Internship Report on East West Property Development (Pvt.) Ltd

March 28, 2018 | Author: saadmansheedy | Category: Internship, Governance, Marketing, Strategic Management, Board Of Directors



Letter of TransmittalDecember 25, 2014 Mr. Faiz Ibne Hossain School of Business North South University Bashundhara, Dhaka -1213 Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Sir, I am really pleased to finish the internship report on East West Property Development (Pvt.) Ltd, which is a concern of Bashundhara Group. I have gathered what I believe to be the most complete information available. I have tried my level best to complete the report in this very short span of time with information. I sincerely hope that you will appreciate the report. I have enjoyed working on this report and have learnt a lot. I am very grateful that you have given me the opportunity to prepare this report for you and hope that this report will meet the standards of your judgment. Sincerely, ……………………………………….. Anik Kumar Barua Id: 0910500030 Course: BUS498 1 whose invisible guidance helped me to complete this report. In conclusion. the short knowledge that I gathered from the East West Property Development (Pvt. I am very much grateful to the authority of East West Property Development (Pvt. School of Business. as assets for all the time to come in my life.Acknowledgement First of all. 2 . I would like to express my gratitude to almighty Buddha.) Ltd. Although time was very limited for getting the sufficient knowledge about analysis of financial performance. I would like to thank my honorable faculty Mr.) Ltd for giving me the opportunity to collect information and to learn theoretical as well as practical knowledge for the preparation of this report. Faiz Hossain. I want to express my deep gratitude to all the employees of East West Property Development (Pvt. Dhaka. without his kind assistance. whose enormous helps assist me to complete my report. it might not be possible for me to prepare this report. Obviously next. North South University.) Ltd. however. Lecturer. It couldn’t possible to thank all of those tremendous people who have contributed for preparation of this report. is a part of Bashundhara Group that started its business on 1987. Bashundhara also export their goods around the world. Bashudhara Fisheries and Horticulture Ltd. Shahajalal News Print. In the end. Bashundhara Tissue. I represent the total amount of land and infrastructure development of Bangladesh by Bashundhara Group. Bashundhara City Development Ltd. At present they have got business in various categories. Bahsundhara Steel & Engineering. Such as East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd. For analysis.Executive Summary The scenario of the internship program has been designed in the academic requirement as a partial requisite for fulfillment of BBA degree at North South University. This report aims towards providing and overview on the land development and infrastructure development & scenario of Bashundhara Group. At present Bashundhara group serving their customer with 21 quality products. Bashundhara Horticulture Ltd. Bashuandhara GI pipe. East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd. The Daily jay-jaydin News paper. but day in. The program is intended to make the students familiar with the practical chores in an organization and it diminish the gap of knowledge of a student between the theory and the practical arena. Meghna Cement. day out. recommendation and suggestions are also prescribed based on the observation. By this time. Bashundhara Group expand the area of their market by introducing new products. Bahsudhara Lp Gas. Bashundhara Group has already got a strong hold in several segment of business. etc. 3 . knowledge. better understanding of real life work setting. I have gained experience. Ltd. 4 . Being an intern I have worked at East West Property Development Pvt. I signed up at Career Professional Department Services (CPDS) department at North South University. This report is the result of three months long internship program conducted in East West Property Development (Pvt. As a result. Being an intern the main challenge was to implement the theoretical concepts into real life experience. The main purpose of internship is to get the student exposed to the job world and this study is a partial requirement of BBA program under North South University. where I had the opportunity to see and learn new things about how an official activity of East West Property Development Pvt. Ltd. For my internship purpose. I needed to submit this report based on East West Property Development (Pvt. Here.) Ltd. the overview of the organization and also facilities they offer to satisfy their clients. the application of BBA program learning. I got my acceptance letter from East West Property Development Pvt. introduction with the corporate sector etc. for a time span of three months or twelve weeks. Therefore. This report also includes information on the services of East West Property Development (Pvt. Again. in Bangladesh operates.) Ltd and is prepared as a requirement for the completion of the BBA program of North South University. interacting with coworkers and other officials. finally I have worked at East West Property Development Pvt. skills. Ltd.) Ltd. Ltd.Introduction Internship Program is an important requirement for the graduation of BBA students. which is the first concern of Bashundhara Group and submitted a photocopy at CPDS. Especially the objectives of the Internship Program are as follows: o o o o To identifying the difference between theory and practice overall management To know the corporate function. o To give an organizational orientation on East West Property Development Pvt. However. rules and regulations To know the culture or norms of their environment To know the activities of East West Property Development Pvt. I have learned quickly to related topics. and higher education. my original interest in this type of studies stemmed from my interest in. and analysis of its operation in different section.Objective of the Study The first objective of writing this report is to fulfill the partial requirements of the B. When I regularly attend Internship then I had the intention of learning more and more details. it’s procedures.A program. Methodology of the study 5 . Ltd.B. Other objective of the report is to familiarize with the operation in the corporate arena including management overview of East West Property Development Pvt. Ltd. Ltd. I have collected various types of primary and secondary data while I was performing my job. For my report. or statistical survey. Real Estate Association of Bangladesh (REHAB).For prepare any report. most of the data should be taken for reflecting actual situation. web site of Bashundhara Group and other sources. The primary information required for the report was collected through direct interaction with the concerned personnel of Bashundhara Group. the entire data has been collected from National Board of Revenue (NBR). Limitation of the Study 6 . In this research. The duration of our internship program is only 3 months. The executives of East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd. were too busy to spare time for the internee. has naturally shown us some indifference connecting its most confidential information. After working whole day in the office it was very much difficult. The study also suffered from inadequacy of data provided by East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd. The East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd. Company Overview 7 .Objective of the practical orientation program is to have practical exposure for the students. which was somehow not sufficient. if not impossible to study again the theoretical aspects of corporate sector. Our tenure was for three month only. For the lack of our practical knowledge. The allocated time is not sufficient for us to gather knowledge and to make the study a complete and fruitful one. some shortcoming may be available in the paper. duplex board. and the provision of service. Bashundhara Tissue Industry Ltd. Bashundhara lands reorganized names are The East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd. They took real-life lessons from past experience. Such as Mr. newsprint pub. Bashundhara Trading Company Ltd. Mr. In the year 1987. the challenges in the fields of urban housing and civil amenity provision have been unprecedented. various kinds of paper and allied products. Bashundhara Cement Sack Plant. Bashundhara Shipping Ltd and others. There are various units of Bashundhara Group. Abu Sufian and others. gas cylinders. There were few investors who started the business. A new scenario emerged as they started a new way of doing business and expanding their horizon to cover manufacturing. LP gas. named Bashundhara Land. Bashundhara City Development Ltd. Bashundhara Steel company Ltd. Mr. Toggi World. LP gas bottling and marketing Bashundhara has just completed south Asia’s largest Shopping 8 . Shahidullah. Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd. Ahmed Akbar Sobhan. Such as Meghna Cement Mills Ltd. while taking new strides in innovation and partnership. The group concerns are currently engaged in the manufacture of a wide range of products.The Bashundhara Group has started its business on 1987. Housing plans were tailored to focus on the affordability limits of fixed income groups and their specific amenity needs. Paper Manufacturing Plant. In keeping with repaid population growth in metropolitan Dhaka. Now a day. Bashundhara is now a leader in many fields with several enterprises involved in a diverse array of manufacturing. Bashundhara Technologies Ltd. Bashundhara LP Gas Ltd. Bashundhara Communication Net Works Ltd. Bashundhara was launched initially as a real estate developer. such as cement. Bashundhara Industrial Company Ltd. they expect to come up with new housing and apartment projects in the near future. MS rods. These effects brought tangible gain in many directions the net result being the people’s confidence in our undertaking grew overwhelming in the last two decades. Bashundhara Stretched itself to cover new boundaries and respond effectively to long term needs of the mammoth city populace. BNDBIL. The urban housing crisis in Bangladesh does not seem to have abated. moving in later years into other areas. all blends of tissue paper. Thus. Bashundhara was lunched initially as a real estate developer moving in later in the year 1987. including manufacturing over the part two decades. They grew with a selective choice of new investment. this is a big organization in Bangladesh. Bashundhara Logistic Ltd. they made meaningful gains. Features of EWPD 9 . By the turn of the century. They continue to invest in a time of family investor confidence. Their R&D investment and outlays on new industrial ventures have remained reassuringly strong. Bashundhara become a “Group of companies” with over 14 different concerns now a leading business conglomerate of the country.mall-cum-recreation centre. located in the hub of Dhaka. They have been in the business world for only about sixteen years. Bangladesh Capital. their vivid understanding of market dynamics attainments of will help them in the evolve new these goals. over this short span of time. with the co-operation of their business partners and clientele. they aim at being at the apex as for an quality and pricing go most of their products are ISO certified and have passed the rigors go of modern quality testing. They take pride in fact that. They do not strive to be the market leader for glory. however. let me assure you that Bashundhara will strive to ensure the need to enhance the quality of their services and product and goals for the group. They fully understand and appreciate the scale of their corporate social responsibility that requires their group to strive for better quality of life for the average citizens. excite. East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd provides service through lands development and infrastructure development in Bangladesh. Bashundhara Gazipur Project. team work. The Bashundhara Group (BG) strives to provide a work environment that will attract. and nurture a committed staff with exceptional skills. Mission and vision of Bashundhara Group 10 . openness and trust. integrity. EWPD has also apartment project in Baridhara & River View site. It is the first project of Bashundhara Group. the empowerment of others and personal fulfillment through our work and our families. Bashundhara River View Project. It is relatively new company in contest of Bangladesh. The BG is committed to personal honesty. These are Bashundhara Beridhara Land Project. East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd has four projects. There are near about four thousand employees are engaged in this company. Bashundhara Mirpur Project.East West Property Development (PVT) Ltd is one of the top biggest companies in Bangladesh. conscious efforts are made to use re-cycled as industrial input. The BG strives to work in partnership with the government for promoting sustainable development. At the crux of all industrial processes deployed at the group’s enterprises stands the need to ensure environment stability. environment. Corporate Governance 11 . It currently has 14 on going concerns. ranging from real estate development and management to manufacturing and services.Bashundhara Group (BG) is a leading private sector industrial conglomerate in Bangladesh. As a result. employment generation and poverty reduction. Thus. Preservation. and commercial ventures. for the country”. the motto of the group is “For the people. The BG has a particular focus on urban housing. recreation centers. the most valuable intangible assets. The internal audit department overseas and ensures strict compliances of the internal control systems of the group.Since inception BG has always emphasized on developing a good governance system in order to achieve its desired corporate objectives. executing. controlling and monitoring functions of each of the enterprises. The members of the board meet periodically to review the overall activities of the group and prescribe strategic guidelines for onward implementation. Organization Structure 12 . Each department is required to report to the senior management about their operational performances. Business plans. The group has an organ gram manned with qualified professionals for properly carrying out planning. competitiveness is determined by the possession of intelligent employees. Reporting on operational and financial matters at periodic intervals is a routine phenomenon. which are approved by the members of the board and senior management staff. short term and long term business strategies are reviewed at different level of management hierarchy on regular basis. Keeping this in mind BG has adopted suitable management policy and corporate culture to nurture the growth of human resources. The BG has developed a sound system of internal control to ensure compliance of its activities with the desired objectives. The board of directors is the highest level authority to formulate policies and strategies suitable for the enterprises of the group. The operational units are required to prepare periodical budgets. Over the years BG has successfully implemented a well designed corporate management structure with clearly defined responsibility and delegation of authority of proper accountability. In today's knowledge-based world. East West Property Development (Pvt. has the following departments.) Ltd. They are as follows: Finance & Accounts Sales & marketing Human Resource & Admin Purchase Commercial Land Estate Department IT Department Engineering Construction Department Architecture Department Security Department Transport Department E & T Department 13 . ) Ltd is a largest concern of Bashundhara Group. they may even be taken for granted by those who live in a particular organization. Moreover. The values are entwined in the countries vision and practiced by the employees for better service towards the society.Company Values Values or beliefs are often unspoken. 14 . which assists them in acquiring their goals. newer value is achieved to copy with the changing environment. East West Property Development (Pvt.) Ltd has achieved some values. East West Property Development (Pvt. Weaknesses  Insignificant presence in the international satellite channels.  Consumers’ knowledge gap about Developer and Real estate Sector.Marketing Department The Marketing department is controlled by the Executive Director.  Perceived as premium price company at semi . Marketing.  Presence in all major segments of the market.urban and rural market.  Rich experience on Bangladesh Real Estate Sector. 15 . Opportunities  Growing market.  Wide distribution network. SWOT Analysis: The SWOT analysis of Bashundhara Group is presented below: Strengths  Corporate image as pioneer in Real Estate and Developer Industry and one of the leading Companies of the Country.  Higher dependence on large dealers. supervises the marketing department and he suggests ways for how to increase the annual sales and how efficiently and effectively officers can provide the services to their customers. The internal control by Executive Director.  Utilization of positive corporate image for corporate diversification.  To popularize economy products at remote market.  Strong financial base. especially from China and South East Asia.  Unethical and corrupt practices by the very few Companies.  Low priced imported products are entering due to trade liberalization.Driven Market.  Credit. 16 .  Strong command of few dealers in the market through sub dealer network.Threats  Recently Fierce competition in the Bangladesh Market. Though it has huge numbers of competitors. emergency generator and almost all modern amenities.But the marketing of EWPD is not that much up to date.Conclusion There is a growing need for people representing the middle and upper middle-income groups in Bangladesh. With this emergence. latest architectural design. can help to avoid many hassles such as those related to purchase of land. parking facility. It has to apply modern & creative ideas. however. EWPD should provide apartments for middle income to upper income group people with standard fittings & fixtures. Most of these apartments have most modern imported fittings. unlike many of the developing countries. Therefore. gas and water purchase of raw materials etc. but it creates a very good reputation . which give rich people a sense of new social life. It has a very good position in the market as per growth. apartments in Bangladesh are costly rather than being affordable for most people. Purchasing apartments. EWPD should up grade their marketing process. connecting electricity. approval of design. There is an increasing interest among the affluent class of the society to buy apartments especially in Dhaka city. Faced with severe resource constraints the government is keen to de-emphasize its role as a provider of housing for those groups. 17 . 90-98.rehabhousing. Business Statistics.  http://www.170.(Page No: 218-225.411)  Gupta  18 . 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