IR900 Installation Notes

March 27, 2018 | Author: xxyxyx | Category: Infrared, Optical Filter, Screw, Light, Electromagnetic Radiation



ENGLISHINFRA RED ILLUMINATORS VIDEMECH 900 & 950 SERIES INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS INS00209 Issue 3 Before attempting to connect or operate this product, please read these instructions completely It is recommended that this unit is installed in accordance with the latest national standards: IEE Regulations for Electrical Installation, BS 7671. If our equipment is to be operated in sub-zero temperatures ARCTIC GRADE PVC CABLE must be used. Refer to Cable Manufacturers Specifications for Operating Temperatures, etc. Tel : +44 (0) 1633 821000, , Albany Street, Newport, S. Wales, United Kingdom, NP20 5XW. Fax : +44 (0) 1633 850893, Email : [email protected] Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that all information contained in this document is correct at the time of publication, due to our policy of continuous product improvement, the company reserves its right to change any information contained herein without notice. Molynx Videmech is a division of Bewator Group Limited. Each size has a range of filter and diffuser types. and should be read thoroughly to prevent incorrect installation. washers and bolts (Note. This document contains information covering versions 900 to 909. washers and nuts. If two brackets are used per head. These are the 900 Series 500 Watt with finned castings for added heat dissipation. dual lamp controllers and stoneguards. washers and nuts. M4 x 10 screws M6 x 40 screws. 730 bracket 731 bracket 732 bracket 733 bracket 1-set 1-set 1-set 1-set M6 x 40 screws.900 & 950 Series . M6 x 25 screws will be required) M6 x 16 screws and washers 735 bracket 1 only ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED The following items are needed for mounting the unit:2-off M4 countersunk screws (600/610 series head) 3 mm Allen key (to change bulb in a 900 series illuminator) 5 mm Allen key (650 series head) 6 mm Allen key (600/610 series head) 10 mm spanner GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Videmech range of quartz halogen infra red illuminators come in two distinct types. washers and bolts M6 x 20 screws. M4 x 10 screws M6 x 20 screws. INS00209 ISSUE : 3 ECO B00203 Page 2 of 8 October 1999 . and other accessories such as brackets.IR Illuminators CONTENTS Contents of box Supplied with brackets Additional items required General description Variants of the 900 & 950 series Brackets and illuminator accessories Safety precautions Points to remember Mounting the 900 & 950 illuminators Mounting to 600/610 head Mounting to a 650 series head Mounting the 950 to a 550/555 series head (using 735 bracket) Replacing the quartz halogen bulbs Replacing the bulb in the 900 series illuminator Replacing the bulb in the 950 series illuminator Fitting a new diffuser lens Fitting the Stoneguard Technical information Performance of the illuminators Mechanical dimensions INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PAGE 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 CONTENTS OF BOX 900/950 series IR illuminator 1-off 900/950 series IR lamp SUPPLIED WITH BRACKETS Note: Brackets must be ordered separately and specific to the head being used. and 950 to 959. and the smaller 950 Series 300 Watt. Their performance is not as ideal. A photocell unit (Videmech 931) is available to control up to two IR illuminators. These figures are the wavelength of infrared transmitted by the lamp.900 & 950 Series .IR Illuminators VARIANTS OF THE 900 & 950 SERIES INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The 900 & 950 series units are available in several versions as summarised in Table I below.957. for 600 sidemount pan & tilt Single infra-red mounting bracket. Quickcode BR01 BR02 BR03 BR04 BR05 IR931 IR790 IR795 IR909 IR959 IR900B IR950B Product Code 730 731 732 733 735 931 790 795 909 959 900/506 950/506 Product Description Single infra-red mounting bracket. for 600 topmount pan & Tilt Single infra-red mounting bracket. Dichroic filters are coated plates of toughened glass. BRACKETS AND ILLUMINATOR ACCESSORIES Brackets are available to enable the 900 & 950 Series IR illuminators to be used with the following pan & tilt units. whereas 830 nm filters operate almost totally within the infra red part of the spectrum and thus transmit virtually no visible light. for 650 pan & tilt Single clip-on infra-red mounting bracket for 550/555 P/T & 950 lamp Dual IR lamp photocell unit Stone Guard for 500W Illuminator Stone Guard for 300W Illuminator White Light Spot Lamp (500W) No IR Filter White Light Spot Lamp (300W) No IR Filter 500W Spare Bulb 300W Spare Bulb INS00209 ISSUE : 3 ECO B00203 Page 3 of 8 October 1999 . these being 715 nm and 830 nm. but they are less expensive. (see Note 2 below) Table I Options available on the 900 and 950 Series illuminators Note 1: For factory fitted photo-cell fitted on rear of unit quote PC at time of order. Note 2 : The filtering properties of dyed-in-the-mass filters are developed in a lengthy manufacturing process. for 600 topmount pan & tilt Dual infra-red mounting bracket.908DI and 950DI . but with dichroic as opposed to dyed-inthe-mass filters. There are two grades of infra red filter available. Quickcode IR900 IR901 IR902 IR903 IR905 IR906 IR907 IR908 IR950 IR951 IR952 IR953 Type 900 901 902 903 905 906 907 908 950 952 955 957 Power (Watts) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 300 300 300 300 Filter 715 nm 830 nm √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Diffuser Narrow Wide √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Spot √ Flood 900DI .957DI as 900 .908 and 950 . 715 nm filters allow a dull red glow to be visible. giving them a sharp response. should any part of the assembly become detached for any reason and fall. At all times ensure that the illuminators and housing are as close to the tilt axis as possible to prevent excessive pan/tilt wear. normal common sense safety precautions should be employed.900 & 950 Series . Most occurrences can be avoided by adjusting the limit stops on the head. Persons working on the equipment should take appropriate precautions to ensure that unexpected movement does not occur as this could lead to injury. at 6-monthly intervals. thereafter. All fastenings and cables should be thoroughly checked for tightness and wear one month after installation and. All cables should be of the correct type as specified by national and local standards and codes of practice and should be checked for wear at 6-monthly intervals and replaced if necessary. The mounting surface must be sufficiently solid and strong to take the all-up weight of the complete configuration and take into account environmental aspects such as wind. The installer should ensure that the unit is lightning protected where appropriate. Molynx Videmech do not supply screws for securing the base of the head to its mounting surface. INS00209 ISSUE : 3 ECO B00203 Page 4 of 8 October 1999 . In situations where there could be a risk of injury. Refer to the relevant pan and tilt head installation documents. POINTS TO REMEMBER Ensure that the movements of the illuminators are not obstructed in any way when the head is in motion. column spacers and housings should be used. A strong safety chain between the housing and the mounting surface is recommended.IR Illuminators INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS All persons installing and maintaining this equipment should be suitably qualified and work to national and local standards and codes of practice. Only the recommended bracket. It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure that fixing bolts are selected that are fit for purpose for the specific configuration required. Hazardous voltages are present in this equipment and may also be present within associated items affixed to it. This equipment may be attached to units that are subject to remote control and may move at any time and should be installed such that it cannot come into contact with anyone. (Refer to pan/tilt installation manual for details on mounting) Each illuminator must be earthed and fused with a 5 Amp slow-blow fuse. As the mounting surface to which the head could be attached is user dependent. Up to two infra red illuminators can be fitted to the 600/610 Series head with up and over platform using the Videmech 730 bracket for a single lamp. The lamp can be fitted above either the camera housing or the pan and tilt head depending upon the size of the camera housing. or 731 for two. Screw the lamp to the bracket using the M6 x 20 screws. washers and bolts supplied with the bracket. Reposition the stirrup on the lamp so that the lamp hangs downwards.900 & 950 Series . Mount the 732 bracket between the end of the tilt shaft of the head and the platform using the existing platform screws as shown in Figure 1. as in Figure 2. Replace the existing screws to clamp the bracket between the platform and the housing. Screw the lamp(s) to the bracket using the M6 x 40 screws. Figure 1 platform Mounting to a head with side-mounted Figure 2 Mounting to a head with up-and-over platform INS00209 ISSUE : 3 ECO B00203 Page 5 of 8 October 1999 .IR Illuminators INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MOUNTING THE 900 AND 950 ILLUMINATORS MOUNTING TO A 600/610 SERIES HEAD A single infra red illuminator can be fitted to the 600/610 Series head with side-mounted platform using the Videmech 732 bracket as follows: Remove the platform from the head using a 6mm Allen key. Remove the camera housing from the up and over platform using a 10mm spanner. washers and bolts supplied with the bracket. Use two M4 countersunk screws to hold the bracket to the platform. then lock into place with the screw. One lamp should be mounted above the head.IR Illuminators INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MOUNTING TO A 650 SERIES HEAD A single infra red illuminator can be fitted to the 650 Series head using the Videmech 733 bracket as follows: Remove the platform from the head using a 5mm Allen key. washers and bolts supplied with the bracket. Two of these brackets can be used with M6 x 25 screws to mount two lamps to a 650 Series head. The lamp can be fitted above either the camera housing or the pan and tilt head. Screw the lamp to the bracket using the M6 x 20 screws.900 & 950 Series . so that the 735 bracket is allowed to slot into the aperture on the side of the OTT bracket. and the other mounted below the camera housing in order to minimise twist on the pan and tilt head. Screw the lamp to the bracket using the M6 x 20 screws and washers supplied with the bracket. The 735 bracket is designed to simply lock into position in the aperture with the wedged flanges. Unscrew M4 x 35 Screw from P&T OTT Bracket before slotting in the 735 bracket to the side aperture. The M4 x 35mm screw can then be tightened back down onto the bracket to lock it into position. by just pushing down once located into the aperture. three M6 x 20 socket head screws are supplied with the bracket. INS00209 ISSUE : 3 ECO B00203 Page 6 of 8 October 1999 . Figure 3 Mounting to a 650 Series head MOUNTING THE 950 TO A 550/555 SERIES HEAD (USING 735 BRACKET) Two 950 series infra red illuminators can be fitted to the 550/555 series pan and tilt heads using the Videmech 735 bracket as follows: Unscrew the M4 x 35mm screw from the OTT bracket (each side as necessary). To compensate for the added thickness of the 733 bracket. Clamp the 733 bracket between the end of the tilt shaft of the head and the platform using the three extended platform screws as shown in Figure 3. Do not leave the plastic wrapping on the bulb Do not touch the replacement bulb with bare fingers. Remove the front lens and filter assembly from the lamp and peel away the old seal which may have hardened from the heat. and screw them through the loops on the ends of the arms of the stoneguard back into the lamp. Undo the two clips on the side of the lamp and remove the back as shown in Figure 5. Unscrew the four M4 x 40 socket head bolts using a 3 mm Allen key. and replace the back of the lamp. Clean the filter in soapy water. Ensure the rubber O-ring is in place and clip the back of the lamp on. and not an external diffuser lens. Remove the four screws in the front of the 900 Series lamp and remove the lens-retaining visor. Figure 5 Replacing the bulb in a 950 Series lamp FITTING A NEW DIFFUSER LENS Replacement lenses can be ordered from Molynx Videmech Limited for the 900 Series infra red illuminator only. and replace the retaining visor. Pull out the old bulb and plug in the replacement 300 Watt bulb using the plastic wrapping.IR Illuminators INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS REPLACING THE QUARTZ HALOGEN BULBS REPLACING THE BULB IN THE 900 SERIES ILLUMINATOR Ensure the lamp is isolated from the mains supply. Remove the back of the lamp onto which the bulb assembly is mounted. Pull out the old bulb and plug in the replacement 500 Watt bulb using the plastic wrapping. as shown in Figure 4. Take note of wide and narrow lens orientation. since the light emitted by the 950 Series lamp is diffused by the reflector.900 & 950 Series . Remove two retaining ring screws on opposite sides of the lamp and replace with longer screws and washers through the loops on the arms of the stoneguard. Do not touch the replacement bulb with bare fingers. INS00209 ISSUE : 3 ECO B00203 Page 7 of 8 October 1999 . 790 (900 series). Ensure the heat sink arms are upright and the O-ring is in place. ease the new assembly into the front of the lamp. Figure 4 Replacing the bulb in a 900 Series lamp REPLACING THE BULB IN THE 950 SERIES ILLUMINATOR Ensure the lamp is isolated from the mains supply. Wrap the seal provided with the replacement lens around the filter and new lens. FITTING THE STONEGUARDS Stoneguards can be supplied by Molynx Videmech Limited to protect the front lens and filter of either type of infra red illuminator from damage. 795 (950 series) 900 950 Remove the four retaining ring screws in the front of the lamp. Avoid cameras with built-in infra-red filters. Camera Type Some camera types are more sensitive than others.900 & 950 Series . a flood or wide angle diffuser would be best suited for illuminating a wide camera view at close range. Consult the manufacturers documentation for more information. For this reason. INS00209 Figure 6 Physical dimensions for the 900 Series and 950 Series illuminators. followed by wide. Hence wet or foggy conditions greatly reduce the range of the illuminators. However. ISSUE : 3 Page 8 of 8 ECO B00203 October 1999 . there are several factors that affect this performance as follows: Diffuser The range of the illuminators decreases as the amount of diffusion of the beam increases. switching to a lamp fitted with narrow or spot diffuser when zooming the camera in to a target at long range. Hence flood would have the shortest range. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS Physical dimensions for the 900 & 950 Series IR-illuminators are shown in Figure 6. Weather conditions The moisture in the atmosphere absorbs the infra red light emitted by the lamp. and thus more light energy is emitted. narrow and spot with the longest range. Filter The 715 nm filter offers a greater range over the 830 nm filter since it allows a greater bandwidth of light to pass. a 900 Series infra red illuminator could have a range of up to 1000 metres.IR Illuminators INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TECHNICAL INFORMATION PERFORMANCE OF THE ILLUMINATORS Type 900 Series Diffuser Beam Angle to 50% Peak Intensity Horizontal Vertical 9° 9° 23° 14° 58° 20° 62° 62° 11° 11° 20° 20° Spot Narrow Wide Flood Spot 950 Series Flood Table II Beam angles for each type of IR illuminator In ideal conditions. All measurements are given in millimetres.
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