Interface Manual

May 27, 2018 | Author: Gowtham Kuppudurai | Category: Transmission Control Protocol, Communications Protocols, Bit, Electronic Engineering, Computer Data



Supplementary Operating InstructionsSupplementary Operating Instructions PLC Communication (Translation of the original operating instructions) MS Spaichingen GmbH Karlstrasse 8 - 20 78549 Spaichingen Germany Supplementary Operating Instructions Table of contents These operating instructions are only intended for the operator and the operator’s personnel who are involved with the machine. The copyright to these operating instructions is owned by MS Spaichingen GmbH. The content (text, images, drawings, graphics, plans, etc.) must not be reproduced, or disseminated in full or in part, in printed or electronic form without our written consent. This also applies for unauthorized use for competitive purposes or disclosure to third parties. All drawings, sketches and illustrations are the property of MS Spaichingen GmbH. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice. 2014 MS Spaichingen GmbH Karlstrasse 8 - 20 78549 Spaichingen Tel.: +49 7424 701 0 Fax: +49 7424 701 63 E-mail: [email protected] Page 2 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1.0 ................................. 10 3..........................................1 Identifier 0 = cyclical I/O data ....0 03 / 2015 Page 3 / 22 .......................................1 Parameterization procedure ................................................. 9 3................................3................... ProfiNet............................................ 6 3......... 17 3... Modbus TCP ......................................... 9 3....3 Calculation guideline of the max . 22 Version: 1.....................................3 Identifier 2 = parameterization ........... 19 4 Start Info ..........................................................1............................. 13 3.............2 Identifier 1 = read version states ........1 Ultrasound on / off: ............................................................................................ 5 3 Protocol DeviceNet.......... 14 3. EtherNet / IP................... 11 3...................................1................................................................................................. 3 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................3.....................1....... 10 3...... 8 3......2 Calculation guideline of the amplitude: .............4 Identifier 3 = read weld protocol .................................................................... 21 5 Overview function codes .............................................. 8 3.................................................... 4 2 Overview of the device description files ............................min level specification: .....................4 Calculation guideline of welding power ..................... Supplementary Operating Instructions Table of contents Table of contents Table of contents . 18 3..2 Sequence of the teaching-in function ....................................................................................6 Identifier 5 = read error counter ....................................................................1.............5 Identifier 4 = read start counter ......................... Supplementary Operating Instructions 1 Introduction 1 Introduction These supplemental instructions describe the communication of the generator with the PLC. Applicable documents • Operating manual of the ultrasonic generator.0 . Page 4 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. Supplementary Operating Instructions 2 Overview of the device description files 2 Overview of the device description files Profibus Installation of the BMP file is recommended for visual presentation.bmp 30 / 2000 _MS_07ED.EDS 30 / 2000 EDS_soniGEN_DEV_30_2000.xml EtherNet / IP Generator EDS file 35 / 1000 EDS_soniGEN_EIP_35_1000. Generator GSD file BMP file 35 / 1000 _MS_05F2. GSDML-soniGEN-20-4000.xml 30 / 2000 GSDML-V2.GSD PS1000DP. GSDML-soniGEN-30-2000.EDS 20 / 4000 EDS_soniGEN_DEV_20_4000.25-MS-soniGEN-30-2000.bmp 20111214.bmpllung recommended.0 03 / 2015 Page 5 / 22 .bmp 20120502.GSD PS4000DP. GSDML-soniGEN-35-1000.EDS ProfiNet IO Generator GSDML BMP file 35 / 1000 GSDML-V2. DeviceNet Generator EDS file 35 / 1000 EDS_soniGEN_DEV_35_1000.EDS 20 / 4000 EDS_soniGEN_EIP_20_4000.25-MS-soniGEN-35-1000.25-MS-soniGEN-20-4000.bmp 20120927.bmp 20 / 4000 _MS_0B09.EDS Modbus / TCP Addressing Modbus Register: Input Register: 000H to 000BH Holding Register: 000H to 000BH Version: 1.GSD PS2000DP.xml 20 / 4000 GSDML-V2.EDS 30 / 2000 EDS_soniGEN_EIP_30_2000. page 11. For the precise procedure for parameterization. see Chapter 3.. and for the interpretation of the input data. the function of the telegram is switched over between master and slave. see Chapter 3. page 10 for the interpretation of the input data.4 "Identifier 3 = read weld protocol".3 "Identifier 2 = parameterization". Page 6 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. see 3. The welding amplitude and the min/max level can be prescribed via the Fieldbus.0 . page 17 and in the generator operating manual. Function code. Via the identifier in byte 22. page 8 Read version states • Byte 22: Identifier = 1 • Word 20: Identifier variant = 0 (no variant) If the version states are read. After every interruption of the processor's power supply the parameterization must be re-executed. EtherNet / IP. 2000 (weld protocol number) When reading the weld protocols. If an error is queued. ProfiNet.Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. ProfiNet. The following functions are available: Cyclic communication • Byte 22: Identifier = 0 • Word 20: Identifier variant = 0 (no variant) The cyclic communication is used to start and stop the ultrasonic generator. the ultrasonic generator will signal the error as a function code in the cyclic communication.2 “Identifier 1 = read version states”. Modbus TCP For the communication between master (PLC) and slave (ultrasonic generator MS soniGEN) 24- byte output data and 24-byte input data are used. Moreover. the actual welding power will be transmitted. Modbus TCP 3 Protocol DeviceNet. see Chapter 5 "Overview ". See Chapter 3. reports back the software and hardware versions. the ultrasonic generator. EtherNet / IP. Parameterization • Byte 22: Identifier = 2 • Word 20: Identifier variant = 0 (no variant) Depending on the application. it is possible that parameters must be assigned for the ultrasonic generator. The word 20 (identifier variant) must be described depending on the preselected identifier. A possible parameterization is not remanent. For the calculation guidelines of the individual values.1 "Identifier 0 = cyclical I/O data". page 22 Calculation guidelines. Read weld protocols • Byte 22: Identifier = 3 • Word 20: Identifier variant = 1 . the appropriate protocol number must be transferred in word 22. The following operations apply: • The checksum of the input byte 0 . In this regard. If the calculated checksum and the value in the input byte 23 are identical. the input data is free of transmission errors. EtherNet / IP. the input data is valid and the slave has taken over the protocol of the master. • Input value 20 must be identical to output data 20...output range must be interpreted by the data type "Byte".5 “Identifier 4 = read start counter”.. General communication guideline To check the consistency of the data and to exclude the possibility of transmission errors. See Chapter 3. page 19 for the interpretation of the input data. the entire input . page 18 for the interpretation of the input data. Only if the checksum has been correctly calculated and transmitted. 22 must be written into the output byte 23. The checksum must be calculated for the input data and for the output data. • Input value 22 must be identical to output data 22. See Chapter 3.0 03 / 2015 Page 7 / 22 . The checksum of the output byte 0 . will the slave react to the protocol and execute the appropriate function.6 “Identifier 5 = read error counter”. the ultrasonic generator reports back various counter states. Read error counters • Byte 22: Identifier = 5 • Word 20: Identifier variant = 1 . the master as well as the slave forms a checksum via byte 0 to byte 22 by addition of the individual bytes. the ultrasonic generator reports back various counter states. 22 must be compared with the checksum reported by the slave in byte 23. 2 When the error counters are read. ProfiNet. Modbus TCP Read start counter • Byte 22: Identifier = 4 • Word 20: Identifier variant = 0 (no variant) When the start counters are read. Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. If all three conditions are fulfilled. Version: 1. Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. Thereafter the "start bit" must be taken back in order to be able to restart another welding procedure. If one of the above shut-off options are parameterized.max level specification via master / via front panel If this bit is controlled on "1" then the max .welding time If one of the above turn-off options is parameterized.1 Identifier 0 = cyclical I/O data Address Data type Description Master output range Byte 0. Modbus TCP 3. and the "start bit" is reset during the welding process. This can be detected through the generator feedback in the function code (input byte 0).external stop • 82 Welding stopped through turn-off option . then the amplitude is specified via the master.min level is specified via the master in byte 2 and byte • 81 Welding stopped through turn-off option . Page 8 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. • 80 Welding stopped through turn-off option . This function will be overlaid through any parameter-assigned turn-off functions. bit 1: Bool Amplitude specification via master / via display If this bit is controlled on "1".min level is specified via potentiometer on the front panel of the ultrasonic generator.0 . Byte 0.. then the ultrasonic switches off after reaching the appropriate turn-off option. If this bit is controlled on "0" then the max . Welding amplitude is specified via the data bits 3 .1 Ultrasound on / off: Ultrasound is active as long as bit 0 is controlled on "1". time welding or "Ultrasound stop external". bit 0: Bool Ultrasonic on / off Ultrasonic is active as long as the bit is controlled on "1" Byte 0. ProfiNet. then the amplitude is specified via the master. 7 If this bit is controlled on "0". EtherNet / IP. If the generator is parameterized to the turn-off option energy welding. 3.1. the ultrasonic generator must remain switched on via the "start bit" until the appropriate feedback value is signaled by the slave in the function code. the running welding process will be immediately interrupted. bit 2: Bool Min . bit 5: Bool Amplitude specification bit 3 = 8 (10) = 1 * 8 (10) Byte 0.0 03 / 2015 Page 9 / 22 . The transfer occurs dual coded.min level specification: The level can be set in the range from 0% to 100%. bit 3: Bool Amplitude specification bit 1 = 2 (10) = 1 * 2 (10) Byte 0. Byte 22 With "identifier 0" byte 1 4-19 are not relevant and must be allocated with "0". 100% = 255 (10) Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant = 0 Byte 22 uint8 Identifier = 0 Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 .2 Calculation guideline of the amplitude: The amplitude can be set in the range from 38% to 100% in 2% increments. ProfiNet.. EtherNet / IP.3 Calculation guideline of the max . Level specification = 55%  the value (55 * 255 / 100) = 140 must be transferred to the slave (in this regard there are slight rounding errors) Address Data type Description Master output range Byte 2 Byte Max level specification 0% = 0 (10) . Amplitude specification = 68%  the value (68 – 38) = 30 must be transferred to the slave 30(10) = 0 * 32 (10) + 1 * 16 (10) + 1 * 8 (10) + 1 * 4 (10) + 1 * 2 (10) = 01111 (2) Address Data type Description Master output range Byte 0. In this regard 38% = 0 (2) and 100% = 11111 (2) For example. bit 4: Bool Amplitude specification bit 2 = 4 (10) = 1 * 2 (10) Byte 0. Transfer occurs as unsigned byte value. 100% = 255 (10) Byte 3 Byte Min level specification 0% = 0 (10) . Modbus TCP 3. bit 7: Bool Amplitude specification bit 5 = 32 (10) = 0 * 32 (10) 3.1. Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet.1.function codes" Byte 1 uint8 Actual welding power Version: 1. Master input range Byte 0 Byte For the ultrasonic function code. see "Overview . bit 6: Bool Amplitude specification bit 4 = 16 (10) = 1 * 16 (10) Byte 0. In this regard 0% = 0 (10) and 100% = 255 (10) For example. Byte 22 With "identifier 1" bytes 0-19 are not relevant and must be allocated with "0". 3= 30 / 2000 Byte 2 uint8 Software version (day) Byte 3 uint8 Software version (month) Byte 4 uint8 Software version (year) Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 20 (MSB) . 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 . 3.0 .2 Identifier 1 = read version states Address Data Description type Master output range Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant = 0 Byte 20 (MSB) ... EtherNet / IP.1... Master input range Byte 0 Byte Hardware version Byte 1 uint8 Generator type: 0 = 35 / 1000. Page 10 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1.4 Calculation guideline of welding power The welding power is transferred to the master as a percentage value for the maximum power of the ultrasonic generator. 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier = 1 Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 .. 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 .. 2 = 20 / 4000. ProfiNet. This means: 0 (10) = 0 W and 255 (10) = Pmax • Ultrasonic generator 35 / 1000: Pmax = 1000 W • Ultrasonic generator 30 / 2000: Pmax = 2000 W • Ultrasonic generator 20 / 4000: Pmax = 4000 W Address Data Description type Master input range Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 20 (MSB) . Byte 22 Bytes 2-19 are reserve for “identifier 0”.Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. Byte 22 Bytes 6-19 are reserve for “identifier 1”. Modbus TCP 3. The welding energy is specified via the double word 2 (byte 2. then the function "start frequency offset" is deactivated. If this bit is set to "0". bit 0: Bool Reserved Byte 0. then the function "control factors" is deactivated. then this bit must be set to "0".. bit 4: Bool Control factors If this bit is set to "1". Byte 0. then the ultrasonic generator will be switched over to the "energy welding" mode. Byte 0. If this bit is set to "0". then the ultrasonic generator will be switched over to the "time welding" mode. then the function "start frequency offset" is activated. bit 6: Bool Time welding If this bit is set to "1". Transfer of the control factors occurs via byte 7 and byte 8. bit 1: Bool Energy welding If this bit is set to "1".external If this bit is set to "1" then the ultrasonic generator can be stopped by activating a digital input on the I/O interface. then the ultrasonic is not switched off.3 Identifier 2 = parameterization Address Data Description type Master output range Byte 0. The welding energy is specified via the double value 2 (byte 2. Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. Transfer of the offset value occurs via byte 6. If this bit is set to "1". then this bit must be set to "0". a safety switch-off of the ultrasonic occurs. Byte 0.. then this function is deactivated. Modbus TCP 3. then the function "control factors" is activated.5) If the ultrasonic generator is not switched over to the "time welding" mode. Byte 0.0 03 / 2015 Page 11 / 22 . Byte 0. bit 2: Bool Continuous sonic If this bit is set to "0".5) If the ultrasonic generator is not switched over to the "energy welding" mode. bit 7: Bool Reserved Version: 1. If this bit is set to "0". EtherNet / IP. Byte 0. bit 5: Bool Ultrasonic stop . bit 3: Bool Start frequency offset If this bit is set to "1". then after 30 seconds. ProfiNet. 5 (LSB) Value range -500 . EtherNet / IP. +500 Byte 6 sint8 Start frequency offset Byte 7 uint8 Control factor 1 Byte 8 uint8 Control factor 2 Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant = 0 Byte 20 (MSB) . Page 12 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. 10s ≙ 20. bit 3: Bool Reserved Byte 1. Modbus TCP Address Data Description type Byte 1. Byte 22 With "identifier 2" bytes 9-19 are not relevant and must be allocated with "0".20000 Mode "teaching-in" (byte 1 bit 0 = "1") Double word 2 uint32 Load frequency offset Byte 2 (MSB). bit 2: Bool Reserved Byte 1. 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier = 2 Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 . bit 0: Bool Teaching-in If this bit is set to "1". By resetting the bit to "0" the function will be aborted or stopped. bit 4: Bool Reserved Byte 1.... 100 Ws = 51000 30 / 2000: 2 Ws = 510. 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 . Byte 22 Bytes 0-19 are reserve for “identifier 2”. 400 Ws = 51000 Mode "energy welding" (byte 0 bit 6 = "1") Double word 2 uint32 Welding time Byte 2 (MSB). Byte 1. 200 Ws = 51000 20 / 4000: 4 WS = 510....Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet.0 . bit 6: Bool Reserved Byte 1.5 (LSB) Time setpoint: 10 ms .5 (LSB) 35 / 1000: 1 Ws = 510.. bit 5: Bool Reserved Byte 1.. ProfiNet. bit 7: Bool Reserved Mode "energy welding" (byte 0 bit 1 = "1") Double word 2 uint32 Welding energy Byte 2 (MSB).. Master input range Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 20 (MSB) . then the ultrasonic generator will be switched over to the "teaching-in" function. bit 1: Bool Reserved Byte 1.. 8. So that the slave can be parameterized. The output double word 2 (byte 2.. Version: 1.5) must be written with the appropriate values for energy welding or time welding. Parameterization is concluded. ProfiNet. Verification of the input range: Checksum. 6. 4. energy and time welding are mutually exclusive. control factors. If the conditions are satisfied. For the option. the output byte 7 and byte 8 must be written with the appropriate values. For the option. The generator can now be started. start frequency offset. the output bit 6 must be written with the appropriate values. In the master output range the appropriate option bits are set. 2. EtherNet / IP. Modbus TCP 3. identifier.3. The identifier byte 22 must be written with the value 2. 7. and identifier variant must be identical (see general communication guideline).0 03 / 2015 Page 13 / 22 .external • Start frequency offset • Control factors In this regard. Only one of these option can be activated. then the slave has applied the parameterization. 5. 3. it must be in cyclic communication (byte 22: Identifier = 0). The identifier byte 22 must be written with the value 0. Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. The communication switches back to the cyclic operation.1 Parameterization procedure The following options can be parameterized: • Energy welding • Time welding • Continuous sonic • Ultrasonic stop . 1. The teaching-in procedure must be monitored by the master.. 14. Page 14 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. In the master output range bit 1. 11. the entire teaching-in frequency window can be moved. (function code 90 or 91) the "teaching-in bit" must be reset. and identifier variant must be identical (see general communication guideline). The output double word 2 (byte 2. Otherwise the value must be filled with 0. Only after this has been done.0 is reset in the master output range. Verification of the input range: Checksum.0 . identifier. Modbus TCP 3. 2. 3. The identifier byte 22 must be written with the value 0. identifier. and identifier variant must be identical (see general communication guideline). 10. The communication again switches back to cyclic operation. The identifier byte 22 must be written with the value 0. In this process the optimal start frequency is determined and thus a shortened transient oscillation is achieved. After a maximum of 15 seconds. For this. 6.3. EtherNet / IP. 5. The identifier byte 22 must be written with the value 2. The communication switches back to the cyclic operation. the bit 1. 1. The identifier byte 22 must be written with the value 2.. The slave signals in function code (input byte 0) as soon as the teaching-in procedure has ended. then the slave has applied the parameterization. Function code 90 = teaching-in ended with no errors Function code 91 = teaching-in ended with errors Report back must be monitored by the master.0 is set. the slave must be in cyclic communication (byte 22: Identifier = 0). 8. the function must be ended by the ultrasonic generator. ProfiNet. 7. If the conditions are satisfied. The value of the load frequency offset depends on the resonant unit and must be determined appropriately for the application.5) must be written with the value 0.Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. So that the teaching-in function can be started. An abort by the master is not possible. Through this measure. The output double word 2 (byte 2. will the ultrasonic generator start the teaching-in procedure. If the conditions are satisfied. 9. 4. This can be identified via the flashing "Start LED" on the front of the ultrasonic generator. If the slave signals the function as ended. a start frequency can be transferred if needed. Verification of the input range: Checksum. 13.5) can be written with the appropriate load frequency offset. then the slave has applied the parameterization. 12. In master output byte 6.2 Sequence of the teaching-in function The teaching-in function is a procedure in which the ultrasonic generator measures the entire oscillating unit relative to frequency. Verification of the input range: Function code must go to "0" checksum. The ultrasonic generator starts with the starting frequency determined during the teaching-in procedure. Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. After the teaching-in procedure. Modbus TCP 15. time welding. the possible parameterization. such as energy welding.external. must be reassigned. continuous sonic. and identifier variant must be identical (see general communication guideline). or control factors. identifier. Fig. 1: Graphic presentation . EtherNet / IP. ultrasonic stop .teaching-in function procedure Version: 1. ProfiNet. If the conditions are satisfied. These parameters are deleted through the start of the teaching-in function. The teaching-in procedure is concluded. because the ultrasonic generator ignores this specification.0 03 / 2015 Page 15 / 22 . then the slave has applied the parameterization. The generator can now be started. A parameterization of start frequency offset is not necessary after the teaching-in procedure. 2: Evaluate function code Page 16 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. ProfiNet. EtherNet / IP. Modbus TCP Fig.0 .Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. Master input range Double word 0 uint32 Frequency control [x..xx A] Byte 11 uint8 Ultrasonic peak power [x.x °C] Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 20 (MSB) . Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet.x V] Byte 14 uint8 Ultrasonic temperature sensor [x. and 20 / 4000: Ultrasonic intermediate circuit voltage [x. Byte 22 With "identifier 3" bytes 0-19 are not relevant and must be allocated with "0".. bit 4: Bool Amplitude specification bit 2 = 4 (10) Byte 8. 2000 = protocol number Byte 20 (MSB) .4 Identifier 3 = read weld protocol  See the generator instructions for the calculation guidelines. 7 (LSB) Byte 8.0 03 / 2015 Page 17 / 22 . bit 6: Bool Amplitude specification bit 4 = 16 (10) Byte kHz] Word 4 uint16 Ultrasonic power [x. Byte 22 Bytes 15-19 are reserve for “identifier 3”.x W] Byte 4 (MSB) .. 5 (LSB) Word 6 uint16 Ultrasonic welding time [x.x V] Byte 13 uint8 35 / 1000: Ultrasonic line voltage [x. See the soniGEN operating instructions for the calculation guideline of the protocol data Version: 1. bit 2: Bool Start info bit 3 = 8 (10) Byte 8. bit 0: Bool Start info bit 1 = 2 (10) Byte 8.x V] 30 / 2000.function codes" Byte 10 uint8 Feed current resonance circuit [x. Modbus TCP 3. 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier = 3 Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 . see "Overview . bit 5: Bool Amplitude specification bit 3 = 8 (10) Byte 8.. 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 . bit 3: Bool Amplitude specification bit 1 = 2 (10) Byte 8. bit 1: Bool Start info bit 2 = 4 (10) Byte s] Byte 6 (MSB) . Address Data type Description Master output range Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant = 1 . bit 7: Bool Amplitude specification bit 5 = 32 (10) Byte 9 uint8 For the ultrasonic function code.x W] Byte 12 uint8 Ultrasonic voltage [x.. ProfiNet. EtherNet / IP. Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet.. ProfiNet...ultrasonic start from test button Byte 12 (MSB) . 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 .5 Identifier 4 = read start counter Address Data Description type Master output range Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant = 0 Byte 20 (MSB) .0 . EtherNet / IP. 7 (LSB) Double word 8 uint32 Counter . 19 (LSB) Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 20 (MSB) .ultrasonic start from V24 interface Byte 16 (MSB) . Master input range Double word 0 uint32 Counter . Byte 22 Page 18 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. 11 (LSB) Double word 12 uint32 Counter ..ultrasonic start from PLC via AnyBus Byte 0 (MSB) ... 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier = 4 Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 ..ultrasonic start from hand welding gun Byte 8 (MSB) . Byte 22 With "identifier 4" bytes 0-19 are not relevant and must be allocated with "0". 3 (LSB) Double word 4 uint32 Counter . Modbus TCP 3..ultrasonic start from PLC via DC 24 V Byte 4 (MSB) .. 15 (LSB) Double word 16 uint32 Counter . amplitude > 125% or ultrasonic watchdog Byte 0 (MSB) . Byte 16 (MSB) ... 9) Double word 0 uint32 Overload. 15 (LSB) Double word 16 uint32 Intermediate circuit too small. 19 (LSB) at 35 / 1000: Ultrasonic power supply too low Double word 0 uint32 Intermediate circuit voltage too high.... 19 (LSB) at 35 / 1000: Ultrasonic power supply too low Identifier variant 2 = (error counters 6 .. 7 (LSB) Double word 8 uint32 Overload... 7 (LSB) Double word 8 uint32 Window error. EtherNet / IP. 11 (LSB) Double word 12 uint32 Analog supply +/. amplitude > 125% or ultrasonic watchdog Byte 0 (MSB) . 5 read from slave 2 = error counters 6 .6 Identifier 5 = read error counter Address Data type Description Master output range Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant Byte 20 (MSB) ... 3 (LSB) at 35 / 1000: Ultrasonic power supply too high Double word 4 uint32 Heat sink temperature > 75° C Byte 4 (MSB) . frequency too low Byte 8 (MSB) ... Byte 16 (MSB) . 7 (LSB) Double word 8 uint32 Overload.0 03 / 2015 Page 19 / 22 .. 9 read from slave Byte 22 uint8 Identifier = 5 Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 . 11 (LSB) Version: 1. Byte 0 (MSB) . frequency too high Byte 4 (MSB) .15 V Byte 12 (MSB) . US_SP > US_MAX Byte 8 (MSB) .. 21 (LSB) 1 = error counters 1 .15 V Byte 12 (MSB) ... 11 (LSB) Double word 12 uint32 Analog supply +/. frequency too low Byte 8 (MSB) .. 3 (LSB) overflow Double word 4 uint32 Overload. 15 (LSB) Double word 16 uint32 Intermediate circuit voltage too low. Byte 22 With "identifier 5" bytes 0-19 are not relevant and must be allocated with "0". frequency too high Byte 4 (MSB) . Master input range Identifier variant 1 = (error counters 1 . Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. 3 (LSB) overflow Double word 4 uint32 Overload. ProfiNet. Modbus TCP 3. 5) Double word 0 uint32 Overload... 15 (LSB) Double word 16 uint32 Reserve Byte 16 (MSB) ..0 .. ProfiNet. EtherNet / IP. 21 (LSB) Byte 22 uint8 Identifier (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 23 uint8 Checksum = sum byte 0 . Modbus TCP Address Data type Description Double word 12 uint32 Window error. Byte 22 Page 20 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. US_SP < US_MIN Byte 12 (MSB) ... Supplementary Operating Instructions 3 Protocol DeviceNet. 19 (LSB) Word 20 uint16 Identifier variant (is reflected back from the slave) Byte 20 (MSB) . amplitude of PS4000) 2 Ultrasonic start of PLC (24 V DC) 3 Ultrasonic start of hand welding gun 4 Ultrasonic start of test button 5 Ultrasonic start of V24 Version: 1. Supplementary Operating Instructions 4 Start Info 4 Start Info 0 Ultrasonic start aborted 1 Ultrasonic start of PLC (AnyBus.0 03 / 2015 Page 21 / 22 . amplitude > 125% or ultrasonic watchdog overflow 2 Overload.external stop 82 Welding stopped through turn-off option .0 .5ms 80 Welding stopped through turn-off option . US_SP > US_MAX 9 Window error. frequency too low 4 Analog supply ±15V 5 Intermediate circuit voltage (30 / 2000 or 20 / 4000) or ultrasonic power (35 / 1000) too low 6 Intermediate circuit voltage (30 / 2000 or 20 / 4000) or ultrasonic power (35 / 1000) too high 7 Heat sink temperature > 75° C 8 Window error. 93 After 81 Welding stopped through turn-off option .welding time 90 Teaching-in ended without errors 91 Teaching-in ended with errors 92 It is necessary to repeat the teaching-in. frequency too high 3 Overload. Page 22 / 22 03 / 2015 Version: 1. No turn-off options occurred 1 Overload.Supplementary Operating Instructions 5 Overview function codes 5 Overview function codes 0 Welding stopped without generator error. 80% of the target amplitude was not reached in the welding process. US_SP < US_MIN 10 Max. welding time exceeded 50 Ultrasonic watchdog self test t < 9ms 51 Ultrasonic watchdog self test t > 11.
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