
April 2, 2018 | Author: ramachandra_20012040 | Category: Sheet Metal, Window, Door, Measurement, Engineering



IS : 1200 Part 15) - 1987( (Reaffirmed 1092 ) Indian Standard ( Reaffirmed 1997 ) METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING WORK PART 15 PAINTING, POLISHING, VARNISHING, ( ETC Fourth Revision ) SecondReprint SEPTEMBER 1998 UDC 69’003’12 : 698’12 0 Copyrfght 1987 BUREAU MANAK OF BHAVAN, 9 NEW INDIAN BAHADUR DELHI-I 10002 STANDARDS SHAH ZAPAR MARG Gr 3 Ocfober 1987 ETC ( Fourth Revision ) Method of Measurement of Works of Civil Engineering ( Excluding River Valley Project). K. Nangal Township. BAJAJ SHR~ P. AHUA SHR~K. D. Lucknow Government of Uttar Representing Central Public Works Department. K. New Delhi DIRECTOR( RATESAND COSTS) DEPUTY DIRECTOR( RATESAND COSTS) ( Akernate ) ( Continued on page 2 ) BUREAU 0 Copyright 1987 OF INDIAN STANDARDS This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act. V. ARCOT Smr T. Bombay Engineers India Limited. New Delhi Bhakra Management Chandigarh Board. POLISHING. Bombay Builders Association of India. Bombay Irrigation Department. DESHPANDB Maharashtra. JOLLY ( Alternate ) SnaI G.1987 Indian Standard METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING WORK PART 15 PAINTING. M. THAWANI( AIternate ) Government of Public Works Department. BDC 44 Chairman SHRI A. Bombay Ministrytlg . G. SITARAM( Alternate ) Snax N.. Government of Uttar DIRECTOR( IRI ) Pradesh. SHRI G. VARNISHING. . Pradesh.IS : 1200 ( Part 15 ) . B. BANERJEE Public Works Department. C. Bombay Port Tryst.f Shlppmg and Transport ( Roads SHRI R. ARORA SHRI R. Lucknow Central Water Commission. PANCHDHAR~ Members ADH~~HAS~ ABHAYANTR ( PARSHIKSAN ) DEPUTY DIRECTOR( GAWESHAN) I I Alternate j Smu 6. G. A. K. B. MALIK SHRI R. MATHUR Joint Director ( Civ Engg ). New Delhi SUPERINTENDING SURVEYOR OF WORKS ( AVIATION) SURVEYOROF WORKS I ( AVIATION ) ( Alternate ) Director General. MATANGE (Alternate SHRIC. P. M. Banaras DR. S. Chandigarh SHRI H. SHRI R. M. SHRI G. New Delhi Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch ( Ministry of Defence ). Calcutta SHRI ASHIT RANJAN KAR Haryana Irrigation Department. KHOSLA SUPERINTENDING ENGMEXR ( DESIGN ) ( Ahernate ) Institution of Engineers ( India ). JAHAGIRDAR JOINTDIRECTOR ( D ) SHRI A. MURTHY SHRI H. R. PATWARDHAN New Delhi SHRI C. N. LAHIRI SHRI K. LAHA Gamg.IS : 1200 ( Part 15 ) .iEba. G. TAMBANKAR ( Alternate ) SHRI N. N. New Delhi Construction Company Limited. DASTANE Hind. D. B. KARMARKAR ( Afternate ) Secretary SHRI K. Banaras Hindu University. B. K. Dastur Calcutta and Company Private Limited. K. RAMAN. BIS ( Ex-officio Member ) SHRI G. PATEL ( Alternote ) SHRI K. LAL ( Alternate ) Calcutta Port Trust. Calcutta SHRI R. C. GADI Institution SHRI D.baykerley and Company Limiteu. Bombay Gammon India Limited. Representing of Surveyors. Calcutta SHRI S. SINGH Hindustan Steel Works Construction Ltd. Indian Institute of Architects. G. S.1987 ( Continued from page i ) Members SHRI P. BIS 2 . PATEL SHRI B. PATNAIK National Industrial Development Corporation Limited? New Delhi National Bmldings Organization. SHRI V. Bombay 1 M. K. A. MADHOK SHRI R. K. BAHL ( Afternate ) SHRI DATTA S. SUBRAMANIAM Central Public Works Department. New Delhi MES Builders New Delhi Association of India ( Regd ). Director ( Civ Engg ) Bureau of Public Enterprises ( Ministry of Finance ). should be expanded so as to cover method of measurement applicable to civil engineering works. besides being applicable to buildings. measurement of building had been first to be taken up for standardization and this standard. having provisions relating to all building works. a unification of the various systems at technical level has been accepted as very desirable. POLISHING. the Committee decided that its scope. While it is recognized that each system of measurement has to be specifically related to the administrative and financial organizations within the department responsible for work.1This Indian Standard ( Part 15 ) ( Fourth Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 20 March 1987. specially as it permits a wider circle of operation for civil engineering contractors and eliminates ambiguities and misunderstandings arising out of inadequate understanding of various systems followed. ETC ( Fourth Revision / 0. 0. FOREWORD 0.IS : 1200(Part 15). several clarifications and suggestions for modifications were received and. as a result of study.2 Measurement occupies a very important place in planning and execution of any civil engineering work from the time of first estimates to final completion and settlement of payments of the subject. *Method of measurementof buildingworks ( revised ).4 In the course of usage of this standard ( IS : 1200-1964* ) by various construction agencies in the country. such as industrial project works. 0. after the draft finalized by the Civil Works Measurement Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. was first published in 1958 and then revised in 1964. 0. VARNISHING. 3 .3 Among the various civil engineering items. The methods followed for measurement are not uniform and considerable differences exist between practices followed by one construction agency and another and also between various Central and State Government departments.1987 Indian Standard METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING WORK PART 15 PAINTING. 2. This fourth revision covers modifications in respect of painting of steel work and inclusion of painting of flush doors. return of packings. 0.5 Since various trades are not related to one another. the order shall be consistent. the Committee decided that each type of trade as given in IS : 1200-1964* be issued separately as a different part. unloading.1 Clubbing of Items .7 For 1.Items may be clubbed together provided these are on the basis of detailed description of items stated in this standard. the final value. conveyance. This part covering method of measurement of painting.3 Description of Item .IS : 1200( Part 15 ) . glass panes. where necessary. etc. width and height or depth or thickness. NOTE . delivery.Part 13 ). be held to include. varnishing. etc.In booking of dimensions. iRules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).6 In the course of use of this standard in the past ten years. varnishing. observed or calculated.Method of measurement IS : 1200 (. and cleaning stains from floors. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-19601_. the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. which will be helpful to specific users in yari’ous trades. therefore.1 This standard ( Part 15 ) covers the method of measurement of painting. 2. protective cover. polishing. SCOPE 1.Description of each item shall. polishing.1987 0. of painting of building surfaces are covered in 2. GENERAL RULES 2.2 Booking of Dimensions . The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. 0. handling. storing. applicable to building as well as civil engineering works was. walls. etc. unless otherwise stated. in buildings and civil engineering works. and generally in sequence of length. 4 . besides updating the requirement so as to bring it in line with revisions of relevant Indian Standards. waste. suggestions for improvement of some of the clauses were received. expressing the result of a test or analysis. necessary scaffolding. issued as a second revision in 1968 and third revision in 1976. *Method of measurement of building works ( revised ). except where otherwise stated. bolt heads ( with or without washers ). shall be measured in square metres. plate and strip.1 Where special colours or other special finishes are required. as executed and as given below: a) Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.3 Painting work up to 10 cm in width or in girth ana not in conjunction with similar painted work shall be measured in running metres and shall include cutting to line where so required.5 m* each.6. and no addition shall be made for painting to beading. etc. and b) Areas shall be worked out to the nearest O-01 m*. burning off or stripping shall be described and the number of coats shall be stated. 3. of such openings. nuts ( with or without washers and including projecting portion of shank ) are picked out in a tint different from that of adjacent work. steel rods and steel strips forged steel.IS:12OO(Part15)-1987 2.of paint shall be measured separately on the basis of weight of steel work and iron work or in square metres. priming.2 In case of fabricated structural steel and iron work. moulding.7 Work on different surfaces shall be measured separately classified as follows and the preparatory work shall be described and included in the items: a) Non-absorbent b) Semi-absorbent 3. 2. and surfaces. it shall be so stated. jambs. Subsequent coats. 3.1. .1 No deduction shall be made for openings not exceeding 0. fibre-board. 2. and 2. such as knotting. edges. priming coat of paint shall be included with fabrication. sills. such as wood. rolled steel sections.5 Bill of Quantities . 3.Items of works shall fully describe materials truly represent the work to be executed. Work on surfaces previously painted shall be measured separately. steel castings and steel tubes shall be taken from relevant Indian standards. If rivet heads. The weight/area of steel sheet. 2. MEASUREMENT surfaces.4 Measurement . soffits.1 Painting. stopping and rubbing down. NOTE No addition shall be made to the weight calculated for the purpose of measurement of steel and iron work for the paint applied either in shop or at site.6 Preparatory work. these shall be enumerated and measured as extra over.All work shall be measured net in the decimal system.01 m. 5 . such as on steel and other metals. OF PAINTING 3. such as gate and turn straps.8 Painting on small articles.1 m2 of painted surface. metal ceiling/ roses.4 Small articles up to 0. b) Exceeding 0. rain-water pipes.5 ms. where not included in the item. Alternatively.1 Cutting to line. heads. areas of uneven surfaces being converted into equivalent plain areas in accordance witb Table 1.1987 3. 3. where not in conjunction with similar painted work. and c) Exceeding 0. 3.9 Flag staffs. heads and nuts or bolts. articles of builder’s hardware and the like when picked out in different tint or not in conjunction with similar painted work shall be enumerated. shall be included in the length.1 m2 and not exceeding 0.5 Painting on different types of work shall be kept separate and surfaces to be painted shall be described. different surfaces may be grouped into one general item. shall be measured separately in running metres. flood light towers. branches. metal switch-blocks.6 Corrugated sheet surfaces and Nainital pattern roof surfaces shall be included with plain surfaces after increasing their areas by the following percentages: a) Corrugated sheets b) Nainital pattern roof ( plain sheets with rolls ) c) Nainital pattern roof with corrugated sheets d) Asbestos cement sheets. etc. chimneys. 3. shall be enumerated.1s : 1200 ( Part 15 ) . water tanks.1 m2. corrugated e) Asbestos cement sheets. soil and ventilating pipes and steel poles shall be measured in running metres stating the size or girth. It shall be stated whether measurements are flat or girthed.10 Painting in repair work up to 1 m2 shall be enumerated in the following categories: a) Not exceeding 0. such as bends. 6 . NOTE - Areas exceeding1 m*shall be measuredas in 2. 3. over-head electric masts. 3. Fittings. 3. height and average girth. spires and the like requiring special scaffolding shall be measured separately stating the size.6.5 m2 and not exceeding 1 ms.3. semi-corrugated 14 percent 10 percent 25 percent 20 percent 10 percent 3.7 Painting on eaves-gutters. shoes. aerial masts ( not latticed ). chocks. Edges. etc. included In the item Partly panelled and Measured flat ( not girthed ) partly glazed or gauzed including CHOWKAT or frame. shall be deemed to be included in the battened and braced joinery item Measured flat ( not girthed ) Flushjoinery including CHO WKAT or frame.20 ( for each side 0.80 ( for each side ) 1. chocks. no deTile and slate battening duction shall be made for open spaces Measured flat overall. gratings.5 ) How MEASURED SURFACES MUL~PLYING FACTOR (4) included in the item Measured flat (not girthed ) Fully venetianed or including CHOWKATor frame. no deGuard bars.80 ( for each side 1 ( for each side ) I.30 ( for each side ) (2) (1) i) Panelled or framed and ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) (3) Measured flat ( not girthed ) including CHOWKAT or frame. etc. cleats. supporting members grills.80 ( for painting all over ) 2 ( for over) 1 ( for over ) painting all painting all ( Con hued ) 7 . etc.IS : 1200 ( Part 15 ) . joinery Edges. cleats. balustradduction shall be made for open es.20 ( for each side ) 1.20 ( for each side ) l-10 ( for each side ) I. louvred joinery Edges.measured separately Measured flat ( not girthed ) Wood shingle roofing Measured flat ( not girthed ) Boarding with cover fiilets and match boarding Measured flat overall. chocks. way shall not be measured separately Measured flat overall.05 ( for each side ) 0.1987 TABLE 1 EQUIVALENT SL No. Edges. shall be deemed to be included in the item Measured tlat overall Flush shutter Fully glazed or gauzed Measured flat ( not girthed ) including CHO WKAT or frame.. chocks. etc! shall be deemed to be. gates. shall joinery be deemed to . shall be deemed to be included in the item Measured flat ( not girthed ) Weather boarding supporring frame-w&k shall not be . expanded metal spaces: shall not be measured separaand railings tely 1. cleats. DB~CR~P~~NOF WORK PLAIN AREAS OF UNEVEN ( Glum? 3. etc. chocks. cleats. cleats. no deTrellis ( or JAFFRI ) duction shall be made for open work one-way or twosuppotting members spaces. Edges. braced or ledged and battened or ledged. measurement for the door frame and shutter on one face shall be taken in the manner already described. but not up to top of standards if they are higher than palisades. NATE 5 . rails. etc Measured flat ( not girthed ) including frame edges. window.Measured flat overall . collapsible gates.50 ( for painting all over ) NOTE 1 .Where shutter is provided with clearance exceeding 15 cm at top and/or at bottom. Nom 2 .d or enriched Measured flat Steel roller shutters Measured flat ( size of opening ) overall.The height shall be taken from bottom of lowest rail. edges of frames and shutters shall thereof shall be be treated with the one or the other type of finish and measurement deemed to be included in the measurement of the face treated with that finish. windows. if palisades. up to top of palisades.Measurement of painting of doors. etc tely ( see Note 1 ) :oy. and locking bottom rails arrangement. edges.shall not be measured separastays. shall be included in the item ( top cover shall be measured separately ) Measured flat ( not girthed ) including frame. do not go below it or from lower end of palisades.10 ( for each side ) O-50 ( for each side ) xviii) O-80 ( for each side ) xix) Measured flat (size of opening ) 1.Where doors. etc. are to be treated. braces. are of composite types other tha n those included in this table. different portrons shall be measured separately with their appropriate coefficients. etc. measurable under separate items. . of all iron Gttings in the same shade. rolling shutters. if they project below lowest rail. no desade fencing including duction shall be made for open supporting members standards. with different NO-~speciSed finishes. NOTE 3 . C’onrd SL DESCRIPTIONOF WORK How MEASURED : 1200( Part 15 ) . window. etc.JX~NQ (4) 1 ( for painting over ) (1) xiii) xiv) xv) (2) (3) Gates and open pali. centre line of common rail being taken as the dividtng line between the two portions.In case where shutters are fixed on both faces of a frame. etc Measured flat ( not girthed including frame edges. etc ) all 2 ( for each side ) l-10 ( for each side ) xvi) xvii) Plain sheet steel doors and windows Fully glazed or gauzed steel doors and windows Partly panelled and partly glazed or gauzed steel doors Collapsible gate 1. if required. etc. When two faces of a door. NOTE 6 . as given in this table shall be deemed to include painting. while the additional shutter on the other face shall be measured exclusive of the frame. such openings shall be deducted from the overall measurement and relevant coefhcients applied. jamb guides.1987 TABLE 1 EQUIVALENT PLAIN AREAS OF UNEVEN SURFACES No. spaces. 8 . staining and varnishing on wood-work shall be measured in accordance with the work provisions contained in 3. block. 6. Alternatively. and the provisions contained in 3 shall be followed.1 Letters.or style.4. namely. . as for painting in accordance with the 8. stops.1 Polishing on wood-w&k shall be described as including all preparatory work and bodying-in and shall be measured in square me&es in accordance with the provisions contained in 3. commas. etc. VARNISHING 4. 7. POLISHING 5.1 Tarring shall be measured provisions contained in 3. WRITING LETTERS AND FIGURES 8.form. articles shall be described and enumerated.1 Application of sizing. PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT 6. italics. 5. hyphens and the like shall $e deemed to be included in the item.1 Surface application of wood preservatives shall be measured in square metres irrespective of girth or size. figures and similar items shall be enumerated stating height and . TARRING 7. Unit VI. AHMEDABAD 389001 * Peenya Industrial Area. 14/1421. Site IV. Campus. 1st Stage. CUCKNOW 226001 NIT Building. 323 3375.O. BHOPAL 462003 Plot No. Bangalore-Tumkur Road. T. PUNE 411005 T. BHUBANESHWAR 751001 Kalaikathir Buildings. BANGALORE 56002 Printed at Simco Printing 5501348 839 49 55 55 40 21 40 36 27 21 01 41 8-28 88 01 8-71 19 96 541137 20 10 83 37 29 25 21 68 76 23 89 23 52 51 71 26 23 05 32 36 35 621 17 27 10 85 309 65 28 222 39 71 695034 Press. 20/S. Andheri (East). Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg.T. GUWAHATI 781003 5-&56C. Barua Road. PATNA 800013 Institution of Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar. CALCUTTA 700054 323 76 17 337 86 62 60 38 43 235 23 15 832 92 95 Northern : SC0 335336. C-Scheme. Naval Kishore Road. 62-63. 670 Avinashi Road. 5th Floor. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM *Sales Office is at 5 Chowringhee Approach. 5th By-lane. Southern MUMBAI 400093 Branch Offices: ‘Pushpak’. Gokulpat Market. 29. NAGPUR 440010 Patliputra Industrial Estate. Road.323 9402 Fax : 91 11 3234062. NEW DELHI 110002 *Eastern : 1114CIT Scheme VII M. Sahibabad Industrial Area. Sahibabad 201010 Regional Central Offices: : Manak Bhavan.BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan.Sl 11 3239382 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all Offices) Telephone 0-77 0632 Central Laboratory: Plot No. Nampally Station Road. Bhadbhada Road.C. HYDERABAD 50060~ E-52. JAIPUR 302001 117/418 B. 43. Chitaranjan Marg. IV Cross Road.I. PO. FARIDABAD 121001 Savitri Complex. Ganga Nagar. Grant Road. NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones: 323 0131. Sector 16 A. Unity Building. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. CHENNAI 600113 TWestern : Manakalaya. Behind Leela Cinema. Gupta Marg. Palayam. 2nd Floor.N. Delhi . Road. R. Mathura Road. Maniktola. Khanpur. COIMBATORE 641037 Plot No. CALCUTTA 700072 TSales Office is at Novelty Chambers. BANGALORE 560058 Gangotri Complex. GHAZIABAD 201001 53/5 Ward No. ES. 116 G. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. CHANDIGARH 160022 : C. Princep Street.G. V. Sarvodaya Nagar.P. Second Floor.Sl 11 3239399.T. KANPUR 208005 Seth Bhawan. Nagar. No.I. Sector 34-A. MUMBAI 400007 *Sales Office is at ‘F’ Block.T. L. Narashimaraja Square. Behind Marol Telephone Exchange. University P. BIS. Note 6 ) — Insert the following after Note 6 ‘NOTE 7 — Multiplication faetm which may be needed for other intermediate caaea which are not covered in above. New Delhi. corrugated sheets 14 percent AMENDMENT [ Page 6.NO. POLISHING.ETC (Fourth Reviswn ) [ Page6. 1 MAY 2002 TO IS 1200( Part 15 ) :1987 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS PART 15 PAINTING. TaLdel. VARNISHING. and G. India . clause 3.’ ( CED 44 ) Reprography Unit.6(a)] — Substitute the following for the existing: a) M.6(e)] — Insert the following after (e): f) Aluminium corrugated sheet 12 percent ( Page 8.S. may be arrived at in line with the faetora reeormnended in the table.I. clause 3.
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