iRep installation

March 19, 2018 | Author: Melita Ćališ | Category: I Pad, Online And Offline, Tab (Gui), Application Software, User (Computing)



User Guide: iRepUser Guide: iRep Version 8. July 2014 A. Install the Veeva application in the iPad ................................................................................................................. 3 B. Open the Veeva application..................................................................................................................................... 6 a. Check your tasks ................................................................................................................................................... 6 b. Review the Territory Adds & Drops .................................................................................................................... 10 c. Review your accounts ......................................................................................................................................... 11 1. Edit an account................................................................................................................................................ 12 2. Record a call with an account ......................................................................................................................... 16 3. Launch a CLM .................................................................................................................................................. 17 4. Review an account hierarchy .......................................................................................................................... 20 5. Open the account calendar ............................................................................................................................. 21 6. Review the account Sphere of Influence ........................................................................................................ 22 7. Review the account addresses ........................................................................................................................ 26 8. Review an account plan .................................................................................................................................. 27 9. Create a new account list ................................................................................................................................ 30 10. C. Use the accounts quick buttons .................................................................................................................. 32 d. Access to your Calendar ...................................................................................................................................... 32 e. Explore the Meetings & Events tab..................................................................................................................... 41 f. Access to other iRep options .............................................................................................................................. 46 iRep Synchronization .............................................................................................................................................. 47 2 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers User Guide: iRep A. Install the Veeva application in the iPad The first time the users want to access to the iRep application, they have to get into the Veeva online tool through the iPad browser and download the iRep app. 1. Click on the Safari browser. 1 2 2. Introduce the Salesforce URL ( into the address bar and select the Go button. 2 3 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers User Guide: iRep 3 3. Enter your User Name and Password. 4. Select the Log in to Salesforce button. 4 4 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers Press the iRep Install link located in the bottom left hand corner of the homepage.User Guide: iRep 5. 5 5 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . you have to enter your username and password. Once the iRep is opened. 6 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .User Guide: iRep B. Once you access the app. press the iRep icon to access the application. Open the Veeva application 6 6. a. Check your tasks 7. 7 Note that in My Tasks section appears the number of tasks that are overdue and those that are current. Once the iRep app is installed in your iPad. the same ones that you used for the Veeva online. click My Tasks to check the tasks that are pending. If you select the field “Related to” (e. if you want to edit the task information. You will access to the same record that you were reviewing in the iRep. C000071393). the record where the task was recorded will open. Once you review all the task data. the account detail screen will open. select the Edit tab. 7 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .User Guide: iRep 8. Select from My Tasks list the task that you want to review.g. If you select account name related to the task. 8 9 9. Press the world icon to access Veeva online. select the Complete tab. Enter the changes you need and press the Save button. If the task is completed. 11 11.User Guide: iRep 10 10. 8 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . A warning message will appear. Once you press the Yes button. 12 The task can still be review in the completed task section of the record where it was created.User Guide: iRep 12. If you want to return to the Home Page select the House icon 9 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . the task will be registered as completed and it will disappear from your active task list. 13 13. . select an account to open the account detail screen. Review the accounts added or deleted from your territory 14. Select the Territory Adds & Drops section to review the accounts that have been added or deleted from your territory. 10 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Once the Territory Adds & Drops screen is opened. 14 15 15.User Guide: iRep b. Also you can select an account list to display the accounts that belong to it. 17 17. Select My Accounts tab to review your Accounts. Review your accounts 16 16. 11 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .User Guide: iRep c. Choose an option from the View list and select the account you want to review. You can update the Potential and Propensity Proposal fields from the Ratings and Evaluations section without selecting the Edit tab. Once the account screen is opened. Then. select the Edit tab. The account record fields of the iRep app are the same as Veeva online. 12 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .User Guide: iRep 19 19 18. If you want to introduce any change. 1. Edit an account 21 20 20. 19. 18 The search box also allows to search a combination of both Address and Name fields or to search for First Name. scroll down to review the account data. Last Name no matter what the order is. select the account that you want to review. 21. You can also enter the account name or the account address into the Search box to find a specific account or by selecting a letter from the alphabetical menu. User Guide: iRep 22 22. you can update those fields that are editable. When the account edit screen is opened. 13 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . The non editable fields are marked with a key 23 23. Once all the changes are updated. select the Save button. E. 26 14 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . PA contact details etc. When the Data Change Request screen is opened. Then. select the Submit button. 26 26. enter the changes you require in the New Value column. Please note that this field will be used by Binleys to assist in the validation process. when you introduce the modifications. a Data Change Request will be created automatically.User Guide: iRep 24 25 24.g. Any information you may consider useful for Binleys to process the validation should be added here. If you want to edit a non editable field. enter the data change request reason or purpose in the Notes field and then. 25. 28 28. then. 15 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Exclamation marks will now appear in those fields that are within the Data Change Request – these will remain until the Binleys validation process is complete. Once all the changes are updated.User Guide: iRep 27 27. select the Save button. Complete the Call record fields. The call record fields of the iRep app are the same that the Veeva online tool. press the Media button. Select the Record a Call tab. 16 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .User Guide: iRep 2. 31. 30 31 30. Record a call with an account 29 29. If you want to use CLM content (Closed Loop Marketing). directly capture physician reactions to the content.User Guide: iRep 3. select the Product CLM that you want to share with the customer. Only the content related with the user’s products will be synchronized and available in the user’s iRep. 32 32. and as a result. The CLM content is created by Headquarters and the users can download the CLM materials within the daily synchronization. There may be more than one CLM presentation for each Product that you have assigned. 17 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Then. Launch a CLM CLM (Closed Loop Marketing) lets the users to manage digital content when they are interacting with Professionals. If a slide is viewed a second time and new positive/neutral/negative feedback is recorded. While you are sharing the CLM content with the customer. 18 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 34 34. Once you finish the presentation.User Guide: iRep 33. the representative should ensure that the incorrect feedback line is deleted from the call record before submitting. 33 Only one positive/neutral/negative feedback should be recoded via the on-screen buttons from within the presentation for each slide. Press the Slides button if you want to access to the slides of the presentation. you can register the customer’s reaction by selecting the positive. press the action button and save the customer reactions by pressing the Done button. neutral and negative buttons. 36 36. Once you finished the call update. This may be useful if you have accidentally recorded 2 reactions for the same page within the presentation – delete the one that is not correct. press the Action button submit or delete the call. You can delete a recorded reaction by 35 selecting the negative button. 19 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . to save.User Guide: iRep 35. Then you can check that the correct customer reaction is recorded in the Call detail screen. A submitted call can only be changed by requesting it to be re-opened by Country Admin. 38 38. and you can record the customer reaction in a new call record. 39 39. Select the View Hierarchy tab to check the customer hierarchy relation. you can immediately launch a call with CLM by pressing the Launch Media tab.User Guide: iRep 4. When you are viewing an account. the CLM options will be displayed. Review an account hierarchy 37 37. Use the search box on the right hand side of the screen to find an account that is affiliated with the current account 20 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Select the Action button to display the options menu of the account related with the current account. 41 43. Open the account calendar 40 40. 42. select the Done button. Press the Edit button if you want to modify the call details. Press the Calendar tab to review the calls scheduled with the account.User Guide: iRep 5. Once you review all the scheduled calls. Select a scheduled call to review its details. Note that you will be able to see all the calls planned with this account by any Teva UK employee. 43 42 41 41. 21 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 45 45. Review the account Sphere of Influence 44 44. Press the Sphere of Influence tab to review the account sphere of influence.User Guide: iRep 6. Select the plus button to create a new affiliation. 22 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 47 47. 48 48. 23 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . select the role tab to define the affiliated account role. Search for the account that you want to affiliate to the current account. Then.User Guide: iRep 46 46. Select the type of influence that you want to record. press the Save button. Finally.User Guide: iRep 49 49. 24 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . And choose the role. 50 50. b. 53. Choose the Hands button to record a new call with the account selected. Select the Clapperboard button b. 25 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . e. to launch a CLM. Click the Account button to open the account detail screen. Then. Click the Sphere of Influence button to open the sphere of influence screen of the account selected. 53. click the account logo and select the option that you want to perform: 51 a. account type or influence. c. a. If you want to modify an influence relation. d. Select the delete button to delete the new influence relationship. 53 52 52 53 52.User Guide: iRep 51. e. press the Save button to apply the filter or the Clear button to eliminate it. Press the filter button to filter the affiliated accounts by role. d. c. Review the account addresses 55. Data Change Request: gathers all the DCR opened for the account For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 7. Decision Making Units for Account Plan: shows the Account plan where the customer was targeted within a DMU h. Event Attendees (Account): registers the events where the account is an attendee g. Items Dropped: reflects the items that you gave to the customer during a call f. Once you introduce all the changes into the account influence sphere screen. Attachments: reflects the documents attached to the account i. Finally there are several tabs which show additional information: select the tab that you want to open: 55 26 a. Addresses: collects all the recorded addresses for the current account d. Affiliated to Parents: shows the accounts that are affiliated as parents to the currently account b. Calls (Account): gathers all the calls executed with the account e. Past Affiliations: shows the accounts that were associated to the current account in the past c.User Guide: iRep 54 54. press the Done button. 8. 56 57. Then. 58 58. Press the Sent to Maps tab to place the address in Google maps on the iPad – download the Google Maps app from the MDM if you do not already have it installed. select an address to review its details.User Guide: iRep 57 56. Select the Addresses tab to review the account registered addresses. Review an account plan 27 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . You can edit the address information without selecting the Edit button. Press the arrow button every time you want to return to the previous page. Select the Account Plan that you want to review. 59 60 60. 28 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .User Guide: iRep 59. Select a non person account and click the Account Plan option to review it. 63 63 63. 62. select the Save button. Press the Edit button to introduce changes into the account plan. 29 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Update the changes that you require and then.User Guide: iRep 62 61 61. Scroll down the screen to review the account plan. Select the Locations Targeted tab to review this option. 30 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .User Guide: iRep 64 64. Press the New List tab to create a new account list from My Accounts. Press the Decision Making Units tab to check this option. Create a new account list 67. 9. Click the Attachments tab to review the documents attached. 66. 65 66 65. 67 You cannot create a new view from the iRep. A list is a working list of accounts that you want to access as a group and can be set up here or in Veeva Online – these lists will replicate with the daily sync between iRep and Veeva Online. User Guide: iRep 69 68 68. 70 press the pen button name or color. 69. 70. Finally. Enter the New List name and its color. 31 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . to modify its If you want to delete a list or a specific account from the list slide over the list or the account from the right to the left and select the Delete button. If you want to edit an account list. 71 71. Drag and drop the accounts that you want to introduce from My Accounts list to the new created list. press the Save button. 32 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Access to your Calendar 76 76. Click the Hand button create a Call. Press the Clapperboard button to launch a media 74. You can find from the My Accounts list some quick buttons for each account. Select the Hierarchy button review the account Hierarchy. 73 74 73.Use the accounts quick buttons 72 72. Once you return to the iRep Home Page select the My Schedule tab if you want to check your calendar.User Guide: iRep 10. to d. 75 to 75. You should find one that is your Teva calendar from your Outlook account. 79 79 79. Press the Calendars button if you want to include in the iRep calendar other calendars allocated in you iPad. Click the Agenda button to check all the calls that you scheduled for the selected week as a list.User Guide: iRep 77 78 78 77. 78. Press the arrow buttons the calendar week. 33 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers to change . When you have selected those that you want to include. press the Done button. User Guide: iRep 80 80 80. Click the Week button to check the scheduled calls that are placed in the calendar for the selected week. Press the Action button open the call menu. to 81 82 81. 34 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 82 82. Press a call to view its details and select the Edit button to introduce changes. use the left/ right arrows to view more accounts from the list selected. Select the Schedule Calls option to create a new call.User Guide: iRep 83 84 83. Once the new call record is opened. Use the drop down menu to select the account view that you desire. Then press the up/ down arrow to define the ascending or descending accounts sort. 88 86 86 85. Once you introduce all the calls that you want to schedule. 35 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 84. drag and drop the account with which you want to arrange a call. 88. 86. Press the Plus button to display the call options menu. Finally. press the Done button. 85 87 85 87. Use the Search box to find a specific account. press the New Time off Territory option.User Guide: iRep 89 89. 90. 90 36 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Choose an option for the required field by selecting each option. The initial training recommended that all Time off territory should be recorded in Veeva Online as it cannot be submitted from iRep. If you want to create a New Time off Territory. Next. the TOT won’t be submitted but saved. select the week that you want to save and press the Copy symbol 37 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . press the Done button to record the new TOT. Although you press the done button. . 92 92 92. You need to access to the Veeva online tool to submit it. If you want to save one week to use the scheduled calls as a template in the future.User Guide: iRep 91 91. select from the drop down menu and select an empty week name. Then.User Guide: iRep 93 93. And press the Copy button. 38 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 94 94. Then. Select the plus button to add a new account into the route. press the Done button. If you want to enter a label in the days of the route recorded to identify 96 them easily. press the pen symbol and enter the name that you require. Once the week is saved a new route will display in the Cycle tab Select the arrow buttons to review the different routes recorded. 96 97 96. 97. 39 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .User Guide: iRep 95 95 95 95. select the week when you want to place it. Select the Scheduler tab to plan calls with the accounts by pressing the chosen day. When you want to copy the route recorded.User Guide: iRep 99 98 98. 100 100 Press the Action button to open the Account details screen or the Account calendar. and press the sync button . 99. And choose the route that you want to copy. 40 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . select the Apply button. Then. 99 100 100 100. Explore the Meetings & Events tab 102 102.User Guide: iRep 101 101. 41 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Once you enter all the changes you require. press the Today button. Once you have returned to the iRep Home Page. e. If you want to return to today in the calendar. select the Meetings & Events tab to review all the events that you arranged. press the Done button. or to create a new one. You can create a new event but you cannot submit it for approval from the iRep. You need to access to the Veeva online tool to submit it.User Guide: iRep 104 103 103. Click the Plus button to create a new Event. 42 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 104. Complete the Event record fields and select the Save button. From the Meetings & Events screen you can review the events scheduled. 105 105 105. 43 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . 107 107. If you want to check the event attendees. select the Event Attendees tab.User Guide: iRep 106 106. Press the event that you want to review to open the event details screen. Click the Edit button to modify the attendee details. 109 109. Select one of the attendees to review their details. Press the Plus button to add a new attendee to the event.User Guide: iRep 108 108 108. 44 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Select the Edit button if you want to introduce changes into the event details screen. Enter the changes you require and press the Save button. the Edit button will appear as option. 110 111 111.User Guide: iRep 110 110. 45 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . which allows the event to be edited. If the event status is draft or approved. select the General tab to log out the session or to check information about the iRep version or updates. 112 113 It is necessary to have internet connection to go to the online option. select the Media tab. 46 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . select the Go Online option to open the Veeva tool in the Safari browser. When a new iRep version is available a green update button will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen – as soon as you have Wi-Fi. When you return to the iRep Home Page. Select the Options tab to review general data of the tool. 114. Once the Options screen is opened. If you want to review or launch a CLM presentation. Access to other iRep options 112.User Guide: iRep f. 114 113. 115 115 115. please press this button to receive the latest version. any information that has been added in Veeva online by yourself or other users. 47 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . If during the sync. iRep will automatically send your call data from your iPad as soon as you submit a call. In fact as long as you have a 3G or Wi-Fi connection. Get in the habit to sync your iRep every day when you get home and connect to your home broadband. iRep maintains the data recorded in the app and in the next sync the process will start from the beginning. You may be requested to do this by the IT Helpdesk if you encounter any issues.User Guide: iRep 116 116 116. the internet connection fails. you will need to synchronize iRep to update those changes in Veeva online. such as events or approvals. press the Database tab and select the Refresh Database button if you need to restore the Database. will only be updated in the iRep application with the synchronization. Also. iRep Synchronization You can work with the iRep application without an internet connection. C. However if you introduce any data changes in iRep through a DCR. When you return to the General screen. The synchronization for iRep is a manual process that must be initiated by the user. User Guide: iRep 117. 117 48 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers . Select the following icon to synchronize the iRep. User Guide: iRep Teva UK Ltd Ridings Point Whistler Drive .Castleford WF10 5HX 49 For Internal use only – not to be shown to or left with customers .
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