ISO 8402 English
ISO 8402General terms 1. Element Any entity that can be described and considered individually. An element can be a process, a product or organization. 2. Process. Set interrelated activities that transform elements of input on output elements and resources. 3. Procedure. Specific way to develop a procedure. 4. Product. The result of activities or processes. 5. Service. It is the result generated by activities in interrelation between the supplier and the customer and the internal activities of the supplier to meet the needs of the client. 6. Provision of the service. The supplier activities necessary to provide the service. 7. Organization. A company, Corporation, firm, company, or institution, or part of it, already be incorporated or not, public or private to have own functions and administration. 8. Organizational structure. The responsibilities, authorities and relations, are configured according to a structure, through which an organization performs its functions. 9. Client. The recipient of a product supplied by the provider. 10. Provider. Organization that provides a product to the customer. 11. Buyer. Client in contractual status. 12. Contractor. Provider in a contractual status. 13. Subcontractor. Organization that provides a product to the supplier. Terms relating to quality. A. Quality. Set of characteristics of an element conferred upon him by the aptitude for explicit and implicit needs. B. Degree. A category or classification of elements with the same functional use but different requirements for quality. C. Requirements for quality. An expression of the needs or your translation within a set of requirements established quantitatively or qualitatively, to the characteristics of an element in order to permit its implementation and consideration. D. Requirements of society. They are obligations arising from laws, regulations, rules, codes, statutes and other considerations. E. Operational safety. Set of properties that describe the availability and the factors which condition: reliability and ease maintenance logistics. F. Compatibility. The suitability of the elements to be used on the whole, under specific conditions to meet relevant requirements. G. Interchangeability. The ability of an element to be used instead of another, without modification to meet the same requirements. H. Security. State in which the risk of personal or material damage, is limited to a novel acceptable. Compliance. Compliance with the requirements specified. I. Non-compliance. Breach of a specified requirement. J. Default. Failure to comply with a requirement of intended use or a reasonable expectation, including with regard to security. K. Attributable to the product liability. Generic term used to describe a product or other obligation, to restore Indeminizar or losses relating to personal injury, material or other damages caused by a product. L. Qualification process. Process to demonstrate that a component is able to meet the specified requirements. Qualified. State that is given to an element when it has been shown that this is able to meet the specified requirements. M. Inspection. An activity such as measuring, checking, testing, or comparison of one or more properties of an element and confront the results with the specified requirements, in order to establish the achievement of compliance for each of these features. N. Autoinspección Inspection of the work done by the Executor of this work, in accordance with specific rules. O. Verification. Confirmation of compliance with the requirements specified by examination and provision of evidence objectively. P. Validation. Confirmation of the fulfillment of the requirements for intentional use proposed by examination and provision of evidence objectively. Q. Objective evidence. Information that can not be proven as true, based on facts obtained through observation, measurement, testing or other means. Terms relating to the quality system 1+ Quality policy. Guidelines and general objectives of an organization concerning quality which are formally expressed by senior management. 2+ Quality management. Set of activities of the general management function that determines the quality policy, 3+ objectives, responsibilities and the implementation of these by means such as the quality of planning, the quality control, quality assurance, and the improvement of quality, within the framework of the quality system. 4+ Quality planning. They are the activities that determine the objectives and requirements for quality, as well as the requirements for the implementation of the elements of the quality system. 5+ Quality control. Techniques and activities of operational nature, used to meet the requirements for quality. 6+ Quality assurance. Set of planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system and demonstrated as needed to provide adequate confidence that an element will meet the requirements for quality. 7+ System of quality. It is the organizational structure, procedures, processes and the resources needed to implement the administration of the quality. 8+ Total quality management. Way to manage an organization focused on the quality based on the participation of all its members and geared to long-term success through customer satisfaction and benefit of all members of the Organization and society. 9+ Improvement of the quality. They are all actions taken in the Organization to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities and processes, in order to provide Extras, both for the Organization and for its customers. 10+ Review of the direction. Formal assessment by the senior management of the State and adequacy of the quality system in relation to the quality policy and objectives. 11+ Review of the contract. They are systematic actions carried out by the supplier before signing the contract, to ensure that quality requirements are properly defined, without ambiguity, are documents and can be performed by the provider. 12+ Review of the design. Documented review complete and systematic design to assess their ability to meet the requirements for quality, identify problems if they exist, and propose the development of solutions. 13+ Quality manual t is a document which establishes the quality policy and describes the system of quality of an organization. Quality plan. A document which establishes the relevant specific practices of quality, resources and sequence of activities belonging to a product, project or particular contract. 14+ Specification. Document which lays down requirements. 15+ Register. A document that provides evidence objectively executed activities or results obtained. 16+ Traceability. The ability to trace the history, application or location of an element by means of Identifications registered. Terms relating to tools and techniques. 1+ Cycle of quality. Conceptual model of interdependent activities influencing quality in various stages, ranging from the identification of needs to the assessment of how they have been satisfied. 2+ Costs of quality. They are costs incurred to ensure a satisfactory quality and provide confidence, as well as losses incurred when the quality is not achieved satisfactory. 3+ Losses relating to the quality. They are the losses caused by the lack of use of potential resources in processes and activities. 4+ Model for the assurance of quality. Set of standard requirements or selected for a quality system to meet the combined needs of assurance of quality in a given situation. 5+ Evaluation of the quality. A systematic in order to determine that analysis as an element is able to satisfy the requirements specified. 6+ Monitoring of the quality. Monitoring and verification continues in the State of an element and the analysis of the records to ensure that the specified requirements are being met. 7+ Point of waiting. Defined in the appropriate documentation after which point should be no activity without the approval of the organization or authority designated. 8+ Quality audits. Analysis of systematic and independent to determine if the quality activities and their results comply with the provisions laid down and if these are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. 9+ Observation of audit quality. Declaration of a fact made during an audit quality and supported by evidence objectively. 10+ Auditor of quality . Person qualified to perform audits of quality. 11+ Audited. Organizations Organization that provides a product to the supplier. A. 12. E. D. Provider in a contractual status. . regulations.11. B. to the characteristics of an element in order to permit its implementation and consideration. Set of properties that describe the availability and the factors which condition: reliability and ease maintenance logistics. 13. C. They are obligations arising from laws. Set of characteristics of an element conferred upon him by the aptitude for explicit and implicit needs. Client in contractual status. Quality. Requirements of society. Terms relating to quality. Contractor. Requirements for quality. Operational safety. under specific conditions to meet relevant requirements. Buyer. Subcontractor. codes. Compatibility. Degree. An expression of the needs or your translation within a set of requirements established quantitatively or qualitatively. rules. statutes and other considerations. F. The suitability of the elements to be used on the whole. A category or classification of elements with the same functional use but different requirements for quality. The ability of an element to be used instead of another. Qualified. Attributable to the product liability. Generic term used to describe a product or other obligation. P. Validation. is limited to a novel acceptable. Interchangeability. Qualification process. O. in order to establish the achievement of compliance for each of these features. Security. An activity such as measuring. material or other damages caused by a product. without modification to meet the same requirements. M. Non-compliance. Verification. Compliance with the requirements specified. Breach of a specified requirement. Failure to comply with a requirement of intended use or a reasonable expectation. State in which the risk of personal or material damage. testing. State that is given to an element when it has been shown that this is able to meet the specified requirements. including with regard to security. I. Process to demonstrate that a component is able to meet the specified requirements. J.G. L. Autoinspección Inspection of the work done by the Executor of this work. K. checking. in accordance with specific rules. to restore Indeminizar or losses relating to personal injury. Confirmation of compliance with the requirements specified by examination and provision of evidence objectively. Default. H. or comparison of one or more properties of an element and confront the results with the specified requirements. Compliance. Inspection. . N. Guidelines and general objectives of an organization concerning quality which are formally expressed by senior management.Confirmation of the fulfillment of the requirements for intentional use proposed by examination and provision of evidence objectively. as well as the requirements for the implementation of the elements of the quality system. and the improvement of quality. Techniques and activities of operational nature. responsibilities and the implementation of these by means such as the quality of planning. Quality control. Q. Set of planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system and demonstrated as needed to provide adequate confidence that an element will meet the requirements for quality. based on facts obtained through observation. processes and the resources needed to implement the administration of the quality. Quality management. Terms relating to the quality system Quality policy. System of quality. Quality assurance. Information that can not be proven as true. within the framework of the quality system. objectives. quality assurance. testing or other means. Way to manage an organization focused on the quality based on the participation of all its members and geared to long-term success through customer satisfaction and benefit of all members of the Organization and society. the quality control. It is the organizational structure. They are the activities that determine the objectives and requirements for quality. Total quality management. . used to meet the requirements for quality. Objective evidence. Quality planning. procedures. Set of activities of the general management function that determines the quality policy. measurement. Losses relating to the quality. A document which establishes the relevant specific practices of quality. Document which lays down requirements. They are all actions taken in the Organization to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities and processes. application or location of an element by means of Identifications registered. Specification. are documents and can be performed by the provider. . both for the Organization and for its customers. Cycle of quality. Review of the direction. They are systematic actions carried out by the supplier before signing the contract. Conceptual model of interdependent activities influencing quality in various stages. Traceability. Quality manual t is a document which establishes the quality policy and describes the system of quality of an organization. Quality plan. resources and sequence of activities belonging to a product. identify problems if they exist. in order to provide Extras. Costs of quality. to ensure that quality requirements are properly defined. The ability to trace the history. and propose the development of solutions. Review of the design. They are costs incurred to ensure a satisfactory quality and provide confidence. Review of the contract. without ambiguity. Formal assessment by the senior management of the State and adequacy of the quality system in relation to the quality policy and objectives. ranging from the identification of needs to the assessment of how they have been satisfied. project or particular contract. as well as losses incurred when the quality is not achieved satisfactory. Documented review complete and systematic design to assess their ability to meet the requirements for quality. Terms relating to tools and techniques. A document that provides evidence objectively executed activities or results obtained. Improvement of the quality. Register. Model for the assurance of quality. Monitoring of the quality. Quality audits. Set of standard requirements or selected for a quality system to meet the combined needs of assurance of quality in a given situation. Organizations . A systematic in order to determine that analysis as an element is able to satisfy the requirements specified. Person qualified to perform audits of quality. Point of waiting. Audited.They are the losses caused by the lack of use of potential resources in processes and activities. Declaration of a fact made during an audit quality and supported by evidence objectively. Analysis of systematic and independent to determine if the quality activities and their results comply with the provisions laid down and if these are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. Monitoring and verification continues in the State of an element and the analysis of the records to ensure that the specified requirements are being met. Auditor of quality . Evaluation of the quality. Observation of audit quality. 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