Iosh Project Sample

April 4, 2018 | Author: Tariq Akhtar | Category: Risk, Nature, Engineering, Science



ioshManaging safely v3.1 - project Introduction As part of the Managing safely course, you have to complete a project and have it assessed. You will be expected to carry out a risk assessment based on your own work environment. You need to record the results on the attached sheets and submit them for marking. Do not submit any additional material in support of your project work as only the six parts of the A4 project will be assessed. The project can be word processed or hand written. When you have completed your work you should return it to There is a two week time limit for the return of the project. Your project must be completed and returned by Instructions Please read all of the instructions before starting work on your project. The project is broken down into a number of parts. Please complete each section as detailed below. Part 1- description of the work tasks that are your responsibility Record a brief description of all the work tasks within your work environment including: • description/labelled sketch of the location(s) • people who work in or visit the area on a regular basis or from time to time. (Think about the different groups of people who may be in the area and how often they may be there.) • permanent and temporary items of equipment and substances • activities carried out within your work environment MS Project Pack version 3.1 . . Part 2 - a hazard checklist of the location(s) Record a brief description of three location hazards that may arise in your work environment. For example, car park, stairs, uneven floor. For each of these hazards please include: • a description of the location • a description of the hazard - in relation to the location • the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard - in relation to the location • whether a risk assessment is recommended Part 3 - a hazard checklist of permanent and/or temporary items of equipment and substances used in your work environment Record a brief description of three hazards that may arise from equipment or substances used. For each of these hazards please include: • a description of permanent and/or temporary items of equipment and substances used • a description of the hazard - in relation to the equipment/substance • the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard - in relation to the equipment/substance • whether a risk assessment is recommended Part 4 - a hazard checklist of the activities carried out within your work environment Record a brief description of three hazards that may arise from within your work environment. For each of these hazards please include: • a description of the work activity • a description of the hazard - in relation to the work activity • the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard - in relation to the work activity Note: for the purpose of this exerc;:ise all three activity hazards that you are assessing on part 4 must require a risk assessment. Part 5 - carrying out a risk assessment Please carry out a risk assessment on all three of the activity hazards you have listed on part 4. Please make sure you include: • a description of the work activity • a description of the hazard, hazardous event and expected consequence - in relation to the work activity • the number and occupation of people affected - in relation to the work activity • an assessment of risk (please use the 5 x 5 matrix) - in relation to the work activity Note: for the purpose of this exercise all three activity hazards that you are assessing on part 5 must require risk controls. MS Project Pack version 3. 1 Part 6 - risk control recommendations Please complete the risk control form for all three activity hazards you have listed on part 5. Please make sure you include: • a description of the work activity and risk level from the risk assessment • existing risk controls • any further risk controls required - in relation to the work activity • the residual risk (please use the 5 x 5 matrix) - in relation to the work activity • a description of the type of monitoring required and how often - in relation to the residual risk Note: where you have large numbers of hazards in your work environment you will not have space to record them all. In these circumstances, select a representative sample of hazards for the purposes of this project and record only these. Remember that only three hazards are required for parts 2, 3, and 4. Each part has a maximum number of marks which can be awarded and details are given in the table below. Part Maximum marks 1 18 2 16 3 16 4 13 5 30 6 30 Total 123 Minimum mark 62 Finally, before returning your project check that your name, the end of course date, the name of your company, the site name and the name of your training provider are recorded on the first sheet. ' Please also ensure that you sign each sheet to confirm that the work you submit is your own. Please note: the small square boxes in the bottom right hand corner of each section on parts 2 to 6are for the markers use only. MS Project Pack version 3.1 Part 1 - description of the work tasks that are your responsibility (continued on the next page) Delegate name HAMID All End of course date 18-11-13 Company EMAL Site name EMAL Aluminium Smelter, Taweela Training provider Green World Group A descriptionllabelled sketch of the location(s) Maaden Aluminium Plant contains 4 areas 1. Pot line in one pot line 4 Pot rooms 2. Cathode sealing 3. Anode sealing 4. Casting facilities A description of the people who work in or visit the area on a regular basis or from time to time and how often they're there People on regular basis 1. Civil Engineers Supervisor Operator Workers 12 10 20 55 2. Mechanical Engineers Supervisor Operator Workers 10 12 18 30 3. Electrical Engineers Supervisor Operator Workers 11 11 22 40 4. Construction Engineers Supervisor Operator Workers 10 10 05 20 5. Safety Manager Supervisor Officer 01 ; 4 08 People on Visit I Managers Administration I Visitors I 05 06 20 I Total I 270 I Please sign to confirm that this is your own work: 9W Marks allocated ¥ MS Project Pack version 3.1 iosh Part 1- description of thework tasks that areyour responsibility A description of permanent and temporary pieces of equipment and substances used in your work environment Permanent Equipment Temporary Equipment 1. Cranes 06 02 2. Bobcat 08 03 3. DumpTrucks 09 01 4. Mobile Elevator 10 01 5. Worker Vehicle 07 02 Substances RawMaterials : 1. Alumina 60000 (MT) 2. Coke 70000 (MT) 3. Pitch 5000 (MT) Product: 1. Aluminium 20000 (MT) A description of the activities carried out within your work environment This is acontinuous process plant that will produceAluminium UsingAlumina andcoke first of all Coke will processed inAnode Baking Shop After baking inCarbone area after processed its shape would be rectangle Than itwill go through inPot Lines there giving highvoltage electricity itwill melt And would be refined. After that itwill move into Cathode Baking Furnace building There also itwill refine after melting process and shaped as required. After this process Aluminium blocks will be moving into cast house facilities for casting All Equipment are using to moving the aluminium andalso for housekeeping ~ Please signto confirmthat this is your ownwork:_-""---I-"'1"F'----t-+__ MS Project Pack version 3.1 Marks allocated iosh Hazard Checklist: locatlonsts) The location(s) you manage Part 2 De artment: Field En Site name: EMAL ALMUNIUM Description of the Description of the hazard Number and occupation of Risk assessment location (in relation to the location) people affected recommended? (in relation to the location) (If no, please explain) 5. Heavy Vehicles movement Engineers 01 L lY es O N a Coke raw materials carbon 6. Carbon dust Vehicles Operators 04 plant area 7. Ground uneven Workers 18 8. Vehicle collision Operators 03 0 n Total 26 0 0 1. Inclement weather sun, rain, Sand Engineers 02 L lY es O N a storm Vehicles Operators 03 Installing Bus Bars in Pot 2. Noise of generator Workers 12 rooms 3. L ive services like electrical cables Operators 04 4. Manual material handling 0 0 Total 21 0 0 1. Vehicle collision Engineers 03 L lY es O N a 2. Insufficient lighting Vehicles Operators 06 Anode rod shop in 3. Ergonomic hazard Workers 19 maintenance area 4. Fire hazard during melting Operators 05 alumina 0 0 Total 33 0 0 Please sign to confirm that this is your own work: ~# MS Project Pack version 3.1 Hazard Checklist: equipment and substances Permanent and temporary pieces of equipment and substances used in the work environment Part 3 EMAL De artment: Site name: EMAL ALMUNIUM l. Uneven floor Engineers 01 [jYes O N O 2. Insufficient lighting Vehicles Operators 03 Fork lifter 3. Overloading Workers 22 4. Speeding Operators 04 5. Collision "0 0 Total 30 0 0 Engineers 02 [jYes O N O l. Chemical hazards Coke Dust Vehicles Operators 03 Carbon during loading and unloading Workers 22 2. Exposure Operators 10 3. Inhalation of carbon 0 4. Crane moving hazard of workU Total 37 0 0 collision l. The crane collapsing or toppling Engineers 01 c:J Yes O N O over Vehicles Operators 03 Crane 2. The load falling overloading Workers 15 3. Live services like cables Operators 02 4. Blind spot during work 0 0 Total 21 0 0 Please sign to confirmthat this is your own work: MS Project Pack version 3.1 lash Hazard Checklist: activities Activities carried out within your work environment Part 4 o : EMAL Deoartment: Site name: EMAL ALMUNIUM Note: For the purpose of this exercise, all three activity hazards must require a risk assessment. Description Of,the I De~cri~tion Of,the h~zard I Number and occupat, ion of Work activity (m relation to the work activity) ,I people affected' . '(inrelation to the wor,k,acl:iliiM ""'A 1. Chemical hazards CokeDust Engineers 00 Unloading Cokeandpottingon I duringloading andunloading Vehicles Operators 10 theconveyer Exposure Workers 15 2. Inhalation of carbon Operators 09 3. Cranemovinghazard of worker 0 collision oI Total 34 1. During erection of bus bar Engineers 07 Settingthenewbusbars by I moving of craneboom Vehicles Operators 01 craneinpot rooms 2. Blind spot for craneoperator Workers 12 3. Collisionwithworkers Operators 03 01 oI Total 23 o o o Engineers Vehicles Operators Workers Operators 1. Noise of generators 2. Firehazardduringwelding 3. Current hazard duetosparking 4. Tools usinginworkshop 5. Fume 00 05 14 05 Maintenance shop isfor maintenance, repairing and welding equipment o o o o Total 24 Please sign to confirmthat this is your own work:__ ~+-,t.b...£....-I -__ .. ~ Risk assessment recommended? ~Yes ONO rJ Yes ONo ~Yes ONo MS Project Pack version 3.1 iosh Risk assessment form Part 5 Site name: EMAL ALMUNIUM Company: EMAL Department: Field Engineering Note: Forthe purpose of this exercise, all three activity hazards must require riskcontros. Work activity Hazard, hazardous event and People Assessment of risk (mrelation to the work activity) expected consequence affected Likelihood X Consequence = Risk (in relation to the work activity) (in relation to the work level level level activity) Are risk controls' required? l. Chemical hazards Coke Dust during Occupation: Unloading loading &unloading Vehicle operator, Coke and May cause respiratory problem Workers &operators 2. Crane moving hazard of worker putting on the collision Injury Number: 22 4 5 20 conveyer 05. Crane moving hazard of worker C 0 0 0 0 collision l. During erection of bus bar Occupation: ~Yes ONo Setting the moving of crane boom Injury Engineer, Vehicle operator, Workers new bus bars 2. Blind spot for crane operator- &operators by crane in Can cause collision workers 4 5 20 potroomsc 3 . Collision with workers 0 Number: 25 0 0 0 0 May cause serious injury l. Noise of generators hearing loss Occupation: ~Yes ONO Maintenance 2. Fire hazard during welding Workers &operators shop is for 3. Current hazard due to sparking can cause borne maintenance 4. Tools using in workshop Injury [ Number: 15 4 4 16 repairing 'E ] 5. Fume ] 0 0 0 0 welding Date: 18-11-13 Time: 04:30pm Review period: One Month Date of next review: 20-12-13 Assessor's name: Hamid Ali Position: Road Safety Officer Signature: Please signto confirmthat this is your ownwork:_----"'""'"""i'-T9r---o--t- _ MS Project Pack version 3.1 iosh Risk control form Part 6 Company: EMAL Department: Field Engineering Site name: EMAL ALMUNIUM Work activity Existing Further risk . Resid~alri~k .. Description of (In relation to t e wor activity) and risk level risk controls controls required Probable X Potential =Newrisk monitoring required j!\l{from risk (in relation to the work ,(in relation to tlie'Wotk activity) >Likelihood, '"Consequence level (in relation to the residual 'risk) . ,as'sessmenUorm) " ' activity) , '~ Ii " Ij '!iI!~ " $F'! Unloading Coke 1. ProvideProper 2 3 6 Supervision and putting on PPE's likedust 1. J obrotation the conveyer mask 2. Installation of LEV 2. Instruction& " Barricade the area Frequency: After Starting J . informationabout &Completing shift Risk level: 200 safesystems 0 0 0 0 0 Q Setting the new 3. Proper 1.Permanent hard Engineer bus bars by Barricade barricading until work crane in pot 4. Awareness by finish 3 2 6 rooms training worker 2. Arrangetraining of Frequency: After Risk level: 200 0 workers for working in 0 0 0 Starting &Completing ~ blind spot n shift Maintenance Permanent monitoring during shop is for 1. Provide ear 1. Workers training to wear working hours maintenance, plugs anduseear plugs 2 2 6 repairing and C 2. Don't use 2. Provide fire Frequency: After Starting welding handmadetools extinguishers &firewatch 0 0 0 &Completing shift 121 I man 0 Risk level: 16 Assessor's name: Hamid Ali Position: RoadSafety Officer Signature: MS Project Pack version 3.1 Date: 18-11-13 Reviewperiod: One Month Dateof next review: Please sign to confirm that this is your own work: ..... In, I .. 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