
March 17, 2018 | Author: Bartosz_Grzywacz_IP | Category: Corrosion, Chromium, Stainless Steel, Steel, Cadmium



SpecificationSurface coatings and coverings – general requirements Issued by Ralph Nussbaum Product Requirements & Compliance/ Product Laws & Standards Signature Authorised by Anders Gårlin IKEA of Sweden/ Deputy Manager Spec. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Signature Replaces: AA-163938-6 Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements This specification describes IKEA requirements on surface coatings and coverings, as well as metal surface treatment and stainless steel surfaces, in respect of chemical content, physical properties, visual qualities, and documentation. The specification is valid for application of surface coatings and coverings (see Definitions, section 6) to all substrates except leather, textiles, printing on paper and cardboard, ceramic glazes, enamel on metal, and decorations which are fused into/onto the glass, enamel, or ceramic glazes. Contents About this specification This specification addresses IKEA suppliers as well as their surface coating and covering suppliers. The purpose of this specification is to describe IKEA requirements concerning surface coatings and coverings in order to: • • • Minimise harmful effects to environment and health from IKEA articles. Ensure compliance of IKEA articles with health and environment regulations in all IKEA markets. Ensure the quality of surfaces on IKEA articles, such as surface resistance, surface appearance, correct colour and gloss, and good workmanship. This document is connected to IOS-TM-0002, Surface resistance – test methods. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 1 (35) Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Table of contents 1 Chemical requirements .......................................................................................... 3 1.1 Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements ..........................................3 1.2 Surface coatings and coverings for solid wood, wood-based substrates, and natural materials .........................................................................................................8 1.3 Surface coatings for metal substrates ..................................................................9 1.4 Surface coatings for plastic substrates .................................................................9 2 Physical properties .............................................................................................. 10 2.1 Surface resistance........................................................................................... 10 2.2 Surface coating/covering adhesion .................................................................... 12 2.3 Coating blocking and stickiness ......................................................................... 12 3 Visual requirements............................................................................................. 13 3.1 Colours.......................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Gloss............................................................................................................. 14 3.3 Surface appearance and defects in coating film/finish........................................... 14 3.4 Fingerprints.................................................................................................... 14 3.5 Textured paints .............................................................................................. 14 4 Metal surfaces – coatings and stainless steel ...................................................... 15 4.1 Service conditions ........................................................................................... 15 4.1.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 Colour samples ........................................................................................................ 13 Approval of colour and tolerances ............................................................................... 13 4.2 Corrosion requirements and test methods........................................................... 17 Requirements .......................................................................................................... 16 Neutral salt spray test............................................................................................... 17 Acetic acid salt spray test .......................................................................................... 17 Dip test .................................................................................................................. 17 Minimum thickness ................................................................................................... 18 4.3 Corrosion and coating thickness test frequency ................................................... 19 Documentation .................................................................................................... 19 5.1 General certificate of conformity of CPSA/CPSIA .................................................. 20 6 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 21 Appendix A: List of allowed biocides .......................................................................... 25 Appendix B: Test methods for surface resistance – deviations and comments ........... 26 Appendix C: Surface coating/covering declaration of chemical substances by surface coating/covering supplier .......................................................................................... 27 Appendix D: Lead test requirement according to 16 CFR, Part 1303 (USA) ................ 31 Appendix E: References .............................................................................................. 34 5 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 2 (35) Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 1 Chemical requirements When choosing surface coating and covering materials, and production processes, the aim shall always be to select an alternative which minimises any harmful effects to health and environment: • • • • In the raw material During the production process During use of the article When the article becomes waste Prior to packing, the finished surface shall be cured and well ventilated. Requirements on emissions and odour from the final product are stated in IOS-MAT-0010 (Chemical compounds and substances). IKEA supplier shall make sure that only surface coating and covering components and systems, which are guaranteed by the coating/covering supplier to fulfil the requirements listed below on content of chemical substances are used in the production of IKEA products. All references to standards and legislations shall always be seen as referring to the latest updated version. 1.1 Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Test method Minimum documentation requirement Self Declaration (SD) Table 1.1. Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Surface Substance Requirements coating/ covering All types of surface coatings/ coverings, thinners, and pre-treatment CMR substances (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, or Reprotoxic) category 1 and 2 according to EU-legislative classification Addition of CMR substances of category 1 or 2 to coatings/coverings used in IKEA products is not allowed. Contamination levels of a CMR substance in a coating component below 0.10 % are not considered to be an addition. Screening test. Different extraction and analysis methods depending on which materials and substances to be tested. Screening test. Different extraction and analysis methods depending on which materials and substances to be tested. All types of surface coatings/ coverings, thinners, and pre-treatment PBT substances (Persistent, Bioaccumulating, and Toxic substances) and vPvB substances (very Persistent very Bioaccumulating substances) Addition of PBT and vPvB substances to coatings/coverings used in IKEA products is not allowed. Contamination levels of a PBT or vPvB substance in a coating component below 0.10 % are not considered to be an addition. SD © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 3 (35) is delivered to the USA or not. Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Surface Substance Requirements coating/ covering All types of surface coatings/ coverings. Shall not be used. see EN 71-3. Ba. shall not exceed the limits in Appendix A. see Appendix D.g. hydrofluoric acid) + AAS or ICP Total digestion (e. EN 71-3 All types of surface coatings/ coverings All types of surface coatings/ coverings All types of surface coatings/ coverings Migration of heavy metals including their compounds (Sb. 1 The TR may be replaced by tests of lead by the coating supplier in coating products that are identical in all material respects to those used in production of the furniture article. Spec. Contamination limit value: 90 mg Pb/kg dry surface material. The concentration of individual biocides or mixtures of biocides as parts of a weighted sum (see Appendix A for explanation). Shall not be used. Se) Cadmium (Cd) and its compounds Lead (Pb) and its compounds Surface coating films and covering systems on all products shall not exceed limits for heavy metal migration. Hg. Pb. SD SD + Test Report (TR)1 for solid films in furniture articles in the scope of 16 CFR. Different extraction and analysis methods depending on which materials and substances to be tested. Cd. For limits. hydrofluoric acid + AAS or ICP) in compliance with 16 CFR Part 1303 (CPSC-CHE1003-09) (USA) Screening test. SD Total digestion (e. Permission is needed for all biocides not listed in Appendix A.1. in each surface coating component. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 4 (35) . see Appendix D. Part 1303 (USA). thinners. Test reports from these tests of lead in coating products shall be handed over by the coating supplier to the IKEA supplier for registration in the IKEA Connect database. or Addition of biocides is also allowed after permission from IKEA.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Table 1. see section 5.10 % are not considered to be an addition. As.2 3 SD for all other surface coatings/ coverings. 3 The content of other heavy metals that are analysed in the same test (on dry surface coating from the final article) shall also be reported in the test report.g. and pre-treatment Other SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) Addition of SVHC to coating/coverings used in IKEA products is not allowed. Contamination levels of SVHC in a coating component below 0. Contamination limit value: 40 mg Cd/kg dry surface material. See Table C1 in Appendix C. as defined in Appendix D. Different extraction and analysis methods depending on which materials and substances to be tested. Cr.1. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Test method Minimum documentation requirement SD Screening test. SD Liquid coatings and fillers Biocides of all kinds Addition of biocides is only allowed according to the approved list of substances in Appendix A. 2 This requirement is valid regardless of whether a furniture article. styrene (CAS no: 100-42-5). pretreatment.1. pretreatment.1 % by weight of the solvent fraction.10 % by weight in the organic solvent fraction. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Test method Minimum documentation requirement SD ISO 11890-2 The content of total aromatic hydrocarbon solvents shall be less than 1 % by weight in the liquid fraction of each surface coating component. Examples are: Toluene (CAS no: 108-88-3). Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Surface Substance Requirements coating/ covering Liquid coatings including hardeners. Examples are: Methylene chloride (CAS no: 75-09-2). thinners. and trimethylbenzenes and higher aromatic hydrocarbons.1-trichloroethane (CAS no: 71-55-6) – each less than 0. Trichloroethylene (CAS no: 79-01-6) and 1. and perchloroethylene (CAS no: 127-18-4) – each less than 1 % by weight.1 % by weight. ethylbenzene (CAS no: 100-41-4). xylene (CAS no (group): 1330-20-7). Headspace gas chromatograp hy with electron capture detection (HSGC-ECD) Liquid coatings. ISO 11890-2 SD © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 5 (35) . and solvents for cleaning/ degreasing Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents SD Liquid coatings and thinners 2-ethoxy ethanol and 2ethoxy ethylacetate ISO 11890-2 SD Liquid coatings and thinners Dimethylformamide Dimethylformamide (CAS no: 68-12-2) is not allowed to be used.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Table 1. Contamination limit value: 0. and solvents for cleaning/ degreasing Aromatic hydrocarbon solvents Spec. Use of chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents is not allowed The level of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the solvent fraction shall be less than the labelling limit according to EU Directives 1999/45/ EC and 67/548/EEC Annex I or Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. chloroform (CAS no: 67-66-3).1. Contamination limit value: 0. shall be less than a contamination limit of 0. the content of benzene (CAS no: 71-43-2).1 % by weight of the solvent fraction. Furthermore. 2-ethoxy ethanol (ethyl glycol) (CAS no: 110-80-5) and 2-ethoxy ethylacetate (ethyl glycol acetate) (CAS no: 111-15-9) are not allowed to be used. thinners. Contamination limit value: 0. APEO. CAS no: 77-58-7) (including residues of monobutyltin compounds) as catalyst in 2-pack polyurethane coatings and urethane-acrylic UV coatings at a maximum concentration of 0. Monomer levels of: • TDI (toluene diisocyanate. Contamination limit value for organotin compounds included in the standard test (see Definition of organotin compounds): 2. Spec.5 mg/kg dry surface material.05 % in the ready-to-use mixture. except: dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTL.1.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Table 1.5 % by weight of each diisocyanate. CAS no: 26471-62-5) • HDI (hexamethylene diisocyanate. CAS no: 822-06-0) in isocyanate-containing liquid coatings and hardeners (prepolymer solution) shall be less than 0. The limit values refer to the alkyl/aryl tin cation without the counter ion.10 % by weight in the ready-to-use mixture. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Test method Minimum documentation requirement SD Extraction and GC-MS Isocyanatecontaining liquid coatings including hardeners TDI and HDI monomers LC-MS/MS SD Liquid coatings and fillers Extraction (methanol + ammonium acetate) + HPLC and detection by MS DAD Extraction and GC-MS SD Liquid coatings and fillers SD © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 6 (35) . Use of the following phthalates is not allowed: • DEHP (CAS no: 117-81-7) • BBP (CAS no: 85-68-7) • DBP (CAS no: 84-74-2) • DINP (CAS no: 28553-12-0) • DNOP (CAS no: 117-84-0) • DIDP (CAS no: 26761-40-0) • DIBP (CAS no: 84-69-5) Contamination limit value: 0.10 % for sum of all phthalates in the ready-to-use mixture. sum of NPEO (Nonylphenol ethoxylates) and OPEO (Octylphenol ethoxylates) Phthalates Use of APEO (alkylphenol ethoxylates) is not allowed. Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Surface Substance Requirements coating/ covering Liquid coatings and fillers Organotin (tinorganic) compounds No kind of organotin compounds are allowed to be used. including printing inks Xn-and Cclassified (harmful and corrosive) preparations TGIC (Triglycidyl isocyanurate) The ready-to-use UV-coating preparation shall not be classified as Xn or C according to the EU Directives 1999/45/EC (and 67/548/EEC). including printing inks Toxic coating ingredients Coating ingredients classified as T according to EU Directives 1999/45/EC and 67/548/EEC or classified as Acute Tox.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Table 1. Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Surface Substance Requirements coating/ covering UV coatings. 1-4. UV coatings. Pulp that has been bleached with elemental chlorine is not allowed to be used in the manufacturing of supporting paper. Note: Residual substances (technical impurities) classified as toxic are allowed to be found in the coating ingredients as long as the coating ingredient itself is not classified as toxic. 1-3. STOT SE 1 or STOT RE 1 & 2 according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. Contamination limit value: 0. Spec. This crosslinking agent is primarily used in polyester-based powder coatings. Not allowed to be used as a material for surface coverings. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Test method Minimum documentation requirement SD Extraction and GC-MS SD SD Powder coatings SD Surface coverings Surface coverings PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) Elemental chlorine bleaching SD SD © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 7 (35) .1. are not allowed. Contamination limit value: 1 % by weight in the ready-to-use mixture for the sum of such stenomeric acrylates including acrylic acid (CAS no: 79-10-7). Powder coatings shall not contain any addition of TGIC hardener (CAS no: 2451-62-9).1 % by weight. UV coatings. including printing inks Stenomeric acrylates It is not allowed to use: any stenomeric acrylate that is classified as Xn or T according to EU Directive 67/548/EEC or classified as Acute Tox. STOT SE 1 or STOT RE 1 according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. 2 Surface coatings and coverings for solid wood. • No formaldehyde shall be created during storage and curing of the surface coating. the peroxide shall not contain aromatics. including for cleaning of coating equipment. Exception: After approval by IKEA. wood-based substrates. ISO 11890-2 Liquid coatings. in For exceptions with VOC cases where reactive diluents exhaust reduction. The sampling shall reflect a realistic worst case in comparison to when the product could reach a customer (i. surface coatings. storage time. Unsaturated polyester coatings Styrene and vinyltoluene monomers Peroxides Coating systems shall contain less than 1 % by weight of styrene and vinyltoluene monomers.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 1. For requirements. fillers.e. The total VOC emission shall be maximum 15 % of all solvents used in connection with the application of solvent-borne coatings. and thinners shall have a maximum VOC content of 130 g VOC/litre of the ready-to-use product. and natural materials Surface Substance Requirements Test method Minimum coating/ documentation covering requirement All types of surface coatings Formaldehyde Surface coating products shall not contain formaldehyde.5 mg/m2h measured according to EN 717-2 (Gas analysis method) with the finished surface coating applied to a glass plate or other inert substrate. see IOS-MAT-0003. and thinners containing organic solvents exceeding 130 g VOC/litre may be used if the process is performed under conditions with efficient VOC encapsulation and VOC exhaust reduction.2. Surface coatings and coverings for solid wood. as per the mass balance calculation. SD Surface coverings Formaldehyde For documentation requirements. In cases where peroxide is used as hardener. fillers. normal handling in factory. wood-based substrates. a are present solvent management plan (mass balance) according to EU Directive 1999/13/EC Annex III shall be carried out every 12 months.: • No formaldehyde shall be added to the surface coating product. fillers. and thinners Organic solvents Surface coatings.e. i. • The formaldehyde contamination level shall be maximum 0. and natural materials Table 1. SD SD © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 8 (35) . see IOS-MAT0003 SD ASTM D 2369. packaging and transport to the nearest destination). Extraction and GC-MS 4 A yearly test report is required even in cases where the content of residual monomers (stenomeric acrylates) in the ready-to-use mixture ensures that the limit value of 800 mg/m2 theoretically cannot be exceeded at the applied amount. shall be fully controlled and documented. Surface coatings and coverings for solid wood. 1. bichromates. wood-based substrates.1 % by weight. and natural materials Surface Substance Requirements Test method Minimum coating/ documentation covering requirement UV coatings Residual free monomers (stenomeric acrylates) Residual stenomeric acrylic monomers in the finished cured coating film and the substrate shall be less than 800 mg/m2 extractable.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec.3. For determination of residual free monomers and photo-initiators in cured films: Extraction and GC-MS (see IOS-TM-0002. flow speed etc. section 16) For all UV coatings except for waterborne UV coatings: TR and SD.2. or chromic acid) in chrome plating. Note: This requirement refers to the final product after curing. Note: Photoinitiators are also included in the test although there is no specific content requirement for them. this indicates that Cr-VI has been used.4 For water-borne UV coatings: SD. Contamination limit value: 0. if the levels of total stenomeric acrylates and of total photoinitiators don't increase significantly.4 Surface coatings for plastic substrates Test method Minimum documentation requirement SD Table 1. Surface coatings for plastic substrates Surface Substance Requirements coating/ covering Pre-treatment Chlorinated paraffin Use of chlorinated paraffin (alkanes) is not allowed. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Table 1. or chromic acid).4. see IEC 62321).3 Surface coatings for metal substrates Test method Minimum documentation requirement SD SD Table 1. which is not allowed. ICP IEC 62321 SD 1. applied amount of coating. UV-lamp distance. If Cr-VI is found according to spot test and/or boiling under extraction procedure (qualitative tests. Surface coatings and for metal substrates Surface Substance Requirements coating/ covering Hot dip galvanizing Chrome plating Chromating and anodizing Cadmium Hexavalent chrome (Cr-VI) Hexavalent chrome (Cr-VI) Zinc grades with cadmium content lower than 40 mg/kg shall be used. Not allowed to use Cr-VI (chromates. bichromates. Not allowed to use Cr-VI (chromates. key UV-process parameters such as UV-radiation level. However. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 9 (35) . In order to fulfil this requirement. any subsequent changes of the formulation of such coating systems do not require a repeated test. wood-based.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Table 1. see Appendix B for deviations from standard tests and additional comments. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. and flat horizontal coated metal substrates Requirements Test method Class P1 Water Fat (liquid paraffin) Alcohol (48 %) Coffee EN 12720 * EN 12720 * EN 12720 * EN 12720 * 24 hours 24 hours 6 hours 6 hours R1 24 hours 24 hours 1 hour 1 hour R2 24 hours 24 hours 1 hour 1 hour R4 16 hours 24 hours -1 hour R6 6 hours 24 hours --R7 1 hour 6 hours --- Result 4 on a scale 1-5. not for surface coverings. is satisfactory.A to 2. Result 4 on a scale 1-5. plastic and glass materials. Dry heat Fastness to rubbing EN 12722 * IOS-TM-0002. Penetration through the coating film is not acceptable. bichromates. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. Table 2. Spec.1. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 10 (35) .I and requirement class which applies to the surface treatment of the product. (only for wood/woodbased substrates.B.1. clear-lacquered and white-pigmented surfaces) Result 4 for dry rubbing and 3-4 for wet rubbing on a scale 1-5. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Test method Minimum documentation requirement SD 2 2.4. For class R4 the coffee test only applies to external horizontal surfaces (i. is satisfactory. is satisfactory. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. is satisfactory. For test method references with (*). not inside shelves) of storage furniture less than 1500 mm over floor.I do not apply to products made of natural materials.A. Result 4 on a scale 1-5. Coated substrates of wood and wood-based materials (not including surface coverings) Requirements Fat on scratches Test method P1 IOS-TM-0002. Result 4 on a scale 1-5.1 Physical properties Surface resistance The Technical Description (TED) specifies the requirement Tables 2. Surface coatings for plastic substrates Surface Substance Requirements coating/ covering Chrome plating including pre-treatment Hexavalent chrome (Cr-VI) Not allowed to use Cr-VI (chromates.1.e. section 4 --- -10 x 9 N 70 ˚C 10 x 9 N -10 x 9 N -10 x 9 N -10 x 9 N Result 4 on a scale 1-5.A to 2.1. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. Result 4 on a scale 1-5. is satisfactory. is satisfactory. Samples shall be taken from the supplier’s production line.1. or chromic acid) in chrome plating. Coated/covered substrates of wood. is satisfactory.1. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. Table 2.5 mm. The surface resistance tests listed in Tables 2. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. section 2 7N+ 24 hours R1 5N+ 24 hours Class R2 3N+ 24 hours R4 2N+ 24 hours Acceptable width of a scratch is maximum 0. 5N 5N 5N 3N Result 4 on a scale 1-5. wet heat: 85 ºC. water: 24 hours. IOS-TM-0002. is satisfactory. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. Result 3 on a scale 1-3.1.D. is satisfactory. and fat on scratches EN 12721 * IOS-TM-0002. Kitchen and bathroom doors. is satisfactory. Office furniture (not including coated metal substrates) Requirements Test method Class P1 Wet heat EN 12721 * 85 °C Result 4 on a scale 1-5. is satisfactory.1.5 N R4 22. Result 4 on a scale 1-5. where 1 is worst and 5 is best.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. Table 2.1. fat: 24 hours. is satisfactory. wet heat. section 11 -- 3 cycles Result 4 on a scale 1-5. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. Result 4 on a scale 1-5. where 1 is worst and 5 is best.5 N Result 4 on a scale 1-5. Abrasion and fat IOS-TM-0002. and cabinets Requirements Test method R1 Water on edges Heat on edges Steam on edges on kitchen doors and fronts (not cabinets) Water spray on bathroom doors IOS-TM-0002. fronts. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 11 (35) . is satisfactory. Coated metals substrates (not including inorganic coatings) Requirements Test method Class P1 Fastness to rubbing – metal Scratching (not for surfaces with texture or surfaces with a gloss below 15) IOS-TM-0002. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. Table 2. is satisfactory.5 ±2. Coffee: 6 hours. section 6 IOS-TM-0002. section 10 85 °C 4 kg/2500 cycles Result 4 on a scale 1-5.5 N R2 22.5 N R1 22.1. section 5 IOS-TM-0002. is satisfactory. section 3 IOS-TM-0002. Table 2.5 ±2. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. section 9 2 kg/700 cycles + 24 hours fat No spreading of paraffin oil outside the abraded area is accepted for approval. where 1 is worst and 5 is best.C. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Table 2.5 ±2.F. Public furniture (not including coated metal substrates) Requirements Test method Class P1 Wet heat Damp and friction + cold liquids. section 1 22.E. section 7 1 hour 85 °C 3 cycles Class R2 1 hour --- Result 4 on a scale 1-5. is satisfactory. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. where 1 is worst and 3 is best.5 ±2. alcohol: 6 hours. fat on scratches: 7 N/24 hours. is satisfactory. Coated wood. (Degree 4: Hairline cracks only visible under 8X magnification. Surface wear Impact on surface EN 438-2:2005 * ISO 4211-4 * (IP + FP)/2 >350 and IP >150 50 mm Result 4 on a scale 1-5.I.2 Surface coating/covering adhesion The surface coating/covering shall be adequately adhered to the substrate. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. section 14. There shall be no visible corrosion. is satisfactory.G. Result 3 on a scale 1-3.1. is satisfactory. section 7 IOS-TM-0002. where 1 is worst and 3 is best. Worktops in laminate/melamine Requirements Test method R1 Dry heat Wet heat Heat on edges Steam on edges on worktops Resistance to crazing EN 12722 * EN 12721 * IOS-TM-0002. is satisfactory. Table 2. section 12 160 °C 85 °C 85 °C 3 cycles 80 °C.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. Armrest. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 12 (35) . is satisfactory. An indicative and simple adhesion test method is described in IOS-TM-0002. and wood-based materials Requirements Test method R2 Perspiration EN 12720 * 1 hour Class R4 1 hour Result 4 on a scale 1-5. Table 2. Blistering shall not be visible under a magnifying of 10 (class 0).1. Impact on edges IOS-TM-0002. including an impact mark of maximum 5 mm. is satisfactory. Result 4 on a scale 1-5. and plastic substrates for outdoor environment Requirements Test method Class R11 Artificial weathering IOS-TM-0002. 2. section 13 200 hours R12 400 hours R13 750 hours Cracks shall not be visible under a magnifying of 10 (class 0). Result 4 on a scale 1-5. is satisfactory. including an impact mark of maximum 5 mm. is satisfactory. Result 4 on a scale 1-5. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Table 2. Flaking shall not be visible under a magnifying of 10 (class 0). where 1 is worst and 5 is best.1. 20 hours Class Result 4 on a scale 1-5. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. metal. This demand is also valid during standard transport conditions at temperatures reaching 70 °C. coated wood. 2. section 6 IOS-TM-0002. where 1 is worst and 5 is best. irregularly distributed across the surface).3 Coating blocking and stickiness Any risk for coating blocking or stickiness problems shall be prevented. section 8 50 mm Result 3 on a scale 1-5. Valid for both quantity and size of flakes.H. has to be measured against a colour master sample at IKEA. The colour sample is only intended as a basis for judgement of the colour of the product and is not to be used for judgement of surface appearance or gloss unless this is specifically stated in the TED. When checking colours of stains the object shall have about the same surface structure and the colour sample shall be viewed parallel to the grain.2 Approval of colour and tolerances A visual colour check with colour sample is used for approval of colour and determined in daylight outdoors in the shade or in a viewing cabinet with daylight D65 with a colour temperature of 6500 K and a colour rendering index RA >92. Since metamerism effects may occur. e. In case of dispute. the object is to be placed in the sanding direction. Before the final evaluation is made the colour sample and the object shall change places. The colour sample and the object to be evaluated (for maximum 20-30 s) shall be held at a distance of approximately 0. the product shall be assembled in its entirety and another visual evaluation shall be made based on if the customer would detect any colour difference in the finished product. 5". no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 3 3. at an angle of 45° and with 2-3 cm space between the objects. e. it shall be replaced.1.g. The label on the colour sample gives information about the colour’s name and gloss value. If the sample is damaged. a pigmented colour sample or a solid colour foil sample. e. If no or a hardly noticeable colour difference is detected on the object. dirt. Measurement of colour deviation shall be done with a spectrophotometer with the following settings: • CIELAB • Geometry diffuse: 8º • Light source: A 10º. Colour samples are to be stored at room temperature in a dark place well protected from dust. IKEA can provide the supplier with colour samples to use when checking the colour. the colour shall also be checked in other light sources. If a hardly noticeable colour difference between individual components of the same product is detected.1 Visual requirements Colours 3. The sample shall then be allowed to dry in the air or be wiped dry with a soft cotton cloth. Any fingerprints shall be removed using a mild soap solution.5 m. light bulbs and fluorescent tubes.1. The colour deviation expressed as ΔE-value (delta E) shall be less than 0.5. then the colour match is approved. D65 10º. These shall be used for judgement of surface appearance. "IKEA white no.1 Colour samples The supplier index indicates the colour of the product. The colour sample’s validity is stated on the back of the sample. Exceptions from this rule are colour samples of metallic and/or textured finishes.g. The surfaces of the sample shall be left untouched. a solid colour sample. and liquids.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. 3.g. When checking paints. and F11 10º © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 13 (35) . which is taken and then approved by IKEA.3 Surface appearance and defects in coating film/finish The surface appearance.5 Fingerprints Textured paints Permanent visible fingerprints are not allowed. see specification IOS-PRF-0011. Visible coating damage repairs. shall be judged with comparison to colour sample and not measured. which refers to surface fullness. 3. When measuring gloss it is always done in the fibre direction of the sample where the wooden structure is visible. stained or discoloured finish. Gloss tolerance Gloss value 0-30 >30-55 >55 (not including high-gloss foils) High-gloss foils Tolerance for A.2 Gloss The gloss is measured at the supplier according to Gardner 60º on completely flat surfaces with a width of minimum 50 mm. shall be judged based on a reference sample.2 apply: Table 3. The gloss tolerances in Table 3. The gloss value of the colour is stated on the label on the back of each colour sample.and B-surfaces -2 to +5 ±5 ±10 ±5 Gloss on surfaces with metallic effect and/or textured. running.and B-surfaces on furniture as defined in specification IOS-PRF-0011.. Page 14 (35) © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 . For C-surfaces5 there are no specific requirements regarding deviations. and C-surfaces. For dark colours the texturing agent shall be coloured. visible base structure etc. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 3. 5 For definition of A.4 3. The gloss value is given as the average value of at least three measurements on the same surface.2. 3. occurrence of pores. Colour samples of textured paints shall be used to evaluate the appearance of the texture.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. sanding scratches. unless otherwise stated in the TED. B. or visible particles in the coating film/finish are not acceptable on A. bedroom. Service conditions Service condition Description 1 3 5 6 Indoor: office. use gauge meter to measure lacquer thickness. It is the surface that meets the environment which decides which test method to use.1 lists specific requirements regarding service conditions and corrosion test methods for all metal surface coatings and stainless steel. All corrosion tests and measuring shall be made on the final surface. If the coating layers under the top surface are inorganic. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 4 Metal surfaces – coatings and stainless steel This section contains corrosion requirements and test methods on metal surface coatings and stainless steel for IKEA products. cellar. laundry. attic. or in kitchen if prolonged exposure to wetness or to water Outdoor: garden or terrace For particular requirements. X-ray to measure the nickel thickness. For example.1 Service conditions Table 4. clear lacquer on top of nickel plating. these layers shall be measured with X-ray.1. living room. Table 4.1 shows the service conditions defined by IKEA. and dip test to evaluate corrosion resistance. Can be a lower requirement than 1 or higher requirement than 5. kitchen.1. garage. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 15 (35) . Tests shall be made on ready-made assembled product or component.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. 4. Table 4. Service condition 1 is valid unless otherwise stated in the TED. or transport Wet indoor: bathroom. 1. see section 4. Minimum thickness is 30 μm. 24 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 24 hours Wet test not applicable.2. 8 hours 8 hours Wet test not applicable.Specification Surface coatings and coverings . Minimum thickness is 5 μm.1. Minimum thickness is 10 μm. Wet test not applicable. Minimum thickness is 15 μm. Wet test not applicable Minimum thickness is 10 μm.1 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours Not applicable (not UV-resistant) 24 hours 24 hours Gauge meter + dip test Gauge meter + dip test Gauge meter + dip test Service conditions Test method 1 3 5 © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 16 (35) . Minimum thickness is 20 μm. Minimum thickness is 5 μm. Requirements Surface description Organic coatings ED-liquid coating Liquid coating Powder coating Inorganic coatings Anodizing Chrome plating Nickel plating Hot dip galvanized Pre-galvanized Zinc plating Brass plating Copper plating Tin plating Hot dip tinning Antique treatment Stainless steel Martensitic stainless steel Ferritic & austenitic stainless steel 6 hours 1 hour 6 hours 3 hours Not applicable 6 hours Dip test Dip test Wet test not applicable.1 Requirements Table 4.1. 6 hours 4 hours 4 hours 1 hour 1 hour 6 hours Wet test not applicable. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 4. Minimum thickness is 20 μm. Minimum thickness is 15 μm. 48 hours 48 hours Wet test not applicable. 72 hours 48 hours 48 hours 24 hours 24 hours 72 hours Gauge meter X-ray + AASS X-ray + AASS Gauge meter X-ray X-ray + NSS X-ray + AASS X-ray + AASS X-ray + dip test X-ray + dip test NSS.general requirements Spec. Wet test not applicable. 4 hours 4 hours Wet test not applicable. 3 Dip test The dip test is used on all organic coated products and stainless steel. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 17 (35) .2.2. no scratching is needed during test.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec.2.1. Test evaluation shall be performed according to the requirements in Table 4.2.2 Acetic acid salt spray test The acetic acid salt spray (AASS) test is used on nickel.2.2.2. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 4. for example screws. The test result is based on the appearance of white rust after the required test period. The NSS test complies with ISO 9227. NSS Service condition 1 3 5 NSS test period 6 hours 24 hours 72 hours Requirement According to ISO 10289 Rating RA ≥5 approved According to ISO 10289 Rating RA ≥5 approved According to ISO 10289 Rating RA ≥5 approved 4.1. the test result shall be based on the appearance of base material corrosion (RP ≥5) after the required test period. In case of organic on top of inorganic. brass. Test evaluation shall be performed according to the requirements in Table 4. The dip test shall be performed according to ISO EN 8442-2. Base material corrosion is not allowed. 4. copper. Table 4. Annex C. A scratch with a length of 30 mm and a width of 1 mm is created on coated products.2.2.1 Neutral salt spray test The neutral salt spray (NSS) test is used on all zinc coatings with a passivation post-treatment to measure coating protection. shall not be judged. AASS Service condition 1 3 5 AASS test period 4 hours 8 hours 48 hours Requirement According to ISO 10289 Rating RP ≥8 approved According to ISO 10289 Rating RP ≥8 approved According to ISO 10289 Rating RP ≥8 approved 4.2 Corrosion requirements and test methods Note: The surface on threads. This is valid for all test methods. chromium. Table 4. The test result is judged based on the appearance of base material corrosion after the required test period. The AASS test shall be performed according to ISO 9227. and tin plated products to evaluate the corrosion resistance. For antique treatments. Figure 2 © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 18 (35) . or fixed measuring point according to drawing for a specific product.3: Table 4. according to ISO 10289 rating RP ≥8 is approved.2.3.1 Evaluation of stainless steel in dip test Martensitic stainless steel shall be tested and evaluated according to ISO 8442-2. no indication of corrosion is allowed. A crevice is a narrow gap between two pieces of metal. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Test evaluation shall be performed according to requirements given in Table 4.3.2. riveting etc (see Figure 1). The evaluation is based on: • If no crevice.2.2. Dip test Service condition Martensitic stainless steel Ferritic & austenitic stainless steel Dip test for coated surface Requirements on martensitic stainless steel Requirements on coated nonscratched surface and on ferritic & austenitic stainless steel No corrosion or oxidation allowed No corrosion or oxidation allowed Requirements on coated scratched surface 1 6 hour 1 hours 1 hour According to section 7. • If crevice.4 Minimum thickness Minimum thickness shall be measured on surfaces where a round shaped sphere with diameter 20 mm fits. Figure 1 4.1 in ISO 8442-2 No spread of corrosion allowed Maximum 5 mm spread of corrosion allowed in the scratch Maximum 5 mm spread of corrosion allowed in the scratch 3 6 hours 3 hours 8 hours 5 Not applicable 6 hours 24 hours Not applicable No corrosion or oxidation allowed 4.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. Annex C. or tightly adhering material like metal sheet or wire joined together through for example welding.1 in ISO 8442-2 According to section 7. as shown in Figure 2. This information shall be provided to the laboratory in the test order. change of coating system or application and drying method. the identification is: • Surface coating/covering producer. Test reports and self declarations shall.3 Corrosion and coating thickness test frequency Corrosion and coating thickness tests on article level shall be carried out by the supplier as part of production control at a sufficient frequency to secure the requirements in this specification and/or in the TED. • Surface coating/covering batch number or equivalent. if the TR/SD is for only one IKEA supplier: • IKEA supplier number and name. be presented to IKEA. Meanwhile. the identification is: • IKEA supplier number and name. • Range name(s) of articles in which the surface coating/covering is used. any document not uploaded to Connect shall be retained by the supplier for at least 15 years. • registered in the IKEA Connect database within four weeks of date of issue. Less than 5 dm2 of area. the document shall be provided to IKEA. Process description and data from running production shall at any time upon request. they shall inform the laboratory that IKEA has permission to receive copies of the test report from the laboratory. • in any case renewed within 12 months. in addition to the test result. When the IKEA supplier orders verifying tests. And. 5 Documentation Verifying tests shall be made at IKEA approved test laboratories. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 19 (35) .g. On request. • in English.6 Test reports shall. For test of complete IKEA article. For test of surface coating/covering sample. e. zinc plating or powder coating. unless otherwise stated. • How and where the sample was taken. trade name and identification code. be: • renewed when the surface coating process are changed.g. by the next working day.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. and always in case of: • • • • Changes in chemistry or process New product New supplier/sub-supplier Changes in specification/requirement For further requirements concerning documentation. in English. and The supplier shall use Connect within three months from the date the supplier has received training in Connect. • Article number and name. Contact IKEA for a list of approved laboratories. Documentation requirements do not apply to surfaces of the article which fulfil all the following criteria: • • 6 Constitute less than 2 % of the surface area of the product. • Date stamp (or production date). see section 5. state a full identification of the tested sample. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 4. SD shall be updated and tests carried out every 12 months for each surface treatment type. e. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 There is no specific demand in the TED for documentation of that particular component. Table 5. the IKEA supplier shall: • In Connect.1. Test reports and self declarations verifying compliance with CPSIA 2008 shall be registered in the IKEA Connect database within four weeks from date of issue. shall not be older than 5 years. SDS etc. or N/A as appropriate 4. SDS etc. USA regulation Regulation Name Connect Subtype text Section in IOS-MAT-0066 16 CFR 1303 Ban of lead-containing paint and certain consumer products bearing lead-containing paint 16 CFR 1303 Lead in paint/ coatings 1. do the following: 1. Table 5. However.1 Lead Appendix D CPSIA 2008 requires that the documentation according to Table 5.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements • • • Spec.1 describes which regulations apply to which kinds of products.1 shall be summarised in a General Certificate of Conformity. components on fitting list. Requirement source: Select CPSA/CPSIA 2.1. Knobs and handles. fill in appropriate document information as normal.1. Level: Select Complies. Does not comply.e. though upon request. Click Add content description © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 20 (35) . Fittings. an English translation of the composition part of the documentation shall be made available to IKEA. specific to the product. i. To enable automatic creation of a General Certificate of Conformity.1 General certificate of conformity of CPSA/CPSIA The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA 2008) of the USA requires that coatings on so-called furniture articles (see Appendix D) are tested to verify compliance with specified code of federal regulations (CFR). in the case of registration of a valid paint test report from a paint supplier the four week time limit instead runs from the date the IKEA supplier receives the test report from the paint supplier. 5.1. do not have to be available in English. Note: This exception does not apply to: IKEA supplier shall retain updated Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or equal information. • Under Document-content description.1. Sub-type: Select standard/regulation as stated in Table 5.1 3. g.10 % are not allowed. vPvB. 1B (hazard statement H340). no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 6 Definitions Description Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Anodizing is the deposit of a thin film of oxide on for example aluminium to prevent air from reaching the base material. Electrophoretic deposition (ED) is a coating technique carried out in water and based on the mobility of charged particles in an electric field. 1A or 1B (hazard statements H350 or H350i). or according to the CLP-regulation 1272/2008 Repr. and is commonly used on complex shapes and designs like taps. These classifications are defined in the EU Directive 67/548/EEC or Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 on dangerous substances. Point 30 (R). An unpigmented surface coating product which consists of a mixture of binder. • Annex XVII.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. and listed in the EU REACH regulation 1907/2006: • Annex XVII. • M: Mutagenic substances classified as category 1 or 2 (R46). A chemical product provided by e. which is a chrome layer over an underlying nickel plating. Is applied on an uneven surface to make it smooth before painting/lacquering. On IKEA products only processes with trivalent (Cr-III) plating are allowed.e. For example: coating base. PBT and other SVHC substance in the final coating component above 0. vPvB. which forms a transparent film after drying. PBT and other SVHC substances for chemical synthesis does not count as addition if the original CMR. Note: Addition of CMR. However. riveting. The most common form of chrome plating is the thin. Anodized parts are highly resistant to corrosion. durable. • Annex XVII. Bright chrome plating is a finishing treatment using an electrolytic deposition of chromium. Chrome plating gives a good resistance to abrasion. A crevice is a narrow gap between two pieces of metal. is chemically transformed) during a chemical manufacturing process. It is often used when a thin and even coating is needed to protect all the areas of a metal surface. and attractive. vPvB. Raw material or additive added to a coating component by the manufacturer of the coating component. or according to the CLP-regulation 1272/2008 Carc. residues of the CMR. decorative bright chrome. Positively charged particles migrate towards a negative electrode. solvent and additives. Substances that according to European Union classification are: • C: Carcinogenic substances classified as category 1 or 2 (risk phrases R45 or 49). hardener. etc. • R: Substances toxic to reproduction (‘reprotoxic’) classified as category 1 or 2 (R60 or R61). hard. or according to the CLP-regulation 1272/2008 Muta. and negatively charged particles towards a positive electrode. the coating supplier to the coating applicator that is mixed with other coating components in order to make the ready-to-use coating mixture. Semi-solid paste consisting of pigment dispersed in a binder. or tightly adhering material like metal sheet or wire joined together through for example welding. Point 29 (M). and thinner. 1A or 1B (hazard statements H360). PBT and other SVHC substance disappears (i. It is an electro-chemical coating for aluminium. Page 21 (35) Term AAS Anodizing Aromatic hydrocarbon solvent Chrome plating Clear lacquer CMR substances Coating component Coating ingredient Crevice ED coating Filler (the term putty is also used) © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 . An organic solvent where the molecule contains only hydrogen and carbon and contains at least one aromatic ring. Point 28 (C). sisal. A phenomenon by which a pair of spectrally different samples may match under one illuminant but not under other lighting conditions. willow as well as natural fibres such as banana fibres.Sn (IV). monooctyltin. Each kind of organotin. which forms a non-transparent film after drying. Coatings and coverings which have organic chemicals (e. Passivation is based on trivalent (Cr-III) chromium compound but can also be chromium-free. and triphenyltin. Organotin compounds may also be known as tinorganic compounds. and additives. is actually several different substances. containing pigments with poor hiding power or small quantities of pigments to give a colour effect without concealing the base. by passing the steel through a molten bath of zinc at a temperature of around 460 °C. Hot dip galvanizing is the process of coating iron or steel with a zinc layer.g. cactus fibres. See Surface coating. normally used on outdoor products.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Term Glazing paint (lasur in German) Hardener Spec. dioctyltin. nickel plating. chloride. water hyacinth. Chromating is based on hexavalent (Cr-VI) chromium compound. An electroplating process is a common form of electrolytic deposition that is generally used as an undercoating for subsequent deposits of chromium. Substance that causes. tributyltin. for instance butyl. The process is often used after all mechanical manufacturing operations are finished and covers all areas of the product. chromating. straw. See also note under CMR substances. pigments.) The tin is in the tetravalent state . phosphatizing. promotes. bamboo. A surface coating product which consists of a mixture of binder. cations. Passivation or chromating treatment is a chemical conversion coating and it is particularly effective in delaying the formation of white corrosion on zinc coating and zinc alloys.g. laurate. DOT etc are positive ions. e. as well as some CMR. depending on the demand. Article 57(f) and listed in any candidate list published by the European Chemical Agency in accordance with REACH article 59. maize fibres. Any liquid volatile organic compound (VOC) used to dissolve other substances.g. (These radicals are collectively known as alkyls and aryls. this includes materials such as rattan. TBT. octyl or phenyl. e.g. solvent. galvanizing. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Hot dip galvanized ICP Inorganic coating Liquid coating Metamerism Natural materials Nickel plating Organic coating Organic solvent Organotin compounds Other SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) Paint Passivation/chromating Description A transparent or semi-transparent paint. tetrabutyltin. monomers and polymer) as main ingredients. also are classified by the EU as “SVHC”. oxide. Page 22 (35) © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 . A group of compounds composed of the metal tin covalently bonded with an organic (carbon-containing) molecule/radical. 1907/2006. tricyclohexyltin. The organotin substances that are included in the standard test are monobutylin. Linoleum also belongs to this category. Substance having properties as defined in the EU REACH regulation. Inductively Coupled Plasma Inorganic surface treatment predominantly (but not always) applied onto metal substrates. and sea grass. palm leaves. The word “other” refers to the fact that PBT and vPvB substances. and anodizing. and they can have many different negative counter-ions (anions). MBT. or regulates the formation of intermolecular bonds between polymer chains resulting in a threedimensional molecular network. (EC) No. dibutyltin (DBT). In this specification. e. More layers of nickel can be added on top of each other and thereby create a better protection. dibutyltin. chrome plating. DBT. or use of adhesion promoter. So-called “acrylic monomers” with relatively low molecular weight and very narrow molecular weight distribution used in 100 % UV coatings. Specific target organ toxicity . printing ink. are not subject to the separate requirements for liquid coatings. except the lead test requirement (see Appendix D).Repeated exposure A substrate is the basic/primary material used in the product. 57(d) & Annex XIII(i) and listed in any candidate list published by the European Chemical Agency in accordance with REACH article 59. This will result in a more corrosion-sensitive product compared to hot dip galvanized. including references to relevant specifications. A declaration issued by supplier and sub-supplier (e. designed for colouring of surfaces without fully covering them. Generic term for foil. and edge band. degreasing.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Term PBT substances Spec. Pre-galvanized gives open cut edges after manufacturing. The service conditions define in which environment the product shall be used and function. and Other (6). A report of one or several tests performed by an IKEA approved laboratory. A more or less transparent solution of colorant in a solvent or water.cefic. Liquid coating refers to the surface coating before drying. glazing but does not include fillers and inorganic coatings. 2007. phosphatising. IKEA has today 3+1 service conditions: Low (1). wax. before it is applied to the substrate. 7 http://www.Single exposure Specific target organ toxicity . Note: Surface coatings applied to the covering as part of its manufacture. Powder coating is a type of dry coating. and inorganic coatings. The main difference between a conventional liquid paint and a powder coating is that the powder coating does not require a solvent to keep the binder and filler parts in a liquid suspension form. surface laminate. Document listing the requirements of a specific IKEA article.g. powder coating.g. High (5). clear lacquer. chemical or coating supplier) to confirm that a requirement is fulfilled. oil. Bioaccumulating (easily increase in concentration in living organisms. 3rd ed. as defined in the EU REACH regulation 1907/2006 REACH Art.e. published by Cefic – European chemical industry council7. before the final product is manufactured from the steel sheet. stain. i. filler. A treatment of the surface before application of coating or covering. Medium (3). no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Powder coating Pre-galvanized Pre-treatment PVD Self Declaration (SD) Service condition Stain Stenomeric acrylates STOT SE STOT RE Substrate Surface coating Surface covering Technical Description (TED) Test Report (TR) Description Substances that are Persistent (do not easily degrade in the environment). General term including paint. Physical vapour deposition (PVD) is a variety of vacuum deposition and is a general term used to describe any of a variety of methods to deposit thin films by the condensation of a vaporized form of the material onto various surfaces. Pre-galvanizing is a form of continuous hot-dip galvanizing that is done already on the steel sheet (coil). See also note under CMR substances. which is applied as a dry powder. see also list in “Guide to the classification and labelling of UV/EB acrylates”. e. after which the piece of work is heated so the powder fuses to a film and cures. especially in fatty tissues) and Toxic.pdf Page 23 (35) © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 . Zinc plating is a galvanic treatment where zinc is deposited on for example steel. White rust Zinc plating © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 24 (35) . See also note under CMR substances. Zinc gives a cathodic protection but can only protect from minor damages and is over time used up through sacrificial corrosion protection and thereby loses the ability to give protection. and these oxides are formed progressively as the zinc is exposed to the atmosphere.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Term VOC content Spec. as defined in the EU REACH regulation 1907/2006 REACH Art. 57(e) & Annex XIII(ii) and listed in any candidate list published by the European Chemical Agency in accordance with REACH article 59. very Persistent.3 kPa. very Bioaccumulating substances. Any organic compound having an initial boiling point less than or equal to 250 °C measured at a standard pressure of 101. steel. The stable oxides formed on the zinc's surface determine its durability. Durability of zinc provides anti-corrosion performance for e. Zinc is a relatively reactive metal. in the formulation of the product in its ready to use condition. expressed in grams/litre (g/l). The mass of volatile organic compounds in a given product which react chemically during drying to form part of the coating shall not be considered part of the VOC content.g. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Volatile organic compound (VOC) vPvB substances Description The mass of volatile organic compounds. These oxides are called white rust. . (Tolylfluanide) Methanesulfenamide.5-thiadiazine-2-thione.25 0.1 1 1a / 0. 1.5-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)-S-triazine Methanesulfenamide.25 1 1 1 1 0.1a 0. 94-13-3. (Sodium pyrithione) 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate.5 0.7-dioxabicyclo [3. (%) 0.2-diol N-Dodecylguanidine hydrochloride 2. (OIT) Parabens (e. If several biocides are present. 1.1-dichloro-N-[(dimethyl-amino)sulfonyl]-1fluoro-N-phenyl.3-propanediol.1 0.3dioxolan-2-yl]methyl].3. this can be expressed as: Ca/Cal + Cb/Cbl + Cc/Ccl + . (Dichlofluanide) Octyl isothiazolinone.2. sodium salt. benzylparaben.2'-dithiobis[N-methylbenzamide] a) b) CAS no. see Note below.1a 0. tetrapotassium salt Hexahydro-1. the weighted sum is still below the limit. its concentration may not exceed 100 % of the limit given in the table.1-dichloro-N-[(dimethyl-amino)sulfonyl]-1fluoro-N-(4-methylphenyl). 2634-33-5 60207-90-1 828-00-2 52-51-7 2682-20-4 3811-73-2 55406-53-6 55965-84-9 56709-13-8 532-32-1 90-43-7 132-27-4 14860-53-8 4719-04-4 731-27-1 1085-98-9 26530-20-1 94-18-8. (Sodium benzoate) Biphenyl-2-ol.1 0.3-dioxan-4-yl acetate 2-Bromo-2-nitro-1.5 0.2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one. 99-76-3 120-47-8.1-[[2-(2.5-dimethyl-1. then the weighted sum is exceeded. (Bronopol) 2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one. ethylparaben. (Dazomet) Copolymer of 2-propenal and propane-1. (CMIT:MIT 3:1) 5-Hydroxypoly [methyleneoxy] methyl-1-aza-3. shall not be used on other products. (2-Phenyl phenol) Sodium-2-biphenylate Diphosphonic acid. and 94-26-8 87-17-2 7632-00-0 886-50-0 533-74-4 191546-07-3 13590-97-1 2527-58-4 Max. whereas if two biocides are present at 60 % of their limit. (Propiconazole) 2. Mathematically.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec.1b 0. For example.3.05 0. ≤ 1 (if > 1 then the weighted limit is exceeded) where Ca stands for the concentration of biocide “a” and Cal stands for the limit for biocide “a” © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 25 (35) .5 1 1 0. then the weighted sum is equivalent to the sum of each biocide’s percentage of its limit.6-Dimethyl-1.8 0.3.05 1a 1 0. methylparaben. if two biocides are present at 40 % of their limit.g. For mixtures of biocides. (IPBC) 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one mixed with 2-Methyl-4isothiazolin-3-one (3:1). Biocides 1. sodium salt. shall not be used on other products.25 only for treatment of products in permanent outdoor use..0015 0. only for treatment of natural fibre products.0] octane and others (Mixture of bicyclic oxazolidines) Benzoic acid. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Appendix A: List of allowed biocides List of allowed biocides and maximum allowed concentrations (limits) of biocides in liquid coatings and fillers. (MIT) 2-Pyridinethiol-1-oxide. allowed conc. (BIT) 1H-1. propylparaben) Salicylanilide Sodium nitrite Terbutryn Tetrahydro-3. Note: Mixtures of biocides (weighted sum of biocide concentrations).4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1.4-triazole. If only one biocide is present. (1-hydroxyethylidene). 1. alkaline. Table 2.G Table 2. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Appendix B: Test methods for surface resistance – deviations and comments For further information.1.1.1. Perspiration.1. and acid solution.E 2. prepared according to EN ISO 105-E04.A Table Table Table Table Table 2. see respective table in section 2.G 2. IKEA deviation: Only 50 mm drop height is used.1.4.1. section 4.3 and 4. IKEA deviation: The test surface shall be cleaned prior to the conditioning period starts by lightly wiping it with a cleaning cloth soaked first in cleansing solution and then only water.H EN 438-2:2005 ISO 4211-4 EN 12720 See EN 438-2:2005.1.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. section 10: Resistance to surface wear. Section Test method Comments Table 2.G Table 2.A 2.D 2.1. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 26 (35) .1.H EN 12720 EN 12720 EN 12721 EN 12722 At least two identical tests shall be carried out. nitrocellulose. C) Specify type of surface covering: ABS foil. melamine laminate. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 27 (35) . Hereby we. and edge bands). metal foil. metal surface treatment (specify). polyester. filler. wax treatment. UF-impregnated paper. other (specify). PE edge band. PS foil. ABS edge band. melamine paper. paper foil. thinners and pre-treatment All types of surface coatings/coverings. thinner and pre-treatment All types of surface coatings/coverings Fulfils Not applicable9 See IOS-MAT-0066. of coating / covering product Type of productA Type of surface coatingB or coveringC Type of coating binderD Note: For coverings (foils.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. other (specify). surface laminate. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Appendix C: Surface coating/covering declaration of chemical substances by surface coating/covering supplier Trade name and article no. PE foil. PMMA foil. edge band.g. water-borne coating. A) Type of product: e. surface laminates. PP edge band. PET foil. certify that the above surface coating(s)/covering(s) fulfils the following specific requirements regarding the chemical content stated in IOS-MAT-0066 (AA-163938-7): Please complete the declaration below for each of the coating/covering systems components listed above. For each requirement check either "fulfils" or "not applicable". powder coating. base coat. other treatment (specify). melamine edge band. 2-pack polyurethane coating. thinners and pre-treatment All types of surface coatings/coverings. polyurethane. Requirements8 CMR substances PBT and vPvB substances Other SVHC Heavy metal migration 8 9 Type of surface coating/covering: Refers to all substrates All types of surface coatings/coverings. solvent-borne coating. top coat. alkyd resin. styrene/acrylonitrile foil. printing ink. declaration shall be made only for the final covering product as delivered to the IKEA supplier (or the equivalent producer applying the covering). B) Specify type of surface coating: for example water-borne UV coating. PU foil. D) Specify type of coating binder (including coating binders used in the manufacturing of surface coverings): acrylic. PP foil. “Not applicable” shall only be filled in if the coating product being declared is not in the scope of the requirement (“type of surface coating/covering” and intended substrate). polyurethane/acrylic. foil. 100% UV coating. primer. the surface coating/covering supplier. epoxy/polyester mix. oil treatment. section 1 for specific information on each requirement. see section 5. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 28 (35) . cleaning/ degreasing Liquid coatings. Go to Table C1. including printing inks Powder coatings Surface coverings Surface coverings 10 A test report shall also be presented by the IKEA supplier for IKEA articles according to Appendix D. 11 Often. liq.1 in IOS-MAT-0066.) 12 For biocides not appearing in IOS-MAT-0066. thinners and solvents for pre-treatment. The TR may be replaced by tests of lead by the coating supplier in coating products that are identical in all material respects to those used in production of the furniture article. including printing inks UV coating. needs to be filled in. then it automatically fulfils for the specific uses. if it fulfils for natural fibre substrates. in only one row. Appendix A./hardeners Liquid coatings and fillers Liquid coatings and fillers UV coating.and C-classified preparations TGIC PVC Elemental chlorine bleaching Liquid coatings. or if the weighted sum of a biocide mixture is greater than 1. coat.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Requirements8 Cadmium Lead10 Spec. hardeners. Test reports from these tests of lead in coating products shall be handed over by the coating supplier to the IKEA supplier for registration in the IKEA Connect database. acrylic acid Xn. including printing inks UV coating. cleaning/ degreasing Liquid coatings and thinners Liquid coatings and thinners Liquid coatings and fillers Isocyanate-contain. then it automatically fulfils for permanent outdoor use. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Type of surface coating/covering: Refers to all substrates All types of surface coatings/coverings All types of surface coatings/coverings Fulfils Fulfils Not applicable9 PerNot applicable9 mission required12 Biocides 11 Liquid coatings and fillers (any use) Liquid coatings and fillers (for natural fibre substrates) Liquid coatings and fillers (for products in permanent outdoor use) Fulfils Not applicable9 Aromatic hydrocarbon solvents Chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds 2-ethoxy ethanol and 2-ethoxy ethylacetate Dimethylformamide Organotin compounds TDI and HDI monomers Alkylphenol ethoxylates Phthalates Toxic ingredients Stenomeric acrylates incl. see Appendix D. only one box. thinners and solvents for pre-treatment. special permission is required. (If the coating fulfils for any use. Note 4 on page 9). And for IKEA supplier (or coating applicator) it means that the application process shall have sufficient process control to secure fulfilment of this requirement. 15 After approval by IKEA. fillers and thinners Requirements8 Cadmium Chrome-VI Chrome-VI Requirements8 Chlorinated paraffins Chrome-VI Type of surface coating/covering: Refers to metal substrates Hot dip galvanizing Chrome-plated metals Chromating and anodizing Type of surface coating/covering: Refers to plastic substrates Pre-treatment Chrome-plated plastics including pre-treatment Fulfils Not applicable9 Fulfils Not applicable9 In addition to this SD. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Requirements8 Type of surface coating/covering: Refers to wood & natural material substrates All types of surface coatings Unsaturated polyester coatings UV coatings Fulfils Fulfils Not applicable9 Formaldehyde requirements for coatings Styrene. the coating applicator can have an exception to this requirement. vinyltoluene monomers/ peroxides Residual free monomers13 14 Does not fulfil (exception)15 Not applicable9 Organic solvent Liquid coatings. “Fulfils” means for coating supplier that the coating product shall be able to fulfil this requirement under normal operating conditions when coating supplier’s instructions are followed. the IKEA supplier shall present a test report for all UV coatings except for waterborne UV coatings (see also IOS-MAT-0066. 14 This requirement refers to the final product after curing. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 29 (35) 13 .Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. if they have VOC exhaust reduction and fulfil an emission limit of maximum 15 % of total solvent input. Note that SD for coatings with this exception shall not be combined with SD for other coatings. Company name of surface coating/covering supplier: Address and phone no. and in cases where the weighted sum of a biocide mixture is greater than 1. of coating product Biocide in the coating product CAS no. This declaration is only valid on condition that these products are used according to process instructions established by us. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Table C1. the IKEA supplier (or the equivalent producer applying the coating/covering). the surface coating/covering supplier. The information in this table shall be used as a basis for the IKEA supplier’s application to IKEA for permission for the use of biocides in the coating. Weight percentage (%) Table C1 shall be filled in for biocides not appearing in Appendix A.: Place and date: Name and signature: Supplier no: © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 30 (35) .Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. Note that in both these cases all biocides in the coating or filler shall be listed.: Place and date: Name and signature: Valid for delivery to the following IKEA supplier (or the equivalent producer applying the coating/covering): We. confirm that we are well informed about instructions for use of the above mentioned coating/covering products and that we fully follow these instructions for IKEA products. Name of IKEA supplier (or the equivalent producer applying the coating/covering): Address and phone no. Special permission needed from IKEA (biocides) Trading name and article no. Safety data sheets and technical data sheets for the surface coating products specified in this declaration have been handed over to the IKEA supplier (or the equivalent producer applying the coating/covering). “furniture” includes movable items such as: • • • • • • All products used to sit on.” The definition of furniture is thus regardless of type of material. built-in cabinets. and doors. windows. Whereas the following are not included as furniture: • • • • • • • • • • • Mirrors. and sofas. (ii) other functional or decorative furniture articles. humidifiers. air conditioners. Part 1303) is: “Furniture article means those movable articles: (i) Used to support people or things. console televisions. desks. Picture frames. products such as beds.g. larger chests for storage. For IKEA. chests. such as draw knobs and caster sets. ironing boards. The term “furniture article” does not include appliances. e. Part 1303 (USA) Definition of furniture article The definition in the US legislation (16 CFR. Bookcases. chandeliers. refrigerators. In case of uncertainty regarding the definition of “Furniture article”. tables. Flooring. with coated metal frame). Purely decorative items.g. Curtain rod sets. dressers. including. kitchen fronts. venetian blinds. chairs. coating on a zipper). but not limited to.g. such as [cooking] ranges. seating furniture (except loose cushions sold separately). chest of drawer. Non-built-in cabinets and wardrobes. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Appendix D: Lead test requirement according to 16 CFR. All beds and mattresses (e. IKEA shall be contacted. clothes washers and dryers. roller blinds. or wall hangings and draperies. Bathroom fixtures. Small storage boxes (roughly a box that average person could comfortably lift with one hand when it is full). Waste bins. or household items such as window shades. and Separate components that the IKEA customer will mount onto furniture. fixtures such as bathroom fixtures. bookcases. Built-in cabinets and wardrobes. and Lighting. and dehumidifiers. dishwashers. bowls. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 31 (35) . Laundry bag (e. pianos.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. bookshelves including loose shelves and shelf brackets. Tables and desks. so all foils except melamine and PMMA should be sent to the approved test laboratory for their assessment if it has a coating or not – unless it is clear that a foil does not have coating. Toys). such as paint. Printing on paper. The paint samples to be tested must have the same composition as the paint used on the final product. a larger quantity of the paint may be tested than is used on the consumer product. Part 1303. i. (2) The tested paint is identical in all material respects to that used in production of the consumer product (“furniture article”).50). Melamine and PMMA foils are normally not coated. Most foils except melamine foil and PMMA foil can be coated. However.e. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 32 (35) . The above criteria also apply to the article after US standard use and abuse test have been applied. but not for parts which are non-accessible. “surface coatings” according to IOS-MAT-0066 except oil and inorganic coatings).e. If it cannot be separated from the substrate in this way with a razor blade. Surface coatings applied on coverings (i. i. send the product to an approved test laboratory and they can determine if it is included in the 16 CFR. In case of uncertainty. The paint may be supplied to an IKEA-approved test laboratory either in liquid form or in the form of a dried film of the paint on any suitable substrate. Part 1303 definition of “paint” and other similar surface coating materials. e. then it is a solid film in the scope of 16 CFR. coatings which have organic chemicals (polymer etc) as main component. Printing on plastic that is separable from the substrate with a razor blade. Part 1303 term “paint and other similar surface-coating materials”. clear lacquer. Electroplating and other inorganic coatings. paint or lacquer on finish foil. powder coating. surface laminate or edge band) as part of the manufacturing of covering. or coating on printed foil. As indicated above. if the article can reasonably break (16 CFR § 1500. Within the scope of IOS-MAT-0066 this accessibility is defined as follows: • • On the surface of the article or if you can reach it by poking into the assembled article with a probe with the dimension of a child’s finger (approximately 5 cm long) (ASTM F 963. it is not in the scope. wax. Surface coating testing by paint supplier – conditions and requirements Generally (1) All testing must be performed on dry paint that is scraped off of a substrate for testing. Exception for non-accessible parts The requirement to test for lead in solid films applies to any accessible parts. in unclear cases a practical rough-and-ready rule is: if the coating can be scraped off with a razor blade. borderline case. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Definition of materials included in solid film This term corresponds to the 16 CFR. in order to generate a sufficient sample size. In the scope of IOS-MAT-0066 this includes the following: • Organic coatings.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. • • Examples of materials not included in solid film In order to clarify the limits of what is considered as solid film. any print that cannot be removed with the help of a razor blade. here are some materials which IKEA does not consider to be covered by the test requirements on solid film: • • • • Wood treatment oil which penetrates into the substrate. and filler (i.e. glazing paint. foil. cardboard.g.e. Contamination subsequent to testing The furniture article manufacturer shall ensure that paint meeting the applicable limits when tested and certified is not later contaminated with lead from other sources before or during application to the product. © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 33 (35) . Traceability Any person who certifies a product as complying with the lead paint limit. and the supplier of the paint (if different). base coat and top coat. or other paint limit. should be able to trace each batch or lot of paint that is used on the product to the paint manufacturer.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. test date. Paint certificate A certifier shall base its certification on testing of each paint system used on a furniture article by testing at an IKEA-approved test laboratory. stain.g. test method used. tests performed. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 (3) Documentation required by a testing party shall identify each paint tested by colour. One test is sufficient also for a paint system applied onto a surface consisting of more than one layer. location. (4) The substrate used need not be of the same material as in the finished product or have the same shape or other characteristics as the part of the finished product to which the paint will be applied. the manufacturer of the paint. and test results. e. specification number or other characteristic. bioaccumulative and toxic properties or very persistent and very bioaccumulative properties. labelling and packaging (CLP) of substances and mixtures. bioaccumulative and toxic substances.Art. packaging and labelling of dangerous substances Dangerous substances directive List of dangerous substances Furniture . and very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances (very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances (vPvB-substances)) Substances to be included in Annex XIV.Assessment of surface resistance to cold liquids Furniture .Assessment of surface resistance to dry heat High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) . 57(f) EC 1999/13 .Part 2: Determination of properties Page 34 (35) EC 1907/2006 . 57(d) . Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). 93/67/EEC. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Appendix E: References Table E1.Art. amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC. bioaccumulative and toxic substances (PBT-substances)) Criteria for the identification of persistent. regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification. References related to specification Related standards 16 CFR.Annex I EN 12720 EN 12721 EN 12722 EN 438-2:2005 © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 . and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration. Evaluation.Annex XIII(ii) . Substances which are persistent.Annex XIII(i) . and very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances (persistent.Assessment of surface resistance to wet heat Furniture .Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Spec. which do not fulfil the criteria of points (d) or (e) — for which there is scientific evidence of probable serious effects to human health or the environment which give rise to an equivalent level of concern to those of other substances listed in points (a) to (e) and which are identified on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 59. bioaccumulative and toxic substances. Substances — such as those having endocrine disrupting properties or those having persistent. bioaccumulative and toxic in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex XIII of this Regulation Substances to be included in Annex XIV.Annex III EC 1999/45 EC 67/548 . Part 1303 (USA) ASTM D 2369 ASTM F 963 CPSC-CH-E1003 EC 1272/2008 Name Ban of lead-containing paint and certain consumer products bearing leadcontaining paint Standard test method for volatile content of coatings Standard consumer safety specification for toy safety Standard operating procedure for determining lead (Pb) in paint and other similar surface coatings Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification. establishing a European Chemicals Agency. amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC. Council Directive 1999/13/EC of 11 March 1999 on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain activities and installations Solvent management plan Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws. 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC Criteria for the identification of persistent.Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) . polybrominated diphenyl ethers) Furniture -.Specification Surface coatings and coverings – general requirements Table E1.Annex C ISO 10289 © IKEA of Sweden AB • 2010 Page 35 (35) . References related to specification Related standards EN 71-3 EN 717-2 ISO 11890-2 ISO 105-E04 IEC 62321 Name Spec. no: Date: Version no: IOS-MAT-0066 2010-05-14 AA-163938-7 Safety of toys – Part 3: Migration of certain elements Wood-based panels .Part 2: Gas-chromatographic method Textiles -. mercury.Part 2: Formaldehyde release by the gas analysis method Paints and varnishes .Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content . cadmium.Cutlery and table holloware .Tests for surfaces -.Determination of levels of six regulated substances (lead.Determination of formaldehyde release .Rating of test specimens and manufactured articles subjected to corrosion tests ISO 4211-4 ISO 9227 ISO 8442-2 .Tests for colour fastness -.Part E04: Colour fastness to perspiration Electrotechnical products . polybrominated biphenyls.Salt spray tests (ISO 9227:2006) Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. hexavalent chromium.Part 2: Requirements for stainless steel and silver-plated cutlery (ISO 8442-2:1997) Test method for corrosion resistance of unplated stainless steel cutlery Methods for corrosion testing of metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic substrates .Part 4: Assessment of resistance to impact Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres .
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