IRC 85

March 19, 2018 | Author: lisan2053 | Category: Structural Steel, Concrete, Water, Building Engineering, Materials



IRC: 85-1983 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR ACCELERATED SIRENGTH TESTING AND EVALUATION OF CONCRETE FOR ROAD AND AIRFIELD CONSTRUCTIONS THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS 1983 (Retd. Gupta Khanna Chief Engineer (Retd.C. University of Roorkce Bitumen Manager.P. Jaipur Neelkanth.M. Rajasthan State Bridge Construction Corporation Ltd.C. D. Jha N.W.P.B.K. 164.Gupte Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.C. Dr. Bombay 14. Delhi Development Authority Chief Road Engineer.) 181-B.IRC : 85-1983 MEMBERS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE 1. Muthachen Modi Panorama.C.O.) Haryana P. Ashok Marg. 28.B.D. Dhir 9.K. The Concrete Association of India. D'sa Managing Director (Retd. I. M. U. H. Keshwani 18.R.A. Sivaguru ( Member-Secretary) K.Y.W. Somangalam.P. Atre 6. K. B&R Deptt. 23. Malhotra Chairman Chatterjee Calcutta. Sarin (Convenor) N. D. Jain 15.). 24. P. Indira Nagar. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Malya 3.) A-709 (H. Maiiabir Prasad General Manager. 54th Street.H.). Carter Road.T. S. Roads Division. Central Road Research Institute Chief Engineer. Gujarat B&C P. of Maharashtra (II) PW & H Deptt.C. 27. 13. Flexible Pavements Division. C.C.D. Logavinayagam 22. Bombay Lucknow & Managing Director. B&R Member (Engineering). Jaipur Chief Engineer. Dr. Secy. Punalur P. C. Bombay Research institute 16. Central Road 11. 19.Gupta 12. 2. Deputy Director and Head.S.N. of Rajasthan 25. Engineering Pro- jects (India) Ltd. of Kerala. 30. Chief Engineer (Retd. M.. O.K. Lucknow. 10. I. V. Kerala .D. 0-21. R. Chief Engineer (Roads).P.W.S. Poomkavil House. P. M. Ministry of Shipping & Transport Secretary to the Govt. 24.E. Bandra. Misra Engineer-in-Chief.) 10/10 Sarojini Naidu Marg. New Delhi Prof. Bombay PWD. Malhotra Secretary to the Govt. Engineer-in-Chief (Retd. 17. Gokhale Head. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.) 797 Dili. (Retd. Kulkarni 20. Pali Hill Secretary. Patna Chief Engineer (Retd. Ministry of Addl. Y.K. K. 3. 26. Alexander Director General (Roads).I. Salt Lake. Ashok Nagar. S.D. Madras Chief Engineer (Retd. 4.W. M.C.G. Arora 5. to the Govt. R. of Civil Engineering & Dean Development & Planning.D.).K. 7. Ministry of Shipping & Transport Chief Engineer & Ex-oflficio Addl. Lauria 21.O. A. Mandir Marg.) E.. J. P.). Bombay Superintending Engineer (Design). .K. Shipping & Transport Chief Engineer (Roads). Road. Jayawant D. Chaturvedi 8. T. 60/(Plus Packing & Postage ) . New Delhi-1 10011 1983 Price Rs.IRC : 85-1983 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR ACCELERATED STRENGTH TESTING AND EVALUATION OF CONCRETE FOR ROAD AND AIRFIELD CONSTRUCTIONS Published by THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS Jamnagar House. Shabjahan Road. IRC : First 85-1983 published : May. New Delhi-110 020 . 1983 (Rights of Publication and of Translation are reserved) Printed at PRINTAID. The Recommended present 1 Practice relates . The quality acceptance criteria of most cement concrete works including paving concrete works for roads and airfields are based on the strength of specimens tested at the age of 28 days after curing under standard moist conditions.2. An estimate of 28-day strength of concrete is sometimes done from the correspond- ing 7-day strength results for purposes of early quality case of many constructions. the control. INTRODUCTION 1.3. For predicting the compressive and flexural strengths of obtain in advance it will be desirable to in the laboratory along with the mix design of concrete. accelerated has been recommended in this document that would provide an early information. cured strength results at 7 or 28 days. Such an information may enable taking decision on removal of any defective concrete very early while it has still not hardened much. It will thus help or before it is covered by subsequent layer. using the material to be actually used in construction.IRC : 85-1983 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR ACCELERATED STRENGTH TESTING AND EVALUATION OF CONCRETE FOR ROAD AND AIRFIELD CONSTRUCTIONS 1. on the concrete strength likely to be developed at 28 days. the correlations between the accelerated strength results and standard 1. concrete at 7 or 28 days. 1. For evaluation of 28-day compressive strength of concrete through accelerated testing. the Indian Standards Institution has already laid down detailed specifications in 18:9013-1978. to strength testing of concrete achieve better control of concrete quality economically with greatly reduced chances of rejection. With a view overcoming this problem. time lapse of even 7 days is long for the strength results to serve any useful purpose from In too the point of either quality control or predicting the 28-day strength.1. say in about a day. K. was in their 1982. one representative of Cement Research Institute of India and Member-Secretary. M. Sivaguru P. Ghosh . Issac P.. Ghosh. Somashekhar Dr.D.4.G..) ISI The Director General (Road Development) & Ex-officio Addl.S. 1981.S. This was considered by the Specifications and Standards Committee in their meeting held on the 28th May.K.IRC : 85-1983 particularly to the 7 and 28-day concrete through accelerated concrete of is document great will importance have particular to evaluation strength flexural curing.K. Convenor Dr.J. Phull H. Nambiar . R. S. 1981 and modified it approved by the Specifications and meeting held on the 11th October.K. Ahluwalia Col. Merani Y.V. draft for the Recommended was Practice approved by the Cement Concrete Road Surfacing Committee in their meeting held at Lucknow on the 28th January. Mehta Municipal Corporation of Bombay The Director (Civil Engg.K. D. Chaturvedi Amarjit Singh M. when a Working Group consisting of P. Gen. road of of strength flexural and this airfield constructions.D.V. Rao D. Bhasin (Convenor).K. The Working New later Standards Committee Group Delhi on the 5th August. Dandavate N. one representative of I.C.P. of India City Engineer. Mehta Y..C. Kalra Dr. Jagus Maj..L..S.S. R. Avtar Singh Dr. Bhanot N. Secretary to the Govt. K. Vidyarthi Cement Director General. Gen. Member-Secretary MEMBERS Maj. Khurana P.J. Khanna S. R. A 1.R. Dr.l.N. S. 1980 (personnel given below). Since paving the significance in engineers. of India — 2 . and at held during the meeting. Dhir P. Specifications and Standards Committee was set up to review the draft in light of the discussion held its the meeting draft. Research Instt. Seth G. Bhatia M.K.K. reference may be made 28-day of to compressive 18:9013-1978 ''Method Curing and Determining Compressive Strength of Accelerated-cured Concrete Test Specimens'*. (para 5 -Accelerated curing by Boiling Water Method). 4. 28. 3.1. The specimens are tested after 2 hours under wet gunny bags. SCOPE 2. 2. The total period elapsed between casting and testing is 4. test for time 3 cubes and 3 beams encased 3 in moulds.2. Recommended procedure for test under compression/flexure and evaluation therefrom of strength under standard curing for 7 or 28 days. WORKING PRINCIPLE OF ACCELERATED CURING The concrete specimens boiling water for 3. and is recommended to be used when evaluation of 7 or 28-day flexural strength or both flexural and compressive strength is required from the accelerated strength 2. APPARATUS FOR ACCELERATED CURING Water Bath in the Laboratory When it is desired to conduct accelerated strength both compression and flexure. shall consist of a galvanised steel tank of appropriate capacity and dimensions and shall have a detachable top cover. of details covers Practice accelerated strength tests.1. The plan of . after 23 i are cured in J hours of casting of cooling in air them.IRC This Recommended : 85-1983 Practice was later approved by the Execu- tive Committee and the Council in their meetings held on the 13th and 24th December. This accelerated curing.5 hours ± (cubes or beams) 5 min. A tank should accommodate at a 4. of Making. For evaluation accelerated strength only.1. 1982 respectively.1.5 hours. the water bath which is to provide the accelerated curing conditions. 4 . size and type of specimens to be accommodated in the tank. The tank shall have an outlet at the bottom for emptying it. when required. The grid is placed about The cube and beam 10 cm above the bottom of the tank.IRC : 85-1983 placement of the moulds is shown in Fig. The dimensions of the tank may be varied depending on the number. 2. The tank platform resting on 4 angle iron is provided with a mild steel grid supports welded to the sides of the tank. Fig. • OTTOM OF THE WATER TANK FIXING ARRANGEMENT CUBE MOULDS BASE PLATE HANDLE HANDLE HANDLE BEAM MOULD BASE PLATE FIXING ARRANftCMENT ^ HAMOLE Fig. 1. and located about 7 cm above the bottom of the tank. 1. six immersion type heating elements (220V I500W each) having a combined load of 9 kilo-watts are fitted horizontally at the side of These elements are distributed on the sides of the tank the tank. Layout plan for 3 beams and 3 cubes inside the water tank For 90 cmx75 cmx40 cm deep tank shown in Fig. or only beam specimens together with their moulds are placed on the grid. 1. 1. The dimensions and other arrangements of the water bath should remain the same as described in para 4.IRC : 85-1983 GALVANISED STEEL WATER TANK 90 cm X 75 c m X 4 0 cm (NSlOE DIMENSIONS STEAM OUTLET BEAM MOULDS BASE PLATE — —0 0 rT3 0 ——— —— O 0 O 0~"0 O O QRIO O -OUTLET Fig. the top of the moulds. Depending on the ambient temperatures prevalent at the time of experimentation. mould. 2.1. The tank 4. about 60-75 minutes are required to raise the temperature of water in the tank to its boiling point near 100°C. HEATING ELEMENT Water tank showing position of heating elements. Water Bath At construction in the Field sites in the field. 4 2. 2. water may be where electrical power may brought to boiling by means of heating through coal or firewood. cover plate. The steam formed during heating is allowed to escape through an outlet provided in the tank cover. capacity of the curing medium. etc. for 90 placed is to be filled with cm x 75 cm x 40 cm deep water to a depth of 25 cm tank so that when the specimens are water level rises to about 7 cm above the This level of water is to be maintained during the heating period by adding small amount of water (as required) into the tank from time to time in order to maintain constant heat in it.2. 5 . grid. Fig. not be available. base plate. the 7 OR 28-DAY STRENGTH correlation between the accelerated strength results as per procedure described in para 5 and standard cured strength results at 7 or 28 days shall be obtained in the laboratory along with the mix design of concrete. 6.5 hours The specimens ± 5 min.1. the specimens still in moulds shall be covered with cover plates (with machined surface in contact with concrete) and placed in boiling water in the tank.2. using the materials to be actually used in the construction. EVALUATION OF Ordinarily. 6. prepared in accordance with 18:516-1959. Specimens specimens (cubes or beams) shall be thick mild steel plate (with In addition. The specimens are cured for 23 d= i hours under wet gunny bags at standard temperature (27 ± l^'C). The moulds shall have suitable handles for easy removal.IRC : 85-1983 Mould 4. Immediately after 2 hours of cooling of the specimens. The moulds for Concrete for concrete as per 18:516-1959. After such curing. slightly 5.3. 5. The temperature of water will drop due to immersion of moulds but temperature within 15 minutes.1. The mould flanges are wiped clean after the concrete is trowelled level with the top of the mould. 3. 6 . these shall be tested for compressive/flexural strength as per 18:516-1959. the these regain the boiling water boiling for should be removed from the tank with hooks having wooden handles. After will shall be kept in this period. demoulded and left to cool in air for two hours under wet gunny bags. 6 mm machined surface in contact with concrete) of size corresponding to that of the moulds is required to cover the specimens during the period of curing in boiling water. PROCEDURE Concrete cube and beam or only beam shall be 5. These correlations should be supplied to the site engineer along with the mix design. C3S content varying between 28.5 per cent and C2S content varying between 41. specific surface varying between 3150 and 3720 cm^ per gm (Blaine's).IRC Where such 6. 4 shows the same between accelerated and 7 or 28-day standard-cured flexural strength. Fig. Fig. 4. 2 of 18:9013-1978 may be followed. general guidance given in Figs. 3-day compressive strength varying between 160 and 235 kg/cm^ and 7-day compressive strength varying between 225 and 330 kg/cm^. 3. 3 and 4 relate to concrete mixes using ordinary portland cements having widely different physical and chemical properties i.. correlations are the laboratory. 3 and may not made : available be had from the 85-1983 from correlations While Fig.e.2.5 per cent and 31. 3 gives the statistical correlations and 7-day standard-cured compressive between accelerated strength. The correlations shown in Fig. and different aggregates comprising Delhi quarzite.4 per cent and 45. In as much as the and 28-day standard-cured correlations between accelerated compressive strength are concerned.5 per cent. dense variety blast furnace slag from Bhilai and natural river gravel from Hardwar. Fig. Statistical relationship between accelerated and standard cured compressive strength 7 . between accelerated and standard cured flexural strength r 2 / ACCELERATED FLEXURAL STREN 6 TH Fig.IRC !5-1983 40 • / 0'88 r « = 3 • ^ 5 Kg / C 5 y. 02 X ^ / ^ T 1 5 10 Statistical relationships r ^^2 — .C K / C H.165 X 0 50 •^=3 7 Kg/Cm AO - ISVo LIMITS / / / 30 - / / / 20 Y s U / e.. 004- / = coefficient of correlation = standard error of estimate 8 X .x 30 y 1 5 Vo / y y y / 1 / LIMITS 20 in / Y= 7-07 +. 4. . i . 31. Safdarjung Enclave. Reddy & and Transportation Planning. Rigid Pavements Division. M. Natarajan Gen.D. Central Road Research Institute 42. Kashmir. Institution. A. Adyar. AI-103. Army Bhubaneswar Regional Improvement Trust 40. Y.S. Divi- New Delhi Head. Ranganathan Head. Secretary to the Govt. C. — .) Tamil Nadu. 33. T. E-in-C's Branch. Bombay-400 027 52.B. P. 11. Sodhi Chandigarh Executive Director. Lt. Director. National Transportation 48. Punjab P. Shivalingaiah Chief Engineer (Retd.C. Byculla.R. G. Central Road Research Institute 51. Dr. Quality Control. Saghal Principal Punjab Engineering College.P. New Delhi Chief Engineer (Roads). Unwalla Chief Engineer (Retd. K. PWD 53. H. Sant Savta Marg. N. Gandhinagar. Brig. First Crescent Park Road. P. Army Headquarters Chief Engineer (Retd. PhuU 36.) 12-A. Gujarat Engineering Research Institute Thatte N.S. 34. Headquarters 38. Trivandrum 49. B.K.W. Ministry of Shipping & 45. Central Road Research Institute 39. T. Gen.W. T. L. Gobindar Singh Director General (Road Development) & Addl.S. Padhi Satish Prasad 35.M. Raman A. G. sion. Director General Border Roads Maj.IRC 29. New Delhi Chairman.W. Jayaraman) 54. Sen Chief Engineer (Retd.) 15/9. Srinivasan Planning & Research Centre. Dr. 47.V.G. Madras Deputy Director and Head. Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute Master General of the Ordnance. School Architecture Project Co-ordinator.K. Nagarkar 30. O. Orissa Public Service Commission Manager.M. Tiie Director Highways Research Station.) Karnataka P.D. Nambiar 32. Chandigarh 43. N.C. of India Ex-officio 44. Director.D.D. Prof. R.P. Central Road Research Soil Mechanics Institute Chairman.T. J.K. Nanda : 85-1983 Chief Engineer & Director.R. Chittaranjan Park. Rao Indian Standards Director (Civil Engineering).Swaminathan Director. Indian Oil.Shonthu Chief Engineer. Traffic of Planning 41. Ramanalaya. Rai Brig. Madras (B. CD. L. Ramakrishna Director of Utilities. B&R 50. Sikka & Transport 46. Vakil Superintending Engineer.S. 37. J. Rustom Baug. Prof.
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