iso 50001



Standardization of energy savingsevaluation for energy efficiency financing 支持能效融资的节能量评估标准 Li Pengcheng Resources and Environment Branch, CNIS 中国标准化研究院资环分院 李鹏程 2013.11.9 strategic and comprehensive issues of standardization regarding national economic and social development. As a national non-profit institute affiliated to AQSIQ. especially for the all-round. • 中国标准化研究院,始建于1963年(初名国家科委标准化综合研究所),是直属于国家质检总局,从事标 准化研究的国家级社会公益类科研机构,主要针对我国国民经济和社会发展中全局性、战略性和综合性的 标准化问题进行研究。 .Snapshot of CNIS 中国标准化研究院简介 • China National Institute of Standardization dates back to 1963. CNIS is dedicated to standardization research. Energy System Optimization 终端产品能效,高耗能产品能耗限额,能源基础与管理,节能服务,能量系统优化 Emission Reduction/减排 Recycling and Reuse of Products. Energy Efficiency Services. Greenhouse Gases Management. Hydrogen Energy 太阳能,氢能 Working tasks/工作任务 Administration of China Energy Labeling. Environment Management System. Quota of Water Consumption for Industrial Products 水效,工业产品取水定额 用水器具 Renewable Energy/可再生能源 Solar Energy. Testing Labs of Energy Efficiency. Circular Economy. Environment Protection Industry. Operation of Energy Saving Products Rebate Programs 能效标识管理、能效实验室、节能产品惠民工程等 .Working fields of R&E branch 资环分院的主要工作领域 Energy conservation/节能 Energy Efficiency of End Energy-using Products. Energy Fundamental and Management. Quota of Energy Consumption for High Energy consuming Products. Industrial Clean Production 产品回收利用,温室气体管理,环保产业,环境管理体系,循环经济,工业清洁生产 Water Conservation/节水 Water Efficiency of Water-using Equipment. Roles of energy savings in energy efficiency financing 节能量在能效融资中的重要作用  Valuation of energy efficiency by energy savings  通过节能量可以直观对能效进行估值  What is the value of improvement of energy efficiency by 1%? What is the value of emission reduction of 1t CO2? What is the value of energy savings of 1000 kWh?  1%的效率提高价值多少?1t的CO2减排量价值多少?1000kWh的节能量价值多少?  Energy savings is the key outputs in energy efficiency services  节能量是节能服务机制的重要产出  It is common to share the energy savings in Energy Performance Contracting  合同能源管理中对节能量的分享非常普遍  Energy savings is the key subject matter of energy trading mechanism  节能量是节能量交易机制的核心标的物  Only standardized goods could be traded massively  只有标准化的物品才能进行大规模的交易 . Can energy savings be measured? 节能量可以测量吗?  Energy savings is the value not occurred  节能量是未发生的量  Not occurred values could not be measured directly  未发生的量不能直接测量到  Energy savings could be determined based on standardized evaluation methods through calculating and analyzing the measured consumption and relevant factors  节能量需要依据标准化的评估方法,对测量得到的能耗和影响因 素进行计算分析获得 . Basic concept of energy savings 节能量的基本概念  Energy savings  节能量   The reduction of energy consumption according to the equivalent need or objective 满足同等需要或达到相同目的的条件下,能源消费减少的数量。  Actual energy savings  实际的节能量   The equivalent condition is the condition in reporting period 采用统计报告期实际条件作为同等条件  Normalized energy savings (deemed energy savings)  标准化的节能量(约定的节能量)   The equivalent condition is the normalized or deemed condition 采用约定的或规定的条件作为同等条件 . …) 区域(国家,城市,……) Organization ( company. new technology. city.Categories of energy savings 节能量的层次 Region (country. … 项目(改造,新技术,……) Product 产品 . park. … 组织(企业,园区,……) Project (retrofitting. Standards framework of energy savings evaluation 节能量评估标准体系 Principles 基本原则 General rules 技术通则 Technical requirements 技术要求 Methodologies 方法学 Evaluation Guidance 评估指南 Regional level 区域层面 Organization al level 组织层面 Motor system 电机系统 VS technology 变频技术 Project level 项目层面 评估机构和人 员 实施指南 Waste heat generation 余热发电 …… Evaluation institute and competence Implementat ion guideline Cement kiln 水泥窑 …… …… . National standards for evaluation of energy savings (I) 节能量评估相关国家标准(一)  General rules in organization level  组织层面通用要求  Calculation methods for energy saved of enterprises (GB/T 13234-2009)  企业节能量计算方法(GB/T 13234-2009)  Guidance for measurement and verification organizational energy performance  组织能源绩效评价指南  General rules in project level  项目层面通用要求  General technical rules for measurement and verification of energy savings(GB/T 28750-2012)  节能量测量和验证技术通则(GB/T 28750-2012)  Guideline for evaluation of energy savings of projects  项目节能量评价技术指南  Implementation guidance of M&V of energy savings  节能量测量和验证实施指南 . ground source heat pump projects.National standards for evaluation of energy savings (II) 节能量评估相关国家标准(二)  9 Technical requirements for measurement and verification of energy savings of typical projects  9类典型项目节能量测量和验证技术要求  水泵系统、通风机系统、钢铁加热炉系统、居住建筑供暖系统、水泥余热发电系统、通信机房、 中央空调系统、照明系统、工业锅炉系统  Methodologies for evaluation of CO2 emission reduction of projects related to energy savings  与节能量相关的项目减排量评价方法学  General rules in project level  项目层面通用要求  Projects of utilization of waste energy in iron & steel sectors. projects in cement sectors. solar heating projects in buildings  钢铁行业余能利用项目,水泥行业,地源热泵项目,建筑太阳能热利用项目 . calculation and verification of energy savings 节能量的测量、计算和验证 .International standards for evaluation of energy savings 节能量评估相关国际标准 International Standards 国际标准 ISO 17743 ISO 17742 ISO 17747 ISO 50015 ISO 17741 Category 层次 General 通用 Main contents 主要内容 Principles for methodologies 方法学原则 Region 区域 Evaluation of policy 计算节能政策、节能措施等的节能量 Organization 组织 Determination of energy savings 节能量确定方法 Organization 组织 Procedure and requirement for measurement & verification 测量和验证的程序及要求 Project 项目 Measurement. Application model of standards for evaluating energy savings 节能量评估标准的应用模式 Users of energy savings 节能量的用户 Self-evaluation by organization or project owner 组织或项目所有者自我评估 Independent evaluation 独立评估 Independent evaluation by the 3rd party 第三方机构独立评估 Evaluation Professionals 评估专家 . Application of standards in energy savings trading 标准在节能量交易中的应用 Trading of evaluated organizational energy savings 交易经评估的组织的节能量 Organization 组织 Organization 组织 Trading of evaluated energy savings of project 交易经评估的项目的节能量 Trading of evaluated energy savings of project 交易经评估的项目的节能量 Project 项目 Organization 组织 Organizations in the scope 范围内用能单位 Project 项目 Project 项目 Organization 组织 Project 项目 Market of energy savings of project 项目节能量 交易市场 Organizations out the scope 范围外用能单位 . M&V (projects) 测量和验证(项目层面) Project procedure 项目实施 M&V 测量和验 证 Identification of project 项目识别 Determination of Boundary 确定边界 Energy auditing 能源审计 Feasibility study 可行性研究 M&V Plan 制定测量和验证方 案 Commission 项目调试 Project implementation 项目实施 Energy baseline 建立能耗基准 Detailed design 详细设计 Approval of project 项目批准 Completion acceptance 竣工验收 Post measurement & calculation 实施后测量、计算 Operation & Maintenance 项目运行维护 Determination & report of energy savings 确定并报告节能量 M&V is a typical method of evaluation of energy savings 测量和验证是最典型的节能量评估方法 . Next steps 下一步工作  Capacity building  提升基础能力     Establishment of expert network 建立专家网络 Education and training 加强宣传和培训  Development of national standards and methodologies  制定国家标准和方法学     Participations of stakeholders 促进相关方的广泛参与 Development of methodologies supporting energy efficiency financing and energy savings trading 加快制定支持能效融资和节能量交易的方法学  参与国际标准  Participation of international standards     To take part in ISO/TC 257 Evaluation of energy savings actively 积极参与ISO/TC257节能量评估国际标准制定 Demonstration of the energy savings evaluation mechanism by the 3rd party according with international rules 试点建立国际通行的节能量第三方评估机制 . Thank you! .
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