IS 7215

April 3, 2018 | Author: shanrama | Category: Engineering Tolerance, Rivet, Screw, Buckling, Kolkata



1$:7215-1974 (Reaffirmed 1995) Indian Standard TOLERANCES FOR FABRICATION OF STEEL STRUCTURES ( Sixth Reprint JULY 1997 ) UDC 624.014.2 : 621.753.1 0 copyrig1rl 1974 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAKBHAVAN.9,BAHADURSHAHZAFARMARG NEW DELHI 110002 Gr 6 l October 1974 IS : 7!21!i 1974 - Indian Standard TOLERANCES FOR FABRICATION OF STEEL STRUCTIJRES Structural Engineering Sectional Committee, Chairman DIBECTO~ STANDARDS ( CIVIL ) Members Industrial Fasteners Association of India, Calcutta SH~I L. N. A~~AWAL SHRI M. M. MURA~KA ( Alternate ) Metallurgical &‘\Engineering Consultants ( India ) Srrar A. K. BANERJEE Ltd, Ranchi SEBI S. SANKA~AN ( Alternate ) ‘Ministry of Shipping & Transport, Department of Sxxar P. C. BHASIN Transport ( Roads Wing ) Sasx A. S. BISENOI ( Alternafe ) Da P. N. CHATTERJEE Government of West Bengal Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute DB P. K. DAE ( CSIR ), Durgapur Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur DR P. DAYARATNAM M. N. Dastur & Co Private Ltd, Calcutta SHRI D. S. DESAI Irrigation & Power Department, Government of DIRECTOR ( MERI ) Maharashtra, Bombay RESEARCH OYFICER ( Afternafe ) Central Water & Power Commission ( Power Wing ), DIREOTOR ( TCD ) New Delhi SHRI P. V. N. IYENQER ( Alternate) E~EOUTIVEENOINEER ( CENTRAL Central Public Works Department, New Delhi STORES DN No. II ) SHRI M. M. Gnosrr Stewarts & Lloyds of India Ltd, Bombay SHRI S. C. GHOSH (Afftrnate) Bridge & Roof Co ( India ) Ltd, Howrah SHRI A. G. GONSALVE~ SHRI S. S. BOSE ( Alternate) Public Works Department, Government of West SHRI SAILAPATI GUPTA Bengal, Calcutta The Hindustan Construction CO Ltd, Bombay SHRI G. S. IYER SHRI S. M. GVLATEE ( Alternate ) Institute of Engineers (India ), Calcutta DR 0. P. JAIN JOINT DIRECTOR STANDARDS Ministry of Railways Representing Ministry of Railways SMBDC 7 (B &. S) DEPUTY DIRECTOR STANDARDS (B & S )-II (Alternate ) ( Continuedon pop 2 ) @ Copyrighl 1974 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS This publication is protected under the ZnJicz Copyright Ad (XIV of 1957) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act. New Delhi SRBI T. Tiruchirapalli SHR~ K. Bangalore Hindustan Steel Ltd. SMBDC 7/P-17 Conucner SERI S.~NA~ Mantons ( Bangalore ) Pvt Ltd. P. VEERARAGHVACHARI Inspection Wing. MATHUR SHRI K. KALE SHRI M. Bombay MAJ P. SINGH ( Alternate) PROF K. New Delhi SHRI S. A~RAWAL Members SHRI S. N. CalFuIta SHRI S. New Delhi SEIRI G. NAGAEAJ Director ( Strut & Met ). VEERARAOHVACHARI Research. BASU SERI K. New Delhi Bharat Heavy Electrical8 Ltd. T. etary Deputy M. SRINIVASAN (Alternate) Jessop & Co. N. Tiruchirapalli 2 .IS:7215-1974 ( Cmtinued. N. NAIK ( Alternate ) Jadavpur University. MITRA Braithwaite & Co (India ) Ltd.oroarLFengineering Research. Calcutta PROF P. K.4ltcmatc) Struc. K. N. MAHAJAX Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch. IOHNSONVICTOR ( Alternate ) Central Water h Power Commission ( Water Wing ): DR J. . R. C. K. N. Kharagpur DR S. VAZIFDAR Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Army Headquarters National Buildings Organization. RAMA RAO. Richardson & Cruddas Ltd. M. E. Bombay SHRI P. PUR&KOTHAM New Delhi DEPUTY DIRECTOR (GATES & DESIGN ) ( Alternate ) Burn & Co Ltd. R. K. Howrah REFRESENTATIVE SHRI A. MALLICK Snnr N. D. \. Directorate General of Supplies SHRI S. SOM SUPERINTENDINQ E N Q I N E E R Government of Tamil Nadu ( PLANNINQ & DESIGN CIRCLE ) EXECUTIVE E N a I N E E R ( BUILDINGCENTRE DrvrsION ) ( Alternate ) Bombay Port Trust. V. IS1 SHRI Panel for Fabrication of Structures. S. K. PATEL ( Alternatc ) Indian Roads Congress.from 1 ) bage Members SRRI S. SUBBA RAO DR D. MALLICK Indian Institute of Technology. D. IS1 ( Ex-oficio Member ) SHRI C. R. K. R. S. BASU (Alternate) Director General. Designs & Standards Organization ( Ministry of Railways ). V. KAYAL ( Alternate) REPRESENTATIVE . N. Director ( Strut & Met ) Se6. MUKHERJEE SHRI P. Directorate General of Supp!ies & Disposals. KESHAVA RAO SHRI deprescnting Bombay MunicipaI Corporation.IORRA & Disposals. Calcutta SHRI P. Calcutta SERI P. Bombay ( CSIR ) . Lucknow Inspection Wing.Centre Ore KNOSLA Electrical Manufacturing Co Ltd. Durgapur SARI A. SHARMA ( DR M. 3. Group C Steel structures do not require structures. 0. observed or calculated. structure. expressing the result of a test. stairs. 0. fabrication and erection of steel structures in regard to dimensional tolerances. F 0 R E M’ 0 R D Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards on 27 February 1974. shall be rounded off in accordance with 3 . The tolerances for the fabrication of steel railway bridges and allied structures which fall into Group A will be covered in a separate standard. which closer tolerances as required for Group B 0. after the draft finalized by the Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved by the and Metals Division Council and the Civil Engineering Division 0. 0. like platform galleries.1This Institution Structural Structural Council.IS:7215-1974 Indian Standard TOLERANCES FOR FABRICATION OF STEEL STRUCTURES 0. Assistance has also been derived from CSN 732611 ‘ Limit deviations for dimensions of structural steel work’ issued by Urad pro normalizaci a mereni. crane gantry girders. etc.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. 0.4 This standard keeps in view the practice being followed in this field in this country. and stmc( other than supporting Group B-Steel structures having special characteristics tures subjected to dynamic loading like bridges steel railway bridges ). steel structures are broadly classified into three groups as detailed below: Group railway bridges and other structures which require A -Steel closer tolerances than those specified for Groups B and C.1 In this standard only groups B and C are covered.2 This standard is intended to serve as a guide to engineers engaged in design. the final value.3 Depending upon the importance and accuracy of workmanship required in their fabrication and erection. Czechoslovakia. *Rules for rounding off numerical Values ( IErisCd).8 1.een the ccmpouents in the straight and curved portion structures assembled by riveting or bolting (~8~ Fig.0 1. for hot-rolled steel products 4 . The number should be the of significant places retained in the rounded same as that of the specified value in this 1.IS : 7295.1974 IS: 2-11960*.3 (3) mm (4) mm 1.3 0.2 (1) mm Up to and including 28 Over 20 o-2 0. .2 In the case of joints designed as friction grip joints using high tensile friction grip fasteners. TSPecification for rolling and cutting tolerances ( second rroision ) .2 *When different thicknesses are involved the smaller thickness is to be considered. 2 and 3 ) shall be as given in Table 1. SCOPE 1.% (2) mm 0.5 (5) mm 0.2 The tolerances specified in this standard do not apply like steel railway bridges which require closer tolerances. of TABLE 1 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE GAP IN BUILT-UP MEMBERS THICKNESS OF MEMBER* MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE GAP ~~--~----h_~---______~ Straight Portion Curved Portion r---_--) _-_-A-__ At edge At 20 mm At edge At 20 mm from edge from edge & & S. BUILT-UP SECTION rolled steel components to thin welded of steel to structures as in the construction 2. 1. 2. bolting or welding.1 This standard covers tolerances on dimensions for fabrication structures manufactured by riveting. off value standard. 1.1 The tolerances on the dimensions of individual shall be as specified in IS : 1852-1973t. the difference in thickness if any shall be adjusted by chamfering or by providing packing pieces. 2. 2.3 The maximum permissible gap S bet\. 1.3 This standard is not applicable case of box girders. the diffel’ence in width or depth or both at the joint between two adjacent members shall not exceed the values given in Table 2 (see Fig.1974 All dimensiontin FIG. 1 millimetres.3. GAPS IN THE COMPONENTS FIG. All dimensions in millimetres.1 The width of gap S (see Fig.0 mm for sections over 1000 mm depth.IS : 7215 . 3 MAXIMUMGAP BETWEENENDS OF MEMBERSCONNECTED BY RIVETS OR BOLTS 2. 3) betyeen the ends of members connected h rivets or bolts shall not exceed 1. 4 and 5). 2.4 Deviation in Depth and Width at Joints .5 mm for depth of sections up to 1000 mm and 3. 2 GAPS IN THE COMPONENTS CONNECTED BY RIVETS OR BOLTS CONNECTED BY RIVETS OR BOLTS FIG. 5 .For rolled beams and built-up members ( welded or riveted). 5 DEVIATION IN DEPTH OF RIVETTED MEMBERS 6 . mm B C Up to and including 1000 Over 1000 Up to and including 1000 Over 1000 1.0 Fro.IS : 7215. 4 DEVUTION IN DEPTH AND WIDTH OF WELDED Mmmms lko. AND/OR AT THE JOINTS ( Clause2.0 .:.1974 TABLE 2 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE WIDTH OF GIRDER DEVIATION IN DEPTH.4 ) STEEL Worm GBOUP (1) HEIQHT h OR WIDTH b OB SEOTI~N (2) DEVIATION S (3) mm 2. 5 mm may be permitted at isolated places. 2. sections shall be 7 . 2.1 For rolled sections connected by welding.IS : 7215. the difference shall he adjusted by chamfering in the case of welded joints. 7 ) shall not exceed 1.7 Where the load has to be transferred by direct bearing contact of individual members the gap shall not exceed 0.6 The maximum permissible gap between the edge of the web plate and the inner surface of the first flange plate in the case of both upper and lower parts of the riveted components shall be 4 mm (see Fig. 6 PROJECTION OF FLANGE ANGLES BEYOND WEB PLATE 2. 6A ’ All dimensions in millimetres.5 The projection of the external face of the flange angle (see Fig. if the relative deviations with respect to the depth is more than tLat permitted in Table 2 due to rolling margin. 68 FIG. also applicable to bearing stiffeners of plate girders.1974 2. 6B).2. In the case of joints using high strength friction grip fasteners the difference in depth and width shall be adjusted by chamfering or providing packing pieces.4.9. 2.9 Out-of-square between web and flange in built-up limited bv the provisions given in 2.1 mm in the case of This provision is compression members and 0. 6A) beyond the edge of the web in the case of built-up riveted members without flange plates shall not exceed 3 mm. 2.3 mm for other members. riveting or bolting.8 For lattice members the relative difference L in the levels of the outstanding legs of the flange angles (see Fig. when the top flange is exposed to atmosphere the exposed edge shall be flush with the flange angles.9.0 mm. However. The ‘gap shall be filled in by suitable means approved by the engineer incharge.1 and 2. or by providing packing in the case of boited or riveted joint at the joint for individual sections. At the discretion of the inspecting authority a tolerance of 0. 8) shall be as given in Table 3. 10) shall be within the limits +3 and -2 mm. a 2.IS t 7215 . 7 DIFFERENCE THE LEVELSOF OUTSTANDING IN LEGS OF FLANGEANGLES 2.1 The maximum permissible out-of-square on the external face of the flanges of welded sections ( SGC Fig.2 The 3.9.1 Tolerance on Depth-The deviation A in the depths of solid web girders and open web girder ( sccFig. 9) shall not be greater than 0’001 1. ’ AND GIRDERS DEPTH AND WIDTH OF BEAMS 3. 8 . Subject to a maximum of 4 mm difference out-of-square between flange and web measured as the between the diagonals of nominal length 1 ( SPG Fig. TABLE 3 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE OUT-OF-SQUARE OF FLANGES IN BUILT-UP GIRDERS LOCATION OUT-OF-SQUARE (1) At splices and at stiffeners At support ( bearing ) At the tdp flanges of crane girder For components designed to carry subsidiary beams placed over top flange or flush with top flange At all places not covered above t 1 (2) O-005 b Subject to a maximum of 2 mm 0-015-B.1974 FIG. TOLERANCE ON LENGTH.9. 10 TOLERANCEON DEPTH OF Sow OPEN-WEB GIRDEM 9 WEB m . 8 OUT-OF-SQUARE FLANGE Fm. 9 OUT-OF-SQUARE’ BETWEEN FLANGEAND WEB IN Box PROFILE 10A to B FIG.Fm. 2. 1 (1) m Up to and including Over 12 12 f f 3. 3.2 and 3. TABLE 4 TOLERANCE ON LENGTH OF BEAMS AND GIRDERS AND THEIR COMPONENTS TOLERANCE (2) LENQTR.2. required to .2. 3.3) designed as friction grip joints with high tensile friction grip fasteners the negative deviations of sub-assemblies shall be adjusted by providing packing pieces.3 The permissible deviation in the width of member be inserted in other member shall be within limits +0 to -2 10 mm.2. 11 DEVIATION i!zz!l LZA IN THE LENGTH OF BEAMS WITH END PLATES 3.IS : 7215 .2 The permissible deviation A components with end plate connections limits $0 and -2 mm.0 mm 0*00025 1 sutiject to a maximum off5mm NOTE-The permissible tolerance on lengths of individual components shall not be numerically added in order to determine the limiting deviations of the tc&l length of the assembled part.2.1 The permissible tolerance on the length 1 of individual nents and the total length or span of the assembled components as specified in Table 4.1974 3.2. 11) shall be within the FIG.2 Tolerance on Length composhall be 3. in the lengths of individual (see Fig.2.1 In the case of members in which connections (see 3. 2 (see Fig. where 1 In the vertical is the length of the girder or member of lattice girder. the limiting deviation in the overall length shall be as specified in 3.2 The relative deviation a in the distances between the calculated positions of consecutive gusset plates (see Fig.2.4 Deviation in Straightness of Girders .1974 3. 3. 13 ) shall not exceed 0’001 1 subject to maximum of 10 mm whichever is less. However.IS : 7215 . shall not exceed 5 mm.2. 12 DEVIATION IN THE SPACING OF STIFFENERSAND GUSSETS 11 .1 The spacing of the stiffeners of plate girders. the deviations specified under 3. connectingplates packings of built-up or lattice members shall be maintained limiting deviations to &4 mm.1 and 3. 3.2. 128 ) shall be A3 mm. the limiting deviations A of the total length shall be as specified in 3.2 shall be adopted.1 and 3. E All dimensions in millimetres. FIG.2. However. and the convexity y:. It is required to have greater accuracy by assembly and erection considerations.3.2.3. 12A).3 Stiffeners and Gussets and the 3.With the bottom laid on ground the deviation yr in the horizontal plane from the straightness of solid web girders and members of lattice girders (see Fig.3. plane no concavity shall be allowed. 1974 Fro. 16). 4.5 Buckling of Webs --The permissible buckling of the web of plate girders measured between the top and bottom flanges or between the stiffeners or between the flange and a stiffener (see Fig.IS : 7215 . h Maximum Permissible Buckling mm up to 500 Over 500 up to and mm o-5 including 1000 1-o 2’0 ON HEIGHT AND STRAIGHTNESS Over 1000 4. 15 ) shall be as specified in Table 5.2 The deviation from the straightness in the longitudinal and transverse planes of built up columns shall not exceed 0’001 1 subject to a maximum of 10 mm (see Fig. 12 . 14) shall be as follows: Dimension.1 The deviation A in the heights of the column measured from the bottom of the base plate or support ( see Fig. 13 DEVIATIONIN THE STRAXGHTNESS OF PLATE GIRDERS 3. COLUMN TOLERANCE 4. 1 The lateral deviation Al in the alignment of the nodal points of the lattice beams perpendicular to their axial plane (see Fig. 14 TABLE 5 BUCKLING WEBS IN GIRDERS OF DEVIATION ( Cluusc 4. 17 ) measured after the fabrication in the shop or ‘after trial assembly. subject to a maximum of f 10 mm. . DEVIATIONS IN THE ALIGNMENT OF BEAMS 5. shall be limited to &O-O01 1 where 1 represents the span of the beam.IS t 7215 1974 l FIG.1 ) IN COLUMN HEIGHTS PERMISSIBLE DIMENSION (1) LENQTH (2) m TOLERANCE (3) mm &5 f O*OOO 1 subject 5 to a maximum of f 8 *3 Overall height’1 The distance to the top of the angle cleat from the base of the crane girder II The distance of the base of the crane girder from the toy sf the base plate IS rUp to and including 10 Over 10 1 All Up to and including 10 r Over 10 1 f *5 0*0005 1 subject to a maximum f 8 5. 16 TOLERANCE ON STRAIGHTNESS COLUMN OF 1 1 rtHEOREllCAL AXIS OF BEAM I I FIG. FIG.1974 All dimensions in millimetres.IS : 7215. 17 DEVIATIONIN THE ALIGNMENTOF BEAMS 14 . 15 TOLERANCEON HEIGHT OF COLUMN _---- _-- FIG. IS : 7215 . for a distance of 500 mti from the ends. 18 DEVIATION IN THE AXES OF MEMBERS MEETING AT A Pomr 5.1974 5.4 The permissible distortion in the transverse direction A from the true axis of plate lattice and box girders (see Fig.3 The permissible deviation 0 of the axes of the members meeting at a joint from theoretical nodal points (set Fig. a m Up to and . 19) shall not be more than WOO11 where 1 is the length of the diagonal of the profile. the lateral deviation A 2 ( non-alignment ) measured between any two consecutive nodal points shall not be more than the values specified below: Panel Length. FIG. CRANE GANTRY GIRDERS plane shall not 6.1 The curvature of crane girders in the horizontal exceed 3 mm in 12 m length of the girder.1. be free from any curvature and shall be normal to the web. I5 .including Over 3 3 Mwimum Permissible Deviation mm 3 5 5.1 Flange of gantry girders shall. 18) shall not be greater than k3 mm. All dimensions in millimetres.2 However. X 6. 6. 6. DEVIATION IN THE INTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF OPENING 7. LIMIT DEVIATIONS shall be 2: .IS : 7215 . 20) measured after shop fabrication or after trial assembly at site in their final position shall be as given in Table 6.04 T with a maximum of 4 mm mm Up to and including Over 50 (1) . the continuity of the curvature of the‘profile for the section shall be maintained. on crave bridges.4 Crane rails shall be centred on crane ‘girders as far as possible.1 Unless otherwise specified in technical drawings the tolerance on the internal dimensions of openings for erection of equipment (openings om floor. TABLE 6 PERMISSIBLE DEPTH.PROFILE mm.1974 FIG.2 The camber of the girder in the vertical plane shall not exceed 3 mn in 12 m length. OF STRUCTURES 8. 6. 19 TRANSVERSE DISTORTION OF GIRDERS 6. However. etc) 8. However. in no case the rail eccentricity exceed half the thickness of the web of the girder. IT DEVIATION FROM THE PROFILE DEVIATION (2) 50 f2mm f 0. 7.3 The horizontal misalignment of crane rail shall not exceed 3 mm.1 The permissible limit of deviation n of the depth Y of the section at salient points (see Fig. 4TION lN THE PROFILE OF .The permissible deviations on pitch distance of holes and distances betlveen the ~OWS of holes. deviations of the overall height of the bearing shall 9.N :7215-1974 PROFILE MEASURED AFTER ASSEMBLY IN THE SHOP(AT ERECTJON) A A 1 L PROFILE AS PER FIG.1 The permissible works of groups DEVIATIONS IN BEARING for steel structural B and deviations for cast steel bearings C shall be as given below: Deviations mm a) For of rocker. the relative difference in the diameter of any two roller: + 0“025 9. bearings & 0“4 c) In case of roller bearings having three or more rollers. shall be * 1 mm for Group B ancl *2 mm for Group C structures. unless the holes have been formed to suit the available production facilities. 17 . 20 DEVI. the thickness seating plate of a bearing of rollers of single bt?d plate or double and roller * 0“5 b) For diamete. PERMISSIBLE 9. DEVIATIONS ON DIMENSIONS AND BOLTING OF HOLES FOR RIVETING 10.2 The permissible deviations of the length and width of the base Plate of a sliding bearing or the seating plate of a fixed bearing shall be * 1 mm. 9.3 The permissible be +2 mm.STRUCTURES 9.4 The relative difference in height at both ends of the assembled bearings in the transverse direction shall be limited to 1 mm.1 Pitch Distance -. 10. 3 For steel structures of Group B. 10.4.1 The permissible deviations in percentage specified in Table 7 refers to the maximum percentage of holes with deviations occurring in a group of holes.3 Scratches or grooves on the cylindrical shall be limited as given in Table 8. than one gusset plate is used. b) Holes connecting individual bracings. in exceptional cases and with the approval of the engineer incharge.2.1974 10.The nominal diameters of drilled holes and permissible deviations on the diameter.2. However.2 Dimensions of Drilled Holes . shall be as specified in Table 7. overlapping of holes. 10. shall be reamed to a proper size with tolerance +@15 mm. This does not cover turned and fitted bolts (see 10.IS t 7215 . -0 mm. 10.2 The maximum number of defective holes in one group when the number of holes in the group exceeds 4 shall be limited to 25 percent. bolts or rivets with suitable deviations in their dimensions may be used so as to have a proper fitting of the joint in exceptional cases and with approval of the engineer incharge. 10.2. the holes between the individual joint shall be taken as separate group of holes.2.4 For steel structures of Group C. 10. the holes shall be drilled under size by one mm and after assembly. For this purpose the foilowing shall be considered as group of holes: a) Holes made in individual components for erection joints or holes made for connection to individual components.5 When turned and fitted bolts are used. if the defective holes are not reamed. the number of defective holes on one side of the cross section shall not be more than 15 percent ( see Table 7 ).2. surfaces of the drilled holes 18 . perpendicularity. and Where more c) Holes made in one half of a gusset plate of a joint.3). etc. when a cross section is taken through the holes. the defective holes may be reamed to a bigger diameter and bolts or rivets of the corresponding higher diameter may be used. 10. mm Nominal dia of rivet.2 + 0.C T Maximum overlapping of holes at connection S. 0.2 + 0.IS : 7215. nuts and lock nuts ( diameter range 6 to 39 mm) (first revision). 19 .5 ! 0. screws._-_ - Diameter of hole I Ovality* 6. percent of the thickness of the joint elements subject to a maximum of3 mm B.2. C I 0. mm DEVIATIONS OB HOLE Nominal dia of bolt. 10.8 c - Perpendicularity of hole S.4 .8 I C For 15 percent of holes in a member for a joint *Difference between the highest and lowest measured diameter of hole. tCorresponding bolt according to IS : 1364-1967 Specification for precision and semi-precision hexagon bolts.7 0. mm DESCRIPTION -_ - (cluuscs 10.0.0 1.5 0.2.5 0.5 I _- B 0.3 0.5 mm deviation for 25 percent of holes in a member for a joint 0.6 I I - 0. = da dx + 0.1971 TABLE 7 DEVIATIONS ON DIMENSIONS OF DRILLED HOLES Nominal dia of hole.2 I B Up to maximum deviation for 10 percent of holes in a member for a joint Up to 0.2.1 and 10.8 1.0. mm .6 +@6 .2 B.2) t 0 I STEEL WORK GROUP LIMITS OF DEVIATION.6 0. As in the Original Standard. this Page is Intentionally Left Blank . Gf Holes.% r-------Group ~_h----__.-\ Percent of Structure No. _ . Mar (1) mm 0’2 : o-5 B cl (2) (3) 25 50 Xi1 '5 10. 21 .5 mm for Group C structures._ .1974 TABLE 8 SCRATCHES SURFACES OR GROOVES ON THE CYLINDRICAL OF THE DRILLED HOLES ( DEPTHoF SCRATCH. TO WHICII THE PERI)CILISIBI.IS : 7215 .3.oF HOLES Chtsc 10. of gravity of any in distance of holes shall not be 10.E LIMTS AREAPPLICARLE Ma.4 Distance Between Groups of Holes-Deviation two groups between the centre more than 2 mm. No.5 Edge Distance Deviation-Edge distance shall not vary from the specified values by more than 1 mm for Group B and 1. Second Floor. JAIPUR 302001 E-52.T. CHENNAI 180022 600113 Exchange. Nampatty Station Road. Gokulpat Market. CALCUTTA 700054 323 78 17 337 86 82 80 38 43 235 23 15 832 92 95 Northern : SC0 Southern Sector 34-A. Sahibabad 201010 8-77 00 32 Reglonel OMces: Central ‘Eastern : Manak Bhavan. Andheri (East). 91 11 3239399. NAGPUR Patliputra lndustrisl Estate. CHANDIGARH IV Cross Road. PUNE 411005 ANANTHAPURAM 695034 T. India . University P. Unity Building. Manak Bhavan. Berua Road. 62-63. Khanpur. BHUBANESHWAR Kalaikathir Buildings. FARIDABAD Sadtri Complex. Gupta Marg.G.P. 0. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. V. Grant Road. Naval 440010 Kishore Road. T. : C. Sector 16 A. Palayam. Manktola. R. Mathura Road. Delhi. HYDERABAD Marg. *Sales Cffice is at ‘F’ Block. COIMBATORE Plot No. 670 Avinashi Road. Robd. Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg.O.T. NEW DELHI 1 IO002 Telephones: 323 0131. Princep Street. BHOPAL 751001 841037 121001 462033 55 40 21 40 36 27 21 01 41 8-28 88 01 8-71 1996 Unit VI. P. NEW DELHI 110002 VII M. LUCKNOW 226001 NIT 23 89 23 52 51 71 26 23 05 32 36 35 821 17 Building. GUWAHATI 5856C.323 3375. THIRW *Sales office is at 5 Chowringhee CALCUTTA 700072 tSales Approach. KANPUR Behind 208005 Leela Cinema. 91 11 3239382 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all Offkzes) Telephone Centrel Leborstory : Plot No. 20/9. 2nd floor. Seth Bhawan. 781003 500001 54 11 37 201083 37 29 25 21 68 76 LN. 43. MUMBAI 406093 E9.BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS HeedquejSsrs. 1st Stage. Bangalore-Tumkur BANGALORE 560058 Gangotri Complex. Chitaranjan 1171418 B. Sarvodaya Nagar.29. MUMBAI 400007 Square. 9 : l/l 4 CIT Scheme 335-336.T. 380901 5501348 839 49 55 *Peonya Industrial Area. Site IV.I. GHAZIABAD 201001 53t5 Ward No.323 9402 Fax : 91 11 3234062. Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. 271085 309 65 28 222 39 71 office is at Novelty Chambers. 14/l 421. C-Scheme. Road. 5th By-lane. Campus. Bhadbhada Plot No. No. Ganga Nagar. PATNA 800013 Institution of Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivafi Nagar.I. Sahibabad Industrial Area. Nagar. Behind Mard.Telephone f Brench Offices:: ‘Pushpak’.C. tWestem : Manakalaya. AHMEDABAD Road. Road. 116 G. 5th floor. Narashimaraja BANGALORE 560002 Prinfed at Simco PrintinqPress. ’ (Pugr 4. steel structures are broadly classified into three groups as follows: Group A-Steel railway and road bridges and other structures subjected to dynamic loadings which require closer tolerances than those sperilied for Group B and Group C.Substitute the following for the existing clause: ‘1. etr. and which do not require closer tolcranczs as rcyuircd for Group B structures.’ the following for the existing clause: Group C - (Puge 3. sub-station and power station structures. chtse 1.2 ) --.NO. 1 MAY 1992 TO IS 7215 : 1974 TOLERANCES FOR FABRICATION STEEL STRUCTURES ( Puge 3. industrial buildings and bunkers. clause 1. The fabrication tolerances for Group A Structures arc not covered in this standard. etc. like platform galleries. chimneys. like crane gantry girders. Steel structures not subjected to dynaniic loading.1 In this standard only Groups B and C are covered.3 ) Substitute the following for the existing clause: welded construction.1 ) -Substitute ‘0.2 The tolerances specified in this standard do not apply to structures like steel railway and road bridges. Delhi. &use 0. lndlit . its supporting structure. clultse 0.’ (Puge 4.3 ) -Substitute AMENDMENT OF the following for the existing clause: ‘Depending upon the importance and accuracy of worknianship required in the fabrication and erection. ruicrowave and trdnsnlission linetowers.’ ‘13 This standard is not applicable to thin-walled (CED7) Printed at-.Simco __~_~ Printing Press.3.3. Group B Steel structures having special characteristics and structures subjected to dynamic loading excluding wind/seismic. stairs.
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