ISO 22000_2018-Revising the Food Safety Management System Standard

May 7, 2018 | Author: Departed Moon | Category: International Organization For Standardization, Food Safety, Business, Science, Wellness



12/26/2017 ISO 22000:2018-Revising the Food Safety Management System StandardISO 22000:2018-Revising the Food Safety Management System Standard You are here:   /  BQC (/en/) /  News (/en/news) /  ISO 22000:2018-Revising the Food Safety Management System Standard (/en/news/item/1013-iso-22000-2018-revising-the-food-safety-management-system-standard) ISO 22000:2018-Revising the Food Safety Management System Standard Wednesday, 08 March 2017 12:35 ( (   (   1/3 has already met 6 game or other activity. IAS Manager Europe-Middle East.4. If everything goes as planned.2. 8.1 Independent personnel should be appointed to perform veri cation activities for the PRPs. ISO/ TC 34/SC 17/WG 8. 8.g. The standard covers the key components for ensuring food safety including interactive communication. monitored and re-evaluated according to de ned criteria. Operational Prerequisite Programs (OPRPs) and Critical Control Points (CCPs) to make the standard more concise to provide a clear understanding of the “risk based approach” to adopt the new High Level Structure (HLS) developed and used by ISO to allow an easier implementation of an Integrated Management System to align with recent developments and concepts in food safety standards and Codex Alimentarius The new DIS 22000 is structured as follows: 1. BQC Technical Manager.1. Risk based thinking is addressed in two (2) levels. Operation 9.3 Expected seasonal changes or shift patterns are considered when describing the process environment to conduct the hazard analysis. Organizational risk and hazard analysis (based on HACCP principles).2.4 Records for the selection. A set of structured activities.2. Terms and De nitions 4.t. the revised Standard will be released in spring of 2018.5. the end user changing needs. Member of ISO/TC 34/SC 17/WG 8 (Management Systems for Food Safety Technical Committee. Support 8.c The Next Step https://bqc.5. Control measures are now related only to signi cant hazards and not managed at a PRP level. there are 2 Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycles instead of one.4. 6. 2.2.12/26/2017 ISO 22000:2018-Revising the Food Safety Management System Standard (http://www.4 A Hazard Control Plan that include both HACCP and OPRP plan is introduced. Context of the organization 5. and is applicable to organizations of all sizes. 1. the continuous rise of a number of private standards and the revision of other key management system standards (e.4 Control measures are now categorized to be managed as OPRPs or at CCPs. Author: Dimitrios Katsieris. ISO Organization) Established in 2005.1 Preventive action term has been introduced to deal with potential emergency situations and incidents. the di erences of Pre-requisite Programs (PRPs). 8.3 Traceability system needs to be tested and veri ed for its e ectiveness 8.2. Improvement What is changing? Following major changes are introduced in the upcoming DIS version: Documented information replaces the requirement for procedures. ISO 9001:2015). Scope 2. establishment. Control measures managed as OPRPs have measurable and/or observable action criteria (new term) while those managed at CCPs have only measurable critical limits that enable timely correction. The International working group has addressed a number of issues during its meetings among which were: Definitions by Grammarly to update old and introduce new terms and de nitions. 7. Leadership 6.1. Performance evaluation of the food safety management system 10. globally accepted standard. hazard control plan e. involved in any aspect of the food supply chain. other broadcast on radio or television.3 Any major change that can have an e ect on the integrity of the system should be a planned activity. selected. Forty. 8. system management. broadcasting A performance of a show o 2017. applicable monitoring and veri cation of PRPs must be kept. records and other items of documentation. The systematic approach to identify each category is now di erent. times and in 2016.linkedin. One cycle covers the overall food safety management system and the other covers the operational processes. implementation of pre- requisite programmes and the continual review and improvement of the management (45) de nitions are now listed in the upcoming DIS version to make clear to the end users.6 Suppliers and subcontractors need to be evaluated. A leaflet listing information about a play The International working group responsible for the revision of ISO 22000 Food safety management system – Requirements. A plan for achieving the objectives for the food safety management system needs to be 2/3 . 6. After more than a decade from the year of its rst release. Planning 7.5. Normative References 3.3 ISO/TS 22002-x series is considered when selecting or establishing PRPs 8. As part of the process approach. ISO 22000 was designed as an accessible. the draft standard went from Committee Draft (CD) to Draft International Standard (DIS) and will be submitted for public enquiry during the summer of 3. indicated that the ISO 22000 standard had to be revised to ll in the gaps in the current version. gr) « BQC certi es the Cinema Organization of Iran (/en/news/item/991-bqc-certi es-the-cinema-organization-of-iran) BQC at the workshop «Doing Business in the Arab world» » (/en/news/item/1241-bqc-at-the-workshop-doing-business-in-the-arab-world) Testimonials “We are very thrilled to work with our new partner Company Pro le   (/images/docs/eng/BQC-Company-Pro le. The output of that meeting is expected to be the Final DIS version of the standard.”   Elizabeth Bradshaw. For more information. contact us at training@bqc. teaming up with BQC to provide ISO based training courses in Greece is an exciting development for our company and we are determined to make a renewed and positive contribution.   NAVIGATION About Us (/en/about-us) Certi cation (/en/certi cation-services) Education (/en/training-courses) News (/en/news) Info Point (/en/info-point) Contact (/epikoinonia)   BQC https://bqc. PECB. together we can build strong and values-based society that will bene t this and future generation. GROW. Therefore. Managing Director of PECB International. “PECB’s overriding mission is to encourage individuals and organizations’ goodwill.   BQC Infopoint (https://issuu.pdf)     ADD VALUE. energy and commitment to achieve their goal towards a better and stronger leadership.Changes in the International Management Standard for Food Safety”.gr (mailto:training@bqc.” said Elizabeth Bradshaw. BOOST.   *BQC is organizing Training Courses on “ISO 22000:2018 .Managing Director.12/26/2017 ISO 22000:2018-Revising the Food Safety Management System Standard ISO/ TC 34/SC 17/WG 8 will meet again in autumn 2017 for a nal 3/3 .
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