Is 9295 - 2002- Steel Tubes for Idlers for Belt Conveyors

April 3, 2018 | Author: avijayakumarsamy | Category: Engineering Tolerance, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Mechanical Engineering, Industries, Engineering



Indian StandardSPECIFICATION FOR STEEL TUBES FOR IDLERS BELT CONVEYORS Istsms-m3 (Reaffirmed ( Reaffirmed 2002) 1995 ) FOR ( First Revision ) Third Rep+ JULY 1997 ( Incorporating Amendment No. 1) SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT, MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY UDc 621.643,2 [ 669.14 ] : 621.867.218.051.44 0 BIJREAU MANAK Copyright INDIAN 1997 STANDARDS MARG OF BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR NEW DELHI 110002 Gr 3 May 198.’ ANANI) SHRI R. New Delhi SHRI T. K. New Delhi SHRI S. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY Pipes and Fittings Members Steel Tubes of India Ltd. AGARW~\L SHRI R. GANDHI ( Altcrnutc ) Research. SHARMA ( Alternate ) Bharat Steel Tubes!B295-1983 ( Reaffirmed 1995 ) Indian Standard SPEClFJCATION FOR STEEL TUBES FOR IDLERS BELT CONVEYORS ( Steel Tubes. SHI~I L. K. LT-CDR GUICDARYHANSIN~H New Delhi SHRI RAJENI~AR SIN~H ( Alternate ) Jain Tube Co Ltd. Ghaziabad SHR! SUSHIL JAIN SHRI M. K. SMDC 22 Representing Ministry of Industry SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT. DHINURA FOR First Revision ) Sectional IJommittee. UBOVEJA ( Alternate ) Steel Authority of India Lth ( Rourkela Steel SHRI H. M. CHAUDHRI Chandigarh SH~I K. LAL ( Altcrnatc ) 0 BUREAU OF CopVright1983 INDIAN STANDARDS This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( Xiv of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or~in~part by any means except with written. Designs and Standards Organization DEPUTY DIHECTOI. C+H. SHOME ( Altcrnatc ) Public Works Department ( Public Health Branch ). C. MOHAPATR 4 ( Altcrnat~ ) Export Inspection Council. N. M. P. N. Calcutta SKRI B. BH \TTACHAHJEE SHRI S. N. STAND. BASU ( Inspection Wing ). Army Headquarters. S. Calcutta SHRI D. PITHAK ( AIterrzatc ) Federation of Engineering Industries of Indi::.\KRAVERTI Smtr A. Lucknow ’ ( Loco ) CHEMIST AND METALI. SHRI K. . BEDI Plant ) SHRI P. Chairman SHRI S. S. AHUJ~ New Delhi SHRI A. K. S. permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infririgement of copyright under the said Act. C. B.UDS ( Ministry of Railways ). S.U&ST-I ( RDSO ) ( Alternate ) Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch. ABROL ( Alternate ) Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals SHKI S. Dewas SHRI A. C:ARORA ( Alternate ) Suprintendence Co of India (P) Ltd. New Delhi SEBI R. Industry. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY Panel for Drafting Specification for Steel Pipes for Idlers for Troughed Belt Conveyors. RATNAM VELICHETTY Oil and Natural Gas Commission. SINHA ( Alter&c ) Zenith Steel Pipes & Industries Ltd.R. K. SaARYn ( Al~irndtl) Jiidal VP= Lt4 matwad SHSI JA~WANT Smog Directorate General New Delhi of Indian of Technical Development. Tiruchchirappalli SHBI V. Bombay SHEI B. MUKH?~RJEE Ltd. S. ’ SERI S. Cuttack Bmo 6. C. TIIAKER Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd. C. R. KUHARASWAMY SHRID. ISI ( Ex-o&io M&bcr ) SHRI C. KAUL Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. KUMAR . K. J. KANWAB Engineering SRRIP.‘India Ltd. TANEJA SHRI 0.NXAR S. KESIIAR ( Allnuts ) Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. NAQPAL ( Alrrrncrrr) Asso$ci. RAMA RAO. NEELAKANTAN DR A. KUMAR S-1 T.n SHRl t. Bombay SEBI E. Bombay SEWS. MOHANTY ( Aftcrmd ) 2 . ABROL SIIBI 6. C. SHANKARAN NAYAR SHRI G. J. R. TKAKER ( Altcrnale) Central Boilers Board. BHALLA SR~I N.SEEI S. Vishakhapatnam SHRI M. KESAVA RAO Ssmr P. R. New Srmr S. Director ( Strut & Met ) ( Secretary ) SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT. New Delhi SERI P. T. ~UPTA(dWfWt#) Ministry of Agriculture SEBI H. Khopoli SHRI S. SMDC 22 : P26 GhVClU?t SHRI H. Ahmadabad Members Bharat Steel Tubea Ltd. C. DUTTA ( Altemufd) The Fertilizer ( Planning and Development ) India SIIRI K. NARA~IYHIM ( Alfrrnat8 1 Stewarts and Lloyds r. CIIANDRA ( Aftcmufc) Indian Tube Co Ltd. C. P. K. JAIN SHsr S. CHATURVEDX( Ahrnatc ) Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd. Dehra Dun SEEI G. Calcutta SRBI B. SARABHAI SXRI V. Ahmadabad Saw AP~ORVA SHAH SHRI H. JOHARI (AItemaIe) The Indian Seamless Metal Tubes Ltd. L. D. K. S. C. P. Sindri SHRI R. ANAND ( Alternate ) Kalings Tubes Ltd. Basu ( Altasu:e ) Indian Register of Shipping. SDBBA RAO SEHI P. GOSAL ( Alternalc ) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.A. M. Jamshedpur SBRI M C. KAKKAR ( Ahuztc) Director General. additional thicknesses for ovality. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY FOREWOKD Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 18 April 1983. covers the requirements for steei tubes for idlers fox *Rules for rounding off numerica values ( revised). 3 . eccentricity. 1. 0.IS : 9295 . While reviewing the standard. straightness. Pipes and Fittings Secti&al Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. tolerances fin height. issued in September and 1981. it was felt necessary to issue a revision incorporating the following salient changes in the light of the experience gained in usage of the standard by the industry and the users. observed or calculated.1983 Indian Standard SPEClFJCATION FOR STEEL TUB-ES FOR IDLERS BELT CONVEYORS FOR ( First Revision 0. etc. 0. a) Amendment b) Certain No.3 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with.1 This ) SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT. 0.1 This standard belt conveyors. after the draft finalized by the Steel Tubes. expressing the result of a test or analysis.2 Steel tubes are extensively used as idlers for belt conveyors and the standard covering requirements for the same was first published in 1979. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should’be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. modifications to the require- ments given earlier on thickness. SCOPE 1. 1. the final value. 7 mm.1 Steel tubes are designated by the symbols to indicate the process manufacture. fin value of ERW by open hearth approved by the by one of the following processes: a) Seamless3 b) ERW 6. MATERIAL of 5. YSt 240 and YSt 25 and 32 qecified in the original standard. 4. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 7.1 Steel tubes for idlers for belt conveyors on the process of the following Grades types QPes Hot-Finish Gold-Drawn ERW Seamless Seamless ( HFS ) ) ‘YSt’210. or a combination of these processes. or any other process purchaser. 4 . YSt 240 and YSt 310 ( including HFlW NOTW. ( CDS ) YSt 240 apd YSt 310 YSt 210.The grades YSt 210.1 General requirements relating to the supply of steel tubes for belt conveyors shall conform to IS : 1387-1967*. followed by the minimum yield stress in MPa. 5. SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT. YSt 240 and YSt 310 YSt 210.1 Tubes shall be manufactured and HFIW ). DESIGNATION idlers 4. TYPES ( based AND GRADES of manufacture shall be and grades ): 2.Lower limit of and the pure baser . electric furnace. ( including of the internal pipes shall not exceed NOTE . MANUFACTURE 6.06 percent sulphur and not more than O-06 percent phosphorus and shall be carried ‘General requirements for the supply of metallurgical materiala (first ML&P~ ).1 The tube shall be made from the steel manufactured basic oxygen.IS :9295 .2 The height 1. 310 correspond to grades 22.X983 2. fin height may be as agreed to between the manufacturer 7. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY 3. SUPPLY OF MATERIAL for 3. 6.1 The ladle analysis of steel shall not have more than 0. at the manufacturerls option: a) A length cut from the end ofthe selected tube ( the ends being plugged for grips or flattened where necessary ).1983 out either by the method specified in IS : 228* and its relevant parts or In case of dispute anv other established instrumental/chemical method.1. the refet.005 8. the yield stress and the percentage. strip cut from the tube and tested in the curved elonga- 8.2 Check Analysis . a check variation from SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT.0 The following PROPERTIES tests shall be carried out. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY Percent. i/?& of cliemical analysis of steels (. MECHANICAL method shall be agreed to between the relevant parts. where the method is not given in IS : 228* and its method.When specified on the purchase The permissible analysis shall be made by the supplier. purchaser and the manufacturer.‘CDS 240/CDS ZlO/ERW 240/ERW 310/ERW 210 240 310 TENSILESTRENGTR MPa Min 330 41i) 450 YIXLDSTHECS MPa Min 210 240 810 ELONGATION PERCENT Min 20 18 ‘15 HFS JlO/CDS 8.1. 7. .IS : 9295 . TABLE TUUR 1 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES DESIGNATION HFS HFS 210. for tensile testing of &eel tubes (JFrsf revision.005 0. Max 0.1 The tensile strength. tion shail be not less than those specified in Table 1.1.2 The percentage elongation in this standard where shall & js be reported the original with reference cross sectional *Methods tMethods to a gauge length of 5.issued-&parts ). the procedure given in relevant part of IS . 3 .1 Tensile Test . order.1 shall be as follows: Constituents Phosphorus Sulphur 8. the limits specified in 7.This test shall be carried out in accordance with IS : 1894-19727 on one ofthe following. and b) A longitudinal condition. 228* shall be the referee However.65 area of the test specimen. 85.06. 450 4-05. 485. 11’57. 7-l 5. -16. No cracks or breaks in the material shall occur until the distance of the original outside L! tween the plates is less than 60 percent diameter.65. 14. 6.0 139’7 152. 33. at the optton of the manufacturer.4 159. 12’83 974.4.55 6-52.47.05. cut from end of each selected tube rn accordance with IS : 2335-1963* and the minimum increase in outside diameter after expansion shall be 2. 165-l 168-3 193.4.12 4’5.1 test on steel tubes. 16. 4-85.4. 19. No opening shall occur by flattening in the weld.1 86.1. 7. and dimensions of black MASSES steel tubes shall be as STEEL TUBES DLMENSIONS AND NOMINAL THICKNESS (‘4 OF BLACK OUTSIDE DIAME~ Mass (3) k/m 5. 5.3 5.0 133.3 5.A ring not less than 50 mm in length.4.50 3. 15. 6. 17. 101. 8. 18.3 5. 5. NOTE agreement The sizes which are not covered in IS : 2335-1963’ shall be a:biect to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 25.3 Flattening Temt . 14’50.19.1 The specified TABLE 2 (1) mm 635 76. 6. 4.5 percent.0. 16.53 16.4. 20. 6’3.8. 10. 19.30 4-5.78 12. 24. 6. 17.2.4. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY nominal in Table mass 2. 37. 6-3. cut from one end of each selected tube shall be flattened between the two parallel plates in accordance with IS : 2328-1963t with weld at 45”. 12.4. 21.67 28.69. 485. 4’85. J-4.3 4’5. until the distance betwekn the plates is less than 75 percent of the original outside diameter of the ipe. 6. 14-3.65. for flattenlug tm on steel tubal tkfethod *Method for drii cxpxhg 6 .3. 4- 29.82. 485. 485. 8. 5. 6. or 60”.2 Drift Erpanrioa Test . 4.69 15. 4-85. 4. WEIGHT 9. 6.6. 14’81 12’34.61. 19. 22.33.26. 5.3 4-5.39. 15. 6.19. 17.6 10&O 1143 120-O 18. 2046. 1038. if any. 9. 6.67 13. 45”.72 17.05.I8 19295 .3 4. 15% mm 4-05. The included angle shall be 30”.17 25.4.70 17. 630 6.1983 8.13. 21. 4-5.3 45. 4+5. 6.30 SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT.7 219-l 4. 18. 16.The test shall be carried out on a piece :?f tube approximately 100 mm long. 6.5.85. 23.0 3.55. 19. 5.3 5. TOLERANCES 13. and b) Over 114.1 Mechanical Temtm .0 mm 13.One tube from-a lot of 100 tubes or fraction fi. NUMBER OF DIMENSIONS SAMPLFS FOR MECHANICAL ofpipes TESTS AND 11. HARDNESS TEST values shall be as SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT. the hardness agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.1. the material represented by the test samples shall be deemed as not complying with the.1 When hardness values are required.standard or the manufacturer may select to test individually the remaining lengths in the lot for the test failed to comply in the preceding tests. from the same lot. 10. Max - at any one Including 168:3 mm and above 7 .One tube from a lot of 400 tubes or a fraction thereof as presented for inspection. two further samples shall be selected for testing in respect of each failure. 11. OD. RETESTS 12.1983 9. 13. Min and O-5 mm 1. Should the test pieces from either of these additional samples fail. thereof .It is defined cross section shall not exceed: Below 168’3 mm as OD.30 mm outside diamctGr Dr a fraction thereof as presented One pipe from a lot of 200 pipes for inspection. the material represented by the test samples shall be deemed to cbmply with the requirement of that particular test.1 Oval&v .1 Outside diameters and thicknesses other than those covered under the standard will be permissible subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Should the test pieces from both these additional samples pass.2 Dimeamionm as presented for inspection.The number tests shall be performed are as follows: on which mechanical a) Up to and including 114*30 mm outsi& diamctsr .Is : 9295 . MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY 19.1 Should any one of the test pieces first selected fail to pass any of the tests specified.1. 22.1 Tubes shall conform to the following tolerances. 13.5. ends shall .. 13. t 13. WORKMANSHIP 14. 13.1.3 Where ratio of outside diameter to thickness is greater than 33~1 the tolerances shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.05 per 25 mm of outside -diameter or part thereof ). the tolerances shall be as shown in Table All tubes shall be free from harmful defects. the weighment may be done in convenient lots at the option of the manufacturer. Uqless otherwise specified. be cut square.1. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY ‘min = minimum thickness.0 mm outside diameter.5.1 Outside diameter . Min the tolerance *7*5 percent ( medium and heavy series 1r shall be NATE . reasonably smooth and free from rust. and SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT. Thickness - The tolerance on thickness shall be f 10 14.08 mm + 0.Ecc&icity at any cross section.4 The tolerances of HFS/ERW tubes shall be as under: Tolerances’ AzO.1. when calculated by the following formula shall not exceed 5 percent: lrnax 2xt lmin x 100 where lmax = maximum thickness.5 The tolerances on CDS tubes shall be as under.For the purpose of a minimum weighment of 10 tonnes lot.5.1. Surface finish shall be as agreed to between the Manufacturer and the purchaser. 13.1. 8 . = specified thickness.13.1. and b) For quantities per load of 10 tonnes.2 Eccentricity . 13.8 percent f 10 percent HFS/ERW a) Outside diameter b) Thickness 13.4 percent.2 For sizes larger than 127..Where the ratio of outside diameter to thickness is not greater than 33:1. the tolerance shall be f ( 0..1.3 Moss a) Single tube ( medium and heavy series ) shall have a tolerance of f 1~0percent. 1 TJnless other tolerances are agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.1 51.6 I143 (2) 25. 9 .5 7fP1 88. tube may be marked with the manufacturer’s suitably with name or trade- 18.9 101.3 127. length’ is specified.18 *o-20 *@23 *O-25 kO. when measured at the centre of that length. SURFACE the PROTECTION 17.9 101.6 114. c) Outside with the following: thickness. *O-15 kO.28 io.IS : 9295 .13.2 Each bundle of tubes shall be marked a) Type of pipe. 18.0 63. and and diameter b) ~Grade of material. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY 15. MARKING 18. DIAMETER f *----_---_---~ Up to and Including TOLERANCE (1) 25’4 38.1 Each mark. the tubes shall be supplied protective coating by rust preventive oil on the outside surface.31 *a*33 SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT.0 (3) kO. STRAIGHTNESS 15. at the manufacturer’s works.5 76-l 88.1 The tubes unless otherwise \ shall be supplied in random lengths of 4 to 7 metres agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser.1 Unless otherwise specified. 16. tubes shall not deviate from straightness by more than l/! 000 of any length.1983 TABLE 3 TOLERANCES in millimetres. LENGTH 16. 17.4 38.1 51-o 63. it shall be within 16.2 Where ‘exact’ or ‘cut tolerance of 2 8 mm. All dimensions p--_-----Over OUTSILIF. marked pioducts are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indiaa Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection.The use of the ISI Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. NOTE . SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT.IS I 9295 . under which a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or procersors. Details of conditions. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY 10 .1Each tube may also be marked with the IS1 Certification Mark. testing and quaiity IS1 control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution.1983 1812. GUPTA ( Alternate ) Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. NORONHA ( Alternate ) SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT. KANWAR New Delhi SHR~ P. Bombay SHRI H. V. S~H SHRI V. SHRI c. CHAUDHURI ( Albrnde ) Dynacraft Machine Co Ltd. NIJHAWAN ( Ahvats ) Indian Tube Co Ltd. DRA~O ( Alternale ) Association of Indian Engineering Industry. K. MUKHERJI ( Alternate ) Tata Robins Fraze: Ltd. K. SUR SHRI H. S. Vidyanagar SHRI S. Kumardhubi SHRI M. K.C. C. K. ROY Durgapur SHRI S. N. REN~ARAJAN ( Alternate ) Mining & Allied Machinery Corporation Ltd. P.UTURI SRRI M. S. K. N.IS : 9295 . Neyveli SHRI T. SHRI 0. Jamshedpur SRRIV. Jamshedpur SHRI R. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY . S. FUTEHALLY SHRX S. R.1983 ( Continued from page 2 ) Members Represen&g McNally Bharat Engineering Co Ltd.SHARMA Elecon Engineering Co Ltd. S. CHARI SHRI S. Gupta Marg. 53/5 Ward No29.BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters Manak Bhavan. Khanpur. twestern : Manakalaya.91 11 3239399. Narashimaraja BANGALORE 560002 Square. CHENNAI 600113 E9.I. Andheri (East). Nampally Station E-52. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. MUMBAI 400093 Branch Offices:: ‘Pushpak’. Chitaranjan Marg. BHOPAL 462003 751001 641037 Plot No. India . LUCKNOW 226001 NIT Building. Sarvodaya Nagar.I. Patliputra 23 89 23 52 51 71 26 23 05 32 36 35 621 17 Second Floor. 5th By-lane.C. 20/9. 14/l 421. Campus. Nagar.T. COIMBATORE Plot No. Gokulpat Market. Behind Marol Telephone Exchange.O. Sahibabad 201010 0-77 00 32 : Manak Bhavan. 2nd Floor. HYDERABAD 20 10 83 37 29 25 21 68 76 JAIPUR 302001 117/418 B. Naval Kishore Road. Road.N. 5th Floor. Site IV. Ganga Nagar. New Delhi. 400007 27 10 85 309 65 28 222 39 71 Office is at Novelty Chambers. C-Scheme. MUMBAI *Sales Office is at ‘F’ Block. PATNA 800013 (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar. FARIDABAD Savitri Complex. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM *Sales Office is at 5 Chowringhee CALCU-ITA 700072 tSales Approach. Unit VI. IV Cross Road. Grant Road. 91 11 3239382 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all Offices) Central Laboratory : Telephone Plot No.323 3375. T.323 9402 Fax: 91 11 3234062.T. Sector 16 A. 43. 9 Bahadur Shah~Zafar Marg. Road. No. Mathura Road. Seth Bhawan. GUWAHATI 5-8-56C. KANPUR 208005 Behind Leela Cinema. NAGPUR 440010 Estate. MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY a6 62 Northern : SC0 335-336. CALCUlTA Sector 34-A. 380001 550 13 48 839 49 55 55 40 21 40 36 27 21 01 41 SPeenya Industrial Area. 1 st Stage. P. PUNE 411005 695034 Industrial Institution of Engineers T. Road. Printed at Dee Kay Printers. NEW DELHI 110002 : l/l 4 CIT Scheme VII M. L. Princep Street. V. AHMEDABAD Road. Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg. Barua Road.P. BHUBANESHWAR Kalaikathir Buildings. Bangalore-Tumkur BANGALORE 560058 Gangotri Complex. Palayam. Maniktola. Unity Building. Bhadbhada Road.G. 62-63. 116 G. Sahibabad Regional Central *Eastern Offices: 32376 337 17 Industrial Area. 0. 670 Avinashi Road. University P. GHAZIABAD 201001 121001 8-28 88 01 8-71 19 96 781003 500001 5411 37 R. Southern 60 38 43 235 23 15 832 92 95 : C.T. NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones: 323 0131. CHANDIGARH 160022 700054 SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIMITED IMT. series)’ after ‘Single tube’. 2 MARCH 1999 TO IS 9295 : 1983 SPECIFICATION FOR STEEL TUBES FOR IDLERS FOR BELT CONVEYORS (First Revision) ( Page 8. line 1 > Delete the words ‘(medium and heavy (MTD19) . clmse 15.LIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU TO ACME TELE POWER LIM MANESAR FOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY AMENDMENT NO.13.
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