Internship Report Vti Hr

March 30, 2018 | Author: Asif Hafeez | Category: Forecasting, Time Series, Employment, Prediction, Employee Retention



INTERNSHIP REPORT ON PUNJAB VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL (PVTC) PRESENTED TO: CHAIRMAN DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRAION Allama Iqbal Open University ISLAMA ABAD PRESENTED BY: ZULFIQAR ALI ROOFI ROLL NO. Q-576422 M. B. A. (HRM) ADDRESS: ZULFIQAR ALI ROOFI S/O MUHAMMAD ABBAS ADMIN & ACCOUNTS OFFICER, VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE KASSOWAL, TEHSIL CHICHAWATNI DISTRICT SAHIWAL 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: First of all I am thankful to my Allah Almighty, who bestowed me and provides ability to complete my Internship Report on PVTC, Punjab Vocational Training Council. I am also thankful to my respected teachers, who provided me guidance regarding internship. Lastly I am also thankful to Mr. Abdul Waheed Sahib (Senior Manager Administration at PVTC, Muhammad Ramzan Khan Principal Government College of Commerce Arifwala and other office staff who gave me precious information about said organization during my internship program. OCTOBER 2009 ZULFIQAR ALI ROOFI 4. LIST OF CONTENTS 1.Title 2.Certificate of internship training 3.Acknowledgement 4.List of Contents 5.List of tables & illustrations 6.Summary 7.Objectives of Visiting the Organization “PVTC” 7.1 Role & Participation 8.Overview of the Organization 8.1 Brief History of “PVTC” 8.2 Nature of Organization 8.3 Business Volume 8.4 Number of employees 8.5 Product line / services offer by organization 9.Organization Structure of HRM Department 10.Human Resource Management Process in Organization 10.01 Human resource Planning (HRP) and Forecasting 10.02 HRP Process 10.03 Forecasting HR requirements 10.04 Methods of forecast HR needs 10.05 Employee recruitment and selection 10.05.01 Sources of Candidates 10.05.02 Internal Sources 10.05.03 External Sources 10.05.04 Employ selection process Training and development Training need assessment Employee development Performance Management Setting performance standards and expectations. Performance reports writing procedure Employee compensation and benefits Types of compensation and benefits Organization career Management Employee job changes Job changes within the organization Promotion Transfer Demotion Separations Layoff Termination Resignation Retirement 11.Labor Management Relation 12.SWOT Analysis 13.Recommendations 14.References & Sources used 15.Annexes / Appendices. 5- LIST OF TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS These are following tables and illustrations available in this report. 1. 6SUMMARY 77.1 OBJECTIVES OF VISTING THE “PEL” ROLE AND PARTICIPATION Alhamdulillah I have complete my entire course work of MBA, after completing four semester of MBA. Students of MBA are required to complete their internship and then submit a report accordingly. In this regard I have select “PEL” Pak Elektron Ltd. for my internship. Following are my objective to visit the “PEL” for my internship report. 1.To learn about the organizational structure. 2.To visit different department of PEL. 3.To visit department of Human Resource Management. 4.To visit different institutes running under the PEL. 5.To learn about salary & wages policy of the PEL. 6.To learn about the disciplinary policy of the PEL. switchgears and electric motors. 8. OVERVIEW OF THE ORGANIZATION PVTC I visited the organization named as PEL. (Pak Elektron Limited) and met with Manger Administration (HR Department). PEL was established in 1956. 12. 9. promotion.To know the about other benefits gives by “PEL” to its employees. and retirement policy. 11.To know the training. PEL is standing by “Pak Elektron Limited”.1 BRIEF HISTORY .To learn about the recruitment & selection rules of PEL.To know the bonus and incentive. 10. The object was to initially producing transformers. 8.To learn how we can got retain the skilled personnel.7. 8.To know the charge sheet & discharging policy. He provided me the following information’s regarding his organization PEL. investments.000 2007 3. of the organization.729.3 BUSINESS VOLUME Business Volume means revenue. The Pak Elektron business volumes for the period of 2005 to 2009 are as follow. advances.000 2006 732.530.246.000 2008 3.000 .8.2 NATURE OF ORGANIZATION 8.669.371. etc. Years 2005 Business Volume 453. deposit.298. Secretary / Admin & Accounts Officer / Supervisor / Accountant / Instructor / Admission & Placement Officer. Office Assistant / Diary Dispatcher / Computer Operator / Office Secretary / Telephone Operator / Jr.077.4 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES These are the employees are working in Pak Elektron Ltd. (PEL) as following. Manager / Regional Manager Manager / Sr. Employee’s of PEL Total Employees of all PEL Total Instructional Staff Total Admin Staff 2.000 8. Principal / Technical Manager Area Manager / Deputy Manager / Principal Cat – 1 Scale M1 M2 M3 E1 E2 S1 S2 Assistant Manager / Principal Cat – II / Senior Instructor Exe.2009 6. 329 1. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Designation Chief Operating Officer Sr.000. 576 1. Instructor . 247 POSTS & SCALES: Sr. Agricultural and Service sectors at their door step.8 9 Jr. Computer Operator / Dak Rider / Lab Assistant. Driver / Office Boy / Security Guard / Mali / Sweeper / Lady Attendant. Duration (Months) Total AD AD-01 AD-03 AD-06 AD-07 AL AL-01 CO CO-01 Auto & Diesel Auto Mechanic Motor Cycle Mechanic Auto Electrician Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Mechanic Agriculture & Live Stock Artificial Insemination Computer Applications Computer Operator/ Office Assistant Matric 8 6 2 Matric 1 1 0 Middle Middle Middle Middle 14 8 8 8 12 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 VTI OJT .5 RODUCT LINE/SERVICES OFFER BY ORGANIZATION In Punjab Vocational Training Council offer demand has driven training to Mustahqeen in Industrial. The Punjab Vocational Training Council is offering following training program or existing courses. S3 S4 8. CO-02 CO-03 CO-05 EL EL-02 EL-03 EL-04 ET ET-01 ET-02 ET-05 HC HC-01 MC MC-04 MC-05 MC-06 MC-07 SG SG-01 SG-03 SG-04 SG-05 Computer Applications & DBM Comp. Appliance Industrial Electrician Refrigeration & Air Condit. for Business Auto CAD Electrical R & M Electrical H. Electronics Electronics / Radio Mechanic Radio & Television Mechanic Computer Hardware R & M Health Care Clinical Assistant Mechanical Welder / Fabricator Plumber Fitter (Bench Work) Machinist Stitching Domestic Tailoring Leather Garment Stitching Dress Making Embroidery Matric Intermediate Matric 14 14 8 12 12 6 2 2 2 Middle Matric Matric 14 14 14 12 12 12 2 2 2 Matric Matric Matric 8 14 20 6 12 18 2 2 2 Matric 14 12 2 Primary Primary Primary Matric 8 8 8 14 6 6 6 12 2 2 2 2 Primary Primary Primary Literate 8 8 14 14 6 6 12 12 2 2 2 2 . App. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE .TX TX-01 TX-02 TX-03 TX-04 Textile Courses Computer Textile Designing Computer Pattern Designing Textile Fitter Weaving (Jute) Miscellaneous Screen Printing Beautician Import Export documentation Literacy Course Middle Middle Middle Illiterate 8 8 8 7 6 6 6 7 2 2 2 Matric Matric Middle Middle 14 8 14 14 12 6 12 12 2 2 2 2 MS MS-01 MS-03 MS-04 MS-05 9. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS IN ORGANIZATION 10. 1Meaning of human resource requirements and time and stages of requirement.1 HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING (HRP) & FORECASTING and at the right times. who are capable of effectively and efficiently performing assigned tasks. 5The basis of forecast will be annual budget and long term corporate plans. personnel planning or employment planning. 2Right Person---At Right place----At Right time 3Human Resource Planning is also called manpower planning.1.PVTC website 10.pvtc. 4The process of estimating the future quantity and quality of people required.1 HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING PROCESS Human Resource Planning is a process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of people in the right places. 6Demand forecasting must consider several factors like . Human Resource Planning is defined as the process by which management determines how an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position. 7Internal (Budget constraints. employee separations. OBJECTIVE OF HRP 1To anticipate the impact of technology on jobs and HR.2 FORECASTING HR REQUIREMENTS . 4To meet the needs of expansion and diversification program. VRS 2Creating highly talented personnel . 2To determine the level of Recruitment and Training. change in technology). IMPORTANCE OF HRP 1Future Personnel needs – exa-excess staff.upgrade 3International Strategies 4Foundation of personnel function – recruitment. selection. 9To asses the surplus and shortage of HR. laws.1. (Downsizing).) 8External (Competition. promotions 5Resistance to change and move – anywhere. production level etc. 3To estimate the cost of HR and Housing needs of employees. anytime 6Increasing investment in human resources – Foreign Assignments 10. 3 METHODS OF FORECAST HR NEEDS Forecasting is the process of estimation in unknown situations. cross-sectional or longitudinal data. Time series methods Time series methods use historical data as the basis of estimating future . such as the number of times floods will occur over a long period.1. whereas planning predicts what the future should look like. 10. Risk and uncertainty are central to forecasting and prediction. albeit often ignored aspect of forecasting. the terms "forecast" and "forecasting" are sometimes reserved for estimates of values at certain specific future times. while the term "prediction" is used for more general estimates. also sometimes referred to as supply chain forecasting. Forecasting can be described as what the future will look like. The discipline of demand planning. Both can refer to estimation of time series. embraces both statistical forecasting and a consensus process. Human Resource planning systematically forecasts an organization’s future demand and supply of employees. Prediction is a similar. An important. but more general term. is the relationship it holds with planning. Now the challenge is that from where this need is to be filled. and how many number of employees are to be hired to fulfill future demand. Usage can differ between areas of application: for example in hydrology. It also tells that which type of Human Resource is required? What should be their abilities and qualifications? For this purpose job description and job specification are defined after the analysis of the job for which recruitment is to be done.Human Resource department of PVTC performs Human Resource planning. Forecasting is used in the practice of Customer Demand Planning in every day business forecasting for manufacturing companies. If the causes are understood. • Rolling forecast is a projection into the future based on past performances. . For example. • • • • Regression analysis using linear regression or non-linear regression Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) Econometrics Judgmental Methods Judgmental forecasting methods incorporate intuitive judgments. sales of umbrellas might be associated with weather conditions.outcomes. opinions and subjective probability estimates. routinely updated on a regular schedule to incorporate data. • • • • • • Moving average Exponential smoothing Linear prediction Trend estimation Growth curve Topics Causal / Econometric Methods Some forecasting methods use the assumption that it is possible to identify the underlying factors that might influence the variable that is being forecast. projections of the influencing variables can be made and used in the forecast. 2 EMPLOYEE RECURITMETNT AND SELECTION DEFINITION OF RECURITMENT & SELECTION Recruitment is a process of locating. The procedure of recruitment and required qualifications for each cadre to be borne on the strength of Council will be determined by the management.• • • • • • Composite forecasts Surveys Delphi method Scenario building Technology forecasting Forecast by analogy 10. No person shall be appointed against any post in the Council unless he/she possesses minimum prescribed qualifications for such post. identifying. and attracting capable applicants and selection is a process of screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired. . All appointments in the Council shall be subject to verification of personnel data of employees prior to or after the appointment.2. The employees shall be required to furnish information with regard to their antecedents at the time of submission of their joining report to the Administration / HR Department of PVTC / Principal of VTI.1 SOURCES OF CANDIDATES These are following sources are use for recruitment and selection in Punjab Vocational Training Council. staff of grade S4 can be appointed without advertisement in the press. approved by Chairman. However. . If at any stage it is found that the information provided by the employee was incorrect. The Chairman may relax any recruitment clause subject to ratification by the Council. Initial appointments on all posts / grades (except the posts below S1 other Junior Instructor) shall be made on the basis of examination / test to be conducted by third party or a transparent system. unless he/she has attained the age of 18 years or is more than 55 years of age or medically unfit. 10. No person shall be eligible for permanent appointment in the Council. All employees of the Council will be appointed through advertisement in the press as per approved budget. the services of such employees shall be liable for termination without notice. Employee may be considered for promotion in the next grade based on performance 4. academic & professional qualifications and make . 3. 5.1. The proposal for promotion of employee will be forwarded by the immediate supervisor to the Competent Authority of that post in which one is being promoted on the basis of his / her performance. general conduct.10. 6. and team work. Chairman will be the competent authority to approve cases for accelerated promotion of employees based on exceptional performance / circumstances by relaxing condition of 03 years service. Promotion is the discretion of the management and cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Vacant posts of Council will be filed with existing employees as possible who fulfill the eligibility criteria (Both Qualification and Experience) of that post to which one is being promoted. communication skills. 2. performance. Employees if promoted will get promotional increase of up to 10% OR minimum of new pay scale which ever is higher to the promoted employee. achievement of goals. 1.1 INTERNAL SOURCES In Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC) and Vocational Training Institute (VTI’s) following are internal sources uses for recruitment. Proposals for promotion of eligible employee will be considered once in a year. The Competent Authority will constitute a Promotion Board to review the promotion proposals on the basis of employee’s annual appraisal. 7. pears relationship.2. / circumstances provided they have completed a minimum of 3 years of service in the existing grade. Total process is completed by 1st October of each year. results of in house examination/test. recommendations for his consideration/approval. 10.1. month and year. 01.2.07. The application might be a form on which the person gives his or her name. he will continue to receive increment in salary according to increment policy for the year subject to the condition that total emoluments do not exceed the maximum limit of next higher grade w. address. If an employee has reached the maximum limit of his / her present pay scale and has not been promoted to the next grade.e. As an example date. 8.f.2007. APPLICATION FORMS Almost all organization requires job candidates to fill out an application. ADVERTISING MEDIA Advertisement is done through print media as Newspaper in order to attract applicants. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY PVTC does not consult any employment agency for its recruitment process. Especially daily Jang will be preferred for advertisement.2 EXTERNAL SOURCES In Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC) and VTI’s following are external sources uses for recruitment. Or it might be a comprehensive personal . and telephone number. All employees of the Council (PVTC) will be appointed through advertisement in the Press except grade S4. SELECTION BOARD/COMMITTEE The Competent Authority may constitute the selection committee for recruitment of employees. 2. detailing the person’s activities. POLICY It is the Council policy 1. To lay down procedures to select right men for the right jobs on merit in order to attain optimum efficiency and productivity OBJECTIVE The objective of the policy is: . as laid down in the Recruitment Procedure for Council Employees attached as Annexure to regulations 1.To lay down procedures for recruitment and promotion of employees. 2. The recommendations of the selection committee shall be referred to the competent authority for final selection and approval.To establish a fair & rational system for recruitment and promotion of employees. The quorum for selection board will be 50% of the total member of selection board.3 EMPLOYMENT SELECTION PROCESS All of the process from recruitment to training is done in the main head office of (PVTC) in Lahore.2.history profile.1. . skills and accomplishments. 10. Selection process consists of following procedures. Short listing will be carried out by a member (s) appointed by the COO from amongst the PVTC staff. iii. Regional Manager & Managers will be carried out by interviewing short listed candidates who might have applied in response to the advertisement. Selection Board for the employee mentioned in para 5 above will be as follows. CHIEF OPERATIONG OFFICER (COO) COO will be selected from amongst the short listed candidates who might have applied in response to the advertisement. 5. v. The Selection Board for the Chief Operating Officer (COO) will be as follow: i.3. Council will ratify the COO appointed by the Chairman. he may request any member of selection board to chair the Board. 4. SENIOR MANAGER. If President of selection board can not chair due to any reason. iv. ii. Short listing will be done by one of the members of the Council appointed for purpose by the Chairman. Chairman PVTC Member PVTC Member PVTC (To be nominated by the Chairman PVTC) (To be nominated by the Chairman PVTC) President Member Member Member Member Secretary PVTC Any other to be nominated by the Chairman PVTC Appointing authority of the COO will be Chairman PVTC. . REGIONAL MANAGER & MANGERS Selection of Senior Manager. ii. ACCOUNTS & ADMINISTRATION etc) Selection of Deputy Managers. AREA MANGERS. Chairman or Member PVTC COO PVTC (In case of the absence of Chairman) President Member Member Any other professional or Manager PVTC (to be nominated by Chairman PVTC) The appointing authority for Senior Manager. (TECHNICAL. The selection board will normally put up two names against each post to appointing authority in order of merit for appointment for his consideration / approval. ASSTT MANAGERS. Selection Board for the employees mentioned in para 6 above will be as follows: i. Regional Manager & Manager will be Chairman. ii. Area Manager and Assistant Managers will be carried out by interviewing short listed candidates who might have applied in response to the advertisement. Chairman or Member PVTC President Member Member (In case of the absence of Chairman) COO PVTC Any other professional or Manager PVTC (to be nominated by Chairman) The appointing authority for Executive cadre will be Chairman respectively. 6. DEPUTY MANAGER.i. The selection board will normally put up two names against each post to appointing authority in order of merit for appointment for his consideration / . iii. iii. Short listing will be carried out by a member appointed by the COO from amongst the PVTC staff. etc. preference will be give to Mustahqeen for those posts and can be filled without advertising in the press. 8. Executive Secretary. and Telephone Operator etc. Chowkidar. will be carried out by interviewing and conducting practical test where necessary. Office Boy. Preference will be given to Mustahqeen and pass-out of VTI’s for posts mentioned at serial no. Selection Board for the service staff will be as follows: . Selection Board for the staff mentioned in para 7 above will be as follows: i.approval. Accountant. 7. SERVICE STAFF Manager Administration will be responsible for the selection and the appointment of the service staff lime Peon. Computer Operator. COO PVTC Manager PVTC Manager / Deputy Manager PVTC President Member Member COO PVTC will be appointing authority for the posts mentioned at para 7 above and normally two names will be put up for final selection. of the short listed candidates. iii. Mali etc. ii. Short listing will be carried out by an officer nominated by the COO PVTC. SUPPORT STAFF Selection of the support staff such as Supervisor. etc. 7. Office Secretary. RECURITMENT FOR EMPLOYEES WORKING IN VTI 1. Note: After short listing appointing authority may ask the candidates for any post to undergo written / practical test for further short listing. If President of selection board can not preside due to any reason. Two names will be put up to him for final selection for his consideration / approval. Manager Administration PVTC Two Deputy Manager PVTC (to be nominated by Manager Admin) President Member Manager Administration PVTC will be appointing authority for the service staff. The selection board for the Principal will be as follows: . All employees working in VTI’s will be appointed through advertisement in the Press except grade S4. 4. 2. 3. he may request any member of selection board to chair the Board. ii. The quorum for selection board will be 50% of the total members of selection board. SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR PRINCIPAL Selection of Principal will be carried out at PVTC Secretariat Lahore.i. ii. Chairman PVTC One Council Member nominated by Chairman Chief Operating Officer PVTC Regional Manager (Concerned) Any subject specialist nominated by Chairman President Member Member Member Member Chairman will be the appointing authority of the Principal. The selection will be as follows: i.i. ii. Security Guard. iv. Admin & Accounts Officer. SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR INSTRUCTIONAL / ADMIN Selection of Instructors. 5. The selection of Driver. iv. Mali. Lady Attendant and . Admission & Placement Officer and other technical and clerical staff will be carried out at the level of the VTI within the limit of the posts sanctioned by the Council. v. SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR SERVICE STAFF 5. iii. President Board Of Management Member of Board Regional Manager or Area Manager Concerned Principal President Member Member Member President will be the Appointing Authority for the posts mentioned above (clause 5). Peon. iii. Those applicants who qualify are invited for an interview. Note: After short listing appointing authority may as the candidates for any post to undergo written / practical test for further short listing. iii. Principal Senior Most Instructor VTI Admin/Accounts Officer President Member Member Appointing authority of the staff mentioned above will be Principal of the VTI. After selection committee selection process consists of following procedures. WRITTTEN TEST In PVTC written test of all applicants is conducted by the NTS. The selection board will be as follows: i. Almost all organization take typical written test include test of intelligence. aptitude. ii. INTERVIEW Short listing is done on the basis of academic record and written test and . Preference will be given to Mustahqeen for posts mentioned at 6 (Service Staff) and pass-outs of VTI’s. ability and interest depends upon nature of the job.Sweeper will be carried out at the level of VTI. The criteria of written test are change upon nature of job. these short listed candidates are called for an interview. 2.In interview mostly both structured and unstructured questions are asked. 3.Interviewer must be common questioning to be effective predictors.Every person offered employment with the Council shall have to submit a joining report at the time of resuming his duties.The persons selected for appointment in the Council shall have to signify acceptance of the terms and conditions of their appointment by returning the duplicate copy of the letter of appointment to the Admin & HR Department of PVTC / Principal of VTI along with an attested copy of identity card and other certificates/documents as may be required. Interview process is done in the main head office PVTC at Lahore. MEDICAL TEST Applicants who are selected are called for final medical test. rejected.No stress questions are asked. QUESTION IN INTERVIEW 1.Every employee on successful completion of the probationary period If anyone unfortunately is disabling to clear medical test for some serious reason he is . 3. SELECTION/MERIT LIST List of selected applicants is made on the basis of the overall merit. APPOINTMENT: 1. Every applicant will see the selection list of candidates on the PVTC web side. 2. The Chairman may depute an employee to attend and participate in various seminars. symposia. studies and training programs outside Pakistan. Chairman may employ contract employees for more than 180 days and beyond 60 years of age. However. studies and training programs within Pakistan. 4. symposia. 10. training and development is the field concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings.3 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT In the field of human resource management. study and / or training program. symposia. human resource development. APPIONTMENT OF TEMPORARY / CONTRACT The Competent Authority may appoint any person on temporary / contract basis against regular vacancy (without following the appointment procedures) for a period not exceeding 180 days. It shall be incumbent on the employee concerned to take active interest and whole-time participation in the seminars. and learning and development. specialized courses. The management of may depute an employee to attend and participate in various seminars.No TA/DA shall be admissible on joining. It has been known by several names. . specialized courses. specified course.shall be issued a letter of confirmation. under special circumstance. EMPLOYEE’S PLACEMENT Selected employees are appointed to the position for which they are selected at desired of Vocational Training Institute (VTI) like VTI Pakpattan or VTI Sahiwal near to his home station etc. including employee development. inclusive of all travel. Employees deputed by the Council to attend and undergo specialized courses and training programs shall have to furnish and undertaking to the Council to the effect that they shall attend the full period of course of the training program and shall. EDUCATION This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the future. and evaluated against. for such minimum period as may be specified. the job that an individual currently holds.An employee deputed for such training is required to submit a comprehensive report on the completion of training highlighting his learning experiences. The sponsors of training and development are senior managers. may partake in the future. Failure on the part of the employee to fulfill this obligation shall render him liable to reimburse to the Council full cost of the specialized course or the training imparted. DEVELOPMENT This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization employing the individual. on return. or that the individual is part of. TRAINING This activity is both focused upon. The clients of training and development are business planners. The "stakeholders" in training and development are categorized into several classes. and is evaluated against those jobs. boarding and lodging and any other related incidental expenses. and is almost impossible to evaluate. Line managers . remain in the service of the Council. The facilitators are Human Resource Management staff. And yet. Principals. And the providers are specialists in the field. Talent. or customer 10. Teacher’s.3. Employees deputed by the Council to attend and undergo specialized courses and training programs shall have to furnish and undertaking to the Council to the effect that they shall attend the full period of course of the training program and shall.are responsible for coaching. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivations. Dr. and performance." Training an employee to get along well with authority and with people who entertain diverse points of view is one of the best guarantees of long-term success. and executive coach. nobody ever enhanced his or her career by making the boss look stupid. It has established a state of the art institute at Green Town. workplace relationship authority. peer. John Hoover points out. The number one reason people leave their jobs is conflict with their bosses. which sometimes conflict with the agendas and motivations of the others. knowledge. Lahore for the continuous training of its Managers. "Tempting as it is. remain in the service of the Council. Failure on the part of the employee to fulfill this obligation shall render him liable to reimburse to the Council full .1 TRAINING NEED ASSESSMENT Human Resource is the biggest asset of any organization. for such minimum period as may be specified. APO’s and other support staff. AAO’s. and skill alone won't compensate for a sour relationship with a superior. on return. The participants are those who actually undergo the processes. resources. PVTC places great emphasis on training and development of its people and it allocates adequate funds for this purpose. The conflicts are the best part of career consequences are those that take place between employees and their bosses. as author. STAFF & TEACHER TRAINING INSTITUTE OF PVTC Newly built 4-storey institute has capacity to conduct three courses simultaneously to train and accommodate about 75 persons at a time. Courses are designed by its competent faculty and delivered by faculty it self and guest speakers.Entire period-including journey time spent on training shall be treated as duty with gross salary. inclusive of all travel. skills.3. ii. Scholars and professionals are invited from the renowned institutions to make them share their expertise and experiences with the participants. iii. on-going effort on the part of an employee and the organization for which he or she works to upgrade the employee's knowledge.All foreign travel on official duty requires the approval of Chairman. boarding and lodging and any other related incidental expenses. and abilities. iv. i.cost of the specialized course or the training imparted. Successful employee development requires a balance between an individual's career needs and goals and the .The management has the right to recall any employee deputed for training without assigning any reason. 10.2 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT WHAT IS EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT? Employee development is a joint.No employee shall have any right or claim to a higher post or a higher salary upon his return from the aforesaid training. DEVELOP NEW MANAGERS Most people in managerial positions have had little or no management . Employee development programs make positive contributions to organizational performance. in-depth developmental plan for each of your employees by pinpointing their abilities. development was one of the top three retention items. One method of retention is to provide opportunities to develop new skills. retaining an employee saves the organization a great deal of money. 1. WHY SHOULD EMPLOYEE SKILLL & ABILITIES BE DEVELOP? Employee development programs make positive contributions to organizational performance. motivations and growth opportunities. motivated and invested in their own professional development. they feel valued.Recognizing and developing high-potential employees IMPROVE EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE We can create a customized. In addition. as well as in the growth of the company.organization's need to get work done. When individuals have clear expectations and learn specific strategies for maximizing their potential and improving performance. In research conducted to assess what retained employees.Develop New Managers 3. A more highly skilled workforce can accomplish more as the individuals gain in experience and knowledge.Improve Employee Performance 2. A more highly-skilled workforce can accomplish more and a supervisor's group can accomplish more as employees gain in experience and knowledge. When people are promoted to management positions for the first time. to conduct Three Sixties to determine who has leadership potential and to begin development programs so your high-potential employees are ready take on more responsibility when you need them to. Caliper can work with you to discover the competencies necessary for success in your organization. communicating effectively and getting projects completed through delegation. Whether it's preparing them for a high-level role or helping them take on more responsibilities. Caliper can help new managers hone the skills required for making decisions.1 SETTING PERFORMANCE STANDARD & EXPECTATION The success of your business is directly related to the commitment and productivity of the people who work in your business. are underutilized in their roles at work. developing others. managing priorities. as opposed to the real responsibilities of the position. So what are the factors that contribute to low performance standards and .experience or training before taking on their current roles. 10. And problems often occur because the individual's initial expectations. or more. And yet it is generally recognized that 60% of employees.4 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 10. techniques and guidance are provided to make a successful transition from being a member of the team to leading the team. RECOGNIZING & DEVELPING HIGH POTENTIAL EMPLOYEES Pinpointing and developing high-potential employees is the main ingredient to ensuring your organization's continued success. are entirely different. acknowledging your top performers will help you retain valuable employees and set them—and your company—up for future success.4. it is vital that appropriate tools. One classic example is that business owners tend to assume that employees and managers see things the same way they do. Employees have a tendency to protect themselves from possible failure by pushing back on what is expected. Managers tend to lower their expectations (unconsciously) so that they will not have to confront employees. is one of the major sources of low productivity. and so actively avoid having to do so by reducing heir expectations of what’s required. The owner and employee must collaborate together. and so have the wrong people in the wrong positions.expectations? Communication.the employee. Most people dislike discussing declining performance with their employees. This situation can be extremely de motivating for the employee. employees. They must work together on the fact that the role the employee is performing can be improved in a way where everybody wins . Business owners often have difficulty separating what they want done from how they want it done. or miscommunication. the owner is forced into a position where they must constantly be telling everyone exactly what to do. They will often negotiate/bargain the job down to a more comfortable level. In this catch-22 situation. . Some owners may not understand the concept of person/job matching. The messages that move between the owner. Telling employees exactly how to achieve a certain goal leaves no room for the employee to think or use their own initiative. Consequently they often stop trying to contribute and become ‘sheep" – just doing what they are told. managers and even customers are not understood in the same way. Establish communication agreements. not only does the performance go up. Determine the strengths required to do the job well. To ensure success. When you teach the owner to collaborate with the employee. Will it be day-to-day? Week-to-week? The minimum time frame is week-toweek. or wins. Set standards. 90-days is the ideal. Short term goals. Set specific goals for the employee in 90-day increments so that there will be ample opportunity to monitor systems and progress. This is where having a good match between the employee and the job is so important. the owner and employee must decide at the outset how they are going to communicate progress (and challenges) along the way. the owner and employee must decide jointly what strengths are required. involve the employee in this goal setting process so they experience some control over their work. but so does the morale. as well as to experience wins on a routine basis. and how the employee is going to be able to apply their strengths. Less frequent than that and it all falls apart. The boss doesn't have to figure this out on their own . as well as how the standards will be achieved. Ideally. . Decide the standards that will apply to each activity. Understanding the level of performance required gives the employee a sense of achievement . and the business. must be established.which is one of the key ingredients to achieving performance standards? This is true for employees at any level.the employee will probably already know what's necessary. and determine HOW they will be done. If the employee is going to be successful.the owner. constraints. BENEFITS OF SETTING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS & EXPECTATIONS . In order for the process to go forward. the employee needs to agree to monitor their own performance. The purpose of doing this is to make sure the owner and employee are so clear on the goals and process that there is no confusion whatsoever. If it is not in writing. It sets everyone Establish a monitoring method. Make sure you get agreement on how the performance will be monitored and how frequently. The owner will be present and participating for this part. resources. You may need to determine if the employee has the skills and development to do this. If they don't. Let them know upfront that if they get busy and start canceling meetings. within one to two weeks everyone will be confused and uncertain. The focus. I recommend having the employee keep track of their progress in writing and advise the owner weekly. A simple weekly progress update is a win-win solution and can take as little as 5 minutes. and the owner must agree to sit down and review it with the employee on a pre-determined schedule.The employee decides how to achieve the desired results. Help the employee take responsibility for deciding how to accomplish the results. face-to-face meeting is a must also. performance will not improve and expectations will not be met. timetables and measures all need to be in writing. Get it in writing. A monthly sit-down. provide maximum guidance to them. but it is essential that the employee be leading the process in order for them to have ownership. responsibility. 2The appraisal shall be done on yearly basis for the period ending June 30 for each employee.Employees are energized and empowered to take ownership of their positions. 3The process of performance appraisal shall be initiated by the Administration / HR Department or Principal of VTI and shall be completed within 3 week of receipt of performance appraisal forms by the respective in charge.2 PERFORMANCE REPORTS WRITING PROCEDURE Every employee will be appraised on the basis of his / her performance. achievement of goals. Australia. and academic and professional qualifications. For managers and leaders that’s about improving individual capability and skill. which provides certainty to move forward. itself. 10. Put simply. a leadership and HR consultancy based in Sydney. This process. complete potential helps people. teams and organizations get better at what they do. and adopting attitudes and behaviors that inspire others to do their best work. 4While rating and employee on two extreme positions in “outstanding” or “bad (unacceptable)” the appraiser will justify by recording his comments giving particular instances for arriving at such . pear relationship. ceasing to lower expectations in order to avoid confrontation.4. teamwork. communication skills. getting more out of teams. The productivity of the company goes up. general conduct. opens new channels of communication between owners and employees. 1Appraisal shall primarily be done by the immediate supervisor on prescribed Performa’s. Everyone knows what is expected of them. Owners become energized and inspired. Megan Tough is director of complete potential. ANNUAL INCREMENT IN THE SALARY The Chairman will issue increment policy for each year (1st July – 30 June) and appointing authority for the various posts will sanction annual increment to the employees as per increment policy issued by the Chairman for that year.5 EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS 10. The annual increment will be given to all employees as per increment policy for the year. 10. The increment of an employee may be withheld on account of unsatisfactory performance or on account of disciplinary action based on misconduct and the employee shall be informed accordingly. PERFORMANCE INCREMENT The Chairman will issue increment policy for each year (1st July – 30 June) and appointing authority for the various posts will sanction performance increment to the employees as per increment policy issued by the Chairman for that year. 5Competent Authority will finally approve the recommendations.5.1 TYPES OF COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS These are the following types of compensation and benefits are in Punjab Vocational Training Council. The increment annual shall accrue on 1st July each year subject to the condition that the employee will be entitled to the increment if he/she has rendered at least six months continues service on 30th June. The performance increment shall accrue on 1st July each year subject to the .conclusions. payable in the event of his/her death during service in accordance with the terms & conditions of Group Life Insurance Scheme approved by the Council. GROUP LIFE INSURANCE SCHEME All permanent employees will be insured under a group life scheme for the amount prescribed from time to time by the management. PROVIDENT FUND An employee after confirmation in service shall be entitled to become the member of the employee provident fund scheme of the Council. The administration of provident fund will be done by the trustees house in Council Secretariat in accordance with laid down provident fund rules / regulations approved by the Council and as permissible under income tax laws. The performance increment will be give to the selected employee’s base on the overall performance evaluated of the employee during the year as per increment policy for the year.condition that the employee will be entitled to the increment if he/she has rendered at least six months continues service on 30th June. . A deduction @ 10% of the basic pay shall be made from the salaries with equal contribution for PVTC secretariat Employee from PVTC account and VTI employee from VTI account. SPECIAL ADDITIONAL MERIT INCREMENT The Chairman may grant special additional merit increment to any employee based on his/her exceptional services / performance beyond the call of the duty. LEAVE FARE ASSISTANCE: Permanent employees shall be eligible to leave fare assistance equal to one month gross present salary in a calendar year for completed year of service provided the employee is granted earned leave for not less than 10 days at the time of availing the LFA. GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME Under the Group Health Insurance Scheme hospitalization and other charges for treatment at a hospital other than food shall be provided to all permanent employees and their families through a health insurance scheme in accordance with the terms & conditions of Group Health Insurance Policy. Leave fare assistance is to be availed in the . Premium under this scheme shall be fully paid from PVTC & VTI accounts for PVTC Secretariat and VTI employee respectively and Council (PVTC) is not liable for any medical expenses other than the health insurance coverage for its employees.Premium under this scheme shall be fully paid from PVTC & VTI accounts for PVTC Secretariat and VTI employee respectively. The Chairman is authorized to frame the health insurance policy and approved the terms and conditions of health insurance with reputable insurance companies subject to Council ratification. 10. and skills you will need to achieve your career goal. Careers service staff are keen to help. Ideally you should start the process well before your final year. It really does not matter where you start as long as you cover all the elements. 2. Think about what you want to do and find out more about the kind of training. The period of earned leave in any will not be less than 10 days.6 ORGANIZATION CAREER MANAGEMENT Career management/planning are the process of making and implementing career decisions. An effective career plan requires all the elements in the career planning. However. Assess your skills and interests. You may find you have already explored some of them. but the commitment to tackle the process must be yours. education. it may be accumulated for two years in case earned leave is refused due to exigency of service. Develop a career plan. but you can start at any stage. Think hard about what you enjoy.same year it is granted. If you are unsure where to start we suggest you begin with 'What I want and what I have to offer' TEN STEPS TO PLANNING YOUR CAREER 1. You should find the process helpful whether you have a clear vision or no ideas what you want to do and you should be able to apply this process throughout your working life. . 6. interests. 5. 7.what you are good at. begin saving for college. If you haven't already done so. 10. Find out more about the nature of the jobs that interest you. Go to your career guidance center (at your middle school. Find out about financial aid to help support you in obtaining your career goal. Choose your career goal. 9. high school. and the values you hold. 3. 8. then you can begin developing a plan to reach your career goal. 10. salary. Learn about job hunting tips as you prepare to graduate or move into Prepare your resume. what kind of personality you are. and practice job interviewing techniques. The career that matches your skills. Once you've decided what occupation matches up best with you. 4. Compare your skills and interests with the occupations you've selected. the job market. working conditions. and personality the closest may be the career for you. Research occupations. future outlook.1 EMPLOYEE JOB CHANGES . or check out our Other Internet Resources. 6. Select a school that offers a college degree or training program that best meets your career goal and financial needs. such as educational requirements. or college) or local library for additional information and help on career planning. and anything else that can help you narrow your focus. S. Some job changes may be voluntary. Any two appointing authorities may authorize a lateral job change or voluntary demotion for an employee between organizations. You may be unhappy with your present employer. In other words. Changing jobs is almost inevitable in today’s workforce and is often a little scary no matter your age or educational level. Department of Labor. Downsizing. changing jobs may be eagerly anticipated because of the decision to do something more challenging and rewarding. Management enforced job change and employee perceptions of the psychological contract examine employees' contractual responses to enforced job change. the older you are the more traumatic the job change can be. Involuntarily changing jobs is especially difficult and is the focus of this fact sheet.Employee attitudes toward job changes. viewing the change as an opportunity to advance. According to the U. eliminating positions or company closures account for many of the changes. or you have received additional education and/or training. You may be unhappy with your present employer. Some job changes may be voluntary. There are two categories of workers who involuntarily make mid career job changes: . In these instances. In PVTC the employee may be moved to a VTI or in PVTC head office into other department regarding same position and same scale. The degree of anxiety accompanying being forced out of one job and then having to find another is almost proportionate to the number of years worked. workers completely change their professions at least three times during their working life and change jobs within the same profession even more frequently. Employers may hesitate to hire an older worker because of the increased insurance expense and their years of experience often command a bigger salary. transfer and enforce for job changes.1) 2) Those that have more than 10 but less than 20 years of service. Changing the kind of work you do is a big step. 3. You may be bitter about being forced into mounting a job search at a time when you feel that you should be able to enjoy job security. You may feel out of touch with today’s workplace technology. 2. However.7 JOB CHANGES WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION These are the following points be capable to a person for promote. This is especially true of individuals whose jobs were eliminated due to the revolutionizing of technology or a dying profession. and costs an investment of time. If you are in one of the two groups above. Those with more than 20 years of experience. a few realities must be faced before moving to a new job or a new career: 1. • • • • • • Abilities (aptitude) Skills Interests Values (what motivates you) Personal qualities Preferred lifestyle . 10. takes adequate preparation. 6. 3. 2. results of in house examination/test. The proposal for promotion of employee will be forwarded by the immediate supervisor to the Competent Authority of that post in which one is being promoted on the basis of his / her performance. pears relationship. he will continue to receive increment in salary according to increment policy . achievement of goals. If an employee has reached the maximum limit of his / her present pay scale and has not been promoted to the next grade. 7. Total process is completed by 1st October of each year. 8. performance. Chairman will be the competent authority to approve cases for accelerated promotion of employees based on exceptional performance / circumstances by relaxing condition of 03 years service. academic & professional qualifications and make recommendations for his consideration/approval. communication skills. 4. PROMOTION Promotion is the discretion of the management and cannot be claimed as a matter of right.1 1. Vacant posts of Council will be filed with existing employees as possible who fulfill the eligibility criteria (Both Qualification and Experience) of that post to which one is being promoted. and team work.7. Employees if promoted will get promotional increase of up to 10% OR minimum of new pay scale which ever is higher to the promoted employee. 5. general conduct. Employee may be considered for promotion in the next grade based on performance / circumstances provided they have completed a minimum of 3 years of service in the existing grade.10. The Competent Authority will constitute a Promotion Board to review the promotion proposals on the basis of employee’s annual appraisal. Proposals for promotion of eligible employee will be considered once in a year. but it is temporarily. month and year.7. responsibility and/or organizational level. 10.for the year subject to the condition that total emoluments do not exceed the maximum limit of next higher grade w.e.07.2 TRANSFER Moving employees either laterally or downward.f. equal in pay.3 DEMOTION Demotion occurs when an employee is moved from one job to another position that is lower in pay. Employees can be transferred from one VTI to any other VTI and head office (Lahore). 10. The following types of punishments or any other punishment as the competent authority may decide on recommendations of the inquiry committee (refer clause 7 above) depending upon the nature of each . responsibility or organizational level.7. The Competent Authority will be authorized to initiate disciplinary action against any employee on the basis of his own knowledge or on information placed before him. 01. As an example date. in accordance with PVTC Rules / Regulations and the provisions of any law for the time being in force. usually does not reduce costs but can reduce intra organizational supply demand imbalances.2007. Transfer occurs when an employee is moved from one job to another position that is relative. Demotion is used as a tool of punishment. applicable over the Council (PVTC) employees. Every employees shall be liable to serve anywhere within the province against any post. may last only a few days or extended to years.offence/charge may be imposed. Censure Removal from service. DURING PROBATION The service of an employee may be terminated during the probation period without assigning any reason by giving one month notice or salary in lieu of. iii.7. Withholding/deferment of increment.7. v. Early retirement. SEPARATIONS LAY OFF ii.4. Recovery of Loss. Demotion Vi. iv. An employee whose services are terminated on account of misconduct shall not be entitled to any pay and other benefits. .1 Temporary involuntary termination.7.4 10. i. The Competent Authority will be terminate/dismiss any employees in accordance with PVTC Rules / Regulations after gave one month notice. 10. 10. Any employee of Council (PVTC) shall be retiring from service on attaining the age of 60 years. It is applicable over the Council (PVTC) employees.2 TERMINATION Every employee will be entitled to a service certificate on resignation / termination from service as per noted as indicated in appointment letter. Employment of any employee who is on contract basis can be terminated on the completion of contract or contract period.4. particularly groups of workers represented by a union.4 RETIREMENT According to PVTC employee’s service rules and regulation.ON CONFIRMATION The service of an employee may be terminated for any reasons by giving due notice as indicated in letter of appointment or gross salary in lieu of 3 months notice period on either side except in case of clause 4 mentioned below. if possible. all employees of Council (PVTC) shall retire from service on attaining the age of 60 years. similarly attrition can terminate employment permanently.3 RESIGNATION Every employee will be entitled to a service certificate on resignation / removal from service as per noted in appointment letter. Labor relations is an important factor in analyzing "varieties of capitalism". his service may be terminated by giving due notice or salary in lieu thereof. Employees sometimes need to leave their job temporarily. The reasons may include medical or educational purpose 10.7. such as the "shop-floor". 11 LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATION The field of labor relations looks at the relationship between management and workers.7. the . efforts shall be made for adjustment. 10. Resignation of employee can terminate employment. social democracy. and neo liberalism (or liberalism).4. Labor relations can take place on many levels.4. such as neo corporatism (or corporatism). In case of a post being abolished or number of posts being reduced. "How dependent is the system on a certain party or coalition holding power?").. "What do we do when an industry employing half the population becomes obsolete?"). although this is somewhat . though in recent years the term workplace relation has also become common. or political (e.. The academic discipline of labor studies is closely related to and often studied and taught in conjunction with the study industrial and labor relations in English language universities. who with a Senate majority had introduced the Work Choices policy. This was a prominent issue in the defeat of the centre-right Howard Liberal government at the 2007 federal election.g. economic (e.regional level. the role of unions and job regulations vary differently. The radical perspective is sometimes referred to as the "conflict model". Theoretical perspectives Industrial relations scholars have described three major theoretical perspectives or frameworks that contrast in their understanding and analysis of workplace relations. This change can be technological (e. The distribution of power amongst these levels can greatly shape the way an economy functions. and the national level. Governments set the framework for labor relations through legislation and regulation. In Australia labor relations is the commonly used term.g.. The three views are generally known as unitarism. "How do we respond to globalization?"). Each offers a particular perception of workplace relations and will therefore interpret such events as workplace conflict. Another key question when considering systems of labor relations is their ability to adapt to change. pluralist and radical.g. Consequently. the organization is perceived as an integrated and harmonious whole with the ideal of "one happy family". where there can't be two sides of industry. emphasizing mutual cooperation.ambiguous. where management and other members of the staff all share a common purpose. as pluralism also tends to see conflict as inherent in workplaces. the two predominant subgroups in the pluralistic perspective are the management and trade unions. trade unions are deemed as unnecessary since the loyalty between employees and organizations are considered mutually exclusive. unitarism has a paternalistic approach where it demands loyalty of all employees. conflict is dealt by collective bargaining and is viewed not necessarily as a bad thing and. each with its own legitimate loyalties and with their own set of objectives and leaders. Conflict is perceived as disruptive and the pathological result of agitators. Trade unions are deemed as legitimate representatives of employees. Unitarist perspective In Unitarianism. being predominantly managerial in its emphasis and application. Radical theories are strongly identified with Marxist theories. Consequently. Pluralist perspective In pluralism the organization is perceived as being made up of powerful and divergent sub-groups. could in fact be channeled towards evolution and positive change. In particular. . although they are not limited to these. interpersonal friction and communication breakdown. if managed. the role of management would lean less towards enforcing and controlling and more toward persuasion and co-ordination. Furthermore. STRATEGY – SWOT ANALYSIS DEFINITION: SWOT is an abbreviation for Strengths. they feed into business objectives. SWOT analysis is an important tool for auditing the overall strategic position of a business and its environment. and Threats involved in a project or in a business. SWOT is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. 12 SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths. and sees workplace relations against this history. SWOT analysis can be used in conjunction with other tools for audit and analysis. particularly marketing objectives. Weaknesses. Conflict is therefore seen as inevitable and trade unions are a natural response of workers to their exploitation by capital. such as PEST analysis .Radical perspective This view of industrial relations looks at the nature of the capitalist society. the Marxist view would be that institutions of joint regulation would enhance rather than limit management's position as they presume the continuation of capitalism rather than challenge it. Once key strategic issues have been identified. Whilst there may be periods of acquiescence. Opportunities and Threats. where there is a fundamental division of interest between capital and labor. Opportunities. Weaknesses. This perspective sees inequalities of power and economic wealth as having their roots in the nature of the capitalist economic system. It is also a very popular tool with business and marketing students because it is quick and easy to learn. 2PVTC provides annually 25000 skilled persons to the various industries 3PVTC allows learning skills in various 48 trades through VTI’s in the Punjab. organizing. 4PVTC is only an institution that has an objective to eliminate the . 1PVTC is running a mega project of 146 VTI’s successfully through out the Punjab which are totally funded only by Zakat. conclusions and recommendations about the management of the organization are as follows: STRENGTHS PVTC is a non profitable organization working for the development and improvement of poor segment of the area to change their own lives by getting skillful training and the same skill in the different factories or in the mills to cover up the deficiency of untrained people for the industry of Pakistan. HR Manager acquaint with me that their organization has 148 institutions throughout the Punjab and they have sound about 1000 employees working in different institution and HR Manager inform me about that the PVTC are provide the following yearly incentives to their employees.and Porter's Five-Force analysis. The problems. coordinating staffing and controlling. Management is responsible for planning. No doubt the management of PVTC has played its role in the success of the organization. PVTC has been a successful organization in the Punjab of Pakistan. A strong management is the backbone of a successful organization. 11Each trainee is given on-the–job training as part of the curriculum. WEAKNESSES 1Absence of important skill. 500 p. 4Turnover rate is high. 13Use vacant /under-utilized Govt.poverty. 14Managed by local BOM consisting of entrepreneurs. 8Make productive utilization of Zakat Funds for permanent rehabilitation of Mustahqeen-e-Zakat. 2Some trades of PVTC are not as much as fruitful due to less acknowledgement of Market demand. 3Jobs in PVTC are not secure as much as it should be. to each Mustahiq during training and Rs. 6Technical skill in trainees. 12Assist in employment through placement cell. 5Service sectors at their door step. 15No burden on Government exchequer. 10Strive to end poverty and exploitation of Child Labor. Jobs which . 8There are not many career opportunities in the organization. 7Good Management.m. 6Bad Management 7Bad criteria of placement. 5000 as a grant at the completion of the training for purchase of tools. buildings to minimize the capital cost. 5Curriculum of PVTC is not according to the current market demands. 9Give stipend of Rs. 6Job preference to our trainee’s from others. 5Poverty alleviation through skill training. 4Advance Technological. 8Demand driven quality training.are available are not very challenging. OPPORTUNITIES 1Pass outs have a lot of chances to do the job where ever a technical person is required. 9Establishment of VTI’s at door-step of Mustahqeen. This is big reason due to which employees feel dissatisfied with their jobs. 2In pipeline PVTC has a plan to start about 100 more VTI’s through out the Punjab 3Changing task about education. do the job becomes challenging. 9The promotion system is based on age and experience and not on performance. 7Public private partnership for efficient management. Only when employees are required to make use of their abilities on a job. . although the company offers substantial monetary incentive but these incentive do not make the jobs challenging. insurance and yearly incentives to their employees in Punjab already mentioned above. right.THREATS Threats means external conditions which could do damage to the objective. 13 RECOMMENDATIONS PVTC is a non profitable organization working for the development and improvement of poor segment of the area to change their own lives by getting skillful training and the same skill in the different factories or in the mills to cover up the deficiency of untrained people for the industry of Pakistan.500 employees working in different institution and Human Resource Manager tell me that they provide medical. Manager told that their organization has 148 institutions throughout the Punjab and they have round about 1. 14Wrong use of authority. power. 10Other technical institutions like TTI’s and PTI’s(Poly Technique Institutions) are the direct competitors of the PVTC/VTI’s 11Due to financial crises in PVTC. These are following in PVTC. . 13Wide of the mark use of fund. ability and influence. It might be possible to close some of the VTI’s 12No job safekeeping. 2006) 3Compensation Management (Deluca. 2007) 4PVTC Employee Regulation (2009) 15 ANNEXES / APPENDICES . 2008) 2Labor Management Relations (Mills.14 REFERENCES 1Management (Robbins & Coulter.
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