IREG testing

April 4, 2018 | Author: Sumit Shrivastava | Category: Roaming, Short Message Service, Subscriber Identity Module, Mobile Telecommunications, Mobile Technology



Nexus8620 Service Test SystemIREG 24 Reporting Description ....... Nowadays this is not anymore an issue because there are several operators offering a wireless network in a country.............. e........................ 3 Testcases ..................................3 SIM associated data supplied by PLMN (a)...................1 Basic Service Test Cases..3 SMS Test Cases..... 14 3.... These tests are intended to be run on a regularly base....Nexus8620 IREG Test Application The IREG Reports are made to test the roaming between mobile network partners................ 15 4....... 5 2................4 PSTN information supplied by PLMN(b).............................. But with this testing much manual work is involved........2 PLMN addressing.......... The Nexus8620 IREG Reporting helps to automate it in order to save this intensive work................. Contents 1 2 IREG 24 TestCase Introduction .........1 Testing Contact Information......................................... The IREG tests cover all the basic tests and many of the supplementary services.... 5 2............................ Therefore if one of the network does not allow roaming. 12 Equipment ...... every quarter..1 SimCards ............g.2 Supplementary Service Test Cases ................ 16 3 4 Page 2 .. 15 4.......................................... 15 4.... the subscriber just phones over another operator...... 15 4................... numbering and routing data...... GSM MoU Association as a Permanent Reference Document recommends it.. Years ago the IREG reporting was important to attest to roaming partners that theirs subscriber are able to roam in foreign networks........................................ 14 Pre-Testing Data Exchange .......... 8 2. The scope also includes the confirmation of acceptable quality of transmission. will also operate correctly for Inter-PLMN roaming. • definition of operation and maintenance procedures such as contact points for fault reporting and notification of planned works. its scope includes checking the correct working of user features and any network features required by the HPLMN (e. The overall objective of the tests is to confirm that the functions and features. [see MoU-TADIG PRD TD06]. which are already known to operate correctly within each separate PLMN. There is no reference to a Mobile Station MS(b) visiting PLMN(a) . Page 3 . The IREG report does not contain information regarding: • SCCP testing [see Stage 2: MoU-IREG PRD IR25] • Exchange of PLMN numbering. it has to be considered that the IREG document is written in an unidirectional context. Consequently the tests are restricted to top-level capability testing.1 Objective of Tests The fundamental objective of IREG testing is to confirm the capability and to sample the quality of service which GSM users receive when roaming from their Home PLMN(a) to PLMN(b). addressing and routing data [see Stage 3: MoU-IREG PRD IR23] • testing of Transferred Account Procedure. Whilst it is expected that roaming will be a bilateral activity between two PLMN's.g. belonging to a home PLMN(a) within a visited PLMN(b). Because the testing is at a top-level.1. There will be no fraud testing. billing applications and any inter-PLMN financial statement. Barring). Hence Roaming is taking place from MS(a) to VPLMN(b) only. absence of echo and call set-up delay. [see Stage 3: MoUIREG PRD IR23] 1.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application 1 IREG 24 Test Case Introduction The purpose of the IREG reports is to test end-to-end Functional Capability relating to the international roaming of a Mobile Station. then the tests should be performed m*n times. The test cases concerning the " Basic Service" are of greater priority than those for the "Supplementary Services". However. Page 4 . If either the HPLMN or VPLMN contain GSM Network Entities. local calls to VPLMN(b).2 Strategy for Testing In order to maximize the efficiency of testing. Barring of Incoming Calls and Short Message Service are working. which are supplied by more than one manufacturer. Call Forwarding. • Incoming speech calls to MS(a) can be handled by HPLMN(a) and VPLMN • Outgoing speech calls by MS(a) to the VPLMN(b) are handled properly for Emergency calls. International calls and calls to any other "Operator Services" on VPLMN(b) / PSTN(b) • Supplementary Services Call barring. because he is ultimately responsible to his customers for the supported roaming services.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application The specific objectives of IREG testing are to prove that: • "Location updating" and the "cancel location" service operates correctly. then the test cases should be repeated for each manufacturer. It is recognized that some parts of this specification are of greater priority than others. and the VPLMN(b) contains VMSC from "n" suppliers. it is up to the HPLMN operator to decide the scope of the repeating of test cases.1. For example if HPLMN(a) contains HLR and GMSC from "m" suppliers. the test cases have been designed in a way to minimize the requirement for simultaneous joint activity by both PLMN(a) and PLMN(b). 1. 1.2.1 Testcases Basic Service Test Cases Location update by MS(A) in VPLMN(B) This TestCase confirms operation of Update Location and Insert Subscriber Data procedures.1 Operator control of service Location Cancellation for Subscription held in VPLMN(b).1. Action: Power-up MS1(a) and perform registration on VPLMN(b) Check Location Update of MS1. Page 5 . between the HLR(a) and VMSC(b). Action: HPLMN(a) personnel activates ODB for All Outgoing Calls and All Incoming Calls when on Roaming for MS(a) from HLR either using HLR's Man-Machine Interface or via Administrative Data Center (ADC) input to HLR. 2.1.2. location 2.2 Operator Determined Barring (ODB) for All Outgoing Calls and All Incoming Calls when on Roaming of MS(a) This test case confirms that ODB procedures operate correctly.2 2. Result: Successful results if LoUp worked. the VLR record at VPLMN(a) was erased. It checks the support of the relevant MAP operations. Note: This test is done by performing a LoUp at VPLMN(b).1. Result: Confirmation that VLR record for MS (a) has been erased. TCAP processes and SCCP addressing for both E214 and E164 Global Titles.1 2. Check VLR for record of MS(a). Check VLR for record of MS(a). MS(a) This test case confirms that the "cancel location" procedure operates correctly. If it worked.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application 2 2. Action: HPLMN(a) deletes MS(a) subscription from HLR using HLR's Man-Machine Interface or via Administrative Data Center (ADC) input to HLR. which may use the Send Parameters MAP operation. It checks the support of the Provide Roaming Number MAP operation between PLMN(a) and PLMN(b). Bad] (h) Echo present 2. Action: MS1(a) establishes call to MS2(a). which has roamed to VPLMN(b). Quality assessed. Not yet automatically tested by Nexus8620 IREG Application: (g)* Quality of call [Excellent.1.1. Good. Call answered and held for one minute. Result: Confirmation that VLR record for MS(a) contains ODB information and non-of the call attempt is successful. but the VLR has lost the record for MS(a). It checks the ability to establish international calls between the two PLMN's using roaming numbers. If call is successfully established.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application Try to call MS(a) and try to make a call from MS(a).3 MS1(a) Calls MS2(a).4 PSTN Telephone in country containing PLMN(b) calls MS(a). maintain answered call for one mi nute. Assess speech channel quality. If call attempt returns "System Failure" message. then make MS(a) perform a location update and repeat this test case. Action: PSTN telephone(b) calls MS(a). This test case confirms the VLR recovery mechanism. and implies that other instances of echo control devices have been correctly configured. This test case confirms Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated calls for roamers. It implies the ability of the PLMN's to disable excessive instances of echo control devices. Both Roamed In VPLMN (b). Result: Confirmation that call is established in 30 seconds and is stable in unanswered and answered phases Confirmation that there is no perceivable echo to either user and that call remains on a high quality conversation level for one minute. It also checks that the Gateway MSC (in PLMN(a)) correctly inserts an echo cancellation device. Poor. 2. Fair. Page 6 . if possible. because no acknowledgement message is sent from the VLR to the MS. Attempt a call from PSTN telephone(b) to MS(a) Result: PSTN telephone(b) receives a message that MS(a) cannot be reached or is unavailable. has no perceivable echo to either user and that an acceptable quality connection can be maintained. because the switching-off procedure of a Mobile does not guarantee that the subscriber will be detached. whether established on the first attempt or after the location update. Not yet automatically tested by Nexus8620 IREG Application: (d) Time of start of "not reachable" announcement (e) Duration of announcement (f) Language of announcement (g) Text of announcement Page 7 . Not yet automatically tested by Nexus8620 IREG Application: (g) If first call successful (h) If location update sequence originated from the Mobile Station necessary (i) Quality of successful call [Excellent. In addition confirmation that the answered call.5 PSTN telephone in country containing PLMN(b) calls MS(a). Bad] (j) Echo present 2. Action: Check that the subscriber is detached in the VLR. This test case confirms that the "absent subscriber" reason is given as the result of a roaming number inquiry to the VLR(b) where the MS(a) has performed an IMSI detach. Fair. Poor.1.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application Result: Confirmation that either first call-attempt is established or "System Failure" message is returned within 30 seconds. The detach status of the subscriber should be checked in the VLR. Good. which has roamed to VPLMN(b) but has performed IMSI detach. Note that the announcement will be in the language of PLMN(a). It also indicates that Emergency Services are available to visitors from HPLM(a).2. Following test steps can not be measured automatically in Supplementary Services testing: • Announcement that call was being forwarded received by PSTN telephone(b2) • Language of announcement • Text of announcement • Quality of call • Echo present 2. if possible.2.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application 2. Check that the subscriber is registered in the VLR.2 Supplementary Service Test Cases Test cases 2. Note that there will be some delay before the failure message is given while the paging is performed. Page 8 . This test case confirms the support of this Supplementary Service by the VPLMN(b).2.1 Barring of All Outgoing Calls. but is not able to respond to paging This test case confirms that the correct response is given when a call is made to a roamed mobile station that does not respond to paging.6 PSTN telephone in country containing PLMN(b) calls MS(a) which has roamed to VPLMN(b). Immediately attempt a call from PSTN telephone(b) to MS(a) Result: PSTN telephone(b) receives a message that MS(a) cannot be reached.1. Not yet automatically tested by Nexus8620 IREG Application: (d) Time of start of "not reachable" announcement (e) Duration of announcement (f) Language of announcement (g) Text of announcement 2.1 to 2. Action: Disable MS(a) so that it is unable to respond to paging. The message will be in the language of PLMN(b).8 require that the MS(a) is able to manage its own Supplementary Service registration and activation status. 2.112] (d) Time of start of emergency call (i. Result: Successful result if call "i" succeeds and call "ii" fails. Not yet automatically tested by Nexus8620 IREG Application: (c) Emergency code keyed [i. Not yet automatically tested by Nexus8620 IREG Application: (h) Call routed to correct Operator position 2.e. Action: (i) MS(a) attempts call to PLMN(b) or PSTN(b) General Operator Service (t[The call should be made to an Operator Position which uses a signaling system to obtain the identity of the Calling Party) (ii) MS(a) attempts outgoing call to Home PLMN Country.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application Action: (i) MS(a) attempts Emergency Call [112 keyed on MS] (ii) MS(a) attempts call to PSTN.2 Barring of Outgoing International Calls This test case confirms the support of this Supplementary Service by the VPLMN(b). Result: Successful result if call "i" succeeds and call "ii" fails. that any special routing operates successfully and that any Calling Party information displayed to the operator is appropriately presented.e. perceived answer until end of call) (To be measured irrespective of charging policy for emergency calls in VPLMN) (g) Emergency Call successful 2. SEND key operation) (e) Time of perceived answer of call (f) Chargeable Call Duration (i.3 Barring Of Outgoing International Calls Except To Home PLMN Country.2. It also indicates that General Operator Services are available to visitors from HPLMN(a).e. Insert HLR operator manually Page 9 . Note the announcement could be in the language of PLMN(b). 2. (ii) MS(a) attempts a call to the country where the MS is presently located by making use of the international number format. if the call (i) succeeds and call (ii) fails.2. as the VMSC(b) forwarded the call.2.4 Barring Of All Incoming Calls (BAIC / BAICroaming) This test case confirms the support of the activation of this Supplementary Service when roaming inside VPLMN. Result: Successful result if calls of Testcases "i" and "ii" succeed. the switch makes a Functional fallback because it supports BOIC. Result: Successful result. (ii) MS(a) attempts outgoing call to Home PLMN country. In the case VPLMN(b) does not support the SS:BOICexHC. Immediately attempt a call from PSTN telephone(b2) to MS(a1). Action: Disable MS(a1) so that it is unable to respond to paging. (iii) MS(a) attempts an international call to any other country than mentioned in (i) or (ii).2 VPLMN does BOICexHC not support the SS: This test case confirms the support of this Supplementary Service by the VPLMN(b).Nexus8620 IREG Test Application 2.1 VPLMN does support the SS: BOICexHC Action: (i) MS(a) attempts an outgoing call to HomePSTN-telephone(a).3.5 Call Forwarding On Not Reachable (Before IMSI Detach). Answer resultant call to Page 10 . This test case confirms that CFNRc (before IMSI detach) operates correctly and implies that echo cancellers are correctly configured. Action: (i) MS(a) attempts a call to local PSTN. Action: MS(a) in VPLMN(b) activates the SS: BAIC or BAICroaming PSTN(b) calls MS(a) Result: Successful result.2.2.3. 2. and the call of TestCase "iii" fails. if calls fail 2. Optionally. MS(a2) or PSTN(a). The detached status of the subscriber should be checked in the VLR. Note: If forwarding to PSTN telephone (b1) is restricted by HPLMN or VPLMN.2. 2. MS(a2) or PSTN(a). Attempt a call from PSTN telephone(b2) to MS(a1). because the switching-off procedure of a Mobile does not guarantee that the subscriber will be detached. 2. telephone(a).7 Call Forwarding on Busy. Optionally. Answer resultant call to PSTN(b1). Action: Check that the subscriber MS(a1) is detached in the VLR. then use MS(a2). Result: Successful result if the call is completed to PSTN(b1).Nexus8620 IREG Test Application PSTN telephone(b1). because no acknowledgement message is sent from the VLR to the MS.2. This test case confirms that CFNRc (after IMSI detach) operates correctly and implies that echo cancellers are correctly configured. Optionally. PSTN telephone(b2) may receive an announcement that the call is being forwarded. Note that the announcement will be in the language of PLMN(a) as GMSC(a) forwarded the call. if possible. PSTN(b2) may receive an announcement that the call is being forwarded. This test case confirms that CFB operates correctly. MS(a2) or PSTN Result: Successful result if the call is completed to PSTN(b1). MS(a2) or PSTN(a) and the call quality is acceptable.6 Call Forwarding On Not Reachable (After IMSI Detach). Page 11 . PSTN telephone(b2) may receive an announcement that the call is being forwarded. MS(a2) or PSTN(a) and the call quality is acceptable. Action: Attempt a call from PSTN telephone(b2) to MS(a1). Answer: resultant call to PSTN(b1). If MS(a2) cannot be used then the PSTN telephone(a) has to be chosen manually. Result: Successful result if there is indication that the call is completed to PSTN(b1). MS(a2) or PSTN(a) and the call quality is acceptable. MS(a2) or PSTN(a). After a period of time during which MS(a1) "rings". Result: Successful result if MS(a) displays equivalent information to that stored in HLR and if MS(a1) "rings" for a length of time equal to the "No Reply Timeout" value stored in the HLR. Attempt a call from PSTN telephone(b2) to MS(a1). This test case confirms that CFNRy operates correctly. Not yet automatically tested by Nexus8620 IREG Application: (c ) Interrogate Supplementary Service at MS(a) by pressing *#61#SEND (e) Delay between SEND key operation and receipt of Display information (f) Information displayed on MS(a) (g) Does MS(a) displays correct status of the call forwarding service? (l) Length of time for which MS(a1) "rings" Note: If forwarding to PSTN telephone (b1) is restricted by HPLMN or VPLMN. It also confirms that the procedure "Interrogate Call Forward Information" operates correctly. Page 12 . Optionally.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application Note: If forwarding to PSTN telephone (b1) is restricted by HPLMN or VPLMN. PSTN telephone(b2) may receive an announcement that the call is being forwarded.3.2.1 SMS Test Cases. and the call quality is acceptable. MS(a2) or PSTN(a) where it is answered. MS(a) displays information. then use MS(a2). then use MS(a2). 2.8 Call Forwarding On No Reply. Mobile originated and terminated SMS This test case confirms correct operation of SMS-Mobile Originated/Terminated Services including "Message Waiting" and "Note MS Present" procedures. 2. If MS(a2) cannot be used then the PSTN telephone(a) has to be chosen manually. and call is completed to PSTN(b1).3 2. Action: MS(a) initiates an "Interrogate Call Forward Information". If MS(a2) cannot be used then the PSTN telephone(a) has to be chosen manually. call is diverted to PSTN(b1). repeat test with MS2(a) switched on. Use MS1(a) to transmit a 160 character Short Message to MS2(a) via the Home Country SMS Service Center with Message Waiting priority selected. Not yet automatically tested by Nexus8620 IREG Application: (h) If the message was not received. Page 13 .Nexus8620 IREG Test Application Action: Switch on MS1(a). Result: Successful result if Short Message is correctly delivered within 2 minutes of switching on MS2(a). Switch on MS2(a) Await delivery of Short Message to MS2(a) Check contents of Short Message with transmitted contents. Switch off MS2(a). 10 or 11-15) shall be defined.g.1 Equipment SIM Cards It is expected that manual selection will be used to select VPLMN(b) when using the SIMs supplied by HPLMN(a). it is required that any SIM used in the tests shall have one access class out of the classes 0-9 defined. No other access class (e. To facilitate subsequent automatic selection it is required that bits b6 and b5 of byte 2 of the SIM Service Table (Data-field 38) be set to "1".Nexus8620 IREG Test Application 3 3. Page 14 . and the chosen VPLMN is in the PLMN Selector (Data-field 30) In order to replicate the service that general roamers will encounter. of byte 11 of Data-field 7E). It is recommended that on any new SIM the Location Update Status field is set to "Status not updated" before the tests start (bit b2 set to "0" and bit b1 set to "1". • International Signaling Point Codes (if applicable) • SMS Service Center E164 address 4. • MSRN number ranges.Nexus8620 IREG Test Application 4 Pre-Testing Data Exchange It is necessary for the two PLMN's to have exchanged the Pre-Testing data defined in this Section prior to the commencement of testing. including Call Barring.1 Testing Contact Information The Test Co-ordination contact names. PUK/(SUPER PIN). 4. • IMSI • MSISDN • Basic Service Subscription Information • Initial Supplementary Service Configuration Information. Password and Call forwarding information. Such information includes: • E212-E214 translation. 4.3 SIM associated data supplied by PLMN (a) The following information as stored in the SIM and/or HLR is required individually for each of the four SIMs. routing data numbering and Confirmation of the PLMN addressing numbering and routing data as referenced in the Stage 3 [MoU-IREG PRD IR23]. MSC/VLR and HLR E164 addresses. but initial settings are required for TestCase 2. • PIN. (These will be modified by the tests.2 PLMN addressing.1. telephone numbers and fax numbers should be exchanged by both PLMN's. is regarded as advisable.1) Page 15 . 4 PSTN information supplied by PLMN(b) The PSTN Directory Numbers for telephones used for call-forwarding tests is required individually for each PSTN telephone. Page 16 .Nexus8620 IREG Test Application 4. Trademarks Nexus Telecom and its logo are trademarks of Nexus Telecom AG. Box 167 CH-8037 Zürich Switzerland Tel. Copyright  Copyright 2003 Nexus Nexus Telecom AG System Solutions Feldbachstrasse 80 P. and Nexus Telecom reserves the right to provide an addendum to this document with information not available at the time that this document was created.O. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted electronically or otherwise without written permission of the publisher. All rights Page 17 . information is subject to change without support@nexus-ag. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective sales@nexus-ag. However. (NA and CALA) Suite 100 1101 Prince of Wales Drive Ottawa. +1 613 224 2637 Fax +1 613 224 2761 [email protected] IREG Test Application Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was accurate at the time of support@nexus-ag. Revision History Version 1 Date 26 Mai 2003 Author Walter Buehler All General Inquiries: [email protected] help@nexus-ag. Box 215 CH-8634 Hombrechtikon Switzerland Tel. Fax +41 55 254 5111 +41 55 254 5112 Nexus Telecom AG Wireless Network Systems Förrlibuckstrasse 62 P. Ontario Canada K2C 3W7 sales@nexus-ag. Fax +41 1 355 6611 +41 1 355 6612 NXS Solutions Inc.O.
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