Iso 8583



TABLE OF CONTENTS0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................................3 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION...............................................................................................................................3 2 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................3 3 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................................................................4 4 MESSAGE STRUCTURE.........................................................................................................................................................5 5 MESSAGE FLOW....................................................................................................................................................................32 MESSAGE FLOW KEYS..........................................................................................................................................................32 6 GUIDANCE ON THE USE OF THIS INTERNATIONAL STANDARD..........................................................................42 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Bank card originated messages – Interchange message specifications - Content for financial transactions 0 Introduction Table 1 - Incompatibilities between this International Standard and ISO 7580 Data element Additional data - ISO Additional response data Amount, net settlement Amount, settlement Amount, transaction Credits, gross amount Credits, reversal gross amount Debits, gross amount Debits, reversal gross amount ISO 7580 ans .. 132 ans .. 14 an 12 n8 n8 n .. 12 n .. 12 n .. 12 n .. 12 ISO 8583 ans .. 999 ans .. 25 x + n 16 n 12 n 12 n 16 n 16 n 16 n 16 Services of the financial industry include the exchange of electronic messages relating to financial transactions. Agreements on applications specifications are generally at a private level. This international Standard is designed as an interface specification enabling messages to be exchanged between systems adopting a variety of applications specifications. The application specification can remain at private level. Designers of such applications have complete design freedom within the overall constraint that messages must be convertible to the Interface format in order that international interchange may take place. This International Standard uses a concept called bit map, whereby each data element is assigned a position indicator in a control field, or bit map. The presence of a data element in a specific message is indicated by a one in the assigned position; the absence of a data element is indicated by a zero in the assigned position. Message formats used in individual systems are subject to the commercial relationships between the parties contracting to each system. The data formats specified in this International Standard are designed to ensure that compatibility between systems conforming to this International Standard is always feasible. 2 References ISO 3166, Codes for the representation of names of countries. ISO 4217, Codes for the representation of currencies and funds. ISO 4909, Bank cards - Magnetic stripe data content for track 3. ISO 7580, Identification cards - Card originated messages - Content for financial transactions.1) ISO 7810, Identification cards - Physical characteristics. ISO 7811, Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 1: Embossing. - Part 2: Magnetic stripe. - Part 3: Location Of embossed characters on ID-1 cards. - Part 4: location of read-only magnetic track – Track 1 and 2. - Part 5: Location of read-write magnetic track – Track 3. ISO 7812, Identification cards - Numbering system and registration procedure for issuer identification. ISO 7813, Identification card - Financial transaction cards. 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies a common interface by which bank card originated messages relating to a financial transaction may be interchanged between private systems. It specifies message structure, format and content, data elements and values for data elements. The data elements and terminology used in this International Standard are derived from ISQ 7580. Only those data elements shown in table 1 are incompatible with ISO 7580. Additionally, Date, Transmission and Transaction time have been consolidated into Transmission date end time: Requesting organization identification is identified as Forwarding institution identification code; Card issuer identification code is derived from Primary account number or Primary account number extended: and Message security key is identified as File security code. 1) At present stage of draft. 3 3 Definitions For the purpose of this International Standard the following definitions apply. 3.1 acquirer: Financial institution (or its agent) which acquires from the card acceptor the data relating to the transaction and initiates that data into an interchange system. advice: Message which notifies a party of an action that has been taken, requiring no approval. authorization: The approval or guarantee given by the card issuer to the acquirer (and/or card acceptor). card acceptor: Party accepting the card and presenting transaction data to an acquirer. cardholder: Customer associated with the primary account number requesting the transaction from the card acceptor. cardholder accounts transfer: The movement of funds by a cardholder from one of his accounts to another of his accounts, both of which are held by the same financial institution. security implications are assumed or identified. 0.16 non-interactive message: Message transmitted after the transaction has taken place and where there is no urgency implied for the response. On-line telecommunication methods may be used for message transmission or off-line message transmission may be used (e.g. magnetic tape). 0.17 point of service (POS): Location where transaction is originated. 0.18 processing fee: A cost associated with the handling and routing of messages not relating to either cardholder service or equipment (e.g. ATM) usage charges. 0.19 request: Message originating an interactive series of messages. 0.20 reversal: A message informing the sender of the original message that the message cannot be processed as instructed, i.e. is undeliverable, unprocessable or cancelled by the receiver. 0.21 reversal credit: A credit arising from the reversal of a previous debit. 0.22 reversal debit: A debit arising from the reversal of a previous credit. 0.23 reversal transfer: A debit and credit arising from the reversal of a previous transfer. 0.24 routing: The directional flow of messages by which the acquirer and card issuer communicate with each other directly or via (an) intermediate network facility(ies) which may act as agent(s) for the original parties involved in the message flow. 0.25 settlement: A transfer of funds to complete one or more prior transactions made, subject to final accounting. 0.26 settlement institution: Financial institution (or its agent) accepting responsibility for reimbursing the acquirer, card issuer or intermediate network facility for an approved financial transaction. 0.27 transaction: A collection of related messages designed to complete (insofar as this is possible) the intention of the initiator of the original message, and normally concluded by a debit or credit transaction. 4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.10 card issuer: Institution (or its agent) which issues the identification card to the cardholder. 0.11 credit transaction: A claim for funds by the cardholder for the credit of his account. At the same time it provides details of funds acknowledged as payable by the acquirer (and/or the card acceptor) to the card issuer. 0.12 debit transaction: An approval by the cardholder of the debit to his account. At the same time it provides a claim of funds made by the acquirer (and/or the card acceptor) against the card issuer. 0.13 interactive message: Message to be transmitted and responded to while the transaction is taking place. 0.14 intermediate network facility: Any message processing entity positioned between the acquirer and the issuer. 0.15 message: A set of data elements used to exchange information between institutions (or their agents). No communications (header/trailer, protocol, or character code) or 3).3 whenever a repeat message is identified that repeat message is identical to its original message with the single exception of the message type identifier. interactive Transaction processed. and a series of data elements in The order of the bit map representation (see 4. 4.2 Message repeats In 4. Digits three and four are valued at: 0. one or more bit maps (see 4.5.5. An 0110 Authorization request response is required. Reserved for ISO use Authorization messages Financial transaction messages File update messages Reversal messages Reconciliation control messages Administrative messages Reserved for ISO use Network management messages Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use 00xx 01xx 02xx 03xx 04xx 05xx 06xx 07xx 08xx 09xx-79xx 80xx-89xx 90xx-99xx When digits one and two range between 01 and 08 digits three and four represent the message function and the transmission mode.79 80. Noninteractive Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use 4. Every message shall start with a message type identifier. 0102 Authorization completion confirmation 0103 Authorization completion confirmation repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Interactive : May be sent after receipt of an 0110 Authorization request response to indicate that the authorization actions specified by the 0110 have been completed.1 Structure of the message type identifier Digits one and two identify the class of message.19 20.39 40.3. 0110 Authorization request response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to either an 0100 Authorization request or an 0101 Authorization request repeat and carries the answers to that request 4 Message structure Each message identified in this International Standard is constructed in the following sequence: message type identifier (see 4.5. 4.5.59 60. 0.3 Description of message type identifier 4.Amendments or reversals carried out subsequently are to be considered as a separate transaction set. An 0112 Authorization completion response may be sent in reply to an 0102 Authorization completion confirmation and shall be sent in reply to an 0103 Authorization completion repeat.2).99 Transaction processed. Clause 5 reflects each message and is interrelationship with other messages 4. 0112 Authorization completion response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : May be sent to indicate receipt of an 0102 Authorization completion confirmation and shall be sent to indicate receipt of an 0103 5 .1 Authorization messages 0100 Authorization request 0101 Authorization request repeat Routing : From acquirer to card issuer Type : Interactive Purpose : Requests approval authorization or guarantee for a transaction to proceed.1.28 transaction fee: A fee charged (for example by the acquirer) for transaction activity.1).1 Message type identifier A four-digit numeric field describing each message class and function. It is not intended to permit the application of this transaction to the cardholder’s account for the purpose of issuing a bill or statement. An 0212 Financial transaction completion response may be sent in reply to an 0202 Financial transaction completion confirmation and shall be sent in reply to an 0203 Financial transaction completion confirmation repeat.5. An approval initiates the updating of settlement or reconciliation controls between the acquirer and card issuer. 0122 Authorization advice completion confirmation 0123 Authorization advice completion confirmation repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : May be sent after receipt of an 0130 Authorization advice response to indicate that the authorization actions specified by the 0130 have been completed in a successful. which if approved can be immediately applied to the card-holder’s account for billing or statement purposes.Authorization completion confirmation repeat. or successful manner. 0130 Authorization advice response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : May be sent to indicate receipt of an 0120 Authorization advice and shall be sent in reply to an 0121 Authorization advice repeat. or unsuccessful manner. partially successful. 0122 Authorization advice completion confirmation and shall be sent to indicate receipt of an 0123 Authorization advice completion confirmation repeat. Financial transaction messages 0200 Financial transaction request 0201 Financial transaction request repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Interactive : Request approval for a transaction. It is not intended to permit application of his transaction to the cardholder’s account for the purpose of issuing a bill or statement. An 0210 Financial transaction request response is required. 0120 Authorization advice 0121 Authorization advice repeat 4. partially successful. An 0132 Authorization advice completion response may be sent in reply to an 0122 Authorization advice completion confirmation and shall be sent in reply to an 0123 Authorization advice completion confirmation repeat. An 0130 Authorization advice response may be sent in reply to an 0120 Authorization advice message and shall be sent in reply to an 0121 Authorization advice repeat. 0132 Authorization advice completion response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : May be sent to indicate receipt of an 6 .2 Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : Advises of an authorization carried out on behalf of the card issuer.3. 0202 Financial transaction completion confirmation 0203 Financial transaction completion confirmation repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Interactive : May be sent after receipt of an 0210 Financial transaction request response to indicate that the transaction was completed in a successful. 0210 Financial transaction request response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to either an 0200 Financial transaction request or an 0201 Financial transaction request repeat and carries the answer to that request. 0310 Acquirer file update request response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to an 0300 Acquirer file update request and denotes the result of that message. 0320 Acquirer file update advice Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : Contains instructions to add. An 0312 Card issuer file update request response is required. Financial transaction advice Financial transaction advice repeat : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : Advises of a previously completed financial transaction message to be applied to the cardholder’s account for billing or statement purposes. partially successful. change.0212 Financial transaction completion response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : May be sent to indicate receipt of an 0202 Financial transaction completion confirmation and shall be sent to indicate receipt of an 0203 Financial transaction completion repeat.3. 0302 Card issuer file update request Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : Contains instructions to add. or unsuccessful manner. change.5. An 0310 Acquirer file update request response is required. 0222 Financial transaction advice completion confirmation 0223 Financial transaction advice completion confirmation repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : May be sent after receipt of an 0230 Financial transaction advice response to indicate that the transaction was completed in a successful.3 0300 Acquirer file update request Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Interactive : Contains instructions to add. change. delete or replace a file or record. 0232 Financial transaction advice completion response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : May be sent to indicate receipt of an 0222 Financial transaction advice completion confirmation and shall be sent to indicate receipt of an 0223 Financial transaction advice completion confirmation repeat. An 0232 Financial transaction advice completion response may be sent in reply to an 0222 Financial transaction advice completion confirmation and shall be sent in reply to an 0223 Financial transaction advice completion confirmation repeat. 0312 Card issuer file update request response Routing Type Purpose Card : From acquirer to card issuer : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to an 0302 issuer file update request and denotes the result of that message. File update messages 0220 0221 Routing Type Purpose 4. 0230 Financial transaction advice response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : May be sent to indicate receipt of an 0220 Financial transaction advice and shall be sent to indicate receipt of an 0221 Financial transaction advice repeat. 7 . delete or replace a rile or record. delete or replace a file or record. An 0230 Financial transaction advice response may be sent in reply to an 0220 Financial transaction advice and shall be sent in reply to an 0221 Financial transaction advice repeat. 0422 Card issuer reversal advice 0423 Card issuer reversal advice repeat Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : Reverses (partially or wholly) an earlier authorization or transaction. 0330 Acquirer file update advice response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : May be sent in response to an 0320 Acquirer file update advice and denotes the result of that message. 0430 Acquirer reversal advice response Routing Type : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive 8 0332 Card issuer file update advice response Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : May be sent in response to an 0322 Card issuer file update advice and denotes the result of that message. 0410 Acquirer reversal request response : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to an 0400 Acquirer reversal request or 0401 Acquirer reversal request repeat. Reversal messages 4. 0420 Acquirer reversal advice 0421 Acquirer reversal advice repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : Reverses (partially or wholly) an earlier authorization or transaction.An 0330 Acquirer file update advice response may be sent in reply to this message. Routing Type Purpose An 0412 card issuer reversal request response shall be sent in reply to this message. An 0332 Card issuer file update advice response may be sent in reply to this message.5. 0402 Card issuer reversal request 0403 Card issuer reversal request repeat Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : Reverses (partially or wholly) an earlier authorization or transaction.3. An 0430 Acquirer reversal advice response may be sent in reply to an 0420 Acquirer reversal advice message and shall be sent in reply to an 0421 Acquirer reversal advice repeat. An 0432 Card issuer reversal advice response may be sent in reply to an 0422 Card issuer reversal advice and shall be sent in reply to an 0423 Card issuer reversal advice repeat. 0322 Card issuer file update advice Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : Contains instructions to add. change. delete or replace a file or record. and denotes the disposition of that message 0412 Card issuer reversal request response Routing Type Purpose Card : From acquirer to card issuer : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to an 0402 issuer reversal request or 0403 Card issuer reversal request repeat and denotes the disposition of that message. .4 0400 Acquirer reversal request 0401 Acquirer reversal request repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer or intermediate network facility : Interactive : Reverses (partially or wholly) an earlier authorization or transaction. An 0410 Acquirer reversal request response shall be sent in reply to this message. 0432 Card issuer reversal advice response Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : May be sent in response to an 0422 Card issuer reversal advice and shall be sent in response to an 0423 Card issuer reversal advice repeat and denotes the disposition of that message. Reconciliation control messages 0520 Acquirer reconciliation advice 0521 Acquirer reconciliation advice repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Non-interactive : Advises of totals (number and value) since last 0520 Acquirer reconciliation advice.3. An 0512 Card issuer reconciliation request response shall be sent in reply to this message. An 0510 Acquirer reconciliation request response shall be sent in reply to this message. 0530 Acquirer reconciliation advice response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : May be sent in response to an 0520 Acquirer reconciliation advice and shall be sent in response to a 0521 Acquirer reconciliation advice repeat and denotes the disposition of. that message. An 0532 Card issuer reconciliation advice response may be sent in reply to an 0522 Card issuer reconciliation advice and shall be sent in reply to an 0523 Card issuer reconciliation advice repeat. in order to effect settlement between the two parties. or answers. in order to effect settlement between the parties.5 0500 Acquirer reconciliation request 0501 Acquirer reconciliation request repeat Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Interactive : Requests confirmation of acquirer totals (number and value) since last 0500 Acquirer reconciliation request. 0512 Card issuer reconciliation request response Routing Type Purpose : From acquirer to card issuer : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to an 0502 Card issuer reconciliation request or 0503 Card issuer reconciliation request repeat and denotes the disposition of. An 0530 Acquirer reconciliation advice response may be sent in reply to an 0520 Acquirer reconciliation advice and shall be sent in reply to an 0521 Acquirer reconciliation advice repeat. 9 . in order to effect settlement between the parties. 0510 Acquirer reconciliation request response Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to an 0500 Acquirer reconciliation request or 0501 Acquirer reconciliation request repeat and denotes the disposition of.Purpose : May be sent in response to an 0420 Acquirer reversal advice and shall be sent in response to a 0421 Acquirer reversal advice repeat and denotes the disposition of that message. that message. 4. or answers. or answers that message. in order to effect settlement between the parties. 0502 Card issuer reconciliation request 0503 Card issuer reconciliation request repeat Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Interactive : Request confirmation of card issuer totals (number and value) since last 0502 Card issuer reconciliation request. 0522 Card issuer reconciliation advice 0523 Card issuer reconciliation advice repeat Routing Type Purpose : From card issuer to acquirer : Non-interactive : Advises of totals (number and value) since last 0522 Card issuer reconciliation advice.5. Administrative messages Type Purpose administrative advice message : Non-interactive : May be sent in response to an 0620 Administrative advice and shall be sent in response to an 0621 Administrative advice repeat message and denotes the disposition of that message.3. An 0830 Network management advice response may be sent in reply to an 0820 Network management advice and shall be sent in reply to an 0821 Network management advice repeat 0830 Network management advice response Routing : From receiver to originator of related network management advice message : Non-interactive : May be sent in response to an 0820 10 0620 Administrative advice 0621 Administrative advice repeat Routing Type Purpose : Between any two communicating parties (acquirer.6 0800 Network management request 0801 Network management request repeat Routing Type Purpose : Between any two communicating parties (acquirer.3. card issuer or intermediate network facility) : Non-interactive : Transmits data in a format other than identified in this International Standard. card issuer or intermediate network facility) : Interactive : To control the interchange network by supporting or describing system condition or system security. An 0610 Administrative request response is required in reply. 0600 Administrative request 0601 Administrative request repeat Routing Type Purpose : Between any two communicating parties (acquirer.0532 Card issuer reconciliation advice response Routing Type Purpose : From acquire to card issuer : Non-interactive : May be sent in response to an 0522 Card issuer reconciliation advice and shall be sent in response to an 0523 Card issuer reconciliation advice repeat and denotes the disposition of. 0820 Network management advice 0821 Network management advice repeat Routing : Between any two communicating parties (acquirer. 0630 Administrative advice response Routing : From receiver to originator of related Type Purpose Type Purpose . 0610 Administrative request response Routing Type Purpose : From receiver to originator of related administrative request message : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to an 0600 Administrative request or 0601 Administrative request repeat message and denotes the disposition of that message. card issuer or intermediate network facility) : Interactive : Request confirmation of data in a format other than identified in this International Standard. An 0810 Network management request response is required in reply. 0810 Network management request response Routing Type Purpose : From receiver to originator of related network management message : Interactive : Shall be sent in response to an 0800 Network management request or 0801 network management request repeat message and denotes the disposition of that message.7 4. An 0630 Administrative advice response may be sent in reply to an 0620 Administrative advice and shall be sent in reply to an 0621 Administrative advice repeat. card issuer or intermediate network facility) : Non-interactive : To control the interchange network by supporting or describing system condition or system security.5. Network management messages 4. or answers that message.5. The primary bit map (bits 1-64) shall always be present. the data element length and attribute specification as outlined in 4. The first bit within a bit map. then the field shall be present. Condition status is shown as “nn” which references table 3.Network management advice and shall be sent in response to an 0821 Network management advice repeat and denotes the disposition of that message. the mandatory or conditional presence specification for each message type identifier. denotes the presence of an additional. If the condition identified in table 3 applies. Messages may include additional data elements to those specified as mandatory and/or conditional. contiguous bit map (see figure 1). otherwise its inclusion in a message is subject to bi-lateral agreement.3. when valued at (1). Table 2 shows a) b) c) the data element assignment to each bit.29 Bit maps The second message component is one or more bit map(s) consisting of 64 bits numbered from the left starting with “1”. Nothing in table 2 prohibits the use of any data element within any message. “M” signifies that the field is mandatory present in that message. and the most frequently used data elements are indexed from the secondary bit map (bits 65128). 11 . Each bit signifies the presence (1) or the absence (0) in the message of the data element associated with that particular bit. The presence of the secondary bit map is signified by a “1” in bit 01 (extended bit map) of the primary bit map. 0. Bit map primary only Data elements 0 Bit position: 0 1 6 4 Bit map primary and secondary. etc. Data elements 1 Bit position: 0 1 0 6 4 6 5 1 2 8 Figure 1 . T MN AM U T C D O E BILLIN O N . R SAC IO T N AM U T SE TLE E T O N. T MN E AM U T T AN O N . AR H LD R G SYST M TR EAU IT N M R E S AC D U BE TIM . AR H LD R G E C N R N R E SE T M N O VE SIO AT . C AN TIO D E E IR AT . T M N D EC N R N AT . XP ATIO N D E SE TLE E T AT . LO AL TR SAC N E C AN TIO D E LO AL TR SAC N AT . AP R M R H T TYP E C AN 'S E AC U IN IN ITU N C U T Y C D Q IR G ST TIO O N R O E P IM Y AC O N N M R E N E R AR C U T U BE XTE D D C U TR C D O N Y O E FO W D G IN R AR IN STIT T NC U TR C D U IO O N Y O E P IN O SE VIC E TR M D O T F R E N Y O E C DSE U N EN M R AR Q E C U BE N T O K IN E N IO AL ID N IF R E W R T R AT N E T IE P IN O SE VIC C N IT N C D O T F R E O D IO O E P IN O SE VIC P C T R C D O T F R E IN AP U E O E AU H R T O IZAT N ID N IO E TIFIC IO AT N R SP N LE G E O SE N TH AM U T T AN O N . R SAC IO F E T N E AM U T SE TLE E T F E O N. R SAC IO P O E T N R C SSIN F E G E AM U T SE TLE E T P O E O N . T LE E T C N R N R E C D O E BILLIN O VE SIO AT . O VE SIO D E C TU E AT . AR H LD R G TR SAC IO D AN T N ATEAN T E D IM AM U T C D O E BILLIN F E O N . T M N R C SSIN FE G E AC U IN IN ITU N Q IR G ST TIO ID N IF AT N C D E T IC IO O E FO AR IN IN IT T N W D G ST U IO ID N IF ATIO C D E T IC N O E LLVAR M D hhm ss MD m hhm ss m M D MD YYM M M D MD M D MD M D MD b n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 1 19 6 12 12 12 10 8 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 M M M M M M M M M 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 02 02 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 M 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 02 02 02 16 02 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 02 02 02 02 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 18 M M M M 04 04 16 04 04 16 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 03 03 03 03 02 02 04 04 16 04 04 16 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 04 04 04 16 16 04 04 09 09 09 09 04 04 04 16 16 04 04 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 LLVAR LLVAR x+n 8 x+n 8 x+n 8 x+n 8 n 11 n 11 04 04 16 04 04 16 04 04 16 04 04 16 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 .Table 2 – Bit map data elements – Assignments and usage in messages 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 / / / / / / / / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 3 0 2 1 3 0 2 1 3 0 2 1 3 0 2 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M essage T ype Identifier 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 4 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 & & & & / 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 4 0 1 2 3 0 2 2 2 2 1 M 11 M 11 M 07 03 03 04 M M M M M 0 4 0 2 / 0 4 0 3 M 07 03 03 04 M 0 4 1 0 & 0 4 1 2 11 07 16 16 16 M 0 4 2 0 / 0 4 2 1 M 07 03 03 04 M 0 4 2 2 / 0 4 2 3 M 07 03 03 04 M 0 4 3 0 & 0 4 3 2 11 07 16 16 16 M 0 5 0 0 & 0 5 0 2 M 0 5 1 0 & 0 5 1 2 M 0 5 2 0 & 0 5 2 2 M 0 0 0 5 6 6 3 0 2 0 0 0 & / / 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 6 6 6 3 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 1 0 M 11 11 11 11 0 6 0 0 / 0 6 0 1 M Bit N e am Form at Attribute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BIT M . E E D D AP XT N E P IM Y AC O N N M R R AR C U T U BE POE R C SSIN C D G O E AM U T T AN O N . 999 LLLVAR ans.. EXTENDED 66 SETTLEMENT CODE 67 EXTENDED PAYMENT CODE 68 RECEIVING INSTITUTION COUNTRY CODE 69 SETTLEMENT INSTITUTION COUNTRY CODE LLVAR ns ..28 LLVAR z . CARDHOLDER BILLING PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN) DATA 53 SECURITY RELATED CONTROL INFORMATION 54 ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS 55-56 RESERVED ISO 57-59 RESERVED NATIONAL 60-63 RESERVED PRIVATE 64 MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION CODE FIELD 65 BIT MAP.....ISO ADDITIONAL DATA .NATIONAL ADDITIONAL DATA ..Bit Name Format Attribute 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 PRIMARY ACCOUNT NUMBER EXTENDED TRACK 2 DATA TRACK 3 DATA RETRIEVAL REFERENCE NUMBER AUTHORIZATION IDENTIFICATION RESPONSE RESPONSE CODE SERVICE RESTRICTION CODE CARD ACCEPTOR TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION CARD ACCEPTOR IDENTIFICATION CODE CARD ACCEPTOR NAME/LOCATION ADDITIONAL RESPONSE DATA TRACK 1 DATA ADDITIONAL DATA ..25 LLVAR ans .999 a or n 3 a or n 3 a or n 3 b 64 n LLVAR LLLVAR LLLVAR LLLVAR 16 0 1 0 0 / 0 1 0 1 15 0 1 0 2 / 0 1 0 3 15 0 1 1 0 15 0 1 1 2 15 0 1 2 0 / 0 1 2 1 15 0 1 2 2 / 0 1 2 3 15 0 1 3 0 15 0 1 3 2 15 0 2 0 0 / 0 2 0 1 15 0 2 0 2 / 0 2 0 3 15 0 2 1 0 15 0 2 1 2 15 0 2 2 0 / 0 2 2 1 15 0 2 2 2 / 0 2 2 3 15 0 2 3 0 15 0 2 3 2 15 Message Type Identifier 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 4 4 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 & & & & / / 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 4 4 0 1 2 3 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 3 15 15 0 4 1 0 & 0 4 1 2 16 0 4 2 0 / 0 4 2 1 15 0 4 2 2 / 0 4 2 3 15 0 4 3 0 & 0 4 3 2 16 0 5 0 0 & 0 5 0 2 0 5 1 0 & 0 5 1 2 0 5 2 0 & 0 5 2 2 0 5 3 0 & 0 5 3 2 0 6 0 0 / 0 6 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 6 2 0 / 0 6 2 1 0 6 3 0 0 6 0 0 / 0 6 0 1 02 16 02 16 M M M M M M M M 17 M M M 17 M M M 16 16 16 16 M 16 16 M 16 16 04 04 16 04 04 16 03 03 03 03 M M M M M M M 16 03 03 03 03 16 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 M M M M an …120 ans..PRIVATE CURRENCY CODE.37 LLLVAR z …104 an 12 an 6 an 2 an 3 ans 8 ans 15 ans 40 LLVAR ans . SETTLEMENT CURRENCY CODE..76 LLLVAR ans...999 ans.999 LLLVAR ans..999 ans. TRANSACTION CURRENCY CODE..999 b 64 b 1 n 1 n 2 n 3 n 3 M M 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 90 ... Bit Name Format Attribute 0 0 / 0 1 0 1 0 2 / 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 / 0 1 2 1 2 2 / 0 1 2 3 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 / 0 2 0 1 0 2 / 0 2 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 2 2 0 / 0 2 2 1 2 2 / 0 2 2 3 0 2 3 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 & 0 3 0 2 1 0 & 0 3 1 2 2 0 & 0 3 2 2 3 0 & 0 3 3 2 0 0 / 0 4 0 1 0 2 / 0 4 0 3 1 0 & 0 4 1 2 2 0 / 0 4 2 1 2 2 / 0 4 2 3 3 0 & 0 4 3 2 0 0 & 0 5 0 2 1 0 & 0 5 1 2 2 0 & 0 5 2 2 3 0 & 0 5 3 2 0 0 / 0 6 0 1 0 6 1 0 2 0 / 0 6 2 1 0 6 3 0 70 NETWORK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CODE 71 MESSAGE NUMBER 72 MESSAGE NUMBER LAST 73 DATE.. NUMBER 82 CREDITS.11 M M M M M M M M 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 M M M M M M M M 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 M M M M M M M M M M M M 13 13 13 13 M M M M 13 13 13 13 06 06 03 06 06 03 M M M M M M M M 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 M 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 M 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 ans .28 ans…100 ans... AMOUNT 87 CREDITS.. NUMBER 77 DEBITS. AMOUNT 89 DEBITS. REVERSAL AMOUNT 90 ORIGINAL DATA ELEMENTS 91 FILE UPDATE CODE 92 FILE SECURITY CODE 93 RESPONSE INDICATOR 94 SERVICE INDICATOR 95 REPLACEMENT AMOUNTS 96 MESSAGE SECURITY CODE 97 AMOUNT. TRANSACTION FEE AMOUNT 84 DEBITS..999 ans. REVERSAL NUMBER 76 DEBITS.. REVERSAL NUMBER 78 TRANSFER..999 b 64 .. REVERSAL AMOUNT 88 DEBITS. ACTION 74 CREDITS.. TRANSACTION FEE AMOUNT 86 CREDITS. PROCESSING FEE AMOUNT 83 CREDITS..11 LLVAR LLVAR LLVAR LLVAR LLLVAR LLLVAR LLLVAR LLLVAR n . NET SETTLEMENT 98 PAYEE 99 SETTLEMENT INSTITUTION IDENTIFICATION CODE 100 RECEIVING INSTITUTION IDENTIFICATION CODE 101 FILE NAME 102 ACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION 1 103 ACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION 2 104 TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION 105-111 RESERVED FOR ISO USE 112-119 RESERVED FOR NATIONAL USE 120-127 RESERVED FOR PRIVATE USE 128 MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION CODE FIELD n 3 M M 0 0 / 0 0 6 6 0 1 1 0 M M n 4 n 4 YYMMDD n 6 n 10 n 10 n 10 n 10 n 10 n 10 n 10 n 10 n 12 n 12 n 12 n 12 n 16 n 16 n 16 n 16 n 42 an 1 an 2 an 5 an 7 an 42 b 64 x+n 16 ans 25 LLVAR n .. PROCESSING FEE AMOUNT 85 DEBIT. NUMBER 75 CREDITS.999 ans.28 ans . NUMBER 79 TRANSFER. REVERSAL NUMBER 80 INQUIRIES NUMBER 81 AUTHORIZATIONS.17 ans . S=Secondary) and the bit position within that bit map in which the data elements are identified. If previously authorized use the response code "00".LLL VAR 3 . Required when the forwarding institution is not the same as the acquirer. = “C” for credit. 7812. data must be included in message. data must be included in message. 7813 and 4909 except when the primary account number begins with the digits "59". To be used in place of the primary account number data element whenever the primary account number starts with "59". If entered at a point-of-service.3). net settlement.Table 3 . then primary account number extended must be used. If the data element was present in the original authorization (01XX) or financial transaction (02XX) message this field is mandatory. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 x 0. i. The message structure does not preclude the use of additional data elements in a message as required for national interchange or private use. Column 4 contains the bit map indicator (P=Primary. Mandatory if the primary account number conforms to International Standard ISO 7810.17 = alphabetical character = numeric digits = special characters = alphabetic and numeric characters = alphabetic and special characters = numeric and special characters = alphabetic. Required when the institution receiving the request message is not the same institution identified in either the primary account number or primary account number extended data elements. If available. net settlement means prefix “C” or “D” and 16 digits of amount. “D” for debit and must always be associated with a numeric amount data element. . Mandatory if the authorization identification response is required to be less than six characters. When making transfers these fields contain the "to" and "from" accounts. All fixed length “b” data elements are assumed to be left justified with trailing zeros. Column 2 contains the description of the data elements. Column 3 contains specifications for the representation of the data elements and reference to any clauses which further qualify the data element. Required when the associated institution code starts with "59" (See 4.10). b z NOTE – All fixed length “n” data elements are assumed to be right justified with leading zeroes. = binary representation of data. Required if the settlement code is "2" or "3" (see 4. If present in a request message it shall be present in the response message.e. 7811. Messages are reconstructed using the bit map as an index of data elements are of fixed length. = Tracks 2 and 3 code set as defined in ISO 7811 and ISO 7813. All variable length fields will in addition contain two or three positions at the beginning of the field to identify the number of positions following to the end of that field. numeric and special characters = Month = Day = Year = Hour = Minute = Second = length of variable field that follows = variable length field = fixed length of three characters = variable length up to maximum 17 characters. Must contain the same data as the original authorization (01XX) or financial transaction (02XX) message.3. Required when the reversal transaction is for an amount other than the original requested amount. transaction. Legend for abbreviations used under attribute a n s an as ns ans MM DD YY hh mm ss LL.30 Data elements The third message component and its data content is made up of a series of data elements. Mandatory if the secondary bit map is present. Mandatory when PIN data is present in the message and the point of service device cannot accept the maximum PIN length (as defined by ISO/TC 68/SC2/ WG6). All other fixed length data elements are left justified with trailing blanks. Required when the settlement and transaction currencies differ. this field is required.Conditions used in table 2 Code 1 2 3 Condition If an amount transaction fee is associated with an authorization financial transaction service to the card issuer. some of variable length. Table 2 specifies those data elements which are present. x+n16 in an amount.3.. The following data elements in table 4 shall be used in the messages specified in table 2 : Column 1 contains the names of the data elements. The actual length of any given variable length data element is provided in its fixed length prefix. according to the message type identifier. net settlement Amount. Additional response data Amount.3.3. Funds requested by the cardholder in the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction.16) x+n 8 (see 4.3..3. The code of the country where acquiring institution is located.11 and 4.. (see transaction fee in the currency of amount.g. x+n 8 (see 4. P-19 P-32 P-54 P-46 P-47 Additional data – private Reserved for private data unique to private institutions.11 and 4.15) x+n 8 (see 4.28 (see 4.3. Account identification 1 is primarily used for the "from" account in a transfer transaction. settlement processing fee Amount.11 (see 4.2) The use of this field is determined by bilateral agreement Other data (e. i.3. transaction.g. transaction P-31 P-4 Amount.11 and 4.3. transaction fee. cardholder billing fee Amount. Fee charged (e.national Reserved for national organizations to define data unique to country applications. the leftmost position is number 1.12 and 4. settlement Fee charged by the acquirer.3.1) Bit map position S-102 Account identification 2 ans. cardholder billing Amount.16) n 12 (see 4. (see S-103 Acquirer institution country code Acquiring institution identification code Additional amounts Additional data .3. transaction processing fee P-28 P-30 .2 and 4. Amount billed to the cardholder in the currency of the cardn 12 holder account exclusive of cardholder billing fees. n3 (see 4. Data supplemental to that already conveyed in the specific data elements in the message.3.16) x+n 8 (see 4.11 and 4.2) The use of this field is under the control of national standard bodies.3) ans…120 (see 4.3. x+n 16 (see 4.3. settlement ans…999 (see 4.ISO Additional data .28 (see 4..11 and 4.3. (see 4.15) Funds to be transferred between the acquirer and card issuer n 12 equal to the amount..3.17) ans…999 (see 4. transaction fee Amount. settlement fee P-29 Amount. Account identification 2 is primarily used for the "to" account in a transfer transaction. Information on up to six amounts and related account data for which specific data elements have not been defined. Fee charged (e. Representation ans. settlement.g.1 and 4. (see ISO 3166) Code identifying the acquiring institution (e. by the acquirer) for transaction activity in the currency of amount.All data elements are counted from left to right.3.16) P-48 P-44 P-6 P-8 S-97 P-5 Amount.25 authorization or transaction request.15) Fee to be transferred between the acquirer and card issuer equal to the amount. transaction.3. card issuer or intermediate network facility for the handling and routing of messages in the currency of amount.e. A series of digits used to identify a customer account or relationship. card issuer or intermediate network facility) for the handling and routing of messages in the currency of amount.2) The use of this field is under the control of ISO ans…999 (see 4.3. by the acquirer. exclusive of amount.3.11) Fee to be billed to the cardholder by the card issuing institution n 8 in the same currency as amount cardholder billing. a telephone number required in response to an ans.g.11) The net value of all gross amounts.3.11.3) n. 4.11 and 4. merchant bank) or its agent.3.3. transaction in the currency of settlement. Table 4 – Data element director Name Account identification 1 Description Series of digits used to identify a customer account or relationship.3. 3. an 6 n1 Representation Bit map position P-38 P-27 n 10 (see 4. 69972522 = 9.11. cardholder billing n8 The leftmost digit denotes the number of positions the decimal separator shall be moved from the right.972522 Credits. Positions 39 and 40 will contain the twocharacter country code as defined in ISO 3166 ans 8 n3 S-81 None P-43 Card acceptor terminal identification Card sequence number Unique code identifying a terminal at the card acceptor location A number distinguishing between separate cards with the same primary account number or primary account number extended. settlement. processing fee The sum amount of all processing fees associated with the n 12 amount handling and routing of credit transactions.3.12) P-10 P-9 S-86 S-83 S-74 S-82 S-87 S-75 . reversal amount The sum amount of reversal credits processed exclusive of any n 16 fees.3.3. settlement The factor used in the conversion from transaction to settlement n 8 amount.12 and 4. The leftmost digit settlement to determine amount. the amount. reversal number The sum number of reversal credit transactions.3. 4.15) Credits. (see 4.12) Credits.3. transaction is multiplied by conversion rate. The card issuer or agent is expected to limit response to this length.2 ans 40 Name. transaction is multiplied by conversion rate. amount The sum amount of all credit transactions processed transacn 16 tions processed exclusive of any fees.11 and 4.12 and 4. Position 2-8 is rate e.12) see 4. cardholder billing to determine amount.15) Credits. transaction fee The sum amount of all fees resulting from the processing of all n 12 amount credit transactions (see 4. The amount. number The sum number of credit transactions processed n 10 (see 4. (see 4. Maximum length of authorization response which the acquirer can accommodate.3.3. 4.972522 Conversion rate. (see ISO 4909) The factor used in the conversion from transaction to cardholder billing amount.g.11.15) Credits. The name and location of the card acceptor which defines the point of service in both a local and interchange environment.11. Position 2-8 is rate e. The sum number of authorization requests and authorization advice messages processed. region (if required) and country. denotes the number of positions the decimal separator shall be moved from the right. P-41 P-23 Conversion rate. n 10 (see 4.3.Table 4 – Data element directory (continued) Name Authorization identification response Authorization identification response length Authorizations. cardholder billing. number Bit map Card acceptor name / location Description Response identification assigned by the authorizing institution.3. A series of 64 bits used to identify the presence (denoted by 1) or absence (denoted by 0) of each data element. (see 4. city.3. 69972522 = 9.g.12 and 4. Credits. Currency code. transaction The local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction. transaction fee (see ISO 4217) Date.12 and 4. 4.3) specified in the acquiring institution identification code. MMDD The sum amount of all debit transactions processed exclusive of n 16 any fees (see 4. action Six numeric.1) A file update security code to indicate that the message an 2 originator is authorized to update the file. cardholder billing fee (see ISO 4217) Currency code.3.12) P-14 P-13 P-15 S-86 S-85 S-76 S-84 S-89 Debits.Table 4 – Data element directory (continued) Name Description Representation a 3 or n 3 a 3 or n 3 Bit map position P-51 P-50 Currency code. number Debits. 4. intended to enter a date specifying a time for a future action or a static time such as birthdate. 4.3. Date.3.3.. (see 4.15) The sum number of debit transactions processed n 10 (see 4. processing fee amount Debits.3.3) The identity of the institution forwarding a request or advice n.3. cardholder Code defining currency of amount.3.3. Currency used in amount.11.3. Date.11 and 4. settlement and amount. cardholder billing and billing amount. reversal number Extended payment code File name File security code File update code Forwarding institution country code Forwarding institution identification code Inquiries. amount The year and month after which the card expires. transaction fee amount Debits. 4.11 message in an interchange system. (see 4. expiration Date. ans.11.3.3. this data element defines currency of all credit and debit amount data elements.15) The sum amount of reversal debits processed exclusive of any n 16 fees.12) Number of months that the cardholder prefers to pay for this item n 2 if permitted by the card issuer.12 and 4. settlement fee (see ISO 4217).3. a 3 or n 3 P-49 n6 YYMMDD n4 MMDD n4 MMDD S-73 P-17 P-16 Debits. conversion The month and day the conversion rate is effective to convert the transaction amount from the original to settlement currency. number S-77 S-67 S-101 S-92 S-91 P-21 P-33 S-80 . local transaction Date. MMDD The sum amount of all debit transaction processed exclusive of n 4 any fees.3.12) The sum number of debit reversal transactions n 10 (see 4.3. settlement Debits.3.15) The sum amount of all fees resulting from the processing of all n 12 debit transactions.4) The code of the country where forwarding institution is located n3 (see (see ISO 3166) 4.3. Indication to the system maintaining the file which procedure to an 1 follow.17 (see 4.1 and 4. transaction and amount. (see 4. The sum number of inquiry (processing code 30) requests n 10 (see processed. capture The month and day the transaction data was processed by the acquirer.3.. if not the same institution as (see 4.3. Date.3. The actual or abbreviated name of the file being accessed. reversal amount n4 YYMM The local month and day the transaction takes place at the card n 4 acceptor location.12 and 4. In reconciliation messages. (see 4.11. settlement Code defining currency of amount.12) The sum amount of all processing fees associated with the n 12 handling and routing of debit transactions. local transaction The local time at which the transaction takes place at the point n 6 itself or a derivative.3) Transfer. Transmission data and Data and time the message entered into the data interchange n 10 Primary account Code identifying the country where the card issuer institution is n 3 P-20 time system. country code Processing code Receiving institution country code A series of digits used to describe the effect of a transaction on the customer account and the accounts affected.3) service.. (see 4. the Time. system.11 to identify a transaction for correction or reversal.5) Original data elements The data elements contained in the original message. Used for co-ordination of file update security code itself or a messages.104 capture code characters accepted by the point of service device used to (see 4..3) extended. The final bit of all previous bit maps shall 64 bits of data.1 and 4. Codes to be developed in primary account number or primary account number within each country extended.1) Point of service An identification of the condition under which the transaction n2 P-25 beginning and ending sentinels and LRC characters as defined condition code takes place at the point of service.16) defined in ISO 4909.3. derivative. intended n 42 S-90 Settlement institution Code identifying settlement institution or its agent. i. excluding beginning and ending sentinels (see 4. n1 Network international Identifiers a single international network of card issuer.3. n. ISO 7580 definition of (see 4.3. ans 25 S-96 Systems trace audit A number assigned by a message initiator to identify uniquely a n 6 Personal identification A number assigned to a cardholder intended to uniquely identify b 64 P-52 number transaction. When (see 4. (see 4.3. hhmmss 16 is considered to be 64 Track 1 data The information encoded on track 1 of the magnetic strips as ans. MMDDhhmmss number (PAN) located (see ISO 3166). The field may contain the PIN International Standard.3.3..9) the MAC field will be represented by the final bit in the final bit n 16 is considered to be Response indicator An indication of the update action taken by the point of service an 5 map of that message.1 and 4. To be expressed in Greenwich Mean Time.11 Merchant’s type The classification of the merchant’s type of business product or n 4 P-18 identification code message in an interchange system if not the same as identified (see 4.1) (see 4.3. For the purposes of this document or a copy thereof.6) identification code (see 4. this identifies the account number (see 4.3.28 P-34 (see 4. only one MAC field per message and by agreement between and that MAC field shall be the last data element of the message interchange parties. n 10 extended used in a reconciliation message. n 10 Primary account Used only when the primary account number begins with “59” ns.3.3.8) n3 (see 4.3. subject to bilateral agreement.3. and LRC characters as defined therein. but excluding (see 4. partial or full reversal on a financial transaction. NOTE – Technique to be identified by ISO/TC Retrieval reference A document reference supplied by the system retaining the an 12 Message security code A verification between a card acceptor and a card issuer that a b 64 S-96 number original source document and used to assist in locating that Can include date of message is authorized to update or modify a special file. including field separators but excluding (see 4. n3 P-24 (see 4.1) Settlement code A code indicating the result of a reconciliation request. ISO 7580 definition of n of card acceptor location. The use of the PIN is For the purposes of this messages throughout the file of the transaction. Primary account A series of digits used to identify a customer account or n.19 P-2 Transaction description Data describing additional characteristics of the ans…100 number (PAN) relationship.. Message authentication Used to validate the source and the text of the message b 64 P-64 or SReplacement amounts The new actual amount data elements. (see 4. Transfer. The code of the country where receiving institution is located (see ISO 3166). Point of service entry Two numerics to indicate the method by which primary account n 3 P-22 Track 2 data The information encoded on track 2 of the magnetic stripe as z.13) The last bit position within any bit map shall be reserved for the International Standard. The field may Service indicator Indication of the type of support service required by the recipient an 7 contain the message of the file update message. (see 4. the Response code A code which defines the disposition of a message. If authentication is to be used on a message. “Additional data” may be used in n 3 S-70 country code (see ISO 3166). necessary to perform a an 42 code field (MAC) between the sender and receiver.3. reversal The sum number of all transfer transactions processed. n6 (see (see 4. defined in ISO 7813. capture in MMDD International Standard. this (see 4. When used in a reconciliation message.12) against which the settlement occurs.2) construct the personal identification number (PIN) data. the sequence.3) information code conjunction with this field.1) PIN entry capabilities. an 3 Message type identifier An identifier of the type of message being interchanged.7) therein. n4 None (see 4.3) Payee The third party beneficiary in a payment transaction. For the purposes of this 128 etc.e. (see 4. ISO 7580 definition of n Security related control To be defined by ISO/TC 68.3. Point of service Pin A code indicating the technique and/or maximum number of PIN n 2 P-26 Track 3 data The information encoded on track 3 of the magnetic stripe as z.. Service restriction code An identification of geographic / service availability.3. an 2 MAC field. beginning and ending sentinels and LRC characters.3.3) P-3 S-68 S-95 P-39 S-93 P-37 P-53 S-94 P 40 S-66 S-69 S-99 P-11 P-12 P-45 P-36 P-36 S-104 S-78 S-78 P-7 .12) number (PAN).3..3. The trace number remains unchanged for all number (PIN) data that cardholder at the point of service.3.Table 4 – Data element directory (continued) Table 4 – Data element directory (concluded) Bit map position S-100 Name Description Representation Bit map Name Description Representation position Receiving institution The identity of the institution receiving a request or advice n. number The sum number of all transfer transactions processed. including field separators.37 mode number was entered into the system and one numeric to indicate (see 4..3.1 and 4.10) identifier Settlement institution The code of the country where settlement institution is located n 3 Network management Used to identify network status.14) defined in ISO 7813.3.2) identifies the account against which the settlement occurs.76 bits of data. Values to be determined contain zero. and is used to identify a customer account or relationship. n 16 16 is considered to be 64 information bits of data. The format is LLLVAR. if Track 3 was included in a message and Track 3 contained only 70 characters of information. 4. 4. A-F Reserved for ISO use (see note 3).5. an additional three positions shall prefix said data element and shall contain the length of the data element which follows. The first “12” indicates 12 digits to follow. 4. e) receiving institution identification code and receiving institution country code. NOTES 1 “Bulk replacement” is equivalent to adding a record without consideration for b) primary account number extended and primary account . Primary Account Number 1234566789012 will be represented by 12123456789012. 8 Delete file. For example.6 Identificati on of financial institution Institutions shall be identified by the procedure specified in ISO 7812. the data element would be represented as 070nnn…nnn. system purge (see note 2). 2 Change record.4. 5 Inquiry.5 Variable length data elements less than 1000 For any variable length data element with a maximum length of less than 1000 characters. 9 Unassigned.5. d) forwarding institution identification code and forwarding institution country code. All length attributes shall be right justified and zero filled. For example. If the major Industry identifier “59” is used. an additional two positions shall prefix said data element and shall contain the length of the data element which follows. 7 Add file. The “070” indicates 70 characters to follow. then the associated country code data element shall be used as follows: a) acquiring institution identification code and acquiring institution country code. 3 Delete record.5. ISO 3166 and annex A of ISO 4909. All variable length data element definitions in this International Standard do not include the two positions of length in the representation column. The format is LLVAR.7 File update codes 0 Unassigned. c) number extended country code. 1 Add record. 4 Bulk replacement (see not 1).5. 6 Delete record. All length attributes shall be right justified and zero filled. All variable length data element definitions in this International Standard do not include the three positions of length in the representation column. G-N Reserved for national use (see note 3). settlement institution identification code and settlement institution country code.4 Variable length data elements less than 100 For any variable length data element with a maximum length of less than 100 characters. O-Z Reserved for private use (see note 3). 4. e) Original forwarding institution identification code n11. If several special conditions exist.8 Network Manageme nt informatio n code The Network management information codes are given in table 5. 2 “Delete record. system purge” is normally utilized to remove expired or inactive records from a negative file. c) Original transmission date and time n10. and within fraud and non-fraud conditions. precedence should be given to fraud or security destructive codes. d) Original acquiring institution identification code n11. Table 5 – Network management information codes and their positions .10 Point of service condition code The Point of service condition codes and their meanings are given in table 6. Previous data on file are automatically erased.what might previously have been on file.5. precedence should be given to the more specific rather than general description.5. 4. a) Original message type identifier n4 b) Original system trace audit number n6. 4. Absence of data is indicated by zeros. 3 Alpha characters (A-Z) are not defined in ISO 7580.5.9 Original data elements These five data elements are in fixed length format totaling 42 numerics. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 07-39 40-59 60-99 1 System security 0 1 2 3 4 05-39 40-59 60-99 2 System accounting 0 1 2 03-39 40-59 60-99 3 System audit control 0 1 02-39 40-59 60-99 4-5 Reserved 00-99 6-7 Reserved 00-99 8-9 Reserved 00-99 Position 1 System condition Position 2-3 Reserved Sign on Sign off Target system unavailable Message originator’s system in back-up mode Special instructions Initiate alternate routing Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Reserved Key change Security alert Password change Device authentication Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Reserved Initiate cutoff Cutoff complete Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Reserved Echo test Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use . Table 6 – Point of service condition codes 00-19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-13 14-16 17-19 20-29 20 21 22 23 24 25-26 27 28-29 30-39 30 31 32-35 36-37 38-39 40-49 40 41-45 46-47 48-49 50-99 50-79 80-89 90-99 Debits Goods and service Withdrawal/cash advance Adjustment Cheque guarantee (funds guaranteed) Cheque verification (funds available but not guaranteed Eurocheque Traveler cheque Letter of credit Giro (postal banking) Goods and services with cash disbursement Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Credits Returns Deposits Adjustment Cheque deposit guarantee Cheque deposit Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Inquiry services Available funds inquiry Balance inquiry Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Transfer services Cardholder accounts transfer Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Reserved Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use . 11 Processing code Position 1 and 2 are two digits that describe a specific transaction.00-19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-13 14-16 17-19 20-29 20 21 22 23 24 25-26 27 28-29 30-39 30 31 32-35 36-37 38-39 40-49 40 41-45 46-47 48-49 50-99 50-79 80-89 90-99 Debits Goods and service Withdrawal/cash advance Adjustment Cheque guarantee (funds guaranteed) Cheque verification (funds available but not guaranteed Eurocheque Traveler cheque Letter of credit Giro (postal banking) Goods and services with cash disbursement Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Credits Returns Deposits Adjustment Cheque deposit guarantee Cheque deposit Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Inquiry services Available funds inquiry Balance inquiry Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Transfer services Cardholder accounts transfer Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Reserved Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use 4. .5. 7 8 9 0 1.Positions 3 and 4 are a two digit code describing the acco type affected for debits and inquiries.7 8.5.2 3. and the “from” acco for transfers. Position 3 and 5 are allocated as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6.9 Default Savings account Cheque account Credit facility Universal account number Investment account Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Positions 4 and 6 are allocated as follows: Default Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use 4.12 Response code The response codes are shown in table 7. . special condition Honor with identification Request in progress Approved for partial amount Approved (VIP) Invalid transaction Invalid amount Invalid card number (no such number) No such issuer Approved. update track 3 Customer cancellation Customer dispute Re-enter transaction Invalid response No action taken Suspected malfunction Unacceptable transaction fee File update not supported by receiver Unable to locate record on file Duplicate file update record.Table 7 – Response codes Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Response description Approved for completed successfully Refer to card issuer Refer to card issuer’s special conditions Invalid merchant pick-up Do not honor Error Pick-up card. contact acquirer Format error Bank not supported by switch Completed partially Expired card Suspected fraud Card acceptor contact acquirer Restricted card Card acceptor contact acquirer Action Approve Decline Pick-up Decline Pick-up Approve Approve Approve Decline Decline Approve Decline Decline Decline pick-up Pick-up Pick-up Pick-up Pick-up . old record replaced File update field edit error File update file locked out File update not successful. Response codes (concluded) Allowable Pin tries exceeded No credit account Requested function not supported Lost card No universal account Stolen card. Violation of law 94 Duplicate transmission 95 Reconcile error 96 System malfunction 97-99 Reserved for national use Zero A-9Z Reserved for ISO use A Zero-MZ Reserved for national use N Zero-ZZ Reserved for private use 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45-50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69-74 75 76-89 90 Pick-up Decline Decline Pick-up Decline Pick-up Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Decline Pick-up Decline - Decline Decline Decline - .Table 7 . pick-up No investment account Reserved for ISO use Not sufficient funds No chequing account No saving account Expired card Incorrect personal identification number No card record Transaction not permitted to card holder Transaction not permitted to terminal Suspected fraud Card acceptor contact acquirer Exceeds withdrawal amount limit Restricted card Security violation Original amount incorrect Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit Card acceptor call acquirer’s security department Hard capture (requires that card be picked up at ATM) Response received too late Reserved for ISO use Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded Reserved for private use Cutoff is in process (switch ending a day’s business and starting the next. Transaction can be sent again in a few minutes) 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative 92 Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing 93 Transaction cannot be completed. Absence of data is indicated by zeros. Where a minor unit of currency. For all authorization (01XX) messages regardless of the processing code e) Add 1 to the authorization. 4. transaction to the debits. add the amount. without a decimal separator.18 Reconciliation All amounts in the Reconciliation control messages are in the currency of settlement. 4. the codes are show in table 8. financial transactions and reversal messages a) If the amount. add the amount. transaction fee. settlement fee. for example an amount value of 100 in US currency signifies one US dollar. number. x. For all financial transaction (02XX) messages with f) Processing codes of 00 to 19 (debit) Add 1 to the debits. settlement fee x + n 8. c) If the amount. however. x. transaction processing fee. add the amount. b) Actual amount.17 Point of service entry code Position 1 and 2 00 01 02 03 04 05 06-80 61-80 81-99 Position 3 PAN entry mode Unspecified Manual Magnetic stripe Bar code OCR Integrated circuit card Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use PIN entry capability 0 1 2 3-5 6-7 8-9 Unspecified PIN entry capability No PIN entry capability Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use 4. transaction fee to the debits.5.4. add the amount. transaction fee x + n 8.5. amount. b) If the amount. For purposes of the statements below it is assumed that the transaction currency is he same currency as that of settlement. x. is “C”. transaction n 12.13 Settlement code A code indicating the result of a reconciliation request. Actual amount. d) Actual amount. transaction fee. defined as x + n8. settlement n 12. a) c) Actual amount. but 100 in Italian currency signifies 100 lire. shall contain a “D” if the fee is due to the acquirer or a “C” if the fee is due from the acquirer.5. These data elements are used when attempting to partially reverse or may be used for the complete reversal of a previous transaction and contain the new amounts.16 Replacement amounts These four data elements are in fixed length format totaling 42 characters.14 Expression of amounts The amount expressed in the currency of the associated currency code data element. transaction processing fee to the debits.5. For all authorization.5. The following assumes that the message request have been completed and requires updating of settlement totals. transaction processing fee. settlement processing fee shall be necessary to determine which data elements are to be added to the Reconciliation control message (settlement) data elements. is “C”. Table 8 – Settlement codes Code Response Description 0 Reserved for ISO use 1 In balance 2 Out of balance 3 Error 4-5 Reserved for ISO use 6-7 Reserved for national use 8-9 Reserved for private use 4. In normal practice. The “x” portion of any fee data element. a test as to the presence of amount. transaction fee amount. is “D”. number and add the amount.15 Settlement data elements All settlement data elements contain only values representing transactions since the last settlement cutoff. settlement. 4. and amount. transaction fee amount. d) If the amount. x. The original message amounts will be in the appropriate data elements. processing fee amount. g) Processing code of 20 to 29 (credit) . transaction processing fee to the credits. transaction fee to credits. according to the specifics of your interchange environment or business arrangement. is “D”.5. processing fee amount. amount. processing fee amount + debits. transactions fee amount + credits. reversal amount. The transactions processed for a financial institution which play the role of both an acquirer and a card issuer shall have each relationship reconciliated separately 4. For calculation of amount. x. reversal number and add the amount. number.5. transaction to the credits. transaction to the credits. add the actual amount. transaction to the debits. 4) If the processing code is 20-29 (credit). amount. Processing codes 20-29 (credit) Add 1 to debits.19 Point of service PIN capture code The point of service PIN capture codes are given in table 9. x. transaction fee. net settlement = (credits. add the actual amount. processing fee amount + debits.Add 1 to the credits number and add the amount. 2) If the actual amount. Processing codes 40 to 49 (transfer) Add 1 to the transfer reversal number. Amount. transaction fee amount. reversal number and add the amount.20 Additional amounts The following definitions can occur as many as six times. is “D”. transaction to the credits. net settlement takes into consideration only an acquirer’s transactions entered into the interchange system. h) Processing codes 30 to 39 (inquiry) Add 1 to the inquiries. Table 9 – Point of service PIN capture codes Code Description 0-3 Reserved for ISO use 4-12 The code indicates the maximum number of PIN characters accepted by the point of service device 13-59 Reserved for ISO use 60-79 Reserved for national use 80-99 Reserved for private use 4. transactions fee amount + debits. is “C”. net settlement after completing the computation above results in a negative value the character “D” shall be inserted into the “x” portion of amount. transaction fee to the credits. transaction fee amount. amount. processing fee amount + credits. k) Where the replacement amount data element (partial reversal) 1) If the actual amount. reversal amount) If the amount. number i) Processing codes 40 to 49 (transfer) Add 1 to transfers. amount. 3. net settlement otherwise the character “C” shall be inserted in the “x” field. transaction fee to the debits. transaction to the debits. amount + debits. Processing codes 00 to 19 (debit) Add 1 to the credits. For all reversal (04XX) messages j) Where the Original message type identifier within the original data elements is a financial transaction (02XX) with 1. or only those transactions entered into the interchange system for a card issuer. reversal amount. reversal maount) – (debits. 3) If the processing code is 00 to 19 (debit). a) Account type n2 as defined in position 3 and 4 or positions 5 and 6 of the processing code data element b) amount type n2 00-19 00 01 02 03 04 05-10 11-15 16-19 20-39 20 21-30 31-35 35-39 40-59 40 41 42-50 51-55 56-59 60-99 60-79 80-89 90-99 c) Account related balances Reserved for ISO use Account ledger balance Account available balance Amount owing Amount due Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Card related amounts Amount remaining this cycle Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Transaction related amounts Amount cash Amount goods and services Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Reserved Reserved for ISO use Reserved for national use Reserved for private use Currency code n3 or a3 . add the actual amount. 2. amount + credits. net settlement: amount. transaction fee. add the actual amount.5. d) Amount x + n12 . 5 Message flow Message flow keys Party nnnn Obligatory message with message type nnnn Optional message with message type Message may be repeated Obligatory response Optional response . 1 Authorization request Acquirer Card issuer Time 0101 0100 0110 0102 0112 0103 0112 0100/0101 0110 0102/0103 0112 Authorization request/repeat Authorization request response Authorization completion confirmation/repeat Authorization completion response This sequence may be followed by one of these message sequences 0200 0220 0400 0402 0420 0422 Financial transaction request Financial transaction advice Acquirer reversal request Card issuer reversal request Acquirer reversal advice Card issuer reversal advice .5. 31 Authorization advice Acquirer 0120 0121 Card issuer Time 0130 0130 0122 0132 0123 0132 0120/0121 0130 0122/0123 0132 Authorization advice/repeat Authorization advice response Authorization advice completion confirmation/repeat Authorization advice completion response This sequence may be followed by one of these message sequences 0200 0220 0400 0402 0420 0422 Financial transaction request Financial transaction advice Acquirer reversal request Card issuer reversal request Acquirer reversal advice Card issuer reversal advice .0. 0.32 Financial transaction request Acquirer 0200 0201 Card issuer Time 0210 0202 0212 0203 0212 0200/0201 0210 0202/0203 0212 Financial transaction request/repeat Financial transaction request response Financial transaction completion confirmation/repeat Financial transaction completion response This sequence may be followed by one of these message sequences 0400 0402 0420 0422 Acquirer reversal request Card issuer reversal request Acquirer reversal advice Card issuer reversal advice . 0.33 Financial transaction advice This message sequence may be preceded by one of these sequences 0100 Authorization request 0120 Authorization advice 0220 0221 Time 0230 0230 0222 Acquirer Card issuer 0232 0223 0232 0220/0221 0230 0222/0223 0232 Financial transaction advice/repeat Financial transaction advice response Financial transaction advice completion confirmation/repeat Financial transaction advice completion response This sequence may be followed by one of these message sequences 0400 0402 0420 0422 Acquirer reversal request Card issuer reversal request Acquirer reversal advice Card issuer reversal advice . 0.35 Acquirer/card issuer file update advice Acquirer 0320 Card issuer Time 0330 0320 Acquirer file update advice 0330 Acquirer file update advice response Acquirer 0322 Card issuer Time 0332 0322 Card issuer file update advice 0332 Card issuer file update advice response .34 Acquirer/card issuer file update request 0300 Acquirer 0310 Card issuer Time 0300 Acquirer file update request 0310 Acquirer file update request response 0302 Acquirer 0312 Card issuer Time 0302 Card issuer file update request 0312 Card issuer file update response 0. 0.36 Acquirer/card issuer reversal request These message sequences will have been preceded by one of these by one of these sequences 0100 0120 0200 0220 Authorization request Authorization advice Financial transaction request Financial transaction advice 0400 0401 0410 Acquirer Card issuer Time 0400/0401 0410 Acquirer reversal request/repeat Acquirer reversal request response Acquirer 0403 0402 0403 0412 Card issuer Time 0402/0403 0412 Card issuer reversal request/repeat Card issuer reversal request response . 37 Acquirer/card issuer reversal advice These message sequences will have been preceded by one of these sequences 0100 0120 0200 0220 Authorization request Authorization advice Financial transaction request Financial transaction advice 0420 Acquirer Card issuer Time 0421 0430 0430 0420/0421 0430 Acquirer reversal advice/repeat Acquirer reversal advice response Acquirer 0403 0422 0423 Card issuer Time 0432 0432 0432 0432 0422/0423 0432 Card issuer reversal advice/repeat Card issuer reversal advice response .0. 39 Acquirer/card issuer reconciliation request Acquirer 0532 0532 0520 0521 0530 0530 Card issuer Time 0520/0521 0530 Acquirer reconciliation advice/repeat Acquirer reconciliation advice response Acquirer 0522 0522 0523 0532 0532 Card issuer Time 0532 0532 0522/0523 0532 Card issuer reconciliation advice/repeat Card issuer reconciliation advice response .0.38 Acquirer/card issuer reconciliation request Acquirer 0500 0501 0510 0510 Card issuer Time 0500/0501 0510 Acquirer reconciliation request/repeat Acquirer reconciliation request response 0502 0503 0512 Acquirer Card issuer Time 0503 0512 0502/0503 0512 Card issuer reconciliation request/repeat Card issuer reconciliation request response 0. 41 Administrative advice Originator Receiver 0620 0621 0630 0630 Time 0630 0630 0620/0621 0630 Administrative advice/repeat Administrative advice response 0.43 Network management advice Originator 0820 0821 0830 0830 Receiver Time 0820/0821 0830 Network management advice/repeat Network management advice response .40 Administrative request Originator 0600 0601 0610 Receiver Time 0601 0610 0600/0601 0610 Administrative request/repeat Administrative request response 0.0.42 Network management request Originator Receiver 0800 0801 0810 Time 0810 0800/0801 0810 Network management request/repeat Network management request response 0. it shall be understood that the designations apply to interchange messages between two or more systems or networks. this would not constitute a violation of this International Standard. An unassigned bit will be required.e.46 Unintentional introduction of control characters A bit stream.6 6. If a self-contained network chooses to modify these designations for intrasystem use. The first 12 indicates 12 digits to follow. the Primary Account Number can be variable in length with a maximum length of 19. a twoposition attribute has been added to the field as a location to store the length. If. such as a bit map. may unintentionally introduce a control character into the transmission stream under certain communications protocols. or by use of the national or private series of message type identifier with the terms of this International Standard. The addition of a new data element to a message is facilitated by the assignment of that data element to a position in the bit map and the use of that position to indicate the presence or absence of the new data element. To avoid unnecessary controversy over these designations. Such assignment can be made either by amendment to this International Standard or by national or private agreement within the terms of this International Standard. The length attribute and data consume only bit position in the bit map. a message is sent from one system to another. In conjunction with the bit map technique. i. PIN or password data elements in this International Standard. in some cases. The designation of a data element within a message as Conditional (NN) is based upon on criterion: the data element so designated is one that must be present if the condition specified in table 3 is satisfied.45 Mandatory and conditional data elements The designation of a data element within a message as mandatory (M) is based upon one criterion: the data element so designated is one that must be present to support the purpose of the message. 0. All national and private use fields shall have a length attribute or “LLL”. all parties in the system shall be prepared to meet the mandatory requirements unless these designations are bilaterally modified during the course of normal business negotiations by the systems involved. 0. Users of such protocols should take steps to avoid this occurrence. This designation may. each data element is either fixed in length or preceded by a fixed length attribute “LL” or “LLL” indicating the length of the variable data to follow. Primary Account Number 123456789123 will be stored as 121233456789123. 0. . For example.1 Guidance on the use of this international standard Additional message types This International Standard is so constructed that new message type identifiers can be added by either amendment to this International Standard.44 Additional data element This International Standard is so constructed that new data elements can be added to existing message type identifiers. In order to identify to all parties concerned the length of the Primary Account Number in question. however. conflict with the existing system capability or the needs of potential users of this International Standard.
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