
March 29, 2018 | Author: tinuvalsapaul | Category: Sodium Hydroxide, Chemical Substances, Chemistry, Chemical Compounds, Materials



इंटरनेटमानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 3025-50 (2001): Methods of Sampling and Tests (Physical and Chemical) for Water and Waste Water, Part 50: Jar Test (Coagulation Test) [CHD 32: Environmental Protection and Waste Management] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” . . 50.60 G BIS 2001 BUREAU MANAK March 2001 OF BHAVAN.060. INDIAN STANDARDS 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 ZAFAR MARG Price Group 3 .060. 13.IS 3025 (Part 50): 2001 (m ~pi%wl) Indian Standard METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTS (PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL) FOR WATER AND WASTE WATER PART 50 JAR TEST (COAGULATION TEST) (First Revision ) ICS 13. colour. The composition of the committee responsible for preparation of this standard is given in Amex C. is to be rounded off. The impirical procedure is used to determine the optimum dosage of coagulant and/or coagulant aids and pH of coagulation for a given water or wastewater for removal of turbidity. dissolved minerals. This test method is one among the different parts being published under IS 3025 series of standards. phosphorus. it shall be done in accordance with IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. In reporting the result of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard if the final value. atler the draft finalized by the Water Environment Protection Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council. The technical committee responsible for formulation of IS 3025:1964 ‘Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water used in industry’ had decided to revise the standard and publish it in separate parts. . CHD 12 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 50) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards. These data can not be quantitatively obtained from a theoretical understanding of the problem and analysis of water or wastewater. During operation of a treatment unit. etc. it is essential to perform jar test as often as necessitated by changes in composition of wastewater.Water Environment Protection Sectional Committee. observed or calculated. constitute provision of this standard. a fast speed for initial addition and mixing (flash mix 30 seconds) of coagulant and a slow speed capable ofpromoting enicient flocculation (20 minutes).2 Temperature 4.IS 3025 (Part 50) :2001 Indian Standard METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTS (PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL) FOR WATER AND WASTE WATER PART 50 JAR TEST ( COAGULATION TEST) (First Revision ) temperature increase. 5. there may be some gas release due to which coagulated floes may float.2 Stop Watch 5.1 Temperature Change 7 REAGENTS Temperature control is very important since thermal and convection currents may occur during the test which interferes with the setting of coagulated particles. the definitions given in IS 7022 (Part 1) and 7022 (Part 2) shall apply. NOTE — The maintenance of constant and reproducible stirring condition is of prime importance in coagulation test.4 Turbidi~ Meter 5. since heat can counteract on normal settling tendencies.1 A multiple stirrer with continuous speed variation from 20 to 150 rpm shall be used (see Fig 1).1 Multiple Stirrer 6.2. 5.2 The stirring paddles shall be light.1.4 Order of Addition and Mixing Conditions 6.1. non-corrosive and having same configuration. it is to be noted that the illumination will not contribute any heat to the system.1 Quality of Reagents Unless specified otherwise. 4. 3 TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of this standard. 7. mechanical agitator or 1 . 6.3 pH Chemical Additives 4. the editions indicated were valid. An illuminated base is advisable to see the floe formation clearly. The basic requirement is for maintaining two speeds of stirring.1 The possible interference of optimum jar test conditions are as given below.1. pure chemicals and distilled water (see IS 1070) shall be employed in tests. 5 INTERFERENCES 6.1 The following primary variables are required to be investigated. 2 REFERENCES The Indian Standards listed in Annex A contain provisions which through reference in this text.1. At the time of publication. To control this the sampling and testing period should be kept as minimum as possible and time shall be recorded.1.1 Beakers or Jars — 1000 ml capacity.1. At the same time.2. 6. A stirring speed of about 200 rpm is found to give adequatemixingaod a speed of 20 rpm forsatisfactoryflocculation for a wide range of waatewaters.2. 6 APPARATUS 6. 4 OPERATING VARIABLES 4.1.3 pH Meter 6.3 Testing Period Biological activity or other factors may alter the coagulation characteristics of water on prolonged standing. Due to chemical reaction.2 Other Equipments 4. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards.2 Release of Gases NOTE — ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemicals that do not contain impurities which affect the results of analysis. 1 SCOPE This standard prescribes the method of determining optimum dosage of coagulant (single/mixed) coagulant aids and the optimum pH of coagulation for removal of turbidity and colour caused by colloidal and non-settleable particles followed by sedimentation under quiescent condition. 1 Stock solutions of coagulant. Fm. 1 BEAKEdJAR TEST APPARATUS 7. Before taking sample for test.1 Collect 10 litres of sample to be tested and store it (preferably) in a 10 litre polyethylene aspirator.. Coagulant aids are available in powder and liquid form. 7.2 Using 1000 ml.9H. for information) shall be prepared at concentrations such that quantities suitable for use in jar test can be measured accurately and with ease (see Table 1). 16H.5 Y.IS 3025 (Part 50) :2001 i ER All dimensions in millimetres. turbidity and colour. before w 9.2%) Iron Soluble starch 0. care should be taken to add the powder to the distilled water and not in reversed order. (4) (3) Aluminium sulphate [AI. 0. — 9.0] Polyacrylamide derivatives Remarks 9 PROCEDURE 9.5 % 8 SAMPLING — 1 week Renew stock solution.2.0] 1% (0.5 Switch the stirrer on to fast.(S04)3. Solution should beat least 1 day old.3 Take a fiulher 250 ml of sample and determine its pH. if it becomes opslcwent 2 days Dilute 10 times immediately before use 1week Sulphuric acid (H.5% 3 months Sampling shall be done in accordance with IS 3025 (Part 1). put the aspirator on its aids and roll it backward and forward vigorously to make it homogeneous. 9. The dissolution time may vary from several minutes to several hours.4 Transfer the required volumes of coagulant into the coagulant vessels using a graduated pipette of 10 ml. before use 2 .08%) 1 month Ahuniniunr Ferric sulphate [Fe.measuring cylinder. When powder aids are used for making reagents.2 The volume of an 5?4. For this.(S04). stock solution required to be added to a dose of d mg/1 to a volume V ml of sample is: 10 x V x d ml. measure 800 ml sample into 1000 ml tall form beakers and place them in position in multiple stirrer. taking care to keep a minimum of 5 mm gap between the stirrer blade and the inner surface of the beaker. Table 1 Stock Solutions for Coagulation Test Chemicals (1) Concentrations Prepare Fresh of Stock Solution of solution After Suspension (2) 1% (0.1 N 3 months Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) O. the manufacturer’s instructions should be strictly followed.l N 1 month Fullers earth 0.S04) 0.2. 9.2 Chemical Solutions 7. Start Shake well. coagulant aids and other chemicals (see Annex B. measure the temperature in one of the beaker and add coagulant afler stirring vigorously for at least one minute. Dilute 10 times immediately. . Title (Part 11) :1983 pH value (@f revision) (Part 21): 1983 Total hardness fjirst revision) 7022 Glossary of terms relating to water.... 123456 Chemical... minutes Temperature....... The speed of the mix and time may be altered as per specific condhions.. noting the time taken for pin-point (just visible) floe to appear in each beaker.. 1070:1992 Title Reagent grade water—Specification (first revision) Methods of sampling and tests (physical and chemical) for water and wastewater (Part 1): 1986 Sampling (third revision) (Part 4): 1983 Colour (first revision) (Part 10) :1984 Turbidity (first revision) 3025 INDIAN STANDARDS ZS No......... each jars 1 and 4... 9... Allow them to stand for 15 minutes then carefully decant 150 to 200 ml of supematzint from each beaker in clean beaker or flask. may be determined by conducting test at various pH.... 9.7 After 15 minutes of slow stiming switch off the stirrer and carefully remove the beakers from the stirring apparatus.. 9. (Part 1): 1973 sewage and industrial effluents and wastewater... minutes Setting rate Turbidity.......6 C)ne minute after adding the coagulant switch the stirrer to slow and observe beakers carefully.. In such situation collect supematant sample at a depth of 30-40 mm using glass syphon. A decanted sample is nearly always satisfactory but occasionally it maybe found to have small amount of floe that tends to float......IS 3025 (part 50) :2001 the stop watch on adding the coagulant. mg/1 Flash mix time... if not already known... 2 and 5 and 3 and 6 are treated simultaneously and compared..... (Part 2): 1979 sewage and industrial effluents and waste water. 2 The times given are illustrative only....Date ....8 Mix samples prior to turbidity measurement [see IS 3025 (Part 10) :1984]. NTU Colour pH NOTES 1 Test for residual chemicals in the treated water may also be conducted apart fmm normal parameters.....pH .. Sample Size . Part 1 7022 Glossary of terms relating to water. Record the data in the following manner and report the optimum values: Sample ............ rpm Slow mix time.9 Repeat these steps with different concentration of chemicals...Colour .. 11 REPORTING 9... Optional pH.. Quickly rinse the coagulant vessels with distilled water and add the rinsings to the beakers........ for the coaguhmts of interest.. Location ... Measure the colour [see IS 3025 (Part 4) : 1983] turbidity andpH [see IS 3025 (Part 11) : 1983] of the samples within 3 hours and tabulate results....Temperature . minutes Slow mix speed........ different flash mix speed and different settling time to arive at the optimum conditions.. 10 REPRODUCIBILITY To demonstrate reproducibility duplicate set of three ANNEX A (Clause2) LIST OF REFFERED IS No... “C Time of first floe formulation..... Part 2 ......... JAKALI(Alternate) Stm R.9 H20] Ferric chloride (FeClj. New Delhi DR S. Durgapor SHRIB.S. CHD 12 Representing Chairman Pollution Control Board. NAK~ (A[/ernute) (Coufinued on page 5) 4 .O) Magnesium carbonate (MgCOJ..) f) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) B-2 COAGULANT AIDS a) b) c) d) Activated silica Anionic poly electrolytes Cationic poly electrolytes Nonionic polymer B-3 OXIDISIN~ * B-4 ALKALIES B-5 WETTING AGENTS a) Bentonite b) Kaolin c) Other clays and minerals AGENTS a) Chlorine (C12) b) Chlorine dioxide (C1O.4//ema[e) Stuu S.IS 3025 (Part 50) :2001 ANNEX B (Clause 7. RAMAiNUJAM Central LeatherResearch Institute.16 H20] Ferric sulphate [l?e. SRIVASTAVA (Xfernafe) DR P. Chennai SHRIN. Gurgaon The FertilisersAssociationof India. Delhi Swu D.4 H.) a) b) Calcium carbonate (CaC03) Dolomitic lime (50 percent CaO. Mumbai DR T. R. MAHADAVEN (Alfemafe) St IRIIMRAXUR RAHMAii Central Mechnical EngineeringResearch Institute.. G.) c) Potassium permanganate (KMnOQ) B-6 OTHER CHEMICAL Activated carbon (powdered) ANNEX C (Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Water Environment Protection Sectional Committee.(SO.2. 40 percent MgO) c) Hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2] d) Magnesium oxide (MgO) e) Sodium carbonate (Na2C0.Govt of India.New Delhi EngineersJndiaLtd. K. RAMANATHAiN Gharda Chemicals Ltd. K..1) LIST OF COAGULANT. GUPTA Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd.3 H20) Sodium aluminate (NaAIO.). K. Ministry of Industry. SWAMIXATHAN Departmentof IndustrialDevelopment. N. JAIii SHRIAXIL JAm EJR(Ms) B. Mrdraraahtra DR S. MATHUR Bhabha Atomic ResearchCentre. Haridwar SHN N. Biswas Central Dk P. K. SAMIVELU(.7 H. RUJ (Alternate) SHIUA.6 HZO) Ferric sulphate (FeSO. COAGULANT AIDS AND OTHER CHEMICALS d) Calcium hypochlorite (CaOCl.O) e) Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) B-1 PRIME COAGULANT a) b) c) d) e) f) Aluminium sulphate [A12(SOJ~. A. New Delhi ParrchayatRaj Department. PARWANA (Alternate) I@Ri2ii3TAM DR DrPAKCHAKRABDRTY The DharamaiMorarji Chemical Co Ltd. BALMCRISHNAN SHRJA. DEY SHRIM.searehCentre. K. Mumbai IndianMeteorologicalDepartment. Hydembad DircetorateGeneral of Health Services. New Delhi West Bengal Pollution Control Board. West Bengal SHRIR. N. M. BIS (Ex-oflcio Member) Director (Chem) Member-Secretary DR R. DAVE }iinduatarrLever Ltd. M. CHOPRA(A/temate) DR S. MALHOTRA. Calcutta DR UJJAL Muxmum (Alternare) @’RESENTAmTi SHPJ S. KH~OERXA SHRIJ. Mmw.Nagpur RDSO. K. Ahmedabad National llmrrnal Power Corpn Ltd. DUA Punjab Pollution Control Board. P. K. NAILNLA (Alternate) DRK. Faridabad MATHuR(A/temate) DRP. BA~ERJEE (Alternate) SHRID. M. Lucknow Central Fuel Research Institute. MACHIJAN DR R. DESAI(Ahemafe) DR V. JINDAL DR S.\RGEKAR (A1/emate) SHRIA.m SHRIP. AGRAWAL SHRJ. SAHAY Thermax Fuji Electric Ltd. Chenoai National productivity Council. M.New llelhi DR (SHRIMATI) KSHIPRA MISHRA(Alternate) SHKIM. VYAS IndianPetm Chemicals Cmpn La VadodW Gujarat DR J. SHIUS. Pone National Instituteof Occupational Health. GLJREJA ThermaxLimited(CII). Vmm Shriram Institute forlnduatrial Research. K. A. D. Weat Bengal BASU(Afternate) SHFUBA~{JL B. K. KAPOOR DRDO. N. K. SJNGH Addl Dircetor(Chem). S. Mumbai SHRIU. Ministry of Radway. LUC!UJOW DR KRISHNAGOPAL(Alternate) SHRIM. SRJVASTAVA (AItemate) SHRIS. Dhanbad Director General. SmGH(Ahemafe) D~ AXIL B}{MKER lCM& Mumbai Stew B. L. SINGH IndustrialToxicologyRe. D. P.&SHOK BHATLA DR S. GHOSH SHR1 S. DHINGRA (Alternate) DR M. S. SHINGOTZ National Council for Cement and Buildhg Materials. New Delhi SHRIV. P.IS 3025 (Part 50) :2001 (Conlinuedfrotn page 4) Representing Mevnbers Central Pollution Control Board.Prme SHRIS. B. Dellsi SHRJM. PATIL(Alternate) l&R~~TAm REpJ03EWAlWE DR C. R. B. K. Pune DR A. Kanpur DK S. K. P. R. SINGH Indian 0]1 Corporation Ltd. Safdarjung Airport. Delhi DR S. New Delhi Min of Environment& Foresta. BIS 5 . M. S. Gujarat SHR!SUiWLSACHDWA Thermax Limited. K. New Delhi SHRIM. KHAN(Alfernate) Central soil Salinity Research Institute. RAJPUT Regional Labour Institute.New Delhi Water TechnologyEngineeringDIV. BAS. DepartmentofRural Development. C. Kamal Tata Chemicals Ltd. TJUVEDI(Alternate) SHRISATrhDER KUMARMEHJU SHRISUBRATO KWR ABB Alstom Power India Ltd. PANDE RiTT@EhTAIWS SHJLJA. CHATTERJEE (Alternate) DR G. SAXENA MahamahtraState Pollution Central Bo@ Mumbai Tamil Nadu Pollution Contd Board. K. S. Punjab DR (SHRJMATI) H. K. P. Printed at : Prabhat ~set Press. KANPU~. GUWAHATI. BHUBANESH WAR. marking and quality certification of goods and attending to conmwed matters in the country. I. LUCKNOW.Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. I. C~IMBATORE. I. Campus. type or grade designations.2350442 2351519. T. IV Cross Road. PATNA. Amendments Amend No. 3239402 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all offices) Regional Offices : Central : Manak Bhavan. CHANDIGARH 3378499. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’. Standards are also reviewed periodically. New Delhi-2 .8327858 8327891. 3233375. Kankurgachi CALCUTTA 3237617 3233841 700054 { Northern : SCO 335-336. E9 MIDC. BHOPAL.3379120 160022 { Southern : C. New Delhi 110002 Telephones :3230131. Andheri MUMBAI 400093 (East) { 603843 602025 2350216. such as symbols and sizes. Issued Since Publication Text Affected Date of Issue BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed. NAGPUR. P. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS.2352315 8329295. V. This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. BANGALORE. Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI Eastern Telephone 110002 { : 1/14 C. Sector 34-A. Road. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. if the review indicates that changes are needed. This does not preclude the free use. HYDERABAD. CHD 12 (292). in the course of implementing the standard. RAJKOT. Marol. FARIDABAD. PUNE. CHENNAI 600113 { Western Branches : Manakalaya.3378561 3378626. 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization.T. BIS. Scheme VII M. JAIPUR. GHAZIABAD. it is taken up for revision. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications.8327892 : AHMADABAD. of necessary details. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications). 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