Ip of satellite communication



Lovely Professional University, PunjabCourse Code ECE422 Course Category Course Title SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Courses with numerical and conceptual focus Course Planner 15703::Komal Arora Lectures 3.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 1.0 0.0 4.0 TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Satellite Communications Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 Title Satellite Communications Satellite Communications Satellite Communication System Engineering Author Edition Year 2006 1989 1993 Publisher Name Khanna Publishers Prentice Hall Prentice Hall D.C. Agarwal, A.K. Maini, 6th Ashok Raj Dennis Roddy W.L.Pritchard,H G Suyderhoud and R A Nelson. 2nd 2nd Author Edition Year 2007 Publisher Name Wiley Timothy Pratt, Charles W. 2nd Bostian, Jeremy E. Alnutt Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) http://www.ieee.li/pdf/viewgraphs/fundamentals_satellite_communication_part_1.pdf , www.sac.gov.in/SACSITE/Satcom_Overview.doc , http://www.studyphysics.ca/newnotes/20/unit02_circulargravitation/chp08_space/lesson34.htm , Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) http://www.scribd.com/doc/3225897/Introduction-to-Satellite-Communications Salient Features Concepts of satellite communication LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 6 2 Detailed Plan For Lectures 1 R-1:Chapter1. orbital elements Keplers three laws .) T-1:Chapter 1. 2. 1.amp. 2. Audio Visual Aids. locating the satellite wuth respect to earth.lt. 2. 1. orbital elements Keplers three laws . locating satellite in orbit. How Keplers law can describing the orbit of a be derived satellite.amp.) ORBITAL MECHANICS (Introduction) Week 2 Lecture 4 ORBITAL MECHANICS (Introduction) R-1:Chapter1. 2.1.Week Number Lecture Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books Other Readings. 1.amp.amp.) 22-29 Keplers three laws . 2.amp disadvantages of Satellite . 1.) 22-29 OR-3 Lecture 6 ORBITAL MECHANICS(Kepler's T-1:Chapter 2.) 22-29 OR-3 .1 OR-3 Developing the equations of orbit Developing the equations of orbit ORBITAL MECHANICS(Kepler's T-1:Chapter 2.6/ Lecture 3 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND(Frequency Allocations for satellite services.1 pp three laws of planetary motion. GEO can be used for different applications Lecture 2 OR-2 Active and Passive satellites T-1:Chapter 1.4 Different orbits for different missions INTRODUCTION AND R-1:Chapter 1 BACKGROUND(Advantages and &amp.1 pp three laws of planetary motion.) amp. locating satellite in orbit. 1.7 R-2:chapter 1 Why and when satellite communications has started Classification on basis of passive reflection or active electronics system How LEO. orbital elements Lecture 5 ORBITAL MECHANICS(Kepler's T-1:Chapter 2.amp. Planned Week 1 Lecture 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND(Origin of satellite Communications) INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND(Active and Passive satellites) INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND(Different orbits for different missions.1 T-1:Chapter 2. How Keplers law can describing the orbit of a be derived satellite. locating satellite in orbit. communications.1 pp three laws of planetary motion.amp.2 R-1:Chapter1. locating the satellite wuth respect to earth. locating the satellite wuth respect to earth. software and Virtual Labs RW-1 Origin of satellite Communications Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc.1 1. How Keplers law can describing the orbit of a be derived satellite. Lecture Description Relevant Websites.amp.amp.4 Advantages and benefits of using disadvantages of Satellite satellite communications communications Frequency Allocations for satellite services Why and which frequency band is used for satellite communications Mathematical description of orbits Mathematical description of orbits T-1:Chapter 2. ) SATELLITE SUB SYSTEMS AND SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS.5.6 Satellite antennas description of wire.2.) T-1:Chapter 3.3 orbital effects Lecture 14 SATELLITE TRAJECTORIES (Launches and Launch vehicles.) SATELLITE SUB SYSTEMS AND SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS.3 Monitoring Lecture 12 SATELLITE SUB SYSTEMS AND SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS.(Monitoring.(Satellite antennas and Satellite Earth Stations) SATELLITE TRAJECTORIES (Orbit effects in communication's system performance.5 Communications subsystems T-1:Chapter3 .) T-1:chapter 2. 3.3 pp Perturbations.3 Tracking T-1:Chpter 3.(Altitude and Orbit Control System. 3. and array antennas effects on orbits due to sun. 5. 3. 2. 3.(Telemetry.Week 3 Lecture 7 ORBITAL MECHANICS(Look Angle Determination.) MODULATION USED IN SATELLITE LINKS(Analog and Digital Modulation for satellite links. moon and earth Learning about launch vehicles How to place satellites into geostationary orbit analog and digital modulation used in satellite communications T-1:chapter 2.pp 43-48 T-1:chapter 2 .) SATELLITE TRAJECTORIES (Placing satellites into geostationary orbit. pressure in fuel tanks. 2.) T-1:Chapter 3.(Satellite subsystems. How the electrical power is obtained Description of communications system Lecture 8 ORBITAL MECHANICS(Orbital T-1:Chapter 2.) SATELLITE SUB SYSTEMS AND SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS. Inclination Changes Introduction to satellite communications Altitude and Orbit Control System Lecture 9 Week 4 Lecture 10 T-1:Chapter 3.1 Launches and Launch vehicles Placing satellites into geostationary orbit Analog and Digital Modulation for satellite links Lecture 15 Week 6 Lecture 16 .(Power systems.3 Telemetry T-1:Chapter 3.(Communications subsystems.) SATELLITE SUB SYSTEMS AND SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS. horn .4 Power systems Week 5 Lecture 13 T-1:Chapter3 . elevation angle and azimuthal angle can be calculated How earths oblateness.5 Look Angle Determination How subsatellite point.) SATELLITE SUB SYSTEMS AND SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS.1 Longitudinal Changes. 3.5 pp 48-49 T-1:Chapter 5.) 38-42 SATELLITE SUB SYSTEMS AND SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS.) T-1:Chapter 2. 3.2 Lecture 11 T-1:Chapter 3.(Tracking. sun and moon effect the earths orbit Overview of Various subsystems How the altitude of orbit of the satellite can be controlled How to send the data related to satellites How to determine the current orbit of the satellite Monitoring of the satellites subsytems temperature. 3. 2.) SATELLITE SUB SYSTEMS AND SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS. 2.2 pp 30-38 R-1:chapter 2 2. reflector. 3. 3 BPSK Modulation Week 7 Lecture 19 T-1:Chapter 5.2 General link design equation System noise temperature Downlink design Lecture 24 T-1:Chapter 4. 4.3 Week 9 Lecture 25 T-1:Chapter 4.) T-1:Chapter 4.5. 6. 4.) MODULATION USED IN SATELLITE LINKS(TDM standards for satellite systems.) MICROWAVE LINK BUDGET (Complete link design. 6.7 Uplink design Complete link design Week 10 Lecture 28 MULTIPLE ACCESS T-1:Chapter 6. 4. Lecture 20 T-1:Chapter 5.5.5 DAMA .3 QPSK Modulation.) T-1:chapter 6.) T-1:chapter 5.5.Week 6 Lecture 17 MODULATION USED IN SATELLITE LINKS(Frequency modulation.1 TECHNIQUES IN SATELLITE 6.1 Introduction Student will learn about carrier to noise ratio of downlink satellite system Student will learn about basic transmission theory Student will learn about concepts of the system noise temperaure Student will learn about carrier to noise ratio of downlink satellite system Student will learn to design the uplink Student will learn to Considering other factors like effect of rain in designing link Lecture 23 MICROWAVE LINK BUDGET (General link design equation) MICROWAVE LINK BUDGET (System noise temperature) MICROWAVE LINK BUDGET (Downlink design.6 T-1:Chapter 4.4.) MODULATION USED IN SATELLITE LINKS(QAM Modulation. 4.2 COMMUNICATIONS(FDM -FMFDMA -TDMA structure) MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES IN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS(Onboard Processing systems. 6.4 Lecture 26 Lecture 27 MICROWAVE LINK BUDGET (Uplink design.2 Frequency modulation analogmodulation used in satellite communications digital modulation used in satellite communications digital modulation Lecture 18 T-1:Chapter 5.) T-1:Chapter 4.) MODULATION USED IN SATELLITE LINKS(BPSK Modulation) MODULATION USED IN SATELLITE LINKS(QPSK Modulation.5.4 FDM FM FDMA TDMA Multiple access structure techniques will be learnt by student Onboard Processing systems Student will learn about the onboard processing systems Student will learn about the demand assigned multiple access Lecture 29 Lecture 30 T-1:chapter 6.) MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES IN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS(DAMA. 4.3 QAM Modulation digital modulation used in satellite communications Different TDM standards used Lecture 21 T-1:chapter 7 TDMA frame structure MID-TERM Week 8 Lecture 22 MICROWAVE LINK BUDGET (Introduction) T-1:Chapter 4. ) SATELLITE APPLICATIONS (Introduction.) ERROR CONTROL(Error Correction.2 Channel Capacity Lecture 32 ERROR CONTROL(Error Control Coding) ERROR CONTROL(Performance of Block Error Correction Codes) T-1:chapter 7. 7. 7.4 R-1:Chapter 16.7 Satellites for weather forecast Introduction to satellite applications R-1:Chapter 16.7 T-1:chapter 7.8 CDMAsystem design and capacity Student will learn about Code Division Multiple Acccess Student will learn about the techniques to correct the errors Student will learn about the techniques to detect the errors Student will learn about the capacity of the system Students will learn about the techniques to control the errors students will learn about the performance of Block error Correction Codes Students will learn about the concepts of channel coding Week 11 Lecture 31 T-1:chapter 7.4 Performance of Block Error Correction Codes ERROR CONTROL (Convolutional Codes) Lecture 33 ERROR CONTROL (Implementation of Error detection on satellite links.) T-1:chapter 7. 16.) ERROR CONTROL(Concatenated coding) Week 12 Lecture 34 ERROR CONTROL(Interleaving) ERROR CONTROL(Turbo Codes.8 Interleaving Turbo Codes R-1:Chapter 16.8 T-1:chapter 7.7. 7.1 Error Correction T-1:chapter 7.Week 10 Lecture 30 MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES IN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS(CDMAsystem design and capacity. 7.) ERROR CONTROL(Error detection.) ERROR CONTROL(Channel Capacity) T-1:chapter 6.) Lecture 36 SATELLITE APPLICATIONS (Satellite Applications in Television and Telephone) SATELLITE APPLICATIONS (Data Communication Services. 7.1 Error detection T-1:chapter 7.5 Convolutional Codes T-1:chapter 7. 16.6. 7.) Lecture 35 SATELLITE APPLICATIONS (Satellites for weather forecast. 7.1 R-1:Chapter 16.3 Error Control Coding T-1:chapter 7.6 Implementation of Error Students will learn detection on satellite about the concepts links detect the errors Concatenated coding Students will learn about the concatenated coding Student will learn about to control errors Student will learn about the concepts of controlling errors Student will learn about the applications of satellites Student will learn about the applications of satellites T-1:chapter 7.3 16. 16.5 Satellite Applications in Student will learn about Television and the applications of Telephone satellites Data Communication Services Student will learn about the applications of satellites . 7. 16. 7. (The Technical Structure) GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS.5 GPS Position Location Layout Lecture 38 GLOBAL POSITIONING R-1:Chapter 21.1 Introduction to VSAT systems Student will learn about VSAT systems T-1:chapter 9.4 Types of GPS Services Student will learn about Frequencies used by GPS Satellites Student will learn about the postion of satellite using satellites Student will learn about GPS receiver Student will learn about how to find the position of satellite Student will learn about Signal Acquisition by GPS Receiver R-1:Chapter 21. 21.2 9. 9.) R-1:Chapter 21. 21.Week 12 Lecture 36 SATELLITE APPLICATIONS (Satellites for earth observation) GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS.1 OR-1 RW-1 Revision Revision Concepts of satellites and its applications Concepts of satellites Scheme for CA: . 21.(Introduction to VSAT architectures.(Signal Acquisition by GPS Receiver) GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS.2 GPS Receiver Trilateration Method Lecture 39 GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS.9 Signal Acquisition by GPS Receiver T-1:Chapter 9.6 Satellites for earth observation Student will learn about the applications of satellites Week 13 Lecture 37 R-1:Chapter 21. 12.1 The Technical Structure Student will learn about the technical structure of GPS system Frequencies used by GPS Student will learn about Satellites the R-1:Chapter 21.(Trilateration Method) R-1:Chapter 21. 16.(GPS Receiver) GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS.(GPS Position Location Layout) R-1:Chapter 16.(Introduction to VSAT systems) GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS. 21.8 SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS.9.3 Introduction to VSAT architectures Student will learn about VSAT systems SPILL OVER Week 14 Lecture 40 Lecture 41 T-1:chapter 12.(Frequencies used by GPS Satellites) GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS.(Types of GPS Services) GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND VSAT SYSTEMS.3 R-1:Chapter 21. 21. 21. 21. Component Test Frequency 2 Out Of 3 Total :- Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20 Details of Academic Task(s) AT No. Test TDM standards: frame structure.business game etc) Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7 Basic concepts of satellite and its applications Kepler's Laws of Motion Bit error rate. Satellite Subsystems: Telemetry. Test Different Modulation techniques Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Test Problem solving Problem solving. Tracking and performance time to monitoring. Communications Individual subsystems. There will be 2 question of 5 marks each Test 1 Individual 3/4 Test 2 Satellite antennas and Satellite Earth Stations. ORBITAL student class MECHANICS.role play. Altitude and orbital control system. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Individual Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 9 / 10 Test 3 For assess the Microwave Link Budget. Launches and Launch vehicles. Orbit effects in communication's system performance.Test Problem solving After Mid-Term Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Link Design Effects of rain and other factors on link design Test Problem solving Problem solving Test . Placing satellites into geostationary orbit.problem solving test. Modulation used in satellite communications. 5/6 Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage) Tutorial No. Power systems time For assess the student class performance time to time There will be 2 question of 5 marks each There will be 2 question of 5 marks each. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis. Multiple access techniques student class performance time to time For assess the INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND. Noise figure. Satellite Applications in GPS VSAT system architectures Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving .Tutorial 11 Tutorial 12 Tutorial 13 System and Noise temperature.
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