Is 15462 2004_Modified Binders
Is 15462 2004_Modified Binders
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IS 15462:2004Indian Standard POLYMER AND RUBBER MODIFIED BITUMEN — SPECIFICATION ICS 75.140 @ BIS 2004 BUREAU MANAK OF BHAVAN, INDIAN 9 BAHADUR DELHI STANDARDS SHAH 110002 ZAFAR MARC NEW February 2004 Price Group 6 fully automated mobile plants with high shear mixing facility are also imported to provide high modified bitumen at the locations of hot mix plants. These repeated groups can be formed from one or several different molecules (monomers). Over the years. Coal and Related Products Division Council. Polymer and rubber modified bitumen. which are crumb rubber powder and natural rubber powder or in latex form. The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex D For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. Principal chemical agents used to prepare rubber and polymer modified bitumen are : Elastomeric Thermoplastic Polymers a) Polyethylene b) Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymer c) Ethylene-Methyl Acrylate Copolymer d) Ethylene-Butyl Acrylate Copolymer Elastomeric Thermoplastic Polymers a) Ethylene Ter-Polymer b) Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Block Copolymer c) Styrene-Isoprene-Styrene Copolymer d) Styrene-Butadiene e) Latex and Other Rubbers t) Styrene Butadiene Rubber Natural Rubber (Latex or Powder) Crumb Rubber or Treated Crumb Rubber PE EVA EMA EBA ETP SBS m SB SBR NR CR While preparing this standard. The modified bitumen is prepared at refineries or at suitable centrally located or mobile plants with high shear mixing f+cility. New Delhi. Mixing at site by simple stirrer is not advisable. Recently. The table below lists the groups of principal modifiers which are used to modify bitumen for highway engineering applications and are also specified in Indian Road Congress (IRC) and Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) standards. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revise#)’. PCD 6 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards. . Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee.Bitumen. These are macro-molecules in which the same group of atoms is repeated very large number of times. after the draft finalized by the Bitumen. The most commonly used type of modifiers are rubbers and polymers. specifications and codes of practice. crumb rubber powder (ordinary) or chemically treated crumb rubber and elastomers or a blend of polymeric and other additives compatible with bitumen or a short residue obtained after refining of crude oil. considerable assistance has been derived from IRC SP: 53-2002 ‘Guidelines on use of polymer and rubber modified bitumen in road construction’ prepared by Indian Road Congress and clause 520 of specification by Ministry of Road Transport& Highways. different types of modifiers have been used to make modified bitumen. Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum. often abbreviated as polymer modified bitumen is obtained by the incorporation of thernlopIastics. expressing the result of a test or analysis. observed or calculated. Agents other than synthetic polymers can also be used to modify bitumen. the definition given in IS 334 shall apply.1.1. 4 CLASSIFICATION 4.1 Type A. constitute provisions of this standard. NOTE — Homogeneity is very important for (Iesircd performance of polymer and rubber modified binders. The following standards contain provisions which. The use of higher shear mixer is essential. b) Type B PMB(E) — Elastomeric thermoplastics based.1. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below: IS No.1 The polymer and rubber modified bitumen shall be classified into four types as given below : a) Type A PMB(P) — Elastomeric thermoplastics based. these should be prepared at refinery or by appropriate industrial process and plant having high shear device. Pm(p) 70 PMB(P) 70 means that Type A PMB(P) corresponding to this grade has penetration value between 50 to 90. application and in-service. through reference in the text.IS 15462:2004 Indian Standard POLYMER AND RUBBER MODIFIED BITUMEN — SPECIFICATION 1 SCOPE This standard covers the requirements for physiochemical properties of rubber and polymer modified bitumen binders for use in highways. 4. airfield and other allied construction and maintenance works. Type B and Type C shall be further classified into three grades according to their penetration value and T~e D shall be further classified into three grades according to their softening point values as given below: 4. the editions indicated were valid. c) TWe C NRMB — Natural rubber and SBR latex based.1 Terminology For the purpose of this standard.1 a) Grades of ~pe A PA4B(P) PMB (P)120 PMB(P)120 means that Type A PMB(P) comesponding to this grade has penetration value between 90 to 150. and e) Maintain premium properties during storage. Hence. b) Resist degradation at mixing temperature. and d) Tjpe D CRMB — Crumb rubber/treated crumb rubber based. c) Capable of being processed by conventional mixing and laying machinery. b) . 2 REFERENCES 3 DESCIWTION When used as bitumen modifier. 73:1992 Title Specification for paving bitumen (second revision) Glossary of terms relating to 334:2002 bitumen and tar (third revision) 1201:1978 Methods of testing tar and bituminous materials : Sampling @rst revision) 1203:1978 Methods of testing tar and bitious materials: Determination of penetration @-st revision) 1205:1978 Methods of testing tar and bitious materials: Determination of sotiening point @-st revision) 1206 (Part 1): 1978 Methods of testing tar and bituminous ~terials: Determination of viscosity : Part 1 Industrial viscosity @s& revision) 1208:1978 Methods of testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of ductility (first revision) 1209:1978 Methods of testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of flash point and fire point (first revision) 9381:1979 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of FRAASS breaking point of bitumen 9382:1979 Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials: Determination of effect of heat and air by thin film oven test 1 3. selected polynler/ rubber or a blend of w’o or more modifiers shall have the following properties: a) Compatible with bitumen. At the time of publication. d) Produce required coating viscosity at application temperature. 1 Material and Manufacture Over the years.2 kPa at 10 rad/s. c) at 25 “C. In case PMB is prepared using a penetration grade bitumen. Jfin Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 15 ‘C. which have been trial tested in India and countries abroad are polyethylene. hin “ FRAASS breaking point. Min Or Complex modulus as (G*/sin 6) as h% 1. Min Or Complex modulus as (G* /sin 5) as A4in 2.5) S1 No.IS 15462:2004 c) PMB(P)40 PMB(P) 40 means that Type A FMB(P) corresponding to this grade has penetration value between 30 to 50. shall be used. Max Viscosity at 150 “C. Ref to A \ Annex % No.0 kPa at 10 rad/s. Table 1 Requirements of Polymer Modified Bitumen PMB (P) (Elastomeric Thermoplastic Based)-T@e A (Clause 5. ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers. 5. Table 3 and Table 4 respectively. 2 .1. 5s Softening point. 5.1 mm. “C. (6) I L(J3 ‘-A1205 9381 1209 (7) . 0. 100E. “C. at a temperature. Max Flash point. Max b) Reduction in penetration of residue. The PMB. styrene butadiene styrene block copolymer.5 The polymer modified bitumen of Type A. difference in softening point. different types of material have been investigated as additives for bitumen modifications. Grades of ~pe B PA4B(E) PMB(E) 120 PMB(E) 70 PMB(E) 40 Grades of ~pe C NRMB 120 NRMB70 NRMB 40 NRMB 4. 5. (v) is subject to agreement between the buyer and tbe seller. 11Relevant 10 snow bound cold climate areas. Max d) Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 25 “C. Type B. 5 w~ 5. Table 2. “C. at a temperature “C (3) 90 to 150 50 -20 220 50 PMB 70 (4) 50 to 90 55 – 16 220 40 PMB 40 (5) 30 to 50 60 –12 220 30 Grade and Requirements Method of Test.1.4 Modifier shall not de-mix on heating at 170°C or later during cooling.0 7 35 35 58 3 2-6 70 3 3-9 1. styrene butadiene.1.’) “C. ethylene butylacrylate.3 a) b) c) 4. (R&B). b) c) 4. percent.2 a) Some of them. “C. the later shall conform to IS 73 and its revisions as applicable.4 a) b) c) Grades CRMB CRMB CRMB of ~pe D CRMB 50 55 60 NOTE — CRMB 50 means that Type D CRMB corresponding to this grade has softening point value 50 “C minimum. Max a) Increase in softening point. 5. Type C and Type D shall also conform to the requirements given in Table 1. percent.0 5 35 35 1206 (Part 9382 1205 1203 — I) c B — — — — A vi) vii) viii) 1. natural rubber and crumb rubber from used truck tyres treated by gilsonite etc.1. R&B. Poise Thin film oven tests and test on residue : Loss in mass. ethylene methylacrylate.0 6 35 35 52 58 70 c NOTE Requirement at S1No. 1) Ii) iii) IV) v) — — A 52 3 1-3 1. “C Separation. percent.2 The material shall be homogeneous and shall not foam when heated at 170°C. in the ingredient materials. shall be prepared by blending a suitable penetration grade bitumen or a feed stock (short residue) compatible with additives at refinery or any other plant having adequate (high shear) mixing and blending facilities.1.3 No mineral matter other than naturally present. percent.1. COC. Characteristics / PMB 120 (1) (2) Penetration at 25”C. &fin Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 15“C. bound cold climate area 3 . 5 s. “C. ‘).0 7 35 50 1. 0. Annex (6) (7) 1203 1205 9381 !209 A — 1206 (Part 1) 9382 1205 1203 — B B -- Softening ponrt (R&B). 131astlc recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 25”C.0 5 35 50 Reduction in penetration at 25°C.<eleYant to snow.0 6 35 50 1. at 25”C. Max residue. 100 g. peercent.0ss in mass. difference in softening point 4 2-6 — 1206 (Part I) B .- (R&B)‘C. Min II Relevant to snow bound cold climate areas. kfr7X Viscosity at 150 “C. percent. 1. Table 3 Requirements of Polymer Modified Bitumen (NRMB) (Natural Rubber Based)-~e C (Clause 5. A4in (3) 90-150 45 -20 220 50 4 (4) 50-90 50 -16 220 40 (5) 30-50 55 –12 220 30 4 (6) 1203 1205 9381 1209 — — A (7) Grade and Requirements Method of Test.. &fin 40 35 40 25 — A I. Max Increase in softening point “C.. Max Flash point. Characteristics ~ (1) i) Ii) Iii) iv) v) VI) vii) viii) Penetration (2) at 25”C.“C.5) S1 No. “C. Rcf to 1) i]) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) t]li) FRAASS breaking point. (3) 90 to I 50 50 -20 220 70 3 1-3 (4) 50 to 90 55 -16 220 70 3 2-6 (5) 30 to 50 60 -12 220 70 3 3-9 Grade and Requirements Method of Test. 0. “C. &fin Separation. percent. Max of residue. Max Elastic recouery of half thread in ductilometer at 25”C. 100 g.0 6 9382 1205 1203 Reduction in penetration of percent. percent. COC. Min Separation. “C. 5 s point (R&B). Max Flash point. difference (R&B).A4in FRAASS breaking point.5) s] No. Ref to A \ <S No.1 mm. COC. Poise Thin film oven test and tests on residue : I-3 3-9 I. percent. ‘) “C. Poise Thin film oven test and tests on residue : a) b) c) d) Loss in mass. Min Elastic recovery of half at I 5°C. peercent. .o 5 40 20 ~) b) c) d) 1. Max thread in ductilometer in softening point Viscosity at 150”C. Characteristics ~ (1) (2) Penetration Softening at 25 “C.1 mm.0 7 1. pereent.IS 15462:2004 Table 2 Requirements of Polymer Modified Bitumen PMB (E) (Elastomeric Thermoplastics Based) -Type B (Clause 5. Mnx 1. Increase in softening Max point.“C. “C. “C.5 Criteria for Conformity S1 No. Max Increase in softening point. “C.4 Number of Tests 6. percent.5. Lot Size (No. Max Viscosity at 150”C. Min Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 15 “C.6 I?] shall be greater than or equal to the minimum specification limit specified in Tables l.4.IS 15462:2004 Table 4 Requirements of Polymer Modified Bitumen (CRMB) (Crumb and Modified Crumb Rubber Based)-~ D (Clause 5. taking all the precautions mentioned therein. 6. All these samples from individual containers shall be stored separately.Min Flash point. from all individual samples taken from each sampled container. 1.2) 6.2. Characteristics ~ (1) (2) Penetration at 25”C. Min 6 SAMPLING CONFORMITY 6. of Containers) (2) upto 51 to 10 I to 201 to 301 to 50 100 200 300 500 No.4.0 5 40 35 9382 1205 1203 A — ~) d) Reduction in penetration at 25”C.3 are satisfied.2 The number of containers to be selected at random from the lot shall depend upon the size of the lot and shall be in accordance with Table 5. the mean (X) and the range (R) shall be calculated. percent. 100 g. a composite sample prepared by mixing together equal quantities of PMB. 0.5. &fin Separation. 1) 11) iii) iv) v) vi) 501 and above 6. samples shall be tested for softening point and elastic In any consignment.6 R] shall be less than or equal to the maximum specification limit specified in Tables l.1 Lot AND CRITERIA FOR separation tests shall be conducted as per the methods prescribed in Annex A and Annex B. 6. all the containers of PMB of same category and grade from the same batch ofrnanufacture shall be grouped to constitute a lot. 6.5. and [X+O. Poise Thin film oven test and tests on residue — 1206 (Part 1) B — a) b) Loss in mass. “C.1 mm. penetration and elastic recovery. Table 5 Number of Containers to be Selected (Clause 6. COC. recove~.1 The lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements of this standard. percent.1 AI1 the individual separation. as the case may be.2 and 6. /----+----> (6) 1203 1205 1209 — Ref to (7) — — — A 1) ii) iii) IV) v) vi) vii) <70 50 220 50 4 1-3 : ==60 55 220 50 4 2-6 <50 60 220 50 4 3-9 Softening point (R&B). of Containers to be Selected (3) 2 3 4 5 7 10 (1) 6.3and4. 5 s. Max Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 25 “C. Max of residue.2 For the remaining characteristics. 6. “C. penetration.5.0 7 40 35 1.5) S1 No. The elastic recovery test and b) 4 .0 6 40 35 1. difference in softening point (R&B).2.2 From the test results of compatibility (separation test). percent. (3) (4) (5) Grade and Requirements Method of Test.3and4. shall be tested. The following conditions shall be satisfied : a) [X+O.2 an average sample representative of the material in the container shall be drawn in accordance with the methods prescribed in IS 1201.3 From each of the containers selected as in 6. if the conditions mentioned under 6. 2 shall satisfy the corresponding requirements of the characteristics given in Tables 1.0 10. Record the length of the recombined specimen as X.5 30.3 The composite sample when tested for the characteristics mentioned in 6. Immediately cut the test specimen into two halves at the mid-point using the scissors. A 3. 7 PACKING AND NLMU.0 17. may also be marked with the b) c) d) Month and year of manufacture. A-4. and Moulds — As per where 10 X= length of recombined specimen. A-2 PRINCIPLE The elastic recovery of modified bitumen is evaluated by comparing recovery of thread afler conditioning for 1 h at specified temperature and the specimen is elongated up to 10 cm deformation in a ductility machine.1 fO.3 BIS Certification 7. –DL A – B – C– D– E– FIG. 7. This is intended to assess degree of bitumen modification by Elastomeric additives. A-4 PROCEDURE A-4. The cross-section of thread shall be as shown in Fig.3.3 and Tables 1. ANNEX A (Clause 6.1 Packing Polymer and rubber modified bitumen of all types shall be suitably packed in a container as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier.1 Ductility Machine IS 1208 and Fig.0 10.1 t 0. 7. Elongate the test specimen at the specified rate to a deformation of 10 cm at a rate of 5 * 0. 2. A-5 REPORT Calculate the percent /elastic recovery by the following procedure : 10-x Elastic recovery (%) = x 100 This is a simple test intended to optimize dose of polymeric additive in bitumen and also help in assessing quality of PMB in laboratory.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau ofIndian Standards Act.3 DETERMINATION A-1 SIGNIFICANCE ~ USE and 4) OF ELASTIC RECOVERY A-3. Marking 7. if any. and Batch number. Keep the test specimen in the water bath in an undisturbed condition for 1 h before testing.UNG 7.1 t 0.2 Marking Each container of PMB shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following: a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark.1 mm mm mm mm mm 1 DESIGN OF MOULD FOR ELASTIC RECOVERY A-3 APPARATUS A-3. Type of the material and Grade.2 Thermometer — Any standard thermometer (ASTM 63 “C) of equivalent range and accuracy shall be used.3 Each container Standard Mark. 3 and 4.2 After the 1 h time period.3 Scissors — Any type of conventional scissors capable of cutting modified bitumen at the test temperature. move the elongated half of the test specimen back into position near the fixed half of the test specimen so the two pieces of modified bitumen just touch.1 Prepare the test specimens in a set of three moulds as per dimensions given in Fig. 1. 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made there under. 36.IS 15462:2004 6. The details of conditions under which the license for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.5. I ~ 0. 1.4. 1 and condition as prescribed in test method of IS 1208. < .2. A-3.4 Scale — Any transparent scale of measuring up to 25 cm with + 1 mm accuracy.25 cmhnin.0 ~ 0. Leave the tubes in the freezer for a minimum of 4 h to solidify the sample completely. The complex 6 . Phase angle (sin 6) and G*/sin 5 of modified bituminous binders. B4 REPORT Report the difference. B-3. The top and bottom sample form the same tube should be tested at the same time ih the softening point test.IS 15462:2004 ANNEX B (Clause 6. B-2. and 4) OF SEPARATION to pour. Fold the excess tube over two times. and place the top and bottom portions of the tube into separate beakers. pour 50. capabie ofmaintaining 6. B-2.4 mm ( 1 inch) diameter B-2.3 Freezer. and crimp and seal. in “C. This standard is appropriate for unaged material and material aged in thin film oven or rolling thin film oven.4 Rack. The complex (G*) modulus and phase angle (sin 6) define the resistance to deformation of the binder in the visco-elastic region. B-3.7 mm (5.4 After thoroughly stirring. B-2 APPARATUS Tubes — 25. taking care to keep the tubes in a vertical position at all times.2 Place the rack containing the sealed tubes in a 163 + 5 ‘C oven. Modified bitumen’s relative stability to separation under storage in static conditions is detel-mined in heated oven storage without agitation. B-3 PROCEDURE B-3.2 Oven. and piace immediately in the freezer at 6. After through stirring. FOR DETERMINATION OF COMPLEX MODULUS C-2 SIGNIFICANCE AND USE The test temperature for this test is related to the temperature experienced by the pavement in the geographical area for which the use of binder is intended. used to hold the test sample ciuriog the conditioning. It provides a reference for determining the relative separation properties between different types of bitumen modifiers and their respective bitumens.0 g into the vertically held tube. Discard the centre section. pour the top bottom samples into appropriately marked rings for the ring and ball softening point test. Heat the sample carefully until sufficiently fluid ANNEX C (Table 1) METHOD C-1 SCOPE This method covers the determination of complex modulus (G*).5 inch) length blind aluminum tubes (thickness of foil 1 mm).7 + 5 ‘C. Particulate materials in binder is limited to particles with longest dimensions less than 300 micrometer. with sealed end down in the rack. B-2.1 Place the empty tube. B-3. Cut the tube into three equal length portions with the spatula and hammer. remove the rack from the oven. At the end of the period. The shear modulus is an indicator of stiffness or resistance of binder to deformation under load at specified temperature. capable of maintaining 163+ 5°C. Pass the molten sample through IS Sieve of 600 micron mesh size.5 Spatula and Hammer — The spatula must be rigid and sharp to allow cutting of the tube containing the sample when at a low temperature.3 Upon removing the tube from the freezer. Place the beakers into a 163 + 5°C oven until the bitumen is sufficiently fluid to remove the pieces of aluminum tube.2.7 * 5°C. The conditioning consist of placing a sealed tube of modified bitumen in a vertical position at 163 + 5(’Cin an oven for a period of 48 h.3 and Tables 1.1 Aluminum and 136. Prepare the rings and apparatus according to details given in IS 1205. Allow the tubes to stand undisturbed in the oven for a period of 24 + 4 h. sealed tube of polymer modified bitumen. Care should be taken to prevent iocalized overheating. B-2.3 DETERMINATION B-1 PRINCIPLE The separation of modifier and bitumen during hot storage is evaluated by comparing the ring and ball softening point of the top and bottom samples taken from a conditioned. capable of supporting the aluminum tubes in a vertical position in the oven and freezer. between the softening points of the respective top and bottom samples.. place it on a flat surface. Thermocouples and thermistors are not reliable to + O. deflection angle and torque. The system shall be capable to record and calculate the shear stress. The range of test temperature lies in between 350C and 85°C depending upon grade. In the second method. The heated binder is poured in to a rubber mold and allow to cool. an environmental chamber. C=l TEST EQUIPMENT The test equipment comprises following items : a) Dynamic Shear Rheometer Test System — A dynamic shear rheometer consisting of parallel metal plates. A resistance thermal detector mounted inside the environmental chamber. If the load is stress controlled. thermistor.0 mm is suitable for measuring the temperature of a dummy specimen sample ofbinder. The detector shall be used to control the temperature in the chamber and provide a continues read out of the temperature during the mounting. phase angle (sin 8) and shear modulus (G*/sin 8) of binders using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer and parallel plate test geometry. Total system compliance to 100 N.05 mm in diameter. in intimate with fixed plate with a range of 35 to 850C readable h) J] e) to the nearest 0. When the air is used as medium a suitable drier must be included to prevent condensation of moisture on the plates and fixture. The mold consisting binder maybe 7 d) . binder is heated until fluid to pour. The standard is suitable for use when the comp!ex modulus (G*) varies between 100 Pa and 10 MPa.10C unless calibrated to a standard traceable to the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) and must be calibrated with associated meters or circuitry. C-3 SUMMARY OF TEST METHOD This standard contains the procedure used to measure the complex modulus (G*). shear strain. There are two ways to prepare the sample for testing (1) Bitumen binder can be poured directly onto the spindle in sufficient quantity to provide the appropriate thickness of material.m torque shall be< 2m. The complex modulus (G*) and phase angle (sin 6) are calculated as apart of the operation of the rheometer using software available with the equipment. The required amplitudes depend upon the values of complex shear modulus of binders being tested. one of the parallel plate is oscillated with respect to the other at pre-selected frequency and rotational deformation amplitudes. Test Plates — Metal test plates with polished surface. or RTD with a thickness or diameter <2. or (2) a mold can be used to form the disk of material to be tested. The recommended frequency of testing is 10 rad/s. Specimen Mold— A silicone rubber mold for preparation of test specimen.IS 15462:2004 modulus and phase angle are used to evaluate per fon-nance aspect of modified bitumen. conditioning and testing of the specimens.m. During the testing. the loading shall apply a cyclic torque suftlcient to cause an angular rotational strain accurate to with in 100 micron radian of the strain specified. complex shear modulus and phase angle of binder at specified test temperature. The loading device shall be capable of providing either a stress control or strain controlled load. If the load is strain controlled. The base plate in some rheometer is a flat plate. type and conditioning of the test sample. 10C for the test temperature ranging from 35 to 850C is needed. Control and Data Acquisition System — The control and data acquisition system shall provide a record of temperature. Environmental Chamber — A chamber for controlling the test specimen temperature by heating or cooling. operator should have sufficient experience to apply exact quantity of binder. one 8 + 0. rad/N. the loading device shall apply a cyclic torque accurate with to within 10 mN. frequency. Then the disk can be placed between the spindle and fixed plate of DSR.m of the torque specified. a loading device and a control and data acquisition system. where elastic recovery is insignificant. Platinum RTDs are typically not suitable because they are too large to fit in the gaps between the plates in the DSR. Specimen Trimmer— A specimen trimmer with a straight edge at least 4 mm wide.5 mm in diameter and one 25 + 0. The temperature in the chamber may be controlled by the circulation of fluid or conditioned gas. The medium for heating and cooling the specimen in the environmental chamber is either a gas or liquid that will not affect binder properties. Temperature Controller — A temperature controller capable of maintaining specimen temperature within + O. Test specimen of 1 mmthic~ 25 mm diameter or 2 mm thick and 8 mm diameter are prepared between parallel metal plates. In the first method. 1‘C by heatkg and cooling of upper and lower plates. The test specimen is maintained at the test temperature within *O. Loading Device — The loading device shall be capable to apply a sinusoidal oscillatory load to the specimen at the frequency of 10 rad/s. Calibrated Temperature Detector — A calibrated thermocouple.1 W. f) d b) c) C-5 PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMEN A disk of binder with diameter equal to the oscillating plate (often called a spindle) of the DSR is needed for testing. A complete report includes following parameters: a) b) c) G* to the nearest three significant figures. C-6 TEST PROCEDURE Bring the specimen to the test temperature +0. it moves the base plate up. For the present specification only value of G* and sin 6 are required. On some rheometer. rheometer measures the stress required to achieve the set shear strain and then maintains this stress very precisely during the test.O(G*/sin 5) 2. which is approximately 1. The specification require oscillation speed to 10 radls. the extra 50 micron is dialed so that gap is exactly at the desired value and specimen bulges slightly. the sample is fust conditioned by loading the specimen for 10 cycles and then 10 additional cycles and then are applied to obtained test data.26 8 1. This step is normally occur immediately prior to the testing.59 Hz. The gap is adjusted by means of a micrometer wheel.1 degrees. High test temperature of 460C or greater require a small gap of 1 mm. % 9-15 8-12 d) e) f) Testing consist of using rheometer software to set the DSR to apply a constant oscillating stress and recording the resulting strain and time lag. the final step in preparing the specimen is to slightly readjust the gap between the spindle and the lower plate so that a slight bulge is evident near the edge of the spindle. test plate size to nearest nearest 1 yrrL 0. and strain amplitude to the nearest 0. testing consist of using the rheometer software to select appropriate strain value as under: Material Original binder TFOT residue kPa 1. Regardless of the method used for preparation of the specimen. The proper specimen thickness is achieved by adjusting the gap between the spindle and fixed plate.01 percent.After the sample is correctly in place and test temperature appear stable then allow the specimen for 10 min at the set temperature of the specimen to equilibrate. Hard materials are tested at strain value of about 1 percent. sin 6 to the nearest 0. Then the sample is removed from the mold and placed between the fixed plate and oscillating spindle of the DSR. Relatively soft materials tested at high temperature are tested at strain values of approximately 10-12 percent. Turning the wheel allows precise positioning the spindle and base plate related to each other. A linear region may be defined at small region where the modulus is relatively independent of shear strain.2(G*/sin 8) Target Strain.2(G*/sin 8) The test temperature as per requirement of specification for complex modulus value of 1kPa(G*/sin 8) for original binder and 2. A computer is used with DSR to control test parameter and record test results. This gap must be set before mounting the binder sample but while spindle and base plate are mounted in the rheometer at the test temperature. When operating in a stress controlled mode. Shear strain values vary from 1-12 percent and depend on the stiffness of the binder being used . After the specimen is trimmed flush with upper plate. The micrometer wheel is graduated usually in units of micron. The shear stress is calculated from the applied or measured torque. test frequency to the nearest 0.1 mm and gap to test temporary to the nearest O. In the beginning of the test. Variation in shear strain is normally control led by rheometer software. The excess binder beyond the edge of the spindle should be trimmed. select an appropriate stress level using sof~are as under : Material Original binder TFOT residue kPa Target Stress Stress. the operator should set the approximate value of shear strain.12 0. . The linear region is defined as range in strains where the complex modulus is 95 percent or more of the Ostrain value. % 12 10 Strain Range.1 rad/s. High temperature measurement require a large spindle (25 mm) and low temperature a small spindle (8 mm). The thickness of the bitumen binder disk sandwiched between the spindle and fixed plate must be carefidly controlled. the operator shall set the gap at the desired value of 1 000 or 2 000 micron. the micrometer wheel moves the spindle down. Thickness of the gap use depend on the test temperature. With the specimen mounted. The shear stress varies nearly tlom O at the centre of the plates to a maximum at the extremities of the plate perimeter. This region will vary with magnitude of complex modulus .2 kpa (G*/sin 8) for residue of thin film oven test shall be calculated from the plot of (G*/sin 6) and temperature for compliance of specification. In the initial stage of the test. The operator need not worry about setting the value of applied stress.22 0.18-0.09-0.15 0. The actual temperature equilibration time is equipment dependent and should be checked using a dummy specimen with very accurate temperature sensing capabilities. When operating in a strain control mode. C-7 INTERPRETATION PRESENTATION OF RESULTS AND DATA The complex modulus (G*) and phase angle (sin b) decrease with increasing shear strain.IS 15462:2004 placed in a refrigerator until it attains solid consistency. The shear strain can vary small amounts from the set value to achieve the constant stress. measure or applied strain and the geometry of the test specimen. On other. 10C. kPa Range kPa 0.O(G*/sin 5) 2. Instead.l“C. The rheometer software automatically compute and report values of complex modulus (G*) phase angle (sin 8). Mumbai Indian Institute of Petroleum. SARKAR SHRIULLASH GHOSH (Ahermfe) Projects Limited. P. GANDHI SHRIA. SHRIS. AOARWAL (A~rernute) Ministry of Defence (DGQA). P. ROY SHRIV. Chennai Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. H. CELLY SHRIB. K. K. TYAGI SHRIM. S. SHRIN. ]. S. K. V. K. S. KALA (Alternate) SHRIU. P. New Delhi Army Headquarters. S. K. New Delhi (Department of Surface Transport). K. GLJPTA SHRIMOHDANWAR(Affernate) Indian Oil Corporation Indian Oil Corporation Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Marketing SHIO MANOJMATHOR SHRJ PREMKUMAR(Alternate) Limited (R&D Centre). SHUKLA DR H. SHARMA (Aherrmfe) DR (SHRIMATI) A. BASU SHRIS. Mumbai SHRJ S. GIXTA (Alternate) COL V. BHAITACHARYA SHRIU. SINHA SHFO SANJAY NIRMAL (Alternate) SJNOH SHSU AJAY SHM A. B. Directorate General Border Roads. New Delhi Lloyd Insulations (India) Limited. PRABHAKAR (Al?ernale) Hindustan Colas Limited. K. SKDAR (Chairman) SHRISUNIL BOSE(A/ierwate 1) DR P. Ministry of Surface Transport New Delhi SHRJ S. Kolkata New Delhi National Building Organization. PAILY(Alrerrraze) Dr Uppal’s Testing and Analytical Durgapur SHRIR. S. RASTOGI (Alternafe) Indian Roads Congress. DHONGADE (Alternate) (Continued on pnge IO) 9 . PRASAD(Alternate) SHRJ A. K. PCD 6 Organization Central Road Research Institute. New Delhi SHRIJ. KAUSHAL SHJU K. SHFO A. JHAAIB SHRIV. Puru SHRIM. (R&P). K. K. Central Fuel Research Cochin Refineries Institute. K. JANAJ SHRIABHIJIT UPAOHYE (A1/erna/e) Materials and Technology Promotion New Delhi SHRIR. BHATNAGAR SHRIA. RAJENDR4N SHRIH. Debra Dun Division). Durgapur New Delhi Directorate General of Suppli’W and Disposals. A. Chennai Test House. C. JAIN (Alternate II) Bharat Petroleum Building Corporation Limited. K.IS 15462:2004 ANNEX D (Foreword) COMMTITEE COMPOSITION Bitumeu Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee. New Delhi Chennai National Petroleum Corporation Ltd. SINGH LT-COL R. Ghaziabad SHKIC. New Delhi Faridabad B. LAL SHRtA. K. K. SINHA(Ahernafe) SHRJ M. New Delhi Representative(s) PROFP. SAIRAM (Alternate) SHRI A. K. BHATTACHARYA (Aherrra/e) Dhanbad Limited. PADMANABWAN (Alternate) SHSU U. K. SHAYAM SUNDER SHFO B. CHAKFWORTY SHRJ S. Mumbai SHruP. SARAVANAVSL DR D. SHARMA (Alternafe) SHRIK. THIRUNAJCJWASU (Ahernate) SHRI VUAYK. SHRI R. Y MAHINDRAKAR SHSU A. G. Cochin Laboratory. Mumbai Council. BHANWALA (Alternate) Engineer-in-Chiefs New Delhi Highway Research Station. ANIL KUMAR(A//er/!a/e) Central Public Works Department. Debra Dun Faridabad Hyderabad SHRJ S. GHANSHAM DAS (Alfernate) s1”1’ 1 Imlted. TYAGI SHRIM. S. CHAUHAN (Alternate) SHRI N. Mumbai of Chemical of Petroleum. P. S. THIRUNAKKARASU (Alternate) SHRJ H. LInlvwsity Kolkata Roorkee of Roorkee.IS 15462:2004 (Co/lfllll(e{lfro/lfpflge 9) Organization l’ubllc Works Department. Ranchi Dhanbad Mumbai DR SHRISONIL BOSE(Alternate) Corporation Pvt Limited. SARAVANAVEL DR D.KANDASWAMY SHRI H. SHRIB. SHRIV. C. B. DAYANANDAN SHRIP. C. R. P. YADAV (Alternate) Indian institute Indian Institute DR K. M. B.K. New Delhi Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. BIS Bitumen and Tar Products Subcommittee. K. P. K. pllb]lC Works Department. JANAJ SHRIABHIJIT UPADHYE (Mtermfe) SHRIO. BARUAH SHRIT. Public Works Department. K. PROFH. Chennai Hindustan Colas Limited. MEHNDISATTA SHRIANJANKAR.B. New Delhi SHIU K. BHAITACWYA SHRIU. V. BHATTACHARYA (Alternate) Highway Research Station. Kolkata Representative(s) SHNAMEAVA CHATTERIEE SHRIRASINDRA NATHBASU(Akeraczfe) SHRIBCIRGE V. JAIN(Convener) Central Road Research Bharat Petroleum Bhilai Chemical Institute. P. ARORA(Alternate) (Continuedon page 11) 10 . RcgIonal Research Government Mumbai Uttar Pradesh Tamil Nadu Jorhat of West Bengal. PCD 6:2 P. Technology. KALA (Alternate) Indian Roads Congress. C. GUPTA DR J.A. BANSAL DR G. RAJORJA SHRIA. C. PLibltc Works Department.NANGALLIA Central Fuel Research DR (SHRIMATI) A. NAGPAL(Alternate) Indian Oil Corporation Limited (R&D Centre).%RI C. JAYARAMAN (Alternate) Laboratory. Institute. PRASAD SHRIU.PADMANAEHLN SHRJV. SINHA(Alternate) . New Delhi Limited. SHRIJ. DR R. ROY SHRJ G. Director & Head (PCD) 131S Dlrccto!-atc General [Representing Member Secretary (SHIUMATI) (DR) ViJAY MALIK Director General (Ex-ofiicio)] Director (PCD). Steel Authority DR S. K. SANAP(Alfernafe) SHRI S. New Delhi SHRIS. SHARMA (Alternate) of India. K. PARASURAMAN SHRIP. Mumbai DR GOPAL BHATLA DRR. SANTHANAM SHRIA. SARKAR SHRIULLASH GHOSH (Alfernafe) 11 .IS 15462:2004 (Continued from page 10) Organization Nahonal National Organic Chemicals Physical Laboratory. Vadodara Tinna Overseas Durgapur Limited. SHAH(Alternate) SHRJ BHOPENDER KUNIAR SHRIVIJAYK. K. Mumbai Representative(s) SHRIA. Industries. Neyveli of Maharashtra. K. DAS GOEL(. JHAMB SHRIV. C. AGGARwAL(A[ternale) Neyveli Lignite Corporation Public Works Department. New Delhi SHRIHIRENDRA K. K.4//ernafe) T]ki Tar Industries. Public Works Department. R. SEKHRI (Ahernde) Projects Ltd. Durgapur DR H. TAMBE SHRIV. MOTA SHN RAJESH K. BHATIA (Ahernate) New Delhi Limited. JAIN SHRIS. C. S. BALASUBFWMANIAN (Alternate) Government New Delhi SHRI S. R. I.23233375. CHENNAI 600113 : Manakalaya. Sector 34-A. BHOPAL. KANPUR. a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed. PATNA. 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Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. E9 MIDC. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. Scheme VII M.Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. if the review indicates that changes are needed. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 : 1/14 C. Standards are also reviewed periodically. LT.22542315 28329295. CHANDIGARH 160022 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all offices) Telephone 23237617 { 23233841 23378499. NALAGARH. RAJKOT. GUWAHATI. V. PCD 6 (1862). COIMBATORE. LUCKNOW. 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization. marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Marol. PUNE. type or grade designations. This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. This does not preclude the free use. it is taken up for revision. BANGALORE. 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