Is 5290 - 1993 Hydrant Valve

April 4, 2018 | Author: Vinoth Pannerselvam | Category: Valve, Brass, Copyright, Engineering Tolerance, Alloy



IS 62.80 : 1993 ( Reaffirmed 1998 ) hdian Standard LANDING VALVES SPECIFICATION f Third Revision ) UDC 621*646*2 : 614.843~3 0 BIS 1993 BURE MANAK AU OF INDIAN 9 BAHADUR STANDARDS SHAH ZAFAR MARG BHAVAN, NEW DELHI 110002 November 1993 Price Group 4 These are primarily intended for being installed at the staircase landing at each floor level. Because of this. after the draft finalized by the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. . Two types which are mostly used have been covered in this standard. accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)‘. The landing valves are sometimes also referred to as internal hydrants because these are usually fitted inside the buildings for wet hydrant system. This standard was first published in 1969 and revised subsequently in 1977 and 1983. This revision has been prepared in order to update the provisions of the standard which has been done for incorporating the amendments and modified figures. expressing the result of a test or analysis. the shall be rounded off in The number of sign& specified value in this For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard final value. observed or calculated. Landing valves may be installed in different ways and altitudes and for yielding varying output of water.Fire Fighting Sectional Committee. is complied with. CED 22’ FOREWORD This Indian Standard ( Third Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards. requiring different shape and sizes. the design of these valves has to be compact so as not to cause any obstruction to the passage where these may be installed. cant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the standard. from where fire-hose could be laid out by the fire brigade or trained men for fighting fire on the concerned floor. The landing valves when used for sea water should not be made of aluminium alloy. The composition of committee responsible for the preparation of this standard is given in Annex B. The instantaneous female outlets may also be manufactured as a part of landing valves. FIG.2643CPtI' l$ OF A LENGTH OF .IS 5290 : 1993 Indian Standard LANDING VALVES 1 SCOPE This standard lays down the requirements regardand dimensions. 4). All dimensions in millimetres. 75 mm and 100 mm respectively. 3 ) and blank cap(s) ( see Fig. NOTE .G 1S. instantaneous female outlet(s) ( see Fig. 1 LANDING VALVE SINGLE OUTLET ( TYPE A ) 1 . of performance requirements of two types landing valves. 3 Pre-circle diameter of flange shall match with respective diameter of pipe that is. 3 and 4 1. 1 and 2 ). AS l’$s. 2 REFERENCES The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are necessary adjuncts to this standard. SPECIFICATION ( Third Revision ) 3 GENERAL The landing valves assembly shall consist of valve(s) (see Fig. ing materials. 2 Tolerance where not specified shall be f 0’5 mm.-Ck!ECH NUT NOTES I Outlet is fixed with instantaneous female coupling with blank cap ( see Fig. G THREADS THREADS AS PER SO 24x5 OF fS :4694 -1966 FOR LENGTH OF 50mm min. shape. 2 The valve spindle shall be made of brass rod conforming to IS 320 : 1980 or IS 319 : 1989 for use with body of leaded-tin-bronze and of stainless steel conforming to IS 6603 : 1972 for use with body of aluminium or zinc alloy or stainless steel.5 to 11.4 Washers.5 percent.5 The spring shall be of phosphor wire conforming to IS 7608 : 1987 for copper alloy landing valve and stainless steel wire conforming to IS 6528 : 1972 for aluminium alloy. 2 .X. il-iQi5 OF +-1. gaskets shall be made of rubber conforming to IS 937 : 1981 or leather conforming to IS 581 : 1976. All aluminium and zinc alloy shall be of die casting only.2. 5.1 Tooth shall be forged from forged brass material conforming to grade FLB of IS 6912 : 1985. 4.1 Zinc-aluminium alloy ( copper 0.Landing valve double with double outlet ( see Fig. 3 and 4 ). instantaneous female outlet and blank cap shall be made either of leaded-tin-bronze eonforming to Grade LTB-2 of IS 318 : 1981 or aluminium alloy conforming to 19 designation 4225. 2 ).1 The valve body. aluminium 10.5 percent. handwheel. magnesium 0. All aluminium and zinc alloy shall be of die casting only. 4. 5.3 The handwheel shall be made of mild steel conforming to IS 1030 : 1989 or cast irou conforming to IS 210 : 1978. e G 100------d 2x------~ j NOTES 1 Both outlets are fixed with instantaneous female coupling with blank caps ( see Fig. spindle and other attachments are same as in Fig. All dimensions FIG. bonnet.2 The shane and dimensions of each type are given in Fig: 1 to 4. 1 ).03 percent and balance zinc ) or stainless steel designatton 04Cr17NiMOa conforming to IS 6529 : 1972.5 to 1. 5 TYkS AND DIMENSIONS 5. 4. zinc alloy and stainless steel landing valves. 4.‘JS 5290 : 1993 HANDWHEEL J iHREADS G3 AS PER 15??61? ( PI I ). valve single outlet head b) Type B . 4. 4 in millimetres. Gland packing shall be of asbestos thread conforming to IS 4687 : X980.015 to 0. 3 Tolerance where not specified shall be 1 0’5 mm. 1. 4450 and 4600 of IS 617 : 1975.Landing ( see Fig.1 The landing valves shall be of two types as under: a) Type A . 2 Dimensions of the component parts.1975 OF IS: 1643 (Pt FOR A LENGTH ‘Imm min. check nut. 2 LANDING VALVE DOUBLE HEAD OU~LBT ( TYPE B ) MATERIALS 4. stop valve. that is. The outside of instantaneous outlet shall be highly polished. Paints shall conform to IS 2932 : 1974. 7’2 Hydrostatic Pressure Test Each assembled unit shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 2-I MN/mms ( 21 kgf/ cm3 ) with the valve open and outlet closed for 3 be of good finish.’ 25’4 + $i GO NOTES I The tolerance where not specified shall be i 0’5 mm. A hydrostatic pressure of 1. ” 2 The lug may also be the part of the main body. 6 FINISH 3 INSTANTANEOUS FBMALB OUTLJW ’8 7 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS shall 7. The handwheel shall be painted black. 6. All dimensions in miilimetres.1 Water Tightness Test for the Valve The stop valve shall be fully closed by screwing down the spindle.2 The valve top except the face of the flange and the instantaneous outlet shall be painted fire red of shade No. burrs and sharp edges. welding or repair of any defects. . clear of All castings shall be of clean and sound and shall be free from plugging. FIG. 536 of IS 5 : 1978. There shall be-no leakage through the valve and its seat.1 All parts 6.4 MN/m* ( 14 kgf/cma ) shall then be applied to each valve on its inlet side.IS 5290 : 1993 RELEASE TYPE ‘4’ CAM -TOOTH *Rectangular Hole 12’8_‘!:2 ‘. 4 minutes for the purpose of locating porosity III the casting. 7. as -0 : a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark. 8. for the purpose of this test.ently marked on the valve body.5 APPROX NOTE - The tolerances where not specified shall be i.3 8 MARKING 8.7 MN/m’ ( 7 kgf/ ema ) for Type A and 1 800 litres per minute at Q-7 MN/m2 ( 7 kgf/cmP ) for Type B provided the feed to the valves.1. The flow shall be not less than 900 litres per minute at 0.E.1 BIS Certification Marking The valve astembly may also be marked with the Standard Mark. 0’5 mm. . 4 BLAKK CAP a period of 2. Details are available with the Bureau of Indian Standards. it shall not fail or show any sign of leakage either through the valve body or through the gland of the spindle.IS 5290 : 1993 VENT HOLE 962 R I. and c) Year of manufacture. is not less than these figures. FIG. It shall be a type test. b) Code letter indicating the rype of valve ( inscribing type of instantaneous female outlet ). When so tested.1 Each assembled valve shall be cEearly and rel. 4 . Flow Test Water shall be discharged through Ihe valve assembly and its flow shall be measured using a flow meter or V-notch. the NOTE -During initial drops of water should be allowed up to the period of proper rubber sealing with the male blank cap.. the hydrostatic pressure test.411 dimensions in millimetres. ) Specification steel wire for stain!ess 581 : 1976 Specification for tanned hydraulic ( second revision ) vegetable leather 6603 : 1972 6912 : 1985 Specification for sta@iess steel blooms. 19!%3 ANNEX A ( Clause 2 ). exterior (a) undercoating. (b) finishing ( jTrst revision ) 4687 : 1980 6528 : 1972 6529 : 1972 320 : 1980 Specification for gland packing asbestos (Jirst revision. ing purposes (fourth rejMm ).stock and forgings ( firsr revision ) Specification for. pipe threads for fastening purposes: Part 1 Basic profile and dimensions (first revision ) Specification for grey iron castings ( third revision ) Specification for leaded-tinbronze ingots and castings ( seconn revision ) Specifi cation for free cutting brass bars. 1030 : 1989 Title Specification for carbon steel castings for general engineer. LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS IS No. rods and sections ( fourfh revision ) Specification for high tensile brass rods and sections (other than forgings stock ) ( second rev&ion ) 2643 ( Fart 1 ) : 1975 2932 : 1974 319 : 1989 Specification for enamel. synthetic.1s 5290’!. 5 : 1978 210 : 1978 318 : 1981 Title Colours for ready mixedpaints and enamels ( third revision ) IS No. Dimensions ‘for. billets and slabs for forging Specification for steel bars and flats stainbxs 617 : 1975 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy ingots and castings for general engineering purposes ( second revision ) Specification for copper and copper alloy forgings . phosphor bronze wrre for general engineering purposes (fjrst revision ) 937 : 19s1 7608 : 1987 Specification for washers for water fittings for fire fighting purposes ( second revisian ) . N. New Delhi Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR ). Ranchi Rc Sales Pvt Ltd. P.4itJrnnte ) Sllllr<J. Government of of Maharashtra. $. R. c.ent Bombay Municipal Corporation of Deihi. Iior_~rnriv~ National Airport Authority. &L Delhi CPWD ( Electrical ). K.New Delhi ) Steel Authority of India ( Bokaro Steel Plant ).J. Bombay Ntaw Delhi ( India Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals. Government DEE+JTY DIUEUTOR ( Alternate ) DIEEU~O~ 0~’ EQuIP&%J%! SENXOR FIRE OR~ICIER ( Alternate ) DIREQT~TR GFHERAL OF FIRESERVICE . New Delhi Central Industrial Security Force. Rourke1. Gnoslr S. Bombay Ministry of Defence ( DIFR j : )I Jaya Shree Textiles 6: Industriq Kishra Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay ( Bon1 bay Fire Brigade Bombay Fire & Safety Applicanceo Co... Kooverji Devshi & Co Pvt Ltd. \‘OC+ESWA11A Srr~iJoa~ TAIWY ( L4!l~t?tair ) SUIII Y. SL!ILI Tun>T SUR &cl D._J~Xsnm*dl Snsl G:. Roorkee Metallurgical Surex Tariff Steel Production Advisory Authority Gei:eral. L. Snnr ( Aflernate ) SHKI P. P. NANDI ( Alternate ) SIII:~ R.TW DLRE~~TOR ( Allernatc) SHRI P. k. DAS S~inr M.!$&I A. Calcutta Avon Services ( Production and Agencies ) Pvt Ltd. Neir Delhi Vijay Fire Protection Systems Pvt Ltd. Ministry RPSF) AS~IEITADTT SEUUKITY OEEIUE~ ( A6rarcnlc SIIHI S. Bombay Urban Development Departmt nt.231 &Yamashar Aparlments.X T. Bombay Newagr SHIU ASIIOK SIIAEMA SJIRI A. N. K.r Director BIS ( Ex-@is Member ) Swr HFMST KUMAK Joint Director ‘.&I 0. Bomba) Directorate General of Technical Development. Er Platt Gujarat ) Ltd. VAKIL STTUI K. Delhi Bhabha Atomic Research Centre ( Fire Service Home Department ( Fire Service ). K. GL’PTA ( Atterna!e ) SXRX Sux-rr. S~sna ( AIternate . Bombay of Tamil ~aJu Home ( Police Hyderabad Andhra Pradt2!:. BATAVIA . CHOWDIII~Y Shea B. GNANRAJ ( AUernate) M& C&N B. S. GOS~IN SHBIJ. A. .. Govemr. Ptia . Dehra Dua of Home Affairs CED 22 RGpreSell~i~g hssrsT~~'f INSPMJ'~OIL~ENEBAL( of Railways Eureka Firetech Pvt Ltd.. R~rr ( dl!crcale j S-r!r. SEfARMA Lh:. Ma~ur Bihar. N. of India Bombay Ltd ( Rourkela Steel Plant ). 1:li ( Continued on pase I . New Delhi Steelnge Industries Ltd ( Minimax Division !. C. 1. & Engineering Consultants Calcutta ( India ) Ltd. Madras Gas Commission. . TANEJA Director ( cliv Engg ) Mathar Industries. Civil l?ngg ). Calcutta The Institution of Fire Engineers ( India Ministry of Defence ( DGI 1 j. T. Bombay In personal capacity ( C. P.f~hNhT~ SHR~ D. CIX~XRAX~ORTY SHRI B. DE~. In personal capacity (J-1916 Chitranjan Park. SHAEMA DJ. Committee. 1.c lj .' . Department New Delhi 1. N~oc+r ( . SIPPY c Allernole 1 Ministry ) Tariff Advisory Oil and Natural Committee. Ministry of Home Affairs West Bengal Fire Services.Ifls5290 : 1993 ANNEX B ( Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Fire Fighting Sectional Committee. Madras SHRI Snn~ 2. Rishra ( West Bengal ) Municipal Corporation of Bombay ( Bombay Fire Bombay The Institution of Fire Engineers ( India ). Bombay Gujarat bombay Ministry of Defense. Ministr:u of Befence. India Ltd. Nc. New Delhi Ltd. Brigado ). Is7.IS 5290 : 1993 Water Fittir. 1~. DI~ERX ) Municipal Ministry Chhatriya Corporation of Delhi ( Delhi Fire Service of Home Affairs. Roiirb*:la .4x ( dlfernale S. Engineers. CED 22 : 1 New Delhi R & D Organization. U. Ltd Bombay I Rorrrkela Steel Plant ). Madras Refineries Ltd.v Delhi jaya Shree Textiles. Bombay j. New Delhi Rubber & Chemical Industries. & Platt Authority Corporation & Co Pvt Ltd. Surender Abmadabad India of India Nagar. New Delhi Directorate Engineers Indian Kooverji Newage Devraj Mather Steel of Standardization. New Delhi Petrochemicals Devshi Industries.. Madras Tariff Advisory Committee. Manali.g for Fire Fighting Purposes Subcommittee. Etd. testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the producer. . Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to that standard as a. The Standard Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection.-- Standard Mark The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. I. An8heri ( East ) BOMBAY 400093 BANGALORE. Maniktola CALCUTTA 700054 Northern I? Telegrams : Manaksanstha . Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS giving the following reference: Dot No. Date of Issue Text Affected . 331 13 75 Regional Officer I Central I Manak Bhavan. JAIPUR. Scheme VII M. I. Sector 35-C. 1 37 86 26. E9 MIDC. CHANDIGARH 160036 600113 Southern : C. This does not preclude the free use. it is taken up for revision. HYDERABAD. 235 15 19. BHUBANESHWAR. I 632 92 95. GHAZIABAD. GUWAHATI. BIS. P. Standards are also reviewed periodically. Road. of necessary details. . FARIDABAD.Ba+ytu of Iudifn Standards RIS is a statutory i. IV Croor Road. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg.on established under the &reau harmonious development of the activities of standardization. PATNA. Marol. 53 38 43. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 Eastern : l/14 C. I. and attending to connected matters in the country. Coppright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no than es are needed. in the course of implementing the standard. T. type or grade designations. SC0 445-446. such as symbols and sizes. MADRAS 235 02 16. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ). . BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. OJ &&VI Standards Act. V. Users of f ndian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook and Standards Monthly Additions’. BHOPAL. 19&6 t. COIMBATORE. Campus. T. 632 78 91. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM.o promote marking and quality certification of goods Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. New Delhi 110002 Telephones : 331 01 31. if the review indicates that changes are needed. 235 04 42 235 23 15 632 78 58 632 78 92 Western t Manakalaya. I 53 23 84 37 85 61 37 86 62 53 16 40 ’ r .nstjtuii. KANPUR. LUCKNOW. ( Common to all office8 ) Telephone 331 01 31 I_ 331 13 75 I 31 84 99. CED 22 ( 5274 ) Amendments Issued Since Yublication Amend No. Brancha r AHMADABAD. 1. (Pqy 4.SPECIFICATION ( Third Revision ) ( Page 2.1 MN/m” for ‘2.AMENDMENT IS 5290 : 1993 NO. BE. 1 JUNE 1994 TO LANDING VALVES .1 MN/mm .1. India . (CED22) Reprography Unit. clause 7. New Delhi. line 4 ) - Read ‘04Cr17Ni12MO~’ for 3. clause ‘04Cr17NiMOz’.2. line 2 ) - 2. Read ‘2. 1 (we n/so Anzendnmt 1 and 4 of IS 3444 : 1957’ foi.AMENDMENT IS 5290 : 1993 NO.’ base castings for alloy steel and nickel (CED22) Kepropphy Unit. clmse 52. resistant purposes. 1 ) ] - [ Page 2. BIS. 2 AUGUST 1999 TO LANDING VALVES . Annex A ) Insert the following at appropriate places: ‘IS 291 : 1989 brass rods and sections for machining ‘IS 3444 : 19S7 Corrosion general applications. India .‘04017Ni12M02 1972’. for the existing clause: Substitute ‘seat valve’for the following ) -Substitute ‘55.’ ( Purge 5. New Delhi. seat valve shall be forged from forged brass material conComing to grade FLB of IS 6912 : 19% or 1s 291 : 19S9. ( Pflge 2. Blank cap shall be of ABS plastics.1 Tooth.4 ) (Purge 2.SPECIFICATION ( Third He vision ) No.1 Substitute ‘Grade conforming lo IS 6529 : ‘gaskets’. clrrlrse 41. clr11se 4. (Page 2. seat valve shall be forged from forged brass material conforming to Grade FLB of IS 6912: 1985 or IS 291:1989. Corrosion resistant alloy steel and nickel brass castings general applications’ for ‘IS 291:1989 ‘IS 3444:1987 ( CED 22 ) Reprography Unit.4) — Substitute ‘seat valve’ for ‘gaskets’.1) – Substitute the following for the existing clause: ‘Tooth. Annex A ) — Insert the following at the appropriate place Naval brass rods and sections for machining purposes.AMENDMENT IS 5290:1993 NO.2. BIS. New Delhi. (Page 2. clause 4. clause 4.” ( Page 2.’ (Page 5.1): a) Delete ‘valve body’ from first line. 3 FEBRUARY 2001 TO LANDING VALVES — SPECIFICATION (Page 2. clause 5. b) Insert the following at the end of clause: resistant “Valve body shall be conforming to IS 3444: 1987 ‘Corrosion alloy steel and nickel base castings for general applications’ . Blank eap shall be of ABS plastics. clause 4.1. India .1 ) – Substitute ‘Grade 1 and 4 of IS 3444: 1987’ @ ‘04Cr17Ni12M02 conforming to IS 6529:1972’. 1. clause 4. 4 OCTOBER 2002 TO LANDING VALVES — SPECIFICATION ( Third Revision) [ Page 2.AMENI)MENT IS 5290:1993 NO.1. line 1 ( see also Amendment No. clause 4. 3 )] — Insert the following in the beginning: ‘The valve body’ ( Page 2. India . New Delhi. line 7 ) — Delete ‘and zinc alloy’ ( CED 22 ) ReprographyUniq BIS.
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