
March 27, 2018 | Author: Hari Krishna.M | Category: Sodium, Water, Physical Sciences, Science, Chemical Substances



इंटरनेटमानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 12446 (2007): Bentonite for use in foundries [MTD 14: Foundry] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” . . INDIAN STANDARDS 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 ZAFAR MARG Price Group 4 .IS 12446:2007 Indian Standard BENTONITE FOR USE IN FOUNDRIES SPECIFICATION — ( First Revision ICS 81.080 @ BIS 2007 BUREAU MANAK November 2007 OF BHAVAN. Bentonite is mixed with sand to impart plasticity and strength to it in the presence of moisture. Bentonite is basically composed of the mineral montomorillonite which occurs in extremely fine particles. after the draft finalized by the Foundry and Steel Casting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical Engineering Division Council. Rajasthan. and Kashmir. Calcium base bentonite deposits are available in: a) b) c) d) Bakuda and Tinpahar in Bihar. This standard keeps in view the quality of bentonite available in the country and known to be commercially exploited. MTD 14 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standtids.Foundry and Steel Casting Sectional Committee. Kutch. Bentonite also cvntains beidelite (montomorillonite family) as principal mineral. Aaklee. This standard was first published in 1988. high swelling property of bentonite give bonding strength or adhesion to the mass of sand grains. oil well drilling and foundry. GujaraG Barmer. It was revised in 1986. expressing the result of a test or analysis. that is. Rajula and Bhavnagar in Gujarat. the material used for foundry was deleted. Important relative differences in properties of sodium and calcium based bentonites are given below: Properties (1) Swelling Plasticity Rigidity of Absorbed water layer Liquid limit Green strength Dry strength Hot strength Predominant Exchangeable Cation (Total . It is ground in mills after treatment/blending to very fine powder. Bentonite is a natural product. Madras suburbs. The fine particle size and high moisture absorption. . Lakhnoka. in the revised standard. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. Visala and Hathi Ki Dhani. Malpur and Bhawnagar region in Gujarat. observed or calculated. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. Foundry grade bentonite was earlier covered in IS 6186: 1971 “’Specification for bentonite’ covering the requirements and the methods of sampling and test for bentonite for use in chemical industries.ofInterlayer and Extraneous) / % Calcium (Ca) Sodium (Na) (2) High Lower Lower (first three molecular layer) Higher Slightly lower High Very high (3) LOW Higher Higher (first four molecular layer) Lower Higher Low Low For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value. and Mahua. Sodium base bentonite deposits are available in: a) b) c) Wandh village near Manvi. since the foundry grades bentonite have different characteristics and problems. Subsequently it was felt that a separate Indian Standard should be formulated on the foundry grades of bentonite. 5 (Na base) 0. At the time of publication. grits.1 Bentonite is to be of uniform quality and when tested in accordance with the methods specified in Annex A. pale buff.5 3 DESIGNATION 1-5 It is to be designated as. which through reference in this text constitute provisions of this standard. Colour is creamy yellowish.55-2. 5.Ca 230 -IS 12446 4 GRADES 7 SAMPLING 4.16-0.000 (Ca base) FeO + FezO~ 3-? MgO 2-3.2 6 SUPPLY OF BENTONITE General requirements relating to the supply of bentonite is to conform to the conditions laid down in IS 1387. Bentonite – Na 450 – IS 12446 Bentonite . grey to light grey. a) Na 450 b) Na 370 4.5-1.IS 12446:2007 Indian Standard BENTONITE FOR USE IN FOUNDRIES SPECIFICATION — ( First Revision) 1 SCOPE 5 PROPERTIES This standard covers the requirements for bentonite used as a binder for preparing the moulding sand etc in foundries.J Si ~010 (OH)2 Na plus Ca0. 5.4 Chemical and Physical Properties Bentonite 00 — Denotes the MB value (Methylene Blue Value in mg of MB/g of bentonite) — Denotes the predominant action say 100 Sodium – Na and Calcium — Ca Example: a) b) Physical and chemical properties of all the grades are given in Table 1. MgO.2 Calcium base bentonite is covered in one grade. The following procedure is to be followed if agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser.5 TiOz 0.2 Physical Condition The standards listed below contain provisions. 1 .4-2.1 Procedure Representative sample is to be drawn in accordance with the procedure given in IS 10214.51 1$0 0. namely: 7. Felc. sand and other foreign materials and impurities.3 Chemical Composition below: 1SNo. free from dirt Iumps. 2 REFERENCES 5. 1070:1992 1387:1993 3018:1977 10214:1982 The chemical formula of bentonite is (Al. 5.8-2 NalCa 4.1 Sodium base bentonite is covered in two grades. namely. Specific gravity 2. the editions indicated were valid. Ca 220. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreement based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated Very fine dry powder with creamy feel.33and its approximate chemical composition in percentage is: Title Reagent grade water (third revision) General requirements for supply of metallurgical materials (second revision) Specification for standard silica sand for raw material testing in foundries Methods of sampling bentonite SiOz 45-65 CaO AlzO~ 14-25 NazO 0. it is to conform with the values given in Table 1.0-2. Refto clause Catcium base Free swelling capacity. in ml Cation exchange capacity: a) mg of MB/g of bentonite b) meq of MB/100 g of bentonite 450. 355 micron CCS. Min 98. percent Chemical composition 12. Min 1.1-0. 201 and above 8 Take all the rth bags to form the sample 8 PACKING AND MARKING 8.0 A-12 A-13 3-2. 2 . in min 36. Min 1175-1225 A-II 800. A4in A-9 220. Replaceable CA++ as CaO by mass in percent a) Na2 O. Min 5000.7. Min Cone fusion temp.5 800-900 60. a portion of the bantonite about 40 g is to be drawn with the help of a sampling instrument.0-10. Min 75-80 0. Min 75-80 0. Min 10. Min 500. &tin 400. Min xii) (6) 3 3 Wet Maximum percent retention by weight on IS sieve 45 micron iii) x) xi) Ca 220 (5) Fineness a) ix) Methodsof Test. Max A-14 0. Min 2. Max A-6 10.Max 2. Min 1300 1000.1. a) b) c) d) From each of the bags selected above. of Bags Method of Sampling to be Selected . g/cm2 DCS. ‘C Bonding properties Bentonite 7 percent moisture percent High silica sand AGS-250 to . Min 120. in ml 33. in ml 3 A-2 7 7 7 90 90 90 5 5 5 6-12 9. Max A-7 A-8 59. g/cm2 CCS.0-1. 2.5 600-800 50.5 percent 0.5 5000.IS 12446:2007 Table 1 Requirements for Bentonite (Clauses 5.4 A-13 quantities of bantonite is to be taken and mixed though to form a complete sample of about 1 kg.1 and 5.7 0.Min A-lo vii) Gelling time. Mirr 1000. Max 500.5-4.? Na 450 Na 370 (3) (4) (2) b) Dry Maximum percent retention by mass on IS sieve sizes 125 micron 63 micron pan ii) Moisture content pH at 2 percent suspension iv) Liquid limit (SFSA Method) v) vi) Gel formation index. Min 55-60 1.001-0. Min 8.5-4.4 10. K20 b) Na2 O/CaO 28. Bentonite Grade ~ (1) O Sodium base A . g/cm2 Shatter index.5 percent xiii) LOI 10.75-3 percent 1. Lot Size (Bags) No. Max xiv) Na+/Ca++ 2. Min 5000. Max 25Min 1300 370. 3 up to r and 51-100 5 101-200 6 so on where r is integral part of N/n. Max viii) Swelling index.Min 3-2. Min 6-18 5-12 A-3 9. for Sampling N n Nln=r Up to 25 3 26-50 4 Count 1.7.0-9.4) Characteristics S1No. Min 5.0 A-4 100-200 A-5 30. Out of the portion each bag.5 10.0-10.5-3.1 Packing Bentonite is to be supplied in water/moisture proof 40 kg sealed bags of one of the following material. equal Polythene line hessian bag Polythene line hessain bag High density polyurethane High density polyurethane bags : Fresh : Second hand : Fresh bags : Second hand NOTE — Empty bags of insecticide/pesticide supply not to be used. Therefore. highly hydroscopic. in as it is supplied condition. is to be taken.2 Procedure Moisture is first found out.2. Keep it in air oven maintained at 105”C & 2°C for 2 h. A-1. Net weight. and lot No.1 Procedure where Weigh accurately about 10 g of the dried bentonite and place it in a 500-ml capacity bottle and add gradually 350 ml of pure distilled water (7. Designation. Cool in desicator and weigh till constant weight. 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. 63 micron IS sieves and pan for 15 min. wherever weight of dried bentonite is written the weight is to be corrected for moisture and this corrected weight of the bentonite. Bentonite is. Batch No. trade-mark.2 Marking 8. Hence either the bentonite should be taken immediately after drying to constant weight for the tests or the weight of the bentonite is to be adjusted for moisture in as it is supplied condition.2 Wet Fineness A-2.2 Weigh the amount of bentonite retained on the IS sieves 125 micron. ANNEX A (Clause 5. Moisture percent = Moisture percent of the supplied bentonite under test (see A-3).1.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. a) b) c) d) e) f) 8.1 Calculation Ww = WD moisture ~ercent 100 “A-2.1) METHODS OF TEST FOR BENTONITE A-1 BENTONITE AND REAGENTS A-1. Marking should not disfigure by water or sun-rays. maybe obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.. as supplied condition). in g. A-2.1 Dry about 200 g of the bentonite in the tared porcelain dish covered with a watch glass uniformly over the bottom of the dish. giving at least 30 complete inversions to the bottle per minute.2.2. in g. and WD = mass of dried bentonite. 3 . Brand name.1 Dry Fineness A-2.2. Report the results as percentage weight of bentonite retained on these sieves.l Bentonite Unless specified otherwise pure chemicals and distilled water (see IS 1070) is to be employed in the tests. Take 50 g from the dried sample and sieve it in the normal manner using 125 micron.1 All bags are to be clearly marked with the following: The material may also be marked with the Standard Mark. The mixture thus prepared shall be fluid and free from lumps.IS 12446:2007 8. The details of conditions under which the licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers. A-2 FINENESS A-2. NOTE — ‘Pure chemicals’ shall means chemicals that do not contain impurities which affects the results of analysis.0 pH). Therefore.2. weight of undried bentonite is calculated for the weight of dried bentonite whch is referred for all tests. Manufacturer’s name. A-1.1. WUD= mass of undried bentonite (that is.3 QuaIity of Reagents A-1.2 BIS Certification Marking 8.2. and Manufacturing date. Shake the mixture thoroughly in a suitable shaking machine for a period of 3 h. 63 micron and pan. return as much of the slurry as possible to the beaker. Return the slurry into the beaker. and If the number of blows is between 1 and 8. add 100 ml of distilled water @H = 7.2. percent by mass = 100’~ UD where Wt = loss in weight. and P = moisture content of bentonite. promptly add the slurry to the cup with a spatuala. Thoroughly mix for 90 s a quarter portion (7. etc) is not recommended since results cannot be measured precisely. determined with where the special device.2. A-5. micron. A-4 DETERMINATION OFpH VALUE A-4. Wu~= mass of the undried bentonite taken for test. Experience with the particular 4 . Cool the dish in a desicator end weigh.0 g of the dried bentonite.2. After a constant reading of+ 2 blows is obtained (in the range of 9 to 20 blows). counting the blows necessary to close the groove for a distance of 13 cm (see Note 2 under A-5. Spread the material uniformly over the bottom of the dish. This value is ‘B’ in the equation. A good contact between the slurry and the surface of the cup is essential.5 g) of the bentonite with A-5. The consistency of the slurry may be too thin at this stage (indicated by previous experience) and if so.2. Subtracts thzis weight from the original 30 g of bentonite to determine the number of grams of bentonite added to the 100 ml of water. Distilled water can absorb enough COZfrom the atmosphere to ‘acidify. Drying temperature is to be within 105–110”C. probably more than any other.2. Ageing of clays will vary the pH value. A-3.2 Procedure Determination of water content (WZO) of bentonite requiring 20 blows to cIose the groove — Accurately weigh out of dried bentonite and split in to four approximately equal parts. B = mass of bentonite added.1 The liquid limit of a bentonite. the weight of remaining unmixed bentonite is determined (see Note 3 under A-5. carefully add more bentonite in small amounts to give a suitable consistency. Make a groove with the scriber (see Note 1 under A-5. This step. Clean the cup with a dampened cloth and dry thoroughly.2 Determination of Water Content of Bentonite Requiring 30-40 Blows to Close the Groove Carefully add 1 to 3 more spatulas of bentonite to the slurry in the beaker. covered with a watch glass. Remove any dry bentonite adhering to the beaker well. in g. Then again determine the number of blows needed to close the groove as described above. Repeat the operation till constant weight is obtained.2 Calculation Loss on drying.IS 12446:2007 A-2. add to the slurry and remix for 90s. A-5 DETERMINATION ~+ P-B W. The amount of slurry required is indicated by the line scrib~d on the inner surface of the cup. Add approximately half of the quarter (3. A-3 MOISTURE CONTENT A-3.o= OF LIQUID LIMIT 100 XIOO ~-—P-B 100 A-5. Wash the residue on the sieve.2. Remove all the bentonite remaining on the scriber and return it to the beaker. in percent.3). Note the number of blows it between 9 and 20 and repeat until the number is constant within + 2 blows. The test shall be carried out at 27 ~2°C.2 Sieve this mixture through IS sieve size45 exactly 100 ml of distilled water at room temperature in a plastic beaker. is the water content in a bentonite slurry which will provide enough plasticity to close a prescribed groove in 25 blows. Weigh accurately about 10 g of the material in a tared porcelain dish.1.3).1 Procedure Take 2. dry it and weigh. in g. Smooth the slurry until it is level with the line at all points.1 Always test distilled water against buffer solution before beginning any pH testing. Keep it in air oven maintained at 105 k 2°C for 2 h.1 w = mass of water used = 100 g. Turn the crank at a rate about 2. The calorimetric method (litmus paper. will affect the reproducibility of the test.0) and mix thoroughly.1 Procedure Following the 90 s mixing cycle. following the prescribed procedure. carefully add 1 to 3 spatula of bentonite and repeat the 90 s mixing procedure. Following each sequence. A-5. in g. Determine the pH of suspension by means of a suitablepH meter using glass electrode.3). WZO = water content for (9 to 20 blows). A-4. Report the results as percentage weight of the bentonite retained on IS sieve size 45 micron. It shall not exceed 110”C under any circumstances.75 g) and mix for 90 s. The number of blows required should be in the range of 30-40. Keep the test tubes for 24 h for full swell. Repeat the operation until the number is constant within* 2 blows and note the number. in ml. A-7 FREE SWELLING CAPACITY A-7. 0. The number of blows is plotted on the logarithmic scale (ordinate).4 g. Add further water to read 100 ml and shake vigorously for 1 hour for the rough mixing. Determine the weight of bentonite remaining and substract this weight from the original 30 g of clay to determine the total weight of bentonite added to the water. A-8 GELLING TIME NOTES 1 The scriber supports should be adjusted so that the scriber A-8. A. 2 The closing of the groove shall be taken as the point at which the bottom of the groove joints to cover the exposed portion of the cup for 13 cm along the length of the groove. This will give roughly the gel index value of bentonite in percent. Determine the water content W40 of this more viscous mixture by means of the above equation. Dry shake the mixture thoroughly for 5 to 10 min. The shear forces applied while shaking has direct bearing on the ‘welling ‘ndex = Weight of bentonite (g) It is an approximate measure of the limit of hydration. 0. Add 50 ml of distilled water and shake vigorously for thorough mixing.R. The variation in shaking or thorough mixing and time of mixing gives variations in the results from laboratory to laboratory.R. Weigh accurately 1. Adjustment of the cup to provide the required one centimetre clearance between the bottom of the cup of its highest position and the striking base should be done frequency taking care that the scriber is not off centre this striking the cup unevenly.3 g. 0.2 g. Shake the mixture well and then add immediately further 15 ml of distilled water. 0.25 g. The free swelling capacity is measured in terms of volume.5 g.2. 100 ml of water Shaking the mixture thoroughly in a suitable shaking machine for the given time is essential. of gel formed. 0. Check the thixotrophy of the bentonite by tilting the test tube. Time in minutes after which the bentonite slurry fails to flow ever after keeping test tube in (-) 45° tilted position for 1 min.1 Procedure Add 0. the paper groove being one which exposes I the bottom of the cup through-out its length.110”C). A-5. 3 By this time.5 cm dia test tube and add 2.35 g. The groove should not be expected to close entirely. 0. Measure the volume of the supernatant liquid and subtract it from 100 ml.7 g.1 Procedure Accurately weigh 2 g of dried bentonite powder (moisture free) and divide the quantity into more than 20 approximately equal parts. quality (dried at 105”C) and 2.2 g magnesium oxide. The point where the axis for 25 blows crosses the line connecting the points Wzgand WJOcorresponds to the liquid limit.00 g of dried sample of bentonite (moisture free) in different duly marked test tubes of 15 cm dia. bentonite being testing will indicate the amount required. Care is taken to see that every particle of bentonite is wetted and settled while sprinkled each time till all the 20 parts are over.1 Procedure A-6. The swelling index is the ratio of water (10 ml) to minimum mass of bentonite (g) at which the suspension just fails to flow. 5 . 0. Take 10 ml of distilled water in a 2. A-9 SWELLING INDEX A-6 GEL FORMATION INDEX A-9.IS 12446:2007 dispersion of bentonite particles.0). 0. The suspended material with proper ratio will not flow out of the test tube when gently tilted to (-) 45° and shall remain still for at least 1 min. 0. 0. Generally the time taken for completing the test is 1 to 2 h.3 Determine the Liquid Limit (W~ Plot on semi-logarithemic paper the water content W28 and W40 against the corresponding number of blows.4 g of dried bentonite powder dried to constant weight (at 105°C).8 g. approximately 14 g of the originat 30 g have been used. Repeat the 90 s mixing procedure and determine the number of blows necessary to close the groove as described above. quality (dried at 105”C) in a stoppered 100 ml measuring cylinder. The result will be recorded after one hour and after 24 h from completion of test by noting the volume of gel formed. Allow the contents of the measuring cylinder to stand for 24 h. Close the mouth of test tube by rubber cork and shake well.5 g of dried bentonite (dried to constant weight at the temperature of 105. A.6 g of anhydrous alumina. that is along its entire length of its full depth.1 Procedure light] y touches the bottom of the cup. Take each part by the tip of a spoon and sprinkle into a graduated cylinder containing 100 ml distilled water (PH = 7.9 g and 1. Shake the mixture well of each test tube to ensure full dispersion of bentonite.6 g. Only 13 cm closes over so that the cup bottom cannot be seen. Add 10 mlof distilled water in each test tube. Connect the two points with a straight line. Add 1. Titration from this solution shall give results convertible to any unit for reporting.539 g of MB/litre of distilled water. A-11.5 g of bentonite hence to convert it to per g it shall be multiplied by 2.3Hz0Molecular weight 373. Add approximately 500 ml of distilled water at 40”C. By means of glass rod transfer a drop of the suspension on a hardened filter paper to test free MB or a 4 number. wait for 2 min and repeat the drop test for conformation of end point.2 Preparation of Methylene Blue Solution A-11. The colour of the inner spot will become progressively darker blue as the clay absorbs more and more dye. The solution shall be transferred back to volumetric flask after the first mixing cycle for the accurate addition of distilled water to the 1000 ml level. I Procedure A-10.739 g of MB/litre of distilled water of 3. ~ m1=~=3.2. That is MB solution have 3. Mg of MB/g of bentonite = 2 x ml x MBW where MBW is mass of MB/litre of distilled water (3.10HzO). in ml. C1bM18N#3C1.2 Methylene Blue Requirement A-10. Take 0. The numerator is representing methylene blue dye. Transfer the solution to dark brown glass bottles for storage and allow to stand for 12 h before use. Eventually the end point of titration will be indicated when the outline of the boundary of the inner blue spot breaks down into a defused light blue hale.2 Cation Exchange Capaci~ in meg of MB/ 100 g of Bentonite MB solution shall be of strength where 1 ml = 0.1 Methyl Blue Requirement. shake the flask and stir the solution for 2 min. A-n CONE FUSION TEMPERATURE SINTERING TEMPERATURE AND A-ILL I Procedure Fill a fireclay combustion boat of approximate dimensions 45 mm x 15 mm x 5 mm deep with the bentonite and strike off level. Boil the solution for 10 min and cool. A-10. Using a clean funnel.5 N sulphuric acid and shake well for few minutes. The number of exchangeable ions present are determined by replacing these ions with methylene blue dye. or 3. if water molecules in MB is 2 or 3.739 g of methylene blue per Iitre of distilled water if water molecule in methylene blue in 3). After the titration the MB requirement in ml should be converted to mg of MB 1 g of bentonite. in ml.01 moUlitre methylene blue solution (3. This gives the value. stir for 30 min with a magnetic stirrer.l Cone Fusion Temperature The methylene blue should be of pharmaceutical grade or for absorption test purpose USP Grade Merck No.5 ml of 0. Whatman filter paper for visual examination as titration proceeds. A-10. of methylene blue solution of a given strength per 0.1 Procedure The sample of bentonite is loosely packed a combustion 6 .5 g of the bentonite taken.739 g of methylene blue crystals (methyl thionine chloride.559 g methylene blue per litre of distilled water. After each addition of 1 ml of methylene blue solution.2. standard 0. 6040. For each liter or solution carefully weigh 3.559 g where MB has 2 water molecules) MB. Place in a furnace at 1 300°C for 15 rein.5 g sample from it and mix with 4.90) on an analytical balance.739 g where MB has 3 water molecules. mixing can be done in a conventional 1000 ml beaker where care shall be taken to avoid loss of solution due to splashing The sample should be fused and bloated with ‘NO SHRINKAGE’ after heating at 1 300°C for 15 min. Titrate the solution against.IS 12446:2007 during the process.1 The methylene blue test measures the active clay present by determining the cation exchange capacity of the bentonite. in ml.5 g of washed graded clayfree absolute silica sand and transfer it in a 250 ml conical flask.2. Cool it in a desicator. The quantity of the methylene blue solution absorbed should conform to the specified value. remove and note the condition of the bentonite after cooling. in ml.01 meg or 1 mm 01.739Xmg 9 loog k! where X is the consumption of MB. Add 50 ml of distilled water and 10 ml of saturated solution of tetra-sodium pyrophosphate (NaiPz07. transfer the crystals to a 1 000 ml volumetric flask. in g. As this point is reached. of meg or mg and denominator is bentonite. Remove the stirring bar and accurately fill the flask to the 1000 ml calibration mark with additional distilled water at 40”C.2 Sintering Range A-11.3. A-10 CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY A-10. A-10. or 100 g. in mg Dry approx 5 g bentonite sample at 105”C for 1 h to the constant weight.3 Calculations A-10. If a magnetic stirrer is not available.3. is multiplied by 2 because titration is done taking 0. residue and the paper with cold water to remove the traces of the stripping reagent.1 Procedure A-13. Acidify the benzyltrimethyl ammonium chloride filtrate with several millilitre of dilute hydrochloric acid and evaporate to a volume of about 250 ml.2 Procedure Weight 10 g of the dried material into a 250 ml beaker and add 100 ml of benzyltrimethyl ammonium chloride solution and mix by moderate speed stirrer for 4 min. in ml. keeping the solution warm for 3 h to 4 h but not boiling. Heat very gently until bubbles ceases. A-13.2 Dilute hydrochloric acid —1: 1 (v/v).4.4.NazO and TiOz. volume of the standard potassium permanganate solution used. Wash the beaker. 7 . 0.4. A blank shall be for the effect of the paper. FeO. in g.1 Representatives samples are chemically analysed by supplier adopting standard methods for SiOz. MgO. percent = (V-~) XNXO. of Calcium Oxide Content A-13. A1203.1. and A-13.6 Standard solution.3 determined and titrate with standard solution. chloride A-13. 30 filter paper. Filter over a Whatman No. Calculation Calcium oxide.4. A-13.1.1 Procedure A-12.1.4. After 4 min in the furnace the specimen is taken out.2 NazO + KZO in percent by weight is to be mentioned on the test certificate. Dry mix for 3 min in a laboratory sand mixer. Results of the chemical analysis furnish preliminary information of contamination and abnormal substitutions in the lattice.4. A-13. Weigh accurately about 2 g of the dried material in a previously ignited and tared silica crucible.1. To the beaker used for the precipitation. The boat containing the sample of bentonite is kept in the furnace experiment continued for a minimum time of 3 to 5 min.4 Determination (Replaceable Ca).8 mm – 3 ram test piece.1 Standard Sand Mix Test 5 kg of standard silica sand for raw material testing in foundries (see IS 3018) with 7 percent bentonite from composite sample).1.05 N. Dissolve the washed oxalate precipitate in 50 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid. and then add 4.4. potassium = volume of the standard permanganate solution used for the blank.4. Na+/Ca++Ratio A-13. add 150 ml of dilute sulphuric acid (1:19) then introduce the paper containing the precipitate.1 solution-6 Benzyl trimethyl ammonium percent (wIv) potassium The Na+/Ca++ ratio is found out by a flammen photometer and the results are mentioned on the test certificate.4 Ammonium oxalate solution—Dissolve 4 g of the ammonium oxalate in 100 ml of water.028x100 w where v= v. Wash the stirrer with cold water in the beaker. dilute to about 150 ml and the paper with cold water until ammonium oxalate is removed. Avoid excessive washing. A-13. till occurs. Continue the ignition in a A-13. Filter and wash five times with cold water. Heat incipient boiling and add 25 ml of ammonium oxalate solution and ammonium hydroxide until slightly alkaline. Collect the mixture in a polyethylene bag and test for green compressive strength and green shearing strength on a standard 50. sintering A-12 BONDING PROPERTIES A-12. cooled to room temperature and visually examined whether sintered or not.3 Ammonium hydroxide — 20 percent NH~ (w/w). KZO.3 Ratio of NazO/CaO by weight is to be specifically mentioned on the test certificate. The total exchangeable cations is also mentioned on the certificate. w= mass of the material taken for the test.1. The results of test pieces thus made from mixture of silica sand bonded with subject bentonite shall be compared with the reference bentonite. Chemical composition is to be mentioned on test certificate by the supplier specifically. boat and kept in the hot zone of electric tube furnace. Mix Heat to almost boilhtg potassium permanganate A-13 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION previously A-13.1.5 percent of water and mix for another 5 min. FezOJ.4.5 Dilute sulphuric acid — 1:19 (v/v). Stir thoroughly and allow the precipitate to settle out. N= normality of the standard permanganate solution.8 x 50.IS 12446:2007 A-13. 1 or No. The test result should be acceptable as per standard values. A-14 LOSS ON IGNITION (LOI) A-14. in ml. CaO.1 Reagents A-13. The is started a temperature of 800”C and with subsequent increments of 50”C potassium permanganate A-13.4.4. 73 136.93 93.08 88. in g.44 96. in g.89 90.37 72.96 64.25 90.05 133. and W3 = mass of the crucible with the material after ignition.74 92.93 77.07 141.84 61.52 70.58 88.65 112. A-14.75 144.89 Percent Montimorillonite Bentonite 40.24 85.02 125.07 75.54 72.59 44.59 94.78 79.29 48.30 98.38 131.62 81.IS 12446:2007 muffle furnace at red heat for 1 h cool the desicator and weigh.70 55.19 87.15 100. in g.00 .00 51.74 42.31 106.70 128.42 53.2 Calculation Loss of ignition (LOI). Approximately Cation Exchange Capacity and Percentage of Montimorillonite rttg of MB/g of Bentonite 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 meg[100 g of Bentonite 58.56 80.18 66.44 46.35 123.63 104.33 85.55 59.68 120.95 101.21 74.48 83.98 109.15 50.40 139. Repeat the operation till constant weight is obtained. percent by mass .51 64.86 69.64 96.22 74.26 61.11 62.82 66.67 68. = mass of the empty crucible. W2 = mass of the crucible with the material before ignition.00 117.loox~ w.85 mg of MB/g of Bentonite 290 300 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 meg/100 g of Bentonite Percent Montimorillonite Bentonite 77.28 98.–~ where w.32 115. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. P. Road. Andheri (East) MUMBAI 400093 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all offices) Telephone 23237617 { 23233841 . GUWAHATI. RAJKOT. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referr~pg to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’. NAGPUR. E9 MIDC. PATNA.. if the review indicates that changes are needed.28327858 { 28327891. marking and qual[ty certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. .hadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 Eastern : 1/14 C. IV Cross Road. PUNE. MTD 14 (4604) Amendments Issued Since Publication . such as symbols and sizes.2323 9402 Regional Ofllces : Central : Manak Bhavan. a standard along with amendments is reat%rmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed. BHOPAL. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. VISAKHAPATNAM. Scheme VII M.22542315 28329295.I.22541442 { 22542519.23233375. LUCKNOW. BANGALORE. in the course of implementing the standard. I.. HYDERABAD. Sector 34-A. 23378499. FA’tiIDABAD. JAIPUR. . KANPUR.23378561 { 23378626. COIMBATORE. BIS. This does not preclude the free use. it is taken up for revision.28327892 !. Standards are also reviewed periodically. 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization. V. Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications). 9 Ba. Printed at Sunshine Graphics .23379120 2603843 2609285 { 22541216. Campus. of necessary details. BHUBANESHWAR. Amend No. Branches : AHMEDABAD.LT. Date of Issue Text Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan.. Kankurgachi KOLKATA 700054 Northern : SCO 335-336. type or grade designations. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. CHANDIGARH 160022 Southern : C. New Delhi 110002 Telephones :23230131.Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. Review of Indian Standards This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. PARWANOO. CHENNAI 600113 Western : Manakalaya.. GHAZIABAD.T. Marol.
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