Introduction to Criminology Terms

March 26, 2018 | Author: Cristina Joy Vicente Cruz | Category: Criminology, Crimes, Crime & Justice, Organized Crime, Punishments



INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGYCONCEPT OF CRIMINOLOGY  CRIMINOLOGY - It is the entire body of knowledge regarding crimes, criminals and the efforts of the society to prevent and suppress them. It is also a study of crime as a social phenomenon. It includes within its scope the making of laws, the breaking of law and the reactions towards the breaking of laws.  CRIMINOLOGY is a body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. It defined also as a multidisciplinary study of crimes.  PAUL TOPINARD - He was the Anthropologist who introduced the word criminology, sometime in 1889. He derived it from the Latin word ―crimen‖, which can be translated to offense.  R.A. 6506 - An act that created the Board of Criminologists of the Philippines and for other purposes. It took effect on July 1, 1972.  CRIMINOGENIC PROCESSES — explain human behavior and the experiences which help the nature of a persons' personality as reaching mechanism. Factors and experiences in connection thereto infringe differently upon different personalities producing conflict which is the aspect of crime.  CRIMINAL PSYCHODYNAMICS criminals in action  DEMENTIA PRAECOX — a collective term of mental disorder that begins shortly after puberty and leads to general failure of the mental faculties with the corresponding physiological impairment. Delusion — a false belief about self cause by morbidity, paranoia and dementia praecox.  EROTOMANIA — a morbid propensity to love or make love; uncontrollable sexual desire by members of either sex.  EPISODIAC CRIMINAL — a non criminal person who commits crime when under emotional stress. — study of mental process of  LOGOMACY — a statement that we would have no crime if we have no criminal law and that we can eliminate crimes by merely abolishing criminal law.  KLEPTOMANIAC — an uncontrollable morbid propensity to steal. He is pathological stealer. Masochism — a condition of sexual perversion in which a person derives pleasure from being dominated or cruelly treated.  MELANCHOLIA — a mental disorder characterized by excessive brooding and depression of spirits. Megalomania- a mental disorder in which the subject thinks himself ad great or exalted.  ANTHROPOLOGY — science devoted to the study of mankind and its development in relation to its physical, mental and cultural history.  CRIMINALISTICS - the sum total application of all science in crime detection.  CRIMINALIST - a person who is trained in science of application of instruments and methods to the detection of crime  CRIME- An act committed or omitted in violation of a law, forbidding or commanding it. It is a generic term for offense, felony and delinquency.  DELINQUENCY - An act or omission that violates simple rules and regulations, punishable by a short period of imprisonment or a small fine.  FELONY - An acts or omission punishable by the revised penal code.  OFFENSE - is an acts or omission punishable by special law.  MISDEAMEMOR - is act or omission in violation of city or municipality ordinances  DEVIANT BEHAVIOR - refers to a behavior which is outside the range of normal societal toleration In can also be applied in the study of causes of crime. However.It involves other sciences such as psychology. chemistry. anthropology. application of different scientific instruments. is an attempt at scientific analysis of the causes of the crime. psychology and other natural science. DIVISIONS OF CRIMINOLOGY 1 Criminal Etiology . psychiatry. NATURE OF CRIMINOLOGY 1 It is an Applied Science. who committed acts punishable by the laws and has been convicted by final judgment. 3 It is dynamic — criminology changes as the social condition changes. it is a science when applied to law enforcement and prevention of crimes under the following nature: 1 It is an applied science. 2 Sociology of law — an attempt at scientific analysis of the conditions which penal/criminal laws has developed as a process of formal and social control.. CRIMINAL . not stable and homogenous as it varies from one place to another. NATURE OF CRIMINOLOGY  Criminology cannot be considered as a science because it has not yet acquired universal validity. medicine. sociology. 2 It is a social science — its study is a part of social science because crime is a social phenomenon and a social creation. in a process known as instrumentation. . etc. 3 Penology — concerned with the control and prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders. SCOPE OF STUDY OF CRIMINOLOGY 1 Criminal Ecology — study of criminality in relation to special distribution in a community.(Psychological Criminology) . 2 Criminal Epidemiology — study of the relationship between environment and criminality.Practice of criminology must be in adherence to the laws of the nation. state of crime trend 5 Victimology — study of the role of the victim of crime . OBJECTS OF INTEREST IN CRIMINOLOGY 1 2 3 4 Crime Criminals Criminal Behavior Victims of Crime MAJOR ALLIED SCIENCES OF CRIMINOLOGY AS A FIELD OF STUDY 1 Sociology (Sociological Criminology) .Deals with the study of mankind.A science that deals with the study of criminal behavior in terms of motives and drives. 4 It is Nationalistic. 4 Anthropology (Anthropological Criminology) . 5 Physiology (Physiological Criminology) .The study of crime that is focused on a group of people and the society as a whole. its study involves the society as a whole. in relation to the behavior of a particular person. 2 Psychology. thus. particularly. the culture and physical features of distinctive groups of people. 3 Psychiatry (Psychiatric Criminology) . 4 Criminological research — study of crime correlated with antecedent variables. 3 It is Dynamic.Criminology changes as social condition does. 3 Criminal Physical Anthropology — study of criminality in relation between mind and behavior of a criminal.2 It is a Social Science.Crime is a social phenomenon.Deals with the study of behavior and mental processes of criminals.Studies function of various organs of the body. 6 Criminological Theories — study of the different theories as the genesis of criminal behavior WHERE CAN INCREASE IN CRIME IN URBAN CENTERS BE ATTRIBUTED? 1 Lack of sound prevention planning 2 Interplay of accelerated social changes which are the aftermath of the development 3 Apathy of the community towards involvement in the campaign against criminality. capability and opportunity. 3 Many crimes which are directly referred to the prosecutors are recorded in the police crime registers. 4 There is yet no earnest and persistent effort on the part of the police or any agency of the government for determining systematically the extent of unreported crimes in the country. . BROAD WAYS OF SOCIAL RESPONSES TO THE CRIME PROBLEM 1 Prevention per use 2 Rehabilitation 3 Control APPROACHES TO THE GOAL OF PRODUCING CRIMES 1 Crime suppression or reaction measures undertaken after the commission 2 Crime prevention or proaction measures undertaken before the commission of crime. TRIAD OF CRIME  The so called triad of crime consists of desire. AMOUNTS AND KINDS OF CRIMES IN THE PHILIPPINES DIFFICULT TO PORTRAY: REASONS 1 A lot of crimes are not reported to the police 2 Not all crimes are reflected in the records in the police crime registers. These are the factors which led to the commission of crime. and religion of the society. There must be a certain external consequence or harm caused. It is difficult to eradicate.WAYS OF COMBATING A CRIME 1 To wage a massive information dissemination campaign on crime prevention 2 To strengthen law enforcement agencies 3 To formulate effective rehabilitation program for the convicted offender. culture. AGENCIES OF THE GOVERNMENT THAT IS PRIMARILY CHARGED WITH THE CAMPAIGN TO PREVENT CRIMES 1 The CRIME PREVENTION AND COORDINATION SERVICES of the NAPOLCOM 2 The Regional Offices of the NAPOLCOM for the provinces and the cities. 3 Offices of the NAPOLCOM provincial Officers in every province for the municipalities or towns. . Its causes are multifarious. LEVELS OF CRIME PREVENTION 1 Primary level — identification of factors in the environment which contributes to criminally deviant behavior. race. ―Mens Rea‖ must be present.identification of individual or group of persons with criminally deviant behavior. The harm must be forbidden by law There must be an intentional or reckless action. CHARACTERISTICS OF CRIME          It does not respect age. customs. It occurs in all existing economic strata. 2 Secondary level .formulation of rehabilitation measure to prevent recidivism. sex. It is a worldwide phenomenon. 3 Tertiary level . There must be a legally prescribed punishment for the act. there is no intended victim. a European defense lawyer who created his own classification of victims OTHER CLASSIFICATION OF CRIME 1 Traditional Crime.Study of criminality in relation to the uneven distribution of crime 3 Criminal Ecology Study of the relationship between criminality and the environment. FACTORS THAT ENHANCES CRIMINALITY 1 Criminal Demography .act committed by consenting persons in private. 5 Index Crime.Study of behavior and mental processes in relation to crime.committed every now and then 2 Crimes Due to Social Change.committed to take advantage of an abnormal situation 4 Victimless Crime.act that involves actual physical harm to a victim by another CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINAL .   There must be a fusion or concurrence of mens rea and conduct There must be a casual relationship between the legally forbidden harm and the act. 5 Criminal Psychology . 2 Criminal Epidiomology . 7 Victimology .Study of criminal behavior in terms of motives and drives. 4 Criminal Physical Anthropology . It also refers to the scientific analysis of the adverse effects of crime.Study of criminality in relation to the physical condition of man. 6 Criminal Psychiatry .Study of the relationship between criminality and population.Study of the role of the victim in the commission of crime. Prostitution 3 Emergency Crime. It was initiated by Benjamin Mendelson.poverty crimes ex. one who commits crime when the situation is conducive 9 Habitual Criminal. 8 Accidental Criminal.1 Acute Criminal.human free will .Variety of procedures established to determine the guilt or innocence of an accused c Thucydides.commits crime due to aggressiveness 6 Passive Criminal.Classical Theory — founded by Cesare Bacarria maintains that man is essentially moral creature with absolutely free will to choose between good and who commits crime due to fit of passion 2 Chronic Criminal. therefore stress is a place upon the criminal himself that man is responsible to his who commits crime due to lack of self control THEORIES OF CRIME CAUSATION 1 Earliest Theory of Crime Causation a Demonological every mistake or violation of the law. one has to .commits crime due to reward or promise 7 Socialized Delinquent. The concepts include the following: .State that the criminal commits a crime because of supernatural powers or he is posses by demons or dammed by the underworld forces or other wordily forces.Every man is responsible for his own act.engaged in criminal activities with a high degree of skill 5 Active Criminal.lowest mammal in criminal profession 4 Professional who plans the commission of crime ahead of time 3 Ordinary Criminal. .States that people commit crime because they are possessed by evil spirits b Trial by who lacks proper moral values due to defective socialization process. b CLASSICAL THEORY .A Greek historian who first wrote the usefulness of death penalty 2 Era of Classical Criminology a PRE CLASSICAL THEORY . it is considered as: a Unfair . to first c NEO CLASSICAL THEORY It asserted that certain categories of offender such a minor. not on penalties. children and lunatics cannot calculate pleasure and pain mitigating circumstances must be taken into account in imposing penalties. D POSITIVE AND ITALIAN THEORY — founded by Lombroso. like any other act.suffer the penalty . a Man is subdued by morbid phenomenon who constrains to do wrong even against his own volition. is a natural . That crime and moral phenomenon cannot be treated and checked by the imposition of punishment but rather rehabilitation or the enforcement of individual measures. CLASSES OF CRIMINALS: a born criminal — atavism b insane criminal — idiots. 3 Period of Modern Criminology a Italian/Positivist TheoryMade emphasis on the scientific treatment of criminals. HOWEVER. This theory says that crime is an act as natural phenomenon and is comparable to a natural disaster or treats all men as if they are robot without regard to individual differences and surrounding circumstances when the crime was committed. b Crime is essentially a social phenomenon and therefore cannot be treated by the imposition of imprisonment. insane incompetence shall be treated leniently irrespective of their criminal acts because these People are not capable of knowing what is right and wrong.Man is essentially a moral creature who was given a free will to choose what is right and evil. b Unjust .it imposes equal punishment time offender and recidivist. they should not be regarded as criminals. imbeciles c criminaloids — not born with physical stigmata but who are of such mental makeup that they display anti social conduct. It asserted that crime. Advocated by William Sheldon. even without intention of doing it. This theory maintained that people are influenced by unconscious forces including innate sexual and aggressive drives. this theory is focused on the interrelationship of people with the environment. b Determinism. he is forced to commit crime. thus. thus they commit crime.Advocated by Ezra Park. . this theory maintained that the society is composed of different groups of people and organization having criminalistic and anti-criminalistic tradition.Superegodirects acceptable behavior people towards morally c Human Ecology Theory. this theory asserts that inheritance is the primary determinant of behavior and physique is a reliable .phenomenon and is comparable to disaster or calamity. It maintained that crime is a result of a social change that goes along with the environmental changes. the Dean of Modern Criminology and regarded as the most important criminologist of the 20th century. the Founder of Psychoanalysis.Ego.guided by reality principle . He revealed that human personality has three-part structure: .Advocated by Edwin Sutherland. 4 Period of Independent Criminology a Anomie Theory. this theory states that the absence of norms in the society provides a setting conducive to crime and other anti-social acts. Durkheim also proposed that crime is a natural thing in the society and it helps society for changes. d Differential Association Theory. It also asserts that criminal behavior is learned through the process of communication and socialization and not inherited.most primitive part of human personality.Id. This theory promoted the doctrine of determinism. b Psychoanalytical Theory.States that there are existing situations or circumstances that interferes in the decision or action of man. e Somatotype Theory.Advocated by Emile Durkheim.Proposed by Sigmund Freud. this theory maintained that the failure of man to achieve a higher status of life causes him to commit crime in order to attain such status. i Strain Theory.athletic type. He classified body types as follows: .Ectomorph . It maintained that people are law abiding.Advocated by Karl Marx. this theory asserts that for every individual. protection or insulation against crime and delinquency. this theory asserts that the state is a device for controlling the exploited class. . Frederick Engel and Willem Bonger. low specific gravity and typically relaxed and comfortable disposition.advocated by Robert King Merton. roundness though the regions of the body. bone and connective tissue. predominance of muscle. f Containment Theory. tend to look more exhausted and withdrawn.the class that labors for the benefit of the ruling class.predominance of soft. but when under great pressure will resort to crime.Mesomorph. hard and firm. and has a viscerotonic temperance. there exist a containing external structure (blocked opportunities) and a protective internal structure (conscience and self control). normally heavy. thus.Endomorph.indicator of personality. characterized by romotonic or somatotonic temperance and most likely to commit crime. this theory asserts that laws are created in favor of the ruling class.thin physique. It asserts that the upper class creates laws that protect their interest. g Instrumentalist TheoryAdvocated by Earl Richard Quinney. extrovert. crime is reflected on the demoralized remaining population. . . h Social Class Conflict and Capitalism Theory. slender and poorly muscled. flat chest. introvert and characterized by cerebrotonic temperance.Advocated by Walter Reckless. both of which provides defense. routinely active and aggressive. smart and tough. Hypothesized that violent crimes predominate in warmer climates while property crimes are more prevalent in colder weather zone B HUMAN ECOLOGY . like other animals are parasite. OTHER THEORIES IN CRIMINOLOGY A QUETELETS THERMIC LAW . this theory maintained that the original cause of crime cannot be known. Behavior becomes criminal if it is labeled as such. depending on the specific location of the individual within the social structure. Man is an organism having an animalistic behavior that is dependent on other animals for survival. this theory stated that an individual will obey or disobey societal rules. Edwin Lemert and Howard Becker. no behavior is intrinsically criminal. l Differential Opportunity Theory. m Labeling Theory. n Theory of Human Evolution. depending upon his or her ability to rationalize whether he is protected from hurt or destruction. between human .Advocated by Albert Cohen.Advocated by Gresham Sykes.Advocated by Frank Tennenbaum. thus creates a sub-culture that rejects middle and upper class values through a process referred to as reaction formation. this theory claimed that humans.j Sub-culture Theory of Delinquency. this theory claimed that the lower class cannot socialize effectively with the middle and the upper class. The sub-culture is called a gang and the kids are called delinquents.Advocated by Charles Darwin. this theory explained that the society leads the lower class to want things. k Neutralization Theory. It claimed that there is a differential opportunity or access to success goals by both legitimate and illegitimate means.Advocated by Lloyd Ohlin.Deals with the relationship organism and physical environment. transmitted from one generation to the next. unemployment problems and breakdown of social values are the causes of crimes.states that social indicators present in a society such as large number of single parent households.a theory that views crime as a result of man‘s cultural values that permit or allow crime to happen or even demand behaviors that will violate the laws. especially among depressed and disorganized urban areas.In Marx‘s the emergence of capitalism produce economic inequality (resulting to the commission of crime) in which proletariats are exploited by the bourgeoisie. D SOCIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY . causing individual to commit crimes by conforming to the norms of their own groups which is in conflict with another. high percentage of out of school youth. J Cultural Transmission Theory.emphasize that the criminality can be considered as social disorganization or social condition due to the impact upon human behavior. F Social Process Theory . L Conflict Theory.a theory which states that the cause of crime is the handling down of delinquency behavior as a socially learned behavior. K Culture Conflict Theory.states that people band together as a group because they are social animals with needs that are best served through collective action. . I Cultural Deviance Theory.lawlessness where there is disjunction between means and goals.The most varied in refuted and developed theory emphasizing the importance of ―imitation‖ in crime causation E Anomie (Normlesness) .address the issue of how society maintains or elicits social control and the manner in which it obtain conformity or fails to obtain it in the form of deviance H Social Disorganization Theory. G Social Control Theories .C ECONOMIC THEORY . It states further that people constantly clash as they try to advance the interest of their particular group over those of the others.states that different groups have different conduct norms and the conduct norms of one group may be in conflict with those of another. one whose Behavior is largely amoral and asocial and who is characterized by the irresponsibility. lack of remorse or shame or aggravated by the physics or emotionally process of the individual c Alcoholism . it is necessary of every human being to contemplate or consider with deep regret and . 2 Ecological approach .when a person is hardship is one of primary causes of criminality therefore.occasional law breakers. he is almost certain to start a fight  ENVIRONMENTAL a home .the ―Cradle‖ of human personality‖ children are the mirror of the family b bad neighborhood c broken homes .these approach concerns itself with the ―biotic grouping of men‖ thus resulting from migration competition another with sometimes create conflict between the immigrant and in habitant of such place thus lending to social discrimination 3 Economic approach .emotionally abnormal but who do not manifest breaks with reality that characterized psychosis b Psychomatic Person .communication gap and parent and children rates Delinquency disrespect among CLASSES OF DELIQUENTS 1 Environmental delinquent .EXPLANATIONS TO CRIMINAL ETIOLOGY  PERSONALITY a Psychopathic personality . religious as well recreational.the social in its general sense include assessment of those forces resulting from man‘s economic. Human skeleton is unchangeable for the period of 20 years. 4 Sociological and cultural approach . and vengeance as the principal motives. He classified crime into: a atavist .000 convicts and found that heredity is more influential as determinant criminal behavior than environmental ALPHONSE BERTILLON — one who originated a system of classifying criminals according to bodily measurements.he advocate the ―utilitarian hedonism‖ or ―Hedonistic Calculus‖ the theory that a person always in such a way as to seek pleasure and avoid pain  CESARE LOMBROSO . political crimes. W. education. financial.  JEREMY BENTHAM(1823) . sexual crimes.A.those who have less physical stamina or luck of control.who don‘t seek for the crimes but they are drawn into it because of insignificant reason that paused them to do Types of Criminaloids .born criminal b Criminaloids .a famous authority in the field of criminology who advocated the positivist theory. BONGER — an international authority in criminology who classified crimes by motives of the offender as economic crimes. c Insane criminal disorder - because of their abnormalities or d Occasional criminal . political. CHARLES GORING — English Statistician who studied the case histories of 2. PROMINENT PERSONALITIES IN THE STUDY OF CRIMINOLOGY    DR.confession the strong temptation which has frequently for so many years and want necessities to support life. He focused on the sociological point of view of the posivitist theory.believe in the ―law of saturation‖.Italian law professor who coin the term ―CRIMINOLOGIA‖. Includes the consideration of customs. obligation.habitual . In 1885 He developed a concept of the natural crime and defined it as violation of the prevalent sentiments of pity and probity. Freud view guilt as a motive for bad behavior. In his ―PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY‖ he maintains that: a Criminal behavior is a form of neurosis b Crime is a result of compulsive need for punishment to alleviate guilt and anxiety c Criminal behavior is gratification of need a means for obtaining .the use of psychology in understanding behavior.those who are suffering from disorders .those who kills in defense  RAFAEL GAROFALO . laws morality and religious belief as factors to criminality  SIGMUND FREUD .criminaloids or epileptoid .pseudo-criminals . Factors of criminality: a physical and geological environment b the individual c social environment  DAVID EMILE DURKEIM .. Society can tolerate only number offenders . Types of criminal according to Garofalo: a murders-satisfied from revenge b violent and criminals c deficient criminals-commit crimes against property d lascivious criminals-crimes against chastity  ENRICO FERRI . ALBERT COHEN (1918) . process and purpose. The absent of social control leads to criminality ROBERT KING MERTON . roundness throughout the regions of the body.Strong advocate of the scientific method in explaining criminality by a sociologist.Advocated the ―SUBCULTURE THEORY‖ and ―DELIQUENCY THEORY‖. interaction and social hierarchy as factor of criminality. c Ectomorps .advocated the‖ DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION THEORY‖ this maintains that the society is composed of different group maintains that delinquency is the result of poor self concept. delicacy. slender. He advocated the‖ SOMATOTYPING THEORY‖ that explains the belief of inheritances as the primary determinants of behavior and the body physique is reliable indicator of personality.  ROBERT EZRA PARK.Primer sociologist of the modern days. hard or firm. Classification of body physique a Endomorps . origin. competition. predominate of muscle. conflict social.a type with a relatively predominance of soft.advocate of the ―CONTROL THEORY‖ . He maintains that the failure of man to achieve the higher status caused them to commit crimes in order to attain their goal. normally heavy. flat chest. . SHELDON – his key ideas are concentrated on the principle of ―SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST‖ as a behavioral science. He believes that behavior is learned not inherited. WALTER RECKLESS. bone and connective tissue. He includes the explanation of prevalence. Advocated the ―STRAIN THEORY‖. trough out the body. He combines the biological and psychological explanation to understand the behavior.  WILLIAM H. as factor to crime. strong and tough.thin psyque. contract. b Mesomorps . they have low specific gravity. is a result of traumatic e Criminal conduct represents displace hostility.d Criminal behavior experience. The human ecology explain the isolation or segregation. poorly muscled     EDWIN SUTHERLAND.athletic type. Criminal acts reflected society collective. CHARLES BUCK MAN GORING (1870-1919) . Collectives sentiments will reach a universal degree of acceptance WILLIAM BONGER . who studied the case histories of 3.First proposed the positivist approach. political crimes. and he hoped that they might improved by work and religious instruction in the work house. criminality is cause by heredity and the influence of environment. ERNEST HOLTON – Accordingly. and miscellaneous crimes with vengeance as the principal motive. He conclude that criminals are originally inferior QUETELET . .H GODDARD .the advocate of the‖LABELING THEORY‖ the theory maintains that interaction cause them to behave criminally when one or both interpretation of the meaning of such interaction is wrong. Feebleminded person is unable to appreciate the consequences of his behavior or appreciate the meaning of the law PETER RENIZEL .He advocated the theory of ―feeblemindedness‖.000 convicts. he argued that crime is a normal part of society as birth and death.An English statistician.philosophy sought secular events to provide understanding thru a new spirit of inquiry . He viewed the progression of knowledge as consisting of stage reflect upon the meaning of event.he discovered on his research that crimes against person increased during summer while crimes against property increase during winter PAUL TORPINARD .           ERVING GOLFMAN AND HOWARD BECKER (1922-1982) . He came up with a conclusion that heredity is more influential determiner of criminal behavior than environment. in 1669.father of anomie tradition. CHARLES DARWIN . establish a work house in Hamburg at his own expense because he had observed that thieves and prostitutes where made worse instead by better pillory. EMILE DURKHEIM-(1858-1917) .Metaphysical stage . AUGUSTE COMTE . R.a French anthropologist who introduced the term ―CRIMINOLOGIE‖ in 1987.a private person who.his theory maintains that man is an organism which is parasite and has an animalistic international authority in criminology who classified crimes by motives of the offenders as economic crimes.  LAVATOR . capitalism. Ex: communism. 4 Professional crimes . He said that bald includes groups of any individuals whose primary activity involves violating criminals laws to seek profits and power by engaging in racketeering activities and when appropriate in engaging intricate financial manipulation TYPES OF ORGANIZED CRIMINALS .Stated the way to discover the character of a person is by observation and measurement of outward appearance of an individual especially the face.involves killing of two or more victims at two or more location.A crime committed by a person of respectability and high social statues in the course of his occupation.refers to crime committed on behalf and for the benefit of a legitimate organization.The use of knowledge that requires lengthy training in committing crimes.involves killing of four or more victim at one location within one event.involves killing several victims in hire. shift eye.refers to criminal activity which committed for ideological purpose. beard women. 5 Occupational Crimes/white Collar crimes . (Physiological fragment)  FRANZ JOSEPH GALL/CHARLES CALDWELL/AND JOHANN CHRISTOPHER SPURZHEIM-claimed that the external formation of the skull indicates that confirmation of the brain and the development of its various parts the shape of the heads of the criminals differs from that of the non-criminals TYPES OF MULTIPLE MURDERS 1 Serial murder .. Ideology . 2 Spree murder .combination of the rational spirit of investigation with the scientific method. 6 Organizational crime . and abstract ideals which are perceived as providing the true meaning of life.Refers to distinctive belief system. ideas.Scientific stage . weak chin arrogant nose are criminally inclined. 7 Political crime . emphasizing empiricism or experimentation. 3 Mass murder . Christianity 8 organized crimes . 2 FORNICATION . but which profit upon unsmiling victims. intimidation or threats. 5 VOYEURISM . such as juvenile and adults gang involve in robbery – akyat bahay.having sex with animals . bukas kotse. mouth-genital organized crime 2 MERCENARY ORGANIZED CRIME .Yakuza. drug abuse. illegal gambling.1 POLITICAL .may cover anal intercourse. 7 PEDOPHILIA OR CHILD MOLESTING .prostitution .the practice of having sexual relations for certain consideration.sometimes referred to as ― crimes without crimes or‖ ‗ victimless crimes‖ or legist rated morality refers to a number of activities that is illegal due to the fact of they offered public morality. 6 FETISHISM . mafia 3 IN-GROUP ORIENTED ORGANIZED CRIME . the later usually as one under 12 years of age or one who has not yet reached the age of puberty 8 PORNOGRAPHY refers to erotic or sexual stimulating literature or materials 9 BESTIALITY .refers to a sexual intercourse between unmarried person 3 SODOMY .involves the person invading the privacy of another by viewing him/her when in an unclad state or sexual condition. drunkenness SEXUAL RELATED DISORDER 1 PROSTITUTION . exchange of husband and wife for sexual intercourse and even mutual masturbation 4 EXHIBITIONISM usually involves that purposive and unsolicited indecent exposure of sex organs usually to male an unsuspecting female.sexual relation between and adult a child.crimes committed by group for direct personal profit. Chinese triad 5 PUBLIC ORDER CRIME .involves the obtaining of erotic excitement trough the perception and of collection objects associated with the opposite sex.this group such a motorcycle gangs and some adolescent gangs goals are psychological gratification rather that financial profitHell‘s Angels 4 SYNDICATE CRIME .a continuing group or organization that participate in activity in any society by use of force. person. 3 CRIMINALITY VIOLENT OFFENDERS .person deliberate thinking such as. example is a kleptomaniac b normal criminal . often under provocation such as in domestic disputes which gets out hand. who acted in consonance with a neurotic criminals .person whose action arises from intra-physics conflict between the social and antisocial components of his personality. fit of passion or anger or spell of extreme jealousy. who violates criminal law because of the impulse of the moment.  CHRONIC CRIMINALS .use as means of explaining the greater prevalence of violent crime among low income from slum environment.10 NECROPHILIA .are individuals who live in subculture in which violence is an acceptable problems-solving mechanism 2 SUBCULTURE OF VIOLENCE . Often described as ―crimes of passion‖ CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINALS ACCORDING TO ETIOLOGY  ACUTE CRIMINAL .sex with dead bodies TYPOLOGY OF VIOLENT OFFENDERS 1 CULTURALLY VIOLENT OFFENDERS . - caused by an organic pathological . such as in robbery 4 PATHOLOGICALLY VIOLENT OFFENDERS – mentally ill or brain damage 5 SITUATIONAL VIOLENT OFFENDERS .commit acts of violence on rare occasion.person whose psychic organization resembles that of the normal individual except that that he identify himself with criminal prototype c Criminality process.use violence as a means of accomplishing criminal act. those who commit criminal acts for such diverse reason due to deficiency of intelligence and lack of self control 4 HABITUAL SITUATIONAL CRIMINALS .those who commit criminal acts as a result of unanticipated circumstances. and embezzlement which are intermixed with economic activities CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINALS BASED ON MENTAL ATTITUDES 1 ACTIVE AGGRESSIVE CRIMINALS .CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINALS BASE ON BEHAVIORAL SYSTEM. They lack organization to avoid arrest and conviction ORGANIZED CRIMINALS. this group belong to the educated respectable members of society who may turn criminal on involved. They engage only the conventional crimes which required limited skills.this criminal have a high degree of degree to enable them to commit crimes being detected and committed to specialized activities which can be operated in large scale business. Force. intimidation and bribery to use gain and maintain control over economic activities. CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINALS BASED ON ACTIVITIES 1 PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS . 3 HABITUAL CRIMINALS .those person who earn their living trough criminal activities 2 ACCIDENTAL CRIMINALS .   ORDINARY CRIMINALS. such attitudes is clearly shown in crimes of passion. reward or promise without considering its consequences 3 SOCIAL DELINQUENT – those who are normal in their behavior but merely defective in their socialized process.the lowest form of criminal career. revenge or resentment. 2 PASSIVE INADEQUATE CRIMINALS .those who commit crimes in an impulsive manner usually due to the aggressive behavior of the offender. violence.those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by inducement.those who are actually not criminals but constantly in trouble with legal authorities because they commit robberies. . an intimate group bound by ties.those who commit by people of the upper strata of society 2 CRIME OF THE UNDERWORLD . The criminal gangs always resort to the physical force in perpetrating their crimes. friends and loyalty that tends to establish its own folkways and mores.those committed by the fit of passion. in opposition to those of conventional society. . c inclusion with the organization of personnel who performs services not essential to the commission of the crime. jealousy hatred 4 CRIMES IMITATION .those who commit by the members of the lower under privilege class of is the social organization of habitual and professional criminals. THE 4 TYPES OF ORGANIZED CRIMES 1 THE CRIMINAL GANG .CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINALS (OTHER TYPES OF CRIMES) 1 CRIMES OF THE UPPER WORLD . doctors and others such as keepers of hide outs d Careful planning of its crime to achieve maximum success. but contribute to the protection. Secrecy discipline in a crime commission. 3 CRIMES BY PASSION . anger.those committed by rendering some service or satisfying the desire of someone 6 CRIMINAL WORLD .it characteristics: a control in all crimes in given geographical area or at least at all crimes of certain types by a small group similar to the board of directors of a legitimate business organization b Standard method of conducting crimes and rules of criminal conduct which are eternally enforce among members of organization.those committed and the pattern of which is merely a duplication of what was done by others 5 SERVICE CRIMES . 7 ORGANIZED CRIME . such as lawyers. those committed in several places  RATIONAL CRIMES .those who committed by a person who does not know the nature and quality of his act account of the disease of the mind - when the end results of criminal act is those who committed only in a certain only when given the and .a racket is an organized method of existing money from that engage e in illegitimate or legitimate enterprises by the illegal means often accompanied by threats of infliction of injury or destruction of property.those committed on the short possible time  EPISODICAL CRIMES .Stable business organization whose violence directed in unwelcome confederation. The term syndicate is a combination of capitalism turn into for the purpose of prosecuting illegal schemes.those who committed with intention offender is in full possession of his mental faculties  IRRATIONAL CRIMES . 3 RACKETEERS .when the offender acquire something as a consequence of his criminal act  EXTINCTIVE CRIMES destruction  SEASONAL CRIMES period of the year  SITUATIONAL CRIMES – those committed situation conductive to its commission  INSTANT CRIMES .those committed by a series of commission in lengthy space of time  STATIC CRIME . CRIMINOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF CRIME  ACQUISITIVE CRIMES .2 THE CRIMINAL SYNDICATES . requiring large source of capital and the subject is to obtain control market of the particular commodity.those committed only in one place  CONTINUING CRIME .  WHITE COLLAR CRIME .those committed by a person in responsibility and upper socio economic class in the course of their occupational activities  BLUE COLLAR CRIMES .end result is destructive like homicide. 4 Continuing . CRIMINOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF CRIME 1 As a result of a crime: a ACQUISITIVE — offender acquires something as a result or consequence of a crime like theft. 2 Period of time committed: a Seasonal crime — committed only during a period of time like tax evasion b Situational crime — committed only when given a situation like theft robbery. 5 As to mental faculties a Rational crime .crime committed in several places. like physical injuries resulting to homicide in an automobile.committed by one who does not know the nature or quality of his act on account of disease . 3 As to length of time committed a instant crime — committed in shortest possible time like snatching b Episodial — committed by series of acts in lengthy space of time like KIDNAPPING.with intention like robbery.those committed by ordinary professional to maintain their livelihood  Victimology. b EXTINCTIVE. a branch of the study of criminology which deals with the victimization of crime which is considered by political society as any act or omission punishable by law. homicide b Irrational crime . JUSTIFICATION OF PUNISHMENT 1 RETRIBUTION – this rest of the basic premise that justice must be done.punishment gives lesson to the offender by showing tom others what would happen to them if they violate the law 4 PROTECTION OR INCAPACITATION . like plunder b Blue collar crime .society‘s interest can be better served by the extension of help to the prisoner to become a law abiding citizen and productive upon his return to the community by requiring him to undergo an intensive Program of rehabilitation in PRISON TYPES OF NORMS  formal. generally understood but is not precisely . 6 as to the type of offender: a White collar crime .have been written down and involve strict rules for punishment of violators  Informal-are recorded.this was in group vengeance where punishment is exacted publicly for the purpose of appeasing the public or social group. 3 DETERRENCE OR EXEMPLARITY .committed by persons of responsibility in the course of their occupational activity.of mind. Punishment of the offender was carried out in the form of personal placing offenders on prison.committed by ordinary criminals to maintain their livelihood like robbery. 2 EXPIATION OR ATONEMENT . society is protected the further depredation of criminal acts 5 REFORMATION. a false belief about self. 3 CULTURAL CONFLICT . development and the motivation of human behavior that conflicts with accepted norms and standard of society. or shortly after puberty and usually lead the general failure of the mental faculties 5 DELUSION .SOME IMPORTANT TERMS IN STUDYING OF CRIMINOLOGY 1 CRIMINOGENIC PROCESS .explain human behavior which helps in determining the nature of personality as a reacting of the mental process of criminal in action. the study of genesis. institution.a class between societies because of contrary beliefs or substantial variance in their respective custom.a collective term of mental disorder that begin at. language. present in paranoia and dementia praecox -oOo- . habits learning. 2 CRIMINAL PSYCHODYNAMICS . 4 DEMENTIA PRAECOX . caused by morbidity. and tradition.
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