Intro to Database Access Prep for Final

March 22, 2018 | Author: LH | Category: Computer Network, Databases, Html, Web Page, Relational Database



Prep for Final The total number of records in an opened table is displayed ____.between the two sets of navigation buttons When you first start Access, the program window that appears is the ____ window. Getting Started with Microsoft Office Access Correct You can move to each subsequent step in any wizard dialog box by clicking the ____ button. Next In Design view, you can make design changes to the form while it is displaying data, so that you can see the effects of the changes you make immediately. False Defining a(n) primary key in a second table creates a relationship between that table and the table where the primary key was first defined. False Every foreign key must ____. match the field value of a primary key in a related table Selecting data by means of a query ____. displays only the data that matches the query selection criteria When you first open a(n) ____, Access selects the first field value in the first record. datasheet The Access window is the first window that appears when you launch Access. False A(n) ____ places all the fields from a selected table (or query) on a report. Report tool Records in a database can be displayed in a custom format by creating a form. True Data can be formatted prior to printing by creating a ____. report A table’s contents are displayed as rows and columns (similar to a spreadsheet) in ____. Datasheet view The navigation buttons allow you to step through a table record by record, or to quickly go to the first or last record in the table. True In Datasheet view, the star symbol that appears in the record selector area always identifies the ____ in the database. next available row for a new record The maximum size of an Access database is ____. two gigabytes A template is a predesigned database that includes professionally designed tables, reports, and other database objects that can make it quick and easy for you to create a database. True The first step in organizing data into a database is to define the ____. fields A relational database is a collection of ____. related tables Query results automatically are stored in the database. False A(n) relational database management system provides protection for your data through the use of security, control, and recovery facilities. True The Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar is used to ____. save the design of an Access object To restore a database that has been damaged beyond repair, ____. both b and c To back up your database, click the Home tab, point to the Manage option, and then choose Back up Database. False The ____ property setting for number fields stores whole numbers from 0 to 255 in one byte. Byte The maximum size of a Text data type is ___ characters. 255 If you do not enter any value for a field, you have given the field a(n) ____ value. null You need to connect one table to another in related fields. Use a _____. common field Like calculations with Number data type decimal values, calculations performed with the Currency data type are not subject to round-off error. False You can import a table from another Access database into your current database using the Import button on the Ribbon. False The Decimal property setting for Number fields stores positive and negative numbers to precisely ____ decimal places and uses 12 bytes. 28 The maximum field size for a text field is 245. False The m custom date format displays the full name of the month (January to December). False While defining your fields, you need more information about the current property you are working with. What should you do? Press the F1 key You move from text box to text box when designing a table in Design view by pressing the ____ key. Tab A table's primary key is ____. indicated by a key symbol in the row selector area Using the Number data type for the field of Country Population in a database, with characteristics of the lowest data value starting at over 1 million and the highest at 2 billion, set the Field Size Property to _____. Long Integer Which view would you select if you wanted to define a table yourself from start to finish? Design view Access can determine what data type to assign to each field based on the values you enter for the field. If the values entered do not provide enough information for Access to “guess” the data type, the default type assigned is the Text data type. True Records in a table are stored on disk in the order they are entered but are displayed in primary key sequence. True If no entry is the same as another, you are in a _____. primary key field To rearrange the order of fields in the design of an Access table without cutting, _____. position the mouse pointer in the row selector and use the move pointer to drag and drop the field A field in one table that establishes a relationship to another table is called a redundant field. False To enter the picture of each customer in a new field called Picture, use the _____ data type. OLE object both b and c You can tell Access which records are to be selected by specifying a(n) ____. you should set the field's ____ property based on the largest value you expect to store in that field.When you use the number data type to define a field. True The symbols for the Access comparison operator for not equal to are _____ . Group By You can’t delete a record in a table if the table ____. you can specify up to ____ fields on which to sort the query results. select To divide records into groups based on the values in a specified field. False . condition If you choose not to include a field in the display of the query results. you can still use the field as part of the query to select specific records. a. the order of the fields in the design grid “How many General Motors cars are available?” or “What employers are in the 617 area code?” are examples of _____ queries. the field ____ determines how much physical storage space the field requires. 10 The Filter ____ technique changes your datasheet to display empty fields. True A field defined as an AutoNumber data type cannot serve as a table’s primary key. you would use the ____ operator. By Form In a one-to-many relationship. the primary table is the "many" table. size A primary key that consists of more than one field is called a composite key. False A table can be logically connected to another table by defining a ____. False The order in which fields are displayed in a query depends on ____.d. common field In Access. Field Size When defining a field. <> Rearranging the order of records is called resequencing. you must first ____. temporary You can use a common field to create relationships between tables by performing a(n) ____. select a field ____ levels are useful for reports with multiple levels. In () A sort field is unique if more than one record can have the same value for the sort field. join The Maximum function determines ____. delete any related records in a subdatasheet The ____ operator is a comparison operator that allows you to check whether or not a particular field value is part of a list of values. select the record in ____ view. False When a query is run. one-to-many To delete a record. you must first ____. False Which of the following field types may be specified as a sort key? AutoNumber Multiple selection conditions can be specified in a query by using relational operators. Grouping . False A check mark in the Show box for a field indicates that this field can be used to specify selection criteria. you must first ____. select a column on which to base the sort If a record in one table matches several records in a related table. but the field will not display in the results window. the datasheet contents are ____. Datasheet Before you begin a Find operation on a form. False Multiple conditions can be defined to control which records are selected through the use of ____. the relationship is called a(n) ____ relationship.In order to delete a record in a table. logical operators Before you can click a sort button on the toolbar to sort the data. the highest field value for the selected records The Filter By Selection technique changes your datasheet to display empty fields. Datasheet. you can advance to a new dialog box by clicking the ____ button. Table If only part of a form record fits on the bottom of a page. you must first choose the ____ table and select its fields to include in the form. the remainder of the record prints on the next page. Tabular. primary Columnar. c. be related . layout A form can be used to display fields from multiple records at one time by specifying the ____ layout. Columnar The two form layout types that will display multiple records at one time are Tabular and ____. AutoFormat When using Form Wizard. True When a pencil symbol appears in the top-left portion of the form. True You choose a field to be used as the basis for a search by making the field a sort key. and Justified are ____ choices. Datasheet Creating a form to access data from two tables requires that the tables ____. is in editing mode Another name for a form style is a(n) ____. it means that the form ____. False If you create a form based on two tables. False A form that shows only one record at a time has a ____ layout. Tabular You can see how a form will look when it is printed by clicking the Office Button and then clicking the Print button. the Navigation Pane displays the objects grouped by ____. both You can change a form's AutoFormat in Form or Style view. Next Objects you created based on more than one table appear in the list of objects for ____ table(s). False In a grouped report.By default. the data for the primary table is first and is followed by the joined records from the related table. In the first Form Wizard dialog box. Tab key The navigation mode and editing mode keystroke techniques are the same as those you use for datasheets. navigation buttons In Form view. Not If you convert an Access database to SQL Server. tables or queries to be used and the fields to include Bob needs to locate a particular customer record and view it in a form. this indicates that literal display characters should not be stored in the database. False The Validation Rule property value will be displayed in a dialog box if the user enters an invalid value. Ctrl+End You can move from field to field within a form by using the ____. you would specify the ____. 1 The ____ logical operator negates a criterion. your select queries will most likely not work. False Displaying just the first 10 records of query results is an example of the use of the First Records property for a query. False If the value of ____ displays between the input mask characters . What command would he use to locate the record? Find To move from record to record in a form you can use the ____. which you can click to display a list box with options. True A form using all fields in a selected table can be created automatically using the ____. Form tool The In comparison operator is roughly equivalent to the use of several And conditions in the design grid. True Make sure you type ____ enclosing field names when you enter values in the Validation Rule text box. False When you click or select text in many Access text boxes. Access displays a list arrow. brackets .. you can go to the last record in the table by pressing the ____ keys.. Shift The ampersand wildcard character represents any single character. Which aggregate function will you use? Count An easy way to create an input mask is to use the Input Mask Wizard. ? The quickest way to create a crosstab query is to use the Crosstab Query ____. Records Press and hold down the ____ key to select multiple columns. pane The ____ represents any single character. False You need to perform an aggregate function in a crosstab query. Sum . Your functions needs to calculate the number of the nonnull field values in your spreadsheet. False The Create tab allows you to switch to Design view. ! The Freeze command is available in the ____ group on the Home tab. . False The ____ represents any single digit. Validation Text The aggregate function ____ returns the total of the field values in a selection of records. # The input mask character ____ determines whether to store in the database the literal display characters such as the hyphen and parentheses..The Object Dependencies ____ displays a collapsible list of the dependencies among the objects in an Access database. You can change a select query to a crosstab query in Design view using the Crosstab button in the Database group on the Query Tools Design tab. Wizard Which of the following is a literal display character? ( The input mask character ____ causes the input mask to display from right to left. under the More button. True The ____ property value will be displayed in a dialog box if the user enters an invalid value. combo box You can remove a section by setting its height to _______.< and >= are examples of ____ operators. and the fields used by the object and their properties. Split Form A Multiple Items form cannot be displayed in ____ view. you would change the Default Control property. zero (0) An unbound control that displays text is called a(n) ____. more flexible way. True To remove the lookup feature from a field. False One guideline for working with forms is to align field values with ____ for readability. label The ____________________ tool creates a customizable form that displays the data in a form in both Form view and Datasheet view at the same time. Documenter A form's ____________________ property specifies the table or query that provides the fields for the form. and then press an arrow key. the ____ lets you print documentation such as the object's properties and relationships. select the line. hold down the ____ key. which specifies the default control used to display a field. Record Source Whether you want to create a simple or complex custom form. labels A(n) ____________________ is a control that provides the features of a text box and a list box. comparison To make small adjustments in the placement of a line. Ctrl A form ____ provides the same functionality as a lookup field in a clearer. F4 . you can press the ____ key to open and close the property sheet for the control. Datasheet For each selected object. [Blank1] combo box Form Headers and Footers display in Datasheet view. False After selecting a control. planning the form's content and appearance first is always best. Datasheet A form ____ lets you choose a value from a list or type an entry. False Controls placed in the Form Header or Form Footer sections do not remain on the screen when the form is displayed. select the line. False ____ view allows you to view and update data for a form created with the Datasheet tool. . you resize the control. Multiple Items You precede expressions with a(n) ____ to distinguish them from field names.____ refers to the object and record that is currently active. stacked The ____ consists of the area with dotted and solid lines that helps you position controls precisely on a form. and then press an arrow key. combo box To make small adjustments to the length of a line. Focus The ____________________ tool creates a customizable form that displays multiple records from a source table or query in a datasheet format. False When you drag a(n) sizing handle. Sizing You can change the size of the Detail section by dragging its move handle. Shift A(n) ____________________ is a control that provides the features of a text box and a list box. hold down the ____ key. grid The section selector is the selector at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical rulers. combo box You create a custom form from scratch in Form view. True The ____ layout for a form arranges text box controls vertically with a label to the left of each control. False You would use a bound control for a form title or instructions. equal sign ____________________ handles let you resize a control. and Etched are all choices for the ____ property. labels The ____ layout for a form arranges text box controls vertically with a label to the left of each control. Datasheet A form created by the Datasheet tool cannot be displayed in ____ view. Sizing ____ refers to the object and record that is currently active.False ____________________ handles let you resize a control. unbound One guideline for working with forms is to align field values with ____ for readability. False A selected control displays six sizing handles. users cannot tab to the control. Focus Sunken. . False The ____________________ tool creates a form in a datasheet format that contains all the fields in the source table or query. Database Tools An unbound control that displays text is called a(n) caption. to its left. Access adds a text box and. False A selected control displays ____ sizing handles. label If the Tab Stop property for a text box is set to ____. Raised. Layout You can click one of the view buttons on the left side of the status bar to switch to another view. upper-left You cannot use the same name for a report as you do for a table or query. False The Documenter is available in the Analyze group on the ____ tab. a(n) ____. Special Effect The ____ corner of a selected control displays the move handle. stacked When you add a bound control to a form. 7 A(n) ____ control is not linked to a field in the underlying table or query. Group Footer Calculated formatting lets you change the format of a report or form control based on the control's value. Record Source You would use an unbound control to display lines and rectangles. column size. True The ____ in a function indicate a function rather than simple text. False You use the ____ property to hide a control on a report when the control's value is the same as that of the preceding record. including the row spacing. Hide Duplicates The ____ section is usually used to print totals for the group. parentheses The Page Header section appears once at the beginning of a report. click the ____ button on the sort field band. More You usually determine page setup properties when you design a report or after you have placed the controls in the Detail section. Columns Just as you do in Layout and Design views for forms. sort The ____________________ options in the Page Setup dialog box let you change the properties of a multiple-column report.No A form's ____________________ property specifies the table or query that provides the fields for the form. Datasheet The ____ in a function indicate a function rather than simple text. parentheses A Group Footer section typically includes a count or subtotal for records in that group. Undo To set additional properties for a sort field. and column layout. True A Multiple Items form cannot be displayed in ____ view. you can use the ____ button as you perform operations. True Access lets you organize records in a report by sorting them using one or more ____ fields. False . Report If you need to customize several components of the report. you can specify in the Label Type section whether labels are on individual sheets or are ____ forms. and then switch between that view and Design view to fine-tune the report. then across" layout for labels is called newspaper-style columns. Page The "down. Report If you specify a sort field as a ____ field. snaking Which of the following is a possible source of data for a report? Any of the above Access lets you organize records in a report by sorting them using one or more grouping fields. and cover pages.In the Label Wizard. Report . False The ____________________ Footer section of a report appears at the bottom of each page of a report. Page Use the ____ Header section to print the group name and field value that all records in the group have in common. you can create the report in ____________________ view. you can include a Group Header section and a Group Footer section for the group. report introductions. False Placing the report title in the Report Header section allows users to identify the report title on any page without having to turn to the first page. or ____________________ columns. company logos. Group A report can have up to 22 grouping levels. Layout The ____ Footer section is used for page numbers and brief explanations of symbols or abbreviations. False The ____ Header section is used for report titles. report introductions. continuous The ____ Header section is used for report titles. company logos. grouping The ____ Header section appears once at the beginning of a report. and cover pages. False The ____ property. you specify the width and height of each column set. Report view If you want to make sure you draw a straight horizontal or vertical line. report introductions. summary In the ____ section of the Page Setup dialog box. Can Grow The ____ Header section is used for report titles. tables Total contracts by city would be an example of a ____ report. you can ____ the property name to cycle through the options in the list. company logos. Access places the report title in the Page Header section. Print Preview When you use the Report tool. Column Size Use the ____ section of a report to print calculated values. when set to Yes. detail ____ is the only view in which you can navigate the pages of a report. expands a text box vertically to fit the field value when the report is printed. and cover pages. Shift You cannot use the To Fit command on the Size menu to resize ____. press the ____ key before you start drawing the line. text boxes . double-click Placing the report title in the Report Header section allows users to identify the report title on any page without having to turn to the first page. False For properties in the property sheet that offer a list of choices.A report is the formatted printout (or screen display) of the contents of one or more ____________________ in a database. Detail A listing of all contracts in a database would be an example of a(n) ____ report. False Double-clicking a report name in the Navigation Pane opens the report in ____. Report Which view you choose depends on what kind of data is in your report. column size. and column layout. tabular If your report has a(n) ____ Footer section. . Datasheet view Use the ____ section of a report to print calculated values. Report view If your report has a Page Header section. False The ____________________ options in the Page Setup dialog box let you change the properties of a multiple-column report. you set the ____ property to keep the whole group together on one page.You can view reports on screen in all of the following EXCEPT ____. Columns Using the Label ____ is an easy and fast way to produce mailing labels. Report If your report has a Group Footer section. it precedes the Page Footer section on the last page of the report. it precedes the Page Footer section on the last page of the report. Detail Use the ____ section to print selected fields from the table or query. it precedes the Page Footer section on the last page of the report. False Using the Label ____ is an easy and fast way to produce mailing labels. Detail If your report has a Group Footer section. False The Page Header section appears once at the beginning of a report. including the row spacing. it precedes the first Report Header section. Wizard The format of the Date function is ____. the ____ symbol/sign indicates that what follows it is an expression. = To prevent orphaned sections. False A(n) ____ layout is a control layout arranged in a datasheet format. Wizard In a function. =Date() Use ____ when you want to copy a selected portion of a report. and Total pane to select sort fields and grouping fields for a report. you produce a(n) ____ report. Date() The ____________________ Footer section of a report appears after each group of records. you set it to keep the group and the first detail record on the same page. Hide Duplicates The format of the Date function is ____. you specify the width and height of each column set. Keep Together To prevent orphaned sections. True . Group In the Reports group on the ____ tab. Sort.Keep Together You use the Group. Record Values In the ____ section of the Page Setup dialog box. you set the ____ property to keep the whole group together on one page. Create All of the following are Totals menu options EXCEPT ____. False To add the date to a report. custom You place the Total function in a Group Footer section to print each group's total. False Each sort field can be designated a ____ field. you insert the ____________________ function in a text box. click to the left of the top of the selection and drag down to the bottom of the selection. [Blank1] Date To select a portion of a report instead of the entire report. click the Blank Report button to open a blank report in Layout view. Keep Together When you design or create your own report from scratch. True You use the ____ property to hide a control on a report when the control's value is the same as that of the preceding record. grouping When you set the ____ property for a grouping field. Column Size Access lets you organize records in a report by sorting them using one or more grouping fields. URL HTML documents are saved with the . True The intranet is a worldwide network consisting of millions of interconnected computers. it must first be converted into a tab-delimited text file.html file extension. tags You ____ an object when you want your edits to the object in the destination program to affect the object used by other programs. datasheets offer you greater flexibility and provide a more professional. True Access cannot import data from an XML file directly into a database table. Graph . are available on the Totals menu for summarizing values in the selected column. the chart is created by Microsoft ____. True Each Web page contains ____ that the Web browser interprets to position and format the text in a Web page. Hypertext Markup Language If you do not see Subform in New Window as one of the options on the shortcut menu that results when you right-click the top edge of the subform control. you did not click the top edge of the subform control correctly. and reports.Although you can format and print using queries. False When you use the Chart Wizard in Access. hyperlinks HTML stands for ____. data The Web browser uses a(n) ____ to find and retrieve a Web page and then displays it on your computer screen.htm or . False Tags for ____ connect one Web page to another. custom appearance. including the Sum function. forms. link A(n) ____ field identifies which values the data markers represent in a PivotChart. False Which of the following is a possible source of data for a report? Any of the above Question 25 Eight aggregate functions. True The Presentation tab options in the Export XML dialog box let you export a separate ____ file containing the format specifications for a given table’s data. linked ____ is an XML encoding choice that uses 16 bits to represent each character. True Question 25 The ____ area of a PivotChart provides a background for the data markers and gridlines. you must close the table in Access before closing the worksheet in Excel.An embedded object can be edited using the features of the destination program. update . markers Access has the capability to create complex charts and drawings for use on your forms and reports. XSL The column area of a PivotTable consists of a column field and column field ____. Component Any changes you make to an original file using the source program are reflected in the ____ file version in the destination program. Access will display error values in the linked file. False The PivotTable uses the Office PivotTable ____. Uniform Resource Locator If Excel has the worksheet open at the same time that Access is displaying a linked spreadsheet file’s data. you choose the fields and records you want to change by entering the selection criteria and the update rules. or field in which it is embedded. XML Any changes you make to an embedded object are reflected only in the form. report. items ____ is a programming language similar in format to HTML that is more customizable and suited to the exchange of data between different programs. otherwise. False The row area of a PivotTable consists of a detail field and detail values. UTF-16 The columnar bars for a column chart are called data ____. plot In a(n) ____ query. which is part of Office 2007. False URL stands for ____. changes. 2. Access gives you an opportunity to cancel the operation or to confirm it. and then click the OK button. and set other properties as appropriate for the query. True Put the following steps for creating a self-join in the correct order: 1. 4. 4. False With a make-table query. Click the Close button. 7. multiple-field Put the following steps for creating a delete query in the proper order: 1. Click and drag a primary key field from one field list to the foreign key field in the other field list. and then click Join Properties to open the Join Properties dialog box. Click the Yes button to confirm deleting the records. or click the second option button or the third option button to select an outer join. . 5. Access replaces the Show and Sort rows in the design grid with the Delete row. the selected data is removed from the original tables. 2. click the Query Design button. Click the Create tab on the Ribbon. Switch to Design view to make any necessary changes. 5. the new table reflects data at a point in time. In the Other group on the Create tab. 6. In the Results group on the Design tab on the Ribbon. 4. click the Delete button in the Query Type group on the Design tab. or deletes multiple table records at one time. False When you run a selection query. True Access automatically creates and maintains an index for a table's primary key. Click the Run button. double-click the table for the self-join.You would use a(n) ____ query to change the billing dates of selected customers from one date to another. 2. Relationships You must create a(n) ____ index in the Indexes dialog box. 5. In the Show Table dialog box. specify the selection criteria. 3. Right-click the join line between the two tables. update A self-join can be either an inner or outer join. 3. 6 A(n) ____ query is a query that adds. 1. Click the first option button to select an inner join. action With an append query. Select the fields. When the query is correct. because you are altering the contents of the database. True You define many-to-many and one-to-one relationships in the ____ window. and then double-click the table a second time. click the Run button to preview the results. select the sort options. 6. 3. Create a select query with the necessary fields and selection criteria. 6. any of the above It is always a good idea to test a(n) ____ query before you run it.1. you cannot delete it. both b and c You would use a(n) ____ query to increase the salaries of selected employee groups by a specified percentage. M:N Once you create an index. 2. False The new table created by a make-table query can be a(n) ____. they can also perform actions on the data in your database. Design You must create a single-field index in the Indexes dialog box. 3. update The first step to creating an index is to open the table in ____ view. append Which of the following is NOT a type of action query? history query If you need help creating a complicated expression. False Delete queries are often run after ____ queries have added those same records to history tables. you can create it using Expression ____. action When you have a ____ relationship between two tables. you must create a third table and form oneto-many relationships between the two original primary tables and the new related table. 4. saving a database as an ACCDE file is best suited to a front-end database. True Which Access tool is used to change the filename or disk location for linked tables in an Access database? Link Manager Because an ACCDE file limits database design changes to tables and queries. 5. True . Builder Queries can do more than display answers to the questions you ask. many-to-many A many-to-many relationship is abbreviated as ____. 7 You can add an index if you think ____ would be faster as the number of records in the database increases. False . if a field's optional property is set to No. saving a database as an ACCDE file is best suited to a front-end database. True What type of Access field is defined as a lookup field that allows you to store more than one value? Multivalued Which Access field property provides for a field that can store a zero length string value? Allow Zero Length Which Access database tool is used to separate Access databases into two files? Splitter In Access.Which Access file type prevents viewers from editing VBA source code? ACCDE Access allows you to store external files such as Excel workbooks. Word documents. True Because an ACCDE file limits database design changes to tables and queries. True What data type within Access tables allows you to store external files? Binary or Long – not text or attachment Question 10 Which of the following is not a property that can be set as a startup option for Access? Background Color In Access. True The Database Splitter allows for a copy of a database to be linked and placed on multiple computers. True Which of the following is not a type of security offered to Access database files? Decryption The Linked Table Manager is used to refresh a link between files associated with an Access database. True Which of the following is not one of the filter tools that you can specify and apply to an Access form or datasheet? Filter By Query The Advanced Filter/Sort lets you specify multiple selection criteria and specify a sort order for selected records in the Filter window. the Allow Full Menus property specifies whether all options are available on the Ribbon. it means that field value entries are optional. and images within a database. False Access stores attachments in compressed form to maximize file size and minimize disk space usage. you can click and _______the field from the field list to the design grid. Report Wizard The Access feature that can guide you through the creation of a report by asking questions is called the _____________. False When creating a table in Datasheet view. False When you open an Access database with shared access. there will be two sets of _________________ buttons for use in selecting records from each of the tables. Access assigns the AutoNumber data type to the default ID primary key field. False When defining a multivalued field in a table. Access does not store values in the field in that table. True The condition that requires a value in a specified field to be identical to the specified condition is called a(n) Show You can tell if a field will appear in the query datasheet if there is a check mark in the field's ________check box in the design grid. you create a subform for data from the _____ table. Related When creating a form based on two tables. Navigation In a form with a main form and a subform. Drag To include a field in a query.The Documenter is an Access tool that you can use to optimize the performance of an Access database. Common Field . True After splitting an Access database. you prevent other users from opening and using the database at the same time. True Which of the following is not one of the three types of analysis results that Access can create for you to help optimize your database? Errors An embedded table is a table that is stored in a file outside the open database and that can be updated from the open database. system tables. but instead stores the values in hidden. the one that contains the tables is called the back-end database. returns the number of the non null field values in a selection of records. Home To open the Find and Replace dialog box. . Count The aggregate function. you must first define a(n) ___________ between the two tables. Number If you have a Customer ID field with values like 1234. Primary Key In a given table. External Data and Import Navigation Pane A defined query for an open database can be selected by double-clicking in the _______________ of the Database window. Related Table If a form shows two forms of two different tables. a field is defined as a(n) ____________ when its values uniquely identify each record in the table. Icon Each object in the Navigation Pane has a unique_____to indicate the type of object. _______. Wildcard A pattern match uses _________ characters. # If you only know the first or last part of a numeric value. Access uses the defined relationship between the two tables to automatically join the tables through the _______________that exists in both tables. use the ___ character when searching. click the Find button on the ________tab. External Data You use the ___________ tab if you want to import data from an Excel worksheet. Primary When creating a form based on two tables. Query1 The default query name is __________. you create a form for data from the ________ table.When you create a form containing data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship. you should use the _________data type. the bottom form is for the _________. Main Forms for tables that have a one-to-many relationship will have a(n) _________form and a subform Relationship To create a form based on two tables. view. Johnston. Run To see the results of a query. Must contain a unique value for each record within a table A primary key ____.And A range of values may be specified as selection criteria by using the __________ operator. Comparison Operators used in selection criteria in a query. One-to-many The ____________ relationship exists between two tables when one record in the first table matches zero. and Johnstone in form records. Descending When you sort a field with a Yes/No data type in _________ sort order. you must ____ it. Johns* To find the names of Johnson. or greater than. one. you would first change to _____ view None of the above An example of a relational Database is _______. and print records in a database. And The ____ operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied. the no values display first. not equal. Design Grid The fields and selection criteria for a query are included in the __________. use _____. such as equal.? The _____ character will match any single alphabetic character Object A form is a(n) _______ that you can use to maintain.. Wizard Access can guide you through the steps to create a query by using the Query ____. click the ____ button. or many records in the second table. Between. are known as ___________ operators. followed by the yes values. Layout To just modify a form's style. . Integrity Reference _______ is a feature built in to Access to prevent data inconsistency in related tables. Logo To add a picture to a form. display selected fields and records from one or more tables. True Aggregate functions perform arithmetic and statistical operations on selected records. d. False You cannot update data while viewing a query datasheet False The F5 key is a toggle that you use to switch between the Table Design grid and the Field Properties pane False Access allows you to change a field size in Datasheet view. such as totals and averages. True A database is a collection of related tables. b. c. run . True The Navigation Pane divides database objects into categories. select To see the results of a query. False Access allows you to modify a table structure in Datasheet view A query defined in Access can a. all of the above. can be calculated in a query by using a(n) ________________. The results of a query are returned in a b. datasheet. you must __________ it. Generalized queries that specify fields and records to be selected are called __________ queries. Infinity The join line for a one-to-many relationship will show the ________ symbol on the "many" end of the line. and each category contains groups True A single set of field values within a table is a record.None of the above A relational database management system is a collection of ____________ Aggregate Function Statistical information. generate data for forms and reports. sort records and perform calculations. c. b. When multiple sort keys are selected. d. wildcard character. subform.When two tables are related. d. a. separate. save it. columnar If you want to use a form on a frequent basis.the highest field value for the selected records. A form that accesses data from two tables has a main form and a(n) b. And When you define a query that performs a calculation. a.To make a query available to be run anytime you need it. Statistical information. The __________ table is the "one" table in a one-to-many relationship.make a backup copy of Deleting a record from a table removes it from the display . such as totals and averages. you must b.are saved with the query. data can be extracted from both tables using one query even though the tables are c. calculated The Max function determines a. the first field selected is the primary sort key and the others are called __________ sort keys.secondary When you save a query with sort keys defined in it. the sort keys a. A report is a means of providing a __________ printout of the data in one or more tables. The __________ operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied. A search value can be an exact value or it can contain a c. A form that shows only one record at a time is a __________ layout. a. d.primary 8. save it. related. you must c. can be calculated in a query by using a(n) c. Aggregate function. you must add a __________ field. formatted It is a good idea to __________ a database before it is compacted. c. Forms can contain data from more than one table if the tables are b. What is the term that means to transfer a copy of an item from the Clipboard to a document? d. compacting f you want a logo to appear on every slide in a presentation.a. Auto d.Slide Sorter View In which view do you present your slide show? b.In which view can you set special features for your slide show? a. b. Slide Show View In which view can you see and edit text and graphics on an individual slide? d. Save your work. AutoDesign PowerPoint provides design _________. AutoLayout c. In a slide presentation. Which of the following can you NOT create with PowerPoint? c.AutoSlides b. All of the above. b. a. which are predetermined colors and formats of the background and type style of Which of the following is an element of a presentation that should be planned? d. slide master. Videotapes 31. b. Slide Show View.but does not release the space it occupied. Printouts of the slides What should you do to all the slides and speaker notes before printing or presenting a slide show? . a. and other text. you should include it on the: b. accents. short You can delete slides in any view EXCEPT: d. 28. Slide View What should you always do before you exit PowerPoint? d. slides What are audience handouts? c. it's easier for audiences to read _________ phrases.PowerPoint is a powerful presentation __________ program. Paste _________ slides are preformatted slides with placeholders already in them. You can rearrange the data and objects in a database and make it smaller as well by __________ it. __________. b. __________. To save effort in creating the presentation A(n) ________ is any item on a slide that you can move. c. To remove the background graphics from all the slides in a presentation. rotate. resize. the picture remains: b. . space station that receives earth-based signals and broadcasts them over a large area Infrared (IR) is a __________. Apply to all Which of the following is NOT a principle for using graphics effectively? c. a popular type of digital leased lines. wireless transmission media that sends signals using light waves Transfer rate usually is expressed as __________. is a set of standards for digital transmission of data over analog telephone lines A digital subscriber line (DSL). b.b. b.picture You should consider file ________ when saving files with graphics on a floppy disk.Slide View A ________ is an image from a source other than that provided by Microsoft. a. a popular type of digital leased lines. Which view must you be in to insert a picture into a slide? a. a. a. a. selected. or otherwise manipulate. c. a popular type of digital leased lines. lower costs and easier installation and maintenance Microwaves are __________. is any of several types of digital lines that carry multiple signals over a single communications line The terminal emulation feature of communications software allows __________. what button do you click in the Background dialog box? b. __________. Spell check. size Fiber-optic cable has all of the following advantages over cables that use wire except __________. bits per second (bps) Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). radio waves that provides a high-speed signal transmission from one station to another A communications satellite is a __________. object After you insert a picture into a slide. uses sophisticated techniques to transmit a greater number of bytes on a standard twistedpair cable T-carrier lines. c. c. local area network (LAN) A __________ is a network that covers a large geographical area using a communications channel that combines telephone lines. TCP/IP (Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol) Organizations use __________ to deny network access to outsiders and to restrict employees' access to sensitive data such as payroll or personnel records. artificial intelligence (AI) __________ are the liaison between the users and the programmers. such as a school computer laboratory. office. they convert user requests into technical specifications. decision support system (DSS) Expert systems are one part of an exciting branch of computer science called __________. or group of buildings. d. b. c. to which all computers and other devices connect. token ring __________. b. increased data redundancy A __________ would help provide the information a sales manager needs to determine how high to set yearly sales quotas based on increased sales and lowered production costs. a. wide area network (WAN) A __________ network is a network topology that consists of a single central cable.a. d. star network A __________ protocol controls access to the network by requiring that a special signal is shared or passed among network devices. widely used on the Internet. . satellites. ring network A __________ is a network topology in which all of the devices connect to a central computer. is a set of protocols used to manage the transmission of data by breaking it up into packets. c. a. bus A __________ is a network topology designed so a cable forms a loop. data redundancy and isolated data The database approach has all of the following advantages except __________. b. a. Student ID Two disadvantages of a file processing system are __________. or other transmission media. b. that is. firewalls A student record would use __________ as a key field because it uniquely identifies each student. a personal computer to act as a specific type of terminal so data and resources on a minicomputer or mainframe can be accessed A __________ is a network that connects computers in a limited geographical area. microwaves. d. d. with all computers and devices arranged along the loop. Filter By Selection A calculation can be defined in a query by typing it directly into a Field text box in the ____. checks that the new system works with actual data. all of the above _____ selects all or part of a field value in a datasheet and then when the filter is applied. pilot The fields and selection criteria for a query are included in the ____. design grid The input mask character ____ is a placeholder character. d. d. b. performed by end-users. Parallel __________ conversion is used with larger systems that are split into individual sites. acceptance With __________ conversion. a. displays only those records with the selected value. Phased With a __________ conversion. the user stops using the old system and begins using the new system on a certain date.a. direct __________ conversion consists of running the old system alongside the new system for a specified period of time. design grid To delete a record. data flow it can b. Systems analysts __________ uses tools such as entity-relationship diagrams. b. a. and the project dictionary to document specifications of an information system in the project notebook. you must ____. c. dictionary The advantage of a prototype is that __________. Structured analysis and design The project __________ helps those involved keep track of the huge amount of details in every system. users can work with the system before it is completed A(n) __________ test verifies that all programs in an application work together properly. _ Which of the following commands is used to keep selected columns visible no matter where you scroll in the datasheet? Freeze . only one location in the organization uses the new system . c. systems A(n) __________ test. it uses 16 bytes. indexes When you create an update query. update . Update To You would use a(n) ____ query to increase the salaries of selected employee groups by a specified percentage. click the ____ tab on the Ribbon.Access detects ____ validation rule violations immediately after you finish all changes to the current record and advance to another record. Access replaces the Sort and Show rows with the ____ row. in the design grid. crosstab The ____ property setting for number fields establishes a unique identifier for the replication of tables. Design view When designing a new database. avoid data redundancy To begin creating a new table. many database operations in large tables would not be practical. you must create a third table and form oneto-many relationships between the two original primary tables and the new related table. history A one-to-many relationship is abbreviated as ____. data type You can modify an existing table's structure in ____. the new table preserves ____. none of the above When you have a ____ relationship between two tables. Replication ID The ____ determines what field values are allowed and what other properties the field will have. and other objects. table To include literal display characters. 1:M With a make-table query. Create A(n) ____ table contains data that is no longer needed for current processing but that you might need to reference in the future. many-to-many Without ____. input A(n) ____ query performs aggregate function calculations on the values of one database field and displays the results in a spreadsheet format. you need to create a(n) ____ mask. records. it is a good idea to ____. you create a(n) ____ for data from the primary table. query language All fields for a specific individual or place can be grouped together as a(n) ____. Access replaces the Sort and Show rows with the ____ row. the space that had been occupied on the disk by the deleted records does not become available until you ____ the database. Update To .Given a database containing a student table and a class table. aft and ant and act and art The third Form Wizard dialog box asks you to select a ____. common field ____ a database rearranges data and objects in a database to make its size smaller. for example. a(n) ____ join would show all students whether or not the students are enrolled in a class. in the design grid. Compacting Access allows you to ask questions and obtain information about your data through use of a built-in ____. appearance When you create a form containing data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship. table To see a sample of your form before it is printed you can click the ____ button. compact Which of the following is NOT an example of an Access object? Report tool Data from two or more tables can be connected by specifying a ____. main form The wildcard character ? in the search value a?t finds ____. entity When you create an update query. Print Preview You can change a form's ____ by specifying a different style for the form. style You can use a(n) ____ query to increase the salaries of selected employee groups by a specific percentage. update The primary use for one-to-one relationships is as ____ subtypes. outer When you delete records. selects an entire column In Datasheet view. both a and b When you delete records. you can delete the records from the original table. you can use a(n) ____ query to update all records with that classification to the new code. Find What One way to access print options for a report is to click the arrow for the View button in the Views group on the Report Layout Tools Format tab. record is being edited ____ a database rearranges data and objects in a database to make its size smaller. and then click ____. Form Layout Tools Format Every item that you can manipulate to modify the object’s appearance on a report is called a(n) ____.It is always a good idea to test a(n) ____ query before you run it. . make-table When you create a form containing data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship. history You define many-to-many and one-to-one relationships in the ____ window. action Once records are no longer needed and have been appended to a(n) ____ table. main form An AutoFormat can be applied to a form in its entirety. Relationships If a given code changes for one classification. Print Preview Which of the following is NOT an example of an Access object? Report tool Clicking a field selector ____. control You specify the value you want to find in the ____ text box in the Find and Replace dialog box. action A(n) ____ query creates a new table from one or more existing tables. or you can choose to change some of its features by selecting the options on the ____ tab. you create a(n) ____ for data from the primary table. the space that had been occupied on the disk by the deleted records does not become available until you ____ the database. the pencil symbol indicates the ____. Compacting Use the ____ key(s) to move to the next column in a table. attribute After saving a query. displays only those records with the selected value. which includes major companies and their Web site addresses. select When you define a query that performs a calculation. Toggle Filter ____ between Access objects can occur in various ways. the name given to a table or other object should reflect its ____. Filter By Selection Generalized queries that specify fields and records to be selected are called ____ queries. . mouse When designing a new database. data type In Design view. you can click the ____ button to toggle between filtered and nonfiltered displays. you can change the order of defined fields in a table by using the ____ to drag the field to a new location. What data type should she use for this field? Hyperlink When defining a database.compact A field can be described as a(n) ____. avoid data redundancy You can modify an existing table's structure in ____. Dependencies To include literal display characters. name the table and save it to disk Question 28 Elsa is creating the Supplier Location field. you need to create a(n) ____ mask. you can recreate its results when you ____. open the query again The last step in creating a table is to ____. it is a good idea to ____. calculated After applying a filter. all of the above applied. Design view A query defined in Access can ____. contents The ____ determines what type of values can be entered for a field. you must add a ____ field. input The ____ Mask Wizard is an Access tool that guides you in creating a predefined format for a field. it does not have to have unique values in the table in which it is the foreign key. click All Programs. or an idea is a table. a DBMS can handle massive amounts of data and can easily form relationships among multiple tables. an object. T Like spreadsheets. T A primary key in one table cannot be used as a foreign key in a different table. T A collection of related tables is called a relational database. a place. Validation Rule You can change a select query to a crosstab query in Design view using the Crosstab button in the Query Type group on the ____ tab. an event. T A database is a collection of related tables. T A single set of field values within a table is a record. and then click Microsoft Office Access 2010. F Although a field has unique values in the table in which it is the primary key. Zoom A collection of fields describing a person. F To start Access. Input The ____ property value specifies the valid values that users can enter in a field. T You connect the records in separate tables through a common field that appears in both tables. click the Start button on the taskbar. T . Query Tools Design The best way to view the contents of Memo fields that contain a large number of characters is to use the ____ dialog box in a datasheet. T The navigation buttons provide a way to move vertically through the records. click Microsoft Office. F A group of related fields is known as data redundancy. T A primary key is allowed to have a null value. F Redundant fields waste storage space and can result in inconsistent data within the database. F . T Primary keys uniquely identify records in a table. which lets you obtain immediate answers to the questions you ask about your data. F Certain Access data types have a predefined field size that cannot be changed. F One benefit of a relational database management system is that it contains a built-in query language. F It’s best to choose a field or object name that describes the purpose or contents of the field or object so that later you can easily remember what the name represents. or whatever device you use to work in Access. T Click the item marked 3 in the accompanying figure to display a list of data types. T The items marked 1 in the accompanying figure are the default property values for a Text field. the first thing you should do is identify the fields that will be required. T A field name must be unique within a database. T A field defined as an AutoNumber data type cannot serve as a table’s primary key.64 .To restore a backup database file. T When designing a database. T A field name can consist of up to 255 characters. T A common field is a field that is defined as a primary key in one table and is defined as a foreign key in a second table. and start working with the restored database file. you copy the backup from the drive on which it is stored to your hard drive. T Every table defined in Access must have a single field that serves as its primary key. or an idea table A field or collection of fields whose values uniquely identify each record in a table primary key . 5 The data type determines what field values you can enter for the field and what other properties the field will have. F. F. T . an object. 1 The item marked 3 in the accompanying figure is the Next record button. F. or an idea field A primary key from one table that is used to form a relationship with a second table foreign key A collection of fields that describe a person. an object. 2 The field marked 2 in the accompanying figure is the record selector. an event.The item marked 1 in the accompanying figure is the field selector. one-to-many Organizes data as a collection of tables relational DBMS A collection of related tables relational database The specific content of a field field value Connects the records in separate tables common field A single characteristic or attribute of a person. F. T Access allows you to modify a table’s structure in Datasheet view. F. a place. T The item marked 4 in the accompanying figure is the New (blank) record button. a place. 1 Access has a button you can use to save the active database. an event.does not have The item marked 2 in the accompanying figure is the First record button. Design A(n) one-to-one relationship exists between the tables in the accompanying figure. F. field In the accompanying figure. etc. such as Save. each column represents a ____. removing. 4 The first step in organizing data into a database is to identify the individual ____.) is a ____. record In the accompanying figure. Navigation Pane The ____Toolbar provides one-click access to commonly used commands. Hwan. Ribbon In the accompanying figure. the last row of data shown (11053. to decrease its file size compact The process of making a copy of the database file to protect your data against loss or damage backing up Access assigns the default name ____ to the first new table you create. fields The content of any given field is the ____. table . Tang. field value All related fields can be grouped together as a(n) ____. and formatting the fields in a table.A question you ask about data stored in a database query A formatted printout (or screen display) of the contents of one or more tables report To rearrange the data and objects in a database file. Table1 The ____ is the main control center for opening and working with database objects. Owen is a ____. Quick Access The ____ tab provides options for adding. there are ____ fields shown. Access The ____ provides the main Access commands organized by task into tabs and groups. field value In the accompanying figure. Fields The ____ window is the program window that appears when you create a new database or open an existing database. the pencil symbol indicates the ____. properties The ____ determines what type of values can be entered for a field. Wizard A form is used to ____. clicking a row selector selects an entire ____. are called the field ____. create a query The characteristics of a field. edit. data type The ____ determines what field values are allowed and what other properties the field will have. and type. or a combination of fields. must contain a unique value for each record within the table A relational DBMS allows you to create database structures containing ____. enter. record is being edited Which of the following is NOT an example of an Access object? Report tool A ____ is a question you ask about data stored in a database. . order number. query Access can guide you through the steps to create a query by using the Query ____. size.Which of the following could be defined as a field in a database? customer name. query language Clicking a field selector ____. phone number. fields. she would ____. common field A field. and view records in a database Diane is working in the customer table and needs to know if any customers are located in Texas. such as name. table relationships. selects an entire column In Datasheet view. all of the above Data from separate tables can be connected by specifying a ____. record In Datasheet view. all of the above Access allows you to ask questions and obtain information about your data through use of a built-in ____. tables. To find this information. primary key A primary key ____. that has a unique value is a ____. in the Contract table shown. Text For the _____ data type. a check box A set of data such as first name. the ____ field is a redundant field. the field values labeled 2 show ____ data. use the _____ data type. Contract Storing the same data field in multiple tables is called data ____. AutoNumber The data type that allows you to indicate the absence or presence of a condition is ____. . Create The primary key in the Invoice table in the accompanying figure is ____. Customer. foreign key When designing a new database. avoid data redundancy A field name ____. field value A group of related tables is called a(n) ______ type Given a relationship between the two tables in the accompanying figure. record The content of a field is the _______. address. last name. the primary key is in the ____ table and the foreign key is in the ____ table. must be unique within a table For unique Employee IDs such as 34A78C. click the ____ tab on the Ribbon. the field is called a ____ in the second table. Company Given a relationship between the two tables in the accompanying figure. redundancy If a primary key from one table is also defined in a second table to form a relationship. Access automatically assigns either a sequential or random numbering field. inconsistent In the accompanying figure. for a specific person is a(n) _______. it is a good idea to ____. Yes/No To begin creating a new table. InvoiceNum A field defined as a Yes/No field type will be displayed as ____. etc. Drag To include a field in a query. it is a(n) _______ key. and recovery facilities. form Once you click the ________ button to open the Show Table dialog box. databases Access has a built-in _______ language that allows you to ask questions and obtain answers about your data. control. there will be two sets of _________________ buttons for use in selecting records from each of the tables. ContractNum uniquely identifies each record in the Contract table.relational In the accompanying figure. CustomerID in the Contract table is a(n) _______ key. you tell Access which fields you need and what criteria Access should use to select the records that will answer your question. Report Wizard . you can choose a table to add to the Relationships window. primary In the accompanying figure. foreign In the accompanying figure. query You use a(n) ___________ to enter. query The __________ determines what field values you can enter for the field. field values A relational DBMS provides protection of ______ through security. the columns in Datasheet view contain the ____ for each field in the table. data type When you create a(n) __. Show Table Exact Match The condition that requires a value in a specified field to be identical to the specified condition is called a(n) Show You can tell if a field will appear in the query datasheet if there is a check mark in the field's ________check box in the design grid. Navigation In a form with a main form and a subform. as shown in the accompanying figure. you can click and _______the field from the field list to the design grid. and view records in a database. edit. Primary When creating a form based on two tables. Count The aggregate function. returns the number of the non null field values in a selection of records. Common Field When you create a form containing data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship. External Data You use the ____________________ tab if you want to import data from an Excel worksheet. you create a form for data from the ________ table. Query1 The default query name is __________.The Access feature that can guide you through the creation of a report by asking questions is called the _____________. a field is defined as a(n) ____________ when its values uniquely identify each record in the table. Access uses the defined relationship between the two tables to automatically join the tables through the _______________that exists in both tables. Navigation Pane A defined query for an open database can be selected by double-clicking in the _______________ of the Database window. Related When creating a form based on two tables. Number If you have a Customer ID field with values like 1234. Home To open the Find and Replace dialog box. _______. Main Forms for tables that have a one-to-many relationship will have a(n) _________form and a subform Relationship To create a form based on two tables. Wildcard A pattern match uses _________ characters. Related Table . you create a subform for data from the _____ table. click the Find button on the ________tab. Icon Each object in the Navigation Pane has a unique_____to indicate the type of object. you must first define a(n) ___________ between the two tables. Primary Key In a given table. you should use the _________data type. Wizard . # If you only know the first or last part of a numeric value. Logo To add a picture to a form. One-to-many The ____________ relationship exists between two tables when one record in the first table matches zero. Integrity Reference _______ is a feature built in to Access to prevent data inconsistency in related tables. and print records in a database. you would first change to _____ view None of the above An example of a relational Database is ________________. ? The _____ character will match any single alphabetic character Object A form is a(n) _______ that you can use to maintain. Design Grid The fields and selection criteria for a query are included in the __________. use the ___ character when searching. Run To see the results of a query. followed by the yes values. one. or many records in the second table. Johns* To find the names of Johnson.If a form shows two forms of two different tables. click the ____ button. not equal. and Johnstone in form records. view. Comparison Operators used in selection criteria in a query. are known as ___________ operators. such as equal. And The ____ operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied. you must ____ it. the bottom form is for the _________. Between. the no values display first.And A range of values may be specified as selection criteria by using the __________ operator. or greater than. Johnston. use _____. Descending When you sort a field with a Yes/No data type in _________ sort order. Layout To just modify a form's style.. can be calculated in a query by using a(n) ________________. True A database is a collection of related tables. you cannot make any design changes to a form. such as totals and averages. Infinity The join line for a one-to-many relationship will show the ________ symbol on the "many" end of the line. enter. None of the above A relational database management system is a collection of ____________ Aggregate Function Statistical information. False Access allows you to modify a table structure in Datasheet view You use _____ to view. True Aggregate functions perform arithmetic and statistical operations on selected records. controls . and each category contains groups True A single set of field values within a table is a record. you can easily apply a new _____ to it. Must contain a unique value for each record within a table A primary key ____.Access can guide you through the steps to create a query by using the Query ____. True The Navigation Pane divides database objects into categories. Form To change a form's appearance. theme A picture is one of many _____ you can add to and modify on a form. and maintain data in the table on which a form is based. Form In _____ view. False You cannot update data while viewing a query datasheet False The F5 key is a toggle that you use to switch between the Table Design grid and the Field Properties pane False Access allows you to change a field size in Datasheet view. you can click the _____ button. the data from a record in the primary table appears as a group. main form In the accompanying figure. grouped In _____ orientation. bottom of the form and subform . layout Jill has defined a search using the Find command and has located the first record that qualifies. Find What To find the names Johnson. a page is wider than it is tall. Print Preview For a(n) _____. Find Next button in the Find and Replace dialog box You specify the value you want in the _____ text box in the Find and Replace dialog box. ? Maintaining data using a form is often easier than using a(n) _____ because you can focus on all the changes for a single record at one time. datasheet To see a sample of your form before it is printed. the arrow labeled 4 is pointing to the fields that will be on the _____. grouped report A report that shows the data from a record in the primary table and then all joined records from the related table is called a(n) _____ report. use _____. Johns* The _____ character will match any single alphabetic character. To look at the next qualifying record. Johnston. Landscape Which of the following is NOT included by default at the bottom of the page in the Report Wizard? author's name The set of field values for the fields in a report that belong to a related table are called detail _____. she would click the _____. and Johnstone in the form records. followed on subsequent lines of the report by the joined records from the related table.A control _____ is a set of controls grouped together in a form or report so that you can manipulate the set as a single control. the arrow labeled 3 is pointing to the fields that will be on the _____ main form In the accompanying figure. records When you create a form containing data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship. you create a(b) _____ for data from the primary group. which prompts you for the information required to build the query. query Which of the following field types may be specified as a sort field? AutoNumber _____ fields can be unique or nonunique. which is shown ins the accompanying figure. Wizard "How many General Motors cars are available? or "What employees are in the 617 area code?" are examples of _____ queries. two sets of In the Report Wizard dialog box in which you choose a grouped or ungrouped report. as shown in the accompanying figure. is a simple technique for filter records that lets you select all or part of a field value. fields from the primary table The items marked 2 in the accompanying figure are _____ records. Show me more information Item 1 in the accompanying figure identifies the _____. and its contents are based on the criteria established in the design grid.In a form created to access two tables. . Filter by Selection Filter By _____. there is/are _____ navigation buttons displayed. you can display tips for creating reports and examples of reports by clicking the _____ button. Multitable When viewing a two-table query in Design view. field value box You can choose a single field for a query by _____ the field name to place it in the next available design grid column. _____ selects all or part of a field value in a datasheet and then when the filter is applied. displays only those records with the selected value. select A(n) _____ query is a query based on more than one table. which is not an indicator of whether the tables have a one-to-many relationship? the fact that you have not enforced referential integrity A _____ datasheet is temporary. Sort A temporary subset of selected records can be created by defining a _____. filter As shown in the accompanying figure. double-clicking Queries can be created by using the Query _____. you know you must add a _____ field. Calculated Field _____ functions operate on the records that meet a query's selection criteria. Group By The _____ data type provides limited options for creating a calculation. And Selection criteria that are placed in different rows in a query design grid indicate an _____ operator. expression Expression Builder is an Access tool that contains an expression _____ for entering an expression. comparison The _____ operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied.And The _____ comparison operator selects records that match a pattern that includes wildcards. you would use the _____ operator. such as equal to.. the number of records selected To divide records into group based on the values in the specified field. you can click the _____ button to toggle between displaying the effect and removing its display Toggle Filter A range of values may be specified as selection criteria by using the _____ operator. not equal to. . calculated Calculations can be performed in a query by defining a(n) _____. Like In the condition InvoiceAmt >100 and Invoice Amt < 200.Selection After applying the database option in the accompanying figure. Or The query shown in the accompanying figure will select a record if _____. ">" and "<>" are _____. or greater than.. City is Lansing and ContractAmt is greator than 25000 When you define a query that performs a calculation. box One example of a predefined function in Access is the Count function. comparison operators A selection condition that dictates that the value in the specified field must precisely match the condition is known as a(n) _____ match. are known as _____ operators. exact Operators used in selection criteria in a query. Between. which determines _____. Memo . data type When designing a database. spaces. and each category contains _____. Table1 The _____ determines what type of values can be entered for a field. and special characters. must be unique within a table The maximum size of the Text data type is _____ characters. foreign key When designing a new database. you need to identify the _____ that will be required. 255 Certain Access data types have a predefined field _____ that cannot be changed. it is a good idea to _____ avoid data redundancy Given a relationship between the two tables in the accompanying figure.535 characters (although the exact size is determined by the entry).Aggregate The Navigation Pane divides database objects into categories. size The _____ data type that allows field values containing letters. database If a primary key from one table is also defined in a second table to form a relationship. groups In the accompanying figure. category The item featured in the accompanying figure is the _____ pane menu. Memo What data type has a field size of 1 to 65. it is used for long comments and explanations. the field is called a _____ in the second table. digits. inconsistent A field name _____. fields You should carefully design your _____ to meet the needs of those who will use it. Navigation The default table name assigned to a new table is _____. and special characters? It is also used for long comments and explanations. the field values labeled 2 show _____ data. spaces. the option marked 1 are the _____ options. digits. and allows field values containing letters. Access will require you to enter a value for the key when adding a record in a process known as _____. set the Field Size Property to _____. Replication ID It would be wasteful to use the Long Integer setting when defining a field that will only store whole numbers ranging from 0 to 255 because the Long Integer setting will use _____ of storage space. entity integrity After you have finished defining a table. records. click the _____ tab on the Ribbon.767 in two bytes. you must _____ it in order to begin to enter data into it. Text If you make a mistake when entering data in a field. Long Integer The _____ property setting for number fields stores whole numbers from -32. AutoNumber The field size of a Date/Time type of field is _____. save The last step in creating a table is to _____. Backspace If a table is defined with a primary key. Create As you define fields. 8 bytes Using the Number data type for the Country Population field in a database with characteristics of the lowest data value starting at over 1 million and the highest at 2 billion. it uses 16 bytes.768 to 32. appears highlighted in the Data Type text box. name the table and save its structure You can specify a name for a table after you click the _____ button on the Quick Access Toolbar. structure . the default data type ___. you can erase the characters to the left of the insertion point by pressing the _____ key.A field that consists of integer values that are controlled by Access is a(n) _____ type field. four To begin creating a new table. and other objects. Save The final step in the creation of a table is to save the table _____ to disk. Integer The _____ property setting for number fields establishes a unique identifier for the replication of tables. A relational DBMS allows you to create database structures containing _____. attribute A primary key _____. Table1 The _____ Toolbar provides one-click access to commonly used commands. and table relationships (all of the above) Access allows you to ask questions and obtain information about your data through use of a built-in _____. must contain a unique value for each record within the table. Enter and Shift . field value All related fields can be grouped together as a(n) _____.The Primary Key button works as a(n) _____. table A field can be described as a(n) _____. fields. 2007 Use the _____ key(s) to move to the next column in a table. each column represents a _____. Quick Access The _____ provides the main Access commands organized by task into tabs and groups. tables. such as Save. 4 The content of any given field is the _____. the arrow labeled 4 is pointing to the button used to _____. _____. specify the primary key Access assigns the default name _____ to the first new table you create. position the mouse pointer in the row selector and use the move pointer to drag and drop the field In the accompanying figure. there are _____ fields shown. field In the accompanying figure. query language New databases created using Access 2010 have the same file extension and file format as Access _____ databases. Ribbon In the accompanying figure. you can click it to remove the key symbol if you want to specify a different field as the primary key toggle To rearrange the order of the fields in the design of an Access table without cutting. she would _____. displays only the data that matches the query selection criteria You can move to each subsequent step in any wizard dialog box by clicking the _____ button. create a query Selecting a data by means of a query _____. Navigation Pane Access can guide you through the steps to create a query by using the Query _____. move all available fields to the Selected Fields box . Wizard A form is used to _____. enter. Esc Which of the following is NOT an example of an Access object? Report tool You open a table. move a field to the Selected Fields box In the accompanying figure. To find this information. other databases Diane is working in the customer table and needs to know if any customers are located in Texas. press the _____ key. next available row for a new record To correct a value by replacing it entirely. the arrow labeled 2 is pointing to a symbol used to _____. the arrow labeled 1 is pointing to a symbol used to _____. the s tar symbol that appears in the record selector area always identifies the _____ in the database. edit.Which of the following can be used in a field name? spaces You can use the _____ column in the table datasheet to add new fields. record In Datasheet view. or any Access object. and then type the correct value. and view records in a database The _____ quickly creates a form containing all the fields in the table (or query) on which you are basing the form. Click to Add In Datasheet view. clicking a row selector selects an entire _____. Next In the accompanying figure. by double-clicking the object name in the _____. Form tool The Create tab has options to create all of the following EXCEPT _____. the _____ box enables you to enter text for Access to find. Decimal style . Name In the City_State_Zip field shown in the accompanying figure. menus. and tool bars (all of the above) The following is a valid function name: _____. Search Applications typically include an interface to assist the user in using the system. periods The most direct way to create defined names like the kind shown in the accompanying figure is to use the _____ box on the formula bar. type One way to ensure that correct data is entered into a cell or range is to use the Excel data _____ feature. the following is acceptable: _____. ranging from special buttons that assist in existing speecific tasks to changing the entire Excel interface with customized _____. validation An input message appears when the cell becomes active.When you create a query. the underscores replace _____ in the label names. and can be used to specify the _____ of data the user should enter in that cell. underscore characters The Excel data _____ feature restricts data entry to follow a defined set of rules. Whole Number In the Allow list box in the Data Validation dialog box. the records are listed _____. the _____ option means that the cell will accept only integers. validation In the Allow list box in the Data Validation dialog box. Compacting In the Navigation Pane. commands. spaces Any blanks or parentheses in a row or column label will be changed to _____ in defined names. in order by primary key field _____ a database rearranges the data and objects in a database make its size smaller. the ____ means that the cell will accept any type of numeric value. none of the above After the first character in a range name. unbound A ___ control is not linked to a field in the underlying table or query. label An unbound control that displays text is called a ___. tabular The ___ layout arranges text box controls in a datasheet format with labels above each column. press and hold down the ___ key while clicking each control. the ___ lets you print documentation such as the object's properties and relationships. grid The ___ consists of the area with dotted and solid lines that helps you position controls precisely on a form. calculated One guideline for working with forms is to display ___ fields in a distinctive way. Screen Tips ___ are available for each control in the Controls group. Layout A form created by the Datasheet tool cannot be displayed in ___ view. XML statement The Row Source property is usually set to any of the following Except a ___. and prevent users from changing and updating them. the record source for the form must either be open or selected in the Navigation Pane. Shift To select several controls in a form. . Datasheet When you use the ___ tool. control Each object you place on a form is called a ___. Rulers Which of the following serve as guides for positioning controls in a form? bound A ___ control is linked to a field in the underlying table or query. default One guideline for working with forms is to use ___ values whenever possible to reduce user errors. Documenter For each selected object.One guideline for working with forms is to use a consistent ___ for all forms in a database. and the fields used by the object and their properties. field Nothing. queries. Sizes. and Properties are examples of ___ documentation options. tab order You want to change the order in which users move from control to control as they press the Tab key from left to right. upper-left The ___ corner of a selected control displays the move handle. Design Box For which of the following is not available as a Control Wizard? F4 After selecting a control. and Names. users cannto tab to the control. tab The order in which you change the focus in a form is called the ___ order. No If the Tab Stop property for a text box is set to ___. and Permissions by User and Group are all examples of ___ documentation options. Detail Catherine's first task is to modify the custom form for entering the Employee information.label When you add a bound control to a form. reports. Data Types. Relationships. Access adds a text box and. using an Auto Format Which of the following provides the least amount of control for improving the appearance of a form? Special Effect Sunken. Table Properties. a ____. To do this you will change the ___. you can press the ___ key to open and close the property sheet for the control. Wizard A control ___ asks a series of questions and then uses your answers to create a control on a form or report. 7 A selected control displays ___ sizing handles. Raised. to top to bottom. to its left. and Etched are all choices for the ___ property. forms. or data access pages. On which section of the Employee form should the Exit button be placed? . She wishes to add a control that will allow the user to exit the form and return to the database to choose from different tables. Focus ___ refers to the object and record that is currently active. a ___ button appears to the right of the Input Mask text box. and graphics readily to keep users visually stimulated. *. and ?. fonts. Like The ____ comparison operator selcts records by matching field values to a specific pattern that includes one or more of these wildcard characters: #. input A ___ mask is a predefined format used to enter and display data in a field. Like You perform a pattern match using the ___ comparison operator. input To include literal display characters. pattern A ___ match selects records with a value for the selected field that matches the pattern of the simple condition value. Validation Rule The ____ property value specifies the valid values that users can enter in a field. Design You must use the Input Mask Wizard in ___ view. Literal ___ display characters automatically appear in specific positions of a field value without users having to type them. Which of the following is not a guideline Catherine would follow in her work? lookup A ___ field lets the user select a value from a list of possible values.Use colors. you need to create a ___ mask. 9 The input mask character ___ indicates that a digit or space can be entered. __ The input mask character ____ is a placeholder character. . 0 The input mask character ___ indicates that only a digit can be entered. Build When you click the Input Mask text box in the Field Properties pane. All of the above Which of the following statements is true? Input The ___ Mask Wizard is an Access tool that guides you in creating a predefined format for a field. and ?. In What you could accomplish with several Or conditions in the design grid you can do more easily with the ___ comparison operator. *. In When you use the ____ comparison operator. the Access selects and includes that record in the query results. The ____ prefix tag in the All Access Objects pane identifies each table in the database. Like The ____ represents any string of characters. Top values The ___ property for a query lets you limit the number of records in the query results. In The ___ comparison operator lets you define a condition with two or more values. if a record's field value matches one value from the list of defined values. list-of-values A ___ match selects records whoe value for the selected field matches one of two or more simple condition values. Crosstab A ___ query performs aggregate function calculations on the values of one database field and displays the results in a spreadsheet format. except that a pattern match includes ____ characters. Query Tools Design You can change a select query to a crosstab query in Design view using the Corsstab button in the Query Type group on the ___ tab. Freeze Which of the following commands is used to keep selected columns visible no matter where you scroll in the datasheet? Try It In the Input Mask Wizard. comparison The ____ comparison operator selects records by matching field values to a specific pattern that includes one or more of these wildcard characters: #. tbl < and >= are examples of ____ operators. the practice area is called the ___ text box. .* The ___ represents any string of characters. Wildcard Using a pattern match is similar to using an exact match. input A(n) ____ mask is a predefined format used to enter and display data in a field. Sum If you convert an Access database to SQL-Server. if a record's field value matches one value from the list of defined values. run A ____ field lets the user select a value from a list of possible values. commas With a text list-of-values match. crosstab Aggregate functions like those shown in the accompanying figure perform ____ operations on selected records in a database. then Access selects and includes that record in the query results. you ____ the query. In When you use the ____ comparison operator. you use ____ to separate the values. you need to create a(n) ____ mask. input . your ____ queries will not work. lookup The ____ Mask Wizard is an Access tool that guides you in creating a predefined format for a field. In A(n) ____ query performs aggregate function calculations on the values of one database field and displays the results in a spreadsheet format. arithmetic The aggregate function ____ returns the total of the field values in a selection of records. crosstab The ____ property for a query lets you limit the number of records in the query results. quotation marks The ____ comparison operator lets you define a condition with two or more values. Top Values As the last step in creating a Top Values query. except that a pattern match includes ____ characters. Input To include literal display characters. wildcard In a list-of-values match. you enclose each value in ____.* Using a pattern match is similar to using an exact match. When you click the Input Mask box in the Field Properties pane, a ____ button appears to the right of the Input Mask box. build The input mask character ____ indicates that a digit or space can be entered. 9 The input mask character ____ indicates that only a digit can be entered. 0 Which of the following input mask characters represents a digit or space that can be entered; however, entry is not required? 9 ____ between Access objects can occur in various ways. Dependencies A(n) ____ exists between two objects when a change to the ____ of data in one object affects the ____ of data in the other object. object dependency, properties In the Object Dependencies pane, the ____ option button allows you to view the objects that affect the selected table. Objects that I depend on Access detects ____ validation rule violations immediately after you finish your field entry and advance to another field. field The Freeze Fields command is available in the ____ group on the Home tab, under the More button. Records Which of the following commands is used to keep selected columns visible no matter where you scroll in the datasheet? Freeze Fields A ____ folder is a folder on a drive or network where you place databases you know are safe. trusted Between work and personal contacts, June is finding her old, written address book is not big enough, and too difficult to maintain. She decides to create a database of her contacts as an electronic alternative to the pen and paper address book. Jane wants to use literal display characters to ensure hyphens appear in the phone numbers she enters into her database. What's the best way to go about doing this? Jane should create an input mask What input mask would Jane use if she wanted the phone numbers to display with the following criteria: Area code not required in the phone number but, if entered, displayed in parentheses. The phone number digits will display with a hyphen after the first three digits. Characters, when typed in, will fill in from left to right. !(999) 000-0000;;_ In working with the Hardware Store chain's database, Matt is finding that only stores in particular zip codes have certain inventory. To sift through the large volumes of information in this database of many records, he simply wants to ask which store by zip code, and other specific criteria, has the item. When looking for particular inventory in the database, Matt sometimes needs to create a query that allows him to select records whose values for the designated field match one of two or more simple condition values. Which comparison operator would serve him in this instance? In Matt's computer is displaying a dialog box that prompts him to enter one or more criteria values when he runs his query. He enters the prompts in the Criteria text box for zip code. What is he doing? creating a parameter query Put the following steps for creating a parameter query in the correct order for Matt: 1. Decide which fields will use prompts when the query runs. In the Criteria box for each of these fields, type the prompt you want to appear in a message box when you run the query. 2. Enclose the prompt in brackets. 3. Create a select query that includes all fields to appear in the query results. 4. Choose the sort fields and set the criteria that do not change when you run the query. 3, 4, 1, 2 It is getting close to the end of the fiscal quarter for the Clothes Rack clothing store chain. Joanna is adding up the inventory of the four clothing stores of which she is the Regional Manager. She needs to see the summarized totals in the Outerwear category. Which query is capable of performing aggregate function calculations on the value of a database field and then displaying the results in a spreadsheet format? crosstab A friend is creating a database and wants to make extensive use of lists so that anyone who uses the database will have choices when entering data values, in order to minimize errors and to facilitate the entry of data. She suspects that you, as you are very familiar with Access, will know how to make this happen for her. You explain to your friend that she can change the value of a field to a ____, which lets the user select from a list of choices rather than having to remember the correct one. lookup field You explain to your friend that in Design view, she can scroll down to a given field, click the right side of the ____, and then click Lookup Wizard to begin to create a lookup field. Data Type text box One guideline for working with forms is to design a form to match a ____ document closely if users will refer to one while working with the form. source One guideline for working with forms is to display ____ fields in a distinctive way, and prevent users from changing and updating them. calculated One guideline for working with forms is to align field values with ____ for readability. labels Each object you place in a form is called a(n) ____. control One guideline for working with forms is to use ____ values whenever possible to reduce user errors. default A form ____ provides the same functionality as a lookup field in a clearer, more flexible way. combo box You can press the ____ key to open or close the Navigation Pane. F11 The ____ Control property specifies the default control used to display a field. Display The Documenter is available in the Analyze group on the ____ tab. Database Tools "Names, Fields, and Properties" and "Names and Fields" are examples of ____ documentation options. index "Properties," "Relationships," and "Permissions by User and Group" are all examples of ____ documentation options. table The item marked 2 in the accompanying figure includes the ____ documentation. field The item marked 3 in the accompanying figure includes the ____ documentation. table All of the following are included on the report in the accompanying figure EXCEPT ____ documentation. relationship When you use the ____ tool, the record source for the form must either be open or selected in the Navigation Pane. Datasheet When working with forms, you view and update data in ____ view. Form A Multiple Items form cannot be displayed in ____ view. Datasheet When you use the Split Form tool, the ____ views are synchronized with each other at all times. Form and Datasheet press and hold down the ____ key while clicking each control. label Which of the following is an unbound control? label Design view for a form contains a ____ section.To select several controls in a form. Access adds a text box and. stacked If the Field List pane in the accompanying figure displays the "No fields available to be added to the current view" message. a(n) ____. which is a rectangular area consisting of a grid with a section bar above the grid. Detail ____ are available for each control in the Controls group. Show all tables The item marked 1 in the accompanying figure is the ____ bar. click the ____ link to display the tables in the database. section The items marked 2 in the accompanying figure are the ____. rulers The item marked 6 in the accompanying figure is the ____. unbound An unbound control that displays text is called a(n) ____. handles . ScreenTips Which of the following serve as guides for positioning controls in a form? Rulers ____ at the top and left edge of the Detail section define the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the form. Rulers When you add a bound control to a form. Shift The ____ layout for a form arranges text box controls vertically with a label to the left of each control. unbound You use a(n) ____ control to display text. grid A(n) ____ control is not linked to a field in the underlying table or query. label Sizing ____ let you resize a control. to its left. tab The order in which you change the focus in a form is called the ____ order. and then press an arrow key. ControlTip Text ____ refers to the control that is currently active and awaiting user action. Shift When users mouse over a specific control on the August Inventory table form. you can press the ____ key to open and close the property sheet for the control. Focus One example of ____ order in a form is top-bottom. tab order Which of the following is NOT a guideline Catherine would follow in her work? Use colors. which is currently from left to right. to top to bottom. users cannot tab to the control. equal sign If you need to set a property by typing a long text entry. left-right. . F4 The ____ function determines the number of occurrences of an expression. tab To make small adjustments to the length of a line. Zoom If the Tab Stop property for a text box is set to ____. select the line. To do this. hold down the ____ key. Count You precede expressions with a(n) ____ to distinguish them from field names.A selected control displays ____ sizing handles. What property should you choose to accomplish this? ControlTip Text You want to change the order in which users move from control to control as they press the Tab key. No The ____ property specifies the text that appears in a ScreenTip when users hold the mouse pointer over a control on a form. you can open the ____ dialog box and type the entry in the dialog box. fonts. seven For which of the following is a Control Wizard not available? Design Box After selecting a control. and graphics readily to keep users visually stimulated. you will change the ____. you want a ScreenTip to appear. . queries. and cover pages. or data access pages. report Which of the following offers you more flexibility in formatting and printing data with a professional. filter Use ____ when you want to filter report data before printing a report. She wishes to add a control that will allow the user to exit the form and return to the database to choose from different tables. Report The ____ Header section is used for column headings. reports. it precedes the first Page Header section. it precedes the Page Footer section on the last page of the report. Report If your report has a(n) ____ Header section. page numbers. What do you tell them? bound controls The ____ Header section appears once at the beginning of a report. readable appearance? reports You can view reports on screen in all of the following EXCEPT ____. Page Use the ____ section of a report to print calculated values. Datasheet view You can use Report view to apply a(n) ____ to the data in a report. company logos. Detail The ____ section is usually used to print totals for the group. Miguel. Report A ____ is the formatted printout (or screen display) of the contents of one or more tables from a database. Which of the following types of controls will you instruct him to use? bound Your students want to know which type of control is added by moving the fields in the Field List pane to the Form window. is looking to display a table field value on his new form. report introductions. forms. and report dates. Report The ____ Header section is used for report titles. On which section of the Employee form should the Exit button be placed? Detail One of your students. Group Footer If your report has a(n) ____ Footer section.Catherine's first task is to modify the custom form for entering the Employee information. Layout view Use ____ when you want to add lines to a report. bound The item marked 1 in the accompanying figure is the ____ section. Design view In ____. Design A(n) ____ control displays field values for each record in the record source. Report view A(n) ____ field is a report sort field that includes a Group Header section before a group of records that has the same sort field value and that includes a Group Footer section after the group of records. grouping When you use an aggregate function in ____. Report Header The item marked 3 in the accompanying figure is the ____ section. Report view Use ____ when you want to modify a report while seeing actual report data. Detail The item marked 6 in the accompanying figure is the ____ section. Layout view The view shown in the accompanying figure is ____.Report view Use ____ when you want to copy a selected portion of a report. and similar buttons in groups on the ____ tab. Access adds the results of the function to the end of the report and adds subtotals for each grouping field. Group Design view for forms and reports includes horizontal and vertical rulers. Page Footer The item marked 7 in the accompanying figure is the ____ section. Report Footer To draw or extend a straight line. Print Preview The accompanying figure shows the ____ Footer section with zero height. grids in each section. you can view the live version of a report prior to printing it and apply filters to it. Group Header The item marked 4 in the accompanying figure is the ____ section. . press the ____ key before dragging the line and release it after releasing the mouse button. a query based on one or more tables In the Reports group on the ____ tab. = In which of the following cases does the Date function display (instead of the actual current date)? . you can ____ the property name to cycle through the options in the list. the ____ symbol/sign indicates that what follows it is an expression. sort Each sort field can be designated as a ____ field. orphaned To prevent orphaned sections. Can Grow You use the ____ property to hide a control on a report when the control's value is the same as that of the preceding record.Shift A listing of total contracts by city would be an example of a ____ report. grouping A(n) ____ header section appears by itself at the bottom of a page. the ____ property expands a text box vertically to fit the field value when the report is printed. Keep Together You cannot use the To Fit command on the Size menu to resize ____. Create If you specify a sort field as a ____ field. click the Blank Report button to open a blank report in Layout view. you can include a Group Header section and a Group Footer section for the group grouping Access lets you organize records in a report by sorting them using one or more ____ fields. double-click In a function. text boxes When set to Yes. Hide Duplicates For properties in the property sheet that offer a list of choices. a single table c. multiple tables b. summary Which of the following is a possible source of data for a report? any of the above a. you set the ____ property to keep the whole group together on one page. 5. and Total pane. and these abbreviations need some brief explanations. Click the sort field in the list. He has just finished positioning the control for the Date and Time in the Page Header section. click the Group & Sort button in the Grouping & Totals group on the Format tab in Layout view or the Design tab in Design view. so you know what merchandise has been around the longest. 4. Grid Settings First. 2. 2. IssueMonth. Where would be the best place for Walter to put these explanations? Page Footer section Craig has been working all day to get his report for the Accounts database exactly the way he wants it. He feels the best way to do this is to design a custom report. IssueYear. IssueCode. If necessary. 3 You have been sorting by product type. The Recent Issues report needs to include IssueName. Sort. when you preview the report You can display page numbers in a report by including a(n) ____ in the Page Header or Page Footer section.none of the above a. and CoverImage. What button do you click in the Group. and Total pane? Add a sort Walter works for a periodical publisher and needs to create a report on recent issues. 4. What property should Craig click to make sure that the text box for the sum total of the accounts can be expanded if the account total is larger than average? Can Grow . Prototype In the ____ section of the Page Setup dialog box. Click the More button on the sort field band to set additional properties for the sort field. when you print the report c. 1. when you view the report in Layout view b. Sort. Your task is to put in the correct order the following steps for selecting a sort field that is not a grouping field in a report. Page Header section b. 5. you want to sort (but not group) your products by manufacturer name. 1. Page Footer section The IssueCode field contains abbreviations that Walter needs to include in his report. 3. the ____ label box shows the format for the label. Where would be the best place(s) for Walter to put a control for the Date on his Recent Issues report? both b and c c. expression As you select fields from the Available fields list box or type text for a label. Now you would like to sort in ascending order by the date when the product arrived in your inventory. Click the Add a sort button in the Group. you specify the number of column sets and the row and column spacing between the column sets. Display the report in Design or Layout view. You can click the _________ button on the Query datasheet toolbar to sort records in ascending alphabetical order by values in a selected field. Ascending In Datasheet view. group fields in a table. and ________ related data. retrieve. attribute A field. table Which of the following could you be defined as a field in a database? all of the above A field can be described as a(n) _________. structure . enter. 4 You can specify a name for a table after you click the ____ button on the Table Design toolbar. record A _____ is a question you ask about data stored in a database. data type A _____ name must be unique within a database. maintain The three basic steps to creating a database. primary key The ____ ____ determines what field values are allowed and what other properties the field will have. because the Long Integer setting will use _ bytes of storage. that has a unique value is a _______ ___. field value All the fields for a specific individual or place can be grouped together as a(n) _____. 28 It would be wasteful to use the Long Integer setting when defining a field that will only store whole numbers ranging from 0 to 255. clicking a row selector selects an entire ______. table The Decimal property setting for Number fields stores positive and negative nuimbers to precisely __ decimal places and uses 12 bytes. Save The final step in the creation of a table is to save the table _________ to disk. are: ____ identify the individual fields. in order. enter field values for each record The content of any given field is the _____ _____. or a combination of fields. query A database is a convenient way to _____. ________. A primary key ________ uniquely identifies each record in a table Access assigns the AutoNumber as the default __ value for the primary key field when a new table is created. such as equal. Joined ____ fields can be unique or non-unique.. dashed lines that appear as you drag an object near a drawn shape. View A ____-__-___ relationship exists between two tables when one record in the first table matches zero. comparison Range of values may be specified as selection criteria by using the _______ .. ID You should carefully design your ________ to meet the needs of those who will use it.. descending Operators used in selection criteria in a query.___ ________. Between .And operator PowerPoint _____ ______ are faint blue. not equal. the no values display first. many-to-one Referential _________ is a feature built in to Access to prevent data inconsistency in related tables. followed by the yes values. or many records in the second table. or greter than. Sort When you sort a field with a Yes/No data type in __________ sort order. common field In PowerPoint an easy way to apply several formats at once to an object is to apply a _____ to it. are known as __________ operators. style A query can be run at any time during the creation of the query by clicking the ____ button in the Results group on the Query Tools Design tab. keywords . one. Smart Guides In PowerPoint ________ are words or phrases that describe the clip art part of a slide. integrity ______ tables are separate tables but you can use the data in them as if they were one table. database A table can be logically connected to another to another table by defining a ______ _____.. style In PowerPoint. a ___________ is a region of a slide reserved for inserting text or graphics. design. a _______ can be a picture. placeholder In PowerPoint. with no toolbars or other Windows elements visble on the screen. color. the ___________ feature automatically corrects certain words and typing errors. _______ view displays each slide so that it almost fills the entire screen. _____. AutoCorrect When using PowerPoint. Slide Show In PowerPoint. font. speaker A ______ is a grid of square colored dots that form picture on a PowerPoint slide. changing a first-level bulleted item into a slide title. add transitions between the slides A ________ is a PowerPoint file that contains a theme. template In PowerPoint. graph. bitmap To make the slide show more interesting you can ______. and graphics to guide you as you develop your content.Queries can be created by using the _____ ______. Slide Sorter The options at the bottom of the AutoFormat dialog box allow you to apply the selected AutoFormat or just its ____. is called _________ the item. _______ notes help the speaker remember what to say when a particular slide appears during a presentation. you can modify the text of a slide in the _______ tab as well as the _____ ____. chart. or diagram. which prompts you for the information required to build the query. Slide Pane When using PowerPoint the _____ ____ view displays each slide so that it fills the entire screen. Outline. and _____. sample text. shape. promoting PowerPoint allows you to rearrange the slides by using the _____ ______ view which displays all slides in the presentation as thumbnails. graphic In PowerPoint. Reading . Query Wizard When using PowerPoint.
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