieve a red connect point property Index ______ Connect Point Attributes _ ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 nominal piping diameter outside diameter end preparation schedule thickness pressure rating stress analysis node number face-to-center distance/pipe length weld number weld type gasket gap stress intensification factor head loss factor inspection number OFFSET is the offset into the neutral file record to the start of the field. FLAG Is a special flag that is normally 0 but is set to 1 to inhibit conversion of code-listed attributes to their ASCII string equivalents.5 When set to 1. .The MTO Neutral File Record Map 12 . ET. 4. When CPI is set (nonzero). 3. When FLAG is set to 1. IT. PC. and ST should be set to zero and CC. page 13 . 0. 4. 0. 121. 4. 0 This table entry maps the new item name attribute for component types of COMPONENT and PIPE. 0 This table entry maps the GREEN schedule (schedule 1) into the neutral file record. 8. 0. 1. 0.March 2000 34. 50. 129. 0. INSTRUMENTS or PIPE SUPPORTS by this table entry. 60. 0. 74. 0. 96. Example 2: The following is an example of how to set the COMPONENT_ATTRIBUTES to extract item inspection number and inspection numbers for item connect point one. The implied items table provides a means to map attributes that are: from the component that caused the item to be generated (for example: flange pressure rating) from the spec entry for the implied item (for example: for the commodity code) . 0. 4. 50. 1. 1. 14. 0. 6. 0. 34. 27.3 IMPLIED_ITEMS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fields defined in this table appear in neutral file records for bolts. 0. 1. 0. 0. 4. 12. 27. 0. 0 !item insp key 34. 0. 67. 2. 1. 0. 12. 0. 4. 1. 0. 0. 2. 12. Since pipe supports do not have connect point properties. 14. 0. 12. 0 This table entry maps the GREEN nominal pipe size (also referred to as size 1) into the neutral file record. 4. 34. 34. 67. 1 This entry maps the paint code CODE-LIST VALUE from the segment into the MTO neutral file record. 100. 27. The code-list value is put in the record rather than the attribute itself because FLAG is set to 1 and the attribute being mapped is code-listed. 0. 0. 121.12 . 0 This table entry maps the insulation purpose attribute from the segment into the neutral file record for all items except pipe supports. 0. 122. 94. 4. 0. 6. 1. 14. 4. no number is specified for them in the entry. 12. 0. 118. 1. 12. 27. 0. 0. 0 !cp1 insp key 12. 0.6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 0. 50. 2. 0 This table entry maps the RED nominal pipe size (also referred to as size 2) into the neutral file record. gaskets and welds. 8. 59. 1. 80. 128. 1. 122. 0. Nothing is generated in the record for SPECIALTY ITEMS. 12. 0. 0. 0. 126. 66. 0. 12. 60. 0. 14. 38. FLAG Where: TYPE defines the type of implied component that the table entry is to apply to. CT. LENGTH. IT. CC. CC defines a table. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a PIPE. Valid values for IT are 0. IT. PT. CT. PT. When set other than zero. ST. CC. Valid values for CT are 0.7 from data calculated when the item is generated (for example: bolt length) An entry in this table has the following form: TYPE. ST. PC and IC should be set to one of the values shown in the following Connect Point Attributes index. ITEM.The MTO Neutral File Record Map 12 . column specification that is to be mapped when the attribute is taken from the reference database entry for the implied item. PC. CPF. When this item is set to 1 it indicates that the attribute will be retrieved from the connect point of the item generating the implied material. TYPE ______ TABLE ENTRY APPLIES TO ____________________________ 1 2 3 4 Gaskets only Bolts only Welds only All of the above items CT. 12 and 50. Index ______ Connect Point Attributes _ ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nominal piping diameter outside diameter end preparation schedule thickness pressure rating stress analysis node number face-to-center distance/pipe length weld number weld type . PT and IT should be set to 0. OFFSET. IC defines a table. PC defines a table. The only valid values for ST are 202 and 0. 12 and 34. Valid values for PT are 0. SC defines a table. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a COMPONENT or SPECIALTY ITEM. CPF is a connect point flag. SC. IC. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is an instrument. 12 and 67. March 2000 10 11 12 13 ITEM gasket gap stress intensification factor head loss factor inspection number When this value is other than zero. . is given the size from the header pipe as a safe estimate of the weld size. You cannot map attributes for a weld from the reference database into the neutral file record.12 . Values for item are dependent on the implied item type as shown below.SC to obtain the attribute from the spec database BOLT 1 2 Number of bolts Bolt length in Project Units English for English Project Metric for Metric or Mixed Project Bolt diameter English for English Project Metric for Metric or Mixed Project Number of nuts Bolt diameter in English Units Bolt length in English Units Bolt weight in English Units (pounds) Bolt weight in English Units (kilograms) 3 4 5 6 7 8 GASKET WELD 0 1 2 3 4 Weld ID number Weld Type Material A Material B OFFSET is the offset into the neutral file record to the start of the field. FLAG is a special flag used to inhibit the conversion of code-listed attributes to the ASCII string equivalents. In the case of a weld the field will be left blank. of the field.8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Item type _________ ITEM ______ Description ___________ ALL -1 Use ST. it indicates that either the attribute to be mapped is data that was generated along with the implied item. The first weld. which corresponds to the weld that attaches the olet to the header. or the attribute is to be obtained from the spec. Two welds may be generated on olet-like components. in bytes. LENGTH is the length. However. you can use a component TYPE of 4 (for ALL implied items) when mapping attributes from the spec for bolts and gaskets. Branch welds are defined as those components that are mapped to the ISOGEN symbol TESO. 66. The reinforcing pad component represents the attachment of the branch pipe to the header. 0.4 GENERATED_ITEMS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fields defined in this table appear in neutral file records for items generated through the reference database and for chain wheel operators. 0. 0.The MTO Neutral File Record Map 12 . One weld is generated at a reinforcing pad. 0 This table entry maps the item name from the reference database for a bolt into the neutral file record. 13. 0. 4. 13. 13. 0. 0. 0. 0. bolts and gaskets into the MTO neutral file record. 2. 2. 0. 0. which corresponds to the point where the branch pipe attaches to the olet. 53. 0. Example: This table entry maps the gasket size into the neutral file record starting at output field 67 for 8 bytes. 0. 127. 0. 8. 0. 0. -1. 51. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 8. 6. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. The generated items table provides a means to map attributes that are: from the component that caused the item to be generated from the reference database entry for the implied item (for example: for the commodity code) . 0 This table entry maps the bolt length into the neutral file record. 3. 4. No welds are generated at branch welds. 0. 2. is given the branch pipe size. 0. 0. 0 12. 0. 1. 0. 1. 202. 0 This table entry maps the inspection number for welds. 0.9 The second weld. The weld represents the attachment of the pad to the header pipe. The reason for this is that the component itself represents a weld and it is generated in the neutral file. EC defines a table. SC. IT.10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . CPI. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a pipe support. Valid values for CT are 0. LENGTH. 12 and 67. CT. and IC should be set to one of the values shown in the following index. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a PIPE. ITEM. ET. 12 and 34. CPI ____ Means _ _____ 1 2 retrieve a green connect point property retrieve a red connect point property Index ______ Connect Point Attributes _ ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 nominal piping diameter outside diameter end preparation schedule thickness pressure rating stress analysis node number face-to-center distance/pipe length weld number weld type gasket gap . CPI is a connect point identifier. PC defines a table. OFFSET. PT. FLAG Where: CT. Valid values for ST are 0. CPI is used by the IMPLIED_ITEMS table to indicate that the attribute will be retrieved from the connect point of the item generating the implied material. PT. 12 and 80. and ST should be set to zero and CC. ET. ST. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is an instrument. IC. PC. IC defines a table. PT. When CPI is set (nonzero). EC. Valid values for ET are 0. IT.12 . CC defines a table. CC. 12 and 50. SC defines a table. Valid values for PT are 0. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a SPECIALTY ITEM. 12 and 34. ST. PC. ET. Valid values for IT are 0. column specification from a generating component that is to be mapped when the generating component is a COMPONENT. EC. When set to 1. It is used to access connect point attributes by connect point color (green or red) rather than by attribute number for the COMPONENT_ATTRIBUTES table. IT.March 2000 An entry in this table has the following form: CT. 2. in bytes. 2. 75. 0. Attr. 2. this entry corresponds to the length of chain. 6.11 11 12 13 ITEM stress intensification factor head loss factor inspection number When this value is set to 1 it indicates that the attribute to be mapped is data from the reference database. 53. PC. and SC should be set according to the table shown below when ITEM is set to 1. 3. 67. 3. _____ Description ___________ 1 2 Generated item commodity code Generated item quantity OFFSET is the offset into the neutral file record to the start of the field. 0.The MTO Neutral File Record Map 12 . In the case of a chain wheel operator. 0. 34. 0. 0. EC. 3. 80. Example: 34. of the field. 2. 0. . The value for CC. 0. 0 This entry maps the generated item quantity into the MTO neutral file record at offset 75 for 8 bytes. 0. FLAG is a special flag used to inhibit the conversion of code-listed attributes to the ASCII string equivalents. 8. 4. 2. 3. 2. 0 This entry maps the item name of the component that generates some implied material into the MTO neutral file record at offset 53 for 6 bytes. 50. LENGTH is the length. IC. 12 .12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 . right justified Number of connect points: Columns 18-19. The PDS-to-ISOGEN Symbol Map __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can use the PDS-to-ISOGEN symbol map table to tell the ISOGEN interface software which ISOGEN graphics symbol to use for a specific PDS component when it generates the Isometric drawing. The format for a table entry is as follows: PDS Item name: Columns 2-7. You can add comments to the table by placing an an exclamation point (!) in column 1. For many symbols. A table entry consists of one row of data. 13. the table is searched for a corresponding table entry or entries. All of the ISOGEN symbols available with ISOGEN are shown in Appendix B.1 13. the end prep characters are double asterisks (**). the data must appear in specific columns in the table). Each PDS item that exists in a pipeline must have an entry for it in this table. Look especially at the notes at the end of the appendix. The symbol names are generally four characters in length. left justified Tap record number: Columns 26-28. As each component is processed. right justified Tap name: Columns 21-24. left justified ISOGEN symbol name: Columns 9-12. left justified end prep low: Columns 37-40. The ** indicate that the symbol may end in one of the following sets of characters: .1 The PDS Item Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PDS item name is the primary index into the table. The first two characters identify the type of symbol and the last two identify the end preparation.The PDS-to-ISOGEN Symbol Map 13 . right justified 13. right justified end prep high: Columns 42-45.2 The ISOGEN Symbol Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ISOGEN symbol name is the primary output from the symbol map table. The table is composed of 9 columns of data that are position-dependent (that is. left justified ISOGEN record number: Columns 14-16. right justified PDS operator name: Columns 30-35. The basic connect point skeletons handled by ISOGEN are: end point component (plug. ISOGEN record numbers are defined in Appendix B. 4-way valve) The change-of-direction components for elbows are not restricted to 90-degree changes of direction. must have 90degree changes in direction. It is critical that the ISOGEN record match the component type identified by the symbol name. the XX is converted to one of the end prep codes shown above based on the end prep of the component in the model.indicating buttweld ends FL . angle valve) single branch component (tee. 3-way valve) double branch component (cross.indicating flanged ends SC . You cannot. 13.3 The ISOGEN Record Number __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Another primary output from the symbol map table is the ISOGEN record number. Other change-of-direction components. map a gate valve (whose connect points lie on a straight line) to an elbow (whose connect points define a 90-degree change-of-direction).indicating socket weld ends CP . blind flange) straight-through component (gate valve.indicating threaded ends SW . flange) offset component (eccentric reducer) return component (u bend) change-of-direction component (elbow. the ISOGEN symbol name for a ball valve is BV** and the table entry would be BVXX. . For example. Other branch components. for example. you must be sure that the connect point skeletons (that is.indicating compression ends PL . such as 3-way valves. configuration or geometrical arrangement of the connect points) are the same. olet.March 2000 BW . such as 2-way valves. The tee components TESO and TEXX can have variable angle changes of direction.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . When you map a PDS component to an ISOGEN component.indicating plain ends You can carry the variable end prep notation into the symbol map by substituting the characters XX for the characters **. are restricted. When a line is extracted.13 . blinds) and for processing tapped components.The PDS-to-ISOGEN Symbol Map 13 . The record number for a valve is 130. You can generate either one or two components in the isometric when you extract the line. This results in the need for special handling of tapped elbows. If the ISOGEN record number is set to 106. Incorrect values will cause incorrect entries in the bill-of-material and/or cut pipe report. 13. In this case. only one component (one entry in the BOM) is generated. .3 The symbols in Appendix B are grouped by component type.5. rather than the ISOGEN symbol key field. The PDS symbol for a lap joint flange represents two components: the flange ring and the stub. the symbol key that is passed to ISOGEN is taken from the tapped component name field of the table. The number of connect points is also used to distinguish tee type components (which have three connect points) from branch weld type components (which have two connect points). For example.4 Number of Connect Points __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Another table output is the number of connect points for the component. caps. Record Identification Numbers. This number does not include taps that the symbol may have. you must have an entry in the reference database for the stub. Since there are no symbol keys for elbows with more than one tap. It is most important that this number be correct for components that may be tapped.1 Tapped elbows __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An elbow is one of the components that ISOGEN considers special. Appendix B. It is used both for identifying closure components (plugs. 13. the ISOGEN interface automatically generates a component representing the stub. you may not redefine it to add tap points as you can with most other symbols. For an elbow that is tapped in the model.5 Tapped Component Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The tapped component name is used in special situations. a CV** is an instrument while a VG** is a valve. When it is used. If the ISOGEN record number for the lap joint is set to 105. you will not be able to extract a doubly tapped elbow. The component type is identified at the top of the first page of each group of symbols. 13. Because it is special. Symbol keys exist for elbows that have a single tap (see Appendix B). shows that the record number for an instrument In Leg is 90. the ISOGEN symbol key is taken from this field. The number of connect points must be correct for these types of components. The spec access data for the stub is identical to that for the flange except that the option code is that of the flange plus 5000. flanged GAT valves with the operator OP_100 to the symbol VTFL and all other GAT valves to the symbol VV**. Whenever an olet is found to be connected to a tap. the valve operator name from the model is compared to the valve operator name in the table (if it is defined).March 2000 13. For the olet attached to a component. For a tapped elbow. This input is used when it is defined in the model and when it is defined in this table. connect point 1 of the olet will be attached to a tap. the table entry is checked further. Example 1: Show the required ISOGEN table entries needed to map socket weld GAT valves to the ISOGEN symbol VTSW. If they are not the same. olet type components are used as branch or tee-type components. If they are the same. If the valve operator is not defined in the table.6 Tapped component record number __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The tapped component record number corresponds to the tapped component name just as the ISOGEN record number corresponds to the ISOGEN symbol name. 13. In this situation. the record number changes from 40 to 126.13 . the record number changes from 35 to 70. However. PDS NAME _______ ISG NAME _______ ISG _REC ____ NO CP ___ GAT GAT GAT VTFL VTSW VVXX 130 130 130 2 2 2 TAP _NAME ______ TAP _REC ____ PDS OPER ______ END LOW _____ END HIGH ______ OP_100 1 400 199 429 The table entries must be defined in the same order as shown above. When a component has a valve operator. the table entry is rejected.4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 13. then it is not considered in the table lookup. .5.2 Olets attached to fittings __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Normally. sometimes an olet is attached to a fitting such as a reducer.7 PDS Valve Operator Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PDS valve operator name is an optional table input. ISOGEN does not allow the normal olet type fittings to be used in this case and so you must match an olet attached to a component to a different symbol (you must use one of the coupling components). then the symbol key that is passed to ISOGEN is taken from the tapped component name field (rather than the ISOGEN symbol name field). When table entries are placed in the above order. for each case. 2. 13.5 13. a match has occurred and the table entry is accepted.8 End Prep Low and End Prep High __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The end prep low and end prep high table entries define an end prep range. the software can choose the proper table entry. If it does not. it is necessary to put the most restrictive table entries prior to the least restrictive. the component’s end prep is checked to see whether or not it falls within the range defined by end prep low and high.The PDS-to-ISOGEN Symbol Map 13 . Entries with PDS name and either valve operator name or end prep range. Entries with PDS name. operator name and end prep range. a range of end preparation values.9 Order of Table Entries __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Due to the manner in which the table lookup is performed. the table entry is rejected. 3. If it does fall within the range. which makes component end prep an optional table input. Entries with only PDS name and neither valve operator or end prep range. If no range is defined. the components end prep is not considered in the table lookup. Entries should be in the following order in the table: 1. If the end prep range is defined. . 6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .13 .March 2000 . ’VALVp’- is the pth column heading in the table where p is less than or equal to n. It also gives you more flexibility in how you map PDS symbols to user-defined ISOGEN symbols. ’SYM1n’. ’VTXX’. If VALVp and OPERq should not map to a new symbol. ’SYM12’. ’VSXX’. . .. ’VVXX’.. ..1 14. ’SYMm2’. ’VPXX’ You do not need to define every table entry with a value for SYMpq.. . . ’SYMm1’. ’VNXX’. ’VALV1’. This enables you to take better advantage of the variety of valve symbols that are defined within ISOGEN.. ’SYMpq’- is the table entry corresponding to VALVp and OPERq. The format of the table is as follows: m. ’SYM2n’. . Example 1: Develop an example valve / operator table. ’OPERq’- is the qth row heading in the table where q is less than or equal to m. ’GAT’. ’OP_11’. ’VKXX’. . ’VALVn’. . ’SYM22’. n- is the number of columns in the table or the number of valves. . ’OPER2’. ’GATR’. .. ’OP_9’. ’OPERm’. ’SYM11’. ’SYMmn’ Where: m- is the number of rows in the table or the number of operators. . ’SYM12’. . . A valve / operator table is an ASCII file created with the editor. 4. . make the table entry a blank (’’). 2 ’OP_3’. The Valve / Operator Table __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The valve / operator table is used to map a PDS valve and valve operator to an ISOGEN symbol different from the one mapped by the valve item name alone. . . ’VGXX’. ’VALV2’.n ’OPER1’. ’OP_5’. ’VDXX’.The Valve / Operator Table 14 . you can map a PDS symbol named GLOR to an ISOGEN symbol named VVXX with an ISOGEN record number of 130. you can not map the GLOR with an operator symbol of OP_3 to the ISOGEN symbol CVXX. because CVXX is an instrument with an ISOGEN record number of 90. If.14 . That is. . you should also use the PDS operator name which is input in the symbol map to map valves and valve operators.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . When a valve and operator map to a new symbol in the VALOPR table. the new symbol must have the same ISOGEN record number as the one defined for the valve in the PDS-to-ISOGEN symbol map. then using the VALOPR table is much more efficient than having multiple records in the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. you are utilizing the end prep range in the symbol map. Each valve defined in the VALOPR table must still be defined in the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. Otherwise. For example.March 2000 Every entry in the table. VALOPR table access occurs subsequent to the lookup in the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. However. The reason for this is that references to the VALOPR table overlay references to the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. Intergraph option 31 must be enabled in order for the VALOPR table to be accessed. however. If you are mapping valves and valve operators to ISOGEN symbols. except for m and n. The capability provided by this table is similar to that provided through the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. an error will occur when the table is read in. must be surrounded by single quotes and separated by commas. 1 15. Repeatability .(saved to the project database) The Extracted Item’s Iso Sheet Number . Related ISOGEN Options (Appendix B) 38. Repeating data includes: The Iso’s Traversal Start point . 109 Related Intergraph Options (Section 7) 4.Repeatability 15 . 108.Related Information The following is a list of related elements within the ISOGEN software that may be manipulated when using the repeatability feature. its repeating data is recalled for purposes of extracting the isometric after modifications have been made in the piping model. 68 Related Options File Material (Section 7) NONE Related ISOGEN ATEXT Records (Appendix B) NONE .(saved to the design database) The extracted Item’s Piecemark Number Repeatability can be enabled and disabled via the Schedule Batch Job form. Repeatability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN’s Repeatability facility allows isometric drawings to be re-extracted. When a drawing is re-extracted. 15 . items with a sheet number of 0 will be placed on the same sheet as the item just prior to it.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The repeatability facility should not be used if the design is not stable or if extensive changes are being made to a pipeline. When this line is re-extracted. Therefore. The ISOGEN software will decide if a sheet will break at a flange. Delete Component deletes the database record. the sheet numbering will be incorrect when re-extracting a drawing. it must first be extracted with ISOGEN option 108 set to 1 or 2. Split points placed in piping will be ignored during re-extraction. For example. limitations and rules that must be followed to ensure success when using the repeatability facility. implied items will always be re-extracted on the same sheet as the item which implied them.March 2000 15. items that were added before the previous traversal start point will be placed on sheet one. Commands that maintain the old database record are preferred during piping design after the option to use repeating isometrics has been used.1 Repeatability Restrictions and Limitations __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following is a list of restrictions. This is especially true if the item prior to it is on sheet 1. the result may be a sheet that contains too much information to decipher. it may be necessary to disable repeatability and extract the drawing normally so that it can be repaginated. repeatability will only be supported for one type of isometric. . When a line is re-extracted. and the item after it is on sheet 2. If this situation occurs. and there is no way of knowing the sheet to which it belongs. if sheet 1 has two notes CONT ON DRG 2. If you plan on re-extracting an isometric drawing. A redesign is done and the second sheet is deleted. Once set. When a line is re-extracted. the initial extraction generates three sheets. Since there is only one place in the piping design file for sheet and spool numbers. drawing 2 will connect these ends. it will produce two sheets since blank sheets can not be output. If extensive revisions are made to a line and repeatability is used. Implied items are not saved in the database and have no record kept that identifies the sheet to which they apply. If an entire sheet is deleted. this option will not allow pipe splits. For example. All bolts and gaskets for the flange will be on the same sheet as the flange. It will not be possible for a multi-sheet iso to contain only disconnected pipelines. character(2) piece_mark_no . depending on its classification. These columns include: iso_dwg_index_no . Extraction Information in the Project Database Re-extraction information saved to the project database includes the original start traversal point. integer start_entity . short start_comp_occ. # Isometric Drawing Re-Extraction Data table number = 189 . . . section number. integer start_seg_occ . .Repeatability 15 . .3 New spool numbers will not be generated when additional piping is added to the drawing. component occurrence and segment occurrence numbers. drawing_indx_no . will be the number of the sheet on which the item appears. integer Extraction Information in the Design Database When the repeatability is used and the option Save Sheet Extraction Data has been set. . short start_traversal_X . character(10) Where: iso_drawing_index_no isometric_sheet_number will be the number in table 185 column 1 of the project database. Since new spool numbers are not identified by ISOGEN. existing columns in the design database will be updated in tables 34. pdtable_189. . entity. The project database table pdtable_189 contains re-extraction information. is written to either the project or design database. integer section_no . 15. the spool number in the design database will not be updated when extracting with existing sheets. integer isometric_sheet_no . integer start_traversal_Z . integer start_traversal_Y .2 Extraction Information in the Database __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Extraction information. . 50. number of columns = 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . 67. and 80. The following is the format for the table. In order of highest priority. The last start point component exists. Compare the start_seg_occ with each item that has been determined to be an end point. — If two ends match. use this end point as start point.4 Determining Sheet Split Points __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A sheet split location is determined by comparing the current isometric_sheet_no (sheet number) with the previous item sheet number (excluding sheet 0). . Refer to Section 4: Design File Data Sorted by Topo. Intergraph option switch 68 can be used to stop the extraction process if the original start item can not be used. When a component belongs to a spool that starts on a different sheet. — End point marked as -1. Where x is the iso sheet number on which the spool starts and yy is the component’s spool number (on the x sheet). Split point location is saved and output after the . page 6 . 2. the ISOGEN software will determine the traversal start point for the extraction. but it is no longer an end point. Compare the start_entity and start_comp_occ with each item that has been determined to be an end point. 3. The original start component is not an endpoint. Only shop items can receive piece mark numbers. The original start component and segment occurrence are not considered endpoints. is a valid start point. the piece_mark_no value is reported as a three digit number in the format: xyy. or -2 for a cap. pick the end that is the closest to the last traversal start point.15 for more information. the following is a list of rules for determining a traversal point. 15. 1. Choose the end point that is closest to the original start component.March 2000 piece_mark_no will be the number of the spool on which the item appears. use this as the start point. If a match occurs.15 .3 Determining the Traversal Start Point __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When using the repeatability function. All field items are assigned a piece_mark_no of 0. The ISOGEN software will generate informational-type messages that show the decision process that lead to selecting a traversal start point. 15.idf file has completed and all split locations have been determined.4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . — End points marked as -3 for pipe support are not considered as a valid start point. — If one end matches. a sheet split record is created. If necessary. Items with spool number 0 will be placed on the current spool being processed. a spool split location is identified by comparing current piece_mark_no (spool number) with previous item’s spool number (excluding spool number 0). Such that. This reminds you to verify that all items were put on the correct sheet. The message will include the occurrence number of the item with sheet set to 0. a sheet split record is created. When a component is processed and has a sheet number different from previously processed components. When a component is processed and that component has a sheet number different from previously processed components. Location of the split between spools will be saved and output after the . If more than one item in a series of items have sheet numbers set to 0. all components processed will be output to that sheet. the item would appear on sheet number 1. Unless otherwise stated. Correcting Incorrect Splits If an item has a 0 in the isometric_sheet_no column of the database.Repeatability 15 . Error and Warning messages concerning sheet splits are output to the end of idf generation. In this situation. .5 Determining Spool Split Points __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Like sheet split points. A message to be used by the piping software is output in the MTO format. they are not considered as a sheet change. Until a new sheet number is read. find the item that should start the new sheet and change the isometric_sheet_no to the correct number. The spool split locations are determined using the following rules: Sheet numbers that are 0 are not considered for sheet split records. all processed components will be output to that sheet. when a starting item has its sheet number set to zero. An informational-type message will be output if the previous item’s sheet number was set to 0 and the current sheet number is a new sheet. Unless otherwise stated. a general rule has been established: Items whose sheet number is set to 0 will be output on the previous item’s sheet. 15. this situation can be corrected by setting the isometric_sheet_no of the appropriate item to the correct sheet number in the design database.5 Sheet split locations will be determined using the following rules: Sheet numbers that are 0 will not be considered for sheet split records. Until a new sheet number is read. they will not be considered as a sheet change. it is treated as either an additional item or the previous item was deleted and replaced with a new item.idf file has been generated and all split locations have been determined. .6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . This reminds you to verify that all items were put on the correct spool.15 .March 2000 An informational-type message will be output if the previous item’s spool number was set to Blank and the current spool number is a new spool. A message to be used by the piping software is output in the MTO format. The message will include the occurrence number of the item with spool set to 0. 74. Welds __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following is a list of weld features available in the ISOGEN software: Delivered weld symbols Dotted weld symbols User-defined weld symbols Codelist values for standard notes 180 and 1100 Weld type and mapping Offshore fabrication category Unique weld numbering User-defined weld prefix User-defined weld summary report Welds listed in the bill of materials A weld type defined as codelist value 2 will be interpreted as a no weld connection. All PDS applications recognize codelist value of 2 (from codelist 1100: weld type) as a no weld connection. 75 . change skey PB to PBBW designates to the ISOGEN software that the connection is a butt weld. This can be used when a weld is not wanted on match lines or pipe and pipe bends.1 16. For pipe bends. 54. Related ISOGEN Options (Appendix B) 22. The delivered map file will not change (set to PB by default). ISOGEN will automatically place a shop weld symbol at the connection and include the correct data in the cut list.Welds 16 . 53. Weld Enhancements .Related Information The following is a list of related elements within the ISOGEN software that may be manipulated when creating a Weld Enhancement. -423. -415. and are intended for internal program use only. -421. -419. -418.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . -457 Delivered weld symbols __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SKEYs for Existing Weld Types Description ___________ SKEY ______ Field Fit Weld Mitre Weld Mitre field fit Offshore Weld Offshore Weld Field Fit Workshop Site Erection Weld Connection WF (Can add extra length to pipe) WM WMF WO WOF WW WS XX (Where XX would be for fittings with SW. -416. -422.March 2000 Related Intergraph Options (Section 7) 62.16 . 69 Also: The twelfth entry in the FILES Section of the Options File: Weld Definition Report Format File (WDF) (See Chapter 8) Related Options File Material (Section 7) USER_DEFINED_WELDS OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES WELD_PREFIX Related ISOGEN ATEXT Records (Appendix B) -414. They are automatically selected when the need for a dotted weld is detected by the ISOGEN software.1 Dotted Weld Symbols __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dotted weld symbols can not be redefined. CP) 16. Dotted welds should be used when: a dotted pipeline continuation situations occurs dealing with a pipeline that has a special status of dotted open ends of a pipeline terminate with a welded end . -417. SC. Making revisions to standard notes 180 and 1100 will also allow different graphics symbologies of weld connections (offshore.72 for more information. When the USER_DEFINED_WELDS section is not added to the options file: Shop welds (WW SKEY) and field fit welds (WF SKEY) are the only available types of welds.45 . . 16. page 16 . Refer to Entering the Iso Symbol Editor Environment. For more information. standard note tables 180 and 1100 should be revised to accommodate this functionality. Mitre welds can not be redefined.). It is also possible to map the weld symbol (existing or user-defined) to the appropriate weld-type codelist number by revising the USER_DEFINED_WELDS section. New weld symbols can be generated just as any other user-defined symbol with the Isometric Symbol Editor. revise the options file table USER_DEFINED_WELDS.4 Weld Types and Mapping __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To define a weld type (shop. page 7 .3 New Dotted SKEYs for Weld Symbols Description ___________ SKEY ______ Workshop Site Field Fit Weld Mitre Weld Mitre Offshore Weld Offshore Weld Field Fit Erection Weld Connection on fittings with SW. mitre. field.Welds 16 . For more information. page 5 . SC. located under the Utilities option. see USER_DEFINED_WELDS. offshore) and weld symbology. All other weld symbols can be user-created.3 . CP WWD WSD WFD WMD WMFD WOD WOFD XXD 16. Changes to these tables will allow you to define which items will be in the offshore category of the bill of materials. see Weld Types and Mapping. This allows you to create a weld symbol and identify those weld-type codelist numbers (CL 1000) that will have a different weld symbol on the isometric drawing. 16.3 Codelist Values for Standard Note 180 and 1100 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When the ISOGEN software is used to segregate offshore welds and identify mitre welds.2 User-defined Weld Symbols __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following is a list of guidelines that must be followed when creating a new weld symbol. March 2000 Shop welds are given fabrication codelist value numbers 11 through 20 inclusive. If an enclosure is chosen for weld numbering (see ISOGEN option 75). The box shape to be set in Isogen option 75. the default will generate a normal arrowed message with no box that points to the weld. A weld prefix may be used: As a prefix to the actual weld number on the isometric in a box. 16. 16. Since a PDS-generated weld number is eight characters long. it must be one of the following: diamond ended box round ended box rectangular box If an enclosure is not chosen.7 User-defined Weld Prefix __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ISOGEN software allows the addition of weld prefix when using weld numbering. If the codelist number is not listed in the option file sections for SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES or OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES the item will default to field. For more information. 16. page 7 .4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . The OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES section in the options file is used in the same way as the Shop FABCAT section. As a form of general note about weld identification when positioned on the drawing frame. and 11 through 20.6 Unique Weld Numbering __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ISOGEN software has the ability to display unique weld numbers from the piping database and display them on the isometric drawing. the weld number is an arrowed message.80 . No Weld is given fabrication codelist value 1.16 . see OFFSHORE_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES. . Field fit welds are given all other fabrication codelist value numbers with the exception of 1.5 Offshore Fabrication Category __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ISOGEN software offers and optional feature for segregating offshore fabrication category in the bill of materials. 1 Weld Definition File Format __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Weld Definition File (WDF) allows the user to: Define the format of an alternative weld box displayed on the isometric drawing Define a backing sheet on the drawing frame Define the format of the Weld Summary Report As a general rule. 16. within certain limits.5 As part of the output in the user-defined weld summary report to identify each weld. other than unique identifiers. 16. The report file name will be isoname. The WDF file allows you to specify. For more information. The headings and data content of the weld summary report. see WELD_PREFIX.wXX where XX is the revision number. This optional file is referred to as the Weld Definition File (WDF) and is the twelfth entry in the FILES Table of the options file. A new file name in the FILES Table (refer to The Files Table. These identifiers include: WELD-BOX-HEADINGS WELD-BOX-DATA-ITEMS WELD-INFO-CONTROLS WELD-INFO-DATA-ITEMS WELD-SUMMARY-TITLES .47. the style and content of: The headings and data content of an alternative weld box to the normal weld box that is generated using ISOGEN option switch 53. Title elements. page 7 . Unique identifiers will be used to determine what is defined and must match exactly. a Warning Error will be issued and the weld summary report will not be created. Any alternative box’s output on the isometric in the same position as the normal weld box will be located in the bottom right corner of the isometric drawing area.8 The Weld Summary Report __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A printed weld summary report is generated by setting Intergraph option 69. Data item identifiers will be enclosed in single quotation marks.8. If the Intergraph option to generate a weld summary report is set to 1 and the WDF file name is undefined. page 7 .Welds 16 .42 ) of the options file is required if a user-defined format of the weld summary report is to be used. all heading and title formatting must be positioned in the file exactly as it is positioned on the printed output. can be used with any format. The designated file can be used for both the weld summary on the isometric drawing and the printed weld summary file. S. Weld box data items must carry: — a data item identifier — a start position along the horizontal line — a justification marker Weld Box Data Item Identifiers: Identifier _________ ATEXT Used _____________ WELD-NO WELD-CAT N. There is no imposed limit on the width of the user-defined weld box. Therefore. Blank columns are allowed.Using a Backing Sheet When this form of weld information output is used. -416 -417. keep in mind that the weld box takes up space in the isometric drawing area. the width should be kept to an absolute minimum. Blank characters can be used as required.Alternative Style Available formats for Weld boxes include headings. -419.6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . -416 -414. -423 Weld Box Justification Markers R L C Right Justified Left Justified Center Justified Weld Boxes . Use the | character to indicate vertical column positions. -415. -415.March 2000 WELD-SUMMARY-COLUMN-HEADINGS WELD-SUMMARY-DATA-ITEMS Weld Boxes .16 . The design file must contain an area that can receive weld information. -418. . but no column headings are defined. The format is user definable. -422. All column headings must already exist in the design file. a design file (drawing frame) must be provided.-421. box data items. controls and information data items. Although. WELD-TYPE -414. Weld box headings can be any ascii string. all of the following inputs are mandatory.7 This style of output requires two types of information: Basic Weld Control Information Weld Data Item Information Basic Weld Control Information Unless otherwise stated.10 . Define the form of list to be output by entering one of the following.63 Define the weight of characters output. Define the vertical spacing between each line of horizontal text on the welding list using the format: VERTICAL-SPACING value Define the maximum number of lines that can be printed before automatic overflow onto another sheet occurs using the format: MAXIMUM-ENTRIES value Where: value is an integer Define the character height used for weld information using the format: TEXT-HEIGHT value Define the level where weld information should be placed. (Optional) Use the format: DRAWING-LAYER value Where: value is a level 1 . CONTINUOUS-DOWN CONTINUOUS-UP Define start positions for information using the format: START-POSITION XPOS YPOS Where: XPOS and YPOS is the x and y location in the design file. where a number is required it will be integer or in real mm’s with only one decimal place allowed.Welds 16 . (Optional) TEXT-THICKNESS Where: value is a weight 0 . Unless otherwise stated. -415. -415. -416 -417. The overall width of the weld summary report should not exceed 130 characters. -422. ’Blank’ indicates a blank line. -418. -419. The data definitions to be listed in each column (WELD-SUMMARY-DATA-ITEMS) Refer to the previous definition of Weld Box Data Item for the format of this section. -423 Weld Summary Report The weld summary report page length is controlled by ISOGEN option switch 63.8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . ’ ’ used with PAGE attribute indicates program generated page number. WELD-TYPE -414. These include: The printed weld summary title definitions (WELD-SUMMARY-TITLES) This section can contain two types of information — Heading titles — Data items to be listed with the title Unique identifiers available for title information: PIPELINE-REFERENCE PIPING-SPEC DATE-DMY PAGE The column heading definitions (WELD-SUMMARY-COLUMN-HEADINGS) — This section can be any ascii string.S.-421. When generating this report three sections of data are required in the WDF file.March 2000 Weld Data Item Information Data items must carry a data item identifier and start position information ( The x position in mm’s locates the bottom left hand point of the text string to be plotted. All text will be LEFT justified). .16 . Weld Box Data Item Identifiers Identifier _________ Used _ATEXT ____________ WELD-NO WELD-CAT N. -416 -414. 0 VERTICAL-SPACING 4. | Weld | Welder | | No | Cat | mm | Type | ID | WELD-BOX-DATA-ITEMS ’WELD-NO’4 R ’WELD-CAT’ 10 L ’N.5 WELD-INFO-DATA-ITEMS ’WELD-NO’ 225.8.2 Example WDF File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An example for an alternative weld list in the WDF file: WELD-BOX-HEADINGS | Weld | Weld | N.9 16.S.Welds 16 .0 An example for a user defined weld summary report in the WDF file: WELD-SUMMARY-TITLES WELD SUMMARY PAGE ’ ’ ’Blank’ PIPELINE REF: ’PIPELINE_REFERENCE’ ’Blank’ PIPING SPEC : ’PIPING-SPEC’ .5 MAXIMUM-ENTRIES 20 TEXT-HEIGHT 2.’ 17 L ’WELD-TYPE’ 25 L An example for user defined backing weld list in the WDF file: WELD-INFO-CONTROLS CONTINUOUS-DOWN START-POSITION 225.5 DRAWING-LAYER 16 TEXT-THICKNESS 2 80.0 ’WELD-CAT’ 235.S.0 ’N.S.’ 245.0 ’WELD-TYPE’ 260. No Cat mm ____ ____ ____ Weld Type ____ Welder ID ______ WELD-SUMMARY-DATA-ITEMS ’WELD-NO’8 R ’WELD-CAT’ 17 L ’N. The commodity code will be SHOP.10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .16 .March 2000 WELD-SUMMARY-HEADINGS Weld Weld N. The description will be weld type.S. material grade A and material grade B.S. FIELD or OFFSHORE.9 Welds Listed in the Bill of Materials __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For welds listed in the BOM: Intergraph option 62 controls material pointers for welds. .’ 26 L ’WELD-TYPE’ 37 L 16. Related Information The following is a list of related elements within the ISOGEN software that may be manipulated to change dimensioning/coordinate output.1 Dimensioning Features __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN’s dimensioning features allows you to: Dimension Valve Centerlines Suppress Branch Dimensioning String Dimensioning Gaskets Included In Flanged Component Dimensions USA Style Dimensioning Non-Dimensioned Supports ISOGEN option 119 controls vertical dimensions/elevations. for more information. Dimensioning and Coordinate Output __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Coordinate and Dimensioning Features . See Appendix B. 119 Related Intergraph Options (Section 7) NONE Related Options File Material (Section 7) NONE Related ISOGEN ATEXT Records (Appendix B) -455 17.Dimensioning and Coordinate Output 17 . .1 17. 81. 66. Related ISOGEN Options (Appendix B) 9. 80. Alias ISOGEN Tables. 41. Leader lines from adjoining flanges are displayed. See Appendix B. All diameters that exceed the value specified by switch 81 are dimensioned normally. Alias ISOGEN Tables. using string or composite dimension types. ISOGEN option 81 determines the upper size limit of branches whose dimensioning will be suppressed. ISOGEN option 81 also determines the upper limit of components in a branch run that will have dimensioning suppressed. Refer to Entering the Iso Symbol Editor Environment. ISOGEN option 9 flags individual dimensions to be output for every component in the pipeline. ISOGEN options 80 and 81 provide the complete definition of valves which will be dimensioned to their centerline.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . See Appendix B. String Dimensioning This feature allows pipeline components to be dimensioned individually.March 2000 Dimensioning Valve Centerlines This feature dimensions valves with certain bores and/or end conditions dimensioned to their centerline only. page 5 . Units of input for the size limit are defined by ISOGEN option 41. ISOGEN option 81 determines the upper size limit of valves that will be dimensioned to their centerline. ISOGEN option 80 defines the end type that will be dimensioned to the item’s centerline. Suppressing Branch Dimensioning This feature suppresses branches and tee bends/elbows with certain bores and/or number of components. Alias ISOGEN Tables. Units of input for the size limit are defined with ISOGEN 41. . Centerline dimensioning on valves will only work with valves that have a spindle point define.72 for information on defining a spindle point. All branch sizes that exceed the value specified by switch 81 are dimensioned normally. for more information. A branch run that exceeds the number of defined components is dimensioned normally. while dimension leader lines from valve ends are not displayed. Alias ISOGEN Tables. for more information.17 . See Appendix B. Gaskets Included in Flanged Component Dimensions This feature allows dimensioned flanged components to include gaskets (if present) in the dimension. This is controlled by ISOGEN option 80 and 81. for more information. Alias ISOGEN Tables. ISOGEN option 9. See Appendix B. Display Elevation at Bend/Elbow Intersections This feature allows you to: Suppress Elevations at bend/elbow intersections Partial set of coordinates at bend/elbow intersections Only the coordinates that have changed A full set of coordinates at bend/elbow intersections. ISOGEN option 66 is used to define the Display Elevation at Bend/Elbow Intersections feature. USA Style Dimensioning This feature displays the dimension on top of the dimension line. displays elevations/coordinates along extended witness lines.2 Coordinate Features __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN’s coordinate features allow you to: Extend Witness Lines Display Elevations at Bend/Elbow Intersections Display Elevations at Branch Intersections Display Split Point Coordinates ISOGEN option 119 controls vertical dimensions/elevations.3 ISOGEN option 9 flags dimensioning to include gasket thickness. See Appendix B. Extend Witness Line This feature allows elevations/coordinates to be output along an extended witness line at bends/elbows. causes dimensions to be displayed on top of the witness line (USA style). Alias ISOGEN Tables. for more information. Alias ISOGEN Tables.Dimensioning and Coordinate Output 17 . . 17. See Appendix B. ISOGEN option 66. for more information. for more information. Split Point Coordinate Display This feature allows a full set of coordinates at iso split points to be grouped with a continuation note. for more information. See Appendix B. .March 2000 See Appendix B. ISOGEN option 66 is used to define the Display Elevation at Branch Intersections feature. Alias ISOGEN Tables. for more information. Alias ISOGEN Tables. for more information.17 . Display Elevations at Branch Intersections This feature allows you to: Suppress elevations at branch intersections Display a partial set of coordinates at a branch intersection Display only the coordinates that have changed Display a full set of coordinates at branch intersections ISOGEN option 66 is used to define the Display Elevation at Branch Intersections feature. See Appendix B.4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Alias ISOGEN Tables. In addition.1 18. Detail Sketch and Information Note Facility __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Detail Sketch Facility allows pre-defined detail sketches (MicroStation cells) to be automatically selected and positioned on the isometric drawing. Information notes and detail sketch cells can be placed on the same drawing. The Information Note Facility automatically selects general or specific notes (MicroStation cells) and positions them on the isometric drawing in the same manner as detail sketches.Detail Sketch and Information Note Facility 18 . The initial information note is placed in the lower left corner of the drawing with additional notes being placed to the right along the bottom of the drawing. . a cross reference is added to the referenced item on the plotted pipeline. FILE_FORMAT DXF determines the format of the detail. . Related ISOGEN ATEXT Records (Appendix B) -456. -542 18. This entry defines the microstation cell library that contains the detail/note cells.March 2000 Detail Sketch/Information Note Facility .Related Information The following is a list of related elements within the ISOGEN software that may be manipulated when using the Detail Sketch Facility. DETAIL-SKETCH FILE-FORMAT SKETCH-SIZE CROSS-REFERENCE TEXT-HEIGHT TEXT-THICKNESS DRAWING-LAYER DXF 50 50 35 5 ALPHA 3 2 1 Where: DETAIL-SKETCH is the section header in the DDF.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .18 . This line is ignored by PD_ISO. -541. The eleventh entry in the FILES section of the options file: DDF file.1 Detail Sketch Entries in the DDF __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is an example of the portion of the Data Definition File (DDF) that pertains to the Detail Sketch facility. Related ISOGEN Options (Appendix B) 71. 92 Related Intergraph Options (Section 7) 66 Related Options File Material (Section 7) DETAIL_SKETCH_FACILITY Also: The tenth entry in the FILES section of the options file: cell library. This entry in the options file defines the DDF (Data Definition File) that will be used to determine graphic parameters for the detail sketch/note. page 20 1. The value is in either millimeters or inches (determined by ISOGEN switch 92). The value is in either millimeters or inches (determined by ISOGEN switch 92). NOTE-SIZE 50 20 determines the X-Y size of the detail on the iso. FILE-FORMAT DXF determines the format of the note cell. .3 SKETCH-SIZE 50 50 determines the X-Y size of the detail on the iso. refer to Isometric Presentation. TEXT-HEIGHT 3 determines the text height for the cross reference identifier.Detail Sketch and Information Note Facility 18 . 18. CROSS-REFERENCE 35 5 ALPHA determines the X-Y cross reference position on the detail in either millimeters or inches (determined by ISOGEN switch 92). This line is ignored by PD_ISO. For more information about the DDF. DRAWING-LAYER 1 determines the level for the cross reference identifier text. TEXT-THICKNESS 2 determines the weight of the text for the cross reference identifier. INFORMATION-NOTE FILE-FORMAT DXF NOTE-SIZE 50 20 Where: INFORMATION-NOTE is the section header in the DDF.2 Information Note Entries in the DDF __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is an example of the portion of the DDF that pertains to the Information-Note facility. and the character type of the cross reference text. 18 .4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 . Weight Display . -354. -381 Weight will be interpreted as: Unit weight of a component Weight per length of a pipe/tube Where: length is a foot in Imperial Units. Weight Display __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Weight Display Facility allows the weight stored in the Design database for each component to be extracted from the 3D model and listed on the isometric material list. 63 Related Options File Material (Section 7) NONE Related ISOGEN ATEXT Records (Appendix B) -352. -353. and a Meter in Metric units A Warning Message will be output to the error file when weight has not been recorded in the design database for a pipe/component: (35:1111) Warning . Related ISOGEN Options (Appendix B) 41 Related Intergraph Options (Section 7) 47. -379. -380. for the Fabrication (Shop) components.Related Information The following is a list of related elements within the ISOGEN software that may be manipulated when using the Weight Display Facility.1 19. for the Erection (Field) components.Weight Display 19 . Spool weight can be generated for Spool isometrics. -355. Total weight can be generated for the pipeline. and for Offshore components.Component(s) with no Weight found . March 2000 19. In the STIB data file (used to place drawing title block text). center of gravity x. By default. ’˜\pdiso\examples\cogmto. which is the fifth entry of the FILES category.tbl’ !MTO RECORD MAP If the Debug switch on the Submit Batch Job form is set to on. — Define the name of the ISAM center of gravity library under the ninth entry of the FILES category. run the ˜\pdiso\bin\bldwtlib. Edit the ISOGEN options file. is written to the output directory. . From Windows File Manager or the DOS prompt. Set Intergraph option 63 to 1. a center of gravity report file. bldwtlib prompts you to input an ASCII weight library neutral file. Generate an ISAM center of gravity weight library.1 Center of Gravity Calculation __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Before Calculating the Iso Center of Gravity 1. This is the library that will be used to make center of gravity calculations. For example. 2. The default.l.cog. Once initialized.neu. you are prompted to enter a name or use the default name.exe executable to generate or update an ISAM weight library. ’˜\pdiso\examples\cog_weight. For example. 3. <isoname><sheet#>.l’ !COG WEIGHT LIBRARY — Define the center of gravity entry in the MTO record map. additional Intergraph information about each component is added to the center of gravity report file. weight_lib. is located in the ˜\pdiso\examples directory and contains entry definitions and example data that can be referenced to make a custom weight library neutral file. for the resulting ISAM weight library.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 909 and 910 respectively. the file is written to the examples directory. If the Verify on the Submit Batch Job form is set to on. y and z coordinates are assigned as node numbers 908.19 . After a weight library neutral file is defined. cog_weight. the DDF also contains Detail Sketch definition data (DETAIL-SKETCH).1 20. The drawing definition file (DDF) contains user-defined requirements that determine the final plotted isometric presentation.Isometric Presentation 20 . The DDF file is the eleventh entry in the FILES section of the options file. . it is your responsibility to ensure (by doing trial runs) that the specified options are practical and produce the required isometric presentation before committing to project use. Subsection identifiers for user-defined presentation features include: PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-SPECIAL PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-DOTTED BEND/ELBOW-REPRESENTATION FITTINGS-GENERAL FITTINGS-SPECIAL FITTINGS-UNDIMENSIONED-BRANCHES MISC-ITEMS LAYER-NAMES An example data definition file is located at the end of this section. In addition to containing isometric presentation information. Isometric Presentation __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN’s Presentations feature allows you to customize the presentation of a generated isometric drawing. ISOMETRIC-DEFINITION is the identifier used when defining information for Isometric Presentations. When using the user-defined formats. Use of any of the subsection identifiers is optional. Program defaults will be used as required.20 . No spaces are allowed in any identifier or attribute name. Isometric Presentation . All identifiers (Main and Sub-section) plus all data attributes must start in position one on a new line.March 2000 The DDF uses the following conventions: Must be an ascii character file.2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Related Information The following is a list of related elements within the ISOGEN software that may be manipulated when defining a isometric presentation. Related ISOGEN Options (Appendix B) NONE Related Intergraph Options (Section 7) NONE Related Options File Material (Section 7) NONE The eleventh entry in the FILES Section of the Options File: Data Definition File (DDF) (See Chapter 8) Related ISOGEN ATEXT Records (Appendix B) NONE . 1 PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES section of the DDF allows you to define the following characteristics for a plotted pipeline (Pipe.0 1. An * is allowed in last maximum bore position to signal that there is no maximum bore limit.RANGE 8 * THICKNESS 2 4 6 1. Layer LAYER data data is an Integer identifying the required Layer (Level) to which the Pipeline is to be assigned.S.S. the ISOGEN default LAYER set will be used. (Bore Units) N. Tees. Crosses.S. Range Plotted Pipe Thickness Layer (Level) number Attribute/Data Identifiers Bore Units N. . Data Data = inches or mm N. Example PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES Input: PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES N.5 10 10.): N.0 2. Elbows.5 LAYER LAYER LAYER 10 10 10 Guidelines for Defining PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES Input: Any number of Spaces are allowed between the attribute identifier and data items.0) Thickness THICKNESS data 1 data 2 data 1 = Integer number representing required thickness. data 2 = Actual Thickness (width) of plotted line in mm (Real Number).S. Range N. Use of LAYER is optional.Isometric Presentation 20 .S.0 2.RANGE 2. Allow space for a maximum of five N.5 6 THICKNESS N. Bends.S.S.S.RANGE min and max bore min/max bores may be stated in either Integer or Real (such as. All lines must start in position one.RANGE 0 2 THICKNESS N. INCH N. 1 1.3 20. RANGE records. If LAYER is not set.S.S. etc. 4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .2 PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-SPECIAL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-SPECIAL section of the DDF is used in the same way as the PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES feature except that the attributes set only apply to pipeline sections designated Special Status. such as Dotted.March 2000 THICKNESS data 1 attribute is used to define required line weight in plotfile output.75 LAYER LAYER LAYER 15 16 17 Guidelines for Defining PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-DOTTED Input: The SPECIAL-STATUS. Dotted representation is the same for all bores.75 1. PIPELINE-CONTINUATION or DRAWING-SPLIT-POINT identifiers may be included in any order following the main section identifier. any setting for SPECIAL-STATUS found in this section will be ignored.3 PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-DOTTED __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-DOTTED section of the DDF allows you to define thickness and layer attributes for the following three categories of dotted representation. N.75 1. Dotted Special Status (SPECIAL-STATUS. If LAYER is not set. THICKNESS data 2 is used by the ISOPLOT module of ISOGEN when positioning Messages along the pipeline.S. 20.RANGE or Bore Units are not allowed in this section.20 . the ISOGEN default LAYER setting will be used. Use the THICKNESS and LAYER data as described for PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES. 20. If a PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-SPECIAL section is included in the file. Special Status is recognized when attribute status is set to DOTTED or NOMTO. Use of LAYER is optional. . NO-MTO Items) Dotted Pipeline Continuations (PIPELINE-CONTINUATION) Dotted items at isometric Split Points (DRAWING-SPLIT-POINTS) Example PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-DOTTED Input: PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-DOTTED SPECIAL-STATUS THICKNESS PIPELINE-CONTINUATION THICKNESS DRAWING-SPLIT-POINTS THICKNESS 3 3 3 1. Isometric Presentation 20 . Example BEND/ELBOW-REPRESENTATION Input: BEND/ELBOW-REPRESENTATION BEND data ELBOW data Where: data can be set to either SQUARE or ROUND If no setting is defined. (Bore Units) N.4 BEND/ELBOW-REPRESENTATION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The BEND/ELBOW-REPRESENTATION section of the DDF allows you to define Elbows and Bends to be either Round or Square when displayed on the isometric drawing.S.5 Care should be taken when specifying the THICKNESS data for any of these Dotted categories. Range Plotted Fitting (Component) Thickness Layer (Level) number Fitting Scale (Plotted size of fittings) (to be applied to standard ISOGEN symbols) Attribute/Data Identifiers Include: Bore Units N. Range N. ROUND is used as the default. 20. data N. These attributes include: N. 20. RANGE min bore max bore Thickness THICKNESS data 1 data 2 Layer LAYER data Scale SCALE data Where: . All three categories can involve the plotting of Dotted Fittings that may look unacceptable if thickness for Dotted representation is too thick.5 FITTINGS-GENERAL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The FITTINGS-GENERAL section of the DDF allows you to define attributes for all Fittings.S.S.S.S. RANGE 0 2 THICKNESS N.RANGE 2.20 . it would be used for all INSTRUMENTS (all bores). Layer or Scale attributes for specific types of components. The settings presented in this section will override the Fittings-General settings for the selected types of components. For example: Scale 150 set in Fittings-General Scale 75 set in Fittings-Special Scale to be used on nominal Fitting type is 150 x 0. ISOGEN defaults to the FITTINGS-GENERAL.75 LAYER 2.5 LAYER 1.RANGE 8 * THICKNESS 2 3 4 1. For example: If LAYER 40 was the only special attribute set for INSTRUMENTS.S.6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .S. Example FITTINGS-GENERAL Input: FITTINGS-GENERAL N. Definable Attributes Include: THICKNESS LAYER SCALE Data requirements for the previous attributes are the same as the data requirements for FITTINGS-GENERAL.75 = 113 (to nearest whole number). Whenever a Scale attribute is set in this section.0 LAYER 20 20 20 SCALE SCALE SCALE 100 150 200 20. but any Thickness and / or Scale attributes would be used from the FITTINGS-GENERAL section. INCH N. the Scale factor will not be used as a direct scale to the standard symbol. It will instead be used as a Multiplier to any Scale set in the FITTINGS-GENERAL section. But.S. if FITTINGSSPECIAL attributes are not defined.5 6 THICKNESS N.6 FITTINGS-SPECIAL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This FITTINGS-SPECIAL section of the DDF allows you to define Thickness.S. Any of the previous attributes can be set for a specific type of component.or three-digit Integer that represents an increase or decrease to the basic 100% standard symbol size for all types of fittings. .March 2000 data is a two. Layer and Scale of any component that is included in any Undimensioned Branch.RANGE 1.S. INCH N.7 FITTINGS-UNDIMENSIONED-BRANCHES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The FITTINGS-UNDIMENSIONED-BRANCHES of the DDF section allows you to vary the Thickness.S. It will be up to you to verify that any N. Example FITTINGS-UNDIMENSIONED-BRANCHES Input: FITTINGS-UNDIMENSIONED-BRANCHES N.5 2 THICKNESS 2 1.RANGE set in the FITTINGS-UNDIMENSIONED-BRANCHES section matches the Bore range set in Option Switch 81.RANGE 0 1 THICKNESS 1 1.0 N.5 LAYER LAYER 10 10 SCALE SCALE 60 75 These parameters should only be used when the Branch Dimension Suppression facility is being used (ISOGEN option switch 81).0 (Put all Instruments on Layer 30) (Olets to be scaled down) (All Supports to be plotted) Fitting type identifiers OLETS INSTRUMENTS SUPPORTS WELDS COUPLINGS CAPS UNIONS FLANGES FILTERS PIPE-BLOCKS SAFETY-DISC TRAPS REDUCERS VALVES VALVES-ANGLE VALVES-3WAY VALVES-4WAY NOZZLE END-CONNECTORS HYGENIC-CONNECTORS MISC-COMPONENTS MISC-COMPONENT-PLUG MISC-COMPONENT-RESTRICTOR MISC-COMPONENT-SLIPPLATE MISC-COMPONENT-SLIPRING MISC-COMPONENT-SPECBLIND 20.S.Isometric Presentation 20 . Attributes/Data identifiers are the same as the attributes/data identifiers for FITTINGSGENERAL. .7 Example FITTINGS-SPECIAL Input: FITTINGS-SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS LAYER 30 OLETS SCALE 75 SUPPORTS THICKNESS 4 2.S. March 2000 All Pipe fittings (Elbows. etc.8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .) are plotted the same thickness as a tube. Up to 50 names can be defined.8 0. NAMES must be the same as the LAYER.6 0. .8 MISC-ITEMS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The MISC-ITEMS section in the DDF allows you to set the Thickness and Layer data for the following types of miscellaneous items that appear on an isometric drawing: DIMENSION-TEXT DIMENSION-LINES ISO-TEXT FRAME-TEXT SKEWS HATCHING LAGGING TRACING FRAME WELD-BOX SPEC-BREAKS MATERIAL-LIST (Styles 1 nd 2 only) Example MISC-ITEMS Input: MISC-ITEMS DIMENSION-TEXT DIMENSION-LINES SKEWS HATCHING THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS 2 1 2 1 0. 10 is the layer number ’10’ is the layer name. Because Microstation LAYERS are numbers. Example LAYER NAMES Input: LAYER-NAMES 10 ’10’ 12 ’12’ 22 ’22’ Where 10 is the Layer Number and the text within the ’’ is the Layer Name. Tees.6 LAYER LAYER LAYER LAYER 22 23 25 25 Any undefined attribute uses the ISOGEN defaults.9 LAYER-NAMES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The LAYER-NAMES section in the DDF allows you to issue standard Names to any layer number used in any of the other sections. 20.8 0.20 . 20. 1 mm) 6 .Isometric Presentation 20 . Element ________ Default Thickness __________ Default Layer ______ Pipeline (including Elbows.10 Program Defaults __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The table below shows the program default settings for THICKNESS and LAYER for the various elements that are used in the generation of a plotted isometric drawing.25 mm) 2 All drawing Text and other miscellaneous items 1 (0.1 mm) 3 Drawing Frame.1 mm) 5 Material List 1 (0. Weld Box.1 mm) 4 Dotted items 1 (0.6 mm) 1 All Fittings 2 (0. Tees. etc.9 20. Frame text. etc.) 3 (0. 1 (0. 30 LAYER 10 SCALE 115 NOZZLE THICKNESS 2 0.RANGE 0 2 THICKNESS 2 0.20 .65 LAYER 8 PIPELINE-CONTINUATION THICKNESS 2 0.30 LAYER 44 MISC-COMPONENT-SLIPPLATE THICKNESS 2 0.S. INCH N.60 LAYER 42 SCALE 180 END-CONNECTORS THICKNESS 2 0.11 Example Drawing Definition File __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOMETRIC-DEFINITION PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES N.30 LAYER 14 SCALE 150 VALVES-4WAY THICKNESS 2 0.RANGE 8 * THICKNESS 4 1.70 LAYER 50 SCALE 300 MISC-COMPONENTS THICKNESS 2 0.S.30 LAYER 7 SCALE 105 N.30 LAYER 47 MISC-COMPONENT-PLUG THICKNESS 2 0.S.30 LAYER 32 SCALE 130 REDUCERS THICKNESS 3 0.60 LAYER 41 SCALE 280 TRAPS THICKNESS 2 0. INCH N.60 LAYER 33 SCALE 120 VALVES-ANGLE THICKNESS 2 0.95 LAYER 29 N.S.30 LAYER 50 SCALE 120 HYGENIC-CONNECTORS THICKNESS 4 0.30 LAYER 31 SCALE 120 UNIONS THICKNESS 2 0.30 LAYER 11 CAPS THICKNESS 3 0.S.30 LAYER 12 SCALE 180 FLANGES THICKNESS 2 0.30 LAYER 15 SCALE 150 SUPPORTS THICKNESS 4 0.30 LAYER 13 SCALE 180 VALVES-3WAY THICKNESS 2 0.65 LAYER 37 VALVES THICKNESS 2 0.35 LAYER 7 SCALE 110 FITTINGS-SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS THICKNESS 2 0. INCH N.85 LAYER 38 COUPLINGS THICKNESS 3 0.35 LAYER 9 FITTINGS-GENERAL N.March 2000 20.65 LAYER 7 N.S.5 * THICKNESS 2 0.65 LAYER 43 SCALE 300 BEND/ELBOW-REPRESENTATION BEND ROUND ELBOW ROUND MISC-ITEMS DIMENSION-TEXT DIMENSION-LINES ISO-TEXT LAYER 16 LAYER 17 LAYER 20 .RANGE 0 2 THICKNESS 2 0.90 LAYER 36 SCALE 130 PIPE-BLOCKS THICKNESS 2 0.S.70 LAYER 34 SCALE 110 WELDS THICKNESS 2 0.35 LAYER 19 SPECIAL-STATUS THICKNESS 2 0.RANGE 2.RANGE 2.30 LAYER 35 SCALE 110 OLETS THICKNESS 4 0.S.S.5 6 THICKNESS 2 0.30 LAYER 40 FILTERS THICKNESS 2 0.30 LAYER 46 SCALE 250 MISC-COMPONENT-SPECBLIND THICKNESS 2 0.10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .30 LAYER 45 MISC-COMPONENT-SLIPRING THICKNESS 2 0.30 LAYER 39 SAFETY-DISC THICKNESS 2 0.30 LAYER 49 SCALE 180 MISC-COMPONENT-RESTRICTOR THICKNESS 2 0.25 LAYER 30 PIPELINE-ATTRIBUTES-DOTTED DRAWING-SPLIT-POINTS THICKNESS 2 0.30 LAYER 48 FITTINGS-UNDIMENSIONED-BRANCHES N.RANGE 0 2 THICKNESS 2 0. Isometric Presentation 20 .11 FRAME-TEXT SKEWS HATCHING LAGGING TRACING FRAME WELD-BOX SPEC-BREAKS MATERIAL-LIST LAYER-NAMES 1 ’1’ 2 ’2’ 3 ’3’ 4 ’4’ 5 ’5’ 6 ’6’ 7 ’7’ 8 ’8’ 9 ’9’ 10 ’10’ 11 ’11’ 12 ’12’ 13 ’13’ 14 ’14’ 15 ’15’ 16 ’16’ 17 ’17’ 18 ’18’ 19 ’19’ 20 ’20’ 21 ’21’ 22 ’22’ 23 ’23’ 24 ’24’ 25 ’25’ 26 ’26’ 27 ’27’ 28 ’28’ 29 ’29’ 30 ’30’ 31 ’31’ 32 ’32’ 33 ’33’ 34 ’34’ 35 ’35’ 36 ’36’ 37 ’37’ 38 ’38’ 39 ’39’ 40 ’40’ 41 ’41’ 42 ’42’ 43 ’43’ 44 ’44’ 45 ’45’ 46 ’46’ 47 ’47’ 48 ’48’ 49 ’49’ 50 ’50’ LAYER LAYER LAYER LAYER LAYER LAYER LAYER LAYER LAYER 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18 . March 2000 .12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .20 . . or they will not extract. contains 3 types. Isometric Types also allow you to store the same line name multiple times in the database. The Isometric Type is a new column in pdtable_185 of the Project Database. values to the left of the "=" sign be shown. page 5 .1 21. refer to Bulk Load Lines. do not change the meaning . to Code List 1900. as delivered.Isometric Types 21 . 1 = ’Fabrication’ (Default Setting) 2 = ’Spool’ 3 = ’Stress’ You can add more options. For an example of setting isometric types.57 . Iso Type .0 will extract. Batch Input files contain Type information when they are created on ISOGEN software version 5. The Type attribute creates a unique database entry. 1900. C1900 . For example. but a error message will be output that states that the batch input file is out of date. of existing codelist values. By using Types feature. you can track drawing records more accurately and efficiently. line ABC can be stored twice. Some data displays require that only . All records MUST have an Isometric Type. Code List 1900. NOTE: In editing this codelist set. once as Fabrication Type and once as Spool Type. Isometric Types __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Isometric Type definitions allow more flexibility with the line name definition. other reports require . each time as a different Type. Batch Input files created prior to 5. Isometric Types and Code List 1900 Isometric Types are supported by Code List 1900. if needed.0 or later. and needs to be replaced. These types include: Fabrication Spool Stress The following is an example of Code List 1900. that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed. March 2000 .2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .21 . 1 Appendix A __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Warning and Error Messages .Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . A-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 . 3 Appendix A __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Warning and Error Messages This section lists the warning and error messages that are issued by the various components of the iso extraction software and suggested corrective action when that is possible. . Please refer to the section entitled Software Organization for a discussion of the each of the components and how they are related.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . A-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . then an error file is not created. The drawing should be checked.1 Intergraph Interface to ISOGEN __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The messages that are issued by the Intergraph interface to ISOGEN are. Some messages generated in the file are not written to the screen as they only contain additional data on a reported error. recorded in an error message file that is created along with the intermediate data file (the input file to ISOGEN) when errors occur.An error occurred that can result in other errors later on. The drawing is not produced. Error .March 2000 A.An error occurred that can result in a problem on the drawing. . Warning . There are three categories of messages issued by the software: Information . for the most part.An error occurred that is serious enough to cause extraction to abort. If no errors occur. This message occurs when the software encounters an unexpected record in the neutral file map. I4 . Iso extraction requires read access to the file. If this has been done.The Graphic Commodity Library does not exist or an error occurred when it was opened. then a quick test using the drawing annotation commands might uncover the problem. Make sure that it is properly attached to the primary (the first) model design file.Error opening Material Descriptions Library. Note that if this library is not successfully opened then specialty items will NOT receive material descriptions in the iso bill-ofmaterial. this indicated that the number of table entries to follow (the number following each keyword) is incorrect. The proper file should be attached to the primary (first) model file via the RDB software. If this number is incorrect then this message will result. Make sure that your process has read access to the file.Unrecognized key read from MTO Neutral File record map. Iso extraction requires read access to the file. If there is doubt then you should enter the file in graphics and try to place any component. If the file exists and is properly attached make sure that your process has read access to it. This message indicates a problem with the graphic commodity library.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . This message indicates a problem with the material description library. Usually. The label description library should be properly attached to the primary (first) model file via the RDB software. .1.5 A. I3 .Unrecognized key read from options file. This message is the same as I3 except that it pertains to the piping specialty and instrument material descriptions library. I6 -Note file not defined I8 . I5 . All keywords are followed by a number that indicates the number of records to follow until the next keyword. This message occurs when the software encounters an unexpected record in the options file.Error accessing the Label Descriptions Library.1 Information Messages __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I1 . I9 .Error opening Specialty Material Descriptions Library. The internal buffer used for holding the PDS to ISOGEN map has been filled by entries from the map file and some have thus been ignored.Physical data library not read. I14 .Error accessing specialty material descriptions library I20 . I11 . I16 . Some difficulty occurred while the PDS-to-ISOGEN symbol map file was being read in.Unrecognized key read from title block tables file This message indicates that an unexpected record was encountered in the title block tables file. I17 . If no bolts/ gasket generation failure occurred then the message might be ignored. Contact Intergraph with this problem. If bolt/gasket generation has failed on the current component then this message indicates that the most likely reason is that an error occurred while trying to read the physical data library.A-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Check the symbol map file that is defined in the options file for mistakes. this option is ignored.An error occurred while reading the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. When interactive extraction is run. It will usually indicate that the number of entries to follow value (on a record following a keyword) is incorrect. I13 .Error accessing the specified label description library I22 . I19 .Check number of lines entry in the options file.Error opening the label description library .Error accessing the specified material description library I21 .March 2000 I10 .Error reading in complete PDS to ISOGEN symbol map.Intergraph option 34 reset to zero Intergraph option 34 applies only to batch extraction. This message indicates that the physical data library for the current component could not be read by the mto software for generating bolts and gaskets.Intergraph option 16 reset to 0 I18 . is used to find the material description. I25 .Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . item code. The material description is not found with the default primary key.Alternate index is used to read material description library.7 I23 . defined in the ALTERNATE_DESCRIPTION_INDEX table in the option file. The alternate index.The last start point is chosen to be the traversal start point Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195082 Segment Occ: 4194661 I24 .No existing sheet and no last start point for section 1 Iso extraction will continue as the first time . An error has occurred reading in the line identification inputs from the input file. Remember that each attribute that is part of the line ID must be separated from the others by a dash ( .A-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . This might indicate a problem in the software that creates the input file. This message indicates that the model design file read in from the input file either does not exist or that your process does not have read access to it.Error reading in extraction criteria.1. W2 . .March 2000 A. An example of invalid data in the line ID might be a fluid code that does not exist in the fluid code codelist.Error computing valve oper or reducer orientation. This message probably indicates that the label definition for a specific label does not exist in the label description library opened by the software.Error forming label from label library. An error has occurred in creating a note or label using the label description library.Model design file not found. The attributes defined in the PIPELINE_HEADER table in the options file should be checked and defined with a value as needed. W5 . Check the format of the line ID against the definition in the options file.Error reading the Label Description Library.Segment column is undefined.LINE ID ignored. A line ID that is either incorrect in format or contains invalid data has been input. Make sure that the primary (first) model design file has the proper library attached or that the proper library is defined in the options file. In both cases the connect point orientations should be checked in graphics to confirm that they are correct.). W3 . W4 . W6 . In checking for an attribute change at a segment endpoint the attribute being checked has gone from being defined with a value to being undefined (blank). The label (whose label number is also printed in the message) should be checked using the label description library software. W7 . An error occurred in the calculations to orient a valve operator or an eccentric reducer.2 Warning Messages __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ W1 .Invalid LINE ID format . 9 W8 .Error reading Specialty Material Description Library.No-mto attribute has illegal value.Material description has been truncated. The coordinate system defined in the options file is incorrect so it was set to a default value. pipe. The material description generated from the material description library and the label description library has exceeded the maximum size allowed for in the software and was truncated.ISOGEN key is undefined in PDS . The no-mto attribute on a component. An error message is generated in the iso bill-of.ISOGEN map. W13 . An error message is generated in the iso bill-of-material.Could not locate item in PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. An error occurred retrieving the material description for a piping specialty.Error reading the Material Description Library. This message indicates that the PDS symbol in question could not be located in the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map. Also review the nozzle entity to make sure that everything looks fine. W15 . W10 . W9 . Check the option specified in the options file.material. or instrument has a value other than 0 or 1. Contact Intergraph. Coordinate system is set to PLANT. This message indicates that an entry in the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map exists for the PDS component but that the ISOGEN symbol name in the table does not. If the failure occurs with the default nozzle note then report the problem to Intergraph. An error has occurred forming the nozzle connection note generated at equipment nozzles. W12 . An error occurred retrieving the material description for a commodity item. Check the label description library labels in the library if you are using the NOZZLE_NOTE table in the options file. instrument or support from the specialty description library.The coordinate system option is invalid. W11 . Set the attribute to a legal value. .Error forming nozzle note.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . W14 . Make sure that the table contains the ISOGEN symbol name for the component in question. A component indicates that implied material should be generated from the Material Description Library but the library is either not attached to the model or the library that is attached does not exist. Check the library to see whether or not the item that is being searched on exists. An error has occurred while attempting to overlay attributes from the spec for a stub onto the database record for a lap-joint flange.March 2000 W16 . Make sure that the spec contains a valid entry for the stub.Error attaching the design file .Error loading spec attributes for implied component. . These header records simply define the initial value for certain attributes at the start of the line (that is. insulation type. spec name. Some error resulted in no implied materials. Bolts. W23 . W25 . or a weld will NOT be generated in the drawing and/or the mto neutral file. A component generates too many implied items from the Material Description Library and an internal buffer has overflowed. This overlaying must be performed just prior to generation of the material description so that attributes embedded in the material description for the stub can be generated properly. W20 . and so on).Maximum number of implied items exceeded. An error has occurred searching the alphanumeric commodity library either for an implied material item or for a size dependent commodity code. This message is warning you that for some header record defined in the PIPELINE_HEADER table the value for it from the database is undefined. The spec search is performed by using the same data as for the lap joint flange except that the option code is set to the flange option code plus 5000. Check the error message file for details of the problem.An error occurred while generating implied materials.10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . a gasket. Each entry in the PIPELINE_HEADER table in the options file defines a "Header record" for ISOGEN.Error accessing A/N Commodity Library. Contact Intergraph to have the buffer size increased. W27 . Some materials might be missing from the MTO neutral file. You must either define the attribute in the database or remove the header record entry from the table.Header record attribute is undefined. W17 . W26 .A .The Material Description Library is required in order to generate implied materials. Error accessing the Material Description Library for implied materials. The file holding title block attributes generated from the DRAWING_DATA_TABLE (in the title block tables file) could not be opened. File will not be created.Title block tables file not found.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . File will not be created.Error opening title block tables file.file will not be created. W35 . When this file does not exist no text can be placed in the title block. The mto record map.Error opening STIB input file. but that for some reason it could not be opened. This message indicates that the title block tables file exists. Check to make sure that the library contents are correct.Error opening MTO Neutral File . cannot be located. W34 . W33 . W30 . Make sure that your process has write access to the default directory. The file holding title block attributes generated from the SHEET_DATA_TABLE (in the title block tables file) could not be opened. .Error opening sheet specific title block data file. Check the file spec in the options file and make sure that your process has read access to the file. This file identifies those attributes that are to be placed in the drawing title block.MTO record map not found. No title block data will be generated. Check that your process has proper VMS access to the file.Error opening segment data file. A UNIX error occurred when creating a new mto neutral file. The file holding title block attributes generated from the SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE (in the title block tables file) could not be opened.11 W28 . W32 . W29 . No attributes generated by this table will appear in the title block. specified in the options file. The title block tables file identified in the FILES section of the options file does not exist. A component indicates that implied material should be generated from the Material Description Library but none was found. W31 . No attributes generated by this table will appear in the title block. W37 . W39 . The current key is printed out.The number of components exceeds the limit of the maximum allowed number of components in a multiple bolt-through. This is probably an Intergraph software problem.12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Notes File not found.Error retriving component from linkage. The user symbol library. but it could not be found while attempting to open it. Check the Notes Table to ensure that the input has a corresponding record.Error opening the Notes Table. W40 . A Notes File has been specified in the options file. specified in the options file.User Symbol Library not found.March 2000 W36 . An error occurred while attempting to open the Notes Table.Valve/Operator file does not exist. A valve/ operator table has been specified in the options file.Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195082 Segment Occ: 4194662 . W41 .Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195082 Segment Occ: 4194661 New .Notes Table lookup failed.Bolt-thru component encountered at a loop closure W44 .The last start point is chosen to be the traversal start point The segment occurrence is different with that of the last start point Old . An error has occurred while scanning the design file for a valve operator that requires a second orientation. W42 . A Notes Table record whose input matches the current one could not be located. W38 . Cannot determine second orientation for operator.A . but it could not be located when an attempting to open it. cannot be found or the current extraction process does not have privilege to access it. W43 . Make sure that your process has read access to the file. Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . W56 .Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195334 Segment Occ: 4194661 .Weld Definition Format file not found W50 .Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195082 Segment Occ: 4194661 New .Label: $1 in triangle box exceeds maximum length of two W54 .Error locating segment for logical pipe support W46 .Overlapping components were detected. Refer to the HITS report for details.13 W45 .Only one end point matches the last start point segment occurrence This end point is chosen to be the traversal start point Old .Error computing pipe support orientation.Detail Drawing definition file not found W49 .Error retrieving weld numbers W51 .Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195082 Segment Occ: 4194661 New .Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195334 Segment Occ: 4194661 W57 .Detail sketch directory not found W48 .Two end points match the last start point segment occurrence The end closest to the last start point is the chosen start point Old . An error occurred in the calculation to pipe support.Very short pipe encountered W52 .Enclosure type is invalid W53 . The connect point orientations should be checked in graphics to confirm that they are correct.Label: $1 in diamond box exceeds maximum length of three W55 . W47 . Cannot access Bending Parameters file <file name> W64 .March 2000 W58 .Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195082 Segment Occ: 4194661 New . The start point will be referenced for Structural Dimension.FrameWork Ascii file not found in the project directory.Components from spool 1 on sheet 2 were deleted Refer to sheet 4 for the updated spool 3 W60 .Cannot access material listing definition file W61 .Error in rotation matrix for pipe support. W67 . <File name>.Error opening PDME neutral file.14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .The last component on sheet 1 was added prior to this extraction Partition: 8 Table: 3 Occ: 32 120 W63 .No end point matches the last start point segment occurrence The end closest to the last start point is the chosen start point Old .No component was encountered. Pipe support <Occurance Number> in Model attachment number <Model number>.Intergraph option 15 is 0 Spool number generation will be based on ISOGEN switch 39 W62 . <File name> . W66 . File will not be created.Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195334 Segment Occ: 4194661 W59 . W65 .A . Refer to error messages generated previous to this one for more detail.Error opening input data file . E4 . An error has occurred in creating an output file in the default directory. Make sure you have write access to it. The first entry in the PIPELINE_HEADER table in the options file must always be a -6 record for the line name or line id.Error retrieving project information E5 -Invalid primary model file . Correct the options file.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A .No extraction criteria defined. E7 . E9 .No valid model design file specified.First header record must be a line name id (-6) record.1. E8 .Invalid extraction criteria is defined in Intergraph options block word 22.Error opening intermediate data file. E3 . Modify the PIPELINE_HEADER table in the extraction options file. The primary model file (the first model file input) does not contain the proper type 63 elements. Valid values are 0 or 1. Check the file with EDG and/or attempt to work in it in graphics.dat exists in the default VMS directory. An error occurred when attempting to open the input file to the ISOGEN interface. .Error reading type 63 element from design file.dat.file does not exist E6 . Of the list of design files input to the ISOGEN interface none were considered valid.15 A. The extraction criteria defined in the options file INTERGRAPH_OPTIONS_BLOCK is invalid.pdsidf. Correct the inputs for identification of the lines to extract. Correct the table in the options file. No extraction criteria specified in the input file to the ISOGEN interface was found to be valid. E10 . Check to make sure that file pdsidf.3 Error Messages __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E2 . An error has occurred in opening the standard notes library that is specified in the primary model file type 63 data. An error has occurred in retrieving the primary (first) model file type 63 elements. E17 . When it does occur it should only be in connection with lines that contain tapped components.Error opening mto tables file. E13 . E14 . There are more than 100 pipes broken with the branch weld or pipe support for the extracted pipeline.16 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . . Check the file specification in the options file and make sure you have read access to the file. Break the line into two separate line names and re-extract the line as two separate isometrics. Make sure that it is properly attached to the primary (first) model file using the RDB software. E15 . Reduce the number of pipes broken and contact Intergraph to get the maximum allowed broken pipes increased.Error retrieving type 63 elements. This message indicates an internal software problem that should be reported to Intergraph. This message indicates an internal software problem that should be reported to Intergraph. An error has occurred while trying to open the mto neutral file map that is specified in the options file. E12 .A . The maximum number of connect points per extraction is 2000. An error has occurred initializing the spec database. Check the file with EDG and make sure that you can work in the file in graphics. E18 .Error opening spec database.Attempted to pop nonexistent tap stack entry.March 2000 E11 . Check that the library is properly attached with the RDB software.Error opening Standard Notes Library.Internal stack limit exceeded.Broken pipes exceed the maximum allowed 100 occurrences.Number of connect points exceeded internal limit of 2000 connect points. When it does occur it should only be in connection with lines that contain tapped components. E19 . Environment variable ISOOPTION not defined or file does not exist E24 . Check that the table entries have the correct format. The PDS to ISOGEN symbol was successfully read but no valid entries were found in the table. Check the options file to make sure that the file is properly specified.Error opening valve/operator file.Error reading database occurrence. E27 . Check the options file entry to make sure that the file is properly specified. E22 . E25 .Error reading mto tables file.Internal table lookup error for IDF record numbers.Error reading iso extraction options file.Error opening PDS to ISOGEN symbol map.Error reading the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map . This error indicates potentially serious problems in the model. An error has occurred in trying to read a record from the database base on a design file linkage. . Check the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map to make sure that it contains only those record numbers allowed by ISOGEN. If the return code is -998 then this error indicates that a options file table has exceeded the maximum allowable size. It is strongly recommended that the model be analyzed to determine the extent of the problem and to correct the situation. An error has occurred while reading an entry in the options file. In this case you should reduce the number of table entries and contact Intergraph to get the table size increased. E28 . An error has occurred while opening the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map.17 E20 . An error has occurred while opening the valve / valve operator symbol map. Make sure that options file entries have the proper format. E21 .Error opening ISOGEN options file.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . Make sure that proper access to the file exists. An error has occurred while trying to read an entry in the mto neutral file map.No valid entries defined in the table. E26 . E23 . The record number taken from the PDS to ISOGEN symbol map for a component does not exist in an internal table. The options file exists but it could not be opened. 450 feet or approximately 13. This error is the same as error number E35. . An internal software error has occurred in generating a material pointer for an olet type component.Error reading valve/operator table values. Contact Intergraph if you receive this error. Check that the format of the table is correct. E37 .Error reading size of valve/operator table.474 meters. E34 . Check the inputs to make sure that they are correct and agree with the line name or attributes that make up the line id.3 miles. An error has occurred while reading the body of the valve / valve operator table.Internal error generating material pointer for downstream component. All coordinates are transformed to the output coordinate system (as controlled by the Intergraph options block) and then converted to 1/100’s of millimeters for ISOGEN.No components were found that match the database search criteria.Transformed coordinate exceeds the maximum. If the software were allowed to continue the bill-of-material would be generated incorrectly. Either the line name substrings or line ID’s that were specified in the input do not identify any lines that exist in the input model files. This usually indicates that the table sizes defined in the first record of the file are incorrect.A .18 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Internal error generating material pointer. E32 . The first entry in the valve / valve operator table is a record that contains the number of rows and columns in the table. An error has occurred while attempting to read these values. or 70.Invalid node or path for iso design file E35 .Valve/operator table is too large. This value must fit within a 4 byte integer.March 2000 E29 . E36 .Error initializing the piping design database E33 . This error is caused from a coordinate that is too large to pass to ISOGEN. E31 . The valve / valve operator table is larger than the maximum currently allowed by the software. E30 . Reduce the table size and contact Intergraph to get the maximum size increased. This limitation results in a maximum coordinate value of 21. Error reading database record E44 . Report this error to Intergraph. The stub spec entry should have the same lookup parameters as the flange except that the option code should be the flange option code plus 5000. Contact Intergraph if you get this error message. An error occurred while generating the item code for a stub (from a lap joint flange). When the number of sections you specify does not match the number encountered in the model. There must be components on top of the segments that are connected.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . This error results from trying to extract a pipeline that is either incomplete or incorrect and exists in the model in multiple unconnected pieces.Invalid section number.Error accessing spec for implied item. Check the model to determine whether the Batch Data File or the model is incorrect.19 E38 .Line is composed of multiple disconnected sections.Internal error generating component item code. E41 . For pipelines that are intentionally disconnected (for example. E48 . This error occurs when the ISOGEN interface finds it impossible to obey ISOGEN rules for traversal of the pipeline network. goes into the rack and then re-enters the area somewhere else) then you must specify the number of disconnected sections for the line in the Batch Data File. .Line does not contain a valid traversal start-point. The only work-around is to split the pipeline into two smaller sections and then extract the sections individually. E39 . An occurred while attempting to read the spec database entry for a stub.dat. It is not enough for all the segments to be connected. Invalid inputs have been passed to the ISOGEN interface for multi-section pipelines in pdsidf.Error opening project database E43 .Error reading database record E45 .Error title block tables file E42 . E46 . Check that the entry exists in the database. the line leaves the piping area. this error occurs.Number of sections does not match specified value. E47 . Error retrieving the graphic commodity library name E60 . E52 .March 2000 E49 .Error accessing the standard note library name E62 . Also.Induction bend stack limit exceeded. (This error does not apply to ISOGEN.) E51 .20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .No model was found with the specified discipline E65 .No components were found that match the database search criteria .Error initializing the piping project database E61 . An internal data structure overflowed while processing a line containing induction bends.Component does not have an entry in the PDS to iso symbol map.Error retrieving component from linkage: cannot process offset geometry component E56 .Error retrieving component from linkage: cannot process 180 degree turn E57 .Error retrieving component from linkage: cannot process offset geometry component E55 .Total number of segments exceeds the maximum number of segments E58 .Error retrieving component from linkage: cannot determine cog for mto neutral file E54 .Error accessing the piping specification database name E63 .A .Check the number of table entries specified against the actual number of table entries.An internal table size limit has been exceeded E64 . check the format of each table entry E59 . Report this error to Intergraph.Error initializing DFPI Model number: $1 E53 . Error . E75 .Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195082 Segment Occ: 4194661 New . E77 . E79 . E78 .Extraction Failed: Possibly caused by Olet owned by branch. E80 . E82 .21 E66 .$1 not found.Error locating library path.Error mounting design file $1$2 E70 .Error reading model $1 from the database E69 .Error . E76 .Error locating index file.Line extends over the maximum limit of 256 design file. E83 .Error initializing the project database E68 .Drawing and Index file must be specified. .Table: 3 Component Occ: 4195334 Segment Occ: 4194661 E73 .The chosen starting point is not the last traversal start point Stop extraction because Intergraph option 68 is set to 1 Old .Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A .Unable to locate component’s user data E67 .Error reading the last traversal start point Section Number: 1 Drawing Index Number: 150 E71 .Error opening piping job specification table library <Library name>. E72 .Error updating symbol library.Error stroking elements to ascii file. Index and Library files must be specified.Error . E81 .Error locating drawing file.Drawing. (35:2004) .DATA FAULT SKEW Same as 35:2007 (35:2009) .msg.INPUT DATA OVERFLOW The pipeline is too big.SKEW WITH NO CONTENTS Same as 35:2007 . Errors generated by the Intergraph design file interface are directed to a file named IZOD2. A branch off from the level 1 branch is level 2.ERR is appended to any error message file created by the ISOGEN interface . Check the resulting drawing. This file is either named in the options file or has the same name as the output iso file name with an extension of . When IZOD2 is run through the delivered command procedures then IZOD2.22 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .TEE OFF TEE GREATER THAN 20 DEEP This message indicates that the piping network being extracted contains branches which are too deeply nested for ISOGEN to handle.ERR. Errors issued by ISOGEN proper are directed to the ISOGEN message file. (35:2007) . The maximum level branch that ISOGEN can handle is a level 20 branch. A.2 ISOGEN __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The error messages issued by ISOGEN (through IZOD2) are directed to two places. Try a manual split of the pipeline into more sections.March 2000 A.TEE IN SKEW ISOGEN has detected an internal inconsistency. A branch off from a level 2 branch is a level 3 branch.A . (35:2008) . It must be extracted in smaller sections.WELD NUMBERS HAVE CAUSED DATA OVERFLOW An internal buffer for weld data has overflowed. (35:2005) .pdsidf.2.1 ISOGEN message file errors __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (35:2003) . A branch off from the pipeline header is level 1. DATA FAULT. there will be one dimension to the structural element and the FAIL message will appear on the face of the iso. This is possibly a program or input data error. In this case. (35:2011) .DATA FAULT ISOGEN detected a problem in some internal data. doubleback pipe errors can be erroneously generated. In the following graphic. Check the resulting drawing. pipeline and Grid Line 3 are coincident with one another. (35:2012) . a FAIL message will appear on the isometric and the .FITTING WITH OFFSET NOT IN LINE WITH PIPE The offset of a fitting is not in line with an adjacent item. If the reference point on the pipe resides in the same plane as the structural component or grid line. DOUBLEBACK PIPE Occasionally.ANGLE FAIL Unacceptable pipeline direction detected.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . This is possibly a program or input data error. This error is a result of the manner in which the ISOGEN software interprets the . This can occur regardless if the isometric extracts with no other errors. .23 (35:2010) . Check the resulting drawing. This is possibly a program or input data error. This occurs when the extracted pipeline and the grid line or structural column are located in the same place. This is interpreted by the ISOGEN software as a pipeline that doubles back on itself which results in the FAIL message on the isometric drawing. (35:2012) .err file will report a doubleback pipe error.idf file and should be ignored. Check the resulting drawing. Manually splitting the drawing might get around the problem. (35:2019) .MESSAGE FAIL An error has occurred positioning messages on the drawing. . Either insert some manual pipeline splits or use a larger paper size.DATA FAULT UP DOWN Same as 35:2012 (35:2014) . (35:2017) . PAPER SIZE > A1 OR AD . (35:2020) .TOO MANY COORDINATES IN FITTINGS Too many user-defined fittings have caused an internal array to overflow. This is caused by too many messages.THIS MAY PRODUCE UNACCEPTABLE RESULTS.WARNING.TOO MANY FITTINGS Same as 35:2020. (35:2021) . (35:2018) . It might succeed if viewed from another direction. (35:2023) . DRAWING REJECTED. Too large a paper size might result in unacceptable drawings.DATA FAULT NORTH SOUTH Same as 35:2012 (35:2016) .DATA FAULT EAST WEST Same as 35:2012 (35:2015) .SHAPE FAIL Drawing generation has failed.24 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . TOO MUCH DATA.DRAWING HEIGHT EXCEEDS ALLOWED 999 MM The maximum drawing height is 999 mm.DATA OVERFLOW. TRY SMALLER SPLIT Too much data is being put onto too small a sheet.March 2000 (35:2013) . Reduce the size of the user symbol library.A . (35:1003) Same as 35:1001.FAIL ISOGEN considers that the drawing has failed in one of the stages of setting it up for plotting.INVALID ITEM/ DESCRIPTION POINTER An mto pointer in the intermediate data file points to an item that doesn’t exist. (35:1018) . (35:1009) .FITTING NOT FOUND . (35:1016) . Manual splitting of the drawing or a larger sheet size might solve the problem.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . (35:2026) .NO FITTING DETAILS EXIST FOR FITTING CODE An internal table lookup failed. (35:1015) . (35:1002) Same as 35:1001. .OVER 200 ALTERNATIVE TEXT RECS. FOLLOWING DATA IGNORED.DEFAULT SHAPE USED A fitting shape key cannot be located. (35:1004) . causing an internal buffer to overflow. ISOGEN allows a maximum of 200 ATEXT’s. The non-category component is place of the one specified. This is an Intergraph interface error.CHECK ISOGEN considers that the drawing layout requires checking to make sure that it is satisfactory. Anything more will be ignored.OVERFLOW IN DATA .DEFAULT TABLE USED.PIPELINE REJECTED The pipeline is too big.ITEM CODE WIDTH ERROR . This is an ISOGEN bug. (35:1001) .APPENDED TEXT LOST An item code is larger the value specified in the ISOGEN options block. MORE THAN 200 TEXT RECORDS .25 (35:2025) . (35:1031) .ERROR . a flanged valve).INSUFFICIENT LENGTH ON OVERLAPPING FITTINGS TO ALLOW CUTBACK Adjacent fittings which can be trimmed overlap.OVERFLOW IN PIPELINE HEADER ARRAY The maximum number of pipeline header attributes has been exceeded. (35:1029) .WARNING . The drawing size is too small or the margins are too large.ERROR .ERROR . MATERIAL LIST.DEFAULT SCALE 8 USED The scale factor used for the pipeline flow arrow was set to an invalid value. This message indicates an error in the ISOGEN interface.THE MATERIAL CODE IS TOO WIDE AND HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM — TO — The material code has been trimmed to the maximum allowable length. ETC) IS LESS THAN 50 MM.March 2000 (35:1019) . (35:1021) .ILLEGAL SCALE FACTOR FOUND FOR LINE FLOW ARROW .WARNING .COM) before executing IZOD2.OVERFLOW IN TEXT POSITIONING ARRAY The maximum number of text positioning records has been exceeded in the intermediate data file. (35:1022) . Reduce the numbers of entries in the options file PIPELINE_HEADER_TABLE. (35:1030) .UNABLE TO OPEN INTERMEDIATE DATA FILE Usually this indicates that you have forgotten to execute the ASCII to binary conversion program.FITTINGS OVERLAP WHICH CANNOT BE CUT BACK Coordinates of adjacent components overlap and the fittings can be trimmed (that is. (35:1020) .26 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Reduce the number of drawing annotations. (35:1027) .RUN ABORTED. The ASCII output generated by the ISOGEN interface must be converted to binary (using DATCON.A .NO POSITION GIVEN FOR RECORD ID. but not enough for the required cutback. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH ROOM FOR THE ISOMETRIC. . (35:1026) . THE WIDTH OR HEIGHT (EXCLUDING BORDERS. OVERFLOW IN PIPELINE HEADER DATA (PIPELINE REJECTED) An internal array holding pipeline header data has overflowed. (35:1033) . The ISOGEN option controlling the spec break format must be set to 1.USER DEFINED SPOOL NAME EXCEEDS MAX OF 30 ONLY FIRST 30 WILL BE OUTPUT AT FRAME POSITION.ERROR .USER DEFINED FITTING OLD KEY NOT FOUND The old shape key (skey) for a user defined symbol does not exist.ERROR . SET SPEC BREAK SWITCH TO NEW FORMAT.27 (35:1032) . (35:1039) .USER PREFIXED SPOOL NAME EXCEEDS MAX OF 30 ONLY FIRST 30 WILL BE OUTPUT AT FRAME POSITION. (35:1040) . Another symbol name must be chosen.ERROR . An existing symbol key must be used for the old skey. (35:1034) .WARNING .WARNING . User defined symbols must have an old or existing shape key as part of the definition of the new symbol.USER DEFINED FITTING OLD KEY NOT SET A user defined symbol does not have an old shape key (skey) defined for it.ERROR . .ERROR .USER DEFINED FITTING NEW KEY ALREADY EXISTS OLD SHAPE USED.OVERFLOW IN USER DEFINED SPOOL NAME ARRAY Too many spools have been defined in the isometric.WARNING . A user prefixed spool name is too large. A user defined spool name is too large. (35:1037) . (35:1036) .WARNING .Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . (35:1038) . (35:1035) .OVERFLOW IN PIPELINE HEADER DATA ON SYSTEM ISO A system isometric is composed of too many pipelines.ONLY NEW FORMAT SPEC BREAK ALLOWED ON SYSTEM ISOMETRICS. The new shape key (skey) for a user defined symbol already exists within ISOGEN. A .ONLY 30 CHARACTERS ALLOWED IN PIPELINE NAME ON CUT PIPE SUMMARY. An instrument tag number is larger than the balloon size specified in the ISOGEN options block. ONLY 2000 ENTRIES ALLOWED.USER DEFINED FITTING SPINDLE KEY NOT FOUND The spindle key specified for a user defined ISOGEN fitting cannot be found.WARNING .OVERFLOW IN FITTING SHAPE ARRAY An internal buffer has overflowed due to too many user defined symbols.WARNING . (35:1042) . ONLY 100 ENTRIES ALLOWED.USER TEXT POSITIONED OUTSIDE DRAWING FOR RECORD ID .WARNING . The maximum cut pipe report size has been exceeded. (35:1052) .WARNING .WARNING .OVERFLOW IN USER DEFINED FITTING ARRAY An internal buffer has overflowed due to too many user defined components.28 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .ERROR . (35:1054) . . (35:1044) . Bad user defined text coordinates have been specified. (35:1048) .INSTRUMENT NAME RESTRICTED TO TWO LINES.WARNING .OVERFLOW IN USER DEFINED OFFSET FITTINGS. Instrument tag numbers are restricted to two lines.WARNING . (35:1053) .TEXT OUTPUT AT DRAWING ORIGIN. (35:1055) .ERROR . (35:1043) .OVERFLOW IN USER POSITIONED TABLE FOR RECORD ID An internal buffer has overflowed due to too many user positioned title block records. The pipeline name in the cut pipe summary report can not exceed 30 characters. The maximum of 100 user defined offset fittings has been exceeded.March 2000 (35:1041) .OVERFLOW IN CUT PIPE REPORT ARRAY.ERROR . (35:1045) .INSTRUMENT NAME EXCEEDS BALLOON SIZE. ISOGEN has rejected a user defined split point and repositioned it.00.WARNING . The tap point is taken to be the center of the fitting.00. A user defined split point was placed at an endpoint of the pipeline. CHECK POSITION ON DRAWING. ISOGEN is unable to position comments using the given coordinates. ISOGEN cannot determine a direction of a fitting tap.29 (35:1056) .05.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A .CHECK CUT LIST. A default direction is assumed. (35:1058) . A tap is called for on a fitting that is not user defined.UNABLE TO POSITION SUPPORT/COMMENTS FROM COORDINATES GIVEN . (35:1059) .SPLIT POINT HAS BEEN POSITIONED INCORRECTLY SPLIT POINT HAS BEEN REPOSITIONED. check isometric drawing. (35:1062) .WARNING .WARNING .ERROR .05.BATCH INPUT FILE CREATED WITH EARLIER VERSION OF PD_ISO BATCH INPUT FILE VERSION: BATCH DATA VER 4. (35:1057) .00.PIPE CONFLICT (PIPE ON/OFF MATERIAL LIST) . Cut lengths have been suppressed for pipe not in the material list.SPLIT POINT POSITIONED AT LINE/BRANCH END SPLIT POINT IGNORED.DIRECTION ASSUMED FROM FITTING COORDINATES. (35:1061) .ERROR .WARNING .UNABLE TO OPEN USER FITTING FILE ISOGEN is unable to open the user defined symbol library.ATTA HAS NOT BEEN DIMENSIONED. Check that the file exists and that ISOGEN has read access to it. (35:1060) . You should recreate all batch input files using a PD_ISO version greater than 5.NO DIRECTION GIVEN FOR UNDEVELOPED FITTING TAP .00.WARNING . () (NEW) .WARNING .0 Iso types are not represented in a batch input file created prior to PD_ISO version 5. ISOGEN was unable to position a pipe support and its comment. .TAP OFF POINT CONNECTED TO STANDARD FITTING TAP OFF SHOWN FROM FITTING CENTER. ERROR .UNACCEPTABLE POSITION FOR ’skey’ SYMBOL ’skey’ RECORD CO-ORDS ARE ***** ***** ***** SYMBOL NOT ON DRAWING .UNABLE TO POSITION ’skey’ USING CO-ORDINATES GIVEN ’skey’ RECORD CO-ORDS ARE ***** ***** ***** CHECK POSITION ON DRAWING ISOGEN has received an unacceptable position for ’skey’ symbol.UNABLE TO POSITION COMMENT USING COORDINATES GIVEN COMMENT RECORD CO-ORDS ARE ***** ***** ***** CHECK LOCATION OF COMMENT ON DRAWING ISOGEN is unable to position ’skey’ using the given coordinates.ERROR .ERROR .A . (35:1104) (New) . (35:1101) (New) .30 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 (35:1099) (New) . Logical name ISOSEED is not defined or the iso seed file does not exist This error message can only be generated when a wildcard character is used in the output design file name. This error can only be issued when the output iso file name contains a wild card character.Error writing graphics to design file This message indicates that a write operation to the design file could not be completed successfully.Iso design file not found This error message is issued when the output design file cannot be found. E6 . It can only be issued when the output design file name does not contain a wildcard character. Verify that the file is not already open. E3 .31 A. that you have write access to the file and that the file is a design file.Error creating new iso design file An error has occurred in copying the seed iso file to a new iso design file.Error opening the isometric design file This message is the same as E5. E8 . except that it is only issued when the iso design file name contains a wild card character. E2 .2 Design File Interface Error Messages __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E1 .Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A .Error opening IZOD2 error file For some reason the error file created by the design file interface could not be opened. Check to make sure that you have write access to the current default directory. If the logical name is not defined or the file does not exist then the file cannot be copied. E9 . In this case the output file must be created prior to executing IZOD2. When this is the case then IZOD2 copies the seed file itself for each sheet that is generated.Error opening the isometric design file An error has occurred in opening the output iso design file for block i/o.2. . E5 . 5 . 4 . 6 . 3 . Check if the Node/path/file exists.March 2000 A.Error Initializing Project DBS Verify that you have access the Database Server. 2 . 3. 3.Error Initializing Piping DBS Verify that you have access the Database Server. 2. verify the following: 1. 2.Error Initializing Job Spec DBS Verify that you have access the Database Server.A . Find out if the remote node is up.32 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Check if the Node/path/file exists. Find out if the remote node is up.Cannot Mount Batch Input File When this error is encountered. Check if the /etc/exports file of the remote node contain the path to be mounted.Error Mounting Working Directory Probable Reason: 1.Error Reading Project Options (Default Set) System was trying to read the Project Options from the database server.3 Batch Extraction Software Error Messages __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following error codes may be reported in the batch extraction log file: 1 . . Check if the /etc/exports file of the remote node contains the path to be mounted. Error Writing To Batch Input File The command procedure does not have write access to the output file directory that was specified by the selected default set.Error Changing To Master Work Directory Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory. 14 . 12 . Look in the batch log file to determine the cause of the problem. 9 . .Invalid Default Set Line In Batch Input file Refer to the logs file to determine cause of this problem. See the log files to verify successful processing.Error Opening Batch Input file An error occurred when the batch command procedure attempted to open the batch job input file. 8 . 13 . 11 .Batch Input File Version Invalid: The batch input file was created with a previous software version and the format is no longer valid.Error Reading Batch Input File An error has occurred reading a record from the batch job input file. 10 .Record Too Long In Batch Input File See the log files for the specific record (line) is causing the problem. 15 . Make sure that the file protections on the file are such that the command procedure can open the file. The line may have been successfully processed.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A .Error Creating Temp Sub-Directory in Check Your directory privileges.33 7 . The process under which batch iso’s are executing must have write access to the output file directory.Error Changing To Working Directory Check Your directory privileges. 18 . Check if the Node/path/file exists. Find out if the remote node is up.Error Moving To Output ISO Directory Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the output path specified by the selected default set.dat or isoname. 3. 23 .sh is set to a valid directory. 17 . Verify that there are not too many process running on the workstation.Error Renaming pdsidf. 21 . 2.for interactive extraction. Check if the /etc/exports file of the remote node contain the path to be mounted.Error Starting ’Iso Interface’ Process When this error is encountered.err One or both of these files could not be renamed to isoname.Error Changing To Working Sub-directory Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory.Work Directory:<directory name> Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory.Cannot Mount Output Iso Directory (ISOPATH) Most common reasons for this error: 1. 19 . 2.A .err. 20 .Error Deleting Temp Sub-Directory Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory. Verify that the ISO software has been downloaded by keying in dates PD_ISO at the UNIX prompt.Error Changing To Directory Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory. 3.dat Or pdsidf.March 2000 16 . Verify that the system has enough memory. 22 . Also. verify that the Environment variable ISOPATH. check the following: 1.34 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . in control. . Invalid Options String Check the default set through ’Revise Default Set’. 3.dat The command procedure does not have write access to the output file directory specified in the selected default set. Verify that there are not too many process running on the workstation. 25 .sh When this error is encountered.Fatal Error In batch. check the following: 1. The process under which batch iso’s is executing must have write access to the output file directory. .tmp An error has occurred reading a record from the batch job input file. Verify that the ISO software has been downloaded. 26 . 27 . Look in the batch log file to determine the cause of the problem. 29 . 2.Error Opening/Closing Batch Log An error has occurred reading a record from the batch job input file. 30 .Error Copying/Adding To pdsidf.35 24 . Look in the batch log file to determine the cause of the problem.Error Writing To Batch Log The command procedure does not have write access to the output file directory specified in the selected default set. Verify that the system has enough memory. 28 .Error Opening/Reading/Closing sheets. The process under which batch iso’s is executing must have write access to the output file directory.Error Returned From batch. There might have been an error setting up the Default Set when it was first defined.MTO File Name > 14 characters Filename in Unix are limited to 14 characters 31 .sh See the log files for more information.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . 36 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 37 .March 2000 32 . 40 .Unable To Save In Error Directory Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory. 38 . Contact Intergraph system support and send them all of the generated files. . 41 .Batch.returned invalid error code The ksh has detected a possible UNIX error. 33 .Serious Interface Error Refer to the log files to determine the cause of the problem. 36 . The Problem Line should be run with Debug & Verify turned on.Error Creating Directory In <directory name> Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory.Error Returning From ’Iso Interface’ See the log files for more information. 39 .Iso Interface .sh .Unable To Obtain Local Node Name Check to see if the workstation’s node name has been correctly set up.Unable To Create Error Directory Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory. Check the Unix Signal returned error code to determine the problem. Consult your system administrator. 34 .Unable To Save Previous Files In <directory name> Check Batch Login privileges for write access to the /usr/tmp directory.A .sh .Batch. Check the Unix Signal returned error code to determine the problem. 35 .Abnormal Exit (Unix Error): Due To Signal This is a UNIX internal error.Abnormal Exit (Unix Error): Due To Signal This is a UNIX internal error. check the following: 1. Verify that the ISO software has been downloaded. 49 .sh has beed defined properly. 2.Error in starting (exec call) batch. When this error is encountered. Verify that there are not too many process running on the workstation. check the following: 1.Error Starting batch.Job Log May Have More Info See the log files for more information. When this error is encountered.Error In Executing Ksh Command An error occurred when starting another process. Verify that the ISO software has been downloaded. 2. Verify that the ISO software has been downloaded. When this error is encountered. 48 . Verify that there are not too many process running on the workstation. 43 .Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . 3. the problem line was not processed after restarting the Iso Interface 50 . 45 .sh This error is usually caused by either a memory or input/output problem. check the following: 1. 46 .Error in calling system An error occurred when starting another process.37 42 .Run Aborted .Project Name Format Invalid In Batch Input file Check if the Project Name in Batch Input File is present or a valid one.Problem Line Not Processed After Restart of Iso Interface There was a problem with a line. .sh cannot be The batch. 3. This file should be located in /usr#/ip32/pdiso/bin. Verify that the PD_ISO environment variable in the control. Verify that the system has enough memory. Verify that the system has enough memory. The Iso Interface was re-executed to avoid a crash. the project area was not deleted before the batch job was submitted. the database server is running. 2.No Model Found for Area When this error is encountered. the line ID has not been altered in the Batch Input file. look in the batch log file to determine the cause of the problem. the model name has not been altered in the Batch Input file. verify that: 1. the database server is running. 2. 3.Area Not Found In Project When this error is encountered. First. 52 . 54 . 55 .A .dat An error has occurred reading a record from the batch job input file. 3. 2. 3.Could Not Open seed. First. verify that the file exists. Verify that the system has enough memory.38 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Verify that there are not too many process running on the workstation. the line was not deleted before the batch job was submitted. 51 . verify that: 1.March 2000 2.dat An error has occurred reading a record from the batch job input file. . verify that the file exists.Could Not Open pdsidf.Area/Line Not Found In ISO Database When this error is encountered. the model was not deleted before the batch job was submitted. the database server is running. the area name has been altered in the batch input file. look in the batch log file to determine the cause of the problem. If the file exists. verify that: 1. If the file exists. 53 . 3. verify that: 1. the default set name has not been altered in the Batch Input file. the database server is running. 58 . 62 . the database server is running. 59 . 2. was encountered in closing a file.Error Updating Drawing Record Verify that the database server is running. 57 . 3. 2. the default set name has not been altered in the Batch Input file. .Cannot Close File An error. the line ID name was not deleted before the batch job was submitted. 61 .Project Defaults Not Set When this error is encountered. 3. 2. the default set name has not been altered in the Batch Input file. 3. the default set was not deleted before the batch job was submitted.Error Reading Drawing Revision Records When this error is encountered. possibly a UNIX error.Defaults Set Not Found When this error is encountered. 60 .Error Reading Project Option File Names When this error is encountered. the database server is running. verify that: 1. the database server is running. the default set was not deleted before the batch job was submitted. the line ID has not been altered in the Batch Input file.Unable To Process Area/Line Refer to the log files for more detailed information.39 56 . verify that: 1.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . verify that: 1. 2. . Check if the /etc/exports file of the remote node contain the path to be mounted.Error Initializing Microstation message The First Design File in the Current Area being processed could not be initialized by Microstation. 65 . Check if the /etc/exports file of the remote node contain the path to be mounted.March 2000 3. 70 .Error Mounting Output Directory When this error is encountered. 3. Find out if the remote node is up. 64 . verify the following: 1. 68 . Find out if the remote node is up. the default set was not deleted before the batch job was submitted.40 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Error Updating Drawing Revision Record Verify that the database server is running.Error Mounting Iso Seed Design File (ISOSEED) When this error is encountered. 66 .Error Writing to file The command procedure does not have write access to the output file directory specified in the selected default set. 2. 2. verify the following: 1. verify the following: 1. Check if the Node/path/file exists. 3. 69 .Error Exporting Environment Variable Unix Error: check the amount of available workstation memory.A .Error Mounting Iso Plot File (ISOPLOT) When this error is encountered. Check if the Node/path/file exists. Check if the Node/path/file exists. 71 . Find out if the remote node is up. 2. The process under which batch iso’s is executing must have write access to the output file directory. Find out if the remote node is up. 101 . 103 .Isometric Seed File Does Not Exist The isometric seed file specified in the Batch Data File does not exist. verify the following: 1. The two files can get out of sync if lines are deleted after they have been added to a batch job input file.Unexpected Error From JOBCTL An error has occurred in creating input for the ISOGEN interface using data from the batch job input file.Abnormal Database Error (See System Log) See the Log files for more information. Check if the /etc/exports file of the remote node contain the path to be mounted.41 3. 3. 99 .Error Generating Binary IDF File An error has occurred in converting the intermediate data file produced by the ISOGEN interface to binary. This usually indicates an earlier problem in the ISOGEN interface. 73 . 72 .Intermediate File Does Not Exist A fatal error has occurred in the generating the intermediate file from the ISOGEN interface. Look at the error log produced by the interface to determine the cause of the problem. 2. Check if the /etc/exports file of the remote node contain the path to be mounted. 102 .sh See the Log files for more information. Check if the Node/path/file exists. 75 .Fatal Error while running the Batch Job: batch.Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . Look in the error log produced by the interface to determine the cause of the problem. . Either create the seed file or change the file specification in the Batch Data File. This error should only occur if the batch job input file is out of sync with the Batch Data File.Error Mounting Border File (ISOBORDER) When this error is encountered. Make sure that your MTO record map maps component occurrence numbers into the neutral file. 122 . . This error indicates an Intergraph software problem. Also make sure that the disk holding the batch run directory has plenty of contiguous space.Error Filling Out Title Block By STIB An error has occurred while STIB was attempting to fill out the drawing title block. Make sure that you have properly set your Title Block Table File. 115 . each containing the mto data for a single sheet.Error Opening STIB Input File An error occurred while trying to create an input file for STIB.Error Reading Iso Sheets File An error occurred while trying to read the number of iso sheets from a file produced by ISOGEN. Look at the error log produced by the ISOGEN interface and also at the ISOGEN message file.Error Updating Number Of Sheets Error updating number of sheets An error occurred while updating the number of drawing sheets for a multi-section pipeline. 110 .42 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Error Generating Title Block Text An error has occurred while attempting to determine which segment attributes should be placed in the title block of each isometric sheet.Iso Sheets File Not Found or Unreadable An error occurred when the batch command procedure tried to open the file that contains the number of isometric sheets generated by ISOGEN. 124 . STIB creates a 500 block temporary work file that must be contiguous. Error messages generated by ISOGEN will be written to the message file. Contact Intergraph for help if you cannot solve the problem.Error Running ISOGEN Interface (ISOGEN) A fatal error running ISOGEN has occurred. 123 . the batch software automatically splits it into several files.March 2000 104 .Error Splitting The MTO Neutral File When the ISOGEN interface produces an mto neutral file. Error messages generated by the Intergraph design file interface will be written to the error log. This error indicates an Intergraph software problem. Refer to the batch (DCL) log file to determine the cause of the problem.A . This error is generated when splitting up the neutral file fails. Make sure that your seed iso design file has plenty of space for both the drawing graphics and the text that is inserted by STIB. 120 . This error probably indicates an Intergraph software error. 121 . Error Submitting A Job To ISO_PLOT An error occurred submitting a job to launch an IPLOT plot. set the plot option to No and rerun the iso. The invalid password is not be detected by NTBATCH until the batch job is started. If attempting to perform a batch process. Verify that the system has enough memory.h file. Either create the seed file or change the file specification in the Batch Data File. 130 . the return code 0x10000025 is defined as BATCH_ERROR_NO_ACCOUNT_MAPPING (025) IN THE ntbatchapi.Error Opening Or Writing Plot Job File An error has occurred creating a command procedure to launch an IPLOT plot job. this error could also indicate that you do not have access to the requested queue. Refer to the batch (DCL) log file to determine the cause. This error is probably due to an Intergraph software problem. Error occurred while creating the Plot Meta File: Check if there is enough memory space. 132 . 135 .Plot Software Does Not Exist Could not find the Plot Software (IP_IPLOT). 134 .h file. the batch job will still be reported as. .Appendix A: Warning and Error Messages A . Verify that the requested queue name is available to the processing node’s batch login. If the account password has been changed and the password in Account Mapping has not been updated since the account was mapped to the valid user. For example. If the plotting software is not loaded. 133 .Batch Submitting Error Code: 0x10000XXX An error has occurred in submitting a batch job where XXX is an error return code listed in the ˜0batch0batchapi0batchapi. Batch Job Submitted Successfully. 131 . Refer to the batch (DCL) log file to determine the cause of the problem. you would verify that your account is mapped correctly in the Intergraph Batch Manager.Error Getting Previous Manual Details An error occurred while attempting to move manual details from a previous version of a drawing to the latest.Error Generating Plot Meta File Error occurred while creating the Plot Meta File.43 125 . Make sure that the plot queue ISO_PLOT is properly set up.Plot Seed File Does Not Exist The isometric seed file specified in the Batch Data File does not exist. In this case. March 2000 .A .44 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-1 Appendix B Alias ISOGEN Tables . PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 .B-2 . ) Specification Change Identifier -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 Remarks Pipeline Header Information . No. in-line items given a -4 key is treated in the special way that Alias instruments are.) Spare Pipeline Reference Spare Revision Identifier Project Identification (Code Number) Batch Reference (Zone Name) Piping Specification Name Nominal Pressure Rating (Class) Line Type Identifier Date of Data Transfer Insulation Specification Tracing Specification Painting Specification Spare Spare Item Code Item Description Tag Number and Hanger Name Hanger Tail Reference (ATTA CREF) Spare New Pipeline Reference (Used to indicate start of new pipeline on multi-pipeline plot. Purpose -1 Overflow text record (Used with all types of text records) -3 -4 Text for Isometric Title Block Special key input (That is.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-3 Tables of Intermediate File Records Record ID. ) HCON = VENT (Not used by PDS) HCON = DRAN (Not used by PDS) Unset HREF or IREF Indicator (But only when HCON or TCON is not set to OPEN. -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 Purpose Spare Spare Spare Connection Comment .. No..” notes from being displayed. VENT.B-4 .Connected TO HCON/TCON = OPEN (Not used by PDS) HCON/TCON = CLOS End Connection Type (such as a cap.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Tables of Intermediate File Records Record ID. Intergraph Weld Number Record Key User-defined Bill of Material Records Intermediate data transfer file name Schema plot file name (For drug frame) Isometric plot file prefix New/alternative symbol file names Material Control file name Message file name (Error and plot confirmation messages) PDMS error system file name (This is not user-definable) PDMS > ISOGEN (This is not user-definable) Printed Parts List file name . fitting. blind plug.Continued ON Connection Comment . (See also Intergraph Option 6) Comment on spool. CLOS. etc. or hanger Drawing Split Point Indicator ( + + + + ) Spare Skewed spindle directions or skewed ecc reducer flat directions -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -67 -80 to -90 -100 -101 -102 -103 -104 -105 -106 -107 -108 Remarks This block (-51 to -60) is reserved for internal Isodat processing. DRAN or SCRD) -36 is used to disable “No Connection . foreign language or other alternative text on isometric (Title Information. -109 to -200 -201 -500 -501 -502 Purpose Spare Reserved for ATEX . (Full details to be provided later. End Conditions.) Remarks . etc. No.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-5 Tables of Intermediate File Records Record ID.) (Full details are available on a separate list) Reserved for new or alternative to fitting shape definitions. Spool / Fitting Type Record ID Numbers Remarks In Leg First Branch Leg Second Branch Leg Out Leg Bend Elbow O’let Tee Cross Reducer (Con/Ecc) Tee Reducer (Con/Ecc) Reducing Flange Tee Bend/Elbow Angle Valve 3 Way Valve 4 Way Valve Instrument 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 41 46 51 61 71 81 86 91 52 87 92 31 36 42 47 53 62 72 76 82 88 93 Pcom (Misc. Pipe Component) Pipe (Tube) Fixed Length Pipe Pipe Block (Fixed Length) Pipe Block (Variable Length) Flange Lap Joint Stub End Blank Flange (Blind) Gasket Bolt Weld Cap Coupling Union Valve Trap Vent 95 - - 96 100 101 102 - - - 103 - - - 105 106 107 110 115 120 125 126 127 130 132 134 - - - Plus a 0 record Plus a 0 record Plus a 0 record Plus a 0 record Plus a 0 record Plus a 0 record Plus a 0 record Plus a 0 record Plus a 0 record A straight through type instrument only has 90 & 93 record ID Numbers.B-6 . Instrument Dials only have a 90 record.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Record Identification Numbers Spool and In-Line Fitting Records Please refer to Appendix E. . ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions. for further details. 0 999 - - - - - - Used to define position Reserved for internal ISODAT processing .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-7 Spool and In-Line Fitting Records (continued) Spool / Fitting Type Filter User Positioned Comment Pipe Hanger/Support Bore Record End of File Marker Record ID Numbers Remarks In Leg First Branch Leg Second Branch Leg Out Leg 136 149 - - - 150 180 to 199 inc. together with either a list of alternatives or an indication of appropriate data values. Any standard settings (Std. The following ISOGEN options must not be changed from their delivered settings. You can make various alternative settings to meet specific project requirements. ISOGEN Option Number 1 7 31 32 33 43-51 55-57 58 131 Function Plot length control Drawing control Iso output file Plotter scale factor Pipe detailed Wastage factors Diagnostic printing Clear screen Test parameter . E−the switches read from right to left. Leading 0s (zeros) can be omitted. Recommended default values for each option are shown. is =) indicated on the following pages are default settings from Alias.B-8 . Full details (where appropriate) can be found in Chapters 3 or 4. but trailing 0s must be included. these settings are required to produce a ’STANDARD’ isometric drawing. B. as shown below.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches This is a brief summary of the option switches operated by the 140-word options block. For any switch with multiple switch settings−such as A. D. C. (default) B C Parameter Value Options Generate alphabetic cut piece identifiers. 0 Use old style (limited information) cut piece list. is = 0 for no cut marks. This setting only applies when using Imperial Units. 1 For characters 2. (default) 1 Use new style (full information) cut piece list. (default) D 0 1 Cut Marks Character Size (Only controls text on isometric drawing) 3 4 0 Generate supplementary output of cut lengths in decimal inches format in the REMARKS column of the new style cut piece list. (Position relative to drawing frame to be based upon margin dimension.9 mm high.5 mm high (default setting). 4 For characters 4. 5 For characters 4. 2 For characters 2. 2 Cut piece numbers start at 1 on each sheet. (default) 1 Generate cut piece numbers and a cut pipe list.2 mm high. Std.5 mm high. 3 For characters 3. 1 Generate standard cut lengths only. 0 Generate numeric cut piece identifiers. or set: 1 For plotted cut marks.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-9 Option Switches Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Cutting List 2 A 0 Suppress cut pipe list and cut pipe numbers.8 mm high. .) 0 For characters 2.1 mm high. 1101101 = suppress all end coordinates except for the -31 and –34 types records. Use the computer system date (taken at run time). Output 4-digit year. 0 Std.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Suppress Output Of End Coordinates Date in Title Block Word Number Switch Position 5 6 A File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 0 Std. . = 0 for normal end coordinates to be output for -30 to -36 type records. 1 EUR for date plotted in the format: 14/04/88 2 USA for date plotted in the format: 04/14/88 3 For no plotted date. C 0 1 Output 2-digit year. is = 0 for date plotted in the form 14 APR 88. B 0 1 Use the date from the IDF file record (-14). data Optionally set each of the 7 digits in the word to 1 or 0 for selective output or suppression of the end coordinates.B-10 . A) String/Composite Dimen. Only used if options 40 and 118 are not set Data ≥ 11 Where a value is set to the required basic standout distance in whole mm’s. set Word 4 to 0. Standout = 30mm For EXTRA LARGE text. A) String/Composite Dimen. Standard Dimension Line Standouts: For SMALL drawing text. set ISOGEN Word 4 to 1. Standout = 16mm. A) String/Composite Dimen. A) String/Composite Dimen. set ISOGEN Word 4 to 2. A) String/Composite Dimen. set Word 4 to 4. Standout = 22mm. B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimen. set Word 4 to 3. B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimension Standout = 6mm C) Overall Dimension Standout = 18mm For MEDIUM text. B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimension Standout = 8mm C) Overall Dimension Standout = 24mm For EXTRA LARGE text. B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimension Standout = 7mm C) Overall Dimension Standout = 21mm For LARGE text. B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimension Standout = 11mm C) Overall Dimension Standout = 33mm . A) String/Composite Dimension Standout = 12mm. Standout = 14mm. Standout = 20mm.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-11 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Dimension Line Standout Distance 8 Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options Data < 11 Default to use Standard Dimension Line Standouts (see below). B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimension Standout = 9mm C) Overall Dimension Standout = 27mm For EXTRA LARGE text. Standout = 18mm. set Word 4 to 5. Standout = 10mm C) Overall Dimen. A) String/Composite Dimen. Standout = 30mm Dimensions On Drawing 9 A B C 0 For EXTRA LARGE text. B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimension Standout = 11mm C) Overall Dimension Standout = 33mm Std. 0 Dimension displayed in a broken dimension line. 1 For isometric without any dimensions. 4 FULL STRING dimensioning. set Word 4 to 5.B-12 . dimension displayed above dimension line.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Dimension Line Standout Distance (continued) Parameter Value Options For EXTRA LARGE text. Standout = 10mm C) Overall Dimen. 2 For Support dimensions only. Standout = 18mm. 1 USA-style dimensioning. Standout = 20mm. ALL components dimensioned 0 Do not include gasket thickness in flanged component dimension 1 Include gasket thickness in flanged component dimension. . Standout = 22mm. 3 For COMPOSITE dimensions. set Word 4 to 3. A) String/Composite Dimen. A) String/Composite Dimen. B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimension Standout = 9mm C) Overall Dimension Standout = 27mm For EXTRA LARGE text. B) Messages/Support & Reference Dimen. is = 0 for isometric with dimensions. set Word 4 to 4. or set: data 11 5 data 12 5 data 13 5 data Drawing Size 14 Alternative value for left margin. Std. is = 5 mm for left hand margin dimension.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-13 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Drawing Margin Word Number 10 Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 5 Std. or set: Alternative value for top margin. is = 5 mm for top margin dimension. is = 5 mm for bottom margin dimension. or set: Alternative value for bottom margin. is = 5 mm for right hand margin dimension.5” x 11”) 9 For AE size drawings (33” x 44”) 10 For AO size drawings (841 mm x 1189 mm) Or set: 15 data New value for drawing height in mms 16 data New value for drawing width in mms . 2 Std. Std. or set: Alternative value for right margin. Std. is = A2 paper size (420 x 594 mm) Or set: 1 For A1 paper size (594 x 841 mm) 3 For A3 paper size (297 x 420 mm) 4 For A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm) Or set: 5 For AD paper size (22” x 34”) 6 For AC paper size (17” x 22”) 7 For AB paper size (11”x17”) 8 For AA paper size (8. 0 Std.B-14 . is = 0 to define falling sections of pipeline in terms of an angle (i. or set: 1 To suppress fluid flow arrows. FALL 1:60). 2 To define falling sections in terms of a falls percentage (i. FALL 16 MM PER M). or set: 1 To define falling sections in terms of a falls ration (i.7%). is = 0 for standard Isoplot drawing frame.e. is = 5 degrees or ratio of 1:11 or 9 percent or 5 gradients or 1" per ft (Imperial) or 88 mm per meter depending upon which key word is set as the first parameter. = to 5 degrees. (All these are approx.e. 4 To define falling sections in terms of an incline (i. 3 To define falling sections in terms of grads (i. 19 20 0 Std.e.e.e. Used to control how falling sections of pipeline are actually to be defined on the iso. 5 To define falling sections in terms of an incline (i. the section concerned is surrounded by the normal box enclosure.. is = 0 for fluid flow arrows on selected in-line components. 5 Used to define the falls definition cut off point (i..5°.... FALL 3/16’ PER FT). 6 To suppress falling line indication.. FALL 1 GRAD).) or set: . data Std. or set: 1 To suppress standard Isoplot drawing frame.e. FALL 1.. FALL 1.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Flow Arrows 17 Frame Control Falling Lines (Slope) Sloping Pipeline Indication Limit 18 Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 0 Std.e. to control what degree of steepness should be treated as a fall and what should not). In this case. For 1:6 cut-off. D/E. For 166 mm per cut-off. position C. is = 0 for combined isometrics (Fab and Erec information. For 10 grad. 22 NOTE: Intergraph Option Switch 62 (Weld Number Display). For 16% cut-off. cut-off. enter 9.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-15 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Sloping Pipeline Indication Limit (continued) Word Number Switch Position 20 File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options data To the required value for the desired cut-off value of the previous switch (19). Values are in mm. enter 6. 6 For individual Spool isometrics. Used to control the amount of extra pipe that is added to both the Cut Length dimensions and the Material List at Loose Flange and Field Fit Weld (FFW) positions. . NOTE: The default cut-off value is 5 degree or its equivalent as indicated above. cut-off. must be set to 1 for ISOGEN 22 to work properly. or set: 1 For Erection isometrics only. A/B/C data Value used for field welds Standard is 150 mm.F data Value used for offshore welds Standard is 0 mm.). enter 16. 2 For Fabrication isometrics only. enter 166. 7 For no isometrics from an ISOGEN run. enter 2. Values are in mm. For 2" per foot cut-off. enter 10. Isometric Type Loose Flange And Field Fit Weld Allowance 21 0 Std. If the correct parameter for Switch 19 is set then:For 9 degree. (See ATEXT -357 & 358) 2 This is a sorted STYLE 2 list . Blank or 0 Sectionalized form of Material List with title for each group of components (default). (See ATEXT -356) Gaskets and Bolts are accumulated. Individual part numbers and Pulled Bends are given a ‘U’ number. No headings other than those set in the Material Definition file by the user. Welds are given W or B numbers. .PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Plotted Material List Control 23 Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options This option allows control of the material list on the iso and the style of the material control file.) A B C D 0 Material list plotted 1 Material list not plotted Blank or 0 1 This is a sorted STYLE 1 list. Individual part numbers and Pulled Bends are given a ‘U’ number . 1 Continuous form of Material List. (Material control file generation controlled by Intergraph Option 1. (See ATEXT -356) Gaskets and Bolts are accumulated. (See ATEXT -357 & -358) Blank or 1 STYLE 1 Material list (default) 2 STYLE 2 Material list 3 STYLE 3 Material list Blank or 0 1 E No action Old Style of Material Control File (default) New Style of Material Control File.B-16 . Welds are given W or B numbers. 1 Material List on right side of isometric drawing. 309. (for example.) Components are continued to be sorted into’ format.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-17 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number E Plotted Material List Control (continued) Material List Type/Length Units Switch Position 1 B 25 Parameter Value Options (No separate FAB / EREC sections.4M or 10. 24 A Material List Position & Title Block Position File Marker or Data A B 0 Produce a material list on a per drawing basis with length units to the nearest 1/10 meter or 1/10 foot (default). 1. -311 through -315) are both available for use in any user-specified column position. 1 Produce a material list on a per pipeline basis with length units to the nearest 1/10 meter or 1/10 foot 0 Output pipe length in a x. -378) and Group identifiers (ATEXT -307. Dimensional Units.040 M or 10. 10.4’) (default) 1 Output pipe length in a x MM or x’ x" format. Category identifiers (ATEXT -376. 1040 MM or 10’ 5") 2 Output pipe length in a x.xM or x. (for example. The title block is located in the bottom right corner of the drawing area. -308. (for example. The title block is located in the bottom right corner of the drawing area.x’ format. Horizontal list is drawn across the Material List after each group of components. .510’) 0 Material List on left side of isometric drawing. Metric or Imperial Units used with this option are goverened by ISOGEN option 41. No component subgroup headings. -377. 0 Place title block in the bottom right corner of the drawing area. (default) 1 Place Title block at the bottom of the material M or x. B-18 . NOTE: Setting 5 is not recommended. 5 For characters 4.5 mm high. is = 0 to have item descriptions listed or set: 1 To suppress item descriptions.2 mm high. Note: Check ATEXTs -317 and -318. 0 For characters 2. .) 3 For characters 3. 4 For characters 4. the Cut List SUMMARY is positioned above the title block.5 mm high (default setting).9 mm high.8 mm high. If they are not blank and have not been positioned by the user. 27 0 Std.1 mm high.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Material List Position & Title Block Position (continued) 25 Material List Descriptions 26 Material List Text Size Switch Position File Marker or Data 2 Parameter Value Options Do not place a title block. 2 For characters 2. 1 For characters 2. (Only controls text on isometric picture. Std. or set: Alternative value to increase/ decrease picture scale in the ratio to data/100. 12 Same as 2 except that DRG 1 of 1 is added to single sheet isometrics. 11 Same as 1 except that DRG 1 of 1 is added to single sheet isometrics.).e. data The minimum item code length is 1 character. C. but appends a suffix (A. 100 Controls line spacing on material list. 34 100 data Used to enlarge or diminish the isometric picture image size while keeping the frame size constant. is = 100. Size alters in proportion to the number entered and 100. 30 0 For automatic overflow onto a second material list width plotted alongside the normal one. etc. The second iso is given the same number as the first sheet. .. 2 Creates an overflow iso for the material list. 105 to obtain 105/100 increase). Std. B. 10 Same as 0 except that DRG 1 of 1 is added to single sheet isometrics. Controls how overflow material list are split. is = 100.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-19 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Material List Item Code Length 28 Material List Line Spacing 29 Switch Position File Marker or Data Controls number of characters in item code. (default) 1 Creates an isometric that contains only the material list extension. or set: data Material List Output Picture Scale Parameter Value Options Alternative value to increase/decrease in the ratio data/100/ (i. Std. splitting (i.e. Drawing Stacking Arrangement 36 data 37 Drawing Split Control 1 Std. this area always is left blank.). . When specified. the CL SUMMARY is positioned above the Material List Reserve Area. NOTE: ISOGEN option 7 must be set to 0 for this option to function properly.. is = 1 for 1 frame high stacking.B-20 . or 3 for 3 frame high stacking . D/E/F Data Enter a value in mms equal to the depth of reserved area that is required along the bottom of the iso above the lower frame line in the Material List area. 0 Std. (Measured from the same place as Drawing Reserve Area) Checks to make on ATEXT -317 and -318. A number >100 to increase content or <100 to decrease.e. is = 0 for plotting along the paper. 2 for 2 frame high stacking. If they are not blank and have not been positioned by the user. 35 A/B/C Data Enter a value in mms equal to the depth of reserved area that is required along the bottom of the iso above the lower frame line in the drawing area. 38 100 data Controls drawing.. When specified. is = 100 for 100%.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Drawing and Material List Reserved Area Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options Used to define a section along the bottom of the isometric sheet that is to be reserved for user use in both the Drawing Area and Material List Area. 1 For plotting across the paper. the average amount of information to be shown on one drawing). Alternative value for variations on this (i. etc. this area is always left blank. 3. (default) 1 Spool numbers are enclosed in a diamond-ended box. (use consecutive lettering . .) 1 Spool numbering Off. 2. 1 Spool numbering is consecutive. but resets to 1 for new sheets. Pipe Supports Controls pipe support dispaly and dimensioning.) 0 Spool numbering is consecutive and does not reset to 1 for new sheets. 2 Spool numbers are enclosed in a round-ended box.. 2 Spool numbering On. 3 Spool numbers are enclosed in a triangle. 40 STRING type support dimensioning.. (default) A 0 OVERALL type support dimensioning 1 2 Support pipe supports on the isometric and on the material list. (use consecutive numbering . B. B C 0 or blank Parameter Value Options Spool numbers are enclosed in a double box..A. 3 Use undimensioned pipe supports on the isometric.1. 4 Spool numbers are enclosed in a diamond.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-21 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Spool Numbers Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data 39 A 0 Spool numbering On. 5 Spool numbers are enclosed in a square.. C. . Dimension all . 1 Metric co-ordinates are output as M. Dimension Fabrication-type supports only. 1 Inch bores with imperial (ft/in) dimensions. Dimension Erection-type supports only. but with an added dash. Standout distance set in positions C/D of this switch are ignored Dimensional Units No support dimension standout set. but a blank space replaces the dot. Controls the output units for bore dimensions. C 0 or Blank C/D data E 0 or Blank 1 2 3 4 A 0 Inch bores with metric (mm) linear dimensions. 0 Standard output in feet and inches. weight and what weight information is output . (default) 1 Output weight in kilograms.1/4”) 2 Same as value 1. (6’10. to the isometric (includes material lists. 1 Support dimensions are opposite of the pipeline from normal pipeline dimensions. if any. 2 Output weight in pounds. coordinate.).1/4”) 1 Same as value 0. drawing frame. Dimension Erection & Offshore-type supports only. for an isometric.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options Pipe Supports 40 B 0 Support dimensions are on the same side of the pipeline as normal pipe dimensions. 0 Metric co-ordinates are output as mm. 2 Metric (mm) bores with metric (mm) dimensions. Program default is used. etc. (6’-10 1/4”) 0 Do not output weight info. 41 B C D Support dimension standout in whole mm units. Dimension Offshore-type supports only. (6’ 10. Individual component weights do not appear in the materials list. . The minimum valid value is 12. 7 N arrow points top left (boxed in). (default) 1 N arrow points bottom right. 8 N arrow points bottom left (boxed in). 3 N arrow points top left. (quantity x unit weight). 4 N arrow points bottom left. 5 N arrow points bottom right (boxed in). value A number (in whole inches) where the output format changes from inches to feet/inches. 6 N arrow points top right (boxed in). F/G H View Point Control 42 1 Suppress NPD at branches and reducers. 2 N arrow points top right. 1 Component Weight is output as total component weight. Only weight sub-totals and totals appear. blank Output NPD at branches and reducers as normal. (not multiplied by quantity). 0 or blank Change output format from inches to feet/inches at 24. 2 Output component weight as individual weight of each component type.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-23 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Dimensional Units (continued) Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 41 E 0 Suppress weight output. Generate a weld box.B-24 . Welds numbers run consecutively. Weld numbers start at 1 on each new sheet generated for a pipeline. B Blank or 0 1 C Blank or 0 1 Do not generate a weld box. for the entire pipeline. starting at 1. for the entire pipeline.PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Spare 52 Weld Numbers 53 Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options A 0 Weld Numbers OFF 1 Weld Numbers ON (small characters) 2 Weld Numbers ON (medium characters) 3 Weld Numbers ON (large characters) 4 Weld Numbers ON (small characters) Only number fabrication welds 5 Weld Numbers ON (medium characters) Only number fabrication welds 6 Weld Numbers ON (large characters) Only number fabrication welds 7 Weld Numbers ON (small characters) Only number erection welds 8 Weld Numbers ON (medium characters) Only number erection welds 9 Weld Numbers ON (large characters) Only number erection welds Values 1-9 number welds consecutively. . starting at 1. or set: 1 To output the specification reference (Item Code/Tag Number) . Or set: 1 To suppress insulation lines. 2 To have insulation on for tube and all insulated components . 59 60 61 0 Std. 4 To change Site welds to Fabrication welds. 2 To have only Site welds plotted. is = 0 to have all welds plotted. or set: 1 To plot tag numbers 0 Std. 56-57 Controls which 3D system parameter is used on the isometric for the identification of instruments. 0 Std. This setting will not change User Inserted Site Welds.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-25 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Weld Numbers (continued) Switch Position File Marker or Data D 0 Generate weld numbers for offshore welds 1 Generate weld numbers for offshore welds ONLY E Weld Control Spare Instrument Identification Tag Numbers Insulation Control 54 0 or blank Parameter Value Options Single sequence for all welds. is = 0 for instrument NAME output. 1 Individual sequence for each weld type 0 Std. is = 0 to have the insulation line plotted alongside the pipe. is = 0 for no tag numbers on in-line items. or set: 1 To have all welds suppressed. 3 To have only Fabrication welds plotted. is = 0 for no Support Names on drawing [Use standard specification reference (Item Code) on parts list. -330. 2 To have Tracing on for tube and all traced components. 2 Boxed support Names are output on Iso and specification references are used on the parts list.B-26 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 55 Std.Imperial Lengths 2 Metric Diameters -. This position controls the bolt length indicator.Metric Lengths 3 No bolts to be included in this file. (See ATEXT -359. or set: 1 To suppress the Tracing lines. 65 0 When set to 0.or set: 1 Support Names are output on Iso and are used in the parts list. A 0 Imperial diameters -.) Always output in Bolt Diameter X Bolt Length order. and -331.]. . bolt diameters and lengths should be treated as per the setting of option switch 41. is = 55 (for 55 lines per page). is = 0 to have the Tracing lines plotted alongside the pipe. This option allows bolt diameters and bolt lengths to be reported in different units in the printed material control file. 62) 0 Std. or set: data Alternative value (for example.Metric Lengths 1 Imperial diameters -.March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Tracing Control 62 Printed Material List Length Control 63 Pipe Support Information On Isometric Drawing 64 Bolting Lengths and Bolting Diameters in the Alias Material Control File Only Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 0 Std. Only output elevations when changed. B 0 Default setting. Only output elevations when changed. A 0 Arrowed message type 1 New style of output using extended witness line. Control of coordinate output at bend/elbow positions. 2 Only elevations/ coordinates that have changed to be output at branch intersection positions. C 0 Default setting. 0 or Blank Defaults units as set in option switch 41 1 Imperial bolt diameters 2 Metric bolt diameters Control of elevations/ coordinate output on extended witness line at bend/elbow and branch intersection positions. Control of coordinate output at branch intersection positions. . 3 Full set of coordinates to be output at all branch intersection positions.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-27 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position Bolting Lengths and Bolting Diameters in the Alias Material Control File Only (continued) 65 B Coordinate Output Control 66 File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options This position controls the bolt diameter indicator. 1 No elevations/coordinates at all branch intersection positions. 1 No elevations/coordinates output at any bend/elbow positions 2 Only elevations/ coordinates that have changed to be output at bend/elbow positions 3 Full set of coordinates to be output at any bend/ elbow positions. Where Zero Length bends are positioned between vertical branches and connection points on Falling pipelines. D Coordinate Output Control (continued) 3D Skews Drawn As 2D Skews With Fall Indication 67 Zero Length Bends 68 0 No coordinate output.B-28 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 0 Std. is = 0 for skewed branch connection presentation on Falling pipelines. or set: 1 For vertical branch connection presentation on Falling pipelines. 1 Full set of coordinates to be output at all isometric split point positions. or set: 1 Spare 69 Suppress Skew Boxes/Triangles on Branch Legs 70 Detail Sketch 71 Spare 72 Parameter Value Options For 3D Skews to be drawn as 2D Skews with fall indication. . data Suppress Skew Box/Triangle depiction on Branch Legs whose number of components is less than or equal to the data value set. is = 0 for boxes to be put on 3D Skewed falling pipelines. All branches are drawn with normal Skew Box/Triangle depiction.March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Control of output of coordinates at isometric split point positions. This switch is only available for use on straight through Branches. 0 Std. Any change in direction along the Branch automatically causes this option to default to 0. An orientation message is output as a result. 8000 This option must be set to 8000 for the Detail Sketch facility (Intergraph option 66) to operate. 0 Default setting. A/B 0 data C/D 0 data E 0 1 2 F/G blank data Use standard part number enclosure. ALL pipe part numbers will be converted to arrowed-out message style. The second box is the generated part number. Style 1 enclosure with diamond ends. This is controlled from ATEXT -357. Do not use a Style 3 enclosure box. Use a Style 2 enclosure with X number of blank characters. Note on Style 3: The first box identifies the weld type (Site/Shop). Use a Style 1 enclosure with X number of blank characters. Use a Style 3 enclosure with X number of blank characters.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-29 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Control of Part Number Box Enclosure Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options This option offers three styles of Part Number boxes. . Style 1 enclosure with square ends. Style 1 enclosure with round ends. -358. 73 Note: When style 1 or 2 boxes are being used. Do not use a Style 2 enclosure. C 0 Gaskets: Accumulation ON 1 Accumulation OFF 2 Do not list in the Material List. B 0 Offshore Materials: Accumulation ON 1 Accumulation OFF 2 Do not list in the Material List. 3 Accumulation OFF (includes pipe) 0 Erection Materials: Accumulation ON 1 Accumulation OFF 2 Do not list in the Material List. This switch does NOT apply to a STYLE 3 Material List. Accumulation ON is the default setting.March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Material List Category Accumulation 74 Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options Allows limited control or variations of accumulation of materials. This switch does NOT apply when using option switch 23 position B1 or B2. PIPE accumulates as it always has. The category is eliminated completely. The category is eliminated completely. The category is eliminated completely. In all situations. D . A 0 Fabrication Materials: Accumulation ON 1 Accumulation OFF (excludes pipe) 2 Eliminate the Fabrication category from the Material List.B-30 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 2 Weld number in a round-ended box. are arrowed messages. Dynamically-sized circle. 5 Weld number in a square-ended box. The category is eliminated completely 0 Welds: Accumulation ON 1 Accumulation OFF 2 Do not list in the Material List. All values. 75 A For Shop Welds ONLY: Determines the enclosure style for weld numbers. 0 Normal weld numbers in small circles local to the weld. The category is eliminated completely This option gives control over the style of Box enclosure for individual Weld Numbers.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-31 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position E Material List Category Accumulation (continued) F Weld Number Box Enclosure File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 0 Bolts: Accumulation ON 1 Accumulation OFF 2 Do not list in the Material List. 1 Weld number in a diamond-ended box. except for 0 weld numbers. 4 Weld number in a diamond. 3 Weld number in a triangle. 7 . 6 No weld number enclosure. 2 Weld number in a roundended box. of Words and Record Format Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data B 0 1 Parameter Value Options For Shop Welds ONLY: Weld prefix NOT added to the weld number. except for 0 weld numbers. 3 Weld number in a triangle. 1 Weld number in a diamond ended box. For Site/Field Welds ONLY: Determines the enclosure style for weld numbers. 7 No weld number enclosure. 6 Dynamically-sized circle. Weld prefix added to the weld number.March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Weld Number Box Enclosure (continued) No. are arrowed messages. C 0 Normal weld numbers in small circles local to weld. . 4 Weld number in a diamond.B-32 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . All values. 5 Weld number in a squareended box. 0 For Offshore Welds ONLY: Weld prefix NOT added to the weld number. 3 Weld number in a triangle. Settings 1. except for 0 weld numbers. will be arrowed messages. All values. 2 Weld number in a round-ended box. E F Material Part Number Enclosure Shape 76 Parameter Value Options 0 Normal weld numbers in small circles local to the weld. 1 Weld number in a diamond-ended box. 7 No weld number encosure. 6 Dynamically-sized circle. Note: ISOGEN option 73 controls the material part number enclosure style. 4 Weld number in a diamond. . 5 Weld number in a square-ended box. 1 Weld prefix added to the weld number. 2. 1 Weld prefix added to the weld number For Offshore Welds ONLY: Determines the enclosure style for weld numbers. and 7 are also applied to style 2 material list part number enclosure as controlled by ISOGEN option 73.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-33 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Weld Number Box Enclosure (continued) Switch Position File Marker or Data D 0 For Site/Field Welds ONLY: Weld prefix NOT added to the weld number. A 0 1 Off On Dimensioning on valves with compression ends. E 0 1 Off On .B-34 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Isometric Facility Word Number Material Part Number Enclosure Shape (continued) Weld Number Allocation at Slip-on Flanges & Reinforcement Pads Spare Valve Centerline Dimensioning Control Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options A 0 Rectangular-ended enclosure box shape (default) 1 Diamond-ended enclosure box shape 2 Round-ended enclosure box shape 7 Plot material part number only without an enclosure box. 78 to 79 80 Dimensioning on valves with butt-welded ends. B 0 1 Off On Dimensioning on valves with screwed ends C 0 1 Off On Dimensioning on valves with socket-welded ends D 0 1 Off On Dimensioning on valves with flanged ends. This setting overrides ISOGEN option switch 73. 77 This option MUST Be Set 1 (Meaning One Weld Number Only) For Intergraph. 8 Do not plot a material part number or enclosure box. sets the upper nominal size limit in 1/16” If option switch 41 is set to 2. sets the upper nominal size limit in 1/16” If option switch 41 is set to 2. E Valve Centerline Dimensioning Control (continued) 0 1 Off On Dimensioning on valves with plain ends. D/F data Defines upper size limit for branch dimensioning suppression. F 0 1 Off On Dimensioning on valves with All Hygenic ends G 0 1 Dimensioning Control Parameter Value Options 81 Off On Note: Branch dimensioning can not be suppressed on any branch that contains pipe.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-35 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Dimensioning on valves with flanged ends. sets the upper nominal size limit in whole Mms. fixed length pipe or a pipe block A/C data Defines upper size limit for centerline dimensioning If option switch 41 set to 0 or 1. If option switch 41 set to 0 or 1. . sets the upper nominal size limit in whole mms. G/H Defines the upper limit for the number of components that are required before a branch line is dimensioned. 0 1 Metric units Imperial Units 0 Default plotted leg length of 9 mm data User-specified plotted leg length in whole mm units (12 = 12 mm leg lengths) Do not set below 6 mm. 2 All selected outputsare required per complete pipeline. 0 Insulation weight not required. 1 Wet weight is required. 2 Dry (empty) plus insulation center of gravity is required. B C D E Spare Units for Detail Sketches Spare Plotted Leg Lengths for Elbows and Tees 83 to 91 92 93 & 94 95 Parameter Value Options Sets the type of units for detail sketches that have been used. 3 Wet (full) center of gravity and wet (full) plus insulation center of gravity are both required. 2 Wet (full) plus insulation center of gravity is required. 3 Dry (empty) center of gravity and dry (empty) plus insulation center of gravity are both required. 1 Dry (empty) center of gravity position is required. 1 Insuulation weight required.B-36 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Center of Gravity Weight Output 82 A 0 None of the outputs controlled by this options switch are required. 0 Wet wieght is not required. . 0 Wet (full) center of gravity position is not required. (default) 1 All selected outputs are required per drawing or per spool drawing. 1 Wet (full) center of gravity position is required. 0 Dry (empty) center of gravity position is not required. . Full hatching is performed. is = 0 for normal standout of 4 or 11 mm dependent on Switch 99. Set in WHOLE mm. Standout distance for positioning dimension characters as specified by Switch 100. When value is set to 0. ISOGEN option 99 must not be set to 0. 0 Hatching Off 1 Hatching On (default. hatching is not performed. is = 0 for Skews enclosed in full boxes with standard dimensioning. Reasonable value from 10 (1 mm) upwards. 2 For Skew Triangles with standard dimensioning but with standout distance as specified by Switch 100. 1 mm) NOTE: If set to 1. Option Switch 100 is only obeyed if Switch 99 is set to 2 or 3.e. 1 For individual Box/Triangle skew enclosure to each branch.. 3 Skewed Box Dimension Standout (Triangles) 100 0 data Skew Triangle Hatching 101 A For Skew Triangles with non-standard dimensioning (i. no leader or dimension lines). 0 Std.e.5 mm). Std. or set: For setting dimension standout (i. 1 For Skew Triangles with standard dimensioning. a setting of 120 = 12 mm or a setting of 55 = 5. C/D data Hatch line cut-off length.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-37 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Spare Skew Box/Triangle Type Word Number Switch Position 96 97 Spare 98 Skew Box Style And Dimensioning 99 File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 0 Default for a Single Overall Box/Triangle enclosure around the complete skew section.. A/B data C 0 or Blank NO cut-off value. All default settings can be selected by setting switch A to 0. before re-running the process. split points in tube are acceptable).e. All isometrics are generated normally. No isometrics are generated. you must change the pipeline data to eliminate split points. As a result.e. continue to generate the required number of isometrics. If requested. and repeatability fails. . Isometrics are generated. split points in tube are not acceptable).5 mm) local to pipeline items in skewed sections of pipeline Gap value set in tenths of mm (20 = 2 mm) Default gap of 15 (1. • Insert erection-type weld at a suitable position that is local to the previously selected. 2 If split points are detected. The message UNACCEPTABLE SPLIT is output in the top left corner of each affected drawing. and repeatability fails. data C/D 0 data E/F 0 Gap value set in tenths of mm (20 = 2 mm) Default gap of 25 (2. a position can be dimensioned without generating a Carry Over type of dimension. pipeline is rejected (i. Two solutions are available: • Insert user-positioned split point(s) that avoids splitting in tube. reported position.B-38 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Gapping Hatching Patterns Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 102 A/B 0 Default gap of 25 (2.. 1 If split points are detected. NOTE: For Option 1 and 2.5 mm) local to skewed sections of pipeline. Spare Automatic Split Points in Pipe 103 to 107 108 0 No change to current operation (i. the split point information is written to new Repeatability Data Return file.5 mm) local to text elements positioned within hatched triangles.. is = 0 set at default scale factor size of 8. 0 Std. data Pipeline Reference Format In Material Control File 113 Specification Breaks 114 Offset Angle Tolerance 115 116 For scale factor size between 5 and 15. any skew below the angle value input is suppressed. is = 0 for no offset tolerance. Thus. is = 0 to have Dotted Nozzles suppressed. or set: 1 Reformat Pipeline Reference for output in Material Control file (change format such that 6-LNG6412A-CT15 becomes LNG6412A). is = 0 for standard format Specification Break identifiers. 0 Std.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-39 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Switch Position Contents of Data Return File 109 A/E Spare Dotted Nozzles 110 111 Flow Arrow Size File Marker or Data Determines the data output to the return file. Thus. Switches must be set to 111111. or set: Any value expressed in 1/100ths of a millimeter. Std. 0 Std. The return file is used for repeatability. or set: 1 For all Nozzles to be shown Dotted. 112 0 Std. 0 Std. This option is used with 149 record types whose skey is set to FLOW. or set: 1 For new format Specification Break identifiers. 1 Supress pipeline flow arrows. is = 0 for standard Pipeline Reference to output in the Material Control file. any skew below the given value is suppressed. . is = 0 for no offset tolerance. or set: data Offset Dimension Tolerance Parameter Value Options 0 data Any angle value expressed in 1/100ths of a degree. going across all Branches 4 Overall dimensions to center line of valves stopping at all branches. going across all branches 2 Overall dimensions ON.e. is = 0 for the carry over of any remaining dimension after rounding up or down to the nearest whole unit (i. 0 Std. NOTE: Overall Dimensions to valve centers are only available to valves that have a spindle. Values of less than 50% are not recommended. is = 0 for normal dimensions. Value <100 to decrease the branch scale. or set: data Value >100 to increase the branch scale. 0 Std. 2 Elevations and Dimensions output on vertical pipelines. stopping at all branches 3 Overall dimensions to center line of valves. or set: 1 For dimensions off.. or set: 1 For no carry over after rounding up or down to the nearest 1 mm or 1/16 inch.B-40 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Dimension Round Off Carry Over Overall Dimensions Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 0 Std. . B/C data User-specified overall dimension standout in whole mm units (9 for 9 mms) 117 118 A Vertical Dimensions/ Elevations Scale of Tapped Branch Tapped Branch Dimensions 119 120 121 0 Std. or set: 1 Elevations only output on vertical pipes at points where dimension lines would normally be. is = 0 for dimensions on as set for the main pipeline. is = 0 for 100% pipeline scale. Program default will be used for all overall dimensions. nearest 1 mm or 1/16 inch). B 0 or Blank NO overall dimension standout set. 0 Overall dimensions OFF 1 Overall dimensions ON. or set: 1 For coordinates output at developed fitting tap points. a line feed will occur at the $ character.: 1 For 1 character on each line. 3 For 3 characters on each line. 0 This switch position is not used. Set this switch position to 0 as a place holder when using switch position C. 2 For 2 characters on each line. or set: A number equal to the number of characters allow on each of the two available lines within an instrument balloon. NOTE: When using any of the enclosure options for switch C.e. Otherwise.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-41 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Word Number Coordinates at Tapping Points 122 Instrument Balloons Switch Position 123 B File Marker or Data Parameter Value Options 0 Std. 5 For 5 characters on each line. 4 For 4 characters on each line. is = 0 for no coordinates output at user-defined fitting tap points. 0 Std. NOTE: Refer to Intergraph Option 12 if a two line message is required or if the instrument ID is defined using a $ character. i. is = 0 for no ballooning of instrument text. switch A must be set to 0. . . 1 Diamond-ended box 2 Round-ended box 3 Diamond-ended box (2 character maximum) 4 Diamond-shaped box (3 character maximum) 5 Square-ended box Used for Isodat/Isoplot development testing by Alias ISOGEN Support Team.B-42 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Option Switches (continued) Isometric Facility Instrument Balloons (continued) Word Number Switch Position File Marker or Data 123 C 0 or blank Spare 124 to 126 Test Parameter Block 127 to 140 Parameter Value Options No enclosure box around the instrument name (default setting). Currently. for the position of Skey connection points.199 FL (Flanged) Male 321 .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-43 Symbol Keys General Information: End Prep Connections: The ** characters in the symbol key may be replaced with one of the following end prep types: End Type End Prep Codelist Value Range End Prep Type (**) Flanged 2 . regardless of the value assigned to @. inclusive. to denote the bend radius.339 341 .349 351 .509 CP (Compression) SC (Screwed) CP (Compression) All Other Codelist Values BW (Butt Weld) Number of Segments: The @ character in the symbol key may be replaced with an integer value in the range 1 to 9.409 440 .clamped) SC (Screwed) LC (Liner .clamped) CP (Compression) SC (Screwed) SC (Screwed) Female 401 . Bend Radius: The + character in the symbol key may be replaced with an integer value in the range 1 to 9. Skey Connect Points: Please refer to Appendix E.389 LC (Liner . .369 371 .clamped) LC (Liner . to denote the number of segments. the symbol is drawn per the Skey Plotted Isometric Shape displayed in this section. However.379 381 .329 331 .359 361 . ISOGEN Skey Dimensions.449 501 . inclusive. in a future release of the software. the numeric value assigned to @ will be used in conjunction with a costing package so that the number of segments in the bend can be passed to the costing system. Blind (Blank) FLBL Y Flange .Reducing Concentric FLRC Y Flange .Loose Backing FLLB Y Flange .Socket Weld FLSW Y Flange .Reducing Eccentric FLRE Y Flange .Orifice Slip On FOSO Y Flange .March 2000 Symbol Keys for Flanges Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Flange .Slip On With ’J’ Type Weld FLSJ Y Flange .B-44 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Slip On FLSO Y Flange .Weld Neck FLWN Y Flange .Flared/Loose Backing FLFL Y Flange .Orifice Weld Neck FOWN Y Symbol Keys for LJSE Type Flanges Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Lap Joint Ring (Loose Backing Flange) FLRG Y Lap Joint Stub End (Loose Backing Flange) FLSE Y . Angle BA** N Expansion Bellows EX** Y Flame Trap FT** Y Flexible Hose FX** Y Hose Coupling CH** Y Non-Category Item NC** Y Block Offset BO** N Plug PL Y Restrictor Plate RP Y Block .Return BR** N Sight Glass SG** Y Slip Plate SP Y Slip Ring SR Y .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-45 Symbol Keys for Miscellaneous Pipe Components Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Block . March 2000 Symbol Keys for Miscellaneous Pipe Components (continued) Description Spectacle Blind Tundish (Funnel) Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) SB Y TU** Y Symbol Keys for Miscellaneous Items Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Flow Indicator FLOW Y Hanger/Support 01HG Y Symbol Keys for Instruments Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Instrument II** Y Instrument .Dial IDPL N .B-46 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Offset IO** N Instrument .Return IR** N Instrument .Angle IA** N Instrument . Dial Flanged Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) IDFL N Orifice Plate OP Y Restrictor Plate PR Y Symbol Keys for In-Line Filters Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Filter/Strainer Straight Through FI** Y Filter/Strainer Angle FA** N Filter/Strainer Offset FO** N Filter/Strainer Return FR** N Symbol Keys for Instruments Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Rupture Disk DR Y Valve .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-47 Symbol Keys for Instruments (continued) Description Instrument .Angle Relief/Vent RA** Y Valve .Angle Pressure Reducing XA** Y . 4-Way Control C4** N Valve .Angle Control Square Indicator SA** Y Valve .4-Way Control Square Indicator S4** N Valve .3-Way Control Motorized Indicator M3** N Valve .Angle Control CA** Y Valve .3-Way Control C3** N Valve .3-Way Control Square Indicator S3** N Valve .Control Hand Indicator HV** Y .Control Motorized Indicator MV** Y Valve .B-48 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Control Square Indicator SV** Y Valve .Angle Control Motorized Indicator MA** Y Valve .4-Way Control Motorized Indicator M4** N Valve .Control CV** Y Valve .March 2000 Symbol Keys for Instruments (continued) Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Valve . 3-Way Control Hand Indicator H3** N Valve .Angle Control Hand Indicator HA** Y Valve .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-49 Symbol Keys for Instruments (continued) Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Valve .Angle TA** N Trap .Return TR** N .Pressure Reducing XV** Y Valve .4-Way Hand Indicator H4** N Valve .Offset TO** N Trap .In-Line (Straight Through) TI** Y Trap .Relief/Vent RV** Y Symbol Keys for Vent Description Rupture Disk Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Y RD Symbol Keys for Traps Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Trap . SC.Site WS Y Weld .B-50 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . or CP type end connections. If the connecting pipe fabrication category is erection. .August 1999 Symbol Keys for Welds Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Weld .Field Fitted WF Y Weld .Workshop WW Y Weld Mitre (Shop) 14=1 WM N Weld Mitre (Site) 14=2 WM N Weld Mitre (Offshore) 14=3 Weld Mitre (Field Fit) 14=2 Weld Mitre (Field Fit) 14=3 Offshore Weld WM N WMF N WMF N WO Y WOF Y Offshore Weld-Field Fit Symbol Keys for Other End Connections Description Erection Weld / Connection on fittings with an SW end Erection Weld / Connection on fittings with an SC end Erection Weld / Connection on fittings with a CP end Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) SW Y SC Y CP Y NOTE: For SW. the plotted shape is filled in for erection and left open for fabrication type items. then it will override whatever is defined in the fitting. Flanged (All Angles) With A Connection BTFL N Bend .Flanged (All Angles) BEFL N Bend .Screwed (90° and 45°) With Male Ends EBSC N Elbow .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-51 Symbol Keys for Elbows and Bends Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Elbow .Socket Weld With A Connection ETSW N Bend .Compression (90° and 45°) ELCP N Elbow .Flanged 180 Return (U Bend) BUFL N Bend .Miter Flanged MIFL N .Butt Weld (90° and 45°) ELBW N Elbow .Compression (90° and 45°) With A Connection ETCP N Elbow .Socket Weld ELSW N Elbow .Screwed (90° and 45°) With Female Ends ELSC N Elbow .Butt Weld 180° Return (U Elbow) EUBW N Elbow .Screwed .Female (90° and 45°) With A Connection ETSC N Elbow .Butt Weld (90° and 45°) With A Connection ETBW N Elbow . Pulled (All Angles) With A Connection TB+D N .Lobster Back Flanged L@FL N Bend .August 1999 Symbol Keys for Elbows and Bends (continued) Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Bend .Miter Butt Weld With A Connection MTBW Y Bend .Lobster Back Flanged With A Connection T@FL N Bend .Lobster Back Butt Weld L@BW N Bend .Miter Flanged With A Connection MTFL N Bend .Pulled (All Angles) PB+D N Bend .Lobster Back Butt Weld With A Connection T@BW N Bend .Miter Butt Weld MIBW N Bend .Pulled 180 Return (U Bend) BU+D N Bend .B-52 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Screwed KASC Y Cap .Compression KACP Y Cap .Screwed (Barrel) NBSC Y Coupling .Socket Weld COSW Y Elbolet Coupling Butt Weld CEBW Y Elbolet Coupling Screwed CESC Y Elbolet Coupling Socket Weld CESW Y Symbol Keys for Caps Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Cap .Screwed COSC Y Coupling .Socket Weld KASW Y .Screwed (Running) NRSC Y Nipple .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-53 Symbol Keys for Couplings Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Nipple .Compression COCP Y Coupling .Butt Weld KABW Y Cap . Screwed CRSC N Cross .Set On CRSO N Cross .Compression CRCP N Cross .B-54 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Flanged CRFL N Cross .Set On Reinforced CRRF N Cross .Butt Weld CRBW N Cross .Socket Weld CRSW N Symbol Keys for Fixed Length Pipes Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Fixed Length Pipe With Flanged Ends FPFL N Fixed Length Pipe Without Flanged Ends FPPL Y .August 1999 Symbol Keys for Crosses Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Cross . Latrolet Socket Weld LASW Y O’let .Latrolet Screwed LASC Y O’let .Latrolet Butt Weld LABW Y O’let .Nipolet Screwed NISC Y O’let .Half Coupling Screwed HCSC Y O’let .Weldolet WTBW Y Instrument Tee Flanged ITFL N .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-55 Symbol Keys for O’lets Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) O’let .Thredolet THSC Y O’let .Sweepolet SWBW Y O’let .Sockolet SKSW Y O’let .Nipolet Plain End NIPL Y O’let .Half Coupling Socket Weld HCSW Y O’let . Flanged TEFL N Tee .Set On TESO N Tee .Screwed TEFL N Tee .Socket Weld TESW N Tee .Swept Branch Butt Weld TSBW N Tee .Compression TECP N Tee .Swept Branch Flanged TSFL N Tee .Set On Reinforced TERF N Tee .B-56 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .August 1999 Symbol Keys for Tees Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Tee .Butt Weld TEBW N Tee .Swept Branch Socket Weld TSSW N .Swept Branch Compression TSCP N Tee . Concentric Fabricated From Plate Flanged w/ Connection CZFL Y Reducer .Concentric Screwed .Concentric Butt Weld RCBW Y Reducer .Concentric Flanged RCFL Y Reducer .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-57 Symbol Keys for Reducers Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Reducer .Concentric Swaged From Pipe With A Connection CXBW Y Reducer .Concentric Swaged From Pipe Flanged w/ Connection Reducer .Concentric Swaged From Pipe CSBW Y Reducer .Concentric Butt Weld With A Connection CTBW Y Reducer .concentric Fabricated From Plate Flanged CPFL Y Reducer .Concentric Swaged From Pipe Flanged CSFL Y Reducer .Concentric Compression RCCP Y Reducer .Concentric Fabricated From Plate CPBW Y Reducer .Concentric Fabricated From Plate With A Connection CZBW Y Reducer .Concentric Nipple CXFL Y RNSC Y RCSC Y Reducer . August 1999 Symbol Keys for Reducers (continued) Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Reducer .Eccentric Swaged From Pipe Flanged ESFL Y .Concentric Socket Weld Bush RBSW Y Reducer .Eccentric Screwed EXBW Y RESC Y Reducer .Eccentric Swaged From Pipe ESBW Y Reducer .Concentric Screwed Bush RBSC Y Reducer .Concentric Screwed w/ Connection CTSC Y Reducer .Eccentric Flanged OTSC Y REFL Y Reducer .Eccentric Fabricated From Pipe Flanged EPFL Y Reducer .Eccentric Butt Weld REBW Y Reducer .Eccentric Fabricated From Plate With A Connection OTBW Y EZBW Y Reducer .Eccentric Swaged From Pipe With A Connection Reducer .B-58 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Eccentric Screwed With A Connection Reducer .Eccentric Fabricated From Plate EPBW Y Reducer .Eccentric Butt Weld With A Connection Reducer . Screwed UNSC Y Union .Socket Weld UNSW Y Symbol Keys for Valves Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Valve .Angle Pressure Reducing AX** Y .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-59 Symbol Keys for Reducers (continued) Description Reducer .Angle AV** Y Valve .Eccentric Fabricated From Plate Flanged With A Connection Reducer .Eccentric Swaged From Pipe Flanged With A Connection Reducing Block Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) OTFL Y EZFL Y EXFL Y RFPL Y Symbol Keys for Unions Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Union .Eccentric Flanged With A Connection Reducer . Diaphragm VD** Y Valve .Angle Relief/Vent AR** Y Valve .Plug VP** Y Valve Pressure Reducing VX** Y .Butterfly VY** Y Valve .Ball VB** Y Valve -Basic VV** Y Valve .Check VC** Y Valve .B-60 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Globe VG** Y Valve .August 1999 Symbol Keys for Valves (continued) Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Valve .Needle VN** Y Valve .Cock VK** Y Valve .Check CK** Y Valve .Gate VT** Y Valve . Relief/Vent VR** Y Valve .Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-61 Symbol Keys for Valves (continued) Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Valve .4-Way Key V4** Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) N .3-Way Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) N V3** Symbol Keys for Four-Way Valves Description Valve .Slide VS** Y Symbol Keys for Three-Way Valves Description Valve . V3. VR as 1st 2 chars of the SKey 01SP Y 02SP Y Fitting used on valves with VB. VG. VV. VK. M3 and M4 as first two characters of the SKey . S3 and S4 as first two characters of the SKey 10SP Y 11SP Y Fittings used on control valves with MA. VY as first two characters of the SKey 03SP Y Fitting used on valves with VT as first two characters of the SKey 05SP Y Fittings used on valves with VT as first two characters of the SKey 06SP Y Fittings used on valves with VP as first two characters of the SKey 07SP Y Fittings used on valves with VS as first two characters of the SKey 08SP Y Fittings used on control valves with AX. MV. VX and XA as first two characters of the SKey 09SP Y Fittings used on control valves with SA. as first two characters of the SKey Fitting used on valves with AR.B-62 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Symbol Keys for Operators Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Fitting used on valves with AV. SV. VD. RA. V4. H3. CV.Appendix B: Alias ISOGEN Tables B-63 Symbol Keys for Operators (continued) Description Key Plotted Isometric Shape User-Definable (Yes/No) Fittings used on control valves with HA. C3 and C4 as first two characters of the SKey 13SP Y . and H4 as first two characters of the SKey 12SP Y Fittings used on control valves with CA. HV. both the default text and any associated attribute that has been extracted from the database is suppressed on the drawing. . This Appendix lists the default values of the text with their reference numbers. These alternative texts have been broken down under the following headings: • Numerical Listing of Alternative Texts (AText) • The Isometric Drawing Area • The Title Block Area • The Plotted Material List • The Line Summary Area • The Printed Material List • The Weld Box Summary If an AText Number is set to blank.B-64 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Alternative Texts Available (The AText Facility) All text on the isometric drawing can be changed or removed. -211 G denotes Gaskets. -219 REINFORCED Message is pointed at each reinforced Tee or Cross where the symbol key is TERF or CREF. -212 B denotes Bolts. -206 EL - denotes a negative Elevation at Number B-65 Numerical Listing of Alternative Texts (AText) -208 CONN. Examples of locations are Eccentric Reducers. TO denotes CONNected TO where a pipe end is connected to a Nozzle. . The letter is used in the material list pointer for flanges. this AText automatically produces the degree symbol for falling lines specified with angle Fall indication. -218 LOBSTER This message is used where a Lobster Back Bend occurs. -202 N denotes North at coordinates. -204 S denotes South at coordinates. Welds with key WF). -209 CONT.e.Appendix B: AText Facility . -223 When left blank. -222 FALL denotes FALLing line. -207 NS denotes the pipe Nominal Size. -216 OFFSET This message is used where an offset occurs. -214 MM denotes Millimeters. -203 W denotes West at coordinates. The letter is used in the material list pointer for gaskets. -210 F denotes Flange. -221 FFW Message is pointed at any Field Fit Weld (i. -220 LEFT LOOSE Message is pointed at any Flange where LOOSE indicator is set. -205 EL + denotes a positive Elevation at coordinates. -215 REDUCING FLANGE Message is pointed at each Reducing Flange. -201 E denotes East at coordinates. used for arrowed dimensions on Angle and Multiway Valves. The letter is used in the material list pointer for bolts -213 SPINDLE is used to give a spindle direction of a valve when it is not in a primary direction. ON denotes CONTinued ON where a pipe end is continued on another Pipeline or the drawing when a pipeline is split onto two or more drawings (in conjunction AText -255). and Offset Blocks -217 MITER This message is used where a Mitered Bend occurs. Offset Reducing Flanges. Note: By setting the -243 AText. -267. such as FLAT. -252 BATCH REF This is used in the title block area if some form of reference has been set in a 10 record. -259. -269 if the date format is set to UK. -244 UP used with AText -243. -243 (default blank) This AText is blank by default. -251 PROJECT NO. Inches per Foot).B-66 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 -224 This symbol is used for Falling lines specified with a ratio. -268. -269. This is used in the title block if the Project Number has been set in a -9 record. -262. -250 DATE This is used in the title block and the actual date is automatically appended in the required format (whether UK. -242 (default blank) This AText is blank by default and can be used to produce a message at any open end item that is identified by a -36 record. (such as. then eccentric reducers in orthogonal piping have an indication of the orientation of their flat side. EUR or USA). -249 WEST used with AText -243. -247. -248. -241 (default blank) This AText is blank by default and can be used to produce a message at any open end item that is identified by a -32 record. -225 When left blank. -264. this AText automatically produces the % symbol for Falling lines specified with a percentage. -247 SOUTH used with AText -243. but if set to any word. -226 GRAD is shown where a Falling line is specified in GRADS. the Attests -244. -228 PER FT is used where a falling line is specified as an incline in Imperial units. -245 DOWN used with AText -243. -229 SCREWED END Message is pointed at any pipe (tube) end that has been set to screwed in the intermediate file. -246. -263. . (such as Millimeters per Meter). -253 PIPING SPEC This is used in the title block area and the content of a -11 record is appended. -248 EAST used with AText -243. -265. -227 PER M is used where a falling line is specified as an incline in Metric units. -261. -245. This AText also uses the Attests 258. -246 NORTH used with AText -243. such as 1:10. and -249 are also used. -266. -270 THERMAL INSULATION SPEC is used in the title block and the content of a -15 record is automatically appended. -268 NOV used with AText -250. -271 TRACING SPEC is used in the title block and the content of a -16 record is automatically appended. FROM DRG 1). -260 MARCH used with AText -250. -275 SWEPT TEE Message is plotted and pointed to any tee whose symbol key starts with TS. . FROM denotes CONTinued FROM. -255 DRG This is only used when a pipeline is split to more than one sheet. -265 AUG used with AText -250. -269 DEC used with AText -250. drawing 1 of 1).by Number B-67 -254 ISS This is used in the title block area and the content of a -8 record is appended. -264 JUL used with AText -250. -276 CONT. -261 APR used with AText -250.Appendix B: AText Facility . This message is plotted wherever a pipeline is split onto two or more drawings (for example. -267 OCT used with AText -250. Used with AText -256 to indicate DRG n OF n (for example. A sequential number starting at one end of each pipe is automatically appended. CONT. -280 TAPPING Message is plotted at Orifice Plates followed by relevant direction. Also used by AText -276. -263 JUN used with AText -250. -278 DIAL FACE Message is plotted next to Instruments Dials (symbol keys IDPL and IDFL) followed by relevant direction. -256 OF used with AText -255. -257 SPL denotes a SPOOL drawing. -277 ORIFICE FLANGE Message is plotted and pointed to Orifice Flanges. -258 JAN used with AText -250. -262 MAY used with AText -250. -266 SEP used with AText -250. See note below. -272 PAINTING SPEC is used in the title block and the content of a -17 record is automatically appended. -259 FEB used with AText -250. Note: The -276 AText also uses AText -255 for the DRG text. -286 (default blank) This AText is blank by default. -289 MATL used to indicate PIPING MATERIAL Spec. Content of -17 record appended. Note: AText Numbers -278. change. Contents of -41 record appended. Note: The following six ATexts are used to output directions (with other ATexts) on items that carry a direction setting in Word 14 of the component record in the intermediate file. -294 (default blank) To be user-defined. Contents of -42 record appended. such as 300#. as defined by ATexts -244 to -249. change. -292 PAINT used to indicate PAINTING Spec. Content of -16 record appended. -290 INSUL used to indicate INSULATION Spec. The contents of a MISC-SPEC1 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. Content of -26 record appended. The contents of this AText is output in front of the contents of the -40 record containing the Flat direction. change. The contents of a MISC-SPEC2 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. if set. outputs a message on screwed erection fittings. followed by the direction of the off-line leg. . -287 Message on offset o’lets. -284 TEE BEND used to denote a Tee Bend. -285 RATING FLANGE Message is a facility to provide an extra message at a Flange to show different rating. -281 and -282 are only output if a primary direction is set in Word 14 of the component record. Content of -15 record appended. This is done by giving the mating Gasket a symbol key of the required rating.B-68 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 -281 TAIL -282 WINDOW Message is plotted at Spectacle Blinds and Slip Plates followed by relevant direction. is appended to the specific fitting text (such as DIAL FACE WEST). The contents of a MISC-SPEC3 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. Contents of -43 record appended. -291 TRACE used to indicate TRACING Spec. change. ORIENTATION DIRECTION -288 PIPE used on System Isometrics to denote position(s) of change in Pipeline Reference. -283 FLAT This AText is used to indicate the orientation of the flat side of an eccentric reducer. -295 (default blank) To be user-defined. but. -280. when the reducer is in a skew. Message is plotted at Site Glass followed by relevant direction. Only used for fixed-length piping. -293 (default blank) To be user-defined. The appropriate direction. -300 FABRICATION MATERIALS is the heading under which components required for ’SHOP’ fabrication are listed. This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists. This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists. Word 14 component record set to Number B-69 -296 (default blank) To be user-defined.S. This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists. etc. Contents of -44 record appended. -297 (default blank) To be user-defined. -304 N. Contents of -45 record appended. -306 QTY denotes Quantity required. -312 BOLTS is the subheading under which all Bolts are listed.. This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists. -308 FITTINGS is the subheading under which Pipe Fittings. -301 PT is the part number pointer used with AText -302. tees. The contents of a MISC-SPEC5 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. Word 14 of component record set to 1. denotes Nominal Size -305 ITEM CODE is the heading under which component identification codes are listed. -310 ERECTION of MATERIALS is the heading under which components required for ’SITE’ erection are listed. This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists. -302 NO used with AText -301.Appendix B: AText Facility . -309 FLANGES is the subheading under which all Flanges are listed. . are listed. -298 TEE ELBOW used to denote a Tee Elbow. -307 PIPE is the subheading under which Pipe is listed. -303 COMPONENT is the heading in the material listing under which components are described according to their catalogue component description. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation -text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. -311 GASKETS is the subheading under which all Gaskets are listed. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. such as elbows. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. The contents of a MISC-SPEC4 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. AText -361 is positioned below LENGTH when Imperial Units are used. -315 SUPPORTS is the subheading under which all Supports are listed. -330 INS denotes Nominal Sizes are in INCHES. or -32 if applicable. -327 LOOSE FLG is a remark that is listed under AText -324 if a Cut Pipe Length has a loose flang attached. -331 MM denotes the Nominal Sizes are in MILLIMETERS. This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists.B-70 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 -313 VALVES / IN-LINE ITEMS is the subheading under which all Valves and In-line Items are listed. -323 LENGTH used with AText -322. -321 NO used with AText -320. This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. -328 FF WELD denotes the Fitted Field Weld remark that is listed under AText -324 if a Cut Pipe Length contains a Fitted Field Weld. -317 PIPE NS is used with AText -318 to which the total Center Line Length per bore is automatically computed and listed. -319 CUT PIPE LENGTHS is the heading under which all the Cut Pipe Lengths are listed. -322 CUT is the subheading to AText -319 under which the actual Cut Pipe Lengths are lis This AText is used with AText -323. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. -318 CL LENGTH is used with AText -317. -314 INSTRUMENTS is the subheading under which all Instruments are listed. To be moved up to the top line of the cut list heading. -329 M denotes lengths of Pipe are in METERS. -316 PIPE SPOOLS is the subheading under which all Spool Numbers are listed. This AText is used with AText -321. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. is listed. -327. . -326 PLD BEND denotes Pulled BEND remark that is listed under AText -324 if a Cut Pipe Length contains a pulled bend. -323 LENGTH is the subheading to AText -319 under which the actual Cut Pipe piece numbers are listed. -320 PIECE is the subheading to AText -319 under which the Cut Pipe piece numbers are listed. -324 REMARKS is the subheading to AText -319 under which one of the ATexts -326. This should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as an data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists. AText-331 is positioned below LENGTH when Mixed or Metric Units are used. Content of a -25 record is automatically appended. -335 WITH SPECIAL RATING is used with Fixed Length Piping and the contents of the AText are appended to the FLANGE(S) (SEE ISO)description. -334 S is used with Fixed Length Piping and the contents of this AText (default S) is appended to the Item code when one end of the Fixed Length spool has a special flange. Any AText set by the user will have a program generated cross reference drawing number appended to it. Used with AText -334. -340 INDUCTION BEND ID used to identify pipe required in the fabrication of induction bends. Any AText set by the user will have a program generated cross reference drawing number appended to it. The induction bend tag is appended to the AText to form a complete string. -354 LBS unit indication at all positions where weight is output (used with ISOGEN switch 41 position D). This is done by replacing DRG$ with SHT$. . -353 KGS unit indication at all positions where weight is output (used with ISOGEN switch 41 position D). -338 BEND RADIUS used to denote a bend radius for a pipe bend. -355 TOTAL weight subtotal identifiers. -336 SYSTEM REF is used as an alternative to AText -333 when producing Material List for System Isometric. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the miscellaneous column for each component listed. -349 PP Is used to indicate Personal Protection type insulation on Insulation Indication symbols having the symbol key 'INPP’. -333 PIPELINE REF has the Pipeline Reference automatically appended. -347 (default blank) This AText is available as an alternative to the AText used when generating a Material List over flow at the bottom of the master drawing Material List (combination of ATexts -206 and -255). -350 REDUCING ELBOW Is used to indicate a REDUCING ELBOW on fittings having the symbol key ER**. -348 (default blank) This AText is available as an alternative to the AText used when generating a Material List over flow at the top of the overflow Material List drawings (combination of ATexts -276 and -255).by Number B-71 -332 PAGE has a Page Number automatically appended. This AText should be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. This AText must be set to BLANK if this type of output PIPELINE is not required. -351 DRG$ generates DRG nl 1 of 2.Appendix B: AText Facility . -339 MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS is the subheading under which miscellaneous components are listed. -352 WEIGHT column heading on Material List. With this configuration. SHT (or sheet) nl 1 of 2 is available. -358 W used to identify all FABRICATION type Welds (on ISO and Material List) when positions F/G for option 73 are defined. (See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12) Flanges: FLWN . Used with option switch 65 (Material Control File Only).) (See AText -366 through -370. then AText -364 should be set to ’blank’ and AText -365 set to required heading (for example. Describes the operations necessary to prepare the end for fabrication.) -369 SHAPED used for all Fabricated Branch connections. Used on the ISO and the material list as ’U3’. For example: DIA x LENGTH (INS x INS) -360 FT used with the old style Material List in conjunction with AText -318 (See ISOGEN option 24). (See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12.Flange Orifice Weld Neck FLSE . but do not have the BW end condition as part of their SKEY. If this AText is not blank. (See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12.B-72 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 -356 U used to identify all Pulled Bends. -361 FT-INS used with the new style Material List in conjunction with AText -318 (See ISOGEN option 24).LJSE Butt Weld Type All other flange type items use Square Cut (AText -366) -368 SCREWED used for all Screwed Ends (SC). (See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12).) (See AText -366 through -370. used for all Butt Welds (BW) Items that are treated as BW’s. If Part No.) -370 MITRED used for all mitred ends at mitre weld positions. End connections are listed for pipe.CUT -367 BEVEL used for Square Cut in End Condition columns on the Cut Pipe List. -362 END$ONE is the subheading to AText -319. Bolt Units are indicated immediately below this heading using a program-generated text string using a combination of ATexts -330 (INS) and -331 (MM). PART$NO. (See ISOGEN option 2 . depending on the settings for option switch 65. (See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12. Describes the operations necessary to prepare the end for fabrication. A suggested setting is "DIA x LENGTH". -359 (default blank) Bolt size x Length headings.) -363 END$TWO is the subheading to AText -319. -357 B used to identify all ERECTION type Welds (on ISO and Material List) when positions F/G for option 73 are defined. When used for Part Number. ISOGEN outputs in Bolt Diameter x Bolt Length order.) -365 (default blank) is the alternative last column subheading to AText -319 under which cut pipe item code are listed for pipe.Flange Weld Neck FOWN . is required on the Cut List instead of ITEM CODE.) -366 SQ. (See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12. a suggested setting is:"PART$NO"(See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12). -378 OFF identification of OFFSHORE material. -381 TOTAL OFFSHORE WEIGHT weight subtotal identifiers. -376 FAB identification of FABRICATION material. This AText must be set to BLANK if this type of output is not required. This AText must be set to BLANK if this type of output is not required. -374 ANGLE used with description of Pulled Bends in the material list. -400 TRACED$PIPE -401 LAGGED$PIPE -402 PIPE$SUPPORT -403 COMPN$JOINT -404 SCREWED$JOINT -405 SOCKET$WELD -406 FIELD$WELD -407 SHOP$WELD . This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the weld column for each component listed. -377 EREC identification of ERECTION material. To be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. Bend angle is output when using ISOGEN option 23 set to 20 or 21. -375 WELDS is the subheading under which welds are listed. This AText should be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. This AText allows the user to set an abbreviation text that is used in the erection column for each component listed. -380 TOTAL ERECTION WEIGHT weight subtotal identifiers. All materials sorted within this new category as for other two categories (where appropriate). -379 TOTAL FABRICATION WEIGHT weight subtotal identifiers. -372 REMARKS heading for Remarks Number B-73 setting 11 or 12. To be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists.Appendix B: AText Facility .) -371 OFFSHORE MATERIALS Material List main heading for offshore items. This AText allows the user to set an abbreviation text that is used in the offshore column for each component listed. This AText must be set to BLANK if this type of output is not required. -373 REM column heading for Remarks column on material list. This AText allows the user to set an abbreviation text that is used in the fabrication column for each component listed. To be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. elbolet. AText -412 and -413 column 2 is probably changed to give a heading that covered all types. half couplings). All welds associated with flanges with SKEY FLSO. -418 SW for all Socket Welds. Set-on Cross. Teed Bends/ Elbows where Branch is made from pipe. FLRE Slip on flange. All fittings with SW end types. FLRC. Used in the Weld Category identification on the Old Style Weld Box. Teed reducer where branch is made from pipe. -417 BW for All Butt Welds. For example: WELD CAT -415 F Erection/Field/Site Weld.QA weld header box details (line 1). . Set-on Tees. -417 . -413 NO |/FLD|PROC| ID |ACCEPT| NO| NO | |ACCEPT continuation of weld box header details. latrolet. the records in the intermediate file should be: -410 $ 1 DENOTES -1 PARTS LIST NO -411 SITE$CONNECTION -412 WELD|SHOP|WELD |WELDER|VISUAL |NOT|HARD|S. (line 2) -414 S Fabrication/Shop Weld. When using all three weld types.R|FAB.-423 used for Weld Type in the Weld Box and/or Weld Summary Report. -416 O Offshore Weld. -422 SOB set-on (fabricated) branch. Used in the Weld Category identification on the Old Style Weld Box. -423 LET at all positions where "LET" type fittings are used to form a branch. -421 SOF. -419 MW for all Miter Welds (SKEY WM or WMF).B-74 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 -410 [1] DENOTES PIPE SPOOL NO$ -1 DENOTES PARTS LIST NO If only the bottom line is required. All fittings with BW end type in addition to: FLWN and FOWN flanges FLSE and LJSE type flanges. FLSJ. and half coupling type fittings (o’let. FOSO. Used in the Weld Category identification on the Old Style Weld Box. A program generated direction word will be appended to this text to form a composite message. -454 CONNECTION Used at undeveloped Set-On Tees and Olets (which have no branch leg and ORIENTATION are indicated in dotted form on the pipeline) where the intended branch connection is in a skewed direction. This AText appears on the drawing part of the isometric. (That is.Appendix B: AText Facility . -457 MITRE ? Used to identify Miter Welds. -502 SUPPORT Used to indicate the orientation of a pipe support. The ? will be replaced by the identifying number or letter. -499 SHOP TEST WELD Points to either a site weld or a field fit weld that requires a shop test weld to be performed at the same location. -541 _N Used as a delimeter/identifier in General Note names. The default ? character causes any identification name associated with the miscellaneous reference to be used when no other AText setting is made. (SKEY VST*) -467 GRID LINE$? Identifies project gridline. . When used. For example: ?$FLANGE FACE (where: ? = position for coordinate output $ = line feed. the message is output in the top left-hand corner of each affected drawing. -461 COLUMN$? Identifies vertical steel work element. The ? is replaced by the MITRE angle. Welds with the key WSST or WFST). -452 UNACCEPTABLE SPLIT Indicates that an unacceptable drawing split point has been found in the Tube. -498 (default blank) Used to point to a Site Weld. (SKEY GRD*) -468 ? Used for miscellaneous user defined elements (SKEY XXX*). Setting a value for this AText is optional. -455 Blank associated with the elevations output at the face of flanges when ISOGEN option switch 119 is set to 1 or 2. -456 SEE DETAIL ? Used to provide a cross-reference message for Detail Number -451 TAPPING CONNECTION B-75 Output along with coordinate values at the tapping point on a user defined fitting. -501 (default blank) Used to point to an Offshore Weld. Setting a value for this AText is optional. -542 _S Used as a delimeter/identifier in Specific Note names. Requires option switch 122 to be set to 1 for tapping coordinates output on the isometric drawing. TO denotes CONNected TO where a pipe end is connected to a Nozzle. -210 F denotes Flange. used for arrowed dimensions on Angle and Multi-way Valves. -219 REINFORCED Message is pointed at each reinforced Tee or Cross where the symbol key is TERF or CREF. -221 FFW Message is pointed at any Field Fit Weld (i. -207 NS denotes the pipe Nominal Size -208 CONN. ON denotes CONTinued ON where a pipe end is continued on another Pipeline or another drawing when a pipeline is split onto two or more drawings. Offset Reducing Flanges.e. -223 (default blank) If left blank.. 1:10). -213 SPINDLE used to give a spindle direction of a valve when it is not in a primary direction. -202 N denotes North at coordinates. -220 LEFT LOOSE Message is pointed at any Flange where LOOSE indicator is set. -218 LOBSTER This message is used where a Lobster Back Bend occurs. -222 FALL denotes FALLing line. Offset Blocks). -216 OFFSET This message is used where an offset occurs (i. this AText automatically produces the degree symbol for falling lines specified with angle Fall indication. -224 (default blank) . at Eccentric Reducers. -211 G denotes Gaskets. The letter used in the material list pointer for flanges. -212 B denotes Bolts. -209 CONT. -205 EL + denotes a positive Elevation at coordinates. -215 REDUCING FLANGE Message is pointed at each Reducing Flange. This symbol is used for Falling lines specified with a ratio (i. The letter used in the material list pointer for gaskets. -206 EL - denotes a negative Elevation at coordinates.. -214 MM denotes Millimeters. Welds with key WF). -203 W denotes West at coordinates.B-76 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Alternative Texts Listed by Category The Isometric Drawing Area -201 E denotes East at coordinates. The letter used in the material list pointer for bolts.e. -204 S denotes South at coordinates.e. -217 MITER This message is used where a Mitered Bend occurs.. . FROM denotes CONTinued FROM. -276 CONT. Inches per Foot). -248 EAST used with AText -243. -229 SCREWED Message is pointed at any pipe (tube) end that has been set to screwed in the END intermediate file. S22 enclosed in a box). the ATexts -244.e. Then. The name of the new Specification is automatically included. -227 PER M is used where a falling line is specified as an incline in Metric units (i. -245.e. Millimeters per Meter). -246 NORTH used with AText -243.. -275 SWEPT TEE Message is plotted and pointed to any tee whose symbol key starts with TS. -232 SPEC Message is pointed at any place in the pipe where the Specification changes. and -249 are also used. -226 GRAD is shown where a Falling line is specified in GRADS.e. -249 WEST used with AText -243. -247. This message is plotted wherever a pipeline is splitonto two or more drawings (i. FROM DRG1). -246. -237 " is the Inch indicator.. eccentric reducers in orthogonal piping have an indication of the orientation of their flat side. -248. -245 DOWN used with AText -243. -228 PER FT is used where a falling line is specified as an incline in Imperial units (i. -244 UP used with AText -243. CONT. -277 ORIFICE FLANGE Note: The -276 AText also uses AText -255 for the DRG text). Message is plotted and pointed to Orifice Flanges. this AText automatically produces the % symbol for Falling lines specified with a percentage. -241 (default blank) This AText is by default blank and can be used to produce a message at any open-ended pipe that is identified by a -33 record.Appendix B: AText Facility . -238 ’ is the Feet indicator. -247 SOUTH used with AText Category B-77 -225 (default blank) If left blank.e. FLAT).e. Note: By setting the -243 AText... -278 DIAL FACE Message is plotted next to Instruments Dials (symbol keys IDPL and IDFL) . -236 S is used to denote that a Support exists as a component (i. -242 (default blank) This AText is by default blank and can be used to produce a message at any open-ended pipe that is identified by a -36 record. -243 (default blank) This AText is by default blank but is set to any word (i. . The appropriate direction (as defined by ATexts -244 to -249) is appended to the specific fitting text (i. . -349 PP Is used to indicate Personal Protection type insulation on Insulation Indication symbols having the symbol key 'INPP". 300#). -298 TEE ELBOW used to denote a Tee Elbow. -280. -350 REDUCING ELBOW Is used to indicate a REDUCING ELBOW on fittings having the symbol key ER**.P. -287 ORIENTATION DIRECTION Message on offset o’lets is followed by the direction of the off-line leg. when the reducer is in a skew. Note: AText Numbers -278. -288 PIPE used on System Isometrics to denote position(s) of change in Pipeline Reference. is printed on the isometric. however. -283 FLAT This AText is used to indicate the orientation of the flat side of an eccentric reducer.P. See Note below.e. If used with the correct record type (i. See Note below. Only used for fixed-length piping. This is done by giving the mating Gasket a symbol key of the required rating (i. this message.e.O. elevation from record -27. -338 BEND RADIUS used to denote a bend radius for a pipe bend. -284 TEE BEND used to denote a Tee Bend. outputs message on screwed erection fittings. Note: The following six ATexts are used to output directions (in conjunction with other ATexts) on items that carry a direction setting in Word 14 of the component record in the intermediate file.e. -285 RATING FLANGE Message is a facility to provide an extra message at a Flange to show different rating. -27). -280 TAPPING Message is plotted at Orifice Plates followed by relevant direction. The letter used in the material list pointer for LJSEs. -450 B. -282 WINDOW Message is plotted at Site Glass followed by relevant direction. The contents of this AText is output in front of the contents of the -40 record containing the Flat direction. See Note below.. See Note below. along with B. DIAL FACE WEST). -281 and -282 are only output if a primary direction is set in Word 14 of the component record. -286 (default blank) This AText is set to blank by default.. -279 L denotes Lap joint stub end. -281 TAIL Message is plotted at Spectacle Blinds and Slip Plates followed by relevant direction.B-78 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 followed by relevant direction. if set.O. -457 MITRE ? Used to identify Mitre Welds. -452 UNACCEPTABLE SPLIT Indicates that an unacceptable drawing split point has been found in the Tube. -454 CONNECTION ORIENTATION Used at undeveloped Set-On Tees and Olets (which have no branch leg and are indicated in dotted form on the pipeline) where the intended branch connection is in a skewed direction. The default ? character causes any identification name associated with the miscellaneous reference to be used when no other AText setting is made. A program generated direction word will be appended to this text to form a composite message. -455 BLANK ISOGEN associated with the elevations output at the face of flanges when ISOGEN option switch 119 is set to 1 or 2. -499 SHOP TEST WELD Points to either a site weld or a field fit weld that requires a shop test weld to be performed at the same Category B-79 -451 TAPPING CONNECTION Output along with coordinate values at the tapping point on a user defined fitting.) -501 (default blank) Used to point to an Offshore Weld. Setting a value for this AText is optional. Setting a value for this AText is optional. (That is. The ? will be replaced by the identifying number or letter.Appendix B: AText Facility . For example: ?$FLANGE FACE (where ? = position for coordinate output $ = line feed) -456 SEE DETAIL ? Used to provide a cross-reference message for Detail Sketches. This AText appears on the drawing part of the isometric. -461 COLUMN$? Identifies vertical steel work element. -541 _N Used as a delimeter/identifier in General Note names. Welds with the key WSST or WFST. The ? is replaced by the mitre angle. (SKEY GRD*) -468 ? Used for miscellaneous user defined elements (SKEY XXX*). Requires option switch 122 to be set to 1 for tapping coordinates output on the isometric drawing. -502 SUPPORT Used to indicate the orientation of a pipe support. When used. (SKEY VST*) -467 GRID LINE$? Identifies project gridline. -542 _S Used as a delimeter/identifier in Specific Note names. the message is output in the top left-hand corner of each affected drawing. . -498 (default blank) Used to point to a Site Weld. EUR or USA). -294 (default blank) To be user-defined. -293 (default blank) To be user-defined. -259. -261. -255 DRG This is only used when a pipe is split and this AText is used with AText -256 to indicate DRG n OF n (for example. change. Content of -15 record appended. change. change. Contents of -43 record appended. -265. The contents of a MISC-SPEC5 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. -264. -289 MATL used to indicate PIPING MATERIAL Spec. The contents of a MISC-SPEC1 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. The contents of a MISC-SPEC3 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. Also used by AText 276. Contents of -44 record appended. Contents of -42 record appended. Contents of -45 record appended. -256 OF used with AText -255. This AText also uses ATexts -258. -252 BATCH REF This is used in the title block area if some form of reference has been set in a -10 record. Contents of -41 record appended. -295 (default blank) To be user-defined. -297 (default blank) To be user-defined. The Title Block Area -250 DATE This is used in the title block and the actual date is automatically appended in the required format (whether UK. -267. The contents of a MISC-SPEC2 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. Content of -26 record appended. . -268.B-80 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 Specification Change Indication The following ATexts are used for indication of Specification Changes on the isometric drawing: -290 INSUL used to indicate INSULATION Spec. Content of -17 record appended. Content of -16 record appended. -291 TRACE used to indicate TRACING Spec. -263. -251 PROJECT NO. change. -269 if the date format is set to UK. This is used in the title block if the Project Number has been set in a -9 record. The contents of a MISC-SPEC4 type record in the Pipeline Input Data File is appended to the AText to form a composite message. -296 (default blank) To be user-defined. -292 PAINT used to indicate PAINTING Spec. drawing 1 of 1). -253 PIPING SPEC This is used in the title block area and the content of a -11 record is appended -254 ISS This is used in the title block area and the content of a -8 record is appended. -269. -266. -262. A sequential number starting at one end of each pipe is automatically appended. -304 N. -303 COMPONENT is the heading in the material listing under which components are described according to their catalogue component description. -264 JUL used with AText -250. -265 AUG used with AText -250.S. -268 NOV used with AText -250. With this configuration. This is done by replacing DRG$ with SHT$. -271 TRACING SPEC is used in the title block and the content of a -16 record is automatically appended. -272 PAINTING SPEC is used in the title block and the content of a -17 record is automatically appended. -263 JUN used with AText -250. -351 DRG$ generates DRG nl 1 of 2. -258 JAN used with AText -250. The Plotted Material and Pipe Cut Lists Heading Texts -300 FABRICATION MATERIALS is the heading under which components required for ’SHOP’ fabrication are listed. -260 MARCH used with AText -250. -301 PT is the part number pointer used with AText -302. -302 NO used with AText -301. -269 DEC used with AText -250. -262 MAY used with AText -250. denotes Nominal Size. Word 14 of component record set to 1. . -270 THERMAL INSULATION SPEC is used in the title block and the content of a -15 record is automatically Category B-81 -257 SPL denotes a SPOOL drawing. -267 OCT used with AText -250. -259 FEB used with AText -250. -266 SEP used with AText -250. -305 ITEM CODE is the heading under which component identification codes are listed. SHT (or sheet) nl 1 of 2 is available.Appendix B: AText Facility . -261 APR used with AText -250. are listed. -309 FLANGES is the subheading under which all Flanges are listed. -311 GASKETS is the subheading under which all Gaskets are listed -312 BOLTS is the subheading under which all Bolts are listed -313 VALVES / IN-LINE ITEMS is the subheading under which all Valves and In-line Items are listed. -323 LENGTH used with AText -322 to form a composite heading. -324 REMAR KS is the subheading to AText -319 under which one of the ATexts -326. -320 PIECE is the subheading to AText -319 under which the Cut Pipe piece numbers are listed. -321 NO used with AText -320 to form a composite heading. -328 FF WELD denotes the Fitted Field Weld remark that is listed under AText -324 if a Cut Pipe Length contains a Fitted Field Weld. . This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists.. -322 CUT is the subheading to AText -319 under which the actual Cut Pipe Lengths are listed. if applicable. -310 ERECTION MATERIALS is the heading under which components required for ’SITE’ erection are listed. is listed. -307 PIPE is the subheading under which Pipe is listed. -308 FITTINGS is the subheading under which Pipe Fittings (i. This AText is used with AText -321.. -327. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed. tees. This AText should be used whenever the ’GROUP’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 material lists. This AText is used with AText -323. -314 INSTRUMENTS is the subheading under which all Instruments are listed. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the designated column for each component listed -315 SUPPORTS is the subheading under which all Supports are listed.e. elbows.B-82 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 -306 QTY denotes Quantity required. or -32. -319 CUT PIPE LENGTHS is the heading under which all the Cut Pipe Lengths are listed. etc. Word 14 of component record set to 2. -327 LOOSE FLG is a remark that is listed under AText -324 if a Cut Pipe Length has a loose flange attached. -316 PIPE SPOOLS is the subheading under which all Spool Numbers are listed. -326 PLD BEND denotes Pulled BEND remark that is listed under AText -324 if a Cut Pipe Length contains a pulled bend. -356 U used to identify all Pulled Bends. -348 (default blank) This AText is available as an alternative to the AText used when generating a Material List over flow at the top of the overflow Material List drawings(combination of ATexts -276 and -255). -347 (default blank) This AText is available as an alternative to the AText used when generating a Material List over flow at the bottom of the master drawing Material List (combination of ATexts -206 and -255). Any AText set by the user will have a program generated cross reference drawing number appended to it. (used with ISOGEN switch 41 position D).(used with ISOGEN switch 41 position D). -354 LBS unit indication at all positions where weight is output. -335 WITH SPECIAL RATING FLANGE(S) (SEE ISO) is used with Fixed Length Piping and the contents of the AText are appended to the description. -353 KGS unit indication at all positions where weight is output. Used on the ISO and the material list as ’U3’. -334 S is used with Fixed Length Piping and the contents of this AText (default S) is appended to the item code when one end of the Fixed Length spool has a special flange. -340 INDUCTION BEND ID used to identify pipe required in the fabrication of induction bends. This AText should be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used COMPONENTS as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. -357 B used to identify all ERECTION type Welds (on ISO and Material List) when positions F/G for option 73 are defined. . -330 INS denotes Nominal Sizes are in INCHES. The induction bend tag is appended to the AText to form a complete string. -352 WEIGHT column heading on Material List.Appendix B: AText Facility . -339 MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS is the subheading under which miscellaneous components are listed. Used with AText -334. This AText must be set to BLANK if this type of output PIPELINE is not required. -355 TOTAL weight subtotal identifiers. -331 MM denotes the Nominal Sizes are in Category B-83 -329 M denotes lengths of Pipe are in METERS. Any AText set by the user will have a program generated cross reference drawing number appended to it. This AText also allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the miscellaneous column for each component listed. -359 Blank by Default Bolt size x Length headings. -375 WELDS -376 FAB identification of FABRICATION material. All materials sorted this new category as for other two categories (where appropriate). -381 TOTAL OFFSHORE WEIGHT weight subtotal identifiers. ISOGEN outputs in Bolt Diameter x Bolt Length order. Bend angle is output when using ISOGEN option 23 set to 20 or 21. To be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. This AText should be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. A suggested setting is "DIA x LENGTH". -371 OFFSHORE MATERIALS Material List main heading for offshore items. Bolt Units are indicated immediately below this heading using a program-generated text string using a combination of ATexts -330 (INS) and -331 (MM) depending on the settings for option switch 65. -378 OFF identification of OFFSHORE material. To be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. This AText must be set to BLANK if this type of output is not required. This AText must be set to BLANK if this type of output is not required. -373 REM Remarks Column heading in Material List. For example: DIA x LENGTH (INS x INS). -379 TOTAL FABRICATION WEIGHT weight subtotal identifiers. Used with option switch 65 (Material Control File Only). To be used whenever the ’CATEGORY’ facility is used as a data item on STYLE 2 or STYLE 3 Material Lists. -377 EREC identification of ERECTION material. If this AText is not blank. -374 ANGLE used with description of Pulled Bends in the material list.B-84 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 -358 W used to identify all FABRICATION type Welds (on ISO and Material List) when positions F/G for option 73 are defined. is the subheading under which welds are listed. This AText must be set to BLANK if this type of output is not required. This AText allows you to set an abbreviation text that is used in the weld column for each component listed. This AText allows the user to set an abbreviation text that is used in the erection column for each component listed. -380 TOTAL ERECTION WEIGHT weight subtotal identifiers. This AText allows the user to set an abbreviation text that is used in the offshore column for each component listed. This AText allows the user to set an abbreviation text that is used in the fabrication column for each component listed. . . If changed.CUT used when not one of the four other end types (see ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12). -367 BEVEL used for all Butt Welds (BW) Items that are treated as BWs. then AText -364 should be set to ’blank’ and AText -365 set to required heading (i. and see AText -366 through -370).Flange Weld Neck FOWN . PART$NO).e. -361 FT-INS used with the new style Material List in conjunction with AText -318 (See ISOGEN option 24). -362 END$ONE -363 END$TWO is the subheading to AText -319. but do not have the BW end condition as part of their SKEY (see ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12).Flange Orifice Weld Neck FLSE .LJSE Butt Weld Type All other flange type items use Square Cut (AText -366) -368 SCREWED used for all Screwed Ends (SC) (see ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12). -400 -401 -402 -403 -404 -405 -406 -407 -411 TRACED$PIPE LAGGED$PIPE PIPE$SUPPORT COMPN$JOINT SCREWED$JOINT SOCKET$WELD FIELD$WELD SHOP$WELD SITE$CONNECTION The following ATexts appear in the line summary area along the bottom of both the plotted and printed Material Lists. the symbol is not drawn in the line summary area. If Part Category B-85 The Line Summary Area The ATexts in the line summary area along the bottom of the isometric drawing can have their ATexts changed or made blank. -366 SQ. used with the old style Material List in conjunction with AText -318 (See ISOGEN option 24). the appropriate symbol for the AText is drawn.Appendix B: AText Facility . is the subheading to AText -319. Describes the operations necessary to prepare the end for fabrication. is required on the Cut List instead of ITEM CODE. Describes the operations necessary to prepare the end for fabrication (See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12.. -318 CL LENGTH -360 FT is used with AText -317. and see AText -366 through -370). -365 Blank by Default is the alternative last column subheading to AText -319 under which cut pipe item code is listed for pipe. -317 PIPE NS is used with AText -318 to which the total Center Line Length per bore is automatically computed and listed. When used for Part Number. End connections are listed for pipe (See ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12. a suggested setting is:"PART$NO" (see ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12). Flanges: FLWN . -369 SHAPED used for all Fabricated Branch connections (see ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12). If made blank. B-86 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 -370 MITRED used for all mitered ends at miter weld positions (see ISOGEN option 2 setting 11 or 12). For example: If only the bottom line is required the records in the intermediate file should be: -410 $ 1 DE‘NOTES -1 PARTS LIST NO The Printed Material List The ATexts listed below are used in addition to all the ATexts listed for the Plotted Material and Pipe Cut Lists. -413 NO |/FLD|PROC| ID |ACCEPT| NO| NO | |ACCEPT continuation of weld box header details. -410 [1] DENOTES PIPE SPOOL NO$ -1 DENOTES PARTS LIST NO This is a general note that determines how Spool Numbers and Material List Part Numbers are shown on the isometric. (line 2) -414 S Fabrication/Shop Weld used in the Weld Category identification on the Old Style Weld Box. Content of a -25 record is automatically appended. -336 SYSTEM REF is used as an alternative to AText -333 when producing Material List for System Isometric.QA weld header box details (line 1). The Weld Box Summary: Standard Weld Summary Box -372 REMARKS Heading for "Remarks" box. When using all three weld types AText -412 and -413. .R|FAB. -416 O Offshore Weld used in the Weld Category identification on the Old Style Weld Box. -332 PAGE has a Page Number automatically appended. -410 [1] DENOTES PIPE SPOOL NO$ -1 DENOTES PARTS LIST NO If only the bottom line is required. the records in the intermediate file should be: -410 $ 1 DENOTES -1 PARTS LIST NO -411 SITE$CONNECTION -412 WELD|SHOP|WELD |WELDER|VISUAL|NOT |HARD|S. -333 PIPELINE REF has the Pipeline Reference automatically appended. column 2 probably is changed to give a heading that covered all types. For example: WELD CAT -415 F Erection/Field/Site Weld used in the Weld Category identification on the Old Style Weld Box. by Category B-87 The Weld Box Summary: User-Defined Weld Summary Box -417 BW for All Butt Welds. Teed Bends/Elbows where Branch is made from pipe.Appendix B: AText Facility . All fittings with BW end type in addition to: LWN and FOWN flanges LSE and LJSE type flanges. FLRC. -421 SOF slip on flange. All fittings with SW end types. Set-on Tees. FLSJ. All welds associated with flanges with SKEY FLSO. FLRE. . -418 SW or all Socket Welds. -423 LET at all positions where "LET" type fittings are used to form a branch. Set-on Cross. FOSO. and half coupling type fittings (o’let. elbolet. Teed reducer where branch is made from pipe. -422 SOB set-on (fabricated) branch. latrolet. half couplings). -419 MW or all Miter Welds (SKEY WM or WMF). B-88 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide – March 2000 . Appendix C: Example Documents C .1 Appendix C __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Example Documents . March 2000 .C-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 3 Appendix C __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Example Documents This section contains sample iso extraction documents including: Options File (#/dat/isoc.seg and .prt file) ISOGEN Component vs Sheet Number File (.idf file) Interface Error Log (.def) Label Library Label Definitions (as user-defined in the Options File) HITS Report (.b# file) ISOGEN Message File (.bit.msg file) ISOGEN Printed Parts File (. .cut file) Title Block Table (.sed file) ISOGEN Cut Pipe Report (.Appendix C: Example Documents C .err file) MTO Neutral File (.dwg files) .h file) Intermediate Data File (. 0 !Construction status label ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS 70 -207. 0 !Date record -14. 0. !13 lines follow 12. 0. -12. 0. ’PKGNO’. 0. 0.C-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 0 !Coating reqmts record/break 12. 0 !Sch/thk override break -43. ’’. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 !Piece mark prefix record 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -41. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 21. ’’. ’’. 957 !Insulation record/break 0. 0. ’PER SPEC’. 0. 0. 961. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 955. ’CLEAN’. 0. ’’. 34. ’’. ’’. 23.1 The Options File (#/dat/isoc. 0. 0. 0 !Line ID label record/break 0. 33. ’’.tbl’ !MTO RECORD MAP ’ ’ !RESERVED ’c:\win32app\ingr\pdiso\dat\isoc. 0. 0. 50. 27. 0. 0. 0. 50. ’’. -45. 12. 0. ’’. 0. ’-’. 0. 0.blk’ !TITLE BLK TABLES FILE ’ ’ !SEGMENT DATA TABLE ’ ’ !RESERVED ’ ’ !DETAIL SKETCH CELL LIBRARY ’ ’ !DRAWING DEFINITION FILE (DDF) ’ ’ !WELD DEFINITION FORMAT FILE (WDF) ’ ’ !MATERIAL LIST DEFINITION FILE (MLD) ’ ’ !BENDING PARAMETERS OUTPUT FILE PIPELINE_HEADER 13 -6. ’’. 0. ’INSUL’. 12. 0. ’’. ’’. 0. -7. 0. 0. 0. 20. 959. 32. 0.DEF ! Description= Definition of the ISOGEN defaults file for size C batch isos ! Rev= By= Ckd By= Date=22-May-1991 ! ISOGEN_OPTIONS_BLOCK 10 !10 lines follow 3275 0 1 1 1000 3 0 10 0 28 10 15 15 6 457 610 1 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 10 ! 1-14 ! 15-28 105 0 0 100 0 100 46046 1 0 100 0 0 1 3 ! 29-42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ! 43-56 0 0 1 1 1 2 62 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 57-70 8000 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 71-84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 85-98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100000 0 1 0 ! 99-112 0 1 0 250 0 0 0 70 1 0 5 0 0 0 ! 113-126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 127-140 INTERGRAPH_OPTIONS_BLOCK 6 !6 lines follow 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 10 0 20 10 1 0 ! 1-14 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ! 15-28 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ! 29-42 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 43-56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 57-70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 999 ! 71-84 FILES 14 !14 LINES TO FOLLOW ’c:\win32app\ingr\pdiso\dat\isomap. 0. 67. 0 !Piping materials class record/break 0. 0. 0. 30. 0. 0 !Cleaning reqmts break ’’. ’’. 0. 0. 29. 0. 958. 0. 0. 0. ’TRACE’. 0. 0. 0. 41. 0. -16. 0. 0 !Testing reqmts break -44. 67. 0. ’’. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 984. 0. 0. -11. 0. 0 !Hold status break -99. 0. 0. 0. 34. 42.March 2000 C. 0. 0. 0. 0. 12. 0. 0. -15. 0. 0. 0. 0. ’’. 0. 0.def) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! DEFINE ZX_ISOC.tbl’ !PDS TO ISOGEN MAP ’c:\win32app\ingr\pdiso\dat\symbol. 12. 0. 28. ’’. 0. ’’. 0. 0. 0. 956. ’’. 0. 960 !Heat tracing reqmts record/break -17. 40. 0. ’NPD’ !70 lines follow !Nominal pipe diameter callout . 0. 12. -2. 0. 67.lib’ !USER DEFINED SYMBOL LIB ’ ’ !LABEL DESCRIPTION LIBRARY ’ ’ !VALVE / OPERATOR TABLE ’c:\win32app\ingr\pdiso\dat\isomto. 12. 67. 0. 0. 39. 0. 0. ’’. 0 !Packaged system no break -42. 0. 0. 7. 0. 0. ’ ’ !Remove fittings callout in BOM -309. ’ ’ !Remove flanges callout in BOM -310.Appendix C: Example Documents C . ’ ’ !Remove dial face orientation callout -282. ’ ’ !Remove pipe NPD callout from title block -318. ’SEE SHT’ !Sheet continued from callout -277. ’ ’ !Remove sight glass window orientation callout -284. ’SCH !Sch/thk override break (-42) callout :’ -295. ’ ’ !Remove tee bend callout -287. ’CMDTY CODE’ !Commodity code callout in BOM -307. ’NPD’ !Nominal pipe diameter callout in BOM -305. ’ ’ !Remove date from ISOGEN title block -253. ’CLASS:’ !PMC break (-11) callout -290. ’ ’ !Remove centerline length callout from title block -330. ’SEE ISO’ !Iso/Sheet continued on callout -213. ’ ’ !Remove gaskets callout in BOM -312. ’ ’ !Remove compression joint legend from title block -404. ’TRACE:’ !Heat tracing reqmts break (-16) callout -292. ’W’ !West orientation callout -250. ’SHT’ !Iso continuation prefix -270. ’IN’ !NPD units callout in BOM -400. ’N’ !North orientation callout -247. ’U’ !Up orientation callout -245. ’ ’ !Remove pipe callout in BOM -308. ’ ’ !Remove field welded joint legend from title block -407. ’ ’ !Remove screwed joint legend from title block -405. ’D’ !Down orientation callout -246. ’COAT :’ !Coating reqmts break (-17) callout -293. ’STEM’ !Spindle callout -215. ’ ’ !Remove valves callout in BOM -314. ’PKGNO:’ !Packaged system no break (-41) callout -294. ’ ’ !Remove lobster callout -219. ’PIPE SUPPORTS’ !Pipe supports callout in BOM -316. ’FFW’ !Field Fit Weld callout -222. ’CONN TO’ !Nozzle connection callout -209. ’SLOPE’ !Slope callout -243. ’FLAT SIDE’ !Eccentric reducer flat side callout -244. ’S’ !South orientation callout -248.5 -208. ’ ’ !Remove socketweld joint legend from title block -406. ’LINE :’ !Line ID break (-6) callout -289. ’ ’ !Remove loose component callout -221. ’OTHER THAN SHOP MATERIALS’ !Other than shop materials callout in BOM -311. ’ ’ !Remove tracing legend from title block -401. ’ ’ !Remove shopwelded legend from title block . ’INSTRUMENTS’ !Instruments callout in BOM -315. ’STAT :’ !Hold status break (-45) callout -298. ’ ’ !Remove insulation legend from title block -402. ’ ’ !Remove insulation from ISOGEN title block -271. ’ ’ !Remove heat tracing from ISOGEN title block -272. ’ ’ !Remove bolts callout in BOM -313. ’ ’ !Remove tee elbow callout -300. ’ ’ !Remove pipe support legend from title block -403. ’PIECE MARKS’ !Pipe marks callout in BOM -317. ’E’ !East orientation callout -249. ’ ’ !Remove miter callout -218. ’ ’ !Remove orifice flange callout -278. ’DESCRIPTION’ !Description callout in BOM -304. ’ ’ !Remove coating from ISOGEN title block -276. ’ ’ !Remove reinforcing pad callout -220. ’TEST :’ !Testing reqmts break (-44) callout -297. ’SHOP MATERIALS’ !Shop materials callout in BOM -303. ’ ’ !Remove reducing flange callout -217. ’ ’ !Remove piping materials class from ISOGEN title block -255. ’INSUL:’ !Insulation reqmts break (-15) callout -291. ’CLEAN:’ !Cleaning reqmts break (-43) callout -296. ’ORIENT’ !Skewed olet orientation callout -288. ’6P6C’.-50. 46. 0. 986 !Pipe remark label TYPE_2_LABELS 22 !22 lines follow 34. 52. ’’ !SN=OP9 ’OP_271’. ’’ !SN=OP_452 ’OP_491’. 3. ’’ !SN=OP_331 ’OP_332’. 22. 954 !NPD-prep-rating for bolted nozzles 2. 16. 0. 0 !Line ID label at start of line TYPE_1_LABELS 5 !5 lines follow 1. ’6Q6C’. 12. ’6Q2C11’. 3. 22. ’’ !SN=OP_351 ’OP_391’. ’’ !SN=OP_571 . 0. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 46. 310. ’’ !SN=OP_391 ’OP_413’. -21. ’’ !SN=OP_491 ’OP_493’. ’6Q2C15’. ’ ’ !Remove pipe spool nos from title block -411. 3. 968 !Operate 6Q2C11 in closed position 34. ’6Q3C83’. 952 !Equip no (concatenated with label 953) -1.C-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 962 !Piping commodity component remark label 2. 3. 997 !Non-radial offset label 34. 0. 3. ’6Q2C10’. 967 !RWELD size 34. 67. ’6Q2C13’. ’’ !SN=OP_334 ’OP_351’. 988 !7P2C09 vac set pt label 67. 0. 3. 3. ’7P3C’. 26. 3. ’7P2C09’. ’6Q2C12’. 987 !7P2C06 press set pt label 67. ’ ’ !Remove site connection legend from title block -451. ’7P2C12’. ’6Q3C81’. ’7P2C01’. 0. ’FW’ !Field weld (no added material) START_POINT_NOTES 1 !1 line follows 0. 997 !Non-radial offset label 34. 987 !7P2C16 press set pt label 67. 950 !NPD-prep for MAL nozzles SECONDARY_ORIENTATION_NOTE 24 !To define operators requiring secondary orientation !24 lines follow ’OP9’. ’7P2C06’. 34. 0. 969 !Operate 6Q2C10 in open position 34. ’’ !SN=OP_271 ’OP_291’. 38. 3. 964 !Piping commodity valves opening action label 34. 0. 978 !Pipe support existing construction status label TYPE_3_LABELS 0 !0 lines follow NOZZLE_NOTE 5 !5 lines follow -1. 0. 3. ’7P2C18’. 966 !Cold spring label 3. ’7P2C14’. 50. 3. 4. ’ ’ !Tapping Connection Note -498. 953 !Nozzle no 1. ’7P1E’. ’’ !SN=OP_493 ’OP_494’. 964 !Piping specialty components opening action label 34. 987 !7P2C01 press set pt label 67. 0. 964 !Piping specialty components opening action label 67. 0. ’’ !SN=OP_493 ’OP_571’. 4. 3. 954 !NPD-prep-rating for FEM nozzles 3. 965 !Instrument opening action label 67. 0. 962 !Piping specialty component remark label 4. 0. 34. ’’ !SN=OP_311 ’OP_331’. 989 !7P2C12 press/vac set pt label 67. 3. 965 !Instrument opening action label 80. 989 !7P2C14 press/vac set pt label 67. ’7P2C16’. 968 !Operate 6Q2C13 in closed position 34. ’’ !SN=OP_291 ’OP_311’. ’6Q1C’. 4. 0. 0. 22. -22. ’6Q3C82’. 0. 3.March 2000 -410. 969 !Operate 6Q2C15 in open position 34. ’’ !SN=OP_333 ’OP_334’. 3. 997 !Non-radial offset label 34. 3. 4. 988 !7P2C18 vac set pt label 67. ’’ !SN=OP_332 ’OP_333’. ’3’. ’’ !SN=OP_413 ’OP_452’. 963 !Instrument remark label 3. 3. 968 !Operate 6Q2C12 in closed position 34. 0. ’6Q3C85’. ’S’. 43390. 0. ’DEG’. ’NOT FOUND’. ’’ !Line ID MOVABLE_TEXT 10 !10 lines follow: -6. ’CHAIN_’. 6. 0. ’’ !Used based on Intergraph option 33 6. 67. 34. 0 !Relocate ISOGEN sheet no callout NEW_SYMBOL_KEYS 0 !0 lines follow GENITM_NOTE_FORMAT 4 !4 lines follow ’CHAINWHEEL$WITH [2] CHAIN’ !Length of chain note ’PROVIDE FLOOR STAND$WITH Y1=[2]’ !Floorstand note ’PROVIDE EXTENSION STEM$WITH Y1=[2]’ !Extension stem note ’ ’ !Turn off note for implied materials ALTERNATE_DESCRIPTION_INDEX 3 !3 lines follow 2. 4. 0 !Relocate ISOGEN sheet no callout -703. ’HOR’. 951. 20. 15.7 ’OP_572’. 0. 29. 0. 0. 0. 6. 6. 45. 95 !Shop fabricated codelist values from CL180 END_POINT_COMPONENT_LABELS 1 !1 line follows ’’. 0. 0 !Relocate -44 record to outside of iso border -45. 0. 29. ’’ !SN=OP_711 ’OP_811’.LIB specialties 5. 0. 0. ’NUTS PER BOLT’. 0. 0. 0. ’’ !SN=OP_811 ’OP_853’. 0. 12. 32. 972 !To access ZX_SPCLTYDESCR. 0. 6. 0. 80. 971 !To access ZX_SPCLTYDESCR. 0. 0. 0 !Relocate -25 record to outside of iso border -41. ’’ !Vertical .Used for an operator in a 2plane ske 8. 0. 12. 25. 8 !Construction status (CL130) NOMTO_CODE_LIST_VALUES 1 !1 line follows 12. ’BOLT LENGTH’. 32. 42790. 4. 0. 0. 0. 0. ’’ !Used with skewed operator orientation notes 12. 1. 0. ’XSTEM_’. 0. 3. 0. ’’ !Horizontal . 50. ’’ !SN=OP_572 ’OP_573’. 0. 27. 0. ’’ !Degree . ’’ !Used with skewed operator orientation notes 15. 0 !Relocate -43 record to outside of iso border -44.LIB for pipe supports 4. 20. 0.Appendix C: Example Documents C .Used for an operator in a 2plane ske 10. !1 lines follow 3. 0. ’W’. 25. ’N’. 0. 0. ’FSTAND_’. ’D’. 35. 0 !Relocate -6 record to lower left corner of iso -25. 7. 5. 5. ’’ !Used with skewed operator orientation notes 14. 0. ’E’. 3. 0 !Relocate -45 record to outside of iso border -700. 5. 0. 951 !Line ID + dgn area LINE_ID_DEFINITION 1 12. 0.Used for an operator in a 2plane ske 9. ’VOR’. ’’ !Used based on Intergraph option 33. ’’ !SN=OP_853 ’OP_854’. ’’ !Used with skewed operator orientation notes 11. 0. 0 !Relocate N arrow to upper right quadrant of iso -702. 34. ’’ !Used with skewed operator orientation notes 13. 0. 973 !To access ZX_SPCLTYDESCR. 27. ’’ !Used based on Intergraph option 33 7. ’’ !Used based on Intergraph option 58 3. 0. 67. ’’ !SN=OP_574 ’OP_711’. 0. !1 line follows 5. 0. 0.LIB for instruments INGR_ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS 15 !15 LINES TO FOLLOW 1. 0. 12. 34. 951. ’’ !SN=OP_854 ’OP_931’. 50. 8 !Construction status (CL130) SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES 1 6. ’’ !SN=OP_931 DOTTED_SYMBOLOGY_CODE_LIST_VALUES 1 !1 line follows 12. 7. 0. 0. ’’ !SN=OP_573 ’OP_574’. 0. 0 !Relocate -41 record to outside of iso border -42.56 5. 0 !Relocate -42 record to outside of iso border -43. 67. 0. ’’ !Used with skewed operator orientation notes . 0. 0. 0. ’U’. 0. ’’ !Used based on Intergraph option 52 4. ’’ !Used based on Intergraph option 6 and ATEXT -209 2. 0. C-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .12. 22 are field welds 1. "WF" !Weld type 24 is a field fit weld . 2.18. 21. "WS" !Weld types 21.16.19."WW" !Weld types 11-20 are shop welds 2. 11. 24.March 2000 USER_DEFINED_WELDS 3 10. Appendix C: Example Documents C .9 C.Character (8) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 402 **************** Label Name = Tag no [1] Instrument Component Data [1] instrument_comp_no .Character (8) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 404 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data .2 Label Library Label Definitions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **************** Label Type = 400 **************** Label Name = Comp cmdty code [1] Piping Component Data [1] commodity_code .Character (16) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 401 **************** Label Name = Pipe sch/thk 1 [1] Piping/Tubing Data [1] schedule_thickness .Character (20) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 403 **************** Label Name = Comp sch/thk 1 [1] Piping Component Data [1] cp_1_sch_thk . ’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 409 **************** Label Name = Comp sch/thk 2 b [1] bore Piping Component Data [1] 2 cp_2_sch_thk .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 406 **************** Label Name = Comp sch/thk 1 b [1] bore Piping Component Data [1] 2 cp_1_sch_thk .’ bore’ .’ bore’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 407 **************** Label Name = Comp sch/thk 2 [1] Piping Component Data [1] cp_2_sch_thk .Character (8) .C .10 1 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Character (8) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 408 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 405 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .March 2000 .Character (8) . ’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 412 **************** Label Name = Comp sch/thk 1x2 [1] x [3] Piping Component Data [1] 2 cp_1_sch_thk .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 411 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 414 **************** Label Name = Comp sch/thk 1x2 b [1] x [3] bore Piping Component Data [1] 2 [3] 4 cp_1_sch_thk .11 *************************************** **************** Label Type = 410 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’ x ’ cp_2_sch_thk .Character (8) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 413 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’ bore’ .Character (8) .Character (8) .’ x ’ [3] cp_2_sch_thk .Character (8) .Appendix C: Example Documents C . ’ x ’ cp_3_sch_thk .Character (8) .’ x ’ [3] cp_3_sch_thk .Character (8) .C .’ bore’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 418 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .March 2000 *************************************** **************** Label Type = 415 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Character (8) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 417 **************** Label Name = Comp sch/thk 1x3 b [1] x [3] bore Piping Component Data [1] 2 cp_1_sch_thk [3] 4 .Character (8) .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 416 **************** Label Name = Comp sch/thk 1x3 [1] x [3] Piping Component Data [1] 2 cp_1_sch_thk .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 419 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data . 4) with sub units (ex.) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 424 **************** Label Name = Instr chain length [1] Instrument Component Data [1] chain_length .etc.13 1 .IN.0) with sub units (ex.) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 423 **************** Label Name = RWELD size [1] Piping Component Data [1] bend_radius . ".IN.MM.0) with sub units (ex.Real (5.IN.MM.MM.Real (6.) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 422 **************** Label Name = Piping chain length [1] Piping Component Data [1] bend_angle . ". ".etc.’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 420 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .) *************************************** . ".IN.Real (6.4) with sub units (ex.’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 421 **************** Label Name = Bonnet length [1] Piping Component Data [1] dimension_a .etc.Real (5.etc.MM.Appendix C: Example Documents C . MM.MM. ".4) with sub units (ex.Real (6.4) with sub units (ex.’ cover’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 429 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .etc.etc.March 2000 **************** Label Type = 425 **************** Label Name = RPAD width x thick [1] x [3] Piping Component Data [1] 2 operator_weight .14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .IN.’ x ’ [3] bend_radius .4) with sub units (ex.C .Real (5.) .) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 426 **************** Label Name = Comp NPD 1 [1] Piping Component Data [1] cp_1_nom_pipe_diam .IN. ".etc.MM.Real (6.’Dummy’ *************************************** .) . ".IN.2) with sub units (ex.etc.Real (6.) .’ nominal height’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 428 **************** Label Name = Hydrant cover [1] cover Piping Component Data [1] 2 dimension_a .IN.MM.Character (9) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 427 **************** Label Name = Monitor elev length [1] nominal height Piping Component Data [1] 2 dimension_a . ". Appendix C: Example Documents C .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 435 **************** Label Name = Reserved .15 **************** Label Type = 430 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 432 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 434 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 433 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 431 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 . 16 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 436 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 438 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 437 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 440 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data .March 2000 Dummy Attribute Data 1 .C .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 439 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 . Appendix C: Example Documents C .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 444 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 445 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 441 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** .17 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 443 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 442 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 . March 2000 **************** Label Type = 446 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 447 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .C .Character (9) .1 space(s) Entity 22 Attribute 5 .Character (8) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 951 **************** .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 448 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 449 **************** Label Name = Reserved Dummy Attribute Data 1 .’Dummy’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 950 **************** Label Name = MAL nozzle descr [1] [3] Nozzle Data [1] 2 [3] Entity 22 Attribute 3 .18 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Character (10) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 954 **************** Label Name = BLT/FEM nozzle descr [1] [3] [5] Nozzle Data [1] 2 [3] 4 [5] Entity 22 Attribute 3 .Character (9) .1 space(s) Entity 22 Attribute 4 .Appendix C: Example Documents C .Character (5) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 952 **************** Label Name = Equip no [1]/ Equipment Data [1] 2 Entity 21 Attribute 1 .Character (6) 3 .1 space(s) Entity 22 Attribute 5 .Character (8) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 955 **************** Label Name = Pc mark prefix [1][2]-[4][5] Piping Segment Data .’/’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 953 **************** Label Name = Equip nozzle [1] Nozzle Data [1] Entity 22 Attribute 1 .’-’ [4] fluid_code [5] design_area_number .Character (12) .Character (8) .19 Label Name = Iso continuation [1][2]-[4][5] Piping Segment Data [1] unit_code .Character (30) .Character (2) [2] line_sequence_no . etc.0) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 959 **************** Label Name = Comp ht tracing [1] [3] [5] Piping Component Data [1] 2 [3] 4 [5] heat_tracing_reqmt .March 2000 [1] unit_code .Real (6.Character (10) .Character (5) .1 space(s) insulation_thick .20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .MM.Real (6.Character (6) 3 .Character (12) .Real (6.MM.Character (10) .IN. ".Character (5) .1 space(s) heat_tracing_media .Real (6.1 space(s) insulation_thick .1 space(s) heat_tracing_temp .1 space(s) heat_tracing_media .) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 957 **************** Label Name = Instr insulation [1] [3] Instrument Component Data [1] 2 [3] insulation_purpose .etc.’-’ [4] fluid_code [5] design_area_number .C . ".Character (2) [2] line_sequence_no .1 space(s) heat_tracing_temp .IN.2) with sub units (ex.) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 958 **************** Label Name = Segment ht tracing [1] [3] [5] Piping Segment Data [1] 2 [3] 4 [5] heat_tracing_reqmt .0) .Character (5) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 956 **************** Label Name = Segment insulation [1] [3] Piping Segment Data [1] 2 [3] insulation_purpose .2) with sub units (ex.Character (5) .Character (5) . Real (8.Character (10) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 962 **************** Label Name = Comp remarks [1] Piping Component Data [1] remarks .21 *************************************** **************** Label Type = 960 **************** Label Name = Instr ht tracing [1] [3] [5] Instrument Component Data [1] 2 [3] 4 [5] heat_tracing_reqmt .Character (6) .1 space(s) test_fluid .1 space(s) heat_tracing_temp .1 space(s) [5] test_pressure .Character (5) .Character (25) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 963 **************** Label Name = Instr remarks [1] Instrument Component Data [1] remarks .1 space(s) heat_tracing_media .Character (5) .2) [6] nor_op_pres_units .0) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 961 **************** Label Name = Segment testing [1] [3] [5][6] Piping Segment Data [1] 2 [3] 4 test_system_no .Real (6.Appendix C: Example Documents C .Character (5) .Character (25) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 964 **************** Label Name = Comp opening action . ) .Real (7.MM.’ for$cold spring (-)/cut long (+)’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 967 **************** Label Name = RWELD size [1] RWELD Piping Component Data [1] 2 bend_radius .4) with sub units (ex.’Operate closed’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 969 **************** Label Name = Operate open .Real (6.IN.C .’Adjust length by ’ cold_spring_length .22 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . ".March 2000 [1] Piping Component Data [1] opening_action .IN.Character (10) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 966 **************** Label Name = Pipe cold spring Adjust length by [2] for$cold spring (-)/cut long (+) Piping/Tubing Data 1 [2] 3 .etc. ".Character (10) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 965 **************** Label Name = Instr opening action [1] Instrument Component Data [1] opening_action .) .etc.MM.4) with sub units (ex.’ RWELD’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 968 **************** Label Name = Operate closed Operate closed Attribute Data 1 . ’INSTR’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 977 **************** Label Name = Segment P&ID nodes [1]-[3] .’Operate open’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 970 **************** Label Name = Pipe spt detail no Per detail(s) [2] Pipe Support Data 1 .’PSPECIALTY’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 972 **************** Label Name = Pip spt descr access PSUPPORT Attribute Data 1 .Character (30) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 971 **************** Label Name = Spclty descr access PSPECIALTY Attribute Data 1 .23 Operate open Attribute Data 1 .Appendix C: Example Documents C .’Per detail(s) ’ [2] Entity 80 Attribute -1 .’PSUPPORT’ *************************************** **************** Label Type = 973 **************** Label Name = Instr descr access INSTR Attribute Data 1 . Character (12) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 982 **************** Label Name = Seg matls of constr [1] .Character (4) .’-’ PID_id_part_b .24 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Character (15) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 979 **************** Label Name = Unit no/Dgn area no [1]/[3] Piping Segment Data [1] 2 [3] unit_number .Character (4) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 978 **************** Label Name = Pipe spt constr stat [1] Pipe Support Data [1] construction_stat .C .March 2000 Piping Segment Data [1] 2 [3] PID_id_part_a .Character (12) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 980 **************** Label Name = Segment module no [1] Piping Segment Data [1] module_no .Character (16) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 981 **************** Label Name = Seg package sys no [1] Piping Segment Data [1] package_system_no .Character (12) .’/’ design_area_number . Character (5) .Character (5) .Real (6.25 Piping Segment Data [1] mater_of_construct .Appendix C: Example Documents C .Character (5) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 984 **************** Label Name = Pipe ht tracing [1] [3] [5] Piping/Tubing Data [1] 2 [3] 4 [5] heat_tracing_reqmt .Character (6) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 983 **************** Label Name = Segment test fluid [1] Piping Segment Data [1] test_fluid .0) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 985 **************** Label Name = Nozzle service [1] Nozzle Data [1] Entity 22 Attribute 16 .Character (25) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 987 **************** Label Name = Press set pt Press set pt: [2][3] .1 space(s) heat_tracing_temp .Character (20) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 986 **************** Label Name = Pipe remarks [1] Piping/Tubing Data [1] remarks .1 space(s) heat_tracing_media . 26 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Character (16) .2) .Real (8.2) [6] Entity 67 Attribute -1 .1 space(s) cp_3_end_prep .2) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 988 **************** Label Name = Vacuum set pt Vac set pt: [2][3] Instrument Component Data 1 .’Vac set pt: ’ [2] Entity 67 Attribute -1 .1 space(s) cp_2_end_prep .C .Real (8.Character (10) .March 2000 Instrument Component Data 1 .’Press set pt: ’ [2] chain_length [3] Entity 67 Attribute -1 .Character (10) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 990 **************** Label Name = Instr end prep with end prep: [2] [4] [6] Instrument Component Data 1 [2] 3 [4] 5 [6] .’Press set pt: ’ [2] chain_length [3] Entity 67 Attribute -1 .’Vac set pt: ’ [5] Entity 67 Attribute -1 .2) [3] Entity 67 Attribute -1 .Real (8.Character (10) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 989 **************** Label Name = Press/vac set pt Press set pt: [2][3] Vac set pt: [5][6] Instrument Component Data 1 .Character (10) 4 .Character (15) .Real (8.Character (15) *************************************** **************** Label Type = 991 **************** Label Name = Spclty end prep with end prep: [2] [4] [6] .’with end prep: ’ cp_1_end_prep . Appendix C: Example Documents C .Character (15) .Character (15) *************************************** .27 Piping Component Data 1 [2] 3 [4] 5 [6] .’with end prep: ’ cp_1_end_prep .1 space(s) cp_3_end_prep .Character (15) .1 space(s) cp_2_end_prep . 08 422.58 429.05 18.45 15.45 18.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 20 COMP 34 1 1364.05 18.08 422.42 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 5 COMP 14 2 1363.05 422.10 13.58 420.08 421.47 13.83 422.45 18.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 17 COMP 33 1 1372.08 422.58 429.08 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 19 COMP 34 0 1364.28 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .35 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 23 COMP 35 1 1364.58 421.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 22 COMP 35 0 1364.45 16.40 422.46 Z Node Direct Section 0 0 0 Flags 3 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 9 1 COMP 16 1 1369.C .45 18.33 429.08 420.80 19.08 421.h file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: 30-MAR-1994 02:03:53 Project Database: pd_stdeng_o43 Model Files: skiso3 skiso1 38eqp01 40eqp01 Raw design file data ——————– Name Occ COMP 16 cp # 0 1369.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 41 COMP 6 1 1363.80 18.58 429.45 18.58 429.47 13.83 429.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 7 COMP 27 0 1362.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 17 34 PIPE 3 1 1369.58 423.3 HITS Report (.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 46 COMP 31 0 1363.95 13.21 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 25 PIPE 5 1 1370.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 32 COMP 30 1 1363.24 13.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 17 12 COMP 29 3 1369.58 422.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 4 COMP 14 1 1363.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 8 COMP 27 1 1362.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 33 COMP 30 2 1363.80 18.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 3 COMP 14 0 1363.97 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 47 COMP 31 1 1363.45 16.21 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 21 COMP 34 2 1365.70 13.45 18.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 26 PIPE 5 2 1372.20 18.58 422.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 28 PIPE 6 2 1373.45 16.45 15.45 18.45 18.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 10 COMP 29 1 1370.58 429.58 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 43 COMP 15 0 1363.45 18.08 422.11 422.83 422.83 429.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 31 COMP 30 0 1363.45 18.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 14 COMP 32 1 1373.24 13.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 30 PIPE 7 2 1365.94 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 6 COMP 14 3 1362.40 422.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 40 COMP 6 0 1363.58 421.80 18.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 17 35 PIPE 3 2 1363.33 429.45 18.80 19.58 429.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 38 COMP 17 2 1369.58 421.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 42 COMP 6 2 1363.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 29 PIPE 7 1 1372.80 19.99 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 13 COMP 32 0 1373.80 18.80 18.58 421.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 15 COMP 32 2 1372.24 13.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 39 COMP 17 3T 1369.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16 27 PIPE 6 1 1373.45 15.58 421.46 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 17 36 COMP 17 0 1369.94 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 45 COMP 15 2 1363.20 18.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 2 COMP 16 2 1369.08 422.80 19.58 429.08 422.10 Y 13.45 16.45 15.45 17.95 13.83 422.11 422.08 422.March 2000 C.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 18 COMP 33 2 1373.45 15.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 9 COMP 29 0 1369.45 14.45 17.83 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 11 COMP 29 2 1369.08 422.58 429.45 15.58 423.41 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 37 COMP 17 1 1369.35 422.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 48 .05 422.45 18.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 16 COMP 33 0 1373.51 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 24 COMP 35 2 1364.80 18.38 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 44 COMP 15 1 1363.08 422.58 X 421. 08 422.08 422.51 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 15 69 COMP 22 0 1369.94 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 91 COMP 25 2 1369.93 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 58 COMP 9 0 1363.08 421.45 13.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 76 COMP 24 1 1369.45 15.47 12.08 422.58 429.06 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 98 COMP 18 1 1369.80 19.47 12.37 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 88 SUPP 3 2 1363.93 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 102 COMP 19 2 1369.45 14.29 COMP 31 2 1363.58 422.47 12.94 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 78 COMP 24 3 1368.80 19.08 421.45 12.58 422.47 12.58 422.27 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 85 COMP 13 1 1363.58 421.45 17.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 13 109 COMP 28 1 1368.45 14.08 421.58 422.58 422.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 70 COMP 22 1 1369.47 12.38 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 90 COMP 25 1 1369.08 421.08 422.58 421.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 63 COMP 10 2 1363.08 421.58 422.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 82 COMP 12 1 1363.08 421.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 103 COMP 20 0 1369.45 15.47 12.58 422.58 422.42 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 77 COMP 24 2 1369.08 421.45 17.45 14.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 101 COMP 19 1 1369.45 14.45 14.70 13.58 422.80 19.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 54 COMP 7 3T 1363.08 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 108 COMP 28 0 1368.08 421.08 421.58 421.47 12.08 421.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 95 PIPE 103 1 1369.47 12.47 13.47 12.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 13 79 SUPP 4 1 1369.47 12.45 14.58 421.47 13.47 12.58 421.08 421.47 12.45 15.45 17.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 61 COMP 10 0 1363.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 59 COMP 9 1 1363.58 422.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 66 COMP 26 0 1364.58 422.58 422.45 12.45 16.93 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 100 COMP 19 0 1369.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 92 COMP 305 0 1369.47 12.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 13 110 .58 421.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 106 COMP 21 0 1369.70 13.42 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 74 COMP 23 2 1369.71 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 8 50 PIPE 4 2 1363.45 14.58 422.41 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 52 COMP 7 1 1363.54 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 15 67 COMP 26 1 1364.58 422.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 72 COMP 23 0 1369.45 14.46 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 64 COMP 11 0 1363.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 75 COMP 24 0 1369.97 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 93 COMP 305 1 1369.71 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 105 COMP 20 2 1369.58 422.45 15.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 99 COMP 18 2 1369.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 87 SUPP 3 1 1363.37 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 11 80 SUPP 4 2 1369.58 429.43 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 107 COMP 21 1 1369.08 421.47 12.99 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 14 97 COMP 18 0 1369.30 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 89 COMP 25 0 1369.24 13.58 422.85 422.08 421.45 17.43 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 65 COMP 11 1 1363.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 55 COMP 8 0 1363.08 422.12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 49 PIPE 4 1 1363.58 421.47 13.27 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 73 COMP 23 1 1369.93 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 60 COMP 9 2 1363.Appendix C: Example Documents C .12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 84 COMP 13 0 1363.47 12.47 12.12 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 14 96 PIPE 103 2 1369.58 422.08 422.45 15.70 13.45 17.42 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 86 COMP 13 2 1363.45 16.58 421.30 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 11 81 COMP 12 0 1363.47 13.90 422.08 421.58 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 15 68 COMP 26 2 1364.45 16.45 13.45 17.47 13.45 13.58 422.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 71 COMP 22 2 1369.58 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 62 COMP 10 1 1363.45 13.47 13.58 421.45 16.08 421.58 421.82 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 14 94 COMP 305 2 1369.08 422.06 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 56 COMP 8 1 1363.12 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 8 51 COMP 7 0 1363.47 12.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 53 COMP 7 2 1363.08 422.37 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 83 COMP 12 2 1363.90 422.58 421.45 15.58 421.45 14.58 429.47 12.18 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 57 COMP 8 2 1363.08 422.58 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 104 COMP 20 1 1369.08 421. 45 18.58 -1 8 0 22 0 0 0 15 56 COMP 34 2 1365.18 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 7 2 COMP 14 3 1362.08 421.45 12.45 15.83 422.21 16 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 49 COMP 35 0 1364.47 12.38 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 36 COMP 31 1 1363.46 2 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 8 COMP 7 2 1363.08 422.47 13.46 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 8 44 PIPE 3 2 1363.08 422.08 421.08 422.24 13.30 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .45 16.80 20.12 13 2 0 5 0 0 0 8 41 COMP 30 1 1363.58 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 13 COMP 9 2 1363.45 16.82 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 16 COMP 9 1 1363.45 16.08 421.37 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 5 26 SUPP 3 1 1363.58 41 8 0 3 0 0 0 15 54 NOZ 7 2 1364.80 19.08 421.51 17 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 51 COMP 26 2 1364.47 13.80 19.24 13.37 7 12 0 3 0 0 0 5 24 SUPP 3 2 1363.12 13 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 40 PIPE 4 2 1363.45 14.45 16.80 19.46 2 12 0 3 0 0 0 4 9 COMP 11 0 1363.94 11 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 35 COMP 15 0 1363.47 13.45 18.08 422.08 422.47 13.46 15 4 0 3 0 0 0 17 46 COMP 34 0 1364.45 15.58 429.58 429.58 429.08 421.45 17.71 14 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 42 PIPE 4 1 1363.46 40 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 6 COMP 6 0 1363.70 13.45 15.08 422.46 20 4 0 5 0 0 0 17 62 .83 422.47 12.35 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 50 COMP 35 1 1364.33 429.18 6 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 21 COMP 7 0 1363.10 13.08 422.45 14.35 422.90 422.40 422.08 421.58 429.58 429.45 14.82 12 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 37 COMP 15 2 1363.08 421.46 0 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 7 COMP 6 2 1363.71 14 2 0 5 0 0 0 8 43 COMP 30 0 1363.18 -2 3 0 3 0 0 0 13 59 COMP 24 3 1368.93 5 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 17 COMP 8 2 1363.08 421.08 421.45 18.12 9 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 28 COMP 12 2 1363.18 6 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 20 COMP 8 1 1363.08 422.47 12.58 429.08 421.08 422.08 421.80 18.18 19 3 0 3 0 0 0 13 61 PIPE 3 1 1369.46 18 7 0 3 0 0 0 16 57 PIPE 7 2 1365.70 13.47 12.45 15.90 422.08 420.71 4 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 14 COMP 10 1 1363.95 13.47 12.08 421.80 19.47 12.80 18.80 19.18 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 5 33 COMP 15 1 1363.45 13.42 10 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 31 COMP 14 1 1363.47 12.51 17 8 0 3 0 0 0 15 52 COMP 26 0 1364.08 422.46 3 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 11 COMP 10 2 1363.08 422.94 11 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 34 COMP 14 2 1363.08 422.58 429.C .08 422.95 13.54 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 15 53 COMP 26 1 1364.18 19 3 0 3 0 0 0 13 60 COMP 28 1 1368.45 14.08 422.70 13.08 421.18 -2 3 0 3 0 0 0 7 1 COMP 27 1 1362.41 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 5 22 COMP 12 1 1363.08 420.18 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 7 3 1 1 1363.37 7 15 0 3 0 0 0 5 23 COMP 7 1 1363.80 18.21 16 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 48 COMP 34 1 1364.46 -1 11 0 22 0 0 0 3 4 NOZ cp # X Y Z Node Direct Section Flags Topo Seq Branch Sg_occ NOZ 1 2 1363.45 17.08 422.45 15.58 429.82 12 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 38 COMP 31 0 1363.80 19.33 429.93 5 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 18 COMP 8 0 1363.85 422.08 421.97 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 39 COMP 31 2 1363.40 422.45 13.08 422.45 18.08 422.71 4 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 15 COMP 9 0 1363.45 17.45 14.46 3 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 12 COMP 10 0 1363.30 -3 2 0 8 0 0 0 5 25 COMP 12 0 1363.46 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 47 COMP 35 2 1364.37 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 5 27 COMP 13 2 1363.45 15.08 421.46 15 4 0 5 0 0 0 17 45 COMP 30 2 1363.45 15.08 422.46 40 11 0 22 0 0 0 3 5 COMP 6 1 1363.06 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 19 COMP 7 3T 1363.58 429.45 17.80 19.08 421.46 18 7 0 5 0 0 0 16 58 COMP 28 0 1368.43 -2 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 10 COMP 11 1 1363.08 421.80 19.11 422.58 41 8 0 22 0 0 0 15 55 NOZ 7 1 1364.45 15.45 15.08 422.47 12.12 9 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 29 COMP 13 0 1363.08 420.27 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 30 COMP 13 1 1363.47 12.08 422.March 2000 Design file data sorted by coordinate ————————————Name Occ COMP 27 0 1362.58 429.08 421.42 10 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 32 COMP 14 0 1363. 05 18.37 0 5 0 8 0 0 0 11 87 COMP 22 2 1369.12 28 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 88 COMP 23 2 1369.58 422.47 13.82 31 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 97 COMP 305 1 1369.58 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 73 COMP 20 1 1369.58 422.05 422.45 15.83 429.24 13.71 23 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 74 COMP 19 2 1369.58 422.46 39 1 0 22 0 0 0 9 65 COMP 16 1 1369.70 13.58 429.46 37 6 0 5 0 0 0 16 113 COMP 33 2 1373.46 34 4 0 3 0 0 0 16 105 PIPE 5 1 1370.46 36 7 0 3 0 0 0 16 110 COMP 32 0 1373.45 14.45 16.99 33 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 103 COMP 29 0 1369.71 23 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 75 COMP 19 0 1369.46 35 4 0 3 0 0 0 16 108 PIPE 7 1 1372.58 421.47 12.97 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 99 PIPE 103 1 1369.37 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 11 86 SUPP 4 1 1369.58 420.58 421.80 18.58 421.83 429.47 13.41 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 11 82 COMP 22 1 1369.58 422.18 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 93 COMP 24 2 1369.45 16.58 423.58 421.46 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 16 104 COMP 29 1 1370.70 13.46 22 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 72 COMP 20 0 1369.58 422.46 21 9 0 3 0 0 0 10 69 COMP 21 0 1369.80 18.46 37 6 0 3 0 0 0 16 112 PIPE 6 1 1373.45 12.46 34 4 0 5 0 0 0 16 106 PIPE 5 2 1372.45 17.95 13.45 15.31 COMP 29 2 1369.46 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 9 67 COMP 16 2 1369.42 29 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 91 COMP 24 1 1369.58 421.58 422.46 20 4 0 3 0 0 0 17 63 NOZ 3 1 1369.58 421.46 38 6 0 5 0 0 0 16 115 COMP 33 0 1373.12 28 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 89 COMP 23 0 1369.45 13.58 422.38 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 96 COMP 25 2 1369.45 14.46 39 1 0 3 0 0 0 9 66 COMP 16 0 1369.58 422.47 12.58 420.83 422.83 422.93 24 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 77 COMP 19 1 1369.20 18.47 12.58 422.58 421.82 31 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 98 COMP 305 0 1369.58 421.58 422.43 -2 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 70 COMP 21 1 1369.58 421.47 12.12 32 5 0 5 0 0 0 14 100 COMP 305 2 1369.58 429.58 421.58 422.37 26 14 0 3 0 0 0 11 83 COMP 17 1 1369.99 33 5 0 5 0 0 0 14 102 COMP 29 3 1369.58 422.45 18.58 422.46 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 16 116 Tracing data ———— Occ Cp 5 Next Action 3 2 Name NOZ Node 39 Ref Design 112 1 1 1 5 Next 16 1 COMP 39 2 1 1 2 5 Next 16 2 COMP 21 3 1 1 3 5 Next 17 2 COMP 21 39 1 1 4 6 Push 17 3 COMP 25 40 1 0 0 5 Next 17 1 COMP 26 38 1 1 5 5 Next 22 1 COMP 26 71 1 1 6 ++++ .58 422.45 15.94 30 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 94 COMP 25 1 1369.47 13.93 24 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 78 COMP 18 0 1369.45 14.58 422.80 18.58 422.58 421.46 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 16 111 COMP 32 1 1373.46 35 4 0 5 0 0 0 16 107 COMP 32 2 1372.46 36 7 0 5 0 0 0 16 109 COMP 33 1 1372.45 18.46 38 6 0 3 0 0 0 16 114 PIPE 6 2 1373.45 18.82 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 76 COMP 18 2 1369.18 25 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 81 COMP 17 0 1369.47 13.46 22 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 71 COMP 20 2 1369.58 422.58 421.47 12.45 14.47 12.30 -3 5 0 8 0 0 0 11 85 COMP 22 0 1369.58 421.47 12.45 17.45 18.58 422.45 16.45 13.27 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 90 COMP 23 1 1369.45 16.12 32 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 101 PIPE 103 2 1369.58 429.45 18.58 422.45 18.58 420.45 14.46 21 1 0 3 0 0 0 9 68 COMP 17 2 1369.45 17.58 421.58 421.42 29 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 92 COMP 24 0 1369.58 421.58 421.45 18.05 422.58 422.18 25 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 80 COMP 18 1 1369.45 17.47 12.20 18.Appendix C: Example Documents C .37 26 9 0 3 0 0 0 11 84 SUPP 4 2 1369.47 12.94 30 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 95 COMP 25 0 1369.06 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 79 COMP 17 3T 1369.10 13.11 422.58 422.24 13.70 13.58 423.95 13.05 18.46 -1 1 0 22 0 0 0 9 64 NOZ 3 2 1369.58 421. C .32 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 5 Next 22 2 COMP 28 72 1 1 7 5 Next 23 2 COMP 28 75 1 1 8 5 Next 23 1 COMP 29 74 1 1 9 5 Next 24 1 COMP 29 77 1 1 10 6 Push 24 3 COMP 19 79 1 0 0 5 Next 24 2 COMP 30 78 1 1 11 5 Next 25 1 COMP 30 91 1 1 12 5 Next 25 2 COMP 31 92 1 1 13 5 Next 305 1 COMP 31 94 1 1 14 5 Next 305 2 COMP 32 95 1 1 15 5 Next 103 1 PIPE 32 96 1 1 16 5 Next 103 2 PIPE 33 97 1 1 17 5 Next 29 3 COMP 33 13 1 1 18 6 Push 29 2 COMP 20 12 1 0 0 5 Next 29 1 COMP 34 11 1 2 1 5 Next 5 1 PIPE 34 26 1 2 2 5 Next 5 2 PIPE 35 27 1 2 3 5 Next 32 2 COMP 35 16 1 2 4 5 Next 32 1 COMP 37 15 1 2 5 5 Next 6 1 PIPE 37 28 1 2 6 5 Next 6 2 PIPE 38 29 1 2 7 5 Next 33 2 COMP 38 19 1 2 8 5 Next 33 1 COMP 36 18 1 2 9 5 Next 7 1 PIPE 36 30 1 2 10 ++++ ++++ 5 Next 7 2 PIPE 18 31 1 2 11 5 Next 34 2 COMP 18 22 1 2 12 5 Next 34 1 COMP 16 21 1 2 13 5 Next 35 2 COMP 16 25 1 2 14 5 Next 35 1 COMP 17 24 1 2 15 5 Next 26 2 COMP 17 69 1 2 16 5 Next 26 1 COMP 41 68 1 2 17 5 Next 7 2 NOZ 41 116 1 2 18 5 Next 7 1 NOZ -1 115 1 2 7 Pull 29 2 COMP 20 12 1 5 Next 29 2 COMP 20 12 1 2 -1 5 Next 3 1 PIPE 20 35 1 2 -2 5 Next 3 2 PIPE 15 36 1 2 -3 5 Next 30 2 COMP 15 34 1 2 -4 5 Next 30 1 COMP 14 33 1 2 -5 5 Next 4 1 PIPE 14 50 1 2 -6 5 Next 4 2 PIPE 13 51 1 2 -7 5 Next 31 2 COMP 13 49 1 2 -8 5 Next 31 1 COMP 12 48 1 2 -9 5 Next 15 2 COMP 12 46 1 2 -10 5 Next 15 1 COMP 11 45 1 2 -11 5 Next 14 2 COMP 11 6 1 2 -12 6 Push 14 3 COMP 1 7 1 5 Next 14 1 COMP 10 5 5 Next 13 1 COMP 10 5 Next 13 2 COMP 9 5 Next 12 2 COMP 5 Next 12 1 5 Next 7 6 Push —- 2 ++++ 19 0 0 0 1 2 -13 86 1 2 -14 87 1 2 -15 9 84 1 2 -16 COMP 7 83 1 2 -17 1 COMP 7 53 1 2 -18 7 3 COMP 6 55 1 5 Next 7 2 COMP 2 54 5 Next 6 2 COMP 2 5 Next 6 1 COMP 40 5 Next 1 2 NOZ 5 Next 1 1 7 Pull 7 5 Next ++++ 0 0 1 2 -19 43 1 2 -20 42 1 2 -21 40 114 1 2 -22 NOZ -1 113 1 2 -23 3 COMP 6 55 1 7 3 COMP 6 55 1 3 1 5 Next 8 1 COMP 6 57 1 3 2 5 Next 8 2 COMP 5 58 1 3 3 5 Next 9 1 COMP 5 60 1 3 4 5 Next 9 2 COMP 4 61 1 3 5 —- 0 0 . 58 422.37 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 5 21 COMP 19 0 1369.47 13.08 421.27 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 13 COMP 8 0 1363.45 18.08 422.58 422.58 429.06 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 14 COMP 23 0 1369.80 19.45 15.58 422.47 12.47 12.46 Z Node Direct Section 0 1 0 Flags 3 Topo 0 Seq Branch Sg_occ 0 0 9 1 COMP 9 0 1363.46 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 16 7 COMP 17 0 1369.58 421.45 13.58 421.45 16.30 -3 5 0 8 0 0 0 11 31 .18 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 18 COMP 31 0 1363.82 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 2 COMP 30 0 1363.82 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 22 COMP 35 0 1364.80 19.46 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 20 COMP 12 0 1363.30 -3 2 0 8 0 0 0 5 30 SUPP 4 2 1369.54 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 15 9 COMP 29 0 1369.08 422.58 421.38 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 25 COMP 20 0 1369.45 14.58 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 26 COMP 7 0 1363.46 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 8 3 COMP 14 0 1363.27 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 11 15 COMP 15 0 1363.06 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 12 11 COMP 22 0 1369.41 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 11 8 COMP 26 0 1364.58 421.08 422.33 5 Next 10 1 COMP 4 63 1 3 6 5 Next 10 2 COMP 3 64 1 3 7 5 Next 11 1 COMP 3 66 1 3 8 5 Next 11 0 COMP -2 65 1 3 7 Pull 14 3 COMP 1 7 1 5 Next 14 3 COMP 1 7 1 4 1 5 Next 27 1 COMP 1 9 1 4 2 5 Next 27 0 COMP -2 8 1 4 7 Pull 24 3 COMP 19 79 1 5 Next 24 3 COMP 19 79 1 5 1 5 Next 28 1 COMP 19 110 1 5 2 5 Next 28 0 COMP -2 109 1 5 7 Pull 17 3 COMP 25 40 1 5 Next 17 3 COMP 25 40 1 6 1 5 Next 18 1 COMP 25 99 1 6 2 5 Next 18 2 COMP 24 100 1 6 3 5 Next 19 1 COMP 24 102 1 6 4 5 Next 19 2 COMP 23 103 1 6 5 5 Next 20 1 COMP 23 105 1 6 6 5 Next 20 2 COMP 22 106 1 6 7 5 Next 21 1 COMP 22 108 1 6 8 5 Next 21 0 COMP -2 107 1 6 -1 39 21 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 36 18 16 17 41 20 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 2 40 6 5 4 3 1 19 25 24 23 22 —- —- —- 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 9 0 # Sections: 1 Design file data sorted by topo ——————————Name Occ COMP 16 cp # 0 1369.37 0 5 0 8 0 0 0 11 28 SUPP 3 1 1363.97 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 14 6 COMP 32 0 1373.08 422.58 429.97 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 19 COMP 34 0 1364.45 16.45 12.45 13.47 13.47 12.80 18.18 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 5 4 COMP 10 0 1363.10 13.08 422.58 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 6 5 COMP 305 0 1369.47 12.Appendix C: Example Documents C .45 15.46 0 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 24 COMP 25 0 1369.08 421.45 16.58 422.58 429.58 422.41 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 5 27 SUPP 4 1 1369.45 16.45 13.58 429.08 422.37 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 5 29 SUPP 3 2 1363.45 14.45 18.58 X 421.08 421.58 422.46 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 16 10 COMP 18 0 1369.35 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 16 23 COMP 6 0 1363.38 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 16 COMP 33 0 1373.45 13.08 421.58 422.47 13.45 12.46 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 16 17 COMP 24 0 1369.37 0 14 0 3 0 0 0 11 12 COMP 13 0 1363.08 422.08 421.58 422.47 13.58 422.45 18.10 Y 13.80 18.08 422. 21 16 8 1 3 2 14 0 16 87 COMP 35 1 1364.46 21 1 1 3 1 3 0 9 35 COMP 17 2 1369.46 39 1 1 22 1 1 0 9 33 COMP 16 1 1369.71 14 2 1 3 2 -5 0 8 69 COMP 30 2 1363.45 17.58 429.34 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .58 423.70 13.05 18.46 20 4 1 3 2 -1 50 17 73 COMP 29 1 1370.46 36 7 1 3 2 9 0 16 82 PIPE 7 1 1372.08 422.46 2 11 1 3 2 -20 0 3 54 COMP 7 2 1363.46 -1 11 1 22 2 -23 0 3 51 NOZ 1 2 1363.58 422.80 19.45 18.45 15.08 422.58 -1 8 1 22 2 19 0 15 92 .24 13.99 33 5 1 5 1 17 0 14 49 COMP 29 3 1369.58 429.45 17.08 422.58 429.58 422.58 422.37 7 15 1 3 2 -17 0 5 57 COMP 12 2 1363.45 17.42 10 2 1 3 2 -14 0 5 60 COMP 14 1 1363.82 12 2 1 3 2 -10 0 8 64 COMP 31 1 1363.58 429.45 16.12 9 2 1 3 2 -16 0 5 58 COMP 13 2 1363.46 15 4 1 3 2 -4 0 17 70 PIPE 3 2 1363.45 18.12 13 2 1 5 2 -7 0 8 67 PIPE 4 1 1363.08 420.80 18.80 18.58 420.08 422.45 14.46 40 11 1 22 2 -22 0 3 52 COMP 6 1 1363.99 33 5 1 3 1 18 -73 14 50 NOZ 1 1 1363.08 422.08 422.83 422.58 421.58 41 8 1 22 2 18 0 15 91 NOZ 7 1 1364.08 422.12 13 2 1 3 2 -8 0 8 66 PIPE 4 2 1363.45 14.08 422.46 18 7 1 5 2 11 0 16 84 COMP 34 2 1365.46 40 11 1 3 2 -21 0 3 53 COMP 6 2 1363.46 21 9 1 3 1 4 108 10 36 COMP 17 1 1369.37 7 12 1 3 2 -18 93 5 56 COMP 12 1 1363.58 422.46 18 7 1 3 2 12 0 16 85 COMP 34 1 1364.80 19.94 11 2 1 3 2 -11 0 8 63 COMP 15 2 1363.46 -1 1 1 22 1 0 0 9 32 NOZ 3 2 1369.45 14.95 13.08 420.58 422.51 17 8 1 3 2 16 0 15 89 COMP 26 1 1364.05 18.46 35 4 1 5 2 3 0 16 76 COMP 32 2 1372.83 429.45 17.42 29 5 1 3 1 9 0 11 41 COMP 24 1 1369.80 18.82 12 2 1 3 2 -9 0 8 65 COMP 31 2 1363.45 15.45 14.08 422.80 18.24 13.58 422.45 18.46 39 1 1 3 1 2 0 9 34 COMP 16 2 1369.08 422.12 32 5 1 3 1 15 0 14 47 PIPE 103 1 1369.70 13.58 41 8 1 3 2 17 0 15 90 NOZ 7 2 1364.70 13.45 16.80 20.42 10 2 1 3 2 -13 102 5 61 COMP 14 2 1363.80 19.83 422.March 2000 NOZ 3 1 1369.58 422.46 37 6 1 5 2 6 0 16 79 PIPE 6 2 1373.58 422.80 19.83 422.45 17.45 15.58 422.83 429.58 429.82 31 5 1 3 1 14 0 14 46 COMP 305 2 1369.71 14 2 1 5 2 -6 0 8 68 COMP 30 1 1363.46 20 4 1 5 2 -2 0 17 72 COMP 29 2 1369.C .08 421.45 14.46 37 6 1 3 2 5 0 16 78 PIPE 6 1 1373.45 18.58 422.45 17.46 2 12 1 3 2 -19 93 4 55 COMP 7 1 1363.58 429.45 18.46 36 7 1 5 2 10 0 16 83 PIPE 7 2 1365.08 422.46 35 4 1 3 2 4 0 16 77 COMP 32 1 1373.45 15.33 429.58 421.94 30 5 1 3 1 11 105 14 43 COMP 25 1 1369.37 26 9 1 3 1 5 108 11 37 COMP 22 1 1369.94 30 5 1 3 1 12 0 14 44 COMP 25 2 1369.70 13.45 14.08 421.12 28 5 1 3 1 8 0 11 40 COMP 23 1 1369.58 429.45 18.58 420.80 19.46 38 6 1 5 2 7 0 16 80 COMP 33 2 1373.37 26 14 1 3 1 6 0 11 38 COMP 22 2 1369.83 422.05 422.58 429.21 16 8 1 3 2 13 0 16 86 COMP 35 2 1364.80 19.45 18.33 429.24 13.58 423.45 18.24 13.70 13.58 421.46 34 4 1 3 2 1 50 16 74 PIPE 5 1 1370.46 15 4 1 5 2 -3 0 17 71 PIPE 3 1 1369.08 420.08 422.12 28 5 1 3 1 7 0 11 39 COMP 23 2 1369.70 13.45 14.08 421.94 11 2 1 3 2 -12 102 8 62 COMP 15 1 1363.20 18.58 422.05 422.45 17.58 420.58 422.46 38 6 1 3 2 8 0 16 81 COMP 33 1 1372.51 17 8 1 3 2 15 0 16 88 COMP 26 2 1364.08 421.12 32 5 1 5 1 16 0 14 48 PIPE 103 2 1369.95 13.42 29 5 1 3 1 10 105 11 42 COMP 24 2 1369.45 17.58 421.11 422.95 13.45 16.20 18.82 31 5 1 3 1 13 0 14 45 COMP 305 1 1369.95 13.12 9 2 1 3 2 -15 0 5 59 COMP 13 1 1363.45 16.58 429.46 34 4 1 5 2 2 0 16 75 PIPE 5 2 1372.11 422.45 14. 93 24 10 1 3 6 3 0 12 110 COMP 19 1 1369.47 12.58 421.18 6 13 1 3 3 2 0 6 94 COMP 8 2 1363.47 12.18 25 10 1 3 6 2 0 12 109 COMP 18 2 1369.35 422.18 -2 3 1 3 4 3 0 7 104 COMP 24 3 1368.46 3 13 1 3 3 8 0 6 100 COMP 11 0 1363.93 24 10 1 3 6 4 0 12 111 COMP 19 2 1369.45 15.47 12.47 13.08 421.47 12.47 12.18 19 3 1 3 5 1 -42 13 105 COMP 28 1 1368.45 15.08 421.18 25 10 1 3 6 1 -36 12 108 COMP 18 1 1369.35 COMP 7 3T 1363.47 12.58 421.71 23 10 1 3 6 5 0 12 112 COMP 20 1 1369.71 4 13 1 3 3 5 0 6 97 COMP 10 1 1363.45 15.58 421.18 19 3 1 3 5 2 0 13 106 COMP 28 0 1368.71 23 10 1 3 6 6 0 12 113 COMP 20 2 1369.08 421.08 421.43 -2 13 1 3 3 9 0 6 101 COMP 14 3 1362.47 12.46 22 10 1 3 6 7 0 12 114 COMP 21 1 1369.47 12.08 421.47 12.45 15.08 421.58 421.47 12.90 422.45 15.90 422.18 1 3 1 3 4 2 0 7 103 COMP 27 0 1362.58 421.46 3 13 1 3 3 7 0 6 99 COMP 11 1 1363.93 5 13 1 3 3 4 0 6 96 COMP 9 2 1363.46 22 10 1 3 6 8 0 12 115 COMP 21 0 1369.Appendix C: Example Documents C .47 12.71 4 13 1 3 3 6 0 6 98 COMP 10 2 1363.58 421.47 12.18 -2 3 1 3 5 3 0 13 107 COMP 17 3T 1369.58 421.08 421.47 12.43 -2 10 1 3 6 9 0 12 116 Design file data in IDF order —————————– Name X Y Z X Y Z Occ NOZ 33274000 10480294 501904 33274000 10480294 477520 7 in_cp Out_cp Leg Dn_occ Sg_occ 1 2 in 26 15 BLSP 33274000 10480294 477393 33274000 10480294 475615 26 1 2 in 35 15 FWN 33274000 10480294 475615 33274000 10480294 468376 35 1 2 in 34 16 E90L 33274000 10480294 468376 33274000 10480294 450088 34 1 0 in 0 16 E90L 33274000 10480294 450088 33292288 10480294 450088 34 0 2 ou 7 16 PIPE 33292288 10480294 450088 33475168 10480294 450088 7 2 1 in 33 16 E90L 33475168 10480294 450088 33493456 10480294 450088 33 1 0 in 0 16 E90L 33493456 10480294 450088 33493456 10462006 450088 33 0 2 ou 6 16 PIPE 33493456 10462006 450088 33493456 10319258 450088 6 2 1 in 32 16 E90L 33493456 10319258 450088 33493456 10300970 450088 32 1 0 in 0 16 E90L 33493456 10300970 450088 33475168 10300970 450088 32 0 2 ou 5 16 PIPE 33475168 10300970 450088 33407350 10300970 450088 5 2 1 in 29 16 T 33407350 10300970 450088 33395920 10300970 450088 29 1 0 in 0 16 T 33395920 10300970 450088 33395920 10300970 438658 29 0 3 b1 103 14 PIPE 33395920 10300970 438658 33395920 10300970 417449 103 2 1 in 305 14 FWN 33395920 10300970 417449 33395920 10300970 410210 305 2 1 in 25 14 GAT 33395920 10300970 410210 33395920 10300970 388620 25 2 1 in 24 14 STRT 33395920 10300970 388620 33395920 10300970 370078 24 2 0 in 0 14 STRT 33395920 10300970 370078 33379283 10300970 370078 24 0 3 b1 28 13 FBLD 33379283 10300970 370078 33378140 10300970 370078 28 1 0 in 0 13 STRT 33395920 10300970 370078 33395920 10300970 351536 24 0 1 ou 23 11 FWN 33395920 10300970 351536 33395920 10300970 344297 23 1 2 in 22 11 E90L 33395920 10300970 344297 33395920 10300970 326009 22 2 0 in 0 11 PSP2 33395920 10300970 326009 33395920 10300970 299847 4 1 2 in 0 11 E90L 33395920 10300970 326009 33395920 10282682 326009 22 0 1 ou 17 11 REDE 33395920 10282682 326009 33395920 10271506 328168 17 1 2 in 16 11 REDE 33395920 10277094 327089 33395920 10277094 321501 17 0 3 ta 18 12 NIP 33395920 10277094 321501 33395920 10277094 315405 18 1 2 in 19 12 GATR 33395920 10277094 315405 33395920 10277094 309817 19 1 2 in 20 12 NIP 33395920 10277094 309817 33395920 10277094 303721 20 1 2 in 21 12 CAPO 33395920 10277094 303721 33395920 10277094 303213 21 1 0 in 0 12 FWN 33395920 10271506 328168 33395920 10264521 328168 16 2 1 in 3 9 NOZ 33395920 10264394 328168 33395920 10258298 328168 3 2 1 in 0 9 T 33395920 10300970 450088 33384490 10300970 450088 29 0 2 ou 3 17 Dash End End End Dash .40 422.93 5 13 1 3 3 3 0 6 95 COMP 9 1 1363.45 15.18 1 3 1 3 4 1 -61 7 102 COMP 27 1 1362.85 422.47 12.47 13.58 421.58 421.08 421.08 421.40 422.18 6 13 1 3 3 1 -55 6 93 COMP 8 1 1363.47 13.47 13. March 2000 PIPE 33384490 10300970 450088 33255712 10300970 450088 3 1 2 in 30 17 E90L 33255712 10300970 450088 33237424 10300970 450088 30 2 0 in 0 17 E90L 33237424 10300970 450088 33237424 10300970 431800 30 0 1 ou 4 8 PIPE 33237424 10300970 431800 33237424 10300970 417449 4 1 2 in 31 8 FWN 33237424 10300970 417449 33237424 10300970 410210 31 2 1 in 15 8 GAT 33237424 10300970 410210 33237424 10300970 388620 15 2 1 in 14 8 STRT 33237424 10300970 388620 33237424 10300970 370078 14 2 0 in 0 8 STRT 33237424 10300970 370078 33220787 10300970 370078 14 0 3 b1 27 7 FBLD 33220787 10300970 370078 33219644 10300970 370078 27 1 0 in 0 7 STRT 33237424 10300970 370078 33237424 10300970 351536 14 0 1 ou 13 5 FWN 33237424 10300970 351536 33237424 10300970 344297 13 1 2 in 12 5 E90L 33237424 10300970 344297 33237424 10300970 326009 12 2 0 in 0 5 PSP2 33237424 10300970 326009 33237424 10300970 299847 3 1 2 in 0 5 E90L 33237424 10300970 326009 33237424 10282682 326009 12 0 1 ou 7 5 REDE 33237424 10282682 326009 33237424 10271506 328168 7 1 2 in 6 5 REDE 33237424 10277094 327089 33237424 10277094 321501 7 0 3 ta 8 6 NIP 33237424 10277094 321501 33237424 10277094 315405 8 1 2 in 9 6 GATR 33237424 10277094 315405 33237424 10277094 309817 9 1 2 in 10 6 NIP 33237424 10277094 309817 33237424 10277094 303721 10 1 2 in 11 6 CAPO 33237424 10277094 303721 33237424 10277094 303213 11 1 0 in 0 6 FWN 33237424 10271506 328168 33237424 10264521 328168 6 2 1 in 1 3 NOZ 33237424 10264394 328168 33237424 10258298 328168 1 2 1 in 0 3 End End End Dash .36 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .C . 4 Intermediate Data File (.prt -115 /380311w.37 C.Appendix C: Example Documents C .mld 3 -6 25 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -700 38000 43390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -207 NPD -208 CONN TO -209 SEE ISO -213 STEM -215 -217 -218 -219 -220 -221 FW -222 SLOPE -243 FLAT SIDE -244 U -245 D -246 N -247 S -248 E -249 W -250 -253 -255 SHT -270 -271 -272 -276 -277 -278 SEE SHT .err -108 /380311w.i* -103 //usr/ip32/pd -1 iso/dat/symbo -1 275 6 ! l.sht -122 //usr/ip32/pd -1 iso/examples/ -1 user.idf file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3275 0 1 1 1000 3 0 10 100 28 15 15 457 610 1 1 4 1 0 0 300 0 1 0 1 10 105 0 0 100 0 100 46 1 0 100 0 0 1 3 ! 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 1 1 1 2 62 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ! 0 1 0 250 0 0 0 70 1 0 5 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! -102 /380311w.lib -104 / -105 /pdsidf. 38 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .C .March 2000 -282 -284 -287 ORIENT -288 LINE : -289 CLASS: -290 INSUL: -291 TRACE: -292 COAT : -293 PKGNO: -294 SCH -295 CLEAN: -296 TEST : -297 STAT : : -298 -300 -1 SHOP MATERIAL S -303 DESCRIPTION -304 NPD -305 CMDTY CODE -307 PIPE -308 FITTINGS -309 FLANGES -310 OTHER THAN SH -1 OP MATERIALS -311 GASKET -312 BOLTS -313 VALVES/IN-LIN -1 E ITEMS -314 INSTRUMENTS -315 PIPE SUPPORTS -316 PIECE MARKS -317 -318 -330 INS -339 MISCELLANEOUS -359 DIA X LENGTH -375 WELDS -376 FABRICATION M -1 ATL -377 ERECTION MATL -378 OFFSHORE MATL -330 IN -400 -401 -402 -403 -404 -405 -406 -407 -410 -411 -6 -7 380311-W380311-W- -11 2C0032 -14 01/08/94 -15 HF 2 " -16 HT -17 NONE -41 UNDEFINED -42 PER SPEC -43 UNDEFINED 0 -44 0 PSIG -45 UNDEFINED -131 SHOP- . -39 -1 155 3011 0 0 10000.FLOW. 0. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 0.FLWN. 0. 0.ELBW.39 -132 FLD- -133 OFFSHR- -31 -1 38E-104/ N2$4 IN RFFE 300 110 39911971 11626849 835818 39911971 11626849 836135 64 1. 100 39896731 11626849 859948 39876570 11626849 859948 64 5. 0. 0 3001 -39 5 -1 33 -1 -1 -67 8 57 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39866093 -39 3 -1 154 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 57 39866093 *UNDEFINED* 100 39866093 -39 5 -1 32 -1 -1 -67 8 57 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39866093 -39 3 -1 153 -1 -1 36 -67 8 57 8 39866093 *UNDEFINED* 100 39866093 -39 5 .ELBW. 0. 0.FLOW. .Appendix C: Example Documents C . 10000. 10000.ELBW. 10000. 10000. 10000. . 10000. 8 56 8 46 -67 0 . 0. 10000. 0. 8. 10000. 9000 3001 11774487 935354 39866093 11774487 920114 64 0. 0 2 105 39911971 11626849 836135 39911971 11626849 844708 64 3. . 0. 9000 3001 11774487 920114 39866093 11774487 496569 64 5. 0 0 0 3001 -1 115 -1 -1 -37 -1 -67 8 55 8 W380311-4IN-2 C0032-HF *UNDEFINED* 35 39911971 -39 -1 3 157 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 56 39911971 *UNDEFINED* 149 39886651 11626849 859948 0 0 0 64 0. 0 3011 0.TEBW. 9000 3011 11626849 859948 39896731 11626849 859948 64 0. 0. 0. 10000. -39 5 -1 35 -1 -1 -67 8 56 8 *UNDEFINED* 45 39876570 11626849 859948 39866093 11626849 859948 64 6. *UNDEFINED* 149 39866093 11626849 895270 0 0 0 64 0. 0 3001 -39 3 11626849 844708 39911971 11626849 859948 64 4. 10000. . 0. 0 3001 11626849 920114 39866093 11626849 935354 64 4. 0. 10000. 9000 3011 11626849 935354 39866093 11642089 935354 64 0. 0.ELBW. 10000. 39866093 11626849 859948 39866093 11626849 870426 64 0. 9000 3011 11642089 935354 39866093 11759247 935354 64 5. 10000.ELBW. 0. 0 0 100 39866093 11626849 870426 39866093 11626849 920114 64 5. 9000 3011 0. 0. .ELBW.TEBW. 0 3001 11759247 935354 39866093 11774487 935354 64 4. 3 -1 -1 . 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 8. 3 -1 -1 . 0 0 11774487 380999 0 0 0 64 8. 0. 10000. 0. 0. 0. 0.FLWN.FLWN. 0.TEBW. 10000. . 0 602 11774487 380999 39896573 11774487 391477 64 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 3001 8 57 8 46 -67 0 . 0. 100 39876570 11774487 380999 39886095 11774487 380999 64 5. 0. 0 2 130 39866093 11774487 487679 39866093 11774487 457199 64 7. 10000. 0 3001 -39 3 11774487 448309 39866093 11774487 391477 64 5.TEBW. 10000.TEBW. 0 3102 -39 3 -1 116 -1 -1 8 57 8 110 39866093 11774487 457199 39866093 11774487 456882 64 1. 10000. . 0. . -39 5 -1 29 -1 -1 -67 . 0. -39 -1 150 3001 0 0 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. -1 151 -1 -1 -67 8 57 8 *UNDEFINED* 100 39866093 -39 5 -1 30 -1 -1 -67 8 57 8 *UNDEFINED* 45 39866093 11774487 391477 39866093 11774487 380999 64 6. 0 2 -39 -1 3 119 -1 -1 8 150 -22 8 59 39896573 PS-0311-1 -39 8 -1 7 -1 -1 8 46 -67 8 59 39896573 *UNDEFINED* 105 39896573 -39 3 -1 124 -1 -1 110 8 60 8 39896573 .C . 0.March 2000 31 -1 -1 -67 8 57 8 *UNDEFINED* 105 39866093 -39 3 -1 152 -1 -1 11774487 496569 39866093 11774487 487996 64 3. 0 3001 11774487 400049 39896573 11774487 400366 64 1. 10000. 10000. 0 3001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 10000. 8 59 8 *UNDEFINED* 45 39886095 11774487 380999 39896573 11774487 380999 64 6.VVFL. 0. 0 3001 11774487 391477 39896573 11774487 400049 64 3. 0 3001 0. 0. 39866093 11774487 380999 39876570 11774487 380999 64 0. 0.TEBW. 0 3001 10000. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 0. 10000. . 0.FLWN. 0. *UNDEFINED* 149 39881332 11774487 380999 0 0 0 64 0. . . 8. 0 3001 8 57 8 110 39866093 11774487 487996 39866093 11774487 487679 64 1. 0 2 105 39866093 11774487 456882 39866093 11774487 448309 64 3. 10000. 0.40 -1 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .FLOW. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 10000. . 10000. 10000. 4500 3011 12201207 615314 39892083 12205697 615314 64 0. 0 2 130 39896573 11774487 400366 39896573 11774487 430847 64 7. . 0. 0 3102 -39 -1 3 125 -1 -1 8. . 10000. 0. 10000.Appendix C: Example Documents C . 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 3001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0.ELBW. . 10000.ELBW. 8 60 8 110 39896573 11774487 430847 39896573 11774487 431164 64 1. 10000. 0. . 10000. 0.ELBW. 0. 0 3001 -39 3 0.VVFL. 9000 3011 11789727 615314 39896574 12194858 615314 64 5. 0. 0 0 100 39896573 11774487 439737 39896573 11774487 600074 64 5.41 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 0. 10000. . 0 3001 12220909 615314 39866093 12231687 615314 64 4. 10000. 0. 0 2 105 39896573 11774487 431164 39896573 11774487 439737 64 3. 10000.ELBW. . 0. 10000. 10000.ELBW. 0. 4500 3011 12205697 615314 39876869 12220909 615314 64 5. 9000 3011 12231687 600074 39866093 12231687 518159 64 5. 0. 0. 0 0 -39 -1 -1 3 126 8 60 . 0 3001 -39 5 -1 28 -1 -1 -67 8 60 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39896573 -39 3 -1 148 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 60 39896573 *UNDEFINED* 100 39896573 -39 5 -1 27 -1 -1 -67 8 60 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39896574 -39 3 -1 147 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 60 39896573 *UNDEFINED* 100 39892083 -39 5 -1 26 -1 -1 -67 8 60 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39876869 -39 3 -1 146 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 60 39866093 *UNDEFINED* 100 39866093 -39 5 -1 25 -1 -1 -67 . 0 3001 11774487 600074 39896573 11774487 615314 64 4.FLOW. 0 3001 12194858 615314 39896573 12201207 615314 64 9. 9000 3011 12231687 615314 39866093 12231687 600074 64 0. 8 60 8 *UNDEFINED* 40 39866093 12231687 518159 39866093 12231687 518159 64 5. 0. -1 149 -1 -1 -67 8 60 8 *UNDEFINED* 149 39896573 11774487 519905 0 0 0 64 0.ELBW. 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 9000 3011 11774487 615314 39896573 11789727 615314 64 0. . 10000. 0. 8.FLWN. . 0. 10000. 0 2 130 39866093 12231687 435609 39866093 12231687 405129 64 7.VVFL. 0. . 10000. 0 0 -1 141 -1 -1 8 71 8 42 39866093 12231687 518159 39866093 12231687 518159 64 5. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11. . 10000. 10000. 0. 10000. 0 602 -1 139 -1 -1 -67 8 65 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39866093 -39 3 -1 127 -1 -1 150 -22 -39 8 65 8 39866093 PS-0311-2 8 . 8.FLWN. 0. . 0. 10000. 3001 *UNDEFINED* 149 39893239 12231687 518159 0 0 0 48 0.March 2000 39866093 12231687 518159 39876250 12231687 518159 48 10. 0.FLOW.WTBW. . 0 0 100 39876250 12231687 518159 39910228 12231687 518159 48 5. 0 3001 12231687 444499 39866093 12231687 435926 64 3. 0. 100 39866093 12231687 518159 39866093 12231687 444499 64 5. 0 3001 -39 5 -1 25 -1 -1 -67 8 65 8 *UNDEFINED* 105 39866093 -39 3 -1 145 -1 -1 8 65 8 110 39866093 12231687 435926 39866093 12231687 435609 64 1.FLOW. .ELBW. . 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 0 2 105 39866093 12231687 404812 39866093 12231687 396239 64 3. 0. 0. 0. 10000. 10000. 9000 3011 12231687 380999 0 0 0 64 12. . . 0 3202 -39 3 -1 140 -1 -1 8 65 8 110 39866093 12231687 405129 39866093 12231687 404812 64 1. 0. 0.FLWN.42 -1 8 41 -67 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 0. 10000. 8. 10000. 10000. 0 2 105 39947057 12231687 518159 39954995 12231687 518159 48 3. 0. . 8. 0 3001 -39 5 -1 36 -1 -1 -67 8 71 8 *UNDEFINED* 105 39910228 -39 3 -1 158 -1 -1 8 71 8 110 39918165 12231687 518159 39918482 12231687 518159 48 1. 8.FLWN. 0 3001 -39 3 10000. 0.VVFL.FLWN. 0. 0. 0 3001 -39 3 12231687 396239 39866093 12231687 380999 64 4. 0 3202 -39 3 -1 142 -1 -1 8 71 8 110 39946740 12231687 518159 39947057 12231687 518159 48 1. 0. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11. 0 0. 0 3001 0. . 0. 10000.C . 10000. 10000. 0 2 130 39918482 12231687 518159 39946740 12231687 518159 48 7. . . 0 3001 12231687 518159 39918165 12231687 518159 48 3. 0. 149 39866093 12231687 481329 0 0 0 64 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. .FLWN. 0. 10000. 8 67 8 110 39965153 12231687 404812 39965153 12231687 405129 64 1. 0 3001 8 39965153 PS-0311-3 8 9 8 67 8 36 39965153 *UNDEFINED* 105 39965153 -39 3 133 -1 -1 3011 8 -1 -1 9000 67 -1 -67 10000. 0. 0. 8 8 150 -22 0 66 -1 -1 3601 0 3 -1 -67 0 . 10000. 0 2 39899747 12231687 379729 39915623 12231687 379729 48 14. 10000. 10000. 0. -1 130 -1 -1 -67 8 66 8 *UNDEFINED* 55 39939753 12231687 379729 39949913 12231687 380999 48 13. . 55 39881333 12231687 380999 39891493 12231687 379729 64 13.CVFL. 10000. 10000. 0 110 39931497 12231687 379729 39931814 12231687 379729 48 1.FLWN.43 -1 8 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 65 39866093 12231687 380999 39881333 12231687 380999 64 0. 0 3502 3502 90 -22 38LV$559 -39 6 -1 4 -1 -1 8 66 8 93 39915623 12231687 379729 39931497 12231687 379729 48 0. 0. 0 2 130 39965153 12231687 405129 39965153 12231687 435609 64 7. .VVFL. 0. 0. 9000 3011 64 3.REBW. 0 0 0. . 10000. 0. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11. 105 39891493 12231687 379729 39899430 12231687 379729 48 3. . 0. 0 602 64 0. 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11. 8 65 8 *UNDEFINED* 129 -1 -1 3011 3 -1 -67 9000 *UNDEFINED* 8 66 8 110 39899430 12231687 379729 39899747 12231687 379729 48 1. 0.ELBW. 8. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 10000. 0. 0. 0 3001 0. 0. . 0 3001 -39 3 10000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 0.ELBW. *UNDEFINED* -39 -1 0.REBW. 0.Appendix C: Example Documents C .ELBW. . 0. 10000. 0 3202 -39 3 -1 -1 134 8 67 . 0. 0 2 105 39931814 12231687 379729 39939753 12231687 379729 48 3. 10000. 0. 10000. 8. 0. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. -39 3 12231687 380999 0 0 0 64 12231687 380999 39965153 12231687 396239 12231687 396239 39965153 12231687 404812 -39 -1 -1 -1 131 132 15. -39 3 -39 -1 -1 -1 128 0 3601 . 8.FLWN. 35 39949913 12231687 380999 39965153 12231687 380999 64 4. 10000.CVFL. 0. 0. 10000. 0. . 9000 3011 12231687 615314 40045639 12246927 615314 64 0. 0. . 0. 0 3001 12231687 584834 40045639 12231687 584834 64 4. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 10000. 0. 0 3001 10000.ELBW. 0. 0. 0 0 39965153 12231687 518159 39954995 12231687 518159 48 10.WTBW. 9000 3011 12231687 584834 40045639 12231687 600074 64 0. 0.FLWN. 10000. 0. . 9000 3011 10000. 10000. 0. 0. 0. . 149 39965153 12231687 543876 0 0 0 64 0. . 10000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 0. 9000 3011 12231687 600074 40045639 12231687 615314 64 4. 0.ELBW. 0. -39 -1 3 138 -1 -1 -67 8 69 8 *UNDEFINED* 0. 0 3001 12231687 569594 39965153 12231687 584834 64 4. 10000. 0 3601 0 0 -39 5 -1 24 -1 -1 -67 8 69 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39965153 -39 3 -1 143 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 69 39965153 *UNDEFINED* 100 39980393 -39 5 -1 23 -1 -1 -67 8 69 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 40030399 -39 3 -1 136 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 69 40045639 *UNDEFINED* 35 40045639 -39 3 -1 137 -1 -1 8 36 -67 8 69 40045639 *UNDEFINED* 55 40045639 12246927 615314 40045639 12260897 618013 64 13.ELBW. . 0.REBW. 9000 3011 12231687 584834 39980393 12231687 584834 64 0. . 10000. 10000. 0 3001 0. 0.March 2000 8 110 39965153 12231687 435609 39965153 12231687 435926 64 1. 0.FLOW. 0. 10000. . 10000. 0 3001 -39 3 12231687 444499 39965153 12231687 518159 64 5. 10000. 9000 3011 12231687 584834 40030399 12231687 584834 64 5. 100 39965153 12231687 518159 39965153 12231687 569594 64 5. 0.ELBW. 8. 0 3001 -1 144 -1 -1 -67 8 67 8 *UNDEFINED* 100 39965153 -39 5 -1 24 -1 -1 -67 . 0 3001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 0 2 105 39965153 12231687 435926 39965153 12231687 444499 64 3. 10000. 8 67 8 *UNDEFINED* 40 39965153 12231687 518159 39965153 12231687 518159 64 5.44 -1 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . . 10000.ELBW.C . 0 0 -39 -1 3 135 -1 -1 8 41 -67 8 67 *UNDEFINED* 42 39965153 12231687 518159 39965153 12231687 518159 64 5.ELBW. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 0.TEBW.SB . 10000.TEBW. 0 2 95 39917528 11755119 380999 39917528 11754167 380999 64 17. 39991823 11774487 380999 39991823 11764009 380999 64 0. 3 -1 -1 10000. 8. 0. 0. 10000. 0 3002 11774487 380999 39928005 11774487 380999 64 0. .VGFL. .45 100 40045639 -39 5 -1 22 -1 -1 -67 40045639 12314396 618013 96 5.FLWN. 0. . 0 3011 3 211 -1 -1 0 . 0 3001 -39 3 10000. 1110000. 10000.FLWN. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 10000. -1 210 -1 -1 -67 8 63 8 *UNDEFINED* 45 39981345 11774487 380999 39991823 11774487 380999 64 6. 10000.TEBW. 0 3001 0. 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 0 3011 3. 8 63 8 *UNDEFINED* 105 39991823 -39 3 . 12314396 618013 40045639 12324397 618013 96 16.TEBW. 0. 0 3001 -39 -1 3 123 -1 -1 -37 -1 8 OPERATE CLOSE D 96 -30 39917528 NOT FOUND 47 -67 8 62 39917528 *UNDEFINED* 105 39928005 -39 3 -1 121 -1 -1 8 63 8 110 39936577 11774487 380999 39936894 11774487 380999 64 1. 0. 0. 11764009 380999 39917528 11755436 380999 64 -39 -1 120 0.FLWN. 0. 0 2 130 39936894 11774487 380999 39972455 11774487 380999 64 18. 0. 0 11 0. 8 *UNDEFINED* 40045639 390311-W 39896573 *UNDEFINED* 45 39907050 11774487 380999 39917528 11774487 380999 64 6. 0 3001 8 *UNDEFINED* 39917528 -39 3 122 -1 -1 0 8 105 -1 3011 0 61 46 -67 0 . 0 3011 11774487 380999 39936577 11774487 380999 64 3. 0. 8 47 -67 618013 70 105 -30 12260897 8 62 8 110 39917528 11755436 380999 39917528 11755119 380999 64 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 0 3001 10000. 0. 0 2 105 39972772 11774487 380999 39981345 11774487 380999 64 3.TEBW. 0. 10000. . 0.Appendix C: Example Documents C . 10000. 8. 10000.FLWN. . 0. 0. 10000. 39917528 11774487 380999 39917528 11764009 380999 64 0. 11774487 380999 39907050 11774487 380999 64 0. 0. 0 3002 11754167 380999 39917528 11753214 380999 64 0. 0. 10000. 11764009 380999 39991823 11755436 380999 64 3. . -39 -1 46 -67 3011 0 0 0. 10000. 10000.TEBW. 0. 10000. 0 3502 -39 3 -1 209 -1 -1 8 63 8 110 39972455 11774487 380999 39972772 11774487 380999 64 1. 0 3011 0.SB . 0.FLWN. 10000. 0. 0 3011 -39 3 11774487 496569 40012778 11774487 539114 64 5. . 10000. 10000. 0. 0. -39 -1 3 237 -1 -1 8 108 8 150 -22 PS-0404-1 -39 8 -1 14 -1 -1 8 108 8 46 -67 40012778 *UNDEFINED* 149 40012778 11774487 419893 0 0 0 64 0. 0 2 95 39991823 11755119 380999 39991823 11754167 380999 64 17. 0. 9000 3011 -1 239 -1 -1 -67 8 109 8 *UNDEFINED* 100 40012778 -39 5 -1 65 -1 -1 -67 8 109 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 40012778 -39 3 -1 240 8 . 10000. 0 3012 11754167 380999 39991823 11753214 380999 64 0. 8. 0 3011 11774487 448309 40012778 11774487 456882 64 3. 10000.FLOW. 0. 0. 10000. 10000. . 0 3011 -39 5 -1 64 -1 -1 -67 8 109 8 *UNDEFINED* 105 40012778 -39 3 -1 238 -1 -1 8 109 8 110 40012778 11774487 456882 40012778 11774487 457199 64 1. 0. 0 602 11774487 380999 40012778 11774487 391477 64 0. 0 2 130 40012778 11774487 457199 40012778 11774487 487679 64 7. 10000. 0 3001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 0. 0 0 40012778 11774487 380999 0 0 0 64 19. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 10000. 0. 0 3011 11774487 539114 40012778 11774487 554354 64 4. -39 -1 3 216 8 -1 -1 -37 -1 107 8 OPERATE CLOSE D 96 -30 39991823 NOT FOUND 47 -67 39991823 *UNDEFINED* 45 40002300 11774487 380999 40012778 11774487 380999 64 6.46 -1 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 10000. 10000. . . 10000. 8. 0. 0 3011 10000.FLWN. 0 3012 11774487 380999 40002300 11774487 380999 64 0. .FLWN.TEBW. 0. .VVFL.SB .TEBW. 0. 10000. 0. 0 3112 -39 3 -1 212 -1 -1 8 109 8 110 40012778 11774487 487679 40012778 11774487 487996 64 1. 0. 0.TEBW. .ELBW. . 10000. 0.SB . 0. 0 10 100 40012778 11774487 391477 40012778 11774487 448309 64 5. 0 2 105 40012778 11774487 487996 40012778 11774487 496569 64 3. 0 3001 0. 0.March 2000 215 8 -1 -1 107 8 110 39991823 11755436 380999 39991823 11755119 380999 64 1. 0.C . 0. . 9000 3011 11744007 554354 39634953 11744007 554354 64 5. 0 10 0 3011 8 109 8 36 39619713 *UNDEFINED* 100 39619713 -39 5 -1 67 -1 8 109 8 *UNDEFINED* 105 39619713 380407-W 47 -67 554354 *UNDEFINED* 39619713 -30 11759247 8 35 -1 3011 8 -39 -67 9000 109 36 -67 10000.FLOW.Appendix C: Example Documents C . 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0. 9000 3011 11744007 554354 39619713 11759247 554354 64 0. 10000. 11774487 380999 40043258 11774487 391477 64 0. 0 3112 -39 3 . 0.VVFL.ELBW. 0. 8 39634953 -1 0. 0.TEBW. 0.ELBW. 10000. 1110000. 10000. 0. -39 5 -1 63 8 -1 -1 -67 110 8 *UNDEFINED* 45 40032780 11774487 380999 40043258 11774487 380999 64 6. 10000. 10000. 10000. 0. *UNDEFINED* 3 -1 0. 10000.ELBW. 0 11 11774487 380999 40023255 11774487 380999 64 0. 0. . 0. .TEBW. 0.ELBW.FLWN. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 0 3011 11774487 439737 39619713 11774487 431164 64 3.ELBW. 0. 0 3001 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 3011 11744007 554354 39619713 11744007 554354 64 4. . 0. 0. 0 3001 0. 8. 10000. 100 40023255 11774487 380999 40032780 11774487 380999 64 5.ELBW. 9000 3011 11774487 539114 39619713 11774487 439737 64 5. 10000. 10000. -39 -1 236 0. 10000. 10000. 8 -39 -67 64 109 35 -1 554354 *UNDEFINED* 39997538 -1 11759247 8 -39 -1 40012778 8 100 -67 554354 109 36 -67 11774487 *UNDEFINED* 40012778 *UNDEFINED* 149 40028017 11774487 380999 0 0 0 64 0. 0.ELBW. 10000. 10000.TEBW. 0. 3 -1 -1 .FLWN.47 -1 -1 109 8 36 -67 40012778 35 40012778 -39 3 -1 241 -1 -1 40012778 5 -1 66 -1 242 -1 39619713 3 243 -1 40012778 11744007 554354 64 4. 9000 3011 11744007 554354 39997538 11744007 554354 64 0. 0 3011 8 40043258 *UNDEFINED* 40043258 -39 3 246 -1 -1 0 8 105 -1 3001 0 110 46 -67 0 . 0 2 130 40043258 11774487 400366 40043258 11774487 430847 64 7. 9000 3011 11759247 554354 39619713 11774487 554354 64 4. 8 111 8 110 40043258 11774487 400049 40043258 11774487 400366 64 1. 9000 3011 11774487 554354 39619713 11774487 539114 64 0. 11774487 391477 40043258 11774487 400049 64 3. 10000. . 0.March 2000 8 111 8 110 40043258 11774487 430847 40043258 11774487 431164 64 1.C . 0 3011 11774487 448309 40068975 11774487 456882 64 3.FLWN. 9000 36 39866093 11626849 615314 39866093 11626849 630554 64 0. 0.VVFL. 0. 10000. 0 10 100 40043258 11774487 439737 40043258 11774487 600074 64 5. 0. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 9000 3001 11774487 380999 0 0 0 64 20. 8. 0. 10000. 0. 9000 3011 11764729 615314 39877800 11636606 615314 64 5. -30 380404-W 47 -67 40043258 *UNDEFINED* 35 40053735 -39 3 -1 235 -1 -1 8 112 8 150 -22 40068975 PS-0404-2 -39 8 -1 15 -1 -1 8 112 8 36 -67 40068975 *UNDEFINED* 149 40068975 11774487 422274 0 0 0 64 0. . 0 10 100 40068975 11774487 396239 40068975 11774487 448309 64 5. 0. 1110000. 10000. 1110000. 0 2 105 40043258 11774487 431164 40043258 11774487 439737 64 3. 10000. 0. 10000. 0 3011 1 -39 5 -1 68 -1 -1 -67 8 111 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 40043258 -39 3 -1 248 -1 -1 8 111 8 36 -67 40043258 *UNDEFINED* 100 40031549 -39 5 -1 69 -1 -1 -67 8 111 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39877800 11636606 615314 39866093 11626849 615314 64 4. 8. . 10000. 0.ELBW. 9000 1 100 39866093 11626849 630554 39866093 11626849 726281 64 5. 0 11 11774487 380999 40053735 11774487 380999 64 0.TEBW. 0. 10000. 9000 3001 0. 10000. . . . 10000. 0. 0. .FLWN. 9000 3011 11774487 615314 40031549 11764729 615314 64 0. 0.ELBW. 0. 1110000.48 -1 213 -1 -1 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .ELBW.FLOW. 0. 0. 0. . 10000.ELBW. 0. 0 2 130 40068975 11774487 457199 40068975 11774487 487679 64 7. 10000. . -1 247 -1 -1 -67 8 111 8 *UNDEFINED* 149 40043258 11774487 519905 0 0 0 64 0.FLOW. 0. 10000.ELBW. 0 3011 -39 5 -1 62 -1 -1 -67 8 113 8 *UNDEFINED* 105 40068975 -39 3 -1 234 -1 -1 8 113 8 110 40068975 11774487 456882 40068975 11774487 457199 64 1. . 0 3112 . 0. 0 602 11774487 380999 40068975 11774487 396239 64 0.ELBW. 0 3011 -39 3 0. 10000. 0 3001 11774487 380999 40068975 11774487 380999 64 4. 0 3011 11774487 600074 40043258 11774487 615314 64 4. 0. 0 3001 11774487 380999 39847042 11774487 380999 64 3. 0. 0.TEBW. 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2.49 -39 -1 3 214 -1 -1 8 113 8 110 40068975 11774487 487679 40068975 11774487 487996 64 1. . 0 3011 11774487 539114 40068975 11774487 554354 64 4.FLWN. 10000. 10000. .ELBW. 0. 0 3011 0. 0 2 105 40068975 11774487 487996 40068975 11774487 496569 64 3. 0. -39 -1 5 34 8 10000. 0. 10000. 10000. 0. 0.ELBW. 0. 9000 3011 11774487 554354 40068975 11789727 554354 64 0.ELBW. 0. 0. . 10000. 10000. . 0 10 0 3011 105 -30 380408-W 47 -67 39866093 *UNDEFINED* 149 39845535 11626849 859948 0 0 0 64 0.FLWN. 0.ELBW. 0. . 9000 3011 11804967 554354 40053735 11804967 554354 64 0. 10000. 0 3011 -1 233 -1 -1 -67 8 113 8 *UNDEFINED* 100 40068975 -39 5 -1 61 -1 -1 -67 8 113 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 40068975 -39 3 -1 232 -1 -1 8 113 8 36 -67 40068975 *UNDEFINED* 35 40068975 -39 3 -1 231 -1 -1 8 113 8 36 -67 40068975 *UNDEFINED* 100 40053735 -39 5 -1 60 -1 -1 -67 8 113 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39609235 11804967 554354 39593995 11804967 554354 64 4. 1110000. 10000. 1110000. 0. . 0. 8. .ELBW. 0. 0 3001 -30 380407-W 47 -67 39866093 *UNDEFINED* 105 39855615 -39 3 -1 117 -1 -1 8 58 8 110 39847042 11774487 380999 39846725 11774487 380999 64 1. . 0 3011 -39 3 11774487 496569 40068975 11774487 539114 64 5. 8. 100 39855615 11626849 859948 39835454 11626849 859948 64 5. 10000. 0. 10000. 9000 3011 11789727 554354 40068975 11804967 554354 64 4. 8. 9000 11 36 39593995 11804967 554354 39593995 11789727 554354 64 0. 9000 11 11774487 380999 39855615 11774487 380999 64 0.Appendix C: Example Documents C .VVFL. 1110000. 0. 0. 0 3502 -39 3 -1 118 -1 -1 8 58 8 110 39816244 11774487 380999 39815927 11774487 380999 64 1. 0 2 130 39846725 11774487 380999 39816244 11774487 380999 64 7.TEBW. 0. . 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. 0. 0 1 11626849 859948 39855615 11626849 859948 64 0. 9000 3011 11804967 554354 39609235 11804967 554354 64 5. 0. 0 2 39815927 11774487 380999 39807355 11774487 380999 64 3.FLOW. 0. 10000.ELBW. 10000.FLWN. 10000. . 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. ASTM-A19 -1 3-B7 STUDS W/ -1 ASTM-A194-2H -1 HVY HEX NUTS. 10000. 0 2 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2. -1 API-601 -88 7 -20 YZZZHZZFFF -21 B31. 0 3011 8 39820214 *UNDEFINED* 39820214 -39 3 114 -1 -1 39820214 8 105 -1 859948 72 36 -67 11626849 8 53 8 110 39820214 11626849 836135 39820214 11626849 835818 64 1. 0. 10000. 0. ANSI -1 -B16.50 -1 -1 -67 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . .FLWN. AS -1 TM-A105. G653. 0 2 -31 38E-104/ N1$4 -1 IN RFFE 300 -20 XDABBZZQSG -21 GASKET. 10000.125 -1 " THK. GRA -1 PH FILLED. 8.C . 0. CL300 -1 .ELBW.10M . -1 <— TEST -80 E90LR -81 S-STD -82 BE -83 A234-WPB -84 ANSI-B16. -1 4.5 -20 WAAAAAWAAA -21 ELBOW. .ELBW. 0. RFFE/BE. 0. S -1 -STD BORE -80 FWN -81 CL300 -82 RFFE -83 A105 -84 ANSI-B16. ASTM-A53- -1 B TYPE S -80 PIPE -81 S-STD -82 BE -83 A53-B -84 ANSI-B36.5. 9000 3001 11626849 859948 39820214 11626849 844708 64 0. 9000 3001 11626849 844708 39820214 11626849 836135 64 3. S-STD. S-STD.March 2000 72 8 *UNDEFINED* 35 39835454 -39 3 -1 156 -1 -1 11626849 859948 64 4. 10000. 304 SP -1 IRAL WND.9 -20 PAAAAAWAAA -21 PIPE. -1 BE. CS -1 CENTER RING.5 -88 7 -20 FAABBAWAAA -21 FLANGE. CL300 -1 .5" -1 ENGTH BOLT L -85 4. WN. 0. OS&Y. ASTM-A234- -1 WPB. -1 GENERIC DESC -1 RIPTION FOR L -1 EVEL 3 TESTIN -1 G.10 -20 PS-0311-1 -21 PIPE SUPPORT. B -1 E. S-STD. ANSI-B16 -1 . RFFE. B -1 E. S-STD. BE -1 . -1 4.25" -1 LENGTH BOLT -85 4.Appendix C: Example Documents C .25 -88 7 -20 PS-0311-2 -21 PIPE SUPPORT. ASTM -1 -A216-WCB.9 -80 T -81 S-STD -82 BE -83 A234-WPB -84 ANSI-B16. ANSI-B16. S-S -1 TD X S-STD. CRANE 3 -1 3 -80 GAT -81 CL300 -82 RFFE -83 A216-WCB -84 ANSI-B16.51 -20 WTAAAAWAAA -21 TEE.9 -20 WOAAAAWAFA -21 WELDOLET. -1 GENERIC DESC -1 RIPTION FOR L -1 EVEL 3 TESTIN -1 G. TR -1 IM 8. B -1 B. -1 9 -80 E45LR -81 S-STD -82 BE -83 A234-WPB -84 ANSI-B16.9 -20 VABBAHCAAA -21 GATE VALVE. ASTM-A19 -1 3-B7 STUDS W/ -1 ASTM-A194-2H -1 HVY HEX NUTS. C -1 L300. -80 PSP2 -20 WADAAAWAAA -21 45 DEG LR ELB -1 OW. ASTM-A105 -80 WOL -81 S-STD -82 BE -83 A105 -84 BONNEY FORGE -1 1 -20 YZZZHZZFFF -21 B31. ASTM-A234-W -1 PB. . 52 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . OS&Y. AST -1 M-A216-WCB. -1 GENERIC DESC -1 RIPTION FOR L -1 EVEL 3 TESTIN -1 G. ANSI-B16. -80 1GL1 -81 300QD -82 RFFE -84 ANSI-B16. CL300. ASTM-A51 -1 6-70. ASTM-A234 -1 -WPB. -1 S-STD BORE -80 FOWNAW -81 CL300 -82 RFFE -83 A105 -84 ANSI-B16.9 -80 REDE -81 S-STD -82 BE -83 A234-WPB -84 ANSI-B16. CRANE -1 151 -80 GLO -81 CL300 -82 RFFE -83 A216-WCB .March 2000 -80 PSP2 -20 WRBAAAWAAA -21 ECCENTRIC RED -1 UCER. S-STD X -1 S-STD BORE. ANSI-B1 -1 6. WN. GENER -1 IC DESCRIPTIO -1 N FOR LEVEL 3 -1 TESTING.36 -20 GJGBBZZADA -21 SPECTACLE BLA -1 NK. RFFE. -1 BE. ASTM-A1 -1 05. -80 PSP2 -20 FGPBBAWAAA -21 ORIFICE FLANG -1 E. RF -1 TBE. -1 36. -1 BB.C . API-590 -1 Z1. ONE 0 -1 .75 THK -80 BLSPC -81 CL300 -82 RFTBE -83 A516-70 -84 API-590Z1 -20 VBBBAHCGAA -21 GLOBE VALVE.5 -20 PS-0311-3 -21 PIPE SUPPORT. RFF -1 E/BE.9 -20 38LV-559 -21 INSTRUMENT 38 -1 LV-559. T -1 RIM 8.5" SWE TAP. -1 CL300. CL300. 0. 10 -20 PS-0404-1 -21 PIPE SUPPORT. -1 GENERIC DESC -1 RIPTION FOR L -1 EVEL 3 TESTIN -1 G.53 -84 ANSI-B16. -80 PSP2 -20 PS-0404-2 -21 PIPE SUPPORT -1 PS-0404-2. -80 999 PSP2 . GE -1 NERIC DESCRIP -1 TION FOR LEVE -1 L 3 TESTING.Appendix C: Example Documents C . note Table Key: 40/40 *** WARNING .0.8 Begin Input ———————————————- Options file pdssdr:/usr/cert/iso/isoref/john.6.W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.def Model design file(s) 40pipe01 .note Table Key: 40/40 *** WARNING .W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.C .note Table Key: 40/40 .5 Interface Error Log (.note Table Key: 40/40 *** WARNING .March 2000 C.00 .W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.03.W20 *** Header record attribute is undefined Header record number: -41 *** WARNING .type 63 information extracted from this model 39pipe01 (CONT.W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc. ONLY) 40eqp01 40foot01 Iso design file pdssdr:/usr/cert/john/400104wc.01.err file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PDSIDF version 4. ONLY) 39pipe02 (CONT.i* Line id(s) 400104-WC Piping area PArea40 Project database pd_oxs_l3 Batch options N Y Y N * * Y * * 22-Feb-1993 check plots Extraction number 6 End input ———————————————— *** WARNING .54 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . index : PSPECIALTY Return code : -1 *** WARNING .ERROR - key ’PSPECIALTY NREQD STRT1 TEFLTEXX’ was not found in SPECIALTY material description library. 6 .note Table Key: 1C0031 1 .ERROR - key ’SP-0104-2’ was not found in SPECIALTY material description library.ERROR - key ’SP-0104-1’ was not found in SPECIALTY material description library.ERROR - key ’S19’ was not found in SPECIALTY material description library.W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.W14 *** Error reading specialty material description library Item code : S19 Alt.note Table Key: 1C0031 .ERROR - key ’PSPECIALTY NREQD STRT1 TEFLTEXX’ was not found in SPECIALTY material description library.W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.Appendix C: Example Documents C .note Table Key: 1C0031 *** WARNING . *** WARNING .note Table Key: 1C0031 *** WARNING .W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.W14 *** Error reading specialty material description library Item code : SP-0104-2 Alt.ERROR - key ’PSUPPORT PSL’ was not found in SPECIALTY material description library. index : PSUPPORT Return code : -1 3 .W14 *** Error reading specialty material description library Item code : SP-0104-1 Alt. 4 .note Table Key: 1C0031 5 .W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.note Table Key: 1C0031 *** WARNING . 2 .55 *** WARNING .W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc. index : PSPECIALTY Return code : -1 *** WARNING . *** WARNING . *** WARNING .note Table Key: 1C0031 *** WARNING . C . *** WARNING .W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.8 DRG.note Table Key: 1C0031 *** WARNING . index : PSUPPORT Return code : -1 *** WARNING .March 2000 *** WARNING .W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.ERROR - key ’S15’ was not found in SPECIALTY material description library.note Table Key: 1C0031 *** WARNING .0. 1 /400104-WCPLOTTED DRG.note Table Key: 1C0031 ISOGEN INTERGRAPH VERSION 6.note Table Key: 1C0031 *** WARNING . 8 .56 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .ERROR - key ’PSUPPORT PSL’ was not found in SPECIALTY material description library.W14 *** Error reading specialty material description library Item code : S15 Alt. 2 /400104-WCPLOTTED .note Table Key: 1C0031 7 .W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc.W39 *** Segment data table look-up failed File name: /usr/ip32/pdiso/dat/isoc. b# file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GASK400104-WC.6 8 -9999 -9999 -9999 101.401572888 1572919 7 N SCAQZZZAAA 1.0" COMP400104-WC.0" 6.401572889 1572922 SP-0104-1 6.0" 4.05 ENGR400104-WC.0003.401572889 1572921 15 N FAAABAWAAA 6.0" BOLT400104-WC.401572886 1572912 7 XDAABZZQSG 6.401572888 1572917 7 N VAUSAHGAAA 1.00090.00090.00090.0" NREQDS-STD0.0000.0" 6.0000.401572887 1572914 15 N FAABBAWAAA 4.0" NREQDNREQD3.0" NREQDS-STD0.00090.401572887 1572915 15 N WRBAAAWAAA 6.401572893 1572878 15 1 PAAAAAWAAA 6.0" BOLT400104-WC.05 COMP400104-WC.00 PIPE400104-WC.0" 6.0" 1.401572893 1572923 7 XDAABZZQSG 6.401572886 1572912 7 YZZZHZZFFF 19.00090.00 SUPP400104-WC.0" 6.0" NREQDS-STD0.00090.00 COMP400104-WC.0000.0" 6.00090.Appendix C: Example Documents C .401572887 1572914 7 XDABBZZQSG 4.00 COMP400104-WC.6 8 101.00090.0" S-STDS-STD228.00 COMP400104-WC.401572886 1572913 15 N FAAABAWAAA 6.6 8 101.0" 6.00090.401572889 1572920 15 N WAAAAAWAAA 6.0" 6.00090.00090.00 GASK400104-WC.401572893 1572923 7 VAABAHCCAA 6.0000.0" 4.0" S-STDS-STD COMP400104-WC.0" S-STDS-STD0.00 GASK400104-WC.00 S19 N N 101.0" NREQDNREQD3.6 *********** *********** *********** 8 .0" S-STDS-STD228.401572889 1572922 7 YZZZHZZFFF 19.401572893 1572924 7 YZZZHZZFFF 19.0" 6.0" 6.401572889 1572922 7 XDAABZZQSG 6.401572893 1572926 15 N WAAAAAWAAA 6.0" S-160S-1603.00 PIPE400104-WC.401572888 1572916 7 N POCAAAOAAE 1.05 114.401572893 1572924 7 XDAABZZQSG 6.401572888 1572918 7 N POCAAAOAAE 1.401572889 1572868 COMP400104-WC.0" BOLT400104-WC.05 COMP400104-WC.0" S-STDS-STD COMP400104-WC.401572887 1572914 7 YZZZHZZFFF 19.0" NREQDNREQD GASK400104-WC.50.0000.57 C.05 COMP400104-WC.0000.6 MTO Neutral File (.401572893 1572927 15 1 PAAAAAWAAA 6.0003.00 PIPE400104-WC.3 NREQD 8 0.0" 6.401572886 1572876 15 2 PAAAAAWAAA 6.00090.0" BOLT400104-WC.0" 1.0" 6.00090.0" 1.0000.0000.0" S-STDS-STD0.401572893 1572925 15 N WTAAAAWAAA 6.0000.0" NREQDS-STD0.00 COMP400104-WC.50.0" BOLT400104-WC.00 GASK400104-WC.0" S-160S-1603.401572893 1572923 7 YZZZHZZFFF 19.401572893 1572924 15 N FAAABAWAAA 6.0" S-STDS-STD COMP400104-WC.00 COMP400104-WC. 00 GASK400104-WC.0" 6.0" 6.0" 6.0" 6.00090.00 GASK400104-WC.58 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .05 N -9999 -9999 -9999 127.00 COMP400104-WC.0" 6.0000.401572884 1572926 15 8 PAAAAAWAAA 6.401572884 1572872 7 XDAABZZQSG 6.401572884 1572872 7 XDAABZZQSG 6.401572884 1572873 15 N FAAABAWAAA 6.00090.0" 6.401572884 1572874 15 N WAAAAAWAAA 6.401572884 1572925 15 1 PAAAAAWAAA 6.00 PIPE400104-WC.0" S-STDS-STD COMP400104-WC.401572884 1572870 15 2 PAAAAAWAAA 6.00090.00090.0 *********** *********** *********** 8 .C .0" NREQDS-STD0.March 2000 PIPE400104-WC.50.0" S-STDS-STD228.0000.401572884 1572908 15 N WAAAAAWAAA 6.0" COMP400104-WC.0" BOLT400104-WC.401572884 1572872 7 YZZZHZZFFF 19.0" 6.00090.0" S-STDS-STD COMP400104-WC.0" NREQDNREQD0.50.401572884 1573096 15 N WAAAAAWAAA 6.50.401572884 1572872 7 GJGABZZADA 6.0" S-STDS-STD228.0" S-STDS-STD228.0" 6.0" S-STDS-STD COMP400104-WC.00 PIPE400104-WC. 4.1 ERROR DETECTED IN PIPE /W010 (35:1062) WARNING .Appendix C: Example Documents C .PIPE CONFLICT (PIPE ON/OFF MATERIAL LIST .59 C.7 ISOGEN Message File (. 1 /W0101 PLOTTED .CHECK CUT LENGTHS DRG.msg file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN WORKSTATION VERSION 5. 0" 16 BOLT LENGTH BOLT LENGTH GATE VALVE. CL150. ANSI-B16. G653. S-STD X S-STD BORE. ASTM-A53-B TYPE S 6 PAAAAAWAAA 22. ASTM-A234-WPB. ASTM-A516-70. BE. API-601 12 GASKET.9’ 2 TEE.5. ASTM-A234-WPB. BE. ASTM-A216-WCB. RFTBE. RFFE/BE. SWE. CL150. OS&Y. CS CENTER RING.5. 0. GRAPH FILLED. API-590Z1. ASTM-A193-B7 STUDS W/ASTM-A194-2H HVY HEX NUTS. PE.9 5 FLANGE. S-STD BORE 6 FLANGE. S-STD. CL3000. S-STD. 3" LONG. ANSI-B16. TRIM 8. WN.5" 14 B31. ASTM-A106-B 1 POCAAAOAAE 2 10 CAP. BE. SMITH 800 PIPE SUPPORTS ————18 ERROR READING SPECIALTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LIBRARY . CL150.9 4 90 DEG LR ELBOW. ASTM-A105. CL150.March 2000 C. 4. S-STD. TRIM 8. ASTM-A105 1 SCAQZZZAAA 1 11 GASKET. 4. ****** THK 9 SPIRAL WND.125" THK. S-160. CL300. CL300.9 3 ECCENTRIC REDUCER. CRANE 47 17 GATE VALVE. GRAPH FILLED.125" THK. SWE. CS CENTER RING.SHT 1 OF 2 —————— | SHOP MATERIALS | —————— PT NPD NO DESCRIPTION – (IN) ———– – CMDTY CODE —– —- QTY — 1 PIPE. 304 SPIRAL WND. ASTM-A105. BB. API-601 13 B31. BE. ASTM-A234-WPB. BB. ANSI-B16.C . 6X6 WTAAAAWAAA 1 6X4 WRBAAAWAAA 1 6 WAAAAAWAAA 5 6 FAAABAWAAA 4 4 FAABBAWAAA 1 ANSI-B16. RFFE.60 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . ANSI-B16. CL800. ASTM-A105. S-STD BORE —————————– | OTHER THAN SHOP MATERIALS | —————————– PT NPD NO DESCRIPTION – (IN) ———– 7 – ERROR READING SPECIALTY MATERIAL CMDTY CODE —– —- QTY — 6X6 SP-0104-1 1 6 GJGABZZADA 1 NIPPLE. 304 6 XDAABZZQSG 6 4 XDABBZZQSG 1 3/4 YZZZHZZFFF 8 3/4 YZZZHZZFFF 32 3/4 YZZZHZZFFF 8 6 VAABAHCCAA 1 1 VAUSAHGAAA 1 6 S19 1 DESCRIPTION LIBRARY 8 SPECTACLE BLANK. 0. G653. ASTM-A193-B7 STUDS W/ASTM-A194-2H HVY HEX NUTS. WN. 5. ASTM-A193-B7 STUDS W/ASTM-A194-2H HVY HEX NUTS. RFFE/BE.8 ISOGEN Printed Parts File (.0" 15 BOLT LENGTH B31.prt file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 PAGE 1 PIPELINE REF 400104-WC. OS&Y. ASTM-A193-B7 STUDS W/ASTM-A194-2H HVY HEX NUTS.125" THK.0" 11 B31. WN.9 2 90 DEG LR ELBOW. CL150. RFFE/BE. ASTM-A106-B 1 POCAAAOAAE 2 7 CAP. ANSI-B16. 0. 304 6 XDAABZZQSG 2 4 XDABBZZQSG 1 3/4 YZZZHZZFFF 16 3/4 YZZZHZZFFF 8 6 VAABAHCCAA 1 1 VAUSAHGAAA 1 6 S15 1 SPIRAL WND. ANSI-B16. BB. CL300.9 3 FLANGE. OS&Y. S-STD. ASTM-A216-WCB. PE. ASTM-A105 1 SCAQZZZAAA 1 8 GASKET.SHT 2 OF 2 —————— | SHOP MATERIALS | —————— PT NPD NO DESCRIPTION – (IN) ———– 1 – ECCENTRIC REDUCER. CL800. ANSI-B16. BB. CS CENTER RING.5" 12 BOLT LENGTH BOLT LENGTH GATE VALVE. CL300.61 PIECE MARKS ———– 400104-WC40-1 400104-WC40-2 1 PAGE 2 PIPELINE REF 400104-WC. OS&Y. G653. ANSI-B16. API-601 9 GASKET. S-160. API-601 10 B31. RFFE. 304 SPIRAL WND. CRANE 47 13 GATE VALVE. S-STD BORE 4 FLANGE. 4. S-STD BORE —————————– | OTHER THAN SHOP MATERIALS | —————————– PT NPD NO DESCRIPTION – (IN) ———– 5 – ERROR READING SPECIALTY MATERIAL CMDTY CODE —– —- QTY — 6X6 SP-0104-2 1 DESCRIPTION LIBRARY 6 NIPPLE. 4. SMITH 800 PIPE SUPPORTS ————14 ERROR READING SPECIALTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LIBRARY PIECE MARKS ———– 400104-WC40-3 . TRIM 8. BE. 3" LONG. 0. CL3000.5. G653. ASTM-A105. GRAPH FILLED. SWE. RFFE/BE.5. ASTM-A193-B7 STUDS W/ASTM-A194-2H HVY HEX NUTS. CS CENTER RING. ASTM-A105. S-STD X S-STD BORE. ASTM-A234-WPB. ASTM-A234-WPB. SWE. ASTM-A105. CMDTY CODE —– —- QTY — 6X4 WRBAAAWAAA 1 6 WAAAAAWAAA 1 6 FAAABAWAAA 1 4 FAABBAWAAA 1 BE.125" THK. CL150. TRIM 8. WN. CL150.SHT 1 OF 2 1 PAGE 1 PIPELINE REF 400104-WC.Appendix C: Example Documents C . GRAPH FILLED. 62 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .9 ISOGEN Component versus Sheet Number File (.sed file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 5 282 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 3 590 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 5 283 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 3 591 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 3 580 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 3 579 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 5 284 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 3 578 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 3 577 0 297 0 1 U1001-P-SHT-1 SPL-1- 1 6 61 0 297 0 0 0 .C .March 2000 C. Appendix C: Example Documents C .63 C.cut file) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 SUMMARY OF CUT PIPE LENGTHS FOR PROJECT NUMBER FOR PIPELINE REFERENCES PAGE 1 DATE 28/02/93 400104-WC- ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION CODE PAAAAAWAAA PIPE.7/16 .3/8 <2> 400104-WC- 6 10. S-STD.10 ISOGEN Cut Pipe Report (.7/16 <3> 400104-WC- 6 2’9.1/16 <1> 400104-WC- 6 5’3.1/8 <5> 400104-WC- 6 7’6.3/8 <4> 400104-WC- 6 5’10. REFERENCE REFERENCE 6 7. BE.1/16 <6> 400104-WC- SUB TOTAL 22’10. NO. ASTM-A53-B TYPE S SIZE CUT LENGTH SPECIAL PIECE PIPELINE BATCH (INS) (FT & INS) REQ. 1. 1. 0. 93 !Dgn file 4 3. 95 !Defaults file 3. 1. 10 1. 0. 0. 2. 0. 2. 97 !User attribute 2 3. 0. 1. 2. 2. ! Rev=2 By= Ckd By= Date= ! SHEET_DATA_TABLE 2 !2 lines to follow 0. 54 !Description 3. 2. 4. 5. 23. 41 !Date 3. 50 !REV no 3. 91. 0. 0. 2. 0. 7 !of sheet no DRAWING_DATA_TABLE 49 !49 lines to follow 5. 1 5. 0. 5. 0. 0. 2. 0. 2. 60 !REV no 3. 0. 43 !CHK initials 3. 21 !Date 3. 2. 23. 2. 2. 0. 10. 3. 2. 2. 0. 24 !Description 3. 92. 96 !Extraction no 3. 2. 0.C . 0. 23 !CHK initials 3. 0. 3. 30 !REV no 3. 70 !REV no 3. 99 !User attribute 4 3. 2. 64 !Description 3. 20 !REV no 3. 17. 2. 0. 16. 71 !Date 3. 2. 0. 15 !Extraction date 3. 0. 98 !User attribute 3 3. 979. 5 !Project no !Unit name !Iso no 3. 100 !User attribute 5 !Current rev no !Color code (User attribute 1) . 2. 90 !Dgn file 1 3. 18. 951. 0. 94. 2. 4. 22. 18. 0. 2. 18.seg and . 0. 1. 2.64 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 23. 63 !CHK initials 3. 1.dwg files) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! Description= Definition of the ISOGEN title block for size C batch isos. 2. 0. 0. 4. 11. 0. 2. 0.11 Title Block Table (. 0. 1. 0. 2. 0. 0. 1. 0. 2. 0. 61 !Date 3. 4. 2. 1. 2. 18. 6. 0. 3. 2. 16. 5. 979. 2. 91 !Dgn file 2 3. 1. 6 !Sheet no 0. 2. 0. 5. 23. 20. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. . 979. 16. 22 !BY initials 3. 0. 1. 90. 0.bit. 5. 1. 0. 17. 1. 20. 0. 2. 4. 52 !BY initials 3. 2. 0. 18. 2. 0. 0. 62 !BY initials 3. 3. 2. 2 3. 0. 2. 20. 0. 20. 2. 4. 40 !REV no 3. 3. 0. 17. 3. 2. 0. 1. 23. 0. 0. 0. 92 !Dgn file 3 3. 17. 32 !BY initials 3. 0. 0. 8 3. 12 !Plant name 5. 5. 0. 0. 1. 16. 73 !CHK initials 3. 17. 1. 1. 42 !BY initials 3. 2. 72 !BY initials 3. 15. 17. 2. 0. 2. 2. 23. 16. 34 !Description 3. 18. 4. 33 !CHK initials 3. 979. 0. 94 !Dgn file 5 3. 2. 2. 20. 1. 3. 0. 0. 11 !Company name 5. 44 !Description 3. 20. 53 !CHK initials 3. 0. 93. 0. 0. 0. 74 !Description 3. 2. 31 !Date 3. 16. 51 !Date 3. 0. 0.March 2000 C. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 14. 62. 4. 3. 0. 12. 25 !Alt oper press 1. 25 !Alt dgn press 1. 201. 0. 0. 12. 25. 103. 25 !Heat tracing reqmts 1. 211. 12. 3. 0. 0. 215. 0. 0. 25 !Coating reqmts 1. 0. 0. 64. !20 lines to follow 2. 8. 0. 19. 3. 24. 25 !Nor dgn temp 1. 0. 12. 4. 0. 12. 12. 0. 0. 12. 5. 207. 25. 0. 0. 202. 0. 6. 126. 25 !Nor dgn press 1. 12. 11. 36. 219. 25 !Insulation thickness 1. 1. 12. 5. 25 !Test system no 1. 0. 57. 212. 0.65 SEGMENT_DATA_TABLE 20 1. 12. 209. 213. 200. 25 !Alt dgn temp 1. 75. 100. 107. 66. 5. 0. 12. 0. 204. 25 !Line no 1. 12. 92. 4. 0. 4. 12. 25 !Heat media 1. 30. 25 !PWHT reqmts . 5. 17. 4. 89. 214. 118. 53. 31. 218. 113. 26. 0. 65. -992. 25 !Alt oper temp 1. 25 !Test press 1. 12. 0. 25 !Dgn std 1. 25. 35. 18. 206. 205. 97. 216. 5. 25 !Test fluid 1. 12. 203. 84. 208. 27. 217. 0. 28. 12. 0. 12. 0. 25 !Nor oper temp 1. 66. 0. 5. 40. 210. 25 !Insulation purpose 1. 0. 48. 0. 25 !Heat media temp 1. 12. 0. 71.Appendix C: Example Documents C . 0. 12. 12. 12. 80. 15. 0. 25 !Nor oper press 1. 1. 0. 5. 29. 66 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .C .March 2000 . 1 Appendix D __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PDS Database Table Formats .Appendix D: PDS Database Table Formats D . D-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 . 3 Appendix D __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PDS Database Table Formats This section contains PDS database formats.Appendix D: PDS Database Table Formats D . including: Design table format Spec table format (Imperial & Metric) . double 30 . piping_mater_class . short . character(12) 5 . nor_op_temp_units . standard note 1074 (units) 17 . character(8) 14 . cleaning_reqmts . insulation_thick . character(16) 11 . double 26 . construction_stat .1 Piping Design Database Table Format __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Piping Design Database # Default Relational Database Definition # Piping Segment Data table number = 12 . mater_of_construct . nor_oper_temp . standard note 160 38 . short . system_unique_no . short . standard note 1064 48 . line_id . standard note 35 23 . module_no . double 20 . line_sequence_no . short 12 . standard note 50 22 . double 16 . double 25 . short . coating_reqmts . nor_dgn_temp . package_system_no . standard note 1064 50 . short . fluid_code 10 . alt_op_pres_units . standard note 1064 46 . standard note 220 . short . double 28 .March 2000 D. unit_code . alt_oper_pres . standard note 200 18 . character(16) 13 . character(12) 37 . heat_tracing_temp . double . double 31 . schedule_override . short . heat_tracing_reqmt . standard note 1056 49 . alt_dgn_pres_units . nor_oper_pres . alt_dgn_pres . short . construction_resp . short . number of columns = 73 1 . design_resp . nor_dgn_temp_units . short . nor_dgn_pres_units . nominal_piping_dia . character(8) 24 . short . double 29 . standard note 210 19 . standard note 1056 45 . design_standard . character(3) 6 . character(2) 9 . insulation_purpose . character(6) 34 . alt_op_temp_units . short . nor_dgn_pres . short . standard note 340 35 . standard note 125 . short . character(4) 43 . short 21 . heat_tracing_media . short . character(40) 3 . short . double 27 . short 15 . standard note 1064 44 . train_number . standard note 130 33 . double 32 . design_area_number . standard note 160 39 . safety_class . insulation_density . approval_status . fluid_category . short . standard note 160 40 . short . hold_status .D-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . short . steam_outlet_temp . gasket_separation . double . integer 2 . character(16) 7 . unit_number . standard note 570 36 . short . alt_dgn_temp_units . standard note 1056 47 . nor_op_pres_units . alt_dgn_temp . character(12) 8 . index 1 . alt_oper_temp . line_number_label . standard note 230 42 . character(16) 4 . standard note 190 41 . supply_resp . standard note 1056 . standard note 1010 (units) 26 . character(6) 30 . pid_index_no . standard note 50 34 . heat_tracing_media . double 21 . table_suffix_red . double 60 . character(20) 3 . character(6) 13 . system_unique_no . standard note 1028 (units) 27 . double 67 . hold_status . double . viscosity . table_suffix_green . short . test_pressure . double 20 . integer 71 . PID_id_part_b . double 29 .Appendix D: PDS Database Table Formats D . PDS_sort_code . standard note 360 . surface_roughness . character(6) 4 . double 63 . dimension_a . short . specific_gravity_a . standard note 145 19 . character(4) 68 . iso_dwg_index_no . MTO_requirements . short . integer 70 . chain_operator_no . bend_radius . double 62 . standard note 400 . heat_tracing_reqmt . short . empty_weight . short 31 . short . short 54 . standard note 210 36 . short . test_fluid .5 51 . short 6 . double 61 . steam_temp_units . commodity_name . stress_reqmts . PID_id_part_a . double . standard note 200 35 . hyd_reqmts . standard note 1056 . character(12) 72 . short . sched_thick_basis . standard note 576 17 . end_1_nozzle_id . double 23 . dimension_b . construction_stat . integer . commodity_code . standard_note_no . materials_grade . source_of_data . double 22 . fabrication_cat . face_to_face_dim . standard note 130 33 . double 37 . density . double . standard note 575 . double 24 . short . double 59 . bend_angle . standard note 420 12 . standard note 365 10 . character(8) 8 . double 57 . specific_gravity_c . short . double 58 . geometric_standard . double 64 . opening_action . standard note 499 # Piping Component Data table number = 34 . short 15 . operator_weight . character(4) 69 . short 66 . standard note 390 32 . spec_heat_ratio . weight_code . short . operator_sym_name . water_weight . test_system_no . standard note 125 . short . sonic_velocity . character(12) 55 . number of columns = 113 1 . integer . end_2_nozzle_id . integer 2 . short 52 . standard note 578 16 . standard note 577 18 . character(8) 14 . standard note 360 56 . option_code . double 25 . character(6) 5 . index 1 . character(12) 53 . short . surface_area . physical_data_id . piping_comp_no . alpha_descript_id . model_code . standard note 1028 (units) 28 . double 7 . heat_tracing_temp . dimension_c . character(6) 65 . standard note 180 11 . short 73 . hyd_system_no . character(16) 9 . specific_gravity_b . stress_system_no . maximum_temp . short . cp_3_weld_no . stress_node_no . character(8) 82 . short 42 . head_loss_factor . short 91 . short 50 . short 52 . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . character(8) 53 . cp_2_weld_type . cp_3_outside_diam . standard_note_no_b . cp_4_gasket_gap . short . short 65 . color_code . cp_1_rating .March 2000 38 . component_group_no . double 87 . short 99 . character(8) 56 . cp_1_gasket_option . standard note 330 . character(8) 66 . cp_1_sch_thk . character(8) 67 . double 88 . cp_1_outside_diam . cp_4_weld_no . cp_1_face_to_ctr . short . cp_1_gasket_gap . standard note 400 . cp_2_weld_no . cp_4_sch_thk . short 89 . character(2) 39 . double 84 . character(8) 95 . cp_4_weld_type . cp_3_weld_type . character(8) 79 . double 61 . double 97 . double 55 . double 81 . cp_2_outside_diam . piping_assembly .D-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . cp_2_nom_pipe_diam . standard note 499 49 . cp_3_rating . short 57 . standard note 499 48 . cp_4_rating . isometric_sheet_no . cp_4_stress_node . cp_2_sch_thk . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . cp_3_stress_node . short 96 . cp_3_face_to_ctr . double 90 . short 98 . short 76 . cp_4_head_loss . short 59 . cp_1_weld_no . short 83 . double 100. cp_2_head_loss . cp_1_head_loss . character(10) 40 . cp_4_outside_diam . cp_3_head_loss . cp_1_weld_type . cp_4_end_prep . standard note 330 . standard note 400 . double 71 . double . short 73 . short 85 . cp_4_face_to_ctr . remarks . cp_3_stress_factor . cp_2_rating . character(16) 47 . cp_2_gasket_gap . character(8) 41 . cp_3_nom_pipe_diam . cp_2_face_to_ctr . cp_3_sch_thk . cp_4_nom_pipe_diam . double 43 . double 51 . double 74 . character(8) 92 . cp_1_end_prep . short 60 . character(8) 69 . character(8) 93 . double 68 . cp_1_stress_factor . cp_4_stress_factor . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . double 64 . double 75 . short 78 . character(8) 80 . character(12) 45 . standard note 330 . short 72 . double 62 . standard note 400 . cp_3_gasket_option . cp_1_nom_pipe_diam . short 70 . double 58 . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . double 94 . piece_mark_no . stress_intens_fact . character(8) 54 . cp_1_stress_node . cp_3_gasket_gap . standard note 400 . cp_2_stress_factor . cp_3_end_prep . double 44 . standard_note_no_a . standard note 330 . cp_4_gasket_option . short 86 . short 63 . cp_2_end_prep . cp_2_gasket_option . cp_2_stress_node . double 77 . short 46 . double 7 . standard note 365 14 . short . short . cp_5_stress_factor . character(8) 36 . character(8) 11 . short . table_suffix_red . standard note 210 31 . pipe_length . short . standard note 180 15 . short . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . fabrication_cat . standard_note_no_b . iso_dwg_index_no . cp_5_stress_node . cp_5_weld_no . character(20) 3 . character(12) 37 . MTO_requirements . short 8 . double # Piping/Tubing Data table number = 50 . short 104. maximum_temp . character(8) 106. end_1_stress_node . double 32 . color_code . end_1_weld_type . character(6) 17 . short 109. double 113. short 46 . standard note 400 . index 1 . character(6) 4 . cp_5_gasket_option . standard note 425 16 . standard note 330 . end_1_head_loss . cp_5_end_prep . commodity_name . double 107. standard note 400 . cp_5_nom_pipe_diam . standard note 499 41 . outside_diameter 9 . standard note 50 29 . double 103. piping_assembly . double 110. character(16) 39 . standard note 200 30 . standard note 575 . character(2) 34 . model_code . short . double . short 28 . standard note 1028 (units) 26 . cp_5_rating . end_1_end_prep . remarks . source_of_data . double .Appendix D: PDS Database Table Formats D . integer 33 . nominal_piping_dia . short 18 . standard note 578 19 . piping_comp_no . double . sched_thick_basis . character(8) 108. short . end_1_gasket_opt . double . integer 2 . short . cp_5_outside_diam . short . construction_stat .7 101. standard note 1028 (units) 25 . character(6) 5 . character(8) 105. heat_tracing_media . component_group_no . cp_5_face_to_ctr . hold_status . weight_code . character(8) 10 . geometric_standard . double 27 . short . standard note 499 40 . standard note 330 42 . end_1_stres_int . cp_5_head_loss . water_weight . short 112. commodity_code . double . character(10) 35 . end_1_gasket_gap . cp_5_sch_thk . cold_spring_length . end_1_weld_no . materials_grade . standard note 400 . option_code . short 47 . double 23 . heat_tracing_reqmt . rating . short . short . character(8) 43 . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . number of columns = 56 1 . short 44 . character(16) 13 . short 38 . standard_note_no_a . empty_weight . isometric_sheet_no . double 45 . schedule_thickness . standard note 577 21 . standard note 1010 (units) 24 . short 6 . cp_5_gasket_gap . heat_tracing_temp . piece_mark_no . short 102. cp_5_weld_type . standard note 145 22 . short 111. system_unique_no . standard note 130 . table_suffix_green . PDS_sort_code . double 48 . surface_area . short . character(8) 12 . standard note 576 20 . opening_action . MTO_requirements . character(8) 6 . double . standard note 130 30 . character(16) 42 . short . safety_class . end_2_end_prep . stress_node_no . isometric_sheet_no . insulation_purpose . chain_operator_no . short 52 . double 49 . materials_grade . short . fabrication_cat . short . standard note 499 54 . short . construction_resp . double 20 . standard note 400 # Instrument Component Data table number = 67 . short 27 . integer 3 . remarks . end_2_gasket_opt . short 37 . character(20) . short . short . short 48 . standard note 576 14 . character(2) 45 . iso_dwg_index_no . piece_mark_no . standard note 160 33 . short . short . short . standard note 1074 (units) 39 . short . integer 44 . table_suffix_green . double 18 . standard note 145 16 . heat_tracing_media . double 56 . surface_area . option_code . character(6) 11 . standard note 330 . package_system_no . short . physical_data_id . design_resp . standard note 499 . double . standard note 50 31 . face_to_face_dim . character(6) 26 . character(10) 46 . end_2_gasket_gap . short . empty_weight . standard note 1028 (units) 23 . end_2_head_loss . component_group_no . head_loss_factor . double 28 . standard note 210 35 . dimension_c . dimension_a . cleaning_reqmts . standard note 160 32 . insulation_thick . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) .March 2000 49 . double 25 . character(12) 43 . system_unique_no 2 . water_weight . standard note 575 . weight_code . standard note 365 7 . source_of_data . number of columns = 119 1 . piping_assembly . operator_weight . hold_status . standard note 230 40 . end_2_stress_node . end_2_weld_no . end_2_stres_int . standard note 1028 (units) 22 . construction_stat . double . double 19 . short 55 . standard note 430 9 . chain_length . insulation_density . standard note 390 29 . short . short . short 5 . standard note 220 . character(16) 53 . short . PDS_sort_code . double .D-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . standard note 578 13 . short . instrument_comp_no . heat_tracing_reqmt . short 52 . standard note 400 . standard note 340 41 . character(6) 10 . module_no . operator_type . stress_intens_fact . short 50 . sched_thick_basis . dimension_b . double . short . index 1 . character(8) 51 . character(12) 51 . character(8) . short 12 . standard_note_no_a . standard note 1010 (units) 21 . model_code 4 . double 50 . standard note 180 8 . short . heat_tracing_temp . double 17 . standard note 200 34 . color_code . end_2_weld_type . character(8) 47 . operator_sym_name . double . double 53 . table_suffix_red . standard_note_no_b . short 54 . standard note 577 15 . standard note 1028 (units) 24 . double 38 . geometric_standard . double 36 . cp_1_gasket_gap . short 84 . character(8) 72 . cp_1_head_loss .Appendix D: PDS Database Table Formats D . double 67 . cp_5_gasket_gap . short 95 . cp_1_face_to_ctr . double 93 . standard note 400 . cp_5_outside_diam . cp_4_sch_thk . short 92 . double 113. short 79 . standard note 400 . double 61 . double . double 80 . cp_5_weld_no . short 110. cp_2_head_loss . cp_5_sch_thk . character(8) 111. cp_4_nom_pipe_diam . cp_4_stress_factor . cp_1_weld_no . character(8) 98 . double 100. character(8) 73 . cp_2_end_prep . double 90 . cp_3_gasket_gap . cp_2_sch_thk . character(8) 60 . cp_5_rating . cp_1_outside_diam . cp_3_weld_type . standard note 330 . cp_2_weld_type . character(8) 112. cp_5_nom_pipe_diam . character(8) 99 . double 106. standard note 330 . cp_4_head_loss . cp_4_end_prep . standard note 330 . cp_1_rating . double 87 . cp_2_weld_no . cp_2_nom_pipe_diam . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . standard note 330 . short 108. cp_4_gasket_gap . short 82 . short 63 . character(8) 75 .9 55 . short 71 . cp_2_gasket_option . short 65 . cp_4_rating . cp_3_gasket_option . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . character(8) 86 . double 81 . character(8) 101. short 91 . character(8) 59 . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . double 57 . cp_2_stress_node . standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . short 56 . double 83 . cp_2_stress_factor . short 115. character(8) 62 . double 96 . cp_1_sch_thk . cp_2_outside_diam . short 97 . cp_4_weld_type . cp_3_stress_factor . double 64 . short 76 . cp_4_stress_node . double 107. character(8) 114. short 69 . cp_5_weld_type . cp_3_sch_thk . cp_1_stress_factor . cp_3_end_prep . short 102. cp_2_face_to_ctr . cp_3_nom_pipe_diam . cp_1_gasket_option . standard note 330 . cp_1_stress_node . double 103. double 74 . cp_1_weld_type . cp_4_face_to_ctr . double 94 . cp_3_rating . cp_1_end_prep . cp_2_rating . character(8) 85 . short 78 . cp_4_weld_no . short 104. cp_5_face_to_ctr . cp_5_end_prep . double 70 . standard note 400 . cp_3_stress_node . double 109. standard note 400 . cp_4_gasket_option . short 89 . cp_3_outside_diam . character(8) 88 . cp_3_weld_no . short 58 . double 68 . cp_4_outside_diam . double 77 . cp_1_nom_pipe_diam . short 66 . short 105. standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) . cp_3_head_loss . cp_3_face_to_ctr . cp_2_gasket_gap . rot_rigidity_z . spring_gap_length . character(8) 23 . short 117. trans_rigidity_y . short . iso_support_type_d . double 29 . character(16) 13 . standard note 400 . isometric_dim_e . model_code_phy . isometric_dim_d . isometric_dim_b . iso_support_type_a . rot_rigidity_y . number of columns = 36 1 . isometric_dim_a . standard note 499 19 . double 28 . trans_rigidity_x . short . double # Pipe Support Data table number = 80 . iso_support_type_b . double 26 . hold_status . isometric_dim_c . character(6) 5 . character(20) 3 . integer 20 . construction_stat . short . double 27 .D . standard note 180 15 . character(10) 22 . commodity_code . integer 2 . short . cp_5_stress_factor . model_code_log . fabrication_orient . standard note 380 8 . system_unique_no . index 1 . rot_rigidity_x . isometric_sheet_no . character(6) 4 . details_for_shop 10 .March 2000 116. fabrication_cat . double 32 . character(2) 21 . double 31 . double 119. cp_5_stress_node . sping_gap_direct . number_of_springs . standard_note_no . short . short . character(20) 12 . double 30 . standard note 380 7 . double 24 . double 34 . character(50) 11 . details_for_field . piece_mark_no . cp_5_head_loss . iso_dwg_index_no . double 25 . standard note 1028 (units) 16 . cp_5_gasket_option . pipe_support_no . weight . MTO_requirements . short . double 35 . short 118. double . standard note 50 18 . standard note 380 6 . iso_support_type_c . short . standard note 380 9 . color_code . short . short . trans_rigidity_z .10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . double 33 . standard note 130 17 . character(50) . short 36 . standard note 365 14 . character(6) 20. short 8 . standard_note_no_a . weight_code . standard note 499 20. short . short 13. character(6) . gcp_sch_thk . short 15. character(2) 5 . system_unique_no . integer # Piping Commodity Specification Data table number = 202. diameter_table . gasket_separation . thickness_table . character(6) . standard note 148 14. gcp_table_suffix . rcp_to_nom_diam . standard note 577 22. revision_mngt_date . character(6) 11. character(8) 10. standard note 330 . character(6) 16. character(16) 19. fluid_code . character(6) 4 . standard note 578 . corrosion_allow . rcp_sch_thk . short . commodity_name . character(2) 4 . character(16) 3 . character(6) 12. piping_mater_class . short 18. standard note 125 7 . piping_mater_class . character(8) 16. standard_note_no_b . number of columns = 21 1 . thickness_equation . branch_table . double 6 . short 5 . revision_date .11 D. model_code . gcp_rating . version_no . commodity_code . service_lim_table . revision_no . character(10) 6 . vent_drain_macro . PDS_sort_code . rcp_from_nom_diam . short 14. mater_of_construct . character(6) 15. character(8) 11. double 9 . system_unique_no . short 9 . number of columns = 27 1 . short 10. character(6) 17. integer 2 . standard note 576 . modifier .2 Specification/Material Reference Database Table Format __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Specification/Material Reference Database # Default Relational Database Definition # Piping Materials Class Data table number = 201. tap_data_table . character(6) 21. rcp_table_suffix . character(8) 19. standard note 575 23. short . mat_description . character(16) 3 . geometric_standard . character(6) 13. short 7 . maximum_temp . character(6) 18. character(6) 8 . standard note 499 21. double . integer 2 . gcp_end_prep . index 1 . rcp_rating . option_code . short . character(8) 17. rcp_end_prep . short 12.Appendix D: PDS Database Table Formats D . gcp_from_nom_diam . materials_table . standard note 400 . standard note 330 . gcp_to_nom_diam . gcp_from_nom_diam . modifier . standard note 499 # Piping Specialty Specification Data table number = 203. gcp_from_nom_diam . standard_note_no_a . rcp_table_suffix . gcp_rating . short 8 .12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . short . materials_grade . materials_grade . short 13.March 2000 24. standard note 499 27. weight_code . character(8) 10. standard note 578 22. rcp_table_suffix . short 12. gcp_rating . standard note 499 25. short 11. modifier . short . short 6 . short . double 20. standard_note_no_b . instrument_comp_no . standard note 180 23. rcp_to_nom_diam . PDS_sort_code . standard_note_no_b . short 7 . integer 2 .D . rcp_from_nom_diam . gcp_end_prep . standard note 578 22. rcp_to_nom_diam . short 5 . short . physical_data_id . short 12. standard_note_no_b . character(20) 3 . physical_data_id . weight_code . standard note 577 . character(8) 16. standard note 576 . short . standard note 180 25. short . character(8) 15. PDS_sort_code . gcp_to_nom_diam . short 13. gcp_table_suffix . character(8) 9 . standard note 180 23. short . fabrication_cat . short . number of columns = 25 1 . standard_note_no_a . character(6) 4 . standard note 577 . double 20. standard note 330 . character(8) 18. short . rcp_from_nom_diam . short . short 17. standard note 330 . character(20) 3 . number of columns = 25 1 . fabrication_cat . gcp_end_prep . rcp_sch_thk . geometric_standard . fabrication_cat . standard note 400 . short 14. short . short . standard note 499 . option_code . standard note 145 26. rcp_end_prep . character(8) 10. standard note 400 . standard note 145 24. gcp_table_suffix . character(6) 4 . short 7 . short 5 . character(6) 19. system_unique_no . integer 2 . character(8) 18. standard note 575 21. rcp_rating . standard note 499 # Instrument Component Specification Data table number = 204. gcp_sch_thk . system_unique_no . character(6) 19. gcp_to_nom_diam . short . short 14. rcp_sch_thk . materials_grade . standard note 145 24. standard note 330 . standard note 499 25. standard note 330 . piping_comp_no . standard note 576 . short . short 8 . option_code . short 17. rcp_rating . standard_note_no_a . short 11. rcp_end_prep . character(8) 9 . gcp_sch_thk . model_code . short 6 . standard note 575 21. character(8) 16. short . short . model_code . character(8) 15. geometric_standard . Appendix D: PDS Database Table Formats D . character(8) 6 . double . number of columns = 10 1 . integer 4 . fabrication_cat . character(10) # Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data table number = 211. weld_weight . system_unique_no . system_unique_no . quantity . index 1 # Reference Database Revision Management Data table number = 221. short 7 . rating . sys_commodity_code . character(8) 7 . standard note 400 5 . short 4 . character(16) 3 . short 5 . end_preparation . nominal_piping_dia . short 4 . integer 2 . integer 5 . gcp_sch_thk . rcp_nom_diam . option_code . commodity_code . gcp_to_nom_diam . standard_note_no . character(8) 7 . short . double 9 . character(6) 3 . double 9 . tap_data_rev_date . short 6 . sched_thick . gcp_from_nom_diam . commodity_code . rcp_to_nom_diam . short 10. character(16) 8 . tap_material_code . double 10. implied_rev_date . integer 2 . character(16) 8 . instr_rev_date . unit_price . number of columns = 10 1 . number of columns = 5 1 . integer 2 .13 # Tap Properties Data table number = 205. tap_table_name . standard note 330 6 . system_unique_no . short . manhours . specialty_rev_date . size_data_rev_date . short 4 . index 1 # Piping Commodity Implied Material Data table number = 212. character(8) 8 . number of columns = 8 1 . short . character(16) 3 . rcp_from_nom_diam . integer 3 . sys_commodity_code . rcp_sch_thk . gcp_nom_diam . short 5 . integer . integer 2 . 14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .D .March 2000 . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions Appendix E E-1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions . E-2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions Appendix E E-3 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions . Angle Relief/Vent AVFL: Valve .E-4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Angle Pressure Reducing .Angle AXFL: Valve .March 2000 ARFL: Valve . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions BAFL: Block .Offset BRFL: Block E-5 .Angle BOFL: Block . March 2000 C3FL: Valve .Three-Way Control C4FL: Valve .Angle Control .Four-Way Control CAFL: Valve .E-6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Elbolet (Screwed) CESW: Coupling .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions CEBW: Coupling .Elbolet (Socket Weld) E-7 .Elbolet (Butt Weld) CESC: Coupling . E-8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Check COCP: Coupling .March 2000 CHFL: Hose Coupling CKFL: Valve .Compression . Socket Weld CPBW: Reducer .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions COSC: Coupling .Concentric Fabricated from Plate E-9 .Screwed COSW: Coupling . Concentric Swaged From Plate (Flanged) .E .Concentric Fabricated from Plate (Flanged) CSBW: Reducer .10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Concentric Swaged From Plate CSFL: Reducer .March 2000 CPFL: Reducer . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions CTBW: Reducer .Concentric with a Connection (Flanged) CTSC: Reducer .Concentric with a Connection (Screwed) E .Concentric with a Connection (Butt Weld) CTFL: Reducer .11 . Control CXBW: Reducer .Concentric with a Connection Swaged from Pipe .March 2000 CTSW: Concentric with a Connection (Socket Weld) CVFL: Valve .12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .E . Concentric with a Connection Swaged from Pipe (Flanged) CZBW: Reducer .Concentric with a Connection Fabricated from Plate (Flanged) .13 CXFL: Reducer .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions E .Concentric with a Connection Fabricated from Plate CZFL: Reducer . March 2000 DR: Rupture Disk EPBW: Reducer .Eccentric Fabricated from Plate EPFL: Reducer .E .Eccentric Fabricated from Plate (Flanged) .14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions EPSW: Reducer .Eccentric Swaged from Pipe (Flanged) E .15 .Eccentric Swaged from Pipe ESFL: Reducer .Eccentric Fabricated from Plate (Socket Weld) ESBW: Reducer . Eccentric with a Connection Swaged from Pipe (Flanged) EXFL: Expansion Bellows .E .16 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Eccentric with a Connection Swaged from Pipe EXFL: Reducer .March 2000 EXBW: Reducer . 17 EZBW: Reducer .Angle .Eccentric with a Connection Fabricated from Plate EZFL: Reducer .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions E .Eccentric with a Connection Fabricated from Plate (Flanged) FAFL: Filter/Strainer . Straight Through FLBL: Flange .E .18 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Flared/Loose Backing .March 2000 FIFL: Filter/Strainer .Blind FLFL: Flange . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions FLLB: Flange .19 .Backing FLOW: Flow Arrow FLRC: Flange .Reducing Concentric E . Reducing Eccentric FLRG: Lap Joint .E .Screwed .March 2000 FLRE: Flange .Ring Loose FLSC: Flange .20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Slip On with J-type Weld FLSO: Flange .Stub End Loose FLSJ: Flange .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions FLSE: Lap Joint .21 .Slip On E . March 2000 FLSW: Flange .Offset .Socket Weld FLWN: Flange .22 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .E .Weld Neck FOFL: Filter/Strainer . Orifice (Slip On) FOWN: Flange .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions FOSO: Flange .Orifice (Weld Neck) FPPL: Fixed Length Pipe .23 .Without Flanged Ends E . 24 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 FRFL: Filter/Strainer .Return FTFL: Flame Trap FXFL: Filter/Strainer .Return .E . Angle Control (Hand Indicator) E .Three-Way Control (Hand Indicator) H4FL: Valve .Four-Way Control (Hand Indicator) HAFL: Valve .25 .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions H3FL: Valve . March 2000 HCSC: Olet .E .Half Coupling (Socket Weld) HVFL: Valve .26 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Control Hand Indicator .Half Coupling (Screwed) HCSW: Olet . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions IAFL: Instrument .27 .Angle IDFL: Instrument .Dial (Flanged) IDPL: Instrument .Dial E . Return .E .28 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 IIFL: Instrument IOFL: Instrument .Offset IRFL: Instrument . Compression E .Tee KABW: Cap .Butt Weld KACP: Cap .29 .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions ITFL: Instrument . Screwed KASW: Cap .Latrolet (Buttweld) .E .30 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Socket Weld LABW: Olet .March 2000 KASC: Cap . Three-Way Control (Motorized Indicator) M4FL: Valve .Angle Control (Motorized Indicator) E .31 .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions M3FL: Valve .Four-Way Control (Motorized Indicator) MAFL: Valve . E .Screwed NCFL: Non-Category Item .March 2000 MVFL: Valve .Control (Motorized Indicator) NBSC: Nipple .32 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . Nipolet (Plain End) NISC: Olet .Nipolet (Screwed) NRSC: Nipple .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions NIPL: Olet .33 .Screwed E . 34 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Eccentric with a Connection (Butt Weld) OTFL: Reducer .March 2000 OP: Orifice Plate OTBW: Reducer .Eccentric with a Connection (Flanged) .E . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions OTSC: Reducer .Fixed Length PL: Plug E .Eccentric with a Connection (Screwed) PF: Pipe Block .35 . Variable Length RAFL: Valve .36 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .E .March 2000 PR: Restrictor Plate PV: Pipe Block .Angle (Relief/Vent) . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions RBSC: Reducer .Concentric (Socket Weld) RCBW: Reducer .Concentric (Screwed Bush) RBSW: Reducer .Concentric (Butt Weld) E .37 . March 2000 RCCP: Reducer .Concentric (Screwed) .E .38 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Concentric (Compression) RCFL: Reducer .Concentric (Flanged) RCSC: Reducer . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions RCSW: Reducer .Concentric (Socket Weld) RD: Rupture Disk REBW: Reducer .Eccentric (Butt Weld) E .39 . 40 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Eccentric (Flanged) RESC: Reducer .Special Reducing Flange .Eccentric (Screwed) RF: Reducer .E .March 2000 REFL: Reducer . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions RFPL: Reducer .Connection Block RNSC: Reducer .Concentric (Nipple) RP: Restrictor Plate E .41 . Four-Way Control (Square Indicator) .42 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 RVFL: Valve .Relief/Vent S3FL: Valve .E .Three-Way Control (Square Indicator) S4FL: Valve . Blind SGFL: Sight Glass E .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions SAFL: Valve .43 .Angle Control (Square Indicator) SB: Specticle . March 2000 SKSW: Olet .Sockolet SP: Slip Plate SR: Slip Ring .44 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .E . Angle E .Control (Square Indicator) SWBw: Olet Sweepolet TAFL: Trap .45 .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions SVFL: Valve . March 2000 THSC: Olet .E .46 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Inline Straight Through TOFL: Trap .Offset .Thredolet TIFL: Trap . Return TUFL: Tundish (Funnel) E .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions TRFL: Trap .47 . March 2000 UNSC: Union .E .Screwed UNSW: Union .48 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Three-Way .Socket Weld V3FL: Valve . Check E .49 .Four-Way VBFL: Valve .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions V4FL: Valve .Ball VCFL: Valve . E .Cock .Globe VKFL: Valve .March 2000 VDFL: Valve .50 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Diaphragm VGFL: Valve . Needle VPFL: Valve .51 .Relief/Vent E .Plug VRFL: Valve .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions VNFL: Valve . E .Basic .Gate VVFL: Valve .52 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 VSFL: Valve .Slide VTFL: Valve . Weldolet E .Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions VXFL: Valve .Butterfly WTBW: Olet .53 .Pressure Reducing VYFL: Valve . 54 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .Angle (Pressure Reducing) XVFL: Valve .Pressure Reducing 01HG: Support/Hanger .E .March 2000 XAFL: Valve . 55 01SP: Used on valves with AV. VK. . V4. VY as the first two characters of their skeys. VD.Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions E . VG or VV as the first two characters of their skeys 02SP: Used on valves with AR. V3. RA. 03SP: Used on valves with VB. VR as the first two characters of their skeys. E . 06SP: Used on valves with VN as the first two characters of their skeys.March 2000 04SP: Not Used 05SP: Used on valves with VT as the first two characters of their skeys.56 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . . Appendix E: ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions E . VX or XA as the first two characters of their skeys.57 07SP: Used on valves with VP as the first two characters of their skeys. 09SP: Used on valves with AX. 08SP: Used on valves with VS as the first two characters of their skeys. . . 11SP: Used on valves with MA. SV.March 2000 10SP: Used on valves with SA.58 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . M3 or M4 as the first two characters of their skeys. S3 or S4 as the first two characters of their skeys.E . MV. 1 Glossary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .Glossary GL . GL .2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 . cell A permanent association of elements that can be stored and placed as a group. A batch queue handles scheduling for processes submitted through the Batch options screen menu. and then manipulated as individual elements. NFS. client In network operations. application software Software designed to meet specific needs. active depth The plane in a 3-D design upon which you can place elements and perform manipulations. batch queue A queue.Glossary GL . A group of columns defines a table in a database. cancel button The button located in the upper right corner of a form containing a red X or the word cancel. batch processing A method of processing data which collects a series of operations into a group (or ‘‘batch’’) and executes the group in a continuous stream without user intervention. active process The process which is displayed in the Process ID field. The active process has a highlighted window icon strip. character A column data type that stores alphanumeric character data. . A branch point allows for placement of branch components. beginning with the root directory (/) that locates a file. created through NQS. or channel for moving requests. All network operations (database. See also path name and relative path name. branch point A point on a pipeline which separates piping segments so that they can be assigned different segment parameters. column An attribute of a database table. the menus. Select the cancel button to exit the form or option.3 Glossary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ absolute path name The sequence of directories. NQS) between two or more nodes establish a client/server relationship. and the keyboard. it controls the message fields. a node which accesses data or performs a function on the remote resource (usually a server). command Instructions from the user to perform a function on specified data. unlike system software which runs other software. coordinate system A geometric relation used to denote the location of points in the design cube. though this is not required. Normally. and user-generated quit signals. Y. Also known as key-in field. the most common of which are memory violations. The most common coordinate system is the rectangular coordinate system.GL . or Z axis.March 2000 confirm button A button that appears in the upper right corner of a form and contains a green check mark or the word confirm. database table The part of the database that is made of rows and columns and contains information about the project and design elements.4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . data entry field The field on a screen used to accept user-supplied data. and activate windows and perform window manipulations. and you can use a cylindrical coordinate system to help define points on a cylinder. cursor The pointer that the user moves on the screen to indicate an item or area. or processed by a specific program. place elements. and Z axes of the design cube. interpreted.0. identify and accept elements. database A collection of comprehensive informational files having predetermined structure and organization that can then be communicated. Y. to accept previously selected elements. coordinate The location of a point along the X. coordinates An ordered set of absolute or relative data values that specify a location in a coordinate system. you can use a spherical coordinate system to help define points on a sphere. Data points select commands from the panel menus and Menu Bar.0. whereby points are located by traversing the X. and to select commands from forms and menus. . Select the confirm button to initiate a specified option. Other coordinate systems are used to more easily express the coordinates of specific geometric entities. data button The mouse button used to place data points and tentative points. data point A point placed by pressing the data button on the mouse. bus errors. coordinate systems have their origin defined as 0. default The predetermined value of a parameter that is automatically supplied by the system or program whenever a value is not specified by the user. illegal instructions. core files The image files written by System V for a number of reasons. For example. When selected. a relational database table. The header contains information on the structure and contents of the file. full path name The name of the entire path or directory hierarchy to a file. drawing. See also relative path name. header The first items of information in a file which precede any actual data. device A nonaddressable component of a network. icon A pictorial representation or image. directory A file that contains the names of other files.Glossary GL . filename A user-defined name given to an interactively created file. disk drive. gadget A portion of a form. entity An object (project. hierarchy A classified structure with superiors (roots) and subordinates (dependents) for grouping files or commands. dragging Another term for the dynamic function that attaches the cursor to an element so you can see it move. The name should be relevant to the contents of the file. destroy. difference in longitude. form An interface or screen menu designed with the I/FORMS product. such as a button. including the file name. a character or sequence of contiguous characters that mark the end of a string of characters. a symbol that graphically identifies a command. domain The set of acceptable values for a value within a component. and so forth. Because many of the screen menus in the application software are built with I/FORMS. you must have the FORMS_S product on your workstation.5 delete To remove. a field. a component onto which a user cannot log. envelope file See interference envelope. and floppy disk. a list of the data available for that field is displayed.) of interest about which information is stored. delimiter A separating mark or space. that is. element. easting A term used in plane surveying that describes an east. eliminate. for example. or erase. tape drive. Input can then be selected from the list with a data point instead of keying in the information. or a checklist. . Gadgets can display default values or act as data entry areas. or positive. that responds to information. display-list box A small box with horizontal dashes located at the end of a form key-in field. key-in field The field on a screen used to accept user-supplied data. The term network can mean the devices that connect the system. model A graphic representation or schema. NFS allows you to mount a remote resource to your local workstation so you can access the data as though it were local. message area The area that appears in the MicroStation Command Window when you are working in a design file. It is divided into the Command Status field. node Any addressable device (such as a workstation or a server) that is connected to a network. and the Key-in field. Interference envelopes are given different levels and display symbology to distinguish them from primitives. the Prompt field. NFS Network File System. keypoint A point on an element. interference envelope An equipment modeling primitive or parametric component that is used in conjunction with or instead of model graphics for interference checking. Ingres A relational database management system supported by RIS. . the Current Command field.6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 Informix A relational database management system supported by RIS. NFS is usually used to access centralized data on a server. including vertices. a view in which the horizontal lines of an element are drawn at an angle to the horizontal and all verticals are projected at an angle from the base. key An attribute (column) in a table which is chosen as the access vehicle to individual rows of the table. or it can mean the connected system. keyword A word recognized by the software that provides access to a certain function. to which you can snap. network An interconnection of host computers and workstations that enables them to share data and control. the system that provides access to data that is distributed among machines through an interconnection of host computers and workstations.GL . isometric Relating to or being a drafting system characterized by three equal axes at right angles. Also known as a data entry field. The network enables the connected nodes to share data and system control. invert elevation The lowest point on the internal diameter of the pipe. menubar The strip at the top of the screen that contains icons for selecting commands. nozzle A special equipment modeling primitive that contains the connection point to piping. plane A spatial element in geometry that may or may not have a boundary. node name A name. northing A term used to describe a north coordinate location in the plant coordinate system. Oracle A relational database management system supported by RIS. orthogonal view A view which is a projection of the model onto a plane along lines which are orthogonal to the plane. It is necessary for each node to identify and communicate with another node in the network. the software package that allows you to define network-wide batch and device queues. Use of NQS involves setting up local resource queues on the system(s) where the resources reside and setting up ‘‘pipe queues’’ on the systems that are to have access to the resources. y. but is level. and is three-dimensional. the point where the x. but rather represents the face-of-flange coordinate. that can be assigned to the node address of a device on a network. See also absolute path name and relative path name. NQS Network Queuing System. and z-axes intersect. parameter A property whose value determines the characteristics or behavior of something. or alias. PDS Plant Design System pipe queue A controlled channel for moving requests to batch or device queues on remote systems and for receiving status and/or data in response.Glossary GL . or indicate a specific point in the design file. having no elevations or depressions. origin In coordinate geometry. path name The sequence of directories leading to a file. origin point The point at which the coordinate system is placed. This point does NOT include a gasket allowance. . path A sequence of directories leading to a file or a sequence of menus leading to a command.7 node address The hard-wired Ethernet address assigned to each node when it is manufactured. place data point To identify a specific element. style.March 2000 RDB Reference Database. row A unit of related information in a table. commodity libraries. to transform by revolution about a specific axis. dash-dot.8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . that are stored in an attribute. the node which maintains common data or performs a common task needed by clients. including color. and so forth. to change between two alternatives. graphics symbology. rotate To turn. solid. server In network operations. job specifications. surface The skin of a three-dimensional geometric element. label descriptions. toggle To switch. Structured Query Language SQL Language developed by IBM for creating. values Data. and querying relational databases. All network operations (database. to change the angular orientation. vendor’s catalog data. symbology The display style of an element. and weight. See also path name and absolute path name. NQS) between two or more nodes establish a client/server relationship. .GL . report formats and other information of a similar manner. either entered by the user or determined by the software. NFS. relative path name The sequence of directories leading from the current directory to a particular file. either stored in sequential locations in memory or printed as an array of rows and columns of data items of the same type. One collection of column values for a table. modifying. rubberbanding The animation dynamic that enables you to specify the position of a data point while the element changes as you move the cursor. schema file A file that outlines the overall logical structure of a rule base or a database. style The symbology of an element such as continuous dashes. schema A description of the overall structure of the rulebase or database. user name A name that provides access to an account on the system. reference database A collection of reference data containing information relative to industry design codes. table A collection of data for quick reference. working directory The directory from which you are accessing files.z). Views are created with their own x.Glossary GL .9 variable A quantity that may assume any one of a set of values. The view axes maintain this relationship regardless of the rotation with respect to the design cube. y. the software can perform processing more quickly. A view allows you to see a prescribed volume of the design cube. and z axes. vector A quantity possessing both magnitude and direction. See also active depth. Because the internal processing memory stores a minimal amount of data. This means that unneeded files and data. The software uses virtual memory to store data.y. generally represented as a line. virtual memory External memory for a computer that can be used as if it were an extension of the computer’s internal memory. while the z-axis can be thought of as coming straight out of the view towards you. stay on the disk until they are called for.y plane of the view is parallel to the screen. Vectors can be manipulated geometrically and are represented as a coordinate triple (x. . view The defined area of vision on a screen. The x. 10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 .GL . Index IN .1 Index __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . 2 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .March 2000 .IN . 3 Index __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01HG symbol key B-46 01SP symbol key B-62 02SP symbol key B-62 03SP symbol key B-62 04SP symbol key B-62 05SP symbol key B-62 06SP symbol key B-62 07SP symbol key B-62 08SP symbol key B-62 09SP symbol key B-62 10SP symbol key B-62 11SP symbol key B-62 12SP symbol key B-63 13SP symbol key B-63 A accept 5-81 add default set 5-15 Alias ISOGEN tables B-3 allocation weld number reinforcement pads 77 B-34 slip-on flanges 77 B-34 alphanumeric commodity library 7-19 alternate indices for the MDL defining 7-87 alternate_description_index 7-87 example defining secondary or alternate indices for the MDL 7-87 alternative text B-64 AR** symbol key B-60 area drawing option switch 35 B-20 arrow flow option switch 17 B-14 size of flow option switch 112 B-39 ASCII to binary conversion 1-4 assemble isometric symbol 5-76 assembling a symbol accept 5-81 clear 5-82 assembling a symbol (continued) define end point 5-80 lagging 5-81 solid line 5-81 spindle point 5-81 start point 5-80 tap points 5-81 tracing 5-81 delete 5-82 exit 5-82 fit symbol 5-80 atext 7-51 specifications ingr 7-58 AText by category B-75 cut lists B-80 isometric drawing area B-75 line summary B-84 plotted material B-80 printed material list B-85 specification changes B-79 title block B-79 weld box summary standard B-85 user-defined B-86 AText facility by number B-65 atext_specifications 7-56 ATEXT_SPECIFICATIONS example modify text for eccentric reducers 7-56 modifying text 7-56 automatic split points in pipe option switch 108 B-38 AV** symbol key B-59 AX** symbol key B-59 B b# file example of C-57 BA** symbol key B-45 balloon instrument .Index IN . March 2000 balloon (continued) instrument (continued) option switch 123 B-41 basic input data 6-12 batch data file 5-1. 5-107 number 5-30.4 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 5-94.IN . 10-9 table 10-1. skew option switch 100 B-37 part number option switch 73 B-29 skew type option switch 96 B-37 style and dimensioning. 5-43 software organization 4-1 batch job input file 4-3 filling in the title block (stib) 4-6 generating title block input (tblock) 4-6 interface job creation (jobctl. 10-7 extraction problems 4-7 extraction software error messages A-32 generation 5-9 isometric extraction 5-1 create batch job input 5-89 drawing 5-28 delete drawing 5-46 listing drawings 5-54 revise drawing 5-33 iso area 5-25 utilities 5-56 generation 5-9 job input creating 5-89 file 4-3 export variable 5-4 scheduling 5-100 submitting 5-100 job log file 5-101 options file 5-3 processes 2-8 reference 5-36.exe) 4-5 making a run log entry (pdsidf) 4-7 plotting 4-7 updating the project database 4-7 BEFL symbol key B-51 bend radius symbol keys B-43 bend/elbow representation 20-5 bending parameters file 7-44 bends symbol keys B-51 zero length option switch 68 B-28 binary conversion 1-4 bit file example of C-64 block test parameter option switch 127-140 B-42 BO** symbol key B-45 bolt diameters material control file option switch 65 B-26 lengths 7-8 material control file option switch 65 B-26 bolt diameters 7-8 bolt length extraction limitations 3-21 bolt units 8-10 bom welds listed in 16-10 border file 5-3 export variable 5-4 bore output 7-24 box box dimension standout triangles. 5-39.exe) 4-4 investigating batch extraction problems 4-7 ISOGEN 4-5 interface (pdsidf. 9-1. 5-50. skew option switch 99 B-37 weld number option switch 75 B-31 BR** symbol key B-45 branch dimension of tapped option switch 121 B-40 first order 6-22 nesting extraction limitations 3-20 scale of tapped option switch 120 B-40 supports 7-14 welds 12-9 . tbl 19-2 column reference structural 7-37 commodity library alphanumeric 7-19 common data table 12-1 common_record_data 12-1 − 12-2 component data table 12-1 name tapped 13-3 tags 7-15 vrs sheet number file 7-6 component vs sheet number file example of C-62 component_attributes 12-1.Index IN . materials bolt lengths and diameters option switch 65 B-26 frame option switch 18 B-14 insulation option switch 61 B-25 printed material list length option switch 63 B-26 tracing option switch 62 B-26 weld option switch 54 B-25 conventions forms 2-5 limitations 3-19 extraction conventions 3-19 . 12-4 extracting inspection numbers 12-6 components transferring between sort groups 8-9 configure. other end symbol keys B-50 control coordinate output option switch 66 B-27 dimensioning option switch 81 B-35 file.dat file 5-6 connect points 13-3 items 5-77 connect points skey B-43 connections.5 branch dimensioning suppressing 17-2 break flanged pipe 7-41 breaking composite attributes by combining insulation purpose and thickness 7-54 supply responsibility along a pipeline 7-53 breaks specification option switch 114 B-39 BTFL symbol key B-51 BU+D symbol key B-52 BUFL symbol key B-51 bulk load lines 5-57 from ASCII file 5-67 bulk load lines from ASCII export variable 5-4 C C3** symbol key B-48 C4** symbol key B-48 CA** symbol key B-48 caps symbol keys B-53 carry-over dimension option switch 117 B-40 cc 7-70 CEBW symbol key B-53 cell library detail sketch facility 7-43 center of gravity and the STIB data file 19-2 appearing in the MTO 19-2 report file 19-2 weight display 19-2 weight library 7-43 calculating 19-2 centerline dimensioning valves option switch 80 B-34 centerline dimensions for valves 17-2 CESC symbol key B-53 CESW symbol key B-53 CH** symbol key B-45 chain wheel operators 7-20 changing construction responsibility along a pipeline 7-53 character size option switch 4 B-9 CK** symbol key B-60 clear 5-82 cn 7-70 COCP symbol key B-53 codelist values standard note 180 & 1100 16-3 cogmto. 5-13 end point 5-80 lagging 5-81 project options 5-11.IN . 5-28 notes table 11-1 creating isometric seed file 9-1 plot request files 9-3 seed files for extraction 9-1 user-defined symbol library 5-83 CRFL symbol key B-54 crosses symbol keys B-54 CRRF symbol key B-54 CRSC symbol key B-54 CRSO symbol key B-54 CRSW symbol key B-54 CSBW symbol key B-57 CSFL symbol key B-57 ct 7-70 CTBW symbol key B-57 CTSC symbol key B-58 cut file example of C-63 cut lists AText B-80 cut marks option switch 3 B-9 cut pipe report 7-6 example of C-63 cutting list option switch 2 B-9 CV** symbol key B-48 CXBW symbol key B-57 CXFL symbol key B-57 CZBW symbol key B-57 CZFL symbol key B-57 D data file batch 10-9 return file option switch 109 B-39 table batch 10-1. 10-12 data definition file (ddf) 20-1 data item identifiers mld file format 8-16 date format 7-23 date in title block option switch 6 B-10 ddf 20-1 example of 20-10 ddf file detail sketch entries 18-2 information note entries 18-3 default set add 5-15 copy 5-21 delete 5-20 revise 5-18 define default sets 5-11. 5-89 delete existing files 5-91 incrementing revision number 5-92 plotting 5-92 save previous details 5-92 drawing 5-11.6 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 5-21 delete existing files 5-23 .March 2000 conventions (continued) limitations (continued) extraction (continued) limitations 3-20 coordinate features 17-3 output 17-1 system 7-12 tap point option switch 122 B-41 coordinate features related information 17-1 coordinates display elevation at bend/elbow intersections 17-3 at branch intersections 17-4 split point coordinates 17-4 extend witness line 17-3 copy default set 5-21 correcting incorrect sheet splits 15-5 COSC symbol key B-53 COSW symbol key B-53 couplings symbol keys B-53 CP symbol key B-50 CPBW symbol key B-57 CPFL symbol key B-57 CRBW symbol key B-54 CRCP symbol key B-54 create batch job input 5-12. 10-7 common 12-1 component 12-1 sheet 10-2. 5-46 drawing records with undefined iso type 5-85 existing files 5-23.Index IN .7 define (continued) solid line 5-81 spindle point 5-81 start point 5-80 tap points 5-81 tracing 5-81 weld prefix 7-47 defining components as no MTO 7-77 continuation notes 7-71 dotted symbology 7-75 fabrication categories 7-78 isogen symbol keys 7-84 line ID 7-59 movable text 7-82 secondary orientation notes 7-74 start point notes 7-69 type 1 labels 7-61 type 2 labels 7-64 type 3 labels 7-67 defining general item notes 7-85 − 7-86 defining secondary or alternate indices for the MDL 7-87 definition file material list 7-44 delete 5-82 default set 5-20 drawing 5-11. 5-91 descriptions material list option switch B-18 design file data in idf order 6-22 raw 6-12 sorted by coordinate 6-13 sorted by topo 6-15 interface error messages A-31 detail sketch option switch 71 B-28 detail sketch entries in the ddf 18-2 related information 18-2 detail sketch facility 18-1 cell library 7-43 details save 5-92 detail_sketch_facility 7-48 detail_sketch_facility table example of 7-49 determining sheet split points 15-4 determining the traversal start point 15-4 dimension overall option switch 118 B-40 round-off carry-over option switch 117 B-40 tapped branch option switch 121 B-40 units option switch 41 B-22 dimension standout character size option switch 4 B-9 line distance option switch 8 B-11 dimension/elevation vertical option switch 119 B-40 dimensioning control option switch 81 B-35 features 17-1 including gaskets 17-2 non-dimensioned supports 7-98 output 17-1 string 17-2 suppressing branch 17-2 usa style 17-3 valve centerline 17-2 dimensioning features related information 17-1 dimensions 5-75 on drawing option switch 9 B-12 disconnected sections 6-14 display elevation at bend/elbow intersections 17-3 at branch intersections 17-4 elsplit point coordinates 17-4 document purpose xiii dotted nozzle option switch 111 B-39 dotted symbology defining 7-75 dotted weld symbols 16-2 dotted_symbology_code_list_values 7-75 example assigning dotted symbology 7-75 DR symbol key B-47 drawing area . 13-5 end connections. 5-107 pipe support information option switch 64 B-26 plot 3-14 records delete 5-85 revise 5-38 size option switch 14-16 B-13 split control option switch 38 B-20 stacking arrangement option switch 36-37 B-20 symbology 5-71 drawing definition file 7-44 example of 20-10 drawing_data_table 10-7 dwg file example of C-64 E EBSC symbol key B-51 EDG 5-92 edit iso symbol 5-71 elbow tapped 13-3 elbows plotted leg lengths option switch 95 B-36 symbol keys B-51 ELBW symbol key B-51 ELCP symbol key B-51 elevation at bend/elbow intersections display 17-3 at branch intersections display 17-4 ELSC symbol key B-51 ELSW symbol key B-51 embedded attributes 7-10. 5-50. 5-40 high 5-37. A-15 error log file example of C-54 error messages batch extraction software A-32 design file interface A-31 message file A-22 ESBW symbol key B-58 ESFL symbol key B-58 ETBW symbol key B-51 ETCP symbol key B-51 ETSC symbol key B-51 ETSW symbol key B-51 EUBW symbol key B-51 EX** symbol key B-45 example ddf 20-10 drawing definition file 20-10 examples HITS report 6-2 iso extraction documents C-3 EXBW symbol key B-58 EXFL symbol key B-59 exit iso symbol editor 5-82 export to pdme generating pdme data 5-102 . other symbol keys B-50 end coordinates suppress output option switch 5 B-10 end point define 5-80 end prep connections symbol keys B-43 end-point components extraction conventions 3-19 end_point_component_labels 7-70 END_POINT_COMPONENT_LABELS example defining continuation notes 7-71 EPBW symbol key B-58 EPFL symbol key B-58 err file example of C-54 error messages A-3. 5-50.8 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 5-94. 5-107 low 5-37. 13-5 low 13-1.IN .March 2000 drawing (continued) area (continued) option switch 35 B-20 dimensions on option switch 9 B-12 margin option switch 10-13 B-13 multiple revise 5-42 number 5-30. 7-20 enclosure shape material part number 76 B-33 end point 5-76 prep high 13-1. 5-94. 5-41 limitations 3-20 bolt length 3-21 branch nesting 3-20 flanged pipe 3-21 system isometric 3-21 tapped piping components 3-21 number 5-31.9 export (continued) to pdme (continued) using revision numbering with 5-92 export variables 5-3 ISO_ASCII_LOAD 5-4 ISOBATCH 5-4 ISOBATCHQUE 5-4 ISOBORDER 5-4 ISOOPTION 5-3 ISOPATH 5-3 ISOPLOT 5-4 ISOREPORT 5-4 ISOSEED 5-4 PDISOFONT 5-5 SYMLIB 5-5 SYMNDX 5-5 extend witness line 17-3 extension stems 7-20 extraction by line ID 3-11 name substring 3-10 conventions 3-19 end-point components 3-19 implied materials at line name changes 3-20 olet type branches 3-19 pipe supports 3-20 type 63 data 3-20 creating seed files 9-1 criteria 3-9 date 5-31.exe) 4-6 filters in-line symbol keys B-47 fit symbol 5-80 fitting records spool and in-line B-6 fittings special 20-6 undimensioned branches 20-7 fittings with attached olets 13-4 flange loose allowance option switch 22 B-15 flanged pipe breaks in 7-41 extraction limitation 3-21 flanges symbol keys B-44 .Index IN . 5-40 seed files 5-3 extraction information in the project database 15-3 extraction information in the database 15-3 EZBW symbol key B-58 EZFL symbol key B-59 F FA** symbol key B-47 fabricated bends (pulled) style for output 8-13 fabrication categories defining 7-78 fabrication category 7-78 falling lines option switch 19 B-14 FI** symbol key B-47 field fit weld allowance option switch 22 B-15 file data return option switch 109 B-39 material control pipeline reference format option switch 113 B-39 tables of intermediate records B-3 filenames long 5-23 files batch data 5-1 structure 7-2 files table 7-42 bending parameters file 7-44 center of gravity weight library 7-43 detail sketch facility cell library 7-43 drawing definition file 7-44 format file 7-44 ISOGEN user-defined symbol library 7-42 label description library 7-42 material list definition file 7-44 mto neutral file map 7-43 notes table 7-43 title block 7-43 valve operator symbol map 7-42 welds definition 7-44 filling in the title block (stib. March 2000 flanges LJSE symbol keys B-44 FLBL symbol key B-44 FLFL symbol key B-44 FLLB symbol key B-44 floor stands 7-20 flow arrow option switch 17 B-14 arrow size option switch 112 B-39 flow arrows 5-75 FLOW symbol key B-46 FLRC symbol key B-44 FLRE symbol key B-44 FLRG symbol key B-44 FLSE symbol key B-44 FLSJ symbol key B-44 FLSO symbol key B-44 FLSW symbol key B-44 FLWN symbol key B-44 FO** symbol key B-47 fonts on the isometric export variable 5-5 format file 7-44 forms conventions 2-5 FOSO symbol key B-44 FOWN symbol key B-44 FPFL symbol key B-54 FPPL symbol key B-54 FR** symbol key B-47 frame control option switch 18 B-14 frameworks isousrrefdim variable 5-5 frameworks reference file generate 5-86 FT** symbol key B-45 FX** symbol key B-45 G gadgets conventions 2-5 gapping hatching patterns option switch 102 B-38 general note 7-48 general note items defining 7-85 − 7-86 generate frameworks reference file 5-86 optional format for generate (continued) optional format for (continued) length output 8-10 pdme data 5-102 revised format for cut list 8-11 sheet numbers using spool number prefix 7-51 spool numbers using spool number prefix 7-51 user-defined weld from code list 7-46 generated item table 12-2 generated_items 12-2. 6-26 branch 6-12 cp # 6-12 direct 6-12 flags 6-12 name 6-12 node 6-12 occ 6-12 sect 6-12 section 1 basic input data and raw design file data 6-12 section 2 .IN . patterns option switch 102 B-38 skew triangle option switch 101 B-37 HCSC symbol key B-55 HCSW symbol key B-55 header topo 6-23 HITS 1-4 report 6-1. 12-9 generating title block input (tblock) 4-6 genitm_note_format 7-85 example defining general item notes 7-85 GENITM_NOTE_FORMAT example defining general item notes 7-86 gravity weight output center 82 B-36 H h file example of C-28 H3** symbol key B-49 H4** symbol key B-49 HA** symbol key B-49 hangar/support symbol key B-46 hatching gapping.10 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . exe) 4-4 interface error log example of C-54 intergraph option switches 7-1 intergraph_options_block 7-6 intermediate data file 1-4 example of C-37 interpreting the HITS report 6-1 basic input data 6-12 design file data in idf order 6-22 sorted by coordinate 6-13 sorted by topo 6-15 example HITS report 6-2 raw design file data 6-12 to solve problems 6-26 . 12-6 extracting inspection numbers 12-9 in 7-70 increment revision number 5-92. 10-9 information messages A-5 information note 7-48 entries in the ddf 18-3 related information 18-2 information note facility 18-1 ingr_atext_specifications 7-58 initial setup considerations 5-3 in-line filters symbol keys B-47 input data 6-12 inspection number enclosure type 7-15 inspection isometric numbers 7-15 inspection number extracting 12-6. 3-1 ASCII to binary conversion 1-4 conventions and limitations 3-19 iso design file 3-12 ISOGEN 1-4 ISOGEN interface 1-3 isometric seed file 3-6 model files 3-9 options file 3-6 pipeline names 3-10 interface ISOGEN A-4.Index IN .11 HITS (continued) report (continued) section 2 (continued) design file data sorted by coordinate 6-13 section 3 tracing data 6-14 section 4 design file data sorted by topo 6-15 section 5 design file data in idf order 6-22 sg_occ 6-12 topo 6-12 x 6-12 y 6-12 z 6-12 HITS report example of C-28 HV** symbol key B-48 I i file 9-4 IA** symbol key B-46 ic 7-70 identification instrument option switch 59 B-25 numbers record B-6 idf 1-4 idf file example of C-37 IDFL symbol key B-47 IDPL symbol key B-46 ie 7-70 II** symbol key B-46 implied item table 12-2 materials 7-11 implied materials at line name changes extraction conventions 3-20 implied_items 12-2. 12-9 inspection numbers unassigned default text 7-58 instrument balloon option switch 123 B-41 identification option switch 59 B-25 symbol keys B-46 instrument bubble 7-10 instruments symbol keys B-47 insulation control option switch 61 B-25 interactive isometric extraction 1-3. 1-3 job creation (jobctl. 5-63.exe 4-4 justification markers mld file format 8-16 K KABW symbol key B-53 KACP symbol key B-53 KASC symbol key B-53 KASW symbol key B-53 L label description library 3-9.March 2000 interpreting the HITS report (continued) tracing data 6-14 introduction 1-1 invalid lines 5-60.def file example of C-4 isoc.IN .exe) 4-5 message file example of C-59 message file errors A-22 printed parts file C-60 record number 13-1 − 13-2 skey dimensions E-3 symbol name 13-1 user-defined symbol library 7-42 ISOGEN symbol keys defining 7-84 ISOGEN_options_block 7-4 isometric drawing plot 3-14 extraction 1-3. 4-5 (izod2) splitting the mto neutral file (msplit) 4-6 (izod2. 5-101 job creation 4-4 jobctl. 5-65 investigating batch extraction problems 4-7 IO** symbol key B-46 iplot 9-3 plot request files 9-3 IR** symbol key B-46 ISAM center of gravity weight library 19-2 iso area revise 5-25 design file 3-12 dgn name 5-30. 3-1 presentation 20-1 seed file 3-6 isometric (continued) seed file (continued) creating 9-1 symbol editor 5-71 defining export variables 5-5 type option switch 21 B-15 types 20-12 isometric drawing area AText B-75 isometric weight and the STIB data file 19-1 spool 19-1 total 19-1 ISOOPTION 5-3 ISOPATH 5-3 ISOPLOT 5-4 ISOREPORT 5-4 ISOSEED 5-4 ISOUSRREFDIM 5-5 item name 13-1 ITFL symbol key B-55 izod2.12 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .exe 4-5 J job log file 4-7. 1-3. 5-40 filenames 5-23 type drawing requirements 5-85 isoa_bgen 1-4 ISO_ASCII_LOAD 5-4 ISOBATCH 5-4 ISOBATCHQUE 5-4 ISOBORDER 5-4 isoc.note file 11-2 ISOGEN 1-4 Alias tables B-3 component versus sheet number file example of C-62 cut pipe report example of C-63 export variables 5-3 interface A-4. 7-9 label description library 7-42 label library label definitions example of C-9 labels type 1 7-60 type 2 7-63 type 3 7-66 LABW symbol key B-55 lagging 5-76 define 5-81 lap joint 13-3 LASC symbol key B-55 . 7-59 identification 3-10 selection by line ID 5-96 spacing material list option switch B-19 line ID defining 7-59 line name breaks extraction limitations with 3-21 line name changes using implied materials 3-20 line names select 3-3 line summary AText B-84 line_id_definition 7-59 LINE_ID_DEFINITION example defining line ID 7-59 list cutting option switch 2 B-9 drawings 5-11. 5-62 log file job 4-7. 5-101 system 5-100 long iso filenames 5-23 loose flange allowance option switch 22 B-15 M M3** symbol key B-48 M4** symbol key B-48 MA** symbol key B-48 making a run log entry (pdsidf) 4-7 mapping attributes to the title block 10-1 drawing_data_table 10-7 segment_data_table 10-3 sheet_data_table 10-12 margin drawing option switch 10-13 B-13 mark cut option switch 3 B-9 material control file bolt diameter option switch 65 B-26 length option switch 65 B-26 pipeline reference format option switch 113 B-39 list accumulation drawing option switch 74 B-30 descriptions option switch 26 B-18 item code length option switch 28 B-19 line spacing option switch 29 B-19 output option switch 30 B-19 . 5-39 3 5-30. 5-54 material descriptions option switch 26 B-18 item code length option switch 28 B-19 line spacing option switch 29 B-19 output option switch 30 B-19 position option switch 25 B-17 reserved area option switch 35 B-20 list (continued) material (continued) text size option switch 27 B-18 type/length units option switch 24 B-17 material accumulation option switch 74 B-30 plotted material control option switch 23 B-16 load by area 5-59 − 5-60 by line 5-59. 5-39 dimension standout distance option switch 8 B-11 falling option switch 19 B-14 feed 7-62 ID 7-13. 5-64 by model 5-59.Index IN .13 last MTO date 5-31. 5-41 LASW symbol key B-55 layer names 20-8 L@BW symbol key B-52 lengths plotted leg elbows and tees option switch 95 B-36 limit indication sloping pipeline B-14 line 2 5-30. 5-94.March 2000 material (continued) list (continued) position option switch 25 B-17 printed length control option switch 63 B-26 reserved area option switch 35 B-20 text size option switch 27 B-18 type/length units option switch 24 B-17 material control file 8-1 list of available items 8-8 user-defined 8-7 material descriptions library 3-9 material Dlist definition file 8-6 material list control. 10-12 MOVABLE_TEXT example defining movable text 7-82 msg file example of C-59 msplit 4-6 MTBW symbol key B-52 MTFL symbol key B-52 MTO date 5-31. 5-51 status 5-31.IN . A-15 file 7-6 information A-5 warning A-3. 5-41 neutral file 5-91 example of C-57 record map 12-1 neutral file record map center of gravity 19-2 common_record_data 12-2 component_attributes 12-4 generated_items 12-9 implied_items 12-6 user-defined 8-1 material list 8-2 material list definition file 8-6 offshore material category 8-9 operating requirements 8-4 mto neutral file map 7-43 multiple drawings revise 5-42 . printed AText B-85 message file example of C-59 messages error A-3. 5-44 high 5-37. A-8 MIBW symbol key B-52 MIFL symbol key B-51 miscellaneous symbol keys B-46 miscellaneous items 20-8 mld file content 8-14 file format data item identifiers 8-16 justification markers 8-16 style 1 material list 8-3 style 2 material list 8-3 style 3 material list 8-3 mld file 8-6 format 8-15 style 2 8-2 mld file (continued) style 3 8-3 style1 8-2 types of material list 8-2 mlt control 5-32. plotted option switch B-16 definition file 7-44 output style 8-13 style 3 8-17 types of mld 8-2 welds in 8-13 material list definition contents of 8-14 material list.14 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 5-43 code 5-37 status code 5-50. 5-39. 5-40. 5-40. 5-107 model numbers reset 3-3 select 3-2 modify text 7-56 for eccentric reducers 7-56 movable text defining 7-82 movable_text 7-81. 5-44 model files 3-9 number isometric 3-12 revised date 5-31. 5-51 low 5-37. 15 MV** symbol key B-48 N NBSC symbol key B-53 NC** symbol key B-45 network problems 6-14 traversal 1-4 neutral file map mto 7-43 new skey 5-74 new_symbol_keys 7-84 example defining isogen symbol keys 7-84 NIPL symbol key B-55 NISC symbol key B-55 node text 10-2 no-mto 7-16. 5-43 spool option switch 39 B-21 tag option switch 60 B-25 weld option switch 53 B-24 number of segments symbol keys B-43 O occurrence numbers 6-12 off-line instruments 7-16 offset angle tolerance offset (continued) angle tolerance (continued) option switch 115 B-39 dimension tolerance option switch 116 B-39 offshore fabrication category 16-4 offshore material category 8-9 offshore_fabcat_code_list_values 7-80 old skey 5-73 olet type branches extraction conventions 3-19 o’lets symbol keys B-55 olets attached to fittings 13-4 OP symbol key B-47 operating requirements user-defined BOM 8-4 operators symbol keys B-62 option record 4-3 option switches B-8 automatic split points in pipe 108 B-38 bolting lengths in material control file 65 B-26 center of gravity weight output 82 B-36 character size 4 B-9 coordinate output control 66 B-27 coordinates at tapping points 122 B-41 cut marks 3 B-9 cutting list 2 B-9 data return file 109 B-39 date in title block 6 B-10 detail sketch 71 B-28 dimension line standout distance 8 B-11 dimension round-off carry-over 117 B-40 dimensional units 41 B-22 dimensioning control 81 B-35 dimensions on drawings 9 B-12 dotted nozzle 111 B-39 drawing area 35 B-20 drawing margin 10-13 B-13 drawing size 14-16 B-13 drawing split control 38 B-20 drawing stacking arrangement 36-37 B-20 falling lines 19 B-14 field fit weld allowance 22 B-15 flow arrow 17 B-14 flow arrow size 112 B-39 frame control 18 B-14 gapping hatching patterns 102 B-38 instrument balloon 123 B-41 instrument identification 59 B-25 insulation control 61 B-25 . 10-1. 13-3 sections 5-30. 5-39.Index IN . 7-70 nomto_code_list_values 7-77 example defining components as no MTO 7-77 non-dimensioned supports 7-98 nongraphic outputs 1-4 note general 7-48 specific 7-48 notes table 7-43. 10-7 creating 11-1 nozzle dotted option switch 111 B-39 nozzle connection note 7-13 nozzle_note 7-72 NRSC symbol key B-53 number connect points 13-1. 7-1 alternate_description_index 7-87 atext_specifications 7-56 dotted_symbology_code_list_values 7-75 end_point_component_labels 7-70 example of C-4 export variable 5-3 file structure 7-2 files table 7-42 genitm_note_format 7-85 ingr_atext_specifications 7-58 intergraph_options_block 7-6 ISOGEN_options_block 7-4 line_id_definition 7-59 movable_text 7-81 new_symbol_keys 7-84 nomto_code_list_values 7-77 nozzle_note 7-72 pipeline_header 7-50 secondary_orientation_note 7-74 shop_fabcat_code_list_values 7-78 start_point_notes 7-68 type_1_labels 7-60 type_2_labels 7-63 type_3_labels 7-66 options_block 7-6 order of table entries 13-5 orientation 5-75 OTBW symbol key B-58 OTFL symbol key B-59 . 3-6. 3D drawn as 2D 67 B-28 sloping pipeline indication limit B-14 spare 103-107 B-38 spare 110 B-39 spare 124-126 B-42 spare 52 B-24 spare 56-57 B-25 spare 69 B-28 spare 72 B-28 spare 78-79 B-34 spare 83-91 B-36 spare 93-94 B-36 spare 96 B-37 spare 98 B-37 specification breaks 114 B-39 spool numbers 39 B-21 option switches (continued) suppress output of end coordinates 5 B-10 suppress skew boxes/triangles on branch legs 70 B-28 tag number 60 B-25 tapped branch dimension 121 B-40 tapped branch scale 120 B-40 test parameter block 127-140 B-42 title block position 25 B-17 tracing control 62 B-26 valve centerline dimensioning 80 B-34 vertical dimension/elevation 119 B-40 view point 42 B-23 weld control 54 B-25 weld number 53 B-24 weld number allocation at reinforcement pads 77 B-34 weld number allocation at slip-on flanges 77 B-34 zero length bends 68 B-28 optional format for length output 8-10 options file 1-4.IN .March 2000 option switches (continued) intergraph 7-1 isometric type 21 B-15 loose flange allowance 22 B-15 material list accumulation 74 B-30 material list descriptions 26 B-18 material list item code length 28 B-19 material list line spacing 29 B-19 material list output 30 B-19 material list position 25 B-17 material list reserved area 35 B-20 material list text size 27 B-18 material list type/length units 24 B-17 material part number enclosure shape 76 B-33 offset angle tolerance 115 B-39 offset dimension tolerance 116 B-39 overall dimension 118 B-40 part number box 73 B-29 picture scale 34 B-19 pipe support information on drawing 64 B-26 pipe supports 40 B-21 pipeline reference format in material control file 113 B-39 plotted leg lengths elbows and tees 95 B-36 plotted material list control 23 B-16 printed material list length control 63 B-26 sketch detail units 92 B-36 skew box dimension standout.16 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . triangles 100 B-37 skew box style and dimensioning 99 B-37 skew box/triangle type 97 B-37 skew triangle hatching 101 B-37 skews. 17 OTSC symbol key B-58 output center gravity weight 82 B-36 control. coordinate option switch 66 B-27 output file export variable 5-4 overall dimension option switch 118 B-40 overlap 6-26 P part number box control option switch 73 B-29 material enclosure shape 76 B-33 parts file example of C-60 parts list 7-6 paterns gapping hatching option switch 102 B-38 PB+D symbol key B-52 pc 7-70 PDISOFONT 5-5 pdisoplot 4-7 pdme export using revision numbering with 5-92 pdme data generate 5-102 PDS item name 13-1 operator name 13-1 to-ISOGEN symbol map 7-12 valve operator name 13-4 PDS environment 2-1 PD_Shell 2-2 PD_Shell 2-2 form conventions 2-5 pdshell environment 2-1 PDSidf 4-7 pdsidf 4-7 PDS-to-ISOGEN symbol map 13-1 end prep low and end prep high 13-5 ISOGEN record number 13-2 symbol name 13-1 number of connect points 13-3 order of table entries 13-5 PDS item name 13-1 PDS-to-ISOGEN symbol map (continued) PDS (continued) valve operator name 13-4 tapped component name 13-3 record number 13-4 picture scale option switch 34 B-19 pipe support information on drawing option switch 64 B-26 supports option switch 40 B-21 pipe components symbol keys B-45 pipe report cut C-63 pipe supports 5-79.Index IN . fixed length symbol keys B-54 PL symbol key B-45 plate orifice and restrictor symbol keys B-47 plot isometric drawing 3-14 plot copies 5-102 plot file export variable 5-4 plot request files creating 9-3 . 7-14 extraction conventions 3-20 pipeline attributes dotted 20-4 special 20-4 sloping indication limit B-14 pipeline names 3-10 extraction line ID 3-11 name substring 3-10 pipeline reference format material control file option switch 113 B-39 pipeline_header 7-50 PIPELINE_HEADER example breaking supply responsibility along a pipeline 7-53 − 7-54 changing construction responsibility along a pipeline 7-53 pipes. B-6 spool and in-line fitting B-6 table of intermediate B-3 record number 13-2 tapped component 13-4 reducers symbol keys B-57 re-extract existing sheets 5-102 re-extraction and the project database 15-3 REFL symbol key B-58 reinforcing pads 7-17 repeatability 5-102. 5-25 . 5-102 R RA** symbol key B-47 raw design file data 6-12 RBSC symbol key B-58 RBSW symbol key B-58 RCBW symbol key B-57 RCCP symbol key B-57 RCFL symbol key B-57 RCSC symbol key B-57 RD symbol key B-49 RDB data 3-9 REBW symbol key B-58 record ID numbers B-3.IN . 5-104 center of gravity 19-2 cut pipe 7-6 RESC symbol key B-58 reset model numbers 3-3 revise default set 5-18 drawing 5-11. 15-1 and the project database 15-3 related information 15-1 rules for 15-2 report file export variable 5-4 reports 5-12. 5-33 iso area 5-11.March 2000 plot request files (continued) iplot 9-3 plotted leg lengths elbows and tees option switch 95 B-36 plotted material AText B-80 plotted material list control option switch 23 B-16 plotting 4-7. 5-92 pn 7-70 point control view option switch 42 B-23 points coordinates at tapping option switch 122 B-41 position title block 8-14 option switch 25 B-17 PR symbol key B-47 prefix 7-70 presentation 20-1 bend/elbow representation 20-5 example ddf 20-10 fittings special 20-6 undimensioned branches 20-7 isometric related information 20-2 layer names 20-8 miscellaneous items 20-8 pipeline attributes dotted 20-4 special 20-4 program defaults 20-9 previous details save 5-92 primary model number 3-9 printed material list length control option switch 63 B-26 printed parts file example of C-60 printed parts list 7-6 process queue export variable 5-4 program defaults 20-9 project database and extraction information 15-3 project options defining 5-21 delete existing files 5-23 prt file example of C-60 pseudo attribute 7-52 pt 7-70 Q queue export variable 5-4 queue_descript file 3-14.18 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 5-41 number 10-12 sheet breaks extraction limitations with 3-21 sheet numbers:generating with spool number prefix 7-51 sheet splits correcting incorrect 15-5 determining 15-4 sheet_data_table 10-12 shop_fabcat_code_list_values 7-78 SHOP_FABCAT_CODE_LIST_VALUES example defining fabrication categories 7-78 single drawing revise 5-38 size drawing option switch 14-16 B-13 flow arrow option switch 112 B-39 sketch detail option switch 71 B-28 sketch detail units option switch 92 B-36 skew 3D drawn as 2D with fall indication option switch 67 B-28 box dimension standout.Index IN . triangles option switch 100 B-37 box style and dimensioning option switch 99 B-37 box/triangle type option switch 96 B-37 suppress boxes/triangles on branch legs option switch 70 B-28 triangle hatching option switch 101 B-37 skey new 5-74 old 5-73 .19 revise (continued) multiple drawings 5-42 single drawing 5-38 revision block 5-32. 10-12 generated 5-32. 5-40. 5-44 incrementing 5-92 numbering and exporting to pdme 5-92 RFPL symbol key B-59 RNSC symbol key B-57 round-off dimension option switch 117 B-40 RP symbol key B-45 RV** symbol key B-49 S S3** symbol key B-48 S4** symbol key B-48 SA** symbol key B-48 save previous details 5-92 SB symbol key B-46 SC symbol key B-50 scale picture option switch 34 B-19 tapped branch option switch 120 B-40 scale factor 5-75 schedule batch job 5-12. 5-41. 5-100 secondary indices for the MDL defining 7-87 secondary_orientation_note 7-74 example defining secondary orientation notes 7-74 sed file example of C-62 seed file export variable 5-4 seed files creating for extraction 9-1 isometric 9-1 seg file example of C-64 segment data table 7-43 summary table 10-3 segment_data_table 10-3 select line names 3-3 lines for extraction select (continued) lines for extraction (continued) by line ID 5-96 model numbers 3-2 setup considerations 5-3 SG** symbol key B-45 sheet data table 10-2. 5-44 number 5-32. symbol keys B-43 SKSW symbol key B-55 solid line define 5-81 sort groups 8-9 SP symbol key B-45 spare option switch 69 B-28 option switch 72 B-28 spare option switch 56-57 B-25 spare option switch 103-107 B-38 spare option switch 110 B-39 spare option switch 124-126 B-42 spare option switch 52 B-24 spare option switch 78-79 B-34 spare option switch 83-91 B-36 spare option switch 93-94 B-36 spare option switch 96 B-37 spare option switch 98 B-37 specialty and descriptions library 3-9 specific note 7-48 specification breaks option switch 114 B-39 specification changes AText B-79 spindle key 5-75 point 5-76 spindle point define 5-81 split control drawing option switch 38 B-20 split point coordinates display 17-4 split points automatic in pipe option switch 108 B-38 splitting the mto neutral file (msplit) 4-6 spool number option switch 39 B-21 spool and in-line fitting records B-6 spool number prefix 7-51 generating sheet numbers 7-51 generating spool numbers 7-51 spool numbers generating with spool number prefix 7-51 SR symbol key B-45 stacking arrangement drawing stacking arrangement (continued) drawing (continued) option switch 36-37 B-20 standard material list 8-2 user-defined variation of 8-2 standard note 180 & 1100 codelist values for 16-3 start point 5-76 defining 5-80 start_point_notes 7-68 Start_Point_Notes example defining start point notes 7-69 stib.March 2000 skey dimensions E-3 SKEY.exe 4-6 string dimensioning 17-2 structural column reference 7-37 style fabricated (pulled) bends) output 8-13 material list output 8-13 style 1 material list contents and changes for 8-3 style 2 material list contents and changes for 8-3 mld file 8-2 user-defined material list example 8-19 style 3 data item info 8-18 material list 8-17 basic control info 8-17 contents and changes for 8-3 mld file 8-3 user-defined material list example 8-19 style1 mld file 8-2 submit batch job 5-100 for plotting 5-92 summary block 10-3 supports pipe option switch 40 B-21 suppress output of end coordinates option switch 5 B-10 suppress skew boxes/triangles on branch legs option switch 70 B-28 SV** symbol key B-48 .20 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .IN . triangles 100 B-37 skew box style and dimensioning 99 B-37 skew box/triangle type 97 B-37 skew triangle hatching 101 B-37 skews.Index IN .21 SW symbol key B-50 SWBW symbol key B-55 switches option B-8 automatic split points in pipe 108 B-38 bolting diameters in material control file 65 B-26 center of gravity weight output 82 B-36 character size 4 B-9 coordinate output control 66 B-27 coordinates at tapping points 122 B-41 cut marks 3 B-9 cutting list 2 B-9 data return file 109 B-39 date in title block 6 B-10 dimension line standout distance 8 B-11 dimension round-off carry-over 117 B-40 dimensional units 41 B-22 dimensioning control 81 B-35 dimensions on drawings 9 B-12 dotted nozzle 111 B-39 drawing area 35 B-20 drawing margin 10-13 B-13 drawing size 14-16 B-13 drawing split control 38 B-20 drawing stacking arrangement 36-37 B-20 falling lines 19 B-14 field fit weld allowance 22 B-15 flow arrow 17 B-14 flow arrow size 112 B-39 frame control 18 B-14 gapping hatching patterns 102 B-38 instrument balloon 123 B-41 instrument identification 59 B-25 insulation control 61 B-25 isometric type 21 B-15 loose flange allowance 22 B-15 material list accumulation 74 B-30 material list descriptions 26 B-18 material list item code length 28 B-19 material list line spacing 29 B-19 material list output 30 B-19 material list position 25 B-17 material list reserved area 35 B-20 material list text size 27 B-18 material list type/length units 24 B-17 switches (continued) option (continued) material part number enclosure shape 76 B-33 offset angle tolerance 115 B-39 offset dimension tolerance 116 B-39 overall dimension 118 B-40 part number box 73 B-29 picture scale 34 B-19 pipe support information on drawing 64 B-26 pipe supports 40 B-21 pipeline reference format in material control file 113 B-39 plotted leg lengths elbows and tees 95 B-36 plotted material list control 23 B-16 printed material list length control 63 B-26 sketch detail units 92 B-36 skew box dimension standout. 3D drawn as 2D 67 B-28 sloping pipeline indication limit B-14 spare 103-107 B-38 spare 110 B-39 spare 124-126 B-42 spare 52 B-24 spare 56-57 B-25 spare 78-79 B-34 spare 83-91 B-36 spare 93-94 B-36 spare 96 B-37 spare 98 B-37 specification breaks 114 B-39 spool number 39 B-21 suppress output of end coordinates 5 B-10 tag number 60 B-25 tapped branch dimension 121 B-40 tapped branch scale 120 B-40 test parameter block 127-140 B-42 title block position 25 B-17 tracing control 62 B-26 valve centerline dimensioning 80 B-34 vertical dimension/elevation 119 B-40 view point 42 B-23 weld control 54 B-25 weld number 53 B-24 . SKEY B-43 bend radius B-43 bends B-51 caps B-53 couplings B-53 crosses B-54 elbows B-51 end connections.IN . fixed length B-54 reducers B-57 skey connect points B-43 tees B-56 traps B-49 symbol keys. SKEY (continued) unions B-59 valves B-59 four-way B-61 three-way B-61 vent B-49 welds B-50 SYMDGN 5-5 SYMLIB 5-5 SYMNDX 5-5 system isometrics extraction limitations 3-21 log file 5-100 − 5-101 T TA** symbol key B-49 table entries order 13-5 files title block 10-1 intermediate file records B-3 notes 10-1 tag number option switch 60 B-25 tag numbers 7-10 tap name 13-1 points 5-76 record number 13-1 tap points coordinates at option switch 122 B-41 define 5-81 tapped component name 13-3 olets attached to fittings 13-4 tapped elbows 13-3 component record number 13-4 elbows 13-3 piping components 3-21 tapped branch dimension option switch 121 B-40 scale option switch 120 B-40 taps 5-77 TB+D symbol key B-52 tblock 4-6 T@BW symbol key B-52 TEBW symbol key B-56 TECP symbol key B-56 tee symbol keys B-56 . 5-76 symbol editor use of 5-71 symbol keys. other B-50 end prep connections B-43 flanges B-44 flanges LJSE type B-44 in-line filters B-47 instruments B-46 − B-47 miscellaneous items B-46 number of segments B-43 o’lets B-55 operators B-62 pipe components miscellaneous B-45 pipes.March 2000 switches (continued) option (continued) weld number allocation at reinforcement pads 77 B-34 weld number allocation at slip-on flanges 77 B-34 weld number box 75 B-31 zero length bends 68 B-28 option 69 spare B-28 option 70 suppress skew boxes/triangles on branch legs B-28 option 71 detail sketch B-28 option 72 spare B-28 symbol 5-76 definition software 5-71 design export variable 5-5 index export variable 5-5 library export variable 5-5 user-defined 7-42 map 13-1 name 13-1 origin 5-74.22 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide . 23 tees plotted leg lengths option switch 95 B-36 TEFL symbol key B-56 TERF symbol key B-56 TESO symbol key B-56 test parameter block option switch 127-140 B-42 TESW symbol key B-56 text alternative B-64 dimension standout option switch 4 B-9 size material list option switch 27 B-18 text node number 10-2 restrictions on 10-2 text node number restrictions on 10-2 T@FLsymbol key B-52 THSC symbol key B-55 TI** symbol key B-49 title block AText B-79 data files 7-20 date in option switch 6 B-10 mapping attributes 10-1 mapping file 10-4 position option switch 25 B-17 positioning 8-14 summary table 10-3 table files 10-1 tables file 7-43 title block table example of C-64 TO** symbol key B-49 tolerance 7-9 offset angle option switch 115 B-39 offset dimension option switch 116 B-39 topo design file data sorted by 6-15 header 6-23 total isometric weight 19-1 TR** symbol key B-49 tracing 5-76 control tracing (continued) control (continued) option switch 62 B-26 data 6-14 define 5-81 trailing zeros eliminating from isometric 10-4 transfer components between sort groups 8-9 trap symbol keys B-49 traversal start point determining 15-4 traversing a network 6-22. 6-24 − 6-25 triangle hatching skew option switch 101 B-37 skew type option switch 96 B-37 triangles skewed box dimension standout option switch 100 B-37 TSBW symbol key B-56 TSCP symbol key B-56 TSFL symbol key B-56 TSSW symbol key B-56 TU** symbol key B-46 type 5-38.dat file 5-6 unassigned inspection numbers default text 7-58 .Index IN . 5-43 isometric 20-12 option switch 21 B-15 type 63 data extraction conventions 3-20 type_1_labels 7-60 example defining type 1 labels 7-61 type_2_labels 7-63 TYPE_2_LABELS example defining type 2 labels 7-64 type_3_labels 7-66 TYPE_3_LABELS example defining type 3 labels 7-67 typefaces xv U uconfigure. March 2000 unions symbol keys B-59 unique weld numbering 16-4 units dimensional option switch 41 B-22 sketch detail option switch 92 B-36 UNSC symbol key B-59 UNSW symbol key B-59 update project database 4-7 usa style dimensioning 17-3 user-defined MTO 8-1 text and user-positioned text 8-3 variation of the standard material list 8-2 user-defined BOM 8-1 operating requirements 8-4 user-defined drawing symbology 5-71 creating a user-defined symbol library 5-83 using the newly-created symbol library 5-84 user-defined material control file 8-7 user-defined material list example of style 2 8-19 example of style 3 8-19 user-defined MTO related information 8-2 user-defined symbol library 7-42 user-defined weld prefix 16-4 user_defined_component_bom 7-95 user_defined_generated_item_bom 7-92 user_defined_implied_item_bom 7-89 user_defined_welds 7-45 generating 7-46 using HITS report to solve problems 6-26 newly-created symbol library 5-84 the isoc.IN . 5-56 bulk load lines 5-57 from ASCII file 5-67 delete drawing records 5-85 frameworks reference file 5-86 iso symbol editor 5-71 assemble iso symbol 5-76 V V3** symbol key B-61 V4** symbol key B-61 VALOPR table 7-42 valpor 7-18 valve centerline dimensioning 17-2 option switch 80 B-34 operator table 14-1 operators 7-11 valve operator symbol map 7-42 valves four-way symbol keys B-61 symbol keys B-59 three-way symbol keys B-61 variables 5-3 VB** symbol key B-60 VC** symbol key B-60 VD** symbol key B-60 vent symbol keys B-49 vertical dimension/elevation option switch 119 B-40 VG** symbol key B-60 view point control option switch 42 B-23 VK** symbol key B-60 VN** symbol key B-60 VP** symbol key B-60 VR** symbol key B-61 vrs sheet number file 7-6 VS** symbol key B-61 VT** symbol key B-60 VV** symbol key B-60 VX** symbol key B-60 VY** symbol key B-60 W warning messages A-3 warning messages A-8 wdf file example of 16-9 weight display 19-1 center of gravity 19-2 related information 19-1 weight library center of gravity 7-43 weld control option switch 54 B-25 enhancements related information 16-1 .24 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .note file 11-2 utilities 5-11. 25 weld (continued) field fit allowance option switch 22 B-15 number option switch 53 B-24 symbol keys B-50 user-defined 7-45 weld box summary standard AText B-85 user-defined AText B-86 weld boxes alternative style 16-6 weld definition report format file example of 16-9 weld number allocation reinforement pads 77 B-34 slip-on flanges 77 B-34 box control option switch 75 B-31 weld summary report 16-5 weld_prefix 7-47 example define weld prefix 7-47 welds 7-13. 16-8 welds boxes using a backing sheet 16-6 welds definition 7-44 WF symbol key B-50 witness line extend 17-3 WM symbol key B-50 WMF symbol key B-50 WO symbol key B-50 WOF symbol key B-50 WS symbol key B-50 WTBW symbol key B-55 WW symbol key B-50 X XA** symbol key B-47 XV** symbol key B-49 Z zero length bends option switch 68 B-28 zero length leg 6-24 zeros eliminating trailing 10-4 . 16-1 branch 12-9 dotted 16-2 in material list 8-13 listed in the bom 16-10 offshore fabrication category 16-4 unique weld numbering 16-4 user-defined weld prefix 16-4 wdf file example of 16-9 weld data item information 16-8 weld definition file format 16-5 weld summary report 16-5.Index IN . 26 PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide .IN .March 2000 .
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