IS 9013

April 3, 2018 | Author: Karthikeyan Vedi | Category: Concrete, Strength Of Materials, Structural Steel, Building Engineering, Engineering



IS:9013-1978 (Reaffirmed 1992) ( Reaffirmed 1999 ) Indian Standard METHODOFMAKING,CURINGANDDETERMINING COMPRESSIVESTRENGTHOF ACCELERATED-CUREDCONCRETE TESTSPECIMENS ( Fourth Reprint DECEMBER 1998 ) ( IncorporatingAmendment No. 1) UDC 666.97.035.5 : 620.173 0 Conright 1998 RUREAU MANAK OF INDIAN STANDARDS ZAFAR MARG BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 Gr 3 April 1979 P. &AL Stru. New Delhi DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( CSMRS ) ( A&m& ) ENOINEER-IN-CHIEF Central Public Work Department. VISVE~VABAYA Repwcnting Cement Research Institute of India. N. RlJr~srw3IlaNI ( Affcraufe) SIIBI K. S.1978 Indian Standard METHOD OF MAKING.~e~gineering Research Centre ( CSIR CHIEF ENGINEER ( PROJXTS ( B & S ) ( A~M~G ) K. U. Nangal Township SHI‘I T. AQQAR~AL Hindurtan Prefab Ltd. . New SUPEBINTEIDINO ENQXNEER. DI~IZCTOR. C. K. 2 (Alfun&) SHBI AMITABHAGHO~H National Test Iioure. BANRRJEE Cement Corporation of India Ltd. L. IPRI (Aifcmufc) DIIOXTO~ ( CSMRS ) Central Water Commission. Lucknow MSrnbnS ADDITIONAL DI~ECTOI~. C. CARo ( . C. Calcutta SHEI E. Government of Punjab. STAXDAEDLI (B&S) SHRI SHBI DEPUTY DIREC~OI~. New Delhi Research. STanDnRmf SHRI A. KA~LIWAL ( Ahrnafc ) B. New Delhi ). New Delhi Snur C. BANSAL Beas Designs Organization. Bombay SURI HAIIIEH N. MALANI ( Aifurmfe) SHItI R.~ct.i~ferTUlfe ) DR N. RAMACEANDMN ( Ahmuh) (Cohuudenpppr2) 0 Copyright 1998 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act (X!V of 1957) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act. Chandigarh Delhi DELHI CEXTRAL CIBCLE No. BDC 2 Chairman Da H. CURING AND DETERMINING COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF ACCELERATED-CURED CONCRETE TEST SPECIMENS Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee. Designs & Standards Organization ( Ministry of Railways ). C. ) Irrigation Department.1s 89013 . BAXEIIJEE Larsen 8 Toubro Ltd. Gandhinagar. SRINIVASAN ( Affernafc ) Sanr R. Ministry of Shipping and Transport SHRI J:R. CHALAPATHI RAO Geological Survey of India. RAMANA ( Alkmatc) SERI B. NAMBIAR 2 . IS1 ( Conrinud on page 12 ) DR S. ROY ( Alfmatr ) SHRI T. Srrlta M. Madras ) DR A. Gnoert Sartx Y. LAIiA SH~I B. K. R. NEELAKANDHAN Assistant Director ( Civ Engg ). N. R. and Indian Roads Congress. RAO Gammon India Ltd. KIJLKABNI The Institution of Engineers ( India ). New Delhi SECRETARY DEPUTY SECXETARY ( I ) ( Alfsmafs ) SHRI N. PAULL ( AIfnaufc I ) Representing Central Road Research Institute (CSJR ). Subramaniam The India Cements Ltd. Madras EXECUTIVE EN~INBER ( SM&R DIVISION ) ( Alternate ) SHRI L. PINliEIEO ( Alternate ) Central Board of Irrigation and Power. IS1 ( Ex-O@J Member ) Director ( Civ Engg ) In scrrckng SERI M. T. New Delhi SHRI K. Government of ( DEEI~NE) Tamil Nadu. K. V. Army Headquarters. T.~lding Research Institute ( CSIR ). KANEE New Delhi M. S.ISr!WS-1978 ( Confiausdfromfigs 1 ) Msl?&U DR R. K. S. New Delhi. Director General.)athpd Research Institute ( CSIR ). S. R. Sam A. Calcutta SHRI S. Bombay DR R. N. R. T. Hyderabad DR IQBAL ALI Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals. UNWALLA ( Alfcmatr ) Cent~~or~. JA~UE ( Altaauta ) Engineering Research Laboratories. Dastur & Co ( Pvt ) Ltd. J. M. HATTIAN~ADI SHRI P. S. RAO National Buildings Organization. RA~~ACHANDRAN ( AIfernata ) S u P n R I N T E N D I N Q ENQINEER Public Works Department. Adyar. R. Calcutta SHRI S. R. Calcutta SHBI S. Bombay SEI%IS. ( Alfnnate II ) EnginEer-in-Chief’s Branch. SEN Roads Wing. GUPTA Hyderabad The Associated Cement Companies Ltd. SH~I B. New D I N AX A B A N SHRI M. Bombay SHRI T. REHSI ( Altcrnafc ) SERI K. AJITHA SIXHA. N. PRASAD ( Altmafe) SHRI K. V. UNWALLA The Concrete Association of India. Madras SHRI P. V. MI~CHANDANI ( Alternate ) Hyderabad Asbestos Cement Products Ltd. New Delhi Cent. New Delhi SHRI A. A. MENON ( Alternate) SHRI D. K. New Delhi Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ). R. GOVIND New Delhi SERI G. K. SWAROOP Dalmia Cement ( Bharat ) Ltd. DR MOHAN Ru ersonal capacity (‘Ramaaalaya’ II Firsf 8 mctnt Park Road. it would be too late to prevent wasteful use of cement on Hence. of concrete is not feasible for quality control. while the concrete is still accessible and sufficiently green to make its removal practicable. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 30 November 1978. This procedure requires 28 days of moist curing before testing.IS t 9013.1978 Indian Standard METHOD OF MAKING. the Committee decided to evolve a standard method of determining 3 . it would have considerably hardened by that time and also might have been buried by subsequent construction. it is now possible to test the compressive strength of concrete within a short period and thereby to estimate whether it is likely to reach the specified strength at 28 days or not. With the assistance of reliable test within about 24 hours after casting.3 What is essentially needed for assessing quality of controlled concrete is an acceptance test which can supply results. 0. On the other hand. CURING AND DETERMINING COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF ACCELERATED-CURED CONCRETE TEST SPECIMENS 0. methods employing accelerated curing techniques. Thus replacement of the concrete mass of questionable attributes becomes very difficult and often impractical. the quality of concrete is found to be dubious.4 The need for having a reliable and fast method for evaluating controlled concrete in the field using accelerated curing technique was recognized by Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee and as a result. 0. that is. which is too long a period to be of any value for either concrete construction control or applying timely corrective measures. after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. If after 28 days. standard 28 days cube testing uneconomical mix proportioning. 0.2 Traditionally. quality of concrete in construction works is calculated in terms of its 28 days compressive strength. if the concrete is found to possess excessive strength than required. by the use of an appropriate correlation-curve obtained by testing normally-cured and accelerated cured concrete specimens of the mix proportion and materials to be used at the site. SCOPE 1. strength of test specimens cured by accelerated curing 0. 0. curing and testing specimens of concrete stored under conditions intended compression. due weightage has been given to international coordination among the standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in the country. off numerical values ( revised ). and method.18 J 9013 . The following in this standard: a) Warm-water b) Boiling-water *Rules for rounding in to two methods of accelerated curing have been covered method. 0. observed or calculated. but has not been covered due to its inherent limitations in application. accelerate the development of strength. In this standard. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. curing and testing in compression concrete specimens cured by two accelerated methods namely warm-water method and boiling-water method. expressing the result of a test or analysis.8 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with.should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value .5 This standard lays down the method of making. 1. 0. the final value. Such correlation-curves prepared on the basis of some case studies have been given in Appendix A.1978 compressive methods. this method may be useful for internal quality control purposes under special circumstances. The method laid down in this standard may be used for quality-control purposes. 4 .1 This standard lays down the method for making. the method of test has been so defined as to be readily applicable to the majority of test specimens made on construction sites and to give results of low variability.8 High pressure steam curing is also used as an accelerated-curing method. New Delhi.7 In the formulation of this standard. However. Assistance has also been rendered by the researches conducted by Cement Research Institute of India. or for the prediction of normal strength of concrete at later ages. 2. 2. if tests are intended to draw correlation curve between the results from compressive strength tests on specimens cured by normal curing method and accelerated curing method. weighing.1 The curing tank shall be constructed from any material of suitable strength that will resist the effects of corrosion. 5 . rigid enough so as to avoid distortion during use and of dimensions such that the plate completely covers the top edge of the mould.3 Immediately after moulding.2 The tank shall contain sufficient water and be controlled so that the temperature of the water around the specimens immersed in the tank is maintained at the desired level at all times except for a period not exceeding 15 minutes immediately after the immersion of a freshly made specimen into the tank. PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMENS 3. compacting.1 The preparation of test specimen including sampling of materials. 1.IS I 9013 .3 Curing Tank 2.1978 2.Each mould shall be provided with a flat steel cover plate. 2.3 A typical diagrammatic layout of a tank suitable for accelerated curing of test specimens is given in Fig. 4. and capping of specimen shall be in accordance with IS: 516-1959*. they shall be left to stand undisturbed in their moulds in a place free from vibration at a temperature *Methods of tests for strength of concrete. mixing.1 Mould The mould shall conform to IS : 516-1959*. sampling shall be done in accordance with IS : 1199-1959t and choice of the size of test specimens. compacting. and capping of specimen shall be in accordance with IS : 516-1959*. 3.2 If the tests are intended for control purposes. proportioning. choice of the size of test specimens. 2. 3.3. testing for workability. The internal dimensions of the tank shall be adequate to accommodate the required number and size of the test specimens such that test specimens can be easily removed. preparation of materials. *Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete.3. ACCELERATED CURING BY WARM WATER METHOD 4.3.1 After the specimens have been made. 3. each specimen shall be covered with a steel plate thinly coated with mould oil to prevent adhesion of concrete. APPARATUS 2.2 Mould Cover Plate . SWITCH GEAR AND FUSES I\\ 050 L a DRAIN TAP/ NOTE. c of curing tank suitable for accommodating twelve. 150 mm cubes are 1.The dimensions (I. 1 DIAGRAMMATIC LAYOUTOF SUITABLE CURINGTANK . band m and 0. Fro.60 m.65 m respectively. 3 After suiing for 3) hours f 5 minutes in-the curing tank.2 In the warm water method specimens shall be tested while still wet. they shall be stored in a place from vibration.2 The specimens in their moulds shall be gently lowered into the curing tank and shall remain totally immersed at 55 f 2°C for a period of not less than 19 hours 50 minutes. ACCELERATED CURING BY BOILING WATER METHOD 5.In confined places the temperature of the water may be kept just below the boiling point to avoid excessive evaporation. removed fro&e moulds and cooled -by immersing in cooling tank at 27 f 2°C for 2 h. The temperature of water shall not dro more than 3°C after the specimens are placed and shall return to go iling within 15 minutes. 5. TE6TING 6. 7 .3 In the boiling water hours f 20 minutes. NOTE . 4. not more than 2 hours from the time of immersion in the coolitlg tank 6. 5. removed from the mouldr and immersed in the cooling tank at 27 f 2°C before the completion of 20 hours 10 minutes from the start of immersion in the curing tank. They shall remain in the cooling tank for a period of not less than one hour. *&4etbodr of tests for strength of concrete. The specimens shall then be removed from the water. marked for identification. removed from the boiling water.1 free and time After the specimens have been made. prior to immersion in the curing tank. the age at the time of test shall be 28. The time between the addition of water to the ingredients and immersion of the test specimens in the during tank shall be at least 14 hours but shall not exceed 34 hours. NOTE-For control purposes.2 The specimens shall then be gently lowered into the curing tank and’ The shall remain totally immersed for a period of 3# hours f 5 minutes. 6. the above time tolerances may IX relaxed and an appropriate correction factor applied. method. 6. in moist air of at least 90 peqcent relative humidity at a temperature of 27 f 2’C for 23 hours f 15 minute from the of addition of water to the ingredients.of 27 f 2°C for at least one hour. the specimen shall be. 5. temperature of the water in ihe curing tank shall be at boiling ( 100°C ) at sea level.1 The specimens shall be tested in accordance with IS : 516-1959*. 1 The calculation with IS : 5161959”. upon opening the cover. and s) Compressive t) Description of fractured face. h) Time of adding water to concrete materials. 4 Time of immersion of test specimen into cooling tank. record of temperature of water in curing tank. Size of specimen. 8 safety measures to sudden escape of be exercised when hot water. Particulars of concrete from which test specimen was made.1 The following precautions shall be taken : a) The curing tank shall be cleaned and the water renewed periodically so as to prevent accumulation of detritus which may impair the heating or circulating system. 4 Time of immersion of test specimen into curing tank. Also care shall immersing the specimens to avoid splashing of *Methods of tests for strength of concrete. . b) Date and time of test and age of specimen. CALCULATION 7. g) Defects. PRECAUTIONS 9. P) Time of removal of test specimen from cooling tank. in specimen. REPORT 8. 4 Time of remova of test specimen from curing tank. Method of compaction.1 The following information shall be included in the report on each test specimen : mark (including the size and type ) of test speci4 Identification mens and date of casting. 8. of compressive strength shall be done in accordance 4 4 4 9. f-1 Mass of specimen. b) The use of boiling water imposes the need for prevent scalding or eye-burns. if any. 9) Thermographic Maximum load at crushing. j> Time of making test specimen.7. r) strength. resulting from steam. water-cement ratio and mix proportions. in itself. and 10. a substantial proportion of the strength to be attained in 28 days under normal curing conditions is achieved within a shorter time. 9 . for process 10. 10.c) Strict attention shall be given to the protection and storage oft& specimens during tAe initial period of curing. which are considered to be important parameters in the correlation of results from compressive strength tests on specimens cured by accelerated curing method and normal curing method. 10. The accelerated curing regime. APPENDIX A ( ClausesO. The rate and extent of hydration of cement under a particular curing regime depend mainly upon the chemical composition of cement.2 The results can be used in rapid assessment of variability control and signalling the need for indicated adjustments.3 ) CORRELATION OF RESULTS FROM COMPRESSIVE TESTS ON SPECIMENS CURED BY NORMAL ACCELERATED CURING METHODS STRENGTH AND A-l. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS 10.3 The magnitude of the strength values from strength tests is influenced by the specific combination of materi& Therefore the use of the results from either conventional tests at any arbitrary age or those from this method shall be supported by experience or correlations developed for the existing local conditions and materials ( see Appendix A ). d) Suitable safety devices and indicators shall be provided with the set up. Accelerated curing of concrete hastens the process of hydration of cement and as a result. A separate panel or switch-board shall be provided incorporating the thermograph and related heating equipment controls. results from this method in checking the compliance of specified strengths at later ages shall be applied with great caution. is another variable in that the higher temperature employed may alter the morphology of the hydration products apart from thermally activating the chemical reactions of hydration of cement.1 Since strength requirements in existing specifications are not based upon accelerated curing. When results of concrete with specific ingredients and mix proportions are considered. that the strength of concrete after accelerated curing ( by either method) is of the order of 50 percent of that obtained on normally cured. I 60 : Fro. Figures 2 and 3 (see Note ) show typical results on the correlation of compressive strength of concrete specimens normally cured and accelerated-cured by the Boiling Water Method and the Warm Water Method respectively. It is found that a correlation exists between the results obtained on concrete specimens. cured by accelerated method and cured by normal method. 2 TYPICAL RELATION BETWEEN ACCELERATEDAND 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENCJTH OF CONCRETE( BOILINGWATER METHOD) 10 . for It is also found mixes employing different materials and mix proportions.IS t 9019 . The variability arising from the curing regime to be adopted. as is-done in this standard. is eliminated by standardizing them. 28 days old specimens.i978 A-2. the dispersion of results is considerably CURING CYCLE \3*5hZ 5min I 10 20 ACCELERATED 30 I 40 STRENGTH I 50 N/mn?-R. NOTE-The typical correlationcurves given in Fig.5 TO 3.IS I 9919 - 1978 reduced. in that case. the mix proportions or use of some indigenous admixtures. 3 TYPICAL RELATIONBETWEENACCELERATED AND ~~-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE( WARM WATER METHOD ) 11 . and the coefficient of variation of results from accelerated curing methods may.5h ---w -1h ACCELERATED STRENGTH N/mr/-Ra Fm. 70 REGRESSION EQUATION R26=12*65+Ra 1. 28 days conventional tests. be expected to be of the same order as obtained in normally cured. 2 and 3 are based on a reries of testsconductedat the Cement Research Institute of India. it is preferable to establish the actual correlation under site conditions for the specific materials and mix proportions to be adopted. Although the tests have shown that the correlation between results from accelerated curing method and normally cured 28 days conventional tests is not materially affected by the chemical composition. New Delhi. for use in each case. fineness and strength of cements. Mtmbers Swm BDC 2:2 SHRI D. Madras ) Roads Wing ( Ministry of Shipping and SHRI N. TANDON ( C. PRASADA RAO ( Alfcmnte ) Central Road Research Institute (CSIR ). K. SHRI V. K. R. C. S. UNWALLA SHRI T. GAJAPATHY RAO SUPERINTENDING E N Q I N E E R. New Delhi DR H. MATIZUR Snnr G.oylkrtgineering Research Centre ( CSIR ). C. P. STANDARDS Research ( Ministry of Railways ). New Dn R. GROSH Delhi SRRI M. PINHEIRO ( Alfcrnate ) Public Works and Housing Department. VINAYAKA ( A&male ) National Buildings Organization. S. JA~WS Suar M. Central Public Works Department. N. K. P. Hyderabad DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ( C & MDD ) Central Water Commission.C. BHIDE ( Alternate) capacity ( ‘ Rammalaya ’ II First In personal SHRI K. RAO SHRI S. R. TI~ARE ( Alternate ) Associated Consulting Services. R. R. Bombay SIIRI P. P. Bombay Aitmate) Sanr A. REMEDIOS ( Altanntc ) The Associatd Cement Companies Ltd. VISVESVARAYA DR A. Army Headquarters. TANEJA Roorkee SHRI B. K. K. GUPTA New Delhi SHRI S. G. S. S. VAIDYA ( Alfcrnate ) Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR ). STANDARDS ( M/C ) ( Alternate) Engineering Research Laboratories. S. SIKI~A ( Alfemate ) Gammon India Ltd. ALIMCHANDANI Stup Consultants Ltd. V. HIN~ORANI SHRI A.1978 ( C0tiinudfrom @ge 2 ) Concrete Subcommittee. J. Bombay Snnr J. Lucknow (B&S) ASSISTaNT DIRECTOR. Bombay SBRI M.ts I 9913 . New Delhi Designs and Standards Organization D E P u T Y DIRECTOR. NAI+~BIA~ Crescent Park Road. GHANEKAE Struc. MULLICK ( Altematc) 12 . M. RAMASWAMY Transport ) SHRI R. GUPTA ( Altemate) The Concrete Association of India. Bombay SHRI B. New Delhi DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( C & MDD ) ( Alnmatc ) SHRI V. CHATTERJEE ( Alfanate ) Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch. A. New Delhi DELHI CENTRAL CIRCLE No. MENON ( Altmtatc) Cement Research Institute of India. T. Gandhinogar. DR C. Adyar. Bombay S~IRI T. 2 SHRI S. T. CHAKRAVARTY Engineers India Ltd. New Delhi SHXI G. SHRI M. 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