IS 1599.2012.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: kkbot_clab | Category: Bending, Plasticity (Physics), Mathematics, Engineering, Science



इंटरनेटमानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 1599 (2012): Metallic Materials - Bend Test [MTD 3: Mechanical Testing of Metals] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” . . ’ January 1986 .24 0 Copyright 1986 BUREAU MANAK Gr3 OF BHAVAN. INDIAN STANDARDS 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 ZAFAR MARG .163.IS:3260-1965 amdIS:4598-1968) Indian Standard ( Reaffirmed 2006 ) METHOD FOR BEND TEST (Second Revision) Third Reprint FEBRUARY 1997 UDC 669 : 620.-- 18:1599-1985 (fbpsrscdi~~g IS:1692-1974. New Delhi .Indian Standard METHOD FOR BEND TEST ( Method8 of Second Rev&km) Physical Tests Sectional Committee. KULKAEWI Soar J. S. DAS GUPTA Directorate General of Technical Development SEBI K. ABBOL SEBI S. KULKABNI ( Altmatr ) Mining & Allied Machinery Corporation Ltd. PRABHU ( Afttmu~ ) National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ). Dastur ) ( Haryana ) & Co ( P ) Ltd. GHOSH SHBI D. Jamshedpur SHBI S. A. Jamshedpur SEBI P. CHAKBABORTY SERI H. V. WALXA ( Alimats ) Ministry of Railways SERI N. Ichalkarrnji SERI S. Calcutta DR A. Calcutta SHIKI A. BOXDE ( Altmatr ) SHRI SUJIT Kmraa BASU Sxxar S. K. V. DE ( Altnncrtr ) Fuel Instruments & Engineas Pvt Ltd. SBN GWTA ( Aftma& SHRI K. SEEI V. HAQUE SERI A. C. S. MAHE~WARY ( Altern& ) Indian Aluminium Co Ltd. N. SHRI M. CHAKRAVARTY Manbsrs SERI R. SHRI S. KUXAX DurgaPur ( Cbntimud onpug BUREAU I OF INDIAN ) STANDARDS This publication is protected under the Indian cwiht Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the publisha shall be deemed to be an h&ingement of copyright under the said Act . RAOHOTHAYA RAO ( AUrrnotr ) Blue Star Limited. GARO and Production ( Air ). S. Bombay SEBI B. BEATIA 1 SHBI R. Calcutta SEBI K. R. HORE SRRI S. D-AI. G. SMDC 3 chakman R~~rrzmthg The Tata Iron & Steel Co Ltd. CEEEIAN SERI PAIVKAJ DE ( Affematr ) Indian Telephone Industries Ltd. F. SOBTI ( ~kI7kdr ) National Test House. S. K. Bangalore DR R. NqDelhi SEBI P. Durgapur Steel SRBI T. GEHAXI \ SRBI G. Canaur M. V. Calcutta Quality Marking Centre. K. G. MAJUMDAR ( AuIIMk ) The Tata Iron and Steel Co Ltd. N. IC. Amritrar Steel Authority of India Ltd ( Durgapur Plant ). IC. TEWARI ( Ahnatr ) Usha Martin Industries Ltd. BISWAS Bharat Steel Tubes Ltd. Bombay SEW H. SWAIUIAPPAX Indian Register of Shipping. IS1 / 2 iU& ) . SR~IVASAN ( Altmatr ) ( CSIR ). Jamshedpur SHBI C. N. GOPALAKEISHNA ( Altemutu) Aeronautical Laboratory ( CSIR ). SARKAB Caicutta . SHRI D. TANEJA SHRI S. SEABXA ( Alterm& ) The Indian Tube Co Ltd. NANDA Ltd. SERI A. MAZUMDAR SRRI A. C. CHAKBOBOBTY ( Altarnotr ) Associated Instrument Manufacture-’ ( India ) Pvt SERI V. Directorate General of Supplies SARI R. A. K-AR ( Altmuk ) SteelB?. CEAKRAVARTI ( Alfemute ) and Disposals. BASU ( Altrmatr ) Directorate General of Civil Aviation. S. C. N. RADEAKRISENAX Bangalore Da V. PADXA~ABH~IN ( CSIR ). IS1 ( Ex-o&is SFI~I JAOYOHAX SINQE Deputy Director ( Metals ). SERI K.5HYrk~AYAX $EBI R. Durgapur Steel Authority of India Ltd (Rourkela Steel SHRI M. K. RANA RAO ( Altmat~ ) Miiirtry of Defencc ( DGI ) SHRI $. RAO . B. N. New Delhi Soar S. S-1 YADH~IR SINWI !~RI SERI P. LUXAWAT SRRI R. Calcutta K.Jamshedpur DR D. K. Laboratory National Metallurgical DR V. LAK. TRIPATEY ( AfWnutr ) Director Director ( Stuc & Met ) General. D. National SHBI S. N. JAIH ( Al&mate) Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute SHRI R. J. RA~EAVJWDRAX. PEASAD Plant ). K. SHARYA Ministry of Defence ( R&D ) SEW K.$rity of India Ltd ( Bokaro Steel Plant ). R. R.ISrlrn-1985 ( cG7atifIludfirm pug#1) R@resmlt~g MnnbrrS Avery India Ltd. Rourkela SHRI N. New Delhi SHIU I?. PANDEY ( Altarnuts ) Ministry of Defence ( Ordnance Factories Board ). SAHA New Delhi SERI S. Rend test’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization. it shall be done in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. While reviewing this standard in the light of the work done by ISO/TC 164 ‘Mechanical Testing of Metals’ at the international level.1 This standard thus supersedes the following Tndian Standards: IS : 1692-1974 Method for simple bend testing of steel sheet and strip less than 3 mm thick IS : 3260-1965 Method for bend test for copper and copper alloys IS : 4598-1968 Method for single bend test for aluminium and aluminium alloy sheet and strip of thickness between 0’2 mm and 7 mm 6. observed or calculated. after the draft finalized by the Methods of Physical Tests Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council. is to be rounded off. if the final value.2 This standard was iirst published in 1960 and was revised in 1974.IS:1599-1985 lndian Standard METHOD FOR BEND TEST ( Second Revision ) 0.4 In reporting the results of test or analysis made in accordance with this standard. 0. the Sectional Committee responsible for this standard decided to revise this standard so as to have a single Indian Standard on Method for bend test amalgamating three other Indian Standards on the subject.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 28 February 1985. 3 .3 This standard is based on the International Standard IS0 7438-1985 ‘Metallic materials . *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( rrrrisrd). 0. 0. FOREWORD 0.2. rectangular. and/or products. SCOPE 1. or polygonal cross section to plastic deformation by bending. depending on the requirements of the standard. It applies. 21 The bend test consists of submitting a test. piece of round. SYMBOLS AND a plane the two material.1 This standard specifies the method of conducting bend test for determining the ability of metallic materials to undergo plastic deformation in bending. square. without changing the direction of loading. for which other 2. to the bend test of test pieces taken from metallic products as apecilied in the relevant product standard. until a specsed angle of bend is reached. PRINCIPLE ’. 1 and 2 and specified in Table 1. specified DESIGNATIONS 3. lie flat against each other or may be parallel at a distance.19S5 1. 3. 2.2 This standard is not applicable to certain materials for example tubes in full section or welded joints. standards exist. 1.IS I1599 . lateral surfaces may.2 The axes af the two legs of the test piece remain h perpendicular to the axis of bending. TABLE 1 SYMBOLS AND DESIGNATIONS 0 (asshownin Figurer ) UNIT D~~I~~~TxoN SYMBOLS Thickness or diameter of test piece ( or diameter of the inscribed circle for pieces of polygonal cross-section ) mm Width of test piece mm Length of test pice mm Distance between supports mm Diimeter mm of mandrel Angle of bend dew-- Internal radios of bend portion piece after bending 4 of test mm . an insert being used to control this distance.1 Symbols and designations used in the bend teat are shown in Fig. In the case of 130’ bend. 1 The bend test shall be carried out equipped with the following devices: 4 Bending Fig.IS:1599-1985 4. TEST EQWMENT 4. 1. 3. and with a V-block 4 Bending in testing supports machines or presses and a mandrel as shown in and a mandrel device with a clamp as shown in Fig. 2. device with two b) Bending device Fig. 1 SIMPLE BEND 5 Taa as shown in . 1 FIG. 1 ). 6 . 2 Fro.2 Bending Device with Supports and a Mandrel 4. 3 BEND TEST BY TSSEUSE OF V-BLOCK BEND TEST THROUGH AN ANGLE OVER A SPECIFIED RADIUS’ 4.2. supports shall be rounded to a radius between 1 and 10 times the thickness of the test piece and shall be sufficiently hard ( see Fig. The test piece of the mandrel is determined by the material standard.1 The length of the supports and the width of the mandrel shall The diameter be greater than the width or diameter of the test piece.IS:15!99-1985 Fro. 3 ). TEST PIECE 5. 4. 2 ).1 Round. shall be taken as approximately: the distance between fhe supports. it may be eq&pped with a lever for applying force to the test piece ( see Fig. and b) When the width i) 20 & 5 mm ii) Between 20 greatei than 5. iti acceptable provided the resultant bend is satisfactory. scratches or marks are formed which might adverse@ affect the tert result.Thedevice consists of a c@mp and a mandrel of sufficient hardness. is acceptable protided the resultant bend is satisfactory. During bending.3 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant standard. of the V-block sha’ll form an angle of 4. testin@ e test piece.4 Thickness of a product is more than 20 mm: for products of thickness less than 3 mm. square. the &ected. Any areas of the mpterial #%cted by shearing or flame cutting and similar operations during the +ting of tejt pie& SW a removed. The munditig shall be made in such a way that no transverse.the test piece shall be as follows: a) The same. the unmachined side shall be the tension-side surface of the test piece.1 The thickness of the test piece from sheets. the width of. I 1=D+3a and shall not change during the bend test.1 The tapered surfaces 180” . and and 50 mm for products of thickness equal to or 3 mm.2 The edges of the V-block shall be rounded to a radius between 1 and 10 times the thickness of the test piece and shall be sufEciently hard. However. strips and sections shall be equal to the thickness of the product to be tested. when the width of the product is equal to or less than 20 mm. rectangular or polygonal cross section test pieces are used in the test.3. 5. 4. testing a test pi-. 7 . parts of whii have not been removed. the edges of which have not been rounded.4 Bending Device with a Clamp . However. it may be reduced by machining one surface to not less than 25 mm.3Bending Device with a V-Bl6ck 4. If the thickness of the product is greater than 25 mm.a ( see Fig. burrg.3.2 Unless otherwise specified. 5.4.4. 5.2 The edges of rectangular test pieces shall be rounded to a radiw not exceeding one-tenth of the thickness of test pieces. of the Test Piece 5.2. Tests carried out under controlled conditions shall be made at a temperature of 23 f 5°C. section teat piece shall be submitted In case to the bend test in the cross section equal to that of the product.4 may be subjected to the bend test.7 The length of a test piece depends on the thickness of the test piece and the test equipment used. it shall be reduced to not less than 25_mm ( SM Fig.6 By agreement but not in cases of dispute.2 The bend test is carried out using specified in the relevant standard: one of the following methods 4 That a specified angle of bend is achieved under for the given conditions ( 8~ Fig. 6 ). 55 6. and 4 That the legs of the piece are in direct contact while under the force ( see Fig. 8. b) That the legs of the test piece are parallel to each other at a specified distance apart while under the force ( see Fig. When the diameter or the inscribed circle diameter. PROCRDURR 6.2 and 3 ). castings and semifinished products. 4 h6ITION OF BEND TRST POLYcmaL PIECE IN ROUND OR SBCTIONS In the cam of forgings. Fro. 7 ). 4 ). of the test piece exceed 30 mm up to and including 50 mm. the dimensions of the test piece and sampling shall be as specified in the relevant standard or by agreement.5. it may be reduced to not less than 25 mm. the urmachined side shall be the tension-side surface of the test piece. During bending. 6. the diameter ( for a round cross section ) or the inscribed circle diameter ( for polygonal cross section ) does not exceed 50 mm.3 and 5. 8 the force and . 1. When the diameter or the inscribed circle diameter.2 The round or polygonal cross.1 In general. test pieces of a greater thickness and width than those specified in 5. of the test piece exceeda 50 mm. 6. the test is carried out at ambient temperature between 10 and 35%.4. 3. 9 . 6. 2 ) and bend it in the middle between the supports by the action of a continuously increasing force. after its preliminary bending. test is that of bending over a mandrel 6. is further bent between the parallel plates of the press. An alternate method of ( SC84. Apply the bending force slowly ao as to permit free pkutic flow of the material. as indicated in 6. 1 ) or on the V-block ( se8Fig. The thickness of the insert shall be defined in the relevant standards or by agreement.3. by application of a continuously increasing force. 6 ) where it is further formed by application of a continuously increasing force to obtain parallelism of the legs.4 ). complete the bend by pressing directly on the ends of the legs of the test piece ( $88Fig. Fro.5 If specified. 7 ). lay the test piece on the supports ( see Fig. to obtain direct contact between the legs of the test piece ( sueFig.1 If it is not possible to bend the test piece to the specified angle in the manner described in 6. the test piece.IS:1599 -1985 6.S In the bend test to a specified angle of bend.3 and then placed between the parallel plates of the press ( scc Fig.4 In the bend test to parallelism of the legs. 5 ). 5 BEND TEST THROUOHA SPECIFIEDANGLE 6. The test may be carried out with or without the inrert. the test piece may be bent first. 7. 6 BENDTEST THROUGHAN ANKLEOF’180” OVER A SPECIFIEojR~n~~ Fm. the material standards. ’ is always considered as a minimum.1 The interpretation of the bend test is carried out according to the requirements of. . test. specified in material rtandards. it is considered as a maximum..FIG. 10 .2 The angle of bend. If the internal radiusof ‘a bend is specified. absence of cracks visible without the usebf magnifying aids is considered as the evidence that the test piece withstood the ‘bend ... 7 7. INTERPRETATION BEND TEST TO FLAT CONDITION OF RESULTS 7. When these requirements are not specified. 1985 8. etc ).! ! IS : 1599 .1 The test report shall include the following information: 4 Reference to this standard. and 4 Test result. Cl Shape and dimensions of the test piece. 11 . cast number. b) Identification of the test piece ( type of the material. TEST REPORTS 8. direction of the test piece axis relative to a product. 4 Test method.
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