Is 962 Drawing Code

April 2, 2018 | Author: srinivaskasa | Category: Water Heating, Door, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Technical Drawing, Sewage Treatment



IS 962 : 1989lndian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND BUILDING DRAWINGS ( Second Revision) First Reprint JUNE 1993 UDC 721’021’22 @ BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIA-N STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 March 1991 Price Group 11 Planning, Byelaws and Dimensional Co-ordination Sectional Committee, BDC 10 CONTENTS Page 1. SCOPE ... . .. . .. . .. 1 2. REFERENCES . .. .. . . .. ... 1 3. SIZES OF DRAWINGS ... ... . .. ... 1 4. LAYOUT OF DRAWINGS ... . .. ... .. . 1 5. REPRODUCTIONOF DRAWINGS .-. ... .. . . .. 3 6. FOLDING OF PRINTS .. . ... .. . . .. 3 7. SCALES ... . .. __. . .. 3 8. PROJECTION . .. ... . .. ... 3 9. LINE WORK . .. . .. .. . . .. 6 10. LETTERINGAND DIMENSIONING .. . ... ... .. . 8 11. GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS ... . .. . .. .. . 9 12. ABBREVIATIONS .. . ... . .. ... 24 13. CONVENTIONALREPRESENTATION OF MATERIALS IN SECTION ..I .. . 27 14. NUMBERING OF BUILDINGS AND PARTS OF BUILDINGS . . . ... 27 15. DESIGNATIONOF ROOMSAND OTHER AREAS ... . . . . .. 31 16. COLOURING THE PLAN . .. ... . . . ... 31 FOREWORD This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 3 April 1989, after the draft finalized by ,the Planning, Byelaws and Dimensional Co-ordination Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. It has been found desirable to codify the numerous architectural and building drawing ofhce practices followed in the various architectural and civil engineering departments, so that the drawings prepared in any office can be read without fear of misinterpretation. The purpose of this code is to establish certain conventions, in order to avoid confusion, increase speed and achieve quick identification wherever this is reasonably possible. This standard was originally published in 1967. The present revision has been undertaken with a view to updating the contents of the standard. The revision takes into account international drawing practices. In this present revision recommendations with regard to sizes of drawings, scales, line work, lettering and dimensioning and nomenclature of buildings have been aligned with international practice. Considerable assistance has been derived in the formulation of this code from the fJlowing standards published by the International Organization for Standardization: IS0 2595 : 1973 Building drawings - Dimensioning of production drawings - Representation of manufacturing and work sizes IS0 4067 ( 2 ) : 1980 Building and civil engineering drawings - Installations - Part 2 Simplified representation of sanitary appliance IS0 4C07 ( 6 ) : 198.5 Technical drawings - Installations - Part 6 Graphical symbols for supply w:iter and drainage systems in the ground IS0 4157 ( I 1 : !9SO Building drawing - Part 1 Designation of buildings and parts of buildings IS0 4157 ( 2 ) : 1952 Technical drawings - Construction drawings designation of buildings and parts of buildings - Part 2 Designation of rooms and other areas Ihls stancia~d d!m covers nomenclature of floors and storeys at present covered in IS 2332 : 1972 ‘Nume:iclature of foors and storeys’, consequently this standard is withdrawn. The present nomen- clature is based on international practice but the earlier provisions of IS 2332 : 1972 rerat~ug to mezzanine, galleries and basements have been retained. IS %2:1989 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ARCHITBCTURAL AND BUILDING DRAWINGS ( Second Revision ) 1 SCOPE 3.3 Special Elongated Sizes ( Second Choice ) 1.1 This code lays down the recommendation for When a sheet of greater length is needed, one of sizes, layout, reproduction, folding of prints, scales, the sizes in Table 2 should be used. projection, line work, lettering and dimensioning, graphical symbols, abbreviation, representation of Table 1 Preferred Sizes materials in section, numbering of building, designation of rooms and other areas. ( C/ause 3.2 ) 2 REFERENCES 2.1 The following Indian Standards are necessary adjuncts to this standard: I I Designation (1) A”: :: Dimension, mm 420 594 (2) 841 x x 841 594 1 189 IS No. Title A4 z;: “x 4;; 9609 Lettering on technical draw- ( Part 1 ) : 1983 ings : Part 1 English characters Table 2 Special Elongated Sizes 10711 : 1983 Sizes of drawing sheets ( C/awe 3.3 ) 10713 : 1983 Scales for use on technical Designation Dimension, mm 10714 : 1983 drawings General principles of presenta- I (1) A3 x 3 420 (2) x * 891 tion on technical drawings I A3 A4 x x 4 3 420 297 xl 189 x 630 10720: 1983 11665 : 1985 Technical drawings ctural metal works Technical drawings - for stru- Title I A4 A4 x x 4 5 297 297 x 841 xl 051 block These sizes are obtained by extending the shorter sides of a formaf of the A series to lengths that 3 SIZES OF DRAWINGS are multiples of the shorter side of the chosen basic format. 3.1 Selection and Designation of Sizes 3.4 Exceptional Elongated Sizes ( Third Choice ) The original drawing should be made on the smallest sheet permitting the necessary clarity and When a very’ large or extra elongated sheet is resolution. essential, one of the sizes in Table 3 should be used. The choice of sizes of the original drawing and its These sizes are obtained by extending the shorter reproductions shall be made from the series shown sides of a format of the A series to lengths that in 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 in that order. are multiples of the shorter side of the chosen Drawing sheets may be used with their longer basic format. sides positioned either horizontally or vertically. 4 LAYOUT OF DRAWINGS 3.2 Sizes Series A ( First Choice ) 4.1 General The preferred sizes of the trimmed sheets, as selected from the main A series, are given in For details about layout of drawings reference Table 1. shall be made to IS 10711 : 1983. 1 Table 3 Exceptional Elongated Si+es‘ +“C$&ere$e. A system of straight consecutive ‘numbering will be found to meet general conditions. In an organization,, where several f secf;ioK a& #&ged-$l( $iffe&$t$pes ‘of ’ dra’wings, ‘it’ may. be convenient -to ’ issue -<i (1) ‘.J m : “byty!e~ oE_nurnber~~g*rhe various sections. A0 x 2 1 iSY x 1 652 b) It will be advantageous to indicate the date of A0 x 3 I 189x 2 523* ,the drawirag along with the drawing number 811 ix1'7YI 1’ and separated by a hyphen or a dash. This Al x3 841 x 2 378* will limit the serial numbering of drawings Al x4 to one calendar year, a fresh serQ being \ ;,o;_, +2,.(,,$ ,..( : , : 594 x.1261 started every year. Location of old d&winas A2 x 4 594 x 1682 2,;A2,krS.:.: . ?'j 594 k 2 102 A3 x 5 .' ' 420~~ 1486 4.3.2 L&c+& o’f.lsiige’~~+~nst~~~~o~ ~ro$.c;‘,works,’ A3 x 6 420 x 1783 whert?,‘Y$!i$” series of -.draw?ngs; for example, A3 x 7 " 420 x.2MO archi~~iira~-dr~~iiigs’~:‘,~~~ructil~~!’.dr~ii;ings,. con- A4 x _ms., 6 -.. 297 v I.261 structional drawings, phmibing ‘drawings, electrical !--%y.x.I, .: , ,, ,, 297 x 1471. drawings and mechanical drawings aqe~m&e;, ,the,: A4 x 8 297 x I682 drawing number of such series Shalf be’ pregxed” 297 x 1 892 with&tters ~@,~_&&i~CI’iP, ,&u-n&M respectively. For practicltl reasons the use of these sizes is no1 When a drawing covers several sheets for- convenience in handling, as in the case: & a longitudinal section of a railway or road project, the satneimimber should bec:ggivento all the sheets’: in thesenies:.tiith the consecutive sheet number 4.2.1 Drawings shall record all aheratians or revi- given withjn, brackets after the sub-number. -For sions mnde from time to time. A convenient form example, ‘asheet ~shdUL8be’ designated as k 65- 1 I is a . panel , *.-. giving the revision number ( or letter ), ( 4 ocJ(). $ whjch_,wilI.&tica]e (hat the drawingQ$ da@iXne,ori)art revised, brief record and dated the fourth of 10 sheets &fiyb7number I I of project in@a&-of~heapprov~ng authority.. R 65. All such sheets should be of the same size. !>;’._.‘I -:: ?SIV!,, ,$ i :.:;.‘.a, ;_;\; : : i 1:i., j 4.1.2 The panel’for revision and any other infor- : 4.3.3 &key diagram. showing the index of sheets m;btion anc@ary. to the revision should be con- 1 ti uous withthe title-block and read from bottom : should be, gjienJB where necessary, at the. .bottom! of the sheet ~%ibrcate’a:t’~ fa,nce all the drawing u k ards and’may run horizontally or vertically sheets contigtfous $otb’t%e”ih& ‘tinder consideration. pr wiLh _”respect‘tb ,__ 1_ I I the drawing sheet. :\, :yq-I . ;$a&. ! “2il j I’:; ‘_‘._ ’ i:i’; :: cjo::; 4.3&.Thc:. method of assigning revision number 4.4”iepetitibn of Drawing iNumber va&t with,tgpes of drawings and each organiza-, tio&or.f; architect’ may adopt suitable internal system, but in all cases, care shall be taken that the record of revision is so tied with the drawing that: li&:ili’~easily found. This is particularly necessary on large sheets. L: .::I,,’ 4.2;a.Thc number and date of revision shall be added in the revision panel. 4.%:~N~mbe&g of Drawing Sheet 4.#$,‘A methodical system of numbering of draw-’ iugs is’esse~ntial. The system of numbering drawings shall be a matter of individual departments or firms to decide but, in general, the following rules are recommended: a) A register, book or master file shdild’ be ~ ,,:,. used for the systematic allocation of draw- ing numbers with a card index for ready 2 4.5 Additional Information r 6.2 The recommended method of folding embodies Gthe following features: 4.5.1 For details about additional information x.,-..,., “‘._ reference shall be made to IS 11665 : 1985. a) The. method allows drawings to be unfolded and re-folped yh.eJ attached to other papers 5 REPRODUCTlON OF DRAWlNGS wit& fhe necessity‘ fdr- removal from the 5.1 Original d&wings and tracings are noqn@lv file and. w.ithout the..possibil\ty f the print being torn. Lower portioo of tx e left-hand preserved carefgllly and copies are used in w&b margin of the sheet may de cut after retain- shop or on sites. The following types of +b$s t ing 297 mm long top pdrtion in order to are in common use.: piovide for filing the drav$s in the files. a) Dyel@e 1 !ri t@~‘*~@d-+‘b~ exposing b) All maps and plans are tool&d io final size sensitize P”pap&-@ light in cbntact with the for conven+nce of recordiin $ffi ‘e files. origisai. i tr$n&&ent draw i$$ !They are ..I _..‘. devel&$ & $%duce p+i!ive copies by c) There is no‘necessity ‘to Qpefi u t a drawing m&an&of admonia’gas br in ynii-dry process to see what it refers to a$ the title block, by.!a light .bpplication of liquid developec, which gives, the particulati thb drawings, The copy! gives b&X, line -tin, semi-dry is visible on the bottomjrig. fht-hand corner process lines with amt@onia procegs of the folded drawings. 1 .’ j on a white or tintep~~,~~grou.~di _ _, Ir. I ..-_I. _._) d) Plans may be opened OUCetisild by holding b) Ferro-prussiatG.or blue prints are developed firmly the tbp left-hand bolmer pnd pulling by immersion in water. They have been the bottom right-hand codne?. j largely superseded by dyeline’ prints. 3 1 I - -I - I Cl Projection ( photographic ) copying on 6.3 The foil&kg: ‘~~c$q&m_ @$ bk$adopted in photo-sensitive materials: . . paper, 4 fil$, and i the order icdidated: ._. ___ _ ,_ translucent paper, permits a cnange or scale, a) Always fold vertically first, enlargement or reduction. To conserve filing space, for security purposes and safety in 1 b) Fold @-@ontally next, storage and transport, originals can be : c) Folded drquingtc I%%?%??&c;& photographically reduced on to film. These d) Title block to be on the topmost fold for reductions can be enlarged to make working -easy r&rem.-_-, .I.“._ ~W___+-~_~.._.-.-.~ --T-.i ,::copies or they can .be mspectea;. ;aP t ! enlarged scale in a viewer, in w@c“ti &lie: The” different stages of folding are indic+tefl i+ --image is] prdj6td On to 3 ground ‘#$t Fin. 1 for SOme of the sizes. f i I r screen. -, ‘& * jil_ - 4 Copies ti$iCh-- are to be water-cbioured 7 SCALES should bi mide an-%iZtt-or [email protected]. 7.1 The scales shall be chosen in ^_,__I.. e) R&& ~cop$ ~~~~‘~~& on pho&&&tive IS 10713 : 1983. materials, c@$?bslucent paper and. can be produced frOm.opaque originals. The repro- 7.2 The recommended scales i for use on tedh& ‘1 dur$i:otis are bade; by -contact .&$ must drawings are specified in Ta@e 4. _. ____. - f _-i ! P: the‘rifore be of the same size as thd driginal. I :! : Table 4 Recommended Scales i :; j 1 5.2 All the above.‘p&esses, except ferro- russiate, - _ ^ .;. . - _. -- - __. can pro&k translucbnt copies from whi Ph;futthet: Category J Recommended Scale4 > j’ cooies c& be made. $hese ~LIYoeryusef@fot the 1 I - ! preparatibn of drawings showing serviqes’ (,pipe En\argeEent scalps ‘ad bC examined on tv trahslu- run, etc ) which c,,\ ;: cent copy. i E Full size 5.3 The dimensions,;’ ~~~cl;ness’-~~tie~~~ara- Reduction scales cteristics of the lines %&id-’ be kept-in- \;iew while ’ preparing drawing fo %~~i~~-fkbmin+ --’“~4 6 FOLDING OF PRINTS _ . - “. “_..I\. .~_I”_._I._.___ __i .-_.._ ._k...f. 6.1 The method of folding prints of drawings for 8 PROJECTION_ _._ _. :. __ .A storing in filing cases, attaching to correspondence files, or for binding in special reports is illustrated 8.0 For detdiWal>isur flitMplt_ df p?eWtation, in Fig. 1 and IA. reference shall be made to IS 10714 : 1983. 3 “‘7’ ^_. ._. _ I?~~-r;irsXi~l~~ ~i~~&bn&‘&at in which each _.-- b) The view ‘fro& b&%@a~ed underneath, “: view is so placed that it represents the side of the c) The __ view fro& thFieft placed on the left, : object remote; from it in the adjacent view ( see “,_L, .- ~. .“__.,. Fig. 2 ). d) The view’ fr&n’the right placed on the righi, and 8.1.1 With reference Jo the front vie?, the other e) The vi& from ,the rear may be placed on views..+Tearrapged ” f&fl?%s: ~ the left or on the rigtit as foun$gonvenient. 4) I%e vie$v fqom abok%pIaiqd underneath, 9 LINE WdRK I z &Tbe viek from below placed ab&g, 9.i All lines shall be d&se’ clean and black to C), e vie+ fro& left <pla&#dodjthe right, produce good p&s. For hetails reference shall b$ e viek from‘b_&t placed+n the, left, and,made to -..-IS --- . . . I^._ JO714 : lp83.’ e)’ e view from thk Bar ‘x&y be* placed on the left @r on the right as found convenierit. ,.. 9.2 TY~wfL~~q”_, _I The types and that. in which each Table 5 sh6utd be used thickness of line shown in the view IS so placed that it represents the side of the object near to it in the adjacent view ( See Fig. 2 ). In cases where other-types or thicknesses of line This method h&s the important advantage that the r-are used for sij-Ci~~~l%ld~,or if the lines specified features of adjacent views are m juxtaposition; in the table are used for applications other than thus it issasier thdn tht lirst angle projection in ; those detailed in the last column of the table, the projec&i$ one iview from the other,, when drawing, t cunven$ions adopted must be indicated or explained and ;&s@<..easi&in associating those features when f by notes on the drawing concerned. dime@ydmg qr reading draujing. ! I 9.3 Thiikaess of Lipes 8.2.1 $h reference to the. fro&view, the other views are arranged as follo&: ’ 7,wo tl$ckheGes of’iines are used. The ratio of ;h&;O&k ts- the -&in Bine shall not be less than a) The view from above placed above, : . A A . PI.& WY** -r- FIRST : ANGLE PROJECTION COMBINATIQN Qf FIRST AND THIRD ANGL.E PROJECTIONS I ” -- -. C ;’ ‘j i ” I / PERSPECTIVE ‘WOJIC?KW. L lsowrtlric lROJLCVION .f .Y;. .^ ‘.. *me_i 1. ‘:’ For al* “i&s of &&&ce $ ,$+!;J&j”Q&! Qge The thick&s b:f ii& should dk %&en -ac&rding to the &&-&id tbiype of tb drawing:f@n the thickness”aflines should he the sap?e, $_ -::, .; I _tjsi following range: , :’ j/ ,i ?,.‘>,. <‘I ;:>: .,fJ,,ri 9.4 Spacing of Lines ‘0~18,0*2~~‘0’~5,‘b.$‘~?, !, lS4.and]2ri$+~’ ... The minimum space between p&&t$i”%Y& i&%- ’ ding hatching, should never be less than. tw’ce t e NOTE 2 dwing to ;fifficuld& iii’kertain ‘tiethods of reproduction, the line thickness ,af .0.18. mm should thickness of the heaviest lit&. it is ‘r&o:binn! &d” 2d be avoided. ’ that these spaces should never be lee, t&+n@lT:mrp. i _. ‘,Ii ., t._,:i :‘, :.:i., i ;.,.,.!T: ., I< Table 5 .,; !;:iii., , ,/), -.?/: i.. I .. t :: ,:. ( &use 9.2 ) I :.: J s, (.i.Zli I i I ,. y I, Lirrq 1 ; Description * ‘Continuous thick Al Visible outlines : ‘. rl j 1‘ A.’ ” I. IL.1 A2 Visible edges ; ‘.^ /_! .a *! I. : ( t ,,. 6’6. .:i1 1 ,.. :. ,:-,t;. / ., ;: ::-i, Conntinuous thin Bl Imaginary linesbf intersectioh ” I!* I3 .‘I. ‘,i, ,; ,. 8:. ( straight or curved ) 1 7 _, :,,.- *.;i , B2 Dimenstiti .lin&s :,::,. ‘:, 2 ,/. I.., :i* B3 Projection lines ’ .I is i rid “-1~ ‘.’ B4 Leader lines Btj Hat&fig ’ “.: >! Ia I I . i B6 Ou~tlUIInis~of’revblLed keot&M?~ M&e 31 I2 _ I 1 B7 Short centre lines Cl : :’ : ;.i”_.! ! Limits ,of partid ..or ftite y3,uatc.d views and sectians, ifSthy, p,n& 1s Continuous thin? not a chain thiii,lint 0 ( straight ) with zigzags. hf t____.--j Dashed thick El Hidden outlibes* ,.W. 1, I ,I%2 ~Hidden.&g& F _ - _ _ _ _ - )_ _ _ _ Dashed thin Fi’ ‘Hidden outl$+ ; ,. -” _. F2 H.idden.edgek’xs 1 Chain thin / Gl Centre lines j I G2 Lines of symm+ry :?, G ~_~_~_~~._~ .I** 1 .,_,” :c G3 Traj&toi+$ : } Chain thin, thick at 1 Hl Cutting planes en& and changes of direction H 1--‘-- ..- _I *Although two alternatives are available, it is recommended that on any one drawing, only one type of line be used. tTbjs type of line is suited for production of drawings by machines. * ’ ’ 7 IS 962 : 1989 10 LElTERING AYD DIMENSIONING 10.2.2 Termination of Dimension Lines 10.1 For details of lettering reference shall be Single dimensions, chain dimensions and made to IS 9609 ( Part I ) : 1983. parallel dimensions 10.2 Dimensioning The termination of dimension lines shall be represented by short oblique lines, drawn at 45” 10.2.1 Notation of Dimensioning clockwise from the projection line ( Fig. 4 and 5 ). Superimposed running dimensions Projection lines ( also called extension lines ) and dimension lines shall be drawn as thin, The common datum point of running dimensions continuous lines. shall be represented by a dot surrounded by a circle. The termination of dimension lines shall be Starting a short distance ( to avoid con- represented by open 90’ arrowheads ( Fig. fusing with other lines on the drawing ) from the 6 and 7 ). outline, projection lines shall generally be drawn 10.2.3 Inscription of Dimensions perpendicular to the associated dimension line, and shall extend slightly beyond them ( Fig. 3 ). 10.2.3. L Single dimensions, chain dimensions and parallel dimensions Intersecting projection lines and dimen- Dimensions shall be placed near the middle of, sion lines shall be avoided wherever possible. above and clear of the dimension line. The figures Otherwise they shall simply cross each other ( no shall be oriented so that they can be read from the special designation at intersections ). bottom or from the right of the drawing ( Fig. 4 and 5 ). Dimension lines shall generally be unbro- ken except, in certain cases, for the insertion of a Superimposed running dimensions size. Dimensions shall be placed near the arrowhead: An axis, reference line or outline shall a) in line with the projection line ( Fig. 6 ), or never be used as a dimension line, but may be b) where there is no risk of confusion, above used as a projection line. and clear of the dimension line ( Fig. 7 ). DIMENSION \ 4240 / TERMINATION DIMENSION LINE All dimensions in millimetres. FIG. 3 SINGLE DIMENSION All dimensions in millimetres. FIG. 4 SINGLE DIMENSIONS AND CHAIN DIMENSIONING 8 IS 962 : 1989 I All dimensions in millimetres. FIG. 5 PARALLELDIMENSIONING I-y-; 10.2.6 Units of Dimensioning Dimensioning shall be done normally in millimetres. The symbol for the unit may be omitted provided that a prominent note is added stating the unit in which all the dimensions of the drawing are expressed. In case other units of dimensions are used, these shall be denoted by I-- specific notations. 0 =: z h m z In 2 2 11 GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS All dimensions in millimetres. 11.1Symbols ‘are in constant use on small-scale FIG 6 SUPER-IMPOSED RUNNINGDIMENSIONSa)I drawings and it is considered that time would be saved and confusion avoided if a standard rann of symbols is extensively used. 11.2 Careful attention shall be given to the size of these symbols, having due ragard to the scale of PROJECTION the drawings. Wherever practicable, they shall be drawn to scale, Some symbols may have to be slightly enlarged for the purpose of clear indica; tion. DIMENSION 11.3 Windows, Doors, etc 1 1510 Generally, window openings ,shall be defined in elevation, and doors, screens and sliding windows on the plan. Symbols for windows are shown in Fig. 8. The point or. apex of two lines crossing (ARROWHEAD1 the ventilator or casement indicates the hinged dimensions in millimetres. All side. FIG. 7 SUPER-IMPOSEDRUNNINGDIMENSIONS b) 11.4Symbols for electrical installations shall be as given in Fig. 9. 10.2.4Where the structure is framed, all dimen- sions should be related to the column or stanchion centres, which, in turn, are related to the building 11.5 Symbols for gas fittings shall be as given in line. Fig. 10. 10.23 Where the structure is of wall-bearing 11.6 Symbols recommended for sanitary appliances construction, dimensions should be related to the and general fitments shall be as given in Fig. 11 rough unfinished wall faces. and 12. 9 IS 962 : 1969 VERTICAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL TOP HUNG CENTRE HUNG SLIDING CENTRE HUNG BOTTOM HUNG SIDE HUNG SlDE HUNG RIGHT HAND LEFT HAND WINDOWS SINGLE LEAF SINGLE LEAF DOUBLE LEAF DOUBLE LEAF SINGLE SWING DOLIBLE !3Wl16 SINGLE swiirlG DOUBLE SWING SIDE IiUNG CENTRE HUNG FOLDING DOUBLE LEAF SLIDING-FOLDING DOORS AND WINDOWS SLIOING REVOLVING DOOR WITH ROLLING SHUTTER ROLLING SHUTTER PROJECTED HINGES EXTERNAL INTERNAL DOORS FIG. 8 GRAPHICAL SYMBOLSFOR DOORS AND WINDOWS 10 IS 962 : 1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Main fuse-board without switches, lighting Counterweight pendant O- Main fuse-board with switches, Rod pendant OR lighting Main fuse-board without Chain pendant OC switches, power Light bracket 0 Main fuse-board with switches, power Batten lampholder 0 ml Water-tight light fitting 0 Wf Light plugs Bulk-head fitting D Power factor capacitor ( when Power plug installed remote from the lamp unit ) II Distribution fuse-board Fluorescent light ( single ) 1 -’ a without switches, lighting Fluorescent light ( double ) t I Distribution fuse-board with switches, lighting 0 Lighting outlet connection to an emergency system Distribution fuse-board without switches, power Choke (when installed remote from the lamp unit) Distribution fuse-board with switches, power One-way switch / Main switches, lighting Two-way switch V Intermediate switch Main switches, power v Pendant switch /P Meter Single light pendant Pull switch f FIG. 9 SYMBOLSFOR ELECTRICALINSTALLATIONS- Cod 11 IS 962 : 1989 NAME NAME SYMBOL Bell push @I Socket-outlet, 2 pin 5 amp Bell _R Socket-outlet, 3 pin 5 amp Buzzer H. Socket-outlet and switch combined, 2 pin 5 amp Indicator ( at ‘N’, insert lol Socket-outlet and switch number of ways ) combined, 3 pin 5 amp Socket-outlet, 2 pin 15 amp Telephone instrument point public service Socket-outlet, 3 pin 15 amp Socket-outlet and switch combined, 2 pin 15 amp Telephone instrument point internal A Socket-outlet and switch combined, 3 pin 15 amp Telephone cable distribution board public service Convection heater Electric unit heater Immersion heater Thermostat Telephone cable distribution board internal iA Immersion heater with Telephone private exchange incorporated thermostat public service Self-contained electric water heater Telephone private exchange Humidistat or internal FIG. 9 SYMBOLS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS- Conld 12 IS 912 : 1989 NAME NAME SYMBOL *Relay ( at ‘N’, insert the Aerial number of ways ) Ceiling fan Synchronous clock outlet Impulse clock outlet Bracket fan Master clock Exhaust fan Fire alarm push Fan regulator Automatic contact Cooker control unit Ball connected to fire alarm Fire alarm indicator (at ‘N’, Earth point T insert number of ways ) 4 Surge diverter t Amplifier Pilot or corridor lamp +b Indicator ( buzzer may be Control board added, if required ) IEI Relay - lz!l Microphone outlet Reset position -e Loudspeaker outlet Horn or hooter 03 Receiver outlet Siren . .. *This general symbol is applicable to any system by the addition of an identifying symbol ( appropriate to a particular system ) in the upper half, for example, bell system relay. Where items of ogerations are combined, the ;y$& may be combmed, for example, indicator FIG. 9 SYMBOLS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 13 IS 962 : 1989 SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL NAME One-way cock, full way, One-way cock, bench type bench type Two-way cock, full way, bench type Two-way cock, bench type One-way cock, full way, wall type o- I Three-way cock, bench type Four-way cock, bench type I Two-way cock, full way, wall type cc z-- 0 Front control, bench type lead only, 00 One-way cock, wall type, side inlet D=- Front control bench type for cock, Eb Two-way cock, wall type, side inlet Ledge cock FIG. 10 SYMBOLSFOR GAS FITTINGS SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL NAME 0 Bath Shower tray LJ Bidet FIG. 11 u 0 Wash basin SYMBOLSFOR SANITARY INSTALLATIONS- 14 Contd // 0 I!3 962 : 1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL 0 I Corner lavatory basin Cleaner’s sink 1 7- Trough lavatory, wall type Laundry sink Ll WC Trough lavatory, island type lml TL V 0 Circular washing fountain 0 0 Urinal bowl r Urinal stalls 0 Single sink, left hand drainer Industrial washing trough Double sink, left hand 0 drainer Pedestal drinking fountain DF Single sink, with t~;ie drain Drinking fountaio, wall typd 0 Double sink with double drain Fl' board Floor trap FIG. 11 SYMBOLSFOR SANITARY INSTALLATIONS 15 Is 962 : 1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Hot or cold water drain off I+ Hot water cylinder 0 HWC Heating feed and expansion cl Drain cock -T DC tank Hose tack F 6 EXP T t f Stop valve or sluice valve -a- Hose bib -7 Fire extinguisher Mixing valve, hand control -T- FE -a-- + + Fire cock Mixing valve, thermostatic Safety valve + IlItc Change of pipe size Fire cock Water meter --IOk WM Fire hydrant 1 Sprinkler SP 0 t Horizontal calorifier with tubular heat exchanger I< Pump a- I’ Vacuum pump Horizontal calorifier with I ---I 1 annular heat exchanger L-B-. Gully cl 0 G Vertical calorifier with tubular heat exchanger Grease trap cl GT Vertical calorifier with annular heat exchanger 0 I I-\ ‘,’ I Rain water heed I RWH Hot water tank El HWT Rodding eye 0 RE FIG. 12 FITMBNT SYMBOLS- Contd 16 IS 962 : l9g9 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Manhole or inspection Stair UP I chamber MH OR IC Cold water cistern Cooker cwc MH No Intercepting trap and freeh air inlet Refrigerator cl I? Wash boiler, ‘G’ gas, ‘E’ electric cl WBG Vent inlet Washing machine, wringe type Vent outlet Rain-water outlet Washing machine, automatic clAW Radiator 1 R 1 Centrifugal dryer I 0 Unit heater 7 Cabinet dryer Iol\ / \ 0 L, L’ Convector Rack dryer "1 Surface panel, wall type 00 w-4 1 Laundry tray, single Surface panel, ceiling type Laundry tray, double Embedded panel in cast-in ceiling cl Embedded panel in suspended !---y Ironing machine ceiling L .-. -J Embedded panel in cast-in floor r-----y i L _____ ; J Built-in ironing board c---. ____I _a_ ,r’ \ Unit heater CE Surfacing ironing board : P__-- Towel rail TE? Bed uzl FIG. 12 FITMENT SYMBOLS 17 I!3 962 : 1989 11.7 The following types of lines, as appropriate, iit) The initial letters of the words: rise, drop, shall be used to distinguish between different from above, from below, to above, to below, types of drains and pipes: are used to denote the route of vertical pipes, thus: a) A line consisting of medium length, dashes, for soil or combined drains: Upward Flow I) Through flow to space above TA b) A dotted chain line, for surface water drain: ii) Through flow from space below FB iii) Both directions combining (i) and (ii) R -.-.- __._. _.-.-.- Downward Flow NOTE - Lines to indicate drainage systems are frequently drawn on the reverse side of the relevant i) Through flow to space below TB drawing. ii) Through flow from space above FA c) A large chain line, for pipes at high level or iii) Both directions combining (i) and (ii) D in roof space: 11.7.1 A vertical pipe on plan is shown by a dot -.-.-._.V._.__ in conjunction with one or the other of the abbre- viations given in 11.7 (g). If the pipe is housed in a chase in the wall, the dot is shown inside the d) l~veull line, for pipes at skirting or floor wall, surrounded by a rectangle with one face flush with the wall and the note ‘1N CHASE’ is added. If the pipe is encased, the dot and the rectangle are shown outside the thickness of the wall and 4 An interrupted dotted line, for pipes under the note ‘ENCASED’ is added. floors. Two lines used in the same fashion shall denote ventilating ducts, the distance 11.7.2 Identification letters shall be used to denote apart denoting the width: the services thus: .. . . .. . ., air, A; drainage, D; electricity, E; fire service, F; gas, G; oil, 0; refrigeration, R; steam, S; f 1 The direction of flow of fluid in a pipe shall water, W. be indicated by means of an arrow head thus: 11.8 Symbols for rolled steel sections are given Rise and direction of in IS 10720: 1983. flow Rise: 1 in 50 Fall and direction of II.9 Conventional signs for land survey plans are flow Fall: 1 in 50 given in Fig. 13. NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Village as surveyed: Wells fitting and other compo- OCI nents for supply water and a) Open drainage system in the ‘1 ground - General Symbol b) Walled Rain water well ( street inlet ) Deserted site x Inspection well ( cleaning well ) a) manhole b) cleaning well FIG. 13 SYMBOLS FOR LAND SURVEYING - Contd I!3%2:1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Draining welt Swamp or marsh with cultiva- tion Manhole and protection pipe Reeds in perennial water I 6 Well for drainage of pressure conduits Culvert Well with de-aeration device x Lake or tank, as surveyed: With defined limit of perennial water Lake or tank, as surveyed: Flushing post 4- With fluctuating limit of perennial water Lake or tank, as surveyed: General well Jr With embankment under 3 m Lake or tank, as surveyed: _ G\s Spring + With embankment 3 m or Conduit, ditch and pipe - over General symbol Lake or tank, as surveyed: Method A: All kinds of conduits and With very steep embankment W pipes ( continuous line in combination with designa- Excavated tank, as surveyed: tion code ) Perennial cl Method B: Excavated tank, as surveyed: ( Symbolic line, indication of the nature of fluids ) Non-perennial a Proposed conduit and pipe - General symbol ( Methods Excavated tank, as surveyed: A and B ) Perennial with high embank- Continuous thick line ( Type ment A of IS0 128 ) Existing conduit and pipe - Tank, conventional: General svmbol ( Methods Perennial A and B j Continuous thin line ( Type B Tank, conventional: of IS0 128 ) 1“on-perennial Pressure sewage pipe ( Arrow is the symbol ) FIG. 13 SYMBOLSFOR LAND SURVEYING - Conhi 19 IS 962 : 1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Railway, broad gauge Water reservoir ml double-line: i) Open, with sidings, distance stone and station with enclosure Water pumping station 0 0 ( as surveyed ) ii) Under construction -- Water treatment plant cl 0 Railway, broad gauge single-line: i) Open, with sidings, and -+ 0cl station and enclosure Waste water reservoir ( conventional ) Waste water pumping station cl 0 ii) Under construction Railway, other gauges double-line: Waste water treatment plant i) Open with sidings Quarry, with greatest depth ii) Under construction Railway, other gauges Single line stream: single-line: Perennial i) Open with sidings Single line stream: ii) Under construction Approltimate or undefined 0.‘. . . . . . . Mineral line or tramway Telegraph line Telephone . . . . ..a... 1ELE.“Q”E LlYE Level crossing Electric power line: Main transmission line l S. . . . . . . . . . . with substation YllY ?OWER LIWfa i) conventional on all Road over railway scales ii) local distribution line ( conventional) Road ( or railway ) under Ropeway with terminus “OWW.” . . . . . . . . . . tIoYI*Y, . . . railway Railway tunnel, with or Wireless station: ““““: :Y.lTS without cutting, as surveyed a...*..+ i) As surveyed :.... . . . . . ..*. : ),,), oy *I”tlls, ii) Conventional .IIIt,o, l,.lloM Tunnel ( different purposes, proposed uliII1[ FIG. 13 SYMBOLS FOR LAND SURVEYING - Contd 20 IS 962 : 1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL EXlSilNG Other roads: Tunnel, existing 9 Metalled, also di stance rnII0 stone, bridge and Irish =-i%t bridge or causeway, and avenue of trees Tunnel, future ii) Unmetalled ------,A --a----,z Cart-track with bridge Ditch, permanently open U - Pack-track with bridge, __*_++ Bridge carrying railway culvert __*__j+-_ Bridge carrying: Pack-track with pass and a---- X --- height --_-__x ----_ Foot-path with bridge, i) Railway over road culvert : In symbol of tracks the heavier symbols should be . . *. ..#+ . . used in afforested or con- . . . . .LI_ . . . .w . .. . . toured areas or where emphasis is required in open areas. Symbols ii) Road over railway ( the may be still heavier if -*...../G descriptive wording should required to give emphasis be omrtted only where in afforested or contoured there is no room ) areas Bridge of boats or pontoon bridge (explanatory words to be typed against the Bridge carrying road and symbol) broad gauge railway: Ferry or ford Roads of 1st importance: i) Metalled, and important bridge with piers over Track or path coincident river ( the normal dis- with bed of stream: tance between the piers i) For short distance should be 3 mm on scale of drawing, varying slightly to permit an ii) For long distance ;~;~;l) spacing between Track or path following ii) Unmetalled -__-e-w--- ____-_---_ boundary: i) Short distance A-_=@-- TRACti FOLLOWS BOUNOARV Roads of 2nd importance: ii) Long distance Metalled FIG. 13 SYMBOLSFOR LAND SURVEYING- Contd 21 IS 962 : 1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Roads in dry river-bed: State boundaries: -.-.-.-.-.-.- i) Demarcated i) With steep river banks --x-x-x--T- ii) Undemarcated ii) With shelving river ---_----- banks District boundaries Sub-division, township, taluk, tahsil,. zamindari or similar . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. partition Unmetalled road along OR WHENSPACE PERMITS tank bund Pargana boundary in Uttar --..--..--.. Pradesh Road or railway embank- Reserved or protected forest ( green riband will appear . . . . . ment: : along the external boundaries I. i) 2 m to 3 m high bbbbbbs. . . ii) 3 m high or over and - and along those between . forests of different owner- *. ., . . . steep, with sharp edge at top 0 ii) ships ) Road or railway cutting: Village boundaries: i) 2 m to 3 m deep . In symbols for boundaries ii) 3 m deep or ‘more boundary pillars should be and steep, with sharp drawn first, fitting in the edge at top boundary symbol afterwards, **-**-**-**- **- Protective embankment: even if the length of bars does i) 2 m to 3 m high not agree ii) 3 m high or over and steep, with sharp Boundaries along: edge at top 3 One side of road, track or -._._.- Embankments, cuttings path and bridges: 9 With-narrow gauge UJln railway ( ‘sleepers’ *+-&H ii) Centre of road, track or omitted ): - Dath ( when it is the Along single-line iecogni‘sed boundary ) ii) With narrow gauge railway ( ‘sleepers’ omitted ): iii) One side of river Along double-line ( Note-Single line’ or ‘Double line’, may be typed along the iv) Centre of river line, if necessary ) International boundaries: -.-.-.a.-._,_ i) Without pillars ii) With main and sub- v) Bed of river as surveyed sidiary pillars --‘-B-s- .-.-. FIG. 13 SYMBOLS FOR LAND SURVEYING- Conrd 22 IS 962 : 1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Trees: Wooded area: i) Scattered i) Not enclosed ii) Surveyed QVQ ii) Enclosed by wall or . ;,: - .. ;.,:; permanent fence Scattered scrub and under- :. -.’ ‘A. 0., growth . : .“....-.- : : Limits of cultivation, open Grass: .and along stream of ravine ,w. had a* a* High with description of .... ... .. height and variety .. & Demarcated limits of : CIYP i & & Y?& camping ground Cane-brake & & -. . . . . . . . . . . . Pine, fir, etc tn.:..:..:..: Salt pan :..:..:..:..: :..: ..:..:. .: 5bLT PII4 Palm Orchard or garden: . . . . .. . :e P 0 9 q Q’i’df i) Not enclosed :Q QQ Q QPQQ; :QqQQQQOQ: ? Q iQ.o. Palmyra Q ? 9 ii) Enclosed by a wall or permanent fence Bamboo .,.,.,.* . . . .‘/y.;-.‘y.: ~.‘.‘.‘//:‘.‘.,. . /: . .: Tea garden, as surveyed \ . . ,.... .’ Aloes or cactus ?.p,. :/,/.. .- ?*. f . ..p .I;?. . \ .‘. : , . Other trees Betel or vine on trellis Plantain trees Vegetable garden Stone waste FIG. 13 SYMBOLS FOR LANDSURVEYING -C'conrd 23 IS 962 : 1989 NAME SYMBOL NAME SYMBOL Tangent point + Mosque k! Grave yard Temple ti Church h FIG. 13 SYMBOLS FOR LAND SURVEYING 12 ABBREVIATIONS Table 6 ( Contd ) 12.1 Abbreviations are generally used in drawing Term Abbreviation and/or Symbol for the sake of clarity. A systematic notation of urchitectural and building terms is necessary for c aniformity, and for avoiding confusion and Cast iron ci or CI ambiguity. Abbreviations are the same in the Cast steel cs singular and plural. Abbreviations and symbols Cement ct recommended for use in general building drawings Cement concrete cc are listed in Table 6. Centi ( 10” ) C Centimetre 12.2 The word ‘ditto’ or its equivalent abbrevia- Centre line i? c tions shall not be used on drawings. Centre of gravity Cd Centre to centre C TO C. c/c Table 6 .Recommended Abbreviations with Chain CH Symbols Where Applicable Checked CHKD Circular pitch CP (Clause 11.1 ) Circumference @cc. CIRC Coefficient COEFF Term Abbreviation and/or Symbol Column COL Concentrate CONC, cone A Concrete CONC Aggregate AGO Continued Contd Air-brick AB Copper cu Alternating current ac Corrugated CORR Aluminium Al Cosecant cosec Ampere amp or AMP CC;;110 cos Approximate A PPROX Cotangent cot Arrange ARNG Countersunk CTR/SNK, csk Asbestos ASB Crossing X-ING Asbestos cement ASB/CME Cross over X-OVER Asphalt ASPH Cross-section cs Assembly ASSY Cubic centimetre cm’, ( cc ) Al @3,AT Cubic metre cu/m, ms Cubic metre per second ( cumec ) ma/s B Cubic millimetre mms culmm Cycles per second CPS Beam ( I Section ) I Cylinder or cylindrical CYL Bench mark BM Bi tumcn BIT D Brickwork BWK Damp proof course DPC Brine11hardness number BHN, HE Decimetre dm 24 IS 962 : 1989 Table 6 ( Cuntd) Table 6 ( Contd ) Term Abbreviatlon Term Abbreviation and/or Symbol and/or Symbol Degree ( angle ) deco High flood level, ordinary OHFL Degree Celsius “C High flood level, maximum MAX HFL Diameter DI4, I$ High tensile steel HT/ST Diametral pitch DP High tensile welding steel HTWS Dilute DIL High tension HT Direct current dc High voltage Hv Drawing DRG High water mark HWM Drawn _’ DRN Hour h E I Earth closet EC India rubber IR Elevation ( View ) ELEV Induced draught I/D Elevation EL infinity inf, OD Embankment EMB Inside diameter ID Enamelled ENAM Inspection chamber ICH, IC Expanded metal XPM Insulated or insulation INSUL Extension EXTN Intercepting trap IT Extra-high voltage EHV Internal INT Engine ENG Internal combustion IC F Intermediate pressure IP Figure FIG K Finished floor level FFL Floor trap FT kilo k Flushing cistern FC Kilocycles per second kc/s Forced draught Fd Kilogram kg Forged steel F/ST Kilogram per cubic metre kg/m’ Formation level FL Kilogram per square centimetre kg/cm? Fresh air inlet FAI Kilo hertz KHs Full supply level FSL Kilolitre KI Full tank level FTL Kilometre km G Kilometre per hour km/h Kilovolt kV Galvanized GALV Kilovolt-ampere kVA Galvanized iron GI kW Kilowatt Glazed Ware pipe GWP Gram 8 L Grate area GR/A Larger than > Greese trap GRT Larger than or equal to 2, a Ground level GL Latitude LAT Ground sink GS Left hand LH Gully G Length 1 Gully trap GT Gunmetal G/MET Level crossing LC Litre I H Logarithm ( common ) loi3 Hard drawn H/DWN Logarithm ( natural ) log. Hardened and tempered H&T Longitudinal scale LS Heating surface HS LongitutS1na‘L sectton Y&c Height HT Low frequency Lf Hertz Hz Low pressure LP Hexagon or hexagonal HEX Low tension LT Hexagonalhead HEX/HD Low voltage LV Hioh flood level HFL Lumen per watt Im/W 25 IS W2 : 1989 “.^._ .,-.. .., . ,_.._-_. ,.., __. Term Abbreviation $ernt’.’ ’ Abbre%&on and/or Symbol and/or Symbol i’ M Precast ‘PRECAST Macadam MAC Prefabrication PREFAB Malleable-cast iron MCI Prestressed concrete PCONC Malleable iron MI Q ‘Manganese steel MnS Manhole MH Quintal 9 Maximum MAX R Maximum flood level MFL Maximum water level MWL Radian rad Mean sea level MSL Radius RAD Mega ( 10’ ) M Railways RLY Megawatt MW Rainwater outlet RWO Metre m Rainwater pipe RWP Mezzanine MEZZ Reduced level RL Micro ( 10-S ) P Reference REF Micro ampere Reinforced cement concrete RCC VA Micro metrc (. or micron ) Revolutions per minute rev/min, rpm Mild steel G Revolutions per set RPS Milli (IO-*) m Right hand RH Milliampere mA Rising main RM Milligram mg Rivet RIV Millilitre ml Road level Rd L Millimetre Rodding eye -.RE ” Minimum l% Rolled section RS Minute ( time ) min Rolled steel j6ist or I section RSJ or I Much larger than Round RD- ’ * Round head RH Much smaller than < N S Naval brass ’ N Br Saturated SATD Nickel chromium steel Ni Cr S Screwed SCR Nickel steel NiS/T Secant set North N Second S Not to scale NTS Sheet ( when preceding a material SH or sheet No. ) Number No. Shower bath SB 0 Sine sin Sink SN Ohm OHM, 0 Sketch SK Oil circuit breaker OCB Sluice valve sv Smaller than < P Smaller than or equal to <, s Paper insulated PI Soil and vent pipe S&VP Parts per million ppm Soil pipe SP Pattern number PATT No. South S Per PER, I Specification SPEC Percent PERCENT, % Specific gravity sp-gr Phase Ph Spigot and socket s&s, Phosphor bronze PH BRZ Spot faced SF, Pitch P Square SQ Pitch circle PC Square centimetre crna Pitch circle diameter PCD Square kilotnetre J&r@ ‘, Plate. PL Square metre ns Platinum PLAT Square millimctre mms 26 IS962 : 1989 ‘Discretion should naturally be used in adopting Term Abbreviation the. spacing .of hatching lines to the the ._“. ,. __^ ..” ad/of Sjmbol : dcawing. Standard std recommendcd.that. when hatching -0%; I.,. . ^_” Sianhar&d;i& ’ ‘?3D tracing paper or cloth, a sheet of squared paper Standard level SL I_ : shall be placed underneath to preserve uniformity ’ Standard wire gauge SWG .i .’ of spacing and direction of the hatching. Stand pipe -. SP Stop valve I. sv 13.3 When indicating concrete, coarse aggregate ’ Street gully SG:. ‘slid1 be shown for mass concrete and finer aggre- Survey of India bench mark BM ’ . ,I gate for reinforced concrete. Switch SW 13.4 Where large areas of section hatching are to 1 T ‘I,be indicated, and especially for such materials as : . concrete and plaster, it is recommended that a Tangent tan portion near the edge only be treated, the hatching ; Tee T gradually fading towards the centPe. - Telegraph post Tp., ” Temperature temp’ 13.5 Areas in section which are too thin for line Tongued and grooved T&G sectioning, such as some of the metal sections, t shall. be blackened in solid, leaving a thin space Tonne TCD j; - between adjacent portions. __ Traced Trigonometrical station 14 NUMBERING OF BUILDINGS AND PARTS Turns per centimetre OF BUILDINGS Turns per metre L) 14.1 Designation Systems v Vacuum V”C ‘. - -” The *&sigtiatitins for different parts of a project Vapour density vd should be chosen according to the same principles.’ Vapour pressure VP VP All drawings and parts of drawings should be: Vect pipe V executed in such a way that the drawing alone is Volt sufficient to describe the item without the addition Volume vol of words or initials. Vulcanized India rubber VIR Ho&&e;, ‘$%en a drawing depicts a number o$ W similar items ( for example, a plan of a building: I Waste and vent pipe W&VP with -‘manj windows ), . ant may, if nec&sary, Waste pipe WP idetiiify them separately ( for example, by a Water closet WC sequence of numbers ). This also applies in the. Watt W, WATT case where similar items, such as, windows, can be Weight wt confused with other elements of similar appearance West’ ” _ w such as doors. For this identification the principles White metal WM outlined in this standard should be adhered to. Wrought iron WI 14.2 Type Designations Y YG Different objects are classified according to the Yard gully type, for example the kind or design of the object Year yr (see Fig. 14 ). 13 CONVENTIONAL REPRESENTATION OF MATERIALS IN SECTION 13.1 Recommended methods of indicating materials by hatching or colouring are given in Table 2. Where any confusion is likely to occur in the interpretation of drawings, hatching or colouring shall be used. FIG. 14 EXAMPLES OF TYPE DESIGNATION 27 IS 962 : 1989 Table 7 Symbols for Materials in Section ( Clause 13.1 ) Material Symbol Colour I I Brick Vermilion I Concrete I Natural or reconstructed Cobalt blue stone I Partition blocks Paynes grey I I I I I I Wood 1 Burnt sienna I Sepia I I I I I Hardcore _ Yellow ochre or chrome yellow I I Plaster and plaster products Green I i I- I 1 -.-.- I Glass Applicable to Blue large scales only Fibre building board and Sepia insulation board /H J- / B’ack 1 Metal sections 14.3 Individual Designation 14.4 Designation Code Each separate object is identified. The individual The complete designation consists of a principal designation is often an indication of position ( see and an additional designation. Fig. 15 ). 14.4.1 Principal Designation The principal designation indicates the category of objects at different levels in the documentation. It m 1 m m should consist of: a) text in full, for example, HOUSE, ROOM, WINDOW, DOOR, FENCE, CUT-OFF w 4. q q VALVES; FIG. 15 EXAMPLES OF INDIVIDIIAL b) k&eviation, for example, H, R, W, D, F, DESIGNATION , 28 IS 962 : 1989 cl other systematical designation, for example: 14.5.2 Storeys doors: 1, windows: 2, partsi 3, etc. A storey means a space between two consecutive Playground equipment: A, outdoor furni- levels, bounded by physical limits ( floors, ceiling ture: B, other equipment: C, etc. and walls ), including these limits. The concepts of ‘storey’ and ‘level’ are complementary but the d) designation according to a general classi- one should not be confused with the other. fication and coding system. The principal designation may be omitted when Each storey should be designated by numerals the rest of the documentation shows the intention. following a logical sequence. The numbering from bottom to top starts with 1 at the lowest levei 144.2 Additional Designation usable for any purpose ( see Fig. 18 ). Additional designations indicate a further speci- Zero designates the space which is situated fication in the category. They should consist of: immediately below the lowest level usable for any a) for type designations, numerals and letters, purpose. for example ‘W 12 b’, where ‘W’ is the principal designation for window, 12 is the The numbering applies not only to the usable space . additional designation for type, material, of a given storey but also to the physical limits dimensions, etc, and ‘b’ is the additional bounding this space. designation for variant, for example, notch for a window sill; and To express the transition from one number to another, it is recommended that the level is b) for individual designations, numerals or indicated at the upper face level of the load- letters in running order, for example, PI, P2, bearing floor element ( see Fig. 19 ), P3, etc, where ‘P’ is the principal desig- nation for pillar, and 1, 2, 3, etc, each pillar individually designated. The individual ITOREV designation may also consist of coordinates. 6 14.5 Desigpation Application 14.5.1 Buildings Buildings belonging to the same project are indi- cated with a principal and an additional designa- tion, for example, HOUSE 1, HOUSE 2, etc ( see Fig. 16 1. The designation for a part of a building consists of a principal designation completed with a systematical letter or numeric designation, for example HOUSE 2 PART A, HOUSE 2 PART B, etc ( see Fig. 17 ). r 1 I 1 FIG. 18 NUMBERING OF STOREYS LLJ 2 1-i 3 1 I TOREY2 ( The principal designation HOUSE has been omitted f FIG. 16 DESIGNATION OF BUILDINGS , > A B c 1 HOUSE 2 FIG. 17 DESIGNATIONOF PARTS ok A BUILDING FIG. 19 INDICATION OF THE LEVEL 29 IS 962 : 1989 When there are differences in level inside a build- 14,$.5,.1 The d+ggatjon of,, the floor of the ing, for example, mezzanine, offset levels, I$nding$; Mezzanine or galfify shal!,;,%:: t,$e s,a,me as the ramps,,. et?, every necess.&ry indicatiop should be storey it serCes: given~ .in order to av$i’ err&s. Th&e iridications I. j’,. _ ‘/. should be in thi: f&in of levels or listed aEibr$vi,$- If a numb& of mezzanine ~&curs in a tions and placed beside the, numbering of the building between two floor levels, ihey may be storey concerned. deSigndttd “as &fx-I, ‘%!!-%‘~2 .&he& ~ref&s’~d the designation of th& st&ey’ in which’ they are Staircases should have the same numbering as the situated and 1, refers to,the Sequential num&cr..of. storey in which, they are situaied, whether or not mezzanine in thg: particy+ group, the scqw;nce they @abe half,iandipgs. .. ;; being adopted in any easily Identifiable pattern. j.’ ,: ‘ ,, . ‘ : 14.5.3 Parts of Storejs 1f.a number of galleries occurs in a building The designation for a part of a storey when the between tCo flbor j+l,:they eay’be, de,si$t’ed documentation is dibided into several. drawings as Gx.1. GX-2 &here X iefers to’ tKe desigtidtion consists of the designation of the storey completed of the. storey in which they are isituated and 1 by a systematic all letter or numeric designation, refers to the sequentiat number of galleryin the for example’ STOREY 3 PART A, ‘STOREY 3 particular group,, the sequence bking adopted in PART B, etc ( see Fig. 20 ). any easily identifiable patter?, : _. ; :_. 14.5.4 Floors 14&6 For determination &the sequential number The floors’( floor structures ) are numbered serialiy of a subsidiary storey, the : first. subsidiary. storey from the bottom to t’he tbb of the bhilding, in shall be taken as the storey immediately below the accordance with the number of the stotey of which first f@oor: The d&[email protected] th<‘bubsidiary storey they form a part ( see Fig. 21 ). shall bare prefjj, ‘SS. ^ The designation of’the floor f& subsidiary storey shall be’” the I . save1;. is the 14‘5.5 The designation of fhe intermediate storey storejl it Serves. :I’:_.. ,L or mezzanine sh811be the same as thd designatioo :, of the storey’ in .which it is situated with the 14.5.7 For ;he determination of the sequential prefix M or G accordirig t&the typ& ‘whether it is number of basement s$or.eys; vhere,th@re .are n,@! a mezzanine or a gallery respectively; subsidiary storeys, the storeys below the first fl oar, shall be assigned suffixes Bl, B2, B&‘an& sb;oni starting with the storey imTediat$y, below,, th,e first floor l&e].’ ’ ‘: :’ : ._ ,,-““” ;I , I’ I_ “, : .< i Where there are subsidiary’ &ore$ iii. tz-; byilding, the storeys below the last sutisidiary FIG. 20 DESIGNATIONOF PARTS OF STOREY storey shall designated. similarly as. basement sJoreysras exptained,in M.5.7b ‘.! ‘: , /_’ 14.517;s iht?&~jgna’tic&‘of &ef$oor of a&&& storey shall be the same as the stoEey$t se%vves;) ,:jsI 14.6 Cc!umns, Floors, WWts; Beams, etc - - -’ i / Columns, -dabs, walls, beams, etc, are designated with a principal designation i ( abbretiati&I”)~aiii an additional; designation ( qumerals ) according to’ ,Fig; 22; The first nmeral in the additional desigriationi. indicafl$ the .stofey number and the last two digits the number of the feature accofding to the folldwing examplei i I CoIumns .rL_._F-_To,, c- 2G2 ~..- / Slabs := s 201: s 262 ; ‘,wails ._~..= _ _-.--- -. .-- -.-..--.. w201, w ao?,:$_.:’ FIG. 21, F$oo& NUMBERI~ .: Beams \! - +B201,B202 ,j” I f.<: 1,. I IS 962 : :1989. ; &:1.:7 grndn soaces, such as spaces for cleaning utensils and toilets, should be provided with room numbers. ( Spaces, such as small cupboards, may alternatively be all-ted the ,number of the room , in which they are situated followed by an appro- priate suffix. ) 15.1.8 if a new room is added so late in the design process that the room numbering is already allocated this new room is given the same room number as the room- from which the space has ,been taken. The two rooms are differentiated by j the addition of a letter, as follows: - 127A 127B ’ I FIG. 22 EXAMPI,ESOF DESIGNATION FOR 15.1.9 There should be no gaps left in the room COLUMNS, FLOORS, WALLS AND BEAMS numbering sequence. If two rooms are made into ; one, the new room is given both.ihe earlier room numbers, as folfbws: 15 DESIGNATfON OF ROOMS AND OTHER,. , AREAS i 127,128 151. Designation .Prlnsiples, . 15J.10 Block. number and room -number. may,be - written together, as follows: 15.1.1 Room numbers are used on each storey in consecutive order within the limits of all the parts 23’216[ = block 2, room 216 (No. 16 on of the building. storey 2 )] 15.1.2 If several buildings are included in the 15.1.11 Spaces in basements and attics should be project, room numbers shall be allocated indepen- given their appropriate storey numbers in accor- dently to each building in accordance with 15.1.1. dance with 15 followed by their room numbers. 15.1.3 The numbers and the names of the rooms 15.2 Designation of Separate Suites of Rooms are indicated within each space in the following Within Buildings way: --324 RECEPTlON 325 RECORDS 15.2.1 The number of the suite should be followed by the number of the room. For clarity, the numbers and names should be 15.2.2 Suite numbers should be indicated on the underlined. plans. 15.1.4 In small spaces, it is sufficient to indicate only the room numbers, as follows: 15.2.3 Rooms within each suite should be given 326 consecutive numbers. The numbers and the names of each room are indicated in the following way: 15.1.5 Room numbers are given as three digit 1. - ENTRANCE 2. LIVING ROOM numbers ( if this is enough ), the first digit of which is the storey number of the building and the 3. __--_- KITCHEN 4. BEDROOM 1 last two digits are serial numbers, allocated to each 5. BEDROOM 2 room in the actual storey: Storey 1 : Room numbers 101-199 ( 1 001-l 999); 15.2.4 Block number, suite number and room number may be written together, as follows: Storey 2 : Room numbers 201-299 ( 2 001-2 999 ); etc 2/314/l [ = block 2, suite 314 ( No. 14 on storey 3 ) room 1 ] 15.1.6 Room numbering is carried out in each storey so that orientation in the building is facilitated. It should be done clockwise in the 16 COLOURING THE PLAN order in which the rooms are reached from the main entrance or the last entrance from the left 16.1 Master plans, zone plans, etc, may be end of the building. coloured as specified in Table 8. 31 IS 962 : 1989 Table 8 Colonring the Plan ( Cluuse 16.1 ) Item Site Plan Building Plan -_ Dye-Line Print Blue Print Dye-line Print Blue Print (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) / Existing work Black ( outline ) White Black White Proposed work Red filled in Red Red Red Drainaee Red dotted Red dotted Red dotted Red dotted ’ 1 sewage work and Water supply works Black dotted Black dotted Black dotted Black dotted z I Work proposed to be Yellow hatched Yellow hatched Yellow hatched Yellow 1 dismantled hatched Open spaces No colour No colour - - ! Plot lines Thick, black Thick, black - - 8 Permissible building Thick, dotted black Thick, dotted - lines black Existing street(s) Green Green - - 1; ~Future street(s) If Green, dotted Green dotted - - any / 32 Standard Mark The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau cf Indian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on products covered by an IndianStandard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the pro- ducer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a l\icence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Stand:rrds. Barmu of Iudiam Staadrrdr BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian SJcrndardrAct, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS. Revldon of Indian Standards Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any, are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS giving the following reference: Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telephones : 331 01 31: 331 13 75 Telegrams : Manaksanstha ( Common to all Ofices ) Regional Of&es : Telephone Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg 331 01 31 NEW DELHI 110002 331 13 75 Eastern : l/l4 C. I. T. Scheme VII M, V. I. P. Road, Maniktola 37 84 99, 37 85 61 CALCUTTA 700054 37 86 26, 37 86 62 Northern : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C. CHANDIGARH 160036 I 53 38 43, 53 16 40 53 23 84 Southern : C. I. T. Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 235 02 16, 235 04 42, 235 15 19, 235 23 15 Western E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri ( East ) : Manakalaya, 1 632 92 95, 632 78 58. BOMBAY 400093 632 78 91, 632 78 92 Bran&es : AHMADABAD, BANGALORE, BHOPAL, BHUBANESHWAR, COIMBATORE PARIDABAD, GHAZIABAD, GUWAHATI, HYDERABAD, JAJPUR, KANPUR LUCKNOW, PATNA, THIRWANANTHAPURAM. Printed at Dee Kay Printers. New Delhi. India
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