Introducere in Neurostiinte Curs 2 (1)



INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE      Trepanatii in Egiptul antic si America precolumbiana Galen – inteligenta se muta din inima in creier Golgi si Cajal – doctrina neuronilor & Premiul Nobel Broca si Wernicke – zonele limbajului din creier Brodmann si harta creierului INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Scopul neurostiintelor “The task of neural science is to explain behavior in terms of the activities of the brain. How does the brain marshal its millions of individual nerve cells to produce behavior, and how are these cells influenced by the environment...? The last frontier of the biological sciences – their ultimate challenge – is to understand the biological basis of consciousness and the mental processes by which we perceive, act, learn, and remember” — Eric Kandel (Laureat Nobel 2000 pentru descoperirea mecanismelor invatarii) INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Decade of the Brain 1990-1999 By the President of the United States of America A PROCLAMATION To enhance public awareness of the benefits to be derived from brain research, the Congress, by House joint Resolution 174, has designated the decade beginning January 1, 1990, as the "Decade of the Brain" and has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this occasion. NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the decade beginning January 1, 1990, as the Decade of the Brain. I call upon all public officials and the people of the United States to observe that decade with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fifteenth. INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Diviziiile neurostiintelor:  neurostiintele moleculare si celulare  neurostiintele sistemelor  neurostiintele cognitive  neurostiintele comportamentului  neurostiintele afective  neurostiintele sociale  neurostiintele dezvoltarii INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Instrumentele neurostiintelor  Investigatia electrofiziologica – EEG, ERP, MEG  Investigatia imagistica structurala – CT, RMN  Investigatia imagistica functionala – PET, SPECT, RMNf  Investigatia celulara  investigatia moleculara si genetica  Investigatia psihofarmacologica: neurotransmitatori si efect medicatie INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Electroencefalografie (EEG) Masoara undele creierului : • • • • • Alfa - relaxare Beta – asteptare incordata, stres Gamma – perceptie, reamintire, constiinta Delta – meditatie, somn cu vise Theta – somn fara vise, invatare INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Potentiale evocate relationate cu un stimul (ERPs) • CNV = componenta de pregatire inaintea unei sarcini cognitive • N100 = orientarea atentie (100-200 ms de la paritia stimulului) • N200 = detectarea trasaturilor deviante, a erorilor, a feedbackului (200 – 240 ms) • P300 = incheierea procesarii unui stimul, reamintire, up-date memorie (250 ms de la aparitie) • N400 = incongruente semantice (400 ms de la aparitia stimulului) INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Electroencefalografie (EEG) EEG uses electrodes applied to the scalp and measures changes in the electrical field in the brain region underneath. EEG has very high temporal resolution (milliseconds) and can therefore detect brief neuronal events. Because the skull disperses the electrical field, EEG has low spatial resolution (~1 cm) that depends on how many electrodes are used. The number of electrodes can be as few as two or range up to hundreds in high-density arrays. The greater the number of electrodes, the better the spatial resolution. Apart from the low spatial resolution, EEG has poor sensitivity for deep brain structures. Equipment costs can be low (<$10,000) but increase with high-density arrays and the concomitant resources needed to process the data. (Ariely and Berns, 2010). INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Tomografie cu emisie de pozitroni (PET) • masoara undele gamma emise de substante izotopi ai oxigenului injectate in sange • detecteaza activitatea in formatiuni cerebrale • detecteaza concentratia unor neurotransmitatori • dezavantaje – rezolutii spatiala si temporala mici INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Rezonanta magnetica nucleara (MRI & fMRI) The technique uses an MRI scanner to measure the blood oxygenation leveldependent (BOLD) signal. The BOLD changes are generally correlated with the underlying synaptic activity. Spatial resolution is 1–10 mm, and temporal resolution is 1–10 s. In general, the higher the spatial resolution, the lower the temporal resolution. fMRI has a substantial advantage in resolving small structures and those that are deep in the brain State of the art MRI scanners cost approximately US$1 million per Tesla and have annual operating costs of $100,000–$300,000. (Ariely & Berns, 2010). INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Proba de memorie de lucru n-back Control Depresiv 1 Depresiv 2 INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Spectroscopie RMN INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Film INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Hagmann si colab., 2008 INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Avantajele rezultate din neurostiinte:      Descoperirile au condus la o evaluare a impactului diverselor tipuri de psihoterapii si medicatii - s-au dezvoltat noi tipuri de terapii S-au dezvoltat tehnici noi de invatare si re-invatare S-au dezvoltat noi tipuri de instrumente de evaluare S-au dezvoltat proteze S-au dezvoltat modele mult mai exacte de intelegere si predictie a comportamentului si performantei INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Aplicatiile in business: neuroeconomics, neuromarketing, HR, etc. INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Film INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Impactul mesajului de avertizare Mesajul verbal prezentat singur nu este procesat si nu declanseaza emotii  Combinatia imagine + mesaj verbal conduce la procesarea mesajului si la declansarea de emotii Doar imaginile explicite au efect INTRODUCERE IN NEUROSTIINTE Fiecare brand – prin logo-ul prezentat – a fost recunoscut ca semnificativ de către subiecți evaluând activarea în așa-numita ”regiune a brand-ului” din creier, și anume cortexul ventromedian prefrontal Modul în care fiecare logo sau ambalaj a captat atenția a fost evaluat prin activările în zonele specifice – cortex occipital, median prefrontal anterior, precuneus și nucleul caudat Identificarea modului in care un logo sau ambalaj a declanșat emoție în creierul subiecților a fost evaluat prin activările în: cortexul ventromedian prefrontal, cortex cingulat anterior, cortex retrosplenial, nucleul accumbens, putamen, amigdală și aria ventrală tegmentală
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