ISO DIS 21001 Educational Organizations



DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO/DIS 21001 ISO/PC 288 Secretariat: KATS Voting begins on: Voting terminates on: 2017-03-27 2017-06-18 Educational organizations — Management systems for educational organizations — Requirements with guidance for use Titre manque ICS: 03.100.70; 03.180 THIS DOCUMENT IS A DRAFT CIRCULATED FOR COMMENT AND APPROVAL. IT IS THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND MAY NOT BE REFERRED TO AS AN INTERNATIONAL STANDARD UNTIL PUBLISHED AS SUCH. IN ADDITION TO THEIR EVALUATION AS BEING ACCEPTABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL, This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat. TECHNOLOGICAL, COMMERCIAL AND USER PURPOSES, DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS MAY ON OCCASION HAVE TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE LIGHT OF THEIR POTENTIAL TO BECOME STANDARDS TO WHICH REFERENCE MAY BE MADE IN Reference number NATIONAL REGULATIONS. ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) RECIPIENTS OF THIS DRAFT ARE INVITED Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms TO SUBMIT, WITH THEIR COMMENTS, Downloaded: NOTIFICATION OF ANY RELEVANT PATENT 2017-03-28 RIGHTS OF WHICH THEY ARE AWARE SingleAND TO licence only, copying and user networking prohibited PROVIDE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION. © ISO 2017 ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 [email protected] Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ii  © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 21 Contents Page 22 Foreword........................................................................................................................................................................ vii 23 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. vii 24 0 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... viii 25 0.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................ viii 26 0.2 Relevance........................................................................................................................................................ viii 27 0.3 Relationship between ISO 21001 and other ISO Standards ........................................................... ix 28 0.4 Principles for a Management System for Educational Organizations ........................................ ix 29 0.5 Process Approach ............................................................................................................................................ x 30 0.5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ x 31 0.5.2 Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle ............................................................................................................................. xi 32 0.5.3 Risk-based thinking ...................................................................................................................................... xi 33 0.6 Organization Mission, Vision and Strategy .......................................................................................... xii 34 1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................................1 35 2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................1 36 3 Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................................................1 37 4 Context of the Organization .........................................................................................................................9 38 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context ..................................................................................9 39 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties .................................................9 40 4.3 Determining the scope of the EOMS ..........................................................................................................9 41 4.4 The EOMS and its processes ...................................................................................................................... 10 42 5 Leadership....................................................................................................................................................... 11 43 5.1 Leadership and commitment ................................................................................................................... 11 44 5.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 45 5.1.2 Focus on Learners and Other Beneficiaries ........................................................................................ 12 46 5.2 Policy ................................................................................................................................................................. 12 47 5.2.1 Developing the organization's policy .................................................................................................... 12 48 5.2.2 Communicating the organization's policy ........................................................................................... 12 49 5.3 Organization roles, responsibilities and authorities ....................................................................... 12 50 6 Planning ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 51 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities ........................................................................................ 13 52 6.2 Educational organization's objectives and planning to achieve them ...................................... 14 53 6.3 Planning of Changes ..................................................................................................................................... 14 54 7 Support ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 55 7.1 Resources ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 56 7.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 57 7.1.2 Human Resources ......................................................................................................................................... 15 58 7.1.3 Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 59 7.1.4 Environment for the operation of educational processes ............................................................. 16 60 7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources ................................................................................................... 17 61 7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge ........................................................................................................................ 17 62 7.2 Competence .................................................................................................................................................... 18 63 7.3 Awareness ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 64 7.4 Communication ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited iii ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 65 7.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 19 66 7.4.2 Communication purposes ......................................................................................................................... 19 67 7.4.3 Communication arrangements ............................................................................................................... 19 68 7.5 Documented information .......................................................................................................................... 20 69 7.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 20 70 7.5.2 Creating and updating ................................................................................................................................ 21 71 7.5.3 Control of documented information ..................................................................................................... 21 72 8 Operation ........................................................................................................................................................ 22 73 8.1 Operational planning and control.......................................................................................................... 22 74 8.2 Requirements for products and services ............................................................................................ 23 75 8.2.1 Determination of Requirements for Products and Services......................................................... 23 76 8.2.2 Changes to requirements for products and services....................................................................... 23 77 8.3 Design and development of products and services ......................................................................... 23 78 8.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 23 79 8.3.2 Design and development planning ........................................................................................................ 23 80 8.3.3 Design and development inputs ............................................................................................................. 24 81 8.3.4 Design and development controls ......................................................................................................... 24 82 8.3.5 Review of the requirements for products and services ................................................................. 26 83 8.3.6 Design and development outputs........................................................................................................... 26 84 8.3.7 Design and development changes .......................................................................................................... 27 85 8.4 Implementation ............................................................................................................................................ 27 86 8.4.1 Preparing for service provision .............................................................................................................. 27 87 8.4.2 Release of products and services ........................................................................................................... 28 88 8.4.3 Control of changes........................................................................................................................................ 28 89 8.5 Service Provision.......................................................................................................................................... 28 90 8.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 28 91 8.5.2 Admission of learners................................................................................................................................. 29 92 8.5.3 Delivery of programmes ............................................................................................................................ 29 93 8.5.4 Summative Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 30 94 8.5.5 Recognition of assessed learning ........................................................................................................... 30 95 8.6 Control of externally provided processes, products and services ............................................. 31 96 8.6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 31 97 8.6.2 Type and extent of control of external provision ............................................................................. 31 98 8.6.3 Information for external providers ....................................................................................................... 32 99 8.7 Traceability and Preservation................................................................................................................. 32 100 8.7.1 Traceability .................................................................................................................................................... 32 101 8.7.2 Preservation................................................................................................................................................... 33 102 8.8 Protection and Transparency of Learners’ Data............................................................................... 33 103 8.9 Property belonging to interested parties ............................................................................................ 33 104 9 Performance evaluation ............................................................................................................................ 33 105 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation ....................................................................... 33 106 9.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 33 107 9.1.2 Satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff .................................................................... 34 108 9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation ............................................................................................................................. 35 109 9.1.4 Monitoring and measuring needs .......................................................................................................... 35 110 9.1.5 Methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation .............................................. 36 111 9.2 Internal audit ................................................................................................................................................. 36 112 9.3 Management review .................................................................................................................................... 37 113 9.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 37 114 9.3.2 Management review inputs ...................................................................................................................... 37 115 9.3.3 Management review outputs ................................................................................................................... 37 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 116 10 Improvement.................................................................................................................................................. 38 117 10.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 38 118 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action ................................................................................................... 38 119 10.3 Continual improvement ............................................................................................................................. 39 120 Annex A (normative) Additional Requirements for Special Needs Education .................................... 40 121 A.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 40 122 A.2 Additional requirements to clauses ....................................................................................................... 40 123 A.2.1 Additional requirements to 5.1.1 Leadership and commitment - general .............................. 40 124 A.2.2 Additional requirements to 7.2 Competence ..................................................................................... 41 125 A.2.3 Additional note to 8.2.1 Determination of requirements for products and services .......... 41 126 A.2.4 Additional requirements to 8.5.3 Delivery of programmes .......................................................... 42 127 A.2.5 Additional requirements to 9.1.5 Methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis 128 and evaluation ............................................................................................................................................... 42 129 Annex B (normative) Additional Requirements for Research .................................................................. 43 130 B.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 43 131 B.2 Examples of research Involvement of educational organization interested parties ........... 43 132 B.3 Provision of research principles and guidelines............................................................................... 43 133 B.4 Provision of information regarding research processes................................................................ 44 134 B.5 Training and consultation ......................................................................................................................... 44 135 Annex C (normative) Additional Requirements for Early Childhood Education ................................. 46 136 C.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 46 137 C.2 Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 46 138 C.3 Competence .................................................................................................................................................... 46 139 C.4 Communication ............................................................................................................................................. 46 140 C.5 Individual Learning Plans.......................................................................................................................... 46 141 C.6 Reception and Delivery of the Child....................................................................................................... 47 142 C.6.1 Reception of the Child ................................................................................................................................. 47 143 C.6.2 Delivery of the Child .................................................................................................................................... 47 144 C.7 Hygiene care ................................................................................................................................................... 47 145 C.8 Care in situation of illness or accident .................................................................................................. 48 146 C.9 Pedagogical-Playful Materials, Equipment and Spaces .................................................................. 48 147 Annex D (informative) Principles for a Management System for Educational Organizations 148 (EOMS) .............................................................................................................................................................. 49 149 D.1 A focus on the needs of learners and other beneficiaries .............................................................. 49 150 D.2 Learning-Centeredness .............................................................................................................................. 49 151 D.3 Visionary Leadership .................................................................................................................................. 49 152 D.4 Engagement of People ................................................................................................................................. 49 153 D.5 Process Approach ......................................................................................................................................... 49 154 D.6 Improvement.................................................................................................................................................. 49 155 D.7 Evidence-Based Decisions ......................................................................................................................... 49 156 D.8 Relationship Management......................................................................................................................... 50 157 D.9 Social responsibility .................................................................................................................................... 50 158 D.10 Accessibility and Equity ............................................................................................................................. 50 159 D.11 Ethical conduct in education .................................................................................................................... 50 160 D.12 Data Security & Protection ........................................................................................................................ 50 161 D.13 Holistic Approach ......................................................................................................................................... 50 162 D.14 Adaptability .................................................................................................................................................... 51 163 D.15 Extensibility .................................................................................................................................................... 51 164 Annex E (informative) Classification of Interested Parties ........................................................................ 52 165 E.1 Interested Parties for an EOMS................................................................................................................ 52 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited v ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 166 Annex F (informative) Guidelines for Communication with Interested Parties ................................ 54 167 F.1 Levels of Engagement ................................................................................................................................. 54 168 F.2 Methods of Engagement & Communications ...................................................................................... 55 169 F.2.1 Communications for the purpose of obtaining the position, opinion or consent of 170 interested parties......................................................................................................................................... 55 171 F.2.2 Communications for the purpose of conveying relevant, accurate and timely 172 information to interested parties .......................................................................................................... 56 173 F.3 Frequency of communication with Interested Parties ................................................................... 57 174 F.4 Receipt and handling feedback from Interested Parties ............................................................... 57 175 F.5 Review of impact of feedback from interested parties on the management system ........... 58 176 Annex G (informative) Processes, Procedures, Methods and Tools in Educational 177 Organizations ................................................................................................................................................ 59 178 G.1 Processes ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 179 G.2 Measures ......................................................................................................................................................... 60 180 G.3 Tools.................................................................................................................................................................. 60 181 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 62 182 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 vi © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 183 Foreword 184 ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national 185 standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally 186 carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a 187 technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. 188 International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in 189 the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all 190 matters of electrotechnical standardization. 191 The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are 192 described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the 193 different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the 194 editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see 195 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of 196 patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of 197 any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or 198 on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see 199 Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not 200 constitute an endorsement. 201 For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity 202 assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) 203 principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: 204 205 The committee responsible for this document is ISO/PC288/WG1. Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited vii ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 206 Introduction 207 0 Introduction 208 0.1 General 209 ISO 21001 provides a common management tool for organizations providing educational products and 210 services capable of meeting learners' and other beneficiaries' requirements. 211 0.2 Relevance 212 There is a critical and continuous need for educational organizations to evaluate the degree to which 213 they meet the requirements of learners and other beneficiaries, as well as other relevant interested 214 parties (for a classification of interested parties in educational organizations refer to Annex E) and to 215 improve their ability to continue to do so. 216 Although educational organizations and learners worldwide are the main beneficiaries of this 217 management system standard, all interested parties will benefit from standardized management 218 systems in educational organizations. 219 EXAMPLE Employers who sponsor and encourage staff to participate in educational services may also 220 benefit from the standard. 221 The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a Management System for Educational 222 Organizations (EOMS) based on this international standard are: 223 a) better alignment of policy (including mission and vision) with objectives and activities; 224 b) inclusive and equitable quality education for all; 225 c) facilitation of self-directed learning and lifelong learning opportunities; 226 d) more personalized learning and effective response to all learners and particularly to learners with 227 special education needs and distance learners; 228 e) consistent processes and evaluation tools to demonstrate and increase effectiveness and efficiency; 229 f) increased credibility of the organization; 230 g) a means that enables educational organizations to demonstrate their commitment to effective 231 quality management practices; 232 h) a culture for organizational improvement; 233 i) harmonization of national and proprietary standards within an international framework; 234 j) widened participation of interested parties; 235 k) stimulation of excellence and innovation. Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 viii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 236 0.3 Relationship between ISO 21001 and other ISO Standards 237 ISO 21001 is a stand-alone management system standard, aligned with ISO 9001 (without being a 238 sector application). It focuses on the management systems of educational organizations as well as the 239 impact of these on learners and other relevant interested parties. 240 This international standard applies the high-level structure, identical subtitles, identical text, common 241 terms, and core definitions of Annex SL of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, and 242 therefore maintains compatibility with other management system standards that have adopted the 243 Annex SL. This common approach defined in the Annex SL will be useful for those organizations that 244 choose to operate a single management system that meets the requirements of two or more 245 management system standards. 246 0.4 Principles for a Management System for Educational Organizations 247 This EOMS entails the following management principles: 248 a) focus on the needs of learners and other beneficiaries; 249 b) learning-centeredness; 250 c) visionary leadership; 251 d) engagement of learners and interested parties; 252 e) process approach; 253 f) improvement; 254 g) evidence-based decisions; 255 h) relationship management; 256 i) social responsibility; 257 j) accessibility and equity; 258 k) ethical conduct in education; 259 l) data security and protection; 260 m) holistic approach; 261 n) adaptability; 262 o) extensibility. 263 NOTE the details of these principles are analysed in Annex D. Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ix ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 264 0.5 Process Approach 265 0.5.1 General 266 This International Standard promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, 267 implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to enhance learner and 268 other beneficiary satisfaction by meeting learner and other beneficiary requirements. Specific 269 requirements considered essential to the adoption of a process approach are included in 4.4. 270 Understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization’s 271 effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its intended results. This approach enables the organization to 272 control the interrelationships and interdependencies among the processes of the system, so that the 273 overall performance of the organization can be enhanced. 274 The process approach involves the systematic definition and management of processes, and their 275 interactions, so as to achieve the intended results in accordance with the policy, objectives and strategic 276 plan of the organization. Management of the processes and the system as a whole can be achieved using 277 the PDCA cycle (see 0.5.2) with an overall focus on risk-based thinking (see 0.5.3) aimed at taking 278 advantage of opportunities and preventing undesirable results. The application of the process approach 279 in an EOMS enables: 280 — understanding and consistency in meeting requirements; 281 — the consideration of processes in terms of added value; 282 — the achievement of effective process performance; 283 — improvement of processes based on evaluation of data and information. 284 Figure 1 gives a schematic representation of any process and shows the interaction of its elements. The 285 monitoring and measuring check points, which are necessary for control, are specific to each process 286 and will vary depending on the related risks. 287 288 Figure 1 — Schematic Representation of the Elements of a Single Process (Assessment of the 289 Educational Effectiveness Process) Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 x © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 290 0.5.2 Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle 291 The PDCA cycle can be applied to all processes and to the quality management system as a whole. 292 Figure 2 illustrates how Clauses 4 to 10 can be grouped in relation to the PDCA cycle. 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context Results of the EOMS (learner and other beneficiary 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of Learner and other beneficiary requirements satisfaction; products and services) 4.4 The EOMS and its processes 4.3 Determining the Scope of EOMS interested parties 293 294 NOTE Numbers in brackets refer to clauses in this international standard. 295 Figure 2 — Representation of the structure of this International Standard in the PDCA cycle 296 The PDCA cycle can be briefly described as follows: 297 — Plan: establish the objectives of the system and its processes, and the resources needed to deliver 298 results in accordance with learners' and other beneficiaries' requirements and the organization’s 299 policies, and identify and address risks and opportunities; 300 — Do: implement what was planned; 301 — Check: monitor and (where applicable) measure processes and the resulting products and services 302 against policies, objectives, requirements and planned activities, and report the results; 303 — Act: take actions to improve performance, as necessary 304 0.5.3 Risk-based thinking 305 Risk-based thinking is essential for achieving an effective EOMS. To conform to the requirements of this 306 International Standard, an organization needs to plan and implement actions to address risks and Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited xi ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 307 opportunities. Addressing both risks and opportunities establishes a basis for increasing the 308 effectiveness of the quality management system, achieving improved results and preventing negative 309 effects. 310 Opportunities can arise as a result of a situation favourable to achieving an intended result, for 311 example, a set of circumstances that allow the organization to attract learners and other beneficiaries, 312 develop new products and services, reduce waste or improve productivity. Actions to address 313 opportunities can also include consideration of associated risks. Risk is the effect of uncertainty and any 314 such uncertainty can have positive or negative effects. A positive deviation arising from a risk can 315 provide an opportunity, but not all positive effects of risk result in opportunities. 316 0.6 Organization Mission, Vision and Strategy 317 Figure 3 shows how the EOMS policy statements translate the strategy used to bring the organization's 318 mission (reason of beaning) closer to its vision (ideal future): Organizational Culture EOMS Principles EOMS Policy Objectives Mission Vision EOMS 319 Figure 3 — EOMS policy statements as related to mission and vision 320 The EOMS policy statements are framed by the organization’s culture (the complete set of beliefs and 321 values that condition its behaviour) and by the EOMS principles. By its turn, the EOMS Policy 322 statements provide the framework for the establishment of the EOMS objectives, which are periodically 323 revised to assure the organization’s mission is effectively and efficiently accomplished while walking 324 the continuous path towards the organization’s vision. Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 xii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 325 Educational Organizations — Management System for 326 Educational Organizations — Requirements with Guidance for 327 Use 328 1 Scope 329 This International Standard specifies requirements for a management system for educational 330 organizations when such an organization: 331 a) needs to demonstrate its ability to support the acquisition and development of knowledge, skills 332 and attitudes through teaching, learning or research, and 333 b) aims to enhance satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries, and staff through the effective 334 application of its EOMS, including processes for improvement of the system and assurance of 335 conformity to learners’ and other beneficiaries’ requirements. 336 All requirements of this International Standard are generic and intended to be applicable to any 337 organization which uses a curriculum to support the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes 338 through teaching, learning or research, regardless of type or size or methods of delivery. 339 This standard can be applied to educational organizations within larger organizations whose core 340 business is not education such as professional training departments. 341 This standard does not apply to organizations who only produce/manufacture educational products. 342 Additional specific requirements for: 343 a) special needs education; 344 b) research; and 345 c) early childhood education 346 are provided in normative Annexes A, B, and C respectively. 347 2 Normative references 348 There are no normative references. This is included to maintain numbering alignment 349 with other ISO management system standards. 350 3 Terms and definitions 351 For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply: © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 1 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 352 3.1 353 organization 354 person (3.36) or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and 355 relationships to achieve its objectives (3.8) 356 Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole-trader, company, corporation, 357 firm, enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether 358 incorporated or not, public or private. 359 3.2 360 interested party (preferred term) 361 stakeholder (admitted term) 362 person (3.36) or organization (3.1) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a 363 decision or activity 364 Note 1 to entry: Refer to Annex E for a classification of interested parties in educational organizations (3.22). 365 3.3 366 requirement 367 need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory 368 Note 1 to entry: “Generally implied” means that it is custom or common practice for the organization and 369 interested parties that the need or expectation under consideration is implied. 370 Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in documented information. 371 3.4 372 management system 373 set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.1) to establish policies (3.7) and 374 objectives (3.8) and processes (3.12) to achieve those objectives 375 Note 1 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines. 376 Note 2 to entry: The system elements include the organization’s structure, roles and responsibilities, planning 377 and operation. 378 Note 3 to entry: The scope of a management system may include the whole of the organization, specific and 379 identified functions of the organization, specific and identified sections of the organization, or one or more 380 functions across a group of organizations. 381 3.5 382 top management 383 person (3.36) or group of people who directs and controls an organization (3.1) at the highest level 384 Note 1 to entry: Top management has the power to delegate authority and provide resources within the 385 organization. 386 Note 2 to entry: If the scope of the management system (3.4) covers only part of an organization, then top 387 management refers to those who direct and control that part of the organization. 2 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 388 3.6 389 effectiveness 390 extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved 391 3.7 392 policy 393 intentions and direction of an organization (3.1), as formally expressed by its top management (3.5) 394 3.8 395 objective 396 result to be achieved 397 Note 1 to entry: An objective can be strategic, tactical, or operational. 398 Note 2 to entry: Objectives can relate to different disciplines (such as educational, financial, health and safety, 399 and environmental goals) and can apply at different levels (such as strategic, organization-wide, project, product 400 and process (3.12)). 401 Note 3 to entry: An objective can be expressed in other ways, e.g. as an intended outcome, a purpose, an 402 operational criterion, as an EOMS objective, or by the use of other words with similar meaning (e.g. aim, goal, or 403 target). 404 Note 4 to entry: In the context of Management Systems for Educational Organizations, EOMS objectives are set 405 by the organization, consistent with the EOMS policy, to achieve specific results. 406 3.9 407 risk 408 effect of uncertainty 409 Note 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation from the expected — positive or negative. 410 Note 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or 411 knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood. 412 Note 3 to entry: Risk is often characterized by reference to potential “events” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, 413 and “consequences” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009,, or a combination of these. 414 Note 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including 415 changes in circumstances) and the associated “likelihood” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, of occurrence. 416 3.10 417 competence 418 ability to apply knowledge (3.48) and skills (3.47)to achieve intended results 419 3.11 420 documented information 421 information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization (3.1) and the medium on 422 which it is contained 423 Note 1 to entry: Documented information can be in any format and media, and from any source. 424 Note 2 to entry: Documented information can refer to: © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 3 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 425 — the management system (3.4), including related processes (3.12); 426 — information created in order for the organization to operate (documentation); 427 — evidence of results achieved (records). 428 3.12 429 process 430 set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs 431 3.13 432 performance 433 measurable result 434 Note 1 to entry: Performance can relate either to quantitative or qualitative findings. 435 Note 2 to entry: Performance can relate to the management of activities, processes (3.12), products (including 436 services), systems or organizations (3.1). 437 3.14 438 outsource (verb) 439 make an arrangement where an external organization (3.1) performs part of an organization’s function 440 or process (3.12) 441 Note 1 to entry: An external organization is outside the scope of the management system (3.4), although the 442 outsourced function or process is within the scope. 443 3.15 444 monitoring 445 determining the status of a system, a process (3.12) or an activity 446 Note 1 to entry: To determine the status, there may be a need to check, supervise or critically observe. 447 3.16 448 measurement 449 process (3.12) to determine a value 450 3.17 451 audit 452 systematic, independent and documented process (3.12) for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it 453 objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled 454 Note 1 to entry: An audit can be an internal audit (first party) or an external audit (second party or third party), 455 and it can be a combined audit (combining two or more disciplines). 456 Note 2 to entry: An internal audit is conducted by the organization itself, or by an external party on its behalf. 457 Note 3 to entry: “Audit evidence” and “audit criteria” are defined in ISO 19011. 458 3.18 459 conformity 460 fulfilment of a requirement (3.3) 4 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 461 3.19 462 nonconformity 463 non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.3) 464 3.20 465 corrective action 466 action to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity (3.19) and to prevent recurrence 467 3.21 468 continual improvement 469 recurring activity to enhance performance (3.13) 470 3.22 471 educational organization 472 organization (3.1) whose core business is the provision of educational products (3.24) and educational 473 services (3.23) 474 3.23 475 educational service 476 process (3.12) which supports acquisition and development of learners' (3.24) knowledge (3.48), skills 477 (3.47) and attitudes (3.49) through teaching, learning or research 478 3.24 479 educational product (preferred term) 480 learning resource (admitted term) 481 tangible or intangible good used in pedagogical support of an educational service (3.23) 482 Note 1 to entry: Educational products can include textbooks (print and digital), workbooks, worksheets, 483 manipulatives (blocks, beads, etc.), flashcards, educator workshops, non-fiction, books, posters, educational 484 games, apps, websites, software, online courses, activity books, graphic novels, reference books, DVDs, CDs, 485 magazines & periodicals, study guides, teacher guides, labs, models, movies, televisions shows, webcasts, podcasts, 486 maps & atlases. 487 Note 2 to entry: Educational products may be produced by any parties, including learners. 488 3.25 489 learner 490 beneficiary (3.36) acquiring and developing knowledge, skills and attitudes using an educational service 491 (3.23) 492 3.26 493 beneficiary 494 person (3.36) or group of persons benefiting from the products and services of an educational 495 organization, and whom the educational organization (3.22) is obliged to serve by virtue of its mission 496 (3.31) 497 Note 1 to entry: Refer to Annexe E for a list of beneficiaries. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 5 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 498 3.27 499 educator 500 person (3.36) who performs teaching (3.44) activities 501 Note 1 to entry: In different contexts, an educator may be referred to as a teacher, a trainer, a coach, a 502 facilitator, a tutor, a consultant, an instructor or a mentor. 503 3.28 504 curriculum 505 a description of what, why, how and how well learners should learn in a systematic and intentional way 506 Note 1 to entry: A curriculum can include, but is not limited to, the learning aims or objectives, content, learning 507 outcomes, teaching and learning methods, performance indicators, assessment procedures, that are related to 508 learning. It can also be referred to as a competence profile, competence referential, study programme or teaching 509 plan. 510 3.29 511 social responsibility 512 responsibility of an organization (3.1) for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the 513 environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that 514 — contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society; 515 — takes into account the expectations of interested parties (3.2); 516 — is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour; and 517 — is integrated throughout the organization (3.1) and practiced in its relationships 518 Note 1 to entry: activities include products, services and processes (3.12). 519 Note 2 to entry: relationships refer to an organization's activities within its sphere of influence. 520 [SOURCE: ISO 26000:2010, 2.18] 521 3.30 522 vision 523 aspirations of an organization (3.1) in relation to its desired future condition and duly aligned with its 524 mission (3.31) 525 3.31 526 mission 527 reason for being, mandate and scope an organization (3.1), translated into the context in which it 528 operates 529 3.32 530 strategic plan 531 general approach to follow in achieving a mission (3.31) or objective, in line with the vision (3.30) of an 532 organization (3.1) 6 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 533 3.33 534 course 535 distinct set of teaching and learning activities, designed to meet defined learning objectives (3.8) 536 Note 1 to entry: A course may be known as a credit-unit or as a subject. 537 3.34 538 programme 539 consistent set of courses (3.33) designed to meet defined learning objectives (3.8) and leading to 540 recognition 541 Note 1 to entry: Recognition can take the form of a degree, a certificate of completion, a certificate of 542 participation, a credit-point, a badge and other forms. 543 3.35 544 person (preferred term) 545 individual (admitted term) 546 human being, i.e. a natural person, who acts as a distinct indivisible entity or is considered as such 547 [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002, 3.28] 548 3.36 549 staff 550 person(s) (3.35) who work for and within an organization (3.22). 551 3.37 552 usability 553 extent to which a product, service, environment, or facility can be used by specified users to achieve 554 specified goals, with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, in a specified context of use 555 [SOURCE: ISO 9241-11:1998, 3.1] 556 3.38 557 accessibility 558 usability (3.37) of a product, service, environment, or facility by people within the widest range of 559 capabilities 560 [SOURCE: ISO/TS 13131:2014(en), 3.1.1] 561 3.39 562 distance education 563 mode of delivering education where the educator and learner are in different physical spaces 564 Note 1 to entry: distance education can apply to situations where a program is delivered, completely or partially, 565 using printed material and by online media and services. 566 3.40 567 educational delivery 568 delivery of an educational service (3.23) to learners © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 7 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 569 Note 1 to entry: methods of educational delivery can include face-to-face communication in a classroom, using 570 online communication, physical distribution of printed material or hardware, broadcast media or a combination of 571 these. 572 3.41 573 library service 574 educational service by which an organization (3.1) maintains a repository of educational products 575 (3.24) and makes it available to learners (3.24) and educators (3.27) 576 3.42 577 didactics 578 science whose main object is methods of teaching specific subject content 579 Note 1 to entry: Method of teaching is related to what, when and how to teach a specific subject content. 580 3.43 581 pedagogy 582 science whose main object is education 583 Note 1 to entry: Pedagogy is related to different general aspect such as: learning, assessing difficulties, student 584 characteristics, curriculums and environment. 585 3.44 586 teaching 587 working with learners (3.24) to assist and support them with learning 588 Note 1 to entry: working with learners implies designing, leading and following up learning activities. 589 Note 2 to entry: teaching can combine different roles: content delivery, facilitation, mentorship, community 590 builder and to a certain extent counsellor and academic guidance provider. 591 3.45 592 self-directed learning 593 process in which individuals take the initiative with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their 594 learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying resources for learning, choosing and 595 implementing learning strategies and/or evaluating learning 596 3.46 597 lifelong learning 598 provision or use of learning opportunities throughout people's lives in order to foster their continuous 599 development 600 3.47 601 skill 602 set of know-how that allows a person to master an activity and succeed in accomplishing a task 603 Note 1 to entry: skill can be cognitive, emotional, social or psychomotor 604 3.48 605 knowledge 606 facts, information, principles or understanding acquired through experience or education 8 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 607 [ADAPTED FROM: ISO/IEC 17027:2014(en), 2.56] 608 3.49 609 attitude 610 manner of thinking, feeling or behaving 611 4 Context of the Organization 612 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context 613 The organization shall determine external and internal issues, that are relevant to its purpose, social 614 responsibility and its strategic direction and that affect its ability to achieve the intended results(s) of 615 its EOMS. 616 The organization shall monitor and review information about these external and internal issues. 617 NOTE 1 Issues can include positive and negative factors or conditions for consideration. 618 NOTE 2 Understanding the external context can be facilitated by considering issues arising from legal, 619 technological, competitive, market, cultural, social, political, economic and environmental factors, whether 620 international, national, regional or local. 621 NOTE 3 Understanding the internal context can be facilitated by considering issues related to values, culture, 622 knowledge and performance of the organization. 623 NOTE 4 Strategic direction can be expressed through documented information such as the organizational 624 mission or vision statement. 625 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties 626 Due to their effect or potential effect on the organization’s ability to consistently and sustainably 627 provide products and services, the organization shall determine: 628 a) the interested parties that are relevant to the EOMS; 629 b) the requirements of these interested parties that are relevant to the EOMS. 630 These interested parties shall include: 631 - learners; 632 - other beneficiaries; 633 - staff of the organization. 634 The organization shall monitor and review information about these interested parties and their 635 relevant requirements. 636 NOTE Refer to Annex E for a classification of interested parties in organizations. 637 4.3 Determining the scope of the EOMS 638 The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the EOMS to establish its scope. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 9 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 639 When determining this scope, the organization shall consider: 640 a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1; 641 b) the requirements of relevant interested parties referred to in 4.2; 642 c) the products and services of the organization. 643 The organization shall apply all the requirements of this International Standard if they are applicable 644 within the determined scope of its EOMS. 645 The scope of the EOMS shall be available and be maintained as documented information. The scope 646 shall state the types of products and services covered, and provide justification for any requirement of 647 this International Standard that the organization determines is not applicable to its EOMS. 648 Conformity to this International Standard may only be claimed if the requirements determined as not 649 being applicable do not affect the organization’s ability or responsibility to ensure the conformity of its 650 products and services and the enhancement of learners' and other beneficiaries' satisfaction. 651 All products and services provided to learners by an educational organization shall be included within 652 the scope of this EOMS. 653 4.4 The EOMS and its processes 654 4.4.1 The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an EOMS, 655 including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this 656 International Standard. 657 The organization shall determine processes for the EOMS and their application throughout the 658 organization and shall: 659 a) determine the inputs required and the outputs expected from these processes; 660 b) determine the sequence and interaction of these processes; 661 c) determine and apply the criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurement and related 662 performance indicators) needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes; 663 d) determine the resources needed for these processes and ensure their availability; 664 e) assign the responsibilities and authorities for these processes; 665 f) address the risks and opportunities as determined in accordance with the requirements of 6.1; 666 g) evaluate these processes and implement any changes needed to ensure that these processes 667 achieve their intended results; 668 h) improve the processes and the EOMS. 669 4.4.2 To the extent necessary, the organization shall: 670 a) maintain documented information to support the operation of its processes; 10 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 671 b) retain documented information to have confidence that the processes are being carried out as 672 planned. 673 5 Leadership 674 5.1 Leadership and commitment 675 5.1.1 General 676 Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the EOMS by: 677 a) being accountable for the effectiveness of the EOMS; 678 b) ensuring that the organizational policy and organizational objectives are established for the 679 educational organization and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of the 680 organization; 681 c) ensuring the integration of the EOMS requirements into the organization’s business processes; 682 d) promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking; 683 e) ensuring that the resources needed for the EOMS are available; 684 f) communicating the importance of effective organizational management and of conforming to the 685 EOMS requirements; 686 g) ensuring that the EOMS achieves its intended outcome(s); 687 h) engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the EOMS; 688 i) promoting continual improvement; 689 j) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their 690 areas of responsibility; 691 k) provide educational leadership to support the sustainable implementation of the educational vision 692 and related pedagogical and didactical concepts, and assign person(s) to assist such 693 implementation, as appropriate; 694 l) establishing and maintaining a strategic plan for the organization; 695 m) ensuring that learners' educational requirements including special needs are identified and 696 addressed. 697 698 Note: Annex A provides requirements on special needs education. 699 NOTE Reference to “business” in this International Standard can be interpreted broadly to mean those 700 activities that are core to the purposes of the organization’s existence; whether the organization is public, private, 701 voluntary, for profit or non-profit. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 11 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 702 5.1.2 Focus on Learners and Other Beneficiaries 703 Top management shall be directly responsible for ensuring that: 704 a) the needs and expectations of learners and other beneficiaries are determined, understood and 705 consistently met, as evidenced by monitoring their satisfaction and educational progress; 706 b) the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to 707 enhance learner and other beneficiary satisfaction are determined and addressed; 708 5.2 Policy 709 5.2.1 Developing the organization's policy 710 Top management shall establish, review and maintain an organization's policy that: 711 a) supports the educational organization’s mission and vision; 712 b) is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization; 713 c) provides a framework for setting the educational organization's objectives; 714 d) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements; 715 e) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the EOMS; 716 f) takes into account relevant pedagogical, didactic, scientific and technical developments; 717 g) describes and includes a commitment to satisfy the organization's social responsibility; 718 h) describes and includes a commitment towards managing intellectual property; 719 The needs and expectations of relevant interested parties shall be considered in developing the 720 strategic direction of the organization. 721 5.2.2 Communicating the organization's policy 722 The organization's policy shall: 723 a) be available and be maintained as documented information; 724 b) be communicated, understood and applied within the organization; 725 c) be available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate. 726 5.3 Organization roles, responsibilities and authorities 727 Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned 728 and communicated within the educational organization. 729 Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for: 12 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 730 a) ensuring that the EOMS conforms to the requirements of this International Standard; 731 b) ensuring that the educational organization's policy is understood and implemented; 732 c) ensuring that the processes of the EOMS are delivering their intended outputs; 733 d) reporting on the performance of the EOMS and on opportunities for improvement (see 10.1) to top 734 management (see 9.3.2); 735 e) ensuring the promotion of a focus on learners and other beneficiaries throughout the organization; 736 f) ensuring that the integrity of the EOMS is maintained when changes to the EOMS are planned and 737 implemented; 738 g) managing the organization's communications (see 7.4); 739 h) ensuring that all learning processes are integrated, regardless of method of delivery; 740 i) control of documented information (see 7.5) 741 j) managing the requirements of learners with special needs; 742 6 Planning 743 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 744 6.1.1 When planning for the EOMS, the organization shall consider the issues referred to in 4.1 and the 745 requirements referred to in 4.2 and 4.4 and determine the risks and opportunities that need to be 746 addressed to: 747 a) give assurance that the EOMS can achieve its intended outcome(s); 748 b) enhance desirable effects; 749 c) prevent, mitigate or reduce, undesired effects; 750 d) achieve continual improvement. 751 6.1.2 The organization shall plan: 752 a) actions to address these risks and opportunities; 753 b) how to: 754 — integrate and implement the actions into its EOMS processes (see 8); 755 — evaluate the effectiveness of these actions. 756 Actions taken to address risks and opportunities shall be proportionate to the probability of occurrence 757 and potential impact on the conformity of products and services. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 13 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 758 6.2 Educational organization's objectives and planning to achieve them 759 6.2.1 The organization shall establish educational organization objectives at relevant functions, 760 levels and processes needed for the EOMS. 761 The Educational Organization 's objectives shall: 762 a) be consistent with the educational organization's policy, 763 b) be measurable (if practicable); 764 c) take into account applicable requirements; 765 d) be relevant to conformity of products and services and to the enhancement of learner and other 766 beneficiary satisfaction; 767 e) be continually monitored; 768 f) be communicated; 769 g) be updated as appropriate; 770 The organization shall maintain documented information on the organization's objectives. 771 6.2.2 When planning how to achieve its educational organization objectives, the organization shall 772 determine, and outline in its strategic plan: 773 - what will be done; 774 - what resources will be required; 775 - who will be responsible; 776 - when it will be completed; 777 - how the outcomes will be evaluated. 778 6.3 Planning of Changes 779 Where the organization determines the need for changes to the EOMS, the changes shall be carried out 780 in a planned manner (see 4.4). 781 The organization shall consider: 782 a) the purpose of the changes and their potential consequences; 783 b) the integrity of the educational management system; 784 c) the availability and readiness of internal resources; 785 d) the allocation or reallocation of responsibilities and authorities; 14 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 786 e) the availability and readiness of external providers needed to implement the change. 787 7 Support 788 7.1 Resources 789 7.1.1 General 790 The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, 791 implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the EOMS, in such a way that they 792 sustainably enhance: 793 a) learner engagement and satisfaction through activities that improve learning and promote the 794 achievement of learning outcomes; 795 b) educator and staff engagement and satisfaction through activities to improve educator 796 competences to facilitate learning; 797 c) other beneficiary satisfaction, through activities that contribute to the social benefits of learning. 798 The organization shall determine and monitor which resources shall be provided by: 799 1) internal resources; 800 2) external providers; 801 The organization shall ensure that a variety of accessibility requirements are anticipated. 802 7.1.2 Human Resources 803 Human Resources shall include as applicable: 804 a) staff employed by the organization; 805 b) volunteers and interns working with or contributing to the organization; 806 c) staff of external providers working with or contributing to the organization. 807 The organization shall: 808 a) determine and provide the human resources necessary for the effective implementation of its EOMS 809 and for the operation and control of its processes; 810 b) determine, implement and publish recruitment or selection criteria, which shall be available to 811 relevant interested parties as appropriate; 812 c) maintain documented information on the process used for recruitment or selection and retain 813 documented information on the results of the recruitment. 814 7.1.3 Facilities 815 The facilities shall include, as applicable: © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 15 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 816 a) buildings, and grounds; 817 b) equipment including hardware and software; 818 c) utilities that meet learner requirements. 819 The organization shall: 820 a) determine, provide and maintain safe facilities: 821 1) suitable for human resources to support learners’ development of knowledge, skills and 822 attitudes; 823 2) that enhance learners’ development of knowledge, skills and attitudes; 824 b) ensure that the dimension of the facilities are adequate to the requirements of those utilising them. 825 These shall include, as appropriate, facilities for: 826 a) teaching; 827 b) self-learning; 828 c) conducting research; 829 d) implementing knowledge; 830 e) rest and recreation; 831 f) subsistence. 832 NOTE 1: Facilities can include digital spaces. 833 NOTE 2: Facilities can be indoor or outdoor 834 7.1.4 Environment for the operation of educational processes 835 The organization shall determine, provide and maintain a suitable environment to promote the overall 836 wellbeing of relevant interested parties, by considering: 837 a) psychosocial factors; 838 b) physical factors. 839 NOTE: Within an environment: 840 - psychosocial factors can include work demands, influence at work, possibilities for development, meaning of work, 841 commitment to the workplace, predictability, rewards, role clarity, quality of leadership, social support from supervisors, 842 satisfaction with work, work family conflict/balance, values in the workplace, stress, burnout, offensive behaviours (e.g. 843 bullying); 844 - physical factors can include temperature, heat, humidity, light, airflow, hygiene, noise. 16 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 845 7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources 846 General 847 The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed to ensure valid and reliable results 848 when monitoring or measuring is used to verify the conformity of products and services to 849 requirements. 850 The organization shall ensure that the resources provided: 851 a) are suitable for the specific type of monitoring and measurement activities being undertaken, 852 namely, adequate to the target, the type, method of educational delivery and duration of the 853 educational service; 854 b) are maintained to ensure their continued fitness for their purpose. 855 The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of fitness for purpose of 856 monitoring and measurement resources. 857 Measurement traceability 858 When measurement traceability is a requirement, or is considered by the organization to be an 859 essential part of providing confidence in the validity of measurement results, measuring resources shall 860 be: 861 a) verified or calibrated, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards 862 traceable to international or national measurement standards; when no such standards exist, the 863 basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information; 864 b) identified in order to determine their status; 865 c) safeguarded from adjustments, damage or deterioration that would invalidate the calibration status 866 and subsequent measurement results. 867 The organization shall determine if the validity of previous measurement results has been adversely 868 affected when measuring equipment is found to be unfit for its intended purpose, and shall take 869 appropriate action as necessary. 870 7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge 871 The organization shall determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of its processes and to 872 achieve conformity of products and services. 873 This knowledge shall be maintained, and made available to the extent necessary. 874 When addressing changing needs and trends, the organization shall consider its current knowledge and 875 determine how to acquire or access any necessary additional knowledge and required updates. 876 The organization shall encourage exchange of knowledge between all educators and staff, particularly 877 amongst peers. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 17 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 878 NOTE 1 Organizational knowledge is knowledge specific to the organization; it is generally gained by 879 experience. It is information that is used and shared to achieve the organization’s objectives. 880 NOTE 2 Organizational knowledge can be based on: 881 — internal sources (e.g. intellectual property; knowledge gained from experience; lessons learned from failures and 882 successful projects; capturing and sharing undocumented knowledge and experience; the results of improvements in 883 processes, products and services); 884 — external sources (e.g. standards, academia, conferences, gathering knowledge from learners, other beneficiaries or 885 providers). 886 Learning Resources 887 The organization shall provide learning resources as appropriate and make them available where and 888 when needed. 889 The learning resources shall: 890 a) reflect the needs and requirements of learners, other beneficiaries and educators; 891 b) be reviewed at planned intervals to ensure they are up to date; 892 c) be catalogued and referenced. 893 The organization shall respect intellectual property requirements and should encourage re-usability of 894 resources. 895 NOTE Where appropriate a meta-data standard such as ISO 15836 and ISO/IEC 19788 series can be used for 896 referencing. 897 7.2 Competence 898 The organization shall: 899 a) determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its control that affects its 900 educational organization performance; 901 b) ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or 902 experience; 903 c) establish and implement methods for evaluating the performance of staff; 904 d) where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary up to date competence, and evaluate the 905 effectiveness of the actions taken; 906 e) take actions to support and ensure the continual development of relevant staff competence; 907 f) retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence. 908 NOTE Applicable actions may include, for example: the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the re- 909 assignment of currently employed persons; or the hiring or contracting of competent persons. 18 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 910 7.3 Awareness 911 The organization shall ensure that relevant persons doing work under the organization’s control are 912 aware of: 913 a) the organization's policy, objectives and strategic plan; 914 b) relevant EOMS objectives; 915 c) their contribution to the effectiveness of the EOMS, including the benefits of improved organization 916 performance; 917 d) the implications of not conforming with the EOMS requirements. 918 7.4 Communication 919 7.4.1 General 920 The organization shall determine the internal and external communications relevant to the EOMS, 921 including: 922 a) on what it will communicate; 923 b) why to communicate; 924 c) when to communicate; 925 d) with whom to communicate; 926 d) how to communicate; 927 e) who communicates. 928 7.4.2 Communication purposes 929 Internal and external communication shall have the purpose of: 930 a) seeking the opinion or consent of relevant interested parties; 931 b) conveying relevant, accurate and timely information, consistent with the organization's mission, 932 vision, strategy and policy, to interested parties; 933 c) collaborating and coordinating activities and processes with relevant interested parties within the 934 organization. 935 NOTE: The information conveyed should include information about the delivery of educational programmes, 936 intended learning outcomes, qualifications, innovations, new ideas, as well as scientific results, methods, 937 approaches and the underlying learning products and services. 938 7.4.3 Communication arrangements 939 The organization shall determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with 940 learners and other interested parties in relation to © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 19 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 941 a) institutional policy, objectives and strategic plan; 942 b) design, content and delivery of educational products and services; 943 c) enquiries, application, admission, or registration; 944 d) learners' performance data, including results of formative and summative assessment; and 945 e) learner and interested parties’ feedback, including learner complaints and learners/interested 946 parties’ satisfaction surveys; 947 The organization shall inform their learners and other beneficiaries about external contact points in 948 case of unresolvable issues. 949 At planned intervals, the organization shall: 950 a) monitor the implementation of its communication efforts; 951 b) analyse and improve the communication plan based on the results of monitoring. 952 The organization shall retain documented information of the communication process. 953 NOTE 1 The organization may document communication plans and arrangements within the processes they 954 form part of. 955 NOTE 2 The organization may implement methods to ensure traceability of communications where appropriate. 956 7.5 Documented information 957 7.5.1 General 958 The organization’s EOMS shall include: 959 a) documented information required by this International Standard; 960 b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of 961 the EOMS. 962 NOTE 1 The extent of documented information for an EOMS can differ from one organization to another due to: 963 — the size of organization and its type of activities, processes, products and services, 964 — the complexity of processes and their interactions, and 965 — the competence of its persons. 966 NOTE 2 The documentation can be in any form or type of medium. 967 NOTE 3 Documented information can include, but is not limited to, the following (depending on the type and 968 level of education offered): 969 — academic calendar, access to records; 20 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 970 — core curriculum, course catalogue; 971 — grades, scoring and evaluation; 972 — code of conduct and code of ethics. 973 7.5.2 Creating and updating 974 When creating and updating documented information the organization shall ensure appropriate: 975 a) identification and description (e.g. a title, date, author, reference number); 976 b) format (e.g. language, software version, graphics) and media (e.g. paper, electronic), taking into 977 account the accessibility requirements of persons with special needs; 978 c) review and approval for suitability and adequacy. 979 7.5.3 Control of documented information 980 Documented information required by the EOMS and by this International Standard shall be 981 controlled to ensure: 982 a) it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed; 983 b) it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity, 984 unintended alterations). 985 For the control of documented information, the organization shall address the following 986 activities, as applicable: 987 a) distribution, access, retrieval and use; 988 b) protection and security, including redundancy; 989 c) storage and preservation, including preservation of legibility; 990 d) control of changes (e.g. version control); 991 e) retention and disposition; 992 f) ensuring confidentiality; 993 g) prevention of the unintended use of obsolete documented information. 994 Documented information of external origin determined by the organization, necessary for the planning 995 and effective operation of the EOMS shall be identified and controlled as appropriate. 996 The controls established shall be maintained as documented information. 997 NOTE 1 Access can imply a decision regarding the permission to view the documented information only, or the 998 permission and authority to view and change the documented information. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 21 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 999 NOTE 2 The preservation of legibility includes ensuring integrity during transfer of data between media or 1000 formats. 1001 8 Operation 1002 8.1 Operational planning and control 1003 The organization shall plan, implement and control the processes, (see 4.4), needed to meet 1004 requirements for the provision of educational products and services, and to implement the actions 1005 determined in 6.1, by: 1006 a) determining requirements for the educational product and services; 1007 b) establishing criteria for the processes; 1008 c) determining the resources needed to achieve conformity to the product and service requirements; 1009 d) implementing control of the processes in accordance with the criteria; 1010 e) determining and keeping documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence: 1011 1) that the processes have been carried out as planned; 1012 2) to demonstrate the conformity of products and services to their requirements. 1013 NOTE “Keeping” implies both the maintaining and the retaining of documented information for specified time 1014 periods. 1015 The output of this planning shall be suitable for the organization's operations. 1016 The organization shall control planned changes and review the consequences of unintended changes, 1017 taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary. 1018 The organization shall ensure that outsourced processes are controlled (see 8.4) 1019 The organization shall plan the design, development, and expected outcomes of the educational 1020 products and services, including 1021 a) learning outcomes; 1022 b) ensuring appropriate teaching methods and learning environments; 1023 c) defining criteria for learning assessment; 1024 d) conducting learning assessment; 1025 e) defining and conducting improvement procedures; and 1026 f) providing support services. 22 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1027 8.2 Requirements for products and services 1028 8.2.1 Determination of Requirements for Products and Services 1029 When determining the requirements for the products and services to be offered to learners and other 1030 beneficiaries, the organization shall ensure that the requirements for the products and services are 1031 defined, including: 1032 a) those considered necessary by the organization due to its policy, objectives and strategic plan; 1033 b) those resulting from needs analysis that is performed to determine requirements of (current and 1034 potential future) learners and other beneficiaries, in particular those with special needs; 1035 c) those resulting from international demands and developments; 1036 d) those resulting from research. 1037 NOTE Needs analysis involves a comprehensive assessment of learning abilities of students, and can include: 1038 prior knowledge and skills, preferred learning strategies, social and emotional needs, special nutrition needs, 1039 biological learning rhythms. 1040 The organization shall ensure it can meet the claims made for the products and services it offers. 1041 8.2.2 Changes to requirements for products and services 1042 The organization shall ensure that relevant documented information is amended, and that relevant 1043 interested parties are made aware of the changed requirements, when the requirements for products 1044 and services are changed. 1045 8.3 Design and development of products and services 1046 8.3.1 General 1047 The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a design and development process that is 1048 appropriate to ensure the subsequent provision of products and services. 1049 8.3.2 Design and development planning 1050 In determining the stages and controls for design and development, the organization shall consider: 1051 a) the requirements defined under 8.2 above; 1052 b) the nature, duration and complexity of the design and development activities; 1053 c) the required process stages, including applicable design and development reviews; 1054 d) the required design and development verification and validation activities; 1055 e) the responsibilities and authorities involved in the design and development process; 1056 f) the internal and external resource needs for the design and development of products and services; 1057 g) the need to control interfaces between persons involved in the design and development process; © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 23 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1058 h) the need for involvement of learners and other beneficiaries in the design and development 1059 process; 1060 i) the requirements for subsequent provision of products and services; 1061 j) the level of control expected for the design and development process by learners, other 1062 beneficiaries and other relevant interested parties; 1063 k) the documented information needed to demonstrate that design and development requirements 1064 have been met; 1065 l) the evidence-based approach; 1066 m) the extent to which learners require individualized learning pathways, based on their skills, 1067 interests and aptitudes; 1068 n) the need for reusability, accessibility, interchangeability and durability in course authoring, 1069 production and delivery tools. 1070 8.3.3 Design and development inputs 1071 The organization shall determine the requirements essential for the specific types of products and 1072 services to be designed and developed. The organization shall consider: 1073 a) functional and performance requirements; 1074 b) information derived from previous similar design and development activities; 1075 c) standards or codes of practice that the organization has committed to implement; 1076 d) potential consequences of failure due to the nature of the products and services. 1077 Inputs shall be adequate for design and development purposes complete and unambiguous. 1078 Conflicting design and development inputs shall be resolved. 1079 The organization shall retain documented information on design and development inputs. 1080 8.3.4 Design and development controls 1081 General design and development controls 1082 The organization shall apply controls to the design and development process to ensure that: 1083 a) the results to be achieved are defined; 1084 b) reviews are conducted to evaluate the ability of the results of design and development to meet 1085 requirements; 1086 c) validation activities are conducted to ensure that the resulting products and services meet the 1087 requirements for the specified application or intended use; 24 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1088 d) any necessary actions are taken on problems determined during the reviews, or verification and 1089 validation activities. 1090 NOTE Design and development reviews and validation have distinct purposes. They can be conducted 1091 separately or in any combination, as is suitable for the processes, products and services of the organization. 1092 Programme design and development controls 1093 The controls applied to the design and development process shall ensure that: 1094 a) the purpose and scope of the course or programme, is defined with a view to learners’ 1095 requirements for further study or work; 1096 b) the prerequisites, if any, are specified; 1097 c) the characteristics of the learners are defined; 1098 d) the requirements of further study of work are known; 1099 e) the course or programme can meet the requirements of the purpose and scope taking into account 1100 the characteristics of the learners; 1101 f) the characteristics of the graduate profile are defined. 1102 Curriculum design and development controls 1103 The controls applied to the design and development process shall ensure that: 1104 a) learning outcomes: 1105 1) are consistent with the scope of the course or programme; 1106 2) are described in terms of the knowledge, skills and attitudes learners should acquire by 1107 completing the curriculum; 1108 3) include an indication of the level to which the knowledge, skills and attitudes will be achieved; 1109 4) are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound; 1110 b) learning activities are: 1111 1) suitable to the method of educational delivery; 1112 2) appropriate for ensuring achievement of the learning outcomes; 1113 3) specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound; 1114 c) all resources necessary to successfully complete the learning activities are defined; 1115 d) adequate opportunities for: 1116 1) learners to take an active role in creating the learning process; © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 25 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1117 2) formative assessment and feedback; 1118 are included in the learning design. 1119 Assessment design and development controls 1120 The controls applied to the design and development process of summative assessment shall ensure 1121 that: 1122 a) a clear link can be demonstrated between the assessment design and the learning outcomes it is 1123 intended to assess, and where appropriate, the learning activities it is based on; 1124 b) activities are conducted taking into account the principles of transparency, accessibility, respect to 1125 the learner, and fairness, especially with respect to grading; 1126 c) the grading system is defined and validated. 1127 8.3.5 Review of the requirements for products and services 1128 At the end of the design process, the organization shall ensure that its proposed product and 1129 service design meets the requirements for products and services to be offered to learners and other 1130 beneficiaries. The organization shall conduct a review before committing to supply products and 1131 services to a learner or other beneficiary, to include: 1132 a) requirements specified by the learners and other beneficiaries, including the requirements for 1133 delivery and post-delivery activities; 1134 b) requirements not stated by the learner or other beneficiary, but necessary for the specified or 1135 intended use, when known; 1136 c) requirements specified by the organization; 1137 The learner and other beneficiaries' requirements shall be confirmed by the organization before 1138 acceptance, when the learners and other beneficiaries do not provide a documented statement of their 1139 requirements. 1140 The organization shall ensure that requirements for the educational products and services differing 1141 from those previously defined are shared with learners and other beneficiaries and resolved. 1142 The organization shall retain documented information, as applicable: 1143 a) on the results of reviews; 1144 b) on any new requirements for the products and services. 1145 8.3.6 Design and development outputs 1146 The organization shall ensure that design and development outputs: 1147 a) meet the input requirements; 1148 b) are adequate for the subsequent processes for the provision of products and services; 26 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1149 c) include or reference monitoring and measuring requirements, as appropriate, and acceptance 1150 criteria; 1151 d) specify the characteristics of the products and services that are essential for their intended purpose 1152 and their safe and proper provision; 1153 e) are retained as documented information. 1154 8.3.7 Design and development changes 1155 The organization shall identify, review and control changes made during, or subsequent to, the design 1156 and development of products and services, to the extent necessary to ensure that there is no adverse 1157 impact on conformity to requirements or results. 1158 The organization shall retain documented information on: 1159 a) design and development changes; 1160 b) the outcomes of reviews; 1161 c) the authorization of the changes; 1162 d) the actions taken to prevent adverse impacts. 1163 8.4 Implementation 1164 8.4.1 Preparing for service provision 1165 Commencing with, or prior to the delivery of the educational products and services, the organization 1166 shall notify the learners and other relevant interested parties, and where appropriate, check their 1167 understanding of: 1168 a) the purpose(s), format and content of the educational products and services being provided, 1169 including the instruments and criteria to be used for evaluation; 1170 b) the commitments, responsibilities and expectations placed on the learners; 1171 c) the means by which the learning achieved and assessed will be recognised and retained as 1172 documented information; 1173 d) the procedures to be used in case of interested party dissatisfaction or disagreement between any 1174 interested party and the EOMS; 1175 e) who will support learning and evaluation, and how it will be supported; 1176 f) any costs involved, such as tuition fees, examination fees, and the purchase of learning materials; 1177 g) any prerequisites, such as required skills (including ICT skills), qualifications and professional 1178 experience. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 27 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1179 8.4.2 Release of products and services 1180 The release of products and services to learners and other beneficiaries shall not proceed until the 1181 planned arrangements have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved by a relevant 1182 authority and, as applicable, by the learner and other beneficiaries. 1183 The organization shall retain documented information on the release of products and services. The 1184 documented information shall include: 1185 a) evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria; 1186 b) traceability to the person(s) authorizing the release. 1187 8.4.3 Control of changes 1188 The organization shall review and control changes for production or service provision, to the extent 1189 necessary to ensure continuing conformity with the requirements. 1190 The organization shall retain documented information describing the results of the review of changes, 1191 the person(s) authorizing the change, and any necessary actions arising from the review. 1192 8.5 Service Provision 1193 8.5.1 General 1194 The organization shall implement production and service provision under controlled conditions. 1195 Controlled conditions shall include, as applicable: 1196 a) the availability of documented information that defines: 1197 1) the characteristics of the educational products to be produced, the educational services to be 1198 provided, or the activities to be performed; 1199 2) the results to be achieved; 1200 b) the availability and use of suitable and validated monitoring and measuring resources; 1201 c) the implementation of monitoring and measurement activities including the consideration of 1202 complaints, other feedback and the results of formative assessment at appropriate stages to verify 1203 that criteria for control of processes or outputs, and acceptance criteria for products and services, 1204 have been met; 1205 d) the use of suitable infrastructure and environment for the operation of processes; 1206 e) the appointment of competent persons, including any required qualification (see 7.2); 1207 f) the validation, and periodic revalidation, of the ability to achieve planned results of the processes 1208 for production and service provision, where the resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent 1209 monitoring or measurement; 1210 g) the implementation of actions to prevent human error; 28 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1211 h) the implementation of release, delivery and post-delivery activities. 1212 8.5.2 Admission of learners 1213 Pre-Admission Information 1214 The educational organization shall ensure that before learners are admitted, they are provided with: 1215 a) adequate information that takes into account organizational requirements and professional 1216 standards, as well as the organization’s commitment to social responsibility; 1217 b) adequate and clear information about the: 1218 1) intended learning outcomes, career perspectives, didactical and pedagogical approach; 1219 2) participation of the learner in their educational process; 1220 3) admission criteria and costs of the educational product or service. 1221 Conditions for admission 1222 The organization shall establish a process for the admission of learners. In addition to the requirements 1223 of 4.4.1, the process shall: 1224 - establish admission criteria which conform to: 1225 3) regulatory and organizational requirements; 1226 4) requirements from the professional field; and 1227 5) requirements due to the content of the programme and/or pedagogical approach; 1228 c) ensure that admission criteria and processes are applied uniformly for all learners; 1229 d) be maintained as documented information; 1230 e) be publicly available; 1231 f) ensure the traceability of each admission decision; 1232 g) retain documented information for a specified amount of time as evidence of admission decisions. 1233 8.5.3 Delivery of programmes 1234 The organization shall establish processes for: 1235 a) teaching; 1236 b) facilitation of learning; 1237 c) administrative support of learning © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 29 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1238 Control of Nonconforming Outputs 1239 The organization shall ensure that outputs that do not conform to their requirements are identified and 1240 controlled to prevent their unintended use or delivery. 1241 The organization shall take appropriate action based on the nature of the nonconformity and its effect 1242 on the conformity of products and services. This shall also apply to nonconforming products and 1243 services detected after delivery of products, during or after the provision of services. 1244 The organization shall deal with nonconforming outputs in one or more of the following ways: 1245 a) correction; 1246 b) segregation, containment, return or suspension of provision of products and services; 1247 c) informing the learners or other beneficiaries; 1248 d) obtaining authorization for acceptance under concession. 1249 Conformity to the requirements shall be verified when nonconforming outputs are corrected. 1250 Documentation of programme delivery 1251 The organization shall retain documented information that: 1252 a) describes the delivery of the programmes; 1253 b) describes any non-conforming outputs; 1254 c) describes the actions taken; 1255 d) describes the concessions obtained; 1256 e) identifies the authority deciding the action in respect of the nonconformity. 1257 8.5.4 Summative Assessment 1258 The organization shall: 1259 a) ensure that methods to detect plagiarism and other malpractices are in place, and communicated to 1260 learners; 1261 b) ensure the traceability of grades, such that an objective connection can be identified between 1262 learner work presented and the grade assigned; 1263 c) retain documented information of the assessment as evidence of the grades assigned; 1264 d) make the retention period of such documented information publicly available. 1265 8.5.5 Recognition of assessed learning 1266 Organizations shall ensure that after summative assessments: 30 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1267 a) learners are informed of the outcomes of the assessment activity and grade; 1268 b) learners are given the opportunity to appeal the outcomes of the assessment activity and grade; 1269 c) learners have full access to their work and its detailed assessment, as well as opportunities for 1270 feedback; 1271 d) evidence of the outcomes of the assessment is issued to the learner as documented information; 1272 e) the documented information is retained indefinitely; 1273 f) the reasons for the decision on grading and final assessment are retained as documented 1274 information; 1275 g) the retention period of such documented information is publicly available. 1276 8.6 Control of externally provided processes, products and services 1277 8.6.1 General 1278 The organization shall ensure that externally provided processes, products and services conform to 1279 requirements. 1280 The organization shall determine the controls to be applied to externally provided processes, products 1281 and services when: 1282 a) products and services from external providers are intended for incorporation into the 1283 organization’s own products and services; 1284 b) products and services are provided directly to the learners or other beneficiaries by external 1285 providers on behalf of the organization; 1286 c) a process, or part of a process, is provided by an external provider as an outcome of a decision by 1287 the organization. 1288 The organization shall determine and apply criteria for the evaluation, selection, monitoring of 1289 performance, and re-evaluation of external providers, based on their ability to provide processes or 1290 products and services in accordance with requirements. The organization shall retain documented 1291 information of these activities and any necessary actions arising from the evaluations. 1292 8.6.2 Type and extent of control of external provision 1293 The organization shall ensure that externally provided processes, products and services do not 1294 adversely affect the organization’s ability to consistently deliver conforming products and services to its 1295 learners and other beneficiaries. 1296 The organization shall: 1297 a) ensure that externally provided processes remain within the control of its EOMS; 1298 b) define both the controls that it intends to apply to an external provider and those it intends to apply 1299 to the resulting output; © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 31 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1300 c) take into consideration: 1301 1) the potential impact of the externally provided processes, products and services on the 1302 organization’s ability to consistently meet learner and other beneficiary requirements; 1303 2) the effectiveness of the controls applied by the external provider; 1304 d) determine the verification, or other activities, necessary to ensure that the externally provided 1305 processes, products and services meet requirements. 1306 8.6.3 Information for external providers 1307 The organization shall ensure the adequacy of requirements prior to their communication to the 1308 external provider. 1309 The organization shall communicate to external providers its requirements for: 1310 a) the processes, products and services to be provided; 1311 b) the approval of: 1312 1) products and services; 1313 2) methods, processes and equipment; 1314 3) the release of products and services; 1315 c) competence, including any required qualification of persons; 1316 d) the external provider’s interactions with the organization; 1317 e) control and monitoring of the external provider’s performance to be applied by the organization; 1318 f) verification or validation activities that the organization, or its learners and other beneficiaries, 1319 intend to perform at the external provider’s premises. 1320 8.7 Traceability and Preservation 1321 8.7.1 Traceability 1322 The educational organization shall ensure traceability with respect to: 1323 a) the progress of learners through the organization; 1324 b) the study and employment paths of those who graduate or complete a course or programme of 1325 study, where applicable; 1326 c) output from the work of staff in terms of: 1327 1) what was done; 1328 2) when; 32 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1329 3) by whom. 1330 8.7.2 Preservation 1331 The organization shall preserve the outputs during production and service provision, to the extent 1332 necessary to ensure conformity to requirements. 1333 8.8 Protection and Transparency of Learners’ Data 1334 The organization shall establish and publish a procedure on protection and transparency of learners’ 1335 data. The procedure shall establish: 1336 a) what learner data is collected, and how and where it is processed and stored; 1337 b) who has access to the data; 1338 c) under which conditions learner data may be shared with third parties; 1339 d) how long the data is stored for. 1340 The organization shall only collect and share learners’ data with their explicit consent. 1341 The organization shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that learners' data can only be accessed 1342 by persons authorized by the procedure. Technological protection measures shall be validated. 1343 The organization shall give learners and other interested parties access to their own data. 1344 8.9 Property belonging to interested parties 1345 8.9.1 The educational organization shall exercise care with property belonging to any interested party 1346 while it is under the educational organization’s control or being used by the educational organization. 1347 The educational organization shall identify, verify, protect and safeguard any property provided for use 1348 or incorporation into the products and services. 1349 When the property of an interested party is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, 1350 the organization shall report this to the relevant interested party and take appropriate corrective 1351 actions (see & 10.2) and retain documented information on what has occurred. 1352 NOTE 1 An interested party's property can include material, components, tools and equipment, beneficiary 1353 premises, intellectual property and personal data, certificates, diplomas and other relevant documents. 1354 9 Performance evaluation 1355 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation 1356 9.1.1 General 1357 The organization shall determine: 1358 a) what needs to be monitored and measured; © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 33 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1359 b) the methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, as applicable, to ensure valid 1360 outcomes; 1361 c) the acceptance criteria to be used; 1362 d) when the monitoring and measuring shall be performed; 1363 e) when the outcomes from monitoring and measurement shall be analysed and evaluated. 1364 The organization shall evaluate the organization’s performance and the effectiveness of the EOMS. 1365 People should be given an opportunity to critically review their own work in a reflective and 1366 constructive manner, as a contribution to their improvement. 1367 The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the monitoring, 1368 measurement, analysis, evaluation and their outcomes. 1369 9.1.2 Satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff 1370 Monitoring of satisfaction 1371 The organization shall monitor the satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff, as well as their 1372 perceptions of the degree to which their needs and expectations have been fulfilled. The organization 1373 shall determine the methods for obtaining, monitoring and reviewing, this information. 1374 NOTE Examples of monitoring perceptions of learners, other beneficiaries and staff can include beneficiary 1375 surveys, beneficiary feedback on delivered products or services, meetings with beneficiaries, market-share 1376 analysis and responses. 1377 Handling of complaints 1378 The educational organization shall have in place a procedure for handling complaints and appeals, and 1379 shall make this known to its interested parties (see 10.2). 1380 The procedure shall establish a method for: 1381 a) communicating the complaints procedure to all relevant interested parties; 1382 b) receiving complaints; 1383 c) tracking complaints; 1384 d) acknowledging complaints; 1385 e) performing initial assessment of complaints; 1386 f) investigating the complaints; 1387 g) responding to the complaints; 1388 h) communicating the decision; 1389 i) closing complaints. 34 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1390 The procedure shall ensure confidentiality of complainants and objectivity of investigators. 1391 NOTE ISO 10002:2014(E) provides guidelines for complaints handling in organizations. 1392 9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation 1393 The organization shall analyse and evaluate appropriate data and information arising from monitoring 1394 and measurement. 1395 The results of analysis shall be used to evaluate: 1396 a) conformity of products and services; 1397 b) the degree of beneficiary satisfaction; 1398 c) the performance and effectiveness of the EOMS; 1399 d) if planning has been implemented effectively; 1400 e) the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities; 1401 f) the performance of external providers; 1402 g) the need for improvements to the educational organization management system. 1403 NOTE Methods to analyse data can include qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed-method techniques. 1404 9.1.4 Monitoring and measuring needs 1405 The organization shall ensure that feedback on: 1406 a) the educational products and services; 1407 b) their effectiveness in achieving the agreed learning outcomes; and 1408 c) the organization's influence on the community 1409 is requested from and made available as appropriate to relevant interested parties. 1410 The organization shall monitor the level of feedback obtained and take actions to increase it where it is 1411 not sufficient. 1412 NOTE: Monitoring and measuring can include: 1413 — the content of the programme in the given discipline ensuring that programme is up to date; 1414 — the workload, progression of learner and completion rates; 1415 — effectiveness of evaluation; 1416 — learners' satisfaction in relation to programme; 1417 — learning environment and support services and their fitness for purpose. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 35 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1418 9.1.5 Methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation 1419 The organization shall ensure that: 1420 a) the interested parties involved in or affected by the evaluation are identified; 1421 b) the persons conducting the evaluation are competent and objective; 1422 c) evaluation reports are transparent and clearly describe the educational products and services and 1423 their objectives, the findings, and also the perspectives, procedures and rationale used to interpret 1424 the findings; 1425 d) the context (e.g. learning environment) in which the educational service is provided is examined in 1426 enough detail to enable likely influences on the educational service to be identified. 1427 Key Performance Indicators shall be developed with the collaboration of relevant interested parties. 1428 Top management shall ensure that Key Performance Indicators are in line with the policy and strategic 1429 plan. 1430 9.2 Internal audit 1431 9.2.1 The organization shall perform internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on 1432 whether the EOMS; 1433 a) conforms to: 1434 1) the organization’s own requirements for its management system; 1435 2) the requirements of this International Standard; 1436 b) is effectively implemented and maintained. 1437 9.2.2 The organization shall: 1438 a) plan, establish, implement and maintain an audit programme(s), including the frequency, methods, 1439 responsibilities, planning requirements and reporting, which shall take into consideration the 1440 EOMS's objectives, the importance of the processes concerned, feedback from relevant interested 1441 parties, and the outcomes of previous audits; 1442 b) define the audit criteria and scope for each audit; 1443 c) select auditors and conduct audits to ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit process; 1444 d) ensure that the results of the audits are reported to relevant management; 1445 e) identify opportunities for improvement; 1446 f) take appopriate correction and corrective actions without undue delay; 1447 g) retain documented information as evidence of the planning, implementation of the audit 1448 programme and the audit outcomes. 36 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1449 Auditors shall not audit their own work. 1450 NOTE See ISO 19011 for guidance. 1451 9.3 Management review 1452 9.3.1 General 1453 Top management shall review the organization's EOMS and the updated strategic plan, at planned 1454 intervals (at least once per year) and update them accordingly to ensure its continuing suitability, 1455 adequacy and effectiveness. 1456 9.3.2 Management review inputs 1457 The management review shall include consideration of: 1458 a) the status of actions from previous management reviews; 1459 b) changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the EOMS; 1460 c) information on the performance and effectiveness of the organization, including trends in: 1461 1) learner and other beneficiary satisfaction and feedback related to learner and other beneficiary 1462 requirements; 1463 2) the extent to which objectives have been met; 1464 3) process performance and conformity of products and services; 1465 4) nonconformities and corrective actions; 1466 5) monitoring and measurement outcomes; 1467 6) audit outcomes; 1468 7) the performance of external providers; 1469 8) assessment outcomes; 1470 d) the adequacy of resources; 1471 e) the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities (see 6.1); 1472 f) opportunities for continual improvement; 1473 g) staff feedback related to activities to enhance persons' capacity. 1474 9.3.3 Management review outputs 1475 The outputs of the management review shall include decisions related to: 1476 - opportunities for improvement; © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 37 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1477 h) any need for changes to the education organization management system; 1478 i) resource needs. 1479 The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the outcomes of management 1480 reviews. 1481 10 Improvement 1482 10.1 General 1483 The organization shall determine and select opportunities for improvement and implement any 1484 necessary actions to meet learner and other beneficiary requirements and enhance satisfaction of 1485 learners, other beneficiaries, staff and other relevant interested parties, including external providers. 1486 These shall include: 1487 a) improving products and services to meet requirements as well as to address future needs and 1488 expectations; 1489 b) correcting, preventing or reducing undesired effects; 1490 c) improving the performance and effectiveness of the EOMS. 1491 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action 1492 10.2.1 When a nonconformity occurs, the organization shall 1493 a) react to the nonconformity, and as applicable: 1494 1) take action to control and correct it; 1495 2) deal with the consequences; 1496 b) evaluate the need for action to eliminate the causes of the nonconformity, in order that it does not 1497 recur or occur elsewhere, by: 1498 1) reviewing the nonconformity; 1499 2) determining the causes of the nonconformity, 1500 3) determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur; 1501 c) implement any action needed; 1502 d) review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken; 1503 e) make changes to the EOMS, if necessary. 1504 Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered. 1505 10.2.2 The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of: 38 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1506 a) the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken, and 1507 b) the outcomes of any corrective action. 1508 10.3 Continual improvement 1509 The organization shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the EOMS. 1510 The organization shall consider the results of analysis and evaluation, and the outputs from 1511 management review, to determine if there are needs or opportunities that shall be addressed as part of 1512 continual improvement. 1513 Management practices shall be regularly reviewed to take into account the latest research. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 39 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1514 Annex A 1515 (normative) 1516 1517 Additional Requirements for Special Needs Education 1518 A.1 General 1519 Organizations consider holistically the learning requirements to ensure that the educational services 1520 and products they provide are as inclusive as possible. The purpose of this annex is to provide 1521 requirements for special needs learners that should be considered by organizations that provide 1522 educational services and products, in addition to the requirements already expressed by this standard 1523 so that these individuals can participate fully in their own education. Each requirement below is 1524 numbered by cross-referencing it to the clause in the main text of the standard to which it refers. 1525 A special needs learner is someone who may have educational needs that cannot be met through 1526 regular instruction and assessment practices (e.g., exceptionalities such as behavioural, 1527 communicational, intellectual, physical, giftedness, or other learner needs for special education; 1528 learners may have more than one exceptionality). 1529 This implies the need to ensure the existence of communication channels so the interested parties 1530 (teachers, administration, specialists,) can receive the information they need for their activity. 1531 A.2 Additional requirements to clauses 1532 The Educational Organization shall consider the following items when providing educational services 1533 and products to those with special needs: 1534 A.2.1 Additional requirements to 5.1.1 Leadership and commitment - general 1535 Top management shall ensure that: 1536 a) there is compliance with the legislation and policies; 1537 b) resources and training are in place to support accessibility in learning environments; 1538 c) reasonable accommodation is provided for special needs learners to promote an equitable access to 1539 facilities and the educational environments as other learners.”. 1540 The organization should: 1541 - show flexibility to support the learner co-construction of the learning process based on skills, 1542 abilities and interest, including approaches such as: 1543 1. adaptive instruction; 1544 2. accelerated or enriched content; 1545 3. allowing enrolment in two distinct programmes or educational organizations; 40 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1546 4. individually tailored measures; 1547 5. curriculum adjustment or modification of the education programme to match the learner 1548 specific profile, above or below the default age-appropriate grade or level expectations for a 1549 particular subject or course; and 1550 6. recognition of prior learning and experience. 1551 - facilitate a team environment with adequate resources to support individual learners to meet their 1552 optimal potential 1553 - provide linkages to workplace opportunities; 1554 - ensure the provision of healthy and nutritious meals as necessary. 1555 A.2.2 Additional requirements to 7.2 Competence 1556 The organization shall supply resources to support educators by: 1557 a) ensuring that all educators and staff having contact with learners with special needs have 1558 appropriate specialized training. Such training can include: 1559 1) meeting the learning needs of learners who have different requirements; 1560 2) differentiated instruction and assessment; 1561 3) instructional scaffolding; 1562 b) providing access to a network of specialists; 1563 NOTE Specialised training can include training in differentiated instruction so as to meet the needs of 1564 learners with different requirements. 1565 NOTE 2 Specialists can include psychologists, learning and development specialists and speech therapists. 1566 A.2.3 Additional note to 8.2.1 Determination of requirements for products and services 1567 Note: Needs analysis for learners with special needs can include analysis of: 1568 — reading disorders 1569 — disorder of written expression 1570 — math disability 1571 — motor impairment 1572 — auditive impairment 1573 — visual impairment 1574 — and for gifted students: © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 41 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1575 — levels of giftedness; 1576 — hyperlexia; 1577 — preliminary assessment for areas of Giftedness such as: General Intellectual Ability; Specific 1578 Academic Aptitude; Leadership Ability; Creative and Productive Thinking; psychomotor Ability; 1579 Visual and Performing Arts 1580 A.2.4 Additional requirements to 8.5.3 Delivery of programmes 1581 With input from learners and other interested parties, an organization’s management, teaching and 1582 support staff can identify steps to improve accessibility of educational services. The organization shall 1583 apply reasonable judgment as to what might be possible during a specific time frame. The organization 1584 should: 1585 - employ differentiated instruction strategies that are targeted to learners in the classroom; 1586 - provide multiple and diverse opportunities for learners to demonstrate their mastery of the topics 1587 of instruction; 1588 - ensure instruction provides scaffolded activities and assessments that allow learners to build and 1589 demonstrate their learning; 1590 - use approaches recommended for special needs learners to encourage development of self- 1591 awareness, self-regulation, and metacognition; 1592 - balance the needs of the learner, the educator, the requirements of the subject, the context 1593 (environment) within larger frameworks (e.g., legislative and curricular requirements, national 1594 values, etc.); 1595 - flexibly implement individualized measures, as applicable including: 1596 1) curriculum modification; 1597 2) compacting and the like; 1598 3) fostering self-directedness and independence; 1599 4) tutor and mentorships; 1600 5) adequate evaluation methods. 1601 A.2.5 Additional requirements to 9.1.5 Methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis 1602 and evaluation 1603 Individual learners who require specific assistance with learning in order to achieve the agreed upon 1604 learning outcomes, will be accommodated in a manner that balances learner requirements, the integrity 1605 of the learning outcomes, and capacity of the educational organization. 42 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1606 Annex B 1607 (normative) 1608 1609 Additional Requirements for Research 1610 B.1 Introduction 1611 Research is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as, “the systematic investigation into and study of 1612 materials, sources, etc., in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions”. There are different types 1613 of research, such as pure (basic), applied, and different research methodologies that are used by 1614 researchers, such as quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, etc. Research approaches and 1615 methodologies may differ according to discipline, and in some cases interdisciplinary research 1616 combines approaches from more than one discipline. 1617 B.2 Examples of research Involvement of educational organization interested 1618 parties 1619 Interested parties associated with educational organizations may be involved in different forms of 1620 research, for example: 1621 - instructors may teach learners about research and engage with learners in research activities 1622 related to the curriculum (e.g., learners may survey their classmates and develop graphical 1623 representations of the data from their fellow learners; science learners may perform experiments 1624 and prepare lab reports, learners may perform research to complete a dissertation that will lead to 1625 a degree, etc.); 1626 - instructors may lead or participate in research in addition to their teaching duties (e.g., pure 1627 research regarding scientific phenomena, applied research in biotechnology, participatory action 1628 research regarding the environment, etc.); 1629 - instructors and collaborators may lead or participate in educational research that focuses on new 1630 innovations in teaching and learning; and, 1631 - other forms of research. 1632 B.3 Provision of research principles and guidelines 1633 Clear research principles and guidelines need to be provided to interested parties associated with 1634 educational organizations. Information for researchers shall, as applicable, include principles and 1635 guidelines including (but not limited to): 1636 - humans in research (including an evaluation of risk related to vulnerability of research participants 1637 and potential harms participants may experience); 1638 - animals in research; 1639 - ethical conduct of research; and, © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 43 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1640 - environmental health and safety (including environmental protection, biosafety, etc.). 1641 B.4 Provision of information regarding research processes 1642 The educational organization should provide information regarding research processes including (but 1643 not limited to): 1644 - information required; 1645 - deadlines; 1646 - ethical review process; 1647 - process for annual review (including completion or continuation); 1648 - post approval review processes; 1649 - process for amendments; 1650 - process to respond and revise to meet review comments; 1651 - reporting process for any adverse events; 1652 - information related to international research legal, and ethical considerations; 1653 - process for course-based research; and, 1654 - administrative and quality assurance projects. 1655 B.5 Training and consultation 1656 Researchers should have access to 1657 - training and resources (e.g., courses, seminars, access to researcher listservs, access to research 1658 publications, provision of online resources related to research); 1659 - information related to relevant legislation and regulations (e.g., researchers guide to regulations, 1660 protocol and review process regarding humans in research and animal use in research); 1661 - information related to standard operating procedures; 1662 - peer review (internal and external and possible exemptions); 1663 - access to online forms that need to be completed and submitted; 1664 - permits or certificates required (e.g., for field work or other types of research, biosafety certificates 1665 or forms and instructions for use of controlled substances); 1666 - guidance for entrepreneurs, inventors and start-ups regarding commercialization (including 1667 consultation regarding working with industry partners, clear guidelines regarding IPR, copyright, 1668 trademarks and patents); 44 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1669 - recommendations and suggestions on where to apply for research funding, information about 1670 research awards and honours; 1671 - access to knowledgeable and competent research staff. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 45 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1672 Annex C 1673 (normative) 1674 Additional Requirements for Early Childhood Education 1675 In this International Standard, early childhood education (ECE) is understood to be education 1676 occurring at Level 0 of ISCED. 1677 Early childhood education is an educational level with its own identity. The main objective in this 1678 educational level is to contribute to the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of 1679 children. 1680 C.1 General 1681 The organization should respect childrens’ rights as per the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 1682 The organization shall foster play, autonomy, affection, cooperation, creativity, joy and self-confidence 1683 amongst ECE children. 1684 C.2 Facilities 1685 Facilities established by the organization shall include: 1686 a) learning resources for early childhood education; 1687 b) facilities for play; 1688 c) facilities for daycare. 1689 Note: Where a school offers education at ISCED 1+ as well as early childhood education, it shall provide 1690 a separate space, dedicated ECE teacher, teaching and learning resources. 1691 C.3 Competence 1692 The organization shall provide educators specialised training in ECE, as appropriate. 1693 C.4 Communication 1694 The organization shall establish a procedure for communication with parents, tutors and guardians 1695 where the flow of information and control of child safety are guaranteed. 1696 C.5 Individual Learning Plans 1697 The organization shall elaborate individual plans in accordance with the evaluation of needs and 1698 expectations of the child and its family and considering the group of children as a whole. These plans 1699 shall be elaborated in [deadline] and be maintain as documented information. 1700 The organization shall appoint responsible people for the elaboration, implementation, coordination, 1701 evaluation and review of individual plans. 46 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1702 The individual plans shall include: 1703 a) general and specific objectives and respective indicators; 1704 b) identification of activities, strategies and resources needed for the learner to achieve the defined 1705 objectives; 1706 c) identification, scope of participation and responsibility of everyone involved in the implementation 1707 of the individual plans (e.g. child, family, staff, partners); 1708 d) deadline for the implementation of the activities defined; 1709 e) identification of the associated risks and actions to address them; 1710 f) identification of evaluation/review intervals of the individual plans; 1711 The organization shall involve the child and its family in the elaboration of the individual plan. 1712 The results of the evaluation and review of individual plans shall be retained as documented 1713 information. 1714 C.6 Reception and Delivery of the Child 1715 The organization shall establish and implement a process for the reception and delivery of the child and 1716 retain documented information regarding these activities. 1717 C.6.1 Reception of the Child 1718 The organization shall: 1719 a) appoint a person responsible for the reception of the child and a location for this activity to take 1720 place; 1721 b) promote the exchange of information between the appointed person and the family of the child. 1722 C.6.2 Delivery of the Child 1723 The organization shall: 1724 a) appoint a person responsible for the delivery of the child and a location for this activity to take 1725 place; 1726 b) promote the exchange of information between the appointed person and the family of the child; 1727 c) assure that the child is only delivered to authorized people; 1728 d) define the rules for exceptional situations where the child needs to be delivered to people not 1729 identified as authorized to do so on the child’s individual file; 1730 e) define the hygiene conditions in which the child should be delivered to authorized people. 1731 C.7 Hygiene care 1732 The organization shall: © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 47 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1733 a) define the hygiene care adequate to each child’s individual needs; 1734 b) promote the progressive autonomy of the child regarding personal hygiene; 1735 c) assure each child has individual resources for personal hygiene; 1736 d) retain documented information regarding personal hygiene and care activities of each child. 1737 C.8 Care in situation of illness or accident 1738 The organization shall define the way of acting in situations of child illness or accident and shall retain 1739 documented information regarding these situations. 1740 The educational organization shall define the rules for administration of medicine to the child. This activity 1741 shall be supported by a mandate signed by the child’s parents and authorized persons, and with a physician’s 1742 prescription where required. 1743 Any medicines shall be identified and safely handled and stored. 1744 The organization shall retain documented information regarding the medicines administered, including 1745 dose and time of administration. 1746 C.9 Pedagogical-Playful Materials, Equipment and Spaces 1747 The pedagogical-playful materials, equipment and spaces shall be suitable to the children’s age and 1748 situation. 1749 The organization shall define the frequency, method and people adequate to assure the hygiene of each 1750 of these materials, equipment and spaces. 1751 The organization shall maintain documented information regarding hygiene activities regarding 1752 materials, equipment and spaces. 48 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1753 Annex D 1754 (informative) 1755 1756 Principles for a Management System for Educational Organizations (EOMS) 1757 An EOMS entails the following principles: 1758 D.1 A focus on the needs of learners and other beneficiaries 1759 The primary focus of EOMS is to meet learner and other beneficiary requirements and to exceed their 1760 expectations. 1761 D.2 Learning-Centeredness 1762 The active engagement of the learner in their own learning with consideration of the subject matter and 1763 the context in which learning takes place. The organization, learners, instructions, and stakeholders in 1764 the broader context focus on the success of each learner. 1765 D.3 Visionary Leadership 1766 Visionary leadership is to engage all relevant interested parties in creating, writing, and implementing 1767 the organization mission, vision and objectives. Leaders at all levels shall maintain unity of purpose and 1768 direction and create conditions that help people to achieve the aims, goals and objectives of the 1769 organization. Visionary leadership also covers competencies in change management. 1770 D.4 Engagement of People 1771 It is essential for the organization that all involved people are competent, empowered and engaged in 1772 delivering value. 1773 D.5 Process Approach 1774 Consistent and predictable outcomes are achieved more effectively and efficiently when activities are 1775 understood and managed as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system, including input 1776 and output. 1777 D.6 Improvement 1778 Successful organizations have an ongoing focus on measureable and assessable improvement. 1779 Evaluation of improvement has to take into account the aims and goals of the organization. 1780 D.7 Evidence-Based Decisions 1781 Decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of data and information are more likely to produce 1782 desired outcomes. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 49 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1783 D.8 Relationship Management 1784 Statement for sustained success, organizations manage their relationships with interested parties, such 1785 as suppliers and collaborating partners. 1786 D.9 Social responsibility 1787 The responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decision and activities on society and the 1788 environment, through transparency and ethical behavior that: 1789 — contribute to sustainable development, including quality education for all, health and welfare of 1790 society; 1791 — takes into account the expectation of stakeholders; 1792 — is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behavior; 1793 — is integrated throughout the organization and practices in its relationship. This implies the willing 1794 inclusion by business of social and environmental concerns in the commercial (economic) activities 1795 and their relation with their stakeholders. [ISO 26000] 1796 D.10 Accessibility and Equity 1797 Successful organizations are inclusive, flexible, transparent and accountable in order to address 1798 learners’ individual and special needs, interests, abilities and backgrounds, creating an environment 1799 where learning activities are organized in a way that encourages learners to construct the knowledge 1800 either individually or in groups in an active way. Educators within these organizations provide and 1801 facilitate all educational products and services and opportunities to all learners in a manner that is 1802 equitable. 1803 D.11 Ethical conduct in education 1804 The ability of the organization to create an ethical professional environment where all interested 1805 parties are dealt with equitably, conflicts of interest are avoided, and activities are conducted for the 1806 benefit of society 1807 D.12 Data Security & Protection 1808 All interested parties are able to interact with the educational organization in full confidence that they 1809 maintain control over their own data, and that the educational organization will treat their data with 1810 appropriate care and confidentiality. 1811 D.13 Holistic Approach 1812 The EOMS promotes an integrated, holistic, systemic and systematic approach to education. It covers all 1813 levels of development, from strategic planning to the daily learning activity. 50 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1814 D.14 Adaptability 1815 The EOMS takes account of the principles of adaptability. 1816 D.15 Extensibility 1817 The EOMS is extensible in that additional requirements may be defined in order to ensure that new 1818 concepts, technologies, or innovations are taken into account to meet the requirements of specific 1819 communities. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 51 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1820 Annex E 1821 (informative) 1822 1823 Classification of Interested Parties 1824 E.1 Interested Parties for an EOMS Interested Parties (Stakeholders) Other Learners Staff Other Beneficiaries Educational Students/pupils Government Employees Organizations Apprentices Media and Labour Market Volunteers Society Parents & External Guardians Providers Shareholders Commercial Partners Alumni 1825 1826 Figure E.1 — Typology of Interested Parties 1827 In the diagram above examples of: 1828 — students/pupils include any learner building and developing knowledge, skills and attitudes at the 1829 educational organization; 1830 — apprentices include learners receiving instruction in the context of the workplace; 1831 — government include ministries of education, public regulatory authorities and regional authorities; 52 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1832 — labour market includes employers, employer-representatives and unions; 1833 — parents & guardians include all persons who can take decisions on behalf of learners; 1834 — employees include permanent, temporary staff and externally contracted persons who hold a 1835 position within the organization; 1836 — volunteers include persons who provide a service to the educational organization without monetary 1837 recompense (e.g., persons serving on committees, visiting speakers, etc.); 1838 — educational organizations include both competitors as well as collaborating organizations; 1839 — media and society include those with a tangential interest in the educational organization; 1840 — external providers include suppliers and other external organizations providing outsourced 1841 services; 1842 — shareholders include owners of shares in organizations and sole owners; 1843 — commercial partners include sponsors and enterprises who jointly offer course; 1844 — alumni include former students or pupils of an educational organization. 1845 Educators may be employees, volunteers or external providers. 1846 Interested Parties may hold more than one type of relationship with an educational organization. Thus, 1847 for example, a doctoral student within an organization may be a beneficiary of that organization as a 1848 learner, while at the same time an employee as a teaching-assistant or researcher. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 53 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1849 Annex F 1850 (informative) 1851 1852 Guidelines for Communication with Interested Parties 1853 The following provides guidance on the implementation of article 7.4 in organizations. 1854 F.1Levels of Engagement 1855 In determining what to communicate, with whom, the institution may embark upon a stakeholder 1856 analysis, so as to determine the level of interest of various interested parties in the activity of the 1857 institution, as well as the institution's interest in communicating with them, in line with its policy. 1858 The following table presents an example of an analysis of interested parties based upon several 1859 different types of educational organizations: Interested Parties → Learners Staff Parents Government Providers External Suppliers Market Labour Competitors ↓ Categories Pre-primary HC HR HI HI MC M Ch LC H Ch Primary HC HR HI HI MC M Ch LC H Ch Secondary HI HR HR HI MC M Ch HC H Ch University / colleges HI HI LC MI MC M Ch HI H Ch Vocational including professional higher education HR HR N HC MC M Ch H1 M Ch & apprenticeships Continuing Education (Adult HI N N N N N N N Education) Tutoring, Coaching & HC HC MC L Ch MC L H Ch MCh Mentoring Level of Interest: Level of Participation: H – High L – Low I – Involved C – Consulted M – Medium N – None R- Represented Ch - Checked 1860 Note: These categories may be interepreted differently in different national contexts. 1861 Table F.1 — A sample analysis of levels of interest and participation of interested parties in 1862 several different types of organizations 1863 54 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1864 F.2Methods of Engagement & Communications 1865 The method of communication will depend on the objective of communication: 1866 F.2.1 Communications for the purpose of obtaining the position, opinion or consent of 1867 interested parties 1868 The organization may establish different levels of participation for different interested parties. These 1869 shall include, as appropriate: 1870 a) involvement – whereby the interested parties participate in the process directly; 1871 EXAMPLE 1 Parents may participate directly in the delivery of pre-primary activities within the organization 1872 EXAMPLE 2 Industry organizations may be involved directly in the provision of higher education through the 1873 supply of places for internships 1874 b) representation – whereby representatives of the interested parties participate in the process 1875 directly; 1876 EXAMPLE 1 Representatives of learners may be elected to university governing boards by the learner body. 1877 EXAMPLE 2 Staff may be chosen by a union to represent the interests in a school board. 1878 c) consultation – whereby interested parties are consulted on the process, but do not participate in it; 1879 EXAMPLE 1 External Providers may be consulted on the design of books, other educational materials. 1880 EXAMPLE 2 Employers may be consulted as to their skill requirements, before the organization designs a 1881 course 1882 d) checking – whereby the organization takes note of the position of the interested parties, but does 1883 not consult, represent or involve them. 1884 EXAMPLE 1 Competitors may be checked before announcing a new programme or amending an existing one. 1885 EXAMPLE 2 The prices of various suppliers may be checked before deciding on a fee structure by the 1886 Educational Organization. 1887 Methods of Communication could include but are not limited to: © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 55 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1888 1889 Figure F.1 — Some potential methods of communication for the purpose of obtaining the 1890 position, opinion or consent of interested parties 1891 F.2.2 Communications for the purpose of conveying relevant, accurate and timely 1892 information to interested parties 1893 The organization may establish different communication methodologies depending upon the interested 1894 parties being targeted. These shall include, as appropriate: 1895 a) generic communications – whereby the communications are directed at all interested parties 1896 and/or the general public; 1897 b) targeted communications – whereby the communications are directed at specific groups of 1898 interested parties; 1899 c) personalized communications – whereby communications happens as a two way process between 1900 the organization and specific interested parties. 1901 Methods of communication could include but are not limited to: 56 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1902 1903 Figure F.2 — Some potential methods of communication for the purpose of conveying relevant, 1904 accurate and timely information to interested parties 1905 F.3Frequency of communication with Interested Parties 1906 The organization shall define the frequency of communication with the interested parties. 1907 Consideration shall be given to the following factors when determining the frequency of 1908 communication: 1909 a) before introducing any new programmes or new products and services; 1910 b) immediately after any changes are approved or issued that may have an impacts on the interested 1911 parties; 1912 c) on a regular basis as agreed with interested parties or as set by the communication procedure; 1913 d) following any complaints by interested parties. 1914 F.4Receipt and handling feedback from Interested Parties 1915 The organization should assign a function to receive and record communication from interested parties. 1916 The method of recording should indicate: 1917 — the identity of the sender (unless anonymous) 1918 — the date of receipt of the communication 1919 — the subject of the feedback 1920 — the need to act or not on the feedback 1921 — the concerned person(s) in the organization that needs to act on the feedback © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 57 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1922 — the deadline for answering the interested parties if needed 1923 F.5Review of impact of feedback from interested parties on the management 1924 system 1925 Following a review of the feedback, the person(s) concerned should take action as required and make 1926 any necessary improvements to the EOMS. 58 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1927 Annex G 1928 (informative) 1929 1930 Processes, Procedures, Methods and Tools in Educational Organizations 1931 G.1 Processes 1932 Processes in Educational Organizations may include those for: 1933 — providing adequate resources; 1934 — recruiting, selecting and registering applicants; 1935 — managing and maintaining the necessary educational infrastructure (incl. classrooms, laboratories, 1936 study-spaces, libraries) 1937 — scheduling courses; 1938 — designing courses; 1939 — managing courses; 1940 — evaluating courses; 1941 — evaluation of staff performance; 1942 — evaluation of learners' performance; 1943 — internal communications; 1944 — external communications; 1945 — corrective and preventive actions; 1946 — recruitment of staff; 1947 — continuing professional development of staff; 1948 — management review; 1949 — security, health & safety compliance; 1950 — publication of educational materials (including books, journal articles) 1951 — conforming to requirements for accreditation; 1952 — informing relevant parties of changes to policy, strategy or instruction; 1953 — retaining documented information; © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 59 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1954 — issuing and securing recognition of learning achieved and accessed as documented information; 1955 — responding to feedback, queries and complaints from interested parties. 1956 — operating learner support and orientation systems 1957 G.2 Measures 1958 Educational Organizations may implement measures for: 1959 — dropout rate; 1960 — literacy rate; 1961 — learner satisfaction; 1962 — attendance and/or engagement rate of learners; 1963 — satisfaction of other beneficiaries; 1964 — graduation rate (as percentage of original admissions); 1965 — length of time for completion of programme; 1966 — job placement rate at specified intervals after graduations; 1967 — overall level of qualification of staff; 1968 — publication & research output of staff; 1969 — number of hours of continuing professional development; 1970 — percentage of accredited programmes; 1971 — number of complaints; 1972 — assessment pass rate; 1973 — ratio of administrative to research to teaching staff; 1974 — overall inward investment (by source) 1975 — degree of achievement of learning outcomes. 1976 G.3 Tools 1977 Tools for Evaluation in Educational Organizations may include: 1978 — Cost Analysis; 1979 — Satisfaction Surveys; 60 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1980 — Suggestion Schemes; 1981 — Complaint and Appeal Systems; 1982 — Impact Evaluation; 1983 — Needs Analysis; 1984 — Statistical Data Analysis; 1985 — Focus Groups; 1986 — Self-Assessment; 1987 — Peer Assessment; 1988 — Boards and Committees to analyse performance; 1989 — SWOT; 1990 — Brainstorming; 1991 — Quality Methodologies: TQM, Lean Six Sigma, Kaizen. © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 61 Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited ISO/DIS 21001:2017(E) 1992 Bibliography 1993 Casey, Kerry M. A. Roeper (2000). Mentors' Contributions to Gifted Adolescents' Affective, Social, and 1994 Vocational Development. Vol. 22 Issue 4, p227. 4p. 1995 1996 live 1997 ISO 9001, Quality management systems – Requirements 1998 ISO 10002:2014(E) Quality Management – Customer Satisfaction – Guidelines for complaints handling 1999 in organizations 2000 ISO 26000, Guidance on Social Responsibility. 2001 ISO 29990:2010, Learning services for non-formal education and training -- Basic requirements for 2002 service providers. 2003 2004 2005 UNESCO, 2011, International Standard Classification for Education. 2006 UNIQUE Guidelines, 2011 2007 University of Guelph. (2003). Universal Instructional Design. Retrieved 2015 September 21 from 2008 2009 Ministry of Education. (2013). An introduction to special needs education in Ontario. Retrieved 2015 2010 W3C. (2008). Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Retrieved 2015 September 21 from 2011 2012 Zieglera A., Phillipson S.N. (2012), Towards a systemic theory of gifted education. High Ability Studies 2013 Vol. 23, No. 1. 62 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Licensed to: Widebeck, Malin Ms Downloaded: 2017-03-28 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited
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