is- 807

April 4, 2018 | Author: Mohit Arora | Category: Crane (Machine), Structural Load, Screw, Mechanical Engineering, Railway



IS: 807 -1976 1990) (Roatfirmod Indian S.tandard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, ERECTION TESTING (STRUCTURAL PORTION) CRANES AND HOISTS AND OF ( First Revision > Sixth Rcpritu DECEMBER 1992 UDC 621.873: 624.04 0 Copyright 1977 UUREAU MANAK. BHAVAN, OF INDIAN 9 RAHADuK NEW DELHI STANDARDS SHhll 110002 ZAFAR ,MARG LS t 007 - 1976 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, ERECTION AND TESTING ( STRUCTURAL PORTION ) OF CRANES AND HOISTS ( First Revision 1 Cranes and Allied Appliances Sectionsl Committee, Choiman SHI, D. K. N.,xm hfmbm Da B. N. KHAN ( Afkmor< to Shri D. I;. Nandi) Sm, A. K.lhSD”F*DIIYAY* SMDC 26 R<jmmting <Vhif Calcutta Pvt Limited, Calcutta Sxa~ A. C. BH.,RW.VA Sxar P. K. HCl ( Alrrmore I ) Smr A. K. B*w.a,ee Crm”o>n!xu I Allnnarr iI ) SWJ I?. N. Br,0w*r Jcrrcp g; Co Limited, S,mr s. x*0 f AkIm,r I 1 Hinburtan Motors Bengal) Limited. Uttarpara ( WC:I Calcutta i(~crOR ( ELECT I ) ( Akrmrr II ) M&and Iron & Srccl Works Limircd, Bombay :*n* ( Akmorr ) XI. N. Darrur & Co Priratc Limited, Calcutta J. DOS::1 ( Alkmolr ) ‘. KASSL Directorate Gcncral of Supplies 8 Disposals, New Delhi 0 Copright 1977 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Thh publication is protected under the Indian C.+iihl Arr (XIV of 1957 ) e.nd rcpmduckm in whole or in part by any mcrnr cxccpt with wirtcn pcmiuion ofrhc publishhcr ireI1 be deemed 10 be an infringcmcnt cf copyright under thcsaid Act. Cutler Hammer India Limited, Faridabad Southern Strucmrals Lid, hladra., Indian Crane Company Limilcd, Calcurm Tam-Robins-Fraser Limited, Jamrbcdpur Allnn~lr ) Bharar Heavy Elcmicals Limited, Dhopal Hindwan Steel Limited, Durgapur Tak Macbincry Limited, Bombay Indian Iron & Srccl Co Ltd. Bumnur i’echni;al Derclopmcnr, E:~ginccring Indwry, I’ancl for I<cvicwing Indian Standards on Cranes, SMDC con;rrw Jcrrop & Co Limited, Calcutra sm, R. h’. BltOwAL ‘41rmbnr 26 : 1’10 2 IS : 807 - I976 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, ERECTION AND TESTING (STRUCTURAL PORTION ) OF CRANES AND HOISTS ( First Revision ) 0. F 0 R E W 0 R D 0.1 This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 27 ,111gust I9iG, after the draft linalized by the Cranes and Allied Appliances Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structurnl and hfctnls Division Council. 0.2 This standard covers dcsign ofstructural portion of crnws and hoists and specifics pcrmissiblc strxwc~ and other &tails of drsign in order to ensure economy in design and reliability in operation. To dcnl with the subject conveniently? cranes have been broadly classified into four classes depending upon thew duty and number of hours in service per year. The correct classification of a crane is important and shou!d be the joint responsibility of the purchnscr and the manufacturer. For guidance a few typical cranes have been classified and shown in Appendix A. 0.3 This standard was lirst published in 1963. In this revision the permissible strcsscs for members subjected to fluctuations ofsrrcss have been rhc number of cycles aligned with IS : 102%1960*, thus, introducing of operation for fatigue calculations. The limits of camber have PISO been specified. 0.4 This standard is the first in the series of standards relating to crana and covers the structural design. The other standards in the se&s covering the mechukal and electrical portions are as followsz IS : 3177-19G5 Code of practice for design of overhead travelling cranes and gantry cranes other than steel work cranes IS : 4137-1967 Code of practice for heavy duty electric ovcrhcad travelling cranes including special servike machines for use in steel works 3 l. the llnal value.t. SwKlards Iwitution. 1.~:tllrillu RIMI tr. erection.~~~l kw111 iti view 11~ iliitllllf~. Nwe. Ch+.:1. IS : 2-1960’.~liol~s DIN 120: 1936 (Sheet I ) Basic principles of structural details for steel partr of cranes and crane tracks.1 This code covers the structural portion of the design manufacture.l iI) t1w .C For tlrc purpose of deciding whcthcr a particular requircmcvt of this stand:~rd is wmplicd with.. 1)rlll\‘:‘l. BS 2573: I’nrt 1 : 1960 Spccificntion for pcrmissiblc strcsscs and 1wh I or . the definitions given in IS : 5532-1969: in . and testing of all cranes and hoists.uldi!ion to the fo‘ollowing.ulr: l~rwticrt hl” Ii. b) conveyors for the conveyance of materials by means of rubber or other types Pr hcl!S. chains with %. . Part I Struc~urcr. E-1969 Specification for clcctric overhead cranes for steel mill service. of pncticc for we of~rructural rtccl in general oltcrmr far craIIcl.-. buckets and similar other appliances. IlriM.‘~ the purpose of this standard. observed or calculated.\lSI: Srnndxrd No..winy pulAi~:.0 1.l!~wr.. L not intcndcd that thi wbicb form an cscntial Tbc deign orruch girdcn co-de shall apply to part of the structur~I should be according crane ruway girdvr Iramc of a building to the rcquiremcou of I GENERAL 2.n~ sr. Shall apply ---.c rlcign.rr N~.‘. SECTION 1. *Rulrr t&k ftxxhf for rounding oflnumcrical YDIUP ( no&d ). building colurruction ( rmiud). The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should bc the same as that of the specified value in this standard.:“I battens or scrapers. whether riveted or welded. 0. ha5irtiww hiu il Iw 11CCll<hi”d y ~IIC I~ill8. expressin:: the rcwlt of a test.:r:.llll. fundamental of construction. and C) clevaton Tar the convcyancc of materials by means of bucketa and similar other appliances.ISxDO7.1:. SCOPE 1.111 it: ttw IiCI<I.S $.:962t.:Ulr~:l~ll~s. 4 .2 This standard does not apply to: a) lifts. shall bc rounded off in accordance witl.1976 0.5 ‘i’l.--It sod ~~:pporu or structure. IS:UK.w~/. TERMINOLOGY 2. is subjected to the strcsscs resulting from wind velocity spccilicd for sarc opcratiun of lhc crane.A crane shall bc deemed to be under service condition when it is handling in any or all of its motions. 2. dcclnration.6 Dynamic Effect -The clYccts on the structure caused by inertia or sudden load app!ication such as accclcration.4 Live Load .winblc in magnitude! position or direction. then the weight of the gear shall also bc included in the safe working load.2. 2.7 Safe Working Load-The maximum external load excluding the weight of the lifting tackles under specified conditions for which the crane may be used. IS: 1024-1968s and 5 . If the grab forms an integral part of the suspended gear.10 Basic and Permissible Stresses -All permissible stresses spccificd in IS: UIIO-1962*. 2. breaking.5 Rated Lifted Load-The rated lifted load from the mechanism design considerations shall IIICR:~ the cxtcrnal load lifted and handled by the crane and shrill include in addition to the snfc workinS load. 2. impact and bumping. 2. lifting beams.9 Service Condition . v:here cxposcd to wind. but shall cxcludc wind load. This may be n variable quantity for a .The extcrnnl stxtic load v. IS : 816-1969:. weight ofrope and lifting tackles such as m:\gncts. with rcspcct to the ~ncmber of str~~turc under consideration.jib crane. grabs. IS : 806-1968t.8 Wind Load -The forces p~oduccd by the velocity of wind which is assumed to act horizontally. book blocks. a load up to and including the maximum load for which the crnnc hns bcon dcsigncd and. Also called \\Qrking load. 2. 2. 2. 2. The pert&sible s:rcscs in thin code arc basic ~trcsc~ multiplied by duty factor and fiuc:uation hc!?r 3s npplivblr. the cross traverse motor.Forces induced wth rcqcct to axis of rotation to dead and live loads on the rotating parts of a siewing crane.14 Reach .18 hfaio Hoist Motion -TThc motion which raises and lower. 6 .The elfcctive span of the supporting base when outriggers.of the jib head pin from the point of intcrscction of the ncwcst base lint and the Gcrtical plane passing through the ccntrc line of the jib. 2.16 Stability Base-The c!rcctive span of the supporting base. 2.15 Stability Reach -The distance .provided for in 13. :he load ( the full load which the crane is authorized to carry) and the motor doing this work is termed the hoist motor. ) 2.The motion of the whole crane on iis gantry or tracks is known as the longitudinal travel motion and the motor c:~using this motion is termed the longitudinal travel motor.17 Blocking-Up Base . hoiz::ng ::wtlo~l is embodied in a crane.The horizontal distance from the centre lint of the unladen hook to the n~nrcst point of the cllanis/undcrfranlc with rcspcct to hook.21 Longitudinal Travel Motion . due 2.19 A~~siliary Hoist Motion .20 Cross Traverse Motfon . 2. 2.V. (The dimension will vary for diffrrcnr positions of’ the hook in the courx ofone revolution during slcwing. it is known as an auxiliary hoist motion and its motor is termed the auxiliary hoist motor..13 Radius -The horizont:ll distance from the central line of the lifting hook bcrbrc loading to the ccntrc about which the jib slews.12 Slewing Load . but for the purpose or calculating the stability the maximum value of this dimcnsion is taken.1976 IS : 4WO-1967* arc the basic strews for purpose of this code. 2. jacks or blocks are used to increasc stability by virtue of making contxt with the ground at points farther irom the ccntre line of the crane than the normal wheels or tracks.11 Overloading -The load in cxcc~s of safe working load cxprcsrcd as a pcrwntagc of the latter which the crane may be subjected to during tcsting.The motion of the trolley or crab acres the crane span is known as the cross trawrse motion and the motor causing such motion. 2.~lcn an additional hoisting motion smaller than the mair.I6 I 807 . 3 Sofiamod and Hardwood Timbcrr .1 may be used provided that the permissible stresses and other design provisions arc suitably modified.1.1 Sfrurhml Sltrl . screws.19665. 3.X. the more durable spccirx only shall bc used.1976 3.1 Any structural steel other than those specified in 3.1.Structural steel shall conform to IS : 2261975*. nuts and lock nuts ( dia range .1. IS: 961-19i5t or IS: 2062-19691 as appropriate.3. 3.6 to 39 mm) (jrsf revi.All titubcrs used in the construction of cranes and their supporting structures shall bc car&lly selected from those timbers proved satisfactory in scrvicc and complying with IS : 3629.rion) IS : 1367-1967 TccfmicaI supply conditions for tbrcaded fasteners (/irsf &rim ) Specification for rivets for general purposes ( 12 to 4S mm dim11rtcr ) IS : 2155-1962 Specification far rivets for general purposes (below 12 mm diameter) Specification for hexagonal bolts and nuts ( M42 to IS: 31361966 M150) IS : 3757-1972 Specification for high-tensile friction grip bolts (jrrf r&&n ) Specification for heavy washers for steel Structures IS : 6610-1972 Spccificntion for high tcnsilc friction grip nuts IS : 6623-1972 Specification for hexagon bolts for steel structures I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3. nuts and lock nuts (dia 6 to 39 mm) and black hexagon screwy ( dia 6 to 24 mm ) (jut reoLion ) IS: 1364-1967 Specification for precision and semi-precision hcxagon bolts. IS : 1929-1961 .Riveu.2 Riucfs and Bolfs .1.1 For structures which are likely to bc cxposcd to weather. 3. bolts.1 Materials 3.IS I 807 .1.S:6639-1972 Specification for high tensile friction grip washers IS : 6649-1972 3. nuts and wasben shall conform to the following Indian Standards as appropriate: IS: 1363-1967 Specification for black hexagon bolts.1. a minimum grade of Ml50 concrete shall be uxd. Other materials used in association with steel work such as steel welding electrodes. d) Slaving effect. the lcvcllhg coum below the foundation may be in grade Ml00 coI:crctc. whell: applicable. c) Wind load ( in case of outdoor cranes ) ( x(cd ) .1. or portland bhut furnace slag ccmcnt complying with IS : 455-19673.givcn in 4. w&k&g load (any abnormal load specified by the purchaser shall also bc included in this).2 for the section concerned which may occur simultancwsly.1.1.1 The crane shall be designed to support the most severe combinations of the loads. 3. with the working load in the most unfavourablc position. alid low heat pxtlax cement complying with IS: 269s1967t. 4. comply with such specification.4 Concrttc -All concrete forming part of the foundations of’struchxa of a cratx shall comply with the appropriate requirements of IS: 456 1964”. 4.1 The ccmcnt used in the foundations shall be ordinary rapidhardening.4. where appropriate Indiu Standard specifications for the materials exist.2 Each of the following zuxlxmt: items shall. LOADS II LOADS 4. 3. SECTION 4. g) Erection loads ( SCL ). or portland pozzolana cement complying with IS : 14t39-1967s. c) Factors for dynamic effects to suit &s&cation of cranes and hoist ( scc 4.7 f) Seismic effect. be taken into a) Dead load. b) Live Iqad. . ctc. For the foundations. and with any abnormal loads which may have been included in the purchaser’s supplemental specifications.1 ).IS t 607 .1976 3. shall. forgings.8 11) Teinpcrature ei’fccts (sa 1s: 800-19620 ). and j) Lulling cffcct (in the case ofjib cranes). or long il il opcrarcr or may reasonably hc exprctcd 10 opcratc for wore than 500 hours per annum. Dynamic c&c~s shall be conridcrcd hoist% high for other mobile ersnc~ or mcbilc 9 . c) The clFectivc load ornny crane or hoist shalt be considered 10 Ix tow unlrrs it lifts or mry reasonably lx cxpcctcd co tiff loads greater ~hnn two-thirds of its snfc working toad on more than IO00 occasions per annum. b) The working’ period of any cmnc or hoirr shall bc conridcrrd to hc short il ir opcmm or mty rcnron:ahly be cxpccrcd 10 opcraw [or tcrr rhan 500 houn per annum.Sh0rt LOAD (3) LOW Errecr (4) LOW LOW LOW High LOW HiFh High Hi+ Non-111 ap&ing this table. The lcrm ‘opcratcr ’ signiticr that the crane is actually under load or in motion or both. The elTectivc load shall otberwx bc conridcrcd .sc Penloo OF CRANES EFPr.cmYE ..ND HOISTS Dv~*nK (1) I (2) Short Loon8 Short Short Long Long .TABLE CL.u NO. 1 CLASSIFICATION l\‘oan. cfTcctivc load and dynamic clTccr should come under Ctasrificntion No.o be high.ASSlW3TlO. 4. Ihc rollowing may bc considered: a) All appliancu used for miring or lowering pcrronr irrerpectirc 01 working period. 4.4. ‘I-he duty facton shall not bc applicable to the basic strews derived from IS : 1024-19685.4 The force or load thus obtained shall be used as described below for each portion. . shall be applicable to the basic stresses derived from IS: 800~1962’. 4.Gcation.1976 Factors for Dynamic Effects .30 I. for overhead wvdling crane 4.ncAnox No.1 Duly Fuc~or-Duty factors given in Table 2 which are rdatcd to crane cla. PLAHL ) +L:Ez FORCU (4) (2) 1.4. cranes or any portion : thcrcof rhall be multiplied by the relevant factors shown in Table 2 according to the classification of the crane or hoist. the forces or loads acting upon.0 095 090 "-85 (3) 1’1 I.04 *Appendix h give guidance for the rouping of various cnnn for detaminiig the cladcation of any crane or hoirt or part tf crcof.*ss. IS: 806-1968t and IS: 816-19693. TADLE l Cl.u.1 shall apply.3.IS t 807. +Thhnc facton arc applicable for crane other than ovcrhud crane. (1) I 2 3 4 2 FACTORS FOR DYNAMIC EFFECTS Dvn F~cron Iup~cr F~croa (Asmam IN Veanc.40 0% PO5 006 lfl 0.In order to make allowance for the dynamic effects. values of which are given in Table 2 for the various classes of cranes.2 Cram other fhun ovcrhcad frautlling cranes. the rated lifted load shall be multiplied by the impact factor. the force being assumed to act z.. and b) &of the weight of each girder.2 11. The impact factor shall not apply to the dead weight of the crane.IS : 807. such as auxiliary girders or outriggers. 4.‘1’1~ iwpwt lkt~.r . V shall be the rated longitudinal tratielling speed in metros per minute.3. shall not in any The stresses arising from these horizontal forces shall be considered in combination with those due to other loads and wind pressure. 11~ hook in LL’ vertical client iil.3 Horizontal Forces 4..4.( Ihc iiw~ca iau-ltl~lif~g nllc~~.s a uniformly distributed load throughout the length of the span.4. 4.k.1476 4. the force being assumed to act at the level of the top of the traversing rails in the ccntm of the span when determining the flange load and at appropriate points of the span when determining the lateral bracing loads.4. platform and mechanism. and the value of the fraction case be less than: l/20 for ClaS 2 cranes.1 Ovcrhmd frmelfing cmw -The girders of the crane sl~all have suESent lateral strength and rigidity to enable them to withstand the horizontal forces.The horizontal eRects due to off-vertical lifting and natural sway of load in motion shall bc determined by multiplying the rated lifted load by factors given in co1 4 of Table 2. In the fraction&. and l/10 for Class 4 cranes. l/15 for Class 3 cranes.4.~plhl 11) lb !w~tiw I.p~f Ikmr . to be not less than: 4 1830 v the horizontal forces shall be assumed of the sum of the safe working load and the weight of the crab. inclusive or any attachments thereto.ll “OWLI iwrliit calculating live loads in mcn~bcrs of the s~~ucturc. 11 .3. For the purpose of calculation. t~: -“I’hc p~ovisiw~ h~ximnt~t cllictt in lhil chwc is nut hilt1 an idea to tbc surge tic cfiitx up011 ~ncvw ground. bc designed to avoid. cspcciatty in r. b) Wtlcre SJ’CCifiC‘.4.cgions of tcr~stlcstress or local secondary bcnding.3. I by Illultiplying tltc static weight of such of ! hc s!ructurc md nwxI~:uliwas as arc capable of travelling or traversing by fictws given in colt d'1‘dh 2. .4 I.t. for different pc::~il my inw~Gm:~l ofllverlicnl Ming of loads in Ihe ux ofcrmcs.utc. thl! cr. 11”: h1.ill 4:rlr hc II.4. f@xz Except whcrc specifically stated to strcsrcs fix any pxticular detail arc 4./~II. It** ‘I’ftc Cotlowing provisions shalt atso be considered white determining the pewissiblc stress in members subjcctcd to fluctuations of strus: Jitin a) \Vhilc computing ttrc value of the effect of wind. as far as possible. but only (0 CltCr $2 iur difYcrent number oi stress cycles and classesofconstructional details. 4.rtiorts shall bc tbc basic stress stipulated in the contrary. :ic. Discontinuitics such as bolt or rivet bolcr. oirtrcss tbc pcrmisribtc streucf IS: 1024-1968.1976 ‘l‘hc land 1h11s drrivd shall bc considcrcd to act in my horizontal Gitcl I. stress concentrations Jikcly to result in excessive reduction of the fatigue wcngttr of members or conrwtions. welds and otbcr local or general changes in gcomctrical iorm set up such stress concentrations from which iatiguc cracks may be initiated. ‘l‘ltc load tl~us &rid nlnll bc considcrcd as acting in any horizontal direi!iwl .4. tcmpcraf h4. All details shall.4.x ture and secondary stress shall be ignored. the design may be based on strcsJ cycles indicated in Appendix A.1 h4cmbcrs \~ltich arc subjcctcd to fluctuations of streSSarc liable to sulfur from lariguc Cailure and this may bc caused by loads which are very much lower tbart those which would bc necessary to cause failure under a siqlc npl~lication.x fur IUC!Ixccidcntal rlkcrr whioh arc norcasily rccognizablcby the crmc operator.ll.!rCsF cy*!?i co*. The fatigue cracks arc caused primarily due to stress conccntr&xts irxroduccd by constructional details.4.4.1 i%<. Csrc shall be taken to avoid sudden ch:u!gcs ofshape of‘s mcmbcr or part 0Ca member. .‘(uc~~n&w of S’rres~ Mmbcrr ia 4. thcrcforc.3 I:<31 t)htlbilt: a’r. the permissible the same for all steels.l sldt lx: <lClCl IllilK.IS : 007 .4.2 WIXII subjcctc<i to Iluctu. \r&.tld not be cs:ablirltcd.trwY. and thcsc cracks may subscqucntly propagate through the conwctcd or fabricated mcmbcrs. 13 . 2 o-7 1.1. having regard t o the shaper of such surfaces and their relative disporition to each other in the direction of the wind.0 I. TABLE 3 WIND LOADING FORM FACTORS FOFCM FACTOX (3) 1.2 Form jaclors . Total exposed areas normal to the wind direction s!mll be multiplied by the rcspcctive form factors $19 out in Table 3. (1) 8 ii) iii) iv) 3.0 3.IS t 507 .2 1% .2 3.6 @O I.ure.The lx& wind pressures shall be considered as acting upon the various surfaces of the component parts Of a crane stryc.0 I%.1976 5.7. 1 The seismic coeflicicnt in some important towns in India map of India showing seismic are given in IS : 1893-19701. principal girders) subjected to the loads specified under 4. GENERAL DESIGN 7.7. 4.1. 7.8 Erection 4. 1976 4.1 Platforms in general are to bc proportioned for a moving single load of 300 kg. Railings arc to be proportioned for a travelling horizontal single load of 30 kg acting on the rail iron.2 In the case of stairs a single moving load of 100 kg shall bc considered.1 The permissible stresses shall. PERMISSIBLE STRESSES 6. 4.4. 5.4.IS ~807. 15 .1 The crane and its structural components shall be designed in a. 6.9. for the combination of loading causing most adverse effect 011 the members as spccificd in 4 nrrivcd at by any of the accepted methods of calculation shall not exceed the permissible stress specified in 6. 6.Only outdoor cranc~ should bc desiPncd for conditions of maximum wind as civcn in IS : 8% 1964’ (or as syipulatcd by the purchaser to suit any speciil conditiorls ) and may bc assumed to be unloaded and at wt. 5.9 Seismic Loads -Clause Loads rind the 7 of IS : 80O-1962t shall apply.1. This load can be neglected in the design of all constructional mcmben ( for example. be lower of the values given in (a) and (b) b&w: a) Basic stresssesderived from IS: 800-1962t.3 Crams al rcrl in the mloodcd condition . IS : 806s19688 and IS : 816-196911 multiplied by duty factors given in Table 1: or b) Permissible stresrcs in members wbject to fluctuations of stress determined according to 4. LOADING OF PLATFOriMS AND STAIRS 5.ccordnncc with the appropriate clauses in Section IV or IS : 800s1962t and in clause 6 of IS : 806-1968s.2 The crane and its structural members shall be proportioned in such a way that the actual strcsscs. 1 Lnkr Jhx Cirdcrs.3.3.. 7.ror) shall not exceed l/900 of the span.2 Uasic Stresses in Bending for Lattice Girders and Trlrsses 7.3. 7. diaphragms in tI~~c:wz of hex-plnte girdcrs shall be treated as stiffeners. 7. The girder shall I.a IN c~:upux.I/r of a sir&r ihall not exceed 300 alld it shall not cxcccd I50 for c. the basic strews shall nbt cxcccd those given in IS : 800-1962’.x!c ofpmc~icc (or wc ofltmctural steel in general building com8ructioo (rmid).cs--Thr: main compression memben of a lattice t~us$ ~hnll bc dc:iqcd as asinlly loaded struts using the basic compressive strcsscs given in ‘l‘nblc 2 of IS: OOO-1962’ and the effective lengths defined in 8.5 Wrb Stiffeners -For the purpose of clause 21.7 of IS :800-19620 wlliclr is gcncrally applicable for designing crane details. not exceeding 140 and B depth to breadth ratio not exceeding 6.lntilcvers.4. The limit shall be span/I 000 for EOT cr~ncs and span/800 for h:md-oJx’“tCd cranes.2 Canrbrr.1 Conr~rrrsion Membrrr -The ratio of the cffcctivc Icngth 1 to the Icx: rxlius cl‘gyrat.2 Solid JYa6 GirdcrJ (Male Girderr and Rolled Broms) -The slcndcrncss mtio.IS I 807 . In the case of overhead travelling cranes the girders shall bc drslgncd so that the vertical dell&on caused by the safe working load and the weight of the crab in the central position (without taking into consideration the impact fa(.For lattice IIOX girders having overall l/r.3 Maximum Slenderness Ratio 7.1 The deflection of mcmbcrs or the structure as a whole (without tnkin!: into considcmtion the impact factor) should not be such ar would impair the strength or cJXcicncy oi the structure or lead to damage to Jinishit!g. Lattice box girden having a depth to breadth ratio exceeding 6 shall be designed a~ lattice ITUSSCS.e stiKened to prevent distortion of the CTOSSsectional shape WIILW the girder deflects.3 Uox-l’lolt G‘irdrrs .4.2. 7.n/ficc 7-&r. 7.on members shall not cxcced 180 for main mcmIxrs and 240 for wind bracing and subsidiary mcmbcrs.4 Limiting Deflection 7.Camber shall be nil or positive neutralizing the de&xtiorr. 16 . l (.1976 7.2 .The ratio oi cffwtivc length of the compression flnnxc of the girder 1 to the breadth of fIangc of the girder 6 shall not exceed the following limits: Riveted box-plate girders l/b < 65 Wcldcd box-plate girdcn I/b $ GO 1.I. 7.2. clause 26.50 1. In determining the margin of stability.6 Coonections -In gcncral.1 n406ilc crow (rood whtcI or cutup&z frock mounfui) . Urxier Service Conditions-The moments ratio of stabilizing shall be not less than the values 1.1976 7. comparison flanges of rolled beams and plategirders..3 Stability moments to the overturning given below: a) Where the crane is equippcd.1 The provisions provided below.1. under 9.25 9. but for the connections of bridge girders to end carriage in overhead cranes where it is csscntd that the girders have latcrnl end-fisity md rcsistnncc against torsional toads. . assumed that these’are inflated to the correct working pressure. For effective length ofjibs.1 General -The following clauses shall apply to the crane and structure as a whole under the clrcctr of wind pressure and/or load lifwd.3 are generally applicable I. members of lattice girders and cantilever beams sha!l be as specified in IS :800-1962’. clause 26 of IS: SOO-1962* applies. 9.50 except as 9. B.3. see Appendix nwmcnt due ‘to the maximwn wind effects provided for under 4.7. STABILITY 9.The margin of stability shall bc calculated for the condition when the crane is working on hard level groun$ nnd the jib is in the position giving the When pncumstic types arc fitted. 8.1 The effective length of struts. it shall be greatest overturning moment.25 times the overturr.with an effective d&cc that warns the driver when stabilizing moment has been reduced by more than IO percent b) $Vhere the craw is qot so equipped c) hiobilc or caterpillar cranes and cranes usrd in building or constructio!l work not capable of freely lowering their loads with sufficient speed to avert the overturning of the crane in an emergency 9.3.1. *Code of practice for we of ~ructural slccl in gcncral buildin~ccwtruction 17 (rrripd).1 of IS : 800-1962’ shall be applied. rail grips shall not be taken into rcount. EFFECTIVE LENGTHS 8.2 Stability Under Stprm Conditions -The stability of a crane under dorm conditions shal! bc such that the stnbilizing moment is at lenst 1.IS: 8G7 . In all casa the jib shall be at the minimum working radius. including ponfoon bufts. shall be stable with the rated loads in any poStion when one tyrc is deflated. except those which require the USC of outriggers to enable them to handle their designed load. but for cranes which require to be blocker1 LL~when dealing with loads. and up or down a smooth hard gradient having the ma+ximurn slope specified by the manufacturer. srl/spropellrd 01 dumb . the whceh or tracks shall b-c used to detcrminc the ‘ stability base’.hlaximum stability reach x 12 StTtXty base - and shall bc not less than 50 percent on a gradient of 1 in 40. They shall also be stable in any position without load when stationary on a gradient of I in 5. to tbc margin.13 to 2. Cranes mounted on pneumatic types. the bulls shall have a reasonable cxccss righting (stabilizing) moment over the ovcrtur!ling moment imposed by the conditions of maximum loading with the crane jib in any position. 1 to 3). but the maximum value of the of dimensions shall be taken when computing the margin of stability ( I(# 2..2 Flouring nana of all !ypcs. (in a Nov. 18 .The stability of hulk of floating cranes shall be such that..shall bc deemed to bc the bnsc of support. an cquivalcnt book load of 1’33 times the combined wcigbt of the load and the grab lbould be auumcd. The cranes shall be stable with the jib removed when travelling gradient of 1 in 20.17 and Fig.1. No=.:-Tbc it.3. All crzmcs shall be stable in a backward direction when travclling for&d or backward.It is rccomuendcd that in determining the st&ility of a crane urcd with a grab or ma~nct. The stability reach will vary for diffcrcnt positions of the hook in the COII~SC one revolution during slaving. the blocking up basc. Ihip-shaped.. 9. under maximum condition of loading. squan or swimtndrd.qfrtabili!y i! tbc pcrc+agc ad$itional load roqtid condnuon of rrppmg when zt Y handbog the ufc xorkq told to bring at my For a crane designed to travel with load. OR 4-Porn-r SUSPEKSIOX CRANES .REACH - IA There diagram FIO. ’ s 5 ILLUSTRAIIONS OP TERMS ( STABILITY BASE ‘. ‘ STABILITY REACH ’ AND ‘ Re~crr FOR NON-SLEWINO 3. 1 illtutrate typical examplco but do not purport IS to include a:1 possible altcrationr of jibs and churis. 2A 20 . */ I I l-----A RADIUS ------A .L I : \ . 1 STABILITY REACH MEASURE0 BASE LINE FROM TO JI6 STABILITY MEASURED BASE LINE REACH FROM TO JIB . 3 In determining the stability of a crane used with a grab. and (b) 25 percent overload.1 Suitable crane.1. a minimum equilibrium work load of 1.1 During the 25-pcrccnt overload test the geared speeds need not be attained but the crane shall show itself capable of dealing with the overload without difficulty. the free-board under masimum load conditions shall be limited to a minimum of 10 percent of the depth of the hull. 20 m span. not less than one-sixth span. reference to appropriate provisions of the relevant Indian Standards codes of practice shall be made.1976 The subdivision of the hulls by bulkhead shall be so an. Provide9 that the foregoing conditions arc satisfied. Any additional external trimming tanks shall be so arranged as to bc fully water-borne when the floating crane as :I whole is in normal trim.1 The wheel base shall bc: a) for cranes up to and including the span.1 Before putting the crane into operation. not Ins than one-fifth of b) for cranes over 20 m span and up to 25 m.1.anged a~ to eliminate excess movenxnt of loose water in the bottom. the angle of heel shall be lintted to not more than 4 degrees or. 12.IS . whichever is greater. 23 .807 .4 times the combined weight of the load and grab should bc assumed. FABRICATION AND ERECTION of the 12. 13. 11. it shall have all motions tested with the hook carrying (a) the safe working load. TESTING 13. RATIO clearances OF CRANE shall be provided for the safe operation WHEEL of the BASE SPAN TO END CARRIAGE 11. IO. alternatively.3. not less than 4 m.1 The &cneral provisions in Sections V . Where weldjng is adopted.and VI of IS : 800-196i* arc also applicable to the fabrication and ercctlon of cranes. 13. and c) for cranes of 25 m span and over. *Code oipracticc for we oft:ructural steel in general building construction (rruiwd). 9. CLEARANCE 10. 24 . 2(b) ] TYPICAL CLASSIFICATION OF CRANES AND HOISTS. heavy cnginccring shops. fixcdand travclling gancria cranes. and shipbuilding crantl Up 10 and including 2000 2 6 x IO’ 1’3 sa Clause 4.3 5-u Clawc 4.4.i . such ar heavy-duty induatcial cranes for non-ferrous foundries.. and ice works WJllU For general use in factories. undcrrlq jib crams and matt cmm. for which purpose Table 1 shall be used: (1) E lc. FACTOR AND FATIGUE FACTOR IMPACT only and is not to The list of crane and hoist classifcation given below is intended to be typical be used for the ultimate classification.4.3. light Sron foundries..APPENDIX A [ Chses 0.a ior occasional ure only.“od’ng 2 6x IO’ 1. railway goods yards. hand including and light power operated cranes I 000 (2) (4) 1 or2 Mcdim-duty industrial cram for intermittent use in stores and light machinc shops.1 Above 2000 up to and i.4. machine shop secondary crams. rtockymd. workshops and warchow. such as engmand power hawc cranes. giant cranes.4.2 and 4.c$ travelliig - (3)’ Up to and Crane. such aa maintenance cranc~.3. -or the gcncrnl O~~rr 2 000 up 1” :wd including 3000 Over 3 000 2 6 Y 10’ I.1 Up 10 and including 2000 2 6x IO‘ 1. I.05 s 2 x 10.4.4 0.4 S.3.3.3 0.4.r Clruac 4.igncd working orcargo .00 .(4) 3 (5) 2 x 10’ (6) 1.1 Over 4 000 4 x IO’ 1.5 s<< Clause 4.3 005 Crann dc. and fork lift truck3 Travclling jib cram ( tootractor'l type) Severe Over 2 000 2 6x IV up to and including 3 000 Over 3 cc4 3 2 x IO' I.3 0. shipbuildiog cranq aad sprung mcbilc cranc~ (other than vehicular wed in building and constz-uction workl ) Severe duty dock crmcz.3 0.06 Ordinary duty Over 2 000 up 10 and including 3000 Over 3 o@l 2 6 x 1W 1. 1.OG Derrick UA”CS Handopmted Pcwcr-driven for ordinary duty Up to and p..5 oa3 .3 0. such a.. mch Y and rtaskiq crylc floating Upto2cQo 2 6 x IO' 1'3 0‘05 Severe duty as at deck. unrpwg mobitc uanc.kodmg Up to and including 3oM) 2 6 !O' I. driver CI‘ZlCI duty.05 duty (power ) vcbicular crann used in building and conrtmctional worb 2 x l(r I.4 0.4. such z.4 O.04 x 10‘ 1.M o bi I c Ordinary power crann.3 096 005 Up to and including 3 000 6 x IO‘ 4 x lo+ 1.05 1.05 x 10’ 1. back and front end ioadcn.1 0. \NX”U (3) Over 4 000 Over 2 000 up to and including 3 000 2 GX IO’ 1.NCYULR 07 HO”K3 ts sailwce PP.H .3 0.4 o-06 .05 Ova 3000 s 2 x IO’ I. the bridge type with overhung cmtilcvcn. radial and stationary trampomn. OP arranged to traverse along a fixed track. (Goliath with Cantilever Arms) Fro.IS I 807. 4 GANTRY CRANE B-2.1 ) BRIEF B-l.1976 ABPENDIX ( Clause4. DESCRIPTION OF CRANES CRANE B TYPES OF SOME OF THE COMMON AND EXPLANATION OF TERMS GANTRY B-l.In addition to the usual type of gantry crane. and having mounted on the girder (or girders) a trolley or crab equipped with a means for hoisting and capable of travelling along the girder (or girders ) .3. fixed in location. NOTE. cranr~such as the Goliath with camihcr mm. CANTILEVER CRANE .1 Gantry crane is essentially an elevated horizontal runway girder (or girders ) connected at or near both ends to vertical or inclined members. or bridgn and other like appliances arc covered by this dcfiniticn. . 7 &. 2 and 3 for illustration of mobile crane). ’ off-the-wad ’ wheel nmontcd. MOBILE CRANE (POWER-DRIVEN) B-7. or caterpillar tracked and capable of raising and/or lowering a load and travelling under its own power with speed limitations if the load is suspended ( SLCFig.ECTKIC OVERIIEAD TRAYELLINO CRANE B-5. and a trolley or crab equipped with a hoisting mechanism. travelling along elevated tracks &cd in location. B-7. OVERHEAD TRAVELLING CRANE B-4.1 Mobile crane (power-driven) includes all types oftravellingjibcranes stich as road wheel mounted. the semi-portal frame consisting essentially of horizontal girders connected at both ends to vertical or inclined members of different lengths.Is t 807. overhead Nom-Such Fro. the portal frame consisting essentially of horizontal girders connected at both ends to vertical or inclined members of the same length.1 Semi-portal crane is a fixed or revolving type jib crane mounted upon a semi-portal frame fixed in location or arranged to travel along a fixed track of rails at diKerent levels. SEMI-PORTAL CRANE B-6. B-6. I976 B-4. jib. Non-Such crank include wnx typcr of wharf crancf and shipyard craxm ( tower Cram).1 Portal crane is a fiscd or revolving type jib crane mounted upon a portal frame fixed in location or arranged to travel along a fixed track of rails at the same level. PORTAL CRANE 55. 1. travtlling along such girder ( or girders).Fork lift trucks arc no1included under tbia d&it&n. 31 . ladle or magnet crams. underhung crams inchdc ovcrhcad trwellcrs with double trolleys or with PO charging machiocs.1 Overhead travcllinS crane consisfs essentially ol a girder (or girders) attached kt each end to carriages. soaking pit strippers. of which the shorter members may consist only of the trolley running along the clcvated rail. or other similar typcr. NOTE. 1976 FIO. whcthcr road wheel mounted. 8 PORTAL. Mobile craw-a crane otherwise similar to a limited nrca or slaving in either non-&wing Type A but having ing motion being cram by mcam mechanism. Mobile parkdewing Mob& Type A but having direction. C~IZL-a crane otherwise similar to a non&wing superstructure.full-slowing CID~C.1 Mobile cranes. or !rackcd.1 Cmntr ofhcr ihon lorry chassis momlcd .Is t 807 . Jm CRANE B-7.1. arc classified under the following types.1. the slcwobtained by manoeuvring the complete of the chassis steering and travclling 32 .1. ‘ ofT.the-road wheel mounted. B-7.a crane having a specially desigued chassis on which is mounted a superstructure capable of unlimited slaving in either direction under load and of travel!ing under its own power with its load suspended at any position within its area of slcwing. I I L.-- -2 \ . 1976 Type D Lony mounltd mob& full-skwing cmne. The arrangcmcnt of the supcrstructurc and han ng of loadsis similar to that of Type A.a crane mounted upona chassis having characteristics substantiallythe sameas those of a lorry and possessing usuallorry arrangement the of engine transmision and road sheetsor tracks with or without s&ngs. 34 .Ls* 807. 1 It is n eranc of the fixed or travclling type which by virtue of the height of its supportink tower fzxmc is capnblc of hoisting. The top of the mast is generally supported by two rigid inclined members ( back legs ) normally connected to tbc lower support of the mast by horizontal members (sleepers ).1 Stif?lcg (builder’s ) derrick is a crnnc consisting of. CRANE B-12. DERRICK OR GINPOLE B-8. GUY DERRICK B-9. and supported in n ve6A position by not less than six guys.1 It is supported at to it and a The hoisting radius along a crane lixcd in position and consisting of a ver+$mcmber the top and bottom. the head of which is tied to the mast. 35 . B9.1976 Lorry motuM mobile pm&rlrukg UOW. mechanism may be arranged to operate at fixed or variable the horizontal member. B-S. The mast carries a jib. POST CRANE 511. STIFFLEG (BUILDER’S) DERRICK B-10. and a hoisting mechanism. TOWER B-12.a crane which substantially complies with the requirements of any of the above types except that it requires the USC of outriggers to handle the designed maximum load. Lorry momled mobile non-&wing C~D~L a crane having a chassis as defined for Type D but possessing a superstructure and load handling capabilities as defined for Type C. Semi-mobi/c crane. a horizontal member rigidly connected hoisting mechanism. with the additional motions of slaving and ( but not necessarily ) luffing the jib. B-II. the load being raised or lowered by a hoisting mechanism. lufiing and slewing its loads over high obstructions. or has other limitations with regard to travelling with loads. a mast. a jib connected to the base of the mast.1 Derrick or ginpolc is n strut with guys so arranged as to permit of the inclining of the strut in any direction. B-10. the whole being capable of being &wed.a ctanc having a c!msis BS described Tar Type D but possessing a superstructure and load handling capabilities as described for Type B.IS t 807 .1 Guy derrick is a strwtwe consisting of a mast capable of being rotated. the load being raised or lowered by a hoisting mechanism. 11 POST CRANE ( SWNO JIB TYPE ) The crane may be supported upon and obtain its slewing motion from a slaving ring mounted upon a tower. in cithcr direction under load. uxd for railway salvage purposq gcncrally provided with outriggers.IS t 807 . The crane shall be capable of travclling under its own power along a railway track with speed limitations if the load is suspended at any positton within its area of slaving. or from a revolving member or a footstep bearing within the tower. 36 arc . B-13.1976 Fro. The larger cranes of this type. LOCOMOTIVE CRANE E-13.1 Locomotive crane shall mean x crane having a specially daigned wheel mounted frame carrying a superstructure capable of slewing. 12 TOWERCRANE(~~TO~~RDERRICK CRANE) 37 .Fro. Fro. 13 LOCOMOTIVE CRANE ON Rnns . traversed and lowered. DRAGLINE EXCAVATOR B-16. Such excavators may bc converted to jib cranc~ by removal of the bucket and ifs haulage line. B-15. provided with a travclling carriage (llyin~ fox ) and a hoisting mechanism located at either tcwei or mast. by mcan~ of which carriage the load may be raised.1 This is generally B track-mounted crane of the fully stewing and Ming self-propcllcd type. the load can be moved in n vertical plant only. APPENDIX ( Clause 8 1 ) EFFECTIVE C CONSIDERED AS LENGTHS OF CRANE JIBS. The overall slenderness ratio (I/r) of the jib in each plane can be obtained by dividing the eff&tive 39 . UNIFORM STRUTS GO. provided with an excavator bucket at the end of the main hoist line from the jib head and a haulage line from the bucket back to the winding mechanism at the foot of the jib. B-16. or one fixed and one rravelling touw. For this type. with or without alterations to the length of the jib.2 Cable-Way (Travelling Type )-This is a cable-way otherwise similar to tbc fixed type lxt provided with either two travclling towers. In this appendix. B-15.1976.1 Cable-Way ( Fixed Type )-This is a system of one or more carenary cables supported at each end by fixed towers or masts. crane jibs arc considered as uniform struts from the point of view of buckling in clcvation and plan.IS L 807 . Cl. The side elevations of typical arrangementj arc shown in Fig. 14 to 16.1 The following refers only to luffing crane jibs in which the jib head is supported by the derricking rope. ROPE SUPPORTED JIBS Cl. ternions in the two ropes. 40 . it is clear fixed in position cfiectivc length =L ). The middle third of the xtuhl Icng~h of the jib cxtcndr :dong the jib for a distance of L/3 rncasurcd from a pomt which is L/3 from the jib head.1976 kngth of the jib by the least radius of gyration of the complete jib section occurring in the middle third ofthc actual length. b) In Plan.The lower end of the jib can bc considered as compictcly restrained in the slcwing plant by the jib pivots.l8tW. a) In I&on&n-Considering that both cads of the jib but free to rotate. and the hoist rope runs over the jib head pulley. The cffcctivc length of the jib in pkn will thus depend upon :ix lateral restraint applied to the jib head by these supporting ropes. For all can thus be taken as equal buckling in the luffing of a Ming crane are positions of the jib the to the actual Icngth (I plane. It should bc wtcd that thccfTective length and the rada of gyration taken must be those applicable to that plant of the jib for which the slendcrncss ratio is required. and will vary with the angle of tho jib and the. The jib head is supported by the dcrricking rope and the hoist rope runs over the jib head pulley. &H 41 . 16 SPECIAL CASE WHERE FIXED PULLEYS FOR DERIUCKIW AND HOIST ROPESARE VERTICALLY ABOVE JIB PIVOT POINT C-1.H) * .IS I807 ” 1976 FIG.1.AH.D f K.1 A general expression for dcternlining jib in plan at any particular angle is given by: ’ = L the efkctive lcr~gth of the C( D f A’. IS I 807.2 Special tax where the fixed pulleys for dcrrickiq rope are in one vcrticnl lint ( Fig. the elTcc~ivc length is then cqual to the ilctual Icngth for ail posXons of the jib. I+. 110WEA9 . 14.1976 \vherc 1 = cKcctivc Icngth of the jib ( lateral buckling ) in mctres. CANTILEVER JIBS C-2.& pullcvs for derrick ’ rope an: vrrlicolly :&we the jib pivot point ( Pig.1. = actual length of the jib in mctrcs.:e oi LLllS IN “03X: t REAP “rjl$l ROPEPULLEY JO !S LUFFEO 8Y SOME MEANS ACII?!:t ON IT clE.1.1.&as 42 .1 The following refers only to cantilever crxx jibs which xc luffed by some means acting on an estcnsion of the jib bcllind tlx jib pivot. 16 ). C-1. rope rind hoist C. K = ratio of load ( hTkkgf)npplicd to jib head by tllc dcrricking rope to that q. and C. I. As C = A. 17 CANTILEVER CRANE Jto WITH Hotsr ROPE PARALLEL TO Jts . ‘l‘hc gcncral CS[XCESiO” above then simplifies to: I= L(2-<). D. rope and hoist whcrc A ir the dirncnsion in fact shouw in Fig. H and A.WEEN THE JID PWOIAND JIB HEEL 43 HEEL Fto.i:licd by the non-vertical part ( M) of the hoist rope ( 7 kgf ) . The ride elevations of typical arrangements arc shown io Fix.. C-2.3 Speciai caSei whci. 17 and ID. 15 ). are dimensions in mctrcs shown in I:$.c tli:_ Ii. 2.2 Both these cases are covered by the treatment which follows. 17.30. C-2. the dfcctive length ratio depending upon the tension in the hoist rope. The lower end of the jib can thus be considered as encasfred up to the jib pivot.1976 a) In E/a&on . The ratio of the cfTective length to the real length in elevation and plan can be obtained from Fil. 17). The hoist rope provides the only restraint to deflection at the jib head. In Fig. C-2. The hoist rope again provides the only restraint to deflection at the jib head. 18 where it is plotted against ( 1 +fsin 8) for ratios of H/L from 0.Considering buckling in the luffing plane. b) In Plan ..The lower end of the jib can be considered as completely restrained in the slaving plane by the jib pivots. 19 f = number of falls on the hook 0 = angle of elevation of the jib H and L are the dimensions shown in Fig.7 to 1. the jib is not free to rotate about the jib pivot as movement of the lower end is prevented by the luffing mechanism. 43 . its position.IS: 807 . and the angular e!evation of the jib.1 Where the hoist rope runs parallel to the longitudinal axis of the jib (w Fig. of H/L from W7 tc. 18 where it is plotted against CCB i-fen a 6 Por ratm. Where the hoist rope does not run parallel axis of the jib (w Fig.1976 Wwih’iiF i I I rIIlltl Fro. 1.Is t 807. In Fig.2.2. 19 f = number of falls on the hook 0 = angle of elevation of the jib a = angle in elevation at jib head between the hoist rope and longitudinal jib axis 44 . 18 ). The ratio of the cfTcctive length to the real length in cle~ati~n and lan can be obtained from Fig. 19 RATIO OF EFFECTWE LENOTH/ACTUAL LENOTH FOR CANTILEVER CRANE JIBS to the longitudinal C-2.30. P. G.T.m R. PA.Ix. V.. K. Bhopal SHar R. R. Faridabad RI K. sw.RI hi.I’.RMA S. C. Smn~ Smu J.T.. Jarmhcd$ur RI K. B. MEISTA ( Altmok 1 -rata Iron & Steel Company Limited. Bombay Sm. SULB Snrr G. B.IS r 807 . K. Ii. Ranchi S. KAUATII ( Afkmorc 1 ) S. ( Allnnnlr) Hindutan Steel Limited. R. “. PRhDIIAN SIIRI S. S. KAUWH ( Allrr~lr ) Bharat Heavy Elcctricalr Limited. RAO ( Allnnalr ) Hcnvy Engineering Corporation Limited.a. K. Bhilai S. SRIV. SUN L%.%. N. DHAWAN ( Allrmoti ) 45 .P. N. PAW.. c. G. hiuxira~a ( Alftmolc) Muland Iron 61 Srcel \\‘crks Limited. V.1976 Sm.A~TAVA SHR. Bombay Sm: s. K. A.l s.wAR ( Af~malr) Cudcr yammer India Limited.. K”WD” ( Albmarr II ) Tak M~cbincry Limiccd.urx~ns! . 4th PJW) . 1 FEBRUARY1984 TO IS:807-1976 CODEOF PRACTICE FOR DESIGN. co1 3. WNUFACTURE. Table 1.AMENDMENT NO.Substitute 'Low' for 'Eigh'. (SMLX26) . ERECTIONAND TESTING (STRUCTURAL PORTION) OF CRANESAND HOISTS (First Revision) Coyrbendum es- Page 9.
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