IS 9178-part-1.pdf

March 30, 2018 | Author: vijay84mech | Category: Pressure, Friction, Shape, Sand, Elevator



इंटरनेटमानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 9178-1 (1979): Criteria for Design of Steel Bins for Storage of Bulk Materials, Part 1: General Requirements and Assessment of Loads [CED 7: Structural Engineering and structural sections] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” 14 ) : 621.6 © Copyright 1980 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN. 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 1 10002 Gr 7 April 1980 .953.796.042 [ 669.IS: 9178 (Part 1) 1 9 7 9 ( Re a f f i r m e d 2010) Indian Standard CRITERIA FOR DESIGN OF STEEL BINS FOR STORAGE OF BULK MATERIALS PART 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENT OF LOADS ( First Reprint SEPTEMBER 1998 ) UDC 624. Wmg I Central Water Comnussion.. CUATTERJ}:E DR P. N. 5MBDC 7 R..nE( TOR (GATES AND Dl!8lGNS ) { Aiternat.llRI K K. New Delh i ( DlKlI:CTOR (TRANSMISSION) DEI'UTY D'REcTon (TRANSMISSION) ( AU.try of Shlpp. JArN ( AIt"nal') Mini.hall be deelD~d 10 be all mfr'Ilgemeot of copy"ght under the saId Act.·tNAM SBRt D S. AGARWAL Instrtutron of Engineers ( India). KHANNA & S)- SB ( SHRI K. Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals.CT<JR STANDARDS Member! SUR' R. DAYA" . BANERJEE Metallurglcal and Enginecrmg ( India ) Ltd. Kanpur M N.. S. Road.8) ASSISTANT DII<~. SUR'S SANKAI'AN ( Consultants Alt.Y (Alternale ) SHEr S. Calcutta AU"MI' ) Central ElectrIClty Author rty . S TAN D A I< D S MlniSlr) of Rarlways (B&. Calcutta SHRI S K. DESA' SHRI S.. R KULKARNI Government of W"t Bengal Indian Insucure of Technology. Ranch. C n..IS I 9178 ( Part I ) -1979 Indian Standard CRITERIA FOR DESIGN OF STEEL BINS FOR STORAGE OF BULK MATERIALS PART I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENT OF LOADS Structural Engineering Sectional Committee. Natronal Bunding s OrgaIllzotlon :--'e" Dell]l SRI:<lVASA'" ( Allornal. K.~TOR (B AlleTna(e ) Sunr P. GANO<lPADBYA. Calcutta DR P/<EM KRMHNA (AU". New Deihl SnUI D.. S.presenllng Ministry of Rarlw a ~s CI"nN1liJn (CtV'L) DnU:. ) JOI1<T DmEI"TOp. M. Bu WE D. N BABU InspectIOn WIng. G IlARDnAN Braithwaite & Co Ltd. ) SHR' P.) ( Contrnued on p"!it 2 1 @ Co(!Jf1g/IJ 1980 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Thil publieatioe " protected under the IndIan Copyrrght tiel (XI\.) DEPUTY OK P.ou of tbp publisher .. .mal.)e) SBR' A. of 1~57 I and reproduction in whole: or in part by any means except wrth wr rrten oer rmss.. New Dplhl IlIJA"IN SURI V.. Dastur & Co Pvt and Transport ( Department of Transport ) . lnn. SHl\] 5.nt re .. 'I'iruchchir app.lItlma/r ) l' :>. Trr uchcbrr appal h Sum (.III.\CJlAH.11)I["l'OI\J. MUKHFIlJF:E Sn't! B K ClIAT1'''ltJJ1:E (Allernal. Calcutta (.. ~AlI 'SAIAII ( A1Mnal.I"!~II (Al/ernal.. B"". 1979 ( CotlJmllldjr/lf1l p.\f'.'N Bharat Hcax y Llcctrrculs Ltd.'nce ~II"J Pnu . .Y Bharat Heavy Elect ru. M.I".. BIIASKARAN NAIR Rarl India Technical and New D"lh.IS I 9178 ( Part I). Alternale ) ( Struclural Enf:meermg Research Crntrc..I'p". Madra. B RIlIEIRO It N.rlli Munbers SUI.l~II~X=" ~lIHI}{ :\AH \\ \. MmlSlry of De(. Ca lcu tt a ~t. ~/. l'. Calcutta Burn Standard Co Ltd.~r.~ l' Rr-~n.) P N.1JII. I~I P. New DelhI Bridge & Roof Co ( Indra ) Ltd.11' PA' I.el Authnrrtv of Inchn Ltd. Bombay . l ) SecrelO~' Suru S ~ SI"'fIJI Assi-t ant Dm cror (~truc & Met).'l" l.A=-RI'f'JU "'1.\ll\h ~lIltl l' Y.rnal. Rfopru I..rnal.".'"1'J.Y hAIL ~llllIL]) \\.. I.WAH.mJ A.) Industrral Fasteners Associat ron of Ind.."op & Co Ltd...lJIJ . Calcutta Su u t B P (. Madras ( Allanal' ) Mln".-ojJi.) Srr n r 1) ~rll"""J\ \ ."}' Fertilizer Corpor auon of India Ltd.} ~ Cur \1 J. Smdri 2 .. (E...l NI'A1JVI- . Engmeer-m-Chrefs Branch. l. Howrah (.: 1\. 5MBDC 7fP-24COJl/'fnCf Suur Jo..>ge 1 ) M'mb'" 5""1 P. Howrah MALl..} of R. .) Hlnd"dan Steel Wor's Consrruct. jhi N'I: (.1 ]) 'III .~ Suru C ~ ~ ItAO ( ~lInl J)1l. -.A [n E Sn m N K RlliC Structural Engme ermg RCSCaf(h L ..als Ltd. r K .:: VL1~H\lC'\nIl.l.. SIIRf S K.on Cakulla Richardson & Cr uddas Ltd.)1 \lK ( l!. \\.WK Surer 5 1\.. K R.a." M""L" ) DICec"'r ( Srrur &..d..\N JOint Plant Commntu'. \l" RI Pnp".\hJl\\\ ~lIl" SlIl:I B C It u Lngrnecrs Incha Lrd.) 511111 (.1It.pwmlmg J.. Bombay I'ort Tw<t.llicrnul' ) Du cctor Gener...IYANA" H C IJAI~M!"".>. Stewarts & Lloyd s uf India Ltd..I.tlternatt) Sur.mel fur Stcd Silos and Bunkers. SRI'"... lI (. 1:>1 HAM' R. Sill" ""1'1 11-1 ~I Econormcs ~<r\'ICeS. 1 FEBRUARY 1985 TO IS: 9178 { Part I )-1979 CRITERIA FOR DESIGN OF STEEL BINS FOR STORAGE OF BULK MATERIALS PART I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENT OF LOADS ( Page 14.AMENDMENT NO. Khurja .2 ) formula" Substitute the following for the eXlstmg ( 5MBDC 7) Pvinted a t New India Prinrma Press. clause 6.2.1. India . AMENDMENT NO.2 AUGUST 1992 TO IS 9178 (Part 1): 1979 CRITERIA FOR DESIGN OF STEEL BINS FOR STORAGE OF BULK MATERIALS PART 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENT OF LOADS ( Page 18. ( CED 7 ) ----- ---------~- . 5) -Inlcrchangc angle 'A' With angle 'C' m the hopper sketch. Fig. fertlhzer complexes.3 The functions of IHilS as stor age -tructure-. In this standard a bm shall mean both Silo and blinker unless otherwise stated 0. 0. wuh stearns or by 3 .d' ry form.very rrnpoi tant in power stations... arr.IS : 9178 ( Part I ) • 1979 Indian Standard CRITERIA FOR DESIGN OF STEEL BINS FOR STORAGE OF BULK MATERIALS PART I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENT OF LOADS O.nvr-nttonal methods. pneumatically. Thercfor c an Indian Standard on this subject has been a long felt need and tlus standard 15 airned at i{lvmg the necessary gUldanc. the. after the draft finalized by tile Structur al Engincenng Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structured and Metals Division Council and the Civil Engmcenng DI\ ision Council.rl both in granular and pm.ils in bins has certam advantages over other forms of storage.ils of different characteristics and (low properties. Besides ther e " an Increase In the Imposed loads dUflng hllmg and emptying.bins designed by rr.lt1011S and a study of the pel furmance of the cxrsung hrns It has been nouced that the pressure distribution IS influenced by the size and shape of the materral to be stored ( that IS !. On the agncultural front luns Me used to store food gralm lor r-uvur mu theIr -upplv all through thr. bulk density.. 0.1 This Indian Standard (Part I ) was aclopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 15 Mav 1')79. rnoistur .uter being more predommant." Dins have been designed on the basis of] anssen's Theory (with modificanons to the origrnal ).YCilr Bulk 'tlJrage of mater i.1 luns for stonng various matcrr. ThIS required frequent pokmg .5 For reasons mentioned above in th r.r<lnular or puwdery )..manually.l. FOREWORD 0. \Vhen . stt. materials do no! easily flow due to archmg amJ r'pm~.Hal tcrnpr-r . cement plants and Similar mdustrrcs for efficient storage and use of bulk matcn. 0.quare or rectangular In plan they are known as bunkers.2 Bins are known as silos if they have circular or polvgonal shape 111 plants. From expenmeutal lIlvnttg.uure. which III turn IS affected by storage and now characteristics. in the analysis and design of st". 1. USA. W) Stor acc and Flow of Solids Bul 123.6 Tn order to .tional Steelwork Associations Ltd.0 For the jJu1lw\e of this standard. this problem has been successfully solved by adopting mass flow or funnel flow bins where the shape of th!' IJm hopper and size of the openings are based on the now I" been prepared in three parts namely: Part I General requirements and assessment of loads Part II Devign criteria Part II I Bins designed for mass flow and funnel flow 0.NZI'. Munchen. L\MIlFll1 ( F E ) The Theory and Practical Design of Bunkers The British Construr. Jill! \N (J R. Deutscher Normenausschuss. 2-1960.. the final value. OhIO.PEF (K) and V.) Bins and Bunkers for Handling Bulk M uer mls. Trans-Tech Pubhcation.rndard (Part I) deals with the general requirements and assessment of bin loads for granular and powdery materials in different bill shapes. Berlm..'F. shall be rounded off III accordance With IS .crtlc. ( M.. PIF. WIth research data available.IS r 9178 ( Part I ) . observed or calculated. E. expressIng' the result of a test or analysis. of the stored material. Utah. ·R'lle.1 TillS st.Loads in silos/bins. 1964.ij-] 1\ complIed with. 0. 1964 Utah EI1'~lIlCcnn!!. 2. SCOPE 1. Experiment Station.) and c'OLIJ" ( H) New Design Crueria for Hopper and blm Iron and Steel Enginrer. 0.. the following defimuons shall in this Iir-ld Assistance has also been derived from the Iollowinq puhhcauons: DIN 1055 ( Sheet 6 ) Design loads for building .d) 4 .J.e of dectdmg whether a particular requirement of this stand. for rounding off nurm r ir al va lues (". TERMINOLOGY 2.. October 1961.1979 other mechanical rnr-ans.L (F) Pressure Distribution in Bins (in Germ m ) Verlr-z WlIhel rn Ernst & Sohn. OS/\ JE'llKl' ( A." With the subject In an df"clive manner this standard h.7 This stnndard keeps 1Il view the practices being followed in the country and cbl'\. Umversrtv of Utah. London.8 For till' purpo. RIC I S"JI R \ W) and RaUTHF. 12 Hopper - The 1!')lluJIl cUllVClglllg pO! uou of the bin. 2. 2. In w hic h air is moved through the stored 2. 2.A phe nomc nou In til!" UIIl dllnn~ thr emptying of stored material glVtng rise to Ior rnauon of arches of the material across the bin walls. out st.8 Bunker Closure or Gate .2 Arching .7 Bulk Solid . 2.2 Bunker . 5 .il Ilows with.7.All cereals.3.A process matcnals for ventilation.ignation.A bin in which the outlets ale asymmetrically placed to axes of the bm.10 Food Grain . 2. 2.Load exerted by a stored material on the walls of a bin. Asyrnmetrical. 2. 2.4 Bin.11 Funnel or Plug Flow .2 Powder)' Material 0'06 mm Material having mean paruclc size less than 2. 2.The flow pall ern III '" Inch the material flows pnmarily in the central region of the bin or hopper.A bin whose Cl ass section in plan is ~qu.Bin formed out of the "pace enclosed by a battery of interconnected bins.5 Bin. 2.1 Silo -. Interstice .The normal prc~sure actrng on the bulk sohd causing the particles to move closer together.13 Mass Flow . thereby changing the bulk density and flow properties of the material. cir cular or polygonal in plan. 2.6 Bin Loads .A bin.IS: 9178 ( Part I ) • 1979 2.1 Jow If) which the ell lire mass 01 matcu. 2.3. o 2 mm. except orlsecds.lfe or r ectanuular.9 Consolidated Pressure .The closing anangement for the outlet at the bottom of the hopper for drscharging the stored rnatei ial.1 Granular l\1a/erial-Material having mean particle size more than No cohesion between particles is assumed.Bulk of granular and powdery material.7.1 Aeration .A structure meant for storm£: bulk mateual In vertical direction WIth outlets for WIthdrawal either by gl avity alone or by gravIty assisted by flow promoting devices 2. pulles and rnillr ts. 2.3 Bin . ll ) prcssure on the Lin wall due to stored material depth Z' P. pneumatically or with steam.15 Valley Angle . 9178 ( Part I ) • 1979 2.The angll' of the corner of pyramidal hopper measured with respect to the horrzontal plane.The junction of the vertical wall. vei ucal or wall Iricuon respectively Pb = HOI izonta I ( I.iir injected for pneumatic emptying of a bin P = Pressu rc I = Suffix ind« atlll~ h. 2. and the sides of hopper.18 .0 For the purpose of tlus standard.III1H] on the wall of a inn imagmcd to be enlarged ll1 plan '0 as to make the eccentric openmg concentric Bottom drametcr of Insert R=AfU U = Perrrnctet of the ci oss-scccion of the stored matei ial at depth Z W = Bulk density of the stor cd material Depth below the levelled surface of the maximum possible fill III the Inn ( see FIg. a = Side of a 'quart om 01 shorter "Ide of a rectangular bin b = Longe] siclc uf a rectangular bin D = Internal diameter in a circular bm d = Maximum diameter of the circle that can be inscribed ill the bin h = Height of bin P8 = Pn"SSUI r of .Itl'I. = Vertical pressure 011 the uouzonral cross-secuon of the stored material P". 3. mechanically.14 Poking Hole . I ) o = Angle of wall friruon of the stored marerral 011 the walls of the bill ::: = 6 . = Vertical 10. 2. v or w corresponding to horizontal (lateral ). NOTATIONS 3.. the following notations shall have the meamng indicarcd a~aHl~1 each: A = H'lI j/on let! c ross sectional area of the stor ed material at depth -::.Hole provided at suitable location on the sides for poking the stored marc rial either manually.16 Waist or Transition .111 tran-ferred to the wall due 10 fnction between Fp1 = S = material >1'11 cd and the bm wall Pressure Ohl. : 0. tCtiteria for the deSIgn of steel bin.. GENERAL 4. Depending upon material handling and pressure requirements. .: . 0. In case of gravity flow bin. Part If( B.... shape and layout.: ." . 4.. conical or pyramidal.jgned for mass How and funnel How (und~ preparalwn).2.1 Dimensions .. etc. ~. far storage of bulk materra!s. -..1 Location .:I = At = Ae = Slope of hopper wall with horizontal Angle of internal fricnon of the stored material (for noncohesive materials it is also the angle of repose) Coefficient of wall friction ( tan 8 Pw(Ph ) Coefficient of wall friction during filling Coefficient of wall [. 0 • • • • .. 4.A bin may be circular or polygonal in plan and is provided WIth a roof and a bottom which may be fiat..: .10:::.2 Shape ." 0' .1 to ". . ' .' .0' • • 0_'.LLED SURFi\CE OF THE MAXIMUM POSSIDlE F'ILL IN THE BIN 4.Volume of each bin and height to diameter ratio shall be governed by the storage and functional requirement of materials. . In addItion the material handling Iacilities shall also be considered.----?l..2. -.. -.. _. To achieve reduction III lateral pressure over a longer height" it may be preferable to select a height diameter ratio greater than or equal to two... -. 0•• _ • •: ... FIG 1 IC ..2.":":.Optimum dimensions. = 111 = IJe = . "..' z .Location of bins and specially those storing foodgrains shall conform to the relevant provisions of IS: 5!)03 (Part 1)-1969-.. - • • • •' • 0:.~. DE... . = . 1 .3.' . 0• • • • •••• . ": ••-' ".2. .. " :~ _ z ' . _.PTH BELOW THE.. LEVE.:. -.-ict... . . bins should be suitably located 4.2 Economic Consideration .IS : 9178 ( Part I ) • 1979 o= 1> = p. : .on durmg empt~mg pressure ratio ( PblP v ) Pressure ratio ( Ph/Pv ) during filling Pressure ratio ( PhjPv ) dunng emptying. of bins shall be selected in accordance with clauses 4. the angle made by the hopper With the honzontal shall preferably be determined in acc ordance wuh IS : 9178 ( Part I II )to "General requirements for srlos for grain storage: Part I Constructional requirements.ns de. angle of internal fricnon .Storage bins may be either free standing individual bins or arranged in the form of batteries of free standing bins or hms interconnected in one or both the direcuons. In the case of intersnce bIOS.3 Layout .2. 5. angle of wall friction 8 and pressure ratio (11) which are the governing factors for the computation of bin loads Storage and flow characteristics of granular materials differ widely from those of powdery materials.IS I 9178 ( Part I ) . Hvgroscoprc II Other CbaracteflstICS Highly corrosive Mildly corrosive I Gives off dust or fumes harmful to bfe ~ Contains explosive dust I Degradrable.The cross-sectional shape of the bin is taken into account by the factor R.3 Bulk Density and Angle of Internal Fl"iction . stringy or the like ( Very free Howmg Free flowing l Sluggrsh ~ r Non-abra ••ve ~ L Mildly abrasive Very abrasive affectmg use or saleability r Conrarnmable.1 Design parameters of stored materials include bulk density w.2 Shape of the Bin . 5.p. DESIGN PARAMETERS 5. affectmg use of salcabrlrt y I Very llght and fluffy I Interlock.1979 4.Tables 1 and 2 give the classification and characteristics of bulk material commonly stored. the value of R shall be approximated by the value of R for an equivalent square bin of the same area. or mats to resrst dIggIng I Aerates and fluid rzed L Packs under pressure CLASS A B C D H I 2 3 6 7 8 K L N P R S T W X Y Z . TABLE I CLASSIFJCATION OF BULK MATERIALS MATFUIAL CHARAf"TER1ST1C f Size ~I l Flowabihty Abrasiveness Very fine -100 rnc sh and under Fine 3 mm and under Granular ~ 12 mm and under Lu rnpy-conrammg lumps over 12 mm Irregular ~ being fibrous. 5. >ck.".rck powder Clndf"n . maned.' 830 B26LP 720·1 000 B27NLS 720-920 56()·640 560·640 720·BOO 720·BOO n2fiN C37 037 32·4.\lt furnace Elindcrs. coal.ltIAL CLASS BULll:.0 Cr-mcnt I l!jo . 12 mill and under Ashe'. bJ... sized 900·910 D26PT 22-31' Co II. coa i. coal. 75 mrn and under Aspbalt. strippmg.' 40· 38' C27P. c oal . dn. DENSITY 4> Mm W (1) (2) (3) kg/rn 3 Ammonium chloride.3 } AVE1lKG'E 1hTI.' 25° 3->-37· ( COlltWlled] 9 .7P 2. . 73 mrn and under Ashes. crushed.1. pi. mined.te Coal.· 45' 3D' 30·45" 28· 35-i5· 35-45" 30·45· 510·560 800·960 800 D26P Coal. crystallme Amrnomum nitrate Amrnomum sulphate Ashes. run of ANGLE 01' INTERNAL FRICTION (4) Degree 30·4. not 640-800 C%I' 29·tS' 800 D371' i5' 35" mine cll'.(.2' 037PZ.1979 TABLE 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF BULK MATERIALS ( Claus« 5. slack 12 rnrn and under Coal.'.0 I .. bitllm1nous. wet. mined. brt urrunoua. lnturrunous .ned Coal char Cuke loovc Cuke brcez c 180 B27~Y 10-t'i' 360-) 10 DoB rx 27-~)' 100-:. powd ered Coal. 12 mm and under Ashes. CO<l I Coal. C26 A36R A26 D27 lll6TZ 50· 3(1-15' A17WZ 21' no 890 650 I 120-1 2BO 320-400 600·900 910 640 830-960 D~B D2B C:.Ivcrrzod Coal. pellelozed Cdr bon hl.IS I 9178 ( Part I ) . 12 rnm and under Bcnzrnc hexachloride BIcarbonate <:If soda Calcium carbide Carbon bl. dry.. bituminous. wet. anthrac. pellets Potassrum rutrate Potassium sulphate PYrite. dn coarse ~. 12 mm and under Gypsum. powdered Gypmm. 30' Copper sulphate. pulverized Gypsum. pulverized Phosphate rock Phosphate sand Potassium carbonate Potassnun chlorrde.calclUm phosphate Limestone. agricultural 3 mm and under 560-720 560-720 880-960 960-1 280 AHlY C.'n/tolled ) 10 . hydra led. ruck. 3D' ~5° 30-45' 3045' 304. calcrned.IS: 9178 ( Part I ) ·1979 TABLE :I CHARACTERISTICS OF RULK MATl:RtALS . pellets . common. hydrated. dry course "1h . pulverrzed L. U~ll!l' I 200 840890 I 080 C27 A37 D27 B36LZ D26Yl'.dt cake.. A2lNZ D36 827 I 360-1 140 880-] 520 D27 A37YL I 440-1 600 960 640 510-640 960 1 200-1 360 1 14·0 1 600 810 I 920·2 OBO 1210 610·760 1 g20 2 080 640-1 020 1 120 I 280 I 3liO I HO I 360 I 7VD·2 080 027 828 B27L C27P CI7PL B371: C27R ( 271'I [l27PL 027 B27 B31l 45" 40' 45" 30·45" ~ 45" 30·45" 30-15" ~W 30·1-5" 30·1-5" 38. connnun . dry. bailor house. dry fly ash.n (oJ) Degree D26P A36 30' 680 V'lOdlUm phosphate Ferrous sulphate 'lOO-490 800·1 120 B27PT C27 3D.oJ5' 30·45" Flue dust. 3 mm and under pebble 1.. ground. raw... crushed Limestone OL1:9l Phosphate. ground D.. dr v fine " LIt cake.'>' 30' 35' 45' ( L. 1h. pulvenzcd I calcined. 3 mm and under I line.45" 40·52' 30_45' 30·15" 30-45' 3045' C.Collld M'TI'RI"L AVER""" BULK D"""TY CLASS FRlf'TION W (I) (2) ANGLE OF INTI. 2:> mm and under Ltms.lIlJ lJan'.RNAL (3) kglm S '" M. 95Q B2GNLS 7a0-8W 37" &r~y ~ 27" Wheat Rice Paddy Maize 850 900 575 28" 33" 800 Corn 800 820 Sugar Wheat lIour 36" 30" 27" 35" 700 30" NOTE . granulated 150 880-1 040 180-610 1 120-1 280 800-960 880·1 360 800·960 960 (3) (4) Degree 828 BI8 D28 B27 A27W Bt7NS C2bS D265 B26SY 827 800·880 B27NRZ 650 Ct1NXL B17LPS 30" 30-35' 30-'1-5" 35" 37' 24· 30-45' 32" 30-45" 3Q-4-S" 30-45" 23-26" 900·960 21" 28" 29" 820 3ll" 750-850 t 000 no.E 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF BULK MATERIALS .Conld . such as morsture content. 12 mm and under Sulphur. prills CalCIUm arnmomum n'ftrate Deammornum phosphate Nurophosphate (suphala ) Double salt (ammonlllm sulphate nltrate) Single superphosphate {S s. heavy Soda. dry Silica gel Soda. P. particle SIZ('S. 1""'f'nN~L A"EIUOE MATERIAL IlULK DENSITY FIUCT10N ¢ Attn IV (2) kg/m3 (11 1 440·1 760 I 440·1 600 Sand. 8ill~ll. }.olIdatlng pressure. ash. dry Sand.IS 19178 ( Part I ). powdered TruodJUm phosphate Trlple superphosphate Urea. light Sodsum nitrate granular Sulphur crushed. etc Detail study and lest shaf l be conducted On actual sarrple 10 obi am their values under the actual condiuon of storage. A reference 10 IS: 9178 (Part Ill) 'Cr.\>lOLI' o.1979 TABl. prills Ammonntm nitrate. given rn this table may not be taken to be apphcable unIVersally The bulk denSlly and angle of mrernal ffle/wn depend On many varrable factors. tcrn peratur e.teroa for Ihe design of steel bIDS for storage of Lulk marer ials. ash. 11 . 76 mm and under Sulphur. cons. Part III BIDS designed for mass flow and funnel flow (under preparation l' may be made (or detaIls.The value. bank. . Janssen's theory has been used for the assessment of bin loads and the values of '\.4 WaU Frit:tioll .4.1. The theory has been suitably modified wherever necessary and with this the structural adequacy and safety are ensured. . II and Ware assumed to be constant along the bin height. 6.. Pnzsstrnn RATIO ). c) Friction wall load due to frictional wall pressure (p. ANOLE Ol! WAI.For mater lab having mean particle drarnerers in between 0'06 mm and 0'2 mm.1 If there is a possibility that the moisture.. J2 . the necessary value.In the absence of reliable experimental data.) introduced into the side walls due to wall friction.llIAL No.. irrcspecuve of the roughness of bin wall.A. may be taken as given in T able 3. _ _ _ _ ~ While filling While ernptymg While filling While ernptying' o 75 if> 06if> o5 1'0 1-01> 0'.2 In this standard. TABLE J SL ANGLE OF WALL FRICTION AND PRESSURE RATIO MATV. b) Vertical load due to vertical pressure (P v) acting on the crosssectional area of the bin filling.There are three types of loads caused by a stored material in a bin structure ( see Fig. etc.1 Gelleral .. _~----.I.. FUICTlON ~ . 6.-----_ i 1 Granular materia b with mean parucfe diameter 'J' 0 2 mm .. 2 ) : a) Horizontal load due to horizontal pressure (P b ) acting on the side walls. 9178 ( Part I ). 1!t79 5. . the angle of wall friction for granular and powdery materials. -_ _ _ .) Wheat 110ur 0'75 ... may affect the angle of internal friction ~ and wall Irrction S then these values shall preferably be determined experimentally.') 0'7 075if> 0'5 0-7 ii) Powdery mal.p NOTE .IS. Prtssure increase due to consolidation. (ereept wheal flour 1 With mean parucle diarnete r I"s than 006 mm 1-0 tjl Ii . 6.1 For the purpose of computing bin loads the pressure ratio of horizontal to vertical pressure may be assumed as given In Table 3. ASSESSMENT OF BIN LOADS 6.1."a'. angle of wall frrcuon may be obtained by linear mterpolanon or 5. !e Depth FillIng Empty IIlg FIllIng Emptying Intinite Depth FIlling FIlling = Emprvrng Pw Emplying FIllIng = Ernptvmg Emptying Filling = Emptying 6. TABLE f LOADS GOVElUIJING LOADING CONDITIONS GRANULAR MATl!nlAL __ ~ r~----~_A-~~ Finite Depth FIJliIlg Ernptymg POWflEItY 1L.. 6.In general the loading cases as indicated in Table 4 will give the governing design pressures for the most adverse loading conditions.2..Ieel b'n' fnr . r-~-"----".TEIlIAr.1 Normal Filling and EmPIJ'ITlg 'CrllN'~ f.]. plpmg and SImIlar load increasing phenomena.lI> .Bins may be designed on the basis of mass/funnel flow characierisucs of the stored material to ensure free flow of material during emptying. 4&19' h Flo 2 BIN LOADS 6.IS I 9178 ( Part I ).~n of . However these conditions may be affected by arching.."\"c1 (under !Jrf{xlrallnn) n"w ]J .. and the remedml measures may be adopted to overcome them.--~~--~ Infinrte Depth FIIl. Methods of designing mass flow and funnel flow bins are grven m IS : 9178 ( Part HI )*..3 Man Flow and Funnel Flow Bins ." <1.!e"gned for mass [low and f.A.4 Loadmg Condiuons for Design .!oraf(c of b"lk ma/enal" Part IlIIJ.].2 Bin Loads Due to GraDular Materials 6. . e -Zo: ) o J If hiD ratio is less than or equal to 2.1 AJaxlmum prusures . <fMl ~ Rlp. 6...1979 6.2.2. The maximum PVi ( emptying) shall be calculated when the side walls are to be designed at a particular depth as.2 P. 14 .e "e Appendix A gives the values of ( I . the values shall be: a) the total weight of stored material when hopper bottom is to be designed. and b) the value indicated as p. and P w cannot be maximum at the same time Hence for the design of hopper bottom.1. 6. When side walls are to be designed.r Ar DUrIng emptying.The variation of p •• P b and P y along the depth of the bin may be obtained from the expression given below (Fig.(PIlnw. Ph or Pv respectively and .2.(/<:0 Intermediate values may be obtained with sufficient accuracy by linear interpolation. Zor = RI p. maximum P y (during Iilhng) should be considered and this value will be the maximum P v at the particular depth multiplied by area of cross-section of bin. Nam« of Pressure Maximum During FIUmg Dunng EmptyiTlg WR WR WR WR ~I ~e WR WR pe Ae r. 3 ): PI (Z) . Maximum Ph Maximum P v POt-ii.e-ZP!o ) for different values of . of the horizontal pressures on the wall ( P b ).3 Variation of pressure along the depth . h or v corresponding to the pressure p.-ZIZ o ) where P stands for pressure and suffix: i stands for w.IS : 9178 ( Part I I .(0 assumes the values given below: During filling. ( 1 .1.The maximum value-.1. the vetllcal pressure on the hOI izontal cross section of the stored material (P y ) and the vertical load transferred to the wall per unit area due to friction (Pw ) shall be calculated as follows (sre a/so Fig 2). f r. = 1T DWR [( Z- Zoe) ( 1 . 3....1!t79 _=--------- EMPTYING __-+ ~PRESSURE FILLING PRESSURE PI "2d OR :0 ·75 h IWHICH'EVER IS LESS z P.2 Homogem iation . This may be kept about 40 percent of the total volume of the bin. able in the upper portion of the bin. 3 PRESSURE VARIATION ALONG BIN DEPTH 6.2. The lateral and vertical pressures shall be ca lculated usmg the following exrrcs~lOn and should not bc h. ) . / . 6.~ than ple~sure evaluated as in 6.P..IS I 9178 ( Part. ? .2.3. Appropriate values of varIOUS design parameters shall be taken from Tables :l and 3.. tlH~ filling consists of po. dery materials which is circulare d by compressed air for mixing purposes.3 Bin Loads Due to Powdery Materials 6. \ \ \ 'lEDUCTION \ O~E TO BIN BOTTOM d FIG.1: Ph = Pv = 15 06 WZ .1 Normal Fdllllf] and Emptymg .: . During homogenization of powdery rnatenals tho lateral and vertical pre.sures depend upon the volume of the empty bpace avail. .In the case 01 hornogeruzrng bill.Maximum design pressures u'1der this case shall be computed as specified under 6. = the minimum filling speed.3.3 and the values given in 6.3. 6.1 Application of the formula given in 6. class 1 and :2 bins shall be marked to indicate that the bins may only be filled to halfway mark with silage which is one class wetter.2. 16 . 6. 6. However.3 is only for materials filled at a rate more than the minimum filling speed for different materials. 6.4 Pneumattc Emptying . actual filling speed. The following expression may be used for computing the governing lateral pressures during rapid filling of a silo with a filling speed II: Rapid filling ( P b ) = 0'8 W. . 6.3. This causes fluidization of the material in the lower portion of the bin and gives rise to higher values of P b and P v ( both being equal).8 6. and = time laps of one hour.3.:4 Rapid Filling . Zn where Zn .( U - t'o) I.6. The pressure varies WIth the content of water in the material and stage of fermentation process.3. For speeds lesser than the mimmum filling speed. There shall be an outlet to prevent the liquid from standing higher than I m.3.3. the upper stored material flows like a fluid.4 Fermentation Bin.IS *9118 (Part t ) ~ 19'9 6. The lateral pressures during pneumatic emptying shall be calculated using the pressure scheme shown in Fig. Cement Pulverized lime Wheat fluur rn{h 26 I ~ 4. 4. In addition.4 and 6.3.2 shall apply.3.1.1 All fermentation bins shall have clearly visible and permanent mark indicating the class If silage is to be stored.In the fermentation bins the properties of the material differ from the properties of granular and powdery rnaterrals. The loads shall be as given in Table 5. m/h.During pneumatic emptying air under pressure is blown inside the bin through a number of small holes located in the bin walls near the bin bottom. when the filling speed exceeds the minimum filling speed.4. the pressures in 6. a check should be made for the maximum pressure due to rapid filling from the greater values arrived at according to the formula given in 6. II = 110 I NUlI' - The values of 00 shall be taken as follows: Maltrlal <0.During rapid filling-material being filled at a rate higher than the minimum fillmg speed-up to a certain height <:n from the top layer. mjh. . < 21 050 W 0'75 W 10 HI o 70WZ 070 WZ 10WZ Wz 016 Ph WZ vrz 014 Ph 010 Ph 6.5 Hopper Slope .IS I 9178 ( Part I ) • 1979 I---'-\--P h (NORMAL FILLINGI r 2 Pa w 1FIG.2 SILAm' ALREADY Vmty OILY DIlY SILAOR > 35 23-35 Cr."~ 1 Dry rna" in percentage by weIght for fresh silage Cntical weight of stored materta l In kg/m 3 Ph in kgf/m 3 Pv III kgf/m3 p.. 0 17 . shall preferably be 15° mote than the angle of mternal IJILl IOn of the materia! However the slope should not Le less than 60 to honzontal. 4 0·67Pa w PRESSURE SCHEME FOR PNEUMATIC EMPTYING TABLE 5 LOADS IN FERMENTATION BINS i Claus« 6 4 ) Cr>A.ARS 3 WET SlL \OF. in kgffm 3 (. it is recommended that the angle made by the hopper wall WIth the horizontal (valley angle in the case of squale and recrangular hopper bottoms).LAS.To facilitate ('asy and continuous flow It IS essential that the slope of the hopper IS as steep as possible. In the case of gravity flow. 5. is given in Fig. 5 NOMOGRAPH FOR VALLEY ANGLES OF HOPI'ERS AND 18 Cnurzs .TIllS chart rs based on tho formula Cot~C = Cu l 2 '" + C'ot2B FlO.9178 (Part I) ·1979 6.IS . Read off answer \' alley Angle = 43 4' On C-Seale NOTE .5. B = 67'. .1 A nomograph to determine the hopper slope (valley angle) in the case of rectangular and square hoppers. when the slope of the side walls are known. A C so .-c ~Q B • 90 BO· 90· 80' 70' 0 60 c liQ 50/ / / 0 '0 • 30 • 25 &amplt: To find vallev angle when A ~ 46'. pl act straight-edge so as to cUI 46· on A-Scale and 67' on B-Seale. 6. and.3 The eIre ct of eccentric outlets may be ignol cd 10 design if the ccccntricuy I' less than dl6 or the height 01 the Lw 1S not greater than 2 d. 6. for the pUI pose of design.2 subject to a maximum of IVZ.IS: 9178 ( PaJ:'t I ) . a disuncuun shall be made between bins for granular material and Inns for powdery material. this Increased pressure need not be considered when the bin IS so designed to ehrrnnate arching.rl pressure on the bottom of the bin storing such materials shall be assumed as twice the pressure.2.1979 6.2. shall he obtamed In conformity with 6. 6.3 Aerauou ofSum d Mateual . Pv .Eccentric emptying of a bU1 gIVes rise to increased horizontal loads. 19 . Unless determined by investigation the increased pressure may be calculated as glwn 10 6..6.1 and 6.JS far as possible.1 PI.Ph where = Pressure obtained oil the wall of the Inn Imagllled to he enlarged III plan so as to make the eccentric opening concentric.1.. 6.6 Effects Causing Increase in Bin Loads 6.1 Arching oj Stored Mataial . The vrr uc. This increased pressure shall be considered. due considerauon shall be given in design to the inci eased pressure experienced by the walls.6. However. Frequent '-oILtp~(' of such arches give rise to increased vertical pressures.6. non-umforrnly distributed 0\ er the pcrrphery and extending oyer the full height of the bin. and 1\ ~ Horizontal pre~sure on the wall due to stort-d material.2 The enlarged shape of the bin . 6. calculated as per 6. 1'1.2 Eccentric Emptymg ..1.1 The additional pressure Ph' shall be considered to act for the Iul] height of the bm and IS obtained from the fullowl/lg formula: Ph' = Phi .! and 1'/.6. where thev have to be provided to meet functional requirements.1. 6. Inch IS required for the purpose of computation of the pressure Pl'l shall be obtained as shown HI r'lg. Eccentric outlets in bins shall be avoided .6. to be acting both 00 the wall nearer to the outlet as "ell as on the wall on the opposite side.When Lms 41 C provided wuh elJUlprnent for \ cnnl.2.Some stored materials are susceptible to arching action across the bin walls.itmg the bill hlling at rest.6.2.6. .IS s 9178 ( Part t ) . Ph Pha tttttttttt tft1ttttttt t_~a_ + 6A Rectangular Bin L-+I-----ACTUAL BIN ECCENTRIC OUTLET "-ENLARGED !lIN 6B Circular Bin FIG G EH ucr or El>Jl'1 YING TUROL'GH ECCENTRIC OUTLETS 20 . .9 .1!. 1 When the material is granular an increase III LllI' hor izontal pressure i~ to be expected. 7.3 Bins for storage of powdery materials are often equipped".IS: 9178 ( Part I ) ·1979 6.\. A small insert is placed (su FIg 7B) ncar the hUPI'CI outlet to ehminate plplllg ( rat-hohng ) and arching of bulk sohds 21 .rl bin position. tlus mcrease in prl"ssure may be tapered off unilorrnly down III ' { ' I l l .1.II! unlo.2.1 Insert type of flow correctlO!{ device may be used to cor rr t t"o types of flow problems A large insert IS placed (see Fu... the horizontal prl":. device which allows only the topmost rnarerr.thdrawn ( wlule the layers below I emain at rest) there IS ]10 n: t d to rake into account the excess pressure dunng emptying.lny tllne I/) I".3.7. Therefore.In view of the load reducing e{frc t oj the bin bottom. 31. no Ilgl1lfictmt increases in load due to the air supply have so far been detected 6.2 For powdery materials the investigations made so far do not indicate any significant increases in load when vennlating.I[(e capacity and to reduce segregation problems ill hms hav IIl:~ ht>!. ". ith devices for pneumatic emptying and these bring about a looscrnnu of the bin filling in the region of the outlet.6.1 Flow correcting devices are provided to ensure fl ee ar d milt IllUOUS flow and to reduce or ehminate the excess pressure dunng emptyillg 7.3.iduu.mrt> Ph. In this case also. wrth funnel flow. FLOW CORRECTING DEVICES 7.7 Effects Causing Decrease in the Bin Loads 6.rt i he lOp of the bin.If a bm i~ fitted wu lr . rr-rhu I'd lip to a height 1'2 d or 0'75 h whichever IS smaller from the Lm hott om.J Bm Bottom . 7. Flow-correcnve inserts help to increase the hve S(o)'. .ure of the air over the portion of the height of the bin 1Il which the air inlets are located.6. 7. for filling is to be increased by the mlct [Jle. 6. 'Lhis may be considered as varying linearly from the ernptvuur pi ev-ure at dm height to the filling pressure at the bin bottom (see also FIg.6. the horrzontal pressure during emptyrna may 1".2 Insert type of flow correcting devjr-e is usually used 1I1 exrstmz installations with hoppers from which funnel Bow takes place i1nd \. nt'ar the transition between the bin and hopper to cause mass flow III tf)l· \ eru: .!)('.2 Special UnioadlTlg Deuces . as calculated from 6. 6. From the level of the highest inlet upwards.ible arches or pipes. b u h nr eds to be converted into a mass flow hopper or to reduce tcudr nrv to lurm st. 7:Z.'2.3 The material remauung in the bm for a period of time may result in the forrnauon of arches in the region of Insert.'2 The influence of the msert on the flow of materials and on the structural stabiluy of the bin wall should be considered while designin. As a gUIde the diameter S of the Insert bottom shall not be less than three times the annular width S/ (see Fig 8 ).: the bills. 7 78 TYPICAL DETAILS OF INSERTS TO FLOW CORRECTION AND EMPTYING LOAD 7. be so designed as 10 ensure all round flow.3 Poking devices may be Incorporated III the bins for ensuring proper flow Poking may be manual. and may require to be vibrated to lllltiale the flow The mser. 22 . pneumatic With steam or using any suitable mechanical means like vibrators.. The performance of the inserts and their influence on the material flow depend on the stored material and the geometry ol the bill and hopper and should be experrrnentally investigated. therefore.- 7A FIG.IS 19178 ( Part I ) . 1979 D I--~~-~-- . The support of the insert should not obstruct the flow but at the same time should not fail under the loads that are applied to it. 7. should. '-: .-ZIZo ZI'::o l.. '1 : .... ./ ..1. • . j •• :'~ ~' .RT ON THE FLOW OF MATERIAL B.c.-: . I' .-"..o - ZI'::o Z/Zo l-. . . .1919 . : .: I ~.. ..<j ZIZo [J 0'60 \_.. .\14.f ..' " .'~:~ I ."'.'.. . APPENDIX A ( Clause 6..- ------ 1-66 0811 0812 I 67 1'68 JW J 70 o 314 0815 o 817 ( Can/..' "_'II. ~ " . . .- .. ' • . ~ ...". ... \' ~ -'- • 01........ • . n .' .- . . .... .. - ':". . MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEM 8..{~ t~ s'lFlO.. .I • l~ . ' .'." :'. .... ....J... ..1. -.. 8 SKETCH SHOW1NO INFLUENCr: OF INSE... .. ' " INSEf?1 '<':.1 Since the material handling system has an effect on the design of bins some details are given for information in Appendix B." ~ ~. ..2. '~~.-0'429 0435 o 4~O o 446 0451 --"----- 23 ot>70 I-II 1 12 1'13 111 liS -- 06H olin 0680 0'683 ..-ZIZo -. •... f' ~\.1) o O..3 ) VALUES OF (L.'IIl • . -..-ZIZu 001 0'010 0-56 (J-020 0030 57 05ll 059 o O~ o »s o IH o U5 I) 0. -.' \ •• : ... .IS 19178 ( Part! ) . • \.-:'( j . . . " 06 t.-..-Z)Zo) {J{a l_~.~ ..aud) - ~~- - --. ">46 o '.i - -- ~ -<IZo ---.-~I{o ZIZo ----- o O.l 0121 o !:llJ 0217 (1211 U J 1'2 n .H II (lfj II o 0'1 II \0 o II II 12 I) 1'\ II II II II II II 11\.96 0699 0'702 o 7U5 0'708 o 7 II 071:J o 716 0'720 0'722 0'725 0727 0730 0733 a 73> 07. (1113 n92 093 094 095 096 097 n 98 0-99 1 OU I 01 I 02 1 03 I 01 1 05 1 Ol. o 4~ UL! nH (41) U 41.IS: 9178 ( 'art I ) ·1979 J-. o 'J7 nm o I') o 411 (I 2illl u 2LI5 u inl lI'Il II \11'1 \I lib \I le3 n 1-\ II .6 0%2 .-.>.Zo ZJZo I-e-{I{o ]-16 I 17 0457 04(.181 () 3U7 II ~J'll o 41H! \I j. o 111+ n II J o IU o III o 1 .!. II 17 n fH o 1'1 () . O.(I J o III (I 117 U 4:2 3 -<IZo l-e-ZJ.:I II Hli 0-[19 () '10 () '1(.'1 II 141l n I II H. 1 117 I (Ill I 0<) 110 I~ o II o if n ..8 \l 6'1 070 li 71 I) 1)72 () 71 IJ 7<1075 076 n 77 078 f) 79 \I 80 o HI I) 112 \) a3 \) IH \) as II HI. o 0'1.!". I II 17 IH IOj u 20 II '2 I 022 02\ n :.511 0653 0657 () t.--- II O"ill 007 o III.4 0568 I If! I 19 I 20 ] 21 1 22 I 23 124I 25 I 26 \ 27 1 28 I 29 I 30 1 31 I 32 I 33 I 3..-ZIZo 0819 0821 0'623 08240'826 0828 0830 0'831 0833 0835 0836 0838 0'840 0'841 0843 08104 0846 084-7 0-80)9 0850 0852 0853 0855 0856 0057 0059 0061 o C62 0-8b3 a 1165 0871 0873 0883 0889 0895 0900 o 9iJ5 0909 0-9140918 0922 0921> 0929 0933 0936 0939 0941 094-5 0943 0950 .q II }iJ 7 s: 06\ 1.)() II (I .5 "Ii o III n 18\ o t-10 II I qll a 205 f) 2).o IJ 792 0794IJ 7"iJ 1 eo o 7'lB J 61 0800 1m u ~.38 0141 f) 7B 0716 a 71B o 751 n-7~3 0756 0-758 0761 0763 0765 0768 0-770 0772 0775 0777 0'779 0-701 a 7114 () 786 () 708 o 7~.51 II [.( () U 6G4 U lJb7 24 0687 0 690 069') 0.2 04'67 0473 0478 II 4R3 04-88 o 4Y3 0498 0503 0508 0512 0518 0523 0528 0532 0537 0542 0.f 055 o I'm (I 14'1 (J .55 o 5GO o ~(. I 3> I 36 \ 37 I 38 I 39 I 10 I 41 I 42 1 13 144I 45 U 573 0577 0501 o '.O2 I 63 1 Gf 1 1>5 OWI1 0006 a /lO8 I -7I 172 I 73 \'741 75 1 76 177 I 78 I 79 I 80 I 81 \ 82 I 83 I 841 85 1 86 I 87 1-88 189 I 90 I 91 J 92 I 93 I 91 1 95 196 1 97 1 93 I 'l9 200 2 05 2 10 2 15 220 225 2 3D 235 240 245 2 50 255 2 1.U 2 ss 2 70 275 230 285 290 295 300 L.J. I (J )11 II )] o on n IIBI.21\ 0632 0616 ]-46 147 I 48 I 49 1 50 I 51 I 52 I-53 1'54 1 55 I 56 I 57 I 5ll I 59 O(dY 06+3 o 6-1-6 06.JI 52 oJ I (1 '.1 II.8J n 50'1 U5"3 0597 U 601 0605 0609 0'613 0617 0621 0625 o (.2 063 n 64n (" n 116 u 67 0(.J~. o 117 11 l II 2.ln o \75 0.) ~. I) L-) l ~ ~') o ~7 1I 2:.. B·3.1979 APPENDIX B ( Clause 8. The load of the column and the arrangement of ItS connection should be considered while designing bunkers and their supporting frame. The arrangement may include the SImple devices hke cast iron box with slidmg doors operated by hand. The main equiprnents used for filling/emptying the bins are: a) Belt conveyor b) Bucket elevator c) Screw conveyor d) Pneumatic elevator ( pumping) B. Bms should be provided with bunker columns for proper discharging of the materials.1 ) MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEM B-1. The additional load thus transmitted to the bunker or Its supporting beams should be considered for design.Is: 9178 ( Part I ) . by bell-crank levers or by power or rotary valves or discharge gates Or by pneumatic methods. The purpose of providing material handling facilities in bins is to make the necessary arrangement for filling and emptymg the material.2. This has influence in both layout and design of bunkers in that the loading and unloading arrangements have to be considered in the design. 25 . Many of the equipment mentioned above require to be supported over the bunker wah a suitable openmg on the cover of the bunker. . Narashlll1arSja Square. Ganga Nagar.. SltlI IV. LMxmttory: TlIllIphone Plot No 2Ml. 9 Bahadur Shah Ztdar Marg. NEW DELHI 110002 32376 17 "Eastern 1/14 CIT Scheme VlI M. Manlklola. UOity 8ullcing. COlM8ATORE 641031 Pial No 43.n 00 32 R. KANPUR 208005 Seth Bhawan. AHMEDABAD 380001 . 51h Root. L N Gupta Marg. PATNA 800013 T C No 14/1421. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695034 NIT 8u11d1llg. P 0 Pnncep Stree~ CALCUTIA 700072 tSales OffICe IS al Novelty Chambers Granl Road.: 'Pushpsk'. SIh By-lane. R G Barua Road. 1332 ShlVSjI Nagar. Gokulpat Markel. lsi Stage. SlIT'Iodaya Nagar.28 88 01 • 8-71 19 96 54 11 37 20 1083 372925 21 68 76 238923 26 23 05 621 17 5251 71 323635 al 5 ChownnghN Approach. 91 11 ~399. 670 AVlII8shl Road.. Sector 34-A. V r P Ao. 91 11 3239382 T~_ Me/laksanslN. BangaIor8 .""... CHENNAI 600113 235 2315 tWeslern MaMkalaya. india . 2nd Roor. Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg. CALCUTIA700054 3378662 Notlh«n SCO 335-336. PUNE 411005 "SlIes Office IS 550 13 4B 8394955 554021 40 36 27 21 01 41 e. 9 BlhadUr Shah Zafllt Marg. MUMBAI 400007 .Peenya Induslrlal Area. GHAZIABAD 201001 53JS Ward No 29. LUCKNOW 226001 Palllpulra Indusmal ESIa18.. IV Cross Road.. KlUJrja. Umverslty P 0 Palayarn. NAGPUR 440010 Insbtubon 01 Engineers ( Incia ) BUIlding. . ~EW DELHI llllOO2 TlIIIphonH 323 0131. Naval KJshore Road.: BhavIll1.. Unrl VI. Anhn lEast). Behind Leela Cln8li1a. 323 3375. Bhadbhada ROlid. Second Floor. Salllbabad Industtlal Area. BANGALORE 560058 Gangolrl CompleX. E9 Behind Marol TelePhone Exchange.Sales Olfice IS at 'F' Block.IId. T T Nagar. JAIPUR 302001 1171418 B. SAHI8ABAO 201010 e. ChilaranJ8n Marg. 8329295 MUMBAI 400093 BIWWh ome. BHOPAL 462003 Pial No 62-63. FARIDABAD 121001 Savllrl Complex 116 G T Road. 323 9402 Fax 91 11 3234062. CHAlt/OIGARH 160022 603843 Southern I CIT Campus.BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS "Man. HYOERABAD 500001 E-52.. Nampally Staltotl Road. BHUE\ANESHWAR 751001 Kallllkaltllr BuIldings. Mathura Road. Sector 16 A. C·Sc/leme. (Common to all OfficIs) e.T\lIl'Ikur Road. Khanpur. BANGALORE 560002 PrInlecl 27 1085 309 65 28 222 39 71 at NtIN 100Ia PrWlUng Press.wnM O"'CfM: C8nlral Manak Bhavan.. GUWAHATI 781003 S08·58C.
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