Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

June 14, 2018 | Author: Jeric Maribao | Category: Meaning Of Life, Martin Heidegger, Epistemology, Learning, Psychology & Cognitive Science



INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE HUMAN PERSONCONTENT Human Persons are Oriented Toward Their Impending Death LESSON NAME The Meaning of Life CONTENT STANDARDS The learner understands human beings as oriented towards their impending death. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner writes a philosophical reflection on the meaning of his/her own life. LEARNING COMPETENCIES 8.3. Explain the meaning of life (where will all these lead to) 8.4. Reflect on the meaning of his/her own life. SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Read, understand, and explain the meaning of life through the selections of Arthur Schopenhauer, Martin Heidegger, and Jean-Paul Sartre 2. Create and reflect the meaning of life through vision and mission statements TIME ALLOTMENT 180 minutes LESSON OUTLINE: During the lesson, the learners will: 1. Introduction: Review of the previous lesson. 2. Motivation: Fill Me/Posing a Question/Interactive Work (Video Presentation on 3. Instruction/Delivery: Lecture/Question-Discussion 4. Practice: Formative assessment and Drafting epitaph 5. Enrichment: Small group sharing and reflecting 6. Evaluation: Performance Task MATERIALS RESOURCES PROCEDURE MEETING THE LEARNER’S NEEDS INTRODUCTION Teachers’ Tip: Review of the previous lesson. MOTIVATION Option 1: Finish these phrases and share your thoughts to the class: I find life as ___________________________________________ My goal is to __________________________________________ What is the main idea of the 1. HIGHEST ENABLING STRATEGY AND TEACHING STRATEGY PRACTICE Option 1: Formative Assessment (Essay)(Holistic Rubric) Option 2: The students shall complete the phrase as their own epitaph: In loving memory of (Name) : a _________________. Lecture/Question-Discussion  The teacher will pose questions using Guided Generalization for Understanding. when one lives with a resoluteness. first of all exists. The person is nothing else but that what he makes of himself. 2. and defines himself afterward. surges up in the world. courage. but 1. for wholeness is attainable within humanity’s finite temporality. Explain the supporting details 3. Death is a Summary (where will all these lead to) possibility that happens. The person is provided with a supreme opportunity to give meaning to one’s life.  Arthur Schopenhauer The essay of Schopenhaur begins with the predicament of all the self with its struggles and its destiny: What am I? What shall I do with my life? We have to be Arthur Schopenhauer Martin Heidegger Jean-Paul Sartre responsible for our own existence. Care is Similarities of the three contexts understood in terms of finite temporality. What is the main idea of the 1. one fills the world with meaning. encounters himself. Death is _____________________________________________ Option 2: How do you describe your life now? Option 3: Video Presentation on Extra-Judicial Killings INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY Teacher’s Tip A. What is the main idea of the few have the energy. Give supporting details 2. all possibilities are evaluated in this light. In the course of giving meaning to one’s life. In loving memory of Juan dela Cruz: a responsible husband and loving father . Eternity does not enter the picture. Explain the supporting details  Martin Heidegger In Heidegger’s analysis. Each of us knows that he is a unique person. human existence is exhibited in care. which reaches with death. . Explain the supporting details 3. Give supporting details 2. However. and no one can do that for us. which brings unity and wholeness to the scattered self.” life is meaningless. or insight to throw off the husks of convention and passage? passage? passage? achieve a sincere realization of their potentialities.  Jean-Paul Sartre The person. unless we do “become ourselves. Give supporting details 3. creative. lofty but achievable. enhance the key features understanding of the text. Statements are vague – do Statements have features Statements are clear and Statements are not only not provide a clear vision that lack desired concise considering the clear and concise but in or mission for what accomplishment.thus stating what accomplish. Write the one-paragraph vision and mission statements in separate ¼ illustration boards. Rubric for Final Output: Criteria Unacceptable (0) Not Yet Meets Minimally Meets Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations (4 Expectations (1 point) Expectations (2 points) (3 points) points) Comprehensiveness (50%) No statements included. of the statements. graphics that do not match and understand. Messy. Has Vibrant and easy to read Vibrant. Very little creatively enhance the key Graphics creatively interfere with reader’s effort put into creating a features of the statements. As a mature individual. previous lesson tackled in depth insight to the extent student wants to the course. Visual Presentation (20%) Unfinished product. Spelling/grammar errors the statements. Graphics read and understand. create your own vision and mission statements that specify how you are going to live the rest of your life until death. mission statements are mission statements are mission statements are not realistic and practical and decently realistic but realistic in that they seem only realistic but unique in do not seem well thought difficult to achieve. student wants to accomplish Realistic (30%) The student’s vision and Some of the elements are The student’s vision and The student’s vision and The student’s vision and mission statements are not not realistic in nature. difficult to read. thus stating that the content 1-7 are accomplish. You can design the board according to how you project your life in the future. the sense that it is not out. what student wants to applied . easy to graphics included. common to the life of others but achievable. and attractive. Your output should be comprehensive. realistic. Option 2: Reflect the epitaph in real life EVALUATION Final Performance Task of the Course: We are about to finish the course and is now ready to live a more meaningful life. neat product. No Somewhat messy. Student put exceptional effort into .ENRICHMENT Option 1: Small group sharing on one’s epitaph. completing the product. .
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