1 Copy Righted Material.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS BEFORE U CONSIDER THESE NOTES PLZ READ THIS. CONTENTS NOTES FROM KAPLAN Q BOOK & MOCK EXAM ---------------------------------------------- page 2 - 24 NOTES FROM PASSING STEP 2CK 2009 - 2010 ------------------------------------------------- page 24 - 65 NOTES FROM KAPLAN REVIEW BOOK 2009 --------------------------------------------------- page 65 - 134 NOTES FORM UW Q BANK 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------- page 134 - 199 BY THE TIME U FINISH THESE 199 PAGES U CAN CONSIDER UR SELF HAVING 4 REVIEWS. THIS MATERIAL CAN BE USE FOR PRIMARY PREPARATION BUT MEMORIZING THESE LITTLE STARS ARE THE KEY TO SUCCESS. IF U NOTES THAT POINTS ARE REPEATED, ITs ON PURPOSE DO NOT GET CONFUSED. NOTES FORM KAPLAN Q BOOK & MOCK EXAM ARE BASED ON HY POINTS (no description) NOTES FROM PASSING STEP 2 CK ALSO BASED ON HY POINTS (some description). NOTES FROM KAPLAN REVIEW ARE COMPLETE (good description). NOTES FROM UW Q BANK ARE SUBJECT WISE BASED ON HY POINTS (some description). GOOD LUCK IN UR EXAM. (u may need microsoft work to open this file) IRFAN MIR 2 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS INTERNAL MED * Anion Gap = (Na+ - K+) + ( HCO3 - - Cl-) Normal Anion gap is 8 - 14. * Normal Serum Osmolality = 280 - 300. * 0.1 + in pH ÷ 0.7 | in serum K+ * Every 100 mg Inc of glucose over 200 cause 1.7 mEq drop in serum Na+. * BMI = wt in lbs / Height in foot.. * BMI > 25 is over wt . BMI > 27.5 is Obese. BMI > 40 is Obesity with Inc risk of health problems. * Palm is 1% of BSA. * Pulmonary Thromboembolism ----- large S in lead I with deep Q in lead III and T inverted in various leads. * LUDWIG ANGINA --- Abscess of the floor of the mouth (danger of Airway Obstruction). * Leiomyoma are the most common tumor of women (20% of women) & is the most frequent indication of hysterectomy (which may restore fertility). * Leiomyoma --- (estrogen dependant) Asymmetric, Firm and Non tender vs. Edenomyosis --- Symmetric, Soft and Tender. * 2 types of Sarcoidosis ----- LOFGREN $ and HEERFORDT WALDENSTROME $. LOFGREN $ ---- Erythema nodusum, Arthritis and Hilar Lymphadenopathy. HEERFORDT WALDENSTROME $ ---- Fever , Parotid enlargement, Uveitis and Facial palsy. * FELTY's $ --- Rheumatoid Arthritis + Splenomegaly + Neutropenia. * Atrial fib + Pretebial myxedema suggest Grave Disease (hyperthyroidism). * Myasthenia Gravis is dx by Tensilon Test ( Edrophonium test ). * Influenza Vaccine is given to children who are on Aspirin therapy to prevent Rye $. * Proximal Facial nerve paralysis cause Paralysis of Stapedius muscle which results into Hyperacusis (Inc sensitivity to sound). * Nitrates in MI and Digoxin in CHF does not improve survival. * Hypomagnesaemia is common in Alcoholics due to renal magnesium loss. In the presence of hypomagnesaemia it is extremely difficult to correct hypokalemia (not even with high doses). That is why in this situation give magnesium and potassium supplement to correct the deficit. * LERICHE's $ --- Buttock Atrophy, Claudication with Impotence due to extensive Aortoilliac Occlusive dis from Atherosclerosis. * Hearing loss is most common sequela of meningitis in children, for that reason Auditory testing should be performed. * Pulsus Alternans suggest Left Ventricular dysfunction. * Choriocarcinoma (shows | hCG) occur after pregnancy and is highly sensitive to chemotherapy even if metastasis is present. * Pt with Breast mass plus Positive family Hx of breast cancer -------- Directly do Excisional biopsy. * Transverse cervical os means trauma to the cervix (may be due to previous vaginal delivery). * Estrogen or Stillbesterol can be used in Sickle Cell Anemia to prevent priepism (Do Needle Decompression or Surgery in Acute cases). * Shistosoma Hematobium Inc the risk of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder. * Signs of Pregnancy -- Amenorrhea, Chadwick sign, Hegar sign, Linea Alba, Cholasma, wt Gain and Abdominal mass. * Oral Contraceptives may cause | serum Thyroid Binding Globulin level which may reflect in | Total Thyroid Hormone level in serum. * Remember pt with Hypokalemia ------- shows dec or absent tendon reflex and Arrhythmia. * Autonomic Neuropathy in Diabetes can also cause Hypotension (amazing right ?). also gastroparesis. * Diabetic Double vision (occur due to cranial nerve VI palsy) is self limited and goes away with in 2 months or so. * Smoking is not linked with fetal organ abnormality but it does linked with Premature Rupture of mem, Abruptio Placenta, SIDS, Intrautrine fetal death. * Bronchitis In COPD --- commonly caused by Morexella and Hemophillus (are Gram - ve Coccobacillus). * In normal Physiologic Jaundice of new born phototherapy is not necessary. * Hemolytic uremic $ occurs in childrens after bout of infectious diarrhea specially E. Coli and primarily involves the kidney. vs. * Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic purpura occur in adult and is not associated with infection. Shows Neurologic, Renal & other organs sign & Sx. * Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura is due to Antibodies to platelets, it does not involve kidney and do not cause Anemia. * Hyperoxaluria -- commonly associated with small bowel dis or resection. (other causes are high dietary take, Ethylene glycol ingestion etc) * Lupus Anticoagulant paradoxically | the tendency to thrombosis; (pt also show false +ve VDRL for syphilis & 1st Trimester Abortion). * Factor V Leiden mutation (single point mutation) cause 25% of cases of Idiopathic deep venous thrombi with resultant pulmonary emboli. * Pt with Basal cell carcinoma ---- do directly Excisional Biopsy. * Hairy Leukoplakia (caused by EBV) occur in AIDS and is not associated with oral cancer vs. * Erythroleukoplakia is associated with Oral cancer. * Congenital Anomalies Inc the risk of Breech presentation. Uterine Anomaly, Fibroids, Multiple gestation also Inc the risk of Breech presentation. * Footling Breech should not be delivered vaginally where as dec birth wt, prematurity are other potential reasons. * Fibroids are the common indication of cesarean section. Fibroids cause menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhea, Infertility and rarely Fibrosarcoma. * Primary Prevention --- Prevents disease from occuring for eg. Antismoking program. * Secondary Prevention --- Detect and tx disease earlier to reduce prevalence for eg, cancer screening, digital rectal exam etc. 3 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Tertiary Prevention -- Help people reach the higher level of mental & physical functioning for eg in Psychiatric ward or after stroke rehabilitation. * Somogyi effect is insulin related effect, occur due to too high insulin dose in the evening, the blood sugar drops in the night as a reaction to this hypoglycemia, the body | blood sugar, thus you have an | blood sugar in the morning. tx - dec evening insulin dose. * Dawn phenomenon is an insulin-unrelated effect. as with somogyi effect, you have increased glucose in the morning, but the reason for this is an intrinsic, pyhsiologic production of growth hormone, which increases glucose. In contrast to somogyi effect, you will have a normal/high night blood sugar. tx is to increase evening insulin. * Indirect hernia is common in both sexes at any age. Femoral hernia is more common in women but not most common. * Implants are superior on Oral contraceptives (due to no need of daily compliance). Both are equally efficacious. Other methods are less effective. * Naloxone reverse the Opioid intoxication but can precipitate acute withdrawal. Opioid with drawal is not life threatening. * Anencephaly is associated with prolong gestation due to unknown reason. * Neonatal Conjunctivitis -- in first 24 hrs is due to chemical (erythromycin) ; between 2nd - 5th day is due to Gonococcus; between 5th - 14th day is due to chlamydia. * Virchow Triad -- vascular Stasis + endothelial damage + hypercoagubility. (it is the risk factor for deep venous thrombosis ). * Trousseau's sign -- pumping up air in a blood pressure cuff on arm elicit carpopedal spasm (tetany) due to hypocalcemia. * Chvostek's sign -- Tapping of the facial nerve elicit tetany due to hypocalcemia. * Tinel's sign -- tapping of volar surface of the wrist elicit Paresthesia of hand in Carpel tunnel $. * Prehn's sign -- Elevation of painful testicles relief pain suggest Epididimitis ( versus testicular torsion). * Kehr's sign -- Pain on the left shoulder with ruptured spleen. * Ortalini's sign/test -- abduction of flexed hip produce palpable or audible click, it suggest congenital hip dysplasia in infant. * Murphy's sign -- Arrest of inspiration when palpating under the right ribcage in pt with Cholicystitis. * Mac burney's sign -- tenderness at Mc Burneys point due to appendicitis. * Rovsing's sign Pain at Mc burneys point by pressing at LLQ. * Homan's sign -- Calf pain on forced dorsiflexion of the foot due to deep venous thrombosis. * Grey turner's sign -- Bluish discoloration of flank due to peritoneal hemorrhage (think of pancreatitis) * Cullen's sign -- Bluish discoloration of periumbilical area due to retroperitoneal hemorrhage (pancreatitis is one of the reason) * Cushing Reflex -- HTN, Bradycardia and Irregular respiration due to high Intracranial pressure. * Courvoisier's sign -- Painless palpable Gall bladder + jaundice due to pancreatic cancer. * Beck's Triad -- Jugular venous distention + Muffle heart sound + hypotension suggest Cardiac temponade. * Synchronized Cardioversion is used in Atrial fib vs. Unsynchronized Cardioversion is reserved for Ventricular tachycardia and fib. * Post Strep Glomerulonephritis show 1+ proteinuria vs. Minimal change dis shows 4+ proteinuria and lipiduria. * Aspirin does not cause gastric cancer. * Open angle Glaucoma is most common glaucoma, it cause gradual visual loss over the period of time. * Anticholinergic medication may exacerbate glaucoma. * Power is the probability of rejecting Null hypothesis when it is false. Best way to Inc power is to Inc sample size. * Type II error is to accept the Null hypothesis when it is false. * Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the liver. * Hemangioma are benign and should be left alone unless causing Sx such as bleeding pain etc. * Hashimoto thyroiditis ( Autoimmune etiology) is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in USA (characteristically nontender). vs. * Subacute thyroiditis (De Quervain's thyroiditis) tender / painful thyroidtitis, precede by upper respiratory viral inf. Cause Hypo / hyperthyroidism. * Liver clears activated clotting factors, for that reason in severe liver dis DIC can occur. * In Restrictive lung dis FEV Ratio is normal or slightly |. vs. In Obstructive pulmonary disease FEV Ratio is +. * Hepatitis A rarely can cause fulminant Liver failure. * TORCH Infection -- Perinatal Infection that can be pass from mother to fetus. Toxoplasmosis, Others, Rubella, CMV and Herpes. Other include HBV, Syphilis, VZV, HIV and Parvo Virus. * Fibroadenoma is the most common tumor of breast, It is well circumscribed, nontender, rubbery and moveable. vs. * Fibrocystic disease occur bilaterally, It is less well circumscribed, tender and cystic. * PCP -- cause Nystagmus (imp), Raging, violent, and hallucinating. Acidification of urine may help elimination of drug. PCP stay days in blood and available in pill and smoke. * Hemochromatosis markedly Inc the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. (imp) vs. Vinyl chloride Inc the risk Angiosarcoma. * Post Partum hemorrhage defined as > 500 mL blood loss during vaginal delivery OR > 1000 mL blood loss with C - section. * Betke - Kleihauer test is used to check pressure / quantity of fetal blood in maternal circulation (eg as in fetomaternal hemorrhage), It is also used to decide RhoGAM dose. * Nitrazine test -- detect Amniotic fluid in sample (it turn blue). It is used when Amniotic sac rupture is suspected. * Arterial Insufficiency ulcer (painful) and Neuropathic ulcer (painless) tend to occur on the under side of the foot. vs. 4 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Venous ulcer classically occur on the medial malleolus with Inc pigmentation around the ulcer (imp sign) * ALT > AST --- Viral hepatitis. vs. AST > ALT --- Alcohol Hepatitis. * Alpha thalasemia -- Sx start in utero or at birth. vs. Beta thalasemia -- Sx start at 6th months of life. * Epidural Anesthesia is safe and effective in most obstetric settings. * Visualization of the uterus at Introitus indicate uterine inversion. * Pneumococcal vaccine -- give to newborn, older > 65 yrs, Splenectomy / Asplenic pt, Immunodeficient, chronic dis such as DM, Renal failure etc. * Cryptorchidism is the most potent risk factor for testicular cancer (risk >50%). Surgical correction of cryptorchidism does not lower the risk of testicular cancer, it is done in order to preserve fertility. * Squamous cell carcinoma of GI tract is associated with Chronic alcohol use. vs. * Adenocarcinoma is primarily related to Barret Esophagus. * Lower motor neuron dis results into Inc fasciculation and fibrillation at rest. * Pityriasis Rosea -- appear as Classic hearld rash first than later as generalized eruption on trunk in Christmas tree pattern rash, lesion follow the skin lines, disease remit spontaneously. No tx except antihistamine for itch . * Inhalant abuse (gasoline, glue, varnish) --- cause euphoria, ataxia, slurred speech, and heightened sense of power. (effect last for minutes to hr). * Homosexuality and occasional kinky activities or fetishes are consider normal limits of sexual behavior. * LSD and marijuana are not confirm teratogens. * Breast feed should not be done by HIV +ve moms due to risk of transmission. * Proliferative Neovascularization ----------- tx with PAN RETINAL PHOTOCOAGULATION (It regress Retinal neovascularization) vs. * Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy ----------- tx with FOCAL LASER PHOTOCOAGULATION. * Glaucoma is more common in blacks and is #1 cause of acquired blindness in blacks in USA. vs. * Diabetic is #1 cause of acquired blindness in whites. * Too much tocolysis in pregnancy cause Hypermagnesemia which cause hyporeflexia, weakness, Respiratory depression or arrest. * Distal Pulses are usually palpable in Compartment $, Hypoesthesia, worsen 2 point discrimination are early and paralysis is late finding. * Risk of Uterine Atony Increases due to situation that over distant / exhaust the uterus, for eg. Polyhydramnios, macrosomia, prolong labour, Grand multiparity (5 or more deliveries), even OXYTOCIN. TX -- Dilute oxytocin infusion and Bimanual compression. If that fails use Ergonovine. If all fails do hysterectomy. * Massive Hemothorax (> 1 L of blood loss) -- do Thoracotomy to find out source. * Acute dystonia occur due to Antipsychotic (eg. halopridol) --- tx with diphenhydramine, Benztropin (anticholinergic), Trihexiphenidyl. * Absence Seizures also called Petit Mal seizures (almost never occur after 20 yrs of age). * Trush may be common in children but never common in adult. * Tinea Captis --- tx with systemic Greseofulvin. * Chicken pox is contagious for few days after appearance of rash. Varicella vaccine is live, avoided in immunocompromised (give immunoglobulin). * Small cell carcinoma of lung is almost contraindication to surgical procedure due to early metastasis. * Adenocarcinoma of lung tend to occur peripherically. vs. Squamous cell carcinoma of lung occur centrally. * Smoking is #1 cause of permature death in USA. * CRYOPRICIPITATE contain fibrinogen and factor VIII and can be used in hemophilia A, Von Willibrand disease and DIC. * Consolidation ÷ Dull to percussion, + breath sound, | tactile fremitus,| whispered pectoriloquy, | Egophony. * Polycystic ovary is the common cause of DUB. * Smoking is also the risk factor for cervical cancer specially if OCP are taken. * Obesity is the risk factor for endometrial carcinoma. (remember due to perpherically Inc estrogen production) * Prostate cancer ÷ | Acid Phosphatase level. (Acid phosphatase level | once cancer break through the capsule). Cause Osteoblastic metastasis. TX of metastatic prostate cancer is hormonal therapy with possible local radiation to spine. If medication fails do Orchiectomy and give GnRH, Androgen receptor agonist, Estrogen are often effective too. * Squamous cell carcinoma of lung ---- secret PTH vs. * Small cell carcinoma of lung ---- secret ADH (cause SIADH), secret ACTH ( cause Cushing $), Eaton lambert $. * G6P dehydrogenase deficiency -- common in black, bite cells are common in smear, Sulfa drug precipitate hemolysis due to oxidative stress. * Thiazide diuretics have paradoxic effect of decreasing the urine output in Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) that is why it is used to tx NDI. vs. * Demeclocycline and Lithium cause Diabetes Insipidus. * Chronic pancreatitis (show calcification on radiology) can cause Diabetes, frequent diarrhea and steatorrhea. * Polyhydroamnios ÷ can compromise maternal pulmonary function due to over distention effect. Inc risk of postpartum uterine Atony. * Normal Amniotic fluid vol is 500 - 2000 mL. * Polyhydroamnios -- causes are maternal Diabetes, Multiple gestation, Neural tube defect, GI anomalies, Fetal hydrop. TX is usually supportive. * Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism both can cause hypertension. 5 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Adenocarcinoma are more common distally 1/3 portion of esophagus, as it is associated with Barret esophagus. * Living will of depressed person should not be honored, It is honored after depression is treated successfully. * TX of diptheria is Antitoxin. * Retinal detachment is painless. * Abortion by convention implies < 20 weeks gestation. * Threaten Abortion is uterine bleeding with out cervical dilatation or expulsion of product. * Inevitable Abortion is uterine bleeding with cervical dilatation, cramps, abdominal pain with no tissue expulsion. * Incomplete Abortion is passage of some product of conception through cervix. * Complete Abortion is expulsion of all product of conception through cervix. * Missed Abortion is fetal death no expulsion of tissue (often foe several weeks). * Elective Induced Abortion is that one requested by pregnant women. * Therapeutic Abortion is done for maternal health reason. * Barbiturate and Benzodiazepine withdrawal results into seizures and cardiovascular collapse, gradual cessation is required. * Trazodone cause priepism. * Normal grief may last for one yr. * Neg predictive value tells u how likely it is that - ve test represents true absence of dis. * Specificity is the no of true negative. * BRAIN LESION LOCATION AND SXs ---- Frontal lobe lesion -- Apathy, Inattention, labile effect . Dominant frontal lobe lesion -- Broca (motor) aphasia. Dominant temporal lobe lesion -- Wernick's (sensory) aphasia. Temporal lesion -- Memory impairment, aggressive and sexual Sxs. Dominant parietal lobe lesion -- cannot read, write, name, or do math. Non dominant partial lobe lesion -- Ignore one side of the body, trouble in dressing. Occipital lobe lesion -- visual hallucination / illusion. Cerebellar lesion -- Ataxia, dysartheria, scanning speech, nystagmus, intention tremor, dysmetria. * Herpes Encephalitis in neonates classically cause temporal inflamation (which appear enhanced on MRI / CT scan), vesicular rash and seizures. * CHARCOT joint (also called Neuropathic joint) is a joint that becomes severely deformed secondary to loss of innervation and propioception or pain nerve fibers. This results into inappropriate and over use of joint . Common in DM, Syphilis, and Vit B12 def etc. * CT scan is preferred over MRI in setting of trauma and contrast is not used. * Ultrasound must be done first before pelvic examination because there is a danger that placenta previa may progress from a semi urgent situation to emergency, if placenta is disturbed on physical examination. * Proptosis or Exopthalmos is protrusion of eye it does not occur with Preseptal cellulitis. It must be distinguished from orbital cellulitis which is emergency and should be treated with antibiotics to avoid intracranial extension of the infection. If it occur due to Sinusitis than it is from Strep pneumoniae or H Influenza. If it occur from facial trauma than it is due to strept or staph. * Tocolysis with Ritodrine should not be used if pt has heart disease, HTN, DM, severe hemorrhage, Chorioamnionitis, Ruptured membrane or cervix dilation > 4 cm. * Tocolysis should not be used if fetus has anomaly incompatible with life or in setting of fetal demise. * If there is active Herpes genital lesion at the time of active labor, Cesarean Section is advised. * TCA have anticholinergic and o1 antagonist activity. Orthostatic hypotension may results from o1 antagonist activity. * Lack of sexual desire in elder is not normal. * Benign cause of Occulomotor nerve (CN III) lesion such as small vessel dis from HTN, DM, or both usually spare the pupillary reflex. (amazing ?) * Blockade of pilosabeceous gland and Propionibacterium acne are thought to be partially responsible for Acne. * Candidiasis is resistant to Greseofulvin. * Rota virus and Norwalk virus are most common cause of gastroentritis in children. * Metastatic tumor account fro half of the intracranial tumor. * Nissen Funduplication involve reinforcement of lower Esophageal sphincter to prevent reflex from occuring. * Necrotizing Enterocolitis - often seen in month of life. Low wt and prematurity are the high risk factors. It manifest as abdominal distention, vomiting, blood in stool. Shock and death is common. Radiology shows pneumatosis intestinalis (air in the wall of intestine). Surgical resection of the bowel is needed specially if bowel perforation is occur. * Oxitocin has ADH like effect for that reason hypotonic solution is avoided in women who is on oxitocin. (because it prevent hyponatremia to occur) * Endometriosis -- gold standard test is laproscopy. (Highly associated with infertility). 6 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- OCPs, Damazol, GnRH agonist. Destruction of Endometrial implants by surgery may restore fertility. * Gardenella Vaginosis is not an STD and male partner not need to be treated . * Negative Predictive value is defined as no of true negatives. (divided by total no of people tested). * Croup (Para influenza virus 75%, Influenza virus 25%) -- Steeple sign is a classic on lateral neck radiograph. Barking cough (imp clue) * Normal fetal heart rate at term -- 120 - 160 beats / min. * Early Deceleration (fetal HR deceleration nadir and uterine contraction peaks) signifies head compression probably due to vagal response. * Variable Deceleration (deceleration is variable in relation to uterine contraction) signifies cord compression. (most common type of deceleration) * Late Deceleration (Fetal HR decelerate after uterine contraction) usually signifies uteroplacental insufficiency. (most worrisome type of deceleration) * Short term Variability reflect interval between successive heart beat . (Normal is 5 - 25 beats / min) * Long term Variability means when look over one minute strip there are normally change in the base line Heart rate. < 3 cycles is worrisome specially when combined with deceleration (remember long term variability decreases when fetus sleep). * Adhesion is the most common cause of small bowel obstruction in adult with Hx of surgery. vs. Incarcerated hernia is most like cause of small bowel obstruction in adult with absence of surgical Hx. (it is 2nd most common cause over all). * In Dementia Arousal and attention level is normal. vs. In Delirium Arousal and attention is disturbed. * Most common cause of Syncope is vasovagal usually occur after unpleasant emotional experience (fear, stress) * PID manifest as Cervical motion tenderness, pain on intercourse, temp, Abdominal pain and Adnexal tenderness. most common cause is Chlamydia could be polymicrobial. * TX of Psoriasis -- UV light, Keratolytics (like Coal tar, Salicylic acid), Lubricants, Steroids. * Sertoli / leydig cell tumor cause Virilization. vs. Granulosa / theca cell tumor cause femininization and precocious puberty. * Bowel obstruction is one of the major cause of death from ovarian cancer. * Most ovarian malignancies arise from ovarian epithelium and the most common malignancy is cystadenocarcinoma (shows Psamoma bodies). * Antibody mediated Autoimmune hemolysis may cause spherocytes to seen on peripheral smear. It shows + ve coombs test. * Hyperaldosteronism (Conn's $) -- Hyperkalemia, hypernatremia, dec renin, Inc vol status (ankle edema). * Cushing $ -- best dx test is 24 hr urine cortisol level or dexamethasone suppression test. * Noonan $ is considered as male form of turner syndrome. * External Hemorrhoids are painful and Internal hemorrhoids are painless and bleed. * Lasegue Sign --- Straight leg raising test cause pain (as in Disc herniation). * Duodenal ulcers are strongly associated with H pylori. Duodenal ulcers are 3 times more common than gastric ulcer. Pain in duodenal ulcer classically improve with eating than worsen again 2 - 3 hrs later. * Paraesophageal Hernia are prone to strangulation. vs. Hatial Hernia usually are benign but do Inc the risk of gastric reflux. * Hypocalcemia cause prolong QT interval. * Hyperkalemia cause peak T wave vs. Hypokalemia cause u wave. * Cluster headaches -- are classic nocturnal headaches, last 30 min to 2 hrs. (often precipitate by Alcohol) * Tension headaches occur at the back of the neck in diffuse fashion. Pain Inc slowly. * Berger's disease also called IgA Nephropathy. * Antithyroid peroxidase antibodies are + ve in almost all pt with Hashimoto throiditis. (most common thyroiditis in USA). * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- occur in middle age person manifest as Flaccid paralysis of extremities, Foot drop, muscle wasting, fasciculation, denervation skeletal muscle but some may reinnervate. (denervation / reinnervation is confirmatory finding). * Porphyria cutanea tarda is the most common of all porphyrias due to defective Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase enz. It cause chronic blistering and crusting of sun exposed skin. Precipitating factors are Iron, Estrogen use, alcohol, chronic hepatitis C inf. Skin biopsy shows caterpillar bodies. Urine porphyrins is the screening test. * Acute intermittent Porphyria is typically presents with severe abdominal pain. Urine Porphobilinogen level is the most imp screening test. * Antibiotic prophylaxis is mandatory in VSD (even if defect is small) due to Inc risk of endocarditis. * Absence of urate crystals, Speckling (due to calcification) of the articular cartilage, are virtual dx of Pseudogout. It may be associated with metabolic dis, hyperparathyroidism, hemochromatosis, hypomagnesaemia, acromegaly, wilson dis, hypothyroidism and gout. * Primary sclerosing cholangitis -- fibrosing inflamation of intra and extra hepatic bile duct with cirrhosis over the time. It may be associated with ulcerative colitis. (remember Antimitochondrial antibody test is negative in Primary sclerosing cholangitis). vs. * Primary Biliary cirrhosis -- similar as Primary sclerosing cholangitis but does not cause extra hepatic bile duct disease and Antimitochondrial antibodies are + ve. (imp difference). * Necrotizing Fasciitis is the severe infection of subcutaneous tissue caused by Group A strept. It is rapidly spreading cellulitis with potential of toxemia. Anesthesia and hypoesthesia are the imp clues. Tx -- surgical exploration and debridgement is mandatory. * Upper GI Bleeding -- Barium study has no role in dx. First study to do is Esophagogastroscopy which in many instances tx the source of bleeding too. Remember Angiography is indicated when Esophagogastroscopy fail to revealing bleeding source. * Esophageal Balloon tamponade is used in pt after confirming the dx of variceal hemorrhage who continuous to bleed despite endoscopic tx. 7 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Transjugular Intrahepatic portosystemic shunt -- is indicated when acute variceal bleeding is not controlled with medical tx. (last resort) * CT scan is the first test for Diverticulitis and abscess formation. Barium enema is not useful because of danger of leak in to abdominal cavity. * CEA is the marker for colon metastasis. * X ray is not necessary in the dx of Osteoarthritis, clinical judgment is alone sufficient. X ray shows Narrowing of joint space, osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis bone fragments (joint mice). * Bone densiometry is indicated if pt has Osteoporosis. * Listeria Monocytogens found in unpasturised milk, delicatessen meat, cheese and raw vegetable. In pregnant women it cause miscarriage, premature labor and still birth. 50% of the newborn who are infected with die from illness. * IV drug user with septic arthritis -- think of staph aureus. but first thing to do is joint aspiration to isolate the offending agent. * Plain X ray is not helpful in the dx of septic arthritis. * Echocardiogram is the first step in Acute bacterial endocarditis. * Acute bacterial Endocarditis -- mortality rate is high, Empiric Antibiotic tx should be initiated after 3 set of blood drawn for culture. * Unstable angina shows T wave Inversion and heparin is the most effective proven tx to prevent progress of unstable angina to MI. Remember thrombolytic tx (tPA) is used when there is a established arterial block as in MI in which ST segment changes are present. * Progressive Supranuclear Palsy -- degenerative disorder that effect midbrain and basal ganglia. It manifest as symmetric parkinsonism, vertical gaze limitation, axial rigidity and mild dementia. Earliest sign is that pt tend to fall. TX -- L - dopa / Carbidopa. Imaging is unremarkable. * LCA is the marker for some lymphoid neoplasm. * Giardiasis -- flatulence, bloating, mal order stool, malabsorption. * Menetrier's disease -- thickened gastric folds, mucous gland hyperplasia, and severe protein wasting (wt loss). * Linitis plastica (leather bottle stomach) -- aggressive adenoacrcinoma of stomach. * Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura -- First line tx is prednisone if pt is not bleeding. If pt is bleeding than IV immunoglobulin must be given. In severe cases splenectomy is required. * Cryoprecipitate contain concentrated factor VIII, factor XIII, fibrinogen & Von willibrand factor. It is used in DIC, von Willibrand dis, Hemophilia A. * Fresh Frozen plasma -- used in in pt with liver disease and in pt with prolong PT time. (remember pt will liver dis are deficient in clotting factor) * Plasmapharesisis used in HUS (fever, fragmented RBCs, Renal Failure without neurologic signs). * Papillary carcinoma of thyroid -- epithelial cell nuclei with clear center "orphan annie eyes". Most thyroid cancer shows single nodule that is cold (that does not take Radioactive Iodine). * Heparin prolongs aPTT. Dose of heparin can be determined by following the partial thrombin time (aPTT). * Bleeding time reflect interaction of platelets. * Factor Xa level is required to follow the doses of newer low mole wt heparin. * Prothrombin time (PT) usually guide coumadin therapy. * Cancer of upper 1/3 esophagus is usually squamous cell in origin. vs. lower 2/3 could be squamous or adenocarcinoma. * Mucin producing glandular tissue (shows signet ring cell) suggest Adenocarcinoma. * Ductal carcinoma of pancrease -- First test to do is CT scan because 90% cases already presented late in course when it no longer resectable. * Sudden curtain passing across the visual field think of Amaurosis Fugas or Retinal detachment. Amaurosis fugas caused by cholesterol plaque release that occlude the retinal artery with resultant loss of vision in curtain drop fashion. vs. Retinal detachment sudden painless loss of vision in a curtain drop fashion. * Retinal artery occlusion -- sudden profound visual loss, non reactive pupil. There is a cherry red spot on fovea. vs. Retinal vein occlusion -- pupil react sluggishly to light. Young pt show no visual loss where as older shows loss of vision or significant obscuration. * Skin manifestation of SLE and Discoid lupus is indistinguishable but Discoid cause non to minimal systemic effect. The presence of Anti Double stranded DNA antibodies always exclude Discoid lupus since it is specific to SLE. However Antinuclear Antibodies are + ve in 10% Discoid pt. * Drug that cause Acute Interstitial nephritis are Penicillin, NSAIDs, Refampin, Phenytoin, Cephalosporin, Sulfa drugs. * MEN I -- Pituitary tumor, Parathyroid tumor, Pancreatic tumor (remember PPP). * MEN IIa -- Thyroid tumor, Adrenal tumor, Pheochromocytoma. (remember TAP) * MEN IIb -- Thyroid tumor, Adrenal tumor, Neuroma (remember TAN) * Men is associated Medullary carcinoma of thyroid vs. Papillary carcinoma of Thyroid is associated with Neck Radiation. * Reiter's $ -- non infectious polyarthritis + conjunctivitis + Achillis tendenitis (also Anterior uveitis, Keratoderma Blanorrhagica). * Parapneumonic effusion -- Inc LDH, Inc leukocytes and dec pH suggest complication effusion should be drained immediately with chest tube because Antibiotic alone will not eliminate the infection. Parapneumonic effusion may also caused by infarction, malignancy. * Pt with Neurologic manifestation of Lyme's disease (meningitis, encephalitis, chorea, Cranial nerve palsy) should be admitted to the hospital and given IV Ceftriaxone for 10 - 21 days. Penicillin G is alternative. Remember Tetracycline is good for initial infection only. * Antocholinergic should be avoided in pt with Hx of Narrow angle Glaucoma, Prostatic hyperplasia, GI obstruction, even in severe constipation. * Cat Scratch dis -- Bartonella Hensele vs. * Cat / Dog bite -- Pasteurella multocida * PPD (tuberculin skin test) -- Induration important not the degree of Erythmia. 8 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS > 15 mm induration is considered + ve in low risk population. > 10 mm induration is considered + ve in elevated risk population. > 5 mm induration is consider + ve in high risk population such as immunocompromised pts, HIV etc * Variant Angina -- chest pain / Pressure at rest, Transient elevation of ST segment (due to transient coronary spasm), It is not associated with Inc serum LDH, Q change or T wave inversion on ECG. * When Renal abnormality is detected in pt with SLE , Renal biopsy is must be done because appropriate tx is depend on various of morphologic changes on biopsy. such as type I & II lesion require no tx where as type III & V need aggressive immunosuppressive tx. * Aortic dissection -- First do CXR widening of aorta will be seen on xray. * Pleural Effusion -- if amount of fluid is small than pleural friction rub will be the only sign. where as if amount is large than dullness to percussion, Egophony are noticeable. * Pulmonary HTN -- most common cause is COPD ÷ Enlarge Right ventricle + Enlarge pulmonary arteries. * Pulmonary Thromboembolism -- more specific imaging studies are first Ventilation Perfusion Scan if fail than Pulmonary Angiography. * Bacterial joint infection in women is due to STD -- do culture of cervix, rectum, throat, and blood. Bacterial joint infection in man do synovial fluid culture and blood culture. * Liver cyst in sheep herder -- Echinococcosis (Danger of anaphylactic reaction if cyst rupture during surgery. Inject albandazole in cyst) * Popcorn like calcification with smooth margin in the lung on CXR with out any other Sx suggest Hamartoma . * Persistent wide S2 split suggest RBBB. * Most hospitalized AIDS pt have hyponatremia due to multiple infection (remember any CNS lesion can Inc ADH (SIADH) secretion. * Modified Acid fat stain of the stool is used in AIDS pt with persistent diarrhea that is - ve for leukocytes, culture, ova & parasite. * Sudden Cardiac Death occur due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Victems are usually healthy atheletes. Ultimate cause of death is fatal arrythemia. * Gram + ve diplococci (penumococcus) -- tx of choice penicillin. Alternative tx is cefazolin. * Amiodarone cause symptomatic hyperthyroidism (| T3 & T4) in small no of pts. Measurement thyroxine & TSH must be done). TSH should be low in this scenario. * Focal segmental Glomerulosclerosis -- associated with Heroin abuse. vs. * Nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel wilson nodule) -- associated with DM. * Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis -- associated with post infectious glomerulonephritis. * Crescentic glomerulonephritis -- * Relapsing polychondritis -- an autoimmune disorder occur as separate entity in association with other autoimmune disorder such as SLE. RA etc. * Relapsing poly chondritis -- Bilateral swelling of externa ear, nose costocondral joints and systemic arthralgia. Cartilage destruction can result into floppy ear and saddle nose. Condition can also involve heart, kidney and skin. * Polymyalgia Rheumatica -- severe muscle pain with stiffness & fever also malaise & wt loss. Dis do not cause muscle wasting or damage . Polymyalgia Rheumatica is associated with temporal Arthritis. * Typical ARDS occur 3 - 4 days after Acute pancreatitis. Mortality rate is 50%. TX -- Mechanical ventilation, + ve End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP). * Nitroprusside cause large V/Q mismatch is created and results into profound hypoxia because it is non selective veno - arteriodialator work via release of NO ÷ intrinsic ability of lung to match V/Q via vasoconstriction is abolished specially in underventilated area of lung. (very imp). * Rapid progression of febrile illness -- First draw 3 different sets of blood for culture and than immediately broad spectrum Antibiotics tx. * Systemic Mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa) -- proliferative disorder of mast cell. Infantile type confined to skin where as Adult type also involve viseral organ. dx sign is Brown macule that itch on stroking or rubbing. Itch triggered by Aspirin, Alcohol, asthma and splenomegaly and develop wheel on gentle stroking with blunt object is important diagnostic test. Toluidine blue make mast cell visualized on tissue section. * Gluten free diet Trial has diagnostic & therapeutic approach to cases of suspected Dermatitis herpetiformis and Celiac disease. * Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is the most common paroxysmal arrhythmia, it may occur in perfectly healthy heart. TX -- First Instruct Valsalva maneuver, breath holding or arm and body stretching. If fail than carotid sinus massage for 10 - 20 secs. If that fails IV verapamil or adenosine is the tx of choice. * Most common cause of Ring Enhanced Lesion in CNS is AIDS pt with Primary brain Lymphoma or Toxoplasma abscess. * Single Ring Enhanced lesion in AIDS pt is tx with Sulfadiazine and Pyrimethamine. If there is no response in following 3 weeks of tx than alternative dx of Primary Brain Lymphoma is investigated and brain Biopsy is performed. * Pulmonary Embolism -- Give heparin immediately. Streptokinase is indicated when is pt is hemodynamically unstable and has no other contraindication to TX such as recent bleed, stroke, MI, surgery etc. * Primary Biliary cirrhosis Autoimmune dis ÷ progressive destruction of Intrahepatic Bileduct. 95% pt shows + ve Anti Mitochondrial Ab (imp). * Coronary Angiography is the GOLD standard test for CAD since it documents site and severity of stenosis (not performed very often). * Multiple Sclerosis -- CSF shows mild Inc in protein with Oligocolonal IgG band. * Amiodarone cause pulmonary fibrosis (clearly related to doses). Skin discoloration is also common but not harmful. Hypotension also occur with IV form. Prolongation of QT interval is also common which may results into Torsades de pointes (1%). vs. 9 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Drug Over dose with QT prolongation --- suspect TCA overdose. TCA toxicity -- think of danger of seizures and maintain pH at 7.5 also do gastric aspiration and lavage. * Corticosteroids is used to reduced cerebral edema following brain infarction (which particularly pronounced in 48 - 72 hrs). Prompt Corticosteroid reduce and prevent potential mortality from to herniation $ (which is caused by edema). * Nimodipine Reduces the neurologic deficit after stroke. * Scabies -- suspected cases can be dx by microscopic examination of skin scraping obtain after placing oil on lesion. * Pseudomembraneous Colitis -- Clostridium dificile. Severe cases are at high risk of Megacolon (fever, nausea, vomitting, ileus) or Colonic perforation (rigid abdomen, rebound tenderness) * PAN shows Fibrinoid necrosis and neutrophil infiltration in to the blood vessels (demonstrate on biopsy) vs. In Chrugg Strauss dis and Wegners granulomatosis biopsy shows granuloma. * Giant cells on biopsy are consistent with Temporal arteritis. * Aspergillus can also invade blood vessels. (less frequently candida too). * Phenytoin is antimetabolite of folic acid and may cause folic acid def anemia. * Hypertensive emergency -- tx with IV Sodium Nitropruside. * Excessively rapid correction of hyponatremia ÷ Lock In State (Central Pontine myelinolysis). Correction of serum Na level should not exceed 1 mEq/L/hr or 25 mEq/L with in first day of therapy. (typical pts are dehydrated one) * Wernicks Encephalopathy -- nystagmus, Opthalmoplegia, confusion caused by thiamine def. (pt usually are alcoholics) vs. * Subacute Combined degeneration of Spinal cord -- Ataxia, numbness, spastic paresis of lower extremities caused by thiamine def. * Acute Errosive gastritis (stress gastritis or ulcer) occur in debilitated pts admitted to hospital. eg burn victims etc. * Non Errosive gastritis / Superficial gastritis caused by H pylori. * Chronic Errosive gastritis caused by long term NSAIDs use. * Hepatic Adenoma -- benign tumor caused by estrogen tx. It does not cause jaundice but most common complication is Rupture of tumor into the peritoneal cavity with consequent hemoperitonium and shock. * Acute Gouty Arthritis -- tx of choice indomethacin or NSAIDs. other medication is Cochicine. * Probenacid is uricosuric agent and has no value in acute attack. * Wagners granulomatosis -- + ve C- ANCA in 90% of pts. * P - ANCA is + ve in both PAN and Wageners granulomatosis. * Bechet's $ -- painful oral and genital ulcers (in women it may be painless) + ocular dis (relapsing Iridiocyclitis cause pain / photophobia) + skin lesion + mild arthritis of large joints + CNS involvement and migratory thrombophlebitis. * Colon Cancer -- Colonoscopy is preferred over Sigmoidoscopy because Sigmoidoscopy is +ve only in 25 - 30% pts. * Tinel Test -- Tapping the volar surface of the wrist with reflex hammer will produce pain, tingling and numbness, it suggest Carpel tunnel $. * Cubital Tunnel $ -- Compression the ulnar nerve at elbow produce numbness, paresthesia in little and ring finger. * Radial Tunnel $ -- Compression of radial nerve in arm or forearm cause pain in back of the forearm and hand + wrist drop. * Scapholunate ligament rupture -- caused by fall on the out stretched arm cause pain in mid wrist. * Ankle sprain dx by clinical presentation and Hx . Xray is usually not required. Tx -- Antiinflamatory + Rehabilitation with in 72 hrs. * Diabetes Insipidus may manifest in 3rd trimester of pregnancy or during the peurperium because of circulating enz (vasopresinase) that degrade vasopressin. This enz is not effective against Desmopressin. This disorder resolves spontaneously. Dx test is vasopressin challenge test (which use desmopressin). * Gentamycin cause Acute tubular necrosis , manifest in 5 - 7 days. vs. Ampicillin cause Acute interstitial nephritis. * Anti Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Ab suggest Mixed Connective Tissue Dis ÷ Overlap features of Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, Scelroderma, Sjogren $, Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis. RNP is considered seprate entity because it produce different Autoantibody pattern against RNP. * Pt with renal surgery develop pulmonary embolism -- go give Heparin (dont worry). * Vena cava filter is indicated in recurrent pulmonary embolism while under anticoagulant or when Anticoagulant cant be indicated. * Pick Dementia -- Frontal and Anterior temporal lobe Atrophy. Biopsy shows Intracytoplasmic Argyrophillic inclusion. vs. Alzheimers -- Diffuse Cerebral Atrophy; Dilatation of ventricles is secondary to loss of cerebral structure called Hydrocephalus ex vacuo. * Neurovascular bundle (VAN) runs along the inferior edge of ribs, must be avoided in any procedure. * CLL -- B lymphocytosis due to inactivation of Bcl-2 gene ÷ Lymphocytes accumulation in Bone marrow ÷ Bone marrow replacement, organ infiltration (lymphadenopathy etc). Stage I CLL do not need tx. Stage II ÷ progressive fatigue and organomegaly. Stage III ÷ Sever Anemia. Stage IV ÷ Thrombocytopenia. TX -- Chlorabucil is the initial tx. Fludrabine is second line and for those fail to respond chlorambucil. * HLA DR 3 and DR 4 is associated with DM type I. * Viral Hepatitis --- ALT > AST * Alcoholic hepatitis --- AST > ALT . AST / ALT ratio is 2.5 10 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Obstructive hepatitis --- | AP and |¸ Glutamyl tranferase. (suggest obstruction of cholangioles) * Sydenham Chorea is associated with rheumatic heart dis. * Hyponatremia + low urinary sodium indicates Dilutional Hyponatremia. Causes are Polydipsia. * Glaucoma -- dx is confirm by measuring the Intraocular pressure with Tonometry. * Pneumocystic Carinii infection is most common in AIDS pt with very low CD 4 cell count. but it develop over the week with out productive cough. Cough is dry & pt is dyspnic. where as Acute onset severe pneumonia with productive cough, fever, chills suggest Strep pneumoniae pneumonia. * Meniere disease -- Vertigo tinnitis, Initially fluctuating and later progressive hearing loss. cause is unknown. * Membranous Glomerulopathy -- most common cause of Nephrotic $ in adults. It is immune complex mediated (idiopathic, infectious, noninfectious). Among infection Hepatitis B is the most common (syphilis is 2nd in frequency). vs. Minimal change dis share this distinction in childrens. * Acromegaly -- dx by measurement of GH level after glucose suppression test (usually with over night fasting & 100 mg glucose challenge). After confirmation MRI is the next step. * Acute Cholangitis -- Charcot Triad (fever + Right upper abdominal pain + Jaundice), Slow | AP, Neutrophillic leukocytosis, TX -- Cholecystectomy. * Familial hypercholestrolemia (LDL receptor def) ÷ multiple xanthomas and consequent Myocardial infarction. vs. * Hyperlipoproteinemia type I and IV (Lipoprotein lipase def) ÷ Recurrent Pancreatitis and hepatosplenomegaly. vs. * Hypolipoproteinemia type III (Apolipoprotein E abnormality) ÷ | IDL, |cholestrol and | triglycerides with Early Atherosclerosis. * Trichinosis (Trichinella Spiralis) caused by eating under cooked meat. It typically effect muscles of masseter, tongue, extraoccular muscle, deltoid and biceps with pain and tender. DX -- by serologic test. TX - Thiabendazole, Albandazole , Mebendazole. * Trichinosis may stimulate collagen vascular disease such as dermatomyositis, SLE, PAN. * Cysticercosis (Tenia solium from under cooked pork) -- most common paracytic infestation of brain parenchyma & subarachinoid space. It can also cause ophthalmic and subcutaneous cysticercosis. TX - Albandazole or Prazequantal. Steroids. Surgery (in severe caes). * Trypanosomiasis cause Chagas disease. * Aluminum containing Antacids ÷ hypophosphatemia (due to aluminum binding). Other cause of hypophosphatemia are Hyperparathyroidism, Cushing $, Hypothyroidism, Theophylline intoxication, Chronic Diuretic use, Renal dialysis and stravation. * Test that is useful to screen pt compliance with tx for Alcohol quiting program is " Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin Test". * Misoprostol dec the incidence of peptic ulcer disease in pts who take NSAIDs. * Barret Esophagus is considered premalignant ÷ metaplasia of squamous cells with culamnar cells containing small ovoid nuclei with goblet cells. * Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy -- Initial tx is beta blocker or Ca++ channel blocker. * Occult malignancy are responsible for most cases of "in Hospital" hypercalcemia. vs. Most pt with asymptomatic hypercalcemia have primary Hyperparathyroidism. * Fatty Liver (liver steatosis) -- Most common cause is Alcohol, Obesity and DM in USA. * Primary Biliary cirrhosis -- jaundice, Itching, | AP. Caused by Anti Mitochondrial Ab. DX -- Best test Antimitochondrial Antibody Assay. * Pt with liver disease or cirrhosis must be evaluated for PT time, to prevent bleeding disorder. usual candidates are Alcoholics. * There is some evidence that moderate hypothermia improve the chance of neurologic recovery after acute neurologic insult. * Hyperventilation is used as therapy when there is a dx of Inc intracranial pressure. * Steroid is used when there is potential of edema in neurologic insult. (it dec the edema) * Atopic dermatitis -- common in < 2 yrs of age group. Manifest as Dry scaly skin, Erythematous itchy rash on face, dorsum of hand / feet with remitting / Exacerbating course often resolves spontaneously in late childhood. Tx - topical steroids for small lesion. No systemic steroids due to growth retardation. (in elders it typically occur in Flexural area). * Nummular Eczema -- coin shaped scaly crust + / - itching. Spontaneous resolution without tx. For itching use antihistamine. * Seborrheic dermatitis is scaly, oily, dandruff like rash on scalp, eye brows, nasolabial fold, chin, beard area, & chest. * Pt with chronic renal failure shows sensory neuropathy in stocking and glove pattern suggest uremic peripheral neuropathy. Its time and indication to start Dialysis. * Costochondritis also called TIETZ's SYNDROME. * Paget disease -- Osteoclast / Osteoblast activity, Thick calcified trabeculae which is weak (cause bow leg), Hearing loss due to nerve compression, Bilateral skull enlargement and pathologic fracture. TX - Etidronate. * Hemophilia A (factor VIII def) -- most common hemophilia. X linked recessive disorder that effect male. Prolong aPTT. * Hemophilis B (factor IX def) -- also cause prolong aPTT. * Pt with severe Rheumatoid arthritis (bedridden) -- be very concern about future destruction of Atlantoaxial joint which may results into Corticospinal tract disease (brisk pathologic reflexes in all extremities + Ankle clonus + Positive Bibinski + sensory loss) * Vit K def ÷ dec synthesis of factor VII, IX, X with resultant prolong PT (as in liver disease) * Vit C def ÷ Prolong aPPT (due to defective collagen synthesis). * Perforated Gastrointestinal ulcer -- First do upright X ray which confirm the dx of presence of pneumoperitonium, than Exploratory Laprotomy. 11 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Progressive Systemic sclerosis -- Anticentromere Antibody are specific. Anti Topoisomerase I Ab (SCL - 70) is also specific. * SLE -- Anti Double stranded DNA and Anti smith Antibodies are specific. * Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (polymyositis) -- AntiRibonucleoprotein Antibodies are specific. * Primary Antiphospholipid $ -- Antiphospholipid Ab are specific. When dis coexist with other autoimmune disorder it term as Sec Antiphospholipid $. * Ankylosing Spondilitis -- also associated with Inflammatory bowel disease; psoriasis; Reiter's disease (which also shows photophobia). * Follicular Small Cleaved Cell Lymphoma is the most common Indolent Non Hodgkin Lymphoma with waxing & waning Lymphadenopathy. over the time disease need chemotherapy. * Ecchinococcus (Hydatid disease) -- characteristically shows large cyst enclosing smaller cysts and calcification with in wall on Xrays. * Menetrier's disease ÷ idiopathic marked thickened gastric fold + + Acid secretion + protein losing Enteropathy (wt loss). * Linitis Plastica is aggressive form of Adenocarcinoma (show signet ring cell). Abnormal mucous cells penetrate stomach wall & trigger marked Fibrotic reaction (it can also presents as a thick rugae). * Meningioma grow from Dural - Base. MRI / CT scan point the feature of dural trail. * Dubin johnson $ -- Inherited enz def of liver ÷ Direct hyperbilirubinemia and Gray to brown, black Discoloration of liver. vs. Rotor $ is same but without discoloration of liver. Both are benign disorder with normal life span. * Indirect Hyperbilirubnemia --------------- cause by Sickle cell disease, Hereditary Spheroytosis, G 6 PD deficiency, Autoimmune hemolysis, Glucronyl tranferase deficiency (Gilbert $ and Criglar Nijjar $). * Caroli Dis -- congenital cystic malformamation of biliary tree ÷ Hepatic abscess and fibrosis, Biliary cirrhosis, Cholangiocarcinoma . Manifest as RUQ tenderness + Jaundice + Inc AP + Inc serum Bilirubin. * Malaria -- Repeat blood smear every 8 hrs for 3 days or until plasmodium is isolated, than tx is indicated. * Myelophthisic Anemia occur when tumor, fibrosis or granulomatous dis obliterate large area of marrow cavity ÷ Schistocytes Tx is difficult and base on tx the underlying disorder. * Cholilithiasis -- tx of choice laproscopic cholicystectomy. If pt decline surgery & gall bladder is functioning than cheno or Urso deoxycholic acid or bile salts. * HSV Encephalitis has tendency to begin in the inferior frontal and medial temporal lobe which results into behavioral changes. * Hemochromatosis -- First serum Ferritin and Transferrin test, than definitive dx is confirmed by Iron content in liver biopsy. * Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (Atypical pneumonia) is associated with circulating Cold Agglutinins. TX is Erythromycin.xz * Pon Bleed ÷ pt fall into coma, Quadriparesis, Cardiorespiratory arrest. * Putamen Bleed ÷ Contralateral Hemiparesis, Hemianopia. * Thalamus Bleed ÷ Hemianesthesia than precedes to hemiparesis * Cerebellar Bleed ÷ headache and Ataxia. +ve Romberg sign (full recovery possible). * Intra Cerebral Bleed ÷ contralateral Motor and sensory deficit. * Renal failure secondary to IV Radiocontrast occur with in 24 hrs of procedure. * Renal Papillary necrosis -- Causes are Sickle cell dis, Analgesic toxicity, Obstructive uropathy, Recurrent UTI, DM. * Spontaneous Pneumothorax also called primary pneumothorax vs. Secondary Pneumothorax normally occur in pt with COPD. * Acute Pleuritis -- Lateralized chest pain that intensify with deep breathing. Objective signs are pleural effusion and pleuritic rub. * Pulmonary Embolism -- CXR and Ventilation Perfusion scan are mandatory in any pt with suspicion. * Most common community acquired pneumonia in Alcoholic --- Klebsiella vs. Most common Aspiration pneumonia in Alcoholics -- Mixed Anaerobes. * ST segment changes (must memorize) lead II, III, & AVF ÷ Right coronary artery (supplies Inferior & Posterior heart) lead I, AVL, V1 to V6 ÷ Left Coronary artery ( would effect left coronay and circumflex artery) lead I, AVL, V5, V6 ÷ Circumflex artery (supplies Anteriolateral heart) Tall R wave in V1 & V2 ÷ Posterior descending artery ( posterior heart). lead V1, V2, V3, V4 ÷ Left anterior descending artery ( Anteroseptal & Anteroapical heart) * Staph Aureus toxin mediated diarrhea occur with in 2 - 8 hrs of ingestion of contiminated food ÷ sever abrupt onset of GI Sx without blood, since diarrhea / vomitting is toxinmediated. * Addison dis (hypocortisolism) is autoimmune dis ÷ weakness, skin melanosis, hypotension, hyponatremia, menstrual abnormality, Eosinophilia. Addison dis is the most frequent cause of hypocortisolism in USA. * Constrictive pericarditis (diffuse thickening of pericardium) ÷ Kassmaul sign, Diastolic pressure is equal in all 4 chambers (as in temponade). Most constrictive pericarditis show more often RHF than LHF with resultant Ascitis and edema. * Most single small thyroid nodules without hyperthyroidism are benign. Do fine needle biopsy to confirm the dx. Most malignant tumors are > 3 cm. Ultrasonography is preferred on MRI / CT scan on single thyroid nodule. MRI is preferred when visual extension of malignant tumor is required. RadioIodine scan is indicated when signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism is present with or without nodule. 12 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * IV drug users are prone to develop bacteremia which can lead to brain abscess (not meningitis). These pt are typically afibrile and can exhibit progressive neurologic dysfunction. Listen to heart murmur because right to left shunt may raise the possibility of Endocardial Emboli, Foreign body from injection with resultant neurologic dysfunction. * Nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma (complication of Type II DM, has 50 % mortality rate) occur due to extreme hyperglycemia (around 1000 mg/dL or more). Glucose spill in urine work as osmotic diuretic with resultant profound dehydration. features of Hyperosmolarity (normal is 290 m Osmol/ kg), metabolic acidosis, minimal to no ketonemia * Inc ketones are the feature of Diabetic ketoacidosis. * Aplastic Anemia shows fat in marrow. vs. Myelophthisic Anemia show tumor, fibrosis, granulomatous dis replacing marrow. * Ramsay Hunt $ -- HZV infection of Geniculate Ganglion ÷ Facial palsy and vesicular eruption (imp feature). * Normal BP -------------------- < 120 / < 80 mmHg. Prehypertension ------------ 120 - 139 / 80 - 89 mmHg ------- Strong adherence to life style modification is advised. Stage I Hypertension --------- 140 - 159 / 90 - 99 mmHg ------- Begin drug tx (usually Thiazides) Stage II Hypertension --------- > 160 / > 100 mmHg ------------- Two drug combination tx is required. * Hypocalcemia soon after parathyroid surgery is due to atrophy of the remaining gland. Tx is Calcium Gluconate soon after surgery followed by oral Calcium and Vit D. * Syphilis tx -- penicillin G, if allergy use Tetracycline. * Antiphospholipid Ab $ -- show prolong aPPT but surprisingly those pt do not bleed instead suffer with recurrent thrombosis. * Essential Thrombocythemia -- It is the clonal abnormality of stem cell ÷ Giant platelets often > 500,000. * Thrombocythemia can occur as primary form (Essential thrombocythemia) or as a part of other morbidities (such as polycythemia vera, CML, Idiopathicmyelofibrosis, chronic infection, hemorrhage, Low Iron, tumor). * Acetamenofen overdose usually manifest with ingestion of dose > 7gm. P450 convert Acetamenofen into highly toxic substance which further deplete liver glutathione stores. (so if pt is on drug that dec P450 system or that utilize P450 will have sort of protective effect on liver if acetaminophen over dose is concomitantly taken). * Pt with family Hx of MEN IIa -- genetic counseling is advised if positive RET gene, Prophylactic total thyroidectomy should be done to + morbidity/mortality. * Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (even in early onset) require disease modified drug such as Methotrexate, Cyclosporine, Anticytokines (TNF). Prednisone can also reduce the swelling but can only be used with disease modifying medication. * Digoxin toxicity -- yellow green vision. * Hepatic Encephalopathy produce neurologic Sx due to metabolic imbalance. Usually pt are alcoholics with liver disease. Tx include dec protein ingestion (that will dec nitrogen), Neomycin; poorly absorb drug will dec intestinal bacteria (will dec Ammonia) or by Osmotic Cathartic will flush out bacteria. * Nephrotic $ -- massive proteinuria results into urinary loss of many anticoagulants and leave the pt with high risk of venous thrombosis. (imp) * Hyperkalemia interfere with neuromuscular junction ÷ muscular weakness, abdominal distention, diarrhea, cardiac fiber excitability (arrythmia). * In simple words Dexamethasone suppression test will suppress pituitary tumor at high doses. All other sources of high ACTH will not be suppressed with high dexamethasone suppression test. * Radiation tx of lung cause lung injury with resultant Acute Radiation pneumonitis in 2 - 3 months. It manifest as shortness of breath, pain, dry cough, fever and lekocytosis. CXR shows sharp demarcated infiltrate and ground glass appearance. * Pulmonary Radiation fibrosis is late complication of Radiation therapy appear 6 - 12 months after Radiotherapy ÷ Respiratory insufficiency. * There is no effective screening program to detect lung cancer in early stage. * Before doing barium enema study on diverticulosis or diverticulitis first do plain abdominal Xray to rule out perforation. * Colonoscopy is less sensitive than barium enema in diverticulosis / diverticulitis. * CT scan is good for detecting extension of diverticulitis, peritoneal abscess, hemorrhage and tumor. * Most common cause of Atrial Fib is MI, mitral valve dis, hyperthyroidism. * HBsAg in serum is the first evidence that Acute HBV infection is underway during 1 - 6 weeks after exposure. HBsAb appear weeks to months after HBsAg. (HBeAg suggest viral replication) * Miliaria is pruritic sweat gland inflamation. * Chances of developing chronic Hepatitis C infection after confirming HCVAb is 75% (usually from needle stick etc) * Vitiligo tx -- topical psoralen + ultravoilet A therapy. (tx is often not satisfactory) * Acute Zinc def -- depression, mental irritation, Alopecia, skin lesion. Chronic Zinc def -- occur in pt with AIDS, DM, Uremia, Bowel inflammatory dis, chronic disease. * ACE inhibitor can cause hyperkalemia due to its suppressive effect on Aldosterone. Pt with persistent hyperkalemia -- discontinuous ACEI. * Gilbert $ (glucoronyl transferase def) more common in adult and is benign vs. * Crigler Nijjar $ (sever glucoronyl transferase def) more common in infants and is fatal by the age of 1 yr. * Restrictive pericarditis -- most common causes are Radiation therapy, surgery, viral and rarely TB. 13 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Actinic keratosis -- consider premalignant. Shows flesh color, slightly pigmented and has sand paper like surface. * Severe Abdominal pain that gets better when pt lying quietly ----- think of peritonitis. * Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic shunt severe liver cirrhosis need abstinence from alcohol for the successful procedure. vs. * Liver transplant success rate is 80 % but require strict 6 month of abstinence form alcohol before transplant. * Marfan $ --- defect in fibrillin gene. * Osteogenesis imperfecta -- defect in procollagen I (type I collagen). * Ehler Donlos $ ------ defect in procollagen III (type III collagen) * Achondroplasia ------ defect in FGF receptor - 3. * Mucopolysacchridosis (mucopolysaccharide accumulation) -- short stature, chest wall deformity, bone deformity. * Marfan $ -- Arachinodactyly, ectopis lentis, proximal Aortic dilatation / insifficiency, mitral valve prolapse, laxity of joints, pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum, protubrant forehead, long limbs, tall pt. * Adult Respiratory distress $ -- Reduced lung compliance, Tachypnea (+ PCO2), Oxygenation is severely reduced due to V/Q imbalance. * Polymyositis (proximal muscle weakness) ÷ normal ESR but | CPK. TX -- corticosteroids. Recurrent condition tx with Azathioprin. * Brown Pigment stone in bile is due to the infected bile. * Mucous Associated Lymphoid tissue Lymphoma (MALT) -- is associated with H pylori infection. Eradication of the organism will results into regression of MALT. If left untreated it MALT will progress to Large B cell Lymphoma. * Direct coomb test -- shows surface complement and antibodies attached to RBCs with resultant hemolysis. * Indirect coomb test -- shows circulating antibodies (as tested group match before transfusion). * Schwannoma (Acoustic nerve neuroma) -- loss of speech discrimination (due to hearing loss ) and tinnitis are the early sign. Weber test (tuning fork on the head is applied ÷ sound heard louder in deaf ear suggest conductive deficit and if sound is louder in good ear suggest sensorineuronal loss as in schwannoma) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBGYN * Ectopic pregnancy -- common complain are amenorrhea, abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. * Polycystic ovary $ -- typically pt has oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, infertility, obesity. * Advantage of Mediolateral episiotomy is that it is less likely cause 4th degree extension (extension to recta mucosa). * Pregnant women who is bleeding -- check blood type, if she is Rh - ve give RhoGAM unless father of the child is known Rh - ve too. * Exposure to fetal Rh blood can occur when ever women has an episode of bleeding (due to trauma, Amniocentesis, delivery etc). * Gestational Thrombocytopenia -- drop in platelet count to below normal value occur in many normal pregnancies. TX -- No intervention is necessary. Platelet transfusion is reserved for more serious bleeding and suffering. * Sever Preeclempsia criterion -- preeclempsia + one or more of the following. headache, visual changes, BP 160 - 180 / 110 mmHg , pulmonary edema, RUQ pain, Elevated lever enz, Oliguria (< 500mL / 24 hr), Inc creatinine, severe proteinuria, (> 5gm / 24 hr), Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, Oligohydroamnios, fetal intrauterine growth restriction. Grand mal seizures (eclempsia) * Tamoxifen (estrogen receptor antagonist) used for the tx of Breast cancer (estrogen receptor positive breast cancer). * Pregnant women during labor with one of the following should receive prophylactic Antibiotic. 1. Hx of Group B strep effected neonate. 2. Urine culture + ve for Group B strep. 3. Preterm delivery (< 37 weeks) 4. Membrane rupture for > 18 hrs in labor. * Preconceptual Counseling --- pt with - ve rubella titer give MMR vaccine and advise that she should avoid becoming pregnant for 3 months after immunization since it is live vaccine. (other than Hx pt should be evaluated for other potential clue) * Women with DM --- Inc risk of sudden Intrauterine death. Fetal surveillance should begin at 28 - 32 week gestation with twice weekly Non Stress Test (NST) untill mother delivers. * NST is reactive if there are 2 acceleration of Fetal heart rate in 20 minutes (| by 15 / min for 15 seconds). If NST is not reactive Uteroacoustic Stimulation should be performed, followed by Contraction stress test or Biophysical profile (U/S). * VZV (chicken pox) -- Ideal time to check immunity to vericella is preconceptionally (sever consequence for mom / fetus). * Pragnant exposed to VZV & not sure about immunity -- 1st step is to check IgG serology against VZV. If serology is + ve she has immunity and If serology is - ve she should be given VZIG (75% effective in preventing an infection if given with in 96 hrs of exposure). * Administration of VZV vaccine contraindicated in pregnant women since it is live attenuated vaccine. * Hydroxyurea Inc the hemoglobin F in pt with sickle cell anemia but it is consider class D (not safe) in pregnancy. * Gestational Diabetes -- dx by 50gm oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) given between 24 - 28 weeks gestation if result is > 140 mg / dL do 100gm 3 hrs OGTT, Check plasma glucose level at 1, 2, & 3 hrs. pt with 2 or more abnormal value is considered to have Gestational Diabetes. * Class A 1 Gestational diabetes ---- no fasting hyperglycemia (not more than 105 mg/dL). TX -- tx with diet. Class A 2 Gestational diabetes ---- has fasting hyperglycemia . TX -- tx with insulin. * HELLP $ -- cause Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enz (RUQ pain), Low Platelet (< 100,000). Pt is usually afibril. 14 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Although HELLP $ is related to Preeclempsia and HTN the proteinuria may be absent or minimal. Lab shows hemolysis, | LDH, | Bilirubin. TX -- same as Severe Preeclempsia. * Upto 40% of pt with HELLP $ will develop DIC (will show + fibrinogen and | fibrin split product). * Postcoital Contraception is safe and highly effective. Norgestrol / Ethinyl Estridiol (OVRAL) given orally 2 tablets stat and 2 more tablet 12 hr later. It is 99% effective if given with in 72 hrs. Regime cause nausea / vomitting, antiemetic may require. Always make sure that pt is not previously pregnant with pregnancy test before indicating OVRAL. * Trichomonas Vaginalis (pear shape & motile) -- dysurea, dyspareunia, green frothy vaginal discharge, pH 6. TX pt & partner with metronidazole. * In hypertensive Emergency goal of the tx is not to bring BP to normal (danger of hypoperfusion) instead lower the BP by 30 - 40 mmHg systolic and 20 - 25 mmHg diastolic. * Active recent or recurrent STDs are absolute contraindication to IUD (Intrauterine device). * OCPs are absolutely contraindicated in women over 35 yrs old and smoke. * Rhythm method of contraception has great failure rate (> 10%). * External Cephalic version (maneuver) is used at 37 weeks gestation. The risk factors include that successfully verted fetus reverted back to its breech position (that is the reason early cephalic version is not recommended. Other risk factors are Cord compression and placental abruption which require immediate C section. 5% women will have fetal maternal transfusion during procedure. * In Placenta Abruptio fetal distress is seen in 50% of cases. * Soft Boggy postpartum uterus with bleeding suggest Uterine Atony. TX is Oxitocin, Methyergonovine, PGFo2. Remember PGFo2 is contraindicated in pregnancy if pt is asthmatic. Methylergonovine is avoided in pt with ischemia. * Bloody Show -- passage of bloody mucous with cervical dilatation is the indication of early labor. It does not cause fetal distress, as it seen in placenta previa, placenta Abruptio, vasa previa. * Pregnant women with DM should be tx with insulin to maintain glycemic control. This measure will prevent neonatal hypoglycemia. * Most common cause of Abruptio placenta is HTN and trauma other cause is cocaine use. Abruptio placenta results into painful vaginal bleeding, contraction and fetal distress. Management is usually C section. * Biopsy guided by monographic localization (stereostatic biopsy) is most appropriate approach to non palpable lesion. (if suspicion is high). * Neurogenic bladder characterized by | post voidal residual (>50 mL). Normal post voidal residual is < 50 mL. * Detrusor Instability (due to uninhibited bladder contraction) ÷ sudden urgency followed by medium - large loss of urine. * Pt with Phenylalanine Hydroxylase def wants to be pregnant advice low phenylalanine diet before conception. * Chlamydial infection pregnancy -- tx of choice is Erythromycin. * Pt with resolved Breast carcinoma presents with large lytic lesion in the lumbar spine do Emergency Radiation. Pt should first undergo Radiation while narcotics analgesic being administered * BRCA 1 screening should not be done before genetic counseling to assess the individuals psychologic response to + ve result. * OCPs significantly + the risk of ovarian cancer. (relationship of OCPs with breast cancer is still unclear). * FITZ - HUGH CURTIS $ -- when pt with PID develop perihepatic inflamation and adhesion extending from liver to the surface of diaphragm. This $ occur in 1 - 10% of pt with PID. SXs are RUQ pain, Pelvic pain, Pleuritic pain & Liver Enz are normal. (mostly from gonorrhea & chlamydia) * Primary Dysmenorrhea -- start 6 - 12 month after menarche. Cramping occur before menses & last 48 - 72 hrs, pain may radiate to back & thigh. TX -- NSAIDs or OCPs. * Endometrial polyps -- most common Sxs are irregular bleeding in premenopusal and spotting in postmenopausal. DX -- It is dx by Endometrial biopsy. other methods are Hysteroscopy and Sonohysterogram. TX -- For symptomatic polyps do Polypectomy. * Presumed Ovarian Torsion -- cause sudden pain, First do Abdominal Ultrasound; if fails than Direct Laproscopy for presumed ovarian torsion. * Menstruational cycle that occurs every 45 - 60 days consider it abnormal it is Oligomenorrhea. Causes - PSOS, Thyroid abnormality. DM, medication. * 50% of women on Depot medroxy - progesterone acetate for > 1 yr reports Amenorrhea due to drug induced atrophy of endometrial lining. * Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance (ASCUS) on Pap smear do not fit the criteria of low / high grade squamous epithelial lesion. This pt should have repeated pap smear in 3 - 6 month because 25 % will have Dysplasia eventually. * Endometrial carcinoma -- most common form of cancer during pregnancy. TX -- prompt radical hysterectomy. * Molluscum Contigiosum (pox virus) ÷ Dome shaped flash color papule with itch. TX -- Liquid nitrogen or trichloracetic acid or laser destruction. * Uterine Prolapse -- first tx with Pessary (structure used to support pelvic organ), if that fail do hysterectomy preferably vaginal hyterectomy. * Uterine Fibroids are most common in black women. * Condyloma acuminata (HPV) -- Cauliflower like wart. TX -- laser destruction. Cryotherapy. Podohyllin. trichloracetic acid. excision. or Imiquimad. * Approx 2/3 of migrane sufferer report improvement of their SXs during pregnancy. * Narcotic can be use to control pain in pregnancy but as a last resort. * Diaphragm is used with spermicidal lubricants and should not be removed for 6 hrs after intercourse. If second intercourse is take place use spermicidal lubricant again. Spermicidal lubricants allow complete immobilization of sperm. * C section when compare to the normal vaginal delivery Inc the risk of Post partum Endometritis. 15 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Spontaneous Abortion (miscarriage) is subject to be investigated after 2 first trimester spontaneous abortion. This investigation include Evaluation of parental chromosomes, uterine cavity, screening for DM, SLE, Thyroid disease, Autoimmune antibodies & infection (always comfort the pt first). * IUD is excellent method of birth control monogamous relation ship. But there is disadvantage if high risk of ectopic pregnancy. * Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder -- Psychologic or somatic Sxs that develop in leuteal phase and resolve with menses. SXs include are depression, hopelessness, anxiety, mood lability, anger, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, appetite and sleep change, breast tenderness and swelling, headache joint and muscle pain , wt gain. TX -- Psychotherapy + life style change. Fluoxetine consider more effective. * Depot Medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) is an injectable contraceptive but given IM every 3 months (cause thick cervical mucous due to progesterone). Most common side effect is menstrual abnormality irregular bleeding even Amenorrhea (in 1 yr). Also cause wt gain, headache, dec libido, depression, hair loss). * Endometriosis -- classic finding is Dysmenorrhea, Dyspareunia, dyschezia & Infertility. Gun powder burn lesion (reddish / brownish) on laproscopy. * Approx 25 - 30 % women will have 1st trimester bleeding, of those women 50% will have spontaneous abortion. However once fetal cardiac activity is seen the risk of spontaneous abortion will come to 10% (amazing) * Exposure to CXR does not cause harmful effect on fetus. * Gestational diabetes -- | risk of developing Eventual DM. (50% likelihood of developing DM in next 20 yrs. For that reason pt must be screened for 2 hrs 25 gm Glucose Tolerance test at 6th postpartum week. * Uterine Fibroids (leiomyomata) require tx when they are symptomatic. Common Sxs are Pain, Pressure, Urinary Sx, Irregular uterine bleeding. TX -- Hyterectomy for those who donot desire pregnancy. Myotomy for those who desire pregnancy (25 - 50% chances of recurrence with myotomy) * Complete Hydatidiform Mole -- dx by Ultrasound. TX -- is Dilatation and evacuation. These pt need close follow up, with serum hCG level being followed to ensure that there is no persistent or metastatic molar tissue. * Gestational Trophoblastic disease are classified as complete or partial hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma. * Adolescent Anovulatory cycle manifest as menorrhagia, if there is no hemodynamic instability the next step in management is OCP. If hemodynamic instability is observed (such as hypotension) IV Conjugated Estrogen is given. * DM type I -- Inc risk of fetal malformation (cardiac, renal, CNS anomalies). Sacral Agenesis is most common anomali in Insulin dependant DM. Counseling prior conception will dec the risk. * Cervical Incompetence is defined as painless cervical dilatation without uterine cramping in the 2nd trimester. TX -- Cerclage between 10 - 14 week of gestation (Shirodker cerclage or Mcdonald cerclage). Note - must distinguished cervical incompetency from premature labor which is progressive cervical dilation with painful uterine contractions. * Deep venous thrombosis is serious complication of OCPs. Risk is even higher in those who smoke concomitantly or those who have inherited resistance to activated Protein C or Factor V Leiden mutation. * Pt with prior C section is at Inc risk (12%) of uterine rupture with vaginal delivery for that vaginal birth is contraindicated. * Newborn with C section have higher rate of Transient Tachypnea when compared those with vaginal delivery. * Pt with normal wt (BMI 20.6) pregnancy should be associated with wt gain of 25 - 35 lbs. (5 - 10 lbs in first 20 weeks than roughly 1 lb / week). * Abortion -- methotrexate is contraindicated if product size is > 3.5 cm or hCG > 15000 mIU/dL or product has cardiac activity. Other contraindications are liver dysfunction, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or Inc creatinine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PEDS * Pseudosiezures are similar to tonic clonic seizures but related to Hysterical conversion or Malingring. * Neonatal sepsis in first few days of life is due to Group B strep vs. Group A sterp cause sore throat, pneumonia, meningitis in older children. * Impetigo caused by Group A | strep or Staph Aureus ÷ honey colored crusted lesion. TX -- Dicloxacillin (penecillinase resistant Drugs). * Thyroglossal cyst is the midline mass vs. Brachial cyst is the lateral neck mass (along the anterior edge of sternocloidomastoid muscle) * Lower implantation of one ureter is symptomatic in girls only. One ureter is normal and one ureter ends up in the vagina or perineum and results into constant leak of urine through vagina. (imp clue) vs. * Uretero pelvic junction obstruction -- fascinating disorder usually in occur in boys ÷ Sudden flank pain with high vol diuresis mostly when teen first time start drinking beer. (Obstruction can handle normal urinary flow but any high unusual vol results into hydronephrosis). * Ureterovesical reflux -- Congenital anomali present with recurrent UTI. * Presence of even very small amount of thymus tissue may allow infant with Digeorge $ to out grow their immunodficiency over the period of 4 - 5yrs. Digeorge $ is congenital defect of 3rd & 4th brachial pouches with resultant hypoclacemia, immunodeficiency & cardiac malformation. * Wiscott Aldrich $ -- Thrombocytopenia (very small size platelet), lymphopenia, Atopic Eczema (| IgE level). pts are at | risk of developing Non Hodgkin lymphoma. Splenectomy is helpful if thrombocytopenia is severe. * Infant born before 23 weeks of gestation have mortality rate of 85%. Mortality rate dec to about 25% at 25 weeks of gestation. * Basophilic stippling seen in lead poisoning as well as in Thalasemia. (v. imp) * Ceftazidime + Tobramycin (intravenously) is the drug of choice against P. Aeroginosa. Alternative are Ticarcillin and tobramaycin. * Nocturnal bout of bone pain in children relieved by aspirin (or NSAIDs) --- think of Osteoma (benign tumor of long bones). 16 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Osteoma is radiolucent surrounded by wide rim of osteosclerosis. * Aneurysmal Bone cyst in children affect metaphysis of tibia and femur (close to the knee). Xray shows Eccentric area of osteolysis surrounded by the cortex. * Erythropoietin protoporphyria ÷ burning erythema and swelling after exposure to sun (abnormal LFT, | protoporphrin conc in plasma & RBCs). * Acute Intermittent Porphyria presents with sever abdominal pain. (imp dif) * TSS -- caused by Staph Aureus usually in women using highly absorbent tampons ÷ fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, generalized myalgia and maculopapular rash (typically on wrist) . TX - IV nefcillin (take prompt measures because condition is rapidly fatal) * Evaluation of preconscious puberty should begun with radiograph of head and wrist. to determine bone age. Pt with precocious puberty + normal bone age --- it is incomplete form of sexual precoucity. Out pt 6 - 12 month follow up is indicated. Pt with precocious puberty + advanced bone age --- further evaluation with CT scan of head and abdomen is required. Pt with precocious puberty + Delay bone age --- it suggest hypothyroidism. (TSH and T4 evaluation is required). * Polyglandualr def $ type I (peak incidence is 12 yrs of age) ÷ Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis + Hypothyroidism + Addison dis Adrenocortical failure show hyponatremia & low bicarbonate. Other Sx are gonadal failure, Alopecia, malabsorption, pernicious anemia, DM, vitiligo, chronic active hepatitis. * Numular Eczema -- highly pruritic idiopathic skin disorder commonly occur in association with Asthma an Allergic Rhinitis. * UTI in child -- First transurethral catheterization to obtain urine for culture. (specially if child is < 2 yrs old with unexplained fever) * Voiding cystourethrogram is most sensitive technique to identify vesicourethral reflux in children with pyelonephritis. * Hospitalized premature infant on mechanical ventilation develop late onset of pulmonary infiltrate (usually 2 week later) --- suspect Coagulase - ve staph infection which is resistance to Oxicillin. (imp) * Staph aureus also cause skin pustule of periumbilical and diaper area. * Croups with moderate difficulty in respiration (due to laryngotracheal edema) should be tx with Aerosol Epinephrine which has shown to provide relief by vasoconstriction and reduction of edema. Remember Intubation is reserved for severe condition (steeple sign) * Acute Otitis media shows bulging and fullness with reduced tempanic mem mobility. (imp) * Hydrop fetalis due to Erythroblastosis fetalis ÷ sever hemolytic anemia of fetus, most common cause is Rh incompatibility. (Inc mortality rate). * ABO incompatibility is usually not severe enough to cause full blown hydrop fetalis. * Erb Palsy (injury to upper part of brachial plexus) ÷ Partially paralyzed arm, adducted & internally rotated shoulder & forearm is pronated. Ipsilateral paralysis of diaphragm may also be present . TX -- Complete recovery in 3 months with proper immobilization of arm across upper abdomen + daily passive range of motion exercise. * Klumpke Palsy (injury to lower part of the brachial plexus) ÷ paralysis of hand and wrist often with ipsilateral Horner $. TX -- Complete recovery in 3 months with daily passive range of motion exercise only. * If Erb or Klumpke palsy last more than 3 month do MRI to evaluate. Surgery may be required. * Vit A toxicity occur at > 3000,000 IU ingestion ÷ Acute elevation of Intracranial Pressure. * Acute Iron Toxicity occur with 30 mg / kg ÷ Errosive necrosis of stomach and acute hepatic necrosis. * Hypophosphatemia Rickets (also called Vit D Resistant Rickets) is a genetic disorder ÷ Impaired renal tubular reabsorption of phosphate & calcium with resultant hypophosphatemia, Normal vit D and PTH level. Pt presents with bow legs (genu varum) and seizures. * Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is indicated in all Girls < 5 yrs of age with 1st episode of UTI. (25 - 30% will show up vesicoureteral reflux). Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is indicated in all Girls > 5 yrs of age with 2nd episode of UTI. * VCUG is indicated in boys with UTI regardless of age. * Low grade reflux usually resolves as child grows -- but put child on low dose Antibiotic therapy to protect him from recurrent UTI. Surgery is reserved for those who fail to resolve as they grow. * WPW $ -- short PR interval + delta wave + slurred QRS upstroke are classical ECG findings. Attack may last more than hour. * Lown - Ganong - Levine $ -- same as WPW$ but QRS is not shortened. * Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia -- present with P wave following QRS wave. * Technetium Bone scan is very effective in dx of Osteomyelitis in early stage. (remember XRAY will not show osteomyelitis for at least one week). * PDA in premature infant give Indomethacin, but in nonpremature infant should be tx with surgical division of the PDA. * Physiologic Leucorrhea occur few months prior to menarche. (imp) * Ewing Sarcoma (t11 : 22) may have histopathologic feature characteristic of Neural differentiation. (most other bone tumor are mesodermal origin) TX -- Surgery, chemo and radiation. vs. * Osteosarcoma is radioresistant so must be tx with Surgery and chemo. * First stage of tooth decay in child manifest by chalky white area on the tooth enamel. vs. Yellow brown intrinsic stain of tooth in children is due to tetracycline. (tetracycline should be avoided till 8 yrs of age). * Caries is infectious disease in which streptococcus mutans play crucial role. * Most common secondary tumor associated with retinoblastoma is Osteosarcoma. 17 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Midgut volvulus is the most common cause of abdominal obstruction in neonate. XRAY shows small bowel dilation, Paucity of air in intestine, Corkscrew like appearance of duodenum. * Hypertensive child -- First test Urine Analysis and serum electrolytes, than BUN and Creatinin. (urine catecholamine only when HTN presents with palpitation and sweating) * Infant learn mama , dada by age of 9 . * Child with cardiac defect presents with fever and seizures or focal CNS sign ÷ do CT scan because cardiac infection may results into bacterial emboli of abscess to brain. * Barium enema is dx and therapeutic in suspected Intussusception. vs. Gastrografin enema is dx and therapeutic for maconium ileus. * Erythmatous papules with vesicles in linear fashion along with Hx of camping trip -- think of contact dermatitis (probably poison ivy etc). Tx with oral prednisone for 14 - 21 days. * Premature Neonate are at Inc risk of Intraventricular hemorrhage or Intra parenchymal hemorrhage. CT scan confirm the dx. Remember the source of bleeding is usually germinal matrix. * Supraventricular tachycardia in infant -- First Ice bag on face for 5 seconds (it release strong vagal discharge = vegal stimulation). if fail than IV Adenosine bolus. (remember verapamil is contraindicated in < 1 yr of age due to bradycardia, asystole and shock) * In minimal change dis complement level is normal. vs. * In membrano proliferative glomerulonephritis complement level is low + hematuria and proteinuria. Renal function is typically normal. Renal biopsy is dx. tx with alternate day steroids. * Post Strep Glomerulonephritis develop 1 - 2 week after strep infection may results into acute renal failure. Tubular cast & + C3 level may be seen. * Tonsillar Abscess (most commonly | hemolytic strep) ÷ difficulty speaking, odynophagia, drooling. TX -- parenteral penicillin + needle aspiration of abscess from tonsils, if fail than incision & drainage, if that doesn’t work than Tonsillectomy. pt with penicillin allergy use give Clindamycin or Cephalosporin with Metronidazole. * Patau $ (trisomy 13) -- Holoproencephaly, Rocker bottom feet , cleft palate/ lip, congenital heart defect, hypertelorism etc. * Dacryostenosis is congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. it could be uni or bilateral.. TX -- advice to massage inner canthus of the eye twice daily resolution occur in 90% of infants by 1 yr. * Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia effect Basal ganglia and Brain stem nuclei. * Infant with cystic fibrosis present having abdominal difficulties -- think of Meconium ileus. DX / TX with Gastrografin enema. vs. Barium enema is DX / TX Intussusception in infant. * Acute cerebral edema with convulsion in infant -- must consider toxic subs including lead; A free protoporphyrin level must be obtained. Infant may have hx of pica or abdominal pain or may show basophilic stippling. lead lines may or may not be present. * At least 4 of the 11 criteria’s must be met in order to dx SLE. * Neonate listeriosis present soon after birth and with in 5 days presents as respiratory distress. Amniotic fluid is typically brown to green. Listeriosis is transmitted by mom to fetus during pregnancy and mom is infected due to unpasturized milk, cheese, uncooked vegi or poultry. Late onset of lesteriosis is more likely to presents as meningitis. (imp) * First seizure of unknown etiology there is 60 - 75 % chances that the child will not have the seizures again. Giving Reassurance is all you need. * If there are 3 normal o genes and one thalasemic gene --------- person will be clinically normal. If there 2 normal o gene and 2 abnormal gene -------------------- person will have Thalasemia trait. If there are 1 normal o gene and 3 abnormal genes --------------- person will have HbH disease. If all 4 genes are abnormal --------------------------------------------- Hydrop fetalis (Hg Bart). * Neuroblastoma -- is one of the malignancy that demonstrate spontaneous regression from undifferential stage to benign cellular tissue. Symptoms depend on location. Common Sxs are horner $, persistent cough, superior venacava $, bone pain, cord compression, subcutaneous nodules (blueberry muffin lesion), opsoclonus (dancing eyes), myoclonus (dancing feet). Most appear < 2 yrs of age. Neuroblastoma -- MC extracranial tumor of children. TX -- Observation only, if tumor is aggressive do surgery alone or with chemo or radiation. * Adolescent with nasal allergies --- tx with phenylephrine or pseudophedrine (are most effective). other medications are antihistamine. * Congenital hypothyroidism -- Prolong jaundice (75%), Umbilical hernia (50%), constipation & failure to thrive (35%), enlarge fontanelle (33%). vs. * Biliary Atresia -- does not cause constipation instead show pale (acholic) stool. * William's $ (deletion of ch 7q) ÷ short stature, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria (renal stone), dysmorphic feature, Overly friendly, supraclavicular aortic stenosis . TX -- surgery other wise pt die due to cardiac related sudden death. * Digeorge $ -- thymic hypoplasia (hypocalcemia), contrucncal abnormalities (truncus arteriosus, or pulmonary venous return). * Kartagners $ --- dextrocardia. * Mesenteric adenitis -- common cause of right iliac fossa pain in children (due to recent viral or bacterial infection). It is difficult to differentiate from Acute Appendicitis (which cause rebound and garding tenderness) * Child found to have RET mutation -- go do thyroidectomy. likelihood of child to have cancer is 100 %. (RET is associated with MEN IIa). * Steven johnson $ is distinguished from Erythemia multiforme by mucosal involvement. Plus fever & bullae formation with in target lesion are 18 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS characteristic of Steven johnson $. * Cystic hygroma -- benign congenital multiloculated lymphatic lesion, common in posterior triangle of the neck. * Strabismus -- must be corrected surgically as soon as possible to enable the brain to learn to process image from both eyes, other wise image in one eye will be suppressed by age 7 yr with resultant cortical blindness. * Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy -- occur due to exhaustion of maternal IgG at 5 - 6 month of age. Affected infant may go through several months to years to be very vulnerable to infection. Later when immune system matures immunoglobulin becomes normal. (Remember hypogammaglobulinemia mostly effected Ig is IgG, months to year later normogammaglobulinemia) * Rash of the measles begins from head and spread to body. vs. Varicella rash first appear on trunk and than become generalized than crusted, lesion occur in crops. vs. Roseola Exanthem Subitum -- typical macular rash on trunk appear after abrupt end of fever. * Henoch Schonlein Purpura -- palpable purpura on lower extremities, Intermittent abdominal pain, arthritis. may show guaic + ve stool. * If Asthma is suspected -- first do spirometry test before & after bronchodilator to confirm the clinical dx of asthma. If it does not reveal than bronchial provocation test with histamine or methacholine. * Child with nasal polyps -- first do Pilocarpine Iontophoresis sweat test (which detect chloride in sweat to rule out cystic fibrosis) because upto 20% kids with cystic fibrosis develop nasal polyps. * Surgery for nasal polyps is indicated when it does not respond to medical tx such as topical betamethasone, or short course of oral prednisone. * Edward $ (trisomy 18) ÷ single umbilical artery, overlapping of 3rd & 4th finger, hypoplastic orbital ridge, hypoganthia, etc . * Hartnup disease -- Autosomal recessive disorder that produce that cause neutral aminoaciduria (including tryptophan, phenylalanine, methionine). Tryptophan (synthesize nicotinamide, melatonin, serotonin) its def ÷ pellagra like Sx, photosensitivity, ataxia and neuropsychiatric disturbance. * Alkaptonuria -- urinary secretion of Homogentisic acid ÷ arthritis, dark coloration of cartilage. * Cystenuria cause urinary tract calculi (cysteine stone -- hexagonal shape). * Fanconi $ -- dysfunction of proximal tubule ÷ glucosuria, aminoaciduria, hypophosphatemia (bone abnormalities). Resultant type II or Proximal RTA. * Phenylketonuria (phenyalanine hydroxylase def) -- preventable cause of mental retardation. child presents pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. * Boy with precocious puberty + acne, large penis, testis, dark pubic hair -- think of hypothalamic tumor with Inc GnRH ÷ Inc testosterone. Remember always Adrenal hyperplasia will results into Inc androgenic hormones ÷ GnRH will shut and testis will appear small. * Tall boy + precocious puberty + acne --- XYY $. * Retinitis pigmentosa -- Inherited, slowly progressive degenerative dis of retina ÷ progressive night blindness, Ring scotoma and loss of acuity. Dark pigmentation in bony specule configuration involving the equtorial retina. disease cause complete blindness eventually. * Cricothyrotomy is done to secure airway, there are two types, needle and surgical. Needle Cricothyrotomy is the procedure of choice in children < 12 yrs of age. Surgical Cricothyrotomy is the procedure of choice in children > 12 yrs of age. * Formal Tracheostomy is reserved for the long term management of the airway. * Mechanical ventilation in premature neonate due to ARDS will damage the lung ÷ alternate area of emphysema, scared lung and smooth muscle hypertrophy; this condition is called Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. management is problematic. vs. * Premature neonate with RD$ who are tx with high O2 levels ÷ Retrolental fibroplasia (due to damage blood vessels in viterous) Condition may results into blindness. * Transient tachypnea of new born -- occur in those who reabsorb amniotic fluid trapped in the lung slowly. It last 2 - 3 days. * Acute Rheumatic fever -- damage is caused by immune mediated antigenic mimicry (M protein antigenic mimicry). DX requires jones criterion (either 2 major or 1 major + 2 minor) Major criteria -- carditis, polyarthritis, Erythema marginatum, subcutaneous nodules. Minor criteria -- arthralgia, fever, Inc ESR, Inc C - reactive protein, prolong PR interval. * Contraindication to MMR vaccine -- anaphylaxis to vaccine, Neomycin allergy (gelatin), immuno def, pregnancy, untreated or active TB. Previous febrile reaction is not contraindicated. * Vericocele is common in adolescent male (15 - 20%) and described by pt as heavy dragging sensation without pain. Palpation along the spermatic cord often reveal the classic bag of worm. Size of vericocele Inc with valsalva maneuver and dec with lying down. vs. * Testicular tumor is painless mass that is firm and hard and inseparable from testis. vs. * Hydrocele is presence of fluid in tunica vaginalis. usually asymptomatic. * Gaucher disease (ARD) -- Glucocerebrosidase def ÷ glucocereroside and ceramide accumulation in liver, spleen, bone marrow and brain; produce pathognomonic crumpled silk histiocyte. Type I -- is more common without neuro involvement shows pingueculae and brown skin pigmentation, splenomegaly & bone lesion. Type II -- is acute infantile neuropathic form ÷ death in early childhood. Type III -- has feature of type I and II. * Fabry's disease (o galactosidase A def) -- Angiokeratoma, corneal opacities, burning pain in extremities, involvement of kidney, heart and brain. 19 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Niemann pick disease ÷ sphingolipidosis resemble gaucher dis but show Sea blue histiocytes. * Tangier dis (severely low serum HDL) -- resemble gaucher dis with orange - yellow tonsillar hyperplasia. * Pheochromocytoma (mostly benign) -- tx BP with phenoxybenzamine (o adrenergic blocker). * Most common posterior fossa tumor in childhood ---- medulloblastoma, ependymoma and pilocytic astrocytoma. Medulloblastoma appear as a solid tumor on CT may extend to 4th ventricle. vs. Ependymoma is the mass that fill 4th ventricle and extend to adjacent tissue. vs. Pilocytic Astrocytoma appear as a cystic mass with mural nodule in cerebral hemisphere. * Abetalipoproteinemia -- steatorrhea, blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa, ataxia, mental retardation, Acanthocytes (spiny projection on RBCs). Complete Abetalipoproteinemia means neither chylomicron nor VLDL is formed. TX - vit A & E (massive dose) will delay neurologic deterioration. * Krabbe dis -- Globoid cell on brain biopsy. (normal at birth. 3 - 6 months age ÷ fever, stiff limb, difficulty feeding, mental /motor signs, siezures, death) * Metachromatic leukodystrophy -- metachromatic deposit on sural nerve biopsy. (muscle wasting / weakness, dementia, paralysis, convulsion etc) * Toxic Enterocolitis (toxic megacolon) -- most often seen in Hirsch sprungberg dis. Manifest as diarrhea & dehydration due to bacterial over growth. TX -- fix Hirsch sprungberg dis with resection of involved bowel. * Rash of fifth disease start from cheeks (slapped face). * Herpangina caused by Coxakie virus ÷ dysphagia, vesicles on anterior tonsil and palate in children. * Hand Foot & Mouth disease -- caused by Coxaki virus ÷ small vesicles in mouth, on hand & feet. * Aphthous stomatitis -- oral mucosal ulcers in children with out fever or pain. * Neonatal seizures -- first do serum chemistry since most seizures are metabolic in origin. * Child with UTI -- first resolve infection than 2 - 3 month later voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG). * Talipes Eqino valgus -- club foot (planter flexed and facing to other leg). * SSS$ -- preceded by upper respiratory infection with staph aureus, with rubbing skin can exfoliate (+ ve Nikolsky sign). * Toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN) -- wide spread epidermal necrosis / desquamation after formation of blister & bullae due to S. aureus or pyogenes. Complication include sepsis, dehydration and shock. It is emergency and required prompt tx in burn unit. * Streptococcal scarlet fever -- preceded by Group A strep pharyngitis ÷ sand paper like rash with fever and strawberry tongue due to Erythrogenic exotoxin secreted by Group A streptococcus. * Pediculosis humanus corporis -- live in cloths cause itching bites. grayish oval eggs inside cloths. * Primary Amenorrhea -- absence of menses by age 16 or 4 yrs after thelarche (onset of breast development). causes are Physiologic delay, ovarian failure, hypothalamic disease. vs. * Secondary Amenorrhea -- absence of menses for 3 menstrual cycles or max of 6 month in women who previously had normal menses. * Food allergies induced colitis -- occur in 1 - 3 month of age due to dietary cow protein or soy protein ÷ diarrhea, rectal bleeding, protein losing enteropathy (possible edema), dehydration with metabolic acidosis. DX -- confirm by resolving of Sx in 72 - 96 hrs after eliminating offending diet. TX -- 90% infant respond to casein based formula. * Acute Sinusitis usually follow a common cold and is due to bacterial infection of the maxillary sinus ÷ persistent mucopurulent discharge, day time coughing with wheezing, nasal obstruction. DX -- Sxs must be presents for at least 10 days to make dx. Tx with Amoxicillin or macrolides. If nasal discharge / obstruction persist for > 30 days dx of Sub Acute Sinusitis is made. * Asthma -- most crucial step in management is avoidance of triggering factor. Immunotherapy against identified allergens is not beneficial with multiple allergens, but some benefit with single allergen therapy. * Mental retardation with Elfin facies -- think of William $ (lesion on 7q) * Angelman $ -- maternal ch 15q 11 ÷ puppet like actions, burst of laugh, seizures mental retardation. * Prader willi $ -- paternal ch 15q 11 ÷ Obesity, small hand and feet, mental retardation. * Alagille $ (lesion on ch 20p) ÷ jaundice, itching, and deposits of cholesterol in the skin (xanthomas). liver biopsy indicate too few bile ducts. * Chlamydia opthalmia in neonate -- occur between 5 - 14 days after birth and Inc the risk of neonatal pneumonia due to chlamydia. * Factor that Inc the risk of recurrence of Febrile seizures are Family hx of febrile seizures, age < 18 month and temp < 39 (103 F). * RSV infection in < 1 yr of age Inc the risk of Apnea which can be life threatening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychiatry * Pick disease (frontotemporal dementia of unknown cause) Unlike most dementia which presents with initial cognitive changes. Insidious onset of behavioral change related to frontotemporal atrophy. It manifest as disinhibition, impulsivity, repetitive behavior, hypersexuality & hyperorality. * Acute post traumatic disorder (Sx are < 3 months of duration) ÷ significant disturbance in social & occupational norms, Flash back, Inc arousal, avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma. * Malingering -- intentionally produced Sxs to gain external incentives (secondary benefits). vs. * Factitious disorder -- Intentionally produced Sxs to assume sick role but not to gain external incentives. * Antidepressants that most commonly produce sexual dysfunction are -- SSRI and MAO inhibitor in long term therapy. Best alternative is 20 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Bupropione (reuptake inhibitor of nor EN and dopamine) in those pts. * Bupropione is antidepressant with out anticholinergic side effect. but it is contraindicated in pt with epilepsy (because 0.5 % pt show seizures). * Schizophereniform disorder is same as schizophrenia but for schizophreniform Sxs must last > 1 month but < 6 months where as for schizophrenia Sxs must last > 6 months. * Neuroleptic malignant $ is life threatening adverse reaction to Antipsychotics medication due impairment of dopamine system it results into fever, muscle rigidity, mental status changes, dystonia and tremor. TX -- dentrolene with Bromocriptine (dopamine agonist). vs. * Malignant hyperthermia occur after anesthetic administration due to excessive release of Ca++ from sarcoplasmic reticulum which cause severe muscle contraction + hyperthermia. TX -- dentrolene. * Post traumatic stress disorder can also occur years even decades after exposure to traumatic event. For eg. Flash back in Vietnam war veterans, nightmare about combat experience etc. * Benzodiazepine (sp lorazepam) are the primary medication for the control of alcohol with drawal. It control hyperactivity, seizures, anxiety, tachycardia, HTN, diaphoresis, delirium and shaking. * Splitting occur when person is not able to tolerate his/her ambivalent feeling toward other individual. Common in Borderline personality disorder. * Olanzapine (antipsychotic) is used at bed time due to its most common side effect of sedation. * Major depression with Atypical feature respond best to MAO inhibitor. * Apo E4 gene (abetalipoprotein E4) Inc the risk of Alzhiemers disease. * Screening Apo E4 gene earlier will not effect the out come of disease in terms of prevention and cure. For that screening Apo E4 is not practiced. * Most common comorbid disorder in children with ADHD is oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. * Necrolepsy -- irresistible attack of refreshing sleep that occur during the day over at least 3 months. It is characterized by the presence of cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone), hypnogogic & hypnopompic hallucination. occur before 3 yrs of age. Sleep paralysis may occur (inability to move when wake up in the presence of preserved consciousness). * Catalepsy -- motor immobility maintained voluntarily seen in schizophrenic. * Strangers anxiety develop at 8 month of age. vs. Separation anxiety develop between 10 - 18 months of age. * Valproic acid (Divalproex) also approved for the tx of manic episodes. side effects are wt gain, transitory hair loss, transitory Inc in LFT. * Kleptomania -- recurrent impulse to steal object that are not need by person or are of monetary value. * CT scan of brain of schizophrenic pt shows enlargement of lateral & 3rd ventricle there by Inc the ventricle to brain ratio. Temporal lobe lose the most vol. Remember there is no hydrocephalus. * Glabellar sign (frontal release sign) suggest frontal lobe dysfunction such as dementia. Glabellar signs include palmer grasp, rooting reflex, suckling reflex, snout reflex, glabellar reflex. * Glabellar reflex is also present in extrapyramidal disorder such as parkinson disease. Glabellar reflex is repeated tap on forehead will make person blink eyes for the first several tap. if blinking persist on every tap it is abnormal called Myerson's sign. * Dysthymic disorder -- presence of depression for at least 2 yrs that do not meet the full criteria of major depression. * Generalized Anxiety disorder -- excessive worry (no freak out) vs. Panic disorder recurrent unprovoked panic attack that occur at least a month. it cause significant distress in daily functioning (freak out, panic attack, im gonno die etc). * Neuroleptic induced parkinson occur due to the usage of neuroleptics drugs. * Tardive dyskinesia -- complication of neuroleptics ÷ hyperkinetic movement characterized by choreoathetosis (sp of face and mouth). Remember parkinsonism cause hypokinetic movement which can also cause by the neuroleptics. * Atypical features of Major depression include wt gain, Inc appetite, hypersomnia, heavy feeling in arm and legs (leiden paralysis), Inc sensitivity to interpersonel rejection resulting in social dysfunction. (v imp). * Parkinson pt with psychotic features ----- give clozapine. Clozapine is Atypical antipsychotic with lowest extrapyramidal side effect & least effect on basal ganglia. It is dopamine antagonist on D1, D3, D4 receptors with least effect on D2 which explain lowest extrapyramidal effect. * TCA (nortriptyline) has potential anticholinergic effect ÷ lethargy, blurry vision, mydriasis, urinary retention, tachycardia. * MAO inhibitor ÷ cause life threatening hypertension if pt eat food containing tyramine. * HTN, tachycardia, horizontal nystagmus, dysartheria, impulsiveness, psycho motor agitation --- think of phencyclidine intoxication. * Cocaine block dopamine reuptake which explain Sxs of psychosis in cocaine user (Inc dopamine availability at D1 and D2 receptors). * Benzodiazepine / Barbiturate act on GABA receptors * PCP inhibit NMDA receptors which use glutamine as a neurotransmitter. * Glycine largely located in spinal cord (strychinine is glycine antagonist cause seizures). * Essential features of the dx of Dilirium -- development of Sxs over the short period of time and a fluctuating clinical presentation. Also show alternation of cognition, attention, alertness and perception (most common in hospitalized pt). * Delusional disorder -- Non bizarre delusion of at least 1 month of duration. * Brief psychotic disorder -- sudden onset of psychotic episode after marked psychological stressor with out any Hx of psychopathology. 21 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Hypochondriasis -- pt have firm belief of having some particular illness despite repeated evidence of contrary (previous expensive tests are - ve). * Somatization disorder -- pt has multiple somatic complains. * Most common cause of autism is Fragile X $. * Asperger $ -- similar to Autism but spare language function. Pt manifest stereotype movement, behavior & impaired social interaction (like autism). * Dyslexia -- is a language disorder only manifest by problem in reading. * Retts $ -- have many features of autism but it occur only in girls b/w 5 - 48 months of age. Presents with deceleration head growth, loss of previously acquired hand skills, poor coordination of gait and trunk movement. * Disulfiram (antabuse) inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase ÷ marked Inc in acetaldehyde after consumption of alcohol ÷ vomiting, headach & dyspnea. * Counterphobic behavior -- refer to seeking out situation or object that are or were feared. The person actually take a position of actively attempting to confront and master what he or she fear. * Denial -- is avoidance of awareness of the painful aspect of reality by negating sensory data thus abolish external reality. * Reaction formation transform unacceptable impulse into its opposite acceptable act. seen in OCD. * Undoing -- person undo or prevent the consequences that are anticipated irrationally as a result of unacceptable thought or impulse. seen in OCD. * Delirium tremens is the most common cause of delirium in pt who is suddenly admitted to hospital for unrelated condition. It occur one week after pt stop drinking alcohol. * Post operative depression or stress of surgery are the less common cause of delirium. It usually occur in transplant surgery. * Olanzapine (atypical antipsychotic) effect 5HT2 receptors, it used in schizophrenia. It cause wt gain. * Tangentiality -- is the disturbance in communication characterized by lack of goal directed association of thoughts. Pt jump from one topic to another and content of speech lacks answer that physician is expecting. (pt do not answer the Question rather talk something else). * Circumstantiality -- pt give answer but after long unnecessary information. * Thought Blocking -- sudden abrupt interpretation in pts logical progression of thought before an idea or thought is finished. * Verbigeration -- meaning less repetition of specific word or phrase. * Word salad -- complete incoherent mixture of words and phrase that has no grammatical meaning in language * Carbamezapine side effect -- Aplastic anemia, Agranulocytosis, hyponatremia, conduction problem, sedation and ataxia. * Clozapine cause Agranulocytosis. * Thioridazine cause pigmented retinopathy. * Trazodone cause Priepism. * Lithium side effects -- tremor. polydipsia, polyurea, psoriasis, acne, sedation, Inc appetite, metallic taste in mouth. * Positive Sx of schizophrenia are productive where as Negative Sx of schizophrenia are deficit. Positive Sx are -- delusion, hallucination, thought insertion & thought broad casting. Negative Sx are -- flat effect, attention deficit, alogia, lack of normal speech. * Akathesia -- extreme motor restlessness. Pt cannot sit still& is constantly walking, shifting wt and pacing. It is a complication of neuroleptics. * Akinesia -- Failure to engage the limb in customary activities. * Fascination -- Gait disorder characteristic of parkinson disease. (trunk is bent forward, arm are slightly flexed, leg bent at knee, "parkinson gait". * Stereotype movement -- think of mental retardation. * Life time prevalence of schizophrenia is 0.6 - 1.9% (avg 1%) * Alcohol has demonstrated association with panic disorder in 20- 40% of pts. * Many people believe that mitral valve prolapse has association with panic disorder. this is not true. * Neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaque in Temporoprietal cortex found in dementia of Alzhiemers type. * CO poisoning cause necrosis of globus pallidus, it mat results into Amnestic $. * Focal demyelination and gliosis of periventricular white matter ----- think of multiple sclerosis. * Wernicks encephalopathy due to thiamine def ÷ effect mamillary bodies & cause confusion, ataxia, nystagmus (due to ophthalmoplegia). * Opioid withdrawal -- dysphoric mood, nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, muscle ache, yawning, lacrimation, pupillary dilatation, sweating, fever, and insomnia. * Benzodiazepine with drawal (alprazolam) -- hyperactivity, hand tremor, insomnia, vomitus, hallucination, anxiety, agitation and grand mal seizures. * Amphetamine with drawal -- dysphoric mood, fatigue, insomnia, hypersomnia, with vivid unpleasant dreams. * Cocaine with drawal -- dysphoric mood, fatigue, Inc appetite, psychomotor retardation and agitation, insomnia, hypersomnia, vivid dream. * Nicotine with drawal -- start with in 24 hrs of abrupt cessation. Sx are dysphoric mood, insomnia, irritability, difficulty concentration, anxiety, restlessness, dec HR, Inc apatite. * Most common compulsion associated with OCD is hand washing, showering, bathing, tooth brushing, grooming (60% pts shows that). * There is no absolute contradiction to receive Electroconvulsive therapy. It is appropriate in pregnancy, elders or even in MI (but the pt with MI should receive it 3 months after MI). * Erotomanic delusion -- in which pt belief that famous or superior person is intensely in love with pt. Erotomanic pt usually harass public figure with letters, calls, gifts, visits. (onset of disorder is usually after 40) * The out ward lack of concern for physical illness is called the "la belle indifference". mostly seen in conversion disorder. * Pt with tardive dyskinesia --- switch the medicine with Atypical antipsychotic (serotonin dopamine antagonist). 22 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Panic disorder with Agoraphobia --- tx of choice SSRI (such as paroxetin). Although TCA and MAO inhibitor also shown efficacy. * Methanol poisoning ÷ visual disturbance, papilledema, abdominal pain suggest dx. Lab show Anion gap acidosis. TX - ethanol (compete for enz). * Methanol convert into formaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase. * Primitive Idealization -- person see external object "all good or all bad" vs. * Splitting -- external object are divided into "all good and all bad" accompanied by abrupt shifting of an object from one category to another or sudden reversal feeling about same person. * Factitious disorder -- pt produce signs & Sx of disease intentionally but motivation behind is largely unconscious. * GANSER $ -- is the sub type of malingering commonly seen in prison inmates to minimize the criminal culpability by feigning mental illness. * Malingering -- voluntary production of physical or psychological Sxs for external gain. * Torrette disorder -- tics disorder occur < age 18 ÷ multiple motor and vocal tics and restlessness, excessive swearing. Echolalia (repetition) appear later. * Pt with parkinson dis are at high risk of depression. * Benztropin is antimuscuranic cause mydriasis, constipation, dry skin, urinary retention. * Supportive psychotherapy is used to help pt through difficult situation; main goal is show sympathy, concern and interest. * Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to repair cognitive distortion and changing mal adoptive behavior. may be used in dysthymia & anxiety. * In psychoanalysis psychiatrist maintain neutral attitude. * Social skill training -- pg 494 * Acute dystonia occur due to antipsychotic tx with diphenhydramine. * Dissociation amnesia -- inability to recall personal identification such as name, address, birthday, age etc. * Anterograde amnesia -- specific short term memory deficit in which pt is unable to recall new information or event that happen previous minute before black out. It can caused by Drugs, alcohol, medication, trauma. * Confabulation seen in chronic alcoholic with dementia. It is characterized by gap in the memory that are filled with event that never happen. * Hyperamnesia -- exaggerated degree of retention and recall. * Transitory global amnesia -- Inability to remember new information, such as date, location. Personal information however is retained. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surgery * Prostatodynia -- dull perineal discomfort, pain mimicking chronic prostitis but leukocytes and bacteria are - ve in prostate secretion. TX -- symptomatic with o blocker , diazepam. * Ultrasonography is the most sensitive method to discriminate between testicular mass and extra testicular mass. It is the test of 1st choice. * The Rule of Gun shot wound in abdomen -- immediate exploratory laprotomy. vs. * CT scan Ultrasound and Diagnostic peritoneal lavage are used to assess the extent of internal organ damage in BLUNT trauma. * Massive blood loss and multiple transfusion (>12 unit of packed RBCs) ÷ coagulopathy is almost certain ÷ bleeding from every damage plane. TX -- administer Empiric Fresh Frozen plasma and platelet pack. Do not use this as a prophylaxis to prevent coagulopathy. * Head on collusion + Crescent shape hematoma with out midline shift on CT scan --- First thing to do is hyperventilation, diuresis & fluid restriction. Surgical evacuation of hematoma is not indicated unless there is midline shift or Anisocoria (unequal pupil). v imp. Remember steroids should not use in setting of trauma (although steroids are good for tumor, and spinal cord injuries, brain hemorrhage etc. * If hyperthermia and Acidosis occur during surgery stop the operation and close the abdomen temporarily. * Classic "White Out" lung on CXR after chest trauma ------ think of pulmonary contusion. * Rib fracture prevent full inspiration due to pain ÷ Atelectasis and eventual pneumonia. The key to tx is eliminate the pain with out interference in ventilation, and that can be achieved by nerve block. Remember narcotics will cause respiratory depression. Rib fracture heal on its own since chest wall is holding the rib at right place. * Urinary Incontinence associated with Alzhiemers disease and Normal P hydrocephalus is similar to Detrusor over activity and results from failure to inhibit the contraction of detrusor muscle ÷ uncontrollable urge to urinate (this condition does not lead to urinary retention). * Subdural hematoma + midline shift on CT scan --- 1st do endotracheal intubation and hyperventilation (to prevent the Inc Intracranial pressure or rapid dec in Intracranial pressure). Mannitol has onset of action in 90 mins not a first thing to do. Surgical decompression is good but after all above. * Pulmonary Embolism --- do not give heparin untill some objective data support the dx --- 1st order ABG, than supplemental O2, than V/Q scan and than ultrasound. Heparin can be started as a first step if clinical signs hypoxemia is present and there is high suspicion of pulmonary emboli. * Suspected Urethral Injury -- do Retrograde Urethrogram (remember do not put foley catheter its contraindicated). * Circumferential burn of extremities pose distinct hazard to peripheral circulation because of edema that cannot expand under the unyielding envelop of burn eschar ÷ compression of underlying blood vessels. Peripheral pulse & capillary filling must be monitor. Escharectomy may be needed. * Myoglobinemia / myoglobinuria is important to monitor in crushing injury or electrical injury. vs. Blood gases is important to monitor in inhalation injury. * Peripheral pulse and capillary filling is important in to monitor in burn injuries. Escharectomy may be required. * Transitional cell carcinoma of bladder most commonly associated with smoking. * Schistosoma hematobium is associated with Squamous cell carcinoma of bladder. 23 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Anemic pt with hct < 30% should be transfused with packed RBCs until goal of 30% hct is achieved. This is also valid in trauma, severely ill pt specially cardiac and pulmonary pt (heavily practiced but controversial). * Lachman test -- with 30 degree flexed knee; one hand behind the tibia with thumb on the tibial tuberosity and other hand on pts thigh; pulling tibia anteriorly will be prevented by Anterior cruciate ligament. (this test is superior to Anterior drawer sign). * Miniscus injury ÷ "locked up" knee mcMurray test is + ve. * mcMurray test -- with 30 degree flexed knee; knee is held by one hand and other hand hold the foot by sole, rotate the leg externally while extending the knee; click is felt, this constitute a + ve mcMurray test. * If Cirrhotic pt is bleeding, expect Inc level of ammonia in pts gut which has to be clear by liver. In case of emergency Portocaval shunt in severely cirrhotic pt with bleeding, the diversion of blood will stop the bleed but liver function will deteriorate further and pt will go in COMA due to Inc serum ammonia. Tx -- better tx with neomycin to kill GI bacteria which results into dec ammonia production. * BUN & Creatinine > 20 : 1 ratio ------ Prerenal azotemia * Posterior wall Axillary artery puncture during axillary block (for pain control) will effect the ulnar nerve. * Subpherenic abscess is the common complication of hematoma ÷ left shoulder pain, Inc WBCs, Inc temp and LUQ pain. * Gun shot wound in upper zone of neck and pt is hemodynamically stable ÷ do arteriogram. * Fever in 1st post operative day is almost invariable from Atelectasis. TX include participation from pt, if Atelectasis does not resolve ÷ pneumonia. Deep venous thrombosis occur 5 - 7 days after surgery. vs. Abdominal abscess occur 10 days after surgery. * Pt with difficulty swallowing & aspiration after Carotid endarterectomy (all other nerves are functioning) -- think damage to sensory fiber of glossopharyngeal nerve (pt does not feel oropharynx). * Damage to erectile nerve is a well known risk factor Abdominoperineal resection (50% incidence). * Coming down harder after jump or fall on feet (typical story) ÷ Fracture of posterolateral talar tubercle. TX -- cast for 4 - 6 weeks. * Any pt who could not have at least 800 mL FEV1 left after pneumonectomy is not the surgical candidate. * Squamous cell carcinoma of penis a rare cancer occur exclusively in uncircumcised person; appears as a fungating or ulcerative mass on glan of penis or in the sulcus between prepuce and glan. * Stable, alert pt after head on collusion with out physical finding -- do cervical spine Xrays to rule out injury before removing the collar. * Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction usually Inc pulmonary artery pressure and possible right side failure over the long time. * Inc pulmonary capillary P > 18 mmHg + hypotension ---- think of Acute heart failure. * Central cord $ -- severe deficit in upper extremities (loss of pain) with preservation of lower extremities. Posterior column function such as light touch, vibration, conscious propioception is relatively preserved. * Crush injury ÷ hyperkelemia also hyperphosphatemia (both are intracellular elements) also myoglobinemia and myoglobinuria. * Iatrogenic Esophageal perforation (from Instruments) occur due to GI endoscopy ÷ Acute Mediastinitis, shows air in the tissue crepitants on palpation. * Boerhaave $ is Esophageal perforation because of protracted forceful vomiting. * Cystadenocarcinoma of liver usually has thick wall with calcification in cyst wall. multiple septation are present vs. * Simple liver cyst are thin walled, pt is Asymptomatic without any serologic abnormalities. vs. * Hydatid cyst of liver appear as large mother cyst with small daughter cyst around periphery. * Polycystic liver disease show much larger cyst along with cysts in other organs such as kidney, ovaries etc. * Vague epigastric distress, early satiety and acute large ill defined Epigastric mass that develop few weeks after trauma is classic presentation of Pancreatic Pseudocyst. Best way to drain cyst is Endoscopic Cystogastrostomy. Pancreatic Pseudocyst may also follow an episode of pancreatitis. * Anastrozole (suppress estrogen production) more effective in postmenopausal women with breast cancer. (superior than tamoxifen) vs. Tamoxifen (Estrogen receptor blocker) is better option in premenopausal women with breast cancer. * Cyclophosphmide tx ÷ cause hemorrhagic cystitis. * Von Hipple Lindau $ (autosomal dominant) -- hemangioblastoma (of brain or retina), Renal & pancreatic cyst and Renal cell carcinoma. * Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis occur 1 - 3 week after group A streptococcal pharyngitis or impetigo which results into hematuria, HTN, proteinuria (< 3gm/day), mild peritibial and pedal edema. * Polycystic kidney on ultrasound ÷ do Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA) of brain. * Pt with difficulty breathing with multiple Facial and Oral fracture /injury ------ Cricothyrotomy in ER. * Painless Scrotal mass ÷ Radical Inguinal Orchiectomy. Serum marker are indeed taken prior to surgery but is of follow up value. * Subclavian vein at risk in Posterior Sternoclavicular dislocation. * Clavicle fracture requires figure 8 device to immobilize involved area. * Long standing repeated ulcer also called Marjolin ulcers may eventually give rise to Squamous cell carcinoma. * Crushing injury ÷ hyperkalemia. TX -- mandatory tx with IV calcium gluconate. (v imp) * Post surgical fistula formation with out any Sxs and signs -- do nothing because most will close by it self. If fistula leaks, replace fluid loss with Lactate Ringer. Those who fail to close do surgical correction. 24 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Varus Stress test : + ve in lateral collateral ligament damage . * Post operative urinary retention ÷ do IN and OUT bladder catheterization to empty the bladder. (do not place indwelling foley catheter). * Sternal fracture : commonly complicated by Myocardial contusion & will not be evident immediately -- must do ECG which will show finding similar to MI. * Internal hemorrhoids bleed but do not hurt whereas External hemorrhoid hurt but do not bleed. vs. * Anal Fissure is pain and bleed (streak of blood on tissue paper). * Prolactinoma surgery may results into complication of two different type. 1. | urine out put and | serum Na+ --- due to + ADH 2. Hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia and shock --- + ACTH * Sudden Thrombotic emboli in leg ÷ painful, pulseless, paralyzed pale leg. TX -- Emergency Embolectomy with Fogarty balloon tip catheter. Heparin and other Anticoagulants are of no value. * Mammogram and lactogram is done in Intraductal papilloma. vs. Mammogram and Punch biopsy is needed for Paget disease of Bone. * Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography can outline the stone even allow extraction, limiting subsequent surgery such as cholicystectomy. * Valvular heart disease -- always prefer to repair pts own valve if it fail than prosthetic valve is used. * Pt with Lung cancer require surgery -- First confirm by pulmonary function test whether pt is capable of surgery. next step is CT scan of chest and upper abdomen to look for metastasis. * Pt with mass in lung on CXR and is smoker ÷ 1st bronchoscopy and biopsy if + ve, than pulmonary function test, if he is capable of surgery, than CT scan of chest and abdomen to look extension of cancer, if no metastasis than go for Pneumonectomy. * Dissection of Aorta CXR shows wide mediastinum --- Spiral CT or MRI will best establish the dx. * Pt with testicular cancer with metastasis -- Do radical Orchiotomy via Inguinal route even if it was metastasized. Most testicular cancer are radiosensitive and chemosensitive metastatic lesion is may be cured later (imp distinct criteria) * Ureteropelvic junction obstruction Fascinating congenital problem manifest with profuse diuresis only. eg sudden extreme colicky flank pain when boy start drinking beer first time in life * Absence of hematoma or preserve pulse does not rule out vascular patency in pt with penetrating wound (gun shot knife etc) in extremities, do Doppler or Arteriogram if pt is stable. Obvious hematoma and absent pulse suggest formal surgical exploration in operation room. * Pancreatic cancer -------- do CT scan. * Bird beak on Abdominal radiograph suggest Volvulus. Tx with Endoscopy ( proctosigmoidoscopy in case of left side involvement or colonoscopy) will untwist the bowel from inside, if fail or pt has sign of strangulation do Emergency Exploratory laprotomy. * 3rd degree burn : the current preference is immediate excision & graft of burn area (it is not expensive). Older way is lengthy, expensive & has complications. * Burn around the eyes -- use Triple Antibiotics since sulfadiazine is very irritating. * Young boy with knee pain on hip exam suggest femoral head pathology -- think of avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis also called legg - calve - perthes disease. vs. Young but obese boy with knee pain on hip exam -- think slipped capital femoral epiphysis. * Anterior cord compression ÷ loss of motor function, loss of pain & temp on both side below the level of lesion. * Spinal shock occur right after injury (nothing work). * Teen girl with rubbery moveable mass growing fast --- It is Giant Juvenile Fibroedenoma. * Fibrocystic disease (mammary dysplasia) ÷ painful breast with recurrent formation of cyst. * Infant with bilious vomiting and Double bubble sign with little gas beyond obstruction highly suggestive of Malrotation. DX -- dx is confirmed by Barium enema or contrast study. (condition can be present at birth or show up week or two later). Tx -- Emergency surgery. * Intestinal atresia show up with birth ÷ bilious vomitting, show multiple air fluid level through out abdomin. TX -- surgery * Phalan test -- dx test for Carpel tunnel $. * Scaphoid fracture : notorious for not to show up on xrays until 48 hrs. Person fall on out stretched hand, show pain on pressing anatomical snuff box. * Gross Hematuria -- if bladder pathology is suspected do cystoscopy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Normal serum osmolality is 280 -300. * Every 100 mg | in serum Glucose above normal will + serum Na+ by 1.6 %. * Every 0.1 + in pH ÷ 0.7 | in serum K+ * If serum osmolality is high and serum Na is low think of hyperglycemia. vs. * If serum osmolality is normal and serum Na is low think of Hyperlipidemia and hyperproteinemia. vs. * If serum osmolality is low and serum Na is low think of hypovolemia. * Urinary Na+ is < 10 ------ Prerenal problem. vs. * Urinary Na is > 10 -------- Renal problem (causes include are diuretics, salt wasting nephropathy (SIADH), Hypoaldosteronism, Glucocorticoid def). * Pt with Hyponatremia -- Check serum osmolality. Serum osmolality high --------------- hyperglycemia is the reason Serum osmolality low ----------------- hyperlipidemia or hyperproteinemia is the reason. Serum Osmolality normal ----------- Measure ECF vol --------- if it is normal ÷ think of SIADH, Drugs, hypothyroidism, water intoxication if it is high ÷ Edematous state Notes from Passing Step2CK 25 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS If it is low -------- Check urine Na -------- Urinary Na < 10 ÷ think skin or GI loss. Urinary Na > 20 ÷ think renal loss. * High Anion Gap acidosis is due to gaining non hydrochloric acid (HCl) such as Lactic acid, ketoacidosis, Alcohol (all types), Aspirin, Uremia. * Normal Anion Gap acidosis is due to gaining HCl (acid) or losing HCO3 such as in Diarrhea, Renal tubular acidosis. * Renal Tubular Acidosis Type I ------ is due to distal tubular problem. (failure of H+ secretion) Renal Tubular Acidosis Type II ------ is due to proximal tubular problem (failure of HCO3 absorption) Renal Tubular Acidosis Type IV ----- is due to Hypoaldosteronism. (cardinal feature is hyperkalemia) * Sheehan $ -- First hypogonadism, than hypothyroidism, than hypoadrenalism along with low FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH. vs. If stimulatory hormones are elevated this suggest Polyglandular def $ also called Schmidt's $. vs. * Kallmann $ -- + GnRH, + FSH, + LH, Anosmia, Amenorrhea and Cleft lip. TX - hormone therapy. untreated dis lead to osteoporosis. * Thyrotoxicosis (Grave dis) -- Next best step in dx is Thyroid Ultrasound and Thyroid Iodine uptake scan (diffuse Inc uptake is diagnostic). Tx -- Radioactive Iodine, Surgery for pregnant women in 2nd trimester & 1st trimester low dose propylthiouracil. large compressive goiter do surgery. Tx of Thyrotoxicosis crises (altered mental status, tachycardia, fever, tremor) -- Cooling with Ice (salicylate are contraindicated), Propylthiouracil, Beta blockers along with Steroids * Hypothyroid female tend to have Fe def anemia due to high susceptibility for menorrhagia. * Single thyroid nodule -- if it is Hot, than it is most likely toxic. vs. if it is Cold than it is more likely malignant. * Pt with thyroid cancer + Red hot mass on skull -- think of Follicular thyroid cancer (because it metastasis most commonly to skull). * Thyroglossal cyst -- moves up and down with tongue protrusion. * Hypervitaminosis D -- both Ca and Phosphorus Inc in serum (because vit D Inc intestinal absorption of Ca and Bone resorption of Ca and P). * Conn's $ (hyperaldosteronism) ÷ Resistant hypokalemia, HTN, metabolic alkalosis. Remember at certain aldosterone level kidney does not respond to aldosterone called Aldosterone Escape. DX -- Serum Aldosterone Renin Ratio and Salt loading test. Tx -- Spironolactone. * Pheochromocytoma picture in children suspect Neuroblastoma ÷ Epiclonus (jumping eyes in all direction), HTN, sweating, palpitation. Biopsy shows Homer - Wright pseudo - Rosette's. * Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (effected adrenal cortex) ÷ Resistant hypotension, hypoglycemia, Inc pigmentation, Inc ACTH. vs. * Secondary Adrenal insufficiency ÷ Same as above but there is no Inc pigmentation (melanocytes) and typically dec ACTH . * Adisonian crises -- fatal hypoadrenalism due to severe stress or sudden stoppage of long term steroids. * Water Housing Friderrichson $ -- Adrenal insufficiency because of adrenal hemorrhage usually due to N meningitidis ÷ severe hypotension. * Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia ÷ Hirsutism, virilization, precocious puberty due to 21 o or 11 | hydroxylase def. | ACTH. DX -- high serum 17 hydroxyprogesterone. Once dx is established must check serum electrolytes because Cortisone / Aldosterone def will result into electrolyte imbalance which can be fatal. * HbA1C give idea of blood sugar control in follow up pts (usually in 3 months). Target value is 6.5%. vs. Fructosamine gives idea of blood control in follow up pts (usually in 3 weeks). * Most common cause of death in DM type I in first decade is DKA and in second decade is Renal failure. * Crystalline Insulin (rapid and short acting) use in emergency --- onset of action 1 hr and duration of action 6 hrs. * Neutral Protamine Hagedon (NPH) " Intermediate, lente, semilente " --- onset of action 2 hr and duration of action 12 hrs. * Protamine zinc Insulin (PZI) "long acting" --- onset of action 4 hrs and duration of action 25 hrs. * Metformin (inhibit hepatic gluconeogeneis) -- Alcohol, IV dye, Renal failure are contraindicated to metformin. (metformin cause wt loss) * Glitazones decreases insulin resistance. vs. Acarbose inhibit carbohydrate absorption in intestine. * Glyburide increases the risk of hypoglycemia. * Chlorpropamide cause disulfiram like reaction and SIADH. * When treating DKA -- remember rapid drop of glucose cause cerebral edema. Insulin tx lead to hypophosphatemia with resultant muscle paralysis. vs. Hyperosmolar non ketotic coma presents and look like DKA but with out high Anion gap, Acidosis and ketones. tx is same. * Lithium cause hypothyroidism and Diabetes insipidus. * Amiodarone cause hypo or hyperthyroidism. * Carbamezapine and Chlorpropamide cause SIADH. * Ketoconazole cause Adrenal insufficiency. * Steroids cause hyperglycemia and cushinoid features. * Dysphagia -- First Barium swallow if fail than Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). (EGD never first due to risk of perforation). * Dysphagia + long standing GERD --- think of Esophageal stricture. * Dysphagia of mainly liquid -- think of Achalasia, Bird beak sign (esophageal P > 25 mmHg). TX -- myotomy (best), dilatation, botulinum toxin injection. * Dysphagia of mainly solids -- think of tumor. * Esophageal varices -- tx with Sandostatin and EGD; if fail do Balloon tamponade. * Diffuse Esophageal spasm -- angina like chest pain, Cork screw esophagus on barium swallow. TX -- Ca++ channel blocker. 26 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Plummer Vinson $ -- Esophageal web (dysphagia), atrophic glossitis, Iron def anemia. Complication is Squamous cell carcinoma. TX -- Dilatation and Iron therapy. * Perforated ulcer in the posterior duodenal wall ÷ think injury to Gastroduodenal artery in hemodynamically unstable pt. * Gastric ulcer -- tx first with proton pump inhibitor for 6 weeks. If no improvement is seen than do Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) with Antral Biopsy (Clo test) for H. pylori. Also urea breath test and stool Ag for H pylori. * Billroth surgery is done in bad or perforated peptic ulcer dis. Complication include is Dumping $. * Dumping $ ÷ cause Abdominal distention and hypotension after meal results into reactive hypoglycemia. * GERD may results into Barretts Esophagus (replacement of straitified squamous cell with gastric columner epithelium). * Barretts Esophagus with out dysplasia -- do Annual EGD (due to danger of Adenocarcinoma). TX -- Cisapride, Proton pump inhibitor. Barretts with low grade dysplasia -- do EGD every 6 months. Barrett's Esophagus with high grade dysplasia -- do Esophagotomy. * Remember when there is only a tear in esophagus it is called Mallory wiesse tear but when it is perforated it is Boerhaave's $. * Celiac sprue -- chronic osmotic diarrhea, dermatitis Herpetiforme, dec albumin, dec Ca++, dec Iron. Complication - T cell lymphoma of small intestine. DX -- D - xylose Absorption test. Confirm dx by small intestinal biopsy. | IgA anti endomysial and antigliadin ab (most sensitive test). Tx with gluten free diet. * Intestinal Polyp > 1 cm in size and have villous componen tsuggest malignancy and . * Risk factor for colon cancer -- old age, low fiber and high fat diet, IBD, FAP, HNPCC and polyp > 1 cm in size with villous component. * Colon cancer screening starts at age 40 by performing annual digital rectal exam; and by age 50 start checking occult blood in stool annually + colonoscopy every 10 yr and sigmoidoscopy every 5 yrs. Start earlier in high risk population. * Most common site for colon cancer is Rectosigmoid colon and most common site for metastasis is liver. * Colon cancer -- Colonoscopy and Biopsy is dx. Barium enema shows Apple core sign. Inc serum CEA (it is used to follow up tumor recurrence). * Familial Adenomatous polyposis (FAP) -- APC mutation on ch 5. If polyps gets bigger than it is due to mutation of ras gene. DX -- colonoscopy or barium enema with double contrast. TX -- total proctocolectomy by age 20. (because it has 100% potential for transformation into colon cancer). * Puetz jeger $ -- colonic polyps + lips and oral hyperpigmentation lesion. * Gardner $ -- FAP + sebaceous cyst + osteoma + Desmoid tumor. * Turcot's $ -- Gardner tumor + neurovascular tumor. * Diverticular disease -- Most common cause of GI bleeding and is painless. DX -- Barium enema shows saw tooth appearance. * Pancreas divisum -- the accessory duct becomes the main duct because primary main duct is very small. (danger of acute pancreatitis). * Complication of acute pancreatitis include -- hypocalcemia, DIC, Pancreatic Pseudocyst. * Pancreatic Pseudocyst is drained if it is > 6 cm in size or last > 6 months. DX -- CT scan is the gold standard test . also Ultrasonography. * Persistent fever, toxemia after Acute pancreatitis suggest pancreatic abscess -- next step is repeat CT scan of the abdomen. (v imp). * Chronic pancreatitis shows calcification on xrays. ERCP shows 'chains of lakes" appearance of pancreatic duct. TX - pancreatic enz replacement. * D - xylose absorption test -- detects abnormality in intestinal absorption. remember it is normal in pancreatitis and abnormal in intestinal disease. * Courvoiser sign -- painless palpable gall bladder suggest pancreatic cancer. * Pancreatic cancer -- complication is migratory thrombophlebitis (Trausseau $). DX -- do CT scan and serum CA 19 - 9 level with biopsy. TX -- Pancreatic surgery. best is pancreaticoduodenectomy (whipple's) * Gamma Glutamyl transferase (GGT) -- specific to liver specially in Alcoholic Liver disease. * Indirect bilirubin cannot pass into urine but pass BBB. vs. Direct bilirubin pass into urine but cannot pass BBB. * IgA is elevated in alcoholic liver disease. (also shows Mallory wiess bodies in hepatocytes). * o feto protein (normal < 25 ng/dL) is the marker of hepatoma also rise in pregnancy. * HBsAg -- suggest active infection. vs. HBc IgM -- suggest active infection but pt is in widow phase. * Hepatitis B immunoglobulin is can be given with in 7 days after exposure. * PCR is the best measure to detect HCV. * Hepatitis B tx - interferone and Lamivudine vs. Hepatitis C tx - Interferone and ribavirin (Rise in AST /ALT is the sign of successful tx. this occur due to destruction of virally infected hepatocytes). * Interferone cause flu like symptoms, immune disorder such as thyroiditis, bone marrow suppression, hemolytic anemia, GB$. * Cholestasis of pregnancy -- benign disorder of 3rd trimester ÷ severe itching, | AP, | direct bilirubin. Resolve Spontaneously after delivery. * Penecillamine cause B6 def. * Copper deposition in Basal ganglia ÷ Flapping or wing beaten tremor and extra pyramidal Sxs. (occur in wilson dis). * Hepatic encephalopathy -- tx by washing out intestinal content with lactulose or enema (it remove the source of ammonia). * Serum ascitis Albumin gradient (SAAG) > 1.1 suggest Cirrhosis. vs. SAAG < 1.1 suggest TB, malignancy, pancreatitis. * Specific gravity of fluid ---- >1018 is exudate. vs. Specific gravity of fluid < 1018 is transudate. 27 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * TX of Ascitis -- salt / water restriction, spironolactone, furosemide. * Recurrent Ascitis or Recurrent Esophageal varices ÷ do transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. * Spontaneous Bacterial peritonitis (Ascitis + Red warm tender abdomen) -- tx with 3rd generation cephalosporin such as Cefotaxime. * Hepatocellular carcinoma caused by HBV, HCV, hemochromatosis, Aflatoxin, Aspergillus flavus. show | Alfa feto protein. DX -- do CT or MRI. * Fibrolamellar carcinoma of liver -- occur at young age and Alfa feto protein are normal. * Cavernous hemangioma of liver -- occur in pt taking OCPs. Danger of bleed. Dx by Angiography. Tx -- stop OCPs and Observation. * Jaundice -- First do ultrasound if biliary tree is dilated do ERCP. * Hepatic Adenoma --- associated with OCPs. Danger of rupture and bleed. * Pt with Cholestatic clinical picture and on drugs --- think OCPs and Steroids. * Pt with hepatitis picture and on drugs --- think INH, Halothane, Phenytoin (dec folic acid), methyldopa. Confirm by Antihistone Antibodies. * Anemia defined as Hg < 13 in males and Hg <12 in females. and Hg < 11 in pregnant women. Anemia causes Inc Pulse pressure. * Methoxyhemoglobin is common in lidocaine toxicity. TX is Methylene blue. * Reticulocytes are normally 0.2 - 2 % of RBCs. * Microcytosis (Iron def anemia) -- MCV < 78 fl. * Macrocytosis (megaloblastic anemia) -- MCV > 100 fl. * Tear Drop cells -- think Myelofibrosis. tx with Hydroxyurea, and Bone marrow transplantation. vs. * Burr cells are common in renal disease. * Schistocytes common in hemolysis. vs. Acanthocytes common in Abetalipoproteinemia. * Auer Rod -- Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) * Howell jolly bodies present in Asplenia or non functional spleen. * Eosinophil and as well as Basophil are Inc in allergic reaction. * Eosinophil Inc in parasitic infection. * Alcohol inhibits thrombopoitin in liver which cause Transient thrombocytopenia (last around 7 days). * Alcoholism also cause hypersplenism which cause permanent pancytopenia. * Normal PT is 0 - 15 seconds. vs. Normal aPTT is 30 - 40 seconds. * Platelet abnormality lead to petechiae and purpura. vs. Clotting factor abnormality lead to big bleed eg joints, Intracranial etc. * | PT occur due to warfarin and factor VII +. * | aPTT occur due to hemophilia, VWB disease, Antiphospholipid Ab $. * | PT and | aPTT occur due to DIC, Liver dis, Vit K def (def of factor II, VII, IX, X). * Iron absorbs in duodenum, absorption stimulated by Vit C and inhibited by phosphate. * Craving for Ice (pica), Koilonychia (spooning of nails) are the indication of Iron def anemia. * Ferritin is an active phase reactant; In inflammation it will be elevated even in pt with Iron def anemia. * Anemia of chronic disease -- Normocytic normochromic anemia + + Iron and normal Ferritin. (25% cases are microcytic & hypochromic). * Sideroblastic Anemia (XR) -- is Microcytic hypochromic. Iron studded normoblast in bone marrow. DX -- persian blue stain of bone marrow. TX -- vit B6. * Folic acid def -- + ve Formiminoglutamic acid test. It is the most common type of anemia in USA. * Vit B12 def -- + ve schilling test. | serum homocysteine and | methylmalonic acid. shows neurologic symptoms & hypersegmented neutrophil. * Hemolytic Anemia -- + ve coomb test. shows schistocytes, jaundice of skin and sclera. Remember : IgG + ve direct coomb test --- is due to SLE, lymphoma, lupus etc vs. IgM + ve In direct coomb test --- is due to viral infection such as from mycoplasma. * Amphoterecin and Penicillin also cause hemolysis. * Beta thalasemia minor is also known as Cooley's Anemia. * Asplenic pt should be vaccinated for H influenza, Strep peumoniae, N meningitidis etc. * Sickle cell dis is predisposing factor for folic scid def. Pt is also resistant to Plasmodium falciperum. * Spherocytosis -- extravascular hemolysis, normocytic normochromic anemia, MCHC > 33%, + ve Osmotic fragility test. gallstone, splenomegaly. TX -- splenectomy. (post splenectomy pt have dec IgM level). * G6PD def -- common in African American. Manifest as hemolysis after ingestion of Fava beans, sulfa & antimalarial drugs. DX -- smear shows Heinz bodies and bite cells.. TX -- supportive. * Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria -- It is C3 which attack RBCs. Hemolysis occur at low pH. DX -- by Ham test and Sucrose lysis test. CD55 & CD 59 level start checking recently. TX -- Steroids. * TX of Hemophilia A and B -- Desmopressin, DDAVP (factor VIII rich subs) * Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) -- tx with steroids if fail than use Rituximab or splenectomy. * Evan $ -- ITP + autoimmune hemolytic anemia. * Acute progranulocytic leukemia is associated with DIC. 28 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * DIC -- First tx the cause. If pt is actively bleeding give fresh frozen plasma. * Von wilibrand dis -- + vwf or defective vwf activity ÷ prolong aPTT, and BT. DX -- Ristocetin platelet study. TX -- Desmopressin or factor VIII. * Antiphospholipid Ab $ -- Ab against enz of coagulation pathway ÷ multiple unprovoked thrombotic event (in kidney heart brain), abortion (key to usmle) along with Livedo reticularis (net shape voilacious rash). | Autoantibodies, prolong aPTT, and normal PT. Tx -- life long warfarin * Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) -- def of ADAM - TS13 which is von wilibrand cleaving factor. Pentad of Sxs -- Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (Schistocytes), Thrombocytopenia, Renal Failure, Neurologic Sxs and fever. TX -- Urgent plasma pharesis. (remember HUS is same as TTP but occur after E.coli diarrhea without fever and neuro Sxs). * HUS is associated with preceding E coli diarrhea, Mitomycin and chemotherapy. * Primary polycythemia is also called Polycythemia vera. * Pt with Itching that get worst after hot shower + Facial flushing + Plethora --- think of polycythemia. | B12, | basophil, | uric acid & splenomegaly. DX - | RBC mass & hct (> 48 in females & > 52 in males). Erythropoitin + in primary & | in secondary polycythemia. TX - tx the cause & hydroxyurea. * Thrombocytosis -- primary (show > 1000,000.), Reactive (shows <1000,000.) -- cause bleeding or thrombosis. TX -- tx the cause & hydroxyurea. * Henoch Schonlein purpura -- is post streptococcal vasculitis. palpable purpura in lower extremities. Skin biopsy shows IgA deposit. TX - self resolving. * Multiple Myeloma (plasma cell malignancy) -- plasma cell in bone marrow shows basophilic cart wheel or clock face nucleus due to Inc content of RER. It manifest as bone pain, hypercalcemia (due to osteoclastic activity), and Renal failure along with anemia and thrombocytopenia. TX -- Melphalan (chemotherapy) or Bone marrow transplant. * Pt with Multiple myeloma -- do skeletal survey (not the Bone scan). * Leukemia -- + RBCs, + platelets, | WBCs ÷ hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, fracture, ATN, cardiopathy / effusion. (types: ALL, AML, CLL, CML). * Lymphoma -- Rubbery, Painless enlargement of lymphnode, hepatoslepnomegaly, fever, night sweat, pruritis, wt loss, loss of apatite. Types are Hodgekin and Non hodgekin lymphoma. * All leukemias infiltrate white pulp of spleen. vs. Hairy cell leukemia (mature B cell neoplasm) infiltrate Red pulp of spleen. (imp) * ALL -- is CALLA + ve (common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen) and TdT + ve (terminal transferase deletion) favor the good prognosis. TX -- Prednisone + Vincristine + Doxorubicin. Remember ALL with t 9 : 22 has poor prognosis vs. CML with t 9 :22 has good prognosis. * AML (t 15 : 17) -- greenish skin nodule, Auer rods (M3 subtype has good prognosis). TX -- Cytosine Arabinoside + Doxorubicin. * CLL -- Smudge cells, Inc incidence of Autoimmune hemolytic anemia. TX -- no tx. if symptomatic give Fludarabine. * CML (t 9 : 22) -- | basophil, | B12, | uricacid, + Leukocyte acid phosphatase. TX -- Imatinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) * Hairy Cell Leukemia -- infiltrate Red pulp of spleen, Fried egg shaped cell. TX -- 2 Chlorodeoxyadenosine. * Leukemoid reaction -- Inc WBCs due to severe infection but Blast cells are < 5%. vs. In Leukemia Blast cells are very high > 90%. * Hodgekin Lymphoma (HL) -- occur in 20s and 60s. DX -- Reed sternberg cells on biopsy. TX -- ABVD (Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastin, decarbazine). HL with predominant Lymphocytic (low RS cells) has good prognosis vs. HL with Lmphocytic depletion type (high RS cells) has poor prognosis. * Non Hodgekin Lymphoma -- most common type Large B cell lymphoma. Common in elderly. . TX -- CHOP (Cyclophosphamide, Hydroxydaunomycin "Doxorubicin", Oncovir "Vincristine", Prednisone). Hemorrhagic cystitis with cyclophosphamide can be prevented with MESNA. Burkitt Lymphoma is caused by EBV in African Child. (EBV also cause Nasopharyngeal carcinome in chinese population). American Burkitt lymphoma ( t 8 : 14 ) ÷ intestinal obstruction specially in young female with breast cancer. * Tumor Lysis $ -- Inc uric acid, Inc phosphorus, and Inc Ca++. TX -- Allopurinol, Bicarbonate infusion. * Most common Virus associated with blood transfusion is CMV. * Bank Blood is deficient in factor V and VIII. Bank Blood shift O2 dissociation curve to left. * PH = HCO3 / CO2 (imp) * Metabolic Acidosis (+ pH, + HCO3, + CO2) -- cause are DKA, Salisylate poisoning. It could be Normal Anion gap or High Anion gap. * Metabolic Alkalosis (| pH, | HCO3, | CO2) -- occur due to loss of fluid or loss of acid. * Respiratory Acidosis (+ pH, | HCO3, | CO2) -- Causes are COPD or Respiratory failure. TX -- tx with O2 + CO2 ? * Respiratory Alkalosis (| pH, + HCO3, + CO2) -- causes are Fast breathing, Salisylate poisoning and Mid brain lesion. TX -- tx with paper bag. * Salisylate poisoning starts with normal Anion gap Respiratory alkalosis ? and later ends up with High Anion gap Metabolic acidosis. ? * Metabolic Acidosis -- tx with HCO3. or Only correct underlying problem such as DKA. * Metabolic Alkalosis -- tx with normal saline. In resistant cases use Acetazolamide. * Nephrotic $ (proteinuria > 3.5 gm / day) ÷ generalized edema that strats from face & spread downward. causes are DM, HTN, Amyloidosis. Types are 1. Minimal Change dis (Lipoid nephrosis) -- foot processes effacement. Most common in children and young adults. TX -- steroids. 2. Mem Glomrrulonephritis -- spike & dome appearance. High risk in DVT and malignancy. more common in Caucasians. Remember pt with DVT or malignancy with nephrotic $ --- think of Mem glomerulonephritis. imp 3. Focal segmental Glomerulosclerosis -- It is MC Idiopathic nephrotic $ in african americans. Also associated with HIV. 29 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 4. Nodular Glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelsteil wilson $) -- associated with DM. First sign is micro albuminuria. 5. SLE -- Wire loop lesion and subendothelial deposit. (remember subepithelial deposit occur in APGN) 6. Amyloidosis -- dx by congo red staining of abdominal fat pad or peripheral nerves. tx -- colchicine. 7. Familial Mediterranean fever -- fever + serositis + nephrotic $. tx -- colchicine. * Nephritic $ ÷ proteinuria < 3 gm / day, Hematuria and HTN. Mostly due to infection. also autoimmune. Types are 1. Acute post streptococcal GN (APGN) -- lumpy bumpy deposit & sub epithelial hump. (remember subendothelial deposit is occur in SLE) 2. Good Pasture $ -- Linear deposits 3. Rapidly progressive GN -- creasant shape deposit. 4. Membrano proliferative GN (MPGN) -- Tram track appearance. 5. IgA nephropathy (berger dis) -- Mesengial IgA deposit. * Remember GN with low complement level -- think of APGN, MPGN, and SLE. * 5 WBCs / hpf + bacteria -- suggest UTI. vs. 5 WBCs / hpf with out bacteria is sterile pyeuria due to interstitial nephritis, TB, nephrolithiasis. * Uncomplicated UTI -- tx with oral ciprofloxacin or SMX/ TMP. * Complicated UTI -- tx with IV ampicillin and gentamycin (as in pyelonephritis). * UTI in polycystic kidney dis -- tx with SMX / TMP or tetracycline. * UTI in DM can trigger Acute papillary necrosis. * Upper UTI -- tx 10 - 14 days with antibiotics. vs. Lower UTI -- tx with 3 days antibiotic course. * TX failure in UTI -- next thing to do is urinary culture and sensitivity. * Interstitial nephritis caused by drugs such as Ampicillin, methcillin, cephalosporin etc. DX by Inc creatinine, Sterile pyeuria, Eosinophiluria. TX -- stop the offending agent. * Polycystic kidney dis -- spider leg deformity, berry aneurysm (danger of subarachinoid bleed). DX -- by U/S, IVP. TX -- ACE inhibitor. * Acute Renal Failure : 1. Prerenal problem ÷ BUN /Cr Ratio > 20. Fractional excretion of Na+ (FeNa+) is < 1%. 2. Renal problem ÷ BUN / Cr Ratio < 20. FeNa+ is 2 %. Causes are IV contrast, Rhabdomyolysis, Aminoglycosides. Granular muddy cast indicates ATN. 3. Post renal (obstructive uropathy) ÷ dilute and alkaline urine. * ATN starts with oliguric phase for 2 - 4 weeks followed by polyuric phase (+ Na+ & K+) and final post diuretic phase. * Rhabdomyolysis ÷ | CPK. TX with fluid and bicarbonate drip. * Chronic Renal dis -- Renal Osteodystrophy (Osteitis fibrosa cystica + osteomalacia + osteoporosis), motor, sensory & autonomic neuropathy, Itching (earthy colored skin due to Ca++ deposit in skin). * Anuria is urine < 100 cc / day vs. Oliguria is urine < 400 cc / day * Renal Stones < 4 mm --- manage with Inc fluid intake (stone pass spontaneously). vs. * Renal Stone > 4 mm --- admit to hospital and tx with Extra Corporal Shock Wave Lithotripsy "ECWL" or extraction * Recurrent Ca ++ stone -- tx with Thiazides. vs. Recurrent Oxalate stones -- tx with cholestyramine (oxalate chelator) and Magnesium citrate (+ intestinal oxalate absorption). * Alkalinization of urine with NaHCO3 is used to managed all type of stones except phosphate stone for which acidification of urine with vit C is used. * Cysteine stones is screened by Nitroprusside test. TX with Penecillamine. * Renal artery stenosis is caused by fibromuscular dysplasia in young & due to atherosclerosis in elderly (resistant hypokalemic HTN). imp Screen by Captopril provocation test. DX -- by Duplex U/S and Magnetic Resonance Angiography. Angiography is gold standard. TX -- Stenting, ACE inhibitor (ACE inhibitor contraindicated in bilateral stenosis). Fibromuscular dysplasia effect media of the blood vessels. * Renal Tubular Acidosis : RTA type I -- problem in distal tubule (+ H+ secretion) ÷ Normal Anion gap metabolic acidosis ÷ + serum K+ and urine pH > 5.5 . RTA type II -- problem in proximal tubule (+ HCO3 absorption) ÷ Normal Anion gap metabolic acidosis ÷ + serum K+ and Urine pH < 5.5 . RTA type IV -- + cation exchange in distal tubule (due to + aldosterone) ÷ Normal Anion gap metabolic acidosis ÷ serum K+ | & urine pH < 5.5 * Pt with diabetic nephropathy on ACE inhibitor show high albuminuria with time -- what to do ? ÷ Inc dose of ACE inhibitor. * Neurogenic bladder can be spastic or Atonic. UMN lesion ÷ spastic neurogenic bladder (bladder is thick wall & Detrusor is hyper reflexic) ÷ Urinary frequency & Urgency. TX -- Antimuscuranic and urinary catheterization. LMN lesion ÷ Atonic neurogenic bladder ( Bladder is thin wall & dilated, Detrusor is hyporeflexic) ÷ Over flow incontinence. Causes are spinal cord injury etc. TX -- tx the cause and urinary catheterization. * Bartter $ (also called juxta glumoerular hyperplasia) -- there is resistance to angiotensin accordingly hyponatremia ensues ÷ further Inc in angiotensin with resultant Inc in Aldosterone ÷ hypokalemia . TX with prostaglandin blocker such as Indomethacin (remember prostaglandin stimulate angiotensin). * Dysuria + dribbling + dyspareunia in women --- you must add urethral diverticulum in differentials. 30 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Indication of urgent hemodialysis -- resistant hyperkalemia, resistant metabolic acidosis, Fluid overload, uremic pericarditis. * Rheumatoid arthritis (HLA DR4) ÷ morning stiffness for 1 hr and gets better as day progress. vs. Osteoarthritis get worst with exercise. RA effect MCP & PIP ÷ xrays shows erosion, loss of joint space, ulnar deviation of fingers, swan neck deformity. Most imp complication of RA is joint subluxation specially Atlantoaxial joint. (worrisome) Rheumatoid factors (RF) are IgM against IgG, Antineutrophil cytoplasmic Ab, Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide Ab. TX -- NSAIDs, Steroids, Anti TNF (infliximab for which annual PPD is necessary), Disease modifying anti rheumatoid drugs (DMARDs) now is the first line tx once xray abnormality is noted. these are 1. Methotrexate (folic acid antagonist) ÷ marrow depression, Inc liver enzymes. 2. Hydroxychloroquine (stabilize the lysosomes) ÷ Renal failure hemolysis in G6PD def. 3. Sulfasalazine ÷ reversible infertility in male. 4. Gold Salts (taken up by macrophages and stop bone destruction). 5. Penecillamine (analogue of cystiene). * Psoriatic Arthritis -- DIP involvement, sausage digits and pencil cup appearance on xrays. * Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis -- fever, rash, irridocyclitis, pericarditis & - ve RF. TX -- NSAIDs. (Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis with + ve RF has poor outcome vs .with - ve RF, + ve ANA , HLA B27 has good prognosis). * RA + Pancytopenia + hypersplenism ---- think Feltys $. * Osteoarthritis (wear tear injury) -- morning stiffness last < 30 min. when DIP swells called heberden node. when PIP swells called Bouchard node. DX -- xray shows subchondral bone formation and bone osteophytes. TX with NSAIDs, glucoseamine chondroitin. * Most common ocular manifestation in SLE is Retinal Cytoid bodies. * INH, Procainamide & Hydralazine cause lupus like $ and is dx by + ve Antihistone Ab. * Most common cause of PAN is HBV infection. (PAN shows P-ANCA) * Young pt with hepatitis B infection + multiple elderly disease (CVS, RF, CAD etc) ---- suspect PAN. * Pt with Asthma + allergies + Eosinophilia -- Chrugg strauss vasculitis is one of the differential. * Ankylosing Spondylitis (HLA B27) -- usually follow a prostate infection sp with klebsiella. Manifest as Sacroiliitis, uveitis, pulmonary fibrosis and aortic regurgitation. xray shows Bamboo spine. TX -- same as RA. * Reiters $ Rheumatologic dis that follow non - gonococcal infection (salmonella, shigella, compylobacter even gonococci & chlamydia) ÷ uveitis, circinate balanitis & big joint arthritis. may show Dequervain tenosynovitis. DX -- Inc ESR, - ve RF, + ve HLA B27. * Temporal arteritis -- high dose systemic steroids is first step even before biopsy. Biopsy shows plasma cells / giant macrophages infiltration). * Wegners granulomatosis -- + ve C-ANCA, Focal necrotizing vasculitis, granuloma. TX -- Steroids & cyclophosphamide. vs. * Good Pasture $ --- type II hypersensitivity disease. * Takayasau dis -- vasculitis effect the branches of aorta ÷ + pulse + claudication of one extremity. dx by angiography. tx with steroids. * Kawasaki dis -- shows mucocutaneous lesion, cervical lymphadenopathy & aneurysm of the coronary artery. TX -- aspirin and immunoglobulin therapy. * Behcet $ (unknown etiology) -- recurrent iritis, painful oral and genital ulcer. tx with steroids. (imp) * pt with helicotrope eyelids (purple rash), gottron papules, proximal muscle weakness, arthralgia, + / - cancer --- think dermatomyositis. DX -- | CPK, EMG and muscle biopsy is dx. TX -- steroids and careful malignancy screening. * Polymyositis -- it could exist alone. dx by Inc anti - jo - antibodies. * Hypourecemia can occur in pregnancy and Fanconi $. * Pt with gout -- do joint aspiration (- ve birefringence needle shape monosodium urate crystals). serum uricacid is > 7 mg. prevention -- by low purine diet and avoidance of alcohol. TX -- Indomethacine (in acute gout) also colchicine. Allopurinol, probenecid (block uric acid absorption in proximal tubule) in Chronic gout. * Psuedogout -- do joint aspiration (+ ve birefringence Ca++ pyrophosphate rhomboid shape crystals). * Scleroderma -- Anti scl 70 ab and Anti centromere ab. tx supportive. * Polymyalgia Rheumatica -- Giant cell vasculitis cause early morning pain, stiffness of shoulder and hip. | ESR. TX -- steroids. * Osteoporosis -- pt show loss of bone mass but bone density is normal. Also normal serum Ca++ and Alkaline phosphatase. vs. * Osteomalacia -- pt show normal bone mass but bone density is significantly dec. + serum Ca, | alkaline phosphatase, pseudofractures (looser's line). * Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia both dx by Dual Energy Xray Absorptiometry Scan (DEXA Scan). TX -- Calcium & vit D Along with Calcitonin & biphosphonate which inhibit osteoclastic activity. eg Alandronate (side effect - Errosive esophagitis). * Smoking and alcohol Inc the risk of osteoporosis. * Raloxifen (selective Estrogen receptor modulator) prevent osteoporosisand dec the risk of Breast and Endometrial cancer. Good in menopause. Raloxifen act like estrogen on bones and estrogen antagonist on breast and endometrium. * Paget disease of bone -- thick bone cortex and trabeculae ("HINT" hat doesn’t fit anymore, frontal bossing) ÷ bone fractures and deformities. DX -- Inc alkaline phosphatase and Inc urinary hydroxyproline. TX -- Alandronate (biphosphonate). * Paget dis of bone is mostly due to PARAMYXOVIRUS infection. ? 31 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Fibromyalgia -- 11 out of 18 point pain (bilaterally) is the dx criterion. TX -- Drug of choice is Duloxetine. Recently TCA, SSRI. * Pulse Pressure is the difference b/w systolic and diastolic BP. It determined by the stroke vol and compliance of large arteries. Arthrosclerosis widen the pulse pressure. * S3 is due to ventricular filling ---- prominent in CHF (sounds like chalchughad) * S4 is due to high atrial pressure caused by atrial contraction ---- Prominent in ventricular diastolic dysfunction (sounds like makhanchu) * Aortic stenosis -- diamond shape systolic ejection murmur radiating to carotids. * Aortic regurgitation -- Blowing diastolic murmur at the base along with wide pulse ( water hammer pulse ) strong carotid and capillary pulsation. * Mitral stenosis -- Diastolic rumbling murmur at the apex with opening snap. * Mitral regurgitation -- Mid systolic click with late systolic murmur. * Mitral valve murmur that changes with position along with positional syncope specially in female --- think of LA myxoma. * Most common cause of valvular lesion is wear and tear. * Valve replacement using tissue valve -- common side effect is calcification. vs. Valve replacement using mechanical valve -- common side effect is thrombosis and hemolysis. * Only Mechanical valve replacement require life long Warfarin therapy with target INR of 2.5 - 3.5 . * Acute stress disorder last < 4 weeks vs. Post traumatic stress disorder last > 4 weeks. * Ejection fraction = stroke vol / EDV = > 50 %. * CO = stroke vol x HR * Aortic arch baroreceptors signal CNS via vagus nerve vs. Carotid arch baroreceptors signals CNS via glossopharyngeal nerve. * HTN cause copper wire and arterio venous nicking of retinal vessels. * Hydrochlorothiazide ÷ hypercalcemia, hyperurecemia, hyperglycemia. (other thiazides are chlorothalidone, indapamide) * Nitroprusside used in HTN emergencies, major side effect is Cyanide toxicity which is tx with nitrite and thiosulfate. * Verapamil (- ve ionotropic and - ve chronotropic) vs. Diltiazam (vasodialator, - ve ionotropic and - ve chronotropic) * remember nifiedipine cause reflex tachycardia vs. verapamil and diltiazam cause bradycardia. * Phentolamine (reversible o blocker) is used to dx pheochromocytoma. vs. Phenoxybenzamine (irreversible o blocker) is the tx of pheochromocytoma, also lebatelol; (Pure beta blocker such as atenelol is never used as tx) * Parazocin, Terazocin --- make sure pt is taking the pill at bed time initially (due to first dose orthostatic hypotension) * HTN -- Hydrochlorothiazide is the tx of choice in all pts. exceptions are DM + HTN --- give ACE inhibitor or ARB COPD or Asthma + HTN --- give Ca++ channel blocker HTN in african american --- give Diuretics or Ca++ channel blockers. HTN in elderly --- Diuretics or Ca channel blockers. HTN in pregnancy --- o methyldopa or hydralazine. HTN due to hyperaldosteroniam (Conns $) --- Spironolactone. * CHF (systolic type) -- + EF. causes are MI, Alcohol and Drugs. vs. * CHF (diastolic type) -- Normal EF, + ve S4, causes are Long standing HTN, + ventricular compliance. * high output CHF caused by thyrotoxicosis. vs. Low output CHF is the most common type. * CHF -- CXR shows butterfly shaped pulmonary venous congestion, Kerly A & B lines, EF < 50%, | B type natriuretic peptide (BNP). * LHF shows pulsus alternans vs. RHF shows pulsus paradoxus. * Hydralazine + Nitrate have been proven to be beneficial for african american pt with CHF. * Digoxin inhibit Na - K ATPase ÷ | IC Na+ & Ca++ ÷ | contractility. Indicated in left heart failure & Arrythmia (not in right or diastolic dysfunction). * Digoxin side effects -- Bradycardia, gynecomastia, yellow vision, hypokalemia. Digoxin toxicity : hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, diuretic, quinidine. Risk of toxicity | with hypomagnesaemia (caution in alcoholics). TX - Potassium & Digibind. * Digoxin; Digitalis (longer high life) -- lower the stay in hospital in CHF but they do not lower the mortality. * Phosphodiestrase inhibitor (amrinone, milrinone) Inc Ca++ influx in cadiomyocytes and has vasodilatory effect ÷ used in CHF. * Beta blocker are contraindicated in Prinzmetal Angina (vasospastic angina) due to unopposed alpha vasoconstrictor action. Beta-blocker is relative contraindicated in Asthma and DM (can mask the signs of hyperglycemia by inhibiting glycogenolysis). * Sudden stoppage of beta blocker lead to Rebound tachycardia and Arrythmia. * MI -- Myoglobulin (first to rise after 1 hr), Troponin ( rise after 3 hrs and last 10 days), Coagulation necrosis starts with in hr. * MI -- First thing in tx is morphine, O2, Nitroglycerine and Aspirin. Second thing is Heparin drip, aspirin, beta blocker, ACE inhibitor, Statins. If MI is ST segment elevation (STEMI) ÷ do urgent cardiac catheterization, if it cant be done in < 90 min start tPA If MI is non ST elevation (NSTEMI) ÷ indicate GP IIb / IIIa inhibitor but after stent placement (as they inhibit platelet aggregation & fibrinogen production) * Papillary muscle of mitral valve are attached posteriorly and are supply by Right coronary artery. 32 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Ventricular Aneurysm suspected by persistent ST elevation after resolution of MI. * Dresslers $ -- Pericarditis that occur few weeks after resolution of MI. tx with steroids. note : chest pain that starts days after MI is either a pericarditis or reinfarction. * Most common complication after Carotid Endarterectomy is MI. ? * Most common cause of death in MI is arrythmia. * Cessation of smoking for 5 yrs. dec the risk of MI by 50%. * Indication for Bypass surgery -- Left main coronary artery involvement or three vessels dis. Every thing else could be tx with stent. * Most pericarditis are viral in origin ÷ shows PR depression and ST elevation with normal troponin. TX -- NSAIDs. * Pericardial Effusion & Temponade ÷ hypotension, distent heart sound, pulsus paradoxus (inspiratory drop of BP), Kausmaull sign (inspiratory jugular vein distention). DX -- Flask shape heart on CXR. Echocardiography confirm & evaluate the degree of effusion (LAP = RAP = RVEDP). TX -- urgent pericardiocentesis. (during pericardiocentesis the internal mammary artery is at risk for injury) imp. * Bloody Pericardial effusion -- think malignancy. vs. serous Pericardial effusion -- think uremia. * Rheumatic fever -- Fever + 2 or more of the following. Sydenham chorea, Carditis, Arthritis, subcutaneous nodules, Erythema marginatum on trunk and proximal extremities. DX -- | ESR, | ASLO titer. TX -- Penecillin if allergic give Erythromycin. * Endocarditis -- fever, new murmur, osler node, janeways lesion, Roth spots, splinter hemorrhage. Most commonly due to strep viridians (mitral valve). Staph Aureus is most common in IV drug users (tricuspid valve). DX -- first thing to do is blood culture, Transesophageal echocardiogram to find vascular lesion. TX -- Penecillin + Aminoglycoside. * Note 2 gm prophylaxis Amoxicillin is given prior to any heart procedure will + the risk of endocarditis. Alternatives are Clindamycin, Erythromycin. * Aortic stenosis murmur dec by anything that Inc venous return, such as squatting, laying supine, hand grip. * Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM) also called Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis (IHSS) -- Pulsus Bisferious with Hx of syncope. DX -- Echocardiography. TX -- beta blocker, vasodialators. Implant cardioverter defibrillator. All family member should be evaluated for HOCM. * Coarctation of aorta proximal to the origin of the subclavian artery is usually associated with PDA. Other common finding are Bicuspid aortic valve (systolic ejection click at apex), difference b/w BP in upper and lower extremities. DX -- by Aortography. CXR shows Rib notching. (think of coarctation of aorta in pt with turner $) * Aortic Dissection -- Pain radiate to back, CXR wide media stinum. Practically we do Spiral CT of the chest. In emergency situation do transesophageal Echocardiogram. In Non emergency situation do MRI. Confirmatory test is Aortography (gold standard test). TX -- Surgical repair but first lower the BP with beta blocker if descending Aorta is involve. * Aortic Aneurysm -- Pain radiate to back + Pulsating Abdominal mass. DX -- Aortography or Abdominal U/S. TX -- Surgery if aneurysm is > 5 cm in diameter in abdomin (or > 6 cm in thoracic one). Smaller need to control risk factor and U/S every 6 month. * Supra ventricular tachycardia -- RR, HR > 100, deformed P wave, short PR interval, caused by exercise, fever, anxiety. TX -- tx cause or Adenosine. * Ventricular tachycardia -- Regular Rhythm (RR), AV dissociation present. EKG shows wide complex tachycardia. Cannon neck a wave. Causes are fluid shift & ischemic heart dis (IHD). TX -- First step DC cardioversion, followed by epinephrine, Amiodarone, Lidocaine. Remember Torsades de pointes is multifocal V - tach tx as above + Magnesium sulfate and Over drive pacing. * Ventricular fibrillation -- It is an emergency. EKG shows broad bizarre irregular fine waves. Causes are electrolyte imbalance, IHD. TX same as V - tach. * Atrial flutter -- RR, HR > 100. Atrial rate 300 - 400. EKG shows saw tooth appearance. Neck vein pulsation > Radial pulse. TX -- Digoxin, Beta blocker, warfarin (INR 2 - 3), Ca++ channel blocker. * Atrial Fibrillation -- Irregularly irregular rhythm, HR > 100, absent Neck a wave. EKG shows absent P wave. (complication is thrombus formation) TX -- Digoxin, beta blocker, Ca++ channel blocker, warfarin (INR 2 - 3). DC cardioversion can be used if pt is hemodynamically stable. * Extra systole -- Regularly Irregular. Normal neck vein a wave. TX -- nothing until they are ventricular or multifocal (| blocker, Ca++ channel blocker). * WPW -- Re entrant tachycardia that follow accessory pathway. recurrent episode of dizziness (mostly young pt) EKG show short PR and slurred up stroke (J wave) before QRS complex. TX -- Radiofrequency ablation of accessory tract. * First degree heart block -- PR interval > 0.21 sec with out any drop of beat. * Second degree heart block -- Mobitz I -- Increasingly prolong PR followed by drop of QRS. TX -- Atropine, pace maker placement. Mobitz II -- Drop of QRS with out any preceding PR prolongation. TX -- Atropine, pace maker placement. * Third degree heart block -- complete AV dissociation with cannon neck a wave. TX -- Atropine, pace maker placement. * Pulseless electrical activity -- caused by pneumothorax, cardiac temponade. DX made by Normal electrical activity on monitor but absent pulse on exam. TX -- IV fluid, EN, Atropine. * Hypothermic Arrythmia -- EKG shows osbourne (J) wave and ventricular fibrillation. Complication include Rhabdomyolysis, Pontine Myelinolysis. * Shock -- mean arterial BP < 60 or systolic BP < 90. * Septic shock has 2 phases --- warm phase with vasodilation followed by cold phase with diffuse vaso constriction. * Cardiogenic shock -- give dobutamine. * Obstructive shock -- caused by pulmonary embolism, Pneumothorax. TX -- tx the cause + hydration + vasopressin. * Dyslipidemia tx goal ÷ Keep total cholestrol < 200 mg/dL. Triglyceride < 150 mg/dL. 33 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Keep LDL < 160 mg/dL (in pt with no risk factor) or < 130 mg/dL (with 2 risk factor). < 70 (with 3 risk factor or CAD) Keep HDL > 40 in males and > 50 in females. * Statins -- used in | total cholestrol & | LDL. side effects are | LFT, myositis. * Fibrates -- use in | triglycerides and type III dyslipidemia. side effects are cholestrol gall stone. (malignancy with clofibrate). * Bile acid sequestrant (Cholestyramine, cholestipol) -- use in type II dyslipidemia & Itching obstructive jaundice. Side effect -- def of fat soluble vit & folic acid. * Niacin -- use in + HDL and type IIb dyslipidemia. Side effects are flushing pruritis, hyperurecemia and hyperglycemia. * Probachol (inhibit oxidation of cholestrol & LDL thus prevent foam cell formation) -- tx of Atherosclerosis, type II dyslipidemia. Side effect -- prolong QT interval. * Fronal lobe area 4 & 6 lesion ÷ contralateral spastic paresis . (area 44, 45 is broca area). * Frontal lobe area 8 lesion ÷ Ipsilateral eye deviation. * Temporal area 41, 42 lesion ÷ sensory neuronal hearing loss. (area 22 is wernickes area). * Anterior Temporal lobe lesion ÷ Kluver bucy $. * Inferiomedial Occipito temporal cortex lesion ÷ prospagnosia (can not recognize face). * Parietal lobe area 3, 1, 2 lesion ÷ contralateral hemihyperesthesia. * Parietal lobe area 5, 7 lesion ÷ contralateral sensory neglect . * Inferior parietal area lesion ÷ Gertsmann $ (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia) * Occipital lobe lesion ÷ unilateral cause hemianopsia. bilateral cause blindness. * Alzheimers dis (dementia) ÷ + choline acetyl transferase (use in acetylcholine synthesis in fore brain). Show amyloidosis plaque Hirano bodies, neurofibrillary tangles, degeneration of nucleus of meynert. TX -- Donepezil (cholinestrase inhibitor). * Pick disease -- another cause of dementia that effect frontal and temporal lobe. shows pick bodies. * Normal pressure hydrocephalus (dementia) ÷ Triad of Dementia + Broad base gait + Urinary Incontinence. * Glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV Astrocytoma) -- CT scan or MRI show mass with necrotic center (also called butterfly glioma). * Brain tumor in adults are mainly Supratentorial (most commonly metastatic tumor) vs. Brain tumor in childrens are mainly Infratentorial (most commonly Asrocytoma) * Metastatic brain tumor show Ring Enhancement on CT scan. * Pseudo tumor cerebri ÷ | intracranial pressure with out space occupying lesion, usually effect over wt adolescent female. Causes are vit A toxicity, tetracycline, steroid with drawal, OCPs. longstanding case ÷ permanent blindness. DX -- by dx of exclusion CT & lumbar puncture is normal. TX -- Steroids & Acetazolamide (+ intracranial pressure). Resistant cases do shunt operation. * Meningitis -- MC cause in newborn ---- Group B strep MC cause in children ---- Strep pneumoniae MC cause in adults ---- N meninigitidis. MC cause in elders ---- Strep pneumoniae MC cause in HIV pt ---- Cryptococcus neoformens. * Brudzinski sign -- triad of nuchal rigidity + photophobia + headache -- suggest meningitis or subarachinoid hemorrhage. * Bacterial meningitis -- CSF shows | protein, | pressure, | WBCs count, + glucose. * Viral meningitis -- CSF shows | protein, | pressure, | lymphocytes and normal glucose. * TB meningitis -- CSF shows same as viral but glucose is very low. TB meningitis cause injury to only CN III, VI, VII, VIII. * Complication of meningitis -- Adrenal hemorrhage (also called Water house friedrichson $) show shell like calcification on xrays. Encephalitis (herpes cause unique olfactory hallucination and RBCs in CSF). Also mononuclear pleocytosis. Fulminant meningococcemia (high fever, sepsis, purpura fulminans) * Meningitis + Inc level of amylase -- think Acute viral parotitis. * Meningioma -- Arise from Arachinoid villi. 90% benign and supratentorial. Show intracranial HTN and Psammoma bodies. * Psammoma bodies -- seen in papillary carcinoma of thyroid, serous ovarian cyst and meningioma. * Oligodendroglioma arise from frontal lobe. grow slowly and show calcification. * Congenital aqueduct stenosis ÷ hydrocephalus with dilatation of lateral and 3rd ventricle. vs. * Dandy walker $ -- Atrophied cerebellum + Occipitomeningocele + dilatation of 4th ventricle (due to obstruction of foramina Lushka & megendie) * Normal pressure hydrocephalus -- failure of Arachinoid villi to absorb CSF usually in elderly. other causes are Intracranial hemorrhage, trauma. * Arnold chiari malformation (elongation of cerebellum in medulla oblongata) -- compresses CN IX, X, XI. (Arnold big head cannot talk, eat or breath) * Ant cereberal artery stroke ÷ contralateral hemiplegia / hemihypoesthesia more pronounced in lower extremities. * Middle cerebral artery stroke ÷ contralateral hemiplegia / hemihypoesthesia & slurred speech. Common in internal capsule (lacunar) stroke. * Post cerebral artery stroke ÷ contralateral homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing. * Vestibulobasilar stroke ÷ Vertigo, vertical nystagmus & incoordination suggest cerebellar injury + Ataxia, Dysmetria (finger to nose test), Intention tremor. * Right parietal lobe infarction ÷ Neglect $ ÷ contralateral sensory neglect + visual field defect. 34 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Left parietal lobe infarction ÷ speech and language abnormality. * CVA -- order CT scan. Repeat CT scan in 24 - 48 hrs also order carotid Doppler, Echocardiogram and EKG. * Hemorrhagic CVA is subject to surgical drainage only when there is mid line shift. * Ischemic CVA -- give thrombolytics if presents with in 3 hrs of onset & pt has no contraindication. Other options : aspirin, dipiridamol, clopidogrel. * Subarachinoid hemorrhage (worst headache of life) -- Lumbar puncture is the test of choice. CT is less sensitive. * Berry aneurysm rupture -- MC location is bifurcation of Ant communicating artery ÷ Subarachinoid bleed & Bitemporal lower quadrant Anopia. * Ant communicating artery connects the Ant cerebral arteries its injury ÷ subarachinoid hemorrhage and lower quadrant anopia. vs. * Post communicating artery connects middle cerebral artery with post cerebral artery its injury ÷ subarachinoid hemorrhage & CN 3 palsy (ptosis & diplopia). * TX of concussion (lucid interval) is conservative (resolves spotaneously). memory loss will be regained in 6 months. * Spinabifida -- first trimester U/S shows Lemon sign. Prevent with folic acid. TX -- surgical. Same defect at the back of the skull is called Encephalocele. * Hypertrichosis in lumbar area could be the sign of spinabifida occulta. * Cranio pharyngioma (ramanent of Rathkes pouch) is the most common cause of hypopituitarism in childrens. * Cerebellar Ant vermis $ -- lower extremities incoordination. common in Alcoholics. vs. * Cerebellar Post vermis $ -- Truncal and upper extremities incoordination. Common in Peds group due to medulloblastoma. * Most midline brain tumor are medulloblastoma. vs. Most lateral brain tumors are Astrocytoma. * Most brain tumor in children are infratentorial post fossa tumor, with Astrocytoma being the most common. * Rules -- Ant hypothalamus regulate parasympathetic system. vs Post hypothalamus regulate sympathetic system. Supraoptic nucleus regulate ADH vs. Paraventricular nucleus regulates Oxitocin. Ant nucleus regulate cooling. vs. Post nucleus regulate heating. Lateral nucleus regulate hunger vs. Medial nucleus regulate satiety. SeptatE nucleus regulate Sexual urge and Emotion. * Mamillary body injury occur due to alcoholism and wernickes Encephalopathy. * Encephalopathy + ataxia + Nystagmus -------- thiamine (B1) def. * Korsakoff Confabulation caused by injury to hippocampus. (pt develop Anterograde amnesia and start fabricating stories). * Huntington chorea -- Atrophy of caudate nuc & degeneration of cholinergic & GABAergic neuron ÷ Dementia, hypotonia, chorea, athetoid movement due to hyperactivity of NMDA and Glutamate. (strong family hx of disorder) * Chorea also occur in Rheumatoid fever (Sydenham chorea) and in 2nd trimester (Chorea Gravidum). * Hamiballismus (sudden aggressive, flailing movement of contralateral arm) occur due to vascular lesion injuring the Subthalamic nuclei. MID BRAIN LESIONS : +Parinaud $ (dorsal midbrain lesion) -- Most common cause is pinealoma. Other causes are MS and Stroke. If lesion is in superior colliculi ÷ paralysis of upward, downward and convergent gaze. (SO4 LR6 rest 3) vs. If lesion is in Acqueduct of sylvius ÷ non communicating hydrocephalus. +Benedikt $ (Paramedian midbrain lesion) ÷ Ipsilateral occulomotor nerve palsy, contralateral cerebellar ataxia & medial laminiscus injury (Sensory). vs. +Weber $ (medial mid brain lesion) ÷ Ipsilateral occulomotor nerve palsy, contralateral paralysis of face, tongue & palate. contralateral corticospinal tract injury. (uvula deviate toward to effected side + post cerebral artery injury). +Basilar or cerebellar artery injury ÷ Pontine hemorrhage. Effect Corticospinal pyramid (contralateral spastic paresis), Medial leminiscus (contralateral loss of touch), hypoglossal nucleus (ipsilateral paralysis of tongue, tongue veer toward effected side). +Post inferior cerebellar artery injury ÷ Wallenburg $. Affect CN IX, X, XI Nuclei (dysphagia, dysarthria, dysphonia, loss of gag & cough reflex), Sympathetic chain (Ipsilateral horner $), Trigeminothalamic tract (loss of pain and temp of contralateral body), Vestibular nuclei (vertigo nystagmus), Cerebellar peduncle (Ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia). +Infarction of the base of the PONS ÷ Locked In $.(quadriplegia, paralysis of all CN except eyes). * UMN lesion ÷ hypertonia, hyperreflexia, Babinski sign. vs. LMN lesion ÷ Hypotonia, hyporeflexia and fasciculation. * Spinal cord injury above C3 ÷ may cause Quadriplegia. * Systemic steroids given in first 10 hrs may help minimize spinal cord damage. * Dumbbell shaped spinal cord tumor are common in neurofibromatosis. They are Schwanomas shows Antoni bodies and are S-100 positive. * Multiple sclerosis -- MRI shows paraventicular white matter plaque, CSF show Inc IgG. TX -- systemic steroids. Prophylaxis beta interferone. * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou gehrig dis) -- combined upper & lower motor neuron degenerative dis effecting gray horn & corticospinal tract ÷ Asymmetric limb weakness, UMN signs (hypertonia, hyperreflexia, Babinski sign), LMN signs (hypotonia, hyporeflexia, fasciculation). * Tabes dorsalis -- dorsal column damage due to untreated syphilis ÷ loss of propioception & vibration sensation, electric like pain in upper & lower extremities, ataxia, + ve Romberg sign. Remember Tabic crisis pt presents with abdominal pain and bladder dysfunction. * Brown sequard $ (hemisection of spinalcord) ÷ Ipsilateral flaccid paralysis and horner $ and contralateral loss of pain and temp. * Anterior spinal cord artery occlusion -- common complication of aortic abdominal surgery ÷ flaccid paralysis, loss of pain and temp bilaterally 35 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS below the level of lesion and bilateral horner $. imp * Subacute combined degeneration (due to B12 def) ÷ effect dorsal and lateral column with resultant ataxia, loss of propioception & vibration in stocking and gloves distribution. also show B12 def anemia. (imp) * Syringomyelia (central dilatation of cord with resultant injury to gray horn and ant white commissure) ÷ bilateral hand and arm weakness along with loss of pain and temp in both hands. * Guillian barre $ (LMN lesion) ÷ Facial muscle weakness in 50% pts. CSF shows Inc protein with normal cell count. TX -- Plasmapharesis. * Olfactory nerve (CN I) lesion -- Ipsilateral Anosmia. vs. Lesion in Uncus cause olfactory hallucination. * Optic nerve (II) lesion -- pupil constriction / dilation. Argyll Robertson pupil (pupil that accommodate but cannot react to light due to syphilis) Papilledema (due to high intracranial pressure pt presents with blind spot but normal visual acuity). Uncal herniation ÷ bilateral dilated fixed pupil. * Occulomotor nerve (III) -- LR6. SO4. rest CN 3. * Trochlear nerve (IV) injury ÷ weak down ward gaze and Vertical diplopia. * Trigeminal nerve (V) -- Ophthalmic (V1), Maxillary (V2), Mandibular (V3). motor supply to muscle of mastication, sensory to face mouth and Supratentorial dura. * Abducen nerve (VI) injury -- convergent strabismus, Horizontal diplopia. * Facial nerve (VII) -- motor facial expression, taste (Ant 2/3 of tongue), Lacrimal & submandibular salivary gland. (also in ear to dump sound). * Vestibular nerve (VIII) -- vestibular (for balance), cochlear (for hearing). Injury to vestibular ÷ vertigo, nystagmus. vs. Injury to Cochlear ÷ Tinnitis, sensory neuronal hearing loss. Weber test -- tuning fork on head ÷ vibration louder in ear with conductive hearing loss & diminished in sensorineuronal hearing loss. Rinne test -- Moving tuning fork from mastoid to infront of external auditory meatus. Sound on mastoid is louder in conducting hearing loss. and sound is louder in front of ear in sensory neuronal hearing loss and also in normal ear. * Acoustic neuroma (schwanoma) compress CN 5 and 7 causing hearing loss and tinnitis, facial deficit.. dx by MRI. * Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) -- taste and sensory input to post 1/3 of tongue, parotid gland, carries input from carotid sinus (baroreceptor) and carotid bodies (chemoreceptors). Injury cause loss gag, and taste. Carotid hypersensitivity cause syncope. * Vagus nerve (X) injury ÷ soft palate paralysis (loss of gag & cough reflex), pharynx (dysphagia), larynx (hoarsness), uvula deviate toward paralysed side. * Accessary nerve (XI) injury ÷ shoulder drop. * Hypoglossal nerve (XII) ÷ innervate all tongue muscle except platoglossus (by CN X). -- injury deviates tongue to paralysed side. * Benign Rolandic epilepsy ÷ cause only muscle twitching, common in school children. * Seizures are followed by post tictal state (confusion) and some time transient paralysis (Todds paralysis). * Most common cause of seizures -- in childrens (infection), In adults (trauma), In elder (CVA). * TX of grand mal seizures -- phenytoin (S effects. megaloblastic anemia, gingival hyperplasia), Carbamezapine (S effects, Bone marrow depression, hepatotoxicity. * TX of absence seizures (petite mal) -- Ethusoxamide ( steven johnson $), Valproic acid. * TX of Myoclonic seizures -- Phenobarbital (S effect, morbilliform rash) * TX of Status Epilepticus -- Diazepam fist than Fosphenytoin. * TX of Myasthenia gravis (MG) -- Cholinestrase inhibitor (pyridostigmine, neostigmine). Remember Eaton lambert $ is paraneoplastic $ (Ab against Ca++ channels). Sxs are same as MG except Sxs get better with exertion. imp. * Polio -- Asymmetrical Hypotonia, hyporeflexia with out sensory loss. vs. * Werdnig -- Hoffmann dis -- symmetric hypotonia, hyporeflexia, hypoesthesia (sensory loss), tongue fasciculation. * Disc prolapse -- dx with MRI of spine. * Phalen test -- 90° wrist flexion of both hand joint together dorsally produce Sxs suggest Carpel tunnel $. TX -- wrist splints. Surgery (last resort). * Waddling gait -- superior gluteal nerve injury. * Loss of planter flexion of foot -- tibial nerve injury (L4 - S3) * Loss of dorsi flexion of foot (foot drop) -- Common paroneal nerve injury (L4 - S2). * Macular degeneration -- most common cause of blindness in elderly, cause gradual painless loss of vision. TX -- Laser Photocoagulation. * Central retinal artery occlusion -- sudden painless unilateral blindness. Cherry red fovea. TX -- thrombolytics. * Central retinal vein occlusion -- sudden painless unilateral blindness along with retinal hemorrhage and exudate. TX -- Laser Photocoagulation. * Ischemic Optic neuropathy -- common in giant cell arteritis usually involve post ciliary artery. * Hollen Horst plaque -- Retinal plaque that occur due to embolization. * Chemical burns in eye (alkaline burn is more dangerous than acidic) -- First thing to do irrigate eye with water or saline. * Intraoccular foreign body -- MRI and superficial manipulation is contraindicated. * Open angle Glaucoma -- gradual loss of peripheral vision with resultant blindness. * Close angle Glaucoma ÷ Sudden severe eye pain, halos around light, nausea and vomiting. 36 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- Immediate topical pilocarpine and timolol, and systemic acetazolamide. * Otitis externa -- common agent pseudomonas. TX -- Antibiotic ear drop. * Otitis media -- common agent is Strep pneumoniae. TX -- amoxicillin. * Otitis Interna -- common are Viral Labyrithinitis, Vestibular neuritis ÷ vertigo, nausea, vomiting, horizontal nystagmus. TX -- meclizine. Remember vertical nystagmus suggest central process. eg. vertibrobasilar CVA. * Sinusitis -- Oropharyngeal cobble stoning and opacification of sinus on transillumination. TX -- Amoxicillin. * Menier's dis -- occur due to endolymphatic hydrop ÷ recurrent episode of ear fullness, deafness and vertigo. TX -- Diuretics. * Negri bodies in perkingi cells of cerebellum --- think of Rabies. * Hirano bodies and neurofibrillary tangles --- think of Alzhiemers. * Lewy bodies + absence of melanin in substantia negra -- think of Parkinson dis. * Mid brain exits CN III and IV. * Pons exits CN V, VI, VII, VIII. * Medulla exits CN IX, X, XI, XII * Bicep reflex -- mediated by C5 & C6. * Tricep Reflex -- mediated by C7 & C8. * Knee reflex -- mediated by L2, L3, L4 * Ankle reflex -- mediated by S1 * Bilateral Facial palsy -- think lyme dis, sarcoidosis, Guillian barre $. * Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow dis) caused by Crutzfeld Jacob virus ÷ altered mental status, seizures, myoclonus. * RV (amount of vol left in the lung after forced expiration) -- cannot be measured by spirometry. But can be measured by pulmonary functional test. * Pulmonary function test (PFT) -- normal is 80%. (any thing < 80% is abnormal). * Obstructive lung dis -- FEV / FVC ratio is < 80% and Total lung capacity (TLC) is > 80%. * Restrictive lung dis -- FEV / FVC ratio is > 80%. and TLC is < 80%. * Mixed (obstructive / restrictive) lung dis -- FEV / FVC < 80%. and TLC is < 80%. * Anatomical dead space (150 mL) measured by fowlers method. vs. Physiologic dead space is measured by Bohrs method. * V/Q Ratio zero -- suggest complete airway obstruction (ventilation defect). vs. V/Q Ratio extremely elevated -- suggest circulation obstruction (perfusion defect). * How breathing is stimulated in pt with + O2 and normal CO2. Answer is peripheral receptors. (Central receptors in medulla stimulated by | CO2 and | H+. where as Carotid and aortic bodies are stimulated by +O2, |CO2, |H+). * Pulmonary venous congestion ÷ Rapid shallow breathing (due to stimulation of J receptors). * Hering Bruer reflex -- Inhibition of inspiration due to stretch of lung tissue. * DX of Asthma -- PFT and Methacholine challenge test. * Thrush can be prevented by washing mouth after inhaling steroids. (Inhalant steroids are the main stay of the tx of Asthma). * Exercise Asthma -- use Albuterol before exercise. * Allergy Asthma -- use mast cell stabilizer inhaler (Nedocromil). * Chronic bronchitis -- Expectorant cough for at least 3 successive month / yr for at least 2 successive yrs. * Blue bloaters -- predominant bronchitis with cough, cyanosis, edema (as in COPD). * Pink Puffers -- predominant emphysema with dyspnea and puffing with expiration (as in COPD). * COPD -- PFT shows FEV / FVC < 80%. CXR shows hyperinflated lung and flattened diaphragm. * Most Imp complication of COPD is core pulmonale ÷ Pulmonary HTN and Right Ventricular failure. * Pt with emphysema + | transaminases (due to recurrent hepatitis) --- think o - 1 - antitrypsin def. * In emphysema o - 1 - globulin level is low. * Respiratory failure -- PO2 < 60, PCO2 > 50. two types Type I -- Hypoxia normocapnia (+O2, normal CO2) ---- think of Emphysema, pneumonia, Pulmonary edema. TX -- O2 with high concentration. Type II -- Hypoxia hypercapnia (+O2, |CO2) ---- think Asthma and COPD. TX -- O2 with low conc to maintain respiratory center stimulation, this is one case where high O2 level may be fatal. * Hypoxia ÷ Cyanosis and tachycardia vs. Hypercapnia ÷ Headache with bounding pulse and lethargy. imp. * Tension Pneumothorax -- Air enter the pleura and only partially leave. * Pleurodesis (is sealing both pleural layer together) is considered in following 1. First penumothorax episode in secondary cases. 2. Second pneumothorax episode in primary cases. * # 1 cause of death from cancer in both gender is Lung Cancer * Lung cancer is the # 1 cause of pleural effusion. * DX of lung cancer -- By biopsy. CT scan guided biopsy in peripheral tumors and Bronchoscopic biopsy in central tumor. 37 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Also order Bone scan, CT scan of head, abdomen and Pelvis. Remember Central tumor are squamous cell and small cell carcinomas. Rest are peripheral. * Small cell carcinoma -- may exist with Eaton Lambert $ (anti Ca++ channel Ab), sensory neuropathy (anti neuronal Ab), also ectopic ADH & ACTH. * Adenocarcinoma is most common lung cancer with early metastasis, Squamous is 2nd most common. * Squamous cell carcinoma cells are Eosinophilic. vs. Small cell carcinoma cells are Basophilic. * Community acquired pneumonia is best tx with Quinolones (Levofloxacin) or combination of azithromycin + 3rd generation Cephalosporin. * Legionella DX by high Immunoflorescence and culture of charcoal Agar. vs. Mycoplasma DX by high IgM titer Both cause Atypical pneumonia. TX of Atypical Pneumonia is Erythromycin. * Suspect aspiration pneumonia in pt with Gastrostomy feeding tube, alcoholics, pt in coma, after seizures. (usually with mixed Anaerobes) * Staph aureus pneumonia -- cause cavitation and hemoptysis. for MRSA pneumonia use Vancomycin. * Klebsiella cause Apical pneumonia -- red currant jelly sputum. * Pneumonia in pt with COPD -- think H Influenza. * Bronchiactesis (abnormal persistent dilatation of bronchi due to airway obstruction and infection ÷ Lund base dull to percussion and apices resonant. dec TVF. DX - CXR or CT show honey comb appearance. TX -- postural drainage and Antibiotics. * Pleural effusion -- CXR shows fluid filling the costophrenic angle. Large fluid shift the media stinum to the opposite side. Causes are transudative (CHF), Exudative Pneumonia), Chylous (thoracic duct obstruction), Hemorrhage (malignancy). TX -- thoracocentesis is diagnostic & therapeutic. If fluid reaccumulate chest tube should be inserted. If fluid reaccumulate after removal of chest tube, Pleurodesis should be done. * Usually malignant pleural effusion (bloody) reaccumulate rapidly consider Pleurodesis. * Lung Fibrosis and lung collapse show dec in every thing on physical exam and media stinum will move toward effected side (if any) vs. * Pleural effusion also shows dec in every thing on physical exam but media stinum will move toward opposite side. * Interstitial lung dis (restrictive lung dis) ÷ cough, cyanosis, clubbing, crackles and cor pulmonale. causes are -- silicosis, asbestosis, sarcoidosis, drugs (amiodarone etc). CXR shows Ground glass appearance. DX by lung biopsy. TX -- Steroids. * Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is rapidly progressive Interstitial lung dis (ILD) with bad prognosis. TX -- Steroids and O2. * Eosinophilic granuloma (Histiocytosis X) is ILD common in male smokers ÷ Langerhan cells on lung biopsy. Complication are Pneumothorax and Hand schuller dis. * Hand Schuller dis -- Eosinophillic granuloma + lytic bone lesion + diabetes Insipidus + exophthalmos. * Aspergillus is immune complex mediated IDL ÷ Brown sputum with branching hyphae. * Silicosis -- effect upper lung zone and CXR show Hilar Egg shell calcification. vs. * Asbestosis effect lower lung zone and show Ferruginous bodies (clubbed ends). * Sarcoidosis -- Inc serum Angiotensin enz level, Non caseating granuloma, Schwan and Astroid bodies. TX -- Self resolving, In severe cases use Steroids. Mucocutaneous form tx with chloroquine. * Sarcoidosis (type IV hypersensitivity) ÷ hypercalcemia ( due to vit D secretion from activated macrophages), Diabetes insipidus (due to post pituitary dysfunction), + albumin and | gammaglobulin. Other Sxs are uveitis, lacrimal and parotid gland swelling, cardiomyopathy, bilateral facial nerve palsy, hilar lymphadenopathy, restrictive lung dis. * + ve PPD with negative CXR -- INH for 9 months. * + ve PPD with positive CXR -- 2 month (INH + Pyrazinamide + Ethumbutal or Streptomycin) followed by 4 month of INH + Refampin. (total 6 month). * INH ÷ cause hepatotoxicity, peripheral neuritis (vit B6 is necessary). * Refampin ÷ cause hepatotoxicity, orange color body fluid. * Pyrazinamide ÷ hepatitis and gout. * Ethambutal ÷ optic neuritis. * Sleep apnea DX -- polysomnography show at least 10 apnic episode / hr and each episode last at least 10seconds. Complication -- Pulmonary HTN, cor pulmonale, sudden death. TX -- Continuous + ve airway pressure (CPAP), wt loss, avoid offending drug. For resistant cases uvulo - palato - pharyngoplasty (UPPP). * Solitary Lung nodule on CXR -- If < 5 cm (central, round, regular , uniform calcification) most likely benign. If > 5 cm (Peripheral, irregular, irregular calcification) most likely malignant. Management -- In low risk pt do CXR every 3 months. vs. In high risk people do biopsy. * Pulmonary Eosinophilia due to drug -- think of Gold compound and penecillamine. * HIV DX -- ELISA is the first test if + ve than confirm the dx with Western Blot test. Follow up -- best done with Viral DNA load and CD4 count (used for prognostic purposes and to asses the response to tx). * Diarrhea in AIDS pt -- think cryptosporidium parvum. tx with Azithromycin. * Seizures in AIDS pt -- think toxoplasmosis. tx with sulfadiazine + pyrimethamine. During pregnancy use Spiramycin. * Pneumonia in AIDS -- think P. Jiroveci. tx with SMX / TMP and or pentamidine. * Complication of AIDS -- Kaposi sarcoma (HHV8), Oral hairy leukoplakia (EBV), Chorioretinitis (CMV), Esophagitis (candida), Meningitis (Cryptococcus neoformens), Hairy cell leukemia (HTLV1), T cell leukemia (HTLV2). 38 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * TX of HIV -- AZT (zidovudine) + ddi (didanosine) + Protease inhibitor (Indinavir). * AZT (inhibit HIV replication) is given to pregnant women to dec the risk of fetal transmission. * ddi, Zalcitabine, Lamivudine ÷ Peripheral neuropathy and pancreatitis (side effects) . * Protease inhibitor (indinavir, ritonavir) ÷ Inc the liver transaminase (side effect). * Indinavir cause nephrolithiasis. * Contaminated needle stick from HIV pt -- prophylaxis for 1 month with LIZ (Lamivudine + Indinavir + Zidovudine) * Rabies (negri bodies) ÷ fever, headache, hydrophobia, pharyngeal muscle spasm, foaming of the mouth. TX - immunoglobulin & immunization. * Clostridium tetani produce tetnospasmin toxin which inhibit the release of GABA from cerebellum and glycine form spinal cord ÷ tetany. TX -- If last toxoid dose was with in last 5 yrs than no toxoid is needed If last toxoid dose was > 5 yrs ago than give toxoids. * If pt was never been immunize than give tetanus toxoid + Immunoglobulin. * Clostridium dificile -- dx by C. dificile toxin in stool. tx with metronidazole or vancomycin. * Listeria Monocytogenes (tumbling motility) -- most common cause meningitis in neonate. mortality rate is high. Also cause meningitis and sepsis in AIDS or immunocompromised pt TX -- Ampicillin + salbactum or SMX / TMP. * Salmonella ÷ Typhoid (enteric) fever. Rosy spots on abdomen, RLQ pain (often confused with appendicitis). TX - ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone. * Salmonella Enteritis ÷ mucous and watery diarrhea. TX -- self resolving. * Rickettsia produce same Ag as proteus mirabilis (OX - 2, OX - 9, OX - K). DX -- by Weil - felix test. cause following diseases. 1. Rocky mountain spotted fever (R. reckettsii) transmitted by tic ÷ fever, petechial rash starts from palm & sole & moves toward trunck. DX -- Complement fixation test (CFT). TX -- Doxicycline or chloramphenicol. 2. Epidemic Typhus (R. Prowazekii) transmitted by tic ÷ fever, Rash involve whole body except palm and sole. DX -- CFT. TX -- same. 3. Endemic Typhus (R. Typhi) transmitted by tic ÷ Rash starts on 5th day of fever. DX -- CFT. TX - same 4. Q Fever (Coxiella Burnettii) transmitted by animal/ animal product ÷ Fever, Pneumonia (due to inhalation of endospores). this is only reckittsial dis that does not cause rash. DX -- CFT. TX - same. 5. Bartonella Henselae (cat scratch dis) ÷ fever, swollen tender pustular lymphadenopathy. Complication is bacillary angiomatosis seen in AIDS. DX -- CFT . TX same as above. 6. Ehrlichia canis (from dog bite) ÷ fever, rash (numerous morulae inside monocytes). DX -- CFT. TX -- same as above. * Cryptococcus neoformens (pigeon dropping) ÷ cause meningitis in AIDS. DX -- India Ink stain of CSF. Culture on Subouraud agar. TX -- Amphoterecin B and Flucytocine. * Pt with Atypical pneumonia and erythema nodusum + Hx of south western desert visit -- think Coccidioidis immitis (its San Joaquin valley fever) DX -- CFT. TX -- Fluconazole or Iatraconazole. Amphoterecin B for severe cases. imp. * Entamoeba histolytica ÷ diarrhea with blood and mucous. Complication is liver abscess. DX -- stool culture (RBCs with in trophozoites). TX -- metronidazole. (homosexual men is carrier) * Giardia (pear shape) ÷ watery malodorous diarrhea, abdominal distention & bloating. stool analysis show cysts. TX -- metronidazole. Well water and Day care centre are notoriuos for giardia. * Sporothrix schenkii (cigar shape budding yeast) -- tx with Potassium Iodide or Iatraconazole. Amphoterecin B for extracutaneous form. * Aspergillus (branching hyphae) -- inhalation cause hypersensitivity reaction type I and type III ÷ bronchospasm. also release Aflatoxin which cause liver cancer.. (Remember candida show pseudohyphae). * Blastomycosis (broad base bud) -- tx Itraconazole. * Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis transmitted through bird feces and may cause pneumonia. * Actinomyeces (yellow sulfur granules) -- tx with penicillin * Shigella (verotoxin) ÷ bloody diarrhea rich in WBCs count. * Compylobacter jejuni ÷ bloody loose diarrhea. TX -- Erythromycin. * Yersenia enterocolitis ÷ appendicitis like pain, mucosal ulceration and diarrhea. * Trypanosoma cruzi (chagas dis) transmitted by Reduvid bug (kissing bug) ÷ chagoma (nodule or papule also called Romana sign), Toxic megacolon, cardiomyopathy, achalasia. TX -- Nifurtimox. * Normal lab in elderly shows ÷ + PO2, + FEV, + Hb, + GFR, | Alkaline phosphatase, | vit A due to dec liver clearance. * CEA --- Colorectal cancer * CA -19 - 9 --- Pancreatic cancer. * CA 125 --- Ovarian cancer. * AFP --- Hepatocellular cancer and teratoma. * PSA --- Prostate cancer * HCG --- Choriocarcinoma, vesicular mole, seminoma. * S - 100 --- melanoma. * Most common tumor that send metastasis is breast cancer. vs. Most common organ to receive metastasis is Adrenal medulla. 39 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Vit A def -- night blindness, Bitot spots, dry skin and hair. * Vit A toxicity -- Inc Intracranial pressure and joint pain. * Thiamine (B1) def -- Beri Beri (polyneuropathy and CHF), Wernicke korsakoff $ (Encephalopathy , nystagmus, ataxia). Korsakoff $ is anterograde amnesia and confabulation. * Riboflavin (B2) def -- Angular stomatitis, cheilitis, corneal vascularization. * Niacin (B3) def -- Pellagra (diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia). * Pyridoxine (B6) def -- peripheral neuropathy, hyperexitability, seizures. Causes are drugs such as INH, OCPs. * B12 def -- * Vit C def -- Scurvey (gingival hyperplasia, easy bruising / bleeding, poor healing). * Folic acid (most common vit def in US) -- Macrocytic hypochromic anemia, neural tube defect. * Fluorine def -- caries. vs. Fluorine toxicity -- chalky white patches on teeth, osteosclerosis. * Zinc def -- depression, mental irritation, alopecia, skin rashes. * Zinc toxicity -- neurologic manifestation * Selenium def -- cardiomyopathy. * Selenium toxicity -- hair loss nail dystrophy. * Copper def -- Menke,s $ (pt have kinky sparse hair). * Copper toxicity -- hemolysis. * Most common source of liver metastasis --- colon cancer. * Most common source of brain metastasis -- breast, lung and prostate cancer. * Most common source of bone metastasis --- brain, prostate, thyroid and kidney cancer. * Annual mammogram start at age 40. * Annual pap smear start after the onset of sexual activity. After 3 successive normal smears do once every 3 yr. * Annual Rectal exam and occult blood in stool starts at age 40. * Colonoscopy starts at age 50 than every 10 yrs. * Annual PSA starts at age 50. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dermatology * Papule -- < 0.5 cm and Nodules -- > 0.5 cm. Papules / nodules are circumscribed area of skin elevation. * Plaque -- disc shape elevated skin lesion > 2 cm in diameter. * Tinea corporis (Ring worm) -- caused by dermatophytes, microsporium and trichophyton. TX -- oral antifungal (terbinafine or Itraconazole or Gresiofulvin) for 4 - 6 week. Note - Kerion a subtype of tenia captis is Red warm tender swelling with pustular discharge. TX -- Antifungal (no incision or drainage is needed). Note - Favus is a subtype of tinea captic ÷ saucer shaped crusty lesion (scatula) with reddish margin. Unlike other tenia infection it heal with scar and could Alopecia. * Tenia Corporis (all dermatophytes can caused this) ÷ Itchy oval round, Red elevated lesion with circinate margins & central clearing. TX - topical antifungal. severe cases systemic antifungal. * Tinea cruris (jock itch) -- involve groin and buttocks. TX -- topical antifungal. * Tinea Unguium (onychomycosis) ÷ white & brittle nails. TX - Oral terbinafine. 6 week for finger nail, 12 weeks for toe nail. * Tinea versicolor (malasezia furfur) -- hypopigmented lesion due to Aceleic acid which inhibit melanocytes. DX - wood light shows yellow color. KOH skin preparation shows spaghetti & meat ball appearance. TX - Topical imidazole. Oral ketoconazole for severe cases. * Candida Albicans -- occur usually in DM, HTN, Obesity, Hyperhydrosis. DX - by pseudohyphae. TX - Topical Nystatin or Imidazole Note - Cutaneous candidiasis (diapers rash) shows satellite lesion. Oral Trush common in inhaled steroids. Genital candidiasis usually occur in female ÷ whitish milky discharge (curd like appearance). TX - single dose Fluconazole. * Gresiofulvin attacks only dermatophytes and cause GI upset. * Ketokonazole and terbinafine are hepatotoxic. * Chicken pox (HZV) -- lesion are arranged in crops with rose petal appearance. vs. Shingles -- lesions are arranged in dermotomal distribution. Complication - post herpetic neuralgia. DX -- Tzanck smear (multinucleated giant cells). TX -- 10 days systemic acyclovir. (acyclovir will not help if started after 24 - 48 hrs of the onset of rash). * Impetigo (staph aureus or strep) -- honey color crusted lesion. TX - penicillanase resistant penicillin. Note - staph release Exfoliatin which cause bullae formation. If impetigo penetrate deep enough to cause ulceration it is called Ecthema. * Erythrasma -- Red scaly lesion of skin look like tinea. DX -- wood lamp show Red Fluorescence.. TX - Tetracycline. * Erysipelas (group A strep) Superficial warm red cellulitis. TX - penicillin or cephelosporin. 40 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Erysipeloid (Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae) -- occur usually in butchers and Fisherman handling animal flesh. Small tender purplish area on the finger after injury from sharp object. TX - penicillin. * Necrotizing Faciitis -- tx with surgical debridgement and broad spectrum Antibiotics. * Folliculitis (staph aureus and pseudomonas) -- small pustular lesion surrounding heir follicles. TX - Penicillinase penicillin. Hottub (pseudomonas) folliculitis is self resolving. * Furunculosis (inflammation of the deep part of hair follicle) -- usually around neck and buttocks ÷ boil and pustular discharge. TX - Oral antibiotics with hot compresses. Incision and drainage with large complicated lesion. (Collection of furuncles are called Carbuncle). * Hideradinitis suppuration -- local inflammation of apocrine gland in axilla or groin ÷ Reddish painful nodule. TX - tetracycline. * Paronychia (inflammation of periungual tissue) -- Hot compresses and penicillinase resistant penicillin. * Lupus vulgaris -- most common cause of cutaneous TB lesion usually around face and neck ÷ Nodular plaque. DX - Diascopy lesion reveal brownish "apple jelly color". TX - TB tx. * Scabies -- tx with permethrin or lindane. * Pediculosis captis -- tx with topical permethrin. * Pediculosis corporis and Pediculosis pubis (phthirasis pubis) ---- tx topical lindane Remember Phthirus pubis in eye lashes of the child is due to sexual abuse until proven other wise. * Lindane is contraindicated in pregnancy and children (might cause CNS toxicity). TX - Permethrin in both cases. * Acne valgaris tx -- tx of comedone is topical Retinoids. tx of papule / pustule is topical Benzoyl peroxide + Clindamycin or erythromycin. tx of severe cases is intralesional steroids + oral tetracycline or erythromycin. * Acne Rosacea -- effect middle part of the face of middle age man ÷ Erythema, talengiectasia, papules. Complication is Nose hypertrophy called Rhinophyma. TX Oral Tetracycline or oral Metronidazole. * Eczema (type IV hypersensitivity) -- Extrinsic form ÷ Contact dermatitis. vs. Intrinsic form ÷ Atopic dermatitis, Seborrheic dermatitis, Pityriasis alba. DX -- by testing different substances on skin. TX - Topical steroids H1 blocker. * Atopic dermatitis (genetic dermatitis) -- lesion are erythematous and ozing mainly in ante - cubital and popliteal fossae in children 2- 6 yrs of age. Pt may also show Asthma and Allergic rhinitis. * Seborrheic dermatitis (effect area with sebaceous gland such as scalp, eyebrows) ÷ yellow greasy scaly lesion. Cradle Cap is seborrheic dermatitis that effect scalp of newborn. TX - Shampoo containing selenium and zinc. * Pitryasis Alba -- White (alba) patches on face often confused with vitiligo usually effect children (imp). * Urticaria -- Wheal shaped lesion due to dermal AgAb reaction because of ingestion of substance. Complication - Angioedema is fatal form, involving subcutaneous tissue (if occur look for stridor) TX -- Epinephrine, Steroids, H1 & H2 blocker. Remember recurrent Angioedema of unclear cause -- think Hereditary Angioedema and look for C1 estrase inhibitor def. * Erythema Multiforme -- target shape lesion (bulls eye) appear 4 - 5 days after ingestion of subs or drug. Severe form is called Steven johnson $ (bullae, renal failure, pneumonitis). DX -- skin biopsy shows Necrotic Keratinolysis & extensive lymphocytosis. TX -- Systemic Steroids. (avoidance of cause if known). * Erythema Nodusum (inflammation of dermis and subcutaneous fat) -- Red tender nodule in peritibial area. Causes are Sarcoidosis, Inflamatory bowel dis, TB, Strep inf, Malignancy, drugs (OCPs). TX NSAIDs. Erythema nodusum is good prognostic sign in Sarcoidosis. * Toxic epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) -- mainly caused by severe drug reaction. TX - stop offending drug and systemic steroids. vs. * Staphalococcal Scalded Skin $ (SSS$) -- Similar as TEN but predominantly occur in new borns. TX - penecillinase resistant penicillin. * Tetracycline cause photosensitivity., pruritis, dermatitis. * Warfarin cause skin necrosis by depleting Protein C stores. * NSAIDs cause TEN, Steven johnson $, Urticaria. * OCPs cause Erythema nodusum, Erythema multiforme. * Psoriasis (HLA B13) ÷ Silvery scales, Nail pitting (onycholysis), Asymmetric arthritis (Pencil in a cup on Xrays), Koebner's phenomenon (abrasion at site), Auspitz sign (pin point bleed after removing scales). TX - Topical steroids, Vit D analog. Pustular Psoriasis tx with Etretinate. Resistant cases Ultravoilet light and Methotrexate. * Lichen planus -- polygonal purplish papule, on wrist or inner thigh usually in females. some time covered with white line "wickham striae". TX - Topical steroids, H1 blockers. * Dysplastic Nevi is the risk factor for melanoma. * Basal cell carcinoma -- pearly papule, Palisade cell pattern. It is locally malignant. vs. * Squamous cell carcinoma -- Exophytic nodules with raised everted edges and cell nest pattern. It cause distant metastasis. * Melanoma metastasize distantly via blood specially to brain. Most imp prognostic factor is depth of lesion TX -- surgery and chemo with Interleukin - 1. Melanoma of scalp, neck, arm back (SNAB) carries worst prognosis. 41 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Vitiligo (unknown cause) -- can be a part of polyglandular def, so screen for other autoimmune dis. (do not confuse with pityriasis alba) * Pemphigus valgaris (antiepithelial ab destroying desmosomes) ÷ Bullae due to Acantholysis. (desmosomes normally pull epidermis together) TX -- systemic steroids. * Blistering happen some time after trauma in normal person called Epidermolysis bullosa. * Acanthosis nigricans (hyperpigmented skin fold) -- Indicative of GI malignancy (mainly gastric), DM (insulin resistant). * Lipoma ( benign adipose tumor) can be complicated by airway obstruction, intussusception. TX - Enucleation. * Keloid -- Active (erythematous and pruritic) --- tx with topical steroids. Inactive (non erythematous non pruritic) --- tx with Excision. * Fibrosarcoma (malignant tumor of muscle and tendon) -- dx by muscle biopsy, do CXR to look for metastasis. TX : Non Metastatic -- do Wide local excision of tumor; amputation of limb if bone is involved Metastatic lesion -- tx with Radiation * Desmoid tumor -- is fibrosarcoma of rectus sheath below the level of umbilicus also called Paget dis of rectus sheath. Metastasize locally only. TX -- Wide local excision. * Desmoid cyst -- painless mobile cutaneous cyst filled with sebaceous material occur due to excessive epithelial growth. Usually occur at the site of previous needle prick or injury. Complication - intracranial extension. TX - excision after xray to rule out intracranial extension. * Sebaceous cyst (retention cyst due to obstructed sebaceous gland). Complication -- infection and malignant transformation. TX - Elliptical Excision. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBGYN * HCG appear in urine 8 days after fertilization. Note - HCG peaks till 10 weeks than level declines. The function is to maintain corpus luteum untill placenta function is well established (usually by 10 weeks). * HCG also stimulates fetal testicular function in utero if fetus is male. * HPL is a good indicator of functioning placental mass, it is useful to evaluate some high risk pregnancy, HTN and postmaturity. * HPL is similar to GH and PL ÷ stimulates growth of breast, inhibit maternal glucose and protein metabolism (make it available for fetus). * Estrogens ( Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol) -- normal EEE ratio = 1 : 2 : 30 in pregnancy. It is a good indicator of fetal well being. * 5 % diabetic women presents single umbilical artery in pregnancy -- suggest Fetal Cardiovascular Anomaly and Edward $. * Umbilical cord consist of 2 artery, 1 vein, warthon jelly, Allantoic duct, Amniotic epithelium. its abnormalities are 1. Patent urachal fistula ÷ presents urine form umbilicus. 2. Vitelline fistula ÷ presets meconium from umbilicus. 3. Omphalocele ÷ grey sac surrounding the umbilicus. * Normally Na+ and Bilirubin content of amniotic fluid dec through out pregnancy. vs. Creatinin and phospholipids Inc through out pregnancy. * Normal Amniotic fluid is 500 mL - 1000 mL. Oligohydramnios ( < 400 mL) -- causes are premature rupture of mem (most common), potter $, Post urethral fold. Polyhydramnious ( > 2000 mL) -- Esophageal atresia, Maternal DM, Anencephaly. * Amniotic band $ (bands in the amnion) ÷ Craniofacial abnormalities, adhesion and amputation. * Placenta Succentriate -- accessory lobe of placenta, which may be retained and cause post partum hemorrhage. * Placenta Circumvallata -- is due to chorionic plate smaller than decidual plate ÷ abortion. (white decidual region on placental margins) * Placenta membranacea -- large membranous placenta due to persistence of chorione leave. Associated with antepartum bleed due to vasa previa. * Small placenta -- associated with preeclempsia. vs. Large placenta -- associated with DM and syphilis. * Pathological adherence of placenta is due to absence of Nitabuch layer (a fibrionid layer which normally limit the penetration of trophoblast into endometrium). there are 3 types. 1. Placenta Accreta -- placenta implant deep down in muscle layer of uterus. 2. Placenta Increta -- placenta penetrate through the muscle layer. 3. Placenta Percreta -- placenta completely perforate the uterus. * Cord attachment is may be central, marginal or velamentous (membranous). * Velamentous cord attachment may be associated with placenta membranacea and if transversing vessels passes below the presenting part is placenta previa (an emergency). * Placenta lacks the MHC Ag so it does not elicit maternal immune response. * Dizygotic twin -- 2 placenta, two chorione, 2 amnion. vs. Monozygotic twin -- 1 placenta, 1 chorione but 2 Amnion. * Early amniocentesis (16 - 18 weeks) -- used for the dx of chromosomal abnormalities, neural tube defect by measuring AFP. * Late Amniocentesis (3rd trimester) -- used to estimate fetal lung maturity by lecithin / sphingomyelin ratio > 2 : 1. Phophatydyl content (last subs to appear in amniotic fluid), creatinin, bilirubin. * Alfa feto protein can also be evaluated from maternal serum called maternal serum AFP. * High AFP > 2.5 mom -- suggest Anencephaly spina bifida. 42 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Low AFP < 0.4 mom -- suggest Down $ (+ AFP, + Estriol, | B - HCG) and Edward $ (+ AFP, + Estriol, + B - HCG). * Fetal Amniography -- A dye injected in the amniotic fluid for placental localization. * Therapeutic amniocentesis -- used in polyhydramnios and to induced abortion. * Complication of Amniocentesis -- injury to internal organ, blood vessels, premature rupture of mem (PROM). * Alkali denaturation test -- shows fetal blood pink and maternal blood brown. * Kleihauer betke test -- shows fetal blood Red and maternal blood shows ghost cells. * Nucleated RBCs are + ve in fetal blood and - ve maternal blood. * Quickening (fetal movement) felt starting at 16th week in multiparous and 18th week in nulliparous. * Signs of pregnancy -- Taquemier sign (vulva is soft and hyperpigmented), Chadwick sign (vagina is soft warm and hyperpigmented), Goodell sign (cervix is enlarged soft and hyperpigmented), Hagar sign (soft lower uterine signet), Palmer sign (early uterine contraction which disappears trough out pregnancy). * 12 week gestation -- uterus at the level of pubis. 24 weeks gestation -- uterus at the level of umbilicus. 36 week gestation -- uterus at the level xiphoid process. * Clostrum can be expressed as early as 3rd month of pregnancy. * Anemia in pregnancy -- Hb < 11 g/dL (due to hemodilution reason) * In pregnancy -- + TLC, + RV, + ERV, where as | TV (tidal vol), | pH (mild), cardiac out put | by 30 - 40%, ESR | (due to | in fibrinogen), Coagulation factor I & X | and factor XII +. * Hemorrhoids in pregnancy is due to progesterone effect. * GFR | in pregnancy ÷ glucosuria, Aminoaciduria, loss of water soluble vit. Gland size also Inc but hormones level are normal (eg. physiologic goiter). FSH and LH dec as an exception. * In pregnancy Cholestrol |, Fat soluble vit |, IgA and IgM |. * Inconsistent fundal height (too high) is commonly due to incorrect dating, multiple gestation, polyhydramnios. vs. * Inconsistent fundal height (too low) is most commonly due to incorrect dating, IUFGR, fetal death, oligohydramnios. * Test all pregnant women for rubella. * Only Tetanus toxoids can be indicated in pregnancy, live vaccine is contraindicated (eg MMR). * Yellow fever and Rabies vaccine can be indicated if there is strong indication. * During pregnancy give 60 mg Iron / day (only 10 gm of oral Fe is absorbed) * 32 week gestation -- 10 or more fetal movement in 12 hr is indicating fetal well being. * Measuring head circumference with ultrasound is used to estimate gestational age. * Intra uterine fetal growth retardation (IUFGR) ÷ type I -- fetal causes, Early onset, bad prognosis. type II -- maternal cause, late onset , good prognosis. * Cardiotocography (CTG) -- is performed after 32 weeks > 8 out of 10 is satisfactory. If 8 repeat CTG every 2 days. CTG assess fetal well being by measuring fetal HR in relation to uterine contraction. * Acceleration is the best sign of fetal well being (reflex tachycardia in response to maternal movement). vs. * Deceleration is of 3 types. 1. Early deceleration (type I) -- bradycardia that occurs simultaneously with uterine contraction due to vagal nervous reflex. 2. Late deceleration (type II) -- bradycardia that occur after uterine contraction due to transient cessation of placental flow ÷ transient fetal anaerobic metabolism. 3. Variable deceleration -- is mechanical due to cord compression ÷ reflex tachycardia followed by HTN and bradycardia. Amnioinfusion might be needed to over come this problem. * Non Stress test ÷ Reactive -- at least 2 acceleration of at least 15 B / min in 20 min. Non reactive -- < 2 acceleration of at least 15 B / min in 20 min. * Fetal Scalp pH is > 7.25 normally --- if it is < 7.25 think acidosis. * Most common fetal genetic dis to cause abortion is trisomy 16. * Most common infection to cause abortion in early pregnancy is Mycoplasma hominis. * Abortion is termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks. * Threatened Abortion -- slight hemorrhage in choriodecidual space while cervix is closed. It stop spontaneously. TX -- Resuscitation and physical rest. Tocolysis (anti PG, |2 agonist) to relax uterus in 2nd trimester. 17 - OH progesterone is used if the cause is corpus luteum insufficiency. * Inevitable abortion -- cervix is open, product is protruding out of os. TX -- Resuscitation and evacuation of uterine content. Suction and dilatation curettage in 1st trimester. 43 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS PG best choice or Oxitocin for 2nd trimester. * Most common cause of septic abortion is Group B strep (consider also Anaerobic and staph) TX -- Penecillin (for G + ve), Aminoglycoside for (for G - ve), plus metronidazole or Clindamycin (for Anaerobes). and Evacuate the uterus with D&C in 1st trimester, PG or Oxitocin in 2nd Trimester. * Missed abortion is painless condition -- most common complication is septic abortion and DIC (common after 3 - 4 weeks) DX -- dx by | HCG that is not rising each day. U/S show no cardiac activity. TX -- Uterine Evacuation. * Habitual Abortion (congenital or due to trauma) is 3 or more successive abortion in descending pattern (pg 108). DX -- by Hysterosalpingography (HSG) show loss of uterine waist (funneling). TX - Vaginal cerclage done at 12 weeks gestation. * Habitual abortion may also occur due to uterine hypoplasia. 3 or more abortion in ascending pattern. TX - Vaginal cerclage. * Habitual abortion may also be caused by fixed Retroverted Flexed uterus. 3 or more successive abortion at 15 - 16 weeks of gestation. commonly associated with urinary retention. * Most common site of ectopic pregnancy is ampulla or fallopian tube. * Ectopic pregnancy -- < 3.5 cm mass stable or unstable (due to rupture or bleed). TX - Methotrexate or PG, Mifepristone, RU 486 (Anti progesterone) > 3.5 cm mass stable or unstable (due to rupture or bleed). TX - Laproscopy or Laprotomy to evacuate fetal sac & mem. Salpingectomy if fallopian tube is ruptured. * Complication of Ectopic pregnancy -- 50 - 60 % will have normal intrauterine pregnancy. 30 - 40 % will become infertile. 10 - 15 % will suffer another ectopic pregnancy. * Any pt in reproductive age with abdominal pain must get pregnancy test, even if she insist that she is not pregnant. (rule out ectopic pregnancy) * Risk factor for Hydatidiform (vesicular) mole -- age > 40 yrs or < 15 yrs, Vit A def. (Physical exam show large doughy uterus. Complications ------ Chorioadenoma destruens (malignant mole that perforate uterus), Choriocarcinoma, Thyrotoxicosis, Hyperemesis gravidarum (due to Inc HCG), Early Preeclempsia (in first half of pregnancy -- think Hydatidiform mole). DX -- ||| HCG, Snow storm appearance on U/S. (cluster of grapes inside uterus) TX -- Suction followed by D&C in 2 weeks. * Hydatidiform mole ÷ Complete (XX all paternal) -- vesicles only. Incomplete (triploidy) -- vesicle pus mal form fetus. * Antepartum bleeding -- is bleeding after the time of fetal viability (20 weeks) but full maturation of fetus (36 weeks). causes are vasa previa, placenta previa, placenta abruptio. * Vasa previa -- immediately do C - section. * Placenta previa -- pelvic exam contraindicated. DX with transabdominal U/S. TX - Resuscitation, bed rest, sexual abstinence, U/S follow up. Remember the unequal rate of growth of the upper and lower uterine segment can cause placenta to migrate upward through out pregnancy. * If uncontrolled bleeding or fetal distress is noticed in placenta previa --- terminate the pregnancy. * Placenta previa delivery -- 1st or 2nd degree prefer vaginal delivery. 3rd or 4th degree --- do C - section. * placenta previa presents with painless bright red bleeding. vs. Placenta Abruptio presents with painful dark bleeding (if any). * Placenta abruptio Complication -- fetal death, shock, Couveleire uterus, DIC, Post partum hemorrhage (shehaan $). DX -- Transabdominal U/S. TX -- Immediate C - section. * Premature rupture of mem ÷ sudden gush of watery fluid from vagina -- occur due to infection, trauma, Iatrogenic (cerclage, Amniocentesis). Complication -- Chorioamnionitis (group B strep), Abortion, preterm labor, Prolong Oligohydramnios (lead to fetal lung hypoplasia "potter $") DX -- U/S. Fluid sampling , + ve fern test. TX -- if > 36 weeks do Immediate delivery. If < 36 weeks Betamethasone for 48 hrs, watch for infection. * Steroids are used to accelerate lung maturity in PROM, preeclempsia, IUGR and Intrauterine infection. * Preeclempsia occur in 2nd half of pregnancy (20 - 40 weeks). (probably due to PG imbalance which cause endothelial damage). If It occur before 20 weeks suspect Hydatidiform mole, DM, Twin pregnancy, polyhydramnios. Complication -- Eclempsia, Abruptio placenta, cerebral edema, hemorrhage, perihepatic necrosis, Renal F, CHF, Pulmonary edema, HELLP $. DX -- edema, Inc BP ( > 140/90 on more than 2 occasion) ÷ now check for proteinuria. TX -- methyldopa, hydralazine, betamethasone (to accelerate the lung maturity), delivery. Sings of organ damage -- do immediate delivery, prophylactic Magnesium sulfate should be given until 24 hrs postpartum. (imp) Remember definitive cure of Preeclempsia is delivery. * Complication of gestational diabetes -- preeclempsia, polyhydramnios, macrosomia, congenital anomalies (caudal regression $, transposition of great vessels), fetal hypoglycemia, hypomagnesaemia, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, placental insufficiency, (fetal death), hyperviscosity $ (due to polycythemia ÷ Inc risk of renal and mesenteric vein thrombosis). DX -- Glucose tolerance test (done at 26 - 28 weeks). Fasting blood glucose and the blood sugar is checked in 1 hr (normal is < 190), than 2nd hr (normal is < 165), than 3rd hr ( normal is < 145). 44 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS If 2 or more those numbers are above normal confirmed gestational diabetes. * Hydrop fetalis -- fetus look like a Buddha on U/S (due to generalized edema), Causes are Rh Isoimmunization. DX -- Do Amniocentesis at 28th week to measure bilirubin level on Liley Chart. Screening -- by coomb test at 28th weeks. TX -- Rh - ve mom should receive RhoGAM at 28th week and again during 1st 24 hr after termination of pregnancy (delivery, abortion, ectopic). Low or mild hemolysis on Liley chart ÷ repeat 2 - 3 weeks. High hemolysis on Liley chart -- terminate pregnancy immediately. * Hyperemesis Gravidarum complication -- dehydration, hepatic necrosis, renal failure. TX -- Antiemetics. pregnancy is terminated when there is organ damage. * Labor -- end of pregnancy with expulsion of fetus after fetal viability (after 20 week gestation). * Cervical dilation (1st stage of delivery) -- may take upto 12 - 16 hrs in nulliparous and 6 - 8 hrs in multiparous. * Delivery of fetus (decent, engagement, flexion, rotation) -- take 1 - 2 hrs in nulliparous and 30 min - 1 hr in multiparous. (2nd stage of delivery) * Placental delivery -- may take 10 - 30 min in nulliparous and 5 - 10 min in multiparous. * Mentum - posterior and Occiput - posterior presentation must be rotated to Mentum - anterior and Occiput - Anterior or C - section will be needed. * Shoulder presentation must be rotated to Vertex position or C - section will be needed. * Breech presentation mostly delivered by C - section. * Prolong First stage of labor -- is > 20 hrs in nulliparous and > 14 hrs in multiparous. Management -- use Mepridine (demerol). * Prolong 2nd stage of labor need Oxitocin. Risk factor is Epidural anesthesia. * Paracervical Anesthesia carries Risk of fetal bradycardia. * Intrauterine fetal distress during prolong labor can be assessed by Doppler examination of fetal renal artery and HR. * Post partum hemorrhage -- First step resuscitation, than bimanual massage of uterus. For resistant cases use Oxitocin, PGF2. Hysterectomy is last resort. * Retained placenta -- tx with manual curettage. * Sudden Respiratory distress after delivery -- think of amniotic fluid embolism (just like pulmonary embolism). TX -- supportive. DX -- clinical. Confirmatory dx in postmortem. * Puerperal sepsis (Group B strep) ÷ Fever, leukocytosis abdominal pain, malodorous vagina discharge. DX by culture of discharge, blood & endocervix. TX -- penicillin + Aminoglycoside + metronidazole. Last resort Evacuate uterus. In USMLE if genital infection is ruled out than you must think Thrombophlebitis. (v. imp) * Thromboembolism in pregnancy -- tx with heparin till 6 week post partum. * Appendicitis in pregnancy often confused with cholicystitis. Tx -- appendectomy. * Pancreatitis during pregnancy -- Test of choice is Amylase / creatinin Ratio = > 5 - 6 %. * Premature fetus is at risk of Sub - Ependymal hemorrhage and Retrolental Fibroplasia. * Post mature fetus is at risk of macrosomia, shoulder dystocia. * Menstruation and Ovulation restarts after 8 weeks if not breast feeding. * Lochia is discharge from genital tract after birth, last 3 weeks. Starts as bloody (lochia rubra), than serous (lochia serosa), than white (lochia alba). * Cephalohematoma is bleeding under neath the pericranium. It does not cross sutures line and is not diffuse. vs. * Caput Succedaneum (edema of scalp cross sutures) -- resolves spontaneously. vs. * Moulding is over riding of fetal skull bone -- Complications are Intracranial hemorrhage mainly from great cerebral vein of Galen. * Only 2.5 % neonates born to the mother with hepatitis B will be infected at birth. Transmission is more likely if pt is e Ag + ve. * Gonorrhea during pregnancy -- tx with Spectinomycin. * AZT (zidovudine) dec the HIV transmission to fetus. * Estrone (E1) -- estrogen of menopause (source adipose tissue) Estradiol (E2) -- Estrogen of reproductive age -- Source Graaffian follicle in 1st half of menstrual cycle. Corpus luteum 2nd half of menstrual cycle. Estriol (E3) estrogen of pregnancy (source placenta). * Progesterone -- source corpus luteum and placenta. * Androgens -- Adrenal gland secret DHEA and Ovaries secret Androstenidione, testosterone. Hyperandrogenism in female cause Anovulation, Infertility, Hirsutism, Clitoromegaly and Inc muscle tone. * Estrogen ÷ | salt and water retention. vs. Progesterone induces diuresis. * Estrogen -- stimulates Osteoblast, close Epiphysis and protect against Osteoporosis. * LH (theca cells) ÷ convert acetate into androgen. vs. FSH (Granulosa cells) ÷ convert androgen into estrogen. * Puberty process Order (9 - 14 yrs) -- 1st thelarche (breast development) > growth spurt > pubarche (pubic hair development) > Menarche. * Precocious Puberty ---- Isosexual -- | FSH, | LH, | Estrogen. TX -- Antiestrogen, GnRH analog. Pseudo -- + FSH, + LH, | Estrogen. eg. McCune Albright $. 45 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21 - o hydroxylase def) ÷ | Androgens, | 17 - OH progesterone, + Corticosteroids. * Remember always : | testosterone -- cause is Ovarian. vs. | DHEA -- cause is Adrenal gland. * Median age of the onset of menopause in US is 50 yrs. (Inc serum FSH). TX - Biphosphonate, Ca++, Vit for bones; Clonidine, SSRI for Hot flashes; Hormone replacement therapy. * Primary amenorrhea -- Absence of menstruation and secondary sexual characteristics by age 14. vs. * Secondary Amenorrhea -- cessation of previously normal menstruation for a period of 6 months or 3 successive cycles. * False Amenorrhea (Cryptomenorrhea) -- Cyclic pain is characteristic. causes are imperforated hymen, cervical atresia, transverse vaginal septum. * Levi - Loren $ -- Amenorrhea + Dwarfism. * Ashermann $ -- Intra uterine adhesion. DX - by hysteroscopy or hysterosalpingography. TX - D&C. * Most common cause of primary Amenorrhea is ovarian followed by uterine. vs. * Most common cause of Secondary amenorrhea is pregnancy. * Most common cause of postpartum amenorrhea is lactation, followed by shehaan $, Prolactinoma, Asherman $. * | FSH and | LH + Amenorrhea indicate ovarian failure. * + FSH and + LH + Amenorrhea indicates pituitary or hypothalamic cause. (imp). * LH : FSH Ratio > 3 : 1 indicates polycystic Ovarian $. * Pt with Amenorrhea -- first do pregnancy test, if - ve than Progesterone challenge test. Progesterone challenge test ÷ + ve with drawal bleed ÷ check FSH, LH, TSH, PL. - ve withdrawal bleed ÷ do Estrogen progesterone challenge test. ÷ + ve withdrawal bleed (estrogen def) - ve withdrawal bleed (endometrial cause) * PCO$ (Stein - leventhal $) -- DX -- LH : FSH Ratio > 3 : 1, | serum Androgen and Estrogen with + or absent progesterone. TX -- If pt desire pregnancy induce pregnancy by clomiphene. If pt does not desire pregnancy give progesterone, for hirsutism give estrogen + Cyproterone (antiandrogen) Resistant cases -- do Bilateral wedge resection. * Induction of ovulation -- Clomiphene, Cyclofenil, Tamoxifen block estrogen feed back on pituitary ÷ | FSH with resultant ovulation. * Tamoxifen cause DVT, Endometrial cancer, hot flashes. * Signs of ovulation --- pregnancy, Inc body temp, Inc serum progesterone. * DUB -- any uterine bleeding not related to menstruation. (It could be Cyclic and Acyclic). 1. Cyclic -- Short cycle due to short follicular phase. TX -- progesterone. Corpus luteum insufficiency ÷ premenstrual spotting. TX Progesterone. 2. Acyclic -- due to fluctuation of estrogen level. TX -- Estrogen in first 10 days of cycle, followed by combination of estrogen & progestin in following 10 days of cycle. * Uterine or vaginal bleeding -- First thing to do is pregnancy test. * Newborn Vaginal bleed is called Neonatal Crises -- It is due to hormonal withdrawal. * Prepubertal Vaginal bleed is most due to foreign body. * Peripubertal uterine bleed -- most commonly due to DUB. * Child bearing age uterine bleed -- mostly due to side effect of OCPs or complication pregnancy. * Perimenopausal uterine bleed -- commonly due to DUB and Endometrial cancer. * Post menopausal Uterine bleed -- commonly due to Hormones replacement therapy and Endometrial cancer. Any post menopausal women with uterine bleed must get uterine Biopsy. * Resistant severe DUB -- do Hysterectomy or Hysteroscopic Endometrial ablation or Resection. * Infertility ÷ Primary -- inability to conceive after 1 yr of unprotected sex. Secondary -- inability to conceive for 2 yrs after normal fertile life. * Immunogenic Infertility -- Male or female body makes AutoAb against own sperm or ova or vice versa. DX -- Agglutination test. TX -- Steroids + 6 months of abstinence of sex . * Azoospermia -- First thing to do is testicular biopsy; FSH and LH should also be checked to rule out testicular failure. * Mid Leuteal serum progesterone level (day 21) ------------- 12 ng / mL ÷ normal ovulation. 3 - 12 ng / mL ÷ corpus luteum insufficiency. < 3 ng / mL ÷ Anovulation. * Most common cause of infertility in general is male factor. * Most common cause of infertility in female is endometriosis. * Rhythm contraception -- avoid sex b/w day 10 - 18 (in 28 day cycle). * Spermicide contraception (non oxynol - 9) -- dec the risk of PID. * Diaphragm / Cervical cap / sponge should not leave inside vagina for > 24 hrs due to danger of Toxic shock $. 46 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Uterine mal formation and malignancy is contraindicated to Intrauterine device IUD. * Contraindication to OCPs -- pt older than 35 yrs, smoking, DM, HTN. * Pt on OCPs complaining of spotting in early part of cycle --- | Estrogen dose. vs. Pt on OCPs complaining of spotting in late part of cycle --- | progesterone dose. Pt on OCPs complaining of break through bleeding (common in forgetful pt) --- stop pills for 5 days and than restart. * Pt on OCPs with missed period --- stop pills and do pregnancy test in 2 weeks. * Most common cause of OCPs failure is incorrect use. * Contraception in pt age > 45 yrs, DM and HTN --- can be achieved with progesterone pill. * Postcoital contraception is effective only if used with in 72 hrs of unprotected sex. --- use high dose Estrogen (Estradiol), Mifepristone (RU486). * Complication of tubal ligation -- Post tubal ligation $ (congestive dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia). TX - hysterectomy. * Dysmenorrhea (pain related to menstruational cycle) are of following type. 1. Spasmodic -- colicky pain in lower abdomen radiate to inner thigh and lower back, with nausea, vomit & sweating. TX - NSAIDs, OCPs. 2. Membranous -- due to endometrial hypersensitivity to progesterone ÷ severe abdominal and back pain which dec after the passage of membranous endometrial cast after which menstruation ensues. TX -- Progesterone dominant pills, NSAIDs. 3. Congestive -- Dull achy pain in lower abdomen and back begin 3 - 5 days before menses and subside with flow. TX - tx the cause + NSAIDs. 4. Ovarian -- Dull achy pain in one or both iliac fossae few days before menses due to ovarian congestion. TX -- NSAIDs, glycerin suppository. * PMS -- headache, mastalgia, bloating, constipation, joint pain, depression, irritability, nervousness. (etiology unknown. may be Vit B1 & B6 def). * Mettelschmerg pain -- mid cycle pain in one iliac fossae due to ovulation. * Endometriosis -- if localized called Adenomyoma. if diffuse called Adenomyosis. If extrauterine called Endometrioma (could be out side pelvis). * Endometriosis is the most common cause of female infertility. DX -- Pelvic U/S. Dx is confirmed by visualization with laproscopy (pseudoburn implant and chocolate cyst). TX -- OCPs, progesterone only pill, GnRH analog, Androgen (damazol), surgery. Mild implant with out fibrosis -- hormonal or surgery. Moderate implant with fibrosis in the absence of tubal obstruction and ovarian encapsulation -- hormonal and surgery. Sever implant with fibrosis and obstruction -- surgery Extreme severe fibrosis lead to frozen pelvic -- Hormonal. Surgery is contraindicated. * Genital prolapse -- 1st degree (Cervix is below the level of Ischial spine but do not pass introitus). 2nd degree (cervix protruding out of introitus and uterine body inside the vagina) 3rd degree (entire cervix and uterus out side the introitus) * Genital prolapse cause sense of heaviness, dragging sensation, backache, stress incontinence, genital ulcers, infection, vaginal discharge. DX -- if you are able to approximate finger behind the prolapsed mass, its 3rd degree prolapse. TX -- Tx underlying cause, Pelvic floor exercise, Vaginal pessary. Surgery for complicated cases. Note - donot confuse genital prolapse with Uterine Inversion in which cervix is at place. * Retroverted flexed Uterus ÷ mostly asymptomatic. It can cause dyspareunia, lower back pain, congestive dysmenorrhea. TX -- Palication of round and sacral ligament. or Modified Gillian Operation. * Most common cause of Rectovaginal or Vesicovaginal fistula is surgical or obstetrical (such as Episiotomy, hysterectomy). * Vesico - Vaginal fistula -- First thing to do is Urine Analysis, than Methylene blue test (if cotton in the vagina remain dry ÷ no fistula. If cotton stain blue ÷ Vesicovaginal fistula. If cotton become wet but not blue ÷ Uterovaginal fistula). TX -- tx UTI and Genital infection; Small fistula tx with saucerization, Post operative uretheral catheter, Antibiotics. * In stress Incontinence (escape of small amount of urine with any | in intrabdominal P) -- Flow rate, Residual vol, bladder compliance are normal. DX -- Cystometrogram. TX -- bladder training, pelvic floor excersize. * Detrusor Instability (escape large amount of urine with any | in intrabdominal P). TX - Antimuscuranic and TCA. * Bladder innervation --- Sympathetic (hypogastric nerve) T10 - L2. Parasympathetic (pelvic nerve) S2 - S4. Somatic pudendal nerve. * Chlamydia A, B, C --- Trachoma, conjunctivitis. * Chlamydia L1, L2, L3 --- Lymphogranuloma venerium. * Chlamydia D, K --- Uretheritis, Cervicitis, PID Perihepatitis (Fitz - hugh curtis $). * TX of chlamydia -- Azithromycin. Doxicycline is alternative. Tx all sexual partners (should also be tx for gonorrhea). * Gonorrhea -- mal odorous green mucopustular discharge. DX -- Microscopy, Thayer martin agar for culture. TX -- ceftriaxone. ciprofloxacin is alternative. tx all sexual partners. Should also tx chlamydia. * Disseminated Gonococcemia -- migrating arthritis, tenosynovitis, pustular dermatitis. Remember blood culture in these cases are - ve. TX - same. * Bacterial Vaginosis -- thin white / grey vaginal discharge. DX -- by Whiff test (fishy order), clue cells, vaginal pH > 4.5 (normal 3.5 - 4.5). 47 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- metronidazole. * Hemophillus Ducreyi (gram - ve bacilli) ÷ painful ulcer. TX -- Ceftriaxone. * Candida is the most common genital infection. (remember chlamydia is the 2nd most common) * Trichomonas (motile / flagellated) -- Frothy vaginal discharge, punctuate hemorrhage on vaginal and cervix. TX - metronidazole. * Acyclovir is not helpful if used after 24 hrs from the start of rash. * Pragnant women + genital herpes advice C - section (danger of neonatal herpes Encephalitis). * Cobble stoning of vaginal mucosa --- HPV. * Fibroids (leimyomas) are firm tumors which gets softer in pregnancy, when get degenerated or transforming into sarcoma. * Fibroids -- usually asymptomatic. prolong painful periods are hall mark. (imp) TX -- Supportive in mild cases, in pregnant and near menopause. surgery in severe cases. * Cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is a premalignant condition. CIN I -- 1/3 of epithelium is involved. 15% will have malignant transformation. Management -- follow up cytology & colposcopy every 6 months. CIN II -- 2/3 epithelium is involved. 70 % will have malignant transformation. Management -- Local destructive surgery (cautery or laser). CIN III -- involve whole thickness. Management -- local destructive surgery (Cautery or laser). Note - If in CIN II & CIN III lesion is not well demarcated and endocervix is not free of disease -- do Hysterectomy. * Predisposing factor for cervical cancer -- HPV 16, 18, 33, 45, 56. early sexual intercourse, multiple sexual partners, nulliparity. * Pap Smear Alogrithm ÷ Cytology first -- - ve -- follow up + ve ÷ Colposcopy ÷ - ve -- do Cone or Ring Biopsy + ve -- do Colposcopic directed Biopsy. * Cervical bleeding in Cervical cancer -- key is that bleeding occur after intercourse with pain and discharge. DX -- If lesion is grossly visible do Excisional biopsy. If lesion is not visible do Cytology followed by Colposcopy and Biopsy. TX -- Surgery, Radiation and chemo (depends on stage). * Most common cause of death in cervical cancer is UREMIA. * Most common complication of Radical Hysterectomy is denervation of urinary bladder (results into residual urine). * Radiotherapy in cervical cancer can flare up pelvic infection, adhesion causing artificial menopause. * Most common malignancy of female genital tract is Endometrial cancer. Predisposing factors are -- old age, postmenopausal, low parity, obesity, DM, HTN. DX -- by biopsy or Fractional curettage. TX -- Surgery, Radiation, chemo and hormonal. * Most common cause of death in endometrial cancer is metastasis. * Functional Ovarian cyst -- never exceeds > 6 cm (hall mark) ÷ Inc FSH indicates follicular cyst vs. Inc LH indicated Corpus luteum cyst. TX -- Observation (it regress spontaneously). * Granulosa cell tumor -- polygonal cell and coffee bean nucleus. vs. * Theca cell tumor -- Spindle shape cells filled with lipid. vs. * Sertoli cell tumor -- Columnar cell with cleft nucleus. vs. * Leydig cell tumor -- polygonal cells with crystalloids of Reinke in cytoplasm. * Epithelial cell tumor of ovary --- Mucinous tumor ÷ cause Pseudomyxoma peritonei. Mesonephroid tumor ÷ show Hobnail cells. Brenner ÷ show coffee bean nucleus. * Germ Cell Tumor -- occur mainly in childrens and young adults. They are rapidly growing highly malignant tumor (Except teratoma). However they are sensitive to radio and Chemotherapy. they include 1. Dysgerminoma ÷ precocious puberty. Shows Round cells with heavy lymphocytic infiltration. 2. Dermoid cyst (mature cystic teratoma) ÷ containing hair, teeth, bone etc. * Krukenberg tumor's (stomach cancer metastasis to ovary) -- 50 % bilateral. show Signet ring cell. * Ovarian Fibroma -- benign solitary. or a part of Meig $ (ovarian fibroma, ascitis, Right sided pleural effusion). * CA - 125 --- Ovarian cancer (except Mucinous cyst). * CEA --- Mucinous cyst. * HCG and AFP --- Germ cell tumor. * Estrogen / progesterone --- functioning tumor. * Key points -- 1. Most common ovarian tumor in front of uterus ---- Dermoid cyst. 2. Most common ovarian tumor behind the uterus ---- Endometroid cyst. 3. Most common ovarian tumor in children ---- Germ cell tumor. TX with Vincristine or Etoposide + Bleomycin + Platinum . 4. Most common ovarian tumor in menopause --- Epithelial tumor. TX with Platinum. * Benign Ovarian swelling -- unilateral, cystic, mobile painless. vs. 48 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Malignant Ovarian swelling -- Bilateral solid fixed painful. * TX of Ovarian cancer -- surgery, chemo, radiation, and follow up for tumor marker. * Puetz - jeghers $ --- Triad of Ovarian cancer + Familial adenomatoid polyposis + hyperpigmentation. * BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutation is associated with Inc risk of Breast and Ovarian cancer. OCPs dec the risk of ovarian cancer but not the breast cancer. * Coriocarcinoma (trophoblastic tumor) ÷ Stage I -- confined to uterus. Stage II -- Extent to pelvic contents Stage III -- metastasize to Lung (Canon ball metastasis) Stage IV -- Distant extrapulmonary metastasis. TX chemotherapy with follow up. Surgery for resistant cases. * Squamous cell hyperplasia of Vulva -- thick, white patched vulva with pruritis and dyspareunia. TX -- Corticosteroids vs. * Lichen sclerosis of vulva -- Atrophic, dry, white / pale vulva with or without itching. * Paget dis of vulva (intraepitheloid neoplasm of vulva) -- Velvety red thickened vulva covered with white patches with itching and tenderness. May associated with Adenocarcinoma. DX -- Biopsy. TX -- Wide local excision and follow up. * Squamous cell carcinoma of vulva -- starts with Intraepitheloid neoplasm of vulva (VIN) ÷ Painless vulvar swelling, bleeding and discharge. DX -- biopsy. TX -- Radical Vulvectomy and bilateral lymphnode dissection. Note - VIN could be detected by tumor marker S100 Antigen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surgery * Sliding Hiatus Hernia -- TX with funduplication in severe cases. vs. Paraesophageal haitus hernia -- tx with gestropexy. * Pt drank drain liquid or oven cleaner -- First thing is dilution by ingestion of any liquid; than antibiotics and steroids to dec edema and fibrosis. Barium swallow in 2 months to find out post corrosive esophageal stricture and mode of therapy (dilatation vs. Esophagotomy & anastomosis). * Esophageal cancer -- dysphagia of solid more than liquid. (mirror image of Achalasia). DX -- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy. Barium swallow shows rat tail appearance. TX -- small cancer with out metastasis -- do surgery. Large cancer or with metastasis -- 5FU + Cisplatinum + Radiation. * Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis -- vomiting 2 - 6 weeks after birth (never at birth). Olive like mass. DX -- Gastrograaffian meal. TX -- Pyloromyotomy. * Duodenal atresia is the most common congenital intestinal atresia ÷ vomit starts at birth and is bilious. DX -- Xrays "double bubble sign". TX -- Duodenojejunostomy. * Most common stomach cancer is adenocarcinoma (pylorus is the most common site). DX -- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. TX -- If upper 2/3 stomach is involved -- do Total Radical Gastrectomy. If lower 1/3 stomach is involved -- do only Lower Radical gastrectomy. * Pt with motor vehicle accident and complaining of abdominal pain -- First thing Resuscitation followed by CT or U/S to rule out splenic rupture. * Mirrizi $ -- Gall stone impaction in the Hartmann's pouch causing fistula formation b/w the pouch and common bile duct. * Cholilitheasis -- U/S is best next step. If dilatation of intrahepatic duct is observed do ERCP. * Gall stones are not tx by cholecystectomy unless are symptomatic or associated with cholicystitis. (No Sxs no tx) * Cholangitis -- tx with Cefazolin and Metronidazole. * Remember most gall stones are radiolucent so xrays are not helpful. * Clostridium Perferingin can cause emphysematous cholicystitis in the diabetic pt. * Cholicystitis -- first do ultrasound, if failed next step is HIDA scan. TX Cholecystectomy + Antibiotics. If pt is not surgical candidate and has severe Sxs -- do Cholecystostomy. * Chronic cholicystitis -- tx medically except if it is chronic calcular cholicystitis or Chronic Acalcular cholicystitis which fail to respond to medical tx. * Complication of Chronic cholicystitis -- Squamous cell carcinoma. TX - cholecystectomy and wedge liver resection. Radiotherapy for inoperable cases. (remember Courvoisier's sign) * Biliary atresia is due to failed canalization of biliary tree ÷ Hepatomegaly, obstructive jaundice since birth. TX -- Extra hepatic type is tx with Hepatojejunostomy. Intra hepatic type is tx with liver transplantation. * Choledochal cyst -- congenital cystic dilatation of biliary tree (extra or intra hepatic). TX -- extra hepatic -- do Excision. Intra hepatic (caroli dis) -- liver transplant. * Cholangiocarcinoma -- Risk factor are Clonorchis Sinensis (liver fluke) and Coledochal cyst. * Intestinal obstruction -- DX by spine and upright xrays to find out air fluid level. TX -- First IV fluids, 2nd nasogastric tube, NPO and wait for spontaneous resolution. If failed than exploratory Laprotomy. * Most common cause of intestinal obstruction is adhesion. * Ileus -- is transient paralysis of intestine due to failure of its neurogenic regulation. Causes are sepsis, hypokalemia, post operative state. Xrays shows dilated intestinal loop. * Acute Gastric dilation is common in 2- 3 day post operatively. Pt presents persistent hiccoughs and huge emesis. It resolves spontaneously. * Volvulus -- occur due to rotation in neonate; and Haitus hernia and due to adhesion in adults. 49 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -- Barium enema shows abnormal location of ceacum and Bird beak appearance. TX -- best next step Rectal tube insertion to deflate colon, than surgery. * Intussusception -- sausage like mass, current jelly stool. DX -- xrays shows air fluid level, Barium show unique claw sign. TX -- First enema , if fail than surgery. * Mesenteric Ischemia -- abdominal pain, bleeding per rectum. DX -- | serum Lactic acid, CT shows thumb printing sign (due to edema & bleeding). Gold standard test is Angiography. TX -- First Fluid resuscitation, than urgent Exploratory laprotomy. (pt with Atherosclerotic dis with abdominal pain, now you know what to think) * Low fiber , high protein diet is the risk factor for Acute appendicitis. * Palpating LLQ cause pain (Rovsing sign), and Rebound tenderness (Blumberg sign) at RLQ --- think appendicitis. * Psoas sign (pain in RLQ is |with right thigh extension). Obturator sign (pain in RLQ is | with flexion & internal rotation of right thigh). ---- think appendicitis. * Complication of Appendicitis -- 1. "Appendicular mass " form around 3rd day after onset of appendicitis. DX -- CT is the test of choice. CBC. TX -- NPO, Insert NG tube, Antibiotics, hot compresses and plan appendectomy in 3 month. 2. "Appendicular abscess" form around 5th day after the onset of appendicitis. TX -- Incision & drainage and plan appendectomy in 6 months. 3. "Peritonitis" -- common in extremes of age, pregnant, DM. * Meckels diverticulum (ramanent of vitelline intestinal duct) ÷ bright red bleeding per rectum. DX - Technetium (TM99) scan. TX - Excision. * Hirsch sprung dis -- dx by anorectal biopsy. Barium enema with out preparation. TX - Excision of aganglionic segment. * Pt with hemorrhoids + sudden perineal pain -- suspect hemorrhoidal thrombosis. TX -- Urgent hemorrhoidectomy. * Carcinoid tumor (argentaffinoma arise in Kulchitskys cells) ÷ Inc 5HIAA in urine. * Pt presents with Red warm tender irreducible hernia that does not give impulse on cough -- think hernial strangulation (emergency). * Incarcerated hernia -- trapping of herniated intestine inside the hernial sac and is irreducible. TX -- Muscle relaxation and urgent surgical intervention. (due to danger of strangulation). * Indirect inguinal hernia descend lateral to the Inferior epigastric artery. vs. Direct Inguinal hernia passes through triangle of hasselbach medial to the inferior epigastric artery. * Rectal cancer of upper 2/3 of rectum -- tx with Anterior resection. vs. Rectal cancer of lower 1/3 of rectum -- tx with Abdomino perineal resection. * Upper half of Anal canal gets Adenocarcinoma. vs. Lower half of Anal canal gets Squamous cell carcinoma. TX -- Abdomino perineal resection for both. * Villous adenoma (precancerous) -- watery diarrhea and hypokalemia. TX -- Excision and repeat colonoscopy in few months. * Tubular Adenoma not precancerous until it is bigger than 1 cm or have villous component. TX -- Excision and repeat colonoscopy in dew months. * Duodenal hematoma -- common after injury to epigastrium by steering wheel in car accident etc. DX -- coil spring appearance on Xrays. * Earliest substrate to depleted post operatively is Glycogen. * Normal saline combined with D5 as an IV fluid cause dilutional acidosis. * Rupture of superior surface of bladder ÷ urine leak inside the peritonium. * Rupture of anterior bladder or urethra above the urogenital diaphragm ÷ urine will leak into retro pubic surface of Retzius (extraperitoneal space). * Urethral rupture below the urogenital diaphragm ÷ urine accumulate in superfecial perineal space. * Rupture of penile urethra ÷ urine leak under neath the fascia of BUCK. * Traumatic Kidney rupture ÷ do CT of abdomen and kidney. TX -- Resuscitation than surgery. * Urinary bladder rupture -- DX with Ascending Cystoscopy, "tear drop sign". * Membraneous urethral rupture ÷ blood in urethral meatus. DX -- Retrograde urethrogram. TX -- suprapubic cystostomy followed by surgery. * Benign prostate hyperplasia -- Transrectal U/S and biopsy confirm the dx. TX -- Finestride (5 o reductase inhibitor). Severe cases surgery. * Prostate cancer -- DX confirmed by transurethral U/S and biopsy. TX -- Hormonal, surgical and chemo. (chemo is for cancer resistant to hormonal tx). Peripheral prostate cancer -- tx with Cyproterone and Flutamide. Central prostate cancer -- tx with continuous LHRH stimulation. * Child with unexplained Ecchymosis of eye lid -- suspect Wilm's tumor (what else to look in this pt -- nephroblastoma, very high urinary VMA) * Cancer of urinary bladder due to smoking and dye --- dx with cystoscopy and biopsy. TX - 1. Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. 2. chemo (cisplatinum, methotrexate, vinblastine). * Horse shoe kidney -- IVP show flower vase appearance. * Cryptorchidism (undescended testis) -- causes are hypopituitarism, short spermatic cord or fibrosis. Association -- | risk of malignancy (seminoma) DX -- Next best step is CT scan of Abdomen and pelvis. TX -- HCG and Orchioplexy if undescended by 1 yr of age. * Ectopic Testis is the testis that descended out side its normal line, most commonly in femoral triangle. * Epispadius is due to abnormal positioning of the genital tubercle vs. Hypospadius is due to failed fusion of urethral fold. 50 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Varicocele ÷ dragging pain, bag of worm, thrill on cough. It may lead to Infertility, thrombosis and hydrocele. TX -- Varicosectomy. Remember retroperitoneal dis (eg. tumors, fibrosis etc) can compress on testicular vein ÷ Vericolcele. Left sided Varicocele suspect Renal tumor. (imp) * Hydrocele -- + ve transillumination test. Complications are Hematocele, Pyocele, testicular atrophy. TX -- Eversion or palication of tunica vaginalis. * Congenital hydrocele -- mom complain that infants scrotal swelling bigger toward the end of day. * Testicular torsion -- Sudden severe scrotal pain. testis is high and horizontal in scrotum. + ve Blue dot sign. DX -- Venous duplex. TX -- Manual detortion and Orchiopexy with in 6 hrs of presentation. (R testicular torsion is clock wise and L Anti clockwise). * Testicular cancer is usually painless and firm. metastasize to paraaortic lymphnode. Cannon Ball metastasis to lung. DX -- Open biopsy is Gold standard. Seminoma (shows Inc HCG), Teratoma (shows Inc AFP). Remember needle biopsy is contraindicated. TX -- 1. Retrograde Orchiectomy. 2. chemo (Bleomycin, Etoposide, platinum). 3. Radiation tx for seminoma (radiosensitive). 4. Retroperitoneal lymphnode dissection for teratoma (radioresistant). * Annual Breast exam by physician started at the age 20 yrs. * Annual Mammogram started at the age of 40 yrs. * Breast cancer -- dx by Biopsy (gold standard). Mammogram shows irregular micro calcification. TX -- Surgery, Radiation, Chemo, Hormonal. 1. Ductal Carcinoma of breast -- Infiltrating is the most common type. 2. Medullary carcinoma of breast -- Soft / vascular tumor of young age. Microscopy show hemorrhage and necrosis. 3. Colloid carcinoma of breast - Cystic tumor with honey comb appearance. Signet Ring Cells. 4. Lobular carcinoma of breast -- Arise from terminal lobular duct. Very notorious for being bilateral. 5. Paget dis of breast -- Slow growing, eczema like lesion (but non itchy). 6. Mastitis Carcinomatosis -- Aggressive cancer common in pregnancy and lactation. Donot confuse with lactation mastitis which respond to antibiotics. * TX of Breast cancer -- Stage I and II -- Radical mastectomy (removal include breast, pectoral muscle and lymphnode) Modified Radical mastectomy (removal include breast, pectoralis minor and axillary lymphnode). Stage III Simple mastectomy (removal include breast + Axillary biopsy)as a Palliative surgery to facilitate Radiation therapy. * Quadrantectomy and Lumpectomy -- Indicate in peripheral tumor, size < 5 cm. * Radiation for all pts. * Chemo only for tumor > 1 cm in size or if there is lympnode involvement. (Cyclophosphamide + methtrexate + 5 FU) * Hormonal : - ve hormone receptor --- no tx . + ve hormone receptor --- Tamoxifen for 5 yrs. (it Inc the risk of DVT, Endometrial carcinoma, hot flashes) + ve hormone receptor in postmenopausal women -- Tamoxifen for 5 yrs followed by Aromatase inhibitor for 5 yrs. + ve her - 2 - neu receptors -- tx with Transtuzumab. * Most imp risk factor in breast cancer in female is age. * Most imp prognostic sign is tumor size and lymphnode involvement. * Lobular carcinoma in situ -- tx with Tamoxifen. * Ductal carcinoma in situ -- tx with simple mastectomy or local resection. * Breast cancer in male -- tx with modified Radical mastectomy and Radiation. * Fibrocystic dis (Fibroadenosis) ÷ breast tenderness, nodules and nipple discharge more pronounced around menses. Risk of breast cancer. DX -- Excisional Biopsy is gold standard. TX -- supportive. * Fibroadenoma -- young nulliparous with firm, smooth and mobile breast mass. Complication -- Inc in size, malignancy, myxomatous degeneration. TX -- Inoculation. If large in size simple mastectomy can be done. * Lactation mastitis -- tx with Penicillinase resistant penicillin. * Pubertal mastitis ÷ little redness. no tx only reassurance. * Multiparous female with bloody nipple discharge -- think Ductal Papilloma (precancerous lesion). DX -- Mammogram & cytology of discharge. TX -- Microdochectomy. * Nipple discharge ---- Best next step depend on scenario. 1. Discharge + Breast mass --- Nest best step is excision of mass. 2. Discharge from single duct --- Next best step is Microdochectomy. 3. Discharge from multiple duct --- Next best step is Benzidine test (detect blood). If - ve observe t; If + ve do Duct excision. * Duct Ectasia -- Breast duct dilatation along with plasma cell infiltration. Its a worm like structure extending away from nipple under the areola. TX - Excision. * Galactocele -- tx with Excision * Hand infection (mostly Staph Aureus) -- such as Pulp space infection, Mid palmer space infection, Supportive Tenosynovitis. TX -- Incision and drainage. * Ranula (Bluish cyst on the floor of mouth) -- Extravasation or retention of sublingual salivary gland. TX -- De-Roofing (Marsupilization). * Tongue cancer tx -- Anterior 2/3 with radiation needle + Surgery. Posterior 1/3 Radiation only. 51 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Sialolithiasis -- tx with Sialogogues. Sialodectomy for severe cases. * Cleft lip (causes are Familial, Rubella) -- tx with Millard Operation at 10th week of age. * Cleft Palate (causes are Familial, Rubella) -- tx with Langenbeck's operation at the age of 10 - 12 months. * Pierre Robin $ -- Cleft palate + Posteriorly displaced Mandible and tongue (Retroganthia) * Capillary Hemangioma -- 1. Strawberry -- Presents at birth disappear with in 1st yr of life. 2. Salmon patch -- Present at birth disappear with in 1st yr of life. 3. Port Wine Stain -- donot disappear mat associated with seizures, CVA, Sturge weber $ (show tram track like Intracranial calcification). TX with Excision and Graft. * Cavernous Hemangioma -- Bluish cystic swelling that does not transilluminate. No tx unless bleeding. * Cystic Hygroma (cavernous lymphangioma) -- presents at birth, commonly in posterior triangle of neck. TX -- Excision in 2 yrs of age. * Frey's $ (Excessive sweating induced by eating) -- Injury of Temporoauricular branch of trigeminal nerve. * Crocodile tear $ (Excessive lacrimation induced by eating) -- Injury of facial nerve inside the parotid gland. * Complication Varicose vein -- venous ulcer (due to liposclerosis), stasis dermatitis (due to hemosiderin deposit), Talipus equinus (due to contraction of Achilles tendon). DX -- dx by Doppler (gold standard). TX -- Elastic stocking and tx the cause. * Megesterol (used as appetite stimulant in cancer pt) -- Inc the risk of DVT. * Hypercoagulable state Inc the risk of DVT -- causes are Antithrombin III def, Prothrombin gene mutation, Protein C & S def, Factor V leiden mutation, Anti phospholipid Ab $. * DVT -- dx with venography (gold standard) but practically we use Doppler. TX -- Heparin IV drip Initially than warfarin for 3 - 6 months. Venacava Filter (Green Field Filter) - for recurrent Episode of DVT & Pulmonary Embolism or who have contraindication to Anticoagulant. Prevention -- All Hospitalized pt gets Subcutaneous heparin and compression devise on calve. It is the standard of care. * Thrombophlebitis Migran (Trousseau's sign) ---- do screening for malignancy. (sp pancreatic cancer) * Muscle cramping on excersize that resolve at rest -- think intermittent claudication (Atherosclerosis, thrombosis, smoking, Buerger dis, Embolism). * Peripheral Vascular dis cause Intermittent claudication. vs. But if cause pain on rest it is Ischemic Neuritis (pt keep legs hanging by the side of bed while sleeping) ---- Sign of Impending gangrene. * Gas Gangrene (clostridium ) -- tx with Polyvalent Antitoxin, Penicillin, Hyperbaric O2 therapy. If that fail do Amputation. * Bed sores is form of gangrene ÷ Non Blanching Eryhthema. TX -- Debridement * Raynaud dis (episodic arterial vasospasm) -- common in female. Radial pulse is normal. DX -- Cold water trigger the attack. TX -- Avoid triggering agent, Ca ++ channel blocker. Sympathectomy is last resort. * Thoracic out let $ (cervical rib compressing subclavian artery & lower trunk of Brachial plexus) ÷ + sensation along the ulnar nerve distribution with resultant Atrophy of Thenar, hypothenar and interosseous muscles. + ve Adson test. DX -- xrays of Neck and chest. TX -- Physical therapy. Surgery for complicated cases (such as if muscle wasting is observed). * Adson test -- pt turn his chin toward the side of lesion while taking deep inspiration, Radial pulse in affected hand will get weaker. * Malignant Lymphadenitis -- Aspiration will reveal blood and necrotic tissue. * Fracture of Anterior Cranial Fossae ÷ Periorbital ecchymosis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, epistaxis, CSF rhinorrhea, CN I & II affected. * Fracture of Middle Cranial Fossae ÷ Bleeding from ear, CSF ottorhea, CN VII & VIII affected. * Fracture of Posterior Cranial Fossae ÷ Bleeding from mouth, Bruising of the muscles at the back of the neck, CN IX, X, & XI affected. * Spondylosis -- Degenerative disorder os spine and intervertebral disc. * Spondylolysis -- Stress fracture of Pars Interartecularis (commonly Lumbar vertebrae). + ve Leg hyperextension test. DX - Collar-shaped fracture on xrays. * Spondylolithesis (disorder of pedicles of lumbar vertebrae) ÷ sliding of vertebral bodies and Lordosis. (congenital or secondary to degeneration). * Snuff box is bounded by 3 pollicis tendon "police guard the box". * Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) -- inflamation in common Extensor origin. * Medial Epicondylitis (golfer elbow) -- Inflamation in common Flexor origin. * Femoral neck fracture ÷ abducted, externally rotated, shortened leg. * Groove above the knee after injury that physician can feel ÷ think of Quadricep tear. * Damage of the Mediolateral ligament + Ant Cruciate ligament + Medial leminiscus ÷ Think of Unhappy Triad (common due to lateral knee injury). * All knee Injuries are managed medically. MRI is taken if condition is failed to improve. (test of choice) * Slipped Capital femoral Epiphysis ÷ Passive hip flexion with external rotation movement. DX -- Frog leg Lateral Hip xray. TX Surgical fixation * Ankle sprain -- Injury to Anterior Talofibular ligament. TX -- Ice pack Early mobilization. * Jones fracture -- occur with foot inversion (5th metatarsal tuberosity is Avulsed). vs. * Potts fracture -- occur with foot Eversion ( medial malleolus Avulsed) * Lovers fracture (pt fall from height and landing o his heels) ÷ fracture of Calcaneous, Neck of femur, Lumbar vertebrae. * Osteomyelitis (inf of bone due to nearby septic focus commonly due to Staph Aureus) ÷ bone death (sequestrum), new bone formation (Involucrum). 52 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -- Acute cases do MRI. Chronic cases do Xrays. Bone Biopsy is gold standard test. TX -- Admit to hospital and IV Penicillinase resistant penicillin for 4 - 6 weeks. * Burns : < 15 % of BSA (minor burn). > 15 % of BSA (major burn). * 4th degree burn --- injury to muscle, bone and ligament. * Burn Victim -- First thing, Maintain airway (by mechanical ventilation) & Wide bore IV line with aggressive fluid resuscitation using 6 Ratio of plasma. Plasma Ration = body wt x % of body burned / 2. * Giant cell tumor -- Benign tumor of Epiphyseal end of long bones. Xray : Soap bubble appearance. Show Spindle shape multinucleated giant cell. TX -- Amputation + Radiation therapy. * If pt is not breathing in ER donot intubate do Cricothyrotomy. * Activated charcoal work for every thing except Lithium, Iron and Cyanide toxicity. * EDTA (tx of lead toxicity) -- can cause fatal hypocalcemia on rapid IV infusion. * Cyanide toxicity (bitter almond odor, Cherry red blood) --- common with prolong Na Nitroprusside infusion. * Organophosphate toxicity ÷ cholinergic Sxs. TX -- pralidoxime (cholinestrase regenerator) * Arsenic toxicity (interfere with oxidative phosphorylation) ÷ Polyneuritis, Skin hyperpigmentation, liver and Kidney failure. Garlic odor. TX -- Gastric lavage, Dimercaprol and hemodialysis. * CO poisoning -- hyperbaric O2 and remove the cause. * Mercury poisoning ÷ Ataxia, vomiting, diarrhea, renal failure. TX -- Dimercaprol or penecillinamine. * Iron pill ingestion in toxic doses ÷ Hemorrhagic gastroentritis. TX -- Iron chealator (Deferoxamine). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEDS * Most imp factor for efficient breast feeding is adequate hydration of mother. Most neonate starts feeding with in 6 hrs of birth. * Clostrum is the main breast milk during the first 7 - 10 days after labor. * Clostrum has small amount of calories when compare to established milk (which is high in protein, macrophages, Ig (mostly IgA), EGF) * Lactobacillus convert lactose to lactic acid which promote absorption of Ca++ and Iron in neonate. (Iron supplement is not needed in first 6 months). * Human milk contain high Iron which convert into Lactoferrin which is bacteriostatic to E - coli (mechanism Iron chelation). * Cow milk is high in phosphate which inhibit Iron absorption (Iron def anemia after 6 months), also cause hypocalcemia, malabsorption, Vit C def. * Goat milk is least allergic but is low in Folic acid. * Feeding Recommendation -- First 6 months -- breast feeding. 6 - 12 months -- breast feeding + solid food. 12 months onward -- solid food * Sudden wt loss in neonate occur in First 7. * 7 - 14 days Plateau of wt. * Day 14 wt drop to base line. ------------ Its normal * By 4 month normal wt should double the birth wt. * Schedule of breast feeding : 0 - 3 months ------- 6 feeds per day. 3 - 6 months ------- 5 feeds per day. 6 - 12 months ------ 4 feed per day. * HIV is contraindicated for breast feeding. * Hepatitis B is contraindicated for breast feeding unless guidelines are followed. ie. the neonate should receive Hepatitis B immunoglobulin and vaccine at birth. * Premature milk formulas are rich in cysteine. * Iron def common in infant after 6 month -- tx with FeSO4 15 mg / day, starting at 5th month of age. * Line between the smooth and trabecular part of atrium is an important land mark called Crista Terminalis. * Heart formation is complete and functioning by 4th week of gestation. * Congenital heart dis -- Incidence is 1 %. Incidence Inc by 6 % in new born with family HX of congenital heart disease. * PGE 1 is used in cyanotic heart dis but if pt develop pulmonary edema --- think of Anomalous pulmonary return with obstruction. * Hyperoxia test -- Administer 100% O2 and check PO2 on arterial blood gases in neonate. 1. PO2 > 200 ---- no congenital heart dis 2. PO2 < 150 ---- Congenital heart dis 3. PO2 < 50 ------ Ebstien Anomaly, TGA, Anomalous pulmonary venous return. * TGA, Truncus arteriosus and Tetralogy of fallot ÷ R to L shunt. * Persistent Truncus Arteriosus (Aorticopulnomary septum fail to develop) ÷ R to L shunt through large pulmonary septal defect. TX -- Diuretic and digoxin and than surgery. * Transposition of great vessels -- Most common cyanotic heart anomaly. Manifest -- Right ventricular heave, harsh pansystolic murmur, egg shape silhouette on xray. TX -- Diuretic, Digoxin, PGE1 until surgery is performed. 53 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Cyanosis of Tetralogy of Fellot (TOF) occur at 3 - 6 month of age never at birth. Pt assume squatting position (| venous return hence + hypoxia). systolic murmur at left sternal border. CXR shows Boot Shaped heart. TX -- Blalock Tausig (surgery). * Cyanotic spell in TOF (Tet spells) -- tx by putting pt in squatting position (or knee - chest position) and administer IV fluid, | blocker, morphine (to + ventilation), Phenylephrine (to | SVR). "O2 is of little value since problem is + pulmonary blood flow". (imp) * Ebstein Anomaly -- Tricuspid valve prolapse in Hypoplastic Right Ventricle + VSD ÷ dilated Left ventricle. Complication -- WPW $. TX -- Digoxin, Diuretics and PGE1. * VSD -- Harsh Pansystolic murmur, CXR shows Biventricular enlargement, Atrial dilatation. It begin as a L to R shunt than shunt reverse due to pulmonary HTN called Eisenmenger $. TX -- VSD as solo defect will resolve spontaneously by age 7 yrs, If not than do surgery. * Most common Congenital heart dis to cause death in 1st month of life ----- Hypoplastic Left Heart $. TX -- PGE1, heart transplant. * Hyaline Membrane Dis of Newborn (RD$) -- CXR shows ground glass appearance. TX -- Betamethasone. Mechanical ventilation + surfactant. * Cystic Fibrosis -- most common infection are due to Pseudomonas cepacia, and Staph aureus. Pt shows dehydration with hyponatremia and metabolic alkalosis. CXR shows Bleb sign. PFT show mixed pattern. DX -- sweat Chloride test (>60 meq is dx). TX -- Chest physiotherapy, Antibiotics and Pancreatic enzymes. * Pt with Emphysema + Recurrent hepatitis --- think o 1 - antitrypsin def. PFT shows Obstructive pattern. CXR - Hyperinflated lung & flat diaphragm. TX -- o -1- antitrypsin replacement. * Kartagners $ (defective dynein) ÷ recurrent sinusitis, sterility, situs Inversus (dextrocardia), Bronchiectasis. * Croup -- barking cough, stridor and Steeple sign on neck xrays. TX -- supportive. For Strider give Racemic Epinephrine nebulizer inhalation. Systemic steroid and O2 for severe cases. Remember Vascular ring also cause barking cough but examination of pt and radiology is completely normal. other reason is diptheria. * Epiglotitis (mostly due to H. Influenza) ÷ Fever, hoarseness, stridor, Hyperextension of neck. DX -- Lateral neck xray shows Thumb up sign. and cherry red swollen epiglotitis. TX -- First secure Airway with intubation than Antibiotics Ceforoxime (3rd G). " examination of the oropharynx in suspected cases of Epiglottitis is contraindicated unless easy access to cardiopulmonary support measures are available; because pt will easily develop laryngospasm and complete airway obstruction" * Hoarsness, sore throat, odynophagia with out hyperextension of neck along with drooling or stridor --- think of Peritonsillar abscess. * Bronchiolitis (rare after 18 months of age) -- common cause is RSV followed by mycoplasma ÷ cough, expectoration, hyperinflated chest, apnea. TX -- Hospitalization, IV fluids and O2. Give Ribavirin or Erythromycin. * Whooping cough (B. Pertusis) -- dx by Atypical lymphocytosis, culture on Bordet gangou agar. ESR is normal. TX -- erythromycin. note - no transplacental immunity, no postinfection immunity. remember B. pertusis and C. diptheria are extracellular organism release exotoxin. * Scarlet fever (group A | hemolytic strep) ÷ sand paper like rash, swollen erythematous tonsil with pus; swollen strawberry tongue (white with red dots and than become red with white dots). Complication -- post infection GN and RF. DX -- Oropharyngeal swab test. TX -- penicillin 40 mg / kg / day for 10 - 14 days. Alternate is Erythromycin. * Botulism -- dx by detection of Toxin in stool (best) or serum. TX - secure Airway with intubation. Immediate Botulinum antitoxin even before confirming dx. * Diptheria -- Barking cough, grey pseudomembrane on pharynx. (often confused with croups). DX -- Culture on loeffler or Tellurite media. Complication -- Resp failure, myocarditis, bulbar palsy, even LMN lesion (motor / sensory loss). TX -- Diptheria antitoxin + Penicillin + DPT vaccine. There is no post infection immunity. * Pt with Iron def are prone to diptheria toxin production. Diptheria toxin inhibit Elongation factor 2 & protein synthesis by inhibiting ADP ribosylase. * Lyme dis -- TX : < 8 yrs old -- give oral amoxicillin for 21 days. > 8 yrs old -- oral doxicycline for 21 days. If CNS of CVS injury is present -- Parenteral Ceftriaxone or Penicillin G for 21 days. * Infectious mononucleosis ÷ Atypical Lymphocytosis, Anemia (due to antibodies against Li Ag on RBCs). Complication Splenic rupture. DX -- Monospot test (+ Ab against sheep RBCs). TX -- self resolving. Penicillin is contraindicated (cause rash in these pts). * Measles -- Early ÷ cough, coryza, conjunctivitis. Koplik spot. Late ÷ Maculo papular rash start behind the ear and descend down wards. Complication -- pneumonia (early due to measles, late due to bacteria), Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. * Rubella (German measles or 3rd day measles) ÷ same as measles except it cause Posterior Auricular & Posterior Cervical lymphadenopathy. * Mumps (swollen salivary gland) -- Complications are Pancreatitis (most common), Endocardial fibroelastosis, Orchitis, Sensory neuronal hearing loss. * Roseola Infantum (Exenthem Subitum) -- caused by HHV - 6 ÷ Fever, rash on trunk that spread toward extremities and fade. * Fifth disease (Erythema Infectiosum) -- caused by parvovirus ÷ slapped cheeks. * If pt gave birth and has chicken pox for < 2 days -- Isolate the neonate and give him VZIG (danger of extension of infection to cerebellum) If > 2 days its too late to intervene. * Secondary syphilis has all form of rash except vesicular and condylomata lata. * Tertiary syphilis ÷ gummas on skin (painless) and on bone (painful), Injury to vasavasorum of aorta, Tabes dorsalis (ataxia, loss of reflexes pain 54 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS and temp). Argyl - Robertson pupil, Aphasia, seizures, confusion. * Congenital syphilis ÷ saddle nose, hutchinson teeth, mulberry molars (too high molar), Raghades (linear scar around mouth), Clutton joint (painless effusion), saber shin, inflamed bowed tibia), destruction of medial proximal tibial metaphysis (Wimberger sign). * DX of Syphilis -- Dark field microscopy. VDRL, RPR. Most specific test is FTA. TX -- Benzethine penicillin G for 10 days ---- for congenital syphilis. Benzethine penicillin 2.4 million unit IM once only ---- for primary, secondary and Early latent. Benzethine penicillin 2.4 million unit IM / week for 3 weeks ---- for Late latent syphilis. Benzethine penicillin 2.4 million unit daily + Pobenecid for 14 days ---- Neurosyphilis. * Syphilis pt with penicillin allergy must gets desensitization. * Jarish Herxheimer's reaction starts few days after tx ÷ spike in temp and worsening Sxs (due to pyrogen from killed bacteria). TX -- continuous tx. * Herpangia (coxakie A virus) -- sore throat, painful ulcer on the corner of mouth. Complication -- Hand Foot & Mouth dis. * Breast is contraindicated in 2 hrs before and after immunization. * Cranio stenosis (premature closure of one or more cranial sutures) ÷ abnormal shaped skull, | Intracranial P, blurry vision, headache, Blindness. Xrays show Sliver beaten appearance. TX -- Craniotomy and opening of the suture. * Febrile convulsion (are tonic clonic seizures) easy to differentiate from Epileptic seizures as Epileptic seizures followed by PostTictal state which is confusion, neurologic deficit, todds paralysis) * Febrile convulsion is familial disease. 2 % will ends up suffering from Epileptic seizures later in life. * Retinoblastoma (mutation of rb gene, deletion of long arm of ch 13) ÷ White pupil (leukocoria). TX -- Surgery + chemo + radiation. * Causes of Congenital cataract -- toxoplasmosis, galactosemia, down $. * Retinitis pigmentosa -- Tubular vision, night blindness. Causes are genetical and Abetalipoproteinemia. TX -- Supportive. Vit A in Abetalipoproteinemia. * Coloboma Iridis -- Failure to closure of choroidal fissure. * Duchene muscular dystrophy (defective DMD gene on short arm of ch X "Xp21") ÷ defective dystrophin and actin protein ÷ pseudohypertrophy of calve muscle (deposition of connective fibrous tissue), muscle weakness, hyporeflexia (proximal > distal) DX -- Inc CK - MM level, Inc aldolase, Inc LDH. EMG and muscle biopsy are diagnostic. DMD is the most common cause of thoracolumbar scoliosis in children. * Beckers muscular dystrophy -- similar to DMD except dystrophin is present in small amount. Dis is mild and slower in progression. * Complication of Marfans $ -- Aortic dissection (tearing chest pain radiating to back), Mitral valve prolapse. * Ehler Donlos $ (defective type III & I collagen due to failed hydroxylation of collagen lysine) ÷ Hyperelastic skin & joints. * Osteogenesis Imperfecta (mutation of Col 1 A 1÷ defective type I collagen) ÷ fragile bone, fracture and blue sclera. * Developmental Aplasia of Hip ÷ congenital dislocation of hip. + ve Ortalini test and Barlow test. . Complication Avascular necrosis of the femoral head. DX -- Hip xray shows False Acetabulum. TX -- Heal spontaneously in 4 week. If fail than keep thigh in an abducted flexed position using a HARNESS. * Complication of Achondroplasia (dwarfism) -- do neck Xray to Rule out Odontoid process hypoplasia which is the risk factor for subluxation & Spinalcord compression. * Poland $ -- absence of Pectoralis major muscle. vs. * Prune belly $ -- One or more abdominal muscles are absent; it is usually associated with Hydronephrosis and undescended testis. * Down $ also show Cryptorchidism and infertility, Annular pancrease and duodenal atresia, microganthia. * 1st trimester U/S shows nuchal translucency ---- suspect Down $. * Antenetal diagnostic criteria for Down $ -- + AFP, + Estrogen (E3), | | hCG. * Down $ -- | risk of developing ALL, Alzheimer’s dementia. * Edward $ (trisomy 18) -- hypertonia, prominent occiput, clenched hand, rocker bottom feet, choroid plexus cyst, Single umbilical artery. Antenetal diagnostic criteria -- + AFP, + E3. + |hCG. * Patau's $ (trisomy 13) -- coloboma, cleft lips and palate, polydyctyly, multiple congenital problem. * Spontaneous abortion occur when fetus has Turner $ (as she develop hydrop fetalis and cystic hygroma) * Turner $ (46 X) ÷ coarctation of aorta, Fibrosed ovary, horse shoe kidney, colonic telangiectasia. (no Barr body) Management -- pt should receive screening for all congenital anomalies and receive Hormone replacement tx. * Klinefilters $ (47 XXY) ÷ buccal smear shows at least one barr body. Tall feature, small penis and scrotum (infantile like). TX -- Testosterone replacement therapy. * Fragile X $ (abnormal no of CGC repeat) ÷ long face, big ear, big jaw, big testicle, autism and mental retardation. * Ornithine transcarbomoylase def (X linked recessive) ÷ vomiting, headache, lethargy, seizures after high protein diet mainly due to hyperamonemia & hypernitrogenemia. DX -- Inc Orotic acid level in urine. TX -- Nitrogen excretion using Benzoic acid & Phenylacetate. * Alport $ (type IV collagen defect; "component of basement mem") ÷ painless hematuria, cataract, sensori hearing loss. 55 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Complication -- chronic and end stage renal dis. * Cri - du - chat $ (deletion of ch 5p-) ÷ moon face, cat like cry (due to laryngeal hypoplasia), mental and growth retardation, congenital anomalies. * Wolf - hirsh horn $ (ch 4p-) ÷ prominent forehead and nose (warriors helmet), short philtrum. * Prader willi $ (paternal ch 15p-) ÷ obese pt, small hand, almond shape eyes and hyperphagia and hypogonadism. * Angelmann $ (maternal ch 15p-) also called happy puppet $ ÷ mental retardation, continuous laughing and smiling. * DiGeorge $ (ch 21q-) ÷ defective development of 3rd & 4th pharyngeal pouch ÷ absence of parathyroid & thymus ÷ hypocalcemia, recurrent infection and cardiovascular anomalies. TX -- thymus and bone marrow transplantation. * Von hipple Lindau $ (VHL gene deletion ob ch 3) ÷ hemangioblastoma (could be any where), Renal cell carcinoma. * Phenylketonuria (phenylalanine hydroxylase def) ÷ Fair skin, hair and eyes (due to dec melanin) mental retardation, hypotonia and seizures (due to serotonin accumulation), musty odor. (due to phanylacetate). DX -- phenylalanine hydroxylase measurement. Serum phanylalanine > 20%. Inc urine phenylpyruvate , lactate & acetate. TX -- Dietary restriction of phenyalanine and aspartate. * Homocysteinuria ÷ also fair skin, hair and eyes, marfan $ features, multiple recurrent thromboembolic phenomenon. TX -- Restriction of diet rich in sulfahydryl group. * Galactosemia --- Type I (galactokinase def). Type II (galactose 1 ph uridyltransferase def) Presents as cataract, galactosuria, microcephaly, mental retardation, hepatosplenomegaly, liver cirrhosis and hypoglycemia. TX - Restrict galactose in diet. * Fanconi $ -- Glucosuria, phosphaturia, aminoaciduria. * Albinism (tyrosinase def) -- depigmentation, Inc risk of blindness and skin cancer. * Apert $ (mutation of fibroblast growth factor 2) ÷ craniostenosis and fused digits. * Neurofibromatosis -- Type I (von Reckling hausen) ÷ defect on ch 17, cafe au leit spot and lisch nodules. Type II (Central Neurofibromatosis) ÷ defect on ch 22, Acoutic neuroma (Antoni A & B bodies), Astrocytoma. * Tuberous sclerosis -- multiple hamartoma, Ash leaf spots (hypopigmented skin lesion), shagreen patches (area of Inc skin thickness), Subungual fibroma, Periventricular tubers (cause mental retardation, seizures). * Xeroderma Pigmentosum (Failure of DNA repair) ÷ accumulation of pyridine dimer ÷ skin lesion, skin cancer. * Hereditary non polyposis colon cancer (Lynch $) -- Occurance of colon cancer in at least 3 first degree relatives. Women in these families are at Inc risk of developing Endometrial and ovarian cancer. * Leber Optic Neuropathy (mitochodrial inheritance, mutation of ND4 gene) -- loss of central vision while maintaining the peripheral tubular visual field. Complication -- Optic nerve degeneration and blindness. * BRCA ------ Breast and Ovarian Cancer * P53 --------- mutation on ch 17 ---- various cancer. * Rb 1 -------- Retinoblastoma. * APC -------- Familial Adenomatous polyposis. * ras ---------- Colon cancer * c - myc (t 8 : 14) ------ Burkitts lymphoma. * Bcl - 2 (t14 : 18) ------ Follicular lymphoma. * Brc / abl ------- Chronic Myeloid leukemia (CML) * Philadelphia ch (t 9 : 22) ------ CML (good prognosis). * t 15 : 17 ------- AML (good prognosis). * HHV - 8 ------ Kaposi sarcoma. * HPV ----- cervical cancer. * EBV ----- Berkitts lymphoma, Nasopharyngeal cancer. * DNA mutation can be dx single stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) which shows 2 bands for homozygous mutation & 4 for heterozygous. * Failure of cell mediated immunity ÷ viral and Intracellular bacterial infection. * Failure of humoral immunity ÷ extracellular bacterial infection. * Bruton Agammaglobinemia (XR) ÷ no tonsils or germinal centers in lymphnode ÷ recurrent extracellular bacterial infection after 6 month. Very low Ig G and absence of other Ig. * Selective Ig A def ÷ frequent upper / lower respiratory infection, Allergies, Diarrhea. * Wiscott Aldrich $ (XR, defective WAS protein) cause Defect in T cell and Ig M only ÷ Eczema, thrombocytopenia (bleeding), combined T cell and B cell def (recurrent infection). * Severe combined Immune def (SCID) occur due to defective stem cell development ÷ absent T and B lymphocytes. Multiple causes 1. Adenosine deaminase def. 2. MHC class II def 56 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 3. Tyrosine kinase def. 4. Defective IL 2 receptor. Pt presents with recurrent infection before 6 months of age. TX -- Bone marrow transplantation. * Chronic Granulomatous dis (NADPH oxidase def in neutrophil) ÷ Recurrent Fungal and Staph infection. DX -- Inability to reduce Nitroblue - tetrazolium dye to Formazan. TX -- gamma Interferon. * Chediak - Higashi $ (defect in micro tubule polymerization) ÷ failure of chemotaxis and phagocytosis ÷ Recurrent staph and strep infection. DX -- Neutropenia, prolong bleeding time, Albinism, Ataxia. * Transient Hypogammaglobulinemia -- dec serum IgG after maternal immunity wanes around 6 months of age. TX -- Spontaneously resolves in 1 - 2 months to 1 - 2 yrs. * Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (disorder of T cell response) ÷ recurrent fungal infection of skin and mucous mem. * Ataxia - Telangiectesia $ ÷ combined T and B cell def (recurrent inf), Cerebellar ataxia and Oculocutaneous telangiectasia. Complication -- Stomach cancer, Non Hodgkin lymphoma. (imp) * C 1 estrase inhibitor def (AD) ÷ Hereditary angioedema, dec C4, C1 estrase inhibitor. * C5 - C9 def ÷ meningiococcal and gonnococcal infection. * Normal Full Term features ------ BP : 70 -80 / 40 - 60 mmHg. Pulse : 100 - 150 b/min. Respiration : 30 - 40 /min Covered with whitish material (Vernix caseosa) Purple mottling, Mongolian spot (disappear in 2 yrs) First stool black, than turn green for 2 - 4 days than turn yellow. First urine pink due to high urate. Hb 17 - 18 gm / dL (physiologic polycythemia. * Neonatal sepsis -- most commonly due to Group B strep followed by E coli.. TX -- Empirical Antibiotics after obtaining (blood, urine, sputum, lumbar) sample for culture. * Congenital Rubella $ -- sensori neuronal hearing loss, glaucoma, cataract, PDA, myocardial necrosis, Longitudinal Radiolucent area in long bone. * Congenital toxoplasmosis $ -- hydrocephalus, Periventricular intracranial calcification, chorioretinitis, sensorineuronal; hearing loss. * Congenital herpes simplex $ -- vesicular skin lesion, chorioretinitis. (preventable with C - section delivery). * Fetal Alcohol $ -- Microcephaly, Midfacial hypoplasia, short palpebral fissure, long philtrum. * Fetal Hydantoin $ -- Cleft lip, cleft palate, curved upper lip (cupid bow), nail and digit hypoplasia. * Congenital Anomalies associated with subs - Cocaine ---- Intestinal atresia, Limb reduction defect. Thalidomide ---- Limb defect (phocomelia) Lithium ---- Ebstein Anomaly. Progesterone ---- Virilization, hypospadious. Radiation & Iodide ---- Goiter, hypothyroidism. Isotrenitoin ---- Thymus hypoplasia, Microtia, cardiac defect. Diethylstilbesterol ---- Clear cell Adenocarcinoma of vagina, incompetent cervix. * Hemorrhagic disease of newborn -- occur 2 - 5 days after delivery due to Vit K def. DX -- Prolong BT, Prolong PT and PTT. Prevention -- vit K injection right after delivery. TX -- Vit K, Fresh frozen plasma, Blood transfusion (if there is a significant blood loss). * Physiologic Anemia of Infancy -- Drop start at 1st week and Plateau by 8th week to the level of 9 - 11 g/dL (due to short life span of hbF). Premature infant experience more severe drop (due to vit E def). * Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis (commonly due to C. perfringins, E. coli) ÷ abdominal distention, blood in stool. DX -- Abdominal Xrays shows, Pneumatosis intestinalis, Air under diaphragm indicate perforation. TX -- Hydration + Ceftazidime or Cefepime + Aminoglycosides. Surgery for perforated cases. * Neonatal Physiologic jaundice -- starts after 2 - 3 days (never on 1st day) and last for week. Bilirubin never exceed 12 mg and is indirect. * Hemolytic dis of new born (due to Rh or ABO incompatibility) ÷ jaundice on 1st day of life ÷ Hydrop fetalis, Icterus gravis neonatrum. * Neonate with photo therapy should covered with dark sun glasses and metal cover on genitalia. * Exchange transfusion to neonate is indicated if cord Bilirubin is > 5 mg or Serum Bilirubin > 20 mg. (usually type O - rh - ve blood is given). Complications -- vascular thrombosis, vasospasm, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia. * Breast milk jaundice -- occur 2 weeks after delivery (due to 3-o, 20-| pregnanodiol in breast milk that inhibit Glucronyl transferase). TX -- Hold breast feeding for 48 hrs than resumes. * Congenital biliary atresia -- jaundice beyond one month. Direct hyperbilirubinemia + Clay color stool. * Jaundice 1st day of life (hemolytic dis of new born), 2 - 3rd day (physiologic), beyond one month (breast milk jaundice, biliary atresia). * Kernicterus -- deposition of indirect bilirubin in basal ganglia and brain stem mitochondria ÷ brain edema, lethargy, hypotonia, rigidity, convulsion, conjugated deviation of eyes (oculogyric crisis), cerebral palsy, extrapyramidal signs. Prevention - by phototherapy. * Testicular Femininization $ (androgen receptor defect, produce testosterone but cannot act) ÷ External female appearance has vagina but no 57 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS ovaries or uterus. DX -- work up reveal undescended testis and 46 XY chromosomes. * Male Phenotypic genital Anomaly (5 o Reductase or 17 | hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase def) ÷ under developed male genitalia. DX -- Inc serum testosterone or Inc Androstenidione respectively. * Most common cause of stridor in pediatric -- Foreign body aspiration (most commonly peanut). Best next step Rigid bronchoscopy. * Most common cause of stridor who use lot of voice -- laryngeal papilloma (opera singer). * Infantile microcystic dis --- cystic dilatation of proximal convoluted tubules ÷ edema, proteinuria. Ante natal DX -- Inc AFP level. * Most common cause of hydronephrosis in children -- Ureteropelvic junction stricture. TX -- pyeloplasty. * Most common cause (MCC) of chronic kidney dis in children -- Obstructive uropathy. * MCC of hemorrhagic cystitis in children -- Adeno virus. * MCC of diarrhea in children -- Viral gastroentritis. * MCC of constipation in children -- voluntary (functional). * MCC of Intestinal tumor in children -- Juvenile colonic polyps. * MCC of Intracranial hemorrhage in children -- A - V malformation. * MCC of Asphyxia in children -- chocking of food. * Placental Insufficiency $ -- affect fetal wt during 2nd half of pregnancy ÷ big hand, big feet, big head, small liver. * Beckwith - Wiedemann $ (ch deletion $) ÷ Macrosomia visceromegaly, polycythemia, hypoglycemia. * SID$ -- common in 2 - 4 month of life. Prevention -- Infant should always lie on their back. * Cradle Cap -- seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp of new born. Resolves spontaneously. * Erythema Toxicum neonatrum -- disappear by 5th day of life. Gram stain of fluid in lesion show Eosinophils. * Sebaceous nevus -- yellowish hair free lesion on scalp of neonate. * Congenital hyperthyroidism (could be due to maternal thyroid stimulating Ab) --- resolves in few months without tx. * Polydactyly -- common in African American; but associated cardiovascular anomaly in Caucasians. * Job Buckley dis -- Recurrent staph infection, rash, Inc IgE. * Feil's $ (Sprengel deformity) -- fusion of neck vertebrae ÷ short neck and high scapula. * Visual acuity at birth is 20 / 400. at of 5 yrs of age 20 / 20. * Circumcision -- dec the risk of penile cancer only if done at young age. * Congenital infection (all) --- Risk factor for autism. * Infant must ride in Rear facing seat until they are at least 1 yr old or wt at least 20 lbs. * 20 - 40 lbs child front facing seat with Harness. * > 40 lbs child Booster seat until child is 80 lbs, or 4.9 feet tall; after which car seat with seat belt can be safely used. * Developmental milestones. 1 month Raising head from prone position, reaction to sounds 2 months Raising chest from the floor, smiling 3 months Maintaining ‘‘head up’’ position, cooing 4–5 months Rolling on the floor, sitting supported 6–7 months Sitting unsupported, babbling, recognizing strangers 8 months Saying ‘‘papa’’ and ‘‘mama’’ to anybody 9 months Creeping, crawling, waves bye-bye 10–11 months Saying ‘‘mama’’ only to mom, and ‘‘papa’’ only to dad & One new word. 12 months Walking unsupported, Throwing objects, 2 new words 13–14 months 3 new words 15 months Creeping upstairs, walking backwards, 4–5 new words 18 months Running, copying others’ actions, playing with other children 21 months Walking upstairs, squatting, asking for food 24 months Walking upstairs and downstairs, parallel play 30 months Jumping, holding pen 3 years Riding tricycle, knowing full name, group play 5 years Performing complex tasks, e.g., Tying shoes * Immunization schedule * Hepatitis B -- Monovalent hepatitis B vaccine is given in a series of 3 shots: 0, 1 and 6 months of age If mother is hepatitis B + ve, the newborn should receive the monovalent vaccine & hepatitis B IG within the first 12 hours after birth. * Hepatitis A -- series of 2 shots: 12 and 18 months of age * Rotavirus -- A series of 3 shots: 2, 4 and 6 months of age 58 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertusis (DTaP) -- A series of 5 shots: 1. First three: 2, 4 and 6 months of age 2. Fourth shot: 18 months of age (12 months after the third dose) 3. Fifth shot: 5 years of age Booster: 11–12 years of age, and every 10 years from then onwards * Pneumococcal & Hemophilus influenza B (HiB) -- A series of 4 shots: -- 1. First three: 2, 4 and 6 months of age 2. Fourth shot: 12 months of age * Inactivated polio -- series of 4 shots: 1. First three: 2, 4 and 6 months of age 2. Fourth shot: 4 years of age * Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) -- series of 2 shots: -- 1. First shot: 12–15 months of age 2. Second shot: 4–6 years of age * Varicella Similar to MMR * Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) -- series of 3 shots, approved for females only at this time: -- 1. First shot: 11 years of age 2. Second shot: 2 months after first shot 3. Third shot: 6 months after second shot * Meningococcal vaccine -- One shot at age 11–12 years * Acute pharyngitis -- First thing Rapid strep test if - ve than must do throat culture if suspicion is high. If + ve than no need of throat culture. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychiatry * Axes (I - V) of Mental Disorders I: Clinical disorder, e.g., Depression. II: Personality disorder or mental retardation. III: Medical disease, e.g., Hypothyroidism. IV: Environmental factors. V: Global Assessment of Function (GAF). * Targets of Doctor-Patient Interview * Rapport: Includes the following techniques: 1. Support, e.g., ‘‘That must have been a horrible experience for you.’’ 2. Empathy, e.g., ‘‘Oh dear, you must be worried about the complications!’’ 3. Validation, e.g., ‘‘I can understand why you felt the way you did. If I were in your place, I would have felt the same way too.’’ * Information: Obtain information from the patient using the following techniques: 1. Silence: You will get multiple cases in the USMLE about the fact that you should never interrupt your patient while he or she is talking. If the patient is very talkative, try to aim for closed ended questions, but never interrupt the patient. 2. Open-ended questions, e.g., ‘‘What brought you in today?’’ 3. Closed-ended questions, e.g., ‘‘Do you have a cough?’’ 4. Reflection, e.g., ‘‘Okay, so you said you fell and hit your head?’’ 5. Facilitation, e.g., ‘‘What happened after you fell and hit your head?’’ 6. Recapitulation, e.g., ‘‘Now that I have heard the entire story, let me summarize my understanding of what happened.’’ * Memory: 3 types of memory you need to test for: 1. Immediate: Lasts for 5 min, and is controlled by mammillary bodies. 2. Recent: Lasts for 12 h, and is controlled by Hippocampus. 3. Remote: Old concrete information, e.g., Name, place of birth. * Important Definitions Psychosis: Loss of relation with the real world. Characterized by hallucinations. Neurosis: Mixture of anxiety, worry and irritability. Mood: Emotion that the patient feels from within, e.g., Depressed, happy. Affect: Emotion that the patient shows from outside, e.g., Looks depressed. Concentration: Tested by asking the patient to start with the number 100 and to count backwards by sevens, i.e., 100, 93, 86, etc.... Attention: Tested by observing the patient during the interview for how easily he/she gets distracted by surrounding stimuli. Cognitive ability: Tested by asking ‘‘How many states are in the US?’’ or ‘‘How much is 5 multiplied by 5?’’ Spatial ability: Tested by asking the patient to draw a clock. Abstract reasoning ability: Ability to understand metaphors, e.g., Proverbs. Perseveration: Patient thinks or talks about the same word or idea over and over again. Flight of ideas: Patient thinks or talks about different, unrelated words or ideas at a fast pace. Delusion: False perception of an idea, e.g., ‘‘I think the FBI are watching me’’ or ‘‘I think that my coworkers are trying to set me up.’’ 59 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Illusion: Also false perception of an actual object, eg. A pt would look at a wire on the floor, & says ‘‘Careful, that snake is too close to your foot.’’ Hallucination: Seeing, hearing, smelling, or feeling something that does not exist, e.g., A patient looks at the floor (where there is nothing) and tells you ‘‘Careful, there are spiders all over the floor’’ or ‘‘Jesus was talking to me & told me to try that drug, nobody could hear him, only I did.’’ Idea of reference: eg. ‘‘I watched that movie on the TV last night & it was talking about my life, it was full of details of my life’’. * Tests Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): Used to assess dementia. Normal is > 25 out of 30. Score 20–25: Mild dementia. Score <20: Advanced dementia. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): IQ=Mental age/Chronological age x 100. Culture plays a major role in affecting IQ. Scoring: 1. Normal: 90–109, with standard deviation of 15. 2. Borderline: 70–90. 3. Mental retardation: Below 70. Personality tests: Multiple, including the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (566 true or false questions), Rorschach inkblot, sentence completion and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Neuropsychological tests: Multiple, including Halsted battery (to localize brain lesions) & Nebraska test (to determine brain hemispheric dominance). Other tests : 1. Dexamethasone suppression test: Positive in cases of depression. 2. Serotonin: Low levels in cases of depression, alcoholism and aggression. 3. Dopamine: Low level in Parkinson’s disease and high level in schizophrenia and chorea. 4. Na lactate intravenously or CO2 inhalation: Induce panic attacks. 5. Lie detection test: Done using Na amobarbital (Truth serum). 6. Electroencephalogram(EEG): Normal in dementia and abnormal in delirium. Evoked EEG is used to detect cortical response to stimuli. * Freud -- stages of development -- "According to Organ through pleasure is achieved". * Erickson -- stages of development -- " According to achievement of certain goal (psychosocial)". * Piaget -- stages of development -- "According to the learning process (cognitive)". * STAGES OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGE FREUD ERIKSON PIAGET CHARACTERISTICS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - 1 yr Oral Basic trust vs. Mistrust Sensory motor (0 - 2 yrs) Strangers anxiety 1 - 3 yrs Anal Autonomy vs. Shame & doubt Preoperational (2 - 7 yrs) Separation Anxiety 3 - 5 yrs Phallic ( penis) - Oedipal (confusion) Initiative vs. Guilt Preoperational (2 - 7 yrs) Imaginary companions 6 - 11 yrs Latency Industry vs. Inferiority Concrete operational (7 - 11 yrs) Logical Thought 11 - 20 yrs Genital Identity vs. diffusion Formal Operation (11 - 20 yrs) Abstract Thought -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * According to Piaget child develop internal representation with out seeing object (Object Permanence) at age 12 to 24 months. * Infant 0 - 15 months --- if separated from mother ÷ Separation anxiety, Anaclitic depression, Failure to thrive. * Toddlers (15 months - 2.5 yrs) separates from mother voluntarily and return from time to time for reassurance celled Rapprochement. Object permanence also occur during this period. * Control over bowel function at age 4. * Control over bladder function occur by age 5. * Functional Enuresis common in males occur before awakening in morning. * Preschool age (2.5 yrs - 6 yrs) -- Band aid phase, do not understand meaning of death, Functional Enuresis. * Schooler (6 - 11 yrs ) -- understand meaning of death. * Adolescent -- by age 11 in female and 13 - 14 in male. SLEEP : stage1 ÷ stage 2 ÷ stage 3 & 4 ÷ REM sleep replace stage 1 than cycle repeats ( REM ÷ Stage 2 ÷ stage 3 & 4 ÷ REM ) This cycle is repeated through out night with the length of REM sleep increasing & delta sleep decreasing, until during last few cycle there is no delta sleep at all. 75% Non rapid eye movement sleep -------- STAGE 1 ( 5% of sleep ) : Is Theta wave light sleep. SLEEP ´ STAGE 2 ( 45% of sleep) : Is K complex deep sleep, associated with Bruxism. 25% REM o & | wave sleep. STAGE 3 & 4 ( 25% of sleep ) : Is slow or delta wave sleep deepest sleep. (most relax sleep) occur every 90 min associated with dreams & nightmares Associated with | voltage, enuresis, sleep walking, night terror 60 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * REM o & | wave sleep (saw tooth wave) occur 90 min after falling sleep, shows + voltage. Ach is a principle neurotransmitter.( Ach | REM sleep, penile and clitoral erection ) . where as NorEN + REM sleep. * REM sleep reduces in elderly person ( sp at age 79 ). * o wave occur on EEG recording over occipital and parietal lobe while person is awake state, relaxed and calm with eye closed. * | wave occur on EEG recording over frontal lobe in person with eye open, commonly seen in alert active mental concentration. * During sleep HGH and Dopamine is high where as serotonin , PL and TSH is low. * Narcolepsy -- pt fall a sleep suddenly frequent in adolescent & young adult. Abnormal REM sleep, hypnogogic / hypnopompic hallucination. Cataplexy (occur in ½ of the pts with necrology) -- pt collapse due to loss of all muscle tone. Induced by excitement laughing, coughing, orgasm. * Kleine Levin $ is hypersomnia and hyperphagia. * Night terror (extreme form of freight) may be early sign of temporal lobe epilepsy. occur in stage 4 delta sleep. common in boys than girls, runs in family vs. nightmare & dreams occur in REM sleep. (subject can not recall nightmare upon waking vs. nightmare can be recall) * Drugs that increases Brain Dopamine produce wakefulness. * Sleep apnea is frequent in elder and obese (Pick wickian $). * Somnambulism -- sleep walking occur in stage 4 delta sleep. If waked pt is disoriented and confused * Enuresis -- Bedwetting occur in stage 4 delta sleep. more in boys than in girls. * Bruxism -- teeth grinding occur in stage 2 K complex sleep. Defense Mechanisms * Displacement: Displacing a certain emotion from unacceptable situation to a more acceptable one, e.g., A lawyer who just had an argument with his domineering wife goes to his office and is rude to his female secretary all day. * Acting out: Irresponsible action induced by a certain emotion, usually done by teenagers, e.g., A 16 year old who just had an argument with her mom goes to her room and destroys the TV set with a baseball bat. * Altruism: Doing good things to avoid certain negative or guilt feelings, e.g., A mafia hit man who just murdered someone last week went to the bank today and gave $1000 to charity. * Identification: Subjectively inheriting a certain behavior, e.g. A person who was mistreated by his parents as a kid insists on mistreating his own kids in the same way. * Fixation: The permanence of a childish attitude, e.g., An adult man watching cartoons every day. * Projection: The projection of certain unacceptable feelings into others, eg. A person who is angry with his co-worker accuses his co-worker of being angry with him. * Rationalization: Attempting to rethink a certain event to make it seem less serious, eg. After failing an exam for licensure in Canada, the engineering student says ‘‘Well, that’s okay, I never really liked Canada that much anyway.’’ * Reaction formation: Attempting to hide certain unacceptable feelings by doing or saying something very acceptable, e.g., A worker is very angry with his boss for messing up his schedule, but when he sees him, he says ‘‘Hey boss, I like your tie.’’ * Sublimation: Expressing an unacceptable emotion in an acceptable situation. A student who is furious after failing his exam goes to practice some boxing. . * Suppression: Deliberately not thinking of unacceptable emotions, e.g., A doctor who has phobia from female genitalia puts his feelings aside to examine a female patient who came complaining of vaginal discharge. * Repression: Completely forgetting an unacceptable emotion. e.g. A student who is extremely stressed about the USMLE experiences a period of unconcern and doesn’t even recall he’s scheduled to take the test. * Regression: Adopting a child’s attitude to escape a certain unacceptable emotion, e.g., A 55 year old patient hospitalized for a heart attack wants his mom to stay with him in the room, then he wets the bed during sleep. * Intellectualization: An unconscious avoidance of an unacceptable emotion by using logic or focusing on the minutiae of the situation, e.g., A surgeon explains to his co-workers in details about how he was diagnosed the other day with terminal lung cancer, yet he is talking normally about it without any emotion, trying to use his case for a routine medical discussion. * Isolation of affect: Failure to express emotions, e.g., The same surgeon as above explains to his co-workers about how his dad died of the same cancer and the details of the days before his death and how much that experience broke his heart, yet not showing any affect that fits this dramatic story. ** Behavioral and Cognitive therapy -- * Aversive conditioning (Classical conditioning) Whenever the dog barks, he gets shocked by an electric device around his neck * Systemic desensitization (Classical conditioning) Patient who is afraid of syringes. First, you show him pictures of syringes and few visits later, you make him touch an actual syringe * Implosion (Habituation Implosion): Patient who is afraid of needles, you make him close his eyes and imagine living through a scenario where he is getting a blood draw Flooding: Patient who is afraid of needles, you perform a blood draw on him. Note that flooding is an operant conditioning technique 61 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Token economy (Operant conditioning) Patients are given tokens for desired behavior which they can use for a certain privilege, e.g., making a phone call, watching TV. A common technique in psychiatry wards * Biofeedback (Operant conditioning) Pt can control his organs and functions, e.g., Blood pressure, heart rate * Cognitive therapy (Supportive therapy) Pt trains herself that whenever she gets worried about her exam, she would think about passing it with high scores Alcoholism and CAGE Questionnaire CAGE: Used to screen for alcoholism: 1. C: Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on drinking? 2. A: Have you ever felt Annoyed by anyone criticizing your drinking? 3. G: Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking? 4. E: Have you ever felt you needed an Eye-opener after a night of drinking? TX -- 1. Disulfiram (Antabuse). 2. Psychotherapy, ( Alcohol Anonymous). 3. DTs: (Neuroleptics are absolutely contraindicated). * Depression is very common in elders and is commonly misdiagnosed as Dementia hence called Pseudodementia. * Incidence of mental retardation in pt with ADHD is 10 - 20 %. * ADHD is strongly associated with OCD and Touretts $. * Conduct disorder (< age 18) ÷ child act like thug, assaults other kids, destroy property, lie, steal. TX -- Psychotherapy & family therapy. * Anti Social personality disorder (> age 18) ÷ same as conduct disorder. TX -- psychotherapy and family therapy. * Oppositional defiant disorder -- Child act like thug but only toward Authority figure. (child is good with class mates but impolite with parents / teacher). TX -- Psychotherapy and Family therapy. * Autism -- Child refuse to talk or move, anxious, nervous, repetitive, destructive behavior, sensitive to touch. vs. * Asperger disorder -- same as Autism except that this pt communicate and move normally. * Retts disorder -- Child starts to lose already learned skills. Almost always occur in female. If similar disorder occur in male called Childhood disintegrative disorder. * Tourettes disorder (dysfunction of dopamine in caudate nucleus) ÷ motor tics (could be transient < 1 yr, or chronic > 1 yr). TX -- Life long Halopridol. (strong genetic link with ADHD and OCD). * Separation Anxiety disorder -- Fear of loss of attachment figure. eg. Child refuse to move to new house in family. These pt will develop Agoraphobia later in life. TX -- supportive, Gradual acclimatization to the new situation. * Elder Abuse -- abuser is usually spouse or care giver. Contact Social services. vs. * Partner Abuse (physical or social) -- do not contact social service, only advise that abuse is illegal and she has right seek help by contacting social services. * Sexual Assault -- It is not must, to have penetration and ejaculation involve to call in an assault. Complication -- Post traumatic stress disorder. * Statutory Rape -- Any sexual intercourse < 18 yrs of age fall in this category, regardless whether it is consensual or not. * Delirium (Sun Downing phenomenon) -- occur specially in elderly hospitalized pt. Manifest as Altered consciousness, Disorientation (first time, than place than person), visual hallucination, EEG changes. TX -- the cause (metabolic, drug, infection etc). TX of choice is Halopridol. * Schizophrenia ---- Sxs > 6 months * Schizophreniform ---- Sxs < 6 months but > 1 month. * Brief Psychotic disorder ---- Sxs < 1 month. * Schizophrenia -- + GABA, + FSH, + LH, EEG shows + alfa, | theta and delta wave. with Epileptiform activity. Manifest -- Hallucination (auditory), thought blocking (move lips without vocalization), Neologism, loose association (change subject quickly while talking), Tengentiality (start answering Q in good organized way than slide away from subject into something else), Echolalia (Inc alertness). * Positive Sxs respond to Typical Antipsychotics (block D2 receptor). vs. Negative Sxs Responds to Atypical Antipsychotics such as Clozapine, Respridone (5HT -2 blocker). * Schizoeffective disorder -- Shizopherenia + mood disorder (such as depression). * Side Effect of neuroleptics and tx : 1. Akathesia (feeling of restlessness) ----- tx propanolol. 2. Tardive dyskinesia ---- discontinuous the offending drug start another one. 3. Neuroleptic malignant $ ---- tx with Dentrolene. 4. Anti cholinergic effects (urinary retention, constipation, xerostomia etc) ---- * Clozapine ---- Agranulocytosis. * Chlorpromazine ---- Bluish grey skin discoloration. * Thioridazine ---- Orthostatic hypotension, Retinal pigmentation. * Major depressive disorder (depletion of serotonin and nor EN) -- at least 5 of the following should be present. 62 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Sleeping problem, Loss of interest (anhedonia), feeling of guilt, lack of energy, lack of concentration, change in appetite (| or +), Pschomotor retardation & agitation, Suicidal thought (15 % actually commit it). TX -- SSRI (first line drug), TCA. * Best screening for major depressive disorder -- ask pt if he or she is depressed. * Most antidepressant take 3 - 6 weeks to be fully effective so do not change dose before 6 weeks (even if pt says its not working). * Frequent follow up is very important once tx started, because antidepressant may give enough energy to pt commit suicide. imp. * Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is given only in severe depression that is resistant to medical tx. Side effects Retrograde amnesia (resolves over 6 months). * Contraidication to ECT -- High intracranial pressure (eg tumor, bleeding, hydrocephalus). * Pt with suicidal thought must be admitted (voluntarily or Involuntarily). Involuntary admission must be certified by 2 physician. * Pt with homicidal thought must be admitted (vountarily or involuntarily). Police and possible victim must be contacted (Tarasoff decision). * Dysthymia -- depressed mood for 2 yrs but pt doe not meet depression criterion completely. (pt just feel down) * Cyclothymia -- Hypomanic mood for at least 2 yrs, but does not look manic. * Bipolar disorder --- Type I -- depression alternating with mania. Type II -- Depression alternating with hypomania. * SSRI and TCA are contraindicated in Bipolar disorder as they Inc the risk of suicide. * Double depression -- Major depressive episode followed by dysthymia. TX -- MAOI * Atypical depression -- Depression with severe anxiety. TX -- MAOI. * Personality disorder : 1. Paranoid -- multiple delusion and suspicion. "I think every one trying to set me up because im smart" 2. Borderline -- swinging mood, stormy relation ship and splitting (all good all bad). 3. Passive aggressive -- Procrastination (postpone thing unduly) is the key finding. "you suggest HIV test to pt he was enthusiastic about it, one month later he showed up with out having test done, upon asking he get frustrated and angry tells you that Lab did not answer the phone". 4. Histrionic -- Seductive, provocative (dress like a porn star). 5. Narcissistic -- Grandiosity. "they think they are better than every one". 6. Avoidant -- fear of rejection. " avoid getting involved in activities". 7. Dependant -- depend on someone else for decisions and action". * Pain (somatization) disorder : 1. Somatization (Briquet $) -- pt presents with 4 pain Sxs (2 GI, 1 sexual, 1 neurological). 2. Body dismorphic disorder -- Normal part of body look abnormal. 3. Conversion disorder -- functional disturbance induced by exposure to certain emotional events. eg. pt who lost vision for one hr after she found that she failed the exam. These pt dont seem concerned about the functional disturbance called "la belle Indifference". 4. Hypochondriasis -- pt exaggerate mild Sxs and insist there is something wrong and demand work up. " visit doctor to doctor". 5. Pain disorder -- unexplainable pain, but work up is normal. vs. 6. Undifferentiate somatoform disorder -- un explainable Sx (not pain), but work up is normal. 7. Factitious disorder (Munchausen $) -- pt fake different Sxs for the sake of getting attention and willing to go under procedure and surgery. vs. Munchausen by proxy -- mom taking a kid to doctor for million complain, and work up is normal. 8. Malingering -- pt Fakes Sxs to get certain benefits, they are not willing to medication and under go surgery. * Best TX for Somatization disorder is psycho and group therapy. * Dissociative disorder : is defense mechanism against fear or severe underlying anxiety. following are the types 1. Dissociative Amnesia -- pt cannot recall painful event. (eg. motor accident that killed wife and childrens). 2. Dissociative Fugue -- pt cannot recall change in identity and location. 3. Dissociative identity -- pt has more than one personality, but non of them is aware of the other. eg. Conservative librarian received a note to attend the court trial for striping in public, she showed up in court with the belief that there is misunderstanding, but they showed her picture standing naked in public (which she has no recollection of). 4.Depersonalization -- pt believes he lives out side of his own body and can watch him self. * TX of all dissociative disorder is Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. * 30 % Americans are Obese where as 20 % are Over wt. * Anorexia nervosa (loss of 15 % of body wt) due to starvation because of fear of getting fat. Manifest -- Amenorrhea, Loss of interest in sex, metabolic acidosis, hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis, Anemia, Lanugo (downy hairs), melanosis coli (pigmentation of colonic wall due to use of laxatives). TX -- Amitryptyline, Cyproheptadine or SSRI plus Behavioral and Family psychotherapy. * Bulimia Nervosa (normal body wt) -- binge eating followed by induced vomiting. Manifest -- esophageal varices, parotid gland swelling, caries, scar and marks on the dorsum of hand. 63 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- SSRI plus Behavioral and Family psychotherapy. * Gender Identity -- when person identify his / her gender (around age 3). Gender Role -- is how person acts. * If pt with coronary artery dis climb 2 flights of stair or accommodate HR of 130 B/min with out problem he can have sex. * Sexual problem in pt with DM -- Impotency and Retrograde ejaculation. * Pt with Spinalcord injury --- Retrograde ejaculation. * Increase Sexuality -- due to Antidepressant, Antipsychotics, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamine and small amount of Alcohol. * Decrease sexuality -- due to excessive amount or long duration of alcohol. * Premature Ejaculation -- tx with SSRI (common problem) * Hypoactive sexual desire -- is dec sexual desire toward partner. * Sexual Arousal disorder -- Absence of sexual arousal during intercourse. * Sexual Aversion -- Normal person who is just not so much in sex (pt is not homosexual, having any psychological problem). * Transvestis fetishism -- person gets pleasure wearing opposite sex cloths. * Frotteurism -- person attempting to touch or rob people with their consent. * Voyeurism -- person enjoying watching other people having sex. * Sadism -- person enjoy giving pain to partner during sex. * Masochism -- person enjoy receiving pain during sex. * Vaginismus -- painful contraction of the outer part of the vagina, preventing sexual intercourse. * OCD -- Recurrent thought and repetitive behavior. TX -- tx of first choice is SSRI. Clomepramine is alternative choice. * Panic attack ÷ hyperventilation, tachycardia, chest pain, diaphoresis, sense of impending death. Common in female. Common medical association is mitral valve prolapse. TX -- Acute attack give alprazolam. For maintenance use SSRI. * Phobia -- fear without cause. TX Behavioral and cognitive therapy. Agoraphobia (fear of open space) -- common in panic attack and separation anxiety. Acrophobia (fear of height). Claustrophobia (fear of small closed spaces). Social phobia (fear of social gathering) -- TX -- SSRI. * Acute Stress disorder -- same as post traumatic stress disorder but last < 1 month. vs. * Post traumatic stress disorder -- anxiety, nightmare, flash back, social withdrawal that last > 1 month. (due to life threatening causes) vs. * Adjustment disorder -- same as PTSD but due to non life threatening reason (such as divorce, death of pet). * Acute stress disorder, PSTD, Adjustment disorder --- tx of choice Behavioral and Group therapy. * Generalized Anxiety disorder -- excessive worry and anxiety of almost every thing for > 6 months. TX -- tx of choice Buspirone. Benzodiazepine cal also be used. * Medically Induced psychological disorder : 1. Cancer of the tail of pancrease --depression. 2. Cushing $ --- depression 3. Chronic kidney dis and dialysis -- Depression , suicidal thought. 4. Wilson dis -- Anger and Aggression 5. Temporal lobe epilepsy --- OCD, Paranoia. 6. Ulcerative colitis, Migraine --- OCD 7. Hyperparathyroidism --- psychosis. 8. Asthma --- dependency. * Extinction Gradual dec of negative behavior after positive reinforcement is removed. * TCA (block reuptake of nor EN) -- takes 3 - 4 weeks to achieve a therapeutic effect. * Imipramine (TCA) is the tx of choice to tx Enuresis. * SSRI (inhibit presynaptic serotonin reuptake) -- inhibit cytochrome P450 system. Side effect -- delayed ejaculation, Insomnia, tremor, wt loss. * MAOI (phenelzine, tranylcypromine) -- use in the tx of Atypical and resistant depression. Complication - Tyramine hypertensive crisis (redwine, cheese). Serotonin $ if given with SSRI ÷ muscle rigidity, hyper reflexia, clonus. TX - Cyproheplodine. * Lithium -- Teratogenic (Ebstein anomaly), hypothyroidism, nephrogenic diabetes Insipidus. Lithium toxicity -- vomiting, diarrhea, tremor, nystagmus. * Carbamezapine ÷ SIADH and Steven johnson $. * Do every thing to save pts life without breaking DNR limitations. Give blood, use Mask or Bi - level Positive airway pressure machine (BiPAP). If pt do not want blood try give him plasma. * First one to ask for decision is the pt. 64 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS If pt is incompetent -- listen to person with durable power of attorney. If no power of attorney -- listen to surrogate (one who know pt wishes very well and what pt wants) If no surrogate -- tx pt fully with no limitations. * Euthanasia -- Passive (leave the pt to die and not interfere but provide comfort. It is legal) Active (speeding up pts death. its illegal) * In non emergency situation -- If pt refuse to consent to tx their child --- get court order to tx the child. * No need of parents consents in following conditions. 1. Emergency situation 2. Contraception 3. Care during pregnancy 4. Absence of parents or legal guardian. " child brought by the teacher -- you donot need teacher's consent, go tx the child" 5. TX of STD 6. tx of Alcohol or drug dependence. 7. Emancipated minor (self supported, married, have kids, military man) * Pregnant has right to decide for fetus in her uterus even in emergency situation (accident, hemorrhage etc). If your suspicion is high that she will die or need surgery and she said NO ----- Do what she said. * Mental Insanity -- Mental or severe psychological abnormality + one of the following Statutory criteria. 1. M' Naghten (most reliable criterion) -- evaluate if pt understand his action, What is right & what is wrong at the time crime. 2. American Law Institute model panel code (reliable) -- evaluate the pt whether he understand the wrongfulness of his action at the time of crime and lacks the capacity to control his action. 3. Durham (not reliable) -- Evaluate if the crime was strictly induced by the mental & psychological abnormality (ie. is no accusation if mentally ill). * Mens rea element -- whether or not the crime was based on intent. * Irresistible Impulse role -- Defendant unable to refrain from the crime. eg. due to fit of rage. * Malpractice : Dereliction of duty causing direct damage to the pt. It is not a crime, However it is a CIVIL WRONG Punished financially (no jail). * If you really like your pt and want to have relationship with her what should you do --- Terminate the medical services to her and ask her to start seeing another doctor. * STD must be reported to State Health Department which in turn report them to Center of Disease & Control. * Beneficence -- If you believe that the pt will harm him self by knowing his dx at that time, with hold the information. However if pt ask directly about his dx, you must tell him. You are obligated by law to disclose the dx to pt. * Non Maleficiense -- is do not harm (it should be your target all the time). * Doctor with HIV -- it is ok for him to work but make sure that he / she takes all necessary precautions to protect his pt. * If your colleague physician smell Alcohol -- 1st talk to him, if does not acknowledge your advice, report him to Chief of Staff and State Boards. * Medicare -- cover elderly (> 65 yrs old) and is decided by federal government. Medicaid -- cover the poor and is decided by state. (AID for poor). * Pt with End stage renal disease on dialysis covered by Medicare. * id -- " I want " (unconscious drive that begin at birth). Superego -- " you cannot have it " moral compass or consciences develop at the age of 6) Ego -- " Lets find way " (balance the id and the superego, develop at birth). * Unconscious -- Primary thinking involved primitive desire, refuse logic and plan. * Conscious -- Secondary thinking use logic and planning. eg. Ego * Kleptomania -- cannot resist stealing (could be a rich person too) * Pyromania -- setting things on fire without any purpose. * Trichotillomania -- person pulls his hair. * Normal grief -- Mild sleep disturbance, mild guilt, illusion, still enjoy usual habits. TX -- Social support. * Abnormal Grief -- Major sleep disturbance, Loss of interest, major guilt, Hallucination and suicidal ideation. TX -- SSRI * Transference -- Feeling and reaction of the pt toward doctor. * Counter transference -- Feeling and reaction of the doctor toward pt. * Koro: Delusions of retraction of one’s penis into the body. * Dhat: Pathological concern about ejaculation, found in Asian Indian cultures. * Nervios: Attacks of tearfulness, abdominal pain and headache. A term most commonly used by Hispanics. * Dormido: Pathological concern about heart attacks and strokes. * Ghost sickness: Pathological concern about death and the deceased, found in the Navajo culture. * Brain fog: Attacks of neck pain, confusion and headache. Common among students. 65 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Nihilism: The belief that something ceased to exist. * Animus: Masculine part of a female personality. * Anima: Feminine part of a male personality. * Universality: Feeling that everybody else is just like you. * Cohesion: Individuals teaming up to achieve a certain goal. * Consensual validation: Understanding yourself through comparison to others. * Idealization: Perception of yourself as being ‘‘Perfect.’’ * Asceticism: Pleasure obtained by refraining from basic pleasures. * IMP Screening and Vaccination Points : * Pt with no Family Hx of Colon Cancer -- start screening at age 50 (fecal occult blood, Sigmoidoscopy / 5yrs, Barium enema, Colonoscopy / 10 yr). Pt with Family Hx of Colon cancer -- start screen at age 40 or 10 yrs earlier than the age of affected relative. (all above but Colonoscopy / 5 yrs). * American cancer society no longer recommends monthly self breast examination alone as a screening tool. * Pt with very strong family hx of breast cancer should receive prophylactic tamoxifen. imp * Breast examination by physician start at the age of 20, where as Mammogram starts at the age of 40 /1 - 2yr. * Annual Pap Smear start 3 yrs after girl become sexually active or at the age of 21 yrs. If 3 normal annual pap smear is noticed -- do screening every 2 yr. * Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended in travelers who are engaged in casual sexual activity (sp if going to high risk area). * Mexico, Central America, Caribbean travelers should get Choloroquine for malaria prophylaxis. (also Asia and Africa). * Yellow fever vaccine is recommended for those who are traveling to Sub Saharan desert and Certain south American countries. * Typhoid vaccination for travelers heading to developing countries. * Adults who are traveling to developing countries and never received polio vaccine should receive 3 doses of inactivated polio vaccine. * Meningiococcal vaccine is recommended for those who are traveling to Nepal, Sub Saharan Africa, Northern India, Saudi. Meningiococcal vaccine is now routine to give at age 11. * Influenza vaccine is recommended for all healthy adults above age 50 and also pt with DM, hemoglobinopathies, cardiovascular dis. * Pregnant women in 2nd and 3rd trimester during influenza season should get the vaccination. * Pneumococcal vaccine is indicated in all adults > 65 yrs of age. Pneumococcal vaccine is also indicated at any age in pt with sickle cell dis, Asplenia, cardiopulmonary dis, cirrhosis, Immunocompromised, Renal failure, Alaskan natives and American Natives. * Hepatitis B vaccine is also recommended to IV drug user, homosexuals, health personnel’s, chronic liver dis. * Hepatitis A vaccine for travels to developing countries, Daycare center employees, homosexual man, chronic liver dis (sp hepatitis A & B). * Varicella vaccine is recommended in all who lack hx of childhood varicella infection. (its live vaccine) * MMR, Varicella and other Live vaccine are contraindicated in pregnancy and immunocompromised pt. * All women > 65 yrs old should get DEXA scan. Screening begins at the age of 60 if there is high risk of fracture or low body wt. * Abdominal U/S should be given once in male smoker > 65 yrs of age. * Cholesterol screening in person without risk factor -- should started at the age of 35 yrs in men and 45 yrs in women. Cholesterol screening in person with risk factor ( family hx etc) -- should start at the age 20 yrs in both sexes. * Routine screening of DM should be considered only in pt with high risk of developing this dis such as in Obesity, Impaired fasting glucose, high risk ethnicity, + ve family hx. * Screening for elevated BP is recommended for those older than 18 yrs at every visit, at least every 2 yrs. * Alcohol Abuse should be screened by CAGE questioning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bacterial meningitis -- ceftriaxone is the tx of choice except in Listeria monocytogenes (usually in elders and neonates) for which ampicillin must be added. Remember listeria monocytogenes is resistant to cefalosporin. * Dopamine (+ ve Ionotrope) -- Inc contractility, Inc Afterload Inc BP. vs. Dobutamine -- Inc contractility only. * PPD SCREENING TEST is for Asymptomatic person. vs For symptomatic pt -- do Sputum smear, Sputum stain and Biopsy. * Avascular necrosis of Femoral head ---- xray shows classic creacent shape. * Russel bodies (grape looking plasma cell ------ suggest Multiple Myeloma. * Fanconi Anemia -- pt will develop AML in future. * Smudge cell (dirty looking cells) --- CLL * Loss of "a" wave in jugular venous tracing ------------ Atrial fib (pg 333) * Large "a" wave in jugular venous tracing -------------- Tricupid stenosis. * Large "c" "v" wave in jugular venous tracing ---------- Tricuspid regurgitation. * Prominent "x" "y" wave in jugular venous tracing ---- Constrictive pericarditis. * Prominent "x" and diminish "y" in jugular venous tracing ----- Cardiac temponade. Kaplan Lecture Notes 66 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Wide Pulse pressure ----------------- Aortic insufficiency * Pulsus tardus ------------------ Aortic stenosis. * Biferious pulse ---------------- Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy or Aortic stenosis. * Pulsus Alternans ------------- Severe left ventricular failure. * Pulsus paradoxus ------------ Cardiac temponade. * Pericarditis ----------- Diffuse ST segment elevation. * Cotton Wool spot (also called Soft Exudate) are infarcted nerve fibers seen in HTN, DM. * DM type I -- Ratinopathy should be screened 5 yrs after the dx of DM type I than every year. vs. DM type II -- Ratinopathy should be screened at the time of dx of DM type II and than every year. * Cushing $ -- First test DEXA suppression test, if abnormal ÷ do 24 hr urine Cortisol, if abnormal ÷ do High dose DEXA suppression test. High Dose DEXA suppression test -- If suppression occur < 50% ------------- It is Pituitary Adenoma. If no response and ACTH is high --- It is Ectopic hormone production do CXR. If no response and ACTH is low ---- do Urinary 17 KS DHEA-S & Abdominal CT -- mass > 4 cm -- Adrenal Cancer -- mass < 4 m -- Adrenal Adenoma. * Primary Hyperaldosteronism (Inc Intravascular vol) ÷ + Renin, | Na+, Diastolic HTN, + K+, metabolic acidosis. vs. Secondary Hypealdosteronism (dec Intravascular vol) ÷| Renin, Na normal or dec, + K+, metabolic acidosis. * Adison dis -- weakness, hypotension, wt loss, hyperpigmentation. DX -- Measure plasma Cortisol 30 - 60 min after injecting COSYNTROPIN. Primary Adrenal insufficiency ÷ Inc ACTH, Subnormal Inc in Aldosterone. vs. Secondary Adrenal insufficiency -- dec ACTH, Normal Inc in Aldosterone. * Pheochromocytoma -- Plasma Metanephrine is the best initial test, If it is + ve do Clonidine supression test. Than Dx is confirmed with CT, if CT is - ve than MIBG (metaiodobenzylguanidine) to find out the source. * Neonatal lupus ----- Anti Ro (SSA) Ab is specific. All pregnant women with Sjogren $ should be screen for fetal Anti Ro (SSA) Ab. Remember Anti Ro (SSA) and Anti LA (SSB) are also specific for Sjogren $. * OA and Traumatic Arthritis ------ 200 - 2000 WBCs/ mm3 in synovial fluid analysis. Inflamatory dis (RA, Gout) ------- 5000 - 50000 WBCs/ mm3 in synovial fluid analysis. Septic Arthristis --------------------- > 50000 WBCs/ mm3 in synovial fluid analysis. * Culture of joint fluid is + ve in 50 % of Gonococcal arthritis. * RA (T cell mediated cartilage destruction) -- MCP & PIP is involved (never affect DIP), Botounaire deformity of thumb, swan neck deformity of fingers, ulnar deviation, Rheumatoid nodule, Atlantoaxial Subluxation. Baker cyst in RA is due to extension of synoivial inflamation to popliteal space, its rupture cause swollen painful calve. * Diagnostic criteria for RA (at least 4 of them) 1. Morning stiffness (>1 hr) for 6 weeks 2. Swelling of wrist, MCPs, PIPs for 6 weeks 3. Swelling of 3 joints for 6 weeks. 4. Symmetric joint swelling for 6 weeks 5. Joint erosion on xrays. 6. Positive RF 7. Rheumatoid nodules. * Drug Induced lupus -- shows Anti histone Ab (except Quinidine which cause lupus but does not produced Ab response). TX -- resolve in 1 - 2 weeks after withdrawal of causative drug. * Discoid Lupus erythmatosus -- only 5 % pt will develop SLE. * TX of SLE -- Hydroquinilone + Corticosteroids. Severe cases tx with Azathioprin + Cyclophosphamide + Corticosteroids. * All pregnant with SLE should get Heparin or Aspirin. If disease is progressive give corticosteroids (it dec the risk of abortion). * Skin problem in CREST $ (+ ve Anti centromere Ab is sp) does not extend above the knee and elbow unlike SCLERODERMA (+ve Anti scl Ab is sp). * Low grade B Cell Lymphoma is often associated with Sjogren $ and RA. * Seronegative Arthropathies (- ve ANA & - ve RF are inflamatory joint dis) include Ankylosing spondilitis, Reactive Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Enteropathic Arthropathy. * Reactive arthritis is occur after Infectious diarrhea such as from Compylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella etc) vs. But when it occur due to Chlamydial infection it is called Rieter's $. * Osteoarthristis (usually asymmetric) --- pain Inc with exercize and relief with rest. Morning stiffness is < 30 min. * PAN involves any organ except lung. vs. Chrugg Strauss $ is similat to PAN but also invollve lung. * Middle aged man with new onset of Astha + Eosinophila ---- Should rule out Chrugg Strauss $. (Astha occue long before vasculitis in these pts) * Temporal Arteritis (Giant Cell Arteritis) --- First test is ESR, if elevated than 2nd thing is Prednisone and later do Biopsy to confirm the Dx. 67 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Polymositis affect proximal muscle. vs. Dermatomyositis affect Proximal muscle and also effect Skin. DX -- First test is CPK and Aldolase (most sensitive test), if elevated than confirm with Biopsy. (for both) * Scleroderma --- most accurate thest is Esophageal motility study (Esophageal Manometry). * Diffuse Esophageal spasm and Nut cracker esophagus ----- Corck screw appearance on Barium study. * Schatski Ring occur distally (st squamous columnar junction) vs. Plummer Vinson $ (Esophageal web + dysphagia + Iron def Anemia) occur proximally. Both dx 1st with Barium study later Encoscopy. Both tx with Dilatation procedure. (Plummer vinson $ may also respond to Iron therapy). * Plummer Vinson rarely cause Squamous cell cancer thats why consider Premalignant process. * CMV esophagitis -- longitudinal ulcers. * Zenkers Diverticulum (commonly in Elders) --- dx with Barium study. (Endoscopy and nasogastric tube is contraindicated dur to risk of perforation). * Mallory Wiess tear (painless bleed) -- Dx by Upper GI Endoscopy. * Pt with GERD for > 5 yrs -- must do Endoscopy and possible biopsy. If Barrett Esophagus than do Endoscopy every 2 - 3 yrs. If Low grade dysplasia than Endoscopy every 2 - 6 month. If pt has High grade dysplasia do Surgery. * Chron disease (CD) ----- String sign on Radiology; narrowing of Bowel loop on barum study; Pyoderma gangrenosum; Erythema nodosum. * TX of Ulcerative collitis (UC) and CD ---- Mesalamine, Azathioprin and 6 - Mercaptopurine. For Acute exacerbation use Steroids. * Complication of Ulcerative collitis are ---- Ca++ Oxalate kidney stones and Cholestrol gall stones. * CD is ASCA + ve (Anti Sacharromyces cervisiae Ab). vs. UC is ANCA + ve (Anti Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab) . * HU$ occur when organism (E coli) dies thast why Antibiotics in HUS are contraindicated. Platelet is contraindicated even though it low (make it worst). * Ciguatera toxin (present in reef fish such as grouper, redsnapper & braccuda ÷ neurologic Sxs (paesthesia, seversal of heat & cold). * Scombroid (present in contaminated tuna, mahi mahi, meckrel) ÷ Release histamine ÷ vomiting diarrhea, flushing wheezing with i minutes of eating. * Carcinoid tumor also produce sign and symptoms of Naicin def (due to excessive comsumption of tryptophan and niacin by tumor). DX -- urinary 5 hydroxyindolacetic acid (5HIAA). TX -- Octeriolide (somatostatin analog) or surgery. * Celiac disease -- Dermatitis Herpetiforme is unique to celiac dis . DX -- 1st test is anti gliadin, anti endomysial, anti transglutaminase antibodies. Confirmatory test is biopsy. (to rule out other disorder) * Whipple dis -- fat malabsorption & dementia (10%), arthalgia (80%), ophthalmoplegia. DX -- PAS + ve foamy macropahges on Biopsy. most sensitive test is PCR. TX -- SMX / TMP or doxicycline or ceftriaxone for 1 yr vs. Tropical sprue tx is SMX / TMP or doxicycline for 6 mo. * Hereditary Nonpolyposis $ (HNPCC or Lynch Syndrome) -- 60% MSH2 mutation, 30% MLH1 mutation, 10% is unknown. 90% of individual with known mutation will develop colon cancer. Recommanded screening for this population starts at the age of 25 and than colonoscopy every 1 - 2 yrs. * Familial Adenomatous Polyposis -- APC gene confer 100% penetrance for the development of adenoma by age of 35 & colon cancer by age of 50. Polyp can be found as early as age 25. Screening -- Flexible sigmoidoscopy should be done every 1 - 2 yrs begining at the age of 12 yrs. As soon as polyps are found Colectomy is performed and a new rectum is made from terminal ilium. * Juvenile polyposis $ -- 10% risk of colon cancer. There are only few dozen of polyps (vs. thousands of polyps in Familial polyposis). Juvenile polyposis $ are hamartoma (not adenomas) with very little risk of developing cancer. Screening -- no recommendation for juvenile polyposis $. * COWDEN $ -- Another polyposis syndrome with hamartoma with very slightly Inc risk of cancer.. Presents with rectal bleeding in child. * Gardner syndrome -- Associated with colon cancer with multiple, soft tissue tumors, such as osteomas, lipomas, cysts and Fibrosarcomas. Osteoma have particular predilection for mandible. Pt with osteoma in mandible the answer would be "must do colonosopy". * Puetz - Jeghers $ -- Hamartomatous polyps in large & small intestine ÷ abdominal pain due to Intussusception or Bowel obstruction. Melanotic spots on the lips, buccal mucosa and skin. Risk of cancer is slightly Inc above general population. * Turcot Syndrome -- Colon cancer + CNS malignancies. * Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt -- long term complication is worsening of hepatic encephalopathy. * SANGSTAKEN - BLAKEMORE TUBE is used tamponade the site of bleeding in the stomach or esophagus. It is just temporary bridge to surgery. * Ligamentum Treitz seperate duodenum from jejunum -- By defination upper GI bleeding is proximal to ligamentum Treitz. Upper GI endoscopy goes no farther from the ligamentum treitz where as Lower GI endoscopy only reaches just pass ileocecal valve. If both reveal no source of bleeding than small bowel bleeding should be suspected which can be varified by capsule Endoscopy. * Nuclear bleeding scan - is used to localize the source of bleeding when endoscopy fail to reveal the etiology of active bleeding. * Management of Pancreatitis : * In Severe Pancreatitis (> 30% necrosis visible on CT scan) the risk of Infection & Hemorrhagic pancreatitis is markedly |. That is why Pancreatic necrosis on CT scan is an indication for Antibiotics (Imipenem or Cefuroxime) which will dec risk of Inf & hemorrahgic pancreatitis. * Severe Necrosis perticularly with fever is also an indication of percutaneous needle biopsy of pancreas. * If there is Infection with necrosis urgent surgical debridement is indicated because abscess will begin 4 - 6 week after the onset of pancreatitis. 68 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Psuedocyst develop 2 - 4 week after the episode of pancreatitis. Psuedocyst should be drained if there is a pain, fistula and rupture or if the psuedocyst expanding in size. (pancreatic psuedocyst < 5cm in size do not need to be drain). * Acute Pancreatitis -- test of choice is CT scan. (after amylase and lipase profiling). CT scan is better indicator than Ranson Criterion (which is Inc WBC, AST, ALT, BUN, Glucose etc). * Single Most accurate test for the detection of Biliary and pancreatic duct pathology is ERCP. Urinary assay of trypsinogen is the new test to predict severity. * Serum - Ascitis Albumin gradient -- Normally albumin level od ascitis flud is less than serum this difference is called SAAG. When SAAG is > 1.1 (means albumin in ascitis is low) causes are portal HTN as from cirrhosis. When SAAG is < 1.1 (means albumin in ascitis is high). causes are cancer and infection. * Liver cirrhosis TX -- propanolol for portal HTN and varices, Hepatic encephalopathy with neomycin & lactulose, Vol reduction with spironolactone. * Wilson disease (ARD) -- May lead to Fanconi $ or type II renal acidosis, and hemolytic anemia. Manifest -- chorioathetoid movement, psychosis DX -- most specific test is serum ceruloplasmin level . Single most specific test is liver biopsy. perform slit lamp test. imp clue is KF ring confirm the dx. Tx -- panicillamine. liver transplant is curative. * Stable Angina ; * < 50% occlusion will not show up on Excersize stress test. * 2mm depression of ST segment or 10 mmHg drop in systolic Bp (alone or both) -- consider positive excersize stress test. * Those who can not go on treadmill -- chemical stress test should be done. (use dipirydamole (persentine) or dobutamine). * In pt with bundle branch block or those who are taking digoxin or beta blocker -- nuclear stress test should be performed. * In most cases medication should not be withheld in the preparation of excersize stress test (except insulin and hypoglycemic agent). Beta blocker, alpha blocker, nitroglycerine may cause significant hypotension during stress test. Digoxin may depress ST segment. * Valsalva manever Inc Obstructive cardiomyopathy murmur. vs. it dec the Aotic stenosis murmur, VSD murmur & Mitral regurgiation murmur. * Leg raise Inc Aortic, mitral regurgitation and VSD murmurs. vs. Obstructive Cardiomyopathy murmur Inc with leg raisning. * Hand grip Inc Mitral regurgitation and VSD murmur. vs. Aortic stemosis murmur and Obstructive cardiomyopathy murmur dec with hand grip. * Constrictive Pericarditis -- ˜Eggshell calcification', dyspnea, orthopnea, signs of systemic HTN, pericardial knock, Kussmaul sign. Cardiac catheterization shows dip & plateau or square root sign; equalization of end diastolic pressure of all 4 chambers and pulmonary artery. TX -- Na restriction, diuretics. or pericardiectomy. * 2nd degree heart block -- Atropin shorten the PR interval & Inc AV conduction in Mobitz type I but has no effect in Mobitz type II. * Adams stoke attack is common in mobitz type II & 3rd degree heart block but it does not occur in mobitz type I. * 3rd degree heart block -- occurs when atrial contractions are 'normal' but no electrical conduction is conveyed to the ventricles. Ventricles then generate their own signal through an 'escape mechanism' from a focus some where within the ventricle. The ventricular escape beats are usually 'slow'. * Bundle branch block -- Abnormal conduction through the bundle branches will cause a depolarization delay through the ventricular muscle, this delay shows as a widening of the QRS complex. * Paroxysmal Supraventricular tachycardia -- (regular rhythm) sudden onset abrupt termination. 80% cases are reentrant in AV node. TX -- 1st Carotid massage if fail than Verapamil and Adenosine after . Other choices are IV propanolol, esmolol, digitalis. *Atrial Flutter -- QRS Duration - Usually normal; P Wave - Replaced with multiple F (flutter) waves, usually at a ratio of 2 or 3 :1 (2F - 1QRS); P Wave rate - 300 B/min; * WPW syndrome --Short PR interval followed by wide QRS with slurred initial deflection or delta wave. It is associated with PSVT or AF or Atrial Flutter. Tx of first choice Procainamide. Definitive tx is ablation. (never use Ca channel blocker or beta blocker or digitalis in this pt because it will slow down normal pathway of " bundle of his") * Ventricular Tachycardia -- Regular; QRS Duration - Prolonged (wide); P Wave - Not present. Cannon wave in jugular venous pulse. S1 ans S2 widely split. variation in systolic BP. Shock this rhythm if the patient is unconscious and without a pulse. TX -- Amiodarone, lidocaine after giving O2 and IV access. if pt do not respond Cardioversion. (remember In Ventircular tachycardia, Supraventricular tachycardia and WPWS, QRS is Wide) * Ventricular Fibrilation -- Disorganised electrical signals (Irregular; Rate - 300+; disorganised, QRS Duration - Not recognisable, P Wave - absent) A patient will be unconscious as blood is not pumped to the brain. Immediate treatment by defibrillation is indicated. It may be associated with MI. This patient needs to be defibrillated!! QUICKLY * Torsade de pointes -- arrythmia initiate due to abnormal ventricular repolarization. Causes - Antiarrthmic drugs (procainamide,Quninidine,Disopyramide), Antipsychotic (Phenothiazine, thioridazine, tricyclics, lithium), Metabolite imbalance (hypokalemia, Hypomegnasemia) , CNS lesion (stroke, hemmorrhage). TX the underlying disorder. For emergency use cardia pacing or Isoproterenol infusion is useful. * Hypochromic microcytic anemia (defined as MCV < 80 ) -- dx base on lab not sign & Sxs. + Serum ferretin level (99% specific, 60% sensitive). Most Accurate test (bone marrow iron biopsy for stainable iron store) rarely neccessary. MCV and reticulocytes low. RDW elevated Blood transfusion in those who are symptomatic or in young healthy person with hct in upper 20s or elderly with 30 hct + coronary dis or acute Sxs. 3 point rise in hct occur with every unit of packed RBC given. Remember Anemia of Chronic dis serum ferritin is normal , total iron and TIBC is low. correct the underlying dis as a tx. 69 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Examples of Microcytic anemia are Iron def anemia, Anemia of chronic dis (can be normocytic), Sideroblastic anemia, thalasemia. * Sideroblastic anemia - characterized by Iron trapped in the mitochondia of nucleated red cell. Hereditary or def of Aminolevulenic acid synthase or impaired B6 metabolism or acquired due to drugs like Isoniazid, Chloamphenicol, alcohol, lead. Sideroblastic anemia may progress to Acute myelogenous leukemia in small % of pts. Lab - high serum Ferretin, high Transferin, high serum Iron and low TIBC. Marrow biopsy reveal ringed sideroblast. TX -- High pyridoxine 2 - 4 mg/day, Iron chelation for Iron overload. acquired form tx by removing offending agent. * Thalassemia ÷ Hemochromatosis, Cirrhosis, CHF due to chronic anemia & blood transfusion. Hard to distinguised form other microcytic anemia, can be distinguised by electrophoresis. Target cells present in all form of thalasemia. In o thalasemia HbF & HbA2 is normal vs. In | thalasemia HbF & HbA2 is Inc. both has low hct (very low in | thalasemia) RDW (red cell distribution) is normal in all forms types because cell are of the same size. TX - Transfusion, Deferasirox (for Iron overload), Splenectomy. Bone marrow transplantation. * Macrocytic anemia (B12 def) -- neurologic signs, anemia. high MCV >100. macroovalocyte / Hypersegmented neutrophil (> than 4 lobes). DX - B12 level test is sufficient. If B12 level is equivocal do Methylmalonic acid level test. Schilling test to find origin of def. Anti intrinsic factor Ab test for distinguishing pernicious anemia (most common type of macrocytic anemia). Causes -- alcohol, blind loop $, malabsorption, pancreatitis, sprue, gastrectomy, atrophic gastritis, dyphallobothrium latum etc Folic def cause similar type anemia but with out neurologic symptom. Causes -- dec intake (alcoholics), Inc requirement as in pregnancy, phenytoin etc. DX -- by low RBCs and Low folic acid level. Remember Round macrocyte occur in hemolysis, liver dis, myelodysplasia and Oval macrocytes in B12 and folate def. * Cold Agglutinin disease -- IgM antibodies against RBCs at low temp. destruction occur in liver by kupffer cells. Mostly Idiopathic but also associated with malignancies, lymphomas, waldenstrome macroglobulinemia, mycoplasm, infectious mononucleosis infection. It may present with cyanosis of finger, toes, ear, nose and dark urine etc. Lab -- normocytic anemia, Inc reticulocytes, Inc LDH, dec hepatoglobin, Inc indirect birubin, spherocytes are present. Test of choice is Coomb test .for Auoimmune hemolytic anemia, cold agglutinin and also for drug induced hemolytic anemia. Tx - Avoid cold enviornment or offending drug. Steroids (for autoimmune), Splenectomy for those who do not respond steroids. Antibiotic (azathioprin, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide) in cold agglutinin. Rituximab (anti CD20 Ab) is also useful. * Hereditary Spherocytosis (AD) -- Defect in RBC mem destruction occur in spleen ÷ splenomegaly, Bilirubin stones may lead to cystitis. Dx - spherocyte have negative commb test. RBC sensitivity to lyse in hypotonic solu called Osmotic fragility test. LDH & MCHC is elevated, Inc reticulocytes, MCV normal to dec. Tx - long term folic acid therapy. splenectomy in severe cases . post splenectomy vaccination is imp for pneumococcus and influenza. * Paroxysmal Nocturnal hemoglobinuria -- defect in RBC phosphatidyl inositol Glycan A which | the bindng of complement to RBC ÷ chronic intravascular hemolysis in acidic enviornment. Diminish Decay accelerating factor also known as CD55 & CD59. This clonal stem cell disorder that is why the pt is also susceptible to aplastic anemia and leukemia. Manifestion -- anemia, hemoglobinuria, & thrombosis perticularly of hepatic vein ÷ Budd chiari $ (most common cause of death). Lab -- low hepatoglobin , hemoglobinuria, hemosiderinuria (iron loss), Inc LDH, Inc reticulocytes, Iron laden tubular cell in urine. Test for PNH is Sugar water test and Acidified hemolysis (HAM) test. Tx - Steroids and antithrombotics. Iron replacement if dgree of urinary loss of iron is significant. * G6PD deficiency -- hemolysis caused by oxidative stress commonly due to infection. Also drugs -- sulfa, quinidine, primiquine, dapsone, nitrofurantoin. DX -- Definitive test is G6PD level which can be falsely high in acute condition. Heinz bodies and drugs are main clue. TX -- hydration and avoid offending factor. In severe hemolysis do transfusion. * APLASTIC ANEMIA -- Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia (pancytopenia), causes are Idiopathic (common), radiation, toxins (benzene), NSAIDs, chloamphenicol, chemo, alcohol. Infection like B19, EBV, HIV, CMV cause aplastic anemia in immunocompromised pt. Manifest as bleeding anemia and infection due to neutropenia. DX -- CBC is the first test and Bone marrow biopsy confirm the dx. (note fibrosis and fat cells in marrow) TX -- Marrow transplantation (80 - 90% cure rate). If transplantation is not possible try Antithymocyte + cyclosporin + prednisone (60 - 70% remission) * ACUTE LEUKEMIA --- Blast > 20% confirm the dx of Acute leukemia. Commonly presents with Pancytopenia. DX -- Monoclonal Ab test recognizes the kind of acute leukemia. Extremely | leukocytes ÷ leukostasis $ (sludging of vessels due to high leukocytes) ÷ headache, dyspnea, blurred vision, periapism, confusion, brain hemorrhage. (non sp signs are hyperurecemia and elevated LDH) M3 Promyelocytic leukemia cause DIC. vs. M4 & M5 most commonly cause CNS symptoms. ALL -- ALL Ag CALLA & terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (tdt), common in children. . AML -- Auer Rods (sp for M3), myeloperoxidase and estrase. (imp difference). * CHRONIC LEUKEMIA CLL -- Overproduction of lymphocytes usually monoclonal B lymphocytes of unknown reason mostly in pt > 50 yrs of age. 70 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS CD19 is stongly associated with CLL. Smudge cells are present. CML -- Overproduction of myeloid cells (cells of granulocytes origin like neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil). Diminished Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase staining. Ph ch (9 - 22 t) which has tyrosine kinase activity. Manifestation : CLL - most common presentation is elevated lymphocyte count on routine examination (highly suggested of dis). CML - most common presentation is fatigue, night sweat & low fever. can also produce abdominal pain, bone pain, enlarge spleen or rarely lymphadenopathy, leukostasis. Dx -- CLL - markedly elevated count of lymphocytes (30000 - 50000 or higher), smudge cells on smear. CML - markedly elevated WBCs count predominantly neutrophill (left shift). Diminished leukocyte alkaline ph (LAP) Score. non sp signs are basophilia, polycythemia vera, thrombocytosis. * Staging for CLL -- Stage 0 -- lymphocytosis alone. (survival of untreated stage 0 and 1 is 10 - 12 yrs even without tx) Stage 1 -- lymphadenopathy, Stage 2 -- splenomegaly Stage 3 -- anemia (survival of stage 2 and 3 is 1 to 2 yrs) . Stage 4 -- thrombocytopenia * TX of Leukemias : ALL -- tx with Doxorubicin + Vincristine + Prednisone is initial tx. AML -- tx with Cytosine Arabinoside + Daunorubicin or Idarubicin. M3 Promyelocytic leukemia -- add all - trans - retinoic acid (vit A derivitive). Leukostatsis need leukopherasis in addition to chemotherapy. Relapse must be tx with marrow transplantation. ALL pts must undergo prophylactic methotrexate intrathecally to prevent relapse in CNS. CLL -- Early stage of dis is not tx. Symptomatic dis is tx with Fludarabine. Add Prednisone in pt with hemolysis and thrombocytopenia. Pentostatin used in relapsed CLL. CML -- Best Initial tx is Imatinib (Gleevec) a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (90% pts responce). If tx fails do marrow transplantation. * MULTIPLE MYELOMA (Plasma cell disorder of unknown cause) -- Clonal abnormality of plasma cell replacing the bone marrow and producing large quantity non functional Immunoglobins with resultant infection. Presentation - Most common presentation is back & rib pain (bone pain), pneumococcal & hemophilus influenza infection, renal failure & anemia. Hypercalcemia ÷ polyurea, polydipsea, altered mental status. hyperviscosity $ (blurred vision, storke, confusion, mucosal bleeding). Dx -- Serum protein electrophoresis is elevated for monoclonal Ab (commonly IgG and rarely Ig D or IgA). Punched out (osteoclastic) lesions. Serum B2 microglobulin, calcium, BUN, creatinin, uric acid, is elevated. Bence jones protienuria, dec serum albumin level. Bone marrow biopsy with 10% plasma cells confirm the Dx. Tx - Younger pt with MM -- tx with Thalidomide + Dexamethasone + Bone marrow transplantation. vs. Older pt with MM -- tx with melphalan (alkylating agent) + prednisone only. If pt is not a candidate for marrow transplantation tx with Thalidomide + Prednisone . Hypercalciuria should be tx with Loop Diuretic and hydration and than with Biphosphonate (pamidronate). * Hodgkin Lymphoma - Neoplastic transformation of lymphocyte in lymphnode. shows RS cells. Common in 20s and 60s age bracket. Most commonly involve Cervical, supraclavicular & axillary lymph node. Extra nodal invovlment (any organ) are also common. Manifestation -- Enlarge painless, rubbery & nonerythmatous lymphnode. "B symptoms" are night sweat, wt loss, fever & pruritis. DX -- Excisional Biopsy is the most imp step in confirming dx, than Staging is next step by CXR, MRI & CT scan (because staging decide the tx). ESR useful in prognosis. LFT reveal need for liver transplantation. Other test are abnormal (CBC, | LDH, Eosinophilia). TX - Stage IA & IIA -- tx with Radiation. Stage III & VI & pt with "B Sxs" -- tx with "DBVD" (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastin, decarbazine) Lymphocyte predominant type has good prognosis. vs. lymphocyte depleted type has worst prognosis Adverse prognostic factors are -- large mediastinal lymphadenopathy, Inc ESR, age > 40 yrs, B symptoms. * Non Hodgkin Lymphoma - Neoplastic transformation of both B & T cell lineage in lymphnode and extralympahatic organs. Associated with some Autoimmune dis & inf (HIV, EBV, HTLV1, HCV, H. pylori ), may occur without reason. Manifestation -- same as Hdogkin lymphoma, except Non Hodgekin lymphoma is more likely to involve CNS (specially in association with HIV inf). DX - First lymphnode biopsy and than staging by bone marrow biopsy and CT, MRI and CXR for tx. Bone marrow involvement signify stage IV dis. PET is highly sensitive & specific for nodal & extra nodal site but not for Bone marrow. other tests are abnormal (CBC, Inc ESR, high LDH, leukopenia, eosinophilia). TX - Stage I & II -- tx with radiation. Stage III & IV with "B Sxs" -- tx with "CHOP" (cyclophosphamide, hydoxy-adriamycin, vincristine, prednisone). CNS lymphoma is tx with radiation + chemotherapy. NHL Relapses is tx with autologus marrow transplantation. Rituximab (monoclonal Ab against CD20) for those who demonstrate high CD 20 Ag. * ANN ARBOR Staging of Hodgekin and Non hodgekib Lymphoma : Stage I -- single regional lymphnode or single extrahepatic organ or site is involved. Stage II -- two lymphnode (any where) on the same side of diaphragm or limited contiguous extrahepatic organ involvement. 71 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Stage III -- lymphnode involvement of both side of diaphragm (spleen etc) or contiguous extralamphatic organ involvement. Stage IV -- Diffuse or disseminated foci of involvement of > 1 extrahepatic organ, with or without lymphatic involvement. * IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIA PURPURA -- Anti pletelet Ab of unknown etiology, Binucleated plasma cells (Remember RS cells are different). Often associated with lymphoma, CLL, HIV, and connective tissue dis. pt is usually young female. no splenomegaly. Bone marrow is fill with megakaryocyte indicating pletelet destruction out side bone marrow. present with bleeding episode. Dx - thrombocytopenia, normal spleen and megakaryocytosis in bone marrow. Tx -- Prednisone is initial tx. splenectomy in pt who have very low pletelet count (10000 - 20000) and relapse despite prednisone tx. IVIG RhoGam in indicated in those who have pletelet level < 10000 (IVIG RhoGam is used only in Rh + ve pt thus it is not a 1st line tx). Rituximab (anti CD20 monoclonal antibodies) use in refractory cases. * VWD -- most common congenital disorder of hemostasis. pt presents with bleeding, petechie, epistaxis menstrual abnormalities, UT & GI bleed etc. DX -- Ristocetin pletelet aggregation test. PTT is prolong due to functional def of factor VIII. TX -- desmopressin (release subendothelial stores of VWF) is used in the mild dis or when pt undergo minor surgrical procedure. If desmopressin is not efective factor VIII replacement should be given (factor VIII contain VWF too). Pt should avoid asprin. * Hemophilia A (factror VIII def) and B (factor IX def) -- XRD -- manifest in males and female are carrier ÷ hemarthrosis, GI, urinary & CNS bleeding, bruising. some time may be asymptomatic until trauma, surgery. DX -- Prolong PTT and normal PT is expected. Mixing stduy (Factor def is strongly suspected when a 50:50 mixture of the pts blood is created with a normal control and the PTT drops to normal. If PTT does not correct with mixing than the antibody inhibitor of the factor is suspected. Mixing study will only detect def but will not tell you which specific factor is deficient. Precise dx is determined by specific level of factor VIII and IX. TX -- Mild Hemophilia A is tx with desmopressin. Severe Hemophilia A -- tx with specific factor VIII. Hemophilia B is tx with specific factor IX. * Vit K def (def of factor 2 7 9 and 10) -- First Prolong PT than prolong PTT. causes are malabsorption, antibiotic, dietry def. Dx is confirm by giving vit K. Tx -- fresh frozen plasma along with Vit K. (Remember All factor synthesize in liver except factor 8 and VWF). In Liver disease factor synthesis is dec (factor 7 is first to dec). Tx fresh frozen plasma. * DIC -- consumption of both pletelet and clotting factors with resultant bleeding, microangiopathic hemolysis, marked production of fibrin degradation product called D dimers. (but occasionally may cause thrombosis) Although its idiopathic but almost always present with underlying disorder like sepsis (most common), M3 promyelocytic leukemia, rhabdomyolysis, trauma, transfusion reaction, pancreatitis, abruptio placenta, amniotic fluid embolism, burns etc. DX -- Elevated D dimer and fibrin split product . low fibrinogen, prolong BT, PT, PTT and schistocytes. TX -- Fresh frozen plasma for bleeding. Heparin in those with thrombosis. * Recommended managemnet of a supratherapeutic INR when bleeding is not present : < therapeutic to 5.0 -- lower warfarin dose; or skip dose or resume warfarin at lower dose. (do nothing f INR is minimally prolonged) > 5.0 to 9.0 -- skip next 1 or 2 dose, monitor INR frequently and resume warfarin at lower dose. or skip dose + 1 - 2.5 mg vit K PO. > 9.0 -- hold warfarin & give 5-10 mg vit K PO, monitor INR frequently. Resume INR at lower dose when INR is at therapeutic level. > 20. 0 -- hold warfarin & give 10 mg Vit K IV slowly. supplement with fresh frozen plasma or factor VIIa. Monitor INR frequently. * MENINGITIS -- Fever, headache, photophobia, nuchal rigidity, nauzea and vomiting. Positive Kernig and Brudzinski sign. Mental confusion, siezures, cranial nerve palsy (sp CN VIII) may occur. Causes -- Strept Pneumoniae is most common of meningitis in all age group except neonates. (H influenza is declining due to HIB vaccination) Strep Aglactate is most common cause of neonate meningitis. Listeria monocytogens meningitis is relatively more common in immune deficient (but strep pneumoniae is still the common most) N. Meningitidis meningitis is most common in adolescents. (cause rash) Staph Aureus meningitis is more common in neurosurgry pt. Cryptococcal meningitis is more common in HIV pt with < 100 CD 4 -T cells. Meningitis due to Rocky mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is more common in Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennesse. cause rash. Minigitis due to lyme dis is more common in north east (massachusetts, NY, NJ, connecticut). Cause cranial nerve palsy & rash. Viruses are most common cause of Aseptic meningitis (entero v, Arbov v, st luis encephalitis v, west nile v", HIV, HSV etc) DX -- If there is no risk factor present than first procedure of choice for meningitis is Lumbar puncture and is essential for Dx. | neutrophils in bacterial. | lymphocytes in CSF indicates Viral, fungal, TB, syphilis, lyme & Rocky MSF inf. (< 5 lymphocytes in CSF is normal) If there is delay in lumbar puncture for 20 - 30 min due to any reason start the empiric therapy imidiately. Meningitis + papiladema or sign of focal lesion, tumor or hemorrhage -- Best intial test is CT (Lumbar puncture is contraindicated) Most accurate test for bacterial meningitis is CSF culture. vs. Rocky mountain fever and Lyme dis can be dx by Serology. Cryptococcus with india ink. vs. Syphilis is dx by VDRL and FTA in CSF. vs. Culture for TB, PCR also help dx TB. TX -- Empiric tx is vancomycin + ceftriaxone (add ampicillin if pt is > 50 yrs old or < 1 month old to cover L. monocytogenes). Bacterial meningitis tx must be adjuvant with Dexamethasone for 4 day to prevent further meningeal irritation & mortality. 72 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX could be different if pt is pragnant , HIV positive, malignancies, steroid user, TB, etc. In neurosurgery related meningitis use Vancomycin. Cryptococcal meningitis should be tx with Amphoterecin B. * ENCEPHALITIS -- is commonly caused by viruses and the most common virus is HSV 1. DX -- PCR confirm the dx of viral encehalitis. TX - IV acyclovir. * BRAIN ABSCESS -- MC cause is streptococcal infection (60 - 70%), than Bacteroid, Enterobacteracea, Staph respectively. often polymicribial. MC cause of brain abcess in HIV pt with CD 4 cell count < 50 is Toxoplasmosis (TP). (90% is due to TP or Lymphoma) DX -- Best initial test is CT scan (even though MRI is more accurate than CT). Abscess Aspiration (stereotactic aspiration) is imp in bacterial cause. TX -- Pyrimethamine + sulfadiazine for toxoplasmosis. Penicillin + metronidazole + ceftazedime for Bacterial brain abscess. * OTITIS MEDIA -- Most common cause strep Pnemoniae (35 - 40%), H Influenza (30 - 35%), Moraxella catarrhalis (15 - 20%). DX by physical examination. TX - Best initial tx is Amoxicilin, if fail to respond add clavulanate. Azithromycin or Clarithromycin are alternatives. * BRONCHITIS -- infection of bronchial tree, lung parenchyma is unaffected. Acute bronchitis is most commonly caused by viruses other causes are M penumoniae, C pneumoniae, B pertusis. Chronic bronchitis is caused by Strep pneumoniae, H influenza, Moxarella Catarrhalis. Dx -- Normal CXR along with signs of respiratory infection confirm the dx of bronchitis. Tx -- Acute cases -- tx with Amoxicillin, doxicycllin, SMX/TMP. Recurrent inf tx -- Amoxicillin/ clavulanate, clarithromycin, azyhthromycin, 3rd generation cephalosporin, gati, levo or moxifloxacin. * LUNG ABSCESS -- 90 % Lung abscess is due to Anaerobes. "Anaerobes 45% , Mixed 45%" Aerobes only 10%. Common Anaerobes (Peptostreptococcus, Prevotella, Fusobacterium found in gingival crevices). 80-90 % associated with periodontal dis. Common Aerobes (S aureus, E coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas). DX -- First CXR which will demostrate thick walled cavitary lesion. Aspiration is imp for specific bacterial Dx. unless dx is available. TX -- Clindamycin is good initial tx and penecillin is exceptable. Drainage is not necessary as a tx due to antibiotic availability. * PNEUMONIA -- Infection of the lung parenchyma. 6th leading cause of death in USA. Strep Pneumoniae is most common pathogen in all age group except in chidren < 5 yrs of age in which virus is the common cause. Common cause in pt on ventilator or hospital acquired -- is E.coli, Entereobacteriacea, pseudomonas, MRSA. Strep Pneumonia -- most common (copious rusty sputum, alveoli is involved) ---- TX is Pneumonia In smokers & COPD -- H Influenza pneumonia (copious sputum, alveoli is involved) ---- Tx 2nd or 3rd Generation Cefalosporin. Pneumonia In healthy young -- Mycoplasma pneumonia (dry cough due to interstitial inf, bullous myringitis, cold agglutinin hemolysis) TX -- Macrolide or Doxicyclin or Quinilone. Smoker near water sources -- Legeonella pneumonia (dry cough due to interstitial inf, diarrhea). TX -- Macrolide or Doxicyclin or Quinilone. HIV < 200 CD4 cell & not on prophylaxis (Dapsone or Atovaquone) -- Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (dry cough, marked dyspnea ) TX -- TMP/SMZ. Atovaquone or Pentamidine (aternatives). Exposure to animal -- Coxiella burnetti pneumonia -- Tx doxicycline (erythromycin is alternative) Alcoholic -- Klebsiella pneumonia (copious current jelly sputum, alveoli is involved) -- Tx Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone. Post viral inf Pneumonia (sp after influenza) -- Staph aureus pneumonia -- Tx Oxacillin or Nefcillin (Vancomycin or linzolid in resistant cases) Exposure to "south west US" desert -- Coccidioidomycosis pneumonia -- Tx Fluconazole or Itraconazole of mild & Amphoterecin for severe dis. Exposure to birds -- Chlaymydia Psittaci pneumonia ---- Tx is Exposure to bird dropping , spelunking -- Histoplasma capsulatum pneumonia ---- Tx is Cough with whoop and post tussive vomiting -- Brodetella pertusis pneumonia ---- Tx is Hunter or exposure to rabbit -- Francisella tularensis pneumonia ---- Tx is Travel to south east asia -- SARS, Avian influenza pneumonia ---- Tx is Bioterrorism -- Bacillus anthracis, yersenia pestis, Francisella tularensis Pt with neutropenia or person on steroid -- Aspergillus pneumonia ---- Tx is * Hospital Acquired pneumonia -- Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, E coli, MRSA -- TX -- is Emperic Ceftazidime or cefotaxime + Genta or Tobramycin + Vancomycin or Lanzolid. DX -- For Typical pneumonia (occur in Lobar form) --- Most imp initial test CXR. Sputum culture is most specific dx test. For Atypical pneumonia (occur in interstitial form) --- invasive test is required to confirm the dx such as bronchoscopy, thoracocentesis, pleural biopsy or pleural fluid culture. Most definitive dx test for Atypical P is open lung biopsy. For mycoplasma Pneumonia --- specific serologic antibody titer test. For legionella Pneumonia --- Charcoal yeast agar test, Urine Ag test, Direct Flourescent Ab and Antibody titer. For PCP Pneumonia --- bronchoalveolar lavage and Inc LDH. For Chlamydia Pneumonia, coxiella, Chlamydia psittaci, coccidioidomycosis, Pneumonias --- Specific Antibody titer is used TX - The degree of severity determined by PO2 < 60 mmHg, SO2 < 94 on room air, Respiratory rate > 30/min, confusion, disorientation, uremia, hypothermia, hypotension (< 90/60 mm Hg), hyponatremia, leukopenia < 4000, Pulse > 125/min, dehydration or pt with serious underlying dis. Best Initial empiric tx for out pt when organism is not known -- Azythromycin or Clarithromycin . Levo, Gati or Moxifloxacin is alternative. 73 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Pt hospitalized for community acquired pnemonia -- Levo, Gati, Moxifloxacin is 1st choice. Azythromycin + cefotaxime or ceftriaxone is alternative. Empiric tx for Hospital Acquired pneumonia TX -- is Emperic Ceftazidime or cefotaxime + Genta or Tobramycin + Vancomycin or Lanzolid. * TB -- leading cause of death in world. < 20000 cases /yr in USA. (take 5 yrs to become fatal without tx). Extrapulmonary TB (MC site is lymphnode). DX -- CXR is best Initial test. Sputum examination for Acid fast bacilli give specific dx (3 times + ve result has specificity of > 90%). It Guide initial tx. If sputum is - ve, do pleural biopsy which is single most sensitive diagnostic test. (single biopsy is 75% sensitive). Culture is most specific but takes 4 to 6 weeks. (donot confuse AFB with AFB stain which is used to detect cryptosporia). PPD testing is of no value in acute disease. PPD test is used to dx only Asymptomatic population. TX - Initial tx is INH + RIF + PZA + ETB for first 2 months untill drug sensitivity result comes; PZA & ETB is than discontinued and INH + RIF continued for another 4 months. (2 + 4 is total of 6 month) HIV + ve pt with TB is tx for 6 to 9 month (6 month tx is effective). TB in pregnancy & TB osteomyelitis is tx for 9 months. (pragnant women should not recieve PZA and Streptomycin) Only TB meningitis is tx for 12 months. (Steroid can be added only in TB meningitis or TB pericarditis) Streptomycin does not cause liver toxicity. Refampin cause orange / red color change. INH cause neuropathy should be given with pyridoxine. ETB cause optic neuritis, color blindness & visual disturbance. PZA cause benign hyperurecemia, use only in symptomatic pt. PPD is used to dx asymptomatic population. Induration in 48 - 72 hrs suggest positivity. Erythma is irrelevent. + ve PPD indicate 10% life time risk to develop dis (most cases occur in first 2 yrs after +ve PPD). HIV + ve person has 7 - 10 % chance of developing disease per yr. Person with < 10 mm induration should have 2nd test with in 2 weeks. >10mm 2nd time consider PPD +ve. > 5 mm induration is + ve in -- closed relative, HIV + ve pt, pt on steroids, organ transplant pt, pt with CXR consistent with old healed TB. > 10 mm Induration is + ve in high risk group -- health workers, exposure to TB pt, immigrants, immunocompromised, DM, lymphoma, leukemia, dialysis, home less, prisoners. > 15 mm induration is + ve in low risk population -- people who should never have been tested in the first place. + ve PPD pt should be ordered CXR and if chest xray is +ve, sputum test must be conducted for Acid fast bacillus (AFB). TX is same if + ve. Pt with + ve PPD test without active dis (3 - ve AFB test of sputum) should recieved INH + B6 for 9 months. (6 months tx is also effective) HIV pt with only + ve PPD should recieve INH + B6 for 9 months. Previous BCG vaccine and Age does not change the recommandation, its same for all ages people. * Viral hepatitis ------ ALT and AST Inc (ALT > AST) Drug induced or alcohol hepatitis -------- AST and ALT Inc (AST > ALT) Obstructive hepatitis or damaged bile canalicular system -------- ¸ GTP and AP is Inc Prothromin and albumin is dec in severe liver damage. Viral Hepatitis shows IgM in acute dis where as IgG in old dis. * Chronic Hepatitis B -- can be tx with IF, Entecavir, Adefovir or lamivudine (talbivudine is also used). Transplantation is only tx once cirrhosis develop. * Chronic hepatitis C -- is tx with IF + Ribavirin. Once cirrhosis develop than only tx is transplantation. * In case of needle stick, person should recieve HBIG and HB vaccine. If person had vaccination completed no therapy is needed. * There is no post exposue prophylaxis for hepatitis C and no vaccine. * GONORRHEA -- DX - Smear for Diplococci. Culture for gonorrhea is most specific test. Serology (florescent Ab) for chlamydia (by swabing urethra). TX - Single IM dose of Ceftriaxone + Single dose Azythromycin or Doxicycline for 7 days. Single dose of Cipro or Cefixime are Alternatives . * PID -- Cervical motion tnderness is the key in PID. DX -- Culture on thyer martin agar for gonnococcal inf. Laproscopy is the only definitive test. Pragnancy test should be taken.. TX -- In pt tx is Cefoxitin or Cefotetan + Doxicycline. (reason for a admitting the pt is high WBC count or high fever) Out pt tx is single dose Ceftriaxone + Doxicycline for 2 weeks. Ofloxacin + Metronidazole both for 2 wks is out pt alternative. * SYPHILIS -- Chancre (primary syphilis). Rash on face, copper color maculopapular Rash on palm and sole, Condyloma Latum (Sec syphlis). Gumma (tertiary syphilis). Hutchinson teeth, Saber shin, Saddle nose (Congenital syphlis), it can cause Alopecia areata. Tertiary syphlis (TS) -- is not contagious occur 3 - 20 yrs after Pri inf. TS is mostly neurosyphlis, Gumma of any organ (heal spontaneously), cardio vascular problem, Argyl Robertson pupil (small irregualar pupil with normal accomodation but non reactive to light). DX - Best initial test for Pri syphilis is Dark field exam (because false +ve rate is 25% with RPR and VDRL). Most Specific test is FTA-ABS. For Sec syphillis RPR and VDRL has 100% sensitivity. Screening test is VDRL, RPR. VDRL & RPR titer > 1 : 8 without Sxs suggest Latent syphilis. False + ve VDRL is common with EBV, Collagen vascular dis, TB, Subacute endocarditis. TX - Pri & Sec Syphlis -- Single IM dose of 2.4 Million Unit Benzathine penicillin. (Doxicycline is alternative for Pri & sec syphilis) Latent syphlis is tx with 2.4 million unit IM once a week for 3 weeks. TS -- 10 - 20 MU penecillin per day IV for 10 days. (TS pt & pragnant women with syphilis must under go desensitization if allergic). * CHANCROID -- Painful ulcer, painful enlarge lymphnode due to Hemophillus Ducreyi (gram - ve bacillus). 74 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -- Clinical findng + Initial gram stain culture confirm the dx. PCR is also helpful. TX -- Azithromycin or Ceftriaxone as a single dose. (Erythromycin for 7 days or cipro for 3 days are alternatives) * LYMPHGRANULOMA VENEREUM -- Contageous STD caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. small ulcerate lesion heal quickly, later Unilateral lymphnode enlargement with sinus tarct developed. DX -- Examination, Hx, high titer of complement fixing Abs. Isolate chlamydia from pus & buboes. TX -- Doxicycline (Erythromycin is alternative) * GRANULOMA INGUINALE (Donovanosis) -- Chronic Painless graulomatous mass caused by Klebsiella granulomatis (Calymatobacterium Granulomatis) safety pin-shaped, encapsulated bacilli that appear inside infected tissue cells called Donovan bodies. DX -- Clinically and with Giemsa or Wright stain (donovan bodies) or smear of lesion. Punch Biopsy. (look like cancer) TX -- Doxicycline + ceftriaxone or TMP/ SMX. Erythromycin is alternative. * CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA -- Genital warts or Venereal warts caused by HPV. (Clinician must differentiate from flat wart or condylomata lata) Soft moist pink red swelling that becomes enlarge and pedunculated and give unique Cauliflower appearance. DX -- No dx test because tx is always same for all types. No subtyping test except in the case of Atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance. TX -- Curetage, Sclerotherapy, Trichloroacetic acid, Cryotherapy, podophyllin, Imiquimod (localize immuno stimulant), laser removal. Podophyllin is extremly teratogenic must be avoided in pregnancy. * PERINEPHRIC ABSCESS -- Causes are Stones , trauma, surgery, structural abnormality, DM, Renal infections rupture. DX -- Urine analysis & culture is the best initial test (30 - 40 % normal). Later best initial scan is U/S but CT & MRI offer better imageing. Aspiration of the abscess for definitive bacterial dx. TX -- Percutaneous drainage of abscess along with Antibiotic (3rd G cephalosporin or Antipseudomonal (ticarcillin/clavulunate) + Aminoglycoside). * SEBORRHEIC KERATOSIS -- Benign lesion with stuck on appearance. No relation to actinic keratosis (premalignant lesion) & Seborrheic dermatitis. DX -- Biopsy is the most accurate method of dx. TX -- They are removed only for cosmetic purposes with liquid nitrogen or curettage. * ACTINIC KERATOSIS -- Precancerous lesion occur on sun exposed area of light skin colored older person. Pt may have dozens of leions. 1 : 1000 Lesion progress to cancer. Lesion are usually asymptomatic may be tender to touch and lighter in color. DX -- Biopsy is the most accurate method of dx. TX -- Remove lesion with cryotherapy, Topical 5 fluorouracil (5FU), Imiquimod (local immuno stimulant), Topical retinoic acid derivative or curettage. Sunscreen for the prevention , progression and reoccurrence. * MALIGNANT MELANOMA -- MC type is Superficial type. Grow in size have irregular borders & uneven shape with inconsistent coloring. Rate of melanoma is rising faster than any other cancer in USA. DX -- Biopsy of full thickness sample is the most accurate method of dx. (tumor thickness is the most imp prognostic method). TX -- Remove by excision (huge 5 cm margin is not indicated, size of the margin is determined by thickness of tumor). Melanoma in situ < 1 mm in thickness needs only 0.5 cm margin. Lesion with 1 - 2 mm in depth or thichness needs 2 cm margin. Lesion with > 2 mm in depth require 2 - 3 cm margin. There is no chemo therapy for any form of skin cancer. Interferone seems to dec recurrance of melanoma. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF SKIN -- occur on sun exposed skin surface. common on lips. Ulceration of the lesion is common. Carcinogenic potential is high with smoking. rarely metastasize (3-7%). DX -- Biopsy confirm the dx. (shows Keratinous pearls donot confuse with term pearly papules which suggest Basal cell carcinoma) TX -- Surgical Removal. If surgery is not possible than Radio therapy. There is no chemo therapy for any form of skin cancer. * BASAL CELL CARCINOMA -- Most common (65 - 80% all skin cancers). Appear as shiny pearly papule. Extremely rare to metastasize < 0.1%. DX -- Shave or punch biopsy Confirmed the dx . TX -- Surgical removal. Mohs Microsurgery has greater cure rate (instant frozen section are done to determine when enough tissue section has been removed to give a clean margin). 5FU is used in superficial lesion. * KAPOSI SARCOMA -- Purplish lesion predominantly occur in AIDS pt with CD 4 count < 100, caused by HHV 8. DX -- confirm with biopsy. TX -- Best tx is to start antiretroviral therapy and raise the CD 4 T cell count. Specific tx of kaposi sarcoma is Anthracyclines, doxorubicin or vinblastine. * PSORIASIS -- unknown reason. Manifest as silver scaly lesion on the extensor surface of the body. Nail pitting is common. Shows Koebner phenomenon (development of psoritic lesion with epidermal injury). TX -- Salisylate is used to remove the heaped up material of scaly lesion so the other therapys can make contact with skin. Topical steroids are used in localized dis. (steroid can cause skin atrophy) Severe dis also need Coal tar or Anthralin derivitive. To avoid steroid and coal tar use Vit A (Tazarotene) and Vit D (Calcipotriene) derivitive. All pt should use Emollients (lubiderm or aquaphor or vaseline or mineral oil etc) If > 30% area is involved than topical tx is of no practical use, tx with ultravoilet light, it is most rapid form of controling dis. The most severe wide spread progressive form must be tx with methotrexate (methotrexate cause liver fibrosis) 75 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Newer tx is Alefacept, Efalizumab, Etanercept and infliximab (immuno modulent that target defect in immune system such as TNF) * XEROSIS / ASTEATOTIC DERMATITIS -- It is dry skin condition. Managed by lubricant , Emollients . pt with inflamed skin topical steroids is used. * ATOPIC DERMATITIS (ECZEMA) -- Redish Pruritic lesion with high level of IgE. + / - Lichenification. Inc sensitivity to dryness or dry skin. TX -- Preventive tx is Emollients, avoiding hot water, dry soap, and using only cotton cloths. Active dis is managed with Topical steroids, antihistamine, Coal tar and Photo therapy. Staphylococcal therapy if impetiginization of skin is present. Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus can be used to dec dependance of steroid use. Must avoid scratching. Topical Doxepin can be used to stop pruritis. * SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS -- Over secretion of Sebacious gland & hypersensitivity to superficial fungal organism (Pityrosporum ovale). Dandruff (scaly, greasy flaky skin) which may occur on scalp, face, nasolabialfold, bodyfolds etc. TX -- Low potency topical steroid (Hydrocortisone) and Antifungal shampoo (such as Ketoconazole or salfide or Zinc Pyrithione). Remember Psoriasis causes itchy, red, swollen skin covered with silvery scales. When it affects the scalp, it causes itchy dandruff vs. Seborrheic dermatitis causes greasy, scaly, itchy skin, dandruff. It usually affects the scalp but may also affect other parts of the body. * STASIS DERMATITIS -- hyperpigmentation build up from hemosiderin due to chronic venous incompetence / stasis with resultant extravasation of blood in the dermis. TX - It is irreversible problem so the tx is prevention of progression by advising leg elevation, & Lower - Exterimity Support Hose. * CONTACT DERMATITIS -- Hypersensitivity reaction to soap, detergent, latex, sun screen, Poison ivy or oak (Slide C), neomycin, jewelry, metal etc. Present linear streaked vesical sp with poison ivy. DX -- definitive dx is by patch testing. TX -- Properly identify and remove the causative agent and tx with topical steroid and antihistamine. * PITYRIASIS ROSESEA (PR) -- Acute self limitimg condition begin with the herald patch. Clinically it is itchy erythmatous salmon colored lesion and look like Sec Syphillis (but it spares palm and sole) and appear as christmas tree pattern. DX -- VDRL / PRP is negative, this is clinical dx. TX -- Topical steroids. Resolves in 8 week without scaring. * DECUBITUS ULCERS -- Chronic sores that occur on Pressure areas. Stage 1 ------ consist with non blanchable redness. Stage 2 ------ destruction of superficial epidermis and partial destruction of dermis. Stage 3 ------ destroy the full thickness of skin. Stage 4 ------ desruction all the way to the bone. DX -- Never do culture from the superficial ulcer or drainage from ulcer because we never know its inf or simple colonization, that is why Definitive microbiologic dx is always in operation room after debridement. TX -- most importantly first relief pressure and than Antibiotic is used. * ALOPECIA AREATA -- Autoimmune Ab against hair follicle destroying hair production. TX -- Majority will resolves spontaneously over time. Immidiate tx is localized injection of steroid in effected area. * TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM -- Loss of hair in responce to extreme physiologic stress such as cancer or malnutrition. TX -- correct the undelying dis. * ACNE (Propionibacterium acne) -- Pustule & cyst occur which rupture & release free fattyacid. More common in girls but more severe in boys. Closed comedones (are white) and open comedones (are black), the discharge is purulent but oderless. TX -- Mild dis --- Benzoyl peroxide + topical Clindamycin or erythromycin or sulfacetamide. Topical Retinoids are applied if load of bacteria locally are infective. (remember oral retinoic acid derivitives are strong teratogen) Moderate dis --- combined Benzoyl peroxide + Retinoids Tararotene, Tretinoin, and Adapalene. Severe dis --- oral antibiotics eg. minocycline, tetracycline, clindamycin or oral Isotrenitoin * IMPETIGO - Contagious & Autoinoculable Inf of superficial layer (involve epidermis only), Ecthyma (ulcerative form cause yellow crusting). Most common cause is Staph Aureus (Bullous form), Some time it may cuased by Strep Pyogenes (group A | hemolytic). If left untreated ÷ Lymphangitis, Furunculosis, cellulitis, Acute Glomerulonephritis (due to gas). TX - 1st G cephalosporin (cefadroxil, cefazolin, cefalexin) or Semisynthetic penicillin (Ox, Clox, diclox, nefcillin). Azithromycin is alternative. Topical Mupirocin or Bacitracin or Ritapamulin for mild cases. * ERYSIPELAS -- Superficial cellulitis that affect deeper layer (involve both epidermis & dermis), Cause by strep pyogenes. Usually bilateral shiny, indurant lesion. may ulcerate. It is more likely to cause bacteremia. TX - 1st generation cephalosporin (cefadroxil, cefazolin, cefalexin). or Oxa, Clox, diclox, nefcillin. Penicillin G or Ampicillin if bacteria is confirmed sterp. * CELLULITIS -- caused by staph or streptococci (involve dermis and subcutaneous tissue) ÷ redness, swelling warmth and tenderness. Since it is below the Dermal - Epidermal junction there is no weeping, ozing draining or crusting. TX -- is generally emperic. ISevere inf with fever, hypotension and sign of sepsis the best tx is IV Oxacillin, Nafcillin or cefazolin. * Remember Impetigo effect epidermis, Erysipela effect epiderms and dermis where as cellulitis effect dermis and subcutaneous tissue. * Foliculitis, fruncle & Carbuncle presents three different degrees of severity of Staph inf of hair follicle. Also caused by psuedomonas (hot tub folliculitis). Folliculitis is Inf of single hair follicle, a collection of infected material in hair follicle is Fruncle. Several fruncle confluent into single lesion is Carbuncle. Fruncle & carbuncle are extremely tender. It may lead to Necrotizing fasciitis. TX -- Folliculitis may be tx with warm compression. (no Antibiotic needed but if required use Mupirocin). 76 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Fruncle -- require systemic Dicloxacillin or cefadroxil. Carbuncle -- tx with IV Dicloxacillin or cefadroxil. Large fruncle or carbuncle also require surgical drainage. * NECROTIZING FASCIITIS (NF) -- Severe life threatening dis which start as cellutilis. Commonly due to Strep & Clostridium. Diabetis | the risk. It can be differentiate from simple cellutis by Very high fever, presence of bullae and palpable cripitus and pain. DX -- Surgical debridement is the best way to confirm dx. Elevated CPK, X Rays, CT, MRI that shows air in the tissue or necrosis. TX -- Surgery is mainstay of tx. Best imperic antibiotic is Ampicillin / salbactum. If definite dx is due to strep pyogenes tx with clindamycin and penecillin. Without adequate tx mortality rate is 80%. In USMLE if NF case presented has palpable cripitus, pain, high fever, you should answer surgery as a best initial step. * PARONYCHIA -- inf skin that surrounds nail. TX - Incision drainage + antistaph antibiotics. (PO Dicloxacillin, cefodroxil, cefalaxin or IV Oxacillin, Nafcillin, Cefazolin). * TINEA (RINGWORM) -- Fungal inf of dead tissue (nails, hair, stratum corneum) by Microsporium, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton. Tinea Captis -- > 90% caused by Tinea Tonosurans. Scaly semibald grayish patches. TX -- Terbinafine PO for 6 weeks. Gresiofulvin less efficacious. Tinea Barbae -- occur on face. Tinea unguium (Onychomycosis) -- thickened and lusterless nail. TX -- Itraconazole PO for 12 weeks. Tinea Corporis -- annular lesion with raised border. TX -- all Azoles, tolnaftate, terbinafine, Naftifine. Tinea curaris -- ringed lesion of crural folds (jokeys itch). TX -- all Azoles, tolnaftate, terbinafine, Naftifine. Tinea pedis -- macerated (soft) scaling borders lesion. TX -- all Azoles, tolnaftate, terbinafine, Naftifine. DX -- KOH preparation is the initial test. Culture is most definitive test but is impractical because it takes 6 weeks to grow. Terbinafine is hepatotoxic so occasional LFT must be ordered. Ketoconazole cause hepatotoxicity and gynecomastia. Steroids should not be used in combination with Antifungal medication. * CANIDIDIASIS -- Trush, Diaper Rash, Inframamary candiasis, Candidal Paronychia. Cause by Candida Albicans (yeast). Common in immunocompromised pt, DM, antibiotic tx, blood dyscrasias, obesity, antimetabolite tx, corticosteroid tx, debilitating dis, pragnancy. DX -- KOH preparation is the initial test shows psuedohyphea and budding yeast. Culture for definitive dx. TX -- Nystatin (trush), miconazole, Clotrimazole, econazole. Ciclopirox. Candidal paronychia need to be tx with systemic therapy. Floconazole for less serious inf. Amphotracin B for serious systemic inf. * TINEA VRSICOLOR -- Malassezia Furfur "Pityrosporum Orbiculare" (lesion donot tan). DX -- KOH 10% (spaghatti & meat ball appearace). TX -- small lesion - Topical Selenium sulfide every 2 - 3 weeks. Large lesion -- Clotrimazole, Iatraconazole, Ketoconazole. Systemic tx for even larger. * SCABIES -- Intense pruritis and burrow. Caused by parasite Sarcoptis scabei. ------- Down $ pt are at Inc risk. Norwegian scabies are crusted scabies with malodorous discharge ------- HIV pt is at Inc risk. DX -- demonstrate parasite in skin, scraping out the organism & apply mineral oil to burrow. However skin scraping is not needed. TX -- Best initial tx is Permethrin for local dis. Lindane (Kwell) equally effective but more toxic not used . Lindane contraindicated in pragnancy.. Norwegian scabies should be tx with combination of Permethrin + Ivermectin. Permethrin and Lindane is also the tx of Pediculosis (louse and nits) common louse skin infestation. * MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM - Waxy Skin colored umbilicated papules caused by Pox virus. Transmit by skin contact & sexually DX -- Clinicaly . Giemsa stain shows large cell with inclusion bodies. TX -- Freezing with liquid nitrogen, Curettage, Electrocautery, or Cantharidin. * PEDICULOSIS -- (Lice & crab). Pediculus humanus and Pediculus pubis has high rate by sexual transmisioon (90%) with single contact. TX -- Permethrin & Lindane is also the tx of Pediculosis (louse & nits) common louse skin infestation. Over the counter Pyrethrin can also be used. * OSTEOMYELITIS -- MC agent Staph aureus (radiolucent appearance of involved loci) ÷ pain erythmia, swelling tenderness, - / + draining sinus. MC location in children is long bone of lower extremirtires (metaphyses). MC location in Adult is Lumbar vertebrae. Other causes are contiguous infection with trauma, vascular insufficiency due to DM or other vascular dis, most common organism Staph aureus. DX -- X Ray is the initial test, (disadvantage is 50 - 75% of bone must be lost before Xray appears abnormal which take 2 weeks) Earliest test to detect osteomyelitis is Techtenium Bone Scan & MRI both are equally sensitive. (MRI is better ). ESR non specific but useful to measure therapy progress. Bone biopsy & culture best Dx test but most Invasive. CT, Indium, Gallium shows abnormality but non of them is specific. TX - Empiric tx with Semisynthetic penicillin (Ox, Clox diclox, nefloxacin) unless specific dx is available. For MRSA vancomycin + Aminoglycoside + 3rd generation cefalosporin for 6 - 12 week. (Chronic Osteomyelitis must be tx for 12 week). Children tx with antibiotics solo. but Adults need Antibiotic + surgical drainage or debridement. * SPLINTER HEMORRHAGE -- Linear red brown streak proximal in nail bed suggest Inf Endocarditis. (in 15% pts. due to vasculitis or emboli) OSLER NODE -- 2 - 5mm painful nodules on the pad of the fingers or sole. (in 5- 10% pts).-- (Osler Ouch Painful. due to emboli or vasculitis). JANEWAY LESION -- macular red, or hemorrhagic painless patch on palm or sole. (in 10 - 15 % pts. due to emboli) ROTH SPOT -- Oval pale retinal lesion surrounded by hemorrhage (in < 5% pts. due to vaculitis). * LYME DISEASE -- Transmit by deer tic Ixodes scapularis, caused by Borrelia burdorferri spirochete. Target rash of atleast 5 cm in dameter or more, facialpalsy (often bilateral), migratory arthritis, AV block, myocarditis, pericarditis, arrythmia, encephalitis, meningitis. DX -- ELISA combined with Western Blot is the standard test for the Dx. Rash is more imp than serologic testing for dx Rash of erythma Migran + one late manifestation + lab provide definite dx. 77 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- If Rash is described go straight to tx, Doxicicllin or amoxicillin or Cefuroxime (tx is also good if presented with facial palsy). For cardiac , maningitis, encephlitis and joint manifestation of Lyme dis use Ceftriaxone. * ASPERGILLOSIS -- hemoptysis is chief complaint. Predisposing factors are Neutropenia < 500, drugs Steroids, azythrioprin, cyclophosphamide. DX -- CXR (fungal ball). Eosinophilia and Inc IgE. Positive skin test. sputum culture shows mycetoma. Biopsy is confirmatory test. In invassive dis CT scan used (shows Halo sign). TX -- tx of choice Voriconazole. Caspofungin is also good. Iatroconazole for mild dis. Asthma medication for asthma & Surgical removal of mycetoma. *BLASTOMYCOSIS -- acquired from inhalation of decaying wood or vegetation in IMMUNOCOMPETENT person. Common in south east & central US. Start with pulmonary infection and disseminate in where in the body but skin is most common site. DX -- Isolation of fungus from sputum, pus or lesion. Broad base bud. TX -- Amphotrecin B for 8 - 12 week in severe dis. Iatraconazole or ketoconazole for 6 - 12 month in mild dis. * TOXIC SHOCK $ (TSS) -- MC cause Staph Aureus (Toxin TSST-1). Now majority of cases are not form menstruational source instead nasal packing, retained sutures and retained surgical material are mojor sources. other causes are strep inf. Manifestation -- hypocalcemia & hypoalbuminemia is common. Must present 3 or more following findings. (sterpt TS$ is essentially the same). 1. Fever > 102 F. 2. systolic BP < 90 mmHg. 3. Desquamation, vomiting, Involvement of mucous mem, eyes genitals, 4. elevated bilirubin, Pletelet < 100 000. 5. Elevated creatinine, creatin phosphokinase & LFT. 6. CNS signs like confusion. TX -- Removing the source of inf, Empiric tx with Clindamycin + vancomycin (untill culture return) + Vigorous fluid resucitation, (dopamine). If culture return Methcillin sensitive strain continue with Clindamycin + Oxacillin or nefcillin. In MRSA use Vancomycin or Linzolid. * STAPHALOCOCCAL SCALDED SKIN $ (SSSS) - Loss of superficial epidermis layer of skin in sheets. Nikolsky sign is present. Most commonly occur in infants , childrens & immunocompromised pt. Differ from TSS by normal BP, and no involvement of liver, kidney, bone marrow or CNS. TX -- pt should be tx in Burn unit and given Oxacillin or other Antistaph medication. * Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)-- full thickness epidermal necrosis due to drugs (sulfonamide NSAID etc). Generalized, macular eruption with some time target-like lesions which rapidly develope , bulla formation, denuded & eroded areas. Remember SSS$ involve superficial granular layer of skin. vs. TEN involve full thickness due to drug & is the severe form of Steven Jhonson $. * ANTHRAX -- Bacillus anthracis aquired form infected live stock. It is occupational hazard for wool sorters. Bioterrorism. (cutaneous, GI & Pul forms) Papule appear later with black central necrotic lesion hence called anthrx (greek word for coal) DX -- Gram stain and culture of lesion. TX -- Penecillin V and Doxicycline is the drug of choice. Dis due to Bioterrorism must be tx with ciprofloxacin, even in pragnant women. Give doxicycline if pt is allergic to ciprofloxacin. * CMV ESOPHAGITIS -- shows shallow ulcers in HIV pt with CD 4 cell count < 50. DX -- by endoscopy with biopsy. CMV RETINITIS -- in HIV pt with CD 4 count <50. DX -- dx is made by Fundoscopy. CMV Encephalitis and Colitis -- in HIV pt with CD 4 count < 50. DX -- procedure of choice is Endoscopy. TX -- oral Valganciclovir (side effect Neutropenia). IV Ganciclovir. Valganciclovir also be used as a prophylaxis. Foscarnet & Cedofovir (side effect Renal toxicity) used in valganciclovir / ganciclovir resistance. * MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM INTRACELLULARE -- Occur in HIV pt with CD 4 count < 50. can infect lung, bone marrow, liver or other organs. DX -- Blood culture. Culture of bone marrow or liver etc. TX -- Clarithromycin, Ethambutal - / + Rifabutin. Prophylaxis -- Azithromycin once a week or Clarithromycin twice a week. Rifabutin is alternative. (Discontineu prophylaxis if CD4 count is > 100 for several months). * TOXOPLASMOSIS -- occur in HIV pt with CD4 count < 100. Cause cerebral infection and Retinitis. DX -- Principle dx is by CT and MRI shows Ring enhancing lesion. Toxoplasma Serology. CSF PCR. Repeat CT scan after trial tx of 2 week to see shrinkage of lesion. Do Brain biopsy if lesion donot shrink after tx. TX -- Pyrimethmine + Sufadiazine. Clindamycin is alternative. Leucovorin must be added to prevent bone marrow suppression. PROPHYLAXIS -- TMP/SMX. or Dapsone / pyrimethamine. It takes 5 - 10 yrs for HIV to drop CD4 cells from 700 / mm3 to 200 / mm3. CD4 cells drop at the rate of 50 -100 /µL/ yr without tx. VACCINATION -- All HIV pt should recieve vaccination for pneumoccocus, Influenza, and hepatitis B. * CRYPTOCCOCUS NEOFORMEN -- Cause Meningitis in HIV pt with CD4 count < 100. DX -- India ink stain of CSF. Lower cell count or high opening pressure in CSF indicate worst prognosis. Serum Cryptococcal Ag test. TX -- Amphoterecin IV for 10 - 14 days - / + Flucytosine. followed by Fluconazole for maintainence and suppression. Prophylaxis -- Fluconazole is effective but is not recommanded because the incidence is too low. * Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia -- occur in HIV pt with CD4 count < 200. DX -- CXR (could be normal ) . Principle test is Broncoscopy and broncho lavage. LDH is elevated. TX -- TMP / SMX. Dapsone , Atovaquone, and Pentimidine is alternative. Steroids can be added in the tx if pneumonia is severe. (severe is said to be when PO2 is < 70 or A. a gradient is >35). Prophylaxis -- TMP/ SMX, Dapsone, Atovaquone, Aerosolized Pentimidine. (Prophylaxis can be discontinued when CD 4 Counts is > 200 for few months). 78 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * PROGRESSIVE MULTIFOCAL LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY -- occur in HIV pt with CD4 count <200. Microscopically, perivascular bizarre or enlarged astrocytes and central lipid-laden macrophages. Large "ballooned" oligodendrocytes with enlarged dark pink "ground glass" nuclei containing viral antigen cell lysis results in demyelination. * CD 4 Count -- 700 - 1500 /µL ---- Normal 200 - 500 /µL ---- Oral thrush, Kaposi sarcoma, TB, zoster, lymphoma. 100 - 200 /µL ---- PCP, dementia, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, diseeminated histoplasmosis & Coccidioidomycosis. < 100 /µL -------- Toxoplasmosis, cryptococcus, cryptosporidiosis, diseminated herpes. < 50/µL ----------- CMV, mycobacterium avium complex, CNS lymphoma. * PAPILLARY NECROSIS -- presents with sudden onset of flank pain, hematuria, pyeuria and fever. Causes -- Commonly occur in Sickle cell dis, DM, urinary obstruction, pyelonephritis and NSAIDs. DX -- Most accurate dx test is CT scan shows bumpy contours where papillae have sloughed off. Urinary culture shows no organism. TX -- no specific tx. * Oxalate crystals precipitate in alkaline urine vs. Uricacid crystal precipitate in acidic urine . * Urinary casts. (A) Hyaline cast -- Accumulation of normal amount of tubular protein, not necessarily mean dis. also occur in dehydration. (B) erythrocyte cast -- Glomerulonephritis. (C) leukocyte cast -- Pyelonephritis , Interstitial nephritis. (D) granular cast -- Also called dirty or muddy cast signify Acute tubular necrosis represent accumukated epithelial cells. (E) Tubular cast -- * LIVEDO RETICULARIS - bluish discoloration of skin common in Antiphospholipid $. Also in Atheroemboli & few days after vascular catheterization. * WEGENERS GRANULOMATOSIS -- Systemic vasculitis involve kidney, lung, URT, sinuses, middle ear. + ve Antiprotienase 3 Ab (called C - ANCA). DX -- Most accurate test is biopsy of kidney or lung looking for granuloma. Sinus biopsy is less sensitive. TX -- Cyclophosphamide & steroids. * CHURG STRAUSS $ -- similar to WG but Instead Antimyeloperoxidase Ab are + ve (called P - ANCA). Shows Hx of Eosinophilia & Asthma. DX -- Most accurate dx test is lung biopsy showing granuloma and eosinophils. TX -- Cyclophosphamide & steroids * GOODPASTURE $ -- Anti basement mem Ab to lung and kidney. It does not effect any other organ. 1/3 pt dont not involve lung. DX -- best initial dx test is Anti basement mem Ab level to type IV collagen. Single most accurate test is lung or kidney biopsy (linear deposit of immunoflorescense). TX -- plasmapharesis and steroids. Cyclophosphamide also help. * POLYARTERITIS NODOSA -- systemic vasculitis of medium and small size arteries of every organ except LUNG. Manifest -- HTN, renal insuficiency, hemorrhage (due to aneurysm), infarctions, hepatitis, abdominal / joint pain, ganagrene, fever, wt loss, livedoreticularis. DX -- most accurate dx test is biopsy. P - ANCA + in minority of pt. 10 - 30 % pt are HBV + ve sp IV drug user. TX -- Cyclophosphamide and steroid. * HENOCH SCHONLEIN PURPURA (HSP) -- multiple organ IgA deposit including blood vessels ÷ renal insufficiency (crescent formation, RBC cast) palpable purpura, GI symptoms, arthralgia, abdominal pain, etc DX -- Most accurate test biopsy, no need to perform because dis is benign & resolves spontaneously. TX -- Steroid only in progressive & severe dis. * IgA Nephropathy (Bergers Dis) ÷ hematuria that resolves spontaneously. Common in Asian, 1 - 2 days after viral inf . 30% of pts progresses to end stage renal failure. when compare to HSP Berger dis is limited to kidey only. DX -- IgA level elevated in 50% of pts. Complement is normal. Dx is confirm by IgA deposit in kidney on renal biopsy. TX -- Protienuria is tx with ACE inhbitor or AT receptor blocker. For severe proteinuria use steroids. Bergers dis is difficult to tx. Fish oil provide little improvemnt (no Therapeutic value). * IgA nephropathy occur 1 - 2 days after viral inf. vs. Post strep glomerulonephritis occur 1 - 2 week after infection.. imp * POSTSTREPTOCOCCAL GN -- Group A | hemolytic strep (Strep Pyogenes) ÷ Hematuria, RBC cast, proteinuria, HTN & periorbital edema. DX -- Best initial test is Anti sterptolysin (ASO) test and Anti hylauronic acid test (AHT). complement level sp C3 is low. Best accurate test is Renal biopsy showing mesengium humps as subepithelial deposits (IgG, C3 deposits) TX -- supportive. Antibiotics to erradicate organism, tx HTN and fluid overload with diuretics. most cases resolve spontaneously. * THROMBOTIC THROMBOCYTOPENIA PURPURA -- associated with HIV, Ticlopedine, cancer & pregnancy but most often Idiopathic. PENTAD of problem -- Thrombocytopenia, RBC destruction, fever, transient neurologic deficit, kidney failure. DX -- fragmented RBCs (schistocte, helmet cells), Inc LDH level, Inc reticulocyts, dec hepatoglobulin, anemia and uremia. TX -- Plasmapharesis repeatedly in Severe cases.. Dypiridamole used to prevent pletelet aggregation. Donot administer pletelet even if pletelet count is low it will worsen the CNS and renal problem by pluging and thrombus formation. * HEMOLYTIC UREMIC $ -- TRIAD of Hemolytic anemia, Uremia and Thrombocytopenia. Occur in children with E coli O157:H7 food poisoning. DX -- fragmented RBCs (schistocte, helmet cells), Inc LDH level, Inc reticulocyts, dec hepatoglobulin, anemia and uremia. 79 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- Plasmapharesis in severe cases. mild cases resolves spontaneously. Donot give antibiotic because organism release more toxin which will worsen the situation. Donot administer pletelet even if pletelet is low it will worsen the situation by plugging and thrombous formation. * CRYOGLOBULINEMIA -- Cryoglobins are protein that become insoluble at low tempreture with resultant, arthralgia, neuropathy, purpura, renal dis. But shows no GI involvement (unlike HSP). Associated with Multiple myeloma, leukemias, autoimmune dis. Renal dis in cryoglobulinemia is associated with HBV and HCV hepatitis. DX -- Low Complement, Elevated ESR, dx is confirm with cryoglobulin test. + ve Rheumatoid factor is also a marker of cryoglobulinemia. TX -- tx underlying hepatitis with interferone and Ribavirin. For severe dis use steroids and occasionally Plasmapharesis. * LUPUS NEPHRITIS -- hematuria and proteinuria depend on degree of invovlement. Wire loop lesion. DX -- Most accurate test is biopsy. Biopsy is essential for therapy guideline. Duble standed DNA elevated, complement low. TX -- Sclerosis on renal biopsy do not need tx because its just simple scaring of kidney. Proliferative dis on renal biopsy must be tx with Steroids and Mycophenolate (Mycophenolate is superior to cyclophosphamide) Dialysis for severe renal dis. * RAPIDLY PROGRESSIVE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS -- can occur with any dis that cause progressive glomerulonephritis. shows Creasent formation. Etiology of RPGN: streptococcal infection, systemic lupus, vasculitis, Goodpasture's syndrome, idiopathic etc. DX -- most Accurate test is Renal biopsy. Lab shows ANCA negative. TX -- steroids and Cyclophosphamide. * AMYLOIDOSIS -- Two common types AL protein (occur plasma cell disorder) and AA protien (occur with chronic dis) DX -- Dx by Biopsy of an involved organ. Unique form of dx is Congo red testing show green Birefringence. TX -- Tx is difficult. Melphalan and Prednisone control protein production. tx accordingly the involved organ and underlying dis. * OSTEITIS FIBROSA CYSTICA -- Is a Complication of renal failure. Ca++ loss ÷ hyperparathyroidism ÷ bone resorption & hyperphosphatemia. Bone also buffer acidosis thus contributing demineralization. TX -- Hyperphosphatemia + low Ca --- tx with Ca carbonate or Ca acetate (binds phosphate & facilitate its excreation also help| serum Ca level). Hyperphosphatemia + high Ca --- tx with Sevelamer & Lanthanum (phosphate binder that do not contain Ca or Aluminum). Cinacalcet stimulate effect of Ca on Parathyroid gland and dec PTH synthesis. Hypocalcemia can be tx with Ca , Vit D & by decreasing PTH production. * HYPOKALEMIA -- Aldosterone is most imp potassium regulator. CAUSES -- Vomiting, diarrhea, Tube drainage, Alkalosis, Inc Insulin, Beta adrenergic activity, Vit B12 replacement, Diuretic, Conn $, Licorice, Cushing $, Bartter $, Low Magnessium (Low serum magnesium results into Inc Urinary loss of Potassium). DX -- best test is EKG. U wave indicates hypokalemia (repolarization of perkinji fibers) also shows flatening of T wave. TX -- IV potassium repletion (max 10 - 20 mEq / hr). Donot give dextrose because it will Inc insulin release which further dec potassium. * HYPERKALEMIA -- cause muscle weakness (begins at serum K+ > 6.5), Conduction abnormality (most common cause of death) and Hypoventilation. CAUSES -- | Intake, Acidosis (H+ goes into the cell in exchange of K+), Rhabdomyolisis, tumor lysis, siezures, Intense excersize, familial type Inc, NSAIDs. RF, Hypoaldosteronism, ACE inhibitor, RTA type IV, adrenal enz def, Addison dis, adrenalectomy, K+ sparing diuretic. Psuedohyperkelemia (Hemolysis, trauma, Inc pletelet "1000000" or WBC "100000" count), Every 0.1 dec in PH ÷ Inc in serum potassium by 0.7 point. DX -- EKG (Peak T wave, Wide QRS, Prolong PR and short QT). (Slide 1 hyperkalemia, Slide 2 severe hyperkalemia) TX -- Calcium chloride (most emergent tx in the presence of abnormal EKG but short lived) Sodium Bicarbonate (shift K+ into the cell, donot give from same IV line as Ca Chloride because it form CaCO3 precipitate). Glucose and Insulin (take 30 - 60 min to drive K+ into the cell). Diurtics, beta agonist. Cation exchange resin (Kayexalate) absorbs 1mEq / gm and release 1 mEq / gm. use with sorbitol to prevent constipation. use with Dialysis. Remember Ca carbonate and Ca acetate is the tx of hyperphosphatemia vs. Ca chloride is the tx of hyperkalemia. * RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS : RTA (Distal - type I) -- Inability to secrete H+ in urine in distal tubule. with resultant urinary K loss (hypokalemia). Urinary PH is > 5.4 ÷ Acidosis, hyperaldosteronism, hypokalemia, kidney stones (nephrolithiasis / nephrocalcinosis). RTA (Proximal - type II) -- Inability to absorbe Bicarbonate in proximal tubule. Urinay PH is < 5.4 ÷ Acidosis + basic urine, Hypokalemia, bone lesions (Rickets & Osteomalacia). RTA (Proximal & Distal - type III) -- feature of both RTA type I and II is present RTA (Hyperkalemic - type IV) -- Asymptomatic hyperkalemia & Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis (non anion gap), Renal insuficiency. CAUSES -- DX -- TX -- RTA type I -- Autoimmune dis, Drugs (amphoterecin, lithium, analgesic, Iphosphamide), Nephrocalcinosis, Sickle cell dis, chronic inf, familial. DX -- | urinary PH despite giving ammonium Cloride (ACID LOAD TEST), Hypokalemia due to Acidosis. Serum Bicarbonate 10. TX -- Oral bicarbonate and K+ replacement. RTA type II -- Autoimmune dis, Fanconi $, Wilson dis, Amyloidosis, myeloma, acetazolamide, Vit D def, Sec Hyperparathyroidism, 80 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Sec hypocalcemia, heavy metal, Chronic hepatitis. DX -- loading of Na bicarbonate IV (pt shows | urinary Bicarbonate in the presnce of Acidemia). hypokalemia. TX -- K+ replacement, Vol depletion, Bicarbonate in high doses (but will Inc renal K+ loss) RTA type IV -- (Hyporeninemic hypoadlosteroneism) Aldosterone def, Adrenal insensitivity to AT II, DM 50%, Adison dis, Sickle cell, Renal insufficiency. DX -- high urine Na despite oral salt restriction. Normal Anion gap metabolic acidosis but Urinary acidification is normal TX -- Fludrocortisone (it has high degree of mineralocorticoid effect " aldosterone like"). RTA I cuase kidney stones vs. RTA II cause bone lesion where as both cause hypokalemia. * FIBROMUSCULAR DYSPLASIA -- Idiopathic proliferation of intima & media of medium arteries of young or middle age female. Most commonly involves the renal arteries, 3% of cases involve the internal carotids. The medial fibroplasia type causes the typical "string of beads" appearance. Presents as HTN, fluid retention, headache and lightheahedness (even storke). Abdominal bruit radiate laterally in 50 - 70% of pts. DX -- Best initial test is abdominal ultrasound. CAPTOPRIL RENOGRAM (noninvassive test) shows dec uptake of isotopes. Renal Arteriogram is best method to confirm dx. MRI & duples doppler can also be used but accuracy is operator dependant. TX -- Best initial tx is Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty, if stenosis recur repeat the procedure, If Angioplasty fails do surgical procedure. ACE inhibitor is reserved for those who do not respond to or capable of angiplasty or surgery. * CUSHING DIS -- DX -- best initial test is Dexamethasone suppression test and 24 hr urine cortisol. TX -- Surgical is best when possible. * CONN $ -- adrenal adenoma producing aldosterone ÷ HTN, muscle weakness, polyuria, polydisia and Nephrogenic DI due to Hypokalemia. DX -- Inc Aldosterone level in urine and blood. (conn $ could be uni or bilateral) TX -- Surgrical resecton of adenoma. Those with Adrenal hyperplasia must be tx with spironolactone (K+ sparing diuretics). * PHEOCHROMOCTOMA -- periodic HTN, Headache , sweating, palpitation, tachycardia. DX -- Best initial test is urinary vanillylmendalic acid (VMA), metanephrines & free urinary catecholamine. CT & MRI is used to localize tumor. TX -- Alpha adrenergic blocker followed by surgical removal. * Oxygen dilivery -- DO2 = Cardiac output × (1.34 × Hb × HbSat) + 0.0031 × PaO2 Alveolar - arterial Gradient -- PAO2 - PaO2 Gradient = (150 - 1.25) × PCO2 - PaO2. (Normal is 5 - 15 in young) * SOLITARY PULMONARY NODULE -- 1/3 of solitary nodules are malignant (mostly it is Bronchogenic carcinoma in smoker). Low Risk pt - if pt is < 35 yrs non smoker, follow CXR every 3 months for 2 yrs. stop follow up after 2 yrs if there is no growth. High Risk pt -- If pt is > 50 yrs & smoker than best dx procedure is open lung biopsy & removal of mass at the same time. * Bronchoscopy is nonspecific. Thoracocentesis can be consider for cytology for neoplastic cell. * Hemorrhagic effusion suggest mesothelioma, metastatic cancer, pulmonary embolism or trauma. * Lymphocyte predominant effusion suggest tuberclosis, Most specific and sensitive test is pleural biopsy. Acid fast culture /staining is 30% positive. * PULMONARY EFFUSION (Pleural Effusion) -- can be transudative or exudative. For Transudative effusion no further evaluation is required vs. Exudative effusion further evaluation is necessary. (Note: Exudative effusion is mostly unilateral) DX -- Thoracocentesis should be performed for new & unexplained effusion for LDH, protein, LDH effusion/ serum Ratio & Protein Effusion/serum Ratio. Remember you must do Decubitus CXR before thoracocentesis in PE, if decubitus xray shows effusion fluid > 1 cm do thoracocentesis. vs. if fluid is < 1 cm than ultrasound guided thoracocentesis should be performed to avoid risk and complication. * Must memorise light criterion : LDH effusion > 200 , or LDH effusion / serum ratio > 0.6 , or Protien effusion / serum ratio > 0.5 , suggest Exudative Pleural effusion; or Transudative Pleural effusion if values are less. For the dx of transudate all 3 values must be match. If at least one criterion is not match than it is exudate & need further evaluation. Pulmonary embolism is the only one that can cause both transudative and exudative pulmonary effusion. If pt has transudative pulmonary effusion without any apperent cause consider Pulmonary Embolism. * PNEUMONIA uncomplicated can be treated with antibiotics and thoracocentesis is mandatory. vs. Empyema (progressive complicated pneumonia) need chest tube drainage. Most imp Initial lab test is Arterial blood gas measurement to determine the presence and severity of respiratory compromise. * ARDS -- Represents diffuse inflamatory responce of lung that develop with in 24 - 72 hr after onset of acute illness or injury. CXR reveal diffuse pulmonary infiltrate consistent with pulmonary edema (noncardiogenic edema). * DIURETICS -- Specific Indications are CHF, Edematous state, African - American pt. Relative contraindication in Diabetis, gout, hyperlipidemia. Major side effects are dec in K+ and Magnesium. Inc in Ca++, Uric acid, glucose, and LDL. Gynecomastia. * GUIDELINE FOR THE TX OF ASTHMA -- MILD ASTHMA -- Day Sxs ~ 2 times / week & Night Sxs 1 - 2 nights / month. FEV is normal ( > 80% ) TX -- Inhaled short acting bronchodilator as needed. (no medication for long term control) MODERATE ASTHMA -- Sxs most of the week or daily & Night Sxs 5 nights /month. FEV + (b/w 60 - 80%) TX -- Daily inhaled steroids + | Agonist Salmeterol (long acting, not beneficial in acute attack) for night Sx 81 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Short acting | agonist (Albuterol) for break through Sx. Cromolyn in children (not beneficial in acute attack). SEVRE ASTHMA -- Sxs occur daily with frequent Night Sxs frequent visit to hospital + frequent admission. FEV is < 60%. TX -- Inhaled steroid daily + daily Salmetrol (Inhaled long acting 12 hrs, not beneficial for acute attack) Inhaled short acting | agonist (Albuterol) for break through Sx + montelukast + (low dose) Oral steroids * EMPHYSEMA -- Chronic bronchitis & core pulmonale are the complication. (Chronic bronchitis is chronic cough of 3 months for at least 2 consecutive yrs). DX - Pulmonary functional test (PFT) , reduced FEV/FVC ratio & FEV 25-75, Inc RV and TLC, dec DLco (Diffuse lung capacity for CO) pt with FEV < 25% complain of dyspnea at rest. TX - Ipratropium is the first line tx. Plus pneumococcal vaccine every 5 yrs + Influenza vaccine yearly. H influenza vaccine if not recieved previously. Home O2 is given when PaO2 is < 55 or SO2 is < 88%. "Goal is keep SO2 > 90%". Pt with corpulmonale can benefit O2 tx at PaO2 < 59. Despite tx it is Home O2 and smoking cessation that dec the mortality in COPD. Acute exacerbation (cause by inf, Heart failure, pulmonary embolism, cancer & medication) need medication change as follow 1. measure SO2 2. Arterial blood gas (to determine the level of hypercapnia). Do ECG and CBC. Spirometery is of No value in exacerbation. 3. CXR 4. check level of theophylline if pt is taking it or other drugs that dec its clearance.. 5. Consider intubation & mechanical ventilation in dec level of cnciousness, cyanosis, hemodynamic instability & persistent hypoxemia despite O2 tx. 6. Specific therapy is O2 supplement (titrated to 90% saturation) + initially nebulizer than switch with Inhaled bronchodialator "MDI" (use both Ipratropium and albuterol togather) + corticosteroids (60mg prednisone) IV + Antibiotics. Antibiotics improve Sxs despite normal CXR. "Clarithromycin or levo or moxifloxacin or amoxacillin / clavulanate or 2nd or 3rd G cephalosporin". Counsel the pt for smoke cessation and encourage to inc activities as tolerated to prevent deconditining. **** FEV is the best pridictor of survival in COPD. * BRONCHIECTASIS -- permanant dilation of small & medium size bronchi that cause destruction of elastic & muscular element. Suspect bronchiactasis in pt with chronic purulent productive cough, hemoptysis, foul smelling sputum, recurrent sinusitis, pulmonary inf, immune def, Immotile cilia (Kartagner $), cystic fibrosis etc. (Gram - ve bacteria are commonly involved sp pseudomonas) DX -- CXR may be normal in early dis. CT is the best noninvasive test to dx bronchiactasis. TX -- Bronchodilator, chest physical therapy and postural drainage Antibiotic when needed (SMX/TMP or Amoxicillin + clavulanate). For severe Sx Aminoglycoside, cefataxime, quinilone. Surgical therapy if bronchiactasis is localized or pt has massive hemoptysis. Vaccine -- pneumococcal every 5 yr booster + influenza yearly. Complications are massive hemoptysis, corpulmonale, visceral abcess and amyloidosis. Investigate cystic fibrosis or Kartagner $ or immune def if Hx suggests it. * INTERSTITIAL LUNG DIS (restrictive lung dis) -- chronic inflamation & fibrosis of interstisium (lung parenchyma) ÷ disrupt gas exchange. CAUSES -- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (no extrapulmonar manifestation except clubbing), Sarcoidosis, Pneumoconiosis (occupational), Autoimmunity, hypersensitivity, Eosinophilic granuloma, Granulomatosis, Hemosidrosis, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, Chronic eosinophilic inf, Bronchiolitis oblitrans. Manifest -- Exertional dyspnea with nonproductive cough. crackles, pulmonary HTN, ground glass appearance of CXR, clubbing. DX -- Spirometery (PFT), CRX. Dx should include CT and eventually biopsy via bronchoscopy or open lung biopsy. TX -- a/c to the cause. * IDIOPATHIC PUL FIBROSIS -- usually occur in 50s shows no extrapulmonary manifestation except clubbing. DX -- CXR (shows reticulonodular dis) and CT. Ground glass appearance (note slide). Restrictive pattern on PFT. TX -- steroids + / - Azithioprine benefit only 20% of pt. Rest will progress to fatal lung fibrosis. 5 yrs survival 20 - 40 %. Best prognostic indicator is responce to steroid which can be measured by PFT. * SARCOIDOSIS -- systemic dis cause noncaseating granuloma of different organ b/w age 20 to 40. lung is involved 90 % of time. DX -- CXR shows bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, honey combing of pulmonary parenchyma. Hypercalcemia & hypercalciuria (due to Inc Vit D production by macrophages), Elevated ACE (60% of pt), abnormal LFT (30% of pt), PFT normal or show restrictive patern, Skin anergy, uveitis, conjunctivitis. Biopsy shows noncaseating granuloma. TX -- 80% resolve spontaneously. 20 % of pt develop progressive dis. No evidence that therapy will shorten the course of dis . Steroids can be used. Steroids are mandatory in CNS involvement, hypercalcemia and uveitis. * TWO TYPES DISTINCT SARCOID $ WITH ACUTE PRESENTATION -- LOFGREN $ --- include erythma nodusum, arthritis and hilar lymphadenopathy. HEERFORDT WALDENSTROME $ --- include fever, parotid enlargement, uveitis, facial palsy * PNEMOCONIOSIS -- occupational lung dis. offending agent are gold, lead, copper etc. Pneumoconiosis appear 20 - 30 yrs after constant exposure. with resultant inflamation and fibrosis. Hx is very imp in dx. * ASBESTOSIS -- exopsure in miners, boilers, shipyard worker, insulation worker, foundery worker, pipe industery. Associated commonly with bronchogenic carcinoma (adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma), mesothelioma is less common. DX -- CXR shows diffuse or local pleural thickening, pleural plaque, calcification at the level of diaphragm. Lung biopsy confirm the dx which shows classic barbell shaped fibers. 82 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- no sp tx. encourage to quit smoke if pt is smoker. Cancer is 75 times higher in this population. * SILICOSIS -- occupational dis, mining, glass, potery, sand blasting, tunneling, quarries cause inflamation & hyaline nodules. Massive exposure cause lung failure in months. Hx is imp to make dx DX -- Lung Biopsy crucial for dx. CXR shows Egg Shell Calcification of hilar lymphnode. TX -- no effective tx. There is an association of silicosis with TB. pt with > 10 mm on PPD test should recieve Isoniazid prophylaxis for 9 month. * COAL WORKER PNEUMOCONIOSIS -- results into progressive fibrosis. seen in 12% of all miners. hx is imp to make dx. DX -- CXR shows Round densities usually in upper half of the lung. Lab shows Inc IgA, IgG, C3, ANA and Rheumatoid factor. CAPLAN SYNDROME -- Rheumatoid nodule in lung + Rheumatoid arthritis + Pneumoconiosis (usually coal worker pneoconiosis). * PULMONARY THROMBOEMBOLISM (PE) -- Distal DVT by them selves do not cause PE, its proximal DVT that causes it. 10% pt die with in 1 hr. Singinficant pulmonary HTN occur when 50% lung vasculatures involved. ECG shows large S wave in lead I and deep Q in lead III and inverted T in several leads. (large S1 + deep Q3 + T inverted in several) Post thrombotic $ (pain, swelling, venous ulcer) is the most common complication of DVT, prevented it with compression stockings DX -- First CXR than Spiral CT is the initial test. Ventilation perfusion defect, Angiogram is the gold standard (risk of pulmonary artery rupture is < 1 %). DX DVT by ultrasonography. D dimers (ELISA ASSAY TYPE) is the most sensitive test to rule out DVT or PE. Negative spiral CT and D dimer rules out PE. If pt is high risk and Spiral CT and D dimer is negative go for Angiogram. If V/Q scan is normal than chance of PE is zero. Normal CT and normal Doppler exclude PE in low risk pt. TX -- All pt (sp high risk) should be on heparin and O2 while completeing diagnostic evaluation or sending them for CT. Once Dx is confirm, low mole wt heparin for 7 to 10 days + warfarin for 6 month for both noncomplicated DVT & PE. Life time warfarin for complicated DVT. Distal DVT tx with anticoagulant for 3 months + serial U/S, as distal DVT does not cause PE. If anticoagulant is contraindicated, consider infrior vena cava filter (Greenfield filter) to prevent further embolism. Pts who are not responding to anticoagulant or with recurrent thrombosis as in cancer consider filter or Argatroban , Lepirudin. Warfarin is contraindicated in pragnant women use low molecular wt heparin. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a transient hypercoagulable state occur in pt with protein C def after 5 - 7 days of haprin tx. Concomitant use of heparin and warfarin minimize the risk of HIT. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia can be tx with new anticoagulant Argatroban or Lepirudin High Risk pts are -- recent surgery (70% risk), Cancer, bed riden pt, SLE or nephrotic $ (loss of antithrombin III in urine), factor V Leiden mutation (protein C resistance), protein C or S def, Antithrombin III def, pragnancy (risk contineous untill 2 month after delivery), oral contraceptive (sp with smoking), long travel. Sign and symptoms -- sudden dyspnea, thigh or calf swelling, hemoptysis (in infarction), pleuritic chest pain, tachycardia, Inc P2 sound. Fat embolism is rare form occur 3 days after the long bone fracture. tx is supportive. * Pulmonary Embolism and DVT are consider one disease. * Be concerned about and tx proximal vein thrombosis because it cause plulmonary thromboembolism. * In Pregnant & in pt with IV catheter look for the source of thromboembolism in uncommon places (upper extremity vein, pelvic vein, etc) * ADULT RESPIRATORY DISTRESS $ -- | permeability of the alveolar - capillary mem ÷ pul edema ÷ + pulmonary compliance & hypoxemia. Usually occur with in 5 day of initial event (> 50% with first 24 hrs). Mortality rate 70%. CAUSES ---- Sepsis, trauma, DIC, over dose, toxins inhalation, Good pasture $, SLE, drowning, post bypass surgery. DX -- Diffuse interstitial or alveolar infiltrate (white out of both lung). ABG reveal + PaO2 and Inc or normal PaCO2. Swan Ganz catheter finding are normal except | pulmonary artery P. TX -- tx underlying disorder and support mechanically with Inc positive end expiratory P and permissive hypercapnea. DX by polysomnography. * SLEEP APNEA -- is defined as ceassation of airflow > 10 sec. Daytime sleeping is mandatory for the dx of sleep apnea. TWO TYPES : 1. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA (OSA) -- Adequate ventilatory drive but airways are floppy, common in obese pt. Tx -- wt loss & nasal Contineous Positive airway P. 2. CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA (are 5% pts) -- Occur due Inadequate ventilatory drive. Tx -- acetazolamide, progesterone and supplemental O2. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF LUNG -- MC bronchogenic carcinoma. usually located centrally with cavitation, metastasize by direct extention into the hilar lymph node and media stinum. Associated with PTH like secretion ÷ hypercalcemia. Erythema gyratum associated with squmous carcinoma of lung in smokers. LARGE CELL CARCINOMA OF LUNG -- usually located peripherically & metastasize to distant sites. In early stages associated with cavitations. ADENOCARCINOMA OF LUNG -- is usually located peripherically, metastasize to distant sites. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma (low grade carcinoma) is sub type of adenocarcinoma occur in single & multiple nodules. Adenocarcinoma usually associated with pleural effusion that have high hyaluronidase level. Dx often requires thoracotomy with pleural biopsy. 90% of tumor with malignant effusion are unressectable. DX -- Fisrt CXR for all three (75% solitary nodules are benign sp if pt is non smoker <35 yrs of age and lesion is < 2cm and calcified). Dx is made by sputum cytology. Bronchoscopy is best for centrally located lesion. If bronchoscopy is - ve & suspicion is high do Biopsy. 83 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Sxs that suggest unresectable lesion are bone pain, CNS Sxs, Superior venacava $, hoarseness, mediastinal adenopathy on contralateral side, Split lung test tidal volume < 800 ml, tumor classification of M1 in 3 month. TX -- unResectable non small cell carcinoma is tx with CAP (Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Platinum) + Radiation therapy. Prognosis is best after surgical resection 25 - 35%. * SMALL CELL CARCINOMA OF LUNG -- Centrally located rapidly growing tumor. metastasize to distant sites (brain, liver, bone). poor prognosis. Associated with Eaton lambert $, SIADH, and is the most common cause of Venocaval Obstruction $. DX -- Fisrt CXR (75% solitary nodules are benign sp if pt is non smoker < 35 yrs of age and lesion is < 2cm and calcified). Dx is made by sputum cytology. Bronchoscopy is best for centrally located lesion. If cancer is suspected and bronchoscopy is negative biopsy should be done. Early dx does not improve prognosis. Sxs that suggest unresectable lesion are bone pain, CNS symptoms, Superior venacava $, hoarseness, mediastinal adenopathy on contralateral side, Split lung test tidal volume < 800 ml, tumor classification of M1 in 3 month. TX -- tx of resectable small cell carcinoma is VP16 (Etoposide & Platinum). surgery is not indicated because it does not influence survival. * ATELECTASIS -- collapse of the part or entire lung. ususally occur immidiate post operative period (post operative day 1). It occur secondary to poor Respiration, lack of cough, mucous plug. tumor, foreign body. Signs & Symptoms -- tachycardia, dyspnea, fever, and hypoxemia. cause pneumonia if left untreated. DX -- CXR may show tracheal deviation to the affected side. Lower Lobe Atelectasis may show the elevation of corresponding part of diaphragm. TX -- In post operative phase induce deep breathing and coughing. Spirometery and pulmonary toilet are effective. Removal of mucous plug by bronchoscopy is highly effective in spontaneous atelactasis. REMEMBER ALWAYS * Transcutaneous pacing is always preferrd over Transvenous pacing in acute setting. * TX of Asystole -- as you contineous doing CPR, get IV access and prepare the pt for Intubation in the mean time. 1st transcutaneous pacing imidiately if needed (as in very low bradycardia). note: transcutaneous pacing is not always indicated in Asystole. 2nd 1 mg IV Epinephgrine every 3 - 5 min. (2 - 5 mg every 3 - 5 min may be use in case of | blocker or Ca channel blocker overdose) 3rd 1 mg IV Atropine every 3 5 min (max dose 0.04 mg / kg) If Asystole persist it is appropriate to with hold resuscitative efforts in order to evaluate atypical clinical features or cease - effort protocol. Note: Bicarbonate is useful if cause of Asystole is Acidosis (except hypercarbic acidosis), TCA or Aspirin overdose, Hyperkalemia, Diabetic ketoacidosis. * Mobitz- type I second degree block is characterized by progressive P-R lengthening vs. Mobitz- type II the P-R interval is constant. * Narrow Complex tachycardia is always atrial in origin (QRS < 0.12) vs. Wide Complex tachycardia can be either Atrial or Ventricular in origin. * Subs /Drugs poisoning that require dialysis ------ Ethylene glycol, Methanol, Aspirin, Lithium, Theophyllin. * Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) ingestion ÷ Ketonuria with little or no metabolic acidosis (without evidence of Inc anion gap). * Hypoglycemic Sxs but with normal blood glucose -- that should raise your suspicion of CO poisoning.. * Concussion is Dx by Hx of loss of consciousness plus a negative CT scan of the head. * Spinal headache may occur after a lumbar puncture in some pts -- tx with a blood patch. * For Usmle Purpose anything s 500 - 600 volt is consider low voltage & any thing above that is high voltage. * Near drowning is defined as survival after immersion, atleast for some time. Morbidity is high & death may occur later. * Drowning is defined as death with in 24 hrs after submersion in water. ASSOCIATED FINDING IN SPECIFIC TOXIDROME -- Miosis --- Clonidine, Barbiturate, Opiate, Cholinergics, Pontine stroke. Mydriasis --- Sympathomimetic and Antichoinergic. Dry skin --- Anticholinergic. Wet skin --- Cholinergic and Sympathomimetics Blisters --- Barbiturate, CO poisoning. * EPIDURAL HEMATOMA is usually arterial in origin. Cause midline shift and associated with skull fracture. vs. SUBDURAL HEMATOMA is venous is origin (acute or chronic) & may or may not results into midline shift. * BURN -- DX -- 1st degree burn skin intact (no blistering). 2nd degree burn shows blisters. 3rd degree burn involve all appendages even pain receptors. Mixed 2nd and 3rd degree burn > 20% BSA is severe in adults and > 10 % is severe in very old and young. Where as 3rd degree burn > 5% of BSA is severe at anyage. BURN TX -- First intubate in severe respiratory injury before laryngeal edema occur. If Carboxyhemoglobin (CO) level is > 5 - 10% administer 100% O2. 84 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Fluid resuscitation rule ----- 4ml Lactate Ringer x % body surface area (BSA) burned x kg (body wt) in 24 hrs. Give half the fluid in first 8 hr than quater in second 8 hrs & quater in 3rd 8 hr. this is called PARKLAND FORMULA. Fluid Requirements = TBSA burned(%) x Wt (kg) x 4mL Lactate Ringer. Later when diffuse capillary leak improves give enough fluid to maintain urine out put > 0.5 - 1 mL per kg /hr. Stress ulcer prophylaxis is H2 blocker, Topical silver sulfadiazine used to prevent inf. Donot break blister. Escarectomy is useful in Circumfrential burns. Skin grafting depends on the severity of burn. * OSBOURNE WAVE or J - WAVE is an Indication of Hypothermia. Hypothermia is define as temp < 35° C. Severe Hypothermia if Temp is < 30° C. Hpothermia can be caused by wide variety of arrythmia including Ventricular fibrilation or tachycardia. TX -- is warming using blanket or warm blanket. Rapid rewarming can cause arrythmia. Hypothermia is one of the few time when cardiopulmonary resucitation due to pulselessness can be performe more than 10 min. * SPINALCORD COMPRESSION -- MC site is thoracic cord. Sxs are pain & neurologic signs. Causes are tumor, herniation, inf, trauma, hematoma etc. DX -- Xrays are abnorml in 84 - 94% of pt. MRI is the test of choice, if MRI is contraindicated do CT scan myelogram. TX -- Immidiately start high dose of Dexamethasone if you suspect Spinalcord Compresion. Once dx is established specific tx should be started. For lymphoma, multiple myeloma Radiation therapy should be started as soon as possible. For herniated disc, epidural abscess, hematoma surgical decompression is the tx of choice. 80% of pt who are initially able to ambulate retain ability after tx. 5% of pt who had compromised capability to ambulate are able to ambulate after tx. * SYRINGOMYELIA -- can be noncommunicating (Arnold chiari $), or Communicating (due to trauma or tumor of spinalcord). Sign and Symptoms -- Impaired pain & temp senses & intact light touch,Tectile sensation , position and vibratory senses. Lost of Reflexes. LMN sign at the level of lesion and UMN signs below the level of lesion. DX -- test of choice is MRI (cavitations are most likely to be present at the cervical region). TX -- surgical (often unsatisfactory). * ANT SPINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION -- Every thing is lost (motor, sensory, autonomic) except vibration & position. TX is supportive. Remember vibration & position senses are supplied by post spinal artery. * BROWN SEQUARD $ -- Hemisection of spinalcord. Dorsal cloumn -- Ipsilateral loss of position and vibration at and below the level of lesion. Spinothalamic tract -- bilateral loss oof pain & temp at the level of lesion. Contralateral loss of pain & temp below the lesion. Corticospinal tract -- Ipsilateral paresis below the level of lesion. Lower motor neuron -- flaccid paralysis at the level of lesion. Descendng hypothalamic -- Ipsilateral Horner $ (if cord lesion is above T1) Facial hemianhydrosis, ptosis and Miosis. * Ant Cerebral Circulation -- comprise of ACA , MCA and its branches. Ant Cerebral artery occlusion -- Contralateral weakness and sensory loss in arm and leg (more pronunced in lower extremity). Urinary incontinence, confusion and behavioral disturbance is cmmon. Middle Cerebral artery occlusion -- Contralateral Hemiplegia, Hemisensory loss & homonymous hemianopia (eye deviate toward lesion). Dominant hemisphere invovlement results into aphasia. Nondominant involvement ÷ confusion, aprexia, spatial & constructional deficit with preserved speech & comprehension. Post Cerebral Circulation -- comprise of Post cerebral artery (PCA), basilar artery (BA) and vertebral artery (VA). It provide blood to cerebellum, brain stem, occipital lobe of the cortex and pons. * WEBER $ (PCA Occlusion) ÷ contralateral homonymous hemianopia, visual hallucination, Agnosia with CN 3 palsy & Contralateral hemiplegia. BENEDIKT $ (PCA Occlusion) ÷ contralateral homonymous hemianopia, visual hallucination, Agnosia with CN 3 palsy & Contralateral ataxia or athetosis. WALLENBERG $ (Post Inf cerebellar a. occlusion) ÷ Ipsilateral facial & Contralateral body sensory loss, vertigo, ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia & horner $. LOCKED IN $ -- Occlusion of basilar artery (paramedian branch) ÷ Quadriparesis + Intact vertical eye movement. DX - Initial test of choice is contrast CT scan of the head (to dfferentiate hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke). Noncontrast CT is more sensitive to detect blood in brain. Diffusion - Weighted MRI is the most accurate test for detecting cerebral ischemia. Acute ischemic attack always work up with Echocardiogram, carotid duplex, 24 hr Holter monitor, EKG, bubble test to find the source of emboli. TX -- tPA is given in ischemic stroke if pt presents with in 3 hrs of event. (no benefit with the use of heparin in stroke). Asprin is started with in 24 hr after tPA to prevent further stroke (in asprin allergic pt use dipyridamole or clopidogrel). In Subarachinoid hemorrhage use nimodipine & surgical clipping of aneurysm (aneurysm waiting to be bleed do surgical clipping immidiately). If aneurysm is detected incidently in healthy pt do surgical clipping if it is > 10mm in size. Carotid endarterectomy is recommended if occlusion is > 70%. Carotid stenting is an alternate to endarterectomy. In men < 60 yrs old with > 60% occlusion endarterectomy is beneficial. In women endarterectomy is less certian. Contraindication to tPA -- previous stroke with in 3 months, GI or GU hemorrhage with in 21 days, surgery with in 14 days, Intra cranial hemorrahge or arterial or lumbar puncture with in 7 days, BP > 185/110 mmHg, current use of anticoagulant, pletelet count < 100000, coagulopathy PT > 15 sec. * Central Vertigo -- gradual onset without tennitis and hearing loss. + ve Neighborhood signs (diplopia, cortical blindness, dysarthria, motor/sensory signs) pure vertical nystagmus (not suppressable with fixationand multidirectional). vs. 85 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Periphral Vertigo -- insidious onset with tinnitis and hearing loss. - ve Neighboring signs and horizontal and mixed nystagmus (suppressable) * MANAGEMENT OF STATUS EPILEPTICUS -- #1. First LORAZEPAM #2. If seizures contineous Give PHENYTOIN (20 mg/kg IV at 50mg /min) or PHOSPHENYTOIN (20mg/kg PE IV at 150mg/min). #3. If sezures still contineous give additional PHENYTOIN or PHOSPHENYTOIN (5 - 10 mg /kg PE). PE = Phenytoin equivalent. (go direct to #6 if pt is in ICU or has extreme hyperthermia, systemic disturbance or has seizures that contineous > 60 - 90 min). #4. If Seizures still contineous PHENOBARBITAL (20mg/kg IV at 50-70 mg/min) #5. If Seizures still contineous give additional PHENOBARBITAL (5-10mg/kg) #6. If seizures still contineous give ANESTHESIA with MIDAZOLAM or PROPOFOL. Tx may be stop if pt has 2 - 3 seizures free yrs. Sleep deprivation EEG must be done before, - ve sleep deprivation EEG means + likelihood of seizures. * PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI -- Idiopathic | in Intracranial P in the absence of tumor / dis also called Benign Intracranial HTN. Mostly in women. CAUSES -- Obesity, chronic pulmonary dis, Adison dis, oral contraceptive, tetracycline, and vit A toxicity. Manifest -- Normal CT & MRI , headache, Diplopia, CN VI palsy, enlargement of blind spot, pepilledema. Temporary relief with lumbar puncture. TX -- Even it resolves spontaneously over the period of few months tx include wt loss, removing the offending drug. diuretic like acetazolamide or furosemide is helpful. Repeated lumbar puncture in urgent cases and shunt in case if every thing fails. * TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA (DOULOUREUX) -- Manifest by severe sharp pain last for few seconds in the CN V distribution. CAUSES -- nerve root compression by blood vessel or occasionally by multiple sclerosis or post fossa tumor. TX -- Drug of choice is carbamezapine. other alternatives are phenytoin, beclofen or gabapentin. In case of therapy failure surgery or alcohol injection into the effected neve may work. * GUILLIAN BARRE $ (Acute Idiopathic Polyneuropathy) -- severe auotoimmune destruction of myelin of peripheral nerves ÷ rapidly developing weakness which typically starts from the lower extremities & move upward, loss of reflexes, tingling, loss of propioception. Autonomic disturbance is rare (arrythmia, profuse sweating, hypotension). polyradiculopathy "Nerve root dis". Difficulty in rising form sitted position. Constitutianl Sxs, fever & bladder dysfunction is extremely rare & should raise possibility of other causes. 75% pt have Hx of inf 1 - 3 weeks ago. CAUSES -- after compylobacter jejuni diarrhea. respiratory inf, GI inf . (viral or bacterial) . GBS is more common in pt with HIV, SLE and lymphoma. DX -- dx by pattern of weakness in the abscense of fever & constitutional Sxs. Best initial test is Lumbar puncture ÷ elevated protein with out elevated cell count. (changes in CSF does not occur until 48 hrs after Sxs) Most accurate test is Electromyography (EMG) to detect evidnce of demyelination. TX -- IV immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis should begin as soon as possible because tx become ineffective 2 week after onset of Sxs. It is imp to Monitor vital capacty to prevent any respiratory failure and death. Glucocorticoids are not effective * MYASTHENIA GRAVIS. MG -- anti acetylcholine receptor ab (ACh level is normal). ptosis, diplopia, dificulty chewing, Pupils are normal, etc. DX -- Best initial test is ACh receptor Ab test. Test is + ve 80 - 90% with Sx of muscle weakness and 70 % in those with eye Sx only. Edrophonium (tensilon) test is sensitive but not sp and additionally cause severe side effets like bradycardia, syncope etc. CXR to rule out thymoma (10 - 15 % of pts) or thymic hyperplasia (65% of pts). Most accurate test is Electromyography (EMG) shows dec in muscle fiber contraction on repitetive nerve stimulation. TX -- Anticholinestrase (Pyridostigmine, neostigmine) gives symptomatic relief. Thymectomy is the tx of choice in postpubertal but < 60 yrs of age. If thymectomy fails first give immunosuppressive therapy (glucocorticoids which takes 1 - 3 months to show benefit if any). If glucocorticoids fail add Azathioprin (take 3 - 6 months to show benefit). Cyclosporine & cyclophosphamide are alternative but more toxic. Mycophentolate newer immunosuppressive with less side effects IV Immunoglobin & plasmapheresis (immunosuppressive tx) rapidly improve weakness, that is why it is reserved for Acute myasthenic crisis. Aminoglycoside exacerbate MG, must be avoided. (remember in GB immunoglobin and plasmapharesis is the tx of first choice). Eaton lambert $ -- anti Ca++ channel Ab at nerve terminal interfere with ACh release. Associated with malignancy sp small cell carcinoma of lung. TX -- Corticosteroids, azathioprin. IV immunoglobulin or plasmapharesis may be tried. Botulism -- share clinical feature but pupils are dialated. Repitative nerve stimulation "EMG" shows incremental in muscle contraction (unlike MG). * AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (Lou Gehrig dis) -- Idiopathic upper & lower motor neuron degenerative dis ÷ motor Sxs, CN palsies. UMN signs are weakness, spasticity, hyperreflexia. vs. LMN signs are weakness, atrophy (also tongue atrophy), muscle wasting & fasiculaton. Remember ALS pt is intellectually normal & competent & can refuse compliance with medical advise. Sensory & cognitive function is normal. DX -- Most accurate test is Electromyogram (EMG), CSF and MRI is normal, CPK mildly elevated. TX -- Riluzole slow downs ALS. spasticity tx with beclofen and Tizanidine. Death occur in 3 - 5 yrs usually from repeated Aspiration Pneumonia. * MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS -- Demyelinating Autoimmune dis of CNS with relapsing and progressive course. Genetic play an imp role (common in north european female of child bearing age), also some enviornmental trigger (inf or trauma). 2 - 3 month following birth can also excerbate the dis. Uncomplicated MS has no adverse effect on the out come of pragnancy. 3 TYPES -- Relapsing Remitting dis -- Relapse of Active dis with incomplete recovery during the period of remission. Sec Progressive dis -- More aggressive progression of dis with consistent worsening of function 86 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Pri progressive dis -- Progressive since onset of dis + early onset of disability DX -- Clinically based; present with multiple neurologic signs & Sx seperated by time & space & cannot explained by CNS lesion. MRI of brain & spine is the most Accurate test (85 - 95 % sensitive). Gadolinium Enhanced lesion indicates active MS lesion. CSF shows Pleocytosis (< 50 cells), total mildly | protein. (protein > 100 mg/dL should be concidered as evidence against the MS). CSF IgG Oligoclonal band is elevated & is recomanded only when MRI is negative & suspicion is high (non specefic test). TX -- Relapsing Remitting dis -- IF- |Ia, IF - |Ib, and Glatiramer acetate (copolymer I) reduces no of lesion / delay onset of disablity. Sec Progressive dis -- IF - |Ib and Mitoxantrone (is cardiotoxic should give to pt with normal ejection fraction). Pri Progressive dis there is no approved dis modifying tx. Length and intensity of Acute exacerbation can be shorten by intense IV Glucocorticoids for 3 days. Those who donot respond to steroids Plasma exchange can be used as an alternative tx. Spasticity can be reduced by Beclofen (diazepam & Tizanidine can be use for nocturnal spasticity it has somnolence effect) Trigeminal neuralgia respond to carbamezapine, gabapentin, phenytoin, pregabalin, TCA. Bladder hyperactivity can be tx with Oxybutynin. Urinary retention can be tx with bethanechol. Fatigue can be tx with Amantadine, Floxetine. Erectile dysfunction with sildenafil. Methotrextae, mitoxantrone, cyclophosphamide, IV immunoglobin & Azathioprin are alternative in those with relapsing remitting dis & Sec progressive dis & in those who cannot tolerate IF- |Ia, IF - |Ib, & Glatiramer. All drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. sp IF & glatiramer should be stopped. * Alzheimer's Dis -- MC cause of dementia (60 - 80 %) ÷ by memory loss, cognitive impairment (aphasia, agnosia, apraxia "failure to plan & execute") Mild cognitive Impairment is not alzhiemers instead they may be at high risk of developing alzheimers. Reversible causes of Dementia -- Hypothyroidism, Vit B12 def, Hepatic or uremic encephalopathy, CNS vasculitis, Syphilis, Brain abscess, tumor, medication (anticholinergics), Obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, trauma, subdural hematoma, normal pressure hydrocephalus, depression. Irreversible causes of dementia -- Alzhiemers dis, Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, dementia of lewy bodies, Frontotemporal degeneration (pick dis), vascular dementia (multi infarction dementia & Binswanger dis), Cruetzfeldt - jacob dis. * PICK DISEASE -- frontoemporal degeneration & atrophy shows Tau proteins accumulate as pick bodies. (irreversible cause of dementia) Pt present with sudden personality changes early in the course of dis with relative sparing of visuospatial function. Social, interpersonal, emotional abnormalities precede memory impairment. Pt lack insight into there condition. no proven tx. * Dementia with lewy bodies is characterized by fluctuating cognitive impairment & recurrent visual hallucination and can be confused with delerium. Dementia secondary to parkinson dis also shows hallucination. tx is Revastigmine and Donepezil. Dementia in Creutzfeldt jacob dis (CJD) -- more aggressive characterized by Rapid dementia (weeks to months) + myoclonus + Ataxia. Presence of 14 - 3 - 3 Protein in CSF & abnormal EEG is diagnostic (with these criteria, no need for biopsy) Bovine spongyform ecephalopathy is the variant of CJD due to ingestion of prion from infected cattle. * Vascular dementia is devided into 1. multiple infarction dementia (involve both white & grey matter) which has step wise progression vs. 2. Binswanger dis which involve subcortical white matter & progress slowly. (Rare form of multi infarct dementia) * Normal pressure hydrocephalus ÷ gait abnormality (ataxia) early in course and precede to cognitive impairment (dementia) + urinary incontinence. * DX of all kind of Dementia -- Cognitive impairment should be assessed with Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE) to find out specific area of cognitive deficit. Initial work up should focus on ruling out reversible cause of dementia. Lab work should include CBC, electrolyte, Ca++, Creatinine, LFT, Glucose, TSH, Vit B12, RPR, HIV. Brain imaging is useful in those who have focal neurologic signs, seizures, gait abnormalities. EEG and CSF is not necessary except Normal pressure hydrocephalus and CJD (14 - 3 - 3 protein marker). TX of all kind of Dementia -- Insure that the family & the pt will have the proper medical & emotional support to cope the dis. (caregivers are at Inc risk of depression & Anxiety). Donepezil, Rivastigmine, Galantamine (centrally acting anticholinestrase) | the level of Ach in CSF ÷ improve congnition in mild - moderate dementia. If there is no improvemnt in 3 - 6 months therapy should be discontinued. Vit E and ginkgo biloba may have some benefit in dementia (more with Vit E). Tacrine cause hepatic dysfunction and is not the good choice. Memantine (NMDA glutamate receptor blocker) used in advanced dis + / - anticholinestrase. It is neuroprotective and reduce the progression of dis. * HUNTINGTON DIS (HD) -- ADD (defective HD gene on ch 4). Gene contain CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion which code for Huntingtin protein. Mutation cause abnormal cleavage of huntingtin protein which cause cell death. Successive generation tend to have dis occuring at earlier age. MANIFESTATION -- chorea (sudden involuntary movement or trunk or limb, incoordinate gait), behavioral change (irritability, anger, paranoia). Frequently associated with depression. Memory is preserved untill late in dis as it cause Dementia. DX -- Genetic testing for DNA repeat expansion. (50% chance to passing it on to childrens). Children should be offered genetic testing. CT shows cerebral atrophy & atrophy of caudate nucleus in severe cases. 87 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- No specific tx. Death occur 15 - 20 yrs after dx. Halopridol, Clozapine can be use to control behavioral changes in HD. * Myerson's sign (Glabellar Reflex) -- pt is unable to resist blinking when tapped on the glabella, the area above the nose & between the eyebrows. Myerson's sign (Glabellar reflex) is often an early Sx of Parkinson dis, also seen in early dementia & progressive neurologic illness. * PARKINSON DIS -- Degenerative changes in basal ganglia with resultant dopamine depletion in substantia negra. CAUSES -- structural lesion (trauma, abcess, infarction), Halopridol, chlorpromazine, metoclopramide, methyldopa, reserpine. MPTP Poisoning, CO, Cynaide, maganese. pt who survive encephalitis may develop postencephalitic parkinsonsim. MANIFESTATION -- Bradykinesia, rigidity (cogwheel), postural insatability, resting tremer, mask face, + ve myerson's sign. Parkinson + syndrome are characterized by lack of responce to Levodopa and Carbidopa . Parkinson dis + Vertical gaze palsy = Supranuclear palsy Parkinson dis + Prominant ataxia = Olivopontocerebellar atrophy Parkinson dis + Prominant orthostatic hypotension = Shy - Dragger $. DX -- Dx is clinically and reversible cause of parkinson dis must be sort out. There is no dx test of choice. TX -- Levodopa + Carbidopa (dopa decarboxylase inhibitor) -- stimulate dopamine receptor Salegiline, Amantadine -- Indirectly| dopamine (salegiline or Rasagline is used in those with declining responce to levodopa) Benztropin and Trihexyphenidyl (anticholinergic) -- Block acetylcholine stimulation of basal ganglia Pramipexole or Ropinirole -- Direct acting dopamine agonist. Bromocriptine and pergolide (also dopamine agonist but cause cardiac toxicity) Tolcapone or Entacapone -- COMT inhibitor (it has no effect if use alone. it reduce levodopa adverse effect by + its metabolism) MANAGEMENT -- Initial tx is Pramipexole or Ropinirole + low dose levadopa / carbidopa if bradykinesia is moderate. If pt has bradykinesia (compromised function) best initial tx is Levadopa / carbidopa. If pt is < 60 yrs old and has less bradykinesia + tremer as a predominant Sx start with Benztropin or Trihexyphenidyl. If pt is > 60 yrs old & has less bradykinesia use Amantadine. Avoid anticholinergic in BPH, Glaucoma & in Elders due to side effect. Surgery (pallidotomy,Thalamotomy) is last resort. Brain stimulator is also effective if placed in globus pallidus or Subthalamic nuc. Dyskinesia (abnormal movement), Akathesia (restlessness) are late side effect term "Responce fluctuation" of levodopa / carbidopa, managed by giving sustain release form of levadopa / carbidopa along with dopamine agonist, selegiline or COMT inhibitor or restricting main protein meal at night. * Benign Essential tremer (of hand, head or both) can be distinguished by + ve family Hx of tremer & lack of neurologic Sx. Sxs Become Worst with caffiene & improve with alcohol. Tx -- propanolol, alternate tx Primidone, alprazolam, clozapine. Last resort is thalamatomy (sergury) . * RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME -- Idiopathic Creeping & crawling dysesthesia in leg leading to involuntary leg movement during sleep. Condition exacerbate by caffiene, sleep derivation, pregnancy. It is also association with uremia, Iron def & neuropathy. DX -- No test available. TX -- Pramipexole or Ropinirole (dopamine agonist). Some need Carbidopa/ levadopa. Other tx narcotic & bezodizepine. * PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS -- Severe Idiopathic Autoimmune dis common in age 30 - 40s. Painful non pruritic lesion often starts from oral erosions & later Produce bullae on skin. + ve Nikolsky sign. Can also caused by ACE inhibitor or penecillamine. Autoantibodies against desmoglein-1 & desmoglein- 3 in the epidermis (it is Ca-dependent cadherins, involved in adhesion & cell signaling). DX -- Most accurate test is Biopsy with immunoflorescense stain (which detect Intercellular deposit of IgG & C3 in epidermis). TX -- Systemic Glucocorticoids like prednisone (topical steroids not effective). Azathioprin, Mycophentolate or cyclophosphamide are alternative (for those who can not tolerate glucocorticoids) Rituximab and IV Immunoglobin are also effective. Death is due to dehydration and sepsis (just like burn pt). Remember + ve Nikolsky sign is present in Pemphigus Vagaris, Staph Aureus Scalded Skin $ and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. * PEMPHIGUS FOLIACEOUS -- Autoimmune Blistering dis (may induced by ACE inhibitor or NSAIDs) Clinically -- superficial lesion Bullae are not seen because they break very easily. Oral lesion are not present (unlike pemphigus vulgaris). DX -- Dx by Biopsy. TX -- tx with Steroids like pemphigoid vulgaris. * BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID -- Autoatibodies against collagen component of Hemidesmosome presents at dermo - epidermal junction (basement mem). More common than pemphigus valgaris mostly in elders in there 70s & 80s. (sulfa drugs, penecillamine, furosemide can cause it). Defect is in Dermo - epidermal junction (basement mem) that why bullae is thick walled and less likely to rupture, for this reason it is less likely to cause death, infection, or dehydration (unlike pemphigus valgaris in which bullae ruptures, sepsis and dehydration). Oral lesion are rare. DX -- Most accurate test is Biopsy with immunoflorescense. TX -- Systemic Steroid. If no oral lesions are present Topical steroids can be use. Tetracycline or erythromycin with nicotinamide are alternative. * PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA -- def of Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase ÷ very high serum porphyrins ÷ photosensitivity. Associated with HIV, Alcoholism, liver dis, hepatitis C, oral contraceptives, hemochromatosis, DM. ÷ very Imp MANIFESTATION -- fragile non healing blisters on sun exposed area, hyperpigmentation and Facial hypertrichosis. DX -- Urinary uroporphyrin level are elevated 2 - 5 times than Coproporphyrins. Urine change color in sun. 88 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- Best initial tx is stop drinking alcohol (although it is unlikely to be effective) + stop oral contraceptive + use Sun screen & clothing If this fails than most effective tx is Phlebotomy to remove iron. Deferoxamine if phlebotomy is not possible. Also Chloroquine (antimalarial) Inc porphyrin excretion. * URTICARIA -- Hypersensitivity reaction, often induced by IgE and mast cell activation resulting in wheals & hives with itching. Urticaria last < 6 weeks (usually < 24 hrs), 2/3 cases are self limited. CHRONIC Urticaria (also called Dermatographism) last > 6 weeks and is associated with pressure on skin, cold and vibration. Most common cause are Drugs, Insect bites, food and occasionally due to emotions. CAUSES -- NSAIDs, Morphine, Codiene, Penecillin, Phenytoin, quinilone, ACE inhibitor etc. FOOD like Peanut, shell fish, strawberry, tomato, Latex. TX -- H1 blocker like diphenhydramine. Hydroxyzine (Atarax), Cyproheptadine. Chronic tx is with nonsedating antihistamine such as Loratadine, fexofenadine, Citrizine. Astemizole, Terfenadine no longer in use because they produce fatal rhythm disturbance specially if use with macrolides. (can kill pt. imp) Desensitization is the answer when the trigger is not avoidable. | Blocker must be stop prior to desensitization because it blocks Epinephrine which can be used if there is Anaphylactic reaction. * MORBILLIFORM RASHES -- It is milder form of hypersensitivity reaction when compare to urticaria and mediated by LYMPHOCYTES. Eruption that has both macular & papular features which typically blanches with pressure. rash resembles measles. Causes are drugs (penecillin, sulfa, allopurinol, phenytoin). TX -- Antihistamine are effective. rarely steroids is needed. * ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME -- Superficial deposition of immune complex (IgM) in skin & mucous mem of unknown etiology. Most commonly caused by reaction to Inf usually from herpes simplex or mycoplasma but also drugs. Clinical features are "target like lesions" (also called Iris like lesion) that occur sp in palm and sole. Bullae occur but usually not present on examination, it usually does not involve mucous mem. TX -- Antihistamine is effective. Also tx underlying infection. * STEVEN JHONSON $ (aka erythema multiforme major) is difficult to differentiate form TEN (they are considered same disorder of different severity). CAUSES -- drugs are the cause, it including Nivirapine (reverse transcriptase inhibitor). Overall mortality rate is < 5 - 10%. Clinically SJS involve < 15% of body surface area. Mucous mem is involve in 90% of cases. It may involve respiratory tract. TX -- Pt should be tx in Burn unit + removal of offending drug along with supportive care. Respiratory tract involvement may require mechanical ventilation if severe. Cause of death is combination of inf, dehydration, & malnutrition. (No proven benefit form steroids, IV immunoglobulin, cyclophosphamide, Thalidomide, or cyclosporin) * TOXIC EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS (TEN) -- serious form of cutaneous hypesensitivity reaction. Mortality rate is 40 - 50%. Causes are same as SJ$. Clinically TEN involve Body surface area 30 - 100%. Niklolsky is present. Similar presentation as SSS$ but its different since its drug induced. DX -- usually clinical. Most accurate test is Biopsy which will reveal full thickness epidermal necrosis. TX -- Sepsis is the MC cause of death but prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated. Systemic steroids are not effective infact it may dec survival. * FIXED DRUG REACTION -- is localized drug reaction usually at the same site where repeated drug exposure occur. Lesion is usually sharply demarcated that leave hyperpigmentted skin at the site after they resolved. TX -- Topical Steroids + discontinuation of the offending drug. * ERYTHEMA NODOSUM --Self limiting localized inflamatory condition (Panniculitis) that last about 6 weeks, Secondary to inf / inflamatory condition. Manifest by multiple painful red raised nodules that do not ulcerate located on the ant surface of the lower extremities. CAUSES -- Streptococcal Inf, Coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, sarcoidosis, Inflamatory bowel dis, syphilis, hepatitis, enteric inf such as yersenia. It is also associated with pregnancy. ÷ very Imp DX -- ASLO titer can determine who have recent strep inf. TX -- tx underlying dis plus analgesics or NSAIDs. Potassium Iodide solution for those who do not respond to symptomatic tx. * HERPES SIMPLEX INFECTION -- Multiple painful vesicles due to herpes virus DX - If dx is not clear do TZANCK smear (detect multinuclear giant cell associted with herpes family not the sp virus). Most accurate test is culture (takes 24 - 48 hr). TX -- Oral Acyclovir, famcyclovir, velacyclovir. Topical acyclovir has little eficacy. Pencyclovir has some efficay use every 2 hrs. Tx of acyclovir resistant herpes is Foscarnet. * CHICKEN POX -- vesicles with erythmatous base of all ages. Common in children due to herpes varicela / zoster. zoster is more common in elderly and present in painful dermotomal distribution (zoster is common in pt with lymphocyte defect or def). Complication of chicken pox (varicela) is pnemonia, hepatitis, dessemination, postherpetic neuralgia. DX -- Although TZANCK smear & viral culture are best initial and accurate test respectively but are usually not neccesary. TX -- Usually not prescribed until child is immunocompromised or primary inf occur in adult.(acyclovir, velacyclvir, famcyclovir). A Rapid administration of Acyclovir in elderly show best efficacy and may dec the risk of postherpetic neuralgia. Other analgesic agent are gabapentin (most effective tx for postherpetic neuralgia), TCA and Capsaicin . Steroids may show best efficacy in elderly with severe pain, although it is not clearly beneficial. Non immune adult with chicken pox -- give Varicela Zoster IG with in 96 hrs of exposure (other wise it is not effective) * TINEA CAPITIS is a fungal infection (itchy, scaly inflamed balding area), must be distinuished with alopecia areata. 89 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * ALOPECIA AREATA (nonitchy, smooth normal skin blading area) which is Autoantibodies against hair follicle. * RETINAL DETACHMENT -- Rhegmatogenous Retinal detachment. Common predisposing factors are myopia & cataract surgery. Other causes are trauma, diabetis, Retinal vein occlusion, age related macular degeneration. Clinically presents with spontaneous blurring vision of one eye without pain & redness, floaters, flashes at periphery of vision or curtain comes down. DX -- by ophtalmologic exam. TX -- various methods are used. Pt should lean head backward to promote the chance that retina will fall back at its place. Retinal Reattachment through surgery by Laser photocoagulation, cryptherapy, or injection of expansile gas into vitreal cavity. A Buckle or belt around the sclera to push the sclera forward so that it can come in contact with retina. If all these method fails attach the retina by surgical means. 80 % uncomplicated ragmatogenous retinal detachment can be cured with one operation, 15% need 2nd surgery. Rhegmatogenous means arising from rupture or fracture. * DIABETIC RETINOPATHY -- Nonproliferative retinopathy is early form manifest as venous dilation, micro aneurysm, retinal edema & hemorrhage. vs. Proliferative retinopathy is progressive form cause neovascularization, hemorrhage into viterous chamber & blindness. DX -- Screening should be done on annual basis by an ophthalmologist to find out candidate for Fluorescein angiography & Laser photocoagulation. (Fluorescein angiography identify which vessel should undergo photocoagulation. Laser photocoagulation destroy focal area to diminish angiogenesis factor production) TX -- Tight controls of blood glucose, BP (<130/80 mmHg) and lipid level. Target for LDL should be < 100 mg/dL if diabetic pt has no evidence for coronary artery dis. Target for LDL should be < 70 mg/dL if diabetic pt has coronary aretry dis . * AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (ARMD) -- Unknown cause. Most common cause of legal blindness in older person in western world. Yellowish granular deposit seen on ophthalmoscope called Drusen. 2 TYPES : DRY ARMD has Atrophic form. slowly progress to visual loss in elderly. DX cofirmed by presence of Drusen on Dilated Eye Exam. WET ARMD has Exudative form, characterized by abnormal growth of vessels form choroidal circulation into subretinal space. may lead to localize retinal damage ÷ Rapid distortion of vision (over weeks to month). DX of Wet ARMD is confirm by Fluorescein angiography. TX -- For DRY ARMD no confirm tx, Zinc, Antioxidant (vit C, E, beta carotene) can delay the progression of the dis. For WET ARMD , tx is Laser photocoagulation (will coagulate abnormal choridal vessels to slow the progression) or Photodynamic tx (will thrombosed damaged vessel to slow the progression). Vertiporfin (IV photosensitizing agent) activated by Photoactivating Laser to destroy part of retina with abnormal choriodal vessels. * CENTRAL RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION -- Sudden painlesss loss of vision in one eye without redness ÷ pale retina, cherry red spot on the fovea. Box - car segmentation of blood in the veins. CUASES -- are thromboembolic event of any cause, temporal arteritis, thrombophilia (factor V Leiden mutation). DX -- These pt should undergo Carotid artery imaging, Echocardiography, thrombophilia. TX -- Tx as stroke or TIA. which include pt laying flat, give Oxygen, Ocular massage which may unobstruct the vessel. Other potential tx are Actazolamide, thrombolytics, Anterior chamber paracentesis has been use to try decompress the pressure and disloge the emboli. * CENTRAL RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION -- Sudden painless loss of vision with redness, abnormal pupillary dilation. also show disk swelling, venous dilation and hemorrhage. Pt are at high risk for developing GLAUCOMA. CAUSES -- Younger pt should be evaluated for Thrombophilia such as Factor V mutaion, protein C def, antiphospholipid $. DX -- Retinal hemorrahge is the main way to distinguish venous from arterial obstruction. TX -- No specific tx. * OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA -- is the MC form of glaucoma (> 90%). Many pts are asymptomatic for long time, for that reason it is imp to screen older ppl. DX -- CUP to DISC Ratio is > 0.3 which should be confirm with repeated measurement by Tonometery. TX -- Tx is based on dec the production of aquous humor along with inc its drainage. Beta Blocker (timolol, betaxolol, levobunolol) dec Aquous humor production by ciliary bodies.. Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor (drozolamide, brinzolamide) all dec the aquous humor production. Alpha Adrenergic Agoinst (apraclonidine, brimonidine) dec aquous production and Inc trabecular out flow (Dual function). Prostaglandin Analog (latanoprost, travoprost, bimatoprost) Inc Uveoscleral out flow. Pilocarpine Miotic agent (constrist the pupil so Inc the drainage) all Inc the drainage. Surgery is indicatd in case of tx failure. (Laser trabeculectomy and surgical trabeculectomy are the most common procedure) * CLOSED ANGLE GLAUCOMA -- Most ppl with narrow or acute angle donot develop glaucoma; Precipitated by anticholinergics (Ipratropium & TCA). It present with Red PAINFUL eye, HARD on palpation with FIXED mid point pupil. TX -- Its is opthalmologic emergency. IV Acetazolamide, urea, osmotic diuretic (mannitol, glycerol) are used. Pilocarpine can be use to open the canal of schlenm and beta blocker to dec the production of aquous humor. If above therapy fails Laser trabeculoplasty can be performed. * CATARACT -- Opacification of lens of unknow cause that progress slowly and result into blurry vision occuring over month to yrs. Glare from the head light of the car is problem while driving in night. There is an association with cigarette smoking. 90 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -- mature cataract can easily be seen but early stage dis is seen with slit lamp. TX -- Surgical removal. * CONJUNCTIVITIS -- Any infectious agent can cause it. * Bacterial conjunctivitis - is usually unilateral marked by prulent discharge form the eye with redening. Pt develop crust overnight that make it hard to open. less itching than viral conjunctivitis. Pupil reaction, occular pressure & visual acuity is normal . * Viral Conjunctivitis - Commonly bilateral with redening, more severe itching & periauricular adenopathy. pupil react normal & no photophobia. TX -- Topical antibiotics (erythromycin, sulfacetamide, fluoroquinilone) for bacterial conjunctivitis For Viral conjunctivitis there is no specific tx use antihistamine / decongestant. Antifungal if the inf is fungal. * SUBCONJUNCTIVAL HEMORRHAGE -- Most common cause trauma, some time with thrombocytopenia. Donot impair vision, No Intra Occular or Intra Vitreal Damage. No specific tx is necessary * KERATITIS -- is any infection or inflamation of cornea usually due to corneal trauma. Herpes simplex Keratitis cause severe pain and sensation that something caught in the eyelid. DX -- Charactristic dendritic pattern of cornea on flourescein staining of the eye with examination under the blue light make the dx. TX -- Oral Acyclovir or famcyclovir or velacyclovir + Topical Trifluridine or Idoxuridine (antiherpes viral). Antibacteria or Antifungal if inf is due to bacteria or fungus. (never use steroids in those pts) * PERIORBITAL CELLULITIS -- inf of surrounding tissue of the eye, most commonly cause by staph aureus or streptococci. TX -- oxacillin or nafcillin is the drug of choice. 1st generation cephalosporin (cefazolin) is alternative. * UVEITIS -- refer to inf of Iris, ciliary body & choroid (infection of Uveal tract). Presents as painful red eye with marked photophobia. Pain occur even when shining the light in uneffected eye because of constriction of pupil due to consesual light reflex. (Imp clue) CAUSES -- Inflamatory condition like Psoriasis, Sarcoidosis, Syphilis, Reiters $, Inflamatory bowel dis. DX -- Dx by slit lamp examination. Inflamatory cells may accumulate inside of the cornea gives snow fall appearance (called Keratic precipitate). TX -- tx with topical some time systemic steroids. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Sensitivity measures the percentage of sick people who are correctly identified as having the condition. Specificity measures the percentage of healthy people who are correctly identified as not having the condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEDS * APGAR score at 1 min gives an idea of what was going on during labor / delivery. APGAR score at 5 min gives an idea of responce to therapy (resuscitation). In general APGAR score is not the predictive of out come; however score 0 - 3 at 5 min have worst neurologic out come. * ERB DUCHENNE PALSY (Waiters tip hand) -- C5 & C6 palsy, medially rotated supinate arm. cannot abduct shoulder. KLUMPKES PALSY (Claw like hand) -- C7 & C8, - / + T1 (paralyzed hand - / + Horners $) TX -- most recover over few months (depend on severity of lesion. laceration vs. tear). Indicate proper positioning, partial immobilization, massage & range of motion excersize. If no recovery in 3 - 6 months do Neuroplasty. * CAPUT SUCCEDANEUM -- Swelling of soft tissue of the skull. (swelling crosses the suture line). Resolves in few days may lead to molding. * CEPHALOHEMATOMA -- Subperiosteal hemorrhage (it does not crosses the suture line), may have underlying linear fracture. Resolves in 2 week - 3 months . may calcify and jaundice. * CUTIS MARMORATA -- Lacy, Reticulated vascular pattern over the most of the body due to cold. It resolves in few months. may indicate some $. Cutis Marmorata look similar to LIVEDO RETICULARIS (which is bluish discoloration of skin & is common in Antiphospholipid $. Also atheroembolic dis and also several days after vascular catheterization) * MILIA -- Firm white papule; Inclusion cyst on palate midline: epstien pearls. Resolve spontaneously. * SALMON PATCH (NEVUS SIMPLEX) -- Usually symmetric Pale Pink vascular macule, found in nuchal area, glabella, eye lid. Facial one disappear post one persist. * MONGOLIAN SPOT -- Blue to Slate gray macule seen in presacral area, back, post thigh. more common in non whites. These are arrested melaninocytes usually disappear in first few yrs. Differential dx childabuse * ERYTHEMA TOXICUM -- Self limited, Firm yellow white papule / pustule with erythmatous base, peak on 2 - 5 day of life, contain eosinophils. Resolves with in 2 weeks. Diffrential dx is SSS$. * PORT WINE STAIN (NEVUS FLAMMEUS) -- Unilateral permanant vascular defect mostly head and neck. Rule out Struge weber $. Rx pulsed Laser. * HEMAGIOMA -- Superficial: bright red sharply demarcated lesion occur in first 2 month of life & Expand rapidly by age 5 - 9 yrs, Regress by age 10. Deeper: Bluish firm cystic less likely to regress (check for any underlying organ involvement). TX -- Steroid, Pulsed Laser only if hemangioma is huge and interfereing with some function. * NEONATAL ACNE -- Erthematous papule on face due to high maternal androgen. No treatment. * NEVUS SABECIOUS in Neonate -- Area of Alopecia with Orange colored nodular skin. Remove before Adolescense due to malignant degeneration. * COLOBOMA OF IRIS -- cleft at 6 O clock. some time associated with CHARGE Syndrome. * CHARGE $ -- a Rare condition present with Coloboma, cleft lip or palate, ear abnormalities, hearing impairment, choanal atresia, delays in growth & development, central nervous system anomalies & congenital heart defects. 91 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * ANIRIDIA -- hypoplasia of iris (defect usually through to retina). Associated with WILMs tumor (nephroblastoma in children) & WAGR $. * THYROGLOSSAL CYST -- Mass arising at midline moves with swallowing. Increase incidence of ectopic thyroid tissue. vs. BRACHIAL CLEFT CYST -- Mass arising lateral to the midline commonly due to infection. TX -- Require surgical removal for both. * CONGENITAL TORTICOLLIS (WRY NECK) -- Sternocleidomastoid muscle tilt the head towards the tight side with rotation of the chin to the opposite side. Knotted up sternocleidomastoid. TX -- passive ROM excersize. * SUPERNUMARARY NIPPLE -- associated with Renal Cardiovascular Anomaly * POLAND $ -- Amastia, Pectoralis muscle aplasia. Rib deformity, webneck, radial nerve dysplasia and syndactyly. (polish girl has no breast). * PECTUS EXCAVATUM " Funnel chest " -- benign (Inward depresssion of chest) deformity. corrected for cosmetic reason. PECTUS CARINATUM " pigeon chest " -- benign (out ward protrusion of chest) deformity. corrected for cosmetic reason. * OMPHALOCELE -- defect occur through the unbilicus covered with sac. Associated with other malformation & chromosomal disorder. vs. * GASTROSCHISIS -- Defect is lateral to midline, with out sac covering. Not associated with malformation. May have intestinal atresia. * UMBILICAL HERNIA -- Most close spontaneously. consider Congenital Hypothyroidism. * NEW BORN SCREENING : is done in every new born before discharge or 4th day of life. More reliable if done with in 48 hrs. Total # of dis that screen in USA are Phenylketonuria, Galactosemia, hypothyroidism. * Phenylketonuria (phenylalanine hydroxylase def) -- mental retardation, fair hair & skin, blue eyes, microcephaly. Normal at birth but will develop in few months. * Classic Galactosemia (G1P uridyltransferase def) -- jaundice (direct), hypoglycemia, cataract, seizures, mental retardation. predisposition to E coli sepsis. It may begin prenatally (due t o transplacental galactose from mother). TX -- No lactose tx will reverse every thing except neurodevelopmental problem. * Hydrocele -- transitory. Palpation and illumination differentiate it from Inguinal hernia. * Hypospadius -- uretral opening on ventral surface, Incomplete prepuce development, ventral penile curvature, other anomalies common, chordee, dorsal hood. do not do circumcision. * Epispadius -- Urethral opening on dorsal surface, form of extrophy, more likely to have urinary incontinence. * Undescended testis -- located in inguinal canal. Must be differentiate from retractile testis. TX -- If not descend by 1 yr of age must do surgery to prevent sterility and malignant degeneration. * Hernia -- Usually Inguinal and Indirect in Childrens. Manifest by bulge in inguinal canal and reducible inguinal swelling. TX -- Surgical. * Syndactyly -- fusion of fingers oe toe or both. TX -- surgery. Must do Xray before planing surgery. * Polydactyly -- more than 5 finger or toe or both. TX -- do not tx if there is good blood suplly. * Finger tag -- Thin stalk with poor circulation. TX -- tie of the base (Autoamputation). * RESPIRATORY DISTRESS $ OF NEWBORN -- Surfactant Deficiency. Small volume lungs, Atelactesis, Homogenous "ground glass" opacity. DX -- Best initial test is CXR. Most accurate test is Lecithin surfactant ratio (L/S Ratio). TX -- Best initial tx is O2, Contineous Positive airway presure (CPAP). Most effective tx is administration of surfactant. PREVENTION -- Prevent by avoiding prematurity and betamethasone tx. * TRANSIENT TACHYPNEA OF NEW BORN -- CXR shows streaky, perihilar linear densities, fluid in the minor fissure , all signs of | fluid in lungs. Resolves in few days. * MECONIUM ASPIRATION $ -- Large Ropey & Strand-like densities on CXR in a post-mature infant. | AP diameter, Flatening of diaphragm & Patchy infiltrate. may show hyperdistended chest ÷ severe respiratory distress & hypoxia. May result into pulmonary HTN, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, aspiration pneumonitis. TX -- High frequency Positive Pressure ventilation, Nitric oxide therapy, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Prevention -- by Endotracheal intubation, Airway Suction of meconium of depress infant. * DIAPHRAGMATIC HERNIA OF NEWBORN -- Failure of diaphragm to develop ÷ Respiratory distress (hypoplastic lung) & Scaphoid abdomen. Incidence 1 : 200. Bowel sound heard in chest. DX -- dx by prenatal U/S. TX -- First Immidiate intubation and Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation than surgical correction. * MECONIUM ILEUS -- markedly dilated loops proximal to obstruction, soap-bubbly appearance, a small unused microcolon distal to obstruction. MC cause is cystic fibrosis (absence of fetal pancereatic enz cause meconium to become thick). DX -- First test is abdominal X ray (distention of the bowel loop), Barium anema micro colon distal to obstruction. TX -- High Gastrograffin enema. * NECROTIZING ENTEROCOLITIS (transmural enteronecrosis) -- Pathognomonic Pneumatosis Intestinalis (air in the bowel wall cause double wall). Perforation ÷ bloody stool, apnea, abdominal distention. Prematurity is the greatest risk. TX -- cessation of feed, Gut decompression, systemic antibiotic, supportive care and surgical resection of necrotic bowel. * Duodenal Atresia -- Double Bubble sign on X ray, result into Bilious vomiting. Association with trisomy 21. TX -- Surgical correction. * HIRSCHSPRUNG DISEASE -- dilated loops of small bowel with air fluid levels. Rectum is usually involved. If enterocolitis is present, the colon will appear dilated and there may be pneumotosis Intestinales . DX -- Barium anema reveal mega colon proximal to obstruction. Best test is rectal biopsy shows absence of ganglion cells. * Pathologic Hyperbilirubinemia -- Inc in unconjugated bilirubin ÷ Kernicterus, (collection of unconjugated bilirubin in Basal Ganglia & Brain stem nuclei). Kernicterus results into hypotonia, seizures, opisthotones, delayed motor skills, chorioathetosis & sensory neuronal hearing loss. 92 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Indication for Possible pathologic hyperbilirubinemia work up : * If it appear on the first day of life. (physiologic jaundice appear on 2 - 3 day of life & disappear by 1 -2 weeks. Indirect bilirubin rise < 5 mg/dL/ day). * If Indirect Bilirubin rise > 5 mg /dL /day. * If Indiract Bilirubin > 12 mg /dL in term infant. * If Direct Bilirubin > 2 mg /dL at any time. * BREAST FEEDING JAUNDICE -- Occur in 1st day of life due to lack of calories & milk because of mom's lack of experience. (usually 1st time mom) TX -- Lactation consultation and rehydration. (Reason is insufficient milk intake ÷ inadequate bowel movement to remove bilirubin from the body). * BREAT MILK JAUNDICE -- occue due to GLUCURONIDASE present in milk (conjugate type jaundice). The jaundice occur in 2nd week of life. DX & TX -- stop the breast feeding for 1 - 2 days , when bilirubin is checked again it will have fallen significantly. Although it will rise again but will not rise to the preious level. Baby may then be safely breast fed. * CONGENITAL SYPHILLIS -- Congenital syphillis signs occur after 2 yrs of age ÷ Saber shin, Rhagades (thickening of the corners of mouth) and Hutchinson teeth. Saddle nose , osteochondritis also occur. . All Children must undergo serologic testing for syphillis at the time of delivery. DX -- Serologic testing & scraping from any lesion or fluid. Radiographic bone changes. Infant with + ve VDRL and pathognomonic sign. Most spesific test is Ig M - FTA - ABS (Immunoglobulin florescent Treponemal Ab absorption), But it is not +ve immidiately. TX -- Penecillin * Congenital varicella $ -- Associated with 1st and 2nd trimester inf ÷ limb deformity / hypoplasia, microcephaly, Chorioretinitis, cataract, cutaneous scar, cortical atrophy. * Maternal Opiate abuse -- + birth wt, | Rate of still born, IUGR, No Inc in congenital abnormalities, withdrawal Sxs with in 48 hrs, tremor hyperirritability, diarrhea, apnea, poor feeding, tachycardia and seizures Inc risk of SIDS. * Maternal Cocaine abuse -- Preterm labor, Abruption, asphyxia, IUGR, vasoconstriction with resultant malformation, No classic withdrawal signs, CNS ishemic & hemorrhagic lesion, developmental delay, learning disabilities, high degree of polysubstance abuse. * Maternal Drugs Effecting Neonate : Anesthesia -------------------- Respiratory & CNS depression. Barbiturate -------------------- Respiratory & CNS depression. Phenobarbital ---------------- Vit K def. Magnesium sulfate --------- Respiratory depression. Sulfonamide ------------------ Displace bilirubin from albumin. NSAIDs ------------------------ Premature closure of ductus arteriosus. * Teratogenic Drugs : Alcohol --------------------------------- Fetal Alcohol $. Phenytoin ----------------------------- Hypoplastic nails, typical facies, IUGR. Diethylstilbestrol -------------------- Vaginal Adenocarcinoma. Isotrenitoin (retinoicacid) ---------- Facial & Ear anomalies, Congenital heart dis. (If pregnancy desired stop Isotrenitoin before 15 post menstrual day) 93 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Tetracycline --------------------------- Enamel hypoplasia, discolored teeth. Lithium ---------------------------------- Ebstein's anomaly. Warfarin -------------------------------- Facial dysmorphism and Chondrodyslasia. Valproate / Carbamezapine ------ Mental retardation and Neural tube defect. ACE Inhibitor -------------------------- Craniofacial abnormalities. * TORCH INF : If suspected collect cord blood (to measure total IgM). Toxoplasmosis -- hydrocephalus with generalized calcification and chorioretinitis. Dx -- elevated Ig M against toxoplsmosis. Rubella -- cataract, deafness and heart defect. DX -- maternal immune status (positive exculde dis), if negative measure IgM for dx. CMV -- microcephaly with periventricular calcification, Patechiae with thrombocytopenia. DX -- Urine CMV culture (if - ve exclude dis). Herpes -- skin vesicle, keratoconjunctivitis, Acute meningoencephalitis. DX -- neg culture do not exclude dis. need PCR for definite dx. Syphilis -- osteochondritis, periostitis, skin rash and on palm and sole, mucopurulent rhinitis. DX -- VDRL * EBSTEIN ANOMALY -- caused by Maternal Lithium use ÷ Displaced Defective Tricuspid valve ÷ Enlarge RA & patent Foramina ovale. Defecttve tricuspid valve results into blood leaks back through the valve & into the RA which cause Enlarge Atrium and Atrial septal defect. * BECKWITH - WIEDEMANN $ (IGF disruption at 11p 15.5) -- Fetal Adrenocortical cytomegaly (consistent feature), Macrosomia, Macroglossia (may need partial glossectomy), Hyperglycemia (due to pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia), Large kidney with medullary dysplasia, neonatal polycythemia, Umbilical abnormalities, Omphalocele, diastasis rectii, Linear fissue of lobule of external ear. Inc risk of abdominal tumor. MANAGEMENT - Abdominal U/S & serum AFP every 6 month through 6 yrs of age (| Risk of Abdominal tumor sp Wilms tumor & Hepatoblastoma). * PIERRE ROBIN $ (or ROBIN SEQUENCE ) -- Micrognathia + Glossoptosis (Posteriorly placed tongue) + Cleft palate. It could be isolated finding or may be associated with Fetal alcohol $, Edward $. MANAGEMANT -- Significant Airway Obstruction in first 4 week of life, so must monitor carefully. * Kallmann $ -- + GnRH, + FSH, + LH, Anosmia, Amenorrhea and Cleft lip. TX - hormone therapy. untreated dis lead to osteoporosis. * WAARDENBURG $ (ADD) -- associated with Older paternal age for new mutation ÷ Lateral displacement of inner canthi, short palpabral fissure, Broad nasal bridge, Deafness, Medial flareing of eyebrows, Partial albinism, Premature graying, white forelock, Hypochromic Iris, hypopigmented skin lesion & occular fundus. * RETINOICACID (ISOTRENITOIN) EMBRYOPATHY -- Mild facial asymmetry, Bilateral microtia or anotia, facial nerve paralysis ipsilateral to ear, conotruncal malformation, CNS malformation & + intelligence, Thymic & parthyroid abnormality, narrow sloping of forehead, abnormal mottling of teeth. Prevention -- No problem if stop before 15 post menstrual day. Always do pregnanct test before indicating. do councelling regarding teratogenecity. * POTTER SEQUENCE (POTTER $) -- Renal Agenesis or dysgenesis cause oligohyroamnios which results into fetal compression and pulmonary hypoplasia (death form respiratory insufficiency), Potter facies (hypertelorism, abnormal epicanthal fold, low set ear micrognathia, abnormal limb). Defect occur in 1st month of gestation.Oligohydroamnios also occur from chronic leak. DX -- U/S is neccesary whos oligohydroamnios is due to renal agenesis or dysgenesis because 9% of 1st degree relative have asymptomatic malformation. * WILLIAMs SYNDROME -- Pre or post natal growth def with mild to moderate mental retardation. Other featutes are ELFIN Facies, Talkative and friendly personality, Supravalvular aortic stenosis, Renal artery stenosis with HTN, hypercalcemia, joint limitation. Periorbital fullness, depressed nasal bridge, prominant lips, Hypersensitivity to sound. * MULTIPLE LENTIGINES $ (LEOPARD $) -- 1 - 5 mm dark spot (lentigines) on neck & trunk at birth; Not related to sunlight. It Inc in no with age. EKG problem, pul stenosis, hypertelorism, hypogonadism, cryptorchidism, growth retardation, deafness. Donot confuse with Puetz jheger $, melanoma or other pigmentation disorder. * SOTOs SYNDROME -- Large for gestational age, Mental retardation, Hydrocephalus, Prominant Forehead, Epicanthal fold, Flat nasal bridge, Pointed chin. (rememeber Jay Leno soto) * GROWTH VELOCITY : (chronologic age "CA". Bone age "BA") CA = BA -- its ideal. If pt is normal but Short may be familial. If pt is abnormal may be genetic, chromosomal or endocrine related. CA > BA -- If pt is normal may be costitutional delay. If pt is abnormal suspect chronic systemic dis or endocrine problem. CA < BA -- if pt is normal it may be due to obesity. If pt is abnormal look for precocious puberty, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hyperthyroidism. * VITAMINS : * Vit A -- Rentinal pigment, bone / teeth development & epithelial maturation. Vit A Def ÷Ocular lesion, Dry scaly skin, Anemia, Inc Intracranial P, Mental & growth retardation. * Vit B1 (thiamine) -- Co enz in carbihydrate metabolism and generate NADP. Vit B1 def ÷ Beri beri - CNS, peripheral neuritis, CHF, Ptosis, ataxia, Inc intracranial P, Laryngeal nerve paralysis, nausia. * Riboflavin -- FAD (electron transport), tissue maintenance, growth and energy production. Riboflavin def ÷ Glossitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, photophobia, seborrhea. * Niacin -- NAD & NADP cofactor, Glycolysis and electrone transport. Niacin def ÷ Pellagra (DDD), Depression. * Vit B6 (pyridoxine) -- coenz for decarboxylation & transamination of AA. Need for adequate brain function and normal brain metabolism. Vit B6 def ÷ Convulsion, peripheral neuritis, dermatitis and Anemia. 94 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Vit C -- Reducing agent, formation of collagen and chondroitin sulfate. Vit C def ÷ Scyrvey (bleeding, losing teeth, easy fracture, swelling of gum, Anemia, sternal depression), costochondral rosary. * Vit D -- D3 (natural in skin activate by sun light). Vit D is low and breast milk and Cow milk. Vit D def ÷ Rickets - Osteomalacia, Tetany. * Vit E (tocopherol) -- Neuclic acid metabolism. Vit E def ÷ Creatinuria, Focal necrosis of straitid muscles, weakness, premature hemolytic anemia & Inc pletelet count. Vit E toxicity cause hemorrhage. * Vit K -- Oxidative phosphorylation & clotting factor synthesis (in liver). Vit K def ÷ hemorrhage. * CLASSICIFICATION OF VACCINES -- 1. Live Attenated Viral Vaccine -- are MMR, Nasal Influenza, Small Pox, Varicella, Yellow fever. As well as (Live bacterial) BCG & Oral Typhoid. 2. Inactivated Whole Virus Vaccine -- are Polio, HAV and Rabies. 3. Inactivated Protein based Vaccine -- are Subunits of HBV, Parenteral Influenza and Acellular Pertussis. 4. Inactivated Polysaccharide based vaccine -- are Toxoids type ----- (Diptheria and tetnus) Pure type -------- (Peumoccocal, Hib, meninigococcal) Conjugate type -- (Hib, Pneumococcal) * CONTRAINDICATIONS TO VACCINES -- X linked Agammaglobulinemia -- OPV, Vaccinia & Live Bacterial vaccines are contraindicated. Measles & Varicella can be given. Severe combined Immunodeficiency -- All live Vaccines are conraindicated. Complement def -- nothing is cntraindicated. Phagocyte dysfunction -- Live bacterial vaccines are contraindicated. HIV/ AIDS -- OPV, Vaccinia & BCG is contraindicated. MMR & Varicella can be given if not severely immunocompromised (CD4 > 200). Malignancy, Transplantation pt, Immunosuppressives & Radiation -- Based on immune status Live Bacterial & Viral vaccine are contraindicated. * TETANUS PROPHYLAXIS -- due to dirt, saliva, feces, avulsions, forstbite, puncture, crush, burn, war. (Td = tetanus & diptheria) In pts with vaccination Hx of < 3 doses give Td for minor wounds and Td + TIG for all other wounds. In pts with Hx of vaccination > 3 doses give nothing. Exception are -- Give Td for minor wounds if last vaccine was administered > 10 yrs ago; Give Td in major wounds if last vaccines was administered > 5 yrs ago. HEPATITIS A POSTEXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS -- If Hx of exposure is s 2 weeks give Ig to all pts. If Future exposure is likely and pt is > 2 yrs old give Ig + HAV vaccine. If Hx of exposure is > 2 week nothing is gven. If Future exposure is likely and pt is > 2 yrs old give HAV vaccine. 95 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * SCARLET FEVER -- caused by Group A | hemolytic strept (S pyogenes). Sand paper like rash on the body. strawberry tongue. DX -- If Rapid Sterp test is +ve dont not do throat culture. Confirm a - ve Rapid Strep Test with culture if suspicion is high. TX -- Penecillin (Erythromycin altenative). Prevent Rheumatic fever by treating with in 9 days of illness. COMPLICATION can be tx with IV antibiotics (3rd generation Cephalosporin plus Ampicillin / salbactum or clindamycin) and surgical drainage * HERPANGIA -- 1 - 2 cm vesicals and ulcers on the post surface of the pharynx, caused by Coxakie virus. Remember Coxakie virus cause hepangia, Acute lymphonodular pharyngitis and Hand Foot & Mouth dis. * THYROGLOSSAL DUCT -- Occur in the midline. BRACHIAL CYST -- occur laterally CYSTIC HYGRMOA -- can occur any where common in posterior triangle of the neck. * NOONAN SYNDROME -- used to be called male version of Turner $, but it is distinct entity & occur equally in Male & Female. MANIFESTATION -- Pulmonary valve stenosis, Cryptorchidism, Lymphedema, mental retardation, Hypertelorism, epicanthal fold, Backward rotated ear, thick helix of ear, Deeply groved philtrum. * ALAGILLE SYNDROME -- Autosomal Dominant Arteriohepatic dysplasia, Bile duct paucity (too few bile duct) and pulmonary valve stenosis. It manifest as Xanthomas, Juandice, Tetralogy of fellot, in kids. It may effect kidney & CNS. * TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS - Failure of Truncus Arteriosus (an embryological structure) to divides into the pulmonary artery & aorta; VSD is always present (both ventricals are at systemic pressure ÷ | Pulmonary P with resultant heart failure). Associated with CATCH - 22 $, Digeorge $ etc. There is minimal cyanosis because large blood vol to lung, if not corrected results into Eisenmenger $. MANIFESTATION -- High pitched early decresndo murmur at mid left sternal border due to incompetent truncal valves. Systolic ejection murmur with large thrill, and single S2. Wide pulse P with bounding pulse, hyperdynamic precordium. DX -- CXR shows enlarge heart with | Pulmonary blood flow (Inc vascularity on CXR). ECG shows biventricular hypertrophy. Echocardiogram is Gold standard. TX -- Tx is Surgery in first few week of life to prevent heart failure. * TETRALOGY OF FALLOT -- Boot shape heart + dark lung field due to dec in pulmonary blood flow on Radiograph. EKG which shows Right axis deviation due to right ventricular hypertrophy. DX -- CXR, EKG and Echocardiography (Gold standard) Tet Spell TX -- place in Lateral Knee chest position, Oxygen, morphine (subcutaneously) and Beta blocker. TX -- Depand on degree of obstruction. PGE1 is given if cynosis present at birth.. Augment pulmonary blood flow with Palliative systemic to pulmonary shunt (Modified Blalock - Taussig shunt). Corrective surgery at 4 to 12 month of age (remove obstructive muscle, valvulotomy and patching of VSD) . * TRICUSPID ATRESIA -- No outlet from RA to RV; Entire venous return enter the LA via foramen ovale or ASD than to LV to RV via VSD. Both VSD and PDA are imp for pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary blood flow depend on the size of VSD & also PDA. MANIFESTATION -- Cyanosis at birth, Inc LV impulse, single S2. (like TruncusAtreiosus) DX -- CXR shows + pulmonary vascularity due to undercirculation (unlike Truncus Arteriosus). ECG shows Left Axis deviation (due to LVH). Echocardiogram (gold standard) TX -- Give PGE1 until Aortopulmonary shunt is performed. Atrial balloon septostomy may be needed. Later stage surgical correction . Remember Severe Cynosis at birth + + Pulmonary blood flow on CXR + Left Axis deviation on ECG + LVH ÷ think Tricuspid Atresia. (imp) * EBSTEIN ANOMALY -- Abnormally displaced tricuspid leaflet into Right Ventrical ÷ small RV, tricuspid regurgitation, enlarge RA & | RA vol which shunts through foramen ovale or ASD & cause cyanosis. Associated with maternal lithium use. Ebstein Anomaly Pt may also have WPW $. (imp) MENIFESTATION -- manifestation may not apear untill adolescene or adulthood. If severe at birth ÷ marked cyanosis, huge heart, gallop rythem & multiple clicks ; Holosystolic murmur over the most of the anterior left chest is the most characteristic finding. . DX -- CXR shows massive RA and + pulmonary bood flow (low vascularity, dark field). 96 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS ECG shows tall & broad P wave, Normal or prolong PR interval and RBBB. TX -- Give PGE1 First then Systemic to pulmonary shunt and later staged surgery. * TRANSPOSITION OF GREAT VESSELS -- is MC cynotic heart lesion in infant born to diabetic mother. Need foramen ovale and PDA for some mixing of blood. (Better mixing in half of the pt with VSD). DX -- CXR shows Egg on string appearance plus absence of main segment of pulmonary artery. Echocardiogram is Gold standard. Mild Cardiomegaly, Narrow media stinum, normal to Inc pulmonary blood flow with or without murmur. Soft systolic murmur (in ASD) and harsh systolic murmur (in VSD) at their sites. ECG shows normal neonatal Right side dominance. TX -- Give PGE1 first, than balloon atrial septostomy and later arterial switch surgery in first 2 weeks. * TOTAL ANOMALOUS PULMONARY VENOUS RETURN -- Complete drainage of pulmonary vein into systemic venous circulation with resultant mixing of systemic venous and pulmonary venous blood and cyanosis. Clinical Presentation depands on presence and absence of obstruction. With Obstruction -- it shows severe pulmonary congestion, pulmonary HTN with dec cardiac output and shock. Cyanosis and tachypnea may not respond to PGE1. for survival emergent surgery is required. Without Obstruction -- shows total mixing of blood through large left to right shunt. less likely to be severly symptomatic early. DX -- CXR shows large supra cardiac shadow with enlrge cardiac shadow called Snow Man Sign. ECG shows Tall spiked P wave and RVH. ECHOCARDIOGRAM is Gold standard. TX -- PGE1 than Surgical correction * Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) -- shows patent foramen ovale, pinched aorta, PDA, narrowed aorta, hypoplastic LV, aortic atresia. The lack of a developed LV & the aortic coarctation ÷ reversed blood flow through the aorta. Partially oxygenated blood reaches the aorta through the patent foramen ovale, up the pulmonary trunk and through the PDA. The major blood flow to the systemic circulation is through the PDA. MANIFESTATION -- No Cyanosis until ductus is open but later cyanosis appears as ductus arteriosus closes. Signs of heart failure , weak or absent pulse & shock. Enlarge heart with R parasternal lift. Non descript systolic murmur. DX -- CXR shows Enlarge Heart with Inc pulmonary flow. ECG shows RVH and RA enlargement with dec left sided forces. ECHOCARDIOGRAM is Gold standard. TX -- Do nothing if malformation is not competible with life. Best tx today is 3 - stage Norwood Procedure (better than cardiac transplantation). Must do Genetic & Neurologic examination and tests before surgery because many pt also have significant CNS abnormality. * Norwood Procedure (HLH$ Reconstruction) include 1 - Blalock-Taussig shunt (temporary), 2 - atrial septum removed, 3 - patch where pulmonary trunk is disconnected from L & R pulmonary artery, 4 - aorta & pulmonary trunk anastomosed together & the aorta made larger. Blood flows through the anastomosed aorta and pulmonary trunk to the aortic arch. A shunt connects the aorta to the pulmonary arteries, providing the lungs with blood to oxygenate. * Orgainsm specific tx for Endocarditis : Strep Viridians -- Penecillin G (4 weeks). or Penecillin (ceftriaxone) + Gentamycin (for 2 weeks). Enterococci (group D) -- Ampicillin + gentamycin (for 4 - 6 weeks). Alternates are Vancomycin + Gentamycin (for 4 - 6 weeks). Staph Aureus -- Nafcillin or Oxacillin (4 - 6 weeks) + 5 days of Gentamycin. pt with prosthetics Vancomycin + Gentamycin for 4 - 6 weeks (+/- Refampin). Methcillin resistant Staph Aureus -- Vancomycin for 4 - 6 weeks +/- TMP/ SMX. Staph Epidermidis -- Vancomycin for 6 weeks + / - Refampin. HACEK organism -- Ceftriaxone (other 3 G cephalosporin) for 4 weeks or 6 weeks in prothetic valve. HACEK (hemophilus, actinobacillus, actinomyctes, cardiobacterium hominus, Ekinella corrodens, Kingella kingae) are slow growing part of normal flora. * INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS -- Staph Endocarditis is more common in those without underlying Heart dis vs. Strep viridians is more common in those with underlying Heart dis or after Dental procedure. DX -- Dukes criteria ( either 2 major or 5 minor . or 1 major + 3 minor ) Major Criteria : + ve blood culture (2 seperate for usual pathogen) Evidence of Echocardiogram (intracardiac lesion, prosthetic regurgitant flow, abcess, partial dehiescence of prothetic valve, new valvular regurgitant flow) Minor Criteris : Predisposing condition, fever, Emboli or vascular sign, Immune comples dis (glomerulonephritis, arthritis, + ve Rheumatoid factor, Osler node, Roth spot), Single + ve blood culture, Echocardigraphic signs not meeting criteria. PROPHYLAXIS IN ENDOCARDITIS : For Dental, Oral, Respiratory & esophageal procedure -- Give Amoxicillin (Clindamycin, cephalosporin, macrolide are alternative) For Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary procedure -- give Ampicillin + gentamycin (for high risk pt) Vancomycin + gentamycin is alternative. give Amoxicillin or Ampicillin (for moderate risk pt) vancomycin is altrnative. CONDITIONS THAT ARE NOT RECOMMANDED FOR PROPHYLAXIS IN ENDOCARDITIS : 1. Isolated Secundum ASD. 2. Surgical Repair of ASD, VSD, PDA. 3. Coronary Artery bypass. 4. Mitral valve prolapse without regurgitation or thickened valve 5. Kawasaki without Valvular dysfunction. 6. Rheumatic Heart without valve dysfunction. 7. Pace maker and defibrillation. * PROPHYLAXIS RECOMMENDATION IN GENERAL : 97 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Prosthetic heart valves, Pt with a hx of Infective Endocarditis, In Cyanotic heart disease (unrepaired or within six months after repair), Heart transplant recipients with valvulopathy, Dental extractions, Periodontal procedures; incision or biopsy of respiratory mucosa (e.g tonsillectomy, transbronchial biopsy); Procedures on infected Skin or Musculoskeletal structures (e.g., abscess drainage). * PROCEDURES DO NOT NEED PROPHYLAXIS IN GENERAL : Dental filling, All flexible scopes, all OB/GYN procedures, All Urinary procedures including cystoscope. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Valvular disease, Mitral valve prolapse with a murmur or thickened leaflet. * ENDOCARDIAL FIBROELASTOSIS (EF) -- Demonstrate Opaque fibroelastic white thickening of endocardium. Rare disorder occur in < 2 yrs olds. Primary EF ÷ Dialated ventricular cavity in infant. Due to unknown Etiology. vs. Secondary EF ÷ Contracted ventricular cavity. Due to congenital heart dis or Left Obstructive dis. DX -- CXR dialated cardiopathy. EKG changes. ECHOCARDIOGRAM shows bright appearing endocardial surface and poorly functioining LV. TX -- tx heart failure but transplantation is essential. (other wise most pt die with in 1 - 6 month). (donot confused with endocardial fibrosis). * PERICARDITIS --- Classic Water Bottle Sign occur if there is Cardiomegaly and Pericardial Effusion is large . vs. In Constrictive pericarditis heart is small with pericardial calcification. Tx is pericardiectomy. MC cause pericarditis in pediatric group is viral (Coxakie B, Adeno v, Influenza v, echo v). Pulsus paradoxus with pericarditis suggest cardiac temponade (Pulsus paradoxus is 20 mmHg drop of BP on inspiration). * PYLORIC STENOSIS -- Non Bilious vomiting after feeding which results into Hypochloremic Hypokalemic Metabolic Alkalosis. DX -- Best test is Ultrasound shows TARGET like appearance. TX -- Hydrate and correct electrolyte . Pylorotomy. * DUODENALATRESIA -- Polyhydramnious and postnatal Bilious Vomiting, with out abdominal distention. Half born premature and with other anomalies many shows jaundice. Also associated with Down $. DX -- Double bubble sign with no distal bowl gas on Radiograph. Do ultrasound for other aomalies. TX -- Nasogastric decompression, IV fluids and surgery (Duodenostomy) Differential DX is Malrotation, Annular Pancrease and Volvulous. (remember jejunal or Ileal Atresia cause abdominal distention) imp * INTESTINAL MALROTATION -- bilious emesis recurrent abdominal pain, mostly in 1st yr of life in acute or chronic fashion due to incomplete rotation during fetal life (Superior mesentric artery act as axis of rotation). Ladd Band may extend to cecum to RUQ to produce duodenal obstruction relieved by Ladds procedure (surgery). Acute small bowl obstruction without Hx of bowl surgery suggest the possibility of Volvulus. (delay in tx of volvulus ÷ Short bowel $). DX -- U/S, or Contrast radiograph study. (there may be a double Bubble sign if there is duodenal obstruction on Xray) U/S show Inversion of Superior mesentric artery & vein & duodenal obstruction with thicken bowl loop to the right of the spine; superior mesentric vein to the left of the artery is suggestive. Upper GI show malposition of Ligament of Treitz. TX -- Surgery. * INTUSSUSCEPTION -- Coiled Spring appearance on imaging. Classic Black currant jelly stool. Saucage shape mass in RUQ on palpation. Associated with Henoch Schonlein Purpura, meckels diverticulum, polyps, neurofibroma, hematoma, hemangioma, malignancy. DX -- Air Enema with supplanted Barium, is diagnostic and curative. TX -- Emergent reduction, if prolonged do surgery. Radiographic Reduction under flouroscopy if done with in 48 hrs of presentation. If manual operative reduction is not possible or bowel is not viable do ressection and end to end anastomosis. * CROHN's DIS -- String Sign (narrow tract). Crohn can effect any part of the GI tract, shows skip lesion, fistula granuloma. also arthritis. DX -- Gold standard test is Colonoscopy and biopsy. TX -- Steroids and Aminosalisylate. Azathioprin & metronidazole (for fistula). Anti TNF agent (Infliximab). Antibiotics & hyperalimentation. Failure of tx should be tx with surgery. * ULCERATIVE COLITIS -- Sxs must be present for at least 3 - 4 weeks. Severe anemia, crypt abscess, toxic mega colon, diarrehea. DX -- Endoscopy and biopsy is the best study of choice. Lead pipe colon on barium enema studies. TX -- Aminosalicylate, Sulfasalazine and Steroids. Anti TNF (Infliximab). If tx Fails, do Colectomy. COMPLICATION -- High risk of colon cancer and Toxic megacolon with perforation. * URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION OBSTRUCTION -- is MC Obstructive Uropathy in pediatric group. DX -- by Voiding Cystourethrogram (for dx & grading & also to rule out posterior ureteral valve). CT Scan is prefer when calculi is suspected. Renal scan is to determine size of kidney and scarring. * POSTERIOR URETHRAL VALVE -- MC Obstructive uropathy in boys, Can lead to end stage renal failure. DX -- by voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) TX -- decompress bladder with catheter. IV antibiotic. and Transurethral ablation or vesicostomy. COMPLICATION -- If Lesion is severe may presents with pulmonary hypoplasia (potter sequence). Prognosis depend on severity. * ALPORT SYNDROME -- X Linked dominant disorder -- Hematuria, hearing loss and Ocular problem. v imp. Manifest as -- Asymptomatic Hematuria (usually occur 1 - 2 days after Respiratory inf). Bilateral sensrineuronal hearing loss (never congenital). Female have subclinical hearing loss. 98 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Foam cell caharacteristic finding on renal biopsy. (Glomerulonephritis or end stage renal dis) v imp Pathognomonic Extrusion of central part of Lens into anterior chamber. Remember Acute Post streptococcal GN occur 1 -2 week after respiratory inf (due to group A beta hemolytic strep) or 3 - 6 week after Impetigo (due to staphalococcus). very imp to remember. v imp * Remember Only 11 beta hydroxylase def, 17 o hydroxylase def and 17, 20 lyase def ÷ hypertension, hypokalemia vs. 3 | hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase def and 21 beta hydroxylase def ÷ hypotension due to salt waste. Remember 3 | hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase def ÷ both male and female Psuedohermaphroditism, precocious pubarche. vs. 11 | hydroxylase def ÷ female pseudohermaphroditism, virilization, Inc androgen vs. 17 o hydroxyl / 17,20 lyase def ÷ male psuedohermaphroditism. Cholesterol + 17 o Hydroxylase 17 . 20 Lyase Pregnenolone ÷ 17 Hydroxypregnenolone ÷ Dehydroxyandrosterone + 3 | hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase + 3 | hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase + 3 | hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Progesterone ÷ Hydroxyprogesterone ÷ Androstenidione 17 o Hydroxylase 17, 20 lyase + 21 | hydroxylase 21 | hydroxylase + + 17| OH steroid dehydrogenase / Aomatase 11 Deoxycorticosterone 11 Deoxycortisol Testosterone / Estradiol +11| Hydroxylase + 11| Hydroxylase corticosterone Cortisol AT II and hyperkalemia ÷ © + Aldosterone synthase Aldosterone . * DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF HIP -- Occur from birth to 3 yrs of age, MC in girls. Risk factors are family Hx, Breech presentation, First born. Femoral head easily be dislocated due to shallow socket + general ligamental laxity due to dysplasia. Barlow Maneuver is most important will dislocate unstable hip and can be felt easily (not a click). Ortolani Maneuver reduces dislocated hip but before 2 month of age. Galeazzi sign is also + ve (difference in flexed knee height). DX -- Dynamic Ultrasound of the Hip is the Best test. After 4 month Frog leg lateral XRAY. TX -- PAVLIK HARNESS is the tx for 1-2 month old. Surgery & Casting for Older age. Complication is Acetabular dysplasia. * Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease ---- degenerative disease (Idiopathic Avascular Necrosis of Capital Femoral Epiphysis) ÷ deformity of the ball of the femur & the surface of the hip socket. Usually bilateral. occur b/w 4 - 12 yrs of age. Painless Limp (Antalgic gait) but pain in ant thigh, relieve by rest. DX -- Ant / Post and Frog leg lateral Xray shows collapse, compression and deformity. TX -- Containment of femoral head with in acetabulum with orthoses & casting Bed rest, Abduction stretching excersize. If all fail do surgery. * Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis -- MC hip disorder in adolescents, after 12 yrs of age. Cause limping with or without pain. Risk facor -- obese kid with delayed skeletal maturation, or thin kid with recent growth spurt. Endocrine abnormality can occur (check LH, FSH, T3, 4). Complicatios -- Osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis), Chondrolysis. Remember hip patholgy refer pain to the knee. DX -- Ant/ post and Frog leg lateral XRAYS. (Neck rotate anteriorly with head remain in the acetabulum). Ice - cream cone TX -- Must close the capital femoral epiphysis; Pining. * METATARSUS ADDUCTUS -- Adducted forefoot most common in first newborn. TX -- Serial of Casts before 8 month of age, Orthoses, corrective shoes. If problem persist do surgery by age 4. * TALIPES EQUINOVARUS (CLUB FOOT) -- Congenitally Medially rotated stiff foot may associated with neuromuscular disease. TX -- Serial casting, splints , orthoses, corrective shoes. If not resolve than surgery. (In usmle : Talipes equinovarus heel cant touch the surface. vs. In metatarsus adductus heel can touch the surface) imp dif. Remember Varum (varus) is when foot turn medially where as VaLgus is when foot turn Laterally. * INTERNAL TIBIAL TORSION -- MC cause of intoeing before 2 yrs of age, due to inutero positioning. Measure prone thigh foot angle. TX -- No tx it is physiologic and will resolves in 6 - 12 months. vs. * FEMORAL ANTEVERSION (internal femoral torsion) -- MC cause of intoeing after 2 yrs of age, due to abnormal sitting habbit called W - sitting. Entire leg rotate inward at hip during gait. TX -- mostly resolves in 1 - 3 yrs. If problem is significant and persist by age 10 yrs do surgery. * GENU VARUM (Bow leg) -- due to torsion in utero it resolves by 1 - 2 yrs. GENU VALGUM (Knocked knee) -- Occur due to spontaneous correction of Genu varum or May be due to underlying cause. Must be assess by Xray and discrepencies > 2cm at skeletal maturity may require surgery. 99 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * POPLITEAL CYST (BAKERS CYST) -- Distention of bursa by synovial fluid behind knee. typical in middle childhood. DX -- Do Ultrasound for aspiration. TX -- Observe in < 10 yrs old it resolves over time. If > 10 yrs and enlarge do surgery. * OSGOOD SCHALATER DIS -- Traction apophysitis of tibial tubercle (over use injury) ÷ Prominant, tender, swelled tubercle. Common in overacttive adolescents. TX -- Rest, Immobilize knee, Isometric exercize. Complete recovery 12 - 24 months. * SCOLIOSIS -- Mostly Idiopathic, more common in female adolescents. May occur with other congenital Nuromuscular dis or spinal deformities. ADAM TEST : > 20 degree curve is positive. (but can be false +ve) DX -- Post, Ant and Lateral spine Xray. TX -- Braces for immature pt with curve < 40 degree. and surgery (permanant internal fixation rod) for those with > 45 degree. imp. * NURSEMAID ELBOW -- Radial head subluxation due to sudden traction or pulling of arm. Manifest as Pronated arm & child refuses to bend it. TX -- Rotate hand & forarm to the supinated position with pressure on the Radial head. watch at - * OSTEOSARCOMA -- MC bone tumor; Ratinoblastoma & Irradiation is associted with Osteosarcoma (not with Ewing Sarcoma). Metastasis to lung & bone. DX - Biopsy. Sun Burst appearance & Codeman triangle. TX - Chemo & Ablative surgery. (without metastasis 70% & with metastasis 20 % cure). EWING SARCOMA -- is little MC before age 10 yrs than Osteocarcoma. MC in whites. Onion skin lytic periosteal lesion. Metastasis to lung & bone. DX -- Biopsy. TX -- Radiation and / or surgery. * JUVENILE RHEMATOID ARTHRITIS -- fever, rash, irridocyclitis, pericarditis & - ve RF. (Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis with + ve RF has poor outcome vs. with - ve RF, + ve ANA and HLA B27 has good prognosis). TX -- Pauciarticular type respond best to NSAIDs. Methotrexate is safest 2nd line agent. Corticosteroids for severe inf or systemic involvement. * KAWASAKI DISEASE -- Vasculitis of medium size arteries specially coronary artery. Dx criteria is Fever plus > 5 of the following. 1. Bilateral Bulbar conjunctivitis without exudate. 2. IntraOral erythema (strawberry tongue, dry crack lips). 3. Erythema & swelling of hand & feet & desquamation of fingertips 1 - 3 week after onset. 4. Rash Perineal desquamation. 5. Cervical lymphadenitis. 6. Early Myocarditis, pericarditis, coronary artery aneurysm (in 2nd or 3 rd week). 7. Aseptic meningitis, diarrhea, hepatitis, hydrop of gallbladder, Urethritis (sterile pyurea), Otitis media, Arthritis. DX -- Most imp test is ECHOCARDIOGRAM (repeat at 2 - 3 week). Also ECG & pletelet (pletelet Inc by 1 million in 2 - 3 week). Other lab is WBC Inc, ESR Inc, C reactive protein Inc. Inc hepatic transaminases, CSF pleocytosis, Normoocytic anemia. TX -- Acute IV Ig, High dose Asprin, (Use steroids if fever is persistent), Warfarin if there is risk of thrombosis (in high pletelet count). PROGNOSIS -- No evidence of cardiovascular sequelae in those who do not have coronary abnormality in first 2 months of onset. * HENOCH SCHONLEIN PURPURA -- IgA mediated vasculitis of small vessels following URT inf. (IgA & C3 deposit in skin, glomeruli & GI tract). MC cause of non thromcytopenic purpura in children. MANIFEST -- Pink maculo papular rash below waist (palpable rash), crops over 3 - 10 days progress to patechie & purpura (red purple or brown). Abdominal pain, blood in stool, diarrhea, hematemesis, intussusception. Arthritis, Glomerulonephritis or nephrosis, lymphadenopathy hepatosplenomegaly, and rarely coma or seizures. (imp compllication are Renal insufficiency / failure & Bowel perforation). DX -- Classic clinical presentaion is enough. (IgA, C3 & fibrin rarely IgM deposits in mesengium on Renal biopsy). Definitive dx by skin biopsy rarely needed. LAB -- | Pletelet,| ESR,| WBCs, | IgA & IgM. Anticardiolipin or Antiphospholipid Ab. Urine RBCs & WBCs cast & albuminuria. TX -- Symptomatic. For GI complication use oral or IV corticosteroids. In Anticardiolipin or APL Ab use Asprin. Renal complication is tx as other renal dis. * Lead Poisoning - GI Sxs starts at 20 µg/dL of lead blood level. Management : evaluate source, provide education & repeat blood lead level in 1 month. Blood lead level of 45 - 70µg/dL. Management : do Chelation with single drug (DMSA "dimercaptosuccinic acid"). vs. Blood lead level of > 70µg/dL. Management : Hospitalize pt with 2 drug tx (EDTA + DMSA or BAL. + / - encephalopathy respectively) Encephalopathy may or may not be present at > 70µg/dL. * BLACKFAN DIAMOND ANEMIA (Congenital pure red cell anemia) -- Inc RBC programmed cell death with profound anemia in 3 - 6 months. Show Triphalangeal thumb, craniofacial deformity, short stature. LAB -- Macrocytosis, | HbF, | RBC Adenosine deaminase, + RBC precursor in marrow, very low Reticulocyte, | serum Iron, . TX -- Corticosteroids + Transfusion and Deferoxamine. Splenectomy means 40 yrs survival without stem cell transplantation. Definitive Tx is stem cell transplantation. Remember : Blackfan diamond anemia -- triphalangeal thumb + pure RBC def (macrocytosis) + Inc RBC Adenosine deaminase + + RBC precursor. vs. Fanconi Anemia (Absent or Hypoplastic thumb & Radii + all cell lines depressed). Dx by Bone marrow aspiration, cytogenetic study of chromosomal breakage. TX -- Corticosteroids and Androgen. Definitive tx is bone marrow transplatation. vs. Transient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood occur due to nonspecific viral inf (but not Parvo B19). Normal RBC Adenosine deaminase, MCV & HbF. TX -- no tx (resolves in 1 - 2 months) vs. Anemia of Chronic dis or renal dis shows + iron without | TIBC. Normocytic / normochromic to microcytic / hypochromic. Hb 5- 9mg/dL. Marrow show normal cells with + RBC precursor. Little or no | in Erythropoitin. TX : control underlying problem, Erythopoitin. Rarely transfusion. Remember : vWD or Platelet dysfunction cause mucous mem bleeding, petechiae, small ecchymoses (over all minor bleed) vs. 100 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Clotting factor def or Hemophilia cause deep and extensive ecchymoses and hematoma. BLEEDING TIME (BT) -- measures pletelet function & Interaction with vessels eg. Qualitative pletelet defect, vWD. (it is Pletelet function analyzer) PLETELET COUNT -- Thrombocytopenia is most common cause of Aquired bleeding disorder in children PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME (PTT) -- Measure Intrinsic pathway (from factor XII through the final clot). PTT Prolongs with factor VIII, IX, XI, XII def. PROTHROMBIN TIME (PT) -- Measure extrinsic pathway after activation of clotting by thromboplastin in the presence of Ca++. PT Prolongs with factor VII, XIII def or Anticoagulants. Standardized values using the International Normalized Ratio (INR) THROMBIN TIME (TT) -- Measures the final step of Fibriogen into Fibrin. It Prolongs due to dec or abnormal fibrin, or subs that interfere with fibrin (Heparin & Fibrin split product) LAB STUDIES -- Obtain Platelet, BT, PT & PTT first, If normal then do vWF testing & TT, If Abnormal then do further clotting factor workup. MIXINGSTUDIES -- If there is prolong PT and PTT then add normal plasma to pts blood and repeat the labs. Following are the Interpretations. imp * Correction of lab prolongation suggest def of clotting factor. vs. no or partially correction suggest heparin in pts system. * If studies become more prolong with clinical bleeding than there is Ab against a clotting factor (commonly VIII, IX, XI) * If PTT & Mixing study are prolong with out clinical bleeding consider Lupus Anticoagulant (due to excessive clotting). CLOTTING FACTOR ASSAY can be meassured -- It said to be Severe factor VIII or IX def if it is < 1% of normal, Moderate if it is 1 - 5 %, Mild if it is > 5%. PLATELET AGGREGATION STUDY -- is used if qualitative platelet dysfunction is suspected, (Ristocetin induced platelet aggregation assay). * JUVENILE PILOCYTIC ASTROCYTOMA -- MC infratentorial tumor of childhood classically located in cerebellum. It is low grade tumor. DX -- Best initial test is CT Scan . TX -- Surgery or Radiation or chemo. With Complete ressection 80 - 100% survival. vs. Optic Nerve Glioma -- is classified as a juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma. It is Most frequent Optic nerve tumor (supratentorial tumor). | incedence in Neurofibromatosis, it cause unilateral visual loss, proptosis, eye deviation, optic atrophy, strabismus & nystagmus. TX -- Observation . If Chiasm is involved do radiation and chemotherapy. If Proptosis with visual loss occur do surgery. imp * MEDULLOBLASTOMA -- 2nd MC Infratentorial tumor also located in cerebellum but as a midline cerebellar vermis mass. Highly malignant. may results into 4th ventrical obstruction, hydrocephalus, motor and sensory Sxs.. DX -- best initial test is CT scan . TX -- Radiation and chemo. 60 -70% survival. * BRAINSTEM TUMOR (GLIOMA) -- 3rd MC Infratentorial tumor in peds ÷ motor weakness, cerebellar defect, cranial nerve defect, | Intracranial P. TX -- Low grade Glioma tx with surgery. Diffuse intrinsic Glioma has poor out come, with radiation 12 months survival. Also palliative chemo. * EPENDYMOMA -- Mostly non Invasive Infratentorial tumor of post fossa, originate from ependymal lining of the ventrical. TX -- tx with surgery and radiation. * CRANIOPHARYNGIOMA -- MC Supratentorial tumor of childhood loctated suprasellarly (sella turcica) ÷ Panhypopituitarism, growth failure, visual defect. TX -- Surgery or radiation. (no role of chemo) * WILMs TUMOR -- Uni or Bilateral Nephroblastoma (2nd MC abdominal tumor), Aniridia, Genitourinary anomalies, Manifest : Abdominal mass & HTN. DX -- CT Scan is the best test. CXR for Lung Invovlvement. TX -- Surgery, then Chemotherapy (Vincristine + Dectinomycin) and Radiation (if inoperable). Bilateral Renal tumor -- Unilateral nephrectomy and partial contralateral nephrectomy. PROGNOSIS -- 54 - 97 % have 4 yrs survival. * NEUROBLASTOMA -- Originate from Neural crest cells due to N - myc Oncogene ÷ painful calcified flank or midline mass with hemorrhage. Occur at any site (abdomin, adrenal, Retroperitoneal sympethetic ganglia, cervical or thoracis ganglia). imp. Initial presentation is often as metastasis to Long bones, skull, orbitals, lymphnode, marrow etc. Pt show ataxia & opsomyoclonus (dancing eyes & feet) DX -- Plain xray, CT or MRI. | urine Homovanillic acid (HVA) and Vanillylmendelic acid (VMA) in 95 % of cases. Evaluate metastasis and Staging. TX -- Surgery , Chemo (Cyclophosphamide , Doxorubicin), Radiation. Bone marrow transplant. * PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA -- catecholamine secreting tumor of chromaffin cells (Adrenal medulla most common site). It is associated with neurofibromatosis, MEN IIa, MEN IIb, tuberous sclerosis, struge weber $ and Ataxia talengiectasia. MANIFESTATION -- Episodic HTN, palpitation, diaphoresis, headache, abdominal pain, pallor, dizziness, vomiting encephalopathy. Hypermetabolic state, polydipsia, polyurea, growth failure. Retinal exam shows papiledema, hemorrhage, exudate. LABS - elevation of blood and urinary level of catecholamine and metanephrine level. DX - CT scan is best initial test & MRI. I 131 MIBG (metaiodobenzylguanidine) Scan detect chromaffin tissue any where in body (use in metastesis). TX - Removal (but high risk). Preoperative o + | blocker (phenoxybenzamine & Lebetelol) & fluid administration. (pure | blocker "atenelol" is never used) Do prolong follow up because it may manifest later as a new tumor. * Children with pheochromocytoma excrete nor EN, VMA & metanephrine. vs. Children with neuroblastoma donot have HTN but do excrete dopamin & HVA. * RHABDOMYOSARCOMA -- Mostly in head & neck, genitourinary tract & extremities. | frequency in neurofibromatosis pt. Most ly Embryonal type. Botryoid type project out from vagina (Grape mass), urinary tract, uterous, nasopharyx, middle ear. Pleomorphic is adult form. DX -- Imaging study. Marrow aspirate and lymphnode biopsy . TX -- Tumor ressection with pre and post operative chemo therapy. * NEURAL TUBE DEFECT --- Marker for neural tube defect is Alfa feto protein. several types 101 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 1. Spina bifida occulta -- midline defect of vertebral body with out protrusion. Mostly assymptomatic with out clinical consequence, shows overlying midline lambosacral defect (patch of hair, lipoma or dermal sinus) 2. Meningocele -- Meninges herniate trough defect in vertebral arches bit covered with skin. DX -- must determine extent neural involvement with MRI. Also CT scan for possible Hydrocephalus. TX -- immidiate surgery if there is thin cover or leak of CSF. 3. Myelomeningocele -- Sac like cystic structure with thin partially epithelized tissue may occur any where along neuraxis but most are lumbosacral. It may cause bowel & bladder incontinence perineal anesthesia with motor impairment, flaccid paralysis below the lesion. 80% associated with hydrocephalus, also type I chiari malformation with associated symptoms. DX -- Must evaluate for other anomalies prior to surgery, Evaluate renal function, Head CT scan for possibe hydrocephalus. TX -- Ventriculoperitoneal shunt and correction of defect. * TETHERED CORD -- Rope like filum terminale persist and anchor the conus below L4. Mostly with midline skin lesion. Occur with other deformities, bladder dysfunction, pain and motor delay. Almost every child with sacro lumbar lesion will achieve some form of Ambulation where as Half of the childrens will some degree of hip flexion & adduction with higher lesion. DX -- Plain xray shows spinabifida in most. MRI shows precise anatomy. TX -- Surgical transection. * ARNOLD CHIARI MALFORMATION TYPE I (in adolescents & adults) ÷ headache, neck pain, urinary frequency, spasticity without hydrocephalus. vs. * ARNOLD CHIARI MALFORMATION TYPE II (Hind brain abnormality) ÷ Progressive hydrocephalus with myelomeningocele. * DANDY WALKER MALFORMATION - Agenesis of post cerebellar vermis & corpus collosum + Cystic expansion of 4th ventrical ÷ | head size prominent occiput, long tract signs, cerebellar ataxia & delayed motor development. Can cause hydrocephalus. * STURGE WEBER $ -- Facial nevus (portwine stain always present) + Siezures (mostly contralateral to navus) + Hemiparesis + Intracranial calcification + Mental retardation and Ipsilateral Glaucoma. DX -- Skull xray shows Occipital Parietal calcification (serpentine or rail road tract appearance). Intraoccular Pressure reading initially. CT scan shows unilateral cortical atrophy and hydrocephalus en vacuo . TX -- Conservative if dovelopment is not compromised and seizures are controlled. Regular Intraoccular Pressure evaluation. Tx Nevus by Pulse laser. Hemispherectomy and lobectomy may prevent mental retardation and Recalcitrant siezure if done in 1st yr of life. Remember - Not all babies with Facial nevus has Sturge Weber $ but Skull xray and Intraoccular Pressure must be obtained. Hydrocephalus ex vacuo -- Compensatory enlargement of cerebral ventricles & subarachnoid spaces in response to brain atrophy (parenchyma loss). It is not the result of | CSF P, unlike Hydrocephalus. Seen in dementia, Post traumatic brain injuries, schizophrenia. * CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DIS -- Slowly Progressive Neuropathy of Tibial and Paroneal nerve ÷ Atrophy of Paroneal muscle and Ant compartment of lower leg ÷ Stroke like appearance, Claw hand & Pes cavus (foot drop) with paresthesia (rarely painful). Pt may have problem with gait & easy falls as early as 2 yrs of age. DX -- Decreased nerve conduction velocity (motor as well as sensory). Sural nerve biopsy is diagnostic. CPK normal. TX -- Stabalize ankle and protect from trauma. Surgical ankle fusion. Sensory Sxs -- tx with phenytoin or carbamezapine * LOEFFLERS $ -- Is pulmonary ascariasis. MC Sxs are cough & blood tingled sputum. It can also cause intestinal or biliary tract obstruction, abdominal pain etc. Causitive agent is Ascaris lumbricoid. It results into marked Eosinophilia. TX -- is Albandazole or Mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate. * NECATUR AMRICANUS & ANCYLOSTOMA -- penetrate through skin (Local pruritus)from contaminated soil from human waste, later enter the vein and migrate to lung and than enter the GIT ÷ blood loss (Iron def anemia), abdominal pain, diarrhea, intellectual defecit, Green yellow discoloration of skin (chorosis), Blood Eosinophilia. TX -- Albandazole or mebendazole (pyrantel pamoate is alternative) + ferrous sulfate for Iron def. * TRICHINOSIS (Trichinella spiralis) -- transmit from poorly cooked meat. larva become adult in intestine and enters straited muscles fiber & become viable for yrs ÷ diarrhea, abdominal pain, Fever, myalgia (larvae in muscle), periorbital edema, dysphagia. DX -- require serology or muscle biopsy. TX -- Mebendazole or albendazole. * TRICHURIASIS (TRICURIS TRICURA) -- whip worm transmitted from contaminated soil from human / animal feces. It lives in cecum & ascending colon. Beside chronic diarrhea it also causes RLQ pain, Periumbilical pain and Rectal prolapse. DX -- fecal smear and no eosinophilia. TX -- Mebendazole or albendazole. * HAND FOOT & MOUTH DIS -- Vesicular rash caused by Coxakie virus A (rash on butt is also common). Coxakie Virus B cause myocarditis. DX is by characteristic lesion. * GASTRIC LAVAGE -- Most effective in the first hr of ingestion only in older childrens / select situation (use largest possible tube). Contraindicated in Coma, Impending Coma, Seizures, and Depressed Gag reflex. CHARCOAL ----------- is the tx of choice in ER to prevent absorption. Not effective in preventing Cyanide, Heavy metals, Na, K, Cl, acid and base absorption. imp. CATHARTICS -------- dec absorption by Inc rate of excreation. Avoid Magnesium in Renal Failure. 102 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DIURESIS include Hemodialysis, Hemoperfusion, Peritoneal dialysis and Exchange transfusion. * IRON POISONING -- > 60 mg /kg is toxic dose in children. (or > 500 µg/dL of Iron consider severe toxicity) Stage 1 - occur 30 - 60 min after ingestion ÷ Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain & hemorrhagic gastroenteritis if severe. Stage 2 - occur after 6 - 12 hrs ÷ Honeymoon phase during which pt seems to have clinical improvement. Stage 3 - occur after 24 - 48 hrs ÷ shock, hepatorenal failure, bleeding & metabolic acidosis (it is severe poisoning) Stage 4 - occur after 1 - 2 months ÷ gastrointestinal scarring (commonly at gastric outlet due to direct damage), obstruction & pyloric stenosis. TX -- IV Deferoxamine is indicated in any symptomatic pt regardless of lab values, also if serum Iron > TIBC, also if serum Iron > 350µg/dL. * TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT TOXICITY -- Cause Siezures & Arrythmia. must take EKG (| Risk of QRS Widening, Prolong QT, QTc). TX -- first bicarbonate if it doesnt work give Lidocaine. * CO POISONING -- Best test is CO level. Also do Arterial Blood gases. Urinalysis for myoglobin if rhabdomyolysis is suspected. (21 - 30% of CO blood level ÷Throubing headache; 41 - 50% ÷ confusion, syncope tachycardia; 51 - 60% ÷ syncope, coma, seizure; 61 - 70% ÷ HTN, Resp failure, death). TX - Remove source, 100% supplemental O2. In Severe cases indicate Hyperbaric O2 until Carboxyhemoglobin is s 5%. Maintain urine out put > 1mL/kg/hr. COMPLICATION -- Behavior changes, memory loss, Blindness. * ALCOHOL LEVEL AND EFFECT : 50 - 150 mg/dL ------- uncordinated, blurred vision and slow. 150 - 300 mg/dL ----- Visual imapirment, staggering, slurred speech. 300 - 500 mg/dl ------ stupor, hypoglycemia, coma. > 500 -------------------- Fatal if no tolerance. * POISON / TOXICITY AND ANTIDOTES: ACETAMENOPHEN -------------------- N - acetylcystene. ANTICHOLINERGIC ------------------- Physostigmine. ANTICHOLIESTRASE ----------------- Atropine sulfate, Pralidoxime sulfate. BENZODIAZEPINE --------------------- Flumazenil. CYANIDE ---------------------------------- Amyl nitrite followed by Sodium nitrite followed by Sodium thiosulfate. ETHYLENE GLYCOL & METHANOL -------------------------- Ethanol. EXTRAPYRAMIDAL SIGNS -------------------------------------- Diphenhydramine hydrochlorde, Benztropin. HEAVY METALS (Arsenic, copper, gold, lead, murcury) ------ Chelators, Ca disodium edetate (EDTA), Dimercaprol (BAL), Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA). HEPARIN ----------------------------- Protamine sulfate. Iron -------------------------------------- Deferoxamine. ISONIAZID (INH) ------------------- Pyridoxine. METHEMOGLOBINEMIA (chocolate brown colored blood) -------- Methylene blue (convert abnormal Fe3+" Ferric" to normal Fe2+ "Ferrous"). NITRITES ------------------------------ Methylene Blue. OPIOIDS -------------------------------- Naloxone. TCA / SALICYLATE ----------------- Sodium Bicarbonate. WARFARIN ---------------------------- Vit K. Fresh frozen plasma. * NOTE -- Intubation is indicated if GCS (glasgow coma score) is s 8. * Basilar Skull Fracture -- BATTLE Sign (hematoma behind the ear), Racoon Eyes sign (Periorbital ecchymosis), Hemotympanum, CSF rhinorrhea / Otorrhea. * TYPES AND HEAD INJURY AND RECOMMANDATION : CONCUSSION -- is described as breif unconsciousness then normal arousal. Further catagorised in grades. GRADE 1 : Confusion only --------------------------------------------------------- Return if asymptomatic for 20 mins. GRADE 2 : Confusion + Amnesia ------------------------------------------------ Return in 1 week after no Sxs for 1 week. GRDAE 3 : Confusion + Amnesia + loss of Consciousness ------------- Return in one month no Sxs for 1 week. EPIDURAL HEMATOMA -- loss of consciousness then lucid period and then again loss of consciounes. Lens shaped hemorrhage on CT scan. SUBDURAL HEMATOMA -- Creasant shaped hemorrhage on CT scan. 103 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS CEREBRAL CONTUSION -- Punctuate hemerrhage on CT scan. SCRWORA -- Spinal cord injury without Radiologic abnormality. * Cellulitis have indistinct lateral margins. vs. Erysipela have sharply defined slightly elevated border. (both caused by Staph Aureus & Strep pyogenes). Remember Cellulitis is the inf of Cutaneous tissue (epidermis is spare) vs. Erysipela is the inf of Epidermis and Dermis. In SSS$ the bullae are sterile (Hematogenous spread cause diffuse scarlatiniform erythema). vs. Impetigo bullae are contageous. * TINEA VERSICOLOR (malasazia furfur) appears yellow golden flourescense on wood lamp examination. vs. MICROSPORUM appear Bright Blue green flourescense on wood lamp examination. * TINEA CAPITIS (RINGWORM) -- Caused by Trichophyton Tonsurans ÷ Alopecia, pruritis, Black dot ring worm & Kerion. TX -- Oral Griseofulvin. Kerion is a severe inflamatory responce and has elevated boggy granulomatous mass that does not contain pus (donot attempt incision & drainage). * TINEA CORPORIS (T Rubrum, T Mentagrophyte) -- Erythmatous scaly papule with central clearing. TX -- Topical Mico, Keto, Clotrimazole for 4 - 8 weeks. * TINEA CRURIS (T Mentagrophyte) -- Bilateral Sharply bordered hyperpigmented scaly patch of inner thigh & groin area with severe pruritis initially. TX -- Topical Imidazole or tolnaftate. * TINEA PEDIS (ATHLETE FOOT) -- T Rubrum, T Mentagrophyte -- Fissured with maceration & peeling of toe web with itching & foul order. TX -- Avoid occlusive foot wear, Drying, Absorbant antifungal powder (zinc undecelinate) or Miconazole for mild disease. * PITRIASIS ROSEA -- Hearld patch (first lesion to appear) which is Solitary lesion with raised border & scales (look like ringworm). Christmas tree pattern on the neck,. lesion may be hyper or hypo pigmented. TX -- None . (self limiting last for 2 - 12 week). for priritis use antihistamine, camphor, menthol. * ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME -- MC predisposing factor is Herpes simplex virus inf. Dough nut shaped Target like papules (purple to necrotic center) , commonly involve the extensor surface of the body. No progression to steven johnson $. TX -- supportive (Emolients, antihistamine, prednisone, NSAIDs). lesion resolves in 2 weeks. PROPHYLAXIS -- Acyclovir for 6 months in recurrent cases. * STEVEN JOHNSON $ (ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME MAJOR) -- MC cause is drug reaction (sulfonamide, NSAIDs, Anticonvulsant), M Pneumonea inf. Manifestation -- Erythematous macule, rapidly developing central necrosis, area of denudation, involve mucous mem any where in or out side the body. severe mucosal pain, burning, + ve Nikolsky sign, multi organ involvement. body fluid loss,.Sec Bacterial inf. TX -- Supportive and symptomatic. Must do Ophthalmic exam due to corneal scaring. * PLANTER WART (caused by HPV 1) -- Autoinocculation occur. TX -- 40% salisylate or urea plaster. * VERUCA VALGARIS (common wart caused by HPV 2 & 4) -- commonly on hand elbow and knee. Autoinocculation occur. TX -- Most disappear spontaneously after 2 yrs. Keratotic debris use scalpel. Liquid nitrogen , Cantharidin, Electro dessication & curettage. Topical Lactic / Salisylic acid. Recalcitrant wart give 5 flourouracil. * CONDYLOMA ACCUMINATA (Caused by HPV type 6 & 11). TX -- Podophyllin 25% weakly. * MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM -- caused by Pox virus (DNA v). Pearly skin colored cone shaped papule with central umbilication. DX -- KOH preparation, Wright or Giemsa stain shows homogenous cell with lobule is diagnostic. 104 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- Liquid nitrogen (freeze off wart), Curettage. Facial lesion tx with Tretinoin. * ESTRADIOL -- Predominant estrogen during non pragnant reproductive yrs, derived form androgen (that produced form theca cell) which diffuse into granulosa cell to converted into Estradiol by aromatase enz . ESTRIOL -- Predominant estrogen during pragnancy. It derived through DHEAS (Dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate) from fetal adrenal gland which than converted by placantal Sulfatase into Estriol. ESTRONE -- Predominant estrogen during menopause, derived from adrenal androstenedione which converted to estrone in peripheral adipose tissue. Esrtogen released from Ovarian follicle --- promotes growth ducts. Progesterone released form Corpus luteum --- stimulate development of milk producing Alveolar development. Prilactin released form Ant pituitary gland --- stimulate milk production. Oxytocin released form Post pituitary in responce to suckling and neonatal cry --- cause milk ejection. * Autosomal dominant -- transmit by both sexes, all generation effected, no carrier state. * Autosomal ressesive -- transmit by both sexes, often skips generations, male and female are carrier. * X linked ressesive -- no male to male transmission, express only in male, females are carrier. SPECIFIC SYNDROMES DUE TO PRENATAL USE OF SUBS : * FETAL ALCOHOL $ ÷ IUGR, midfacial hypoplasia, developmental delay, short palpabral fissure, long Philtrum, multiple joint anomalies, cardiac defect. * DIETHYLSTILBESTROL (DES $) -- T shaped uterus, Vaginal adenosis (predisposition to clear cell carcinoma), Incompetent cervix, preterm delivery. * FETAL HYDANTOIN $ -- caused by DILANTIN "phenytoin" ÷ IUGR, Craniofacial dysmorphism (epicanthal folds, depressed nasal bridge, Oral cleft), mental retardation (microcephaly), nail hypoplasia, heart defect. 105 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * ISOTRENITOIN (ACCUTANE) -- Congenital deafness, microtia, CNS defect, congenital heart defect. * LITHIUM -- Ebstein Anomaly (right heart defect). * STREPTOMYCIN -- CN VIII damage and hearing loss. * TETRACYCLIN -- After 4 months deciduous teeth discoloration. * THALIDOMIDE (sedative) -- Phocomelia (limb reduction defect), ear/nasal abnormality, heart defect, Pyloric or duodenal stenosis. * TRIMETHADIONE (anticonvulsant) -- Facial dysmorphism (short upturned nose, slanted eye brows), IUGR, Cardiac defect, Mental retardation. * VALPROIC ACID (Depakote) -- Neural tube defect (spina bifida), cleft lip, Renal defect * WARFARIN (Coumadin) -- Chondrodysplasia (stippled epiphysis), mental retardation (microcephaly), Optic Atrophy. Note - | hCG titer > 1500 mU suggest Unruptured Ectopic pregnancy if no Intrauterine product is seen with vaginal sonogram. Plz revise chapter 2 of obgyn form kaplan. (about abortion and ectopic pregnancy). Plz make note (chapter 2, 3) if possible. v v imp. * POSSIBILITIES DURING PREGNANCY -- Early Vaginal Bleeding suggest possible Abortion vs. Late Vaginal bleeding suggest possible Abruptio Placenta or Placenta Previa. Vaginal Fluid Leakage suggest Rupture of membrane (ROM) or Urinary Incontinence. Epigastric pain or Headache and Visual Change suggest severe Preeclempsia. Uterine Cramping suggest possible preterm labour, Preterm contraction. Dec Fetal Movement suggest possible Fetal compromise or sleeping. Persistent Vomiting suggest Hyperemesis (early in pregnancy), Hepatitis, Pyelonephritis. Pain on Urination suggest Cystitis, Pyelonephritis. Chills and Fever suggest possible Pyelonephritis, Chorioamnionitis. * Nenatal sepsis with in hour of birth + bilateral diffuse pneumonia ----- think of Group B Strep Sepsis (Strep Agalactiae). * Chorioretinitis + Intracranial calcification + Symmetric IUGR ----- think of Congenital Toxoplasmosis. Remember to distinguish b/w Intracranial calcification due to toxoplasmosis and Periventricular calcification due to CMV inf. * ZIG ZAG skin lesion + Microphthalmia + Extremity hypoplasia ----- think of Congenital varicella. (note thalidomide also cause phocomilia) * Congenital deafness + Congenital cataract + Congenital heart disease ----- think of Congenital Rubella. (note Isotrenitoin & Streptomycin also cause deafness) * INITIAL PRENATAL LAB FOR STDs : Chlamydia / Gonorrhea --- screen with DNA probe. HBV ----------------------------- screen with HBsAg Syphillis ------------------------ screen with VDRL / RPR. Definitive dx with MHA / FTA. HIV ------------------------------ screen with ELISA. Definitive dx with Western Blot. * POST TERM PRAGNANCY --- Prenatal mortality is 2 - 3 fold higher in post term pragnancies. OB TRIAD : +Preterm Labor (20 - 36 wks gestation) -- is defined as > 3 contraction in 30 mins, Cervical dilation > 2 cm or changing. vs. +Preterm Contraction (20 - 36 wks gestation) -- is defined as > 3 contraction in 30 mins, cervical dilation < 2 cm and not changing. +Rupture of membrane -- Posterior fornix pooling, Fluid is Nitrazine (phenaphthazine) + ve, Glass slide drying shows + ve Fern. (risk of chorioamnionitis) +Chorioamnionitis -- Ruptured membrane, maternal fever, No UTI or URI. +Gestational HTN (occur > 20 wks gestation) -- is non sustained HTN that occur after 20 weeks gestation with out proteinuria. +Mild Preeclampsia (occur > 20 wks gestation) -- is Sustained HTN (> 140 / 90 mmHg) with proteinuria > 300 mg / 24 hr. +Severe Preeclampsia (occur > 20 wks gestation) -- is Sustained HTN (> 160 / 110 mmHg) with proteinuria > 5 gm / 24 hrs . also. Severe Preeclampsia (occur > 20 wks gestation) -- is Sustained HTN (> 140 / 90 mmHg) with headache, epigastric pain or visual changes. also. Severe Preeclampsia (occur > 20 wks gestation) -- is Sustained HTN (> 140 / 90 mmHg) with DIC or Inc Liver enz or Pulmonary edema. +Chronic HTN (occur < 20 wks gestation or prepragnancy) -- is Sustained HTN (>140 / 90 mmHg) + / - proteinuria. +Chronic HTN with Superimposed Preeclampsia -- is Chronic HTN + Worsening BP + Worsening Proteinuria. * HELLP $ -- Hemolysis + Inc Liver enz + dec Platelets. * Peripartum Cardiomyopathy -- occur in last few wks of pregnancy & the first few postpartum months in multiperuos women ÷ Biventricular Heart failure. (Peripartum Cardiomyopathy is Idiopathic biventricular cardiac decompensation occur in pt with no underlying heart dis b/w last few weeks of pregnancy & the first few months of post partum. Risk factors are advanced maternal age, multiparity, multiple pregnancy, HTN. Mortality rate is 75% if reversal does not occur with in 6 month. Managent is supportive with in ICU). * Prenatal Magnesium toxicity -- Preterm tocolysis, Respiratory depression, muscle weakness. * Prenatal Beta Agonists (Ritrodrin) -- Preterm tocolysis, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia. * Prenatal Ca Channel blocker -- Preterm tocolysis, hypotension, myocardial depression. * Prenatal Indomethacin -- Preterm labor tocolysis, Oligohydramnios, PDA closure in utero. POST TERM PREGNANCY : +Macrosomia $ -- cesarean rate Inc owing to prolonged & arrested labor. Shoulder dystocia is common with risk of fetal hypoxemia & Brachial plexus injury. 106 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS +Dysmaturity $ -- In minority of pts placental function declines (due to infarction & aging ÷ placental scarring, loss of SC tissue) ÷ + metabolic & respiratory support to fetus with resultant Asphyxia ÷ | prenatal morbidity & mortality. Cesarean rate in | in this group owing to non assuirng FHR pattern. Oligohydramnios ÷ umbilical cord compression ÷ hypoxia ÷ Acidosis with resultant in utero meconium passage. * NEW YORK HEART ASSOCIATION FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF HEART DIS IN PREGNANCY : Class I ------ no signs or Sxs of cardiac decompensation with physical activity. Class II ----- no Sxs at rest but minor limitation with activity. Class III ---- no Sxs at rest but marked limitation with activity. Class IV ---- Sxs present at rest, increasing with any physical activity. * MANAGEMENT OF PRAGNANCY WITH HEART DISEASE : Pragnancy with Rheumatic Mitral heart dis --- managed by Minimizing tachycardia and minimizing excessive intravascular vol. Specific Management : (v imp) Antepartum -- Left lateral Rest, 2 g sodium diet, digitalis & diuretics, Avoid anemia & strenous activtiy. Do Fetal Echo (if pt has congenital heart dis). Intrapartum -- Aim vaginal delivery, Left lateral Rest, monitor Intravascular vol, O2, Reassurance, sedation, SBE prophylaxis, Epidural, No pushing. Elective forcep to shorten the 2nd stage of labour; Possible arterial line & pulmonary artery catheter (if class III or IV status) Postpartum -- Watch closely for postpartum intravascular overload (due to sudden emptying of uterine venous sinus after delivery). * Gestational Diabetes Mellitis (GDM) -- Target FBS is < 90 mg/dL and 1 hr after meal is < 140 mg/dL. 80% pt with GDM maintain their glucose with Diet Therapy. Rest need Medical intervention. * INSULIN dose in pregnancy with DM type I, DM type II or GDM : Insulin does not cross placenta. 1st trimester dose = 0.8 × body wt in kg. 2/3 of total daily dose in morning split into 2/3 NPH & 1/3 Reg. 1/3 in evening split into 1/2 NPH & 1/2 Reg. 2nd Trimester dose = 1.0 × body wt in kg. 2/3 of total daily dose in morning split into 2/3 NPH & 1/3 Reg. 1/3 in evening split into 1/2 NPH & 1/2 Reg. 3rd Trimester dose = 1.2 × body wt in kg. 2/3 of total daily dose in morning split into 2/3 NPH & 1/3 Reg. 1/3 in evening split into 1/2 NPH & 1/2 Reg. * Only Glyburide cross placenta minimally & is used in pt with GDM who cannot be cntrolled by diet alone. (all other oral hypoglycemics cross placenta). * CAUDAL REGRESSION $ -- rare disorder but highly specific for Overt Diabetes Mellitis but is not the most common. (v imp) Partial absence of the tail bone regions of the spine to more severe cases involving major malformation of the lower vertebrae, pelvis and spine with resultant major birth defects, neurological impairment and incontinence. Minor cases may be more or less without symptom. Remember MC congenital fetal anomaly in praganant women with Overt DM is Neural tube defect & Congenital heart dis because hyperglycemia mediate those anomalies. vs. Anomalies are not Inc in GDM because hyperglycemia in GDM occur in second half of the pragnancy. OB TRIAD : + Iron def Anemia -- Hb < 10 g + MCV < 80 µm3 + RDW > 15 %. + Folate def Anemia -- Hb < 10 g + MCV > 100 µm3 + RDW > 15 %. + Asymptomatic Bactiurea -- No urgency, frequency or burning + No fever + Positive Urine culture. TX -- + Acute Cystitis -- Urgency frequency & burning + No fever + Positive Urine culture . TX -- + Acute Pyelonephritis -- Urgency, frequency & buring + Fever & Costovertebral angle tenderness + Positive Urine culture . TX -- * DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS -- Classical description is pain, redness; & + ve Homan's sign. Homan's sign is forced plantar flexion of the ankle cause pain. Homan sign are inconsistently found in DVT & cannot be solely relied on. * Base line FHR is 110 - 160 beats / min. (Acceleration & Variability is normally present; and Deceleration is absent). * Variability -- is base line FHR fluctuation in amplitude & frquency of > 2 cycles /min. (It is a normal autonomic interplay b/w symp & para symp stimulation) Absent variability is non reassuring. Normal variability is 6 - 25 beats/min. * Non stress test (NST) use Cardiotocography to find out fetal well being. It could be reactive or non reactive. Reactive NST -- Criteria is > 2 acceleration in 20 min, | FHR > 15 B/min & lasting > 15 secs. It is Reassuring. On Follow up repeat weekly / Biweekly. Non Reactive NST -- No FHR acceleration or did not meet Criteria. Causes are Sleeping, immaturity, sedated fetus, acidotic fetus, compromised fetus. Follow up with Vibroacoustic stimulation (VAS), if still nonreactive do Contraction stress test (CST) or Biophysical profile (BPP). * Non recative NST & no uterine contraction (UC shows on CST tracing) -- It is not reassuring next step is VAS. (imp plz see fig 12 .1 in Kaplan OBGYN) Non reactive NST with out late deceleration and - ve CST suggest fetal sleep or Neurologic abnormality. Non reactive NST with late deceleration and + ve CST is highly suggestive of fetal compromise. * Repitetive Late deceleration seen in the presence of 3 Uterine Contractions (UC) in 10 min -- It is worrisome sp with Non reactive NST. Do prompt delivery. * BPP -- Measures 5 component of fetal well being (NST, Amniotic fluid vol, Fetal gross body movement, Fetal extremity tone, Fetal breathing movement). All components are measured with U/S except NST which uses Cardiotocography. Scoring each component from 0 - 2 with max of total 10. Modified BPP includes only NST and Amniotic fluid vol, its predictive value is as high as Complete BPP. Score of 8 - 10 is highly Reassuring. Management : repeat weekly. Score of 4 - 6 is Worrisome. Management : Delivery if fetus is > 36 weeks. Repeat BPP in 12 - 24 hrs if < 36 weeks. Alternate is to perform CST. Score of 0 - 2 is highly predictive of Fetal Hypoxia with low probability of false positive. Management : Prompt delivery regardless of gestational age. * AMNIOTIC FLUID INDEX (AFI) : 9 - 25 cm ---- Normal. < 5 cm ---- Oligohydramnios. 5 - 8 cm ---- Borderline. > 25 cm ---- Polyhydramnios. 107 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Absent Diastolic flow and Reversed Diastolic flow are not reassurance finding and may indicate need for fetal delivery. * ATTITUDE is the degree of extension or flexion of fetal head. It present as Vertex (most common) --- Head is maximally flexed Military ---------------------- Head is partially flexed Brow ------------------------- Head is partially extend Face -------------------------- Head is maximally extend * Stage 1 Active phase usually begin with 3 - 4 cm dilation and ends with 10 cm. * PROLONG LATENT PHASE LABOR -- Cervical dilation of s 3 cm for > 20 hrs in Primipera & > 14 hrs in Multipera with Regular contractions. Causes -- Analgesia, Hypotonic contraction, Hypertonic contraction (but with inadequate frequency and duration). Management -- Therapeutic rest and sedation. * PROLONG OR ARRESTED ACTIVE PHASE LABOR : ARRESTED ACTIVE PHASE is the DX if Cervical dilation of > 3 cm that does not change for > 2 hrs with regular contraction. PROLONG ACTIVE PHASE is DX if dilatation is < 1.2 cm /hrs in primipera and < 1.5 cm /hr in multipera with regular uterine contraction. Causes -- Fetal size, abnormal fetal orientation, abnormality of pelvis, inadequate uterine contraction. Management -- Contraction should occur every 2 - 3 min and last 45 - 60 sec with 50 mmHg intensity. If contraction are hypotonic give Oxytocin and morphine for sedation. If Contractions are adequate do emergency Cesarian. * PROLONG SECOND STAGE LABOR -- Failure to deliver the baby in 2 hr (in Primipera) & 1 hr (in Multipera). Add 1 hr with epidural analgesia. Causes -- same as active phase (pessenger, pelvis or power) Management -- coach maternal pushing efforts. If Fetal head is engaged use forcep or vacume. if Fetal head is not engaged do emergecy cesarean. * PROLONG THIRD STAGE LABOR -- Failure to deliver the placenta with in 30 min. Causes -- Inadequate uterine contraction (if IV oxytocin does not seperate the placenta think abnormal placetal implantation, eg plcenta accreta, increta, precreta) Management -- Manual placenta removal or rarely hysterectomy. * PROLAPSED UMBILICAL CORD -- Prolapse umbilical cord can be Occult, Partial, or complete (umbilical cord protrude into the vagina) Causes -- Rupture of mem, mal presentation. Management -- Place the pt in Knee Chest position, elevate the presenting part and immidiate Cesarean. Remember never hold the cord, never palate the cord, and never try to push it back. * SHOULDER DYSTOCIA -- Causes -- DM, macrosomia (but 50% occur in fetus < 4000gm), post dated pragnancy, obesity. Management -- McROBERTS MANEUVER, WOODS CORK SCREW MANEUVER ZAVANELLI MANEUVER. OB TRIAD : + Prolong latent phase -- Regular uterine contractions. + Cervix dilated to 2 cm. + No cervical change in 14 hrs. + Prolong Active phase -- Regular uterine contractions. + Cervix dilated 8 cm. + 2 cm change in 4 hrs. vs. + Active phase Arrest -- Regular uterine contractions. + Cervix dilated 8 cm. + No cervical change in 3 hrs. + Second Stage Arrest -- Regular uterine contractions. + 10 cm dilation + 1 station. + No descent change in 3 hrs. + Prolapsed Umbilical cord -- Regular uterine contractions. + Amniotomy at - 2 station + Severe variable deceleration. + Paracervical Block Effect -- Term pragnancy in Active labor + Local Anesthetic injection into cervix + Immidiate fetal Bradycardia. vs. + Epidural Block Side Effect -- Term pregnancy in Active labor + Conduction Anesthesia given + 1/2 body numb, 1/2 body pain. vs. 108 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS + High Spinal Intrathecal -- Term pregnancy in Active labor + Conduction Anesthesia given + Pt stops breathing. + Early Decelerations -- Gradual Drop and Gradual Return of FHR which is Mirror image of Uterine contraction. (reassuring) vs. + Variable Deceleration -- Sudden Drop and Sudden Return of FHR which is Variable in Relation to Uterine contraction. (reassuring) vs. + Late Deceleration -- Gradual Drop and Gradual Return of FHR which is Delayed in relation to Uterine contraction. (worrisme. do prompt delivery). + Impaired Maternal - Infant Bonding -- Postpartum day 1 + SVD (1900 g, 31 wks male in NICU) + Mom show no interest in baby. Management : Psychosocial evaluation and support. + Postpartum Blue -- Postpartum day 2 + S/P SVD of term normal baby + Mom cares for baby (tears). Management : Conservative with social support. + Postpartum Depression -- Postpartum day 21 + S/P SVD of term normal baby + Mom does not get out of bed (does not care for self & baby). Management : Psychotherapy & Antidepressant. + Postpartum Psychosis -- Postpartum day 21 + S/P SVD of term normal baby + Mom exhibits Bizarre behavior, Hallucination. Management : Hospitalization, Antipsychotic medication and Psychotherapy. * UTERINE INVERSION -- MC risk factor is myometrium weakness, Other cause are Previous uterine inversion. Manifestation -- Beefy mass in the vagina and failure to palpate uterus in palvic cavity. Management -- Uterine replacement by elevating vaginal fornices & liftng the uterus back into its normal anatomic position, followed by IV Oxytocin. * SEPTIC THROMBOPHLEBITIS (postpartum) -- Persistent fever despite broad spectrum antibiotics in the presence of Normal pelvic & physical exam. imp Management -- IV Heparin for 7 - 10 days (maintain PTT value at 1.5 - 2.0 times the base line) * PELVIC RELAXATION TYPES: CYSTOCELE (urinary Incontinence), RECTOCELE (digitally assisted removal of stool), ENTEROCELE, UTERINE PROLAPSE. Management : Anterior Colporrhaphy for CYSTOCELE and Posterior Colporrhaphy for RECTOCELE. These pt should walk imidiate post operative period but no wt bearing activity till 3 months to avoid reccurance of Pelvic relaxation. * Q-Tip Test -- determines the descent of the normal urethrovesical junction contributing to stress incontinence in women, > 30 degree Inc during exertional activities indicates a hypermobile urethrovescial junction * Normal bladder residual is < 50 mL. * STRESS INCONTINENCE -- Involuntary loss of urine with coughing & sneezing, But no urinary loss at night. Management -- Kegel Exersize and Estrogen for Post menopausal women. Surgical Correction (Urethropexy) by attaching sphincters to the symphysis pubis, using Burch Procedure, and Marshall - Marchetti - Kranz Procedure (MMK). success rate is 85 -90% for both procedure. Minimal Invasive surgical procedure is Tension free vaginal tape placed trancutaneously around the mid urethera to provide resistance. * HYPERTONIC BLADDER -- failure to suppress the urge to void. Involuntary Urine loss occur day and night. Management -- Anticholinergic Oxybutynin. NSAIDs inhibit detrusor contraction. TCA and Ca++ channel blocker. * HYPOTONIC BLADDER -- Involuntary loss of urine due to failure of detrusor muscle to contract. Involuntary Urine loss occur day and night. Management -- Intermittent self catheterization may be necessary. Discontineous offending medication Cholinergic to stimulate contraction bladder, o Adrenergic blocker relax bladder neck & o Adrenergic contract bladder neck (urethra). * BYPASS INCONTINENCE -- From fistula formation due Radical pelvic surgery or Radiation. Involuntary Urine loss occur day & night contineously. Dx -- Investigative studies (urinanalysis and culture normal; IV pyelogram will demonstrate fistula; IV Indigo carmine dye will leak onto vaginal tampon). Management -- Surgical Repair of fistula. * BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS -- Vaginal discharge (pH > 4.5) with fishy order. demonstrate Clue cells. DX -- Do whiff test and wet mound. Management : tx of choice is Metronidazole or Clindamycin either orally or vaginally. (Metronidazole is safe to use in pregnancy even in 1st trimester). * TRICHOMONAS VAGINITIS -- Frothy green discharge (pH < 4.5). Iching & burning. Strawberry cervix. edmatous & inflamed Vaginal epithelium. TX -- Metronidazole. * YEAST VAGINITIS -- Curdy white Vaginal discharge (pH < 4.5). Icthing & burning, vaginal epithelium is edematous & inflamed. Psuedohyphae. TX -- Single dose Fluconazole, or azole cream. * PHYSIOLOGIC VAGINAL DISCHARGE -- Excessive thin watery clear vaginal discharge with out any abnormality, commonly due to prolong anovulatory conditions such as in polycystic ovary disease. Management -- Steroid contraceptive with progestin which convert thin watery discharge (estrogen dominant) into thick sticky mucous (progestin dominant). * NABOTHIAN CYST -- Benign mucous filled cyst on the surface of the cervix. It may be single or multiple. TX -- Electrocautery or cryotherapy. * VULVAR DYSTROPHIES must also be consider in pt with vulvar ITCHING. * DIAGNOSTIC OPTIONS FOR CERVICAL PATHOLOGY ATYPICAL SQUAMOUS CELLS - Undetermined Significance (ASC - US) ---- Do PAP (4-6 months), HPV DNA Typing, Colposcopy Biopsy. ATYPICAL SQUAMOUS CELLS - H (ASC - H) ----------------------------------------- Do Colposcopy Biopsy. LOW GRADE SQUAMOUS INTRAEPITHELIAL LESION (LSIL) ----------------- Do Colposcopy Biopsy HIGH GRADE SQUAMOUS INTRAEPITHELIAL LESION (HSIL) ---------------- Do Colposcopy Biopsy Other Tests are Endocervical Curettage, Ectocervical Biopsy, Compare Pap smear and Biopsy, Cone Biopsy. 109 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS MANAGEMENT OF CERVICAL DYSPLASIA -- (CIN = cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) CIN 1 -- Do Observation, repeat Pap, Colposcopy, and HPV DNA Typing. Ablative Therapy (Cryotherapy, Laser, Electrofulguration). Excisional Procedure (LEEP, Cold knife cone) CIN 2 and CIN 3 -- Do Ablative therapy (Cryotherapy, Laser, Electrofulguration) Excisional Procedure (LEEP, Cold knife cone). Do Hysterectomy if CIN 2 or CIN 3 is recurrent. MANAGEMENT OF INVASIVE CERVICAL CANCER -- Cervical Cancer Stage Ia1 -- Lesion s 3 mm with minimal Invasion do Simple Hysterectomy (removal of uterus only. spareing fallopian tube) Cervical Cancer Stage Ia2 -- Lesion > 3mm but s 5mm with microinvasion do Medified Radical Hysterectomy (removal of uterus, cervix. spareing fallopian tube) Cervical Cancer Stage Ib -- Lesion > 5mm with Frank Invasion do Radical Hysterectomy. (removal of uterus, parametrium, cervix, upper vagina. lymphnode, ovaries) * ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA -- Unopposed Estrogen results into Endometrial hyperplasia. Management -- Simple or Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia without Atypia -------- give Progestin Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia with Atypia --------- do Hysterectomy and Progestin Endometrial Carcinoma -------- do Total Abdominal Hyterectomy (TAH) and Bilateral Salpingo Oopherectomy (BSO) DIFFERENTIAL DX OF ENLARGED NON PRAGNANT UTERUS -- * LEIOMYOMA -- Asymmetric, Firm and Non Tender vs. ADENOMYOSIS (Adenomyoma) -- Symmetric, Soft and Tender. * Leiomyoma Management -- First observation and Serial pelvic exam. GnRH analogue for 3 - 6 months dec the size by 70%. regrowth can occur after tx. Myomectomy is done to preserve fertlity. Embolization preserve uterus. Hysterectomy is done when fertility is not required. * OVARIAN HYPERTHECOSIS -- Nest of theca cells in ovary producing | androgen ÷ | peripheral estrogen production. | risk of Endometriosis hyperplasia and Endometrial cancer, Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Manifestion -- Amenorrhea, Irregular Anovulatory cycle, Acanthosis nigricans (suggestive of severe insulin resistance), hirsuitism, virilization, clitoralmegaly. TX -- oral contraceptives. * LEUTEOMA of Pregnancy-- Rare Asymptomatic Non Neoplastic ovarian mass producing | Androgen ÷ maternal & fetal Hirsutism & Virilization. It Emerges during pragnancy Regress spontaneously after delivery. Usually discover incedentally during cesarean. * THECA LUTEIN CYSTS -- Benign Neoplasm stimulated by | FSH & | hCG. Associated with twin and molar pregnancy. It regress spontaneously after delivery and require only conservative management. * GERM CELL TUMOR -- GCT must be consider in a teenager with complex adnexal mass on sonography. DX -- LDH (for Dysgerminoma). | - hCG (for choriocarcnoma). o FP (for Endodermal Sinus tumor). * DYSGERMINOMA -- Appear as solid pelvic mass in reproductive years. It is | hCG - ve and | LDH level. * PREPUBERTAL PELVIC MASS (whether simple cyst or complex mass) -- must be diagnosed with Laprotomy. imp. Management -- For Benign prepubertal pelvic mass do Cystectomy and Annual Follow up. For Malignant prepubertal mass do Unilateral Salpingo - oophorectomy U S&O + staging + chemotherapy. 95% survival wiith chemo tx. GYN TRIAD : +Ovarian Torsion -- Abrupt unilateral pelvic pain + | hCG neg + Sonogram 12 cm Adnexal mass. +Benign Cystic teratoma -- Pelvic mass (reproductive yrs) + | hCG neg + Complex calcific mass. +Serous Carcinoma -- Post menopausal women + Pelvic mass + | CEA or CEA - 25 level. (CA 125 & CEA always rise in Epithelial tumor) +Choriocarcinoma -- Post menopausal women + Pelvic mass + | hCG level. +Sertoli Leydig tumor -- Post menopausal pelvic mass + Masculinization + | Testosterone. +Endometrial Carcinoma metastatic to Ovaries -- Post menopausal women with Bilateral mass + Postmenopausal bleeding + Enlarged uterus. * MOLAR PREGNANCY -- HTN + Proteinuria in < 20 week of pregnancy with no fetal heart sound & vaginal passage of vesicles suggest molar pregnancy or Hydatidiforme Mole. | Incidence in Taiwan & phillipine. H MOLE (GESTATTIONAL TROPHOBLASTIC NEOPLASIA) -- Risk factors are age < 20 or > 35 yrs and folate def. Show snow strom pattern on U/S. MC site for distant metastasis is lung (always obtain CXR to rule out metastasis). It may also results into bilateral ovarian cysts (Theca Lutein cyst). Perform Suction D&C to evacuate Intraurine content & start OCP for 1 yr to ensure no confusion between rising | hCG from normal preganacy or dis. Follow up | hCG titer every week until - ve for 3 weeks, than monthly titer for 12 months. Persistent | | hCG suggest metastatic dis & need invetigation. For Good prognotic dis -- single chemotherapeutic agent methotrexate or actinomycin D is given until weekly | hCG becomes - ve for 3 weeks than monthly titer for 1 yr. follow up for 1 yr. For Poor prognotic dis -- multiple agents methotrexate + Actinomuycin D + Cytoxan is given until weekly | hCG become - ve. than monthy titer for 2 yrs than every 3 month titer for 3 yrs. Follow up for 5 yrs. | hCG > 40000 holds poor prognosis. * CERVICITIS -- no pelvic pain, tx is single dose PO Cefixime or Azythromycin. * Acute Salpingo Oophoritis -- Bilateral Abdominal / pelvic pain + Mucoprulent cervical discharge + Cervical motion tenderness -- Fever, nausea, vomiting. OUT Pt TX -- Ofloxacin + Metronidazole bid for 14 days. IN Pt TX -- Cefoxitin or Cefotetan + Doxicycline or Clindamycin + Gentamycin. * Chronic Salpingo Oophoritis -- Bilateral Abdominal / pelvic pain + no cervical discharge + Cervical motion tenderness -- No fever, abnormal vaginal bleeding DX -- is based on laproscopic visualization of pelvic adhesion. Sonography shows bilateral cystic pelvic masses consistent with Hydrosalpinx. 110 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS MANAGEMENT -- Mild pain use analgesic. Lysis of tubal adhesion may be helpful in infertility. Severe pain may require TAH & BSO; If ovaries has to be removed than Estrogen replacement therapy must be indicated. * TUBO OVARIAN ABSCESS (TOA) -- Severe pelvic pain pt look septic. Often severe back pain, pain with bowel movement and rectal pain. CLINICAL PRESENTATION -- Palpable bilateral adnexal mass, preitoneal signs with garding, hypotention, high fever, nauzea & vomiting. TX -- for IN Pt IV Clindamycin + Gentamycin Should produce results in 72 hrs. If case of tube ruptured with free abscess in peritoneal cavity emergency laprotomy required with possibe Transabdomin hysterectomy (TAH) and Bilateral salpingo oopherectomy (BSO), or Percutaneous drainage through colpotomy. * ENDOMETRIOSIS (Chronic pelvic pain + Painful intercourse + Painful bowel movement) -- is Endometrial stroma out side the uterus commonly on ovary results into endometriomas or Chocolate cyst (endometrial tissue enlargement due to menses). It is not a premalignant condition. 2nd MC place for endometriosis is cul de sac (manifest as a pain on rectovaginal exam). Menstruation in cul de sac cause fibrosis and adhesion of the bowel to pelvic organ which results into DYSPAREUNIA (which explains painful bowel movement "Dyschezia"). Fibrosis may result into fixed uterus. DX -- is made by Laproscopy (also for definitive dx). TX -- Goal is to make Ectopic endometrium atrophic. PSUEDOPREGNANCY method achieved by MEDOXYPROGESTRONE, or OCP which mimic the effect of pragnancy (atrophy of endometrial tissue due to progestrone). PSUEDOMENOPAUSE method can be achieved by TESTOSTERONE, GnRH analog (Leuprolide) or DMPA (which suppress FSH and LH). SURGERY is another method (could be conservtive " Laser, or cystectomy etc" or aggressive "TAH , BSO"). Follow up is yearly. * CHANCROID -- STD that caused by H. Ducreyi ÷ Painful ulcer with ragged edges . DX -- made clinicaly after excluding syphillis & herpes. DX Confirm by culture. TX - Single dose Azithromycin or Ceftriaxone. or Erythromycin for 7 days, * LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENEREUM -- STD caused by C. trachomatis Type L. It presents initial painless ulcer that heals spontaneously few weeks later recur as adenopathy with classical GROOVE Sign (adenopathic swelling and grooving) DX -- is clinically by ruling out syphilis and Herpes. Definitive dx is by culture from the pus. TX -- Single dose of Ceftriaxone or Azythromycin. Or Erythromycin for 3 weeks. OTHER CLAYMEDIAL INF (STD, PID etc) is dx by Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) from cervical discharge or urine. TX -- Doxicyclin for 7 days or single dose Azithromycin . Repeating test in 3 - 4 weeks after cmpleting tx is recommanded in pregnant. Coitus should be avioded for 1 week after tx. * LYMPHOGRANULOMA INGUINALE (DONOVANOSIS) -- IC gram - ve Calymmatobacterium Granulomatis. Presents Initial painless ulcer, forming beefy red granulation tissue with out regional lymphadenopathy. chronic scaring can lead to lymphatic obstruction ÷ vulvar enlargement. DX -- Ulcer smear reveal Donovan bodies. . TX -- Doxicycline or TMP / SMX for 3 weeks. Note: there is no lymphadenopathy in Lymphogranuloma granulomatis where as it is present in Lymphogranuloma vanereum * CONDYLOMA ACUMINTUM -- Most common STD in women. Most common viral STD. caused by HPV type 6 & 11. It cause painful, odorous & some time bleeding cauliflower like mass. DX -- clinically by appearance. TX -- Topical Podophyllin, Trichloroacetic acid, Imiquimod for small lesion. Cryotherapy, laser vaporization, surgerical excesion for larger lesion. Remember cervical carcinoma & vulvar carcinoma is caused by HPV type 16 & 18 * WORD CATHETER is used to drain bartholin cyst as in Gonorrhea or other infectious diseases. MARSUPIALIZATION surgical technique to drain cystic abscess as in bartholin cyst. * OCP are Absolutely contraindicated in Pregnancy, Acute liver dis, Hx of vascular dis (stroke, thromboembolism, CVA, Deep venous thrombosis), SLE, Smoker >35, Uncontrolled HTN, Migrane with aura, DM with vascular dis, known thrombophilia. * OCP are Relatively contraindicated in Migrane, Depression, DM, Chronic HTN and hyperlipidemia. * Progesterone only OCP also called mini pill are associated with occasional break through bleeding in some individual. * Post Coital Contraceptives are Levonorgestral (Plan B) is used immidiately after coitus and 2nd pill with in 12 hrs. * ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATION FOR IUS -- are pregnancy, malignancy, vaginal bleeding, salpingitis (any GU infection). RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATION FOR IUS -- Abnormal uterine size or shape, valvular heart dis, immune suppression, Corticosteroids, nulligravidity, Hx of ectopic pregnancy, abnormal pap smear, uterine fibroids(Leiomyoma) (Subserosal Fibroid is not contraindication for IUS because it on the surface rather than endouterine cavity). Menstrual Bleeding & pain may | with copper (PARAGUARD) IUS but not with Progestrone (MIRENA Levonorgestrel) IUS. COMPLICATION OF IUS -- Expulsion, Ectopic pregnancy (rememeber IUS it self does not cause ectopic pregnancy), septic abortion, uterine perforaton, PID (in first 2 months). * DUB -- Neg pregnancy test + Abnormal vaginal bleeding without any anatomical cause suggest hormonal imbalance. The MCC of DUB is Anovulation. Unopposed Estrogen (due to Anovulation) contineously stimulate Endometrium without secretory phase remember Estrogen dominant endometrium is structurally unstable, as it increasingly thickening it undergo randomly, disorderly unpredictable 111 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS breakdown resulting in breakthrough bleeding. DX --- Anovulatory cycle is dx by hx of irregular unpredictable bleeding without cramping, cervical mucous will be clear, thin & watery. Basal body temp will not show mid cycle temp rise. Biopsy show proliferative Endometrium. Management -- Cyclic Progestin therapy from day 14 - 25 of each cycle or by Daily Combination OCPs. Failed Hormonal therapy require Endometrial Ablation (Microwave or thermal method) or Hysterectomy. Remember Progesterone stabalize the endometrium in latter half of the cycle and prevent random breakdown. when progestin discontineous on last week of month, spiral arteriolar spasm result into prostaglandin release, necrosis and orderly shedding of endometrium. Other causes of Anovulation are Hypothyroidism, Hyperprolactinemia. * PRIMARY AMNORRHEA - Occur in Mullerian Agenesis, Androgen Insensitivity, Gonadal Agenesis, HP Axis & Kallmann $. In Mullerian Agenesis (46XX) and Androgen Insensitivity (46XY) breast are present but uterus is absent. vs. In Gonadal Agenesis (45 X), Hypothalamo - pituitary Axis Failure and Kallmann syndrome Breast are - ve and uterus is present. GYN TRIAD : +Mullerian Agenesis -- Primary Amenorrhea + Breast present but Uterus absent + Pubic / axillary hair present. +Androgen Insensitivity -- Primary Amenorrhea + Breast present but Uterus absent + Pubic / Axillary hair absent. +Gonadal dysgenesis -- Primary Amenorrhea + Breast absent but Uterus present + Inc FSH level. +Hypothalamic Pituitary Failure -- Primary Amenorrhea + Breast absent but Uterus present + dec FSH level. +Kallmann Syndrome -- Primary Amenorrhea + Breast absent Uterus present + Anosmia. * SECONDARY AMENORRHEA -- Pregnancy is most common cause of Sec Amenorrhea. Other causes are classified by alteratrion of FSH & LH levels, that include Hypogonadotropic (hypothalamic or pituitary dysfunc), Hypergonadotropic ( Ovarian Follicular Failure), Eugonadotropic (Pregnancy, Anovulation, Uterine or Outflow tract pathology). Anovulation -- If no corpus leuteum is present to produce progesterone than there will be unopposed Estrogen stimulation of endometrium which results into irregular unpredictable bleeding with watery vaginal discharge. Causes are Polycystic ovary syndrome, Hypothyroidism, Pituitary adenoma, Elevated prolactin, and medication such as Antipsychotic and Antidepressants. Estrogen Def -- Without adequate estrogen priming the endometrium will be atrophic (no proliferative changes), Causes are Absence of functional ovarian follicle, or Hypothalamic pituitary insufficiency. Outflow Tract Obstruction -- Menstruation flow will not occur if the endometrial cavity is oblitrated or stenosis of the lower reproductive tract is present. MANAGEMENT OF SECONDARY AMENORRHEA -- Fisrt -- First check | hCG to rule out pregnancy. Second -- If | hCG is negative check for Hypothyroidism. Remember Primary Hypothyroidism will results into | TSH and | PL. Third -- check| PL level (causes are Antipsychotic, Antidepressant "have Antidopamine side effect"). Note - dopamine inhibit PL. Prolactinoma (can be tx with Bromocriptine if tumor is < 1 cm or surgerically if tumor is > 1cm). Idiopathic Inc in PL -- tx with Bromocriptine. Fourth -- If all above is normal Do Progesterone Challenge test (PCT) either with single IM dose of progesterone or 7 days oral Medroxyprogesterone (MPA). Positive PCT -- results into withdrawel bleeding and suggest abscence of progesterone. Negative PCT -- shows abscence of withdrawel bleeding & suggest either Estrogen def or out flow obstruction . clomiphene induced ovulation is required if pregnancy is desired. Fifth -- If all above is normal & PCT is - ve Do Estrogen Progesterone challenge test (EPCT) by giving 21 days oral estrogen followed by 7 days MPA. Positive EPCT-- results into withdrawel bleeding which suggest Estrogen def. Do FSH level check for definite dx. Negative EPCT -- Absence of withdrawel bleeding suggest outflow obstruction or Endometrial scarring (Asherman $). Now do Hysterosalpinogram to identify the lesion. * Asherman $ -- caused by excessive curetage , infections induced adhesion. TX -- hysteroscopic adhesion lysis and Inflatable Stent placement into the uterine cavity to prevent re adhesion. Sixth -- Do serum FSH level check if EPCT is positive. Inc FSH suggest ovarian failure due to Y chromosome mosaicism (if < age 25) or Resistant ovary $ (Savage $). Low FSH suggest hypothalamic - pituitary insufficiency. (do CT to rule out brian tumor). GYN TRIAD : +Anovulatory Bleeding (phsiologic) -- Irregular, unpredictable vaginal bleeding + 13 yrs old adolescent + Normal height & wt. +Anovulatory bleeding (chronic) -- Irregular, unpredictable vaginal bleeding + 33 yrs old women + Obese, Hypertensive. +Idiopathic or Constitutional Precocious puberty -- Complete Isosexual precocious puberty + 6 yrs old girl + Normal MRI. +Precocious puberty due to CNS lesion -- Complete Isosexual precocious puberty + 4 yrs old girl + Abnormal MRI. +McCune Albright Syndrome -- Complete Isosexual precocious puberty + 6 yrs old girl + Cafe au lait spots. +Granulosa cell tumor induced precocious puberty -- Complete Isosexual precocious puberty + 6 yrs old girl + pelvic mass. 112 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY -- Are either Gonadotropin depandant or Gonadotropin Independant. * Gonadotropin Dependant : because of | Estrogen secretion due to premature release of Gonadotropins from hypothalamus. Idiopathic -- MC explanation is constitutional with out pathology, accounts for 80% of precocious puberty. Dx is usually after CNS imaging shows no pathology. TX -- GnRH agoinst (Leuprolide or Lupron) suppression of gonadotropin until appropriate maturity and height has been reached. CNS Pathology -- Rare cause of precocious puberty. Lesion may results into hydrocephalus or may be due to Von Recklinghausen dis, Meningitis, Sarcoid & Encephalitis. CNS imaging is abnormal, pt is usually < 6 yrs old. Tx -- according to specific cause. * Gonadotropin Independant : occur because Estrogen production is independant of Gonadotropin secretion. McCune - Albright $ (Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia) -- It is due to Autonoumous stimulation of Aromatase enz production of estrogen by the ovaries. It cause multiple cystic bone lesion & Cafe au lait skin spots. (Cause 5% precocious puberty) Tx -- Aromatase enz inhibitor . Granulosa cell tumor -- Rare cause of precocious puberty is Gonadal stromal cell ovarian tumor that autonomously Produce Estrogen. + ve Pelvic mass on examination or imaging. Tx -- surgical removal of mass. * PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) is the severe form of PMS. Dx criteria for PMS is presence of Sxs for at least 3 consecutive months vs. Dx criteria for PMDD is presence of Sxs for at least 1 yr (most symptoms should be during last week of Luteal phase). * HIRSUTISM (+/- Virilization) -- Hirsutism male pattern hair distribution in female with gradual or abrupt onset. Virlization is male pattern hair distribution plus Musculinization signs (eg baldness, clitorimegaly etc) in female. IDIOPATHIC | 5o Reductase Activity -- gradual onset of Hirsuitism & is the MCC of Androgen Excess in women. Other exams / hormones are normal. Management -- tx of choice is Spironolactone (K+ sparing diuretics blocks androgen receptor). Eflornithine is topical tx of unwanted facial and chin hair. (Eflornithine is Ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor which slows the growth and differentiation of the cell with in the hair follicle) * POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN $ -- Hyperandrogenism + Insulin resistance + Acanthosis Nigricans POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN $ -- steady state of Gonadotropins & Sex steroids with resultant anovulation, Infertility & hirsutism. Pathophysio -- with out ovulation there is no Corpus luteum to produce progesterone which leave estrogen unoppesed. Unopposed estrogen ÷ Endometrial hyperplasia and irregular bleeding which may progress to endometrial cancer. Where as | LH causes | androgen production by ovarian follicular theca cells ÷ | testosterone. | Androstenedione & testosterone suppresses hepatic production of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) by 50%. Combine effect of | testosterone & + SHBG will | Free Testosterone which is the core reason of Hirsutism. | Androgen prevent normal follicular development and cause premature Follicular atresia, multiple follicular atresia along with hyperplasia results in Bilateral Ovarian enlargement . LAB -- Testosterone is mildly elevated. LH to FSH Ratio is 3:1 (Normal LH FSH Ratio is 1.5 : 1). IMAGING -- Pelvic U/S shows Bilateral Enlarged ovaries and Multiple subcapsular small follicles. TX -- Tx of choice is combination of OCP which + free testosterone by suppressing LH stimulation & by | hepatic SHBG synthesis (it normalizes bleeding). Metformin dec Insulin resistance, lower testosterone level &| likely hood of ovulation with or with out clomiphene. Spironolactone suppress hair follicle 5 o Reductase depandant conversion of androgen to testosterone thus lower testosterone & hirsuitism. If pregnancy is desired ovulation induction can be achieved by Clomiphene or Human Menopausal Gonadotropin. [Clomiphene is estrogen analog & fits into pituitary receptor for estrogen with out stimulating it ÷ Inc Gonadotropin, because gonadotropin precieve this as a low estrogen state. Clomiphene is given for 5 days starting form the day 5 of menstrual cycle. if it fails HMG (exogenous gonadotropin) is then used]. * INFRTILITY -- Normal Hysterosalpigogram, note spilling of contrast in the peritoneal cavity confirms patency and caliber of tube. For Infertility first perform Semens check. If semens are normal Check Ovulation. If both above are normal than do Hysterosalpingogram to rule out any obstruction in tubes. 113 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Hyterosalpingogram (HSG) should be perform week after menses and with prophylactic antibiotics. If HSG is abnormal do laprotaomy to correct the problem. If surgery fails than do IVF (In Vitro fertilization), FECUNDITY is likeihood of conception with mid cycle intercourse. It is cost less & risk less method in those who have Idiopathic Infertility. Other methods are Controlled Ovarian hyperstimulation (COH), Preovulatory Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), IVF. * Premature Ovarian Failure r/o Y chromosome Mosiac -- Hot flashes, sweats + Age 25 yrs + Inc FSH level. * MENOPAUSE -- Is defined as amenorrhea of 3 months or more along with high gonadotropin (FSH, LH). (Actually there is lack of estrogen) Premature Ovarian failure occur before age 30, it may be caused by Autoimmune dis or Y ch Mosaicism. Premature Menopause occur in 30 to 40 yrs of age and mostly Is Idiopathic. DX -- of menopause is made through serial identification of elevated gonadotropin. * OSTEOPROSIS -- Most common type is osteoprosis trabecular bone. Most common site is vertebral column. DX -- MC method of assessing Bone density is DEXA SCAN (Dual Energy X ray Absorptiometery) MC method of assessing Ca++ is 24 Hr urinary HydroxyProline or N telopeptide (NTX). Risk Factor -- MC risk factor is Family Hx in thin white female, other risk factors are Steroids, + Ca++ intake, sedentary like style, smoking, alcohol. TX -- Life style change incluse Ca++ and Vit D intake, Wt nearing excersize, stop cigarettes and Alcohol. Medical management -- Estrogen replacement, Biphosphonate. Reloxifene (selective estrogen receptor modulator "SERM") In pre menopausal osteoprosis consider non estrogen tx first. Estrogen is recomemded only for Vasomotor Sxs (Hot Flashes) of post menopausal Breast cancer risk with Estrogen not found prior to 4 yrs; use lowest dose and re evaluate annually. Reloxinfene (It is SERM that has bone agonist effect and endometrial antagoinst effect) used when estroge therapy cant be used. Tamoxifen (It is SERM that has endometrial and bone agonist effect and Breast antagonist effect) used when estrofgen therapy cant be used. * FIBROADENOMA OF BREAST -- MC freely moveable, nontender, smooth, rubbery benign mass in adolescent & young women. It can be multiple. DX -- fine needle biopsy, Sonography can distinguish cystic lesion from solid Fibroadenoma. (remember cystic lesion are benign & liquid filled). MANAGEMENT -- Is Conservative but most women want Excesional biopsy and mass to be removed. Rarely excisional biopsy turn out Phallod tumor (sarcoma) which contain mix stroma. * MICROCALCIFICATION -- most are benign but 15 - 29 % are cancerous. Fine needle biopsy under mamographic guidance is needed for dx. * BREAST CANCER -- Stage I & II Breast cancer tx is considered to be breast conserving with wide axillary lymphnode dissection or Sentinel Lymphnode biopsy and Radiotherapy. Lymphatic mapping and Sentinel lymphnode biopsy are new procedure that offer the ability to avoid lymphnode dissection and its morbidity in pts with primary tumor who are at low risk of axillary involement, while still offering nodal staging information. SENTINEL NODE BIOPSY -- Sentinel lymphnode (SLN) is the first node to which cancer cell are likely to spread from primary tumor. A dye is injected near the tumor to allow flow to the SLN. A biopsy of the dye stained node help determine the staging and extent of the cancer. Because the SLN biopsy involve the removal of the fewer lymphnode than standard lymphnode removal procedures, the potntial of side effect is lower. TX OF NODE + VE BREAST CANCER -- According to age and presence of estrogen / progesterone receptor. 1. Estrogen and Progesterone receptor negative breast cancer must be treated with Chemotherapy in all age groups. 2. Premenopausal Estrogen / progesterone receptor + ve breast cancer can be tx with various approaches. * Chemotherapy and Temoxifen. * Ovarian Ablation (or GnRH analog) with or without Temoxifen. * Chemotherapy with or without Ovarian ablation (or GnRH analog) and Temoxifen. 3. Post menopausal Estrogen / progesterne receptor + ve should be tx with Chemotherapy and Temoxifen. 4. Elderly with Estrogen / progesterone receptor + ve breast cancer should be tx with Tempoxifen alone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIARRHEA : * E. Coli diarrhea due to day care nurseries --- tx supportive if severe use Neomycin or Colistin. * E. Coli diarrhea due to travel mexico --- tx supportive, if severe use TMP / SMX. * E. Coli diarrhea with hemorrhagic colitis --- No antimicrobial tx due to Inc risk of HUS. Supportive care only. * Salmonella diarrhea (poultry, egg, milk) --- tx only if pt is s 3 month of age, toxic has disseminated dis or has S. Typhi. * Shigella diarrhea (contaminated food) --- TMP / SMX. * Campylobacter (contaminated food) --- self limiting. Erythromycin in severe cases or carrier state. * Staph Aureus Diarrhea (food poisoning with in 12 hrs of ingestion) --- srtong supportive care. * Cryptosporidium (AIDS pt) --- Rising CD count is best tx. String supportive care. Rifabutin may be tried. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * MENTAL RETARDATION -- Most important risk factor is maternal age > 35 yrs. Profound retardation (IQ <20), Severe retardation (IQ 20 - 35), Moderate retardation (IQ 35 -50), Mild Rtardaion (IQ 50 - 70). * ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERREACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD) -- Inattention, hyperreactivity , impulsiveness. Sx last for 6 months and onset occur before 7 yrs of age. Psychiatry 114 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- methylphenidate (Ritalin) should be givin only on school days and not automatically started after summer vacation. * Conduct Disorder -- Violation in 4 areas, Aggression, property destruction, deceitfulness, theft and rules during late childhood or early adolescence. TX -- Healthy group identity and role model are provided. structured sports program or other program like "Big brother". Punishment and incarceration are not often effective. * OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER -- Persistent pattern of negativeism, hostile and defiant behavior toward adults, including arguments, temper out bursts, vindictiveness and deliberate annoyance. Conduct disorder often follow. TX -- advise parents to spend time with child, reward desired behavior not just punish undesiered behavior. * TOURETTE DISORDER -- childhood multiple motor and vocal tics usually at the age of 7 yrs. May be asssociated with ADHD, OCD. Course is life long with remission and exacerbation. TX - Tx of choice is High potency Antipsychotics (Pimizole, Halopridol, Respridone). Clonidine & Clonazepam are sometime useful. * MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER (MDD) -- Sx must be present for at least 2 weeks + change in previous level of functioning. BIPOLAR I DISORDER -- Sx must be present for at least 1 week plux significant distress & impairment in level of functioning. TX -- benzodiazepine, Antipsychotic along with psychtherapy. DYSTHYMIC DISORDER -- Depressed mood for at least 2 yrs. TX -- psychotherapy to resolve the sence of despair and childhood conflicts. SSRI, TCA, MAOI if needed CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER -- Many episode of depressed mood and many episode of hyponmanic mood for at least 2 yrs. TX -- Antimanic drug (Lithium, carbamezapine and Valproic acid) and Psychotherapy focusing to help pt to gain insight in their illness and how to cope with it. SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER -- depress mood and sleep disturbance in winter. TX - Phototherapy or sleep deprivation. * Postpartum Blue -- Begin after birth and last upto 2 weeks. Mother care about baby, Mild depressive. TX -- Self limited no tx is required. * Postpartum Depression -- Begin with in One month of birth, may have thought to hurt baby, severe depression. TX -- Antidepressant. * Postpartum Psychosis -- begin usually in one month, may have thoughts to hurt baby, sever depression + psychotic Sxs. TX -- Antidepressant, mood stablizer, Antippsychotics. * ELIZEBETH KLUVER ROSS STAGES OF DYING -- It can occur in any sequence. Stage 1 -- shock and denial Stage 2 -- Anger Stage 3 -- Bargaining. Stage 4 -- Depression Stage 5 -- Acceptance. * SCHIZOPHRENIA -- is the mental illness that is characterised by persistent defect in the perception & expression of reality. CT shows Lateral & 3rd Ventrical enlargement & reduction in Cortical volume (which cause neg Sxs & neurologic signs) MRI shows Inc cerebral ventricals. Positron emission tomography (PET) shows hypoactivity of the frontal lobe and hyperactivity of the basal ganglia. Physical and Psychiatric Sxs -- Hallucination (auditory mostly). Delusion (mostly bizarre). Disorganised speech and behavior Catatonic behavior (the pt may be largely mute, remain motionless in bizarre postures, or exhibit purposeless agitation) Negative Sxs (loss or absence of normal traits or abilities, such as flat or blunted affect, poverty of speech (alogia), inability to experience pleasure (anhedonia), lack of desire to form relationships (asociality), and lack of motivation (avolition)). Usually experience social & or occupational dysfunction. Physical exam usually unremarkable, but may find saccadic eye movement, hypervigilance. SUBTYPE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA -- * SCHIZOPHRENIA PARANOID Type -- Preoccupation, delusion or hallucination (usually grandeur or persecution) usually in late late 20s or 30s. * SCHIZOPHRENIA DISORGANIZED Type -- Disorganised speech/behavior, flat affect, disinhibited behavior, poor contact with reality. < 25 yrs age. * SCHIZOPHRENIA CATATONIC Type -- Psychomotor disturbance, Extreme negativism, peculiar voluntary movement, mutism, inflicted injury, hyperreflexia * SCHIZOPHRENIA UNDIFFERENTIATED Type -- Meet criteria of schzophrenia but donot meet criteria of paranoid, disorganised or catatonic type. * SCHIZOPHRENIA RESIDUAL Type -- Presence of negative Sx in the absence of psychotic Sx (delusion, hallucination, disorganized speech / behavior, or catatonic behavior). * BRIEF PSYCHOTIC DISRDER -- Hallucination, delusion, disorganised speech & catatonic behavior for > 1 day but < 30 days. TX -- Antipsychotic and benzodiazpine. Hospitalization depends if safety of a pt or other is required. * SCHOZOPHRENIFORM DISORDER -- symptoms of schizphrenia (Delusion and hallucination) last > 1 month but < 6 month. pt likely to have depressive episode after the psychotic Sxs resolve. TX -- Antipsychotic medication for 3 - 6 month. In addition Individual psychotherapy is also helpful. Hospitalization if saftey of pt or other is required. * SCHIZOEFFECTIVE DISORDER -- symptoms of schizophrenia (Delusion and hallucination) for at least for 2 weeks in the absence of mood symptoms. TX - Antidepressant or Anticonvulsant to stabilize mood if it is ineffective use Antipsychotic to control ongoing Sxs. Hospitalization depend on pt safety. * DELUSIONAL DISORDER -- Nonbizarre delusion for > 1 month with out impairment in level of functioning. 115 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS usualy occur at the age of 40 yrs in low socieconomic group and recent immigrant. TX -- Antipsychotic medication plus Individual psychotherapy (goal is pt has to trust the physician) to point out how delusion interfere the normal life. * Paranoid -- Suspiciousness, mistrust, Responsibility of problem attributed to other. * Schizoid -- Life long pattern of social withdrawal with out psychosis. * PANIC DISORDER -- Irrational fear of object situation eg. Agoraphobia, Specific phobia, Social phobia. TX -- Cognitive behavior therapty , SSRI, buspirone, beta blocker. * OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER -- Unreasonable recurrent obsession and compulsion. Obsession are anxiety provoking, intrusive thoughts, doubt guilt agression & sex where as compulsion reduce anxiety by peculier behavior. May be due abnormal serotonin metabolism. TX -- Behaviral therapies (relaxation training, thought stoping technique, responce prevention etc), SSRI (eg. flouxetin) & clopramine. * ACUTE STRESS DISORDER (ASD) -- Severe anxiety symptoms, helplessnes, horror for > 2 days but < 1 month. vs. In PTSD Sxs last > 1 month. TX -- counseling, Group psychotherapy, SSRI, Antidepressants or benzodiazepine. * GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER (GAD) -- Excessive anxiety about life circumstances which contineous for > 6 months. May be associated with Depression, somatic symptoms, substance abuse. TX -- Behavioral psychotherapy (relaxation traning, biofeedback), SSRI, Venlafexine, Buspirone, Benzodizazepine * SOMATIZATION DISORDER -- multiple Sx affecting multiple organs without any medical explaination, MC in women Pt must have at least 4 pain Sx (2 GI, 1 sexual and 1 Psuedoneurologic) to establish Dx. Pt have significant impairment in there level of functioning. Commonly associated with Major depressive disorder, Personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and phobia. TX -- Regularly schedual brief monthly visit, Individual psychotherapy. Differential -- Rule out MS, Myasthenia gravis, SLE, AIDS, Thyroids, Chronic systemic inf, Major depression, GAD, schizophrenia. * CONVERSION DISORDER -- One or more neurologic Sx without any medical explaination, commonly associated with Passive agressive, dependant, antisocial & histrionic disorder mostly in young women. Common Sx -- mutism, blidness, paralysis, anesthesia, paresthesia, psuedosiezures, La Belle indifference (pt seems unconcerned about impairment) TX -- Psychotherapy (focus on stress coping skills), Amibarbital interview may be helpful in obtaining information. Differential dx -- dementia, tumor, optic neuritis, schizophrenia depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, factitious, malingering. * HYPOCHONDRIASIS -- pt beliefs that he/she has some dis (Sx has to be > 6 months) that effect the level of functioning. The belief is not delusional. TX -- Psychotherapy to help relieve stress and help coping illness. Regular schedualed visits with medical doctor. * BODYDYSMORPHIC DISORDER -- pt belief that part of his body is abnormal or defective. pt avoid social situation & has impaird level of functioning. TX -- Psychotherapy, SSRI, TCA, MAO inhbitors. Rule out Neglect $, Anorexia, Narcissist personality disorder, schizophrenia, delusional disorder. * PAIN DISORDER -- main complaint is pain (symptoms are not faked). More than half pt have depression and dysthymia. TX -- Physician should discuss the probability of psychologic origin of pain early in tx. Individual Psychotherapy is necessary to explore emotinal content of pain. May offer Antidepressant, Biofeedback, hypnosis, nerve blocking. Rule out contraction headaches, somatoforme disorder. * FACTITIOUS DISORDER -- Constant production of sign & Sx of mental & medical problem. Main Goal is to assume sick role & hospitalization. Factitious Disorder by Proxy is when sign and Sxs are faked for another person for eg. as in child by mother. (this comes under child abuse) Pt become angry when confronted, the tests results return normal. Pt accuses doctor and threaten litigation. TX -- Involve management rather than cure. Must be aware of counter transference when physician suspect factitious disorder. * MALINGERING -- Constant production of signs & Sxs for an obvious gain (money, aviodence of work, free bed & board etc). It is not a mental disorder. More common in Prison, military, factories etc. TX -- Allow the pt to save face by not confronting the pt. Rule out Psychiatric disorder, Somatoform disorder. * COGNITIVE DISORDER -- characterised by Delirium, Dementia, Amnesia. Key Sxs -- Memory impairment (sp recent memory) Aphasia (failure of language function) Aprexia ( failure to execute complex motor behavior) Agnosia ( Failure to recognise or identify people or object) Disturbance of executive function (impairment in ability to think abstractly & plan such activitie as organizing, maintaining home, shopping etc) * DELIRIUM -- Prominent disturbed Alertness, Confusion usually due to Acute metabolic problem or subs abuse. Occur in 25% of elderly hospitalized pts.Commonly associated with general medication condition such as Systemic inf metabolic disorder, hepatic or renal dis, seizures, head trauma, and rapidly decreaseing level of many drug. Sxs -- Agitation, stupor, fear, hallucination, delusion, disturb psychomotor activity, Motor incoordination, asterixis (arm flaping), nystagmus, incontinence. DX -- EEG shows either generalised slow wave acitvity or fast activity, or focal abnormalities. Neuroimaging or neuropsychiatric testing may be present. TX -- Correction of physiologic problem. High potency Antipsychotics for agitation should be considered. Major rule out are subs abuse, withdrawal, psychotic disorder. 116 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * DEMENTIA -- Prominant memory disturbance along with cognitive disturbance usually due to CNS damage caused by Alzheimers dis, parkinson, huntington pick, Fronto temporal degeneration, Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease. Other causes are inf, tumor, metabolic disorder, wilson dis, demyelination, endocrinopathies, nutritional disorder, toxins etc. 5% of elders age >65 has dementia and 20% of elders with age >85. Presenting symptoms -- disorientation, anxiety, depression, emotional lability, personality disturbance, hallucination, delusion. DX -- FOLSTEIN MINI - MENTAL STATUS EXAM is used to detect dementia. Other lab exam are B12, folate level, RPR, CBC, Thyroid function. EEG shows focal abnormality. Neuroimaging may show abnormality. TX -- Correction of underlying pathology. Provision of familiar surroundings, reassuance & emotional support is helpful. Avoid medication that impairs cognition. * SPECIFIC DEMENTIAS -- 1. Dementia of Alzheimers type -- occupy > 50% of nursing home beds. Shows Cortical atrophy flattened sulci, enlarge ventricles, Amyloid deposits (neurofibrillary tangles), neuronal loss, synaptic loss, granulovacuolar degeneration of neuron. + Ach & NE. TX -- Long acting cholinestrase inhibitor (Tacrine, Donepezil) . To dec agitation give Respiridone (low dose). 2. Vascular dementia (Multi infarct dementia) -- Occur in step wise fashion with focal deficit. risk factor are male, HTN, DM, vascular dis. TX -- correct the underlying condition. Thrombolytic agent may be needed to dec celluar ischemia. * PICK DISEASE -- Atrophy of frontal and temporal lobe, Pick bodies (intraneuronal argentophillic inclusions). Pick cells (swollen neurons) in effected area of brain. Difficult to distinguish from Alzheimers. May show features of Kluver bucy $. * CRUETZFELDT - JAKOB DISEASE -- Rare spongiform encephalopathy (slow viruis prion) ÷ malaise, personality change, Rapid dementia & death. Symtpoms -- gait disturbance, choreoathetosis, myoclonus. * HUNTINGTON DISEASE --Autosomal dominant Progressive neurodegenerative dis (loss of GABAergic neuron in Basal ganglia) ÷ Choreoathetosis, dementia, Behavioral disorginization, severe mood instability, suicidal behavior, and psychotic behavior are fairly common. Defect in ch 4 occur at age 40 approx. * PARKINSONISM -- Progressive neurodegenerative dis involving loss of dopminergic neuron in substantia nigra b/w age 50 - 65. TX -- Dopamine precursor (levodopa, Carbidopa), Dopamine agonist (Bromocriptine), Anticholinergic (benztropin, Trihexyphenyl), Amantadine, selegiline. * HIV RELATED DEMENTIA -- HIV directly & progressively destroy brain parenchyma ÷ delirium, gait disturbance, hypertonia, hyperreflexia, pathologic reflexes (frontal release sign), occulomotor deficit., mood disturbance (may mimic cognitive impairment). * WILSON DISEASE -- Ceruloplasmin def, hepatolenticular degeneration, Kayser Fleisher ring, ASTREXIS (arm flapping). * NORMAL P. HYDROCEPHALUS - Enlarge ventrical, Normal Pressure, Dementia, Urinary incontinence, gait problem. TX -- Shunt placement. * PSEUDODEMENTIA -- Typically seen in elderly with depressive disorder. TX -- Improve with Antidepressant. * DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA -- sudden inability to recall important and emotionally charged memories usually due to the psychologial stress. Common in women & in young adults. Associated with mood disorder, conversion disorder, personality disorder. Gradually remit when traumatic circumstances resolves or may become chronic. TX -- Hypnosis, suggestion and relaxation technique are helpful. resolve underlying stressor. Rule out head trauma, seizures, CVA or subs abuse. * DISSOCIATIVE FUGUE -- Sudden unexpected travel accompanied by inability to remember ones past or by assumption of new identity due to psychological stressor. Mat associated with mood disorder, PTSD, subs induced disorder. TX -- same as Dissociative amnesia. Rule out seizures, dissociatove disorder, factitious or malingering. * DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER (Multiple personality disorder) -- Prescence of multiple distinct personality that recurrently control individuals behavior, accompanied by failure to recall important personal information. Associated with chaotic interpersonel relationship, impulsivity, self destruction behavior, suicide attempt and subs abuse. It may coexist with Borderline personality disorder, PTSD, Major depressive disporder, bipolar disorder, sexual disorder, eating diorder etc. TX -- Psychotherapy to uncover traumatic memories and resolve associated emotional conflict. * DEPERSONALIZATION & DEREALIZATION -- Persistent / recurrent feeling of being detached from one's mental process or body but sence of reality is intact due to psychological stressor. Key symptoms -- Depersonalization (out of body experience) Derealization ( perseption of enviornment is often distorted or strange during episode of depersonalization accompanied by feeling of being detached from physical surrounding "Jamais vu" (sence of femiliar things being strange), "Deja vu" (sence of unfimiliar thing being fimiliar). and other form of perception distortion may occur.) TX -- Psychotherapy to dec anxiety. Rule out subs induced mental disorder, panic disorder, PTSD. * ADJUSTEMENT DISORDER -- Maladoptive reaction to identifiable psychosocial stressor occur with in 3 months of the initial presence of stressor. Last 6 months or less. can become chronic if stressor contineous. Key Symptoms -- overwheming anxiety, depression, emotional turmoil. TX -- Remove stresor, Psychotherapy to improve coping skill. Anxiolytic or antidepressant may ameliorate symptoms. Rule out Generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, Major depressive disorder. * INTERMITTENT EXPLOSIVE DISORDER -- Episode of failure to resist aggressive impulse ÷ serious assaultive act or destruction of property. 117 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS The attack may occur with in minutes or hours and tend to resolve spontaneously. May be due to dec level of 5HIAA, abnormality of limbic system or testosterone. Physical and Psychiatric presenting Sx -- Neurologic examination may reveal soft signs, such as right - left ambivalence. ECG usually normal; Psychologic test often normal, Poor work Hx; Marital difficulties; Problem with law. TX -- Anticonvulsant, Antipsychotic, beta blocker, SSRIs. Psychotherapy is not helpful but if used must be with group setting. * KLEPTOMANIA -- Recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal object that the pt does not need (anxiety before act & release after act). MC in women. Often associated with mood disorder, eating disorder, OCD. Pt presents with signs of anxiety and depression and feel guilty of their action. TX -- Insight oriented therapy to help pt understanding their behavior. Psychotherapy , consider SSRI & Anticonvulsant. * PYROMANIA -- Deliberate fire setting on more than one occasion (anxiety before act and release after act followed by gratification and fascination). Pt may become sexually arouse by fire. Must rule out ARSON (those who burn house delibirately to collect insurance). TX -- no tx is benificial. Incarceration may be indicated. * PATHOLOGIC GAMBLING -- Loss of relationship, job, multiple arrest etc. Inc risk of alcohol dependance. risk of suicide. TX -- Best tx is Gambler Anonymous (involve public confession, peer pressure & sponcers). Some study shows SSRI is helpful. * TRICHOTILLOMANIA -- disorder of pulling ones own hair (anxiety before act and release of anxiety after act). Physical and Psychiatric presenting Sx -- Hair loss is significant over all body. MC area is scalp. Scalp reveal short broken hair along with long hairs Pt may eat the hair, resulting in Bezoars, obstruction and malnutrietion. Head banging, nail biting and gnawing may be present. TX -- Behavioral modification technique (to dec anxiety) along with SSRI, Anticonvulsant, Antipsychotic. * ANOREXIA NERVOSA - subtypes are Restricting (no Binge eating/ purging) & Binge eating/ purging (regularly binge eating/purging). Great concern with appearance, significant amount of time spent examining self and precieve the sign of excess wt. Denial of emaciate condition. Lexative and Diuretic abuse. Associated Sxs -- Excessive interest in food related activity (other than eating), Obsessive compulsive Sxs, Depressive sxs. TX -- Initial tx is correction of physiologic consequences of starvation by hospitalization of pt. Than Behavioral therapy should be initiated with reward and punishment base on body weight (not eating). Family therapy to reduce conflict. Antidepressant some time helpful. * BULEMIA -- Binge eating/ purging and self image that is unduly influenced by weight. Border line personality problem present in 50% of pts. Recurrent Episode of binge eating. Obsession with diet but followed by binge eating of high calorie food. Associated with emotional stress followed by guilt, self recrimination and compensatory behavior (to wt gain). Self evaluation of body shape. Self castigation for mild wt gain or binges. Conceal binge eating or purging & lie about it. Associated behavior -- Depressive Sxs, sunbs abuse, impulsivity (eg. kleptomania) TX -- Cognitive and Behavioral therapy is major tx. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is useful if bulemia is accompanied by Border line personality disorder. Antidepressant perticularly SSRI are usually employed * PERSONALITY DISORDER (PS)-- characterized by pervasive, inflexible & maladoptive personality pattern. There are 3 clusters. CLUSTER A -- Peculiar thought process, Inappropriate effect. CLUSTER B -- Mood Lability, Dissociative Sxs, Preoccupation with rejection. CLUSTER C -- Anxiety, Preoccupation with criticsim or Rigidity. SXs -- Long term difficult interpersonal relationship, problem adopting to stress, failure to achieve goal, chronic unhappiness, low self esteem TX -- Psychotherapy is main stay of tx. Intensive and long term psychodynamic & cognitive therapy. Mood stabilizer and antidepressant is use for cluster B personality disorder. * Paranoid -- Suspiciousness, mistrust, Responsibility of problem attributed to other. * Schizoid -- Life long pattern of social withdrawal with out psychosis. * Schizotypal -- Peculiar appearance, odd thought pattern and behavior with out psychosis. * Histrionic -- Dramatic, extroverted behavior and cannot maintain intimate relation. * Narcissitic -- Grandiosity, sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, envy (jelousy). * Borderline -- Unstable affect, mood and behavior: suicide attempt, impulsiveness (thoughtless, rushy). * Antisocial -- Inability to conform the social norm: bedwetting, Criminality ( fire setting, animal torturing ). * Avoidant -- sensitive to rejection, socially withdrawal, shy, inferiority complex. * Depandant -- Lack of confidence, let other assume responsibility. * Obsessive Compulsive -- Orderliness, stubborn, indecisiveness, perfectionist. 1. Cluster A -- Are Eccentric, strange, and fear of social relationship ------------- 1. Paranoid 2. Schizoid 3. Schizotypal. 118 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 2. Cluster B -- Are Emotional, Dramatic, Erratic -------------------------------------------- 1. Histrionic 2. Narcissistic 3. Antisocial 4. Borderline. 3. Cluster C -- Are Fearful, Anxious ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Avoidant 2. Obsessive Compulsive 3. Dependant. 4. Passive Aggressive -- Procrastination (to postpone unduly), Stubborn, Inefficient. * NON RAPID EYE MOVEMENT (NREM) - Brain is inactive & body is active shows high muscle tone without rapid eye movement. RAPID EYE MOVEMENT (REM) -- Brain is active and body is inactive shows generalized muscular atony except middle ear & eye muscle (REM). * Neurotransmitter of sleep -- Serotonin initiate sleep and Inc during sleep. Acetylcholine Inc during sleep and linked to REM sleep Nor EN dec during sleep and linked to REM sleep Dopamine Inc during sleep and linked to arousal and wakefulness * Tryptophan --- Inc total sleep time. * Dopamine agonist -- Produce arousal. * Dopamine antagonnist -- dec Arousal thus produce sleep. * Benzodiazepine -- Suppress stage 4 sleep and when use chronically Inc sleep latency. * Barbiturate Intoxication -- Suppress REM * Barbiturate withdrawal -- REM Rebound. * Alcohol Intoxication -- Suppress REM. * Alcohol Withdrawal -- REM rebound. * Major Depression -- Shorten REM Latency, Inc REM time, Suppress delta. Multiple awakening, early morning awakening. * NECROLAPSY -- excessive day time sleeping abnormality of REM sleep for > 3months. REM sleep occur in < 10 min, pt feel fresh upon wakening. Shows Cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone), Hyponogogic & hypnopompic hallucination (hallucination before going to sleep & before awakening up from sleep), Sleep paralysis (upon awakeing "when pt is awake but unable to move"), report falling sleep quickly. TX -- Forced Nap at regular time of the day is the tx of choice. If medication is used than psychostimulant are prefered. If cataplexy is present prefer TCAs. * SLEEP APNEA -- Apneic episode usually last > 10 sec each. Consider pathologic if pt has > 5 episode / hour or > 30 episode during the night. In sever cases pt may experience > 300 apneic episode during night. Types of Sleep Apnea -- Obstructive (muscle Atonia in Oropharynx, tongue, or Tonsil obstruction) Central (Lack of Respiratory Efforts) Mixed (central at first, but prolong due to collapse of airway) TX -- Contineous positive airway pressure is the tx of choice. other methods are wt loss, and surgery. * INSOMNIA -- Difficulty in falling / maintaining sleep which alters pts level of functioning & frequent day time yawning / tierdness. Can occur as a solo entitiy many pts has underlying anxiety , depression, PTSD, OCD etc. TX -- Consider good sleep hygiene technique (eg. arising same time every day, avoid day time nap, avoid evening stimulation, discontineou CNS drugs, Taking hot bath near bed time, eating meal at regular time, using relaxation technique on sleeping). If it does not work consider Behavioral modification technique such as stimulus control. If medication are to be used consider Benzodiazepine for short period of time. 119 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TYPES OF PARAPHILIA : * Exhibitionism -- Recurrent urge to expose one self to stranger. * Fetishism -- Involve to use non living objects usually associated with human body. * Frotteurism -- Recurrent urge or behavior involving touching or rubbing against non consenting partner. * Pedophelia -- Recurrent urge or arousal toward prepubescent child. Most common Paraphila. * Voyeurism -- Recurrent urge or behavior involving the act of observing person who is engaged in sexual activity, disrobing. Earliest paraphilia to develop. * Masochsm -- Recurrent urge or behavior involving the act of humiliation. * Sadism -- Recurent urge or behavior involving the act in which physical or physiologic suffering of a victem is exciting to pt. * Transvestic fetishism -- Recurrent urge r behavior involving cross dressing. Usaully found in hetrosexual men. * Reglan side effect -- (choreoathetosis) -- Choreoathetosis -- Chorea -- Dyskinesia and dystonia - Hemiballismus -- Aprexia -- Common CNS Medication effect : 120 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Sedation is most severe with Doxepin, Amitriptyline and Trazodone. (Desipramine, Protriptyline and SSRIs are least sedative) * Anticholinergic effects more severe with Amitriptyline and Doxepine (none with trazodone and most SSRIs) * Cardiac Conduction problem and Hypotension are most common with TCAs. * Seizures are more common with TCAs, Maprotiline and Bupropion * Anorgasmia and dec Libido occur with SSRIs. * Priapism occur with Trazodone. Most Antidepressant has drug interaction with other drugs. * BIRTH RATE -- Rate of live birth in population during time period (usually 1 yr). BR = Live birth / population × 1000. * FERTILITY RATE -- Rate of live birth among women of child bearing age. FR = Live births / women of child bearing age × 1000. * MORTALITY RATE -- Rate of death in population during a time period (usually 1 yr) MR = death / population × 1000. * INFANT MORTALITY RATE -- death of children (< 1 yr of age) in relation of # of live birth during the same yr. Infant death / Live birth × 1000 Neonatal mortality Rate = # Infant death (< 28 days of age) / Live birth × 1000. Post neonatal mortality Rate = # Infant death (> 28 days old but < 365 days) / Live birth × 1000. (or Infant mortality Rate = neonatal mortality rate + Post neonatal mortality rate) * MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE -- Yearly rate of maternal death associated with Live birth. MMR = Maternal death / Live birth × 100,000. (US MMR is 7.1 / 100,000 Live birth) * CASE FATALITY RATE -- % of cases of illness that result in death with in sp time. CFR = Death / Cases × 100. * PROPORTIONATE MORTALITY RATE-- % of death from sp cause in sp time. PMR = Death from Sp cause /Total Death × 100. * CRUDE MORTALITY RATE -- Death per population * CAUSE SPECIFIC MORTALITY RATE -- death from sp cause per population * CASE FATALITY RATE -- death from sp cause per # of person with the disease. * PROPORTIONATE MORTALITY RATE -- death from sp cause per all death. * Primary prevention dec dis incidence. (eg. hearty heart nutrition program for school childrens. Health education program that promotes healthy life style). * Secndary prevention dec dis prevelence. (eg Community BP screening. Physician support to quit smoking cigarettes). * Tertiary prevention dec long term imapairment, disabilities & reccurance of the dis. (eg Excersze, rehabilitation, Graded Aerobic physical activity). * SENSITIVITY = TP / All ppl with dis (TP + FN). Proportion of dis ppl who are correctly classified as TP by screening test. * SPECIFICITY = TN / All ppl with out dis (TN + FP). well ppl who are correctly classified as TN by screening test. * POSITIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE = TP / (TP + FP) Proportion of ppl with + ve screening test results who are diseased. * NEGATIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE = TN / (TN + FN) Proportio of ppl with - ve screening test result who are well. * ACCURACY = (TP + TN) / All ppl screened (TP +TN +FP + FN) All screening ppl who are correctly classified by the test. * PREVELENCE = (TP + FN) / All pll screened (TP + TN + FP + FN) Proportion of screend ppl who have disease. * LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH BY AGE GROUP (in all races and both sexes) -- * Congenital anomalies are the # 1 cause of death in < 1 yrs old. (short gestation and SIDS are 2nd and 3rd respectively) * Unintended injuries are # 1 cause of death in 1 - 34 yrs old age group. * Neoplasia is the # 1 cause of death among 35 - 65 yrs old age group. * Heart dis is the #1 cause of death over age 65 yrs. * Homicide is the # 2 cause of death among 15 - 24 yrs old age group. * Suicide is the # 2 cause of death among 25 - 34 yrs old age group. * Child Abuse -- MC tyoe physical batery / neglect. Likely perpetrator is Female. It is mandatory reportable. (Physicain should protect child and report) * Elder Abuse -- MC type is neglect, victems are female mostly. Perpetrator are both sexes. It is mandatory reportable. (Physicain should Protect and report) * Spousal Abuse -- MC type Physical battery. Victems are female. Likely Perpetrator are male. Not mandatory reportable. (do Counseling & Information). * MC cause of death is heart dis. 2nd is Neoplasia > Cerebrovascular > Resp > Accident > DM > Pneumonia > Alzhiemers > Nephritis > Speticemia. * Mandatory Reportable dis -- Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Chicken Pox, AIDS, Syphilis, Slamonella, Hepatitis A B C D E, TB, Lyme dis, Pertussis, Legionaries, Mumps, Rubella, Measles. * TX OF SHOCK -- If the cause is bleeding first stop bleeding than vol replacement. In All other reasons First volume replacment with 2 L lactate ringer with out sugar followed by packed RBC until urinary out put reaches 0.5 - 2 ml/kg/hr while not exceeding central venous P (CVP) 15 mmHg. (Remember CVP is the key finding in decision of stoping the bleeding first or giving Fluid resusitation or packed blood. Remember CVP is low in bleeding and high in Cardiac temponade or Pneumothorax etc) VASOMOTOR SHOCK -- caused by Anaphylactic shock, High spinal cord transection, High spinal anesthetics. Pt appear Flushed (pink & warm body) restore peripheral resistance is main therapy, additional fluid may help. FRACTURE OF THE BASE OF SKULL -- Imp Signs, Racoon eyes, rhinorrhea, otorrhea, or Echymosis behind the ear. Antibiotics are not indicated. Surgery 121 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Do CT scan of cervical spine to rule out integrity of cervical spine. If pt presents with unconsciousness do CT scan of head to rule out of intracranial bleeding (CT scan should be extended to neck) . * ACUTE EPIDURAL HEMATOMA -- Unconciousness followed by lucid interval than gradual lapsing of coma again, CT shows biconvex lens shaped hematoma with contralateral hemiparesis and decerebrate posture. shows Ipsilateral fixed dilated pupil. TX -- Emergency Craniotomy * ACUTE SUBDURAL HEMATOMA -- pt is much sicker, brain damage is severe. CT shows semilunar or crescent shape hematoma. Fixed pupil rare. TX - Elevate head, Hyperventilate pt, prevent vol overload (by mannitol, furosemide) to avoid Inc in intracranial Preassure . Induce Sedation can be used to dec brain activity and brain O2 demand, * DIFFUSE AXONAL INJURY -- occur in more severe trauma. CT scan shows Blurring of Gray and white matter with multiple small punctuate hemorrahge. TX -- No role of surgery. Therapy is directed to prevent further damage from Inc IC pressure (ICP). * CENTRAL CORD SYNDROME -- occur in elders due to hyperextention of the neck, results into burning pain in upper extremities & paralysis. Lower extremities function is preserved. DX -- Precise dx of injury to spinal cord is best done by MRI. * RIB FRACTURE -- can be deadly in elderly due to hypoventilation, atelactasis, pneumonia etc. TX -- tx with Nerve Block. * FLAIL CHEST -- Occur due to multiple rib fracture ÷ chest wall to cave in on inspiration & cave out on expiration called Paradoxic breathing. Remember contusion lung is very sensitive to fluid overload thus tx is fluid restriction. TX -- Use colloid (plasma albumin) fluid to restrict fluid over load in lung. (donot use crystalloid fluid or diuretics) Monitor blood gases (because pulmonary dysfunction may develop). Chest tube for pneumothorax. bilateral chest tube s advised to prevent tension pneumothorax. Transection of Aorta must be rule out. * PULMONARY CONTUSION -- show up right away with trauma by deteriorating blood gases and ' white out ' on CRX. It can also appear 48 hrs after trauma. occur with flial chest or other type of blunt chest injuries. TX -- same as Flail chest. Remember contusion lung is very sensitive to fluid overload thus tx is fluid restriction * CHEST TRAUMA may results into Following : Myocardial contusion (do ECG); Diaphragm rupture (may show bowel in chest do CXR & physical laproscopy may be needed) Rupture of Aorta -- (due to 1st rib, sternum or scapula fracture, do CXR pay attention to these area if mediastinum is absent do sptral CT than surgical repair. if suspicious is high and mediastinum is present than do Aortogram and than surgical repair) Rupture of trachea / bronchus ÷ subcutaneous emphesema (CXR confrim air in tissue, fibroptic bronchoscopy identify lesion) Be aware of Air embolism (if heart stop do cardiac massage. Trendelenburg position) Fat embolism (Bilateral patchy infiltrate on CXR). * PNEMOTHORAX affected side will be Hyperresoant to percussion. TX -- plain chest tube (place upper anterior) and connect to under water seal. vs. * HEMOTHORAX affected side will be Dull to percussion. TX -- Evacuate blood to prevent Empyema by chest tube (placed lower) . If lung is the source of bleeding it will stop it self due to lower Pressure system of lung. If source of blood is internal coastal artery Thoracotomy is needed. 1500mL of blood recover on chest tube insertion or 600 mL drainage of blood over 6 hrs is Indication for surgery. * GUN SHOT WOUND IN ABDOMEN -- Requires Laprotomy to repair, removal of bullet is not nessesary. Any entery and exit level of gun shot wound below the level of nipple should be considered to involve the abdomen. Do CT scan. * STAB WOUND -- Laprotomy is mandatory if hemodynamic instability is present. Digital exploration of the wound is sufficient in hemodynamically stable pt, (if digital exploration is equivocal do CT scan). Remember Dx of Intra abdominal bleeding is most accurately done with CT scan. In confirm cases do Laprotomy. Minor bleeding do not need surgery but unstable hemodynamic situation that do not respond to fluid ressucitation requires surgery. In hemodynamically stable pt, choose Old CT scan (takes 45 min) But in hemodynmically unstable pt choose ER CT scan (takes 7 min). * RUPTURED SPLEEN is the MCC of Intra Abdominal Bleeding. Post Operative Immunization against Encapsulated bacteria is mandatory (Pneumococcus, H. Influenza B, Meningococcus. * INTRAOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF COAGULOPATHY -- Manifest as Coagulopathy + Hypothermia + Acidosis . TX -- Terminate the laprotomy with packing of bleeding and temporary closure. The operation can be resume later when pt is warm and coagulpathy is treated. INTRA OPERATIVE COAGULOPATHY develop During prolong abdominal surgery for multiple trauma with multiple transfusion that is treated with pletelet packs and fresh frozen plasma. * ABDOMINAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME -- Occur when lots of fluid and blood have been given during the course of prolong laprotomies, so at the time of closure all the tissue are swollen and Intra abdominal wound can not be closed. TX -- Temporary cover is placed over the abdominal content either as a absorbable mesh or unabsorbeable plastic, which will be removed on later 122 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS dates when closure might be possible. This syndrome may also be evident untill 2nd post operative day in whom closure was done but pt subsequently develop distension with reultant cutting through of suture, in this case abdomen must be open and temporary cover is provided. * PELVIC FRACTURE -- Pelvic hematoma are typically left alone if they are not expanding. Rule out pelvic fractutre, rectal injury (by proctoscopy), bladder injuery, Vaginal, urethral (urethrogram) and perineal examination. * PELVIC FRACTURE WITH ONGOING BLEEDING -- dx is based on evidence of hypovolemic shock. management is not clear cut. (due to controversy). * URETHRAL INJURY -- Do not use Foleys catheter. Do Retrograde Urethrogram. TX -- Ant urethral injuries are surgically explored & repaired vs. Posterior urethral injury are tx with suprapubic drainage & delayed repair. * BLADDER INJURY -- do Retrograde cystogram for dx. Tx is surgical repair. * SCROTAL HEMATOMA -- can be assessed with Sonogram and donot need interventian untill testes are ruptured. (remember alarming size of scrotum is not imp unless testes are ruptured) * FRACTURE OF PENIS -- (fractue of corpus cavernosa and tunica albugenia) occur due trauma when penis is errect ÷ hematoma on the shaft of penis. TX -- surgical repair is needed. Impotency will result due to AV fistula if left untreated. * CRUSHING INJURY -- results into hyperkalemia, myoglobinuria, myoglobinuria & compartment $. other risks are emobli, inf etc. TX -- First vigoruos fluid administration, osmotic diuretics and alkalinization of urine. Later do surgical repair, fasciotomy may be needed. * HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRIC BURN INJURY ÷ contraction fracture (due to accessive muscle contraction), post dislocation of shoulder, compression fracture of vertebral bodies, myoglobinuria with resultant renal failure, late development of Cataract and Demyelinization $. * RESPIRATORY BURN (INHALATION INJURY) -- burn around mouth and soot inside are the major clue. DX -- Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy confirm the dx. TX -- Respiratory support (respirator) is needed or not is best determined by Arterial Blood gases. Intubation is done if there is inadequancy of airway. Carboxyhemoglobin must be monitored. * BURN RESUSCITATION -- Parkland formula is the most commonly practiced in USA. * ESTIMATION OF FLUID NEED IN BURNED BABIES -- Babies have bigger head and smaller leg so the rule of nine in assigned in babies is 2 nines for head and 3 nines for both legs unlike adults. Babies have proportionaly more fluid than adults. Therefore the formula in babies use 4 - 6 ml / kg / % burn unlike adults in which the values are 2 - 4ml / kg / % burn. And rate of infusion is 20 ml / kg / hr if the burn exceeds 20% of body surface area. (3rd degree burn in babies appears deep bright red where as in adult it look like leathery dry gray in appearance) PARKLAND FORMULA CALCULATION : DAY 1 --- kg BW x % of burn (up to 50) x 4 cc RL + 2000 cc D5W Infuse half in 1st 8 hrs and Rest half in next 16 hrs. DAY 2 --- Half of the above. may use colloid. Grafting is usually done 2 - 3 week later only for the area which fail to regenerate. Early drafting can be done on 3 rd degree burn if total surface area burned is < 20%. * SNAKE BITE -- 30% of pt bitten by poisonous snake are not envenonmated. Do blood typing in case of envenomation because it cannot be done later if needed. TX -- Antivenin at least 5 vials. It could be 10 or 20 vials if envenomation is severe (childrens get the same big dose). Antivenomation is depend upon the size of venin not the size or age of pt. * BLACK WIDOW BITE -- Nausea, vomiting and muscle cramp. TX -- Give Antidote IV calcium glouconate or muscle relaxant to control muscle spasm. * BROWN RECLUSE SPIDER -- ulcer develop next day. TX -- Dapsone is helpful. Surgical excision should be delayed until there are sign of apperent extensive tissue damage (skin grafting may be needed). * LEGG PERTHES DISEASE (Avascular Necrosis of Capital Femoral Epiphysis) -- Results into limping gait in 6 yrs old child. DX -- do Ant Posterior and lateral xray of pelvis. TX -- casting and crutches of femoral head with in acetabulam. * SLIPPED CAPITAL FEMORAL EPIPHYSIS -- is orthopedic emergency typically occur in chubby 13 yr old boy. Menifestion -- Groin and knee pain with limping. when pt sits with danggleing legs the sole of the affected leg deviate toward the other foot. On physical exam hip is fixed can not be rotated interanally or externally. DX -- XRAYS . TX -- Pin the femoral head back into place surgically. * Septic hip is another orthopedic emergency . ESR is elevated. child refuse to move the hip. * GENU VARUM (BOW LEG) -- is normal upto age 3 if it persist beyond age 3 than it is most commonly BLOUNT DIS (disturb medial proximal tibial growth plate) for which surgery can be done. * GENU VALGUS (KNOCKED KNEE) -- is normal between age 4 - 8. no tx is needed. * OsGOOD SCHLATTER DIS (OSTEOCHONDROSIS OF TIBIAL TUBERCLE) -- persistent pain over tibial tubercle, pain aggravated by the contraction of quadricep in teen age group. (tubercle pain without knee swelling). Injury is unique to young athlete group. TX -- Immobilize knee with extension or cast for 4 - 6 weeks. * MALIGNANT BONE TUMORS -- Most malignant bone tumor in adults are metastatics, from breast in women (Lytic lesion), from Prostate in men (blastic lesion). Localized pain is an early finding. 123 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Some time lytic lesion show up with pathologic fracture ie, fracture precipitated by event that would not justify it such as lifting a bag of groceries. DX -- Bone Scan is more sensitive than x rays. (but x ray should also be taken after Bone scan). * ANT dislocation of the shoulder -- most common form. Arm is close to the body but externally rotated (like pt going to shake hand). Some pt develop recurrent dislocation with minimal trauma. * POST dislocation of the shoulder -- Rare form. usually due to Epilepsy or electric shock. Arm is close to body & Internally rotated. Regular x - ray can easily miss it Axillary view or scapular lateral view are needed. * COLLES FRACTURE -- Is the fracture of distal radius at wrist results from fall on the out stretched hand usually in older person. Painful wrist look like diner fork. (SLIDE A normal and Slide B Colles fracture) TX -- Closed reduction plus long arm cast. * MONTEGGIA FRACTURE -- Fracture of proximal ulna with Ant dislocation of Radial head. (by Raising protective arm when hit by night stick). * GALEAZZI FRACTURE -- Distal 3rd of the Radius fracture and dorsal Dislocation of Radioulnar joint (mirror image of Monteggia Fracture) TX -- Open Reduction and Internal fixatiion. * FRACTURE OF SCAPHOID (Carpal Navicular) affect youngs who fall on out stretched hand ÷ Wrist pain over the Anatomic Snuff Box. Thumb Spica cast is indicated just with Hx & physical finding. Xray usually appear - ve in undisplaced fracture (xray will show fracture 3 week later). If 1st Xray show displaced & angulated fracture, Open Reduction & Internal fixation is needed. (Scaphoid fracture are notorious for | rate of nonunion). * METACARPEL NECK FRACTURE (BOXER's FRACTURE) -- 4th , 5th or both metacarpel fracture usually due to hit against hard surface with fist closed. DX -- X RAYS are the dx. TX -- Closed Reduction and ulnar gutter splint for mild fracture. KIRSCHNER FIBER or Plate Fixation for Bad ones. * FEMORAL NECK FRACTURE -- Risk of Avascular necrosis is high. Earlier Imobilization can be achieved by replacing femoral head with prothesis. * INTERTROCHANTER FRACTURE -- Risk od Avscular necrosis is low. Immobilzation pose high risk of deep venous thrombosis and embolization post operative anticoagulant tx is recommended. Tx is open Reduction and pinning. * FEMORAL SHAFT FRACTURE -- Fixed by external fixation but large trauma or multiple fracture need emergency surgery (intermedullary rod fixation) which include cleaning & closure with in 6 hr. (Any fracture in which bone is sticking out clean & close with in 6 hr) DX -- XRAYS Larger the trauma greater the chances of hemorrhage and shock. Multiple fracture crush fracture may results into FAT EMBOLISM * LATERAL or MEDIAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT INJURY -- MC sports injury. Passive Abduction of knee suggest medial injury (Valgus Stress test) vs. Passive Adduction of knee suggest lateral injury (Varus Stress test). DX -- Best way to explore knee problems is MRI. (remember Genu Varum "bow leg" & Genu Valgus "kocked knee") TX -- Isolated injury (mild) is tx with Hinge Cast and Ligament torn need surgical repair. * ANT CRUCIATE LIGAMENT INJURY -- ant ligament injury (Slide b & c shows side view of torn ACL) is more common than post one. Ant Drawer sign is + ve. Leshman test is +ve (performed on knee flexed but similar to Ant drawer sign). PCL torn produce +ve post drawer sign. DX -- MRI is the test of choice. TX -- immobilization and rehabilitation for mild cases. Surgical reconstruction in complete torn and athletes. * MENISCAL TEAR -- pt describe "catch and locking" that limit knee motion and "click" when knee is forcefully extended. DX -- by MRI TX -- Arthroscopic repair (save as much meniscus as possible because complete removal results into degenerative arthritis) * TIBIAL STRESS FRACTURE -- occur in young man subjected to forced march manifest as tender on very specific point on bone. Also occur in elders. Tx -- cast and repeat xray in 2 weeks. * TIBIA FIBULA FRACTURE -- bad injury of lower extremities (also upper extremities) is most common location. Compartmet $ is the complication if it occur remove the Cast immidiately (it manifest as contineous increasing pain after cast). Rmemeber COMPARTMENT $ is treated by Fasciotomy to relief tension. * RUPTURED ACHILLES TENDON -- a large sound is heard (like a rifle shot) & they fall clutching the ankle. Limited planter flexion is still possible. Extreme pain and swelling. TX -- healing take several months but surgical rapair is quicker approach to heal. * POST DISLOCATION OF HIP -- usually occur in head on collusion when femur is driven backward after knee hits the dash board. pt presents with hip pain, affected leg is shorter, adducted and internally rotated. TX -- Emergency reduction is needed to avoid avascular necrosis. Remember in Broken hip leg is also shortened but externally rotated. * GAS GANGRENE -- Occur with deep penetrating, dirty wound (steppinf on rusty nail, manure etc). Pt look very sick with tneder, swollen, discolored effected site with Gas Cripitation. TX -- High dose IV penecillin, extensive surgical debridement and Hyperbaric O2. * RADIAL NERVE INJURY -- due to oblique fracture of middle to distal third of the humerus. If pt come with unable to dorsifes (extend) the wrist and regain function when fracture is reduced than only cast is needed. If Nerve paralysis develop and remains after reduction than nerve is entrapped and surgery has to be done. * POPLITEAL ARTERY INJURY -- occur in post dislocation of the knee. Look for the integrity of pulse (v. imp) do Doppler or Arteriogram if neeed. 124 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Prompt reduction will minimize vascular cmpromize. Delayed Restoration of flow requires Fasciotomy. * De QUERVAIN TENOSYNOVITIS -- common in young mothers who force their hand in wrist flexsion & thumb extension. painful thumb & radial side of the wrist. DX -- Tell pt hold the thumb in your other hand tightly and than ulnar flex the affected hand, this produce pain and dx. TX -- steroid injection do thw job. surgery is rarely nended. * DUPUYTREN's CONTRACTURE -- Occur in elderly of Norwegian decendent. There is contracture of the plam and fascial nodule can be felt. TX -- surgery is the only affective tx. * FELON FINGER -- Felon is the abcess in pulp of finger tip due to penetrating injury. throbing pain is common may cause fever. It can lead to tissue necrosis surgical drainage must be done immidiately. * GAME KEEPER THUMB -- injury of ulnar collateral ligament due to hyperextension of thumb. Common in skiing sports. Physical show Collateral Laxity at thumb - metacarpophalangeal joint. If left untreated lead to arthritis. TX -- Casting. * JERSEY FINGER -- injury to the flexor tendon due to force ful extension of finger (grabbing running persons jersey). Effected finger does not flexed. * MALLET FINGER -- Its opposite of Jersey finger, Extend finger forcefully flexed & cause extensor tendon rupture. Finger appear flexed, (volleyball injury). For both Injuries Splinting is the first line managemnt. * CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME -- occur due to herniated disc severe enough to cause bladder distention, flaccid anal sphincter, perineal saddle anesthesia. It is surgical emergency and must be taken care immidiately. * ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS -- Occur in young men of age 30- 40 yrs. Defined as chronic back pain with moring stiffness. Pain is worst at rest and improve with activity. HLA B27 antigen (can also have uveitis, Inflamatory bowel dis). XRAY shows Bamboo spine. TX -- Anti inflamatory agents and physical therapy. * MARJOLIN ULCER -- is squamous cell carcinoma of skin develop in Chronic leg ulcer (long healing & breaking hx). Dirty looking ulcer & heaped up edges. Classically seen in 3rd degree burn pt that underwent spontaneous healing, or in chronic draining sinus secondary to osteomyelitis. DX -- by Biopsy. TX -- Wide local excision skin grafting are done. * PLANTER FASCIITIS -- very common poorly understood problem effecting over wt and older ppl. Sharp heel pain every time foot strikes at the ground. Pain is worst in the morning. XRAY shows bony spur at pain location. (Bony spur is not the problem since many asymptomatic people have similar spur). Surgical ressection of the spur in not indicated. Spontaneous resolution can be expected in 12 - 18 months, during that time symptomatic tx is offered. * MORTON NEUROMA -- Inflammation of the common digital nerve b/w 3rd & 4th toe. Very tender. Cause is Pointed high heel shows or pointed cowboy shoes. TX -- Analgesic and more sensible shoes. Surgery if needed. POST OPERATIVE FEVER : +Malignant hyperthermia -- shortly after he onset of ansthetics (halothane, succinylcholine). Fever 104, metabolic acidosis, hypercalcemia, myoglobinuria. TX -- Dentrolene, 100% oxygen, Correction of acidosis & maintain urinary out put. +Bacteremia -- seen with in 30 - 45 min of invasve procedure. Temp spikes and reach > 104. TX - Empiric Antibiotics. +Post Operative Fever -- Usually range 101 - 103 due to atelactesis, pneumonia, UTI, DVT, deep abcscess, wound inf. +Atelactasis -- Most common source of post operative fever on 1st post operative day. If it is not resolved ÷ pneumonia in 3 days. TX - Improve ventilation by deep breathing, coughing, postural drainage, incentive spirometry. Ultimate therapy is bronchoscopy. +Pneumonia - occur on post operative day 3. Do CXR and sputum culture. TX -- appropriate antibiotics. +Urinary tract inf -- fever start at post operational day 3. Do urine analysis and culture. TX - appropriate antibiotic. +Deep venous Thronbophebitis -- typically produce fever on abount day 5. Do doppler. TX - heparin +Wound inf -- fever bigns at day about day 7. TX -- antibiotics only when there is cellulitis if not sure do ultrasound. Drain wound for any abscess. +Deep Abscess -- fever begins about day 10 - 15. CT scan for appropriate body cavity is diagnostic. TX -- Radiographically guided drainage. POST OPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS : +PARALYTIC ILEUS -- Occur in first few days after abdominal surgery (it can be prolong with hypokalemia), no bowel sound, no passage of gas, no pain. If Paralytic ileus is not resolved by day 5 - 7 suspect Post operative early mechanical obstruction due to adhesion. DX -- X rays shows distended bowel & air fluid levels. CT scan confirm the dx (proximal dilated bowel & distal collapsed bowel). TX surgical intervention. +OGILVIE $ -- is paralytic ileus of the colon classically seen in non abdominal surgerys & in elderly with alzhiemers & in nursing homes. Presents with large abdominal distention. Do Colonoscopy to suck the gas out & decompress the colon (danger of rupture). If the cecum is about to blow up Cecostomy or colostomy may be needed. +HYPERNATREMIA -- usually due to loss of water. Note: 3mEq/L | in Na+ above 140 mEq/L is equivelent of 1 liter of water loss. TX -- Vol repletion by D5% 1/2 plus Normal saline (NS). In pt with osmotic diursis or DI use D5% 1/3 plus NS or even D5W to correct hypernatremia. +HYPONATREMIA -- occur in ADH excess (lossing isotonic fluid) & hypotonic gain of water. TX - normal saline or Lactate ringer. +HYPERKALEMIA -- occur due to kidney failure or aldosterone antagonist. Other causes are crush injuries, dead tissue, acidosis. TX -- ultimate tx is hemo dialysis, but while waiting for it infuse 50% dextrose and insulin (lowers serum K+). Nasogastric suction. IV Ca++ provide quickest protection.. 125 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS +HYPOKALEMIA -- Develop slowly when K+ is lost from GI tract (GI fluids is rich in K+). Other causes are loop diuretics or | aldosterone. Hypokalemia develop very rapidly if K+ enters into the cell eg. when diabetic ketoacidosis is corrected. TX -- K+ replacement. Rmember the safe speed limit of K+ infusion is mEq / Hr. +METABOLIC ACIDOSIS -- Occur due to excessive production of fixed acid as in Diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis & low flow state Abnormal AG. Other causes are loss of buffer as in loss of bicarbonate rich fluid from GI track; Anion gap (AG) is normal. TX -- is correct the unerlying cause rather than trying to normalize the acidosis. +METABOLIC ALKALOSIS -- Occur due loss of gastric acid or excessive administration of bicarbonate. TX -- In most caes KCl (5 - 10 mEq/hr) will allow kidney to correct th problem. (rarely Ammonium chloride or 0.1 NaHCl is needed) +RESP ACIDOSIS OR ALKALOSIS -- Recognised by abnormal PCO2 (which will be low in alkalosis and high in acidosis). TX -- improve ventilation reduce in alkalosis and Inc in acidosis. * ACHALASIA -- dysphgia sp worst for liquids. Dx by manometry. TX -- repeated dilatation or surgical myotomy (heller). * CANCER OF ESOPHAGUS -- Classic progressive dysphagia over the time, first for solids than for soft food and later liquids and finally for saliva. Note : Squamous cell carcinoma is associated with smoking & drinking vs. Adenocarcinma is associated with long term GERD. DX -- first Barium swallow study than later endoscopy and biopsy. CT scan assesses operability. * MALLORY WIESS TEAR -- Dx by Endoscopy and Tx with Photocoagulation (laser). * BOERHAAVE $ -- prolong force ful vomitting results into esophageal perforation, lethal if delay treatment. DX -- dx by contrast swallow first with graffian contrast if results are -ve than use barium contrast; follow by emergency repair. * Instrumental perforation is the most common reason of esophageal perforation so far. * GASTRIC ADENOCARCINOMA -- common in elderly. manifest as anorexia, wt loss, early satiety, epigastric distress occassional hematemesis. DX - Endoscopy and Biopsy is diagnostic. CT scan help assess operatiability. TX -- best tx is surgery. * GASTRIC LYMPHOMA -- as common as adenocarcinoma. presentation is same as adenocarcinoma. TX is based on Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. Surgery is needed if fear perforation as tumor melts away. Low grade lymphomatoid transformation (MALTOMA) can be reversed by erradication of H pylori. * COLONIC POLYPS : Probability of Premalignant are those from familial polyposis (gardner syndrome), villous adenoma and adenomatous adenoma. Non premalignant polyps are juvenile, puetz jegher, inflamatory, and hyperplastic polyps. * ISCHEORECTAL ABSCESS -- Signs of inflamation & abscess. Be careful, Necrotizing soft tissue inf may develop in diabetic pt. TX -- drain the abscess. Cancer should be ruled out. * FISTULA IN ANO -- fistula in ano develop in some pt with ischeorectal drainage. Rule out necrotic draining tumor. TX - Fistulotomy. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF ANUS -- usually occur in HIV & homosexuals and those with anal receptive intercourse. Appear as fungating mass grow in anus. often metastasize to inguinal node. DX -- With Biopsy. TX -- Negro Chemoradiation protocol followed by surgery of there is any tumor residual. * Person vomiting blood best next step is upper GI endoscopy. * MELENA (black tarry stool) always indicate digested blood, work up with upper GI. Red Rectal Blood can come from any where upper or lower GI : (proceed in a following step wise manner). First thing to do is pass NG tube to aspirate gastric content, if blood is retrieved than source of blood is upper GI do Endoscopy. If aspirate is white and no bile still do Endoscopy to rule out duodenal source. There is no need of Endoscopy if aspirate is white for stomach and green for duodenum. Upper GI bleed can be ruled out; Now do Anoscopy first to rule out rectal source if it is negative do Angiogram if bleeding is 2 mL/ min (1 unit of blood / hr). If Bleeding is < 0.5 mL/min than wait for bleeding to stop than do Colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is not helpful during active bleedig so do Angiogram. For the cases in b/w those two bleeding ranges do Tag red cell studies. * Young Pt with rectal bleeding but no bleeding at the time of presentation do directly upper GI endoscopy. vs. Elder pt do both upper and lower GI endoscopy. Blood per rectum in child must be from Meckels diverticulum. Dx -- Start work up with Technetium Scan, looking for ectopic gastric mucosa. Massive Upper GI bleeding during stress, multiple trauma & in post operative pt is probably due to Stress Ulcers. Dx -- Endoscopy will confirm the dx. TX -- Angiographic Embolization is the best therapeutic option. Stress Ulcer should be avoided by maintaining gastric pH > 4. * ACUTE ABDOMIN DUE TO PERFORATION -- very severe Pain of sudden onset, constant and generalized. MCC perforated peptic ulcer. DX -- Free air under the diaphragm in up right X ray is the diagnostic. TX -- Emergency gurgery. * ACUTE ABDOMIN DUE TO OBSTRUCTION -- sudden colicky pain radiating according to source. pt moves constantly looking for confortable position. Pain is limited to the area of involvement. * ACUTE ABDOMIN DUE TO INFLAMATION -- Constant Pain of gradual onset slow build up (from 6 to 10 hrs). ill defiend initially eventually confined to the area of problem. typical radiating pattern is common. systemic signs are fever and leukocytosis. * ACUTE ABDOMIN DUE TO ISCHEMIA -- severe abdominal pain with blood in the lumen of the gut. 126 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * PRIMARY PERITONITIS -- Generalized acute abdomin (pain) show fever and lekocytosis. Primary Peritonitis should be suspected in children with Nephrosis and ascitis and in elders with ascitis. Dx -- Culture ascitis fluid. TX -- Appropriate Antibiotics. * TX OF ACUTE ABDOMIN -- exploratory laprotomy (no need to know exact cause of the process) except primary peritonitis in which tx is antibiotics. * Must Rule out --- Myocardial Ischemia (ECG), Lower lobe Pneumonia (Xrays), Pulmonary embolism (immobile pt), Pancreatitis (amylase), Urinary stones (xray and CT scan of abdomin). * ACUTE PANCREATITIS -- sudden onset (couple of hrs) of upper acute abdomin in alcoholics. Classically constant epigastric pain radiating back with nausea vomitting and retching. DX -- Check serum and urinary amylase or lipase (for serum in 12 - 48 hrs and for urinary 3 - 6 day). CT if dx is not clear. TX -- NPO , NG suction, IV fluid. * DIVERTICULOSIS -- give acute abdominal pain in LLQ. there is fever and leukocytosis and peritoneal irritation.. DX -- CT scan. TX -- start with NPO, IV fluid & antibiotics it will resolve the roblem. Failure of tx or in those with 2 or more attacks do surgery. * VOLVULUS -- vovlvulus is seen in elders with the sign of obstruction and severe abdominal distention. DX -- Xrays is the dx. Distended colon, Huge air filled loop in RUQ & tapper down to LLQ hance give the shape of parrot beak. TX -- Proctosigmoidoscopy with old rigid instrument to resolve the acute problem. Rectal tube is left in. Recurrent cases do elective sigmoid ressection. * PRIMARY HEPATOMA -- RUQ discomfort, pain, & wt loss. sp marker is AFP. CT scan help locate the tumor and resection. * METASTATIC CANCER OF LIVER -- more common (20:1) than primary cancer. If one lobe is involved & the tumor is slowly growing ressection can be done. Other way to control is Radioablation. * HEPATIC ADENOMA -- may arise as a complication of birth control pills, it may rupture. Dx-- CT scan. Tx - emergency surgery. * PYOGENIC LEVER ABSCESS -- due to acute ascending cholengitis. Dx -- Sonogram or CT scan. TX -- Percutaneous drainage. * Amebic abscess of liver mostly men has connection to travel (eg. mexico). TX metronidazole, drainage is seldom needed. * OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE -- both bilirubin is elevated, Very high level of Alkaline Phosphatase. DX -- Fisrt step is Sonogram. Obstruction due to stones show stones in the gallbladder but rarely in the ducts. Chronic irritation does not distend the gall bladder . Confirm the dx with Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangipancreatography (ERCP). TX -- do Sphincterectomy and remove common duct stone followed by Cholecystectomy. Asymptomatic gall stones are left alone. + If Obstruction is due to tumor massive dilation of gall bladder will be seen on U/S. eg Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of ampulla of vater, cholangiocarcinoma of common duct. DX -- First step is Sonogram followed by CT scan followed by Percutaneous Biopsy. If CT scan is - ve ERCP is the next step. * Cancer of Ampulla of Vater is suspected when pt come with jaundice + anemia + ve blood in the stool. CT scan should be first test. * Pancreatic Cancer rarely cured, Huge Whipple operation (pancreatoduodenectomy) is required. * ACUTE PANCREATITIS -- occur in alcoholics or as a complication of gallstones. Acute pancreatitis may be adematous, hemorrhagic or suppurative. It may result into chronic pancreatitis or in pancreatic Psuedocyst. * Pancreatic Psuedocyst -- is a complication of pancreatitis usually occur 5 week after original problem. It is a collection of pancreatic juice, blood and necrotic tissue in lesser sac (out side the pancreatic duct). DX -- CT scan is the diagnostic. TX -- cyst < 6 cm or those with < 6 weeks can be observe for spontaneous resolution. cyst > 6 cm or > 6 week are more likely to rupture & bleed. Do Percutaneous drainage or drain surgically into GI tract or drain endoscopically. * ACUTE HEMORRHAGIC PANCREATITIS -- deadly dis that starts as edematous form and manifest as Low hct, | WBC, elevated blood glucose, low serum Ca++, BUN elevated, metabolic acidosis, low PO2, supported therapy needed in ICU. Common final pathway of death is multiple pancreatic abscess. TX -- do percutaneous drainage as soon as they appear. daily CT is recomamded. * GUIDE LINE For MAMMARY DYSPLASIA -- Fibrocystic dis, Cystic mastitis is seen in 30's - 40's it goes away with menopause. Manifestation -- Bilateral tenderness with menstrual cycle worst in last two weeks & also Multiple cyst that seems to come & go with menstrual cycle. DX -- If there is no dominant or perminant mass do only Mamogram. If there is permanant mass do Aspiration with bigger needle, If clear fluid is obtained and mass go away do nothing more. If mass persist and recurs after aspiration do formal Biopsy. If aspirated fluid is bloody do cytolgy. * INTRDUCTAL PAPILLOMA -- bloody nipple discharge in women b/w age 30 - 40yrs DX -- Glactogram (SLIDE A, B) is the diagnostic & guidance for surgery. * BREAST ABSCESS -- is seen only inlactating women beside that at any other time is cancer untill proven other wise, in which Incision and drainage is needed along with biopsy of the abcsess wall (most imp). * BREAST CANCER DURING PREGNANCY -- is diagnosed and treated as if pregnancy did not exist, except no radiotherapy in pregnancy and no chemotherapy during First Trimester. Termination of pregnancy is not necessary. 127 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * INFILTRATING DUCTAL CARCINOMA -- Inflamatory cancer has worst prognosis (need pre - op Chemotherapy) other cancer has slight better prognosis. * Lobular cancer has higher incidence of bilateral occurance but not high enough to justify bilateral mastectomy. * DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU cannot metastasize there fore no Axillary sampling is needed, but has very high incidence of recurrance if only local excision is done. * Total simple mastectomy for multicentric lesions through out the breast. * Lumpectomy followed by radiation is used if lesion is confined to one quater of the breast. * Inoperatability is depend upon the local extension of breast cancer not metastasis. * Adjuvent therapy for breast cancer -- Premanopausal women recieve tamoxifen & post menopausal recieve Anastrozole. For very old hormonal tx only. * THYROID NODULE in Euthyroid pt could be cancer DX -- test of choice is fine needle biopsy, if malignant Perform lobectomy further surgery depends upon results of frozen section (histoogc dx). Folicular cancer shuold be tx with thyroidectomy. vs. * THYROID NODULE in hyperthyroid pt is almost never cancer, Show Low TSH and High T4. It can be dx by Nuclear Scan. TX -- Most hyperthyroid pt tx with Radioactive Iodine but those with Hot Adenoma do surgical excision of affected lobe. * HYPERPARATHYROIDISM -- High serum Ca (look for low Phosphorus). Rule out cancer with bone metastasis. TX -- Elective syurgery is required. Do Sestamibi scan (slide A and B) help locate culprit gland before surgery. * CUSHING TX -- Work up require dexamethasone suppression test.. If Suppression occur at low dose will rule out the disease (she is just a fat hairy lady). If suppression does not occur at low dose than measure 24 hrs free urine cortisol, if elevated go with high dose suppression test. + ve high dose dexamethasone suppression test identifies Pituitary Adenoma. vs. No suppression with high doses identifies adrenal adenoma (or paraneoplastic $). DX -- now do MRI for pituitary adenoma and CT scan for Adrenal. TX -- remove the offending adenoma. * ZOLLINGER ELLISON $ (GASTRINOMA) -- measure Gastrin & locate tumor with Contrast CT Scan of pacrease. TX remove it. Omeprazole for metastatic disease. * NESIDIOBLASTOSIS -- devestating hypersecretion of insulin in new born. TX -- pancreatectomy (95%). * INSULINOMA -- produce CNS Sx due to low sugar, always when pt is fasting. High blood Insulin and also high C peptide. Differentials are Reactive Hypoglycemia (attcks occur after eating), Self administration of Insulin shows high insulin and low C peptide. . Dx and TX -- do Contrast CT scan to locate tumor and remove it surgically. * GLUCAGONOMA -- produce severe Migratory Necrolytic dermatitis, resistant to all form of tx. Shows mild Diabetis, Anemia, glosstis & stomatitis. DX-- Glucagon assay is diagnostic. CT scan use to locate the tumor. TX -- Ressection is curative. Somatostatin and Streptomycin can help in metastatic and inoperable Glucagonoma. * PRIMARY HYPERALDOSTERONISM --| Aldosterone level, + renin, Hypokalemia, Hypernatremia, HTN, metabolic Alkalosis. Appropriate responce to postural change (More aldosterone when up right than when lying down) suggest Hyperplasia tx medically. Inappropriate responce to postural change suggest Adenoma. Localise it with CT scan and tx surgically . * COARCTATION OF AORTA -- rib notching (caused by the dilated intercostal arteries) Aortic knob, post-stenotic dilation of the descending aorta. Spiral CT scan or MRI angiogram give sufficient information and dx, that makes arteriogram unnessessary. * Contrast CT scan demonstrates nodularity (string-of-beads sign) of the right renal artery (arrows) characteristic of fibromuscular dysplasia (hyperplasia) * RENOVASCULAR HTN is seen in two groups young women with Fibromuscular dysplasia or a old men with Arteriosclerosis dis. In both group HTN is resistance to usual medication. Faint bruit is audible over flank or upper abdomin and suggest dx. Work up -- do scanning and Doppler of renal vessels, Arteriographic visualization is often needed. TX -- In young women Balloon dilatation & stenting. In old man it is controversial who may have short life expectancy due to arteriosclerosis. * CONGENITAL DIPHRAGMATIC HERNIA -- it is always on the left and the real problem is not mechanical instead it hypoplastic lung. Babies are in respiratory distress and need endotracheal intubation. low Pressure ventilation (not to blow lung), sedation and NG suction. many require extracorporeal mem oxygenation. Repair must be delay for 3 - 4 days (allow lung to mature). * GASTROSCHISIS -- In gastroschisis cord is normal and the defect is on the right side of the cord, there is no protective mem & bowel is out side. Baby need parenteral nutrition because bowel will not work for about 1 month. * OMPHALOCELE -- In omphalocele defect is in the cord small defect can be closed primarily but large defect need construction silastic "silo" to house & protect the house. content of the silo than pushed into the bowel little by little every day untill complete closure achieved in 1 week. * EXSTROPHY OF URINARY BLADDER -- Abdominal wall fail to fuse over pubis. Surgical repair must be perform with in 1 - 2 days, Delayed repair donot work. * GREEN VOMITING & DOUBLE BUBBLE SIGN occur in Duodenal Atresia Annular Pancrease and Malrotation. Malrotation may show up in first few weeks of life, danger of intestinal ischemia and necrosis. * INTESTINAL ATRESIA -- Intestinal atresia also manifest as green vomiting + multiple air fluid level through out the abdomin. Upright abdominal film showing distention of the bowel with multiple air-fluid levels suggesting lower intestinal atresia. Signs of early necrotizing enterocolitis, air in the portal vein & bowel walls & a large pneumoperitoneum, subdiaphragmatic and perihepatic free air, 128 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS double wall sign, triangle sign and falciform ligament. * NECROTIZING ENTEROCOLITIS -- occur in premature infant usually in first monthof life. Show feeding intolerace, abdominal distention, rapid drop in pletelet count (signs of intestinal necrosis and perforation). TX -- stop all feeding, start Antibiotics, IV fluid and nutrition. Marked distention of the small bowel a "soap bubble" appearance, ground glass appearance, mottled air & calcified feces. * MECONIUM ILEUS -- Associated with cystic fibrosis. DX& TX -- Gastrografin enema is both diagnostic and therapeutic. Gastrografin inspissated pelets of meconium and dissolves it. * HYPERTROPHIC PYLORIC STENOSIS -- Olive sze mass in RLQ. Show up at the age of 3 weeks. Non bilious projectile vomiting, Hypochloremia, Hypokalemia, Metabolic Alkalosis. DX -- By Sonography. TX -- correct metabolic state and do Pyloromyotomy. * BILIARY ATRESIA -- 6 - 8 week old baby with persistent progressive jaundice (which include substantial conjugated fraction) suspect Biliary atresia. DX -- Do serology and sweat test. Do HIDA scan after one week of phenobarbital stimulation (powerful chloretic). If Phenobarbital stimulation fails do surgical exploration. (1/3 need liver transplantation right away, 1/3 need liver transplant after surviving for while or after surgery). * MECKELS DIVERTICULUM -- lower GI bleeding. DX -- Radioisotope Scan identifies gastric mucosa in lower GI tract. * VASCULAR RING -- Malformation of Aorta reults into pressure on tracheobronchial tree. produce stridor, baby assume extended position and difficulty swallowing. DX -- Barium swallow shows compression of the esophagus due to abnormal vessel. Bronchoscopy also shows tracheal compression. TX -- Devide the smaller of the two aortic arches. * ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECT -- very minor low pressure low vol shunt, usually recognised late in infancy. Faint PUL flow systolic murmur and fixed split 2nd heart sound is characteristic. DX -- by Echocardiogram. TX -- Surgical closure or by Cardiac catheterization. * SMALL RESTRICTIVE VSD LOW IN SEPTUM -- heart murmur. usually close spontaneously with in first 2 -3 yrs of life. TX -- Observation and prophylaxis for SBE. VSD High in Septum -- cause early problems like failure to thrive etc. Large Pansystolic murmur at left sternal border, Inc pulmonary vascular marking on CXR. DX -- Echocardiogram. TX -- Surgical closure. * PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS -- become symptomatic in first few days of life. contineous machinery like heart murmur. DX -- Echocardiogram. TX -- In premature infant closure can be achieved by Indomethacin. Full term babies need Coil embolization (catherization). * RIGHT to LEFT SHUNT -- share the presence of murmur. diminish vascular marking in lung and cyanosis. 1. TTRALOGY OF FALLOT -- MC cynotic anomaly, allow children to grow up in infancy (so usually pt is typically 5 - 6 yrs old). Chilren are small for their age, cynotic chnages, spell of cynosis relieved by squatting. Systolic Ejection murmur in the left 3rd space, small heart, diminish pul marking on CXR, RVH. DX -- Echocardiogram . TX -- Surgical repair. 2. TRANSPOSITION OF GREAT VESSEL -- Early severe problem. Neonate kept alive by ASD, VSD, PDA or a combination other wise they die soon after Early cyanosis. do Echocardiogram. * Aortic Stenosis -- Best heard in right 2nd intercoastal space and along the left sternal border results into angina & syncope. DX -- Echocardiogram. TX -- Surgical valvular replacement is indicated if there is gradient of > 50 mmHg. * Acute Aortic Insufficiency -- New loud diastolic murmur at Right 2nd inter space or left sternal border + sudden signs of CHF. Occur in IV drug addict. TX -- Emergency valvular replacement and Antibiotic for SBE. * Chronic Aortic Insufficiency ÷ Wide pulse Pressure & blowing high pitch diastolic heart murmur at right 2nd space & along left sternal border. TX -- Medical therapy. Later in life with first sign of ventricular dilation on echocardiogram perform Valvular replacement. * Mitral Stenosis -- Hx of Rheumatic heart fever. Present with dyspnea on exertion, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, cough & hemoptysis. Low pitch rumbling diastolic Apical heart murmur. As murmur progressess pt become cachectic and develop atrial fibrillation. DX -- Echocardiogram . TX -- as symptom become more disabling do valve repair (Commisurotomy or balloon valvuloplasty) * Mitral Regurgitation -- Most common cause of valvular prolapse. produce exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, and atrial fibrillation. High pitch holosystolic heart murmur radiate to axilla and back. DX -- echocardiogram TX -- valvular repair (Annuloplasty is preffered over prothetic replacement). * POST OPERATIVE CARE OF HEART SURGERY PT : Cardiac output should be optimised (5 liters/min or Cardiac Index of 3), Pulmonary Wedge P (LAP or Left End Diastolic P) should be measured. Low no (0 - 3) suggest need for more IV fluid. High numbers (20 or above) suggest ventricular failure. * CHRONIC CONSTRICTIVE PERICARDITIS -- Long term sequelae of pericarditis (non compliant fibrotic shell around the heart) Dyspnea on exertion, Hepatomegaly, Ascitis shows a Classic "Square Root sign". Equalization of pressure (Right atrial, Right Ventricular Diastolic, Pulmonary capillary wedge & Left ventricular Diastolic) on Cardiac Catheterization. TX -- Surgery. * LUNG CANCER WORK UP : 129 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 1. Start with CXR (coin lesion in elder is likely a cancer, If old xray is available which shows coin lesion with out any change will rule out cancer) 2. If old CXR is not available do Sputum cytology and CT scan. 3. If dx is not established by cytology now do bronchoscopy & biopsy if lesion is central. Percutaneous biopsy if lesion is peripheral. 4. If unsuccessful with all above do Thoracotomy and wedge ressection. Remember Operability and possibility of surgical cure applies only to non Small Cell Carcinoma of lung. Remember Small cell canrcinoma of lung is tx with chemotherapy & Radiation. (so no need of expensive pre - surgical evaluation) OPERABILITY OF LUNG CANCER : 1. Central lesion require pneumonectomy and peripheral lesion require lobectomy. 2. Residual function after pneumonetomy is major issue but not after lobectomy. 3. Determine FEV of each lung with Ventilation perfusion scan. (if FEV < 800ml donot perform expensive test, pt is not surgical candidate). tx with chemo & radiation. 4. Minimum FEV of 800 ml is needed. any clinical finding such as COPD etc suggest this may be limiting factor. Remember potential cure by surgical removal of lung cancer depends on extent of metastasis. Hilar metastasis can be removed with Pneumonectomy; But Nodal metastasis at Carine or mediastinum preclude curative ressection. CT Identify extent of metastasis., PET scam may identify actively growing tumor in enlarged node. Cervical mediastinal exploration may be required to confirm the dx. * SUBCLAVIAN STEAL $ -- occur due to atherosclerotic plaque at the origin of subclavian artery which is sufficient enough to supply blood to arm in normal conditions, but during excersize it does not meet the demand of arm blood supply. When this happen arm sucks up the blood from brain by reversing the flow into the vertebral artery. MANIFEST -- claudication of arm (coldness, tingling, muscle pain) along neurologic sign (Visual Sx, equillibrium problem) during excersize. DX -- Arteriogram is diagnostic shows reversal flow. TX -- Surgical bypass is curative. Remember vascular symptoms alone suggest Thoracic outlet $ (common in accident, swimmers and base ball pitchers etc). * AORTIC ANEURYSM -- Typically asymptomatic, found as pulsatile abdominal mass, or on xary, or sonogram or CT scan. If the aneurysm is s 4 cm it can be safely observed because the chance of rupture is almost zero. If the aneurysm is 5 - 6 cm or larger pt should have elective repair, chance of rupture is high. If aneurysm is tender it will rupture in a day or two, emergency repair is needed. Excrutiating pain radiating to back means aneurysm is already start leaking. Emergency surgery is required. * ATHEROSCLEROTIC DISEASE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES -- Claudication (Pain on walking which relieved by rest). If claudication does not interfere pts life prophylactic surgery is not needed and no further workup is required. TX -- Cessation of smoking, excersize, Cilostazol (phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor > inhibit pletelet aggregation) helpful in long term. Surgery is reserved only in limb saving situation (necrosis, significant interference in life etc) * WORK UP FOR DISABLING INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION : 1. Start with Doppler looking for pressure gradient. If it is negative the disease is in small vessel and is not amenable for surgery. 2. If there is significant gradient perform Arteriogram to localize the lesion. TX -- For small plaque angioplasty or stenting is choice. For more extensive lesion bypass graft or sequential stenting is needed. For large distal plaque use reverse saphenous vein graft. For Proximal lesion at aortobifemoral, prothetic material is needed. Pain at rest suggest last stage of dis. dangling down the legs helpful in pain. purple leg, shiny hair less skin, pulseless, finally gangrene & ulcers. * ARTERIAL EMBOLIZATION -- sudden onset of pain usually due to Emboli originate in heart (after MI or from plaque). Distal part of obstruction is usually cold. DX -- Immidiate doppler to identify location of obstruction. (urgent evaluation and tx shoud be completed with in 6 hrs) TX -- Incomplete obstruction of lower extremity vessel should be treated with clot buster. Complete obstruction can be tx with Embolectomy with fogarty catheter. Fasciotomy should be added if several hrs have passed before revascularization. * DISSECTING AORTA -- Tearing chest pain radiating to the back usually in pt with HTN. Cardiac enz and ECG is normal. DX - Best test is Spiral CT scan. Transesophageal Echo & MRI Angiogram also provide diagnosis. CXR shows Wide media stinum. TX - Dissection of ascending aorta is treated surgically. vs. Dissection of descending aorta tx medically by controling HTN in ICU. * BASAL CELL CARCINOMA -- Most common skin cancer. donot metastasize but can kill by local invasion. First appear as shiny pearly nodule than Waxy looking or non healing ulcer in appearance. DX -- Full thickness incision or punch biopsy. TX -- local excision with negative margins, 1 mm is enough and curative. Other lesion may develop later. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA -- appear as non healing ulcer preferably on lower lip but can occur anywhere. Metastasize to lymphnode. DX -- Full thickness incision or punch biopsy. TX -- Excision with wider margin is needed (0.5 - 2 cm) along with node dissection if involved. Other option is Radiation. * MELANOMA -- pigmented lesion with irregular border that exceeds 0.5 cm in diameter. (grows, ulcerate, change shape color & bleed). 130 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -- Full thickness incision or punch biopsy. TX -- Lesion < 1 mm deep has good prognosis and olny local excision is required. Lesion > 1mm deep require excision with wider margin (2- 3 cm). Lesion b/w 1 - 4 mm deep need aggresive therapy including node dissecton. Lesion > 4 mm deep have worst prognosis. * METASTATIC MALIGNANT MELANOMA -- unpridictable fascinating dis. metastasize to all unusual places or organ. (inside heart, vessels). Some pt die with in few months of dx some survive 20 yrs b/w ressection of primary tumor and sudden explosion of metastasis. DX -- Full thickness incision or punch biopsy. * STRABISMUS -- is double vision or two over lapping image develop in childhood it should be corrected surgically to avoid. Amblyopia (Lazy eye) due to poor transmission brain suppress one of the image ÷ cortical blindness of the suppressed eye. True strabismus never resolves spontaneously. Donot confused strabismus with Exagerated convergence due refraction difficulties, this can be resolved with corrective glasses. TX -- Amblyopia is tx by patching a good eye and atropine drops. Childhood cataract should be resolve inorder to prevent Amblyopia (cortical blindness). * ACUTE ANGLE GLAUCOMA -- severe eye pain or frontal headache, typically starting at evening (during watching TV in dark room). EXAMINATION -- show Dilated pupil non reactive to light, cornea feel greenish hue, eye feel rock hard. TX -- Ophtalmologist provide by making laser guided hole in Iris to drain the pressure. While awaiting ophthalmologist administer Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, | blocker, o 2 selective adrenergic agonist. Manitol or pilocarpine also help. * ORBITAL CELLULITIS -- An ophthalmologic emergency, eye lids are hot, tender, red and swollen, pt is febrile. Dilated fix pupil is key finding, there is a pus in the orbit. TX -- Emergency CT scan and Drainage have to be done. * EMBOLIC OCCLUSION OF THE RETINAL ARTERY -- An Ophthalmologic emergency, common in elderly. Sudden loss of vision in one eye which in 30 min become irreversible. TX -- tell the pt breath into a paper bag and have some repeated press hard on the eye and release while he is in transit to the ER (the idea is to vasodialate and shake the clot into more distal location so that the smaller area is ischemic). * THYROGLOSSAL CYST is midline mass. vs. BRACHIAL CLEFT CYST is anterior to sternocloid muscle. * CYSTIC HYGROMA cover entire supraclavicular area and seems to extend deep into the chest. * LYMPHNODE SWELLING -- Recent lymphnode swelling most like due to inflamation (do not do expensive work up). Wait if it disappear in 4 - 6 week. Work up -- If persisit more than 6 week it could still be due to inflamation but work up for ruling out tumor is mandatory. * LYMPHOMA -- often presents with multiple enlarged nodes, low Fever and night sweat. common in children. DX -- Fine needle aspiration has to be done. For determining specific type complete node has to be removed for pathologic study. TX -- Chemotherapy. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF MUCOSAE -- usual candidates are AIDS pt. Most commonly located at the mouth floor. persistent ulcer causing ear ache. May caused by smoking, tobacco chewing, beatle nut, etc. DX -- Fine needle biopsy. TX -- Radical neck dissection, very often Radio therapy and Platinum based chemotherapy. * ACOUSTIC NERVE NEUROMA -- unilateral hearing loss. DX -- MRI is the best test. * FACIAL NERVE NEUROMA -- unilateral facial paralysis. DX -- Gadolinium enhenced MRI is the best test. * PAROTID TUMOR -- Visible and palpable in front of ear or around the angle of mandible. * PELOMORPHIC ADENOMA -- MC benign, painless parotid tunor that do not effect Facial nerve but have potential for malignancy. The Hard Parotid mass that is painful and has produce paralysis is Parotid Cancer. DX -- Fine needle aspiration is needed (remember open biopsy is absolutely contraindicated) TX -- do Formal Superficial Parotidectomy (or deep Porotidectomy if the tumor is deep to the facial nerve) to excise & biopsy. Enucleation alone leads to recurrence. In Malignant tumor the nerve is sacrified and graft is done. * LUDWIG ANGINA -- is the abscess of floor of the mouth often due to bad tooth infection. Most imp issue is the threat to the airway. TX -- Incision and draingae is required, but intubation and tracheostomy may be needed. * CAVERNOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS -- cause diplopia (due to paralysis of intrinsic eye muscle) in person who is suffering from frontal or ethmoid sinusitis (due to staph & strep inf), can cause nerve palsy sp VI nerve is more common (ptosis, photophobia etc) Management -- It is emergency pt need to be hospitalized, IV antibiotic and CT scan to drian the affected sinus. * EPISTAXIS due to cocaine use (young adults) or HTN (elders), tx by post packing & controling HTN + post packing respectively. In Children it is usually due to nose picking and require local pressure and phenylephrine spray. For Epistaxis due to Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma ressecting surgery is mandatory. * DIZZINESS -- caused by inner ear problem or cerebral problem. When inner ear is the problem pt describes the room is spinning. TX -- Meclizine, phenergan, diazepam may help. When problem is in cerebrum the pt describe him self unsteady where as room is stable. TX -- neurologic work up need to be done. * TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK -- sudden onset of neurologic deficit without headache and resolve spontaneously. 131 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -- must do Carotid artery Doppler followed by Arteriogram. TX -- In case of Plaque lesion do Carotid Endarterectomy for prevent future hemorrahgic stroke. * ISCHEMIC STROKE -- sudden onset of neurologic deficit with out headache but persist and leave neurologic sequelae. Later it may complicate by hemorrhagic stroke in some pts. DX -- Vascular work up is mandatory (doppler etc), for existing stroke CT scan is best. TX -- For previous stroke reahbilitation needed. IV tPA factor prevent ischemia if tx with in 90 min to 3 hrs of the onset of Sx, but first rule out hemorrhage with CT scan. * HEMORRHAGIC STROKE -- seen in pt with uncontrol HTN. sudden severe pain "worst headache of life" and sudden onset of neurologic deficit. DX -- CT scan is used to evaluate the extent of hemorrhage. TX -- Control of HTN and Rehabilitation. * SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE - sever headache "worst of life" "thunder clap like" Since the blood is in the subarachinoid space there may be no neurologic deficit at all (due to this some pt sent home where they die later, lucky one show nuchal rigidity and be recognised). Recognised one may often return with another bleed this time more severe called Senteniel Bleed . Manifestion -- vomiting, neck stiffness (after 6 hrs), less often presents confusion, seizures dilated pupil and loss of pupillary reflex. DX -- start with CT scan. Followed by Arteriogram to locate the aneurysm. Spinal tap may show blood but is never the first test. TX -- Surgical clipping is needed. Rememeber hemorrhagic stroke appear white and Ischemic stroke appear Black/Gray. * BRAIN TUMOR -- MRI is the best test because provide better detail. TX -- While waiting for the surgery tx pt with high dose dexamethasone for Inc Intracranial P. * TUMOR AT FRONTAL LOBE BASE (Foster Kennedy $) -- Inappropriate behavior, Ipsilateral Optic nerve atrophy, Contralateral Papilledema, Anosmia, Inc Intracranial P. * PROLACTINOMA -- Amenorrhea and Glactorrhea. DX -- work up include ruling out pregnancy test, hypothyroidism, serum PL level and MRI of sella. TX -- Bromocriptine in most cases. Surgical removel of tumor if pt wants to get pregnant or fail to respond to bromocriptine. * ACROMEGALY -- Huge man, big jaws and head. Additionally shows HTN, diabetes, sweaty hand, headache etc. DX -- Work up start with somatomedin C and pituitary MRI. TX -- Surgical removal is better. Radiation is another option. * PITUITARY APOPLEXY -- occur due to bleeding into a pituitary tumor ÷ destruction of pituitary gland. Show Headahe, visual loss & long standing endocrine problem. resultant hematoma cause further deterioration of vision, stupor, hypotension.. DX -- MRI or CT scan will show the extent of problem. TX -- Steroid replacement is urgently needed, later other hormone need to be replace too. Surgery improve the problem. * PINEAL GLAND TUMOR -- Loss of upper gaze "sunset eyes" called Parinaud $. Most brain tumor in childrens occur in posterior fossa with signs of stumbling around, Truncal ataxia. Children often assume Knee chest position to relieve their headache. * BRAIN ABSCESS -- same manifestation as brain tumor (space occupying lesion). Show Fever,near by Inf (otitis media, mastoiditis). DX -- CT scan is first test of choice. Actual ressection is required. * SPINALCORD TUMOR -- mostly are due to metastasis. DX -- Best test is MRI. * SPINAL STENOSIS (Neurogenic Claudication) -- Pain by walking in elders, relieved by rest with specific position. pulse normal. DX -- Must do MRI. TX -- pain control by nerve block by specialist under radiologic guidance. * TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA -- sharp shooting pain in trigeminal distribution, must do MRI to rule out other pathology. TX -- Anticonvulsant. Radiofrequency Ablation if anticonvulsant fails. * REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY (CAUSALGIA) -- Burning agonizing pain develop several month after crushing injury. donot respond to analgesic. Pain on little stimulation of the area involve. Extremities are cold, cynotic and moist. DX -- Sympathetic block is diagnostic. TX -- Surgical Sympathectomy is curative. * TESTICULAR TORSION -- Do not perform any test go directly to emergency surgery. vs. * ACUTE EPIDIDYMITIS -- occur in sexually active men, it mimic signs of testicular torsion (of sudden onset) + Fever & pyurea. DX -- Do Sonogram to rule out testicular torsion.. Tx is Antibiotics * COMBINATION of OBSTRUCTION & INFECTION -- of urinary tract (beside testicular torsion) is a dire emergency because it lead to destruction of kidney in only few hrs & potential death from sepsis. TX -- Remember one who pass urethral stone spontaneously and develop sudden chill, fever (104 - 105 C) and flank pain should be imidiately decompressed above the level of obstruction by ureteral stent or percutaneous nephrostomy. * ACUTE BACTERIAL PROSTITIS -- chill, fever, dysurea, urinary frequency, diffuse low back pain, tender prostate on rectal exam in elders. TX -- IV antibiotics and do not repeat rectal exam (contineous rectal exam could lead to septic shock). UROLOGIC WORKUP : IVP is contrindicated in pt with creatinin > 2. (give excellent view of kidney, collecting sys, ureter and to some extent bladder) 132 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS CT scan is ideal for renal tumor. Sonogram is good to look for renal obstruction, dilatation. Only Cystoscopy take care of bladder mucosa indetail and aid in detecting early cancer. * POSTERIOR URETHRAL VALVE -- is the most common reason of the newborn boy not urinate during first day of life. Must rule out Meatal stenosis. DX -- voiding cystourethrogram. TX -- First catheterization to empty the bladder. Later Endoscopic fulguration or ressection. Urinary tract inf in children should always be investigated for the dx of undiagnosed congenital anomaly. * VESICOURETERAL REFLUX - produce inf, burning on urination, urinary frequency, low abdominal pain, flank pain, fever, chills DX -- start dx with empiric antibiotics than culture and IVP, Voiding Cystogram looking for reflux. TX -- If found vesicoureteral reflux long term Antibiotic are used untill child grow out of problem. * LOW IMPLANTATION OF URETER -- Assymptomatic in boys but fascinating in girls. In girls the need of voiding urge & voiding all is normal but they also wet by driping the urine into the vagina all the time due to low implant ureter. DX -- IVP will show up the abnormal connection.. TX -- surgical repair. * URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION (UPJ) OBSTRUCTION -- UPJ obstruction is fascinating condition. UPJ obstruction allow normal urinary out put to flow under normal condition and do not manifest in childhood unless large diuresis occur than UPJ obstruction can not handle it. Classic presentation is of teenagers who start consume beer first time in life and ends up with sudden coliky flank pain due to hydronephrosis. * RENAL CELL CARCINOMA -- also called Renal Adenocarcinoma present with hematuria, flank mass / pain. IVP shows the renal mass but Sonogram determine wheather it is solid or cystic. DX -- CT scan gives the best details and is always the first test of choice. TX -- surgery. * TRANSITIONAL CELL CARCINOMA -- In may cases TCC is more closely related to smoking than lung cancer. SX -- Afibril person with hematuria, Irritation in voiding plus negative urinary culture should raise the suspect. DX -- first IVP (slideA) than Cystoscopy (slide B) is the best way to diagnose. TX -- Both surgery and intravesical BCG. Due to High rate of reccurance life long close follow up is needed. * PROSTATE CANCER -- Surveillance for Prostate cancer should be stop at age 75 because survival is not effected by tx. DX -- CT scan help assess extend and chose therapy (Radiation versus surgical). Wide spread metastasis respond few yrs to Androgen ablation, surgical Orchiectomy, or medication Flutamide (antiandrogen) or LHrh agoinst. * TESTICULAR CANCER -- usually occur in young man. Present as painless testicular mass. Benign testical tumor vertually does not exist thats why Biopsy is done by Radical Orchiectomy. Node dissection is needed in some. Pre operational Blood serum marker (| hCG & AFP) should be obtained which is useful for the follow up reference. Most Testicular cancer are Radiosensitive & Chemosensitive (Platinum based chemo), offering many oprion for metastatic dis. * Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) cannot be used in pregnant women, bleeding diathesis, stones that several centimeters large. * PNEUMATURIA -- most common reason is diverticulitis. DX -- Work up should be started with CT scan. Later Sigmoidoscopy is nessassary to rule out cancer. TX -- Surgical * ACUTE REJECTION -- occur after first 5 days to first 3 months. Signs of organ dysfunction suggest it and Biopsy confirms it. In Case of Liver Dysfunction after transplantation first rule out Biliary obstruction by U/S and Vascular thrombosis by Doppler because technical prablem are commonly encountered in liver transplant than immunologic. In Case of Heart dysfunction after transplantation do Routine Ventricualr Biopsy (by way of the jugualar, superior vena cava and right atrium) because in heart signs of failure occur too late for effective therapy. TX -- First line tx for Acute rejection is Steroids Boluses, If unsuccessful give Antilymphocyte agent (OKT3). * CENTRAL CORD SYNDROME -- occur after hyperextention of neck due to accident etc. Results into paralysis & burning pain of both upper exterimities (good motor function in legs). DX -- CT scan is good to look into vertebrae and MRI is good to look into spinal cord. TX -- Acute management is high dose steroids. * HEMOTHORAX -- should be drain from the base of pleural cavity to prevent EMPYEMA or other future problem. Signs of Dullness on percussion + Shortness of breath. * HEMOTHORAX normally do not need exploratory thoracotomy surgery since it resolves by it self due to low pressure system. * HEMOTHORAX : >1000 mL of blood recover or pt has subsequent bleeding (if sum of blood recover/ hr is > 600 mL in 6 hrs). do exploratory thoracotomy. Major vessel is damaged. * PNEUMOTHORAX should be drain high in the pleural cavity. Sign of hyperresonance plus Shortness of breath. * FLIAL CHEST -- traumatic fracture of ribs ÷ cave in & bulge out of the effected chest during inhale & exhale respevctively. Dx is easy but some aspect of management is crtical and require deep understanding.. * Remember some pathology may appear one or two days later like traumatic transection of aorta, cardiac or pulmonary contusion. * Remember pulmonary contusion is an imp issue which is treated with fluid restriction but if fluid resuscitation is needed use colloid fluid rather than crystaloid, along with diuretic and close monitoring of Blood gases. (due to danger of pulmonary edema) * If Blood gas deteriorates, pt must be put on respirator but before starting respirator introduce bilateral chest tube, because once positive pressure 133 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS respirator is strated it may lead to pneumothorax (due to punctured lung because of broken ribs). * Monitoring need for 48 hrs for possible signs of pulmonary & myocardial contusion, Repeat CXR, blood gases, EKG, & troponin. * Traumatic transection of aorta is dx by spiral CT scan but interpretation need lateral CXR which shows wide mideastinum. If there is no wide mediastinum on CXR and CT scan shows no aortic lesion no further work up is needed. If mediastnum is wide on CXR and CT scan is nondiagnostic than Arteriogram should be done. * PULMONARY CONTUSION -- occur due to trauma against the chest. It does not aways show up right away, it may become evident 1 or 2 days later. Management -- Fluid restriction (use colloid if need), diuretics, Respiratory support, Mechenical ventilation if required but always with intubation due to Positive end expiratory pressure. * TRAUMATIC DIAPHRAGMATIC RUPTURE -- occur in traumatic setting with no breath sounds on the effected side of chest, CXR shows multiple air fluid level on the effected side. Respiratory distress. Dx -- not really needed. In suspicious cases Laproscopic Evaluation is indicated. Nasogastric tube curling up in the chest. Tx -- Surgical repair * STERNAL FRACTURE -- occur in trauma setting, pt feel tender over the sternum and gritty feeling of bone grating on bone whcih elicit by palpation. High risk of AORTIC RUPTURE and MYOCARDIAL CONTUSION. Management -- Dx and Tx myocardial rupture like MI. ECG, Troponin, control Arrythmia as develop. Spiral CT scan for Aortic Rupture if CXR shows widen Mediastinum, you may also need Aortogram if Spiral CT is Inconclusive. * ELECTRIC BURNS -- always much bigger and cause deeper tissue destruction, surgical debridement is required. Imp issue are. * Myoglobinuria which cause renal failure -- pt needs lots of IV fluid (preferabley Mannitol), diuretics and alkalinization of urine. * Other injuries that must be rule out are Post dislocation of shoulder, Compression fracture of vertebral bodies (due to voilent muscular contraction), and Late developemnet of Cataract and demyelinization syndrome. BURN MANAGEMENT -- * First of all Tetanus prophylaxis, cleaning and use of topical agents (Silver Sulfadiazine); If deeper penetration is required at limited area use Mafenide acetate. (it hurts and cause acidosis if use on very large area). Burn near eyes are covered with triple Antibiotic Ointment. Pain medication is given IV. Start Rehabilitaion on day one. * Start Parkland formula : 4 mL of Lactate ringer (without sugar) per kg of body wt, per percentage of body area (upto 50%) for burns plus 2 L of 5% of dextrose (D5W) for maintainence. Give one half in first 8 hrs and second half in next 16 hrs. 2nd day one half of the calculated amount along with colloids if needed. By 3rd day there should be a brisk diuresis, donot give more fluids. * Higher amount of fluid is needed if pt have respiratory burn, electrical burn and recent Escharotomies. * During first 48 hrs 70 kg man should maintained urinary output 45 - 110 ml/hr by vigorous IV fluid administration. * Many experts aim for an hourly urine output of 0.5 - 1 ml / kg body wt / hr. For electric burn 1 - 2 ml / kg / hr. * 3 day discontinued IV fluid administration. * After initial day or two of Nasogastric suction intensive nutritional support is needed (via gut, high calorie / high nitrogen) * After 2 or 3 weeks graft will be done to the area that will not regenerate. * In babies head is bigger and legs are smaller, thus head is two 9%s and both legs add upto three (rather than four) 9%s. Proportion of fluid needed are greator in children than in adult, thus rate should be 20 ml/kg. Or 4 - 6 ml / kg /% in 24 hrs. * ANT DISLOCATION OF THE ARM -- arm is EXTERNALLY ROTATED (arm is closed to body but externally rotated with attempt to move). DX -- get AP and Lateral Xrays for diagnosis. * POST DISLOCATION OF THE ARM -- arm is INTERNALLY ROTATED (arm is close to the body and remain interanally rotated with attempt to move) . DX -- get Axillary View or Scapular Lateral Xrays. * COLLES FRACTURE -- Classic Displaced fracture of the distal radius & Nondisplaced fracture of the ulnar stylus due to fall on out stretched hand TX -- Close Reduction and Long arm cast. * MONTEGGIA FRACTURE -- Classic Diaphyseal fracture of Proximal Ulna plus Ant dislocation of the Radial head. TX -- Closed reduction of radial head and Open reduction and internal fixation of ulnar fracture. * GALEAZZI FRACTURE -- Classic Fracture of distal 3rd of the radius Plus dorsal dislocation of distal Radioulnar joint. TX -- Radial fracture need open reduction and internal fixation where as dislocation of joint need cast. * FRACTURE OF SCPHOID BONE (Carpel Navicular) -- Fracture does not show up on xrays until 2 or 3 week. The fracture is infamous for high rate of Non reunion. Caused by fall on out stretched hand. TX -- Thumb Spica cast along with repeat xrays 3 week later. * DISPLACED SCAPHOID BONE WITH ANGULATED FRACTURE appear on xrays (Oblique xrays) should be tx with Open reduction & Internal fixation * 4th or 5th (or both) METACARPEL FRACTURE -- Occur when punching aganst solid object. Tx depend on degree of angulation. TX -- Closed reduction and ulnar gutter splints for mild cases. Krischner wire or plate fixation for bad ones. * FEMORAL HEAD FRACTURE -- affected leg is shortened & externally rotated. TX - Prosthesis (because blood supply to femoral head is compromised) * MENISCAL TEAR -- painful knee, shows click on extension of knee. xrays are normal. TX -- Arhtroscopic repair is needed. (save as much as possible menisus because in case of complete removal late degenerative arthritis will ensue). * STRESS FRACTURE -- stress fracture will not show up on Xrays until 2 week. 134 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- Perform cast and repeat the Xrays in 2 weeks. * POSTERIOR DISLOCATION OF THE HIP -- classic Shortened, adducted and internally rotated limb. TX -- Xrays and Emergency reduction (delay may lead to avascular necrosis). * GAS GANGRENE -- tx immidiately with IV Penicillin, surgical debridement of dead tissue and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. * POSTERIOR DISLOCATION OF THE KNEE -- occur in traumatic setting sp in atheletes. Important thing to remember is post dislocation of the knee can nail the Popliteal artery, thus attention to integrity of pulses, Arteriogram and Prompt reduction are key issues. * CARPEL TUNNEL $ -- numbness & tingling ove the distribution of median nerve (3 1/2 finger of radial side). Limping of hand or pressure on carpel tunnel will reproduce numbness and tinling. TX -- Initial tx is Antiinflamatories and splints. If surgery is needed, Electromyography should preceded first. *JERSY FINGER -- middle finger can not be flex due to tendon injury vs. * MALLET FINGER -- middle finger can not be extend due to tendon injury. TX -- splinting is the first line tx. * LUMBAR DISC HERNIATION -- Pain like electric shock shoot to the leg. In L4 - L5 herniated disc pain exits from the Big Toe vs. In L5 - S1 herniated disc pain exits from little toe. * LUMBAR DISC HERNIATION -- can also cause CAUDA EQUINA $ which manifest additional Sx such as flaccid anal sphincter, distended bladder, perineum (saddle) anesthesia. TX -- it is surgical emergency. * SURGICAL PEARLS : * A 61 yrs old male Chronic smoker going to have elective surgery -- The main problem is compromised ventilation (high PCO2 and low FEV1) rather than compromied oxygenation. Start evaluation with FEV1, if it is abnormal perform blood gases. Cessation of smoking for 8 weeks & intensive respiratory therapy (physical therapy, expectorants, intensive spirometry, humidified air) should precede surgery. * With Presurgical Bilirubin > 2, Albumin < 3, Prothrombin > 16 secs, pt cannot go to surgery. * Surgical candidate with Diabetic ketoacidosis coma -- is not the candidate for surgery. Remember no matter how urgent the operation might be first correct the metabolic state. * Surgical Candidate with severe nutritional def -- is not the candidate for surgery, surprizingly 4 - 5 days of preoperational nutritional support (prefrably via gut) can make the big difference and make pt eligible for surgery. (7 - 10 days is optimal) * Surgical candidate with MI of < 3 months -- mortality rate is 40 % if candidate has < 3month old MI. Wait for 6 months & time is the only option & answer here. If earlier operation is mandatory admission to the ICU day before surgery is recommended. * Post Hemigastrectomy and Gastroduodenostomy pt with gastric and duodenal content leaking out from the incision : If pt is febrile with an acute abdomin and sick , he need to be explored. If only gastric or Duodenal content is leaking do massive fluid and electrolyte replacement along with nutritional support which deliver directly into the upper jejunum (total parenteral nutrition is poor 2nd choice). hoping for eventual healing without opererating again is right answer. * Failure of medical tx in Pseudomembraneous colitis + 50000 WBCs + serum Lactate > 5 mmol/L is an indication for emergency Colectomy. * DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU -- no Axillary sampling is needed, lumpectomy + Radiation for lesion confined to one quadrant and Total Mastectomy for multicentric lesion. * BREAST CANCER DURING PREGNANCY -- tx the same way as pregnancy does not exist. Only excepton is; No Radiation during oregnancy and no chemo during first trimester. Termination of pregnancy is not needed. * SURICAL CANDIDATE WITH COPD & CANCER : At least 800 ml of FEV1 Pre & Post surgically is needed to survive surgery. If pt is the right candidate for surgery evaluate with CT scan for metastesis. Some time both CT & PET scan require if status of mediastinel node is not clear. If PET scan fails to provide the status next step is Mediastinoscopy. * Acetaminophen toxicity - 2 Acute alcoholic intake can reduce the risk of hepatic injury by Acetaminophen because it competes with CYP2E1, so there is less production of toxic metabolites. Chronic alcohol intake increases risk of hepatic injury by stimulating P450 system and decreasing the amount of Glutathione (used for metabolism of acetaminophen). Management process: 1-4-hr post ingestion AA levels are determined to decide whether the pt will benefit from NAC or not. 2-On the other hand if the pt has ingested >7.5 gr AA and levels will not be available w/i 8 hours of ingestion, he should be given the antidote. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UW points " Int Med " * When sputum induction does not confirm the dx, Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is performed. * Retinal Hamartoma is typical for Tuberous sclerosis. vs. * Optic retinitis -- occur in 20 - 45 yrs of age, Rapid impairment of vision, Central scotomata, changed color perception & dec visual acuity. Optic neuritis is early manifestation of Multiple Sclerosis. * Open Angle Glaucoma -- Gradual loss of peripheral vision (tunnel vision), Cupping of Optic disc. * Leukomoid reaction -- LAP score is elevated. vs. CML -- LAP score is dec. (LAP score is very imp differential test). * MC site for Hypertensive hemorrhage is PUTAMEN ÷ Hemiparesis, Hemisensory loss, Homonymous hemianopsia, stupor & coma. vs. 135 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Subarachinoid hemorrhage ÷ sudden severe headache with out neurologic signs and Sxs. * Pontine Hemorrhage ÷ pt usually presents with coma, paraplegia, pin point reactive pupil and Decerebrate Rigidity. * DX Criterion of Pleural Effusion is essential to differentiate Exudate vs. Transudate Pleural effusion. One of the following Ratio must be present for an exudate fluid other wise it is transudate. (v imp to understand). 1. Pleural Fluid protein / Serum protein Ratio > 0.5 2. Pleural Fluid LDH / Serum LDH Ratio > 0.6 3. Pleural Fluid LDH > 2/3 of upper limit of normal serum LDH. * Determining PH is also imp in Parapneumonic Effusion --- 1. Normal pH of Effusion is 7.64 2. pH < 7.2 Require Chest tube Aspiration. (Pleural Fluid pH < 7.3 indicates Inflamation) 3. pH of 7.35 is consistent with transudate. * Pleural Fluid Glucose level < 60 mg/dL favor dx of TB, Rheumatoid arthritis and Parapneumonic effusion. * Pt with Chronic Analgesic abuse ÷ Premature ageing, Atherosclerotic vascular dis, Urinary tract cancer. * NSAIDs ÷ Tubulo interstitial nephritis + Sterile pyurea (WBC cast). * Malignant Melanoma are notorious to cause the bleeding inside the metastatic mass. Famous for it recurrence even after successful surgical removal in any organ of the body. * Non Melanomatous skin cancer, Oropharyngeal cancer, Esophageal cancer and Prostate cancer almost never metastasize to brain. * Plasma Aldosterone / Plasma Renin activity Ratio (PA/PRA Ratio) > 30 indicates Primary Hyperaldosteronsim. * Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia I (HIT I) is non immune mediated and appear in first 2 days of heparin tx. vs. HIT II is Autoimmune disorder appear in 4 - 10 days of heparin tx. TX -- for both is first stop Heparin, then use Direct thrombin inhibitor (Leprudin, Argatroban) * Left Atrial dilatation cause AF upto 70 % of pt with Mitral stenosis such as in Rheumatic Heart dis. * Inc serum Ca++ & Inc or inappropriately normal PTH level --- Think of Hyperparathyroidism or Familial Hypocalceuric hypercalcemia (FHH). Note -- In FHH urine Ca++ excretion is low. vs. In Hyperparathyroidism 24 hrs urine Ca++ excretion is high (Parathyroidectomy is not recommended). * Inc in Vit D synthesis, Vitaminosis D, Multiple Myeloma, Sarcoidosis & Renal cell carcinoma ÷ Serum Ca++ Inc and PTH is dec. (imp diff) * Acute Hyponatremia that cause seizures (symptomatic) -- Its emergency tx promptly with 3% Saline solu. Causes are inappropriate administration of fluid. Acute Asymptomatic hyponatremia can be tx with prompt Saline solution. vs. Chronic hyponatremia that is Asymptomatic need to be corrected slowly with Normal Saline. (Rapid correction cause Osmotic demyelination $). * AF -- Warfarin is most effective tx to dec the risk of Thrombotic emboli. * Suspected Pancreatic cancer ---- First U/S then CT scan if both fail then ERCP. * Plain Roentgenogram is used in pt with Osteoporosis with possible vertebral crush fracture. These pt usually do not have nerve impingement Sxs. * Embryonal cell carcinoma ---- Inc AFP (50% shows Inc Beta hCG too) * Choriocarcinoma --- Inc Beta hCG. * Seminoma --- Inc PLAP. * Leydig Cell tumor --- Inc testosterone & Inc Estrogen pt show gyenecomastia along with other Sxs. Inc Estrogen ÷ inhibit FSH and LH. * Mononucleosis like $ with Inc Lymphocytes and - ve Hetrophile Ab test ------- think CMV mononucleosis. * Cyclosporine side effects -- Nephrotoxicity > HTN, Neurotoxicity, glucose intolerance, Infection, malignancy, Gingival hyperplasia, hirsuitism, GI Sxs. vs. * Tacrolimus side effect ---- Nephrotoxicity > neurotoxicity, glucose intolerance and diarrhea. * Azathioprin side effect -- diarrhea, leukopenia, hepatotoxicity. * Mycophentolate side effect --- Bone Marrow suppression. * FEV1 and FVC values are dec in restrictive & Obstructive lung dis; but FEV / FVC Ratio in Restrictive lung dis is > 80 % vs. In Obstructive it is < 80%. * Ankylosing Spondylitis presents with low back pain & stiffness typically in HLA B27 + ve male. It also manifest as fatigue, uveitis, & pulmonary dis (due to fusion of costovertebral joints results into restricted chest wall motion ÷ Restricted pattern of Pulmonary function test "PFT"). * Pt < 50 yrs old with no risk factors + Minimal Bright Red Blood pre Rectum (MBRBPR) -- 1st do Anoscopy, if that fails do Colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopy. Pt > 50 yrs old + MBRBPR -- First do Colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopy. * Leprosy -- dx is made by skin biopsy (demonstrate Acid fast bacilli). * Propanolol is also the tx of Benign essential tremor (Benign essential tremor occur on attempting to do any thing, it is not resting tremor as in Parkinson dis). * Screening of bladder cancer is not recommended even if pt who are at risk of developing it; But this statement is not for screening ppl with occupational exposure of substance. (Screening include urine analysis, cytology, tumor Ag, Nuclear matrix protein etc). * Tetanus & diphtheria (Td) booster should be given every 10 yrs for adults age 19 - 64 yrs. * Influenza vaccine is recommended 19 - 49 yrs old and those who have close contact with children 0 - 59 months of age. All > 50 yrs old with certain comorbidities should also receive IM Influenza vaccine. * All sexually active women gets yearly Pap smear starting at age 21 or 3 yrs after first sexual encounter (which ever come first). The screening interval can be Inc to every 3 yrs if pt has Consecutive 2 or 3 normal Pap smear or is in monogamous relationship. This cycle must be restarted with every new sexual partner. 136 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Pt over 65 - 70 yrs of age or those who had cervix removed for non malignant reason do not need Pap smear. * HPV vaccine is given to female aged 9 - 26 yrs old and it is most effective if given before coitarche. * Porphyria Cutanea tarda -- painless blistering + Hypertrichosis + hyperpigmentation. It is often associated with Hepatitis C inf & subs like Ethanol and estrogen which should be discontinuous once suspected. HYPONATREMIA : (Serum Osmolarity = (2 x Na) + (BUN / 2.8) + (glucose / 18). Normal is +Hyponatremia with Euvolemia -- Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg. U Na > 20 mEq/L. U osm < 300 --- Psychogenic Polydipsia, Beer Potomania. Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg. U Na > 20 mEq/L. U osm > 300 --- SIADH +Hyponatremia with Hypovolemia -- Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg. U Na > 20 mEq/L ---- Diuretic, ACE inhibitor, Mineralacorticoid def. Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg. U Na < 10 mEq/L ---- Dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea. +Hyponetrema with hypervolemia -- Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg ---- CHF, Hepatic failure, Nephrotic $. +Hyponateremia with Normal Serum Osmolarity ---- Hyperproteinemia, hyperlipidemia. +Hyponatremia with high Serum Osmolarity (S osm > 295 m Osm/kg) ---- Hyperglycemia, Exogenous solute (such as Radiocontrast mannitol) * SIADH -- Euvolemia, hyponatremia, dec serum osmolarity, Inc Urine osmolarity, Inc serum Na conc, Failure to correct electrolyte with normal Saline. (imp) * Benzodiazepine overdose can be distinguished from opiod over dose by lack Sever Respiratory depression and lack of pupillary constriction * Benzodiazepine overdose can be distinguished from Alcohol & Phenytoin overdose by lack of Nystagmus effect. * Reactive Arthritis occur 2 - 4 weeks after Genitourinary or GIT Infection ÷ Acute onset of bilateral joint inflamation and pain. * Propylthiuracil -- Cause Agranulocytosis (suspect in any pt who has start taking medication + fever & sore throat). Routine monitoring is for Agranulocytosis is not recommended and is not cost effective. Any Antithyroid medication can cause it such as Methimazole etc. * Dry and rough skin with Horny plates over extensor surface of the limbs is the Hall mark of ICHTHYCOSIS. imp * MC cause of death in MI is Complex Ventricular Arrhythmia (The pathophysiologic mech is Reentrant Arrhythmia). imp * Cholicystectomy is indicated in all symptomatic pt with Gallstones who are medically stable enough to under go surgery. * Achalasia is DX by Manometry. Biopsy will reveal absence of Myenteric plexus. * Subarachinoid Hemorrhage (SAH) ÷ vasospasm of the arteries at the base of the brian in 30% pts and is major cause of morbidity & mortality. Use Nimodipine to prevent vasospasm in brian. * Trachoma (C. trachomatis A - C) ÷ Follicular conjunctivitis, Pannus (neovascularization of cornea). It is major cause of blindness world wide. DX -- Giemsa stain of conjunctival scarping. TX -- Tetracycline or Erythromycin. (repeated infection cause scarring of the cornea). * Absent Ankle reflex in elderly can also be seen as part of normal ageing process. * Diastolic and Continuous murmur, loud systolic murmur should always be investigated with transthoraxic Echocardiography. vs. Mid systolic soft murmur grade I - II / IV in an asymptomatic young pt are usually benign and need no further work up. imp. * Seborrheic dermatitis (occur in all ages sp infant) -- scaly rash effect eye brows, nasolabial folds and scalp. TX -- Moisturizers, Antifungal, Topical steroids. * | Leukocyte Alkaline phosphatase -------------- Leukemoid reaction. * Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase ---------- Hairy cell leukemia. * Auer Rods ---------------------------------------------- AML * + Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase + Leukocytosis ------ CML * Absence of measurable Erythropoitin in urine ------------- Polycythemia vera. * | Bone marrow Iron stores ---------------------------------------- Hemachromatosis, Anemia of chronic dis, Sideroblastic anemia. * Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis -- multiple episodes of paralysis due to abrupt fall in serum K+ level which resolves on its own. Causes are Familial or Thyrotoxicosis. Attack precipitated with meal due to release of EN & Insulin. Pt shows normal BP, Plasma Renin Angiotensin & Aldosterone. * Bartter's $ -- Hypokalemia + Metabolic Acidosis + | urine cl- conc and normal BP (It is due to defective Na+ reabsorption in thick Ascending limb of loop of henle ÷ hypovolemia ÷ Inc Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone system ÷ Inc K + & H+ ion secretion in urine ÷ hypokalemia & metabolic Alkalosis). * Measurement of 3 AM blood glucose level is very helpful in determining the cause of morning hyperglycemia of diabetes mellitus. In Somogyi effect (| NPH dose at night) -- 3 AM glucose level will + and 7 AM glucose level will be |. vs. In Dawn Phenomenon (+ Insulin sensitivity b/w 3 AM - 8 AM) and Waning of glucose -- 3 AM glucose level will be | and 7 AM glucose level will be | too. * Dec blood glucose level ÷ Inc EN, nor EN, glucagon, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis ÷ hyperglycemia. * S4 is audible in pt with left decubitus position ------ suggest Hypertensive cardiomyopathy. Systolic murmur that Inc on standing ------------------ suggest Hypertrophic Obstructive cardiomyopathy. Paradoxical splitting of S2 --------------------------------- LBBB Systolic murmur that Inc on Inspiration ---------------- IV drug abuser who has subacute bacterial endocarditis affecting tricuspid valve ÷ Septic emboli which cause pulmonary, Renal or other organ seeding / infection. P2 delayed ------------------------------------------------------ RBBB, Rt ventricular Hypertrophy, Pul stenosis, Pul HTN Paradoxical A2 delayed ------------------------------------- LBBB, Lt ventricular hypertrophy, Aortic Stenosis, HTN * PCWP (Pul capillary wedge P) is an indirect measure of left Atrial Pressure -- it dec in hypovolemia. 137 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Fibrocystic dis (rubbery, firm, painful, cystic mass) -- If needle aspiration of cyst show clear fluid & mass disappears then do 4 - 6 week observation. If fluid is bloody or foul smelling do cytology of the fluid. If mass recurs do Biopsy. * Wipple Disease -- is multi systemic dis and cause chronic malabsorption, diarrhea, migrating non deforming arthritis, lymphadenopathy, and wt loss. small intestinal Biopsy shows PAS + ve macrophages. * Celiac dis -- + ve Anti Endomysial and Anti Transglutaminase Ab, Effacement of small intestinal villi ÷ malabsorption. * Cerebellar hemorrhage ÷ Ataxia, vomiting, occipital headache, gaze palsy and facial weakness. (remember there is no hemiparesis) * Chronic GERD predisposes to Barrett's Esophagus, Erosive esophagitis and as well Benign Peptic Esophageal Stricture. Benign Peptic Esophageal Stricture (BPES) Block Acid Reflux but cause solid food dysphagia with out the Anorexia & wt loss. PBES appear as circumferential narrowing on Endoscopy. Do biopsy to rule out Adenocarcinoma (even though it takes more or less 20 yrs to develop Adenocarcinoma). * Medullary Kidney cyst (AD) ÷ Recurrent UTI & Renal stones. DX -- appear as contrast filled cyst on IVP. (Nephronophthis is Autosomal Recessive form) TX -- no tx stops the progression pt must take adequate salt & water to replenish renal loss. (screen for malignancy if pt also show hemihypertrophied renal) vs. * Polycystic Kidney dis is dx with U/S and HTN is common finding. * Cardiac Temponade -- ECG shows Electrical Alternans (in which amplitude of QRS alternates). TX -- Pericardiocentesis. * Molluscum Contagiosum resolves spontaneously but genital lesion need to be tx to prevent sexual transmission with Curettage or Liquid nitrogen. * Absence of Fore head furrows indicate Bells palsy and Exclude central causes. * TIA -- In elder MCC is Atherosclerotic Emboli. vs. In young think Heart dis, vasculitis, hypercoagulable state, dissection, malformation, paradoxical Emboli. * Essential tremor is tx with Propanolol and Primidone. Primidone is convert into Phenobarbital to act, it may precipitate Acute Intermittent Porphyria which manifest as Abdominal pain, Neurologic & psychiatric abnormalities. * Primary Hyperaldosteronism -- First Plasma Renin activity & Aldosterone conc test. (Ratio of > 30 is positive indicator of dis) Then Aldosterone suppression test (by giving oral and IV NaCl then measure 24 hrs urine & Plasma Aldosterone level). Once Primary Hyperaldosteronism is confirmed then do Adrenal CT scan to look Adrenal Adenoma (imp) * Gait problem and Urinary incontinence occur early in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. vs. It also occur in Alzheimer’s dis but late in course. * In dementia of Lewy bodies memory loss occur late in dis. vs. In Alzheimer’s it occur earlier. * Multi Infarct dementia is 2nd MCC of dementia in USA occur in step wise fashion as stroke occurs. * Pseudodementia occur in elderly with major depression. Once depression is tx dementia resolves. (mood evaluation is imp to determine change in pts memory). * MS -- Initial test MRI (lumbar puncture is not very consistent with dis) * Cough can be presenting Sx of GERD -- 24 hrs recording is most sp test, it is usually employed to do dx when Endoscopy fail to provide dx in GERD. imp * Hypercalcemia in Lung Malignancy is MC due to production of Parathyroid hormone like peptide (PTHrP) by Squamous cell carcinoma. vs. * Inc Vit D production mat be responsible of hypercalcemia in certain type of Lymphomas. * Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow) ÷ pain with suppination & extension of the wrist. Point of tenderness is just distal to the lateral Epicondyle. vs. Radial Tunnel $ produce similar Sxs as Tennis Elbow but pain lies over the Extensor muscle wad & pain is elicited by flexing the pt long finger while pt actively extend the finger and wrist. * Fibromuscular Dysplasia -- occur in youngs. show HTN & renal Bruit. TX -- Percutaneous Angioplasty with stent placement. imp. * Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis is the MCC of Nephrotic $ in African American. It can be Idiopathic and Sec to Heroin use or HIV or obesity. * Membranous Nephropathy is common Nephrotic $ in adults. It is caused by HBV inf, Autoimmune dis, Penecillamine or Gold tx. * IgA Nephropathy -- cause Nephrotic $ + Resp Infection. * Minimal Change Dis -- occur in children and cause Nephrotic $. It could be Idiopathic or occur in association with URI and tumor. * Glucose conc b/w 30 - 50 mg/dL of pleural fluid indicates malignancy, lupus, esophageal rupture, TB. (Glucose conc + due to | leukocytes or bacteria) * Fresh Frozen Plasma contain all clotting factors and is First line tx in bleeding pt with Coagulopathy. * Cryoprecipitate is rich in factor VIII, Fibrinogen, vWF, factor XIII. It is typically restricted to pt who are deficient in these factors. * Exercise induced Asthma -- tx with beta Adrenergic Agonist before exercise or mast cell stabilizer. vs. * Ipratropium is most effective in COPD than in those with asthma. * TCA overdose ÷ dilated pupil, seizures, hyperthermia, intestinal ileus, QRS prolongation, susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmia. TX -- First ABC and NaHCO3- (Sodium Bicarbonate). Then improve BP, Shorten QRS and prevent Arrhythmia. * Ca++ Gluconate is Cardioprotective in hyperkalemia (peak T wave followed by lengthening of PR and QRS resulting in Sine Wave). * Magnesium sulfate is used in Torsades de points (Torsades de pointes is induced by prolong QT interval). * MCC of Constrictive Pericarditis is cardiac surgery, Viral, Idiopathic. and Radiation therapy. Manifest as Peripheral edema, ascitis, Inc JVP, Pulmonary edema, Kausmall sign. CXR shows calcified pericardium. TX -- Diuretics and pericardiectomy. * Squamous cell carcinoma "SCa++mous cell carcinoma" -- Central mass (hilar mass) that produce PTHrP ÷ Hypercalcemia, thirst, constipation, fatigue. * Small Cell carcinoma of lung -- produce ACTH and SIADH. (never do surgery in this instead indicate chemo and Radiation) * Adenocarcinoma of lung -- occur in periphery. It is associated with Hypertrophic pulmonary Osteoarthropathy. * Pt presents in ER with confusion or coma due to subs intoxication should receive Empiric tx with Dextrose + O2 + Thiamine + Naloxone. * Tryptophan used in the synthesis of Serotonin and Niacin. In Carcinoid tumor it cause Niacin def (niacin def -- 3Ds "dermatitis, Diarrhea, Dementia). 138 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * HIV + Profused watery diarrhea (non bloody) ---------- Cryptosporidiosis . * HIV + Bloody diarrhea with normal stool pathogen exam -------- Do colonoscopy with Biopsy and look for CMV colitis (multiple ulcer mucosal erosion). Biopsy shows Eosinophilis nuclear inclusion & Basophilic cytoplasmic inclusion "Owl Eyes". * Hematochezia and Lower Abdominal cramps are usually due to colonic infection due to CMV, C. dificile, E. histolytica, Shigella, Compylobacter. * Diarrhea due to Kaposi sarcoma of GIT is non bloody and non ulcerative. * Aplastic Anemia ÷ Pancytopenia, dec Reticulocytes, Normocytic to Macrocytic RBCs. vs. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) ÷ Intravascular hemolysis (complement mediated), hypercoagulable state, bone morrow aplasia, Inc reticulocyte, Inc LDH, dec hepatoglobin, Pancytopenia, splenomegaly, urinary loss of Iron may cause macrocytic anemia. DX -- Flow cytometry (CD 55 & CD 59 can be analyzed using monoclonal Ab and Flowcytometry). * PNH is not Autoimmune dis Instead hemolysis is complement mediated, that is why Coomb test is not + ve in NPH. imp * Supplemental Folic acid is recommended in all pts with Sickle cell anemia to prevent occurrence of Aplastic Crisis. If painful episode occur very frequently than Hydroxyurea is indicated. * Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) ÷ proteinuria (due to glomerular basement mem changes), Nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel Wilson nodule) is the Hall mark of DN but Diffuse glomerulosclerosis is more common. Dis progression can be slowed by strict Glycemic control, ACE inhibitor, & controlling HTN. * Parkinson dis (Over activity of cholinergic neuron & under activity of dopaminergic neuron) ÷ Festinating gait, hypokinetic gait, shuffling gait. (narrow based). * Parkinson type pt + wide based gait --- think of Multiple systemic atrophy, Spinocerebellar Atrophy, Multiple Infarct gait, Sensory Ataxia, cerebellar disorder, Muscular dystrophy. * Muscular dystrophy ÷ waddling gait due to weakness of gluteal muscle. * Spastic Gait --- think of UMN lesion. * Vestibular Ataxia ÷ en - bloc Gait (minimum movement of head during walk) is typically staggering gait accompanied by nystagmus vertigo. * Dystonic gait is involuntary sustained twisting movement of limb and truck. * Principle cause of Lacunar stroke (small vessel stroke) is HTN. Following are the types. 1. Pure Motor Hemiparesis (post limb of Internal capsule stroke) -- unilateral motor deficit, mild dysarthria (No sensory, visual or higher cortical dysfunction). 2. Pure Sensory stroke (stroke of ventroposterolateral nuc of thalamus) -- hemisensory deficit (paresthesia, numbness). 3. Ataxic Hemiparesis ( stroke of post limb of internal capsule) -- weak & more prominent in lower extremities + Ipsilateral arm and leg incoordination. 4. Dysarthria Clumsy hand $ (stroke at basis of pontis) -- hand weakness, mild motor Aphasia, (No sensory abnormality). * Gullian Barre $ ÷ Respiratory muscle weakness or Failure. One must do Serial measurement of vital capacity to monitor resp function. v imp. * Untreated hyperthyroid pt are at risk of bone loss due to Osteoclastic activity ÷ Hypercalcemia, Hypercalceuria. Also Risk of Tachyarrythmia & Atrial Fib. * Incidental discovery of Pulmonary Nodule on CXR : First compare with Old Xray, if not available then nodule is assigned with Low, intermediate or high probability based on Clinical and Radiographic data -- For Low probability nodule -- do serial High resolution CT. For Intermediate probability nodule -- do PET scan or Biopsy. For High Probability nodule -- Remove surgically. * Pneumococcal Vaccine should be given to all adult age 65 or older with booster in 5 yrs, It should also be given to all adult with chronic cardiovascular, pulmonic, hepatic, Renal and Metabolic dis (eg. DM) or in immunosuppression and Splenectomized pt. imp. * Life style modification is the part of HTN management. All pts should be encouraged to lower wt, reduced salt diet, avoid excessive alcohol, stop smoking). * Diabetic with dec LV systolic function should always be started on ACE inhibitor first. Post MI should be on beta blocker and ACE inhibitor. * Study shown that Black pt respond better to Diuretics and Ca ++ channel Blocker. * Polygonal cell & Atypical nuclei on skin biopsy --- think Squamous cell carcinoma. * Folate and Vit B 12 are involved in conversion of homocystein to methionine. Def cause Inc Homocystein and dec Methionine. Folate and Vit B 12 def can be differentiate by measuring Methymalonic acid, since only B 12 def cause Inc in Methylmalonic acid conc. imp. * Right main stem bronchus intubation is relatively common complication of Endotracheal intubation ÷ Asymmetric breath sound immediately after intubation, it is fixed by withdrawal of tube. (endotracheal tube should sit b/w the vocal cord & the carina for greater safety). * + HCO3- indicates Primary metabolic Acidosis CO2 should dec as compensation, If CO2 is normal or Inc indicated Respiratory Acidosis (eg. Emphysema). Winter Formula calculate what PaCO2 should be in order to compensate for Metabolic Acidosis. PaCO2 = 1.5 (HCO3-) + 8 * Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison dis) -- Best screening test is Cosyntropin (ACTH analogue) Stimulation test. Inc in serum cortisol > 20mcg/dL in 30 - 60 min after test rules out Addison dis. It is the most appropriate next step in pt suspected to have Adrenal Insufficiency. Plasma ACTH level is indicated to differentiate Pri & Sec Adrenocortical def ans is ordered once dx of Addison dis is mode. * Febrile Neutropenia is medical emergency seen in pts under going chemotherapy -- Admit pt obtain blood culture start broad based spectrum antibiotics usually Ceftazidime or Cefepime. Pt may only show fever and if the corticosteroids is the part of regime pt may not show fever. 139 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Chronic mesenteric Ischemia is suspected pt with unexplained chronic abdominal pain, wt loss & food eversion. Hx of Atherosclerosis is usually present. DX -- Angiography or Doppler U/S. Abdominal Bruit present in 50% of pts. * Emphysematous Cholecystitis is a form of Acute Cholecystitis that arise due to infection of gall bladder wall with gas forming bacteria (Clostridium, E.coli, staph, strep, pseudomonas, klebsiella) --- Typically occur in male age 50 - 70 sp diabetic. DX -- U/S shows curvilinear gas shadowing in the gall bladder. TX -- Immediate fluid & Electrolyte resuscitation, early cholecystectomy and IV Antibiotics (Ampicillin salbactum + Pipracillin tazobactum or Aminoglycoside or Quinilone + clindamycin or metronidazole) * Retropharyngeal space infection carries the high risk to spread mediastinum and cause Acute necrotizing mediastinitis, early dx and debridement is essential in the tx. Remember pt cannot swallow or even open the mouth due to pain + excessive salivation. * Ludwig Angina is the Infection of submandibular space that begins in the floor of mouth extend to submandibular and sublingual space into surrounding tissue of airway. * Infection of parapharyngeal space may be complicated by causing Erosion of Carotid arteries & Jugular thrombophlebitis. * In DM Sulfonylurea, Pioglitazone and Insulin ÷ wt gain (good for under wt pt). Metformin is only Diabetic drug that cause wt loss (good in over wt pt). * TX of First time complicated renal Ca++ stone is hydration and observation. vs. Recurrent hypercalciuric stones require thiazide, Inc fluid intake, dietary Na restriction but Ca Restriction is not advised. * TX of first choice in Lyme dis is Doxicycline. vs. Early disseminated and late Lyme dis is tx with IV ceftriaxone. * MCC of Sec HTN in children is Fibromuscular dysplasia (20%) also seen in premenupause adult (< 50 yrs old). Soft bruit (to & fro venous hum) on costovertebral angle, String of beads pattern on Angiography pathognomonic. * Muddy brown granular cast -- Acute tubular necrosis (due to hypovolemia) * RBC cast -- Glomerulonephritis. vs. WBC cast -- Interstitial nephritis and Pyelonephritis. * Fatty cast -- Nephrotic $. vs. Broad & waxy cast -- Chronic renal failure. * Mitral stenosis is not associated with Infective Endocarditis. imp. * Fibromyalgia pain gets worst with exercise but there is no Joint swelling or muscle weakness on examination. Dx criteria is 11 / 18 pain points. TX -- Amitryptyline. * Spinal cord compression is suspected --- do MRI * + ve Rheumatoid factor & weakly + ve ANA are not surprising finding in Viral Arthritis. RF also appear in bacterial inf, malignancy as well as in normal person. * Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies include Ankylosing Spondylitis, Reactive arthritis & Psoriatic arthritis presents Asymmetric arthritis with inflamation back pain and - ve Rheumatoid factor. * Hydatid cyst (Echinococcus granulosus) is characterized by think wall calcified cyst (Egg shell calcification). Dogs are the carrier. TX -- Aspiration of cyst is not recommended (danger of anaphylaxis). Remove cyst surgically under cover of albandazole. * Cysticercosis (Tenia Solium) -- cyst in brain and muscles. * Shock can results into Inc AST, Inc ALT, Inc AP & Inc bilirubin due to Ischemic hepatic injury (Liver Shock). Enz becomes normal in 1 - 2 weeks. * F wave is Flutter wave -- Atrial flutter. * Colonoscopy is started at the age of 50 than every 10 yrs in low risk pts, and every 3 - 5 yrs in high risk pts (who has polyps). * DEXA (Dual energy Xray obsorptiometry) Scan is recommended one time in all women who are 65 yrs or older. "AT" score of - 1.5 to - 2.5 is called osteopenia (high risk of fracture). imp. * Risk factors for Osteoporosis includes Menopause, dec Ca++ / Vit D intake, smoking, corticosteroids, Alcohol, lack of wt bearing exercise, & low body wt. * Diabetic nephropathy often involve only somatic fiber of CN III and is due to Ischemia. Parasympathetic fiber of CN III retain its function that is why pt show Ptosis, Down & Outward gaze but Light Reflex and Accomodation reflex are normal. imp. * Elder pt with poor oral intake living in nursing homes taking medication such as NSAIDs, ACE inhibitor& diuretics should be suspected of having PreRenal Azotemia due to intravascular vol depletion and poor renal perfusion. (pt is dehydrated). * Non productive cough in pt on ACE inhibitor is due to Accumulation of Kinin and possible activation of Arachidonic pathway. (ACE degrade Kenin). * Premature ventricular complex (wide QRS > 120 msec) often occur with Inc frequency following MI. No tx is indicated if pt is Asymptomatic just observation. For Symptomatic pts drug of first choice is Beta Blocker. * Eczema Herpeticum is a form of primary HSV infection associated with Atopic dermatitis. Appear as numerous umbilicated vesicles over the erythmatous skin. It is life threatening in infant thus prompt Acyclovir should be initiated. DRUG INDUCED LIVER DAMAGE : is categorized according to morphology. +Isoniazid cause Idiosyncratic liver injury with histologic feature similar to those seen in viral hepatitis ( Panlobular, mononuclear infiltration & hepatic necrosis). Other drugs that cause Idiosyncratic reaction are Chlorpromazine, Halothane, Antiretroviral. 140 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS +Cholestasis caused by Chlorpromazine, Nitrofurantoin, Erythromycin, steroids. +Fatty liver caused by tetracycline, valproate , Antiretroviral. +Toxic Fulminent Liver failure caused by Carbon tetrachloride, Acetaminophen. +Hepatitis caused by Halothane, Phenytoin, Isoniazid, Methyldopa. +Granulomatus -- Allopurinol, Phenybutazone. Remember OCP can cause LFT abnormality but without necrosis or fatty change. * Alcoholic hepatitis classically show AST : ALT Ratio > 2. * Viral Hepatitis shows ALT > AST. vs. Obstructive Hepatitis show AP > AST and ALT. * Obesity Hypoventilation $ (Pickwickian $) -- obesity + Alveolar hypoventilation during wakefulness ÷ Resp Acidosis, Hypercapnia, Hypoxia, Polycythemia. Derangement of ABG is due to impaired Chest wall compliance secondary to Inc pulmonary blood vol & engorgement of capillaries. * Lactulose & a reduced protein diet are recommended for tx of Acute hepatic encephalopathy (Inc ammonia inhibit neurotransmitter via GABA in CNS). Lactulose convert absorbable Ammonia into non absorbable ammonium ion called "Ammonia Trap". Neomycin is used in those who do not respond to lactulose. * Nephrotic $ is frequently complicated by Hypercoagulation and resultant Emboli (due to urinary loss of anticoagulant proteins). Renal Vein thrombosis is most frequent manifestation. Other complications are Protein mal nutrition, Iron resistant hypochromic Anemia, Inc susceptibility to infection, Vit D def. * Lumbar Spinal Stenosis caused by degenrative joint dis ÷ Exacerbation of leg pain with walking / Extension of spine & relived with Rest & Flexion of spine. DX -- MRI + Clinical HX. Remember prolapsed Disc Sxs are same but not affected by positioning. imp. * Bone Scan Identify area of high bone turn over and are used to evaluate metastatic dis, suspected fractures, osteomylitis. * Hyperlipidemia, unexplained hyponatremia and elevated serum Muscle enz are indication of thyroid function test. imp. * Hyperlipidemia (sp LDL) occur with Inc frequency in Hypothyroid pt. Thyroid tx takes months to resolves lipid abnormalities. Caution must be exercised while using Statins in these pts due to Inc risk of myopathy. * Neg Predictive Value (NPV) is the probability of being free of dis if test is neg. NPV is divided into Low NPV (Low risk group) & High NPV (high risk group). Positive Predictive Value is just opposite. * 100% O2 is the test of choice and effective / Rapid method to abort Acute Cluster headache. Verapamil is used for prophylaxis. v imp. Cluster headache -- pain starts behind the eye and wake pt in night pt usually has lacrimation, red eye and stuffy nose. Do not cause nausea & vomiting. * Age related Macular degeneration ÷ progressive bilateral loss of central vision. vs. * Open Angle Glaucoma ÷ gradual loss of peripheral vision (tunnel vision). imp. * Fever and back pain Sxs -- think of Epidural abscesses sp in Immunosuppressed and IV drug abuser. DX -- MRI of spine. TX -- Antibiotics & surgical decompression. * Elder with Predominant Lymphocytosis + Smudge cells ----- Think CLL. * Pt with Predominant Leukocytosis (left shift neutrophils etc) + Splenomegaly ---- think of CML. * Abnormal Bone remodeling ---- Paget Dis of bone. * Inc deposition of Unmineralized Osteoid ----- Vit D def. * Fibrous Replacement of Bone ---- Fibrous dysplasia. * Abundant mineralization of periosteum ---- Hypervitaminosis A. * Chronic granulomatous inflamatory bone lesion -- Sarcoid, TB, Fungal Inf. (| 1 o Hydroxylase activity ÷ | extra renal formation of 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin D ÷ Hypercalcemia). * Rubella Rash (Erythmatous maculopapular) -- starts from face and spread down to ward body + Arthritis + coryza + Conjunctivitis + Fever. vs. * Rash of measles (Erythmatous maculopapular) -- starts from head and spread to lower body + Coryza + Conjuctivitis + fever. Koplik spot suggest dx & Arthritis is not present. * Rash of chicken pox (Pruritic Papulovesicular crusted lesion) -- appear after fever and malaise and appear in consecutive crops. * Infectious Mononucleosis -- Rash appear after administering ampicillin to pt. imp. * Live vaccines -- BCG, Varicella (chicken pox), Varicella zoster (Shingles), Anthrax, Oral typhoid, Intranasal Influenza, Oral Polio, Yellow fever vaccine, MMR. * HIV pt should not receive live vaccines except MMR if their CD4 count is > 200 / mm3 and they have no Hx of AIDS defining illness. * HIV Man should get HAV vaccine if they involved with other Man (Man Homosexual). * Tearing of mucosa of cardia due to vomiting is called mallory weiss tear. * Intermittent Claudication occur in leg cause pain with exercise, it is due to atherosclerosis. vs. * Raynaud phenomenon, Prinzmetal angina and migraine headache are vasospastic disorder which can be precipitate with exercise, hyperventilation, emotional stress, cold and cocaine. * Transient ST elevation ---- Prinzmetal Angina (Variant Angina). TX -- Nitrate, Ca++ channel blocker. vs. * ST segment depression ---- Unstable Angina. vs. Long duration ST Segment elevation Angina ---- MI. * Metabolic Alkalosis (Inc HCO3- > 24 mEq/L) is classified into 1. Chloride Sensitive (hypochloremic saline responsive) Metabolic Alkalosis ---- urine Cl is < 20 mEq/day and sign of vol depletion is present. Underlying 141 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS pathophysiology is ECF vol contraction. Causes are loss of gastric secretion, | Mineralacorticoids (| HCO3 + H loss + K loss), Thiazides, loop diuretic. 2. Chloride resistant (Normochloremic saline Irresponsive) Metabolic Alkalosis ---- Urine Cl is > 20 mEq/day and extracellular Vol expansion. Causes are Hyperaldosteronism, Barter $, Excessive Licorice ngestion. * All post transplant pt should receive PCP prophylaxis with TMP / SMX. These pt should also receive Influenza, Pneumococcus and HBV vaccine. Gancylovir can be used to prevent CMV infection in this group. * Azithromycin is used as MAC prophylaxis in HIV pt with CD count < 50. * Corticosteroid excess (Cushing $) ÷ hypokalemia, and hypernatremia. v imp. * Pt with Infectious mononucleosis -- sore throat, lymphadenopathy, tonsillar exudate, palatal petechie, rare hepatitis. It can also cause Hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia due to Anti I Ab against RBCs (Coomb test is positive). imp * Vigorous hydration with IV normal saline is the first step in managing Acute Hypercalcemic Crisis (eg due to malignancy etc). Biphosphonate Pamidronate can also be given in saline over 3 - 24 hrs but simple Saline is preferred tx. * Hypoesthenuria occur in Sickle Cell dis and also in Sickle cell trait ÷ Nocturia due to RBC sickling in vasa recta of inner madulla which further impair exchange of free water absorption ÷ Diuresis. imp. * Pt with suspected Zollinger Ellison $ (gastrinoma) First do Fasting serum gastrin level (> 1000 pg / mL is dx). If that fails to demonstrate the dx than do Secretin stimulation test. * ERCP with Sphincterectomy is the tx of choice in sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Functional RUQ pain is dx of exclusion " when every things comes out negative". * Obstructive Uropathy causes Flank pain, low vol void + / - occasional high vol void and renal dysfuncton (due to pressure Atrophy). * Rotator cuff tendonitis is caused by impingement commonly in middle age or elder pt. Painter are prone to this condition due to repeated arm movement above head. Neer Test is + ve (Passive motion of arm above head cause pain and guarding), Lidocaine injection improves the Sxs & corroborate the dx. MRI is used for definitive dx. * Rotator cuffs tear results from trauma (falling out on stretch arm), chronic impingement, and tendonitis. Sxs are similar to Rotator cuff tendonitis however shoulder weakness is more common and Sxs do not improve with lidocaine injection. * Frozen shoulder (Adhesive capsulitis) is Idiopathic condition ÷ pain & contractures and pt cannot lift arm above head even after lidocaine injection due to fibrosis of the shoulder capsule. * Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm -- surgery is indicated when diameter is > 5 cm or in pot with presence of Sxs or due to rapid growth rate. Smoking cessation is the intervention with the greatest likelihood of slowing the progression of AAA. Alcohol cessation, controlling HTN & Atherosclerosis will not slow progression. * HTN, Hyperlipidemia, Atherosclerosis is the risk factor for Aneurysmal formation. vs. Smoking is the major Risk factor for the formation, enlargement, progression and rupture of Aneurysm. * MM cause Lytic bone lesion which can not be seen on Bone scan. Skeletal survey is more appropriate for detecting Lytic lesion of MM. MM sclerosis also shows M spikes (Inc IgG) which demonstrate with serum Immuno Electrophoresis. * Elderly pt with Anemia, Renal failure, hypercalcemia ---- think MM. * Stored RBCs gradually loose IC K+ into solution and may cause hyperkalemia. imp. * Pt who received more than one blood vol or pack over 24 hrs may Inc plasma level of Citrate (subs add to store blood). Citrate chelate Ca++ and Mg and may dec there plasma level and cause Paresthesia. v imp. * Individual who received Blood transfusion before 1992 should be screened for Hepatitis C. vs. Those who received blood transfusion before 1986 should be screened for hepatitis B. * Herpes Esophagitis -- ulcers are multiple small well circumscribed and have Volcano like "small & deep" appearance. TX -- Acyclovir. * Impaired SA node Automaticity (Sick Sinus $) most often results form FIBROSIS of the SA node or SA nodal artery dis ÷ Bradycardia, light headedness, syncope. EKG shows Tachycardia Bradycardia $ (Burst of atrial tachy arrhythmia followed by Bradycardia). v imp. * Atrial Reentry ÷ Atrial tachycardia of Abrupt onset and termination. * Bundle Branch Block impedes ventricular depolarization ÷ Prolong QRS complex. * Ventricular Pre excitation ÷ Premature Ventricular complex. * Helical CT Angiogram of Chest is the test of choice for diagnosing Pul embolism in pt with normal creatinine. Ventilation perfusion Scan is ordered where IV contrast is contraindicated, such as renal failure. Pul Angiography is the Gold standard test for PE. * Fanconi Anemia is also Macrocytic due to both breakage and DNA repair. Most pt are dx by age 16 yrs. It is Autosomal recessive disorder ÷ Progressive bone marrow failure, Skin hypopigmentation, Microcephaly, abnormal thumb, hypogonadism & predisposition to cancer. * In transit Ischemic attack focal Sxs resolves in < 24 hrs. vs. * In Reversible Ischemic neurologic deficit focal Sxs resolves in 24 hrs to 1 week. * Unexplained Hemolytic anemia + Thrombocytopenia in pt with renal Failure and Neurologic signs & Sxs raise the suspicion of Thrombotic thrombocytopenia Purpura - HUS. TTP - HUS pt do not bleed despite dec platelets. Key for the dx of TTP - HUS is Reticulocytosis; Peripheral smear show > 1 % schistocytes is the Dx of Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia a component of TTP - HUS. HIV Inc the risk of TTP - HUS with out appropriate tx it is lethal in 80% of pts. 142 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * DIC pt tend to bleed and have normal coagulation studies. imp. * Hypoalbuminemia is a common causes of dec Ca+ but Ionized Ca++ level remains unchanged there fore there is no hypocalcemic Sxs. imp. * Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Psuedohypoparathyroidism ÷ dec Ca++, Inc phosphate, Inc PTH. * Renal Failure ÷ Sec hyperparathyroidism ÷ dec Ca++, Inc Phosphate, Inc PTH. * Vit D def ÷ dec Ca++, dec Phosphate, Inc PTH (causes malabsorption, Renal failure, Pancreatitis etc) * Pt with Acute severe pain should receive the same standard of pain management regardless of drug hx. Never under tx the pain even if there is risk of abuse. TX -- severe pain give IV Morphine. * Paget dis of breast (persistent dermatitis of nipple is imp clue) -- skin biopsy shows cells with abundant pale staining cytoplasm (halo like area) surrounding hyperchromatic nuc with prominent nucleoli. There is almost always underlying breast carcinomas, MC is Infiltrating Ductal carcinoma. * Lupus Anticoagulant (or Antiphospholipid Ab) occur in 5 - 10 % of pts with SLE. It is IgM or IgG that prolong PTT by binding phospholipid used in assay, hence it is strictly Lab Artifact). Russell Viper Venom Test is specifically test Lupus Anticoagulants and will be prolonged in the dis (shows Prolong PTT to confirm the dx of Lupus Anticoagulant). So basically Lupus Anti Coagulant or Antiphospholipid Abs are Prothrombotic Ig which prolong PTT. v imp. * D - dimers is an elevated in presence of Blood clot. * Papillary muscle Rupture occur 3 - 7 days after MI ÷ Mitral regurgitation & pul edema. Presents Pansystolic murmur at apex that radiate to Axilla. * Interventricular Rupture occur 3 - 7 days after MI and can cause Acute left to Right shunt ÷ RHF, new onset of systolic murmur at left lower sternal border. * Free Ventricular wall Rupture occur around day 5 of MI and can cause Acute Pericardial temponade and Rapid decompensation with Pulseless activity. * Ventricular Aneurysm occur days to months after MI and may lead to CHF, Ventricular arrhythmia, Mitral regurgitation, thrombus formation. Ventricular Aneurysm is characterized by persistent ST elevation on EKG. Echocardiography shows dyskinetic wall motion and confirm the dx. * Acute Pericarditis occur in first several days of MI. vs. Dresslers $ is immune mediated Pericarditis that occur from weeks to months after MI. * Estrogen promotes the formation of cholestrol gall stones by stimulating activity of HMG CoA reductase. * Dec Enterohepatic Recycling of bileacid can cause cholestrol gallstones. Causes are Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), Gallbladder Stasis (Bile sledging), Impaired Gallbladder Contraction (eg. in TPN, crowns surgery, or a surgery in which TPA is prolonged) * Obesity hypoventilation $ ÷ hypercapnia / hypoxic Resp failure, Sec erythrocytosis, Pul HTN, Cor Pulmonale, Resp Acidosis (kidney will retain HCO3- & dec Cl- Reabsorption as compensation). * Pneumonia is common complication of Bronchiectasis but most feared complication is Hemoptysis and Lung Abscesses. * Main substrate of Gluconeogenesis are Alanine, Lactate, Glycerol 3 phosphate. Alanine & Lactate convert to Pyruvate during the Gluconeogenesis process. where as glycerol 3 phosphate derived from break down of adipose tissue. * Warfarin inhibit the production of Factor II, VII, IX, X, however it also inhibit blood natural anticoagulant protein C & S. The half life of factor II, VII, IX, X is 60 hrs where as half life of Protein C is 9 hrs, for that reason warfarin can lead to Protein C def in 1st day of tx ÷ hypercoagulable state with risk of thrombus formation and skin necrosis. v imp. * MCC of Aortic stenosis is Senile calcific Aortic Stenosis > Bicuspid valve > Rheumatic heart dis. (Bicuspid valve is the cause in majority of pt < 70 yrs age) * GI complain followed by Periorbital edema + myositis + Eosinophilia ---------- suspect Trichinellosis (other signs are sphincter hemorrhage, Conjunctival or Retinal hemorrhage). imp. * Ascaris also show Eosinophilia ÷ Asymptomatic Intestinal Phase, Non productive cough (Lung Phase), Ascaris can cause Small bowel or Biliary obstruction. * Angio Edema is lip and tongue swelling ---- due to C1 inhibitor def or ACE inhibitor usage. * Steroids have shown dec mortality in case of severe PCP infection in AIDS pt. Indication of Steroids tx in PCP infection is PaO2 < 70 mmHg or A - a gradient > 35 mmHg. * Drug of Choice in AIDS pt with PCP is TMP / SMX. Alternate is Pentimidine (less effective). * HCV RNA is the first and most sensitive serologic marker that appear with days to week after infection and used in the screening HCV inf; It uses PCR and consider as Gold standard test. * Gastroparesis is complication of Diabetes ÷ Anorexia, Vomiting, Abdominal bloating and Early Satiety. TX -- Metoclopramide (1st choice); Bethanechol, Erythromycin. * Hyperpigmentation of skin and mucous mem is characteristic of Primary Adrenocortical def and is due to Inc Level of ACTH. vs. Hypopigmentation is seen in Secondary Adrenocortical def due to hypothalamic pituitary failure. * New clubbing in pt with COPD often indicates the development of lung cancer. Hypoxemia of COPD is rarely associated with Digital clubbing. * Restless Leg $ -- uncomfortable desire to move ones leg at rest & at night. Associated with chronic Renal Failure or Iron def Anemia, sensation of spider crawling on leg. TX -- Dopamine agonist. * Significant Ca++ bind to Albumin but it is free Ca++ or Ionized Ca++ which is physiologically active. So pt with dec Albumin shows incorrect serum Ca++ conc. Following formula is used to find out correct conc. Corrected Ca++ = 0.8 (normal Albumin - measured Albumin) + measured Ca++ . For eg. corrected Ca++ = 0.8 (4 - 2.5) + 7.4 = 8.6 (which is normal). * Nocardia is dx by presence of crooked, branching beads Gram + ve and partially acid fast filaments on microscopy. TX and Prophylaxis is TMP / SMX. Minocycline is alternate 143 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis presents with proximal muscle weakness, Inc ESR, Inc CK. DX is confirm with Biopsy. TX -- Steroids. * Rilozole slows the progression of Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis (Lou Gherig dis). * Herpes Simplex Keratitis is frequent cause of Corneal blindness in USA, typically presents with pain, watering & redness of eyes. Corneal Dendritis ulcer is characteristics. imp. * Postoperative cholestasis (benign condition) often develop after major surgery. Also Hypotension, extensive blood loss in tissue, and massive blood replacement & Jaundice (due to Inc pigment load & dec liver function or dec Renal excretion due to tubular necrosis). Usually on 2nd or 3rd day. * Halothane is not used in USA due to Liver toxicity. * Resting tremor id presenting sign of Parkinson dis starts in one hand (motion id often described as pill rolling). * Cerebellar dysfunction cause postural and intention tremor (sever form can cause resting tremor) that effect extremities and whole head with Nystagmus. * Essential Tremor is MC type presents as intention tremor in upper extremities that become worst at the end of goal (eg when reaching pen). Head , chin voice may also be effected. * Syphilis with penicillin allergy --- give Doxicycline or Azithromycin. (Benzathine penicillin is the drug of choice) * Neuro Syphilis --- IV Aqueous Crystalline penicilline. * Membrano proliferative GN type 2 is a unique glomerulopathy that is caused by persistent activation of complement pathway. Biopsy shows dense deposit of C3 on glomerular basement mem but No IgG ÷ nephrotic range of proteinuria, hematuria, fatigue, edema. * Non Immunologic Kidney damage is believe to occur in Diabetic and Hypertensive nephropathy * Circulating immune complex mediated nephropathy occur in SLE, Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis. * Osteoporosis ----- Do DEXA scan, if T - score is < 1.5 plus Risk factor of osteoporosis or T - Score < 2.0 should received preventive medication preferably Oral Biphosphonate or Reloxifene. * Alzheimer’s dis --- Diffuse Atrophy on MRI. vs. Pick dis --- MRI shows symmetrical Frontal and Temporal lobe Atrophy. * Multi Infarct Dementia --- Inc T - 2 weighted density in periventricular area and dementia tend to be more abrupt. * Hypercalcemia of malignancy is tx with Biphosphonate (drug of choice) such as Zoledronic acid (Drug is non toxic & more potent then IV saline). * IV Zoledronic acid is recommended in all women who have metastatic breast cancer and Radiologic lytic bone dis. * Corticosteroids are used in hypercalcemia due to Extra Renal production of 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin such as in Sarcoidosis. * IV fluid and Furosemide is used in hypercalcemic crises. * Gilbert dis (UDP glucronyl transferase def) ÷ mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, fatigue, malaise, Abdominal discomfort. Factors that triggers the hemolysis are Fasting, Fat free diet, Physical exertion, febrile illness, stress, fatigue. * Crigler Najjar $ type I (AR) -- Severe jaundice (indirect bilirubin > 20 mg/dL), neurologic impairment due to kernicterus (bilirubin Encephalopathy), Liver Enz and histology is normal. Serum Bilirubin is unchanged with Phenobarbital. TX -- Liver transplant is curative. Phototherapy and Plasmapharesis are helpful for short term in Infants * Crigler Najjar $ type II (AR) -- milder jaundice (indirect bilirubinemia < 20 mg/dL). Survival into adulthood without Kernicterus and neurologic impairment. Liver enzs and histology is normal. IV Phenobarbital reduces serum bilirubin. TX -- unnecessary except periodic administration of phenobarbital or Clofibrate when necessary. * Rotor $ (benign condition) -- defect in hepatic storage of conjugated bilirubin ÷ chronic and milder hyperbilirubinemia of both conjugated & unconjugated form develops. LFT is normal and Tx is unnecessary. * Cholesteatomas occur in children can be either congenital or acquired Sec to Chronic middle ear infection with granulation tissue & skin debris may be seen with in retraction pockets of tympanic mem ÷ Ear drainage with Intact tympanic mem + hearing loss. Suspect in any pt with new hearing loss and Chronic ear drainage despite appropriate Antibiotic tx. imp. Cholesteatomas can be complicated by -- cranial nerve palsies, vertigo, life threatening infection, such as brain abscesses or meningitis. * Meniere dis is condition associated with accumulation of fluid in the inner ear that lead to hearing loss, vertigo and tinnitus. * Otosclerosis -- Bony over growth of stapes foot plate ÷ Conductive hearing loss. * Polymyalgia Rheumatica (pain and stiffness of shoulder and pelvic girdle) -- seen in pt > 50 yrs age. Inc ESR, fever, headache, wt loss. No tender points. * Fibromylagia -- Pain and stiffness is associated with fatigue, poor sleep and depression seen in pt < 50 yrs age. There are points of tender& headache. Lab is normal and tx is TCA and Exercise. * Chronic Fatigue $ -- pt complain extreme fatigue but there are no Body ache or tender points. Sxs must be present for 6 months to make a dx. * Polymyositis (proximal muscle weakness of upper & lower extremities) ÷ difficulty raising from sitted position or climbing stairs. The complain is weakness not muscle pain. Late complications are muscle Atrophy and Contractures. * Strawberry hemangioma appear during first week of life, initially grow rapidly and then regress spontaneously by age 5 - 8 yrs. vs. Cherry Hemangioma (cherry angioma, Senile angioma) is MC benign vascular tumor of Adulthood, they do not regress instead Inc in numbers with age. * Spider Angioma are estrogen dependent show outward radiating vessels. * Cavernous Hemangioma consist of dilated vascular spaces resents as soft blue compressible mass up to few centimeter in size. It do not regress. when occur in brain or other viscera associated with von Hipple Lindau dis. * Cystic hygroma consist of lymphatic cyst found in turner and down $. * Hypercalcemia causes non sp Sxs such as Abdominal pain, constipation, polyurea and neuropsychiatric disturbance. Acute tx of hypercalcemia is IV saline 144 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS hydration followed by Loop Diuretics (furosemide). imp. * Best way to removing tick is by grasping the mouth parts with tweezer with slow constant Pressure. (not with Petroleum jelly). * Hypercalcemia ÷ Inc PR interval and Shorten QT Interval. * Pt with hypercalcemia + recurrent Gastric ulcer ----- must rule out MEN I. v v imp. * Medial Medullary $ ÷ contralateral spastic hemiplegia + Contralateral vibratory & propioception loss + Tongue deviate to injured side. * Lesion of lateral medulla (wallenburg $) ÷ Ipsilateral horner $, Loss of pain & temp on face, weakness of palate, pharynx & vocal cord, Cerebellar ataxia & loss of contralateral pain and temp on body. * Lesion of medial pon (Medial Mid pontine $) ÷ ipsilateral limp ataxia, contralateral eye deviation and paralysis of face and arm (impaired touch & position). * Lesion of lateral pon (Lateral mid pontine $) ÷ impaired CN V (sensory & motor both) + Limb Ataxia. * Lesion of central mid brain include Benedikt $, Weber $, Parinaud $ ÷ Occulomotor paresis and other abnormality of CN III are common to all of these $. Contralateral hemiplegia & cerebellar ataxia mat also be noted as well. v v imp. * Non invasive positive Pressure ventilation (NIPPV) is an excellent option for the pt with COPD exacerbation. It should be tried before Intubation & Mechanical ventilation in COPD pt with CO2 retention. Intubation and mechanical ventilation is associated with complication such as Severe Nosocomial inf for that reason it is only be used when NIPPV fails. * NIPPV is recommended in pt with Respiratory distress with pH < 7.35 or PaCO2 > 45 mmHg, or Respiratory Rate > 25/min. NIPPV is contraindicated in Septic, hypotensive and Dysrhythmic pt. * Congenital Cataract is the MC cause of White reflex, But pt should be checked to rule out Retinoblastoma immediately. (usually by ophthalmologist). * Strep Viridans is the MC cause of Sub Bacterial Endocarditis. Strep viridians are highly susceptible to penicillin and the best tx is IV Penecillin G or IV ceftriaxone. Oral penecillin of any form are not recommended. * Glomerular hyper filtration is the major pathophysiologic mechanism and the earliest renal abnormality seen in diabetic nephropathy. The sequence occur in following manner first Glomeruler hyperfiltration > Glomerular basement thickening > mesengial expansion > Nodular sclerosis (lastly). * Vasovagal Syncope (AKA Common faint, Neurally mediated or neurocardiogenic syncope) is the MCC of Syncope. It is frequently recurrent, Episode are preceded by Light headedness, weakness and blurred vision. DX -- Upright Tilt Table Test (+ / - Isoproterenol provocation) is indicated to confirm the dx. * 24 hrs monitoring or Invasive Electrophysiologic testing is indicated when Arrythmia is suspected as a cause of Syncope. * EEG is indicated in syncope when seizures are suspected as a cause of syncope. * Refampin cause Red Orange discoloration of body fluids. * Cardiac temponade is deadly consequence of Aortic dissection. * Consider CMV as a late complication (weeks to months) in pt with bone marrow transplantation with pneumonitis (dyspnea) + Colitis (diarrhea) + fever. * Mollscum Contagiosum -- predisposing factor is cellular immunodeficiency, Corticosteroid use, chemotherapy. Common in HIV. * MM ÷ Inc Ig usually IgG & IgA, Hyperviscosity is rare. vs. Waldenstrome Macroglobinemia ÷ Inc Ig usually IgM (IgM spike son cell electrophoresis)and Hyperviscosity is common. imp. * Water Restriction is best tx for Mild Asymptomatic Hyponatremia. Demeclocycline is used when water Restriction fail to normalize Na. Severe hyponatremia requires tx with Slow Infusion of Hypotonic saline 3% (0.5 - 1 mEq / L / hr). Rapid correction of Na will ÷ Central Pontine Myelinosis. * Normal Saline 0.9 % used in hypotensive pt. * During pregnancy Inc Progesterone stimulates Resp center ÷ Tachypnea with chronic Mild Resp Alkalosis. (it is normal Phenomenon in pregnancy) * Chronic Glucocorticoids tx ÷ dec ACTH. When tx is stopped ÷ dec CRH, dec ACTH, dec Coritsol for a while. * In any pt with pH and PaCO2 are two values that provides best picture of pts Acid Base Status. pH = 6.1 + log ([HCO3] / (0.03 x PaCO2)) * Before Initiating Anticoagulants tx CT Scan without contrast should be done all pt with stroke to distinguish b/w hemorrhagic and Ischemic stroke or Hemorrhagic conversion of Ischemic stroke. * Ischemic stroke usually do not cause headache or confusion. vs. Hemorrhagic stroke worsen over minutes to hrs & cause confusion, headache, vomiting. * MC side effect of Digoxin toxicity is Anorexia, Nausea & vomiting. Digoxin toxicity occur due to Verapamil etc. Bidirectional Ventricular tachycardia and Accelerated junctional Rhythms are sp for Digoxin intoxication. v v imp. * Barium Swallow is the best initial test of choice in all pt with dysphagia. * Motility studies are indicated once organic cause have been ruled out by upper Endoscopy. * Video Flouroscopy is indicated in pt with suspected oropharyngeal dysphagia such as in pt with neurologic problem (eg. stroke) who complain nasal regurgitation, choking with feeding. imp. * MM -- Hypercalcemia + Renal Impairment + Anemia + Bone pain. Serum Total Protein & Albumin conc Gap is greater in MM (more protein than Albumin). Pt with MM are at risk of Recurrent Inf due to Ig loss in urine. * Trigeminal nerve V -- V 1 (sensory) Scalp, forehead, upper eye lid, conjunctiva, cornea, nose & frontal sinus. Damage ÷ Corneoconjunctival Anesthesia. Pt with V 1 damage suffer injury without awareness. * Ankylosing Spondylitis (AKA Apopheseal Joint Arthritis) is Seronegative spondyloarthropathy that typically effect man under 40 yrs age. Classic finding are Low back pain that is worse in morning and gradually improve as day progresses. Inc ESR, - ve RF, Ant Uveitis, Peripheral joint arthritis, HLA B27. 145 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- Pain relief + TNF o antagonist. * Left Ant Descending artery Occlusion ÷ Ant wall MI. EKG shows * II, III, AVF ST segment elevation ÷ Inferior wall MI due to occlusion of Right coronary artery (80% cases), Left Circumflex artery (20%). Pt with Inferior wall MI has Right ventricular infarction, pt may have bradycardia due to SA node involvement. * Most cases of active TB in USA occur in ppl who have immigrated from Endemic geografic region (mexico, Asia etc) & is most imp Risk factor. Nursing home worker, health care worker, prison worker comes 2nd. * Ondenstron (5H3T Antagonist) is a drug of choice for chemotherapy induced emesis, superior than metoclopramide. * SENSITIVITY = TP / All ppl with dis (TP + FN). Proportion of dis ppl who are correctly classified as TP by screening test. * SPECIFICITY = TN / All ppl with out dis (TN + FP). Well ppl who are correctly classified as TN by screening test. * POSITIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE = TP / (TP + FP) Proportion of ppl with + ve screening test results who are diseased. * NEGATIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE = TN / (TN + FN) Proportion of ppl with - ve screening test result who are well. * ACCURACY = (TP + TN) / All ppl screened (TP +TN +FP + FN) All screening ppl who are correctly classified by the test. * PREVELENCE = (TP + FN) / All ppl screened (TP + TN + FP + FN) Proportion of screened ppl who have disease. * Hyperparathyroidism (Inc Ca++ , dec Phosphate) ÷ Excessive urination, fatigue, excessive urination, urinary stones, mental status change, Osteoporosis & psuedogout (show usually monoarthropathy, rhomboid shape + ve Birefringent crystals due to Ca++ pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition). * Barium Esophagography is Initial and confirmatory test for Zenkers Diverticulum. Esophagoscopy is avoided due to risk of perforation. * Adrenal Insufficiency ÷ Anorexia, fatigue, GI complaints, wt loss, hypotension, hyponatremia, Hyperkalemia & Mild Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis. * In Cushing $ -- Hypernatremia and hypokalemia occur. * Malignancy is the MCC of superior Venacava $ particularly small cell carcinoma of lung and non Hodgekin lymphoma. Other causes are Fibrosing Mediastinitis (secondary to TB and Histoplasmosis) or thrombosis (due to indwelling central venous device). Sxs are Engorged veins of head, neck arm and chest. First thing to do is CXR (shows Dark appearing swelling). * Recommendation of Meningococcal vaccine are same for all adults regardless of their HIV status; It should be given to those who are of college age, living in the Barracks or Dormitories, Asplenic pt, Travel exposure. * Inc Homocysteine level predispose to venous thrombosis and Atherosclerosis, Vit B6, B12 & Folate are involve in metabolism. Vit B6 is lower to homocysteine by metabolizing it into Crystathione. Pt with thrombosis and Inc homocysteine level should also receive those Vit along with Antithrombotics. * CT scan without contrast is the initial test of choice when pt present with unprovoked new onset of Seizures. vs. EEG is the Gold standard for documentation of Epileptiform activity, however it is not next step in unprovoked new onset of seizures. * Pt with cirrhosis should get vaccination for hepatitis A & B, Pneumococcal vaccine, yearly Influenza (IM), Td every 10 yr. imp. * P value is the probability that the result of the study was obtained by chance alone (0.01 means 1 % chance that the study results were obtained by chance). * Focal Segmental glomerulosclerosis -- HIV (| proteinuria with rapid Renal failure, It can be manifest even if all HIV marker, viral load, CD4 count are - ve) * Paracentesis is used for both diagnostic and therapeutic in pt with symptomatic Ascitis (later the pt should be put on diuretics). * Paraneoplastic $ -- can cause muscular weakness may be due to inflamation, necrosis or fiber atrophy or Ab mediated damage. Proximal muscles are typically effected. Reflexes and sensation is normal. Inc CK level and myopathic Electromyography help to confirm the dx. vs. Eaton Lambert $ (presynaptic Anti Ca++ channel Ab are produced by neoplasm) -- may also cause muscle weakness but reflexes are usually absent or diminished and the muscle strength improves with repitetive task. vs. * Myasthenia Gravis (Ab against post synaptic Ach receptors) -- manifest as facial and ocular weakness and muscle strength get worst with repetitive task. * Papilledema is most consistent with the dx of Malignant HTN (BP > 200 / 140 mmHg + Papilledema confirm the dx). Fibrinoid necrosis is responsible for end organ damage. * Pt with palpable thyroid nodule -- 1st test to do is TSH level. If TSH is high than Anti thyroid Ab and T4 (throxine) level is measured. If thyroid Ab and T4 level is high and nodule is larger than 1 - 1.5 cm do FNAB. If TSH is below normal than do Radioactive Iodine uptake scan, if scan shows hot nodule do FNAB. If TSH is normal than FNAB is the next step. * Suspected thyroid nodule in pt and is not palpable next step is U/S. U/S is also used to guide FNAB sp in non palpable nodules. * B type Natriuretic peptide (BNP) release due to Ventricular vol overload. BNP > 100 pg/mL is dx of CHF with the sensitivity, specificity & accuracy of 90, 76 & 83 % respectively. * Atrial pH or Anion Gap is the most reliable indicator of metabolic recovery in pt with Diabetic Ketoacidosis, because arterial pH or Anion Gap correct before serum ketone correction. * Gout is a common manifestation of Myeloproliferative disorder such as Polycythemia vera (40% pt show gout). Hepatosplenomegaly is also common. * Child with gout -- Think of Lesh Nyhan $ (HGPRT def) ÷ Inc Uric acid production, self mutilation, neurologic disability are common sign. 146 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Herpes Zoster Ophtalmicus -- Dendriform corneal ulceration and vesicular rash on CN V distribution. TX - start with in 72 hrs with high Dose Acyclovir. * Herpes Simplex Keratitis also cause dendritic ulcer, pain, Photophobia, dec vision but HZV distribution pattern (vesicular rash, blurring, pain) is not present. * Bacterial Keratitis is usually seen in contact lens wearers or following trauma. * Dacryocystitis -- is infection of lacrimal gland due to obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, mucous / pus cab be expressed with pain swelling and tenderness. * Normal Right Atrial P is 4 - 6 mmHg. Normal Pul Artery P is 25 / 15 mmHg. * Right atrial P > 10 and Pul artery systolic P > 40 are the criteria used to diagnosed Massive Embolism. Such pt often develop shock (hypotension, tachycardia, cold / clammy skin). vs. * Hypovolemic shock ÷ dec PCWP, Inc PVR, dec Cardia output 'CO" (R Artial P and Pul artery P will also dec). * Septic shock ÷ dec PCWP, dec Pul artery P, dec R atrial P (extremities are warm). * Cardiogenic shock ÷ Inc PCWP, Inc PVR, dec CO (causes are Aortic dissection, cardiac temponade, MI). * Pt with pulmonary edema would have pink frothy sputum. * Pt with chronic bronchitis -- chronic cough & excertional dyspnea, Sxs get worst when sputum built up in airways. Therefore dx should be consider in pt who reports waking up around the same time each night with dyspnea that resolves after coughing sputum out. (do not confuse with CHF in which edema is also present in periphery). * Succinylcholine is a depolarizing muscular blocker often used during Rapid - sequence intubation because of its rapid onset (45 - 60 sec) & rapid offset (6 - 10 min) os action. However it can cause significant hyperkalemia and life threatening arrythmia. So it contraindicated in pt with hyperkalemia such as in crush and burn injury > 8 hrs old, Gullian Barre $, Tumor Lysis $ etc, In this group Vancuronium is better choice. * Winter Formula is used to calculate PaCO2 during Resp compensation for Metabolic Acidosis. PaCO2 = 1.5 (HCO3) + 8 * Amaurosis Fugas is painless loss of vision (last few secs feel like curtain coming over the eye) due to Emboli. Cholestrol particles (Hollen horst bodies) seen in eyes. It is warning sign of impending stroke, underlying embolic dis is always present sp in carotid bifurcation; Must do duplex U/S of neck. * Herpes Encephalitis is almost always caused by HSV 1. It effect temporal lobe of the brain & presents illness in < 1 week. Focal neurologic signs such as altered mental status, CN deficit, hemiparesis, dysphagia, ataxia and seizures (kluver bucy $, hypomania, amnesia is also reported). DX -- CSF analysis (Inc RBCs), MRI, EEG. HSV polmerase chain analysis is gold standard. TX - IV Acyclovir. * Renal transplant in early post operative period manifest as oliguria, HTN, Inc BUN / Cr due to # of causes such as ureteral obstruction, Acute rejection, cyclosporine toxicity, vascular obstruction, ATN. Radioisotopes scanning, Renal U/S, MRI, Renal biopsy can be employed in conducting differential dx. Acute Rejection (graft tenderness) best tx with IV steroids. ATN is best tx with diuretics. * Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended in all adults age 65 yrs or older, as well as youngers who are at Inc risk of having pneumococcal dis such as with Chronic illness, immunosuppression, splenectomized pt as well as cigarettes smoker. * Annual Influenza is recommended for all adults are 50 or older and also younger adult with chronic comorbidities. * Always suspect surruptious vomiting as a cause of hypokalemic Alkalosis in normotensive pt (urine cloride conc will be low). eg bulimic pt. vs. * Diuretic abuse and Bartter / Gitelmans $ also cause Hypokalemic Alkalosis in normotensive pt but there urine cloride conc is high. and In case of diuretic abuse urine assay for diuretic is also + ve. * Pt with chronic diarrhea have metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia due to loss of Bicarbonate and K+. * Pt with hyperaldosteronism have hypokelemia, metabolic alkalosis + HTN. * Uremic pericarditis is an absolute indication for Dialysis and for and Intensification of dialysis for those already on dialysis. Pericardial effusion in uremic pericarditis is often hemorrhagic. Most respond rapidly to dialysis (NSAIDs or Corticosteroids is used in pt who do not respond to dialysis but show little success). * Indication for renal replacement therapy (Dialysis) : 1. Fluid overload not respond to medical tx. 2. Hyperkalemia that do not respond to medical tx. 3. Uremic pericarditis. 4. Refractory metabolic acidosis. * Relative indication to Dialysis : 1. GFR < 10 mL / min . (< 15 mL / min in Diabetic) 2. Serum Cr > 8 mg / dL. (> 6 in Diabetic). 3. Sever uremic Sxs such as seizures and coma. * Contraindication to Renal replacement therapy (Dialysis) -- Debilitating chronic illness, Severe irreversible dementia. * Coarctation of Aorta -- Rib notching on CXR. "3" is typically seen in coarctation of aorta of long duration. * Babesiosis occur from tick bite in north eastern USA -- parasite enter the RBC and cause hemolysis ÷ Fever, malaise, hemolytic anemia, jaundice, hemoglobinuria, Renal failure, thrombocytopenia and death (sp in immunocompromised and splenectomized pt). DX -- definitive dx is by Giemsa stain thick and thin blood smear. Atypical lymphocytosis. TX -- Quinine + Clindamycin. or Atovaquone + Azithromycin. * Ehrlichinosis (Spotless Rocky mountain fever) occur from tick bite ÷ fever, malaise, headache, vomiting, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. * Q Fever (C. Burnetti) occur from exposure to infected cattle, goat or sheep. Risk group are meat processing worker, Veterinaries. Manifest as flue like $, Pneumonia or hepatitis. * Dilated cardiomyopathy due to Alcohol -- cessation of alcohol is main stay of tx and may reverse cardiomyopathy if employed earlier in course. * BUN / Cr Ratio > 20 : 1 indicates Prerenal azotemia. 147 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Surgery is the best tx for the carotid artery blockage of > 60 %, even in asymptomatic pt it is beneficial to prevent stroke. 100 % occlusion of carotid artery is contraindicated to surgery. Heparin is not indicated in Asymptomatic pt with carotid atherosclerosis. Aspirin mat be needed for life time after surgery. * Most imp cause of Torsades de pointes id hypomagnesemia. * Prolong QRS interval (ie Typical BBB)suggest bradyarrythmia. vs. Prolong QT interval interval suggest tachyarrythmia. ? * Prolong PR + QRS interval suggest Sick sinus $; it also shows brady arrythmia. * SLE cause Renal damage which is graded in Class I - IV. Since tx and out come of each class is different, Biopsy should be done first. * Risk factors for polyps to progress into malignancy are --- Villous adenoma, sessile adenoma > 2.5 cm. Only adenomatous polyps are clearly premalignant but < 1 % will progress to malignancy. Hyperplastic polyps are non malignant and do not require further work up. v. imp * Hyperplastic polyps are MC neoplastic polyps and arise from hyperplastic mucosal proliferation. * Hamartomatous polys associated with juvenile polyps (non malignant polyps generally removed due to bleeding reasons) and Puetz Jeghers polyps (generally non malignant) * Adenoma is the MC polyp found in 30 - 50% of elders they consider as premalignant but < 1 % will become malignant. * Dermatomyositis eruption is most often accompanied by Periorbital edema called Helicotrope sign, On chest it is called Shawl sign, on knuckle, elbow or knee it is called Gottrons sign. It is autoimmune discharacterized by Anti - Mi - 2 Ab (against Helicase). 10 % pt will develop malignancy sp ovarian, breast, lung & urogenital. imp. * Inflamatory dis that are associated with Carpel tunnel $ are Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sarcoidosis and Amyloidosis. * Pulsus Paradoxus (PP) is defined as difference in systolic BP of > 12 mmHg during Inspiration. Causes are Cardiac temponade, Tension pneumothorax, and severe asthma. In Asthma Significantly elevated intrathoraxic P during inhalation are thought to exacerbate compression of left ventricle ÷ PP * Factor V Leiden is the MC inherited disorder causing hypercoagulability & predisposition to thrombosis sp DVT of lower extremities. (5 - 6 % ppl have def) * Bite cells and Heinz bodies ----- G6PD def (remember there is no shistocytes) * Heparin Induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) can be paradoxically prothrombotic and pt must be monitor for arterial & venous thrombosis. v imp. * Tumor burden is the single most imp prognostic factor in the tx of the pt with breast cancer. It is based on TNM staging. * In Chronic renal failure as GF rate falls serum phosphate retention Inc. It Inc serum phosphate which play the central key role in Inc in PTH. * Hordeolin refer to abscess located over the upper or lower eye lid usually caused by Staph Aureus. (Red and tender) * Dacryocystitis is infection of lacrimal sac ÷ sudden onset of pain with redness and swelling over and the medial canthus region commonly due to Staph Aureus and Beta hemolytic Strep. TX -- Systemic Antibiotic. * A Pt data can be used for research purposes only after obtaining INFORMED WRITTEN CONSENT. * Six Criteria are used to dx OA in the setting of painful knee. 3 or more criteria is 69 % specific for Osteoathritis. 1. age > 50. 2. Crepitus. 3. Bony enlargement. 4. Boney tenderness. 5. Lack of warmth. 6. Lack of morning stiffness. * Osteomyelitis is often monoarticular shows cold painful cripitant enlarged joint. * MC Thyroid nodule are benign Colloid Nodules. 2nd MC thyroid nodule is Follicular carcinoma. * Medullary thyroid cancer is the component of MEN IIa & MEN IIb. * More than 90 % pts with acute hepatitis B infection will recover completely rest develop chronic Hepatitis B. Rarely some develop fulminant hepatic failure with mortality upto 80 % and only effective tx for them is Liver transplantation. * Cat bite should be tx prophylactically with 5 days of Amoxicillin / Clavulanate. * Disseminated histoplasmosis is HIV pt -- tx is IV Amphoterecin B followed by life long tx with Iatraconazole. v imp. * Dementia of Lewy Bodies ÷ Alteration in alertness, Visual hallucination & Extrapyramiday Sxs. v imp. * Obesity and as well as type II DM are frequently associated with Steatohepatitis (non alcoholic fatty liver) most likely due to Insulin resistance which cause Inc fat accumulation of hepatocytes by Inc rate of Lipolysis and elevating the circulating Insulin level. Pt eventually develop cirrhosis. * Testing HBsAg & Anti HBc (IgM -HBc is present in the window period) offer best screening for Acute Hepatitis B Infection. (Anti HBs Ig is - ve in window period) * Varicocele that fail to empty when pt is recumbent raises the suspection of Renal cell carcinoma -- Most Appropriate test is abdominal CT scan. * Pt with Hashimoto throiditis are at very high Risk (60 times) of developing Lymphoma. v imp. * Coccidioidomycosis (South western US) ÷ primary Lung infection, Arthralgia, Erythema Multiforme, erythema nodusum (subcutaneous infection). v imp * Blastomycosis (south central & north central US) ÷ Asymptomatic primary lung infection (flue like sickness), Arthralgia, also effect skin & prostate. Blastomycosis Infection in Immunocompromised is uncommon. * Lynch $ type II (AKA Cancer Family $) is distinctly associated with high risk of extra colonic tumors the MC of which is Endometrial Carcinoma which develop in 43 % of females of effected families. * Lynch $ type I is HNPCC. * TX of GB$ ------ IV Immunoglobulin and Plasma pharesis. * Viterous hemorrhage typically presents with sudden loss of vision & onset of floaters, hard to recognize fundus (loss of fundal detail); usually occur in pt \ with Diabetic Retinopathy. TX - conservative. 148 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Intracranial HTN is dx when Intracranial P equals or exceeds 20 mmHg ÷ Headache, papiledema, vision changes, nausea and vomiting. Also change in awareness, somnolence, confusion, focal neurologic deficit and Cushing Reflex (Hypertension & Bradycardia). Causes are HTN etc. v imp. * CT scan is the best test for the dx of Diverticulitis in Acute setting. Remember Sigmoidoscopy and Barium enema are contraindicated in Diverticulitis. * Mini Mental State Examination score < 24 is suggestive of dementia. (normal score is > 24 out of 30). * Pt presents with in 4 hrs of Acetaminophen overdose -- Administer Activated charcoal and obtain serum Acetaminophen level after 4 hrs from over dose. * Rumak Mattew Nomogran provides likelihood of hepatotoxicity from Acetaminophen toxicity and need of for N - acetylcysteine. First data point on the curve is after 4 hrs. The decision of whether or not to administer N - acetylcysteine made after 4 hrs based on Acetaminophen level. As long as N - acetylcysteine is administered with in 8 hrs of ingestion the out come will not be adversely effected. v imp. * Neurofibromatosis Type I is Autosomal Dominant Disorder. * Rheumatoid Arthritis (occur 30 - 50 yrs of age) -- Morning stiffness > 1 hr, effect PIP & MCP, wrist and knees. Pt are at Inc risk of developing Osteopenia & Osteoporosis (this is due to dis process it self, Glucocorticoids, female gender, dec ability to perform wt bearing exercise that prevent Osteoporosis). * Osteitis Fibrosa cystica (Von Recklinghausen dis) is a condition in which osteoclastic reabsorption lead to replacement with fibrous tissue (Brown Tumor). hypothyroidism is the cause. Seen in Chronic Renal failure too. imp. * Paget dis of Bone is a condition of Inc bone turn over due to osteoclastic activity ÷ Replacement of lamellar bone with Abnormal woven bone. vs. * Avascular Necrosis MC seen in pt who is taking systemic Glucocorticoids or Alcoholics. (other pts are SLE and Sickle Cell Dis) vs. * Osteomalacia is disorder of bone mineralization ÷ dec Bone Density. Causes are Vit D def, Ca++ def, Parathyroidectomy and RTA. vs. * Risk factor for Osteosarcoma are Paget dis, Radiation and Chemotherapy exposure. * Pseudo Tumor Cerebri (pt is usually young and Obese) ÷ Headache, Papiledema, blurry vision and CN palsies (sp CN VI). CSF exam show | Opening P. Predisposing factor is Vitamin A and Isotrenitoin. TX -- Acetazolamide. * Bartter $ occur due to defective Na and Cl reabsorption ÷ Inc in Renin and Inc Aldosterone ÷ hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis. Pt is usually young & presents with polydipsia, polyurea with growth and mental retardation with normal BP.. Urine Cl is typically > 20 mEq / L * Bartter $ -- Hypokalemia, Urinary chloride > 20 mEq / L, metabolic alkalosis, normal BP, Inc Renin and Inc Aldosterone. * One complication of ERCP is an Iatrogenic Biliary Enteric fistula (sp after sphincterectomy), characterized by presence of free air in Biliary tree. Other complications are pancreatitis, Biliary perotinitis, sepsis, hemorrhage, adverse effect form contrast, sedative or anticholinergic agent. * Steroid Drug abuse (usually in Athletes) is associated with Erythrocytosis (| Hct) other side effects are dec testicular function (infertility), gynecomastia, hepatotoxicity, cardiac dis, dyslipidemia, Inc coagulation, premature epiphyseal closure (stunt growth), virilization and psychological disturbance. imp. * Life style modification should be the first line intervention for newly dx stage I HTN, it include Reduction of Alcohol, dec Na intake, wt loss and Aerobic exercise all decreases BP. Also include Quitting cigarettes but remember it does not reduce BP it self but does dec the risk of cardiovascular dis. * Unexplained Inc CK + Muscle weakness (dec muscle tendon reflex) ----- Hypothyroidism must be considered. v imp. * Ventricular Remodeling following MI occur in weeks to months and may lead to dilatation and thinning of ventricular wall (CHF), This can be limited by ACE inhibitor with in 24 hrs of MI in all pt without contraindication. imp * Heparin adverse effect is thrombocytopenia and thrombosis. Heparin - Platelet factor 4 complex Antibodies are responsible for this condition. v imp. * Onion Skin appearance and Moth eaten or mottled appearance ---- Ewing Sarcoma. * Osteomyelitis ÷ central lytic bone lesion with surrounding sclerosis called Brodie Abscess. imp. * Trigeminal Neuralgia ÷ severe burning pain, lightening like pain. TX -- Carbamezapine. * Mefloquine is the drug of choice for chemoprophylaxis against chloroquine resistant malaria (use in ppl visiting sub-Saharan Africa, India Pak, Bangladesh). Start prophylaxis one week before travel and continuous till 4 week after departure from endemic area. * Piramaquine is used as a prophylaxis and tx of malaria due Plasmodium Vivax and Ovale these organism cause persistent live infection. * Acute severe illness (MI, Renal Failure etc) may show abnormal Thyroid function test This condition is called Sick Euthyroid $. The MC pattern is is dec in Total and T3 level with normal T4 level and TSH. (Low T3 $) * Goal of Pseudotumor ceribri (Idiopathic benign Intracranial HTN) include Prevention of loss of vision, reduction in Intracranial P and symptomatic relief. TX -- Routine Visual Exam, First line medication is Acetazolamide (preferred because it dec CSF production) or Corticosteroids (not for long term use) or Repeated lumbar puncture (only if frequency of exacerbation is very low). imp. * Dietary Recommendation for pt with Renal Calculi : 1. dec Dietary protein and oxalate. 2. dec Na+ intake. 3. Inc Fluid Intake. 4. Inc dietary Ca++ intake. * If pt is on HCTZ and develop recurrent Ca++ stone, his urine Na level should be checked to make sure he is compliant with Na restrict diet. Remember Na enhanced Ca excretion with resultant renal stones. * Hyperkalemia TX : First Ca Gluconate (mem stabilizer), than Glucose and Insulin (it derived K+ Intracellularly in 15 - 30 min). Sodium Polytyrene Sulfonate is K binding resin that dec total K by catharsis in the gut (take 1 - 2 hrs to work) * Subarachinoid hemorrhage -- First CT if that is unrevealing than Lumbar puncture. * Pt with arthralgia, hepatomegaly and new onset diabetes -- think Hemochromatosis. Other signs are Renal failure, Hypogonadism, Hyperpigmentation, bronze diabetes, risk of hepatoma and accumulation of iron in heart. * Spontaneous Rupture of Esophagus (Boerhaave $) occur after severe retching ÷ chest and Epigastric pain ÷ tachycardia, tachypnea, subcutaneous emphysema and unilateral dec and breath sound. There may be sign of shock. Pleural fluid may contain amylase and food particles. Contrast extravasation after swallow study. Subcutaneous & Mediastinal emphysema appear on CXR (do not confuse in Aortic dissection pain radiate to back). 149 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Diabetic Nephropathy occur usually 10 - 15 yrs after DM. * Elderly with Bone pain + Renal Failure + Hypercalcemia has MM until proven other wise. (renal failure is due to paraprotein (bence jones protein). * Chronic Renal Failure ÷ Sec Hyperparathyroidism + dec serum Calcium + Inc serum Phosphate. vs. * Primary Hyperparathyroidism ÷ Inc PTH + Inc serum Calcium + dec Serum Phosphate. (dehydration and Acute Renal Failure can occur). * H. Bacter eradication if pt is proven to have Mucosae Associated Lymphoid tissue Lymphoma (MALTOMA) on endoscopy or biopsy. * First degree heart block -- constant prolong PR interval (> 0.2 sec) and there will be no drop beat. * Malignancy cause hypercalcemia by various mechanism. these are 1. Cytokines (tumor that metastasize to bone cause local lysis by production of cytokines " IL1 & TNF". Lung and Breast cancer use these mechanism). 2. PTHrP (is the MCC of hypercalcemia in pt with non metastatic tumor. In these pt serum PTH is typically low). 3. Ectopic PTH (is a rare cause of hypercalcemia and has been reported in Ovarian cancer, Lung Cancer, Neuroectodermal tumor) 4. Cacitrol (Hypercalcemia of hodgekin dis caused by Calcitrol production). * Loop Diuretics (inhibit Na - K - 2Cl) are frequently used in cirrhotic pt with vol overload & Ascitis. Potential side effects are hypokalemia, metabolic Alkalosis and PreRenal Renal Failure. * Duodenal Ulcer -- Epigastric pain that relieved with eating. H. pylori is the MC organism. TX - Antibiotics and Proton Pump Inhibitor. * Repeated Rheumatic Fever can worsen valvular function. There fore it is recommended that pt with prior episode of RF should be given Antibiotic prophylaxis with Penecillin to prevent recurrence (most physician tx till pt reach 18 yrs of age). * Strep Pneumoniae is the MC pathogen causing pneumonia in nursing home pts (elders) and also is the MCC of death in this group. Strep Pneumoniae is the MCC of community acquired pueumonia in adults. Vaccine can prevent these condition. * Pt with Neurologic disorder are at Inc risk of Aspiration pneumonia also common in Alcoholics. * Functional Asplenia results from condition that destroy splenic function such as in Sickle cell dis. Spleen appear small on CT. * Pt with Fever + Chill + LUQ pain + Splenic Fluid collection -- Infectious Endocarditis should be on the top of differential list. * IV drug abuser commonly suffer the right side Endocarditis which the lung with infective emboli and resultant Pulmonary Infection. (v tricky Qs) * Adrenal TB continuous to be prominent cause of Adrenal insufficiency in developing countries. vs. (v tricky Q) * Autoimmune Adrenalitis is MCC cause of primary Adrenal insufficiency in developing countries. * Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia purpura ------- Morphology of RBC is normal on smear. vs. * HU$ ------- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia presents with giant platelets, fever, thrombocytopenia, Acute Renal failure, schistocytes on smear, purpura & HTN (usually occur after GI infection in children). TP, aPTT is normal. vs. * DIC ------- PT and aPTT is prolong. * Cutaneous Larva Migran is common in travelers in Tropical region ÷ Pruritis, elevated serpinginous lesion on skin. infection often acquired through skin contact with sand. (Ancyclostoma Braziliense is the dog and cat hook worm) * BUN level is often elevated in upper GI bleeding due to bacterial break down of hemoglobin with resultant absorption of urea. BUN > 40 + Normal serum Creatinine -- indicates upper GI bleeding other causes are steroid administration. v v imp. * Peptic ulcer dis the MCC of upper GI bleeding (in > 50% of cases). * Vit B 12 def due to vegetarian diet occur after 3 to 4 yrs, since liver has 3 - 4 yrs of stores of B12. * Thrombophlebitis of atypical site such as arm, chest is imp indicator for underlying carcinoma. This is called Trauseaus $. Abdominal CT is the test of first Choice in these pts. * Melanoma -- Recent change in mole is the strongest risk for malignancy and is associated with relative risk of at least 10 folds. Sun sensitivity Inc the risk by 2 - 3 fold. Positive family Hx Inc the risk by 8 folds. Previous Sun burn Inc the risk by 2 fold. * Lactose Intolerance ---- dx by + ve Hydrogen breath test, + ve stool test for reducing subs, Low stool pH (acidic), Inc stool Osmotic gap. Most commonly seen in Asian Americans. First test of choice Lactose Hydrogen Breath Test. * Cardiovascular Dis is the MCC of death in Dialysis pt (50% cases). Withdrawal from dialysis accounts for 20 % of deaths and is not the MC cause. * Cardiovascular dis is the MCC of death in Renal Transplant pts. * Pt using Sildenafil (phosphodiestrase inhibitor) and Doxazocin (Alfa blocker) should take drug wit at least 4 hrs interval because it reduce the risk of hypotension (never together). * Sildenafil is contraindicated in pt on nitrates and who have hypersensitivity to sildenafil. * Erythromycin and Cemetidine interact with Sidenafil and results in prolong plasma half life. * Sildenafil is used with precaution in condition predisposing to priepism. * Cardiac dysfunction due to hemochromatosis can be reversed with early identification of dis and tx. (Tx is phlebotomy) * Chronic hepatitis C classically present with waxing & waning transaminase level (LFT) but show few Sxs such as Arthralgia, myalgia, Cryoglobulinemia, Porphyria cutanea tarda and Glomerulonephritis. * HSV or VZV Retinitis occur in HIV pt ÷ severe Acute retinal necrosis with pain, keratitis, uveitis & conjunctivitis. show pale retinal necrosis on fundoscopy. It is also called Acute Retinal necrosis $. * CMV Retinitis in HIV pt is painless and do not cause Keratitis or conjunctivitis. show fluffy and granular lesion around retinal vessels on fundoscopy. CMV Retinitis is the Most common serious occular complication in HIV pt. 150 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * HSV is the MCC of Corneal blindness in USA. * Malabsorption + Iron def Anemia ----- suspect Celiac sprue dis (associated with Anti Endomysial Ab), other Sxs are Bulky foul smelling floating stool, loss of body mass and fat, pallor, Bone pain (Osteomalacia), Bruising (due to Vit K def), Hyperkeratosis (due to Vit A def). v v imp. v tricky Q * MCC of toxic megacolon is Ulcerative colitis. * Febrile non hemolytic reaction is the MC transfusion reaction due to CYTOKINE stored in transfusion blood product ÷ Fever, chill, malaise. can be prevented with cell washing. * ABO Mismatch ÷ Acute transfusion reaction ÷ fever, pain, hemoglobinemia. It can progress to cardiovascular collapse or DIC. * Ig A def ÷ Anaphylactic reaction to transfused blood. Same mechanism also occur in Aheptoglobinemia & Antiphospholipid Ab. Risk can be dec by extra washes of RBC or platelet product. * Delayed Hemolytic transfusion reaction results from Anamnestic Ab response to RBC Ag that pt has previously encountered (via pregnancy, transplant, transfusion). Ab is undetectable prior to the transfusion but return rapidly following transfusion. It typically cause low grade hemolysis 2 - 10 days after transfusion. * Pulmonary edema can be cardiogenic or non cardiogenic (as in ARDS, infection, burns, toxic ingestion). Its can be distinguished by PCWP measurement. Remember : PCWP > 18 mmHg suggest Pul edema due to Impaired left Ventricular function. vs. PCWP < 18 mmHg suggest non cardiac etiology. * Osteophytes (bone spurs) are MC finding on cervical Radiograph in pt with cervical Spondylosis (but specificities of these finding id low), other finding is narrow disc space. * Immobilization due to any reason ÷ Inc Osteoclastic activity ÷ Hypercalcemia. Biphosphonate is helpful in reducing the hypercalcemia and preventing osteopenia in such group. * Hereditary Spherocytosis is Autosomal Dominant disorder. DX test is Osmotic fragility test. TX -- Folic acid to prevent aplastic crisis from parvo virus inf. * Common cause of shunting include pulmonary edema, pneumonia and vascular shunt is ---- dec O2 (correct it by 100% O2) + Normal CO2 (due to hyperventilation). A - a gradient = PAO2 - PaO2. * Acute Glaucoma TX -- 1st line tx is IV mannitol, then Acetazolamide, pilocarpine (topical) & Timolol (topical). Do not use Atropine (mydriatic) because it precipitate glaucoma. * There are 3 types of Antiphospholipid Ab $ : +Antiphospholipid Ab ÷ recurrent thrombosis, Recurrent abortion, False + ve syphilis serology. TX --- Aspirin & Heparin + the risk of 1st & 2nd trimester abortion. +Lupus Anticoagulant ÷ recurrent thrombosis, recurrent abortion plus Falsely elevated aPPT level. +Anticardiolipin Ab ÷ * Major cause of altered mental status in elderly is electrolyte disturbance. 1. hyponatremia --- due to diuretic use ÷ altered mental status. (hyponatremia is common in subarachinoid hemorrhage) 2. hypernatremia --- common in nursing home resident due to obligate free water loss and resultant Inc Na reabsorption ÷ altered mental status. 3. hypokalemia ÷ cause muscle weakness and abdominal complain. 4. Hyperkalemia ÷ cause muscle weakness and EKG changes. 5. hypocalcemia ÷ mental status change. * Brain death refer to total loss of brain function and is legally acceptable definition of death. all four Criteria must be met 1. Absent CNS reflexes. 2. Fixed and dilated pupil. 3. No spontaneous breathing. 4. agreement of two physician. Family permission is not legally required to discontinue ventilator in brain dead pt but Confirm death with another physician in order to remove ventilator. * Serum calcitonin level is elevated in medullary Thyroid cancer -- think of MEN IIa (Medullary carcinoma of thyroid + Pheochromocytoma + Hyperparathyroidism) * Asbestos exposure Inc the risk of malignancy, Pulmonary fibrosis & pleural plaque. Both Bronchogenic carcinoma & Mesothelioma is linked to asbestos exposure but Bronchogenic carcinoma is most common. * Grave opthalmopathy is the MCC of exopthalmos (proptosis) due to autoimmune lymphatic infiltration of extraoccular muscle ÷ Fibroblast proliferation, hyaluronic acid deposition, edema and fibrosis. * Radioactive Iodine Ablative therapy is the preferred tx for most of the hyperthyroid pts including grave dis. Most pt become Euthyroid with single dose with in 6 - 8 weeks. Major side effect is hypothyroidism in first 2 yrs of therapy occur in 10 - 30 % pts. Contraindication of Radioiodine Ablative therapy (RIAT) is pregnancy and opthalmopathy. * Antithyroid drug such as Propylethiouracil (very expensive) is used during pregnancy and in preparation of RIAT, or in very mild hypothyroidism. * Beta blockers is for symptomatic relief in pt with thyrotoxicosis. * Initial Parkinson dis in < 70 yrs of age ---- tx of first choice is Benztropin. * Advance Parkinson dis ---- tx of first choice is L dopa. Carbidopa, benztropin, selegiline, Amantadine are adjuvant. * Aortic Aneurysm is a well known complication of Giant cell or Temporal arteritis. Must do Follow up with serial CXR. * Headache + visual change + muscle fatigue + Jaw claudication --- Giant cell arteritis (or temporal arteritis). * Loop Diuretics cause hearing loss / tinnitus (ototoxic) other medication are Aminoglycoside. * Hydrochlorothiazide ÷ hypercalcemia and photosensitivity. * Soap bubble appearance in Epiphyseal end of long bone ---- Giant cell tumor. Refer him to Orthopedic surgeon do not do Biopsy. 151 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Vitiligo -- is autoimmune destruction of melanocytes (hypopigmented macule with well circumscribed hypopigmented border. * P. Vivax and P. Ovale --- every 48 hr fever. * P. Malaria --- every 72 hr fever. * P. Flaciparum -- no periodicity (it is the cause of most deaths) * Resting tremor + Rigidity + bradycardia ----- gives ground for clinical dx of Parkinson dis. CT scan is unremarkable & non specific in Parkinson dis. * Hypomimia (des facial expression) ----- Parkinson dis. Parkinson pt also loss balance while turning and stopping and have frequent falls. * Metformin should not be given in pt with Renal failure or sepsis as those conditions worsen pts Lactic acidosis. * Alcoholism is MCC of cirrhosis in USA. Hepatitis C is the 2nd MCC of cirrhosis in USA. * Pul Embolism ÷ tachypnea, dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain (pain Inc with Inspiration), tachycardia. CXR normal. EKG shows Sinus Tachycardia. * Neurogenic Arthropathy(Charcot Joint) occur due to dec pain, propioception and Temp perception ÷ over use of joints and resultant trauma. Causes are DM, Syringomyelia, spinal cord injury, Vit B12 def, Tabes dorsalis. Pt manifest wt bearing joint deformation, limited motion & degenerative joint dis and loose bodies on imaging. * CAD or CAD Risk ---- LDL goal < 100 mg / dL ----- Medication starts at > 130 mg / dL + Life style modification. (LSM) 2 + Risk factors only ---- LDL goal is < 130 ----- medication starts at > 160 mg / dL + LSM. 0 - 1 Risk factor only ---- LDL goal is < 160 ----- medication starts at > 190 mg / dL + LSM. LDL b/w above measures ---- only life style modification is needed. * Polysaccharide vaccine yield T cell independent B cell response. (only B cell response) * Hyponatremia is one of the most imp complication of Subarachinoid hemorrhage. Subarachinoid hemorrhage may result into "Cerebral Salt Wasting $" due to Inappropriate vasopressin (SIADH) and Inc secretion of Atrial / Brain Natriuretic factor ÷ hyponatremia, which resolves in 1 - 2 weeks. v imp. * Beta Blocker is most appropriate initial step in Aortic dissection. Type "A" Dissection Involve ascending Aorta & need medical tx and surgery. Type "B" dissection involve descending Aorta and need only medical tx. * COPD may lead to Hepatospleno congestion, extremities pitted edema but there is no Pulmonary edema. Pul artery P and PCWP is dec. v tricky Q. * Malignant Otitis Externa (MOE) is serious Pseudomonal Infection typically seen in elders with poorly controlled Diabetes. Manifest -- fever, Ear pain, drainage, and granulation tissue in ear canal. TX -- IV ciprofloxacin is most effective. v v imp. * Incidence of vertical transmission of HCV is 2 - 5 %. All pt including pregnant pt with chronic hepatitis C should receive HAV & HBV vaccination if not already immune. For pregnant cesarean is not advised. imp. * Sexual Transmission of HCV can occur its incidence is extremely low (risk is < 0.1 %) for that reason barrier precaution is not recommended b/w stable monogamous relationship. * HCV - RNA is detectable in clostrum however study shown that breast feeding does not Inc the risk of HCV transmission to neonate. For that reason Mother with HCV infection can breast feed. imp. * IF o and Ribavirin is good in chronic Hepatitis C infection but it contraindicated in pregnancy (ribavirin is teratogenic). * IgA nephropathy is the MCC of Glomerulonephritis in adults ÷ recurrent hematuria that begin 1 - 3 days after URT infection. Serum Complement level is normal. vs. * Post strep Glomerulonephritis usually occur in children averages 10 days for pharyngitis or 21 days for Impetigo. serum Complement level is low. * Drug Induced interstitial nephritis (penecillin, sulfonamide, cephalosporin etc) ÷ appear as rash and arthralgia along with fever, Eosinophilia, Eosinophiluria, sterile pyeuria and WBC cast mat be present.. imp. * Spine is the frequent site of Osteomyelitis in IV drug abuser commonly due to Staph Aureus. WBC count may be normal to high, Inc ESR. MRI is the most sensitive test. Pain gets better with rest. v imp. * Ankylosing Spondylitis pain get worst in morning and improves at day progresses. * Vit B 12 and Folate def also cause Anisocytosis, Poikilocytosis and Basophilic stippling but Anemia is macrocytic. vs. Lead poisoning also cause basophilic stippling but anemia is microcytic. * Sugar water test is the diagnostic test for paroxysmal Nocturnal hemoglobinuria. * The DX Criteria for ARD$ include Acute onset, bilateral patchy Air space dis on CXR, PCWP < 18 mmHg or no clinical evidence of Inc LVEDP and PaO2 / FIO2 < 200. v. imp * Tamoxifen reduces the risk of breast cancer in pts who are Inc risk of developing it. It can be use prophylactically in high risk group. * Pt with hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with systolic ejection murmur. Murmur + in intensity with hand grip (peripheral resistance Inc against venous return & Venous return Inc), squatting, leg raising & recumbency; and murmur | in intensity with valsalva maneuver or standing (due to dec in preload). v imp. * Carotid pulse with dual upstroke + systolic ejection murmur ------ think Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (strong apical impulse). * Hearing difficulty + Ear discharge + fever ------- Acute Otitis media. * Hearing difficulties + Ear discharge + Non to mild systemic sign ----- Acute Otitis externa. * Hearing Loss + Ear discharge + without fever ------- Cholesteatoma * Bullous Myringitis pt has severe pain due to bullae on tympanic mem. It is clinically associated with mycoplasm pneumonea. * Restrictive lung dis ----- dec Lung vol, dec DLCO, Normal FEV1 / FVC, Inc Pul artery P (pul HTN). 152 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Asbestosis is a form of pneumoconiosis which cause interstitial lung dis with Restrictive pattern (Restrictive lung dis). * Palpable mass in epigastrum after acute or chronic pancreatitis suggest Psuedocyst and the is best dx by U/S. It tend to resolve spontaneously. Drainage is performed only when it persist > 6 weeks or is > 5 cm in size or become infected. Hemorrhagic complication inside cyst can occur. * 75 - 90 % Renal stones are Ca++ oxalate stones. Risk Inc with small bowel dis, surgical resection or chronic diarrhea. * Ca Pyrophosphate Renal stones occur in hyperthyroidism and RTA. * Pt with Nephrotic $ are at Inc risk of developing HYPERCHOLESTROLEMIA (Inc Atherosclerosis), HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA, HYPERCOAGULABILITY also Vit D def, dec Ca++, dec Ig, Microcytic hypochromic anemia. * Polymyositis (inflamatory muscle dis of unknown etiology) ÷ gradually progressive muscle weakness of lower extremities ÷ difficulty standing from sitted position. DX -- Muscle Biopsy is the best dx test. v imp. * Dermatitis Herpetiformis associated with Celiac sprue. Dapsone is the drug of choice (lesion start to heal with in hrs of tx). * Chest pain that is reproducible with palpation suggest musculoskeletal abnormalities. * Travelers Diarrhea with E. coli is - ve for blood and leukocytes in stool. * BP is consider optimal when it is < 120/ 80 mmHg. Keeping BP < 130 / 80 prevents organ damage. * Nonsense and Frame shift mutation are typically more severe. * Missense and Splice mutation produce protein with changed structure and cause abnormal post translational process. * Silence (same sense) mutation do not effect the structure of protein . * TX of Acute Cholecystitis -- supportive care (nothing by mouth, IV Antibiotics & Alimentation, Analgesic). Laproscopic Cholecystectomy is recommended shortly after hospitalization and should perform immediately due to danger of perforation and gangrene. * Stone impaction in common bile duct ÷ Inc Amylase, Inc AP (very high) vs. * Stone impaction in cystic duct ÷ Amylase normal, Normal to mildly high AP. * Atrophy of Lenticular nuclei on CT scan ----- Pick Dis. * Atrophy of Caudate nuclei on CT scan ----- Huntington dis. * Diffuse Atrophy of cerebral cortex on CT scan ----- Alzheimer’s. * Pulmonary Embolism TX -- Start heparin and warfarin together and stop heparin in 5 - 6 days. warfarin should be continuous for at least 6 months in first time clot and for life time in 2nd time clot. v v imp. * Acute Hepatic Failure defined as hepatic failure with in 8 weeks of hepatocellular injury. If hepatic encephalopathy is seen also than $ is described as Fulminant Hepatic Failure. If it occur b/w 8 weeks to 6 months than it is called SubFulminant hepatitis . v imp * Severe liver dis (ascitis) + hypotension + hyponatremia + Azotemia + Oliguria but with normal urinalysis ------ It is Hepatorenal $. TX -- Initial management is careful vol loading and removal of offending agent (furosemide or spironolactone etc). v imp. * Hepato renal $ is functional Renal Failure and hepatic failure, may be due to Renal arteriolar vasoconstriction because of hypovolemia ÷ oliguria, azotemia, hypotension but urine analysis is normal. v v imp * Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) is the MC used screening test for colon cancer. Pt with + ve FOBT -- do further investigation with Colonoscopy. * TCA is the drug of choice in Diabetic neuropathy (pain hyperesthesia, paresthesia, urinary Sxs, orthostatic Hypotension). Gabapentine is Alternative. * Chronic Pancreatitis (chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, pancreatic insufficiency) ÷ Fecal Elastase study is the most sensitive and specific test to dx Pancreatic exocrine failure. Serum Lipase, Amylase level is not always elevated instead mostly normal in chronic failure. v . imp * Sarcoidosis -- MC complaints are cough, fever, dyspnea, wt loss, erythema nodusum, ant uveitis, arthritis. CXR shows classic bilateral Hilar lymphadenopathy and reticular Opacities. * In Mitral Valve stenosis LA enlarges and elevates the left main bronchus that produce dry cough (due to irritation of phrenic nerve) and A - fib. MCC of stenosis is Rheumatic fever. All pt should get endocarditis prophylaxis. TX -- is mitral valve surgery.. * Sharp "x" & "y" descent on central venous tracing are characteristic of Constrictive Pericarditis (diastolic dysfunction) in the presence of pericardial knock (early heart sound after S2). Pt presents with elevated jugular vein, ascitis, Kaussmal sign, pedal edema, fatigue, dyspnea on exertion. In developing countries TB is the MCC. In US Idiopathic or viral or Radiology is the MCC. less often cardiac surgery. * Backers cyst develop as a result of excessive fluid production by inflamed synovium as seen in Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, cartilage tear. Backers cyst occasionally burst and release it content into the calf with results appearance similar to DVT. * Factitious thyrotoxicosis (exogenous thyroid hormone use) ÷ dec TSH, Inc T3, follicular atrophy of thyroid gland. DX is confirm by Radio Iodine uptake test which show dec diffuse uptake by gland. * Orphan Annie nuclei are associated with Papillary thyroid cancer commonly presents as Solitary nodule due to lymphnode metastasis. imp. * Diffuse follicular hyperplasia occur in grave dis. * Lymphocytic infiltration of thyroid gland occur in hashimoto thyroiditis. * Diabetic Insipidus (ADH def or Resistance) -- TX IV desmopressin DX -- first water deprivation test to differentiate DI with psychogenic polydipsia. Failure to concentrate urine on water deprivation test suggest DI. than do Arginine vasopressin or desmopressin test to differentiate central form nephrogenic. * If urine conc occur after water deprivation test suggest psychogenic polydipsia. * Aspirin is the first line tx for TIA. Clopidogrel for those who are intolerant to aspirin. Ticlopidine for those who are intolerant to aspirin & clopidogrel. 153 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * If TIA continuous despite taking aspirin add dipyridamol. * Anticoagulation with heparin / warfarin is considered when emboli is from heart as in A - fib and MI. Transesophageal Echocardiogram show thrombus in heart of Aorta. * Prolactinoma is MC type of primary pituitary tumor. GH secreting tumor accounts for 20 %. 10 % pituitary tumor do not produce any hormone mostly are Gonadotrophs. * Hairy cell leukemia (benign B lymphocytic chronic leukemia) ------- Fine hair like projection seen on lymphocytes. tartrate resistant Acid phosphatase test stain + ve (TRAP + ve). CD11c marker is specific, also cause pancytopenia and splenomegaly. * Wipple dis --- villous atrophy, PAS + ve cells on lamina propria on biopsy. It is MC occur in 40 - 60 yrs old white man ÷ abdominal pain, diarrhea, malabsorption, wt loss, migratory arthralgia, hyperpigmentation and lymphadenopathy. (may involve heart cause chronic cough) v imp. * Celiac dis -- donot cause hyperpigmentation or lymphadenopathy. * Tropical sprue is chronic diarrhea of infectious origin in those who live in tropical area. * Asthma : 1. Intermittent Asthma -- Day time Sxs s 2 / week, Night time Sxs s 2 / month, beta agonist use s 2 / week. Normal base line FEV1 / FVC and no limitation in daily activity. TX -- Short acting Albuterol. 2. Mild Persistent Asthma -- Sxs > 2 / week but not daily, Night time Sxs 3 - 4 / month, Minor limitation on activity. PFT is normal. TX -- PRN Albuterol inhaler + Inhaled corticosteroids. 3. Moderate Persistent Asthma -- Sxs daily, weekly Night time Sxs, moderate limitation with activity. FEV1 60 - 80 % of predicted value. TX -- PRN Albuterol inhaler + Inhaled Corticosteroids + Long acting beta 2 agoinst inhaler. 4. Severe Persistent Asthma -- Sxs through out the Day, Frequent time awakening,, extremely limited activity, FEV1 < 60% of predicted. TX -- PRN albuterol + Long acting Beta agonist inhaler + High dose inhaled corticosteroid. + / - Oral prednisone. * Megestrol (synthetic progestin) is the drug of choice for cancer associated Anorexia. imp. * Kidney Biopsy in chronic non renal dis pt shows Amyloid deposits and Proteinuria. Amyloid deposits show Apple green Birefringence under polarized light after staining with Condo Red. Pt also show hepatomegaly. imp. * Linear Immunoglobin deposits ------ Good Pasture $. * Granular deposit (immune complex) ------- Lupus, Post streptococcal GN. * Crescent formation ------- RPGN * Normal light Microscopy + Nephrotic $ ------- Minimal Change dis. * Best next step in first Renal Stone that is < 5 mm ----- 1st relive pain, than advise Inc fluid intake (> 2 L / Day) . Stone < 5 mm passes spontaneously. * Pt with normal Renal Function NSAIDs are preferred over Narcotics for Acute Renal Colic. (because Narcotics may exacerbate the nausea & vomiting). * Pt with Acute Renal Colic ---- Do CT scan (because plain Xray miss the radiolucent stone). * Howell Jolly Bodies (blue dot) in blood suggest physical functional Hyposplenia. * Combination of Anemia + Bone pain + Renal Dysfunction + Inc ESR ÷ MM . (pt complain constipation, bone pain, Inc BUN / Cr) * Always think hypercalcemia as a cause of constipation. * In all pts with COPD ----- Home O2 and smoking cessation have been shown to dec the mortality. * Myasthenia Gravis TX --- 1. Pyridostigmine or Neostigmine is the initial tx of choice but provide symptomatic relief and do not induce remission. 2. Thymectomy must be consider in all pts b/w puberty to 60 yrs of age. Thymectomy is not advise in those who have only Occular myasthenia. 3. Immuno suppression (Corticosteroids) is used in pts with age > 60 yrs, or those who donot respond to Anticholinestrase and Thymectomy. * Pseudomonas is common cause of Nosocomial pneumonia in Intubated pts. TX -- Cefepime or Pipracillin - Trazobactam. imp. * Normal Anion Gap is 6 - 12 mEq / L. AG = Na - (HCO3 + Cl). (Inc AG indicate non chloride acid) Pt with metabolic Acidosis --- must calculate AG to narrow down differential. Causes are Lactic Acidosis, Ketoacidosis, Methanol Ingestion, Ethylene Glycol Ingestion, Salisylate poisoning, uremia. * Hypocalcemia ÷ hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, cramps, convulsion. Causes surgery that requires extensive transfusion, even during surgery.. * Hypermagnesemia ÷ dec deep tendon reflexes. vs. Severe hyermagnesemia ÷ loss of deep tendon reflexes, muscle paralysis, apnea, cardiac arrest. * Neurocardiogenic syncope (vasovagal syncope) occur due to excessive vagal tone in response to pain, stress, needle stick and urination. Syncopal Episode is preceded by nausea, diaphoresis (warmth) & Pallor. DX -- with Tilt Table test. * Rupture of Saccular Aneurysm is MCC of subarachinoid hemorrhage. Aneurysm are more likely to rupture when they are > 7 mm. Most frequent site of rupture is ant circulation of Circle of Willis. * Seborrheic Keratosis -- greasy brown crust like lesion with stuck on appearance. * Squamous papilloma -- MC benign tumor of upper eye lid. Frond like lobular projections. * Keratoacanthoma -- Self limited rapidly growing " volcano like nodule" with central keratotic plug. TX as Squamous cell carcinoma if lesion are present near imp organ such as eye. * Squamous cell carcinoma -- Fast growing, often arise from precursor lesion such as Actinic keratosis. Hyperkeratosis is typical.. 154 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Basal Cell Carcinoma -- slow growing papules with pearls, rolled borders, overlying talengiectasia. MC Malignant tumor of eye lid. * Basal Cell Carcinoma is MC malignancy in mankind. ? * Drain Opener (alkaline solu) ingestion cause instantaneous damage sp to esophagus (liquefaction necrosis). Neutralization, inducing vomit, charcoal, will not help or improve the out come. Next ting in management is Upper GI contrast study and Endoscopy to evaluate damage and determining further tx. Ipecac is contraindicated in this condition. * If perforation is suspected Gastrografin study is performed (no barium study). * CLL (smudge cells) -- Lymphnode Biopsy confirm the dx (show over matured lymphocyte with hypercondensed nuclear chromatin pattern). * ARD$ caused by leaky alveolar capillaries causes include sepsis, severe infection, toxin ingestion & burns. In ARD$ mechanical ventilation with low Tidal vol & Inc PEEP can improve oxygenation. v. imp. * Remember Hypoxemia is best tx with PEEP. Pt with Inc PaCO2 hyperventilation is suitable (blow of CO2). * Mucous plug dec airflow in the affected part of bronchial tree ÷ collapse of down stream lung parenchyma ÷ no breath sound in unaffected area. * Consolidated Lung ÷ dullness to percussion, louder bronchial breath sound and egophony (E hear A). * Squamous Cell Carcinoma ----- ADH, ACTH. * Small Cell Carcinoma ----- PTH. * SLE --- Most commonly effect African American women aged 20 - 40 yrs. * ARD$ --- cause inflamatory alveolar damage. (causes are sepsis, pneumonia, toxin) ÷ PaO2 PFiO2 Ratio < 200, Normal PCWP. CXR shows bilateral chest infiltrate. v v imp & tricky Q * Pt with retropharyngeal abscess often complain of sore throat, fever, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), Trismus (inability to open mouth), odynophagia, pain in neck sp with Neck extension. DX -- Must do CT scan and the lateral Neck Xray for evaluation extent and differential. TX -- must be initiated immediately in order to prevent infection to MEDIASTINUM. tx include antibiotics & urgent drainage. * Hawthorne effect -- is defined as tendency of a study population to affect the out come; because people are aware that they are being studied. * Hypomagnesemia caused refractory hypokalemia. therefore it is imp to correct magnesium along with K level. commonly seen in alcoholics. * TICK borne Paralysis ÷ Rapid progressive ascending paralysis with out sensory abnormality, absence of fever, Normal CSF examination. Look for tick on body and remove it. v imp. * Paroxysmal Supraventricular tachycardia most commonly results from Accessory conduction pathway (re entrant pathway) through AV node. Vascular carotid sinus massage and immersion in cold water Inc vagal tone and dec conduction through AV node. TX such as adenosine is used to break the rhythm by acting as AV nodal block. * Intrahepatic cholestasis of Pregnancy -- resolves shortly after delivery and pose no threat to mother but it do pose threat to fetus such as fetal prematurity, meconium stained amniotic fluid, intrauterine demise. Therefore once fetal lung are matured early delivery is recommended. v imp. * Hepatic Encephalopathy (ranges from mild confusion to coma) -- tx include Lactulose (nonabsorbable Disaccharide), neomycin, Rifaximin and laxatives. * A - a Gradient Inc in Interstitial lung dis (restrictive lung dis). * Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(Restrictive lung dis) is a dis of unknown etiology. Exam show dry end expiratory crackles & Inc A - a gradient. * Rhinitis is usually suggested by careful hx and physical exam; DX is not always clear lab evaluation is necessary. Nasal Cytology is most appropriate next step in management. show Eosinophilia (in allergy), neutrophil (in infection). * Paget dis ---- show Inc AP but serum Ca++, Phosphate and LFT will be normal. TX -- Biphosphonate. * Pancreatic cancer is the primary differential dx of chronic pancreatitis. Abdominal U/S is the initial investigation of choice in pt with jaundice, however CT scan is recommended because it has higher sensitivity for suspected pancreatic cancer. * ERCP is most useful in pt with chronic pancreatitis or cases where CT and U/S fail to demonstrate mass lesion. * MRI is the investigation of choice when ERCP is not possible due to pancreatic duct obstruction. * Creutzfeldt jakob dis ÷ spongyform encephalopathy ÷ rapid progressive dementia, myoclonus, sharp triphasic synchronus discharge on EEG. * Diastolic Heart Failure is classically caused by HTN ÷ Chronic | Ventricular diastolic P, Left Atrial dilatation, may provoke A - fib, dyspnea & high BP. TX -- Diuretics and control HTN. Remember Ejection fraction is always normal in this. * Criterion for Initiating Home based Long term O2 therapy : imp. 1. All COPD pts with PaO2 < 55 mmHg. or SaO2 < 88 % on room air. 2. Pt with Core pulmonale + Pul HTN. or Hct > 55 %. Even if PaO2 is 56 - 59 mmHg or SaO2 > 89 %. 3. Home O2 is also be used if PaO2 > 60 mmHg and SaO2 > 90 % but they become hypoxic during exercise or during sleep. * Pulmonary Embolism Clot (PE) obstructing main Pul artery ÷ Embolectomy is most appropriate tx. (warfarin may require for few months). * When PE occur with hemodynamic compromise -- best tx is fibrinolytic, if contraindicated do Embolectomy (most appropriate), but give heparin while surgery preparation. * Polycythemia Vera is colonal myeloproliferative dis of unknown cause ÷ Inc RBC mass, mild granulocytosis, Inc platelet count, dec erythropoietin, plethoric face, splenomegaly and normal erythrocytes Indices. TX -- phlebotomy, keep hct < 45%. * Toxoplasmosis tx -- Sulfadiazine pyrimethamine. * Antibiotic associated diarrhea -- suspect clostridium deficile. DX -- do cytotoxic assay of stool, if test turn + ve tx of choice is metronidazole. In case of failure give oral Vancomycin. 155 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Arthritis induced by SLE is non deforming. imp. * HIV retinopathy -- benign cotton wool spots in retina which remit spontaneously. * Ocular Toxomplasmosis ÷ Necrotizing retinochoroiditis, white fluffy lesion on retina. occur in immunocompromised. * Herpes simples keratitis ÷ pain, photophobia, dendritic ulcers, dec vision. * Herpes zoster ophthamicus ÷ burning itching sensation in periorbital region, conjunctivitis, dendriform corneal ulcer. occur in elderly * CMV retinitis (occur when CD4 < 50) ÷ yellow white patches of retinal opacification and hemorrhage is dx. * Meniere's dis ÷ dizziness, vertigo, spinning sensation, nausea, hearing loss and Ear fullness (due to abnormal accumulation of endolymph). imp * MC side effect of Erythropoietin tx -- Worsening of HTN (30%), headache (15%), Flu like $ and Red cell aplasia. v imp * End stage renal dis cause Normocytic normochromic anemia. TX -- Erythropoietin when hb is < 10 g/ dL. v imp. * Tropical sprue ÷ Diarrhea, malabsorption, vit def. Biopsy shows blunting of villi with infiltration of chronic inflamatory cells including lymphocytes plasma cells and eosinophils. * Routine screening in Chlamydial infection in all healthy active women is strongly recommended. It include sexually active women age 24 yrs and younger and in other asymptomatic women who are Inc risk of developing this infection.. v imp. * Routine screening of lipid is recommended in men age 35 and women age 45. At age 20 in pt with diabetes, Family hx of premature coronary artery dis, Familial hyperlipidemia, or numerous risk factor for coronary artery dis. * Proteus produce urease which make urine alkaline. Proteus inf is common in pts live in long term care facilities and have chronic indwelling catheter. * Candida, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella are also common in pt with indwelling catheter but do not produce alkaline urine. * Influenza -- tx with bed rest and acetaminophen. If Antiviral is required than give it with in 48 hrs of Sxs. Amantadine and Rimentadine ---- active against Influenza A. Zanamavir and Oseltamivir ---- active against Influenza A and B. v imp. * Aortic Regurgitation cause widening of pulse P which can be felt as water hammer pulse. Lying down turning to left bring the heart closer to the chest wall and make the pt more aware of force full heart beat. Most common causes are Aortic root dilatation, bicuspid aortic valve. * Atopic dermatitis (in infancy presents different than adults) ÷ pruritic erythematous exconated papule & plaque that occur bilaterally but spare diaper area. * Seborrheic dermatitis in infants ÷ "cradle cap" adherent waxy scales with mild erythema. * Intercostal drainage is the choice for hemothorax or pyothorax. * Thoracocentesis is used for hydrothorax. Recurrent hydrothorax is tx with Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). * Pleurodesis is used in recurrent pleural effusion due to malignancy. * TIPS is also used in refractory ascitis that is diuretic resistant, Acute recurrent visceral bleeding and recurrent hydrothorax, pt waiting for liver transplantation and portocaval shunt. * Infection caused by human bite -- tx with Amoxicillin / clavulanate. * Long term Cyclophosphamide use ÷ hemorrhagic cystitis, bladder carcinoma. * Recommendation for Prostate specific Ag and digital rectal exam screening : 50 yr age for men who have at least 10 yrs life expectancy. 45 yrs age for men at high risk (African American, men with first degree relative dx with prostate cancer at < 65 yrs of age) 40 yrs age for men even higher risk ( 1st degree relatives with prostate cancer at early age, if results come out - ve do not repeat test till age 45) * COPD -- give influenza yearly, and also pneumococcal vaccine but not necessarily yearly. * Upto 3.2 % pts tx with chemotherapy and Radiation will develop secondary malignancy with in 20 yrs. * Tx of cocaine related cardiac ischemia (EKG changes, ST depression in several leads) -- First line tx diazepam + nitrate + Aspirin. Pure beta blocker is contraindicated because it will aggravate cocaine induced vasoconstriction. imp. * Opacification (white shade) of single lung + shifting of mediastinum toward effected lung ---- indicates Collapsed lung due to atelactasis vol loss. Urgent bronchoscopy is needed to identify and possibly tx the obstructive bronchial lesion. Common causes are mucous plug, mass lesion, foreign body, external lesion etc. * Type 2 DM with rapid blurred vision ---- think of diabetes induced hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state. pt show dec consciousness. vs. Cataract can cause blurred vision in diabetic but it occur over the period of long time due to gradual accumulation of Intralenticular sorbitol. Diabetic Retinopathy can cause blurred vision but t take very long time to develop. * Irritable bowel $ (function disorder) ÷ abdominal pain with little diarrhea and little mucous or constipation. There is no lab or pathologic hall mark. Clonic mucosea normal. * Non caseating granuloma are characteristic for crohns dis. * Amiodarone cause pulmonary toxicity and should be avoided in pt with lung dis. * Beta blocker is relative contraindicated in obstructed lung dis (asthma, COPD) But it can be used in restrictive lung dis. * Staph Aureus is MCC of prosthetic joint septic arthritis. (Strep is 2nd MC). * N. Gonorrhea septic arthritis is the most common in young sexually active pt. * In general Tidal Vol should be 6 ml /kg of ideal body wt. Inc Tidal vol will Inc ventilation and may cause Resp Alkalosis (or vice versa). * FiO2 of 40 % is appropriate to avoid O2 toxicity in pt. 156 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Incentive Spirometry is used to prevent Atelactesis in bed bound pt particularly after surgical procedure. * Lesion of the Post limb of the internal capsule typically results form lacunar infarct. ÷ unilateral motor paralysis of face, arm and leg without higher cortical dysfunction and visual field defect. * Middle cerebral artery occlusion ÷ contralateral hemiplegia, conjugated eye deviation toward the side of lesion, hemianesthesia, homonymous hemianopia, aphasia (dominant hemisphere lesion), hemineglect (dominant hemisphere lesion). * Ant Cerebral artery occlusion ÷ contralateral weakness predominantly in lower extremities, Abulia, Akinetic mutism, deviation of head and eye toward lesion, sphincter incontinence. * Vertibrobasilar system lesion (supplying brain stem, mid brain, pon & medulla) ÷ Alternate $ with contralateral hemiplegia and ipsilateral CN involvement. * Pseudo gout -- Rhomboid shape + ve birefringence crystals composed of Ca++ pyrophosphate. Attack of pseudogout often occur in setting of trauma, surgery, illness. It may also calcified articular cartilage (chondrocalcinosis). * Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) may found in the Renal calculi caused by urease producing organism such as Klebsiella and Proteus. * Vomit and nasogastric suction cause hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia. TX -- Isotonic NaCl and K. For each hydrogen chloride ion lost due to vomit, a bicarbonate is produced. In addition vol contraction (due to vomit) ÷ Inc Renin Angiotensin system \ which also stimulate bicarbonate absorption. * Acyclovir is Nephrotoxic -- it precipitate in renal tubule and cause obstruction and Acute renal failure. Show crystalluria sp in inadequately hydrated pt. * Hemolytic Anemia occur due to DIC, HUS, TTP and prosthetic cardiac valve. * Prosthetic cardiac valve ÷ hemolytic anemia ÷ dec hepatoglobin (which bind free Hb and promotes its excretion by the reticuloendothelial sys. Inc load of free Hb results into dec hepatoglobin level due to its exceeded binding limit to Hb. * Risk for Pancreatic cancer --- Male sex, cigarettes, black race chronic pancreatitis, long standing diabetes, Obesity, Familial. (note alcohol is not risk factor) * Status Epilepticus (seizures that last at least 30 mins) if not control with initial tx give Anesthesia with Midazolam + Intubation. * Diphenhydramine Overdose ÷ drowsiness, Anticholinergic effect (dry mouth, dilated pupil, blurred vision, dec bowel sound, urinary retention) TX -- physostidmine (cholinestrase inhibitor) to counter act anticholinergic effect. vs. * PCP Poisoning ÷ Agitation, tachycardia, pupillary dilatation, Psychotic / dissociative behavior, vertical nystagmus. * Salisylate Toxicity ÷ Tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, fever, altered mental status and acid base abnormality. TX -- Alkalinization of urine with Na bicarbonate. * Leukoplakia (white patch with granular texture and not removable with tongue depressor) may lead to Squamous Cell Carcinoma. * When treating Pheochromocytoma always give o blocker first followed by | blocker because | blocker first or alone will Inc BP due to unopposed o effect. o blocker alone can + BP in pheochromocytoma; | blocker is added to dec heart rate & lowering tremor. (Labetalol is o & | blocker & can be use alone) * Neurocysticercosis (tinea solium) is MC parasitic infection of brain, prevalent in rural area. MC intermediate host is Pig, can be acquired by eating under cooked pork meat, or from infected human feces. * PPD test > 5 cm induration is + ve in HIV and required prophylaxis Isoniazid for 9 month + Pyridoxine. (due to Inc risk of TB) * E. Coli O157 : H7 is associated with HUS. * Recommendation therapy for an Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of COPD include O2, Inhaled Bronchodilator (|2 agonist and Anticholinergic), broad spectrum Antibiotics, 2 week Corticosteroid taper, Smoking cessation. * Enthisitis -- is inflamation and pain at the site where tendon and Ligament attaches, It is common finding in Ankylosing spondilitis. Typical sites are heel, tibial tuberosity and iliac crest. also signs ? Sxs of Ankylosing spondylitis (limited spine motion, HLA B27, etc). * Desired FiO2 (fraction of Inspired O2) is 50 - 60 % (0.5 - 0.6 %). Inc FiO2 level may cause O2 toxicity. * Acute Pancreatitis cause ARD$ in 15 % of pts. Pt need mechanical ventilation and FiO2 should be < 60% to avoid O2 toxicity. * Thrombophlebitis is characterized by palpable indurated cord like tender subcutaneous venous segment, with low grade fever. v imp. * Necrotizing Faciitis characterized by purplish discoloration of the skin with gangrenous change and systemic signs of toxicity. It is rapidly spreading infection that involves the facia of deep muscle, necrotic changes in deep tissue present. Occur usually after trauma. v imp. * Cellulitis is Acute spreading infection of dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Necrotic changes in deep tissue is not present. * Pernicious Anemia is autoimmune disorder cause B12 def. Pt develop chronic atrophic gastritis with dec production of intrinsic factor. Atrophic gastritis | the risk of Intestinal type gastric cancer & gastric carcinoid tumor. Periodic stool testing for blood must be done to not mis any cancer. * NSAIDs also potentiate the action of ADH (think about it in chronic NSAID tx). * Any male adolescent with Epistaxis + localized mass & the bony erosion on the back of nose has Angiofibroma (benign) until proven other wise. * Angiofibroma is capable to erode and locally invade, typically found in back of the nose and upper pharynx (nasopharynx) ÷ nose bleed. * Autoimmune hemolytic Anemia is acquired disorder -- it also show spherocytes with central pallor, + ve osmotic fragility test, + ve coomb test, splenomegaly and - ve Family hx. Donot confuse with Hereditary sperocytosis (ADD) in which Family hx is + ve. * Dermatitis Herpetiforme : + ve Antiendomysial Ab; pruritic papules over the extensor surface of the body. Pt also suffer from Celiac sprue or Gluten sensitive enteropathy. Inc risk of Gastrointesinal lymphoma. * Asymptomatic Gallstones should not be tx. The only exception of this rule is when pt are at Inc risk of developing Gall bladder carcinoma or complication for eg. morbidly obese pt under going gastric bypass surgery or pt with Porcelain gallbladder. * Strawberry hemangioma occur in infancy and initially grow rapidly and than regress by age 5 - 8 yrs. 157 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Cherry Hemangioma is MC benign vascular proliferation adults. They are small bright cutaneous papules that do not regress. * An isolated smooth border Ring enhancing solitary lesion on contrast CT scan of brain in immunocompromised person + pt shows bacterial infection such as sinusitis etc. ----- It is most likely Brain abscess (Aerobic / Anaerobic, strep & bacteroids are MC agents). v. imp vs. * Toxoplasmosis shows Ring enhancing lesions but they are tend to multiple commonly occur in Basal ganglia and cortical grey - white matter interface. * Periumbilical systolic - diasystolic bruit suggest Renal artery stenosis (but it is also normal in 30 % of pts with out HTN). * Anserine Bursitis presents with sharp localized pain over the Anteromedial part of the Tibial Plateau, just below the joint line of the knees. It is due to abnormal gait, overuse and trauma. * Patello femoral $ is the pain of the knee due to overuse. Pain worsen by activity or prolong sitting (due to sustain flexion); Cripitus on patellar movement + ve. * Alport $ -- recurrent hematuria + Sensori neuronal deafness + Renal failure. Electron Microscopy show thick and thin capillary loop with splitting of glumerular mem on biopsy. * Condyloma Accuminata are verrucous papilliform skin colored slightly pruritic lesion. TX -- podophyllin. vs. * Condyloma Lata are flat and valvety lesion of Sec syphilis. * Familial Colonic polyps are Adenomatous polyposis -- Adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC gene) is involved. Risk of cancer is 100 %, pt needs Elective Procto - colectomy. v. imp * Clasp Knife phenomenon refer to sudden reduction in muscle tone and Inc in laxity after initial resistance to passive movement. * Ataxia + Broad based gait suggest cerebellar damage, common in alcoholics. other Sxs are Dysmetria, intention tremor, difficulty in rapid alternative movement and nystagmus. * Xray often fail to demonstrate Osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis). Pt complain pain gets worst with activity and relieves with rest. Precipitating factors are corticosteroid use, Alcohol, trauma and Antiphospholipid $. MRI is the most sensitive test and is preferred. * External Hordeolun (stye) is the common staph abscess of the eyelid. Tx with warm compresses; if fail to resolves in 48 hrs do incision & drainage. imp. * Aortic stenosis tx -- Aortic valve replacement is preferred. Aortic valvostomy is considered in hemodynamically unstable pt, or for poor surgical candidate. * Indication for Aortic replacement ---- 1. All symptomatic pt with Aortic stenosis. 2. Pt with severe Aortic stenosis undergoing CABG or other valvular surgery. 3. Asymptomatic pt with severe aortic stenosis or either poor LV systolic function, LV hypertrophy (>15mm), valve area < 0.6 cm2, or abnormal response to exercise. * Pt with chronic Ankylosing Spondylitis are at Inc risk of vertebral fracture. * Chemical conjunctivitis in new born occur with in 24 hr of birth. * Gnonococcal Conjunctivitis occur in 2 - 5 days after birth. * Chlamydial conjunctivitis occur in 5 - 15 days after birth. * Dacryocystitis usually unilateral occur day to week after birth due to nasolacrimal duct obstruction. tx with gentle massage of lacrimal sac. * Dubin johnson $ & Rotor $ are familial disorder of hepatic bile secretion that results in to Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. But Dark granular pigment in hepatocytes are present only in Dubin johnson $. * Membranous GN (nephrotic $) is associated with HBV infection. v. imp vs. * Cryoglobulinemia and MPGN is associated with HCV infection. v. imp vs. * Diffuse proliferative Glomerulonephritis is associated with SLE. v. imp vs. * Collapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is associated with HIV. v. imp vs. * Minimal change dis is associated with Hodgekin lymphoma. v. imp * Three major mechanical complication of MI includes Mitral regurgitation due to papillary muscle rupture (Pansystolic murmur radiate to axilla), Ventricular septal rupture (Pansystolic murmur on left sternal border), Left ventricle free wall rupture (may cause temponade). * S1 or S2 sound softening means Improper closure of valve. * Ophthalmoplegia in MS is due to demyelination of Medial longitudinal fasiculus (donot confuse with the medial laminiscus which effect touch and vibration). * Prolong tachysystolic A - fib cause significant ventricular dilatation & dec Ejection fraction. Controlling rate and rhythm will improve LV function dramatically. * Low Grade Gastric Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma (MALTOMA) is highly associated with H. pylori. TX -- Omeprazole + Clarithromycin + Amoxicilin. If Antibiotics fail to cure than chemotherapy is required with CHOP (cyclophosphamide + Adriamycin + Vincristine + Prednisone) + / - Bleomycin. * Histoplasmosis (Mississippi, Ohio river bank, bird dropping) cause interstitial penumonitis, Disseminated histoplasmosis occur in immunocompromised pt ÷ palatal ulcer + hepatosplenomegaly + Pancytopenia. * Blastomycosis is associated with contaminated soil or ROTTING WOOD ÷ Multiple nodule or dense consolidation on CXR. Ulcerative or verrucous skin lesion, plaque like erosion on mucous mem; osteolytic bone lesion and prostate involvement. * Coccidioidomycosis (south western US) ÷ localized Pul infiltrate, Hilar adenopathy, pleural effusion, bone lesion, maculopapular skin lesion, Lung complaint may be absent. * Metabolic $ is dx when 3 of the following criteria met. 1. Abdominal obesity (central obesity). men waist > 40 inches, women waist > 35. 2. Fasting Glucose > 100 - 110 mg / dL. 3. BP > 130 / 80 mmHg. 4. Triglycerides > 150 mg / dL 5. HDL -- men < 40 mg / dL, women < 50 mg / dL. 158 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Metabolic $ -- Insulin resistance is the key pathogenic factor in type 2 DM and associated abnormality (HTN, dyspilidemia). v v imp. * Neurofibromatosis type I -- cafe au lait spot, macrocephaly, feeding problems, short stature, learning disabilities, neurofibroma or other tumors. imp vs. * Neurofibromatosis type 2 -- Bilateral Acoustic neuroma, cataract. imp. * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is characterized by both UMN signs (spasticity, bulbar Sxs, hyper reflexia) and LMN signs (fasciculation). Pt present with complaint of muscle wasting. * Pt with WPW$ who develop A - fib with rapid ventricular rate should be tx with Cardioversion or procainamide. AV node blocker such as beta blocker, Ca++ channel blocker, digoxin adenosine should be avoided because they can cause Inc conduction through the accessory pathway. v imp. vs. * Pt with A - fib with rapid ventricular heart rate are tx with AV node blocker such as beta blocker, Ca++ channel blocker, digoxin, adenosine. * Porcelain gallbladder (rim of Ca++ deposit that outline the gall bladder due to chronic inflamation) ÷ Inc risk of Gall bladder cancer. 11 - 33 % will develop cancer. Indicate Cholcystectomy. * Alfa - 1 - AT def complications -- liver cirrhosis, Emphysema, hepatocellular carcinoma. DX is established by measuring A1AT level followed by confirmatory genetic test. (this test is indicated to all pt who develop premature onset of chronic bronchitis, Emphysema as well as to nonsmoker with COPD). TX -- Purified Human A1AT for severely deficient pt. Hepatic failure and severely damaged lugs indicate transplantation. * "Room is spinning" vertigo with nausea and vomiting -- think vestibulopathy (Meniere dis, Perilymphatic fistula, BPPV, labrynthinitis, Acoustic neuroma). * IV contrast Induced Nephropathy ÷ transient spike in creatinin with in 24 hrs of contrast administration. It will return to normal function with in 5 - 7 days. Adequate IV hydration with Isotonic bicarbonate & Acetylcysteine help to minimize the risk. Must watch for | in Cr in pt who receive contrast. v imp. * All Pts with hepatitis C + Elevated ALT + detectable HCV RNA + histologic evidence of at least moderate grade hepatitis are candidate for Anti viral therapy with Interferon + Ribavirin. imp. * Absence of peristalsis wave in lower 2/3 of esophagus and significant dec in in lower esophageal sphincter is characteristic of esophageal dysmotility associated with scleroderma. v. imp must see graph and figs. * Conn $ -- dec Renin, Inc Aldosterone, Inc HCO3, Inc Na (mild), dec K+, HTN. * Non Seminomatous Germ Cell tumor tx can be started even without Biopsy. AFP and B hCG level is enough to start the tx. * Cushing $ -- HTN, hyperglycemia, dec K+, wt gain (central obesity), moon face, proximal muscle weakness, thinning of skin, psychiatric problems. * Hairy Cell Leukemia (HTLV 1) -- hair like projections on lymphocytes, Tartrate resistant Acid Phosphatase stain, Bone marrow become fibrotic ÷ pancytopenia. TX - CLADRIBINE (gene marrow transplantation is not helpful in this). imp * Anemia of Chronic dis occur in Infectious, inflamatory and neoplastic dis; It is also noted in severe trauma, heart dis and DM. It is due to defective utilization of Iron by RBCs precursor due to Inflamatory mediators. vs. * Iron def Anemia is MCC of Anemia in elderly. Degenerative joint dis in elderly cause Anemia of Iron def, not anemia of chronic dis. (I think its osteoarthritis ?). * Painless jaundice in elderly + wt loss + Anorexia ---- think pancreatic carcinoma first. * TX of Scabies in adults -- Permethrin 5% applied from neck down and left over night. * Chronic GERD and Barretts Esophagus are high risk factor foe Adenocarcinoma. vs. pt who smokes or Alcoholic are at Inc risk of developing Esophageal Squamous cell carcinoma. * Ovarian Cancer -- Many women are not diagnosed until late stage. Recommendation for screening test for ovarian cancer are. v. imp 1. Women with low risk family hx (isolated related with ovarian cancer) ------ do CA - 125 and Transvaginal U/S. 2. Women with high risk family hx (multiple relatives with breast & ovarian cancer & 1st degree relative with ovarian cancer) ---- do BRCA 1 & 2 + twice yearly CA - 125 and Transvaginal U/S. * Pt with BRCA 1 & 2 mutation are recommended to go under prophylactic Oopherectomy by age 35 or after completing child bearing. Prophylactic dec mortality form ovarian cancer in this group. * Myasthenic crisis is life threatening condition characterized by weakness of the respiratory and pharyngeal muscles -- most appropriate next step is Endotracheal Intubation and with drawl of Anticholinestrase for several days. MCC of myasthenic crisis is intercurrent infection. * Positive predictive value -- test ability to correctly identify pt with dis. * Sensitivity -- test ability to rule out those with dis from those who have + ve results. (most pts with dis will have + ve test). * Specifitivity -- test ability to exclude those with out the dis. (most healthy pt will have neg test). Very specific test will have low false + ve. * Raising the cut off point of the diagnostic test will dec its sensitivity. vs. Lowering the cut off point of a diagnostic test will Inc the sensitivity of the test. (Inc the # of + ve results). * Pt in restaurant develop sudden shortness of breath and dyspnea ----- it could be food allergy think laryngeal edema. Pt Flow - vol - Loop show fixed change that is dec airflow rate during inspiration, dec pressure expiration imp. plz see graphs * In Pulmonary edema and Asthma Flow - vol - Loop show dec in expiratory phase (scooped out pattern) imp. * In Pneumothorax Flow - vol - Loop show restrictive pattern, dec lung vol, Inc in Expiratory phase. * Lead time Bias -- think lead time bias when you see new screening test for poor prognosis dis such as pancreatic or lung cancer. * Hemochromatosis -- Inc Iron, normal or dec TIBC, Inc ferritin, Transferrin saturation of iron Inc. * Microcytic hypochromic Anemia -- dec Iron, dec ferritin, Inc TIBC, Transferrin saturation normal to low. * Anemia of Chronic dis -- Inc Iron, ferritin normal, Inc TIBC, Transferrin saturation low to normal. 159 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Sideroblastic Anemia -- Inc Iron, Ferritin normal, Inc TIBC, Transferrin saturation normal to high. * Senile purpura is characterized by Ecchymosis on the extensor surface in elderly due to Perivascular connective tissue atrophy. It is benign condition. * Reys $ -- due to aspirin in viral inf ÷ Extensive fatty vacuolization of liver. * Heavy lymphocyte infiltration in portal tract and granulomatous destruction --- think primary biliary cirrhosis. * Mononuclear inflamatory cell disrupt periportal plates of hepatocytes that undergoing necrosis is called "bridging necrosis" ÷ portal septal fibrosis, and fibrosis septa b/w lobules "bridging fibrosis" ----- seen in chronic active hepatitis. * Panlobular monoinfiltrate with hepatic necrosis & confluent hepatic cell necrosis connects adjacent lobules "bridging necrosis" -- seen in Acute viral hepatitis. * Ballon degeneration with polymorphic cellular infiltrate is seen in the liver of alcoholic (accumulation fat, protein & water in hepatocytes ÷ swelling & necrosis) * Diabetic ketoacidosis is typically accompanied by hyperkalemia (aka paradoxical hyperkalemia) but body K+ reserves are actually depleted. v imp. * Pt with chronic hepatitis C with + ve HCV RNA and normal liver enz on multiple occasion have minimal histologic abnormalities, therefore they donot need to tx with IF or Ribavirin because 20% of pts will Inc there ALT with tx since Antiviral it self can cause liver injury. * Massive multiple pulmonary embolism may results into new onset of RBBB, jugular venous distention and hypotension (> 5% pts die). TX -- Respiratory and hemodynamic support + fibrinolytic tx. * Fibrinolytic tx is relatively contraindicated with 10 days of surgery. * Platelet dysfunction is the MCC of bleeding (abnormal hemostasis) in pt with chronic renal failure called Uremic Coagulopathy. PT, aPTT and platelet count is normal but BT is prolong. TX -- Desmopressin is the tx of choice. (platelet transfusion is not indicated because they quickly become inactivated). * Fatty liver (steatosis), chronic hepatitis, and early fibrosis can be potentially reversible if pt stop alcohol ingestion. * True Alcoholic cirrhosis is characterized by the presence of regenerative nodule, this condition is irreversible even with alcoholic cessation. * Postictal state can be complicated by lactic acidosis from prolong and forceful skeletal activity ÷ metabolic acidosis (dec HCO3, normal PaCO2) vs. Postictal state can be complicated by hypercapnia due to hypoventilation during seizures ÷ Respiratory acidosis (Inc HCO3, Inc PaCO2). * Todds paralysis can occasionally effect respiratory muscle and cause hypoventilation. * Poison Sumac grow as a woody shrub ÷ Allergic dermatitis. * Cerebrovascular stroke -- MC are Ischemic 85%, hemorrhagic 15%. * Steven johnson $ (erythema multiforme major) -- involves Immune complex mediated hypersensitivity. show target lesions. Commonly involve mucous mem. MCC causes are drugs are sulfonamide, NSAIDs, Phenytoin. vs. * Erythema multiforme minor -- commonly occur after HSV infection ÷ target lesions and mucous mem is not involved. * It is Impairment of daily functioning which differentiating dementia from normal age changes. Pt with dementia has functional impairment due to memory loss. * Primary polydipsia is common among Schizophrenics ÷ dec Na and possible seizures. Simultaneous administration of Phenothiazine to schizophrenics will worsen the problem due to its dry mouth side effect. * DX of primary polydipsia is with holding water and measuring urine. if urine osmolality and specific gravity Inc, confirm the dx. * Cocaine induced coronary vasospasm can cause MI. tx is same as STEMI but never use beta blocker because it will worsen the vasospasm due to unopposed o activity of cocaine. v imp * Alcoholic hepatitis -- AST : ALT Ratio is > 2 (2 : 1). * Gilbert $ (benign) -- jaundice is predominantly unconjugated type hyperbilirubinemia < 3 mg / dL. * Rotor $ (benign) -- jaundice is primarily conjugated type hyperbilirubinemia and appear in urine. * Unconjugated bilirubin tightly bound to albumin and does not appear in urine. Appearing in urine means bilirubin is conjugated type or Renal failure. vs. conjugated bilirubin loosely bound to albumin and appear in urine when present in excess. * Laproscopic cholecystectomy is the tx of choice symptomatic gall bladder dis. * Suspect gall bladder pathology -- initial test U/S. (xrays are not sensitive / specific). * Aortic dissection -- tearing chest pain radiate to back + CXR shows widen media stinum. * Multiple systemic Atrophy (Shy - Dragger $) -- parkinsonism + Autonomic dysfunction (Postural hypotension, disturb bowel bladder function, impotency) + Wide spread neurologic signs (cerebellar, pyramidal, LMN signs). v . imp * Always consider Shy dragger $ in pt with parkinsonism and orthostatic hypotension, impotency, incontinence. TX -- Intravascular vol expansion with Fludrocortisone, salt supplement, o agonist, constrictive garments to lower extremities. imp. * Riley Day $ (Familial dysautonomia) is autosomal recessive disorder of Ashkenazi jews ÷ gross dysfunction of Autonomic system and orthostatic hypotension. occur in children’s. * Lewy body dementia ÷ fluctuating cognitive impairment, recurrent visual hallucination, motor feature of parkinsonism. imp. * Pick dis is fronto temporal dementia ÷ personality change, Euphoria, dysinhibition, compulsive behavior (peculiar eating habits, hyperorality) and impaired memory. * Serum Sickness (type II immune complex mediated hypersensitivity) like reaction occur after drugs usage like penecillin, amoxicillin in the setting of viral 160 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS illness ÷ urticaria, rash, polyarthralgia and lymphadenopathy. vs. * Hencoh Schonlein purpura is IgA mediated vasculitis occur after viral URT infection ÷ arthralgia, palpable purpuric rash on lower extremities, abdominal pain renal dysfunction. * Splenic Squestration of platelet ÷ thrombocytopenia with splenomegaly or even possible portal HTN. Platelet will be low but > 30000. * Idiopathic throbocytopenia ÷ bleeding, easy bruising but spleen and liver will be normal. platelet will be very low < 9000. * Hemochromatosis pt are vulnerable to listeria monocytogens also yersenia enterocolitica and vibriovulnificus septicemia. * CO cause carboxyhemoglobinemia. * High grade Astrocytoma (Glioblastoma multiforme) show butterfly appearance on CT / MRI ÷ headache (worsen with positioning), nausea, vomiting. * Low grade Astrocytoma ÷ usually presents with seizures and have longer duration of Sxs (contrast enhancement on CT is less likely). * Hereditary Angioedema -- occur due to C1 estrase inhibitor def ÷ edema of face extremity, genitals, trachea, abdominal organs. Episodes usually follow an infection, dental procedure and trauma. (C1 estrase def ÷ Inc C2b and bradykinin ÷ edema). * Surgical resection followed by whole brain radiation is the standard practice in the management of solitary brain metastasis with stable extracranial dis. vs. Multiple brain metastasis are best tx with palliative whole brain Radiation. v v imp. * Klebsiella is encapsulated G - ve bacillus cause pneumonia in pt with debilitating condition specially Alcoholics. FRIEDLANDER Pneumoniae is generally affect lobe and produce current jelly like sputum. v imp. * In mechanical ventilation lung compliance can be measured by performing End - Inspiratory Hold Maneuver. PEEP is calculated by End - expiratory maneuver. Airway resistance is calculated by Peak Airway Pressure. Respiratory muscle strength is calculated by Negative - Inspiratory Force. * Pancytopenia is common in SLE and it is due to Auto Abs against RBCs (it is type II hypersensitivity) "Warm IgG Ab against RBCs". Show + ve Coomb test. neutropenia is due to Auto Abs too. * Ineffective Hematopoiesis refer to blood cell break down in bone marrow before releasing in circulation, occur in Thalassemia and Myelodysplastic $. * Fanconi $ is due to Bone marrow hypoplasia. * Febrile neutropenia is medical emergency (Fever + Neutropenia). Tx of choice is IV Cefepime(IV generation) or Ceftazidime (III generation). commonly seen in immuno suppressed pt who is chemotherapy. (causative agent are normal flora). v imp * Megaloblastic Anemia + Basophilis stippling --- B 12 and Folic acid def. * Tear drop RBC --- myelofibrosis. (all dis that infiltrate bone marrow and cause that) * Loss of Concavity of RBCs ---- Spherocytosis. * Dimorphic Anemia also show Basophillic stippling. * Microcytic hypochromic Anemia + Basophillic stippling --- Lead poisoning. * Pt with hereditary Telangiectasia (Osler Weber Rendu $) can develop Pulmonary Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and present with hemoptysis or nose bleed. AVM in lung can cause shunting of blood, chronic hypoxia and Reactive polycythemia. * Polycythemia vera is myeloproliferative disorder that cause Inc production of all 3 blood lines. * Niacin cause cutaneous flushing, pruritis by PG induced peripheral vasodilation. TX is Aspirin. * There is no screening test for pancreatic cancer in asymptomatic population. * CA - 19 is produced by pancreatic cancer cell and is useful marker of response to therapy, but not useful as screening test. * CT scan is initial test of choice in symptomatic pt with pancreatic cancer. * Only Staph Aureus is associated with necrotizing broncho pneumonia (multiple thin walled pus filled cavities in lung), high fever, copious yellow sputum streaked with blood. Staph Aureus is famous to cause necrotizing pneumonia after viral URT infection. Other common agents are Strep pneumonie and H. influenza. * Disseminated Gonococcal infection often presents with triad of polyarthralgia, Tenosynovitis, vesicopustular lesion even in acute setting & 1st time inf. * Zenkers Diverticulum develop immediately above upper esophageal sphincter by herniating posteriorly b/w the fibers of Cricopharyngeal muscles. Main cause of problem is motor dysfunction and incoordination. * Metabolic abnormality such as Iron def may be associated with upper esophageal web. * Allergic Interstitial nephritis is common due to drugs --- Ig E is involved. * Cytotoxic Abs ----- Good pasture $. * Immune complex mediated renal damage -- SLE and Post strep GN (C3 is dec). * Pronator drift exam is relatively sensitive and specific exam finding in UMN damage. many pt with stroke will demonstrate pronator drift. v. imp * Evaluation for dysmetria and Rapid alternating movement assess cerebellar function. * Passively moving ones digit with eye closed assess propioception. * Pin prick discrimination measure tactile sensation. * Tabes dorsalis gait -- feet are lifted higher than usual and make a slapping sound when they come in contact with floor and pt walk with his leg wide apart. Romberg sign may be + ve * Muscular dystrophy --- waddling gait. 161 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Cerebellar tumor -- Ipsilateral ataxia, nystagmus, intention tremer and loss of coordination. Gait is wide based and Staggering. * Recommendation for prostate hypertrophy -- physician must discuss the benefit & limitation of testing PSA with pt. Routine PSA testing is not recommended. * Corticospinal tract lesion -- Spastic paralysis, leg is held extended and internally rotated. * Tarsal Tunnel $ -- entrapment of post tibial nerve as it passes underneath the flexor Retinaculum on the medial aspect of ankle ÷ dysesthesia & numbness of planter foot. Antalgic gait (try to put body wt on non effected side of foot). * Basal Ganglia lesion -- Festinating gait (slow onset of movement followed by increasingly rapid short shuffling steps) as in Parkinson dis, wilson dis, Huntington dis, hamiballismus, kernicterous. * Steppage gait -- foot drop. MCC are neuropathy, L5 rediculopathy, and common peroneal nerve damage. * SAAG is used to distinguish b/w portal HTN and other causes of Ascitis (such as malignancy, pancreatitis, infection). A SAAG > 1.1 g/ dL is consistent with portal HTN or Inc hydrostatic P in liver capillaries. (substract ascitis fluid albumin form serum albumin) * Sxs of Rheumatoid arthritis must be present for 6 weeks to consider it RA as a dx. (PIP and MIP is involved). * Parvo virus B 19 is common cause of arthritis similar to Rheumatoid arthritis but is of acute onset (hx of few days of joint pain, PIP & MIP is involved) Anti B 10 IgM is the dx. ESR is normal. * Arthritis of Rheumatic fever is Migratory and usually effect the lower extremities first. ASO titer is + ve. * Markedly elevated ESR + shoulder hip and neck pain --- think Polymyalgia rheumatica. (weakness of proximal muscles). * Pt with HTN + young with bilateral non tender abdominal mass -- think Polycystic kidney. imp. * Expressive Aphasia -- think dominant frontal lobe lesion, also show contralateral arm weakness. * Indication for parathyroidectomy in asymptomatic pt with hyperparathyroidism : imp 1. Serum Ca level at least 1 mg / dL above upper limit of normal. 2. 24 hr urinary Ca++ above 400 mg 3. age < 50 yrs old. 4. BMD (bone mineral density) < T - 2.5 at any site. 5. Reduced renal function. + pt who refuse surgery --- use Biphosphonate and furosemide. + If above criteria are not met conservative tx is advocated. Monitor serum Ca++ every 6 month & BMD every yr (90% pt with mild dis will not have progression) * Opioid intoxication does not always present with miosis, for this reason it is not a reliable sign. Most reliable signs are Hypotension, Bradycardia, bradypnea, dry mouth, dec bowel sound and hypothermia ---- give Naloxone immediately. * Benzodiazepine intoxication does not cause severe respiratory depression. * MCC of painful esophagitis in HIV is Candida. If pt does not respond to tx in 3 - 5 days do Esophagoscopy with cytology and Biopsy. * Measurement of serum PL is the most imp Biochemical test to perform in pt with suspected central hypogonadism. v imp Regardless of cause Inc serum PL inhibit the release of GnRH ÷ hypogonadism. * Impetigo is caused by Staph and Strep but bullous type is only caused by staph. * Diabetic insipidus ÷ Inc serum Osmolarity, dilute urine. Primary polydipsia ÷ both plasma and urine are diluted. SIADH ÷ dec serum osmolarity and Inc urine osmolarity. * Methotrexate (Antimetabolite agent) is the first line tx of Rheumatoid arthritis. Side effects are stomatitis, nausea, anemia, hepatotoxicity. * Rheumatoid arthritis down the road (many yrs) can show neutropenia (< 2000 / mm3) this is called Feltys $ may also show splenomegaly. * Warfarin cause skin necrosis. pt present with pain followed by bullae formation and skin necrosis. * Cholesterol Embolization $ should be suspected in pt with Invasive arterial procedure ÷ worsening renal function, HTN, distal ischemia, Livedo reticularis. * Step wise approach to break the bad news to pt : 1st -- make sure pt is in quite, private and comfortable environment. 2nd -- Ask the pt how much he knows and what he think he might have. eg. "what do think of your Sxs ?" 3rd -- Ask the pt how much he want to know. eg. " how much you would like to know about your condition ?" 4th -- Now give him a warning shot. eg " unfortunately the situation is more serious than what I early thought". 5th -- break the news the news if he want you to do. eg. "results says that you have advance lung cancer". 6th -- Give him prognosis but always keep him aware of all option to make his life comfortable. 7th -- Try to explain every thing as clear and simple as possible. * Pulmonary Embolism -- EKG shows S I, Q III, Inverted T in III (in 70% pts) * Best test to exclude dx of Pulmonary embolism is D - dimer (remember it is not the dx test. 95 - 97 % sensitive) * Malignant Otitis Externa (due to Pseudomonas) is serious infection seen in elderly with poorly control DM ÷ ear pain, ear drainage and granulation tissue with in ear canal. It may complicate and lead to Osteomyelitis of skull base & destruction of facial nerve if left untreated. TX systemic Ciprofloxacin. * Poorly controlled DM is susceptible to Rhizopus infection of Paranasal sinus that can extent to brain and Orbit if left untreated. * Glatiramier is the long term dis modifying drug used in MS. It work by modulating T cell mediated autoimmunity to myelin basic protein. * Aldosterone def cause normal Anion Gap metabolic Acidosis. * Tinea corporis (Tricophyton Rubrum) -- Itchy lesion with central clearing and scaly border. TX -- Topical Terbinafin 2 %. 162 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pitriasis Rosea -- numerous oval scaly plaque on trunk follow the cleavage line; center of the lesion has wrinkled cigarette paper like appearance. Initial lesion is called herald patch which is much larger than the later lesion. * Psoriasis -- Salmon color patches, silvery scales and peeling over the extensor surface and scalp. * Boy with Anemia + MCV (normal to slight dec) + Normal MCH + Inc MCHC --- think spherocytosis. Best next step is Osmotic fragility test. * Staph Aureus -- MCC of Endocarditis in IV drug abuser. MCC of septic infection in pt with prosthetic joint. * Staph Epidermitidis -- MCC of Endocarditis in prosthetic heart valve. * Strep Viridians -- MCC of Sub Acute Endocarditis in pt with pre existing valvular dis. MCC cause of Endocarditis associated with Dental procedure. * Nerve Conduction Electrographic Studies are the best test the dx of polyneuropathy in DM. * Repetitive Stimulation Electromyography can be used to dx myasthenia gravis. * Before Initiating Sumatriptan in women -- do pregnancy test. * Contraindication to sumatriptan : Familial hemiplegic migraine, controlled HTN, CAD, Prinzmetal Angina, Pregnancy, ischemic stroke, basilar migraine. * Hyperkalemia tx -- dialysis, Kayexalate (cation exchange resin), or diuretics. * COPD cause (Inc work of breathing) ÷ Airflow limitation, Inc lung vol, flattening of diaphragm, Lung compliance Inc. * Most beneficial tx to reduce the progression of diabetic nephropathy in the presence of renal dis is strict HTN control. Dietary restriction is controversial. In the presence of azotemia intensifying glucose control is not very beneficial to slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy. v imp. * Inadequate fluid and water replacement during physical activity ÷ Heat exhaustion ÷ cool skin, dec BP, confusion and muscle spasm. eg marathon runner. * Exertional heat stroke occur in healthy person who is undergoing extreme heat and humidity (as in marathon runner) -- thermoregulatory center inability to dissipate heat ÷ very high temp (104 - 105 F°) * Uncontrolled eflux of Ca++ from sarcoplsamic reticulum is the underlying pathophysiology or malignant hyperthermia. * Cytokines activation is underlying pathophysiology of fever. * Delirium tremens -- HTN, hyperthermia, agitation, hallucination. TX with benzodiazepine (Chlordiazepoxide). * HCTZ side effects are hyperglycemia, hypercalcemia, hyperlipidemia (Inc LDL, Inc Triglyceride). * Post splenectomy pt are at Inc risk of sepsis from encapsulated organism due to impaired Ab mediated opsonization in phagocytes. * Digeorge $ -- defective cell mediated immunity. * Tumor metastatic to Bone ÷ constant progressive pain which is worst at rest (night). * Hyperthyroidism cause systolic HTN only by Increasing the expression of myocardial sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca++ dependant ATP which results into hyperdynamic circulation. v v imp. * Hypothyroidsim can also cause HTN but typically diastolic HTN due to Inc systemic vascular resistance. v v imp. * It is recommended that all male age 65 - 75 yrs who are active or former smoker should receive screening with Abdominal U/S to detect or evaluate Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA). v v imp. * Surgical repair of AAA > 5.5 cm have been found to have dec in AAA specific mortality in population. v v imp * VDRL, PPD, Hepatitis A & B, Antibody titer for toxoplasmosis are indicated as a part of initial work up in all newly diagnosed HIV + ve pts. v imp. * All pt who are diagnosed with HIV infection should receive following : 1. Detailed hx and physical exam. 2. Routine chemistry and hematology. 3. Two plasma HIV RNA level. 4. CD 4 T cell count. 5. VDRL for syphilis. 6. PPD skin test. 7. Anti toxoplasmosis Ab titer. 8. Mini mental status examination. 9. Pneumococcal vaccine if CD 4 count < 200. 10. Hepatitis A & B serology. 11. Hepatitis A & B vaccine if serology is - ve. 12. HIV counseling. 13. Information and assistance for those who might have been or will be infected by subject. * Following studies are indicated before starting Antiretroviral tx in HIV : 1. complete hx and physical exam. 2. CBC, complete blood chemistry, serum transaminase, lipid profile. 3. CD4 count 4. Plasma HIV RNA titer. * Acute exacerbation of MS are tx with corticoids, it hastens the recovery but long term use provide no benefit. vs. * Plasma pharesis in MS may enhance the benefit effect of immunosupression (steroids). vs. * Beta IF and Glatiramer are used in MS to dec the frequency of exacerbation in pt with relapsing and remitting MS. * Punched out erosion with rim of cortical bone on joint xray -- think Gouty arthritis (WBC in synovial fluid is 2000 - 50000). * Pariarticular osteopenia and joint margin erosion on Xray -- think Rheumatoid arthritis (WBC count in synovial fluid is 2000 - 50000). * Normal joint space with soft tissue swelling on joint Xray -- Infectious arthritis (WBC count in synovial fluid > 50000. Gram stain often + ve). * Narrowing of joint space and Osteophytes on joint Xray -- Osteoarthritis (WBC count in synovial fluid < 2000, no organism, no crystals) * Calcification of cartilaginous structure on joint Xray (chondrocalcinosis) -- think Pseudogout (WBC count in synovial fluid 2000 - 50000). Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposits. * Ethylene Glycol ÷ hypocalcemia (due to Ca++ oxalate deposit in the kidney), Flank pain, hematuria, oliguria, Acute renal failure, Anion gap metabolic acidosis. TX -- Fomepizole or Ethanol, Na Bicarbonate. Hemodialysis in case of Acidosis or end organ damage. v tricky Q 163 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Statin inhibits HMG CoA reductase which inhibit HMG CoA conversion into mevalonate. Mevalonate is used to synthesize cholesterol, Dolichol & CoQ 10. It is + CoQ10 that is implicated in the pathogenesis of statin induced Myopathy. * Pt with Rheumatoid arthritis are at Inc risk of developing septic arthritis sp due to Staph Aureus. * PPD test : 1. Induration > 5 mm is considered + ve in + HIV + ve. + Individual with recent contact with TB + ve person. + Individual with sign of TB on CXR. + Organ transplantation pt or pt on immunosuppressant. 2. Induration > 10 mm is consider + ve in + pt who is recently immigrated from place where TB is endemic. +Injection drug user. + Resident employee of high risk setting (prison, Homeless shelter). + Pt with DM, chronic Kidney dis, Hematologic malignancy, Fibrotic lung dis. + Children < 4 yrs of age teen exposed to high risk adults. 3. Induration > 15 mm is consider + ve in healthy person who has no risk factor for TB. * G6PD def --- episodic hemolysis in response to oxidant drugs, infection, fava beans ÷ heinz bodies, bite cell, fever, jaundice, abdominal pain, dark urine. * Renal cell carcinoma and bladder mass often present with painless hematuria. Remember bladder mass lesion is more common that Renal cell carcinoma. * Most imp causes of Thyrotoxicosis with Low Radioactive Iodine uptake : 1. Sub Acute painless Thyroiditis (leakage of hormones due to Inflmatory damage). 2. Sub Acute Granulomatous (DeQuervain) Thyroiditis (cause intense pain). 3. Iodine Induced thyroid Toxicosis. 4. Levo Thyroxine Over dose 5. Struma Ovarii * Most SubAcute painless Thyroiditis occur in Post partum period. * Amoxicillin is the tx of choice in pregnant women with early localized Lyme dis. * Acute limb Ischemia due to emboli --- IV Heparin should be started immediately, Definitive tx Surgical Embolectomy. Streptokinase can be used by direct intra arterial administration of fibrinolytic using an angiographic catheter. * Elderly pt with UTI may present with confusion and absence of genitourinary complaints. TX - TMP/SMX. * Disseminated Gonococcemia ÷ high fever chill, tenosynovitis, migratory poly arthritis, small no of hemorrhagic pustules on extremities But remember Routine blood culture and pustule culture is typically - ve due to growth requirement of the organism. * Toxic shock $ -- fever, erythroderma, dysquamation, nausea, vomiting and myalgia. Occur in highly absorbent tampon use if left for long period of time. It is toxin mediated (epidermal exfoliatin toxin) that is why blood culture is - ve for staph. * Indinavir cause crystal induced nephropathy (adequate hydration reduce the risk). * Didenosine cause pancreatitis. * NRTIs cause Lactic acidosis. * NNRTIs cause steven johnson $. * Nevirapine cause liver failure. * Ischemic colitis in pt with Atherosclerosis dis ÷ abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea. MC involved area is splenic flexure because it is supplied by end arteries. * If women becomes pregnant earlier than 3 months after rubella immunization -- reassurance is appropriate step, because there have been no case reported for Congenital Rubella $ in women inadvertently vaccinated during early pregnancy. * Papillary carcinoma of thyroid is MC thyroid malignancy (70%) and has best prognosis. * Medullary thyroid cancer are component of MEN 2a, 2b. * Thyroid lymphoma is associated with Hashi moto thyroiditis. * Papillary, Follicular (20%) and Anaplastic Thyroid cancer are associated with Hx of head neck irradiation, and + ve family hx. * Suspicious Malignant melanoma -- 1st step is to confirm the dx histopathologically by taking Excision Biopsy that removes the entire lesion with narrow margin and depth through out the subcutaneous fat. Excision with wider margin is not recommended until the dx is confirmed due to danger of disruption of afferent cutaneous lymph node. * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- tx Riluzole (glutamate inhibitor). * Alzheimer’s dis -- Donepizil (cholinestrase inhibitor). * IV immunoglobulin is the main stay tx of Guillian barre $. * Corticosteroid is used in the exacerbation of MS. * Hyperparathyroidism ÷ HTN, Asymptomatic hypercalcemia, (Stones, Bones, Abdominal groans and Psychiatric overtones) * Pregnant women with repeated Biliary colic can undergo cholicystectomy preferably during the 2nd trimester. (most Gall stones are cholesterol & mixed) Those who don’t want surgery URSODEOXYCHOLIC ACID is given to dissolve cholesterol stones. Gall stones frequently recur once tx is stopped. * Gall stone is common in Fate female, Fertile and Forty. * Pellagra (dermatitis diarrhea, dementia) commonly found in people eating solely corn based diet in India, Africa & China. Pt presents with pigmented scaly lesion on sun exposed area that get worst with sun light, abdominal pain and depressed mood. * Anti thyroid preoxidase Abs ----- present in > 90% pt with Hashimoto thyroiditis. * Thyroid Stimulating Ab ----- Grave dis. * TSH receptor blocking Ab ----- some thyroid follicular cancer. 164 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Primary Biliary cirrhosis -- auto immune destruction of Intrahepatic bile duct and cholestasis with resultant Chronic Liver cirrhosis. Pt present with bilateral xanthelasma, pruritic, | Antimitochondrial Ab, Inc AP, Inc IgM, portal HTN (hepatosplenomegaly), fatigue, (jaundice, steatorrhea & osteopenia may be present according to stage of dis). Pt is at Inc risk of Hepatobiliary carcinoma. TX -- Ursodeoxycholic acid is the tx of choice. Methotrexate and cholchicine shown moderate benefit. Advance dis need liver transplantation. * First degree heart block is completely benign and need no tx. * Pt with Impaired consciousness, advanced dementia and other neurologic disorder are at risk of having Aspiration pneumonia due to impaired Epiglottic function. v imp. * Hemolytic anemia in pt with malignant lymphoproliferative disorder is likely to Warm Autoantibody type caused by Anti RBC IgG Ab. Tx with prednisone if tx fails than do splenectomy. * ODD Ratio (OR) values interpretation : > 1 ----- factor being studied is risk factor for out come. < 1 ----- factor being studied is protective factor in response to out come. 1 ----- there is no difference in out come in exposed and non exposed group. eg. OR = 2.4 likely hood of having dis is 2.4 times. OR = 0.05 likely hood of protective effect is 95 %. * HIV with CD4 < 50 requires MAC prophylaxis with Azithromycin. * Mucormycosis (Rhizopus) occur in Diabetic -- Aggressive surgical debridement + IV Amphoterecin + early systemic Chemotherapy is needed. v v imp. * Finestride (5 o reductase inhibitor) act on prostate epithelium and reduce the size of prostate. vs. o 1 blocker act on smooth muscle of prostate gland and bladder base. * Risk factor pancreatitic cancer are -- Family hx, chronic pancreatitis, smoking, DM, obesity, Inc Fat diet. (remember Alcohol is not the risk factor) * Pt with COPD often have chronic CO2 retention ÷ respiratory Acidosis. Diuretics are often used in the tx of COPD pt who develop cor pulmonale, but must be cautiously because these pt are at Inc risk of having a reduction in cardiac out put with subsequent development of Renal failure. v v v imp. * IMATINIB (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) work by blocking signals in cancer cells thus prevent series of chemical reaction that cause cancer to grow. This medication has dramatically change the prognosis of CML. Side effects are leg ache / cramps, face and eye swelling, temporary reduction of RBCs. * CLADRABINE is the drug of choice in hairy cell leukemia. * MC pneumonia with productive cough in HIV is encapsulated bacteria sp Pneumococcus. vs. PCP produce dry cough and Dyspnea. * Parvo virus B 19 is the MC viral arthritis & arthralgia in adults. It effect PIP, MIP and wrist symmetrically with lacking of inflamatory markers + / - systemic signs. Commonly occur in adults that work with children such as day care but slap cheeks are absent in adults. (do not confuse with Rheumatoid arthritis). * Only class of diuretic that demonstrate survival and dec mortality in pt with heart failure is Spironolactone, Eplerenone. * Reheated rice is associated with Bacillus cereus toxin induced nausea and vomiting (Sxs occur in 1 - 6 hrs) * Dairy salad meat and eggs are associated with Staph Aureus toxin mediated nausea, vomiting, diarrhea & abdominal pain (Sxs occur in 1 - 6 hrs) * Meat poultry and gravy is associated with Clostridium perferingens ÷ watery diarrhea in 8 - 14 hrs. * Diuretic abuse ÷ supine & orthostatic hypotension, dec K+, Inc urinary Na+ & K+, wt loss. imp * HTN is the MCC of Aortic dissection (AD). vs. Marfan & Ehler donlos $ are associated with Aortic dissection in young pts. * Atherosclerosis is risk factor for Aortic Aneurysm which them selves predispose to Aortic dissection, however HTN has the strongest association with AD. * Dyspepsia is defined as pain or discomfort centered in upper abdomen. It may be intermittent or continuous and may or may not related to meals. 25 % of pt with dyspepsia has ulcers. Non invasive test for H. pylori should be the 1st step in management of pt < 45 yrs of age who has no alarming Sxs. * Fluphenazine is high potency typical Antipsychotic medication that can cause Hypothermia by disrupting thermoregulatory center. Pt should be advised to avoid prolong cold exposure. * Renal failure is the major cause of death in pt with Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (secondary to cirrhosis). * Polymorphonuclear cells > 250 /L in ascitis fluid along with SAAG > 1.1 and gram negative bacilli ÷ think Subacute bacterial peritonitis. * Generalized myxedema of hypothyroidism results from wide spread deposition of matrix subs (mucopolysccharide mucin)with in perineurium of the median nerve and tendon passing through carpel tunnel ÷ Carpel tunnel $. * Accumulation of fluid in carpel tunnel with resultant carpel tunnel $ also occur in pregnancy particularly in 3rd trimester. * Staph Aureus pneumonia (productive cough) is a serious complication of influenza pneumonia in children & adults. TX - Anti staph aureus antibiotics. v imp Mycoplasm is the MC cause of pneumonia in adults but cause dry cough. * Intermittent catheterization is an effective measure to reduce the risk of UTI in pt with neurogenic bladder. * Aortic dissection -- Transesophegeal Echocardiography is the preferred dx tool but always HTN should be controlled first. v v v imp. * Lowering the cut off point in diagnostic test will Inc the sensitivity. * IV drug abuser present with infection; after indicating Antibiotics he develop abdominal pain and diarrhea 2 - 3 days later think of Opioid withdrawal (not pseudomembraneous colitis). look for other Opioid withdrawl sings and Sxs. v v imp. * Most live vaccines are contraindicated in HIV except MMR which can be given if pt has CD4 > 200 and evidence or hx of Aids defining illness. * Post operative Endophthalmitis is MC Endophthalmitis occur with in 6 week of eye surgery ÷ exudate in Ant chamber, swollen eye lid, conjunctiva hypopyon and cornea along with dec visual acuity. * Cavernous Sinus thrombosis ÷ proptosis, ophthalmoplegia, chemosis and visual loss secondary to hematogenous spread from infected inflamed sinus. 165 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Recurrent Pneumonia in same anatomic location must be investigated for lung cancer sp in smokers. CT scan is the best test. v imp. * Pulseless Electrical activity is defined as presence of discernible rhythm on cardiac monitoring in pt who is in cardiac arrest with no palpable pulse. causes are Hs & Ts -- hypovolemia, hypoxia, H+ ion (acidosis), hypoglycemia, hypo / hyperkalemia, Temponade, Tension pneumothorax, thrombosis (MI, PE), trauma (hypovolemia), Tablets (drugs), Toxins. * Any pt with cardiac arrest with non shockable rhythm (any thing other than V - fib and V - tach) should immediately receive manual chest compression, establishment of definitive airway and ventilation with 100% O2. * Remember unlike V - fib and V - tach the A - fib is not shockable rhythm during cardiac arrest with no palpable pulse, IV access should be established so ACLS medication such as EN, vasopressin and Atropine can be administered. * Tachyarrythmia with hemodynamic Instability (but pt is not in full cardiac arrest) ---- Give immidiate Synchronized cardioversion. * Defibrillator is used in V - fib and V - tach as early as possible. * Hemodynamically stable Supraventricular tachycardia (narrow complex tachycardia) should be tx with Vagal maneuver; if that fails give adenosine; if that fails too than AV nodal blocker (verapamil, digoxin). vs. * Hemodynamically unstable Supraventricular tachycardia --- tx with DC cardioversion. * Pt with pre existing heart dis -- Hb of 10 g / dL or higher (hct > 30%) must be maintained. These pts are on Anticoagulants & can develop hemorrhage. Fresh frozen plasma is indicated if pt is on aspirin and bleeding but with Hb level > 10 g/ dL. If Hb level is < 10 g / dL give packed RBC transfusion. * Beta blocker over dose cause AV block, bradycardia, hypotension, hypoglycemia and wheezing with potential cardiogenic shock (extremity cold & clammy). TX -- first line tx is Atropine and IV fluids; if that fails give Glucagon (glucagon Inc cAMP & Intracellular Ca++ thus augment cardiac contractility). imp. * Aspirin Sensitivity $ (bronchoconstriction, polyp formation) is believed to pseudo allergic reaction due to aspirin induced PG & Leukotriens misbalance. TX -- Avoid Aspirin and use Leutriene receptor antagonist (drug of choice). * Atrial tachycardia with AV block is the arrhythmia most specific for Digitalis toxicity (due to Inc ectopy and Inc vagal tone). v v imp. * Pt with Ischemic stroke -- start tPA if not contraindicated. (note Streptokinase in stroke pt has not shown any benefit). * Nimodipine is used in Subarachinoid hemorrhage (SAH) it will reduce the spasm induced by SAH. * Severity of Acne must be assessed before tx. Comedone (black & white head) with minimal inflamation represent mild dis -- tx Topical retinoic (cream based cleanser & dietary modification not helpful). Reactivation process or persistent mild Acne -- Add topical Antibiotics or Benzyl peroxide along with topical Retinoic. Papular and Inflamatory acne (moderate to severe) -- Oral Doxicycline. Nodulocystic scarring Acne is a severe form of Acne -- Oral Isotrenitoin. * Pt with Variant Angina (Prinzmetal Angina) is tx with Ca++ channel blocker such as Diltiazam or Nitrates to prevent coronary vasospasm. Remember selective beta blocker and Aspirin should be avoided because they can promote vasoconstriction. v v imp * Streptokinase is used in STEMI if there is no contraindication present. * Back pain that id not relieved by rest , or Night pain which is constant and dull in elderly --- PSA level is reasonable next step. * Trihexyphenidyl and Benztropin ( both Anticholinergics) side effects -- dry skin, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, flushing, vision change, confusion. * Lacunar Stroke are due to micro Atheroma and Lipohyalinosis in small penetrating arteries of the brain. They cause pure motor dysfunction by effecting internal capsule. HTN and DM are 2 major risk factors. * Recurrent Chalazion requires histopathologic examination due to risk of underlying Sebaceous (meibomiam gland) carcinoma. Additionally Basal cell carcinoma is some time similar to chalazion. * Recurrent chalazion progress to nodular rubbery lesion due to chronic granulomatous condition. * Hordeolum (sty) is an Acute infection of eye lid commonly by staph. TX -- hot compresses, if fail than Antibiotics. * Temporomendibular joint dysfunction ÷ referred pain in ear that become worst with chewing. Pt complaint the nocturnal teeth grinding. There may be audible click or cripitant on jaw movement. Initial management is Night time Bite guard, Surgery is some time necessary. (do not confuse with ear inf) * Otitis Media ÷ ear pain, erythema and limited movement of tympanic mem. * Otitis externa ÷ ear pain with pulling on pinna, ear discharge. * Methanol Intoxication ÷ epigastric pain, nausea, vision loss, optic disc hyperemia, confusion, coma, Anion Gap metabolic acidosis, | Osmolar gap. vs. * Ethylene Glycol Intoxication ÷ same signs and Sxs as methanol intoxication except that methanol damage the eye and Ethylene damage the kidney. * Undiagnosed pleural effusion is best evaluated with Thoracocentesis which provide decision making information in 90% of pts. v v imp. * Female sex and early infection with HCV is least likely to progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis. Remember, male sex, comorbidities, immuno suppression, alcoholism, late onset of infection (after 40s)and prolong infection are risk factor for progression to fibrosis and cirrhosis. * Dipyridamole is potent antiplatelet aggregator and coronary vasodilator. Dipyridamole is used in Myocardial Perfusion scanning because it | coronary blood flow 3 - 5 times above base line; however pt with coronary artery dis vessel distal to the obstruction are already maximally dilated and its ability to perfuse myocardium is limited, therefore redistribution of coronary blood flow to non dis area occur and perfusion of the dis segment futher dec. This Phenomenon is demonstrate by dipyridamole during Myocardial perfusion scanning and called CORONARY STEAL and is used to dx ischemic heart dis. * Nasal polyps are often associated with chronic Rhinosinusitis, asthma, aspirin (or NSAIDs). Frequent bilateral nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, Anosmia. * pyogenic granuloma on the Ant nasal septum is highly vascularised tissue & frequently cause nose bleed. Its Incedence Inc in during pregnancy. 166 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Uric acid stones (Radiolucent) are highly soluble in alkaline urine therefore alkalinization of urine pH > 6.5 with oral Sodium Bicarbonate or Sodium Citrate is the tx of choice. * Following Medication should be held before Exercise EKG testing ------ Antihistamine, digoxin, beta blocker (or medication that slows HR). * Acanthocytes Nigricans in young adult is associated with DM (insulin resistant). In older people it is associated with GI malignancy. * Pt suspected to have ulcerative colitis but presents with sign of sepsis (fever, low BP, tachycardia) --- think Toxic megacolon. Donot do Barium enema or sigmoidoscopy. Best test to order is Abdominal Radiograph. v v imp. * Dihydropyridine Ca++ channel blocker such as amlodipine can cause Peripheral edema. * Pt with DVT in whom anticoagulants are contraindicated (such as those with surgery, hemorrhagic stroke, bleeding diathesis or active bleeding) --- order IVC filter placement to prevent PE. * Hypoparathyroidism --- dec PTH, dec Ca++ , Inc phosphate. * Hypoparathyroidism + Mucocutaneous candidiasis + other endocrine disorder --- think Polyglandular Autoimmune Endocrinopathy type I. * Primary Hyperparathyroidism is the MCC of hypercalcemia in ambulatory pt. vs. Malignancy is the MCC of hypercalcemia in hospitalized pt. * Risk factors for Diabetic foot ulcer -- Diabetic neuropathy (80%), peripheral vascular dis, poor glycemia control, male sex, smoking, chronic DM (> 10 yrs). * Bronchiactasis is bronchodilation causes impaired clearance of secretion. Sxs include are cough, mucopruluent sputum and hemoptysis. CXR reveal prominent bronchioles, peripheral opacities and linear Atalactasis. High resolution CT scan is used for definitive dx. Acquired Bronchiactasis is often secondary to TB or recurrent pneumonia. vs. Inherited Bronchiactasis is due to Cystic fibrosis. * Bronchoscopy and Alveolar lavage --- is used to establish dx of Pneumocystis pneumoniae and certain lung cancer. * Pt with hyperkalemia who is on HCTZ and Amiloride ---- next step is stop Amiloride and recheck serum K+ in one week. * Blastomycosis (broad base bud) ÷ warty, heaped up skin lesion with voilaceous hue and sharply demarcated border. It is endemic in South central and north central US (Ohio). * Acute Angle Glaucoma ÷ sudden eye pain with blurred vision, examination reveal steamy cornea, moderate dilate pupil non reactive to light, stony hard effected eye. * Hemothorax is the MCC of Empyema. Blood in the chest (Trauma) if not evacuated (with chest tube) can get infected; Later most pt present with low grade fever, dyspnea and chest pain at this stage surgery is required to remove clotted blood and fibrinous peel. * Dopamine agonist such as bromocriptine and Cabergolin is the tx of 1st choice in micro and as well as macro prolactinoma; it is significantly reduce the tumor size and normalize prolactin level (Cabergolin is more effective). * PL adenoma < 10 mm is called microadenoma and it is the MC pituitary tumor encountered in clinical practice. * Cholesterol embolization usually follow surgical or interventional manipulation of arterial tree ÷ Renal failure, Eosinophiluria, Livedo reticularis, dec complement (C3). Source of embolic cholesterol crystal are ruptures plaque; heparin must be stop in this because it delay healing of ruptured plaque. vs. * Acute Allergic Interstitial Nephropathy ÷ Renal failure, rash & Eosinophilluria but causes are Antibiotics, NSAIDs Thiazides, phenytoin and Allopurinol. vs. * Contrast Induced nephropathy occur with in 24 - 72 hrs of procedure and can be prevented with pre procedure hydration. * Campylo bacter -- MCC of diarrhea in US due to ingestion of under cooked infected poultry. * Vibrio parahemolyticus -- diarrhea due to ingestion of sea food. * Shigella -- common cause of dysentery in US associated with day care center. * Non beta Cell tumor ÷ hypoglycemia independent of insulin. These tumor produce IGF II which has insulin like action. vs. * Beta Cell tumor (Insulinoma) ÷ hypoglycemia, Inc Insulin, Inc C peptide, Inc proinsulin level. Pt present with diaphoresis, anxiousness, nervousness with palpitation and tremer. * Hemorrhage is the MC complication of peptic ulcer dis. perforation and penetration are less common. * MCC of death in Acromegaly is cardiovascular (CHF). * Tx of choice in SLE with Isolated skin & joint involvement is Hydrochloroquine Retinopathy is the Most serious side effect. Do eye exam every 6 month. * Benign prostate hyperplasia do not cause hematuria. If pt appear with same Sxs as BPH + hematuria suspect Bladder carcinoma. PSA must be < 4 ng/ml. If PSA is > 4 ng/ml think of prostate carcinoma. * Papillary Thyroid cancer is MC thyroid malignancy -- Psamoma bodies, spread to lymphnode but has excellent prognosis even in case of metastasis. * Follicular thyroid cancer -- demonstrate invasion of capsule and blood vessels (distinguishing feature). v v imp. * Obese with respiratory Acidosis ------ hypoventilation is the cause of acidosis (Pick wickian $). * Clopidogrel is given for secondary prevention following unstable Angina and NSTEMI for at least 12 months even if pt taking aspirin. * Clopidogrel is given for 30 days for Bare Metal Stent and from 30 days to 1 yr for Drug Eluting Stent following percutaneous coronary intervention; because it has shown to help prevent Subacute Stent Thrombosis. * All pt with suspected Bacterial pneumonia should have Xray first & then Antibiotic should be given as soon as possible with out waiting of culture results. * About CT scan ------ White hyperdense area is hemorrhage. vs. Black gray hypodense area is Ischemia. 167 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Becks Triad for cardiac temponade --- hypotension + jugular venous distention + muffled heart sound. * TCA over dose ÷ CNS depression, hypotension (prolong QRS), hyperthermia, seizures, arrhythmia and anticholinergic effect. It is duration of QRS which indicate the severity of intoxication. Na Bicarbonate shorten the QRS interval and dec the likelihood of arrhythmia. v v imp. * Nocardia is Acid fast Gram + ve branching rod ÷ pulmonary and disseminated dis in immunocompromised. CXR shows Cavitary infiltrate. TX -- TMP / SMX. Do not confused with TB which is Acid fast too but donot stain with gram stain. * Acute Epididymitis in young suspect C. trachomatis, N. gonorrhea. vs. Acute Epidiymitis in elder suspect Gram - ve rod (eg. E. coli) * Typical (halopridol) and Atypical Antipsychotics are good for treating Agitation in elderly and demented pt; except in Lewy bodies dementia in which typical Antipsychotic should be used. * Sympathetic Ophthalmia (spared Eye Injury) is characterized by damage of one eye (sympathetic eye) after penetrating injury to the other eye. It is due to immune mechanism involving the recognition of hidden Ag. Pt present with uveitis and papillary edema it may cause blindness. * Osteomalasia -- defective mineralization of bone. vs. Rickets -- defective mineralization of bone and cartilages. (due to Vit D def ÷ Dec Ca & dec Ph). * Defective collagen formation seen in Osteogenesis Imperfecta. * Amebic Liver cyst contain debris characterized by "Achovy Paste" in appearance. Lab shows | leukocytes. TX -- metronidazole (do not do cyst aspiration). * There is no evidence that regular abdominal U/S can help dec mortality form ovarian cancer. * Transient proteinuria os common cause of Isolated proteinuria during stress or any febrile illness. When test shows proteinuria the evaluation of pt should begin by testing the urine at least two other occasion. * Pericarditis effusion appear as large "Water bottle" shaped cardiac silhouette. * Random urine for MicroAlbuminuria / Cr Ratio is most sensitive & preferred test to screen the nephropathy. (24 hrs urine is more accurate but not preferred) * Meningococcal vaccine is legally required for pilgrims who make Hajj tp Mecca. * Yellow Fever vaccine is required for who travel to central America or Sub Saharan Africa. * Eaton Lambert $ is associated with Small cell carcinoma. * Normal P Hydrocephalus ------ problem is dec in CSF absorption. * Broncho Dilator Response Test (measure FEV Inc + / - bronchodilator) is used to demonstrate reversibility of airway obstruction. It help to differentiate b/w COPD and Asthma. v v imp. * Allergic contact dermatitis (delayed type IV hypersensitivity) ÷ erythema, edema, pruritis, vesicles, weepy crusty lesion 24 - 48 hrs after contact with allergens. eg. poison ivy etc. * Nor EN can cause Ischemia of digital fingers & toes secondary to vasospasm. The dx is suggest by all symmetrically dusky and cold fingers. * Papilledema is usually present with transient loss of vision lasting few seconds with change in head position. Also show morning headaches. It is seen in pt with Pseudo tumor cerebrii. (pt is usually obese women. imp. * Optic Neuritis is associated with MS and some other $. It typically presents with unilateral eye pain and visual loss with afferent Papillary defect. * Orbital Cellulitis -- do CT scan confirm the extent of infection. * In Orbital Cellulitis Fundoscopic exam is normal. vs. In Cavernous Sinus thrombosis Fundoscopy reveal papilledema and dilated tortous Retinal vein. * Acute Monocytic Leukemia -- leukocytosis with many monoblast, promonoblast and monocytes. + ve Alpha Napthyl Estrase is characteristic. * Vanishing Bile duct $ -- rare condition characterized by progressive ductopenia (loss of intrahepatic bile duct) . MCC of ductopenia is primary biliary cirrhosis. other causes are Hodgekin dis, sarcoidosis, CMV, HIV and medication. * Acute Iron Intoxication occur in 5 phases. DX is made by serum Iron > 350 mcg / dL 1. Gastrointestinal phase occur in 30 min - 6 hrs ÷ mucosal damage, nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, melena. 2. Latent phase occur 6 - 24 hrs after ingestion ÷ largely asymptomatic. 3. Shock and Metabolic Acidosis occur at 6 - 72 hrs. 4. Hepatotoxicity occur at 12 - 72 hrs. 5. Bowel obstruction secondary to scarring occur several weeks later. * Diffuse esophageal spasm -- Esophageal manometery reveal repetitive non peristaltic high amplitude contraction either spontaneously or after ergonovine. Cork Screw may or mat not be present on Esophagography. * Fibrate (preferred) and Niacin are the drug of choice for raising HDL. Remember HDL < 40 is the risk factor for coronary artery dis. * Fibrate Inc HDL and dec Triglycerides significantly and LDL modestly. * Statins is the drug of choice to lowering LDL. It Inc HDL mildly. * Probucol Inc LDL metabolism with resultant dec serum LDL. No effect on triglycerides. * MCC of Asymptomatic | AP in elderly is Paget dis of bone (defective osteoid formation at the site of high bone turn over). Liver enzs are typically normal. There is hypertrophy of bone. Pathologic fracture, pain, Osteosarcoma, neurologic Sxs are possible complication. Serum PTH, Ca++ & Ph are normal. * Statins also cause Inc AP but along with Inc AST & ALT, rhabdomyolysis, myoglobinuria and renal failure. * Osteoporosis and paget dis -- shows serum Ca++, phosphate and PTH in normal range. 168 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pt with Osteomalacia have dec serum Ca and Phosphate but Inc serum PTH. * Hyperparathyroidism -- Inc PTH, Inc Ca++, dec Phosphate. * Hypoparathyroidism -- dec PTH, dec Ca++ and Inc Phosphate. * Hyperthyroidism ÷ fatigue, wt loss, anxiety, tremer, tachycardia, and progressive proximal muscle weakness. Deep tendon reflexes are normal. vs. * Myasthenia Gravis -- muscle weakness, but tremer, wt loss and tachy cardia are not present. * Tinea versicolor (malasazia furfur) -- pale velvety pink or whitish hypopigmented macule that do not tan. Spaghetti & meat ball appearance on KOH preparation. TX -- Selenium sulfide lotion and ketokonazole shampoo. * Small Cervical lymphnode are common in childhood and in young adults. Asymptomatic pt with soft lymphnode can be observed only. * GERD is present in 75% of asthma pt and may be a primary trigger in many. Pts with Adult onset of Asthma Sxs that become worst after meal, exercize or after laying down are likely to have GERD. Heart burn may or may not present. TX -- Trial of proton pump inhibitor which is therapeutic and diagnostic. * Bells Palsy is term used to refer Idiopathic facial nerve palsy. * Drug Induced pancreatitis is caused by Furosemide, Thiazide, Sulfasalazine, Azathioprin, Valproic Acid, didinosine, Pentimidine, metronidazole, tetracycline. TX -- resolve with supportive care. * Aortic dissection induced aortic regurgitation cause early diastolic murmur. v imp. * Fixed splitting of S2 is associated with ASD. * Pulsus parvus tardus -- sign of Aortic stenosis. * Kussmaul sign -- Right Heart Failure (due to constrictive pericarditis, RV infarction) * Opening snap -- Mitral stenosis. * Opioid toxicity -- Miosis, Resp depression, brady cardia, hypotension, depress mental status, urinary retention. Brady cardia & hypotension is due to histamine release ? * Typical Absence seizures -- are brief and may have automatism but do not have postictal state. Abnormal EEG (3.Hz) * Atypical Absence seizures -- last longer and have abnormal EEG (2.5 Hz) * Complex Partial seizures -- may also have staring spells, automatism and postictal state (confusion). EEG is usually normal and show brief discharge. * Optimally most imp First step in treating pt with witnessed Cardiac Arrest is defibrillation. When Cardiac Arrest is unwitnessed or there is > 4 - 5 minutes lapse b/w arrest and arrival of defibrillator than cardiopulmonary resuscitation should preceded defibrillator. * Lone A - fib is in the absence of other Cardiac risk factors is tx with Aspirin only. vs. If pt have risk factors than tx with warfarin (maintain INR 2 - 3) * Pt with MS having Acute attack tx with High dose Corticosteroids; once attack resolves put him on Interferon Beta which has proved to dec the frequency of relapse. (Remember IF Beta is not for acute attack). * Otosclerosis is a chronic conductive hearing loss associated with bony over growth of stapes. It typically begins with Low frequency hearing loss in middle aged man. vs. Presbycusis (due to ageing) presents with high frequency hearing loss in elderly after 60s. (difficult gearing noisy crowded environment) * MCC of hypernatremia is hypovolemia (dehydration in elderly). TX -- Mild Cases tx with 5% Dextrose in 0.45 % saline. Severe cases tx with 0.9 % saline. * IV free water causes RBC lysis due to Osmotic shock when given to the pt with Euvolemic or Hypervolemic hypernatremic. * Chlamydial Urethritis is suggested by mucopurulent urethral discharge, Absent bacteuria and multiple sexual partners (urine culture show < 100 colonies). * Gonococcal urethritis the purulent discharge and Gram stain usually show the causative organism. * Chronic GI blood loss is MCC of Iron def anemia in Adult male or post menopause women. * Pseudomonas is associated with Malignant Otitis Externa in Diabetic pt, It may cause black necrotic lesion in ear. vs. * Rhizopus is associated with Mucormycosis in diabetic ÷ bloody nasal discharge, proptosis, diplopia, cavernous sinus thrombosis and fever. It can lead to coma if left untreated. * Hydatid cyst (Echinococcus Granulosus) -- Sheep (intermediate host; Dogs & Cats (Definitive host); Human (A dead end). Dis is common in sheep herder show cyst in liver with daughter cyst in it. * Advance Age is single most imp risk factor for breast cancer. Because Only 10 % women who dx with breast cancer has + ve family hx; BRCA 1 gene is present in only 5 - 10 % women it Inc the risk by 50 % in this group. v v imp. * Positive Hepatic jugular reflex suggest Right heart failure in pt with Ascitis and Peripheral edema. (good tool to differentiate hepatic or heart failure in pt with hepatosplenomegaly, ascitis & peripheral edema). * Renal Vein Thrombosis is the MC complication of Nephrotic $ and MC caused by Membranous GN in adult pt with edema, ascitis, proteinuria (>4gm / day). Hospitalized pt all of sudden develop Abdominal pain, fever & gross hematuria --- think of Renal Vein Thrombosis (due to Anti thrombin III loss in urine). * Chronic Renal Failure is the common cause of Hypochloremic (Anion) Metabolic Acidosis.. * Renal Insufficiency accompanied by Non Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis and hyperkalemia suggest RTA type IV (aldosterone def). Must avoid ACE inhibitor it will worsen the problem.. * Chronic liver dis due to any reason is the risk factor for Hepatocellular carcinoma. In Hemochromatosis 30% pt will die due to hepatocellular carcinoma. * V - fib or pulseless VT -- tx with defibrillation (even if pt has MI). Defibrillation is strongly correlate with survival and is common after MI. * Torticollis is MC form of dystonia involving sternocloidomastoid muscle. It can be Idiopathic or due to medication such as Antipsychotic, metoclopramide, prochlorperazine. * Hemiballismus is unilateral violent arm flailing due to subthalamic lesion. 169 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Akathesia is sensation of restlessness. pt move frequently. * CO poisoning -- Pinkish red skin, headache nausea and vomiting. Methemoglobinemia -- Bluish discoloration of skin, headache, nausea and vomiting. (causes are drug or environmental exposure) Cyanide poisoning -- Bitter almond breath, headache nausea and vomiting. (associated with rubber and plastic industry) All three produce same Sxs that’s why most imp diagnostic factor is HX. * Steroid induced myopathy results from long use of Corticosteroids ÷ painless proximal muscle weakness; ESR normal; CK level normal. vs. In polymyalgia Rheumatica pain is prominent; Inc ESR; and Sxs will remit with corticosteroids. * Complication associated with high PEEP --- Alveolar damage, Tension Pneumothorax, hypotension. v v imp. * Pt who develop serious bleeding (eg. Intracranial hemorrhage) due to excessive Anticoagulation with warfarin should be given Fresh frozen plasma for rapid reversal of Anticoagulation. * INR < 5 ------ If pt has no significant bleed. tx by omitting the next dose. INR 5 - 9 ------ If pt has no significant bleed. tx by stopping warfarin temporarily. INR > 9 -------- Stop warfarin now and Oral vit K. * Essential tremer are described as tremer that is suppressed at rest and exacerbate to ward the end of goal directed movement. TX -- propanolol. * Elderly with Pneumonia + abdominal pain + confusion + hyponatremia --- think Legionella pneumonia. TX -- Azithromycin and Erythromycin imp. (no other bug can cause confusion or hyponatremia. Legionella cause lobar consolidation and does not respond to beta lactem). * Legionella is resposible for 5 % of community acquired pneumonia and 30 % of nosocomial pneumonia. v v imp. * Acute vertebral Osteomyelitis ---- Best next step in the management is MRI and blood culture. (Xray may be employed in Chronic Osteomyelitis). * Serous Otitis Media is the MC middle ear pathology in AID$, it is due to HIV lymphadenopathy with evidence of acute infection. Exam show hypomobil dull tympanic mem with conducting hearing loss. v v v imp. * Vit B 12 def can also cause memory problem. * Cholangiosarcoma is rare and manifest as severe stricture in biliary tree. If stricture appear on ERCP at any circumstances one must do Biopsy to rule out Cholangiosarcoma. Biliary stricture also appear in Primary sclerosing cholangitis or pt with Ulcerative colitis but rule is same do Biopsy. * In urine + ve leukocyte estrase signify pyuria and + ve nitritis signify Enterobacteriacae. imp * In other wise healthy pt who develop CHF, myocarditis should be high on differential list (specially Coxackie B virus is the MCC) * Eczema and Atopic dermatitis --- tx with topical steroids. * Iron def Anemia is one of the MC presentation of Celiac sprue, also Dermatitis herpetiforme. * Pt planning to travel tp Mexico in < 4 weeks recommend Serum immunoglobulin against virus. vs. If pt plan after 4 weeks give HAV vaccine. v imp. * Non tender solitary nodule in head and neck in elder pt suspect Squamous cell carcinoma sp if pt is smoker. * Vertebral Degenerative Disc Dis is the MCC of spinal stenosis. Flexion of the spine cause widening of the spinal canal and extend cause narrowing for that reason pt pain Inc with standing and dec with sitting or lying down. This phenomenon is called "Neurologic Claudication". Neurologic Claudication & Claudication due to vascular dis (Atherosclerosis) produce same Sxs but in Neurologic claudication peripheral pulses are normal, surprisingly most often these pt do not produce Sxs on straight leg test. Remember in Atherosclerosis induced claudication pulses are diminished. * Vit D toxicity ÷ hypercalcemia, constipation, abdominal pain, wt loss, poly urea, polydipsia. TX held Vit D and Ca++. Pt trying to lose wt often use excessive Vit D and mineral supplements. * Pt who develop cardiac dysfunction or even failure weeks to month after penetrating injury --- think AV fistula . AV fistula ÷ Inc preload ÷ cardiac hypertophy ÷ High out put Heart failure. * Hemochromatosis typically appear at age 50 with non specific Sxs. Early dx has significant impact on prognosis. TX -- Pt should avoid all Iron rich food and under go weekly phlebotomy upto 2 - 3 yrs. Deferoxamine is 2nd line drug for those who cannot tolerate phlebotomy. (First degree relative should advised to undergo genetic counseling). * Ulnar nerve $ -- MC site for ulnar nerve entrapment is elbow at medial condyle groove. Commonly seen in those who lean on elbow for long time as working on desk table etc ÷ dec sensation over 4th and 5th finger and weaker grip of effected side. Extremely HY for USMLE. * Rabies prophylaxis criteria (Both Active and passive immunization is given) : 1. If animal is not captured it is assumed Rabid --- Post exposure prophylaxis is indicated. 2. If animal is captured and does not show features of of rabies --- observe for 10 days. 3. Post exposure prophylaxis should be started immediately for exposure involving head and neck. * Stone impaction in main pancreatic duct on CT scan in pt with chronic pancreatitis. TX -- Remove stone and Stent insertion with ERCP. * Esophageal cancer may mimic Achalasia clinically, Radiographically & Manometrically. Do not fall for Achalasia trap in elder pt with wt loss & other risk factor. * Fasting Blood glucose test is recommended screening test for DM. Level > 126 mg /dL on two different occasion is dx of DM. (screening test) * Fasting Blood Glucose level b/w 100 - 125 mg / dL is categorized as impaired fasting glucose or Pre diabetes. (Normal is 70 - 100 mg / dL) * If pt already has polyurea, polydipsia & obesity than Random blood glucose test is Recommended. Level > 200 mg / dL confirm the dx. (diagnostic test) * In pregnancy Oral Glucose tolerance test is recommended to screen and confirm Gestation diabetes. 50 g glucose tolerance test is used to screen gestation diabetes; if it is high than 100 g Glucose tolerance is given to confirm the dx. 170 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 75 g glucose tolerance test is used to screen non gestation DM but it is time consuming, expensive and less preferred. * Methanol Intoxication does not cause any urine crystals or Renal failure, instead it cause Visual impairment and Acute Pancreatitis. vs. Ethylene Glycol intoxication cause Rectangular envelop shape crystals and Renal failure, Respiratory Acidosis and Heart failure. (source Antifreeze). Both cause Anion gap and Osmolar metabolic Acidosis. * Aspirin overdose cause mixed Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis and Respiratory Alkalosis with no Osmolar gap. * Amiodarone cause Pul fibrosis, hepatotoxicity, thyroid dysfunction. PFT, LFT and Thyroid function test should be monitored in those pts. v v v imp. * Joint bleeding (Hemarthrosis) is the MC manifestation of Hemophilia. less common is muscular, GI & GU bleed -- Always think missing factor VIII & IX . * Pt with DKA -- tx with normal saline and Regular Insulin. * Bullous Pamphigous -- occur in elderly. Auto Ab against basement mem glycoprotein (BP 230, BP 180). IgG & C3 deposit in dermal epidermal junction in linear band on skin biopsy. TX of choice is Corticosteroids. v v imp. * Pamphigus Vulgaris -- Auto Ab against Adhesion molecules in skin & mucous mem. IgG deposit intracellularly in the Epidermis, Bullae are flaccid. * Urticaria -- Intradermal edema with leukocyte infiltration. * Cicatriant pehphigoid -- affect mucous mem of mouth, nares, oropharynx, conjunctiva & genitalia. IgG deposit in linear band at dermal epidermal junction. * Herpes Gestationis -- C3 deposit at basement mem zone ÷ Epidermal blister in 3rd trimester. * Pt with Post Strep GN -- may cause significant Inc in BUN, Inc Uric Acid in Blood ÷ pricarditis. TX -- hempdialysis (because NSAIDs will further deteriorate kidney function) v v v imp. * Indication for Hemodialysis : 1. Refractory Hyperkalemia. 2. Vol overload and Pul edema not responding to diuretics. 3. Refractory metabolic Acidosis. 4. Uremic Pericarditis. 5. Uremic Encephalopathy or neuropathy. 6. Coagulopathy due to renal failure. * Mild hepatic injury with Isoniazid (manifest same as viral hepatitis) will resolve without intervention, Complete the course donot stop the medication. * If signs of ominous form of hepatotoxicity develop in pt who is taking Isoniazid drug should be discontinues. Risk group are those who drink Alcohol, or already have hepatitis dis, or pt who is 50 yrs or older. TX -- 2nd line Anti TB agent. * Acoustic neuroma --- MRI with Gadolinum is preferred over CT scan. * PCP intoxication -- tx with urine acidification, Haloperidol in case of psychotic behavior, close monitoring until condition resolves. * FOOT Ulcer Classification in DM : Grade 0 ----- high risk foot with out an ulcer.. Grade 1 ----- superficial ulcer with full thickness skin involvement. Management - proper wound care and debridement. Grade 2 ----- Deep ulcer penetrating the ligament ulcer. No bone involvement or abscess. Management - proper wound care and debridement. Grade 3 ----- Deep ulcer with cellulitis, Abscess formation and Osteomyelitis. Management - Proper wound care, debridement and Antibiotics. Grade 4 ----- localized gangrene. Management - Hospitalization and surgical consultation. Grade 5 ----- Extensive gangrene involve whole foot. Management - Hospitalization and Surgical consultation (possible revascularization or Amputation). * 21 Hydroxylase def is the MCC of congenital Adrenal hyperplasia, Inc Androgen, dec mineral corticoids, dec Glucocorticoids ÷ Virilization in female and Androgenization in male. Salt wasting is also present. Partial def typically appear in adulthood as Androgenization. * 17 hydroxylase def ÷ delayed puberty and Inc miralcorticoid activity. * 11 beta hydroxylase def ÷ Inc Androgen and Inc mineralcorticoid. * 3 beta hydroxylase def ÷ Inc DHEA - S, dec testosterone, dec mineralocorticoids. * Cystathione synthatase def ÷ homocystinuria ÷ marfan body hiatus, dislocation of lense, fair skin, vascular thrombosis. * Glucocorticoids cause neutrophilia by increasing the bone marrow release and mobilizing marginated neutrophil pool. (donot confuse it infection during glucocorticoid therapy). v imp. * Pt with vomiting who develop alkalosis --- tx with normal saline and K+. * Sedative should be avoided in COPD due to hypoventilatory effect & resultant hypercapnia ÷ lethargy, somnolence, seizures, coma & even death. v imp. * Hemochromatosis can cause deposition of hemosiderin in pituitary ÷ hypogonadism due to dec in Gonadotropic hormone. v imp. * Suspect MS in pt with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia. * If Spirometry shows ---- dec FEV1 / FVC indicate Obstructive lung dis (do bronchodilator challenge test) --- if FEV1 is Inc than it is Asthma. if No A in FEV1 than it is COPD * If Spirometry shows ---- Normal or Inc FEV1 / FVC & dec VC indicates Restrictive Lung dis (do DLCO) --- if DLCO is normal than it is Chest Wall weakness. If DLCO is dec than it is Interstitial lung dis. * DLCO is only dec in Interstitial lung dis, where as FEV1 / FVC Inc or stay normal. VC is dec. * C - cell hyperplasia ÷ Inc Calcitonin ÷ Inc serum Ca++, Inc AP, dec Phosphate. * Theophylline has very narrow therapeutic window. its toxicity cause ÷ CNS stimulation, nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia (due to phosphodiestrase inhibition, adenosine inhibition and stimulation of EN release) * If pt is on theophylline and taking antibiotics for infection (sp ciprofloxacin and erythromycin) -- suspect theophylline toxicity. * When evaluating Psudomotor Ceribrii do lumbar puncture only after ruling out space occupying brain lesion with CT or MRI. (danger of herniation). 171 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is Autosomal dominant inheritance ÷ classically produce Left lower sternal border murmur that Inc with Inc in preload such as by squatting etc. (Inc preload distend the myocardium and dec out flow obstruction). v v v imp. * HTN, DM, Ischemic heart dis are multifactorial inheritance. * Pt with Viral hepatitis. you put him on medication (antiviral) later LFT shows Inc PT, Inc aPTT and dec Transaminase -- Suggest fulminant Hepatitis failure. * Pt with Viral hepatitis. you put him on medication (antiviral) later LFT shows Normal Pt & aPTT & dec transaminase -- suggest recovery. * Cholecystectomy is sufficient tx of carcinoma confined to bladder mucosae. It typically dx during and after cholecystectomy. * Hypovolemic Shock is potential early complication of Acute Pancreatitis due to Activated pancreatic enz that cause Inc in capillary permeability in and around the pancrease ÷ Exudation of large vol in retroperitonium. Pt presents with severe pain that radiates to back. * Suspect Primary CNS lymphoma in HIV pt with altered mental status, if there is EBV DNA in CSF and Weakly Ring Enhancing Solitary periventricular mass on MRI. (remember Toxoplasmosis usually presents with multiple Ring enhancing mass on MRI). v v v imp. * In Elderly E. coli is the MCC of Acute Protatitis. Prostate massage and urethral catheterization is contraindicated due to risk of septicemia. Do culture of mid stream urine sample. * Acyclovir can cause crystalline nephropathy if adequate hydration is not provided. * Digoxin side effects -- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurry yellow vision and arrhythmia. Pt digoxin level must be follow closely. * Digoxin toxicity -- Scooped ST segment, prolong PR interval, Shorten QT interval and T wave inversion. * Laxative Abuse in characterized by very frequent diarrhea. Biopsy finding shows Dark brown discoloration of colon with Lymph follicles shining through a pale patches "Melanosis Coli". * Contrast induced nephropathy sp older Ionic hyperosmolar agent particularly in pt with Cr > 1.5 or diabetes. Non Ionic contrast are associated with lower incidence of nephropathy in the presence of adequate IV hydration and Acetylecysteine. * Cluster headache is present with Acute severe retro orbital pain that wakes pt up from sleep. It may accompanied by Redness of ipsilateral eye, tearing, stuffed runny nose and ipsilateral Horner $. TX -- 100 % O2. For Subacute cases sumatriptan. Prophylaxis Verapamil, Lithium and Ergotamine. * Acute Pyelonephritis can potentially results in Gram - ve sepsis. Urine & blood culture should be routinely obtain prior to administer Antibiotics. * Diffuse Esophageal spasm occur due to uncoordinated contraction. Esophagus Manometry shows multiple contraction on the tracing from middle and lower esophagus. vs. Manometry in Achalasia shows contraction on tracing in lower Esophageal sphincter. * Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis in the pt with chronic genitourinary infection ---- suspect Enterococcus organisms (cystoscopy is the cause). * Lidocaine is not used prophylactically in pt with MI or acute coronary $. Although its use dec the risk of V - fib but it may Inc the risk of Asystole. * Athero Embolism results from dislodged cholesterol plaque from Aortic root ÷ Blue toe $; in which emboli to pedal circulation cause cyanotic painful toe with intact impulse. It is common presentation of catheter induced Athero embolism. Although emboli can lodge any where in the body. * Pt with fever, wt loss, anorexia + Strep bovis on blood culture --- must evaluate pt with colonoscopically or radiographically as a next step (because Strep Bovis is associated with Colorectal cancer). * Positioning the pt with pneumonia on consolidated lung segment in dependent position can Inc the right to left shunt. Variation on SaO2 by switching the side Inc ventilation and perfusion due to gravity. imp to understand. * Acute pyelonephritis that is not responding to appropriate antibiotics -- next step in management is Perform renal U/S to check for obstruction, Renal perirenal abscess or other pathology. * Dystonia (Extrapyramidal side effect) due to metoclopramide is tx with benztropin or diphenhydramine. * Mamogram should be performed every 1 - 2 yrs starting at age 40 in pt with average risk of breast cancer. No clear stop; many suggest till 70 yrs of age. * Cholesterol screening start at age 35 in men and 45 in women. Checking cholesterol every 5 yrs in normal risk pt with normal lipid in the past is advocated. * Radioiodine therapy is more likely to cause hypothyroidism in pt with Grave dis than those with other causes of hyperthyroidism. * Chronic hepatitis B with high viral load tx with IF and Lamivudine. * Infection with hepatitis E virus has high rate of progression to fulminant hepatitis in pregnant women, specially in 3rd trimester. Hepatitis E can vertically transmitted to fetus with significant perinatal morbidity and mortality. * Prognosis of CLL (small mature appearing lymphocytes, smudge cells) Stage 0 ------- lymphocytosis only (good prognosis) Stage 1 ------- lymphocytes + Adenopathy (fair prognosis) Stage 2 ------- splenomegaly (fair prognosis) Stage 3 ------- Anemia (intermediate prognosis) Stage 4 ------- Thrombocytopenia (poor prognosis) * U/S of Kidney, ureter and bladder should be done in pt with benign prostate hyperplasia who have elevated serum creatinine. * Zinc def ÷ Alopecia, skin lesion (dermatitis), abnormal taste and abnormal wound healing. * Vit A def ÷ blindness, dryness, impair immunity. * Cryoglobinemia ÷ palpable purpura, GN, non specific Sxs, arthralgia, hepatosplenomegaly, peripheral neuropathy, dec complement level + Hepatitis C. For that reason all pt with cryoglobinemia should be checked for HCV infection (pts are usually adults). vs. * Henoch schonlein prupura -- presents in childhood but serum complement level is normal and Hepatitis C infection is not associated. * Chronic hepatitis C is associated with # of extrahepatic complications -- 1. cryoglobinemia. 2. B cell lypmphoma. 3. Membrano proliferative GN. 172 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 4. Porphyria cutanea tarda. 5. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. 6. Sjogren $. 7. Autoimmune thyroiditis. 8. Lichen planus. * Bupropione (antidepressant) as quit smoking aid should be used in conjunction with counseling and nicotine replacement because it is moderately effective at increasing quit rate. Varenciline is partial agonist at nicotine acetylcholine receptor and is some what more effective than Bupropione. * Pain of acute appendicitis is typically visceral (due to inflamed viscera) and constant first around umbilicus; as dis progress it become somatic pain (due to inflamed peritoneal and muscle) and move to RLQ with more severe intensity. (pain of acute appendicitis is visceral followed by somatic pain). * Accidental needle stick from HBV + ve pt. Take following measures. If victim has known immunity (vaccines hx up to date) ---- give reassurance. If victim immunity is unknown or no immunity ---- give hepatitis vaccine and HB immunoglobins. * Cocaine over dose ÷ Rhabdomyolysis (20%), Inc CPK ÷ Inc risk of Acute tubular necrosis. Risk can be dec by aggressive hydration & urine alkalinization. * Phenytoin impairs the absorption of folic acid. * Methotrexate & Trimethoprim antagonize the effect of folic acid. v v imp. * Cataract is oxidative damage of lens with ageing. * Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Risk factors are ---- obesity, DM, hyperlipidemia, corticosteroids, Amiodarone, diltiazam, tamoxifen, HAART. * Accident needle stick injury form HIV pt ---- Baseline HIV testing should be performed immediately and with 2 or 3 Antiretroviral drugs prophylaxis should be started immediately with out delay. * Tumor lysis $ -- hyperurecemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia (released phosphate from tumor cell lysis binds with Ca++ with resultant hypocalcemia). v v v imp * Symptomatic sinus bradycardia should be tx first with Atropine followed by Transcutaneous pacing. If bradycardia does not resolve than Permanent Pace maker may be necessary. * Initial Hematuria (in start of urine stream) suggest uretheral injury. Terminal Hematuria (at the end of urine stream) suggest bladder or prostate damage. Total hematuria (in whole urine stream) suggest Renal cause. * Agent that shift K+ inside cell are Insulin & glucose, Na Bicarbonate, Beta 2 agonist. * Hyperkalemia + Arrhythmia (life threatening) ----- 1st administer IV Ca++ gluconate to stabilize cardiac mem. 2nd step is lower down serum K+ with Insulin and Glucose and Na+ Bicarbonate and Beta 2 agonist (albuterol). If still there is excess K+ eliminate it with diuretics. * Pt with MI who develop Cold legs -- Do Echo to rule out Left ventricle thrombus. * Pain and weakness when lifting the arm above shoulder suggest Rotators cuff tear results from chronic rotator cuff tendonitis or shoulder trauma. . Failure of Lidocaine injection to improve the Sxs confirm the dx. Now MRI is the next step. Remember if Lidocaine injection improves the Sxs it suggest Rotator cuff tendonitis. * Vitiligo is some time associated with pernicious Anemia, Type I DM, Autoimmune thyroiditis, Primary Adrenal insufficiency, hypopituitarism. Alopecia Acreata. * Core pulmonale is RHF due to pulmonary dis. * In temponade pt is always hypotensive. * Pt repositioning every two hrs prevent decubitus ulcers. which commonly occur in bony prominence due to constant pressure. Massage over bony prominence is not recommended. * Thiamine def cause Wernikes Encephalopathy ÷ Encephalopathy + Ocular motor dysfunction + Gait Ataxia. * Chronic thiamine def cause Korsakoff $ ÷ irreversible amnesia, confabulation and Apathy (lack of energy). * Renal transplant provide better survival rate and quality of life than hemodialysis. (living related donor is best). * Spinalcord Compression is Emergency do prompt MRI to evaluate damage. It is usually caused by disc herniation, abscess, trauma & malignancy ÷ Bilateral UMN signs (such as hyperreflexia, weakness, dec sensation, bowel & bladder dysfunction) distal to level of compression. Remember Red Flag is Saddle Anesthesia and compromised bladder and bowel function. v v v imp * Pt with irritative voiding with frequency, urgency, suprapubic discomfort but - ve urine culture to urinary cytology & cyctoscopy to rule out bladder cancer. * Mostly tea and toast diet + anemia -------- think folate def. Vit B 12 stores are sufficient to last 3 - 4 yrs. * Pt with egg allergy ----- donot give influenza and yellow fever vaccine. * Solid Testicular mass + suggestive U/S ------ next step is surgical removal of testis along with its cord (high Inguinal Orchiectomy or Radical Orchiectomy). If tumor is metastasized Do surgery along with radiation and chemo therapy. (testicular cancer has Good prognosis). * If Alcoholic pt presents with Acute nausea, vomiting (which is not coffee ground color), epigastric pain with low grade fever------ think Acute pancreatitis. * Palliative Radiation + Leuprolide (antiandrogen LHrH analogue) is the tx of choice in metastatic prostate cancer. (Flutamide is inferior than Leuprolide) * In general Membranous nephropathy (nephrotic $) is the MC nephropathy associated with malignancy. Except Hodgekin lymphoma which usually cause Minimal change dis (nephrotic $). * Empiric tx for meningitis is age dependant : Community Acquired Bacterial meningitis (CABM) in adults and children ---- Vancomycin + ceftriaxone (it cover strep pneumoniae, H Influenza, & Neisseria) CABM in > 55 yrs old, or who is taking steroids, or immunosupressed ---- same as above + Ampicillin (to cover listeria monocytogenes). Pt < 3 months of age with meningitis ---- IV ceftriaxone + Ampicilline (to cover listeria monocytogenes) Hospitalized pt who developed meningitis sp after neurosurgery ---- Vancomycin + ceftazime (to cover staph aureus and Pseudomonas respectively) 173 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Adenocarcinoma is MC lung cancer in non smoker. It is least associated with smoking but it is also a 2nd MC lung cancer in smoker. It occur usually at the periphery of lung and consist of columnar cells. * Adenocarcinoma Bronchoalveolar type is imp because pulmonary scarring, fibrosis and metastasize early. * Acalculus Cholicystitis is an acute inflammation of gall bladder in the absence of gallstones. It is MC seen in severely ill hospitalized pt such as sever burn victim, severe trauma, prolong total parenteral nutrition, prolong fasting, mechanical ventilation. U/S will show thick walled dilated gallbladder. * Chronic cholicystitis show small fibrosed gall bladder on U/S. * Women who develop musculinization over short period of time ------ First check Serum testosterone & DHEAS level. Once it shows abnormality do CT scan. Remember if serum testosterone is normal and DHEAS is elevated it suggest Adrenal source. If serum testosterone is elevated and DHEAS is normal it indicate Ovarian source. Serum FSH and LH should be suppressed due to Inc androgen. DHEAS is secreted from adrenal and ovary but Sulfated form is specific for Adrenals. * Measurement of 17 hydroxyprogesterone is used as screening test for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. * Non Classical Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia appear in teenagers or early adulthood, often presents with polycystic ovary dis & hyperandrogenism. * Osteoarthritis in obese pt -- wt loss will dec joint pain, Inc functionality and slows progression of dis. * Elevated PT / INR level in pt with liver failure is due to Vit K def or liver cirrhosis. Regardless what causing it first thing to do is administer Vit K. * Platelet is indicated when pt is actively bleeding due to low platelet or when platelet count is < 20000 - 30000. * First time tx for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is either beta blocker or Ca channel blocker (diltiazam); both promotes diastolic relaxation. * Emphysema (pink puffers) ÷ dec FEV / FVC, dec DLCO, dec vascularity. vs. Chronic Bronchitis (blue bloaters) ÷ dec FEV / FVC, normal DLCO, Inc vascularity. v v imp. * Pt with symptomatic Acute cholicystitis and stone blocking biliary tree on U/S ---- 1st step is Antibiotics and supportive care; if that doest work do Biliary decompression (drainage) with ERCP. Once Sxs resolves now do Laproscopic cholecystectomy.. v v imp. * Medication that cause hyperkalemia are ACE inhibitor, Spironolactone, Trimethprim. (hyperkalemia ÷ muscle weakness and dec deep tendon reflexes). * Hypoglycemia cause Adrenaline release ÷ palpitation and sweating. * Viral Myocarditis (Coxackie B virus) --- Echo shoe dilated ventricle with diffuse hypokinesia ÷ systolic dysfunction. (pt may or may not have normal BP). * Ectopic ACTH production cannot be suppressed by high dose Dexamethasone test. * HIV pt with dry cough & pneumonia -- give TMP / SMX and Azithromycin. Now confirm the dx and eliminate antibiotic which is not necessary. * Actinic keratosis occur in sun exposed area ÷ erythematous papules with central scales "sand paper like" texture, hyperkeratosis of lesion may become cutaneous horn. It consider premalignant and is associated with Squamous cell carcinoma in (1% pts). * Atopic dermatitis (Type I Hypersensitivity) ÷ pruritic papules and vesicles. microscopy show spongiosus “edema of epidermis". * Poison Ivy and Nickel jewelry cause Allergic contact dermatitis. It is Type IV Hypersensitivity. * Agent that Inc warfarin toxicity are Vit E, Garlic, Ginkobiloba, ginseng, st john wort and some antibiotics. * Continuous murmur in Periumbilical area or in Flank is characteristic of Renal Artery Stenosis ÷ Resistant HTN. * Presbyopia is common age related dec of lens elasticity ÷ difficulty with near vision. * Alcoholic with palpable cervical lymphnode ---- suspect cancer mucosae of head or neck. Best initial test is PanEndoscopy (triple endoscopy) Panendoscopy = esophagoscopy + Bronchoscopy + laryngoscopy. * Symmetrical distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy is MC type of Diabetic Neuropathy; "stocking & gloves pattern" of sensory loss. * Corticosteroid induced Avascular necrosis of femoral Head ÷ progressive Hip and groin pain with out restriction of motion. Radiograph is normal in early stage for that reason do MRI (Gold standard for AVN). * Pt with fever + foul smelling sputum ÷ Anaerobic pulmonary infection. TX of choice is Clindamycin. * Sickle Cell associated Acute vaso occlusive crisis ---- 1st step is Exchange transfusion, if fail than surgical intervention is indicated. * Pt with prostate cancer and bony metastasis who gone under Orchiectomy is now having severe back pain --- Radiation tx is the most appropriate next step. * Caroli $ is congenital dilatation of Intrahepatic bile ducts. vs. * Choledochal cyst is congenital dilatation of Intra and / or Extra hepatic biliary ducts. Most cases are related to Anomalous Pancreatobiliary junction. Choledochal cyst can degenerate into cholangio carcinoma. Initial step is U/S followed by CT or MRI. * Transfusion reaction to ABO mismatch ÷ Rapid fever, flank pain, hematuria, hemolysis, DIC, shock, Renal failure and Hemorrhage. vs. * Reaction to Cytokines stored in transfused blood ÷ Febrile non hemolytic reaction. It is MC type of transfusion reaction. vs. imp. * Delayed Hemolytic transfusion reaction --- occur in 2 - 10 days after transfusion due to Amnestic Antibodies response. * With age progressive dec in Baroreceptors sensitivity and defect in myocardial response to this reflex are the main reasons of Inc Incidence of Orthostatic hypotension in elderly. * Ursodeoxycholic acid is the tx of choice in Primary biliary cirrhosis as it relives Sxs and lengthen transplant free survival time. v imp. * Pica of ice indicative of Iron def. * Bone marrow Iron stain is most definitive way to dx Iron def anemia. * Invasive cluster of spindle cell surrounded by palisade Basal Cell ------ Basal Cell Carcinoma. 174 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Invasive cord of squamous cell with keratin pearls ------ Squamous cell carcinoma. * Shallow fibrin coated ulceration with underlying mononuclear infiltration ----- Aphthous ulcer (recurrent ulcer of oral mucosae, possible Autoimmune etiology). * Hetrophil Ab test (Mono test) is used to dx Infectious mononucleosis. vs. EBV specific Ab test is used in pt with high suspect of Infectious mononucleosus but with - ve Hetrophil Ab test. imp. * Seborrheic dermatitis -- waxy scales with underlying erythema on scalp or on body folds. It may be associated with Parkinson dis or HIV. * TMP / SMX prevent PCP and Toxoplasmosis in HIV pt. * Splenomegaly and Posterior Cervical Lymphadenopathy are not usually seen in strep throat. v v tricky. * Migratory Thrombophlebitis -- next step in management is look for malignancy with CT scan. (if only tests are given in choices). * Pt with muffled voice + sore throat, fever, difficulty swallowing, deviation of uvula suggest peitonsillar abscess complication of tonsillitis. TX is urgent drainage of abscess. * LVEDP is elevated in systolic heart failure and may be normal in pure Diastolic heart failure. * Always think of melanoma in pt with mole which is changing in color, size or becoming painful or itchy. * Crescendo - Decrescendo murmur at lower left sternal border + syncope ----- think hyperplastic cardiomyopathy. * Hypokalemia -- shows u wave, flat and broad T wave and premature ventricular beat along with muscular weakness and fatigue. * Erythema multiforme is characteristic extrapulmonary manifestation of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae occur in indolent form. * MCC of interstitial pneumoniae is Mycoplasma Pneumoniae. Other causes of interstitial pneumoniae are Legionella, chlamydia, coxiella, influenza. * Pt going under splenectomy surgery --- Pneumococcal, hemophillus and meningococcal vaccines should be administer several weeks before surgery and penecillin prophylaxis for 5 yrs following surgery. Even after vaccines risk of sepsis presents upto 30 yrs. * Pt with Acute Good Pasture $ ---- Emergency plasmapharesis is required quick differential dx is very imp to start tx because Wagner’s Granulomatosis is tx differently with combination of Cyclophosphamide and steroids. v v v imp. * Enterobius vermicularis --- dx with scotch tape test. TX with Albendazole or Mebendazole. Alternative is Pyrental pamoate. * INR 1.0 = PT is normal "control". INR > 4 indicates pt will bleed. INR 2.0 - 3.0 is desireable in A - fib and Idiopathic venous thrombosis. INR 2.5 - 3.5 is desireable in prosthetic heart valve pt. * Sideroblastic Anemia -- microcytic hypochromic anemia, serum Iron Inc, TIBC dec. Causes are Alcoholism, B6 def, drugs. * Acute Angle Glaucoma -- dilated pupil with poor light response (v imp sign to distinguished from migraine, cluster headache, temporal arteritis, keratoconjunctivitis) * Hepato renal $ -- tx is liver transplantation. * Viral Influenza -- tx must be started wit in 48 hrs with Aseltamavir. (tx require usually in elderly). * Spironolactone is diuretic of choice in treating cirrhotic Ascitis. * Frost bite -- do rapid rewarming with warm water. do not debride ant tissue until pt is completely warm, now evaluate the damage. * Acromegaly -- 1st step measure GH following oral glucose (gold standard test). If GH is not suppressed confirm the clinical dx. v imp. * Abdominal U/S is the test of choice for dx and follow up of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (100% sensitive and specific). * Nail puncture wound causing Osteomyelitis is most like due to Pseudomonas. TX -- Quinolones and aggressive surgical debridement. imp. * Unexplained Hemolytic Anemia + thrombocytopenia + Renal failure + Neurologic Sxs ------ think TTP and HUS. TX -- plasmapharesis (plasma exchange) is the tx of choice must be given promptly. * TTP - HUS is thought to be due to def or Auto Ab against vWF cleaving protein (ADAMTS - 13) ÷ accumulation of large vWF multimers and platelets aggregation ÷ hemolytic anemia, RF, Neurologic Sxs (all due to compromised micro vasculatures blocking). * LIGHT Criteria for EXUDATE Pleural Effusion : 1. Effusion serum protein Ratio > 0.5 2. Effusion serum LDH Ratio > 0.6 or LDH conc > 2 / 3 of upper limit of normal serum LDH. * Complication of Effusion is determined by following --- + ve Gram stain or Culture of fluid; pH < 7.2; Glucose < 60 mg / dL. TX -- Prompt Chest tube drainage. * Indication of Paget dis tx : (Asymptomatic pt with paget dis do not require any tx. vs. Symptomatic pt is tx with Biphosphonate) 1. Bone pain. 2. Hypercalcemia of immobilization. 3. Neurologic deficit. 4. High out put Cardiac failure. 5. Preparation of orthopedic surgery. 6. Involvement of wt bearing bones (prevent deformity). * Suspect Rosacea in 30 - 60 yrs old with telangiectasia over the cheek nose and chin along with pustule and papule. Flushing of these area is precipitated by hot drink, heat, emotions and causes of rapid body temp changes. Initial tx is Topical Metronidazole. vs. SLE rash have no pustular papules. * Young Athlete with sudden death ----- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Most likely cause of death is Fatal Ventricular Arrhythmia. * Sodium Bicarbonate Narrows the QRS complex, preventing the development of arrhythmia by alleviating the cardio depressant action on Na Channels. Sodium Bicarbonate is used in TCA intoxication (Widening of QRS by depressing Na channel. it is fatal). 175 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Na Bicarbonate is also used in Aspirin overdose for the Alkalinization of urine to Inc Salisylate excretion. * Heat Stroke is defined as temp > 105° F ----- occur in other wise healthy person who is engaged in body heat generating activity in Hot Humid Environment. In temp > 75 % humidity, sweating may become ineffective and hyperthermia may result. Drugs that precipitate the situation are Antichlinergic, antihistamine. * Heat stroke ÷ dehydration, hypotension, hyperthermia, tachycardia, tachypnea. Systemic effect like seizures ARD$, DIC, hepatic Renal failure can occur. * Albuterol in high dose as in Severe life threatening Asthma may cause hypokalemia which can results into muscle weakness, Arrhythmia, EKG abnormality, Tremer, palpitation and headache. * Pt with Hx of headache now presents with hematuria ----- think Analgesic induced Papillary necrosis due to papillary ischemia because of vasoconstriction of vasa recta in medulla. Analgesic cause Chronic tubulo interstitial damage in long term use. * Pt with Asthma who develop Respiratory failure (hypoxia, hypercapnia, somnolence, drowsiness) ------ Intubate immediately & start mechanical ventilation. * Pt with Asthma and having Inc Night time Sxs + Sore throat Think of GERD associated night time Sxs. Give a trial of Omeprazole or Ranitidine. imp. * A - fib -------- disorganized atrial activity no discernible P wave. vs. A - flutter ---- Saw tooth pattern. Ventricular rate is determined by AV node conduction 2 : 1, 3 : 1 or 4 :1. Heart block often seen. * Repeated nocturnal awakening with dyspnea, cough, choking sensation sp in over wt pt ------- think GERD. vs. * Obstructive Sleep Apnea ÷ cause Apnea and pt snores but choking coughing is not present. vs. * Central Sleep Apnea ÷ Apnea occur due to failure of central Respiratory drive typically seen in stroke pt. Chocking and coughing is not present. * Androgen producing tumor ---- Inc DHEA - S (Dihydroepiandrostenidione sulfate) ÷ virilization. * Staph Aureus is MC cause of Osteomyelitis in Infant and Children. * BPH starts in the center area of prostate. vs. Prostate carcinoma starts in the periphery. * Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (JC virus, Human polyoma virus) in AIDS pt ÷ hemiparesis, disturbance of speech, vision & Gait. + / - CNS deficit. CT scan show multiple non enhancing lesion with mass effect. v v imp. * Pt with AIDS dementia complex ---- Imaging shows cortical & sub cortical atrophy and secondary ventricular enlargement. * Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis occurs many yrs after antecedent measles infection. CT shows scarring and atrophy. * Monoclonal gamopathy of Undetermined significance (MGUS) --- M protein (IgA, IgM, IgG) is < 3000 mg / dL and Bone marrow plasma cell < 10%. TX -- Reassurance and regular follow up due to 25% chances of developing serious disease. donot confuse with MM or Waldenstrome macroglobinemia. * Primary sclerosing Cholangitis --- chronic & progressive inflamatory fibrosis of medium & large size ducts of intra & extra hepatic biliary tree with eventual complication of stricture, cholangitis, cholilithiasis, cholangiocarcinoma, colon cancer. It is associated with ulcerative colitis. * Pt with prostate cancer presents with severe back pain with brisk reflexes and low muscle power in lower extremities ----- think Acute cord compression. 1st step give IV steroids. 2nd step is MRI of spine (or CT if MRI is contraindicated). Once metastasis is confirmed do Radiotherapy. v v imp. * MRI is contraindicated in pt with Pace maker and Renal failure. * Macular degeneration is MCC of blindness in industrial countries. One of the earliest finding is pt sees straight line wavy. v v v imp. * Enlarged blind spot is seen in papilledema. * Women who is treated for CIN II / III should receive Pap smear with or with out Colposcopy & Endocervical curettage every 6 month, until - ve results are obtained. After that perform Annual Cytologic screening. * Gall stones are common cause of Acute Pancreatitis in USA. Abdominal U/S is used as 1st step in all pt experiencing 1st attack of Acute pancreatitis. Abdominal CT scan is used to confirm the dx and identifying complications. * Alcoholic pt with large varices noticed on Esophagoscopy ---- give prophylactic non selective |blocker. | blocker also shown usefulness in secondary prevention of recurrent bleeding. | blocker is superior to sclerotherapy in primary prophylaxis of vericeal hemorrhage. Band ligation of verices is for those who can not tolerate beta blocker and has high risk varices. * Glucagonoma (hyperglycemia, necrotizing dermatitis, wt loss) -- are usually malignant; the preferred tx is surgical removal of tumor because it does not respond to chemotherapy. * Pt with Rickets with normal Ca++, AP, Vit D (25OH) and PTH but dec phosphate ----- think X linked Hypophosphatemia Rickets (Renal phosphate wasting). Pt shows Sxs of Rickets, Calcitrol may be normal or dec (due to defective o - 1 hydroxylase ÷ calcitrol (1,25 hydroxy vit D)). * In type II Vit D dependent Rickets there is mutation of Vit D receptors. Pt has normal serum Calcitrol but it is ineffective. * Propylthiouracil or methimazole cause agranulocytosis so if pt show up with sore throat & fever ----- immediately check WBC count if it is low stop the tx. Routine monitoring of WBC is not practiced in propylthiouracil and Methimazole tx. * It is pH < 7.2 that indicate pleural effusion is empyema and is the indicator of removal of fluid with chest tube placement by thoracostomy. Glucose < 60 mg/ dL is also an indicator of tube thoracostomy. Inc total protein, Inc LDH, Inc WBC count is indicative of Exudate but does not indicate Empyema. * A - fib -- Irregularly Irregular RR interval, absent P wave, narrow QRS. TX -- if pt is unstable immediate cardioversion should be performed. If pt is stable Ca ++ channel blocker (diltiazam) + anticoagulation is given. 176 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Rhabdomyolysis is common due to Alcoholism and may cause ATN. Serum CK should be measured in suspected pts. (do not confuse with hepatorenal $) Other causes of rhabdomyolysis are cocaine use, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia. * Initial tx of both Acute & chronic Anal fissure include dietary modification + stool softener + Local Anesthetics. Surgical repair of fissure is indicated in Acute recurrent and chronic fissure. Lateral Sphincterectomy is standard tx. * Evaluation of liver damage in Acute hepatitis is LFT and Viral serology. vs. Evaluation of Liver damage in Chronic hepatitis is based upon liver biopsy. * Heparin induced thrombocytopenia occur 3 - 15 days after initiation of heparin ÷ bleeding (lab = dec INR, normal PT, Inc aPTT, dec Platelets) dec platelet is adverse side effect. vs. Inc aPTT is therapeutic effect. * Pt with heparin tx may also develop paradoxical thrombosis (white clot $) and could be life threatening. * Pt on heparin should be regularly checked for platelet count. * Cauda Equina $ --- Saddle Anesthesia, bowel bladder dysfunction, low back pain and variety of lower extremity finding. Bibinski always - ve. vs. * When spinal cord is involve it produce ÷ + ve bibinski, hyperreflexia, hypertonia, spasticity along with variety of lower extremity finding. * pt with swell arm which is pale and pulses but pulses are present + pt is on parenteral nutrition ----- think of subclavian vein thrombosis. Remove the central line (subclavian catheter) immediately do U/S to document the thrombus and for need of Anticoagulant. Remember it is hyperosmolar fluid (parenteral nutrition) that is irritating and traumatizing the vessels and causing thrombosis. * MCC of painless Rectal bleed in elderly is Diverticulosis, Angiodysplasia. Commonly diverticula are located in Sigmoid colon. Angiodysplasia (aka Vascular Actasia) is 2nd MCC of painless GI bleed (effecting ascending colon & cecum) it is well association with Aortic stenosis, Renal failure. The Colonoscopic findings are cherry red fern like pattern of blood vessel radiating from central feeding vessel is diagnostic. v v v imp. * Loop diuretics cause hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia and also potentiate the effect of Digoxin. If pt who is taking Digoxin shows arrhythmia --- first thing to do is measure Electrolyte and digoxin. * Burkitt lymphoma (neoplasm of Mature B Cell) Associated with EBV. "starry sky appearance". It is aggressive respond well to chemotherapy. * ALL is commonly occur in children. Predominantly lymphoblastic, > 25 % lymphoblast in bone marrow is diagnostic. Lymphoblast lack peroxidase + ve granule but often contain aggregates of Periodic acid schiff (PAS) + ve material. Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase + ve (TdT). * AML Predominantly Myeloid cells. Auer rods are specific. * Three main component of Diabetic Retinopathy : 1. Back ground or simple Retinopathy (micro aneurysm, hemorrhage, exudate, retinal edema) 2. Pre proliferative Retinopathy ( cotton wool spots) 3. Proliferative or Malignant Retinopathy ( neovascularization ÷ visual impairment & macular edema. Argon laser photocoagulation prevents complication. * ERCP is the investigation of 1st choice in the pt with recurrent Pancreatitis with no obvious cause. * Excessive vagal tone is the mechanism behind Vasovagal syncope ---- characterized by nausea, diaphoresis, and pallor prior to syncope. Occur in response to pain, emotion, urination etc. * Orthostatic hypotension cause presyncopal sensation and possible syncope. It is typically preceded by lightheadedness due to drop in BP on standing. * Atracurioum is neuromuscular blocker (use in anesthesia) that metabolized in plasma by serum estrase. It is preferred and safe in pt with Renal and liver failure who is under going surgery. * Normal Pt with only dec in platelet ----- do HIV test (because thrombocytopenia is the initial presentation of HIV in 10 % of pts). * Dyspnea, chest pain + / - hemoptysis few months after postpartum and chest Xray shows multiple nodule of different shape ---- check beta hCG, It could be Choriocarcinoma (metastatic form of Gestational trophoblastic dis). Uterus is often enlarge with irregular dark vaginal bleed beyond 8 weeks. * Pt with Non Inflamatory chronic prostatitis are afibrile but have irritating voiding Sxs such as urinary frequency, urgency & hesitancy. Urine Analysis and Prostatic secretion are normal and show no bacteria on culture. * Cystinuria ---- hexagonal crystals in urine. Urine Cyanide Nitroprisside test is + ve and help to confirm the dx. * Normal PCWP is ----- * Normal mean Venous O2 conc (MVo2) is 15.5 vol %. * Septic Shock ÷ Inc Cardiac out put, TPR dec, PCWP dec, Normal MVo2. * Neurogenic Shock and hypovolemic Shock ÷ dec MVo2. * Cardiogenic Shock ÷ PCWP Inc. * Infectious mononucleosis like illness without tonsillar exudate with diarrhea ----- suggest possibility of HIV. vs. Infectious mononucleosis like illness with tonsillar exudate with out diarrhea ----- suggest EBV. * MM --- CSF shows oligocolonal bands (immunoglobulins). CSF pressure, protein and cell counts are normal. * Brain death is clinical dx -- characterized by absent cortical and brain stem function. Spinal cord may still be functioning therefore deep tendon reflex may be present. An Isolated EEG can be used as confirmatory test but it is not necessary. * Bright Red, firm friable Exophytic nodule on skin in HIV is most like Bacillary Angiomatosis. * Sporothrix -- painless nodule that becomes ulcer; Non tender subcutaneous nodule are palpable proximal to body are characteristic. 177 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Isolated systolic HTN -- occur in elderly due to rigidity of arterial walls. diastolic P is normal. wide pulse P. Ejection fraction is normal. TX of choice HCTZ. * A - fib is common complication coronary bypass grafting occur in 40 % pts. If pt is hemodynamically unstable (hypotension, altered mental status or dyspnea) immediate Cardioversion is needed. * Young pt with anorexia, wt loss, confusion, poor memory & depression ------ Rule out HIV (HIV dementia is characterized by waxing waning lucidity with complex task, apathy). * Hyperemesis Gravidarum ÷ Metabolic alkalosis. Respiratory compensation by hypercapnia (hypoventilation). Resp Rate may be 11 or 12/min. imp. Hypocapnia is normal phenomenon of pregnancy due to progesterone effect on Respiratory center. * OCP can potentially cause HTN --- best next step is discontinue OCP. If HTN persist after quitting OCP than best next step is life style modification. * Serum lipase and amylase is most sensitive and most specific test for the dx of Acute pancreatitis. * ERCP is Excellent and therapeutic toll in the dx of chronic pancreatitis. * When Xray shows erosive dis in the pt with Rheumatoid Arthritis add Methotrexate in tx. v v v imp. * Prevention of Melanoma --- advice wearing protective cloths. (because Sun screens are used to protect form Squamous cell carcinoma of skin). 2/3 of melanoma are thought to be due to excessive sun exposure. * Pt with hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated type) + Inc AP ------ next best diagnostic step is U/S. vs. * Pt with hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated type) -------- next best step is blood smear for the estimation of Hb. * Aspergillosis ----- CXR shows pulmonary nodule with "halo sign" or the lesion with "air crescent". * CK - MB is most useful test in assessing reocclusion after MI, typically after 2 days (CK - MB return to normal after 1 - 2 days). * Troponin takes 10 days to return to normal and it is most sensitive and most specific test for Initial MI. * VIPoma are cancerous (secret VIP) ÷ diarrhea hypokalemia (leg cramps), metabolic alkalosis, facial flushing, redness. Occur after age 50. * Indication of severe asthma attack that indicates pt is getting worst are ------- normal or Inc PaCO2, speech difficulty, diaphoresis, altered sensorium, cyanosis, silent lung. v v imp. * Murmur of Aortic Regurgitation is described as diastolic decrescendo murmur at the left 3rd intercostal space. TX -- reduce the after load with Ca++ channel blocker and ACE inhibitors. Remember in CHF due to aortic regurgitation donot use beta blocker at all. * Pt with BPH --- two initial tests are Urinalysis and Serum creatinine. * Inc pH (eg. resp alkalosis) increases the affinity of serum albumin to Ca++ ÷ Inc Ca++ in serum (albumin bind Ca++) which also means the dec in free Ionized Ca++ (active form of Ca++) ÷ cramps, paresthesia, carpopedal spasm. v imp * Ehrlichiosis --- suspect in any pt in endemic region (south eastern south western, mid Atlantic and upper mid west California) with tick bite ÷ malaise, myalgia, headache, vomiting, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and Inc Aminotransferases (ALT, AST, AP) ------ best next step is doxicycline. * Antihistamine are potent Anticholinergics may cause detrusor inactivity with resultant urinary retention. * Premature Atrial Beat are benign usually never requires tx or follow up. Causes are Anxiety, CHF, Hypoxia, caffine, electrolyte abnormality. * Pt with erection problem -- do Nocternal Penile Tumescence Test; (If test turn out + ve its psychogenic, if - ve then investigate further). * Most imp step in the management of Lactic Acidosis from septic shock is IV saline and Antibiotics. Do not give Na Bicarbonate. * Recommendation in Ulcerative colitis and Pan colitis ----- Pt should begin surveillance Colonoscopy after 8 yrs of having the dis. 4 Biopsies should be obtain every 10 cm. later Colonoscopy every 1 - 3 yrs. v imp. * Postictal Lactic Acidosis is a transient Anion gap metabolic acidosis that resolves with out tx with 60 - 90 min -------- So best next step is observe and repeat the lab after 2 hrs. * A - a gradient ------ * Modified Acid fast stain shows Oocytes in the stool of HIV pt with cryptosporidium parvum diarrhea. * Ventricular tachycardia in Stable pt ------ tx of choice is Lidocaine and Amiodarone. Ventricular tachycardia in unstable pt (hemodynamically compromised) ----- Cardioversion. * Ventricular tachycardia is Regular Wide complex tachycardia. * Carotid massage is useful in Supraventricular tachycardia (narrow complex). * BUN / Cr Ratio is the most sensitive indicator of pts hydration status. (best useful indicator of dehydration). * Osteomyelitis in pt with Sickle Cell dis ----- MCC Salmonella (70%), Staph Aureus (25%). * Fever + Tinnitus + Tachypnea ------ think Aspirin overdose ÷ Mixed Resp Alkalosis and Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis. * Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended in all pts with HIV who have CD4 count > 200. Annual Influenza is also recommended. * Pt with BPH develop severe back pain by lifting up boxes with resultant inability to urinate is most likely due to inability to valsalva, if there is no saddle anesthesia or focal neurologic signs * Diabetic foot ulcer that cause Osteomyelitis ------ pathologic mechanism is continuous spread. * Post traumatic Osteomyelitis ------ pathologic mechanism is direct inocculation. * Healthy child who develop Osteomyelitis with out trauma ------ pathologic mechanism is hematogenous spread. * Osteomyelitis that develop after operative procedure ------- nosocomial infection (Iatrogenic contamination). 178 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Sudden onset of sharply demarcated erythematous, edematous tender rash with raised border + High fever --- think Erysipelas (Strep Group A "pyogenes") Erysepelas can also occur on face. * Torades de pointes is seen in Familial Long QT $, malnourished (alcoholism "Mg++ def"), pt taking TCA, Amiodarone, Sotalol, Moxifloxacin, Fluconazole. TX -- Magnesium sulfate and remove offending drug. * Xanthelasma is common cutaneous lesion associated with Primary Biliary cirrhosis. * Hypertriglyceridemia > 1000 it self cause Acute Pancreatitis. (hypertriglyceridemia type 1 & 5 are associated with Acute pancreatitis). * Polycythemia vera --- pt typically complain of pruritis after hot bath. Inc RBC count ÷ hyperviscosity ÷ headache, dizziness, paresthesia, granulocytosis, thrombocytosis, splenomegaly also present. Erythropoietin is Low where as Leukocytes AP is high. * Decrease in pH of small intestine due to Zollinger Ellison $ ÷ Inactivation of pancreatic enz ÷ malabsorption. * Pancoast $ --- Neoplasm of the Apex of lung (superior sulcus tumor) ÷ compress inferior portion of the brachial plexus ÷ shoulder pain radiating to ulnar distribution. * HTN is the strongest risk factor for all types of strokes. * Legionella pneumophilia is well documented with cooling towers, water supplies, as well as cruise ship ÷ Pneumonia with very high fever even diarrhea. DX with Urine Ag test or culture on charcoal agar. TX -- Azithromycin or Levofloxacin. * G6PD def often show normal G6PD level during Acute hemolytic episode.. v v v imp. * Anti topoisomerase I Ab ---- Scleroderma ÷ GERD, Renal failure, HTN, vessels injury, pulmonary HTN, Esophageal dysmotilty. * Rheumatoid factor also observed in SLE, Sjogren $, dermatomyositis, HCV infection. * Anti smooth muscle Ab ------- Autoimmune hepatitis. * Paget dis of bone (osteitis deformans) --- serum Ca++ and phosphate is normal, but serum AP and urine hydroxyproline is high. * Pt with COPD presents with sudden onset of Acute chest pain and shortness of breath with normal EKG and temp ------ suspect Secondary Pneumothorax due to destruction of air spaces and dilated large alveoli (generally in the upper lobe). v v v imp. * Fresh Frozen plasma is agent of choice for coagulopathy in pt with liver failure. * Hepatic encephalopathy is characterized by Reversal of sleep cycle, production of false neurotransmitter, asterixis, progressive coma and characteristic delta wave on EEG. * Cat scratch dis without systemic involvement need no tx. vs. Cat scratch dis with lymphadenopathy or other systemic sign is treated with Azithromycin. * Meniere dis (distention of endolymphatic fluid component) episode can be triggered by alcohol, caffiene, nicotine, and high salt diet. TX include diuretics, Antihistamine, Although first line medication are environmental and dietary medication (dec Na diet). * Avoiding Sun Exposure in the middle of the day (10 am - 4 pm) is the best method of photo protection. v v v imp. Sunscreen should be applied 15 - 60 min prior to sun exposure to allow proper effect. * Thymoma is found in Ant Media stinum. vs. All neurologic tumor are found in Posterior media stinum. * Pericardial cyst are usually found in middle media stinum, they are usually benign. Other media stinal mass are bronchogenic cyst, lymphoma, lymphnode enlargement, aortic aneurysm. v v v imp. * Herpetic whitlow is the MC viral infection of hand cause throbbing pain and vesicles caused by HSV 1 & 2 and is self limited. Most commonly seen in commercial sex worker, children with gingivostomatitis and health care worker who come in direct contact with orotracheal secretion such as dentist. * Nocardia is weak or partially Acid fast filamentous branching rod. It can cause pulmonary infection HIV pt (do not confuse with TB) Remember Nocardia, Mycoplasma and M tuberclosum are G - ve Rods. * Young black with painless hematuria ------ suspect Sickle cell trait. * Cauda Equina is Acute compression $ and is surgical emergency÷ acute motor and sensory loss, loss of rectal tone and urinary retention. It occur in pre existing vertebral column pathology. * ACE inhibitor and protein restriction are 2 imp factors that delay progression of chronic renal failure. v imp. * Remember when pts serum Cr is > 3 - 3.5 mg/dL the ACE inhibitor most likely will worsen the renal failure. v v v imp. * Aortic regurgitation ÷ bounding pulse "water hammer" pulse or hyperdynamic pulse + early diastolic murmur. * Radioactive Iodine tx in hyperthyroidism may initially cause exacerbation of thyrotoxic state ÷ pt may develop new onset of arrhythmia and tremer. * Confirmatory test for pulmonary embolism is CT scan and is most commonly used. Other confirmatory tests are Pulmonary Angiography (Gold standard), ventilation perfusion scanning. * Pt with suspected Acute diverticulitis --- best next step in dx is CT scan. * Osteonecrosis of femoral head is typically associated with corticosteroid use. (osteoarthritis can be monoarticular in femoral head but with out steroids hx) * Subacromial Bursitis occur due to repetitive over head motion ÷ pain with active motion. Passive internal rotation and forward flexion at shoulder elicit pain. * Bullous pamphigoid -- tense blistering. IgG & C3 deposit in the dermal - epidermal junction. Usually mucous mem is not involved. vs. 179 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pemphigous valgaris -- flaccid blistering. IgG deposition in dermis (auto Ab against desmoglein "adhesion molecule"). Frequently involve mucous mem. vimp * DVT in pt with low risk -- check D dimers level first if - ve no tx is needed. If elevated do compression U/S to determine the need of Anticoagulants. * Cardiomyopathy ÷ Crescendo - decrescendo murmur begin after S1 at the left lower sternal border. It can also cause Abnormal mitral leaflet motion due to hypertrophy. * ARD$ cause hypoxemia refractory to high inspired O2 concentration. Adequate Oxygenation requires PEEP delivered via mechanical ventilation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEDS UW * Recurrent self limiting episodes of vomiting and nausea in children in the absence of any apparent cause suggest dx of CYCLICAL VOMITING. * Most cardiac murmur in childhood are benign and require only observation. Features of benign murmurs are. 1. Asymptomatic pt. 2. murmur intensity grade 2 or less. 3. Normal S2. 4. No audible click. 5. Normal pulse. 6. no other abnormality. * Immediate Anaphylaxis or Encephalopathy and any CNS complication with in 7 days of administration of vaccine is contraindication of further administration of DTaP since the adverse reaction is usually due to pertusis component of DTaP. v v v imp. * Immune thrombocytopenia occur in children 2 - 6 yrs of age after viral infection. (Ab against platelet and subsequent destruction in spleen). Pt may show purpura, petechiae or hematuria to GI bleed. It is benign condition and only need observation. Corticosteroids is the drug of choice in all ages if Platelet count is < 30000, and for severe Sxs. * Preterm born with hypoxia, not responding to O2 tx and has audible grunting ---- suspect Hyaline mem dis of new born. CXR demonstrate granularity of lung parenchyma. TX - mechanical ventilation and surfactant administration. * Both Tricuspid Atresia and TOF can presents with normal heart and dec vascular marking on CXR. Both has septal defect (ASD, VSD, PDA) However EKG in Tricuspid atresia shows LV hypertrophy and Left axis deviation. vs . EKG of TOF shows RV hypertrophy and Right axis deviation. * Epiglottitis in the children 3 - 7 yrs with toxic appearing --- immediately secure the airway with endotracheal intubation & set up for possible tracheostomy. * Nebulize racemic EN is used in the management of croups. * Upper GI endoscopy is the diagnostic study of choice when pt presents with Acute Alkali Ingestion (eg. oven cleaner, drano etc) * Neonate born with small bowel obstruction (meconium ileus) ---- think Cystic fibrosis (CFTR deletion on ch 6) * Von Gierkes dis (glucose 6 phosphatase def) ÷ hypoglycemia (seizures), lactic acidosis, hyperuresemia, hyperlipidemia. typically occur at 3 - 4 months of age. Pt typically demonstrate "Doll Facies" (fat cheeks). hepatomegaly (but Liver enz are normal), Enlarged kidney. vs. * Glycogen storage dis shows similar manifestations as above but Liver Enzs are elevated where as blood lactate and uric acid are normal along with splenomegaly but normal Kidney. * Pompe dis (aka Acid maltase def) is glycogen storage dis ÷ floppy baby in first few week of life with feeding difficulties, macroglossia, heart failure "hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy". * Intraventricular hemorrhage in premature neonate ÷ accumulation of blood in subarachinoid space with destruction of arachinoid villi and cistern ÷ communication hydrocephalus. Remember Sub arachinoid hemorrhage (SAH) is MCC of communicating hydrocephalus . * Todds Paralysis (postictal paralysis) can cause hemiparesis (motor deficit) which usually improve with in 24 hrs. It indicates structural abnormality underlying the seizures. * Henoch Schonlein Purpura is IgA mediated vasculitis common in children ÷ purpura scrotal swelling, hematuria (IgA deposit in kidney), abdominal pain arthralgia. It is associated with Inc susceptibility to Intussuception. must rule out GI bleeding. v v v imp. * Hyperinflated one lung while other hypoinflated + media stinum shift toward the hypoinflated lung --- suspect foreign body aspiration ÷ sudden respiratory distress. Direct Laryngoscopy with Rigid bronchoscopy is the procedure of choice. (Do not confuse with pneumothorax) v v imp. * Newborn with suspected Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) --- 1st step Orogastric tube even Prior to xarys because it help determining the position of stomach and also help prevent bowel distention by continuous suction of gastric contents. CDH is some time associated with pulmonary HTN. * MCC agent for Acute Otitis media is Strep Pneumoniae (40%) followed by H. Influenza (25 - 30%), Morexella catarhalis (10 - 15%). TX - Amoxicillin. * Spondylolisthesis is developmental disorder characterized by Slip of Vertebrae (usually L5 , S1) usually in preadolescent children ÷ back pain, Neurologic dysfunction such as urinary incontinence. There is Palpable "step off" at lumbosacral area. * Kid with Septic Arthritis --- 1st step Arthrocentesis followed by empiric tx with nefcillin. * Acute Unilateral lymphadenitis in cervical region is common in children < 5 yrs of age. MCC cause is Staph Aureus followed by Strep group A. * Peptostreptococcal is the Aerobic bacteria that cause Unilateral Lymphadinitis in cervical region in older children with Periodontal dis. * Vit A can benefit in tx of Measles infection. Def is common in Asia, South America and Africa. * Post exposure prophylaxis for chicken pox can be provided with VZIG (preferred) or Acyclovir in susceptible high risk pts exposed to varicella with in 96 hrs (preferably 72 hrs) of exposure. * Beckweith - Wiedemann $ --- macrosomia, macroglossia, viceromegaly, omphalocele, hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, prominent eye, prominent occiput, hyperplasia of pancrease. Neonate will show hypoglycemia in 2 - 3 hr of birth. (don not confuse with maternal diabetes). v v imp. * Maternal DM may also cause neonatal hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia but does not present with dysmorphic features such as Omphalocele, prominent occiput or macroglossia. * Galactosemia --- manifest few days to weeks after birth ÷ Liver failure (hepatomegaly, direct hyperbilirubinemia, coagulation disorder), abnormal Renal 180 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS function, Anoxia, Acidosis and Glycosuria. * Common problem associated with maternal DM include --- Caudal Regression $. Transposition of Great vessels. Duodenal Atresia. Small left Colon. Anencephaly. Neural tube defect. * Respridone is Dopamine and Serotonin Antagonist -------- can cause wt gain, prolactenemia ÷ Amenorrhea and Galactorrhea. * DX of Meckels Diverticulum is best made by Technetium - 99m Pertechnetate Scaning (uptake by hetreotrophic gastric mucosae) * Meckels Diverticulum ÷ Pain less malena in 2 - 3 yrs old. It is MC anomaly of GI tract (2 - 3 % of population) * Epiglotitis -- fever sore throat, dysphagia (drooling) Difficulty respiration. TX -- Immediate Nasotracheal Intubation. vs. * Croups (parainfluenza virus) -- fever, stridor, barking cough, difficulty respiration but no drooling. TX -- Nebulized Epinephrine. * Growing Pain is common in children b/w age 2 - 12 yrs usually in legs specially in night -- Give Reassurance and Observation. * Neonate with Bloody Diarrhea + Eosinophils + Family Hx of Atopic disorder (eg. allergy or asthma) ----- think Milk Protein Intolerance. It is due to cow milk but if neonate is on breast milk think Ingestion of cow milk by mother. v v v imp. * Strangers Anxiety ---- 12 - 15 months. * Wiscott Aldrich $ --- Thrombocytopenia + Eczema + Recurrent Bacterial Infection. (Thrombocytopenia is due to impaired production) vs. * Thrombocytopenia due to Inc Activation and consumption think DIC, TTP, HUS. vs. * Platelet Ab induced thrombocytopenia ---- think ITP (show splenomegaly) v imp. * Respiratory Syncytial viral infection occur in winter, It may Inc the risk of Asthma later life. * Hydroxyurea is indicated in Sickle Cell dis pt with frequent Acute pain crisis. vs. Blood transfusion is given only in Acute Aplastic crisis (sp in pregnancy, stroke and chest $ etc) * VIT A has been shown reduced morbidity and mortality in pt with measles. * Kawasaki dis (vasculitis) presents with prolong fever (for weeks or more), conjunctivitis, extremity edema, cervical lymphadenopthy, Erythmatous Oropharynx, Rash on back, fissured lip, strawberry tongue. v v imp. * Scarlet $ have similar presentation as Kawasaki dis but fever is typically resolves in 3 - 5 days and rash has sand paper like texture. * Coronary artery Aneurysm is most serious complication of Kawasaki dis. This is the only time Aspirin is used in children. * Vaso occlusive Sickle Cell crisis can result into Osteonecrosis. * Children with Family Hx of cholesterol level > 240 mg / dL or risk factor for Coronary artery dis should get early screening test for Total cholesterol level. If result shows cholesterol > 200 mg/dL indicate Fasting Lipid Profile. * RTA in infant can presents as Failure to thrive. Child show normal Anion Metabolic Acidosis while Urine pH is Alkalotic. * In Post Strep GN ---------- 1. Renal Function return to normal in 1 - 2 week. 2. ASO return to normal in 3 - 4 weeks 3. Hypocomplementenemia resolves in 2 - 3 month. 4. Hematuria persist for 6 months. 5. Proteinuria resolves very slowly. (15% cases resoles by 3 yrs). * Septic joint in child is Surgical Emergency which need immediate U/S guided surgical drainage. A delay of even 4 - 6 hrs can lead to Avascular necrosis of femoral head. MCC is Staph Aureus. 3rd generation of Cephalosporin + Nafcillin is started too. XRAYs are often normal. 181 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Thymus of infant on CXR with straight inferior border usually appear on the right side and called "Sail Sign". It is normal finding until 2 yrs of age. * Severe cough paroxysm may result in subcutaneous Emphysema (air leak from chest wall into subcutaneous tissue) --- 1st step immediate CXR to rule out pneumothorax (because Pneumothorax can cause subcutaneous emphysema by same process). * In Child Solo VSD is not a Cyanotic dis and mostly resolves on its own. Failure to resolve results into Eisenmenger $. * ASD is the only heart condition that does not cause Endocarditis. * Eisenmenger $ --- L to R shunt reveres to become R to L shunt ÷ Irreversible Pulmonary HTN and cyanosis. (condition is occur in uncorrected VSD, ASD, PDA, later in life) * Anti smith Ab and Anti double stranded Ab are confirmatory test in SLE. * Recommend Exclusive Breast Feeding till 6 month, than introduce solid food with continuous breast feed till 1 yr. Protein in human milk is 70% whey and 30 % casein. Protein contents are high at birth and dec by 1 month that is why it is easily digestible & help improving gastric emptying. * Cepahlohematoma is Subperiosteal hemorrhage and present few hrs after birth as scalp swelling that do not cross suture line. Resolve in 2 - 3 months. * Caput Succedaneum is diffuse swelling of scalp. It crosses the suture line. DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN : +1 yr old Child says mama, dada and one other word. 15 month old Child says mama, dada and 3 other words. 18 month Old Child says 5 - 20 words. + 2 yrs old Child have vocabulary of 150 - 300 words and able to combine the word into short sentences "me do it". Half may be understandable to stranger. + Language development ------- Social smile 2 month. Babbles at 6 months. Obey one step command at 1 yr. Obey 2 step command at 2 yr. + Gross motor development ---- Roll back to front & front to back at 4 mon. Sit unsupported at 6 mon. Walk alone at 1 yr. walk up & down stair at 2 yr. + Fine motor development ------ Rick grasp at 6 mon. Throw object at 1 yrs. Build tower of 2 block at 15 mon. Build tower of 6 blocks at 2 yrs. + Social development ------------- Recognize parent at 2 mon. Recognize stranger at (stranger anxiety) at 6 mon. Initiate action "come when called" at 1 yr. Play with other children at 18 mon. Parallel play at 2 yrs. * Sickle Cell Anemia can cause Childhood stroke. * Foreign Object (batteries etc) lodged in the esophagus should be removed immediately under endoscopic guidance to prevent mucosal damage & ulceration. Foreign Object distal to Esophagus pass eventually in most cases only observation with stool examination is needed. * Pt with Chronic Hemolytic anemia of any reason presents with dyspnea, fatigue and generalized weakness with out any infection -- think Folic acid def. these pt need Folic acid more than usual. * Major complication of Repeated Vasicourethral Reflux (VUR) is Renal scarring which may results into Renal failure and HTN and children. * All the Pediatric pt age 2 - 24 months of age with first UTI should under go VCUG or Radionuclide Cystogram to detect the presence of VUR. v imp. * Childhood obesity is the risk factor of childhood type II DM . (not the type I DM) * Esodeviation of eye (ie. is medial deviation) is the MC type of Strabismus in a child. Cover test is imp tool to detect Strabismus. TX -- Initial tx is Occlusion 182 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS therapy by covering the good eye with patch. v v imp. * Strabismus can lead to Amblyopia (dec in acuity in one or both eye. "poor vision in lazy eye"). * Mechanical Ventilation is indicated in severe asthma exacerbation that is non responsive to medication. * Brodetella Pertusis cause whooping cough that can last upto 2 weeks. Coughing spells are so severe that Rectal prolapse and pneumothorax may occur. * Watch for WaterHouse Friedrichson $ in infant with meningococcemia, because it can cause sudden vasomotor collapse due to Adrenal hemorrhage and resultant death. * Howell jolly bodies appear in blood when spleen is afunctional, as in later stage of sickle cell dis by age 8 or more. * Helmet cell suggest DIC, TTP, HUS. These are fragmented RBCs. * Heinz bodies are aggregate of denatured Hb in G6PD def and Thalasemia. Bite cells are also present when spleen try to remove them out of circulation. * Basophilic stippling are Ribosomal precipitate that seen in Thalasemia and Heavy metal poisoning. * Neuroblastoma is the 3rd MC cancer in pediatric age group. This tumor arise form the Neural crest cells of Adrenal medulla. Serum catecholamine and its metabolites are elevated (Inc HVA, Inc VMA) * Acquired Torticollis is relatively common in children. Causes are URT infection, minor trauma, Cervical Lymphadenitis & Retropharyngeal abscess ---- best next step in management is Cervical spine Radiograph to find out the cause. * TORCH inf (Toxo, Rubella, CMV, HSV, Syphilis) cause $ characterized by Microcephaly, Hepatosplenomegaly, deafness, chorioretinitis & thrombocytopenia. * Pt with 36 weeks gestation and U/S shows Fetal Microcephaly ---- think Torch infection. It could be preventable with proper prenatal tx and MMR vaccine. * Congenital Rubella $ include Sensory neuronal hearing loss and "Blue berry Muffin" appearance rash. * Standard prenatal care for high risk women include Screening for Syphilis, chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV, Rubella and HBV. * Neonate Polycythemia (hct > 65%) is manifest as Lethargy, irritability, seizures, Respiratory distress, tachypnea, cyanosis and poor feeding. MCC of Neonatal polycythemia is delayed claming of umbilical cord which allow transfer of placenta blood to fetus. (In neonate the peak hct occur with in 12 hrs which dec over next 12 hrs) * Preterm neonate with | gastric residue --- highly suspicion for Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Occur usually 3 10 days after birth due to perinatal Asphyxia. Think Necrotizing enterocollitis in infant with ARD$ (hayaline mem dis). v imp. * Short attention span, impulsitivity and hyper reactivity for > 6 months ------------ ADHD * Learning disorder is suspected when learning achievement in special areas are blow expectations for pts age and intelligence. such as problem with reading, writing, maths. It can be associated with ADHD and Conduct disorder. * Conduct disorder is presents in late childhood or adolescence ÷ aggressive, property destruction, theft and Deceitfulness. It is associated with ADHD. * Oppositional Defiant disorder presents in adolescence as negativistic hostile and defiant behavior ÷ argument, temper, out burst & deliberate annoyance. * Meningitis in a child may results in hearing loss, loss of cognitive function, seizures, mental retardation and spasticity or paresis. * Umbilical hernia that persist to the age of 3 - 4 yrs and exceeds 2 cm in diameter ------- advise surgery. (most umbilical hernia disappear by 1 yr of age) * Contraindication to breast feeding -- Active drug abuse, TB & HIV. Other contraincations are neonate with Galactosemia, Phenylketonuria, urea cycle defect, Radioactive isotopes, Antimetabolite, Chemotherapy and HSV infection on the breast. vs. Tobacco use, Alcohol use, HCV inf, mastitis are not contraindicated to breast feeding. * In Infant contaminated food with C botulinum produce SXs. vs. In Adult Ingested toxin of C botulinum lead to symptomatic dis. * Vit D def in Rickets ÷ Craniotabes (softening / thining of skull), Rachitic Rosary (beading of ribs), Harrison groove, Large Ant fontanelle, Thickening of lower end of the long bones (Defective mineralization of growing bones & Osteoids) * Herpangina (Coxackie A) ÷ ulcerative lesion of palate, tonsils and pharynx along with high fever. When lesion appear on palm & sole called Hand foot & mouth dis. * Gastroischesis -- 1st step immediate wrap the exposed bowel with Sterile saline dressing & cover with plastic wrap to prevent insensible heat and large fluid loss. 2nd step Orogastric tube to decompress the stomach, establish, peripheral IV access and broad spectrum Antibiotics. 3rd surgery. (looking for Associated anomalies is not routinely required in Gastroischesis Instead it is done in pt with Omphalocele) . * Osteogenesis imperfecta ------- mutation in type I collagen. * Marfan $ ------ mutation in fibrillin gene. * Edward $ (trisomy 18) --- overlapping finger, Rocker bottom feet, prominent occiput, microcepahaly, microganthia and VSD. * Patau $ (trisomy 13) --- Cleft lip, polydactyly, hypotelorism, micro ophthalmia, cerebral malformation, small skull, congenital anomalies. * Leukocyte adhesion defect ÷ delayed umbilical cord separation, recurrent bacterial infection, Necrotic priodontal infection. (NBT is normal) * In Defective IC killing there is impaired oxidative bust with in phagocytes and + ve Nitro blue Tetrazolium test (NBT) is characteristic. * Fragile X $ (Inc no of CGG trinucleotide repeat due to mutation in FMR gene) -- Language disability, short attention span, Autism, large head, prominent jaw, large ear, macroorchidism. * Struge weber $ (Neurocutaneous $) --- Congenital cavernous hemangioma along with trigeminal nerve distribution and seizures. other manifestation are hemianopia, hemiparesis, hemisensory distribution and Ipsilateral glaucoma. Skull xray show tram line intracranial calcification. * Marfan $ (mutation of fibrillin gene, FBN1 gene) -- Tall stature, arachinodactyly, hypermobil joint, hyperelastic skin, ectopia lentis, aortic root dilation. * Ehler Donlos $ (disorder of collagen structure) -- hypermobil joints, easy bruising, poor wound healing, hyperelastic skin, organ rupture. * Friedreich Ataxia is MC type of spinocerebellar ataxia in children ÷ Ataxia with dysarthria, scoliosis, feet deformity (hammer foot). Concentric 183 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS cardiomyopathy is the MCC of death and respiratory complication. v v imp. * Turner $ -- high incidence of coarctation of aorta and bicuspid valve. * Vaginal foreign body should be suspected in children with purulent foul smelling vaginal discharge. External genitalia should be examine as well as vaginal introitus. Irrigation with warn water should be performed to flush out the foreign body. If needed nasal speculum may be used to inspect vagina. * Suspect Choanal Atresia (MC nasal malformation) in infant with cyanosis that aggravate by feeding and relieved by cry ----- 1st step is placing an Oral airway and lavage feeding tube. imp. * Transposition of great vessel is the MC cyanotic heart dis which presents with cyanosis with in 24 hrs of birth seen commonly in infant form Diabetic mom. * Tetralogy of fellot (TOF) presents cyanosis few yrs after birth. * Child with headache and focal neurologic Sxs (hemiparesis etc) after Acute otitis media or Sinusitis --- Think Brain Abscess. CT scan / MRI show ring enhancing lesion. * Adolescent onset of hirsuitism, virilism, Inc 17 hydroxyprogesterone + Normal menses ------------- think Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia. * Vascular Ring can compress the trachea and lead to Stridor, wheezing and shortness of breath. Extension of neck may provide some relief. They often misdiagnosed as Reactive Airway dis. TX is surgery. * Iron Poisoning ÷ nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, GI bleeding and Metabolic acidosis. * Acute lead poisoning ÷ Vomiting , Ataxia, colicky pain, irritability, seizures, encephalopathy and cerebral edema. * Conotruncal Abnormalities (truncus arteriosus, TOF, Interrupted Aortic arch) are associated with CATCH - 22 $, Digeorge $. * Supraventricular Aortic Stenosis ----------- William $ * Coronary Artery Aneurysm ------ Kawasaki dis. * Atrial septal defect and Endocardial cushsion defect ----- Down $. * Every case of White reflex (leukocoria) in eye is considered as Ratinoblastoma until proven other wise ----- Best next step refer to Ophthalmologist. * Intussusception --- U/S show targetoid mass. No peritoneal signs -------- Best diagnostic test is Aircontrast anemia which is therapeutic too. v v imp. * Gram + ve rod (listeria and bacillus). Gram - ve rods (pseudomonas, hemophillus, klebsiella and Legionella) * Pneumonia in Cystic fibrosis ----- is commonly due to Pseudomonas, hemophillus and Staph organism. * Preseptal Cellulitis is the soft tissue infection anterior to the orbital septum caused by continuous spread of infection ÷ eye swelling, tenderness, erythema and discoloration. vs. * Presence of dec eye movement, dec visual acuity, proptosis or double vision are more suggestive of Orbital Cellulitis. * Galactose - 1 - ph Uridyl transferase def is sever condition that can lead to shock if left untreated. It presents as vomiting, diarrhea, hepatosplenomegaly, cataract, mental retardation and hypoglycemia. vs. * Galactokinase def is milder condition generally present with cataract if left untreated. * Criteria of Kawasaki dis ----- Fever for > 5 days along with 4 of the following. 1. Bulbar conjunctival injection. 2. Erythema, fissuring / crusting of lips, strawberry tongue, diffuse mucosal infection. 3. Desquamation of the finger and toe tips, Indurative edema. 4.Morbilliform truncal Exhanthem. 5. Cervical lymphadenopathy. * Kawasaki disease can be fatal due to Giant Aneurysm formation, thrombosis or rupture of coronary artery ÷ MI. Echocardiogram must be done with in 7 days and repeat after 6 - 8 weeks. TX -- Hospitalize pt and immediately give IV immunoglobulin along with High dose Aspirin. (if left untreated 25% will develop coronary artery Aneurysm). * Meconium Aspiration CXR show flattening of Diaphragm (due to hyperinflation), Coarse streaking, Bilateral patchy opacities. Complications include Pneumothroax, infection, Pul HTN, Residual Lung problem, Permanent neurologic impairment due to hypoxia. * Pyloric Stenosis is Dx with Abdominal U/S. * Friedreich Ataxia --- MRI show marked Atrophy of cervical spinal cord and cerebellar ataxia. (most pts die by the age 30 - 35) * Jaundice on 1st day of life ----- think Erythroblastosis fetalis, concealed hemorrhage, sepsis or congenital infection.. * Jaundice on 2 - 3rd day of life ----- physiologic. * Jaundice b/w 3 - 7th day with lethargy ----- sepsis, UTI. Workup with blood culture and lumbar puncture. * Prolong Jaundice with no other Sxs ------ Breast milk and Breast feed jaundice. * Posterior Urethral valve is the MCC of Congenital Urethral obstruction ÷ distended bladder and low urine out put. * Myotonic Muscle dystrophy is Autosomal dominant disorder ÷ muscle wasting, atrophy of thenar and hypothenar eminence, testicular atrophy, delayed muscle relaxation "inability to release hand after hand shake". All type of muscles are involved. + ve Grover sign, winged scapula, Frontal baldness, endocrine problems etc. * Lyme dis --- Stage 1 tx is Doxicycline (for 21 days) in adult and children > 9 yrs of age. or Amoxicillin in children < 9 yrs of age (for 21 days). Stage 3 (Neuro / Cardiac) tx is ceftriaxone or Penecillin for 14 - 21 days.. * If finger stick blood show Inc lead level do serum lead level first. remove the child from source is very imp. Normal blood lead level is < 10 µg / dL. * If lead level is < 20 µg /dL repeat the serum test again in 1 month. * Chelation therapy is start when blood Lead level is > 45 µg /dL. 184 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * 2nd MC infratentorial tumor is Medulloblastoma arise form Vermis ÷ cerebellar Sxs (posterior vermis $) * MCC of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia is 21 - hydroxylase def ÷ | 17 o hydroxyprogesterone level, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia (even if pt is vomiting), hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, virilization. * By 1st Birthday child should triple his birth wt and Inc height by 50 5. * Painless hematuria is the MC presentation of Sickle cell trait. Pts Hb electrophoresis shows HbS around 40%. * Congenital Rubella $ -- Sensorineuronal deafness, Cardiac defect (ASD, PDA) and Cataract. * Tuberous sclerosis often presents with cluster of brief symmetrical contraction or neck, trunk and extremities in 1st yr of life called "Infantile spasm" It show unique Hypsarrythmic pattern on EEG. CT shows cortical tubers and hypopigmented "Ash leaf" spots on skin. * Best drug of choice to control Infantile spasm is ACTH. v v imp. * Congenital Toxoplasmosis -- Chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, Intracranial calcification and seizures. * 3 yrs old child not interested and not cooperating in potty training ---- next step stop potty training attempts for few months. * Down $ pt more likely to develop Duodenal Atresia, Hirschsprung dis, Endocardial cushion defect and Acute leukemia. * Turner $ some time appear with 46 XY. This type is associated with | incidence of gonado blastoma for this reason Prophylactic Bilateral Gonadectomy is indicated. v v imp. * Inflamed tympanic mem with diminish mobility and mem insufflation are the hall mark of Otitis media. * 4 Criteria to rule out septic arthritis from transient synovitis in children include : +WBC count > 12000. +Temp > 102. +ESR > 40. +refuse to bear wt. If at least 3 of the Criteria met work up with septic arthritis by Aspiration of fluid. If criteria does not met rest and NSAIDs is indicated. v v v imp. * Marfan features + mental retardation + thromboembolic event + down ward dislocation of lens ----- think Homocysteinuria (cystathione synthase def). TX -- High dose Vit B 6. if that does not work restrict methionine by giving cysteine. v v imp. Remember Marfan $ des not cause mental retardation or Thromboembolic event. * Fabrys dis (o galactosidase def with resultant accumulation of Sphinolipids) ÷ Angiokeratoma, peripheral neuropathy, asymptomatic corneal dystrophy, kidney, heart failure, thromoboembolic event. * Krabbe dis (| galactosidase def with resultant absence of myelin) ÷ mental retardation, blindness, deafness, paralysis, peripheral motor / sensory neuropathy, seizures. * Tay scahs (| hexoaminidase def with resultant accumulation of sphingolipids) ÷ metal retardation, blindness, cherry red macula, hyperacusis, weakness, seizures but pt does not have thromboembolic event. * Phenylketonuria (phenylalanine hydroxylase def with resultant accumulation of phenylalanine and phenyl ketones) ÷ Fair skin, blue eyes, metal retardation, eczema and musty body order. Neimann Pick dis (sphingomyelinase def with resultant accumulation of sphingolipids in Liver, spleen, bone marrow & brain) ÷ cherry red macula, protruding abdomen, hepatosplenomegaly, lympadenopathy, hypotonia. Remember Tay sachs cause hyperacusis & mental retardation but does not cause hepaosplenomegaly or cervical lymphadenpathy. * Gaucher Dis (lysosomal glucosidase def) ÷ easy bruiseability, bone pain, Erlenmeyer Flask deformity of distal femur on Xray. Wrinkled tissue paper appearance cells "Gaucher cells" on bone marrow biopsy. * Acute UTI in children is most commonly due to congenital vesicoureteral reflux (submucosal portion of the ureter b/w mucosae & detrusor is short or absent). It is present in 1% of new born. * Newborn Respiratory distress $ occur due to Surfactant def. Prematurity and Maternal DM are risk factors. Prolong Rupture of membrane, IUGR, HTN decreases the risk of Neonate respiratory distress $ (due to distress related Inc in glucocorticoids). * Microcytic anemia in child include --- Iron def anemia & thalasemia. Both can be distinguished by RDW. RDW > 20 % suggest Iron def. vs. normal RDW suggest Thalassemia. v v v imp. * Reticulocyte count is low in Iron def Anemia. * Bed wetting is normal phenomenon until age 5. * ADHD is diagnosed when inattentive, hyperactive, impulsive Sxs cause impairment in 2 different settings Sxs for > 6 month in < 7 yrs old child. 1st -- In order to meet criteria physician should obtain parents evaluation; and as well as Teachers evaluation for Sxs and impairment in school setting. * Vaccination schedule to preterm infant should be conformed to the Childs chronologic age. Exception is that should be 2 kg prior to receive that 1st HBV vaccine. * Severe anemia + absent Reticulocytes in pt with Sickle Cell dis suggest "Aplastic crisis". Transient arrest of Erythropoietin. Most likely Parvo V B 19. * Acute chest $ is the common complication Sickle cell dis ÷ chest pain, fever, new infiltrates on CXR. * Strep Pneumoniae is the MCC of Acute Sinusitis in childhood followed by H influenza and Moxerella. vs. Staph Aureus (or Anaerobes) are the agent of Chronic Sinusitis. v v imp * Thyroid dysgenesis (ie. Aplasia, Hypoplasia or Ectopic gland) is the MCC of congenital hypothyroidism in US. * Pt with Enuresis (bed wetting at night) --- 1st step urine analysis (to rule out infection or bleeding etc). 185 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS IVP is not indicated unless there is recurrent tract infection or hx or urinalysis suggest hematuria. * Retropharyngeal Abscess should be suspected in a child who has moderate fever, pharyngitis, dysphagia, neck stiffness, MUFFLED VOICE, Post pharyngeal buldge. It occur due to direct spread of infection from near by source. Common in 6 months - 6 yrs due to polymicrobes. * MCC of viral meningitis in children are nonpolio entero virus such as ECHO VIRUS & COXACKIE VIRUS. * Nocturnal Enuresis after 5 yrs of age should be tx with Desmopressin (DDAVP). 2nd line is Imipramine. * Bilious vomit in neonate with Double Bubble Sign -------------- suggest Duodenal atresia. * Bilious vomiting in neonate with Triple Bubble Sign ------------- Jejunal Atresia. * Intraventricular hemorrhage is most commonly seen in Premature Birth and low Birth wt ÷ pallor. hypotension, seizures, focal neurologic sign, bulging fontanelle, Apnea and bradycardia. It may be asymptomatic. DX -- dx with transFontanel U/S. * Fever + cervical lymphadenopathy in 7 yrs old ---- tx of choice is Doxicycline. ???? * Arteriovenous malformation is MCC of Subarachinoid hemorrhage in children. Hx of seizures, migraine like headache are characteristic. * Most Clavicular fracture during birth process are Greenstick and heal rapidly with out complication. TX is not required. * Most small ventricular septal defect close spontaneously -- Reassurance is all that required along the surveillance (EKG, ECHO) + Endocarditis Prophylaxis. * Guthrie test Quantitative (coloration) test which detect the presence of metabolic product of Phenylalanine in urine. * X - Linked Agammaglobinemia --- Normal T lymphocytes, dec B lymphocytes (CD19), Recurrent bacterial infection. TX -- regular infusion of IV immunoglobulin (IVIG). Live attenuated vaccines are generally contraindicated. * Pt with "tet spell" ---- put him on knee chest position to resolve cyanosis. Knee chest position Inc systemic vascular resistance ÷ Inc blood flow from RV to pulmonary circulation. v imp. * Rubella is characterized by low grade fever, lymphadenopathy (sub occipital and posterior auricular) and Erythematous and maculopapular rash that classically appear on face first than spread down to body. * Rash of Pellagra resemble "sunburn" ----- due to Vit B 3 niacin def (remember 3Ds) * Kartegners $ (primary ciliary dyskinesia) ÷ recurrent sinusitis, bronchiactasis, dextrocardia. * Laryngomalacia (congenital flaccid larynx) is the MCC of chronic inspiratory noise in infant. Laryngoscopy shows flaccidity of larynx that collapses during inspiration (epiglottis is rolled in from side to side). This Condition generally subsides by 18 month of age. But mother should be instructed to hold the child in upright position for 30 min after feeding and to never feed the child in lying position. imp. * Serum CK level is used to screen muscle dystrophies. vs. Biopsy confirms the dx. eg Duchene muscular dystrophy. * TX of brodetella purtusis (whooping cough + long inspiratory sound) ---- 1st line is Macrolides (tx is indicated regardless of the stage of dis). v imp. * Child with Sxs of Inc Intracranial P and fever ---- 1st step Antibiotics (ceftriaxone), 2nd step CT scan and 3rd step Lumbar puncture. * Isotonic Solution (0.9 % saline or Lactate ringer) is the fluid of choice for initial resuscitation in severe hypovolemia, hyponatremic child. * Premature Thelarche and Axillary hair --- suggest premature Adrenalarche. vs. Premature Pubarche (pubic hair) --- suggest CNS Origin problem in 50% cases. * Mild metatarsus adductus and Internal Tibial torsion correct spontaneously in 95% of cases --- Reassurance is all u need to give. Those who fail to resolve need orthosis or even cast. * Recurrent Infection of Lung and Bilateral Nasal Polyps in child ------------ must rule out Cystic fibrosis. imp. * Allergic Rhinitis usually presents in 2nd decade of life. * Conduct disorder occur < 18 yrs old. vs. Antisocial personality disorder occur > 18 yrs old. * Internal carotid artery dissection is the potential cause of stroke in children. Common hx is child fell with pensil or stick in his mouth with in 24 hours of onset of Sxs. * S3 is common normal finding in child and young adult. * Young child with Sickle cell dis and hand foot or mouth swelling ---- think veso occlusive dis "hand & Foot $". do not confuse with Hand foot & mouth dis. * 9 yrs old with Sickle cell dis + osteomyelitis --- think Slamonella (due to Asplenia). * Iron def Anemia is common in infant who drink solely cow milk. * < 1 yr old child with abdominal mass ---------- think Neuroblastoma. vs. * 2 - 5 yrs old child with abdominal mass and hematuria ---------- think Wilms tumor. * Wiscott Aldrich $ --- Eczema + Thrombocytopenia + recurrent infection. * Chediak Higashi $ --- Coagulopathy, Neutropenia (recurrent inf), Partial albinism, Cranial neuropathy, hepatosplenomegaly, Pancytopenia. DX -- Giant Lysosomes in Neutrophil will confirm the dx. dec Granulation, chemotaxis and granulopoeisis. TX -- daily TMP / SMX + Ascorbic acid. * Early Congenital Syphilis in newborn at birth ÷ hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, Anemia, rhinorrhea, cutaneous lesion on hand and feet. Periostitis on Xray. * Late Congenital Syphilis presents two yrs after birth ÷ Frontal bossing, high arched palate, Hutchinson teeth, interstitial keratitis, saddle nose, Perioral fissure. Late manifestation can be prevented with early tx. * Displaced Anterior Fat pad is Radiologic sign of Supracondylar fracture which may be complicated by Volkmanns Ischemic Contractures (ie. which is swelling of for arm soft tissue). 186 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * TX of Club foot should be immediately started by Stretching manipulation, taping and malleable splint. If that fail than surgery is indicated at 3 - 6 mon of age. * Recurrent Hemarthrosis in pt with Coagulopathy ÷ Hemophiliac Arthropathy (ie. hemosiderin deposit & fibrosis due to recurrent hemorrhage in joint) * Neonatal Abstinence $ occur in 1st few days of life (due to Heroin withdrawal) ÷ poor sleep, high pitch cry, tachypnea, sweating tremer, sneezing, diarrhea, vomiting. * Prenatal Cocaine exposure ÷ jitteriness, excessive sucking, hyperactive Moro reflex. * Transient Hypogamaglobulinemia ÷ dec IgG, normal IgA & variable IgM. Level normalized by age 6 - 11 month. * Tx of Chlamydial conjunctivitis (occur in 5 - 14 days of life) is Oral Erythromycin (because pt will develop pneumonia later if topical erythromycin is used). * Thalassemia -- RDW is normal (< 20%). MCHC, TIBC & Ferritin level is typically normal. vs. (Iron def anemia -- RDW is > 20%). * Simple Partial Seizures ------- no loss of consciousness. vs. * Complex partial seizures ------ * Erythema Toxicum ---- Benign self limited condition of the new born characterized by Rash with halos and Esosinophils in lesion * Milia is small pearly white cyst. * TX of choice in Impetigo ------- Topical Mupirocin or oral Erythromycin. v imp. * Anabolic Steroids ÷ Acne, Baldness, Gynecomastia, virilization, testicular failure, mood and behavioral changes (aggressiveness). v v v imp. * Early neonate care : 1st Initial assessment. 2nd Removal of Airway secretion. 3rd Drying the infant & keeping him warm. 4th Silver Nitrate Solution in eyes & Vit K. * Rota Virus is MCC of diarrhea from 6 months - 2 yrs of age. * Recommendation for Healthy Child who is about to join preschool is VISION screening. * CDC recommend Rota Virus vaccine only b/w 2 - 8 month of age. (no vaccine before 2 or after 8 month of age) * Unilateral Flank mass in child > 3 yrs old ----- think Wilms tumor (arise from Metanephros). * GERD in Infant ---- Child regurgitate food shortly after feeding some time with bloody streak. Confirmatory test is 24 hr Esophageal pH monitoring. * Chronic Pyelonephritis is characterized by Focal Parenchymal scarring and Blunting of Calices on IVP. (Common in Vesicoureteral Reflux) * Hyper IgM $ ---- Inc IgM , def of IgG and IgA, Poor specific Ab response to immunization, Neutropenia ÷ Sinopulmonary Infection and PCP pneumoniae. * Measles (Robeola) -- Bluish white lesion on erythmatous buccal mucosae. It is reportable dis. vs. * Rubella ------- Rash starts from face and move toward body. * Osteogenesis Imperfecta type II may results in Fetal demise, In utero fracture and Growth retardation. * For Pertusis prevention give erythromycin for 14 days to all house hold contacts, if one mem of house is sick with pertusis. imp * Neonate with meningitis and Petechial Rash -------------- Think Meningiococcemia. * Neonate who chokes and cough with first feed ------------- Think Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal fistula ÷ Pneumoniae, Atelactasis. * Nocturnal Vulvar Itching suspect pin worm. Do Scotch tape test and treat with Mebendazole. * Down $ child with UMN lesion signs and other neurologic and Autonomic signs ------- Suspect Atlantoaxial Instability due to excessive laxity in posterior transverse ligament. * Neonate with jaundice and light color stool think Biliary Atresia and Investigate it. * Neonate who are small for their gestational age are at risk of complication of Hypoxia, Polycythemia, hypoglycemia, hypothermia & hypocalcemia. * Osgood Schlatter dis is traction apophysitis of tibial Tubercle. * Patellar tendonitis occur due to repetitive jumping and kicking. Point of tenderness is at Inferior Pole of patella. * Patellofemoral Stress $ seen in runners with Ant knee pain "pain upon descending step" * Prepetellar Bursitis occur due to Chronic Irritation of Ant knee. Pain on direct pressure and superficial swelling of patella. * Group B strep is the MCC of neonatal sepsis in first week of life ÷ Meningitis. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBGYN UW * Over flow Incontinence is the transient side effect of Epidural Anesthesia. Best tx is intermittent catheterization. (pt fail to sense full bladder & unable to void) * Urethropexy is indicated in Stress Incontinence ( leak of urine due to Inc abdominal pressure). * Risk factor for Abruptio placenta include Maternal trauma, Chronic HTN, Smoking, External cephalic version. * Risk factor for uterine rupture include Multiparity, Advanced maternal age, Previous C section, Myomectomy. * Risk factor for Cervical insufficiency include Gynecologic surgeries, sp Cervical loop Electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), Cone Biopsy, DES, Multiple gestation, Hx of 2nd trimester loss. * Transvaginal U/S is Gold Standard to evaluate cervix for Incompetence in pregnancy. Cervix < 10 percentile for gestational age consider Short cervix. Normal cervix length is 35 - 40 mm at 14 - 22 gestation and 35 mm at 24 - 28 week gestation. * Ideal Range of Maternal Fasting Glucose is b/w 75 - 90 mg / dL. Gestational Diabetes --- 1st control with diet, if fail than Insulin. * Maternal DM is the risk factor for --- Miscarriage, Macrosomia, Inflammation, Preterm Birth, Pyelonephritis, Preeclampsia, Meconium aspiration, Still birth, hypocalcemia, Cardiomyopathy, CHF, Hyperviscosity due to Polycythemia (due to Inc basal metabolic rate). 187 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Premature Rupture of mem + Maternal fever + Leukocytosis (>15000) with uterine tenderness and Tachycardia (>100 b/m) --- Think intra Amniotic infection. (fetal tachy cardia > 160 b /min is also the feature of Chorioamnionitis). * Chorioamnionitis tx -------- Give Antibiotics, Expedite delivery (oxytocin may be used) if pt is near term or having Regular contractions. * Transabdominal U/S can not be reliably visualize Intrauterine gestational Sac when Beta hCG is < 6500 IU /L. Best test is Transvaginal U/S which is more accurate and can demonstrate Intrauterine gestational sac when beta hCG is as low as 1500 IU /L. It can also detect Ectopic pregnancy. * Most menstrual cycles in 1st 2 yrs following menarche are Anovulatory due to failure to produce Gonadotropin (FSH, LH). These cycles are typically irregular and may complicate by menorrhagia. * No contraception while nursing is not reliable method of contraception ------------- So if pt is nursing and ask for contraceptive to prevent pregnancy give Progestin Only OCPs. Other methods are barrier method Uterine devices and sterilization. * 16 yrs old Girl with Primary Amenorrhea + Absence of Secondary sexual characteristics ----- if there is no breast, Investigate it by Ordering FSH; If FSH is low --- it indicates Central Problem now order GnRH test. vs. If FSH is high --- suspect peripheral origin. now Indicated Karyotyping. * 16 yrs old girl with Primary Amenorrhea + well develop secondary sexual characteristics ----- It is Isolated Amenorrhea, give Reassurance and wait. * Inevitable Abortion (cervix is dilated and effaced) ---- Suction curettage is the tx of choice + Anti D Ig to all Rh - ve mothers. * Antibodies to ABO Ag belongs to IgM class and does not cross placenta. * Sever Preeclampsia is B > 160 / 110 mmHg + at least one of the following. 1. Oliguria (< 500 ml /24hrs). 2. Altered consciousness, headache, Scotomata, blurred vision. 3. Pulmonary edema, cyanosis. 4. Epigastric or RUQ pain (due to stretching of hepatic capsule). 5. Significant thrombocytopenia. 6. Microangiopathic Hemolysis. 7. Altered Liver Function. 8. Inc Creatinine. 9. IUGR or Oligohydramnios. * Premenopausal women with menstrual irregularities + simple or complex hyperplasia with out Atypia on Endometrial biopsy --- Tx with cyclic Progesterone for 3 - 6 month and than repeat Biopsy. * First Step in Evaluating Infertility is Detailed Hx and physical exam; 2nd step is Mid Luteal phase serum progesterone level (> 10 ng /mL indicates Ovulation occured). * Missed Abortion (dead retained complete product and closed cervix) -- Most appropriate tx is removal of product by dilatation and curettage. or Medically with Misoprostol of Mefipristone and expectantly by simple monitoring to ensure that product of concept eliminate naturally. * Chorionic Villous sampling is the best test for the detection of fetal chromosomal abnormality in 1st trimester. It is typically perform during 10 - 12 weeks of gestation for early detection. Procedure before 10 week Inc the risk of distal limb reduction or fetal death. So gestational age is most imp influential factor to reduce the risk of limb reduction or fetal death. * Trichomonal vaginal inf -- gray discharge, pruritic, dyspareunia -- Wet Mount reveal pear shape motile organism. TX -- Metronidazole for both partners. * Fetal head compression (cause vagal response) ÷ Early deceleration These deceleration are seen in active labor with 5 cm or more dilation. * Umbilical Cord compression cause Variable deceleration. * Uteroplacental Insufficiency ÷ Fetal hypoxia ÷ Fetal acidosis ÷ Late deceleration. * Abdominal Circumference is the most effective parameter for estimating fetal wt with U/S. * Head to Abdomen Circumference Ratio is used to differentiate symmetric from Asymmetric fetal growth Restriction by U/S. * Galactorrhea ------- can be white, clear, brown, yellow or green ------- Nest step is check serum PL and TSH if pt is not pregnant. * Threaten Abortion (hemorrhage with alive fetus and closed cervix) ------ Reassurance and out pt follow up is the standard care of threaten Abortion. Advice bed rest, Abstaining form sexual intercourse and Repeat U/S one week later. * LOW GRADE SQUAMOUS INTRAEPITHELIAL LESION (LSIL) OR MILD DYSPLASIA OR CIN I on PAP SMEAR --- Management is according to age. ADOLESCENT ---------------------- Repeat Pap in 12 months. PREMENOPAUSAL WOMEN -------------- do Colposcopy. POST MENOPAUSAL WOMEN ----------- do Reflex HPV testing -- If + ve than do Colposcopy. * Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade I (CIN I) : Manage according to type CIN I preceded by Low Grade Abnormality (ASC - US, ASC - H, LSIL) ------ Repeat Cytology in 12 months; If still Abnormal after 24 months Indicate Diagnostic Excisional Procedure. CIN I preceded by High Grade Abnormality (HSIL, AGC - NOS) ------ Immediate diagnostic Excisional procedure (in post child bearing age) or Closed Clinical follow up if women planning future pregnancy. * CIN I with low Grade lesion in the low risk pt ------------ do annual Pap smear. * Interstitial cystitis (Painful bladder $) is chronic condition that cause Pelvic pain. It worsen by bladder filling or Intercourse, accompanied by Urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia. Pain typically relived by voiding (palpation of Ant vaginal wall cause pain). vs. * Hypotension is another side effect of Epidural anesthesia due to redistribution of blood in lower extremities and venous pooling. * Dysmenorrhea + heavy menses + enlarged uterus ---- is classic for Utrine Fibroids. It is MC uterine benign tumor and MC indication of Hysterectomy. they are estrogen dependant often regress after menopause. 188 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pregnant women with severe vomiting --- Rule out gestational trophoblastic dis. Order serum | hCG level, if > 100000 do U/S. * Hyperemesis Gravidarum is severe form of vomiting during pregnancy occur b/w 4 - 10 weeks with wt loss and Ketonuria. Severe vomiting after 10 weeks which do not resolve by 20 weeks investigate it. * Depression of deep tendon reflexes is the early sign of Magnesium sulfate toxicity --- Stop Mg sulfate immediately and initiate Ca Gluconate. Mg sulfate toxicity Inc the risk of Respiratory and cardiac depression and CNS depression. * Hemolysis + elevated liver enz + low platelets in the presence of Preeclampsia is defined as HELLP $. RUQ pain is typical due to distention of hepatic Capsule (Glisson capsule). PT and aPTT both are normal. RBCs fragments are present. * HELLP $ Pt with < 34 weeks gestation ------ tx with corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity; and Induced deliver at 34 week. vs. * Pt with HELLP $ > 34 weeks gestation ------ Induced labor immediately. * The cause of Inc Incidence of UTI in women is due to short urethra. Following are the predisposing factor (not the cause of infection) such as close proximity of urethra to anus, sexual intercourse, spermicidal contraceptives, recent Antibiotic use. * Both General and spinal anesthesia and as well as sedatives reduces uterine activity if administer in the latent Phase ÷ Prolong labor. Prolong Latent Phase defined as --- labor exceeds > 20 hrs in primiperous and 14 hrs in multiperous . Hypotonic contractions are recognized by it less painful ness. * + ve Nucleic Acid Amplification of chlamydia and Gonorrhea in asymptomatic pt should be tx with single dose Azithromycin or course of doxicycline along with ceftriaxone (if Gonorrhea is + ve too other wise no need of Ceftriaxone). * Asymptomatic Bacteuria (> 100000 organism /mL) in pregnancy Inc the risk of cystitis, Pyelonephritis, preterm birth, prenatal mortality. E. Coli accounts for 70% of cases. TX is Nitrofurantoin (7 days course) or Amoxicillin or 1st generation cephalosporin. v imp. * Pt with Preterm (< 37 weeks) Premature Rupture of Mem who Group B strep status in unknown -- start prophylaxis with penicillin. Tx with Corticosteroid if gestation is < 32 weeks will + the risk of ARD$, Necrotizing Enterocollitis, Neonatal Intraventricular hemorrhage & neonatal death. 1st Stage ( Latent Phase Active phase 2nd Stage 3rd Stage Onset of labor ÷ 2 cm dilation ÷ 10 cm dilation ÷ Delivery of fetus ÷ Expulsion of placenta. * Group B strep prophylaxis Indication : 1. Delivery < 37 weeks. 2. Preterm Premature rupture of mem. 3. Group B strep status unknown. 4. Previous hx of group B strep Inf in neonate. * Fetal Hydantoin $ (occur due to maternal use of Anticonvulsant medication) ÷ small fetus, microcephaly, hypoplasia of fingers, Nail hypoplasia, hirsuitism, cleft palate and Rib abnormality. v imp. * Pt with bright red bleeding in pregnancy -------- 1st step Fluid resuscitation; 2nd step U/S to Rule out placental pathology. Vaginal exam is contraindicated. * Diabetic screening is performed b/w 24 - 28 weeks of gestation. Do as following. 1st -- 1 hr 50 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) ---------------------------- If Glucose is < 140 rule out Gestational Diabetes. 2nd -- If 1 hr 50 g OGTT is > 140 ÷ do 3 hr 100 g OGTT ---------------- If Glucose is > 140 confirm the dx of Gestational diabetes. * Gestation Diabetes is diagnosed when 2 or more of the following value are obtained during 3 hr OGTT. 1. Fasting Glucose Conc > 95 mg /dL. 2. 1 hr Glucose conc > 180 mg /dL. 3. 2 hr Glucose conc > 155 mg /dL. 4. 3 hr Glucose conc > 140 mg /dL. * Any young pt with breast Lump with out any obvious sign of malignancy ----- Ask her to return after her menstrual period for Re examination. * 16 yrs old with amenorrhea + well develop breast + axillary / pubic hairs + blind vaginal pouch + Karyo type 46XY ÷ Androgen Insensitivity $. Do Gonadectomy to avoid the risk of testicular carcinoma. * Pt with high fever + PID Sxs -- Hospitalized her & give Cefotetan + doxicycline. or Clindamycin + Gentamycin until culture results are available. vs. Pt with Low fever + PID Sxs -- out pt tx with Ceftriaxone + doxicycline. or Cefoxitin + probenecid + doxicycline. * Low grade fever (+/- chills) with Leukocytois during first 24 postpartum hrs along with vaginal bloody discharge --- It s common finding called LUCHIA RUBRA. Luchia is initially bloody with or without clot, than become serous and finally turn white to yellow in few days. --- Reassurance is all you need. Remember Luchia is not foul smelling and uterus is not tender. * Low dose of Anti D Ig most likely cause Anti D immunization; Quantitative test (Rosette test) must be done to measure fetal - maternal transfusion. If test is - ve give start dose of Anti D Ig; If test is + ve than evaluated the amount by using Kleihauer - Betke stain or Fetal Red Cell stain using flow cytometry; Now give correct Anti D Ig dose. * First dose of Anti D Ig is given at 28 week of gestation and 2nd dose after delivery. * Foul smelling thin gray white vaginal discharge, Wet mount show vaginal epithelium with adherent coccobacilli (Clue Cells); KOH added to Vaginal discharge produce fishy order (+ ve Whiff test); pH > 4.5 ÷ Bacterial Vaginosis. * Breech Presentation before 37 weeks -------------- no interventional do routine follow up. 189 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Breech presentation after 37 weeks -------------- First do external cephalic version; If that fails and Breech persist plan C - section. * Otosclerosis is the MCC of conductive hearing loss in adults in 20s and 30s. Bone conduction is greater than Air conduction (+ ve Rennie test) Stapes are fixed and sclerosed. * Malodorous Vaginal discharge with pruritis and inflammation. pH > 5.5 ---- Trichomonas. Non malodorous thick white Vaginal discharge. pH 4.0 - 4.5 -------------------- Candida. * Lichen Sclerosus most commonly effected postmenopausal women ÷ Porcelein white atrophy of vulva + pruritis, discomfort, dyspareunia, dyschezia. TX -- High Potency Topical steroids. But must do Punch biopsy to rule out Squamous cell carcinoma which presents with similar Sxs. * Estrogen cream is for Postmenopausal Atrophic vaginitis. * Systemic Steroids can cause Acneform eruptions characterized by monomorphous erythematous follicular papule. Open or closed comedones are absent. * Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism can results form strenuous excersize, Anorexia nervosa, marijuana use, starvation, stress, depression, chronic illness ÷ Inc risk of Osteoporosis. v v v imp. * MCC of dec fertility in women in 4th decade of life with normal menstrual cycle is age related dec in Ovarian reserves (Oocytes ageing). * Intense excersize can cause Amenorrhea. * MCC of Inc in maternal serum AFP (MSAFP) is gestational age error. * Maternal serum AFP is dec in Edward and Down $. Down $ ------- dec MSAFP, dec Estriol, Inc beta hCG, Inc Inhibin A level. Edward $ ----- dec MSAFP, dec Estriol, dec beta hCG, normal Inhibin A. * Inc MSAFP is seen in gestational age error (#1), Neural tube defect, abdominal wall defect, multiple gestation. * Granuloma Inguinale (donovaniosus) presents with painless ulcer with red beefy base with out adenopathy. v v v imp. * VDRL & PRP is used for screening whereas FTA - ABS is used for confirmation once VDRL or PRP is + ve. * Pt with Primary syphilis ---- do Dark field microscopy as first test to eliminate the chance of False - ve. * Causes of premature Ovarian failure are --- Chemotherapy, Radiation, Autoimmune ovarian failure, Turner $, Fragile X $. * Variable deceleration is non assuring. MCC is umbilical compression --- Most appropriate 1st step is O2 administration & change in maternal position. Persistent deceleration of < 70 b /min & of long duration (not responding to 1st step) pose risk of fetal hypoxia -- Now 2nd step is Trndelenburg Position. If Still not Responding (after 2nd step) than Amnioinfusion may be required. * Risk of developing Post partum Endometritis are --- Prolong rupture of mem, prolong labor. operative vaginal delivery, C- section. * Post Partum Endometritris is most commonly polymicribial ÷ fever, tender uterus foul smelling Lochia. TX -- IV Clidamycin and Gentamycin. * LEVONORGESTROL (PLAN B) is recommended emergency contraceptive upto 120 hrs after unprotected intercourse. But should warn a pt that pregnancy may still occur. * Ovulation can be induced in pt with PCOD with Clomiphene, as well as Metformin. (Clomiphene is estrogen analogue ÷ improve GnRh and FSH release) * All Pts with Inc FSH and Amenorrhea ----------------- next step is Karyo typing. v v v imp. * Carpel Tunnel $ --- 1st indicate Wrist splint and NSAIDs. If that fails than local injection of Corticosteroids. Last resort is Surgery decompression. Incidence of Carpel Tunnel $ Inc in pregnancy. * PL production is inhibited by dopamine and stimulated by TRH. Pt presents with Depressed Sxs, Amenorrhea, galactorrhea without visual problem. 1st Step is measure of TSH. v v v imp. * Fetal head contraction during uterine contraction ÷ Early deceleration which occur at same time as contraction. vs. Uteroplacental insufficiency during uterine contraction ÷ Late deceleration that occur after uterine contraction. * Radiation level used during most diagnostic exam are not associated with teratogenicity in fetus. * During pregnancy any women with cytologic specimen suggesting HSIL should undergo Colposcopy and Direct Biopsy. If Biopsy is - ve 2nd Biopsy is recommended 6 - 8 week after delivery. vs. LEEP excision is considered if there is Invasive Carcinoma. * Rho Gam is given to unsensitized Rh - ve women at 28 and with in 72 hrs of any procedure such as delivery Abortion and Ectopic pregnancy etc. * Hyperthyroidism and menopause Sxs can be similar; before taging pt with dx of Menopause check Pts serum TSH and FSH. v v v imp. * Primary dysmenorrhea occur due to Inc PG. NSAIDs and OCPs can be used to improve Sxs. * Pt with no fetal activity + No fetal heart sound on doppler ------ Nest step is do REAL TIME U/S to check absence of fetal movement & Cardiac activity. If Absent now declare Intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD). * 1st Episode of IUFD do autopsy on fetus and placenta with mothers permission. (its different is Kaplan ?) * IUFD on U/S ---------- do watch ful maternal Coagulation profile and induce to evacuate fetus and post delivery Rho gam. * Pt complain that fetus is not moving + Fetal heart sound are present on doppler ------ Following is the Step wise pattern to management 1st ------ Do NST; if + ve repeat it weekly in high risk pregnancies. 2nd ----- If NST is - ve; proceeds with Vibroacoustic stimulation. 3rd ------ If still - ve after Vibroacoustic stimulation do Biophysical Profile. * Raloxifene (SERM) ---- Antagonist on breast and vaginal tissue and Agonist on bone tissue. 1st line prevention of Osteoporosis & dec risk of breast cancer. It Inc the risk of thromboembolism, so cant be used in DVT and high risk pts. 190 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Tamoxifen (SERM) is estrogen antagonist on breast and bone but it is Agonist on endometrium. It is used in the prevention of beast cancer but it Inc the risk of Endometrial cancer. (tamoxifen has over all mortality benefit). * Ovulatory Phase ------------------------------------------------------------- cervical mucous is profuse, clear and thin. vs. Luteal Phase (mid and late) ---------------------------------------------- Cervical mucous is thin and inhospitable. vs. Early Follicular Phase (immediately following menses) ---------- Cervical mucous is thick, scant and Acidic and does not allow spermozoal penetration. * Laproscopy is Gold standard for the dx of Endometriosis . * Pt with Endometriosis are at Inc Risk of Infertility (30%). * Risk of Endometrial carcinoma include ------- prolong use of tamoxifen, obesity, Nulliparity & PCOD. * Risk of Breast cancer include ----- + ve Family Hx, BRCA 1 & 2 mutation or P53, early menarche, late menopause, ataxia talengiectasia. * SUDDEN ONSET OF HIRSUITISM IN PREGNANCY --- 1st Do physical exam and U/S than Manage according to following Findings. 1. No Ovarian Mass -------- do abdominal CT scan to rule out Adrenal mass. 2. Bilateral cystic mass ---- suggest Theca - Luteal cyst ----- now check high beta hCG state to rule out Trophoblastic dis. 3. Bilateral Solid mass ----- mostly Pregnancy Luteoma ----- Give reassurance only. 4. Unilateral Solid mass --- do laprotomy or laproscopic Biopsy to rule out malignancy. * Do immediate Induction of Delivery in pt with IUFD who develop serum fibrinogen level to low normal range to prevent DIC (eg 180 mg/dL; where normal is 150 - 450 mg/dL). * Physician can refuse to perform Elective Abortion for personal or professional reasons. Refer the pt to another physician who will perform the procedure. * Total Biophysical profile (BPP) score 8 - 10 consider normal and should be repeated once or twice in high risk pregnancies. BPP score < 4 ------------- do immediate delivery. BPP score of 4 with out oligohydramnios and fetal lung are mature ------ consider delivery. BPP score of 4 with Oligohydramnios and fetal lung are not mature ------ Give corticosteroid injection and repeat BPP in 24 hrs. BPP score 6 without oligohydramnios ----- do Contraction stress test (CST); If results are not reassuring indicate delivery. If results are suspicious repeat test next day. * Pregnant women who's immunization status is unknown ------- check for Rubella immunity (live vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy). * Rh - ve women should be rechecked for Rh (D) Ab test b/w 24 - 28 weeks of gestation. * Pt want lactation suppression after death of infant ---- Advise to wear tight lifting Bra, avoid nipple manipulation, Ice pack and Analgesic to relieve pain. (there is no other advise except this). * All pregnant women with no contraindication should be vaccinated for influenza. * All pregnant women should have their fasting blood glucose level checked b/w 24 - 28 weeks of gestation. * Serum Inhibin B level can be used to determine ovulatory reserve. It is dec in postmenopausal women. * Pt with normal menses and normal physical exam but complain for infertility ---------- do Hysterosalpinogram to check anatomic abnormality. * Fetal late deceleration is indication of emergent cesarean, regardless of gestational age & fetal prematurity even if cervix is dilated / effaced in latent stage. * DUB is refer to heavy vaginal bleed in the absence of structural or organic dis & is MCC of abnormal uterine bleeding. DUB often results from Anovulation. TX -- Mild DUB in young pt is --- Iron supplement. Moderate or Severe DUB in young pt -- give Heavy Estrogen dose. Pt >35 yrs old ---- Endometrial Biopsy is indicated. * Combination of OCPs are not associated with wt gain. vs. Mederoxyprogesterone is associated wit wt gain. * Risk Factor for Abruptio Placenta include Maternal HTN, Preeclampsia, placental abruption in previous pregnancy, trauma, rapid decompression of hydramnios, short umbilical cord, tobacco use or cocaine use and folate def. (U/S detect as few as 25% of placental abruption). * Pt with placental abruption in labor must be managed aggressively to ensure Rapid vaginal delivery. vs. C - Section is indicated when mother or fetus are unstable and are in Early Labor. * Best management of IUFD is delivery of fetus to reduce the risk of infection and coagulopathy. IUFD is defined as Intrauterine fetal death beyond 28 weeks of gestation. Option of procedure is depend on Fibrinogen level. At low normal level do emergency C - section. High low or High level indicate no emergency pt can spontaneously deliver the product, But you must explain Option and risk. * Anabolic Steroids cause Infertility ÷ dec GnRh, dec FSH, dec LH ÷ small testes. * All healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancy are encouraged to excersize for 30 mins. * Pt with Mullerian Agenesis have blind ended vaginal pouch, little or no uterus and 46XX genotype. v v v imp * Pt with Androgen sensitivity $ have external genitalia as female but there are no internal female organs. Genotype is 46XY. * Precocious puberty can be Central or peripheral. In Central FSH & LH are elevated, where as in Peripheral FSH and LH are dec. Pt with Central cause must received MRI / CT scan and as well as GnRH analogue. * For Stress Incontinence ------- Kegal excersize and Urethropexy are recommended tx. But always first Kegals exercize. * Urge Incontinence (detrusor hyperactivity) sudden urge to urinate ------------- tx with Oxybutynin. * Over flow Incontinence --------------- tx with alfa blocker or Bethanechol. * Metronidazole, Fluconazole, Azithromycin and Acyclovir are OK to use in pregnancy. 191 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * C - Section should be performed on women with active genital herpes who is in labor to prevent potential fatal illness in neonate. * Beta hCG normally double every 48 hrs. * Chronic Villous Sampling is performed during 10 - 12 weeks gestation. * Pregnant with > 12 weeks gestation + family hx of Down $ ------ Check 1st maternal serum AFP, If normal than do U/S to do confirm gestational age. * Adenomyosis is defined as presence of endometrial gland in uterine muscles, Invasion can extend to full thickness ÷ dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and enlarged soft symmetrical uterus. It occur usually in women > 40 yrs of age. If women is > 35 yrs old it is mandatory to perform endometrial curettage to rule out Endometrial carcinoma. (Remember Utrine Fibroids may produce same Sxs but uterus will be asymmetric and irregular shaped). * Penicillin is the Tx of choice for syphilis even in the pregnant allergic to penecillin -------- Do penicillin desensitization. * Cigarette smoking is the MC preventable cause of Fetal Growth Restriction in USA. * Granulosa cell produce Estrogen; its tumor ÷ precocious puberty. * Sertoli - Leydig cell produce Androgen; its tumor ÷ defeminization followed by musculinization. * Post term Pregnancies are at Inc risk of Oligohydramnios and it should be monitor twice weekly. v v v imp. * Pt in acute preterm labor but with any complication ---- Indicate Tocolysis and rest (along with corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity if needed) * Maternal Quadruple screen test for Down $ shows ---- Inc beta hCG, Inc Inhibin A, dec AFP, dec Estriole. * Asymptomatic Fetal Growth Restriction occur due to late exposure to maternal factors that impair optimal fetal growth. It is characterized by normal head size and reduced abdominal circumference. Typical causes are maternal HTN, smoking, hypoxia, vascular dis, toxic exposure. vs. * Symmetric Fetal Growth Restriction begin before 28 week gestation both head and body is deficient. Causes are chromosomal abnormality, Congenital infection, congenital anomaly. * MCC of excess post partum blood loss is Uterine Atony (uterus feel boggy and large) --- do bimanual uterine massage, Fluid resuscitation, Oxitocin (methylergonovine, or carboprost). Blood transfusion if needed. * By treating HIV pregnant women with Zidovudine through out pregnancy and labor and also treating newborn for the first 6 weeks of life will reduce the risk of HIV transmission by 70%. imp. * Radiation therapy is highly effective in Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of vagina. It is excellent alternative for pt who are poor surgical candidate. MCC Sxs of SCC of vagina is vaginal bleed and malodorous vaginal discharge. commonly occur after 60 yrs of age. Surgery is tx of choice for mass < 2 cm in size. * Acquired Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism as cause of Amenorrhea & Infertility occur in those with significant stress, eating disorder, excessive excersize. It shows dec serum FSH & LH serum PL and TSH is normal. TX with pulsatile GnRH therapy (to induce ovulation). * Post partum Breast Engorgement (tense, warm, tender) typically presents in 24 - 72 hrs after delivery it will peak by 3 - 5 days and resolves spontaneously. Pt may show mild fever (< 38.3°C). tx with NSAIDs. vs. Postpartum Mastitis is usually unilateral (tense, warm, tender, Erythematous) with fever > 38.3°C. v v imp. * Pt with Secondary Amenorrhea --------- 1st step pregnancy test. 2nd step PL and TSH. 3rd Estrogen status with progestin test. If Estrogen is adequate ---- rule out Ashermann $. vs. If Estrogen is low --------- do FSH level check. * Metformin is indicated in PCOD pt with impaired Glucose intolerance ------- It help prevent type 2 DM, improve obesity, hirsuitism, menstrual abnormalities and infertility. It is also Initial tx of choice in type 2 DM. * Screening for syphilis is strongly recommended regardless of risk factor or how religious the person is. (all means all pts no exceptions) * Pregnancy is associated with Inc thyroid binding globulin (TBG) ÷ Inc T4, Inc T3 and normal TSH. (free T4 and T3 are normal). v v v imp. * Transient or Late HTN of pregnancy appear in 2nd half of pregnancy or during labor it is not accompanied by proteinuria (< 300 mg/ 24 hrs). vs. In preeclampsia Protienuria is > 300 mg /24 hrs. * Inc in BP before 24 week gestation is either chronic HTN or Hydatidiform mole. * Missed abortion is the dead fetus that is still retained in the uterus. * Arrest disorder of Dilatation and Decent --- usual causes are Hypotonic contractions, Conduction Anesthesia, excessive sedation, Cephalopelvic disproportion and mal presentation. Arrest due to Mid Pelvic contraction is tx with C - section because IV Oxitocin will rupture the uterus in this case. * Zavanelli Maneuver is used as a last resort in shoulder dystocia. * Low back pain is very common in 3rd trimester due to Inc lumbarlordosis and relaxation of ligament supporting the joint of pelvic girdle. * Mullerian Inhibitory factor (produced by testes) inhibit formation of uterus, Fallopian tube and upper portion of vagina. For that reason for normal female development MIF should be absent. * Presence of MIF in person with Karyo type 46XX ÷ breast, short vagina (absent upper vagina, uterus and fallopian tube), Absent axillary & pubic hair. * Genital warts (Condylomata accuminata. HPV) cluster of pink lesion can be tx with Trichloroacetic Acid. or Podophylin. * Atypical Squamous Cell of Undetermine Significance (ASC - US) on Pap Smear ----- management is age dependant. 1. ASC - US on pap smear in Adolescent --------------------------- Repeat Pap in 12 months. 2. ASC - US on pap smear in Non Adolescent women ---------- do Reflex HPV testing; If + ve do Colposcopy. 192 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pregnant women should be screened with Group B strep colonization with Vaginal and Rectal culture b/w 35 - 37 weeks gestation. * Normal Amniotic Fluid Index is > 5 to < 25. * DES exposure ÷ Adenocarcinoma (Clear Cell Carcinoma) of vagina and cervix and uterine inflamation in off springs. * Sudden lower Quadrant pain radiate to groin or back + nausea and vomiting ----------- think Ovarian Torsion. vs. * Sudden lower quadrant pain in midcycle (does not radiate) ----------- most like Midcycle pain (mittleschmerz) * Renal Plasma Flow and GFR Increases in pregnancy and Inc in function gradually as pregnancy proceeds ÷ BUN / Cr will dec gradually. * Requirement for L - thyroxin Increases in pt who start taking Estrogen Replacement therapy and In pregnancy (because of Inc level of TBG and Inc vol of distribution of thyroid hormone). For that reason Pt should be monitor for 4 - 6 weeks for dose Adjustment. * Renal Calculi in Pregnancy ------- Abdominal & Pelvic U/S is the procedure of Choice. (IVP, CT scan & Shock lithotripsy is Contraindicated in Pregnancy). * A Menstrual Diary for at least 3 cycles is use ful for confirming the dx of PMS. Common Sxs are bloating, fatigue, headache, breast tenderness, anxiety, mood swing, difficulty conc, dec libido. Sxs usually begin 1 - 2 weeks prior to menses. * hCG hormone is secreted by Syncytiotrophoblast ÷ mainly preserve function of Corpus luteal during early pregnancy in order to maintain progesterone secretion until placenta is able to produce its own progesterone. * Initial Menstrual cycle are usually irregular due to immaturity of the developing Hypothalamic - pituitary - gonadal Axis that does not produce adequate proportion of hormone (ie. Insufficient GnRH with resultant dec FSH & LH) * TX of Vaginismus include Relaxation, Kegels Excersize & Insertion of an object with gradual Inc in size to encourage desensitization (success Rate 80%). Causes are Religious Strictness, Traumatic childhood. * OCPs are protective against Ovarian cysts & cancers, Endometrial cancer, Benign breast dis, dysmenorrhea. * OCPs side effects are ---- Vasothromboembolism, Cardiovascular event, Inc Triglycerides, Cholestasis or Cholicystitis, HTN, Mild resistance to Insulin (but does not cause Diabetes). * PSOD pt are at Inc risk of developing type II diabetes. * PSOD pt are infertile because of Anovulation or Oligoovulation sign of Androgen excess (Inc Testosterone ÷ male pattern hair growth, acne, ovarian cyst). * Kallmann $ --- Amenorrhea, Anosmia, def of GnRH ÷ no breast, no axillary pubic hair, Karyo type 46XX. * Klienfelter $ --- 47 XXY * Pt > 35 yrs of age with hx of heavy menses and intermenstrual bleeding + physical exam is normal ----- think DUB. Most appropriate next step is endometrial biopsy if pt is > 35 and HTN, DM or Obesity. * Bloody show due to Amniotomy + fetal signs are deteriorating + Maternal signs are stable -------- think Ruptured fetal Umbilical vessel. Next step Immediate Emergency C - section now (crash C - Section). * Idiopathic Central precocious puberty is managed with GnRH agonist in order to prevent premature fusion of Epiphyseal plates which would other wise will lead to short stature. * Pseudocyesis is rare psychiatric condition in which pt presents with nearly all signs and Sxs of pregnancy. However U/S reveal normal endometrial stripe and - ve pregnancy test. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychiatry UW * Conversion Disorder is characterized by sudden onset of Pseudoneurologic Sxs or deficit, involving sensory and motor deficit. Pt may be hysterical or strangely indifferent (la belle indifference) to their Sxs. vs. * In Factitious Disorder pt intentionally produce above Sxs because they enjoy sick role (pt has no intention for Secondary gain). * Lithium, Valproic acid and Carbamezapine are 1st line tx for mania and Bipolar disorder. * Donot share pt information with 3rd party unless pt consents and sign a legal document allowing to release such information. * Pt with Torettes $ are at Inc risk of developing ADHD and OCD. imp. * Atypical Antipsychotic such as Respiridone are considered 1st line for the pt with Acute Psychosis due to its low side effects (extrapyramidal side effects) * Psychosis is more common with Amphetamine use even though cocaine act same way. Amphetamine Intoxication -------- Pupil dilation, HTN, Tachycardia. * Amphetamine Withdrawal --------- depression, irritability, fatigue, Inc appetite, psychomotor disturbance. * Heroin Intoxication ------- Respiratory depression and Pin point pupil. * Heroin withdrawal -------- muscle spasm, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramp, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, sweating, HTN & dilated pupil. * Low dose TCA such as Imipramine or Desmopressin can be used to tx Enuresis in child.\ * Bupropione (Antidepressant) is Reuptake Inhibitor of EN, Dopamine and serotonin. It does not cause Sexual dysfunction. Contraindication to Bupropione is seizures disorder, eating disorder, concurrent Alcohol or benzodiazepine use (predisposes to seizures). * Delusion disorder is characterized by Isolated non bizarre delusion in an other wise highly functional individual (normal person). eg delusion of having dis. * In Major Depressive disorder pt must have at least 5 - 8 depressive Sxs for at least 2 weeks, which are causing significant functional impairment. * Alcohol withdrawal ---- 1st : pt experience minor Sxs (tremulousness, anxiety, sweating and palpitation) with 6 hrs of last drink. 2nd : pt starts hallucinating (visual, auditory, tactile. "no autonomic sxs") with in 12 - 24 hrs of last drink. That resolves in 24 - 48 hrs. 3rd phase -- pt start having delirium tremens (hallucination, disorientation, tachycardia, HTN, sweating, agitation & low fever) 193 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * One of the most troubling side effect of SSRI is sexual dysfunction (impotency, delayed ejaculation and dec libido). * Greatest risk factor for committing suicide is past hx of Suicide attempt. Less significant factors are age > 45 yrs, Elderly single male, Alcohol, subs abuse. * Atypical Antipsychotic such as Respiridone are particularly effective in the tx of negative Sxs of schizophrenia. * All Atypical Antipsychotics including Olanzapine cause wt gain, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and HTN. * Ziprasidone (Atypical Antipsychotic) cause QT prolongation. * Typical Antipsychotic and Respridone can cause Hyperprolactinemia. * Lithium cause hypothyroidism. * Clozapine cause Agranulocytosis. * Pt with psychiatric Illness can give consent as long as their judgment abilities are determined to be intact. * Guide line for Lithium tx : 1. Single Manic Episode requires long term lithium maintenance for a period of at least one yr. (gradually taper the dose when discontinue the tx). 2. Three or more episode require lithium tx with life long maintenance. * When Child Abuse is suspected take following measures : 1st Complete Physical Examination. 2nd Radiologic Skeletal survey (If needed). 3rd Coagulation Profile. 4th Report child protection service. 5th admit to hospital (if necessary). 6th Consult Psychiatrist & evaluate Family dynamics. * Bupropione is Antidepressant and as well as Smoking cessation aid. * Childhood Disintegrative Disorder -- occur more commonly in male ÷ show normal development for 2 yrs followed by loss of previously acquired skills in at least 2 areas (ie. expressive or repetitive language, social skills, bowel or bladder control, play or motor skill ÷ mental retardation). vs. * Rett $ -- occur exclusively in Females ÷ show normal development until 6 months, followed by peculiar stereotype hand movement, loss of coordination, deceleration of head growth, seizures, mental retardation. * Marijuana Abuse ÷ behavior change, dry mouth, tachycardia, Inc appetite and conjunctival injection. * A physician is authorized to provide emergent life saving tx to the unconscious pt, even if pt spouse request and declare that the tx is contraindicated to pts belief. * Reversible Anticholiestrase inhibitor (donepizil, Rivastigmine, Galantamine, Tacrine) are of benefit in slowing the cognitive decline of Alzheimer’s. * Dysthymia is depressed mood lasting majority of day for at least 2 yrs (eg. pt express that they are depressed entire life) vs. * Major depressive disorder pt have 5 or more of the following Sxs for at least 2 weeks : 1. Depressed mood. 2. Anhedonia. 3. wt gain. 4. Sleep disturbance. 5. psychomotor agitation or retardation. 6. fatigue. 7. feeling of guilt and worthlessness. 8. poor concentration. 9. Suicidal thought. * Pt suffering from Panic disorder have Inc Incidence of Depression, Agoraphobia, Generalized Anxiety and Subs abuse. v v v imp. * Pt have Right to know the Dx. If family mem request not to reveal the dx to pt than underlying reason should be explored before deciding how to proceed. * Most Antidepressant take 4 - 6 weeks to provide symptomatic relief. * Pt with Agitation should tx with Halopridol in acute setting regardless of dx. eg. very agitated pt with mania give halopridol first rather than giving lithium. * Pt with HIV & not willing to disclose the dx to her husband. 1st encourage her to inform her husband; If she refuses than physician should tell her husband. * Parent don’t want their child vaccinated -- 1st explain potential risk and benefit of vaccine, If they still refuses, Respect their wishes and Document it in the medical chart that the Risk & Benefit has been Explained. * PCP and LSD intoxication presents almost similarly But agitation & aggression is more common in PCP . vs. Visual hallucination & intense perception is hall mark of LSD. * Necrolepsy TX ----- Methylphenidate (modafinil) + combination of Antidepressant & Psychostimulant (help decreasing cataplexy). * Methylphenidate side effects --- dec appetite, wt loss, insomnia, nervousness and abdominal pain. * OCD is marked by Obsession that cause anxiety which results in compulsive behavior to dec anxiety. OCD pt often recognize unreasonable nature of their thoughts. vs. Obsessive Compulsive Personality disorder (OCPD) usually dont have any true Obsession or Compulsion; just a need for perfection. Pt with OCPD do not identify their behavior as abnormal. * Hospitalization is Highly recommended for pt with Anorexia Nervosa when there is a evidence of dehydration, starvation, electrolyte disturbance, Arrhythmia, psychologic instability, malnutrition (wt < 75% of body wt for age sex and height). * Schizophrenia Catatonic type -- predominant physical Sxs such as immobility, excessive movement and assumption of bizarre posture. * Schizophrenia Disorganized type -- disorganized behavior, disorganized speech and Inappropriate behavior (masturbation in public. laugh at strange time). * Schizophrenia Paranoid type -- characterized by delusion, Auditory hallucination, disorganized speech and Inappropriate affect. * Schizophrenia Undifferentiated type -- mixed Sxs that do not meet the criteria of Catatonic, disorganized or paranoid type. * Schizophrenia Residual type -- occur in previously diagnosed schizophrenics who have no longer prominent psychotic Sxs. But they do have persistence of eccentric behavior, emotional blunting, illogical thinking social withdrawal. * Schizoaffective disorder -- schizophrenia + Mood Sxs (major depression, bipolar disorder). * Abrupt cessation of Alprazolam (short acting benzo) results in seizures and confusion. * In shared Psychotic Disorder "Folie's deux" -- one parent illusion is transfer to another person (such as daughter etc). TX them by admitting them into different Psychiatric unit for tx. 194 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * OCD ---------- altered Serotonin level. * Schizophrenic pt on Respiridone now present with Catatonic Schizophrenia --- tx then with Benzodiazepine or Electroconvulsive therapy. Changing or adding more Antipsychotic will not help. v v v imp. * Competent pt can refuse tx but if pt has a condition which could be threat to other such as family mem or community, than tx the pt in hospital against their will. eg. meningococcemia. Any communicating dis that requires Isolation should be tx in hospital with or with out pts will. Do not tx at home either. * Adjustment disorder -- Emotional and behavioral Sxs that develop with in 3 month of exposure to identifiable stressor. It rarely last > 6 months after stressor is ended. (be careful -- very similar to PTSD or Generalized Anxiety disorder). * Dystonia due to Antipsychotic ----- tx with benztropin or Trihexyphenidyl or diphenhydramine. * Olanzapine tend to cause less extrapyramidal side effects but it cause wt gain. v imp. * Competent pt with life threatening non communicable dis refuses the tx after discussing tx options and prognosis --- Fully discuss the specific reason before honoring the pts decision. * Pt who are acute danger to them selves or others should be hospitalized (involuntarily if necessary) for tx. This tx is applied to minor even if parents are disagree. * Selective Mutism -- these kids are verbal and talkative at home but refuse to speak in select setting (school, public events etc). * Lithium Side effect -- Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Hypothyroidism and Epstein Anomaly. * Antipsychotic cause Hyperprolactinemia by blocking Dopamine activity along Tuberofundibular pathway. * Pt on Lithium now show Refractory Mania ----------- 1st step do Urine toxicology and Lithium Blood level. * The likelihood of Schizophrenia relapse in pt can be dec if conflict and stressor in the home environment are kept to minimum. * Hypomania is the presence of Manic Sxs for at least 4 days (typically < 1 week). vs. Mania Sxs last > 1 week. vs. Bipolar II disorder -- Episode of major depression and Hypomania. * Rationalization is Rational, logical reason for an upsetting event rather than Real Reason. vs. Dissociation is blocking of upset thoughts from consciousness to avoid conflict. * Single episode of Major depression must be tx for a period of 6 months following pts response to drug. v v imp. * Illusion is misinterpretation of external reality. vs. Delusion is fixed false belief. * Grandiose Delusion is typical belief in special powers and special relation ship with God. * Perservation is Repetition of words or Ideas during conversation. * Idea of Reference --- Pt belief every day occurrence have special implication for them. eg Television, Radio or Newspaper are directly speaking to them. it is commonly seen in schizophrenics. * Dysthymia --- depressed mood occur most of the day for at least 2 yrs with minimum functional impairment. vs. * Cyclothymia --- Alternating episodes of Hypomanic Sxs and depressive Sxs over the period of 2 yrs. * Schizophrenic pt who suffer relapses due to noncompliance ------ tx with Fluphenazine ad Halopridol (both Long acting Injectable antipsychotics) twice per month if it is out pt treatment. * Alprazolam (Short acting) vs. Clonazepam (long acting). * Risk of Bipolar disorder in general population is 1 %. Risk of Bipolar disorder in person with family hx of Bipolar disorder is 5 - 10 %. * Pregnant women with current or previous Anorexia nervosa are at high risk of following complication : 1. Miscarriage. 2. IUGR. 3. Hyperemesis Gravidarum. 4. Premature birth. 5. Premature birth. 6. cesarean delivery. 7. Post partum depression. 8. Osteoporosis. v v v imp. * Common finding in Anorexic pt are -- 1. Osteoporosis. 2. Inc Cholesterol and Carotene level. 3. Cardiac arrhythmia (prolong QT). 4. Euthyroid Sick $. 5. Hypothalamic - pituitary - dysfunction (anovulation, amenorrhea, estrogen def). 6. Hponatremia (due to excessive water intake. v v v imp. * Post Traumatic stress disorder is best tx with combination of SSRI + Exposure or Cognitive therapy. * If One pt is Agree and the other is not for the tx of minor listen to the one who is agree. Consent from one parent is enough. * Clozapine side effect --- Agranulocytosis. * Quetiapine side effect --- cataract. * Thioridazine side effects --- Pigmented Retinopathy. * Chlorpromazine side effect --- Inc risk of jaundice. * Anxiety related to nervousness, palpitation in social setting -------- tx with Propanolol. vs. * Social Phobia related Inadequacy and Anxiousness in social setting is tx with SSRI. v v v imp. * Suspected Cocaine abuse in pt with wt loss, erythema of turbinate and nasal septum and behavioral change. * Pregnant has right to refuse tx if it places her unborn child at risk. 195 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Severe Sxs of Tourette $ are best tx with Typical Antipsychotic such as Halopridol and Pimozide. * Tx of choice of adjustment disorder is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy or Brief Cognitive therapy. * Carbamezapine and Valproate cause Craniofacial defect, Neural Tube defect and Genital defect. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surgery UW * Multi Rib fracture + pts PaO2 is getting worst despite hyperventilation ----- It is Flial Chest . Institute + ve Pressure mechanical ventilation immediately. * Post Operative Beta Blocker lower the incidence of Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia in pt with risk of cardiac complication after Noncardiac surgery. * Pt with Blunt trauma and is hemodynamically unstable ---- 1st step Fluid resuscitation followed by U/S. If U/S is not revealing do diagnostic peritoneal lavage. If that confirms hemoperitoneum proceeds with Laprotomy immediately. * Vertebral Injury & Spinal cord injury (after stabilizing a pt ie. ABC) -- 1st thing to do is IV Steroids followed by CT (for hard tissue) & MRI for (Soft tissue). IV Steroids (Methylprednisone) have shown significant improvement in out come. * Elderly with displaced Femoral Neck Fracture is tx with Primary Arthroplasty. vs. Internal Fixation is preferably used in young pt with displaced Femoral neck Fracture (Garden Type 2 , 3 fracture). * Clinical Indicator for thermal Inhalation Injury includes -- Burn on face, singing of eye brows, Orophraryngeal inflamation, Oropharyngeal Carbon deposit, carbonaceous sputum, stridor, Craboxyhemoglobin > 10%, Hx of confinement in burning building ------ Must do Early Intubation to prevent upper respiratory airway obstruction with edema. * Fat Embolism can occur secondary to Long bone fracture but Clinical manifestation are not Acute instead develop over the period of 12 - 72 hrs ÷ Respiratory distress, mental status change, petechie. * Pulmonary Contusion show patchy irregular infiltrate on CXR. It complicates 30 - 75% of cases of severe blunt chest trauma. Management involve Mechanical Ventilation and close monitoring. * GLASGOW COMA SCORE (GCS) : GCS 13 - 14 is Minor. GCS 9 - 12 is moderate. GCS < 9 is Severe. * GCS ---------- EYE OPENING ----------------- Spontaneous = 4 To Verbal Command = 3 To pain = 2 None = 0 VERBAL RESPONSE ------- Oriented = 5 Disoriented / Confused = 4 Inappropriate word = 3 Incomprehensible Sound = 2 None = 1 MOTOR RESPONSE -------- Obeys = 6 Localizes = 5 Withdraw = 4 Flexing posture (decorticate) = 3 Extending Posture (decerebrate) = 2 None = 1 * Solitary Lung Nodule on CXR --------------- Next step is high Resolution CT scan. * Penile fracture is a surgical Emergency -- 1st thing to do Retrograde Urethrogram followed by surgical repair of penis. * Elevated Left or Right Diaphragm in the absence of Hemothorax or Pneumothorax ------- think Diaphragmatic hernia. Pt may show hyperventilation. It is emergency due to danger of Bowel strangulation. v imp. * Acute Appendicitis is Clinical dx, If clinical signs are present go direct to surgery. vs. U/S is indicated in women who is been suspected for other pathology such as Ectopic pregnancy or Ovarian process. CT scan is indicated in non pregnant pt to confirm the dx if presentation is Atypical. * Most cases of Hydrocele will resolve by age 12 months ----- Reassurance and Observation is all u need. If Hydrocele is fail t resolve by 12 months do surgery (because of danger of indirect Inguinal Hernia development). * CT is scan is the test of choice to diagnosed intra abdominal Abscess, Musculoskeletal infection such as Osteomyelitis of spine. * Post urethral Injury is associated with pelvic fracture ÷ blood in urethral meatus, high riding prostate on Rectal exam, Scrotal hematoma, Inability to void and palpable distended bladder. * Slipped Capitofemoral Epiphyses ÷ loss of Abduction & Internal rotation of hip. Pt hold the thigh in external rotation while hip is been flexed. DX with Frog leg Lateral View XRAYs. TX -- External fixation of the hip joint with PINS (it prevent Avascular necrosis and Chondriolysis). * Volkmann's Ischemic Contractures is final sequel of Compartment $ in which dead muscle is replaced by fiberous tissue. v v imp. 196 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is painful condition seen as a sequel of infection or trauma ÷ pain, hyperesthesia & tenderness. Sudecks Atrophy is radiographic term for spotty rarefaction seen on pt with RSD. * Technetium - 99 labeled Erythrocytes Scintigraphy should be used in cases of GI bleeding when source is not identified with other procedures. * Pt with forceful deceleration injury + Bruises over chest and Abdomen + High BP + hoarse voice ---- think Aortic rupture; It can cause Pseudocoarctation with Inc BP in upper extremities and pressure on Left recurrent Laryngeal nerve. v v imp. * Parotid Surgery pose risk of Facial Nerve palsy. * Pt with complete Childhood Tetanus vaccination (> 3 doses) course donot need Tetanus Ig even if time of last vaccination is > 10 yrs ago. In such cases only Tetanus Toxoid vaccine is indicated. vs. If Pt has < 10 yrs with Booster dose no Tetanus Toxoid vaccine is needed for Minor wound. But if wound is high risk and 5 yrs has been passed after booster give TetnusToxoid again. If Case of Tetanus Vaccine is not completed as in case of infant; than for clean minor wound give only Tetanus Toxoid vaccine an d for High risk wound give Tetanus Toxoid vaccine and Tetanus Immunoglobulin. * In case of Amputated injury ---- wrap the amputated part in saline moist gauze, sealed in plastic bag and placed on ice and bring to ER. * Pancreatic injury (contusion) due to blunt trauma may be missed by CT scan in 1st 6 hrs. An untreated pancreatic injury may be complicated by Retroperitoneal abscess or Pseudocyst (week later). * Gentle Traction of the forearm in Humerus fracture is Imp even before morphine and Radiology because it prevent Neurologic deficit (radial nerve). * CXR is required after central line placement to ensure proper positioning and absence of Pneumothorax. * Central Venous catheter via jugular vein or sub clavien vein does not make any difference in risk of Pneumothorax. Femoral catheterization is less likely to cause Pneumothorax but risk of Infection is high due to its location. * Failure of skin wound to heal for prolong period of time ÷ Squamous Cell Carcinoma. When SCC arise form burn wound and cause ulcers they are called Marjolin ulcers. * Pt with Peripheral Vascular dis typically has risk factors similar to those who have heart disease ÷ Claudication of extremities, impotence and skin changes (atrophic shiny skin with hair loss). Ankle - Brachial - Pressure Index (by obtaining resting and post excersize BP) is the best tool for determining the severity of dis and Dx. Once Dx is established Doppler or Plethysmography can be used to localized the lesion. * Aortoiliac Occlusion (Leriche $) --- Triad of bilateral Hip, thigh and Buttock claudication + Impotency + Symmetric bilateral Muscle Atrophy. * Moving form Supine to sitting can | the Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) by 20 - 35 %. Increasing the FRC can help prevent post operative Atelactasis. * Barium swallow or CT scan with Oral contrast will diagnose Diaphragmatic Rupture. v v imp. * Pt with Breast Mass with out fluctuation along with erythema, edema, non bloody nipple discharge and lymphadenopathy ----- Most appropriate next step Biopsy of mass for Histology. (discharge cytology is not done) vs. If Mass is fluctuable and draining through nipple ---- next step is do culture and cytology of discharge. * Acute Mediastinitis may occur following heart surgery ÷ fever, chest pain, leukocytosis, widening of media stinum on CXR. This is serious condition and require Thoracotomy for drainage, debridement and Antibiotics. (donot confuse with Aortic dissection because of widening of media stinum) * Pt who presents > 5 days after the Onset of Sxs of Appendicitis and has RLQ mass with out rebound or guarding ----- Tx with IV hydration + Cefotetan and Bowel rest. Immediate surgery is not indicated in this setting because it often requires extensive dissection and cause injury to other organs. * CT guided drainage is the standard tx for pelvic abscess. If this fail do Laproscopic drainage. * Pt with breast mass --- 1st step mammography; If mammography suggest suspicious mass do Excesional Biopsy. If lesion is not suspicious do FNA for cytology. * Excisional Biopsy is done for Fibroadenoma as it is diagnostic and therapeutic. * Previous surgery is the MCC of Complete Small Bowel Obstruction ÷ nausea, vomiting and Abdominal bloating (tympanic on percussion). Dilated small bowel loop on XRAY. * When there is Initial Flap of the carotid artery after trauma of neck ------- do surgical repair (because there is danger of vessel occlusion & stroke). Stenting is alternative. * Diverticulosis is the MCC of Hematochezia in an elderly and chronic constipation is the MC predisposing factor. Fat necrosis show clinical and radiological finding similar to those seen in breast cancer (such as nipple retraction and calcification) but Biopsy shows Fat Globules and Foamy Histiocytes ------- no tx is indicated for this self limited condition. * Central cord $ may results from hyperextension injuries particularly in elders with spondylosis ÷ weakness more pronounced in upper extremities than lower extremities, and may be accompanied by deficit of pain and temp sensation. * Transtentorial Uncal herniation can occur secondary to trauma which cause unilateral Epidural hematoma ÷ dysfunction of occulomotor nerve along with other neurologic signs. * Esophageal Perforation occur due to Iatrogenic causes (endoscopy etc) ------- Radiography with water soluble contrast is the best way to dx is. 197 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Acute Colicky or Paroxysmal Abdominal pain with Episodic hyperactive bowel sound, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention and tenderness, with Obstipation are typical signs of Small bowel obstruction (strangulation) --------- do Laprotomy (mild leukocytosis and Inc Amylase are expected in this case). * In Small bowel Obstruction including Colon Obstruction Gas is not present distal to Obstruction & hyperactive tinkling bowel sounds are present. vs. * In paralytic ileus bowel sound are absent and there is a abdominal distention (due to gas). * Torus Palatinus is benign bony mass (exostosis) located on hard palate. It tend to ulcerate some time due to poor circulation --- Give Reassurance. * Ludwig Angina is infection of Sub maxillary and Sublingual gland. MC source of infection is Infected Tooth usually molar. Asphyxiation is MCC of death. Tonsils are normal in Ludwig Angina. * Non bloody Aspirate from breast do not need cytology because of high false - ve results. * A breast mass that produce non bloody aspirate & disappear after FNA does not need any further evaluation other than Reassurance & Re -examination in 6 weeks. v imp * Bowel Ischemia is known complication of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm surgery ÷ bloody diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain. vs. Do not confuse with Pseudomembraneous colitis which produce non bloody voluminous watery diarrhea. * Whistling sound during respiration month after Rhinoplasty ------- It is Nasal Septum Perforation. Other causes of whistling sound on respiration are syphilis, TB, Intranasal cocaine, sarcoidosis, Wagners granulomatosis. * Hypotension + Pulsatile abdominal mass ----- do immediate surgery it is ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. * 3 - 4 % pt with spinal cord surgery will develop Syringomyelia months to yrs later ÷ dec strength in muscle, diminish temp and pain sensation with preservation of Dorsal Column function (light touch, vibration & position). MRI is used for definitive dx. * Acute Adrenal insufficiency is lethal post operative complication in those who were on steroids preoperatively ÷ hypotension, hypoglycemia, nausea, vomiting abdominal pain. * + ve Drop arm sign ------- Rotator cuffs tear. * Rupture of Bicep tendon produce + ve "Popeye sign" (bicep belly become prominent) ÷ weakness with suppination but forearm flexion is typically preserved. * When Hemorrhage occur Pulse (tachycardia) and Peripheral vasoconstriction are the first physiologic changes. Systolic BP and Consciousness are not effected until there is 30% blood loss. Skin vasoconstriction occur after 15 % blood loss (cold & mottled skin). * Head trauma + CT shows Minute punctuate hemorrhage with blurring of gray white matter interface ---------- think Diffuse Axonal Injury. Pt loss conscious instantaneously and later will develop persistent vegetative state. * Venous valvular Insufficiency ----------- edema that worsen through out the day and resolve over night. vs. Arterial Occlusion ----------- pain, pallor, paresthesia and coolness to touch. * In Hemodynamically unstable pt after trauma, one must rule out Intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal bleed --- 1st thing to do is Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) & Diagnostic peritoneal lavage to detect bleed. If that turn out - ve than next step is pelvic Angiography to search bleed. * Vericocele is presents as dull, dragging, aching pain in testis. It results form swelling form Pampiniform plexus of veins and feel like bag of worm. It do not transilluminate and size of testis Inc with valsalva. vs. * Spermatocele cause by cystic dilation of efferent ductules. It is painless, located on the superior pole of the testis and classically transilluminate. vs. * Testicular Neoplasm ---- Firm, painless testicular mass (aching may be present). It does not transilluminate. vs. * Hydrocele occur due to fluid in tunica vaginalis ----- It transilluminate and may Inc in size with valsalva. * Ant Shoulder dislocation ------- Axillary nerve injury. pt presents with externally rotated arm. * Injury to medial Epicondyle of Humerus -------- ulnar nerve injury (claw hand). * Radial Nerve Injury ------- wrist drop, sensory loss of posterior arm, forearm and dorsal hand. * Axillary nerve injury ÷ paralysis of deltoid and teres minor and loss of sensation of lateral upper arm. * Legg Calve Perthes dis (avascular necrosis of femoral head) occur in 4 - 10 yrs of age group ÷ Insidious onset of hip and knee pain and antalgic gait. Xray may be negative. MRI or Bone scan show necrosis. TX -- maintaining placement of Femoral head with in the acetabulum with proper healing with splint or surgery. * Apneic pt with head injury -------- do Orotracheal intubation or surgical Cricothyridectomy. Needle Cricothyroidectomy is excellent procedure in field. * First step in Non traumatic massive hemoptysis is Bronchoscopy to localize and control the site of bleeding. * TX of choice of the fracture of femoral shaft is CLOSED INTERMEDULLARY FIXATION of fracture. vs. PLATE & SCREW FIXATION is for those who have multiple fracture. * Hyperventilation help to prevent intracranial HTN by causing cerebral vasoconstriction thus dec cerebral blood flow. * In general tissue O2 delivery does not dec until Hb drop below 7 gm/dL. * Pt with trauma after falling from height ; after stabilizing the pt ---------- 1st thing to do is Xrays of Cervical Spine. v imp. * New born with developmental dysplasia of hip ------- 1st test hip U/S of infant < 4 month of age (or Radiograph of infant 7 month old). Maneuver used in screening is Barlow and Ortalini test. TX -- tx with Hip Pelvik Harness or Spica Cast. * Isolated duodenal hematoma after trauma is tx conservatively with nasogastric suction and parenteral nutrition. It will resolve spontaneously in 1 - 2 weeks. 198 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS If conservative method fails do surgery. * Surgery is rarely necessary for medical collateral ligament tear. + ve Valgus stress show abduction at knee. * Tamponade due to trauma typically show normal cardiac silhouette with out Tension pneumothorax on CXR. * Only bladder dome rupture (due to trauma) can cause one or both shoulder pain because of Intraperitoneal inflamation "chemical Peritonitis" with resultant Sub diaphragmatic peritonitis. * Middle age man with superficial hip pain that is exacerbated by external pressure to the lateral thigh when lying on the affected side -- suggest Trochantric Bursitis. * Acute Blood loss of 1500 ml usually require blood transfusion (dont worry about hct value, because hct is poor indicator of blood loss). * Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery -- may results into Bowel Ischemia. The most effected part is Distal Left colon. Hematochezia often appears. * BUN / Cr Ratio > 20 : 1 suggest Prerenal cause. * Ureteral colic can results in possible ileus due to vagal reaction to colic. * Presence of pulses does not rule out Compartment $ (C$). If pt have all sings of Compartment $ along with palpable pulses --- Do Faciotomy It is C$. The Pressure > 30 mm Hg is enough to cause Cessation of blood flow. * Pilonidus dis is referred to Acute pain and swelling of midline sacrococcegeal skin and subcutaneous tissue. Most prevent is young male with large amount of body hairs. It is most likely due to sweating and friction of superior gluteal cleft. TX -- Drain the abscess and excision of Sinus tract. * Placement of Subclavian vein catheter accounts for 1/4 of Iatrogenic Pneumothorax. Tension Pneumothorax is emergency and need Immediate Needle Thoracostomy based on clinical dx. * Acalculus cholicystitis occur in critically Ill hospitalized pt. Imaging show Gallbladder distention, Thickening of Gall bladder wall & Pericholicystic fluid. The Emergent tx of choice is Percutaneous cholecystectomy. * Pyloric Stricture ÷ early satiety, nausea, non bilious vomiting and wt loss. The cause of gastric outlet obstruction is Peptic ulcer dis, Stricture secondary to ingestion of caustic agent, Pyloric stenosis and Pancreatic cancer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR FORMS OF SHOCK MAP HR PCWP PCWP with Fluid Challenge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hypovolemic / Hemorrhagic + | + unchanged or | 2. Cardiogenic (LV dysfunction) eg. MI, contusion, Arrythmia, valve dysf. + variable | || 3. Cardiogenic (RV dysfunction) eg. MI Contusion. + variable + or normal unchanged or | 4. Extracardiac Obstruction, eg. Tension pneumothorax or massive hemothorax + | + or normal unchanged or | 5. Extracardiac Obstruction. eg Pericardial tamponade + | | | or || 6. Neurogenic + | or normal + or normal | 7. Septic shock (hyperdynamic) + | + or normal | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acute Ruptured Appendicitis may be complicated by pelvic abscess ÷ lower Abdominal pain, low grade fever and Tender Pelvic boggy mass on Rectal exam. Painful diarrhea may occur due to bowel irritation. TX with drainage of Abscess. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNOVIAL FLUID NORMAL NONINFLAMATORY INFLAMATORY SEPTIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance Clear clear to yellow clear - Opaque yellow Opaque yellow to green WBC < 200 < 2000 > 2000 > 20000 often 50000 Neutrophil < 25 < 25 > 50 > 75 Glucose serum conc serum conc b/w 25 & serum conc < 25 Gram stain neg neg neg positive Etiology no pathology Osteoarthritis, trauma Rheumatic dis, Crystal Arthritis Bacterial Infection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Femoral nerve innervate Ant compartment of thigh ÷ knee extension & hip flexion. It also provide sensation to Ant thigh and Medial lower leg. * Obturator nerve innervate the medial compartment of thigh ÷ thigh adduction. It also provide sensation to medial thigh. * Common Peroneal nerve (Fibular nerve) give rise to Superficial Peroneal nerve and Deep peroneal nerve. Superficial supplies to Ant leg muscles where as Deep Peroneal nerve supplies to Lateral leg muscle . It also supplies sensation to Anterolateral leg and Dorsum of foot. * Tibial nerve supplies to muscle of posterior compartment of leg and planter muscles of the foot. They control Flexion of the knee and digits and planter flexion of foot. Tibial Nerve provide sensation to lower leg except medial side and planter foot. 199 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Any Gun Shot wound of Abdomen requires Exploratory laprotomy. Any Gun Shot wound below the level of 4th intercostal space (level of nipple) is considered to involve the abdomen. * Steatorrhea (fat malabsorption) generally presents with pale, voluminous, foul smelling stool which is difficult to flush. Most Important screening Question is Alcohol consumption. * Supraventricular Tachycardia must be suspected in with EKG showing Regular Narrow QRS Complex Tachycardia with out definite P wave. TX of choice is Adenosine (it is both the diagnostic and therapeutic drug). * Remember Amiodarone is the tx of choice in Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia which is Ventricular in Origin (Lidocaine is another option) PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS INTERNAL MED * Anion Gap = (Na+ - K+) + ( HCO3 - - Cl-) Normal Anion gap is 8 - 14. * Normal Serum Osmolality = 280 - 300. * 0.1 in pH 0.7 in serum K+ * Every 100 mg Inc of glucose over 200 cause 1.7 mEq drop in serum Na+. * BMI = wt in lbs / Height in foot.. * BMI > 25 is over wt . BMI > 27.5 is Obese. BMI > 40 is Obesity with Inc risk of health problems. * Palm is 1% of BSA. * Pulmonary Thromboembolism ----- large S in lead I with deep Q in lead III and T inverted in various leads. * LUDWIG ANGINA --- Abscess of the floor of the mouth (danger of Airway Obstruction). * Leiomyoma are the most common tumor of women (20% of women) & is the most frequent indication of hysterectomy (which may restore fertility). * Leiomyoma --- (estrogen dependant) Asymmetric, Firm and Non tender vs. Edenomyosis --- Symmetric, Soft and Tender. * 2 types of Sarcoidosis ----- LOFGREN $ and HEERFORDT WALDENSTROME $. LOFGREN $ ---- Erythema nodusum, Arthritis and Hilar Lymphadenopathy. HEERFORDT WALDENSTROME $ ---- Fever , Parotid enlargement, Uveitis and Facial palsy. * FELTY's $ --- Rheumatoid Arthritis + Splenomegaly + Neutropenia. * Atrial fib + Pretebial myxedema suggest Grave Disease (hyperthyroidism). * Myasthenia Gravis is dx by Tensilon Test ( Edrophonium test ). * Influenza Vaccine is given to children who are on Aspirin therapy to prevent Rye $. * Proximal Facial nerve paralysis cause Paralysis of Stapedius muscle which results into Hyperacusis (Inc sensitivity to sound). * Nitrates in MI and Digoxin in CHF does not improve survival. * Hypomagnesaemia is common in Alcoholics due to renal magnesium loss. In the presence of hypomagnesaemia it is extremely difficult to correct hypokalemia (not even with high doses). That is why in this situation give magnesium and potassium supplement to correct the deficit. * LERICHE's $ --- Buttock Atrophy, Claudication with Impotence due to extensive Aortoilliac Occlusive dis from Atherosclerosis. * Hearing loss is most common sequela of meningitis in children, for that reason Auditory testing should be performed. * Pulsus Alternans suggest Left Ventricular dysfunction. * Choriocarcinoma (shows hCG) occur after pregnancy and is highly sensitive to chemotherapy even if metastasis is present. * Pt with Breast mass plus Positive family Hx of breast cancer -------- Directly do Excisional biopsy. * Transverse cervical os means trauma to the cervix (may be due to previous vaginal delivery). * Estrogen or Stillbesterol can be used in Sickle Cell Anemia to prevent priepism (Do Needle Decompression or Surgery in Acute cases). * Shistosoma Hematobium Inc the risk of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder. * Signs of Pregnancy -- Amenorrhea, Chadwick sign, Hegar sign, Linea Alba, Cholasma, wt Gain and Abdominal mass. * Oral Contraceptives may cause serum Thyroid Binding Globulin level which may reflect in Total Thyroid Hormone level in serum. * Remember pt with Hypokalemia ------- shows dec or absent tendon reflex and Arrhythmia. * Autonomic Neuropathy in Diabetes can also cause Hypotension (amazing right ?). also gastroparesis. * Diabetic Double vision (occur due to cranial nerve VI palsy) is self limited and goes away with in 2 months or so. * Smoking is not linked with fetal organ abnormality but it does linked with Premature Rupture of mem, Abruptio Placenta, SIDS, Intrautrine fetal death. * Bronchitis In COPD --- commonly caused by Morexella and Hemophillus (are Gram - ve Coccobacillus). * In normal Physiologic Jaundice of new born phototherapy is not necessary. * Hemolytic uremic $ occurs in childrens after bout of infectious diarrhea specially E. Coli and primarily involves the kidney. vs. * Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic purpura occur in adult and is not associated with infection. Shows Neurologic, Renal & other organs sign & Sx. * Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura is due to Antibodies to platelets, it does not involve kidney and do not cause Anemia. * Hyperoxaluria -- commonly associated with small bowel dis or resection. (other causes are high dietary take, Ethylene glycol ingestion etc) * Lupus Anticoagulant paradoxically the tendency to thrombosis; (pt also show false +ve VDRL for syphilis & 1st Trimester Abortion). * Factor V Leiden mutation (single point mutation) cause 25% of cases of Idiopathic deep venous thrombi with resultant pulmonary emboli. * Pt with Basal cell carcinoma ---- do directly Excisional Biopsy. * Hairy Leukoplakia (caused by EBV) occur in AIDS and is not associated with oral cancer vs. * Erythroleukoplakia is associated with Oral cancer. * Congenital Anomalies Inc the risk of Breech presentation. Uterine Anomaly, Fibroids, Multiple gestation also Inc the risk of Breech presentation. * Footling Breech should not be delivered vaginally where as dec birth wt, prematurity are other potential reasons. * Fibroids are the common indication of cesarean section. Fibroids cause menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhea, Infertility and rarely Fibrosarcoma. * Primary Prevention --- Prevents disease from occuring for eg. Antismoking program. * Secondary Prevention --- Detect and tx disease earlier to reduce prevalence for eg, cancer screening, digital rectal exam etc. 2 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Tertiary Prevention -- Help people reach the higher level of mental & physical functioning for eg in Psychiatric ward or after stroke rehabilitation. * Somogyi effect is insulin related effect, occur due to too high insulin dose in the evening, the blood sugar drops in the night as a reaction to this hypoglycemia, the body blood sugar, thus you have an blood sugar in the morning. tx - dec evening insulin dose. * Dawn phenomenon is an insulin-unrelated effect. as with somogyi effect, you have increased glucose in the morning, but the reason for this is an intrinsic, pyhsiologic production of growth hormone, which increases glucose. In contrast to somogyi effect, you will have a normal/high night blood sugar. tx is to increase evening insulin. * Indirect hernia is common in both sexes at any age. Femoral hernia is more common in women but not most common. * Implants are superior on Oral contraceptives (due to no need of daily compliance). Both are equally efficacious. Other methods are less effective. * Naloxone reverse the Opioid intoxication but can precipitate acute withdrawal. Opioid with drawal is not life threatening. * Anencephaly is associated with prolong gestation due to unknown reason. * Neonatal Conjunctivitis -- in first 24 hrs is due to chemical (erythromycin) ; between 2nd - 5th day is due to Gonococcus; between 5th - 14th day is due to chlamydia. * Virchow Triad -- vascular Stasis + endothelial damage + hypercoagubility. (it is the risk factor for deep venous thrombosis ). * Trousseau's sign -- pumping up air in a blood pressure cuff on arm elicit carpopedal spasm (tetany) due to hypocalcemia. * Chvostek's sign -- Tapping of the facial nerve elicit tetany due to hypocalcemia. * Tinel's sign -- tapping of volar surface of the wrist elicit Paresthesia of hand in Carpel tunnel $. * Prehn's sign -- Elevation of painful testicles relief pain suggest Epididimitis ( versus testicular torsion). * Kehr's sign -- Pain on the left shoulder with ruptured spleen. * Ortalini's sign/test -- abduction of flexed hip produce palpable or audible click, it suggest congenital hip dysplasia in infant. * Murphy's sign -- Arrest of inspiration when palpating under the right ribcage in pt with Cholicystitis. * Mac burney's sign -- tenderness at Mc Burneys point due to appendicitis. * Rovsing's sign Pain at Mc burneys point by pressing at LLQ. * Homan's sign -- Calf pain on forced dorsiflexion of the foot due to deep venous thrombosis. * Grey turner's sign -- Bluish discoloration of flank due to peritoneal hemorrhage (think of pancreatitis) * Cullen's sign -- Bluish discoloration of periumbilical area due to retroperitoneal hemorrhage (pancreatitis is one of the reason) * Cushing Reflex -- HTN, Bradycardia and Irregular respiration due to high Intracranial pressure. * Courvoisier's sign -- Painless palpable Gall bladder + jaundice due to pancreatic cancer. * Beck's Triad -- Jugular venous distention + Muffle heart sound + hypotension suggest Cardiac temponade. * Synchronized Cardioversion is used in Atrial fib vs. Unsynchronized Cardioversion is reserved for Ventricular tachycardia and fib. * Post Strep Glomerulonephritis show 1+ proteinuria vs. Minimal change dis shows 4+ proteinuria and lipiduria. * Aspirin does not cause gastric cancer. * Open angle Glaucoma is most common glaucoma, it cause gradual visual loss over the period of time. * Anticholinergic medication may exacerbate glaucoma. * Power is the probability of rejecting Null hypothesis when it is false. Best way to Inc power is to Inc sample size. * Type II error is to accept the Null hypothesis when it is false. * Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the liver. * Hemangioma are benign and should be left alone unless causing Sx such as bleeding pain etc. * Hashimoto thyroiditis ( Autoimmune etiology) is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in USA (characteristically nontender). vs. * Subacute thyroiditis (De Quervain's thyroiditis) tender / painful thyroidtitis, precede by upper respiratory viral inf. Cause Hypo / hyperthyroidism. * Liver clears activated clotting factors, for that reason in severe liver dis DIC can occur. * In Restrictive lung dis FEV Ratio is normal or slightly . vs. In Obstructive pulmonary disease FEV Ratio is . * Hepatitis A rarely can cause fulminant Liver failure. * TORCH Infection -- Perinatal Infection that can be pass from mother to fetus. Toxoplasmosis, Others, Rubella, CMV and Herpes. Other include HBV, Syphilis, VZV, HIV and Parvo Virus. * Fibroadenoma is the most common tumor of breast, It is well circumscribed, nontender, rubbery and moveable. vs. * Fibrocystic disease occur bilaterally, It is less well circumscribed, tender and cystic. * PCP -- cause Nystagmus (imp), Raging, violent, and hallucinating. Acidification of urine may help elimination of drug. PCP stay days in blood and available in pill and smoke. * Hemochromatosis markedly Inc the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. (imp) vs. Vinyl chloride Inc the risk Angiosarcoma. * Post Partum hemorrhage defined as > 500 mL blood loss during vaginal delivery OR > 1000 mL blood loss with C - section. * Betke - Kleihauer test is used to check pressure / quantity of fetal blood in maternal circulation (eg as in fetomaternal hemorrhage), It is also used to decide RhoGAM dose. * Nitrazine test -- detect Amniotic fluid in sample (it turn blue). It is used when Amniotic sac rupture is suspected. * Arterial Insufficiency ulcer (painful) and Neuropathic ulcer (painless) tend to occur on the under side of the foot. vs. 3 Copy Righted Material. Dilute oxytocin infusion and Bimanual compression.tx with PAN RETINAL PHOTOCOAGULATION (It regress Retinal neovascularization) vs. * Inhalant abuse (gasoline. If that fails use Ergonovine. * Polycystic ovary is the common cause of DUB. * Consolidation Dull to percussion. * Pityriasis Rosea -.causes are maternal Diabetes. * Distal Pulses are usually palpable in Compartment $. older > 65 yrs. * Trush may be common in children but never common in adult. AST > ALT --. Estrogen are often effective too. * Normal Amniotic fluid vol is 500 . vs. whispered pectoriloquy. Androgen receptor agonist. macrosomia. * Lower motor neuron dis results into Inc fasciculation and fibrillation at rest. * Acute dystonia occur due to Antipsychotic (eg. * Smoking is #1 cause of permature death in USA. Hypoesthesia. avoided in immunocompromised (give immunoglobulin). * Small cell carcinoma of lung is almost contraindication to surgical procedure due to early metastasis. Neural tube defect. * Small cell carcinoma of lung ---. If all fails do hysterectomy. Surgical correction of cryptorchidism does not lower the risk of testicular cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma of lung occur centrally.Alcohol Hepatitis.tx with systemic Greseofulvin. worsen 2 point discrimination are early and paralysis is late finding. . * Diabetic is #1 cause of acquired blindness in whites. * Squamous cell carcinoma of lung ---. vs. Respiratory depression or arrest. Trihexiphenidyl. * Epidural Anesthesia is safe and effective in most obstetric settings. * Squamous cell carcinoma of GI tract is associated with Chronic alcohol use. If medication fails do Orchiectomy and give GnRH. (effect last for minutes to hr). * Proliferative Neovascularization ----------. * Chicken pox is contagious for few days after appearance of rash. * Obesity is the risk factor for endometrial carcinoma. * Visualization of the uterus at Introitus indicate uterine inversion. it is done in order to preserve fertility. (Acid phosphatase level once cancer break through the capsule). * Thiazide diuretics have paradoxic effect of decreasing the urine output in Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) that is why it is used to tx NDI.appear as Classic hearld rash first than later as generalized eruption on trunk in Christmas tree pattern rash. vs. TX of metastatic prostate cancer is hormonal therapy with possible local radiation to spine. Immunodeficient. * Risk of Uterine Atony Increases due to situation that over distant / exhaust the uterus. * Demeclocycline and Lithium cause Diabetes Insipidus.Sx start at 6th months of life. Polyhydramnios. tactile fremitus. halopridol) --. 4 Copy Righted Material.secret ADH (cause SIADH).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Beta thalasemia -. * CRYOPRICIPITATE contain fibrinogen and factor VIII and can be used in hemophilia A. * Smoking is also the risk factor for cervical cancer specially if OCP are taken. for eg. (remember due to perpherically Inc estrogen production) * Prostate cancer Acid Phosphatase level. * Chronic pancreatitis (show calcification on radiology) can cause Diabetes. TX -. * Glaucoma is more common in blacks and is #1 cause of acquired blindness in blacks in USA. vs. * Pneumococcal vaccine -. lesion follow the skin lines.Sx start in utero or at birth.tx with FOCAL LASER PHOTOCOAGULATION. Renal failure etc. Inc risk of postpartum uterine Atony. even OXYTOCIN. secret ACTH ( cause Cushing $).give to newborn. Benztropin (anticholinergic). Fetal hydrop. Von Willibrand disease and DIC. TX is usually supportive. * Tinea Captis --. and heightened sense of power. prolong labour. Cause Osteoblastic metastasis. vs. * Homosexuality and occasional kinky activities or fetishes are consider normal limits of sexual behavior. Thoracotomy to find out source. * Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy ----------. Varicella vaccine is live.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Venous ulcer classically occur on the medial malleolus with Inc pigmentation around the ulcer (imp sign) * ALT > AST --. * Cryptorchidism is the most potent risk factor for testicular cancer (risk >50%). Splenectomy / Asplenic pt. * G6P dehydrogenase deficiency -. Multiple gestation. * LSD and marijuana are not confirm teratogens. vs. weakness. disease remit spontaneously. No tx except antihistamine for itch .Viral hepatitis. Sulfa drug precipitate hemolysis due to oxidative stress.cause euphoria. Egophony. frequent diarrhea and steatorrhea. * Breast feed should not be done by HIV +ve moms due to risk of transmission.tx with diphenhydramine. * Polyhydroamnios -. * Adenocarcinoma of lung tend to occur peripherically. varnish) --. slurred speech.2000 mL. breath sound. chronic dis such as DM.secret PTH vs. * Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism both can cause hypertension. * Polyhydroamnios can compromise maternal pulmonary function due to over distention effect. * Massive Hemothorax (> 1 L of blood loss) -. * Too much tocolysis in pregnancy cause Hypermagnesemia which cause hyporeflexia. * Adenocarcinoma is primarily related to Barret Esophagus. * Absence Seizures also called Petit Mal seizures (almost never occur after 20 yrs of age). Grand multiparity (5 or more deliveries). glue. * Alpha thalasemia -. bite cells are common in smear. GI anomalies.common in black. Eaton lambert $. Inattention. Dominant temporal lobe lesion -. * Threaten Abortion is uterine bleeding with out cervical dilatation or expulsion of product. * Candidiasis is resistant to Greseofulvin. * CT scan is preferred over MRI in setting of trauma and contrast is not used. * Specificity is the no of true negative. intention tremor. or both usually spare the pupillary reflex. * Lack of sexual desire in elder is not normal. vomiting.Apathy. * Proptosis or Exopthalmos is protrusion of eye it does not occur with Preseptal cellulitis. Orthostatic hypotension may results from 1 antagonist activity. * BRAIN LESION LOCATION AND SXs ---Frontal lobe lesion -. DM. This results into inappropriate and over use of joint . as it is associated with Barret esophagus. * Herpes Encephalitis in neonates classically cause temporal inflamation (which appear enhanced on MRI / CT scan).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Adenocarcinoma are more common distally 1/3 portion of esophagus. * Nissen Funduplication involve reinforcement of lower Esophageal sphincter to prevent reflex from occuring.visual hallucination / illusion.Ataxia. * Benign cause of Occulomotor nerve (CN III) lesion such as small vessel dis from HTN. if placenta is disturbed on physical examination. It manifest as abdominal distention. Dominant frontal lobe lesion -. Temporal lesion -. DM. * Living will of depressed person should not be honored. * CHARCOT joint (also called Neuropathic joint) is a joint that becomes severely deformed secondary to loss of innervation and propioception or pain nerve fibers. Surgical resection of the bowel is needed specially if bowel perforation is test represents true absence of dis. * Therapeutic Abortion is done for maternal health reason.Wernick's (sensory) aphasia. Occipital lobe lesion -. It is honored after depression is treated successfully. * Metastatic tumor account fro half of the intracranial tumor. 5 Copy Righted Material. labile effect .Ignore one side of the body. * Barbiturate and Benzodiazepine withdrawal results into seizures and cardiovascular collapse. name. blood in stool. write. Ruptured membrane or cervix dilation > 4 cm. HTN. Non dominant partial lobe lesion -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Complete Abortion is expulsion of all product of conception through standard test is laproscopy. dysmetria.Memory impairment. abdominal pain with no tissue expulsion.cannot read. * Ultrasound must be done first before pelvic examination because there is a danger that placenta previa may progress from a semi urgent situation to emergency. * TCA have anticholinergic and 1 antagonist activity. * Inevitable Abortion is uterine bleeding with cervical dilatation. or do math. * Missed Abortion is fetal death no expulsion of tissue (often foe several weeks). * Abortion by convention implies < 20 weeks gestation. dysartheria. * If there is active Herpes genital lesion at the time of active labor. nystagmus. cramps. Common in DM. Cerebellar lesion -. * Oxitocin has ADH like effect for that reason hypotonic solution is avoided in women who is on oxitocin. Radiology shows pneumatosis intestinalis (air in the wall of intestine). It must be distinguished from orbital cellulitis which is emergency and should be treated with antibiotics to avoid intracranial extension of the infection. vesicular rash and seizures. * Normal grief may last for one yr. * TX of diptheria is Antitoxin. If it occur from facial trauma than it is due to strept or staph. aggressive and sexual Sxs. * Retinal detachment is painless. * Necrotizing Enterocolitis . * Elective Induced Abortion is that one requested by pregnant women.Broca (motor) aphasia. * Rota virus and Norwalk virus are most common cause of gastroentritis in children. scanning speech. . and Vit B12 def etc. If it occur due to Sinusitis than it is from Strep pneumoniae or H Influenza. gradual cessation is required. Chorioamnionitis. * Trazodone cause priepism. * Neg predictive value tells u how likely it is that . * Tocolysis with Ritodrine should not be used if pt has heart disease. (amazing ?) * Blockade of pilosabeceous gland and Propionibacterium acne are thought to be partially responsible for Acne. Shock and death is common. (because it prevent hyponatremia to occur) * Endometriosis -. Dominant parietal lobe lesion -. Cesarean Section is advised. Syphilis. (Highly associated with infertility). * Incomplete Abortion is passage of some product of conception through cervix. severe hemorrhage. trouble in dressing. Low wt and prematurity are the high risk factors.often seen in month of life. * Tocolysis should not be used if fetus has anomaly incompatible with life or in setting of fetal demise. stress) * PID manifest as Cervical motion tenderness.surgical exploration and debridgement is mandatory. Urine Porphobilinogen level is the most imp screening test. * In Dementia Arousal and attention level is normal. Hypokalemia cause u wave. temp. * Variable Deceleration (deceleration is variable in relation to uterine contraction) signifies cord compression. * TX of Psoriasis dx test is 24 hr urine cortisol level or dexamethasone suppression test. * Duodenal ulcers are strongly associated with H pylori. last 30 min to 2 hrs. * Upper GI Bleeding -. Remember Angiography is indicated when Esophagogastroscopy fail to revealing bleeding source.fibrosing inflamation of intra and extra hepatic bile duct with cirrhosis over the time. * Necrotizing Fasciitis is the severe infection of subcutaneous tissue caused by Group A strept. Speckling (due to calcification) of the articular cartilage. * Absence of urate crystals. * Antithyroid peroxidase antibodies are + ve in almost all pt with Hashimoto throiditis. * Most common cause of Syncope is vasovagal usually occur after unpleasant emotional experience (fear. 6 Copy Righted Material. (it is 2nd most common cause over all). Foot drop. It may be associated with metabolic dis.similar as Primary sclerosing cholangitis but does not cause extra hepatic bile duct disease and Antimitochondrial antibodies are + ve. Anesthesia and hypoesthesia are the imp clues. fasciculation. Influenza virus 25%) -. It is rapidly spreading cellulitis with potential of toxemia. Salicylic acid). Inc vol status (ankle edema). Destruction of Endometrial implants by surgery may restore fertility. hemochromatosis.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Hyperkalemia cause peak T wave vs. denervation skeletal muscle but some may reinnervate. (most common thyroiditis in USA). vs. (most common type of deceleration) * Late Deceleration (Fetal HR decelerate after uterine contraction) usually signifies uteroplacental insufficiency. Pain in duodenal ulcer classically improve with eating than worsen again 2 .are classic nocturnal headaches. Incarcerated hernia is most like cause of small bowel obstruction in adult with absence of surgical Hx. * Adhesion is the most common cause of small bowel obstruction in adult with Hx of surgery. Tx -. (often precipitate by Alcohol) * Tension headaches occur at the back of the neck in diffuse fashion.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. * Paraesophageal Hernia are prone to strangulation.120 . are virtual dx of Pseudogout. * Noonan $ is considered as male form of turner syndrome. * Cluster headaches -. * Sertoli / leydig cell tumor cause Virilization. Estrogen use. (imp difference). * Negative Predictive value is defined as no of true negatives. (remember Antimitochondrial antibody test is negative in Primary sclerosing cholangitis). * Most ovarian malignancies arise from ovarian epithelium and the most common malignancy is cystadenocarcinoma (shows Psamoma bodies).UV light. Steroids. vs. * Early Deceleration (fetal HR deceleration nadir and uterine contraction peaks) signifies head compression probably due to vagal response. vs. hyperparathyroidism. < 3 cycles is worrisome specially when combined with deceleration (remember long term variability decreases when fetus sleep).160 beats / min.Straight leg raising test cause pain (as in Disc herniation).Steeple sign is a classic on lateral neck radiograph. * Gardenella Vaginosis is not an STD and male partner not need to be treated . * Primary sclerosing cholangitis -. Urine porphyrins is the screening test. * Bowel obstruction is one of the major cause of death from ovarian cancer. Duodenal ulcers are 3 times more common than gastric ulcer. chronic hepatitis C inf. Lubricants. Barking cough (imp clue) * Normal fetal heart rate at term -. Pain Inc slowly.Hyperkalemia. Hatial Hernia usually are benign but do Inc the risk of gastric reflux. Abdominal pain and Adnexal tenderness. (Normal is 5 . (denervation / reinnervation is confirmatory finding).OCPs. vs. Keratolytics (like Coal tar. Skin biopsy shows caterpillar bodies. Granulosa / theca cell tumor cause femininization and precocious puberty. First study to do is Esophagogastroscopy which in many instances tx the source of bleeding too. wilson dis. hypothyroidism and gout. GnRH agonist. (most worrisome type of deceleration) * Short term Variability reflect interval between successive heart beat . * External Hemorrhoids are painful and Internal hemorrhoids are painless and bleed. Damazol. * Lasegue Sign --.Barium study has no role in dx. muscle wasting. hypernatremia. * Croup (Para influenza virus 75%. Precipitating factors are Iron. * Acute intermittent Porphyria is typically presents with severe abdominal pain. * Antibiotic prophylaxis is mandatory in VSD (even if defect is small) due to Inc risk of endocarditis. pain on intercourse. hypomagnesaemia. * Primary Biliary cirrhosis -. dec renin.3 hrs later. In Delirium Arousal and attention is disturbed. * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -. (divided by total no of people tested). . acromegaly. * Berger's disease also called IgA Nephropathy. It cause chronic blistering and crusting of sun exposed skin. alcohol. * Hypocalcemia cause prolong QT interval. It shows + ve coombs test. * Antibody mediated Autoimmune hemolysis may cause spherocytes to seen on peripheral smear. vs. * Cushing $ -. * Porphyria cutanea tarda is the most common of all porphyrias due to defective Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase enz. most common cause is Chlamydia could be polymicrobial.25 beats / min) * Long term Variability means when look over one minute strip there are normally change in the base line Heart rate. It may be associated with ulcerative colitis.occur in middle age person manifest as Flaccid paralysis of extremities. * Esophageal Balloon tamponade is used in pt after confirming the dx of variceal hemorrhage who continuous to bleed despite endoscopic tx. * Hyperaldosteronism (Conn's $) -. * Heparin prolongs aPTT. * Cryoprecipitate contain concentrated factor VIII.First test to do is CT scan because 90% cases already presented late in course when it no longer resectable. Remember thrombolytic tx (tPA) is used when there is a established arterial block as in MI in which ST segment changes are present. If pt is bleeding than IV immunoglobulin must be given.Thyroid tumor. Earliest sign is that pt tend to fall. Adrenal tumor. Amaurosis fugas caused by cholesterol plaque release that occlude the retinal artery with resultant loss of vision in curtain drop fashion. Adrenal tumor. malignancy. subchondral sclerosis bone fragments (joint mice). GI obstruction. * Mucin producing glandular tissue (shows signet ring cell) suggest Adenocarcinoma. Phenytoin. * Prothrombin time (PT) usually guide coumadin therapy. 50% of the newborn who are infected with die from illness. mal order stool. von Willibrand dis. * Fresh Frozen plasma -. fragmented RBCs. NSAIDs. Parathyroid tumor. Retinal vein occlusion -.sudden profound visual loss. mucous gland hyperplasia. * X ray is not necessary in the dx of Osteoarthritis. vs. * Echocardiogram is the first step in Acute bacterial endocarditis.pupil react sluggishly to light. Cephalosporin. * Giardiasis -. (remember TAP) * MEN IIb -. . cheese and raw vegetable. TX -. * Retinal artery occlusion -. Barium enema is not useful because of danger of leak in to abdominal cavity. even in severe constipation.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Cat / Dog bite -. non reactive indicated when acute variceal bleeding is not controlled with medical tx.dopa / Carbidopa. X ray shows Narrowing of joint space.Inc LDH. Papillary carcinoma of Thyroid is associated with Neck Radiation. * Ductal carcinoma of pancrease -. * Listeria Monocytogens found in unpasturised milk. * MEN I -. * Antocholinergic should be avoided in pt with Hx of Narrow angle Glaucoma. Prostatic hyperplasia. * Menetrier's disease -. * Progressive Supranuclear Palsy -. 7 Copy Righted Material.First line tx is prednisone if pt is not bleeding.aggressive adenoacrcinoma of stomach.Pituitary tumor. Hemophilia A.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Transjugular Intrahepatic portosystemic shunt -. * LCA is the marker for some lymphoid neoplasm. clinical judgment is alone sufficient. Renal Failure without neurologic signs). The presence of Anti Double stranded DNA antibodies always exclude Discoid lupus since it is specific to SLE.Pasteurella multocida * PPD (tuberculin skin test) -. Remember Tetracycline is good for initial infection only. factor XIII. (last resort) * CT scan is the first test for Diverticulitis and abscess formation. vertical gaze limitation. * Linitis plastica (leather bottle stomach) -. * Bone densiometry is indicated if pt has Osteoporosis. * Skin manifestation of SLE and Discoid lupus is indistinguishable but Discoid cause non to minimal systemic effect. Pancreatic tumor (remember PPP). Neuroma (remember TAN) * Men is associated Medullary carcinoma of thyroid vs. vs.non infectious polyarthritis + conjunctivitis + Achillis tendenitis (also Anterior uveitis. * CEA is the marker for colon metastasis. * Papillary carcinoma of thyroid -. delicatessen meat. Pheochromocytoma. Inc leukocytes and dec pH suggest complication effusion should be drained immediately with chest tube because Antibiotic alone will not eliminate the infection. Young pt show no visual loss where as older shows loss of vision or significant obscuration. * Acute bacterial Endocarditis -. * Plain X ray is not helpful in the dx of septic arthritis. encephalitis. * Reiter's $ -. * Factor Xa level is required to follow the doses of newer low mole wt heparin. * Cat Scratch dis -. Sulfa drugs. and severe protein wasting (wt loss). Refampin.Thyroid tumor.used in in pt with liver disease and in pt with prolong PT time. axial rigidity and mild dementia. Penicillin G is alternative. Cranial nerve palsy) should be admitted to the hospital and given IV Ceftriaxone for 10 .L .thickened gastric folds.Bartonella Hensele vs. * Unstable angina shows T wave Inversion and heparin is the most effective proven tx to prevent progress of unstable angina to MI. Most thyroid cancer shows single nodule that is cold (that does not take Radioactive Iodine). * Parapneumonic effusion -. Retinal detachment sudden painless loss of vision in a curtain drop fashion. However Antinuclear Antibodies are + ve in 10% Discoid pt.think of staph aureus. * Sudden curtain passing across the visual field think of Amaurosis Fugas or Retinal detachment. * Cancer of upper 1/3 esophagus is usually squamous cell in origin. There is a cherry red spot on fovea. In severe cases splenectomy is required. * IV drug user with septic arthritis -.epithelial cell nuclei with clear center "orphan annie eyes". * Pt with Neurologic manifestation of Lyme's disease (meningitis. It manifest as symmetric parkinsonism. malabsorption.21 days. Empiric Antibiotic tx should be initiated after 3 set of blood drawn for culture. Parapneumonic effusion may also caused by infarction. Dose of heparin can be determined by following the partial thrombin time (aPTT). * Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura -. Keratoderma Blanorrhagica). osteophytes. but first thing to do is joint aspiration to isolate the offending agent. chorea.flatulence. vs.mortality rate is high. * Drug that cause Acute Interstitial nephritis are Penicillin. Imaging is unremarkable.degenerative disorder that effect midbrain and basal ganglia. * Bleeding time reflect interaction of platelets. premature labor and still birth. * MEN IIa -. fibrinogen & Von willibrand factor. It is used in DIC. In pregnant women it cause miscarriage. bloating. lower 2/3 could be squamous or adenocarcinoma.Induration important not the degree of Erythmia. (remember pt will liver dis are deficient in clotting factor) * Plasmapharesisis used in HUS (fever. Cartilage destruction can result into floppy ear and saddle nose. * Liver cyst in sheep herder -. * Systemic Mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa) -. (very imp). * Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis -. HIV etc * Variant Angina -. * Single Ring Enhanced lesion in AIDS pt is tx with Sulfadiazine and Pyrimethamine.more specific imaging studies are first Ventilation Perfusion Scan if fail than Pulmonary Angiography.First do CXR widening of aorta will be seen on xray. * Persistent wide S2 split suggest RBBB.chest pain / Pressure at rest. * Pulmonary HTN -. * When Renal abnormality is detected in pt with SLE .tx of choice penicillin. > 5 mm induration is consider + ve in high risk population such as immunocompromised pts.20 secs. Streptokinase is indicated when is pt is hemodynamically unstable and has no other contraindication to TX such as recent bleed.Echinococcosis (Danger of anaphylactic reaction if cyst rupture during surgery.associated with DM. > 10 mm induration is considered + ve in elevated risk population.Bilateral swelling of externa ear. * Focal segmental Glomerulosclerosis -.CSF shows mild Inc in protein with Oligocolonal IgG band. * Nitroprusside cause large V/Q mismatch is created and results into profound hypoxia because it is non selective veno . It is not associated with Inc serum LDH. Measurement thyroxine & TSH must be done). Prolongation of QT interval is also common which may results into Torsades de pointes (1%). RA etc. * Pulmonary Embolism -. * Polymyalgia Rheumatica -. Ultimate cause of death is fatal arrythemia. such as type I & II lesion require no tx where as type III & V need aggressive immunosuppressive tx.4 days after Acute pancreatitis. * Most common cause of Ring Enhanced Lesion in CNS is AIDS pt with Primary brain Lymphoma or Toxoplasma abscess. Egophony are noticeable. ova & parasite.associated with Heroin abuse. * Amiodarone cause pulmonary fibrosis (clearly related to doses). MI. * Sudden Cardiac Death occur due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. surgery etc. Dis do not cause muscle wasting or damage . Itch triggered by Aspirin.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Pulmonary Thromboembolism -. * Amiodarone cause symptomatic hyperthyroidism ( T3 & T4) in small no of pts. * Modified Acid fat stain of the stool is used in AIDS pt with persistent diarrhea that is . * Coronary Angiography is the GOLD standard test for CAD since it documents site and severity of stenosis (not performed very often). Bacterial joint infection in man do synovial fluid culture and blood culture.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS > 15 mm induration is considered + ve in low risk population. Polymyalgia Rheumatica is associated with temporal Arthritis.First draw 3 different sets of blood for culture and than immediately broad spectrum Antibiotics tx. * Nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel wilson nodule) -. * Rapid progression of febrile illness -. Hypotension also occur with IV form. breath holding or arm and body stretching.Mechanical ventilation. * Crescentic glomerulonephritis -* Relapsing polychondritis -. TX -. * Primary Biliary cirrhosis Autoimmune dis progressive destruction of Intrahepatic Bileduct. Victems are usually healthy atheletes. * Relapsing poly chondritis -. throat. TSH should be low in this scenario. * Multiple Sclerosis -. If there is no response in following 3 weeks of tx than alternative dx of Primary Brain Lymphoma is investigated and brain Biopsy is performed.if amount of fluid is small than pleural friction rub will be the only sign.proliferative disorder of mast cell. culture. . If that fails IV verapamil or adenosine is the tx of choice. Skin discoloration is also common but not harmful. vs. * Pleural Effusion autoimmune disorder occur as separate entity in association with other autoimmune disorder such as SLE. kidney and skin. Q change or T wave inversion on ECG. Transient elevation of ST segment (due to transient coronary spasm).do culture of cervix. and blood. Inject albandazole in cyst) * Popcorn like calcification with smooth margin in the lung on CXR with out any other Sx suggest Hamartoma . * Aortic dissection -.associated with post infectious glomerulonephritis. Condition can also involve heart. vs. where as if amount is large than dullness to percussion.most common cause is COPD Enlarge Right ventricle + Enlarge pulmonary arteries.severe muscle pain with stiffness & fever also malaise & wt loss. * Gram + ve diplococci (penumococcus) -. Alternative tx is cefazolin. rectum. Mortality rate is 50%. asthma and splenomegaly and develop wheel on gentle stroking with blunt object is important diagnostic test.Give heparin immediately. 95% pt shows + ve Anti Mitochondrial Ab (imp). * Gluten free diet Trial has diagnostic & therapeutic approach to cases of suspected Dermatitis herpetiformis and Celiac disease. * Typical ARDS occur 3 . Renal biopsy is must be done because appropriate tx is depend on various of morphologic changes on for leukocytes. stroke. 8 Copy Righted Material. TX -. it may occur in perfectly healthy heart. nose costocondral joints and systemic arthralgia. * Most hospitalized AIDS pt have hyponatremia due to multiple infection (remember any CNS lesion can Inc ADH (SIADH) secretion. dx sign is Brown macule that itch on stroking or rubbing. + ve End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP). * Bacterial joint infection in women is due to STD -. * Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is the most common paroxysmal arrhythmia. Alcohol. If fail than carotid sinus massage for 10 .First Instruct Valsalva maneuver. Toluidine blue make mast cell visualized on tissue section.arteriodialator work via release of NO intrinsic ability of lung to match V/Q via vasoconstriction is abolished specially in underventilated area of lung. Infantile type confined to skin where as Adult type also involve viseral organ. (typical pts are dehydrated one) * Wernicks Encephalopathy -. * Neurovascular bundle (VAN) runs along the inferior edge of ribs. * Radial Tunnel $ -.Frontal and Anterior temporal lobe Atrophy.benign tumor caused by estrogen tx. . * Excessively rapid correction of hyponatremia Lock In State (Central Pontine myelinolysis). * Vena cava filter is indicated in recurrent pulmonary embolism while under anticoagulant or when Anticoagulant cant be indicated.nystagmus. Opthalmoplegia. * Hepatic Adenoma -.suspect TCA overdose. * Diabetes Insipidus may manifest in 3rd trimester of pregnancy or during the peurperium because of circulating enz (vasopresinase) that degrade vasopressin. Sjogren $. This enz is not effective against Desmopressin. TX -. * Acute Errosive gastritis (stress gastritis or ulcer) occur in debilitated pts admitted to hospital. other medication is Cochicine.Clostridium dificile. * Non Errosive gastritis / Superficial gastritis caused by H pylori. * Scapholunate ligament rupture -. * Wagners granulomatosis -. Stage III Sever Anemia. confusion caused by thiamine def. * Pt with renal surgery develop pulmonary embolism -.+ ve C.Antiinflamatory + Rehabilitation with in 72 hrs.B lymphocytosis due to inactivation of Bcl-2 gene Lymphocytes accumulation in Bone marrow Bone marrow replacement. * Colon Cancer -. * Pseudomembraneous Colitis -.7 days. numbness. * Viral Hepatitis --. * HLA DR 3 and DR 4 is associated with DM type I. It does not cause jaundice but most common complication is Rupture of tumor into the peritoneal cavity with consequent hemoperitonium and shock. * Tinel Test -. * Chronic Errosive gastritis caused by long term NSAIDs use. vs. spastic paresis of lower extremities caused by thiamine def. * Nimodipine Reduces the neurologic deficit after stroke. Dilatation of ventricles is secondary to loss of cerebral structure called Hydrocephalus ex vacuo. nausea. rebound tenderness) * PAN shows Fibrinoid necrosis and neutrophil infiltration in to the blood vessels (demonstrate on biopsy) vs.5 9 Copy Righted Material. * CLL -. * Gentamycin cause Acute tubular necrosis .Chlorabucil is the initial tx.ALT > AST * Alcoholic hepatitis --.caused by fall on the out stretched arm cause pain in mid wrist. Correction of serum Na level should not exceed 1 mEq/L/hr or 25 mEq/L with in first day of therapy. Alzheimers -. * Bechet's $ -. * Pick Dementia -. ileus) or Colonic perforation (rigid abdomen. Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis. * Ankle sprain dx by clinical presentation and Hx .AST > ALT . organ infiltration (lymphadenopathy etc). * Scabies -.Compression the ulnar nerve at elbow produce numbness. paresthesia in little and ring finger. AST / ALT ratio is 2. Severe cases are at high risk of Megacolon (fever.Colonoscopy is preferred over Sigmoidoscopy because Sigmoidoscopy is +ve only in 25 . RNP is considered seprate entity because it produce different Autoantibody pattern against RNP. * Corticosteroids is used to reduced cerebral edema following brain infarction (which particularly pronounced in 48 . Ampicillin cause Acute interstitial nephritis. * Acute Gouty Arthritis -.think of danger of seizures and maintain pH at 7. Fludrabine is second line and for those fail to respond chlorambucil. * Hypertensive emergency -. * Anti Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Ab suggest Mixed Connective Tissue Dis Overlap features of Rheumatoid Arthritis.Diffuse Cerebral Atrophy. * Subacute Combined degeneration of Spinal cord -. * Giant cells on biopsy are consistent with Temporal arteritis.72 hrs).30% pts. Stage IV Thrombocytopenia.ANCA in 90% of pts. * Aspergillus can also invade blood vessels.painful oral and genital ulcers (in women it may be painless) + ocular dis (relapsing Iridiocyclitis cause pain / photophobia) + skin lesion + mild arthritis of large joints + CNS involvement and migratory thrombophlebitis.ANCA is + ve in both PAN and Wageners granulomatosis. In Chrugg Strauss dis and Wegners granulomatosis biopsy shows granuloma. tingling and numbness. Prompt Corticosteroid reduce and prevent potential mortality from to herniation $ (which is caused by edema).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Drug Over dose with QT prolongation --. TCA toxicity -. must be avoided in any procedure.tx with IV Sodium Nitropruside. SLE. Dx test is vasopressin challenge test (which use desmopressin). (pt usually are alcoholics) vs.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.suspected cases can be dx by microscopic examination of skin scraping obtain after placing oil on lesion. manifest in 5 . Scelroderma. * Cubital Tunnel $ -.tx of choice indomethacin or NSAIDs. Stage I CLL do not need tx. eg burn victims etc. vs.go give Heparin (dont worry). vomitting. Stage II progressive fatigue and organomegaly. Xray is usually not required.Tapping the volar surface of the wrist with reflex hammer will produce pain.5 also do gastric aspiration and lavage.Ataxia.Compression of radial nerve in arm or forearm cause pain in back of the forearm and hand + wrist drop. Tx -. * Probenacid is uricosuric agent and has no value in acute attack. * P . it suggest Carpel tunnel $. (less frequently candida too). Biopsy shows Intracytoplasmic Argyrophillic inclusion. * Phenytoin is antimetabolite of folic acid and may cause folic acid def anemia. This disorder resolves spontaneously. Hypothyroidism. (in elders it typically occur in Flexural area).itching. vs. * Seborrheic dermatitis is scaly. * Steroid is used when there is potential of edema in neurologic insult. Initially fluctuating and later progressive hearing loss. Its time and indication to start Dialysis. Obesity and DM in USA. AP and Glutamyl tranferase. 10 Copy Righted Material. Neutrophillic leukocytosis. * Hyperlipoproteinemia type I and IV (Lipoprotein lipase def) Recurrent Pancreatitis and hepatosplenomegaly. IX. & chest. TX . vs.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Obstructive hepatitis --. Among infection Hepatitis B is the most common (syphilis is 2nd in frequency). * Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy -. Bilateral skull enlargement and pathologic fracture.most common paracytic infestation of brain parenchyma & subarachinoid space. * There is some evidence that moderate hypothermia improve the chance of neurologic recovery after acute neurologic insult. but it develop over the week with out productive cough.Albandazole or Prazequantal. * Pneumocystic Carinii infection is most common in AIDS pt with very low CD 4 cell count. * Familial hypercholestrolemia (LDL receptor def) multiple xanthomas and consequent Myocardial infarction. Chronic Diuretic use.Charcot Triad (fever + Right upper abdominal pain + Jaundice). (suggest obstruction of cholangioles) * Sydenham Chorea is associated with rheumatic heart dis. * Costochondritis also called TIETZ's SYNDROME. Steroids.jaundice.Initial tx is beta blocker or Ca++ channel blocker. chin. infectious. TX . * Membranous Glomerulopathy -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. DX -. * Trypanosomiasis cause Chagas disease. AP.Best test Antimitochondrial Antibody Assay. cholestrol and triglycerides with Early Atherosclerosis. Minimal change dis share this distinction in childrens. * Test that is useful to screen pt compliance with tx for Alcohol quiting program is " Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin Test". X with resultant prolong PT (as in liver disease) * Vit C def Prolong aPPT (due to defective collagen synthesis). Surgery (in severe caes). * Nummular Eczema -. * Hyperventilation is used as therapy when there is a dx of Inc intracranial pressure. (it dec the edema) * Atopic dermatitis -.Vertigo very concern about future destruction of Atlantoaxial joint which may results into Corticospinal tract disease (brisk pathologic reflexes in all extremities + Ankle clonus + Positive Bibinski + sensory loss) * Vit K def dec synthesis of factor VII. . usual candidates are Alcoholics. Cushing $. oily. Thick calcified trabeculae which is weak (cause bow leg). PAN. * Meniere disease -. Renal dialysis and stravation. No systemic steroids due to growth retardation. * Perforated Gastrointestinal ulcer -. * Glaucoma -. to prevent bleeding disorder. Itching. * Aluminum containing Antacids hypophosphatemia (due to aluminum binding). eye brows.Etidronate. where as Acute onset severe pneumonia with productive cough. cause is unknown. Erythematous itchy rash on face. * Pt with severe Rheumatoid arthritis (bedridden) -.topical steroids for small lesion. TX -. It is immune complex mediated (idiopathic.common in < 2 yrs of age group. Manifest as Dry scaly skin. For itching use antihistamine. * Acute Cholangitis -.Most common cause is Alcohol. It can also cause ophthalmic and subcutaneous cysticercosis. * Hypolipoproteinemia type III (Apolipoprotein E abnormality) IDL. deltoid and biceps with pain and tender. Mebendazole.Cholecystectomy. Tx . DX -. * Barret Esophagus is considered premalignant metaplasia of squamous cells with culamnar cells containing small ovoid nuclei with goblet cells. Slow AP. tongue. * Trichinosis may stimulate collagen vascular disease such as dermatomyositis. vs. Cough is dry & pt is dyspnic. extraoccular muscle. than Exploratory serologic test. Other cause of hypophosphatemia are Hyperparathyroidism. SLE. * Occult malignancy are responsible for most cases of "in Hospital" hypercalcemia. Albandazole . vs. * Hyponatremia + low urinary sodium indicates Dilutional Hyponatremia. * Hemophilia A (factor VIII def) -. * Hemophilis B (factor IX def) -.dx is confirm by measuring the Intraocular pressure with Tonometry. After confirmation MRI is the next step. * Pt with chronic renal failure shows sensory neuropathy in stocking and glove pattern suggest uremic peripheral neuropathy. X linked recessive disorder that effect male.Osteoclast / Osteoblast activity. Most pt with asymptomatic hypercalcemia have primary Hyperparathyroidism.coin shaped scaly crust + / . * Cysticercosis (Tenia solium from under cooked pork) -. dandruff like rash on scalp.Thiabendazole. It typically effect muscles of masseter.First do upright X ray which confirm the dx of presence of pneumoperitonium. Theophylline intoxication. beard area. Hearing loss due to nerve compression. * Misoprostol dec the incidence of peptic ulcer disease in pts who take NSAIDs. Prolong aPTT. * Pt with liver disease or cirrhosis must be evaluated for PT time. noninfectious).most common cause of Nephrotic $ in adults. * Acromegaly -. Spontaneous resolution without tx. TX . fever. * Fatty Liver (liver steatosis) -.dx by measurement of GH level after glucose suppression test (usually with over night fasting & 100 mg glucose challenge). * Trichinosis (Trichinella Spiralis) caused by eating under cooked meat. nasolabial fold. * Paget disease -. chills suggest Strep pneumoniae pneumonia. * Primary Biliary cirrhosis -. Caused by Anti Mitochondrial Ab. Causes are Polydipsia. dorsum of hand / feet with remitting / Exacerbating course often resolves spontaneously in late childhood.also cause prolong aPTT.most common hemophilia. Recurrent UTI. Obstructive uropathy. Cardiorespiratory arrest. lead V1. V5. black Discoloration of liver.Klebsiella vs. * ST segment changes (must memorize) lead II.Anticentromere Antibody are specific. vs. 11 Copy Righted Material. over the time disease need chemotherapy.Base. * Follicular Small Cleaved Cell Lymphoma is the most common Indolent Non Hodgkin Lymphoma with waxing & waning Lymphadenopathy. V1 to V6 Left Coronary artery ( would effect left coronay and circumflex artery) lead I.Repeat blood smear every 8 hrs for 3 days or until plasmodium is isolated. Most common Aspiration pneumonia in Alcoholics -.also associated with Inflammatory bowel disease. Quadriparesis. Reiter's disease (which also shows photophobia). Addison dis is the most frequent cause of hypocortisolism in USA. * HSV Encephalitis has tendency to begin in the inferior frontal and medial temporal lobe which results into behavioral changes.Mixed Anaerobes. * Addison dis (hypocortisolism) is autoimmune dis weakness. Cholangiocarcinoma .xz * Pon Bleed pt fall into coma. Autoimmune hemolysis. * Meningioma grow from Dural . than tx is indicated. . * Renal Papillary necrosis -. Secondary Pneumothorax normally occur in pt with COPD.CXR and Ventilation Perfusion scan are mandatory in any pt with suspicion.Lateralized chest pain that intensify with deep breathing. & AVF Right coronary artery (supplies Inferior & Posterior heart) lead I. * Myelophthisic Anemia occur when tumor. Both are benign disorder with normal life span. * Caroli Dis -. * Dubin johnson $ -. Analgesic toxicity. Most malignant tumors are > 3 cm. * Spontaneous Pneumothorax also called primary pneumothorax vs. * Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (Atypical pneumonia) is associated with circulating Cold Agglutinins. V3. V4 Left anterior descending artery ( Anteroseptal & Anteroapical heart) * Staph Aureus toxin mediated diarrhea occur with in 2 .cause by Sickle cell disease. * Cholilithiasis -. Hereditary Spheroytosis.congenital cystic malformamation of biliary tree Hepatic abscess and fibrosis. Abnormal mucous cells penetrate stomach wall & trigger marked Fibrotic reaction (it can also presents as a thick rugae). * Putamen Bleed Contralateral Hemiparesis. * Primary Antiphospholipid $ -. Objective signs are pleural effusion and pleuritic rub. When dis coexist with other autoimmune disorder it term as Sec Antiphospholipid $. * Linitis Plastica is aggressive form of Adenocarcinoma (show signet ring cell).70) is also specific.First serum Ferritin and Transferrin test. AVL. than definitive dx is confirmed by Iron content in liver biopsy. * Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (polymyositis) -. * Acute Pleuritis -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. MRI / CT scan point the feature of dural trail. * SLE -.8 hrs of ingestion of contiminated food sever abrupt onset of GI Sx without blood. psoriasis. V2. Glucronyl tranferase deficiency (Gilbert $ and Criglar Nijjar $). Most constrictive pericarditis show more often RHF than LHF with resultant Ascitis and edema. * Intra Cerebral Bleed contralateral Motor and sensory deficit. Eosinophilia. fibrosis or granulomatous dis obliterate large area of marrow cavity Schistocytes Tx is difficult and base on tx the underlying disorder. * Most single small thyroid nodules without hyperthyroidism are benign. * Renal failure secondary to IV Radiocontrast occur with in 24 hrs of procedure. MRI is preferred when visual extension of malignant tumor is required. Anti Topoisomerase I Ab (SCL .AntiRibonucleoprotein Antibodies are specific. Do fine needle biopsy to confirm the dx. +ve Romberg sign (full recovery possible). * Hemochromatosis -. * Malaria -. skin melanosis. Rotor $ is same but without discoloration of liver. * Ankylosing Spondilitis -. AVL.Causes are Sickle cell dis.tx of choice laproscopic cholicystectomy. hyponatremia. Hemianopia. * Thalamus Bleed Hemianesthesia than precedes to hemiparesis * Cerebellar Bleed headache and Ataxia. menstrual abnormality.Antiphospholipid Ab are specific. * Indirect Hyperbilirubnemia --------------. V6 Circumflex artery (supplies Anteriolateral heart) Tall R wave in V1 & V2 Posterior descending artery ( posterior heart). since diarrhea / vomitting is toxinmediated. * Menetrier's disease idiopathic marked thickened gastric fold + Acid secretion + protein losing Enteropathy (wt loss).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Progressive Systemic sclerosis -. G 6 PD deficiency. * Constrictive pericarditis (diffuse thickening of pericardium) Kassmaul sign. Ultrasonography is preferred on MRI / CT scan on single thyroid nodule. * Most common community acquired pneumonia in Alcoholic --. Diastolic pressure is equal in all 4 chambers (as in temponade). III. Manifest as RUQ tenderness + Jaundice + Inc AP + Inc serum Bilirubin. DM.Anti Double stranded DNA and Anti smith Antibodies are specific.Inherited enz def of liver Direct hyperbilirubinemia and Gray to brown. Biliary cirrhosis. If pt decline surgery & gall bladder is functioning than cheno or Urso deoxycholic acid or bile salts. hypotension. RadioIodine scan is indicated when signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism is present with or without nodule. TX is Erythromycin.characteristically shows large cyst enclosing smaller cysts and calcification with in wall on Xrays. * Pulmonary Embolism -. * Ecchinococcus (Hydatid disease) -. * Crigler Nijjar $ (sever glucoronyl transferase def) more common in infants and is fatal by the age of 1 yr. vs.139 / 80 . Anticytokines (TNF). Prednisone can also reduce the swelling but can only be used with disease modifying medication. * ACE inhibitor can cause hyperkalemia due to its suppressive effect on Aldosterone. CML. * There is no effective screening program to detect lung cancer in early stage. * Hepatic Encephalopathy produce neurologic Sx due to metabolic imbalance.Strong adherence to life style modification is advised.HZV infection of Geniculate Ganglion Facial palsy and vesicular eruption (imp feature). * Colonoscopy is less sensitive than barium enema in diverticulosis / diverticulitis. hemorrhage. hyperthyroidism. * Acetamenofen overdose usually manifest with ingestion of dose > 7gm. metabolic acidosis.depression. chronic disease. HBsAb appear weeks to months after HBsAg. * Hypocalcemia soon after parathyroid surgery is due to atrophy of the remaining gland. * Radiation tx of lung cause lung injury with resultant Acute Radiation pneumonitis in 2 .> 160 / > 100 mmHg ------------. abdominal distention. .Begin drug tx (usually Thiazides) Stage II Hypertension --------.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Stage I Hypertension --------.yellow green vision. These pt are typically afibrile and can exhibit progressive neurologic dysfunction. Glucose spill in urine work as osmotic diuretic with resultant profound dehydration. diarrhea. * Thrombocythemia can occur as primary form (Essential thrombocythemia) or as a part of other morbidities (such as polycythemia vera. dry cough. (tx is often not satisfactory) * Acute Zinc def -. It manifest as shortness of breath. Tx is Calcium Gluconate soon after surgery followed by oral Calcium and Vit D. CXR shows sharp demarcated infiltrate and ground glass prolong aPPT but surprisingly those pt do not bleed instead suffer with recurrent thrombosis. * Pulmonary Radiation fibrosis is late complication of Radiation therapy appear 6 . * Nephrotic $ -. * Most common cause of Atrial Fib is MI. * Pt with family Hx of MEN IIa -.99 mmHg ------. surgery. granulomatous dis replacing marrow.12 months after Radiotherapy Respiratory insufficiency. P450 convert Acetamenofen into highly toxic substance which further deplete liver glutathione stores. Neomycin. 12 Copy Righted Material. (HBeAg suggest viral replication) * Miliaria is pruritic sweat gland inflamation. Low Iron. Tx include dec protein ingestion (that will dec nitrogen). * Aplastic Anemia shows fat in marrow.discontinuous ACEI. * Ramsay Hunt $ -. * Digoxin toxicity -.Two drug combination tx is required. Myelophthisic Anemia show tumor. Bowel inflammatory dis. fever and lekocytosis.140 .massive proteinuria results into urinary loss of many anticoagulants and leave the pt with high risk of venous thrombosis. mental irritation. Prophylactic total thyroidectomy should be done to morbidity/mortality.genetic counseling is advised if positive RET gene.occur in pt with AIDS. Pt with persistent hyperkalemia -. minimal to no ketonemia * Inc ketones are the feature of Diabetic ketoacidosis.159 / 90 . All other sources of high ACTH will not be suppressed with high dexamethasone suppression test.89 mmHg ------. * Normal BP -------------------. cardiac fiber excitability (arrythmia). * Restrictive pericarditis -.6 weeks after exposure. * CT scan is good for detecting extension of diverticulitis. * In simple words Dexamethasone suppression test will suppress pituitary tumor at high doses. Alopecia. Idiopathicmyelofibrosis. skin lesion. tumor). * Gilbert $ (glucoronyl transferase def) more common in adult and is benign vs.< 120 / < 80 mmHg.120 .000. Uremia. Listen to heart murmur because right to left shunt may raise the possibility of Endocardial Emboli.3 months. * Essential Thrombocythemia -.topical psoralen + ultravoilet A therapy. if allergy use Tetracycline. (so if pt is on drug that dec P450 system or that utilize P450 will have sort of protective effect on liver if acetaminophen over dose is concomitantly taken). * Syphilis tx -. peritoneal abscess. Usually pt are alcoholics with liver disease. (imp) * Hyperkalemia interfere with neuromuscular junction muscular weakness. fibrosis. Chronic Zinc def -. chronic infection.It is the clonal abnormality of stem cell Giant platelets often > 500. has 50 % mortality rate) occur due to extreme hyperglycemia (around 1000 mg/dL or more). * HBsAg in serum is the first evidence that Acute HBV infection is underway during 1 . DM. * Severe Rheumatoid arthritis (even in early onset) require disease modified drug such as Methotrexate.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * IV drug users are prone to develop bacteremia which can lead to brain abscess (not meningitis).most common causes are Radiation therapy. viral and rarely TB. * Chances of developing chronic Hepatitis C infection after confirming HCVAb is 75% (usually from needle stick etc) * Vitiligo tx -.penicillin G. Foreign body from injection with resultant neurologic dysfunction. features of Hyperosmolarity (normal is 290 m Osmol/ kg). poorly absorb drug will dec intestinal bacteria (will dec Ammonia) or by Osmotic Cathartic will flush out bacteria. Prehypertension -----------. * Nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma (complication of Type II DM. pain. mitral valve dis. * Before doing barium enema study on diverticulosis or diverticulitis first do plain abdominal Xray to rule out perforation. * Antiphospholipid Ab $ -. Cyclosporine. hemorrhage and tumor. protubrant forehead. laxity of joints. severe proteinuria. Inc creatinine. * Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic shunt severe liver cirrhosis need abstinence from alcohol for the successful procedure. thrombocytopenia. ectopis lentis.No intervention is necessary. Preterm delivery (< 37 weeks) 4. fetal intrauterine growth restriction.consider premalignant. * Osteogenesis imperfecta -. Membrane rupture for > 18 hrs in labor. Pt is usually afibril. 2. tall pt.common complain are rubella titer give MMR vaccine and advise that she should avoid becoming pregnant for 3 months after immunization since it is live vaccine. * Brown Pigment stone in bile is due to the infected bile. * VZV (chicken pox) -.think of peritonitis. 13 Copy Righted Material. BP 160 . headache. delivery etc). Weber test (tuning fork on the head is applied sound heard louder in deaf ear suggest conductive deficit and if sound is louder in good ear suggest sensorineuronal loss as in schwannoma) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OBGYN * Ectopic pregnancy -. TX -.defect in fibrillin gene.cause Hemolysis. if she is Rh . Platelet transfusion is reserved for more serious bleeding and fasting hyperglycemia (not more than 105 mg/dL). .tx with insulin.180 / 110 mmHg . long limbs. * Indirect coomb test -.shows surface complement and antibodies attached to RBCs with resultant hemolysis. abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. * Class A 1 Gestational diabetes ---. visual changes. TX -. Oligohydroamnios. pt with 2 or more abnormal value is considered to have Gestational Diabetes. * Adult Respiratory distress $ -. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. bone deformity.dx by 50gm oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) given between 24 . * Preconceptual Counseling --. * Pragnant exposed to VZV & not sure about immunity -. vs. proximal Aortic dilatation / insifficiency. pectus carinatum. Tachypnea ( PCO2). & 3 hrs.typically pt has oligomenorrhea. Hx of Group B strep effected neonate. (other than Hx pt should be evaluated for other potential clue) * Women with DM --. Class A 2 Gestational diabetes ---. Elevated Liver enz (RUQ pain). * Polymyositis (proximal muscle weakness) normal ESR but CPK.check blood type. pulmonary edema. * HELLP $ -. Elevated lever enz.loss of speech discrimination (due to hearing loss ) and tinnitis are the early sign. * Gestational Diabetes -.3. TX -. mitral valve prolapse.short stature. * Ehler Donlos $ -----. Low Platelet (< 100. If serology is + ve she has immunity and If serology is . * Mucopolysacchridosis (mucopolysaccharide accumulation) -. chest wall deformity. TX -.has fasting hyperglycemia . * Sever Preeclempsia criterion -. Check plasma glucose level at 1.Arachinodactyly.defect in procollagen I (type I collagen).pt with . * Liver transplant success rate is 80 % but require strict 6 month of abstinence form alcohol before transplant. pectus excavatum. Fetal surveillance should begin at 28 . Oxygenation is severely reduced due to V/Q imbalance. Eradication of the organism will results into regression of MALT. If left untreated it MALT will progress to Large B cell Lymphoma. slightly pigmented and has sand paper like surface. infertility.tx with diet. * Marfan $ -.Reduced lung compliance. (> 5gm / 24 hr). Oliguria (< 500mL / 24 hr).preeclempsia + one or more of the following. Urine culture + ve for Group B strep. Recurrent condition tx with Azathioprin. * Advantage of Mediolateral episiotomy is that it is less likely cause 4th degree extension (extension to recta mucosa).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. RUQ pain. * Administration of VZV vaccine contraindicated in pregnant women since it is live attenuated vaccine. * Mucous Associated Lymphoid tissue Lymphoma (MALT) -.28 weeks gestation if result is > 140 mg / dL do 100gm 3 hrs OGTT. * Hydroxyurea Inc the hemoglobin F in pt with sickle cell anemia but it is consider class D (not safe) in pregnancy. * Polycystic ovary $ -. * Pregnant women who is bleeding give RhoGAM unless father of the child is known Rh . 1.drop in platelet count to below normal value occur in many normal pregnancies.32 week gestation with twice weekly Non Stress Test (NST) untill mother delivers. followed by Contraction stress test or Biophysical profile (U/S). * Pregnant women during labor with one of the following should receive prophylactic Antibiotic. obesity.defect in FGF receptor .1st step is to check IgG serology against VZV. * Marfan $ --. * Schwannoma (Acoustic nerve neuroma) -. * Gestational Thrombocytopenia -.000).shows circulating antibodies (as tested group match before transfusion).corticosteroids. * Severe Abdominal pain that gets better when pt lying quietly ----.defect in procollagen III (type III collagen) * Achondroplasia -----. * Direct coomb test -.Inc risk of sudden Intrauterine associated with H pylori infection.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Actinic keratosis -.Ideal time to check immunity to vericella is preconceptionally (sever consequence for mom / fetus). If NST is not reactive Uteroacoustic Stimulation should be performed. * Exposure to fetal Rh blood can occur when ever women has an episode of bleeding (due to trauma. * NST is reactive if there are 2 acceleration of Fetal heart rate in 20 minutes ( by 15 / min for 15 seconds). 3. she should be given VZIG (75% effective in preventing an infection if given with in 96 hrs of exposure). Amniocentesis. 2. Grand mal seizures (eclempsia) * Tamoxifen (estrogen receptor antagonist) used for the tx of Breast cancer (estrogen receptor positive breast cancer). Shows flesh color. as it seen in placenta previa.12 month after menarche. It does not cause fetal distress. (mostly from gonorrhea & chlamydia) * Primary Dysmenorrhea -.passage of bloody mucous with cervical dilatation is the indication of early labor. * Active recent or recurrent STDs are absolute contraindication to IUD (Intrauterine device). Bilirubin. It is 99% effective if given with in 72 hrs.60 days consider it abnormal it is Oligomenorrhea.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Although HELLP $ is related to Preeclempsia and HTN the proteinuria may be absent or minimal. * Approx 2/3 of migrane sufferer report improvement of their SXs during pregnancy. Normal post voidal residual is < 50 mL. * Narcotic can be use to control pain in pregnancy but as a last resort. This measure will prevent neonatal hypoglycemia. Spermicidal lubricants allow complete immobilization of sperm. Regime cause nausea / vomitting.NSAIDs or OCPs. Remember PGF is contraindicated in pregnancy if pt is asthmatic. Methylergonovine is avoided in pt with ischemia. TX -. TX -. or Imiquimad. Abruptio placenta results into painful vaginal bleeding.72 hrs.dysurea. DM. * Chlamydial infection pregnancy -. * Soft Boggy postpartum uterus with bleeding suggest Uterine Atony. trichloracetic acid.when pt with PID develop perihepatic inflamation and adhesion extending from liver to the surface of diaphragm. The risk factors include that successfully verted fetus reverted back to its breech position (that is the reason early cephalic version is not recommended. Always make sure that pt is not previously pregnant with pregnancy test before indicating OVRAL. * FITZ . * Condyloma acuminata (HPV) -.prompt radical hysterectomy.most common form of cancer during pregnancy.For symptomatic polyps do Polypectomy. PGF.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. other methods are Hysteroscopy and Sonohysterogram.Cauliflower like wart. * Bloody Show -.same as Severe Preeclempsia.tx of choice is Erythromycin. if that fail do hysterectomy preferably vaginal hyterectomy. * Endometrial carcinoma -. medication.cause sudden pain. * OCPs are absolutely contraindicated in women over 35 yrs old and smoke. Methyergonovine.10% of pt with PID. * OCPs significantly the risk of ovarian cancer. TX -. * Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance (ASCUS) on Pap smear do not fit the criteria of low / high grade squamous epithelial lesion. Causes .Liquid nitrogen or trichloracetic acid or laser destruction. * Detrusor Instability (due to uninhibited bladder contraction) sudden urgency followed by medium . * Postcoital Contraception is safe and highly effective. * Presumed Ovarian Torsion -. * Pt with Phenylalanine Hydroxylase def wants to be pregnant advice low phenylalanine diet before conception. if fails than Direct Laproscopy for presumed ovarian torsion. * Uterine Prolapse -. Podohyllin. * Pt with resolved Breast carcinoma presents with large lytic lesion in the lumbar spine do Emergency Radiation. 14 Copy Righted Material. This pt should have repeated pap smear in 3 . SXs are RUQ pain. This $ occur in 1 . * Pregnant women with DM should be tx with insulin to maintain glycemic control. contraction and fetal distress. pH 6. TX -. Pelvic pain.large loss of urine. * Trichomonas Vaginalis (pear shape & motile) -.25 mmHg diastolic. * Menstruational cycle that occurs every 45 .PSOS. Lab shows hemolysis. * Endometrial polyps -. * Uterine Fibroids are most common in black women. Norgestrol / Ethinyl Estridiol (OVRAL) given orally 2 tablets stat and 2 more tablet 12 hr later.It is dx by Endometrial biopsy. Other risk factors are Cord compression and placental abruption which require immediate C section.first tx with Pessary (structure used to support pelvic organ). First do Abdominal Ultrasound. green frothy vaginal discharge.progesterone acetate for > 1 yr reports Amenorrhea due to drug induced atrophy of endometrial lining. * External Cephalic version (maneuver) is used at 37 weeks gestation. antiemetic may require. * Molluscum Contigiosum (pox virus) Dome shaped flash color papule with itch. Cramping occur before menses & last 48 . * Rhythm method of contraception has great failure rate (> 10%).most common Sxs are irregular bleeding in premenopusal and spotting in postmenopausal.laser destruction. excision. dyspareunia.40 mmHg systolic and 20 . Pt should first undergo Radiation while narcotics analgesic being administered * BRCA 1 screening should not be done before genetic counseling to assess the individuals psychologic response to + ve result. vasa previa. * C section when compare to the normal vaginal delivery Inc the risk of Post partum Endometritis. If second intercourse is take place use spermicidal lubricant again.HUGH CURTIS $ -. Management is usually C section.6 month because 25 % will have Dysplasia eventually. * In Placenta Abruptio fetal distress is seen in 50% of cases. Cryotherapy. . * 50% of women on Depot medroxy . * Neurogenic bladder characterized by post voidal residual (>50 mL). TX pt & partner with metronidazole. * Upto 40% of pt with HELLP $ will develop DIC (will show fibrinogen and fibrin split product). * In hypertensive Emergency goal of the tx is not to bring BP to normal (danger of hypoperfusion) instead lower the BP by 30 . Pleuritic pain & Liver Enz are normal. LDH. (if suspicion is high). * Diaphragm is used with spermicidal lubricants and should not be removed for 6 hrs after intercourse. pain may radiate to back & thigh. Thyroid abnormality. placenta Abruptio. TX -. * Biopsy guided by monographic localization (stereostatic biopsy) is most appropriate approach to non palpable lesion. DX -.start 6 . * Most common cause of Abruptio placenta is HTN and trauma other cause is cocaine use. TX -. (relationship of OCPs with breast cancer is still unclear). TX is Oxitocin. 5% women will have fetal maternal transfusion during procedure. 10 lbs in first 20 weeks than roughly 1 lb / week). hopelessness. Pressure. * IUD is excellent method of birth control monogamous relation ship. headache. (imp clue) vs. However once fetal cardiac activity is seen the risk of spontaneous abortion will come to 10% (amazing) * Exposure to CXR does not cause harmful effect on fetus.classic finding is Dilatation and evacuation. If hemodynamic instability is observed (such as hypotension) IV Conjugated Estrogen is given. * Adolescent Anovulatory cycle manifest as menorrhagia.Psychologic or somatic Sxs that develop in leuteal phase and resolve with menses. * Neonatal sepsis in first few days of life is due to Group B strep vs. TX -.50% chances of recurrence with myotomy) * Complete Hydatidiform Mole -. renal.5yrs. (v. * Infant born before 23 weeks of gestation have mortality rate of 85%. Also cause wt gain.methotrexate is contraindicated if product size is > 3. leukopenia.think of Osteoma (benign tumor of long bones). * Newborn with C section have higher rate of Transient Tachypnea when compared those with vaginal delivery. SXs include are depression. lymphopenia. Digeorge $ is congenital defect of 3rd & 4th brachial pouches with resultant hypoclacemia. headache joint and muscle pain . 15 Copy Righted Material.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.35 lbs. Alternative are Ticarcillin and tobramaycin.Psychotherapy + life style change. * Nocturnal bout of bone pain in children relieved by aspirin (or NSAIDs) --.Congenital anomali present with recurrent UTI. imp) * Ceftazidime + Tobramycin (intravenously) is the drug of choice against P. dec libido. These pt need close follow up. TX -. of those women 50% will have spontaneous abortion. dyschezia & Infertility. Atopic Eczema ( IgE level). Aeroginosa. (5 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PEDS * Pseudosiezures are similar to tonic clonic seizures but related to Hysterical conversion or Malingring. (50% likelihood of developing DM in next 20 yrs. Group A sterp cause sore throat. immunodeficiency & cardiac malformation. or Inc creatinine.5 cm or hCG > 15000 mIU/dL or product has cardiac activity. Myotomy for those who desire pregnancy (25 . pts are at risk of developing Non Hodgkin lymphoma. * Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder -. anger. screening for DM. * Basophilic stippling seen in lead poisoning as well as in Thalasemia. * Pt with normal wt (BMI 20.Inc risk of fetal malformation (cardiac. Autoimmune antibodies & infection (always comfort the pt first).Thrombocytopenia (very small size platelet). CNS anomalies). wt gain. * Depot Medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) is an injectable contraceptive but given IM every 3 months (cause thick cervical mucous due to progesterone). Mortality rate dec to about 25% at 25 weeks of gestation. uterine cavity. depression. * Presence of even very small amount of thymus tissue may allow infant with Digeorge $ to out grow their immunodficiency over the period of 4 . * DM type I -. breast tenderness and swelling. hair loss). lethargy. TX -. But there is disadvantage if high risk of ectopic pregnancy. Dyspareunia. . TX -.must distinguished cervical incompetency from premature labor which is progressive cervical dilation with painful uterine contractions. One ureter is normal and one ureter ends up in the vagina or perineum and results into constant leak of urine through vagina.Hyterectomy for those who donot desire pregnancy. thrombocytopenia.dx by Ultrasound.Cerclage between 10 . anxiety. Fluoxetine consider more effective. Other contraindications are liver dysfunction. * Gestational diabetes -. * Gestational Trophoblastic disease are classified as complete or partial hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma. * Deep venous thrombosis is serious complication of OCPs. * Uretero pelvic junction obstruction -.6) pregnancy should be associated with wt gain of 25 . Brachial cyst is the lateral neck mass (along the anterior edge of sternocloidomastoid muscle) * Lower implantation of one ureter is symptomatic in girls only. * Pt with prior C section is at Inc risk (12%) of uterine rupture with vaginal delivery for that vaginal birth is contraindicated. * Impetigo caused by Group A strep or Staph Aureus honey colored crusted lesion. pneumonia. Most common side effect is menstrual abnormality irregular bleeding even Amenorrhea (in 1 yr). For that reason pt must be screened for 2 hrs 25 gm Glucose Tolerance test at 6th postpartum week. anemia. meningitis in older children. difficulty concentrating. risk of developing Eventual DM. TX -. * Abortion -. * Endometriosis -. Risk is even higher in those who smoke concomitantly or those who have inherited resistance to activated Protein C or Factor V Leiden mutation. This investigation include Evaluation of parental chromosomes. * Approx 25 . mood lability.14 week of gestation (Shirodker cerclage or Mcdonald cerclage). Note . * Cervical Incompetence is defined as painless cervical dilatation without uterine cramping in the 2nd trimester. * Thyroglossal cyst is the midline mass vs. Thyroid disease. if there is no hemodynamic instability the next step in management is OCP. (Obstruction can handle normal urinary flow but any high unusual vol results into hydronephrosis). Urinary Sx. Counseling prior conception will dec the risk.30 % women will have 1st trimester bleeding. Common Sxs are Pain. Gun powder burn lesion (reddish / brownish) on laproscopy. Splenectomy is helpful if thrombocytopenia is severe.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Spontaneous Abortion (miscarriage) is subject to be investigated after 2 first trimester spontaneous abortion. * Ureterovesical reflux -. Irregular uterine bleeding. SLE. Sacral Agenesis is most common anomali in Insulin dependant DM. * Uterine Fibroids (leiomyomata) require tx when they are symptomatic. appetite and sleep change. with serum hCG level being followed to ensure that there is no persistent or metastatic molar tissue.fascinating disorder usually in occur in boys Sudden flank pain with high vol diuresis mostly when teen first time start drinking beer. * Wiscott Aldrich $ -.Dicloxacillin (penecillinase resistant Drugs). * Klumpke Palsy (injury to lower part of the brachial plexus) paralysis of hand and wrist often with ipsilateral Horner $. abdominal pain. * UTI in child -. * Lown . TX -. * Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia -.suspect Coagulase .Surgery. . * Hypophosphatemia Rickets (also called Vit D Resistant Rickets) is a genetic disorder Impaired renal tubular reabsorption of phosphate & calcium with resultant hypophosphatemia.IV nefcillin (take prompt measures because condition is rapidly fatal) * Evaluation of preconscious puberty should begun with radiograph of head and wrist. * Low grade reflux usually resolves as child grows -. Other Sx are gonadal failure. (25 .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Osteoma is radiolucent surrounded by wide rim of osteosclerosis. diarrhea. TX -. * Acute Iron Toxicity occur with 30 mg / kg Errosive necrosis of stomach and acute hepatic necrosis. vitiligo. chronic active is incomplete form of sexual precoucity.Ganong . (Inc mortality rate).further evaluation with CT scan of head and abdomen is required. pernicious anemia. protoporphrin conc in plasma & RBCs). * Technetium Bone scan is very effective in dx of Osteomyelitis in early stage. malabsorption. Attack may last more than hour. Surgery may be required. (specially if child is < 2 yrs old with unexplained fever) * Voiding cystourethrogram is most sensitive technique to identify vesicourethral reflux in children with staph infection which is resistance to Oxicillin. (imp) * Hydrop fetalis due to Erythroblastosis fetalis sever hemolytic anemia of fetus. * Caries is infectious disease in which streptococcus mutans play crucial role. * Aneurysmal Bone cyst in children affect metaphysis of tibia and femur (close to the knee). * WPW $ -. * ABO incompatibility is usually not severe enough to cause full blown hydrop fetalis. * Erythropoietin protoporphyria burning erythema and swelling after exposure to sun (abnormal LFT.present with P wave following QRS wave. * Acute Intermittent Porphyria presents with sever abdominal pain. vomiting. DM. * Most common secondary tumor associated with retinoblastoma is Osteosarcoma. TX . (imp) * Staph aureus also cause skin pustule of periumbilical and diaper area. * Vit A toxicity occur at > 3000. * Physiologic Leucorrhea occur few months prior to menarche. (imp dif) * TSS -.First transurethral catheterization to obtain urine for culture. Alopecia.Levine $ -. adducted & internally rotated shoulder & forearm is pronated. * Erb Palsy (injury to upper part of brachial plexus) Partially paralyzed arm. * PDA in premature infant give Indomethacin.caused by Staph Aureus usually in women using highly absorbent tampons fever. to determine bone age. but in nonpremature infant should be tx with surgical division of the PDA.same as WPW$ but QRS is not shortened. * First stage of tooth decay in child manifest by chalky white area on the tooth enamel.000 IU ingestion Acute elevation of Intracranial Pressure.30% will show up vesicoureteral reflux). (remember XRAY will not show osteomyelitis for at least one week).it suggest hypothyroidism. * If Erb or Klumpke palsy last more than 3 month do MRI to evaluate.short PR interval + delta wave + slurred QRS upstroke are classical ECG findings. Pt presents with bow legs (genu varum) and seizures.12 month follow up is indicated. generalized myalgia and maculopapular rash (typically on wrist) . Normal vit D and PTH level. * Osteosarcoma is radioresistant so must be tx with Surgery and chemo. * Croups with moderate difficulty in respiration (due to laryngotracheal edema) should be tx with Aerosol Epinephrine which has shown to provide relief by vasoconstriction and reduction of edema. chemo and radiation.Complete recovery in 3 months with daily passive range of motion exercise only. Pt with precocious puberty + Delay bone age --. * Hospitalized premature infant on mechanical ventilation develop late onset of pulmonary infiltrate (usually 2 week later) --.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.highly pruritic idiopathic skin disorder commonly occur in association with Asthma an Allergic Rhinitis. Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is indicated in all Girls > 5 yrs of age with 2nd episode of UTI. Surgery is reserved for those who fail to resolve as they grow.Complete recovery in 3 months with proper immobilization of arm across upper abdomen + daily passive range of motion exercise. (imp) * Ewing Sarcoma (t11 : 22) may have histopathologic feature characteristic of Neural differentiation. Xray shows Eccentric area of osteolysis surrounded by the cortex. 16 Copy Righted Material.but put child on low dose Antibiotic therapy to protect him from recurrent UTI. (tetracycline should be avoided till 8 yrs of age). vs. * VCUG is indicated in boys with UTI regardless of age. Ipsilateral paralysis of diaphragm may also be present . Yellow brown intrinsic stain of tooth in children is due to tetracycline. Pt with precocious puberty + advanced bone age --. Pt with precocious puberty + normal bone age --. * Numular Eczema -. * Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is indicated in all Girls < 5 yrs of age with 1st episode of UTI. vs. * Polyglandualr def $ type I (peak incidence is 12 yrs of age) Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis + Hypothyroidism + Addison dis Adrenocortical failure show hyponatremia & low bicarbonate. (most other bone tumor are mesodermal origin) TX -. most common cause is Rh incompatibility. Out pt 6 . (TSH and T4 evaluation is required). Remember Intubation is reserved for severe condition (steeple sign) * Acute Otitis media shows bulging and fullness with reduced tempanic mem mobility. (RET is associated with MEN IIa).common cause of right iliac fossa pain in children (due to recent viral or bacterial infection). CT scan confirm the dx.75 % chances that the child will not have the seizures again. Overly friendly. * Kartagners $ --.. supraclavicular aortic stenosis . or pulmonary venous return).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Hypertensive child -. persistent cough.parenteral penicillin + needle aspiration of abscess from tonsils. If all 4 genes are abnormal --------------------------------------------. * Neonate listeriosis present soon after birth and with in 5 days presents as respiratory distress. * Patau $ (trisomy 13) -.dextrocardia.Prolong jaundice (75%). TX -. other medications are antihistamine.First test Urine Analysis and serum electrolytes. it could be uni or bilateral. * Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia effect Basal ganglia and Brain stem nuclei. hypercalcemia. (remember verapamil is contraindicated in < 1 yr of age due to bradycardia.MC extracranial tumor of children. Renal function is typically normal. vs.thymic hypoplasia (hypocalcemia).tx with phenylephrine or pseudophedrine (are most effective). constipation & failure to thrive (35%). * Post Strep Glomerulonephritis develop 1 . enlarge fontanelle (33%). * Neuroblastoma -. dysmorphic feature. Plus fever & bullae formation with in target lesion are 17 Copy Righted Material. * Acute cerebral edema with convulsion in infant one of the malignancy that demonstrate spontaneous regression from undifferential stage to benign cellular tissue.Holoproencephaly.person will have HbH disease. * Dacryostenosis is congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. pt with penicillin allergy use give Clindamycin or Cephalosporin with Metronidazole. drooling. vs. vs.does not cause constipation instead show pale (acholic) stool. * Tonsillar Abscess (most commonly hemolytic strep) difficulty speaking.think of Meconium ileus. If there are 1 normal gene and 3 abnormal genes --------------. Barium enema is DX / TX Intussusception in infant. TX -. Remember the source of bleeding is usually germinal matrix.person will have Thalasemia trait.2 week after strep infection may results into acute renal failure. Renal biopsy is dx.First Ice bag on face for 5 seconds (it release strong vagal discharge = vegal stimulation). Rocker bottom feet . Listeriosis is transmitted by mom to fetus during pregnancy and mom is infected due to unpasturized milk. * At least 4 of the 11 criteria’s must be met in order to dx SLE. * Adolescent with nasal allergies --.think of contact dermatitis (probably poison ivy etc).surgery other wise pt die due to cardiac related sudden death. likelihood of child to have cancer is 100 %. Most appear < 2 yrs of age. Tx with oral prednisone for 14 . Giving Reassurance is all you need. contrucncal abnormalities (truncus arteriosus. It is difficult to differentiate from Acute Appendicitis (which cause rebound and garding tenderness) * Child found to have RET mutation -. superior venacava $. Corkscrew like appearance of duodenum. * Digeorge $ -. XRAY shows small bowel dilation. cleft palate/ lip. odynophagia. dada by age of 9 . TX -. bone pain. * William's $ (deletion of ch 7q) short stature. A free protoporphyrin level must be obtained. hypertelorism etc. Neuroblastoma -. Tubular cast & C3 level may be seen. if tumor is aggressive do surgery alone or with chemo or radiation. DX / TX with Gastrografin enema. TX -. Infant may have hx of pica or abdominal pain or may show basophilic stippling. than BUN and Creatinin. Amniotic fluid is typically brown to green. * Mesenteric adenitis -. tx with alternate day steroids. if fail than IV Adenosine bolus. uncooked vegi or poultry. asystole and shock) * In minimal change dis complement level is normal. * Supraventricular tachycardia in infant -. Gastrografin enema is dx and therapeutic for maconium ileus.advice to massage inner canthus of the eye twice daily resolution occur in 90% of infants by 1 yr. cheese. vs. If there 2 normal gene and 2 abnormal gene -------------------. myoclonus (dancing feet). * Steven johnson $ is distinguished from Erythemia multiforme by mucosal involvement. subcutaneous nodules (blueberry muffin lesion). (imp) * First seizure of unknown etiology there is 60 .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Midgut volvulus is the most common cause of abdominal obstruction in neonate. Late onset of lesteriosis is more likely to presents as meningitis. lead lines may or may not be present. * Barium enema is dx and therapeutic in suspected Intussusception. * Premature Neonate are at Inc risk of Intraventricular hemorrhage or Intra parenchymal hemorrhage.Hydrop fetalis (Hg Bart). * If there are 3 normal genes and one thalasemic gene --------.person will be clinically normal. . Umbilical hernia (50%). if that doesn’t work than Tonsillectomy. cord compression. Symptoms depend on location. * Biliary Atresia -. * Child with cardiac defect presents with fever and seizures or focal CNS sign do CT scan because cardiac infection may results into bacterial emboli of abscess to brain. if fail than incision & drainage. * Congenital hypothyroidism -.21 days. congenital heart defect. opsoclonus (dancing eyes). * In membrano proliferative glomerulonephritis complement level is low + hematuria and proteinuria. * Infant with cystic fibrosis present having abdominal difficulties -. (urine catecholamine only when HTN presents with palpitation and sweating) * Infant learn mama .go do thyroidectomy.Observation only.must consider toxic subs including lead. Common Sxs are horner $. hypercalciuria (renal stone). * Erythmatous papules with vesicles in linear fashion along with Hx of camping trip -. Paucity of air in intestine. burning pain in extremities. vs. hypophosphatemia (bone abnormalities). dark coloration of cartilage.damage is caused by immune mediated antigenic mimicry (M protein antigenic mimicry). testis. * Alkaptonuria -. usually asymptomatic.anaphylaxis to vaccine. . Later when immune system matures immunoglobulin becomes normal. * If Asthma is suspected -.must be corrected surgically as soon as possible to enable the brain to learn to process image from both eyes. prolong PR interval. Neomycin allergy (gelatin).20%) and described by pt as heavy dragging sensation without pain. polyarthritis. this condition is called Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Remember always Adrenal hyperplasia will results into Inc androgenic hormones GnRH will shut and testis will appear small. other wise image in one eye will be suppressed by age 7 yr with resultant cortical blindness. * Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy -. etc . * Hydrocele is presence of fluid in tunica vaginalis.first do Pilocarpine Iontophoresis sweat test (which detect chloride in sweat to rule out cystic fibrosis) because upto 20% kids with cystic fibrosis develop nasal polyps. overlapping of 3rd & 4th finger. Roseola Exanthem Subitum -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS characteristic of Steven johnson $. fever. * Fanconi $ -.first do spirometry test before & after bronchodilator to confirm the clinical dx of asthma. scared lung and smooth muscle hypertrophy. may show guaic + ve stool. * Mechanical ventilation in premature neonate due to ARDS will damage the lung alternate area of emphysema. 18 Copy Righted Material. Resultant type II or Proximal RTA. or short course of oral prednisone.think of hypothalamic tumor with Inc GnRH Inc testosterone. immuno def. * Acute Rheumatic fever -. It last 2 . spleen.urinary secretion of Homogentisic acid arthritis.typical macular rash on trunk appear after abrupt end of fever. slowly progressive degenerative dis of retina progressive night blindness. If it does not reveal than bronchial provocation test with histamine or methacholine. * Child with nasal polyps -. subcutaneous nodules. * Edward $ (trisomy 18) single umbilical artery. corneal opacities. * Transient tachypnea of new born -.3 days. serotonin) its def pellagra like acute infantile neuropathic form death in early childhood. involvement of kidney. produce pathognomonic crumpled silk histiocyte. Dark pigmentation in bony specule configuration involving the equtorial retina. * Cricothyrotomy is done to secure airway.has feature of type I and II. phenylalanine. Minor criteria -. large penis. * Surgery for nasal polyps is indicated when it does not respond to medical tx such as topical betamethasone. * Phenylketonuria (phenyalanine hydroxylase def) -. vs. photosensitivity. aminoaciduria.dysfunction of proximal tubule glucosuria.palpable purpura on lower extremities. * Retinitis pigmentosa -. vs. Size of vericocele Inc with valsalva maneuver and dec with lying down. Tryptophan (synthesize nicotinamide. Type II -. DX requires jones criterion (either 2 major or 1 major + 2 minor) Major criteria -. methionine). Needle Cricothyrotomy is the procedure of choice in children < 12 yrs of age. dark pubic hair -. Erythema marginatum.6 month of age. Ring scotoma and loss of acuity. arthritis. * Gaucher disease (ARD) -.carditis.occur due to exhaustion of maternal IgG at 5 . pregnancy. splenomegaly & bone lesion. Affected infant may go through several months to years to be very vulnerable to infection. * Fabry's disease ( galactosidase A def) -. Type I -.hexagonal shape).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. (Remember hypogammaglobulinemia mostly effected Ig is IgG. Previous febrile reaction is not contraindicated. Inc ESR. blond hair and blue eyes. lesion occur in crops.Inherited.Glucocerebrosidase def glucocereroside and ceramide accumulation in liver.benign congenital multiloculated lymphatic lesion. needle and surgical. * Cystenuria cause urinary tract calculi (cysteine stone -. * Hartnup disease -. common in posterior triangle of the neck. Inc C . there are two types. Palpation along the spermatic cord often reveal the classic bag of worm. disease cause complete blindness eventually. melatonin. hypoganthia. ataxia and neuropsychiatric disturbance. * Premature neonate with RD$ who are tx with high O2 levels Retrolental fibroplasia (due to damage blood vessels in viterous) Condition may results into blindness.preventable cause of mental retardation. Surgical Cricothyrotomy is the procedure of choice in children > 12 yrs of age. * Cystic hygroma -. vs.reactive protein. Type III -.XYY $. * Tall boy + precocious puberty + acne --. * Formal Tracheostomy is reserved for the long term management of the airway. heart and brain. management is problematic. months to year later normogammaglobulinemia) * Rash of the measles begins from head and spread to body. bone marrow and brain.arthralgia. untreated or active TB. * Henoch Schonlein Purpura -. hypoplastic orbital more common without neuro involvement shows pingueculae and brown skin pigmentation. * Testicular tumor is painless mass that is firm and hard and inseparable from testis.Angiokeratoma.Autosomal recessive disorder that produce that cause neutral aminoaciduria (including tryptophan. * Contraindication to MMR vaccine -. Varicella rash first appear on trunk and than become generalized than crusted. * Strabismus -. Intermittent abdominal pain. child presents pale skin. * Vericocele is common in adolescent male (15 . vs. * Boy with precocious puberty + acne.occur in those who reabsorb amniotic fluid trapped in the lung slowly. intentionally produced Sxs to gain external incentives (secondary benefits). avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma.6 months age fever. Insidious onset of behavioral change related to frontotemporal atrophy. * Most common posterior fossa tumor in childhood ---. Inc arousal. * Mental retardation with Elfin facies -.most often seen in Hirsch sprungberg dis. * Hand Foot & Mouth disease -.96 hrs after eliminating offending diet. Flash back. small hand and feet. causes are Physiologic delay. * Alagille $ (lesion on ch 20p) jaundice. mental retardation. * Food allergies induced colitis -. * Factor that Inc the risk of recurrence of Febrile seizures are Family hx of febrile seizures.paternal ch 15q 11 Obesity. * Krabbe dis -. * Acute Sinusitis usually follow a common cold and is due to bacterial infection of the maxillary sinus persistent mucopurulent discharge. dementia.most crucial step in management is avoidance of triggering factor.SSRI and MAO inhibitor in long term therapy. difficulty feeding. ovarian failure. impulsivity. blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa. mental retardation. TX -. If nasal discharge / obstruction persist for > 30 days dx of Sub Acute Sinusitis is made. protein losing enteropathy (possible edema).Intentionally produced Sxs to assume sick role but not to gain external incentives.first do serum chemistry since most seizures are metabolic in origin. vs. nasal obstruction. (muscle wasting / weakness. age < 18 month and temp < 39 (103 F). * Primary Amenorrhea -. * Pheochromocytoma (mostly benign) -. * Tangier dis (severely low serum HDL) -. repetitive behavior. * Neonatal seizures -.fix Hirsch sprungberg dis with resection of involved bowel.vit A & E (massive dose) will delay neurologic deterioration. dehydration and shock.first resolve infection than 2 . Immunotherapy against identified allergens is not beneficial with multiple allergens. stiff limb. day time coughing with wheezing.confirm by resolving of Sx in 72 . * Rash of fifth disease start from cheeks (slapped face).medulloblastoma.14 days after birth and Inc the risk of neonatal pneumonia due to chlamydia. (normal at birth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Psychiatry * Pick disease (frontotemporal dementia of unknown cause) Unlike most dementia which presents with initial cognitive changes.absence of menses for 3 menstrual cycles or max of 6 month in women who previously had normal menses. Best alternative is 19 Copy Righted Material. convulsion etc) * Toxic Enterocolitis (toxic megacolon) -. * Herpangina caused by Coxakie virus dysphagia. * Pediculosis humanus corporis -. DX -. and deposits of cholesterol in the skin (xanthomas). ependymoma and pilocytic astrocytoma. * Aphthous stomatitis -.resemble gaucher dis with orange .tx BP with phenoxybenzamine ( adrenergic blocker).90% infant respond to casein based formula. * Talipes Eqino valgus -.3 month of age due to dietary cow protein or soy protein diarrhea. Manifest as diarrhea & dehydration due to bacterial over growth. It is emergency and required prompt tx in burn unit.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Streptococcal scarlet fever -. Tx with Amoxicillin or macrolides. * Abetalipoproteinemia -. * Child with UTI -. .preceded by upper respiratory infection with staph aureus. TX . liver biopsy indicate too few bile ducts. Medulloblastoma appear as a solid tumor on CT may extend to 4th ventricle. hypersexuality & hyperorality.yellow tonsillar hyperplasia.preceded by Group A strep pharyngitis sand paper like rash with fever and strawberry tongue due to Erythrogenic exotoxin secreted by Group A streptococcus. itching.3 month later voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG). Ependymoma is the mass that fill 4th ventricle and extend to adjacent tissue.Globoid cell on brain biopsy. vs. burst of laugh. vs.maternal ch 15q 11 puppet like actions. * Acute post traumatic disorder (Sx are < 3 months of duration) significant disturbance in social & occupational norms.steatorrhea. * Secondary Amenorrhea -.think of William $ (lesion on 7q) * Angelman $ -. grayish oval eggs inside cloths.absence of menses by age 16 or 4 yrs after thelarche (onset of breast development).wide spread epidermal necrosis / desquamation after formation of blister & bullae due to S. * Asthma -. * Antidepressants that most commonly produce sexual dysfunction are -. * SSS$ -. * Factitious disorder -. but some benefit with single allergen therapy. vs. paralysis. TX -. seizures mental retardation. Complication include sepsis. * Malingering -. with rubbing skin can exfoliate (+ ve Nikolsky sign). 3 .club foot (planter flexed and facing to other leg).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Niemann pick disease sphingolipidosis resemble gaucher dis but show Sea blue histiocytes. * Toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN) -. on hand & feet. aureus or in cloths cause itching bites.oral mucosal ulcers in children with out fever or pain. Acanthocytes (spiny projection on RBCs).caused by Coxaki virus small vesicles in mouth. * Prader willi $ -. death) * Metachromatic leukodystrophy -. * Chlamydia opthalmia in neonate -.occur in 1 .Sxs must be presents for at least 10 days to make dx. mental /motor signs. dehydration with metabolic acidosis. ataxia. rectal bleeding.metachromatic deposit on sural nerve biopsy. DX -. It manifest as disinhibition. Complete Abetalipoproteinemia means neither chylomicron nor VLDL is formed. vesicles on anterior tonsil and palate in children. * RSV infection in < 1 yr of age Inc the risk of Apnea which can be life threatening. Pilocytic Astrocytoma appear as a cystic mass with mural nodule in cerebral hemisphere. siezures.occur between 5 . hypothalamic disease. It is dopamine antagonist on D1.dentrolene with Bromocriptine (dopamine agonist).excessive worry (no freak out) vs. blurry vision. urinary retention. . * Tardive dyskinesia -. occur before 3 yrs of age.18 months of age.think of phencyclidine intoxication. it cause significant distress in daily functioning (freak out.give clozapine. transitory hair loss. * Glabellar reflex is also present in extrapyramidal disorder such as parkinson disease. * Kleptomania -. Glabellar signs include palmer grasp. * Schizophereniform disorder is same as schizophrenia but for schizophreniform Sxs must last > 1 month but < 6 months where as for schizophrenia Sxs must last > 6 months. diaphoresis. * Essential features of the dx of Dilirium -. * Strangers anxiety develop at 8 month of age. * CT scan of brain of schizophrenic pt shows enlargement of lateral & 3rd ventricle there by Inc the ventricle to brain ratio.sudden onset of psychotic episode after marked psychological stressor with out any Hx of psychopathology. * Most common comorbid disorder in children with ADHD is oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. transitory Inc in LFT. * Major depression with Atypical feature respond best to MAO inhibitor. dysartheria. * Cocaine block dopamine reuptake which explain Sxs of psychosis in cocaine user (Inc dopamine availability at D1 and D2 receptors). * Benzodiazepine / Barbiturate act on GABA receptors * PCP inhibit NMDA receptors which use glutamine as a neurotransmitter. if blinking persist on every tap it is abnormal called Myerson's sign. * Glycine largely located in spinal cord (strychinine is glycine antagonist cause seizures). tachycardia. Separation anxiety develop between 10 . Inc sensitivity to interpersonel rejection resulting in social dysfunction. panic attack. * Dysthymic disorder -.recurrent impulse to steal object that are not need by person or are of monetary value. Clozapine is Atypical antipsychotic with lowest extrapyramidal side effect & least effect on basal ganglia. * Generalized Anxiety disorder -.development of Sxs over the short period of time and a fluctuating clinical presentation. anxiety. mental status changes. alertness and perception (most common in hospitalized pt). vs. * HTN.irresistible attack of refreshing sleep that occur during the day over at least 3 months. heavy feeling in arm and legs (leiden paralysis). rooting reflex. Inc appetite. tachycardia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. D4 receptors with least effect on D2 which explain lowest extrapyramidal effect. side effects are wt gain. tachycardia. TX -. * Malignant hyperthermia occur after anesthetic administration due to excessive release of Ca++ from sarcoplasmic reticulum which cause severe muscle contraction + hyperthermia. seizures. HTN. Temporal lobe lose the most vol. * Apo E4 gene (abetalipoprotein E4) Inc the risk of Alzhiemers disease. * Olanzapine (antipsychotic) is used at bed time due to its most common side effect of sedation. suckling reflex. TX -. hypnogogic & hypnopompic hallucination. Remember parkinsonism cause hypokinetic movement which can also cause by the neuroleptics.Non bizarre delusion of at least 1 month of duration. but it is contraindicated in pt with epilepsy (because 0. * Post traumatic stress disorder can also occur years even decades after exposure to traumatic event. Common in Borderline personality disorder. D3. delirium and shaking. hypersomnia. * Glabellar sign (frontal release sign) suggest frontal lobe dysfunction such as dementia. * Atypical features of Major depression include wt gain. psycho motor agitation --. glabellar reflex. * Brief psychotic disorder -.motor immobility maintained voluntarily seen in schizophrenic. For eg. * Benzodiazepine (sp lorazepam) are the primary medication for the control of alcohol with drawal. attention. * TCA (nortriptyline) has potential anticholinergic effect lethargy. Remember there is no hydrocephalus. * Screening Apo E4 gene earlier will not effect the out come of disease in terms of prevention and cure. * Bupropione is antidepressant with out anticholinergic side effect. * Splitting occur when person is not able to tolerate his/her ambivalent feeling toward other individual. Sleep paralysis may occur (inability to move when wake up in the presence of preserved consciousness). Flash back in Vietnam war veterans. It is characterized by the presence of cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone). Also show alternation of cognition. For that screening Apo E4 is not practiced.5 % pt show seizures). * Necrolepsy -.complication of neuroleptics hyperkinetic movement characterized by choreoathetosis (sp of face and mouth). nightmare about combat experience etc. * Parkinson pt with psychotic features ----. * Neuroleptic induced parkinson occur due to the usage of neuroleptics drugs. vs. muscle rigidity.dentrolene. 20 Copy Righted Material.presence of depression for at least 2 yrs that do not meet the full criteria of major depression. Panic disorder recurrent unprovoked panic attack that occur at least a month. horizontal nystagmus. impulsiveness. * Valproic acid (Divalproex) also approved for the tx of manic episodes. * Catalepsy -. dystonia and tremor. * MAO inhibitor cause life threatening hypertension if pt eat food containing tyramine. (v imp). * Delusional disorder -. im gonno die etc). * Neuroleptic malignant $ is life threatening adverse reaction to Antipsychotics medication due impairment of dopamine system it results into fever. It control hyperactivity. Glabellar reflex is repeated tap on forehead will make person blink eyes for the first several tap.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Bupropione (reuptake inhibitor of nor EN and dopamine) in those pts. mydriasis. snout reflex. person undo or prevent the consequences that are anticipated irrationally as a result of unacceptable thought or impulse. * Opioid withdrawal -. * Counterphobic behavior -.9% (avg 1%) * Alcohol has demonstrated association with panic disorder in 20. * Erotomanic delusion -. visits. yawning. shifting wt and pacing. * There is no absolute contradiction to receive Electroconvulsive therapy. Pt jump from one topic to another and content of speech lacks answer that physician is expecting. * Word salad -. * Post operative depression or stress of surgery are the less common cause of delirium. Erotomanic pt usually harass public figure with letters.dysphoric mood. hallucination. * Olanzapine (atypical antipsychotic) effect 5HT2 receptors. It is appropriate in pregnancy. Pt cannot sit still& is constantly walking. It occur one week after pt stop drinking alcohol. Negative Sx are -.flat effect. it mat results into Amnestic $. The person actually take a position of actively attempting to confront and master what he or she fear. * Many people believe that mitral valve prolapse has association with panic disorder. * Positive Sx of schizophrenia are productive where as Negative Sx of schizophrenia are have firm belief of having some particular illness despite repeated evidence of contrary (previous expensive tests are . and insomnia. which pt belief that famous or superior person is intensely in love with pt. insomnia. Sx are dysphoric mood. * Nicotine with drawal -. * Denial -. this is not true. hypersomnia. * Trazodone cause Priepism. * Most common cause of autism is Fragile X $.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Thought Blocking -. alogia.switch the medicine with Atypical antipsychotic (serotonin dopamine antagonist). poor coordination of gait and trunk movement. showering. lack of normal speech. agitation and grand mal seizures. * Akathesia -. a language disorder only manifest by problem in reading. * Most common compulsion associated with OCD is hand washing. bathing. gifts. (trunk is bent forward. vivid dream. calls.tremor. hypersomnia. * Amphetamine with drawal -. dec HR. loss of previously acquired hand skills.hyperactivity.refer to seeking out situation or object that are or were feared.Gait disorder characteristic of parkinson disease. with vivid unpleasant dreams. mostly seen in conversion disorder. seen in has multiple somatic complains. sedation and ataxia. Inc apatite.have many features of autism but it occur only in girls b/w 5 . vomitus. * Focal demyelination and gliosis of periventricular white matter ----. lacrimation. arm are slightly flexed. insomnia. Positive Sx are -. avoidance of awareness of the painful aspect of reality by negating sensory data thus abolish external reality. * Lithium side effects -. seen in OCD. * Retts $ -. * Thioridazine cause pigmented retinopathy. Inc appetite. behavior & impaired social interaction (like autism). * Undoing -. grooming (60% pts shows that). give answer but after long unnecessary information.sudden abrupt interpretation in pts logical progression of thought before an idea or thought is finished. Pt manifest stereotype movement. * Life time prevalence of schizophrenia is diarrhea. * Pt with tardive dyskinesia --.40% of pts. ataxia. . * Circumstantiality -.dysphoric mood.dysphoric mood. it used in schizophrenia. psychomotor retardation and agitation.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Hypochondriasis -. fatigue.complete incoherent mixture of words and phrase that has no grammatical meaning in language * Carbamezapine side effect -. nausea. * Cocaine with drawal -. attention deficit. nystagmus (due to ophthalmoplegia). Inc appetite. Presents with deceleration head growth. vomitting. "parkinson gait".Aplastic anemia. It is a complication of neuroleptics. * Fascination -.48 months of age. anxiety. pupillary dilatation. * Asperger $ -. * Delirium tremens is the most common cause of delirium in pt who is suddenly admitted to hospital for unrelated the disturbance in communication characterized by lack of goal directed association of thoughts. * Akinesia -.similar to Autism but spare language function. insomnia. (pt do not answer the Question rather talk something else). fever. * Tangentiality -. * Disulfiram (antabuse) inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase marked Inc in acetaldehyde after consumption of alcohol vomiting. It cause wt gain. difficulty concentration. acne. hallucination. It usually occur in transplant surgery. insomnia.6 . muscle ache. fatigue. tooth brushing. conduction problem. metallic taste in mouth. * Wernicks encephalopathy due to thiamine def effect mamillary bodies & cause confusion.Failure to engage the limb in customary activities. * Clozapine cause Agranulocytosis. * Stereotype movement -.meaning less repetition of specific word or phrase. headach & dyspnea. elders or even in MI (but the pt with MI should receive it 3 months after MI). * Verbigeration -. * Benzodiazepine with drawal (alprazolam) -.think of mental retardation. (onset of disorder is usually after 40) * The out ward lack of concern for physical illness is called the "la belle indifference". * Dyslexia -. 21 Copy Righted Material.start with in 24 hrs of abrupt cessation. * Neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaque in Temporoprietal cortex found in dementia of Alzhiemers type.extreme motor restlessness. sedation. * Reaction formation transform unacceptable impulse into its opposite acceptable act. restlessness. polyurea. Agranulocytosis. * CO poisoning cause necrosis of globus pallidus. hand tremor. thought insertion & thought broad casting. leg bent at knee. hyponatremia. * Somatization disorder -.think of multiple sclerosis. psoriasis. 22 Copy Righted Material. * Confabulation seen in chronic alcoholic with dementia. * Myoglobinemia / myoglobinuria is important to monitor in crushing injury or electrical injury.ethanol (compete for enz). Mannitol has onset of action in 90 mins not a first thing to do. * Methanol convert into formaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase. TX -. brain hemorrhage etc.1st order ABG. Surgical evacuation of hematoma is not indicated unless there is midline shift or Anisocoria (unequal pupil). * Schistosoma hematobium is associated with Squamous cell carcinoma of Retrograde Urethrogram (remember do not put foley catheter its contraindicated).person see external object "all good or all bad" vs. * Massive blood loss and multiple transfusion (>12 unit of packed RBCs) coagulopathy is almost certain bleeding from every damage plane. * Peripheral pulse and capillary filling is important in to monitor in burn injuries. vs. * The Rule of Gun shot wound in abdomen -. concern and interest. It is characterized by gap in the memory that are filled with event that never the sub type of malingering commonly seen in prison inmates to minimize the criminal culpability by feigning mental illness. * Malingering -. * Head on collusion + Crescent shape hematoma with out midline shift on CT scan --.1st do endotracheal intubation and hyperventilation (to prevent the Inc Intracranial pressure or rapid dec in Intracranial pressure). location. v imp. address. * Torrette disorder -. * Pulmonary Embolism --.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Panic disorder with Agoraphobia --.tx of choice SSRI (such as paroxetin). urinary retention. TX . main goal is show sympathy. may be used in dysthymia & anxiety.First thing to do is hyperventilation. * Splitting -. Escharectomy may be required. birthday. alcohol. diuresis & fluid restriction.symptomatic with blocker . .pt produce signs & Sx of disease intentionally but motivation behind is largely unconscious. trauma. * Pt with parkinson dis are at high risk of depression. than V/Q scan and than ultrasound. abdominal pain suggest dx. It is the test of 1st choice. * Rib fracture prevent full inspiration due to pain Atelectasis and eventual pneumonia. excessive swearing. Lab show Anion gap acidosis. Remember steroids should not use in setting of trauma (although steroids are good for tumor. Rib fracture heal on its own since chest wall is holding the rib at right place. Escharectomy may be needed. * Supportive psychotherapy is used to help pt through difficult situation. Do not use this as a prophylaxis to prevent coagulopathy. Blood gases is important to monitor in inhalation injury. and that can be achieved by nerve block. * If hyperthermia and Acidosis occur during surgery stop the operation and close the abdomen temporarily. * Suspected Urethral Injury -. The key to tx is eliminate the pain with out interference in ventilation.dull perineal discomfort. * Ultrasonography is the most sensitive method to discriminate between testicular mass and extra testicular mass.specific short term memory deficit in which pt is unable to recall new information or event that happen previous minute before black out. vs.exaggerated degree of retention and not give heparin untill some objective data support the dx --. It can caused by Drugs. * Transitory global amnesia -. and spinal cord injuries. diazepam. Personal information however is retained. * Methanol poisoning visual disturbance. * Transitional cell carcinoma of bladder most commonly associated with smoking. * Anterograde amnesia 494 * Acute dystonia occur due to antipsychotic tx with diphenhydramine. dry skin.voluntary production of physical or psychological Sxs for external gain. such as date. * Social skill training -.Inability to remember new information. * Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to repair cognitive distortion and changing mal adoptive behavior.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Classic "White Out" lung on CXR after chest trauma in prostate secretion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surgery * Prostatodynia -.immediate exploratory laprotomy. * Dissociation amnesia -. Heparin can be started as a first step if clinical signs hypoxemia is present and there is high suspicion of pulmonary emboli. * In psychoanalysis psychiatrist maintain neutral attitude. * Subdural hematoma + midline shift on CT scan --. * GANSER $ -. medication. * CT scan Ultrasound and Diagnostic peritoneal lavage are used to assess the extent of internal organ damage in BLUNT trauma.administer Empiric Fresh Frozen plasma and platelet pack. papilledema. * Urinary Incontinence associated with Alzhiemers disease and Normal P hydrocephalus is similar to Detrusor over activity and results from failure to inhibit the contraction of detrusor muscle uncontrollable urge to urinate (this condition does not lead to urinary retention).inability to recall personal identification such as name. * Circumferential burn of extremities pose distinct hazard to peripheral circulation because of edema that cannot expand under the unyielding envelop of burn eschar compression of underlying blood vessels. Surgical decompression is good but after all above. * Primitive Idealization -. TX -.external object are divided into "all good and all bad" accompanied by abrupt shifting of an object from one category to another or sudden reversal feeling about same person.tics disorder occur < age 18 multiple motor and vocal tics and restlessness. * Hyperamnesia -. age etc. constipation. Remember narcotics will cause respiratory depression. * Benztropin is antimuscuranic cause mydriasis. * Factitious disorder -. pain mimicking chronic prostitis but leukocytes and bacteria are . Peripheral pulse & capillary filling must be monitor.think of pulmonary contusion. Although TCA and MAO inhibitor also shown efficacy. Echolalia (repetition) appear later. than supplemental O2. * Cystadenocarcinoma of liver usually has thick wall with calcification in cyst wall. Renal & pancreatic cyst and Renal cell carcinoma.better tx with neomycin to kill GI bacteria which results into dec ammonia production. appears as a fungating or ulcerative mass on glan of penis or in the sulcus between prepuce and glan. TX -. Deep venous thrombosis occur 5 . knee is held by one hand and other hand hold the foot by sole. severely ill pt specially cardiac and pulmonary pt (heavily practiced but controversial). * mcMurray test -. * Pt with difficulty breathing with multiple Facial and Oral fracture /injury -----. * Subpherenic abscess is the common complication of hematoma left shoulder pain. (superior than tamoxifen) vs. Pancreatic Pseudocyst may also follow an episode of pancreatitis. * Hydatid cyst of liver appear as large mother cyst with small daughter cyst around periphery. * Miniscus injury "locked up" knee mcMurray test is + ve. * Coming down harder after jump or fall on feet (typical story) Fracture of posterolateral talar tubercle.think damage to sensory fiber of glossopharyngeal nerve (pt does not feel oropharynx). * Gun shot wound in upper zone of neck and pt is hemodynamically stable do arteriogram. one hand behind the tibia with thumb on the tibial tuberosity and other hand on pts thigh. replace fluid loss with Lactate Ringer. TX -. this constitute a + ve mcMurray test. Abdominal abscess occur 10 days after surgery. Best way to drain cyst is Endoscopic Cystogastrostomy. Tx -. In case of emergency Portocaval shunt in severely cirrhotic pt with bleeding.3 week after group A streptococcal pharyngitis or impetigo which results into hematuria. the diversion of blood will stop the bleed but liver function will deteriorate further and pt will go in COMA due to Inc serum ammonia.7 days after surgery. * Subclavian vein at risk in Posterior Sternoclavicular dislocation. * Crush injury hyperkelemia also hyperphosphatemia (both are intracellular elements) also myoglobinemia and myoglobinuria.mandatory tx with IV calcium gluconate. shows air in the tissue crepitants on palpation. ovaries etc. * Clavicle fracture requires figure 8 device to immobilize involved area. multiple septation are present vs. * Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis occur 1 . vs.severe deficit in upper extremities (loss of pain) with preservation of lower extremities. * Boerhaave $ is Esophageal perforation because of protracted forceful vomiting. Inc temp and LUQ pain. vs.Cricothyrotomy in ER. click is felt. * Painless Scrotal mass Radical Inguinal Orchiectomy. mild peritibial and pedal edema. if Atelectasis does not resolve pneumonia. * Cyclophosphmide tx cause hemorrhagic cervical spine Xrays to rule out injury before removing the collar. * Polycystic kidney on ultrasound do Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA) of brain.with 30 degree flexed knee. * Von Hipple Lindau $ (autosomal dominant) -. * Vague epigastric distress. TX include participation from pt. * BUN & Creatinine > 20 : 1 ratio -----. 23 Copy Righted Material. expect Inc level of ammonia in pts gut which has to be clear by liver. early satiety and acute large ill defined Epigastric mass that develop few weeks after trauma is classic presentation of Pancreatic Pseudocyst.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. This is also valid in trauma.hemangioblastoma (of brain or retina). * Squamous cell carcinoma of penis a rare cancer occur exclusively in uncircumcised person. Tamoxifen (Estrogen receptor blocker) is better option in premenopausal women with breast cancer. If fistula leaks. proteinuria (< 3gm/day). * Pt with difficulty swallowing & aspiration after Carotid endarterectomy (all other nerves are functioning) -. * Long standing repeated ulcer also called Marjolin ulcers may eventually give rise to Squamous cell carcinoma. * Simple liver cyst are thin walled. * Any pt who could not have at least 800 mL FEV1 left after pneumonectomy is not the surgical nothing because most will close by it self. * Iatrogenic Esophageal perforation (from Instruments) occur due to GI endoscopy Acute Mediastinitis.6 weeks. * Stable. (v imp) * Post surgical fistula formation with out any Sxs and signs -. * Polycystic liver disease show much larger cyst along with cysts in other organs such as kidney. * Fever in 1st post operative day is almost invariable from Atelectasis. rotate the leg externally while extending the knee. . Inc WBCs. HTN. * Anastrozole (suppress estrogen production) more effective in postmenopausal women with breast cancer.think of Acute heart failure. pt is Asymptomatic without any serologic abnormalities. (this test is superior to Anterior drawer sign). alert pt after head on collusion with out physical finding -. pulling tibia anteriorly will be prevented by Anterior cruciate ligament. Serum marker are indeed taken prior to surgery but is of follow up value.cast for 4 . vibration. Posterior column function such as light touch. * Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction usually Inc pulmonary artery pressure and possible right side failure over the long time. Those who fail to close do surgical correction. * Crushing injury hyperkalemia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Anemic pt with hct < 30% should be transfused with packed RBCs until goal of 30% hct is achieved.with 30 degree flexed knee. conscious propioception is relatively preserved. * If Cirrhotic pt is bleeding. * Central cord $ -. * Lachman test -. * Inc pulmonary capillary P > 18 mmHg + hypotension ---. * Damage to erectile nerve is a well known risk factor Abdominoperineal resection (50% incidence).Prerenal azotemia * Posterior wall Axillary artery puncture during axillary block (for pain control) will effect the ulnar nerve. do Doppler or Arteriogram if pt is * Phalan test -. Older way is lengthy.hyperglycemia is the reason Serum osmolality low ----------------. Mammogram and Punch biopsy is needed for Paget disease of Bone. TX -. * Pt with Lung cancer require surgery -. show pain on pressing anatomical snuff box.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Varus Stress test : + ve in lateral collateral ligament damage . Person fall on out stretched hand.Emergency surgery. hypoglycemia and shock --. limiting subsequent surgery such as cholicystectomy.must do ECG which will show finding similar to MI.It is Giant Juvenile Fibroedenoma. * Internal hemorrhoids bleed but do not hurt whereas External hemorrhoid hurt but do not bleed.Check serum osmolality. * Teen girl with rubbery moveable mass growing fast --. * Pt with Hyponatremia -. vs.Renal problem (causes include are diuretics. * If serum osmolality is low and serum Na is low think of hypovolemia.due to ADH 2.7 in serum K+ * If serum osmolality is high and serum Na is low think of hyperglycemia. (condition can be present at birth or show up week or two later).Spiral CT or MRI will best establish the dx. * Anal Fissure is pain and bleed (streak of blood on tissue paper).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Emergency Embolectomy with Fogarty balloon tip catheter. paralyzed pale leg. * 3rd degree burn : the current preference is immediate excision & graft of burn area (it is not expensive). salt wasting nephropathy (SIADH).do CT scan. Young but obese boy with knee pain on hip exam -. * Every 100 mg in serum Glucose above normal will serum Na+ by 1. Most testicular cancer are radiosensitive and chemosensitive metastatic lesion is may be cured later (imp distinct criteria) * Ureteropelvic junction obstruction Fascinating congenital problem manifest with profuse diuresis only.hyperlipidemia or hyperproteinemia is the reason. * Urinary Na+ is < 10 -----. * Pancreatic cancer -------. * Anterior cord compression loss of motor function. urine out put and serum Na+ --.perthes disease. show multiple air fluid level through out abdomin.Measure ECF vol --------. * Urinary Na is > 10 -------. * Post operative urinary retention do IN and OUT bladder catheterization to empty the bladder. vs.dx test for Carpel tunnel $. vs. * Every 0. than CT scan of chest and abdomen to look extension of cancer. * Young boy with knee pain on hip exam suggest femoral head pathology -. pulseless. * Pt with mass in lung on CXR and is smoker 1st bronchoscopy and biopsy if + ve. * Burn around the eyes -. if no metastasis than go for Pneumonectomy. Drugs. ACTH * Sudden Thrombotic emboli in leg painful.think slipped capital femoral epiphysis. * Bird beak on Abdominal radiograph suggest Volvulus. Serum Osmolality normal ----------. eg sudden extreme colicky flank pain when boy start drinking beer first time in life * Absence of hematoma or preserve pulse does not rule out vascular patency in pt with penetrating wound (gun shot knife etc) in extremities. Obvious hematoma and absent pulse suggest formal surgical exploration in operation room.use Triple Antibiotics since sulfadiazine is very irritating. Tx with Endoscopy ( proctosigmoidoscopy in case of left side involvement or colonoscopy) will untwist the bowel from inside. vs. 1.calve .if bladder pathology is suspected do cystoscopy. next step is CT scan of chest and upper abdomen to look for metastasis.6 %. * Spinal shock occur right after injury (nothing work).if it is normal think of SIADH. * If serum osmolality is normal and serum Na is low think of Hyperlipidemia and hyperproteinemia. TX -. Hypoaldosteronism. * Mammogram and lactogram is done in Intraductal papilloma. * Gross Hematuria -. if he is capable of surgery. expensive & has complications. Notes from Passing Step2CK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Normal serum osmolality is 280 -300. vs. vs. Tx -. * Sternal fracture : commonly complicated by Myocardial contusion & will not be evident immediately -. hypothyroidism.think of avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis also called legg . Heparin and other Anticoagulants are of no value. * Valvular heart disease -. .First confirm by pulmonary function test whether pt is capable of surgery. * Infant with bilious vomiting and Double bubble sign with little gas beyond obstruction highly suggestive of Malrotation.Prerenal problem. Hyperkalemia. if fail or pt has sign of strangulation do Emergency Exploratory laprotomy. * Pt with testicular cancer with metastasis -.always prefer to repair pts own valve if it fail than prosthetic valve is used.1 in pH 0. * Scaphoid fracture : notorious for not to show up on xrays until 48 hrs. Glucocorticoid def). loss of pain & temp on both side below the level of lesion. DX -.Do radical Orchiotomy via Inguinal route even if it was metastasized. * Prolactinoma surgery may results into complication of two different type. * Fibrocystic disease (mammary dysplasia) painful breast with recurrent formation of cyst.dx is confirmed by Barium enema or contrast study. * Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography can outline the stone even allow extraction. * Dissection of Aorta CXR shows wide mediastinum --. Serum osmolality high --------------. (do not place indwelling foley catheter). than pulmonary function test. * Intestinal atresia show up with birth bilious vomitting. water intoxication if it is high Edematous state 24 Copy Righted Material. metabolic alkalosis. than hypothyroidism.Cooling with Ice (salicylate are contraindicated). * Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia Hirsutism.onset of action 1 hr and duration of action 6 hrs.Adrenal insufficiency because of adrenal hemorrhage usually due to N meningitidis severe hypotension. Inc ACTH. IV dye. sweating. * High Anion Gap acidosis is due to gaining non hydrochloric acid (HCl) such as Lactic acid. * Metformin (inhibit hepatic gluconeogeneis) -. vs.high serum 17 hydroxyprogesterone.First Barium swallow if fail than Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).is due to distal tubular problem.Spironolactone. TX -.hormone therapy. * HbA1C give idea of blood sugar control in follow up pts (usually in 3 months).5%. semilente " --.Urinary Na < 10 think skin or GI loss. vs. palpitation. untreated dis lead to osteoporosis. * Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (effected adrenal cortex) Resistant hypotension. Hyperosmolar non ketotic coma presents and look like DKA but with out high Anion gap. Inc pigmentation. * Crystalline Insulin (rapid and short acting) use in emergency --. Remember at certain aldosterone level kidney does not respond to aldosterone called Aldosterone Escape.think of Achalasia. * Dysphagia of mainly solids -. tachycardia. * Pheochromocytoma picture in children suspect Neuroblastoma Epiclonus (jumping eyes in all direction). If stimulatory hormones are elevated this suggest Polyglandular def $ also called Schmidt's $. Alcohol (all types). vs.think of tumor. Acarbose inhibit carbohydrate absorption in intestine.think of Follicular thyroid cancer (because it metastasis most commonly to skull). vs.Alcohol.Serum Aldosterone Renin Ratio and Salt loading test.myotomy (best). virilization. (metformin cause wt loss) * Glitazones decreases insulin resistance. tremor) -.if it is Hot. Surgery for pregnant women in 2nd trimester & 1st trimester low dose propylthiouracil. * Water Housing Friderrichson $ -. * Pt with thyroid cancer + Red hot mass on skull -. 25 Copy Righted Material. vs. . Target value is 6. * Dysphagia + long standing GERD --. * Conn's $ (hyperaldosteronism) Resistant hypokalemia.First hypogonadism. HTN. ACTH.onset of action 2 hr and duration of action 12 hrs.remember rapid drop of glucose cause cerebral edema.Wright pseudo .onset of action 4 hrs and duration of action 25 hrs. * Hypervitaminosis D -. Fructosamine gives idea of blood control in follow up pts (usually in 3 weeks). * Glyburide increases the risk of hypoglycemia. DX -. * Most common cause of death in DM type I in first decade is DKA and in second decade is Renal failure. * Protamine zinc Insulin (PZI) "long acting" --. lente. tx is same. Uremia. Insulin tx lead to hypophosphatemia with resultant muscle paralysis.fatal hypoadrenalism due to severe stress or sudden stoppage of long term steroids. * Renal Tubular Acidosis Type I -----. * Lithium cause hypothyroidism and Diabetes insipidus. * Kallmann $ -.think of Esophageal stricture. large compressive goiter do surgery. * Dysphagia of mainly liquid -.Check urine Na -------. due to proximal tubular problem (failure of HCO3 absorption) Renal Tubular Acidosis Type IV ----. GnRH. Once dx is established must check serum electrolytes because Cortisone / Aldosterone def will result into electrolyte imbalance which can be fatal. (EGD never first due to risk of perforation).angina like chest pain. if fail do Balloon tamponade. * Secondary Adrenal insufficiency Same as above but there is no Inc pigmentation (melanocytes) and typically dec ACTH . * Dysphagia -. TX -. Cork screw esophagus on barium swallow. TX . than it is most likely toxic. Biopsy shows Homer .tx with Sandostatin and EGD. Anosmia. * When treating DKA -. vs. (failure of H+ secretion) Renal Tubular Acidosis Type II -----. * Chlorpropamide cause disulfiram like reaction and SIADH. Beta blockers along with Steroids * Hypothyroid female tend to have Fe def anemia due to high susceptibility for menorrhagia. Acidosis and ketones. * Adisonian crises -. Aspirin. Urinary Na > 20 think renal loss. Amenorrhea and Cleft lip.Ca++ channel blocker. Tx -. Tx -. FSH. LH. Propylthiouracil.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR due to Hypoaldosteronism. hypoglycemia. Tx of Thyrotoxicosis crises (altered mental status.Rosette's. HTN. if it is Cold than it is more likely malignant. (cardinal feature is hyperkalemia) * Sheehan $ -. DX -. * Steroids cause hyperglycemia and cushinoid features. Bird beak sign (esophageal P > 25 mmHg). precocious puberty due to 21 or 11 hydroxylase def. * Normal Anion Gap acidosis is due to gaining HCl (acid) or losing HCO3 such as in Diarrhea. ACTH. * Diffuse Esophageal spasm -. vs. TSH. * Thyrotoxicosis (Grave dis) -. botulinum toxin injection.both Ca and Phosphorus Inc in serum (because vit D Inc intestinal absorption of Ca and Bone resorption of Ca and P). Renal failure are contraindicated to metformin. * Carbamezapine and Chlorpropamide cause SIADH. Renal tubular acidosis. * Neutral Protamine Hagedon (NPH) " Intermediate.Radioactive Iodine. * Ketoconazole cause Adrenal insufficiency. ketoacidosis. * Thyroglossal cyst -. * Single thyroid nodule -.moves up and down with tongue protrusion. * Esophageal varices -. fever.Next best step in dx is Thyroid Ultrasound and Thyroid Iodine uptake scan (diffuse Inc uptake is diagnostic).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS If it is low -------. dilatation. * Amiodarone cause hypo or hyperthyroidism. than hypoadrenalism along with low FSH. Barretts with low grade dysplasia -. Pancreatic Pseudocyst.D .xylose Absorption test.the accessory duct becomes the main duct because primary main duct is very small.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Barrett's Esophagus with high grade dysplasia -. HBc IgM -.colonoscopy or barium enema with double contrast. * Barretts Esophagus with out dysplasia -. * Hepatic encephalopathy -. * D .old age. FAP.Most common cause of GI bleeding and is painless. * Cholestasis of pregnancy -. 26 Copy Righted Material.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Plummer Vinson $ -.1 suggest Cirrhosis.Interferone and ribavirin (Rise in AST /ALT is the sign of successful tx. (danger of acute pancreatitis).Pancreatic surgery. malignancy. Complication include is Dumping $. * Persistent fever.CT scan is the gold standard test . Resolve Spontaneously after delivery. (because it has 100% potential for transformation into colon cancer). Start earlier in high risk population.specific to liver specially in Alcoholic Liver disease. * Puetz jeger $ -.hypocalcemia.xylose absorption test -. * Turcot's $ -. * Pancreatic Pseudocyst is drained if it is > 6 cm in size or last > 6 months. also Ultrasonography. remember it is normal in pancreatitis and abnormal in intestinal disease. * Complication of acute pancreatitis include -. direct bilirubin. * Perforated ulcer in the posterior duodenal wall think injury to Gastroduodenal artery in hemodynamically unstable pt.suggest active infection but pt is in widow phase. (v imp).Barium enema shows saw tooth appearance. * feto protein (normal < 25 ng/dL) is the marker of hepatoma also rise in pregnancy. DX -.interferone and Lamivudine vs. * Hepatitis B immunoglobulin is can be given with in 7 days after exposure. * Celiac sprue -. * Remember when there is only a tear in esophagus it is called Mallory wiesse tear but when it is perforated it is Boerhaave's $.Colonoscopy and Biopsy is Esophagotomy. ERCP shows 'chains of lakes" appearance of pancreatic duct. * Chronic pancreatitis shows calcification on xrays. DX -.APC mutation on ch 5. dec albumin. * Pancreas divisum -. * Dumping $ cause Abdominal distention and hypotension after meal results into reactive EGD every 6 months. (occur in wilson dis). * Gardner $ -. If no improvement is seen than do Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) with Antral Biopsy (Clo test) for H. TX -. dec Ca++. * Copper deposition in Basal ganglia Flapping or wing beaten tremor and extra pyramidal Sxs.tx first with proton pump inhibitor for 6 weeks. * Colon cancer -. Inc serum CEA (it is used to follow up tumor recurrence). * Serum ascitis Albumin gradient (SAAG) > 1.benign disorder of 3rd trimester severe itching. best is pancreaticoduodenectomy (whipple's) * Gamma Glutamyl transferase (GGT) -.Gardner tumor + neurovascular tumor. * Diverticular disease -. DX -. Hepatitis C tx . Specific gravity of fluid < 1018 is transudate. * Gastric ulcer -. AP. Proton pump inhibitor.suggest active infection. * Risk factor for colon cancer -. * Pancreatic cancer -. * Specific gravity of fluid ---.complication is migratory thrombophlebitis (Trausseau $).Esophageal web (dysphagia). (also shows Mallory wiess bodies in hepatocytes). vs. HNPCC and polyp > 1 cm in size with villous component. * PCR is the best measure to detect HCV. vs. bone marrow suppression. Also urea breath test and stool Ag for H pylori. TX -. * Intestinal Polyp > 1 cm in size and have villous componen tsuggest malignancy and . * Billroth surgery is done in bad or perforated peptic ulcer dis. SAAG < 1.painless palpable gall bladder suggest pancreatic cancer. vs. * Colon cancer screening starts at age 40 by performing annual digital rectal step is repeat CT scan of the abdomen. * HBsAg -. * GERD may results into Barretts Esophagus (replacement of straitified squamous cell with gastric columner epithelium). immune disorder such as thyroiditis. * Indirect bilirubin cannot pass into urine but pass BBB. IBD. Tx with gluten free diet.T cell lymphoma of small intestine. IgA anti endomysial and antigliadin ab (most sensitive test). * Courvoiser sign -.colonic polyps + lips and oral hyperpigmentation lesion. pancreatitis. Iron def CT scan and serum CA 19 .FAP + sebaceous cyst + osteoma + Desmoid tumor. atrophic glossitis. . Barium enema shows Apple core sign. GB$.tx by washing out intestinal content with lactulose or enema (it remove the source of ammonia). low fiber and high fat diet. TX .9 level with biopsy. Confirm dx by small intestinal biopsy.>1018 is exudate. * Interferone cause flu like symptoms.Cisapride.1 suggest TB. TX -. and by age 50 start checking occult blood in stool annually + colonoscopy every 10 yr and sigmoidoscopy every 5 yrs. * Hepatitis B tx .total proctocolectomy by age 20. Complication . hemolytic anemia.detects abnormality in intestinal absorption. TX -. dec Iron. DX -. Complication is Squamous cell carcinoma. * Penecillamine cause B6 def. * Most common site for colon cancer is Rectosigmoid colon and most common site for metastasis is liver.chronic osmotic Annual EGD (due to danger of Adenocarcinoma). pylori.pancreatic enz replacement.Dilatation and Iron therapy. this occur due to destruction of virally infected hepatocytes). dermatitis Herpetiforme. DIC. * IgA is elevated in alcoholic liver disease. vs. * Familial Adenomatous polyposis (FAP) -. If polyps gets bigger than it is due to mutation of ras gene. Direct bilirubin pass into urine but cannot pass BBB. DX -. toxemia after Acute pancreatitis suggest pancreatic abscess -. + ve schilling test.think Myelofibrosis. and Hg < 11 in pregnant women. VWB disease.tx with 3rd generation cephalosporin such as Cefotaxime.common in African American. TX -. * Normal PT is 0 . (post splenectomy pt have dec IgM level). * Tear Drop cells -.40 seconds. DDAVP (factor VIII rich subs) * Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) -. DX -. Phenytoin (dec folic acid). VII. * PT occur due to warfarin and factor VII . * Ferritin is an active phase reactant. Liver dis.vit B6.MCV > 100 fl.Steroids. * Fibrolamellar carcinoma of liver -. (25% cases are microcytic & hypochromic). due to viral infection such as from mycoplasma. * Cavernous hemangioma of liver -. shows neurologic symptoms & hypersegmented neutrophil. furosemide. vs.Normocytic normochromic anemia + Iron and normal Ferritin.splenectomy. TX -.associated with OCPs. vs. lymphoma. splenomegaly. Danger of bleed. * Microcytosis (Iron def anemia) -. * Asplenic pt should be vaccinated for H influenza.ITP + autoimmune hemolytic anemia. X). * Burr cells are common in renal disease. Manifest as hemolysis after ingestion of Fava beans. * Schistocytes common in hemolysis. * Sideroblastic Anemia (XR) due to SLE. Hemolysis occur at low pH. DX -.MCV < 78 fl. * Amphoterecin and Penicillin also cause hemolysis. Antiphospholipid Ab $. Normal aPTT is 30 .occur at young age and Alfa feto protein are normal. * Pt with Cholestatic clinical picture and on drugs --. Strep peumoniae. * Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria -. Anemia causes Inc Pulse pressure. shows schistocytes. 27 Copy Righted Material. CD55 & CD 59 level start checking recently. * Jaundice -. DX -. * Folic acid def -. * Vit B12 def -. show Alfa feto protein. * Macrocytosis (megaloblastic anemia) -.15 seconds. absorption stimulated by Vit C and inhibited by phosphate. Aspergillus flavus. TX -. * Anemia defined as Hg < 13 in males and Hg <12 in females.2 % of RBCs. * Spherocytosis -.smear shows Heinz bodies and bite cells.It is C3 which attack RBCs. * Anemia of chronic disease -.2 .stop OCPs and Observation. In inflammation it will be elevated even in pt with Iron def anemia. * Hepatic Adenoma --. lupus etc vs. Pt is also resistant to Plasmodium falciperum. vs. Vit K def (def of factor II. * Spontaneous Bacterial peritonitis (Ascitis + Red warm tender abdomen) -.think INH. It is the most common type of anemia in USA. * Evan $ -. + ve Osmotic fragility test. tx with Hydroxyurea.Desmopressin. Acanthocytes common in Abetalipoproteinemia. * Auer Rod -. * Craving for Ice (pica). TX -. IgM + ve In direct coomb test --.+ ve Formiminoglutamic acid test. Remember : IgG + ve direct coomb test --.persian blue stain of bone marrow. * Hepatocellular carcinoma caused by HBV. * Eosinophil and as well as Basophil are Inc in allergic reaction. * PT and aPTT occur due to DIC. normocytic normochromic anemia. * Methoxyhemoglobin is common in lidocaine toxicity. Iron studded normoblast in bone marrow. * Acute progranulocytic leukemia is associated with DIC. * aPTT occur due to hemophilia. Halothane. Confirm by Antihistone Antibodies. * Hemolytic Anemia -. * TX of Hemophilia A and B -. TX is Methylene blue. CT or MRI.supportive. spironolactone. methyldopa. serum homocysteine and methylmalonic Microcytic hypochromic. sulfa & antimalarial drugs. gallstone.Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) * Howell jolly bodies present in Asplenia or non functional spleen. and Bone marrow transplantation. hemochromatosis. * Beta thalasemia minor is also known as Cooley's Anemia.extravascular hemolysis. Danger of rupture and bleed. MCHC > 33%.+ ve coomb test. * Eosinophil Inc in parasitic infection. * Iron absorbs in duodenum. * Alcohol inhibits thrombopoitin in liver which cause Transient thrombocytopenia (last around 7 days).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Koilonychia (spooning of nails) are the indication of Iron def anemia. * Reticulocytes are normally 0. jaundice of skin and sclera.tx with steroids if fail than use Rituximab or splenectomy. Clotting factor abnormality lead to big bleed eg joints. Aflatoxin.think OCPs and Steroids. Ham test and Sucrose lysis test.. * Sickle cell dis is predisposing factor for folic scid def. Tx -. Intracranial etc. * Recurrent Ascitis or Recurrent Esophageal varices do transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * TX of Ascitis -. * Pt with hepatitis picture and on drugs --. DX -.salt / water restriction.occur in pt taking OCPs. N meningitidis etc. Dx by Angiography. . * G6PD def -. * Platelet abnormality lead to petechiae and purpura.First do ultrasound if biliary tree is dilated do ERCP. * Alcoholism also cause hypersplenism which cause permanent pancytopenia. coli diarrhea without fever and neuro Sxs). skeletal survey (not the Bone scan). Hairy cell leukemia (mature B cell neoplasm) infiltrate Red pulp of spleen. Also associated with HIV. Erythropoitin in primary & in secondary polycythemia. vs. Bicarbonate infusion. Salisylate poisoning and Mid brain lesion. 2. B12.Ab against enz of coagulation pathway multiple unprovoked thrombotic event (in kidney heart brain).Smudge cells. CALLA + ve (common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen) and TdT + ve (terminal transferase deletion) favor the good prognosis. TX -. * Leukemia -.TS13 which is von wilibrand cleaving factor. * Respiratory Acidosis ( pH. causes are DM. * Lymphoma -.plasma cell in bone marrow shows basophilic cart wheel or clock face nucleus due to Inc content of RER.greenish skin nodule. prolong aPTT. In resistant cases use Acetazolamide.Reed sternberg cells on biopsy.occur due to loss of fluid or loss of acid. Tx -. and Inc Ca++. * Hodgekin Lymphoma (HL) -. Hydroxydaunomycin "Doxorubicin". If pt is actively bleeding give fresh frozen plasma. and normal PT. Most common in children and young adults. decarbazine). TX -.Rubbery.Prednisone + Vincristine + Doxorubicin. HCO3. HTN. pruritis. (imp) * ALL -.foot processes effacement.most common type Large B cell lymphoma. and Renal failure along with anemia and thrombocytopenia. It could be Normal Anion gap or High Anion gap. * Pt with Itching that get worst after hot shower + Facial flushing + Plethora --. TX -. HCO3. CML with t 9 :22 has good prognosis.think of polycythemia. Remember ALL with t 9 : 22 has poor prognosis vs. Hemorrhagic cystitis with cyclophosphamide can be prevented with MESNA.000. CO2) -. RBCs. TX -. DX -. TX -. Painless enlargement of tx. * Leukemoid reaction -.def of ADAM .tx the cause & hydroxyurea. vwf or defective vwf activity prolong aPTT. High risk in DVT and malignancy. Neurologic Sxs and fever. (types: ALL. Burkitt Lymphoma is caused by EBV in African Child. Mitomycin and chemotherapy.Ristocetin platelet study. Focal segmental Glomerulosclerosis -. basophil. HCO3.Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (Schistocytes). TX -. Autoantibodies. uric acid & splenomegaly. B12. TX -. CO2) -.spike & dome appearance. night sweat. * CLL -. * All leukemias infiltrate white pulp of spleen. Inc incidence of Autoimmune hemolytic anemia. more common in Caucasians.tx with normal saline.Imatinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) * Hairy Cell Leukemia -. Minimal Change dis (Lipoid nephrosis) -. * Thrombocytosis -.Allopurinol. It manifest as bone pain. TX -. Renal Failure. Thrombocytopenia. Prednisone). * Bank Blood is deficient in factor V and VIII. Bank Blood shift O2 dissociation curve to left.tx with paper bag. Skin biopsy shows IgA deposit. Remember pt with DVT or malignancy with nephrotic $ --. * Most common Virus associated with blood transfusion is CMV. * Metabolic Alkalosis ( pH. TX . CML). Mem Glomrrulonephritis -. HCO3. * Pt with Multiple myeloma -. * Antiphospholipid Ab $ -. Fried egg shaped cell.tx the cause & hydroxyurea. Common in elderly. vs.ABVD (Adriamycin. Pentad of Sxs -. CLL. ATN.infiltrate Red pulp of spleen.First tx the cause. * AML (t 15 : 17) -. uricacid. TX -. TX post streptococcal vasculitis.5 gm / day) generalized edema that strats from face & spread downward. CO2) -. * Primary polycythemia is also called Polycythemia vera.Inc uric acid. Auer rods (M3 subtype has good prognosis). hepatoslepnomegaly. * Metabolic Alkalosis -. wt loss.Urgent plasma pharesis. TX -. Types are 1.) -. platelets. In Leukemia Blast cells are very high > 90%.causes are Fast breathing. TX -. DX . if symptomatic give Fludarabine.CHOP (Cyclophosphamide. palpable purpura in lower extremities. Bleomycin. WBCs hepatosplenomegaly.primary (show > 1000. and BT. * Multiple Myeloma (plasma cell malignancy) -.000. * CML (t 9 : 22) -. * PH = HCO3 / CO2 (imp) * Metabolic Acidosis ( pH.cause bleeding or thrombosis.Causes are COPD or Respiratory failure.It is MC Idiopathic nephrotic $ in african americans.Inc WBCs due to severe infection but Blast cells are < 5%.self resolving. * Tumor Lysis $ -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Cytosine Arabinoside + Doxorubicin. cardiopathy / effusion. * Henoch Schonlein purpura -. basophil. fever. Inc phosphorus. 28 Copy Righted Material. TX -. Types are Hodgekin and Non hodgekin lymphoma.tx with O2 + CO2 ? * Respiratory Alkalosis ( pH. .think of Mem glomerulonephritis. * Non Hodgekin Lymphoma -. Oncovir "Vincristine". Leukocyte acid long warfarin * Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) -. * HUS is associated with preceding E coli diarrhea. lymphadenopathy.Melphalan (chemotherapy) or Bone marrow transplant. * Salisylate poisoning starts with normal Anion gap Respiratory alkalosis ? and later ends up with High Anion gap Metabolic acidosis. Salisylate poisoning.Desmopressin or factor VIII. imp 3.cause are DKA. Vinblastin. (EBV also cause Nasopharyngeal carcinome in chinese population). HL with predominant Lymphocytic (low RS cells) has good prognosis vs. Reactive (shows <1000. American Burkitt lymphoma ( t 8 : 14 ) intestinal obstruction specially in young female with breast cancer. (remember HUS is same as TTP but occur after E. abortion (key to usmle) along with Livedo reticularis (net shape voilacious rash). ? * Metabolic Acidosis -. Amyloidosis. loss of apatite.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * DIC -. or Only correct underlying problem such as DKA. HL with Lmphocytic depletion type (high RS cells) has poor prognosis. CO2) -. .). RBC mass & hct (> 48 in females & > 52 in males).2 Chlorodeoxyadenosine. hypercalcemia (due to osteoclastic activity). TX . * Nephrotic $ (proteinuria > 3. DX -.occur in 20s and 60s. TX -.steroids.tx with HCO3. * Von wilibrand dis -. TX -. tx -. Post renal (obstructive uropathy) dilute and alkaline urine. sensory & autonomic neuropathy. IVP. Familial Mediterranean fever -. TX -.Tram track appearance. cephalosporin etc. Renal problem BUN / Cr Ratio < 20.colchicine. * Renal artery stenosis is caused by fibromuscular dysplasia in young & due to atherosclerosis in elderly (resistant hypokalemic HTN). vs. Good Pasture $ -.what to do ? Inc dose of ACE inhibitor. DX by Inc creatinine. Rapidly progressive GN -. Membrano proliferative GN (MPGN) -. * Renal Tubular Acidosis : RTA type I -.Mesengial IgA deposit. LMN lesion Atonic neurogenic bladder ( Bladder is thin wall & dilated. vs. Acute post streptococcal GN (APGN) -. Causes are spinal cord injury etc. Rhabdomyolysis. * Renal Stone > 4 mm --.stop the offending thing to do is urinary culture and sensitivity. * UTI in DM can trigger Acute papillary necrosis. TX -. Eosinophiluria. and SLE.5 . 29 Copy Righted Material.tx with oral ciprofloxacin or SMX/ TMP. UMN lesion spastic neurogenic bladder (bladder is thick wall & Detrusor is hyper reflexic) Urinary frequency & Urgency.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 4. RTA type II -. * Dysuria + dribbling + dyspareunia in women --.tx with cholestyramine (oxalate chelator) and Magnesium citrate ( intestinal oxalate absorption).by U/S.14 days with antibiotics.creasant shape deposit.dx by congo red staining of abdominal fat pad or peripheral nerves. * Neurogenic bladder can be spastic or Atonic. TX -. Granular muddy cast indicates ATN. Prerenal problem BUN /Cr Ratio > 20. * Bartter $ (also called juxta glumoerular hyperplasia) -.admit to hospital and tx with Extra Corporal Shock Wave Lithotripsy "ECWL" or extraction * Recurrent Ca ++ stone -. DX -.spider leg deformity. FeNa+ is 2 %.problem in distal tubule ( H+ secretion) Normal Anion gap metabolic acidosis serum K+ and urine pH > 5. Types are 1. (remember subepithelial deposit occur in APGN) 6.5 * Pt with diabetic nephropathy on ACE inhibitor show high albuminuria with time -. Detrusor is hyporeflexic) Over flow incontinence. * Acute Renal Failure : 1. Mostly due to infection.Linear deposits 3. Hematuria and HTN.lumpy bumpy deposit & sub epithelial hump. Angiography is gold standard. 5.associated with DM. (remember subendothelial deposit is occur in SLE) 2.fever + serositis + nephrotic $.Wire loop lesion and subendothelial deposit. * ATN starts with oliguric phase for 2 . DX -. 5 WBCs / hpf with out bacteria is sterile pyeuria due to interstitial nephritis. motor. * Polycystic kidney dis -.tx with IV ampicillin and gentamycin (as in pyelonephritis). IgA nephropathy (berger dis) -. * Remember GN with low complement level -.colchicine. TX -. TX -.5 . * Upper UTI -. Oliguria is urine < 400 cc / day * Renal Stones < 4 mm --.there is resistance to angiotensin accordingly hyponatremia ensues further Inc in angiotensin with resultant Inc in Aldosterone hypokalemia .tx the cause and urinary catheterization.Renal Osteodystrophy (Osteitis fibrosa cystica + osteomalacia + osteoporosis). 3. Fractional excretion of Na+ (FeNa+) is < 1%. * UTI in polycystic kidney dis -. * Interstitial nephritis caused by drugs such as Ampicillin. TX with prostaglandin blocker such as Indomethacin (remember prostaglandin stimulate angiotensin). Fibromuscular dysplasia effect media of the blood vessels. * Alkalinization of urine with NaHCO3 is used to managed all type of stones except phosphate stone for which acidification of urine with vit C is used. SLE -. * Uncomplicated UTI -.tx with SMX / TMP or tetracycline. * Chronic Renal dis -. nephrolithiasis. * Cysteine stones is screened by Nitroprusside test.problem in proximal tubule ( HCO3 absorption) Normal Anion gap metabolic acidosis serum K+ and Urine pH < 5. TX with fluid and bicarbonate drip. Aminoglycosides. berry aneurysm (danger of subarachinoid bleed).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR must add urethral diverticulum in differentials. Duplex U/S and Magnetic Resonance Angiography. First sign is micro albuminuria.4 weeks followed by polyuric phase ( Na+ & K+) and final post diuretic phase. TX with Penecillamine.think of APGN. * Nephritic $ proteinuria < 3 gm / day. Lower UTI -. * 5 WBCs / hpf + bacteria -.Stenting. * Complicated UTI -. tx -. vs. cation exchange in distal tubule (due to aldosterone) Normal Anion gap metabolic acidosis serum K+ & urine pH < 5.manage with Inc fluid intake (stone pass spontaneously).Antimuscuranic and urinary catheterization. 7. methcillin. Recurrent Oxalate stones -. also autoimmune. 2. 4. Sterile pyeuria.tx 10 . Itching (earthy colored skin due to Ca++ deposit in skin). vs. imp Screen by Captopril provocation test. * Rhabdomyolysis CPK. Causes are IV contrast. * Anuria is urine < 100 cc / day vs. .ACE inhibitor. TB.suggest UTI. Nodular Glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelsteil wilson $) -. Amyloidosis -. * TX failure in UTI -.tx with Thiazides. RTA type IV -. MPGN. ACE inhibitor (ACE inhibitor contraindicated in bilateral stenosis).tx with 3 days antibiotic course. do joint aspiration (.NSAIDs. DX -. alkaline phosphatase. * Good Pasture $ --. sausage digits and pencil cup appearance on xrays. compylobacter even gonococci & chlamydia) uveitis. vs.thick bone cortex and trabeculae ("HINT" hat doesn’t fit anymore. Biopsy shows plasma cells / giant macrophages infiltration). * Hypourecemia can occur in pregnancy and Fanconi $. * Most common cause of PAN is HBV infection. (imp) * pt with helicotrope eyelids (purple rash). + ve ANA . Gold Salts (taken up by macrophages and stop bone destruction). ulnar deviation of show normal bone mass but bone density is significantly .Inc ESR. * Raloxifen (selective Estrogen receptor modulator) prevent osteoporosisand dec the risk of Breast and Endometrial cancer. these are show loss of bone mass but bone density is normal. * Smoking and alcohol Inc the risk of osteoporosis. tx with steroids. * Paget dis of bone is mostly due to PARAMYXOVIRUS birefringence needle shape monosodium urate crystals). irridocyclitis. * Behcet $ (unknown etiology) -. painful oral and genital ulcer. * Osteoporosis -. * Takayasau dis -.morning stiffness last < 30 min. TX -. loss of joint space. ? 30 Copy Righted Material. swan neck deformity. * Rheumatoid arthritis (HLA DR4) morning stiffness for 1 hr and gets better as day progress. proximal muscle weakness.aspirin and immunoglobulin therapy.high dose systemic steroids is first step even before biopsy. tx supportive.resistant hyperkalemia. (worrisome) Rheumatoid factors (RF) are IgM against IgG. * RA + Pancytopenia + hypersplenism ---. Inc liver enzymes. TX -.steroids and careful malignancy screening. TX -. DX -. 2. TX -. 5. TX -. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic RF. TX -.vasculitis effect the branches of aorta pulse + claudication of one extremity. * Pt with Asthma + allergies + Eosinophilia -.recurrent iritis. cervical lymphadenopathy & aneurysm of the coronary artery. uveitis.think Feltys $. TX -. DX -. Anti TNF (infliximab for which annual PPD is necessary). pericarditis & .with . prevention -. arthralgia. * Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia both dx by Dual Energy Xray Absorptiometry Scan (DEXA Scan).Steroids & cyclophosphamide. rash. CPK. + ve HLA B27.suspect PAN. 4. * Psuedogout -. + / . may show Dequervain tenosynovitis. CAD etc) ---.type II hypersensitivity disease. vs. resistant metabolic acidosis. EMG and muscle biopsy is dx. * Ankylosing Spondylitis (HLA B27) -. * Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis -. Osteoarthritis get worst with exercise. probenecid (block uric acid absorption in proximal tubule) in Chronic gout. TX -. 3. * Most common ocular manifestation in SLE is Retinal Cytoid bodies. glucoseamine chondroitin.Giant cell vasculitis cause early morning pain. when PIP swells called Bouchard node.think dermatomyositis. Allopurinol. HLA B27 has good prognosis). * Pt with gout -. RF. . dx by Inc anti . tx with steroids. * Scleroderma -. Good in menopause. xray shows Bamboo spine. dx by could exist alone. * Polymyalgia Rheumatica -. * INH. * Wegners granulomatosis -. * Osteoarthritis (wear tear injury) -. RA effect MCP & PIP xrays shows erosion. shigella. (PAN shows P-ANCA) * Young pt with hepatitis B infection + multiple elderly disease (CVS. uremic joint aspiration (+ ve birefringence Ca++ pyrophosphate rhomboid shape crystals). TX -.Calcium & vit D Along with Calcitonin & biphosphonate which inhibit osteoclastic activity. * Paget disease of bone -.+ ve RF.gonococcal infection (salmonella. Focal necrotizing vasculitis. Penecillamine (analogue of cystiene).by low purine diet and avoidance of alcohol.usually follow a prostate infection sp with klebsiella. * Psoriatic Arthritis -. * Polymyositis -. * Osteomalacia -. serum Ca. Procainamide & Hydralazine cause lupus like $ and is dx by + ve Antihistone Ab. gottron papules. vs. TX -. Methotrexate (folic acid antagonist) marrow depression. Fluid overload. DX -.Errosive esophagitis).Anti scl 70 ab and Anti centromere ab.Chrugg strauss vasculitis is one of the differential. pseudofractures (looser's line). Steroids. Raloxifen act like estrogen on bones and estrogen antagonist on breast and endometrium. circinate balanitis & big joint arthritis. * Reiters $ Rheumatologic dis that follow non .xray shows subchondral bone formation and bone osteophytes. Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide Ab. (Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis with + ve RF has poor outcome vs .same as RA. Sulfasalazine reversible infertility in male.Indomethacine (in acute gout) also colchicine. Also normal serum Ca++ and Alkaline phosphatase.DIP involvement.cancer --.Alandronate (biphosphonate). when DIP swells called heberden node.shows mucocutaneous lesion. * Temporal arteritis -. Manifest as Sacroiliitis. Disease modifying anti rheumatoid drugs (DMARDs) now is the first line tx once xray abnormality is noted.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.antibodies. pulmonary fibrosis and aortic regurgitation. stiffness of shoulder and hip. frontal bossing) bone fractures and deformities. Hydroxychloroquine (stabilize the lysosomes) Renal failure hemolysis in G6PD def.NSAIDs. . Most imp complication of RA is joint subluxation specially Atlantoaxial joint.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Indication of urgent hemodialysis -.steroids. eg Alandronate (side effect . serum uricacid is > 7 mg. granuloma. * Kawasaki dis RF.Inc alkaline phosphatase and Inc urinary hydroxyproline. TX with NSAIDs. ESR. if it cant be done in < 90 min start tPA If MI is non ST elevation (NSTEMI) indicate GP IIb / IIIa inhibitor but after stent placement (as they inhibit platelet aggregation & fibrinogen production) * Papillary muscle of mitral valve are attached posteriorly and are supply by Right coronary artery. * Mitral valve murmur that changes with position along with positional syncope specially in female --. yellow vision. EF < 50%.Blowing diastolic murmur at the base along with wide pulse ( water hammer pulse ) strong carotid and capillary pulsation.common side effect is thrombosis and hemolysis. diuretic.Normal EF. Low output CHF is the most common type. * CHF (systolic type) -. major side effect is Cyanide toxicity which is tx with nitrite and thiosulfate. * CO = stroke vol x HR * Aortic arch baroreceptors signal CNS via vagus nerve vs. vs. ionotropic and .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Fibromyalgia -. * Digoxin inhibit Na . TX . Coagulation necrosis starts with in hr.give ACE inhibitor or ARB COPD or Asthma + HTN --.Diuretics or Ca channel blockers. Diltiazam (vasodialator. * Verapamil (. Recently TCA. ventricular compliance.First thing in tx is morphine. causes are MI. * Mitral regurgitation -. * Phosphodiestrase inhibitor (amrinone. * Digoxin.Drug of choice is Duloxetine. * Hydrochlorothiazide hypercalcemia.common side effect is calcification.give Ca++ channel blocker HTN in african american --. 31 Copy Righted Material.lower the stay in hospital in CHF but they do not lower the mortality. Carotid arch baroreceptors signals CNS via glossopharyngeal nerve. hypokalemia. vs. beta blocker. Beta-blocker is relative contraindicated in Asthma and DM (can mask the signs of hyperglycemia by inhibiting glycogenolysis).diamond shape systolic ejection murmur radiating to carotids. EF. * Mitral stenosis -. * MI -.K ATPase IC Na+ & Ca++ contractility. * HTN cause copper wire and arterio venous nicking of retinal vessels.5 . * Most common cause of valvular lesion is wear and tear. Valve replacement using mechanical valve -. * Hydralazine + Nitrate have been proven to be beneficial for african american pt with CHF. B type natriuretic peptide (BNP). gynecomastia.3. Risk of toxicity with hypomagnesaemia (caution in alcoholics). * Digoxin side effects -. * Ejection fraction = stroke vol / EDV = > 50 %. * Pulse Pressure is the difference b/w systolic and diastolic BP. . Kerly A & B lines.11 out of 18 point pain (bilaterally) is the dx ionotropic and . * MI -. exceptions are DM + HTN --.Myoglobulin (first to rise after 1 hr).5 . * Valve replacement using tissue valve -. HTN in pregnancy --.Prominent in ventricular diastolic dysfunction (sounds like makhanchu) * Aortic stenosis -. indapamide) * Nitroprusside used in HTN emergencies. quinidine. RHF shows pulsus paradoxus. HTN due to hyperaldosteroniam (Conns $) --. SSRI. hyperglycemia. * S3 is due to ventricular filling ---. also lebatelol. (other thiazides are chlorothalidone. Troponin ( rise after 3 hrs and last 10 days). It determined by the stroke vol and compliance of large arteries. * Aortic regurgitation -. * LHF shows pulsus alternans vs. Terazocin --. * Beta blocker are contraindicated in Prinzmetal Angina (vasospastic angina) due to unopposed alpha vasoconstrictor action.Bradycardia. aspirin. methyldopa or hydralazine. + ve S4. verapamil and diltiazam cause bradycardia. * Only Mechanical valve replacement require life long Warfarin therapy with target INR of 2. Second thing is Heparin drip. * Phentolamine (reversible blocker) is used to dx pheochromocytoma. * high output CHF caused by thyrotoxicosis.Diastolic rumbling murmur at the apex with opening snap. vs.think of LA myxoma. .PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR chronotropic) * remember nifiedipine cause reflex tachycardia vs. If MI is ST segment elevation (STEMI) do urgent cardiac catheterization. * CHF (diastolic type) -. Statins.Mid systolic click with late systolic murmur. ACE inhibitor.CXR shows butterfly shaped pulmonary venous congestion. Nitroglycerine and Aspirin. Arthrosclerosis widen the pulse pressure. hyperurecemia. * Sudden stoppage of beta blocker lead to Rebound tachycardia and Arrythmia. Indicated in left heart failure & Arrythmia (not in right or diastolic dysfunction). Post traumatic stress disorder last > 4 weeks. Alcohol and Drugs. (Pure beta blocker such as atenelol is never used as tx) * Parazocin. * CHF -. HTN in elderly --.Spironolactone. Digoxin toxicity : hypokalemia.make sure pt is taking the pill at bed time initially (due to first dose orthostatic hypotension) * HTN chronotropic) vs. hyperglycemia.prominent in CHF (sounds like chalchughad) * S4 is due to high atrial pressure caused by atrial contraction ---. * Acute stress disorder last < 4 weeks vs. TX -.Potassium & Digibind. Digitalis (longer high life) -. Phenoxybenzamine (irreversible blocker) is the tx of pheochromocytoma. vs. milrinone) Inc Ca++ influx in cadiomyocytes and has vasodilatory effect used in CHF. causes are Long standing HTN.give Diuretics or Ca++ channel blockers.Hydrochlorothiazide is the tx of choice in all pts. Kausmaull sign (inspiratory jugular vein distention). Ca++ channel blocker. anxiety.warm phase with vasodilation followed by cold phase with diffuse vaso constriction.Echocardiography. TX -.caused by pneumothorax.Increasingly prolong PR followed by drop of QRS.give dobutamine. * Shock -. distent heart sound. EKG shows wide complex tachycardia. * Atrial flutter -.urgent pericardiocentesis.Flask shape heart on CXR. CXR shows Rib notching. warfarin (INR 2 . cardiac temponade.complete AV dissociation with cannon neck a wave. Atropine. absent Neck a wave. * Third degree heart block -.21 sec with out any drop of beat. Other common finding are Bicuspid aortic valve (systolic ejection click at apex). DX -. Transesophageal echocardiogram to find vascular lesion. TX -. TX -. Arthritis.3). DX -.Re entrant tachycardia that follow accessory pathway. Neck vein pulsation > Radial pulse. * Extra systole -.NSAIDs. Practically we do Spiral CT of the chest.Pulsus Bisferious with Hx of syncope. pulsus paradoxus (inspiratory drop of BP). * Note 2 gm prophylaxis Amoxicillin is given prior to any heart procedure will the risk of endocarditis. TX -. * Aortic stenosis murmur dec by anything that Inc venous return.Aortography or Abdominal U/S. vasodialators. serous Pericardial effusion -. new murmur. * Rheumatic fever -. HR > 100. Pontine Myelinolysis. Erythromycin.Digoxin. Most commonly due to strep viridians (mitral valve). Causes are electrolyte imbalance. * Hypothermic Arrythmia -. DC cardioversion can be used if pt is hemodynamically stable. HR > 100. Echocardiography confirm & evaluate the degree of effusion (LAP = RAP = RVEDP). * Cessation of smoking for 5 yrs. HR > 100. Triglyceride < 150 mg/dL. dec the risk of MI by 50%. * Dyslipidemia tx goal Keep total cholestrol < 200 mg/dL. subcutaneous nodules. TX same as V . * Ventricular tachycardia -.It is an emergency. Amiodarone.Drop of QRS with out any preceding PR prolongation. splinter hemorrhage. such as squatting. Normal neck vein a wave. Every thing else could be tx with stent.Mobitz I -. TX -. Implant cardioverter defibrillator. Ca++ channel blocker). Staph Aureus is most common in IV drug users (tricuspid valve). Lidocaine. warfarin (INR 2 .Irregularly irregular rhythm. * Indication for Bypass surgery -.Regular Rhythm (RR).first thing to do is blood culture. hand grip. * Second degree heart block -. * Cardiogenic shock -. (complication is thrombus formation) TX -. * WPW -.RR. * Most pericarditis are viral in origin shows PR depression and ST elevation with normal troponin.PR interval > 0. DX -.RR. In emergency situation do transesophageal Echocardiogram. Causes are fluid shift & ischemic heart dis (IHD).fever.Radiofrequency ablation of accessory tract. ASLO titer. Cannon neck a wave.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Ventricular Aneurysm suspected by persistent ST elevation after resolution of MI. * Atrial Fibrillation -. * Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM) also called Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis (IHSS) -. tx with steroids. * Supra ventricular tachycardia -. . EKG shows absent P wave. Remember Torsades de pointes is multifocal V . Roth spots. Mobitz II -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. short PR interval. Beta blocker.Surgical repair but first lower the BP with beta blocker if descending Aorta is involve. EKG shows broad bizarre irregular fine waves.Atropine. janeways lesion.Digoxin.mean arterial BP < 60 or systolic BP < 90.Left main coronary artery involvement or three vessels dis.tx cause or Adenosine. * Obstructive shock -. laying supine. TX -.EKG shows osbourne (J) wave and ventricular fibrillation. * Dresslers $ -. pace maker placement. TX -. TX -. beta blocker. DX made by Normal electrical activity on monitor but absent pulse on exam. Ca++ channel blocker. * Coarctation of aorta proximal to the origin of the subclavian artery is usually associated with PDA. TX -. TX -. Confirmatory test is Aortography (gold standard test). difference b/w BP in upper and lower extremities. Erythema marginatum on trunk and proximal extremities. TX -.think uremia. TX -.Atropine.tx the cause + hydration + vasopressin. CXR wide media stinum. Carditis. TX -. DX -.Pain radiate to back + Pulsating Abdominal mass.beta blocker.IV fluid. * Pericardial Effusion & Temponade hypotension. In Non emergency situation do MRI. EKG shows saw tooth appearance. EN.tach tx as above + Magnesium sulfate and Over drive pacing. AV dissociation present. Alternatives are Clindamycin. vs. caused by exercise. (think of coarctation of aorta in pt with turner $) * Aortic Dissection -. fever. * Most common complication after Carotid Endarterectomy is MI. * Septic shock has 2 phases --. DX -. TX -. * Bloody Pericardial effusion -. pace maker placement. * First degree heart block -. Atrial rate 300 . followed by epinephrine. (during pericardiocentesis the internal mammary artery is at risk for injury) imp.Penecillin if allergic give Erythromycin.Atropine.Regularly Irregular. 32 Copy Righted Material.nothing until they are ventricular or multifocal ( blocker. ESR. * Endocarditis -. * Pulseless electrical activity -. osler Aortography. IHD. deformed P wave. All family member should be evaluated for HOCM. ? * Most common cause of death in MI is arrythmia. Smaller need to control risk factor and U/S every 6 month. TX -.tach.Fever + 2 or more of the following. * Aortic Aneurysm -. DX -. Pneumothorax.Pericarditis that occur few weeks after resolution of MI. Complication include Rhabdomyolysis. note : chest pain that starts days after MI is either a pericarditis or reinfarction. pace maker placement.caused by pulmonary embolism.400.3). * Ventricular fibrillation -.Penecillin + Aminoglycoside.First step DC cardioversion.Pain radiate to back. TX -. Sydenham chorea. recurrent episode of dizziness (mostly young pt) EKG show short PR and slurred up stroke (J wave) before QRS complex.think malignancy. TX -.Surgery if aneurysm is > 5 cm in diameter in abdomin (or > 6 cm in thoracic one). Resistant cases do shunt operation.think Acute viral parotitis. (malignancy with clofibrate). * Alzheimers dis (dementia) choline acetyl transferase (use in acetylcholine synthesis in fore brain). Side effects are flushing pruritis.use in triglycerides and type III dyslipidemia. * Fronal lobe area 4 & 6 lesion contralateral spastic paresis . purpura fulminans) * Meningitis + Inc level of amylase -.prolong QT interval. other causes are Intracranial hemorrhage.CT scan or MRI show mass with necrotic center (also called butterfly glioma). * Viral meningitis -. * Complication of meningitis -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Keep LDL < 160 mg/dL (in pt with no risk factor) or < 130 mg/dL (with 2 risk factor). * Temporal area 41. * Parietal lobe area 5. (area 22 is wernickes area). neurofibrillary tangles.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. X. XI. pressure. (Arnold big head cannot talk. Causes are vit A toxicity.compresses CN IX. * Congenital aqueduct stenosis hydrocephalus with dilatation of lateral and 3rd ventricle. * Post cerebral artery stroke contralateral homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing. Show intracranial HTN and Psammoma bodies. * Dandy walker $ -. Common in internal capsule (lacunar) stroke. TX -. lymphocytes and normal dx of exclusion CT & lumbar puncture is normal. hyperurecemia and hyperglycemia. 45 is broca area). serous ovarian cyst and meningioma. eat or breath) * Ant cereberal artery stroke contralateral hemiplegia / hemihypoesthesia more pronounced in lower extremities. WBCs count.Adrenal hemorrhage (also called Water house friedrichson $) show shell like calcification on xrays. (area 44. 7 lesion contralateral sensory neglect . Brain tumor in childrens are mainly Infratentorial (most commonly Asrocytoma) * Metastatic brain tumor show Ring Enhancement on CT scan. dysgraphia. * Middle cerebral artery stroke contralateral hemiplegia / hemihypoesthesia & slurred speech. Also mononuclear pleocytosis.use in HDL and type IIb dyslipidemia. pressure. Side effect -. Intention tremor. TX -. myositis. longstanding case permanent blindness.failure of Arachinoid villi to absorb CSF usually in elderly.tx of Atherosclerosis. grow slowly and show calcification. trauma. * Statins -.triad of nuchal rigidity + photophobia + headache -.CSF shows same as viral but glucose is very low. vs. * Probachol (inhibit oxidation of cholestrol & LDL thus prevent foam cell formation) -. side effects are LFT. Dysmetria (finger to nose test). * Brudzinski sign -. VIII. * Meningitis -. * Normal pressure hydrocephalus (dementia) Triad of Dementia + Broad base gait + Urinary Incontinence.Group B strep MC cause in children ---. * Right parietal lobe infarction Neglect $ contralateral sensory neglect + visual field defect. DX -.seen in papillary carcinoma of thyroid. usually effect over wt adolescent female.suggest meningitis or subarachinoid hemorrhage. * Pseudo tumor cerebri intracranial pressure with out space occupying lesion. side effects are cholestrol gall stone. steroid with drawal. tetracycline. * Fibrates -. VI. 42 lesion sensory neuronal hearing loss. glucose. dyscalculia) * Occipital lobe lesion unilateral cause hemianopsia. * TB meningitis -.another cause of dementia that effect frontal and temporal lobe. cholestipol) -. * Parietal lobe area 3. TB meningitis cause injury to only CN III.used in total cholestrol & LDL. . * Bacterial meningitis -. MC cause in elders ---. * Arnold chiari malformation (elongation of cerebellum in medulla oblongata) -. 90% benign and supratentorial. 2 lesion contralateral hemihyperesthesia. * Inferiomedial Occipito temporal cortex lesion prospagnosia (can not recognize face).CSF shows protein. 1. * Frontal lobe area 8 lesion Ipsilateral eye deviation.Donepezil (cholinestrase inhibitor). Encephalitis (herpes cause unique olfactory hallucination and RBCs in CSF).Cryptococcus neoformens. vertical nystagmus & incoordination suggest cerebellar injury + Ataxia. * Brain tumor in adults are mainly Supratentorial (most commonly metastatic tumor) vs. < 70 (with 3 risk factor or CAD) Keep HDL > 40 in males and > 50 in females. OCPs. type II dyslipidemia.N meninigitidis. * Inferior parietal area lesion Gertsmann $ (dyslexia.Atrophied cerebellum + Occipitomeningocele + dilatation of 4th ventricle (due to obstruction of foramina Lushka & megendie) * Normal pressure hydrocephalus -. * Niacin -.Strep pneumoniae MC cause in HIV pt ---.CSF shows protein. Fulminant meningococcemia (high fever. * Glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV Astrocytoma) -. * Vestibulobasilar stroke Vertigo. * Bile acid sequestrant (Cholestyramine.MC cause in newborn ---.Steroids & Acetazolamide ( intracranial pressure). shows pick bodies. VII.Arise from Arachinoid villi. * Anterior Temporal lobe lesion Kluver bucy $. * Meningioma -. 33 Copy Righted Material. Side effect -.Strep pneumoniae MC cause in adults ---. degeneration of nucleus of meynert. Show amyloidosis plaque Hirano bodies. sepsis. * Psammoma bodies -. * Pick disease -.use in type II dyslipidemia & Itching obstructive jaundice. bilateral cause blindness.def of fat soluble vit & folic acid. * Oligodendroglioma arise from frontal lobe. * Ant communicating artery connects the Ant cerebral arteries its injury subarachinoid hemorrhage and lower quadrant anopia. * Most midline brain tumor are medulloblastoma. * Post communicating artery connects middle cerebral artery with post cerebral artery its injury subarachinoid hemorrhage & CN 3 palsy (ptosis & diplopia). * Ischemic CVA -. Same defect at the back of the skull is called Encephalocele. SeptatE nucleus regulate Sexual urge and Emotion. Prophylaxis beta interferone.Lumbar puncture is the test of choice. Sympathetic chain (Ipsilateral horner $). * Tabes dorsalis -. * Hypertrichosis in lumbar area could be the sign of spinabifida occulta.MRI shows paraventicular white matter plaque. Echocardiogram and EKG.systemic steroids.Truncal and upper extremities incoordination. MID BRAIN LESIONS : Parinaud $ (dorsal midbrain lesion) -. LMN lesion Hypotonia. * Cerebellar Post vermis $ -. If lesion is in Acqueduct of sylvius non communicating hydrocephalus. * Spinabifida -. . loss of gag & cough reflex). If lesion is in superior colliculi paralysis of upward. Remember Tabic crisis pt presents with abdominal pain and bladder dysfunction. hyperreflexia. * Korsakoff Confabulation caused by injury to hippocampus. chorea.48 hrs also order carotid Doppler. * Cerebellar Ant vermis $ -. Supraoptic nucleus regulate ADH vs. Basilar or cerebellar artery injury Pontine hemorrhage.combined upper & lower motor neuron degenerative dis effecting gray horn & corticospinal tract Asymmetric limb weakness. memory loss will be regained in 6 months. * Hemorrhagic CVA is subject to surgical drainage only when there is mid line shift. * Huntington chorea -. electric like pain in upper & lower extremities. vs Post hypothalamus regulate sympathetic system. vs. athetoid movement due to hyperactivity of NMDA and Glutamate. * UMN lesion hypertonia. They are Schwanomas shows Antoni bodies and are S-100 positive. Lateral nucleus regulate hunger vs. Infarction of the base of the PONS Locked In $.(quadriplegia. hypotonia. X. Affect CN IX. contralateral cerebellar ataxia & medial laminiscus injury (Sensory). CSF show Inc IgG. * Multiple sclerosis -. Other causes are MS and Stroke.MC location is bifurcation of Ant communicating artery Subarachinoid bleed & Bitemporal lower quadrant Anopia. ataxia. hypoglossal nucleus (ipsilateral paralysis of tongue.give thrombolytics if presents with in 3 hrs of onset & pt has no contraindication.thiamine (B1) def. contralateral paralysis of face. * Spinal cord injury above C3 may cause Quadriplegia. * TX of concussion (lucid interval) is conservative (resolves spotaneously). contralateral corticospinal tract injury. (strong family hx of disorder) * Chorea also occur in Rheumatoid fever (Sydenham chorea) and in 2nd trimester (Chorea Gravidum). LMN signs (hypotonia. Other options : aspirin. + ve Romberg sign. Ant nucleus regulate cooling. dysphonia. XI Nuclei (dysphagia. hyperreflexia. clopidogrel.first trimester U/S shows Lemon sign. Post nucleus regulate heating. * Brown sequard $ (hemisection of spinalcord) Ipsilateral flaccid paralysis and horner $ and contralateral loss of pain and temp. Babinski sign).Most common cause is pinealoma. * Encephalopathy + ataxia + Nystagmus -------. * Rules -. * Berry aneurysm rupture -. vs. UMN signs (hypertonia. vs.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Left parietal lobe infarction speech and language abnormality. TX -. hyporeflexia.Ant hypothalamus regulate parasympathetic system. Vestibular nuclei (vertigo nystagmus). Post inferior cerebellar artery injury Wallenburg $.Atrophy of caudate nuc & degeneration of cholinergic & GABAergic neuron Dementia. Effect Corticospinal pyramid (contralateral spastic paresis). downward and convergent gaze. * Anterior spinal cord artery occlusion -. Babinski sign. tongue & palate. paralysis of all CN except eyes). dysarthria. hyporeflexia and fasciculation. TX -. * Most brain tumor in children are infratentorial post fossa tumor. Medial nucleus regulate satiety. Benedikt $ (Paramedian midbrain lesion) Ipsilateral occulomotor nerve palsy. dipiridamol. Paraventricular nucleus regulates Oxitocin. with Astrocytoma being the most common. Most lateral brain tumors are Astrocytoma.lower extremities incoordination. CT is less sensitive. (uvula deviate toward to effected side + post cerebral artery injury). * Cranio pharyngioma (ramanent of Rathkes pouch) is the most common cause of hypopituitarism in childrens.order CT scan. Cerebellar peduncle (Ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia). Prevent with folic acid. flailing movement of contralateral arm) occur due to vascular lesion injuring the Subthalamic nuclei.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Common in Peds group due to medulloblastoma. * Systemic steroids given in first 10 hrs may help minimize spinal cord damage.surgical. * CVA -. Weber $ (medial mid brain lesion) Ipsilateral occulomotor nerve palsy. loss of pain and temp bilaterally 34 Copy Righted Material. (SO4 LR6 rest 3) vs. tongue veer toward effected side). vs. * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou gehrig dis) -. fasciculation). common in Alcoholics. * Subarachinoid hemorrhage (worst headache of life) -. * Dumbbell shaped spinal cord tumor are common in neurofibromatosis. Medial leminiscus (contralateral loss of touch). * Hamiballismus (sudden aggressive.dorsal column damage due to untreated syphilis loss of propioception & vibration sensation. vs. Trigeminothalamic tract (loss of pain and temp of contralateral body). (pt develop Anterograde amnesia and start fabricating stories). * Mamillary body injury occur due to alcoholism and wernickes Encephalopathy.common complication of aortic abdominal surgery flaccid paralysis. vs. Repeat CT scan in 24 . * Central retinal artery occlusion -. CSF shows Inc protein with normal cell count. * Most common cause of seizures -. and taste. 35 Copy Righted Material.Moving tuning fork from mastoid to infront of external auditory meatus. * Macular degeneration -. * Vestibular nerve (VIII) -.MRI and superficial manipulation is contraindicated. Injury to vestibular vertigo. * Optic nerve (II) lesion -.vestibular (for balance). halos around light. TX -. * Open angle Glaucoma -. nystagmus. hyporeflexia with out sensory loss. * Chemical burns in eye (alkaline burn is more dangerous than acidic) -. * Waddling gait -. * Polio -.pupil constriction / dilation.dx with MRI of spine.sudden painless unilateral blindness along with retinal hemorrhage and exudate. * Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) -. Sxs are same as MG except Sxs get better with exertion. gingival hyperplasia).most common cause of blindness in elderly. neostigmine). TX -. parotid gland. In elder (CVA). Mandibular (V3).motor facial expression.LR6. (imp) * Syringomyelia (central dilatation of cord with resultant injury to gray horn and ant white commissure) bilateral hand and arm weakness along with loss of pain and temp in both hands.Ethusoxamide ( steven johnson $).sudden painless unilateral blindness.Laser childrens (infection).common in giant cell arteritis usually involve post ciliary artery.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Retinal plaque that occur due to embolization. Weber test -. * TX of absence seizures (petite mal) -.90 wrist flexion of both hand joint together dorsally produce Sxs suggest Carpel tunnel $. * Guillian barre $ (LMN lesion) Facial muscle weakness in 50% pts. * Abducen nerve (VI) injury -.Hoffmann dis -. * Trochlear nerve (IV) injury weak down ward gaze and Vertical diplopia.Phenobarbital (S effect. vs. facial deficit. sensory neuronal hearing loss.symmetric hypotonia. * Phalen test -.Ipsilateral Anosmia. common in school children. cochlear (for hearing). vs. * Intraoccular foreign body -. Sound on mastoid is louder in conducting hearing loss. * Facial nerve (VII) -. hypoesthesia (sensory loss). carries input from carotid sinus (baroreceptor) and carotid bodies (chemoreceptors). TX -. * Ischemic Optic neuropathy -.First thing to do irrigate eye with water or saline. * Acoustic neuroma (schwanoma) compress CN 5 and 7 causing hearing loss and tinnitis. Lesion in Uncus cause olfactory hallucination. pharynx (dysphagia). cause gradual painless loss of vision.S2).Ophthalmic (V1). Carotid hypersensitivity cause syncope.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS below the level of lesion and bilateral horner $. uvula deviate toward paralysed side. Lacrimal & submandibular salivary gland. vs.thrombolytics. In adults (trauma). SO4. * Olfactory nerve (CN I) lesion -.superior gluteal nerve injury. * Seizures are followed by post tictal state (confusion) and some time transient paralysis (Todds paralysis). also show B12 def anemia. hyporeflexia. and sound is louder in front of ear in sensory neuronal hearing loss and also in normal ear.gradual loss of peripheral vision with resultant blindness. motor supply to muscle of mastication. TX -. * Close angle Glaucoma Sudden severe eye pain. Cherry red fovea. TX -.convergent strabismus. * Accessary nerve (XI) injury shoulder drop. Uncal herniation bilateral dilated fixed pupil..Diazepam fist than Fosphenytoin. . * Trigeminal nerve (V) -.S3) * Loss of dorsi flexion of foot (foot drop) -. Injury cause loss gag. dx by MRI.taste and sensory input to post 1/3 of tongue. * Loss of planter flexion of foot -. * Central retinal vein occlusion -. -. rest CN 3. Rinne test -. * Werdnig -. hepatotoxicity. * TX of grand mal seizures -. taste (Ant 2/3 of tongue). * Benign Rolandic epilepsy cause only muscle twitching. larynx (hoarsness). * Disc prolapse -.wrist splints. imp * Subacute combined degeneration (due to B12 def) effect dorsal and lateral column with resultant ataxia.Common paroneal nerve injury (L4 .Asymmetrical Hypotonia.Plasmapharesis. morbilliform rash) * TX of Status Epilepticus -. Injury to Cochlear Tinnitis. loss of propioception & vibration in stocking and gloves distribution. * TX of Myoclonic seizures -. megaloblastic anemia. Carbamezapine (S effects.tuning fork on head vibration louder in ear with conductive hearing loss & diminished in sensorineuronal hearing loss. Bone marrow depression. Argyll Robertson pupil (pupil that accommodate but cannot react to light due to syphilis) Papilledema (due to high intracranial pressure pt presents with blind spot but normal visual acuity). tongue fasciculation. * Hollen Horst plaque -. Maxillary (V2).injury deviates tongue to paralysed side. * Hypoglossal nerve (XII) innervate all tongue muscle except platoglossus (by CN X). imp. * Occulomotor nerve (III) -. * Vagus nerve (X) injury soft palate paralysis (loss of gag & cough reflex). Remember Eaton lambert $ is paraneoplastic $ (Ab against Ca++ channels). (also in ear to dump sound).phenytoin (S effects. sensory to face mouth and Supratentorial dura. * TX of Myasthenia gravis (MG) -. Valproic acid.tibial nerve injury (L4 . Horizontal diplopia. Surgery (last resort). nausea and vomiting.Cholinestrase inhibitor (pyridostigmine.Laser Photocoagulation. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- Immediate topical pilocarpine and timolol, and systemic acetazolamide. * Otitis externa -- common agent pseudomonas. TX -- Antibiotic ear drop. * Otitis media -- common agent is Strep pneumoniae. TX -- amoxicillin. * Otitis Interna -- common are Viral Labyrithinitis, Vestibular neuritis vertigo, nausea, vomiting, horizontal nystagmus. TX -- meclizine. Remember vertical nystagmus suggest central process. eg. vertibrobasilar CVA. * Sinusitis -- Oropharyngeal cobble stoning and opacification of sinus on transillumination. TX -- Amoxicillin. * Menier's dis -- occur due to endolymphatic hydrop recurrent episode of ear fullness, deafness and vertigo. TX -- Diuretics. * Negri bodies in perkingi cells of cerebellum --- think of Rabies. * Hirano bodies and neurofibrillary tangles --- think of Alzhiemers. * Lewy bodies + absence of melanin in substantia negra -- think of Parkinson dis. * Mid brain exits CN III and IV. * Pons exits CN V, VI, VII, VIII. * Medulla exits CN IX, X, XI, XII * Bicep reflex -- mediated by C5 & C6. * Tricep Reflex -- mediated by C7 & C8. * Knee reflex -- mediated by L2, L3, L4 * Ankle reflex -- mediated by S1 * Bilateral Facial palsy -- think lyme dis, sarcoidosis, Guillian barre $. * Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow dis) caused by Crutzfeld Jacob virus altered mental status, seizures, myoclonus. * RV (amount of vol left in the lung after forced expiration) -- cannot be measured by spirometry. But can be measured by pulmonary functional test. * Pulmonary function test (PFT) -- normal is 80%. (any thing < 80% is abnormal). * Obstructive lung dis -- FEV / FVC ratio is < 80% and Total lung capacity (TLC) is > 80%. * Restrictive lung dis -- FEV / FVC ratio is > 80%. and TLC is < 80%. * Mixed (obstructive / restrictive) lung dis -- FEV / FVC < 80%. and TLC is < 80%. * Anatomical dead space (150 mL) measured by fowlers method. vs. Physiologic dead space is measured by Bohrs method. * V/Q Ratio zero -- suggest complete airway obstruction (ventilation defect). vs. V/Q Ratio extremely elevated -- suggest circulation obstruction (perfusion defect). * How breathing is stimulated in pt with O2 and normal CO2. Answer is peripheral receptors. (Central receptors in medulla stimulated by CO2 and H+. where as Carotid and aortic bodies are stimulated by O2, CO2, H+). * Pulmonary venous congestion Rapid shallow breathing (due to stimulation of J receptors). * Hering Bruer reflex -- Inhibition of inspiration due to stretch of lung tissue. * DX of Asthma -- PFT and Methacholine challenge test. * Thrush can be prevented by washing mouth after inhaling steroids. (Inhalant steroids are the main stay of the tx of Asthma). * Exercise Asthma -- use Albuterol before exercise. * Allergy Asthma -- use mast cell stabilizer inhaler (Nedocromil). * Chronic bronchitis -- Expectorant cough for at least 3 successive month / yr for at least 2 successive yrs. * Blue bloaters -- predominant bronchitis with cough, cyanosis, edema (as in COPD). * Pink Puffers -- predominant emphysema with dyspnea and puffing with expiration (as in COPD). * COPD -- PFT shows FEV / FVC < 80%. CXR shows hyperinflated lung and flattened diaphragm. * Most Imp complication of COPD is core pulmonale Pulmonary HTN and Right Ventricular failure. * Pt with emphysema + transaminases (due to recurrent hepatitis) --- think - 1 - antitrypsin def. * In emphysema - 1 - globulin level is low. * Respiratory failure -- PO2 < 60, PCO2 > 50. two types Type I -- Hypoxia normocapnia (O2, normal CO2) ---- think of Emphysema, pneumonia, Pulmonary edema. TX -- O2 with high concentration. Type II -- Hypoxia hypercapnia (O2, CO2) ---- think Asthma and COPD. TX -- O2 with low conc to maintain respiratory center stimulation, this is one case where high O2 level may be fatal. * Hypoxia Cyanosis and tachycardia vs. Hypercapnia Headache with bounding pulse and lethargy. imp. * Tension Pneumothorax -- Air enter the pleura and only partially leave. * Pleurodesis (is sealing both pleural layer together) is considered in following 1. First penumothorax episode in secondary cases. 2. Second pneumothorax episode in primary cases. * # 1 cause of death from cancer in both gender is Lung Cancer * Lung cancer is the # 1 cause of pleural effusion. * DX of lung cancer -- By biopsy. CT scan guided biopsy in peripheral tumors and Bronchoscopic biopsy in central tumor. 36 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Also order Bone scan, CT scan of head, abdomen and Pelvis. Remember Central tumor are squamous cell and small cell carcinomas. Rest are peripheral. * Small cell carcinoma -- may exist with Eaton Lambert $ (anti Ca++ channel Ab), sensory neuropathy (anti neuronal Ab), also ectopic ADH & ACTH. * Adenocarcinoma is most common lung cancer with early metastasis, Squamous is 2nd most common. * Squamous cell carcinoma cells are Eosinophilic. vs. Small cell carcinoma cells are Basophilic. * Community acquired pneumonia is best tx with Quinolones (Levofloxacin) or combination of azithromycin + 3rd generation Cephalosporin. * Legionella DX by high Immunoflorescence and culture of charcoal Agar. vs. Mycoplasma DX by high IgM titer Both cause Atypical pneumonia. TX of Atypical Pneumonia is Erythromycin. * Suspect aspiration pneumonia in pt with Gastrostomy feeding tube, alcoholics, pt in coma, after seizures. (usually with mixed Anaerobes) * Staph aureus pneumonia -- cause cavitation and hemoptysis. for MRSA pneumonia use Vancomycin. * Klebsiella cause Apical pneumonia -- red currant jelly sputum. * Pneumonia in pt with COPD -- think H Influenza. * Bronchiactesis (abnormal persistent dilatation of bronchi due to airway obstruction and infection Lund base dull to percussion and apices resonant. dec TVF. DX - CXR or CT show honey comb appearance. TX -- postural drainage and Antibiotics. * Pleural effusion -- CXR shows fluid filling the costophrenic angle. Large fluid shift the media stinum to the opposite side. Causes are transudative (CHF), Exudative Pneumonia), Chylous (thoracic duct obstruction), Hemorrhage (malignancy). TX -- thoracocentesis is diagnostic & therapeutic. If fluid reaccumulate chest tube should be inserted. If fluid reaccumulate after removal of chest tube, Pleurodesis should be done. * Usually malignant pleural effusion (bloody) reaccumulate rapidly consider Pleurodesis. * Lung Fibrosis and lung collapse show dec in every thing on physical exam and media stinum will move toward effected side (if any) vs. * Pleural effusion also shows dec in every thing on physical exam but media stinum will move toward opposite side. * Interstitial lung dis (restrictive lung dis) cough, cyanosis, clubbing, crackles and cor pulmonale. causes are -- silicosis, asbestosis, sarcoidosis, drugs (amiodarone etc). CXR shows Ground glass appearance. DX by lung biopsy. TX -- Steroids. * Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is rapidly progressive Interstitial lung dis (ILD) with bad prognosis. TX -- Steroids and O2. * Eosinophilic granuloma (Histiocytosis X) is ILD common in male smokers Langerhan cells on lung biopsy. Complication are Pneumothorax and Hand schuller dis. * Hand Schuller dis -- Eosinophillic granuloma + lytic bone lesion + diabetes Insipidus + exophthalmos. * Aspergillus is immune complex mediated IDL Brown sputum with branching hyphae. * Silicosis -- effect upper lung zone and CXR show Hilar Egg shell calcification. vs. * Asbestosis effect lower lung zone and show Ferruginous bodies (clubbed ends). * Sarcoidosis -- Inc serum Angiotensin enz level, Non caseating granuloma, Schwan and Astroid bodies. TX -- Self resolving, In severe cases use Steroids. Mucocutaneous form tx with chloroquine. * Sarcoidosis (type IV hypersensitivity) hypercalcemia ( due to vit D secretion from activated macrophages), Diabetes insipidus (due to post pituitary dysfunction), albumin and gammaglobulin. Other Sxs are uveitis, lacrimal and parotid gland swelling, cardiomyopathy, bilateral facial nerve palsy, hilar lymphadenopathy, restrictive lung dis. * + ve PPD with negative CXR -- INH for 9 months. * + ve PPD with positive CXR -- 2 month (INH + Pyrazinamide + Ethumbutal or Streptomycin) followed by 4 month of INH + Refampin. (total 6 month). * INH cause hepatotoxicity, peripheral neuritis (vit B6 is necessary). * Refampin cause hepatotoxicity, orange color body fluid. * Pyrazinamide hepatitis and gout. * Ethambutal optic neuritis. * Sleep apnea DX -- polysomnography show at least 10 apnic episode / hr and each episode last at least 10seconds. Complication -- Pulmonary HTN, cor pulmonale, sudden death. TX -- Continuous + ve airway pressure (CPAP), wt loss, avoid offending drug. For resistant cases uvulo - palato - pharyngoplasty (UPPP). * Solitary Lung nodule on CXR -- If < 5 cm (central, round, regular , uniform calcification) most likely benign. If > 5 cm (Peripheral, irregular, irregular calcification) most likely malignant. Management -- In low risk pt do CXR every 3 months. vs. In high risk people do biopsy. * Pulmonary Eosinophilia due to drug -- think of Gold compound and penecillamine. * HIV DX -- ELISA is the first test if + ve than confirm the dx with Western Blot test. Follow up -- best done with Viral DNA load and CD4 count (used for prognostic purposes and to asses the response to tx). * Diarrhea in AIDS pt -- think cryptosporidium parvum. tx with Azithromycin. * Seizures in AIDS pt -- think toxoplasmosis. tx with sulfadiazine + pyrimethamine. During pregnancy use Spiramycin. * Pneumonia in AIDS -- think P. Jiroveci. tx with SMX / TMP and or pentamidine. * Complication of AIDS -- Kaposi sarcoma (HHV8), Oral hairy leukoplakia (EBV), Chorioretinitis (CMV), Esophagitis (candida), Meningitis (Cryptococcus neoformens), Hairy cell leukemia (HTLV1), T cell leukemia (HTLV2). 37 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * TX of HIV -- AZT (zidovudine) + ddi (didanosine) + Protease inhibitor (Indinavir). * AZT (inhibit HIV replication) is given to pregnant women to dec the risk of fetal transmission. * ddi, Zalcitabine, Lamivudine Peripheral neuropathy and pancreatitis (side effects) . * Protease inhibitor (indinavir, ritonavir) Inc the liver transaminase (side effect). * Indinavir cause nephrolithiasis. * Contaminated needle stick from HIV pt -- prophylaxis for 1 month with LIZ (Lamivudine + Indinavir + Zidovudine) * Rabies (negri bodies) fever, headache, hydrophobia, pharyngeal muscle spasm, foaming of the mouth. TX - immunoglobulin & immunization. * Clostridium tetani produce tetnospasmin toxin which inhibit the release of GABA from cerebellum and glycine form spinal cord tetany. TX -- If last toxoid dose was with in last 5 yrs than no toxoid is needed If last toxoid dose was > 5 yrs ago than give toxoids. * If pt was never been immunize than give tetanus toxoid + Immunoglobulin. * Clostridium dificile -- dx by C. dificile toxin in stool. tx with metronidazole or vancomycin. * Listeria Monocytogenes (tumbling motility) -- most common cause meningitis in neonate. mortality rate is high. Also cause meningitis and sepsis in AIDS or immunocompromised pt TX -- Ampicillin + salbactum or SMX / TMP. * Salmonella Typhoid (enteric) fever. Rosy spots on abdomen, RLQ pain (often confused with appendicitis). TX - ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone. * Salmonella Enteritis mucous and watery diarrhea. TX -- self resolving. * Rickettsia produce same Ag as proteus mirabilis (OX - 2, OX - 9, OX - K). DX -- by Weil - felix test. cause following diseases. 1. Rocky mountain spotted fever (R. reckettsii) transmitted by tic fever, petechial rash starts from palm & sole & moves toward trunck. DX -- Complement fixation test (CFT). TX -- Doxicycline or chloramphenicol. 2. Epidemic Typhus (R. Prowazekii) transmitted by tic fever, Rash involve whole body except palm and sole. DX -- CFT. TX -- same. 3. Endemic Typhus (R. Typhi) transmitted by tic Rash starts on 5th day of fever. DX -- CFT. TX - same 4. Q Fever (Coxiella Burnettii) transmitted by animal/ animal product Fever, Pneumonia (due to inhalation of endospores). this is only reckittsial dis that does not cause rash. DX -- CFT. TX - same. 5. Bartonella Henselae (cat scratch dis) fever, swollen tender pustular lymphadenopathy. Complication is bacillary angiomatosis seen in AIDS. DX -- CFT . TX same as above. 6. Ehrlichia canis (from dog bite) fever, rash (numerous morulae inside monocytes). DX -- CFT. TX -- same as above. * Cryptococcus neoformens (pigeon dropping) cause meningitis in AIDS. DX -- India Ink stain of CSF. Culture on Subouraud agar. TX -- Amphoterecin B and Flucytocine. * Pt with Atypical pneumonia and erythema nodusum + Hx of south western desert visit -- think Coccidioidis immitis (its San Joaquin valley fever) DX -- CFT. TX -- Fluconazole or Iatraconazole. Amphoterecin B for severe cases. imp. * Entamoeba histolytica diarrhea with blood and mucous. Complication is liver abscess. DX -- stool culture (RBCs with in trophozoites). TX -- metronidazole. (homosexual men is carrier) * Giardia (pear shape) watery malodorous diarrhea, abdominal distention & bloating. stool analysis show cysts. TX -- metronidazole. Well water and Day care centre are notoriuos for giardia. * Sporothrix schenkii (cigar shape budding yeast) -- tx with Potassium Iodide or Iatraconazole. Amphoterecin B for extracutaneous form. * Aspergillus (branching hyphae) -- inhalation cause hypersensitivity reaction type I and type III bronchospasm. also release Aflatoxin which cause liver cancer.. (Remember candida show pseudohyphae). * Blastomycosis (broad base bud) -- tx Itraconazole. * Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis transmitted through bird feces and may cause pneumonia. * Actinomyeces (yellow sulfur granules) -- tx with penicillin * Shigella (verotoxin) bloody diarrhea rich in WBCs count. * Compylobacter jejuni bloody loose diarrhea. TX -- Erythromycin. * Yersenia enterocolitis appendicitis like pain, mucosal ulceration and diarrhea. * Trypanosoma cruzi (chagas dis) transmitted by Reduvid bug (kissing bug) chagoma (nodule or papule also called Romana sign), Toxic megacolon, cardiomyopathy, achalasia. TX -- Nifurtimox. * Normal lab in elderly shows PO2, FEV, Hb, GFR, Alkaline phosphatase, vit A due to dec liver clearance. * CEA --- Colorectal cancer * CA -19 - 9 --- Pancreatic cancer. * CA 125 --- Ovarian cancer. * AFP --- Hepatocellular cancer and teratoma. * PSA --- Prostate cancer * HCG --- Choriocarcinoma, vesicular mole, seminoma. * S - 100 --- melanoma. * Most common tumor that send metastasis is breast cancer. vs. Most common organ to receive metastasis is Adrenal medulla. 38 Copy Righted Material. > pseudohyphae. * Most common source of bone metastasis --.depression. Shingles -.night blindness.penicillanase resistant penicillin.colon cancer. * Zinc def -. TX -. TX . Oral Trush common in inhaled steroids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dermatology * Papule -. * Candida Albicans -. DX -.5 cm and Nodules -.oral antifungal (terbinafine or Itraconazole or Gresiofulvin) for 4 . skin rashes. * Ketokonazole and terbinafine are hepatotoxic.neurologic manifestation * Selenium def -. * Tinea Unguium (onychomycosis) white & brittle nails. * Zinc toxicity -. DX . TX . * Colonoscopy starts at age 50 than every 10 yrs.Angular stomatitis.topical antifungal. DX .disc shape elevated skin lesion > 2 cm in diameter. OCPs. microsporium and trichophyton. thyroid and kidney cancer.10 days systemic acyclovir. DX -. lung and prostate cancer. TX . * Most common source of liver metastasis --.caries.Kerion a subtype of tenia captis is Red warm tender swelling with pustular discharge. Hyperhydrosis. * Tinea corporis (Ring worm) -. neural tube defect.< 0. * Erysipelas (group A strep) Superficial warm red cellulitis. dementia).Macrocytic hypochromic anemia. TX . If impetigo penetrate deep enough to cause ulceration it is called Ecthema. * Vit A toxicity -. Fluorine toxicity -. TX -. poor healing). (acyclovir will not help if started after 24 .penicillin or loss nail dystrophy. * Tinea versicolor (malasezia furfur) -. * Niacin (B3) def -. * Riboflavin (B2) def -. TX . Oral ketoconazole for severe cases. ataxia).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Vit A def -.peripheral neuropathy.5 cm. * Chicken pox (HZV) -.hypopigmented lesion due to Aceleic acid which inhibit melanocytes. corneal vascularization.lesions are arranged in dermotomal distribution. hyperexitability. * Folic acid (most common vit def in US) -. Note . TX . alopecia. 39 Copy Righted Material.single dose Fluconazole.48 hrs of the onset of rash).Oral terbinafine. * Annual mammogram start at age 40. * Plaque -.topical antifungal.Antifungal (no incision or drainage is needed). Red elevated lesion with circinate margins & central clearing.Red scaly lesion of skin look like tinea.involve groin and buttocks.Pellagra (diarrhea.s $ (pt have kinky sparse hair).Topical imidazole. * Tinea cruris (jock itch) -. * Impetigo (staph aureus or strep) -. TX -. osteosclerosis. seizures. * B12 def -* Vit C def -. Papules / nodules are circumscribed area of skin elevation. Causes are drugs such as INH. * Thiamine (B1) def -. Unlike other tenia infection it heal with scar and could Alopecia. * Gresiofulvin attacks only dermatophytes and cause GI upset. * Copper def -.Topical Nystatin or Imidazole Note . * Copper toxicity -.cardiomyopathy.caused by dermatophytes.Inc Intracranial pressure and joint pain. 6 week for finger nail.Menke. vs. * Pyridoxine (B6) def -. Complication .6 week.Cutaneous candidiasis (diapers rash) shows satellite lesion. dermatitis. * Annual PSA starts at age 50. Obesity. nystagmus. * Annual pap smear start after the onset of sexual activity.chalky white patches on teeth. easy bruising / bleeding. mental irritation.Tetracycline. * Fluorine def -.lesion are arranged in crops with rose petal appearance.staph release Exfoliatin which cause bullae formation. severe cases systemic antifungal. * Selenium toxicity -. * Erythrasma herpetic neuralgia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Wernicke korsakoff $ (Encephalopathy .Favus is a subtype of tinea captic saucer shaped crusty lesion (scatula) with reddish margin. .wood lamp show Red Fluorescence. Note .. TX .brain.hemolysis. vs. After 3 successive normal smears do once every 3 yr.honey color crusted lesion. KOH skin preparation shows spaghetti & meat ball appearance. * Annual Rectal exam and occult blood in stool starts at age 40. Korsakoff $ is anterograde amnesia and confabulation. * Tenia Corporis (all dermatophytes can caused this) Itchy oval round. Genital candidiasis usually occur in female whitish milky discharge (curd like appearance). cheilitis.Beri Beri (polyneuropathy and CHF). TX -. Note . dry skin and hair. prostate.breast. HTN. Bitot spots.occur usually in DM.Scurvey (gingival hyperplasia. TX . 12 weeks for toe nail.Tzanck smear (multinucleated giant cells). * Most common source of brain metastasis -.wood light shows yellow color. occur usually in butchers and Fisherman handling animal flesh. Auspitz sign (pin point bleed after removing scales). * Paronychia (inflammation of periungual tissue) -. Causes are Sarcoidosis. TX . TX . TX . 40 Copy Righted Material. TX .most common cause of cutaneous TB lesion usually around face and neck Nodular plaque. Severe form is called Steven johnson $ (bullae. Malignancy.cubital and popliteal fossae in children 2. Pt may also show Asthma and Allergic rhinitis. Inflamatory bowel dis. Seborrheic dermatitis. * Staphalococcal Scalded Skin $ (SSS$) -. DX -.Angioedema is fatal form.Extrinsic form Contact dermatitis. Pustular Psoriasis tx with Etretinate. TX . tx of papule / pustule is topical Benzoyl peroxide + Clindamycin or erythromycin. * Necrotizing Faciitis -. Erythema nodusum is good prognostic sign in Sarcoidosis.effect middle part of the face of middle age man Erythema.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. renal failure.tx of comedone is topical Retinoids. involving subcutaneous tissue (if occur look for stridor) TX -. arm back (SNAB) carries worst prognosis.polygonal purplish papule. * Toxic epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) and chemo with Interleukin . * Scabies -. * Psoriasis (HLA B13) Silvery scales. * OCPs cause Erythema nodusum.penicillin. Pityriasis alba. Vit D analog. vs.Red tender nodule in peritibial area. * Tetracycline cause photosensitivity. * Acne Rosacea -. TX Oral Tetracycline or oral Metronidazole. Small tender purplish area on the finger after injury from sharp object. papules.Hot compresses and penicillinase resistant penicillin. * Pitryasis Alba -. Nail pitting (onycholysis). Asymmetric arthritis (Pencil in a cup on Xrays). DX . * Seborrheic dermatitis (effect area with sebaceous gland such as scalp.Oral antibiotics with hot compresses.mainly caused by severe drug reaction. DX -. It is locally malignant.lesion are erythematous and ozing mainly in ante .Permethrin in both cases. Erythema multiforme. Strep inf.Shampoo containing selenium and zinc. * Eczema (type IV hypersensitivity) -.Diascopy lesion reveal brownish "apple jelly color". * Dysplastic Nevi is the risk factor for melanoma. * Hideradinitis suppuration -. tx of severe cases is intralesional steroids + oral tetracycline or erythromycin. TX .small pustular lesion surrounding heir follicles. Intrinsic form Atopic dermatitis.Systemic Steroids.1. Complication is Nose hypertrophy called Rhinophyma. (Collection of furuncles are called Carbuncle).tx with permethrin or lindane.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Erysipeloid (Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae) -. Steroids.Topical steroids. * Melanoma metastasize distantly via blood specially to brain. TX shape lesion (bulls eye) appear 4 .stop offending drug and systemic steroids.White (alba) patches on face often confused with vitiligo usually effect children (imp). * Lindane is contraindicated in pregnancy and children (might cause CNS toxicity). eyebrows) yellow greasy scaly lesion. * Lupus vulgaris -.Exophytic nodules with raised everted edges and cell nest pattern.think Hereditary Angioedema and look for C1 estrase inhibitor def. Most imp prognostic factor is depth of lesion TX -.tx with topical permethrin. Koebner's phenomenon (abrasion at site). Hottub (pseudomonas) folliculitis is self resolving.Topical steroids H1 blocker. Remember recurrent Angioedema of unclear cause -. * Basal cell carcinoma -. TB. some time covered with white line "wickham striae". * Furunculosis (inflammation of the deep part of hair follicle) -.TB tx.tx with surgical debridgement and broad spectrum Antibiotics.Wheal shaped lesion due to dermal AgAb reaction because of ingestion of substance. * Warfarin cause skin necrosis by depleting Protein C stores.pearly papule. * Folliculitis (staph aureus and pseudomonas) -.Similar as TEN but predominantly occur in new borns. on wrist or inner thigh usually in females. neck. pruritis. TX .by testing different substances on skin.usually around neck and buttocks boil and pustular discharge. * Atopic dermatitis (genetic dermatitis) -. H1 & H2 blocker.6 yrs of age. * Acne valgaris tx -. TX -. Melanoma of scalp. Steven johnson $. talengiectasia. TX NSAIDs. * Lichen planus -. pneumonitis). Palisade cell biopsy shows Necrotic Keratinolysis & extensive lymphocytosis. . Cradle Cap is seborrheic dermatitis that effect scalp of newborn. Urticaria. vs.Penicillinase penicillin.5 days after ingestion of subs or drug. (avoidance of cause if known). vs. dermatitis. TX .penecillinase resistant penicillin. TX .local inflammation of apocrine gland in axilla or groin Reddish painful nodule. * Squamous cell carcinoma -. * Pediculosis captis -.tetracycline. * Pediculosis corporis and Pediculosis pubis (phthirasis pubis) ---. It cause distant metastasis.. * Urticaria -. TX . H1 blockers. TX . Incision and drainage with large complicated lesion. Complication . * Erythema Nodusum (inflammation of dermis and subcutaneous fat) -.tx topical lindane Remember Phthirus pubis in eye lashes of the child is due to sexual abuse until proven other wise. * NSAIDs cause TEN. drugs (OCPs). Resistant cases Ultravoilet light and Methotrexate. * Erythema Multiforme -.Topical steroids. * Alfa feto protein can also be evaluated from maternal serum called maternal serum AFP. Large placenta -. neural tube defect by measuring AFP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OBGYN * HCG appear in urine 8 days after fertilization. two chorione. * HCG also stimulates fetal testicular function in utero if fetus is male. 3.infection and malignant transformation. 41 Copy Righted Material. bilirubin. * Dizygotic twin -. vs.1 placenta. potter $. Allantoic duct. inhibit maternal glucose and protein metabolism (make it available for fetus). so screen for other autoimmune dis. Phophatydyl content (last subs to appear in amniotic fluid).placenta completely perforate the uterus.HCG peaks till 10 weeks than level declines. Note . Placenta Increta -. * Sebaceous cyst (retention cyst due to obstructed sebaceous gland). * Acanthosis nigricans (hyperpigmented skin fold) -.painless mobile cutaneous cyst filled with sebaceous material occur due to excessive epithelial growth. . Associated with antepartum bleed due to vasa previa. there are 3 types.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Oligohydramnios ( < 400 mL) -. it is useful to evaluate some high risk pregnancy.18 weeks) -. 2 amnion. adhesion and amputation. 1. Patent urachal fistula presents urine form umbilicus.intracranial extension. (white decidual region on placental margins) * Placenta membranacea -. which may be retained and cause post partum hemorrhage.Active (erythematous and pruritic) --. Usually occur at the site of previous needle prick or injury.suggest Anencephaly spina bifida.dx by muscle biopsy. TX . * Early amniocentesis (16 . * Late Amniocentesis (3rd trimester) -. * Amniotic band $ (bands in the amnion) Craniofacial abnormalities. * Cord attachment is may be central. Polyhydramnious ( > 2000 mL) -.tx with Excision. (do not confuse with pityriasis alba) * Pemphigus valgaris (antiepithelial ab destroying desmosomes) Bullae due to Acantholysis. Amniotic epithelium. * High AFP > 2.used for the dx of chromosomal abnormalities. * HPL is similar to GH and PL stimulates growth of breast. Estradiol.associated with preeclempsia. marginal or velamentous (membranous). 2.causes are premature rupture of mem (most common).Wide local excision.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Vitiligo (unknown cause) -. * Lipoma ( benign adipose tumor) can be complicated by airway obstruction.tx with topical steroids. intussusception. * Placenta Circumvallata -. * Placenta lacks the MHC Ag so it does not elicit maternal immune response. Complication .tx with Radiation * Desmoid tumor -. Inactive (non erythematous non pruritic) --.Indicative of GI malignancy (mainly gastric). its abnormalities are 1. * Keloid -. * Small placenta -. * Estrogens ( Estrone. vs.Esophageal atresia. TX : Non Metastatic -. creatinin. Omphalocele grey sac surrounding the umbilicus. Placenta Accreta -. Maternal DM. Metastasize locally only. * Normally Na+ and Bilirubin content of amniotic fluid dec through out pregnancy. TX .do Wide local excision of tumor. TX -.associated with DM and syphilis. DM (insulin resistant). * Fibrosarcoma (malignant tumor of muscle and tendon) -. 2. amputation of limb if bone is involved Metastatic lesion fibrosarcoma of rectus sheath below the level of umbilicus also called Paget dis of rectus sheath.1000 mL.2 placenta. Monozygotic twin -.placenta penetrate through the muscle layer. * Umbilical cord consist of 2 artery.5 mom -. * 5 % diabetic women presents single umbilical artery in pregnancy -. warthon jelly. The function is to maintain corpus luteum untill placenta function is well established (usually by 10 weeks). * Pathological adherence of placenta is due to absence of Nitabuch layer (a fibrionid layer which normally limit the penetration of trophoblast into endometrium). * Normal Amniotic fluid is 500 mL .placenta implant deep down in muscle layer of uterus.excision after xray to rule out intracranial extension. Anencephaly. Post urethral fold. Creatinin and phospholipids Inc through out pregnancy.large membranous placenta due to persistence of chorione leave. * Blistering happen some time after trauma in normal person called Epidermolysis bullosa. vs.suggest Fetal Cardiovascular Anomaly and Edward $.systemic steroids. * HPL is a good indicator of functioning placental mass. * Velamentous cord attachment may be associated with placenta membranacea and if transversing vessels passes below the presenting part is placenta previa (an emergency).accessory lobe of placenta. * Placenta Succentriate -. (desmosomes normally pull epidermis together) TX -. do CXR to look for metastasis. 3.can be a part of polyglandular def. TX . * Desmoid cyst -. 1 vein.Enucleation. Vitelline fistula presets meconium from umbilicus. Estriol) -.used to estimate fetal lung maturity by lecithin / sphingomyelin ratio > 2 : 1. Complication due to chorionic plate smaller than decidual plate abortion. HTN and postmaturity. It is a good indicator of fetal well being. Placenta Percreta -.Elliptical Excision.normal EEE ratio = 1 : 2 : 30 in pregnancy. 1 chorione but 2 Amnion. * Cardiotocography (CTG) -. Suction and dilatation curettage in 1st trimester. If 8 repeat CTG every 2 days. bad prognosis. CTG assess fetal well being by measuring fetal HR in relation to uterine contraction. It stop spontaneously. where as TV (tidal vol). late onset . fetal death. Fat soluble vit . Tocolysis (anti PG.cervix is open. physiologic goiter). * Deceleration is of 3 types.Taquemier sign (vulva is soft and hyperpigmented). .OH progesterone is used if the cause is corpus luteum least 2 acceleration of at least 15 B / min in 20 min. blood vessels. live vaccine is contraindicated (eg MMR).40%. * Yellow fever and Rabies vaccine can be indicated if there is strong indication. 1.25 normally --. * Complication of Amniocentesis -. 24 weeks gestation -. oligohydramnios. Late deceleration (type II) -. Coagulation factor I & X and factor XII . ESR (due to in fibrinogen). * Inconsistent fundal height (too low) is most commonly due to incorrect dating. * During pregnancy give 60 mg Iron / day (only 10 gm of oral Fe is absorbed) * 32 week gestation -.4 mom -. polyhydramnios. * Alkali denaturation test -. good prognosis. * GFR in pregnancy glucosuria. * Hemorrhoids in pregnancy is due to progesterone effect. product is protruding out of os.used in polyhydramnios and to induced abortion. * 12 week gestation -. Hagar sign (soft lower uterine signet).if it is < performed after 32 weeks 8 out of 10 is satisfactory. Estriol.HCG) and Edward $ ( AFP. TX -.Resuscitation and evacuation of uterine content.shows fetal blood Red and maternal blood shows ghost mechanical due to cord compression reflex tachycardia followed by HTN and bradycardia. * Non Stress test Reactive -. Variable deceleration -. * Intra uterine fetal growth retardation (IUFGR) type I -. pH (mild).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Low AFP < 0. * Only Tetanus toxoids can be indicated in pregnancy. * Quickening (fetal movement) felt starting at 16th week in multiparous and 18th week in nulliparous. B .uterus at the level of umbilicus.HCG). multiple gestation.maternal cause. 2. Palmer sign (early uterine contraction which disappears trough out pregnancy). FSH and LH dec as an exception. Estriol. ERV.10 or more fetal movement in 12 hr is indicating fetal well being. Goodell sign (cervix is enlarged soft and hyperpigmented). Chadwick sign (vagina is soft warm and hyperpigmented). * Inconsistent fundal height (too high) is commonly due to incorrect dating.< 2 acceleration of at least 15 B / min in 20 min.fetal causes. Non reactive -. 17 . 3.shows fetal blood pink and maternal blood maternal blood. * Kleihauer betke test -. TX -. * Abortion is termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks. IUFGR. * Nucleated RBCs are + ve in fetal blood and . * Acceleration is the best sign of fetal well being (reflex tachycardia in response to maternal movement).slight hemorrhage in choriodecidual space while cervix is closed.uterus at the level xiphoid process.Resuscitation and physical rest. B . 42 Copy Righted Material.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Inevitable abortion -. type II -. premature rupture of mem (PROM). 36 week gestation -. IgA and IgM .25 think acidosis.A dye injected in the amniotic fluid for placental localization. * Threatened Abortion -. * Fetal Amniography -. RV. vs. * Fetal Scalp pH is > 7. Amnioinfusion might be needed to over come this problem. 2 agonist) to relax uterus in 2nd trimester. * Test all pregnant women for rubella.suggest Down $ ( AFP.bradycardia that occur after uterine contraction due to transient cessation of placental flow transient fetal anaerobic metabolism. Early onset.bradycardia that occurs simultaneously with uterine contraction due to vagal nervous reflex. Gland size also Inc but hormones level are normal (eg. TLC.Hb < 11 g/dL (due to hemodilution reason) * In pregnancy -. * Clostrum can be expressed as early as 3rd month of pregnancy. Aminoaciduria. * Signs of pregnancy -. loss of water soluble vit. * Most common fetal genetic dis to cause abortion is trisomy 16.injury to internal organ. Early deceleration (type I) -. * In pregnancy Cholestrol . * Most common infection to cause abortion in early pregnancy is Mycoplasma hominis. * Therapeutic amniocentesis -. vs. * Measuring head circumference with ultrasound is used to estimate gestational age.uterus at the level of pubis. * Anemia in pregnancy -. cardiac out put by 30 . HELLP $.section.Suction followed by D&C in 2 weeks.Resuscitation.occur due to infection. (rule out ectopic pregnancy) * Risk factor for Hydatidiform (vesicular) mole -. TX -.Uterine Evacuation. 3rd or 4th degree --. Sings of organ damage -. * Missed abortion is painless condition -.15 % will suffer another ectopic pregnancy. Iatrogenic (cerclage.4 weeks) DX -.Penecillin (for G + ve). prophylactic Magnesium sulfate should be given until 24 hrs postpartum. hydralazine. hypokalemia. * Premature rupture of mem sudden gush of watery fluid from vagina -. Abruptio placenta.Vaginal cerclage. TX . TX . Twin pregnancy.most common complication is septic abortion and DIC (common after 3 .by Hysterosalpingography (HSG) show loss of uterine waist (funneling). Hyperemesis gravidarum (due to Inc HCG). DX -. (cluster of grapes inside uterus) TX -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Complication -.pelvic exam contraindicated.28 weeks).preeclempsia.50 .age > 40 yrs or < 15 yrs.methyldopa. * Complication of gestational diabetes -.40 weeks). DIC.edema. PG or Oxitocin in 2nd Trimester. (fetal death). * Vasa previa -. TX . + ve fern test. Incomplete (triploidy) -. HCG.fetal death. bleeding after the time of fetal viability (20 weeks) but full maturation of fetus (36 weeks). DX -. Couveleire uterus. TX -. hypomagnesaemia. shock. If It occur before 20 weeks suspect Hydatidiform mole. bed rest. TX -. plus metronidazole or Clindamycin (for Anaerobes). delivery. placenta previa. TX . * Complication of Ectopic pregnancy -. 43 Copy Righted Material. Complication -. * If uncontrolled bleeding or fetal distress is noticed in placenta previa --.vesicle pus mal form fetus. Pulmonary edema. perihepatic necrosis. (Physical exam show large doughy uterus. preterm labor. * Hydatidiform mole Complete (XX all paternal) -.section. 30 . and Evacuate the uterus with D&C in 1st trimester.terminate the pregnancy.Laproscopy or Laprotomy to evacuate fetal sac & mem. (imp) Remember definitive cure of Preeclempsia is delivery.vesicles only. Amniocentesis). U/S follow up. 10 . * Most common site of ectopic pregnancy is ampulla or fallopian tube.Chorioamnionitis (group B strep). DX -.Transabdominal U/S. polyhydramnios. hypocalcemia. Thyrotoxicosis.16 weeks of gestation.5 cm mass stable or unstable (due to rupture or bleed). betamethasone (to accelerate the lung maturity).40 % will become infertile. Placenta Abruptio presents with painful dark bleeding (if any). transposition of great vessels). hyperviscosity $ (due to polycythemia Inc risk of renal and mesenteric vein thrombosis). Mifepristone. Salpingectomy if fallopian tube is ruptured. Fasting blood glucose and the blood sugar is checked in 1 hr (normal is < 190).Glucose tolerance test (done at 26 . * Habitual Abortion (congenital or due to trauma) is 3 or more successive abortion in descending pattern (pg 108). watch for infection. congenital anomalies (caudal regression $. * Placenta abruptio Complication -. placental insufficiency. Abortion. Inc BP ( > 140/90 on more than 2 occasion) now check for proteinuria. Prolong Oligohydramnios (lead to fetal lung hypoplasia "potter $") DX -. placenta abruptio. IUGR and Intrauterine infection. * Placenta previa -. * Steroids are used to accelerate lung maturity in immediate delivery. causes are vasa sexual abstinence.immediately do C .Immediate C . Snow storm appearance on U/S. vs. RU 486 (Anti progesterone) > 3. (probably due to PG imbalance which cause endothelial damage). * Any pt in reproductive age with abdominal pain must get pregnancy test. Remember the unequal rate of growth of the upper and lower uterine segment can cause placenta to migrate upward through out pregnancy. Early Preeclempsia (in first half of pregnancy -. trauma. TX .Eclempsia. If < 36 weeks Betamethasone for 48 hrs. Renal F. than 3rd hr ( normal is < 145). hemorrhage. * Preeclempsia occur in 2nd half of pregnancy (20 .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS PG best choice or Oxitocin for 2nd trimester. even if she insist that she is not pregnant. DM. * Most common cause of septic abortion is Group B strep (consider also Anaerobic and staph) TX -. Post partum hemorrhage (shehaan $). cerebral edema. fetal hypoglycemia. * Habitual abortion may also occur due to uterine C . polyhydramnios.think Hydatidiform mole). 3 or more successive abortion at 15 . Vit A def. 3 or more abortion in ascending pattern. DX with transabdominal U/S. . * Habitual abortion may also be caused by fixed Retroverted Flexed uterus. Choriocarcinoma. commonly associated with urinary retention. preeclempsia.Chorioadenoma destruens (malignant mole that perforate uterus). * Ectopic pregnancy -. * Placenta previa delivery -.5 cm mass stable or unstable (due to rupture or bleed).Methotrexate or PG. than 2nd hr (normal is < 165). TX -. * placenta previa presents with painless bright red bleeding. Complications -----.1st or 2nd degree prefer vaginal delivery. * Antepartum bleeding -. DX -. macrosomia. DX -. Aminoglycoside for (for G .U/S. Fluid sampling .60 % will have normal intrauterine pregnancy.Vaginal cerclage done at 12 weeks gestation.section. U/S show no cardiac activity.if > 36 weeks do Immediate delivery.dx by HCG that is not rising each day.< 3. estrogen of menopause (source adipose tissue) Estradiol (E2) -.resolves spontaneously.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS If 2 or more those numbers are above normal confirmed gestational diabetes. Pseudo -.Rh . * Sudden Respiratory distress after delivery -.may take 10 . * Cervical dilation (1st stage of delivery) -. flexion.end of pregnancy with expulsion of fetus after fetal viability (after 20 week gestation). leukocytosis abdominal pain. * Puerperal sepsis (Group B strep) mom should receive RhoGAM at 28th week and again during 1st 24 hr after termination of pregnancy (delivery. (v. * Paracervical Anesthesia carries Risk of fetal bradycardia. FSH.Complications are Intracranial hemorrhage mainly from great cerebral vein of Galen.First step resuscitation. * Menstruation and Ovulation restarts after 8 weeks if not breast feeding. Starts as bloody (lochia rubra). PGF2. For resistant cases use coomb test at 28th weeks. vs.appendectomy. In USMLE if genital infection is ruled out than you must think Thrombophlebitis. * Cephalohematoma is bleeding under neath the > 20 hrs in nulliparous and > 14 hrs in multiparous. * Estrone (E1) -.section will be needed. engagement. TX -. * Labor -. vs. Clitoromegaly and Inc muscle tone. Corpus luteum 2nd half of menstrual cycle. Confirmatory dx in postmortem. 44 Copy Righted Material. rotation) -. Tx -.Estrogen of reproductive age -. * Moulding is over riding of fetal skull bone -.think of amniotic fluid embolism (just like pulmonary embolism).dehydration. * Hydrop fetalis -.1 hr in multiparous. * Prolong 2nd stage of labor need Oxitocin.Test of choice is Amylase / creatinin Ratio = > 5 . * Intrauterine fetal distress during prolong labor can be assessed by Doppler examination of fetal renal artery and HR. Infertility.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. close Epiphysis and protect against Osteoporosis. Last resort Evacuate uterus. It does not cross sutures line and is not diffuse. GnRH analog. LH.source corpus luteum and placenta. Hirsutism. than serous (lochia serosa). Management -. than white (lochia alba). High hemolysis on Liley chart -.supportive.10 min in multiparous. malodorous vagina discharge. Estrogen.Isosexual -.use Mepridine (demerol). * Lochia is discharge from genital tract after birth. imp) * Thromboembolism in pregnancy -. * Only 2. * Appendicitis in pregnancy often confused with cholicystitis. vs.section will be needed. * Progesterone -. ectopic).Adrenal gland secret DHEA and Ovaries secret Androstenidione.fetus look like a Buddha on U/S (due to generalized edema). shoulder dystocia.take 1 . Hysterectomy is last resort.5 % neonates born to the mother with hepatitis B will be infected at birth. pregnancy is terminated when there is organ damage.Anterior or C . * Breech presentation mostly delivered by C .Do Amniocentesis at 28th week to measure bilirubin level on Liley Chart. hepatic necrosis. * Hyperemesis Gravidarum complication -.tx with Spectinomycin. * Post partum hemorrhage -. TX -. McCune Albright $. Hyperandrogenism in female cause Anovulation. * AZT (zidovudine) dec the HIV transmission to fetus. DX -. Risk factor is Epidural anesthesia.14 yrs) -. * Mentum .Antiemetics.3 weeks. DX by culture of discharge. * LH (theca cells) convert acetate into androgen. testosterone.may take upto 12 .Ependymal hemorrhage and Retrolental Fibroplasia.6 %.stimulates Osteoblast. Screening -. (2nd stage of delivery) * Placental delivery -.30 min in nulliparous and 5 . * Pancreatitis during pregnancy -. than bimanual massage of uterus. * Prolong First stage of labor -.8 hrs in multiparous. TX -. TX -.tx with manual curettage.penicillin + Aminoglycoside + metronidazole. * Post mature fetus is at risk of macrosomia. Estriol (E3) estrogen of pregnancy (source placenta). LH. abortion. last 3 weeks.1st thelarche (breast development) > growth spurt > pubarche (pubic hair development) > Menarche.posterior and Occiput . eg.Source Graaffian follicle in 1st half of menstrual cycle.anterior and Occiput . * Delivery of fetus (decent. * Androgens -. blood & endocervix. Transmission is more likely if pt is e Ag + ve. * Gonorrhea during pregnancy -. DX -.terminate pregnancy immediately. Causes are Rh Isoimmunization.tx with heparin till 6 week post partum. * Shoulder presentation must be rotated to Vertex position or C . TX -.Antiestrogen. vs. Estrogen. . * Estrogen salt and water retention.section. renal failure. * Retained placenta -. FSH.16 hrs in nulliparous and 6 . * Precocious Puberty ---. Low or mild hemolysis on Liley chart repeat 2 . * Premature fetus is at risk of Sub . * Puberty process Order (9 . FSH (Granulosa cells) convert androgen into estrogen.posterior presentation must be rotated to Mentum . * Estrogen -.2 hrs in nulliparous and 30 min .clinical. Progesterone induces diuresis. * Caput Succedaneum (edema of scalp cross sutures) -. DX -.Cyclic pain is characteristic. causes are imperforated hymen.First thing to do is pregnancy than Progesterone challenge test.mostly due to side effect of OCPs or complication pregnancy.18 (in 28 day cycle). * Most common cause of Secondary amenorrhea is pregnancy.Male or female body makes AutoAb against own sperm or ova or vice versa.any uterine bleeding not related to menstruation. vs. * Diaphragm / Cervical cap / sponge should not leave inside vagina for > 24 hrs due to danger of Toxic shock $. TX -.cessation of previously normal menstruation for a period of 6 months or 3 successive cycles. TSH.Biphosphonate. Cyclofenil.Intra uterine adhesion.Clomiphene.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21 .9) withdrawal bleed do Estrogen progesterone challenge test. * Rhythm contraception -. Corpus luteum insufficiency premenstrual hysteroscopy or hysterosalpingography. 3 .dec the risk of PID. * Primary amenorrhea -. * Signs of ovulation --.Short cycle due to short follicular phase. 45 Copy Righted Material.12 ng / mL corpus luteum insufficiency. DHEA -. * Prepubertal Vaginal bleed is most due to foreign body. .Amenorrhea + Dwarfism.cause is Ovarian. * Uterine or vaginal bleeding -. * Azoospermia -.leventhal $) Bilateral wedge resection. 17 .OH progesterone. * Secondary Amenorrhea -.12 ng / mL normal ovulation.avoid sex b/w day 10 . transverse vaginal septum. Endometrial cancer. Clonidine. Tamoxifen block estrogen feed back on pituitary FSH with resultant ovulation. Inc serum progesterone. Ca++. * Most common cause of postpartum amenorrhea is lactation. * Newborn Vaginal bleed is called Neonatal Crises -. TX Progesterone.LH : FSH Ratio > 3 : Hysterectomy or Hysteroscopic Endometrial ablation or Resection. * Peripubertal uterine bleed -. * Tamoxifen cause withdrawal bleed (endometrial cause) * PCO$ (Stein .Steroids + 6 months of abstinence of sex .first do pregnancy test. for hirsutism give estrogen + Cyproterone (antiandrogen) Resistant cases -.inability to conceive for 2 yrs after normal fertile life. followed by shehaan $. PL. LH. Progesterone challenge test + ve with drawal bleed check FSH. Prolactinoma.most commonly due to DUB.Agglutination test. Vit for bones. FSH and LH should also be checked to rule out testicular failure. Any post menopausal women with uterine bleed must get uterine Biopsy.Absence of menstruation and secondary sexual characteristics by age 14.First thing to do is testicular biopsy. (It could be Cyclic and Acyclic). * Levi . TX -. TX . Corticosteroids. . + ve withdrawal bleed (estrogen def) . vs. * Post menopausal Uterine bleed -. serum Androgen and Estrogen with or absent progesterone. * Most common cause of infertility in female is endometriosis.commonly due to Hormones replacement therapy and Endometrial cancer. < 3 ng / mL Anovulation. TX -. * Pt with Amenorrhea -.inability to conceive after 1 yr of unprotected sex. cervical atresia. 2. TX . hot flashes. * DUB -.Estrogen in first 10 days of cycle.cause is Adrenal gland.D&C. if . * Ashermann $ -. TX -. hydroxylase def) Androgens. (Inc serum FSH). * FSH and LH + Amenorrhea indicates pituitary or hypothalamic cause.If pt desire pregnancy induce pregnancy by clomiphene. (imp). * LH : FSH Ratio > 3 : 1 indicates polycystic Ovarian $.pregnancy. SSRI for Hot flashes. followed by combination of estrogen & progestin in following 10 days of cycle. * Median age of the onset of menopause in US is 50 yrs. * Child bearing age uterine bleed -.Loren $ -. vs. * Resistant severe DUB -. Cyclic -. * Infertility Primary -.progesterone. Secondary -. * Induction of ovulation -. 1. If pt does not desire pregnancy give progesterone. Inc body temp. DX . * Immunogenic Infertility -.DX -. Asherman $. * Most common cause of infertility in general is male factor. * False Amenorrhea (Cryptomenorrhea) -. Hormone replacement therapy. * Spermicide contraception (non oxynol .commonly due to DUB and Endometrial cancer. * Remember always : testosterone -. * Perimenopausal uterine bleed -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Acyclic -. * Most common cause of primary Amenorrhea is ovarian followed by uterine. * Mid Leuteal serum progesterone level (day 21) ------------. * FSH and LH + Amenorrhea indicate ovarian failure.It is due to hormonal withdrawal.due to fluctuation of estrogen level. progesterone only pill. Membranous -. Pt on OCPs complaining of spotting in late part of cycle --. joint pain.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Uterine mal formation and malignancy is contraindicated to Intrauterine device IUD.S4. clue cells.Post tubal ligation $ (congestive dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia). * Endometriosis -. with nausea. DM and HTN --.Sympathetic (hypogastric nerve) T10 . * In stress Incontinence (escape of small amount of urine with any in intrabdominal P) -.First thing to do is Urine Analysis. * Most common cause of Rectovaginal or Vesicovaginal fistula is surgical or obstetrical (such as Episiotomy. may be Vit B1 & B6 def). Mild implant with out fibrosis -. HTN. than Methylene blue test (if cotton in the vagina remain dry no fistula. TX .Lymphogranuloma venerium. It can cause dyspareunia. TX -. 3.Vaginal fistula -. 2. vomit & sweating.Flow rate. irritability. NSAIDs. Dx is confirmed by visualization with laproscopy (pseudoburn implant and chocolate cyst).if you are able to approximate finger behind the prolapsed mass. Mifepristone (RU486). * Mettelschmerg pain -.Dull achy pain in lower abdomen and back begin 3 . * Disseminated Gonococcemia older than 35 yrs. DX -. * Detrusor Instability (escape large amount of urine with any in intrabdominal P). TX -. Congestive -. DM. DX -.5 (normal 3. vaginal discharge. Post operative uretheral catheter. L2. * Complication of tubal ligation -.Progesterone dominant pills. TX -.colicky pain in lower abdomen radiate to inner thigh and lower back.5).Microscopy.Hormonal.Antimuscuranic and TCA. or Modified Gillian Operation. vaginal pH > 4. PID Perihepatitis (Fitz .ve. congestive dysmenorrhea. Should also tx chlamydia. TX -. DX -. K --. * Bacterial Vaginosis -.hormonal or surgery. * PMS -.mid cycle pain in one iliac fossae due to ovulation. * Pt on OCPs with missed period --. stress incontinence.headache. * TX of chlamydia -. Thayer martin agar for culture.stop pills for 5 days and than restart. . Sever implant with fibrosis and obstruction -.can be achieved with progesterone pill.Dull achy pain in one or both iliac fossae few days before menses due to ovarian congestion.hormonal and surgery. TX -. Surgery is contraindicated. * Contraindication to OCPs -. TX . * Postcoital contraception is effective only if used with in 72 hrs of unprotected sex. * Gonorrhea -.4. (etiology unknown.Pelvic U/S.if localized called Adenomyoma. Remember blood culture in these cases are . * Chlamydia L1.hysterectomy. pelvic floor excersize.L2.Palication of round and sacral ligament. tenosynovitis. surgery. Pt on OCPs complaining of break through bleeding (common in forgetful pt) --. pustular dermatitis. Antibiotics. * Pt on OCPs complaining of spotting in early part of cycle --. TX . * Contraception in pt age > 45 Whiff test (fishy order). vs. TX -.NSAIDs.migrating arthritis. ciprofloxacin is alternative. * Chlamydia Extreme severe fibrosis lead to frozen pelvic -. conjunctivitis. tx all sexual partners. 4. If extrauterine called Endometrioma (could be out side pelvis). * Genital prolapse -.Tx underlying cause. L3 --. Moderate implant with fibrosis in the absence of tubal obstruction and ovarian encapsulation -.hugh curtis $). --. OCPs. bladder compliance are normal. lower back pain. TX . 1.stop pills and do pregnancy test in 2 weeks. depression.tx UTI and Genital infection. progesterone dose. infection.Uretheritis. DX -. 46 Copy Righted Material. TX -. Parasympathetic (pelvic nerve) S2 . * Most common cause of OCPs failure is incorrect use. Surgery for complicated cases. Ovarian -.ceftriaxone. Vaginal pessary. Note .OCPs. Pelvic floor exercise. DX -. if diffuse called Adenomyosis. hysterectomy).5 . 2nd degree (cervix protruding out of introitus and uterine body inside the vagina) 3rd degree (entire cervix and uterus out side the introitus) * Genital prolapse cause sense of heaviness. smoking.1st degree (Cervix is below the level of Ischial spine but do not pass introitus). Tx all sexual partners (should also be tx for gonorrhea). Cervicitis. * Endometriosis is the most common cause of female infertility. Androgen (damazol). mastalgia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. its 3rd degree prolapse.Azithromycin. dragging sensation. If cotton become wet but not blue Uterovaginal fistula).use high dose Estrogen (Estradiol). constipation. Small fistula tx with saucerization. If cotton stain blue Vesicovaginal fistula. genital ulcers. Spasmodic -. GnRH analog.Cystometrogram. B. bloating.tx the cause + NSAIDs.5 days before menses and subside with flow.thin white / grey vaginal discharge. * Bladder innervation --. * Retroverted flexed Uterus mostly asymptomatic. * Dysmenorrhea (pain related to menstruational cycle) are of following type. * Chlamydia A.mal odorous green mucopustular discharge.same. Somatic pudendal nerve. glycerin suppository.due to endometrial hypersensitivity to progesterone severe abdominal and back pain which dec after the passage of membranous endometrial cast after which menstruation ensues. * Vesico . C --. TX . backache.Trachoma.bladder training. Doxicycline is alternative. Residual vol. Estrogen dose.NSAIDs. TX -. nervousness.donot confuse genital prolapse with Uterine Inversion in which cervix is at place. Ceftriaxone.Observation (it regress spontaneously).Surgery. 15% will have malignant transformation.Endometroid cyst. * Most common cause of death in endometrial cancer is metastasis. Note . 2.Ovarian cancer (except Mucinous cyst). * Fibroids -. * Cervical bleeding in Cervical cancer -. postmenopausal. If lesion is not visible do Cytology followed by Colposcopy and Biopsy.Dermoid cyst. * Leydig cell tumor -.unilateral. * Theca cell tumor -. * Most common cause of death in cervical cancer is UREMIA. * CEA --. Hysterectomy. . Dermoid cyst (mature cystic teratoma) containing bacilli) painful ulcer.functioning tumor.Mucinous cyst. * Germ Cell Tumor -.follow up cytology & colposcopy every 6 months.occur mainly in childrens and young adults. multiple sexual partners. Shows Round cells with heavy lymphocytic infiltration. * Pap Smear Alogrithm Cytology first -. Most common ovarian tumor in children ---. * Ovarian Fibroma -. Dysgerminoma precocious puberty. CIN II -. they include 1.polygonal cells with crystalloids of Reinke in cytoplasm.benign solitary.HPV 16. vs. * Krukenberg tumor's (stomach cancer metastasis to ovary) -.Epithelial tumor. TX .key is that bleeding occur after intercourse with pain and discharge.. * Granulosa cell tumor -.125 --. vs.old age.usually asymptomatic. 33. Radiation. Brenner show coffee bean nucleus. -.HPV. obesity. 2. Predisposing factors are -. Colposcopic directed Biopsy. Management -. 56. * Acyclovir is not helpful if used after 24 hrs from the start of rash.Frothy vaginal discharge.metronidazole.Germ cell tumor. chemo and hormonal. * Key points -.Supportive in mild cases.Spindle shape cells filled with lipid. TX -. Management -. adhesion causing artificial menopause. TX -. CIN I -. * Epithelial cell tumor of ovary --. punctuate hemorrhage on vaginal and cervix. * Candida is the most common genital infection. prolong painful periods are hall mark. Radiation and chemo (depends on stage). DX -.Mucinous tumor cause Pseudomyxoma peritonei. * Cobble stoning of vaginal mucosa --.polygonal cell and coffee bean nucleus. They are rapidly growing highly malignant tumor (Except teratoma). when get degenerated or transforming into sarcoma. * Most common complication of Radical Hysterectomy is denervation of urinary bladder (results into residual urine).metronidazole. * Fibroids (leimyomas) are firm tumors which gets softer in pregnancy. Most common ovarian tumor in menopause --. * Radiotherapy in cervical cancer can flare up pelvic infection. mobile painless. * Most common malignancy of female genital tract is Endometrial cancer. 47 Copy Righted -. However they are sensitive to radio and Chemotherapy. * Sertoli cell tumor -.If lesion is grossly visible do Excisional biopsy. DX Cone or Ring Biopsy + ve -. Management -. 4. vs. * CA . ascitis. (remember chlamydia is the 2nd most common) * Trichomonas (motile / flagellated) -. Most common ovarian tumor behind the uterus ---. Mesonephroid tumor show Hobnail cells. HTN. 45. * Functional Ovarian cyst -. Inc LH indicated Corpus luteum cyst.If in CIN II & CIN III lesion is not well demarcated and endocervix is not free of disease -. * HCG and AFP --. show Signet ring cell. * Estrogen / progesterone --. teeth. * Benign Ovarian swelling -. surgery in severe cases. CIN III -.2/3 epithelium is involved. bone etc. in pregnant and near menopause. TX -. Right sided pleural effusion).Columnar cell with cleft nucleus. 18.involve whole thickness.local destructive surgery (Cautery or laser). TX with Platinum. (imp) TX -.1. TX with Vincristine or Etoposide + Bleomycin + Platinum . * Hemophillus Ducreyi (gram .Surgery. 3.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. nulliparity.never exceeds > 6 cm (hall mark) Inc FSH indicates follicular cyst biopsy or Fractional curettage. TX -.1/3 of epithelium is involved.follow up + ve Colposcopy .section (danger of neonatal herpes Encephalitis). * Cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is a premalignant condition. or a part of Meig $ (ovarian fibroma.50 % bilateral. early sexual intercourse.Germ cell tumor. * Predisposing factor for cervical cancer -. 70 % will have malignant transformation.Local destructive surgery (cautery or laser). Most common ovarian tumor in front of uterus ---. low parity. * Pragnant women + genital herpes advice C .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. Biopsy. 2nd nasogastric tube.congenital cystic dilatation of biliary tree (extra or intra hepatic). DX -.Velvety red thickened vulva covered with white patches with itching and tenderness. It resolves spontaneously. TX -. obstructive jaundice since birth. Stage II -. Surgery for resistant cases. chemo. post operative state. (mirror image of Achalasia).tx with gestropexy. TX -.small cancer with out metastasis -. TX . TX -.extra hepatic -.First thing is dilution by ingestion of any liquid.cholecystectomy and wedge liver resection. * Chronic cholicystitis -.Risk factor are Clonorchis Sinensis (liver fluke) and Coledochal cyst.Corticosteroids vs.Triad of Ovarian cancer + Familial adenomatoid polyposis + hyperpigmentation. Esophagotomy & anastomosis). * Most common cause of intestinal obstruction is adhesion. * Intestinal obstruction Total Radical Gastrectomy. * Choledochal cyst -. Paraesophageal haitus hernia -. * Lichen sclerosis of vulva -. * Pt drank drain liquid or oven cleaner -. TX -.U/S is best next step. * Gall stones are not tx by cholecystectomy unless are symptomatic or associated with cholicystitis. Intra hepatic type is tx with liver transplantation. * Volvulus -.DX by spine and upright xrays to find out air fluid level. DX -.Gall stone impaction in the Hartmann's pouch causing fistula formation b/w the pouch and common bile duct.tx medically except if it is chronic calcular cholicystitis or Chronic Acalcular cholicystitis which fail to respond to medical tx.Duodenojejunostomy. Olive like mass. (No Sxs no tx) * Cholangitis -. If failed than exploratory Laprotomy. DX -. * Squamous cell hyperplasia of Vulva -. Causes are sepsis. Barium swallow in 2 months to find out post corrosive esophageal stricture and mode of therapy (dilatation vs. if failed next step is HIDA scan. Note .is transient paralysis of intestine due to failure of its neurogenic regulation. white / pale vulva with or without itching. bleeding and discharge.6 weeks after birth (never at birth). 48 Copy Righted Material.biopsy. * Duodenal atresia is the most common congenital intestinal atresia vomit starts at birth and is bilious. TX Cholecystectomy + Antibiotics. .first do ultrasound. OCPs dec the risk of ovarian cancer but not the breast cancer.occur due to rotation in neonate.If upper 2/3 stomach is involved -. TX -.First IV only Lower Radical gastrectomy.TX with funduplication in severe cases. Xrays shows dilated intestinal loop. * Puetz . * Pt with motor vehicle accident and complaining of abdominal pain -. NPO and wait for spontaneous resolution.Bilateral solid fixed painful. and Haitus hernia and due to adhesion in adults.confined to uterus. than antibiotics and steroids to dec edema and fibrosis. * Ileus -. DX -. radiation. Barium swallow shows rat tail appearance. TX chemotherapy with follow up.liver transplant. * Esophageal cancer -. white patched vulva with pruritis and dyspareunia. Large cancer or with metastasis -.Extra hepatic type is tx with Hepatojejunostomy. If dilatation of intrahepatic duct is observed do Excision.Squamous cell carcinoma. * Cholangiocarcinoma -. * Cholilitheasis -.Wide local excision and follow up. * Clostridium Perferingin can cause emphysematous cholicystitis in the diabetic pt. TX -.vomiting 2 . May associated with Adenocarcinoma. If lower 1/3 stomach is involved -.Pyloromyotomy. If pt is not surgical candidate and has severe Sxs -. * Coriocarcinoma (trophoblastic tumor) Stage I -.Extent to pelvic contents Stage III -.Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Malignant Ovarian swelling -.Gastrograaffian meal. * Remember most gall stones are radiolucent so xrays are not helpful. vs. * Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis -. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Surgery * Sliding Hiatus Hernia -. * TX of Ovarian cancer -. Pt presents persistent hiccoughs and huge emesis. (remember Courvoisier's sign) * Biliary atresia is due to failed canalization of biliary tree Hepatomegaly.jeghers $ --.Distant extrapulmonary metastasis. * Acute Gastric dilation is common in 2.tx with Cefazolin and Metronidazole. and follow up for tumor marker.starts with Intraepitheloid neoplasm of vulva (VIN) Painless vulvar swelling. TX -. Radiotherapy for inoperable cases.Radical Vulvectomy and bilateral lymphnode surgery.3 day post operatively.metastasize to Lung (Canon ball metastasis) Stage IV -.thick. TX -.Atrophic.Xrays "double bubble sign". * BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutation is associated with Inc risk of Breast and Ovarian cancer. DX Cholecystostomy.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Mirrizi $ -.Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Intra hepatic (caroli dis) -.First thing Resuscitation followed by CT or U/S to rule out splenic rupture. TX -. * Paget dis of vulva (intraepitheloid neoplasm of vulva) -. * Squamous cell carcinoma of vulva -. * Cholicystitis -.dysphagia of solid more than liquid. TX -.VIN could be detected by tumor marker S100 Antigen. * Most common stomach cancer is adenocarcinoma (pylorus is the most common site). dry.5FU + Cisplatinum + Radiation. DX -. hypokalemia. * Complication of Chronic cholicystitis -. Incision & drainage and plan appendectomy in 6 months. Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion.common in extremes of age. Barium enema with out preparation.xrays shows air fluid level. very high urinary VMA) * Cancer of urinary bladder due to smoking and dye --. (due to danger of strangulation). Barium show unique claw sign. * Earliest substrate to depleted post operatively is Glycogen. DX -.Abdomino perineal resection for both. TX -.suspect hemorrhoidal thrombosis. TX .First enema . pregnant. serum Lactic acid. most commonly in femoral triangle.tx with Anterior resection. Peripheral prostate cancer -.suspect Wilm's tumor (what else to look in this pt -. CBC. DX -.Transrectal U/S and biopsy confirm the dx. TX -. TX -.nephroblastoma. TX -. Hypospadius is due to failed fusion of urethral fold. TX -. TX -. Obturator sign (pain in RLQ is with flexion & internal rotation of right thigh). * Upper half of Anal canal gets Adenocarcinoma. * Complication of Appendicitis -1. short spermatic cord or fibrosis. * Tubular Adenoma not precancerous until it is bigger than 1 cm or have villous component. TX -. and Rebound tenderness (Blumberg sign) at RLQ --. * Villous adenoma (precancerous) -. TX -.DX confirmed by transurethral U/S and biopsy.CT is the test of choice. * Pt presents with Red warm tender irreducible hernia that does not give impulse on cough -. TX -.causes are hypopituitarism.Barium enema shows abnormal location of ceacum and Bird beak appearance. Direct Inguinal hernia passes through triangle of hasselbach medial to the inferior epigastric artery.NPO. .dx with cystoscopy and biopsy. * Rectal cancer of upper 2/3 of rectum -. Lower half of Anal canal gets Squamous cell carcinoma. DM. DX -.dx by anorectal biopsy. current jelly stool.Finestride (5 reductase inhibitor).coil spring appearance on Xrays.suprapubic cystostomy followed by surgery.tx with Abdomino perineal resection. * Meckels diverticulum (ramanent of vitelline intestinal duct) bright red bleeding per rectum. * Intussusception -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -.think next step Rectal tube insertion to deflate colon. than surgery.Technetium (TM99) scan. "tear drop sign". * Mesenteric Ischemia -.Retrograde urethrogram. vs.Excision of aganglionic segment. 2. ---think appendicitis.Urgent hemorrhoidectomy. (chemo is for cancer resistant to hormonal tx). TX . vs. TX -.watery diarrhea and hypokalemia. 3. TX -.common after injury to epigastrium by steering wheel in car accident etc.DX with Ascending Cystoscopy. * Benign prostate hyperplasia -. "Appendicular abscess" form around 5th day after the onset of appendicitis. * Rupture of penile urethra urine leak under neath the fascia of BUCK. TX -. TX -. surgical and chemo. * Horse shoe kidney -. than urgent Exploratory laprotomy. Antibiotics. if fail than surgery. Severe cases surgery.Resuscitation than surgery. "Peritonitis" -. * Ectopic Testis is the testis that descended out side its normal line. 49 Copy Righted Material. * Incarcerated hernia -. hot compresses and plan appendectomy in 3 month. CT shows thumb printing sign (due to edema & bleeding).Next best step is CT scan of Abdomen and pelvis. high protein diet is the risk factor for Acute appendicitis. * Normal saline combined with D5 as an IV fluid cause dilutional acidosis.trapping of herniated intestine inside the hernial sac and is irreducible.sausage like mass.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. (pt with Atherosclerotic dis with abdominal pain.abdominal pain. risk of malignancy (seminoma) DX -.First Fluid resuscitation.Hormonal. * Rupture of anterior bladder or urethra above the urogenital diaphragm urine will leak into retro pubic surface of Retzius (extraperitoneal space).tx with continuous LHRH stimulation. * Traumatic Kidney rupture do CT of abdomen and kidney. * Pt with hemorrhoids + sudden perineal pain -. DX -. DX -. TX -.think hernial strangulation (emergency). * Prostate cancer -. * Carcinoid tumor (argentaffinoma arise in Kulchitskys cells) Inc 5HIAA in urine. Gold standard test is Angiography. methotrexate. * Epispadius is due to abnormal positioning of the genital tubercle vs. TX . Rectal cancer of lower 1/3 of rectum -. Association -.Excision and repeat colonoscopy in dew months. vs. Insert NG tube. * Palpating LLQ cause pain (Rovsing sign). * Indirect inguinal hernia descend lateral to the Inferior epigastric artery. DX .Excision.IVP show flower vase appearance. * Membraneous urethral rupture blood in urethral meatus. 2. now you know what to think) * Low fiber . TX -. * Urinary bladder rupture -.tx with Cyproterone and Flutamide. * Child with unexplained Ecchymosis of eye lid -. * Cryptorchidism (undescended testis) -.Excision and repeat colonoscopy in few months. * Psoas sign (pain in RLQ is with right thigh extension). chemo (cisplatinum. * Rupture of superior surface of bladder urine leak inside the peritonium.1. Central prostate cancer -. * Hirsch sprung dis -. * Duodenal hematoma -. "Appendicular mass " form around 3rd day after onset of appendicitis. vinblastine).HCG and Orchioplexy if undescended by 1 yr of age.Muscle relaxation and urgent surgical intervention. * Urethral rupture below the urogenital diaphragm urine accumulate in superfecial perineal space. bleeding per rectum. tx with modified Radical mastectomy and Radiation. TX -. * Fibroadenoma -. 2. Discharge + Breast mass --. Retrograde Orchiectomy. * Breast cancer in male -. (Cyclophosphamide + methtrexate + 5 FU) * Hormonal : . Ductal Carcinoma of breast -. * Congenital hydrocele -. * Galactocele -. * Ductal carcinoma in situ -. If . + ve her . tumors.De-Roofing (Marsupilization). 3. + ve Blue dot sign. * Most imp prognostic sign is tumor size and lymphnode involvement. DX -. TX hormone receptor --. Medullary carcinoma of breast -.think Ductal Papilloma (precancerous lesion).Infiltrating is the most common type.Excisional Biopsy is gold standard. 6. Discharge from single duct --.Eversion or palication of tunica complain that infants scrotal swelling bigger toward the end of day. 2. 4.Breast duct dilatation along with plasma cell infiltration. testis is high and horizontal in scrotum. 1. Remember needle biopsy is contraindicated.Radical mastectomy (removal include breast. 1. Colloid carcinoma of breast . Etoposide. Hormonal. thrill on cough.tx with Transtuzumab. TX -.Arise from terminal lobular duct.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Varicocele dragging pain.Indicate in peripheral tumor. bag of worm. Its a worm like structure extending away from nipple under the areola. Teratoma (shows Inc AFP). Donot confuse with lactation mastitis which respond to antibiotics. * Annual Mammogram started at the age of 40 yrs. TX . pectoral muscle and lymphnode) Modified Radical mastectomy (removal include breast. DX -. * Ranula (Bluish cyst on the floor of mouth) -. TX -.Mammogram & cytology of discharge. (it Inc the risk of DVT. Complication -.Inc in size. (imp) * Hydrocele -. TX -. * Tongue cancer tx -. DX -.Slow growing. Supportive Tenosynovitis. * Multiparous female with bloody nipple discharge -. * Lobular carcinoma in situ -. Mastitis Carcinomatosis -. If + ve do Duct excision. * Pubertal mastitis little redness. hot flashes) + ve hormone receptor in postmenopausal women -.Varicosectomy. DX -. platinum).Manual detortion and Orchiopexy with in 6 hrs of presentation.neu receptors -.Tamoxifen for 5 yrs. 5.Inoculation.2 .Venous duplex. TX -. 50 Copy Righted Material. smooth and mobile breast mass.Microdochectomy. malignancy.Next best step is Benzidine test (detect blood). Complications are Hematocele.Nest best step is excision of mass.Best next step depend on scenario.Excision. Lobular carcinoma of breast -. Signet Ring Cells.young nulliparous with firm.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. TX tx . Paget dis of breast -. Discharge from multiple duct --. testicular atrophy. * Fibrocystic dis (Fibroadenosis) breast tenderness. Endometrial carcinoma. Remember retroperitoneal dis (eg.tx with Penicillinase resistant penicillin.1.Surgery. 3. thrombosis and hydrocele. * Annual Breast exam by physician started at the age 20 yrs. Very notorious for being bilateral.Anterior 2/3 with radiation needle + Surgery. no tx only reassurance.Cystic tumor with honey comb appearance. 4. fibrosis etc) can compress on testicular vein observe t.+ ve transillumination test.supportive. (R testicular torsion is clock wise and L Anti clockwise). * TX of Breast cancer -. size < 5 cm.Open biopsy is Gold standard. * Chemo only for tumor > 1 cm in size or if there is lympnode involvement. * Nipple discharge ---. * Duct Ectasia -. Risk of breast cancer. Mid palmer space infection. pectoralis minor and axillary lymphnode). Pyocele. Stage III Simple mastectomy (removal include breast + Axillary biopsy)as a Palliative surgery to facilitate Radiation therapy.Next best step is Microdochectomy. 2. Mammogram shows irregular micro calcification.such as Pulp space infection. eczema like lesion (but non itchy). If large in size simple mastectomy can be done. myxomatous degeneration.tx with Excision * Hand infection (mostly Staph Aureus) -.Tamoxifen for 5 yrs followed by Aromatase inhibitor for 5 yrs. TX -. * Breast cancer -. * Testicular torsion -.Stage I and II -. Radiation tx for seminoma (radiosensitive).Aggressive cancer common in pregnancy and lactation.Sudden severe scrotal pain. metastasize to paraaortic lymphnode. Cannon Ball metastasis to lung. * Most imp risk factor in breast cancer in female is age. * Lactation mastitis -. Left sided Varicocele suspect Renal tumor.Soft / vascular tumor of young age. Microscopy show hemorrhage and necrosis. Seminoma (shows Inc HCG).Extravasation or retention of sublingual salivary gland. chemo (Bleomycin.tx with simple mastectomy or local resection. Posterior 1/3 Radiation only.tx with Tamoxifen.dx by Biopsy (gold standard). * Radiation for all pts. * Testicular cancer is usually painless and firm. 3. . Radiation. Retroperitoneal lymphnode dissection for teratoma (radioresistant). TX -. Chemo. TX -. + ve hormone receptor --. * Quadrantectomy and Lumpectomy -.Incision and drainage. It may lead to Infertility. nodules and nipple discharge more pronounced around menses. TX -. TX -. shortened leg.Presents at birth disappear with in 1st yr of life. 3.Inflamation in common Flexor origin. screening for malignancy. Ca ++ channel blocker. Hyperbaric O2 therapy.Injury of Temporoauricular branch of trigeminal nerve. * Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) -. * Osteomyelitis (inf of bone due to nearby septic focus commonly due to Staph Aureus) bone death (sequestrum).Injury of facial nerve inside the parotid gland.dx with venography (gold standard) but practically we use Doppler. * Cleft lip (causes are Familial. Salmon patch -. 51 Copy Righted Material. CN VII & VIII affected. TX with Excision and Graft. (congenital or secondary to degeneration). CVA.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Cleft Palate (causes are Familial.12 months.for recurrent Episode of DVT & Pulmonary Embolism or who have contraindication to Anticoagulant. stasis dermatitis (due to hemosiderin deposit). X. * All knee Injuries are managed medically.6 months.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Sialolithiasis -.Elastic stocking and tx the cause. Prothrombin gene mutation. * Spondylosis -. No tx unless bleeding.presents at birth. Venacava Filter (Green Field Filter) .All Hospitalized pt gets Subcutaneous heparin and compression devise on calve.donot disappear mat associated with seizures.tx with Millard Operation at 10th week of age. * Crocodile tear $ (Excessive lacrimation induced by eating) -. Neck of femur. MRI is taken if condition is failed to improve. TX Surgical fixation * Ankle sprain -. * Hypercoagulable state Inc the risk of DVT -. * Bed sores is form of gangrene Non Blanching Eryhthema.xrays of Neck and chest.inflamation in common Extensor origin. & XI affected. Radial pulse in affected hand will get weaker. Factor V leiden mutation. * Malignant Lymphadenitis -. CSF ottorhea. * Thrombophlebitis Migran (Trousseau's sign) ---. Prevention -. * Peripheral Vascular dis cause Intermittent claudication. Port Wine Stain -.Physical therapy.common in female. * Damage of the Mediolateral ligament + Ant Cruciate ligament + Medial leminiscus Think of Unhappy Triad (common due to lateral knee injury). * Cystic Hygroma (cavernous lymphangioma) -. + ve Adson test. * Frey's $ (Excessive sweating induced by eating) -. Lumbar vertebrae. * Fracture of Posterior Cranial Fossae Bleeding from mouth. * Spondylolithesis (disorder of pedicles of lumbar vertebrae) sliding of vertebral bodies and Lordosis.Excision in 2 yrs of age.Aspiration will reveal blood and necrotic tissue.dx by Doppler (gold standard). * Spondylolysis -. It is the standard of care.think intermittent claudication (Atherosclerosis. Protein C & S def.causes are Antithrombin III def.Debridement * Raynaud dis (episodic arterial vasospasm) -. Talipus equinus (due to contraction of Achilles tendon). Sialodectomy for severe cases. (test of choice) * Slipped Capital femoral Epiphysis Passive hip flexion with external rotation movement. vs.tx with Polyvalent Antitoxin. Penicillin.tx with Langenbeck's operation at the age of 10 . TX -. * Fracture of Middle Cranial Fossae Bleeding from ear. hypothenar and interosseous muscles. * Potts fracture -. subconjunctival hemorrhage. * Pierre Robin $ -.tx with Sialogogues. TX -. * Thoracic out let $ (cervical rib compressing subclavian artery & lower trunk of Brachial plexus) sensation along the ulnar nerve distribution with resultant Atrophy of Thenar. * Snuff box is bounded by 3 pollicis tendon "police guard the box". smoking. DX -.Heparin IV drip Initially than warfarin for 3 .Degenerative disorder os spine and intervertebral disc.Avoid triggering agent. * Gas Gangrene (clostridium ) -. * DVT -.occur with foot inversion (5th metatarsal tuberosity is Avulsed). Embolism). (sp pancreatic cancer) * Muscle cramping on excersize that resolve at rest -.occur with foot Eversion ( medial malleolus Avulsed) * Lovers fracture (pt fall from height and landing o his heels) fracture of Calcaneous.Injury to Anterior Talofibular ligament. But if cause pain on rest it is Ischemic Neuritis (pt keep legs hanging by the side of bed while sleeping) ---. * Jones fracture -. Buerger dis. * Fracture of Anterior Cranial Fossae Periorbital ecchymosis. Anti phospholipid Ab $.Cold water trigger the attack.Sign of Impending gangrene. CSF rhinorrhea. * Cavernous Hemangioma -. .Stress fracture of Pars Interartecularis (commonly Lumbar vertebrae).Bluish cystic swelling that does not transilluminate. * Adson test -. Strawberry -. DX . * Complication Varicose vein -. epistaxis. Radial pulse is normal. Sympathectomy is last resort.Ice pack Early mobilization.venous ulcer (due to liposclerosis). + ve Leg hyperextension test. If that fail do Amputation. CN IX. DX -. 2. * Megesterol (used as appetite stimulant in cancer pt) -. * Femoral neck fracture abducted. Rubella) -.Inc the risk of DVT.Frog leg Lateral Hip xray. * Groove above the knee after injury that physician can feel think of Quadricep tear.Collar-shaped fracture on xrays.1. Bruising of the muscles at the back of the neck. TX -. commonly in posterior triangle of neck. * Medial Epicondylitis (golfer elbow) -.Present at birth disappear with in 1st yr of life. externally rotated. DX -. TX -. Sturge weber $ (show tram track like Intracranial calcification). Rubella) -.Cleft palate + Posteriorly displaced Mandible and tongue (Retroganthia) * Capillary Hemangioma -. Surgery for complicated cases (such as if muscle wasting is observed). DX -. TX -. thrombosis. new bone formation (Involucrum).pt turn his chin toward the side of lesion while taking deep inspiration. CN I & II affected. TX -.Congenital heart dis 3.hyperbaric O2 and remove the cause. * Premature milk formulas are rich in cysteine. * Line between the smooth and trabecular part of atrium is an important land mark called Crista Terminalis. * CO poisoning -. Dimercaprol and hemodialysis.injury to muscle.Diuretic and digoxin and than surgery. EGF) * Lactobacillus convert lactose to lactic acid which promote absorption of Ca++ and Iron in neonate. * Hepatitis B is contraindicated for breast feeding unless guidelines are followed. Anomalous pulmonary venous return. starting at 5th month of age. * HIV is contraindicated for breast feeding. Bone Biopsy is gold standard test.Benign tumor of Epiphyseal end of long bones. 6 .coli (mechanism Iron chelation). * Feeding Recommendation -.Right ventricular heave.common with prolong Na Nitroprusside infusion. > 15 % of BSA (major burn). * 4th degree burn --. Garlic odor. Truncus arteriosus and Tetralogy of fallot R to L shunt.breast feeding + solid food.6 weeks.12 months -. PGE1 until surgery is performed. 52 Copy Righted Material. TX -. * Giant cell tumor -. * PGE 1 is used in cyanotic heart dis but if pt develop pulmonary edema --.Ebstien Anomaly.Acute cases do MRI.breast feeding.4 feed per day. macrophages.6 feeds per day.Gastric lavage.3 months ------. Maintain airway (by mechanical ventilation) & Wide bore IV line with aggressive fluid resuscitation using 6 Ratio of plasma.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -. Show Spindle shape multinucleated giant cell. bone and ligament. TGA. * Cyanide toxicity (bitter almond odor. Chronic cases do Xrays. Most neonate starts feeding with in 6 hrs of birth. PO2 > 200 ---. * Burns : < 15 % of BSA (minor burn). * Hyperoxia test -.Admit to hospital and IV Penicillinase resistant penicillin for 4 . * Activated charcoal work for every thing except Lithium. * Clostrum is the main breast milk during the first 7 . * Human milk contain high Iron which convert into Lactoferrin which is bacteriostatic to E . * TGA. Incidence Inc by 6 % in new born with family HX of congenital heart disease. * Mercury poisoning Ataxia. TX -.10 days after labor. 3 .Iron chealator (Deferoxamine).5 feeds per day. malabsorption. 1. TX -. egg shape silhouette on xray. TX -. Ig (mostly IgA). * Clostrum has small amount of calories when compare to established milk (which is high in protein.can cause fatal hypocalcemia on rapid IV infusion. the neonate should receive Hepatitis B immunoglobulin and vaccine at birth. Digoxin.6 months ------. * Goat milk is least allergic but is low in Folic acid. TX -.Dimercaprol or penecillinamine. * If pt is not breathing in ER donot intubate do Cricothyrotomy. .think of Anomalous pulmonary return with obstruction. * Congenital heart dis -. TX -. PO2 < 150 ---. PO2 < 50 -----. 6 . Iron and Cyanide toxicity. * Cow milk is high in phosphate which inhibit Iron absorption (Iron def anemia after 6 months). -------------------------------------------------------------------------PEDS * Most imp factor for efficient breast feeding is adequate hydration of mother.tx with FeSO4 15 mg / day. TX -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Iron pill ingestion in toxic doses Hemorrhagic gastroentritis. * EDTA (tx of lead toxicity) -. * Organophosphate toxicity cholinergic Sxs.First thing.Incidence is 1 %. Xray : Soap bubble appearance.Most common cyanotic heart anomaly. * Persistent Truncus Arteriosus (Aorticopulnomary septum fail to develop) R to L shunt through large pulmonary septal defect.First 6 months -. 12 months onward -.Its normal * By 4 month normal wt should double the birth wt. -----------. harsh pansystolic murmur. Cherry red blood) --. Manifest -. * Iron def common in infant after 6 month -. * Burn Victim -. liver and Kidney failure. also cause hypocalcemia. * Heart formation is complete and functioning by 4th week of gestation. Vit C def.14 days Plateau of wt.12 months -----. * Transposition of great vessels -. renal failure.Administer 100% O2 and check PO2 on arterial blood gases in neonate.Amputation + Radiation therapy. ie. vomiting. (Iron supplement is not needed in first 6 months).Diuretic. * Day 14 wt drop to base line.solid food * Sudden wt loss in neonate occur in First congenital heart dis 2. Plasma Ration = body wt x % of body burned / 2. * Schedule of breast feeding : 0 .pralidoxime (cholinestrase regenerator) * Arsenic toxicity (interfere with oxidative phosphorylation) Polyneuritis. diarrhea. Skin hyperpigmentation. * 7 . because pt will easily develop laryngospasm and complete airway obstruction" * Hoarsness. * Botulism -. blocker. Remember Vascular ring also cause barking cough but examination of pt and radiology is completely normal. CXR shows Bleb sign. Complication -.PGE1. * Croup -. grey pseudomembrane on pharynx. Diptheria toxin inhibit Elongation factor 2 & protein synthesis by inhibiting ADP ribosylase.VSD as solo defect will resolve spontaneously by age 7 yrs. Late Maculo papular rash start behind the ear and descend down wards.penicillin 40 mg / kg / day for 10 . CXR . loss of reflexes pain 53 Copy Righted Material.most common infection are due to Pseudomonas cepacia. * Roseola Infantum (Exenthem Subitum) -. If CNS of CVS injury is present -. (imp) * Ebstein Anomaly -. diptheria are extracellular organism release exotoxin. TX -. rash on trunk that spread toward extremities and fade. late due to bacteria). culture on Bordet gangou agar. * Rubella (German measles or 3rd day measles) same as measles except it cause Posterior Auricular & Posterior Cervical lymphadenopathy. and Staph aureus. Complication -. Atrial dilatation.Tricuspid valve prolapse in Hypoplastic Right Ventricle + VSD dilated Left ventricle. * Most common Congenital heart dis to cause death in 1st month of life ----. TX -. * Diptheria -. -1. CXR shows Biventricular enlargement.Early cough. * Cystic Fibrosis -. * Bronchiolitis (rare after 18 months of age) -. Penicillin is contraindicated (cause rash in these pts). TX -. Tabes dorsalis (ataxia.Parenteral Ceftriaxone or Penicillin G for 21 days.Hyperinflated lung & flat diaphragm.Hospitalization. For Strider give Racemic Epinephrine nebulizer inhalation. * VSD -. Pt shows dehydration with hyponatremia and metabolic alkalosis.6 Fever. no postinfection immunity.Isolate the neonate and give him VZIG (danger of extension of infection to cerebellum) If > 2 days its too late to intervene. Systemic steroid and O2 for severe cases. TX -. If not than do surgery. DX -. * Hyaline Membrane Dis of Newborn (RD$) -. hyperinflated chest.Betamethasone.supportive. Phenylephrine (to SVR). It begin as a L to R shunt than shunt reverse due to pulmonary HTN called Eisenmenger $. remember B. There is no post infection immunity.think of Peritonsillar abscess.dx by detection of Toxin in stool (best) or serum. * Epiglotitis (mostly due to H. Hyperextension of neck. TX -.antitrypsin replacement. conjunctivitis.TX : < 8 yrs old -.Monospot test (+ Ab against sheep RBCs). Mechanical ventilation + surfactant. ESR is normal. hoarseness.antitrypsin def.Diptheria antitoxin + Penicillin + DPT vaccine. Alternate is Erythromycin. even LMN lesion (motor / sensory loss).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Cyanosis of Tetralogy of Fellot (TOF) occur at 3 . Antibiotics and Pancreatic enzymes. coryza. swollen strawberry tongue (white with red dots and than become red with white dots). Anemia (due to antibodies against Li Ag on RBCs). DX -. TX -.First secure Airway with intubation than Antibiotics Ceforoxime (3rd G). expectoration.Chest physiotherapy.Blalock Tausig (surgery).chest position) and administer IV fluid. PFT shows Obstructive pattern.Resp failure. Pt assume squatting position ( venous return hence hypoxia).barking cough. heart transplant.caused by HHV .6 month of age never at birth.think 1 . morphine (to ventilation). TX -. * Infectious mononucleosis Atypical Lymphocytosis.Hypoplastic Left Heart $. * Fifth disease (Erythema Infectiosum) -. Orchitis.Oropharyngeal swab test. sore throat. Pertusis) -. DX -. and cherry red swollen epiglotitis. " examination of the oropharynx in suspected cases of Epiglottitis is contraindicated unless easy access to cardiopulmonary support measures are available. * Mumps (swollen salivary gland) -. DX -. IV fluids and O2. TX .sweat Chloride test (>60 meq is dx). TX -. Koplik spot. * Secondary syphilis has all form of rash except vesicular and condylomata lata. Complication -. "O2 is of little value since problem is pulmonary blood flow". * Scarlet fever (group A hemolytic strep) sand paper like rash. * If pt gave birth and has chicken pox for < 2 days -. TX -. * Cyanotic spell in TOF (Tet spells) -. TX -.Barking cough.caused by parvovirus slapped cheeks. Influenza) Fever. swollen erythematous tonsil with pus. odynophagia with out hyperextension of neck along with drooling or stridor --.oral doxicycline for 21 days.Harsh Pansystolic murmur. (often confused with croups).secure Airway with intubation. myocarditis. Complication -.give oral amoxicillin for 21 days.Digoxin. other reason is diptheria. > 8 yrs old -. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. situs Inversus (dextrocardia).no transplacental immunity. . sterility. systolic murmur at left sternal border.common cause is RSV followed by mycoplasma cough. DX -. * Pt with Iron def are prone to diptheria toxin production.Complications are Pancreatitis (most common). Diuretics and PGE1. * Whooping cough (B.dx by Atypical infection GN and RF.Culture on loeffler or Tellurite media. * Pt with Emphysema + Recurrent hepatitis --.erythromycin. PFT show mixed pattern. TX -. Injury to vasavasorum of aorta. * Lyme dis -.14 days. Bronchiectasis. stridor and Steeple sign on neck xrays.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Kartagners $ (defective dynein) recurrent sinusitis.self resolving. TX -. Immediate Botulinum antitoxin even before confirming dx.Lateral neck xray shows Thumb up sign. * Measles -. pertusis and C.CXR shows ground glass appearance. * Tertiary syphilis gummas on skin (painless) and on bone (painful).WPW $. CXR shows Boot Shaped heart. bulbar palsy.tx by putting pt in squatting position (or knee . Give Ribavirin or Erythromycin.pneumonia (early due to measles. Complication Splenic rupture. Endocardial fibroelastosis. note . TX -. TX -. apnea. stridor. Sensory neuronal hearing loss. Aphasia.toxoplasmosis. Inc aldolase. Inc LDH. prominent occiput. choroid plexus cyst. * Herpangia (coxakie A virus) -. EMG and muscle biopsy are diagnostic.Testosterone replacement therapy.4 million unit IM once only ---. clenched hand. small penis and scrotum (infantile like). hCG. Xrays show Sliver beaten appearance. DX -.Robertson pupil. * Alport $ (type IV collagen defect. colonic telangiectasia. * Breast is contraindicated in 2 hrs before and after immunization. deletion of long arm of ch 13) White pupil (leukocoria). * Poland $ neck Xray to Rule out Odontoid process hypoplasia which is the risk factor for subluxation & Spinalcord compression.for Late latent syphilis. * Coloboma Iridis -. Complication Avascular necrosis of the femoral head. * Retinoblastoma (mutation of rb gene. todds paralysis) * Febrile convulsion is familial disease. Benzethine penicillin 2. sensori hearing loss. polydyctyly. * Complication of Achondroplasia (dwarfism) -. seizures. Mitral valve prolapse. * Causes of Congenital cataract -.hypertonia.Supportive. Estrogen (E3).Dark field microscopy. AFP. E3.similar to DMD except dystrophin is present in small amount. seizures after high protein diet mainly due to hyperamonemia & hypernitrogenemia. TX -. * Congenital syphilis saddle nose.MM level.4 million unit IM / week for 3 weeks ---. down $. cleft lips and palate. it is usually associated with Hydronephrosis and undescended testis. night blindness. TX -. Raghades (linear scar around mouth).Surgery + chemo + radiation.Inc Orotic acid level in urine. . TX -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS and temp).One or more abdominal muscles are absent. TX -. DMD is the most common cause of thoracolumbar scoliosis in children. Annular pancrease and duodenal atresia. * Ornithine transcarbomoylase def (X linked recessive) vomiting. * Spontaneous abortion occur when fetus has Turner $ (as she develop hydrop fetalis and cystic hygroma) * Turner $ (46 X) coarctation of aorta. galactosemia. Dis is mild and slower in progression.Inc CK .Heal spontaneously in 4 week. Argyl . 2 % will ends up suffering from Epileptic seizures later in life.Failure to closure of choroidal fissure. Vit A in Abetalipoproteinemia. Intracranial P. Causes are genetical and Abetalipoproteinemia.coloboma. big testicle. TX -. * Edward $ (trisomy 18) -.absence of Pectoralis major muscle. vs. Fibrosed ovary. * Prune belly $ -.for congenital syphilis. cataract. lethargy. * Duchene muscular dystrophy (defective DMD gene on short arm of ch X "Xp21") defective dystrophin and actin protein pseudohypertrophy of calve muscle (deposition of connective fibrous tissue).Tubular vision. TX -.sore throat. hutchinson teeth. 54 Copy Righted Material.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.continuous tx. hyporeflexia (proximal > distal) DX -. saber shin. * Febrile convulsion (are tonic clonic seizures) easy to differentiate from Epileptic seizures as Epileptic seizures followed by PostTictal state which is confusion. horse shoe kidney.Nitrogen excretion using Benzoic acid & Phenylacetate. fracture and blue sclera. Antenetal diagnostic criteria -. painful ulcer on the corner of mouth. * Retinitis pigmentosa -. * Patau's $ (trisomy 13) -. Benzethine penicillin 2. VDRL. * Fragile X $ (abnormal no of CGC repeat) long face.Hip xray shows False Acetabulum. microganthia. Tall feature. AFP. Alzheimer’s dementia. blurry vision. Complication -. headache. destruction of medial proximal tibial metaphysis (Wimberger sign). * Jarish Herxheimer's reaction starts few days after tx spike in temp and worsening Sxs (due to pyrogen from killed bacteria). autism and mental retardation.suspect Down $. muscle weakness. DX -. big jaw. . confusion. * Beckers muscular dystrophy -. mulberry molars (too high molar). * Complication of Marfans $ -. "component of basement mem") painless hematuria. headache. risk of developing ALL. * 1st trimester U/S shows nuchal translucency ---. multiple congenital problem. * Down $ -. * Antenetal diagnostic criteria for Down $ -.Hand Foot & Mouth dis. * Klinefilters $ (47 XXY) buccal smear shows at least one barr body. + ve Ortalini test and Barlow test. * DX of Syphilis -.Neurosyphilis. Single umbilical artery. * Ehler Donlos $ (defective type III & I collagen due to failed hydroxylation of collagen lysine) Hyperelastic skin & joints. Clutton joint (painless effusion). If fail than keep thigh in an abducted flexed position using a HARNESS.Craniotomy and opening of the suture. Blindness. * Down $ also show Cryptorchidism and should receive screening for all congenital anomalies and receive Hormone replacement tx.Aortic dissection (tearing chest pain radiating to back). (no Barr body) Management -. hCG.Benzethine penicillin G for 10 days ---. * Osteogenesis Imperfecta (mutation of Col 1 A 1 defective type I collagen) fragile bone. Benzethine penicillin 2. * Cranio stenosis (premature closure of one or more cranial sutures) abnormal shaped skull. secondary and Early latent. RPR. inflamed bowed tibia). TX -. neurologic deficit. rocker bottom feet.4 million unit daily + Pobenecid for 14 days ---. Most specific test is FTA. * Developmental Aplasia of Hip congenital dislocation of hip. * Syphilis pt with penicillin allergy must gets desensitization.for primary. big ear. TX -. thrombocytopenia (bleeding). * APC -------. mental retardation. Diarrhea. * HHV . multiple recurrent thromboembolic phenomenon. galactosuria. Periventricular tubers (cause mental retardation. short philtrum. combined T cell and B cell def (recurrent infection). * ras ---------. Inc urine phenylpyruvate . TX -. seizures). * Bruton Agammaglobinemia (XR) no tonsils or germinal centers in lymphnode recurrent extracellular bacterial infection after 6 month. * Bcl .myc (t 8 : 14) -----. liver cirrhosis and hypoglycemia.Type I (von Reckling hausen) defect on ch 17.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Complication -. * Homocysteinuria also fair skin.Dietary restriction of phenyalanine and aspartate.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. MHC class II def 55 Copy Righted Material. * DNA mutation can be dx single stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) which shows 2 bands for homozygous mutation & 4 for heterozygous. defective WAS protein) cause Defect in T cell and Ig M only Eczema. (due to phanylacetate). Type II (Central Neurofibromatosis) defect on ch 22. * Cri .depigmentation. almond shape eyes and hyperphagia and hypogonadism. hair and eyes (due to dec melanin) mental retardation. TX -. recurrent infection and cardiovascular anomalies. hypotonia and seizures (due to serotonin accumulation). hepatosplenomegaly. Renal cell carcinoma.8 -----. * BRCA -----.mutation on ch 17 ---. mutation of ND4 gene) -. * Phenylketonuria (phenylalanine hydroxylase def) Fair skin. marfan $ features. aminoaciduria.Glucosuria.du .chronic and end stage renal dis. small hand. mental and growth retardation. TX -. Acoutic neuroma (Antoni A & B bodies).Chronic Myeloid leukemia (CML) * Philadelphia ch (t 9 : 22) -----. Multiple causes 1.2 (t14 : 18) -----. cat like cry (due to laryngeal hypoplasia). * Leber Optic Neuropathy (mitochodrial inheritance. . continuous laughing and smiling. * Wolf . * Von hipple Lindau $ (VHL gene deletion ob ch 3) hemangioblastoma (could be any where). * Failure of humoral immunity extracellular bacterial infection.Type I (galactokinase def).Restriction of diet rich in sulfahydryl group. Women in these families are at Inc risk of developing Endometrial and ovarian cancer.CML (good prognosis). lactate & acetate. * Wiscott Aldrich $ (XR.Kaposi sarcoma. microcephaly. Nasopharyngeal cancer. * Hereditary non polyposis colon cancer (Lynch $) -. Astrocytoma. * Severe combined Immune def (SCID) occur due to defective stem cell development absent T and B lymphocytes. Ash leaf spots (hypopigmented skin lesion). * Brc / abl ------. phosphaturia. * Angelmann $ (maternal ch 15p-) also called happy puppet $ mental retardation. * Prader willi $ (paternal ch 15p-) obese pt. cafe au leit spot and lisch nodules. * EBV ----. 2. * Neurofibromatosis -. * Selective Ig A def frequent upper / lower respiratory infection.Optic nerve degeneration and blindness.Retinoblastoma. * Galactosemia --. * Failure of cell mediated immunity viral and Intracellular bacterial infection. Type II (galactose 1 ph uridyltransferase def) Presents as cataract. Complication -. Serum phanylalanine > 20%.Follicular lymphoma.multiple hamartoma. musty odor. Subungual fibroma. * Tuberous sclerosis -.hirsh horn $ (ch 4p-) prominent forehead and nose (warriors helmet).thymus and bone marrow transplantation. congenital anomalies.Burkitts $ (deletion of ch 5p-) moon face. hair and eyes.Berkitts lymphoma.Occurance of colon cancer in at least 3 first degree relatives. * Xeroderma Pigmentosum (Failure of DNA repair) accumulation of pyridine dimer skin lesion. * t 15 : 17 ------. * Albinism (tyrosinase def) -.Colon cancer * c . * DiGeorge $ (ch 21q-) defective development of 3rd & 4th pharyngeal pouch absence of parathyroid & thymus hypocalcemia. Allergies.Restrict galactose in diet. * HPV ----. Inc risk of blindness and skin cancer. Very low Ig G and absence of other Ig.Breast and Ovarian Cancer * P53 --------. shagreen patches (area of Inc skin thickness). * Rb 1 -------. DX -. skin cancer. TX .cervical cancer.Familial Adenomatous polyposis. * Apert $ (mutation of fibroblast growth factor 2) craniostenosis and fused digits.various cancer.loss of central vision while maintaining the peripheral tubular visual field. * Fanconi $ -.AML (good prognosis).phenylalanine hydroxylase measurement. Adenosine deaminase def. Bilirubin never exceed 12 mg and is indirect.rh . TX -.most commonly due to Group B strep followed by E coli. * Testicular Femininization $ (androgen receptor defect. than turn green for 2 . DX -. Thalidomide ---. TX -.Ebstein Anomaly.vit K injection right after delivery. hearing loss.Inability to reduce Nitroblue . lethargy. TX -. Periventricular intracranial calcification. * Exchange transfusion to neonate is indicated if cord Bilirubin is > 5 mg or Serum Bilirubin > 20 mg. (imp) * C 1 estrase inhibitor def (AD) Hereditary angioedema. glaucoma. * Ataxia . Isotrenitoin ---.Prolong BT. Tyrosine kinase def. cerebral palsy.Bone marrow transplantation. coli) abdominal distention. 2 . Progesterone ---. cataract. TX -. First urine pink due to high urate. Prevention -.starts after 2 . * Hemolytic dis of new born (due to Rh or ABO incompatibility) jaundice on 1st day of life Hydrop fetalis. rigidity. * Chronic Granulomatous dis (NADPH oxidase def in neutrophil) Recurrent Fungal and Staph infection. hypotonia. DX -. Prolong PT and PTT.2 yrs. lumbar) sample for culture. Complications -.occur 2 weeks after delivery (due to 3-. Pt presents with recurrent infection before 6 months of age. short palpebral fissure. sputum.5 days after delivery due to Vit K def. prolong bleeding time.BP : 70 -80 / 40 .Cleft lip.3 days (never on 1st day) and last for week. 20- pregnanodiol in breast milk that inhibit Glucronyl transferase). perfringins. hypothyroidism. DX -.jaundice beyond one month.Higashi $ (defect in micro tubule polymerization) failure of chemotaxis and phagocytosis Recurrent staph and strep infection. myocardial necrosis. beyond one month (breast milk jaundice.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Congenital herpes simplex $ -. chorioretinitis. * Physiologic Anemia of Infancy -. chorioretinitis. TX -. cleft palate. produce testosterone but cannot act) External female appearance has vagina but no 56 Copy Righted Material. urine.Abdominal Xrays shows.sensori neuronal hearing loss. * Congenital biliary atresia -. Ataxia. Direct hyperbilirubinemia + Clay color stool. Respiration : 30 . dec C4.vesicular skin lesion. curved upper lip (cupid bow).Virilization. convulsion. DX -. extrapyramidal signs.Goiter. Hb 17 . * C5 .Hydration + Ceftazidime or Cefepime + Aminoglycosides.3rd day (physiologic). Surgery for perforated cases. Complication -. Pulse : 100 .by phototherapy. * Congenital toxoplasmosis $ -. * Jaundice 1st day of life (hemolytic dis of new born). blood in stool. conjugated deviation of eyes (oculogyric crisis). Fresh frozen plasma. . vasospasm.Clear cell Adenocarcinoma of vagina. Prevention . biliary atresia). Albinism. hypocalcemia. * Chediak . * Normal Full Term features -----. * Hemorrhagic disease of newborn -. (preventable with C .Vit K. Midfacial hypoplasia.40 /min Covered with whitish material (Vernix caseosa) Purple mottling. Limb reduction defect.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 3. cardiac defect.4 days than turn yellow. * Fetal Hydantoin $ -. Pneumatosis intestinalis. Microtia. Defective IL 2 receptor. * Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (disorder of T cell response) recurrent fungal infection of skin and mucous mem.gamma Interferon. sensorineuronal.vascular thrombosis. * Congenital Anomalies associated with subs Cocaine ---.Microcephaly.Spontaneously resolves in 1 . 4. * Kernicterus -. Mongolian spot (disappear in 2 yrs) First stool black.Limb defect (phocomelia) Lithium ---. * Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis (commonly due to C.Empirical Antibiotics after obtaining (blood.Stomach cancer.C9 def meningiococcal and gonnococcal infection. hypospadious. * Transient Hypogammaglobulinemia -. hypoglycemia. Diethylstilbesterol ---. Longitudinal Radiolucent area in long bone. E. nail and digit hypoplasia.Telangiectesia $ combined T and B cell def (recurrent inf).Neutropenia. Air under diaphragm indicate perforation. long philtrum..hydrocephalus.section delivery). C1 estrase inhibitor.Hold breast feeding for 48 hrs than resumes. * Neonatal sepsis -. incompetent cervix. TX -. Premature infant experience more severe drop (due to vit E def). (usually type O . * Breast milk jaundice -. Icterus gravis blood is given). Non Hodgkin lymphoma. * Congenital Rubella $ -.18 gm / dL (physiologic polycythemia.11 g/dL (due to short life span of hbF). Blood transfusion (if there is a significant blood loss).occur 2 .tetrazolium dye to Formazan.deposition of indirect bilirubin in basal ganglia and brain stem mitochondria brain edema.60 mmHg. PDA. Radiation & Iodide ---. TX -.dec serum IgG after maternal immunity wanes around 6 months of age. Cerebellar ataxia and Oculocutaneous telangiectasia.Drop start at 1st week and Plateau by 8th week to the level of 9 .Thymus hypoplasia.Intestinal atresia. * Fetal Alcohol $ -.2 months to 1 . * Neonate with photo therapy should covered with dark sun glasses and metal cover on genitalia. * Neonatal Physiologic jaundice -.150 b/min. Obstructive uropathy. Ante natal DX -. cooing 4–5 months Rolling on the floor. * Developmental milestones. * Congenital hyperthyroidism (could be due to maternal thyroid stimulating Ab) --.series of 2 shots: 12 and 18 months of age * Rotavirus -. * Polydactyly -.voluntary (functional). * Infant must ride in Rear facing seat until they are at least 1 yr old or wt at least 20 lbs. * Congenital infection (all) --.dec the risk of penile cancer only if done at young age. 2 new words 13–14 months 3 new words 15 months Creeping upstairs. or 4. big feet.cystic dilatation of proximal convoluted tubules edema. * Erythema Toxicum neonatrum -. proteinuria. walking backwards.chocking of food. * Infantile microcystic dis --.Foreign body aspiration (most commonly peanut). at of 5 yrs of age 20 / 20.40 lbs child front facing seat with Harness.Juvenile colonic polyps. but associated cardiovascular anomaly in Caucasians. polycythemia.fusion of neck vertebrae short neck and high scapula.affect fetal wt during 2nd half of pregnancy big hand. * MCC of Intestinal tumor in children -. TX -.seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp of new born. e. squatting. 1 month Raising head from prone position.common in African American. 1 and 6 months of age If mother is hepatitis B + ve. * Most common cause of stridor in pediatric -. copying others’ actions. * Hepatitis A -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Placental Insufficiency $ -. * Beckwith . * Job Buckley dis -. recognizing strangers 8 months Saying ‘‘papa’’ and ‘‘mama’’ to anybody 9 months Creeping. * Most common cause (MCC) of chronic kidney dis in children -. * Most common cause of hydronephrosis in children -.Inc serum testosterone or Inc Androstenidione respectively.yellowish hair free lesion on scalp of neonate. * Sebaceous nevus -. sitting supported 6–7 months Sitting unsupported. * Feil's $ (Sprengel deformity) -. holding pen 3 years Riding tricycle. * MCC of Intracranial hemorrhage in children -. babbling. * Most common cause of stridor who use lot of voice -. reaction to sounds 2 months Raising chest from the floor. Resolves spontaneously. Throwing objects. big head.g. after which car seat with seat belt can be safely used. parallel play 30 months Jumping. Prevention -.A series of 3 shots: 2.9 feet tall.disappear by 5th day of life. crawling.Infant should always lie on their back. * SID$ -. the newborn should receive the monovalent vaccine & hepatitis B IG within the first 12 hours after birth.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS ovaries or uterus. * Cradle Cap -.Wiedemann $ (ch deletion $) Macrosomia visceromegaly.common in 2 .A . * MCC of diarrhea in children -. rash. 12 months Walking unsupported. Tying shoes * Immunization schedule * Hepatitis B -. Inc IgE. DX -. . knowing full name. 4 and 6 months of age 57 Copy Righted Material. and ‘‘papa’’ only to dad & One new word. playing with other children 21 months Walking upstairs. 4–5 new words 18 months Running. Best next step Rigid bronchoscopy. * Male Phenotypic genital Anomaly (5 Reductase or 17 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase def) under developed male genitalia. * 20 . DX -. smiling 3 months Maintaining ‘‘head up’’ position.Adeno virus.laryngeal papilloma (opera singer). * MCC of Asphyxia in children -.V malformation.Viral gastroentritis.. small liver.Risk factor for autism. * MCC of constipation in children -. waves bye-bye 10–11 months Saying ‘‘mama’’ only to mom. hypoglycemia. * MCC of hemorrhagic cystitis in children -. group play 5 years Performing complex tasks. * Visual acuity at birth is 20 / 400.Recurrent staph infection.Ureteropelvic junction stricture. * Circumcision -. Gram stain of fluid in lesion show Eosinophils. * > 40 lbs child Booster seat until child is 80 up reveal undescended testis and 46 XY chromosomes.Inc AFP level.4 month of life.resolves in few months without tx.pyeloplasty.Monovalent hepatitis B vaccine is given in a series of 3 shots: 0. asking for food 24 months Walking upstairs and downstairs. . 86. 2... IV: Environmental factors. ‘‘Now that I have heard the entire story. 2.’’ * Information: Obtain information from the patient using the following techniques: 1. e.g.’’ 58 Copy Righted Material.g. Fourth shot: 4 years of age * Measles. Delusion: False perception of an idea..First thing Rapid strep test if .g. ‘‘I can understand why you felt the way you did. If the patient is very talkative. Depressed. Empathy. Silence: You will get multiple cases in the USMLE about the fact that you should never interrupt your patient while he or she is talking.g. Affect: Emotion that the patient shows from outside.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.series of 3 shots. e.g..g. unrelated words or ideas at a fast pace.. but never interrupt the patient. 93. I would have felt the same way too. Recapitulation.g.. Open-ended questions. Support. let me summarize my understanding of what happened. ‘‘I think the FBI are watching me’’ or ‘‘I think that my coworkers are trying to set me up. First three: 2. Fourth shot: 18 months of age (12 months after the third dose) 3. and every 10 years from then onwards * Pneumococcal & Hemophilus influenza B (HiB) -. Reflection. Mumps and Rubella (MMR) -. . e. First shot: 11 years of age 2. ‘‘That must have been a horrible experience for you. ‘‘Oh dear. Concentration: Tested by asking the patient to start with the number 100 and to count backwards by sevens. etc. Immediate: Lasts for 5 min. Validation. Perseveration: Patient thinks or talks about the same word or idea over and over again.. V: Global Assessment of Function (GAF). Characterized by hallucinations. e... e. happy.g. Remote: Old concrete information.. and is controlled by mammillary bodies.1. i. If + ve than no need of throat culture. II: Personality disorder or mental than must do throat culture if suspicion is high. * Important Definitions Psychosis: Loss of relation with the real world...g.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Diphtheria. Neurosis: Mixture of anxiety. Second shot: 4–6 years of age * Varicella Similar to MMR * Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) -. approved for females only at this time: -..g. worry and irritability. and is controlled by Hippocampus. Second shot: 2 months after first shot 3.. 4 and 6 months of age 2. First three: 2. Proverbs.g. Attention: Tested by observing the patient during the interview for how easily he/she gets distracted by surrounding stimuli. place of birth.series of 2 shots: -.One shot at age 11–12 years * Acute pharyngitis -... 4 and 6 months of age 2. 4 and 6 months of age 2. Looks depressed. Cognitive ability: Tested by asking ‘‘How many states are in the US?’’ or ‘‘How much is 5 multiplied by 5?’’ Spatial ability: Tested by asking the patient to draw a clock. ‘‘Okay.V) of Mental Disorders I: Clinical disorder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Psychiatry * Axes (I . e. e. Tetanus and Pertusis (DTaP) -.1. e. e. Fourth shot: 12 months of age * Inactivated polio -. Third shot: 6 months after second shot * Meningococcal vaccine -. ‘‘Do you have a cough?’’ 4. * Targets of Doctor-Patient Interview * Rapport: Includes the following techniques: 1. e. Flight of ideas: Patient thinks or talks about different. Name.A series of 5 shots: 1..g. so you said you fell and hit your head?’’ 5. If I were in your place.g. e. III: Medical disease. e.g. e..1. 3. e.g.series of 4 shots: 1.’’ 2. First shot: 12–15 months of age 2. Mood: Emotion that the patient feels from within. you must be worried about the complications!’’ 3.e. Recent: Lasts for 12 h. Hypothyroidism.A series of 4 shots: -. ‘‘What brought you in today?’’ 3. Closed-ended questions. Abstract reasoning ability: Ability to understand metaphors. ‘‘What happened after you fell and hit your head?’’ 6. try to aim for closed ended questions. 100. Facilitation.’’ * Memory: 3 types of memory you need to test for: 1. Fifth shot: 5 years of age Booster: 11–12 years of age. e. Depression. First three: 2. Inferiority Concrete operational (7 .stages of development -. A patient looks at the floor (where there is nothing) and tells you ‘‘Careful. SLEEP STAGE 2 ( 45% of sleep) : Is K complex deep sleep.’’ Idea of reference: eg. * Control over bowel function at age 4.11 yrs Latency Industry vs. hearing. A pt would look at a wire on the floor.’’ Hallucination: Seeing.STAGE 1 ( 5% of sleep ) : Is Theta wave light sleep. Normal: 90–109. sleep walking. * Preschool age (2.5 yrs . until during last few cycle there is no delta sleep at all. only I did.7 yrs) Imaginary companions 6 . 75% Non rapid eye movement sleep -------. & says ‘‘ age 11 in female and 13 . Dopamine: Low level in Parkinson’s disease and high level in schizophrenia and chorea. 6. Scoring: 1. Other tests : 1. sentence completion and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Culture plays a major role in affecting IQ.20 yrs) Abstract Thought -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* According to Piaget child develop internal representation with out seeing object (Object Permanence) at age 12 to 24 months.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Illusion: Also false perception of an actual object."According to Organ through pleasure is achieved". nobody could hear him.14 in male."According to the learning process (cognitive)". Neuropsychological tests: Multiple. * Infant 0 . STAGE 3 & 4 ( 25% of sleep ) : Is slow or delta wave sleep deepest sleep.1 yr Oral Basic trust vs. associated with Bruxism.20 yrs Genital Identity vs. enuresis. 3. SLEEP : stage1 stage 2 stage 3 & 4 REM sleep replace stage 1 than cycle repeats ( REM Stage 2 stage 3 & 4 REM ) This cycle is repeated through out night with the length of REM sleep increasing & delta sleep decreasing. with standard deviation of 15.Oedipal (confusion) Initiative vs. Normal is > 25 out of 30. Score 20–25: Mild dementia. night terror 59 Copy Righted Material. it was full of details of my life’’. smelling. * Toddlers (15 months . e. Serotonin: Low levels in cases of depression.6 yrs) -. including the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (566 true or false questions). Rorschach inkblot.g. (most relax sleep) occur every 90 min associated with dreams & nightmares Associated with voltage. Evoked EEG is used to detect cortical response to stimuli. * STAGES OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AGE FREUD ERIKSON PIAGET CHARACTERISTICS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 . Lie detection test: Done using Na amobarbital (Truth serum). Anaclitic depression. Functional Enuresis. * Functional Enuresis common in males occur before awakening in morning. Electroencephalogram(EEG): Normal in dementia and abnormal in delirium. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): IQ=Mental age/Chronological age x 100. alcoholism and aggression. Score <20: Advanced dementia.. Na lactate intravenously or CO2 inhalation: Induce panic attacks. * Tests Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): Used to assess dementia. 25% REM & wave sleep. Mental retardation: Below 70. * Adolescent -.11 yrs) Logical Thought 11 . 2. 3.11 yrs ) -. or feeling something that does not exist.2. Object permanence also occur during this period. Dexamethasone suppression test: Positive in cases of depression." According to achievement of certain goal (psychosocial)".stages of development -. diffusion Formal Operation (11 . * Control over bladder function occur by age 5. including Halsted battery (to localize brain lesions) & Nebraska test (to determine brain hemispheric dominance). Failure to thrive.understand meaning of death.5 yrs Phallic ( penis) . Shame & doubt Preoperational (2 .2 yrs) Strangers anxiety 1 . Guilt Preoperational (2 . 5. 4. there are spiders all over the floor’’ or ‘‘Jesus was talking to me & told me to try that drug.15 months --. Mistrust Sensory motor (0 . ‘‘I watched that movie on the TV last night & it was talking about my life.7 yrs) Separation Anxiety 3 . * Freud -. . do not understand meaning of death. eg.if separated from mother Separation anxiety.5 yrs) separates from mother voluntarily and return from time to time for reassurance celled Rapprochement. Borderline: 70–90. * Piaget -. Personality tests: Multiple. * Schooler (6 . * Erickson -.Band aid phase. 2.3 yrs Anal Autonomy vs. that snake is too close to your foot.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.stages of development -. .. The same surgeon as above explains to his co-workers about how his dad died of the same cancer and the details of the days before his death and how much that experience broke his heart. e.. e. e. * Acting out: Irresponsible action induced by a certain emotion. PL and TSH is low.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * REM & wave sleep (saw tooth wave) occur 90 min after falling sleep.teeth grinding occur in stage 2 K complex sleep. eg. the engineering student says ‘‘Well. * Fixation: The permanence of a childish attitude. nightmare can be recall) * Drugs that increases Brain Dopamine produce wakefulness.g. * Somnambulism -. e. * During sleep HGH and Dopamine is high where as serotonin . he gets shocked by an electric device around his neck * Systemic desensitization (Classical conditioning) Patient who is afraid of syringes. If waked pt is disoriented and confused * Enuresis -. * wave occur on EEG recording over occipital and parietal lobe while person is awake state.Bedwetting occur in stage 4 delta sleep. * Projection: The projection of certain unacceptable feelings into others.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.g. * Night terror (extreme form of freight) may be early sign of temporal lobe epilepsy. (subject can not recall nightmare upon waking vs. e. e. * Identification: Subjectively inheriting a certain behavior. * Narcolepsy -. e. A lawyer who just had an argument with his domineering wife goes to his office and is rude to his female secretary all day. ** Behavioral and Cognitive therapy -* Aversive conditioning (Classical conditioning) Whenever the dog barks. Note that flooding is an operant conditioning technique 60 Copy Righted Material. coughing. commonly seen in alert active mental concentration.. that’s fall a sleep suddenly frequent in adolescent & young adult. you show him pictures of syringes and few visits later. * Kleine Levin $ is hypersomnia and hyperphagia. * Intellectualization: An unconscious avoidance of an unacceptable emotion by using logic or focusing on the minutiae of the situation. hypnogogic / hypnopompic hallucination. relaxed and calm with eye closed. more in boys than in girls. orgasm. usually done by teenagers. trying to use his case for a routine medical discussion.. shows voltage. * Suppression: Deliberately not thinking of unacceptable collapse due to loss of all muscle tone. but when he sees him. * Bruxism -. After failing an exam for licensure in Canada. yet not showing any affect that fits this dramatic story.g. An adult man watching cartoons every day. e. Defense Mechanisms * Displacement: Displacing a certain emotion from unacceptable situation to a more acceptable one. * Isolation of affect: Failure to express emotions. you make him close his eyes and imagine living through a scenario where he is getting a blood draw Flooding: Patient who is afraid of needles. A 16 year old who just had an argument with her mom goes to her room and destroys the TV set with a baseball bat. penile and clitoral erection ) .g. . Ach is a principle neurotransmitter. * Repression: Completely forgetting an unacceptable emotion. * Regression: Adopting a child’s attitude to escape a certain unacceptable emotion. A person who was mistreated by his parents as a kid insists on mistreating his own kids in the same way.g. I never really liked Canada that much anyway. e. A person who is angry with his co-worker accuses his co-worker of being angry with him. common in boys than girls. I like your tie.’’ * Sublimation: Expressing an unacceptable emotion in an acceptable situation. A worker is very angry with his boss for messing up his schedule. you make him touch an actual syringe * Implosion (Habituation Implosion): Patient who is afraid of needles. nightmare & dreams occur in REM sleep. * REM sleep reduces in elderly person ( sp at age 79 ). A 55 year old patient hospitalized for a heart attack wants his mom to stay with him in the room. A surgeon explains to his co-workers in details about how he was diagnosed the other day with terminal lung cancer. A student who is furious after failing his exam goes to practice some boxing. * Altruism: Doing good things to avoid certain negative or guilt feelings. * wave occur on EEG recording over frontal lobe in person with eye open. where as NorEN REM sleep. .( Ach REM sleep. he says ‘‘Hey boss. eg. * Rationalization: Attempting to rethink a certain event to make it seem less serious. * Sleep apnea is frequent in elder and obese (Pick wickian $). e. A mafia hit man who just murdered someone last week went to the bank today and gave $1000 to charity.g. A doctor who has phobia from female genitalia puts his feelings aside to examine a female patient who came complaining of vaginal discharge..g. yet he is talking normally about it without any emotion. then he wets the bed during sleep. Abnormal REM sleep. runs in family vs.g.. Cataplexy (occur in ½ of the pts with necrology) -. First.’’ * Reaction formation: Attempting to hide certain unacceptable feelings by doing or saying something very acceptable.g.sleep walking occur in stage 4 delta sleep.g. you perform a blood draw on him. occur in stage 4 delta sleep. A student who is extremely stressed about the USMLE experiences a period of unconcern and doesn’t even recall he’s scheduled to take the test. e. Induced by excitement laughing...g. . * Partner Abuse (physical or social) -. infection etc). TX of choice is Halopridol. Almost always occur in female. Tardive dyskinesia ---. visual hallucination. vs. * Thioridazine ---. * Statutory Rape -.. * Side Effect of neuroleptics and tx : 1. * Anti Social personality disorder (> age 18) same as conduct disorder.Child refuse to talk or move. GABA.tx propanolol. TX -. TX -. * Chlorpromazine ---. TX -.Agranulocytosis. 2. e. Disorientation (first time. * Conduct disorder (< age 18) child act like thug. 2.occur specially in elderly hospitalized pt. repetitive. Manifest as Altered consciousness.Orthostatic hypotension.Shizopherenia + mood disorder (such as depression). Tengentiality (start answering Q in good organized way than slide away from subject into something else). Echolalia (Inc alertness). lie.abuser is usually spouse or care giver. DTs: (Neuroleptics are absolutely contraindicated).g. A common technique in psychiatry wards * Biofeedback (Operant conditioning) Pt can control his organs and functions. Anti cholinergic effects (urinary retention. * Major depressive disorder (depletion of serotonin and nor EN) -. Complication -. EEG changes.Child act like thug but only toward Authority figure. G: Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking? 4. making a phone call. Akathesia (feeling of restlessness) ----. to have penetration and ejaculation involve to call in an assault. Negative Sxs Responds to Atypical Antipsychotics such as Clozapine. * Oppositional defiant disorder -. destructive behavior. assaults other kids. TX -. e. Contact Social services.Hallucination (auditory). Child refuse to move to new house in family.same as Autism except that this pt communicate and move normally.supportive.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Token economy (Operant conditioning) Patients are given tokens for desired behavior which they can use for a certain privilege. with Epileptiform activity. * Retts disorder -. 61 Copy Righted Material.Psychotherapy and Family therapy. * Incidence of mental retardation in pt with ADHD is 10 . * Delirium (Sun Downing phenomenon) -. FSH.1. watching TV.Sxs < 1 month.It is not must. Respridone (5HT -2 blocker). heart rate * Cognitive therapy (Supportive therapy) Pt trains herself that whenever she gets worried about her exam. * Schizoeffective disorder -. EEG shows alfa. 3. vs.Sxs > 6 months * Schizophreniform ---.Sxs < 6 months but > 1 month. C: Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on drinking? 2.Psychotherapy & family therapy. theta and delta wave. Blood pressure. Disulfiram (Antabuse). anxious. or chronic > 1 yr).Life long Halopridol. (strong genetic link with ADHD and OCD). * Elder Abuse -.Bluish grey skin discoloration. Manifest not contact social service. xerostomia etc) ---* Clozapine ---. * Positive Sxs respond to Typical Antipsychotics (block D2 receptor). vs. LH. * Sexual Assault -. sensitive to touch. Retinal pigmentation. * Brief Psychotic disorder ---. * ADHD is strongly associated with OCD and Touretts $. she would think about passing it with high scores Alcoholism and CAGE Questionnaire CAGE: Used to screen for alcoholism: 1. 3. drug. eg. Neuroleptic malignant $ ---. TX -.g. thought blocking (move lips without vocalization). E: Have you ever felt you needed an Eye-opener after a night of drinking? TX -. only advise that abuse is illegal and she has right seek help by contacting social services. nervous. ( Alcohol Anonymous). * Tourettes disorder (dysfunction of dopamine in caudate nucleus) motor tics (could be transient < 1 yr. (child is good with class mates but impolite with parents / teacher). Gradual acclimatization to the new least 5 of the following should be present. * Schizophrenia ---.Fear of loss of attachment figure.Any sexual intercourse < 18 yrs of age fall in this category.tx with Dentrolene. * Schizophrenia -. loose association (change subject quickly while talking). Neologism. * Autism -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Post traumatic stress disorder. A: Have you ever felt Annoyed by anyone criticizing your drinking? 3. 4. constipation. If similar disorder occur in male called Childhood disintegrative disorder. * Depression is very common in elders and is commonly misdiagnosed as Dementia hence called Pseudodementia.discontinuous the offending drug start another one. These pt will develop Agoraphobia later in life. Psychotherapy.psychotherapy and family therapy.20 %. TX -. destroy property.. * Separation Anxiety disorder -. than place than person). regardless whether it is consensual or not. steal.the cause (metabolic. * Asperger disorder -.Child starts to lose already learned skills. " avoid getting involved in activities". upon asking he get frustrated and angry tells you that Lab did not answer the phone".MAOI. scar and marks on the dorsum of hand. 4. 1 sexual.Major depressive episode followed by dysthymia. feeling of guilt. * Pt with suicidal thought must be admitted (voluntarily or Involuntarily).Depression alternating with hypomania. Manifest -. * Anorexia nervosa (loss of 15 % of body wt) due to starvation because of fear of getting fat. stormy relation ship and splitting (all good all bad). . * Best TX for Somatization disorder is psycho and group therapy.Hypomanic mood for at least 2 yrs. eg. 62 Copy Righted Material. Dissociative Fugue -. 3. * 30 % Americans are Obese where as 20 % are Over wt. but does not look manic. * TX of all dissociative disorder is Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. * Contraidication to ECT -. imp. 3. vs. but work up is normal. 6. (eg. Avoidant -.Procrastination (postpone thing unduly) is the key finding. provocative (dress like a porn star). Histrionic -. caries. * Double depression -. Lanugo (downy hairs). 6. * Dissociative disorder : is defense mechanism against fear or severe underlying anxiety. 8. * Bulimia Nervosa (normal body wt) -. and work up is normal. but work up is taking a kid to doctor for million complain. 1 neurological). "I think every one trying to set me up because im smart" 2. hydrocephalus). following are the types 1.Amenorrhea.un explainable Sx (not pain). * Pt with homicidal thought must be admitted (vountarily or involuntarily).Depersonalization -.Seductive. Hypochondriasis -. * Dysthymia -. Side effects Retrograde amnesia (resolves over 6 months).6 weeks to be fully effective so do not change dose before 6 weeks (even if pt says its not working).depressed mood for 2 yrs but pt doe not meet depression criterion completely. parotid gland swelling. because antidepressant may give enough energy to pt commit suicide. 7. Somatization (Briquet $) -. Loss of interest in sex.Normal part of body look abnormal. motor accident that killed wife and childrens). Factitious disorder (Munchausen $) -.Depression with severe anxiety.binge eating followed by induced believes he lives out side of his own body and can watch him self.Grandiosity.ask pt if he or she is cannot recall painful event. 5.unexplainable pain.functional disturbance induced by exposure to certain emotional events. one month later he showed up with out having test done. Body dismorphic disorder -. "you suggest HIV test to pt he was enthusiastic about it. bleeding. These pt dont seem concerned about the functional disturbance called "la belle Indifference". TX -. Suicidal thought (15 % actually commit it). 2.High intracranial pressure (eg tumor. change in appetite ( or ). 4. Pain disorder -. Type II -.depend on someone else for decisions and action". Undifferentiate somatoform disorder -. lack of concentration. Borderline -. * SSRI and TCA are contraindicated in Bipolar disorder as they Inc the risk of has more than one personality. osteoporosis. * Frequent follow up is very important once tx started. they are not willing to medication and under go surgery. Conservative librarian received a note to attend the court trial for striping in public. pt who lost vision for one hr after she found that she failed the exam.depression alternating with presents with 4 pain Sxs (2 GI. TCA. Manifest -. Conversion disorder -. metabolic acidosis. (pt just feel down) * Cyclothymia -. eg. 2. Malingering -. Dissociative Amnesia -. lack of Fakes Sxs to get certain fake different Sxs for the sake of getting attention and willing to go under procedure and surgery. Cyproheptadine or SSRI plus Behavioral and Family psychotherapy. hyperlipidemia.Type I -. but non of them is aware of the other. Police and possible victim must be contacted (Tarasoff decision).pt exaggerate mild Sxs and insist there is something wrong and demand work up. "they think they are better than every one".pt cannot recall change in identity and location. * Bipolar disorder --. Paranoid -. Narcissistic -. Pschomotor retardation & agitation. * Most antidepressant take 3 . TX -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is given only in severe depression that is resistant to medical tx.swinging mood. * Best screening for major depressive disorder -.fear of rejection. 5. TX -. melanosis coli (pigmentation of colonic wall due to use of laxatives).Amitryptyline. vs. * Personality disorder : 1. Dissociative identity -. Anemia. Involuntary admission must be certified by 2 physician. 3. * Pain (somatization) disorder : 1. 7. but they showed her picture standing naked in public (which she has no recollection of).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Sleeping problem. Munchausen by proxy -. Dependant -.MAOI * Atypical depression -. Loss of interest (anhedonia).SSRI (first line drug). she showed up in court with the belief that there is misunderstanding. Passive aggressive -.esophageal varices. 4. TX -. " visit doctor to doctor".multiple delusion and suspicion. tachycardia. * Do every thing to save pts life without breaking DNR limitations.person gets pleasure wearing opposite sex cloths. * Vaginismus -. * Pt with Spinalcord injury --. Hyperparathyroidism --. Serotonin $ if given with SSRI muscle rigidity. TX -.depression 3. 63 Copy Righted Material. Antipsychotics. Paranoia.anxiety. tremor.Teratogenic (Ebstein anomaly). nephrogenic diabetes Insipidus. Acrophobia (fear of height). Common medical association is mitral valve prolapse.tx of choice Behavioral and Group therapy. * Panic attack hyperventilation. * Extinction Gradual dec of negative behavior after positive reinforcement is removed. chest pain. * Masochism -. * Acute stress disorder. diarrhea. Cushing $ --. * Premature Ejaculation -. Insomnia.use in the tx of Atypical and resistant depression. Migraine --. social withdrawal that last > 1 month. * Decrease sexuality -.Anger and Aggression 5. TX -.psychosis. * Carbamezapine SIADH and Steven johnson $.tx with SSRI (common problem) * Hypoactive sexual desire -.same as post traumatic stress disorder but last < 1 month. * Acute Stress disorder -.dependency. Common in female.vomiting. 2. * Voyeurism -. * Increase Sexuality -. 6. If pt do not want blood try give him plasma. tremor. * First one to ask for decision is the pt.Retrograde ejaculation.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. PSTD.when person identify his / her gender (around age 3). Temporal lobe epilepsy --.TX -. nystagmus.Recurrent thought and repetitive behavior. * Sadism -. * If pt with coronary artery dis climb 2 flights of stair or accommodate HR of 130 B/min with out problem he can have sex. 4. diaphoresis. Chronic kidney dis and dialysis -. cocaine. For maintenance use SSRI.painful contraction of the outer part of the vagina.person enjoying watching other people having sex. * Generalized Anxiety disorder -.tx of choice Buspirone. Side effect -. * Gender Identity -.Cyproheplodine.person enjoy giving pain to partner during sex. * MAOI (phenelzine.fear without cause. * Post traumatic stress disorder -.same as PTSD but due to non life threatening reason (such as divorce. * Sexual Aversion -.excessive worry and anxiety of almost every thing for > 6 months.Depression . * Imipramine (TCA) is the tx of choice to tx Enuresis. Ulcerative colitis. Give blood. * Adjustment disorder -. Agoraphobia (fear of open space) -. Wilson dis -.delayed ejaculation. * OCD dec sexual desire toward partner.level Positive airway pressure machine (BiPAP). Complication . Social phobia (fear of social gathering) -. tranylcypromine) -. . TX -. * Sexual problem in pt with DM -.due to excessive amount or long duration of alcohol.person enjoy receiving pain during sex.common in panic attack and separation anxiety. vs.4 weeks to achieve a therapeutic effect.takes 3 . death of pet). Benzodiazepine cal also be used. marijuana. Gender Role -. clonus. Asthma --. * SSRI (inhibit presynaptic serotonin reuptake) -.Absence of sexual arousal during intercourse.due to Antidepressant. use Mask or Bi . amphetamine and small amount of Alcohol. * Phobia -. TX . sense of impending death. Lithium toxicity -. hypothyroidism. nightmare.OCD. suicidal thought. * Lithium -.SSRI plus Behavioral and Family psychotherapy.Tyramine hypertensive crisis (redwine. * Transvestis fetishism -. cheese). 8.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Medically Induced psychological disorder : 1. Claustrophobia (fear of small closed spaces).SSRI. TX Behavioral and cognitive therapy.OCD 7. wt loss. * TCA (block reuptake of nor EN) -.Acute attack give alprazolam. flash back. having any psychological problem). Cancer of the tail of pancrease how person acts.Impotency and Retrograde ejaculation.person attempting to touch or rob people with their consent.inhibit cytochrome P450 system. preventing sexual intercourse. Adjustment disorder --.Normal person who is just not so much in sex (pt is not homosexual. Clomepramine is alternative choice. * Sexual Arousal disorder -. * Frotteurism -.tx of first choice is SSRI. hyper reflexia. (due to life threatening causes) vs. * Beneficence -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS If pt is incompetent -. 64 Copy Righted Material. If your suspicion is high that she will die or need surgery and she said NO ----. go tx the child" 5." Lets find way " (balance the id and the superego. confusion and headache. * Ghost sickness: Pathological concern about death and the deceased. * id -.If you believe that the pt will harm him self by knowing his dx at that time.Passive (leave the pt to die and not interfere but provide comfort. TX -. * Irresistible Impulse role -. * Mens rea element -. * Non Maleficiense -." I want " (unconscious drive that begin at birth). * Trichotillomania -. " child brought by the teacher -. It is legal) Active (speeding up pts death. You are obligated by law to disclose the dx to pt. 7. you must tell him. major guilt. * Malpractice : Dereliction of duty causing direct damage to the donot need teacher's consent.Primary thinking involved primitive desire. .If pt refuse to consent to tx their child --.SSRI * Transference -. married.cover the poor and is decided by state. * Mental Insanity -. abdominal pain and headache.whether or not the crime was based on intent. A term most commonly used by Hispanics. * STD must be reported to State Health Department which in turn report them to Center of Disease & Control. Loss of interest.cannot resist stealing (could be a rich person too) * Pyromania -. eg. with hold the information. Contraception 3.get court order to tx the child. * Abnormal Grief -. Hallucination and suicidal ideation.Social support.setting things on fire without any purpose. Emancipated minor (self supported. hemorrhage etc). American Law Institute model panel code (reliable) -.Evaluate if the crime was strictly induced by the mental & psychological abnormality (ie. eg. * Brain fog: Attacks of neck pain.Major sleep disturbance. 3.Mental or severe psychological abnormality + one of the following Statutory criteria.person pulls his hair. * Unconscious -.tx pt fully with no limitations. * Conscious -. What is right & what is wrong at the time crime. (AID for poor). Medicaid -.Do what she said.listen to person with durable power of attorney.cover elderly (> 65 yrs old) and is decided by federal government. * Medicare -. Ego * Kleptomania -. However it is a CIVIL WRONG Punished financially (no jail). 1. its illegal) * In non emergency situation -. Common among students. TX -. * If your colleague physician smell Alcohol -. is no accusation if mentally ill). * Nervios: Attacks of tearfulness. report him to Chief of Staff and State Boards. * Dhat: Pathological concern about ejaculation. 2.listen to surrogate (one who know pt wishes very well and what pt wants) If no surrogate -.evaluate if pt understand his action. * Koro: Delusions of retraction of one’s penis into the body.1st talk to him. Durham (not reliable) -. found in the Navajo culture. * Counter transference -. * No need of parents consents in following conditions. * Pt with End stage renal disease on dialysis covered by Medicare.Mild sleep disturbance. tx of Alcohol or drug dependence.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. TX of STD 6. if does not acknowledge your advice. 1. Superego -.Feeling and reaction of the pt toward doctor. military man) * Pregnant has right to decide for fetus in her uterus even in emergency situation (accident.evaluate the pt whether he understand the wrongfulness of his action at the time of crime and lacks the capacity to control his action. refuse logic and plan. * Normal grief -." you cannot have it " moral compass or consciences develop at the age of 6) Ego -. have kids. If no power of attorney -. still enjoy usual habits. * Dormido: Pathological concern about heart attacks and strokes.Secondary thinking use logic and planning. mild guilt. M' Naghten (most reliable criterion) -. * If you really like your pt and want to have relationship with her what should you do --. Emergency situation 2.Defendant unable to refrain from the crime. due to fit of rage. * Euthanasia is ok for him to work but make sure that he / she takes all necessary precautions to protect his pt. * Doctor with HIV -.Feeling and reaction of the doctor toward pt. Care during pregnancy 4. Absence of parents or legal guardian. found in Asian Indian do not harm (it should be your target all the time). It is not a crime.Terminate the medical services to her and ask her to start seeing another doctor. illusion. develop at birth). However if pt ask directly about his dx. * Universality: Feeling that everybody else is just like you. * Pneumococcal vaccine is indicated in all adults > 65 yrs of age. * Pregnant women in 2nd and 3rd trimester during influenza season should get the vaccination. Immunocompromised. * Fanconi Anemia -. imp * Breast examination by physician start at the age of 20. chronic liver dis (sp hepatitis A & B). Colonoscopy / 10 yr).start screen at age 40 or 10 yrs earlier than the age of affected relative. Sputum stain and Biopsy.should started at the age of 35 yrs in men and 45 yrs in women. * Screening for elevated BP is recommended for those older than 18 yrs at every visit. * Typhoid vaccination for travelers heading to developing countries. hemoglobinopathies. Remember listeria monocytogenes is resistant to Sputum smear. Central America. * Anima: Feminine part of a male personality. If 3 normal annual pap smear is noticed -. cardiopulmonary dis. * Russel bodies (grape looking plasma cell -----. Sub Saharan Africa. cardiovascular dis. . Pt with Family Hx of Colon cancer -. (all above but Colonoscopy / 5 yrs). at least every 2 yrs. * Meningiococcal vaccine is recommended for those who are traveling to Nepal. * Cohesion: Individuals teaming up to achieve a certain goal. Caribbean travelers should get Choloroquine for malaria prophylaxis. chronic liver dis. Meningiococcal vaccine is now routine to give at age 11. * Hepatitis A vaccine for travels to developing countries. homosexual man.Tricupid stenosis.Atrial fib (pg 333) * Large "a" wave in jugular venous tracing -------------.Cardiac temponade. Asplenia.start screening at age 50 (fecal occult blood. * Dopamine (+ ve Ionotrope) -. * Smudge cell (dirty looking cells) --. * Routine screening of DM should be considered only in pt with high risk of developing this dis such as in Obesity. vs. health personnel’s.Inc contractility. where as Mammogram starts at the age of 40 /1 . Renal failure. * Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended in travelers who are engaged in casual sexual activity (sp if going to high risk area).ceftriaxone is the tx of choice except in Listeria monocytogenes (usually in elders and neonates) for which ampicillin must be added. Impaired fasting glucose. Alaskan natives and American Natives. (also Asia and Africa). KICK THE BOARDS * IMP Screening and Vaccination Points : * Pt with no Family Hx of Colon Cancer -. * will develop AML in future. Varicella and other Live vaccine are contraindicated in pregnancy and immunocompromised pt.should start at the age 20 yrs in both sexes. * Prominent "x" "y" wave in jugular venous tracing ---. * Hepatitis B vaccine is also recommended to IV drug user. * PPD SCREENING TEST is for Asymptomatic person. homosexuals.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Northern India. * Alcohol Abuse should be screened by CAGE questioning. cirrhosis.Constrictive pericarditis.Inc contractility only. Cholesterol screening in person with risk factor ( family hx etc) -. + ve family hx. * American cancer society no longer recommends monthly self breast examination alone as a screening tool. Pneumococcal vaccine is also indicated at any age in pt with sickle cell dis. * Avascular necrosis of Femoral head ---. * Influenza vaccine is recommended for all healthy adults above age 50 and also pt with DM. * Varicella vaccine is recommended in all who lack hx of childhood varicella infection. (its live vaccine) * MMR. Dobutamine -. 65 Copy Righted Material. * Abdominal U/S should be given once in male smoker > 65 yrs of age. * Pt with very strong family hx of breast cancer should receive prophylactic tamoxifen. * Large "c" "v" wave in jugular venous tracing ---------. * Animus: Masculine part of a female personality. * All women > 65 yrs old should get DEXA scan. * Consensual validation: Understanding yourself through comparison to others.suggest Multiple Myeloma. * Cholesterol screening in person without risk factor -.xray shows classic creacent shape. * Adults who are traveling to developing countries and never received polio vaccine should receive 3 doses of inactivated polio vaccine.’’ * Asceticism: Pleasure obtained by refraining from basic pleasures. Sigmoidoscopy / 5yrs. * Annual Pap Smear start 3 yrs after girl become sexually active or at the age of 21 yrs. Barium enema. Inc Afterload Inc BP. Screening begins at the age of 60 if there is high risk of fracture or low body wt.Tricuspid regurgitation. Daycare center employees. screening every 2 yr. vs For symptomatic pt -. * Idealization: Perception of yourself as being ‘‘Perfect.CLL * Loss of "a" wave in jugular venous tracing -----------.2yr.USMLE STEP 2 CK * Nihilism: The belief that something ceased to exist. Kaplan Lecture Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Bacterial meningitis -. * Prominent "x" and diminish "y" in jugular venous tracing ----. high risk ethnicity. * Yellow fever vaccine is recommended for those who are traveling to Sub Saharan desert and Certain south American countries. vs. * All pregnant with SLE should get Heparin or Aspirin.Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy or Aortic stenosis. Joint erosion on xrays. Morning stiffness (>1 hr) for 6 weeks 2. 6. * Culture of joint fluid is + ve in 50 % of Gonococcal arthritis. TX -.Ratinopathy should be screened 5 yrs after the dx of DM type I than every year.Adrenal Cancer -.200 . K+.dec ACTH.50000 WBCs/ mm3 in synovial fluid analysis. * Neonatal lupus ----. Shigella etc) vs. Botounaire deformity of thumb. Baker cyst in RA is due to extension of synoivial inflamation to popliteal space.If suppression occur < 50% ------------.MCP & PIP is involved (never affect DIP). Symmetric joint swelling for 6 weeks 5.It is Pituitary Adenoma. swan neck deformity of Urinary 17 KS DHEA-S & Abdominal CT -.2 weeks after withdrawal of causative drug.Hydroquinilone + Corticosteroids.Severe left ventricular failure.shows Anti histone Ab (except Quinidine which cause lupus but does not produced Ab response). * OA and Traumatic Arthritis -----. Septic Arthristis --------------------.First test is ESR. Secondary Hypealdosteronism (dec Intravascular vol) Renin.resolve in 1 . * Cotton Wool spot (also called Soft Exudate) are infarcted nerve fibers seen in ANA & . * Adison dis -.Anti Ro (SSA) Ab is specific. * TX of SLE -. * Pulsus Alternans ------------. Swelling of 3 joints for 6 weeks. its rupture cause swollen painful calve. Salmonella.Aortic insufficiency * Pulsus tardus -----------------. 4.5000 . DM type II -. * Biferious pulse ---------------.Plasma Metanephrine is the best initial test. * Pheochromocytoma -. * Reactive arthritis is occur after Infectious diarrhea such as from Compylobacter. If no response and ACTH is low ---.Ratinopathy should be screened at the time of dx of DM type II and than every year. metabolic than MIBG (metaiodobenzylguanidine) to find out the source.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Wide Pulse pressure ----------------.mass < 4 m -. If it is + ve do Clonidine supression test.mass > 4 cm -. * Discoid Lupus erythmatosus -.weakness. Primary Adrenal insufficiency Inc ACTH. vs. if abnormal do 24 hr urine Cortisol. But when it occur due to Chlamydial infection it is called Rieter's $. * Middle aged man with new onset of Astha + Eosinophila ---.Cardiac temponade. Diastolic HTN. vs.Measure plasma Cortisol 30 . ulnar deviation. Remember Anti Ro (SSA) and Anti LA (SSB) are also specific for Sjogren $. metabolic acidosis. Chrugg Strauss $ is similat to PAN but also invollve lung. Na+. * RA (T cell mediated cartilage destruction) -. Positive RF 7. if abnormal do High dose DEXA suppression test. * Primary Hyperaldosteronism (Inc Intravascular vol) Renin.First test DEXA suppression test. hypotension. All pregnant women with Sjogren $ should be screen for fetal Anti Ro (SSA) Ab. Psoriatic Arthritis. * Diagnostic criteria for RA (at least 4 of them) 1. * Low grade B Cell Lymphoma is often associated with Sjogren $ and RA. * DM type I -. * Skin problem in CREST $ (+ ve Anti centromere Ab is sp) does not extend above the knee and elbow unlike SCLERODERMA (+ve Anti scl Ab is sp). Atlantoaxial Subluxation.> 50000 WBCs/ mm3 in synovial fluid analysis. High Dose DEXA suppression test -. Secondary Adrenal insufficiency -. Rheumatoid nodule. hyperpigmentation.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. if CT is . 66 Copy Righted Material. if elevated than 2nd thing is Prednisone and later do Biopsy to confirm the Dx.60 min after injecting COSYNTROPIN. Reactive Arthritis. Rheumatoid nodules. * Seronegative Arthropathies (. Gout) ------. K+.pain Inc with exercize and relief with rest. Na normal or dec.Adrenal Adenoma. Than Dx is confirmed with CT. Inflamatory dis (RA. * Pericarditis ----------.It is Ectopic hormone production do CXR.Diffuse ST segment elevation. DM. * Drug Induced lupus -.Aortic stenosis. * Osteoarthristis (usually asymmetric) --. If no response and ACTH is high --. If disease is progressive give corticosteroids (it dec the risk of abortion).only 5 % pt will develop SLE. vs. Severe cases tx with Azathioprin + Cyclophosphamide + Corticosteroids. Morning stiffness is < 30 min. . Normal Inc in Aldosterone. MCPs. Enteropathic Arthropathy.2000 WBCs/ mm3 in synovial fluid analysis. PIPs for 6 weeks RF are inflamatory joint dis) include Ankylosing spondilitis. * PAN involves any organ except lung.Should rule out Chrugg Strauss $. wt loss. Swelling of wrist. (Astha occue long before vasculitis in these pts) * Temporal Arteritis (Giant Cell Arteritis) --. * Pulsus paradoxus -----------. Subnormal Inc in Aldosterone. * Cushing $ -. DX -. 60% MSH2 mutation. * Celiac disease -.Ca++ Oxalate kidney stones and Cholestrol gall stones. Pyoderma gangrenosum.Mesalamine.6 month. (Endoscopy and nasogastric tube is contraindicated dur to risk of perforation). * Chron disease (CD) ----. vs.6 week after the onset of pancreatitis.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. redsnapper & braccuda neurologic Sxs (paesthesia.urinary 5 hydroxyindolacetic acid (5HIAA). For Acute exacerbation use Steroids. * Complication of Ulcerative collitis are ---.First test is CPK and Aldolase (most sensitive test). * Familial Adenomatous Polyposis -. * Carcinoid tumor also produce sign and symptoms of Naicin def (due to excessive comsumption of tryptophan and niacin by tumor). Plummer Vinson $ (Esophageal web + dysphagia + Iron def Anemia) occur proximally. * Management of Pancreatitis : * In Severe Pancreatitis (> 30% necrosis visible on CT scan) the risk of Infection & Hemorrhagic pancreatitis is markedly . * Ligamentum Treitz seperate duodenum from jejunum -. * Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt -. Both dx 1st with Barium study later Encoscopy. Both tx with Dilatation procedure. * Pt with GERD for > 5 yrs -. soft tissue tumors.3 yrs. Melanotic spots on the lips. That is why Pancreatic necrosis on CT scan is an indication for Antibiotics (Imipenem or Cefuroxime) which will dec risk of Inf & hemorrahgic pancreatitis. * Mallory Wiess tear (painless bleed) -. anti endomysial. * Severe Necrosis perticularly with fever is also an indication of percutaneous needle biopsy of pancreas.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Polymositis affect proximal muscle. DX -. Screening -. It is just temporary bridge to surgery.Dermatitis Herpetiforme is unique to celiac dis . (Plummer vinson $ may also respond to Iron therapy). UC is ANCA + ve (Anti Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab) . narrowing of Bowel loop on barum study. TX -.Corck screw appearance on Barium study. seversal of heat & cold).2 yrs begining at the age of 12 yrs. * Nuclear bleeding scan .By defination upper GI bleeding is proximal to ligamentum Treitz. If pt has High grade dysplasia do Surgery. If Low grade dysplasia than Endoscopy every 2 . cysts and Fibrosarcomas. * Diffuse Esophageal spasm and Nut cracker esophagus ----. * TX of Ulcerative collitis (UC) and CD ---. * CD is ASCA + ve (Anti Sacharromyces cervisiae Ab). Osteoma have particular predilection for mandible. Screening -.10% risk of colon cancer. buccal mucosa and skin. anti transglutaminase antibodies. mahi mahi. Erythema nodosum. * Puetz .BLAKEMORE TUBE is used tamponade the site of bleeding in the stomach or esophagus.most accurate thest is Esophageal motility study (Esophageal Manometry). If both reveal no source of bleeding than small bowel bleeding should be suspected which can be varified by capsule Endoscopy. ophthalmoplegia. * Turcot Syndrome -. * Scombroid (present in contaminated tuna. Dermatomyositis affect Proximal muscle and also effect Skin. meckrel) Release histamine vomiting diarrhea.Jeghers $ -. DX -. * Zenkers Diverticulum (commonly in Elders) --. There are only few dozen of polyps (vs. If Barrett Esophagus than do Endoscopy every 2 . * SANGSTAKEN .Dx by Upper GI Endoscopy. TX -. Juvenile polyposis $ are hamartoma (not adenomas) with very little risk of developing cancer.PAS + ve foamy macropahges on Biopsy.1st test is anti gliadin. * Plummer Vinson rarely cause Squamous cell cancer thats why consider Premalignant process. (to rule out other disorder) * Whipple dis -.long term complication is worsening of hepatic encephalopathy. DX -. 30% MLH1 mutation. Risk of cancer is slightly Inc above general population. * Juvenile polyposis $ -. flushing wheezing with i minutes of eating.Flexible sigmoidoscopy should be done every 1 . (for both) * Scleroderma --. most sensitive test is PCR. Platelet is contraindicated even though it low (make it worst).fat malabsorption & dementia (10%). 90% of individual with known mutation will develop colon cancer. Confirmatory test is biopsy.2 recommendation for juvenile polyposis $. if elevated than confirm with Biopsy. DX -. * Gardner syndrome -. Presents with rectal bleeding in child. vs.must do Endoscopy and possible used to localize the source of bleeding when endoscopy fail to reveal the etiology of active bleeding.APC gene confer 100% penetrance for the development of adenoma by age of 35 & colon cancer by age of 50.dx with Barium study.Another polyposis syndrome with hamartoma with very slightly Inc risk of cancer.Associated with colon cancer with multiple.Hamartomatous polyps in large & small intestine abdominal pain due to Intussusception or Bowel obstruction. * HU$ occur when organism (E coli) dies thast why Antibiotics in HUS are contraindicated. thousands of polyps in Familial polyposis). such as osteomas. 67 Copy Righted Material. * COWDEN $ -.Colon cancer + CNS malignancies. * Schatski Ring occur distally (st squamous columnar junction) vs. Upper GI endoscopy goes no farther from the ligamentum treitz where as Lower GI endoscopy only reaches just pass ileocecal valve. Pt with osteoma in mandible the answer would be "must do colonosopy". * If there is Infection with necrosis urgent surgical debridement is indicated because abscess will begin 4 . * CMV esophagitis -. arthalgia (80%). As soon as polyps are found Colectomy is performed and a new rectum is made from terminal ilium. lipomas. 10% is unknown.Mercaptopurine.String sign on Radiology. * Hereditary Nonpolyposis $ (HNPCC or Lynch Syndrome) -.. * Ciguatera toxin (present in reef fish such as grouper. .Octeriolide (somatostatin analog) or surgery. Recommanded screening for this population starts at the age of 25 and than colonoscopy every 1 . Polyp can be found as early as age 25. Azathioprin and 6 . Tropical sprue tx is SMX / TMP or doxicycline for 6 mo.SMX / TMP or doxicycline or ceftriaxone for 1 yr vs.longitudinal ulcers. *Atrial Flutter -. Manifest -. Kussmaul sign. (pancreatic psuedocyst < 5cm in size do not need to be drain). Tx of first choice Procainamide. Obstructive Cardiomyopathy murmur Inc with leg raisning. * Leg raise Inc Aortic. * Acute Pancreatitis -. * 3rd degree heart block -. ALT. VSD murmur & Mitral regurgiation murmur.absent) A patient will be unconscious as blood is not pumped to the brain. equalization of end diastolic pressure of all 4 chambers and pulmonary artery.most specific test is serum ceruloplasmin level . vs.(regular rhythm) sudden onset abrupt termination. disorganised. Glucose etc). P Wave rate . * Bundle branch block -. * Paroxysmal Supraventricular tachycardia -. BUN. QRS is Wide) * Ventricular Fibrilation -. this delay shows as a widening of the QRS complex. perform slit lamp test.Abnormal conduction through the bundle branches will cause a depolarization delay through the ventricular muscle. * Stable Angina . usually at a ratio of 2 or 3 :1 (2F . vs.Replaced with multiple F (flutter) waves. * Serum . lidocaine after giving O2 and IV access. mitral regurgitation and VSD murmurs.Atropin shorten the PR interval & Inc AV conduction in Mobitz type I but has no effect in Mobitz type II. 80% cases are reentrant in AV node. Most Accurate test (bone marrow iron biopsy for stainable iron store) rarely neccessary. Vol reduction with spironolactone. It may be associated with MI.Antiarrthmic drugs (procainamide.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Definitive tx is ablation. lithium).dx base on lab not sign & Sxs. Hepatic encephalopathy with neomycin & lactulose. CNS lesion (stroke. Antipsychotic (Phenothiazine. it dec the Aotic stenosis murmur. liver transplant is curative. causes are cancer and infection. Beta blocker. QRS Duration .1 (means albumin in ascitis is high). hemmorrhage). For emergency use cardia pacing or Isoproterenol infusion is useful. TX -.Na restriction.Not present. AST. Rate . MCV and reticulocytes low.Ascitis Albumin gradient -. total iron and TIBC is low. It is associated with PSVT or AF or Atrial Flutter. signs of systemic HTN.arrythmia initiate due to abnormal ventricular repolarization. * 2nd degree heart block -.4 week after the episode of pancreatitis.˜Eggshell calcification'.Not recognisable.300 B/min.1QRS).1st Carotid massage if fail than Verapamil and Adenosine after . tricyclics. Cardiac catheterization shows dip & plateau or square root sign. * Single Most accurate test for the detection of Biliary and pancreatic duct pathology is ERCP. alpha blocker. Urinary assay of trypsinogen is the new test to predict severity. Cannon wave in jugular venous pulse.occurs when atrial contractions are 'normal' but no electrical conduction is conveyed to the ventricles.Usually normal. Ventricles then generate their own signal through an 'escape mechanism' from a focus some where within the ventricle. When SAAG is < 1. P Wave .chorioathetoid movement. * Wilson disease (ARD) -. Hypomegnasemia) . (use dipirydamole (persentine) or dobutamine). imp clue is KF ring confirm the dx. orthopnea. Remember Anemia of Chronic dis serum ferritin is normal .consider positive excersize stress test. * < 50% occlusion will not show up on Excersize stress test.Prolonged (wide). and hemolytic anemia. pericardial knock. * Constrictive Pericarditis -.Regular.test of choice is CT scan.300+. 60% sensitive). TX -. Digoxin may depress ST segment.propanolol for portal HTN and varices. * 2mm depression of ST segment or 10 mmHg drop in systolic Bp (alone or both) -. * Valsalva manever Inc Obstructive cardiomyopathy murmur. Aortic stemosis murmur and Obstructive cardiomyopathy murmur dec with hand grip. * In pt with bundle branch block or those who are taking digoxin or beta blocker -.panicillamine.Quninidine.May lead to Fanconi $ or type II renal acidosis. correct the underlying dis as a tx. Immediate treatment by defibrillation is indicated. (remember In Ventircular tachycardia. Single most specific test is liver biopsy. or pericardiectomy. if pt do not respond Cardioversion. P Wave . * Those who can not go on treadmill -. esmolol. The ventricular escape beats are usually 'slow'. nitroglycerine may cause significant hypotension during stress test. 68 Copy Righted Material. * Liver cirrhosis TX -. Supraventricular tachycardia and WPWS. This patient needs to be defibrillated!! QUICKLY * Torsade de pointes -. fistula and rupture or if the psuedocyst expanding in size. Metabolite imbalance (hypokalemia. * Adams stoke attack is common in mobitz type II & 3rd degree heart block but it does not occur in mobitz type I. QRS Duration . digitalis. Psuedocyst should be drained if there is a pain. TX the underlying disorder. TX -. diuretics.Amiodarone. S1 ans S2 widely split.QRS Duration .chemical stress test should be done. * In most cases medication should not be withheld in the preparation of excersize stress test (except insulin and hypoglycemic agent).Disopyramide). RDW elevated Blood transfusion in those who are symptomatic or in young healthy person with hct in upper 20s or elderly with 30 hct + coronary dis or acute Sxs. (after amylase and lipase profiling). . CT scan is better indicator than Ranson Criterion (which is Inc WBC.Normally albumin level od ascitis flud is less than serum this difference is called SAAG.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Psuedocyst develop 2 . P Wave .nuclear stress test should be performed. Other choices are IV propanolol.1 (means albumin in ascitis is low) causes are portal HTN as from cirrhosis. 3 point rise in hct occur with every unit of packed RBC given. * WPW syndrome --Short PR interval followed by wide QRS with slurred initial deflection or delta wave. * Hypochromic microcytic anemia (defined as MCV < 80 ) -. vs. psychosis DX -. dyspnea. When SAAG is > 1. * Hand grip Inc Mitral regurgitation and VSD murmur. Serum ferretin level (99% specific. Shock this rhythm if the patient is unconscious and without a pulse. thioridazine. Causes .Disorganised electrical signals (Irregular. (never use Ca channel blocker or beta blocker or digitalis in this pt because it will slow down normal pathway of " bundle of his") * Ventricular Tachycardia -. variation in systolic BP. Tx -. CHF due to chronic anemia & blood transfusion. nitrofurantoin. NSAIDs.hydration and avoid offending factor. vs. DX -. myelodysplasia and Oval macrocytes in B12 and folate def. Mostly Idiopathic but also associated with malignancies.for Auoimmune hemolytic anemia. Also drugs -. TX . MCV normal to dec. Sideroblastic anemia. Lab -. radiation. causes are Idiopathic (common). Hard to distinguised form other microcytic anemia. malabsorption. Extremely leukocytes leukostasis $ (sludging of vessels due to high leukocytes) headache. acquired form tx by removing offending agent. (non sp signs are hyperurecemia and elevated LDH) M3 Promyelocytic leukemia cause DIC. dyphallobothrium latum etc Folic def cause similar type anemia but with out neurologic symptom.long term folic acid therapy. * Thalassemia Hemochromatosis. mycoplasm. lymphomas. cyclophosphamide) in cold agglutinin. M4 & M5 most commonly cause CNS symptoms. common in children.4 mg/day. waldenstrome macroglobulinemia. nose and dark urine etc. high serum Iron and low TIBC. ear.Blast > 20% confirm the dx of Acute leukemia.Overproduction of lymphocytes usually monoclonal B lymphocytes of unknown reason mostly in pt > 50 yrs of age. Inc indirect birubin. both has low hct (very low in thalasemia) RDW (red cell distribution) is normal in all forms types because cell are of the same size. Inc LDH. In thalasemia HbF & HbA2 is normal vs.Auer Rods (sp for M3). macroovalocyte / Hypersegmented neutrophil (> than 4 lobes). .ALL Ag CALLA & terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (tdt). cold agglutinin and also for drug induced hemolytic anemia. alcohol. dyspnea. * Hereditary Spherocytosis (AD) -.anemia.High pyridoxine 2 .CBC is the first test and Bone marrow biopsy confirm the dx.alcohol. ALL -. Diminish Decay accelerating factor also known as CD55 & CD59. DX -. Lab . Inc requirement as in pregnancy. Marrow biopsy reveal ringed sideroblast. Target cells present in all form of thalasemia. Splenectomy.B12 level test is sufficient. Tx . Antibiotic (azathioprin. Heinz bodies and drugs are main clue. sprue. If B12 level is equivocal do Methylmalonic acid level test.low hepatoglobin . Dx . * G6PD deficiency -. lead. Manifest as bleeding anemia and infection due to neutropenia. Inc LDH. periapism. Test for PNH is Sugar water test and Acidified hemolysis (HAM) test.dec intake (alcoholics). dapsone. Iron laden tubular cell in urine. DX .spherocyte have negative commb test. Iron replacement if dgree of urinary loss of iron is significant. Anemia of chronic dis (can be normocytic). hemoglobinuria. * Cold Agglutinin disease -. Inc reticulocytes. Schilling test to find origin of def. liver dis. chloamphenicol. Manifestion -. Causes -. CMV cause aplastic anemia in immunocompromised pt. Deferasirox (for Iron overload).defect in RBC phosphatidyl inositol Glycan A which the bindng of complement to RBC chronic intravascular hemolysis in acidic enviornment. Hereditary or def of Aminolevulenic acid synthase or impaired B6 metabolism or acquired due to drugs like Isoniazid. Inc reticulocytes. quinidine. toxins (benzene). Bilirubin stones may lead to cystitis.70% remission) * ACUTE LEUKEMIA --.Transfusion. pancreatitis. Lab -. RBC sensitivity to lyse in hypotonic solu called Osmotic fragility test. TX -. Inc reticulocytes. Cirrhosis. 69 Copy Righted Material. chemo. In thalasemia HbF & HbA2 is Inc. Bone marrow transplantation. DX -. thrombocytopenia (pancytopenia). & thrombosis perticularly of hepatic vein Budd chiari $ (most common cause of death). Commonly presents with Pancytopenia. This clonal stem cell disorder that is why the pt is also susceptible to aplastic anemia and leukemia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Examples of Microcytic anemia are Iron def anemia. alcohol.Steroids and antithrombotics. (imp difference).high serum Ferretin.hemolysis caused by oxidative stress commonly due to infection. high MCV >100.Defect in RBC mem destruction occur in spleen splenomegaly. dec hepatoglobin. (note fibrosis and fat cells in marrow) TX -. blind loop $.sulfa. infectious mononucleosis infection.90% cure rate). Anti intrinsic factor Ab test for distinguishing pernicious anemia (most common type of macrocytic anemia).Marrow transplantation (80 . Chloamphenicol.normocytic anemia. Test of choice is Coomb test . splenectomy in severe cases . Rituximab (anti CD20 Ab) is also useful. thalasemia. Sideroblastic anemia may progress to Acute myelogenous leukemia in small % of pts. myeloperoxidase and estrase.Anemia. Iron chelation for Iron overload. post splenectomy vaccination is imp for pneumococcus and influenza. Causes -. confusion.Avoid cold enviornment or offending drug. anemia. DX -. atrophic gastritis. * CHRONIC LEUKEMIA CLL -. destruction occur in liver by kupffer cells.characterized by Iron trapped in the mitochondia of nucleated red cell. Tx . leukopenia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Definitive test is G6PD level which can be falsely high in acute condition. Splenectomy for those who do not respond steroids. * Macrocytic anemia (B12 def) -.Monoclonal Ab test recognizes the kind of acute leukemia. * APLASTIC ANEMIA -. hemosiderinuria (iron loss). TX -. LDH & MCHC is elevated. * Paroxysmal Nocturnal hemoglobinuria -. gastrectomy. In severe hemolysis do transfusion. Steroids (for autoimmune). blurred vision. spherocytes are present. If transplantation is not possible try Antithymocyte + cyclosporin + prednisone (60 . hemoglobinuria. toes.IgM antibodies against RBCs at low temp. Remember Round macrocyte occur in hemolysis. * Sideroblastic anemia . It may present with cyanosis of finger. primiquine. high Transferin. can be distinguised by electrophoresis. HIV. Tx . EBV. . brain hemorrhage.neurologic signs. AML -. cyclosporine. Infection like B19. phenytoin low RBCs and Low folic acid level. age > 40 yrs. Older pt with MM -. * MULTIPLE MYELOMA (Plasma cell disorder of unknown cause) -. vs. vinblastin. Bence jones protienuria.Stage 0 -.lymphadenopathy. Ph ch (9 .Clonal abnormality of plasma cell replacing the bone marrow and producing large quantity non functional Immunoglobins with resultant infection. Manifestation -. than Staging is next step by CXR.markedly elevated count of lymphocytes (30000 .Stage I & II -.two lymphnode (any where) on the same side of diaphragm or limited contiguous extrahepatic organ involvement. Punched out (osteoclastic) lesions. LFT reveal need for liver transplantation. night sweat & low fever. Leukostatsis need leukopherasis in addition to chemotherapy. decarbazine) Lymphocyte predominant type has good prognosis. is elevated. high LDH. Associated with some Autoimmune dis & inf (HIV.tx with Cytosine Arabinoside + Daunorubicin or Idarubicin. Most commonly involve Cervical. If tx fails do marrow transplantation. Smudge cells are present. Rituximab (monoclonal Ab against CD20) for those who demonstrate high CD 20 Ag.large mediastinal lymphadenopathy. leukostasis. Stage II -. MRI & CT scan (because staging decide the tx). lymphocyte depleted type has worst prognosis Adverse prognostic factors are -. M3 Promyelocytic leukemia -. Dx -. CLL -. MRI and CXR for tx.Excisional Biopsy is the most imp step in confirming dx.22 t) which has tyrosine kinase activity.First lymphnode biopsy and than staging by bone marrow biopsy and CT. Bone marrow involvement signify stage IV dis. polydipsea.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Diminished Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase staining.Most common presentation is back & rib pain (bone pain). AML -. CNS lymphoma is tx with radiation + chemotherapy.Overproduction of myeloid cells (cells of granulocytes origin like neutrophil.Stage IA & IIA -. Eosinophilia). uric acid.anemia (survival of stage 2 and 3 is 1 to 2 yrs) . dec serum albumin level. PET is highly sensitive & specific for nodal & extra nodal site but not for Bone marrow.markedly elevated WBCs count predominantly neutrophill (left shift). smudge cells on smear. may occur without reason. Manifestation : CLL . prednisone).single regional lymphnode or single extrahepatic organ or site is involved. Bone marrow biopsy with 10% plasma cells confirm the Dx. enlarge spleen or rarely lymphadenopathy.tx with Doxorubicin + Vincristine + Prednisone is initial tx.lymphocytosis alone. basophil. hyperviscosity $ (blurred vision. calcium. Pentostatin used in relapsed CLL. "B symptoms" are night sweat. 70 Copy Righted Material.50000 or higher). Inc ESR.Younger pt with MM -. fever & pruritis. Tx . TX .most common presentation is elevated lymphocyte count on routine examination (highly suggested of dis). Presentation . except Non Hodgekin lymphoma is more likely to involve CNS (specially in association with HIV inf). Common in 20s and 60s age bracket.Serum protein electrophoresis is elevated for monoclonal Ab (commonly IgG and rarely Ig D or IgA).tx with melphalan (alkylating agent) + prednisone only. renal failure & anemia.Neoplastic transformation of both B & T cell lineage in lymphnode and extralympahatic organs.tx with Thalidomide + Dexamethasone + Bone marrow transplantation. DX . (survival of untreated stage 0 and 1 is 10 . Manifestation -. polycythemia vera. bleomycin. Stage III & IV with "B Sxs" -. CML -. DX -. HTLV1.12 yrs even without tx) Stage 1 -. TX .retinoic acid (vit A derivitive). H. ESR useful in prognosis.tx with "DBVD" (doxorubicin. vs.tx with Radiation.same as Hdogkin lymphoma. Extra nodal invovlment (any organ) are also common. Stage III & VI & pt with "B Sxs" -. eosinophilia).add all . storke. eosinophil). supraclavicular & axillary lymph node. hydoxy-adriamycin. Stage 4 -. Other test are abnormal (CBC. non sp signs are basophilia. LDH. Dx -. Diminished leukocyte alkaline ph (LAP) Score.tx with "CHOP" (cyclophosphamide. rubbery & nonerythmatous lymphnode. NHL Relapses is tx with autologus marrow transplantation.Neoplastic transformation of lymphocyte in lymphnode. Stage 2 -. HCV. CML . other tests are abnormal (CBC. confusion.tx with radiation. Symptomatic dis is tx with Fludarabine. * ANN ARBOR Staging of Hodgekin and Non hodgekib Lymphoma : Stage I -. CML -. . Add Prednisone in pt with hemolysis and thrombocytopenia. * Non Hodgkin Lymphoma . Serum B2 microglobulin.Best Initial tx is Imatinib (Gleevec) a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (90% pts responce). bone pain. leukopenia.CLL . * Hodgkin Lymphoma .Enlarge painless. CML . creatinin.most common presentation is fatigue. Inc ESR. Relapse must be tx with marrow transplantation.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS CD19 is stongly associated with CLL.splenomegaly Stage 3 -. If pt is not a candidate for marrow transplantation tx with Thalidomide + Prednisone .Early stage of dis is not tx. EBV.thrombocytopenia * TX of Leukemias : ALL -. Hypercalciuria should be tx with Loop Diuretic and hydration and than with Biphosphonate (pamidronate). B symptoms. * Staging for CLL -. can also produce abdominal pain. shows RS cells. thrombocytosis. vincristine. mucosal bleeding).trans . pylori ). wt loss. BUN. pneumococcal & hemophilus influenza infection. ALL pts must undergo prophylactic methotrexate intrathecally to prevent relapse in CNS. altered mental status. Hypercalcemia polyurea. Dx . dietry def. (do nothing f INR is minimally prolonged) > 5. neutrophils in bacterial. Precise dx is determined by specific level of factor VIII and IX. (but occasionally may cause thrombosis) Although its idiopathic but almost always present with underlying disorder like sepsis (most common). > 9. Listeria monocytogens meningitis is relatively more common in immune deficient (but strep pneumoniae is still the common most) N. Viruses are most common cause of Aseptic meningitis (entero v. no splenomegaly. pt presents with bleeding.Prednisone is initial tx. siezures. marked production of fibrin degradation product called D dimers. present with bleeding episode.Best intial test is CT (Lumbar puncture is contraindicated) Most accurate test for bacterial meningitis is CSF culture. Kentucky. NJ. * DIC -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. abruptio placenta.XRD -.Fever. cranial nerve palsy (sp CN VIII) may occur.Diffuse or disseminated foci of involvement of 1 extrahepatic organ. fungal. * Vit K def (def of factor 2 7 9 and 10) -. syphilis. (< 5 lymphocytes in CSF is normal) If there is delay in lumbar puncture for 20 . Cryptococcal meningitis is more common in HIV pt with < 100 CD 4 -T cells. and connective tissue dis. HIV. Culture for TB. and Tennesse. Resume INR at lower dose when INR is at therapeutic level. rhabdomyolysis.Mild Hemophilia A is tx with desmopressin. vs. pancreatitis. cause rash.0 -. * MENINGITIS -. nauzea and vomiting. PT.Empiric tx is vancomycin + ceftriaxone (add ampicillin if pt is > 50 yrs old or < 1 month old to cover L.0 to 9.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Stage III -. Mixing study will only detect def but will not tell you which specific factor is deficient. pt is usually young female.30 min due to any reason start the empiric therapy imidiately.5 mg vit K PO.Ristocetin pletelet aggregation test. Bacterial meningitis tx must be adjuvant with Dexamethasone for 4 day to prevent further meningeal irritation & mortality.Elevated D dimer and fibrin split product . vs. headache.Fresh frozen plasma for bleeding. Pt should avoid asprin. CLL. In Liver disease factor synthesis is dec (factor 7 is first to dec). TX -. TX -. TB. urinary & CNS bleeding. (cause rash) Staph Aureus meningitis is more common in neurosurgry pt.lower warfarin dose. Rocky mountain fever and Lyme dis can be dx by Serology. * VWD -. If desmopressin is not efective factor VIII replacement should be given (factor VIII contain VWF too). Rituximab (anti CD20 monoclonal antibodies) use in refractory cases. monocytogenes). Tx fresh frozen plasma. or skip dose or resume warfarin at lower dose. (Remember All factor synthesize in liver except factor 8 and VWF). transfusion reaction. Cryptococcus with india ink.lymphnode involvement of both side of diaphragm (spleen etc) or contiguous extralamphatic organ involvement. lyme & Rocky MSF inf. 71 Copy Righted Material. (H influenza is declining due to HIB vaccination) Strep Aglactate is most common cause of neonate meningitis. > 20. trauma. Heparin in those with thrombosis. UT & GI bleed etc. tumor or hemorrhage -. Monitor INR frequently. PTT is prolong due to functional def of factor VIII. NY. HIV. petechie. epistaxis menstrual abnormalities. TX -. some time may be asymptomatic until trauma. Syphilis is dx by VDRL and FTA in CSF. PTT and schistocytes.Anti pletelet Ab of unknown etiology. monitor INR frequently. PCR also help dx TB. IVIG RhoGam in indicated in those who have pletelet level < 10000 (IVIG RhoGam is used only in Rh + ve pt thus it is not a 1st line tx). low fibrinogen. lymphocytes in CSF indicates Viral. st luis encephalitis v.2. Minigitis due to lyme dis is more common in north east (massachusetts. normal spleen and megakaryocytosis in bone marrow. Meningitis + papiladema or sign of focal lesion. vs. Tx -. burns etc. amniotic fluid embolism.consumption of both pletelet and clotting factors with resultant bleeding. If PTT does not correct with mixing than the antibody inhibitor of the factor is suspected. . prolong BT. Binucleated plasma cells (Remember RS cells are different). * Hemophilia A (factror VIII def) and B (factor IX def) -.Strept Pneumoniae is most common of meningitis in all age group except neonates. Severe Hemophilia A -. Stage IV -. HSV etc) DX -.hold warfarin & give 5-10 mg vit K PO. antibiotic. bruising. DX -.thrombocytopenia. DX -.0 -.First Prolong PT than prolong PTT. M3 promyelocytic leukemia.manifest in males and female are carrier hemarthrosis. monitor INR frequently and resume warfarin at lower dose. surgery. Causes -. Dx is confirm by giving vit K. Meningitidis meningitis is most common in adolescents.hold warfarin & give 10 mg Vit K IV slowly. microangiopathic hemolysis. splenectomy in pt who have very low pletelet count (10000 . Mixing stduy (Factor def is strongly suspected when a 50:50 mixture of the pts blood is created with a normal control and the PTT drops to normal. Bone marrow is fill with megakaryocyte indicating pletelet destruction out side bone marrow. 0 -. nuchal rigidity. Mental confusion. DX -. TX -.fresh frozen plasma along with Vit K. Arbov v. photophobia. * IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIA PURPURA -. * Recommended managemnet of a supratherapeutic INR when bleeding is not present : < therapeutic to 5. supplement with fresh frozen plasma or factor VIIa.most common congenital disorder of hemostasis. Cause cranial nerve palsy & rash.Prolong PTT and normal PT is expected.20000) and relapse despite prednisone tx. Often associated with lymphoma.0 -.If there is no risk factor present than first procedure of choice for meningitis is Lumbar puncture and is essential for Dx. with or without lymphatic involvement. GI. Meningitis due to Rocky mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is more common in Carolina. causes are malabsorption. west nile v". Hemophilia B is tx with specific factor IX.tx with specific factor VIII. connecticut).desmopressin (release subendothelial stores of VWF) is used in the mild dis or when pt undergo minor surgrical procedure.skip next 1 or 2 dose. Positive Kernig and Brudzinski sign. or skip dose + 1 . Tx -. Avian influenza pneumonia ---. "Anaerobes 45% . Dx -.PCR confirm the dx of viral encehalitis. C pneumoniae. 72 Copy Righted Material.40%). Levo. gati. marked dyspnea ) TX -.infection of bronchial tree. TX -.Charcoal yeast agar test. Pulse > 125/min.Infection of the lung parenchyma.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX could be different if pt is pragnant .tx with Amoxicillin. Respiratory rate > 30/min. MRSA -TX -.Tx Cefuroxime. bullous myringitis. Strep Pneumoniae is most common pathogen in all age group except in chidren < 5 yrs of age in which virus is the common cause. lung parenchyma is unaffected. Abscess Aspiration (stereotactic aspiration) is imp in bacterial cause.Coxiella burnetti pneumonia -. steroid user. * ENCEPHALITIS -. Pneumonias --.specific serologic antibody titer test. Pneumonia In healthy young -.IV acyclovir. levo or moxifloxacin.H Influenza pneumonia (copious sputum. DX by physical examination. Enterobacteracea.Specific Antibody titer is used TX . alveoli is involved) -.Pyrimethamine + sulfadiazine for toxoplasmosis. Post viral inf Pneumonia (sp after influenza) -. dehydration or pt with serious underlying dis. H Influenza (30 . (90% is due to TP or Lymphoma) DX -. malignancies.Tx Fluconazole or Itraconazole of mild & Amphoterecin for severe dis.Best initial tx is Amoxicilin. In neurosurgery related meningitis use Vancomycin.TX is Pneumonia In smokers & COPD -.Staph aureus pneumonia -. Moraxella catarrhalis (15 .The degree of severity determined by PO2 < 60 mmHg.Clindamycin is good initial tx and penecillin is exceptable.Acute cases -. Azithromycin or Clarithromycin are alternatives. Best Initial empiric tx for out pt when organism is not known -. azyhthromycin. Acute bronchitis is most commonly caused by viruses other causes are M penumoniae. Smoker near water sources -. alveoli is involved) ---. Common Aerobes (S aureus. uremia. Common cause in pt on ventilator or hospital acquired -. diarrhea). TB.Klebsiella pneumonia (copious current jelly sputum. TX .is E.Most common cause strep Pnemoniae (35 .Bacillus anthracis. Pseudomonas).35%). * LUNG ABSCESS -. confusion. Entereobacteriacea. Exposure to animal -. Common Anaerobes (Peptostreptococcus.Macrolide or Doxicyclin or Quinilone. thoracocentesis. Emperic Ceftazidime or cefotaxime + Genta or Tobramycin + Vancomycin or Lanzolid. E coli.Chlaymydia Psittaci pneumonia ---. Strep Pneumonia -. TX -. TX .Tx is Travel to south east asia -.Tx Oxacillin or Nefcillin (Vancomycin or linzolid in resistant cases) Exposure to "south west US" desert -. * BRAIN ABSCESS -.Pseudomonas.For Typical pneumonia (occur in Lobar form) --. SMX/TMP. MC cause of brain abcess in HIV pt with CD 4 cell count < 50 is Toxoplasmosis (TP). than Bacteroid. HIV < 200 CD4 cell & not on prophylaxis (Dapsone or Atovaquone) -. alveoli is involved) ---. * BRONCHITIS -. Direct Flourescent Ab and Antibody titer. hyponatremia.Histoplasma capsulatum pneumonia ---. Francisella tularensis Pt with neutropenia or person on steroid -.Legeonella pneumonia (dry cough due to interstitial inf. pleural biopsy or pleural fluid culture. Prevotella. 6th leading cause of death in USA.20%).coli.70%). Fusobacterium found in gingival crevices). etc.90 % Lung abscess is due to Anaerobes.invasive test is required to confirm the dx such as bronchoscopy. Cryptococcal meningitis should be tx with Amphoterecin B. often polymicribial.Most imp initial test CXR.Macrolide or Doxicyclin or Quinilone.First CXR which will demostrate thick walled cavitary lesion.SARS. Klebsiella. Klebsiella.Tx is * Hospital Acquired pneumonia -. 80-90 % associated with periodontal dis. clarithromycin. leukopenia < 4000. 3rd generation cephalosporin. Recurrent inf tx -.TMP/SMZ.Francisella tularensis pneumonia ---. Gati or Moxifloxacin is alternative. hypothermia. disorientation.Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (dry cough.Brodetella pertusis pneumonia ---. Staph respectively. * PNEUMONIA -.Amoxicillin/ clavulanate. B pertusis. spelunking commonly caused by viruses and the most common virus is HSV 1. yersenia pestis. Mixed 45%" Aerobes only 10%.MC cause is streptococcal infection (60 . Penicillin + metronidazole + ceftazedime for Bacterial brain abscess. For legionella Pneumonia --.most common (copious rusty sputum.Best initial test is CT scan (even though MRI is more accurate than CT). H influenza.Tx doxicycline (erythromycin is alternative) Alcoholic -. E coli.Tx is Hunter or exposure to rabbit -.Tx is Bioterrorism -. Drainage is not necessary as a tx due to antibiotic availability.Aspergillus pneumonia ---. coxiella. Exposure to birds -.Normal CXR along with signs of respiratory infection confirm the dx of bronchitis. coccidioidomycosis. Aspiration is imp for specific bacterial Dx. hypotension (< 90/60 mm Hg). Chlamydia psittaci. unless dx is available. MRSA. Most definitive dx test for Atypical P is open lung biopsy. DX -. Moxarella Catarrhalis. For mycoplasma Pneumonia --. For PCP Pneumonia --. * OTITIS MEDIA -. if fail to respond add clavulanate. For Chlamydia Pneumonia. TX -.Tx is Cough with whoop and post tussive vomiting -. For Atypical pneumonia (occur in interstitial form) --.Tx 2nd or 3rd Generation Cefalosporin.Azythromycin or Clarithromycin . DX -.Coccidioidomycosis pneumonia -. HIV positive.Tx is Exposure to bird dropping .PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. pseudomonas. Urine Ag test.Mycoplasma pneumonia (dry cough due to interstitial inf. . doxicycllin.bronchoalveolar lavage and Inc LDH. SO2 < 94 on room air. Sputum culture is most specific dx test. DX -. Chronic bronchitis is caused by Strep pneumoniae. cold agglutinin hemolysis) TX -. Tx -. Atovaquone or Pentamidine (aternatives). TB in pregnancy & TB osteomyelitis is tx for 9 months. lymphoma. organ transplant pt.4 million unit IM once a week for 3 weeks. Refampin cause orange / red color change. Saber shin. (pragnant women should not recieve PZA and Streptomycin) Only TB meningitis is tx for 12 months. . Most Specific test is FTA-ABS.Single IM dose of 2. Viral Hepatitis shows IgM in acute dis where as IgG in old dis.people who should never have been tested in the first place. > 5 mm induration is + ve in -.20 yrs after Pri inf. DX . (Doxicycline is alternative for Pri & sec syphilis) Latent syphlis is tx with 2. Screening test is VDRL. Ofloxacin + Metronidazole both for 2 wks is out pt alternative. PZA & ETB is than discontinued and INH + RIF continued for another 4 months. ETB cause optic neuritis. (reason for a admitting the pt is high WBC count or high fever) Out pt tx is single dose Ceftriaxone + Doxicycline for 2 AFB test of sputum) should recieved INH + B6 for 9 months. cardio vascular problem. dialysis. RPR. Culture for gonorrhea is most specific test. (6 months tx is also effective) HIV pt with only + ve PPD should recieve INH + B6 for 9 months. TX . pt with CXR consistent with old healed TB. color blindness & visual disturbance. TX is same if + ve.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR not contagious occur 3 .is tx with IF + Ribavirin. VDRL & RPR titer > 1 : 8 without Sxs suggest Latent syphilis. Once cirrhosis develop than only tx is transplantation. Entecavir. Condyloma Latum (Sec syphlis).ve bacillus).can be tx with IF.closed relative. DX -. * There is no post exposue prophylaxis for hepatitis C and no vaccine. < 20000 cases /yr in USA. TX .Initial tx is INH + RIF + PZA + ETB for first 2 months untill drug sensitivity result comes. INH cause neuropathy should be given with pyridoxine. immunocompromised.ALT and AST Inc (ALT > AST) Drug induced or alcohol hepatitis -------. * PID -. immigrants.Smear for Diplococci. PZA cause benign hyperurecemia. Azythromycin + cefotaxime or ceftriaxone is alternative. PPD testing is of no value in acute disease. * SYPHILIS -. * GONORRHEA -. * Chronic Hepatitis B initial test for Pri syphilis is Dark field exam (because false +ve rate is 25% with RPR and VDRL). * TB -. PPD is used to dx asymptomatic population. HIV + ve person has 7 . HIV + ve pt. * In case of needle stick. Argyl Robertson pupil (small irregualar pupil with normal accomodation but non reactive to light). Subacute endocarditis.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Pt hospitalized for community acquired pnemonia -. sputum test must be conducted for Acid fast bacillus (AFB). Adefovir or lamivudine (talbivudine is also used). Laproscopy is the only definitive workers. DX -. copper color maculopapular Rash on palm and sole. home less. (TS pt & pragnant women with syphilis must under go desensitization if allergic). + ve PPD pt should be ordered CXR and if chest xray is +ve. >10mm 2nd time consider PPD +ve. (take 5 yrs to become fatal without tx). > 15 mm induration is + ve in low risk population -.DX .Painful ulcer. prisoners. Sputum examination for Acid fast bacilli give specific dx (3 times + ve result has specificity of > 90%). Rash on face. Pt with + ve PPD test without active dis (3 . Saddle nose (Congenital syphlis).Chancre (primary syphilis). (single biopsy is 75% sensitive). If sputum is .Culture on thyer martin agar for gonnococcal inf. Hutchinson teeth.Pri & Sec Syphlis -.In pt tx is Cefoxitin or Cefotetan + Emperic Ceftazidime or cefotaxime + Genta or Tobramycin + Vancomycin or Lanzolid. (2 + 4 is total of 6 month) HIV + ve pt with TB is tx for 6 to 9 month (6 month tx is effective). Person with < 10 mm induration should have 2nd test with in 2 weeks. Extrapulmonary TB (MC site is lymphnode). TX -.Cervical motion tnderness is the key in PID. TX . + ve PPD indicate 10% life time risk to develop dis (most cases occur in first 2 yrs after +ve PPD).10 . Culture is most specific but takes 4 to 6 weeks. Induration in 48 .Single IM dose of Ceftriaxone + Single dose Azythromycin or Doxicycline for 7 days. Empiric tx for Hospital Acquired pneumonia TX -. Transplantation is only tx once cirrhosis develop. Gumma (tertiary syphilis). use only in symptomatic pt. For Sec syphillis RPR and VDRL has 100% sensitivity. exposure to TB pt. Moxifloxacin is 1st choice.Levo. Tertiary syphlis (TS) -. TB.20 MU penecillin per day IV for 10 days. DM. (Steroid can be added only in TB meningitis or TB pericarditis) Streptomycin does not cause liver toxicity. person should recieve HBIG and HB vaccine. False + ve VDRL is common with EBV.CXR is best Initial test. Pragnancy test should be taken. TS -. * CHANCROID -. pt on steroids. It Guide initial tx. do pleural biopsy which is single most sensitive diagnostic test. 73 Copy Righted Material. Previous BCG vaccine and Age does not change the recommandation.72 hrs suggest positivity. If person had vaccination completed no therapy is needed. painful enlarge lymphnode due to Hemophillus Ducreyi (gram .10 % chance of developing disease per yr.AST and ALT Inc (AST > ALT) Obstructive hepatitis or damaged bile canalicular system -------.leading cause of death in world. GTP and AP is Inc Prothromin and albumin is dec in severe liver damage. its same for all ages people. Single dose of Cipro or Cefixime are Alternatives . TS is mostly neurosyphlis. Gumma of any organ (heal spontaneously). Serology (florescent Ab) for chlamydia (by swabing urethra). Erythma is irrelevent. Collagen vascular dis.4 Million Unit Benzathine penicillin. * Viral hepatitis -----. it can cause Alopecia areata.. > 10 mm Induration is + ve in high risk group -. leukemia. * Chronic hepatitis C -. Gati. (donot confuse AFB with AFB stain which is used to detect cryptosporia). PPD test is used to dx only Asymptomatic population. Biopsy of full thickness sample is the most accurate method of dx. * PSORIASIS -. * SEBORRHEIC KERATOSIS -.Doxicycline + ceftriaxone or TMP/ SMX. DX -. encapsulated bacilli that appear inside infected tissue cells called Donovan bodies. Cryotherapy. TX -. To avoid steroid and coal tar use Vit A (Tazarotene) and Vit D (Calcipotriene) derivitive. Topical 5 fluorouracil (5FU). * KAPOSI SARCOMA -.Best tx is to start antiretroviral therapy and raise the CD 4 T cell count.unknown reason. (tumor thickness is the most imp prognostic method). size of the margin is determined by thickness of tumor). Podophyllin is extremly teratogenic must be avoided in pregnancy.Shave or punch biopsy Confirmed the dx . Trichloroacetic acid. No relation to actinic keratosis (premalignant lesion) & Seborrheic dermatitis. Lesion with 1 . 1 : 1000 Lesion progress to cancer. (Erythromycin for 7 days or cipro for 3 days are alternatives) * LYMPHGRANULOMA VENEREUM -. podophyllin.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Lesion are usually asymptomatic may be tender to touch and lighter in color. (look like cancer) TX -. DX -. (Clinician must differentiate from flat wart or condylomata lata) Soft moist pink red swelling that becomes enlarge and pedunculated and give unique Cauliflower appearance. DX -. tx with ultravoilet light.5 cm margin.Benign lesion with stuck on appearance. surgery. Grow in size have irregular borders & uneven shape with inconsistent coloring. The most severe wide spread progressive form must be tx with methotrexate (methotrexate cause liver fibrosis) 74 Copy Righted Material. trauma. Imiquimod (local immuno stimulant).confirm with biopsy.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -.Doxicycline (Erythromycin is alternative) * GRANULOMA INGUINALE (Donovanosis) -.Precancerous lesion occur on sun exposed area of light skin colored older person.Biopsy is the most accurate method of dx.Genital warts or Venereal warts caused by HPV.occur on sun exposed skin surface.Examination. Aspiration of the abscess for definitive bacterial dx.Salisylate is used to remove the heaped up material of scaly lesion so the other therapys can make contact with skin. If surgery is not possible than Radio therapy. DX -.3 cm margin. laser removal. Later best initial scan is U/S but CT & MRI offer better imageing. structural abnormality. * CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA -. Rate of melanoma is rising faster than any other cancer in USA. Nail pitting is common. DX -. Erythromycin is alternative. progression and reoccurrence.Chronic Painless graulomatous mass caused by Klebsiella granulomatis (Calymatobacterium Granulomatis) safety pin-shaped. TX -. (steroid can cause skin atrophy) Severe dis also need Coal tar or Anthralin derivitive. Isolate chlamydia from pus & buboes. Topical steroids are used in localized dis. Carcinogenic potential is high with smoking.Purplish lesion predominantly occur in AIDS pt with CD 4 count < 100. Mohs Microsurgery has greater cure rate (instant frozen section are done to determine when enough tissue section has been removed to give a clean margin). DX -. Pt may have dozens of leions. * ACTINIC KERATOSIS -.Percutaneous drainage of abscess along with Antibiotic (3rd G cephalosporin or Antipseudomonal (ticarcillin/clavulunate) + Aminoglycoside). Shows Koebner phenomenon (development of psoritic lesion with epidermal injury).Surgical Removal.Remove by excision (huge 5 cm margin is not indicated. DM.No dx test because tx is always same for all types.Remove lesion with cryotherapy. DX -. Extremely rare to metastasize < 0.Clinical findng + Initial gram stain culture confirm the dx. Melanoma in situ < 1 mm in thickness needs only 0.1%.Clinically and with Giemsa or Wright stain (donovan bodies) or smear of lesion. TX -. TX -. * MALIGNANT MELANOMA -. Interferone seems to dec recurrance of melanoma. Punch Biopsy. rarely metastasize (3-7%). No subtyping test except in the case of Atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance. (shows Keratinous pearls donot confuse with term pearly papules which suggest Basal cell carcinoma) TX -. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF SKIN -. Sclerotherapy.Curetage.Causes are Stones .Surgical removal. common on lips. * PERINEPHRIC ABSCESS -. TX -.They are removed only for cosmetic purposes with liquid nitrogen or curettage. * BASAL CELL CARCINOMA -. Lesion with > 2 mm in depth require 2 . small ulcerate lesion heal quickly.2 mm in depth or thichness needs 2 cm margin. Topical retinoic acid derivative or curettage. later Unilateral lymphnode enlargement with sinus tarct developed. Hx.Most common (65 . Renal infections rupture. PCR is also helpful. Manifest as silver scaly lesion on the extensor surface of the body. Specific tx of kaposi sarcoma is Anthracyclines. high titer of complement fixing Abs. . it is most rapid form of controling dis.80% all skin cancers). Appear as shiny pearly papule. caused by HHV 8. DX -. DX -. doxorubicin or vinblastine.Biopsy is the most accurate method of dx. DX -. 5FU is used in superficial lesion.Azithromycin or Ceftriaxone as a single dose. Sunscreen for the prevention . There is no chemo therapy for any form of skin cancer.Urine analysis & culture is the best initial test (30 . Imiquimod (localize immuno stimulant). TX -. TX -.40 % normal). All pt should use Emollients (lubiderm or aquaphor or vaseline or mineral oil etc) If > 30% area is involved than topical tx is of no practical use.Biopsy confirm the dx. TX -. TX -.MC type is Superficial type. There is no chemo therapy for any form of skin cancer. Ulceration of the lesion is common.Contageous STD caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. TX -. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Newer tx is Alefacept, Efalizumab, Etanercept and infliximab (immuno modulent that target defect in immune system such as TNF) * XEROSIS / ASTEATOTIC DERMATITIS -- It is dry skin condition. Managed by lubricant , Emollients . pt with inflamed skin topical steroids is used. * ATOPIC DERMATITIS (ECZEMA) -- Redish Pruritic lesion with high level of IgE. + / - Lichenification. Inc sensitivity to dryness or dry skin. TX -- Preventive tx is Emollients, avoiding hot water, dry soap, and using only cotton cloths. Active dis is managed with Topical steroids, antihistamine, Coal tar and Photo therapy. Staphylococcal therapy if impetiginization of skin is present. Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus can be used to dec dependance of steroid use. Must avoid scratching. Topical Doxepin can be used to stop pruritis. * SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS -- Over secretion of Sebacious gland & hypersensitivity to superficial fungal organism (Pityrosporum ovale). Dandruff (scaly, greasy flaky skin) which may occur on scalp, face, nasolabialfold, bodyfolds etc. TX -- Low potency topical steroid (Hydrocortisone) and Antifungal shampoo (such as Ketoconazole or salfide or Zinc Pyrithione). Remember Psoriasis causes itchy, red, swollen skin covered with silvery scales. When it affects the scalp, it causes itchy dandruff vs. Seborrheic dermatitis causes greasy, scaly, itchy skin, dandruff. It usually affects the scalp but may also affect other parts of the body. * STASIS DERMATITIS -- hyperpigmentation build up from hemosiderin due to chronic venous incompetence / stasis with resultant extravasation of blood in the dermis. TX - It is irreversible problem so the tx is prevention of progression by advising leg elevation, & Lower - Exterimity Support Hose. * CONTACT DERMATITIS -- Hypersensitivity reaction to soap, detergent, latex, sun screen, Poison ivy or oak (Slide C), neomycin, jewelry, metal etc. Present linear streaked vesical sp with poison ivy. DX -- definitive dx is by patch testing. TX -- Properly identify and remove the causative agent and tx with topical steroid and antihistamine. * PITYRIASIS ROSESEA (PR) -- Acute self limitimg condition begin with the herald patch. Clinically it is itchy erythmatous salmon colored lesion and look like Sec Syphillis (but it spares palm and sole) and appear as christmas tree pattern. DX -- VDRL / PRP is negative, this is clinical dx. TX -- Topical steroids. Resolves in 8 week without scaring. * DECUBITUS ULCERS -- Chronic sores that occur on Pressure areas. Stage 1 ------ consist with non blanchable redness. Stage 2 ------ destruction of superficial epidermis and partial destruction of dermis. Stage 3 ------ destroy the full thickness of skin. Stage 4 ------ desruction all the way to the bone. DX -- Never do culture from the superficial ulcer or drainage from ulcer because we never know its inf or simple colonization, that is why Definitive microbiologic dx is always in operation room after debridement. TX -- most importantly first relief pressure and than Antibiotic is used. * ALOPECIA AREATA -- Autoimmune Ab against hair follicle destroying hair production. TX -- Majority will resolves spontaneously over time. Immidiate tx is localized injection of steroid in effected area. * TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM -- Loss of hair in responce to extreme physiologic stress such as cancer or malnutrition. TX -- correct the undelying dis. * ACNE (Propionibacterium acne) -- Pustule & cyst occur which rupture & release free fattyacid. More common in girls but more severe in boys. Closed comedones (are white) and open comedones (are black), the discharge is purulent but oderless. TX -- Mild dis --- Benzoyl peroxide + topical Clindamycin or erythromycin or sulfacetamide. Topical Retinoids are applied if load of bacteria locally are infective. (remember oral retinoic acid derivitives are strong teratogen) Moderate dis --- combined Benzoyl peroxide + Retinoids Tararotene, Tretinoin, and Adapalene. Severe dis --- oral antibiotics eg. minocycline, tetracycline, clindamycin or oral Isotrenitoin * IMPETIGO - Contagious & Autoinoculable Inf of superficial layer (involve epidermis only), Ecthyma (ulcerative form cause yellow crusting). Most common cause is Staph Aureus (Bullous form), Some time it may cuased by Strep Pyogenes (group A hemolytic). If left untreated Lymphangitis, Furunculosis, cellulitis, Acute Glomerulonephritis (due to gas). TX - 1st G cephalosporin (cefadroxil, cefazolin, cefalexin) or Semisynthetic penicillin (Ox, Clox, diclox, nefcillin). Azithromycin is alternative. Topical Mupirocin or Bacitracin or Ritapamulin for mild cases. * ERYSIPELAS -- Superficial cellulitis that affect deeper layer (involve both epidermis & dermis), Cause by strep pyogenes. Usually bilateral shiny, indurant lesion. may ulcerate. It is more likely to cause bacteremia. TX - 1st generation cephalosporin (cefadroxil, cefazolin, cefalexin). or Oxa, Clox, diclox, nefcillin. Penicillin G or Ampicillin if bacteria is confirmed sterp. * CELLULITIS -- caused by staph or streptococci (involve dermis and subcutaneous tissue) redness, swelling warmth and tenderness. Since it is below the Dermal - Epidermal junction there is no weeping, ozing draining or crusting. TX -- is generally emperic. ISevere inf with fever, hypotension and sign of sepsis the best tx is IV Oxacillin, Nafcillin or cefazolin. * Remember Impetigo effect epidermis, Erysipela effect epiderms and dermis where as cellulitis effect dermis and subcutaneous tissue. * Foliculitis, fruncle & Carbuncle presents three different degrees of severity of Staph inf of hair follicle. Also caused by psuedomonas (hot tub folliculitis). Folliculitis is Inf of single hair follicle, a collection of infected material in hair follicle is Fruncle. Several fruncle confluent into single lesion is Carbuncle. Fruncle & carbuncle are extremely tender. It may lead to Necrotizing fasciitis. TX -- Folliculitis may be tx with warm compression. (no Antibiotic needed but if required use Mupirocin). 75 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Fruncle -- require systemic Dicloxacillin or cefadroxil. Carbuncle -- tx with IV Dicloxacillin or cefadroxil. Large fruncle or carbuncle also require surgical drainage. * NECROTIZING FASCIITIS (NF) -- Severe life threatening dis which start as cellutilis. Commonly due to Strep & Clostridium. Diabetis the risk. It can be differentiate from simple cellutis by Very high fever, presence of bullae and palpable cripitus and pain. DX -- Surgical debridement is the best way to confirm dx. Elevated CPK, X Rays, CT, MRI that shows air in the tissue or necrosis. TX -- Surgery is mainstay of tx. Best imperic antibiotic is Ampicillin / salbactum. If definite dx is due to strep pyogenes tx with clindamycin and penecillin. Without adequate tx mortality rate is 80%. In USMLE if NF case presented has palpable cripitus, pain, high fever, you should answer surgery as a best initial step. * PARONYCHIA -- inf skin that surrounds nail. TX - Incision drainage + antistaph antibiotics. (PO Dicloxacillin, cefodroxil, cefalaxin or IV Oxacillin, Nafcillin, Cefazolin). * TINEA (RINGWORM) -- Fungal inf of dead tissue (nails, hair, stratum corneum) by Microsporium, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton. Tinea Captis -- > 90% caused by Tinea Tonosurans. Scaly semibald grayish patches. TX -- Terbinafine PO for 6 weeks. Gresiofulvin less efficacious. Tinea Barbae -- occur on face. Tinea unguium (Onychomycosis) -- thickened and lusterless nail. TX -- Itraconazole PO for 12 weeks. Tinea Corporis -- annular lesion with raised border. TX -- all Azoles, tolnaftate, terbinafine, Naftifine. Tinea curaris -- ringed lesion of crural folds (jokeys itch). TX -- all Azoles, tolnaftate, terbinafine, Naftifine. Tinea pedis -- macerated (soft) scaling borders lesion. TX -- all Azoles, tolnaftate, terbinafine, Naftifine. DX -- KOH preparation is the initial test. Culture is most definitive test but is impractical because it takes 6 weeks to grow. Terbinafine is hepatotoxic so occasional LFT must be ordered. Ketoconazole cause hepatotoxicity and gynecomastia. Steroids should not be used in combination with Antifungal medication. * CANIDIDIASIS -- Trush, Diaper Rash, Inframamary candiasis, Candidal Paronychia. Cause by Candida Albicans (yeast). Common in immunocompromised pt, DM, antibiotic tx, blood dyscrasias, obesity, antimetabolite tx, corticosteroid tx, debilitating dis, pragnancy. DX -- KOH preparation is the initial test shows psuedohyphea and budding yeast. Culture for definitive dx. TX -- Nystatin (trush), miconazole, Clotrimazole, econazole. Ciclopirox. Candidal paronychia need to be tx with systemic therapy. Floconazole for less serious inf. Amphotracin B for serious systemic inf. * TINEA VRSICOLOR -- Malassezia Furfur "Pityrosporum Orbiculare" (lesion donot tan). DX -- KOH 10% (spaghatti & meat ball appearace). TX -- small lesion - Topical Selenium sulfide every 2 - 3 weeks. Large lesion -- Clotrimazole, Iatraconazole, Ketoconazole. Systemic tx for even larger. * SCABIES -- Intense pruritis and burrow. Caused by parasite Sarcoptis scabei. ------- Down $ pt are at Inc risk. Norwegian scabies are crusted scabies with malodorous discharge ------- HIV pt is at Inc risk. DX -- demonstrate parasite in skin, scraping out the organism & apply mineral oil to burrow. However skin scraping is not needed. TX -- Best initial tx is Permethrin for local dis. Lindane (Kwell) equally effective but more toxic not used . Lindane contraindicated in pragnancy.. Norwegian scabies should be tx with combination of Permethrin + Ivermectin. Permethrin and Lindane is also the tx of Pediculosis (louse and nits) common louse skin infestation. * MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM - Waxy Skin colored umbilicated papules caused by Pox virus. Transmit by skin contact & sexually DX -- Clinicaly . Giemsa stain shows large cell with inclusion bodies. TX -- Freezing with liquid nitrogen, Curettage, Electrocautery, or Cantharidin. * PEDICULOSIS -- (Lice & crab). Pediculus humanus and Pediculus pubis has high rate by sexual transmisioon (90%) with single contact. TX -- Permethrin & Lindane is also the tx of Pediculosis (louse & nits) common louse skin infestation. Over the counter Pyrethrin can also be used. * OSTEOMYELITIS -- MC agent Staph aureus (radiolucent appearance of involved loci) pain erythmia, swelling tenderness, - / + draining sinus. MC location in children is long bone of lower extremirtires (metaphyses). MC location in Adult is Lumbar vertebrae. Other causes are contiguous infection with trauma, vascular insufficiency due to DM or other vascular dis, most common organism Staph aureus. DX -- X Ray is the initial test, (disadvantage is 50 - 75% of bone must be lost before Xray appears abnormal which take 2 weeks) Earliest test to detect osteomyelitis is Techtenium Bone Scan & MRI both are equally sensitive. (MRI is better ). ESR non specific but useful to measure therapy progress. Bone biopsy & culture best Dx test but most Invasive. CT, Indium, Gallium shows abnormality but non of them is specific. TX - Empiric tx with Semisynthetic penicillin (Ox, Clox diclox, nefloxacin) unless specific dx is available. For MRSA vancomycin + Aminoglycoside + 3rd generation cefalosporin for 6 - 12 week. (Chronic Osteomyelitis must be tx for 12 week). Children tx with antibiotics solo. but Adults need Antibiotic + surgical drainage or debridement. * SPLINTER HEMORRHAGE -- Linear red brown streak proximal in nail bed suggest Inf Endocarditis. (in 15% pts. due to vasculitis or emboli) OSLER NODE -- 2 - 5mm painful nodules on the pad of the fingers or sole. (in 5- 10% pts).-- (Osler Ouch Painful. due to emboli or vasculitis). JANEWAY LESION -- macular red, or hemorrhagic painless patch on palm or sole. (in 10 - 15 % pts. due to emboli) ROTH SPOT -- Oval pale retinal lesion surrounded by hemorrhage (in < 5% pts. due to vaculitis). * LYME DISEASE -- Transmit by deer tic Ixodes scapularis, caused by Borrelia burdorferri spirochete. Target rash of atleast 5 cm in dameter or more, facialpalsy (often bilateral), migratory arthritis, AV block, myocarditis, pericarditis, arrythmia, encephalitis, meningitis. DX -- ELISA combined with Western Blot is the standard test for the Dx. Rash is more imp than serologic testing for dx Rash of erythma Migran + one late manifestation + lab provide definite dx. 76 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -- If Rash is described go straight to tx, Doxicicllin or amoxicillin or Cefuroxime (tx is also good if presented with facial palsy). For cardiac , maningitis, encephlitis and joint manifestation of Lyme dis use Ceftriaxone. * ASPERGILLOSIS -- hemoptysis is chief complaint. Predisposing factors are Neutropenia < 500, drugs Steroids, azythrioprin, cyclophosphamide. DX -- CXR (fungal ball). Eosinophilia and Inc IgE. Positive skin test. sputum culture shows mycetoma. Biopsy is confirmatory test. In invassive dis CT scan used (shows Halo sign). TX -- tx of choice Voriconazole. Caspofungin is also good. Iatroconazole for mild dis. Asthma medication for asthma & Surgical removal of mycetoma. *BLASTOMYCOSIS -- acquired from inhalation of decaying wood or vegetation in IMMUNOCOMPETENT person. Common in south east & central US. Start with pulmonary infection and disseminate in where in the body but skin is most common site. DX -- Isolation of fungus from sputum, pus or lesion. Broad base bud. TX -- Amphotrecin B for 8 - 12 week in severe dis. Iatraconazole or ketoconazole for 6 - 12 month in mild dis. * TOXIC SHOCK $ (TSS) -- MC cause Staph Aureus (Toxin TSST-1). Now majority of cases are not form menstruational source instead nasal packing, retained sutures and retained surgical material are mojor sources. other causes are strep inf. Manifestation -- hypocalcemia & hypoalbuminemia is common. Must present 3 or more following findings. (sterpt TS$ is essentially the same). 1. Fever > 102 F. 2. systolic BP < 90 mmHg. 3. Desquamation, vomiting, Involvement of mucous mem, eyes genitals, 4. elevated bilirubin, Pletelet < 100 000. 5. Elevated creatinine, creatin phosphokinase & LFT. 6. CNS signs like confusion. TX -- Removing the source of inf, Empiric tx with Clindamycin + vancomycin (untill culture return) + Vigorous fluid resucitation, (dopamine). If culture return Methcillin sensitive strain continue with Clindamycin + Oxacillin or nefcillin. In MRSA use Vancomycin or Linzolid. * STAPHALOCOCCAL SCALDED SKIN $ (SSSS) - Loss of superficial epidermis layer of skin in sheets. Nikolsky sign is present. Most commonly occur in infants , childrens & immunocompromised pt. Differ from TSS by normal BP, and no involvement of liver, kidney, bone marrow or CNS. TX -- pt should be tx in Burn unit and given Oxacillin or other Antistaph medication. * Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)-- full thickness epidermal necrosis due to drugs (sulfonamide NSAID etc). Generalized, macular eruption with some time target-like lesions which rapidly develope , bulla formation, denuded & eroded areas. Remember SSS$ involve superficial granular layer of skin. vs. TEN involve full thickness due to drug & is the severe form of Steven Jhonson $. * ANTHRAX -- Bacillus anthracis aquired form infected live stock. It is occupational hazard for wool sorters. Bioterrorism. (cutaneous, GI & Pul forms) Papule appear later with black central necrotic lesion hence called anthrx (greek word for coal) DX -- Gram stain and culture of lesion. TX -- Penecillin V and Doxicycline is the drug of choice. Dis due to Bioterrorism must be tx with ciprofloxacin, even in pragnant women. Give doxicycline if pt is allergic to ciprofloxacin. * CMV ESOPHAGITIS -- shows shallow ulcers in HIV pt with CD 4 cell count < 50. DX -- by endoscopy with biopsy. CMV RETINITIS -- in HIV pt with CD 4 count <50. DX -- dx is made by Fundoscopy. CMV Encephalitis and Colitis -- in HIV pt with CD 4 count < 50. DX -- procedure of choice is Endoscopy. TX -- oral Valganciclovir (side effect Neutropenia). IV Ganciclovir. Valganciclovir also be used as a prophylaxis. Foscarnet & Cedofovir (side effect Renal toxicity) used in valganciclovir / ganciclovir resistance. * MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM INTRACELLULARE -- Occur in HIV pt with CD 4 count < 50. can infect lung, bone marrow, liver or other organs. DX -- Blood culture. Culture of bone marrow or liver etc. TX -- Clarithromycin, Ethambutal - / + Rifabutin. Prophylaxis -- Azithromycin once a week or Clarithromycin twice a week. Rifabutin is alternative. (Discontineu prophylaxis if CD4 count is > 100 for several months). * TOXOPLASMOSIS -- occur in HIV pt with CD4 count < 100. Cause cerebral infection and Retinitis. DX -- Principle dx is by CT and MRI shows Ring enhancing lesion. Toxoplasma Serology. CSF PCR. Repeat CT scan after trial tx of 2 week to see shrinkage of lesion. Do Brain biopsy if lesion donot shrink after tx. TX -- Pyrimethmine + Sufadiazine. Clindamycin is alternative. Leucovorin must be added to prevent bone marrow suppression. PROPHYLAXIS -- TMP/SMX. or Dapsone / pyrimethamine. It takes 5 - 10 yrs for HIV to drop CD4 cells from 700 / mm3 to 200 / mm3. CD4 cells drop at the rate of 50 -100 /L/ yr without tx. VACCINATION -- All HIV pt should recieve vaccination for pneumoccocus, Influenza, and hepatitis B. * CRYPTOCCOCUS NEOFORMEN -- Cause Meningitis in HIV pt with CD4 count < 100. DX -- India ink stain of CSF. Lower cell count or high opening pressure in CSF indicate worst prognosis. Serum Cryptococcal Ag test. TX -- Amphoterecin IV for 10 - 14 days - / + Flucytosine. followed by Fluconazole for maintainence and suppression. Prophylaxis -- Fluconazole is effective but is not recommanded because the incidence is too low. * Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia -- occur in HIV pt with CD4 count < 200. DX -- CXR (could be normal ) . Principle test is Broncoscopy and broncho lavage. LDH is elevated. TX -- TMP / SMX. Dapsone , Atovaquone, and Pentimidine is alternative. Steroids can be added in the tx if pneumonia is severe. (severe is said to be when PO2 is < 70 or A. a gradient is >35). Prophylaxis -- TMP/ SMX, Dapsone, Atovaquone, Aerosolized Pentimidine. (Prophylaxis can be discontinued when CD 4 Counts is > 200 for few months). 77 Copy Righted Material. ANCA). * IgA Nephropathy (Bergers Dis) hematuria that resolves spontaneously.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. TX -. anemia and uremia. middle ear. imp * POSTSTREPTOCOCCAL GN -. (B) erythrocyte cast -.Best initial test is Anti sterptolysin (ASO) test and Anti hylauronic acid test (AHT).1500 /L ---.IgA level elevated in 50% of pts. C3 deposits) TX -. perivascular bizarre or enlarged astrocytes and central lipid-laden macrophages. .Commonly occur in Sickle cell dis. * PAPILLARY NECROSIS -.Most accurate dx test is CT scan shows bumpy contours where papillae have sloughed off. < 100 /L -------.30 % pt are HBV + ve sp IV drug user.Plasmapharesis repeatedly in Severe cases.similar to WG but Instead Antimyeloperoxidase Ab are + ve (called P . * POLYARTERITIS NODOSA -.Oral thrush.Cyclophosphamide & steroids * GOODPASTURE $ -.Systemic vasculitis involve kidney.Glomerulonephritis. RBC destruction. DX -. zoster.2 days after viral inf . P . URT.Cyclophosphamide and steroid.. * THROMBOTIC THROMBOCYTOPENIA PURPURA -. helmet cells). Kaposi sarcoma.500 /L ---. * CHURG STRAUSS $ -. TX -. TX -. * Oxalate crystals precipitate in alkaline urine vs. renal initial dx test is Anti basement mem Ab level to type IV collagen.plasmapharesis and steroids. It does not effect any other organ. * HENOCH SCHONLEIN PURPURA (HSP) -. Large "ballooned" oligodendrocytes with enlarged dark pink "ground glass" nuclei containing viral antigen cell lysis results in demyelination. 30% of pts progresses to end stage renal failure..Most accurate test biopsy. diseeminated histoplasmosis & Coccidioidomycosis. complement level sp C3 is low.Cyclophosphamide & steroids. Inc LDH level. proteinuria. Donot administer pletelet even if pletelet count is low it will worsen the CNS and renal problem by pluging and thrombus formation. 100 . DX -.fragmented RBCs (schistocte. * WEGENERS GRANULOMATOSIS -. DX -. Common in Asian.Most accurate dx test is lung biopsy showing granuloma and eosinophils. dec hepatoglobulin. DX -. Inc reticulocyts.HTN. Cyclophosphamide also help. Uricacid crystal precipitate in acidic urine . * IgA nephropathy occur 1 . lung. Antibiotics to erradicate organism. hemorrhage (due to aneurysm).bluish discoloration of skin common in Antiphospholipid $. abdominal pain. Inc reticulocyts. mycobacterium avium complex.700 . arthralgia. Urinary culture shows no organism. Microscopically. fever.ANCA + in minority of pt. helmet cells). lymphoma. RBC cast. Causes -. tx HTN and fluid overload with diuretics. TX -. Bergers dis is difficult to tx. (C) leukocyte cast -.Toxoplasmosis. TB. urinary obstruction.Also called dirty or muddy cast signify Acute tubular necrosis represent accumukated epithelial cells. 1/3 pt dont not involve lung. wt loss. * HEMOLYTIC UREMIC $ -. when compare to HSP Berger dis is limited to kidey only.associated with HIV. 78 Copy Righted Material.systemic vasculitis of medium and small size arteries of every organ except LUNG. Interstitial nephritis. * Urinary casts. ganagrene. anemia and uremia.most accurate dx test is biopsy. For severe proteinuria use steroids. transient neurologic deficit. DM. DX -. Also in Atheroemboli & few days after vascular catheterization. most cases resolve spontaneously. 10 .fragmented RBCs (schistocte.PCP.occur in HIV pt with CD4 count <200. + ve Antiprotienase 3 Ab (called C . not necessarily mean dis. Dx is confirm by IgA deposit in kidney on renal biopsy. < 50/L ----------. HTN & periorbital edema. Uremia and Thrombocytopenia.Thrombocytopenia.2 days after viral inf. cryptosporidiosis.Normal 200 . Single most accurate test is lung or kidney biopsy (linear deposit of immunoflorescense). cryptococcus. pyelonephritis and NSAIDs. Occur in children with E coli O157:H7 food poisoning.TRIAD of Hemolytic anemia. dec hepatoglobulin.Most accurate test is biopsy of kidney or lung looking for granuloma. Ticlopedine. diseminated herpes. GI symptoms. DX -. dementia. infarctions. TX -. CNS lymphoma. DX -. TX -. progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Post strep glomerulonephritis occur 1 . also occur in dehydration. kidney failure.presents with sudden onset of flank pain. (E) Tubular cast -* LIVEDO RETICULARIS . pyeuria and fever. TX -. Fish oil provide little improvemnt (no Therapeutic value). DX -. RBC cast) palpable purpura. Sinus biopsy is less sensitive. hematuria.Group A hemolytic strep (Strep Pyogenes) Hematuria. hepatitis. Inc LDH level. PENTAD of problem -. Best accurate test is Renal biopsy showing mesengium humps as subepithelial deposits (IgG. (A) Hyaline cast -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * PROGRESSIVE MULTIFOCAL LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY -. 1 .ANCA). TX -. Shows Hx of Eosinophilia & Asthma. (D) granular cast -.Accumulation of normal amount of tubular protein. no need to perform because dis is benign & resolves spontaneously.200 /L ---. Manifest -. Dypiridamole used to prevent pletelet aggregation. sinuses. specific tx. abdominal / joint pain.Anti basement mem Ab to lung and kidney. Complement is normal.multiple organ IgA deposit including blood vessels renal insufficiency (crescent formation.CMV. cancer & pregnancy but most often Idiopathic.2 week after infection. fever.Protienuria is tx with ACE inhbitor or AT receptor blocker. vs. * CD 4 Count -.Pyelonephritis .Steroid only in progressive & severe dis. etc DX -. DX -. hypokalemia. mild cases resolves spontaneously. Donot administer pletelet even if pletelet is low it will worsen the situation by plugging and thrombous formation. * RAPIDLY PROGRESSIVE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS -. Intense excersize. use with sorbitol to prevent constipation.1 dec in PH Inc in serum potassium by 0. Renal dis in cryoglobulinemia is associated with HBV and HCV hepatitis.tx with Ca carbonate or Ca acetate (binds phosphate & facilitate its excreation also help serum Ca level). RTA type II -.IV potassium repletion (max 10 .Inability to absorbe Bicarbonate in proximal tubule. systemic lupus. * CRYOGLOBULINEMIA -. Low Magnessium (Low serum magnesium results into Inc Urinary loss of Potassium). Unique form of dx is Congo red testing show green Birefringence. Hypokalemia. Associated with Multiple myeloma. purpura. beta agonist.type II) -. Cushing $. Beta adrenergic activity.most Accurate test is Renal biopsy. * LUPUS NEPHRITIS -. DX -. Fanconi $. Donot give dextrose because it will Inc insulin release which further dec potassium. Serum Bicarbonate 10. leukemias.Autoimmune dis. Wide QRS. Psuedohyperkelemia (Hemolysis. with resultant urinary K loss (hypokalemia). Sickle cell dis. familial. Conduction abnormality (most common cause of death) and Hypoventilation. CAUSES -. * AMYLOIDOSIS -. Rhabdomyolisis. Conn $. Nephrocalcinosis. Urinay PH is < 5. TX -.4 Acidosis + basic urine. complement low. Vit B12 replacement. Cinacalcet stimulate effect of Ca on Parathyroid gland and dec PTH synthesis. Addison dis. tx accordingly the involved organ and underlying dis. Amyloidosis. TX -.cause muscle weakness (begins at serum K+ > 6. DX -.Low Complement.Sclerosis on renal biopsy do not need tx because its just simple scaring of kidney.5). myeloma. . RTA (Proximal & Distal . * HYPOKALEMIA -. 79 Copy Righted Material. Every 0. vasculitis. analgesic.TX -RTA type I -.can occur with any dis that cause progressive glomerulonephritis. Sec Hyperparathyroidism. Hyperphosphatemia + high Ca --. TX -. Drugs (amphoterecin. TX -. kidney stones (nephrolithiasis / nephrocalcinosis). RTA (Proximal .type III) -. Diuretic. Diurtics.type I) -. Urinary PH is > 5.Autoimmune dis. Glucose and Insulin (take 30 .feature of both RTA type I and II is present RTA (Hyperkalemic . Ca++ loss hyperparathyroidism bone resorption & hyperphosphatemia. Hypokalemia due to Acidosis.Most accurate test is biopsy.7 point.steroids and Cyclophosphamide. tumor lysis. TX -. Cation exchange resin (Kayexalate) absorbs 1mEq / gm and release 1 mEq / gm. K+ sparing diuretic. Duble standed DNA elevated. Melphalan and Prednisone control protein production.Plasmapharesis in severe cases. Elevated ESR. shows Creasent formation. Inc pletelet "1000000" or WBC "100000" count). Hypocalcemia can be tx with Ca . Intake. arthralgia. diarrhea. neuropathy.Is a Complication of renal failure. For severe dis use steroids and occasionally Plasmapharesis. DX -.60 min to drive K+ into the cell). Ca chloride is the tx of hyperkalemia. hyperaldosteronism.EKG (Peak T wave. + ve Rheumatoid factor is also a marker of cryoglobulinemia.Asymptomatic hyperkalemia & Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis (non anion gap). Goodpasture's syndrome. Vit D def. chronic inf.Oral bicarbonate and K+ replacement.4 Acidosis. Hypoaldosteronism. RTA type IV.Cryoglobins are protein that become insoluble at low tempreture with resultant. familial type Inc. Tube drainage. CAUSES -. Remember Ca carbonate and Ca acetate is the tx of hyperphosphatemia vs. Licorice. RF. renal dis. Bartter $. DX -.Inability to secrete H+ in urine in distal tubule.Dx by Biopsy of an involved organ. idiopathic etc. dx is confirm with cryoglobulin test. Etiology of RPGN: streptococcal infection. * HYPERKALEMIA -.Calcium chloride (most emergent tx in the presence of abnormal EKG but short lived) Sodium Bicarbonate (shift K+ into the cell. Donot give antibiotic because organism release more toxin which will worsen the situation.DX -. Acidosis (H+ goes into the cell in exchange of K+).type IV) -. * OSTEITIS FIBROSA CYSTICA -. Slide 2 severe hyperkalemia) TX -.Two common types AL protein (occur plasma cell disorder) and AA protien (occur with chronic dis) DX -. bone lesions (Rickets & Osteomalacia). adrenalectomy. Wire loop lesion. (Slide 1 hyperkalemia. ACE inhibitor. Alkalosis. Proliferative dis on renal biopsy must be tx with Steroids and Mycophenolate (Mycophenolate is superior to cyclophosphamide) Dialysis for severe renal dis. DX -. Vit D & by decreasing PTH production. Biopsy is essential for therapy guideline. Wilson dis. use with Dialysis.Aldosterone is most imp potassium test is EKG. DX -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. urinary PH despite giving ammonium Cloride (ACID LOAD TEST). siezures. acetazolamide. TX -. adrenal enz def. CAUSES -. U wave indicates hypokalemia (repolarization of perkinji fibers) also shows flatening of T wave.hematuria and proteinuria depend on degree of invovlement. * RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS : RTA (Distal . Bone also buffer acidosis thus contributing demineralization. NSAIDs.tx underlying hepatitis with interferone and Ribavirin. trauma.tx with Sevelamer & Lanthanum (phosphate binder that do not contain Ca or Aluminum).Hyperphosphatemia + low Ca --. lithium. TX -. autoimmune dis. Inc Insulin. Iphosphamide). Lab shows ANCA negative. donot give from same IV line as Ca Chloride because it form CaCO3 precipitate). Renal insuficiency.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -.20 mEq / hr). But shows no GI involvement (unlike HSP). Prolong PR and short QT).Tx is difficult. Adison dis.Best initial tx is Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty.Sxs most of the week or daily & Night Sxs 5 nights /month. If pt has transudative pulmonary effusion without any apperent cause consider Pulmonary Embolism.Represents diffuse inflamatory responce of lung that develop with in 24 . stop follow up after 2 yrs if there is no growth.25) PCO2 .PAO2 .1. * FIBROMUSCULAR DYSPLASIA -. TX -. metanephrines & free urinary catecholamine. Abdominal bruit radiate laterally in 50 .15 in young) * SOLITARY PULMONARY NODULE -. not beneficial in acute attack) for night Sx 80 Copy Righted Material.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Most commonly involves the renal arteries. DX -.Daily inhaled steroids + Agonist Salmeterol (long acting. Sickle cell. Gynecomastia.80%) TX -. .Surgrical resecton of adenoma. Renal insufficiency.PaO2.if pt is < 35 yrs non smoker.70% of pts.Best initial test is urinary vanillylmendalic acid (VMA). (no medication for long term control) MODERATE ASTHMA -.adrenal adenoma producing aldosterone HTN. or LDH effusion / serum ratio > 0.Best initial test is abdominal ultrasound. * Lymphocyte predominant effusion suggest tuberclosis. pulmonary embolism or trauma.If pt is > 50 yrs & smoker than best dx procedure is open lung biopsy & removal of mass at the same time.Day Sxs 2 times / week & Night Sxs 1 . Presents as HTN. Low Risk pt . * Hemorrhagic effusion suggest mesothelioma. ACE inhibitor is reserved for those who do not respond to or capable of angiplasty or surgery. High Risk pt -. If Angioplasty fails do surgical procedure. vs. Exudative effusion further evaluation is necessary. Adrenal insensitivity to AT II.Thoracocentesis should be performed for new & unexplained effusion for LDH. MRI & duples doppler can also be used but accuracy is operator dependant. 3% of cases involve the internal carotids. FEV (b/w 60 . For Transudative effusion no further evaluation is required vs. hyperlipidemia. metastatic cancer.0031 PaO2 Alveolar . heavy metal. Remember you must do Decubitus CXR before thoracocentesis in PE. TX -. Major side effects are dec in K+ and Magnesium. DX -.Surgical is best when possible. Inc in Ca++. follow CXR every 3 months for 2 yrs. or Transudative Pleural effusion if values are less. * CONN $ -.periodic HTN.Inc Aldosterone level in urine and blood.Idiopathic proliferation of intima & media of medium arteries of young or middle age female. Normal Anion gap metabolic acidosis but Urinary acidification is normal TX -. Most imp Initial lab test is Arterial blood gas measurement to determine the presence and severity of respiratory compromise.can be transudative or exudative. if stenosis recur repeat the procedure.5 . headache and lightheahedness (even storke).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Sec hypocalcemia. Edematous state. The medial fibroplasia type causes the typical "string of beads" appearance. TX -. TX -. * ARDS -. muscle weakness. * CUSHING DIS -. polydisia and Nephrogenic DI due to Hypokalemia.34 Hb HbSat) + 0. (conn $ could be uni or bilateral) TX -. Chronic hepatitis. if decubitus xray shows effusion fluid 1 cm do thoracocentesis. tachycardia. * Bronchoscopy is nonspecific. CXR reveal diffuse pulmonary infiltrate consistent with pulmonary edema (noncardiogenic edema). * Oxygen dilivery -. glucose.DX -. Vol depletion. * GUIDELINE FOR THE TX OF ASTHMA -MILD ASTHMA -. FEV is normal ( > 80% ) TX -.2 nights / month. vs.Alpha adrenergic blocker followed by surgical removal. Most specific and sensitive test is pleural biopsy.(Hyporeninemic hypoadlosteroneism) Aldosterone def. sweating.PaO2 Gradient = (150 . (Normal is 5 . African . DX -. polyuria.American pt. DX initial test is Dexamethasone suppression test and 24 hr urine cortisol.Specific Indications are CHF. if fluid is < 1 cm than ultrasound guided thoracocentesis should be performed to avoid risk and complication.Fludrocortisone (it has high degree of mineralocorticoid effect " aldosterone like"). Relative contraindication in Diabetis. hypokalemia. * PHEOCHROMOCTOMA -.Inhaled short acting bronchodilator as needed. suggest Exudative Pleural effusion. Renal Arteriogram is best method to confirm dx. fluid retention.K+ replacement. * Must memorise light criterion : LDH effusion > 200 . Empyema (progressive complicated pneumonia) need chest tube drainage. (Note: Exudative effusion is mostly unilateral) DX -. and LDL. CT & MRI is used to localize tumor. Headache . If at least one criterion is not match than it is exudate & need further evaluation. Thoracocentesis can be consider for cytology for neoplastic cell. Bicarbonate in high doses (but will Inc renal K+ loss) RTA type IV -.72 hr after onset of acute illness or injury. DM 50%. RTA I cuase kidney stones vs. Pulmonary embolism is the only one that can cause both transudative and exudative pulmonary effusion. * PNEUMONIA uncomplicated can be treated with antibiotics and thoracocentesis is mandatory. * DIURETICS -. Those with Adrenal hyperplasia must be tx with spironolactone (K+ sparing diuretics). CAPTOPRIL RENOGRAM (noninvassive test) shows dec uptake of isotopes.6 . DX -.loading of Na bicarbonate IV (pt shows urinary Bicarbonate in the presnce of Acidemia). or Protien effusion / serum ratio > 0. Acid fast culture /staining is 30% positive. protein. RTA II cause bone lesion where as both cause hypokalemia.DO2 = Cardiac output (1. * PULMONARY EFFUSION (Pleural Effusion) -. LDH effusion/ serum Ratio & Protein Effusion/serum Ratio. For the dx of transudate all 3 values must be match. Uric acid. gout.1/3 of solitary nodules are malignant (mostly it is Bronchogenic carcinoma in smoker).high urine Na despite oral salt restriction.arterial Gradient -. palpitation. Suspect bronchiactasis in pt with chronic purulent productive cough.Spirometery (PFT)..include erythma nodusum. Complications are massive hemoptysis. * ASBESTOSIS -. CAUSES -. hypercalcemia and uveitis. CRX. mesothelioma is less common. 5 yrs survival 20 . Bronchiolitis oblitrans. measure SO2 2. 6. DX -.include fever. cefataxime. copper etc. honey combing of pulmonary parenchyma. conjunctivitis. Eosinophilic granuloma. . Autoimmunity. pleural plaque. Manifest -. quinilone. CXR 4. Steroids are mandatory in CNS involvement. Pneumoconiosis appear 20 . 81 Copy Righted Material. Steroids can be used. (Chronic bronchitis is chronic cough of 3 months for at least 2 consecutive yrs). Ground glass appearance (note slide). Specific therapy is O2 supplement (titrated to 90% saturation) + initially nebulizer than switch with Inhaled bronchodialator "MDI" (use both Ipratropium and albuterol togather) + corticosteroids (60mg prednisone) IV + Antibiotics. reduced FEV/FVC ratio & FEV 25-75. **** FEV is the best pridictor of survival in COPD.Exertional dyspnea with nonproductive cough. * IDIOPATHIC PUL FIBROSIS -. FEV is < 60%. immune def.Pulmonary functional test (PFT) . cyanosis. boilers. Associated commonly with bronchogenic carcinoma (adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma). Immotile cilia (Kartagner $).80% resolve spontaneously. Cromolyn in children (not beneficial in acute attack). Hemosidrosis. recurrent sinusitis. Biopsy shows noncaseating granuloma. abnormal LFT (30% of pt). pulmonary embolism. Arterial blood gas (to determine the level of hypercapnia). Antibiotics improve Sxs despite normal CXR.Chronic bronchitis & core pulmonale are the complication. cystic fibrosis etc. insulation worker. pulmonary bacteria are commonly involved sp pseudomonas) DX -. arthritis and hilar lymphadenopathy. Rest will progress to fatal lung fibrosis. Counsel the pt for smoke cessation and encourage to inc activities as tolerated to prevent deconditining.Sxs occur daily with frequent Night Sxs frequent visit to hospital + frequent admission. Hypercalcemia & hypercalciuria (due to Inc Vit D production by macrophages). Consider intubation & mechanical ventilation in dec level of cnciousness. 5. Investigate cystic fibrosis or Kartagner $ or immune def if Hx suggests it. Hx is very imp in dx. uveitis. PFT normal or show restrictive patern. ground glass appearance of CXR. Granulomatosis. DX -.exopsure in miners. pulmonary HTN. crackles. hemodynamic instability & persistent hypoxemia despite O2 tx. calcification at the level of diaphragm.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Inhaled steroid daily + daily Salmetrol (Inhaled long acting 12 hrs. Surgical therapy if bronchiactasis is localized or pt has massive hemoptysis. check level of theophylline if pt is taking it or other drugs that dec its clearance.occupational lung dis.Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (no extrapulmonar manifestation except clubbing).Bronchodilator.usually occur in 50s shows no extrapulmonary manifestation except clubbing. lead. * INTERSTITIAL LUNG DIS (restrictive lung dis) -. No evidence that therapy will shorten the course of dis . TX -. Acute exacerbation (cause by inf. Restrictive pattern on PFT. parotid enlargement. Inc RV and TLC. (Gram . shipyard worker. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Vaccine -. pipe industery.systemic dis cause noncaseating granuloma of different organ b/w age 20 to 40.permanant dilation of small & medium size bronchi that cause destruction of elastic & muscular element. dec DLco (Diffuse lung capacity for CO) pt with FEV < 25% complain of dyspnea at rest. hemoptysis. For severe Sx Aminoglycoside. hypersensitivity. TX -. visceral abcess and amyloidosis. 20 % of pt develop progressive dis. cancer & medication) need medication change as follow 1. facial palsy * PNEMOCONIOSIS -. HEERFORDT WALDENSTROME $ --. Spirometery is of No value in exacerbation.CXR shows diffuse or local pleural thickening. CT is the best noninvasive test to dx bronchiactasis. Despite tx it is Home O2 and smoking cessation that dec the mortality in COPD. Home O2 is given when PaO2 is < 55 or SO2 is < 88%. Heart failure. chest physical therapy and postural drainage Antibiotic when needed (SMX/TMP or Amoxicillin + clavulanate). lung is involved 90 % of time. TX . "Clarithromycin or levo or moxifloxacin or amoxacillin / clavulanate or 2nd or 3rd G cephalosporin". not beneficial for acute attack) Inhaled short acting agonist (Albuterol) for break through Sx + montelukast + (low dose) Oral steroids * EMPHYSEMA -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Short acting agonist (Albuterol) for break through Sx. DX -. corpulmonale. offending agent are gold.chronic inflamation & fibrosis of interstisium (lung parenchyma) disrupt gas exchange. * SARCOIDOSIS -. 3.a/c to the cause. * BRONCHIECTASIS -. Sarcoidosis. TX -.CXR shows bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. Pt with corpulmonale can benefit O2 tx at PaO2 < 59. Chronic eosinophilic inf. H influenza vaccine if not recieved previously. "Goal is keep SO2 > 90%".CXR (shows reticulonodular dis) and CT. foundery worker.CXR may be normal in early dis. DX . Best prognostic indicator is responce to steroid which can be measured by PFT. SEVRE ASTHMA -. clubbing. * TWO TYPES DISTINCT SARCOID $ WITH ACUTE PRESENTATION -LOFGREN $ --. Pneumoconiosis (occupational). foul smelling sputum. DX -. TX -.Azithioprine benefit only 20% of pt. Dx should include CT and eventually biopsy via bronchoscopy or open lung biopsy. Plus pneumococcal vaccine every 5 yrs + Influenza vaccine yearly.40 %.pneumococcal every 5 yr booster + influenza yearly. with resultant inflamation and fibrosis.steroids + / . Elevated ACE (60% of pt). Lung biopsy confirm the dx which shows classic barbell shaped fibers.30 yrs after constant exposure. Do ECG and CBC. TX -.Ipratropium is the first line tx. uveitis. Skin anergy. as distal DVT does not cause PE. its proximal DVT that causes it.First CXR than Spiral CT is the initial test. oral contraceptive (sp with smoking). Adenocarcinoma usually associated with pleural effusion that have high hyaluronidase level. Concomitant use of heparin and warfarin minimize the risk of HIT. Lab shows Inc IgA. Sign and symptoms -. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF LUNG -. If anticoagulant is contraindicated. DX DVT by ultrasonography. tunneling. toxins inhalation. IgG. * COAL WORKER PNEUMOCONIOSIS -. & suspicion is high do Biopsy. Massive exposure cause lung failure in months. Lepirudin. 82 Copy Righted Material. drowning.occupational dis. usually located centrally with cavitation. In early stages associated with cavitations.Distal DVT by them selves do not cause PE.tx underlying disorder and support mechanically with Inc positive end expiratory P and permissive hypercapnea. factor V Leiden mutation (protein C resistance). * In Pregnant & in pt with IV catheter look for the source of thromboembolism in uncommon places (upper extremity vein. 2. protein C or S def. pleuritic chest pain. Erythema gyratum associated with squmous carcinoma of lung in smokers. low mole wt heparin for 7 to 10 days + warfarin for 6 month for both noncomplicated DVT & PE. CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA (are 5% pts) -. pragnancy (risk contineous untill 2 month after delivery). * SLEEP APNEA -. 10% pt die with in 1 hr. tx is supportive. Antithrombin III def. Inc P2 sound. . Good pasture $. TX -. venous ulcer) is the most common complication of DVT. If bronchoscopy is . Bronchoalveolar carcinoma (low grade carcinoma) is sub type of adenocarcinoma occur in single & multiple nodules. TX -. SLE or nephrotic $ (loss of antithrombin III in urine). Dx often requires thoracotomy with pleural biopsy. Mortality rate 70%. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA (OSA) -. long travel. DIC. * Pulmonary Embolism and DVT are consider one disease. Pts who are not responding to anticoagulant or with recurrent thrombosis as in cancer consider filter or Argatroban .Lung Biopsy crucial for dx. TX -. If pt is high risk and Spiral CT and D dimer is negative go for Angiogram. potery. over dose. ADENOCARCINOMA OF LUNG effective tx. encourage to quit smoke if pt is smoker. DX by polysomnography. common in obese pt. * Be concerned about and tx proximal vein thrombosis because it cause plulmonary thromboembolism. CXR shows Egg Shell Calcification of hilar lymphnode. Bronchoscopy is best for centrally located lesion.wt loss & nasal Contineous Positive airway P. 90% of tumor with malignant effusion are unressectable.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR sp tx.Fisrt CXR for all three (75% solitary nodules are benign sp if pt is non smoker <35 yrs of age and lesion is < 2cm and calcified).is defined as ceassation of airflow > 10 sec.Adequate ventilatory drive but airways are floppy. metastasize by direct extention into the hilar lymph node and media stinum.All pt (sp high risk) should be on heparin and O2 while completeing diagnostic evaluation or sending them for CT. There is an association of silicosis with TB. Hx is imp to make dx DX -. Tx -. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia can be tx with new anticoagulant Argatroban or Lepirudin High Risk pts are -. tachycardia.CXR shows Round densities usually in upper half of the lung.7 days of haprin tx. seen in 12% of all miners. Life time warfarin for complicated DVT. thigh or calf swelling. Ventilation perfusion defect. Distal DVT tx with anticoagulant for 3 months + serial U/S. Negative spiral CT and D dimer rules out PE. Usually occur with in 5 day of initial event (> 50% with first 24 hrs). * PULMONARY THROMBOEMBOLISM (PE) -. Cancer is 75 times higher in this population. CAPLAN SYNDROME -. ECG shows large S wave in lead I and deep Q in lead III and inverted T in several leads. bed riden pt. hemoptysis (in infarction). progesterone and supplemental O2.recent surgery (70% risk). etc) * ADULT RESPIRATORY DISTRESS $ -. consider infrior vena cava filter (Greenfield filter) to prevent further embolism. DX -. C3. Daytime sleeping is mandatory for the dx of sleep apnea. Singinficant pulmonary HTN occur when 50% lung vasculatures involved. Associated with PTH like secretion hypercalcemia. TWO TYPES : 1. If V/Q scan is normal than chance of PE is zero. hx is imp to make dx.results into progressive fibrosis. glass.usually located peripherically & metastasize to distant sites. Fat embolism is rare form occur 3 days after the long bone fracture. pt with > 10 mm on PPD test should recieve Isoniazid prophylaxis for 9 month. sand blasting.Diffuse interstitial or alveolar infiltrate (white out of both lung).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. ANA and Rheumatoid factor. Swan Ganz catheter finding are normal except pulmonary artery P.Rheumatoid nodule in lung + Rheumatoid arthritis + Pneumoconiosis (usually coal worker pneoconiosis). Warfarin is contraindicated in pragnant women use low molecular wt heparin. trauma. DX -. swelling. prevented it with compression stockings DX -. ABG reveal PaO2 and Inc or normal PaCO2.Occur due Inadequate ventilatory drive.Sepsis.sudden dyspnea. Cancer. quarries cause inflamation & hyaline nodules. Dx is made by sputum cytology.capillary mem pul edema pulmonary compliance & hypoxemia. Tx -. Angiogram is the gold standard (risk of pulmonary artery rupture is < 1 %). LARGE CELL CARCINOMA OF LUNG -. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a transient hypercoagulable state occur in pt with protein C def after 5 . metastasize to distant sites. (large S1 + deep Q3 + T inverted in several) Post thrombotic $ ( usually located peripherically. D dimers (ELISA ASSAY TYPE) is the most sensitive test to rule out DVT or PE. SLE. * SILICOSIS -. DX -. permeability of the alveolar .MC bronchogenic carcinoma. CAUSES ---. Normal CT and normal Doppler exclude PE in low risk pt. Once Dx is confirm. pelvic vein. post bypass surgery. Adriamycin. atleast for some time.unResectable non small cell carcinoma is tx with CAP (Cyclophosphamide. Barbiturate. ususally occur immidiate post operative period (post operative day 1). Theophyllin. Split lung test tidal volume < 800 ml. fever. Morbidity is high & death may occur later. Platinum) + Radiation therapy. bone).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Fisrt CXR (75% solitary nodules are benign sp if pt is non smoker < 35 yrs of age and lesion is < 2cm and calcified). mediastinal adenopathy on contralateral side. tumor classification of M1 in 3 month.Anticholinergic. DX -. Removal of mucous plug by bronchoscopy is highly effective in spontaneous atelactasis.Barbiturate. Opiate. tumor.1st degree burn skin intact (no blistering). Where as 3rd degree burn > 5% of BSA is severe at anyage. and is the most common cause of Venocaval Obstruction $. Superior venacava $. tumor classification of M1 in 3 month. Prognosis is best after surgical resection 25 .In post operative phase induce deep breathing and coughing. lack of cough. CNS Sxs. dyspnea. Associated with Eaton lambert $. Dry skin --.tx with a blood patch. CNS symptoms.Sympathomimetic and Antichoinergic. vs. 1st transcutaneous pacing imidiately if needed (as in very low bradycardia). 83 Copy Righted Material. Split lung test tidal volume < 800 ml. Signs & Symptoms -. Bronchoscopy is best for centrally located lesion. foreign body. TX -.collapse of the part or entire lung. Aspirin.Cholinergic and Sympathomimetics Blisters --. poor prognosis.CXR may show tracheal deviation to the affected side. * Spinal headache may occur after a lumbar puncture in some pts -. .5 min. Mixed 2nd and 3rd degree burn > 20% BSA is severe in adults and > 10 % is severe in very old and young. It occur secondary to poor Respiration. Sxs that suggest unresectable lesion are bone pain. * Drowning is defined as death with in 24 hrs after submersion in water. Spirometery and pulmonary toilet are effective.5 mg every 3 . 3rd degree burn involve all appendages even pain receptors. and hypoxemia.04 mg / kg) If Asystole persist it is appropriate to with hold resuscitative efforts in order to evaluate atypical clinical features or cease . cause pneumonia if left untreated. Cause midline shift and associated with skull fracture.35%. get IV access and prepare the pt for Intubation in the mean time. Early dx does not improve prognosis. * BURN -. * Subs /Drugs poisoning that require dialysis -----. Methanol. TX -.type II the P-R interval is constant.5 min may be use in case of blocker or Ca channel blocker overdose) 3rd 1 mg IV Atropine every 3 5 min (max dose 0.10% administer 100% O2. 2nd degree burn shows blisters. mucous plug. * SMALL CELL CARCINOMA OF LUNG -. CO poisoning.First intubate in severe respiratory injury before laryngeal edema occur.. * Concussion is Dx by Hx of loss of consciousness plus a negative CT scan of the head. * Mobitz. Mobitz. 2nd 1 mg IV Epinephgrine every 3 . * For Usmle Purpose anything 500 . * Near drowning is defined as survival after immersion. Note: Bicarbonate is useful if cause of Asystole is Acidosis (except hypercarbic acidosis). Mydriasis --.effort protocol.Ethylene glycol. liver. * EPIDURAL HEMATOMA is usually arterial in you contineous doing CPR. SIADH.tx of resectable small cell carcinoma is VP16 (Etoposide & Platinum). Superior venacava $.that should raise your suspicion of CO poisoning. Diabetic ketoacidosis. Dx is made by sputum cytology. If Carboxyhemoglobin (CO) level is > 5 .DX -. REMEMBER ALWAYS * Transcutaneous pacing is always preferrd over Transvenous pacing in acute setting.type I second degree block is characterized by progressive P-R lengthening vs. hoarseness. * Hypoglycemic Sxs but with normal blood glucose -. Wet skin --. SUBDURAL HEMATOMA is venous is origin (acute or chronic) & may or may not results into midline shift. * TX of Asystole -.Clonidine. mediastinal adenopathy on contralateral side. Lithium. Wide Complex tachycardia can be either Atrial or Ventricular in origin. BURN TX -. * Narrow Complex tachycardia is always atrial in origin (QRS < 0.Centrally located rapidly growing tumor.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Sxs that suggest unresectable lesion are bone pain. metastasize to distant sites (brain. * ATELECTASIS -. Pontine stroke. TCA or Aspirin overdose. If cancer is suspected and bronchoscopy is negative biopsy should be done. note: transcutaneous pacing is not always indicated in Asystole. ASSOCIATED FINDING IN SPECIFIC TOXIDROME -Miosis --. hoarseness. * Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) ingestion Ketonuria with little or no metabolic acidosis (without evidence of Inc anion gap). surgery is not indicated because it does not influence survival. DX -. Cholinergics.12) vs. (2 . Lower Lobe Atelectasis may show the elevation of corresponding part of diaphragm. Hyperkalemia.tachycardia. TX -.600 volt is consider low voltage & any thing above that is high voltage. 24 hr Holter monitor. TX is supportive. Contralateral loss of pain & temp below the lesion. Agnosia with CN 3 palsy & Contralateral ataxia or warming using blanket or warm blanket. Lower motor neuron -. Urinary incontinence.Weighted MRI is the most accurate test for detecting cerebral ischemia. carotid duplex. Intra cranial hemorrahge or arterial or lumbar puncture with in 7 days. + ve Neighborhood signs (diplopia. Topical silver sulfadiazine used to prevent inf.Occlusion of basilar artery (paramedian branch) Quadriparesis + Intact vertical eye movement.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Fluid resuscitation rule ----. Dominant hemisphere invovlement results into aphasia. dysphagia & horner $. DX -. Corticospinal tract -. autonomic) except vibration & position. Dorsal cloumn -. In women endarterectomy is less certian. 5% of pt who had compromised capability to ambulate are able to ambulate after tx. In men < 60 yrs old with > 60% occlusion endarterectomy is beneficial. ptosis and Miosis. spatial & constructional deficit with preserved speech & comprehension. Stress ulcer prophylaxis is H2 blocker.bilateral loss oof pain & temp at the level of lesion.comprise of Post cerebral artery (PCA).WAVE is an Indication of Hypothermia. vertigo. sensory. * SPINALCORD COMPRESSION -. Noncontrast CT is more sensitive to detect blood in brain.flaccid paralysis at the level of lesion. position and vibratory senses.Every thing is lost (motor. TX -.Hemisection of spinalcord. EKG. Sign and Symptoms -. aprexia. Middle Cerebral artery occlusion -. coagulopathy PT > 15 sec.Xrays are abnorml in 84 . In Subarachinoid hemorrhage use nimodipine & surgical clipping of aneurysm (aneurysm waiting to be bleed do surgical clipping immidiately). hematoma surgical decompression is the tx of choice. Contraindication to tPA -. For herniated disc. . ataxia. Sxs are pain & neurologic signs. MCA and its branches. WALLENBERG $ (Post Inf cerebellar a. Hpothermia can be caused by wide variety of arrythmia including Ventricular fibrilation or tachycardia. LMN sign at the level of lesion and UMN signs below the level of lesion. * ANT SPINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION -. visual hallucination. trauma.MC site is thoracic cord. Remember vibration & position senses are supplied by post spinal artery.gradual onset without tennitis and hearing loss. MRI is the test of choice. If aneurysm is detected incidently in healthy pt do surgical clipping if it is > 10mm in size. current use of anticoagulant. Asprin is started with in 24 hr after tPA to prevent further stroke (in asprin allergic pt use dipyridamole or clopidogrel). or Communicating (due to trauma or tumor of spinalcord). Acute ischemic attack always work up with Echocardiogram. Hemisensory loss & homonymous hemianopia (eye deviate toward lesion).comprise of ACA . Hypothermia is one of the few time when cardiopulmonary resucitation due to pulselessness can be performe more than 10 min.Tectile sensation . TX -. Carotid endarterectomy is recommended if occlusion is > 70%.Initial test of choice is contrast CT scan of the head (to dfferentiate hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke). Fluid Requirements = TBSA burned(%) x Wt (kg) x 4mL Lactate Ringer.Contralateral Hemiplegia. Donot break blister.Contralateral weakness and sensory loss in arm and leg (more pronunced in lower extremity). brain stem.previous stroke with in 3 months. * SYRINGOMYELIA -. * BROWN SEQUARD $ -.tPA is given in ischemic stroke if pt presents with in 3 hrs of event. visual hallucination. Post Cerebral Circulation -. Rapid rewarming can cause arrythmia.5 . occlusion) Ipsilateral facial & Contralateral body sensory loss.1 mL per kg /hr. if MRI is contraindicated do CT scan myelogram. * WEBER $ (PCA Occlusion) contralateral homonymous hemianopia. confusion and behavioral disturbance is cmmon. Spinothalamic tract -.surgical (often unsatisfactory). GI or GU hemorrhage with in 21 days. BP > 185/110 mmHg. this is called PARKLAND FORMULA. hematoma etc. DX -. TX -. Severe Hypothermia if Temp is < 30 C.4ml Lactate Ringer x % body surface area (BSA) burned x kg (body wt) in 24 hrs. inf. TX -. It provide blood to cerebellum.can be noncommunicating (Arnold chiari $). Lost of Reflexes. cortical blindness. motor/sensory signs) pure vertical nystagmus (not suppressable with fixationand multidirectional). pletelet count < 100000. Causes are tumor. Once dx is established specific tx should be started. Diffusion . Agnosia with CN 3 palsy & Contralateral hemiplegia.Ipsilateral loss of position and vibration at and below the level of lesion. multiple myeloma Radiation therapy should be started as soon as possible.Immidiately start high dose of Dexamethasone if you suspect Spinalcord Compresion. vs. dysarthria. * OSBOURNE WAVE or J . Later when diffuse capillary leak improves give enough fluid to maintain urine out put > 0.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Carotid stenting is an alternate to endarterectomy. Descendng hypothalamic -. DX . Skin grafting depends on the severity of burn. Ant Cerebral artery occlusion -. 84 Copy Righted Material. Escarectomy is useful in Circumfrential burns. * Ant Cerebral Circulation -. (no benefit with the use of heparin in stroke). LOCKED IN $ -.94% of pt. bubble test to find the source of emboli. herniation. * Central Vertigo -.Ipsilateral paresis below the level of lesion. epidural abscess. Nondominant involvement confusion.Ipsilateral Horner $ (if cord lesion is above T1) Facial hemianhydrosis. Give half the fluid in first 8 hr than quater in second 8 hrs & quater in 3rd 8 hr. BENEDIKT $ (PCA Occlusion) contralateral homonymous hemianopia.Impaired pain & temp senses & intact light touch. surgery with in 14 days. For lymphoma. dysarthria. basilar artery (BA) and vertebral artery (VA). occipital lobe of the cortex and pons.test of choice is MRI (cavitations are most likely to be present at the cervical region). Hypothermia is define as temp < 35 C. 80% of pt who are initially able to ambulate retain ability after tx. UMN signs are weakness. #3. Difficulty in rising form sitted position. If thymectomy fails first give immunosuppressive therapy (glucocorticoids which takes 1 . must be avoided.Even it resolves spontaneously over the period of few months tx include wt loss.share clinical feature but pupils are dialated. If seizures contineous Give PHENYTOIN (20 mg/kg IV at 50mg /min) or PHOSPHENYTOIN (20mg/kg PE IV at 150mg/min). CN palsies.Idiopathic upper & lower motor neuron degenerative dis motor Sxs. hyperreflexia. (go direct to #6 if pt is in ICU or has extreme hyperthermia. headache. IV immunoglobulin or plasmapharesis may be tried.IV immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis should begin as soon as possible because tx become ineffective 2 week after onset of Sxs. etc. (remember in GB immunoglobin and plasmapharesis is the tx of first choice). * GUILLIAN BARRE $ (Acute Idiopathic Polyneuropathy) -. #4. and vit A toxicity. beclofen or gabapentin. Eaton lambert $ -. Thymectomy is the tx of choice in postpubertal but < 60 yrs of age.90% with Sx of muscle weakness and 70 % in those with eye Sx only. .severe auotoimmune destruction of myelin of peripheral nerves rapidly developing weakness which typically starts from the lower extremities & move upward. MG -. Most accurate test is Electromyography (EMG) shows dec in muscle fiber contraction on repitetive nerve stimulation. Repeated lumbar puncture in urgent cases and shunt in case if every thing fails. Associated with malignancy sp small cell carcinoma of lung. Tx may be stop if pt has 2 .Riluzole slow downs ALS. Cyclosporine & cyclophosphamide are alternative but more toxic. Death occur in 3 . other alternatives are phenytoin. Aminoglycoside exacerbate MG. systemic disturbance or has seizures that contineous > 60 . In case of therapy failure surgery or alcohol injection into the effected neve may work. If Seizures still contineous give additional PHENOBARBITAL (5-10mg/kg) #6. (viral or bacterial) . Test is + ve 80 . Sec Progressive dis -. CPK mildly elevated. Repitative nerve stimulation "EMG" shows incremental in muscle contraction (unlike MG). TX -. Manifest -. Diplopia.Relapse of Active dis with incomplete recovery during the period of remission. Edrophonium (tensilon) test is sensitive but not sp and additionally cause severe side effets like bradycardia. CN VI palsy. that is why it is reserved for Acute myasthenic crisis. fever & bladder dysfunction is extremely rare & should raise possibility of other causes.3 months to show benefit if any). Glucocorticoids are not effective * MYASTHENIA GRAVIS.insidious onset with tinnitis and hearing loss.3 month following birth can also excerbate the dis.Best initial test is ACh receptor Ab test. removing the offending drug. profuse sweating. DX -. LMN signs are weakness. oral contraceptive. Autonomic disturbance is rare (arrythmia. CAUSES -.after compylobacter jejuni diarrhea. If Seizures still contineous PHENOBARBITAL (20mg/kg IV at 50-70 mg/min) #5. CAUSES -. loss of propioception. It is imp to Monitor vital capacty to prevent any respiratory failure and death. Genetic play an imp role (common in north european female of child bearing age). muscle wasting & fasiculaton.dx by pattern of weakness in the abscense of fever & constitutional Sxs. 2 . dificulty chewing. TX -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. TX -.Most accurate test is Electromyogram (EMG). . Sensory & cognitive function is normal. Mostly in women. If glucocorticoids fail add Azathioprin (take 3 . If sezures still contineous give additional PHENYTOIN or PHOSPHENYTOIN (5 . polyradiculopathy "Nerve root dis". Constitutianl Sxs. * PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI -.Anticholinestrase (Pyridostigmine. DX -. enlargement of blind spot.Obesity. Mycophentolate newer immunosuppressive with less side effects IV Immunoglobin & plasmapheresis (immunosuppressive tx) rapidly improve weakness. DX -. azathioprin. chronic pulmonary dis.5 yrs usually from repeated Aspiration Pneumonia. vs. CAUSES -. tetracycline. TX -. PE = Phenytoin equivalent.anti acetylcholine receptor ab (ACh level is normal). . syncope etc. * AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (Lou Gehrig dis) -. GI inf . Uncomplicated MS has no adverse effect on the out come of pragnancy. Sleep deprivation EEG must be done before. respiratory inf.Normal CT & MRI . GBS is more common in pt with Neighboring signs and horizontal and mixed nystagmus (suppressable) * MANAGEMENT OF STATUS EPILEPTICUS -#1. spasticity. CSF and MRI is normal.Idiopathic in Intracranial P in the absence of tumor / dis also called Benign Intracranial HTN.Corticosteroids. TX -.Relapsing Remitting dis -. First LORAZEPAM #2. spasticity tx with beclofen and Tizanidine. 75% pt have Hx of inf 1 .3 weeks ago. Temporary relief with lumbar puncture. Remember ALS pt is intellectually normal & competent & can refuse compliance with medical advise. 3 TYPES -.More aggressive progression of dis with consistent worsening of function 85 Copy Righted Material.anti Ca++ channel Ab at nerve terminal interfere with ACh release. TX -.10 mg /kg PE). If seizures still contineous give ANESTHESIA with MIDAZOLAM or PROPOFOL.15 % of pts) or thymic hyperplasia (65% of pts). loss of reflexes. Botulism -. tingling. neostigmine) gives symptomatic relief. CXR to rule out thymoma (10 .Demyelinating Autoimmune dis of CNS with relapsing and progressive course. hypotension). atrophy (also tongue atrophy).6 months to show benefit). also some enviornmental trigger (inf or trauma). Best initial test is Lumbar puncture elevated protein with out elevated cell count. pepilledema. Pupils are sleep deprivation EEG means likelihood of seizures.90 min).Manifest by severe sharp pain last for few seconds in the CN V distribution. * TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA (DOULOUREUX) -. ptosis. (changes in CSF does not occur until 48 hrs after Sxs) Most accurate test is Electromyography (EMG) to detect evidnce of demyelination.nerve root compression by blood vessel or occasionally by multiple sclerosis or post fossa tumor.Drug of choice is carbamezapine.3 seizures free yrs. Adison dis. SLE and lymphoma. diuretic like acetazolamide or furosemide is helpful.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Periphral Vertigo -. * MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS -. diplopia. Length and intensity of Acute exacerbation can be shorten by intense IV Glucocorticoids for 3 days. * PICK DISEASE -. Creatinine. electrolyte.a.Relapsing Remitting dis -. Hepatic or uremic encephalopathy. Sec Progressive dis -.jacob dis. Those who donot respond to steroids Plasma exchange can be used as an alternative tx. Floxetine. Glucose. depression. RPR. Obstructive sleep apnea.Genetic testing for DNA repeat expansion. Mutation cause abnormal cleavage of huntingtin protein which cause cell death. mitoxantrone. sp IF & glatiramer should be stopped. Pt lack insight into there condition. incoordinate gait). pregabalin. LFT. medication (anticholinergics). & Glatiramer.IF .IF. Frontotemporal degeneration (pick dis). dementia of lewy bodies.3 Protein in CSF & abnormal EEG is diagnostic (with these criteria.Clinically based. TCA.b and Mitoxantrone (is cardiotoxic should give to pt with normal ejection fraction). Binswanger dis which involve subcortical white matter & progress slowly.3 .80 %) by memory loss. CNS vasculitis. Pri Progressive dis there is no approved dis modifying tx. Initial work up should focus on ruling out reversible cause of dementia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Pri progressive dis -. Ca++. (irreversible cause of dementia) Pt present with sudden personality changes early in the course of dis with relative sparing of visuospatial function. Rivastigmine. phenytoin. IF . Bladder hyperactivity can be tx with Oxybutynin. (Rare form of multi infarct dementia) * Normal pressure hydrocephalus gait abnormality (ataxia) early in course and precede to cognitive impairment (dementia) + urinary incontinence. EEG and CSF is not necessary except Normal pressure hydrocephalus and CJD (14 . Vit E and ginkgo biloba may have some benefit in dementia (more with Vit E). paranoia). Erectile dysfunction with sildenafil. apraxia "failure to plan & execute") Mild cognitive Impairment is not alzhiemers instead they may be at high risk of developing alzheimers. Memory is preserved untill late in dis as it cause Dementia. total mildly protein. * DX of all kind of Dementia -Cognitive impairment should be assessed with Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE) to find out specific area of cognitive deficit.95 % sensitive). Donepezil. subdural hematoma.chorea (sudden involuntary movement or trunk or limb. central sleep apnea.MC cause of dementia (60 . (50% chance to passing it on to childrens). * HUNTINGTON DIS (HD) -. (caregivers are at Inc risk of depression & Anxiety). 2.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. tumor. It is neuroprotective and reduce the progression of dis. trauma. CSF IgG Oligoclonal band is elevated & is recomanded only when MRI is negative & suspicion is high (non specefic test). Methotrextae. Memantine (NMDA glutamate receptor blocker) used in advanced dis + / . CT shows cerebral atrophy & atrophy of caudate nucleus in severe cases.b.a. HIV. Lab work should include CBC. TX -. vascular dementia (multi infarction dementia & Binswanger dis). Spasticity can be reduced by Beclofen (diazepam & Tizanidine can be use for nocturnal spasticity it has somnolence effect) Trigeminal neuralgia respond to carbamezapine. cyclophosphamide. Gene contain CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion which code for Huntingtin protein. 86 Copy Righted Material.anticholinestrase. TSH. emotional abnormalities precede memory impairment. If there is no improvemnt in 3 . Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. no need for biopsy) Bovine spongyform ecephalopathy is the variant of CJD due to ingestion of prion from infected cattle. IF .3 protein marker). cognitive impairment (aphasia. seizures.more aggressive characterized by Rapid dementia (weeks to months) + myoclonus + Ataxia. Vit B12. * Dementia with lewy bodies is characterized by fluctuating cognitive impairment & recurrent visual hallucination and can be confused with delerium. Presence of 14 . agnosia.3 . gait abnormalities.Progressive since onset of dis + early onset of disability DX -. Urinary retention can be tx with bethanechol. TX of all kind of Dementia -Insure that the family & the pt will have the proper medical & emotional support to cope the dis. Social. multiple infarction dementia (involve both white & grey matter) which has step wise progression vs. Successive generation tend to have dis occuring at earlier age.b. Syphilis. present with multiple neurologic signs & Sx seperated by time & space & cannot explained by CNS lesion. Dementia secondary to parkinson dis also shows hallucination. interpersonal. tx is Revastigmine and Donepezil. anger.frontoemporal degeneration & atrophy shows Tau proteins accumulate as pick bodies. DX -. no proven tx. (protein > 100 mg/dL should be concidered as evidence against the MS).Hypothyroidism. Cruetzfeldt . MANIFESTATION -. normal pressure hydrocephalus. Gadolinium Enhanced lesion indicates active MS lesion. Frequently associated with depression.moderate dementia. Dementia in Creutzfeldt jacob dis (CJD) -. Fatigue can be tx with Amantadine.6 months therapy should be discontinued.Alzhiemers dis. Reversible causes of Dementia -. gabapentin. behavioral change (irritability. Irreversible causes of dementia -. IV immunoglobin & Azathioprin are alternative in those with relapsing remitting dis & Sec progressive dis & in those who cannot tolerate IF. All drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. MRI of brain & spine is the most Accurate test (85 . Vit B12 def.ADD (defective HD gene on ch 4). Tacrine cause hepatic dysfunction and is not the good choice. . Children should be offered genetic testing. Galantamine (centrally acting anticholinestrase) the level of Ach in CSF improve congnition in mild . Brain abscess. Brain imaging is useful in those who have focal neurologic signs. and Glatiramer acetate (copolymer ) reduces no of lesion / delay onset of disablity. * Vascular dementia is devided into 1. CSF shows Pleocytosis (< 50 cells). * Alzheimer's Dis -. (sulfa drugs. sleep derivation. * Myerson's sign (Glabellar Reflex) -. liver dis. DX -.No test available. Mycophentolate or cyclophosphamide are alternative (for those who can not tolerate glucocorticoids) Rituximab and IV Immunoglobin are also effective.Most accurate test is Biopsy with immunoflorescense stain (which detect Intercellular deposit of IgG & C3 in epidermis). Can also caused by ACE inhibitor or penecillamine.fragile non healing blisters on sun exposed area. * RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME -. hyperpigmentation and Facial hypertrichosis. Parkinson + syndrome are characterized by lack of responce to Levodopa and Carbidopa .5 times than Coproporphyrins.epidermal junction (basement mem) that why bullae is thick walled and less likely to rupture. Halopridol. More common than pemphigus valgaris mostly in elders in there 70s & 80s.Urinary uroporphyrin level are elevated 2 . Clozapine can be use to control behavioral changes in HD.epidermal junction (basement mem). There is no dx test of choice. TX -. Akathesia (restlessness) are late side effect term "Responce fluctuation" of levodopa / carbidopa. If pt is < 60 yrs old and has less bradykinesia + tremer as a predominant Sx start with Benztropin or Trihexyphenidyl. Glaucoma & in Elders due to side effect. sepsis and dehydration).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Dragger $. Associated with HIV. Cynaide.3 in the epidermis (it is Ca-dependent cadherins.Block acetylcholine stimulation of basal ganglia Pramipexole or Ropinirole -. Halopridol. Dyskinesia (abnormal movement). resting tremer. CAUSES -. Other tx narcotic & bezodizepine.tx with Steroids like pemphigoid vulgaris.superficial lesion Bullae are not seen because they break very easily. TX -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. * Benign Essential tremer (of hand. TX is unable to resist blinking when tapped on the glabella. It is also association with uremia. DX -. * PEMPHIGUS FOLIACEOUS -. Tx -. DX -. Azathioprin. chlorpromazine.Most accurate test is Biopsy with immunoflorescense. maganese. * PARKINSON DIS -.Pramipexole or Ropinirole (dopamine agonist). Painful non pruritic lesion often starts from oral erosions & later Produce bullae on skin. If no oral lesions are present Topical steroids can be use. alternate tx Primidone. selegiline or COMT inhibitor or restricting main protein meal at night.Bradykinesia. * PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA -. Iron def & neuropathy. If pt has bradykinesia (compromised function) best initial tx is Levadopa / carbidopa. penecillamine. furosemide can cause it). Parkinson dis + Vertical gaze palsy = Supranuclear palsy Parkinson dis + Prominant ataxia = Olivopontocerebellar atrophy Parkinson dis + Prominant orthostatic hypotension = Shy . metoclopramide. oral contraceptives.20 yrs after dx.propanolol. hepatitis C. infection. also seen in early dementia & progressive neurologic illness. TX -.Idiopathic Creeping & crawling dysesthesia in leg leading to involuntary leg movement during sleep. head or both) can be distinguished by + ve family Hx of tremer & lack of neurologic Sx.Thalamotomy) is last resort.structural lesion (trauma. + ve myerson's sign. Remember + ve Nikolsky sign is present in Pemphigus Vagaris. or dehydration (unlike pemphigus valgaris in which bullae ruptures. Autoantibodies against desmoglein-1 & desmoglein. Amantadine -. Tetracycline or erythromycin with nicotinamide are alternative.Dx by Biopsy. very Imp MANIFESTATION -.Autoimmune Blistering dis (may induced by ACE inhibitor or NSAIDs) Clinically -. the area above the nose & between the eyebrows. * PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS -. DM. infarction). Death occur 15 . managed by giving sustain release form of levadopa / carbidopa along with dopamine agonist. Death is due to dehydration and sepsis (just like burn pt). Sxs Become Worst with caffiene & improve with alcohol.Systemic Glucocorticoids like prednisone (topical steroids not effective).Degenerative changes in basal ganglia with resultant dopamine depletion in substantia negra. alprazolam. involved in adhesion & cell signaling). Bromocriptine and pergolide (also dopamine agonist but cause cardiac toxicity) Tolcapone or Entacapone -. Staph Aureus Scalded Skin $ and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. CO. Condition exacerbate by caffiene. methyldopa. Urine change color in sun. mask face.Dx is clinically and reversible cause of parkinson dis must be sort out. rigidity (cogwheel). Last resort is thalamatomy (sergury) . pt who survive encephalitis may develop postencephalitic parkinsonsim.40s.Indirectly dopamine (salegiline or Rasagline is used in those with declining responce to levodopa) Benztropin and Trihexyphenidyl (anticholinergic) -.COMT inhibitor (it has no effect if use alone. Defect is in Dermo . for this reason it is less likely to cause death. postural insatability. Alcoholism.Severe Idiopathic Autoimmune dis common in age 30 . If pt is > 60 yrs old & has less bradykinesia use Amantadine.No specific tx. DX -. 87 Copy Righted Material.stimulate dopamine receptor Salegiline. TX -. Avoid anticholinergic in BPH.def of Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase very high serum porphyrins photosensitivity. reserpine. DX -. hemochromatosis. . MPTP Poisoning. Brain stimulator is also effective if placed in globus pallidus or Subthalamic nuc.Systemic Steroid. pregnancy. abcess. MANIFESTATION -.Levodopa + Carbidopa (dopa decarboxylase inhibitor) -. it reduce levodopa adverse effect by its metabolism) MANAGEMENT -Initial tx is Pramipexole or Ropinirole + low dose levadopa / carbidopa if bradykinesia is moderate. + ve Nikolsky sign. DX -. Oral lesion are rare.Autoatibodies against collagen component of Hemidesmosome presents at dermo . Surgery (pallidotomy. * BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID -. Myerson's sign (Glabellar reflex) is often an early Sx of Parkinson dis. clozapine. Oral lesion are not present (unlike pemphigus vulgaris). Some need Carbidopa/ levadopa.Direct acting dopamine agonist. shell fish. * MORBILLIFORM RASHES -. cyclophosphamide. Astemizole. dessemination. sulfa. syphilis. localized drug reaction usually at the same site where repeated drug exposure occur. it including Nivirapine (reverse transcriptase inhibitor). TX -. Potassium Iodide solution for those who do not respond to symptomatic tx. (can kill pt. Non immune adult with chicken pox -. Secondary to inf / inflamatory condition. Citrizine. Other analgesic agent are gabapentin (most effective tx for postherpetic neuralgia). fexofenadine. Bullae occur but usually not present on examination. FOOD like Peanut. tomato. Clinical features are "target like lesions" (also called Iris like lesion) that occur sp in palm and sole. TX -.drugs are the cause. ACE inhibitor etc.Although TZANCK smear & viral culture are best initial and accurate test respectively but are usually not neccesary.(acyclovir. Lesion is usually sharply demarcated that leave hyperpigmentted skin at the site after they resolved.Hypersensitivity reaction. hepatitis. Mucous mem is involve in 90% of cases. imp) Desensitization is the answer when the trigger is not avoidable. * URTICARIA -. Also tx underlying infection. cold and vibration. A Rapid administration of Acyclovir in elderly show best efficacy and may dec the risk of postherpetic neuralgia. Terfenadine no longer in use because they produce fatal rhythm disturbance specially if use with macrolides. Pencyclovir has some efficay use every 2 hrs.Oral Acyclovir. * ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME -. Thalidomide. Phenytoin. Complication of chicken pox (varicela) is pnemonia. postherpetic neuralgia. TX -.Superficial deposition of immune complex (IgM) in skin & mucous mem of unknown etiology. strawberry. Manifest by multiple painful red raised nodules that do not ulcerate located on the ant surface of the lower extremities. IV immunoglobulin. histoplasmosis. It is also associated with pregnancy. * FIXED DRUG REACTION -. Mortality rate is 40 .serious form of cutaneous hypesensitivity reaction. it usually does not involve mucous mem. Penecillin. Urticaria last < 6 weeks (usually < 24 hrs). Eruption that has both macular & papular features which typically blanches with pressure.NSAIDs.Sepsis is the MC cause of death but prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated. Respiratory tract involvement may require mechanical ventilation if severe. velacyclvir. CAUSES -. Most common cause are Drugs. Most accurate test is culture (takes 24 . or cyclosporin) * TOXIC EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS (TEN) -. CAUSES -. phenytoin).H1 blocker like diphenhydramine.Usually not prescribed until child is immunocompromised or primary inf occur in adult. Steroids may show best efficacy in elderly with severe pain. Common in children due to herpes varicela / zoster. Hydroxyzine (Atarax). 88 Copy Righted Material. Overall mortality rate is < 5 . Codiene. 2/3 cases are self limited.50%. Systemic steroids are not effective infact it may dec survival. * HERPES SIMPLEX INFECTION -.Topical Steroids + discontinuation of the offending drug. Most accurate test is Biopsy which will reveal full thickness epidermal necrosis. dehydration. quinilone. TX -. famcyclovir. famcyclovir).Antihistamine are effective. must be distinuished with alopecia areata.Multiple painful vesicles due to herpes virus DX . DX -. Also Chloroquine (antimalarial) Inc porphyrin excretion.Best initial tx is stop drinking alcohol (although it is unlikely to be effective) + stop oral contraceptive + use Sun screen & clothing If this fails than most effective tx is Phlebotomy to remove iron. Causes are same as SJ$. allopurinol. CHRONIC Urticaria (also called Dermatographism) last > 6 weeks and is associated with pressure on skin.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Inflamatory bowel dis. Most commonly caused by reaction to Inf usually from herpes simplex or mycoplasma but also drugs. enteric inf such as yersenia. Morphine. TX -.48 hr). DX -. TCA and Capsaicin .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. * STEVEN JHONSON $ (aka erythema multiforme major) is difficult to differentiate form TEN (they are considered same disorder of different severity). TX -. Deferoxamine if phlebotomy is not possible. Topical acyclovir has little eficacy. Causes are drugs (penecillin.Streptococcal Inf. Chronic tx is with nonsedating antihistamine such as Loratadine. Clinically SJS involve < 15% of body surface area.100%. Clinically TEN involve Body surface area 30 . . scaly inflamed balding area). zoster is more common in elderly and present in painful dermotomal distribution (zoster is common in pt with lymphocyte defect or def).Pt should be tx in Burn unit + removal of offending drug along with supportive care.give Varicela Zoster IG with in 96 hrs of exposure (other wise it is not effective) * TINEA CAPITIS is a fungal infection (itchy. Latex. sarcoidosis. velacyclovir. It may involve respiratory tract. * ERYTHEMA NODOSUM --Self limiting localized inflamatory condition (Panniculitis) that last about 6 weeks. food and occasionally due to emotions. TX -. TX -. CAUSES -.It is milder form of hypersensitivity reaction when compare to urticaria and mediated by LYMPHOCYTES. often induced by IgE and mast cell activation resulting in wheals & hives with itching. Coccidioidomycosis. Cyproheptadine. very Imp DX -.ASLO titer can determine who have recent strep inf.vesicles with erythmatous base of all ages.tx underlying dis plus analgesics or NSAIDs.If dx is not clear do TZANCK smear (detect multinuclear giant cell associted with herpes family not the sp virus). Tx of acyclovir resistant herpes is Foscarnet. & malnutrition. TX -. Cause of death is combination of inf. Niklolsky is present. (No proven benefit form steroids.10%. * CHICKEN POX -. Insect bites. although it is not clearly beneficial. Similar presentation as SSS$ but its different since its drug induced. Blocker must be stop prior to desensitization because it blocks Epinephrine which can be used if there is Anaphylactic reaction. rarely steroids is needed.Antihistamine is effective.usually clinical. rash resembles measles. * AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (ARMD) -. retinal edema & hemorrhage. characterized by abnormal growth of vessels form choroidal circulation into subretinal space. micro aneurysm. E. Most common cause of legal blindness in older person in western world.. DX -. DX -. Target for LDL should be < 70 mg/dL if diabetic pt has coronary aretry dis . Prostaglandin Analog (latanoprost. temporal arteritis. WET ARMD has Exudative form. Yellowish granular deposit seen on ophthalmoscope called Drusen. protein C def. Pilocarpine Miotic agent (constrist the pupil so Inc the drainage) all Inc the drainage. bimatoprost) Inc Uveoscleral out segmentation of blood in the veins. CAUSES -. Laser photocoagulation destroy focal area to diminish angiogenesis factor production) TX -. Proliferative retinopathy is progressive form cause neovascularization. It present with Red PAINFUL eye. Clinically presents with spontaneous blurring vision of one eye without pain & redness. A Buckle or belt around the sclera to push the sclera forward so that it can come in contact with retina. or injection of expansile gas into vitreal cavity. TX -. DX -. betaxolol. 15% need 2nd surgery.Unknown cause. Zinc. Vertiporfin (IV photosensitizing agent) activated by Photoactivating Laser to destroy part of retina with abnormal choriodal vessels. cryptherapy.These pt should undergo Carotid artery imaging. age related macular degeneration. DX -. which include pt laying flat. Echocardiography. thrombophilia. brimonidine) dec aquous production and Inc trabecular out flow (Dual function). 80 % uncomplicated ragmatogenous retinal detachment can be cured with one operation.various methods are used. hemorrhage into viterous chamber & blindness. beta carotene) can delay the progression of the dis.Sudden painlesss loss of vision in one eye without redness pale retina. DX of Wet ARMD is confirm by Fluorescein angiography. HARD on palpation with FIXED mid point pupil. Target for LDL should be < 100 mg/dL if diabetic pt has no evidence for coronary artery dis. BP (<130/80 mmHg) and lipid level.Nonproliferative retinopathy is early form manifest as venous dilation.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Younger pt should be evaluated for Thrombophilia such as Factor V mutaion. DX cofirmed by presence of Drusen on Dilated Eye Exam. If all these method fails attach the retina by surgical means. Retinal vein occlusion.Most ppl with narrow or acute angle donot develop glaucoma. Precipitated by anticholinergics (Ipratropium & TCA). (Laser trabeculectomy and surgical trabeculectomy are the most common procedure) * CLOSED ANGLE GLAUCOMA -.For DRY ARMD no confirm tx. * DIABETIC RETINOPATHY -. abnormal pupillary dilation.Retinal hemorrahge is the main way to distinguish venous from arterial obstruction. Rhegmatogenous means arising from rupture or fracture. Anterior chamber paracentesis has been use to try decompress the pressure and disloge the emboli.Tight controls of blood glucose. If above therapy fails Laser trabeculoplasty can be performed. smooth normal skin blading area) which is Autoantibodies against hair follicle.CUP to DISC Ratio is > 0. For WET ARMD . IV Acetazolamide. Pilocarpine can be use to open the canal of schlenm and beta blocker to dec the production of aquous humor. osmotic diuretic (mannitol. may lead to localize retinal damage Rapid distortion of vision (over weeks to month). TX -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * ALOPECIA AREATA (nonitchy. * CENTRAL RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION -.3 which should be confirm with repeated measurement by Tonometery. Common predisposing factors are myopia & cataract surgery. glycerol) are used. * RETINAL DETACHMENT -. Box . DX -. levobunolol) dec Aquous humor production by ciliary bodies. Glare from the head light of the car is problem while driving in night.Its is opthalmologic emergency. TX -. (Fluorescein angiography identify which vessel should undergo photocoagulation. TX -. 2 TYPES : DRY ARMD has Atrophic form. Pt should lean head backward to promote the chance that retina will fall back at its place. urea. travoprost. tx is Laser photocoagulation (will coagulate abnormal choridal vessels to slow the progression) or Photodynamic tx (will thrombosed damaged vessel to slow the progression). for that reason it is imp to screen older ppl.Opacification of lens of unknow cause that progress slowly and result into blurry vision occuring over month to yrs.No specific tx. Surgery is indicatd in case of tx failure. 89 Copy Righted Material.Tx is based on dec the production of aquous humor along with inc its drainage. * CATARACT -. CUASES -. thrombolytics. slowly progress to visual loss in elderly. also show disk swelling. Other potential tx are the MC form of glaucoma (> 90%). Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor (drozolamide.Sudden painless loss of vision with redness. Antioxidant (vit C. diabetis.are thromboembolic event of any cause. * CENTRAL RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION -.Screening should be done on annual basis by an ophthalmologist to find out candidate for Fluorescein angiography & Laser photocoagulation. Pt are at high risk for developing GLAUCOMA.Tx as stroke or TIA. brinzolamide) all dec the aquous humor production. cherry red spot on the fovea. Alpha Adrenergic Agoinst (apraclonidine. vs. TX -. flashes at periphery of vision or curtain comes down. Other causes are trauma. Many pts are asymptomatic for long time. . give Oxygen. antiphospholipid $. Ocular massage which may unobstruct the vessel. Retinal Reattachment through surgery by Laser photocoagulation. * OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA -. thrombophilia (factor V Leiden mutation).by ophtalmologic exam. TX -. floaters.Rhegmatogenous Retinal detachment. venous dilation and hemorrhage. There is an association with cigarette smoking. Beta Blocker (timolol. Inflamatory cells may accumulate inside of the cornea gives snow fall appearance (called Keratic precipitate).9 yrs.3 at 5 min have worst neurologic out come.Subperiosteal hemorrhage (it does not crosses the suture line). cannot abduct shoulder. If no recovery in 3 . Cutis Marmorata look similar to LIVEDO RETICULARIS (which is bluish discoloration of skin & is common in Antiphospholipid $. No specific tx is necessary * KERATITIS -.refer to inf of Iris. Presents as painful red eye with marked photophobia. more severe itching & periauricular adenopathy./ + Horners $) TX -. Deeper: Bluish firm cystic less likely to regress (check for any underlying organ involvement). * CEPHALOHEMATOMA -. post thigh. TX -.6 months do Neuroplasty. massage & range of motion excersize. 1st generation cephalosporin (cefazolin) is alternative.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -. back. fluoroquinilone) for bacterial conjunctivitis For Viral conjunctivitis there is no specific tx use antihistamine / decongestant.Firm white papule.Dx by slit lamp examination. some time with thrombocytopenia.Usually symmetric Pale Pink vascular macule.Unilateral permanant vascular defect mostly head and neck. peak on 2 . some time associated with CHARGE Syndrome.Commonly bilateral with redening.oxacillin or nafcillin is the drug of choice. * Viral Conjunctivitis . central nervous system anomalies & congenital heart defects. partial immobilization. may calcify and jaundice. * CAPUT SUCCEDANEUM -. (Imp clue) CAUSES -.Most common cause trauma. Inclusion cyst on palate midline: epstien pearls. found in nuchal area.inf of surrounding tissue of the eye.Surgical removal.3 months . * NEONATAL ACNE -. most commonly cause by staph aureus or streptococci. more common in non whites. Indicate proper positioning. Resolves with in 2 weeks. Pupil reaction. Resolve spontaneously. * CONJUNCTIVITIS -. These are arrested melaninocytes usually disappear in first few yrs. ciliary body & choroid (infection of Uveal tract). Firm yellow white papule / pustule with erythmatous base. 90 Copy Righted Material.Steroid. TX -./ + T1 (paralyzed hand . (never use steroids in those pts) * PERIORBITAL CELLULITIS -. No Intra Occular or Intra Vitreal Damage. may have underlying linear fracture. . Sarcoidosis. APGAR score at 5 min gives an idea of responce to therapy (resuscitation). Syphilis.a Rare condition present with Coloboma. contain eosinophils. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PEDS * APGAR score at 1 min gives an idea of what was going on during labor / delivery. Rx pulsed Laser. * HEMAGIOMA -. tear).Superficial: bright red sharply demarcated lesion occur in first 2 month of life & Expand rapidly by age 5 . * MONGOLIAN SPOT -.C5 & C6 palsy. * SALMON PATCH (NEVUS SIMPLEX) -. DX -. * CUTIS MARMORATA -. In general APGAR score is not the predictive of out come. KLUMPKES PALSY (Claw like hand) -. * COLOBOMA OF IRIS -. eye lid. (swelling crosses the suture line). * NEVUS SABECIOUS in Neonate -. Also atheroembolic dis and also several days after vascular catheterization) * MILIA -. Inflamatory bowel dis.Erthematous papule on face due to high maternal androgen. * CHARGE $ -. Resolves in few days may lead to molding.cleft at 6 O clock.Lacy.Any infectious agent can cause it. Specificity measures the percentage of healthy people who are correctly identified as not having the condition. DX -.most recover over few months (depend on severity of lesion.5 day of life.Swelling of soft tissue of the skull. less itching than viral conjunctivitis. * Bacterial conjunctivitis . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Sensitivity measures the percentage of sick people who are correctly identified as having the condition.Topical antibiotics (erythromycin. Facial one disappear post one persist.mature cataract can easily be seen but early stage dis is seen with slit lamp. however score 0 .tx with topical some time systemic steroids. TX -.Charactristic dendritic pattern of cornea on flourescein staining of the eye with examination under the blue light make the dx. Rule out Struge weber $.is usually unilateral marked by prulent discharge form the eye with redening. Pulsed Laser only if hemangioma is huge and interfereing with some function. occular pressure & visual acuity is normal . Diffrential dx is SSS$. TX -. Reiters $. cleft lip or palate. medially rotated supinate arm. Pain occur even when shining the light in uneffected eye because of constriction of pupil due to consesual light reflex. hearing impairment.Oral Acyclovir or famcyclovir or velacyclovir + Topical Trifluridine or Idoxuridine (antiherpes viral). Reticulated vascular pattern over the most of the body due to cold. * PORT WINE STAIN (NEVUS FLAMMEUS) -. Pt develop crust overnight that make it hard to open. Donot impair vision. glabella. No treatment. It resolves in few months.Inflamatory condition like Psoriasis. * UVEITIS any infection or inflamation of cornea usually due to corneal trauma. * ERB DUCHENNE PALSY (Waiters tip hand) -. choanal atresia. Regress by age 10. TX -.Self limited. may indicate some $. Antifungal if the inf is fungal. * SUBCONJUNCTIVAL HEMORRHAGE -. pupil react normal & no photophobia. . Remove before Adolescense due to malignant degeneration.Area of Alopecia with Orange colored nodular skin. Antibacteria or Antifungal if inf is due to bacteria or fungus. Herpes simplex Keratitis cause severe pain and sensation that something caught in the eyelid.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. delays in growth & development. laceration vs. Resolves in 2 week .C7 & C8. TX -. ear abnormalities. sulfacetamide. Differential dx childabuse * ERYTHEMA TOXICUM -.Blue to Slate gray macule seen in presacral area. * NECROTIZING ENTEROCOLITIS (transmural enteronecrosis) -.Best initial tx is O2. Must be differentiate from retractile testis. May result into pulmonary HTN. Associated with other malformation & chromosomal disorder. Atelactesis. fluid in the minor fissure . dorsal hood. aspiration pneumonitis. the colon will appear dilated and there may be pneumotosis Intestinales . * TRANSIENT TACHYPNEA OF NEW BORN -. . BRACHIAL CLEFT CYST -. TX -. * Pathologic Hyperbilirubinemia -. opisthotones. TX -.tie of the base (Autoamputation). Most accurate test is Lecithin surfactant ratio (L/S Ratio). Rib deformity. TX -. * Syndactyly -. other anomalies common. * RESPIRATORY DISTRESS $ OF NEWBORN -.If not descend by 1 yr of age must do surgery to prevent sterility and malignant degeneration.hypoplasia of iris (defect usually through to retina).Usually Inguinal and Indirect in Childrens.Double Bubble sign on X ray. with out sac covering. Pectoralis muscle aplasia. predisposition to E coli sepsis. * PECTUS EXCAVATUM " Funnel chest " -.Surgical. Resolves in few days. Increase incidence of ectopic thyroid tissue.Surfactant Deficiency. Most effective tx is administration of surfactant. systemic antibiotic. PECTUS CARINATUM " pigeon chest " -. TX Endotracheal intubation.Failure of diaphragm to develop Respiratory distress (hypoplastic lung) & Scaphoid abdomen. seizures. * SUPERNUMARARY NIPPLE -. DX -. all signs of fluid in lungs. TX -. PREVENTION -. DX * Hydrocele -. Contineous Positive airway presure (CPAP).Thin stalk with poor circulation.Defect is lateral to midline. chorioathetosis & sensory neuronal hearing loss. Manifest by bulge in inguinal canal and reducible inguinal swelling.dilated loops of small bowel with air fluid levels.Barium anema reveal mega colon proximal to obstruction.markedly dilated loops proximal to obstruction. delayed motor skills. hypothyroidism. TX -.benign (Inward depresssion of chest) deformity.Pathognomonic Pneumatosis Intestinalis (air in the bowel wall cause double wall). Prematurity is the greatest risk. hypoglycemia. * HIRSCHSPRUNG DISEASE -. ventral penile curvature. MC cause is cystic fibrosis (absence of fetal pancereatic enz cause meconium to become thick). More reliable if done with in 48 hrs.No lactose tx will reverse every thing except neurodevelopmental problem.uretral opening on ventral surface. cataract. Incidence 1 : 200.Surgical correction. TX -. result into Bilious vomiting. a small unused microcolon distal to obstruction. It may begin prenatally (due t o transplacental galactose from mother). Association with trisomy not tx if there is good blood suplly.Most close spontaneously. TX -. TX -. * Phenylketonuria (phenylalanine hydroxylase def) -. supportive care and surgical resection of necrotic bowel. more likely to have urinary incontinence.cessation of feed. Nitric oxide therapy. Incomplete prepuce development. TX -.passive ROM excersize.fusion of fingers oe toe or both. 91 Copy Righted Material. vs. fair hair & skin. * THYROGLOSSAL CYST -.associated with Renal Cardiovascular Anomaly * POLAND $ -. pneumomediastinum.jaundice (direct).mental retardation. Barium anema micro colon distal to obstruction.Amastia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * ANIRIDIA -. Rectum is usually involved.CXR shows streaky.Urethral opening on dorsal surface. Prevention -. soap-bubbly appearance. * GASTROSCHISIS -. * UMBILICAL HERNIA -. * Polydactyly -. If enterocolitis is present. Best test is rectal biopsy shows absence of ganglion cells.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. TX -. * DIAPHRAGMATIC HERNIA OF NEWBORN -. TX -. perihilar linear densities. Palpation and illumination differentiate it from Inguinal hernia.defect occur through the unbilicus covered with sac. radial nerve dysplasia and syndactyly. Normal at birth but will develop in few months. Airway Suction of meconium of depress infant. Must do Xray before planing surgery.Sternocleidomastoid muscle tilt the head towards the tight side with rotation of the chin to the opposite side. corrected for cosmetic reason.Mass arising at midline moves with swallowing. * NEW BORN SCREENING : is done in every new born before discharge or 4th day of life. * CONGENITAL TORTICOLLIS (WRY NECK) -. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. May have intestinal atresia. form of extrophy. corrected for cosmetic reason. Perforation bloody stool. Bowel sound heard in chest. AP diameter.First Immidiate intubation and Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation than surgical correction. DX -. * Hypospadius -.more than 5 finger or toe or both. * MECONIUM ILEUS -. do not do circumcision. Associated with WILMs tumor (nephroblastoma in children) & WAGR $. Galactosemia. * OMPHALOCELE -.First test is abdominal X ray (distention of the bowel loop). * Hernia -. Flatening of diaphragm & Patchy infiltrate.located in inguinal canal. TX -. seizures.Prevent by avoiding prematurity and betamethasone tx.High Gastrograffin enema. * Epispadius -. DX -. (collection of unconjugated bilirubin in Basal Ganglia & Brain stem nuclei). * Undescended testis -. pneumothorax. webneck. * Classic Galactosemia (G1P uridyltransferase def) -. chordee. (polish girl has no breast).Large Ropey & Strand-like densities on CXR in a post-mature infant. vs. abdominal distention. Gut decompression. may show hyperdistended chest severe respiratory distress & hypoxia.High frequency Positive Pressure ventilation. Not associated with malformation. * MECONIUM ASPIRATION $ -.Best initial test is CXR. Kernicterus results into hypotonia. Knotted up sternocleidomastoid. microcephaly. mental retardation. Small volume lungs.Mass arising lateral to the midline commonly due to infection.transitory. * Duodenal Atresia -.benign (out ward protrusion of chest) deformity. apnea.dx by prenatal U/S.Inc in unconjugated bilirubin Kernicterus. Total # of dis that screen in USA are Phenylketonuria. Homogenous "ground glass" opacity. consider Congenital Hypothyroidism. blue eyes.Require surgical removal for both. TX -. * Finger tag -. * Teratogenic Drugs : Alcohol --------------------------------. No Inc in congenital abnormalities. Isotrenitoin (retinoicacid) ---------. Infant with + ve VDRL and pathognomonic sign. Phenytoin ----------------------------. * If Indirect Bilirubin rise > 5 mg /dL /day.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Indication for Possible pathologic hyperbilirubinemia work up : * If it appear on the first day of life. tremor hyperirritability. . Most spesific test is Ig M . * CONGENITAL SYPHILLIS -. (physiologic jaundice appear on 2 . tachycardia and seizures Inc risk of SIDS. Diethylstilbestrol -------------------. IUGR. * BREAT MILK JAUNDICE -. (usually 1st time mom) TX -. osteochondritis also occur. Rhagades (thickening of the corners of mouth) and Hutchinson teeth.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. cutaneous scar. All Children must undergo serologic testing for syphillis at the time of delivery.Serologic testing & scraping from any lesion or fluid.Respiratory & CNS depression.Respiratory & CNS depression. Baby may then be safely breast fed.Preterm labor. DX -. * Maternal Cocaine abuse -. Sulfonamide -----------------.3 day of life & disappear by 1 -2 weeks. NSAIDs -----------------------. Indirect bilirubin rise < 5 mg/dL/ day).Hypoplastic nails.Vit K def.FTA .ABS (Immunoglobulin florescent Treponemal Ab absorption).Displace bilirubin from albumin. poor feeding. Rate of still born. Barbiturate -------------------. when bilirubin is checked again it will have fallen significantly. diarrhea. Congenital heart dis. * If Indiract Bilirubin > 12 mg /dL in term infant. . typical facies. high degree of polysubstance abuse.2 days . * Maternal Drugs Effecting Neonate : Anesthesia -------------------. developmental delay.Associated with 1st and 2nd trimester inf limb deformity / hypoplasia.Premature closure of ductus arteriosus. vasoconstriction with resultant malformation. IUGR. (If pregnancy desired stop Isotrenitoin before 15 post menstrual day) 92 Copy Righted Material. The jaundice occur in 2nd week of life.occue due to GLUCURONIDASE present in milk (conjugate type jaundice).stop the breast feeding for 1 . * BREAST FEEDING JAUNDICE -. Radiographic bone changes. Although it will rise again but will not rise to the preious level.Respiratory depression. * Maternal Opiate abuse -. IUGR. Chorioretinitis.Facial & Ear anomalies. apnea. But it is not +ve immidiately. withdrawal Sxs with in 48 hrs. Saddle nose . Magnesium sulfate --------. * If Direct Bilirubin > 2 mg /dL at any time.Penecillin * Congenital varicella $ -. Phenobarbital ---------------.Fetal Alcohol $. DX & TX -. cataract.Congenital syphillis signs occur after 2 yrs of age Saber shin. microcephaly. No classic withdrawal signs.Vaginal Adenocarcinoma. TX -. (Reason is insufficient milk intake inadequate bowel movement to remove bilirubin from the body).Lactation consultation and rehydration.Occur in 1st day of life due to lack of calories & milk because of mom's lack of experience. Abruption. birth wt. asphyxia. CNS ishemic & hemorrhagic lesion. learning disabilities. cortical atrophy. DX -. melanoma or other pigmentation disorder. LH. If pt is abnormal look for precocious puberty. Potter facies (hypertelorism.5 mm dark spot (lentigines) on neck & trunk at birth. need PCR for definite dx.maternal immune status (positive exculde dis).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Tetracycline --------------------------. chromosomal or endocrine related.U/S is neccesary whos oligohydroamnios is due to renal agenesis or dysgenesis because 9% of 1st degree relative have asymptomatic malformation. Broad nasal bridge.Pre or post natal growth def with mild to moderate mental retardation.WIEDEMANN $ (IGF disruption at 11p 15. Hypochromic Iris. dermatitis and Anemia. DX -. Epicanthal fold. Glycolysis and electrone transport. Hyperglycemia (due to pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia).1 . . * WILLIAMs SYNDROME -. Always do pregnanct test before indicating. Flat nasal bridge. Macroglossia (may need partial glossectomy). CA < BA -. abnormal epicanthal fold. Deafness.NAD & NADP cofactor. prominant lips. TX .Facial dysmorphism and Chondrodyslasia. CMV -.associated with Older paternal age for new mutation Lateral displacement of inner canthi. hyperthyroidism.Mild facial asymmetry. * RETINOICACID (ISOTRENITOIN) EMBRYOPATHY -. cryptorchidism. * BECKWITH . Amenorrhea and Cleft lip. GnRH. Herpes -.If pt is normal may be costitutional delay. depressed nasal bridge. Large kidney with medullary dysplasia. Mental retardation. CHF. Medial flareing of eyebrows. neonatal polycythemia. growth retardation. Lithium ---------------------------------. * VITAMINS : * Vit A -. Dry scaly skin. peripheral neuritis. photophobia. CNS malformation & intelligence.Ebstein's anomaly. Toxoplasmosis -. ACE Inhibitor -------------------------. skin rash and on palm and sole. Niacin def Pellagra (DDD).Large for gestational age. hypertelorism. do councelling regarding teratogenecity. Ptosis.Renal Agenesis or dysgenesis cause oligohyroamnios which results into fetal compression and pulmonary hypoplasia (death form respiratory insufficiency). Supravalvular aortic stenosis. Bilateral microtia or anotia. Patechiae with thrombocytopenia. MANAGEMENT . low set ear micrognathia.microcephaly with periventricular calcification. Premature graying. MANAGEMANT -. if negative measure IgM for dx. Vit A Def Ocular lesion.coenz for decarboxylation & transamination of AA. * Vit B1 (thiamine) -. abnormal mottling of teeth.Significant Airway Obstruction in first 4 week of life. nausia. keratitis. Inc risk of abdominal tumor. pul stenosis. deafness and heart defect. If pt is abnormal may be exclude dis). * PIERRE ROBIN $ (or ROBIN SEQUENCE ) -. Renal artery stenosis with HTN. joint limitation. growth and energy production. Vit B1 def Beri beri .if pt is normal it may be due to obesity. bone / teeth development & epithelial maturation. Inc intracranial P. Riboflavin def Glossitis. periostitis.hydrocephalus with generalized calcification and chorioretinitis. DX -. Defecttve tricuspid valve results into blood leaks back through the valve & into the RA which cause Enlarge Atrium and Atrial septal defect.elevated Ig M against toxoplsmosis. Omphalocele. so must monitor carefully. Defect occur in 1st month of gestation.osteochondritis. Rubella -. * Riboflavin -. * POTTER SEQUENCE (POTTER $) -.VDRL * EBSTEIN ANOMALY -. diastasis rectii. Hypersensitivity to sound.Fetal Adrenocortical cytomegaly (consistent feature). hypogonadism. * SOTOs SYNDROME -. Bone age "BA") CA = BA -. DX -. It Inc in no with age.Abdominal U/S & serum AFP every 6 month through 6 yrs of age ( Risk of Abdominal tumor sp Wilms tumor & Hepatoblastoma). Prominant Forehead. abnormal limb). Syphilis -. Talkative and friendly personality. facial nerve paralysis ipsilateral to ear. Laryngeal nerve paralysis. keratoconjunctivitis.No problem if stop before 15 post menstrual day. ataxia.CNS. Thymic & parthyroid abnormality. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. untreated dis lead to osteoporosis. Need for adequate brain function and normal brain metabolism. If pt is abnormal suspect chronic systemic dis or endocrine problem.5) -. peripheral neuritis. * Niacin -.hormone therapy. conotruncal malformation.Craniofacial abnormalities. It could be isolated finding or may be associated with Fetal alcohol $.caused by Maternal Lithium use Displaced Defective Tricuspid valve Enlarge RA & patent Foramina ovale.Urine CMV culture (if . Depression. Macrosomia.Mental retardation and Neural tube defect. Vit B6 def Convulsion.Enamel hypoplasia. Inc Intracranial P. Acute meningoencephalitis.FAD (electron transport). Anemia. * MULTIPLE LENTIGINES $ (LEOPARD $) -. Mental & growth retardation. Valproate / Carbamezapine -----. Warfarin -------------------------------. Hydrocephalus. Partial vesicle. Not related to sunlight. Dx -. EKG problem.Oligohydroamnios also occur from chronic leak.cataract. Edward $. 93 Copy Righted Material. white forelock. Umbilical abnormalities. deafness. Pointed chin. Donot confuse with Puetz jheger $. tissue maintenance.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Co enz in carbihydrate metabolism and generate NADP. * Vit B6 (pyridoxine) -. conjunctivitis. FSH. * TORCH INF : If suspected collect cord blood (to measure total IgM). CA > BA -. seborrhea. * Kallmann $ -. If pt is normal but Short may be familial. Periorbital fullness. hypopigmented skin lesion & occular fundus. hypercalcemia. short palpabral fissure.Micrognathia + Glossoptosis (Posteriorly placed tongue) + Cleft palate. discolored teeth.Rentinal pigment. DX -. mucopurulent rhinitis. (rememeber Jay Leno soto) * GROWTH VELOCITY : (chronologic age "CA". Prevention -.neg culture do not exclude dis.its ideal. Other featutes are ELFIN Facies. narrow sloping of forehead. Anosmia. Linear fissue of lobule of external ear. * WAARDENBURG $ (ADD) -. Vit E def Creatinuria. premature hemolytic anemia & Inc pletelet count. Vaccinia & Live Bacterial vaccines are contraindicated. Vit D def Rickets .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Vit C -.are Subunits of HBV. Yellow fever. Malignancy. swelling of gum. Live Attenated Viral Vaccine -. Vit K def hemorrhage. Vit D is low and breast milk and Cow milk. (Td = tetanus & diptheria) In pts with vaccination Hx of < 3 doses give Td for minor wounds and Td + TIG for all other wounds. weakness. * TETANUS PROPHYLAXIS -. Vit C def Scyrvey (bleeding. If Future exposure is likely and pt is 2 yrs old give HAV vaccine. Measles & Varicella can be given.nothing is cntraindicated. * Vit K -. burn. easy fracture.(Diptheria and tetnus) Pure type -------. Vit E toxicity cause hemorrhage. feces. * CLASSICIFICATION OF VACCINES -1. 4. If Hx of exposure is > 2 week nothing is gven. HAV and Rabies. losing teeth. 3. * Vit D -. Give Td in major wounds if last vaccines was administered > 5 yrs ago. 2.OPV. If Future exposure is likely and pt is 2 yrs old give Ig + HAV vaccine.are Toxoids type ----. Tetany.Live bacterial vaccines are contraindicated.are Polio. Exception are -. Vaccinia & BCG is contraindicated. puncture.All live Vaccines are conraindicated. 94 Copy Righted Material. . saliva. Severe combined Immunodeficiency -. Hib. Pneumococcal) * CONTRAINDICATIONS TO VACCINES -X linked Agammaglobulinemia -. war.Based on immune status Live Bacterial & Viral vaccine are contraindicated. meninigococcal) Conjugate type -. Inactivated Polysaccharide based vaccine -. Immunosuppressives & Radiation -. Complement def -. Inactivated Whole Virus Vaccine -.(Peumoccocal. HIV/ AIDS -. Inactivated Protein based Vaccine -. costochondral rosary. Phagocyte dysfunction -. Anemia.OPV. avulsions.Reducing agent. HEPATITIS A POSTEXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS -If Hx of exposure is 2 weeks give Ig to all pts.Neuclic acid metabolism. Nasal Influenza.Give Td for minor wounds if last vaccine was administered > 10 yrs ago.(Hib. Varicella. formation of collagen and chondroitin sulfate. As well as (Live bacterial) BCG & Oral Typhoid. Parenteral Influenza and Acellular Pertussis. forstbite. Focal necrosis of straitid muscles.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. In pts with Hx of vaccination > 3 doses give nothing. Small Pox. MMR & Varicella can be given if not severely immunocompromised (CD4 > 200). crush.Oxidative phosphorylation & clotting factor synthesis (in liver).Osteomalacia.are MMR.D3 (natural in skin activate by sun light). Transplantation pt. * Vit E (tocopherol) -. sternal depression).due to dirt. PGE1 is given if cynosis present at birth. MANIFESTATION -. Confirm a .used to be called male version of Turner $. epicanthal fold. Lymphedema. thick helix of ear. Ebstein Anomaly Pt may also have WPW $.CXR shows massive RA and pulmonary bood flow (low vascularity.No outlet from RA to RV. Associated with CATCH . DX -. TX Rapid Strep Test with culture if suspicion is high. Later stage surgical correction . Wide pulse P with bounding pulse.Occur in the midline.If Rapid Sterp test is +ve dont not do throat culture. morphine (subcutaneously) and Beta blocker. Backward rotated ear. Remember Severe Cynosis at birth + Pulmonary blood flow on CXR + Left Axis deviation on ECG + LVH think Tricuspid Atresia. strawberry in Lateral Knee chest position. caused by Coxakie virus. Digeorge $ etc.CXR shows pulmonary vascularity due to undercirculation (unlike Truncus Arteriosus). enlarge RA & RA vol which shunts through foramen ovale or ASD & cause cyanosis. MANIFESTATION -. Deeply groved philtrum. DX -. Echocardiogram is Gold standard.CXR. but it is distinct entity & occur equally in Male & Female. tricuspid regurgitation. and single S2. 95 Copy Righted Material.1 . Systolic ejection murmur with large thrill.Taussig shunt). * THYROGLOSSAL DUCT -. If severe at birth marked cyanosis.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * SCARLET FEVER -.CXR shows enlarge heart with Pulmonary blood flow (Inc vascularity on CXR). (imp) * EBSTEIN ANOMALY -. Tetralogy of fellot.Tx is Surgery in first few week of life to prevent heart failure. ECG shows biventricular hypertrophy. Remember Coxakie virus cause hepangia.High pitched early decresndo murmur at mid left sternal border due to incompetent truncal valves. Bile duct paucity (too few bile duct) and pulmonary valve stenosis.. It manifest as Xanthomas. Acute lymphonodular pharyngitis and Hand Foot & Mouth dis. There is minimal cyanosis because large blood vol to lung. Cryptorchidism. gallop rythem & multiple clicks . TX -.2 cm vesicals and ulcers on the post surface of the pharynx.Boot shape heart + dark lung field due to dec in pulmonary blood flow on Radiograph.Pulmonary valve stenosis. EKG which shows Right axis deviation due to right ventricular hypertrophy.Give PGE1 until Aortopulmonary shunt is performed. * NOONAN SYNDROME -. in kids. DX -. DX -. .occur laterally CYSTIC HYGRMOA -. Augment pulmonary blood flow with Palliative systemic to pulmonary shunt (Modified Blalock . Sand paper like rash on the body. mental retardation. Corrective surgery at 4 to 12 month of age (remove obstructive muscle. Pulmonary blood flow depend on the size of VSD & also PDA.caused by Group A hemolytic strept (S pyogenes).manifestation may not apear untill adolescene or adulthood.Abnormally displaced tricuspid leaflet into Right Ventrical small RV. Inc LV impulse. Holosystolic murmur over the most of the anterior left chest is the most characteristic finding.Depand on degree of obstruction. COMPLICATION can be tx with IV antibiotics (3rd generation Cephalosporin plus Ampicillin / salbactum or clindamycin) and surgical drainage * HERPANGIA -. * TRICUSPID ATRESIA -. Entire venous return enter the LA via foramen ovale or ASD than to LV to RV via VSD.Failure of Truncus Arteriosus (an embryological structure) to divides into the pulmonary artery & aorta. single S2. BRACHIAL CYST -.Cyanosis at birth. ECG shows Left Axis deviation (due to LVH).Penecillin (Erythromycin altenative). Associated with maternal lithium use.can occur any where common in posterior triangle of the neck. * TETRALOGY OF FALLOT -. * ALAGILLE SYNDROME -. It may effect kidney & CNS. VSD is always present (both ventricals are at systemic pressure Pulmonary P with resultant heart failure).22 $. (imp) MENIFESTATION -. (like TruncusAtreiosus) DX -. * TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS . if not corrected results into Eisenmenger $. dark field). Juandice. Prevent Rheumatic fever by treating with in 9 days of illness. Echocardiogram (gold standard) TX -. hyperdynamic precordium. TX -. . EKG and Echocardiography (Gold standard) Tet Spell TX -.Autosomal Dominant Arteriohepatic dysplasia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Both VSD and PDA are imp for pulmonary circulation. huge heart. Oxygen. Hypertelorism. Atrial balloon septostomy may be needed. MANIFESTATION -. valvulotomy and patching of VSD) . Enterococci (group D) -.Ceftriaxone (other 3 G cephalosporin) for 4 weeks or 6 weeks in prothetic valve. DX -. Pace maker and defibrillation. Partially oxygenated blood reaches the aorta through the patent foramen ovale.Complete drainage of pulmonary vein into systemic venous circulation with resultant mixing of systemic venous and pulmonary venous blood and cyanosis. VSD. Kingella kingae) are slow growing part of normal flora.Vancomycin for 6 weeks + / . Methcillin resistant Staph Aureus -. PROPHYLAXIS IN ENDOCARDITIS : For Dental. DX -. 7. Cyanosis and tachypnea may not respond to PGE1. ECHOCARDIOGRAM is Gold standard.Ampicillin + gentamycin (for 4 . or Penecillin (ceftriaxone) + Gentamycin (for 2 weeks).No Cyanosis until ductus is open but later cyanosis appears as ductus arteriosus closes. partial dehiescence of prothetic valve. Coronary Artery bypass.PGE1 than Surgical correction * Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) -. pulmonary HTN with dec cardiac output and shock.6 weeks). * Norwood Procedure (HLH$ Reconstruction) include 1 . DX -. Strep viridians is more common in those with underlying Heart dis or after Dental procedure. Signs of heart failure .stage Norwood Procedure (better than cardiac transplantation). . A shunt connects the aorta to the pulmonary arteries. Non descript systolic murmur.CXR shows Egg on string appearance plus absence of main segment of pulmonary artery. Staph Aureus -. (Better mixing in half of the pt with VSD).atrial septum removed. weak or absent pulse & shock. Mitral valve prolapse without regurgitation or thickened valve 5.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Without Obstruction -. Normal or prolong PR interval and RBBB.Give PGE1 First then Systemic to pulmonary shunt and later staged surgery.6 weeks (+/.Give PGE1 first. Surgical Repair of ASD.shows total mixing of blood through large left to right MC cynotic heart lesion in infant born to diabetic mother.Vancomycin for 4 . Mild Cardiomegaly. CONDITIONS THAT ARE NOT RECOMMANDED FOR PROPHYLAXIS IN ENDOCARDITIS : 1. actinomyctes. arthritis. Clinical Presentation depands on presence and absence of obstruction. or 1 major + 3 minor ) Major Criteria : + ve blood culture (2 seperate for usual pathogen) Evidence of Echocardiogram (intracardiac lesion.Give Amoxicillin (Clindamycin. TX -. new valvular regurgitant flow) Minor Criteris : Predisposing condition. TX -. * PROPHYLAXIS RECOMMENDATION IN GENERAL : 96 Copy Righted Material. The major blood flow to the systemic circulation is through the PDA. PDA. pt with prosthetics Vancomycin + Gentamycin for 4 . Blood flows through the anastomosed aorta and pulmonary trunk to the aortic arch. macrolide are alternative) For Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary procedure -. fever. 3.aorta & pulmonary trunk anastomosed together & the aorta made larger.TMP/ SMX. Immune comples dis (glomerulonephritis. for survival emergent surgery is required. actinobacillus. hypoplastic LV. Emboli or vascular sign. pinched aorta. 4 .6 weeks +/. Single + ve blood culture. Roth spot). * TOTAL ANOMALOUS PULMONARY VENOUS RETURN -. normal to Inc pulmonary blood flow with or without murmur. 3 .Refampin). aortic atresia. Staph Epidermidis -.Penecillin G (4 weeks). shows severe pulmonary congestion.Staph Endocarditis is more common in those without underlying Heart dis vs. cephalosporin.Do nothing if malformation is not competible with life. ECHOCARDIOGRAM is Gold standard. 2 .shows patent foramen ovale. Echocardigraphic signs not meeting criteria. With Obstruction -.CXR shows large supra cardiac shadow with enlrge cardiac shadow called Snow Man Sign. The lack of a developed LV & the aortic coarctation reversed blood flow through the aorta. Respiratory & esophageal procedure -. Kawasaki without Valvular dysfunction. Soft systolic murmur (in ASD) and harsh systolic murmur (in VSD) at their sites. MANIFESTATION -. up the pulmonary trunk and through the PDA. + ve Rheumatoid factor. Narrow media stinum. Osler node.give Ampicillin + gentamycin (for high risk pt) Vancomycin + gentamycin is alternative. TX -. ECG shows Tall spiked P wave and RVH. providing the lungs with blood to oxygenate. DX -. HACEK organism -. TX -. abcess. narrowed aorta. * INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS -. * TRANSPOSITION OF GREAT VESSELS -. Enlarge heart with R parasternal lift. ECG shows RVH and RA enlargement with dec left sided forces. prosthetic regurgitant flow. Rheumatic Heart without valve dysfunction. give Amoxicillin or Ampicillin (for moderate risk pt) vancomycin is altrnative. 2. cardiobacterium hominus. Ekinella corrodens. ECG shows normal neonatal Right side dominance.Nafcillin or Oxacillin (4 . PDA. than balloon atrial septostomy and later arterial switch surgery in first 2 weeks. Echocardiogram is Gold standard. Isolated Secundum ASD. Oral. 6.Dukes criteria ( either 2 major or 5 minor .6 weeks) + 5 days of Gentamycin. HACEK (hemophilus.6 weeks). Need foramen ovale and PDA for some mixing of blood.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS ECG shows tall & broad P wave.CXR shows Enlarge Heart with Inc pulmonary flow.Refampin.Blalock-Taussig shunt (temporary). Must do Genetic & Neurologic examination and tests before surgery because many pt also have significant CNS abnormality. less likely to be severly symptomatic early.patch where pulmonary trunk is disconnected from L & R pulmonary artery. * Orgainsm specific tx for Endocarditis : Strep Viridians -. Best tx today is 3 . Alternates are Vancomycin + Gentamycin (for 4 . Sulfasalazine and Steroids. v imp. DX -. is diagnostic and curative. DX -. Can lead to end stage renal failure.Surgery. polyps. neurofibroma.g tonsillectomy. * ENDOCARDIAL FIBROELASTOSIS (EF) -. Failure of tx should be tx with surgery. Influenza v. COMPLICATION -. Rare disorder occur in < 2 yrs olds. Mitral valve prolapse with a murmur or thickened leaflet. crypt abscess.Sxs must be present for at least 3 . Pylorotomy.Air Enema with supplanted Barium. meckels diverticulum. Renal scan is to determine size of kidney and scarring. all OB/GYN procedures. ECHOCARDIOGRAM shows bright appearing endocardial surface and poorly functioining LV. TX MC Obstructive Uropathy in pediatric group. TX -. Classic Black currant jelly stool.Endoscopy and biopsy is the best study of choice. abscess drainage). * POSTERIOR URETHRAL VALVE -.bilious emesis recurrent abdominal pain. DX Voiding Cystourethrogram (for dx & grading & also to rule out posterior ureteral valve).Best test is Ultrasound shows TARGET like appearance. If manual operative reduction is not possible or bowel is not viable do ressection and end to end anastomosis. superior mesentric vein to the left of the artery is suggestive. Periodontal procedures. * PYLORIC STENOSIS -.Polyhydramnious and postnatal Bilious Vomiting. DX -. 97 Copy Righted Material. IV antibiotic. diarrehea. EKG changes. * PERICARDITIS --. COMPLICATION -. Radiographic Reduction under flouroscopy if done with in 48 hrs of presentation. (other wise most pt die with in 1 . transbronchial biopsy). DX -. All Urinary procedures including cystoscope. Half born premature and with other anomalies many shows jaundice. Heart transplant recipients with valvulopathy. * PROCEDURES DO NOT NEED PROPHYLAXIS IN GENERAL : Dental filling. Dental extractions. * DUODENALATRESIA -. In Constrictive pericarditis heart is small with pericardial calcification. Bilateral sensrineuronal hearing loss (never congenital). Azathioprin & metronidazole (for fistula). MC cause pericarditis in pediatric group is viral (Coxakie B. vs.tx heart failure but transplantation is essential. * CROHN's DIS -. Acute small bowl obstruction without Hx of bowl surgery suggest the possibility of Volvulus. TX -. Lead pipe colon on barium enema studies. If tx Fails. . Female have subclinical hearing loss. Pulsus paradoxus with pericarditis suggest cardiac temponade (Pulsus paradoxus is 20 mmHg drop of BP on inspiration).X Linked dominant disorder -. (remember jejunal or Ileal Atresia cause abdominal distention) imp * INTESTINAL MALROTATION -. TX -. Due to congenital heart dis or Left Obstructive dis. Severe anemia.g. malignancy. Annular Pancrease and Volvulous. if prolonged do surgery. (donot confused with endocardial fibrosis). (delay in tx of volvulus Short bowel $). Anti TNF (Infliximab). TX -.Double bubble sign with no distal bowl gas on Radiograph. Adeno v.Hematuria.CXR dialated cardiopathy. Ladd Band may extend to cecum to RUQ to produce duodenal obstruction relieved by Ladds procedure (surgery)..Gold standard test is Colonoscopy and biopsy. Upper GI show malposition of Ligament of Treitz. DX -.Demonstrate Opaque fibroelastic white thickening of endocardium. Saucage shape mass in RUQ on palpation.If Lesion is severe may presents with pulmonary hypoplasia (potter sequence). DX -. DX -. * ALPORT SYNDROME -. Anti TNF agent (Infliximab). Manifest as voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) TX -.String Sign (narrow tract). Primary EF Dialated ventricular cavity in infant. Procedures on infected Skin or Musculoskeletal structures (e. fistula granuloma. DX -. Secondary EF Contracted ventricular cavity. In Cyanotic heart disease (unrepaired or within six months after repair). Also associated with Down $. hemangioma. Associated with Henoch Schonlein Purpura. Prognosis depend on severity. mostly in 1st yr of life in acute or chronic fashion due to incomplete rotation during fetal life (Superior mesentric artery act as axis of rotation). hematoma. Due to unknown Etiology.Classic Water Bottle Sign occur if there is Cardiomegaly and Pericardial Effusion is large .MC Obstructive uropathy in boys. toxic mega colon. All flexible scopes. CT Scan is prefer when calculi is suspected.Non Bilious vomiting after feeding which results into Hypochloremic Hypokalemic Metabolic Alkalosis. * INTUSSUSCEPTION -. hearing loss and Ocular problem.Hydrate and correct electrolyte . * ULCERATIVE COLITIS -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Prosthetic heart valves. with out abdominal distention.2 days after Respiratory inf).6 month). do Colectomy.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Asymptomatic Hematuria (usually occur 1 .decompress bladder with catheter. also arthritis. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Antibiotics & hyperalimentation. vs. Valvular disease. TX -. or Contrast radiograph study.Steroids and Aminosalisylate.Nasogastric decompression. Crohn can effect any part of the GI tract. incision or biopsy of respiratory mucosa (e. (there may be a double Bubble sign if there is duodenal obstruction on Xray) U/S show Inversion of Superior mesentric artery & vein & duodenal obstruction with thicken bowl loop to the right of the spine. Pt with a hx of Infective Endocarditis.4 weeks.High risk of colon cancer and Toxic megacolon with perforation. Do ultrasound for other aomalies.Emergent reduction. * URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION OBSTRUCTION -. Tx is pericardiectomy.U/S. and Transurethral ablation or vesicostomy. IV fluids and surgery (Duodenostomy) Differential DX is Malrotation. echo v).Coiled Spring appearance on imaging. shows skip lesion. TX -. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Galeazzi sign is also + ve (difference in flexed knee height). relieve by rest.degenerative disease (Idiopathic Avascular Necrosis of Capital Femoral Epiphysis) deformity of the ball of the femur & the surface of the hip socket. compression and deformity. 11 Deoxycortisol 11 Hydroxylase Cortisol Testosterone / Estradiol * DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF HIP -. TX -.Containment of femoral head with in acetabulum with orthoses & casting Bed rest.Congenitally Medially rotated stiff foot may associated with neuromuscular disease. Remember Acute Post streptococcal GN occur 1 -2 week after respiratory inf (due to group A beta hemolytic strep) or 3 .Dynamic Ultrasound of the Hip is the Best test. Chondrolysis. Surgery & Casting for Older age. After 4 month Frog leg lateral XRAY. (Neck rotate anteriorly with head remain in the acetabulum).MC hip disorder in adolescents. Pining. Complication is Acetabular dysplasia.MC cause of intoeing before 2 yrs of age. Inc androgen vs. DX -. If all fail do surgery. TX -.12 yrs of age. Usually bilateral.Ant/ post and Frog leg lateral XRAYS. Cause limping with or without pain. * TALIPES EQUINOVARUS (CLUB FOOT) -. Painless Limp (Antalgic gait) but pain in ant thigh. hypokalemia vs.Serial casting.2 yrs.12 months. Measure prone thigh foot angle. * FEMORAL ANTEVERSION (internal femoral torsion) -. Femoral head easily be dislocated due to shallow socket + general ligamental laxity due to dysplasia. or thin kid with recent growth spurt. 20 lyase def hypertension. 4). 20 lyase 21 hydroxylase 21 hydroxylase 17 OH steroid dehydrogenase / Aomatase 11 Deoxycorticosterone 11 Hydroxylase corticosterone AT II and hyperkalemia Aldosterone synthase Aldosterone .Serial of Casts before 8 month of age. due to inutero positioning. Risk factors are family Hx. Complicatios -. If problem is significant and persist by age 10 yrs do surgery. 98 Copy Righted Material.PAVLIK HARNESS is the tx for 1-2 month old. Risk facor -. vs. Ortolani Maneuver reduces dislocated hip but before 2 month of age. corrective shoes. First born. . 17 hydroxylase def and 17.Must close the capital femoral epiphysis. after 12 yrs of age.cream cone TX -. Must be assess by Xray and discrepencies > 2cm at skeletal maturity may require surgery. * GENU VARUM (Bow leg) -.MC cause of intoeing after 2 yrs of age. Orthoses. T3. corrective shoes. virilization. Remember 3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase def both male and female Psuedohermaphroditism. vs. TX -. (In usmle : Talipes equinovarus heel cant touch the surface. TX -. Abduction stretching excersize. FSH. occur b/w 4 . * Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis -. Barlow Maneuver is most important will dislocate unstable hip and can be felt easily (not a click). 20 Lyase Dehydroxyandrosterone 17 Hydroxypregnenolone 3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Progesterone Hydroxyprogesterone Androstenidione 17 Hydroxylase 17. DX -.6 week after Impetigo (due to staphalococcus). 3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase def and 21 beta hydroxylase def hypotension due to salt waste. v imp * Remember Only 11 beta hydroxylase def.3 yrs. Cholesterol Pregnenolone 17 Hydroxylase 17 .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Foam cell caharacteristic finding on renal biopsy.sitting.Ant / Post and Frog leg lateral Xray shows collapse. Remember hip patholgy refer pain to the knee. If problem persist do surgery by age 4. TX -. very imp to remember. Breech presentation. DX -. vs.Occur due to spontaneous correction of Genu varum or May be due to underlying cause. * METATARSUS ADDUCTUS -.obese kid with delayed skeletal maturation.Occur from birth to 3 yrs of age. Ice . Remember Varum (varus) is when foot turn medially where as VaLgus is when foot turn Laterally. Endocrine abnormality can occur (check LH. (Glomerulonephritis or end stage renal dis) v imp Pathognomonic Extrusion of central part of Lens into anterior chamber. GENU VALGUM (Knocked knee) -. orthoses. 17 hydroxyl / 17.due to torsion in utero it resolves by 1 .Adducted forefoot most common in first newborn. * INTERNAL TIBIAL TORSION -. If not resolve than surgery. 11 hydroxylase def female pseudohermaphroditism.No tx it is physiologic and will resolves in 6 . * Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease ---. In metatarsus adductus heel can touch the surface) imp dif.mostly resolves in 1 .Osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis). splints . precocious pubarche.20 lyase def male psuedohermaphroditism. MC in girls. due to abnormal sitting habbit called W . TX -. Entire leg rotate inward at hip during gait. 5. Splenectomy means 40 yrs survival without stem cell transplantation. HbF. Common in overacttive adolescents. Definitive tx is bone marrow transplatation. petechiae.Traction apophysitis of tibial tubercle (over use injury) Prominant.encephalopathy respectively) Encephalopathy may or may not be present at 70g/dL. TX : control underlying problem. Methotrexate is safest 2nd line agent. Marrow show normal cells with RBC precursor. irridocyclitis. Transient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood occur due to nonspecific viral inf (but not Parvo B19). hematemesis. DX -.24 months.9mg/dL. C3 & fibrin rarely IgM deposits in mesengium on Renal biopsy). imp. crops over 3 .no tx (resolves in 1 . Management : evaluate source. Ratinoblastoma & Irradiation is associted with Osteosarcoma (not with Ewing Sarcoma).6 months. 3. ADAM TEST : > 20 degree curve is positive. RBC Adenosine deaminase. vs. vs. Little or no in Erythropoitin.triphalangeal thumb + pure RBC def (macrocytosis) + Inc RBC Adenosine deaminase + RBC precursor. short stature. Normal RBC Adenosine deaminase. * SCOLIOSIS -. Normocytic / normochromic to microcytic / hypochromic. Pletelet. provide education & repeat blood lead level in 1 month. * NURSEMAID ELBOW -. Fanconi Anemia (Absent or Hypoplastic thumb & Radii + all cell lines depressed).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. blood in stool.2 months) vs. hepatitis. MCV & HbF. Bilateral Bulbar conjunctivitis without exudate.Rotate hand & forarm to the supinated position with pressure on the Radial head. pericarditis. typical in middle childhood.Biopsy. dry crack lips).youtube.Inc RBC programmed cell death with profound anemia in 3 . TX -. Rash Perineal desquamation. MC in whites. Management : Hospitalize pt with 2 drug tx (EDTA + DMSA or BAL.Mostly Idiopathic. Otitis RF. TX -. glomeruli & GI tract). TX . diarrhea. Blood lead level of 70g/ RF. (without metastasis 70% & with metastasis 20 % cure). Hb 5. Definitive dx by skin biopsy rarely needed. TX -. Dx criteria is Fever plus 5 of the following.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * POPLITEAL CYST (BAKERS CYST) -. LAB -. Isometric exercize. RBC precursor in marrow. Cervical lymphadenitis. Warfarin if there is risk of thrombosis (in high pletelet count). Renal complication is tx as other renal dis. DX -. 1. Dx by Bone marrow aspiration.Braces for immature pt with curve < 40 degree. Arthritis. watch at . rash. 4. Management : do Chelation with single drug (DMSA "dimercaptosuccinic acid").Classic clinical presentaion is enough.Macrocytosis. If > 10 yrs and enlarge do surgery.fever. Remember : vWD or Platelet dysfunction cause mucous mem little MC before age 10 yrs than Osteocarcoma. 6.Symptomatic. Aseptic meningitis. Urine RBCs & WBCs cast & albuminuria. Inc hepatic transaminases. (but can be false +ve) DX -. very low Reticulocyte. Early Myocarditis.Radial head subluxation due to sudden traction or pulling of arm.IgA mediated vasculitis of small vessels following URT inf. (Use steroids if fever is persistent). * KAWASAKI DISEASE -. PROGNOSIS -. craniofacial deformity. WBCs. TX -. Immobilize knee. lymphadenopathy hepatosplenomegaly. diarrhea. Erythopoitin. (imp compllication are Renal insufficiency / failure & Bowel perforation). * BLACKFAN DIAMOND ANEMIA (Congenital pure red cell anemia) -. vs. Metastasis to lung & bone. more common in female adolescents. Definitive Tx is stem cell transplantation. (IgA. and surgery (permanant internal fixation rod) for those with > 45 degree.Most imp test is ECHOCARDIOGRAM (repeat at 2 . * OSGOOD SCHALATER DIS -. (Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis with + ve RF has poor outcome vs. Other lab is WBC Inc. TX -. TX -. In Anticardiolipin or APL Ab use Asprin. Manifest as Pronated arm & child refuses to bend it. Corticosteroids for severe inf or systemic involvement. DX . Also ECG & pletelet (pletelet Inc by 1 million in 2 .Rest. ESR Inc.Observe in < 10 yrs old it resolves over time. * Lead Poisoning . 99 Copy Righted Material.10 days progress to patechie & purpura (red purple or brown).70g/dL. Complete recovery 12 . Metastasis to lung & bone. pericarditis & . LAB -. * HENOCH SCHONLEIN PURPURA -. intussusception.MC bone tumor.Pink maculo papular rash below waist (palpable rash).Vasculitis of medium size arteries specially coronary artery. EWING SARCOMA -. (IgA & C3 deposit in skin. ESR.http://www. and rarely coma or seizures.3 week). Ant and Lateral spine Xray. cytogenetic study of chromosomal breakage.Pauciarticular type respond best to NSAIDs. TX * OSTEOSARCOMA -.Corticosteroids and Androgen. Arthritis. 7. Onion skin lytic periosteal lesion. TX -. Anticardiolipin or Antiphospholipid Ab. Anemia of Chronic dis or renal dis shows iron without TIBC. * JUVENILE RHEMATOID ARTHRITIS -.3 week after onset. Erythema & swelling of hand & feet & desquamation of fingertips 1 . High dose Asprin. MANIFEST -. MC cause of non thromcytopenic purpura in children. For GI complication use oral or IV corticosteroids.Distention of bursa by synovial fluid behind knee. May occur with other congenital Nuromuscular dis or spinal deformities. small ecchymoses (over all minor bleed) vs. Sun Burst appearance & Codeman triangle.3 week). CSF pleocytosis. TX -.Radiation and / or surgery.Acute IV Ig. with .Do Ultrasound for aspiration. + / . . Blood lead level of 45 . Abdominal pain. IgA & IgM.Post. + ve ANA and HLA B27 has good prognosis). coronary artery aneurysm (in 2nd or 3 rd week). TX -. DX -.Corticosteroids + Transfusion and Deferoxamine. IntraOral erythema (strawberry tongue. Rarely transfusion.No evidence of cardiovascular sequelae in those who do not have coronary abnormality in first 2 months of onset. Show Triphalangeal thumb. hydrop of gallbladder.Biopsy. serum Iron. 2.Chemo & Ablative surgery. Normoocytic anemia. TX -. tender. swelled tubercle. DX -. Remember : Blackfan diamond anemia -.GI Sxs starts at 20 g/dL of lead blood level. . C reactive protein Inc. Urethritis (sterile pyurea). Glomerulonephritis or nephrosis. best initial test is CT scan . DX -.catecholamine secreting tumor of chromaffin cells (Adrenal medulla most common site).Surgery. imp.Measures the final step of Fibriogen into Fibrin. frequency in neurofibromatosis pt. incedence in Neurofibromatosis. Evaluate metastasis and used if qualitative platelet dysfunction is suspected. DX -. exudate. no or partially correction suggest heparin in pts system.Surgery or Radiation or chemo.5 %. TX -. IX. TX . vomiting encephalopathy. may results into 4th ventrical obstruction.CT scan is best initial test & MRI.MC infratentorial tumor of childhood classically located in cerebellum.Thrombocytopenia is most common cause of Aquired bleeding disorder in children PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME (PTT) -.tx with surgery and radiation. polyurea. Intracranial P. Initial presentation is often as metastasis to Long bones. MEN IIb.MC Supratentorial tumor of childhood loctated suprasellarly (sella turcica) Panhypopituitarism. It is Most frequent Optic nerve tumor (supratentorial tumor). Pleomorphic is adult form. then Chemotherapy (Vincristine + Dectinomycin) and Radiation (if inoperable). or subs that interfere with fibrin (Heparin & Fibrin split product) LAB STUDIES -. hydrocephalus. proptosis.Obtain Platelet.Episodic HTN. vs. Most ly Embryonal type. growth failure. DX -. Qualitative pletelet defect. CT or MRI.54 .measures pletelet function & Interaction with vessels eg. PLATELET AGGREGATION STUDY -. eye deviation.Mostly in head & neck. lymphnode. * Children with pheochromocytoma excrete nor EN. CXR for Lung Invovlvement.100% survival. BT.Low grade Glioma tx with surgery. abdominal pain. (no role of chemo) * WILMs TUMOR -. vWD.Originate from Neural crest cells due to N . XI. headache. It is associated with neurofibromatosis. * NEUROBLASTOMA -. diaphoresis. Bone marrow transplant.Uni or Bilateral Nephroblastoma (2nd MC abdominal tumor).Best initial test is CT Scan . MANIFESTATION -. XIII def or Anticoagulants. * NEURAL TUBE DEFECT --. cervical or thoracis ganglia). MEN IIa. Following are the Interpretations. LABS . DX -. polydipsia. It is low grade tumor. Moderate if it is 1 . growth failure.myc Oncogene painful calcified flank or midline mass with hemorrhage. Preoperative + blocker (phenoxybenzamine & Lebetelol) & fluid administration. palpitation. DX . PT Prolongs with factor VII. * RHABDOMYOSARCOMA -. Occur at any site (abdomin.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Clotting factor def or Hemophilia cause deep and extensive ecchymoses and hematoma. PTT Prolongs with factor VIII.Tumor ressection with pre and post operative chemo therapy.Removal (but high risk). BLEEDING TIME (BT) -. Doxorubicin). With Complete ressection 80 . dizziness. Bilateral Renal tumor -. Chemo (Cyclophosphamide . TX -. hemorrhage. pallor.Observation .Marker for neural tube defect is Alfa feto protein. If Chiasm is involved do radiation and chemotherapy. I 131 MIBG (metaiodobenzylguanidine) Scan detect chromaffin tissue any where in body (use in metastesis). Retinal exam shows papiledema..It said to be Severe factor VIII or IX def if it is 1% of normal. uterous. optic atrophy. XII def. Pt show ataxia & opsomyoclonus (dancing eyes & feet) DX -. vs. Genitourinary anomalies. IX. Manifest : Abdominal mass & HTN.Surgery or radiation. Highly malignant.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Standardized values using the International Normalized Ratio (INR) THROMBIN TIME (TT) -. strabismus & nystagmus. CLOTTING FACTOR ASSAY can be meassured -. nasopharyx. MIXINGSTUDIES -. imp * MEDULLOBLASTOMA -. vs. * BRAINSTEM TUMOR (GLIOMA) -.Measure Intrinsic pathway (from factor XII through the final clot).CT Scan is the best test. TX -. TX -. VMA & metanephrine. * JUVENILE PILOCYTIC ASTROCYTOMA -.2nd MC Infratentorial tumor also located in cerebellum but as a midline cerebellar vermis mass. PROTHROMBIN TIME (PT) -.If there is prolong PT and PTT then add normal plasma to pts blood and repeat the labs. originate from ependymal lining of the ventrical.3rd MC Infratentorial tumor in peds motor weakness. it cause unilateral visual loss. TX -. Retroperitoneal sympethetic ganglia. struge weber $ and Ataxia talengiectasia. tuberous sclerosis. (Ristocetin induced platelet aggregation assay).Surgery . motor and sensory Sxs. 60 -70% survival. Mild if it is 5%. TX -. It Prolongs due to dec or abnormal fibrin.97 % have 4 yrs survival. Optic Nerve Glioma -. (it is Pletelet function analyzer) PLETELET COUNT -. genitourinary tract & extremities. If normal then do vWF testing & TT. Botryoid type project out from vagina (Grape mass). Aniridia. skull.Imaging study. * If studies become more prolong with clinical bleeding than there is Ab against a clotting factor (commonly VIII. Radiation. marrow etc. urinary tract. If Abnormal then do further clotting factor workup. XI) * If PTT & Mixing study are prolong with out clinical bleeding consider Lupus Anticoagulant (due to excessive clotting). . * CRANIOPHARYNGIOMA -.Plain xray. Children with neuroblastoma donot have HTN but do excrete dopamin & HVA.elevation of blood and urinary level of catecholamine and metanephrine level. visual defect. * PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA -. TX -. urine Homovanillic acid (HVA) and Vanillylmendelic acid (VMA) in 95 % of cases. orbitals. several types 100 Copy Righted Material. Marrow aspirate and lymphnode biopsy . middle ear. imp * Correction of lab prolongation suggest def of clotting factor. Diffuse intrinsic Glioma has poor out come. TX -. Also palliative chemo. adrenal. (pure blocker "atenelol" is never used) Do prolong follow up because it may manifest later as a new tumor. PT & PTT first.Mostly non Invasive Infratentorial tumor of post fossa. cranial nerve defect. PROGNOSIS -. If Proptosis with visual loss occur do surgery.Unilateral nephrectomy and partial contralateral nephrectomy. * EPENDYMOMA classified as a juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma. cerebellar defect.Radiation and chemo. with radiation 12 months survival. Hypermetabolic state. TX -.Measure extrinsic pathway after activation of clotting by thromboplastin in the presence of Ca++. Sensory Sxs -. TX -. shows overlying midline lambosacral defect (patch of hair. It can also cause intestinal or biliary tract obstruction. * NECATUR AMRICANUS & ANCYLOSTOMA -.immidiate surgery if there is thin cover or leak of CSF. TX -. DX -. * TETHERED CORD -. TX -. schizophrenia.Not all babies with Facial nevus has Sturge Weber $ but Skull xray and Intraoccular Pressure must be obtained. DX is by characteristic lesion. * DANDY WALKER MALFORMATION . urinary frequency.Surgical transection. TX -. abdominal pain.midline defect of vertebral body with out protrusion. Impending Coma. CPK normal.Meninges herniate trough defect in vertebral arches bit covered with skin. TX -. Almost every child with sacro lumbar lesion will achieve some form of Ambulation where as Half of the childrens will some degree of hip flexion & adduction with higher lesion.fecal smear and no eosinophilia. Avoid Magnesium in Renal Failure. CATHARTICS -------. TX -.Is pulmonary ascariasis. Green yellow discoloration of skin (chorosis). flaccid paralysis below the lesion.Mebendazole or albendazole.Sac like cystic structure with thin partially epithelized tissue may occur any where along neuraxis but most are lumbosacral. abdominal pain etc. Sural nerve biopsy is diagnostic.Plain xray shows spinabifida in most. Na. DX -. TX -. Pt may have problem with gait & easy falls as early as 2 yrs of age. CHARCOAL ----------. * CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DIS -. Also CT scan for possible Hydrocephalus. Meningocele -. Mostly assymptomatic with out clinical consequence. Claw hand & Pes cavus (foot drop) with paresthesia (rarely painful).Facial nevus (portwine stain always present) + Siezures (mostly contralateral to navus) + Hemiparesis + Intracranial calcification + Mental retardation and Ipsilateral Glaucoma.dec absorption by Inc rate of excreation. Blood Eosinophilia. MRI shows precise anatomy. * TRICHINOSIS (Trichinella spiralis) -. abdominal pain.Stabalize ankle and protect from trauma.tx with phenytoin or carbamezapine * LOEFFLERS $ -. DX -. Surgical ankle fusion. cerebellar ataxia & delayed motor development.Most effective in the first hr of ingestion only in older childrens / select situation (use largest possible tube). Causitive agent is Ascaris lumbricoid. CT scan shows unilateral cortical atrophy and hydrocephalus en vacuo . Tx Nevus by Pulse laser. neck pain. Coxakie Virus B cause myocarditis. * GASTRIC LAVAGE -. acid and base absorption. Remember . Hydrocephalus ex vacuo -.Albandazole or mebendazole (pyrantel pamoate is alternative) + ferrous sulfate for Iron def. and Depressed Gag reflex.Must evaluate for other anomalies prior to surgery. Head CT scan for possibe hydrocephalus. Spina bifida occulta -. TX -.Ventriculoperitoneal shunt and correction of defect. Seen in dementia. Regular Intraoccular Pressure evaluation. TX -. Contraindicated in Coma. Myelomeningocele -. lipoma or dermal sinus) 2. dysphagia. It results into marked Eosinophilia. K. MC Sxs are cough & blood tingled sputum. bladder dysfunction. DX -. * STURGE WEBER $ -. 3. 80% associated with hydrocephalus. also type I chiari malformation with associated symptoms. DX -.Vesicular rash caused by Coxakie virus A (rash on butt is also common).transmit from poorly cooked meat. myalgia (larvae in muscle). Not effective in preventing Cyanide.penetrate through skin (Local pruritus)from contaminated soil from human the tx of choice in ER to prevent absorption. Seizures. * TRICHURIASIS (TRICURIS TRICURA) -. periorbital edema. Evaluate renal function. pain and motor delay. Post traumatic brain injuries. It lives in cecum & ascending colon.must determine extent neural involvement with MRI. DX -.whip worm transmitted from contaminated soil from human / animal feces. diarrhea.Compensatory enlargement of cerebral ventricles & subarachnoid spaces in response to brain atrophy (parenchyma loss). It may cause bowel & bladder incontinence perineal anesthesia with motor impairment. * HAND FOOT & MOUTH DIS -. 101 Copy Righted Material. Hemispherectomy and lobectomy may prevent mental retardation and Recalcitrant siezure if done in 1st yr of life.Conservative if dovelopment is not compromised and seizures are controlled. Mostly with midline skin lesion. larva become adult in intestine and enters straited muscles fiber & become viable for yrs diarrhea. Albandazole or Mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate. Beside chronic diarrhea it also causes RLQ pain. Occur with other deformities. intellectual defecit. * ARNOLD CHIARI MALFORMATION TYPE II (Hind brain abnormality) Progressive hydrocephalus with myelomeningocele. spasticity without hydrocephalus. Intraoccular Pressure reading initially. Periumbilical pain and Rectal prolapse. unlike Hydrocephalus.Skull xray shows Occipital Parietal calcification (serpentine or rail road tract appearance). imp.Mebendazole or albendazole.require serology or muscle biopsy.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. later enter the vein and migrate to lung and than enter the GIT blood loss (Iron def anemia). It is not the result of CSF P.Slowly Progressive Neuropathy of Tibial and Paroneal nerve Atrophy of Paroneal muscle and Ant compartment of lower leg Stroke like appearance. * ARNOLD CHIARI MALFORMATION TYPE I (in adolescents & adults) headache. DX -. .Decreased nerve conduction velocity (motor as well as sensory). Can cause hydrocephalus. Heavy metals. vs.Agenesis of post cerebellar vermis & corpus collosum + Cystic expansion of 4th ventrical head size prominent occiput. Fever. long tract signs.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 1.Rope like filum terminale persist and anchor the conus below L4. Amyl nitrite followed by Sodium nitrite followed by Sodium thiosulfate.Naloxone.Deferoxamine. CSF rhinorrhea / Otorrhea. Lens shaped hemorrhage on CT scan.first bicarbonate if it doesnt work give Lidocaine. * IRON POISONING -. BENZODIAZEPINE --------------------. ETHYLENE GLYCOL & METHANOL -------------------------. QTc).> 60 mg /kg is toxic dose in children.occur after 6 . lead.30% of CO blood level Throubing headache. bleeding & metabolic acidosis (it is severe poisoning) Stage 4 . TCA / SALICYLATE ----------------.Atropine sulfate. slurred speech. 51 . Hemotympanum. ANTICHOLINERGIC ------------------. Fresh frozen plasma. * Basilar Skull Fracture -. Prolong QT.300 mg/dL ----.2 months gastrointestinal scarring (commonly at gastric outlet due to direct damage). Benztropin.Methylene Blue.48 hrs shock.Ethanol.50% confusion. GRADE 1 : Confusion only --------------------------------------------------------.60% syncope.occur 30 . 41 . TX . Urinalysis for myoglobin if rhabdomyolysis is suspected. 300 . Stage 2 .Cause Siezures & Arrythmia. blurred vision and slow. SUBDURAL HEMATOMA -. murcury) -----. hypoglycemia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DIURESIS include Hemodialysis. GRDAE 3 : Confusion + Amnesia + loss of Consciousness ------------. Further catagorised in grades.150 mg/dL ------. * TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT TOXICITY -. 150 .Behavior changes. also if serum Iron > TIBC. METHEMOGLOBINEMIA (chocolate brown colored blood) -------. abdominal pain & hemorrhagic gastroenteritis if severe.Methylene blue (convert abnormal Fe3+" Ferric" to normal Fe2+ "Ferrous").Diphenhydramine hydrochlorde. 100% supplemental O2. WARFARIN ---------------------------. TX -. Hemoperfusion. death).Return in 1 week after no Sxs for 1 week. copper.Best test is CO level. obstruction & pyloric stenosis.Protamine sulfate. Stage 3 . OPIOIDS -------------------------------. GRADE 2 : Confusion + Amnesia -----------------------------------------------.Fatal if no tolerance. gold. * POISON / TOXICITY AND ANTIDOTES: ACETAMENOPHEN -------------------. Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA).occur after 24 . CYANIDE ---------------------------------. syncope tachycardia. vomiting. ISONIAZID (INH) ------------------. Ca disodium edetate (EDTA). 102 Copy Righted Material. .500 mg/dl -----.60 min after ingestion Nausea. COMPLICATION -. Resp failure. Dimercaprol (BAL).Pyridoxine. seizure.Vit K.acetylcystene.Creasant shaped hemorrhage on CT scan. ANTICHOLIESTRASE ----------------. Maintain urine out put > 1mL/kg/hr. Blindness.Return in one month no Sxs for 1 week. TX -.Physostigmine. memory loss. Racoon Eyes sign (Periorbital ecchymosis).Intubation is indicated if GCS (glasgow coma score) is 8. HEPARIN ----------------------------.stupor. (or 500 g/dL of Iron consider severe toxicity) Stage 1 . * CO POISONING -.Return if asymptomatic for 20 mins.occur after 1 .IV Deferoxamine is indicated in any symptomatic pt regardless of lab values. Iron -------------------------------------. also if serum Iron > 350g/dL. hepatorenal failure. (21 . coma. coma.Chelators. Pralidoxime sulfate.Remove source.Visual imapirment.Flumazenil. In Severe cases indicate Hyperbaric O2 until Carboxyhemoglobin is 5%. EXTRAPYRAMIDAL SIGNS -------------------------------------. Peritoneal dialysis and Exchange transfusion. NITRITES described as breif unconsciousness then normal arousal. Also do Arterial Blood gases. EPIDURAL HEMATOMA -. * ALCOHOL LEVEL AND EFFECT : 50 .12 hrs Honeymoon phase during which pt seems to have clinical improvement. staggering. 500 -------------------.N . must take EKG ( Risk of QRS Widening. * TYPES AND HEAD INJURY AND RECOMMANDATION : CONCUSSION -. HEAVY METALS (Arsenic. 61 .Sodium Bicarbonate.loss of consciousness then lucid period and then again loss of consciounes.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * NOTE -.BATTLE Sign (hematoma behind the ear).uncordinated.70% HTN. Erysipela is the inf of Epidermis and Dermis. DX -. + ve Nikolsky sign. area of denudation. PROPHYLAXIS -. Recalcitrant wart give 5 flourouracil.commonly on hand elbow and knee. Erysipela have sharply defined slightly elevated border. Dough nut shaped Target like papules (purple to necrotic center) . TX -. * MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM -. burning.Hearld patch (first lesion to appear) which is Solitary lesion with raised border & scales (look like ringworm). SCRWORA -. No progression to steven johnson $. Anticonvulsant).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Cantharidin.. In SSS$ the bullae are sterile (Hematogenous spread cause diffuse scarlatiniform erythema). * ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME -. vs.8 weeks. vs. * PLANTER WART (caused by HPV 1) -.Topical Mico. * TINEA CORPORIS (T Rubrum.Erythmatous scaly papule with central clearing.12 week). Absorbant antifungal powder (zinc undecelinate) or Miconazole for mild disease. TX -. lesion may be hyper or hypo pigmented. multi organ involvement. T Mentagrophyte -. Christmas tree pattern on the neck. Remember Cellulitis is the inf of Cutaneous tissue (epidermis is spare) vs. TX -. vs. menthol. Manifestation -. * CONDYLOMA ACCUMINATA (Caused by HPV type 6 & 11). for priritis use antihistamine. TX -. 103 Copy Righted Material.Bilateral Sharply bordered hyperpigmented scaly patch of inner thigh & groin area with severe pruritis initially. Must do Ophthalmic exam due to corneal scaring.MC predisposing factor is Herpes simplex virus inf.Caused by Trichophyton Tonsurans Alopecia.Oral Griseofulvin. Keto.T Rubrum.Supportive and symptomatic.supportive (Emolients. TX -. T Mentagrophyte) -. Autoinocculation occur.Sec Bacterial inf. TX -. Clotrimazole for 4 .40% salisylate or urea plaster.caused by Pox virus (DNA v). Black dot ring worm & Kerion. M Pneumonea inf.MC cause is drug reaction (sulfonamide. antihistamine. * TINEA CRURIS (T Mentagrophyte) -. MICROSPORUM appear Bright Blue green flourescense on wood lamp examination. Pearly skin colored cone shaped papule with central umbilication. * VERUCA VALGARIS (common wart caused by HPV 2 & 4) -. NSAIDs. Wright or Giemsa stain shows homogenous cell with lobule is diagnostic. (self limiting last for 2 .USMLE STEP 2 CK CEREBRAL CONTUSION -. TX -. TX -.KOH preparation. TX -. Impetigo bullae are contageous.Topical Imidazole or tolnaftate.Erythematous macule. KICK THE BOARDS * Cellulitis have indistinct lateral margins. Topical Lactic / Salisylic acid. (both caused by Staph Aureus & Strep pyogenes).Punctuate hemerrhage on CT scan. pruritis.Podophyllin 25% weakly.Acyclovir for 6 months in recurrent cases.Avoid occlusive foot wear. severe mucosal pain. prednisone.Spinal cord injury without Radiologic abnormality. TX -. Keratotic debris use scalpel. * TINEA CAPITIS (RINGWORM) -. . NSAIDs). camphor. body fluid loss. Drying. * STEVEN JOHNSON $ (ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME MAJOR) -. Kerion is a severe inflamatory responce and has elevated boggy granulomatous mass that does not contain pus (donot attempt incision & drainage).Most disappear spontaneously after 2 yrs. involve mucous mem any where in or out side the body. * TINEA VERSICOLOR (malasazia furfur) appears yellow golden flourescense on wood lamp examination. Electro dessication & curettage.Fissured with maceration & peeling of toe web with itching & foul order. Liquid nitrogen . * PITRIASIS ROSEA -. lesion resolves in 2 weeks. commonly involve the extensor surface of the body. * TINEA PEDIS (ATHLETE FOOT) -.None . rapidly developing central necrosis..Autoinocculation occur. Oxytocin released form Post pituitary in responce to suckling and neonatal cry --. * Autosomal dominant -. no carrier state. long Philtrum. SPECIFIC SYNDROMES DUE TO PRENATAL USE OF SUBS : * FETAL ALCOHOL $ IUGR. often skips generations. * Autosomal ressesive -.caused by DILANTIN "phenytoin" IUGR.Liquid nitrogen (freeze off wart). 104 Copy Righted male to male transmission.transmit by both sexes. Esrtogen released from Ovarian follicle --. Vaginal adenosis (predisposition to clear cell carcinoma). midfacial hypoplasia. nail hypoplasia. It derived through DHEAS (Dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate) from fetal adrenal gland which than converted by placantal Sulfatase into Estriol. derived form androgen (that produced form theca cell) which diffuse into granulosa cell to converted into Estradiol by aromatase enz . male and female are carrier.T shaped uterus. multiple joint anomalies. Craniofacial dysmorphism (epicanthal folds. mental retardation (microcephaly).stimulate milk production. preterm delivery. Oral cleft). heart defect. all generation effected.transmit by both sexes.Predominant estrogen during pragnancy.promotes growth ducts. Progesterone released form Corpus luteum --. KICK THE BOARDS * ESTRADIOL -. Prilactin released form Ant pituitary gland --. derived from adrenal androstenedione which converted to estrone in peripheral adipose tissue.Predominant estrogen during non pragnant reproductive yrs. depressed nasal bridge.USMLE STEP 2 CK TX -. Facial lesion tx with Tretinoin.cause milk ejection. short palpabral fissure.Predominant estrogen during menopause. ESTRIOL -. express only in male. Curettage. females are carrier. developmental delay.stimulate development of milk producing Alveolar development. . cardiac defect. * DIETHYLSTILBESTROL (DES $) -. Incompetent cervix.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * X linked ressesive -. * FETAL HYDANTOIN $ -. ESTRONE -. Chorioamnionitis. Late Vaginal bleeding suggest possible Abruptio Placenta or Placenta Previa.think of Congenital varicella. No UTI or URI. POST TERM PREGNANCY : Macrosomia $ -. Preterm Contraction (20 . Mild Preeclampsia (occur > 20 wks gestation) -. Oligohydramnios.screen with VDRL / RPR. IUGR. v v Sustained HTN (> 140 / 90 mmHg) with DIC or Inc Liver enz or Pulmonary edema. Gestational HTN (occur > 20 wks gestation) -. * POSSIBILITIES DURING PREGNANCY -Early Vaginal Bleeding suggest possible Abortion vs. Cervical dilation 2 cm or changing.Preterm tocolysis. (note Isotrenitoin & Streptomycin also cause deafness) * INITIAL PRENATAL LAB FOR STDs : Chlamydia / Gonorrhea --. * Prenatal Beta Agonists (Ritrodrin) -. Shoulder dystocia is common with risk of fetal hypoxemia & Brachial plexus injury. Pain on Urination suggest Sustained HTN (> 140 / 90 mmHg) with proteinuria 300 mg / 24 hr. (note thalidomide also cause phocomilia) * Congenital deafness + Congenital cataract + Congenital heart disease ----. Definitive dx with Western Blot. * Peripartum Cardiomyopathy -. Note . OB TRIAD : Preterm Labor (20 .screen with DNA probe. Preterm contraction.Preterm tocolysis.Ruptured membrane.Preterm labor tocolysis.think of Congenital Toxoplasmosis.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. cervical dilation < 2 cm and not changing. * Prenatal Magnesium toxicity -.Congenital deafness. Respiratory depression.Posterior fornix pooling.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * ISOTRENITOIN (ACCUTANE) -.proteinuria. Mortality rate is 75% if reversal does not occur with in 6 month. heart defect. (about abortion and ectopic pregnancy). microtia. (Peripartum Cardiomyopathy is Idiopathic biventricular cardiac decompensation occur in pt with no underlying heart dis b/w last few weeks of pregnancy & the first few months of post partum. Chronic HTN with Superimposed Preeclampsia -.3 fold higher in post term pragnancies. also. .screen with HBsAg Syphillis -----------------------.36 wks gestation) -.36 wks gestation) -. slanted eye brows). hyperglycemia. Pyelonephritis.After 4 months deciduous teeth discoloration. cleft lip. multiparity. * TETRACYCLIN -.Phocomelia (limb reduction defect). hypokalemia. Epigastric pain or Headache and Visual Change suggest severe Preeclempsia. Renal defect * WARFARIN (Coumadin) -. Remember to distinguish b/w Intracranial calcification due to toxoplasmosis and Periventricular calcification due to CMV Sustained HTN (> 140 / 90 mmHg) with headache. Managent is supportive with in ICU). hypotension.Chondrodysplasia (stippled epiphysis). hCG titer 1500 mU suggest Unruptured Ectopic pregnancy if no Intrauterine product is seen with vaginal sonogram. congenital heart Chronic HTN + Worsening BP + Worsening Proteinuria. Plz revise chapter 2 of obgyn form kaplan. (risk of chorioamnionitis) Chorioamnionitis -. * STREPTOMYCIN -. * TRIMETHADIONE (anticonvulsant) -. Hepatitis.Prenatal mortality is 2 . Severe Preeclampsia (occur > 20 wks gestation) -. myocardial depression. * HELLP $ -. vs. Plz make note (chapter 2. maternal fever. HBV ----------------------------. HIV -----------------------------. Dec Fetal Movement suggest possible Fetal compromise or sleeping.Preterm defined as 3 contraction in 30 mins.Neural tube defect (spina bifida).screen with ELISA. Uterine Cramping suggest possible preterm labour. Fluid is Nitrazine (phenaphthazine) + ve.think of Group B Strep Sepsis (Strep Agalactiae).occur in last few wks of pregnancy & the first few postpartum months in multiperuos women Biventricular Heart failure.Facial dysmorphism (short upturned nose. ear/nasal defined as 3 contraction in 30 mins. mental retardation (microcephaly). 3) if possible. Rupture of membrane -. Severe Preeclampsia (occur > 20 wks gestation) -. Chills and Fever suggest possible Sustained HTN (>140 / 90 mmHg) + / . Chronic HTN (occur < 20 wks gestation or prepragnancy) -. Pyelonephritis. Pyloric or duodenal stenosis. Risk factors are advanced maternal age.Hemolysis + Inc Liver enz + dec Platelets. Mental retardation. multiple pregnancy. 105 Copy Righted Material. * THALIDOMIDE (sedative) -. * ZIG ZAG skin lesion + Microphthalmia + Extremity hypoplasia ----. PDA closure in utero.CN VIII damage and hearing loss. Glass slide drying shows + ve Fern. Optic Atrophy. * POST TERM PRAGNANCY --. * LITHIUM -. Severe Preeclampsia (occur > 20 wks gestation) -. Definitive dx with MHA / FTA.Ebstein Anomaly (right heart defect). Cardiac non sustained HTN that occur after 20 weeks gestation with out proteinuria. also. Vaginal Fluid Leakage suggest Rupture of membrane (ROM) or Urinary Incontinence.cesarean rate Inc owing to prolonged & arrested labor. HTN. * Chorioretinitis + Intracranial calcification + Symmetric IUGR ----. * Nenatal sepsis with in hour of birth + bilateral diffuse pneumonia ----. Persistent Vomiting suggest Hyperemesis (early in pregnancy).is Sustained HTN (> 160 / 110 mmHg) with proteinuria 5 gm / 24 hrs . * Prenatal Ca Channel blocker -. CNS defect. epigastric pain or visual changes.think of Congenital Rubella. * VALPROIC ACID (Depakote) -. * Prenatal Indomethacin -. muscle weakness. It is not reassuring next step is VAS.Hb < 10 g + MCV < 80 m3 + RDW > 15 %.Borderline. Non reactive NST with late deceleration and + ve CST is highly suggestive of fetal compromise. 1st trimester dose = 0. TX -* DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS -. 2/3 of total daily dose in morning split into 2/3 NPH & 1/3 Reg. neurological impairment and incontinence. DM type II or GDM : Insulin does not cross placenta. Minor cases may be more or less without symptom. 1/3 in evening split into 1/2 NPH & 1/2 CST suggest fetal sleep or Neurologic abnormality. Score of 0 .no signs or Sxs of cardiac decompensation with physical activity. Class II ----.2 is highly predictive of Fetal Hypoxia with low probability of false positive.Measures 5 component of fetal well being (NST. 1/3 in evening split into 1/2 NPH & 1/2 Reg.Polyhydramnios. redness. & + ve Homan's sign.Target FBS is < 90 mg/dL and 1 hr after meal is < 140 mg/dL. Specific Management : (v imp) Antepartum -. (It is a normal autonomic interplay b/w symp & para symp stimulation) Absent variability is non reassuring. 5 . < 5 cm ---. Scoring each component from 0 . Do Fetal Echo (if pt has congenital heart dis). Fetal extremity tone. Management : Prompt delivery regardless of gestational age.Urgency. Cesarean rate in in this group owing to non assuirng FHR base line FHR fluctuation in amplitude & frquency of 2 cycles /min. Left lateral Rest. vs.Classical description is pain. Score of 8 .160 beats / min. FHR 15 B/min & lasting 15 secs. 1/3 in evening split into 1/2 NPH & 1/2 Reg. * BPP -.Left lateral Rest. Management : Delivery if fetus is 36 weeks. * AMNIOTIC FLUID INDEX (AFI) : 9 . digitalis & diuretics. * NEW YORK HEART ASSOCIATION FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF HEART DIS IN PREGNANCY : Class I -----. if still nonreactive do Contraction stress test (CST) or Biophysical profile (BPP). Remember MC congenital fetal anomaly in praganant women with Overt DM is Neural tube defect & Congenital heart dis because hyperglycemia mediate those anomalies.2 with max of total 10. 3rd Trimester dose = 1. Reassurance. . frequency & buring + Fever & Costovertebral angle tenderness + Positive Urine culture .0 body wt in kg. (all other oral hypoglycemics cross placenta). Alternate is to perform CST.Oligohydramnios. its predictive value is as high as Complete BPP. Class IV ---. Possible arterial line & pulmonary artery catheter (if class III or IV status) Postpartum -. * Non stress test (NST) use Cardiotocography to find out fetal well being.Hb < 10 g + MCV > 100 m3 + RDW > 15 %. 80% pt with GDM maintain their glucose with Diet Therapy.Sxs present at rest.No FHR acceleration or did not meet Criteria. and Deceleration is absent). Amniotic fluid vol.Criteria is 2 acceleration in 20 min. * Non recative NST & no uterine contraction (UC shows on CST tracing) -.6 is Worrisome. Class III ---. TX - Acute Pyelonephritis -. * CAUDAL REGRESSION $ -.2 body wt in kg. * Gestational Diabetes Mellitis (GDM) -. Reactive NST -. Repeat BPP in 12 .Urgency frequency & burning + No fever + Positive Urine culture . OB TRIAD : Iron def Anemia -. Rest need Medical intervention. All components are measured with U/S except NST which uses Cardiotocography. > 25 cm ---. 2 g sodium diet. O2. 2nd Trimester dose = 1.rare disorder but highly specific for Overt Diabetes Mellitis but is not the most common. It is Reassuring. It could be reactive or non reactive. 2/3 of total daily dose in morning split into 2/3 NPH & 1/3 Reg. Epidural. Avoid anemia & strenous activtiy. loss of SC tissue) metabolic & respiratory support to fetus with resultant Asphyxia prenatal morbidity & mortality. sedated fetus. Normal variability is 6 .Aim vaginal delivery. 106 Copy Righted Material.24 hrs if < 36 weeks.8 body wt in kg. Intrapartum -. Modified BPP includes only NST and Amniotic fluid vol. 2/3 of total daily dose in morning split into 2/3 NPH & 1/3 Reg.No urgency. * Repitetive Late deceleration seen in the presence of 3 Uterine Contractions (UC) in 10 min Sxs at rest but minor limitation with activity. Fetal gross body movement. Management : repeat weekly.Watch closely for postpartum intravascular overload (due to sudden emptying of uterine venous sinus after delivery). Causes are Sleeping. SBE prophylaxis. pelvis and spine with resultant major birth defects. Oligohydramnios umbilical cord compression hypoxia Acidosis with resultant in utero meconium passage.1 in Kaplan OBGYN) Non reactive NST with out late deceleration and . (v imp) Partial absence of the tail bone regions of the spine to more severe cases involving major malformation of the lower vertebrae. Score of 4 . (Acceleration & Variability is normally present. Non Reactive NST -. Do prompt delivery.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Normal. Asymptomatic Bactiurea -. compromised Sxs at rest but marked limitation with activity. immaturity. * Only Glyburide cross placenta minimally & is used in pt with GDM who cannot be cntrolled by diet alone. Follow up with Vibroacoustic stimulation (VAS).In minority of pts placental function declines (due to infarction & aging placental scarring. acidotic fetus.25 beats/min. increasing with any physical activity.It is worrisome sp with Non reactive NST.25 cm ---. Anomalies are not Inc in GDM because hyperglycemia in GDM occur in second half of the pragnancy. * INSULIN dose in pregnancy with DM type I. * MANAGEMENT OF PRAGNANCY WITH HEART DISEASE : Pragnancy with Rheumatic Mitral heart dis --. Elective forcep to shorten the 2nd stage of labour. Homan's sign is forced plantar flexion of the ankle cause pain. frequency or burning + No fever + Positive Urine culture. TX - Acute Cystitis -. On Follow up repeat weekly / Biweekly. sedation. No pushing.10 is highly Reassuring.8 cm ---. monitor Intravascular vol. * Base line FHR is 110 . Fetal breathing movement).managed by Minimizing tachycardia and minimizing excessive intravascular vol. Homan sign are inconsistently found in DVT & cannot be solely relied on. Folate def Anemia -. * Variability -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Dysmaturity $ -. (imp plz see fig 12 . . vs. 107 Copy Righted Material. Add 1 hr with epidural analgesia. If contraction are hypotonic give Oxytocin and morphine for sedation. Partial. PROLONG ACTIVE PHASE is DX if dilatation is < 1. post dated maternal pushing efforts. macrosomia (but 50% occur in fetus < 4000gm).Fetal size. + No cervical change in 14 hrs. inadequate uterine contraction.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Absent Diastolic flow and Reversed Diastolic flow are not reassurance finding and may indicate need for fetal delivery. + 2 cm change in 4 hrs. abnormality of pelvis.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Term pragnancy in Active labor + Local Anesthetic injection into cervix + Immidiate fetal Bradycardia. Management -. Causes -.Failure to deliver the baby in 2 hr (in Primipera) & 1 hr (in Multipera). Prolapsed Umbilical cord -.60 sec with 50 mmHg intensity.Manual placenta removal or rarely hysterectomy. * PROLONG THIRD STAGE LABOR -. Management uterine contractions. + No cervical change in 3 hrs.Regular uterine contractions.3 min and last 45 .youtube. mal presentation.Prolapse umbilical cord can be Occult.5 cm /hr in multipera with regular uterine contraction. vs. obesity. Hypotonic contraction.Term pregnancy in Active labor + Conduction Anesthesia given + 1/2 body numb.2 station + Severe variable deceleration.Analgesia. if Fetal head is not engaged do emergecy cesarean. + Cervix dilated 8 cm. If Contractions are adequate do emergency Cesarian. * PROLONG OR ARRESTED ACTIVE PHASE LABOR : ARRESTED ACTIVE PHASE is the DX if Cervical dilation of 3 cm that does not change for 2 hrs with regular contraction. or complete (umbilical cord protrude into the vagina) Causes -. Prolong Active phase -. + No descent change in 3 hrs. Management -. abnormal fetal orientation. increta. precreta) Management -. + Amniotomy at . Epidural Block Side Effect -. * ATTITUDE is the degree of extension or flexion of fetal head. It present as Vertex (most common) --. * PROLAPSED UMBILICAL CORD -.Cervical dilation of 3 cm for > 20 hrs in Primipera & > 14 hrs in Multipera with Regular contractions.Rupture of mem.Head is partially extend Face -------------------------. pelvis or power) Management -. Management -.same as active phase (pessenger.DM.Head is maximally flexed Military ---------------------. Causes -. + 10 cm dilation + 1 station.2 cm /hrs in primipera and < 1. * PROLONG LATENT PHASE LABOR -. 1/2 body pain.Causes -. OB TRIAD : Prolong latent phase -. Second Stage Arrest -. + Cervix dilated 8 WOODS CORK SCREW MANEUVER http://www. Causes -.Contraction should occur every 2 .com/watch?v=nuZpmkpzzS4 ZAVANELLI MANEUVER. * PROLONG SECOND STAGE LABOR -. and never try to push it back.Regular uterine contractions. eg plcenta accreta. http://www.McROBERTS MANEUVER.Inadequate uterine contraction (if IV oxytocin does not seperate the placenta think abnormal placetal implantation.Therapeutic rest and sedation.Head is partially flexed Brow ------------------------. elevate the presenting part and immidiate Cesarean.Head is maximally extend * Stage 1 Active phase usually begin with 3 . Causes -.Regular uterine contractions.Regular uterine contractions. If Fetal head is engaged use forcep or vacume.4 cm dilation and ends with 10 cm. Hypertonic contraction (but with inadequate frequency and duration).Failure to deliver the placenta with in 30 min. Active phase Arrest -.Place the pt in Knee Chest position. Paracervical Block Effect -. never palate the cord. * SHOULDER DYSTOCIA -. + Cervix dilated to 2 cm. Remember never hold the cord. vs. Variable Deceleration -. These pt should walk imidiate post operative period but no wt bearing activity till 3 months to avoid reccurance of Pelvic relaxation. NSAIDs inhibit detrusor contraction.MC risk factor is myometrium weakness. . Other cause are Previous uterine inversion. IV pyelogram will demonstrate fistula. Involuntary Urine loss occur day & night contineously. Psuedohyphae.Postpartum day 2 + S/P SVD of term normal baby + Mom cares for baby (tears).Do Colposcopy Biopsy HIGH GRADE SQUAMOUS INTRAEPITHELIAL LESION (HSIL) ---------------. Impaired Maternal . Management : Anterior Colporrhaphy for CYSTOCELE and Posterior Colporrhaphy for RECTOCELE. 108 Copy Righted Material.Metronidazole. DX -. Management -. using Burch Procedure.Kranz Procedure (MMK).Term pregnancy in Active labor + Conduction Anesthesia given + Pt stops breathing. Involuntary Urine loss occur day and night.Surgical Repair of fistula. TCA and Ca++ channel blocker.5). success rate is 85 -90% for both procedure. Icthing & burning.IV Heparin for 7 . edmatous & inflamed Vaginal epithelium.Sudden Drop and Sudden Return of FHR which is Variable in Relation to Uterine contraction.Electrocautery or cryotherapy. Management : Psychotherapy & Antidepressant. Management -. Postpartum Depression -.Gradual Drop and Gradual Return of FHR which is Delayed in relation to Uterine contraction. Late Deceleration -. Management -. commonly due to prolong anovulatory conditions such as in polycystic ovary disease. ATYPICAL SQUAMOUS CELLS . Compare Pap smear and Biopsy. Postpartum Blue -.Do Colposcopy Biopsy. (reassuring) vs.Persistent fever despite broad spectrum antibiotics in the presence of Normal pelvic & physical exam. UTERINE PROLAPSE. RECTOCELE (digitally assisted removal of stool). (reassuring) vs. and Marshall . Management : Hospitalization.H (ASC .Beefy mass in the vagina and failure to palpate uterus in palvic cavity. > 30 degree Inc during exertional activities indicates a hypermobile urethrovescial junction * Normal bladder residual is < 50 mL. TX -. * BYPASS INCONTINENCE -.Involuntary loss of urine with coughing & sneezing.From fistula formation due Radical pelvic surgery or Radiation. * STRESS INCONTINENCE -.5) with fishy order. Management : Conservative with social support. Postpartum Psychosis -.Vaginal discharge (pH > 4. Hallucination. Manifestation -. * HYPOTONIC BLADDER -.10 days (maintain PTT value at 1. * HYPERTONIC BLADDER -. Iching & burning.Undetermined Significance (ASC . Involuntary Urine loss occur day and night. ENTEROCELE. Management -.Excessive thin watery clear vaginal discharge with out any abnormality.Anticholinergic Oxybutynin. Management -.Postpartum day 21 + S/P SVD of term normal baby + Mom exhibits Bizarre behavior. Strawberry cervix.Gradual Drop and Gradual Return of FHR which is Mirror image of Uterine contraction. Discontineous offending medication Cholinergic to stimulate contraction bladder. Management : tx of choice is Metronidazole or Clindamycin either orally or vaginally. Antipsychotic medication and Psychotherapy.Benign mucous filled cyst on the surface of the cervix.Postpartum day 1 + SVD (1900 g. Early Decelerations -.Intermittent self catheterization may be necessary.5 .Do PAP (4-6 months). Adrenergic blocker relax bladder neck & Adrenergic contract bladder neck (urethra). It may be single or multiple.Involuntary loss of urine due to failure of detrusor muscle to contract.Curdy white Vaginal discharge (pH < 4. do prompt delivery).determines the descent of the normal urethrovesical junction contributing to stress incontinence in women. * DIAGNOSTIC OPTIONS FOR CERVICAL PATHOLOGY ATYPICAL SQUAMOUS CELLS . * UTERINE INVERSION -. But no urinary loss at night.Infant Bonding -.Uterine replacement by elevating vaginal fornices & liftng the uterus back into its normal anatomic position.5). HPV DNA Typing. Minimal Invasive surgical procedure is Tension free vaginal tape placed trancutaneously around the mid urethera to provide resistance. or azole cream.H) ----------------------------------------. * TRICHOMONAS VAGINITIS -. 31 wks male in NICU) + Mom show no interest in baby. * YEAST VAGINITIS -.Frothy green discharge (pH < 4. Surgical Correction (Urethropexy) by attaching sphincters to the symphysis pubis.Marchetti . IV Indigo carmine dye will leak onto vaginal tampon).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS High Spinal Intrathecal -. LOW GRADE SQUAMOUS INTRAEPITHELIAL LESION (LSIL) ----------------. * Q-Tip Test -. Management : Psychosocial evaluation and support.Do Colposcopy Biopsy Other Tests are Endocervical Curettage. * VULVAR DYSTROPHIES must also be consider in pt with vulvar ITCHING. Dx -. TX -. * PHYSIOLOGIC VAGINAL DISCHARGE -. imp Management -. (worrisme.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * NABOTHIAN CYST -. Management -. * BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS -. (Metronidazole is safe to use in pregnancy even in 1st trimester).failure to suppress the urge to void. * SEPTIC THROMBOPHLEBITIS (postpartum) -. Cone Biopsy.2. Colposcopy Biopsy.US) ---. followed by IV Oxytocin. vaginal epithelium is edematous & inflamed.Steroid contraceptive with progestin which convert thin watery discharge (estrogen dominant) into thick sticky mucous (progestin dominant).0 times the base line) * PELVIC RELAXATION TYPES: CYSTOCELE (urinary Incontinence).Do whiff test and wet mound.Single dose Fluconazole. Ectocervical Biopsy. TX -.Postpartum day 21 + S/P SVD of term normal baby + Mom does not get out of bed (does not care for self & baby).Investigative studies (urinanalysis and culture normal.Kegel Exersize and Estrogen for Post menopausal women. demonstrate Clue cells. risk of Endometriosis hyperplasia and Endometrial cancer. Management -.oophorectomy U S&O + staging + chemotherapy. Sertoli Leydig tumor -. For Malignant prepubertal mass do Unilateral Salpingo . nausea.No fever. Show snow strom pattern on U/S. Polycystic Ovarian Disease. * GERM CELL TUMOR -.Lesion > 3mm but 5mm with microinvasion do Medified Radical Hysterectomy (removal of uterus. GYN TRIAD : Ovarian Torsion -. * OVARIAN HYPERTHECOSIS -. Myomectomy is done to preserve fertlity. than monthy titer for 2 yrs than every 3 month titer for 3 yrs. Follow up for 5 yrs. cervix. MANAGEMENT OF INVASIVE CERVICAL CANCER -Cervical Cancer Stage Ia1 -. It may also results into bilateral ovarian cysts (Theca Lutein cyst). Incidence in Taiwan & phillipine.HTN + Proteinuria in < 20 week of pregnancy with no fetal heart sound & vaginal passage of vesicles suggest molar pregnancy or Hydatidiforme Mole. Perform Suction D&C to evacuate Intraurine content & start OCP for 1 yr to ensure no confusion between rising hCG from normal preganacy or dis.Nest of theca cells in ovary producing androgen peripheral estrogen production.Do Observation. For Poor prognotic dis for 3 weeks. 95% survival wiith chemo tx. * Leiomyoma Management -. H MOLE (GESTATTIONAL TROPHOBLASTIC NEOPLASIA) -. For Good prognotic dis -.6 months dec the size by 70%. vomiting. Do Hysterectomy if CIN 2 or CIN 3 is recurrent. Colposcopy.Pelvic mass (reproductive yrs) + hCG neg + Complex calcific mass. Hysterectomy is done when fertility is not required. OUT Pt TX -. Endometrial Carcinoma metastatic to Ovaries -. upper vagina. * Acute Salpingo Oophoritis -.Fever. ovaries) * ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA -. tx is single dose PO Cefixime or Azythromycin. Electrofulguration).First observation and Serial pelvic exam. Ablative Therapy (Cryotherapy. IN Pt TX -.GCT must be consider in a teenager with complex adnexal mass on sonography.oral contraceptives. (CA 125 & CEA always rise in Epithelial tumor) Choriocarcinoma and LDH level. abnormal vaginal bleeding DX -. Cold knife cone) CIN 2 and CIN 3 -.Simple or Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia without Atypia -------. spareing fallopian tube) Cervical Cancer Stage Ia2 -. Persistent hCG suggest metastatic dis & need invetigation.Risk factors are age < 20 or > 35 yrs and folate def. ADENOMYOSIS (Adenomyoma) -.Amenorrhea. * PREPUBERTAL PELVIC MASS (whether simple cyst or complex mass) -.multiple agents methotrexate + Actinomuycin D + Cytoxan is given until weekly hCG become .single chemotherapeutic agent methotrexate or actinomycin D is given until weekly hCG becomes .ve for 3 weeks than monthly titer for 1 based on laproscopic visualization of pelvic adhesion.Post menopausal women + Pelvic mass + hCG level.For Benign prepubertal pelvic mass do Cystectomy and Annual Follow up.25 level. Embolization preserve uterus. Laser. imp. hirsuitism. Laser.Post menopausal pelvic mass + Masculinization + Testosterone. cervix. Excisional Procedure (LEEP.Abrupt unilateral pelvic pain + hCG neg + Sonogram 12 cm Adnexal mass.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS MANAGEMENT OF CERVICAL DYSPLASIA -. * LEUTEOMA of Pregnancy-. TX -. Associated with twin and molar pregnancy. Usually discover incedentally during cesarean. Serous Carcinoma -. clitoralmegaly.Benign Neoplasm stimulated by FSH & hCG. * CERVICITIS DX -. Firm and Non Tender vs.Unopposed Estrogen results into Endometrial hyperplasia. It regress spontaneously after delivery and require only conservative management.Appear as solid pelvic mass in reproductive years. Management -.Lesion > 5mm with Frank Invasion do Radical Hysterectomy. * Chronic Salpingo Oophoritis -.hCG (for choriocarcnoma). FP (for Endodermal Sinus tumor). regrowth can occur after tx.LDH (for Dysgerminoma).Post menopausal women with Bilateral mass + Postmenopausal bleeding + Enlarged uterus. Cold knife cone). virilization. hCG > 40000 holds poor prognosis. It Emerges during pragnancy Regress spontaneously after delivery. . and HPV DNA Typing.Asymmetric. Acanthosis nigricans (suggestive of severe insulin resistance).Rare Asymptomatic Non Neoplastic ovarian mass producing Androgen maternal & fetal Hirsutism & Virilization.Ofloxacin + Metronidazole bid for 14 days. Sonography shows bilateral cystic pelvic masses consistent with Hydrosalpinx. spareing fallopian tube) Cervical Cancer Stage Ib -. It is hCG . * DYSGERMINOMA -.(CIN = cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) CIN 1 -. Manifestion -. 109 Copy Righted Total Abdominal Hyterectomy (TAH) and Bilateral Salpingo Oopherectomy (BSO) DIFFERENTIAL DX OF ENLARGED NON PRAGNANT UTERUS -* LEIOMYOMA -. MC site for distant metastasis is lung (always obtain CXR to rule out metastasis).Do Ablative therapy (Cryotherapy.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. lymphnode. parametrium.give Progestin Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia with Atypia --------.must be diagnosed with Laprotomy.Symmetric.Bilateral Abdominal / pelvic pain + no cervical discharge + Cervical motion tenderness -. . follow up for 1 yr. than monthly titer for 12 months.Lesion 3 mm with minimal Invasion do Simple Hysterectomy (removal of uterus only. * MOLAR PREGNANCY -. Irregular Anovulatory cycle. Electrofulguration) Excisional Procedure (LEEP.Cefoxitin or Cefotetan + Doxicycline or Clindamycin + Gentamycin. Soft and Tender. repeat Pap. (removal of Hysterectomy and Progestin Endometrial Carcinoma pelvic pain. Follow up hCG titer every week until .Post menopausal women + Pelvic mass + CEA or CEA .Bilateral Abdominal / pelvic pain + Mucoprulent cervical discharge + Cervical motion tenderness -. * THECA LUTEIN CYSTS -. GnRH analogue for 3 . Benign Cystic teratoma -. Ectopic pregnancy (rememeber IUS it self does not cause ectopic pregnancy).is made by Laproscopy (also for definitive dx). DM. thromboembolism. Coitus should be avioded for 1 week after tx. TX -.Topical Podophyllin. Lysis of tubal adhesion may be helpful in infertility. . RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATION FOR IUS -. The MCC of DUB is Anovulation. Migrane with aura. chronic scaring can lead to lymphatic obstruction vulvar enlargement. Follow up is yearly.Mild pain use analgesic. Remember cervical carcinoma & vulvar carcinoma is caused by HPV type 16 & 18 * WORD CATHETER is used to drain bartholin cyst as in Gonorrhea or other infectious diseases.for IN Pt IV Clindamycin + Gentamycin Should produce results in 72 hrs. known thrombophilia.IC gram . TX -. hypotention. Fibrosis may result into fixed uterus. Depression. disorderly unpredictable 110 Copy Righted Material. TX -. * LYMPHOGRANULOMA INGUINALE (DONOVANOSIS) -. . TX -.Goal is to make Ectopic endometrium atrophic. DM with vascular dis. or OCP which mimic the effect of pragnancy (atrophy of endometrial tissue due to progestrone). Ducreyi Painful ulcer with ragged edges . Most common viral STD. SURGERY is another method (could be conservtive " Laser. vaginal bleeding. trachomatis Type L. Trichloroacetic acid. CLINICAL PRESENTATION -. nauzea & vomiting. Note: there is no lymphadenopathy in Lymphogranuloma granulomatis where as it is present in Lymphogranuloma vanereum * CONDYLOMA ACUMINTUM -.STD caused by C. DX -. TX -.STD that caused by H. laser vaporization. or cystectomy etc" or aggressive "TAH .Ulcer smear reveal Donovan bodies. odorous & some time bleeding cauliflower like mass. * TUBO OVARIAN ABSCESS (TOA) -. valvular heart dis. Hx of vascular dis (stroke. high fever. * CHANCROID -. * ENDOMETRIOSIS (Chronic pelvic pain + Painful intercourse + Painful bowel movement) -. GnRH analog (Leuprolide) or DMPA (which suppress FSH and LH).Single dose of Ceftriaxone or Azythromycin. Often severe back pain.Doxicycline or TMP / SMX for 3 weeks. SLE. It presents initial painless ulcer that heals spontaneously few weeks later recur as adenopathy with classical GROOVE Sign (adenopathic swelling and grooving) DX -. * DUB -.clinically by appearance. Deep venous thrombosis) clinically by ruling out syphilis and Herpes. uterine perforaton. CVA. DX Confirm by culture. malignancy. TX .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS MANAGEMENT -. nulligravidity. DX -. OTHER CLAYMEDIAL INF (STD. Acute liver Calymmatobacterium Granulomatis. Corticosteroids. PSUEDOMENOPAUSE method can be achieved by TESTOSTERONE. PSUEDOPREGNANCY method achieved by MEDOXYPROGESTRONE. If case of tube ruptured with free abscess in peritoneal cavity emergency laprotomy required with possibe Transabdomin hysterectomy (TAH) and Bilateral salpingo oopherectomy (BSO). Unopposed Estrogen (due to Anovulation) contineously stimulate Endometrium without secretory phase remember Estrogen dominant endometrium is structurally unstable. * OCP are Relatively contraindicated in Migrane. 2nd MC place for endometriosis is cul de sac (manifest as a pain on rectovaginal exam). Menstruation in cul de sac cause fibrosis and adhesion of the bowel to pelvic organ which results into DYSPAREUNIA (which explains painful bowel movement "Dyschezia"). * Post Coital Contraceptives are Levonorgestral (Plan B) is used immidiately after coitus and 2nd pill with in 12 hrs. PID (in first 2 months). Uncontrolled HTN. Chronic HTN and hyperlipidemia.Neg pregnancy test + Abnormal vaginal bleeding without any anatomical cause suggest hormonal imbalance. Hx of ectopic pregnancy. * LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENEREUM -. caused by HPV type 6 & 11. septic abortion. * Progesterone only OCP also called mini pill are associated with occasional break through bleeding in some individual. Imiquimod for small lesion. uterine fibroids(Leiomyoma) (Subserosal Fibroid is not contraindication for IUS because it on the surface rather than endouterine cavity). Smoker 35. Or Erythromycin for 3 weeks.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. It is not a premalignant condition. * ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATION FOR IUS -. DX -. * OCP are Absolutely contraindicated in Pregnancy. DX -. or Erythromycin for 7 days. pain with bowel movement and rectal pain. surgerical excesion for larger lesion.Single dose Azithromycin or Ceftriaxone. It cause painful. Cryotherapy. preitoneal signs with garding. Presents Initial painless ulcer.made clinicaly after excluding syphillis & herpes. immune suppression. MARSUPIALIZATION surgical technique to drain cystic abscess as in bartholin cyst. COMPLICATION OF IUS -. Severe pain may require TAH & BSO. Menstrual Bleeding & pain may with copper (PARAGUARD) IUS but not with Progestrone (MIRENA Levonorgestrel) IUS. salpingitis (any GU infection).Doxicyclin for 7 days or single dose Azithromycin . forming beefy red granulation tissue with out regional lymphadenopathy.Abnormal uterine size or shape. or Percutaneous drainage through colpotomy.Palpable bilateral adnexal mass. BSO").Severe pelvic pain pt look septic. TX -. If ovaries has to be removed than Estrogen replacement therapy must be indicated.Most common STD in women.4 weeks after cmpleting tx is recommanded in pregnant. Definitive dx is by culture from the pus. abnormal pap smear. PID etc) is dx by Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) from cervical discharge or Endometrial stroma out side the uterus commonly on ovary results into endometriomas or Chocolate cyst (endometrial tissue enlargement due to menses).are pregnancy. as it increasingly thickening it undergo randomly. Repeating test in 3 . necrosis and orderly shedding of endometrium. Uterine or Outflow tract pathology). infections induced adhesion.If all above is normal Do Progesterone Challenge test (PCT) either with single IM dose of progesterone or 7 days oral Medroxyprogesterone (MPA). (do CT to rule out brian tumor).Irregular. Hypergonadotropic ( Ovarian Follicular Failure). Kallmann Syndrome -. In Mullerian Agenesis (46XX) and Androgen Insensitivity (46XY) breast are present but uterus is absent. Sixth -. vs. GYN TRIAD : Anovulatory Bleeding (phsiologic) -.Complete Isosexual precocious puberty + 6 yrs old girl + pelvic mass. * PRIMARY AMNORRHEA .Primary Amenorrhea + Breast present but Uterus absent + Pubic / Axillary hair absent. Positive PCT -. Negative EPCT -.Absence of withdrawel bleeding suggest outflow obstruction or Endometrial scarring (Asherman $).If no corpus leuteum is present to produce progesterone than there will be unopposed Estrogen stimulation of endometrium which results into irregular unpredictable bleeding with watery vaginal discharge.pituitary insufficiency. thin & watery.Menstruation flow will not occur if the endometrial cavity is oblitrated or stenosis of the lower reproductive tract is present. unpredictable vaginal bleeding + 33 yrs old women + Obese. TX -. 111 Copy Righted Material. that include Hypogonadotropic (hypothalamic or pituitary dysfunc). Anovulation. MANAGEMENT OF SECONDARY AMENORRHEA -Fisrt -.dopamine inhibit PL.Primary Amenorrhea + Breast absent Uterus present + Anosmia.Primary Amenorrhea + Breast absent but Uterus present + Inc FSH level. Management -. Eugonadotropic (Pregnancy.results into withdrawel bleeding and suggest abscence of progesterone. GYN TRIAD : Mullerian Agenesis -. Failed Hormonal therapy require Endometrial Ablation (Microwave or thermal method) or Hysterectomy. Idiopathic or Constitutional Precocious puberty -.pituitary Axis Failure and Kallmann syndrome Breast are . * SECONDARY AMENORRHEA -. * Asherman $ -.check PL level (causes are Antipsychotic. or Hypothalamic pituitary insufficiency.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Causes are Polycystic ovary syndrome. Hypothalamic Pituitary Failure -. Remember Progesterone stabalize the endometrium in latter half of the cycle and prevent random breakdown. Causes are Absence of functional ovarian follicle. Estrogen Def -.First check hCG to rule out pregnancy. Basal body temp will not show mid cycle temp rise. McCune Albright Syndrome -.Cyclic Progestin therapy from day 14 . clomiphene induced ovulation is required if pregnancy is desired. Inc FSH suggest ovarian failure due to Y chromosome mosaicism (if < age 25) or Resistant ovary $ (Savage $). Fifth -.Occur in Mullerian Agenesis. Elevated prolactin. DX --. Do FSH level check for definite dx. Negative PCT -. Anovulatory bleeding (chronic) -. Pituitary adenoma.Primary Amenorrhea + Breast absent but Uterus present + dec FSH and uterus is present. Biopsy show proliferative Endometrium.Do serum FSH level check if EPCT is positive. Other causes of Anovulation are Hypothyroidism. Hyperprolactinemia. Second -.Irregular. Prolactinoma (can be tx with Bromocriptine if tumor is < 1 cm or surgerically if tumor is > 1cm). Androgen Insensitivity -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS breakdown resulting in breakthrough bleeding.If all above is normal & PCT is .Primary Amenorrhea + Breast present but Uterus absent + Pubic / axillary hair present.Without adequate estrogen priming the endometrium will be atrophic (no proliferative changes). HP Axis & Kallmann $.Pregnancy is most common cause of Sec Amenorrhea. Antidepressant "have Antidopamine side effect").Complete Isosexual precocious puberty + 4 yrs old girl + Abnormal MRI.hysteroscopic adhesion lysis and Inflatable Stent placement into the uterine cavity to prevent re adhesion. Hypothalamo . and medication such as Antipsychotic and Antidepressants. spiral arteriolar spasm result into prostaglandin release.Complete Isosexual precocious puberty + 6 yrs old girl + Normal MRI.caused by excessive curetage . Hypothyroidism. Now do Hysterosalpinogram to identify the lesion.tx with Bromocriptine.25 of each cycle or by Daily Combination OCPs. Gonadal Agenesis.Complete Isosexual precocious puberty + 6 yrs old girl + Cafe au lait spots. Other causes are classified by alteratrion of FSH & LH levels. Note .ve Do Estrogen Progesterone challenge test (EPCT) by giving 21 days oral estrogen followed by 7 days MPA. Androgen Insensitivity. Idiopathic Inc in PL -. Granulosa cell tumor induced precocious puberty -. Gonadal dysgenesis -. Outflow Tract Obstruction -. Remember Primary Hypothyroidism will results into TSH and PL.results into withdrawel bleeding which suggest Estrogen def. Third -. Fourth -. cervical mucous will be clear. unpredictable vaginal bleeding + 13 yrs old adolescent + Normal height & wt. Anovulation -. Positive EPCT-. Precocious puberty due to CNS lesion -. when progestin discontineous on last week of month. Hypertensive. .shows abscence of withdrawel bleeding & suggest either Estrogen def or out flow obstruction . In Gonadal Agenesis (45 X). Low FSH suggest hypothalamic .If hCG is negative check for Hypothyroidism.Anovulatory cycle is dx by hx of irregular unpredictable bleeding without cramping. LH to FSH Ratio is 3:1 (Normal LH FSH Ratio is 1.steady state of Gonadotropins & Sex steroids with resultant anovulation.tx of choice is Spironolactone (K+ sparing diuretics blocks androgen receptor).It is due to Autonoumous stimulation of Aromatase enz production of estrogen by the ovaries.Rare cause of precocious puberty. multiple follicular atresia along with hyperplasia results in Bilateral Ovarian enlargement . . Lesion may results into hydrocephalus or may be due to Von Recklinghausen dis. Combine effect of testosterone & SHBG will Free Testosterone which is the core reason of Hirsutism. + ve Pelvic mass on examination or imaging. If pregnancy is desired ovulation induction can be achieved by Clomiphene or Human Menopausal Gonadotropin.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Aromatase enz inhibitor . * INFRTILITY -.surgical removal of mass. Dx is usually after CNS imaging shows no pathology.gradual onset of Hirsuitism & is the MCC of Androgen Excess in women. Tx -. Spironolactone suppress hair follicle 5 Reductase depandant conversion of androgen to testosterone thus lower testosterone & hirsuitism. LAB -.Albright $ (Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia) -. if it fails HMG (exogenous gonadotropin) is then used].Virilization) -. McCune . Eflornithine is topical tx of unwanted facial and chin hair. Unopposed estrogen Endometrial hyperplasia and irregular bleeding which may progress to endometrial cancer. Androstenedione & testosterone suppresses hepatic production of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) by 50%. * Gonadotropin Independant : occur because Estrogen production is independant of Gonadotropin secretion.Normal Hysterosalpigogram. accounts for 80% of precocious puberty.MC explanation is constitutional with out pathology. For Infertility first perform Semens check.5 : 1).Rare cause of precocious puberty is Gonadal stromal cell ovarian tumor that autonomously Produce Estrogen. Meningitis.Testosterone is mildly elevated.according to specific cause. Virlization is male pattern hair distribution plus Musculinization signs (eg baldness. CNS Pathology -. * PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) is the severe form of PMS. Where as LH causes androgen production by ovarian follicular theca cells testosterone. (Eflornithine is Ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor which slows the growth and differentiation of the cell with in the hair follicle) * POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN $ -. IDIOPATHIC 5 Reductase Activity -. Granulosa cell tumor -. pt is usually < 6 yrs old. If semens are normal Check Ovulation. Metformin dec Insulin resistance.Hyperandrogenism + Insulin resistance + Acanthosis Nigricans POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN $ -. Androgen prevent normal follicular development and cause premature Follicular atresia. TX -. CNS imaging is abnormal. IMAGING -.with out ovulation there is no Corpus luteum to produce progesterone which leave estrogen unoppesed.Hirsutism male pattern hair distribution in female with gradual or abrupt onset. It cause multiple cystic bone lesion & Cafe au lait skin spots. Other exams / hormones are normal.GnRH agoinst (Leuprolide or Lupron) suppression of gonadotropin until appropriate maturity and height has been reached. * HIRSUTISM (+/. clitorimegaly etc) in female.Pelvic U/S shows Bilateral Enlarged ovaries and Multiple subcapsular small follicles.Tx of choice is combination of OCP which free testosterone by suppressing LH stimulation & by hepatic SHBG synthesis (it normalizes bleeding). * Gonadotropin Dependant : because of Estrogen secretion due to premature release of Gonadotropins from hypothalamus. Idiopathic -. Tx -. Clomiphene is given for 5 days starting form the day 5 of menstrual cycle. Infertility & hirsutism. Pathophysio -. lower testosterone level & likely hood of ovulation with or with out clomiphene. 112 Copy Righted Material. TX -. (Cause 5% precocious puberty) Tx -. because gonadotropin precieve this as a low estrogen state. If both above are normal than do Hysterosalpingogram to rule out any obstruction in tubes. Dx criteria for PMS is presence of Sxs for at least 3 consecutive months vs. Dx criteria for PMDD is presence of Sxs for at least 1 yr (most symptoms should be during last week of Luteal phase). Sarcoid & Encephalitis. Management -.Are either Gonadotropin depandant or Gonadotropin Independant. [Clomiphene is estrogen analog & fits into pituitary receptor for estrogen with out stimulating it Inc Gonadotropin. note spilling of contrast in the peritoneal cavity confirms patency and caliber of tube. fine needle biopsy. Medical management -. TX -. smoking.MC method of assessing Bone density is DEXA SCAN (Dual Energy X ray Absorptiometery) MC method of assessing Ca++ is 24 Hr urinary HydroxyProline or N telopeptide (NTX). MANAGEMENT -. Sonography can distinguish cystic lesion from solid Fibroadenoma. impulsiveness. stop cigarettes and Alcohol. 3. * Chemotherapy with or without Ovarian ablation (or GnRH analog) and Temoxifen.Hot flashes.Life style change incluse Ca++ and Vit D intake. * Chemotherapy and Temoxifen. Post menopausal Estrogen / progesterne receptor + ve should be tx with Chemotherapy and Temoxifen. hyperreactivity . Mild Rtardaion (IQ 50 . Rarely excisional biopsy turn out Phallod tumor (sarcoma) which contain mix stroma. It can be multiple. Typhi. * E. 113 Copy Righted Material. it may be caused by Autoimmune dis or Y ch Mosaicism. sweats + Age 25 yrs + Inc FSH level.TMP / SMX. Premenopausal Estrogen / progesterone receptor + ve breast cancer can be tx with various approaches.No antimicrobial tx due to Inc risk of HUS. the potntial of side effect is lower. If surgery fails than do IVF (In Vitro fertilization). Sx last for 6 months and onset occur before 7 yrs of age. Fine needle biopsy under mamographic guidance is needed for dx. LH). FECUNDITY is likeihood of conception with mid cycle intercourse. Reloxinfene (It is SERM that has bone agonist effect and endometrial antagoinst effect) used when estroge therapy cant be used. Estrogen and Progesterone receptor negative breast cancer must be treated with Chemotherapy in all age groups. while still offering nodal staging information. Coli diarrhea due to day care nurseries --. * ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERREACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD) -. Severe retardation (IQ 20 . . * Ovarian Ablation (or GnRH analog) with or without Temoxifen.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Rising CD count is best tx. * Premature Ovarian Failure r/o Y chromosome Mosiac -. Profound retardation (IQ <20). * FIBROADENOMA OF BREAST -.35). 4. Biphosphonate.Estrogen replacement. SENTINEL NODE BIOPSY -. Ca++ intake.MC risk factor is Family Hx in thin white female.Most important risk factor is maternal age > 35 yrs. use lowest dose and re evaluate annually. * MICROCALCIFICATION -. * MENOPAUSE -.srtong supportive care. other risk factors are Steroids. Wt nearing excersize. Coli diarrhea with hemorrhagic colitis --. Other methods are Controlled Ovarian hyperstimulation (COH). Risk Factor -. IVF. * BREAST CANCER -. Most common site is vertebral column. Premature Menopause occur in 30 to 40 yrs of age and mostly Is Idiopathic. * Campylobacter (contaminated food) --. smooth.Sentinel lymphnode (SLN) is the first node to which cancer cell are likely to spread from primary tumor. (Actually there is lack of estrogen) Premature Ovarian failure occur before age 30. * OSTEOPROSIS -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Hyterosalpingogram (HSG) should be perform week after menses and with prophylactic antibiotics.tx only if pt is 3 month of age. milk) --.Stage I & II Breast cancer tx is considered to be breast conserving with wide axillary lymphnode dissection or Sentinel Lymphnode biopsy and Radiotherapy. DX -. Preovulatory Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Psychiatry -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------* MENTAL RETARDATION -. Erythromycin in severe cases or carrier state. 1. Elderly with Estrogen / progesterone receptor + ve breast cancer should be tx with Tempoxifen alone.self limiting.Is defined as amenorrhea of 3 months or more along with high gonadotropin (FSH. * Staph Aureus Diarrhea (food poisoning with in 12 hrs of ingestion) --. * E.Most common type is osteoprosis trabecular bone. Tamoxifen (It is SERM that has endometrial and bone agonist effect and Breast antagonist effect) used when estrofgen therapy cant be used. Coli diarrhea due to travel mexico --. Lymphatic mapping and Sentinel lymphnode biopsy are new procedure that offer the ability to avoid lymphnode dissection and its morbidity in pts with primary tumor who are at low risk of axillary involement.MC freely moveable.Inattention. DX -. * Cryptosporidium (AIDS pt) --. nontender.of menopause is made through serial identification of elevated gonadotropin. toxic has disseminated dis or has S. Because the SLN biopsy involve the removal of the fewer lymphnode than standard lymphnode removal procedures.29 % are cancerous.tx supportive. Estrogen is recomemded only for Vasomotor Sxs (Hot Flashes) of post menopausal Breast cancer risk with Estrogen not found prior to 4 yrs. It is cost less & risk less method in those who have Idiopathic Infertility. * Salmonella diarrhea (poultry. sedentary like style. * Shigella diarrhea (contaminated food) --. String supportive care.According to age and presence of estrogen / progesterone receptor.most are benign but 15 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIARRHEA : * E. Moderate retardation (IQ 35 -50). if severe use TMP / SMX. A dye is injected near the tumor to allow flow to the SLN. (remember cystic lesion are benign & liquid filled). If HSG is abnormal do laprotaomy to correct the problem. A biopsy of the dye stained node help determine the staging and extent of the cancer. TX OF NODE + VE BREAST CANCER -.tx supportive if severe use Neomycin or Colistin. 2. Supportive care only. egg. rubbery benign mass in adolescent & young women. Rifabutin may be tried.70).Is Conservative but most women want Excesional biopsy and mass to be removed. Reloxifene (selective estrogen receptor modulator "SERM") In pre menopausal osteoprosis consider non estrogen tx first. alcohol. DX -. * SCHIZOPHRENIA DISORGANIZED Type -. delusion or hallucination (usually grandeur or persecution) usually in late late 20s or 30s. hostile and defiant behavior toward adults.Preoccupation.Tx of choice is High potency Antipsychotics (Pimizole.Hallucination. * SCHIZOPHRENIA -. disorganised or catatonic type. Clonidine & Clonazepam are sometime useful.methylphenidate (Ritalin) should be givin only on school days and not automatically started after summer vacation.Sx must be present for at least 1 week plux significant distress & impairment in level of SUBTYPE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA -* SCHIZOPHRENIA PARANOID Type -. TX -. Mother care about baby. TX -.Antidepressant. BIPOLAR I DISORDER -. Hospitalization if saftey of pt or other is required. and lack of motivation (avolition)). poor contact with reality. remain motionless in bizarre postures. * SCHIZOEFFECTIVE DISORDER -. carbamezapine and Valproic acid) and Psychotherapy focusing to help pt to gain insight in their illness and how to cope with it. hallucination. disinhibited behavior. such as flat or blunted affect. peculiar voluntary movement.Begin with in One month of birth. Extreme negativism. lack of desire to form relationships (asociality). but may find saccadic eye movement. vindictiveness and deliberate annoyance. may have thought to hurt baby. poverty of speech (alogia). TX -. < 25 yrs age. theft and rules during late childhood or early adolescence. Delusion (mostly bizarre). delusion. may have thoughts to hurt baby. Hospitalization depend on pt safety.Phototherapy or sleep deprivation.Begin after birth and last upto 2 weeks.Sx must be present for at least 2 weeks + change in previous level of functioning. * MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER (MDD) -.Violation in 4 areas. Course is life long with remission and exacerbation. * Postpartum Psychosis -. reward desired behavior not just punish undesiered behavior.benzodiazepine. http://video. Usually experience social & or occupational dysfunction. or exhibit purposeless agitation) Negative Sxs (loss or absence of normal traits or abilities. * ELIZEBETH KLUVER ROSS STAGES OF DYING -. Punishment and incarceration are not often effective. TCA.Presence of negative Sx in the absence of psychotic Sx (delusion. TX -. Physical and Psychiatric Sxs -Hallucination (auditory mostly). temper out bursts.depress mood and sleep disturbance in winter. * SCHIZOPHRENIA CATATONIC Type -.shock and denial Stage 2 -. SSRI. * Postpartum Blue -. TX -. TX . inability to experience pleasure (anhedonia). * SCHIZOPHRENIA RESIDUAL Type -. DYSTHYMIC DISORDER -. Stage 1 -. TX .advise parents to spend time with child.Psychomotor disturbance. including arguments.Antipsychotic and benzodiazpine. hyperreflexia * SCHIZOPHRENIA UNDIFFERENTIATED Type -. or catatonic behavior). deceitfulness. In addition Individual psychotherapy is also helpful. May be asssociated with ADHD.psychotherapy to resolve the sence of despair and childhood conflicts. SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER -. structured sports program or other program like "Big brother". Halopridol. Stage 4 -.Disorganised speech/behavior.symptoms of schizophrenia (Delusion and hallucination) for at least for 2 weeks in the absence of mood multiple motor and vocal tics usually at the age of 7 yrs.Antipsychotic medication for 3 . Mild depressive. hypervigilance. property destruction.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.begin usually in one month. severe depression.Persistent pattern of negativeism. sever depression + psychotic Sxs. Respridone). Positron emission tomography (PET) shows hypoactivity of the frontal lobe and hyperactivity of the basal ganglia. Physical exam usually unremarkable. Hospitalization depends if safety of a pt or other is required. * DELUSIONAL DISORDER -.Nonbizarre delusion for > 1 month with out impairment in level of functioning. * BRIEF PSYCHOTIC DISRDER -. TX -. CT shows Lateral & 3rd Ventrical enlargement & reduction in Cortical volume (which cause neg Sxs & neurologic signs) MRI shows Inc cerebral ventricals. disorganized speech / behavior. TX -. Antippsychotics.Healthy group identity and role model are provided. inflicted injury.Anger Stage 3 -. * Conduct Disorder -. Conduct disorder often follow. TX . 114 Copy Righted Material.Depressed mood for at least 2 yrs. flat affect. TX -.Depression Stage 5 -. * SCHOZOPHRENIFORM DISORDER -.Antidepressant or Anticonvulsant to stabilize mood if it is ineffective use Antipsychotic to control ongoing Sxs.Many episode of depressed mood and many episode of hyponmanic mood for at least 2 yrs.Bargaining. Antipsychotic along with psychtherapy. * Postpartum Depression -. TX -. mood stablizer. the mental illness that is characterised by persistent defect in the perception & expression of reality.Antidepressant. * TOURETTE DISORDER -.6 month. Disorganised speech and behavior Catatonic behavior (the pt may be largely mute.symptoms of schizphrenia (Delusion and hallucination) last > 1 month but < 6 month.Meet criteria of schzophrenia but donot meet criteria of paranoid.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. . pt likely to have depressive episode after the psychotic Sxs resolve. disorganised speech & catatonic behavior for > 1 day but < 30 days. mutism.It can occur in any sequence. * OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER -. MAOI if needed CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER -. TX -.Acceptance. OCD.Antimanic drug (Lithium.Self limited no tx is required. Personality disorder. schizophrenia.Commonly associated with general medication condition such as Systemic inf metabolic disorder. delusion. Major rule out are subs abuse. hypnosis. seizures. Somatoform disorder. withdrawal.characterised by Delirium. MC in women Pt must have at least 4 pain Sx (2 GI. SSRI (eg. May be associated with Depression. * ACUTE STRESS DISORDER (ASD) -. * CONVERSION DISORDER -. fear. schizophrenia.Antipsychotic medication plus Individual psychotherapy (goal is pt has to trust the physician) to point out how delusion interfere the normal life. La Belle indifference (pt seems unconcerned about impairment) TX -. Anorexia. Obsession are anxiety provoking.Severe anxiety symptoms. SSRI. paresthesia.Agitation.Life long pattern of social withdrawal with out psychosis.mutism. Rule out Psychiatric disorder. More common in Prison. responce prevention etc). TCA. Main Goal is to assume sick role & hospitalization. optic neuritis. psychotic disorder. High potency Antipsychotics for agitation should be considered. TX -. Chronic systemic inf.EEG shows either generalised slow wave acitvity or fast activity.Rule out MS. antisocial & histrionic disorder mostly in young women. May be due abnormal serotonin metabolism. TX -. Dementia. TX -. Commonly associated with Major depressive disorder. vs.Psychotherapy. TX -. commonly associated with Passive agressive. Rule out Neglect $. Thyroids. More than half pt have depression and dysthymia. TX -. helplessnes.Psychotherapy to help relieve stress and help coping illness.Behaviral therapies (relaxation training. factitious.multiple Sx affecting multiple organs without any medical explaination. dependant. * PANIC DISORDER -.One or more neurologic Sx without any medical explaination. horror for > 2 days but < 1 month. Pt accuses doctor and threaten litigation. Regular schedualed visits with medical doctor. Group psychotherapy. . Antidepressants or benzodiazepine.Involve management rather than cure.Psychotherapy (focus on stress coping skills). stupor. incontinence. * BODYDYSMORPHIC DISORDER -. aviodence of work. asterixis (arm flaping). Responsibility of problem attributed to other. anesthesia. paralysis. substance abuse. Occur in 25% of elderly hospitalized pts. and rapidly decreaseing level of many drug. Individual Psychotherapy is necessary to explore emotinal content of pain.Cognitive behavior therapty .Memory impairment (sp recent memory) Aphasia (failure of language function) Aprexia ( failure to execute complex motor behavior) Agnosia ( Failure to recognise or identify people or object) Disturbance of executive function (impairment in ability to think abstractly & plan such activitie as organizing. Major depression. Neuroimaging or neuropsychiatric testing may be present. TX -. beta blocker. hepatic or renal dis. DX -. Amibarbital interview may be helpful in obtaining information. TX -. The belief is not delusional. psuedosiezures. Buspirone.Unreasonable recurrent obsession and compulsion. * MALINGERING -.main complaint is pain (symptoms are not faked). 1 sexual and 1 Psuedoneurologic) to establish Dx. TX -. Factitious Disorder by Proxy is when sign and Sxs are faked for another person for eg. * COGNITIVE DISORDER -. Must be aware of counter transference when physician suspect factitious disorder. thought stoping technique. Benzodizazepine * SOMATIZATION DISORDER -. Differential dx -. * Paranoid -. Social phobia. (this comes under child abuse) Pt become angry when confronted. * HYPOCHONDRIASIS -. blidness. It is not a mental disorder. or focal abnormalities. Key Sxs beliefs that he/she has some dis (Sx has to be > 6 months) that effect the level of functioning. military. intrusive thoughts. Confusion usually due to Acute metabolic problem or subs abuse. * FACTITIOUS DISORDER -. Sxs -.Suspiciousness. 115 Copy Righted Material. Myasthenia gravis. May offer Antidepressant.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS usualy occur at the age of 40 yrs in low socieconomic group and recent immigrant.Allow the pt to save face by not confronting the pt. tumor. Specific phobia. the tests results return normal.Physician should discuss the probability of psychologic origin of pain early in tx.Irrational fear of object situation eg. TX -.Correction of physiologic problem. disturb psychomotor belief that part of his body is abnormal or defective. malingering.Excessive anxiety about life circumstances which contineous for > 6 months. TX -. GAD. Individual psychotherapy. schizophrenia depressive disorder. Venlafexine.Constant production of sign & Sx of mental & medical problem. AIDS. * Schizoid -.counseling.dementia. Pt have significant impairment in there level of functioning. * PAIN DISORDER -. free bed & board etc). doubt guilt agression & sex where as compulsion reduce anxiety by peculier behavior. nystagmus. as in child by mother. Biofeedback. SSRI. generalized anxiety disorder and phobia. Rule out contraction headaches.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. flouxetin) & clopramine. TX -. Differential -.Behavioral psychotherapy (relaxation traning. SSRI. hallucination. In PTSD Sxs last > 1 month. MAO inhbitors. mistrust. Common Sx -. head trauma. Amnesia. somatic symptoms. delusional disorder. * OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER -.Regularly schedual brief monthly visit. shopping etc) * DELIRIUM -. SLE.Prominent disturbed Alertness.Constant production of signs & Sxs for an obvious gain (money. Motor incoordination. nerve blocking. pt avoid social situation & has impaird level of functioning. factories etc. Narcissist personality disorder. anxiety disorder. Agoraphobia. SSRI. maintaining home. somatoforme disorder. * GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER (GAD) -. biofeedback). buspirone. TX -. synaptic loss.Dopamine precursor (levodopa. Presenting symptoms -. huntington pick. CBC.Sudden unexpected travel accompanied by inability to remember ones past or by assumption of new identity due to psychological stressor. Anxiolytic or antidepressant may ameliorate symptoms. emotional turmoil. Neuroimaging may show abnormality. delusion. reassuance & emotional support is helpful. Behavioral disorginization. Other causes are inf.overwheming anxiety.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Ceruloplasmin def. Key symptoms -. and psychotic behavior are fairly common. neuronal loss. * SPECIFIC DEMENTIAS -1. Thrombolytic agent may be needed to dec celluar ischemia. wilson dis.Progressive neurodegenerative dis involving loss of dopminergic neuron in substantia nigra b/w age 50 .Episode of failure to resist aggressive impulse serious assaultive act or destruction of property. severe mood instability. * PICK DISEASE -. sexual disorder. Other lab exam are B12. Psychotherapy to improve coping skill. hyperreflexia. * ADJUSTEMENT DISORDER -. personality disturbance. suicide attempt and subs abuse. Symtpoms -. RPR.occupy > 50% of nursing home beds. HTN. Dementia of Alzheimers type -. Amantadine. Donepezil) . * WILSON DISEASE -. PTSD. 116 Copy Righted Material. suggestion and relaxation technique are helpful.Psychotherapy to uncover traumatic memories and resolve associated emotional conflict.65. gait disturbance. TX -.Improve with Antidepressant. suicidal behavior.disorientation. Normal Pressure.Occur in step wise fashion with focal deficit. Major depressive disporder.Long acting cholinestrase inhibitor (Tacrine.Depersonalization (out of body experience) Derealization ( perseption of enviornment is often distorted or strange during episode of depersonalization accompanied by feeling of being detached from physical surrounding "Jamais vu" (sence of femiliar things being strange). EEG shows focal abnormality. dissociatove disorder. Associated with mood disorder. enlarge ventricles. self destruction behavior. panic disorder. Difficult to distinguish from Alzheimers.sudden inability to recall important and emotionally charged memories usually due to the psychologial stress. Rule out head trauma. 5% of elders age >65 has dementia and 20% of elders with age >85. seizures. hepatolenticular degeneration. Kayser Fleisher ring. Common in women & in young adults.Hypnosis. myoclonus. hallucination.Enlarge ventrical. accompanied by failure to recall important personal information. metabolic disorder. DM. depression. Fronto temporal degeneration. hypertonia.Jakob disease.Rare spongiform encephalopathy (slow viruis prion) malaise. HYDROCEPHALUS . endocrinopathies. depression. It may coexist with Borderline personality disorder. Dementia.Typically seen in elderly with depressive disorder. TX -. Trihexyphenyl). Thyroid function. Anticholinergic (benztropin. bipolar disorder. demyelination. Key Symptoms -.MENTAL STATUS EXAM is used to detect dementia.Maladoptive reaction to identifiable psychosocial stressor occur with in 3 months of the initial presence of stressor.Prescence of multiple distinct personality that recurrently control individuals behavior. TX -. Shows Cortical atrophy flattened sulci. Vascular dementia (Multi infarct dementia) -. Amyloid deposits (neurofibrillary tangles). TX -. Dopamine agonist (Bromocriptine). subs induced disorder. * PSEUDODEMENTIA -. * PARKINSONISM -.correct the underlying condition. * DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER (Multiple personality disorder) -.. DX -. * INTERMITTENT EXPLOSIVE DISORDER -. tumor. May show features of Kluver bucy $. * CRUETZFELDT . * DEPERSONALIZATION & DEREALIZATION -. Urinary incontinence. . "Deja vu" (sence of unfimiliar thing being fimiliar).gait disturbance. Rapid dementia & death. Rule out seizures.JAKOB DISEASE -.Correction of underlying pathology. * HIV RELATED DEMENTIA -. vascular dis.Persistent / recurrent feeling of being detached from one's mental process or body but sence of reality is intact due to psychological stressor. pathologic reflexes (frontal release sign). PTSD.Shunt placement.) TX -. TX -. TX -. can become chronic if stressor contineous. TX -.FOLSTEIN MINI . risk factor are male. choreoathetosis. Ach & NE. mood disturbance (may mimic cognitive impairment). personality disorder. Rule out Generalized anxiety disorder.Atrophy of frontal and temporal lobe. personality change. occulomotor deficit. * DISSOCIATIVE FUGUE -. selegiline. Rule out subs induced mental disorder. conversion disorder. Last 6 months or less. ASTREXIS (arm flapping). Major depressive disorder. resolve underlying stressor. and other form of perception distortion may occur. Pick bodies (intraneuronal argentophillic inclusions). granulovacuolar degeneration of neuron. PTSD. parkinson. Avoid medication that impairs cognition. To dec agitation give Respiridone (low dose).HIV directly & progressively destroy brain parenchyma delirium. Gradually remit when traumatic circumstances resolves or may become chronic. anxiety. CVA or subs abuse. Defect in ch 4 occur at age 40 approx. eating diorder etc. * DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA -. toxins etc. * NORMAL P. Mat associated with mood disorder.Prominant memory disturbance along with cognitive disturbance usually due to CNS damage caused by Alzheimers dis. TX -. 2. Carbidopa). TX -. Provision of familiar surroundings. * HUNTINGTON DISEASE --Autosomal dominant Progressive neurodegenerative dis (loss of GABAergic neuron in Basal ganglia) Choreoathetosis.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * DEMENTIA -. Pick cells (swollen neurons) in effected area of brain. folate level. Creutzfeldt . emotional lability.Psychotherapy to dec anxiety. nutritional disorder. PTSD. impulsivity. factitious or malingering.Remove stresor. Associated with chaotic interpersonel relationship.same as Dissociative amnesia. gait problem. dementia. TX -. Orderliness. Antidepressant some time helpful. Than Behavioral therapy should be initiated with reward and punishment base on body weight (not eating). sense of entitlement. Pt may become sexually arouse by fire. Psychotherapy . Recurrent Episode of binge eating.Best tx is Gambler Anonymous (involve public confession. SXs -. Cluster A -. beta blocker.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. TX -. * Avoidant -. OCD. 1. nail biting and gnawing may be present. SSRIs. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is useful if bulemia is accompanied by Border line personality disorder. such as right . * Schizoid -. * Histrionic -. CLUSTER B -.Cognitive and Behavioral therapy is major tx.Lack of confidence. impulsiveness (thoughtless. abnormality of limbic system or testosterone. risk of suicide. Great concern with appearance.Dramatic. * Obsessive Compulsive -. Family therapy to reduce conflict.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS The attack may occur with in minutes or hours and tend to resolve spontaneously. Dissociative Sxs. * Narcissitic -. Head banging.characterized by pervasive. * Borderline -. Pt presents with signs of anxiety and depression and feel guilty of their action. . Preoccupation with rejection. Associated behavior -. Criminality ( fire setting. envy (jelousy). Physical and Psychiatric presenting Sx -. * Depandant -. TX -. TX -. 117 Copy Righted Material. Poor work Hx. MC area is scalp.Life long pattern of social withdrawal with out psychosis. CLUSTER A -.Deliberate fire setting on more than one occasion (anxiety before act and release after act followed by gratification and fascination). There are 3 clusters. * PATHOLOGIC GAMBLING -. Self castigation for mild wt gain or binges. shy. Antipsychotic. kleptomania) TX -. * TRICHOTILLOMANIA -. inflexible & maladoptive personality pattern. Schizotypal. strange.Unstable affect.sensitive to rejection.1. Preoccupation with criticsim or Rigidity. Self evaluation of body shape. consider SSRI & Anticonvulsant. Border line personality problem present in 50% of pts. TX -. Paranoid 2. obstruction and malnutrietion. Must rule out ARSON (those who burn house delibirately to collect insurance). rushy). Antipsychotic. * ANOREXIA NERVOSA . resulting in tx is benificial.Grandiosity.Recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal object that the pt does not need (anxiety before act & release after act).disorder of pulling ones own hair (anxiety before act and release of anxiety after act).Depressive Sxs. Obsessive compulsive Sxs. perfectionist.Psychotherapy is main stay of tx.Hair loss is significant over all body.Inability to conform the social norm: bedwetting. Intensive and long term psychodynamic & cognitive therapy. significant amount of time spent examining self and precieve the sign of excess wt. Schizoid 3.Insight oriented therapy to help pt understanding their behavior. mood and behavior: suicide attempt. Often associated with mood disorder.Mood Lability. Mood stabilizer and antidepressant is use for cluster B personality disorder. Psychologic test often normal. Scalp reveal short broken hair along with long hairs Pt may eat the hair. Obsession with diet but followed by binge eating of high calorie food.Long term difficult interpersonal relationship.Excessive interest in food related activity (other than eating). multiple arrest etc.Peculiar thought process. let other assume responsibility. * BULEMIA -. Incarceration may be indicated.Are Eccentric. socially withdrawal. extroverted behavior and cannot maintain intimate relation. Marital difficulties. CLUSTER C -. Lexative and Diuretic abuse. mistrust. odd thought pattern and behavior with out psychosis. MC in women. Inc risk of alcohol dependance. Some study shows SSRI is helpful.left ambivalence. chronic unhappiness. Anticonvulsant. inferiority complex. * Schizotypal -. Conceal binge eating or purging & lie about it. * Paranoid -. indecisiveness. ECG usually normal. Antidepressant perticularly SSRI are usually employed * PERSONALITY DISORDER (PS)-. failure to achieve goal. Depressive sxs. TX -.Anticonvulsant. Responsibility of problem attributed to other.Neurologic examination may reveal soft signs.Behavioral modification technique (to dec anxiety) along with SSRI. May be due to dec level of 5HIAA. Physical and Psychiatric presenting Sx -.Binge eating/ purging and self image that is unduly influenced by weight. Psychotherapy is not helpful but if used must be with group setting. sunbs abuse. Associated with emotional stress followed by guilt. * KLEPTOMANIA -. and fear of social relationship ------------. stubborn. problem adopting to stress. lack of empathy.Anxiety. self recrimination and compensatory behavior (to wt gain). impulsivity (eg. Inappropriate effect.subtypes are Restricting (no Binge eating/ purging) & Binge eating/ purging (regularly binge eating/purging). * PYROMANIA -. Denial of emaciate condition.Peculiar appearance. Associated Sxs -. TX -. animal torturing ). low self esteem TX -. job. * Antisocial -. eating disorder. Problem with law. peer pressure & sponcers).Suspiciousness.Loss of relationship.Initial tx is correction of physiologic consequences of starvation by hospitalization of pt. Obsessive Compulsive 3. Narcissistic 3. pt feel fresh upon wakening. . depression. Passive Aggressive -.Shorten REM Latency. * INSOMNIA -.Apneic episode usually last > 10 sec each. Cluster C -. If medication is used than psychostimulant are prefered.Obstructive (muscle Atonia in Oropharynx. 4.1. Types of Sleep Apnea -.dec Arousal thus produce sleep. Taking hot bath near bed time. report falling sleep quickly.Serotonin initiate sleep and Inc during sleep. 3. tongue. avoid day time nap. Suppress delta. Can occur as a solo entitiy many pts has underlying anxiety . Consider pathologic if pt has > 5 episode / hour or > 30 episode during the night. * Dopamine antagonnist -. or Tonsil obstruction) Central (Lack of Respiratory Efforts) Mixed (central at first. * NON RAPID EYE MOVEMENT (NREM) . * NECROLAPSY -.Difficulty in falling / maintaining sleep which alters pts level of functioning & frequent day time yawning / tierdness.Inc total sleep time. Sleep paralysis (upon awakeing "when pt is awake but unable to move"). Inefficient. If it does not work consider Behavioral modification technique such as stimulus control. eating meal at regular time. Histrionic 2. TX -. OCD etc.Suppress REM. Avoidant 2. RAPID EYE MOVEMENT (REM) -.Suppress REM * Barbiturate withdrawal -. Antisocial 4. Shows Cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone). Hyponogogic & hypnopompic hallucination (hallucination before going to sleep & before awakening up from sleep).Procrastination (to postpone unduly). using relaxation technique on sleeping). REM sleep occur in < 10 min.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 2. * Benzodiazepine -. Stubborn. Inc REM time. * Neurotransmitter of sleep -. Dependant.Brain is inactive & body is active shows high muscle tone without rapid eye movement. Dramatic. If cataplexy is present prefer TCAs.Suppress stage 4 sleep and when use chronically Inc sleep latency. In sever cases pt may experience > 300 apneic episode during night. discontineou CNS drugs.REM Rebound. * Major Depression -. Erratic -------------------------------------------.1. PTSD. avoid evening stimulation.Contineous positive airway pressure is the tx of choice.Forced Nap at regular time of the day is the tx of choice.Brain is active and body is inactive shows generalized muscular atony except middle ear & eye muscle (REM). Borderline. but prolong due to collapse of airway) TX -. * Dopamine agonist -. other methods are wt loss. * Barbiturate Intoxication -.REM rebound. arising same time every day. and surgery.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. 118 Copy Righted Material. Acetylcholine Inc during sleep and linked to REM sleep Nor EN dec during sleep and linked to REM sleep Dopamine Inc during sleep and linked to arousal and wakefulness * Tryptophan --.Consider good sleep hygiene technique (eg.Are Fearful. * Alcohol Intoxication -. Anxious ------------------------------------------------------------. * Alcohol Withdrawal -.Are Emotional. early morning awakening. Cluster B -.Produce arousal. * SLEEP APNEA -.excessive day time sleeping abnormality of REM sleep for > 3months. Multiple awakening. TX -. If medication are to be used consider Benzodiazepine for short period of time. (choreoathetosis) -. * Sadism Common CNS Medication effect : 119 Copy Righted Material.Recurrent urge or behavior involving the act of humiliation. Most common Dyskinesia and dystonia . * Pedophelia -. .com/watch?v=mZLzCrSPVMw&feature=related urge to expose one self to stranger. * Voyeurism http://www.Recurrent urge r behavior involving cross dressing. * Frotteurism -.Recurent urge or behavior involving the act in which physical or physiologic suffering of a victem is exciting to Chorea -.http://www. * Reglan side effect Usaully found in hetrosexual Choreoathetosis -.Recurrent urge or arousal toward prepubescent child. Earliest paraphilia to develop.http://www. * Transvestic fetishism -. Hemiballismus -. disrobing.Recurrent urge or behavior involving the act of observing person who is engaged in sexual activity. * Fetishism BY IRFAN MIR Aprexia -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TYPES OF PARAPHILIA : * Exhibitionism * Masochsm to use non living objects usually associated with human body.Recurrent urge or behavior involving touching or rubbing against non consenting partner. * Tertiary prevention dec long term imapairment. FR = Live births / women of child bearing age 1000. 2nd is Neoplasia > Cerebrovascular > Resp > Accident > DM > Pneumonia > Alzhiemers > Nephritis > Speticemia.Death per population * CAUSE SPECIFIC MORTALITY RATE -. Measles. Lyme dis. * SPECIFICITY = TN / All ppl with out dis (TN + FP). Pt appear Flushed (pink & warm body) restore peripheral resistance is main therapy. (do Counseling & Information). rhinorrhea.Chlamydia. * POSITIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE = TP / (TP + FP) Proportion of ppl with + ve screening test results who are diseased. additional fluid may help. Not mandatory reportable. * Mandatory Reportable dis -.5 .Yearly rate of maternal death associated with Live birth.MC tyoe physical batery / neglect. * Priapism occur with Trazodone. * Homicide is the # 2 cause of death among 15 . well ppl who are correctly classified as TN by screening test. Victems are female.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. victems are female mostly. Perpetrator are both sexes.1 / 100.34 yrs old age group. Infant death / Live birth 1000 Neonatal mortality Rate = # Infant death (< 28 days of age) / Live birth 1000. (eg Excersze. * SENSITIVITY = TP / All ppl with dis (TP + FN).Rate of live birth among women of child bearing age. * Suicide is the # 2 cause of death among 25 . It is mandatory reportable. PMR = Death from Sp cause /Total Death 100.MC type Physical battery.34 yrs old age group.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Sedation is most severe with Doxepin. . Slamonella. * Seizures are more common with TCAs. (or Infant mortality Rate = neonatal mortality rate + Post neonatal mortality rate) * MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE -.Rate of live birth in population during time period (usually 1 yr). 120 Copy Righted Material. Antibiotics are not indicated. FRACTURE OF THE BASE OF SKULL -.65 yrs old age group. or Echymosis behind the ear. Mumps. High spinal cord transection. * Secndary prevention dec dis prevelence. Most Antidepressant has drug interaction with other drugs. otorrhea.death from sp cause per population * CASE FATALITY RATE -. Racoon eyes. Likely Perpetrator are male. Legionaries. Proportion of dis ppl who are correctly classified as TP by screening test. Protriptyline and SSRIs are least sedative) * Anticholinergic effects more severe with Amitriptyline and Doxepine (none with trazodone and most SSRIs) * Cardiac Conduction problem and Hypotension are most common with TCAs.% of death from sp cause in sp time. * PROPORTIONATE MORTALITY RATE-.MC type is neglect. Physician support to quit smoking cigarettes). * INFANT MORTALITY RATE -. (Physicain should protect child and report) * Elder Abuse -. Surgery * TX OF SHOCK -. * BIRTH RATE -.24 yrs old age group. * FERTILITY RATE -. MMR = Maternal death / Live birth 100. * PREVELENCE = (TP + FN) / All pll screened (TP + TN + FP + FN) Proportion of screend ppl who have disease. Hepatitis A B C D E. (Physicain should Protect and report) * Spousal Abuse -. * MC cause of death is heart dis.Rate of death in population during a time period (usually 1 yr) MR = death / population 1000. Graded Aerobic physical activity). * MORTALITY RATE -. (Remember CVP is the key finding in decision of stoping the bleeding first or giving Fluid resusitation or packed blood.caused by Anaphylactic shock. * CRUDE MORTALITY RATE screening test result who are well. * ACCURACY = (TP + TN) / All ppl screened (TP +TN +FP + FN) All screening ppl who are correctly classified by the test.death of children (< 1 yr of age) in relation of # of live birth during the same yr. * Child Abuse -. Amitriptyline and Trazodone. High spinal anesthetics. * PROPORTIONATE MORTALITY RATE -. Maprotiline and Bupropion * Anorgasmia and dec Libido occur with SSRIs. Syphilis. * Heart dis is the #1 cause of death over age 65 yrs. Health education program that promotes healthy life style). TB. (eg Community BP screening. * NEGATIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE = TN / (TN + FN) Proportio of ppl with . * LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH BY AGE GROUP (in all races and both sexes) -* Congenital anomalies are the # 1 cause of death in < 1 yrs old. * Primary prevention dec dis incidence. In All other reasons First volume replacment with 2 L lactate ringer with out sugar followed by packed RBC until urinary out put reaches 0.000 Live birth) * CASE FATALITY RATE -. (Desipramine. (eg. rehabilitation. Pertussis. Rubella. disabilities & reccurance of the dis.death from sp cause per # of person with the disease. Chicken Pox. AIDS.2 ml/kg/hr while not exceeding central venous P (CVP) 15 mmHg. hearty heart nutrition program for school childrens.% of cases of illness that result in death with in sp time. BR = Live birth / population 1000. (short gestation and SIDS are 2nd and 3rd respectively) * Unintended injuries are # 1 cause of death in 1 . Gonorrhea.000.If the cause is bleeding first stop bleeding than vol replacement.Imp Signs. CFR = Death / Cases 100. Post neonatal mortality Rate = # Infant death (> 28 days old but < 365 days) / Live birth 1000. * Neoplasia is the # 1 cause of death among 35 .death from sp cause per all death. Remember CVP is low in bleeding and high in Cardiac temponade or Pneumothorax etc) VASOMOTOR SHOCK -. (US MMR is 7. It is mandatory reportable. Likely perpetrator is Female. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Precise dx of injury to spinal cord is best done by MRI. CT scan shows Blurring of Gray and white matter with multiple small punctuate hemorrahge.Terminate the laprotomy with packing of bleeding and temporary closure. It can also appear 48 hrs after trauma. Hyperventilate pt. atelactasis. Meningococcus. * CENTRAL CORD SYNDROME -.(due to 1st rib. if suspicious is high and mediastinum is present than do Aortogram and than surgical repair) Rupture of trachea / bronchus subcutaneous emphesema (CXR confrim air in tissue. TX . shows Ipsilateral fixed dilated pupil. If source of blood is internal coastal artery Thoracotomy is needed. DX -. Chest tube for pneumothorax. Minor bleeding do not need surgery but unstable hemodynamic situation that do not respond to fluid ressucitation requires surgery. sternum or scapula is much sicker.Evacuate blood to prevent Empyema by chest tube (placed lower) . Transection of Aorta must be rule out.occur in more severe trauma. TX -. TX -. * ACUTE EPIDURAL HEMATOMA -.Manifest as Coagulopathy + Hypothermia + Acidosis .Requires Laprotomy to repair. TX -. bilateral chest tube s advised to prevent tension pneumothorax. * HEMOTHORAX affected side will be Dull to percussion. Do CT scan. CT shows biconvex lens shaped hematoma with contralateral hemiparesis and decerebrate posture. so at the time of closure all the tissue are swollen and Intra abdominal wound can not be closed.Use colloid (plasma albumin) fluid to restrict fluid over load in lung.plain chest tube (place upper anterior) and connect to under water seal. TX -. TX -. TX -. If lung is the source of bleeding it will stop it self due to lower Pressure system of lung. H. furosemide) to avoid Inc in intracranial Preassure . Any entery and exit level of gun shot wound below the level of nipple should be considered to involve the abdomen. Remember contusion lung is very sensitive to fluid overload thus tx is fluid restriction * CHEST TRAUMA may results into Following : Myocardial contusion (do ECG). TX -.Occur due to multiple rib fracture chest wall to cave in on inspiration & cave out on expiration called Paradoxic breathing. INTRA OPERATIVE COAGULOPATHY develop During prolong abdominal surgery for multiple trauma with multiple transfusion that is treated with pletelet packs and fresh frozen plasma. * DIFFUSE AXONAL INJURY -. prevent vol overload (by mannitol.can be deadly in elderly due to hypoventilation. Digital exploration of the wound is sufficient in hemodynamically stable pt. In confirm cases do Laprotomy. vs. Lower extremities function is preserved. * RUPTURED SPLEEN is the MCC of Intra Abdominal Bleeding.same as Flail chest. * RIB FRACTURE -. 1500mL of blood recover on chest tube insertion or 600 mL drainage of blood over 6 hrs is Indication for surgery. (donot use crystalloid fluid or diuretics) Monitor blood gases (because pulmonary dysfunction may develop).Laprotomy is mandatory if hemodynamic instability is present. do CXR pay attention to these area if mediastinum is absent do sptral CT than surgical repair.tx with Nerve Block.Occur when lots of fluid and blood have been given during the course of prolong laprotomies. . which will be removed on later 121 Copy Righted Material. TX -. occur with flial chest or other type of blunt chest injuries.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Do CT scan of cervical spine to rule out integrity of cervical spine.Emergency Craniotomy * ACUTE SUBDURAL HEMATOMA -. TX -. fibroptic bronchoscopy identify lesion) Be aware of Air embolism (if heart stop do cardiac up right away with trauma by deteriorating blood gases and ' white out ' on CRX. * STAB WOUND -. Diaphragm rupture (may show bowel in chest do CXR & physical laproscopy may be needed) Rupture of Aorta -. choose Old CT scan (takes 45 min) But in hemodynmically unstable pt choose ER CT scan (takes 7 min).Elevate head.No role of surgery. Influenza B. pneumonia etc. * FLAIL CHEST -. If pt presents with unconsciousness do CT scan of head to rule out of intracranial bleeding (CT scan should be extended to neck) . results into burning pain in upper extremities & paralysis. Remember Dx of Intra abdominal bleeding is most accurately done with CT scan. Remember contusion lung is very sensitive to fluid overload thus tx is fluid restriction. Fixed pupil rare. (if digital exploration is equivocal do CT scan). The operation can be resume later when pt is warm and coagulpathy is treated. Post Operative Immunization against Encapsulated bacteria is mandatory (Pneumococcus. * PULMONARY CONTUSION -. CT shows semilunar or crescent shape hematoma. Therapy is directed to prevent further damage from Inc IC pressure (ICP). Induce Sedation can be used to dec brain activity and brain O2 demand.occur in elders due to hyperextention of the neck. Trendelenburg position) Fat embolism (Bilateral patchy infiltrate on CXR). * ABDOMINAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME -. * INTRAOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF COAGULOPATHY -. In hemodynamically stable pt. brain damage is severe.Temporary cover is placed over the abdominal content either as a absorbable mesh or unabsorbeable plastic. * PNEMOTHORAX affected side will be Hyperresoant to percussion. removal of bullet is not nessesary. * GUN SHOT WOUND IN ABDOMEN -.Unconciousness followed by lucid interval than gradual lapsing of coma again. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS dates when closure might be possible. This syndrome may also be evident untill 2nd post operative day in whom closure was done but pt subsequently develop distension with reultant cutting through of suture, in this case abdomen must be open and temporary cover is provided. * PELVIC FRACTURE -- Pelvic hematoma are typically left alone if they are not expanding. Rule out pelvic fractutre, rectal injury (by proctoscopy), bladder injuery, Vaginal, urethral (urethrogram) and perineal examination. * PELVIC FRACTURE WITH ONGOING BLEEDING -- dx is based on evidence of hypovolemic shock. management is not clear cut. (due to controversy). * URETHRAL INJURY -- Do not use Foleys catheter. Do Retrograde Urethrogram. TX -- Ant urethral injuries are surgically explored & repaired vs. Posterior urethral injury are tx with suprapubic drainage & delayed repair. * BLADDER INJURY -- do Retrograde cystogram for dx. Tx is surgical repair. * SCROTAL HEMATOMA -- can be assessed with Sonogram and donot need interventian untill testes are ruptured. (remember alarming size of scrotum is not imp unless testes are ruptured) * FRACTURE OF PENIS -- (fractue of corpus cavernosa and tunica albugenia) occur due trauma when penis is errect hematoma on the shaft of penis. TX -- surgical repair is needed. Impotency will result due to AV fistula if left untreated. * CRUSHING INJURY -- results into hyperkalemia, myoglobinuria, myoglobinuria & compartment $. other risks are emobli, inf etc. TX -- First vigoruos fluid administration, osmotic diuretics and alkalinization of urine. Later do surgical repair, fasciotomy may be needed. * HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRIC BURN INJURY contraction fracture (due to accessive muscle contraction), post dislocation of shoulder, compression fracture of vertebral bodies, myoglobinuria with resultant renal failure, late development of Cataract and Demyelinization $. * RESPIRATORY BURN (INHALATION INJURY) -- burn around mouth and soot inside are the major clue. DX -- Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy confirm the dx. TX -- Respiratory support (respirator) is needed or not is best determined by Arterial Blood gases. Intubation is done if there is inadequancy of airway. Carboxyhemoglobin must be monitored. * BURN RESUSCITATION -- Parkland formula is the most commonly practiced in USA. * ESTIMATION OF FLUID NEED IN BURNED BABIES -- Babies have bigger head and smaller leg so the rule of nine in assigned in babies is 2 nines for head and 3 nines for both legs unlike adults. Babies have proportionaly more fluid than adults. Therefore the formula in babies use 4 - 6 ml / kg / % burn unlike adults in which the values are 2 - 4ml / kg / % burn. And rate of infusion is 20 ml / kg / hr if the burn exceeds 20% of body surface area. (3rd degree burn in babies appears deep bright red where as in adult it look like leathery dry gray in appearance) PARKLAND FORMULA CALCULATION : DAY 1 --- kg BW x % of burn (up to 50) x 4 cc RL + 2000 cc D5W Infuse half in 1st 8 hrs and Rest half in next 16 hrs. DAY 2 --- Half of the above. may use colloid. Grafting is usually done 2 - 3 week later only for the area which fail to regenerate. Early drafting can be done on 3 rd degree burn if total surface area burned is < 20%. * SNAKE BITE -- 30% of pt bitten by poisonous snake are not envenonmated. Do blood typing in case of envenomation because it cannot be done later if needed. TX -- Antivenin at least 5 vials. It could be 10 or 20 vials if envenomation is severe (childrens get the same big dose). Antivenomation is depend upon the size of venin not the size or age of pt. * BLACK WIDOW BITE -- Nausea, vomiting and muscle cramp. TX -- Give Antidote IV calcium glouconate or muscle relaxant to control muscle spasm. * BROWN RECLUSE SPIDER -- ulcer develop next day. TX -- Dapsone is helpful. Surgical excision should be delayed until there are sign of apperent extensive tissue damage (skin grafting may be needed). * LEGG PERTHES DISEASE (Avascular Necrosis of Capital Femoral Epiphysis) -- Results into limping gait in 6 yrs old child. DX -- do Ant Posterior and lateral xray of pelvis. TX -- casting and crutches of femoral head with in acetabulam. * SLIPPED CAPITAL FEMORAL EPIPHYSIS -- is orthopedic emergency typically occur in chubby 13 yr old boy. Menifestion -- Groin and knee pain with limping. when pt sits with danggleing legs the sole of the affected leg deviate toward the other foot. On physical exam hip is fixed can not be rotated interanally or externally. DX -- XRAYS . TX -- Pin the femoral head back into place surgically. * Septic hip is another orthopedic emergency . ESR is elevated. child refuse to move the hip. * GENU VARUM (BOW LEG) -- is normal upto age 3 if it persist beyond age 3 than it is most commonly BLOUNT DIS (disturb medial proximal tibial growth plate) for which surgery can be done. * GENU VALGUS (KNOCKED KNEE) -- is normal between age 4 - 8. no tx is needed. * OsGOOD SCHLATTER DIS (OSTEOCHONDROSIS OF TIBIAL TUBERCLE) -- persistent pain over tibial tubercle, pain aggravated by the contraction of quadricep in teen age group. (tubercle pain without knee swelling). Injury is unique to young athlete group. TX -- Immobilize knee with extension or cast for 4 - 6 weeks. * MALIGNANT BONE TUMORS -- Most malignant bone tumor in adults are metastatics, from breast in women (Lytic lesion), from Prostate in men (blastic lesion). Localized pain is an early finding. 122 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Some time lytic lesion show up with pathologic fracture ie, fracture precipitated by event that would not justify it such as lifting a bag of groceries. DX -- Bone Scan is more sensitive than x rays. (but x ray should also be taken after Bone scan). * ANT dislocation of the shoulder -- most common form. Arm is close to the body but externally rotated (like pt going to shake hand). Some pt develop recurrent dislocation with minimal trauma. * POST dislocation of the shoulder -- Rare form. usually due to Epilepsy or electric shock. Arm is close to body & Internally rotated. Regular x - ray can easily miss it Axillary view or scapular lateral view are needed. * COLLES FRACTURE -- Is the fracture of distal radius at wrist results from fall on the out stretched hand usually in older person. Painful wrist look like diner fork. (SLIDE A normal and Slide B Colles fracture) TX -- Closed reduction plus long arm cast. * MONTEGGIA FRACTURE -- Fracture of proximal ulna with Ant dislocation of Radial head. (by Raising protective arm when hit by night stick). * GALEAZZI FRACTURE -- Distal 3rd of the Radius fracture and dorsal Dislocation of Radioulnar joint (mirror image of Monteggia Fracture) TX -- Open Reduction and Internal fixatiion. * FRACTURE OF SCAPHOID (Carpal Navicular) affect youngs who fall on out stretched hand Wrist pain over the Anatomic Snuff Box. Thumb Spica cast is indicated just with Hx & physical finding. Xray usually appear - ve in undisplaced fracture (xray will show fracture 3 week later). If 1st Xray show displaced & angulated fracture, Open Reduction & Internal fixation is needed. (Scaphoid fracture are notorious for rate of nonunion). * METACARPEL NECK FRACTURE (BOXER's FRACTURE) -- 4th , 5th or both metacarpel fracture usually due to hit against hard surface with fist closed. DX -- X RAYS are the dx. TX -- Closed Reduction and ulnar gutter splint for mild fracture. KIRSCHNER FIBER or Plate Fixation for Bad ones. * FEMORAL NECK FRACTURE -- Risk of Avascular necrosis is high. Earlier Imobilization can be achieved by replacing femoral head with prothesis. * INTERTROCHANTER FRACTURE -- Risk od Avscular necrosis is low. Immobilzation pose high risk of deep venous thrombosis and embolization post operative anticoagulant tx is recommended. Tx is open Reduction and pinning. * FEMORAL SHAFT FRACTURE -- Fixed by external fixation but large trauma or multiple fracture need emergency surgery (intermedullary rod fixation) which include cleaning & closure with in 6 hr. (Any fracture in which bone is sticking out clean & close with in 6 hr) DX -- XRAYS Larger the trauma greater the chances of hemorrhage and shock. Multiple fracture crush fracture may results into FAT EMBOLISM * LATERAL or MEDIAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT INJURY -- MC sports injury. Passive Abduction of knee suggest medial injury (Valgus Stress test) vs. Passive Adduction of knee suggest lateral injury (Varus Stress test). DX -- Best way to explore knee problems is MRI. (remember Genu Varum "bow leg" & Genu Valgus "kocked knee") TX -- Isolated injury (mild) is tx with Hinge Cast and Ligament torn need surgical repair. * ANT CRUCIATE LIGAMENT INJURY -- ant ligament injury (Slide b & c shows side view of torn ACL) is more common than post one. Ant Drawer sign is + ve. Leshman test is +ve (performed on knee flexed but similar to Ant drawer sign). PCL torn produce +ve post drawer sign. DX -- MRI is the test of choice. TX -- immobilization and rehabilitation for mild cases. Surgical reconstruction in complete torn and athletes. * MENISCAL TEAR -- pt describe "catch and locking" that limit knee motion and "click" when knee is forcefully extended. DX -- by MRI TX -- Arthroscopic repair (save as much meniscus as possible because complete removal results into degenerative arthritis) * TIBIAL STRESS FRACTURE -- occur in young man subjected to forced march manifest as tender on very specific point on bone. Also occur in elders. Tx -- cast and repeat xray in 2 weeks. * TIBIA FIBULA FRACTURE -- bad injury of lower extremities (also upper extremities) is most common location. Compartmet $ is the complication if it occur remove the Cast immidiately (it manifest as contineous increasing pain after cast). Rmemeber COMPARTMENT $ is treated by Fasciotomy to relief tension. * RUPTURED ACHILLES TENDON -- a large sound is heard (like a rifle shot) & they fall clutching the ankle. Limited planter flexion is still possible. Extreme pain and swelling. TX -- healing take several months but surgical rapair is quicker approach to heal. * POST DISLOCATION OF HIP -- usually occur in head on collusion when femur is driven backward after knee hits the dash board. pt presents with hip pain, affected leg is shorter, adducted and internally rotated. TX -- Emergency reduction is needed to avoid avascular necrosis. Remember in Broken hip leg is also shortened but externally rotated. * GAS GANGRENE -- Occur with deep penetrating, dirty wound (steppinf on rusty nail, manure etc). Pt look very sick with tneder, swollen, discolored effected site with Gas Cripitation. TX -- High dose IV penecillin, extensive surgical debridement and Hyperbaric O2. * RADIAL NERVE INJURY -- due to oblique fracture of middle to distal third of the humerus. If pt come with unable to dorsifes (extend) the wrist and regain function when fracture is reduced than only cast is needed. If Nerve paralysis develop and remains after reduction than nerve is entrapped and surgery has to be done. * POPLITEAL ARTERY INJURY -- occur in post dislocation of the knee. Look for the integrity of pulse (v. imp) do Doppler or Arteriogram if neeed. 123 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Prompt reduction will minimize vascular cmpromize. Delayed Restoration of flow requires Fasciotomy. * De QUERVAIN TENOSYNOVITIS -- common in young mothers who force their hand in wrist flexsion & thumb extension. painful thumb & radial side of the wrist. DX -- Tell pt hold the thumb in your other hand tightly and than ulnar flex the affected hand, this produce pain and dx. TX -- steroid injection do thw job. surgery is rarely nended. * DUPUYTREN's CONTRACTURE -- Occur in elderly of Norwegian decendent. There is contracture of the plam and fascial nodule can be felt. TX -- surgery is the only affective tx. * FELON FINGER -- Felon is the abcess in pulp of finger tip due to penetrating injury. throbing pain is common may cause fever. It can lead to tissue necrosis surgical drainage must be done immidiately. * GAME KEEPER THUMB -- injury of ulnar collateral ligament due to hyperextension of thumb. Common in skiing sports. Physical show Collateral Laxity at thumb - metacarpophalangeal joint. If left untreated lead to arthritis. TX -- Casting. * JERSEY FINGER -- injury to the flexor tendon due to force ful extension of finger (grabbing running persons jersey). Effected finger does not flexed. * MALLET FINGER -- Its opposite of Jersey finger, Extend finger forcefully flexed & cause extensor tendon rupture. Finger appear flexed, (volleyball injury). For both Injuries Splinting is the first line managemnt. * CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME -- occur due to herniated disc severe enough to cause bladder distention, flaccid anal sphincter, perineal saddle anesthesia. It is surgical emergency and must be taken care immidiately. * ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS -- Occur in young men of age 30- 40 yrs. Defined as chronic back pain with moring stiffness. Pain is worst at rest and improve with activity. HLA B27 antigen (can also have uveitis, Inflamatory bowel dis). XRAY shows Bamboo spine. TX -- Anti inflamatory agents and physical therapy. * MARJOLIN ULCER -- is squamous cell carcinoma of skin develop in Chronic leg ulcer (long healing & breaking hx). Dirty looking ulcer & heaped up edges. Classically seen in 3rd degree burn pt that underwent spontaneous healing, or in chronic draining sinus secondary to osteomyelitis. DX -- by Biopsy. TX -- Wide local excision skin grafting are done. * PLANTER FASCIITIS -- very common poorly understood problem effecting over wt and older ppl. Sharp heel pain every time foot strikes at the ground. Pain is worst in the morning. XRAY shows bony spur at pain location. (Bony spur is not the problem since many asymptomatic people have similar spur). Surgical ressection of the spur in not indicated. Spontaneous resolution can be expected in 12 - 18 months, during that time symptomatic tx is offered. * MORTON NEUROMA -- Inflammation of the common digital nerve b/w 3rd & 4th toe. Very tender. Cause is Pointed high heel shows or pointed cowboy shoes. TX -- Analgesic and more sensible shoes. Surgery if needed. POST OPERATIVE FEVER : Malignant hyperthermia -- shortly after he onset of ansthetics (halothane, succinylcholine). Fever 104, metabolic acidosis, hypercalcemia, myoglobinuria. TX -- Dentrolene, 100% oxygen, Correction of acidosis & maintain urinary out put. Bacteremia -- seen with in 30 - 45 min of invasve procedure. Temp spikes and reach > 104. TX - Empiric Antibiotics. Post Operative Fever -- Usually range 101 - 103 due to atelactesis, pneumonia, UTI, DVT, deep abcscess, wound inf. Atelactasis -- Most common source of post operative fever on 1st post operative day. If it is not resolved pneumonia in 3 days. TX - Improve ventilation by deep breathing, coughing, postural drainage, incentive spirometry. Ultimate therapy is bronchoscopy. Pneumonia - occur on post operative day 3. Do CXR and sputum culture. TX -- appropriate antibiotics. Urinary tract inf -- fever start at post operational day 3. Do urine analysis and culture. TX - appropriate antibiotic. Deep venous Thronbophebitis -- typically produce fever on abount day 5. Do doppler. TX - heparin Wound inf -- fever bigns at day about day 7. TX -- antibiotics only when there is cellulitis if not sure do ultrasound. Drain wound for any abscess. Deep Abscess -- fever begins about day 10 - 15. CT scan for appropriate body cavity is diagnostic. TX -- Radiographically guided drainage. POST OPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS : PARALYTIC ILEUS -- Occur in first few days after abdominal surgery (it can be prolong with hypokalemia), no bowel sound, no passage of gas, no pain. If Paralytic ileus is not resolved by day 5 - 7 suspect Post operative early mechanical obstruction due to adhesion. DX -- X rays shows distended bowel & air fluid levels. CT scan confirm the dx (proximal dilated bowel & distal collapsed bowel). TX surgical intervention. OGILVIE $ -- is paralytic ileus of the colon classically seen in non abdominal surgerys & in elderly with alzhiemers & in nursing homes. Presents with large abdominal distention. Do Colonoscopy to suck the gas out & decompress the colon (danger of rupture). If the cecum is about to blow up Cecostomy or colostomy may be needed. HYPERNATREMIA -- usually due to loss of water. Note: 3mEq/L in Na+ above 140 mEq/L is equivelent of 1 liter of water loss. TX -- Vol repletion by D5% 1/2 plus Normal saline (NS). In pt with osmotic diursis or DI use D5% 1/3 plus NS or even D5W to correct hypernatremia. HYPONATREMIA -- occur in ADH excess (lossing isotonic fluid) & hypotonic gain of water. TX - normal saline or Lactate ringer. HYPERKALEMIA -- occur due to kidney failure or aldosterone antagonist. Other causes are crush injuries, dead tissue, acidosis. TX -- ultimate tx is hemo dialysis, but while waiting for it infuse 50% dextrose and insulin (lowers serum K+). Nasogastric suction. IV Ca++ provide quickest protection.. 124 Copy Righted Material. systemic signs are fever and leukocytosis. Hypokalemia develop very rapidly if K+ enters into the cell eg.fistula in ano develop in some pt with ischeorectal drainage. Stress Ulcer should be avoided by maintaining gastric pH > 4. * ACUTE ABDOMIN DUE TO ISCHEMIA -. villous adenoma and adenomatous adenoma. TX -. TX . TX is based on Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy.Signs of inflamation & abscess. Cancer should be ruled out. MCC perforated peptic ulcer. follow by emergency repair. if blood is retrieved than source of blood is upper GI do Endoscopy. * CANCER OF ESOPHAGUS -.Endoscopy and Biopsy is diagnostic. * Person vomiting blood best next step is upper GI endoscopy.dysphgia sp worst for liquids. Other causes are loss of buffer as in loss of bicarbonate rich fluid from GI track. * ACUTE ABDOMIN DUE TO OBSTRUCTION -.5 mL/min than wait for bleeding to stop than do Colonoscopy. Rmember the safe speed limit of K+ infusion is mEq / Hr. Dx by manometry. Low grade lymphomatoid transformation (MALTOMA) can be reversed by erradication of H pylori. multiple trauma & in post operative pt is probably due to Stress Ulcers. * Instrumental perforation is the most common reason of esophageal perforation so far. often metastasize to inguinal node. There is no need of Endoscopy if aspirate is white for stomach and green for duodenum. TX -. work up with upper GI.first Barium swallow study than later endoscopy and biopsy. when diabetic ketoacidosis is corrected. TX -. first for solids than for soft food and later liquids and finally for saliva. TX -.10 mEq/hr) will allow kidney to correct th problem. Colonoscopy is not helpful during active bleedig so do Angiogram. * ACUTE ABDOMIN DUE TO PERFORATION -.K+ replacement.In most caes KCl (5 . TX -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS HYPOKALEMIA -. If aspirate is white and no bile still do Endoscopy to rule out duodenal source. puetz jegher. TX -. constant and generalized. First thing to do is pass NG tube to aspirate gastric content.Emergency gurgery. early satiety. .common in elderly.Develop slowly when K+ is lost from GI tract (GI fluids is rich in K+). TX correct the unerlying cause rather than trying to normalize the acidosis.improve ventilation reduce in alkalosis and Inc in acidosis. Elder pt do both upper and lower GI endoscopy.Constant Pain of gradual onset slow build up (from 6 to 10 hrs). * COLONIC POLYPS : Probability of Premalignant are those from familial polyposis (gardner syndrome).sudden colicky pain radiating according to source. typical radiating pattern is common. Pain is limited to the area of involvement. Upper GI bleed can be ruled out.dx by contrast swallow first with graffian contrast if results are -ve than use barium contrast. Non premalignant polyps are juvenile. (rarely Ammonium chloride or 0. DX .Dx by Endoscopy and Tx with Photocoagulation (laser). Blood per rectum in child must be from Meckels diverticulum.repeated dilatation or surgical myotomy (heller). METABOLIC ACIDOSIS -. ill defiend initially eventually confined to the area of problem. Dx -. TX -. presentation is same as adenocarcinoma.Negro Chemoradiation protocol followed by surgery of there is any tumor residual.prolong force ful vomitting results into esophageal perforation. Dx -. * ACHALASIA -.Fistulotomy.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. wt loss.very severe Pain of sudden onset. DX -. TX -. vs. Rule out necrotic draining tumor. CT scan help assess operatiability. DX -. Anion gap (AG) is normal. Adenocarcinma is associated with long term GERD. * FISTULA IN ANO -.Classic progressive dysphagia over the time.1 NaHCl is needed) RESP ACIDOSIS OR ALKALOSIS -. * MELENA (black tarry stool) always indicate digested blood. pt moves constantly looking for confortable position.Recognised by abnormal PCO2 (which will be low in alkalosis and high in acidosis). Now do Anoscopy first to rule out rectal source if it is negative do Angiogram if bleeding is 2 mL/ min (1 unit of blood / hr). * Young Pt with rectal bleeding but no bleeding at the time of presentation do directly upper GI endoscopy. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF ANUS -. DX -. epigastric distress occassional hematemesis. METABOLIC ALKALOSIS -. manifest as anorexia. * GASTRIC LYMPHOMA tx is surgery. Note : Squamous cell carcinoma is associated with smoking & drinking vs. Surgery is needed if fear perforation as tumor melts away. and hyperplastic polyps. TX -. * BOERHAAVE $ -. * MALLORY WIESS TEAR -. DX -. * GASTRIC ADENOCARCINOMA -. Other causes are loop diuretics or aldosterone. Massive Upper GI bleeding during stress.Occur due to excessive production of fixed acid as in Diabetic ketoacidosis.severe abdominal pain with blood in the lumen of the gut. For the cases in b/w those two bleeding ranges do Tag red cell studies. Red Rectal Blood can come from any where upper or lower GI : (proceed in a following step wise manner). Be careful. inflamatory.Occur due loss of gastric acid or excessive administration of bicarbonate.Endoscopy will confirm the dx. lethal if delay treatment.Start work up with Technetium common as adenocarcinoma. * ISCHEORECTAL ABSCESS -. * ACUTE ABDOMIN DUE TO INFLAMATION -.Free air under the diaphragm in up right X ray is the diagnostic. CT scan assesses operability.With Biopsy. Appear as fungating mass grow in anus.drain the abscess. If Bleeding is < 0. lactic acidosis & low flow state Abnormal AG. Necrotizing soft tissue inf may develop in diabetic pt.Angiographic Embolization is the best therapeutic option.usually occur in HIV & homosexuals and those with anal receptive intercourse. 125 Copy Righted Material. looking for ectopic gastric mucosa. * ACUTE HEMORRHAGIC PANCREATITIS -. mexico).due to acute ascending cholengitis.CT scan is the diagnostic. 126 Copy Righted Material. Distended colon. B) is the diagnostic & guidance for surgery. * Pancreatic Psuedocyst -. CT scan help locate the tumor and resection. Common final pathway of death is multiple pancreatic abscess. If CT scan is .is a complication of pancreatitis usually occur 5 week after original problem.deadly dis that starts as edematous form and manifest as Low hct. except no radiotherapy in pregnancy and no chemotherapy during First Trimester.40yrs DX -.start with NPO. * GUIDE LINE For MAMMARY DYSPLASIA -. WBC. * OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE -. * DIVERTICULOSIS -. Manifestation -. Rectal tube is left in. eg Pancreatic adenocarcinoma. * Amebic abscess of liver mostly men has connection to travel (eg. IV fluid & antibiotics it will resolve the roblem. * Must Rule out --.Myocardial Ischemia (ECG).exploratory laprotomy (no need to know exact cause of the process) except primary peritonitis in which tx is antibiotics. If one lobe is involved & the tumor is slowly growing ressection can be done.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. TX -.Generalized acute abdomin (pain) show fever and lekocytosis.more common (20:1) than primary cancer.6 day). Recurrent cases do elective sigmoid ressection. TX -. Pulmonary embolism (immobile pt). adenocarcinoma of ampulla of vater. If there is permanant mass do Aspiration with bigger needle. Classically constant epigastric pain radiating back with nausea vomitting and retching.Proctosigmoidoscopy with old rigid instrument to resolve the acute problem. CT scan should be first test. * Cancer of Ampulla of Vater is suspected when pt come with jaundice + anemia + ve blood in the stool. DX -. IV fluid. * HEPATIC ADENOMA -. DX -. Failure of tx or in those with 2 or more attacks do surgery.Culture ascitis fluid.NPO .Fisrt step is Sonogram. * Pancreatic Cancer rarely cured. NG ERCP is the next step.RUQ Sphincterectomy and remove common duct stone followed by Cholecystectomy. * METASTATIC CANCER OF LIVER -. DX -.Check serum and urinary amylase or lipase (for serum in 12 .48 hrs and for urinary 3 . metabolic acidosis. sp marker is AFP. daily CT is recomamded. If Obstruction is due to tumor massive dilation of gall bladder will be seen on U/S.If there is no dominant or perminant mass do only Mamogram. TX -.CT scan. DX -. Asymptomatic gall stones are left alone. TX -. Confirm the dx with Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangipancreatography (ERCP).40's it goes away with menopause.Appropriate Antibiotics. TX -.Sonogram or CT scan. cholangiocarcinoma of common duct. Other way to control is Radioablation.Glactogram (SLIDE A.may arise as a complication of birth control pills. Tx . Chronic irritation does not distend the gall bladder . drainage is seldom needed. CT if dx is not seen only inlactating women beside that at any other time is cancer untill proven other wise. DX -. supported therapy needed in ICU. DX -. TX metronidazole. If mass persist and recurs after aspiration do formal Biopsy. Cystic mastitis is seen in 30's .cyst < 6 cm or those with < 6 weeks can be observe for spontaneous resolution. TX -. TX -.both bilirubin is elevated. * ACUTE PANCREATITIS -. elevated blood glucose. If clear fluid is obtained and mass go away do nothing more. * INTRDUCTAL PAPILLOMA -.First step is Sonogram followed by CT scan followed by Percutaneous Biopsy.vovlvulus is seen in elders with the sign of obstruction and severe abdominal distention. * BREAST CANCER DURING PREGNANCY -.occur in alcoholics or as a complication of gallstones. Pancreatitis (amylase). low serum Ca++.sudden onset (couple of hrs) of upper acute abdomin in alcoholics. it may rupture. If aspirated fluid is bloody do cytolgy. low PO2. Urinary stones (xray and CT scan of abdomin). pain. * ACUTE PANCREATITIS -.Fibrocystic dis.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * PRIMARY PERITONITIS -. blood and necrotic tissue in lesser sac (out side the pancreatic duct).emergency surgery. TX percutaneous drainage as soon as they appear. * TX OF ACUTE ABDOMIN -. . It may result into chronic pancreatitis or in pancreatic Psuedocyst. hemorrhagic or suppurative. Very high level of Alkaline Phosphatase.Bilateral tenderness with menstrual cycle worst in last two weeks & also Multiple cyst that seems to come & go with menstrual diagnosed and treated as if pregnancy did not exist. Dx -. Lower lobe Pneumonia (Xrays). DX -. there is fever and leukocytosis and peritoneal irritation. Obstruction due to stones show stones in the gallbladder but rarely in the ducts. cyst > 6 cm or > 6 week are more likely to rupture & bleed. Do Percutaneous drainage or drain surgically into GI tract or drain endoscopically. * VOLVULUS -. & wt loss. * BREAST ABSCESS -.Percutaneous drainage. It is a collection of pancreatic juice. Dx-. BUN elevated. in which Incision and drainage is needed along with biopsy of the abcsess wall (most imp). Huge air filled loop in RUQ & tapper down to LLQ hance give the shape of parrot beak. * PRIMARY HEPATOMA -. Primary Peritonitis should be suspected in children with Nephrosis and ascitis and in elders with ascitis. Dx -.give acute abdominal pain in LLQ.Xrays is the dx. * PYOGENIC LEVER ABSCESS -. Huge Whipple operation (pancreatoduodenectomy) is required.bloody nipple discharge in women b/w age 30 . Acute pancreatitis may be adematous. Termination of pregnancy is not necessary.CT scan. High blood Insulin and also high C peptide. * GASTROSCHISIS -. renin.. + ve high dose dexamethasone suppression test identifies Pituitary Adenoma. HTN. TX scanning and Doppler of renal vessels. * Lumpectomy followed by radiation is used if lesion is confined to one quater of the breast.devestating hypersecretion of insulin in new born.Inflamatory cancer has worst prognosis (need pre .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * INFILTRATING DUCTAL CARCINOMA -. If Suppression occur at low dose will rule out the disease (she is just a fat hairy lady). Surgical repair must be perform with in 1 . Self administration of Insulin shows high insulin and low C peptide. * OMPHALOCELE -. 127 Copy Righted Material. Delayed repair donot work. Signs of early necrotizing enterocolitis. TX remove it. danger of intestinal ischemia and necrosis. * PRIMARY HYPERALDOSTERONISM -- Aldosterone level.produce CNS Sx due to low sugar. Rule out cancer with bone metastasis. TX -. * ZOLLINGER ELLISON $ (GASTRINOMA) -. Do Sestamibi scan (slide A and B) help locate culprit gland before surgery. if elevated go with high dose suppression test.remove the offending adenoma. TX -. * COARCTATION OF AORTA -. sedation and NG suction. but has very high incidence of recurrance if only local excision is done. vs. * Adjuvent therapy for breast cancer -.test of choice is fine needle biopsy. * THYROID NODULE in hyperthyroid pt is almost never cancer. * CONGENITAL DIPHRAGMATIC HERNIA -. vs.produce severe Migratory Necrolytic dermatitis. * THYROID NODULE in Euthyroid pt could be cancer DX -.Elective syurgery is required. that makes arteriogram unnessessary.2 days. TX -. always when pt is fasting. Folicular cancer shuold be tx with thyroidectomy. Hypokalemia. TX -. Babies are in respiratory distress and need endotracheal intubation. Upright abdominal film showing distention of the bowel with multiple air-fluid levels suggesting lower intestinal atresia. glosstis & stomatitis. Inappropriate responce to postural change suggest Adenoma.pancreatectomy (95%). many require extracorporeal mem oxygenation. air in the portal vein & bowel walls & a large pneumoperitoneum. Omeprazole for metastatic disease. Malrotation may show up in first few weeks of life. post-stenotic dilation of the descending aorta. * GREEN VOMITING & DOUBLE BUBBLE SIGN occur in Duodenal Atresia Annular Pancrease and Malrotation. Appropriate responce to postural change (More aldosterone when up right than when lying down) suggest Hyperplasia tx medically. It can be dx by Nuclear Scan. if malignant Perform lobectomy further surgery depends upon results of frozen section (histoogc dx). Localise it with CT scan and tx surgically . * Contrast CT scan demonstrates nodularity (string-of-beads sign) of the right renal artery (arrows) characteristic of fibromuscular dysplasia (hyperplasia) * RENOVASCULAR HTN is seen in two groups young women with Fibromuscular dysplasia or a old men with Arteriosclerosis dis.4 days (allow lung to mature). TX -.measure Gastrin & locate tumor with Contrast CT Scan of pacrease. Anemia. * Lobular cancer has higher incidence of bilateral occurance but not high enough to justify bilateral do MRI for pituitary adenoma and CT scan for Adrenal. Show Low TSH and High T4. DX-. metabolic Alkalosis. For very old hormonal tx only.rib notching (caused by the dilated intercostal arteries) Aortic knob. Work up is always on the left and the real problem is not mechanical instead it hypoplastic lung. If suppression does not occur at low dose than measure 24 hrs free urine cortisol. there is no protective mem & bowel is out side. Faint bruit is audible over flank or upper abdomin and suggest dx. In both group HTN is resistance to usual medication. Differentials are Reactive Hypoglycemia (attcks occur after eating).do Contrast CT scan to locate tumor and remove it surgically. * INSULINOMA -. content of the silo than pushed into the bowel little by little every day untill complete closure achieved in 1 week. Spiral CT scan or MRI angiogram give sufficient information and dx. Repair must be delay for 3 . * DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU cannot metastasize there fore no Axillary sampling is needed.In gastroschisis cord is normal and the defect is on the right side of the cord. CT scan use to locate the tumor. * HYPERPARATHYROIDISM -.In young women Balloon dilatation & stenting.In omphalocele defect is in the cord small defect can be closed primarily but large defect need construction silastic "silo" to house & protect the house. * CUSHING TX -. * GLUCAGONOMA -. No suppression with high doses identifies adrenal adenoma (or paraneoplastic $). In old man it is controversial who may have short life expectancy due to arteriosclerosis. * EXSTROPHY OF URINARY BLADDER -. * Total simple mastectomy for multicentric lesions through out the breast.Abdominal wall fail to fuse over pubis. subdiaphragmatic and perihepatic free air. DX -. Somatostatin and Streptomycin can help in metastatic and inoperable Glucagonoma. . low Pressure ventilation (not to blow lung). resistant to all form of tx. Arteriographic visualization is often needed.High serum Ca (look for low Phosphorus). Shows mild Diabetis.Work up require dexamethasone suppression test. Baby need parenteral nutrition because bowel will not work for about 1 month.Intestinal atresia also manifest as green vomiting + multiple air fluid level through out the abdomin. * INTESTINAL ATRESIA -.Glucagon assay is diagnostic. * Inoperatability is depend upon the local extension of breast cancer not metastasis.op Chemotherapy) other cancer has slight better prognosis.Most hyperthyroid pt tx with Radioactive Iodine but those with Hot Adenoma do surgical excision of affected lobe. .Ressection is curative.Premanopausal women recieve tamoxifen & post menopausal recieve Anastrozole. * NESIDIOBLASTOSIS -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Hypernatremia. Dx and TX -. Echocardiogram. DX -. Show up at the age of 3 weeks. If Phenobarbital stimulation fails do surgical exploration. DX -. * NECROTIZING ENTEROCOLITIS -.Best heard in right 2nd intercoastal space and along the left sternal border results into angina & syncope. PDA or a combination other wise they die soon after Early cyanosis.Long term sequelae of pericarditis (non compliant fibrotic shell around the heart) Dyspnea on exertion. * ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECT -. Show feeding intolerace. TTRALOGY OF FALLOT -. Bronchoscopy also shows tracheal compression. and atrial fibrillation. Hypochloremia. * Mitral Stenosis -.stop all feeding.Emergency valvular replacement and Antibiotic for SBE. abdominal distention. Inc pulmonary vascular marking on CXR.Most common cause of valvular prolapse. Non bilious projectile vomiting. TX -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.MC cynotic anomaly. DX -. TX -.Do serology and sweat test. ground glass appearance. baby assume extended position and difficulty swallowing.Hx of Rheumatic heart fever. Low pitch rumbling diastolic Apical heart murmur. 2.Medical therapy.Echocardiogram. Later in life with first sign of ventricular dilation on echocardiogram perform Valvular replacement. Neonate kept alive by ASD. DX -. * MECKELS DIVERTICULUM -. . cynotic chnages. do Echocardiogram.Devide the smaller of the two aortic arches.Echocardiogram .Surgical valvular replacement is indicated if there is gradient of > 50 mmHg. small heart.share the presence of murmur. TX -. * SMALL RESTRICTIVE VSD LOW IN SEPTUM -. TX -.correct metabolic state and do Pyloromyotomy. * Chronic Aortic Insufficiency Wide pulse Pressure & blowing high pitch diastolic heart murmur at right 2nd space & along left sternal border. orthopnea. DX -.6 yrs old).occur in premature infant usually in first monthof life. Large Pansystolic murmur at left sternal border. TX -.Observation and prophylaxis for SBE. Occur in IV drug addict.Surgical closure. Hypokalemia. spell of cynosis relieved by squatting. High numbers (20 or above) suggest ventricular failure. * Aortic Stenosis -. Ascitis shows a Classic "Square Root sign". DX -.New loud diastolic murmur at Right 2nd inter space or left sternal border + sudden signs of CHF. TX -. VSD. Hepatomegaly.cause early problems like failure to thrive etc.Surgical closure or by Cardiac catheterization. cough & hemoptysis. rapid drop in pletelet count (signs of intestinal necrosis and perforation).become symptomatic in first few days of life. TX -. TX -. TRANSPOSITION OF GREAT VESSEL -. * LUNG CANCER WORK UP : 128 Copy Righted Material. High pitch holosystolic heart murmur radiate to axilla and back.8 week old baby with persistent progressive jaundice (which include substantial conjugated fraction) suspect Biliary atresia.lower GI bleeding. IV fluid and nutrition. Pulmonary Wedge P (LAP or Left End Diastolic P) should be measured. * BILIARY ATRESIA -. TX -. diminish pul marking on CXR.Olive sze mass in RLQ. 1/3 need liver transplant after surviving for while or after surgery). TX -. orthopnea. Chilren are small for their age. diminish vascular marking in lung and cyanosis.Barium swallow shows compression of the esophagus due to abnormal vessel. As murmur progressess pt become cachectic and develop atrial fibrillation. triangle sign and falciform ligament. Present with dyspnea on exertion.very minor low pressure low vol shunt. * MECONIUM ILEUS -.Radioisotope Scan identifies gastric mucosa in lower GI tract.heart murmur. Metabolic Alkalosis. Equalization of pressure (Right atrial.Echocardiogram . Do HIDA scan after one week of phenobarbital stimulation (powerful chloretic).Malformation of Aorta reults into pressure on tracheobronchial tree. start Antibiotics. RVH. (1/3 need liver transplantation right away.Surgical repair.valvular repair (Annuloplasty is preffered over prothetic replacement). Full term babies need Coil embolization (catherization).Echocardiogram. produce stridor. VSD High in Septum -. produce exertional dyspnea. DX -. TX -. * PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS -.Early severe problem. Pulmonary capillary wedge & Left ventricular Diastolic) on Cardiac Catheterization.Gastrografin enema is both diagnostic and therapeutic. * CHRONIC CONSTRICTIVE PERICARDITIS -.3) suggest need for more IV fluid.Associated with cystic fibrosis. Right Ventricular Diastolic.In premature infant closure can be achieved by Indomethacin. DX -. usually recognised late in infancy. * POST OPERATIVE CARE OF HEART SURGERY PT : Cardiac output should be optimised (5 liters/min or Cardiac Index of 3). Gastrografin inspissated pelets of meconium and dissolves it. contineous machinery like heart symptom become more disabling do valve repair (Commisurotomy or balloon valvuloplasty) * Mitral Regurgitation -. * Acute Aortic Insufficiency -. * RIGHT to LEFT SHUNT -. TX -. usually close spontaneously with in first 2 -3 yrs of life.echocardiogram TX -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS double wall sign. TX -. * HYPERTROPHIC PYLORIC STENOSIS -. allow children to grow up in infancy (so usually pt is typically 5 . DX& TX -. DX -.By Sonography. Low no (0 . Marked distention of the small bowel a "soap bubble" appearance. DX -. Faint PUL flow systolic murmur and fixed split 2nd heart sound is Echocardiogram. 1. * VASCULAR RING -. DX -. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.6 . mottled air & calcified feces.Surgery. Systolic Ejection murmur in the left 3rd space. swimmers and base ball pitchers etc).Full thickness incision or punch biopsy. Remember Operability and possibility of surgical cure applies only to non Small Cell Carcinoma of lung. * ARTERIAL EMBOLIZATION -. Excrutiating pain radiating to back means aneurysm is already start leaking. Transesophageal Echo & MRI Angiogram also provide diagnosis. tx with chemo & radiation. TX -. If aneurysm is tender it will rupture in a day or two. or sonogram or CT scan.Immidiate doppler to identify location of obstruction. Hilar metastasis can be removed with Pneumonectomy.appear as non healing ulcer preferably on lower lip but can occur anywhere. (urgent evaluation and tx shoud be completed with in 6 hrs) TX -. shiny hair less skin. found as pulsatile abdominal mass. If old xray is available which shows coin lesion with out any change will rule out cancer) 2.surgical evaluation) OPERABILITY OF LUNG CANCER : 1. Distal part of obstruction is usually cold. significant interference in life etc) * WORK UP FOR DISABLING INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION : 1..Cessation of smoking. * AORTIC ANEURYSM -.occur due to atherosclerotic plaque at the origin of subclavian artery which is sufficient enough to supply blood to arm in normal conditions.Excision with wider margin is needed (0. MANIFEST -. 3. Cardiac enz and ECG is normal. Central lesion require pneumonectomy and peripheral lesion require lobectomy. First appear as shiny pearly nodule than Waxy looking or non healing ulcer in appearance. emergency repair is needed. PET scam may identify actively growing tumor in enlarged node. Cervical mediastinal exploration may be required to confirm the dx.Full thickness incision or punch biopsy. Start with CXR (coin lesion in elder is likely a cancer. dangling down the legs helpful in pain.Typically asymptomatic.5 cm in diameter. vs. DX . DX -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 1. TX . For large distal plaque use reverse saphenous vein graft. finally gangrene & ulcers. Surgery is reserved only in limb saving situation (necrosis. TX -.Most common skin cancer. change shape color & bleed). (so no need of expensive pre . Other lesion may develop later.Surgical bypass is curative. Other option is Radiation. (grows. chance of rupture is high. Minimum FEV of 800 ml is needed. Dissection of descending aorta tx medically by controling HTN in ICU. 129 Copy Righted Material. pt is not surgical candidate). CXR shows Wide media stinum. TX -. Metastasize to lymphnode. any clinical finding such as COPD etc suggest this may be limiting factor.Best test is Spiral CT scan. If claudication does not interfere pts life prophylactic surgery is not needed and no further workup is required. DX -. If the aneurysm is 5 . pulseless. For Proximal lesion at aortobifemoral.pigmented lesion with irregular border that exceeds 0. Pain at rest suggest last stage of dis. For more extensive lesion bypass graft or sequential stenting is needed. * MELANOMA -. TX -. equillibrium problem) during excersize.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Fasciotomy should be added if several hrs have passed before revascularization.sudden onset of pain usually due to Emboli originate in heart (after MI or from plaque). purple leg.Tearing chest pain radiating to the back usually in pt with HTN. Emergency surgery is required. 2.Incomplete obstruction of lower extremity vessel should be treated with clot buster. 2. ulcerate. but during excersize it does not meet the demand of arm blood supply.local excision with negative margins. TX -. excersize. Percutaneous biopsy if lesion is peripheral. CT Identify extent of metastasis. Remember vascular symptoms alone suggest Thoracic outlet $ (common in accident. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA -. If unsuccessful with all above do Thoracotomy and wedge ressection. 4. Residual function after pneumonetomy is major issue but not after lobectomy. Cilostazol (phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor > inhibit pletelet aggregation) helpful in long term. 3. If it is negative the disease is in small vessel and is not amenable for surgery.For small plaque angioplasty or stenting is choice. If old CXR is not available do Sputum cytology and CT scan. Complete obstruction can be tx with Embolectomy with fogarty catheter. * BASAL CELL CARCINOMA -.Claudication (Pain on walking which relieved by rest). DX -. * DISSECTING AORTA -.claudication of arm (coldness. Determine FEV of each lung with Ventilation perfusion scan. 4.6 cm or larger pt should have elective repair. prothetic material is needed.Dissection of ascending aorta is treated surgically.Arteriogram is diagnostic shows reversal flow. * SUBCLAVIAN STEAL $ -. When this happen arm sucks up the blood from brain by reversing the flow into the vertebral artery. If dx is not established by cytology now do bronchoscopy & biopsy if lesion is central. DX -. Remember Small cell canrcinoma of lung is tx with chemotherapy & Radiation. . But Nodal metastasis at Carine or mediastinum preclude curative ressection. donot metastasize but can kill by local invasion.5 . If there is significant gradient perform Arteriogram to localize the lesion. If the aneurysm is 4 cm it can be safely observed because the chance of rupture is almost zero. * ATHEROSCLEROTIC DISEASE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES -. muscle pain) along neurologic sign (Visual Sx. Remember potential cure by surgical removal of lung cancer depends on extent of metastasis.2 cm) along with node dissection if involved. 1 mm is enough and curative. (if FEV < 800ml donot perform expensive test. or on xary. tingling. Start with Doppler looking for pressure gradient. Lesion > 4 mm deep have worst prognosis. In Malignant tumor the nerve is sacrified and graft is done. DX -.Lesion < 1 mm deep has good prognosis and olny local excision is required.4 mm deep need aggresive therapy including node dissecton. * EMBOLIC OCCLUSION OF THE RETINAL ARTERY -.6 week.cause diplopia (due to paralysis of intrinsic eye muscle) in person who is suffering from frontal or ethmoid sinusitis (due to staph & strep inf). TX -. common in children. persistent ulcer causing ear ache.often presents with multiple enlarged nodes. * METASTATIC MALIGNANT MELANOMA -. For Epistaxis due to Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma ressecting surgery is mandatory.Ophtalmologist provide by making laser guided hole in Iris to drain the pressure. tender. When inner ear is the problem pt describes the room is spinning. For determining specific type complete node has to be removed for pathologic study. DX -. pt is febrile. * SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF MUCOSAE -. * CAVERNOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS -. * TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK -. cornea feel greenish hue. * DIZZINESS -. diazepam may help.An Ophthalmologic emergency.tell the pt breath into a paper bag and have some repeated press hard on the eye and release while he is in transit to the ER (the idea is to vasodialate and shake the clot into more distal location so that the smaller area is ischemic). * LUDWIG ANGINA -.Meclizine.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -. Work up -. Enucleation alone leads to recurrence. In Children it is usually due to nose picking and require local pressure and phenylephrine spray.usual candidates are AIDS pt. TX -. * LYMPHOMA -. * STRABISMUS -. metastasize to all unusual places or organ. May caused by smoking.3 cm).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR double vision or two over lapping image develop in childhood it should be corrected surgically to avoid. but intubation and tracheostomy may be needed. TX -.sudden onset of neurologic deficit without headache and resolve spontaneously. there is a pus in the orbit. red and swollen.Radical neck dissection. Donot confused strabismus with Exagerated convergence due refraction difficulties. * CYSTIC HYGROMA cover entire supraclavicular area and seems to extend deep into the chest. Dilated fix pupil is key finding. this can be resolved with corrective glasses. * ORBITAL CELLULITIS the abscess of floor of the mouth often due to bad tooth infection. tx by post packing & controling HTN + post packing respectively. beatle nut. blocker. photophobia etc) Management -. When problem is in cerebrum the pt describe him self unsteady where as room is stable. TX -. True strabismus never resolves spontaneously. Amblyopia (Lazy eye) due to poor transmission brain suppress one of the image cortical blindness of the suppressed eye. * FACIAL NERVE NEUROMA -.MC benign. Manitol or pilocarpine also help. Most imp issue is the threat to the airway.Fine needle aspiration has to be Formal Superficial Parotidectomy (or deep Porotidectomy if the tumor is deep to the facial nerve) to excise & biopsy.Fine needle aspiration is needed (remember open biopsy is absolutely contraindicated) TX -. Lesion b/w 1 . DX -.Full thickness incision or punch biopsy. * EPISTAXIS due to cocaine use (young adults) or HTN (elders).Visible and palpable in front of ear or around the angle of mandible. DX -. While awaiting ophthalmologist administer Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.unilateral facial paralysis. vs. vessels).MRI is the best test. Childhood cataract should be resolve inorder to prevent Amblyopia (cortical blindness). * THYROGLOSSAL CYST is midline mass. * PAROTID TUMOR -.severe eye pain or frontal headache. * ACOUSTIC NERVE NEUROMA -. painless parotid tunor that do not effect Facial nerve but have potential for malignancy.unpridictable fascinating dis. . phenergan. EXAMINATION -.caused by inner ear problem or cerebral problem.Gadolinium enhenced MRI is the best test.neurologic work up need to be done. * LYMPHNODE SWELLING -.Emergency CT scan and Drainage have to be done. eye lids are hot. Wait if it disappear in 4 . TX -. eye feel rock hard.Amblyopia is tx by patching a good eye and atropine drops.Recent lymphnode swelling most like due to inflamation (do not do expensive work up).Incision and draingae is Dilated pupil non reactive to light. very often Radio therapy and Platinum based chemotherapy. 2 selective adrenergic agonist.It is emergency pt need to be hospitalized.An ophthalmologic emergency. typically starting at evening (during watching TV in dark room). DX -.Chemotherapy. IV antibiotic and CT scan to drian the affected sinus. can cause nerve palsy sp VI nerve is more common (ptosis. Some pt die with in few months of dx some survive 20 yrs b/w ressection of primary tumor and sudden explosion of metastasis. tobacco chewing. * PELOMORPHIC ADENOMA -. TX -. TX -.unilateral hearing loss. low Fever and night sweat. * ACUTE ANGLE GLAUCOMA -. The Hard Parotid mass that is painful and has produce paralysis is Parotid Cancer. TX -. common in elderly. Lesion > 1mm deep require excision with wider margin (2.Full thickness incision or punch biopsy. Most commonly located at the mouth floor. (inside heart. TX -.Fine needle biopsy. 130 Copy Righted Material. Sudden loss of vision in one eye which in 30 min become irreversible. TX -. DX -. etc.If persisit more than 6 week it could still be due to inflamation but work up for ruling out tumor is mandatory. BRACHIAL CLEFT CYST is anterior to sternocloid muscle. must do Carotid artery Doppler followed by Arteriogram. TX -.In case of Plaque lesion do Carotid Endarterectomy for prevent future hemorrahgic stroke. IV tPA factor prevent ischemia if tx with in 90 min to 3 hrs of the onset of Sx. must do MRI to rule out other pathology. * TUMOR AT FRONTAL LOBE BASE (Foster Kennedy $) -. fever.Inappropriate behavior.vomiting.same manifestation as brain tumor (space occupying lesion). Radiofrequency Ablation if anticonvulsant fails. big jaws and head.Surgical removal is better. Manifestion -. * ACUTE EPIDIDYMITIS -. * TESTICULAR TORSION -. less often presents up include ruling out pregnancy test. Recognised one may often return with another bleed this time more severe called Senteniel Bleed . * PITUITARY APOPLEXY -.CT scan is first test of choice. Ipsilateral Optic nerve atrophy. collecting sys. Surgery improve the problem. DX -. DX -.Remember one who pass urethral stone spontaneously and develop sudden chill. Additionally shows HTN.Anticonvulsant. dysurea.mostly are due to metastasis.Best test is MRI. stupor..MRI is the best test because provide better detail.Huge man.near by Inf (otitis media. sudden severe pain "worst headache of life" and sudden onset of neurologic deficit. vs. Children often assume Knee chest position to relieve their headache.Burning agonizing pain develop several month after crushing injury. * PROLACTINOMA -. Actual ressection is shooting pain in trigeminal distribution.start with CT scan.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS DX -. TX -. DX -. hypothyroidism.Vascular work up is mandatory (doppler etc).sever headache "worst of life" "thunder clap like" Since the blood is in the subarachinoid space there may be no neurologic deficit at all (due to this some pt sent home where they die later. headache etc. seizures dilated pupil and loss of pupillary reflex.Do not perform any test go directly to emergency surgery. * ACUTE BACTERIAL PROSTITIS -. hypotension. * TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA -. * ACROMEGALY -. Show Fever. (give excellent view of kidney. DX -. pulse normal. neck stiffness (after 6 hrs).Steroid replacement is urgently needed. fever (104 . DX -. DX -. serum PL level and MRI of sella. urinary frequency. donot respond to analgesic. Extremities are cold. ureter and to some extent bladder) 131 Copy Righted Material. TX -. Show Headahe. visual loss & long standing endocrine problem. mastoiditis). TX -. TX -. TX -. DX -.pain control by nerve block by specialist under radiologic guidance. for existing stroke CT scan is best.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. diffuse low back pain.Loss of upper gaze "sunset eyes" called Parinaud $. TX -.CT scan is used to evaluate the extent of hemorrhage. TX -.of urinary tract (beside testicular torsion) is a dire emergency because it lead to destruction of kidney in only few hrs & potential death from sepsis. Contralateral Papilledema.Do Sonogram to rule out testicular torsion. but first rule out hemorrhage with CT scan. DX -. tender prostate on rectal exam in elders.MRI or CT scan will show the extent of problem.IV antibiotics and do not repeat rectal exam (contineous rectal exam could lead to septic shock).sudden onset of neurologic deficit with out headache but persist and leave neurologic sequelae. diabetes. * SPINALCORD TUMOR -. TX -.Bromocriptine in most cases. Followed by Arteriogram to locate the aneurysm.105 C) and flank pain should be imidiately decompressed above the level of obstruction by ureteral stent or percutaneous nephrostomy. * PINEAL GLAND TUMOR -.seen in pt with uncontrol HTN. Later it may complicate by hemorrhagic stroke in some pts. lucky one show nuchal rigidity and be recognised). TX -.Sympathetic block is diagnostic. Anosmia. UROLOGIC WORKUP : IVP is contrindicated in pt with creatinin > 2.While waiting for the surgery tx pt with high dose dexamethasone for Inc Intracranial P. later other hormone need to be replace too. DX -. Pain on little stimulation of the area involve. cynotic and moist. Spinal tap may show blood but is never the first test. * REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY (CAUSALGIA) -. Tx is Antibiotics * COMBINATION of OBSTRUCTION & INFECTION -. sweaty hand. DX -. TX -. Most brain tumor in childrens occur in posterior fossa with signs of stumbling around. Radiation is another option. Truncal ataxia. * HEMORRHAGIC STROKE -. * ISCHEMIC STROKE -. TX -. resultant hematoma cause further deterioration of vision. TX -.occur in sexually active men.Must do MRI. DX -. * BRAIN ABSCESS -. * SPINAL STENOSIS (Neurogenic Claudication) -.Control of HTN and Rehabilitation.Pain by walking in elders. * BRAIN TUMOR -.Surgical clipping is needed. relieved by rest with specific position.For previous stroke reahbilitation needed. Rememeber hemorrhagic stroke appear white and Ischemic stroke appear Black/Gray..occur due to bleeding into a pituitary tumor destruction of pituitary gland. Surgical removel of tumor if pt wants to get pregnant or fail to respond to bromocriptine. it mimic signs of testicular torsion (of sudden onset) + Fever & pyurea. Inc Intracranial P.Amenorrhea and Glactorrhea. * SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE .Surgical Sympathectomy is curative. .chill.Work up start with somatomedin C and pituitary MRI. IVP will show up the abnormal connection. Sonogram is good to look for renal obstruction.Surgical * ACUTE REJECTION -. low abdominal pain. SX -. * POSTERIOR URETHRAL VALVE -. DX -. * PNEUMOTHORAX should be drain high in the pleural cavity.first IVP (slideA) than Cystoscopy (slide B) is the best way to diagnose. Major vessel is damaged. * LOW IMPLANTATION OF URETER -. * RENAL CELL CARCINOMA -. TX -. DX -. * CENTRAL CORD SYNDROME -. Irritation in voiding plus negative urinary culture should raise the suspect. IVP shows the renal mass but Sonogram determine wheather it is solid or cystic. Present as painless testicular mass. Benign testical tumor vertually does not exist thats why Biopsy is done by Radical Orchiectomy. * TESTICULAR CANCER -.Assymptomatic in boys but fascinating in girls. Signs of Dullness on percussion + Shortness of breath. DX -. superior vena cava and right atrium) because in heart signs of failure occur too late for effective therapy. cardiac or pulmonary contusion. * HEMOTHORAX * FLIAL CHEST -. pt must be put on respirator but before starting respirator introduce bilateral chest the most common reason of the newborn boy not urinate during first day of life. * URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION (UPJ) OBSTRUCTION -. * Remember pulmonary contusion is an imp issue which is treated with fluid restriction but if fluid resuscitation is needed use colloid fluid rather than crystaloid. dilatation.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Voiding Cystogram looking for reflux. because once positive pressure 132 Copy Righted Material. . Only Cystoscopy take care of bladder mucosa indetail and aid in detecting early cancer. DX -. Dx is easy but some aspect of management is crtical and require deep understanding. or medication Flutamide (antiandrogen) or LHrh agoinst.start dx with empiric antibiotics than culture and IVP.voiding cystourethrogram. surgical Orchiectomy. TX -.most common reason is diverticulitis.occur after first 5 days to first 3 months.First catheterization to empty the bladder. along with diuretic and close monitoring of Blood gases.usually occur in young man. chills DX -. * TRANSITIONAL CELL CARCINOMA -.First line tx for Acute rejection is Steroids Boluses. TX -. * Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) cannot be used in pregnant women. In Case of Liver Dysfunction after transplantation first rule out Biliary obstruction by U/S and Vascular thrombosis by Doppler because technical prablem are commonly encountered in liver transplant than immunologic.Afibril person with hematuria. In girls the need of voiding urge & voiding all is normal but they also wet by driping the urine into the vagina all the time due to low implant ureter.produce inf. Classic presentation is of teenagers who start consume beer first time in life and ends up with sudden coliky flank pain due to hydronephrosis.If found vesicoureteral reflux long term Antibiotic are used untill child grow out of problem. TX -. Due to High rate of reccurance life long close follow up is needed. urinary frequency. Wide spread metastasis respond few yrs to Androgen ablation.UPJ obstruction is fascinating condition.traumatic fracture of ribs cave in & bulge out of the effected chest during inhale & exhale respevctively. In Case of Heart dysfunction after transplantation do Routine Ventricualr Biopsy (by way of the jugualar. flank pain. stones that several centimeters large. Urinary tract inf in children should always be investigated for the dx of undiagnosed congenital anomaly. Later Sigmoidoscopy is nessassary to rule out cancer. DX -. Signs of organ dysfunction suggest it and Biopsy confirms it.In may cases TCC is more closely related to smoking than lung cancer.Surveillance for Prostate cancer should be stop at age 75 because survival is not effected by tx. offering many oprion for metastatic dis. Later Endoscopic fulguration or ressection. TX -. * HEMOTHORAX : >1000 mL of blood recover or pt has subsequent bleeding (if sum of blood recover/ hr is > 600 mL in 6 hrs).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS CT scan is ideal for renal tumor.CT scan help assess extend and chose therapy (Radiation versus surgical). Must rule out Meatal stenosis. burning on urination. fever.Both surgery and intravesical BCG. * Remember some pathology may appear one or two days later like traumatic transection of aorta. DX -. bleeding diathesis.. (due to danger of pulmonary edema) * If Blood gas deteriorates.occur after hyperextention of neck due to accident etc.should be drain from the base of pleural cavity to prevent EMPYEMA or other future problem.Work up should be started with CT scan.Acute management is high dose steroids.. Sign of hyperresonance plus Shortness of breath.also called Renal Adenocarcinoma present with hematuria.surgical repair. TX -. do exploratory thoracotomy. Most Testicular cancer are Radiosensitive & Chemosensitive (Platinum based chemo). UPJ obstruction allow normal urinary out put to flow under normal condition and do not manifest in childhood unless large diuresis occur than UPJ obstruction can not handle it. DX -. TX -. flank mass / pain. If unsuccessful give Antilymphocyte agent (OKT3).CT scan gives the best details and is always the first test of choice. Node dissection is needed in some. * VESICOURETERAL REFLUX . * PNEUMATURIA -. Pre operational Blood serum marker ( hCG & AFP) should be obtained which is useful for the follow up reference. Results into paralysis & burning pain of both upper exterimities (good motor function in legs). * PROSTATE CANCER -.CT scan is good to look into vertebrae and MRI is good to look into spinal cord. TX -. * HEMOTHORAX normally do not need exploratory thoracotomy surgery since it resolves by it self due to low pressure system. Arhtroscopic repair is needed.occur due to trauma against the chest. Nasogastric tube curling up in the chest. per percentage of body area (upto 50%) for burns plus 2 L of 5% of dextrose (D5W) for maintainence. * Many experts aim for an hourly urine output of 0. . If deeper penetration is required at limited area use Mafenide acetate. * ELECTRIC BURNS -. & troponin. * During first 48 hrs 70 kg man should maintained urinary output 45 . High risk of AORTIC RUPTURE and MYOCARDIAL CONTUSION. Krischner wire or plate fixation for bad ones. pt feel tender over the sternum and gritty feeling of bone grating on bone whcih elicit by palpation. Start Rehabilitaion on day one. EKG. * DISPLACED SCAPHOID BONE WITH ANGULATED FRACTURE appear on xrays (Oblique xrays) should be tx with Open reduction & Internal fixation * 4th or 5th (or both) METACARPEL FRACTURE -. By 3rd day there should be a brisk diuresis. * After initial day or two of Nasogastric suction intensive nutritional support is needed (via gut. Proportion of fluid needed are greator in children than in adult. * ANT DISLOCATION OF THE ARM -. * Other injuries that must be rule out are Post dislocation of shoulder. it may become evident 1 or 2 days later. control Arrythmia as develop.Classic Diaphyseal fracture of Proximal Ulna plus Ant dislocation of the Radial head. CXR shows multiple air fluid level on the effected side. TX .occur in trauma setting. * MONTEGGIA FRACTURE -.occur in traumatic setting with no breath sounds on the effected side of chest.not really needed. * Traumatic transection of aorta is dx by spiral CT scan but interpretation need lateral CXR which shows wide mideastinum. diuretics and alkalinization of urine. Caused by fall on out stretched hand. * GALEAZZI FRACTURE -.2 ml / kg / hr. The fracture is infamous for high rate of Non reunion. * In babies head is bigger and legs are smaller. 2nd day one half of the calculated amount along with colloids if needed. shows click on extension of knee. xrays are normal. you may also need Aortogram if Spiral CT is Inconclusive. TX -. Management -. * Higher amount of fluid is needed if pt have respiratory burn. Troponin. Respiratory distress. Imp issue are.arm is INTERNALLY ROTATED (arm is close to the body and remain interanally rotated with attempt to move) . * Myoglobinuria which cause renal failure -. Give one half in first 8 hrs and second half in next 16 hrs.painful knee.always much bigger and cause deeper tissue destruction. Burn near eyes are covered with triple Antibiotic Ointment.get AP and Lateral Xrays for diagnosis. (save as much as possible menisus because in case of complete removal late degenerative arthritis will ensue). Tx -. (it hurts and cause acidosis if use on very large area). * Monitoring need for 48 hrs for possible signs of pulmonary & myocardial contusion.Prosthesis (because blood supply to femoral head is compromised) * MENISCAL TEAR -.Close Reduction and Long arm cast.Thumb Spica cast along with repeat xrays 3 week later. If mediastnum is wide on CXR and CT scan is nondiagnostic than Arteriogram should be done. donot give more fluids. Tx depend on degree of angulation.Fluid restriction (use colloid if need). * Start Parkland formula : 4 mL of Lactate ringer (without sugar) per kg of body wt.Occur when punching aganst solid object.get Axillary View or Scapular Lateral needs lots of IV fluid (preferabley Mannitol). cleaning and use of topical agents (Silver Sulfadiazine). 133 Copy Righted Material. Mechenical ventilation if required but always with intubation due to Positive end expiratory pressure. TX -. * 3 day discontinued IV fluid administration.Radial fracture need open reduction and internal fixation where as dislocation of joint need cast.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.5 . * COLLES FRACTURE -.affected leg is shortened & externally rotated. ECG.Closed reduction of radial head and Open reduction and internal fixation of ulnar fracture.110 ml/hr by vigorous IV fluid administration. * STRESS FRACTURE -. TX -. * PULMONARY CONTUSION -. * FEMORAL HEAD FRACTURE -. Or 4 . If there is no wide mediastinum on CXR and CT scan shows no aortic lesion no further work up is needed. * FRACTURE OF SCPHOID BONE (Carpel Navicular) -. diuretics.6 ml / kg /% in 24 hrs. high calorie / high nitrogen) * After 2 or 3 weeks graft will be done to the area that will not regenerate. * POST DISLOCATION OF THE ARM -. DX -.Classic Displaced fracture of the distal radius & Nondisplaced fracture of the ulnar stylus due to fall on out stretched hand TX -. In suspicious cases Laproscopic Evaluation is indicated. TX -.1 ml / kg body wt / hr. Respiratory support. blood gases. It does not aways show up right away. thus head is two 9%s and both legs add upto three (rather than four) 9%s. and Late developemnet of Cataract and demyelinization syndrome.Closed reduction and ulnar gutter splints for mild cases. Pain medication is given IV. * TRAUMATIC DIAPHRAGMATIC RUPTURE -. Compression fracture of vertebral bodies (due to voilent muscular contraction). BURN MANAGEMENT -* First of all Tetanus prophylaxis.Dx and Tx myocardial rupture like MI. Spiral CT scan for Aortic Rupture if CXR shows widen Mediastinum. Management -. surgical debridement is required. TX -.arm is EXTERNALLY ROTATED (arm is closed to body but externally rotated with attempt to move). Repeat CXR. For electric burn 1 . thus rate should be 20 ml/kg. Dx -.stress fracture will not show up on Xrays until 2 week. electrical burn and recent Escharotomies.Classic Fracture of distal 3rd of the radius Plus dorsal dislocation of distal Radioulnar joint.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS respirator is strated it may lead to pneumothorax (due to punctured lung because of broken ribs). DX -.Fracture does not show up on xrays until 2 or 3 week.Surgical repair * STERNAL FRACTURE -. Wait for 6 months & time is the only option & answer here. Albumin < 3. Central scotomata.numbness & tingling ove the distribution of median nerve (3 1/2 finger of radial side).no Axillary sampling is needed.can also cause CAUDA EQUINA $ which manifest additional Sx such as flaccid anal sphincter. Cupping of Optic disc. * Surgical candidate with Diabetic ketoacidosis coma -. surgical debridement of dead tissue and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. * Surgical Candidate with severe nutritional def -.splinting is the first line tx. * Open Angle Glaucoma -. * Leukomoid reaction -. Cessation of smoking for 8 weeks & intensive respiratory therapy (physical therapy. Important thing to remember is post dislocation of the knee can nail the Popliteal artery.classic Shortened. . If earlier operation is mandatory admission to the ICU day before surgery is recommended. TX -. Limping of hand or pressure on carpel tunnel will reproduce numbness and tinling. * Retinal Hamartoma is typical for Tuberous sclerosis. * Failure of medical tx in Pseudomembraneous colitis + 50000 WBCs + serum Lactate > 5 mmol/L is an indication for emergency Colectomy.L5 herniated disc pain exits from the Big Toe vs. TX -. Termination of pregnancy is not needed. Only excepton is. intensive spirometry. vs. * POSTERIOR DISLOCATION OF THE HIP -.2 Acute alcoholic intake can reduce the risk of hepatic injury by Acetaminophen because it competes with CYP2E1. If surgery is needed.Pain like electric shock shoot to the leg. 2-On the other hand if the pt has ingested >7. Rapid impairment of vision. * With Presurgical Bilirubin > 2. Arteriogram and Prompt reduction are key issues.mortality rate is 40 % if candidate has < 3month old MI. * SURGICAL PEARLS : * A 61 yrs old male Chronic smoker going to have elective surgery -. changed color perception & dec visual acuity.The main problem is compromised ventilation (high PCO2 and low FEV1) rather than compromied oxygenation. * GAS GANGRENE -.LAP score is elevated. In L4 . expectorants. adducted and internally rotated not the candidate for surgery. vs. In L5 .occur in traumatic setting sp in atheletes. * BREAST CANCER DURING PREGNANCY -.tx the same way as pregnancy does not exist.Xrays and Emergency reduction (delay may lead to avascular necrosis). TX -.middle finger can not be flex due to tendon injury vs.45 yrs of age. CML -. (LAP score is very imp differential test). *JERSY FINGER -. Start evaluation with FEV1. lumpectomy + Radiation for lesion confined to one quadrant and Total Mastectomy for multicentric lesion. * Post Hemigastrectomy and Gastroduodenostomy pt with gastric and duodenal content leaking out from the incision : If pt is febrile with an acute abdomin and sick . he need to be explored.Initial tx is Antiinflamatories and splints. Homonymous not the candidate for surgery. Remember no matter how urgent the operation might be first correct the metabolic state. * CARPEL TUNNEL $ -. If only gastric or Duodenal content is leaking do massive fluid and electrolyte replacement along with nutritional support which deliver directly into the upper jejunum (total parenteral nutrition is poor 2nd choice). No Radiation during oregnancy and no chemo during first trimester. * POSTERIOR DISLOCATION OF THE KNEE -. Management process: 1-4-hr post ingestion AA levels are determined to decide whether the pt will benefit from NAC or not. 134 Copy Righted Material. Prothrombin > 16 secs. * LUMBAR DISC HERNIATION -. * SURICAL CANDIDATE WITH COPD & CANCER : At least 800 ml of FEV1 Pre & Post surgically is needed to survive surgery. * MC site for Hypertensive hemorrhage is PUTAMEN Hemiparesis. If pt is the right candidate for surgery evaluate with CT scan for metastesis. surprizingly 4 . he should be given the antidote. * DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU -. thus attention to integrity of pulses.occur in 20 .PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.5 gr AA and levels will not be available w/i 8 hours of ingestion. * MALLET FINGER -. stupor & coma. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is performed.middle finger can not be extend due to tendon injury. pt cannot go to surgery.Gradual loss of peripheral vision (tunnel vision). TX -. so there is less production of toxic metabolites.LAP score is dec. Hemisensory loss. * Acetaminophen toxicity .tx immidiately with IV Penicillin. distended bladder. hoping for eventual healing without opererating again is right answer. if it is abnormal perform blood gases. perineum (saddle) anesthesia. * Optic retinitis -. vs. humidified air) should precede surgery. Electromyography should preceded first.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. * LUMBAR DISC HERNIATION -. If PET scan fails to provide the status next step is Mediastinoscopy. (7 .it is surgical emergency.S1 herniated disc pain exits from little toe. Some time both CT & PET scan require if status of mediastinel node is not clear.Perform cast and repeat the Xrays in 2 weeks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------UW points " Int Med " * When sputum induction does not confirm the dx. Chronic alcohol intake increases risk of hepatic injury by stimulating P450 system and decreasing the amount of Glutathione (used for metabolism of acetaminophen). Optic neuritis is early manifestation of Multiple Sclerosis.10 days is optimal) * Surgical candidate with MI of < 3 months -.5 days of preoperational nutritional support (prefrably via gut) can make the big difference and make pt eligible for surgery. * Inc serum Ca++ & Inc or inappropriately normal PTH level --. tumor Ag. Note -. * Plain Roentgenogram is used in pt with Osteoporosis with possible vertebral crush fracture. malignancy.64 yrs. * All sexually active women gets yearly Pap smear starting at age 21 or 3 yrs after first sexual encounter (which ever come first). These pt usually do not have nerve impingement Sxs. Esophageal cancer and Prostate cancer almost never metastasize to brain.49 yrs old and those who have close contact with children 0 . vs. In Hyperparathyroidism 24 hrs urine Ca++ excretion is high (Parathyroidectomy is not recommended). (imp diff) * Acute Hyponatremia that cause seizures (symptomatic) -. All > 50 yrs old with certain comorbidities should also receive IM Influenza vaccine. Pleural Fluid protein / Serum protein Ratio > 0.3 indicates Inflamation) 3. Nuclear matrix protein etc). * Suspected Pancreatic cancer ---. HIT II is Autoimmune disorder appear in 4 . Infection. leukopenia.Inc AFP (50% shows Inc Beta hCG too) * Choriocarcinoma --.Bone Marrow suppression. * Influenza vaccine is recommended 19 . hepatotoxicity. Sarcoidosis & Renal cell carcinoma Serum Ca++ Inc and PTH is dec. Vitaminosis D. But this statement is not for screening ppl with occupational exposure of substance. * Mycophentolate side effect --. Neurotoxicity. * Tacrolimus side effect ---. * Malignant Melanoma are notorious to cause the bleeding inside the metastatic mass.Warfarin is most effective tx to dec the risk of Thrombotic emboli. Inc Estrogen inhibit FSH and LH. Atherosclerotic vascular dis. It also manifest as fatigue. (Screening include urine analysis.1. Oropharyngeal cancer. hirsuitism. Pleural Fluid LDH / Serum LDH Ratio > 0.Think of Hyperparathyroidism or Familial Hypocalceuric hypercalcemia (FHH).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. pin point reactive pupil and Decerebrate Rigidity. glucose intolerance.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Subarachinoid hemorrhage sudden severe headache with out neurologic signs and Sxs. pH of 7. * AF -. * Azathioprin side effect -.6 3. * Embryonal cell carcinoma ---.35 is consistent with transudate.for both is first stop Heparin. The screening interval can be Inc to every 3 yrs if pt has Consecutive 2 or 3 normal Pap smear or is in monogamous relationship. * Leydig Cell tumor --. (Rapid correction cause Osmotic demyelination $).Inc Beta hCG.1st do Anoscopy.Its emergency tx promptly with 3% Saline solu.In FHH urine Ca++ excretion is low. GI Sxs. * Pt < 50 yrs old with no risk factors + Minimal Bright Red Blood pre Rectum (MBRBPR) -. * Pt with Chronic Analgesic abuse Premature ageing. * Cyclosporine side effects -. 1. Famous for it recurrence even after successful surgical removal in any organ of the body.Nephrotoxicity > HTN. 135 Copy Righted Material. * Pleural Fluid Glucose level < 60 mg/dL favor dx of TB. * Seminoma --. it is not resting tremor as in Parkinson dis). * Propanolol is also the tx of Benign essential tremor (Benign essential tremor occur on attempting to do any thing. . Normal pH of Effusion is 7. but FEV / FVC Ratio in Restrictive lung dis is > 80 % vs. * Ankylosing Spondylitis presents with low back pain & stiffness typically in HLA B27 + ve male. paraplegia.59 months of age. if that fails do Colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopy. Pleural Fluid LDH > 2/3 of upper limit of normal serum LDH. Acute Asymptomatic hyponatremia can be tx with prompt Saline solution. * Plasma Aldosterone / Plasma Renin activity Ratio (PA/PRA Ratio) > 30 indicates Primary Hyperaldosteronsim. In Obstructive it is < 80%. * NSAIDs Tubulo interstitial nephritis + Sterile pyurea (WBC cast). TX -. * Leprosy -. pH < 7. cytology.think CMV mononucleosis. uveitis. Urinary tract cancer. Gingival hyperplasia. (v imp to understand). * Mononucleosis like $ with Inc Lymphocytes and .First do Colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopy. * Inc in Vit D synthesis. Multiple Myeloma. * FEV1 and FVC values are dec in restrictive & Obstructive lung dis.64 Hetrophile Ab test ------. vs.2 Require Chest tube Aspiration. then use Direct thrombin inhibitor (Leprudin. * Screening of bladder cancer is not recommended even if pt who are at risk of developing it. * Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia I (HIT I) is non immune mediated and appear in first 2 days of heparin tx.Inc PLAP. Causes are inappropriate administration of fluid. Pt > 50 yrs old + MBRBPR -.10 days of heparin tx. * Determining PH is also imp in Parapneumonic Effusion --.First U/S then CT scan if both fail then ERCP.5 2. vs. (Pleural Fluid pH < 7. * Pontine Hemorrhage pt usually presents with coma. * DX Criterion of Pleural Effusion is essential to differentiate Exudate vs. & pulmonary dis (due to fusion of costovertebral joints results into restricted chest wall motion Restricted pattern of Pulmonary function test "PFT"). Rheumatoid arthritis and Parapneumonic effusion.Inc testosterone & Inc Estrogen pt show gyenecomastia along with other Sxs. * Non Melanomatous skin cancer. One of the following Ratio must be present for an exudate fluid other wise it is transudate.Nephrotoxicity > neurotoxicity. vs. Argatroban) * Left Atrial dilatation cause AF upto 70 % of pt with Mitral stenosis such as in Rheumatic Heart dis. This cycle must be restarted with every new sexual partner. Chronic hyponatremia that is Asymptomatic need to be corrected slowly with Normal Saline. * Tetanus & diphtheria (Td) booster should be given every 10 yrs for adults age 19 . glucose intolerance and diarrhea. Transudate Pleural effusion.diarrhea.dx is made by skin biopsy (demonstrate Acid fast bacilli). Mineralacorticoid def. (repeated infection cause scarring of the cornea). * HPV vaccine is given to female aged 9 .Tetracycline or Erythromycin. trachomatis A . * Absent Ankle reflex in elderly can also be seen as part of normal ageing process. imp * Cholicystectomy is indicated in all symptomatic pt with Gallstones who are medically stable enough to under go surgery. * Propylthiuracil -. Use Nimodipine to prevent vasospasm in brian.26 yrs old and it is most effective if given before coitarche. Inc serum Na conc.C) Follicular conjunctivitis. Systolic murmur that Inc on standing -----------------.Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg ---. Plasma Renin Angiotensin & Aldosterone.Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg. Hyponatremia with high Serum Osmolarity (S osm > 295 m Osm/kg) ---. Renal or other organ seeding / infection.SIADH Hyponatremia with Hypovolemia -. * Achalasia is DX by Manometry. U Na > 20 mEq/L ---. DX -. Hepatic failure.Leukemoid reaction. Antifungal. ACE inhibitor. Exogenous solute (such as Radiocontrast mannitol) * SIADH -. * Bone marrow Iron stores ---------------------------------------. vs. U Na > 20 mEq/L. HYPONATREMIA : (Serum Osmolarity = (2 x Na) + (BUN / 2.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Pt over 65 . Anemia of chronic dis.4 weeks after Genitourinary or GIT Infection Acute onset of bilateral joint inflamation and pain.8 AM) and Waning of glucose -.IV drug abuser who has subacute bacterial endocarditis affecting tricuspid valve Septic emboli which cause pulmonary. Routine monitoring is for Agranulocytosis is not recommended and is not cost effective. Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg. Biopsy will reveal absence of Myenteric plexus.3 AM glucose level will and 7 AM glucose level will be . Lt ventricular hypertrophy.Polycythemia vera.LBBB Systolic murmur that Inc on Inspiration ---------------. Pt shows normal BP. imp. * Reactive Arthritis occur 2 .Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg.suggest Hypertensive cardiomyopathy. Rt ventricular Hypertrophy. * Porphyria Cutanea tarda -.RBBB. Pul stenosis. * Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase ---------.multiple episodes of paralysis due to abrupt fall in serum K+ level which resolves on its own. Mid systolic soft murmur grade I . Pul HTN Paradoxical A2 delayed ------------------------------------. Any Antithyroid medication can cause it such as Methimazole etc.8) + (glucose / 18). * Measurement of 3 AM blood glucose level is very helpful in determining the cause of morning hyperglycemia of diabetes mellitus. It is often associated with Hepatitis C inf & subs like Ethanol and estrogen which should be discontinuous once suspected. * Leukocyte Alkaline phosphatase -------------. * Dec blood glucose level Inc EN.Hemachromatosis.AML * Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase + Leukocytosis -----.Euvolemia.Moisturizers.70 yrs of age or those who had cervix removed for non malignant reason do not need Pap smear. * Diastolic and Continuous murmur. HTN * PCWP (Pul capillary wedge P) is an indirect measure of left Atrial Pressure -. dec in hypovolemia. It is major cause of blindness world wide. Nephrotic $.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. . 136 Copy Righted Material. * Dry and rough skin with Horny plates over extensor surface of the limbs is the Hall mark of ICHTHYCOSIS. TX -. Causes are Familial or Thyrotoxicosis. * Seborrheic dermatitis (occur in all ages sp infant) -.CHF.LBBB.II / IV in an asymptomatic young pt are usually benign and need no further work up. * Trachoma (C. Hyponateremia with Normal Serum Osmolarity ---. Serum osm < 280 m Osm/kg. Sideroblastic anemia. U Na > 20 mEq/L.scaly rash effect eye brows. In Somogyi effect ( NPH dose at night) -.Hypokalemia + Metabolic Acidosis + urine cl. nor EN.Giemsa stain of conjunctival scarping.Dehydration. * Bartter's $ -.Hairy cell leukemia. Paradoxical splitting of S2 --------------------------------. vs. Normal is Hyponatremia with Euvolemia -. hyperlipidemia. (imp) * Benzodiazepine overdose can be distinguished from opiod over dose by lack Sever Respiratory depression and lack of pupillary constriction * Benzodiazepine overdose can be distinguished from Alcohol & Phenytoin overdose by lack of Nystagmus effect.Cause Agranulocytosis (suspect in any pt who has start taking medication + fever & sore throat). * Auer Rods ---------------------------------------------. diarrhea. imp * MC cause of death in MI is Complex Ventricular Arrhythmia (The pathophysiologic mech is Reentrant Arrhythmia). * Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis -. U Na < 10 mEq/L ---. glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis hyperglycemia.Hyperglycemia. * Subarachinoid Hemorrhage (SAH) vasospasm of the arteries at the base of the brian in 30% pts and is major cause of morbidity & mortality. Beer Potomania.Psychogenic Polydipsia. U osm > 300 --. Pannus (neovascularization of cornea).painless blistering + Hypertrichosis + hyperpigmentation. U osm < 300 --.Diuretic. Hyponetrema with hypervolemia -.conc and normal BP (It is due to defective Na+ reabsorption in thick Ascending limb of loop of henle hypovolemia Inc Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone system Inc K + & H+ ion secretion in urine hypokalemia & metabolic Alkalosis). * S4 is audible in pt with left decubitus position -----. Inc Urine osmolarity. In Dawn Phenomenon ( Insulin sensitivity b/w 3 AM .Hyperproteinemia.CML * Absence of measurable Erythropoitin in urine ------------. P2 delayed -----------------------------------------------------.3 AM glucose level will be and 7 AM glucose level will be too. nasolabial folds and scalp. hyponatremia. Attack precipitated with meal due to release of EN & Insulin. dec serum osmolarity. TX -. Aortic Stenosis. loud systolic murmur should always be investigated with transthoraxic Echocardiography. Topical steroids.suggest Hypertrophic Obstructive cardiomyopathy. Failure to correct electrolyte with normal Saline. vomiting. Viral. * Fibromuscular Dysplasia -.6 week observation.+ ve Anti Endomysial and Anti Transglutaminase Ab. * Exercise induced Asthma -. * Cardiac Temponade -. gaze palsy and facial weakness.cause Nephrotic $ + Resp Infection.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Fibrocystic dis (rubbery. ascitis.Initial test MRI (lumbar puncture is not very consistent with dis) * Cough can be presenting Sx of GERD -.appear as contrast filled cyst on IVP. . * Squamous cell carcinoma "SCa++mous cell carcinoma" -. * Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow) pain with suppination & extension of the wrist. Erosive esophagitis and as well Benign Peptic Esophageal Stricture. CXR shows calcified pericardium. DX -. Kausmall sign. * Cerebellar hemorrhage tx stops the progression pt must take adequate salt & water to replenish renal loss.Pericardiocentesis. * TIA -. and Radiation therapy. vomiting. show HTN & renal Bruit. * MS -. Inc JVP. malformation. * TCA overdose dilated pupil. (Glucose conc due to leukocytes or bacteria) * Fresh Frozen Plasma contain all clotting factors and is First line tx in bleeding pt with Coagulopathy. vs. migrating non deforming arthritis.tx with beta Adrenergic Agonist before exercise or mast cell stabilizer. Penecillamine or Gold tx. painful.Percutaneous Angioplasty with stent placement. Effacement of small intestinal villi malabsorption. Once depression is tx dementia resolves. * Pseudodementia occur in elderly with major depression. * Cryoprecipitate is rich in factor VIII.(Sodium Bicarbonate). (remember there is no hemiparesis) * Chronic GERD predisposes to Barrett's Esophagus. Point of tenderness is just distal to the lateral Epicondyle. * Essential tremor is tx with Propanolol and Primidone.ECG shows Electrical Alternans (in which amplitude of QRS alternates). * In dementia of Lewy bodies memory loss occur late in dis.24 hrs recording is most sp test. TX -. seizures. (screen for malignancy if pt also show hemihypertrophied renal) vs. cystic mass) -. vs. Radial Tunnel $ produce similar Sxs as Tennis Elbow but pain lies over the Extensor muscle wad & pain is elicited by flexing the pt long finger while pt actively extend the finger and wrist. * Tryptophan used in the synthesis of Serotonin and Niacin. (never do surgery in this instead indicate chemo and Radiation) * Adenocarcinoma of lung -. * Molluscum Contagiosum resolves spontaneously but genital lesion need to be tx to prevent sexual transmission with Curettage or Liquid nitrogen. hypercoagulable state. * Magnesium sulfate is used in Torsades de points (Torsades de pointes is induced by prolong QT interval). * Absence of Fore head furrows indicate Bells palsy and Exclude central causes.3Ds "dermatitis. Pulmonary edema. vs. TB. * Inc Vit D production mat be responsible of hypercalcemia in certain type of Lymphomas. Benign Peptic Esophageal Stricture (BPES) Block Acid Reflux but cause solid food dysphagia with out the Anorexia & wt loss. In Alzheimer’s it occur earlier. * Ca++ Gluconate is Cardioprotective in hyperkalemia (peak T wave followed by lengthening of PR and QRS resulting in Sine Wave). TX -. * Wipple Disease -. PBES appear as circumferential narrowing on Endoscopy. It is caused by HBV inf.produce ACTH and SIADH. (Ratio of > 30 is positive indicator of dis) Then Aldosterone suppression test (by giving oral and IV NaCl then measure 24 hrs urine & Plasma Aldosterone level). Diarrhea. lymphadenopathy. it is usually employed to do dx when Endoscopy fail to provide dx in GERD. dissection. intestinal ileus. Fibrinogen. vasculitis. If mass recurs do Biopsy. It can be Idiopathic and Sec to Heroin use or HIV or obesity. multi systemic dis and cause chronic malabsorption. vs. fatigue. * Medullary Kidney cyst (AD) Recurrent UTI & Renal stones. small intestinal Biopsy shows PAS + ve macrophages.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.First Plasma Renin activity & Aldosterone conc test. occipital headache. * Small Cell carcinoma of lung -. factor XIII. (mood evaluation is imp to determine change in pts memory). Idiopathic. Do biopsy to rule out Adenocarcinoma (even though it takes more or less 20 yrs to develop Adenocarcinoma). * Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis is the MCC of Nephrotic $ in African American.Central mass (hilar mass) that produce PTHrP Hypercalcemia. TX -. (Nephronophthis is Autosomal Recessive form) TX -. It is typically restricted to pt who are deficient in these factors. Once Primary Hyperaldosteronism is confirmed then do Adrenal CT scan to look Adrenal Adenoma (imp) * Gait problem and Urinary incontinence occur early in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. * Membranous Nephropathy is common Nephrotic $ in adults. * Glucose conc b/w 30 . lupus. * Minimal Change Dis -. Shorten QRS and prevent Arrhythmia. imp * Hypercalcemia in Lung Malignancy is MC due to production of Parathyroid hormone like peptide (PTHrP) by Squamous cell carcinoma.50 mg/dL of pleural fluid indicates malignancy. vWF. Neurologic & psychiatric abnormalities. Manifest as Peripheral edema. * Pt presents in ER with confusion or coma due to subs intoxication should receive Empiric tx with Dextrose + O2 + Thiamine + Naloxone. * Ipratropium is most effective in COPD than in those with asthma. QRS prolongation. * Multi Infarct dementia is 2nd MCC of dementia in USA occur in step wise fashion as stroke occurs. * Celiac dis -. hyperthermia.occur in children and cause Nephrotic $. imp.occur in youngs.occur in periphery. paradoxical Emboli. * Polycystic Kidney dis is dx with U/S and HTN is common finding. It could be Idiopathic or occur in association with URI and tumor. * MCC of Constrictive Pericarditis is cardiac surgery. it may precipitate Acute Intermittent Porphyria which manifest as Abdominal pain. susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmia. vs.First ABC and NaHCO3. and wt loss. * IgA Nephropathy -. Autoimmune dis. It is associated with Hypertrophic pulmonary Osteoarthropathy. Dementia). * Primary Hyperaldosteronism -. thirst.If needle aspiration of cyst show clear fluid & mass disappears then do 4 . diarrhea. esophageal rupture.Diuretics and pericardiectomy. In Carcinoid tumor it cause Niacin def (niacin def -.In elder MCC is Atherosclerotic Emboli. 137 Copy Righted Material. Then improve BP. In young think Heart dis. Primidone is convert into Phenobarbital to act. constipation. vs. It also occur in Alzheimer’s dis but late in course. If fluid is bloody or foul smelling do cytology of the fluid. TX -. PaCO2 = 1. DX -. * Principle cause of Lacunar stroke (small vessel stroke) is HTN. Following are the types.think Squamous cell carcinoma. Biopsy shows Eosinophilis nuclear inclusion & Basophilic cytoplasmic inclusion "Owl Eyes". * Untreated hyperthyroid pt are at risk of bone loss due to Osteoclastic activity Hypercalcemia.indicates Primary metabolic Acidosis CO2 should dec as compensation. * Life style modification is the part of HTN management. If CO2 is normal or Inc indicated Respiratory Acidosis (eg. it is fixed by withdrawal of tube. 1. One must do Serial measurement of vital capacity to monitor resp function. * Parkinson type pt + wide based gait --. histolytica.Remove surgically. hypercoagulable state.Do colonoscopy with Biopsy and look for CMV colitis (multiple ulcer mucosal erosion).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Pure Sensory stroke (stroke of ventroposterolateral nuc of thalamus) -. * Diabetic with dec LV systolic function should always be started on ACE inhibitor first. * Febrile Neutropenia is medical emergency seen in pts under going chemotherapy -. * Muscular dystrophy waddling gait due to weakness of gluteal muscle.Cryptosporidiosis . Pancytopenia. . * Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) proteinuria (due to glomerular basement mem changes). Pure Motor Hemiparesis (post limb of Internal capsule stroke) -. * Diarrhea due to Kaposi sarcoma of GIT is non bloody and non ulcerative. stop smoking). 3. Def cause Inc Homocystein and dec Methionine. All pts should be encouraged to lower wt. Pt may only show fever and if the corticosteroids is the part of regime pt may not show fever. * Hematochezia and Lower Abdominal cramps are usually due to colonic infection due to CMV. * Folate and Vit B 12 are involved in conversion of homocystein to methionine. mild dysarthria (No sensory.Best screening test is Cosyntropin (ACTH analogue) Stimulation test. Multiple Infarct gait. numbness). Shigella. dec Reticulocytes. * Study shown that Black pt respond better to Diuretics and Ca ++ channel Blocker. Winter Formula calculate what PaCO2 should be in order to compensate for Metabolic Acidosis. ACE inhibitor. Muscular dystrophy. Renal and Metabolic dis (eg. mild motor Aphasia. It is the most appropriate next step in pt suspected to have Adrenal Insufficiency. visual or higher cortical dysfunction). imp.hand weakness. Normocytic to Macrocytic RBCs. pulmonic. & controlling HTN. splenomegaly. hepatic. Folate and Vit B 12 def can be differentiate by measuring Methymalonic acid. * Spastic Gait --. Plasma ACTH level is indicated to differentiate Pri & Sec Adrenocortical def ans is ordered once dx of Addison dis is mode. * Parkinson dis (Over activity of cholinergic neuron & under activity of dopaminergic neuron) Festinating gait. Post MI should be on beta blocker and ACE inhibitor. Sensory Ataxia. * Aplastic Anemia Pancytopenia.Admit pt obtain blood culture start broad based spectrum antibiotics usually Ceftazidime or Cefepime. Dysarthria Clumsy hand $ (stroke at basis of pontis) -. It should also be given to all adult with chronic cardiovascular. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) Intravascular hemolysis (complement mediated). bone morrow aplasia. Compylobacter.bloc Gait (minimum movement of head during walk) is typically staggering gait accompanied by nystagmus vertigo. cerebellar disorder. shuffling gait. C.For Low probability nodule -. * Polygonal cell & Atypical nuclei on skin biopsy --. urinary loss of Iron may cause macrocytic anemia. * Right main stem bronchus intubation is relatively common complication of Endotracheal intubation Asymmetric breath sound immediately after intubation. Hypercalceuria. 2.weak & more prominent in lower extremities + Ipsilateral arm and leg incoordination. Spinocerebellar Atrophy. (endotracheal tube should sit b/w the vocal cord & the carina for greater safety). (No sensory abnormality). * Pneumococcal Vaccine should be given to all adult age 65 or older with booster in 5 yrs. Nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel Wilson nodule) is the Hall mark of DN but Diffuse glomerulosclerosis is more common. * Dystonic gait is involuntary sustained twisting movement of limb and truck. dec hepatoglobin. Inc LDH. E. 138 Copy Righted Material. since only B 12 def cause Inc in Methylmalonic acid conc. (narrow based). 4. Inc in serum cortisol > 20mcg/dL in 30 60 min after test rules out Addison dis. if not available then nodule is assigned with PET scan or Biopsy.Flow cytometry (CD 55 & CD 59 can be analyzed using monoclonal Ab and Flowcytometry).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * HIV + Profused watery diarrhea (non bloody) serial High resolution CT. imp * Supplemental Folic acid is recommended in all pts with Sickle cell anemia to prevent occurrence of Aplastic Crisis. * Incidental discovery of Pulmonary Nodule on CXR : First compare with Old Xray. * Vestibular Ataxia en . Emphysema). DM) or in immunosuppression and Splenectomized pt.think of Multiple systemic atrophy. * HIV + Bloody diarrhea with normal stool pathogen exam -------.unilateral motor deficit. Ataxic Hemiparesis ( stroke of post limb of internal capsule) -.think of UMN lesion.5 (HCO3-) + 8 * Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison dis) -. Also Risk of Tachyarrythmia & Atrial Fib. * Gullian Barre $ Respiratory muscle weakness or Failure. avoid excessive alcohol. Dis progression can be slowed by strict Glycemic control. dificile. If painful episode occur very frequently than Hydroxyurea is indicated. For Intermediate probability nodule -. intermediate or high probability based on Clinical and Radiographic data -. * PNH is not Autoimmune dis Instead hemolysis is complement mediated. For High Probability nodule -. hypokinetic gait. imp. reduced salt diet. * HCO3.hemisensory deficit (paresthesia. that is why Coomb test is not + ve in NPH. Inc reticulocyte. vs. v imp. wt loss & food eversion. * Ludwig Angina is the Infection of submandibular space that begins in the floor of mouth extend to submandibular and sublingual space into surrounding tissue of airway. * Colonoscopy is started at the age of 50 than every 10 yrs in low risk pts. dietary Na restriction but Ca Restriction is not advised.Acute tubular necrosis (due to hypovolemia) * RBC cast -.70 sp diabetic.Aspiration of cyst is not recommended (danger of anaphylaxis). strep. imp. * Mitral stenosis is not associated with Infective Endocarditis. klebsiella) --. * F wave is Flutter wave -.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Amitryptyline. 139 Copy Righted Rheumatoid factor. * Spinal cord compression is suspected --. WBC cast -. smoking. Hx of Atherosclerosis is usually present. Broad & waxy cast -. Inc AP & Inc bilirubin due to Ischemic hepatic injury (Liver Shock). Dogs are the carrier. early dx and debridement is essential in the tx. TX -. String of beads pattern on Angiography pathognomonic. * Eczema Herpeticum is a form of primary HSV infection associated with Atopic dermatitis.Typically occur in male age 50 . * Elder pt with poor oral intake living in nursing homes taking medication such as NSAIDs. (ACE degrade Kenin).Atrial flutter. corticosteroids. vs.2. It is life threatening in infant thus prompt Acyclovir should be initiated. Parasympathetic fiber of CN III retain its function that is why pt show Ptosis. TX -. Isoniazid cause Idiosyncratic liver injury with histologic feature similar to those seen in viral hepatitis ( Panlobular. RF also appear in bacterial inf. Appear as numerous umbilicated vesicles over the erythmatous skin.coli.2 weeks. * Non productive cough in pt on ACE inhibitor is due to Accumulation of Kinin and possible activation of Arachidonic pathway. Inc fluid intake.Immediate fluid & Electrolyte resuscitation. Recurrent hypercalciuric stones require thiazide. imp. DRUG INDUCED LIVER DAMAGE : is categorized according to morphology. * Diabetic nephropathy often involve only somatic fiber of CN III and is due to Ischemia. Alcohol. * In DM Sulfonylurea. TX MRI * + ve Rheumatoid factor & weakly + ve ANA are not surprising finding in Viral Arthritis. * Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies include Ankylosing Spondylitis. Soft bruit (to & fro venous hum) on costovertebral angle.Glomerulonephritis.5 is called osteopenia (high risk of fracture). E. . staph. DX -. & low body wt. vs. * Shock can results into Inc AST. * TX of First time complicated renal Ca++ stone is hydration and observation. lack of wt bearing exercise. pseudomonas. * Fibromyalgia pain gets worst with exercise but there is no Joint swelling or muscle weakness on examination. Enz becomes normal in 1 . Early disseminated and late Lyme dis is tx with IV ceftriaxone. "AT" score of . Remember pt cannot swallow or even open the mouth due to pain + excessive salivation. * DEXA (Dual energy Xray obsorptiometry) Scan is recommended one time in all women who are 65 yrs or older.U/S shows curvilinear gas shadowing in the gall bladder. Metformin is only Diabetic drug that cause wt loss (good in over wt pt). Halothane. ACE inhibitor& diuretics should be suspected of having PreRenal Azotemia due to intravascular vol depletion and poor renal perfusion.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Chronic mesenteric Ischemia is suspected pt with unexplained chronic abdominal pain. (pt is dehydrated). Inc ALT. Remove cyst surgically under cover of albandazole. * Fatty cast -. * TX of first choice in Lyme dis is Doxicycline. and every 3 .5 to .Chronic renal failure.Interstitial nephritis and Pyelonephritis. For Symptomatic pts drug of first choice is Beta Blocker. DX -. * MCC of Sec HTN in children is Fibromuscular dysplasia (20%) also seen in premenupause adult (< 50 yrs old). Down & Outward gaze but Light Reflex and Accomodation reflex are normal. malignancy as well as in normal person. dec Ca++ / Vit D intake. Reactive arthritis & Psoriatic arthritis presents Asymmetric arthritis with inflamation back pain and . Other drugs that cause Idiosyncratic reaction are Chlorpromazine. vs. vs. * Muddy brown granular cast -. Abdominal Bruit present in 50% of pts. * Emphysematous Cholecystitis is a form of Acute Cholecystitis that arise due to infection of gall bladder wall with gas forming bacteria (Clostridium. No tx is indicated if pt is Asymptomatic just observation. * Infection of parapharyngeal space may be complicated by causing Erosion of Carotid arteries & Jugular thrombophlebitis. * Premature ventricular complex (wide QRS > 120 msec) often occur with Inc frequency following MI. Antiretroviral. mononuclear infiltration & hepatic necrosis). * Risk factors for Osteoporosis includes Menopause.Nephrotic $.Angiography or Doppler U/S. Dx criteria is 11 / 18 pain points.5 yrs in high risk pts (who has polyps).1. * Hydatid cyst (Echinococcus granulosus) is characterized by think wall calcified cyst (Egg shell calcification).cyst in brain and muscles. Pioglitazone and Insulin wt gain (good for under wt pt). imp. early cholecystectomy and IV Antibiotics (Ampicillin salbactum + Pipracillin tazobactum or Aminoglycoside or Quinilone + clindamycin or metronidazole) * Retropharyngeal space infection carries the high risk to spread mediastinum and cause Acute necrotizing mediastinitis. * Cysticercosis (Tenia Solium) -. Inc susceptibility to infection. * Rash of measles (Erythmatous maculopapular) -. Hepatitis caused by Halothane. * Bone Scan Identify area of high bone turn over and are used to evaluate metastatic dis. * HIV pt should not receive live vaccines except MMR if their CD4 count is > 200 / mm3 and they have no Hx of AIDS defining illness. Lactulose convert absorbable Ammonia into non absorbable ammonium ion called "Ammonia Trap". it is due to atherosclerosis. * Lactulose & a reduced protein diet are recommended for tx of Acute hepatic encephalopathy (Inc ammonia inhibit neurotransmitter via GABA in CNS). * Infectious Mononucleosis -. Acetaminophen. * Neg Predictive Value (NPV) is the probability of being free of dis if test is neg. Verapamil is used for prophylaxis.Hypervitaminosis A. valproate . * Raynaud phenomenon.Allopurinol.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS Cholestasis caused by Chlorpromazine. Anthrax. * Rubella Rash (Erythmatous maculopapular) -. Polycythemia.starts from face and spread down to ward body + Arthritis + coryza + Conjunctivitis + Fever. Nitrofurantoin. TB.Antibiotics & surgical decompression. imp. Derangement of ABG is due to impaired Chest wall compliance secondary to Inc pulmonary blood vol & engorgement of capillaries. Methyldopa.> 24 mEq/L) is classified into 1. suspected fractures. Underlying 140 Copy Righted Material. * HIV Man should get HAV vaccine if they involved with other Man (Man Homosexual). Caution must be exercised while using Statins in these pts due to Inc risk of myopathy. vs. Do not cause nausea & vomiting. imp.appear after fever and malaise and appear in consecutive crops. imp. * Fibrous Replacement of Bone ---.Rash appear after administering ampicillin to pt. * Live vaccines -. Obstructive Hepatitis show AP > AST and ALT. * Fever and back pain Sxs -. Toxic Fulminent Liver failure caused by Carbon tetrachloride. * Tearing of mucosa of cardia due to vomiting is called mallory weiss tear. * Hyperlipidemia (sp LDL) occur with Inc frequency in Hypothyroid pt. cold and cocaine.MRI of spine. Phenytoin. Phenybutazone. Isoniazid. Granulomatus -.Prinzmetal Angina (Variant Angina). Hypoxia. DX -. Chloride Sensitive (hypochloremic saline responsive) Metabolic Alkalosis ---. NPV is divided into Low NPV (Low risk group) & High NPV (high risk group).Unstable Angina.Paget Dis of bone. Neomycin is used in those who do not respond to lactulose.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Hypercapnia. Thyroid tx takes months to resolves lipid abnormalities.starts from head and spread to lower body + Coryza + Conjuctivitis + fever. DX -. ( 1 Hydroxylase activity extra renal formation of 1. vs.Fibrous dysplasia. red eye and stuffy nose. vs. Varicella (chicken pox). v imp. 25 dihydroxyvitamin D Hypercalcemia). * Hyperlipidemia. Varicella zoster (Shingles). * Abnormal Bone remodeling ---.Vit D def. Fatty liver caused by tetracycline.think of Epidural abscesses sp in Immunosuppressed and IV drug abuser. unexplained hyponatremia and elevated serum Muscle enz are indication of thyroid function test. TX -. TX -. * Metabolic Alkalosis (Inc HCO3. * Lumbar Spinal Stenosis caused by degenrative joint dis Exacerbation of leg pain with walking / Extension of spine & relived with Rest & Flexion of spine. Cluster headache -.BCG.think of CML. imp.Nitrate. Koplik spot suggest dx & Arthritis is not present. Positive Predictive Value is just opposite. . * Nephrotic $ is frequently complicated by Hypercoagulation and resultant Emboli (due to urinary loss of anticoagulant proteins). * Inc deposition of Unmineralized Osteoid ----. * Transient ST elevation ---. Fungal Inf. * 100% O2 is the test of choice and effective / Rapid method to abort Acute Cluster headache. Renal Vein thrombosis is most frequent manifestation. hyperventilation. * Obesity Hypoventilation $ (Pickwickian $) -.obesity + Alveolar hypoventilation during wakefulness Resp Acidosis. MMR. * Viral Hepatitis shows ALT > AST.MRI + Clinical HX.MI. Ca++ channel blocker. * Open Angle Glaucoma gradual loss of peripheral vision (tunnel vision).pain starts behind the eye and wake pt in night pt usually has lacrimation. Yellow fever vaccine. * Abundant mineralization of periosteum ---. Remember OCP can cause LFT abnormality but without necrosis or fatty change. vs. * Elder with Predominant Lymphocytosis + Smudge cells ----. * Alcoholic hepatitis classically show AST : ALT Ratio > 2. * Age related Macular degeneration progressive bilateral loss of central vision. * Rash of chicken pox (Pruritic Papulovesicular crusted lesion) -. Vit D def.Think CLL. steroids. * Pt with Predominant Leukocytosis (left shift neutrophils etc) + Splenomegaly ---. Oral Polio. Remember prolapsed Disc Sxs are same but not affected by positioning. Antiretroviral. Iron resistant hypochromic Anemia. * Intermittent Claudication occur in leg cause pain with exercise. Other complications are Protein mal nutrition. Oral typhoid. Prinzmetal angina and migraine headache are vasospastic disorder which can be precipitate with exercise.Sarcoid. vs. osteomylitis. * ST segment depression ---. Intranasal Influenza. Erythromycin. Long duration ST Segment elevation Angina ---.urine Cl is < 20 mEq/day and sign of vol depletion is present. emotional stress. vs. * Chronic granulomatous inflamatory bone lesion -. * Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm -. Smoking is the major Risk factor for the formation. Alcohol cessation. HIV Inc the risk of TTP . Biphosphonate Pamidronate can also be given in saline over 3 . such as renal failure.Acyclovir. v imp. * Obstructive Uropathy causes Flank pain. Renal failure.HUS is Reticulocytosis.Urine Cl is > 20 mEq/day and extracellular Vol expansion. and tendonitis. . imp * Vigorous hydration with IV normal saline is the first step in managing Acute Hypercalcemic Crisis (eg due to malignancy etc). * Unexplained Hemolytic anemia + Thrombocytopenia in pt with renal Failure and Neurologic signs & Sxs raise the suspicion of Thrombotic thrombocytopenia Purpura . chronic impingement. 2.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS pathophysiology is ECF vol contraction. controlling HTN & Atherosclerosis will not slow progression. Key for the dx of TTP . hypercalcemia ---. Atherosclerosis is the risk factor for Aneurysmal formation. Skin hypopigmentation.HUS. * Azithromycin is used as MAC prophylaxis in HIV pt with CD count < 50. Sxs are similar to Rotator cuff tendonitis however shoulder weakness is more common and Sxs do not improve with lidocaine injection. TTP . Excessive Licorice ngestion. * Stored RBCs gradually loose IC K+ into solution and may cause hyperkalemia.think MM. Functional RUQ pain is dx of exclusion " when every things comes out negative". imp. Causes are loss of gastric secretion. Microcephaly. * Pt who received more than one blood vol or pack over 24 hrs may Inc plasma level of Citrate (subs add to store blood). syncope. Smoking cessation is the intervention with the greatest likelihood of slowing the progression of AAA. * ERCP with Sphincterectomy is the tx of choice in sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.sore throat. * Helical CT Angiogram of Chest is the test of choice for diagnosing Pul embolism in pt with normal creatinine. vs. Most pt are dx by age 16 yrs. * In Reversible Ischemic neurologic deficit focal Sxs resolves in 24 hrs to 1 is indicated when diameter is > 5 cm or in pot with presence of Sxs or due to rapid growth rate. Mineralacorticoids ( HCO3 + H loss + K loss). light headedness. Those who received blood transfusion before 1986 should be screened for hepatitis B. vs. enlargement. Pneumococcus and HBV vaccine. It can also cause Hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia due to Anti I Ab against RBCs (Coomb test is positive).ulcers are multiple small well circumscribed and have Volcano like "small & deep" appearance. vs.HUS. Hyperlipidemia. lymphadenopathy. * Impaired SA node Automaticity (Sick Sinus $) most often results form FIBROSIS of the SA node or SA nodal artery dis Bradycardia. Neer Test is + ve (Passive motion of arm above head cause pain and guarding). palatal petechie. * In transit Ischemic attack focal Sxs resolves in < 24 hrs. v imp. Pul Angiography is the Gold standard test for PE. * Pt with Infectious mononucleosis -. * MM cause Lytic bone lesion which can not be seen on Bone scan. Citrate chelate Ca++ and Mg and may dec there plasma level and cause Paresthesia. hypogonadism & predisposition to cancer. * Elderly pt with Anemia. rare hepatitis. * Pt with suspected Zollinger Ellison $ (gastrinoma) First do Fasting serum gastrin level (> 1000 pg / mL is dx). progression and rupture of Aneurysm. Barter $.HUS pt do not bleed despite dec platelets. If that fails to demonstrate the dx than do Secretin stimulation test. It is Autosomal recessive disorder Progressive bone marrow failure. Skeletal survey is more appropriate for detecting Lytic lesion of MM. Causes are Hyperaldosteronism. * Atrial Reentry Atrial tachycardia of Abrupt onset and termination. * Rotator cuffs tear results from trauma (falling out on stretch arm). * HTN. Gancylovir can be used to prevent CMV infection in this group. * Fanconi Anemia is also Macrocytic due to both breakage and DNA repair. MM sclerosis also shows M spikes (Inc IgG) which demonstrate with serum Immuno Electrophoresis. Chloride resistant (Normochloremic saline Irresponsive) Metabolic Alkalosis ---. These pt should also receive Influenza. tonsillar exudate. low vol void + / . MRI is used for definitive dx.occasional high vol void and renal dysfuncton (due to pressure Atrophy). v imp.HUS with out appropriate tx it is lethal in 80% of pts. * Individual who received Blood transfusion before 1992 should be screened for Hepatitis C. Lidocaine injection improves the Sxs & corroborate the dx. * Bundle Branch Block impedes ventricular depolarization Prolong QRS complex. loop diuretic. * Herpes Esophagitis -. Thiazides. abnormal thumb. * Ventricular Pre excitation Premature Ventricular complex. EKG shows Tachycardia Bradycardia $ (Burst of atrial tachy arrhythmia followed by Bradycardia). TX -. Ventilation perfusion Scan is ordered where IV contrast is contraindicated. Painter are prone to this condition due to repeated arm movement above head. and hypernatremia. * Corticosteroid excess (Cushing $) hypokalemia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Rotator cuff tendonitis is caused by impingement commonly in middle age or elder pt. 141 Copy Righted Material.24 hrs but simple Saline is preferred tx. * Hypoesthenuria occur in Sickle Cell dis and also in Sickle cell trait Nocturia due to RBC sickling in vasa recta of inner madulla which further impair exchange of free water absorption Diuresis. Peripheral smear show > 1 % schistocytes is the Dx of Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia a component of TTP . * All post transplant pt should receive PCP prophylaxis with TMP / SMX. * Frozen shoulder (Adhesive capsulitis) is Idiopathic condition pain & contractures and pt cannot lift arm above head even after lidocaine injection due to fibrosis of the shoulder capsule. imp. measured Albumin) + measured Ca++ .4 = 8. Indication of Steroids tx in PCP infection is PaO2 < 70 mmHg or A . Vomiting. (Bicuspid valve is the cause in majority of pt < 70 yrs age) * GI complain followed by Periorbital edema + myositis + Eosinophilia ---------. Lactate. Hypopigmentation is seen in Secondary Adrenocortical def due to hypothalamic pituitary failure. v imp.6 (which is normal). in TPN. Impaired Gallbladder Contraction (eg. * Warfarin inhibit the production of Factor II.2. The half life of factor II. * HCV RNA is the first and most sensitive serologic marker that appear with days to week after infection and used in the screening HCV inf. * Acute Pericarditis occur in first several days of MI. Abdominal bloating and Early Satiety. TX and Prophylaxis is TMP / SMX. Ventricular arrhythmia. Conjunctival or Retinal hemorrhage). vs. where as glycerol 3 phosphate derived from break down of adipose tissue. Minocycline is alternate 142 Copy Righted Material. * Ventricular Aneurysm occur days to months after MI and may lead to CHF.Reabsorption as compensation).8 (4 . X. TX -. * Hyperpigmentation of skin and mucous mem is characteristic of Primary Adrenocortical def and is due to Inc Level of ACTH. Causes are Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). There is almost always underlying breast carcinomas. Inc PTH. vs. imp. It uses PCR and consider as Gold standard test. * Renal Failure Sec hyperparathyroidism dec Ca++. MC is Infiltrating Ductal carcinoma. Inc Phosphate. For eg. It is IgM or IgG that prolong PTT by binding phospholipid used in assay.& dec Cl. * Interventricular Rupture occur 3 . * Free Ventricular wall Rupture occur around day 5 of MI and can cause Acute Pericardial temponade and Rapid decompensation with Pulseless activity. for that reason warfarin can lead to Protein C def in 1st day of tx hypercoagulable state with risk of thrombus formation and skin necrosis. * MCC of Aortic stenosis is Senile calcific Aortic Stenosis > Bicuspid valve > Rheumatic heart dis. TX -. Hypoxemia of COPD is rarely associated with Digital clubbing. * Paget dis of breast (persistent dermatitis of nipple is imp clue) -. dec Phosphate.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. . Sec erythrocytosis. * Steroids have shown dec mortality in case of severe PCP infection in AIDS pt. Resp Acidosis (kidney will retain HCO3. * D . or a surgery in which TPA is prolonged) * Obesity hypoventilation $ hypercapnia / hypoxic Resp failure. Pancreatitis etc) * Pt with Acute severe pain should receive the same standard of pain management regardless of drug hx. corrected Ca++ = 0. * Vit D def dec Ca++. * Angio Edema is lip and tongue swelling ---. v imp. * New clubbing in pt with COPD often indicates the development of lung cancer.10 % of pts with SLE. Inc phosphate. Never under tx the pain even if there is risk of abuse. branching beads Gram + ve and partially acid fast filaments on microscopy. * Hypoalbuminemia is a common causes of dec Ca+ but Ionized Ca++ level remains unchanged there fore there is no hypocalcemic Sxs. * Significant Ca++ bind to Albumin but it is free Ca++ or Ionized Ca++ which is physiologically active. imp. however it also inhibit blood natural anticoagulant protein C & S.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * DIC pt tend to bleed and have normal coagulation studies.7 days after MI Mitral regurgitation & pul edema. Following formula is used to find out correct conc. Russell Viper Venom Test is specifically test Lupus Anticoagulants and will be prolonged in the dis (shows Prolong PTT to confirm the dx of Lupus Anticoagulant).8 (normal Albumin .severe pain give IV Morphine. X is 60 hrs where as half life of Protein C is 9 biopsy shows cells with abundant pale staining cytoplasm (halo like area) surrounding hyperchromatic nuc with prominent nucleoli. * Drug of Choice in AIDS pt with PCP is TMP / SMX. * Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Psuedohypoparathyroidism dec Ca++. Associated with chronic Renal Failure or Iron def Anemia. hence it is strictly Lab Artifact). Dresslers $ is immune mediated Pericarditis that occur from weeks to months after MI.5) + 7. So basically Lupus Anti Coagulant or Antiphospholipid Abs are Prothrombotic Ig which prolong PTT.Dopamine agonist. Bethanechol. TX -.uncomfortable desire to move ones leg at rest & at night. Echocardiography shows dyskinetic wall motion and confirm the dx.due to C1 inhibitor def or ACE inhibitor usage. Mitral regurgitation. * Papillary muscle Rupture occur 3 .dimers is an elevated in presence of Blood clot. Alternate is Pentimidine (less effective). imp.suspect Trichinellosis (other signs are sphincter hemorrhage. * Ascaris also show Eosinophilia Asymptomatic Intestinal Phase. VII. Inc PTH. Cor Pulmonale. * Lupus Anticoagulant (or Antiphospholipid Ab) occur in 5 . * Pneumonia is common complication of Bronchiectasis but most feared complication is Hemoptysis and Lung Abscesses. Ventricular Aneurysm is characterized by persistent ST elevation on EKG. Renal failure. Gallbladder Stasis (Bile sledging). Erythromycin. new onset of systolic murmur at left lower sternal border. * Dec Enterohepatic Recycling of bileacid can cause cholestrol gallstones.7 days after MI and can cause Acute left to Right shunt RHF. Presents Pansystolic murmur at apex that radiate to Axilla. VII. * Gastroparesis is complication of Diabetes Anorexia. sensation of spider crawling on leg. * Restless Leg $ -. thrombus formation.a gradient > 35 mmHg. * Main substrate of Gluconeogenesis are Alanine.Metoclopramide (1st choice). Inc PTH (causes malabsorption. Corrected Ca++ = 0. * Nocardia is dx by presence of crooked. * Estrogen promotes the formation of cholestrol gall stones by stimulating activity of HMG CoA reductase. crowns surgery. Alanine & Lactate convert to Pyruvate during the Gluconeogenesis process. So pt with dec Albumin shows incorrect serum Ca++ conc. Ascaris can cause Small bowel or Biliary obstruction. Glycerol 3 phosphate. IX. Pul HTN. IX. Non productive cough (Lung Phase). LFT is normal and Tx is unnecessary. Biopsy shows dense deposit of C3 on glomerular basement mem but No IgG nephrotic range of proteinuria. * Chronic Fatigue $ -.5 plus Risk factor of osteoporosis or T . Cholesteatomas can be complicated by -. Physical exertion. neurologic impairment due to kernicterus (bilirubin Encephalopathy). Lab is normal and tx is TCA and Exercise. * Essential Tremor is MC type presents as intention tremor in upper extremities that become worst at the end of goal (eg when reaching pen). TX -.Do DEXA scan. Factors that triggers the hemolysis are Fasting.IV Aqueous Crystalline penicilline. * Cavernous Hemangioma consist of dilated vascular spaces resents as soft blue compressible mass up to few centimeter in size. and massive blood replacement & Jaundice (due to Inc pigment load & dec liver function or dec Renal excretion due to tubular necrosis).Diffuse Atrophy on MRI. Cherry Hemangioma (cherry angioma.Severe jaundice (indirect bilirubin > 20 mg/dL). * Syphilis with penicillin allergy --. TX -. imp. * Cerebellar dysfunction cause postural and intention tremor (sever form can cause resting tremor) that effect extremities and whole head with Nystagmus. * Postoperative cholestasis (benign condition) often develop after major surgery. hematuria. * Hypercalcemia causes non sp Sxs such as Abdominal pain. initially grow rapidly and then regress spontaneously by age 5 . imp. Suspect in any pt with new hearing loss and Chronic ear drainage despite appropriate Antibiotic tx. vertigo. Inc ESR.Liver transplant is curative. Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis. The complain is weakness not muscle pain. * Gilbert dis (UDP glucronyl transferase def) mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Also Hypotension.cranial nerve palsies.MRI shows symmetrical Frontal and Temporal lobe complain extreme fatigue but there are no Body ache or tender points. fever.Steroids. Corneal Dendritis ulcer is characteristics. * Resting tremor id presenting sign of Parkinson dis starts in one hand (motion id often described as pill rolling).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis presents with proximal muscle weakness. (Benzathine penicillin is the drug of choice) * Neuro Syphilis --. TX -. * Cholesteatomas occur in children can be either congenital or acquired Sec to Chronic middle ear infection with granulation tissue & skin debris may be seen with in retraction pockets of tympanic mem Ear drainage with Intact tympanic mem + hearing loss. * Spider Angioma are estrogen dependent show outward radiating vessels. * Otosclerosis -. poor sleep and depression seen in pt < 50 yrs age. fatigue. Head . * IV Zoledronic acid is recommended in all women who have metastatic breast cancer and Radiologic lytic bone dis.give Doxicycline or Azithromycin. vs.score is < 1. * Multi Infarct Dementia --. vertigo and tinnitus.2 weighted density in periventricular area and dementia tend to be more abrupt. * Fibromylagia -. * Alzheimer’s dis --.unnecessary except periodic administration of phenobarbital or Clofibrate when necessary.Pain and stiffness is associated with fatigue. edema. * Strawberry hemangioma appear during first week of life. watering & redness of eyes. malaise. * Non Immunologic Kidney damage is believe to occur in Diabetic and Hypertensive nephropathy * Circulating immune complex mediated nephropathy occur in SLE. * Rilozole slows the progression of Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis (Lou Gherig dis). if T . * IV fluid and Furosemide is used in hypercalcemic crises.Bony over growth of stapes foot plate Conductive hearing loss. Usually on 2nd or 3rd day. Phototherapy and Plasmapharesis are helpful for short term in Infants * Crigler Najjar $ type II (AR) -. constipation. 25 dihydroxyvitamin such as in Sarcoidosis. extensive blood loss in tissue. * Rotor $ (benign condition) -. headache. Abdominal discomfort. fatigue. * Corticosteroids are used in hypercalcemia due to Extra Renal production of 1. There are points of tender& headache. Inc CK.Inc T . . * Cystic hygroma consist of lymphatic cyst found in turner and down $. Acute tx of hypercalcemia is IV saline 143 Copy Righted Material. * Hypercalcemia of malignancy is tx with Biphosphonate (drug of choice) such as Zoledronic acid (Drug is non toxic & more potent then IV saline). Sxs must be present for 6 months to make a dx. life threatening infection. such as brain abscesses or meningitis. Inc ESR. Serum Bilirubin is unchanged with Phenobarbital.0 should received preventive medication preferably Oral Biphosphonate or Reloxifene.defect in hepatic storage of conjugated bilirubin chronic and milder hyperbilirubinemia of both conjugated & unconjugated form develops.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. IV Phenobarbital reduces serum bilirubin. * Membrano proliferative GN type 2 is a unique glomerulopathy that is caused by persistent activation of complement pathway. DX is confirm with Biopsy. * Herpes Simplex Keratitis is frequent cause of Corneal blindness in USA.milder jaundice (indirect bilirubinemia < 20 mg/dL). Late complications are muscle Atrophy and Contractures. vs. Liver enzs and histology is normal.seen in pt > 50 yrs age. Fat free diet. chin voice may also be effected. * Crigler Najjar $ type I (AR) -. they do not regress instead Inc in numbers with age. stress. * Halothane is not used in USA due to Liver toxicity. * Polymyositis (proximal muscle weakness of upper & lower extremities) difficulty raising from sitted position or climbing stairs. typically presents with pain. * Meniere dis is condition associated with accumulation of fluid in the inner ear that lead to hearing loss. * Osteoporosis ----. Survival into adulthood without Kernicterus and neurologic impairment. Senile angioma) is MC benign vascular tumor of Adulthood. polyurea and neuropsychiatric disturbance.Score < 2. No tender points. Liver Enz and histology is normal. * Polymyalgia Rheumatica (pain and stiffness of shoulder and pelvic girdle) -. Pick dis --. when occur in brain or other viscera associated with von Hipple Lindau dis. febrile illness. fatigue. wt loss. It do not regress.8 yrs. Peripheral joint arthritis. Serum Total Protein & Albumin conc Gap is greater in MM (more protein than Albumin). * Congenital Cataract is the MC cause of White reflex. * Lesion of lateral pon (Lateral mid pontine $) impaired CN V (sensory & motor both) + Limb Ataxia. forehead. or Respiratory Rate > 25/min. Contralateral hemiplegia & cerebellar ataxia mat also be noted as well. Damage Corneoconjunctival Anesthesia.03 x PaCO2)) * Before Initiating Anticoagulants tx CT Scan without contrast should be done all pt with stroke to distinguish b/w hemorrhagic and Ischemic stroke or Hemorrhagic conversion of Ischemic stroke. It is frequently recurrent. Episode are preceded by Light headedness. v v imp. * MM -. upper eye lid. Bidirectional Ventricular tachycardia and Accelerated junctional Rhythms are sp for Digoxin intoxication. * Medial Medullary $ contralateral spastic hemiplegia + Contralateral vibratory & propioception loss + Tongue deviate to injured side. * MM Inc Ig usually IgG & IgA.9 % used in hypotensive pt. contralateral eye deviation and paralysis of face and arm (impaired touch & position). weakness of palate.1 + log ([HCO3] / (0. Classic finding are Low back pain that is worse in morning and gradually improve as day progresses. pharynx & vocal cord. weakness and blurred vision. . * Trigeminal nerve V -. * EEG is indicated in syncope when seizures are suspected as a cause of syncope. v v imp. hypotensive and Dysrhythmic pt. stroke) who complain nasal regurgitation. DX -. vs. * In any pt with pH and PaCO2 are two values that provides best picture of pts Acid Base Status. * During pregnancy Inc Progesterone stimulates Resp center Tachypnea with chronic Mild Resp Alkalosis. * MC side effect of Digoxin toxicity is Anorexia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * NIPPV is recommended in pt with Respiratory distress with pH < 7. headache. imp. NIPPV is contraindicated in Septic. v v imp. * Consider CMV as a late complication (weeks to months) in pt with bone marrow transplantation with pneumonitis (dyspnea) + Colitis (diarrhea) + fever. nose & frontal sinus. * Strep Viridans is the MC cause of Sub Bacterial Endocarditis. Parinaud $ Occulomotor paresis and other abnormality of CN III are common to all of these $.Upright Tilt Table Test (+ / . pH = 6. * Ankylosing Spondylitis (AKA Apopheseal Joint Arthritis) is Seronegative spondyloarthropathy that typically effect man under 40 yrs age. Demeclocycline is used when water Restriction fail to normalize Na. . Intubation and mechanical ventilation is associated with complication such as Severe Nosocomial inf for that reason it is only be used when NIPPV fails. 144 Copy Righted Material. * Mollscum Contagiosum -. * Motility studies are indicated once organic cause have been ruled out by upper Endoscopy. Neurally mediated or neurocardiogenic syncope) is the MCC of Syncope. vs. Pt with MM are at risk of Recurrent Inf due to Ig loss in urine. Strep viridians are highly susceptible to penicillin and the best tx is IV Penecillin G or IV ceftriaxone.5 . dec ACTH. Inc ESR. * 24 hrs monitoring or Invasive Electrophysiologic testing is indicated when Arrythmia is suspected as a cause of Syncope. * Water Restriction is best tx for Mild Asymptomatic Hyponatremia. * Refampin cause Red Orange discoloration of body fluids. Oral penecillin of any form are not recommended. * Glomerular hyper filtration is the major pathophysiologic mechanism and the earliest renal abnormality seen in diabetic nephropathy. conjunctiva. Hyperviscosity is rare. Weber $. Digoxin toxicity occur due to Verapamil etc. dec Coritsol for a while. * Lesion of central mid brain include Benedikt $. * Normal Saline 0.Isoproterenol provocation) is indicated to confirm the dx. * Best way to removing tick is by grasping the mouth parts with tweezer with slow constant Pressure. * Barium Swallow is the best initial test of choice in all pt with dysphagia. choking with feeding. Waldenstrome Macroglobinemia Inc Ig usually IgM (IgM spike son cell electrophoresis)and Hyperviscosity is common. When tx is stopped dec CRH. HLA B27. (usually by ophthalmologist). * Video Flouroscopy is indicated in pt with suspected oropharyngeal dysphagia such as in pt with neurologic problem (eg. Common in HIV. Cerebellar ataxia & loss of contralateral pain and temp on body. vomiting.1 mEq / L / hr). * Cardiac temponade is deadly consequence of Aortic dissection.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS hydration followed by Loop Diuretics (furosemide). Severe hyponatremia requires tx with Slow Infusion of Hypotonic saline 3% (0. Rapid correction of Na will Central Pontine Myelinosis. imp. * Hypercalcemia Inc PR interval and Shorten QT Interval. But pt should be checked to rule out Retinoblastoma immediately. * Lesion of lateral medulla (wallenburg $) Ipsilateral horner $. * Lesion of medial pon (Medial Mid pontine $) ipsilateral limp ataxia. cornea. * Pt with hypercalcemia + recurrent Gastric ulcer ----.must rule out MEN I.V 1 (sensory) Scalp. * Vasovagal Syncope (AKA Common faint. * Non invasive positive Pressure ventilation (NIPPV) is an excellent option for the pt with COPD exacerbation. Ant RF. The sequence occur in following manner first Glomeruler hyperfiltration > Glomerular basement thickening > mesengial expansion > Nodular sclerosis (lastly). (it is normal Phenomenon in pregnancy) * Chronic Glucocorticoids tx dec ACTH. * Ischemic stroke usually do not cause headache or confusion. imp.Hypercalcemia + Renal Impairment + Anemia + Bone pain. It should be tried before Intubation & Mechanical ventilation in COPD pt with CO2 retention. Nausea & vomiting. (not with Petroleum jelly). chemotherapy. Corticosteroid use. Pt with V 1 damage suffer injury without awareness. Loss of pain & temp on face.predisposing factor is cellular immunodeficiency. Hemorrhagic stroke worsen over minutes to hrs & cause confusion.35 or PaCO2 > 45 mmHg. EEG is the Gold standard for documentation of Epileptiform activity. Pt with Inferior wall MI has Right ventricular infarction. EKG shows * II. Pt with thrombosis and Inc homocysteine level should also receive those Vit along with Antithrombotics.1st test to do is TSH level. * SENSITIVITY = TP / All ppl with dis (TP + FN). Asplenic pt. * PREVELENCE = (TP + FN) / All ppl screened (TP + TN + FP + FN) Proportion of screened ppl who have disease. 76 & 83 % respectively. Left Circumflex artery (20%). neurologic disability are common sign. Nursing home worker. if scan shows hot nodule do FNAB. . * NEGATIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE = TN / (TN + FN) Proportion of ppl with . * Barium Esophagography is Initial and confirmatory test for Zenkers Diverticulum. vs. 145 Copy Righted Material.Pain relief + TNF antagonist.1.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS TX -. * Gout is a common manifestation of Myeloproliferative disorder such as Polycythemia vera (40% pt show gout). * Adrenal Insufficiency Anorexia. self mutilation.Hypernatremia and hypokalemia occur. Well ppl who are correctly classified as TN by screening test. yearly Influenza (IM). imp. * CT scan without contrast is the initial test of choice when pt present with unprovoked new onset of Seizures. rhomboid shape + ve Birefringent crystals due to Ca++ pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition). Td every 10 yr. * SPECIFICITY = TN / All ppl with out dis (TN + FP). * Most cases of active TB in USA occur in ppl who have immigrated from Endemic geografic region (mexico. * Papilledema is most consistent with the dx of Malignant HTN (BP 200 / 140 mmHg + Papilledema confirm the dx). * Paraneoplastic $ -. Reflexes and sensation is normal. * Myasthenia Gravis (Ab against post synaptic Ach receptors) -. prison worker comes 2nd.manifest as facial and ocular weakness and muscle strength get worst with repetitive task. If TSH is normal than FNAB is the next step. * Pt with cirrhosis should get vaccination for hepatitis A & B. * Atrial pH or Anion Gap is the most reliable indicator of metabolic recovery in pt with Diabetic Ketoacidosis. GI complaints. * ACCURACY = (TP + TN) / All ppl screened (TP +TN +FP + FN) All screening ppl who are correctly classified by the test. Other causes are Fibrosing Mediastinitis (secondary to TB and Histoplasmosis) or thrombosis (due to indwelling central venous device). because arterial pH or Anion Gap correct before serum ketone correction. hyponatremia. health care worker. Hyperkalemia & Mild Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis. * B type Natriuretic peptide (BNP) release due to Ventricular vol overload. * Ondenstron (5H3T Antagonist) is a drug of choice for chemotherapy induced emesis. fatigue. viral load. Vit B6. It should be given to those who are of college age. AVF ST segment elevation Inferior wall MI due to occlusion of Right coronary artery (80% cases).can cause muscular weakness may be due to inflamation. urinary stones. wt loss. Vit B6 is lower to homocysteine by metabolizing it into Crystathione.Think of Lesh Nyhan $ (HGPRT def) Inc Uric acid production. If thyroid Ab and T4 level is high and nodule is larger than 1 . III. U/S is also used to guide FNAB sp in non palpable nodules. Hepatosplenomegaly is also common. * P value is the probability that the result of the study was obtained by chance alone (0. vs. * Left Ant Descending artery Occlusion Ant wall MI. excessive urination. Eaton Lambert $ (presynaptic Anti Ca++ channel Ab are produced by neoplasm) -.01 means 1 % chance that the study results were obtained by chance).HIV ( proteinuria with rapid Renal failure. living in the Barracks or Dormitories.may also cause muscle weakness but reflexes are usually absent or diminished and the muscle strength improves with repitetive task. * In Cushing $ -. neck arm and chest. Esophagoscopy is avoided due to risk of perforation. * Child with gout -. First thing to do is CXR (shows Dark appearing swelling). vs. Osteoporosis & psuedogout (show usually monoarthropathy. hypotension. Sxs are Engorged veins of head. pt may have bradycardia due to SA node involvement. * Focal Segmental glomerulosclerosis -. Proximal muscles are typically effected. * Malignancy is the MCC of superior Venacava $ particularly small cell carcinoma of lung and non Hodgekin lymphoma. If TSH is high than Anti thyroid Ab and T4 (throxine) level is measured. CD4 count are . * Hyperparathyroidism (Inc Ca++ . B12 & Folate are involve in metabolism. * POSITIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE = TP / (TP + FP) Proportion of ppl with + ve screening test results who are diseased. superior than metoclopramide. * Suspected thyroid nodule in pt and is not palpable next step is U/S. fatigue. Fibrinoid necrosis is responsible for end organ damage. necrosis or fiber atrophy or Ab mediated damage. specificity & accuracy of 90. Proportion of dis ppl who are correctly classified as TP by screening test. It can be manifest even if all HIV marker. BNP > 100 pg/mL is dx of CHF with the sensitivity. Asia etc) & is most imp Risk factor. Travel screening test result who are well. however it is not next step in unprovoked new onset of seizures. mental status * Paracentesis is used for both diagnostic and therapeutic in pt with symptomatic Ascitis (later the pt should be put on diuretics). Inc CK level and myopathic Electromyography help to confirm the dx. Pneumococcal vaccine. * Pt with palpable thyroid nodule -. dec Phosphate) Excessive urination.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. If TSH is below normal than do Radioactive Iodine uptake scan. * Inc Homocysteine level predispose to venous thrombosis and Atherosclerosis.5 cm do FNAB. * Recommendation of Meningococcal vaccine are same for all adults regardless of their HIV status. EEG. However it can cause significant hyperkalemia and life threatening arrythmia. Severe irreversible dementia. * Pt with hyperaldosteronism have hypokelemia. thrombocytopenia. Sxs get worst when sputum built up in airways. Most respond rapidly to dialysis (NSAIDs or Corticosteroids is used in pt who do not respond to dialysis but show little success).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. metabolic alkalosis + HTN. dec Pul artery P. (< 15 mL / min in Diabetic) 2. infection of lacrimal gland due to obstruction of nasolacrimal duct. Hyperkalemia that do not respond to medical tx. * Herpes Simplex Keratitis also cause dendritic ulcer. It is warning sign of impending stroke.CSF analysis (Inc RBCs). . vs. MI). dysphagia. malaise. It effect temporal lobe of the brain & presents illness in < 1 week.parasite enter the RBC and cause hemolysis Fever. DX -. Focal neurologic signs such as altered mental status. * Septic shock dec PCWP. leukopenia. eg bulimic pt. * Pt with chronic diarrhea have metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia due to loss of Bicarbonate and K+. Renal U/S. * Uremic pericarditis is an absolute indication for Dialysis and for and Intensification of dialysis for those already on dialysis. headache. * Diuretic abuse and Bartter / Gitelmans $ also cause Hypokalemic Alkalosis in normotensive pt but there urine cloride conc is high. dec CO (causes are Aortic dissection. goat or sheep. * Succinylcholine is a depolarizing muscular blocker often used during Rapid . 3. hemiparesis. malaise. Fluid overload not respond to medical tx. as well as youngers who are at Inc risk of having pneumococcal dis such as with Chronic illness. Renal biopsy can be employed in conducting differential dx. 4. MRI. * Indication for renal replacement therapy (Dialysis) : 1. Inc BUN / Cr due to # of causes such as ureteral obstruction. HTN. vascular obstruction. * Pt with chronic bronchitis -. or Atovaquone + Azithromycin. * Winter Formula is used to calculate PaCO2 during Resp compensation for Metabolic Acidosis. * Babesiosis occur from tick bite in north eastern USA -. Risk group are meat processing worker. Inc PVR. * Dacryocystitis -. HSV polmerase chain analysis is gold standard. Acute Rejection (graft tenderness) best tx with IV steroids. 2. Veterinaries. cyclosporine toxicity. * Coarctation of Aorta -. dec R atrial P (extremities are warm). jaundice. * Renal transplant in early post operative period manifest as oliguria. thrombocytopenia and death (sp in immunocompromised and splenectomized pt). * Annual Influenza is recommended for all adults are 50 or older and also younger adult with chronic comorbidities. * Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended in all adults age 65 yrs or older.cessation of alcohol is main stay of tx and may reverse cardiomyopathy if employed earlier in course. Photophobia. DX -.Rib notching on CXR. * BUN / Cr Ratio > 20 : 1 indicates Prerenal azotemia. underlying embolic dis is always present sp in carotid bifurcation.definitive dx is by Giemsa stain thick and thin blood smear. vomiting.IV Acyclovir. * Cardiogenic shock Inc PCWP. (> 6 in Diabetic). pain.Dendriform corneal ulceration and vesicular rash on CN V distribution. amnesia is also reported). 146 Copy Righted Material. TX . Atypical lymphocytosis. Normal Pul Artery P is 25 / 15 mmHg. Refractory metabolic acidosis.start with in 72 hrs with high Dose Acyclovir. Burnetti) occur from exposure to infected cattle. * Normal Right Atrial P is 4 . Uremic pericarditis. * Ehrlichinosis (Spotless Rocky mountain fever) occur from tick bite fever. Such pt often develop shock (hypotension. hemolytic anemia.chronic cough & excertional dyspnea.10 min) os action. GFR < 10 mL / min . Manifest as flue like $. * Q Fever (C. * Contraindication to Renal replacement therapy (Dialysis) -. MRI. * Hypovolemic shock dec PCWP. Renal failure. Gullian Barre $. dec vision but HZV distribution pattern (vesicular rash.sequence intubation because of its rapid onset (45 .Quinine + Clindamycin.6 mmHg. mucous / pus cab be expressed with pain swelling and tenderness. Tumor Lysis $ etc. ataxia and seizures (kluver bucy $. ATN. Pericardial effusion in uremic pericarditis is often hemorrhagic.5 (HCO3) + 8 * Amaurosis Fugas is painless loss of vision (last few secs feel like curtain coming over the eye) due to Emboli. ATN is best tx with diuretics. dec Cardia output 'CO" (R Artial P and Pul artery P will also dec). * Always suspect surruptious vomiting as a cause of hypokalemic Alkalosis in normotensive pt (urine cloride conc will be low). * Bacterial Keratitis is usually seen in contact lens wearers or following trauma. CN deficit.Debilitating chronic illness. Serum Cr > 8 mg / dL. tachycardia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Herpes Zoster Ophtalmicus -. * Right atrial P > 10 and Pul artery systolic P > 40 are the criteria used to diagnosed Massive Embolism.60 sec) & rapid offset (6 . pain) is not present. In this group Vancuronium is better choice. So it contraindicated in pt with hyperkalemia such as in crush and burn injury > 8 hrs old. Cholestrol particles (Hollen horst bodies) seen in eyes. cold / clammy skin). * Herpes Encephalitis is almost always caused by HSV 1. Radioisotopes scanning. TX -. and In case of diuretic abuse urine assay for diuretic is also + ve. immunosuppression. PaCO2 = 1. Must do duplex U/S of neck. vs. Acute rejection. blurring. Inc PVR. * Dilated cardiomyopathy due to Alcohol -. TX . Therefore dx should be consider in pt who reports waking up around the same time each night with dyspnea that resolves after coughing sputum out. Pneumonia or hepatitis. cardiac temponade. (do not confuse with CHF in which edema is also present in periphery). hemoglobinuria. splenectomized pt as well as cigarettes smoker. * Pt with pulmonary edema would have pink frothy sputum. Sever uremic Sxs such as seizures and coma. * Relative indication to Dialysis : 1. 3. "3" is typically seen in coarctation of aorta of long duration. * More than 90 % pts with acute hepatitis B infection will recover completely rest develop chronic Hepatitis B.6 % ppl have def) * Bite cells and Heinz bodies ----.G6PD def (remember there is no shistocytes) * Heparin Induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) can be paradoxically prothrombotic and pt must be monitor for arterial & venous thrombosis. Bony enlargement. * Hamartomatous polys associated with juvenile polyps (non malignant polyps generally removed due to bleeding reasons) and Puetz Jeghers polyps (generally non malignant) * Adenoma is the MC polyp found in 30 . imp. even in asymptomatic pt it is beneficial to prevent stroke.Most Appropriate test is abdominal CT scan. It is autoimmune discharacterized by Anti . v imp. v imp * Blastomycosis (south central & north central US) Asymptomatic primary lung infection (flue like sickness). * Pt with Hashimoto throiditis are at very high Risk (60 times) of developing Lymphoma. * A Pt data can be used for research purposes only after obtaining INFORMED WRITTEN CONSENT. * Osteomyelitis is often monoarticular shows cold painful cripitant enlarged joint. age > 50. v imp. (5 . * MC Thyroid nodule are benign Colloid Nodules. 3 or more criteria is 69 % specific for Osteoathritis. 100 % occlusion of carotid artery is contraindicated to surgery. On chest it is called Shawl sign. it also shows brady arrythmia.conservative. * Dementia of Lewy Bodies Alteration in alertness. Arthralgia. 6. 10 % pt will develop malignancy sp ovarian. * Most imp cause of Torsades de pointes id hypomagnesemia. * Medullary thyroid cancer is the component of MEN IIa & MEN IIb. * Risk factors for polyps to progress into malignancy are --. Lack of warmth. . v imp. * Lynch $ type I is HNPCC.IV Immunoglobulin and Plasma pharesis. breast. also effect skin & prostate.Villous adenoma. TX . and severe asthma. TX -. Crepitus. Rarely some develop fulminant hepatic failure with mortality upto 80 % and only effective tx for them is Liver transplantation. Pt eventually develop cirrhosis. * In Chronic renal failure as GF rate falls serum phosphate retention Inc. vs. Visual hallucination & Extrapyramiday Sxs.IV. * Disseminated histoplasmosis is HIV pt -. v imp. Heparin is not indicated in Asymptomatic pt with carotid atherosclerosis. 3. * Tumor burden is the single most imp prognostic factor in the tx of the pt with breast cancer.50% of elders they consider as premalignant but < 1 % will become malignant. * Cat bite should be tx prophylactically with 5 days of Amoxicillin / Clavulanate. v. Tension pneumothorax. 1. imp * Hyperplastic polyps are MC neoplastic polyps and arise from hyperplastic mucosal proliferation. 5. 4. erythema nodusum (subcutaneous infection). Blastomycosis Infection in Immunocompromised is uncommon. * Dermatomyositis eruption is most often accompanied by Periorbital edema called Helicotrope sign. * Six Criteria are used to dx OA in the setting of painful knee. Prolong QT interval interval suggest tachyarrythmia.5 cm. Since tx and out come of each class is different. (Anti HBs Ig is . 147 Copy Righted Material. ? * Prolong PR + QRS interval suggest Sick sinus $. Causes are Cardiac temponade. * Inflamatory dis that are associated with Carpel tunnel $ are Rheumatoid Arthritis. In Asthma Significantly elevated intrathoraxic P during inhalation are thought to exacerbate compression of left ventricle PP * Factor V Leiden is the MC inherited disorder causing hypercoagulability & predisposition to thrombosis sp DVT of lower extremities. * Testing HBsAg & Anti HBc (IgM -HBc is present in the window period) offer best screening for Acute Hepatitis B Infection. * Hordeolin refer to abscess located over the upper or lower eye lid usually caused by Staph Aureus. (Red and tender) * Dacryocystitis is infection of lacrimal sac sudden onset of pain with redness and swelling over and the medial canthus region commonly due to Staph Aureus and Beta hemolytic Strep. * Prolong QRS interval (ie Typical BBB)suggest bradyarrythmia. * Lynch $ type II (AKA Cancer Family $) is distinctly associated with high risk of extra colonic tumors the MC of which is Endometrial Carcinoma which develop in 43 % of females of effected families. * Pulsus Paradoxus (PP) is defined as difference in systolic BP of > 12 mmHg during Inspiration. Arthralgia. * SLE cause Renal damage which is graded in Class I .PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR in window period) * Varicocele that fail to empty when pt is recumbent raises the suspection of Renal cell carcinoma -. Lack of morning stiffness. * Obesity and as well as type II DM are frequently associated with Steatohepatitis (non alcoholic fatty liver) most likely due to Insulin resistance which cause Inc fat accumulation of hepatocytes by Inc rate of Lipolysis and elevating the circulating Insulin level.tx is IV Amphoterecin B followed by life long tx with Iatraconazole. It is based on TNM staging. Erythema Multiforme. lung & urogenital. usually occur in pt \ with Diabetic Retinopathy. 2nd MC thyroid nodule is Follicular carcinoma. on knuckle.Systemic Antibiotic. hard to recognize fundus (loss of fundal detail). Aspirin mat be needed for life time after surgery. It Inc serum phosphate which play the central key role in Inc in PTH. elbow or knee it is called Gottrons sign. * Viterous hemorrhage typically presents with sudden loss of vision & onset of floaters. * Coccidioidomycosis (South western US) primary Lung infection. Boney tenderness. Biopsy should be done first.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Surgery is the best tx for the carotid artery blockage of 60 %. Only adenomatous polyps are clearly premalignant but < 1 % will progress to malignancy. 2. * TX of GB$ -----.Mi . Sarcoidosis and Amyloidosis. sessile adenoma > 2.2 Ab (against Helicase). Hyperplastic polyps are non malignant and do not require further work up. * Paget dis of Bone is a condition of Inc bone turn over due to osteoclastic activity Replacement of lamellar bone with Abnormal woven bone. * Unexplained Inc CK + Muscle weakness (dec muscle tendon reflex) ----.acetylcysteine. * Trigeminal Neuralgia severe burning pain. wt loss and Aerobic exercise all decreases BP.Platelet factor 4 complex Antibodies are responsible for this condition. polyurea with growth and mental retardation with normal BP. * Dietary Recommendation for pt with Renal Calculi : 1. adverse effect form contrast. (normal score is > 24 out of 30). hypothyroidism is the cause. imp. hemorrhage. Hyperpigmentation. Glucocorticoids. wrist and knees. Pt is usually young & presents with polydipsia. Inc Fluid Intake.Hypothyroidism must be considered. dec Dietary protein and oxalate. dec Na+ intake. vision changes. 3.think Hemochromatosis. Bangladesh). * Osteomalacia is disorder of bone mineralization dec Bone Density. * Neurofibromatosis Type I is Autosomal Dominant Disorder. than Glucose and Insulin (it derived K+ Intracellularly in 15 . v imp. (other pts are SLE and Sickle Cell Dis) vs. dyslipidemia. * If pt is on HCTZ and develop recurrent Ca++ stone. it include Reduction of Alcohol. Seen in Chronic Renal failure too. * Bartter $ occur due to defective Na and Cl reabsorption Inc in Renin and Inc Aldosterone hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis. Inc dietary Ca++ intake.2 hrs to work) * Subarachinoid hemorrhage -. Ca++ def. blurry vision and CN palsies (sp CN VI). As long as N acetylcysteine is administered with in 8 hrs of ingestion the out come will not be adversely effected. Also include Quitting cigarettes but remember it does not reduce BP it self but does dec the risk of cardiovascular dis. vs. sedative or anticholinergic agent. Parathyroidectomy and RTA. Biliary perotinitis. * Onion Skin appearance and Moth eaten or mottled appearance ---. Also change in awareness. imp * Heparin adverse effect is thrombocytopenia and thrombosis. Pleural fluid may contain amylase and food particles.acetylcysteine made after 4 hrs based on Acetaminophen level.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Intracranial HTN is dx when Intracranial P equals or exceeds 20 mmHg Headache. papiledema. 4. sepsis. Remember Na enhanced Ca excretion with resultant renal stones. imp. * CT scan is the best test for the dx of Diverticulitis in Acute setting. * Mefloquine is the drug of choice for chemoprophylaxis against chloroquine resistant malaria (use in ppl visiting sub-Saharan Africa. The MC pattern is is dec in Total and T3 level with normal T4 level and TSH.Carbamezapine. subcutaneous emphysema and unilateral dec and breath sound. There may be sign of shock. Urinary chloride > 20 mEq / L. TX -. cardiac dis. * Mini Mental State Examination score < 24 is suggestive of dementia. dec Na intake. reduction in Intracranial P and symptomatic relief. Sodium Polytyrene Sulfonate is K binding resin that dec total K by catharsis in the gut (take 1 .50 yrs of age) -. dec ability to perform wt bearing exercise that prevent Osteoporosis).Acetazolamide. hepatotoxicity.Morning stiffness > 1 hr. focal neurologic deficit and Cushing Reflex (Hypertension & Bradycardia). Other signs are Renal failure. v imp. his urine Na level should be checked to make sure he is compliant with Na restrict diet. . First line medication is Acetazolamide (preferred because it dec CSF production) or Corticosteroids (not for long term use) or Repeated lumbar puncture (only if frequency of exacerbation is very low). * Ventricular Remodeling following MI occur in weeks to months and may lead to dilatation and thinning of ventricular wall (CHF)..Ewing Sarcoma. premature epiphyseal closure (stunt growth). Causes are HTN etc. imp. The decision of whether or not to administer N .30 min). (Low T3 $) * Goal of Pseudotumor ceribri (Idiopathic benign Intracranial HTN) include Prevention of loss of vision.First CT if that is unrevealing than Lumbar puncture.Routine Visual Exam. Renal Failure etc) may show abnormal Thyroid function test This condition is called Sick Euthyroid $. Hypogonadism. gynecomastia. Papiledema.Hypokalemia. Causes are Vit D def. risk of hepatoma and accumulation of iron in heart. 148 Copy Righted Material. * Rheumatoid Arthritis (occur 30 . * Pseudo Tumor Cerebri (pt is usually young and Obese) Headache. effect PIP & MCP. lightening like pain. vs. * Piramaquine is used as a prophylaxis and tx of malaria due Plasmodium Vivax and Ovale these organism cause persistent live infection. CSF exam show Opening P. * Steroid Drug abuse (usually in Athletes) is associated with Erythrocytosis ( Hct) other side effects are dec testicular function (infertility). TX -. This can be limited by ACE inhibitor with in 24 hrs of MI in all pt without contraindication. hepatomegaly and new onset diabetes -. TX -. v imp. * Pt with arthralgia. * Spontaneous Rupture of Esophagus (Boerhaave $) occur after severe retching chest and Epigastric pain tachycardia. 2. Heparin . Inc coagulation. normal BP. nausea and vomiting. v imp. Pt are at Inc risk of developing Osteopenia & Osteoporosis (this is due to dis process it self. Urine Cl is typically > 20 mEq / L * Bartter $ -. * Pt presents with in 4 hrs of Acetaminophen overdose -. First data point on the curve is after 4 hrs. India Pak. Subcutaneous & Mediastinal emphysema appear on CXR (do not confuse in Aortic dissection pain radiate to back). Other complications are pancreatitis. virilization and psychological disturbance. confusion. * One complication of ERCP is an Iatrogenic Biliary Enteric fistula (sp after sphincterectomy). * Hyperkalemia TX : First Ca Gluconate (mem stabilizer). * Acute severe illness (MI. imp. * Osteomyelitis central lytic bone lesion with surrounding sclerosis called Brodie Abscess. Predisposing factor is Vitamin A and Isotrenitoin. * Osteitis Fibrosa cystica (Von Recklinghausen dis) is a condition in which osteoclastic reabsorption lead to replacement with fibrous tissue (Brown Tumor). female gender. metabolic alkalosis. Start prophylaxis one week before travel and continuous till 4 week after departure from endemic area.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Risk factor for Osteosarcoma are Paget dis. bronze diabetes. Inc Renin and Inc Aldosterone. characterized by presence of free air in Biliary tree. Radiation and Chemotherapy exposure. Remember Sigmoidoscopy and Barium enema are contraindicated in Diverticulitis. * Avascular Necrosis MC seen in pt who is taking systemic Glucocorticoids or Alcoholics. tachypnea. * Life style modification should be the first line intervention for newly dx stage I HTN.Administer Activated charcoal and obtain serum Acetaminophen level after 4 hrs from over dose. * Rumak Mattew Nomogran provides likelihood of hepatotoxicity from Acetaminophen toxicity and need of for N . somnolence. Contrast extravasation after swallow study. * HU$ ------. * HSV or VZV Retinitis occur in HIV pt severe Acute retinal necrosis with pain. * Erythromycin and Cemetidine interact with Sidenafil and results in prolong plasma half life. Cryoglobulinemia. elevated serpinginous lesion on skin. uveitis & conjunctivitis. Sun sensitivity Inc the risk by 2 . these are 1. + ve stool test for reducing subs. Porphyria cutanea tarda and Glomerulonephritis. * Lactose Intolerance ---.Morphology of RBC is normal on smear. * Cardiac dysfunction due to hemochromatosis can be reversed with early identification of dis and tx. aPTT is normal. keratitis. * Functional Asplenia results from condition that destroy splenic function such as in Sickle cell dis.dx by + ve Hydrogen breath test.Infectious Endocarditis should be on the top of differential list. CMV Retinitis is the Most common serious occular complication in HIV pt. vs. Spleen appear small on CT. Abdominal CT is the test of first Choice in these pts. 2. myalgia. * Vit B 12 def due to vegetarian diet occur after 3 to 4 yrs. (Tx is phlebotomy) * Chronic hepatitis C classically present with waxing & waning transaminase level (LFT) but show few Sxs such as Arthralgia.2 sec) and there will be no drop beat. * Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia purpura ------. * Malignancy cause hypercalcemia by various mechanism. In these pt serum PTH is typically low). * CMV Retinitis in HIV pt is painless and do not cause Keratitis or conjunctivitis. * IV drug abuser commonly suffer the right side Endocarditis which the lung with infective emboli and resultant Pulmonary Infection. Cacitrol (Hypercalcemia of hodgekin dis caused by Calcitrol production). Strep Pneumoniae is the MCC of community acquired pueumonia in adults. TX . 3. * Pt with Fever + Chill + LUQ pain + Splenic Fluid collection -. Withdrawal from dialysis accounts for 20 % of deaths and is not the MC cause. Previous Sun burn Inc the risk by 2 fold.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Diabetic Nephropathy occur usually 10 . * Thrombophlebitis of atypical site such as arm. Positive family Hx Inc the risk by 8 folds. * H. schistocytes on smear. (v tricky Q) * Autoimmune Adrenalitis is MCC cause of primary Adrenal insufficiency in developing countries. Potential side effects are hypokalemia. Low stool pH (acidic). * Primary Hyperparathyroidism Inc PTH + Inc serum Calcium + dec Serum Phosphate.4 yrs of stores of B12. show pale retinal necrosis on fundoscopy.K . It is also called Acute Retinal necrosis $. infection often acquired through skin contact with sand. * Elderly with Bone pain + Renal Failure + Hypercalcemia has MM until proven other wise.microangiopathic hemolytic anemia presents with giant platelets. show fluffy and granular lesion around retinal vessels on fundoscopy. pylori is the MC organism. * Sildenafil is contraindicated in pt on nitrates and who have hypersensitivity to sildenafil. BUN > 40 + Normal serum Creatinine -. Lung Cancer. * Duodenal Ulcer -. (dehydration and Acute Renal Failure can occur). * DIC ------.Epigastric pain that relieved with eating. (renal failure is due to paraprotein (bence jones protein). Neuroectodermal tumor) 4. Vaccine can prevent these condition. H.3 fold. (Ancyclostoma Braziliense is the dog and cat hook worm) * BUN level is often elevated in upper GI bleeding due to bacterial break down of hemoglobin with resultant absorption of urea. Ectopic PTH (is a rare cause of hypercalcemia and has been reported in Ovarian cancer. 149 Copy Righted Material. Acute Renal failure. * Repeated Rheumatic Fever can worsen valvular function. Inc stool Osmotic gap. There fore it is recommended that pt with prior episode of RF should be given Antibiotic prophylaxis with Penecillin to prevent recurrence (most physician tx till pt reach 18 yrs of age). Cytokines (tumor that metastasize to bone cause local lysis by production of cytokines " IL1 & TNF". Lung and Breast cancer use these mechanism). vs. v v imp.Recent change in mole is the strongest risk for malignancy and is associated with relative risk of at least 10 folds. * Cutaneous Larva Migran is common in travelers in Tropical region Pruritis. since liver has 3 . TP. * Pt with Neurologic disorder are at Inc risk of Aspiration pneumonia also common in Alcoholics.constant prolong PR interval (> 0. This is called Trauseaus $. * Cardiovascular dis is the MCC of death in Renal Transplant pts. chest is imp indicator for underlying carcinoma. . vs. Bacter eradication if pt is proven to have Mucosae Associated Lymphoid tissue Lymphoma (MALTOMA) on endoscopy or biopsy. * Loop Diuretics (inhibit Na . * Sildenafil is used with precaution in condition predisposing to priepism.2Cl) are frequently used in cirrhotic pt with vol overload & Ascitis. Most commonly seen in Asian Americans. purpura & HTN (usually occur after GI infection in children). First test of choice Lactose Hydrogen Breath Test. * Chronic Renal Failure Sec Hyperparathyroidism + dec serum Calcium + Inc serum Phosphate. fever. vs. * Strep Pneumoniae is the MC pathogen causing pneumonia in nursing home pts (elders) and also is the MCC of death in this group. * Cardiovascular Dis is the MCC of death in Dialysis pt (50% cases). (v tricky Qs) * Adrenal TB continuous to be prominent cause of Adrenal insufficiency in developing countries. thrombocytopenia. metabolic Alkalosis and PreRenal Renal Failure. PTHrP (is the MCC of hypercalcemia in pt with non metastatic tumor.15 yrs after DM. * Melanoma -.PT and aPTT is prolong.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Antibiotics and Proton Pump Inhibitor.indicates upper GI bleeding other causes are steroid administration. * Peptic ulcer dis the MCC of upper GI bleeding (in > 50% of cases). * First degree heart block -. * Pt using Sildenafil (phosphodiestrase inhibitor) and Doxazocin (Alfa blocker) should take drug wit at least 4 hrs interval because it reduce the risk of hypotension (never together). * Common cause of shunting include pulmonary edema. Same mechanism also occur in Aheptoglobinemia & Antiphospholipid Ab. Contraindication of Radioiodine Ablative therapy (RIAT) is pregnancy and opthalmopathy. agreement of two physician.due to diuretic use altered mental status.PaO2. DX test is Osmotic fragility test. * Grave opthalmopathy is the MCC of exopthalmos (proptosis) due to autoimmune lymphatic infiltration of extraoccular muscle Fibroblast proliferation. Carbidopa. * Advance Parkinson dis ---. Biphosphonate is helpful in reducing the hypercalcemia and preventing osteopenia in such group.Aspirin & Heparin the risk of 1st & 2nd trimester abortion. Ab is undetectable prior to the transfusion but return rapidly following transfusion. or in very mild hypothyroidism.30 % pts. hypocalcemia mental status change. recurrent abortion plus Falsely elevated aPPT level. pain. * ABO Mismatch Acute transfusion reaction fever. * Ig A def Anaphylactic reaction to transfused blood. can be prevented with cell washing. (hyponatremia is common in subarachinoid hemorrhage) 2. * Headache + visual change + muscle fatigue + Jaw claudication --. Family permission is not legally required to discontinue ventilator in brain dead pt but Confirm death with another physician in order to remove ventilator. Refer him to Orthopedic surgeon do not do Biopsy. 4. hypernatremia --. other finding is narrow disc space. 3. hypokalemia cause muscle weakness and abdominal complain. 5. Amantadine are adjuvant. Fixed and dilated pupil. * Delayed Hemolytic transfusion reaction results from Anamnestic Ab response to RBC Ag that pt has previously encountered (via pregnancy. Anticardiolipin Ab * Major cause of altered mental status in elderly is electrolyte disturbance.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * HSV is the MCC of Corneal blindness in USA. * Hydrochlorothiazide hypercalcemia and photosensitivity. loss of body mass and fat. * Brain death refer to total loss of brain function and is legally acceptable definition of death. 2. vs.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. chill. Hyperkalemia cause muscle weakness and EKG changes. Do not use Atropine (mydriatic) because it precipitate glaucoma. It typically cause low grade hemolysis 2 . Absent CNS reflexes. Both Bronchogenic carcinoma & Mesothelioma is linked to asbestos exposure but Bronchogenic carcinoma is most common. transplant. hyaluronic acid deposition. toxic ingestion). Bruising (due to Vit K def). * Aortic Aneurysm is a well known complication of Giant cell or Temporal arteritis.10 days after transfusion. Recurrent abortion.Folic acid to prevent aplastic crisis from parvo virus inf.common in nursing home resident due to obligate free water loss and resultant Inc Na reabsorption altered mental status. Most pt become Euthyroid with single dose with in 6 . * Loop Diuretics cause hearing loss / tinnitus (ototoxic) other medication are Aminoglycoside.8 weeks. TX -. A . pneumonia and vascular shunt is ---. Its can be distinguished by PCWP measurement. * Osteophytes (bone spurs) are MC finding on cervical Radiograph in pt with cervical Spondylosis (but specificities of these finding id low). No spontaneous breathing. * Immobilization due to any reason Inc Osteoclastic activity Hypercalcemia. * Pulmonary edema can be cardiogenic or non cardiogenic (as in ARDS. hemoglobinemia.a gradient = PAO2 . TX --. hyponatremia --. v tricky Q * MCC of toxic megacolon is Ulcerative colitis. * Febrile non hemolytic reaction is the MC transfusion reaction due to CYTOKINE stored in transfusion blood product Fever. * Radioactive Iodine Ablative therapy is the preferred tx for most of the hyperthyroid pts including grave dis. pilocarpine (topical) & Timolol (topical). * Antithyroid drug such as Propylethiouracil (very expensive) is used during pregnancy and in preparation of RIAT.think of MEN IIa (Medullary carcinoma of thyroid + Pheochromocytoma + Hyperparathyroidism) * Asbestos exposure Inc the risk of malignancy. * Soap bubble appearance in Epiphyseal end of long bone ---. * Malabsorption + Iron def Anemia ----.tx of first choice is Benztropin. then Acetazolamide. edema and fibrosis. malaise. PCWP < 18 mmHg suggest non cardiac etiology. It can progress to cardiovascular collapse or DIC. * Acute Glaucoma TX -. * Initial Parkinson dis in < 70 yrs of age ---. benztropin. . other Sxs are Bulky foul smelling floating stool. infection. selegiline. Pulmonary fibrosis & pleural plaque. 1. Must do Follow up with serial CXR. Bone pain (Osteomalacia).Giant cell arteritis (or temporal arteritis). False + ve syphilis serology. 3.dec O2 (correct it by 100% O2) + Normal CO2 (due to hyperventilation).1st line tx is IV mannitol. * There are 3 types of Antiphospholipid Ab $ : Antiphospholipid Ab recurrent thrombosis. Major side effect is hypothyroidism in first 2 yrs of therapy occur in 10 . v v imp. transfusion). 4.suspect Celiac sprue dis (associated with Anti Endomysial Ab).Giant cell tumor. pallor. * Serum calcitonin level is elevated in medullary Thyroid cancer -.tx of first choice is L dopa. Lupus Anticoagulant recurrent thrombosis. burns. Hyperkeratosis (due to Vit A def). * Beta blockers is for symptomatic relief in pt with thyrotoxicosis. Risk can be dec by extra washes of RBC or platelet product. 150 Copy Righted Material. * Hereditary Spherocytosis is Autosomal Dominant disorder. all four Criteria must be met 1. Remember : PCWP > 18 mmHg suggest Pul edema due to Impaired left Ventricular function. * Malignant Otitis Externa (MOE) is serious Pseudomonal Infection typically seen in elders with poorly controlled Diabetes. drainage. Type "A" Dissection Involve ascending Aorta & need medical tx and surgery. sulfonamide. Poikilocytosis and Basophilic stippling but Anemia is macrocytic. * Neurogenic Arthropathy(Charcot Joint) occur due to dec pain. (only B cell response) * Hyponatremia is one of the most imp complication of Subarachinoid hemorrhage. * Carotid pulse with dual upstroke + systolic ejection murmur -----. Lead poisoning also cause basophilic stippling but anemia is microcytic. * IgA nephropathy is the MCC of Glomerulonephritis in adults recurrent hematuria that begin 1 . * Alcoholism is MCC of cirrhosis in USA. imp. Ear pain. LDL b/w above measures ---. dec periodicity (it is the cause of most deaths) * Resting tremor + Rigidity + bradycardia ----. v imp. TX -.medication starts at 160 mg / dL + LSM. * P. Hepatitis C is the 2nd MCC of cirrhosis in USA. (LSM) 2 + Risk factors only ---. dyspnea. and granulation tissue in ear canal. v imp. * CAD or CAD Risk ---. * The DX Criteria for ARD$ include Acute onset..Cholesteatoma * Bullous Myringitis pt has severe pain due to bullae on tympanic mem. leg raising & recumbency. Murmur in intensity with hand grip (peripheral resistance Inc against venous return & Venous return Inc). imp * Tamoxifen reduces the risk of breast cancer in pts who are Inc risk of developing it. imp.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * P.LDL goal is < 160 ----. * Beta Blocker is most appropriate initial step in Aortic dissection. . Ovale --. Inc ESR. Serum Complement level is normal.think Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (strong apical impulse).Acute Otitis media. v.only life style modification is needed. * Metformin should not be given in pt with Renal failure or sepsis as those conditions worsen pts Lactic acidosis. vs. CT scan is unremarkable & non specific in Parkinson dis. sterile pyeuria and WBC cast mat be present. limited motion & degenerative joint dis and loose bodies on imaging. * Hearing difficulty + Ear discharge + fever ------.every 72 hr fever. v tricky Q.LDL goal < 100 mg / dL ----. Pul artery P and PCWP is dec. CXR normal.1 Risk factor only ---. For pregnant cesarean is not advised. propioception and Temp perception over use of joints and resultant trauma. Malaria --.Medication starts at 130 mg / dL + Life style modification. spinal cord injury. * Post strep Glomerulonephritis usually occur in children averages 10 days for pharyngitis or 21 days for Impetigo. * P. * Drug Induced interstitial nephritis (penecillin. Type "B" dissection involve descending Aorta and need only medical tx. Flaciparum -. Parkinson pt also loss balance while turning and stopping and have frequent falls. 151 Copy Righted Material. * Pt with hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with systolic ejection murmur. imp. cephalosporin etc) appear as rash and arthralgia along with fever.every 48 hr fever. Vivax and P. v v imp.LDL goal is < 130 ----. * Incidence of vertical transmission of HCV is 2 . serum Complement level is low. * Vit B 12 and Folate def also cause Anisocytosis.RNA is detectable in clostrum however study shown that breast feeding does not Inc the risk of HCV transmission to neonate. v imp. tachycardia. All pt including pregnant pt with chronic hepatitis C should receive HAV & HBV vaccination if not already immune. * Sexual Transmission of HCV can occur its incidence is extremely low (risk is < 0. bilateral patchy Air space dis on CXR. Normal FEV1 / FVC. For that reason Mother with HCV infection can breast feed. Tabes dorsalis. Syringomyelia. * Polysaccharide vaccine yield T cell independent B cell response. * Hearing difficulties + Ear discharge + Non to mild systemic sign ----. Subarachinoid hemorrhage may result into "Cerebral Salt Wasting $" due to Inappropriate vasopressin (SIADH) and Inc secretion of Atrial / Brain Natriuretic factor hyponatremia. extremities pitted edema but there is no Pulmonary autoimmune destruction of melanocytes (hypopigmented macule with well circumscribed hypopigmented border. vs. * HCV . MRI is the most sensitive test. squatting. Eosinophilia.IV ciprofloxacin is most effective.dec Lung vol.Parkinson dis. PCWP < 18 mmHg or no clinical evidence of Inc LVEDP and PaO2 / FIO2 < 200. Inc Pul artery P (pul HTN). * Ankylosing Spondylitis pain get worst in morning and improves at day progresses. Pt manifest wt bearing joint deformation. * Pul Embolism tachypnea. * Hearing Loss + Ear discharge + without fever ------. WBC count may be normal to high. and murmur in intensity with valsalva maneuver or standing (due to dec in preload). * Spine is the frequent site of Osteomyelitis in IV drug abuser commonly due to Staph Aureus.1 %) for that reason barrier precaution is not recommended b/w stable monogamous relationship.2 weeks. * Sugar water test is the diagnostic test for paroxysmal Nocturnal hemoglobinuria. EKG shows Sinus Tachycardia. Pain gets better with rest.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Vitiligo -. Causes are DM. which resolves in 1 .5 %. Vit B12 def. * COPD may lead to Hepatospleno congestion.medication starts at 190 mg / dL + LSM.Acute Otitis externa. * Hypomimia (des facial expression) ----. Eosinophiluria.3 days after URT infection. It can be use prophylactically in high risk group. * IF and Ribavirin is good in chronic Hepatitis C infection but it contraindicated in pregnancy (ribavirin is teratogenic). Manifest ground for clinical dx of Parkinson dis. It is clinically associated with mycoplasm pneumonea. pleuritic chest pain (pain Inc with Inspiration). 0 . * Restrictive lung dis ----.fever. In US Idiopathic or viral or Radiology is the MCC. Inc AP (very high) vs. azotemia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Asbestosis is a form of pneumoconiosis which cause interstitial lung dis with Restrictive pattern (Restrictive lung dis). If hepatic encephalopathy is seen also than $ is described as Fulminant Hepatic Failure. * In Mitral Valve stenosis LA enlarges and elevates the left main bronchus that produce dry cough (due to irritation of phrenic nerve) and A . * Silence (same sense) mutation do not effect the structure of protein . IV Antibiotics & Alimentation. orthostatic Hypotension). * Dermatitis Herpetiformis associated with Celiac sprue. * If urine conc occur after water deprivation test suggest psychogenic polydipsia. * BP is consider optimal when it is < 120/ 80 mmHg. coli is .fib. Microcytic hypochromic anemia.90 % Renal stones are Ca++ oxalate stones. * Diffuse follicular hyperplasia occur in grave dis. * Ca Pyrophosphate Renal stones occur in hyperthyroidism and RTA. than do Arginine vasopressin or desmopressin test to differentiate central form nephrogenic.It is Hepatorenal $. * Factitious thyrotoxicosis (exogenous thyroid hormone use) dec for blood and leukocytes in stool. * Nonsense and Frame shift mutation are typically more severe. Clopidogrel for those who are intolerant to further investigation with Colonoscopy.MC complaints are cough. Pt with + ve FOBT -. v imp * Severe liver dis (ascitis) + hypotension + hyponatremia + Azotemia + Oliguria but with normal urinalysis -----. Inc T3. Hemorrhagic complication inside cyst can occur. Failure to concentrate urine on water deprivation test suggest DI.Start heparin and warfarin together and stop heparin in 5 .Alzheimer’s. Amylase level is not always elevated instead mostly normal in chronic failure. * TX of Acute Cholecystitis -. * Missense and Splice mutation produce protein with changed structure and cause abnormal post translational process. v v imp * Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) is the MC used screening test for colon cancer.first water deprivation test to differentiate DI with psychogenic polydipsia. paresthesia.TX IV desmopressin DX -. * Atrophy of Lenticular nuclei on CT scan ----. TX -.Pick Dis. * 75 . fatigue.Huntington dis. pancreatic insufficiency) Fecal Elastase study is the most sensitive and specific test to dx Pancreatic exocrine failure. cartilage tear. Pt presents with elevated jugular vein.Initial management is careful vol loading and removal of offending agent (furosemide or spironolactone etc). Gabapentine is Alternative. * Atrophy of Caudate nuclei on CT scan ----. warfarin should be continuous for at least 6 months in first time clot and for life time in 2nd time clot. Normal to mildly high AP. * Stone impaction in cystic duct Amylase normal.Muscle Biopsy is the best dx test. v . pedal edema. fever. * Sharp "x" & "y" descent on central venous tracing are characteristic of Constrictive Pericarditis (diastolic dysfunction) in the presence of pericardial knock (early heart sound after S2). less often cardiac surgery. ascitis. imp * Sarcoidosis -. ant uveitis. * Stone impaction in common bile duct Inc Amylase.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. dyspnea. * Travelers Diarrhea with E. * Backers cyst develop as a result of excessive fluid production by inflamed synovium as seen in Rheumatoid arthritis. Kaussmal sign. CXR shows classic bilateral Hilar lymphadenopathy and reticular Opacities. follicular atrophy of thyroid gland. mitral valve surgery. v imp. arthritis. Dapsone is the drug of choice (lesion start to heal with in hrs of tx). * Pulmonary Embolism TX -. It tend to resolve spontaneously. erythema nodusum. * Aspirin is the first line tx for TIA. TX -. * TCA is the drug of choice in Diabetic neuropathy (pain hyperesthesia.6 days. . HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA. * Polymyositis (inflamatory muscle dis of unknown etiology) gradually progressive muscle weakness of lower extremities difficulty standing from sitted position. Risk Inc with small bowel dis. Laproscopic Cholecystectomy is recommended shortly after hospitalization and should perform immediately due to danger of perforation and gangrene. * Hepato renal $ is functional Renal Failure and hepatic failure. Osteoarthritis. urinary Sxs.supportive care (nothing by mouth. HYPERCOAGULABILITY also Vit D def. * Diabetic Insipidus (ADH def or Resistance) -. * Orphan Annie nuclei are associated with Papillary thyroid cancer commonly presents as Solitary nodule due to lymphnode metastasis. DX -. * Lymphocytic infiltration of thyroid gland occur in hashimoto thyroiditis. wt loss. diarrhea. Keeping BP < 130 / 80 prevents organ damage. DX is confirm by Radio Iodine uptake test which show dec diffuse uptake by gland. Backers cyst occasionally burst and release it content into the calf with results appearance similar to DVT. hypotension but urine analysis is normal. * Chronic Pancreatitis (chronic abdominal pain. Analgesic). In developing countries TB is the MCC. 152 Copy Righted Material. If it occur b/w 8 weeks to 6 months than it is called SubFulminant hepatitis . * Diffuse Atrophy of cerebral cortex on CT scan ----. * Pt with Nephrotic $ are at Inc risk of developing HYPERCHOLESTROLEMIA (Inc Atherosclerosis). dyspnea on exertion. * Chest pain that is reproducible with palpation suggest musculoskeletal abnormalities. dec Ig. Serum Lipase. All pt should get endocarditis prophylaxis. surgical resection or chronic diarrhea. * Palpable mass in epigastrum after acute or chronic pancreatitis suggest Psuedocyst and the is best dx by U/S. dec Ca++. Ticlopidine for those who are intolerant to aspirin & clopidogrel. v v imp. may be due to Renal arteriolar vasoconstriction because of hypovolemia oliguria.. * Acute Hepatic Failure defined as hepatic failure with in 8 weeks of hepatocellular injury. Drainage is performed only when it persist > 6 weeks or is > 5 cm in size or become infected. MCC of stenosis is Rheumatic fever. v imp. GH secreting tumor accounts for 20 %.fib and MI. Amyloid deposits show Apple green Birefringence under polarized light after staining with Condo Red. 10 % pituitary tumor do not produce any hormone mostly are Gonadotrophs. Causes are Lactic Acidosis. wt loss. Hyperkeratosis is typical. * Squamous papilloma -.Self limited rapidly growing " volcano like nodule" with central keratotic plug. 153 Copy Righted Material.must calculate AG to narrow down differential. * Normal Anion Gap is 6 .Sxs daily.. (may involve heart cause chronic cough) v imp. cardiac arrest. TX as Squamous cell carcinoma if lesion are present near imp organ such as eye. Immuno suppression (Corticosteroids) is used in pts with age > 60 yrs. FEV1 60 . CD11c marker is specific. diarrhea. Inc BUN / Cr) * Always think hypercalcemia as a cause of constipation. * Pt with Acute Renal Colic ---. * Neurocardiogenic syncope (vasovagal syncope) occur due to excessive vagal tone in response to pain. Moderate Persistent Asthma -. tartrate resistant Acid phosphatase test stain + ve (TRAP + ve). TX -.Do CT scan (because plain Xray miss the radiolucent stone). stress.greasy brown crust like lesion with stuck on appearance. * In all pts with COPD ----. * Celiac dis -. also cause pancytopenia and splenomegaly. Intermittent Asthma -. imp. hyperpigmentation and lymphadenopathy. (because Narcotics may exacerbate the nausea & vomiting). 2. * Pt with normal Renal Function NSAIDs are preferred over Narcotics for Acute Renal Colic.Trazobactam. uremia. * Megestrol (synthetic progestin) is the drug of choice for cancer associated Anorexia. It is MC occur in 40 . Salisylate poisoning. Frond like lobular projections. * Asthma : 1. * Prolactinoma is MC type of primary pituitary tumor. Pyridostigmine or Neostigmine is the initial tx of choice but provide symptomatic relief and do not induce remission. Night time Sxs 3 . Minor limitation on activity. Thymectomy is not advise in those who have only Occular myasthenia. Aneurysm are more likely to rupture when they are > 7 mm. even during surgery.Home O2 and smoking cessation have been shown to dec the mortality. . * Pseudomonas is common cause of Nosocomial pneumonia in Intubated pts.PRN albuterol + Long acting Beta agonist inhaler + High dose inhaled corticosteroid. * Kidney Biopsy in chronic non renal dis pt shows Amyloid deposits and Proteinuria.with Tilt Table test. * Granular deposit (immune complex) ------. Ethylene Glycol Ingestion.Minimal Change dis. Causes surgery that requires extensive transfusion. apnea. AG = Na . * Rupture of Saccular Aneurysm is MCC of subarachinoid hemorrhage. FEV1 < 60% of predicted. Pt also show hepatomegaly. 4. TX -. imp.(HCO3 + Cl). * Linear Immunoglobin deposits -----. Severe Persistent Asthma -. Severe hyermagnesemia loss of deep tendon reflexes.Oral prednisone.. DX -.Fine hair like projection seen on lymphocytes.villous atrophy. (pt complain constipation. imp. weekly Night time Sxs. * Anticoagulation with heparin / warfarin is considered when emboli is from heart as in A .PRN Albuterol inhaler + Inhaled corticosteroids. TX -.4 / month.1st relive pain. * Hypocalcemia hyperactive deep tendon reflexes. diaphoresis (warmth) & Pallor.Good Pasture $. Methanol Ingestion. Transesophageal Echocardiogram show thrombus in heart of Aorta. needle stick and urination. Stone < 5 mm passes spontaneously. Post streptococcal GN. migratory arthralgia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.60 yrs old white man abdominal pain.MC benign tumor of upper eye lid. Mild Persistent Asthma -.80 % of predicted value. cramps. * Crescent formation ------.Fast growing. * Seborrheic Keratosis -. Ketoacidosis. * Wipple dis --.donot cause hyperpigmentation or lymphadenopathy. * Combination of Anemia + Bone pain + Renal Dysfunction + Inc ESR MM . extremely limited activity.12 mEq / L. muscle paralysis. * Myasthenia Gravis TX --1. + / . Most frequent site of rupture is ant circulation of Circle of Willis. * Tropical sprue is chronic diarrhea of infectious origin in those who live in tropical area. 3.Lupus. vs. malabsorption.Cefepime or Pipracillin . 2. * Best next step in first Renal Stone that is < 5 mm ----.Short acting Albuterol. PFT is normal..Day time Sxs 2 / week.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * If TIA continuous despite taking aspirin add dipyridamol.Sxs through out the Day. * Howell Jolly Bodies (blue dot) in blood suggest physical functional Hyposplenia. * Hypermagnesemia dec deep tendon reflexes. Normal base line FEV1 / FVC and no limitation in daily activity. beta agonist use 2 / week. Thymectomy must be consider in all pts b/w puberty to 60 yrs of age. Syncopal Episode is preceded by nausea. or those who donot respond to Anticholinestrase and Thymectomy. often arise from precursor lesion such as Actinic keratosis. Night time Sxs 2 / month.PRN Albuterol inhaler + Inhaled Corticosteroids + Long acting beta 2 agoinst inhaler. than advise Inc fluid intake (> 2 L / Day) . * Hairy cell leukemia (benign B lymphocytic chronic leukemia) ------. * Squamous cell carcinoma -.Sxs > 2 / week but not daily. Frequent time awakening. (Inc AG indicate non chloride acid) Pt with metabolic Acidosis --. bone pain. PAS + ve cells on lamina propria on biopsy. TX -. * Keratoacanthoma -. TX -. 3.RPGN * Normal light Microscopy + Nephrotic $ ------. convulsion. moderate limitation with activity. Next ting in management is Upper GI contrast study and Endoscopy to evaluate damage and determining further tx. if contraindicated do Embolectomy (most appropriate).fib. imp. * Hypomagnesemia caused refractory hypokalemia. dyspnea & high BP.PTH. Even if PaO2 is 56 . ? * Drain Opener (alkaline solu) ingestion cause instantaneous damage sp to esophagus (liquefaction necrosis).phlebotomy. Pt with Core pulmonale + Pul HTN. mild tx is fibrinolytic. Trismus (inability to open mouth). toxin) PaO2 PFiO2 Ratio < 200. Pt with Inc PaCO2 hyperventilation is suitable (blow of CO2). or SaO2 < 88 % on room air.cause inflamatory alveolar damage. Home O2 is also be used if PaO2 > 60 mmHg and SaO2 > 90 % but they become hypoxic during exercise or during sleep. * Small Cell Carcinoma ----. * Pancreatic cancer is the primary differential dx of chronic pancreatitis.a Gradient Inc in Interstitial lung dis (restrictive lung dis). severe infection. v imp.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.a gradient. All COPD pts with PaO2 < 55 mmHg. * Criterion for Initiating Home based Long term O2 therapy : imp. rolled borders. * If perforation is suspected Gastrografin study is performed (no barium study). Inc platelet count. show Eosinophilia (in allergy). * Remember Hypoxemia is best tx with PEEP. * Diastolic Heart Failure is classically caused by HTN Chronic Ventricular diastolic P. Vascular carotid sinus massage and immersion in cold water Inc vagal tone and dec conduction through AV node. * ARD$ --. pneumonia. Phosphate and LFT will be normal.slow growing papules with pearls. odynophagia. * Creutzfeldt jakob dis spongyform encephalopathy rapid progressive dementia.Diuretics and control HTN. * Polycythemia Vera is colonal myeloproliferative dis of unknown cause Inc RBC mass. ACTH. * Antibiotic associated diarrhea -. TX -.Most commonly effect African American women aged 20 . neutrophil (in infection).59 mmHg or SaO2 > 89 %. * Toxoplasmosis tx -. may provoke A . In ARD$ mechanical ventilation with low Tidal vol & Inc PEEP can improve oxygenation.must be initiated immediately in order to prevent infection to MEDIASTINUM. * Rhinitis is usually suggested by careful hx and physical exam. pain in neck sp with Neck extension. Exam show dry end expiratory crackles & Inc A .suspect clostridium deficile.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Basal Cell Carcinoma -. because people are aware that they are being studied. fever. Therefore once fetal lung are matured early delivery is recommended. Left Atrial dilatation. louder bronchial breath sound and egophony (E hear A).Must do CT scan and the lateral Neck Xray for evaluation extent and differential. Normal PCWP. TX -. therefore it is imp to correct magnesium along with K level. v imp. 1. Ipecac is contraindicated in this condition. MC Malignant tumor of eye lid. * Mucous plug dec airflow in the affected part of bronchial tree collapse of down stream lung parenchyma no breath sound in unaffected area. Nasal Cytology is most appropriate next step in management. In case of failure give oral Vancomycin.Biphosphonate. * Basal Cell Carcinoma is MC malignancy in mankind. but give heparin while surgery preparation. * Hepatic Encephalopathy (ranges from mild confusion to coma) -. * Intrahepatic cholestasis of Pregnancy -. * SLE --. (warfarin may require for few months). inducing vomit. * MRI is the investigation of choice when ERCP is not possible due to pancreatic duct obstruction. will not help or improve the out come. * ARD$ caused by leaky alveolar capillaries causes include sepsis.Lymphnode Biopsy confirm the dx (show over matured lymphocyte with hypercondensed nuclear chromatin pattern). * Squamous Cell Carcinoma ----. DX -. toxin ingestion & burns. * Pulmonary Embolism Clot (PE) obstructing main Pul artery Embolectomy is most appropriate tx. TX such as adenosine is used to break the rhythm by acting as AV nodal block. TX -. charcoal. Neutralization. neomycin.resolves shortly after delivery and pose no threat to mother but it do pose threat to fetus such as fetal defined as tendency of a study population to affect the out come. * Paroxysmal Supraventricular tachycardia most commonly results from Accessory conduction pathway (re entrant pathway) through AV node. keep hct < 45%. * Paget dis ---. plethoric face.40 yrs. * When PE occur with hemodynamic compromise -. absence of fever. meconium stained amniotic fluid. however CT scan is recommended because it has higher sensitivity for suspected pancreatic cancer. or Hct > 55 %. intrauterine demise. overlying talengiectasia. 3. commonly seen in alcoholics. * CLL (smudge cells) -. 154 Copy Righted Material.ADH. cytotoxic assay of stool. * Hawthorne effect -. TX -. sharp triphasic synchronus discharge on EEG. * TICK borne Paralysis Rapid progressive ascending paralysis with out sensory abnormality.tx include Lactulose (nonabsorbable Disaccharide). tx include antibiotics & urgent drainage. Remember Ejection fraction is always normal in this. splenomegaly and normal erythrocytes Indices. * ERCP is most useful in pt with chronic pancreatitis or cases where CT and U/S fail to demonstrate mass lesion. Abdominal U/S is the initial investigation of choice in pt with jaundice. Rifaximin and laxatives.Sulfadiazine pyrimethamine. if test turn + ve tx of choice is metronidazole. v v imp & tricky Q * Pt with retropharyngeal abscess often complain of sore throat. DX -. v. * A . DX is not always clear lab evaluation is necessary. (causes are sepsis. . CXR shows bilateral chest infiltrate. * Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(Restrictive lung dis) is a dis of unknown etiology. myoclonus. * Consolidated Lung dullness to Inc AP but serum Ca++. dec erythropoietin. difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). Look for tick on body and remove it. Normal CSF examination. * In general Tidal Vol should be 6 ml /kg of ideal body wt. * Influenza -. Pure beta blocker is contraindicated because it will aggravate cocaine induced vasoconstriction. Cataract can cause blurred vision in diabetic but it occur over the period of long time due to gradual accumulation of Intralenticular sorbitol. photophobia. mass lesion. * TIPS is also used in refractory ascitis that is diuretic resistant. nausea.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. hearing loss and Ear fullness (due to abnormal accumulation of endolymph). * HIV retinopathy -. * Routine screening in Chlamydial infection in all healthy active women is strongly recommended. pt waiting for liver transplantation and portocaval shunt. It include sexually active women age 24 yrs and younger and in other asymptomatic women who are Inc risk of developing this infection. * Non caseating granuloma are characteristic for crohns dis. imp. conjunctivitis. * Recommendation for Prostate specific Ag and digital rectal exam screening : 50 yr age for men who have at least 10 yrs life expectancy. Urgent bronchoscopy is needed to identify and possibly tx the obstructive bronchial lesion. dendriform corneal ulcer.2 % pts tx with chemotherapy and Radiation will develop secondary malignancy with in 20 yrs. * Ocular Toxomplasmosis Necrotizing retinochoroiditis.Worsening of HTN (30%). pt show dec consciousness. v imp. v imp.tx with bed rest and acetaminophen. Inc Tidal vol will Inc ventilation and may cause Resp Alkalosis (or vice versa). * Intercostal drainage is the choice for hemothorax or pyothorax. spinning sensation. Biopsy shows blunting of villi with infiltration of chronic inflamatory cells including lymphocytes plasma cells and eosinophils. * Routine screening of lipid is recommended in men age 35 and women age 45. * Herpes zoster ophthamicus burning itching sensation in periorbital region. vit def. * Seborrheic dermatitis in infants "cradle cap" adherent waxy scales with mild erythema.think of diabetes induced hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state. * Meniere's dis dizziness. * Pleurodesis is used in recurrent pleural effusion due to malignancy. ST depression in several leads) -. white fluffy lesion on retina. Clonic mucosea normal. * Long term Cyclophosphamide use hemorrhagic cystitis. Family hx of premature coronary artery dis.. * Irritable bowel $ (function disorder) abdominal pain with little diarrhea and little mucous or constipation. occur in elderly * CMV retinitis (occur when CD4 < 50) yellow white patches of retinal opacification and hemorrhage is dx. foreign body.Erythropoietin when hb is < 10 g/ dL.indicates Collapsed lung due to atelactasis vol loss. * Herpes simples keratitis pain. imp. Amantadine and Rimentadine ---. Recurrent hydrothorax is tx with Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). if results come out .active against Influenza A and B. Familial hyperlipidemia. * Atopic dermatitis (in infancy presents different than adults) pruritic erythematous exconated papule & plaque that occur bilaterally but spare diaper area. * Type 2 DM with rapid blurred vision ---. * Beta blocker is relative contraindicated in obstructed lung dis (asthma. * Thoracocentesis is used for hydrothorax. v imp. * Tx of cocaine related cardiac ischemia (EKG changes. * Tropical sprue Diarrhea. * Upto 3. * N. occur in immunocompromised. 45 yrs age for men at high risk (African American. At age 20 in pt with diabetes. TX -. Acute recurrent visceral bleeding and recurrent against Influenza A. imp * MC side effect of Erythropoietin tx do not repeat test till age 45) * COPD -.First line tx diazepam + nitrate + Aspirin. bicuspid aortic valve. * Amiodarone cause pulmonary toxicity and should be avoided in pt with lung dis. * Staph Aureus is MCC of prosthetic joint septic arthritis.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Arthritis induced by SLE is non deforming. Gonorrhea septic arthritis is the most common in young sexually active pt.benign cotton wool spots in retina which remit spontaneously. Common causes are mucous plug. Diabetic Retinopathy can cause blurred vision but t take very long time to develop. or numerous risk factor for coronary artery dis. Proteus inf is common in pts live in long term care facilities and have chronic indwelling catheter. * Infection caused by human bite -. v imp * End stage renal dis cause Normocytic normochromic anemia. headache (15%). Flu like $ and Red cell aplasia. If Antiviral is required than give it with in 48 hrs of Sxs. * Opacification (white shade) of single lung + shifting of mediastinum toward effected lung ---. and also pneumococcal vaccine but not necessarily yearly. dendritic ulcers. malabsorption. Klebsiella are also common in pt with indwelling catheter but do not produce alkaline urine. Pseudomonas. * Candida. external lesion etc. . dec vision. men with first degree relative dx with prostate cancer at < 65 yrs of age) 40 yrs age for men even higher risk ( 1st degree relatives with prostate cancer at early age. * Aortic Regurgitation cause widening of pulse P which can be felt as water hammer pulse. bladder carcinoma. vs. * Proteus produce urease which make urine alkaline. 155 Copy Righted Material.give influenza yearly.tx with Amoxicillin / clavulanate. Most common causes are Aortic root dilatation. There is no lab or pathologic hall mark. Zanamavir and Oseltamivir ---. Lying down turning to left bring the heart closer to the chest wall and make the pt more aware of force full heart beat. vertigo. COPD) But it can be used in restrictive lung dis. * FiO2 of 40 % is appropriate to avoid O2 toxicity in pt. (Strep is 2nd MC). * Leukoplakia (white patch with granular texture and not removable with tongue depressor) may lead to Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Donot confuse with Hereditary sperocytosis (ADD) in which Family hx is + ve. Pt also suffer from Celiac sprue or Gluten sensitive enteropathy. * Acute Pancreatitis cause ARD$ in 15 % of pts. TX -. It is rapidly spreading infection that involves the facia of deep muscle. * Pseudo gout -. + ve osmotic fragility test. * Lesion of the Post limb of the internal capsule typically results form lacunar infarct. nausea. blocker alone can BP in pheochromocytoma. sphincter incontinence. * Necrotizing Faciitis characterized by purplish discoloration of the skin with gangrenous change and systemic signs of toxicity. Anticholinergic effect (dry mouth. conjugated eye deviation toward the side of lesion. * Strawberry hemangioma occur in infancy and initially grow rapidly and than regress by age 5 . Inc FiO2 level may cause O2 toxicity. * Diphenhydramine Overdose drowsiness. surgery. blurred vision. MC intermediate host is Pig. Psychotic / dissociative behavior. vomiting. * Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) may found in the Renal calculi caused by urease producing organism such as Klebsiella and Proteus. TX -. Atrophic gastritis the risk of Intestinal type gastric cancer & gastric carcinoid tumor. * Vomit and nasogastric suction cause hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia. Smoking cessation. arm and leg without higher cortical dysfunction and visual field defect. homonymous hemianopia. * Salisylate Toxicity Tinnitus. pupillary dilatation.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Incentive Spirometry is used to prevent Atelactesis in bed bound pt particularly after surgical procedure. v imp. 156 Copy Righted Material. In addition vol contraction (due to vomit) Inc Renin Angiotensin system \ which also stimulate bicarbonate Family hx. * PCP Poisoning Agitation. v imp. Inc risk of Gastrointesinal lymphoma. with low grade fever. fever. Typical sites are heel. * Acyclovir is Nephrotoxic -. tibial tuberosity and iliac crest. * Ant Cerebral artery occlusion contralateral weakness predominantly in lower extremities. * Recommendation therapy for an Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of COPD include O2. * Cellulitis is Acute spreading infection of dermis and subcutaneous tissue. pon & medulla) Alternate $ with contralateral hemiplegia and ipsilateral CN involvement.Male sex. Coli O157 : H7 is associated with HUS.physostidmine (cholinestrase inhibitor) to counter act anticholinergic effect. Familial. * Dermatitis Herpetiforme : + ve Antiendomysial Ab. (Labetalol is & blocker & can be use alone) * Neurocysticercosis (tinea solium) is MC parasitic infection of brain. * Vertibrobasilar system lesion (supplying brain stem. hemineglect (dominant hemisphere lesion). * Hemolytic Anemia occur due to DIC. Inhaled Bronchodilator (2 agonist and Anticholinergic). dilated pupil. prevalent in rural area. precipitate in renal tubule and cause obstruction and Acute renal failure. urinary retention) TX -. . or from infected human feces. * PPD test > 5 cm induration is + ve in HIV and required prophylaxis Isoniazid for 9 month + Pyridoxine. Attack of pseudogout often occur in setting of trauma. vs. * When treating Pheochromocytoma always give blocker first followed by blocker because blocker first or alone will Inc BP due to unopposed effect. etc).0. 2 week Corticosteroid taper.6 %). blocker is added to dec heart rate & lowering tremor. typically found in back of the nose and upper pharynx (nasopharynx) nose bleed. For each hydrogen chloride ion lost due to vomit. can be acquired by eating under cooked pork meat. (due to Inc risk of TB) * also show spherocytes with central pallor. hemianesthesia. TTP and prosthetic cardiac valve. The only exception of this rule is when pt are at Inc risk of developing Gall bladder carcinoma or complication for eg. * Middle cerebral artery occlusion contralateral hemiplegia. Periodic stool testing for blood must be done to not mis any cancer. * Autoimmune hemolytic Anemia is acquired disorder -. * Prosthetic cardiac valve hemolytic anemia dec hepatoglobin (which bind free Hb and promotes its excretion by the reticuloendothelial sys. splenomegaly and . Show crystalluria sp in inadequately hydrated pt. Occur usually after trauma. broad spectrum Antibiotics. necrotic changes in deep tissue present. Inc load of free Hb results into dec hepatoglobin level due to its exceeded binding limit to Hb. * Pernicious Anemia is autoimmune disorder cause B12 def. HUS. It may also calcified articular cartilage (chondrocalcinosis). illness. * Enthisitis -.Rhomboid shape + ve birefringence crystals composed of Ca++ pyrophosphate. tachycardia. * Asymptomatic Gallstones should not be tx.8 yrs. * NSAIDs also potentiate the action of ADH (think about it in chronic NSAID tx). HLA B27. also signs ? Sxs of Ankylosing spondylitis (limited spine motion. black race chronic pancreatitis. Pt develop chronic atrophic gastritis with dec production of intrinsic factor. cigarettes. unilateral motor paralysis of face. It is common finding in Ankylosing spondilitis. Necrotic changes in deep tissue is not present. * Thrombophlebitis is characterized by palpable indurated cord like tender subcutaneous venous segment. + ve coomb inflamation and pain at the site where tendon and Ligament attaches. mid brain.Alkalinization of urine with Na bicarbonate.Isotonic NaCl and K. (note alcohol is not risk factor) * Status Epilepticus (seizures that last at least 30 mins) if not control with initial tx give Anesthesia with Midazolam + Intubation. vertical nystagmus. a bicarbonate is produced. Akinetic mutism.60 % (0. * Desired FiO2 (fraction of Inspired O2) is 50 . dec bowel sound. morbidly obese pt under going gastric bypass surgery or pt with Porcelain gallbladder. * Risk for Pancreatic cancer --. deviation of head and eye toward lesion. Abulia. Pt need mechanical ventilation and FiO2 should be < 60% to avoid O2 toxicity. pruritic papules over the extensor surface of the body. long standing diabetes. * Any male adolescent with Epistaxis + localized mass & the bony erosion on the back of nose has Angiofibroma (benign) until proven other wise. aphasia (dominant hemisphere lesion).5 .PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. altered mental status and acid base abnormality. * Angiofibroma is capable to erode and locally invade. bone lesion. 157 Copy Righted Material. Alcohol.15 days after birth.6 cm2. * Dubin johnson $ & Rotor $ are familial disorder of hepatic bile secretion that results in to Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. * Chemical conjunctivitis in new born occur with in 24 hr of birth. Asymptomatic pt with severe aortic stenosis or either poor LV systolic function. * Ataxia + Broad based gait suggest cerebellar damage. other Sxs are Dysmetria.recurrent hematuria + Sensori neuronal deafness + Renal failure.Aortic valve replacement is preferred. common in alcoholics. TX -. * Alport $ -. Pain worsen by activity or prolong sitting (due to sustain flexion). * Periumbilical systolic . Controlling rate and rhythm will improve LV function dramatically.It is most likely Brain abscess (Aerobic / Anaerobic. * Anserine Bursitis presents with sharp localized pain over the Anteromedial part of the Tibial Plateau. * Metabolic $ is dx when 3 of the following criteria met. women waist > 35. * S1 or S2 sound softening means Improper closure of valve. Ulcerative or verrucous skin lesion.5 days after birth.Adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC gene) is involved.podophyllin. plaque like erosion on mucous mem. Lung complaint may be absent. valve area < 0. * An isolated smooth border Ring enhancing solitary lesion on contrast CT scan of brain in immunocompromised person + pt shows bacterial infection such as sinusitis etc. 3. v. or abnormal response to exercise. * External Hordeolun (stye) is the common staph abscess of the eyelid. * Histoplasmosis (Mississippi. * Prolong tachysystolic A . if fail to resolves in 48 hrs do incision & drainage. * Coccidioidomycosis (south western US) localized Pul < 40 mg / dL.Bleomycin. * Gnonococcal Conjunctivitis occur in 2 .diasystolic bruit suggest Renal artery stenosis (but it is also normal in 30 % of pts with out HTN). * Patello femoral $ is the pain of the knee due to overuse. Triglycerides > 150 mg / dL 5. BP > 130 / 80 mmHg. 4. Fasting Glucose > 100 . Pt with severe Aortic stenosis undergoing CABG or other valvular surgery. * Cryoglobulinemia and MPGN is associated with HCV infection. overuse and trauma. Aortic valvostomy is considered in hemodynamically unstable pt. All symptomatic pt with Aortic stenosis. Hilar adenopathy. v. strep & bacteroids are MC agents). just below the joint line of the knees. imp vs. 3. ----. bird dropping) cause interstitial penumonitis. Cripitus on patellar movement + ve. v. * Condyloma Lata are flat and valvety lesion of Sec syphilis. They are small bright cutaneous papules that do not regress. vs. * Familial Colonic polyps are Adenomatous polyposis -. * Membranous GN (nephrotic $) is associated with HBV infection. * Aortic stenosis tx -. osteolytic bone lesion and prostate involvement. Left ventricle free wall rupture (may cause temponade).110 mg / dL. 2. * Diffuse proliferative Glomerulonephritis is associated with SLE. Electron Microscopy show thick and thin capillary loop with splitting of glumerular mem on biopsy. trauma and Antiphospholipid $. Pt complain pain gets worst with activity and relieves with rest. * Collapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is associated with HIV. Abdominal obesity (central obesity). or for poor surgical candidate. v. difficulty in rapid alternative movement and nystagmus. imp vs. v. Tx with warm compresses. imp * Three major mechanical complication of MI includes Mitral regurgitation due to papillary muscle rupture (Pansystolic murmur radiate to axilla). pylori. tx with gentle massage of lacrimal sac. Ohio river bank.fib cause significant ventricular dilatation & dec Ejection fraction. imp * Clasp Knife phenomenon refer to sudden reduction in muscle tone and Inc in laxity after initial resistance to passive movement. TX -. * Toxoplasmosis shows Ring enhancing lesions but they are tend to multiple commonly occur in Basal ganglia and cortical grey . Ventricular septal rupture (Pansystolic murmur on left sternal border). It is due to abnormal gait. intention tremor.Omeprazole + Clarithromycin + Amoxicilin. HDL -.white matter interface. maculopapular skin lesion. women < 50 mg / dL.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Cherry Hemangioma is MC benign vascular proliferation adults. Precipitating factors are corticosteroid use. men waist > 40 inches.colectomy. v. LV hypertrophy (>15mm). Disseminated histoplasmosis occur in immunocompromised pt palatal ulcer + hepatosplenomegaly + Pancytopenia. * Xray often fail to demonstrate Osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis). * Dacryocystitis usually unilateral occur day to week after birth due to nasolacrimal duct obstruction. 1. * Blastomycosis is associated with contaminated soil or ROTTING WOOD Multiple nodule or dense consolidation on CXR.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. imp. imp vs. * Minimal change dis is associated with Hodgekin lymphoma. * Indication for Aortic replacement ---. pt needs Elective Procto . * Pt with chronic Ankylosing Spondylitis are at Inc risk of vertebral fracture. v. imp vs. If Antibiotics fail to cure than chemotherapy is required with CHOP (cyclophosphamide + Adriamycin + Vincristine + Prednisone) + / . * Ophthalmoplegia in MS is due to demyelination of Medial longitudinal fasiculus (donot confuse with the medial laminiscus which effect touch and vibration). pleural effusion. * Low Grade Gastric Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma (MALTOMA) is highly associated with H. 2. * Chlamydial conjunctivitis occur in 5 . But Dark granular pigment in hepatocytes are present only in Dubin johnson $. imp vs. . MRI is the most sensitive test and is preferred. Risk of cancer is 100 %. * Condyloma Accuminata are verrucous papilliform skin colored slightly pruritic lesion.1. feeding problems. * Pt with WPW$ who develop A .most appropriate next step is Endotracheal Intubation and with drawl of Anticholinestrase for several days.dec Renin. Prophylactic dec mortality form ovarian cancer in this group. * Pt with BRCA 1 & 2 mutation are recommended to go under prophylactic Oopherectomy by age 35 or after completing child bearing. imp vs. Adequate IV hydration with Isotonic bicarbonate & Acetylcysteine help to minimize the risk. (Inc the # of + ve results).vol . ferritin normal.dec Iron. * Specifitivity -. * Iron def Anemia is MCC of Anemia in elderly. imp 1. dec pressure expiration imp.125 and Transvaginal U/S. Inc ferritin. MCC of myasthenic crisis is intercurrent infection. heart dis and DM. * Myasthenic crisis is life threatening condition characterized by weakness of the respiratory and pharyngeal muscles -.1 . * Painless jaundice in elderly + wt loss + Anorexia ---. psychiatric problems. hepatocellular carcinoma. * Alfa .think lead time bias when you see new screening test for poor prognosis dis such as pancreatic or lung cancer. (most pts with dis will have + ve test). v. * Cushing $ -. Inc HCO3. * Sensitivity -. Pt present with complaint of muscle wasting.CLADRIBINE (gene marrow transplantation is not helpful in this). Inc TIBC. vs.fib with rapid ventricular heart rate are tx with AV node blocker such as beta blocker.Inc Iron.Many women are not diagnosed until late stage. * Hairy Cell Leukemia (HTLV 1) -.Purified Human A1AT for severely deficient pt. Inc Aldosterone. vs. Very specific test will have low false + ve. Ca++ channel blocker.33 % will develop cancer. vs. Must watch for in Cr in pt who receive contrast.liver cirrhosis. Perilymphatic fistula.7 days. * Absence of peristalsis wave in lower 2/3 of esophagus and significant dec in in lower esophageal sphincter is characteristic of esophageal dysmotility associated with scleroderma. Transferrin saturation of iron Inc. thinning of skin. macrocephaly. * In Pneumothorax Flow . AV node blocker such as beta blocker. It is due to defective utilization of Iron by RBCs precursor due to Inflamatory like projections on lymphocytes. v. * All Pts with hepatitis C + Elevated ALT + detectable HCV RNA + histologic evidence of at least moderate grade hepatitis are candidate for Anti viral therapy with Interferon + Ribavirin. * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is characterized by both UMN signs (spasticity. * Lead time Bias -.HTN. * Positive predictive value -. not anemia of chronic dis. * Neurofibromatosis type I -. neurofibroma or other tumors. AFP and B hCG level is enough to start the tx. moon face. Acoustic neuroma).think pancreatic carcinoma first. wt gain (central obesity). Lowering the cut off point of a diagnostic test will Inc the sensitivity of the test. * Microcytic hypochromic Anemia -. imp. BPPV. * Pt in restaurant develop sudden shortness of breath and dyspnea ----. learning disabilities. adenosine. dec K+. * Porcelain gallbladder (rim of Ca++ deposit that outline the gall bladder due to chronic inflamation) Inc risk of Gall bladder cancer. normal or dec TIBC. TX .AT def complications -. * Conn $ -. v imp. labrynthinitis. (most healthy pt will have neg test).Loop show restrictive pattern. Degenerative joint dis in elderly cause Anemia of Iron def. Ca++ channel blocker. short stature. Tartrate resistant Acid Phosphatase stain. hyper reflexia) and LMN signs (fasciculation).think vestibulopathy (Meniere dis. 11 .vol . Indicate au lait spot.fib with rapid ventricular rate should be tx with Cardioversion or procainamide. imp * Anemia of Chronic dis occur in Infectious. imp must see graph and figs. dec K+. Transferrin saturation normal to low. plz see graphs * In Pulmonary edema and Asthma Flow .Insulin resistance is the key pathogenic factor in type 2 DM and associated abnormality (HTN. Bone marrow become fibrotic pancytopenia. Hepatic failure and severely damaged lugs indicate transplantation.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Metabolic $ -.Permethrin 5% applied from neck down and left over night. (this test is indicated to all pt who develop premature onset of chronic bronchitis. Inc in Expiratory BRCA 1 & 2 + twice yearly CA . * Non Seminomatous Germ Cell tumor tx can be started even without Biopsy.Bilateral Acoustic neuroma. * Ovarian Cancer -. dyspilidemia).Loop show fixed change that is dec airflow rate during inspiration.Inc Iron. Inc TIBC. * "Room is spinning" vertigo with nausea and vomiting -. v v imp. * Chronic GERD and Barretts Esophagus are high risk factor foe Adenocarcinoma. 158 Copy Righted Material. hyperglycemia. Pt Flow . Women with low risk family hx (isolated related with ovarian cancer) -----. * Anemia of Chronic dis -. Transferrin saturation low to normal. DX is established by measuring A1AT level followed by confirmatory genetic test. * Hemochromatosis -. Emphysema. v imp.125 and Transvaginal U/S. (I think its osteoarthritis ?). * TX of Scabies in adults -.test ability to correctly identify pt with dis. imp. CA . TX -. Inc Na (mild).vol . Emphysema as well as to nonsmoker with COPD).it could be food allergy think laryngeal edema. bulbar Sxs. . It is also noted in severe trauma.test ability to exclude those with out the dis. Recommendation for screening test for ovarian cancer are. inflamatory and neoplastic dis. proximal muscle weakness. pt who smokes or Alcoholic are at Inc risk of developing Esophageal Squamous cell carcinoma. dec lung vol. vs. * IV contrast Induced Nephropathy transient spike in creatinin with in 24 hrs of contrast administration.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Women with high risk family hx (multiple relatives with breast & ovarian cancer & 1st degree relative with ovarian cancer) ---. * Neurofibromatosis type 2 -. dec ferritin. * Pt with A . It will return to normal function with in 5 .Loop show dec in expiratory phase (scooped out pattern) imp. HTN. digoxin adenosine should be avoided because they can cause Inc conduction through the accessory pathway. digoxin. cataract.test ability to rule out those with dis from those who have + ve results. * Raising the cut off point of the diagnostic test will dec its sensitivity. tx is same as STEMI but never use beta blocker because it will worsen the vasospasm due to unopposed activity of cocaine. Postictal state can be complicated by hypercapnia due to hypoventilation during seizures Respiratory acidosis (Inc HCO3. normal PaCO2) vs. Phenytoin. * Poison Sumac grow as a woody shrub Allergic dermatitis.initial test U/S. therefore they donot need to tx with IF or Ribavirin because 20% of pts will Inc there ALT with tx since Antiviral it self can cause liver injury. Euphoria. (xrays are not sensitive / specific). * Todds paralysis can occasionally effect respiratory muscle and cause hypoventilation. and fibrosis septa b/w lobules "bridging fibrosis" ----. Transferrin saturation normal to high.AST : ALT Ratio is > 2 (2 : 1). * Panlobular monoinfiltrate with hepatic necrosis & confluent hepatic cell necrosis connects adjacent lobules "bridging necrosis" -. * Fatty liver (steatosis). * Senile purpura is characterized by Ecchymosis on the extensor surface in elderly due to Perivascular connective tissue atrophy. jugular venous distention and hypotension (> 5% pts die). * Massive multiple pulmonary embolism may results into new onset of RBBB. show target lesions. * Aortic dissection -.Inc Iron. * Pick dis is fronto temporal dementia personality change. confirm the dx. hyperorality) and impaired memory. * Ballon degeneration with polymorphic cellular infiltrate is seen in the liver of alcoholic (accumulation fat. * Heavy lymphocyte infiltration in portal tract and granulomatous destruction --. PT. * Steven johnson $ (erythema multiforme major) -.think primary biliary cirrhosis.Desmopressin is the tx of choice. constrictive garments to lower extremities.jaundice is primarily conjugated type hyperbilirubinemia and appear in urine. dysinhibition.involves Immune complex mediated hypersensitivity. vs.due to aspirin in viral inf Extensive fatty vacuolization of liver. * Pt with chronic hepatitis C with + ve HCV RNA and normal liver enz on multiple occasion have minimal histologic abnormalities. salt supplement.commonly occur after HSV infection target lesions and mucous mem is not involved.Dragger $) -. * True Alcoholic cirrhosis is characterized by the presence of regenerative nodule. and early fibrosis can be potentially reversible if pt stop alcohol ingestion. * Postictal state can be complicated by lactic acidosis from prolong and forceful skeletal activity metabolic acidosis (dec HCO3. . Pt with dementia has functional impairment due to memory loss. impotency) + Wide spread neurologic signs (cerebellar. TX -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Sideroblastic Anemia -. Appearing in urine means bilirubin is conjugated type or Renal failure.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Cocaine induced coronary vasospasm can cause MI.jaundice is predominantly unconjugated type hyperbilirubinemia < 3 mg / dL. * Riley Day $ (Familial dysautonomia) is autosomal recessive disorder of Ashkenazi jews gross dysfunction of Autonomic system and orthostatic hypotension. * Erythema multiforme minor -.Intravascular vol expansion with Fludrocortisone. MCC causes are drugs are sulfonamide. Commonly involve mucous mem. imp. * Reys $ -.seen in Acute viral hepatitis. pyramidal. compulsive behavior (peculiar eating habits. * Laproscopic cholecystectomy is the tx of choice symptomatic gall bladder dis. * Rotor $ (benign) -. LMN signs). this condition is irreversible even with alcoholic cessation. chronic hepatitis. * Fibrinolytic tx is relatively contraindicated with 10 days of surgery. imp. * Lewy body dementia fluctuating cognitive impairment. Inc TIBC.parkinsonism + Autonomic dysfunction (Postural hypotension. It is benign condition. incontinence. * Gilbert $ (benign) -. protein & water in hepatocytes swelling & necrosis) * Diabetic ketoacidosis is typically accompanied by hyperkalemia (aka paradoxical hyperkalemia) but body K+ reserves are actually depleted.seen in chronic active hepatitis. * Platelet dysfunction is the MCC of bleeding (abnormal hemostasis) in pt with chronic renal failure called Uremic Coagulopathy. * DX of primary polydipsia is with holding water and measuring urine. v imp * Alcoholic hepatitis -. motor feature of parkinsonism. * It is Impairment of daily functioning which differentiating dementia from normal age changes. Ferritin normal. Inc PaCO2). * Mononuclear inflamatory cell disrupt periportal plates of hepatocytes that undergoing necrosis is called "bridging necrosis" portal septal fibrosis. v imp. Simultaneous administration of Phenothiazine to schizophrenics will worsen the problem due to its dry mouth side effect. (platelet transfusion is not indicated because they quickly become inactivated). v . TX -. impotency. recurrent visual hallucination. * Unconjugated bilirubin tightly bound to albumin and does not appear in urine. conjugated bilirubin loosely bound to albumin and appear in urine when present in excess.tearing chest pain radiate to back + CXR shows widen media stinum.MC are Ischemic 85%. TX -. if urine osmolality and specific gravity Inc. * Suspect gall bladder pathology -. NSAIDs. agonist. disturb bowel bladder function.Respiratory and hemodynamic support + fibrinolytic tx. * Serum Sickness (type II immune complex mediated hypersensitivity) like reaction occur after drugs usage like penecillin. imp * Always consider Shy dragger $ in pt with parkinsonism and orthostatic hypotension. * Primary polydipsia is common among Schizophrenics dec Na and possible seizures. aPTT and platelet count is normal but BT is prolong. * Multiple systemic Atrophy (Shy . amoxicillin in the setting of viral 159 Copy Righted Material. vs. occur in children’s. * Cerebrovascular stroke -. hemorrhagic 15%. Spherocytosis.waddling gait. imp * Evaluation for dysmetria and Rapid alternating movement assess cerebellar function. Staph Aureus is famous to cause necrotizing pneumonia after viral URT infection. platelet will be very low < 9000.Good pasture $. * Surgical resection followed by whole brain radiation is the standard practice in the management of solitary brain metastasis with stable extracranial dis. Romberg sign may be + ve * Muscular dystrophy --.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Hereditary Angioedema -. occur in Thalassemia and Myelodysplastic $. * Cytotoxic Abs bacillus cause pneumonia in pt with debilitating condition specially Alcoholics.Inspiratory Force. Airway resistance is calculated by Peak Airway Pressure. vomiting. * Ineffective Hematopoiesis refer to blood cell break down in bone marrow before releasing in circulation. pruritis by PG induced peripheral vasodilation. * Passively moving ones digit with eye closed assess propioception. * CT scan is initial test of choice in symptomatic pt with pancreatic cancer.myelofibrosis. abdominal pain renal dysfunction. influenza. polyarthralgia and lymphadenopathy. v imp * Megaloblastic Anemia + Basophilis stippling --. vesicopustular lesion even in acute setting & 1st time inf. * Pancytopenia is common in SLE and it is due to Auto Abs against RBCs (it is type II hypersensitivity) "Warm IgG Ab against RBCs". * Microcytic hypochromic Anemia + Basophillic stippling --. * Tear drop RBC --.Ig E is involved. * Metabolic abnormality such as Iron def may be associated with upper esophageal web. PEEP is calculated by End . (all dis that infiltrate bone marrow and cause that) * Loss of Concavity of RBCs ---. (C1 estrase def Inc C2b and bradykinin edema). Multiple brain metastasis are best tx with palliative whole brain Radiation. * Disseminated Gonococcal infection often presents with triad of polyarthralgia. trachea.SLE and Post strep GN (C3 is dec). * Dimorphic Anemia also show Basophillic stippling. vs. chronic hypoxia and Reactive polycythemia. v. Other common agents are Strep pneumonie and H. * Polycythemia vera is myeloproliferative disorder that cause Inc production of all 3 blood lines. * In mechanical ventilation lung compliance can be measured by performing End . abdominal organs. * Klebsiella is encapsulated G . * Tabes dorsalis gait -. v v imp. * Zenkers Diverticulum develop immediately above upper esophageal sphincter by herniating posteriorly b/w the fibers of Cricopharyngeal muscles.feet are lifted higher than usual and make a slapping sound when they come in contact with floor and pt walk with his leg wide apart.B 12 and Folic acid def. easy bruising but spleen and liver will be normal. * High grade Astrocytoma (Glioblastoma multiforme) show butterfly appearance on CT / MRI headache (worsen with positioning). * Fanconi $ is due to Bone marrow hypoplasia. Tx of choice is IV Cefepime(IV generation) or Ceftazidime (III generation). * Niacin cause cutaneous flushing. nausea.Inspiratory Hold Maneuver. * Febrile neutropenia is medical emergency (Fever + Neutropenia). Show + ve Coomb test. * Pin prick discrimination measure tactile sensation.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS illness urticaria. * Idiopathic throbocytopenia bleeding. v imp. * Hemochromatosis pt are vulnerable to listeria monocytogens also yersenia enterocolitica and vibriovulnificus septicemia.19 is produced by pancreatic cancer cell and is useful marker of response to therapy. but not useful as screening test. commonly seen in immuno suppressed pt who is chemotherapy. * Immune complex mediated renal damage -.Lead poisoning. palpable purpuric rash on lower extremities. * Allergic Interstitial nephritis is common due to drugs --. * CO cause carboxyhemoglobinemia. * Splenic Squestration of platelet thrombocytopenia with splenomegaly or even possible portal HTN. Main cause of problem is motor dysfunction and incoordination. Platelet will be low but > 30000. Tenosynovitis. 160 Copy Righted Material. * There is no screening test for pancreatic cancer in asymptomatic population. many pt with stroke will demonstrate pronator drift. Respiratory muscle strength is calculated by Negative . * Hencoh Schonlein purpura is IgA mediated vasculitis occur after viral URT infection arthralgia. rash. FRIEDLANDER Pneumoniae is generally affect lobe and produce current jelly like sputum. copious yellow sputum streaked with blood. neutropenia is due to Auto Abs too. * Only Staph Aureus is associated with necrotizing broncho pneumonia (multiple thin walled pus filled cavities in lung). * Low grade Astrocytoma usually presents with seizures and have longer duration of Sxs (contrast enhancement on CT is less likely). high fever. (causative agent are normal flora). * CA . AVM in lung can cause shunting of blood. * Pronator drift exam is relatively sensitive and specific exam finding in UMN damage. dental procedure and trauma.expiratory maneuver. . genitals. TX is Aspirin. vs. * Pt with hereditary Telangiectasia (Osler Weber Rendu $) can develop Pulmonary Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and present with hemoptysis or nose bleed.occur due to C1 estrase inhibitor def edema of face extremity. Episodes usually follow an infection. leg is held extended and internally rotated. If above criteria are not met conservative tx is advocated.break the news the news if he want you to do. If pt does not respond to tx in 3 . Huntington dis. * Methotrexate (Antimetabolite agent) is the first line tx of Rheumatoid arthritis. * Impetigo is caused by Staph and Strep but bullous type is only caused by staph. also show contralateral arm weakness.dimer (remember it is not the dx test.Ask the pt how much he want to know. * Steppage gait -. for this reason it is not a reliable sign. * Diabetic insipidus Inc serum Osmolarity. HTN. private and comfortable environment.EKG shows S I. * Indication for parathyroidectomy in asymptomatic pt with hyperparathyroidism : imp 1. intention tremer and loss of coordination. * Tarsal Tunnel $ -.entrapment of post tibial nerve as it passes underneath the flexor Retinaculum on the medial aspect of ankle dysesthesia & numbness of planter foot.97 % sensitive) * Malignant Otitis Externa (due to Pseudomonas) is serious infection seen in elderly with poorly control DM ear pain. 6th -.Try to explain every thing as clear and simple as possible. * Expressive Aphasia -. 5th -. dry mouth. It work by modulating T cell mediated autoimmunity to myelin basic protein. (weakness of proximal muscles). 161 Copy Righted Material. * Step wise approach to break the bad news to pt : 1st -. ear drainage and granulation tissue with in ear canal. (PIP and MIP is involved). "what do think of your Sxs ?" 3rd -. and common peroneal nerve damage. dec bowel sound and hypothermia ---. eg. kernicterous.Festinating gait (slow onset of movement followed by increasingly rapid short shuffling steps) as in Parkinson dis. distal ischemia. * Glatiramier is the long term dis modifying drug used in MS. "results says that you have advance lung cancer".PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. 4. * Aldosterone def cause normal Anion Gap metabolic Acidosis. Q III. eg " unfortunately the situation is more serious than what I early thought". hepatotoxicity.give Naloxone immediately. Primary polydipsia both plasma and urine are diluted.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Cerebellar tumor -. 24 hr urinary Ca++ above 400 mg 3. imp.think dominant frontal lobe lesion.Spastic paralysis. 95 . TX systemic Ciprofloxacin. * Tinea corporis (Tricophyton Rubrum) -. Routine PSA testing is not recommended. eg. * Cholesterol Embolization $ should be suspected in pt with Invasive arterial procedure worsening renal function. age < 50 yrs old. SIADH dec serum osmolarity and Inc urine osmolarity.Ask the pt how much he knows and what he think he might have.Topical Terbinafin 2 %.think Polymyalgia rheumatica.5 at any site. pt present with pain followed by bullae formation and skin necrosis. 2. Serum Ca level at least 1 mg / dL above upper limit of normal. (substract ascitis fluid albumin form serum albumin) * Sxs of Rheumatoid arthritis must be present for 6 weeks to consider it RA as a dx. Gait is wide based and Staggering. infection). * Warfarin cause skin necrosis. Reduced renal function.use Biphosphonate and furosemide. hamiballismus. dilute urine. * Arthritis of Rheumatic fever is Migratory and usually effect the lower extremities first. nystagmus. PIP & MIP is involved) Anti B 10 IgM is the dx. * SAAG is used to distinguish b/w portal HTN and other causes of Ascitis (such as malignancy. Monitor serum Ca++ every 6 month & BMD every yr (90% pt with mild dis will not have progression) * Opioid intoxication does not always present with miosis. It may complicate and lead to Osteomyelitis of skull base & destruction of facial nerve if left untreated. * Parvo virus B 19 is common cause of arthritis similar to Rheumatoid arthritis but is of acute onset (hx of few days of joint pain. * Pulmonary Embolism -. Livedo reticularis. " how much you would like to know about your condition ?" 4th -. eg.5 days do Esophagoscopy with cytology and Biopsy. Side effects are stomatitis. Most reliable signs are Hypotension. * Rheumatoid arthritis down the road (many yrs) can show neutropenia (< 2000 / mm3) this is called Feltys $ may also show splenomegaly. A SAAG 1. Antalgic gait (try to put body wt on non effected side of foot).foot drop. 7th -.1 g/ dL is consistent with portal HTN or Inc hydrostatic P in liver capillaries. ASO titer is + ve. nausea. BMD (bone mineral density) < T . * MCC of painful esophagitis in HIV is Candida. pt who refuse surgery --. anemia. * Benzodiazepine intoxication does not cause severe respiratory depression.Give him prognosis but always keep him aware of all option to make his life comfortable.make sure pt is in quite.physician must discuss the benefit & limitation of testing PSA with pt. * Measurement of serum PL is the most imp Biochemical test to perform in pt with suspected central hypogonadism. * Recommendation for prostate hypertrophy -. L5 rediculopathy. pancreatitis. v imp Regardless of cause Inc serum PL inhibit the release of GnRH hypogonadism. * Markedly elevated ESR + shoulder hip and neck pain --.Itchy lesion with central clearing and scaly border.2. Bradycardia. MCC are neuropathy. Inverted T in III (in 70% pts) * Best test to exclude dx of Pulmonary embolism is D . ESR is normal. * Poorly controlled DM is susceptible to Rhizopus infection of Paranasal sinus that can extent to brain and Orbit if left untreated. 5. bradypnea. .think Polycystic kidney. * Pt with HTN + young with bilateral non tender abdominal mass -. TX -.Ipsilateral ataxia. 2nd -.Now give him a warning shot. wilson dis. * Basal Ganglia lesion -. * Corticospinal tract lesion -. 13. TX -. * Repetitive Stimulation Electromyography can be used to dx myasthenia gravis. * Digeorge $ -.defective cell mediated immunity. * Tumor metastatic to Bone constant progressive pain which is worst at rest (night). Lung compliance Inc. MCC of septic infection in pt with prosthetic of Sub Acute Endocarditis in pt with pre existing valvular dis. * Surgical repair of AAA 5. Dietary restriction is controversial. * Post splenectomy pt are at Inc risk of sepsis from encapsulated organism due to impaired Ab mediated opsonization in phagocytes. controlled HTN. Hemodialysis in case of Acidosis or end organ damage. 2. Mini mental status examination. Antibody titer for toxoplasmosis are indicated as a part of initial work up in all newly diagnosed HIV + ve pregnancy test. Plasma HIV RNA titer. Detailed hx and physical exam. Acute renal failure. 6. * Pariarticular osteopenia and joint margin erosion on Xray -. * Before Initiating Sumatriptan in women -.5 cm have been found to have dec in AAA specific mortality in population. lipid profile. 10. Two plasma HIV RNA level. basilar migraine. v v imp * VDRL. 7. PPD skin test. * COPD cause (Inc work of breathing) Airflow limitation.Osteoarthritis (WBC count in synovial fluid < 2000.Fomepizole or Ethanol. no organism. Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposits.MCC of Endocarditis in prosthetic heart valve. v tricky Q 162 Copy Righted Material. * Cytokines activation is underlying pathophysiology of fever. PPD. hematuria.thermoregulatory center inability to dissipate heat very high temp (104 . v v imp. complete hx and physical exam.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pitriasis Rosea -. 11. * Psoriasis -. * Narrowing of joint space and Osteophytes on joint Xray -. eg marathon runner. 8. Best next step is Osmotic fragility test. * Following studies are indicated before starting Antiretroviral tx in HIV : 1. center of the lesion has wrinkled cigarette paper like appearance. . Hepatitis A & B vaccine if serology is . CD 4 T cell count. Inc Triglyceride).50000). HIV counseling. 9.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Hepatitis A & B serology. vs. 2. or diuretics. Pneumococcal vaccine if CD 4 count < 200. In the presence of azotemia intensifying glucose control is not very beneficial to slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Initial lesion is called herald patch which is much larger than the later lesion. serum transaminase. Anion gap metabolic acidosis. * Acute exacerbation of MS are tx with corticoids. 5. * It is recommended that all male age 65 . * All pt who are diagnosed with HIV infection should receive following : 1.think Gouty arthritis (WBC in synovial fluid is 2000 . hyperlipidemia (Inc LDL. v v imp. * Hyperkalemia tx -. Information and assistance for those who might have been or will be infected by subject. * Nerve Conduction Electrographic Studies are the best test the dx of polyneuropathy in DM. * HCTZ side effects are hyperglycemia. hyperthermia. 3. oliguria.Infectious arthritis (WBC count in synovial fluid > 50000. * Staph Aureus -. TX with benzodiazepine (Chlordiazepoxide). v v imp. flattening of diaphragm.MCC of Endocarditis in IV drug abuser.HTN. Inc lung vol. CAD. vs. * Contraindication to sumatriptan : Familial hemiplegic migraine. * Inadequate fluid and water replacement during physical activity Heat exhaustion cool skin. MCC cause of Endocarditis associated with Dental procedure. * Delirium tremens -.105 F) * Uncontrolled eflux of Ca++ from sarcoplsamic reticulum is the underlying pathophysiology or malignant hyperthermia.Salmon color patches. it hastens the recovery but long term use provide no benefit. Pregnancy.think spherocytosis. * Ethylene Glycol hypocalcemia (due to Ca++ oxalate deposit in the kidney). Anti toxoplasmosis Ab titer. 4. v imp.75 yrs who are active or former smoker should receive screening with Abdominal U/S to detect or evaluate Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA). v imp. * Hypothyroidsim can also cause HTN but typically diastolic HTN due to Inc systemic vascular resistance.think Rheumatoid arthritis (WBC count in synovial fluid is 2000 . VDRL for syphilis. Gram stain often + ve). complete blood chemistry. CBC. * Exertional heat stroke occur in healthy person who is undergoing extreme heat and humidity (as in marathon runner) -. Hepatitis A & B. no crystals) * Calcification of cartilaginous structure on joint Xray (chondrocalcinosis) -. * Punched out erosion with rim of cortical bone on joint xray -. Prinzmetal Angina. * Hyperthyroidism cause systolic HTN only by Increasing the expression of myocardial sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca++ dependant ATP which results into hyperdynamic circulation. * Strep Viridians -. * Staph Epidermitidis -. Na Bicarbonate. dec BP. hallucination. 12. * Most beneficial tx to reduce the progression of diabetic nephropathy in the presence of renal dis is strict HTN control.think Pseudogout (WBC count in synovial fluid 2000 . ischemic stroke.50000). agitation. CD4 count 4. hypercalcemia. Routine chemistry and hematology. * Boy with Anemia + MCV (normal to slight dec) + Normal MCH + Inc MCHC --.dialysis. Kayexalate (cation exchange resin). Flank pain. * Normal joint space with soft tissue swelling on joint Xray -. 3. silvery scales and peeling over the extensor surface and scalp. * Beta IF and Glatiramer are used in MS to dec the frequency of exacerbation in pt with relapsing and remitting MS.numerous oval scaly plaque on trunk follow the cleavage line. * Plasma pharesis in MS may enhance the benefit effect of immunosupression (steroids).50000). confusion and muscle spasm. abdominal pain. Pt with DM. * Nevirapine cause liver failure. small no of hemorrhagic pustules on extremities But remember Routine blood culture and pustule culture is typically .fever. * Disseminated Gonococcemia high fever chill. Hematologic malignancy.episodic hemolysis in response to oxidant drugs.present in > 90% pt with Hashimoto thyroiditis. * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -. * G6PD def --.tx Riluzole (glutamate inhibitor). Bones. Sub Acute Granulomatous (DeQuervain) Thyroiditis (cause intense pain). TX . Induration > 10 mm is consider + ve in pt who is recently immigrated from place where TB is endemic. * Alzheimer’s dis -. Definitive tx Surgical Embolectomy. Excision with wider margin is not recommended until the dx is confirmed due to danger of disruption of afferent cutaneous lymph node. jaundice. * Acute limb Ischemia due to emboli --. 2b. * Thyroid Stimulating Ab ----. Induration > 15 mm is consider + ve in healthy person who has no risk factor for TB. Remember bladder mass lesion is more common that Renal cell carcinoma. * Medullary thyroid cancer are component of MEN 2a.IV Heparin should be started immediately. * Ischemic colitis in pt with Atherosclerosis dis abdominal pain. * Anti thyroid preoxidase Abs ----. * Amoxicillin is the tx of choice in pregnant women with early localized Lyme dis. fever. MC involved area is splenic flexure because it is supplied by end arteries. * NNRTIs cause steven johnson $. * TSH receptor blocking Ab ----. bloody diarrhea. 2. Dolichol & CoQ 10. * Elderly pt with UTI may present with confusion and absence of genitourinary complaints. Streptokinase can be used by direct intra arterial administration of fibrinolytic using an angiographic catheter. erythroderma.1st step is to confirm the dx histopathologically by taking Excision Biopsy that removes the entire lesion with narrow margin and depth through out the subcutaneous fat. 163 Copy Righted Material. Levo Thyroxine Over dose 5. infection. * IV immunoglobulin is the main stay tx of Guillian barre $. * Indinavir cause crystal induced nephropathy (adequate hydration reduce the risk). Follicular (20%) and Anaplastic Thyroid cancer are associated with Hx of head neck for due to growth requirement of the organism. * NRTIs cause Lactic acidosis. Pt presents with pigmented scaly lesion on sun exposed area that get worst with sun light. It is toxin mediated (epidermal exfoliatin toxin) that is why blood culture is . Abdominal groans and Psychiatric overtones) * Pregnant women with repeated Biliary colic can undergo cholicystectomy preferably during the 2nd trimester.Donepizil (cholinestrase inhibitor). dysquamation. * Toxic shock $ -.reassurance is appropriate step.some thyroid follicular cancer. Homeless shelter). nausea. tenosynovitis. dementia) commonly found in people eating solely corn based diet in India. Fibrotic lung dis. * Papillary. * Hyperparathyroidism HTN. Sub Acute painless Thyroiditis (leakage of hormones due to Inflmatory damage). * Pt with Rheumatoid arthritis are at Inc risk of developing septic arthritis sp due to Staph Aureus.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Statin inhibits HMG CoA reductase which inhibit HMG CoA conversion into mevalonate. * Suspicious Malignant melanoma -. . * Gall stone is common in Fate female. bite cell. Resident employee of high risk setting (prison. Children < 4 yrs of age teen exposed to high risk adults. Iodine Induced thyroid Toxicosis. Organ transplantation pt or pt on immunosuppressant. Fertile and Forty.Grave dis. Gall stones frequently recur once tx is stopped. * Papillary carcinoma of thyroid is MC thyroid malignancy (70%) and has best prognosis. fava beans heinz bodies. * Renal cell carcinoma and bladder mass often present with painless hematuria. * Thyroid lymphoma is associated with Hashi moto thyroiditis. and + ve family hx. * If women becomes pregnant earlier than 3 months after rubella immunization -. Injection drug user. * Most imp causes of Thyrotoxicosis with Low Radioactive Iodine uptake : 1. It is CoQ10 that is implicated in the pathogenesis of statin induced Myopathy. Mevalonate is used to synthesize cholesterol. 4. migratory poly arthritis.TMP/SMX. Individual with recent contact with TB + ve person. chronic Kidney dis. vomiting and myalgia. Occur in highly absorbent tampon use if left for long period of time. * PPD test : 1. 3. dark urine. Asymptomatic hypercalcemia. * Pellagra (dermatitis diarrhea. Induration > 5 mm is considered + ve in HIV + ve. * Corticosteroid is used in the exacerbation of MS. * Didenosine cause pancreatitis. because there have been no case reported for Congenital Rubella $ in women inadvertently vaccinated during early pregnancy.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. (most Gall stones are cholesterol & mixed) Those who don’t want surgery URSODEOXYCHOLIC ACID is given to dissolve cholesterol stones. 3. Struma Ovarii * Most SubAcute painless Thyroiditis occur in Post partum period. (Stones. 2. Individual with sign of TB on CXR. abdominal pain and depressed mood. Africa & China. advanced dementia and other neurologic disorder are at risk of having Aspiration pneumonia due to impaired Epiglottic function. Inc Fat diet. * Polymorphonuclear cells > 250 /L in ascitis fluid along with SAAG > 1. smoking. v v v imp.05 likely hood of protective effect is 95 %. temporary reduction of RBCs. pruritic. * Mucormycosis (Rhizopus) occur in Diabetic -. Inc AP. TX . OR = 0. * Parvo virus B 19 is the MC viral arthritis & arthralgia in adults.Family hx. MIP and wrist symmetrically with lacking of inflamatory markers + / . Non invasive test for H. * Reheated rice is associated with Bacillus cereus toxin induced nausea and vomiting (Sxs occur in 1 .6 hrs) * Dairy salad meat and eggs are associated with Staph Aureus toxin mediated nausea. portal HTN (hepatosplenomegaly). * Finestride (5 reductase inhibitor) act on prostate epithelium and reduce the size of prostate. vs.factor being studied is risk factor for out come.6 hrs) * Meat poultry and gravy is associated with Clostridium perferingens watery diarrhea in 8 . * First degree heart block is completely benign and need no tx. vomiting. * IMATINIB (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) work by blocking signals in cancer cells thus prevent series of chemical reaction that cause cancer to grow. face and eye swelling. It effect PIP. * Lowering the cut off point in diagnostic test will Inc the sensitivity.Transesophegeal Echocardiography is the preferred dx tool but always HTN should be controlled first. pylori should be the 1st step in management of pt < 45 yrs of age who has no alarming Sxs. * Generalized myxedema of hypothyroidism results from wide spread deposition of matrix subs (mucopolysccharide mucin)with in perineurium of the median nerve and tendon passing through carpel tunnel Carpel tunnel $. Inc IgM. swollen eye lid. chronic pancreatitis. look for other Opioid withdrawl sings and Sxs. vs. . * Dyspepsia is defined as pain or discomfort centered in upper abdomen. 1 ----.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Diuretic abuse supine & orthostatic hypotension. * Only class of diuretic that demonstrate survival and dec mortality in pt with heart failure is Spironolactone. Antimitochondrial Ab. It may be intermittent or continuous and may or may not related to meals. v imp. * CLADRABINE is the drug of choice in hairy cell leukemia.4 times. * Atherosclerosis is risk factor for Aortic Aneurysm which them selves predispose to Aortic dissection. eg. TX -. vs.1 and gram negative bacilli think Subacute bacterial peritonitis. (remember Alcohol is not the risk factor) * Pt with COPD often have chronic CO2 retention respiratory Acidosis. obesity. * Hemolytic anemia in pt with malignant lymphoproliferative disorder is likely to Warm Autoantibody type caused by Anti RBC IgG Ab. conjunctiva hypopyon and cornea along with dec visual acuity. * Aortic dissection -. * HIV with CD4 < 50 requires MAC prophylaxis with Azithromycin. diarrhea & abdominal pain (Sxs occur in 1 . Pt is at Inc risk of Hepatobiliary carcinoma.Ursodeoxycholic acid is the tx of choice. however HTN has the strongest association with immune destruction of Intrahepatic bile duct and cholestasis with resultant Chronic Liver cirrhosis. * Accumulation of fluid in carpel tunnel with resultant carpel tunnel $ also occur in pregnancy particularly in 3rd trimester. dec K+. Commonly occur in adults that work with children such as day care but slap cheeks are absent in adults. chemosis and visual loss secondary to hematogenous spread from infected inflamed sinus. * Risk factor pancreatitic cancer are -. PCP produce dry cough and Dyspnea. * Renal failure is the major cause of death in pt with Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (secondary to cirrhosis). (do not confuse with Rheumatoid arthritis). * Intermittent catheterization is an effective measure to reduce the risk of UTI in pt with neurogenic bladder. Advance dis need liver transplantation. Marfan & Ehler donlos $ are associated with Aortic dissection in young pts. Pt present with bilateral xanthelasma. steatorrhea & osteopenia may be present according to stage of dis).3 days later think of Opioid withdrawal (not pseudomembraneous colitis). after indicating Antibiotics he develop abdominal pain and diarrhea 2 . * Fluphenazine is high potency typical Antipsychotic medication that can cause Hypothermia by disrupting thermoregulatory center.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Primary Biliary cirrhosis -. OR = 2. wt loss. Pt should be advised to avoid prolong cold exposure. v v imp. * ODD Ratio (OR) values interpretation : > 1 ----. Eplerenone. v v v imp. DM. ophthalmoplegia. imp * HTN is the MCC of Aortic dissection (AD). * Post operative Endophthalmitis is MC Endophthalmitis occur with in 6 week of eye surgery exudate in Ant chamber.Anti staph aureus antibiotics. 1 blocker act on smooth muscle of prostate gland and bladder base.there is no difference in out come in exposed and non exposed group.systemic signs. Methotrexate and cholchicine shown moderate benefit. * IV drug abuser present with infection. but must be cautiously because these pt are at Inc risk of having a reduction in cardiac out put with subsequent development of Renal failure.factor being studied is protective factor in response to out come. Side effects are leg ache / cramps. * MC pneumonia with productive cough in HIV is encapsulated bacteria sp Pneumococcus. (jaundice. * Staph Aureus pneumonia (productive cough) is a serious complication of influenza pneumonia in children & adults. This medication has dramatically change the prognosis of CML. fatigue. Diuretics are often used in the tx of COPD pt who develop cor pulmonale.4 likely hood of having dis is 2. v v imp.Aggressive surgical debridement + IV Amphoterecin + early systemic Chemotherapy is needed. * Cavernous Sinus thrombosis proptosis. v imp Mycoplasm is the MC cause of pneumonia in adults but cause dry cough. < 1 ----. Inc urinary Na+ & K+. Tx with prednisone if tx fails than do splenectomy. 25 % of pt with dyspepsia has ulcers. 164 Copy Righted Material. * Pt with Impaired consciousness. * Most live vaccines are contraindicated in HIV except MMR which can be given if pt has CD4 > 200 and evidence or hx of Aids defining illness.14 hrs. if that fails too than AV nodal blocker (verapamil. * Hordeolum (sty) is an Acute infection of eye lid commonly by staph. * Severity of Acne must be assessed before tx.PSA level is reasonable next step. * Methanol Intoxication epigastric pain.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. hypotension. Toxins. TX -. urinary retention. nasal discharge. therefore redistribution of coronary blood flow to non dis area occur and perfusion of the dis segment futher dec. (note Streptokinase in stroke pt has not shown any benefit). thrombosis (MI. erythema and limited movement of tympanic mem.Give immidiate Synchronized cardioversion. * Any pt with cardiac arrest with non shockable rhythm (any thing other than V . Temponade.tach the A . * Dipyridamole is potent antiplatelet aggregator and coronary vasodilator. vasopressin and Atropine can be administered. hypoglycemia and wheezing with potential cardiogenic shock (extremity cold & clammy). Remember. hypo / hyperkalemia. imp. immuno suppression. * Defibrillator is used in V . * Recurrent chalazion progress to nodular rubbery lesion due to chronic granulomatous condition. * Female sex and early infection with HCV is least likely to progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis. Fresh frozen plasma is indicated if pt is on aspirin and bleeding but with Hb level > 10 g/ dL. confusion.start tPA if not contraindicated. constipation. * Atrial tachycardia with AV block is the arrhythmia most specific for Digitalis toxicity (due to Inc ectopy and Inc vagal tone). * Aspirin Sensitivity $ (bronchoconstriction. optic disc hyperemia. Anosmia. bradycardia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Recurrent Pneumonia in same anatomic location must be investigated for lung cancer sp in smokers. Initial management is Night time Bite guard. . Dipyridamole is used in Myocardial Perfusion scanning because it coronary blood flow 3 . Comedone (black & white head) with minimal inflamation represent mild dis -. Its Incedence Inc in during pregnancy.fib and V . H+ ion (acidosis). There may be audible click or cripitant on jaw movement. aspirin (or NSAIDs).fib is not shockable rhythm during cardiac arrest with no palpable pulse.dry skin. Pt complaint the nocturnal teeth grinding. establishment of definitive airway and ventilation with 100% O2. flushing. trauma (hypovolemia). hypoxia.Oral Doxicycline. * Back pain that id not relieved by rest . however pt with coronary artery dis vessel distal to the obstruction are already maximally dilated and its ability to perfuse myocardium is limited. Additionally Basal cell carcinoma is some time similar to chalazion. * Hemodynamically unstable Supraventricular tachycardia --. These pts are on Anticoagulants & can develop hemorrhage.Add topical Antibiotics or Benzyl peroxide along with topical Retinoic. Papular and Inflamatory acne (moderate to severe) -. polyp formation) is believed to pseudo allergic reaction due to aspirin induced PG & Leukotriens misbalance. if that fails give adenosine. Reactivation process or persistent mild Acne -. confusion.first line tx is Atropine and IV fluids. * Nimodipine is used in Subarachinoid hemorrhage (SAH) it will reduce the spasm induced by SAH.5 times above base line. if fail than Antibiotics.Hb of 10 g / dL or higher (hct 30%) must be maintained. vs. vision loss. digoxin). Tension pneumothorax. * Tachyarrythmia with hemodynamic Instability (but pt is not in full cardiac arrest) ---.tx Topical retinoic (cream based cleanser & dietary modification not helpful). * Nasal polyps are often associated with chronic Rhinosinusitis. Frequent bilateral nasal obstruction.fib and V . v v imp. Anion Gap metabolic acidosis. vs. vision change. dry mouth. (do not confuse with ear inf) * Otitis Media ear pain. * Temporomendibular joint dysfunction referred pain in ear that become worst with chewing.tach as early as possible. asthma. Nodulocystic scarring Acne is a severe form of Acne -. comorbidities. HTN and DM are 2 major risk factors. They cause pure motor dysfunction by effecting internal capsule. * Pt with Variant Angina (Prinzmetal Angina) is tx with Ca++ channel blocker such as Diltiazam or Nitrates to prevent coronary vasospasm. * Beta blocker over dose cause AV block. v v imp. PE).tach) should immediately receive manual chest compression. Tablets (drugs). late onset of infection (after 40s)and prolong infection are risk factor for progression to fibrosis and cirrhosis.Oral compresses. * Pulseless Electrical activity is defined as presence of discernible rhythm on cardiac monitoring in pt who is in cardiac arrest with no palpable pulse. v v imp * Streptokinase is used in STEMI if there is no contraindication present. * Trihexyphenidyl and Benztropin ( both Anticholinergics) side effects -. or Night pain which is constant and dull in elderly --. TX -. v imp. * Recurrent Chalazion requires histopathologic examination due to risk of underlying Sebaceous (meibomiam gland) carcinoma. hypoglycemia. * Hemodynamically stable Supraventricular tachycardia (narrow complex tachycardia) should be tx with Vagal maneuver. * Pt with pre existing heart dis -. TX -. Remember selective beta blocker and Aspirin should be avoided because they can promote vasoconstriction. * Otitis externa ear pain with pulling on pinna. male sex. causes are Hs & Ts -. alcoholism. if that fails give Glucagon (glucagon Inc cAMP & Intracellular Ca++ thus augment cardiac contractility). nausea. IV access should be established so ACLS medication such as EN. 165 Copy Righted Material. * Lacunar Stroke are due to micro Atheroma and Lipohyalinosis in small penetrating arteries of the brain. * Pt with Ischemic stroke -.tx with DC cardioversion. * Ethylene Glycol Intoxication same signs and Sxs as methanol intoxication except that methanol damage the eye and Ethylene damage the kidney. * Remember unlike V .fib and V . Osmolar gap. CT scan is the best test.Avoid Aspirin and use Leutriene receptor antagonist (drug of choice). * pyogenic granuloma on the Ant nasal septum is highly vascularised tissue & frequently cause nose bleed. * Undiagnosed pleural effusion is best evaluated with Thoracocentesis which provide decision making information in 90% of pts. ear discharge. coma. This Phenomenon is demonstrate by dipyridamole during Myocardial perfusion scanning and called CORONARY STEAL and is used to dx ischemic heart dis. Surgery is some time necessary.hypovolemia. If Hb level is < 10 g / dL give packed RBC transfusion. vs. * Following Medication should be held before Exercise EKG testing -----. * Dopamine agonist such as bromocriptine and Cabergolin is the tx of 1st choice in micro and as well as macro prolactinoma. Livedo reticularis. In older people it is associated with GI malignancy. * Non beta Cell tumor hypoglycemia independent of insulin. Malignancy is the MCC of hypercalcemia in hospitalized pt. 166 Copy Righted Material. dyspnea and chest pain at this stage surgery is required to remove clotted blood and fibrinous peel. * Clopidogrel is given for secondary prevention following unstable Angina and NSTEMI for at least 12 months even if pt taking aspirin. nervousness with palpitation and tremer. Do eye exam every 6 month. * Primary Hyperparathyroidism is the MCC of hypercalcemia in ambulatory pt. * Hypoparathyroidism --. Inc proinsulin level. stony hard effected eye. bleeding diathesis or active bleeding) --. * Papillary Thyroid cancer is MC thyroid malignancy -. hemorrhagic stroke. * MCC of death in Acromegaly is cardiovascular (CHF).72 hrs of procedure and can be prevented with pre procedure hydration. perforation and penetration are less common.5 with oral Sodium Bicarbonate or Sodium Citrate is the tx of choice. because it has shown to help prevent Subacute Stent Thrombosis. It is endemic in South central and north central US (Ohio). Donot do Barium enema or sigmoidoscopy. * Pt suspected to have ulcerative colitis but presents with sign of sepsis (fever. If PSA is > 4 ng/ml think of prostate carcinoma.demonstrate invasion of capsule and blood vessels (distinguishing feature). digoxin.MCC of diarrhea in US due to ingestion of under cooked infected poultry. Inc Insulin. vs. examination reveal steamy cornea. anxiousness. Later most pt present with low grade fever. Inc phosphate. vs. it is significantly reduce the tumor size and normalize prolactin level (Cabergolin is more effective). NSAIDs Thiazides. poor glycemia control. * Bronchiactasis is bronchodilation causes impaired clearance of secretion.diarrhea due to ingestion of sea food. spread to lymphnode but has excellent prognosis even in case of metastasis. * Hemorrhage is the MC complication of peptic ulcer dis. Source of embolic cholesterol crystal are ruptures plaque. CXR reveal prominent bronchioles.Diabetic neuropathy (80%). * Obese with respiratory Acidosis -----. * Vibrio parahemolyticus -. Inherited Bronchiactasis is due to Cystic fibrosis. * Hypoparathyroidism + Mucocutaneous candidiasis + other endocrine disorder --. Eosinophiluria. v v imp. * PL adenoma < 10 mm is called microadenoma and it is the MC pituitary tumor encountered in clinical practice. * Pt with hyperkalemia who is on HCTZ and Amiloride ---. * Cholesterol embolization usually follow surgical or interventional manipulation of arterial tree Renal failure.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Uric acid stones (Radiolucent) are highly soluble in alkaline urine therefore alkalinization of urine pH > 6. * Acanthocytes Nigricans in young adult is associated with DM (insulin resistant).hypoventilation is the cause of acidosis (Pick wickian $). Acquired Bronchiactasis is often secondary to TB or recurrent pneumonia. * Blastomycosis (broad base bud) warty. beta blocker (or medication that slows HR).common cause of dysentery in US associated with day care center. mucopruluent sputum and hemoptysis. heparin must be stop in this because it delay healing of ruptured plaque.Psamoma bodies. chronic DM (> 10 yrs).think Polyglandular Autoimmune Endocrinopathy type I.dec PTH. These tumor produce IGF II which has insulin like action. Black gray hypodense area is Ischemia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * About CT scan -----. v v imp. rash & Eosinophilluria but causes are Antibiotics. Pt present with diaphoresis. Best test to order is Abdominal Radiograph. . * Follicular thyroid cancer -. * Dihydropyridine Ca++ channel blocker such as amlodipine can cause Peripheral edema. * All pt with suspected Bacterial pneumonia should have Xray first & then Antibiotic should be given as soon as possible with out waiting of culture results. tachycardia) --. dec complement (C3).White hyperdense area is hemorrhage. moderate dilate pupil non reactive to light. * Beta Cell tumor (Insulinoma) hypoglycemia.think Toxic megacolon. Inc C peptide. phenytoin and Allopurinol. High resolution CT scan is used for definitive dx. * Risk factors for Diabetic foot ulcer -. * Tx of choice in SLE with Isolated skin & joint involvement is Hydrochloroquine Retinopathy is the Most serious side used to establish dx of Pneumocystis pneumoniae and certain lung cancer. heaped up skin lesion with voilaceous hue and sharply demarcated border. peripheral opacities and linear Atalactasis. * Acute Allergic Interstitial Nephropathy Renal failure. If pt appear with same Sxs as BPH + hematuria suspect Bladder carcinoma. Sxs include are cough. * Pt with DVT in whom anticoagulants are contraindicated (such as those with step is stop Amiloride and recheck serum K+ in one week.Antihistamine. Blood in the chest (Trauma) if not evacuated (with chest tube) can get infected.order IVC filter placement to prevent PE. vs. vs. * Clopidogrel is given for 30 days for Bare Metal Stent and from 30 days to 1 yr for Drug Eluting Stent following percutaneous coronary intervention. peripheral vascular dis. * Hemothorax is the MCC of Empyema. * Benign prostate hyperplasia do not cause hematuria. PSA must be < 4 ng/ml. * Acute Angle Glaucoma sudden eye pain with blurred vision. * Contrast Induced nephropathy occur with in 24 . smoking. * Campylo bacter -. * Bronchoscopy and Alveolar lavage --. dec Ca++ . low BP. male sex. vs. * Shigella -. * Fibrate (preferred) and Niacin are the drug of choice for raising HDL. * Pericarditis effusion appear as large "Water bottle" shaped cardiac silhouette. Serum PTH. Gastrointestinal phase occur in 30 min .72 hrs. Cork Screw may or mat not be present on Esophagography. N. Na Bicarbonate shorten the QRS interval and dec the likelihood of arrhythmia. rhabdomyolysis. imp.leukocytosis with many monoblast. * MCC of Asymptomatic AP in elderly is Paget dis of bone (defective osteoid formation at the site of high bone turn over). hematemesis. neurologic Sxs are possible complication. * Probucol Inc LDL metabolism with resultant dec serum LDL. MCC of ductopenia is primary biliary cirrhosis. * Acute Iron Intoxication occur in 5 phases. It Inc HDL mildly. * Random urine for MicroAlbuminuria / Cr Ratio is most sensitive & preferred test to screen the nephropathy.hypotension + jugular venous distention + muffled heart sound. (due to Vit D def Dec Ca & dec Ph).TMP / SMX. * Yellow Fever vaccine is required for who travel to central America or Sub Saharan Africa.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Becks Triad for cardiac temponade --.6 hrs mucosal damage. poison ivy etc. Lab shows leukocytes. Acute Epidiymitis in elder suspect Gram . coli) * Typical (halopridol) and Atypical Antipsychotics are good for treating Agitation in elderly and demented pt. hypotension (prolong QRS). + ve Alpha Napthyl Estrase is characteristic. * There is no evidence that regular abdominal U/S can help dec mortality form ovarian cancer. * Orbital Cellulitis -.problem is dec in CSF absorption. * Eaton Lambert $ is associated with Small cell carcinoma. It is due to immune mechanism involving the recognition of hidden Ag. vs.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. vesicles. v v imp. nausea.72 hrs. pain. eg. pruritis. In Cavernous Sinus thrombosis Fundoscopy reveal papilledema and dilated tortous Retinal vein. * Acute Monocytic Leukemia -. Also show morning headaches. edema. Pt present with uveitis and papillary edema it may cause blindness. Liver enzs are typically normal. There is hypertrophy of bone. * In Orbital Cellulitis Fundoscopic exam is normal. HIV and medication.48 hrs after contact with allergens. Hepatotoxicity occur at 12 . vomiting. No effect on triglycerides. * Vanishing Bile duct $ -. (24 hrs urine is more accurate but not preferred) * Meningococcal vaccine is legally required for pilgrims who make Hajj tp Mecca. Shock and Metabolic Acidosis occur at 6 . CT scan confirm the extent of infection. It is duration of QRS which indicate the severity of intoxication. * Allergic contact dermatitis (delayed type IV hypersensitivity) erythema. * Statins also cause Inc AP but along with Inc AST & ALT. * Amebic Liver cyst contain debris characterized by "Achovy Paste" in rod (eg. TX -. promonoblast and monocytes. Ca++ & Ph are normal. . CMV.defective mineralization of bone. * Statins is the drug of choice to lowering LDL. 2. * Broncho Dilator Response Test (measure FEV Inc + / . * Papilledema is usually present with transient loss of vision lasting few seconds with change in head position. 4. weepy crusty lesion 24 . Do not confused with TB which is Acid fast too but donot stain with gram stain. * Osteoporosis and paget dis -. It help to differentiate b/w COPD and Asthma.bronchodilator) is used to demonstrate reversibility of airway obstruction. (pt is usually obese women. Latent phase occur 6 . * Defective collagen formation seen in Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Rickets -. Remember HDL < 40 is the risk factor for coronary artery dis. v v imp. When test shows proteinuria the evaluation of pt should begin by testing the urine at least two other occasion. The dx is suggest by all symmetrically dusky and cold fingers. * Osteomalasia -. * Normal P Hydrocephalus -----.shows serum Ca++. Pathologic fracture.rare condition characterized by progressive ductopenia (loss of intrahepatic bile duct) . 3.metronidazole (do not do cyst aspiration). seizures. arrhythmia and anticholinergic effect. CXR shows Cavitary infiltrate. other causes are Hodgekin dis. trachomatis. * Transient proteinuria os common cause of Isolated proteinuria during stress or any febrile illness. * Acute Epididymitis in young suspect C. TX -.24 hrs after ingestion largely asymptomatic. Bowel obstruction secondary to scarring occur several weeks later. melena. It is seen in pt with Pseudo tumor cerebrii. 167 Copy Righted Material. 5.defective mineralization of bone and cartilages. * Nor EN can cause Ischemia of digital fingers & toes secondary to vasospasm. sarcoidosis. except in Lewy bodies dementia in which typical Antipsychotic should be used. * Fibrate Inc HDL and dec Triglycerides significantly and LDL modestly. * Nocardia is Acid fast Gram + ve branching rod pulmonary and disseminated dis in immunocompromised. vs. It typically presents with unilateral eye pain and visual loss with afferent Papillary defect. * Optic Neuritis is associated with MS and some other $. * Diffuse esophageal spasm -.Esophageal manometery reveal repetitive non peristaltic high amplitude contraction either spontaneously or after ergonovine. gonorrhea. hyperthermia. DX is made by serum Iron > 350 mcg / dL 1. * TCA over dose CNS depression. * Sympathetic Ophthalmia (spared Eye Injury) is characterized by damage of one eye (sympathetic eye) after penetrating injury to the other eye. phosphate and PTH in normal range. myoglobinuria and renal failure. Osteosarcoma. vs. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pt with Osteomalacia have dec serum Ca and Phosphate but Inc serum PTH. * Hyperparathyroidism -- Inc PTH, Inc Ca++, dec Phosphate. * Hypoparathyroidism -- dec PTH, dec Ca++ and Inc Phosphate. * Hyperthyroidism fatigue, wt loss, anxiety, tremer, tachycardia, and progressive proximal muscle weakness. Deep tendon reflexes are normal. vs. * Myasthenia Gravis -- muscle weakness, but tremer, wt loss and tachy cardia are not present. * Tinea versicolor (malasazia furfur) -- pale velvety pink or whitish hypopigmented macule that do not tan. Spaghetti & meat ball appearance on KOH preparation. TX -- Selenium sulfide lotion and ketokonazole shampoo. * Small Cervical lymphnode are common in childhood and in young adults. Asymptomatic pt with soft lymphnode can be observed only. * GERD is present in 75% of asthma pt and may be a primary trigger in many. Pts with Adult onset of Asthma Sxs that become worst after meal, exercize or after laying down are likely to have GERD. Heart burn may or may not present. TX -- Trial of proton pump inhibitor which is therapeutic and diagnostic. * Bells Palsy is term used to refer Idiopathic facial nerve palsy. * Drug Induced pancreatitis is caused by Furosemide, Thiazide, Sulfasalazine, Azathioprin, Valproic Acid, didinosine, Pentimidine, metronidazole, tetracycline. TX -- resolve with supportive care. * Aortic dissection induced aortic regurgitation cause early diastolic murmur. v imp. * Fixed splitting of S2 is associated with ASD. * Pulsus parvus tardus -- sign of Aortic stenosis. * Kussmaul sign -- Right Heart Failure (due to constrictive pericarditis, RV infarction) * Opening snap -- Mitral stenosis. * Opioid toxicity -- Miosis, Resp depression, brady cardia, hypotension, depress mental status, urinary retention. Brady cardia & hypotension is due to histamine release ? * Typical Absence seizures -- are brief and may have automatism but do not have postictal state. Abnormal EEG (3.Hz) * Atypical Absence seizures -- last longer and have abnormal EEG (2.5 Hz) * Complex Partial seizures -- may also have staring spells, automatism and postictal state (confusion). EEG is usually normal and show brief discharge. * Optimally most imp First step in treating pt with witnessed Cardiac Arrest is defibrillation. When Cardiac Arrest is unwitnessed or there is > 4 - 5 minutes lapse b/w arrest and arrival of defibrillator than cardiopulmonary resuscitation should preceded defibrillator. * Lone A - fib is in the absence of other Cardiac risk factors is tx with Aspirin only. vs. If pt have risk factors than tx with warfarin (maintain INR 2 - 3) * Pt with MS having Acute attack tx with High dose Corticosteroids; once attack resolves put him on Interferon Beta which has proved to dec the frequency of relapse. (Remember IF Beta is not for acute attack). * Otosclerosis is a chronic conductive hearing loss associated with bony over growth of stapes. It typically begins with Low frequency hearing loss in middle aged man. vs. Presbycusis (due to ageing) presents with high frequency hearing loss in elderly after 60s. (difficult gearing noisy crowded environment) * MCC of hypernatremia is hypovolemia (dehydration in elderly). TX -- Mild Cases tx with 5% Dextrose in 0.45 % saline. Severe cases tx with 0.9 % saline. * IV free water causes RBC lysis due to Osmotic shock when given to the pt with Euvolemic or Hypervolemic hypernatremic. * Chlamydial Urethritis is suggested by mucopurulent urethral discharge, Absent bacteuria and multiple sexual partners (urine culture show < 100 colonies). * Gonococcal urethritis the purulent discharge and Gram stain usually show the causative organism. * Chronic GI blood loss is MCC of Iron def anemia in Adult male or post menopause women. * Pseudomonas is associated with Malignant Otitis Externa in Diabetic pt, It may cause black necrotic lesion in ear. vs. * Rhizopus is associated with Mucormycosis in diabetic bloody nasal discharge, proptosis, diplopia, cavernous sinus thrombosis and fever. It can lead to coma if left untreated. * Hydatid cyst (Echinococcus Granulosus) -- Sheep (intermediate host; Dogs & Cats (Definitive host); Human (A dead end). Dis is common in sheep herder show cyst in liver with daughter cyst in it. * Advance Age is single most imp risk factor for breast cancer. Because Only 10 % women who dx with breast cancer has + ve family hx; BRCA 1 gene is present in only 5 - 10 % women it Inc the risk by 50 % in this group. v v imp. * Positive Hepatic jugular reflex suggest Right heart failure in pt with Ascitis and Peripheral edema. (good tool to differentiate hepatic or heart failure in pt with hepatosplenomegaly, ascitis & peripheral edema). * Renal Vein Thrombosis is the MC complication of Nephrotic $ and MC caused by Membranous GN in adult pt with edema, ascitis, proteinuria (>4gm / day). Hospitalized pt all of sudden develop Abdominal pain, fever & gross hematuria --- think of Renal Vein Thrombosis (due to Anti thrombin III loss in urine). * Chronic Renal Failure is the common cause of Hypochloremic (Anion) Metabolic Acidosis.. * Renal Insufficiency accompanied by Non Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis and hyperkalemia suggest RTA type IV (aldosterone def). Must avoid ACE inhibitor it will worsen the problem.. * Chronic liver dis due to any reason is the risk factor for Hepatocellular carcinoma. In Hemochromatosis 30% pt will die due to hepatocellular carcinoma. * V - fib or pulseless VT -- tx with defibrillation (even if pt has MI). Defibrillation is strongly correlate with survival and is common after MI. * Torticollis is MC form of dystonia involving sternocloidomastoid muscle. It can be Idiopathic or due to medication such as Antipsychotic, metoclopramide, prochlorperazine. * Hemiballismus is unilateral violent arm flailing due to subthalamic lesion. 168 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Akathesia is sensation of restlessness. pt move frequently. * CO poisoning -- Pinkish red skin, headache nausea and vomiting. Methemoglobinemia -- Bluish discoloration of skin, headache, nausea and vomiting. (causes are drug or environmental exposure) Cyanide poisoning -- Bitter almond breath, headache nausea and vomiting. (associated with rubber and plastic industry) All three produce same Sxs that’s why most imp diagnostic factor is HX. * Steroid induced myopathy results from long use of Corticosteroids painless proximal muscle weakness; ESR normal; CK level normal. vs. In polymyalgia Rheumatica pain is prominent; Inc ESR; and Sxs will remit with corticosteroids. * Complication associated with high PEEP --- Alveolar damage, Tension Pneumothorax, hypotension. v v imp. * Pt who develop serious bleeding (eg. Intracranial hemorrhage) due to excessive Anticoagulation with warfarin should be given Fresh frozen plasma for rapid reversal of Anticoagulation. * INR < 5 ------ If pt has no significant bleed. tx by omitting the next dose. INR 5 - 9 ------ If pt has no significant bleed. tx by stopping warfarin temporarily. INR > 9 -------- Stop warfarin now and Oral vit K. * Essential tremer are described as tremer that is suppressed at rest and exacerbate to ward the end of goal directed movement. TX -- propanolol. * Elderly with Pneumonia + abdominal pain + confusion + hyponatremia --- think Legionella pneumonia. TX -- Azithromycin and Erythromycin imp. (no other bug can cause confusion or hyponatremia. Legionella cause lobar consolidation and does not respond to beta lactem). * Legionella is resposible for 5 % of community acquired pneumonia and 30 % of nosocomial pneumonia. v v imp. * Acute vertebral Osteomyelitis ---- Best next step in the management is MRI and blood culture. (Xray may be employed in Chronic Osteomyelitis). * Serous Otitis Media is the MC middle ear pathology in AID$, it is due to HIV lymphadenopathy with evidence of acute infection. Exam show hypomobil dull tympanic mem with conducting hearing loss. v v v imp. * Vit B 12 def can also cause memory problem. * Cholangiosarcoma is rare and manifest as severe stricture in biliary tree. If stricture appear on ERCP at any circumstances one must do Biopsy to rule out Cholangiosarcoma. Biliary stricture also appear in Primary sclerosing cholangitis or pt with Ulcerative colitis but rule is same do Biopsy. * In urine + ve leukocyte estrase signify pyuria and + ve nitritis signify Enterobacteriacae. imp * In other wise healthy pt who develop CHF, myocarditis should be high on differential list (specially Coxackie B virus is the MCC) * Eczema and Atopic dermatitis --- tx with topical steroids. * Iron def Anemia is one of the MC presentation of Celiac sprue, also Dermatitis herpetiforme. * Pt planning to travel tp Mexico in < 4 weeks recommend Serum immunoglobulin against virus. vs. If pt plan after 4 weeks give HAV vaccine. v imp. * Non tender solitary nodule in head and neck in elder pt suspect Squamous cell carcinoma sp if pt is smoker. * Vertebral Degenerative Disc Dis is the MCC of spinal stenosis. Flexion of the spine cause widening of the spinal canal and extend cause narrowing for that reason pt pain Inc with standing and dec with sitting or lying down. This phenomenon is called "Neurologic Claudication". Neurologic Claudication & Claudication due to vascular dis (Atherosclerosis) produce same Sxs but in Neurologic claudication peripheral pulses are normal, surprisingly most often these pt do not produce Sxs on straight leg test. Remember in Atherosclerosis induced claudication pulses are diminished. * Vit D toxicity hypercalcemia, constipation, abdominal pain, wt loss, poly urea, polydipsia. TX held Vit D and Ca++. Pt trying to lose wt often use excessive Vit D and mineral supplements. * Pt who develop cardiac dysfunction or even failure weeks to month after penetrating injury --- think AV fistula . AV fistula Inc preload cardiac hypertophy High out put Heart failure. * Hemochromatosis typically appear at age 50 with non specific Sxs. Early dx has significant impact on prognosis. TX -- Pt should avoid all Iron rich food and under go weekly phlebotomy upto 2 - 3 yrs. Deferoxamine is 2nd line drug for those who cannot tolerate phlebotomy. (First degree relative should advised to undergo genetic counseling). * Ulnar nerve $ -- MC site for ulnar nerve entrapment is elbow at medial condyle groove. Commonly seen in those who lean on elbow for long time as working on desk table etc dec sensation over 4th and 5th finger and weaker grip of effected side. Extremely HY for USMLE. * Rabies prophylaxis criteria (Both Active and passive immunization is given) : 1. If animal is not captured it is assumed Rabid --- Post exposure prophylaxis is indicated. 2. If animal is captured and does not show features of of rabies --- observe for 10 days. 3. Post exposure prophylaxis should be started immediately for exposure involving head and neck. * Stone impaction in main pancreatic duct on CT scan in pt with chronic pancreatitis. TX -- Remove stone and Stent insertion with ERCP. * Esophageal cancer may mimic Achalasia clinically, Radiographically & Manometrically. Do not fall for Achalasia trap in elder pt with wt loss & other risk factor. * Fasting Blood glucose test is recommended screening test for DM. Level > 126 mg /dL on two different occasion is dx of DM. (screening test) * Fasting Blood Glucose level b/w 100 - 125 mg / dL is categorized as impaired fasting glucose or Pre diabetes. (Normal is 70 - 100 mg / dL) * If pt already has polyurea, polydipsia & obesity than Random blood glucose test is Recommended. Level > 200 mg / dL confirm the dx. (diagnostic test) * In pregnancy Oral Glucose tolerance test is recommended to screen and confirm Gestation diabetes. 50 g glucose tolerance test is used to screen gestation diabetes; if it is high than 100 g Glucose tolerance is given to confirm the dx. 169 Copy Righted Material. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---- USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 75 g glucose tolerance test is used to screen non gestation DM but it is time consuming, expensive and less preferred. * Methanol Intoxication does not cause any urine crystals or Renal failure, instead it cause Visual impairment and Acute Pancreatitis. vs. Ethylene Glycol intoxication cause Rectangular envelop shape crystals and Renal failure, Respiratory Acidosis and Heart failure. (source Antifreeze). Both cause Anion gap and Osmolar metabolic Acidosis. * Aspirin overdose cause mixed Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis and Respiratory Alkalosis with no Osmolar gap. * Amiodarone cause Pul fibrosis, hepatotoxicity, thyroid dysfunction. PFT, LFT and Thyroid function test should be monitored in those pts. v v v imp. * Joint bleeding (Hemarthrosis) is the MC manifestation of Hemophilia. less common is muscular, GI & GU bleed -- Always think missing factor VIII & IX . * Pt with DKA -- tx with normal saline and Regular Insulin. * Bullous Pamphigous -- occur in elderly. Auto Ab against basement mem glycoprotein (BP 230, BP 180). IgG & C3 deposit in dermal epidermal junction in linear band on skin biopsy. TX of choice is Corticosteroids. v v imp. * Pamphigus Vulgaris -- Auto Ab against Adhesion molecules in skin & mucous mem. IgG deposit intracellularly in the Epidermis, Bullae are flaccid. * Urticaria -- Intradermal edema with leukocyte infiltration. * Cicatriant pehphigoid -- affect mucous mem of mouth, nares, oropharynx, conjunctiva & genitalia. IgG deposit in linear band at dermal epidermal junction. * Herpes Gestationis -- C3 deposit at basement mem zone Epidermal blister in 3rd trimester. * Pt with Post Strep GN -- may cause significant Inc in BUN, Inc Uric Acid in Blood pricarditis. TX -- hempdialysis (because NSAIDs will further deteriorate kidney function) v v v imp. * Indication for Hemodialysis : 1. Refractory Hyperkalemia. 2. Vol overload and Pul edema not responding to diuretics. 3. Refractory metabolic Acidosis. 4. Uremic Pericarditis. 5. Uremic Encephalopathy or neuropathy. 6. Coagulopathy due to renal failure. * Mild hepatic injury with Isoniazid (manifest same as viral hepatitis) will resolve without intervention, Complete the course donot stop the medication. * If signs of ominous form of hepatotoxicity develop in pt who is taking Isoniazid drug should be discontinues. Risk group are those who drink Alcohol, or already have hepatitis dis, or pt who is 50 yrs or older. TX -- 2nd line Anti TB agent. * Acoustic neuroma --- MRI with Gadolinum is preferred over CT scan. * PCP intoxication -- tx with urine acidification, Haloperidol in case of psychotic behavior, close monitoring until condition resolves. * FOOT Ulcer Classification in DM : Grade 0 ----- high risk foot with out an ulcer.. Grade 1 ----- superficial ulcer with full thickness skin involvement. Management - proper wound care and debridement. Grade 2 ----- Deep ulcer penetrating the ligament ulcer. No bone involvement or abscess. Management - proper wound care and debridement. Grade 3 ----- Deep ulcer with cellulitis, Abscess formation and Osteomyelitis. Management - Proper wound care, debridement and Antibiotics. Grade 4 ----- localized gangrene. Management - Hospitalization and surgical consultation. Grade 5 ----- Extensive gangrene involve whole foot. Management - Hospitalization and Surgical consultation (possible revascularization or Amputation). * 21 Hydroxylase def is the MCC of congenital Adrenal hyperplasia, Inc Androgen, dec mineral corticoids, dec Glucocorticoids Virilization in female and Androgenization in male. Salt wasting is also present. Partial def typically appear in adulthood as Androgenization. * 17 hydroxylase def delayed puberty and Inc miralcorticoid activity. * 11 beta hydroxylase def Inc Androgen and Inc mineralcorticoid. * 3 beta hydroxylase def Inc DHEA - S, dec testosterone, dec mineralocorticoids. * Cystathione synthatase def homocystinuria marfan body hiatus, dislocation of lense, fair skin, vascular thrombosis. * Glucocorticoids cause neutrophilia by increasing the bone marrow release and mobilizing marginated neutrophil pool. (donot confuse it infection during glucocorticoid therapy). v imp. * Pt with vomiting who develop alkalosis --- tx with normal saline and K+. * Sedative should be avoided in COPD due to hypoventilatory effect & resultant hypercapnia lethargy, somnolence, seizures, coma & even death. v imp. * Hemochromatosis can cause deposition of hemosiderin in pituitary hypogonadism due to dec in Gonadotropic hormone. v imp. * Suspect MS in pt with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia. * If Spirometry shows ---- dec FEV1 / FVC indicate Obstructive lung dis (do bronchodilator challenge test) --- if FEV1 is Inc than it is Asthma. if No in FEV1 than it is COPD * If Spirometry shows ---- Normal or Inc FEV1 / FVC & dec VC indicates Restrictive Lung dis (do DLCO) --- if DLCO is normal than it is Chest Wall weakness. If DLCO is dec than it is Interstitial lung dis. * DLCO is only dec in Interstitial lung dis, where as FEV1 / FVC Inc or stay normal. VC is dec. * C - cell hyperplasia Inc Calcitonin Inc serum Ca++, Inc AP, dec Phosphate. * Theophylline has very narrow therapeutic window. its toxicity cause CNS stimulation, nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia (due to phosphodiestrase inhibition, adenosine inhibition and stimulation of EN release) * If pt is on theophylline and taking antibiotics for infection (sp ciprofloxacin and erythromycin) -- suspect theophylline toxicity. * When evaluating Psudomotor Ceribrii do lumbar puncture only after ruling out space occupying brain lesion with CT or MRI. (danger of herniation). 170 Copy Righted Material. * Acyclovir can cause crystalline nephropathy if adequate hydration is not provided. GN. * Cholesterol screening start at age 35 in men and 45 in women.Suggest fulminant Hepatitis failure. you put him on medication (antiviral) later LFT shows Normal Pt & aPTT & dec transaminase -.splenomegaly (fair prognosis) Stage 3 ------.Anemia (intermediate prognosis) Stage 4 ------.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. It is common presentation of catheter induced Athero embolism. impair immunity. many suggest till 70 yrs of age. * Radioiodine therapy is more likely to cause hypothyroidism in pt with Grave dis than those with other causes of hyperthyroidism. wt loss.Thrombocytopenia (poor prognosis) * U/S of Kidney. Renal perirenal abscess or other pathology. v v v imp. * Cryoglobinemia palpable purpura. * Chronic hepatitis B with high viral load tx with IF and Lamivudine.2 yrs starting at age 40 in pt with average risk of breast cancer. cryoglobinemia. * Vit A def blindness. (Inc preload distend the myocardium and dec out flow obstruction).nausea. For Subacute cases sumatriptan. dryness. Non Ionic contrast are associated with lower incidence of nephropathy in the presence of adequate IV hydration and Acetylecysteine. * Pt with fever. 171 Copy Righted Material. * Chronic hepatitis C is associated with # of extrahepatic complications -. B cell lypmphoma. Lithium and Ergotamine. DM. smudge cells) Stage 0 ------. * Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis in the pt with chronic genitourinary infection ---. dec complement level + Hepatitis C. prolong PR interval. * Cluster headache is present with Acute severe retro orbital pain that wakes pt up from sleep. * Digoxin side effects -. specially in 3rd trimester. v v v imp. * Positioning the pt with pneumonia on consolidated lung segment in dependent position can Inc the right to left shunt.1. if there is EBV DNA in CSF and Weakly Ring Enhancing Solitary periventricular mass on MRI.suggest recovery. It typically dx during and after cholecystectomy. . * Contrast induced nephropathy sp older Ionic hyperosmolar agent particularly in pt with Cr > 1. ureter and bladder should be done in pt with benign prostate hyperplasia who have elevated serum creatinine. * Laxative Abuse in characterized by very frequent diarrhea. skin lesion (dermatitis). * Lidocaine is not used prophylactically in pt with MI or acute coronary $. * Mamogram should be performed every 1 . * Cholecystectomy is sufficient tx of carcinoma confined to bladder mucosae.Scooped ST segment.fib but it may Inc the risk of Asystole. Esophagus Manometry shows multiple contraction on the tracing from middle and lower esophagus. Inc aPTT and dec Transaminase -. vs. No clear stop. Manometry in Achalasia shows contraction on tracing in lower Esophageal sphincter. vs. * Pt with Viral hepatitis. Although emboli can lodge any where in the body. * Prognosis of CLL (small mature appearing lymphocytes. * Diffuse Esophageal spasm occur due to uncoordinated contraction. * Acute Pyelonephritis can potentially results in Gram . Variation on SaO2 by switching the side Inc ventilation and perfusion due to gravity. you put him on medication (antiviral) later LFT shows Inc PT. Urine & blood culture should be routinely obtain prior to administer Antibiotics.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is Autosomal dominant inheritance classically produce Left lower sternal border murmur that Inc with Inc in preload such as by squatting etc. non specific Sxs. * Zinc def Alopecia. * Hypovolemic Shock is potential early complication of Acute Pancreatitis due to Activated pancreatic enz that cause Inc in capillary permeability in and around the pancrease Exudation of large vol in retroperitonium. 3. For that reason all pt with cryoglobinemia should be checked for HCV infection (pts are usually adults). Shorten QT interval and T wave inversion. * In Elderly E.lymphocytosis only (good prognosis) Stage 1 ------. anorexia + Strep bovis on blood culture --. It may accompanied by Redness of ipsilateral eye. Hepatitis E can vertically transmitted to fetus with significant perinatal morbidity and mortality. coli is the MCC of Acute Protatitis.presents in childhood but serum complement level is normal and Hepatitis C infection is not associated. (remember Toxoplasmosis usually presents with multiple Ring enhancing mass on MRI). TX -. Pt presents with severe pain that radiates to back. * Dystonia (Extrapyramidal side effect) due to metoclopramide is tx with benztropin or diphenhydramine.5 or diabetes. * Henoch schonlein prupura -. Prophylaxis Verapamil. peripheral neuropathy.suspect Enterococcus organisms (cystoscopy is the cause).must evaluate pt with colonoscopically or radiographically as a next step (because Strep Bovis is associated with Colorectal cancer). Pt digoxin level must be follow closely. * Athero Embolism results from dislodged cholesterol plaque from Aortic root Blue toe $. step in management is Perform renal U/S to check for obstruction. vomiting. Biopsy finding shows Dark brown discoloration of colon with Lymph follicles shining through a pale patches "Melanosis Coli".100 % O2. * Pt with Viral hepatitis. hepatosplenomegaly. stuffed runny nose and ipsilateral Horner $. 2. * Acute pyelonephritis that is not responding to appropriate antibiotics -. * Suspect Primary CNS lymphoma in HIV pt with altered mental sepsis. arthralgia. imp to understand. Checking cholesterol every 5 yrs in normal risk pt with normal lipid in the past is advocated. * Digoxin toxicity -. diarrhea.lymphocytes + Adenopathy (fair prognosis) Stage 2 ------. Although its use dec the risk of V . * HTN. Prostate massage and urethral catheterization is contraindicated due to risk of septicemia. in which emboli to pedal circulation cause cyanotic painful toe with intact impulse. Ischemic heart dis are multifactorial inheritance. Membrano proliferative GN. * Infection with hepatitis E virus has high rate of progression to fulminant hepatitis in pregnant women. Do culture of mid stream urine sample. abnormal taste and abnormal wound healing. blurry yellow vision and arrhythmia. It is usually caused by disc herniation.give reassurance.4 yrs. Failure of Lidocaine injection to improve the Sxs confirm the dx. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. urgency.same as above + Ampicillin (to cover listeria monocytogenes).donot give influenza and yellow fever vaccine. * Palliative Radiation + Leuprolide (antiandrogen LHrH analogue) is the tx of choice in metastatic prostate cancer. DM. Amiodarone. or who is taking steroids. * In temponade pt is always hypotensive. suprapubic discomfort but .hyperurecemia. or immunosupressed ---. which commonly occur in bony prominence due to constant pressure.Vancomycin + ceftazime (to cover staph aureus and Pseudomonas respectively) 172 Copy Righted Material. HAART. weakness. * Hyperkalemia + Arrhythmia (life threatening) ----. (Flutamide is inferior than Leuprolide) * In general Membranous nephropathy (nephrotic $) is the MC nephropathy associated with malignancy. * Initial Hematuria (in start of urine stream) suggest uretheral injury. * Empiric tx for meningitis is age dependant : Community Acquired Bacterial meningitis (CABM) in adults and children ---. diltiazam. hyperlipidemia. Varenciline is partial agonist at nicotine acetylcholine receptor and is some what more effective than Bupropione. * Pt repositioning every two hrs prevent decubitus ulcers. (pain of acute appendicitis is visceral followed by somatic pain).Baseline HIV testing should be performed immediately and with 2 or 3 Antiretroviral drugs prophylaxis should be started immediately with out delay. * Cocaine over dose Rhabdomyolysis (20%). Risk can be dec by aggressive hydration & urine alkalinization. v v imp. Total hematuria (in whole urine stream) suggest Renal cause. hyperkalemia. If bradycardia does not resolve than Permanent Pace maker may be necessary. Massage over bony prominence is not recommended. Remember if Lidocaine injection improves the Sxs it suggest Rotator cuff tendonitis. 2nd step is lower down serum K+ with Insulin and Glucose and Na+ Bicarbonate and Beta 2 agonist (albuterol).IV ceftriaxone + Ampicilline (to cover listeria monocytogenes) Hospitalized pt who developed meningitis sp after neurosurgery ---. * Renal transplant provide better survival rate and quality of life than hemodialysis. * Accidental needle stick from HBV + ve pt. * Mostly tea and toast diet + anemia -------.obesity. Porphyria cutanea tarda. Na Bicarbonate.Vancomycin + ceftriaxone (it cover strep pneumoniae. dec sensation. H Influenza. Pt < 3 months of age with meningitis ---. hypopituitarism. If still there is excess K+ eliminate it with diuretics. Primary Adrenal insufficiency. Type I DM. trauma & malignancy Bilateral UMN signs (such as hyperreflexia. 7. * Cataract is oxidative damage of lens with urine culture to urinary cytology & cyctoscopy to rule out bladder cancer. & Neisseria) CABM in > 55 yrs old. Take following measures. Remember Red Flag is Saddle Anesthesia and compromised bladder and bowel step is surgical removal of testis along with its cord (high Inguinal Orchiectomy or Radical Orchiectomy). v v v imp * Pt with irritative voiding with frequency. * Accident needle stick injury form HIV pt ---. (testicular cancer has Good prognosis). hyperphosphatemia. corticosteroids. * Methotrexate & Trimethoprim antagonize the effect of folic acid.give hepatitis vaccine and HB immunoglobins. * Bupropione (antidepressant) as quit smoking aid should be used in conjunction with counseling and nicotine replacement because it is moderately effective at increasing quit rate. * Thiamine def cause Wernikes Encephalopathy Encephalopathy + Ocular motor dysfunction + Gait Ataxia. hypocalcemia (released phosphate from tumor cell lysis binds with Ca++ with resultant hypocalcemia). 6. * Pain and weakness when lifting the arm above shoulder suggest Rotators cuff tear results from chronic rotator cuff tendonitis or shoulder trauma. as dis progress it become somatic pain (due to inflamed peritoneal and muscle) and move to RLQ with more severe intensity.1st administer IV Ca++ gluconate to stabilize cardiac mem. Autoimmune thyroiditis. v v v imp * Symptomatic sinus bradycardia should be tx first with Atropine followed by Transcutaneous pacing. Autoimmune thyroiditis. Except Hodgekin lymphoma which usually cause Minimal change dis (nephrotic $). If victim has known immunity (vaccines hx up to date) ---. Inc CPK Inc risk of Acute tubular necrosis. * If Alcoholic pt presents with Acute nausea. confabulation and Apathy (lack of energy). Vit B 12 stores are sufficient to last 3 . 8. Beta 2 agonist. vomiting (which is not coffee ground color). * Solid Testicular mass + suggestive U/S -----. If victim immunity is unknown or no immunity ---. (living related donor is best). * Pt with MI who develop Cold legs -. bowel & bladder dysfunction) distal to level of compression. * Tumor lysis $ -.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS 4. epigastric pain with low grade fever-----. Alopecia Acreata. * Pt with egg allergy ----. abscess. Terminal Hematuria (at the end of urine stream) suggest bladder or prostate damage. . Sjogren $. Lichen planus. tamoxifen. * Agent that shift K+ inside cell are Insulin & glucose. * Core pulmonale is RHF due to pulmonary dis. If tumor is metastasized Do surgery along with radiation and chemo therapy. * Spinalcord Compression is Emergency do prompt MRI to evaluate damage. * Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Risk factors are ---. * Phenytoin impairs the absorption of folic acid. 5.think Acute pancreatitis. * Vitiligo is some time associated with pernicious Anemia.think folate def. .PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Do Echo to rule out Left ventricle thrombus. * Chronic thiamine def cause Korsakoff $ irreversible amnesia. * Pain of acute appendicitis is typically visceral (due to inflamed viscera) and constant first around umbilicus. Now MRI is the next step. * Acalculus Cholicystitis is an acute inflammation of gall bladder in the absence of gallstones. * Emphysema (pink puffers) dec FEV / FVC. Choledochal cyst can degenerate into cholangio carcinoma. * Corticosteroid induced Avascular necrosis of femoral Head progressive Hip and groin pain with out restriction of motion.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Ursodeoxycholic acid is the tx of choice in Primary biliary cirrhosis as it relives Sxs and lengthen transplant free survival time. If serum testosterone is elevated and DHEAS is normal it indicate Ovarian source. * Agent that Inc warfarin toxicity are Vit E. * Poison Ivy and Nickel jewelry cause Allergic contact dermatitis. prolong fasting. * With age progressive dec in Baroreceptors sensitivity and defect in myocardial response to this reflex are the main reasons of Inc Incidence of Orthostatic hypotension in elderly.10 days after transfusion due to Amnestic Antibodies response. . TX of choice is Clindamycin. Inc functionality and slows progression of dis. * Pica of ice indicative of Iron def. Ginkobiloba.. Remember if serum testosterone is normal and DHEAS is elevated it suggest Adrenal source. * Platelet is indicated when pt is actively bleeding due to low platelet or when platelet count is < 20000 . Regardless what causing it first thing to do is administer Vit K. * Reaction to Cytokines stored in transfused blood Febrile non hemolytic reaction. dec DLCO.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Adenocarcinoma is MC lung cancer in non smoker.First check Serum testosterone & DHEAS level.occur in 2 . vs.1st step is Exchange transfusion. hemolysis. Serum FSH and LH should be suppressed due to Inc androgen. * Medication that cause hyperkalemia are ACE inhibitor. * Measurement of 17 hydroxyprogesterone is used as screening test for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. * Pt with prostate cancer and bony metastasis who gone under Orchiectomy is now having severe back pain --. * Pt with fever + foul smelling sputum Anaerobic pulmonary infection. ginseng. severe trauma. * Viral Myocarditis (Coxackie B virus) --. normal DLCO. It is Type IV Hypersensitivity. "stocking & gloves pattern" of sensory loss. Most cases are related to Anomalous Pancreatobiliary junction. It is least associated with smoking but it is also a 2nd MC lung cancer in smoker. often presents with polycystic ovary dis & hyperandrogenism. hematuria. imp. * Non Classical Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia appear in teenagers or early adulthood. fibrosis and metastasize early. vs. Best initial test is PanEndoscopy (triple endoscopy) Panendoscopy = esophagoscopy + Bronchoscopy + laryngoscopy. shock. Trimethprim.give TMP / SMX and Azithromycin. * Continuous murmur in Periumbilical area or in Flank is characteristic of Renal Artery Stenosis Resistant HTN. * Alcoholic with palpable cervical lymphnode ---. * Symmetrical distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy is MC type of Diabetic Neuropathy. Once it shows abnormality do CT scan. 173 Copy Righted Material. * Ectopic ACTH production cannot be suppressed by high dose Dexamethasone test. vs. Garlic. It is MC seen in severely ill hospitalized pt such as sever burn victim. * Hypoglycemia cause Adrenaline release palpitation and sweating. * Atopic dermatitis (Type I Hypersensitivity) pruritic papules and vesicles. hyperkeratosis of lesion may become cutaneous horn. prolong total parenteral nutrition. * HIV pt with dry cough & pneumonia -. * Women who develop musculinization over short period of time -----. v v imp. Inc vascularity. Chronic Bronchitis (blue bloaters) dec FEV / FVC.1st step is Antibiotics and supportive care. mechanical ventilation. (hyperkalemia muscle weakness and dec deep tendon reflexes). * Transfusion reaction to ABO mismatch Rapid fever. Now confirm the dx and eliminate antibiotic which is not necessary. DIC. if fail than surgical intervention is indicated. flank pain. * Sickle Cell associated Acute vaso occlusive crisis ---. It occur usually at the periphery of lung and consist of columnar cells. * Caroli $ is congenital dilatation of Intrahepatic bile ducts. if that doest work do Biliary decompression (drainage) with ERCP.wt loss will dec joint pain. Initial step is U/S followed by CT or MRI. * Presbyopia is common age related dec of lens elasticity difficulty with near vision. (pt may or may not have normal BP). It consider premalignant and is associated with Squamous cell carcinoma in (1% pts). both promotes diastolic relaxation.30000. Radiograph is normal in early stage for that reason do MRI (Gold standard for AVN). Spironolactone.Radiation tx is the most appropriate next step.suspect cancer mucosae of head or neck. * Invasive cluster of spindle cell surrounded by palisade Basal Cell -----. * Choledochal cyst is congenital dilatation of Intra and / or Extra hepatic biliary ducts. U/S will show thick walled dilated gallbladder. v v imp. * Delayed Hemolytic transfusion reaction --. It is MC type of transfusion reaction. * Elevated PT / INR level in pt with liver failure is due to Vit K def or liver cirrhosis.Echo shoe dilated ventricle with diffuse hypokinesia systolic dysfunction. * Chronic cholicystitis show small fibrosed gall bladder on U/S. * Adenocarcinoma Bronchoalveolar type is imp because pulmonary scarring. vs. * First time tx for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is either beta blocker or Ca channel blocker (diltiazam). * Actinic keratosis occur in sun exposed area erythematous papules with central scales "sand paper like" texture.Basal Cell Carcinoma. Once Sxs resolves now do Laproscopic cholecystectomy. v imp. * Osteoarthritis in obese pt -. microscopy show spongiosus “edema of epidermis". st john wort and some antibiotics. * Pt with symptomatic Acute cholicystitis and stone blocking biliary tree on U/S ---. DHEAS is secreted from adrenal and ovary but Sulfated form is specific for Adrenals. dec vascularity. Renal failure and Hemorrhage. * Bone marrow Iron stain is most definitive way to dx Iron def anemia. * Hypokalemia -. Causes are Alcoholism.6 or LDH conc > 2 / 3 of upper limit of normal serum LDH. (tx require usually in elderly). vs. * Abdominal U/S is the test of choice for dx and follow up of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (100% sensitive and specific).3. * MCC of interstitial pneumoniae is Mycoplasma Hetrophil Ab test. drugs. * Acute Angle Glaucoma -. * Frost bite -. emotions and causes of rapid body temp changes. * Suspect Rosacea in 30 .5 2. v v v imp.Quinolones and aggressive surgical debridement. * Enterobius vermicularis --. * Crescendo . 2. possible Autoimmune etiology). * Shallow fibrin coated ulceration with underlying mononuclear infiltration ----. * Splenomegaly and Posterior Cervical Lymphadenopathy are not usually seen in strep throat.0 . Alternative is Pyrental pamoate.0 is desireable in A . * Acromegaly -. It may be associated with Parkinson dis or HIV. INR > 4 indicates pt will bleed.Pneumococcal. pH < 7.2. * Viral Influenza -. Even after vaccines risk of sepsis presents upto 30 yrs.fib and Idiopathic venous thrombosis. B6 def. Neurologic Sxs (all due to compromised micro vasculatures blocking). Initial tx is Topical Metronidazole.think TTP and HUS.Squamous cell carcinoma. hemophillus and meningococcal vaccines should be administer several weeks before surgery and penecillin prophylaxis for 5 yrs following surgery. heat. * Pt with muffled voice + sore throat.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Pt with Acute Good Pasture $ ---. Other causes of interstitial pneumoniae are Legionella. SLE rash have no pustular papules.5 is desireable in prosthetic heart valve pt. RF.1st step measure GH following oral glucose (gold standard test). Preparation of orthopedic surgery. * Sodium Bicarbonate Narrows the QRS complex. temporal arteritis.shows u wave. * Indication of Paget dis tx : (Asymptomatic pt with paget dis do not require any tx. Effusion serum protein Ratio > 0. Glucose < 60 mg / dL. * TMP / SMX prevent PCP and Toxoplasmosis in HIV pt.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Invasive cord of squamous cell with keratin pearls -----. influenza. * Spironolactone is diuretic of choice in treating cirrhotic Ascitis.microcytic hypochromic anemia. deviation of uvula suggest peitonsillar abscess complication of tonsillitis.Prompt Chest tube drainage. 4. INR 2.60 yrs old with telangiectasia over the cheek nose and chin along with pustule and papule. Symptomatic pt is tx with Biphosphonate) 1.HUS is thought to be due to def or Auto Ab against vWF cleaving protein (ADAMTS . * Nail puncture wound causing Osteomyelitis is most like due to Pseudomonas. * Hetrophil Ab test (Mono test) is used to dx Infectious step in management is look for malignancy with CT scan. difficulty swallowing. Sodium Bicarbonate is used in TCA intoxication (Widening of QRS by depressing Na channel.13) accumulation of large vWF multimers and platelets aggregation hemolytic anemia. it is fatal).think hyperplastic cardiomyopathy.Aphthous ulcer (recurrent ulcer of oral mucosae. vs.dilated pupil with poor light response (v imp sign to distinguished from migraine. vs. preventing the development of arrhythmia by alleviating the cardio depressant action on Na Channels.tx is liver transplantation. 174 Copy Righted Material. serum Iron Inc.0 = PT is normal "control". * INR 1. If GH is not suppressed confirm the clinical dx. TIBC dec. Neurologic deficit. Hypercalcemia of immobilization. Flushing of these area is precipitated by hot drink. flat and broad T wave and premature ventricular beat along with muscular weakness and fatigue. EBV specific Ab test is used in pt with high suspect of Infectious mononucleosus but with . fever. * LIGHT Criteria for EXUDATE Pleural Effusion : 1. * Young Athlete with sudden death ----.3. TX is urgent drainage of abscess. * Seborrheic dermatitis -. 5.Decrescendo murmur at lower left sternal border + syncope ----. TX -. * Erythema multiforme is characteristic extrapulmonary manifestation of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae occur in indolent form. * Pt going under splenectomy surgery --. cluster headache. Involvement of wt bearing bones (prevent deformity). . 6.+ ve Gram stain or Culture of fluid. keratoconjunctivitis) * Hepato renal $ -. High out put Cardiac failure. * Sideroblastic Anemia -. (if only tests are given in choices). chlamydia. TX with Albendazole or Mebendazole.5 . TX -. * Complication of Effusion is determined by following --. size or becoming painful or itchy. TX -. * Migratory Thrombophlebitis -. * LVEDP is elevated in systolic heart failure and may be normal in pure Diastolic heart failure.Emergency plasmapharesis is required quick differential dx is very imp to start tx because Wagner’s Granulomatosis is tx differently with combination of Cyclophosphamide and steroids.tx must be started wit in 48 hrs with Aseltamavir. v v rapid rewarming with warm water. * Unexplained Hemolytic Anemia + thrombocytopenia + Renal failure + Neurologic Sxs -----.waxy scales with underlying erythema on scalp or on body folds. Most likely cause of death is Fatal Ventricular Arrhythmia. 3. * Always think of melanoma in pt with mole which is changing in color. Effusion serum LDH Ratio > 0. v imp.plasmapharesis (plasma exchange) is the tx of choice must be given promptly. INR 2. Bone pain. * TTP .Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. do not debride ant tissue until pt is completely warm. imp. imp. coxiella.dx with scotch tape test. now evaluate the damage. 175 Copy Righted Material. hypercapnia. hepatic Renal failure can occur. TX -. CT scan show multiple non enhancing lesion with mass effect. * MRI is contraindicated in pt with Pace maker and Renal failure. CT shows scarring and atrophy. * Monoclonal gamopathy of Undetermined significance (MGUS) --. Abdominal CT scan is used to confirm the dx and identifying complications. + / .Inc DHEA . cholangitis.are usually malignant. * Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (JC virus. sweating may become ineffective and hyperthermia may result. blocker is superior to sclerotherapy in primary prophylaxis of vericeal hemorrhage. vs. the preferred tx is surgical removal of tumor because it does not respond to chemotherapy. Calcitrol may be normal or dec (due to defective .25 hydroxy vit D)). colon cancer. cough. * Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis occurs many yrs after antecedent measles infection. After that perform Annual Cytologic screening. narrow QRS. * Heat stroke dehydration. donot confuse with MM or Waldenstrome macroglobinemia. hypotension. . * A . Routine monitoring of WBC is not practiced in propylthiouracil and Methimazole tx. Human polyoma virus) in AIDS pt hemiparesis.Saw tooth pattern. * Women who is treated for CIN II / III should receive Pap smear with or with out Colposcopy & Endocervical curettage every 6 month.CNS deficit.disorganized atrial activity no discernible P wave. * In type II Vit D dependent Rickets there is mutation of Vit D receptors.S (Dihydroepiandrostenidione sulfate) virilization. blocker also shown usefulness in secondary prevention of recurrent bleeding. imp. Once metastasis is confirmed do Radiotherapy. Abdominal U/S is used as 1st step in all pt experiencing 1st attack of Acute pancreatitis. absent P wave. Inc WBC count is indicative of Exudate but does not indicate Empyema. vs. * Albuterol in high dose as in Severe life threatening Asthma may cause hypokalemia which can results into muscle weakness. results are obtained. palpitation and headache. choking sensation sp in over wt pt ------. until . * Pt with Asthma and having Inc Night time Sxs + Sore throat Think of GERD associated night time Sxs.immediately check WBC count if it is low stop the tx. v v v imp. A . IgG) is < 3000 mg / dL and Bone marrow plasma cell < 10%. antihistamine. Vit D (25OH) and PTH but dec phosphate ----. * Propylthiouracil or methimazole cause agranulocytosis so if pt show up with sore throat & fever ----. cholangiocarcinoma. tachycardia. Heart block often seen.fib -------. hyperthermia. Tremer. necrotizing dermatitis.think X linked Hypophosphatemia Rickets (Renal phosphate wasting). * Gall stones are common cause of Acute Pancreatitis in USA. * A . vs. * Obstructive Sleep Apnea cause Apnea and pt snores but choking coughing is not present. In temp > 75 % humidity.think Analgesic induced Papillary necrosis due to papillary ischemia because of vasoconstriction of vasa recta in medulla. Drugs that precipitate the situation are Antichlinergic. * Enlarged blind spot is seen in papilledema.occur in other wise healthy person who is engaged in body heat generating activity in Hot Humid Environment. 2nd step is MRI of spine (or CT if MRI is contraindicated). * Repeated nocturnal awakening with dyspnea. Inc total protein. * Pt with AIDS dementia complex ---. vs.fib -. Analgesic cause Chronic tubulo interstitial damage in long term use.Imaging shows cortical & sub cortical atrophy and secondary ventricular enlargement. * Primary sclerosing Cholangitis --. * BPH starts in the center area of prostate. Prostate carcinoma starts in the periphery. * Central Sleep Apnea Apnea occur due to failure of central Respiratory drive typically seen in stroke pt.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Na Bicarbonate is also used in Aspirin overdose for the Alkalinization of urine to Inc Salisylate excretion. * Pt with Hx of headache now presents with hematuria ----. Pt shows Sxs of Rickets. * Androgen producing tumor ---. 1st step give IV steroids.Intubate immediately & start mechanical ventilation. v v imp. Inc LDH. IgM.flutter ---. tachypnea. EKG abnormality. * Alcoholic pt with large varices noticed on Esophagoscopy ---. If pt is stable Ca ++ channel blocker (diltiazam) + anticoagulation is given. vision & Gait. disturbance of speech.if pt is unstable immediate cardioversion should be performed. One of the earliest finding is pt sees straight line wavy. * Heat Stroke is defined as temp > 105 F ----. * Pt with prostate cancer presents with severe back pain with brisk reflexes and low muscle power in lower extremities ----. somnolence. TX -.Reassurance and regular follow up due to 25% chances of developing serious disease.give prophylactic non selective blocker.M protein (IgA.chronic & progressive inflamatory fibrosis of medium & large size ducts of intra & extra hepatic biliary tree with eventual complication of stricture. Arrhythmia.think Acute cord compression. wt loss) -. AP. * Pt with Asthma who develop Respiratory failure (hypoxia. 3 : 1 or 4 :1.think GERD. DIC.1 hydroxylase calcitrol (1. * Glucagonoma (hyperglycemia. * Pt with Rickets with normal Ca++. drowsiness) -----. * Macular degeneration is MCC of blindness in industrial countries. Systemic effect like seizures ARD$. Pt has normal serum Calcitrol but it is ineffective. * It is pH < 7. It is associated with ulcerative colitis. Ventricular rate is determined by AV node conduction 2 : 1.2 that indicate pleural effusion is empyema and is the indicator of removal of fluid with chest tube placement by thoracostomy. * Staph Aureus is MC cause of Osteomyelitis in Infant and Children. Band ligation of verices is for those who can not tolerate beta blocker and has high risk varices. v v imp. Glucose < 60 mg/ dL is also an indicator of tube thoracostomy.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Irregularly Irregular RR interval. Chocking and coughing is not present. Give a trial of Omeprazole or Ranitidine. * Brain death is clinical dx -. chest pain + / . * Pt with Non Inflamatory chronic prostatitis are afibrile but have irritating voiding Sxs such as urinary frequency.suggest possibility of HIV. spasticity along with variety of lower extremity finding. diaphoresis. * Cardiogenic Shock PCWP Inc. * Loop diuretics cause hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia and also potentiate the effect of Digoxin. .characterized by absent cortical and brain stem function. hypokalemia.Saddle Anesthesia. * When spinal cord is involve it produce + ve bibinski. normal PT.check beta hCG. * Septic Shock Inc Cardiac out put.5 vol %. firm friable Exophytic nodule on skin in HIV is most like Bacillary Angiomatosis. * Normal Pt with only dec in platelet ----. hyperreflexia. It is aggressive respond well to chemotherapy. Non tender subcutaneous nodule are palpable proximal to body are characteristic.15 days after initiation of heparin bleeding (lab = dec INR. Back ground or simple Retinopathy (micro aneurysm. Uterus is often enlarge with irregular dark vaginal bleed beyond 8 weeks. * AML Predominantly Myeloid cells. Inc aPTT.hemoptysis few months after postpartum and chest Xray shows multiple nodule of different shape ---. Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase + ve (TdT). * ERCP is the investigation of 1st choice in the pt with recurrent Pancreatitis with no obvious cause. Angiodysplasia (aka Vascular Actasia) is 2nd MCC of painless GI bleed (effecting ascending colon & cecum) it is well association with Aortic stenosis. Normal MVo2. It is typically preceded by lightheadedness due to drop in BP on standing. * Pt with heparin tx may also develop paradoxical thrombosis (white clot $) and could be life threatening. and pallor prior to syncope.suggest EBV. Auer rods are specific.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Pt on heparin should be regularly checked for platelet count. The Colonoscopic findings are cherry red fern like pattern of blood vessel radiating from central feeding vessel is diagnostic. * Heparin induced thrombocytopenia occur 3 . Occur in response to pain. Bibinski always . If pt who is taking Digoxin shows arrhythmia --. * Three main component of Diabetic Retinopathy : 1. vs. Remember it is hyperosmolar fluid (parenteral nutrition) that is irritating and traumatizing the vessels and causing thrombosis. urgency & hesitancy. Surgical repair of fissure is indicated in Acute recurrent and chronic fissure. vs. bowel bladder dysfunction. * Orthostatic hypotension cause presyncopal sensation and possible syncope. Lymphoblast lack peroxidase + ve granule but often contain aggregates of Periodic acid schiff (PAS) + ve material. Commonly diverticula are located in Sigmoid colon. Pre proliferative Retinopathy ( cotton wool spots) 3. 176 Copy Righted Material. * Neurogenic Shock and hypovolemic Shock dec MVo2. emotion.think of subclavian vein thrombosis. v v v imp. It is preferred and safe in pt with Renal and liver failure who is under going surgery.CSF shows oligocolonal bands (immunoglobulins). * Dyspnea. vs. * Sporothrix * Excessive vagal tone is the mechanism behind Vasovagal syncope ---. * Initial tx of both Acute & chronic Anal fissure include dietary modification + stool softener + Local Anesthetics. Urine Analysis and Prostatic secretion are normal and show no bacteria on culture. hemorrhage. * Atracurioum is neuromuscular blocker (use in anesthesia) that metabolized in plasma by serum estrase. Angiodysplasia. * pt with swell arm which is pale and pulses but pulses are present + pt is on parenteral nutrition ----. Predominantly lymphoblastic. Lateral Sphincterectomy is standard tx.characterized by nausea. Remove the central line (subclavian catheter) immediately do U/S to document the thrombus and for need of Anticoagulant. Inc aPTT is therapeutic effect. CSF pressure. It could be Choriocarcinoma (metastatic form of Gestational trophoblastic dis). Spinal cord may still be functioning therefore deep tendon reflex may be present. * Cystinuria ---. urination etc. retinal edema) 2. * Evaluation of liver damage in Acute hepatitis is LFT and Viral serology. hypertonia.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Rhabdomyolysis is common due to Alcoholism and may cause ATN. hypophosphatemia.first thing to do is measure Electrolyte and digoxin. "starry sky appearance". Evaluation of Liver damage in Chronic hepatitis is based upon liver biopsy. * Normal PCWP is ----* Normal mean Venous O2 conc (MVo2) is 15.hexagonal crystals in urine. Argon laser photocoagulation prevents complication. Proliferative or Malignant Retinopathy ( neovascularization visual impairment & macular edema. * Cauda Equina $ --. * Bright Red. * Infectious mononucleosis like illness without tonsillar exudate with diarrhea ----. Renal failure. PCWP dec. protein and cell counts are HIV test (because thrombocytopenia is the initial presentation of HIV in 10 % of pts).painless nodule that becomes ulcer. * MCC of painless Rectal bleed in elderly is Diverticulosis. Serum CK should be measured in suspected pts. Urine Cyanide Nitroprisside test is + ve and help to confirm the dx. TPR dec. > 25 % lymphoblast in bone marrow is diagnostic. * Burkitt lymphoma (neoplasm of Mature B Cell) Associated with EBV. (do not confuse with hepatorenal $) Other causes of rhabdomyolysis are cocaine use. exudate. Infectious mononucleosis like illness with tonsillar exudate with out diarrhea ----. An Isolated EEG can be used as confirmatory test but it is not necessary. dec Platelets) dec platelet is adverse side effect. * MM --. * ALL is commonly occur in children. low back pain and variety of lower extremity finding. vs. if . 177 Copy Righted Material.Pt should begin surveillance Colonoscopy after 8 yrs of having the dis. if there is no saddle anesthesia or focal neurologic signs * Diabetic foot ulcer that cause Osteomyelitis -----. confusion. poor memory & depression -----.90 min -------. Staph Aureus (25%). Ejection fraction is normal. apathy).CXR shows pulmonary nodule with "halo sign" or the lesion with "air crescent". paresthesia. typically after 2 days (CK . metabolic alkalosis. 2/3 of melanoma are thought to be due to excessive sun exposure. (best useful indicator of dehydration).3 yrs.normal or Inc best diagnostic step is U/S.2 days). wt loss. Causes are Anxiety. v v imp. * Pt with hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated type) -------. v imp * Ehrlichiosis --. redness.a gradient -----* Modified Acid fast stain shows Oocytes in the stool of HIV pt with cryptosporidium parvum diarrhea. If pt is hemodynamically unstable (hypotension. * Carotid massage is useful in Supraventricular tachycardia (narrow complex). wide pulse P. CHF. * CK . altered sensorium. silent lung.Cardioversion.pathologic mechanism is direct inocculation. * Post traumatic Osteomyelitis -----. vs. 4 Biopsies should be obtain every 10 cm. * Healthy child who develop Osteomyelitis with out trauma -----. electrolyte abnormality.advice wearing protective cloths. * Most imp step in the management of Lactic Acidosis from septic shock is IV saline and Antibiotics. Remember in CHF due to aortic regurgitation donot use beta blocker at all.nosocomial infection (Iatrogenic contamination).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Indication of severe asthma attack that indicates pt is getting worst are ------. Resp Rate may be 11 or 12/min. Ventricular tachycardia in unstable pt (hemodynamically compromised) ----. * Osteomyelitis in pt with Sickle Cell dis ----. * Inc pH ( next step is discontinue OCP. vomiting. Occur after age 50. * Young pt with anorexia. * VIPoma are cancerous (secret VIP) diarrhea hypokalemia (leg cramps). * Pt with hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated type) + Inc AP next step is doxicycline. resp alkalosis) increases the affinity of serum albumin to Ca++ Inc Ca++ in serum (albumin bind Ca++) which also means the dec in free Ionized Ca++ (active form of Ca++) cramps. and Inc Aminotransferases (ALT. facial flushing. * Prevention of Melanoma --. * Recommendation in Ulcerative colitis and Pan colitis ----. v imp. carpopedal spasm.MCC Salmonella (70%).USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Isolated systolic HTN -. imp. * Aspergillosis ----. TX -. If HTN persist after quitting OCP than best next step is life style modification. * Pt with BPH develop severe back pain by lifting up boxes with resultant inability to urinate is most likely due to inability to valsalva. TX of choice HCTZ. * Antihistamine are potent Anticholinergics may cause detrusor inactivity with resultant urinary retention.So best next step is observe and repeat the lab after 2 hrs. Hypoxia.pathologic mechanism is continuous spread. * Osteomyelitis that develop after operative procedure ------.reduce the after load with Ca++ channel blocker and ACE inhibitors. headache. * Troponin takes 10 days to return to normal and it is most sensitive and most specific test for Initial MI. * Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended in all pts with HIV who have CD4 count > 200. later Colonoscopy every 1 . . * A . Do not give Na Bicarbonate. leukopenia. thrombocytopenia.fib is common complication coronary bypass grafting occur in 40 % pts. * BUN / Cr Ratio is the most sensitive indicator of pts hydration status. diastolic P is then investigate further).two initial tests are Urinalysis and Serum creatinine. Hypocapnia is normal phenomenon of pregnancy due to progesterone effect on Respiratory center.suspect in any pt in endemic region (south eastern south western. cyanosis. * Pt with erection problem -. * ERCP is Excellent and therapeutic toll in the dx of chronic pancreatitis. v v v imp. * Pt with BPH --.MB return to normal after 1 .tx of choice is Lidocaine and Amiodarone. * Premature Atrial Beat are benign usually never requires tx or follow up. * Ventricular tachycardia is Regular Wide complex tachycardia. * Fever + Tinnitus + Tachypnea -----. AST. caffine. (If test turn out + ve its psychogenic. * Serum lipase and amylase is most sensitive and most specific test for the dx of Acute pancreatitis. Respiratory compensation by hypercapnia (hypoventilation).do Nocternal Penile Tumescence Test. * A . * Ventricular tachycardia in Stable pt -----. * Postictal Lactic Acidosis is a transient Anion gap metabolic acidosis that resolves with out tx with 60 . diaphoresis. AP) -----. * When Xray shows erosive dis in the pt with Rheumatoid Arthritis add Methotrexate in tx. altered mental status or dyspnea) immediate Cardioversion is needed.Rule out HIV (HIV dementia is characterized by waxing waning lucidity with complex task. myalgia. * OCP can potentially cause HTN --. mid Atlantic and upper mid west California) with tick bite best step is blood smear for the estimation of Hb. Annual Influenza is also recommended. speech difficulty.MB is most useful test in assessing reocclusion after MI. * Hyperemesis Gravidarum Metabolic alkalosis. (because Sun screens are used to protect form Squamous cell carcinoma of skin). * Murmur of Aortic Regurgitation is described as diastolic decrescendo murmur at the left 3rd intercostal space.pathologic mechanism is hematogenous spread.think Aspirin overdose Mixed Resp Alkalosis and Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis.occur in elderly due to rigidity of arterial walls. Neoplasm of the Apex of lung (superior sulcus tumor) compress inferior portion of the brachial plexus shoulder pain radiating to ulnar distribution. Sjogren $. * Cat scratch dis without systemic involvement need no tx.4 pm) is the best method of photo protection. Passive internal rotation and forward flexion at shoulder elicit pain. * Thymoma is found in Ant Media stinum. It can cause pulmonary infection HIV pt (do not confuse with TB) Remember Nocardia. DX with Urine Ag test or culture on charcoal agar. 178 Copy Righted Material.60 min prior to sun exposure to allow proper effect. dermatomyositis. * Pancoast $ --. and high salt diet. Mycoplasma and M tuberclosum are G . Usually mucous mem is not involved. v imp. vs. All neurologic tumor are found in Posterior media stinum. v v v imp. Although first line medication are environmental and dietary medication (dec Na diet). v v v imp. (osteoarthritis can be monoarticular in femoral head but with out steroids hx) * Subacromial Bursitis occur due to repetitive over head motion pain with active motion. v v v imp.epidermal junction. * Avoiding Sun Exposure in the middle of the day (10 am . vs. pulmonary HTN.3.Scleroderma GERD. * Young black with painless hematuria -----.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Cauda Equina is Acute compression $ and is surgical emergency acute motor and sensory loss. but serum AP and urine hydroxyproline is high.5 mg/dL the ACE inhibitor most likely will worsen the renal failure. * Paget dis of bone (osteitis deformans) --. * Decrease in pH of small intestine due to Zollinger Ellison $ Inactivation of pancreatic enz malabsorption. Antihistamine. Renal next step in dx is CT scan. * Pt with suspected Acute diverticulitis --. pt taking TCA.serum Ca++ and phosphate is normal. splenomegaly also present. Esophageal dysmotilty. HCV infection. Sunscreen should be applied 15 .ve Rods. * Xanthelasma is common cutaneous lesion associated with Primary Biliary cirrhosis. It occur in pre existing vertebral column pathology. * Radioactive Iodine tx in hyperthyroidism may initially cause exacerbation of thyrotoxic state pt may develop new onset of arrhythmia and tremer. * Anti smooth muscle Ab ------. Cat scratch dis with lymphadenopathy or other systemic sign is treated with Azithromycin. * Pericardial cyst are usually found in middle media stinum. children with gingivostomatitis and health care worker who come in direct contact with orotracheal secretion such as dentist. Sotalol. lymphoma. * Hepatic encephalopathy is characterized by Reversal of sleep cycle. Other confirmatory tests are Pulmonary Angiography (Gold standard). * Confirmatory test for pulmonary embolism is CT scan and is most commonly used. aortic aneurysm. * Bullous pamphigoid -.tense blistering. water supplies. * Polycythemia vera --. vs.think Erysipelas (Strep Group A "pyogenes") Erysepelas can also occur on face. Moxifloxacin. lymphnode enlargement. * ACE inhibitor and protein restriction are 2 imp factors that delay progression of chronic renal failure. granulocytosis. paresthesia. * Fresh Frozen plasma is agent of choice for coagulopathy in pt with liver failure. nicotine. asterixis. * G6PD def often show normal G6PD level during Acute hemolytic episode. they are usually benign.Azithromycin or Levofloxacin.Autoimmune hepatitis.suspect Sickle cell trait. * Torades de pointes is seen in Familial Long QT $.. caffiene. * Meniere dis (distention of endolymphatic fluid component) episode can be triggered by alcohol. vessels typically complain of pruritis after hot bath. * Anti topoisomerase I Ab ---. v v v imp. loss of rectal tone and urinary retention. IgG & C3 deposit in the dermal . Amiodarone. * Hypertriglyceridemia > 1000 it self cause Acute Pancreatitis. Fluconazole. progressive coma and characteristic delta wave on EEG. * Rheumatoid factor also observed in SLE. TX -. Erythropoietin is Low where as Leukocytes AP is high. Most commonly seen in commercial sex worker. HTN. * Herpetic whitlow is the MC viral infection of hand cause throbbing pain and vesicles caused by HSV 1 & 2 and is self limited. * Legionella pneumophilia is well documented with cooling towers. ventilation perfusion scanning. * Pt with COPD presents with sudden onset of Acute chest pain and shortness of breath with normal EKG and temp -----. thrombocytosis. as well as cruise ship Pneumonia with very high fever even diarrhea. edematous tender rash with raised border + High fever --. * Osteonecrosis of femoral head is typically associated with corticosteroid use. . malnourished (alcoholism "Mg++ def"). * Aortic regurgitation bounding pulse "water hammer" pulse or hyperdynamic pulse + early diastolic murmur.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Sudden onset of sharply demarcated erythematous.suspect Secondary Pneumothorax due to destruction of air spaces and dilated large alveoli (generally in the upper lobe). (hypertriglyceridemia type 1 & 5 are associated with Acute pancreatitis). Other media stinal mass are bronchogenic cyst. Inc RBC count hyperviscosity headache. dizziness. TX include diuretics. v v v imp. * Remember when pts serum Cr is > 3 . * Nocardia is weak or partially Acid fast filamentous branching rod. * HTN is the strongest risk factor for all types of strokes. TX -.Magnesium sulfate and remove offending drug. production of false neurotransmitter. suspect foreign body aspiration sudden respiratory distress. S1) usually in preadolescent children back pain.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. 2. must rule out GI bleeding. * Immediate Anaphylaxis or Encephalopathy and any CNS complication with in 7 days of administration of vaccine is contraindication of further administration of DTaP since the adverse reaction is usually due to pertusis component of DTaP. drano etc) * Neonate born with small bowel obstruction (meconium ileus) ---. petechiae or hematuria to GI bleed. omphalocele. viceromegaly. (don not confuse with maternal diabetes). * Upper GI endoscopy is the diagnostic study of choice when pt presents with Acute Alkali Ingestion (eg. * Henoch Schonlein Purpura is IgA mediated vasculitis common in children purpura scrotal swelling. South America and Africa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PEDS UW * Recurrent self limiting episodes of vomiting and nausea in children in the absence of any apparent cause suggest dx of CYCLICAL VOMITING. coagulation disorder). * Intraventricular hemorrhage in premature neonate accumulation of blood in subarachinoid space with destruction of arachinoid villi and cistern communication hydrocephalus. Neurologic dysfunction such as urinary incontinence. Morexella catarhalis (10 . Pt typically demonstrate "Doll Facies" (fat cheeks). prominent occiput or macroglossia. It is benign condition and only need observation. * Hyperinflated one lung while other hypoinflated + media stinum shift toward the hypoinflated lung --. v v imp. (Ab against platelet and subsequent destruction in spleen). VSD. * Spondylolisthesis is developmental disorder characterized by Slip of Vertebrae (usually L5 . * Glycogen storage dis shows similar manifestations as above but Liver Enzs are elevated where as blood lactate and uric acid are normal along with splenomegaly but normal Kidney. hyperinsulinemia. TX .think Cystic fibrosis (CFTR deletion on ch 6) * Von Gierkes dis (glucose 6 phosphatase def) hypoglycemia (seizures). Direct Laryngoscopy with Rigid bronchoscopy is the procedure of choice.30%). TX . heart failure "hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy". Def is common in Asia.immediately secure the airway with endotracheal intubation & set up for possible tracheostomy. There is Palpable "step off" at lumbosacral area. abdominal pain arthralgia. * Kid with Septic Arthritis --. * Newborn with suspected Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) --. 5. prominent eye.manifest few days to weeks after birth Liver failure (hepatomegaly. Both has septal defect (ASD. hepatomegaly (but Liver enz are normal). 6.3 hr of birth. * Nebulize racemic EN is used in the management of croups. EKG of TOF shows RV hypertrophy and Right axis deviation. vs.flaccid blistering. Features of benign murmurs are. * Beckweith . * Post exposure prophylaxis for chicken pox can be provided with VZIG (preferred) or Acyclovir in susceptible high risk pts exposed to varicella with in 96 hrs (preferably 72 hrs) of exposure. 3.7 yrs with toxic appearing --. hypoglycemia. * ARD$ cause hypoxemia refractory to high inspired O2 concentration.15%). not responding to O2 tx and has audible grunting ---. v v v imp. Influenza (25 . CXR demonstrate granularity of lung parenchyma.decrescendo murmur begin after S1 at the left lower sternal border. * Pompe dis (aka Acid maltase def) is glycogen storage dis floppy baby in first few week of life with feeding difficulties. hematuria (IgA deposit in kidney). * Epiglottitis in the children 3 .Amoxicillin.4 months of age.suspect Hyaline mem dis of new born. IgG deposition in dermis (auto Ab against desmoglein "adhesion molecule"). It indicates structural abnormality underlying the seizures. MCC cause is Staph Aureus followed by Strep group A. (Do not confuse with pneumothorax) v v imp. * Galactosemia --.Wiedemann $ --. * Todds Paralysis (postictal paralysis) can cause hemiparesis (motor deficit) which usually improve with in 24 hrs. * Cardiomyopathy Crescendo . hyperlipidemia. direct hyperbilirubinemia. 4. It can also cause Abnormal mitral leaflet motion due to hypertrophy. Enlarged kidney.1st step Arthrocentesis followed by empiric tx with nefcillin. v v v imp. Remember Sub arachinoid hemorrhage (SAH) is MCC of communicating hydrocephalus .1st step Orogastric tube even Prior to xarys because it help determining the position of stomach and also help prevent bowel distention by continuous suction of gastric no tx is needed. prominent occiput. macroglossia. Corticosteroids is the drug of choice in all ages if Platelet count is < 30000. Normal S2. It is associated with Inc susceptibility to Intussuception. * Peptostreptococcal is the Aerobic bacteria that cause Unilateral Lymphadinitis in cervical region in older children with Periodontal dis. * MCC agent for Acute Otitis media is Strep Pneumoniae (40%) followed by H. * Vit A can benefit in tx of Measles infection. hyperplasia of pancrease. and for severe Sxs. murmur intensity grade 2 or less. 1. Pt may show purpura. No audible click.mechanical ventilation and surfactant administration. * Most cardiac murmur in childhood are benign and require only observation. typically occur at 3 . macroglossia. If elevated do compression U/S to determine the need of Anticoagulants.check D dimers level first if . oven cleaner. Neonate will show hypoglycemia in 2 .6 yrs of age after viral infection. CDH is some time associated with pulmonary HTN. Adequate Oxygenation requires PEEP delivered via mechanical ventilation. * Preterm born with hypoxia. * Acute Unilateral lymphadenitis in cervical region is common in children < 5 yrs of age. * Both Tricuspid Atresia and TOF can presents with normal heart and dec vascular marking on CXR. abnormal Renal 179 Copy Righted Material. vimp * DVT in pt with low risk -. Asymptomatic pt. Frequently involve mucous mem.macrosomia. no other abnormality. PDA) However EKG in Tricuspid atresia shows LV hypertrophy and Left axis deviation. hyperuresemia. Normal pulse. vs . lactic acidosis. * Maternal DM may also cause neonatal hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia but does not present with dysmorphic features such as Omphalocele. * Immune thrombocytopenia occur in children 2 . .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pemphigous valgaris -. * Respiratory Syncytial viral infection occur in winter.12 . Anencephaly. * Children with Family Hx of cholesterol level > 240 mg / dL or risk factor for Coronary artery dis should get early screening test for Total cholesterol level. * Septic joint in child is Surgical Emergency which need immediate U/S guided surgical drainage. Acidosis and Glycosuria. * Common problem associated with maternal DM include --. If result shows cholesterol > 200 mg/dL indicate Fasting Lipid Profile. * Growing Pain is common in children b/w age 2 . TX -.12 yrs usually in legs specially in night -.Caudal Regression $. dysphagia (drooling) Difficulty respiration.99m Pertechnetate Scaning (uptake by hetreotrophic gastric mucosae) * Meckels Diverticulum Pain less malena in 2 . fissured lip. * Coronary artery Aneurysm is most serious complication of Kawasaki dis.4 weeks 3.15 months. vs. extremity edema. allergy or asthma) ----. XRAYs are often normal.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS function. barking cough.6 hrs can lead to Avascular necrosis of femoral head. Neural tube defect.3 % of population) * Epiglotitis -.3 yrs old. v v v imp. * Kawasaki dis (vasculitis) presents with prolong fever (for weeks or more). Proteinuria resolves very slowly. Renal Function return to normal in 1 . Rash on back.Immediate Nasotracheal Intubation. It may Inc the risk of Asthma later life.fever. * Vaso occlusive Sickle Cell crisis can result into Osteonecrosis. * Wiscott Aldrich $ --. * Platelet Ab induced thrombocytopenia ---.can cause wt gain. HUS. 4. cervical lymphadenopthy. Child show normal Anion Metabolic Acidosis while Urine pH is Alkalotic. Hypocomplementenemia resolves in 2 . 180 Copy Righted Material. stroke and chest $ etc) * VIT A has been shown reduced morbidity and mortality in pt with measles. It is due to cow milk but if neonate is on breast milk think Ingestion of cow milk by mother. vs.think Milk Protein Intolerance.Give Reassurance and Observation. A delay of even 4 . * Strangers Anxiety ---.2 week. difficulty respiration but no drooling. * Scarlet $ have similar presentation as Kawasaki dis but fever is typically resolves in 3 . v v imp. * DX of Meckels Diverticulum is best made by Technetium . TTP. conjunctivitis. . strawberry tongue.Thrombocytopenia + Eczema + Recurrent Bacterial Infection. Anoxia.fever sore throat. * Croups (parainfluenza virus) -.think ITP (show splenomegaly) v imp. prolactenemia Amenorrhea and Galactorrhea. Hematuria persist for 6 months. 3rd generation of Cephalosporin + Nafcillin is started too.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. stridor. It is MC anomaly of GI tract (2 . * Neonate with Bloody Diarrhea + Eosinophils + Family Hx of Atopic disorder (eg. MCC is Staph Aureus. TX -. Duodenal Atresia.3 month. * In Post Strep GN ---------. (Thrombocytopenia is due to impaired production) vs. Small left Colon.1.Nebulized Epinephrine. ASO return to normal in 3 . 5. * Hydroxyurea is indicated in Sickle Cell dis pt with frequent Acute pain crisis. (15% cases resoles by 3 yrs).5 days and rash has sand paper like texture. This is the only time Aspirin is used in children. 2. * Thrombocytopenia due to Inc Activation and consumption think DIC. * Respridone is Dopamine and Serotonin Antagonist -------. Erythmatous Oropharynx. Blood transfusion is given only in Acute Aplastic crisis (sp in pregnancy. vs. * RTA in infant can presents as Failure to thrive. Transposition of Great vessels. (not the type I DM) * Esodeviation of eye (ie. Half may be understandable to stranger.24 months of age with first UTI should under go VCUG or Radionuclide Cystogram to detect the presence of VUR. Play with other children at 18 mon.3 months. these pt need Folic acid more than usual. Sit unsupported at 6 mon. * Childhood obesity is the risk factor of childhood type II DM . Protein in human milk is 70% whey and 30 % casein. Social development ------------. Build tower of 2 block at 15 mon.Roll back to front & front to back at 4 mon.Initial tx is Occlusion 181 Copy Righted Material. * Eisenmenger $ --.Recognize parent at 2 mon. Protein contents are high at birth and dec by 1 month that is why it is easily digestible & help improving gastric emptying. Throw object at 1 yrs. v imp. * Recommend Exclusive Breast Feeding till 6 month. It crosses the suture line. * Major complication of Repeated Vasicourethral Reflux (VUR) is Renal scarring which may results into Renal failure and HTN and children.think Folic acid def. PDA. 18 month Old Child says 5 . * Sickle Cell Anemia can cause Childhood stroke. Gross motor development ---.1st step immediate CXR to rule out pneumothorax (because Pneumothorax can cause subcutaneous emphysema by same process). Walk alone at 1 yr. . Build tower of 6 blocks at 2 yrs. later in life) * Anti smith Ab and Anti double stranded Ab are confirmatory test in SLE. dada and 3 other words. * Cepahlohematoma is Subperiosteal hemorrhage and present few hrs after birth as scalp swelling that do not cross suture line. Cover test is imp tool to detect Strabismus. ASD. Fine motor development -----. (condition is occur in uncorrected VSD. is medial deviation) is the MC type of Strabismus in a child. * Pt with Chronic Hemolytic anemia of any reason presents with dyspnea. Obey 2 step command at 2 yr. fatigue and generalized weakness with out any infection -. * All the Pediatric pt age 2 .Rick grasp at 6 mon. Babbles at 6 months. Language development ------.Social smile 2 month. * In Child Solo VSD is not a Cyanotic dis and mostly resolves on its own. than introduce solid food with continuous breast feed till 1 yr. Recognize stranger at (stranger anxiety) at 6 mon. Failure to resolve results into Eisenmenger $. Resolve in 2 . * ASD is the only heart condition that does not cause Endocarditis. * Severe cough paroxysm may result in subcutaneous Emphysema (air leak from chest wall into subcutaneous tissue) --. Parallel play at 2 yrs.20 words.L to R shunt reveres to become R to L shunt Irreversible Pulmonary HTN and cyanosis.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. 15 month old Child says mama. walk up & down stair at 2 yr. * Foreign Object (batteries etc) lodged in the esophagus should be removed immediately under endoscopic guidance to prevent mucosal damage & ulceration. Initiate action "come when called" at 1 yr. Foreign Object distal to Esophagus pass eventually in most cases only observation with stool examination is needed. DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN : 1 yr old Child says mama. TX -. It is normal finding until 2 yrs of age. * Caput Succedaneum is diffuse swelling of scalp. 2 yrs old Child have vocabulary of 150 .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Thymus of infant on CXR with straight inferior border usually appear on the right side and called "Sail Sign". dada and one other word. Obey one step command at 1 yr.300 words and able to combine the word into short sentences "me do it". Rachitic Rosary (beading of ribs). maths. chlamydia. Hepatosplenomegaly. * Meningitis in a child may results in hearing loss.Active drug abuse. Alcohol use. hyperelastic skin. (looking for Associated anomalies is not routinely required in Gastroischesis Instead it is done in pt with Omphalocele) . Skull xray show tram line intracranial calcification. (most umbilical hernia disappear by 1 yr of age) * Contraindication to breast feeding -. temper. This tumor arise form the Neural crest cells of Adrenal medulla. mastitis are not contraindicated to breast feeding. * TORCH inf (Toxo. small skull.highly suspicion for Necrotizing Enterocolitis. * Conduct disorder is presents in late childhood or adolescence aggressive. FBN1 gene) -. large head. v imp. cerebral malformation. * Strabismus can lead to Amblyopia (dec in acuity in one or both eye. Rubella. irritability. Other contraincations are neonate with Galactosemia.ADHD * Learning disorder is suspected when learning achievement in special areas are blow expectations for pts age and intelligence. * Gastroischesis -. organ rupture. It can be associated with ADHD and Conduct disorder. HCV inf. Concentric 182 Copy Righted Material. prominent occiput. seizures.advise surgery. impulsitivity and hyper reactivity for > 6 months -----------. large ear. microcepahaly.Cleft lip. * Leukocyte adhesion defect delayed umbilical cord separation. Gonorrhea. micro ophthalmia. Serum catecholamine and its metabolites are elevated (Inc HVA. Cervical Lymphadenitis & Retropharyngeal abscess ---. * Helmet cell suggest DIC. writing. * Watch for WaterHouse Friedrichson $ in infant with meningococcemia. Rubella and HBV. MCC of Neonatal polycythemia is delayed claming of umbilical cord which allow transfer of placenta blood to fetus. HSV. * Patau $ (trisomy 13) --. * Howell jolly bodies appear in blood when spleen is afunctional. poor wound healing. TTP. In Adult Ingested toxin of C botulinum lead to symptomatic dis. loss of cognitive function. * Marfan $ (mutation of fibrillin gene. hyperelastic skin. arachinodactyly. cyanosis and poor feeding. Coughing spells are so severe that Rectal prolapse and pneumothorax may occur.1st step immediate wrap the exposed bowel with Sterile saline dressing & cover with plastic wrap to prevent insensible heat and large fluid loss. Thickening of lower end of the long bones (Defective mineralization of growing bones & Osteoids) * Herpangina (Coxackie A) ulcerative lesion of palate. It is associated with ADHD. * Umbilical hernia that persist to the age of 3 . urea cycle defect.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Respiratory distress. theft and Deceitfulness. hypermobil joint. such as problem with reading. HUS. CMV. * Struge weber $ (Neurocutaneous $) --. recurrent bacterial infection. * Vit D def in Rickets Craniotabes (softening / thining of skull). * Fragile X $ (Inc no of CGG trinucleotide repeat due to mutation in FMR gene) -. Phenylketonuria. short attention span. * Short attention span. Bite cells are also present when spleen try to remove them out of circulation. deafness.Congenital cavernous hemangioma along with trigeminal nerve distribution and seizures. ectopia lentis.mutation in fibrillin gene. out burst & deliberate annoyance. Large Ant fontanelle. congenital anomalies. It could be preventable with proper prenatal tx and MMR vaccine. tonsils and pharynx along with high fever.Language disability. * Pt with 36 weeks gestation and U/S shows Fetal Microcephaly ---. feet deformity (hammer foot). * Neuroblastoma is the 3rd MC cancer in pediatric age group. * Neonate Polycythemia (hct > 65%) is manifest as Lethargy. Harrison groove. 2nd step Orogastric tube to decompress the stomach. chorioretinitis & thrombocytopenia. * Mechanical Ventilation is indicated in severe asthma exacerbation that is non responsive to medication. * Oppositional Defiant disorder presents in adolescence as negativistic hostile and defiant behavior argument.mutation in type I collagen. Antimetabolite. hypotelorism. minor trauma. TB & HIV. establish. Inc VMA) * Acquired Torticollis is relatively common in children. * Heinz bodies are aggregate of denatured Hb in G6PD def and Thalasemia. * Basophilic stippling are Ribosomal precipitate that seen in Thalasemia and Heavy metal poisoning. * Marfan $ -----. * Standard prenatal care for high risk women include Screening for Syphilis. * Congenital Rubella $ include Sensory neuronal hearing loss and "Blue berry Muffin" appearance rash.think Torch infection.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS therapy by covering the good eye with patch. Chemotherapy and HSV infection on the breast. These are fragmented RBCs.4 yrs and exceeds 2 cm in diameter ------. * Ehler Donlos $ (disorder of collagen structure) -.overlapping finger. Necrotic priodontal infection. property destruction. microganthia and VSD. Syphilis) cause $ characterized by Microcephaly. 3rd surgery. (In neonate the peak hct occur with in 12 hrs which dec over next 12 hrs) * Preterm neonate with gastric residue --. When lesion appear on palm & sole called Hand foot & mouth dis. other manifestation are hemianopia. hemiparesis. tachypnea. because it can cause sudden vasomotor collapse due to Adrenal hemorrhage and resultant death. * Friedreich Ataxia is MC type of spinocerebellar ataxia in children Ataxia with dysarthria.Tall stature. Tobacco use. v v imp. seizures. * Edward $ (trisomy 18) --. as in later stage of sickle cell dis by age 8 or more. * Brodetella Pertusis cause whooping cough that can last upto 2 weeks. Causes are URT infection. peripheral IV access and broad spectrum Antibiotics. Radioactive isotopes. * Osteogenesis imperfecta ------. macroorchidism. mental retardation and spasticity or paresis. Think Necrotizing enterocollitis in infant with ARD$ (hayaline mem dis). HIV. Autism. aortic root dilation. Occur usually 3 10 days after birth due to perinatal Asphyxia. prominent jaw. .hypermobil joints. (NBT is normal) * In Defective IC killing there is impaired oxidative bust with in phagocytes and + ve Nitro blue Tetrazolium test (NBT) is characteristic. "poor vision in lazy eye"). * In Infant contaminated food with C botulinum produce SXs. scoliosis. Rocker bottom next step in management is Cervical spine Radiograph to find out the cause. hemisensory distribution and Ipsilateral glaucoma. vs. easy bruising. polydactyly. vs. 8 weeks. diarrhea. * Gram + ve rod (listeria and bacillus). TOF. * Posterior Urethral valve is the MCC of Congenital Urethral obstruction distended bladder and low urine out put. Residual Lung problem. * Preseptal Cellulitis is the soft tissue infection anterior to the orbital septum caused by continuous spread of infection eye swelling. * Intussusception --.Down $. TX is surgery. seizures. 1.Think Brain Abscess. Stage 3 (Neuro / Cardiac) tx is ceftriaxone or Penecillin for 14 . Gram . Permanent neurologic impairment due to hypoxia. They often misdiagnosed as Reactive Airway dis. encephalopathy and cerebral edema. All type of muscles are involved. * Suspect Choanal Atresia (MC nasal malformation) in infant with cyanosis that aggravate by feeding and relieved by cry ----. * Pyloric Stenosis is Dx with Abdominal U/S. * Adolescent onset of hirsuitism. Extension of neck may provide some relief.MRI show marked Atrophy of cervical spinal cord and cerebellar ataxia. If needed nasal speculum may be used to inspect vagina. virilism. Digeorge $. 2. + ve Grover sign. External genitalia should be examine as well as vaginal Uridyl transferase def is sever condition that can lead to shock if left untreated. v v imp. * Friedreich Ataxia --.think Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia. imp. erythema and discoloration.1st step is placing an Oral airway and lavage feeding tube. * Criteria of Kawasaki dis ----. vs.think Erythroblastosis fetalis. hemophillus and Staph organism. hepatosplenomegaly. * Galactose . 4. fissuring / crusting of lips. remove the child from source is very imp. * If lead level is < 20 g /dL repeat the serum test again in 1 month.Kawasaki dis. winged scapula. UTI.high incidence of coarctation of aorta and bicuspid valve. * Child with headache and focal neurologic Sxs (hemiparesis etc) after Acute otitis media or Sinusitis --. Indurative edema. hemophillus. * Iron Poisoning nausea.William $ * Coronary Artery Aneurysm -----. Bulbar conjunctival injection. Inc 17 hydroxyprogesterone + Normal menses ------------.3rd day of life ----. 3.Hospitalize pt and immediately give IV immunoglobulin along with High dose Aspirin.Best next step refer to Ophthalmologist. * Chelation therapy is start when blood Lead level is > 45 g /dL. 5. It presents as vomiting. Interrupted Aortic arch) are associated with CATCH . * Conotruncal Abnormalities (truncus arteriosus. * Every case of White reflex (leukocoria) in eye is considered as Ratinoblastoma until proven other wise ----.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Supraventricular Aortic Stenosis ----------.21 days. * Presence of dec eye movement. abdominal pain. Workup with blood culture and lumbar puncture. * Vascular Ring can compress the trachea and lead to Stridor. dec visual acuity. No peritoneal signs commonly due to Pseudomonas. .Best diagnostic test is Aircontrast anemia which is therapeutic too. * Transposition of great vessel is the MC cyanotic heart dis which presents with cyanosis with in 24 hrs of birth seen commonly in infant form Diabetic mom. * Lyme dis --. mental retardation and hypoglycemia. * Prolong Jaundice with no other Sxs -----. klebsiella and Legionella) * Pneumonia in Cystic fibrosis rods (pseudomonas. vs.35) * Jaundice on 1st day of life ----.Morbilliform truncal Exhanthem. Cervical lymphadenopathy. sepsis or congenital infection. cataract. vomiting.Breast milk and Breast feed jaundice. v v imp. * Atrial septal defect and Endocardial cushsion defect ----. concealed hemorrhage. Normal blood lead level is < 10 g / dL.U/S show targetoid mass. 183 Copy Righted Material. Complications include Pneumothroax.Fever for > 5 days along with 4 of the following. Bilateral patchy opacities. tenderness.. * Vaginal foreign body should be suspected in children with purulent foul smelling vaginal discharge.Stage 1 tx is Doxicycline (for 21 days) in adult and children > 9 yrs of age. delayed muscle relaxation "inability to release hand after hand shake". atrophy of thenar and hypothenar eminence. * Galactokinase def is milder condition generally present with cataract if left untreated. * Jaundice on 2 . Desquamation of the finger and toe tips. * Turner $ -. * Myotonic Muscle dystrophy is Autosomal dominant disorder muscle wasting. Coarse streaking. or Amoxicillin in children < 9 yrs of age (for 21 days). TX -. (if left untreated 25% will develop coronary artery Aneurysm).. * Acute lead poisoning Vomiting . * Jaundice b/w 3 .physiologic. Irrigation with warn water should be performed to flush out the foreign body. testicular atrophy. CT scan / MRI show ring enhancing lesion. GI bleeding and Metabolic acidosis. Frontal baldness. Pul HTN. strawberry tongue. proptosis or double vision are more suggestive of Orbital Cellulitis. Erythema. diffuse mucosal infection.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS cardiomyopathy is the MCC of death and respiratory complication. Ataxia. diarrhea. thrombosis or rupture of coronary artery MI. Echocardiogram must be done with in 7 days and repeat after 6 . endocrine problems etc.1 .7th day with lethargy ----.22 $. (most pts die by the age 30 . * If finger stick blood show Inc lead level do serum lead level first. irritability. * Meconium Aspiration CXR show flattening of Diaphragm (due to hyperinflation). * Tetralogy of fellot (TOF) presents cyanosis few yrs after birth.sepsis. * Kawasaki disease can be fatal due to Giant Aneurysm formation. colicky pain. infection. wheezing and shortness of breath. * Acute chest $ is the common complication Sickle cell dis chest pain. * By 1st Birthday child should triple his birth wt and Inc height by 50 5. * Inflamed tympanic mem with diminish mobility and mem insufflation are the hall mark of Otitis media. hyperactive. hypoglycemia. hyperacusis. peripheral neuropathy. Hypoplasia or Ectopic gland) is the MCC of congenital hypothyroidism in US. Intracranial calcification and seizures. Neimann Pick dis (sphingomyelinase def with resultant accumulation of sphingolipids in Liver. * Tuberous sclerosis often presents with cluster of brief symmetrical contraction or neck. If at least 3 of the Criteria met work up with septic arthritis by Aspiration of fluid. metal retardation. Prematurity and Maternal DM are risk factors. * Congenital Toxoplasmosis -. Staph Aureus (or Anaerobes) are the agent of Chronic Sinusitis. RDW > 20 % suggest Iron def. hydrocephalus. * Down $ pt more likely to develop Duodenal Atresia. hyperkalemia (even if pt is vomiting). * Newborn Respiratory distress $ occur due to Surfactant def. Exception is that should be 2 kg prior to receive that 1st HBV vaccine. * Tay scahs ( hexoaminidase def with resultant accumulation of sphingolipids) metal retardation. Aplasia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. v v v imp. metabolic acidosis. * Congenital Rubella $ -. protruding abdomen. * Vaccination schedule to preterm infant should be conformed to the Childs chronologic age.Chorioretinitis. 1st -. blindness. trunk and extremities in 1st yr of life called "Infantile spasm" It show unique Hypsarrythmic pattern on EEG. deafness. HTN decreases the risk of Neonate respiratory distress $ (due to distress related Inc in glucocorticoids). Wrinkled tissue paper appearance cells "Gaucher cells" on bone marrow biopsy. * Marfan features + mental retardation + thromboembolic event + down ward dislocation of lens ----.think Homocysteinuria (cystathione synthase def). v v imp. Remember Marfan $ des not cause mental retardation or Thromboembolic event. Hirschsprung dis. impulsive Sxs cause impairment in 2 different settings Sxs for > 6 month in < 7 yrs old child. 184 Copy Righted Material. * 4 Criteria to rule out septic arthritis from transient synovitis in children include : WBC count > 12000. thromoboembolic event.In order to meet criteria physician should obtain parents evaluation. Remember Tay sachs cause hyperacusis & mental retardation but does not cause hepaosplenomegaly or cervical lymphadenpathy. v v imp * Thyroid dysgenesis (ie. Most likely Parvo V B 19. * Phenylketonuria (phenylalanine hydroxylase def with resultant accumulation of phenylalanine and phenyl ketones) Fair step stop potty training attempts for few months. * Severe anemia + absent Reticulocytes in pt with Sickle Cell dis suggest "Aplastic crisis".Iron def anemia & thalasemia. hepatosplenomegaly.Sensorineuronal deafness. seizures but pt does not have thromboembolic event. ESR > 40. blindness. . blue eyes. new infiltrates on CXR. and as well as Teachers evaluation for Sxs and impairment in school setting. * Acute UTI in children is most commonly due to congenital vesicoureteral reflux (submucosal portion of the ureter b/w mucosae & detrusor is short or absent). If criteria does not met rest and NSAIDs is indicated. * Best drug of choice to control Infantile spasm is ACTH. weakness. PDA) and Cataract. Endocardial cushion defect and Acute leukemia. lympadenopathy. * ADHD is diagnosed when inattentive. hyponatremia. Both can be distinguished by RDW. * Turner $ some time appear with 46 XY. It is present in 1% of new born.hydroxylase def 17 hydroxyprogesterone level. if that does not work restrict methionine by giving cysteine. v v imp. normal RDW suggest Thalassemia. paralysis. peripheral motor / sensory neuropathy. This type is associated with incidence of gonado blastoma for this reason Prophylactic Bilateral Gonadectomy is indicated. * 3 yrs old child not interested and not cooperating in potty training ---. cherry red macula. seizures. refuse to bear wt. * Fabrys dis ( galactosidase def with resultant accumulation of Sphinolipids) Angiokeratoma. bone pain. * Strep Pneumoniae is the MCC of Acute Sinusitis in childhood followed by H influenza and Moxerella. spleen. vs. * Krabbe dis ( galactosidase def with resultant absence of myelin) mental retardation.1st step urine analysis (to rule out infection or bleeding etc). * Bed wetting is normal phenomenon until age 5. bone marrow & brain) cherry red macula. * Microcytic anemia in child include --. hypotonia. Transient arrest of Erythropoietin. CT shows cortical tubers and hypopigmented "Ash leaf" spots on skin. Cardiac defect (ASD. * Reticulocyte count is low in Iron def Anemia. heart failure. IUGR. vs. Prolong Rupture of membrane. eczema and musty body order. * Pt with Enuresis (bed wetting at night) --. TX -. * Gaucher Dis (lysosomal glucosidase def) easy bruiseability.High dose Vit B 6. Pts Hb electrophoresis shows HbS around 40%. asymptomatic corneal dystrophy. Temp > 102. * Painless hematuria is the MC presentation of Sickle cell trait. fever. virilization. kidney.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * 2nd MC infratentorial tumor is Medulloblastoma arise form Vermis cerebellar Sxs (posterior vermis $) * MCC of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia is 21 . v v v imp. v v imp. Erlenmeyer Flask deformity of distal femur on Xray. * Serum CK level is used to screen muscle dystrophies. * Rash of Pellagra resemble "sunburn" ----.Reassurance is all that required along the surveillance (EKG. * Late Congenital Syphilis presents two yrs after birth Frontal bossing. * Internal carotid artery dissection is the potential cause of stroke in children.Coagulopathy. dysphagia.due to Vit B 3 niacin def (remember 3Ds) * Kartegners $ (primary ciliary dyskinesia) recurrent sinusitis. Antisocial personality disorder occur > 18 yrs old. * Most small ventricular septal defect close spontaneously -.suggest Duodenal atresia.suggest CNS Origin problem in 50% cases.Eczema + Thrombocytopenia + recurrent infection. bulging fontanelle. * Laryngomalacia (congenital flaccid larynx) is the MCC of chronic inspiratory noise in infant. Periostitis on Xray. MUFFLED VOICE. * Displaced Anterior Fat pad is Radiologic sign of Supracondylar fracture which may be complicated by Volkmanns Ischemic Contractures (ie. Laryngoscopy shows flaccidity of larynx that collapses during inspiration (epiglottis is rolled in from side to side). * Wiscott Aldrich $ --. high arched palate. Pancytopenia. * Rubella is characterized by low grade fever.6 yrs due to polymicrobes. imp. DX -. * Intraventricular hemorrhage is most commonly seen in Premature Birth and low Birth wt pallor. Partial albinism.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS IVP is not indicated unless there is recurrent tract infection or hx or urinalysis suggest hematuria. 2nd step CT scan and 3rd step Lumbar puncture. * Allergic Rhinitis usually presents in 2nd decade of life. Common in 6 months . * Most Clavicular fracture during birth process are Greenstick and heal rapidly with out complication.1st step Antibiotics (ceftriaxone).5 yrs old child with abdominal mass and hematuria ---------. * Nocturnal Enuresis after 5 yrs of age should be tx with Desmopressin (DDAVP). vs. vs. Live attenuated vaccines are generally contraindicated. * 9 yrs old with Sickle cell dis + osteomyelitis --. * 2 . * Fever + cervical lymphadenopathy in 7 yrs old ---. Recurrent bacterial infection. v imp.suggest premature Adrenalarche.9 % saline or Lactate ringer) is the fluid of choice for initial resuscitation in severe hypovolemia. vs. TX is not required. Hx of seizures. 2nd line is Imipramine.Reassurance is all u need to give. * Iron def Anemia is common in infant who drink solely cow milk. * TX of brodetella purtusis (whooping cough + long inspiratory sound) ---. v imp.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Recurrent Infection of Lung and Bilateral Nasal Polyps in child -----------. jaundice. do not confuse with Hand foot & mouth dis. chemotaxis and granulopoeisis. interstitial keratitis. dec B lymphocytes (CD19). It may be asymptomatic. * Isotonic Solution (0. * Mild metatarsus adductus and Internal Tibial torsion correct spontaneously in 95% of cases --. rhinorrhea. * Bilious vomit in neonate with Double Bubble Sign -------------. Those who fail to resolve need orthosis or even cast. focal neurologic sign. Anemia.regular infusion of IV immunoglobulin (IVIG). * Child with Sxs of Inc Intracranial P and fever ---. bronchiactasis. eg Duchene muscular dystrophy. * Retropharyngeal Abscess should be suspected in a child who has moderate fever. But mother should be instructed to hold the child in upright position for 30 min after feeding and to never feed the child in lying position. Neutropenia (recurrent inf).daily TMP / SMX + Ascorbic acid.think Wilms tumor. * MCC of viral meningitis in children are nonpolio entero virus such as ECHO VIRUS & COXACKIE VIRUS. * Guthrie test Quantitative (coloration) test which detect the presence of metabolic product of Phenylalanine in urine. * X . * Conduct disorder occur < 18 yrs old. Cranial neuropathy. seizures.think Neuroblastoma. cutaneous lesion on hand and feet. Knee chest position Inc systemic vascular resistance Inc blood flow from RV to pulmonary circulation. This Condition generally subsides by 18 month of age. pharyngitis. It occur due to direct spread of infection from near by source.tx of choice is Doxicycline.1st line is Macrolides (tx is indicated regardless of the stage of dis). vs. migraine like headache are characteristic. Premature Pubarche (pubic hair) --. Post pharyngeal buldge. DX -. * Pt with "tet spell" ---. 185 Copy Righted Material. lymphadenopathy (sub occipital and posterior auricular) and Erythematous and maculopapular rash that classically appear on face first than spread down to body. * Young child with Sickle cell dis and hand foot or mouth swelling ---. Apnea and bradycardia.think veso occlusive dis "hand & Foot $". Hutchinson teeth. neck stiffness. Perioral fissure.must rule out Cystic fibrosis. Biopsy confirms the dx. hepatosplenomegaly. * Early Congenital Syphilis in newborn at birth hepatosplenomegaly. saddle nose. ???? * Arteriovenous malformation is MCC of Subarachinoid hemorrhage in children.Linked Agammaglobinemia --. hyponatremic child. hypotension. which is swelling of for arm soft tissue). . * Premature Thelarche and Axillary hair --. Late manifestation can be prevented with early tx. TX -.Giant Lysosomes in Neutrophil will confirm the dx.Jejunal Atresia. * Chediak Higashi $ --. * S3 is common normal finding in child and young adult.Normal T lymphocytes. * Bilious vomiting in neonate with Triple Bubble Sign ------------.dx with transFontanel U/S. Common hx is child fell with pensil or stick in his mouth with in 24 hours of onset of Sxs. dec Granulation. dextrocardia. imp.think Slamonella (due to Asplenia).put him on knee chest position to resolve cyanosis. ECHO) + Endocarditis Prophylaxis. TX -. * < 1 yr old child with abdominal mass ---------. Previous C section. testicular failure. sp Cervical loop Electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP).22 gestation and 35 mm at 24 .no loss of consciousness.6 mon of age. (pt fail to sense full bladder & unable to void) * Urethropexy is indicated in Stress Incontinence ( leak of urine due to Inc abdominal pressure).Think Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal fistula Pneumoniae. * TX of choice in Impetigo ------. 3rd Drying the infant & keeping him warm.90 mg / dL. vomiting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OBGYN UW * Over flow Incontinence is the transient side effect of Epidural Anesthesia. * Neonate with jaundice and light color stool think Biliary Atresia and Investigate it.1st control with diet.2 yrs of age.Miscarriage. Still birth. * Prenatal Cocaine exposure jitteriness. Hyperviscosity due to Polycythemia (due to Inc basal metabolic rate). * Risk factor for uterine rupture include Multiparity. vs. Confirmatory test is 24 hr Esophageal pH monitoring. * Nocturnal Vulvar Itching suspect pin worm. taping and malleable splint. * Risk factor for Cervical insufficiency include Gynecologic surgeries. * Chronic Pyelonephritis is characterized by Focal Parenchymal scarring and Blunting of Calices on IVP. Chronic HTN. Cone Biopsy. Myomectomy. * Measles (Robeola) -.Rash starts from face and move toward body. * Osgood Schlatter dis is traction apophysitis of tibial Tubercle. .RDW is > 20%). * GERD in Infant ---. mood and behavioral changes (aggressiveness). Macrosomia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Recommendation for Healthy Child who is about to join preschool is VISION screening. * Osteogenesis Imperfecta type II may results in Fetal demise.Inc IgM . vs. Atelactasis. hypocalcemia. * CDC recommend Rota Virus vaccine only b/w 2 . * Neonate who chokes and cough with first feed ------------. * Neonate who are small for their gestational age are at risk of complication of Hypoxia. imp * Neonate with meningitis and Petechial Rash -------------. Poor specific Ab response to immunization. In utero fracture and Growth retardation. * Complex partial seizures -----* Erythema Toxicum ---. Polycythemia. Pyelonephritis. diarrhea. 2nd Removal of Airway secretion. Cardiomyopathy. * Rubella ------. * For Pertusis prevention give erythromycin for 14 days to all house hold contacts. def of IgG and IgA. * Anabolic Steroids Acne. tachypnea. Point of tenderness is at Inferior Pole of patella. Best tx is intermittent catheterization. * Recurrent Hemarthrosis in pt with Coagulopathy Hemophiliac Arthropathy (ie. Gestational Diabetes --.Child regurgitate food shortly after feeding some time with bloody streak. Inflammation. Level normalized by age 6 . TIBC & Ferritin level is typically normal. Hx of 2nd trimester loss. excessive sucking. Multiple gestation.think Wilms tumor (arise from Metanephros). Cervix < 10 percentile for gestational age consider Short cervix.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * TX of Club foot should be immediately started by Stretching manipulation.11 month. high pitch cry. * Group B strep is the MCC of neonatal sepsis in first week of life Meningitis. * Maternal DM is the risk factor for --. vs. * Ideal Range of Maternal Fasting Glucose is b/w 75 .Suspect Atlantoaxial Instability due to excessive laxity in posterior transverse ligament. 4th Silver Nitrate Solution in eyes & Vit K. hypoglycemia. Advanced maternal age.Think Meningiococcemia. sneezing. Preeclampsia. Baldness. (no vaccine before 2 or after 8 month of age) * Unilateral Flank mass in child > 3 yrs old ----. hemosiderin deposit & fibrosis due to recurrent hemorrhage in joint) * Neonatal Abstinence $ occur in 1st few days of life (due to Heroin withdrawal) poor sleep. DES. if fail than Insulin. Smoking. (Common in Vesicoureteral Reflux) * Hyper IgM $ ---. * Early neonate care : 1st Initial assessment. * Thalassemia -. CHF. v imp.RDW is normal (< 20%). virilization. * Down $ child with UMN lesion signs and other neurologic and Autonomic signs ------. Pain on direct pressure and superficial swelling of patella. Normal cervix length is 35 . Preterm Birth. Gynecomastia. normal IgA & variable IgM. if one mem of house is sick with pertusis.28 week gestation. * Risk factor for Abruptio placenta include Maternal trauma. 186 Copy Righted Material. External cephalic version. * Rota Virus is MCC of diarrhea from 6 months . It is reportable dis. (Iron def anemia -. Do Scotch tape test and treat with Mebendazole.14 days of life) is Oral Erythromycin (because pt will develop pneumonia later if topical erythromycin is used).Benign self limited condition of the new born characterized by Rash with halos and Esosinophils in lesion * Milia is small pearly white cyst.40 mm at 14 . MCHC. If that fail than surgery is indicated at 3 .Bluish white lesion on erythmatous buccal mucosae. * Transvaginal U/S is Gold Standard to evaluate cervix for Incompetence in pregnancy. Neutropenia Sinopulmonary Infection and PCP pneumoniae. * Tx of Chlamydial conjunctivitis (occur in 5 .Topical Mupirocin or oral Erythromycin. hypothermia & hypocalcemia. * Patellofemoral Stress $ seen in runners with Ant knee pain "pain upon descending step" * Prepetellar Bursitis occur due to Chronic Irritation of Ant knee. * Simple Partial Seizures ------. v v v imp. sweating tremer. * Transient Hypogamaglobulinemia dec IgG. * Patellar tendonitis occur due to repetitive jumping and kicking. Meconium aspiration.8 month of age. hyperactive Moro reflex. they are estrogen dependant often regress after menopause. accompanied by Urinary urgency. If FSH is low --. * No contraception while nursing is not reliable method of contraception ------------. (fetal tachy cardia > 160 b /min is also the feature of Chorioamnionitis).do annual Pap smear. * Most menstrual cycles in 1st 2 yrs following menarche are Anovulatory due to failure to produce Gonadotropin (FSH. Scotomata. * Uteroplacental Insufficiency Fetal hypoxia Fetal acidosis Late deceleration. It is MC uterine benign tumor and MC indication of Hysterectomy. 2. It worsen by bladder filling or Intercourse. cyanosis.Suction curettage is the tx of choice + Anti D Ig to all Rh . * Head to Abdomen Circumference Ratio is used to differentiate symmetric from Asymmetric fetal growth Restriction by U/S. * CIN I with low Grade lesion in the low risk pt -----------. IUGR or Oligohydramnios. 9. Procedure before 10 week Inc the risk of distal limb reduction or fetal death.It is Isolated Amenorrhea. * Trichomonal vaginal inf -. These cycles are typically irregular and may complicate by menorrhagia.Most appropriate tx is removal of product by dilatation and curettage. Other methods are barrier method Uterine devices and sterilization.Metronidazole for both partners.suspect peripheral origin. nocturia. clear. It is typically perform during 10 .is classic for Utrine Fibroids.12 weeks of gestation for early detection. * Antibodies to ABO Ag belongs to IgM class and does not cross placenta.Repeat Cytology in 12 months.Give Antibiotics. * LOW GRADE SQUAMOUS INTRAEPITHELIAL LESION (LSIL) OR MILD DYSPLASIA OR CIN I on PAP SMEAR --. Altered consciousness. Colposcopy. * Interstitial cystitis (Painful bladder $) is chronic condition that cause Pelvic pain. If still Abnormal after 24 months Indicate Diagnostic Excisional Procedure. ADOLESCENT ---------------------.Reassurance and out pt follow up is the standard care of threaten Abortion. POST MENOPAUSAL WOMEN ----------. 8. blurred vision. Epigastric or RUQ pain (due to stretching of hepatic capsule). * Inevitable Abortion (cervix is dilated and effaced) ---. * 16 yrs old girl with Primary Amenorrhea + well develop secondary sexual characteristics ----. brown. 3. AGC . Oliguria (< 500 ml /24hrs). LSIL) -----. If FSH is high --.can be white. Inc Creatinine. or Medically with Misoprostol of Mefipristone and expectantly by simple monitoring to ensure that product of concept eliminate naturally. * Transabdominal U/S can not be reliably visualize Intrauterine gestational Sac when Beta hCG is < 6500 IU /L. Best test is Transvaginal U/S which is more accurate and can demonstrate Intrauterine gestational sac when beta hCG is as low as 1500 IU /L.6 month and than repeat Biopsy.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Premature Rupture of mem + Maternal fever + Leukocytosis (>15000) with uterine tenderness and Tachycardia (>100 b/m) --.if there is no breast. * Umbilical Cord compression cause Variable deceleration. 7. TX -. 4. * Galactorrhea ------. Microangiopathic Hemolysis. ASC . 2nd step is Mid Luteal phase serum progesterone level (> 10 ng /mL indicates Ovulation occured). CIN I preceded by High Grade Abnormality (HSIL.Tx with cyclic Progesterone for 3 . * Abdominal Circumference is the most effective parameter for estimating fetal wt with U/S. pruritic.Immediate diagnostic Excisional procedure (in post child bearing age) or Closed Clinical follow up if women planning future pregnancy. Pulmonary edema. * Fetal head compression (cause vagal response) Early deceleration These deceleration are seen in active labor with 5 cm or more dilation. frequency. * 16 yrs old Girl with Primary Amenorrhea + Absence of Secondary sexual characteristics ----.Management is according to mothers. now Indicated Karyotyping.gray discharge. Expedite delivery (oxytocin may be used) if pt is near term or having Regular contractions. Altered Liver Function. 6. * Threaten Abortion (hemorrhage with alive fetus and closed cervix) -----. vs.H.Think intra Amniotic infection. * Chorioamnionitis tx -------. vs.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. . * Missed Abortion (dead retained complete product and closed cervix) -. 187 Copy Righted Material.Repeat Pap in 12 months. Pain typically relived by voiding (palpation of Ant vaginal wall cause pain). * Chorionic Villous sampling is the best test for the detection of fetal chromosomal abnormality in 1st trimester. Significant thrombocytopenia. LH). * Sever Preeclampsia is B > 160 / 110 mmHg + at least one of the following. * Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade I (CIN I) : Manage according to type CIN I preceded by Low Grade Abnormality (ASC .So if pt is nursing and ask for contraceptive to prevent pregnancy give Progestin Only OCPs.If + ve than do Colposcopy. * Dysmenorrhea + heavy menses + enlarged uterus Reflex HPV testing -.Wet Mount reveal pear shape motile organism. yellow or green ------. headache. * First Step in Evaluating Infertility is Detailed Hx and physical exam.NOS) -----. 5. dyspareunia -. give Reassurance and indicates Central Problem now order GnRH test. It can also detect Ectopic pregnancy. * Hypotension is another side effect of Epidural anesthesia due to redistribution of blood in lower extremities and venous pooling. * Premenopausal women with menstrual irregularities + simple or complex hyperplasia with out Atypia on Endometrial biopsy --. So gestational age is most imp influential factor to reduce the risk of limb reduction or fetal death.Nest step is check serum PL and TSH if pt is not pregnant. Abstaining form sexual intercourse and Repeat U/S one week later. PREMENOPAUSAL WOMEN -------------. Investigate it by Ordering FSH. Advice bed rest.US. KOH added to Vaginal discharge produce fishy order (+ ve Whiff test). Group B strep status unknown. or Cefoxitin + probenecid + doxicycline. * Depression of deep tendon reflexes is the early sign of Magnesium sulfate toxicity --.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. Now give correct Anti D Ig dose. . 2 hr Glucose conc > 155 mg /dL. pH > 4. 4. * HELLP $ Pt with < 34 weeks gestation give start dose of Anti D Ig.Rule out gestational trophoblastic dis. Vaginal exam is contraindicated. 2nd step U/S to Rule out placental pathology.Betke stain or Fetal Red Cell stain using flow cytometry. * + ve Nucleic Acid Amplification of chlamydia and Gonorrhea in asymptomatic pt should be tx with single dose Azithromycin or course of doxicycline along with ceftriaxone (if Gonorrhea is + ve too other wise no need of Ceftriaxone). * Asymptomatic Bacteuria (> 100000 organism /mL) in pregnancy Inc the risk of interventional do routine follow up. * Any young pt with breast Lump with out any obvious sign of malignancy ----. Remember Luchia is not foul smelling and uterus is not tender. Quantitative test (Rosette test) must be done to measure fetal .Hospitalized her & give Cefotetan + doxicycline. Nail hypoplasia.28 weeks of gestation. * Pt with HELLP $ 34 weeks gestation -----. * Hemolysis + elevated liver enz + low platelets in the presence of Preeclampsia is defined as HELLP $. preterm birth. Pyelonephritis. PT and aPTT both are normal. 1st -. * Gestation Diabetes is diagnosed when 2 or more of the following value are obtained during 3 hr OGTT.out pt tx with Ceftriaxone + doxicycline. and Induced deliver at 34 week. * First dose of Anti D Ig is given at 28 week of gestation and 2nd dose after delivery.start prophylaxis with penicillin. * Fetal Hydantoin $ (occur due to maternal use of Anticonvulsant medication) small fetus. * Both General and spinal anesthesia and as well as sedatives reduces uterine activity if administer in the latent Phase Prolong labor. v imp. cleft palate and Rib abnormality. Tx with Corticosteroid if gestation is < 32 weeks will the risk of ARD$. 1.Induced labor immediately. If test is + ve than evaluated the amount by using Kleihauer . 2. Mg sulfate toxicity Inc the risk of Respiratory and cardiac depression and CNS depression. --. * Pt with high fever + PID Sxs -. * Pt with Preterm (< 37 weeks) Premature Rupture of Mem who Group B strep status in unknown -. recent Antibiotic use.1 hr 50 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) ---------------------------. * Low grade fever (+/. 3. Wet mount show vaginal epithelium with adherent coccobacilli (Clue Cells). * Breech Presentation before 37 weeks -------------.If 1 hr 50 g OGTT is > 140 do 3 hr 100 g OGTT ---------------. 3. Coli accounts for 70% of cases. TX is Nitrofurantoin (7 days course) or Amoxicillin or 1st generation cephalosporin.tx with corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity. Neonatal Intraventricular hemorrhage & neonatal death. Previous hx of group B strep Inf in neonate.Reassurance is all you need.Ask her to return after her menstrual period for Re examination. Preterm Premature rupture of mem.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pregnant women with severe vomiting --. hypoplasia of fingers. v imp.If Glucose is < 140 rule out Gestational Diabetes. prenatal mortality. Pt with Low fever + PID Sxs -.It s common finding called LUCHIA RUBRA. * Group B strep prophylaxis Indication : 1. spermicidal contraceptives. Delivery < 37 weeks. 3 hr Glucose conc > 140 mg /dL. 188 Copy Righted Material. * Foul smelling thin gray white vaginal discharge. RBCs fragments are present. Fasting Glucose Conc > 95 mg /dL. * Diabetic screening is performed b/w 24 .labor exceeds > 20 hrs in primiperous and 14 hrs in multiperous . * Pt with bright red bleeding in pregnancy -------. Prolong Latent Phase defined as --. * Low dose of Anti D Ig most likely cause Anti D immunization.1st step Fluid resuscitation. hirsuitism. E. Hypotonic contractions are recognized by it less painful ness. 1 hr Glucose conc > 180 mg /dL.chills) with Leukocytois during first 24 postpartum hrs along with vaginal bloody discharge --. Luchia is initially bloody with or without clot. Necrotizing Enterocollitis. RUQ pain is typical due to distention of hepatic Capsule (Glisson capsule). If test is .10 weeks with wt loss and Ketonuria. sexual intercourse. * The cause of Inc Incidence of UTI in women is due to short urethra.If Glucose is > 140 confirm the dx of Gestational diabetes. Severe vomiting after 10 weeks which do not resolve by 20 weeks investigate it. * 16 yrs old with amenorrhea + well develop breast + axillary / pubic hairs + blind vaginal pouch + Karyo type 46XY Androgen Insensitivity $. microcephaly.Stop Mg sulfate immediately and initiate Ca Gluconate. vs. 2. or Clindamycin + Gentamycin until culture results are available. Do Gonadectomy to avoid the risk of testicular carcinoma. 2nd -. * Hyperemesis Gravidarum is severe form of vomiting during pregnancy occur b/w 4 . if > 100000 do U/S. vs. Following are the predisposing factor (not the cause of infection) such as close proximity of urethra to anus.5 Bacterial Vaginosis. Do as following. Order serum hCG level. than become serous and finally turn white to yellow in few days. Latent Phase Onset of labor 1st Stage 2 cm dilation Active phase 2nd Stage 10 cm dilation 3rd Stage Delivery of fetus Expulsion of placenta.maternal transfusion. 4. PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.If still . * 1st Episode of IUFD do autopsy on fetus and placenta with mothers permission. * MCC of dec fertility in women in 4th decade of life with normal menstrual cycle is age related dec in Ovarian reserves (Oocytes ageing). * Maternal serum AFP is dec in Edward and Down $. dec beta hCG. * During pregnancy any women with cytologic specimen suggesting HSIL should undergo Colposcopy and Direct Biopsy. * Malodorous Vaginal discharge with pruritis and inflammation. * Post Partum Endometritris is most commonly polymicribial fever. so cant be used in DVT and high risk pts.5 -------------------. * Otosclerosis is the MCC of conductive hearing loss in adults in 20s and 30s. * Intense excersize can cause Amenorrhea. proceeds with Vibroacoustic stimulation. vs.IV Clidamycin and Gentamycin. But should warn a pt that pregnancy may still occur.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Breech presentation after 37 weeks -------------. vs. Inc Inhibin A level. * Carpel Tunnel $ --. 2nd ----. if + ve repeat it weekly in high risk pregnancies. abdominal wall defect. chronic illness Inc risk of Osteoporosis. But must do Punch biopsy to rule out Squamous cell carcinoma which presents with similar Sxs. as well as Metformin.If NST is . Autoimmune ovarian failure. v v v imp.8 week after delivery. pH 4. v v v imp. * Fetal head contraction during uterine contraction Early deceleration which occur at same time as contraction. v v v imp. * VDRL & PRP is used for screening whereas FTA . * PL production is inhibited by dopamine and stimulated by TRH. Uteroplacental insufficiency during uterine contraction Late deceleration that occur after uterine contraction. Open or closed comedones are absent.4. * Systemic Steroids can cause Acneform eruptions characterized by monomorphous erythematous follicular papule. prolong labor. LEEP excision is considered if there is Invasive Carcinoma. Pt presents with Depressed Sxs. marijuana use. * Estrogen cream is for Postmenopausal Atrophic vaginitis. NSAIDs and OCPs can be used to improve Sxs. operative vaginal delivery.Nest step is do REAL TIME U/S to check absence of fetal movement & Cardiac activity. * Ovulation can be induced in pt with PCOD with Clomiphene. If Absent now declare Intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD). Turner $. * Variable deceleration is non assuring.Do NST. normal Inhibin A. * Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism can results form strenuous Dark field microscopy as first test to eliminate the chance of False .ve. * Lichen Sclerosus most commonly effected postmenopausal women Porcelein white atrophy of vulva + pruritis.dec MSAFP. stress. * Pt with no fetal activity + No fetal heart sound on doppler -----.5 ---. dec Estriol.section. * Inc MSAFP is seen in gestational age error (#1). 1st Step is measure of TSH.Now 2nd step is Trndelenburg Position. * Primary dysmenorrhea occur due to Inc PG.Trichomonas.Chemotherapy. Inc beta hCG. * Rho Gam is given to unsensitized Rh . Incidence of Carpel Tunnel $ Inc in pregnancy. starvation.dec MSAFP. (Clomiphene is estrogen analogue improve GnRh and FSH release) * All Pts with Inc FSH and Amenorrhea ----------------. dyspareunia. Radiation. * Pt complain that fetus is not moving + Fetal heart sound are present on doppler -----. Anorexia nervosa.0 . v v v imp.Candida. C. (its different is Kaplan ?) * IUFD on U/S ---------. If Biopsy is .Antagonist on breast and vaginal tissue and Agonist on bone tissue. If that fails than local injection of Corticosteroids. Non malodorous thick white Vaginal discharge. * LEVONORGESTROL (PLAN B) is recommended emergency contraceptive upto 120 hrs after unprotected after Vibroacoustic stimulation do Biophysical Profile. 189 Copy Righted Material. * MCC of Inc in maternal serum AFP (MSAFP) is gestational age error. * Hyperthyroidism and menopause Sxs can be step is Karyo typing. pH > 5. TX -. Neural tube defect.High Potency Topical steroids. 3rd -----. It Inc the risk of thromboembolism. dyschezia.First do external cephalic version.1st indicate Wrist splint and NSAIDs. before taging pt with dx of Menopause check Pts serum TSH and FSH.Most appropriate 1st step is O2 administration & change in maternal position. * Radiation level used during most diagnostic exam are not associated with teratogenicity in fetus.Following is the Step wise pattern to management 1st -----. depression. * Causes of premature Ovarian failure are --. * Raloxifene (SERM) women at 28 and with in 72 hrs of any procedure such as delivery Abortion and Ectopic pregnancy etc. Bone conduction is greater than Air conduction (+ ve Rennie test) Stapes are fixed and sclerosed. dec Estriol.Prolong rupture of mem. galactorrhea without visual problem.section. If Still not Responding (after 2nd step) than Amnioinfusion may be required. tender uterus foul smelling Lochia. Edward $ ----. TX -. multiple Down $ ------. Fragile X $. Amenorrhea. If that fails and Breech persist plan C . . discomfort. * Risk of developing Post partum Endometritis are watch ful maternal Coagulation profile and induce to evacuate fetus and post delivery Rho gam. MCC is umbilical compression --.ABS is used for confirmation once VDRL or PRP is + ve. * Pt with Primary syphilis ---. Persistent deceleration of < 70 b /min & of long duration (not responding to 1st step) pose risk of fetal hypoxia -. * Granuloma Inguinale (donovaniosus) presents with painless ulcer with red beefy base with out adenopathy. Last resort is Surgery decompression. 1st line prevention of Osteoporosis & dec risk of breast 2nd Biopsy is recommended 6 . v v v imp. do abdominal CT scan to rule out Adrenal mass.suggest Theca . BPP score of 4 with out oligohydramnios and fetal lung are mature -----. * For Stress Incontinence ------.Give reassurance only. * Do immediate Induction of Delivery in pt with IUFD who develop serum fibrinogen level to low normal range to prevent DIC (eg 180 mg/dL. * Over flow Incontinence --------------.Cervical mucous is thin and inhospitable.+ ve Family Hx. rapid decompression of hydramnios. BPP score of 4 with Oligohydramnios and fetal lung are not mature -----.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.consider delivery. late menopause. Ice pack and Analgesic to relieve pain.tx with alfa blocker or Bethanechol.mostly Pregnancy Luteoma women should be rechecked for Rh (D) Ab test b/w 24 .Kegal excersize and Urethropexy are recommended tx. trauma.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Tamoxifen (SERM) is estrogen antagonist on breast and bone but it is Agonist on endometrium. * Precocious puberty can be Central or peripheral. BPP score 6 without oligohydramnios ----.Advise to wear tight lifting Bra. * Laproscopy is Gold standard for the dx of Endometriosis . * Pregnant women who's immunization status is unknown ------. vs. ataxia talengiectasia. If results are suspicious repeat test next day. Nulliparity & PCOD. IUFD is defined as Intrauterine fetal death beyond 28 weeks of gestation. TX -. vs. 190 Copy Righted Material. * Pt want lactation suppression after death of infant ---.28 weeks of gestation. If results are not reassuring indicate delivery.450 mg/dL). * Fetal late deceleration is indication of emergent cesarean. . * Physician can refuse to perform Elective Abortion for personal or professional reasons. little or no uterus and 46XX laprotomy or laproscopic Biopsy to rule out malignancy. 2. * Pt with placental abruption in labor must be managed aggressively to ensure Rapid vaginal delivery. * Serum Inhibin B level can be used to determine ovulatory reserve. BPP score < 4 ------------. * Ovulatory Phase ------------------------------------------------------------. Bilateral cystic mass ---.section. * Anabolic Steroids cause Infertility dec GnRh.tx with Hysterosalpinogram to check anatomic abnormality. (there is no other advise except this). No Ovarian Mass -------. Option of procedure is depend on Fibrinogen check high beta hCG state to rule out Trophoblastic dis. * All pregnant women should have their fasting blood glucose level checked b/w 24 . Pt >35 yrs old ---. * DUB is refer to heavy vaginal bleed in the absence of structural or organic dis & is MCC of abnormal uterine bleeding. dec FSH. * Pt with Endometriosis are at Inc Risk of Infertility (30%).give Heavy Estrogen dose. * Rh . early menarche. where normal is 150 . * Pt with Mullerian Agenesis have blind ended vaginal pouch. * Metronidazole. Preeclampsia.prolong use of tamoxifen.Section is indicated when mother or fetus are unstable and are in Early Labor. 3. scant and Acidic and does not allow spermozoal penetration.Luteal cyst ----. * Pt with normal menses and normal physical exam but complain for infertility ---------. v v v imp * Pt with Androgen sensitivity $ have external genitalia as female but there are no internal female organs. It is dec in postmenopausal women. * SUDDEN ONSET OF HIRSUITISM IN PREGNANCY --. * Best management of IUFD is delivery of fetus to reduce the risk of infection and coagulopathy. Luteal Phase (mid and late) ---------------------------------------------. regardless of gestational age & fetal prematurity even if cervix is dilated / effaced in latent stage. obesity. dec LH small testes. High low or High level indicate no emergency pt can spontaneously deliver the product.Give corticosteroid injection and repeat BPP in 24 hrs.Endometrial Biopsy is indicated. avoid nipple manipulation. Early Follicular Phase (immediately following menses) Contraction stress test (CST).28 weeks of gestation. * Risk Factor for Abruptio Placenta include Maternal HTN. where as in Peripheral FSH and LH are dec. immediate delivery. Azithromycin and Acyclovir are OK to use in pregnancy. vs. placental abruption in previous pregnancy. Moderate or Severe DUB in young pt -. * Risk of Breast cancer include ----. (U/S detect as few as 25% of placental abruption). DUB often results from Anovulation. It is used in the prevention of beast cancer but it Inc the risk of Endometrial cancer. Mederoxyprogesterone is associated wit wt gain. Unilateral Solid mass --. * Combination of OCPs are not associated with wt gain. Bilateral Solid mass ----. But you must explain Option and risk.check for Rubella immunity (live vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy). Pt with Central cause must received MRI / CT scan and as well as GnRH analogue. vs. (tamoxifen has over all mortality benefit). 4. * Total Biophysical profile (BPP) score 8 . tobacco use or cocaine use and folate def. 1. * Risk of Endometrial carcinoma include ------. BRCA 1 & 2 mutation or P53. * All healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancy are encouraged to excersize for 30 mins. C .1st Do physical exam and U/S than Manage according to following Findings.Mild DUB in young pt is --.10 consider normal and should be repeated once or twice in high risk pregnancies. In Central FSH & LH are elevated. * All pregnant women with no contraindication should be vaccinated for influenza. clear and thin. But always first Kegals exercize. Refer the pt to another physician who will perform the procedure. Genotype is 46XY.Cervical mucous is thick. * Urge Incontinence (detrusor hyperactivity) sudden urge to urinate ------------. At low normal level do emergency C .Iron supplement. short umbilical cord.cervical mucous is profuse. (free T4 and T3 are normal). MCC Sxs of SCC of vagina is vaginal bleed and malodorous vaginal discharge.Repeat Pap in 12 FSH level bimanual uterine massage. It is also Initial tx of choice in type 2 DM.usual causes are Hypotonic contractions.rule out Ashermann $. tender) typically presents in 24 . TX with pulsatile GnRH therapy (to induce ovulation). Blood transfusion if needed. excessive excersize.12 weeks gestation. * Beta hCG normally double every 48 hrs. * Genital warts (Condylomata accuminata. * Post partum Breast Engorgement (tense. For that reason for normal female development MIF should be absent.1st step pregnancy test. * Sertoli .5 days and resolves spontaneously. In preeclampsia Protienuria is > 300 mg /24 hrs. 191 Copy Righted Material.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.Section should be performed on women with active genital herpes who is in labor to prevent potential fatal illness in neonate. Arrest due to Mid Pelvic contraction is tx with C . vs. * Adenomyosis is defined as presence of endometrial gland in uterine muscles. 1. * Pregnant with > 12 weeks gestation + family hx of Down $ -----. Absent axillary & pubic hair. * Radiation therapy is highly effective in Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of vagina. * Missed abortion is the dead fetus that is still retained in the uterus. its tumor precocious puberty. v v imp. v v v imp.Indicate Tocolysis and rest (along with corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity if needed) * Maternal Quadruple screen test for Down $ shows ---. vs. If normal than do U/S to do confirm gestational age. 2nd step PL and TSH.It help prevent type 2 DM. It is excellent alternative for pt who are poor surgical candidate. dec Estriole. Oxitocin (methylergonovine. * Granulosa cell produce Estrogen. uterus and fallopian tube). * Transient or Late HTN of pregnancy appear in 2nd half of pregnancy or during labor it is not accompanied by proteinuria (< 300 mg/ 24 hrs). or Podophylin. vascular dis. smoking. eating disorder. dec AFP.section because IV Oxitocin will rupture the uterus in this case. Erythematous) with fever > 38. Inc T3 and normal TSH. * Chronic Villous Sampling is performed during 10 .72 hrs after delivery it will peak by 3 . * Asymptomatic Fetal Growth Restriction occur due to late exposure to maternal factors that impair optimal fetal growth. v v v imp.Inc beta hCG. If Estrogen is adequate ---. * Inc in BP before 24 week gestation is either chronic HTN or Hydatidiform mole.3C). Pt may show mild fever (< 38. It occur usually in women > 40 yrs of age. menorrhagia and enlarged soft symmetrical uterus.US on pap smear in Non Adolescent women ---------. its tumor defeminization followed by musculinization. tender. Invasion can extend to full thickness dysmenorrhea. * Zavanelli Maneuver is used as a last resort in shoulder dystocia. It shows dec serum FSH & LH serum PL and TSH is normal. (all means all pts no exceptions) * Pregnancy is associated with Inc thyroid binding globulin (TBG) Inc T4.3C.Leydig cell produce Androgen. If women is > 35 yrs old it is mandatory to perform endometrial curettage to rule out Endometrial carcinoma. Inc Inhibin A. * Mullerian Inhibitory factor (produced by testes) inhibit formation of uterus. 3rd Estrogen status with progestin test. * Pt in acute preterm labor but with any complication ---. excessive sedation. Surgery is tx of choice for mass < 2 cm in size. Cephalopelvic disproportion and mal presentation. improve obesity. short vagina (absent upper vagina. If Estrogen is low --------.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * C . commonly occur after 60 yrs of age. HPV) cluster of pink lesion can be tx with Trichloroacetic Acid. congenital anomaly. warm. hirsuitism. hypoxia. * Presence of MIF in person with Karyo type 46XX breast. * Pt with Secondary Amenorrhea --------. or carboprost). * Atypical Squamous Cell of Undetermine Significance (ASC . . Congenital infection. * Metformin is indicated in PCOD pt with impaired Glucose intolerance ------. * Low back pain is very common in 3rd trimester due to Inc lumbarlordosis and relaxation of ligament supporting the joint of pelvic girdle. * Penicillin is the Tx of choice for syphilis even in the pregnant allergic to penecillin Reflex HPV testing. * Screening for syphilis is strongly recommended regardless of risk factor or how religious the person is. It is characterized by normal head size and reduced abdominal circumference. warm. Fallopian tube and upper portion of vagina. Causes are chromosomal abnormality. imp. * Post term Pregnancies are at Inc risk of Oligohydramnios and it should be monitor twice weekly. * Acquired Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism as cause of Amenorrhea & Infertility occur in those with significant stress. Conduction Anesthesia. (Remember Utrine Fibroids may produce same Sxs but uterus will be asymmetric and irregular shaped).Check 1st maternal serum AFP. vs.US) on Pap Smear ----. toxic exposure.US on pap smear in Adolescent is age dependant.Do penicillin desensitization. Fluid resuscitation. * Cigarette smoking is the MC preventable cause of Fetal Growth Restriction in USA. 2. vs. tx with NSAIDs. menstrual abnormalities and infertility. * By treating HIV pregnant women with Zidovudine through out pregnancy and labor and also treating newborn for the first 6 weeks of life will reduce the risk of HIV transmission by 70%. If + ve do Colposcopy. ASC . Postpartum Mastitis is usually unilateral (tense. * MCC of excess post partum blood loss is Uterine Atony (uterus feel boggy and large) --. * Arrest disorder of Dilatation and Decent --. ASC . * Symmetric Fetal Growth Restriction begin before 28 week gestation both head and body is deficient. Typical causes are maternal HTN. Contraindication to Bupropione is seizures disorder. * Heroin Intoxication ------.muscle spasm. * Atypical Antipsychotic such as Respiridone are considered 1st line for the pt with Acute Psychosis due to its low side effects (extrapyramidal side effects) * Psychosis is more common with Amphetamine use even though cocaine act same way. ovarian cyst). Next step Immediate Emergency C . Common Sxs are bloating. agitation & low fever) 192 Copy Righted Material.37 weeks gestation.Vasothromboembolism. vs.47 XXY * Pt > 35 yrs of age with hx of heavy menses and intermenstrual bleeding + physical exam is normal ----. fatigue. Inc Triglycerides. * DES exposure Adenocarcinoma (Clear Cell Carcinoma) of vagina and cervix and uterine inflamation in off springs. anxiety. HTN. DM or Obesity. headache. Cholestasis or Cholicystitis.depression. anxiety. * Heroin withdrawal -------.48 hrs. * hCG hormone is secreted by Syncytiotrophoblast mainly preserve function of Corpus luteal during early pregnancy in order to maintain progesterone secretion until placenta is able to produce its own progesterone. HTN. * Idiopathic Central precocious puberty is managed with GnRH agonist in order to prevent premature fusion of Epiphyseal plates which would other wise will lead to short stature. HTN.8 depressive Sxs for at least 2 weeks. concurrent Alcohol or benzodiazepine use (predisposes to seizures).24 hrs of last drink. Mild resistance to Insulin (but does not cause Diabetes).think Ruptured fetal Umbilical vessel. dysmenorrhea. difficulty conc.thyroxin Increases in pt who start taking Estrogen Replacement therapy and In pregnancy (because of Inc level of TBG and Inc vol of distribution of thyroid hormone). involving sensory and motor deficit. no axillary pubic hair. Cardiovascular event. Pt may be hysterical or strangely indifferent (la belle indifference) to their Sxs. * Initial Menstrual cycle are usually irregular due to immaturity of the developing Hypothalamic . * Renal Calculi in Pregnancy ------.Amenorrhea.Section). tactile. abdominal cramp. Endometrial cancer.think DUB. * Kallmann $ --. breast tenderness. * PSOD pt are at Inc risk of developing type II diabetes. Most appropriate next step is endometrial biopsy if pt is > 35 and HTN. sweating and palpitation) with 6 hrs of last drink. That resolves in 24 . Benign breast dis. * Pseudocyesis is rare psychiatric condition in which pt presents with nearly all signs and Sxs of pregnancy. * Pt with Torettes $ are at Inc risk of developing ADHD and OCD. psychomotor disturbance.most like Midcycle pain (mittleschmerz) * Renal Plasma Flow and GFR Increases in pregnancy and Inc in function gradually as pregnancy proceeds BUN / Cr will dec gradually. . Inc appetite. Insufficient GnRH with resultant dec FSH & LH) * TX of Vaginismus include Relaxation. * A Menstrual Diary for at least 3 cycles is use ful for confirming the dx of PMS. * Amphetamine Withdrawal --------. Karyo type 46XX. * OCPs side effects are ---. disorientation. * Sudden lower Quadrant pain radiate to groin or back + nausea and vomiting ----------. * Lithium. * Normal Amniotic Fluid Index is > 5 to < 25. For that reason Pt should be monitor for 4 .USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Pregnant women should be screened with Group B strep colonization with Vaginal and Rectal culture b/w 35 . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Psychiatry UW * Conversion Disorder is characterized by sudden onset of Pseudoneurologic Sxs or deficit. acne. Tachycardia. It does not cause Sexual dysfunction. * Klienfelter $ --. "no autonomic sxs") with in 12 .think Ovarian Torsion. Sxs usually begin 1 . lacrimation. vs. joint pain. Causes are Religious pregnancy test. Amphetamine Intoxication -------. * In Factitious Disorder pt intentionally produce above Sxs because they enjoy sick role (pt has no intention for Secondary gain). Kegels Excersize & Insertion of an object with gradual Inc in size to encourage desensitization (success Rate 80%). auditory. (IVP. However U/S reveal normal endometrial stripe and . CT scan & Shock lithotripsy is Contraindicated in Pregnancy).2 weeks prior to menses.\ * Bupropione (Antidepressant) is Reuptake Inhibitor of EN. Anosmia. * OCPs are protective against Ovarian cysts & cancers. eating disorder.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Delusion disorder is characterized by Isolated non bizarre delusion in an other wise highly functional individual (normal person).Pupil dilation. sweating. rhinorrhea. Valproic acid and Carbamezapine are 1st line tx for mania and Bipolar disorder. * In Major Depressive disorder pt must have at least 5 . * Donot share pt information with 3rd party unless pt consents and sign a legal document allowing to release such information. irritability. Dopamine and serotonin. def of GnRH no breast. which are causing significant functional impairment. vomiting. HTN & dilated pupil. sweating. tachycardia. * PSOD pt are infertile because of Anovulation or Oligoovulation sign of Androgen excess (Inc Testosterone male pattern hair growth. * Bloody show due to Amniotomy + fetal signs are deteriorating + Maternal signs are stable -------. imp.Respiratory depression and Pin point pupil. nausea. 2nd : pt starts hallucinating (visual.6 weeks for dose Adjustment. fatigue.pituitary . 3rd phase -.gonadal Axis that does not produce adequate proportion of hormone (ie. mood swing. Traumatic childhood. * Sudden lower quadrant pain in midcycle (does not radiate) ----------. diarrhea. * Alcohol withdrawal ---. * Low dose TCA such as Imipramine or Desmopressin can be used to tx Enuresis in start having delirium tremens (hallucination.section now (crash C . * Requirement for L . dec libido. eg delusion of having dis.1st : pt experience minor Sxs (tremulousness.Abdominal & Pelvic U/S is the procedure of Choice. * Clozapine cause Agranulocytosis. * All Atypical Antipsychotics including Olanzapine cause wt gain. * Typical Antipsychotic and Respridone can cause Hyperprolactinemia. Alcohol.occur in previously diagnosed schizophrenics who have no longer prominent psychotic Sxs. psychomotor agitation or retardation. * Most Antidepressant take 4 . * Marijuana Abuse behavior change. Less significant factors are age > 45 yrs. subs abuse. hyperglycemia. disorganized speech and Inappropriate affect.disorganized behavior. bowel or bladder control. But they do have persistence of eccentric behavior. vs. Depressed mood. dry mouth. very agitated pt with mania give halopridol first rather than giving lithium.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * One of the most troubling side effect of SSRI is sexual dysfunction (impotency. Visual hallucination & intense perception is hall mark of LSD. illogical thinking social withdrawal. wt gain. feeling of guilt and worthlessness. dyslipidemia and HTN. 6th Consult Psychiatrist & evaluate Family dynamics. Suicidal thought.characterized by delusion. 5. 1st encourage her to inform her husband. nervousness and abdominal pain. * Lithium cause hypothyroidism. followed by peculiar stereotype hand movement. 9. * PCP and LSD intoxication presents almost similarly But agitation & aggression is more common in PCP . Tacrine) are of benefit in slowing the cognitive decline of Alzheimer’s. 2nd Radiologic Skeletal survey (If needed). If family mem request not to reveal the dx to pt than underlying reason should be explored before deciding how to proceed. . mental retardation. * Guide line for Lithium tx : 1. Galantamine. * Major depressive disorder pt have 5 or more of the following Sxs for at least 2 weeks : 1. insomnia. * Schizophrenia Residual type -.6 weeks to provide symptomatic relief.predominant physical Sxs such as immobility. OCD pt often recognize unreasonable nature of their thoughts. * Atypical Antipsychotic such as Respiridone are particularly effective in the tx of negative Sxs of schizophrenia. disorganized speech and Inappropriate behavior (masturbation in public. Three or more episode require lithium tx with life long maintenance. * Pt with HIV & not willing to disclose the dx to her husband. 7. excessive movement and assumption of bizarre posture. disorganized or paranoid type. fatigue. 4th Report child protection service. (gradually taper the dose when discontinue the tx). Agoraphobia. psychologic instability. * Pt with Agitation should tx with Halopridol in acute setting regardless of dx.Methylphenidate (modafinil) + combination of Antidepressant & Psychostimulant (help decreasing cataplexy). * Schizophrenia Paranoid type -. Arrhythmia. vs. * Abrupt cessation of Alprazolam (short acting benzo) results in seizures and confusion. 3. * In shared Psychotic Disorder "Folie's deux" -. 5th admit to hospital (if necessary). bipolar disorder). v v v imp. TX them by admitting them into different Psychiatric unit for tx. * Reversible Anticholiestrase inhibitor (donepizil. parent illusion is transfer to another person (such as daughter etc). loss of coordination. * Schizophrenia Disorganized type -. even if pt spouse request and declare that the tx is contraindicated to pts belief. * Ziprasidone (Atypical Antipsychotic) cause QT prolongation. Generalized Anxiety and Subs abuse. eg. * Pt suffering from Panic disorder have Inc Incidence of Depression. 6.schizophrenia + Mood Sxs (major depression. * Bupropione is Antidepressant and as well as Smoking cessation aid. just a need for perfection. * Pt with psychiatric Illness can give consent as long as their judgment abilities are determined to be intact. * Schizoaffective disorder -. Sleep disturbance. emotional blunting. delayed ejaculation and dec libido). play or motor skill mental retardation).dec appetite. Obsessive Compulsive Personality disorder (OCPD) usually dont have any true Obsession or Compulsion. * Dysthymia is depressed mood lasting majority of day for at least 2 yrs (eg. 2. * When Child Abuse is suspected take following measures : 1st Complete Physical Examination. expressive or repetitive language. deceleration of head growth. Single Manic Episode requires long term lithium maintenance for a period of at least one yr. wt loss.occur more commonly in male show normal development for 2 yrs followed by loss of previously acquired skills in at least 2 areas (ie. * OCD is marked by Obsession that cause anxiety which results in compulsive behavior to dec anxiety. electrolyte disturbance. * Hospitalization is Highly recommended for pt with Anorexia Nervosa when there is a evidence of dehydration.mixed Sxs that do not meet the criteria of Catatonic. 3rd Coagulation Profile. Elderly single male. social skills. Auditory hallucination. * Schizophrenia Undifferentiated type -. * Parent don’t want their child vaccinated -. * Pt have Right to know the Dx. 8. Rivastigmine. starvation. pt express that they are depressed entire life) vs. * Necrolepsy TX ----. * A physician is authorized to provide emergent life saving tx to the unconscious pt. 193 Copy Righted Material. If she refuses than physician should tell her husband. poor concentration. * Childhood Disintegrative Disorder -. * Greatest risk factor for committing suicide is past hx of Suicide attempt. * Schizophrenia Catatonic type -. laugh at strange time). * Methylphenidate side effects --. Inc appetite and conjunctival injection. Pt with OCPD do not identify their behavior as abnormal. vs. Respect their wishes and Document it in the medical chart that the Risk & Benefit has been Explained.1st explain potential risk and benefit of vaccine. If they still refuses. seizures. Anhedonia.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. malnutrition (wt < 75% of body wt for age sex and height). * Rett $ -.occur exclusively in Females show normal development until 6 months. tachycardia. 2. palpitation in social setting -------. eg. vs. Premature birth. IUGR. vs. amenorrhea. v v v imp. Osteoporosis. * Rationalization is Rational.Pigmented Retinopathy.1. Clonazepam (long acting). Changing or adding more Antipsychotic will not help. Risk of Bipolar disorder in person with family hx of Bipolar disorder is 5 . * Grandiose Delusion is typical belief in special powers and special relation ship with God.Fully discuss the specific reason before honoring the pts decision. * Perservation is Repetition of words or Ideas during conversation. it is commonly seen in schizophrenics. * Idea of Reference --. vs. * Quetiapine side effect --. Miscarriage.these kids are verbal and talkative at home but refuse to speak in select setting (school. * Social Phobia related Inadequacy and Anxiousness in social setting is tx with SSRI. * Post Traumatic stress disorder is best tx with combination of SSRI + Exposure or Cognitive therapy.tx then with Benzodiazepine or Electroconvulsive therapy. Premature birth. public events etc). Hypothyroidism and Epstein Anomaly. 5. * Competent pt with life threatening non communicable dis refuses the tx after discussing tx options and prognosis --. * Pregnant women with current or previous Anorexia nervosa are at high risk of following complication : 1. It rarely last > 6 months after stressor is ended.Alternating episodes of Hypomanic Sxs and depressive Sxs over the period of 2 yrs. * Pregnant has right to refuse tx if it places her unborn child at risk. meningococcemia. This tx is applied to minor even if parents are disagree. * Pt who are acute danger to them selves or others should be hospitalized (involuntarily if necessary) for tx. vs. * Pt on Lithium now show Refractory Mania ----------. * Schizophrenic pt who suffer relapses due to noncompliance -----. * Chlorpromazine side effect --. Inc Cholesterol and Carotene level. Do not tx at home either. Delusion is fixed false belief.tx with Fluphenazine ad Halopridol (both Long acting Injectable antipsychotics) twice per month if it is out pt treatment. Hypothalamic .altered Serotonin level. estrogen def). cesarean delivery. 3. * Hypomania is the presence of Manic Sxs for at least 4 days (typically < 1 week). erythema of turbinate and nasal septum and behavioral change. * Olanzapine tend to cause less extrapyramidal side effects but it cause wt gain. 8. Mania Sxs last > 1 week. v v v imp. * The likelihood of Schizophrenia relapse in pt can be dec if conflict and stressor in the home environment are kept to minimum.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * OCD ---------. * Antipsychotic cause Hyperprolactinemia by blocking Dopamine activity along Tuberofundibular pathway. * Schizophrenic pt on Respiridone now present with Catatonic Schizophrenia --.very similar to PTSD or Generalized Anxiety disorder). .Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus. 5. * Adjustment disorder -. Any communicating dis that requires Isolation should be tx in hospital with or with out pts will. 194 Copy Righted Material.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---.tx with benztropin or Trihexyphenidyl or diphenhydramine. vs. 2. 6.dysfunction (anovulation. 3. * Illusion is misinterpretation of external reality. * Common finding in Anorexic pt are -. (be careful -.1st step do Urine toxicology and Lithium Blood level. Osteoporosis. v v v imp. 2. Bipolar II disorder -. Cardiac arrhythmia (prolong QT). * Single episode of Major depression must be tx for a period of 6 months following pts response to drug.tx with Propanolol. * Alprazolam (Short acting) vs. 7. vs. Post partum depression.cataract. Hponatremia (due to excessive water intake. * Suspected Cocaine abuse in pt with wt loss. * Competent pt can refuse tx but if pt has a condition which could be threat to other such as family mem or community. 6. eg Television. Euthyroid Sick $. * Selective Mutism -. Dissociation is blocking of upset thoughts from consciousness to avoid conflict. * If One pt is Agree and the other is not for the tx of minor listen to the one who is agree. * Clozapine side effect --.Pt belief every day occurrence have special implication for them.pituitary . * Risk of Bipolar disorder in general population is 1 %. Radio or Newspaper are directly speaking to them.Emotional and behavioral Sxs that develop with in 3 month of exposure to identifiable stressor.10 %. logical reason for an upsetting event rather than Real Reason. v imp. * Dystonia due to Antipsychotic ----. than tx the pt in hospital against their will. v v imp. Hyperemesis Gravidarum. * Dysthymia --. * Cyclothymia --. * Thioridazine side effects --. * Lithium Side effect -. Consent from one parent is enough.depressed mood occur most of the day for at least 2 yrs with minimum functional impairment. 4.Inc risk of jaundice.Agranulocytosis. 4. v v v imp.Episode of major depression and Hypomania. * Anxiety related to nervousness. Obeys = 6 Localizes = 5 Withdraw = 4 Flexing posture (decorticate) = 3 Extending Posture (decerebrate) = 2 None = 1 * Solitary Lung Nodule on CXR --------------. It is emergency due to danger of Bowel strangulation. Inability to void and palpable distended bladder. * GLASGOW COMA SCORE (GCS) : GCS 13 .1st step Fluid resuscitation followed by U/S. * Volkmann's Ischemic Contractures is final sequel of Compartment $ in which dead muscle is replaced by fiberous tissue. * Carbamezapine and Valproate cause Craniofacial defect. IV Steroids (Methylprednisone) have shown significant improvement in out come. * CT is scan is the test of choice to diagnosed intra abdominal Abscess. * Clinical Indicator for thermal Inhalation Injury includes -. Hx of confinement in burning building -----. Craboxyhemoglobin > 10%.External fixation of the hip joint with PINS (it prevent Avascular necrosis and Chondriolysis). mental status change.Burn on face. U/S is indicated in women who is been suspected for other pathology such as Ectopic pregnancy or Ovarian process.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Severe Sxs of Tourette $ are best tx with Typical Antipsychotic such as Halopridol and Pimozide. Scrotal hematoma. TX -. Institute + ve Pressure mechanical ventilation immediately.72 hrs Respiratory distress.EYE OPENING ----------------.14 is Minor. . 3 fracture). GCS 9 . Internal Fixation is preferably used in young pt with displaced Femoral neck Fracture (Garden Type 2 . * Elderly with displaced Femoral Neck Fracture is tx with Primary Arthroplasty.12 is moderate.1st thing to do Retrograde Urethrogram followed by surgical repair of penis.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. vs. Neural Tube defect and Genital defect. v imp. CT scan is indicated in non pregnant pt to confirm the dx if presentation is Atypical. Pt hold the thigh in external rotation while hip is been flexed. If U/S is not revealing do diagnostic peritoneal lavage. * Vertebral Injury & Spinal cord injury (after stabilizing a pt ie. * Elevated Left or Right Diaphragm in the absence of Hemothorax or Pneumothorax ------. high riding prostate on Rectal exam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surgery UW * Multi Rib fracture + pts PaO2 is getting worst despite hyperventilation ----. 195 Copy Righted Material. * Pt with Blunt trauma and is hemodynamically unstable ---. Musculoskeletal infection such as Osteomyelitis of spine.Reassurance and Observation is all u need.1st thing to do is IV Steroids followed by CT (for hard tissue) & MRI for (Soft tissue).75% of cases of severe blunt chest trauma. * Fat Embolism can occur secondary to Long bone fracture but Clinical manifestation are not Acute instead develop over the period of 12 . * Post urethral Injury is associated with pelvic fracture blood in urethral meatus. * Post Operative Beta Blocker lower the incidence of Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia in pt with risk of cardiac complication after Noncardiac surgery.Oriented = 5 Disoriented / Confused = 4 Inappropriate word = 3 Incomprehensible Sound = 2 None = 1 MOTOR RESPONSE -------. * Most cases of Hydrocele will resolve by age 12 months ----. If clinical signs are present go direct to surgery. If that confirms hemoperitoneum proceeds with Laprotomy immediately. DX with Frog leg Lateral View XRAYs. * Tx of choice of adjustment disorder is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy or Brief Cognitive therapy. Oropharyngeal Carbon deposit. * Acute Appendicitis is Clinical dx. It complicates 30 . stridor.Must do Early Intubation to prevent upper respiratory airway obstruction with edema. carbonaceous sputum.It is Flial Chest . Pt may show hyperventilation.think Diaphragmatic hernia. petechie.Spontaneous = 4 To Verbal Command = 3 To pain = 2 None = 0 VERBAL RESPONSE ------. ABC) -. Orophraryngeal inflamation. * Penile fracture is a surgical Emergency -. * GCS ---------. Management involve Mechanical Ventilation and close monitoring. singing of eye brows. * Pulmonary Contusion show patchy irregular infiltrate on CXR. GCS < 9 is Severe. * Slipped Capitofemoral Epiphyses loss of Abduction & Internal rotation of hip. v v imp. If Hydrocele is fail t resolve by 12 months do surgery (because of danger of indirect Inguinal Hernia development).Next step is high Resolution CT scan. vs. Radiography with water soluble contrast is the best way to dx is. 196 Copy Righted Material.Triad of bilateral Hip. * Barium swallow or CT scan with Oral contrast will diagnose Diaphragmatic Rupture. * When there is Initial Flap of the carotid artery after trauma of neck surgical repair (because there is danger of vessel occlusion & stroke). (donot confuse with Aortic dissection because of widening of media stinum) * Pt who presents > 5 days after the Onset of Sxs of Appendicitis and has RLQ mass with out rebound or guarding ----. Ankle . * Pancreatic injury (contusion) due to blunt trauma may be missed by CT scan in 1st 6 hrs. debridement and Antibiotics.wrap the amputated part in saline moist gauze. thigh and Buttock claudication + Impotency + Symmetric bilateral Muscle Atrophy. * Gentle Traction of the forearm in Humerus fracture is Imp even before morphine and Radiology because it prevent Neurologic deficit (radial nerve). . * Central cord $ may results from hyperextension injuries particularly in elders with spondylosis weakness more pronounced in upper extremities than lower tx is indicated for this self limited condition. Once Dx is established Doppler or Plethysmography can be used to localized the lesion. leukocytosis. Sudecks Atrophy is radiographic term for spotty rarefaction seen on pt with RSD. (discharge cytology is not done) vs. and may be accompanied by deficit of pain and temp sensation. * CT guided drainage is the standard tx for pelvic abscess. vs. Immediate surgery is not indicated in this setting because it often requires extensive dissection and cause injury to other organs. sealed in plastic bag and placed on ice and bring to ER. * Pt with complete Childhood Tetanus vaccination ( 3 doses) course donot need Tetanus Ig even if time of last vaccination is > 10 yrs ago.think Aortic rupture. * Pt with breast mass --. If Pt has < 10 yrs with Booster dose no Tetanus Toxoid vaccine is needed for Minor wound. hyperesthesia & tenderness. v v imp. This is serious condition and require Thoracotomy for drainage. impotence and skin changes (atrophic shiny skin with hair loss). * Previous surgery is the MCC of Complete Small Bowel Obstruction nausea. * CXR is required after central line placement to ensure proper positioning and absence of Pneumothorax. widening of media stinum on CXR. chest pain.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Failure of skin wound to heal for prolong period of time Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In such cases only Tetanus Toxoid vaccine is indicated. Dilated small bowel loop on XRAY. If mammography suggest suspicious mass do Excesional Biopsy. If Case of Tetanus Vaccine is not completed as in case of infant. * Parotid Surgery pose risk of Facial Nerve palsy. * Pt with Breast Mass with out fluctuation along with erythema. An untreated pancreatic injury may be complicated by Retroperitoneal abscess or Pseudocyst (week later). It can cause Pseudocoarctation with Inc BP in upper extremities and pressure on Left recurrent Laryngeal nerve. * Transtentorial Uncal herniation can occur secondary to trauma which cause unilateral Epidural hematoma dysfunction of occulomotor nerve along with other neurologic signs. non bloody nipple discharge and lymphadenopathy ----. * Central Venous catheter via jugular vein or sub clavien vein does not make any difference in risk of Pneumothorax. If this fail do Laproscopic step is do culture and cytology of discharge. v v imp. Stenting is alternative. edema. * In case of Amputated injury ---. When SCC arise form burn wound and cause ulcers they are called Marjolin ulcers.35 %. * Aortoiliac Occlusion (Leriche $) --.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is painful condition seen as a sequel of infection or trauma pain. * Diverticulosis is the MCC of Hematochezia in an elderly and chronic constipation is the MC predisposing factor. * Excisional Biopsy is done for Fibroadenoma as it is diagnostic and therapeutic. Increasing the FRC can help prevent post operative Atelactasis. * Pt with forceful deceleration injury + Bruises over chest and Abdomen + High BP + hoarse voice ---. * Acute Mediastinitis may occur following heart surgery fever. Fat necrosis show clinical and radiological finding similar to those seen in breast cancer (such as nipple retraction and calcification) but Biopsy shows Fat Globules and Foamy Histiocytes ------.99 labeled Erythrocytes Scintigraphy should be used in cases of GI bleeding when source is not identified with other procedures. If Mass is fluctuable and draining through nipple ---. * Esophageal Perforation occur due to Iatrogenic causes (endoscopy etc) ------. * Moving form Supine to sitting can the Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) by 20 . * Pt with Peripheral Vascular dis typically has risk factors similar to those who have heart disease Claudication of extremities. Femoral catheterization is less likely to cause Pneumothorax but risk of Infection is high due to its location. than for clean minor wound give only Tetanus Toxoid vaccine an d for High risk wound give Tetanus Toxoid vaccine and Tetanus Immunoglobulin.Pressure Index (by obtaining resting and post excersize BP) is the best tool for determining the severity of dis and Dx. If lesion is not suspicious do FNA for cytology. vomiting and Abdominal bloating (tympanic on percussion).Tx with IV hydration + Cefotetan and Bowel rest. But if wound is high risk and 5 yrs has been passed after booster give TetnusToxoid again.Most appropriate next step Biopsy of mass for Histology.Brachial .1st step mammography. * Technetium . vomiting abdominal pain. after stabilizing the pt ---------. vs. * Hydrocele occur due to fluid in tunica vaginalis Laprotomy (mild leukocytosis and Inc Amylase are expected in this case). * 3 . Tonsils are normal in Ludwig Angina. Asphyxiation is MCC of death.1st thing to do is Xrays of Cervical Spine.tx with Hip Pelvik Harness or Spica Cast. forearm and dorsal hand.1st thing to do is Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) & Diagnostic peritoneal lavage to detect results. fever. * Vericocele is presents as dull. Maneuver used in screening is Barlow and Ortalini test. sarcoidosis. than next step is pelvic Angiography to search bleed. Needle Cricothyroidectomy is excellent procedure in immediate surgery it is ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. It is painless. It results form swelling form Pampiniform plexus of veins and feel like bag of worm. * Acute Adrenal insufficiency is lethal post operative complication in those who were on steroids preoperatively hypotension. Arterial Occlusion ----------.It transilluminate and may Inc in size with valsalva. vs.Give Reassurance. * Radial Nerve Injury ------. abdominal distention and tenderness. TB. v imp. with Obstipation are typical signs of Small bowel obstruction (strangulation) --------. It tend to ulcerate some time due to poor circulation --.ulnar nerve injury (claw hand). diminish temp and pain sensation with preservation of Dorsal Column function (light touch. Skin vasoconstriction occur after 15 % blood loss (cold & mottled skin). . aching pain in testis. v imp * Bowel Ischemia is known complication of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm surgery bloody diarrhea. vs. * Ludwig Angina is infection of Sub maxillary and Sublingual gland. * Torus Palatinus is benign bony mass (exostosis) located on hard palate. * Injury to medial Epicondyle of Humerus -------. * Apneic pt with head injury -------. MRI is used for definitive dx. It does not transilluminate. vs.maintaining placement of Femoral head with in the acetabulum with proper healing with splint or surgery. * Spermatocele cause by cystic dilation of efferent ductules. It will resolve spontaneously in 1 .pain. * Whistling sound during respiration month after Rhinoplasty ------. Wagners granulomatosis. * TX of choice of the fracture of femoral shaft is CLOSED INTERMEDULLARY FIXATION of fracture.think Diffuse Axonal Injury. pallor. * Isolated duodenal hematoma after trauma is tx conservatively with nasogastric suction and parenteral nutrition. * Ant Shoulder dislocation ------. nausea. Other causes of whistling sound on respiration are syphilis. MC source of infection is Infected Tooth usually molar. * + ve Drop arm sign ------. TX -. vs. It do not transilluminate and size of testis Inc with valsalva. vibration & position). * In paralytic ileus bowel sound are absent and there is a abdominal distention (due to gas). Xray may be negative. MRI or Bone scan show necrosis.Firm. * Venous valvular Insufficiency ----------. * New born with developmental dysplasia of hip ------. dragging. * Axillary nerve injury paralysis of deltoid and teres minor and loss of sensation of lateral upper arm. * Pt with trauma after falling from height . * Non bloody Aspirate from breast do not need cytology because of high false . * Legg Calve Perthes dis (avascular necrosis of femoral head) occur in 4 . vs. abdominal pain.4 % pt with spinal cord surgery will develop Syringomyelia months to yrs later dec strength in muscle. * In general tissue O2 delivery does not dec until Hb drop below 7 gm/dL. paresthesia and coolness to touch. * Hyperventilation help to prevent intracranial HTN by causing cerebral vasoconstriction thus dec cerebral blood flow.It is Nasal Septum Perforation. If that turn out . pt presents with externally rotated arm.2 weeks. * Rupture of Bicep tendon produce + ve "Popeye sign" (bicep belly become prominent) weakness with suppination but forearm flexion is typically preserved.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. sensory loss of posterior arm. 197 Copy Righted Material. one must rule out Intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal bleed --. * A breast mass that produce non bloody aspirate & disappear after FNA does not need any further evaluation other than Reassurance & Re -examination in 6 weeks.Axillary nerve injury. Systolic BP and Consciousness are not effected until there is 30% blood loss. nausea. Do not confuse with Pseudomembraneous colitis which produce non bloody voluminous watery diarrhea. vomiting. * Hypotension + Pulsatile abdominal mass ----. * Testicular Neoplasm ---. * When Hemorrhage occur Pulse (tachycardia) and Peripheral vasoconstriction are the first physiologic changes.10 yrs of age group Insidious onset of hip and knee pain and antalgic gait. TX -. Pt loss conscious instantaneously and later will develop persistent vegetative Orotracheal intubation or surgical Cricothyridectomy. * In Hemodynamically unstable pt after trauma.edema that worsen through out the day and resolve over night. * In Small bowel Obstruction including Colon Obstruction Gas is not present distal to Obstruction & hyperactive tinkling bowel sounds are present.Rotator cuffs tear.wrist drop. vs. located on the superior pole of the testis and classically transilluminate.1st test hip U/S of infant < 4 month of age (or Radiograph of infant 7 month old). * First step in Non traumatic massive hemoptysis is Bronchoscopy to localize and control the site of bleeding. painless testicular mass (aching may be present). Intranasal cocaine.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Acute Colicky or Paroxysmal Abdominal pain with Episodic hyperactive bowel sound. * Head trauma + CT shows Minute punctuate hemorrhage with blurring of gray white matter interface ---------. PLATE & SCREW FIXATION is for those who have multiple fracture. 198 Copy Righted Material.Do Faciotomy It is C$. Septic shock (hyperdynamic) or normal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Acute Ruptured Appendicitis may be complicated by pelvic abscess lower Abdominal pain. The Emergent tx of choice is Percutaneous cholecystectomy. * BUN / Cr Ratio > 20 : 1 suggest Prerenal cause. * Middle age man with superficial hip pain that is exacerbated by external pressure to the lateral thigh when lying on the affected side -. nausea. Pyloric stenosis and Pancreatic cancer. MI. * Placement of Subclavian vein catheter accounts for 1/4 of Iatrogenic Pneumothorax. It also supplies sensation to Anterolateral leg and Dorsum of foot. Tibial Nerve provide sensation to lower leg except medial side and planter foot. Cardiogenic (LV dysfunction) eg. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAJOR FORMS OF SHOCK MAP HR PCWP PCWP with Fluid Challenge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Extracardiac Obstruction. variable or normal unchanged or 4. Most prevent is young male with large amount of body hairs. eg Pericardial tamponade or 6. because hct is poor indicator of blood loss).PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. * Tamponade due to trauma typically show normal cardiac silhouette with out Tension pneumothorax on CXR.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS If conservative method fails do surgery. valve dysf.Opaque yellow Opaque yellow to green WBC < 200 < 2000 > 2000 > 20000 often 50000 Neutrophil < 25 < 25 50 75 Glucose serum conc serum conc b/w 25 & serum conc < 25 Gram stain neg neg neg positive Etiology no pathology Osteoarthritis. Superficial supplies to Ant leg muscles where as Deep Peroneal nerve supplies to Lateral leg muscle . Stricture secondary to ingestion of caustic agent. * Surgery is rarely necessary for medical collateral ligament tear. Hematochezia often appears. Neurogenic or normal or normal 7. The Pressure > 30 mm Hg is enough to cause Cessation of blood flow. Tension pneumothorax or massive hemothorax or normal unchanged or 5. It also provide sensation to Ant thigh and Medial lower leg. TX -. low grade fever and Tender Pelvic boggy mass on Rectal exam. Crystal Arthritis Bacterial Infection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Femoral nerve innervate Ant compartment of thigh knee extension & hip flexion. contusion. Painful diarrhea may occur due to bowel irritation. Imaging show Gallbladder distention. They control Flexion of the knee and digits and planter flexion of foot. It also provide sensation to medial thigh. * Common Peroneal nerve (Fibular nerve) give rise to Superficial Peroneal nerve and Deep peroneal nerve. Thickening of Gall bladder wall & Pericholicystic fluid. . Hypovolemic / Hemorrhagic unchanged or 2.may results into Bowel Ischemia.suggest Trochantric Bursitis. non bilious vomiting and wt loss. + ve Valgus stress show abduction at knee.Drain the abscess and excision of Sinus tract. It is most likely due to sweating and friction of superior gluteal cleft. The cause of gastric outlet obstruction is Peptic ulcer dis. If pt have all sings of Compartment $ along with palpable pulses --. * Pyloric Stricture early satiety. The most effected part is Distal Left colon. * Only bladder dome rupture (due to trauma) can cause one or both shoulder pain because of Intraperitoneal inflamation "chemical Peritonitis" with resultant Sub diaphragmatic peritonitis. * Obturator nerve innervate the medial compartment of thigh thigh adduction. * Pilonidus dis is referred to Acute pain and swelling of midline sacrococcegeal skin and subcutaneous tissue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SYNOVIAL FLUID NORMAL NONINFLAMATORY INFLAMATORY SEPTIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Appearance Clear clear to yellow clear . * Tibial nerve supplies to muscle of posterior compartment of leg and planter muscles of the foot. * Presence of pulses does not rule out Compartment $ (C$). trauma Rheumatic dis. Cardiogenic (RV dysfunction) eg. * Acute Blood loss of 1500 ml usually require blood transfusion (dont worry about hct value. Extracardiac Obstruction. * Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery -. * Ureteral colic can results in possible ileus due to vagal reaction to colic. TX with drainage of Abscess. variable 3. Arrythmia. MI Contusion. eg. Tension Pneumothorax is emergency and need Immediate Needle Thoracostomy based on clinical dx. * Acalculus cholicystitis occur in critically Ill hospitalized pt. Any Gun Shot wound below the level of 4th intercostal space (level of nipple) is considered to involve the abdomen. voluminous. foul smelling stool which is difficult to flush.PREPARED BY IRFAN MIR ---. TX of choice is Adenosine (it is both the diagnostic and therapeutic drug). * Steatorrhea (fat malabsorption) generally presents with pale. * Supraventricular Tachycardia must be suspected in with EKG showing Regular Narrow QRS Complex Tachycardia with out definite P wave. * Remember Amiodarone is the tx of choice in Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia which is Ventricular in Origin (Lidocaine is another option) 199 Copy Righted Material. . Most Important screening Question is Alcohol consumption.USMLE STEP 2 CK KICK THE BOARDS * Any Gun Shot wound of Abdomen requires Exploratory laprotomy.
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