
Problem Solving and Object Oriented Programming (PSOOP) Instructor : Namdev V Matolkar Asst Prof (IT) [email protected] Contents • • • • Syllabus Text Books Reference Books Unit wise study material . 5) Understanding basics of Object Oriented Programming. 3) Solving these small problems systematically by using different problem solving techniques. 6) Designing a real life problem using OO concepts and techniques Examination Scheme: Theory: 50 Marks Online: 50 marks .Syllabus 214445: Problem Solving and Object Oriented Programming Concepts Teaching scheme: Lectures: 4 Hrs/Week Learning Objectives:1) Breaking down large problem in small problems. 4) Reassembling solutions of all these problems to create solution of main problem. 2) Using different approaches to divide this problem in small problems. 2) Break the problem. functions.constants and variables. solve it and reassemble it to get solution of original problem. organizing the problem. UNIT I: Problem Solving Concepts (7 Hrs) General Problem Solving Concepts-Types of problems. using the tools. Top down design . data types. Problem Solving Aspects. expressions and equations. coding the program. Problem Solving Concepts for computer.Course Outcomes:After studying this subject students should be able to 1) Model a real life problem into computer programming. testing the solution. Programming Concepts – communicating with computers. difficulties with problem solving. problems solving with computers. 3) Apply the all fundamentals of Object Oriented approach to solve a given problem. operators. 4) Should be able to solve a real life problem by using OO approach. One dimensional. keyword searching in text. Pattern searching -linear pattern search. Partitioning of array. Text processing Technique -Text Line Length Adjustment. text line editing. return values. the pointer technique. array counting. Left and right justification of text. straight-through logic. Local and global variable. multiple if/then/else instructions. sub linear pattern search . logic conversion. solution development. four logic structures. parameters.Array order reversals. negative logic. table lookup technique. Array Techniques . positive logic. finding smallest element.modules and their functions. multidimensional arrays. Problem solving with loops and case logic structures UNIT III: Array and Text processing (8 Hrs) Processing Array . cohesion & Coupling. searching an array for a range. decision tables. Problem Solving with Decisions – decision logic structure. Problem solving with sequential logic structure . and finding maximum number in a set.UNIT II: Problem solving with logic Structures (6 Hrs) Programming Structure .The sequential logic structure. variable names and data dictionaries. inline member functions. class as ADTs and code reuse . static data members. ‘cin’. formatting and I/O manipulators. ‘cout’. global scope. data members. friend function. Limitations of procedural programming. default parameters. reference variables. polymorphism. messages. fundamentals of object-oriented programming: objects. ‘this’ pointer. static member functions. default and constant arguments. pointers and classes. classes. data abstraction and information hiding. comments. ++: Extensions to C .UNIT IV: Foundations of Object Oriented Programming (8 Hrs) Introduction to procedural. function prototypes. dynamic memory allocation. private and protected members. function overloading. Need of object-oriented programming. public. new and delete operators Defining a class. data encapsulation. inline functions. array of objects. object-oriented and generic programming techniques. data members and methods. inheritance. methods.Variable declarations. destructors. constructors. modular. ‘const’. Namespaces: Introduction. Exceptions with arguments. member access control. syntax for exception handling code: try-catch throw. types of inheritance. static class. virtual destructors. friend classes. Introduction to RTTI Managing Console I/O Operations: Introduction. Rules of namespaces Exception Handling: Introduction. multiple inheritance. polymorphism. function overloading vs. member function templates and template arguments. iterators and algorithms. abstract base class. Need of operator overloading. single inheritance. container classes UNIT VI: Templates and Exception Handling (10 Hrs) Introduction. unformatted I/O. rules for operator overloading. Multiple Exceptions. function templates. overloading using friends. C++ streams. Introduction to Generic Programming: Introduction to Standard Template Library (STL). formatted I/O and I/O manipulators . binary and unary operators. virtual base class.UNIT V: Overloading and Inheritance (9 Hrs) Introduction. containers. ambiguity. base and derived classes. stream classes. hybrid inheritance. Templates: Function template and class template. type conversions Concept and need. overloading the assignment. pure virtual functions. early and late binding. virtual functions. study of container template classes for vectors and stacks and related algorithms. “Problem solving and Programming Concepts”. Maureen Sprankle. SAMS Techmedia . R G Dromey ISBN 978-81-317-0562-9 2. “How to Solve it by Computer”. “Object-Oriented Programming in C++”. ISBN81-3170711-3 3. Robert Lafore.Text Books 1. “Programming Logic and Design” by Joyce Farrell ISBN 978-81-315-0263-1 2. 2. E. Balaguruswamy. 5th edition . “Object-oriented Programming with C++” Tata McGraw Hill.Reference Books 1. “Object-Oriented Programming in C++”.7 and 8 of M Sprankle • Unit III Array and Text Processing o Chapter number 9 of M Sprankle o Chapter number 4 and 6 of R G Dromey • Unit IV to Unit VI OOP Concepts o Robert Lafore. Balaguruswamy.Unit wise study material • Unit I Problem Solving Concepts o Chapter no.6. 5th edition .2.5. 1.3 of M Sprankle o Chapter number 1 of R G Dromey • Unit II Problem Solving with logic structure o Chapter number 4. “Object-oriented Programming with C++” Tata McGraw Hill. SAMS Techmedia o E.
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