ISO 835
ISO 835
March 28, 2018 | Author: Oswaldo Avalos Quispe | Category:
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इंटरनेटमानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS/ISO 835 (2007): Laboratory Glassware - Graduated Pipettes [CHD 10: Glassware] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” . IS/ISO 835 : 2007 [Superseding IS 4162 (Part 1) : 1985.060. IS 4162 (Part 3) : 1985 and IS 4162 (Part 4) : 1985] Hkkjrh. 71. ekud iz. IS 4162 (Part 2) : 1985.ksx'kkyk gsrq dkap dk lkeku — va'kakfdr fiisV Indian Standard LABORATORY GLASSWARE — GRADUATED PIPETTES ICS 17.040. 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 2010 Price Group 7 .20 © BIS 2010 B U R E AU O F I N D I A N S TA N DA R D S MANAK BHAVAN. Section 1 Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98°C — Method of test and classification do ISO 1769 : 1975 Laboratory glassware — Pipettes — Colour coding IS 11468 : 1985 Colour coding for pipettes do The technical committee has reviewed the provision of the following International Standard referred in this adopted standard and has decided that it is acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard: International Standard ISO 3696 : 1987 Title Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods (Continued on third cover) .) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards. Glassware and Laboratoryware Sectional Committee. This standard supersedes IS 4162 (Part 1) : 1985 ‘Graduated pipettes: Part 1 General requirements (first revision)’. which are to be substituted in their respective places are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated: International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence ISO 384 : 1978 Laboratory glassware — Principles of design and construction of volumetric glassware IS 8729 : 1977 Principles of construction and adjustment of volumetric glassware Technically Equivalent ISO 719 : 1985 Glass — Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98°C — Method of test and classification IS 2313 (Part 1/Sec 1) : 1994 Grading glass alkalinity: Part 1 Hydrolytic resistance. the current practice is to use a point (.Glass. b) Comma (. they should be read as ‘Indian Standard’. Certain conventions are. In this adopted standard. The corresponding Indian Standards. not identical to those used in Indian Standards. The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. IS 4162 (Part 2) : 1985 ‘Graduated pipettes: Part 2 Pipettes for which no waiting time is specified (first revision)’.) as the decimal marker. Glassware and Laboratoryware Sectional Committee and approval of the Chemical Division Council. however. reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian Standards also exist. CHD 10 NATIONAL FOREWORD This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 835 : 2007 ‘Laboratory glassware — Graduated pipettes’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Glass. Attention is particularly drawn to the following: a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard. IS 4162 (Part 3) : 1985 ‘Graduated pipettes: Part 3 Pipettes for which a waiting time of 15 s is specified (first revision)’ and IS 4162 (Part 4) : 1985 ‘Graduated pipettes: Part 4 Blow-out pipettes (first revision)’. adequate for general laboratory purposes.3 waiting time time to be observed after apparent completion of the liquid delivery of the pipette and before the final reading of the delivered volume is taken NOTE A waiting time applies for graduated pipettes of Class AS (see 5. see ISO 648. the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document.1 and 7. only the edition cited applies. The details specified are in conformity with the principles of design and construction of volumetric glassware given in ISO 384. NOTE 2 For one-mark pipettes. the volume of liquid delivered is not identical with the volume of liquid contained by the pipette.6).IS/ISO 835 : 2007 Indian Standard LABORATORY GLASSWARE — GRADUATED PIPETTES 1 Scope This International Standard specifies metrological and constructional requirements for graduated pipettes. Laboratory glassware — Principles of design and construction of volumetric glassware ISO 719.1 delivery volume volume of liquid discharged from the pipette NOTE Due to retention of liquid on the inner surface of the pipette. ISO 384:1978. the following terms and definitions apply. Laboratory glassware — Pipettes — Colour coding ISO 3696. 3. Glass — Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98 °C — Method of test and classification ISO 1769. For undated references. For piston-operated pipettes. Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. 1 . 3. For dated references. see ISO 8655-2.2 delivery time time required for the pipette to deliver its nominal volume 3. 1 Types of pipettes Type 1: Partial delivery Graduated pipettes adjusted for delivery of a liquid from zero line at the top to any graduation line. The delivery should be under gravity and unrestricted. 5. 5.1 Classes of accuracy Two classes of accuracy are specified: ⎯ Classes A and AS for the higher grade. 5 Types and classes of accuracy 5.2.6).2 Type 2: Total delivery Graduated pipettes adjusted for delivery of a liquid from any graduation line down to the jet. see 7. 4.e.2.5. the temperature at which the pipette is intended to deliver its volume.1 Unit of volume The unit of volume shall be the millilitre (ml) which is equivalent to the cubic centimetre (cm3). this figure shall be substituted for 20 °C. When the pipette is required for use in a country which has adopted a standard reference temperature of 27 °C (the alternative recommended in ISO 384 for tropical use). to deliver their specified volume (Ex). ⎯ Class B for the lower grade. 4. grade 3. 2 .3 Reference temperature The standard reference temperature. i. ⎯ Class B: without waiting time. For details. nominal capacity shall be represented by the highest graduation line.2 5.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 4 Basis of adjustment 4. The pipettes shall be adjusted as follows: ⎯ Class A: without waiting time. shall be 20 °C. The maximum permissible errors for both classes are specified in Table 1. ⎯ Class AS: with a specified waiting time of 5 s (see 7. nominal capacity shall be represented by the lowest graduation line.2 Delivery volume Graduated pipettes shall be adjusted with water according to ISO 3696. see Table 2. as well as between maximum permissible error and meniscus diameter as given in ISO 384:1978.2. Blow-out pipettes shall be adjusted to accuracy Class B. 5.10 0.02 0.5 0. If graduated pipettes are required of capacities and/or subdivisions other than those listed in Table 1.01 1 0.2 25 a 0. they shall conform to the essential requirements of this International Standard.1 0.4 Type 4: Blow-out Graduated pipettes for total delivery (see Type 3) where the last drop of liquid in the jet is expelled by blowing.01 1 0.010 0.01 0.10 0.02 2 0.01 0.010 0.030 0.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 5.1 0.01 0.10 0. 3 .1 0. 6 Maximum permissible errors Maximum permissible errors in the delivered volume shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 1.05 5 0.030 0.006 0.01 0. The relationships between maximum permissible error and capacity.3 Type 3: Total delivery Graduated pipettes adjusted for delivery of a liquid from zero line at the top to any graduation line.05 0.01 0.007 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.007 0. Table 1 — Capacities.2 25 0. subdivisions and maximum permissible errors Nominal capacity a Smallest scale division Maximum permissible error Classes A and AS Class B ml ml ± ml ± ml 0.2.02 5 0. Annex A and Annex B.2 0.2 Length 450 mm.05 0.1 0.01 2 0.1 0.1 0. These limits represent the maximum permitted error at any point and also the maximum permissible difference between the errors at any two points.006 0. shall be observed. nominal capacity shall be obtained by delivery down to the jet.05 10 0.006 0.1 20 0. 5 1 2 5 10 20 25 25 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 7.01 0. 100 5.10 0. air-permeable plug.5 to 9 5 Recommended dimensions Overall length approx. such as a cotton plug. 7. 80 170 120 200 130 220 160 220 160 220 140 220 140 220 140 220 220 290 180 220 Distance from highest to lowest figured graduation lines for Types 2.01 0.05 0.25 to 9 5.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 7 7.1 0. The end of the jet may be finished by grinding or machine tooling and may be fire polished. Table 2 — Dimensions Dimensions Nominal capacity mm ml Smallest scale division ml 0.1 Construction Material Graduated pipettes shall be manufactured from glass of chemical resistance and thermal properties which are at least to class HGB3 in accordance with ISO 719. and shall be as free as possible from visible defects and shall be reasonably free from internal stress.2 Essential dimensions Distance from zero line to lowest graduation line for Type 1 pipettes min. max. in setting the meniscus. 2 2 2 2 1. max. both without sudden constriction at the orifice which could give rise to turbulent outflow. The upper end of the pipette tube may be made from tubing of uniform bore or may have a constriction at about 25 mm below the top to enable the retention of a porous. 7.3 Top of pipette The top of the graduated pipette shall lie in a plane at right angles to the axis of the pipette and shall be free from any blemishes which might interfere with the required accurate control by a mechanical device or by the finger.10 0. 3 and 4 pipettes min.4 Delivery jet The lower end of the graduated pipette shall terminate either in a delivery jet having a smooth and gradual taper or in a capillary end. 300 340 360 360 360 360 360 360 450 360 Length of tapered portion forming jet approx.01 0.2 0. Length of tube of uniform bore below lowest graduation line min.10 0. 4 .1 0. External diameter of suction tube approx.1 0. 70 160 110 190 110 220 140 220 140 220 140 220 140 220 140 220 200 290 160 220 Distance from highest graduation line to top of pipette min.01 0.1 0. The end may be lightly fire-polished or smoothly ground with a slight bevel on the outside.02 0. 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 30 30 30 Wall thickness approx.2 Dimensions Graduated pipettes shall comply with the essential dimensional requirements shown in Table 2. above the level of any collected liquid. 8. 9 and 10. For testing of the delivery time. Position of graduation lines Position of graduation lines shall be according to ISO 384:1978. the clean graduated pipette shall be held in a vertical position.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 7. and filled with water to a few millimetres above the uppermost graduation line.1 e)] by the manufacturer. 7. except that graduation lines should be confined to cylindrical positions and should preferably be situated not less than 5 mm from any change of diameter. 5 . but without movement of one against the other throughout the delivery period. ⎯ to the point at which the meniscus appears to come to rest in the jet.3 Figuring of graduation lines Figuring of graduation lines shall be according to Table 3. Any drop adhering to the jet of the pipette shall be removed by touching the tip of the jet against the inner surface of an inclined glass vessel.5 Delivery time The delivery time is defined as the time occupied by the free descent of the water meniscus (delivery under gravity) from the highest graduation line: ⎯ to the lowest graduation line. IMPORTANT — It is important that a glass receiving vessel is used. Type 3 and Type 4 graduated pipettes. 9. air-permeable plug fitted.6 Waiting time The waiting time of 5 s specified for Class AS graduated pipettes is defined as the period of time to be observed in order to ensure complete delivery after the meniscus appeared to come to rest in the jet. the last drop of liquid shall be expelled by blowing after observing a delay time of approximately 3 s.4.1 Graduation. if appropriate with no porous. figuring and patterns Graduation patterns All graduated pipettes shall be graduated as detailed in ISO 384:1978. The waiting time of 5 s shall be marked on the pipette [see 10. in the case of Type 2. and before the tip of the jet is removed from the inner surface of the receiving vessel. ⎯ Graduation pattern II applies to Class AS graduated pipettes. so that the tip of the jet is in contact with the inner surface of this receiving vessel.2 ⎯ Graduation pattern I applies to Class A graduated pipettes. Delivery shall then be made into another glass vessel (the receiving vessel). the falling meniscus shall then be set to this line. 8 8. ⎯ Graduation pattern III applies to Class B graduated pipettes. in the case of Type 1 graduated pipettes. In the case of Type 4 (blow-out) graduated pipettes. Clauses 8. Capillary effects influencing the delivery time depend considerably on the material on which the liquid runs down. 8. The delivery time thus determined shall be within the limits specified for the particular pipette (see Annex A). the delivery time in seconds shall be marked on Class A and Class AS graduated pipettes intended for official verification or certification. c) the letters “Ex” to indicate that the pipette has been adjusted to deliver its indicated capacity.01 0.10 1. Setting of the meniscus Setting of the meniscus shall be performed according to ISO 384:1978.1 2 0.1 1 0.02 0. exceptionally.2 5 0. 10 Marking 10.1 1 0.5 0.1 0. b) the inscription “20 °C” to indicate the reference temperature. if appropriate.1 1.3 The maximum permissible error according to Table 1 may be marked on all pipettes..0 0.01 0.01 0. f) the manufacturer's and/or supplier's name or mark.2 0. this value shall be substituted for 20 °C.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 Table 3 — Figuring of graduation lines Nominal capacity Smallest scale division Figured at every ml ml ml 0.02 0.1 1. 6 .0 0.0 10 0. 5. e) the waiting time..2 2 0. 10.5 5 0. ml”.0 20 0.0 25 a 25 a 9 Length 450 mm.2 2.10 0. “AS” or “B” to indicate the class of accuracy for which the pipette has been adjusted. in the form: “Ex + 5 s”. It is recommended to mark graduated pipettes complying with this International Standard with the inscription “ISO 835”.4.05 0. 10. see Table 2.1 1. where.10 0.1 The following shall be marked on each graduated pipette: a) the symbol “ml” or the symbol “cm3” to indicate the unit in terms of which the pipette is graduated.01 0.2 If required for certification purposes. for example by the inscription “± . d) the inscription “A”. the reference temperature is 27 °C.01 0. IS/ISO 835 : 2007 10. “blow-out”. and of such size and form as to be clearly legible under usual conditions of use. the graduated pipette may have an inscription indicating that the instrument is a blow-out pipette (for example. graduation lines and inscriptions shall be permanent. NOTE The permanence of marking can be assessed by the test methods specified in ISO 4794. it shall comply with the requirements of ISO 1769. blow-out pipettes shall be provided with a narrow white band below any colour coding. figures and inscriptions All figures.4 For identification. Additionally. 7 . “à souffler” or similar). 11 Visibility of graduation lines. 12 Colour coding If colour coding is used on graduated pipettes. expressed in millilitres.1 Type 1 graduated pipettes (partial delivery) A.05 0.2 Class AS pipettes The capacity corresponding to any graduation line of a Type 1 graduated pipette is defined as the volume of water at 20 °C.1 — Delivery times of Type 1 pipettes Nominal capacity ml 0.1 and shall not differ by more than 2 s.02 0.1.01 0.10 0.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 Annex A (normative) Definition of capacities and delivery times A.1. the outflow being unrestricted until making the final setting of the meniscus on the graduation line.01 0. delivered by the pipette at 20 °C when emptied from the zero line to that graduation line. When the delivery time is marked on a graduated pipette.1 Definition of capacity A.1 0. expressed in millilitres.1.1.1. then the observed delivery time and the marked delivery time shall both be within the limits given in Table A. s max.1 0. The final setting is made to the graduation line after the specified waiting time of 5 s has been observed. the outflow being interrupted when the meniscus has come to a few millimetres above the graduation line.1. NOTE It is assumed that the time taken for final setting of the meniscus will exceed the nominal delay of 3 s allowed for assurance of completeness of delivery.2 Delivery times The observed delivery time shall be within the limits specified in Table A.5 1 1 2 2 5 5 10 20 25 a 25 a 8 Smallest scale division ml 0.01 0.10 0.1 Class A and Class B pipettes The capacity corresponding to any graduation line of a Type 1 graduated pipette is defined as the volume of water at 20 °C.01 0. — — — — 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 7 13 7 13 7 13 11 17 11 17 — — Class B s s min.1 0.1 0. max.2 Class A s min. A. A. max.10 0. 2 2 — 7 2 8 2 10 4 13 — 15 5 Length 450 mm. delivered by the pipette at 20 °C when emptied from the zero line to that graduation line. 3 4 — 10 10 12 12 14 14 17 — 21 15 Delivery time Class AS s s min.1. see Table 2. 2 3 2 4 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 12 2 12 5 14 5 14 5 17 9 21 9 21 5 15 . Table A.2 0. it is unnecessary to adhere closely to this period. NOTE The nominal delay time of 3 s is specified only for the purpose of definition. outflow being unrestricted until it is sure that the meniscus has come to rest in the jet before removing the pipette from the receiving vessel.1. then the observed delivery time and the marked delivery time shall both be within the limits given in Table A. Table A. 8 11 7 13 5 14 5 0.01 1 3 — — 1 3 0.5 0. see Table 2. min. max. expressed in millilitres.1 Class A and Class B pipettes The capacity corresponding to any graduation line of a Type 2 graduated pipette is defined as the volume of water at 20 °C.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 A.1 10 13 7 13 5 17 20 0. When the delivery time is marked on a graduated pipette.2 Delivery times The observed delivery time shall be within the limits specified in Table A. min.2. A.2 11 16 — — 9 21 25 a 25 a Smallest scale division Length 450 mm.2.2 and shall not differ by more than 2 s. a nominal delay time of approximately 3 s should be observed before removing the pipette from the receiving vessel.1 Definition of capacity A. max.1 — — 11 17 9 21 0.01 1 4 — — 1 4 0.1 0. To ensure that delivery is complete.02 6 9 4 10 2 12 2 0.10 2 9 4 10 2 12 5 0.2 Class AS pipettes The capacity corresponding to any graduation line of a Type 2 graduated pipette is defined as the volume of water at 20 °C.01 — — 4 10 2 11 1 0.10 2 7 4 10 2 11 2 0. A. 9 . In use. max.2. the outflow being unrestricted and the specified waiting time of 5 s being observed before the tip of the jet is removed from contact with the inner surface of the receiving vessel. 0.1 11 16 11 17 9 21 0.2 0. expressed in millilitres.10 4 11 7 13 5 14 10 0. delivered by the pipette at 20 °C when emptied from that graduation line to the jet. delivered by the pipette at 20 °C when emptied from that graduation line to the jet. it is sufficient to be certain that the meniscus has come to rest in the jet before removing the pipette from contact with the receiving vessel.2 Type 2 graduated pipettes (total delivery) A.2 — Delivery times of Type 2 pipettes Nominal capacity Delivery time Class A Class AS Class B s s s s s s ml ml min.01 5 7 4 10 2 11 1 0. 3 — Delivery times of Type 3 pipettes Nominal capacity a 10 Smallest scale division Delivery time Class AS Class A Class B s s s s s s ml ml min.1.3.05 8 11 7 13 5 14 5 0. it is unnecessary to adhere closely to this period.3 and shall not differ by more than 2 s.10 5 7 4 10 2 11 2 0.01 1 4 — — 1 4 0. it is sufficient to be certain that the meniscus has come to rest in the jet before removing the pipette from contact with the receiving vessel.1 — — 11 17 9 21 25 a 0.2 Class AS pipettes The capacity corresponding to any graduation line of a Type 3 graduated pipette is defined as the volume of water at 20 °C. Table A. then the observed delivery time and the marked delivery time shall both be within the limits given in Table A.10 6 9 4 10 2 12 5 0. A.1.2 Delivery times The observed delivery time shall be within the limits specified in Table A. delivered by the pipette at 20 °C when emptied under gravity from the zero line to that graduation line.10 8 11 7 13 5 14 10 0.3. in the case of total capacity delivery. In use. the specified waiting time of 5 s shall be observed before removing the tip of the jet from contact with the inner surface of the receiving vessel. expressed in millilitres. max.02 6 9 4 10 2 12 2 0.3. NOTE The nominal delay of 3 s is specified only for the purpose of definition.1 0. delivered by the pipette at 20 °C when emptied from the zero line to that graduation line – or.01 — — 4 10 2 11 1 0.3 Type 3 graduated pipettes (total delivery) A. When the delivery time is marked on a pipette. max.01 5 7 4 10 2 11 1 0. The outflow shall be unrestricted until a few millimetres above the graduation line. expressed in millilitres.1 Class A and Class B pipettes The capacity corresponding to any graduation line of a Type 3 graduated pipette is defined as the volume of water at 20 °C. .IS/ISO 835 : 2007 A. In the case of delivery of the total capacity to the jet.01 1 3 — — 1 3 0. a nominal delay time of approximately 3 s should be observed before removing the pipette from the receiving vessel.1 10 13 7 13 5 17 20 0. the outflow shall also be unrestricted and a waiting time of 5 s shall be observed before removing the pipette from the receiving vessel.3. see Table 2. min.3. when making final setting to the graduation line. To ensure that delivery is complete.5 0. min. max. to the jet – the outflow being unrestricted until making the final setting of the meniscus on the graduation line.2 0.1 11 16 11 17 9 21 25 0.1 Definition of capacity A. A.2 11 16 — — 9 21 Length 450 mm. 0. delivered by the pipette at 20 °C.01 1 3 0.4.05 4 10 5 0.4. 0.01 2 7 1 0.10 2 7 2 0.10 2 7 5 0.10 4 10 10 0. b) In the case of total capacity delivery when emptied from the zero line to the jet.1 4 10 25 0.4 and shall not differ by more than 2 s.1 Definition of capacity The capacity corresponding to any graduation line for a Type 4 graduated blow-out pipette is defined as the volume of water at 20 °C.1 0. a) When emptied from the zero line to that graduation line.01 1 4 1 0.2 0. expressed in millilitres. A.4. Table A.2 Delivery times The observed delivery time shall be within the limits specified in Table A. When the delivery time is marked on a pipette. the outflow shall be unrestricted until it is sure that the meniscus has come to rest in the jet and with delivery being completed by expelling the last drop by blowing. the outflow shall be unrestricted until making the final setting of the meniscus on that graduation line with no period allowed for draining of liquid adhering to the wall before making the final setting.4 — Delivery times of blow-out pipettes Nominal capacity Smallest scale division Delivery time Class B s s ml ml min. max.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 A.02 2 7 2 0.4 Type 4 graduated pipettes (blow-out) A. then the observed delivery time and the marked delivery time shall both be within the limits given in Table A.2 5 15 11 . Laboratory glassware — Methods for assessing the chemical resistance of enamels used for colour coding and colour marking [3] ISO 8655-2. Piston-operated volumetric apparatus — Part 2: Piston pipettes 12 .IS/ISO 835 : 2007 Bibliography [1] ISO 648. Laboratory glassware — One-mark pipettes [2] ISO 4794. 13 .1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.IS/ISO 835 : 2007 NATIONAL ANNEX A (National Foreword) A-1 BIS CERTIFICATION MARKING The product may also be marked with the Standard Mark. The details of conditions under which the licence for the use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from Bureau of Indian Standards. A-1. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. observed or calculated expressing the result of a test. the final value. .(Continued from second cover) BIS Certification Marking clause is given in National Annex A. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. type or grade designations. VISAKHAPATNAM. of necessary details. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. 2832 7892 Branches : AHMEDABAD. 2254 2315 Western : Manakalaya. Scheme VII M.I. COIMBATORE. IV Cross Road. No part of the these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications).Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend No. BANGALORE. 2337 8561 2337 8626. Marol. FARIDABAD. PATNA. HYDERABAD. KANPUR. Standards are also reviewed periodically. GHAZIABAD. in the course of implementing the standard. GUWAHATI. marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.I. DEHRADUN. such as symbols and sizes. 2337 8499. New Delhi 110002 Telephones: 2323 0131. 2337 9120 260 3843 260 9285 Published by BIS. a standard alongwith amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed. it is taken up for revision. 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization. JAIPUR.bis. E9 MIDC. PARWANOO.T. 2832 7858 2832 7891. This does not preclude the free use. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’. Date of Issue Text Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan. New Delhi .T. Road. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 2323 7617 2323 3841 Eastern : 1/14 C. Andheri (East) MUMBAI 400093 2832 9295. This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.org. CHENNAI 600113 2254 1216. V. 2254 1442 2254 2519. CHANDIGARH 160022 Southern : C. BHUBANESHWAR.I. NAGPUR. LUCKNOW. Campus.: CHD 10 (1672). Sector 34-A. if the review indicates that changes are needed. 2323 9402 Website: www. Kankurgachi KOLKATA 700054 Northern : SCO 335-336.in Regional Offices: Telephones Central : Manak Bhavan. PUNE. BHOPAL. 2323 3375. RAJKOT.P. BIS. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM.
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