IS 2269

April 4, 2018 | Author: mbabu76067 | Category: Screw, Nut (Hardware), Joining, Industries, Mechanical Engineering



IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004Indian Standard HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS ( Fifth Revision) ICS 21.060.10 . ,, @ BIS 2006 BUREAU MANAK BHAVAN, OF INDIAN STANDARDS SHAH 110002 ZAFAR MARG 9 BAHADUR NEW DELHI January 2006 Price Group 6 b) c) d) e) f) The maximum value of sf (see Table 1) for sizes up to M 16 has been made applicable to all property classes. screws. General and Production Engineering Division Council. In this revision the following a) major changes have made: The details of ‘Gauging of hexagon socket’ have been deleted as a separate Indian Standard will be formulated on ‘Gauging of hexagon socket’ reference of which is given in this standard. Nuts and Fasteners Accessories Sectional Committee and approval of the Medical Instruments. studs and nuts — Symbols and designations of dimensions (first revisiorj IS 4218 (Part 2):2001 ISO general purpose metric screw threads: Part 2 General plan (second revision) do i . screws.1981. This standard was originally published in 1963 and subsequently revised in 1967. studs and nuts — Symbols and designations of dimensions ISO 261 : 1998 ISO general — purpose metric screw threads — General plan IS 8536:1987 Fasteners — Bolts. Consequent upon the revision of ISO 4762 in 2003. they should b) Comma (.) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards. Nuts and Fasteners Accessories Sectional Committee. reference appears to certain International Standards for which 1. The fourth revision was harmonized with 1S04762 :1997 by adopting under dual number.. practice is to use a point (.IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 Bolts. ‘Black oxide finish’ (thermal or chemical) has been replaced by ‘As processed The provision of non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings have been made. ~ian Standards also exist. which are to be substituted in their places. the Sectional Committee decided to revise this Indian Standard to align it with ISO 4762:2003 by adoption under dual number. Standard’ appear referring to this standard. The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations.. Certain terminology and conventions are. not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is drawn especially to the following: a) Wherever the words ‘International be read as ‘Indian Standard’. however. The hardness Table 2. finish’. requirement for screws unsuitable for tensile strength has been deleted from . the current In this adopted standard. are given below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated: Intematiomd Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence Identical ISO 225 : 1983 Fasteners — Bolts. . PG 31 NATlONAL FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Fifth Revision) which is identical with ISO 4762:2004 ‘Hexagon socket head cap screws’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Bolts. Figure 1 has been technically revised. 1995 and 2002. The corresponding Indian Standards.) as the decimal marker. studs and nuts — Product grades A. screws. screws and studs — Nominal lengths. screws and studs ISO 4042 : 1999 Fasteners Electroplated coatings — do ISO 4753 : 1999 Fasteners — Ends of parts with external ISO metric thread ISO 4759-1 :2000 Tolerances for fasteners — Part 1 : Bolts. 1999 ‘Mechanical fasteners made of and alloy steel — screws and studs IS 4206 : 1987 Dimensions for nominal lengths and thread lengths for bolts. ISO 898-1 : properties of carbon steel Part 1 : Bolts. Section 1 Bolts. B and C (third revision) IS 1367 (Part 9/See 1) :1993 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 9 Surface discontinuities. screws. screws and studs (third revision) IS 1367 (Part 11) :2002 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 11 Electroplated -coatings (third revision) IS 1368:2002 Fasteners — Ends of parts with external ISO metric thread (fourth revision) IS 1367 (Part 2) :2002 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 2 Tolerances for fasteners — Bolts. screws and studs for general requirements do ii . screws and studs (fourth revision) IS 14962 (Part 2) :2002 ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances: Part 2 Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw threads — Medium quality do ISO 965-2:1998 ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw threads — Medium quality ISO 965-3 : 1998 ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 3: Deviations for constructional screw threads ISO 3269 :2000 Fasteners Acceptance inspection — do IS 14962 (Part 3) :2002 ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances: Part 3 Deviations for constructional screw threads IS 1367 (Part 17) :2004 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 17 Inspection. do ISO 3506-1 : 1997 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners — Part 1 : Bolts. sampling and acceptance procedure (fourth revision) IS 1367 (Part 14/See 1) :2002 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 14 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners.IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence Identical ISO 888:1976 Bolts.. screws and studs for general applications (third revision) do do . screws and studs (first revision) IS 1367 (Part 3) :2002 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 3 Mechanical properties of Iasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Bolts. -studs and nuts — Product grades A. and thread lengths for general purpose bolts . B and C do do ISO 6157-1 :1988 Fasteners — Surface discontinuities— Part 1: Bolts. Section 1 Bolts. ! For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. expressing the result of a test or-analysis.. The number of significant placesi retained in the rounded off values should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.of hexagon sockets Marking are — Bolts.IS 2269:-2006 ISO 4762:2004 International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence Identical 1S0 6157-3:1988 Fasteners — Surface discontinuities — Part 3: Bolts. studs and nuts do The technical committee has reviewed the provisions of following International Standards referred in this adopted standard and has decided that they are acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard: International Standard Title Mechanical properties of fasteners made of non-ferrous metals Fasteners — Non-electrolytically Gauging . shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 :1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. Ill . Section 2 Bolts. studs and nuts ISO 8839:1986 ISO 10683:2003 ISO 23429:2003 applied zinc flake coatings As decided by the Committee additional requirements of Packaging and BIS Certification given in National Annex A. screws and studs for special applications (third revision) IS 1367 (Part 1) :2002 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 1 Introduction and general information (third revision) ISO 8992 : 1986 Fasteners — General requirements for bolts. .. observed or calculated. . screws and studs for special requirements IS 1367 (Part 9/See 2) :1993 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners: Part 9 Surface discontinuities. the final value. . screws. screws. These additional requirements are part of this standard. Mechanical studs properties inspection of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners — Part 1: Bolts. Mechanical studs properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel-Part 1: Bolts. Fasteners — Bolts. they should be selected from existing International Standards. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. screws. screws. ISO 965-2. Fasteners — Ends of parts with external /S0 metric thread ISO 4759-1. screws and studs fbr. Fasteners — Surface discontinuities 1S061 57-3. B and C — Part 1: Bolts.general requirements LSO 6157-1. only the edition cited applies. studs and nuts ISO 8992. studs and nuts — “Symbols and designations ISO 261. in special cases. screws and studs — Nominal lengths. ISO 8839 and ISO 4759-1. Fasteners — Sutiace discontinuities 1S0 8839. ISO 888. and thread lengths for general purpose ISO 898-1. screws and studs for special requirements metals of fasteners — Bolts. ISO 225. Fasteners — Electroplated coatings 1S0 4753. thread from Ml. /S0 general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw threads — Medium quality ISO 965-3. the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Tolerances for fasteners — Part 1: Bolts. screws and ISO 965-2. For dated references. Mechanical properties — Part 3: Bolts.. screws.grade For approximate masses of screws see Annex A.6 up to and including ‘M64 andvoduct.IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 Indian Standard HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS ( Fifth Revision) 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the characteristics of hexagon socket head cap screws with coarse pitch A. ISO 888. Fasteners — Acceptance ISO 3506-1.g ISO 261. studs and nuts made of non-ferrous for bolts. e. screws and ISO 4042. /S0 general-purpose metric screw threads — General plan bolts of dimensions . Bolts. screws. If. For undated references. Fasteners — General requirements 1 . specifications other than those listed in this International Standard are required. ISO general screw threads purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 3: Deviations for constructions/ ISO 3269. studs and nuts — Product grades A. ISO 3506-1. ISO 898-1. 7 ‘rm~x ‘“’X = - fillet ~~in.:” .IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 ISO 10683. f !’ w b a m m a I. t x — 2“ . . see Table 1 Figure 1 2 . Symbols and designations of dimensions are defined in ISO 225.:’ _ .. ~~~ = 1. Maximum underhead lf. .—— _ 1./c s 1 . Gauging of hexagon sockets applied zinc flake coatings 3 Dimensions See Figure 1 and Table 1.——. Fasteners — Non-electrolytically ISO 23429. / I R l—. to & but in every case shall be free from burrs.IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:-2004 Permissible alternative form of socket Top and bottom edge opf the head --A- For broached sockets which are at the maximum limit of size the overcut resulting from drilling shall not exceed 1/3 of the length of any flat of the socket which is e12.— a A slight rounding b Point chamfered c Inmmplete or countersink at the mouth of the socket is permissible. el 2 (e/2)/3 . f Bottom edge of head may be rounded or chamfered Figure 1 (continued) .~In are specified. to ISO 4753.—l + I or for sizes M4 and below “as rolled” according thread u <2 P. “ —. e Top edge of head may be rounded or chamfered as shown at the option of the manufacturer. d d~ applies if values of 1S. — — I c c+ c u i-— I — w u c c m 0 — — — C-N 0 n -4 0 — — — 0“ 0 — — (T (0 0 .IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 L ‘u 1 u . -. 0 — .- E L c x . < m m 0“ Coin -to — — -. a — 4 . m i 0— — N 0“ — 0“ — k 0“ w -. — — a c .— E z . 5 .IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 .. . 1= min.734 2.00 41. min. min.29 12.26 22 pa bb ref.24 5. 1= min.275 27.5 3 4 5 6 6 10 12 niin.8 70.5 52 30.00 36.00 63.6 42. 1.67 25.6 17 17.23 17. max. min. min.06 24 4.7 3.571 3.61 30.Table 1 — Dimensions (continued) Dimensions in millimetres Thread (d) (M14)h 2 ‘M16 2 44 M20 2.5 72 45. f lf max.73 15. 2.67 17.6 14 14.33 41. 02 & ~e.67 22.17 6.00 63.45 16.275 22.00 19.26 2 46 46.4 36. 1. 1* max.4 M30 3.00 35.6 M24 3 60 36.38 1.04 24.76 5. 19 max.34 16.71 9.00 41.08 34 5.65 max. 40 .00 24.24 6.531 5. nom.46 63 56. 19 max.00 13. 21.17 5.38 1. 2. 1.33 20.81 10.67 21. 1= min. max.6 52. rhin.6 23.54 46.26 2 41 41.67 15.33 23.996 1.00 30. 1.00 15.2 32 32.065 19 3.d min.065 15.54 15.54 83. 19 max. 1.48 1 22 22.29 10.33 29.212 12. 19 max.89 30.6 36 36.c di( max.91 48.48 0.61 33.71 11.3 M48 5 108 72.34 77. lg max.54 95.76 7.00 63.00 96.33 32.00 72.4 20.33 36.2 61.8 k t : w 19 min. max max.032 8 1.00 47. min.6 48.212 14.48 0.154 2.61 36.4 30.5 M56 5..00 21.7 16. lg max.7 14.8 3.46 62. max.131 3. min.73 13.95 56.3 M42 4.716 1.95 64.00 55. min.61 26.00 47. min.00 19. and grip length lS 1.032 7 1.57 0.6 82.00 54.87 8.3 2.08 38 6. 2.6 12 12.05 10 2 28.33 46.46 7Y 64.00 29.89 36.2 4.46 71.2i5 19 M64 6 140 96.00 84..00 35.24 8.4 20.39 44.5 124 84.54 52.437 2.00 13.76 4. r min.854 2. 19 max.06 42.1 M36 4 84 54. s’ max.61 41.00 23. Shank length 1.4 34.4 24.00 55. .04 20. min. 1.35 min.54 39.275 19.00 15.8 24.00 29.54 52. 19 max.065 12 2.00 45.5 3 43.54 45.5 96 63.08 28 4.8 19 19. . lg max.67 19.4 94.57 0.38 1 27 27.45 14.39 35. min min.61 13.831 5.00 23.46 53. nom. . . 7 .IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 .. max — 1s. see ISO 23429. m.n f Combined gauging of socket dimensions e and s. m~* – P h The size in brackets should be avoided if possible. d For knurled heads.Lengths below the shaded area have values of lQ and 1. = nom — b 5 lg.Oa a P is the pitch of the thread. Lengths in the shaded area are threaded to the head within 3 in accordance with the folloWing formulae: P. 1 –1 g. . e emln = 1. c For plain heads. b For lengths between the bold stepped lines in the unshaded area.. Table 1 — Dimensions (continued) g The range of commercial lengths is belween the bold stepped lines.74 Sm. IS 2269:2006 tSO 4762:2004 4 Requirements and reference International Standards See Table 2. A4-50.9 > M39: as agreed International Standards Product grade ‘olerances international Standard As processed Requirements for electroplating are covered in ISO 4042. A5-70 > M24 and < M39: A2-50b. for other property ISO 261. A3-70. Acceptance procedure ISO 898-1 — Requirements and reference International Steel ‘Standards steel Non-ferrous metal Stainless ISO 8992 5g6g for property ctass 12.. A3-50. Requirements for nonelectrolytically applied zinc flake coatings are covered in ISO 10683. 10.9 is Hexagon socket head cap screw ISO4762-M5x20-12. is covered in ISO 3269. 1 For stainless steel screws machined from bat it is permissible to use grade Al-70 for sizes < M 12 and the product shall be marked ‘ For stainless steel screws machined from bar it is permissible to use grade Al -50 and the product shall be marked accordhgly.. Limits for surface discontinuities are covered in ISO 6157-1 and ISO 6157-3 for property class 12.9. Table2 fiaterials . A5-50 > M39: as agreed ISO 3506-1 A classes:6g As agreed ISO 8839 1s0 4759-1 Plain Plain Requirements electroplating covered in LSO 4042. ISO 965-3 < M24: A2-70a.9 9 .8. ISO 965-2. nominal length / = 20 mm and property class 12. 12. EXAMPLE A hexagon designed as follows: socket head cap screw with thread M5.9. A4-70.eneral requirements International Standard Tolerances “bread International Standards M3: as agreed Property Mechanical properties class z M3 and < M39: 8.9. for are — ‘inish . Wface discontinuities — ~cceptabllity lccordingl y. . IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 Annex A (informative) Masses In Table A. 1 approximate masses of screws with commercial lengths aFe given for information only. 10 . 195 0.0 90.2 89.86 8.0 107 116 48.25 2.3 42.70 5.0 84.0 68.495 0.1 — Masses Thread Nominal length 1 mm 2.2 14.2 32.55 6.0 73.85 kg/dm3) (for information only) M36 M42 M48 M56 I M64 ON *g ~to IQ ““ .1 54.0 20.15 4.8 71.1 58.95 2.Table A.3 42.0 58.4 32.86 1.5 58.9 63.70 2.0 97.090 0.4 10.295 0.9 31.415 0.1 13. .30 9. IQ do g8 1900 . in kilograms per 1000 pieces (p = 7.0 63.4 15.1 39.0 78.355 0.9 30.45 2.3 36.0 53.525 0.9 24.80 1.175 0.3 77.5 45.3 80.1 35.100 0.9 28.5 50.975 0.61 1.120 0.160 0.9 22.67 0.32 7.36 1.16 1.07 5.91 11.7 4&9 52.53 7.9 71.5 64.01 4.345 0.0 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 71.466 0.65 3.95 3.9 46.09 7.9 12.!55 0.585 0.45 4.405 0.0 12.65 2.0 16.96 1.78 5.8 84.140 0.255 0.1 98.63 4.65 4.4 27.4 67.9 18.0 96.5[M3]M4/M51M6 M12 ] (M14) I M16 M1O M20 I M24 M30 1~ 8 Approximate maaa.59 8.6 106 114 122 130 138 154 170 186 202 218 234 250 266 282 128 139 150 161 172 183 194 205 216 241 266 291 316 341 366 391 416 441 491 541 270 285 300 316 330 345 363 399 435 471 507 543 579 615 651 687 759 831 903 975 500 527 554 581 608 635 690 745 800 855 910 965 1020 1080 1130 1240 1350 1460 1570 1680 1790 870 910 950 990 1070 1150 1230 1310 1390 1470 1550 1 630 1 710 1 870 2 030 2 190 2 250 2 410 2 570 2 730 1370 1420 1470 1580 1680 1790 1890 2000 2100 2210 2 320 2 420 2 640 2 860 3 080 3 300 3 520 3 740 3 960 2040 2180 2320 2460 2600 2740 2880 3020 3160 3 300 3 590 3 870 4 150 4 430 4 710 4 990 5 270 3340 3530 3720 3920 4110 4300 4490 4 680 4 880 5 270 5 650 6 040 6 42o 6 810 7 Z()(y 7 580 5220 5470 5730 5980 6230 6490 6740 6900 7250 77513 8 250 r3 750 9 260 9 760 10300 Gz M1.825 0.3 15.7 39.9 25.4 91.80 0.50 1.71 0.1 13.0 33.110 0.215 0.15 3.085 0.705 0.6 I M2 /M2.0 37.9 22.9 26.375 0.9 20.88 0.65 1.75 6.220 0.5 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100 110 120 i30 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0.180 0. BIS CERTIFICATION MARKING Details available with the Bureau of Indian Standards.IS 2269:2006 ISO 4762:2004 NATIONAL ANNEX A (National Foreword) A-1 PACKAGING The packaging of hexagon socket set screws shall be in accordance with IS 1367 (Part 18) :1996 ‘Industrial fasteners — Threaded steel fasteners — Technical supply conditions: Part 18 Packaging (third A-2 revision)’. 12 . I. NAGPUR.Bureau of Indian Standards institution established under the Bureau BIS is a statutory of Mian Standards Act. marking and quality goods and attending Copyright BIS has the copyright of implementing designations. Review to connected of all its publicatiwrs. Sector 34-A. Eastern Vll M.2323 9402 New Delhi 110002 website: www.23378561 { 23378626. along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that are needed. This does not preclude the free use.I. Issued Since Publication Text Affected Amend No. GUWAHATI. or if the review indicates should ascertain Users of Indian Standards edition by referring that they are in possession and ‘Standards: to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ has been developed Amendments This Indian Standard from D.oc: No. in the country.T. ‘reviewed periodically. CHANDIGARH 160022 Southern : C. Te/e@ones 23230131. Kankurgachi KOLKATA 700054 Northern : SCO 335-336. PUNE. BHUBANESHWAR. AHMEDABAD. in the course of necessary type or grade BIS.. CHENNAI 600113 Western : Manakalaya. MUMBAI -Branches: E9 MlDC. VISAKHAPATNAM. HYDERABAD. LUCKNOW. V. Date of Issue . Campus. BHOPAL. in any form without the prior . relating to copyright of Indian Standards as the need arises on the basis of comments.T. Printed at Simco Printing Press. No part of these publications 2603843 { 2609285 22541216.22541442 { 22542519.28327892 COIMBATORE. it is taken up for revisicm. 1986 to promote certification of harmonious development of the activities matters of standardization. that changes Standards are also Amendments no changes are issued to standards a standard are Regional Central Offices: : Manak Bhavan.23233375. Scheme Telephones r 23237617 ~ 23233841 23378499.bis. be addressed (Publication). FARIDABAD. Marol. Delhi . Andheri (East) 400093 BANGALORE. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. PG/BP 33 (0495). 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 : 1/1 4 C.f? Road. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan. NALAGARH. RAJKOT. IV Cross Road. JAIPUR. PATNA. KANPUR. of the latest amendments Monthly Additions’. Enquiries in writing of BIS. GHAZIABAD.22542315 28329295. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg..permission the standard.28327858 { 28327891. such as symbols to the Director may be reproduced and sizes.1.
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