Interaction d2.1 - V1.0

March 24, 2018 | Author: sakashef | Category: Airport, Telecommunication, Simulation, Computer Network, Cargo



INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies andResearches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION D2.1 General Characterization of Airport Processes and its Interaction February 2014 This page is intentionally in blank INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 2 Executive Summary The document presents the analysis of current Aircraft Turnaround at the airport, covering the different processes that converge on the Aircraft, that is, those of Passengers, Baggage, Freight and Ramp and GSE, and the Turnaround itself. This analysis breaks down each process, identifying the actors involved and the roles and responsibilities of each one. In addition to this, consideration has been given to the operational philosophy followed by the different actors, and this is summarised in the written definition included and schematised in the process flow diagram, including the different alternatives observed in every process and the equipment offered by the industry. Next, the information flows between the actors have been highlighted according to a chronological sequence based on time and the means used to support the communication. In these terms, the Information and Management Tools used by the actors to manage their operations have been summarised. Finally, the Colour Petri Nets Theory has been outlined, as this is the method to be used to model the Turnaround which will make it possible to assess the cause-effect relationships between the Passenger, Baggage, Freight and Ramp and GSE processes and the Aircraft Turnaround. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 3 Table of Contents Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................3 1 2 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................11 1.1 Contributors ......................................................................................................................................11 1.2 Revision status .................................................................................................................................12 1.3 Structure of the document ................................................................................................................12 1.4 Acronyms ..........................................................................................................................................13 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................18 2.1 Objectives .........................................................................................................................................18 2.2 Context and Assumptions: Drafting the INTERACTION Scenario ...................................................18 2.2.1 Context .........................................................................................................................................18 2.2.2 Assumptions .................................................................................................................................19 2.2.3 Scenarios ......................................................................................................................................22 Passenger Process ...................................................................................................................................24 3.1 3.1.1 3.2 4 Scope ................................................................................................................................................24 Objectives .....................................................................................................................................24 Context and Assumptions .................................................................................................................24 3.2.1 Context .........................................................................................................................................24 3.2.2 Assumption ...................................................................................................................................24 3.3 Identification of Actors involved, Roles & Responsibilities. ..............................................................25 3.4 Process Description ..........................................................................................................................26 3.4.1 Process Definition (textual) ...........................................................................................................26 3.4.2 Passenger Boarding Process .......................................................................................................33 3.4.3 Passenger De boarding – Arrival Process ...................................................................................36 3.4.4 Passenger in transfer process ......................................................................................................37 3.4.5 Process Flow Diagrams ................................................................................................................39 3.4.6 Identification of Process Indicators ...............................................................................................41 3.5 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions .................................42 3.6 Information Management Systems ...................................................................................................45 3.6.1 IOCC – Network Planning ............................................................................................................45 3.6.2 DCS System .................................................................................................................................46 3.6.3 Movement Messages (MVT) Software .........................................................................................46 3.6.4 BHS- Baggage Handling System .................................................................................................46 3.6.5 Information Flow–Passenger Processes. .....................................................................................46 Baggage Process ......................................................................................................................................48 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.2.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................48 Objectives .....................................................................................................................................48 Context and Assumptions .................................................................................................................48 Context .........................................................................................................................................48 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 4 ..........49 4.............................................................2 Process Flow Diagram ..........................................................................77 5..............................2 Assumption ......................102 6........4 Process Description ...........................................................................................................................................1 6...............................................96 Objectives ...................................4...........................................79 5.............................3......................1.........1 Overview of the Freight process ................................ Roles & Responsibilities .........131 6.........................70 5.............................................1 Ground Support Equipment (GSE) ...........................................................................70 5............................................................................................................................3 Process Flow Diagram ................78 5....102 6........................69 Freight Process ....................96 6............................1 Context ..............................................................1 5....2.................................................................6..................................................................................................................................2 Assumptions ..............................................................................84 5.........................................................................................................85 5......................................6.............................................93 Ramp and GSE Process ...........4.............................................2................................................................................2..................3..............................70 5......2 Process Definition (textual) ..............1 Context ...................96 6.....................................................2..1 5 Baggage Reconciliation System .............70 Objectives ..................2.............................96 Context and Assumptions ....................................................92 5...............................4................68 4......3 Identification of Actors involved.............................4..............2 6 Assumption .....................................................................................4 Process Description ........135 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 5 ......................Air Waybill .............................................................................3 Identification of Actors involved..................78 5....3........................70 Context and Assumptions ..........................................................................68 4............96 6....................................50 4..............................................................1 6..........................1 Process Definition (textual) ........................................84 5....................1......116 6.........6 Information Management Systems .......................2 Ramp operations ........................................................................................................................48 Scope ..................................................3 Process Flow Diagram ................................5 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions .............................50 4......................................................................................................130 6.......................................................................6 Information Management Systems ..................................2 E-Freight ...........................3..87 5..96 6...............................2 4...................5 Information Management System...............................4 Identification of Process Indicators ................... ...............................................................3 Air Waybill and E....................................................................3 Identification of Process Indicators ................................................................75 5....................................................................................................................................................1 5.....................................1 Cargo Management System ...................Hermes .................................6..............6............................................................................4 Identification of Process Indicators .2 Scope ...4 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions .........................................................................................................................4..........................................65 4.................................................................................................... Roles & Responsibilities....................................................119 6...................4..................................................3 Process Description ......................................................................................................5 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions ................4..................................................4.................................................................67 4...88 5.................... 7 Turnaround as a Whole Process .............................................................................................................138 7.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................138 7.1.1 7.2 Context and Assumptions ...............................................................................................................139 7.2.1 Context .......................................................................................................................................139 7.2.2 The Causal Formalism: Use of Petri Nets ..................................................................................139 7.2.3 Assumptions ...............................................................................................................................140 7.3 Identification of Actors involved, Roles & Responsibilities. ............................................................141 7.3.1 List of Actors ...............................................................................................................................141 7.3.2 List of Roles/Responsibilities ......................................................................................................142 7.4 Process Description ........................................................................................................................145 7.4.1 Process Definition (textual) .........................................................................................................145 7.4.2 Process Flow Diagram ...............................................................................................................150 7.4.3 Identification of Process Indicators .............................................................................................151 7.5 8 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................138 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions ...............................154 Process Management and Information Tools and Support Systems ......................................................155 8.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................155 8.1.1 Context .......................................................................................................................................155 8.2 Information exchange elements .....................................................................................................155 8.3 Current Technologies used ............................................................................................................157 8.3.1 Mechanism to exchange information ..........................................................................................157 8.3.2 Channels to exchange information .............................................................................................165 8.4 Current Information Management Systems ....................................................................................174 8.4.1 Airport Information Management systems ..................................................................................174 8.4.2 Airline Information Management systems ..................................................................................177 8.4.3 Handling Information Management systems ..............................................................................180 8.4.4 Cargo Information Management systems ..................................................................................183 8.5 9 Current Information Management Products ...................................................................................185 8.5.1 Airport Information Management Products .................................................................................185 8.5.2 Airline Information Management Products .................................................................................188 8.5.3 Handling Information Management Products .............................................................................192 8.5.4 Cargo Information Management Products .................................................................................193 References ..............................................................................................................................................195 10 Annex I Highest Air Freight Traffic at EU airports ..............................................................................196 11 Annex II Aircraft and ULD compatibility ..............................................................................................197 12 Annex III Petri Net Formalism.............................................................................................................198 12.1 Petri net modelling formalism .........................................................................................................198 12.1.1 Rules for the Evolution of Marking..........................................................................................199 12.1.2 Coloured Petri Net Formalism ................................................................................................199 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 6 12.1.3 Coloured Petri Net model of the Turnaround Process as a whole .........................................200 Index of tables Table 1 Contributors list ....................................................................................................................................12 Table 2 Revision status ....................................................................................................................................12 Table 3 Acronyms list .......................................................................................................................................17 Table 4 Roles and Responsibilities associated to the Passenger Process .....................................................26 Table 5 Pre-Flight procedures ..........................................................................................................................31 Table 6 Process Indicators associated to Passenger Process ........................................................................42 Table 7 Passenger Process Information Flows ................................................................................................45 Table 8 Actors and Roles and Responsibilities for the Baggage Process .......................................................50 Table 9 In-gauge baggage ...............................................................................................................................51 Table 10 OOG Large and/or heavy baggage ...................................................................................................52 Table 11 Pros and Cons of carrying Belly cargo, from an airline point of view ................................................71 Table 12 Favourable and Unfavourable characteristics of Bulk and Containerized cargo for belly transport .72 Table 13 Low Cost Business Model initiated by Southwest Airlines [6] ...........................................................74 Table 14 Actors and roles involved in Freight process ....................................................................................78 Table 15 Air transport document used for cargo and mail ...............................................................................82 Table 16 Information Exchange in the Freight process ....................................................................................85 Table 17: Actors, Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................................101 Table 18 Information exchanges ....................................................................................................................133 Table 19 List of Actors per Process´ Activities ...............................................................................................141 Table 20 Roles and Responsibilities ..............................................................................................................145 Table 21 Ground Support Equipment acronyms ............................................................................................148 Table 22 List of information exchange elements in the ramp process ...........................................................157 Table 23 List of information exchange elements in the Freight process ........................................................157 Table 24 Common types of Inter-Process Communication Protocol (IPC) ....................................................162 Table 25 Comparison of the different types of IP based data networks ........................................................166 Table 26 Comparison of the different power classes of Bluetooth .................................................................172 Table 27 RFID Frequency bands ...................................................................................................................172 Table 28 Benchmark of some of the current airport information management products ...............................188 Table 29 Example list of airline information management products...............................................................191 Table 30 Benchmark of Handling information management products ...........................................................193 Table 31 Examples of current Cargo Information Management Products .....................................................194 Table 32 Cargo and mail loaded and unloaded (thousands tonnes) at major EU airports [18] .....................196 Table 33 Aircraft and ULD compatibility [19] ..................................................................................................197 Table 34 Ground Support Equipment Acronyms............................................................................................201 Table 35 Inputs for Causal Modelism .............................................................................................................202 Table 36 Node Task Sources: Attributes definition ........................................................................................203 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 7 Table 37 Node Precedent: Attributes definition ..............................................................................................204 Table 38 Node Ti: Attributes definition ...........................................................................................................205 Table 39 Node Seq Rec: Attributes definition ................................................................................................206 Index of figures Figure 1 Total European Domestic Passenger commercial flights and Total European Non-Domestic Passenger Commercial Flights operated in the twenty-five European Airports with the highest number of Passenger commercial flights in 2012 [1] (Eurostat Data Source)...................................................................20 Figure 2 Cumulative Data referenced to figures provided in the previous chart, highlighting the percentage of the European Domestic and European Non-Domestic Passenger Commercial Flights [1] (Eurostat Data Source) .............................................................................................................................................................20 Figure 3 European Domestic Passenger Commercial Flights operated by Narrow Body A/C´s and NonNarrow Body A/C´s in the twenty-five European Airports with the highest number of Passenger Commercial Flights in 2012 [1] (Eurostat Data Source) .......................................................................................................21 Figure 4 Cumulative Data referenced to figures provided in the previous chart, highlighting the percentage of the European Domestic Flights Operated by Narrow Body of A/C´s and Non-Narrow Body A/C [1] (Eurostat Data Source) ....................................................................................................................................................21 Figure 5 Passenger Arrival Process .................................................................................................................39 Figure 6 Passenger Departure Process ...........................................................................................................40 Figure 7 Passenger Process Information Flows ..............................................................................................43 Figure 8 Baggage Process: Reporting Faults communications .......................................................................56 Figure 9 SOP Departing Bags ..........................................................................................................................65 Figure 10 SOP Transfer Bags ..........................................................................................................................66 Figure 11 SOP Incoming Bags .........................................................................................................................67 Figure 12 Baggage and Core Handling overview ............................................................................................68 Figure 13 Evolution of Freighters and Belly hold FTK transported (source IATA) [3] ......................................71 Figure 14 Basic Freight Process ......................................................................................................................78 Figure 15 Landside Freight Loading Process [9] .............................................................................................80 Figure 16 Landside Freight Unloading Process [9] ..........................................................................................83 Figure 17 Freight loading process ....................................................................................................................84 Figure 18 Freight unloading process ................................................................................................................84 Figure 19 Information exchanged within the Loading process flow .................................................................86 Figure 20 Information exchanged within the Unloading process flow ..............................................................86 Figure 21 Information Management Systems of the airport .............................................................................87 Figure 22 HERMES integration diagram ..........................................................................................................89 Figure 23 Real time warehouse functionality screenshots ...............................................................................90 Figure 24 Hermes service management– Example of cargo profile screenshot .............................................91 Figure 25 Hermes dangerous goods declaration screenshot ..........................................................................92 Figure 26 Typical Ramp Layout .....................................................................................................................102 Figure 27 Apron bus .......................................................................................................................................103 Figure 28 Self-Powered Passenger Step .......................................................................................................103 Figure 29 Non-Powered Passenger Step .......................................................................................................104 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 8 Figure 30 PBB ................................................................................................................................................104 Figure 31 PRM vehicles..................................................................................................................................105 Figure 32 Visual guiding System ....................................................................................................................105 Figure 33 fuel truck .........................................................................................................................................106 Figure 34 Hydrant truck ..................................................................................................................................106 Figure 35 Lavatory service vehicle .................................................................................................................107 Figure 36 Catering truck .................................................................................................................................107 Figure 37 Pushback tug ..................................................................................................................................108 Figure 38 Tow bar ...........................................................................................................................................108 Figure 39 Tobarless tractor.............................................................................................................................108 Figure 40 Towable GPU .................................................................................................................................109 Figure 41 PBB Mounted GPU ........................................................................................................................109 Figure 42 Baggage/cargo truck ......................................................................................................................110 Figure 43 Bag Cart types ................................................................................................................................110 Figure 44 Dollies .............................................................................................................................................110 Figure 45 Container/pallet transporter ............................................................................................................111 Figure 46 Single platform transporter loader ..................................................................................................111 Figure 47 Dual platform loader .......................................................................................................................112 Figure 48 Regular Belt Loader .......................................................................................................................112 Figure 49 Ramp Snake Loader ......................................................................................................................113 Figure 50 Power Stow Loader ........................................................................................................................113 Figure 51 Bendi Belt .......................................................................................................................................113 Figure 52 Sliding Carpet System ....................................................................................................................114 Figure 53 Telescopic Baggage System ..........................................................................................................114 Figure 54 Cargo Loading System ...................................................................................................................115 Figure 55 Passenger De-boarding at Contact Stand Flow Diagram ..............................................................119 Figure 56 Passenger De-boarding at Remote Stand Flow Diagram ..............................................................120 Figure 57 Baggage Unload Flow Diagram .....................................................................................................121 Figure 58 Cargo Unload Flow Diagram ..........................................................................................................122 Figure 59 Catering Service Flow Diagram .....................................................................................................123 Figure 60 Aircraft Cleaning Flow Diagram .....................................................................................................124 Figure 61 Refuelling Flow Diagram ................................................................................................................125 Figure 62 Baggage Load Flow Diagram .........................................................................................................126 Figure 63 Cargo Load Flow Diagram .............................................................................................................127 Figure 64 Passenger Boarding at Contact Stand Flow Diagram ...................................................................128 Figure 65 Passenger Boarding at Remote Stand Flow Diagram ...................................................................129 Figure 66 Information exchanged within the Ramp process ..........................................................................134 Figure 67 Information Management systems .................................................................................................135 Figure 68 Aircraft Turnaround GSE´s positioning ..........................................................................................147 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 9 ......209 Figure 98 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 4 ..............................................................................................................................184 Figure 87 Petri Net example .......................................................181 Figure 83 Example of the infrastructure used in a BRS ..............154 Figure 71 Communication Model: Multicast ...........176 Figure 79 Screenshot of FIDS system used by Aviapartner .............................180 Figure 82 Example of Handling RMS with Equipment Tracking System ..................................................................201 Figure 90 Preliminary CPN Model .........................................................205 Figure 93 Preliminary CPN Model: Node Ti Initial Conditions ........................206 Figure 94 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation Initial Conditions ...........................................................................184 Figure 86 Screenshot of the Hermes service management monitor-import flight ...............................................................................172 Figure 77 QR Code ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................151 Figure 70 Turnaround Information Flow Diagram ................................212 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 10 ..........................................160 Figure 73 Messaging Model: Request/Reply Messaging ...207 Figure 95 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 1 ..........173 Figure 78 Example of FIDS system .............................................164 Figure 75 Example of provision of TOBT information in the VDGS ...................................178 Figure 80 Example of Handling RMS with Equipment Tracking System ........................................................................162 Figure 74 Messaging Model: Publish/Subscribe Messaging.........................................158 Figure 72 Communication Model: Unicast ............208 Figure 97 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 3 ....211 Figure 102 Results from simulation represented in a Gantt Chart 1 .........................Figure 69 Turnaround as a whole Process Diagram .......................................................................................183 Figure 85 Example of the functionalities involved in Hermes CMS.......204 Figure 92 Preliminary CPN Model: Node Precedent Initial Conditions ...182 Figure 84 Example of the scanners used as part of the BRS ....211 Figure 103 Results from simulation represented in a Gantt Chart 2 ..........................................................................................................................................................170 Figure 76 RFID Tag .........................................................209 Figure 99 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 5 ..............................................................................................................................198 Figure 88 Petri Net firing transitions .............................................................................179 Figure 81 Example of Departure Control System – Flight Management for Ground Handlers ..........................................................................................................................210 Figure 100 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 6 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................203 Figure 91 Preliminary CPN Model: Node Task Source Initial Conditions ......................................................................................................................................210 Figure 101 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation final conditions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................208 Figure 96 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 2 ...................199 Figure 89 Turnaround Ground Support Equipment Positioning ....................................................... 4 Contributor Antonio Obis Sabau INECO T2. 1.1.6 Leader INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 11 .1.4 Leader Paloma Montero Martín INECO T2.1 Contributor Antonio Carrillo Molinero INECO T2. Baggage.1.2 Leader Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos Athens International Airport SWP2.1.1.1. Therefore.1 Contributor Karel Beakert Aviapartner T2.1.6 Contributor Joan Rojas ALG SWP2.1.1 Leader Harris Markopoulos Aegean T2. Freight and GSE management in Ramp operations  Characterize the different information tools that support the information management in each process.1.1 Leader Luis Cid-Fuentes Seco INECO T2.1.1. in order to identify in the following project deliverables the inefficiencies that impact negatively on the Aircraft Turnaround management.1 Contributors Person Responsible Name Organisation Role José Luis Martín Sánchez INECO SWP2.2 Contributor Rubén Martínez ALG Andrada Bujor ALG T2.1. a deep assessment of the Passenger.3 Leader T2. Freight.1.1. Ramp and GSE and comprehensive Turnaround process will be made in the next pages in order to:  Characterize and Define the Aircraft Turnaround process as a whole and its sub-processes associated: Passenger.1 Introduction This document analyses the current situation.2 Leader Kosmas Pentakalos Athens International Airport T2. Baggage.5 Contributor Juan Francisco García INDRA T2.5 Leader Miquel Angel Piera Eroles UAB T2.3 Contributor José Manuel Morales INECO T2.1 Contributor Authors T2.1 Contributor Andrea Ranieri ALG SWP2.6 Contributor Aitor Sudupe INDRA T2. Acronyms list and Glossary Section 2 draws the General Scope.1.1 reviewer Javier Cordero ALG T2. Section 11 Annex II presents compatibilities between aircraft and ULDs.2 Revision status Date Version Comments 27/02/2014 1.0 Final version Table 2 Revision status 1.Reviewers Francisco Fernández de Líger INECO WP2 Leader Nuria Alsina ALG SWP2.1 reviewer Daniel Seseña ALG SWP2. Context and Assumptions set Section 3 describes the Passenger Process Section 4 is dedicated to Baggage Process definition Section 5 covers the Freight Process Section 6 schemes the Ramp and GSE process Section 7 describes the Turnaround as a Whole Section 8 collects the Information and Management Tools Section 9 gathers the References used Section 10 Annex I provides some figure of freight transport in European airports.1. Revision Status.3 Structure of the document This document is structured into the following sections: Section 1 includes the Introduction and the Authors. Objectives.1 reviewer Francisco López ALG T2.3 reviewer Manuel Ausaverri ALG SWP2.3 reviewer Table 1 Contributors list 1. and Section 12 Annex III summarizes the Colour Petri Nets Theory INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 12 . 4 Acronyms Acronym Definition AA Actual Arrival AAC Aeronautical Administrative Control AAP Apron Access Permits A-CDM Airport Collaborative Decision Making ACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System AD Actual Departure ADS Aircraft Dependent Surveillance AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network AIBT Actual In-Block Time AIRS Airport Information Report System AOBT Actual Off-Block Time AOC Aeronautical Operational Control AODB Airport Operational Data Base APC Aeronautical Passenger Control APIS Advance Passenger Information System ARS Airline Reservation System ASK Amplitude Shift Keying ATFCM Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management ATM Air Traffic Management ATN Aeronautical telecommunication Network AWB Air Way Bill BAG COO Baggage Coordination BFIS Baggage Flow Information System BRS Baggage Reconciliation System BSM Baggage Source Management CARDIT Carrier/Documents International Transport Advice INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 13 .1. Navigation and Surveillance COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf CPM Container and Pallet Message CPN Coloured petri Net CRS Computer Reservation System CUPPS Common Use Passenger Processing System CUSS Common-Use Self-Service machines CUTE Common Use Terminal Equipment DCS Departure Control System DME Distance Measuring Equipment EA Estimated Arrival ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference ED Estimated Departure EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution EDI Electronic Data Interchange EOBT Estimated Off-Block Time FIBAG First Baggage FIDS Flight Information Display System FIS Flight Information System FOD Foreign Object Debris FP7 Framework Programme 7 FSU Freight Status Update FTE Full-Time Equivalent FWB Freight Way Bill INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 14 .CDMA Code Division Multiple Access CFMU Central Flow Management Unit CIR Consumed Infrared CLS Cargo Loading System CNS Communication. GDS Global Distribution Systems GPRS General Packet Radio Service GPU Ground Power Unit GSE Ground Support Equipment GSM Global System for Mobile Telecommunication HCC Hub Control Centre HTTP Hyper Test Transfer Protocol IATA International Air Transport Association ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization IED Improvised Explosive Device ILS Instrumental Landing System INTERACTION Innovative Technologies and Researches for a New Airport Concept towards Turnaround Coordination IOCC Integrated Operations Control Centre IPC Inter-Process Communication Protocol KPA Key Performance Area KPI Key Performance Indicator LABAG Last Baggage LAN Local Area Network LDM Load Message LIR Load Information Report LTE Long Term Evolution MCT Minimum Connecting Time MVT Movement Message NDB Non Directional Beacon NFC Near Field Communication nHS New Handling System NOTOC NOtification TO the Captain of Aircraft INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 15 . OCC Operations Control Centre (Airline) OR Operational Reliability PAN Personal Area Network PBB Passenger Boarding Bridge PFIS Passenger Flow Information System PN Petri Net PRM Persons with Reduced Mobility PSM Passenger Service Message PSS Passenger Service Systems PTS Passenger Tracking System QR Quick Response QSR Quick Service Registration RESDIT Response to Documents International Transport Advice RFC Ready For Carriage RFID Radio Frequency Identification Device RMS Resource Management System SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research STACO Station Control STD Schedule Time of Departure SWIM System Wide Information Management TAT Turnaround Time TCP Transmission Control Protocol TOBT Target Off-Block Time TITAN Turnaround Integration in Trajectory and Network UDP User Data Protocol UHF Ultra High Frequency UIR Unloading Information Report ULD Unit Load Device INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 16 . UM Unaccompanied Minor UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System VDGS Visual Docking Guidance System VHF Very High Frequency WAN Wide Area Network Table 3 Acronyms list INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 17 . entailing cost savings for the Airline and furthermore offering improved customer service. eventually resulting in an overall decrease in efficiency in the turnaround process. The result of this optimization will be the reduction in delays through enhanced operational punctuality and predictability which addresses a reduction in the operation time-buffers set by the Airline. each stakeholder has different priorities when carrying out their activities. those of passengers. bringing substantial improvement to all partners. Baggage. It is expected that Airport CDM will have an impact on the operating efficiency of airport partners.2. whose management entails a complex coordination of the different sub-processes that converge into it. baggage. It is recognized that the implementation of Airport CDM will transform many of the communication policies and procedures that have historically dominated the airport operations environment.1 Objectives One of the main pillars of INTERACTION is the analysis of the current situation. especially addressing the needs for improvement in the interactions between sub-processes (D2.2 Context and Assumptions: Drafting the INTERACTION Scenario 2.3 Scope). All of these processes need to be planned and executed in order to converge into the turnaround process and comply with turnaround planning itself. Furthermore. predictability and punctuality in the ATM network and airport stakeholders. The optimization of these processes. Furthermore. Freight and GSE management in Ramp operations. it is logical to characterize the Turnaround process and sub-processes: Passenger. in order to identify the inefficiencies that impact negatively on the Aircraft Turnaround management. will create a successful Aircraft Turnaround operation which will impact mainly on the Airport Operations performance. Currently. freight and Ramp operations. 2. due to the large number of services to be carried out. Freight and GSE management in Ramp operations  Characterization of the different information tools that support the information management in each process. both separately and especially.2 Scope The Turnaround is the core process of the Aircraft in the Airport. as well the interactions between them. Landside processes (Passenger and Baggage). the INTERACTION concept must take into account A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making) and SWIM (System Wide Information Management) as foundations of the future European ATM which INTERACTION shall rely on:  A-CDM: The Airport Collaborative Decision Making (Airport CDM) is now embedded in the ATM operational concept as an important enabler that will improve operational efficiency. freight processes. Therefore. which will lead to the development of solutions as a first step to achieve that Turnaround optimization 2. Therefore. To carry out this analysis. through best practices being applied in the management of ground service equipment and manpower. the main objectives to be developed in this deliverable are:  Characterization and Definition of the Aircraft Turnaround process as a whole and its associated subprocesses: Passenger. it is essential to give a complete description of the different sub-processes and the identification of inefficiencies between them that impact on the current Aircraft Turnaround process. as part of the 7 European Framework project shall be focused on European Airport Operations environment and aligned especially with the developments based on SESAR Programme and other initiatives as TITAN. This description will allow the identification of the information flows between all of the stakeholders involved in each process. together. and GSE (Ground Servicing Equipment) management ramp operations need to be managed so that coordination between them all and also with the aircraft turnaround should be in place. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 18 . Baggage.1 Context th INTERACTION. these sub-processes are separately managed which leads to independent strategies and objectives which in most cases cause negative impacts and inefficiencies. and may eventually contribute to reduced buffer times for resource planning and flight times due to enhanced predictability. as a main input to assessing the information management. as a summary. taking into consideration the SWIM information management protocols and procedures for its external and internal communications.  Only commercial flights shall be considered  Airports will be European. SWIM improves the interconnectivity of domain systems. Its new technologies and procedures will also reduce the environmental impact of flying. infrastructure and governance enabling the management of ATM information and its exchange between qualified parties via interoperable services.  The Airport will probably be connected to the future European Network via SWIM. so that most of the new concepts associated with Airport Operations could be in place and running. In addition. information is made available and processed through services which need to conform to applicable standards and be registered so that they are accessible. For the external parameters. It is the technological and operational dimension of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative to meet future airspace capacity and safety needs. It is not only subordinated to the procedure followed for the management of the process. SWIM also enables wider discoverability of pertinent information. while making it easier and less costly to share. SWIM will cover the security requirements associated with the information exchanges. the European Airports with the highest numbers of Passenger Commercial Flights across Europe account for an overall percentage of European domestic flights greater than 50% of the Total Passenger Commercial Flights operated.  The Airport will be aligned with SESAR deployment phase. fixing the Operational Scenario in which INTERACTION will provide its future solutions. SESAR involves developing a new ATM system to handle more traffic with greater safety and at a lower cost. SWIM promotes and contributes to open standards.  SWIM: SWIM consists of standards. operating mainly European domestic flights.2 Assumptions The Aircraft Turnaround is a complex process which depends on numerous variables. 2. SESAR: The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) programme is building the future European air traffic management system. it makes sense to take into account that the focus Airport will operate within the ECAC area such several features can be established: For the external parameters. general assumptions have been made for these internal and external variables. According to the EUROSTAT statistical data repository. to the legal and physical constraints in place and/or the links/dependencies with the associated sub-processes but also there are other external issues which make a major impact on how the turnaround process is addressed. providing support for permanent dialogue between the various partners. This statement is highlighted by the following graphs: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 19 . Furthermore. The aim of this is to improve information management and therefore information sharing on a wide basis. Through SWIM. and it also provides technology recommendations. it makes sense to take into account that the focus Airport will operate within the ECAC area with certain characteristics that can be established as follows:  As A-CDM will be a concept extended more and more across Europe. In order to reduce the wide spectrum with casuistic associated to the Turnaround.2. elements defined by A-CDM could be implemented and running in the Airport. both internal and external to the process itself. Embraer 190/195. cargo capability. slightly more than 77% of the Total Passenger Commercial Flights operated are Intra-European flights using Narrow Body Aircraft. CS100. Based on the statistical data collected by EUROSTAT.Figure 1 Total European Domestic Passenger commercial flights and Total European Non-Domestic Passenger Commercial Flights operated in the twenty-five European Airports with the highest number of Passenger commercial flights in 2012 [1] (Eurostat Data Source) Figure 2 Cumulative Data referenced to figures provided in the previous chart. Figure 4. in the European Airports with the highest number of Passenger Commercial Flights across Europe. etc) with implications for the management of the Turnaround process and sub-processes arising from several features associated with this type of Aircraft (average turnaround time.(A320. aircraft services. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 20 . Almost all the remaining 23% of IntraEuropean flights use other types of Aircraft. B737. maximum number of passengers. etc). highlighting the percentage of the European Domestic and European Non-Domestic Passenger Commercial Flights [1] (Eurostat Data Source)  Airports will be focused mainly on the management of medium range Narrow Body Aircrafts . highlighting the percentage of the European Domestic Flights Operated by Narrow Body of A/C´s and Non-Narrow Body A/C [1] (Eurostat Data Source) INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 21 .Figure 3 European Domestic Passenger Commercial Flights operated by Narrow Body A/C´s and Non-Narrow Body A/C´s in the twenty-five European Airports with the highest number of Passenger Commercial Flights in 2012 [1] (Eurostat Data Source) Figure 4 Cumulative Data referenced to figures provided in the previous chart. B737. which affects the whole process and sub-process as well the equipment allocated in the services provision. Aircraft Turnaround Ramp Services  Catering: Reduce the in-flight meals/food to a minimum (paid on board and free snacks)  Cabin Service: Cleaning done by an external company  Cabin Security Inspection (done by Crew)  Refuelling: Done with Passengers on board but in accordance with safety norms (Fire Brigade advised) using Fuel tanker truck or Hydrant Truck (pumping from the airport underground hydrants)  Passengers Boarding/deplaning by Passengers Boarding Bridge (PBB)  Loading/Unloading of Air Cargo (Freight and Baggage): Mix of pallets (containers/ULDs) and bulk cargo shipping  Toilet Servicing  Potable water tanks servicing  Air-start Units for starting engines  GPU (400 Hz)  Towing (pushback)  Maintenance (Maybe should be considered as an Use Case in case the aircraft needs repair tasks carried out) 2.3 Scenarios Once these assumptions have been considered. including the Ramp services which are employed during the Turnaround process. two Scenarios shall be considered:  General Scenario  Alternative Scenario 2. B-737.2.2.2. Due to the huge impact of the stand location used to park the Aircraft during the Turnaround (close to terminal or remote from it).2. the resulting Operational Scenario is defined. Embraer E190/195…)  An average load factor of 80% INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 22 .2 Alternative Scenario General Data  Standard Turnaround  Aircraft parked in a Remote Stand  Short/Medium Range Narrow Body Aircrafts (A320.3.3. Embraer 190/195…)  An average load factor of 80%  Turnaround time for the aircraft varies from 35 min (A320) – 45 min (A321).1 General Scenario General Data  Standard Turnaround  Aircraft parked close to Terminal  Terminal Building Architecture: Linear front  Short/Medium Range Narrow Body Aircrafts (A-320.  Loading/Unloading of air Cargo (Freight and Baggage): Mix of pallets (containers/ULDs) and bulk cargo shipping  Toilet Servicing  Potable water tanks servicing  Air start Units for starting engines  GPU (400 Hz)  Maintenance (Maybe should be considered as an Use Case in case the aircraft needs repair taks carried out) INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 23 . Turnaround time for the aircraft varies from 35 min (A320) – 45 min (A321). Aircraft Turnaround Ramp Services  Catering: Reduce the in-flight meals/food to a minimum (paid on board and free snacks)  Cabin Service: Cleaning done by an external company  Cabin Security Inspection (done by Crew)  Refuelling: Done with Passengers on board in accordance with the safety norms (Fire Brigade advised) using Fuel tanker truck  Bus service. to move people from the terminal to either an aircraft (or another terminal)  Passengers Boarding/Deplaning by air-stairs (front and rear). the interaction between other departments and of course the information flow.2. It is clear though that optimization of the turnaround time which has as a result the maximum utilization of the aircraft fleet and passenger satisfaction is therefore essential for a successful operation. and thus Web check-in.2.1 Context and Assumptions Context The airport considered is an International Airport within the EU. departing passengers and transits..2 3. Kiosk check-in and conventional check-in are in place and operative). handler. On-time performance and Irregularities.. scheduled and a regular connection between specified airports. 3. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 24 . Business class passengers. The description though is not limited to the linear physical flow of the passengers nor to the standard procedures that passengers may identify but also takes into account the interdependencies with the other processes and the interaction of the relevant information flows as far as can be. The airport terminal (check-in counters. Airline Customer Satisfaction Surveys for the last 10 years shows that passenger satisfaction is mainly appreciated by In-flight Service. Special passengers such as PRM´s. airport. The type of flight is commercial.1 Scope The scope of this section is to describe the passenger process as a whole and indeed as a process feeding the aircraft turnaround process.3 Passenger Process 3.1.) and all of the information flows between them. 3. This understanding should then lead to a better optimisation of the whole process thanks to better insight into the critical interdependencies and the points in the process where there are risks of delays and errors. Depending on origin or destination.2 Assumption According to different boarding methods based on the Aircraft parking position it is assumed that both stands close to the terminal building allowing boarding by Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) and remote parking boarding by the use of buses means are used. 3. and International/Domestic passengers are checked in at special designated Check-in counters. gates. UM´s. Proactive measures are essential for the efficient management of all processes as well as improvement of the process design and the input of new techniques (mainly innovative and information related to). airport capacity (landside and airside) and facilities are assumed to be adequate for the level of the operation (Check-in facilities used cover all check-in process methods. The passenger process is divided into three different flows: Arriving passengers. The scope covers the input of all actors in the process (airline. Boarding gates use gate based security screening facilities and concepts. As well. Gold card or other honoured card holders. the passenger can face different security and customs controls. arrival gates) marks the physical boundaries for the passenger but there is a huge “industry” going on behind the scenes which creates the passenger experience and should result in the on time departure of the aircraft. All the above may be achieved if all processes are clearly defined and accounted. Destinations to Extra Schengen flights need to pass through passport control (Great Britain–Switzerland) so extra time is needed.1 Objectives The purpose is not only to visualise and understand passenger related process in itself but also to identify the critical points where decisions or changes in normal procedure are needed. Gate readers are installed and used for the boarding process Different Check-in drop-off counters are used for the following passengers. which the alternatives considered during the process should also describe. excess charges. Capacity of staff for timely de board and transport of passengers.3 Identification of Actors involved. Check-in passengers Capacity of staff for timely Checkin Boarding passengers Capacity of boarding. ticket charges. Check-in Supervisor Manage irregularities. management of delays. The process for the arriving passenger starts with the aircraft deplaning and finishes after baggage claim. Check-in capacity Enough counters to passengers on time. Check-in counters Sufficient capacity for Check-in counters. aircraft scheduled flight in case of irregularities.The process for the departing passenger starts with the ticketing process and finishes after aircraft boarding. Security Control Monitor passenger and hand luggage to ensure that no forbidden articles enter the airside. maintenance of Checkin. Airport Operator Handling Agent Private Security (contacted by the Airport Operator) staff INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION for check-in timely 25 . Actor Role Responsibility Airline Ticket Sales Facilities and means of ticket sales. Management of Human Resources. Arrival of passengers. take critical decisions. Station Control Information flow on flight status. Quick Transfer of passengers Adequate staff to assist in case of late incoming flights Flight Editing/ Close out Experienced staff to edit flight and prevent circumstances. The process for transit starts with the aircraft deplaning and finishes after the aircraft boarding. boarding facilities maintenance Information Flow Airport Flight Information Displays for passenger information. boarding equipment. 3. Network change Approves aircraft changes. info for potential irregularities. Roles & Responsibilities. airport signage. usually there are two MCTs.4 Process Description 3. but exceptions may apply depending on the origin and the local airport’s security plan. from destination to destination. Domestic to Domestic and International to Domestic and vice versa). Passengers arriving from an inbound flight and continuing to other destinations are assisted by the arrival crew. Depending on the aircraft parking stand.  Passenger Boarding Process.  Passenger Emigration Control (if needed). For those passengers who require clearance through Customs–Immigration.  Weight and Balance. Table 4 Roles and Responsibilities associated to the Passenger Process 3. Arrival crew are in charge of passenger assistance. The Arrival Crew agent retrieves all necessary information for the arrival process (Pax Figures. passengers are not usually required to pass through security control again.  Passenger Check-in Process. arrival crew agent calls necessary busses to transport passengers or opens Boarding Bridge doors. Usually passengers are checked all the way through to the final destination so no further Check-in or baggage pickup should be required.Arrival Process. transfer crew escort them all the way.  Aircraft Crew Control (if needed). providing information and assuring passengers are guided to the reclaim belt if needed or the path to gates. For the arriving passengers. the process starts 10 minutes prior to Scheduled or Estimated (in case of delay) Time of Arrival (STA or ETA).1 Process Definition (textual) Passenger Process is divided into the following Sub–Processes:  Pre – flight process.4. FIDS). Transfer Crew are assigned to the task of identifying passengers in transfer with less than the minimum connecting time and guiding and assisting them to the gate area.  Passenger Immigration.  Transit – Transfer Passenger process. it is official for every airport and may be different from airport to airport. Passengers arriving within the Airports approved Minimum Connecting Time do not usually need any further assistance. Immigration Control Guarantee arriving Non Schengen passenger have valid passport and visa. MCT is published by the Airport and approved by the Airport Users Committee. Depending on airport infrastructure. Special passengers.Actor Role Responsibility Law Enforcement Bodies Emigration control Guarantee departing Non Schengen passenger have valid passport. (Minimum Connecting Time (MCT) is the minimum time between transfer flights for a passenger to make the flight. MVT messages. Customs Control Control of incoming flow of goods for Non UE flights.  Baggage Reclaim.  Special Passenger – PRM Handling. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 26 .  Passenger Deplaning .  Passenger Security Control. usually 30 minutes prior to the Scheduled Departure Time (depending on the airline policy). This security control is performed by the ground handler agents at the boarding gate managing the boarding process. The following are available methods of Passenger Check-in:  WEB – Home – Mobile Check-in: passengers have checked in online and hold their boarding passes. At the Centralized Security Control. Usually there are dedicated Passport control counters for Local Passengers. Out of Gauge. Immigration control is performed by State Security and Forces Bodies. nature…) may apply. then comes back to the Check-in counter for baggage release. After finishing the above procedure the passenger is informed of the gate allocation and proceeds to the security and/or Immigration control if required. the bag is stood by and the passenger returns to the ticket sales desk to complete the payment. Passengers deliver these items by themselves. This Security Control is performed by the Private Security Company contracted by the Airport. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 27 . all passengers pass through the screening equipment and then move freely within the shop and gate area. passengers are divided into two categories:  Requiring to check baggage  Carry-on baggage only Those that are holding baggage should proceed to the allocated check-in counters usually named as Baggage Drop Off and check-in their baggage. In case of Boarding Bridge stands. Schengen passengers and other third countries. The Check-in process ends at designated check-in time closure. Then passengers may enter the shopping/waiting area and proceed to their respective screening controls.) are escorted to the gate area by designated employees.. This security control is performed by State Security and Forces Bodies  Security Control before the boarding gates.. Depending on the airport’s infrastructure. Following the Check-in process. mandatory for Non Schengen departing passengers. Carriers may only apply this method for special category passengers or Business class – Premium Passengers. Close out and Station Control inform the respective PRM department to meet passengers upon arrival and assist. UMs…).  Immigration control. For departing passengers.For the PRM arriving and/or in transfer. a special Vehicle (ambulift) is called to pick up passengers from the aircraft. At security controls before the gate area there is an additional pre–security control in order to verify that the specific passenger is eligible to board. According to Airlines IT&T Infrastructure. PRM passengers are usually deplaned with the use of Wheel Chairs directly to the boarding stand. Should an excess or other payments be required. special baggage requirements (size.  Passengers with Special needs (PRM. dictated by National regulations– Airport infrastructure and processes:  Centralized security control prior to entering the “Shop – waiting area of the airport”. passengers may be required to print their boarding pass or having it delivered electronically to their handheld/smartphone device. weight. Other Passengers with Special Needs (UM. Usually there are dedicated passport control counters for local passengers. Passengers who need to buy their ticket or pay for any extra services should be able to easily identify the ticket sales desk. Usually oversized or unusually-shaped bags are delivered to Special counters named OOG. the process starts with the acquisition of their travel tickets and their arrival at the airport of origin. There are usually three types of Security Control.  Kiosk Check-in: passengers holding confirmed tickets are required to check-in at the dedicated equipment’s and obtain their boarding passes. Passengers with a confirmed ticket may proceed to the available Check-in methods.  Traditional check-in at the counter: depending of the Airline procedure passengers may check-in at dedicated or common use counters. In case of remote stand parking positions. Schengen passengers and Other Third Countries (Non Schengen). Passengers enter the gate area according to the airline´s requirements which vary between 45–30 minutes prior to departing time. Boarding finishes 05 – 10 minutes prior to the Scheduled departure time.Information to the passengers about their departing gate. In specified time frames. times and other changes or irregularities are communicated via the Airport Information System. public announcements and/or mobile information provided from the airline or the airport.  Remote Stand boarding. At the specified time a final passenger announcement is made and information on missing passengers is given to the ramp. Passengers can access the aircraft via a Passenger Boarding Bridge or by descending to the apron and walking to the aircraft. For international flights an ID check at this point is mandatory.  Crew briefing The above processes are usually part of the Ramp processes and will not be discussed here. priority is given to passengers needing special attention. Boarding is usually approved and initiated following aircraft crew approval and information comes through the Ramp agent. and this baggage is offloaded from the flight. families with children and/or according to airlines procedures. This check is made in order to identify passengers’ baggage due to security restrictions and laws. Passengers entering the aircraft are assisted by the cabin crew in order to speed up the process and excess carry-on bags may be given to the ramp for aircraft hold load. business class–priority passengers. Prior to actual boarding. boarding methods and/or any irregularities. At the moment the Remote stand boarding gate agent informs Bus services of the amount of buses they will need and the time that the expected boarding will start. boarding can be of two types:  Contact Stand boarding. there is automated boarding equipment installed at the gate where passengers scan their boarding passes (printed or electronically) and according to local Security requirements an Identification with a travel document may be performed. Depending on the aircraft parking position. In case of excessive number or size of hand bags. station control. Pre-Boarding Announcements may be performed according to Airlines rules informing passengers of boarding times. the cabin crew delivers them to Ground staff for hold load. The DCS system counts the checked-in and boarded passengers until all passengers have been boarded. Considerations on the final off load of passengers. requiring Buses to transport passengers to the aircraft stand. passenger screening should be performed. Actions prior to boarding that have to be completed are:  Aircraft serviceability verification by the Captain  Aircraft Safety and Security checks  Cleaning of aircraft  Catering of Aircraft. Buses are usually standing by at the gate area 05 minutes prior to scheduled boarding time. Usually. Screening intends to identify passengers with excess hand baggage prior to departure. search for passengers and waiting delays are taken from the respective supervisors. provided that the crew is on board and the Aircraft is serviceable. Boarding process starts 40-50 minutes (according to the airline’s procedures) irrespectively of aircraft landing time or delay. meaning that at a specified time prior to the departure gate the crew initiates boarding without prior notification approval. announcements stating the current status of passenger boarding are made. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 28 . There are airlines that use the concept of Auto boarding. close out and Operation Control of the Airline in order to plan for a punctual departure or minimum delay. Information on any passenger’s special needs or restrictions are usually identified through DCS info and/or Close out / Station Control agents. Boarding is usually performed by seat row numbers. for the Aircrafts parked on the stands positioned close to the Terminal building. Information is given to or exchanged between the ramp. Finalization of the boarding process is given by the Cockpit crew and ramp agent. and the the flight then begins Departure procedures. Airline employees or Handling Agent employees may perform these duties according to the local contract or roles of the Airline. Prior to aircraft doors closing.  Airlines – Handlers Check-in Close out  Airlines Representatives  IOCC of the airline Prior to flight check-in initiation. Such actions are to verify that the correct Aircraft type.1.4. as described in the table Pre. Flight documents are Load Sheet and all accompanying papers.1 Pre-Flight Preparation In order to ensure the smooth operation of the flight it is essential to complete a proper pre-flight preparation. flight info and irregularities should be observed and action needed should be taken. During daily activities.Airlines Station Control. during and after passenger processes. configuration and capacity are allocated to the specified flight.Flight Preparation. Passenger Name List and/or other special passenger’s lists. This consists of the following processes:  Prior. Flight editing procedure Step Close Out Agent-Supervisor 1 Familiarize yourself with the booking figure for each flight in order to be prepared to handle an overbooking situation in an efficient manner 2 Check flight is displayed in DCS System 3 Check the Configuration found in the Airlines Network Planning System or Daily published operations plan against the configuration shown in the Check-kin DCS subsystem so as to verify the Correct Configuration and Business / Economy class divider curtain version of the A/C INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 29 . Such departments may be:  Handlers. All irregularities are observed in order to minimize or handle any foreseeable delays. The boarding process ends when all passengers are seated in the aircraft and aircraft doors are closed 3. The usual methods of information sourcing and tracking are:   Airlines Network – Flight planning System  Airports Flight Information Displays  DCS system own notification – info System  Movement Messages  A dedicated department according to the local setup should be responsible for gathering all information and referring it to departments accordingly. Information may come from a variety of Systems/Means depending on the Handler/Airline structure. all prior information should be assessed and flight open should be commenced. There is no clear definition of who should perform these duties. the ground crew has to deliver flight documents to the Crew. several actions have to be performed in order to verify the smooth operation of the Flight. special facility seats as well as seats for special categories of passengers are pre-allocated at the time of reservation. assistance. 9 Insert all necessary info about flight (Gate Number.Flight editing procedure Step Close Out Agent-Supervisor 4 Check flight status accordingly. Passenger Name list has been processed.During the daily operations Movement messages should be carefully noticed for irregularities or other information. CIP‟S and take necessary actions. Check-in status may be: 5  Open  Suspended  Boarding  Delayed  Cancelled Check that the departure plan activities have run correctly. If a Station control is available then Station Control should identify all irregularities and inform Close out Agents. If there are any problems check with DCS support 6 Check correct A/C registration 7 Check correct gate number is entered 8 Check booking figures in order to be prepared to handle overbooking situations in an efficient manner. Delays. All required systematic processes have been finalized. …) 10 Perform pre-seating (if necessary) Normally. wheelchairs. 8 Block last C-class and first Y-class rows in case of last minute a/c configuration change 9 Block rows after the 4th Y-class towards the back for proper seating of families who may check in late 11 Check for any special requests e. 12 Check with Network Planning system or Daily program for any irregularities or special attention needed .g. seat requests or VIP‟S. Weather conditions Airport Restrictions Aircraft Maintenance needs Late incoming Aircrafts INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 30 . 14 In case of misconnections arrange with ticket sales to rebook passengers on next flights.4..4.  The check-in counter itself should be stocked with name labels.3 Queuing Time th The premise is that queuing time should be as short as possible. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 31 . according IATA 9 Airport Reference Material. Processing time should be flexible according to individual circumstances. Business and/or Priority passengers should 1 not be longer than 3 minutes and for Economy class passengers should not be longer than 12 minutes .. 3. Table 5 Pre-Flight procedures 3. with airlines logo.  A check-in sign showing Flight number.  A supply of the necessary check-in materials should be available before check-in starts.1.Flight editing procedure Step Close Out Agent-Supervisor 13 Make sure that all check-in Staff are aware of special situations and delays. For Economy Class. 1 This acceptable Queuing Time will depend on the Airline Policy. At least one check-in counter should remain open until departure time. an acceptable queuing time for First Class.  The number of counters will depend on the station and type of flight handled. in the case of common check-in. Following this. flight numbers and times. UM. counters should refer to all destinations or any alternative destinations checked in as specified in the Local Procedures Manual and the handling contract. for example. 15 Inform Arrival Agents of any irregularities 16 Meet and assist/escort arriving passengers with short connections 17 Meet and assist arriving passengers needing special services such as PRM. acceptable queuing time should not be longer than 15 minutes. Destination and airline logo is positioned near or over the desk. This check-in counter should indicate to whom the passenger can refer to.1. timetables.2 Check-In Counter Requirements The following applies for check-in counters:  Check-in counters must be correctly identified. Business and Priority.  Airport Flight Information System shows the correct flight details if applicable. in the case of Aegean it is assumed that for First Class. queuing time will be no longer than 5 minutes. If the check-in counter is not continuously staffed the counter must be opened according to the flight:  International Flights: No later than three hours prior to departure  Domestic Flights: No later than two hours prior to departure. notification regarding restricted articles and other relevant information.  The web boarding pass consists of a single A4 size paper copy which stays with the passenger. passengers are asked for their seat preference which is respected in accordance with availability and the limitation of the Emergency exit rule. Self-service check-in means of identification are:  Passenger’s name and electronic ticket number. after confirming the baggage (number of pieces) handed over is checked in. passport control. the printing of baggage tags and the capturing of APIS/Doc Check data will be performed at the baggage drop off counter. After validation at the gate. If necessary. Kiosk Self Service Check-In Devices: Self-service check-in is the check-in performed by passengers. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 32 . The advantage for the passenger in using the self-service facilities in combination with the baggage drop-off counter is a shorter wait-time. issuing the Boarding Pass.  Flying to/from certain selected destination. Next.  Frequent Flyer Card number. the check-in agent (or airline staff member) checks the documentation of the passenger to confirm his/her identity and destination. finally allocating the seat number and. which then issues a boarding card with seat number. Unlisted passengers are only allocated places on a space available basis. Only the registration of the baggage. eligible for web check-in.  Ask if any Prohibited Articles are being carried in carry-on baggage.  Passenger’s name and booking reference. When handing back the documents. the passenger is informed of the departure gate and boarding time.  This type of check-in enables passengers to print out their boarding pass on their own printer or store it in their own electronic devices (smartphones or similar). For passengers who continue to an onward destination. Conditions are:  Passenger must hold a valid ticket (electronic or paper ticket).  Passport. security measures and any relevant information according to local procedures. keeping a copy is not necessary.  Credit card number with which the ticket was issued. calling up the passenger data on the Check-in system. baggage is tagged until the final destination observing the standard rules for through check-in of baggage.1. presented at the reservation.  If necessary. capture of APIS/Doc Check data. Traditional Check-in: At the check-in counters.4.4 Check-in Methods WEB Check-In:  WEB check-in (or internet check-in) is possible via the Airline Web Site. The procedure is as follows:  Collection of the boarding pass and baggage.3.5 Baggage Drop-Off All passengers who checked in via internet or at the Self-service Kiosk have the possibility to drop-off their luggage at a baggage drop-off counter. by entering their means of identification into a self-service check-in device. 3. apply the standard procedure for excess baggage.1.  Verification that the weight of the baggage is within the free baggage allowance of the passenger.4. customs inspection. Statistical data has shown that Cabin Baggage is responsible for delaying the boarding process. according to passenger type . An indicative time is at least 45 minutes to STD.  Finally.  Baggage is entered into the Check-in system  Baggage tags are attached to the pieces of baggage and the baggage is transported.4.  Passengers are asked if any Dangerous Goods are carried in checked baggage. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 33 . with or without baggage. before the boarding starts (oversized cabin baggage and/or a greater number of pieces than allowed per passenger). directing them to the tickets sales desk for payment. thus delaying flights.  In case of excess baggage.  Gate set up (tensa barriers. IMPORTANT: Strict application of the deadlines helps on-time departure of the flights. travel agents and which is the latest time passengers should present themselves for check-in at the designated check-in counter.  Departure will not be delayed. the monitor should display the “Boarding” status. passengers are informed accordingly. baggage sizer…). Regarding the last point.1. 3. Cabin Baggage Scanning. removing old baggage tags.2 Passenger Boarding Process Before Boarding process starts Passengers should stay at the boarding area before the boarding starts. with the agreement of the Station Manager or other authorized staff. Passengers are reminded to take all valuable items with them instead of placing them in the baggage for loading. 3. It is very important to perform scanning and complete it. Parallel to this. Late passengers may be accepted. 3. creating frustration in customers on board and delaying the customers’ in settling into their seats.1. The passenger is then asked to sign the Limited Release Tag.4.7 Late Check-In A late check-in is a check-in performed after the official check-in deadline. Passenger is informed that departure is not guaranteed. The baggage is weighed. under the following conditions:  Baggage will be checked only with a limited release tag.4.  Scanning of the passengers’ cabin baggage. fragile or unsuitably packed baggage and items other than personal baggage must be tagged with a Limited Release Tag.  Prepare passenger queues. Passenger is informed that no additional meals will be ordered if this would cause a delay of the flight.6 Check-in Deadline Check-In Deadline is a time expressed in minutes prior to scheduled departure which is published to passengers.   Damaged. Check-in deadlines depend on the station and the type of flight. In this case the passenger is advised that in the event of damage or further damages occurring. the boarding pass and the claim tags for the checked baggage are handed to the passenger. special attention and effort needs to be given. All baggage must be labelled with the passenger’s name. Passenger is informed of the final destination of the checked baggage in case of connecting flights. airline may not accept liability for any subsequent claim. Gate agents start their activities a certain time before boarding starts. Gate agents’ tasks include:  Carry out a briefing with relevant information. first. ensure that:  Gate monitors should display “Last Call” status  The revised Boarding announcement is made Usually. Premium Customers’ and Economy with customers sitting in the aft of the aircraft. the Economy Class passengers. Unaccompanied Minors (UM) and elderly passengers:   UMs as well as any PRM passengers shall be personally handed over to the flight crew. The procedure implies:  Checking that customers with Fast Lane stickers are PREMIUM  The boarding of customers strictly following the seat number/row order Customers that are not yet to board (front rows) are asked to wait at the back of the queue. INAD and DEPO Passengers shall always be boarded before all other passengers:  Deportees shall be boarded without drawing attention to them. followed by the boarding of the Premium Customers’ queue.  Such announcement shall be made prior to the actual boarding call in the departure gate.Pre-Boarding Pre-boarding should be performed for all special passengers.  The crew has to be informed via operations about special pre-boarding. Boarding starts with the boarding of passengers requiring special assistance (PRM. Boarding Procedure It is important that passengers‟ safety must be observed throughout the complete boarding process. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 34 . The passengers are verbally informed that a single queue should be formed for all customers (except Premium Customers). The following actions are taken to board the passengers:  Boarding announcement. not where they stand at that time. by withdrawing their transit passes from them.  The announcement may also be necessary in the ramp bus (if used). When Boarding starts When ready to start boarding.  On request-groups. Transit Passengers:  Transit passengers shall be called and boarded as mentioned. Once all customers standing in that queue have boarded. The following priorities should be followed in coordination with the crew:   PRM. two queues are formed by that time.  DEPO passengers must be verbally notified to the PIC. DEPO's escorted by officers of the law shall be pre-boarded and seated in the aft-rows. UM…) families with children and anyone in need.  Families with children and infant. Tensa barriers can be used to form the two queues and relevant A4 paper displays indicating the direction for each customer will be provided. Premium customers who arrive in their respective queue during boarding of economy class customers can be served by one agent without interrupting the rest of the customers that will be continuously served by the other agent/scanner. the process continues with the next queue. Actions Taken  The pre-boarding shall be requested by an appropriate announcement to passengers. At transit stations of multisector flights.  If passengers walk from the gate to the aircraft an agent should escort them. Identity check of the passengers is repeated during boarding the gate. make sure buses are not overloaded.  Remove excessive carry-on baggage. the Gate Agent informs the Ramp Agent about the number of passengers‟ boarded through normal boarding procedure. passengers in transit shall board before local boarding passengers. This also includes transit passengers. Passengers are asked to scan their boarding pass through the automated system if present. After the head-counting. according to the head-counting.  Check if he was through checked from another station. In case of nonautomated system the procedure is as follows:  Tear off the boarding pass stub performing computerized Boarding Control through DCS or passing the boarding pass through the Gate Reader. if the number of passengers boarded is less than the number of passengers checked-in. To this extend passengers that are not accepted to the flight due to different reasons (fail to present at the gate within the specified time.  Check for any check-in error (double check-in). seat number. Keep flight coupons where applicable. airlines shall transport checked-in baggage only if its owner is on the same flight and shall prevent the introduction of any other bags. on the stairs and at the entrances of the buses. are ineligible to board and so on) should be offloaded such their baggage should be identified and unloaded of the flight. Purpose of the measures: According to European Security Regulations. in order to cross check the Passengers´ figures with the Load sheet.  Check with security/Immigration or customs if the passenger had been delayed there. Passengers Reconciliation After completion of passengers‟ boarding. recommendations are included to speed up the boarding process:  Avoid overcrowded areas and long queues on the Passenger Boarding Bridges. Regarding the process.  In case of Manual Boarding Control check passenger’s sequence number on the manual boarding chart. Passenger holding boarding passes and identification documents.  The total number of passengers checked in should be equal to the number of passengers boarded and finally the total number of passengers counted on board the aircraft and mentioned in the load sheet. at the gate and in the terminal). and thus stated on the Load Sheet.  Checking flight numbers and dates on boarding passes. Return the small portion of the boarding pass to the passenger.  Check the name of the passenger in DCS.  Upon boarding the aircraft passengers shall be directed in such a manner that passengers are finding their seats as fast as possible with the least degree of hindering each other.  Passenger boarding should be conducted in an orderly manner using the forward door only if an air bridge is used and both forward and aft doors if the aircraft is parked on the open apron.  If boarding is performed by bus.  Help passengers requiring special assistance. The ramp agent will provide the information to the Senior Cabin Attendant and the Commander.  Check if the missing passenger has checked baggage inform ramp agent to locate the baggage and offload it. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 35 . actions are taken:  Make an individual call for the passenger (on board. . Order of Disembarkation Disembark passengers in the following sequence:  VIPs. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 36 . Usual Flight Documents are  Load–Sheet. In case buses are used. Close Out and / or movement messages.3 Passenger De boarding – Arrival Process Pre-Arrival Activities: The pre-arrival activities entail the collection of all the necessary information of arriving passengers through the DCS info system. In general. in the DCS advising Load Control and ramp agent about it.  Check the special service messages: PTM. Pre-arrival activities include the following ones:  Check the number of passengers on board. the baggage identification is necessary in order to determinate the baggage of the missing passenger. after OK from the ground staff or commander. If delayed.  Inform passengers accordingly on next flight info – Gate – Check-in allocation. PSM. If the passenger does not show up and has checked-in baggage. offload him in the DCS advising Load Control and ramp agent. it must be assured that his baggage will be offloaded before departure. whichever is applicable. check connections and make new reservations if necessary. The Passenger Information List is a mandatory document which contains all necessary information that Cabin crew needs to have regarding passengers.  Check individual messages.  Arrange for special assistance if required. Disembarkation Rules The following general disembarkation rules apply:  Passenger safety must be observed throughout the entire disembarkation process.  Check the estimated time of arrival.  Prepare to quick transfer short connecting passengers. Boarding Finalization Following passengers board and baggage reconciliation necessary Flight Documents should be delivered to the Flight Crew.If the passenger does not show up and has not checked in any baggage. According to the airlines infrastructure these documents may be provided electronically or manual printed through gate printers..  Passenger Information List (PIL).  Make sure steps or Passenger Boarding Bridge are in correct position. Ramp agent and Station control are informed during the baggage reconciliation procedure all the time. It is the responsibility of Ground Personnel to ensure that Cabin Crew is informed of all passengers travelling.  Cabin doors must be opened by the cabin crew. disembarkation may start after passenger bus is available.4. 3. Station Control Info. in view of the number of busses to be foreseen. Offload passenger.  Disembarkation may only start after OK given by ground staff to cabin crew.  Reduction of connecting times.  Facilitation of ground handling activities.4 Passenger in transfer process 3.4.2 Handling at Connecting Station The aim of efficient handling at connecting stations is:  Improvement of passenger service. 3.  General Handling Procedures.  Passengers with reduced mobility or needing special assistance. and whose baggage was checked through on that connecting flight at the original boarding station.4.4.4. Always separate business class passengers from economy class passengers.  The location of the arrival airport in or outside the European Union.  If passengers have to walk on the apron they must be escorted. make sure busses are not overloaded.  Ums. observe ramp safety regulations.) must be assisted in every possible way up to the arrival hall.  If disembarkation is done by bus.  Where possible. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 37 . boarding time. including details such as departure gate.  Whether or not an arriving passenger must go through immigration at the arrival station depends on the journey of the passenger.1 Overview Transfer passengers are passengers arriving by aircraft at a given aircraft.  Economy Class passengers. Transfer passengers hold separate flight coupons and receive separate boarding passes for the different parts of their journey 3. meet and assist arriving passengers giving all relevant information concerning immigration. Delivery at Aircraft baggage must be offloaded and returned to passenger at the time of disembarkation. according to local circumstances.  Where applicable. mothers with infants etcetera.  Whether or not an arriving passenger must clear his baggage through customs at the arrival station depends on:  The journey of the passenger.  Deportees.  Reference: More detailed information and a list of EU countries can be found in TIM/TIMATIC.  Passengers needing special assistance (reduced mobility. and the location of the arrival airport in a Schengen or non-Schengen country (list of the Schengen countries (see TIM/TIMATIC).  Unaccompanied minors must remain under the airlines’ or handling agent’s custody until handed over to the awaiting party. Particular procedures for the arrival process  Whenever applicable. Business Class passengers. holding a confirmed or requested reservation for a connecting flight by the same or another carrier. customs clearances and connecting flights. but without causing any delay in the disembarkation process. arrival staff shall be present when disembarking with a list of the connecting flights at risk. in this case.4. 3.  In case of interline transfer. have the passengers with short connection disembark first.4.4 Immigration at Transfer Station Whether or not a transfer passenger must go through. Customs Clearance at Transfer Station Whether or not a transfer passenger must clear his baggage through.  Direct the through checked passengers to the appropriate departure gate.3 Minimum Connecting Times In order to guarantee passengers and their checked baggage the transfer to a connecting flight. If transit documents are missing.  Prepare handling of passengers needing special assistance.4.  Check critical connections. Exceptions might be locally decided Transfer Documents Certain countries require a transit visa for certain nationalities. mothers with infants.  Give the passenger all relevant information concerning immigration and customs clearance.  Special Assistance Facilities. the passenger may become an INAD (Inadmissible Passenger). Such minimum connecting times (MCTs) must be observed if baggage should be through-checked to the final destination. using the PTM information. whichever is applicable. a transit visa may be required. If an airport change is occurred during a transfer is involved. even if the passenger remains in the transit area of the airport.  Meet the transferring passengers upon arrival of the incoming aircraft. or greater than the established MCT.  Airport change. through check-in of passengers and through labelling of baggage is not permitted. customs at a transfer station depends on the journey of the passenger and the location of the transfer airport in or outside the European Union.Upon receipt of the PTM. immigration at a transfer station depends on the journey of the passenger and the location of the transfer airport in a Schengen or non-Schengen country (For list of the Schengen countries. If a change of airports is involved.  Through Checked Passengers. notify the continuing carrier. A Passenger transfer message (PTM) must be sent to inform the connecting station of the transfer passengers and their checked baggage. Direct non-through checked passengers for check-in to the transfer desk or gate.4. Therefore. if applicable.  Passenger Transfer Message (PTM). etcetera) must be assisted in every possible way during the transfer. Passengers needing special assistance (reduced mobility. Reference: More detailed info and a list of EU countries can be found in TIM/TIMATIC. see TIM/TIMATIC). a reservation for a continuing journey involving two or more flights may only be confirmed if the time between schedule arrival and schedule departure at the point of transfer is equal to.  For disembarkation and arrival assistance. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 38 . all necessary arrangements should be made to ensure a smooth transfer of the passengers and their baggage as is shown below:  Check inbound/outbound connections and number of passengers concerned. follow the principles described in PSM Section 3 “Arrival” If possible. Unaccompanied Minors must remain under the airlines’ or handling agent’s custody during the complete transfer time. minimum connecting times are defined for each airport. 3.4. 3.5 Process Flow Diagrams Arrival Process Figure 5 Passenger Arrival Process INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 39 .4. Departure Process Figure 6 Passenger Departure Process INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 40 . 39 % 3 Aircraft Cleaning The cleaning has to be performed within the given timeframe and to the satisfaction of the flight crew.  A320: 12 mins. 31.8 Source: Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 1 Check-in X Overall perception (average annual result) 4. % of pax have not checked in due time to reach the boarding gate on time. Baggage Delivery: Out Of Hub The first bag should be delivered on baggage belt 7 mins.16 31 Delay Codes: 18.4. 13.9.8 Gate X Overall perception (average annual result) 4. 35. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 95 95 41 . (Source: AIMS.32.33. after ATA . The last baggage has to be on the belt 20 mins after ATA. Penalties will only be applied when the aircraft is operating on schedule STA+/-5 min. 15. such you can foresee issues that could delay the turnaround (bottlenecks on check-in queues. 34.3. Baggage Delivery Hub Station: The first bag should be delivered on baggage belt 11 mins. Cleaning times are as follows: X 4 Baggage Delivery X  A319: 10 mins.8 1 % 2 Station delays minutes per 100 Departures X X The delay time caused by handling delays.10.11. 12. The last baggage has to be on the belt 21 mins after ATA. Network Planning System) 5% Delay Codes: 8.6 Identification of Process Indicators Identify the process indicators used at the moment to check the pax process in real-time. after ATA . etcetera) Code Item Applies for Handling of Pax Description Target Ramp % 1 Customer Perception Average rating of passenger perception on a scale from 1 to 5 (best) 4.  A321: 16 mins. Handlers setup. 12. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 42 . 35 Provision of service equipment and staff: All service equipment and necessary staff must be positioned/ available within 2' after beacon lights are turned off 2. The common points and sources of information are as follows: .1 100 Table 6 Process Indicators associated to Passenger Process 3. 15.Code Item Applies for Handling of Pax 5 Target Ramp Number of Baggage Irregularity Cases per 1000 passengers (Source: Worldtracer): Baggage Irregularity Rate: X 6 Description X Ramp handling X  Target for HUB Station 2.1 RL Codes:  P10. 23. 32. 11. 31.5/1. 17  P20.5  Target for peripheral airports 1. 27  P30. 33. 21. 25.5 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions Information receipt and transmitted comes from various sources and coordinating to Specific allocation departments according to Airlines. Figure 7 Passenger Process Information Flows INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 43 . Many of key function activities such as boarding initiation are directly related to ramp functions (cleaning – fueling etcetera. Special Passengers Close Out Transfer Passengers PRM Agent Arrival PRM Passengers Info from DCS-or MVT message (PTM) Info from DCS-OR MVT MSG Close Out Transfer PRM Status Transmission Verbal DCS . loads ETA Boarding Process Initiation PRM Boarding Initiation Excess Hand Bags to A/C Hold Estimated Time Of Arrival ETA Passenger Figures Estimated Time Of Arrival ETA Passenger Figures Ramp Agent PRM Agent Arrival Crew Ramp Agent Close out Other Station control of Dep PRM Agent Arrival Station Control Info from DCS . Origin Boarding Agent Destination Ramp Agent Information Mode Info from DCS Transmission Missing Passenger Info Verbal Boarding Completed Transmission Verbal Load sheet Pax Info List Check In Close Out Boarding Finalized Close out Last Minute Change Weight and Balance Final PAX Figures Weight and Balance Finalization Boarding Agent Final Passenger Info Close Out Last Minute Change Transfer Passengers info Arrival Transfer Agent Close out PRM Agent Arrival PRM Passengers PRM Agent Departure PRM Passengers Arriving Flight passenger info .Verbal Info from FIDS Transmission Verbal Transmission Verbal Physical Delivery MVT message through DCS Info from DCS MVT message through DCS Info from DCS Arrival Agent Passenger Figures .  Lost and Found for the treatment of all misconnecting – unidentified bags and arrival processes.MVT INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 44 .Passenger Services constantly work in close communication and cooperation with some of the other functional areas such as the following:  Ramp handling for the coordination off activities required for the turnaround process. Communication and flow of information with this department is essential. communicate with airport and airline Operations Centers in order to verify and identify irregularities.)  STACO Station control is the entity that monitors flight paths and irregularities.Physical Delivery Through DCS screen Pop Up Info from DCS Info from DCS Transmission Verbal Info from DCS Transmission Verbal Transmission Verbal Info from DCS . delay times. Network System is usually capable to transmit electronically information to DCS systems or Resource Management Systems All departments may access information from IOCC through AIMS. Communication may also come in Verbal form in regards of calculation needed turnaround times or urgent information. Operational Needs and Maintenance needs. such:  AIMS receives information from the Annual Network Planning and allocates Aircraft Tale numbers/Registrations) to specific flights and according various requirements from Flight Ops. Station Control communicates with IOCC usually via SITA messages or nowadays via emails.Origin Destination PRM Agent Departure Boarding Agent Information Boarding Process Initiation Boarding Initiation Aircraft Doors Close Boarding Complete Ramp Agent Load sheet Crew Pax Info List Finalization of ramp Operations Fuel Figures Weight and Balance Security Point Boarding Agent Close Out Station Control Last Minutes Changes ( Hand Bags) Missing Passenger Check ETA Mode Transmission Verbal Transmission Verbal Transmission Verbal Physical Delivery Transmission Verbal Info From Crew -Transmission Verbal Transmission Verbal Transmission Verbal Transmission Verbal ETA Ramp Agent Inbound Load Transmission Verbal or Handheld Device Transfer Close out Transmission Verbal Weight and Balance Boarding Agent Inbound Pax Figures Transfer Passengers Status Load sheet Info from DCS Table 7 Passenger Process Information Flows 3.6 Information Management Systems 3. See relevant flow chart. Network Planning INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 45 .6. Information received is MVT messages from various stations stating departing and arriving times. When Handling Agent presents irregularities IOCC may communicate with Airlines representatives for decision taken. other special messages. is the Network Planning Department allocation aircrafts into the Daily program and adjust operation needs in case of irregularities accordingly throughout the network. Main Software used is usually a Network Planning System (AIMS). and  transmits relevant information to departments usually by using SITA Messages and MVT messages.1 IOCC – Network Planning IOCC. Network Planning usually transmits one-way information to various departments and two-way communication to a single department usually called Station Control.  Other end translates the messages accordingly to asses and display information. Ramp agent (via Station Control) and Boarding (via Close–out) give final info–update of the status of the flight. arrival. etcetera) are handled to the Aircraft Crew. Handlers also may own their DCS which is used to Check-in the relevant flights. Receives and transmits information via following systems:  Network Planning system  Inventory System  Movement System  Reservation System All above systems feed information to DCS system in order to initiate and complete passenger check-in . INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 46 . 3. deplaning. DCS may be accessed by various departments and information may be updated according to the following Diagram. These messages should be usually generated through Airlines–Handlers DCS system or from external software. All above referring systems collaborate each other in order to update the passenger and flight status and complete the passenger process. A final message with transfer baggage BTM is sent to the next point. is the main system for the process completion and finalization of passenger and Weight and Balance processes.3 Movement Messages (MVT) Software Airlines communicate each other and stations to stations usually via SITA messages called MVT messages. departure Control System.Baggage Handling System BHS is the system that receives information of passenger baggage through the form of Baggage messages. IOCC department and the Network Planning System for network update.6. Check-in Boarding – Close out Check-in the passengers and update DCS information.change of aircraft. Five major Steps are to complete before flight departure:  Pre – Flight. passenger transfer list. finally A load sheet is printed and necessary flight papers (Passenger Lists. Passenger special needs. baggage transfer message etc. For the purpose of this project we will assume that the handler uses Airlines Own System. 3.2 DCS System DCS. Such messages may be: departure of the aircraft. Relevant departments .5 Information Flow–Passenger Processes. Final recipient of these messages is the Destination Airport for Passenger Information Display. automatically generated through the DCS system. usually on the same day. dedicated department assess these messages and use a BRS (Baggage Reconciliation System) to load bags to destinations. DCS are connected to the Airlines reservation system and a central data base system usually called Inventory in order to retrieve crucial flight and passenger and baggage information.passenger and baggage offload…) and monitoring–finalization actions are only performed by a department called Close–out (Editing department …) This is to safeguard that critical changes will not jeopardize the flight process. delay. Usually critical charges (Last minute acceptance. Usually.4 BHS. These messages are used for segregation purposes and transit – transfer information. boarding and aircraft loading process. DCS is usually owned by the Airline and the handler is using it on behalf. Movement messages are usually generated by the Station Control Department and/or Close out departments. Special loads.3. BHS –BRS are critical informational systems in respect of passenger irregularities (missing passengers at gate) and transfer irregularities (late arrival of incoming flight) 3.6. Arrival and Transfer departments make use of these messages for on time dispatch of transfer–transit passengers and baggage.6. Once the flight is built Inventory releases the flight and through some monitoring actions DCS activates flight for Web Check-in (usually 48 hours prior the Departing time) and for Airport Check-in methods. next Airlines–Handlers DCS system and Baggage Handling Systems.6.  BHS. DCS is the main system used by Check-in . Arrival. Weight and Balance INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 47 . Crew and transmits to Ramp agent. Boarding receives information electronically only from DCS. Arrival – Transfer. They can also share information with boarding. Boarding and Close out departments in order to check-in – board passengers as well as input necessary flight information. Ramp agent. but status and verbal information comes from Ramp agent . Information status may also be given by Ramp agent and Boarding. Weight and Balance and Boarding with passenger info.BRS receives information via DCS and may feed information about passengers´ baggage to the Boarding and Ramp agent. DCS feeds BHS. Furthermore. All necessary updated information may come via Check-in department. BHS .  Arrival and transfer may feed info to DCS regarding transferring/transiting passengers and their status. Weight and balance is critical for the flight completion and may only receive updated information form Check-in department. BHS. 4 Baggage Process 4.1 Scope The scope of this section is to describe the Baggage process as part of the turnaround. The scope encompasses the input of all actors in the baggage process (airline, airport, handler...) and all the information flows. Hence the description is not limited to the linear physical flow of the baggage nor to the data linked directly to the baggage process but also takes into account the interdependencies with the other processes and the interaction of the relevant information flows. The baggage sorting area is the link between landside and airside services both for the inbound and outbound process of bags. Hence, the baggage process is a key process in the whole handling process. It is clear that it is critical to ensure smooth baggage process because baggage handling and the different activities in the Baggage Sorting Area have a direct impact on the customers and passenger’s perception of the quality of the entire service. 4.1.1 Objectives The purpose of this section is not only limited to visualise and understand the baggage process on itself but also to get an understanding of the interaction points with the other sub-processes both in the physical flow as well as the information flow. This understanding should then lead to a better joint optimisation of the whole process thanks to a better insight into the critical interdependencies and the points in the process where there are risks for delays and errors. Preventive measures as well as improvement of the process design and the input of new techniques can only be effective if the description of the baggage process is clear and comprehensive. 4.2 Context and Assumptions 4.2.1 Context The process described is the general one in place for the operational scenarios considered in the Chapter 2, within the Context, Assumptions and INTERACTION Scenarios (commercial flights, narrow bodies, mid-size airport, non-hub operation). However, where has been considered relevant, alternative processes have been described too. 4.2.2 Assumption For the Baggage Process, assumptions considered are as follows:  The sorting facility with enough capacity is in use with one or max 2 sorting areas in place.  The Airport manages a BRS (Baggage Reconciliation System, included in the process description  An average bag-factor of 0.7 is assumed. If lower, i.e. on pure business destinations, the process will only be faster and cause less risk  Charter flights with a high bag-factor have not been considered. Holiday traffic is less time critical and not the main focus of this project.  Exceptions such as insufficient capacity, no automated screening and sorting system, many different baggage areas, high transfer baggage ratio as for example in hubs have not been taken into account. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 48 4.3 Identification of Actors involved, Roles & Responsibilities. Organisation Unit Role Handling Staff Operator  Drive Dollies and Container/Pallet loaders to stand (Includes: Equipment Operator,  Drive Baggage carts and conveyor belts to stand Load Control, Ground Handling Agent)  Open Hold Doors  Position and secure pallet/container loader  Position and secure conveyor belt  Offload Transfer ULD’s Baggage to dollies  Offload priority Baggage ULD’s to dollies  Offload Baggage ULD’s to dollies  Offload Transfer Bulk Baggage to baggage carts  Offload bulk Baggage to baggage carts  Deliver to transfer area  Deliver priority baggage to claim area  Deliver baggage to claim area  Deliver special luggage to aircraft door (WCH, BB carts, hand luggage…)  Special luggage to remove at A/C door  Load baggage carts at sorting area  Drive baggage carts to stand  Load baggage/freight dollies  Load standard baggage into the Aircraft  Load priority baggage into the Aircraft  Load cargo into the aircraft  Remove conveyor belt  Close main hold Doors  Get a signed copy of load-sheet  Confirm special luggage to deliver at A/C gate  Deliver special luggage at A/C door  Checked bags for missing passengers  Look for missing passengers luggage  Load container/pallets at sorting area Cabin Crew Baggage Sorting Area Staff INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 49 Organisation Unit Role Airport Operator  Baggage sorting & screening  Management, supervision and operation of the baggage handling system  Sufficient capacity for Check-in counters, maintenance of Checkin , boarding equipment, airport signage , boarding facilities maintenance  Airport Flight Information Displays for passenger information  Facilities and means of ticket sales, ticket charges, excess charges  Communicate incoming bags  Check-in capacity Airline (Includes: Centre Operations Control Table 8 Actors and Roles and Responsibilities for the Baggage Process 4.4 4.4.1 Process Description Process Definition (textual) Originating baggage Once the check-in desks are opened by passenger agents, passenger proceeds to check-in and drop off their baggage. If any passenger has checked-in at home he/she directly proceeds to the baggage drop-off point of the flight. At check-in the bag is weighed and labelled by ground handling staff. Passenger is asked to scan his boarding pass, after which he/she hands over his baggage, takes possession of the baggage tag and is then ready to proceed towards the boarding gate. The check-in time for each passenger is noted automatically by the system and shared by PFIS. Baggage monitoring process also starts by providing the Baggage Flow Information Service (BFIS) with the information related to the baggage checked. Once passengers drop off their baggage in the check-in, a baggage monitoring process starts in parallel to passengers monitoring process. The information related to the baggage checked is provided to the involved partners by BFIS and compiled in the baggage tag. In a similar way to the passenger flow, several monitoring points (drop off baggage at check-in, security inspection devices and baggage bay among them) will be established along the baggage flow. These points are used to monitor the location of any suitcase and to be aware of any problem in the process. When a suitcase crosses a monitoring point, this information will be provided by BFIS. If any baggage is rejected at security control this information will be also published by BFIS. Last baggage delivery to the hold baggage bay is considered as a milestone in TITAN [20] and as a crucial point on the bags’ way to the aircraft deck. Baggage loading process continues from baggage bay to aircraft deck. Loading instructions and load sheet are sent to the baggage agent through BFIS, which also reports in case any expected suitcase does not arrive to the aircraft. Once all baggage is loaded in the aircraft, departure baggage recording process finishes and BFIS publishes this information. BRS, either manually or electronically integrated in information flow, ensures then that the required 100% screening of passenger baggage for the corresponding flight has been completed and the baggage delivered to the aircraft. The overall procedure must be different for normal size and shape baggage, called in-gauge baggage, than for out-gauge baggage (OOG). Below the processes for in-gauge baggage and out-gauge baggage are described in detail, as well as security level 4 and 5 and special types of baggage. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 50 Normal size and shape baggage The table below shows the size, weight and shape limits for baggage which can be handled via the automated BHS namely “in-gauge” bags. Baggage with ALL parameters falling within those ranges shall be handled as in-gauge baggage. Min. Max. Length (cm) 21 85 Height (cm) 7 65 Width (cm) 14 45 Weight (kg) 0,5 50 Table 9 In-gauge baggage Baggage with ANY ONE parameter smaller than the corresponding minimum shall be handled as OOG baggage. Baggage with ANY ONE parameter greater than the corresponding maximum shall be handled as OOG baggage or Super OOG. Suitable in-gauge baggage is transported to the baggage hall via the automated BHS which consists of many conveyor lines and different tilt-tray sorters. The baggage handling system’s control computer checks its database for the code to see if a Baggage Source Message (BSM) has been received from the carrier’s DCS. If a BSM has been received then the control system will know which flight, destination and service class the bag belongs to and will automatically sort the bag to the flight make-up chute that has been pre-assigned by the BHS Scheduling Operators. If the BHS has not received a BSM for the bag then the control computer will tip the bag off the sorter onto a conveyor line that is manned. The operator will use a handheld bar-code scanner to try and scan the tag’s bar-code or, if that cannot be read, enter the ten-digit licence plate using a keypad. If that is also not recognised then the operator will enter the flight code so that the control computer can inject the bag back onto the sorter and sort the bag to the correct chute. The process of manually identifying the bag in this way is called ‘manual coding’. Any bag whose tag is not read by the two automatic scanner arrays will also be diverted to the manual coding line. The automatic scanners may not read a bar-code either because the tag is partly covered or bent, or because the bar-code is damaged, or because there is no bar-code on the tag, or because there is no tag. All departing bags – including transfer bags – are subjected to security screening, known as Hold Baggage Screening (HBS). Because all departing bags are screened the term ‘100% HBS’ is used. At the flight make-up chute the bar-code on the bag tag may be scanned by ground handling staff using a handheld bar-code scanner connected to the (BRS). The BRS will check the passenger status data in the BSM (not checked-in, checked-in, standby, boarded) and Authorised To Load (ATL) status (yes or no), if any, in the BSM and will inform the handler whether the bag can be loaded into the baggage container – also known as a Unit Load Device (ULD) – or into a bulk cart, depending on whether the aircraft is containerised or bulk loading. The BHS has a number of conveyor lines that are used for the short-term storage of bags that are inducted into the system before the relevant flight’s chutes have opened. Each baggage hall has several ‘early bag’ lines and each line is allocated based on a ‘time slot’, e.g. one line for bags whose flight’s chutes will open within half hour, one line for bags whose flight’s chutes will open within one hours, and so on. Collectively these conveyor lines are referred to as the EBS (Early Bag Store). The storage capacity of the EBS in each hall is theoretically up to 288 bags, although the actual capacity is a function of the bag width and the number of bags in each time slot. Thus the storage capacity will vary in practice. The BHS Scheduling Operator performs the control of the early bag lines. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 51 Max.  Musical instruments.  Baggage with long dangling straps or flaps.OOG baggage Baggage with ALL parameters falling within the range established before is normally classified as in-gauge baggage and can usually be introduced into the automated baggage handling system. However. Special types of baggage  Live animals (pets) When a carrier wishes to transport a live animal (pet) as hold baggage in an IATA approved animal container.  Flimsy baggage. Under no circumstances shall the live animal be put into either the automated baggage handling system or an off-line X-ray machine.  Spherical items such as beach balls and bowling balls. Baggage with ANY ONE parameter falling below the corresponding dimensions and weight shall be handled as OOG baggage. Length (cm) 85 200 Height (cm) 65 100 Width (cm) 45 75 Weight (kg) 50 90 Table 10 OOG Large and/or heavy baggage Baggage with ANY ONE parameter greater than the corresponding maximum in the table above shall be handled as Super OOG baggage. the OOG bag is manual coded / scanned and sorted manually by AIRPORT staff. Then the BHS staff will scan with BRS the bag and depending on the type of bag decides to either feed the bag into the OOG line leading to the OOG screening machine located in the baggage hall or transport it via the OOG lift. Min. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 52 . Due to its excessive size and/or weight. After check-in and labelling.  Baby buggies. Super OOG baggage is transported by the ground handling company to the baggage hall via van rather than the OOG lift or line. There the ground handling company will collect it and take it to the relevant make-up chute or aircraft where it is subjected to the same action as for in-gauge baggage. It is the carrier’s decision whether to accept OOG and Super OOG baggage for carriage when the passenger presents the baggage for check-in. the animal in its container shall be handled manually. Baggage with ALL parameters falling within the range in the table below shall be handled as OOG baggage. The security screening locations for live animals to be carried as hold baggage shall be the same as those for OOG baggage. poles. Such baggage shall include the following items:  Cylindrical items such as churns. an OOG bag is taken to one of the OOG counters in the check-in concourse which are staffed by AIRPORT BHS. tubes and rolled carpet/linoleum. After screening by HBS staff.  Cylindrical bags. certain types of baggage with all its parameters within the acceptable ranges may cause stoppages or damage to the baggage handling system and shall therefore be handled as OOG baggage. When baggage unloading is finished. baggage agent sends this information to the BFIS while baggage is delivered to the assigned claim belt. The ground handling companies load in-gauge transfer baggage onto a transfer in-feed conveyor inside the baggage hall. There are two transfer in-feed conveyor lines in each baggage hall. irrespective of whether the vessel is being handled for departure or reclaim. 4. This section is of great value in order to understand the environment in which the different solutions developed in the INTERACTION framework will be validated and. The security screening locations for vessels containing liquids to be carried as hold baggage shall be the same as those for OOG baggage. The actual make-up and break-down of flights will be carried out by third party ground handling companies or self- INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 53 . Likewise the ground handling company will have to take Super OOG manually into the reclaim hall or drive it to the curb side if it is too large to fit through the double doors into the baggage reclaim hall. unload process can start. These sections have been included for context purposes and on information basis to all partners involved in the project but will not be included in the process flow diagrams. 4.4. Vessels containing liquids The airport will only permit the transport through the airport of a vessel containing a liquid if the vessel is robust and well-sealed. should be kept here for those partners developing any type of prototype dealing with the baggage process.1. otherwise the bag will have to be manually coded as described earlier for originating baggage. Terminating in-gauge bags are unloaded onto the racetrack by the ground handling company and the passenger retrieves it from the reclaim racetrack in the baggage reclaim hall. 4. Baggage agent receives loading instructions through the BFIS. Once an OOG bag is screened the handling company will transport it manually to the makeup chute or aircraft and process in the same way as originating OOG baggage from then on.1. Whether they are considered in-gauge or OOG baggage.1.4. A vessel containing a liquid shall be handled as OOG baggage or Super OOG baggage according to the vessel’s size and weight.3 Transfer baggage Transfer baggage either arrives at the airport pre-sorted in containers (also known as ULDs).4.4. shall be handled as OOG baggage or Super OOG baggage according to the item’s size and weight.4 Operating concept International Airport and process management and monitoring at Athens The following sections depict the operating concept and the management and monitoring of the baggage process conducted in the Athens International Airport. reported by AIRS to the ground handler. The ground handling company. OOG transfer baggage will be handled manually and screened using machines located in the baggage hall for the purpose. mixed with terminating baggage in ULDs. A transfer bag is treated in the same way as originating baggage once it is in the automated BHS. 4.  Wheel chairs The wheelchair shall be handled as OOG baggage or Super OOG baggage according to the item’s size and weight. This process is described in detail in ramp & GSE section but is introduced here for context purposes.1 Operating concept The BHS is operated by AIRPORT’s Baggage Handling Systems Operations function’s team. therefore. works of art etc.4. transports arriving baggage to the allocated reclaim racetrack in the baggage hall. using tugs with dollies or bulk carts.  Fragile baggage A fragile item such as glassware. A transfer bag is sorted automatically if a BSM has been received by the BHS and the bag tag has a bar-code. or loose (‘bulk loaded’). Under no circumstances shall the vessel be put into the automated baggage handling system. Terminating OOG baggage is taken manually into the baggage reclaim hall by the ground handling company as it is not possible to put it onto a reclaim racetrack. vessels containing liquids shall be handled manually.1.2 Arriving baggage Once aircraft beacon light is turned off. are not involved.e. etcetera. including one at each make-up chute and one at each break-down dock.2 Safety and Corporate Policies & Procedures Climb onto the System Safely Before any personnel steps onto the conveyors or climbs onto the system for maintenance reasons or in order to remove baggage or resolve baggage jams the affected part of the baggage handling system needs to be isolated. the handling and manual coding of bags.g. Likewise. resolution of bag jams. Ground handling staff from the third party ground handling companies mans the check-in desks.  The relevant operating staff can now work in the isolated part of the baggage handling system. terminals and CCTV to enable the monitoring and control of the system. The scheduling operator also liaises with the counter allocation operator in the Airport Services Operations Centre so that make-up chutes are primarily allocated in the baggage hall nearest the associated check-in desk (for the reason given in 5. The ground handling companies also liaise as necessary with the BHS scheduling operator regarding make-up chute allocation. In special cases propelled vehicles may be granted authorisation to enter the baggage hall from the BHS Supervisor. The manual coding operators are needed to enter the licence plates of those bags whose tags have not been read by the automatic bar-code scanners. The control room contains computer equipment.1.  The System Operator shall switch off the line from the Visualisation Terminal in the BHS Control Room and confirm this to the BHS Senior Technician. one per hall. There are dynamic signs in the baggage halls. With the exception of resetting emergency stop devices. to inform the ground handlers of the current allocation of the facilities. AIRPORT will take into account the various users’ requirements. reclaim racetracks and early bag storage lines.  The relevant technician who is responsible for isolating the affected part of the baggage handling system shall inform the System Operator via trunk radio that the affected part is now isolated and clear to enter. control and allocation of the equipment in each baggage hall is conducted in a BHS control room. The baggage manual handlers are used for e. The users are able and indeed expected to relay their operational requests and queries to AIRPORT. the manning of problem bag chutes and late bag chutes. To ensure that the affected part is isolated it is essential that the actions defined below are carried out. i. the ground handling companies operate the push-buttons at the reclaim racetrack break-down docks and at the transfer in-feed docks. Although the Airport Company performs the technical operation of the facilities it should be noted that this does not mean that the users. at the working level there needs to be close cooperation between AIRPORT and the users of the facilities. make-up chutes and arrival break-down docks as necessary. Driving in the baggage halls No combustion engine propelled vehicles are allowed inside the baggage halls. Manual coding operators and baggage manual handlers are stationed at certain manual handling positions in the baggage handling system. manual transport of fragile baggage and live animals from Departure Level to Ground Level via goods lift. Thus. Under no circumstances shall staff step onto conveyors or climb onto the system before the above defined actions have been carried out and the relevant area is cleared to enter. 4.4.2 Overview of the facilities and processes).4. Monitoring. If ground handler use hybrid engine propelled vehicles. the ground handling companies. In the control room there is one system operator responsible for the monitoring and control of the mechanical handling system and one scheduling operator responsible for the allocation of make-up chutes. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 54 .handling carriers.  The System Operator shall inform the relevant operating staff that is going to work in the affected part that the affected part is now isolated and clear to enter. subject to the physical limitations of the facilities and operating constraints. the ground handler driver shall switch to electric powered mode before entering the baggage halls and switch back to combustion (diesel) after leaving the baggage halls. the manning of OOG Counters. AIRPORT frequently needs to contact the users at a working level. fire. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 55 . scheduling fault or safety incident.  Couple the load devices to a combustion engine vehicle.1.  Uncouple the load devices from the combustion engine vehicle at the hand-over area.  If it is an incident such as accident.  Couple the load devices to a non-combustion engine vehicle (electric tug).  That the problem is being dealt with or that the problem has been dealt with.3 Reporting of faults and incidents The actions for the reporting by staff of faults are defined below. then the staff shall determine whether it is an equipment fault.  All actions defined above for the hand-over of outbound baggage are carried out by ground handler.  Transport the baggage from the hand-over area to the relevant location inside the baggage hall by using a non-combustion vehicle.4. Outbound  Transport the baggage from the baggage hall to the hand-over area outside the baggage hall by using a non-combustion engine vehicle. the System Operator and the Scheduling Operator shall inform each other about the following:  That there is a problem.  If it is a scheduling fault and the staff cannot reach the BHS Supervisor.4. then the staff shall call the Scheduling Operator in the BHS Control Room via telephone or trunk radio.  All actions defined above for the hand-over of inbound baggage are carried out by ground handler.  The staff shall report to the BHS Supervisor via trunk radio.  Transport the baggage from the hand-over area to the relevant location outside the baggage hall (flight stand).Inbound  Transport the baggage that has been unloaded from an arriving aircraft to the hand-over area outside the relevant baggage hall by using a combustion engine vehicle.  The person(s) already informed.  If the staff cannot reach the BHS Supervisor.  Uncouple the load devices from the non-combustion engine vehicle at the hand-over area. 4.  The person(s) dealing with the problem. The BHS Supervisor. crises or other emergency and the staff cannot reach the BHS Supervisor then the staff shall call the System Operator or Scheduling operator in the BHS Control Room via telephone or trunk radio and the BHS Supervisor shall follow the AIRPORT corporate procedures.  If it is an equipment fault and the staff cannot reach the BHS Supervisor then the staff shall call the System Operator in the BHS Control Room via telephone or trunk radio. 4. 5. In case of technical fault.Figure 8 Baggage Process: Reporting Faults communications 1. agree timescale with the relevant technician (estimated time until the problem will be fixed). SITA) and request rectification of the fault. The BHS Control Room Operators are responsible for maintaining the BHS Control Room logbook. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 56 . Inform OCC regarding the problem and the action agreed. Inform handling agents about the problem and make contingency arrangements. However the BHS Supervisor is also authorised to log information in the logbook. The logbooks are important documents and shall always remain under the supervision of the BHS Control Room Operators within the BHS Control Room. TES. Inform Airport Duty Officer about the problem or incident and the operational impact and request additional assistance if necessary.1. 2. 4.4. The System Operator is responsible for keeping the logbook in good condition. Below are the actions for logging faults in the BHS Control Room Logbook. inform BHS Senior Technician (or IT&T. 6. Inform the Manager Baggage Systems and Head Baggage Handling Systems Operations about the problem or incident and the operational impact and request additional assistance if necessary. 3. Inform BHS Supervisor that the problem is fixed and/or progress of works. Only authorised personnel are allowed to enter information in the logbooks. The BHS Supervisor must update all involved parties including the Manager BHS and Head BHS Operations. Inform HBS Supervisor and Terminal Operations Supervisor 4.4 Logging of faults There are two Control Room Logbooks:  BHS Scheduling Operators’ Logbook  BHS System Operators’ Logbook The Control Room Logbooks are records of the events occurring in the baggage hall and which affect the BHS system operation. scheduling issues and the security and safety of personnel. Staff 2 If the BHS Supervisor has been informed of a fault he shall inform the relevant Control Room Operator of the fault. If the particular event needs an action and monitoring then the Operator shall enter a circle in the ‘Actions’ column (see example below).6 Reporting of faults. OP 6 If the Operator notices an event or fault without it having been reported. he shall use the same action as above to log the fault. BHSS 3 The logbook layout is defined below. OP 7 The BHS Supervisor may log in the BHS Control Room event logbook any information concerning incidents or human attitudes he deems important and he feels that may or has affected operation efficiency. Date Time Incident description & Organisation reported the incident 1/11/09 23:30 Stuck sorter tray South – reported by Rainbow handling 1/11/09 23:31 Sunshine Handling called to reconfirm chutes required 102-104 Date Time Incident description & Organisation reported the incident 1/11/09 23:32 SYSOP contacted STECH concerning stuck sorter tray South 1/11/09 23:35 STECH reported to SYSOP that they need 1 hour to fix the fault stuck sorter tray South OP Action Action 5 The Operator shall log in the logbook the date and time he reported the incident to the STECH and OCC personnel Reporting of faults and their responses.1 If any AIRPORT staff or ground handling staff notices any technical or operational fault concerning baggage handling they shall use the actions defined in section 5. OP If the columns have not already been drawn in the logbook. if the incident was reported by someone else. and a short description of the work done. the name of the STECH reporting this. The Operator shall enter a short description of the incident and. the BHS Control Room Operator shall draw them. Date 4 Time Incident description & Organisation reported the incident Action The Operator shall log in the logbook the time and date that he was informed of the incident. BHSS 8 The Operator shall log in the BHS Control Room logbook the time and date that a fault has been repaired. the organisation of the person reporting it. OP INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 57 . 4.5 Logging of Short shipped bags A short shipped bag may occur for the following reasons:  The bag is jammed into a subsystem of BHS and is found after flight departure. This report is send to a distribution list (at the end of the shift) including the Technical Administrator & Warehouse Controller who is responsible to extract the short shipped bags figures for producing reports and statistics. Note that if a short shipped bag is not reported to AIRPORT it is not accepted as short shipped due to AIRPORT’s responsibility unless it was found jammed in the system or forgotten in the baggage hall by AIRPORT staff. In both cases the bag is recorded by the BHS Supervisor as short-shipped bag and is returned to the handling company.4. A short shipped may be found from AIRPORT BHS staff or is reported from handling staff.  The bag is a transfer bag and is late feed into the BHS.9 The Operator shall put a line through the appropriate circle in the Action column in the logbook to indicate the incident has been resolved (see the example below). Date Time Incident description & Organisation reported the incident 23:30 Stuck sorter tray South – reported by Rainbow handling 1/11/09 23:31 Sunshine Handling called to reconfirm chutes required 102-104 1/11/09 23:32 SYSOP contacted STECH concerning stuck sorter tray South 1/11/09 23:35 STECH reported to SYSOP that they need 1 hour to fix the fault stuck sorter tray South 2/11/09 1:30 STECH reported to SYSOP that the fault stuck sorter tray South been repaired 1/11/09 BHSS Action To be noted that the System Operator enters information concerning system stoppages to an excel spread sheet and sends it (via e-mail) to the duty BHS Supervisor to be included in the BHS Supervisor’s shift report. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 58 .  The bag has been forgotten in check-in area by check-in staff. In addition the night shift BHS Supervisor is entering the number of bags handled and short shipped bags only due to AIRPORT’s responsibility in the daily report to OCC. This report is send to a distribution list (at the end of the shift) including the Technical Administrator & Warehouse Controller who is responsible to extract the system availability figures for producing daily & monthly reports and statistics. The bag is sorted into a chute (destination chute or PBC) after flight departure. For flights using the AIRPORT’s BRS information is given automatically regarding bags being miss-sorted to wrong chute by BHS or other reason.  The bag has been forgotten in baggage hall by AIRPORT or handling agent staff. 4.  The bag is miss-sorted in a different chute (other flight) and the handling staff has loaded the bag into a different flight.1. The number of short shipped bags due to AIRPORT’s responsibility is included in BHS Supervisor shift report. BHS Supervisor will follow up the case in order to identify the reason why the bag was short shipped and to clarify if it is AIRPORT’s responsibility or it is related to handling staff actions.  To enable the System Operator to monitor the status of the conveyor lines and sorters. running. Visualisation Terminal The Visualisation Terminal gives the System Operator an overview of the complete conveyor system of the two baggage halls. stopped. the OOG area on the Departure Level.4. in dieback.e. the OOG area in the baggage hall and the Level 3 station. BHS mimic panel The System Operator monitors the automated baggage handling system by using the mimic panel.4. In case it is operationally necessary the BHS may also be operated from the back-up control room (BHS Control Room North).6 BHS Control Room Operation The Baggage Handling System is operated from BHS Control Room South. toilet pause). For detailed function of the mimic panel refer to the operating manuals of the automated baggage handling system. The CCTV also covers the chutes.  Operate the mechanical handling system including the check-in collecting conveyors from the BHS Control Room. The BHS System Operators control the electromechanical facilities of the automated baggage handling system using the following systems and take appropriate action when necessary:  BHS mimic panel  Visualisation Terminal  CCTV Below is a short description of the functionality of each the above mentioned systems. The purpose of the Visualisation Terminal is:  To enable the System Operator to switch conveyor lines and sorters on and off. mealtime.  Control the mechanical handling system from the BHS Control Room. The CCTV enables the System Operator to recognise problems before he/she sends staff to the affected area. Several events and alarms are displayed on this mimic panel and alert the System Operator in order to take appropriate action in accordance with the relevant contingency action(s) described as Failure of Contingency Measures of this procedure. which includes the reclaim racetracks. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 59 .  Instruct AIRPORT baggage manual handlers and AIRPORT manual coding operators as and when required. Supervisory control of the baggage handling system (electromechanical facilities) The BHS System Operator shall carry out the following action if appropriate:  Monitor the performance of the mechanical handling system continuously.4.  To inform the System Operator about faults and stoppages. faulty. which are not manned and to view if there are capacity problems at some manned areas. The detailed function of the CCTV is described in the operating manuals of the CCTV system. CCTV The System Operator uses the CCTV to view the cramped areas of the BHS.1.g. i. The function of the Visualisation Terminal (VISU) is described in the operating manuals of the automated baggage handling system.  Take action in case of malfunction or damage to the automated baggage handling system  Take over the tasks of the AIRPORT Scheduling Operator when that operator is on comfort breaks (e. to available facilities. If baggage has been introduced into the BHS and no flight make-up chute has yet opened the baggage will be stored automatically in the EBS until the relevant flight make-up chute has opened. Sort criteria The number of chutes allocated to a flight will be a function of the size of aircraft. Flight make-up chutes INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 60 . The chute allocation is performed by the BHS Scheduling Operator using the BHD workstation.  In order to minimise the traffic inside the baggage halls. to available facilities. Chute allocation schedule The allocation of chutes is carried out daily by AIRPORT. The Scheduling Operator shall carry out the daily allocation and scheduling of flight make-up chutes in accordance with the Flight Schedule received automatically from UFIS. The Scheduling Operator shall allocate and schedule chutes to the ground handler in accordance with the agreements made. class configuration and number of passengers. Chutes shall be allocated in blocks to the ground handler for the following reasons:  In case baggage is sorted in fall-back mode.  To enable ground handler to operate in their relevant zone with more efficiency and less manpower. Blocks of chutes allocated to ground handler Each handling company or self-handling carrier will be allocated a range of chutes.Allocation and scheduling of departure hold baggage flight make-up chutes The action for allocation and scheduling of departure hold baggage flight make-up chutes including the Problem Bag Chutes and the Late Bag Chutes is defined below. The chute allocation schedule contains:  The chute numbers allocated to the flight codes  The chute opening time  The chute closing time  The service classes  The destination(s) The Scheduling Operator shall distribute the chute allocation schedule to ground handler by fax or e-mail or hard copy every day at 23:00 hours in printed form. the Baggage Handling Director computer shows a message that the ETD for the relevant flight has changed. If the ETD for a flight changes in the actual flight table before the relevant chute has opened (inbound flight delayed or for any other reasons). The assignment of blocks of make-up chutes is subject to operational needs and may change during the day. The handling company or self-handling carrier will be notified in advance. The chute allocation schedule is valid for the next twenty-four hour period starting at 00:00 hours. Open chutes The Scheduling Operator shall open the flight make-up chutes at STD/ETD minus 2 hours for flights undertaken with a narrow-bodied aircraft unless requested otherwise by the ground handling company or the self-handling carrier subject. The Scheduling Operator shall open the flight make-up chutes at STD/ETD minus 3 hours for flights undertaken with a wide-bodied aircraft unless requested otherwise by the ground handling company or the self-handling carrier subject. Close chutes The flight make-up chute closure is STD/ETD for all flights unless requested otherwise by the ground handling company or the self-handling carrier. Flight make-up chutes shall be closed independently by the Scheduling Operator in accordance with the daily Chute Allocation Schedule. If necessary the Scheduling Operator shall inform the relevant handling company or self-handling carrier about the ad hoc change before it will be carried out. The actions for ad hoc changes are defined below. Ground handler shall be informed via the daily Chute Allocation Schedule or by knowing the STD/ETD of the relevant flight. The Scheduling Operator shall inform ground handler about closing a flight make-up chute only if the chute closure has been carried out due to an appropriate ad hoc change requested by a relevant organisation and ground handler does not yet know about the ad hoc change and the corresponding chute closure.  Close chute requested by airline. The Scheduling Operator shall inform ground handler about opening a flight make-up chute only if the chute opening has been carried out due to an appropriate ad hoc change requested by a relevant organisation and ground handler does not yet know about the ad hoc change and the corresponding chute opening. monitoring special bags). Ad hoc changes There might be requests for ad hoc changes by AIRPORT. Changes in the actual flight table received from UFIS (e.  Postponement of chute closing time requested by airline. The Scheduling Operator shall not give any additional information to ground handler that the relevant flight make-up chute has closed. Any change shall be in accordance with special requests of the State authorities (e. agreements between AIRPORT and ground handler and the procedure defined in this document. flight delayed) are not considered as ad hoc changes. ground handler. The Scheduling Operator shall change the scheduled chute closing time in accordance with the action defined above into the new ETD unless requested otherwise by ground handler or other operational needs. If ground handler or any other relevant organisation requests an ad hoc change.shall be opened independently by the Scheduling Operator in accordance with the daily Chute Allocation Schedule. The Scheduling Operator shall carry out the requested change if he thinks it is appropriate and if it is possible due to available facilities.  Send bags for a designated flight to the LBC requested by ground handler.  Open additional chute requested by ground handler.  Monitoring of special bags requested by Hellenic Police or Customs. State authorities or whoever has a reasonable motive to request an ad hoc change concerning the chute situation. The Scheduling Operator shall not give any additional information to ground handler that the relevant flight make-up chute has opened. Examples of ad hoc changes that might be requested are given below. they shall contact the Scheduling Operator.g.g. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 61 . If the ETD changes while the chute is open. Ground handler shall be informed via the daily Chute Allocation Schedule or by knowing the STD/ETD of the relevant flight.  Close chute temporarily for a defined time requested by ground handler. Special requests for ad hoc changes shall be carried out. subject to available facilities. carriers.  Change of sort criteria requested by ground handler due to types of checked-in baggage.  Change flight to a different chute requested by ground handler. The baggage will be tipped to the relevant Late Bag Chute available in each baggage hall after the flight make-up chute has closed. the estimated departure time of the relevant flight. Special requests for ad hoc changes shall be carried out. the Baggage Handling Director computer receives this information from UFIS and displays a message to the Scheduling Operator. agreements between AIRPORT and ground handler and the actions defined in this document. The BHS Supervisor is moving around in the baggage halls and can be contacted verbally or via trunk radio. Customs. The reclaim allocation is performed by the BHS Scheduling Operator using the UFIS workstation. etc. If the BHS Supervisor or the Scheduling Operator need to contact ground handler or any other relevant organisation for whatever reasons they shall inform them either verbally. A UFIS terminal is installed in the BHS Control Room. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 62 . Baggage Handling Operations  Manager. The BHS Supervisor and the Scheduling Operators of each shift shall have all relevant contacts available at any time in the form of a telephone list. airlines. HCAA.  Shall endeavour to allocate the break-down racetracks in accordance with ad hoc changes requested by relevant organisation(s) such as ground handler. etc. AIRPORT.  Shall take any agreements between AIRPORT and the relevant ground handler into consideration whenever possible. or via trunk radio if possible. problems. Customs. Airport Police Station  Duty Officer. All these actions will enable ground handler to handle their flights efficiently and save manpower. Schedule Due to the frequent changes to allocation that will occur in practice the Scheduling Operator will not provide a schedule for the allocation Allocation criteria The Scheduling Operator:  Shall carry out the allocation of break-down racetracks in accordance with the daily flight arrival table in UFIS. wants to inform AIRPORT about requests. Police. Airport Customs Station  Veterinary Station Allocation and scheduling of break-down racetracks The actions for the allocation and scheduling of break-down racetracks are defined below. or via telephone. Baggage Handling Systems  Terminal Operations Supervisor  Security Supervisor  Duty Officer. One Scheduling Operator is constantly manning the BHS Control Room and can be contacted via telephone or trunk radio. AIRPORT staff. Relevant contacts are:  ground handler (duty office of all handling companies and self-handling carriers at this airport)  Airlines (all carriers flying from and to Athens International Airport)  ADO  Check-in counter allocation coordinator  Head.  Shall endeavour to allocate different flights handled by the same ground handler together on the same break-down racetrack.Information flow If ground handler or any other relevant organisation such as airlines. technical difficulties or any other matters concerning the allocation and scheduling of flight make-up chutes they shall either contact the BHS Supervisor who shall inform the Scheduling Operator or they can contact the Scheduling Operator directly. Close racetrack A break-down racetrack is considered closed when the Closing Time entered into the UFIS is reached becomes actual time and the flight-code has disappeared from the BIDS. The default closing time of racetrack is the opening time plus 90 minutes. Ground handler also can use the UFIS terminals (if installed in his offices) to be informed about the status of a relevant break-down racetrack. The Scheduling Operator shall allocate the Closing Time of the break-down racetrack by entering the time of racetrack closure into UFIS. The Scheduling Operator will not inform any other organisation about break-down racetracks allocated to flights.The Scheduling Operator shall carry out the allocation of break-down racetracks in accordance with the criteria defined above only if the relevant facilities are available. the planned allocation of reclaim racetracks in UFIS workstation. they shall inform the Scheduling Operator.g. they shall call the Scheduling Operator at the BHS Control Room via telephone. The EBS supervision is performed by the BHS Scheduling Operator using the BHD workstation. Allocation and scheduling of early baggage storage lines Function of the early baggage storage lines The early baggage storage lines enable the Scheduling Operator to store limited amount of baggage inside the automated baggage handling system. which racetrack is allocated to a certain flight). return line(s). The actual flight table might make it necessary to compromise the allocation criteria defined above. the Scheduling Operator shall close the reclaim racetrack for this flight 1 hour after the opening of the racetrack for the flight without asking or giving any information to ground handler. If no notification has been received from ground handler that the reclaim racetrack is clear. the transfer in-feed conveyor line(s). Allocate racetrack to flight The BHS Scheduling Operator is performing twice a year. The Scheduling Operator shall allocate the Opening Time of the break-down racetrack by entering the time of racetrack opening into UFIS. If any relevant organisation wants to have any information about the allocation of break-down racetracks they shall call the Scheduling Operator via telephone. This applies to baggage that has been fed into the system and the relevant chute for the baggage is not yet opened. A flight is considered as allocated when a reclaim racetrack is assigned to the flight. Information flow The Scheduling Operator will not inform ground handler about opening or closure of a break-down racetrack. The relevant ground handler staff shall be informed via the dynamic signage inside and outside the baggage halls and in the reclaim halls. The sequence of storing baggage on the early baggage storage lines is defined below: The sequence of storing baggage on the early baggage storage lines is defined below: 1. b. for the seasonal winter and summer flight schedule. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 63 . If ground handler wishes to extend the reclaim period for any appropriate reasons. Open racetrack A break-down racetrack is considered open when the Opening Time entered into the UFIS is reached and the flight-code is displayed on the BIDS. If ground handler wants any additional information (e. Baggage fed into the system via either: a. Early bags will be stored in the early bag store in the baggage hall in which they were introduced into the baggage handling system.g. Bag was delivered at PBC but was not BRS scanned by AIRPORT staff INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 64 . Currently the time slot for each line is 30 minutes. 5. one in each baggage hall. Baggage scanned by the automatic scanners. 2. The early baggage storage lines are designed to accommodate a maximum of 288 bags depending on the size of the bags. Bag retrieval from the system in case of re-tagging 4. hand baggage) 9.e. Allocation and scheduling of early baggage storage lines The allocation of the early bag storage lines is an automated procedure. Each early baggage store consists of five early baggage spurs. In case it is operationally necessary the BRS Specialist may be requested to take over partially or fully this duty. 6. The early bag spur depends on the remaining time until the scheduled opening time of relevant flight’s make-up chute The baggage will be stored in time slots in the early bag storage lines. Early Bag Store full If the Early Bag Store is full all bags destined for this Early Bag Store will be routed to the Problem Bag Chute in the same baggage hall and collected by ground handler. Cancellation of passenger departures 2. The BHS Scheduling Operator may purge or disable the line(s) on demand.c. Steps 2 and 3 also assume that the bag was successfully coded and the relevant flight is in the schedule. Bag Tracing The Bag Tracing service is provided by the on duty BHS Scheduling Operator. Check-in desks (check-in shall not start until the chutes for the relevant flight are opened so that regularly no bags from the check-in desks need to be stored in the EBS). The BHD computer recognises the baggage as early baggage because no chute has been yet opened. Change of flight (BSM Change of flight) 3. medicine etcetera within checked bag needed by the passenger st 6. Bag tracing requests may fall in to one of the following categories: 1. Customs Request 5. OOG Bag checked but was not delivered to OOG counter (e. The baggage will be routed to the relevant early bag spur. confirmation of 1 class transfer passenger baggage arrival 7. Passport. 4. 3. In practice the carriers may use common check-in or start early check in which increase the number of early bags. There are two early baggage stores in the baggage handling system. Steps 2 and 3 assume that the baggage was screened and no items were found in the bag that might jeopardise a flight. which will not necessarily be the hall in which the flight’s chutes are allocated. BRS related requests (i. BSM arrived for transfer bag but bag is not inserted into the system) 8. 4.2 Process Flow Diagram Figure 9 SOP Departing Bags INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 65 .4. Transfer Employee Check expected inbound baggage in Airline system. OK? No Perform SOP “Baggage Tracing” SOP AP P PAX08 yes Transfer Employee Transport to loading area Perform SOP “Departing Baggage” SOP AP P BAG01 End Figure 10 SOP Transfer Bags INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 66 . Does bag have O/D or rush label attatched? no yes Transfer Employee Baggage reconsiliation with BRS or Airline system. Receive baggage by Airport system? Transfer Employee Airline System Baggage received by other handler no yes Screen Baggage received outside the Aiport system by X-ray. BAG COO Receive docs through Telex or Flightwatch Employee / Bag Driver Transport inbound baggage to Baggage Hall Employee Transfer Baggage AP customer airlines? Employee Unload local and other transfer baggage from carts or ULD’s at baggage belts Employee Press FIBAG / LABAG Passenger Local baggage undamaged to passenger? LDM/CPM yes Perform SOP “Transfer Baggage” Ref.  Baggage reconciliation errors: % of bags that have errors in the BRS INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 67 . Planned Power Save (P. Upgrades. This can be measured as the percentage of short shipped bags against the total number of baggage treated in the system in a specific period of time. to SOP AP P PAX09 yes End Figure 11 SOP Incoming Bags 4. Power fluctuations & New equipment installation.P. are not considered as downtime.1.5.3 Identification of Process Indicators The following process indicators are defined as the main BHS KPIs:  System availability: measured as the % of time that the system is not available in a specific period of time. Modifications. to SOP AP P BAG02 no Ref.  Maximum Duration of Single Event Failure: The maximum single event failure of the particular system (per system/sub system) on a specific period Additionally the main indicators used to describe the baggage process from a more operational point of view are:  Short shipped bags: this is explained in detail in section 4. Times of Plan Preventive Maintenance (P. to working instruction no Perform SOP “Damaged Baggage” Ref.M).4.S).P.4.4.  Congestion of sorting area: measured as the % of times that bags arrive late at the airport due to congestion in the sorting area (delay code 18)  ULD equipment available: % of times when ULD equipment is available. 5 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions The Baggage Handling Team constantly works in close communication and cooperation with some of the other functional areas such as the following:  Passenger services for the acceptance of checked-in and sorted (automated or manual) bags and communication about possible irregularities.  Lost and Found for the treatment of all re-flight bags. excepting short shipped bags. priority and late) to be delivered to the reclaim area or to be transferred to the next flight.6  the bag tag produced at check-in is read by the central airport system when the bags are injected into the sorting system. the other information crossover is the BRS procedure. The BSM allows the system to allocate the bag to the right flight chute. at the chute where the handler picks up the bag. Information Management Systems Figure 12 Baggage and Core Handling overview INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 68 .g. The label contains the information (BSM barcode) needed to be recognised by the central system that receives all data from the airline DCS. With the BRS scanner the BSM is read and compared with the flight data received from the airline DCS in order to reconcile bag with flight and pax.  Ramp handling services for the acceptance of arriving bags and communication about bag type (e.4. The main information crossover points in the baggage process are: 4. The BRS procedure can also be held at the ac outside on tarmac.  At the end of the sorting operation. 6. Upon check-in a Baggage Source Message (BSM) is transmitted to BRS from the airline DCS authorizing the load of the baggage. creation of RUSH tags  Provides real time baggage management and information solution  Increase punctual departures of flights  Reduce miss-handled and short-shipped baggage  Enhance passenger safety and flight’s security  Usage of wireless technology with hand-held bar code scanners  Customizable reporting and statistical information provided by AIRPORT  Full compliance with IATA rp1745 baggage messages and baggage tags  Upgradeable and extendable to add airlines to existing installation  Utilizes proven technology  Adaptable to individual users and as global area system  All BHS hardware and software maintained by AIRPORT INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 69 . it will speed up the unloading procedure by specifying the exact location of the bag to be retrieved. When the BRS is used in containerized flights. In Athens BRS this mandatory security is done with an automated system which receives all relevant info from airlines DCS’s and displays the authorization of the baggage to the handling companies’ users. If a passenger after having checked baggage fails to board the aircraft or cancel his flight then a Baggage Unload Message (BUM) or a BSM Delete is send from the airline DCS and the baggage has to be unloaded. In return BRS is able to generate and send Baggage Process Messages (BPM) for each bag loaded into the aircraft back to airline DCS.1 Baggage Reconciliation System Athens BRS is in accordance with ICAO Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention in which each airline must prevent on international flights departure with unauthorized baggage onboard. If such a bag has not yet been loaded then BRS will visualize that this bag is not authorized for loading during the loading process. Athens BRS is covering the following basic features and advantages:  Identification of not authorized passenger baggage  Clear assignment of baggage prior to loading  Reconciliation of passenger and baggage prior to flight departure  Creation of Baggage Reports  Swift location of baggage in aircrafts ULD’s (containers) for offloading  Seamless tracing of baggage by bag tag license plates  Flight re-allocation and re-routing of short shipped baggage incl.4. 2.1 Scope This section details the airport handling freight process. interactions as well as Information Management System involved in this process are also analysed and described. Germany registered the highest volumes of air freight. According to Air Cargo Management Group [2]. since 2010 freight traffic has been decreasing and the trend is continuing. Freight transport in mixed aircraft (passengers & freight) is usually offered by national airlines. Therefore. Full freighter airliners are facing tough competitions with passenger airliners selling belly cargo space due to the flexibility and lower prices that they can offer. Annex I Highest Air Freight Traffic at EU airports provides some numbers representing the main airports for freight traffic in the last years. according to European Commission Eurostat. is broken down in different steps. This leads to an increase in the cost base and in consequence a reduction in freight traffic. A330-300 and A350-900 are some of the freight friendly aircraft).1 Context and Assumptions Context A total of 14. Passenger airliners’ belly cargo are almost entirely paid for by the passengers. whose fleet consists of wide-body aircraft (787-300ER. but it also represents an opportunity for the air freight industry to adjust its capacity to the demand. mainly hubs. focusing on the freight transported within the bellies of passenger carriers. belly cargo in passenger aircraft may substantially contribute to increase the overall flight’ revenue. On the other hand. Information flows.5 Freight Process 5. It can be argued that any volume of freight makes a contribution to the costs of operating passenger aircraft. According to IATA. 5. 5. sales and handling costs.1. Freighter – Belly ratio is around 50:50.1 Objectives The main aim of this section is to analyse the airport handling Freight process in order to understand how it is currently performed and who the participating actors are. highlighting the actors involved. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 70 .2 5. 787-8.1. 5. which takes place in the Cargo Terminal. freight process.5 million tonnes of domestic and international air freight passed through European airports in 2011. followed by the United Kingdom. Throughout the following lines. and it takes place between major airports. a key to moving forward is the growing percentage of cargo being transported in passenger aircrafts’ bellies. The entire process sequence is presented through a process flow diagram.2.1 Pros and cons of carrying belly cargo The continual increases in fuel prices represent a clear threat for the air cargo sector. with the belly cargo only having to carry extra fuel. from an airline point of view The type of cargo impacts on the time required for its loading. road feeders and ULD (if necessary) Security and regulations constraints Higher airport fees Table 11 Pros and Cons of carrying Belly cargo. handlers. Bulk and ULD loading systems also affect the turnaround time as well as the equipment required to the Handling Operator.Figure 13 Evolution of Freighters and Belly hold FTK transported (source IATA) [3] A clear advantage of Belly Hold traffic is that many airlines fly the same plane to different cities on the same day. Therefore. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 71 . Moreover the hold loading system. the airplane only gets loaded once with all the freight and is unloaded as the plane lands at other airport to make connecting flights (e. Table 12 below provides more information related to the factors that help or impede carrying belly cargo. but at the same time it involves several disadvantages. From the point of view of an airline. Pros Cons Increases revenues Complex Increased network as cargo need may also utilize commercial destinations Slow-down turnaround times (critical for LCC) Increased service portfolio of the airline Need for sales agents (GSSA). which is essential for airlines. Carrying belly cargo may provide benefits. A flight going from Barcelona to Beijing makes a stopover to Frankfurt. specified in ICAO´s Policies on Charges for Airports and Air Navigation Service.g. so it can carry cargo for Frankfurt and Beijing). Table 11 summarizes some pros and cons related to belly cargo. if the delivery goes to different major cities. Business models of Low Cost Carriers (LCC) recommend a fleet with the same aircraft model with different MTOWs. An important aspect that influences passenger airlines to sell their bellies for cargo usage is the airport landing taxes which nowadays are computed by the MTOW declared . using the aircraft with high MTOW for routes in which cargo could provide higher revenue considering the landing taxes. the major disadvantage is that the industry tries to adhere to very punctual schedules and regulation. Its INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 72 .1. unless its transport is highly required or the goods are perishable. The shipping factor represents cubic inches/pound or cubic centimetres/kilograms. one must consider that a cargo ULD may be sacrificed for a baggage ULD thus substantially decreasing cargo loads and increasing times Bulk load costs lower than containerized Special load transportation (AVIH) decreases final volume of cargo as it allocates a full container space for the special cargo. ‘spot rates’ can be requested by the forwarders. Two main aspects are considered when establishing the cost of carrying cargo:  Dimensional weight conversion .2. 5.1. the space in the aircraft is previously contracted by a forwarder which leads to a private negotiation between the two parties.1 Air Cargo Pricing and Revenue management Airlines usually fix a price or a “rate per kilogram” for carrying air cargo. ( newspapers especially ) Bulk loading is significantly slower than containerized systems Cargo or mail for ULD demands longer preparation time Table 12 Favourable and Unfavourable characteristics of Bulk and Containerized cargo for belly transport However. If orders are not in the proper area at the proper time the airline industry does not carry the shipper. Dimensional Weight is calculated as (Length x Width x Height) / (Shipping Factor). In case of ad-hoc shipments. Bulk loading demands less preparation time and is available for last minute cargo. Very often. Weight of cargo loading system Cargo loading system is faster than bulk loading In the case of a full flight .Favourable Unfavourable Containerized cargo decreases turnaround time as preparation is performed at the Cargo terminal Logistics of ULD management take a huge effort and a lot of time. Regulations also dictate what may be shipped by airlines when they are carrying passengers at the same time.Freight carriers use the greater of the actual weight or dimensional weight to calculate shipping charges. Containerized cargo leads to better volume calculation Cost and maintenance of installation of containers Bulk cargo contributes to more Flexible load. Especially in unusually shaped items Cargo loading system ( sliding carpet) cannot carry heavy pallets Maximizes capacity and volume of cargo holds Weight of containerized system It may be supported in all airports even in those that do not have the necessary equipment and infrastructure. the customer has to wait until the next time the airline has room for its shipment to the desired destination. If the package is left on ground. According to a publication from Sabre [4]. The amount of space available for cargo is impacted by a number of factors. 5. Particular characteristics of the air cargo business. when over-sales occur revenue is reduced due to customer refunds. as well as the level of demand. On the other hand. since passengers have priority over cargo in most cases. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 73 . extra fuel required for the added weight to the aircraft. This can be successfully achieved by applying a cargo revenue management. operated by Full Service Network Carriers (FSNC).2.value differs depending on the measurement systems (imperial or metric). It also determines the allocations of each revenue class for each flight.  Demand forecasting – determines how much cargo will tender for a particular flight. to arrive at the optimal bid price for each flight. Table 13 summarizes the original Low Cost Business Model principles. fewer customers than the potential millions of passengers. increasing numbers of security checks and related administration. resulting in less available space for cargo due to weight restrictions of the aircraft. greater impact from undesired behaviour by a customer and the routing options which are fewer when compared to the range of destinations for passengers. the show-up rate is forecast based on historical behaviour of the flight. and try to sell it at the highest revenues. This percentage could be affected by the LCC which seem to become more interested in belly transport. The demand is classified by revenue type. Very often airlines require to be informed 48 hours before departure if the reserved space will not be used by the customer.2 Low Cost Carriers The major part of belly cargo is carried by wide-body aircraft.  Surcharges added by the airline – to cover additional costs of increasing fuel-prices. exceeding capacity. such as:  Overbooking – accept more booking than can be loaded into the aircraft assuming that an amount of booked cargo will not show up by flight departure. For each flight. In the present case of considering cargo flown on a passenger aircraft. Airlines always try to optimize the cargo capacity of their aircraft. any anticipated increase in cargo for a flight will require an increase in fuel weight. such as the presence of perishable commodities. storage fees and loss-of-goodwill costs. three-dimensional capacity and a rate/density mix that determine the transport price. the anticipated passenger load must be taken into account. According to an Azfreight publication [5]. If the customer does not use the space allocated in the agreement and the airline is not informed.examines the demand for various types of capacity. shipment mode or customers. demand that does not always show up and customers willing to pay different prices for the same commodity make necessary the implementations of a revenue management technique. Overbooking set to “low” results in unused space and missed revenue.  Bid price optimization . the cargo business process presents more complex problems than passengers management due to uncertain capacities in departures as it depends on passenger baggage. The Business Model for Low Cost Carriers has been funded by Southwest Airlines.1.1. the aircraft could fly with unused capacity. resulting in unused capacity. Airlines apply different techniques for maximizing revenues from selling cargo space. almost 90% of the belly cargo is expected to be carried by widebody aircraft. the bid price is low. based on historical data. When it comes to narrow-body aircraft operated mainly by LCC. In addition. The freight carrier provides this factor. When demand is low. These functions outlined above help reduce the unused space and allow an appropriate allocation of inventory. An effective cargo revenue management system aims to determine the available capacity on each flight and to allocate capacities to the appropriate products and amounts of products in such a way as to maximize profit. and when demand is high. This categorization enables forecasting and optimization to be performed by rate and load mix. belly cargo is almost non-existent.  Allotment management and allotment is a long-term agreement between a customer and an airline that guarantees a specified amount of space on future flights. the bid price is high. offload expenses. No pushback tractor is required as the aircraft can move independently. This leads to a cost reduction.Product features Fares/Network Low. no meals or free alcoholic drinks. the loading of trolleys is skipped and cleaning time is reduced. the operational department of an airline imposes the minimums for fuel to be carried. boarding and deplaning is sped up by adding a stair to the rear door of the aircraft. so the aircraft load must consider this restriction. Bearing this in mind. This goes in line with the remote parking as stairs are required. passengers walk from the parking position to the terminal gate. average 400 nautical miles Staff Competitive wages. Boeing 737 types). This depends on the range of the destination and other factors but generally these two concepts do not go together. Even if higher load requires more fuel as well as extra handling activities. its additional cost is negligible. ticketless In-flight Single class. no interlining Distribution Travel agents (GSSA) and call centres (internet sales). some main characteristics of their procedure at the airport are outlined below [7]:  Remote parking and parallel to the terminal building (if possible). simple and unrestricted fares. belly cargo should always be accepted when hold space is available. In practice.g. whilst conventional airlines only reach around 2500. as well as less time or potential delay due to pushback operation. 11-12 hours/day Airport Secondary or uncongested. Therefore. Very often. especially in the case of short-medium range aircraft operated by Low-Cost Airlines. Cost and delays related to the required equipment are therefore avoided. as less equipment is required. narrow-body aircraft (e.  Tankering and Cargo loading are difficult to combine as an increment if one of these concepts reduces the weight available for the other. which is loaded using only belt loaders.  If the distance is not excessive and the safety procedures are accomplished. revenues coming from belly cargo represent higher profit on flights. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 74 .  Refuelling may not be necessary at every flight. Low cost airlines can achieve up to 4000 flight hours a year.  Passengers boarding by means of stairs. so the “tankering” technique may be applied. 20-30 minute turnarounds Sector length Short. profit sharing. Hence. Moreover.  Short turnaround times in order to maximise aircraft utilization. high productivity Table 13 Low Cost Business Model initiated by Southwest Airlines [6] Going into more details on Low Cost Airlines. snacks and light beverages can be purchased.  Cargo provides low revenue rate and slows down the turnaround process. so additional airport chargers for fingers are avoided. point to point.  By eliminating catering services. high density seating. high utilization. this works differently. Airlines cover the majority of their costs through ticket sales. no seat assignment Operating Features Fleet Single type. no cargo is transported except luggage. This means ferrying enough fuel for more than one flight segment. high frequencies. in order to avoid the higher fuel cost and additional time on ground at destination airports. Limited Quantity). mail. In this case. Aircraft hold space corresponding to six or seven 737 MAX could carry the half of cargo loaded in a 777 full freighter. the equivalent of four large wide-body freighters. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 75 . valuable or dangerous cargo is not carried by SpiceJet’s fleet. the carrier has a daily capacity of 300 tonnes. This section highlights the main characteristics of LCCs and their evolution towards the cargo market.5 tonnes per flight within its 737-800 and 737-900ER fleet. check list must be forwarded to the airline and commodity should be sporting hunting guns).2 Assumptions The analysis of the current freight process aims to describe a generic process. From Istanbul alone. whose main traffic is European. aircraft hold configuration or flow order may vary depending on the airport.AMMUNITION and EXPLOSIVES. With 264 scheduled daily flights. according to an article published by “Air Cargo Week” [8]. This airline currently accepts freight such as general. perishable. two hours. have already introduced cargo transport within their single aisle passenger aircraft flights. Class 6. operational method or the aircraft (wide or narrow body. preform invoice. From the point of view of the airport. 5. is considered to form part of the airport’s infrastructure. Ground Support Systems. Courier cargo can be delivered 1. The airline has defined a list of restrictions and limitations in order to fit the cargo transport to its low cost model:   Goods not accepted:  AL (Valuable Cargo). whose network spans over 20 countries. Pegasus Airlines has also included belly cargo transport within its operations. four hours and finally general cargo. freighter of passenger aircraft). cargo is not considered as reduced turnaround time is essential and critical for their operation. The A330-300 can carry 30 LD3 containers along with one 96-inch pallet. The cargo services use Airbus A330-300 and Airbus A320-200.2 . Low Cost Carriers are expected to consider belly cargo as part of their business activity in the future.5 hours before a flight. The last example of a low cost airline providing cargo service is AirAsia.2. Its cargo division offers two to 3. (Valid import license. Not all cargo type is accepted for loading. like Flydubai. but depends on the final destination.  VUN (Vulnerable Cargo). Some low cost airlines.  Live bees can only be accepted on request with a pre-approval. six hours. Almaty and Tehran. Cologne (Germany). Pegasus Airlines. Pegasus' cargo division serves a wide range of international destinations including London. valuable and courier. which will be frequently mentioned when describing the process. Even if the belly of LCC aircraft usually travels empty.  Gun shipments can only be accepted on request with a pre-approval. perishable and valuable. All activity outlined throughout this section is present in every freight process. to be delivered over the next 10 years. 11 Boeing 737-800 NG and 100 737 MAX. being an independent building. Flydubai has ordered 111 aircraft. plus bulk cargo. the freight process described throughout this section corresponds to a medium one.regarding their Business Model outlined above. Class 7. The Cargo terminal. Stockholm. However. Limited conditions:  Max acceptable weight is 150kg per piece.  AVI (Live Animals). Omsk in Russia.  DGR (Class 1 . SpiceJet follows a similar model to Pegasus Airlines by introducing restrictions on the freight accepted.  ARMS. SpiceJet and AirAsia. It can be concluded that the Air freight market seem to have more competition as the LCCs are getting more interested in cargo transport. It is followed by the freight activities included in the Ramp & GSE process. as part of Turnaround.  Ends when the freight is prepared and waiting to be transported to the apron by the Handling Staff Operator. for a lot of airlines (like low-cost airlines) being actually inexistent. brought by the Handling Staff Operator after unloading it from the aircraft.  Ends when freight leaves the terminal. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 76 . carried by the forwarder. is described below. with its correspondent actors and activities. are delimited as follows:   Departure  Starts when freight arrives at the terminal. Bearing in mind all these aspects. The freight process boundaries. and is loaded into the aircraft bellies.INTERACTION will focus on short to medium range passenger flights. Arrival  Starts when the freight arrives at the terminal. as these aircraft families represent a major share inside Europe. most often not containerized. Boeing 737 and A318/319/320/321. The particularity for these narrow-body aircraft is that cargo represents a small share of the payload. the Freight process. ticket charges. Organisation Unit Role Handling Staff Operator (only activities related to Freight Process) Drive Dollies and Container/Pallet loaders to stand Drive Baggage carts and conveyor belts to stand Open Hold Doors Offload special Cargo ULD’s to dollies Offload special Cargo to carts Offload Transfer Cargo to carts Offload Transfer Cargo ULD’s to dollies Offload Cargo ULD’s to dollies Offload bulk Cargo to dollies Offload Transfer Bulk Cargo to dollies Deliver to Cargo Terminal Clean Cargo compartments (under demand) Load bulk Drive dollies to stand Drive baggage-carts to stand Open main hold Doors Load baggage/freight dollies Load cargo into the aircraft Retry container/pallet loaders Close main hold Doors Get a signed copy of load-sheet Airline (only activities related to Freight Process) Facilities and means of ticket sales. excess charges Approves aircraft changes. aircraft scheduled flight in case of irregularities Communicate incoming bags/cargo Manage flight and cargo data (also meteorological data) INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 77 . Roles & Responsibilities Table 17 below summarises the list of actors and their roles within the freight process taking place in the Cargo Terminal.5.3 Identification of Actors involved. personal effects and hazardous items in and out of a country Cargo Receipt Transportation and delivery of authorized classes of mail Specialized mailing services Sort and load/unload the cargo/mail into containers/carriages Freight inspections for compliance with Community veterinary. Veterinary and Phytosanitary control staff) Expend Air Wway bill Collecting and safeguarding customs duties and controlling the flow of goods including animals. shipments are handled several times to fit different transport constraints. but it has an impact on it. The landside process does not directly form part of the Turnaround process. The airside means the airport facilities associated with aircraft movement to transport passengers and cargo.  Equipment – loading/unloading. A general view of the freight process is presented in Figure 26 below. This kind of terminal based on freight operation has a set of characteristics adapted to its activity:  Infrastructure – modal access and unloading/loading areas. Figure 14 Basic Freight Process Freight delivered to the airport by the Forwarder is received by the Cargo Terminal. Each one of these handling operations consumes time and increases the transportation costs with non-added value operations.4 Process Description During Turnaround. detailed in Section 6. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 78 . preparation and delivery of the freight for its transport and loading into the aircraft. transports.. Cargo Agents. The Freight process detailed throughout this section consists of the Landside process while the freight airside process is included in the Ramp & GSE process.Organisation Unit Role Take Cargo and documents (Cargo manifest.1 Overview of the Freight process The freight process forms part of the overall Turnaround. As can be observed. Phytosanitary and food hygiene legislation External Operator Cargo Contact with a carrier in order to transport freight Table 14 Actors and roles involved in Freight process 5. Postal Authority. so the airside process includes the transport and load/unload of freight as well as Ground Support Systems required. lifting and storing equipment. 5.4. a landside and airside process take place in order to load/unload cargo into aircraft. Freight cannot be transported if the landside process is not fully completed. storage. NOTOC…) from the Cargo Terminal Issue new Cargo manifest with real Cargo loaded Cargo Staff Terminal (includes Customs. It focuses on inspection. unpacked and in uniform dimensions. with sequence and equipment used in the turnaround. Section 6. where all the handling activities are detailed. Thus.  Stand allocation. all the handling processes follow the defined Plan. some terminals also provide some ancillary activities. The handling operator informs the airline regarding the estimated time of completion of the process  When the aircraft arrives at the stand. the handling manager creates a specific Plan. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 79 . Some of the Handling Staff Operator activities are summarized below:  The day before of operations the Handling Staff Operator receives for the following data for each aircraft:  Type of aircraft.  Distribution centres – trans-loading.  Management – administration.  Any particular constraints. An estimation of turnaround process is provided by each aircraft operator. maintenance. 5. This type of cargo requires more labour than the containerized one. Bulk cargo refers to goods handled in large quantities. This part of the Freight process forms part of the Ramp and GSE process.4.  Container services – washing. preparation or repair. The connection between the terminal and the aircraft is made by the Handling Staff Operator. a Cargo terminal may differ because of the mode involved and the commodities transferred. Storage – enough space for empty and loaded containers. A basic distinction is between bulk cargo and containers. Activities related to the turnaround process start with the long-term and medium/short-term planning phases. access and information systems. having an in-house handling function. is in charge of cargo handling at the airport. warehousing or temperature controlled.  Storage depot – container depot and bulk storage.2 Process Definition (textual) The freight process consists of the reception and preparation of load within the Cargo Terminal as well as the dispatch of freight once it has been unloaded and transported to the terminal. such as:  Trade facilitation – free trade zone or logistical services. which requires significant amount of storage space. In addition to these basic facilities. This knowledge enables the handlers to prepare better for the turnaround process.  When the pilot confirms the in-block time. Freight activity within the Cargo terminal mainly focuses on storage and preparation of ULD and bulk cargo carried by aircrafts (freighters or belly cargo) as well as transfer of air freight to the forwarder.  On the actual date of the flight the handling organisation receives further details including actual passenger and baggage figures and cargo details.  Estimated time of arrival. The Handling Staff Operator or even the airline itself.  The Handling Staff Operator creates a plan taking into account the daily flights’ schedule and available resources. known shipper • Collect prepaid handling charges if applicable • Accept shipment Sort goods and documents • Register shipment receipt. numbers and volumes indicated  Correct and undamaged packaging  Potentially hazardous materials declared and correctly labelled and visible  Correct and complete documents and labels Security checks  Known shipper and forwarder declared  Correct and undamaged packaging  Correct and complete documents and labels INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 80 . send FSU to customer • Assign warehouse bin number or ULD number • Store the shipment in the warehouse • Confirm storage • Store shipment documents • Send message to Handling Staff Operator with Cargo Info • Finalise booklist of flight • Prepare Cargo manifest • Handling Staff Operator prepares Load Information Report (LIR) • Send it to Cargo Terminal Outgoing checks & administration Build ULDs (if any) • Gather changes in cargo • Build ULDs according to due to LIR information instructions • Gather AWBs and • Prepare ramp transport documents for flight of bulk cargo according according to booklist.) • Prepare NOTOC • Inform airline.4. etc. Also at this stage. cargo.1 Freight Loading Process The landside process.2. the Airmail received from the Air Mail Unit is submitted to a security check in case the Postal Authorities have not carried it out. prepare and weight ULDs • Handle last minute changes in load-plan based on aircraft Wight & Balance requirements (passengers. The incoming checks before loading and departure of the aircraft can be clustered in 4 categories:   Commercial checks:  According to booking  Correct weights. Incoming checks & administration Unload truck • Airline provides information about the available space for cargo in the plane • Prepare & Plan for handling and storage of shipments based on confirmed bookings/FWBs and handling instructions • Forwarder truck arrives at agreed time before flight • Truck driver checks in at counter and awaits approval for unloading • Evaluate shipment against booking and notify or reject in case of differences in pieces. to instructions prepare flightbag • Gather goods for flight according to booklist. customs perform a Risk Analysis and eventually physical and/or documentary inspection. customs. If applicable. weight and volume • Check applicable RFC items • Check security items. starts when freight arrives at the Cargo terminal. numbers and volumes indicated Logistics checks    Delivered RFC Flight safety checks  Correct weights. fuel. depicted in Figure 15. the freight is accepted and stored in the dedicated export area within the Cargo terminal. airport of destination and/or customer Figure 15 Landside Freight Loading Process [9] All freight is submitted to physical and documentary inspection as well as a security check performed by a Security Company after its arrival at the Cargo terminal.5. Once these checks are completed. companies will face reduced security controls and total goods transportation times. Nowadays. live animals. based on the information received related to the space available and aircraft. saves ground crew time and effort and helps prevent delays in the turnaround process. oversized goods. If a company wants to obtain "Known Consignor" status. This certification process involves a thorough audit conducted by an individual air security authority to ensure compliance with standards for air cargo preparation. sort and load of ULDs or customs clearance. including dangerous or incompatible freight. According to this information. Each ULD has its own packing list (or manifest) so that its contents can be tracked. which are all essential for the preparation of cargo to be transported and loaded in the aircraft. Others The LIR is sent to the Cargo terminal and the Equipment Operator. Mail 3. This depends on the availability of transport services. The following steps form part of the Ramp & GSE process and are detailed in Section 6. with the information about the freight they are planning to carry in the aircraft. it must apply to the State Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). except for the real airport-airport part. It also prepares the flight or cargo manifest paper. In case of Non-EU shipments customs control has to be performed. infrastructure and employee training.An exception made in order to avoid the security check time from delaying operations is applied to ther category “Known Consignor”. but some slight differences can be identified from the point of view of the documents and rules they follow:  The first basic difference is the fact that postal organisations handle full door-to-door chain. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 81 . Perishable goods 4. as perishable goods are more restrictive from this point of view. As mentioned before. the terminal accepts a specific amount of cargo and plans the handling and storage of it. This leads to fewer units to load. LIR must consider loading the freight according to the following priority order: 1.). With this accreditation. Afterwards. which are freight shippers whose merchandise can be carried by both passengers and cargo aircraft (according to Regulation EC 185/2010). ULDs allow a large quantity of cargo to be bundled into a single unit. storage. equipment. The Cargo Terminal Staff. The processes related to Cargo and Mail are basically the same. Baggage 2. so only in a few cases is the freight distributed in ULDs. valuables. On the other side. ULDs are mainly loaded into widebody carriers and only a few are compatible with narrow-body aircraft (see Annex II Aircraft and ULD compatibility for more details about compatibility between aircraft and ULDs). etc.  Third: airmail shipments are not booked but fly on predefined allotments. who will be in charge of performing the transport and loading. In case of special freight that cannot be handled through the Cargo Terminals (e. It also depends on the type of freight. prepares the freight to be carried. the airline reports to the Cargo Terminal about the available space in the airplane hold for each one of its flights. narrow-body aircraft carry mainly bulk cargo. the Handling Staff Operator produces the Loading Information Report (LIR) with definitive information about the cargo that will be travelling and its distribution inside the aircraft. weight and estimated volume. so the airline handling agent only performs loading and/or unloading of the aircraft. The amount of time that freight stays at a terminal waiting to be prepared is called “dwell time”. see Table 15. Sometimes even the ramp transport to and/or from the aircraft is arranged by the postal organisation to gain handling speed. the Cargo Terminal Staff sends a message to the Handling Staff Operator. and Airmail uses the CNdoc. a direct access to airside area (pre-arrangements are necessary) is allowed by the Airport Company’s Cargo Development Department. The information stated in this document consists of the Air Waybill numbers of each of each package.  The second basic difference is the air transport document and the information and functions thereof Air cargo uses the Air waybill. Using this data. Known Consignors are credited as any company that exports or imports air cargo regularly through Accredited Agents and carrying their goods on passenger aircraft or cargo. which accompanies the freight.g. It can also demand payment of import duties or even fines depending on the customs. Therefore. However.2 Freight Unloading Process The unloading process can also be separated into two processes: landside and airside. Generally one CNdoc is used per dispatch. The Handling Staff Operator transports freight (cargo and mail) to the Cargo terminal. Similar to the loading process. The digit number of an AWB serves for booking and checking the status of delivery and the current position of the shipment. based on the packaging list and invoice. A dispatch has the same origin & destination and mail-subclass. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 82 . Table 15 Air transport document used for cargo and mail 5. A fourth difference is the commercial aspect of airmail. mainly loaded as loose cargo or in containers Contents of the shipment are never made visible t customs UPU rules apply Contract between airline and postal organisation must be separately arranged Financial settlement based on weight per dispatch. the security and customs checks may be avoided if the freight is under the responsibility of a “Known consignor”. Both processes are similar to the loading ones. Customs staff classifies the imported goods according to regulations. where upon the packages are opened.5 kg) Consists of mailbags. but done in reverse. This way the packages remain unopened. the Handling Staff Operator from the arrival airport prepares the unloading instructions. the Handling Staff Operator unloads it according to the instructions provided by the Handling Staff Operator of the origin airport. It indicates that the goods have been accepted for carriage (see Table 15).4. Information related to cargo (LRM//CPM) carried in an aircraft is sent by the Handling Staff Operator to the destination airport in order to prepare its arrival. Mainly based on CARDIT (CARrier/Documents International Transport advice) and RESDIT (RESponse to Documents International Transport advice) messages. summarized in Figure 16. specific procedures issued by customs are followed. The Air Way Bill (AWB) is a contract agreed between the shipper and the carrier and is non-negotiable. All packages further pass through security checks and through radiation detectors. Air waybill – air cargo CNdoc . Once the aircraft has arrived at the airport. mainly loaded in ULDs All steps in the chain are monitored by customs:  Manifest (airline)  Air waybill/shipments (airline + forwarder)  Colli/shipment contents (forwarder + end customer) IATA rules apply Functions as a contract between customer (forwarder) and airline Financial settlement based on volume/weight       Issued by postal organisation Information relates to certain flight carrying mail No bookings on flights (allotments)  destination driven Standard size and weight restrictions (<31. instead of FWB (Freight Way Bill) and FSU (Freight Status Update) messages.airmail             Issued by airline Information related to shipment/colli travelling on certain flight  flight driven Each shipment individually booked on a flight Different sizes and weights possible Cargo is boxed and palletized.2. customs can decide to release or hold the shipment for physical inspection. consisting of the landside process begins when freight arrives at the terminal. In case of alert. The Freight unloading process. which has acquired the corresponding licence and exemptions.  A fifth difference is the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) message exchange for paper free exchange of information between all parties in the airmail chain. etcetera.  Customs perform document and physical inspection. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 83 .  Storing. oversized goods. A slight change between EU and Non-EU shipments treatment must be highlighted at this stage of the process. In the case of special freight that cannot be handled through the Cargo Terminals (e. following the loading procedure carried out by the Handling Agent (Load Control). If any shipment needs clearance from Ministry of Rural Development & Food.  Consignee pays customs duties. Cargo Terminal Staff is are charge of:  Breaking down and separating cargo and mail (Air mail is taken to the Air Mail Unit.).  All handling documents required. customs documents. where Postal Authorities assume the responsibility for delivering it).Breakdown ULDs (if any) • Receive ULDs and bulk cargo in warehouse • Breakdown ULDs according to instructions Incoming checks & administration Sort goods and documents • Security Check and • Assign warehouse bin revision of documents. Non-EU shipments are submitted to additional customs controls.  Notifying freight arrival. live animals. the Airport Company’s Cargo Development Department (pre-arrangements with the Cargo Agent necessary) allows one or more authorized trucks to enter the airside and consequently the aircraft parking position.  Consignee pays handling charges to the Cargo Agent and picks up goods. with respect to the EU ones:  Customs clearance document.  Customs perform Risk Analysis. if necessary. the freight is inspected by the Veterinary and/or Phytosanitary Control.g.  Sorting and checking against manifest data. its correspondent charges and documents to the consignee. valuables. driver ID • Collect delivery charges • Register delivery and give POD • Clear flight manifest Figure 16 Landside Freight Unloading Process [9] Within the landside freight unloading process. number or ULD number report irregularities • Store shipment in the • Customs clearance warehouse • Register import • Store shipment shipment receipt and documents for pick-up send notification/FSU to by customer customer • Release AWB for invoicing Outgoing checks & administration Load truck • Forwarder truck arrives • Load truck at agreed time • Truck driver check in at counter with customs cleared documents • Collect and check shipment. it must be at the apron at a given time). inefficient processes or parameters that need improvement. This indicator can be fed back to try to be accurate in space. Figure 18. The main process indicators to parameterize freight process are the following:  OTP (on time performance)    Punctuality: % of times cargo is prepared for transport (according to the standard. Figure 17.  Reliability of data sent to Load Control: Kg % of variations between the data sent to Handling Staff Operator (and therefore included in the LIR) and what is really sent in the plane. mentioning the roles and people responsible (according to Table 17) for each activity.4.3 Process Flow Diagram The whole Freight process. Process indicators are used to identify mistakes. and unloading.  Ability to forecast ULD cargo: measures the percentage of cargo that was scheduled in an aircraft and is not finally stowed due to capacity problems. Freight arrives to the Cargo terminal NO Cargo Terminal Staff Receipt Cargo Inspection & Storage Available space in the aircraft? NO YES Gather AWBs & prepare NOTOC Prepare ULDs and/or bulk cargo Load prepared? YES Transport freight to the aircraft Handling Staff Operator Load accepted to be charged? YES Load cargo in the aircraft NO Ramp & GSE process Figure 17 Freight loading process Ramp & GSE process Handling Staff Operator Cargo Terminal Staff Unload ULDs and unpacked cargo & mail Transport freight to the terminal Inspection & Customs control ULD breakdown & freight storage Notify freight arrival to consignee Prepare documents and charges for the consignee Figure 18 Freight unloading process 5.SLAs) INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 84 . The process flow diagrams for loading. Flow and Quality of Information  Timely information: % of cases in which messages are sent on time (SLA measuring coordination is correct). It can be important mainly in the CPM and LDM messages. This indicator can be fed back to try to be accurate in space.5.  Ability to forecast bulk cargo: measures the percentage of cargo that was scheduled in an aircraft and is not finally stowed due to capacity problems. have been separated in order to easily identify each step in the sequence.4. is depicted the two figures below. Processes compliance (Service Level Agreements .4 Identification of Process Indicators Process indicators constitute a valuable source of information to measure and quantify the parameters that define a good quality service. The messages can represent only information or can trigger further steps. taking the load into account.  Shipping errors: % of cases in which the amount of load received is different what was planned according to the LIR. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 85 . screen or paper Cargo transported info Cargo Terminal Staff Handling Staff Operator Cargo/Mail information Telex or paper Prepared NOTOC Handling Staff Operator Cargo Terminal Staff Loading Information Report (LIR) Telex or paper Cargo Terminal Staff External Cargo Operator Notify freight arrival Telex Table 16 Information Exchange in the Freight process All messages presented in Table 16 are emitted at a determined place in time and in a particular order.5 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions Activities presented in Figure 17 and Figure 18 involve the exchange of information between the different actors.  Freight carried: freight kg by origin/destination and % of the total payload carried.  Poorly prepared Load: % of badly made pallets that cannot be stowed in the aircraft. 5. Origin Destination Message Airline Cargo Terminal Staff Available Space airplane for cargo Mode in Telex. It measures the capacity for growth or unused resources. Carried freight volume  Holds usage: airlines unused space in holds. Cargo Terminal Staff Handling Staff Operator Airline Receipt Cargo Inspection & Storage Available space in the aircraft Gather AWBs & prepare NOTOC Cargo Info message and NOTOC Load Information Report Prepare ULDs and/or bulk cargo Figure 19 Information exchanged within the Loading process flow Handling Staff Operator Cargo Terminal Staff Airline External Cargo Operator Cargo transported info Unload ULDs and unpacked cargo & mail Transport freight to the Cargo terminal Inspection & Customs control ULDs breakdown and freight storage Notify freight arrival Prepare documents and charges for the consignee Figure 20 Information exchanged within the Unloading process flow INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 86 . Figure 19 and Figure 20 place this information exchanges within the process flow in order to create a complete view of the process.Therefore. in order to be autonomous. Later on. through the airline’s reservation system. In turn. The information is usually notified by telex or screens of the different programs the agents have access to.6. and this information is sent to both agents. This flight program is sent to both the Handling Staff Operator and the Cargo Terminal Staff so they know how it will operate. the following figure presents the main Information Management Systems that are used currently. there are two centres that are responsible for managing the entire operation: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 87 . In turn. At the same time.&Arr.  Handling: to organize its resources and identify possible critical flights. Airport • Slots management (Dep. Regarding freight handling. The Cargo Agent/CargoTerminal Staff determines through its Cargo Management System (e.5. at h-48 of a particular flight (this timeline can change depending on the airline) the tail assignment is performed by a routing tool. This freight data is notified via telex and messages to the Handling Staff Operator which through DCS system. the arrival time of the cargo is notified by telex or by voice. tickets sales are known and so is the expected occupancy for each of its flights.g.6 Information Management Systems Information Management Systems are built to share critical information among stakeholders that can affect the operation of the airport. the W/B of the aircraft and other required items. this agent has systems for generating the necessary documentation based on the type of cargo and destination / origin.) A-CDM Global Coordination (HCC/OCC) Airline • Flight program • Pax and Bags • CPM/LDM Messages • Flight Program • Fleet plan (routing) • Reservation system • • • Handling Agent • DCS • Suppliers management Flight Program a/c availability CPM/LDM messages Cargo Agent • • Cargo weight & volume • Cargo Transport coordination Cargo management system Figure 21 Information Management Systems of the airport Through the Flight Planning System. In a general sense. which is reported to the two operators:  Cargo: to check flight availability to prepare cargo accordingly.1) the freight that is transported on each flight using the information given by the airline about flights and availability. Hermes – described in section 5. setting departure and arrival times of each of its flights. the airline develops its flight program for each of the seasons. monitoring arrival. start and end of the processes to prevent possible incidents or delays. prepares the LIR. At the same time. the Handling Staff Operator performs time control over the other turnaround processes. Hermes has been designed by Ground Handling professionals.  Service Failure Prevention: proactive alerts to imminent service failures.6. OCC (Operations Control Centre) belongs to the Aviatpartner uses this application in its operations in Amsterdam and Frankfurt airports.  Industry Standards: compliant with Cargo2000 and IATA e-Freight.  High Level of Automation: eliminates repetitive time-consuming tasks.1 Cargo Management System .  Integrated Billing: prevents revenue leakage through automated and accurate billing. 5. being a latest-generation innovative IT solution for managing the full range of cargo handling activities of Cargo terminals: 2 This application is implemented and used by different Handling Agents.Hermes 2 Hermes is the industry-leading cargo handling system supplied by Hermes Logistics Technologies [10]. The system has a proven record of offering optimal solutions to the complex and changing conditions for cargo handling:  Complete and integrated solution: encompasses all physical and documentary handling INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 88 .  Integrated Communications: keep customers and supply chain partners fully informed. http://www.  Service Level Profiling: allows service to be tailored to customer’s products.  Real-Time Service Level Monitoring: ensures that service standards can be met. it uses a Solver system and is responsible for assigning real-time crews and fees (routing)  HCC (Hub Control Centre) monitors the processes that occur during the scale (including freight) Through the A-CDM program and through these Centres the airport is notified of possible delays in output to optimise management slots reducing overall delays in arrival and departure.  Real-Time Warehouse: allows handling time to be controlled and reduced. g. missing cargo)  Perform warehouse bond-checks  Perform ULD inventory checks  Accept ULDs from flights and/or trucks  Break down ULDs  Deliver loose cargo and/or ULDs to Agents/Consignees  Transfer shipments to other handlers/airlines INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 89 .Figure 22 HERMES integration diagram Hermes combines a Real-time paperless warehouse (operated with hand-held terminals and barcode technology) with back-office documentation and billing processes. weights and special information onto ULDs  Produce pallet tags  Register service failures (e. Real-Time Warehouse and documentation Through the handheld devices. the warehouse operatives are provided with the following functionalities:  Accept Export cargo from Agents/Shippers  Allocate and move shipments onto warehouse locations  Load shipments to ULDs and/or Bulk  Load ULDs and/or Bulk onto trucks  Register contours. damaged cargo. Hermes is designed to capture as well as send all electronic variants of these documents. NOTOC. handle and produce all cargo related documents in Hermes (Air Waybills. FHL. the opportunity is given to set up all kinds of processes and SLA’s on all kinds of levels (Airline. ADR.Figure 23 Real time warehouse functionality screenshots Back-office operatives can register. Service Management Because Hermes is a Real-Time based system which is process driven. typically IATA Cargo IMP messages (FWB. FFM. Flows…). In Figure 24 below an example of the Cargo profile interface is depicted. Transfer Manifests…). FBL. Special Product. NTM…). However. Customs. If this possibility is used to the maximum extent then the Back Office operatives spend their time on monitoring the (quality of) operations rather than registering the operations. Manifests. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 90 . “Over packs” and “All Packed in One’s” are supported in a user friendly way. Hermes can also send a wide range of non-IATA Cargo IMP messages which can be customized to suit the customer’s needs. Hermes allows a complete overview of the processes. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 91 . This allows operations to avoid and prevent failures rather than correcting them. Once completed. found cargo. records are automatically created and moved to the Service Recovery module. The Service Recovery module instructs users how to resolve the issue in a step by step way.g. If any discrepancies occur (e. All of these messages are sent automatically.Figure 24 Hermes service management– Example of cargo profile screenshot The system automatically monitors operations against SLA’s in Real-Time. Dangerous Goods Hermes can be used to register Dangerous Goods declarations for shipments. At all times. Most of these can also simply be sent automatically or semi-automatically if data is needed which is not held by the system and is only known to the user (e. Messaging Hermes can send and receive the IATA Cargo IMP messages which are commonly used in the aviation industry allowing the customer and supply chain participants to be fully informed. seal numbers on containers carrying valuable cargo). see Figure 25. missing documentation…). and preventatively alert operations when they are about to be breached. it automatically produces Checklists based on UN numbers. and also automatically informs the customer of the error and the status of the error until it is finally resolved. missing cargo.g. 5. Charges can be made on AWB. ULD and Flight level. Full paper based or electronic billing with e-Invoices and detailed supporting documentation per customer is possible. see 5. e-NOTOC and ADR documents are produced fully automatically. Invoicing and Accounts Hermes prevents revenue leakage by assigning automatic charges (per customer) to all handling activities.Figure 25 Hermes dangerous goods declaration screenshot The physical check is performed step by step using the hand held device with visual aids.2 E-Freight The e-freight program initiated by IATA aims to replace all paper documents included in the air cargo process with electronic data and messages. In 2012 the Global Air Cargo Advisory Group (GACAG) developed a roadmap to 100% e-freight. GACAG approach relied on three pillars:  Pillar I – Establish Route Network: locations where Regulatory and e-Customs environment supports implementation of paperless procedures  Pillar II – Implement Paperless Airport-to-Airport: Replace the main documents required for transporting the freight with:  e-Air Waybill (e-AWB. which defines the approach. Discrepancies are automatically derived as part of the DGR check process and are centrally controlled. Cash and cashier management is fully integrated.6.6. structure and targets for the program’s success [11]. There is a comprehensive Tariff structure with customer specific contract capture facility.3)  e-House Manifest  e-Consignment Sec  Declaration (e-CSD)  e-Flight Manifest INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 92 . NOTOC.  Blue . the dimensions and the chargeable weight. the chargeable weight is always larger than the actual weight of the shipment.  Pink or red copy marked for consignee.6. being a certificate of insurance or a method of invoicing for freight and other charges. It has other functions like guiding to airline staff informing them about the shipment and including special handling instruction. competitive. the number of items. The chargeable weight is the number of kilos on which the freight is being levied. It serves as an accounting document for the issuing carrier and being signed by the shipper is proof of the contract of carriage.3 Air Waybill and E.Air Waybill The Air Waybill (AWB) is a critical air cargo document that constitutes the contract of carriage between the “shipper” (forwarder) and the “carrier” (airline). The main pieces of information required for an air waybill are:  Shippers and consignees name and address  Issuing carriers agent and agents IATA code  Airport of departure and airport of destination  Handling of information box. 5. etcetera. GACAG main aim is to make the industry more efficient. It can also affect the freight rate. This includes the gross weight (in kilos or lbs). For volumetric shipments.  The shipper and the issuing carrier sign separate boxes of the air waybill which establishes a contract of carriage between the two parties. AWB must consist of three original copies with a minimum of six copies and a maximum of 11 additional copies. which contains details of special instructions on dangerous goods information. This can be any amount specified by the shipper or no value might be declared.  Declared value of the goods:  Value for carriage. which accompanies the goods and is signed by the consignee upon delivery. These appear on the lower left side of the air waybill. live animals information and special handling instructions on the temperature requirements of the cargo. and charges are either prepaid or collect. Most exporters prefer to take out insurance through their own nominated broker (see Transit insurance). The distribution of the three original AWBs is as follows:  Green copy marked for the issuing carrier and retained by the airline.marked for shipper. This is the amount of insurance the shipper might insure the cargo for through the airline. Prepaid means the exporter pays. Pillar III – Implement Paperless Door-to-Door: Replace the main documents corresponding to commercial side and cargo particular documents with:  e-Invoice  e-Packing List  e-DG Declarations.  Description of the goods.  Value for insurance. and charges collect means the consignee pays.  Details of charges. Given to the shipper it serves as a proof of receipt of the goods for shipment and documentary evidence of the contract of carriage.  Value for Customs. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 93 . It affects the airlines responsibility in case of loss or damage to the consignment. This is the value declared by the exporter for customs. sustainable and profitable. the nature of the goods. cargo handling delays due to missing or illegible paper AWB. no waiting time for processing paper AWB at airline desk  Better reliability: No risk of losing documents and reduced number of errors  Regulatory compliance: Authorized by international treaties regulating air cargo transport. additional work to investigate and fix issues.  Job redundancy. no information on a consignment would be available. The impacts the Air Waybill may have are:  Freight Forwarder reduced efficiency  Potential incorrect billing by Airlines  Risk of customs holding cargo and delaying delivery to consignee  Data capture redundancy (same data. The project is endorsed by FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association) who encourages its members to adopt it. repeating data keying. so without it. introduce extra processing times. The most important benefits are the following:  Reduced costs: Elimination of purchase costs for pre-printed paper AWB. risk of losing documents and wrong data capture. Electronic messages have existed since the 80’s. Some airlines have already achieved 100% e-AWB penetration from their main hubs. The majority of airlines start implementing e-AWB in their home market and then roll it out globally. but the air cargo industry still relies on paper and human intervention.  Additional post processing workload. involving fewer stakeholders INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 94 .The AWB is used throughout the air journey. stake holders and customers has reduced track and trace functionality and real time visibility of freight movement. Behaviours have not changed yet: booking. purchase costs for printing paper and archiving costs. Whereas the processing of air cargo in this context introduces limitations to the efficiency and reliability of the process. Airfreight shipment generates up to 30 different paper documents. The same document continues to be used if the consignment is passed from one airline to another. reduction in cargo handling delays due to missing or illegible paper AWB. cargo delay by document rejection. with direct impact on cost. many times)  Increase of workload  Extra time and space required to store and archive paper documents  May lead to low customer (Consignee) satisfaction Since 2008 e-AWB has been developed by the industry and IATA [12]. waiting time for processing paper AWB at airline desk. documentation transportation and storage and destroy of documents after several years of storage. contribution to the advanced reporting requirements  Paving the way towards e-freight: A first step toward a paper free air cargo. The number of the air waybill is used to trace consignments throughout their journey. The Air Waybill’s limitations are:  Introduce extra costs. require repeating manual tasks and streamlining processes.  Reduced efficiency. detection of errors prior to submitting the physical freight. which is working with the industry to engage local authorities to support e-AWB. track and trace are still predominantly based-on human intervention.  Lower visibility. time and satisfaction of the various actors involved.  Lower reliability. reduced AWB printing and archiving costs  Higher productivity: Elimination of repeating data keying. The benefits associated to the e-AWB are shared between all stakeholders including regulators. real time access to AWB information.  Reduced contribution to the advanced reporting requirements. The overall conclusion of the e-AWB project is that it will replace the paper AWB with an electronic contract of carriage between the Freight Forwarder and the Carrier an easier and more reliable contracting process. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 95 . 6 Ramp and GSE Process 6. not only within ramp operations. 6.2 Assumption Ramp operations entail a series of sub-processes that need to be managed and coordinated in an efficient way. the following assumptions will be used:  Preparation activities such as resources management and ground support equipment allocation will be considered.1 Context The Ramp and GSE process description will be focused on a generic aircraft turnaround considering the current airport operation environment. In order to establish an operational scenario that reduces the complexity of the process description and that is coherent with airport operations in the ECAC area. but also with the other turnaround processes.  The process description will focus on the execution of ramp operations as a continuous sequence of activities during a turnaround. To avoid overlapping with other processes the following assumptions will be considered:  Baggage/cargo handling process for outbound flights within ramp operations encompass all the activities from when the baggage/cargo is ready for delivery at the terminal building for outbound flights (sorting processor area) until the closing of aircraft hold doors. 6. For the description of ramp operations consideration will be given to all the interactions between the different kind of airport resources and ground support equipment. information flows and process dependencies will allow it to be determined which processes are critical to reach the time efficiency in ramp operations. the passenger boarding and deplaning process. The wide range of airport facilities.  The process description will address ramp processes both.1 Scope Ramp operations encompass a set of activities during the turnaround of an aircraft. A further analysis of interactions.1. at stands next to the terminal building and those remote from it.2.2.1 Objectives The main objective of this chapter is to provide a description of the processes and the ground support equipment (GSE) associated with Ramp operations. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 96 . but also the interaction with other sub-processes within the turnaround operations. which could affect the time efficiency of ramp processes and the critical path of turnaround as a whole. On the other hand Baggage/cargo handling process for inbound flights will encompass all the activities from the opening of aircraft hold doors until the baggage/cargo is delivered to the terminal building (Baggage claims?). to identify the coverage of each process and the relevant information flows. resources and equipment currently available influence not only the ramp process description. which cover the provision of services to the aircraft. including the baggage/cargo load and unload and the coordination of the boarding and deplaning of passengers. The process description will be oriented to identify the main interactions. 6.  Operations regarding passenger handling services will entail the transportation and location of the ground support equipment necessary to perform both. from when the aircraft arrives until its leave.2 Context and Assumptions 6. bearing in mind the developments of the SESAR programme and ACDM implementation. All the considerations provided in the context and assumption sections will be integrated in the process description. flight stand allocation and BHS capacity  Boarding gate to flight assignment planning. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 97 . apron capacity and airline operation needs  Allots. break-down) according to flight schedule. flight characteristics. assigns and schedules baggage handling resources (make-up.The following table shows the list of actors and their main roles within ramp operations and associated equipment maintenance Actor Role Responsibility Execution ANSP ATC  Authorizes aircraft engine start up  Control of aircraft taxiing on taxiways  Provides taxiway routing and runway to be used  Provides push back clearance  Informs airport operational system of the ETA Planning Operations Airport  Provides the stand allocation planning according to flight schedule.  Assignment of the GSE stating airline/handling agent planning  Provides the apron access permits (AAP) for vehicles and Ground Support Equipment  Provides season flight scheduling areas to Execution  Stand allocation changes  Baggage handling resources assignment changes and re-scheduling  Boarding gate assignment changes  GSE staging areas assignment changes Execution Fire Safety Services Act as needed according to local regulations whenever it is informed that an aircraft will refuel with passengers on board. Actor Role Responsibility Planning Ground Agent Handling  Develop a plan for ground handling operations (equipment and human resources allocation and scheduling per handled flight)  Develop a plan for equipment maintenance Execution  Ensures the availability of human resources  Ensures the equipment  Ensures that the correct operation of ground support equipment and systems  Manages Information Messages availability of ground support Execution Ground Handling Marshaller  Provide visual guidance to the aircraft until it reaches parking position  Supervises the operation of automated guidance systems Execution Passenger Handling Agent  Coordinates passengers  Boards and Deplanes Unaccompanied Minors (UM´s)  Coordinates the availability of equipment and personnel for the boarding and deplaning of PRM’s Boarding and De Boarding of Execution Passenger Handling Operator  Transports passengers from aircraft to terminal building and vice versa by bus  Assists PRM boarding/ de-boarding (drives and locates ambulift)  Transports PRM’s from/to remote stand INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 98 . closes and secures aircraft hold doors  Operates Equipment for loading and/or unloading baggage/cargo  Prioritizes and delivers baggage delivery to the terminal  Transport of transfer baggage to the sorting area  Operates Equipment for loading and/or unloading baggage/cargo  Loads. secures and distributes baggage/cargo in the aircraft INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 99 .Actor Role Responsibility Planning Baggage/Cargo Handling Agent  Develops a plan for cargo handling operations (equipment and human resources allocation and scheduling per handled flight)  Develops a plan for equipment maintenance Execution  Ensures the availability of human resources  Ensures the equipment  Ensures that the correct operation of ground support equipment and systems  Manages Information Messages availability of ground support Execution Baggage/cargo handling operator  Opens. Actor Role Responsibility Execution Ramp Operator  Examination of the ramp area  Positions/removes wheelchock and safety cones  Connects/disconnects electric power supply  Operates/positions/secures and retires Passenger Boarding Bridge/ Passenger Stairs  Coordinates the aircraft door opening/close with the crew  Services aircraft lavatories  Janitorial services (waste removal)  Air conditioning unit (fixed/mobile)  Pneumatic air jet start unit  Drain and replenish water tanks  Fuel load  Connects/disconnects tow bar to/from the aircraft  Performs push-back Execution  Operates catering truck  Coordinates the aircraft door opening/close with the crew  Unloads/loads and stows catering supplies from/on aircraft  Transfers catering supplies on aircraft between galleys Catering Operator Execution Airline Cabin Crew  Open/Close aircraft doors  Arm/disarm doors slides  Assist passenger Boarding/De-boarding  Crosscheck catering information  Passenger Counting INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 100 . Actor Role Responsibility Execution Cockpit Crew  Drive the aircraft to/from stand to/from taxiway  Request Engine start-up  Request Push-Back  Provides the quantity of fuel to refuel  Provides load instructions  Signs Weight and balance sheet Planning Operations  Provides and updates Flight Information  Crew planning and management Execution  Updates flight information  Manages information messages Table 17: Actors, Roles and Responsibilities INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 101 6.3 Process Description 6.3.1 Ground Support Equipment (GSE) The ground support equipment (GSE) available at an airport comprises a wide range of vehicles and equipment that are necessary to service the aircraft during the turnaround. Depending on aircraft type and the different set of activities associated with ramp operations there’s a wide variety of GSE fleet. In order to facilitate the operation and manoeuvring of all this equipment, the layout of the ground support equipment on stand follows a standard configuration at each airport. Figure 26 Typical Ramp Layout Depending on the service provided to the aircraft, the ground support equipment can be classified as follows: Passenger boarding/de boarding  Buses at airports are used to transfer passengers from the terminal to either an aircraft or another terminal when it is parked at a remote stand or PBB is not available at a contact stand. Known as airside transfer buses or apron buses, these are designed and built to carry a large number of passengers, and for this reason they are longer and wider than those used in normal traffic and are usually fitted with minimal or no seating. They are equipped with wide doors on both sides of the bus enabling easy entry and exit. Because they operate on the airport apron and cross active taxiways they can only achieve operating speeds well below their cruise speeds. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 102 Figure 27 Apron bus  Passenger boarding stairs are used to embark and disembark passengers from the aircraft when the aircraft is parked on a remote stand or no PBB is available at a contact stand. While smaller units are generally moved by being towed or pushed, larger units are self-powered. Most models have adjustable height to accommodate various aircraft. Optional features may include canopy, heat, supplementary lighting and red carpet.  Self-powered passenger steps are highly stable due to the use of front and rear stabilizers. They are provided with hydraulic technology and components are utilized to provide reliable performance and easy maintenance. The platform is designed for easy and convenient positioning at the doorsill and equipped with safety devices to assure that there is no damage to the aircraft. Figure 28 Self-Powered Passenger Step  Non-powered passenger steps are mounted on a towable chassis and consist of a pivoted lower flight and a telescopic upper flight. The stairs can be tilted and extended to achieve the best elevation in its working range. The unit has hydraulically-operated vertical stabilizers to provide INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 103 stability and mechanical restraint devices to prevent the stairs from lowering and retracting. A mechanical parking brake is automatically applied when the tow bar is lifted. Figure 29 Non-Powered Passenger Step  Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) is an enclosed, movable connector which extends from an airport terminal gate to an airplane, allowing passengers to board and disembark without going outside. Depending on building design, sill heights, fuelling positions and operational requirements, it may be fixed or movable, swinging radially or extending in length. Figure 30 PBB  PRM vehicles are used to transfer PRM passengers from a terminal dedicated area to the A/C. They can adjust to the height of the doorsill of the aircraft type being boarded. On some types of aircraft a specially adapted ramp is used to transfer passengers from the Truck to the door of the aircraft. The vehicle consists of a rear body with seats and special restraints systems (for wheelchairs, stretchers...), lifting system, platform and an electro-hydraulic control mechanism. The vehicle can be lifted up, down and the platform can be moved into place beside the aircraft. It comes with various capacities for payload and reach. Some suppliers offer it on specific chassis instead of commercial chassis. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 104 000 litre product tanks with a hydraulically driven pump supplying one underwing and one overwing hose and nozzle via the filter vessel and metre.Figure 31 PRM vehicles 6.2 Services to the Aircraft  Visual Docking Guiding System (VDGS) is an electronic system which helps the pilot to dock the aircraft in the correct position.3.600 litres to 17.  Fuel truck refuelling tankers are rigid chassis units that have single or dual compartment 2. A laser scanning device identifies the aircraft and once identified. the system guides the aircraft to the correct docking point Figure 32 Visual guiding System  Aircraft refuellers are refuelling vehicles equipped with tanks filled at the airport fuel farms and can be either self-contained fuel trucks or hydrant trucks or carts. Much larger capacity units are also built INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 105 .1. These vehicles are mostly designed for large commercial airports as they offer high flow rates up to 4. As some access panels to water service are sometimes located at considerable height. They do not carry fuel capacity on board but are connected between the airport hydrant pit system and the aircraft to perform the refuelling operation. also for underwing refuelling. which INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 106 . Waste is stored in tanks on the aircraft until these vehicles can empty them and remove of the waste. some airports have lavatory carts. Pneumatic systems are supplied by hydraulically powered air compressor. plus single or dual rear hose-reels. A pump in the vehicle assists in moving the water from the truck to the aircraft. commonly called 'blue juice'. Figure 34 Hydrant truck  Potable water trucks are special vehicles that fill up drinking water tanks in aircraft. The dispenser has an elevating scissor lift platform to accommodate all aircraft. Instead of a self-powered vehicle.000 L/min. Standard or custom configurations are available. After the tank is emptied. The water is filtered and protected from the elements while being stored on the vehicle. It can be towable or self-propelled and can use either a commercial chassis or a specific chassis. If selfpropelled.  Lavatory service vehicles provides rinsing water for airplane toilets and collects waste water from the toilet e. The hydrant coupler and input hose hook onto a hose-lifting hoop which is raised with the vehicle’s hydraulic stabilisers. it is refilled with a mixture of water and a disinfecting concentrate. it features fixed or elevated platforms for the operator to reach the panel. two underwing platform-deck hoses supported by hydraulic boom.Figure 33 fuel truck  Hydrant truck Hydrant Dispensers or Hydrant Servicers are designed for airports equipped with Hydrant Systems (underground pipelines). the operator basket is located at the front which avoids the need to reverse towards the A/C for safer operation. are sometimes referred to as an engine with wheels. These tugs are very powerful and because of the large engines. When located at the front it provides safer operation and avoids the need reverse towards the A/C. The vehicle may also be used to transport baggage. Figure 36 Catering truck  Pushback tugs and tractors Pushback tugs are mostly used to push an aircraft away from the gate when it is ready to leave. Figure 35 Lavatory service vehicle  Catering vehicles consists of a refrigerated unit. an elevating van body with front platform and two pairs of angled vertical stabilizers. it features fixed or elevated platform for the operator. HI-Lift Catering or Cabin Service Trucks are general purpose vehicles used primarily for loading/unloading food trolley and beverages into/from aircraft. down and the platform can be moved to place beside the aircraft. platform and an electro-hydraulic control mechanism. The vehicle can be lifted up. To ease the access to the panel. lifting system.are smaller and must be pulled by tug. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 107 . It consists of a basic commercial truck chassis mounted with hydraulically-operated scissors lift. or other equipment. parts. Figure 37 Pushback tug  Tow-bars make it possible to tow a given aircraft using a tractor which is clipped to the bar. allowing the tug to manoeuvre the aircraft. and higher speeds. Figure 38 Tow bar  Towbarless tractors are those which do not use a tow bar. The main disadvantage is the high number of staff required to fix the bar to the aircraft. This allows better control of the aircraft. They scoop up the nose wheel and lift it off the ground. The main advantage is that only one type of tractor is needed to tow all types of aircrafts. without anyone in the cockpit Figure 39 Tobarless tractor INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 108 . Figure 40 Towable GPU  PBB units are more suited for larger airports as they can be put into operation as soon as the aircraft reaches the terminal. They are available as truck mounted. Ground Power Units usually consist of a diesel engine coupled with a generator and a control system and provide electrical power for aircraft on the ground. Truck mounted and towable units are very effective on smaller and low volume airfields as one unit can be used wherever it is required reducing the need to purchase more ground power units. towable and PBB mounted units. reducing turnaround time. Figure 41 PBB Mounted GPU INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 109 . 6. Unit Load Devices (ULD’s) and pallets which are designed to save weight and thus have wheels for easy moving. Figure 43 Bag Cart types  Dollies are specialized equipment to carry containers.1.3 Services to Baggage/cargo load/unload service  Baggage/Cargo tugs and tractors are powered equipment used to transport baggage/cargo to and from the aircraft and terminal/cargo facility Figure 42 Baggage/cargo truck  Bag carts are small vehicles pushed by travellers (human-powered) to carry individual luggage mostly suitcases. Figure 44 Dollies INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 110 .3. Two types of 3. more compact and narrower. and are carried in aircraft across the platforms. with 3. The dolly train with containers can be parked anywhere around the aircraft and the transporter/loader act as a junction to transfer containers between the dolly and the aircraft. The loader has two platforms which independently raise or come down. and can accommodate wider range of ULDs). Figure 45 Container/pallet transporter  Container loader is used for loading and unloading of cargo placed in containers or on pallet. The loader has two platforms which can be independently raised or lowered. GSE manufacturers developed a specific range of loaders for this application.5t capacity. and are rolled onto the aircraft across the platforms. Figure 46 Single platform transporter loader INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 111 . The containers or palettes on the loader are moved with the help of built-in rollers or wheels.5t loaders are available:  Single platform transporter loader which combines both capabilities to transport and elevate the containers. With the introduction of containerized narrow-body aircraft. and limited reach (“conventional” lower lob loaders feature 7t capacity. Container/pallet transporter is used for loading and unloading of cargo placed in containers or on pallet. The containers or palettes on the loader are moved with the help of built-in rollers or wheels.  Faster loading/unloading operations. Figure 48 Regular Belt Loader  Some new systems for Belt loaders have recently been introduced onto the market (Ramp snake.  Ramp snake – is a vehicle that makes use of powered belts that can be extended inside the aircraft cargo compartment at a proper angle. This new systems can save one operator and eliminate some of the risk of back injuries for operators. Figure 49 . On fully bulk aircraft. one for cargo and one for baggage. one or two belt loaders are used to handle both baggage and cargo which are sorted by the handlers when unloading the aircraft. with a flexible motorized roller extension to transport the load and convey it inside the compartment. 2 dollies are used in this case. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 112 .  Less damage to aircraft doorsills. Figure 47 Dual platform loader  Conveyor belt loaders are vehicles with movable belts for unloading and loading of baggage and cargo of aircraft. A dolly train brought flush with the edge of the rear platform in order to transfer the ULDs to the elevator and then to the bridge. Dual platform loader which stays docked with the aircraft.  Reduction of required handling staff. Power Stow Bendi Belt). Some of the advantages of such a system are :  Avoidance of injuries from manual handling. it can deliver a number of significant benefits including turnaround efficiencies. reduction in manpower costs and manual handling. It shares the same advantages as the ramp snake.Figure 49 Ramp Snake Loader  Power Stow .is an ingenious aircraft baggage loading system which enables baggage to be loaded/unloaded in a safe. Figure 50 Power Stow Loader  Bendi Belt . these advanced loading systems are still marginal due to the added complexity of the equipment and significant investment. Aircraft often contains particular systems in order to help and simplify loading/unloading inside the aircraft. such as: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 113 . Figure 51 Bendi Belt  Even presenting such advantages. With a unique curvature design and key safety features. reduction in the risk through automation of manual handling injuries and ground damage to aircraft. efficient and expedient manner with the operator in control from within the a roller track conveyor equipped with a belt loader extension that is built into a mobile belt conveyor in order to facilitate the loading and unloading of passenger baggage into and out of the aircraft cargo hold. It can be installed in both the forward and aft hold of the aircraft. Another advantage is that only one staff member is required to be inside the cargo hold. are usually operated by the handling agent. such as Ramp Snake or similar. the sliding carpet enables space for bulk cargo and weight saving. The mechanical systems. and consist of moveable sets of metal trays. Movable belt inside the aircraft hold. It consists of a thin moveable belt at the bottom of the cargo compartment and a driver unit situated at the far end of the compartment. enabling baggage and freight to be loaded by one person inside. Each platform moves longitudinally relative to the aircraft fuselage away from and back towards the fuselage door in a telescoping sequence Figure 53 Telescopic Baggage System INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 114 . which themselves take up typically 20% of the available space. Therefore. Figure 52 Sliding Carpet System  Telescoping Baggage System (TBS) – storage platforms consisting of a flat rectangular base and two upwardly extending side walls closely adjoined to the shape of the fuselage. Sliding Carpet. These components work together to convey and secure cargo within an aircraft for fast and easy loading and unloading. control systems. centreline restraints. Cargo Loading System (CLS) . door sill assemblies and rollout stops. freighter common turntables. unicaster panels. bumpers. This system is usually implemented on wide-body aircraft. Figure 54 Cargo Loading System INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 115 .helps move cargo through an aircraft fuselage. It includes ball transfer units. power drive units. the ramp operator coordinates with the cabin crew that aircraft doors can be open and passengers can deplane. Within this time period. Afterwards. on the other hand.2 Ramp operations Ramp processes consist of a wide range of simultaneous activities which take place from when the aircraft arrives at the stand until it leaves. ground handler and airport. PBB tunnels are almost fully retracted and the PBB height is configured to horizontal (as far as it is reasonably practicable). the operator moves the boarding bridge (fixing the height and turning the cabin in order to align the cabin threshold with the plane’s line). the marshalling process ensures the safe guiding of the aircraft to the right stand parking position. The ramp operator moves the stairs into position by towing or pushing them with the use of a boarding stairs tow truck. 1 or 2. airline. a “follow me” car escorts the aircraft from the taxiway to the assigned stand. if the aircraft is at a remote stand the ramp operators should transport the device with a tow tractor. He then proceeds with the PBB connection. whenever available. the operator needs to check if the operation zone is clear and receive the confirmation of the staff operating on ramp. If the aircraft is at a remote stand. the Handling Agent ensures that passenger stairs are available before the aircraft arrives. Before executing any movement to the Bridge. which provides information to the pilot to park the aircraft at the airport stand. need to be coordinated to undertake all tasks in an efficient way and with a certain level of service.3. the marshaller provides visual guiding. and the operator slowly extends the boarding bridge towards the plane. If the aircraft is parked near the terminal building this device is located at the bridgehead of the PBB. Afterwards start the following processes.6. the handling agent has to ensure that the ramp and the planned resources are ready for the operation by checking that:  The parking area is clear of obstacles and Foreign Object Debris (FOD) that might cause damage to the aircraft  The ground support equipment (GSE) for the arrival is available and located behind the marked restriction line  The ground handling staff is available at the right parking position Once the aircraft has landed and vacated the runway. When the anti-collision beacon has been turned off. At some airports the stand can be equipped with a visual guiding docking system. the pilot shuts down the engines and the ramp operator starts performing their activities according to a plan previously developed by the Handling Agent. the handling agent ensures that the system is activated before the aircraft arrives. Once the PBB/ Passenger Stair are correctly positioned and docked. In parallel.e. provided they are not self-powered and can be moved into position autonomously. depending on the agreement between the airline and the handling company. known as turnaround time. all the interested parties i. In a first step. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 116 .  SERVICE: The PBB is docked to an aircraft.1 Passenger deplaning process This process starts when the ramp operator connects the Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) to the front door located on the left hand side of the aircraft. Prior to the arrival of aircraft to the stand or parking position. some of them can be performed simultaneously while others are sequential and require close coordination with other sub-processes to ensure time efficiency: 6. in accordance with the ICAO standard signals. maintaining the bumper parallel to the airplane fuselage until it is in the correct position. the GPU/400Hz is connected to supply the aircraft with electric power. After that. Depending on the apron and aircraft type there are two main positions for the PBB to be considered:  PARKING: This is the position to be reached when the PBB is not in use.2.3. The operations mode used while servicing an aircraft is Auto Level. the ramp operators proceed to place chocks at the front and back of the ”wheels” (usually on the nose landing gear) to place cones at the wingtips and walk around the aircraft to check for any damages. In this case. until the aircraft is at the right parking position. When the aircraft is parked on a remote stand. The operation mode used while parked is off. When the aircraft is correctly parked. For bulk loaded aircrafts. If the baggage or cargo is stored in containers or pallets. whenever a PBB is available. The lavatory service (drain waste materials) and potable water refill could be done at any time during turnaround after passenger de-boarding and should finished before passengers start boarding. The baggage/cargo load process starts at the sorting area when the ULDs are ready to be delivered to the aircraft. an optimum number of cleaning staff has to be arranged.2. This process starts when the baggage/cargo handling operator opens the hold doors of the aircraft. the baggage/cargo handling agent shall ensure that baggage belt loaders/lifters and cargo cart/dollies are available at stand and that baggage/freight handling operators have the unload instructions provided by airline operations.2. Once baggage/cargo dollies/carts arrive at the stand.4 Catering Services Catering services comprise the removal of the empty galleys and replacement of them with the new ones. and also as a precaution. The cleaning of the aircraft is performed by subcontracted companies or by the ground handling agent. The loading of the aircraft is performed under the responsibility of two different units: Airline operations and ramp operators.6 The Passenger Boarding This process starts. When the refuelling takes place via hydrant system. once the catering and cleaning services are completed.2. Starting with the priority luggage.3. and cargo) for the loading process. For the transportation of bulk baggage/ freight from the stand to the terminal building. and amount of payload (total weight of passenger.2 Baggage and Cargo Unload. The passenger handling agent ensures that PRM’s and unaccompanied minors board at a first place. depending on the aircraft type with regard to the service level agreement of the airline.3. this process can start once the passengers are off the aircraft.2. 6. 6. using the time available before passengers start boarding. the operator has to ensure that the tanker and the aircraft are properly grounded. which has to be delivered to the arrival luggage belt in the first place.the passenger handling agent shall ensures the availability of an ambulift for the de-boarding of RMPs and airport buses. the handling operator uses baggage/cargo carts. the operator connects the hydrant cart into the central pipeline network and pumps fuel from the airport fuel storage into the aircraft’s tanks. the handling operator starts unloading with the help of belt loaders. freight is unloaded at the end. before the refuelling starts. 6. the distribution of the baggage and cargo inside aircraft holds is planned by airline operators. prior notification to the fire brigade. When there is no PBB available. baggage.2. Therefore. The catering operator locates the catering truck first at the front door and afterwards at the back door. the baggage/cargo handling operator confirms reception of the baggage/cargo and proceeds to load the hold according to cabin crew instructions. then continues with the rest of the baggage including special baggage that needs to be delivered at aircraft door (stollers) and transfer baggage. on the right hand side of the aircraft and provides the catering supplies as specified by the airline. the operator uses high loaders for the unloading and cargo dollies for the transportation of cargo/baggage between the aircraft and the passenger/cargo terminal. which is located on each parking stand. the catering company has to make a crosscheck between the number of meals and the number of passengers. in order to transport passengers and cabin crews to the terminal building in the safest way. Fuel can be provided either by a fuel truck or via hydrant fuelling system. 6. gravity centre of aircraft. In any case. the passenger handling agent ensures that an ambulift is available for PRMs. In the same way. Independently if the aircraft is near the terminal building or at a remote stand.3. this crosscheck can be conducted by the handling staff or by the airline representative.5 Interior Cleaning Services Interior cleaning services start once the cabin crew has completed the security check and at the same time as catering.3 Refuelling This process normally starts once passengers are out of the aircraft but it also could start with passengers on board.3.3. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 117 . 6. airport buses are necessary to transport passengers from the terminal building to the aircraft. To avoid inefficiencies in the catering service. The unloading process requires different methods and equipment according to the type of aircraft. who consider the factors such as limitation of holds. Baggage carts require a tow tractor. The final W&B sheet must be handed in to the Flight Crew. which includes the definitive information for unloading. the Cargo Agent sends to the handling operator a Notice to Captain (NOTOC) with all these requirements. allowing the tug to manoeuvre the aircraft. baggage/cargo stored in containers or pallets (UDLs) require high loaders for loading as well cargo dollies for transportation. There are also towbar-less tractors which scoop up the nose wheel and lift it off the ground. The baggage/cargo handling operator updates the Loading Information Report (LIR) while loading. including the definitive information about the baggage/cargo loaded on the aircraft. This process is carried out by special vehicles called pushback tractors or tugs. On completion of passengers boarding cabin crew starts with the headcounting. The side guards on steps are then detached and the passenger is door closed. which is used also for carrying other equipment that cannot move itself (air starters. the cockpit crew will advise the handling operator to start the pushback prior to engine start. equipment and items that might cause FOD  Aircraft servicing doors are all closed and secured. In the case of operations near the terminal building. This department updates the Weight & Balance Sheet including the updated LIR data. Updated LIR must also be handed in to the cockpit crew. mobile airconditioning unit. the chocks and connected equipment are then removed. he checks and signs it and sends it to the Cockpit Crew. Any changes in the LIR due to last minute changes must be immediately reported. The tow bar is fixed laterally at the nose landing gear and connected at the front or the rear of the tractor. On the other hand. depending on whether the aircraft will be pushed or pulled. the PBB is not retracted until the aircraft passenger door has been closed. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 118 . located in the rear section of the aircraft. who has to sign it and return a copy to the “Load Control”. If there is a missing passenger. who sends any changes made on it to “Load Control”. The Handling Agent also sends the updated Weight & Balance Sheet to the arrival airport by Load Distribution Message (LDM) or Container and Pallet Distribution Message (CPM). or it can be sent via Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS). Once all baggage/cargo is loaded. the hold doors are closed and the operator hands in the LIR to the Flight Dispatcher. the tow bar is removed and the aircraft starts engines and leaves the apron. Any special luggage that needs to be delivered at aircraft door at destination is loaded in hold 5. If any special conditions are required for the loaded freight. printed and signed by the Flight Crew in order to give the “Load Control” a copy.As previously mentioned. bulk baggage/cargo (without containers) requires belt loaders for loading the aircraft and baggage carts for its transportation between the aircraft and the terminal. Conventional tugs use a tow bar to connect the tug to the nose landing gear of the aircraft. a ramp operator proceeds to a final pre-flight inspection of the aircraft before engine to confirm that:  The surface condition of the apron is adequate to conduct operations  The apron is clear of vehicles. the baggage handling operator has to search the bag and take it out the aircraft hold. such as temperature or pressure. etc). When the aircraft is on the taxiway. Before engine-start up. the passenger handling agent confirms with the crew that they are ready to close doors and depart. Once this is completed.  All GSE are disconnected from the aircraft  Cones are removed  Chocks are removed When the ATC provides clearance. 3.1 Passenger Deplaning at Contact Stand Passenger Handling Agent Assist deplanning of standard Pax Deplane PMR Deplane UM’s no Open Aircraft door Cabin Crew Confirm PRM’s Confirm UM’s Coordinate Deplaning of standard Pax Standard Pax deplane finish? Paseenger deboarding finished yes Confirm special baggage to deliver at gate Ramp Operator Locate and Secure PBB Deliver special baggage at aircraft door Knock the door Figure 55 Passenger De-boarding at Contact Stand Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 119 . Process Flow Diagram 6. 2 Passenger Deplaning at Remote Stand no Open Aircraft door Cabin Crew Confirm PRM’s Confirm UM’s Assist Deplaning of standard Pax Standard Pax deplane finish? yes Confirm special baggage to deliver at gate Ramp Operator Transport Stairs to remote stand Deliver special baggage at aircraft door Transport Passengers to terminal building by bus Locate and secure Stairs Knock the door Transport apron busses to remote stand Transport special deboarding equipment/staff to remote stand Locate and Secure special equipment for PRM’s Passenger Handling Agent Deplane PMR Deplane UM’s Transport PRM/UM to terminal building Figure 56 Passenger De-boarding at Remote Stand Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 120 .3.3.6. BB. BB.3.6.3 Baggage Unload Drive Dollies and Container/ Pallet loader to stand Baggage Handling Operator Open Hold Doors Position and secure pallet/ container loader Deliver Special luggage to aircraft door (WCH.3. hand luggage) Transfer Baggage yes Offload Transfer ULD Baggage Transfer ULD’s to dollies Deliver to transfer aera Offload priority baggage ULD’s Transfer ULD’s to dollies Deliver priority baggage to transfer aera Offload Baggage ULD’s Transfer ULD’s to dollies Deliver baggage to claim area Offload Transfer Baggage Load baggage carts with transfer baggage Deliver to transfer aera Offload priority baggage Load baggage carts with priority baggage Deliver priority baggage to claim area Offload baggage Load baggage carts with baggage Deliver baggage to claim area No Pallet Priority baggage yes No Bulk or Palletized Baggage? Bulk Drive Baggage Carts and Conveyor belts to Stand Open Hold Doors Position and secure conveyor belt Deliver Special luggage to aircraft door (WCH. hand luggage) Transfer Baggage yes No yes Priority baggage No Figure 57 Baggage Unload Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 121 . AVI…) yes Offload special Cargo ULD’s Load dollies with special Cargo ULD’s Offload Transfer Cargo ULD’s Load dollies with transfer Cargo ULD’s Offload Cargo ULD’s Load dollies with Cargo ULD’s No Pallet yes Transfer Cargo? Bulk or Palletized Cargo? No Bulk Deliver to Cargo Terminal Drive Cargo Carts and Conveyor belts to Stand Open Hold Doors Position and secure conveyor belt Special cargo? (PER.6.AVI…) yes Offload special bulk cargo Load cargo carts with special bulk cargo Offload Transfer bulk cargo Load cargo carts with transfer bulk cargo Offload bulk cargo Load cargo carts with bulk No Transfer Cargo? yes No Figure 58 Cargo Unload Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 122 .3.4 Cargo Unload Drive Dollies and Container/ Pallet loader to stand Cargo Handling Operator Open Hold Doors Position and secure pallet/ container loader Special cargo? (PER.3. Catering Service Cabin Crew Catering Operator Control last passenger deboarding Position the Catering Truck at the right front door of the aircraft Open right side front door Unload catering supplies from aircraft Confirm Loading Instructions Load catering supplies from forward galley Open right side rear door Load catering supplies from rear galley Check for last minute changes or special request Remove Catering Truck Figure 59 Catering Service Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 123 . toilets.) Perform Cabin dressing (Replace head rests/pillow covers) Disinfect deodorize aircraft Provide cabin items (blankets/ pillows) Clean Cargo compartments (under demand) Interior Cleaning Ramp Operator Transport Staff and cleaning equipment to terminal Transport Staff and cleaning equipment to terminal Drain waste materials Flush the tank with disinfectant Lavatory service and water refill Position toilet waste truck Open lavatory service panel Connect filling and grain hoses Disconnect hoses Close lavatory service door Remove toilet waste truck Drain the system Replenish Fluids Figure 60 Aircraft Cleaning Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 124 . galleys.6. tables etc.3.6 Aircraft Cleaning Remove litter/ waste Clean passenger and crew compartments (seat back pockets. floors.3. 7 Refuelling Service No Ramp Operator Check refueling preview and ensure it in the Truck Transport Fuel Truck to the stand Connect discharge to ground Hydrant system? Connect pipes Refuel Retry pipes Final figures of fuel Transport Fuel Truck/ hydrant cart back to airport facilities yes Transport Hydrant Cart to the stand Confirm amount fuel to charge Cockpit Crew Provide a Signed copy of refueling sheet Confirm passengers disembark complete Cabin Crew Inform Passengers of safety measures during refueling No Passengers on board? yes Airport Operations Warn Airport Fire Department Confirm Fire Department authorization Figure 61 Refuelling Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 125 .3.6.3. 8 Baggage Load Inform load figures and confirm loading Instructions Cockpit Crew Baggage Handling Operator Drive dollies with loaded containers/pallets to stand Provide a signed copy of Loadsheet Load standard ULD’s into the Aircraft Load priority ULD’s into the Aircraft Load Cargo Last minute baggage? yes Load figures Take last minute baggage to the stand and load bulk no Pallet Special baggage? Load Hold 5 yes Remove Baggage Dollies and Lift Loaders from stand Retry container/ pallet loaders no Bulk or Palletized Baggage? Missing Passenger? yes Search and remove Baggage Transport baggage to terminal Bulk Close Hold Doors Drive baggage carts with bulk to stand Load bulk baggage Load bulk priority baggage Load Bulk Cargo Last minute baggage? yes Take last minute baggage to the stand and load bulk no Special baggage? Load Hold 5 yes Retry conveyor belt from main holds Remove Baggage Carts and conveyor belt from stand no Missing Passenger? yes Search and remove Baggage Transport baggage to terminal Figure 62 Baggage Load Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 126 .3.3.6. ICE) Drive Dollies with cargo ULD’s to stand Provide a signed copy of Loadsheet Drive Cargo dollies back to cargo terminal Load cargo ULD’s into the aircraft yes yes Drive dollies With special cargo ULD’s stand as late as possible All Cargo on board no Bulk or Palletized Cargo? yes Is possible to load rest cargo? no Bulk Take Cargo documents (cargo manifest.3. Notoc…) from the Cargo Terminal Return Cargol to Cargo terminal Issue new cargo manifest with real Cargo loaded no Special Cargo (PER.6. AVI. Notoc…) from the Cargo Terminal no Special Cargo (PER. AVI.9 Cargo Load Inform load figures and confirm loading Instructions Cockpit Crew Cargo Handling Operator Pallet Take Cargo documents (cargo manifest.ICE) Drive carts with bulk Stand Drive Cargo carts back to cargo terminal Load bulk cargo into the aircraft yes Drive carts with special bulk cargo to stand as late as possible Figure 63 Cargo Load Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 127 .3. 10 Passenger boarding at contact stand Passenger Handling Agent Board PMR Board UM’s Assist Boarding of standard Pax Confirm UM’s Coordinate Boarding of standard Pax Look for passengers at terminal building Look for missing passenger at terminal building no Cabin Crew Confirm boarding can start Confirm PRM’s Collect Special Baggage at aircraft door Boarding complete? yes yes All passengers on board Headcounting Close aircraft door no Ramp Operator Confirm Cabin services finished yes Load special baggage Time to wait? Remove PBB no Missing Pax baggage checked? no yes Find and Remove missing pax baggage Figure 64 Passenger Boarding at Contact Stand Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 128 .6.3.3. 3.11 Passenger boarding at Remote Stand Passenger Handling Agent Board PMR Board UM’s Assist Boarding of standard Pax at boarding gate Look for passengers at terminal building Cabin Crew Look for missing passengers at terminal building no no Confirm boarding can start Confirm PRM’s Coordinate Boarding of standard Pax Confirm UM’s Collect Special Baggage at aircraft door yes Boarding complete? All passengers on board Headcounting yes Close aircraft door no Ramp Operator yes Time to wait? no Confirm Cabin services finished Transport special equipment for RMP to stand Transport passengers from terminal building via apron buses Transport passengers from terminal building via apron buses Remove Stairs and Apron busses Transport missing passenger from terminal building Remove special equipment for RMP’s Missing Pax baggage checked? yes Locate and secure special equipment for RMP’s Ensure secure of stairs Load special baggage Find and Remove missing pax baggage Figure 65 Passenger Boarding at Remote Stand Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 129 .3.6. ranging from scratch to mayor accidents. The numbers of flights are measured in terms of turnarounds. The worked hours can be collected through the hours registered on time registration systems of a handling company. quarter or month) is a measure of the total time that its aircraft were in use during that period. Ground handlers perform safety checks of their flights through observation by collecting information about elements such as safety clothing. this measurement doesn’t take into account absences due to sickness. each turnaround is an arrival and a departure.4 Identification of Process Indicators During an aircraft turnaround.15 accidents per 1000 flights.6. The indicators within the defined performance areas allow identifying any shortcomings and actions to assure agreed performance levels. The number of block hours for an airline for a given period of time (like a year. the main indicators related to the ramp and GSE process are: The On time performance KPI provides information about the % of flights that depart on time. the efficiency in ramp operations depends on the capability of the airline. recuperation time pregnancy. The service level agreements (SLA) signed between the airport operator and ground handling companies or between the airline and the ground handler allows evaluating the level of service provided in ramp operations. This indicator is calculated by dividing aircraft block hours by the number of aircraft days assigned to service on airline routes. though some ground handlers calibrate their flights and count a wide body for two narrow bodies. which means that in an airport with 100. holidays. typically presented in block hours per day. respect for distance. This indicator is calculated as the total number of flights which leave the stand with a delay of 15 minutes after scheduled time of arrival (disregarding any flights with late arrival – delay code 93). Quality The quality measurements are based on service level agreements.. In order to reduce the risk of accidents special attention is paid to training and communication but also to control. Through the SLAs all parties jointly agree the performance areas that need to be monitored and have a concrete description of the performance targets. FTE’s. The way this indicator is measured varies from one ground handler to another. hours paid. Another indicator to measure productivity is the cost of the staff (excluding management and support functions). airlines use the Airplane utilization KPI. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 130 . Afterwards this cost is multiplied by the number of worked hours per flight obtaining the total personnel cost per turnaround To measure aircraft productivity. Ground handlers measure this indicator as the % of flights that depart on time The Passenger transportation bus availability is measured as the presence of passenger’s busses upon arrival of an aircraft at a remote stand. Nevertheless the main objective is to minimise the number of staff and the hours they work for a given volume of flights.3. currently this measurement is standardised as 0. To calculate this indicator handling companies take the total personnel costs (including holiday. sickness…) and divide it by the total number of worked hours obtaining the personnel cost per worked hour. speed.000 turnarounds will have an average of 15 accidents. The main indicators per performance area to assess the ramp and GSE process can be classified as: Productivity Ground handlers measure the productivity in terms of worked hours per flight. Safety This indicator is measured as the number of accidents with aircraft per 1000 turnarounds. the ground handler and the airport working together in order to prepare the aircraft for its next flight in a given time period and with a certain level of service. etcetera and depending on the ground handler these hours can be classified in hours worked. etcetera.. Thorough this message the handling staff operator knows the type of GSE equipment that needs to be available at stand position and the exact location and distribution of cargo/ baggage by the time the unload process starts. It assess the origin and destination of the information flow. before ramp operations start there are some preparation activities that need to be undertaken before the aircraft arrives at stand/gate. This message contains the distribution of baggage. estimated arrival (EA). These messages are used to inform the destination stations about the departure time of the aircraft. estimated departure (ED). the passenger services department decides when check-in has to start. GSE Although the choice of the equipment can influence the timing of the turnaround process. such as the number of passenger. loading instructions. UM’s who need special assistance to de-board. which shows the distribution of baggage containers in the aircraft‘s holds. etcetera. together with the information about the number of passengers. the exchanged data and the type of information flow Origin Destination Information Airport Operations Ground handlers Airport resources operations:  Ground Handlers Airport Operations Mode allocation Stand/gate allocation outbound flights during for day inbound of and  Baggage belts for inbound flights  Time estimates for inbound and outbound flights Actual and estimated departure times Actual and estimated arrival times SITA/TELEX SITA/TELEX INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 131 . handlers and aircraft operators which contain similar information. LDM message also can be in the form of another message. mail and cargo. and deportee passengers (passengers who have missing papers. estimated time of arrival.The Baggage delivery performance indicator measures the delivery times of the first and last bag after onblocks on the arrival belt for the passenger. Load and Distribution Message (LDM): LDM is sent by ground handling agent at airport of origin to ground handler on destination in order to clarify how the loading has been performed on the related aircraft. etcetera. amount of the load and number of passengers. The following table summarises the information flows identified within the ramp process and represented in the Figure 29. the ramp and operation department allocates the staff and equipment. Depending on the message. This message is transmitted to all units in the handling company. named Container-Pallet Message (CPM). which can be detailed in ownership cost. Those delivery times depend on the distances between airport facilities and aircraft location.4 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions As described in the process. KPI’s used for GSE are mostly cost driven rather than productivity driven. 6. During this preparation process there are some message exchanges between origin and destination airports. Passenger Service Messages (PSM): PSM messages give information about RMP. Movement Messages (MVT): Movement messages are composed of actual departure (AD). the airport authority allocates the parking stand. and actual arrival (AA) messages. The main KPI used for ground support equipment is the Total cost of the GSE per turnaround. passengers with special requirements. maintenance and repair costs or fuel. passport or visa problems). Origin Destination Information Airline Operations Ground Handlers Airline Schedule Mode Aircrafts technical data Messages for inbound flights:  MVT message  LDM message  CPM message  PSM message  Fuelling data  Flight plan data SITA Messages for outbound flights: Ground Handlers Airline Operations  Loading data  Catering data  Passengers data  Flight plan data Messages for outbound flights  MVT messages  LDM message  Fuel message  CPM message  Load message  Delay messages (EOBT updates) SITA Messages for inbound flights: Airline Cockpit Crew Ground Handler  MVT messages  Time estimations  Boarding data Fuel information Radio Request for Push-back after clearance Telex or Paper Copy of the signed Load sheet Ground Handler Airline Crew Cockpit Fuel information Radio Final load figures Telex or Paper Finalization of ramp operations Airline Crew Cabin Ground Handler Initation/Finalization of passenger de-boarding Paper or telex Catering information and checks Initation/Finalization of passenger boarding INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 132 . Origin Destination Information Mode Ground Handler Airline Crew Catering information and checks Paper or telex PBB or Passenger stairs located and secured Radio Cabin Finalization of aircraft services Airline Cockpit Crew Airport ATC Airport ATC Cockpit Crew Request Start Up clearance Radio Request Push-back Clearance Start Up clearance Radio Pushback clearance Cabin Crew Cockpit Crew Number of passengers on board Paper Table 18 Information exchanges The figure below represents the information flows identified in the ramp process: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 133 . Airport Operations Stand/Gate Allocation Estimated time of arrival Airline Operations Ground Handling Aircraft information Airline schedule Drive GSE to Stand/Gate Actual In-Block Time Position Chocks Connect. Locate and Secure GSE Passenger with special requirements (PRM’s.Boarding EOBT updates Unload Instructions Baggage/Cargo position Baggage/ Cargo Unload EOBT updates Cleaning Sevice Last passenger deboard Catering Sevice Catering Checks and information EOBT updates Catering information EOBT updates Refuelling Fuel figures EOBT updates Passenger with special requirements (PRM’s. UM) Passenger Boarding Aircaft services finished Boarding Starts/Ends EOBT updates Load Instructions Baggage/Cargo position Nº of passengers on board Baggage/ Cargo Load Final Load Sheet figures Copy of Signed Loadsheet Remove GSE Completion of ramp operations EOBT updates Actual Off-Block Time Start-Up request Start-Up Clearance Push-Back request Push Back Push-Back clearance Figure 66 Information exchanged within the Ramp process INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 134 . UM) Cockpit Crew Cabin Crew Airport ATC Turn-off beacon light Equipment located and secured Passenger DeBoarding Start de. 5 Information Management System The aim of information management systems is to share on time and acurate information among airport. the interconnection of information management systems ensures the smooth flow of information between different areas of the handling organization. allowing the different handling departments and services to respond expeditiously to airlines and customers’ requirements by adapting their operations and interventions in function of evolving situations. Airline information systems provide their flight schedules for planning purposes and during the day of operation update their flight operations status.6. as a key for an efficient and coordinated operation. process and distribute all flight related information in real time. Ground handling information systems integrate the following systems. Main functionalities in the flight information system are:   Detailed operational procedures and standard documents are available at all times  Incident reporting  Quality monitoring  Service recording Departure Control Systems (DCS) assist handlers in providing efficient departure control services to multiple airlines from the flight arrival until the next flight departure. The Flight Information System is used during the whole process of preparing. Its integration with the Airport Operational Database ensures the instant synchronization and update of all aircraft movements and situations in real-time. airline and ground handlers in order to optimize their processes during the turnaround. airlines). handling and closing a flight.  Flight Information Systems provide accurate and precise information of all incoming and outgoing flights at the airport. By integrating this system with INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 135 . Figure 67 Information Management systems Airport operational database is the central hub to collect. which are interoperable among them and share and collect information from the airport and airline systems. The figure below represents the information systems that supports ramp operations. as well as with external agents (airport. The system automatically generates maintenance alerts/reminders. service registration. Non-Flight events are calculated and invoiced.  Contract management. operational reports. operational statistics recording and quality monitoring. This is done using the Quick Service Registration (QSR) that is accessed via the Flight Information System. Thanks to BRS is possible to:  Reduce risk for causing delays due to a more secure and efficient bag loading process  Optimize communication channel with the airport bag sorter system via the use of the BSM . which is used to organize activities such as interstation exchange/reuse of equipment and standardization and optimization of purchasing  Maintenance management: Maintenance plans and maintenance frequencies for preventive maintenance are registered in the system. This can be used to analyse the usage of spare parts supplier performance  Inventory of GSE including also key technical data. Operations register the services provided in order to be used for invoicing. The system covers the following functionalities:  Purchasing & inventory management of spare parts: The system is capable of reporting on historical purchases of spare parts.BPM and BUM messages  Ground Handling System covers all operational steps through an integrated flow providing contract information. The Ground Handling System also contains a module for managing and invoicing General Aviation activities.  Quality.  Invoicing. The Departure Control Systems are applications with the following functionality:   Check-in of passengers and baggage – including internet & self-service check-in  Weight & balance  Boarding of passengers  Loading of baggage & cargo  Flight documents Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) ensures not only the correct distribution of passenger baggage from origin to destination.handled airlines. invoicing. but also controls the bag loading process to avoid the quick unload of missing passengers. All maintenance (preventive & corrective) activities are managed via a work order INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 136 . The commercial department inserts contracts into the Ground Handling System database. Invoice information is transferred to the accounting system. The different operational units feed the system. The invoices are then sent to the customers (via paper or e-invoicing).  Maintenance Management System allows optimizing the maintenance of GSE’s. Quality and Statistical related data. ground handling is able to provide a service of high quality. The administration department calculates and validates the invoices. It is also used to make a total ‘Quality’ assessment of a flight by the Quality pilots. This data is then used for:  Generating contract documents via “templates” that are defined by the users  Define services to be presented in Quick Service Registration screen  Define individual prices for the calculation of optional services  Calculation of invoices  Service registration. quality reporting and invoicing functionality. This functionality is fully integrated within the Flight Information System application. to ensure an accurate invoicing of all the services provided. This system contains a customer Database. It is used by operational people to register SLA. based on equipment working hours registered during the regular preventive controls. equipment utilization can be optimized.  The recording of maintenance experience and the reporting and analysis of ratios and costs for Management support.  The recording of the underlying know-how required for the execution of the work. place and name of driver INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 137 . corrective and damage repair interventions and a history of the maintenance cost  Optimize the maintenance of GSE’s across the network supporting:  The administration of the required data to execute maintenance work such as material management and purchasing. The main features of this system are:  An Airport Map with a real-time overview of the apron fleet and relevant information related to individual units. a GSE’s operation status  Access control features to stop unauthorized use of the GSE and to help reduce damage to the equipment  Impact sensors. e. Aircraft handling movements can be detected and recorded. GSE tracking systems provide a reliable position and status of the Ground Support Equipment (GSE) across the operations area of the airfield. technician time spent and responsible technician are registered. shedding light into accidents or any other kind of collision involving the GSE by recording the incident including critical details such as time.g. fleet sizes minimized and fuel consumption reduced.generated by the system. based on the maintenance plans.   Reporting/statistics: Per equipment a history report is available consisting of preventive. On each work order the spare parts used. etc… INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 138 . the actors involved. the quantitative analysis will contribute to identify and propose new solutions: A key aspect to succeed with a more efficient turnaround process will not consist only to reduce the turnaround time.1 Scope The scope of this section is to formalise the interdependencies between the Passenger. Baggage. roles and responsibilities will be identified and addressed as separate use cases. It is worth mentioning that interdependencies that affect the turnaround as a whole will consider not only technical issues. the critical path can be different as well. the information reported in this section should contribute to:      To detect the non-added-value operations that coexist with the activities defined in each subprocess. The use of new technologies to avoid the numerous process disruptions and improve the operations. In case that unexpected emergent dynamics appear due to the sub-process relationships that requires specific actions. The most relevant literature focuses on the sub-processes involved in the critical path to reduce the turnaround time.7 Turnaround as a Whole Process 7. legal and operational interdependencies together with a quantitative analysis to predict the impact of any change or modification in the sequence of activities. This indicator is usually measured as an aggregation of the sub-processes within the Critical Path of the operation. To detect the sensitivity of spatial and/or temporal changes in the sub-processes on the turnaround.1 Objectives The main purpose is to formalise the different interdependencies between the turnaround sub-processes in such a way that the impact of any spatial-temporal activity change on the overall turnaround is transparent to all stakeholders. However the scope of this section will be extended to all the sub-processes with tight technical. INTERACTION proposes a proper understanding of the interactions in order to enhance the synergies that could be generated by introducing changes both in the procedures and in technologies. To predict the impact of the different improvements on the turnaround robustness. legal and operational interdependencies between individual activities comprising the turnaround to address the issue in the most holistic way possible. together with the processes and their functionality. Subprocesses interdependencies are usually considered complex and its analysis is avoided by a significant set of coordinating activities beforehand or the introduction of time buffers to mitigate its impact on the whole process. Due to the importance of spatial-temporal processes during the turnaround. Furthermore. One of the main indicators of the turnaround as a whole which has been reported in the literature is the overall time. but instead how the turnaround time will be optimized. such as equipment changes. To analyse the interdependencies considering the physical and temporal restrictions. It worth stressing that. Thus. a causal modelling formalism will be used to specify the technical. 3 It addresses the specific cases that might disrupt the normal turnaround operation: Missing passenger. Thus.1. 7. Transparency can only be achieved by a proper understanding of the cause/effect relationships present inside each sub-process and between sub-processes. Freight and Ramp & GSE sub-processes that coexist during the aircraft turnaround process. but also human factor issues. Once these are identified and formalised a mathematical modelling process will be used to simulate the Turnaround 3 operation. depending on the nature of the Turnaround operation. The change from one state to the next is given by the firing of transitions.and transitions -represented by rectanglesthat are alternatively connected by arcs. and resource sharing. All the events that can set off the firing of a particular event (initiation of a turnaround activity) can be detected visually. easy to understand and not ambiguous modelling formalism. or disable/ enable other activities programmed in the same or in another sub-process. The number of tokens in a place is the marking of that place.2. physical and temporal relationships are some of the key elements that can be formalised in a discrete context as a sequence of events that upgrade the state variables of the turnaround process as a whole and some performance indicators.7.2 The Causal Formalism: Use of Petri Nets Petri nets (PN) were presented for the first time by Petri (1962) in his doctoral thesis as a formal method for describing computer systems. Petri Nets have been successfully used for concurrent and parallel systems and model analysis. represented graphically as black dots. A Petri Net is a directed bipartite graph. together with their precedence.2. Given a particular state in the turnaround process. This is achieved by changes in the state of the PN. concurrent operations. communication and synchronisation. Specification requirements in terms of cause-effect relationship between sub-processes demands for a knowledge representation technique that considers the stochastic. Very little information is needed to synthesise a system. The main characteristics of PN that offer a suitable formalism to describe and analyse the interdependencies between the turnaround sub-processes are:   All the events that could appear according to each particular turnaround state can be easily determined (state space analysis). freeze.represented by circles. security and legal restrictions together with the relevant information about the actors. 7. Some reasons to choose Petri nets as the formalism to describe turnaround sub-processes interactions are:   Petri nets are a clear. processes and functionalities involved. delay. since it includes the concepts of receptivity and sensitivity. The initial marking indicates the number of tokens corresponding to each place in the initial state. as well as the analysis of these properties. PN allows understanding and predicting the different effects of a time or spatial disruption as well as the subsequent consequences. A critical barrier to mitigate the effects of interdependencies is a lack of formalism that could integrate the physical. An arc can connect either a place to a transition or a transition to a place. Places can contain a non-negative number of tokens. Thus. The proper representation. together with an initial state called the initial marking.2 Context and Assumptions 7. there are two kinds of nodes: places . non-determinism. Their subsequent development was facilitated by the fact that Petri net models are easily able to process synchronisation. In this graph. asynchronous events. performance evaluation and fault-tolerant systems. but it can never connect two transitions or two places. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 139 . But the ease with which the PN primitives permitted the description of formerly difficult properties like concurrency. Petri nets model not only the structure of a system but also its dynamics. Two special markings are considered: M0 is the initial marking (initial state of the system) and Mf is the final marking (final or objective state).1 Context Turnaround complexity arises due to the effects of interdependencies between different actors that can generate an event that could block. communication protocols. and the array with the number of tokens in every place of the PN (in a certain fixed order) is the marking of the PN. Logical constraints affecting the main stakeholders and turnaround operations. and allows representing both the structure and the different ways in which the subprocesses can be influenced. the current marking of the net shows the state of the system. led to the use of Petri nets as true mathematical modelling tools [13]. which are represented by the evolution of its marking. time. analysis and evaluation of all the eventrelationships that determine the comprehensive turnaround behaviour are essential in dealing with innovative robust improvements. dynamic and synchronous nature of the turnaround process. the physical. it can be used for the representation of the turnaround interdependencies. For that purpose. set in EU-OPS [17] Chapter 1. aircraft arriving to the stand. The specification and analysis of the interdependencies between turnaround sub-processes will be generated from the flow diagrams (provided for each sub-process) and from the physical. following a sequential time order. By using colours that allow the representation of entity attributes. turnaround and aircraft leaving the stand). time. security and legal restrictions that are relevant for the analysis of the interdependencies will be described at micro level. Subprocesses like Passengers. The nets can be generated from the flow oriented descriptions of the activities that take part in each turnaround sub-process. Especially refuelling with passengers on-board requires safety precautions.2. while the non-relevant sub-process aspects can be described at macro level. As an example. A time domain definition for each activity together with external disturbances that could affect the expected time should also be provided by the sub-processes. there is a drawback to using PN for describing the turnaround process as a whole: a lack of tools to efficiently specify the information flow inherent to any process. time. Baggage and Ramp & GSE processes considered. Thus.   PN allows the representation of simultaneous evolutions. their roles and responsibilities are required for certain emergent dynamics appearing due to sub-process relationships that require specific actions. parallelism can be modelled and hence. The identification of the actors involved.e.3 CPN allows the specification of the sub-processes at different abstraction levels: Thus. Therefore.305. together with the preceding restrictions (hard and soft) which need to be finished before particular key activities: deplaning must be finished before cleaning and catering can start. a compilation of functional diagrams from these mentioned processes have been made. as is the case of EG 300/2008 [14]. CPN allows the specification and analysis of complex dynamics that can be described by a postprocess in flowchart descriptions for a better dissemination of the results. Assumptions The Turnaround as a Whole will refer to the processes that an aircraft experiments directly in the stand. Baggage. Freight and ramp & GSE are taken into account but only direct interactions/processes performed to the aircraft in the Passenger. the main security and safety related regulations in Europe should be specified. or IATA AHM [16] which applies to the service arrangements. This information improves the legibility of the descriptions and the formal validation of certain properties such as detection of deadlocks and failures among others. PN allows the validation of the right behaviour of the turnaround process. Information about the adequate clearances to the airplane and the space and manoeuver requirements of the different equipment should also be provided in the sub-process description. coloured Petri nets (CPN) allow a better modelling approach. security and legal restrictions. Processes that are very up or downstream of the aircraft physical perspective of the operation are not described here and can be found in their respective chapters (i. some ground procedures are influenced in space and/or time. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 140 . The ground area beneath the exits intended for emergency evacuation and slide deployment areas must be kept clear. the fuelling process is typically performed separately (on the aircraft right hand side) from passenger related processes (left hand) to grant an escape route free of vehicles or other obstacles. Thus. The structure and marking of a PN contain information about the turnaround behaviour. EASA CS 25 [15]. Other CPN characteristics that enable the use of this formalism to specify the turnaround are:   7. Geometric and logistical dependencies in each sub-process will be considered as inputs to the analysis of the turnaround as a whole. Despite all the advantages of PN as a modelling formalism. This chapter identifies all the actors. Freight and Ramp &GSE. involved in the turnaround operation throughout the different general sub-processes: Passengers.3 Identification of Actors involved. Roles & Responsibilities. Remote Stand: 6 persons/ 4 Roles) Cabin Crew Passenger Handling Agent (PSA) Handling Staff Operator (1 or 2) Cockpit Crew Sorting Area Staff Actors  Boarding (Contact Stand & Remote Stand)  Load bulk cargo    Handling Staff Operator (1 or 2) Sorting Area Staff Cockpit Crew Load bulk baggage Unload cargo/mail using ULDs  Handling Staff Operator (1 or 2) Unload bulk cargo Unload baggage using ULDs  Handling Staff Operator (1 or 2) Unload baggage  Handling Staff operator (1 or 2) Airport Operations Cabin Crew Fire Service Catering Refuelling      bulk   Handling Staff Operator (Contact Stand: 3 Persons/ 3 Roles.3. either physical natural persons or departments/entities. Baggage.7. Remote Stand: 6 persons/ 4 Roles) Cabin Crew Passenger Handling Agent (PSA) Handling Staff Operator (1 or 2) Sorting Area Staff Cockpit Crew Handling Staff Operator (1 or 2) Sorting Area Staff Cockpit Crew  Handling Staff Operator (1 or 2)  Handling Staff Operator (1 or 2)   Cabin Crew Catering Operator Handling Table 19 List of Actors per Process´ Activities INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 141 .1 List of Actors Operation Actors  Deplaning (Contact stand & Remote stand)    Load cargo/mail using ULDs    Load baggage using ULDs   Operation Handling Staff Operator (Contact Stand: 3 Persons/ 3 Roles. 7. 7. hand luggage…)  Check refuelling preview and ensure it in the Truck  Transport Fuel Truck to the stand  Transport Hydrant Cart to the stand  Connect/discharge to ground INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 142 .2 List of Roles/Responsibilities The following table shows the actors mentioned in the previous chapter and their respective roles describing them whithin the full turnaround operation. Some sub-Actors are integrated as a general clause Actor integrating all the different roles/responsibilities related with him. Actor Handling Staff Operator Role/Responsibilities  Locate and secure / remove PBB  Transport special deplaning equipment/staff to boarding gate  Transport Stairs to a remote stand  Transport apron buses to remote stand  Transport especial deplaning equipment/staff to remote stand  Transport Passengers to terminal Building by Bus  Drive Dollies and Container/Pallet loaders to the stand  Drive Baggage carts and conveyor belts to the stand  Open Hold Doors  Position and secure pallet/container loader  Position and secure conveyor belt  Offload Transfer ULD’s Baggage to dollies  Offload priority Baggage ULD’s to dollies  Offload Baggage ULD’s to dollies  Offload special Cargo ULD’s to dollies  Offload special Cargo to carts  Offload Transfer Cargo to carts  Offload Transfer Cargo ULD’s to dollies  Offload Cargo ULD’s to dollies  Offload bulk Cargo to dollies  Offload Transfer Bulk Cargo to dollies  Offload Transfer Bulk Baggage to baggage carts  Offload bulk Baggage to baggage carts  Deliver to transfer area  Deliver priority baggage to claim area  Deliver baggage to claim area  Deliver to Cargo Terminal  Deliver special luggage to aircraft door (WCH. BB carts.3. toilets. floors.Actor Role/Responsibilities  Connect/retry refuelling pipes  Refuel  Transport Fuel Truck/hydrant cart back to airport facilities  Transport Staff and cleaning equipment to aircraft  Remove litter/waste  Position toilet waste truck  Clean passenger and crew compartments (seat back pockets. tables..)  Open lavatory service panel  Perform Cabin dressing (Replace head rests/pillow covers)  Connect filling and grain hoses  Drain waste materials  Flush the tank with disinfectant  Drain the system  Replenish Fluids  Disinfect/deodorize aircraft  Provide cabin items (blankets/pillows)  Disconnect hoses  Clean Cargo compartments (under demand)  Close lavatory service door  Remove toilet waste truck  Transport Staff and cleaning equipment to terminal  Check all cabin services done  Check boarding staff ready  Ask crew ready for boarding  Coordinate UM’s Boarding with Passenger Handling Agent  Start standard boarding assisted by PHA at boarding gate and crew at A/C  Special luggage to remove at A/C door  Locate apron bus at the boarding gate  Ensure secure of stairs at A/C  Remove Stairs from remote stand  Load baggage carts at sorting area  Load standard baggage into the Aircraft  Load bulk  Drive dollies to stand  Drive baggage carts to stand INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 143 .. galleys. Actor Role/Responsibilities Cabin Crew Passenger (PHA) Handling Agent  Open main hold Doors  Load baggage/freight dollies  Load standard baggage into the Aircraft  Load priority baggage into the Aircraft  Load cargo into the aircraft  Retry container/pallet loaders  Remove conveyor belt  Close main hold Doors  Get a signed copy of load-sheets  Knock on the door  Coordinate Passenger deplaning with crew  Confirm PRM  Coordinate PRM deplaning  Confirm UM  Coordinate UM’s deplaning with crew and PHA  Confirm special luggage to deliver at A/C gate  Deliver special luggage at A/C door  Confirm all standard passengers deplaning  Inform Passengers of safety measures during refuelling  Confirm amount fuel to charge  Get a copy of refuelling sheet signed by the crew  Confirm catering loading Instructions  Open right side front & rear door  Check for last minute changes or special request  Close right side front & rear door  Head counting  Checked bags for missing passengers  Look for missing passengers luggage  Close Aircraft Doors  Transport to terminal Building assisted by PRM/UM staff  Board PRM  Coordinate UM’s Boarding with Passenger Handling Agent  Start standard boarding assisted by PHA at boarding gate and crew at A/C  Special luggage to remove at A/C door  Transport special equipment for PRM’s to stand INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 144 . 4. The positioning of the aircraft considered is next to the terminal. Baggage.Actor Role/Responsibilities Cockpit Crew Sorting Area Staff Airport Operations Fire Service Catering Handling Operator Airport Fire Department  Locate and secure special equipment for PRM’s  Call for passengers at terminal building  Inform load figures and confirm loading Instructions  Get a signed copy of load-sheet  Drive the aircraft to/from stand to/from taxiway  Engine start-up  Provides the quantity of fuel to refuel  Load container/pallets at sorting area  Warn Airport Fire Department  Authorize engine start up  Control of aircraft taxiing on taxiways  Provides the stand allocation  Position fire truck  Over-watch refuelling operation with passengers on-board  Remove fire truck  Position the Catering Truck at the right front door of the aircraft  Unload catering supplies from aircraft  Load catering supplies from forward/rear galley  Remove Catering Truck  Confirm refuelling operation  Take Cargo and documents (cargo manifest. NOTOC…) from the Cargo Terminal  Issue new cargo manifest with real Cargo loaded  Provide visual guiding to the aircraft till parking position  Operate automated guidance systems Cargo Terminal Staff Marshaller Table 20 Roles and Responsibilities 7.4 7. It will gather and compile the information coming from each chapter extracting high level processes that interact together at the aircraft stand. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 145 . Freight and Ramp & GSE.1 Process Description Process Definition (textual) The Turnaround as a Whole description is a macroscopic view of the sub-processes described in detail in the precedent chapters of this deliverable: Passengers. 4. in ultimate case.1 Envelope of process description The borderlines of the textual description are physical: the aircraft stand and its associated movement area. When the anti-collision beacon has been turned off. 7. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 146 .7.1. Therefore. The CPN Modelling will consider the description of sub-processes with the due granularity.1. another Handling Staff Operator connects the GPU/400Hz to supply the aircraft with electric power for operating cargo doors and other subsystems needed for the turnaround operation. for an example of CPN model adapted to the Turnaround as a whole. After the Turnaround modelling. consequently. the majority of the interferences between actors and. Baggage.  The ground support equipment (GSE) for the arrival is available and located behind the marked restricted line. See chapter 10: Annex. the Cockpit Crew shut down the engines and Handling Staff Operators start performing their activities. It is in this area where. Freight and Ramp & GSE) are not taken into consideration in the first iteration of CPN model nor in the process description of the Turnaround as a Whole. enhancement on the model may be studied in order to seek different opportunities of improvement in the sub-processes. disrupt the turnaround operation.2 Aircraft Entering the Stand Prior to the arrival of aircraft at the stand or parking position. a priori. This area will also serve as the spatial grid for the Coloured Petri Net (CPN) model. This activity demarks safety zones and points around the aircraft for Handling Staff Operators as warnings. In parallel.  The Handling Staff Operators are available at the right parking position. the Handling Staff Operators have to ensure that:  The parking area is clear of obstacles and Foreign Object Debris (FOD) that might cause damage to the aircraft.4. the Handling Staff Operators proceed to place chocks at the front and back wheels (usually on the nose landing gear) and cones at the wingtips. the actions out of this boundary area described at each sub-process of the Turnaround operation (Passenger. When the aircraft is correctly parked. their associated processes. are occurring in such a way that can undesirably delay or even. 1.7. The original figure has been obtained from the Airbus 320 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING document. It is a layout of GSEs and aircraft respective positions.4. services 4 demanded and Airline Operations Manual .3 Positioning of Actors and GSEs The positioning of the different actors and supporting GSEs vary depending on the aircraft type. The following graphic depicts the aircraft positioning in the stand and the corresponding GSEs’ location: 2 1 3 4 16 5 7 8 6 9 10 15 11 12 13 14 Figure 68 Aircraft Turnaround GSE´s positioning The figure above is extracted from the CPN modelling in chapter 10: Annex. together with the next table in which the meaning of the symbols used is described: 4 It is understood that the Airline Operations Manual fulfil with all safety provisions affecting the turnaround operation. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 147 . The numbers initiating the paragraphs denote their order in the sequence of processes. The baggage/cargo Handling Staff Operators ensure that baggage belt loaders/lifters and cargo cart/dollies are available at stand and that baggage/freight Handling Staff Operators have the unload instructions. If the baggage or cargo is stored in containers or pallets.Table 21 Ground Support Equipment acronyms 7. * Passenger deplaning: This process starts when the Handling Staff operator connects the passenger boarding bridge (PBB) to the front door located on the aircraft left hand side. Waste and potable water exchange: The Toilet servicing and potable water refill can be done at any time during turnaround and before passengers boarding process by a Handling Staff Operator. The following list describes the processes in the turnaround following a temporal sequence. the Handling Staff Operator uses high loaders for the unloading and cargo dollies for the transportation of cargo/baggage between the aircraft and the passenger/cargo terminal. which has to be delivered to the arrival luggage belt in the first place. Other subprocesses that may have longer preparation activities prior or post the scope of this operation are not reflected. The turnaround critical path is identified as well. For the transportation of bulk baggage/ freight from the stand to the terminal building. Baggage/Cargo Unload processes: This process starts when the baggage/cargo Handling Staff Operator opens the hold doors of the aircraft. the Handling Staff Operator uses baggage/cargo carts. depending INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 148 . The unloading process requires different methods and equipment according to the type of aircraft. and use the time available before passengers start boarding. The next chapter includes a Flow Diagram depicting the critical path. An optimum number of Handling Staff Operator has to be arranged. Sub-processes with the same numeration indicate they can be done simultaneously. then continues with the rest of the baggage and finally with freight. both times on the aircraft right hand side and provides the catering supplies as specified by the airline.1.4 Sequence of Turnaround Processes The next process description focuses on the main activities performed directly to the aircraft. This critical path can vary depending on the assumptions made for the description. * Catering services: Comprise the removal of the empty galleys and the replacement of those with the new ones. by adding and asterisk in the name of the sub-process. the Handling Staff Operator starts unloading with the help of belt loaders. the Handling Staff Operator coordinates with the Cabin Crew that aircraft doors can be open and passengers can deplane. The Catering Handling Operator locates the catering truck first at the front door and afterwards at the back door. * Cleaning services: It can start at the same time as the catering service. Some of the sub-processes can be performed simultaneously while others are sequential and require close coordination with other sub-processes to ensure time efficiency. this process can start once the passengers are off the aircraft. Once the air bridge is correctly positioned and docked.4. For bulk loaded aircrafts. He starting with the priority luggage. baggage/cargo stored in containers or pallets (UDLs) require high loaders for loading as well cargo dollies for transportation. including the definitive information about the baggage/cargo loaded on the aircraft. which is used also for carrying other equipment that cannot move itself (air starters. The baggage/cargo load process: Bulk baggage/cargo (without containers) requires belt loaders for loading the aircraft and baggage carts for its transportation between the aircraft and the terminal. who has to sign it and return a copy to “Load Control”. signs it and sends it to the Cockpit Crew. the Cargo Terminal Agent sends to the Handling Staff Operator a Notice to Captain (NOTOC) with all these requirements. When there is no air bridge available. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 149 . the Handling Staff Agent has the responsibility for calling the fuel service on time and informs them about any changes in the schedule in case they were not informed. high loaders and cargo dollies for transportation of ULDs have been removed as soon as they have ended their loading activities. tow tractors. dollies/carts. Any special luggage that needs to be delivered at aircraft door at destination is loaded in the hold located at the rear of the aircraft. This department updates the Weight & Balance Sheet including the updated LIR data. Refuelling: This process normally starts once passengers are out of the aircraft but it also can start with passengers on board.1. baggage carts. The Passenger Boarding process starts once the catering and cleaning services are finished.4. Updated LIR must also be handed over to the Cockpit Crew. Baggage carts require a tow tractor. which includes the definitive information for unloading. he checks it. prior notification to the Fire Service. The baggage/cargo Handling Staff Operator updates the Loading Information Report (LIR) while loading. the Passenger Handling Agent ensures that an ambulift is available for PRMs. The cargo Handling Staff Operator also sends the updated Weight & Balance Sheet to the arrival airport by Load Distribution Message (LDM) or Container and Pallet Distribution Message (CPM). On the other hand.4. belt loaders. The Passenger Handling Agent ensures that PRMs (Persons with Reduced Mobility) and unaccompanied minors board at a first place.5 Removing Actors and GSEs Once the side guards on the steps are removed and the passenger door closing is completed. The final W&B sheet must be handed in to the Cockpit Crew.on the aircraft type with regard to the service level agreement of the airline. such as temperature or pressure. When the refuelling takes place via hydrant system. which is located on each parking stand. If there is a missing passenger. The fuel can be provided either by a fuel truck or via a hydrant fuelling system. In the meantime. etc.). nevertheless. chocks and connected equipment are removed. the Fuel Service Provider Staff Operator connects the hydrant cart into the central pipeline network and pumps fuel from the airport fuel storage into the aircraft’s tanks. For air bridge operations the PBB shall not be retracted until the aircraft passenger door is closed. Once all baggage/cargo is loaded and hold doors are closed the cargo Handling Staff Operator hands over the LIR to the Flight Dispatcher and he may send changes on it to “Load Control”. 7. The side guards on steps shall be removed and the passenger door closed.6 Aircraft Exiting the Stand Before engine-start up a Handling Staff Operator proceeds to a final examination of the aircraft to confirm that:  Surface condition of the apron is adequate to conduct operations. printed and signed by the Cockpit Crew in order to give the “Load Control” a copy. or send it via Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS). * Passenger boarding: Passengers can start boarding as soon as the Cleaning Service has completed its operation. mobile air-conditioning unit. On completion of passengers boarding Cabin Crew starts with the head-counting. The Fuel Service Provider has the flight schedules to serve the aircraft. If any special conditions are required for the loaded freight. 7. the Passenger Handling Agent shall confirm with the Cabin Crew that they are ready to close doors and depart. Once baggage/cargo dollies/carts arrive at stand the baggage/cargo Handling Staff Operator confirms reception of the baggage/cargo and proceeds to loading the hold according to Cabin Crew instructions. the baggage Handling Staff Operator has to search the bag and take it out of the aircraft hold.1. Any changes in the LIR due to last minute changes must be immediately reported. When the aircraft is on the taxiway.4. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 150 . Apron is clear of vehicles.2 Process Flow Diagram The Turnaround as a Whole part will focus on the processes that the aircraft experiments directly at the stand.  Chocks are removed. a compilation of functional diagrams from these mentioned processes have been made. depending on whether the aircraft will be pushed or pulled. the tow bar is removed. For that purpose. together with physical. When the Airport operations provide clearance. Conventional tugs use a tow bar to connect the tug to the nose landing gear of the aircraft. equipment and items that might cause FOD. The tow bar is fixed laterally at the nose landing gear and connected at the front or the rear of the tractor.  All GSE are disconnected from the aircraft.  Aircraft servicing doors are all closed and secure. Baggage. time. the aircraft starts engines and leaves the apron area. The specification and analysis of the interdependencies between turnaround sub-processes will be generated from the flow diagrams provided for each sub-process. following a sequential 5 time order : 5 An enhanced format is presented in a separate annex. security and legal restrictions. 7. This process is carried out by special vehicles called pushback tractors or tugs. Only the direct interactions/processes performed to the aircraft from the Passengers. Freight and Ramp & GSE sub-processes are taken into account.  Cones are removed. the Cockpit Crew will advise the Handling Staff Operator to start the pushback prior to engine start. quality.Coordinate stands with Airport Operations Transport GSE equipment/staff to a/c stand Handling Staff Operator PRECEDENCE Airport Operations Handling Staff Operator Out of sequence External cargo operator Visual check to avoid FOD at stand and marshalling Freight delivered Cargo Terminal Staff Prepare docs and charges for consignee Cargo Terminal Staff Notify freight storage to consignee Cargo Terminal Staff ULDs breakdown and freight storage Handling Staff Operator Marshaller Position chokes Handling Staff Operator Connect GPU Handling Staff Operator Connect Auxiliary Units Handling Staff Operator Cabin Crew Cargo Terminal Staff Inspections and Customs control Handling Staff Operator PHA * Passenger Deboarding Waste & potable water Baggage/cargo/ mail Unload Handling Staff Operator Handling Staff Operator * Catering Handling Staff Operator Handling Staff Operator * Cleaning Cabin Crew Handling Staff Operator Handling Staff Operator Handling Staff Operator Deliver Priority Baggage Deliver Baggage to claim to claim area area Handling Staff Operator Handling Staff Operator Deliver Baggage to transfer area Deliver Cargo/Mail to cargo terminal Cabin Crew Refuelling Baggage/cargo/ mail Load Handling Staff Operator Cockpit Crew Airport Operations Airport Fire Department Cabin Crew * Passengers boarding PHA Handling Staff Operator Visual check Out of sequence Transport freight to the Stand Prepare ULDs and/or Bulk cargo Gather AWBs and NOTOC Inspection & Storage Cargo Terminal Staff Dissconnect GSE Handling Staff Operator Handling Staff Operator Handling Staff Operator Remove Chokes Handling Staff Operator Start-up Cockpit Crew Cargo Terminal Staff Cargo Terminal Staff Push back Receipt cargo Handling Staff Operator Cargo Terminal Staff SUCESSOR Cargo at cargo terminal Figure 69 Turnaround as a whole Process Diagram The processes are depicted in blue boxes and the actors performing these processes are next to them in red boxes. There is a big amount of process indicators that can be built based on the time. Two kinds of Processes Indicators can be identified: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 151 . The Critical Path of the operation is depicted by a red line. It indicates the processes that are to be done sequentially and its order cannot be changed. Activities at the same level are susceptible to start at the same time or shift among them depending on the assumptions taken. quantity of units. 7.3 Identification of Process Indicators Process indicators are set of parameters that give information of certain aspects of the operation. The key matter of this topic is that only a few process indicators can describe the operation and give relevant information on efficiency. or any measurable item that intervene in the process and that can give status information of a certain aspect.4. or any other important aspect. or the Fuel Service Provider. sickness.  Holds usage: airlines unused space in holds. typically presented in block hours per day..  Freight carried: freight Kg by origin/destination and % of the total payload carried. Operational Indicators describe the actual operation and can be usually obtained in real time. These Indicators are agreed and monitored in Service level Agreements or SLAs and its function is to alert about the fulfilment degree of 6 the services contracted. Ideally. for instance. Performance Indicators usually give information about the economic and quality aspects of the operation. traceability between these two kinds of indicators should be possible by transforming operational indicator to form a performance indicator. To calculate this indicator handling companies take the total personnel costs (including holiday. it must be at the apron at a given time). Some Performance Indicators can be Operational Indicators but the first ones are more related with the efficiency and economical aspects of the turnaround operation rather than with the purely operational information related. etcetera. Safety  Number of accidents with aircraft per 1000 turnarounds: Currently. that is to say. for instance.  Operational Indicators.) and divide them by the total number of worked hours obtaining the personal cost per worked hour. some Performance Indicators identified in sub-processes of the Turnaround are presented sorted by typical performance areas:  Productivity  Worked hours per flight: The main objective is to minimise the number of staff and the hours they work for a given volume of flights.   Block hours: this is a measure of the total time that aircraft of an airline for a given period of time (like a year.  Airplane utilization: KPI.  Punctuality: the percentage (%) of the times cargo is prepared for transport (according to the standard. The indicators within the defined performance areas allow identifying any shortcomings and actions to assure agreed performance levels. which means that in an airport with 100. The numbers of flights are measured in terms of turnarounds.15 accidents per 1000 flights. They are normally formed and monitored during a post-process of the operation to analyse SLAs and any other aspect of the operation important to the respective stakeholder. time elapsed in boarding process. that measure agreed aspects by two agents of the operation. the Airline and the Handling Company. the average is of 0. taking the load into account. It measures the capacity for growth or unused resources. In the following list. quarter or month) were in use during that period. each turnaround is an arrival and a departure. the performance indicator must be measurable in order to be able to modify operational parameters and get improvements in the performance of the operation. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 152 ..  Cost of the staff: (excluding management and support functions). This indicator is calculated by dividing aircraft block hours by the number of aircraft days assigned to service on airline routes. Through the SLAs all parties jointly agree the performance areas that need to be monitored and have a concrete description of the performance targets. ranging from scratch to mayor accidents. 6 The service level agreements (SLA) signed between the airport company and the ground handling companies or between the airline and the ground handler allows evaluating the level of service provided in ramp operations.000 turnarounds will have about 15 accidents. Performance Indicators. those that measure a certain parameter or combination of parameters of the operation that gives relevant information of the on-going status. This indicator is calculated as the total number of flights which leaves the stand with a delay of 15 minutes after scheduled time of arrival (disregarding any flights with late arrival – delay code 93). Ground handlers measure this indicator as the % of flights that depart on time .  Poorly prepared Load: % of badly made pallets that aren’t allowed to be stowed in the aircraft.  Reliability of data sent to Load Control: Kg % of variations between the data sent to Handling Staff Operator (and therefore included in the LIR) and what is really sent in the plane. 7 7 Quality : Processes compliance (Service Level Agreements .SLAs)  On time performance: Provides information about the % of flights that depart on time. Those delivery times depend on the distances between airport facilities and aircraft location. The quality measurements are based on service level agreements. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 153 .  Baggage delivery: This performance indicator measures the delivery times of the first and last bag after on-blocks on the arrival belt for the passenger.  Shipping errors: % of cases in which the amount of load received is different from what was planned according to the LIR. Locate and Secure GSE Passenger DeBoarding Start de.7.Boarding Baggage/ Cargo Unload Cleaning Sevice Last passenger deboard Catering Sevice Catering Checks and information Refuelling Quantity of fuel Boarding Starts Passenger Boarding Boarding Finishes Baggage/ Cargo Load Final Load Sheet figures Copy of Signed Loadsheet Remove GSE Completion of ramp operations Nº of passengers on board Remove Chocks Start-Up request Turn-on beacon light Start-Up Clearance Push-Back request Push-Back clearance Push Back Figure 70 Turnaround Information Flow Diagram INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 154 .5 Identification and description of Information Flows and Process Interactions Ground Handling Cockpit Crew Cabin Crew Airport ATC Drive GSE to Stand/Gate Position Chocks Turn-off beacon light Connect. These are shown next: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 155 . GSE.  Analyse all the technologies that are currently used to exchange information.  Identify the Information Management Systems in the airport that currently support the informationsharing among the different stakeholders. its size. Airports. Most of the stakeholders in airport processes use information systems and databases to store relevant information and to assist data processing to achieve more efficient operations and provide all the essential information.2 Information exchange elements The information exchange elements for each individual process were previously analysed in sections 3. its operations. it aims to:  Identify the information flows integrated into the information management systems i. The systems used depend on many factors such as: the type of airport. 8. Often. 5. In order to fill this gap. 8. though it can also be used for planning and optimization of the stakeholder’s own business processes. leading to independent information management for each process: landside processes. There is no single system that manages them all. However. technology is used for information sharing. Additionally.1 Scope This section aims to introduce the current process management and information tools affecting the airport turnaround process. and 6. Airlines.1.e. with particular focus on the aircraft turn-round and pre-departure sequencing processes. leading to inefficiencies.8 Process Management and Information Tools and Support Systems 8. the type of traffic it has and many more. some of the processes are not fully automated and require manual support. 4. Within their own domains and for their own business processes. aiming to improve the overall efficiency of operations at an airport through collaborative planning and information sharing among stakeholders. and ramp operations.They are separately managed with different processes taking place in the same airport environment. the Airport-CDM concept arose. and Handling Agents use Information Technology. its country.1 Context In the airport environment there are a multitude of systems and technologies that are used to support the different stakeholders involved during the turn-around process. all the stakeholders may use their own resource management systems and resource optimization systems. what is needed to run the process and what is provided. The great variety and difference of systems among stakeholders stresses the need for interoperability in order to guarantee that the whole system works in an efficient and consistent way. The different criteria used for each stakeholder may lead to solutions incoherent with the rest of the stakeholder’s needs. More concretely. freight process.  Analyse some of the Information Management Products that are currently available in the market and which support information exchange among the different actors involved. Origin Destination Information Airport Operations Ground handlers Airport resource allocation during daily operations:  Ground Handlers Airport Operations Mode Stand/gate allocation for inbound and outbound flights  Baggage belts for inbound flights  Time estimates outbound flights for inbound Actual and estimated departure times Actual and estimated arrival times Airline Operations Ground Handlers SITA/TELEX and SITA/TELEX Airline Schedule Aircraft technical data Messages for inbound flights:  MVT message  LDM message  CPM message  PSM message  Fuelling data  Flight plan data SITA Messages for outbound flights: Ground Handlers Airline Operations  Loading data  Catering data  Passengers data  Flight plan data Messages for outbound flights:  MVT messages  LDM message  Fuel message  CPM message  Load message  Delay messages (EOBT updates) SITA Messages for inbound flights: Airline Crew Cockpit Ground Handler  MVT messages  Time estimations  Boarding data Fuel information Radio Request for Push-back after clearance Telex or Paper INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 156 . unicast and inter-process communication.1 Current Technologies used Mechanism to exchange information This section describes some of the typical ways of interchanging information between processes (systems) at an airport or in any environment requiring the integration of processes. also giving details about the pros and cons for each model. The analysis is made from a dual point of view: from the communication model and from the messaging model point of view.1 Communication model There are three main models over which the communication between processes or systems can be made: multicast.1.3 8.3.3. In the following subsections are explained in detail each one of these models. 8. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 157 .Origin Destination Information Mode Ground Handler Airline Crew Fuel information Radio Final load figures Telex or Paper Cockpit Finalization of ramp operations Airline Crew Cabin Ground Handler Start and end of passenger deplaning Paper or telex Catering information and checks Start of passenger boarding Ground Handler Airline Crew Cockpit Airline Crew Cabin Endof passenger boarding Paper or telex Catering information and checks Airport ATC Request Start Up clearance Radio Request Push-back Clearance Airport ATC Cockpit Crew Start Up clearance Radio Push-back clearance Cabin Crew Cockpit Crew Number of passengers on board Paper Table 22 List of information exchange elements in the ramp process Origin Destination Message Mode Airline Cargo Staff Available Space in airplane for cargo Telex. paper Cargo Staff Terminal Handling Operator Cargo Staff Staff Terminal Handling Operator Cargo Staff External Operator Terminal Cargo transported info Staff Cargo/Mail information screen or Telex or MER Prepared NOTOC Terminal Cargo Loading Information Report (LIR) Telex or paper Notify freight arrival Telex Table 23 List of information exchange elements in the Freight process 8. 1. In this way. This is also useful with. As well. Multicast is based on UDP (User Datagram Protocol) so it has several advantages which are discussed below. multicast communication relationships are necessary (one per member) to achieve bidirectional exchange.3. packets are not duplicated in each receiver. This is possible since only one packet has to be sent.1. These multicast groups do not have physical or geographical boundaries and the receivers can be located at any point on the network or Internet. which allows routers to process only one set of packet data. for example. Given that data is exchanged one-way. and so creates important savings in bandwidth and resource optimization because only a low processing capacity is necessary. As well. Server Message Message Message Message Message Figure 71 Communication Model: Multicast Advantages:  Less network congestion: The need to send only one message to multiple receivers alleviates the server output load (low data volume) and network traffic. Routers in a multicast network know which sub-networks have active clients for each multicast group and try to minimise packet transmission.  Easier addressing: A transmitter does not need to know the identity of every receiver because only the intermediate routers which are closer to the receivers know which hosts are members of a fixed multicast group. since it sends messages through each network link just once. the need to involve intermediate and final systems to carry out the communication is minimized.8. the data control (acknowledgment of receipt) required by the transmitter to know that the data is received correctly can be transmitted in reverse direction without the need for additional multicast communication. software updates. This is the most efficient strategy. the transmitters do not monitor the multicast group unless all information is distributed through multicast routers. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 158 . Although the data flow is in one direction in unidirectional communication. creating copies at the output links of the receivers. The packet can be sent to a whole receiver group simultaneously and it is received at the same time. Multicast clients only receive the packets if they connect via the specific multicast group address providing the access rights.1 Multicast This communication model sends the same data packet from a transmitter to several receivers. limiting it to the part of the network in which these kinds of clients are not active. which need to be synchronized across all destinations. many company firewalls block UPD traffic. Disadvantages:  Low reliability: The implementation of this model on a large scale may be affected by the presence of additional points of failure due to loss of packets.1.  Output optimization: The redundant traffic is deleted. A multicast model can be emulated from a unicast model if point to point communication is fitted out from the transmitter to each receiver in the implementation environment.  The intermediate systems involved in the communication must be able to copy the sent data since it is possible that it has to be forwarded to multiple output interfaces. it is usually used for the sending of data streams which require higher bandwidth and. even more seriously.3. so two unicast communications are used to achieve bidirectional exchange. one for each receiver. As a result of this latter aspect.  Delivery out of sequence: Network topology changes affect the order of packet delivery. Moreover. This complexity is not presented in the sending of the data. data corruption or service refusal attacks. as well as routing protocols for forwarding multicast traffic efficiently. Furthermore. for performing service refusal attacks taking advantage of the security holes that exist in UDP. multicast applications should be designed bearing this in mind. This makes it possible to implement distributed applications. through the delivery of replicated packets to each of them. Therefore. multicast applications should try as much as possible to detect and avoid the conditions which generate network congestion. but rather in the management of the communication.  Potential additional costs: Additional forwarding mechanisms are required.2 Unicast This communications model is based on sending data packets from a single transmitter to a single receiver (point to point) and it works using TCP protocol. High scalability: The packets are sent only once for each network link. which does not have either mechanisms for congestion control or a reliable process of packet delivery. The transmitter is able to send only to one receiver at a time because the destination address of packets is different for each of them. Due to this. it requires feedback and coordination among different routers. Although data flow is in a single direction in this one-way communication.1. In other words multiple data copies are made. 8.  High complexity: Multicast works only with UDP. Data is exchanged one-way. the data control (acknowledgment of receipt) required for the transmitter to know that the data was received correctly can be transmitted in the reverse direction without need of additional unicast communication. This option is only feasible when there are few receivers INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 159 . since few data copies have to be forwarded and processed. 3 Inter-Process Communication Protocol (IPC) In cases when cooperating processes need to exchange information. Under this model. there is an increase in resource use. 8. this kind of communication model makes sense.  Misuse of network resources: It is produced at bandwidth level and processing output level of transmitters and intermediate systems because data has to be received and transmitted several times in systems where there are receivers. Moreover. All this is true as long as there are no problems in the communications. its use with several receivers requires the creation of an independent connection for each one. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 160 .  Identification: Transmitter needs to know the identity of receivers to which it must send data packets.  Time-delayed transmission: Data is transmitted with variable delay times among several receivers.3. This can generate synchronization problems in systems where it is necessary that all receivers have the same information at the same time. and that they have been received successfully using “acknowledgment of receipt”. the majority of users are familiar with standard unicast applications which use TCP as a transmission protocol. This load increases in accordance with the number of consignees involved.  Low scalability because this model is not feasible with a more extensive number of receivers. guaranteeing that there are no duplicates and the sequence of these packets is correct. due to the fact that the transmitter has to maintain several communications at the same time. Disadvantages:  High network congestion: Since it is a point to point connection. This makes it impossible to implement distributed applications due to the increase in the demand and the use of resources that is involved (traffic level and clients increase at a 1:1 rate).1. since the packets are sent to each receiver successively. moreover. so the network becomes overloaded. as well as synchronize with each other in order to perform their collective task.  Transmission: Unicast transmission is supported for all LAN network and Internet.Server Message to client 1 Message to client 2 Message Message to client 3 Message to client 4 Message Client 1 Message Client 2 Message Client 3 Client 4 Figure 72 Communication Model: Unicast Advantages:  High reliability: This is a result of the correct distribution of all transmitted packets to each unique receiver.1. . files system.the processes communicate efficiently with each other across address space boundaries to exchange messages and data. Local/Single computer File Data is written to and read from a file.g. This communication can take place in different ways and can use different communication technologies.. The first case is easier to implement because processes are able to either share memory in the user space or in the system space. the following criteria have some major impact on the adequate technique:  Location of the communication partners (Same machine. Therefore.  Synchronized/on-synchronized communication. memory.). they are connected via I/O de-vices (for instance. serial communication or Ethernet). In general. but must ultimately meet the overall system needs and user requirements.  Processes that reside on different computers. In the second case the computers do not share physical memory. Different numbers of processes can access Local/Single computer INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 161 .  Fail safety. A speciality in communication only used for parent and child processes Local/Single computer Named Pipe Data is exchanged between processes via dedicated descriptor handles.  Logical Connection (e.  Expandability. Local/Single computer Signal It is handled like an interruption and notifies the application to a specific condition.  Scalability.’parent2child. The two major modes in IPC communication are:  Processes that share the same computer. Also. Local/Single computer Pipe Data is transferred between two processes using dedicated descriptor handles. IPC Description Location Shared Memory Information is shared by reading and writing from a common segment of memory.. In comparison to pipes communication can occur between any two peer processes on the same host. The ‘Inter Process Communication’ (IPC) is the umbrella for various types of communication techniques. some of which are focused on different functional ranges such as:  Performance.. the split portions depend on the system architecture and the design of the system itself. IPC mechanisms are used to support distributed processing and allow bidirectional communication at process level.  Communication limitation in terms of ‘read/write only’ restrictions. Therefore the processes residing in different computers cannot use memory as a means for communication. The table below lists the most common types of IPC.  Distribution capability.). This is equally true for single processors and multiprocessors. ‘point to point’. Such mechanisms can range from applications that split processing on the same machine up to distributed applications on different computers sharing information over a network. likewise through calls to web services via HTTP where an open connection is maintained and the service waits until response is delivered or the waiting period expires. 8.e. A socket function is similar to a Named Pipe but it is able of spanning hosts. and this option is not well known.1 Request/Response messaging The messaging model is based on a programme that is constantly asking another one for new information which could have arrived since the previous time the question was asked. For reasons of simplicity.3. respectively. In this second case. 8. Assuming that coordination between multiple processes is roughly equally intricate. with a response that is given back later. In this way. when the transmitter needs a response in order to continue or when there exists an interactive communication. the petitioner sends a single block of data. It is used in applications which require the services of another peer application (sending a request and waiting to receive the correct response)i. In this model. It can use the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.1. the messages protocol should be considered to be synchronic. each technique suits a particular need. Server Request Blocked Status Response Request Blocked Status Response Figure 73 Messaging Model: Request/Reply Messaging INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 162 .3.2 Messaging model This section explains two paradigms from a message model point of view: the request reply and the publish/subscribe models.2. which is responsible for receiving and processing the request and which finally returns a response. a petitioner sends a request message to the receiver system. this model is usually implemented in a purely synchronized way. each approach has advantages and disadvantages. The most suitable method depends on the rate and volume of data exchange needed as well as other considerations.1. which remains blocked while it awaits receiver response and before another one is sent. and accepts remote connections Socket Single/Multiple computer Table 24 Common types of Inter-Process Communication Protocol (IPC) As mentioned above. it can also be implemented in an asynchronous way. However.IPC Description Location and interoperate.  It obtains a higher level of parallelism more easily. 8. and in applications based on information in which data supplied from one service depends on data provided by others. without having to be available at the same time. since the client has to be constantly requesting for new data. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 163 .Advantages:  A model that is easy to use and simple to implement and understand. Each one can continue working normally without bearing in mind the other.  It wastes resources due to an unnecessary saturation of servers.  When a new piece of information is sent to a client programme. and all subscribers to this subject can receive these messages. A client needs the address server which processes the request to be explicitly stated. many publishers can send messages to a single subject. and the publishers send new and subscriber-specific information based on specific criteria.3.  It supports only unicast communication (one to one) requiring both client and server to be available and active. both publishers and subscribers remain anonymous entities.2. since the majority of cases do not deliver new information.  It is good at processing deals. this response sometimes can come with errors.1. Message publishers are not programmed to send their messages to specific subscribers.  Offers a reliable communication channel. it leads to non-scalable implementations which provide imprecise or incomplete data. These subscribers specify their interest in one or more subjects and receive the concerning messages until they cancel the subscription.  The network has to be available to execute message exchange. receiving a part of the total messages that are published.  It is able to handle error situations.  Inefficient and expensive model in many environments. but their published messages are characterized by types or subjects.2 Publish/Subscribe messaging This messaging model is based on the roles of subscribers and publishers. Moreover. it may be obsolete or incorrect by the time it has passed between polling cycles. generating a processing cost that is unnecessary. so it prevents scalability into a large scale system. without knowledge of the number of subscribers. Specifically.  Performs badly in applications with limited processing and bandwidth capabilities. registered subscribers receive notifications/publications of modifications to fixed data that concern them. The server must be ready to process it and the client is blocked until it receives the response. network and clients.  Strong coupling among the parts involved: clients and servers.  It has knowledge of the response received as a consequence of a request.g.  It blocks the sender until the receiver finishes the processing. the client is aware of the destinations of requests through the references to them. In this way. In this way. distributed applications). causing very restrictive communications in some cases (e. The system uses an asynchronous messaging protocol where publishers are uncoupled from all subscribers and they do not need to be aware of subscribers’ existence. also producing a total collapse of the network or the server itself. Disadvantages:  It can require high bandwidth use. because it does not depend on a single channel to publish messages. In this way. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 164 .  Publishers are uncoupled from subscribers: this allows a higher scalability in environments with smaller installations where update notifications must be sent to a greater number of clients and in a more dynamic network topology.g. the sender is not blocked.  Reduces the development.  A more effective data-distribution model which expands and optimizes the communication channel. Thus. different publishers can offer the same subject. Specific applications can exchange messages directly.  Data is not delayed as a result of polling cycles. subscribers or publishers can be added. as well as to implement complex schemas of many distribution more easily (e.  The server only sends data which has been changed to a specific number of clients who have subscribed to receive the changes in this data.Middleware Publish to Topic 1 Publish to Topic 2 Subscribe Topic 1 Recv mess Topic 1 SUBSCRIBER Publish to Topic 3 Subscribe Topic 2 PUBLISHER SUBSCRIBER Recv mess Topic 2 Publish to Topic n Figure 74 Messaging Model: Publish/Subscribe Messaging Advantages:  Channel optimization: The bandwidth requirements are reduced. since it allows developers to incorporate new data models and application characteristics. moved or removed without affecting the system.  Improved security: The communication infrastructure transports the published messages only to the applications that have subscribed to the corresponding topic. Moreover. excluding other applications from the message exchange. allowing subscribers to obtain the information from multiple sources). deployment and maintenance effort while achieving a good output in applications with complex data flow because the sending control is centralized and so any change in the model is performed only once. since the client does not constantly requestthe server if there is new data or if the expected event has occurred. but rather it is the server that informs all clients which have been subscribed to it when the event has been produced and therefore there is less network overloading.  Higher flexibility.  The publisher assumes that a subscriber is listening.2. The new concepts. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 165 .  Lower demand on communication mechanisms. subscribers never know if an event that they have subscribed to will be launched. Internet applications and complex distributed applications. As well. Security problems exist. especially systems with multicast or broadcast messages. Passenger communications: for communications between ground partners and passengers.. information about aircraft and the airport weather conditions. in general in systems where message exchange is frequent. since a nonauthorized publisher could introduce incorrect or damaging messages in the system. The different types of aircraft communication systems can be split into 3 subgroups depending on the bodiesinvolved.  Air-to-Ground communications: for communications where one of the systems involved in the communication is onboard an airplane and the other one is a ground partner. The section organizes the identified channels based on the nature of the communication:   Aeronautic communications: for communications between  Ground-to-Ground communications: for communications between ground partners involved in the handling process: between handling agents. As well.  WAN environments require a higher flexibility and uncoupling in the communications.  The current information is always available. Air Traffic control.2 Channels to exchange information 8. Works well on desktop applications.3. or in systems whose publisher needs to be informed if the delivery cannot be confirmed.1 Introduction This section describes all the channels that are currently available for the exchange of information in an airport environment used for the Turn-around process. even if it is not so.  The bandwidth required by each subscriber can be different (even for the same publication). There is not usually any way of providing this guarantee since these systems simply try to send messages for a period of time before they give up and stop their attempts.. in other words. the safety of the system and the purpose of each communication:  Air Traffic Control (ATC): refers to the communication established between the Air Traffic Control Institutions and the aircraft to secure the safety and the mobility of aircraft by providing ground navigation or advice. the airport. this is possible whenever the intrusive agent knows how the messages are sent.3. a client does not have out dated information (if he does not have any queued messages) since the server does not store new information but rather informs of current data as soon as it is updated. Disadvantages:  This model is not optimal in systems which require a guarantee that messages are always delivered. it can manage applications which add and remove nodes and data streams dynamically. 8. since this model does not have reception control options. CFMU. The use of existing base communication channels and technologies seems to be a reasonable assumption in the context of the project as the development of communication channels is out of the scope of the project. given the fact that messages can be queued. because the publisher has no way of knowing if it is true. processes and systems developed in the frame of INTERACTION project will rely on the channels described in this section.  There is no need for the network to be continuously available. because a subscriber could receive data he is not authorized to. 2 Ground . without requiring any modification other than the use of the correct drivers.3.3.CDMA. to establish cabin provisioning and other company related non-safety communications.GPRS. LTE Advanced.3. IP data networks can be deployed on top of combinations of the following technologies:  Wired:   Ethernet wired network  Twisted pair  Fiber optic Wireless:  WiFi  Data mobile networks:  4G . WiMax. The Internet itself is an IP based data network.2. A system designed to work over an IP network is able to work on any channels with a proper IP stack. and as such. any IP based system can potentially connect with other systems via the Internet. Aeronautical Operational Control (AOC): refers to the communication exchanges that the airport and airline operational control departments perform in order to exchange information related to the status of the turn-around. 8.2.Ground communications 8. Communication channels listed here may also be classified by distinguishing between data oriented channels (such as internet messages) and voice oriented channels (such as telephone calls). UMTS  2G .1. EDGE  Satellite based Advantages Disadvantages Wired WiFi Data mobile Private network High performance Private network Low cost Uses available resources Radio interferences Cost of deploying and maintenance Operator depending Shared network Radio interferences Low performance Cost of wiring maintenance and Table 25 Comparison of the different types of IP based data networks INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 166 .  Aeronautical Administrative Communications (AAC): a communication exchange that the airline companies use for determining aircraft position to secure the navigation of their proprietary aircrafts.1 IP based data networks The IP layer abstraction implies a great advantage as it normalizes the communication protocol and decouples the application layer from the physical implementation. by properly configuring the network it runs on.  3G .2.2.1 Data oriented channels 8.  Aeronautical Passenger Communication (APC): are the communications exchanges between the airline and the passengers used for keeping the passenger informed of the status of their bookings.LTE.2. 3G was born in 2001 with the UMTS system and started providing 200 Kbps. for instance.3.11.  802. data rates can achieve 1Gb/s using twisted pair and 100Gb/s using Fiber Optic. Today. Nowadays. This network is used in the turnaround process for all communications between fixed computers involved such as.1 Ethernet Ethernet is a computer networking technology for LANs (Local Area Networks).6. 20 MHz bandwidth and 11 Mbps as maximum rate.5G. Type B provides a multi-address delivery system with guaranteed end-to-end message security.2.2.2 and 150 Mbps as maximum rate respectively.3. and the first data protocols appeared in this generation and are known as 2. 8.1. 20 or 40 MHz bandwidth and 72. 5 and 60 GHz where the most common are 2. Today there are several revisions of this standard:  802.11g: 2. Global Distribution Systems (GDS).4 and 5 GHz bands. The latest generation. Ethernet was commercially introduced in the eighties and is a well-known technology. This means that one address is used as the network destination and messages sent to that address are then automatically distributed to other terminals defined as part of that ‘group’.  802.4 and 5 GHz. 8. As with all store-and-forward services.1.3.11b: 2. WLAN can work in different frequency bands: 2.3 and 866. Type B is considered a centralized automated store-and-forward system with little manual interaction. database services. There is also a facility for defining group addresses.1.8. and the airline designator CC: ATHFFLH would be the Cargo Office (FF) of Lufthansa (LH) in Athens (ATH) INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 167 . 20 MHz bandwidth and 54 Mbps as maximum rate. 200.11n: 2.1. ground handlers.3 Data Mobile Networks Mobile networks have evolved over the years. 8. The first release of the standard IEEE 802.7 GHz band. the communications between the Passenger Handling Agents.6.  802. including Customer Reservation Systems (CRS).11ac: 5 GHz band. This protocol called GPRS implements a packet-switched domain in addition to the circuit-switched domain.2 IATA Type B Message communications Type B is a store-and-forward messaging standard used by the Air Transport industry (not just the airlines) that supports worldwide operational applications. 80 or 160 MHz bandwidth and 87.2.4 GHz band. 40. Delivery is carried out according to a four-level system of priority codes which range from immediate to deferred delivery. cargo carriers.  802.2. 20. The main difference with the previous generation is that it is IP based and everything runs on the Internet. is still in deployment. known as 4G. The 8 addressing system is based on the ATA/IATA 7-character address code and messages contain up to 32 destination addresses at the same time.11a: 5 and 3.11 was released in 1997. being categorized in several generations starting at 1G (first generation). The maximum length of the twisted cables is limited to 100m due to attenuation. It provides data rates from 56 Kbps up to 115 Kbps. The maximum throughput rates provided by LTE (Long Term Evolution) system reach around 100 Mbps.1. High volume switching machines take the place of manual operators. and interpersonal communications. 433.4 GHz band. Fiber Optic can operate over tens of kilometres without noticeable attenuation. 8 IATA Teletype messages have a 7 character address consisting of the Origin IATA Code = AAA.1.2 WiFi WiFi or WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) based on IEEE 802. A large percentage of today’s Type B messaging services are used by airlines and many related businesses.2.1. a function indicator = BB.4.3.including the phone calls. 2G started with the introduction of the digital cellular networks in the 1990s.7 Mbps as maximum rate respectively. airport authorities and aerospace companies. but nowadays can reach up to 22 Mbps with HSPA+. Type B communications are often one-way. the first analogue cellular networks. 20 MHz bandwidth and 54 Mbps as maximum rate. Originally this task was carried out by ground controls using visual aids. Audio broadcasting can be carried out via cable radio.3.3. military. and the frequencies immediately above VHF are known as ultra-high frequency (UHF). etc. other radio frequency bands. Over time. the development of on-board portable radios offered pilots the ability to communicate back to the ground and. Frequencies immediately below VHF are denoted as high frequency (HF). A brief description of these communication systems is presented below. 8. and internet radio via streaming media on the Internet.2.3 Air-to-ground communications Air-to-ground communications are the means by which people on the ground and those in airplanes are able to communicate with each other(not only during flight execution but also during the turnaround process). Major characteristics include a half-duplex channel (only one can transmit at a time) and a PTT (Push To Talk) switch that starts the transmission.2 Voice oriented channels  Telephone line  Mobile networks (GSM)  Walkie-talkies  Radio Broadcasting  Satellite network  VoIP:  Wireless network  Wired network 8.2.2. portable. satellite radio. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 168 . together with some other systems not mentioned above.2.1 Telephone line Regular phone calls over twisted pair. This technology was developed during the Second World War. 8.3. today.2.4 Radio broadcasting Radio broadcasting is a one-way wireless transmission over radio waves intended to reach a wide audience.3.2. outdoor recreation…In the turnaround process it remains as an important method of communication between the different handling staff.2.2. local wire. two-way radio transceivers.3.3 Walkie-talkies Formally known as handheld transceiver. Satellite Communications. Nowadays walkie-talkies are widely used in any setting where portable radio communications are necessary.2. air-to-ground communication relies on the use of many different systems and protocols.2. SITA.2.2. public safety. which provided signals to pilots in the air without any ability for them to answer.2. AMADEUS. ACARS and ATN. television networks. 8. walkie-talkies are hand-held.There are several suppliers offering global switched Type B messaging services.1 VHF Airband Very high frequency (VHF) is the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves from 30 MHz to 300 MHz with corresponding wavelengths of one to ten metres.3. 8. including business.2.2 Mobile networks Voice communications over a mobile network can be handled as voice directly (GSM) or under an IP network as regular data. This communication can be achieved by the use of communication systems such as: VHF airband.3. including ARINC. 8. It is one of the most powerful forms of radio and can cover far more distance and wider areas than other radios. This system can provide different services for aircrafts such as voice/fax/data. relatively simple messages between aircraft and ground stations via radio or satellite. The protocol was designed by Aeronautical Radio.975 MHz. relating to fuel consumption.33 KHz to all Flight Levels . on frequencies from 118 to 136.95 MHz for air-to-air and air-to-ground. commonly known as SATCOM. The VHF airband uses the frequencies between 108 and 137 MHz.2 Other Radio Frequency Bands Aeronautical voice communications are also conducted in other radio frequency bands. aircraft position. Military aircraft also use a dedicated UHF-AM band from 225.Airband or aircraft band is the name for a group of frequencies in the VHF radio spectrum allocated to radio communication in civil aviation.3. These frequencies are used for different purposes:  Navigation Aids: The lowest 10 MHz of the band. This band has a designated emergency and guard channel of 243.3.3.  Voice transmissions: Most countries divide the upper 19 MHz into 760 channels for amplitude modulation voice transmissions. Incorporated (ARINC) to replace their VHF voice service and deployed in 1978. The ILS glide path operates in the UHF frequency range of 329. FAN and ATN communications. engine performance data. do not operate on the VHF Airband frequencies. These are reserved for navigation aids such as VOR beacons. such as Non-directional beacons (NDBs) and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). In addition. and DME also uses UHF from 962–1150 MHz. Aeronautical operational control and airline administrative control messages are used to communicate between the aircraft and its base.33KHz is in Europe achieved over FL195 and is expected to be complete in 2018 under this Flight Level.95 MHz. from 108 to 117.3.3. is an artificial satellite network that is used to help telecommunication by reflecting or relaying signals into space and back down to Earth. including high frequency voice in the North Atlantic and remote areas. in addition to free text.2. 8.0 MHz.1 Satellite Communication Network A Satellite Communication network.2. These messages are either standardized according to ARINC Standard 633 or defined by the users. This data service can include ACARS. These messages are defined in ARINC Standard 623.2. Different sections of the band are used for radio-navigational aids and air traffic control.3. Various types of messages are possible.0 MHz. in steps of 25 KHz which are 9 progressively being reduced to 8. In the case of NDBs the Low frequency and Medium frequency bands are used between 190–415 kHz and 510–535 kHz. including air traffic control communication. Air traffic control messages are used by aircraft crew to request clearances and by ground controllers to provide those clearances. ACARS messages may be of three types:  Air Traffic Control (ATC)  Aeronautical Operational Control (AOC)  Airline Administrative Control (AAC) Air traffic control messages are used to communicate between the aircraft and air traffic control. 9 The reduction of the channel spacing from 25 to 8. 8. for example. is split into 200 narrow-band channels of 50 kHz.2 ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) is a digital datalink system for transmission of short. 8.0–399. ADS. Two of the main satellite networks are Inmarsat and Iridium. and precision approach systems such as ILS localizers.2.2. but in the latter case they must meet at least the guidelines of ARINC Standard 618. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 169 . some types of navaids.3–335. ACARS will be superseded by Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) protocol for Air Traffic Control communications and by Internet Protocol for airline communications. usually via visual methods. the VDGS can also be used to provide visual information to the pilot. The docking process is considered out of scope of the turnaround process. VDL-2. leading to the term Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS).3. Surveillance / Air Traffic Management) strategies and mandates. Navigation.2.3.2. which is started when the chocks are placed underneath the airplane. Today FANS is used primarily in the oceanic regions taking advantage of both satellite communication and satellite navigation to effectively create a virtual radar environment for safe passage of aircraft.2. pilot requests and position reporting.4 FANS The Future Air Navigation System (FANS) is a concept that was developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in partnership with other companies in the air transport industry to allow more aircraft to safely and efficiently utilize a given volume of airspace. over different air-ground sub-networks (VDL-3. 8.3 ATN The Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) is an internetwork architecture that allows ground/ground. Additionally. and avionic data sub-networks to interoperate by adopting common interface services and protocols based on the ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model.3 Visual Docking Guidance Systems A stand guidance system is a system which gives information to a pilot attempting to park an aircraft at an airport stand.3.Over the coming years. This way the pilot can know at any time its planned departure time. 8.2. This is mostly used to provide the pilot with updated information of its assigned Target Off-Block Time (TOBT) which he has to try to adhere to. 8.3. air/ground. The ATN has been designed to provide data communications services to Air Traffic Service provider organizations and Aircraft Operating agencies.3. SATCOM. FANS consist of an avionics system which provides direct data link communication between the pilot and the Air Traffic Controller (ATC).3. and HF). FANS plays a key role in supporting many of the evolving CNS/ATM (Communication.2. FANS can transmit communication messages including: air traffic control clearances. Via either VHF or SATCOM. Figure 75 Example of provision of TOBT information in the VDGS INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 170 . with a short range based on low-cost transceiver microchips in each device. location identification or retail advertising.3.2. Because the devices use a radio (broadcast) communications system.2.3.1. With increasing passenger numbers. 8.2. amplifier and loudspeakers. In an airport environment.2 Boards Static printed signage is the most obvious and traditional visual platform for an airport to communicate with its customers and is still the most commonly used. paging for passengers in the terminal buildings. 8. 8. Each channel has a bandwidth of 1 MHz. in which a computer system controls mechanical or electronic display boards or monitors in order to display arrivals and departures flight information in real-time.4.4 Public Address System A public address system (PA) is an electronic sound amplification and distribution system with a microphone.2. and in the 1970s. The common open Wi-Fi usually takes the user to a specific webpage where information can be presented to passengers. and became essential within the arrival and departure halls of an airport.3.2. they do not have to be in visual line of sight of each other. building Personal Area Networks (PANs).1.4. 8. the split-flap board became the standard communication platform. airports were forced to look for new technologies in order to display information regarding flight departures and arrivals.2. These boards are usually part of an airport Flight Information Display System (FIDS). The first channel starts at 2402 MHz and continues up to 2480 MHz in 1 MHz steps.5mW (4dBm) 10 metres INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 171 . used to allow a person to address a large audience.2.4.1 Wi-Fi on Airport This technology has been previously explained (see section 8.3 Flight Information Display System A Flight Information Display System (FIDS) is a computer system used in airports to display flight information to passengers.2).2. Whether it is used for way-finding. the PA systems are used for announcing flight arrivals and departures.8.1. the static sign still provides the cheapest way of communicating information that changes infrequently.3. This system is explained in more detail in the section8. for emergency calls and broadcasts.5 Bluetooth Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using shortwavelength microwave transmissions in the ISM band from 2400-2480 MHz) from fixed and mobile devices.4.2. The transmitted data is divided into packets and each packet is transmitted on one of the 79 designated Bluetooth channels. for example for announcements of movements at large and noisy air and rail terminals. Split-flap boards and other LED technology-based boards capable of displaying text are still commonplace in many airports. and playing of background music in public areas.3.4. The split-flap provided the first communication medium that allowed the display of real-time information.1.4.4 Passenger Communications 8. Bluetooth was originally conceived as a standard wire-replacement protocol primarily designed for low power consumption.3. It can be used as a way of communication with the passengers.3. The following table compares the available Bluetooth power classes: Class Maximum Power Operating Range Class 1 100mW (20dBm) 100 metres Class 2 2. via magnetic fields.1 . Others use a local power source such a battery. and may be embedded in the tracking object.56 MHz (HF) 10 cm .2. 8. The tags contain electronically stored information.100 m 865 868 MHz 902 . Passengers are passively tracked using their Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices.928 MHz (North America) UHF (Europe) 1 . the tag does not need to be within line of sight of the reader. a few metres. and accurate queuing times are displayed on the flight information display screens (FIDS). real-time queuing information is then generated. Some tags are powered by and read at short ranges. and may operate at hundreds of metres.3. Unlike a bar code.12 m 2450 . and then act as a passive transponder to emit microwaves or UHF radio waves.5800 MHz (microwave) 1-2m 3. for the purposes of automatically identifying and tracking tags attached to objects. Figure 76 RFID Tag Band Range 120 .4.10 GHz (microwave) to 200 m Table 27 RFID Frequency bands INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 172 .1 m 433 MHz (UHF) 1 .6 RFID Radio Frequency Identification is the wireless non-contact use of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data.Class Maximum Power Operating Range Class 3 1mW (0dBm) 1 metre Table 26 Comparison of the different power classes of Bluetooth Bluetooth-based technology is being adopted in airport terminal buildings to provide passenger tracking information.150 kHz (LF) 10 cm 13. 3.8. 8. which can be read by an imaging device (such a camera) and processed using Reed-Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. costs. 8. communication is also possible between an NFC device and an unpowered NFC chip. Most commonly found in television remote controls. NFC operates at 13. A carrier frequency is usually fixed.4. Tags currently offer between 96 and 4.2. A barcode is an optically machine-readable label that is attached to an item and that records information related to that item.56 MHz on ISO/IEC 18000-3 air interface and at rates ranging from 106 kbit/s to 424 kbit/s. In late 2013. the initiator actively generates an RF field that can power a passive target. NFC always involves an initiator and a target.2. Some potential uses highlighted include: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 173 .3.096 bytes of memory. uses and implementation options associated with the adoption of NFC. NFC standards cover communications protocols and data exchange formats. NFC tags contain data and are typically read-only.2. and are based on existing radio-frequency identification (RFID) standards including ISO/IEC 14443 and FeliCa. The infrared wavelength is around 870 nm and 930-350 nm. virtually any type of data. usually no more than a few inches. byte/binary. and now has more than 160 members. data is then extracted from patterns present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image. The ‘NFC Reference Guide for Air Travel’ aims to help the global air travel industry better understand and evaluate the potential benefits.9 NFC Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of standards for Smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity.8 QR Code QR code (Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (a bidimensional barcode). alphanumeric. kanji) or. which was founded in 2004.3. through supported extensions.4. The information encoded by a QR code may be made up of four standardized types of data (numeric. but may be rewriteable. usually called a “tag”. IATA and the NFC Forum jointly published a reference guide for air travel stakeholders outlining the potential benefits of adopting NFC technology. The standards include ISO/IEC 18092 and those defined by the NFC Forum.7 CIR CIR (Consumed Infrared) refers to a wide variety of devices employing the infrared electromagnetic spectrum for a wireless communications. typically somewhere between 33 to 40 kHz or 50 to 60 kHz using a ASK modulation (Amplitude Shift Keying) with a data rate in the range between 120 bps to 4bps. Figure 77 QR Code A QR code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background.4. Thus. 1 Airport Operational Data Base (AODB) The key process within the airport is aircraft management. Every airline. information manager and repository INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 174 . and usually contracts this to an IT software provider that tailors its own developed system to the user needs.1. and some of them may be combined into a single overall system that performs various functions at the same time. and it is important to ensure coherence in the management of this information across the airport.1 Airport Trans-sectorial systems 8.1. 8.1 Airport Information Management systems A list of the Current Airport Information Management Systems follows. Please notice that only the information management systems related to the turn-around process are listed here.1. NFC use for secure provision.4.4. divided into Trans-sectorial systems. Other systems such as the handling customer billing process are considered not to affect directly the airport turn-around process and are therefore not included here. independent systems but as interconnected. mutually-dependent systems whose classification has been performed for functionality and operability purposes. but only the ones they need. or store parking details for later reference  NFC payment applications for purchases in airport shops and on-board the aircraft 8.4 Current Information Management Systems This section aims to analyse the current Information Management Systems used by each one of the stakeholders of the airport: the airport itself. storage and reading of boarding passes on mobile devices  NFC on a mobile device to enable ‘tap-and-go’ access to elite lounges  Airlines and airports using NFC to provide (and cancel) access to secured areas to staff via their mobile devices  NFC tags coded and embedded in luggage tags to quickly access baggage information and better track bags’ progress  Travellers tapping their NFC-enabled devices to enter a parking garage. the ground handler and the cargo agent. AODB serves as the operational processes governor.4.which takes care of all phases of the operation and its related activities. pay at exit. passenger terminal systems and baggage handling systems. The current section is organized as follows:   Airport Information Management Systems  Trans-sectorial systems  Airport Passenger terminal systems  Airport Baggage handling systems Airline Information Management Systems  Airline planning and management systems  Passenger Service Systems (PSS)  Handling Information Management systems  Cargo Information Management systems 8. Aircraft management and the information related to the operations is required by basically every system or stakeholder. not every stakeholder and handling agent will have all the systems described here. the airline. It is important that these systems are not seen as individual. Normally. and the system in charge of managing this aircraft process is the Airport Operational Database (AODB). airport and handling agent normally decides which systems it needs depending on its market needs. facilitating the data exchange with external systems and centralizing the applicability of operational improvements. often link their planning and information systems to the AODB in order to be able to work on the same data for both longer term (seasonal information) and real time (resource dispatch). together with defined procedures agreed by the partners. different service providers at the airport. boarding gates. apron stands. is the means used to reach these aims. knowing their preferences and constraints and the actual and predicted situation. The AODB Flight Schedule Processing module enables smooth processing of flight schedules and their augmentation with all flight-event relevant information. the self-check-in machines).1). the generation of Daily Flight Schedules to the processing and provision of billing data. ranging from the automatic transfer of the Seasonal Flight Schedule data.3 A-CDM Platform Airport Collaborative Decision Making is the concept which aims at improving Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) at airports by reducing delays. Decision making by the Airport CDM Partners is facilitated by the sharing of accurate and timely information and by adapted procedures. improving the predictability of events and optimizing the utilization of resources. 8. The AODB supports all scheduling and operative processes. Implementation of Airport CDM allows each Airport CDM Partner to optimize its decisions in collaboration with other Airport CDM Partners. such as customs and police. In performing its tasks. It allows the airport facilities utilization to be addressed during periods of irregular flight operations. Airport Operational Database (AODB) is the central database or repository for all operational information within the airport and provides all flight-related data accurately and efficiently in a real-time environment.1. to airlines. The Airport CDM Platform. the AODB takes account of the different information requirements of the various users. and it also allows the airport supervisors to concentrate on critical issues reducing routine tasks. Common-Use Self-Service machines (CUSS. including check-in counters. such as ground handlers. RMS is directly connected to the Airport Operational Database (AODB) in order to optimize the use of all airport resources.maintenance. to avoid conflicts and suggest alternatives. and any other resource managed by the airport. Most of them are used in the execution phase but can also be used for planning the use of airport resources in advance and making simulations.1. visitors and authorities operating at the airport. The Airport CDM Platform is a generic term used to describe the means at a CDM Airport of providing Information Sharing between the Airport CDM Partners in order to achieve common situational awareness and to improve traffic event predictability. mechanisms and tools. The Airport CDM concept is divided into the following elements:  Information Sharing  Milestone Approach  Variable Taxi Time  Pre-departure Sequencing  Adverse Conditions  Collaborative Management of Flight Updates INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 175 . For example.4. and it comprises systems.4.2 Airport Resource Management System (RMS) The Resource Management System (RMS) is a tool used for assigning and monitoring all the airport resources and facilities. passengers.1.1. the System supplies specific information to airport personnel in the various departments. baggage claim carousels. and user interfaces integrated in the AODB platform (see 8. 8.4.1. In fact. to detect resource problems.1. databases. 8.3. The diversity of different places and different graphical devices used to present the information to the passenger makes customization the main feature to take into account when choosing an FIDS system for an airport. 8. using template design and operational information in order to present the information using purposely made screens. what their flight status is.4.4.1). which is the interface used by these partners to retrieve the information for their flights from diverse sources. FIDS system is the interface between the airport and the passenger and an indispensable tool for staff information exchange and broadcasting as well.1. boarding gates. improving the predictability of the passenger flux information.4. such as check-in counters. Figure 78 Example of FIDS system The airport’s FIDS should not be confused with the Airline and Ground Handlers specific Flight Information System (FIS).4. both from the point of view of the information presented and from the point of view of the time when this information is being presented.2. passengers. among them the AODB (see sections 8. The CUTE standard was designed to enable airlines and handling agents to access their own systems from workstations and printers shared by all users. The goal of CUPPS is to develop a common system platform that reduces support costs—by allowing the use of a single application by an air carrier.3 Passenger Tracking System Passenger tracking systems are systems that track the passengers throughout the airport.1.2.2 Common Use Passenger Processing System (CUPPS): CUPPS is an overhaul of the Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE) standard.1 and 8. and where to go in the airport at any time and with great accuracy. baggage claim belts and other places throughout the terminal which enable the display of operational information customized for each place where such displays are deployed.4.2 Airport Passenger terminal systems 8. This is the main purpose of an FIDS system.1. Thanks to this information presented on the FIDS system.1. In addition CUPPS enables integration with other airport systems such as those supporting flight information display and dynamic signage. This system must support passenger information at the different places where the information is needed by the passengers. There are a number of different CUTE providers each with their respective platforms and/or implementation methodologies.2. FIDS system provides the possibility to present final airport users. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 176 . to present operational information where the passenger needs it.2. that can run on any CUPPS certified platform. with operational information. 8. standardized system platform for agent-facing common-use implementations at airports.4. (IATA Recommended Practice 1797) with the objective of creating a common.1 Flight Information Display System (FIDS) The passenger is the most important customer for the airport and it is fundamental to keep him or her informed with the right information at the right time. passengers will be able to know.1. the TELEX system for retrieving SITA messages. The security screening of the bag is the second main function of the BHS.2. where the ground handler can pick up and load the bags in baggage carts for transport to the specific flight. passport control or after purchasing something in an airport shop.1.1 Airline Flight Information System (FIS) The Flight Information System is the main information management system used by the airline FOC. The BHS sorts all incoming bags arriving from check-in counters per flight by dropping of the bags in chutes allocated to specific flights or on belts.4.1. retrieving information from various sources for all the flights operated. while for inbound flights they are transported from the baggage belts where they are introduced by the handler to the baggage claims areas where passengers can pick up their bags.2 Airline Information Management systems 8.PTS can be used to monitor passenger fluxes by using counting and tracking systems.4. Airport. For outbound flights. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 177 . such as security control. which aim at finding the most optimal way in order to deliver the baggage to its destination point in the shortest time possible and taking into account possible congested or blocked belts. It allows a more accurate treatment of all flight-related information and real-time updates of all arrival and departure times.3 Airport Baggage handling systems 8. baggage are transported from checkin counters to the baggage chutes or baggage belts where they are picked up by the handler. Most of the FIS automatically prepare the appropriate communications with the rest of agents involved (AOC.4. Some of the BHS also include baggage delivery optimisation systems.4. 8. such as by scanning the barcode of the boarding pass of each passenger at the various airport checkpoints. Automated screening at different levels ensures the checking of every bag departing on a flight. and the system integrates them all on a common screen. or by tracking mobile phones through augmented Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections as passengers move through the airport.2. Finally. These sources may range such as the Airport Operational Database. by opening more check-in counters or more security control points for instance.1 Baggage Handling System (BHS) A baggage handling system (BHS) is a type of conveyor belt system installed in airports that transports and sorts per flight and screens the checked-in bags. All this information can be used not only to track individual passengers but also to improve the forecast capability and provide timely live updates allowing proactive and management of passenger movements and cues. transit baggage can also be transported between the inbound and the outbound baggage belts if needed.1. 8. CFMU) in order to keep them informed of any updates that may occur.4.1 Airline planning and management systems 8. Other ways to monitor passengers would be through the use of sensors that measure the number of people in certain parts of the airport. or the real-time position of the airplanes updated by their on-board systems via ACARS.3. and what new routes to open. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 178 .. To do all this.1. It can also be integrated with the Airports Operational Data Base for real time tracking. the airline alliances and partnership agreements. “Off the ground”.. air traffic regulations. the airport taxes. to relocate passengers in other flights. handling delays.2. to coordinate with the Network Manager (CFMU) and the destination airports in order to ensure slot and stand availability. the airport opening hours. seats. The system is an important tool to identify irregularities that may arise (technical problems. missed connections in hub airports. They support the airline in deciding what capacity should be offered (frequencies. etcetera. point to point).) in the current routes in order to maximize the efficiency and profitability of the routes.Figure 79 Screenshot of FIDS system used by Aviapartner 8. These events use a system onboard the aircraft that monitors sensors indicating changes in flight phases like oil-pressure of the engines. such as the need to replace aircraft or to reorganize or cancel flight schedules..) and respond on-the-spot to cope with problems that may arise. the current load factor for every route. “On the ground” and “Into the gate” events) that the aircraft automatically sends via ACARS to the AOC.. weather disruptions. the market situation.4. 8. etcetera.4.3 Airline Resource Management systems The airline Resource Management Systems support the airline’s IOCC (Integrated Operations Control Center) in the day to day plan of operations of airline activities with the aim of keeping the network running with minimum deficiencies and operational impacts.1. the available slots. 8. Some Network Planning Systems can also perform network simulations.2. They track the Operational Reliability (OR) of the aircraft while on the ground using the OOOI events (“Out of the gate”. the competitor schedules.2 Network Planning Systems Network planning systems support the airline’s IOCC (Integrated Operations Control Centre) in performing the market research necessary in order to make the decisions needed to organize the long-term flight schedule with its associated fleet plan and to monitor the current network performance.2.4 Operational Reliability / TAT Performance Monitoring Systems TAT (Turn-Around Time) Performance Monitoring Systems are on-board systems used by the airline to monitor the turnaround process from its AOC.4.1. it can take into account the airline network structure type (hub and spoke. including airport check-in (boarding cards. Weight-on-Wheels and cabin doors in order to determine the current status of the airplane (flying. The airline can choose between using its specific system. gate.4.2. related respectively to passenger processes (check-in.2 Passenger Service Systems (PSS) 8.2 Airline Inventory System The Airline Inventory System is the system used by airlines to determine the service class (first. Additional information related to possible deviations can be used to calculate operational reliability or other KPIs. or to use the ground handler’s system (see section Nowadays most airlines use their own specific Computer Reservations System (CRS) that interface with a Global Distribution System (GDS) which supports travel agencies and other distribution channels in making reservations for most major airlines in a single system.4) connected to the main Airline DCS.2. load control and aircraft checks. Today. 8. The reported time information data is compared to the schedule to measure performance.4. taxiing out and turn-around). Most DCS analyze the passenger and cargo load more precisely and automatically define the optimal aircraft load distribution so that the fuel required for each flight departure is always at the optimum level according to the airline own guidelines. DCS systems perform mostly two main functions.2. Figure 80 Example of Handling RMS with Equipment Tracking System INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 179 . 8.) and to weight and balance processes (load sheet performing and monitoring). Prior to deregulation. Inventory control steers how many seats are available in the different booking classes by opening and closing individual booking classes for sale and combines it with the fares and booking conditions to determine the price for each seat sold. 8. airlines owned their own reservation systems with travel agents subscribing to them. Both the Airline and the Handling Agent have Departure Control Systems. taxiing in.4.3 Airline Departure Control System (DCS) The Departure Control System (DCS) is the system in charge of managing the Airlines' Airport operation.2. business or economy) and the booking class (for which different prices and booking conditions apply) distribution of seats in order to maximize revenue or profits among every plane and route. boarding process. most of the GDS are run by independent companies with airlines and travel agencies as major subscribers.parking brake. rebooking…. The Airline DCS is more tailored to the specific needs of the individual airline while a third party system from a handler can be used for different airlines.1 Airline Reservation Systems (ARS) ARS are the systems used by airlines to sell their tickets according to their associated airline schedules and fare tariffs.2. baggage acceptance). and integrates them all on a common screen.3 Handling Information Management systems 8.2. Other airlines.3.4. start of boarding announcements or last call announcements directly to the missing passengers.4. in the secondary airports they serve. However. could decide to rely on the Ground Handler’s DCS across all their destinations and use their own system only to monitor their progress status and perform post-processing analyses.4.2. for instance. 10 Amadeus® AltéaGround Handler solutions. It allows a more accurate treatment of all flight-related information and real-time updates of all arrival and departure times. Most of the FIS automatically prepare the appropriate communications with the rest of the agents involved (AOC.3 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 180 . and information on the allocated boarding gate.4 10 Automated Customer Support Systems Automated Customer Support Systems are systems used to keep passengers informed in real-time of their flight status by SMS. 8. It retrieves information for all the flights handled by the agent from various sources. promotional messages. Figure 81 Example of Departure Control System – Flight Management for Ground Handlers 8.1 Handling Flight Information System (FIS) The Flight Information System is the main information management system used by the handling agent. improve customer satisfaction and allow passengers to optimize their time in the airport. Airport. such as the Airport Operational Database. This system permits the quality and service monitoring of the handling process and to report any related incident that may occur (such as delays in the process). they may decide to rely on the Ground Handler’s DCS as the implementation and training costs of the specific software may not prove necessary to use it if the number of flights into the airport is low. see 8. and some systems also incorporate an A-CDM module to also enable the capture and introduction of all required timestamps and data to support A-CDM processes. in which load sheets are produced in a main hub and transmitted via SITA to the handling agent in all their flights across all their airports. Sent information can include reminders of the booked flight. These notifications establish a direct link with passengers.Nowadays the big airlines mostly prefer to perform a Centralized Load Control. forecasted delays and new departure time estimates. e-mail or through the airline mobile applications.5. CFMU) to keep them informed of any updates in the handling process introduced in the system. the handling planning systems and the TELEX system for retrieving SITA messages. rent or sell some of the current equipment used.4. charter). showing the need to buy.8.). Handling Planning Systems can be used for the long-term.4..3 Handling Resource Management systems (RMS) The Airport Handling Resource Management Systems support the handling agent in the day to day planning and follow-up of the operations of handling activities and their associated resources (ground equipment and staff).3. and planning the work schedules in advance of all the staff involved. the aircraft type or category. bulk baggage or ULD. or to dimension current personnel needs. the type of airline concerned (traditional. These applications are integrated in real-time with the Airport Operational Databases via the Flight Information System. low-cost.2 Handling Resources Planning Systems The Airport Handling Systems support the handling agent in the handling operations planning of activities and their associated resources (ground equipment and personnel) depending on the specific flight needs. cleaning.. the type of operation concerned (just turnaround or night-stop). Figure 82 Example of Handling RMS with Equipment Tracking System 11 11 Developed by Proveo GmbH and used by Aviapartner among others INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 181 . and retrieve data from them in order to calculate the required shifts and roles for a certain period in real-time and automatically react to changes in arrivals and departures. medium-term and short-term planning of the handling resources and staff. reports when inefficiencies and irregularities arise (for example. hiring more staff if needed. delayed flights and unavailability of planned resources). These applications retrieve data from the Airport Operational Data Base via the Flight Information System in order to calculate the required shifts and qualifications for a certain period. Tools identify needs for resources. and are used to identify the causes of irregularities. to enter their delay codes and to create their associated reports. such as the services needed (catering. Some of them incorporate the Ground Service Equipment Tracking System functionality that uses vehiclemounted devices to track the position of each individual equipment unit available in the airport and superposes it on an airport map in order to improve the coordination and the distribution of the ground equipment within the airport.3. and can be used for dimensioning the equipment needs. 8. They are also used in the turnaround process to assign duties and activities on each flight turnaround with planned time frames for each process to be completed. They are analogous to the Handling resources Planning Systems but are used for real-time operations. cargo loading. the scanner operator is informed by the BRS that it can no longer be loaded. Figure 83 Example of the infrastructure used in a BRS INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 182 . The system also records which passengers have boarded the aircraft. Both the Airline and the Handling Agent have Departure Control Systems (see Airline DCS 8. load control and aircraft checks. all the baggage belonging to passengers flying with checked baggage that fail to arrive at the departure gate before the flight is closed must be retrieved from the aircraft hold before the flight is permitted to take off. These systems are then adapted to the specific needs of an airline or sold as third party systems that can be used by a ground handler for all airlines. These DCS systems will be linked to the airline systems in order to allow data about passengers.3). to be transferred from the airline to the handler. If baggage such as this has not yet been loaded.2. The Ground Handler can also offer a third party DCS to handle an airline.2. The aim of BRS is to improve the handling of individual baggage and match it to its associated passenger in order to avoid delays in case of any eventuality by improving its knowledge on the position of every piece of luggage. The BRS can determine the location of this baggage by using the entries which have been made previously.4.3. boarding process. including airport check-in (boarding cards.3.4. bookings. Baggage Unload Messages (BUM) are sent to the BRS for all baggage belonging to passengers who have not boarded.8.g. such as the European Union's Joint Aviation Authorities. baggage acceptance). etcetera.4. 8. bags. Today some major providers of DCS systems offer the same DCS to airlines and to handlers. such as the means of storage (e. According to the rules of most air transportation authorities. into a data management system.4 Handling Departure Control System (DCS) The Departure Control System (DCS) is the system in charge of managing the Handling Agent Airport operation.5 Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) A Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) is used at airports to ensure that the passenger count and the associated bags match for any given flight. This can be achieved using wireless hand scanners that are used to read the barcode of each piece of baggage and to enter data about it. a container) and its current position. and supports the cargo agent in generating the necessary documentation for each type of cargo and origin and destination.4.1 Cargo Management System The Cargo Management System is a tool that allows the cargo agent and terminal staff to plan the distribution of the transported goods into the different flights available. It uses as inputs the information given by the airline about flights and availability.4.Figure 84 Example of the scanners used as part of the BRS 8.4 Cargo Information Management systems 8. accommodating changes in customer service demands and responding effectively to changing market conditions and business situations. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 183 . capacity control.4. Cargo Management Systems enhance cargo business profitability through revenue optimization and improved operational efficiency. cargo revenue accounting. load planning. ratings. It addresses cargo reservations. cargo terminal operations and freightforwarding requirements. Figure 85 Example of the functionalities involved in Hermes CMS Figure 86 Screenshot of the Hermes service management monitor-import flight INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 184 . Some Information Management Systems are listed in the next sections. classified for their sector into four groups: Airport. Thus. with a focus on identifying those providers that have a wide range of solutions and integrated products. most airports. but also to adapt it to the existing systems of the airport. Ground Handling and Cargo.1 Airport Information Management Products Some of the identified Airport Information Management COTS Products follow. single program to handle all their needs. only a small part are described here. and most of them use a different program for each function or for a combination of them. a standard airport may use. Today. Due to the large numbers of systems available. a RMS and a BHS. airlines and handling agents lack a unified. 8. In conjunction with Logic.5 Current Information Management Products There are many software providers all around the world providing different Information Management Systems involved in the Airport Turnaround Process (see section 8. for example. Out of the large number of products identified. x ACUTE/ FIDS15 PTS17 BHS18 CDM14 CUPPS16 x x x 12 Airport Operational DataBase 13 Resource Management Systems 14 Airport-Collaborative Decision Making 15 Flight Information Display Systems 16 Common Use Passenger Processing Systems 17 Passenger Tracking Systems 18 Baggage Handling Systems INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 185 . Normally this is the case because all the products were not acquired together. the benchmark has been focused on those systems that aim to integrate the maximum number of different functionalities involved. TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER NAME DESCRIPTION AODB12 RMS13 Chroma helps airport operators deliver the next generation of airport operations by providing Amor Group Chroma a single technology x / Lockheed Airport Suite platform that is focused Martin on stakeholder collaboration and integration. This fact stresses the need to tailor each program not only to the different needs of the airport. all performed by a single or different providers. Airline. handling agent or airline. an AODB.5.4). but progressively according to its evolving needs and according to the specific Airport Business Plan. which send all the information needed to each other.8. The current section aims to identify some of the Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products that are currently used in Airports. The current information management products are designed to be tailored to satisfy one or various needs for a given airport. corporate Solutions and commercial. organizational structures and purposes.TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER NAME DESCRIPTION AODB12 RMS13 ACUTE/ FIDS15 PTS17 BHS18 CDM14 CUPPS16 also from Lockheed Martin. It software suite Data can be tailored to the x x INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION x x 186 . Indra solutions for Airports are classified asIT systems for Terminal. Arinc Rockwell Collins Indra Sistemas / Airport Operations Package ARINC designs. Indra Airport environment. GAIMS is an integrated GAIMS Resa Airport solution for airports. installs and maintains processing solutions configured to be efficient. terminal and commercial operations.fully integrated x and easily adaptable to the always-evolving needs of airport operations. Indra’s airport solutions have been modularly designed using advanced technology to allow for ease of scaling and integration. x x x x x x x x x x x These solutions were developed to adapt to the different airport necessities. Navigation Aids and Tower Traffic Control (ATC). infrastructure. Ramp and Airfield. with different sizes. security. the Chroma Airport Suite helps to better manage airside. IT systems solutions are offered throughout all areas of airport operations such as operational management. maintenance. upgradeable environment to accommodate future needs. With one integrated INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 187 . GAIMS can integrate with existing systems if necessary. Modular software solution that offers seamless support to the airport industry – from seasonal and operative planning right through to ongoing optimization of operations (day of Siemens operation). x x x x x x x x x SITA’s operations management system uses a centralized airport operations database (AODB) for flight management. AirportCentral uses data validation to manage the quality and accuracy of information moving through the AirportCentral operations system. while ensuring a flexible. Siamos can therefore be used not only to monitor ongoing processes. billing. but also to forecast their future development.TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER NAME Systems Siemens SITA DESCRIPTION AODB12 RMS13 ACUTE/ FIDS15 PTS17 BHS18 CDM14 CUPPS16 actual requirements of each airport. and reporting. AirportCentral streamlines all systems into one consolidated data management source. Siamos is Airport also a highly valuable Management tool in the subsequent &Siamos assessment of Operations performance and for Suite analyzing and diagnosing operational weaknesses. most of the companies producing Airline Reservation Systems also started developing other Airline Information Management Products such as Airline Departure Control Systems or Network Planning Systems. In this deregulated environment Airline Reservation Systems and its descendants became vital to the travel industry. meet the key business drivers of airports. Passenger Processing Systems and Ultra Ground Electronics Handling/Baggage Airport Systems. Some of the companies providing COTS Airline IM products follow: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 188 .TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER NAME DESCRIPTION AODB12 RMS13 ACUTE/ FIDS15 PTS17 BHS18 CDM14 CUPPS16 touch-point. x x x x Table 28 Benchmark of some of the current airport information management products 8. In airline history. Ultra Electronics Ultra's comprehensive suite of offerings in Airport Operational Systems. processing. Airline Reservation Systems have proved to be an essential tool to be able to compete in an ever-changing market. Afterwards. which can be Systems delivered as integrated solutions or managed services. airlines needed to improve efficiency to compete in a free market.5. but after 1978’s US Airline Deregulation Act. Other companies not providing any ARS also started developing their own DCS and NPs. AirportCentralmakes it possible to access data management tasks and automated functions for receiving. and distributing consolidated data. airlines operated under government-set fares.2 Airline Information Management Products Historically. x x x x x x x RAIDO is an Airline Management System that allows the control of all strategic. Amadeus Altéa Amadeus’ main business is their Airline Reservation x Systems. using a flexible user definable rule engine that considers all types of calculations. and delivers an integrated solution. throughout all stages of the airline operation. Its “event” driven functionality displays system alerts and task 19 Airline – Flight Information System 20 Network Planning Systems 21 Airline Resource Management Systems 22 Airline Reservation Systems 23 Airline Inventory System 24 Airline Departure Control System 25 Automated Customer Support System INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 189 . Air Berlin. British Airlines. It constantly analyses and evaluates airline’s business processes. Aviolinx Raido The system is built on a x financial foundation. but it also has customers such as Singapore Airlines. etcetera.TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER NAME DESCRIPTION AANPS20 ARMS21 ARS22 AIS23 ACSS25 FIS19 DCS24 Amadeus Altéa Suite is a complete Passenger Service System that offers full reservation. inventory and departure control capabilities. financial and operational business processes. Air France. Qantas. Lufthansa. South African Airlines. Aegean. having as main customers are the big European Network Airlines like Iberia. x x x x x x x x From schedule management. ancillary revenue generation. and crew management to flight planning and weight & balance. Vueling. punctually and profitably. AANPS20 ARMS21 ARS22 AIS23 ACSS25 FIS19 DCS24 to The Lufthansa Systems’ IOCC Platform is a fully-integrated IT platform which features a modular architecture that bends and flexes with internal operation. inter-airline and x alliance codeshare services. customer self-service integration. call center reservations. such as Ryanair. operations control. the IOCC Platform is suitable for increasing operational and economic benefits unattainable with any stand-alone system. Navitaire’s reservation solution. but it also provides services to Network INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 190 . facilitating the airline’s primary mission of x transporting passengers and cargo to their destinations safely. x Navitaire’s main customers are LCC.TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER NAME DESCRIPTION list which are directed specific user groups. airport check-in and departure control. is a comprehensive system providing integrated mobile and Internet booking. while accommodating external market conditions. connectivity to travel agency systems. real-time reporting. New Skies. Transavia. AirAsia. Lufthansa Systems Airline Solutions It links various business units with timely information and robust functionality. Navitaire Airline Solutions Navitaire company is best known for its reservation passenger service systems. Germanwings. x x Table 29 Example list of airline information management products INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 191 . which are available individually or as a fully integrated system.TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER NAME DESCRIPTION AANPS20 ARMS21 ARS22 AIS23 ACSS25 FIS19 DCS24 Operators such as Air Canada or Qantas. crew management. x x x x x x x Sabre’s main customers are Network Airlines such as Aeroflot. The Sabre AirCentre suite distributes in real-time operational data throughout the x airline. The SITA WorkBridge platform consists of several solution components. American Airlines. etcetera. define and process airline specific business rules to optimize operational processes. giving the airline complete operational control. airport operations and maintenance planning. SITA WorkBridge The architecture is open and x ready to integrate with existing systems. LAN. SITA WorkBridge is a high availability system with failover support for 24/7 operations. which makes it possible to create. Virgin. Sabre Sabre Airport Solutions Sabre AirCentre Enterprise Operations assist with the delivery of integrated flight operations. quality management and settlement GroundStar x of accounts. Each airline’s business rules are integrated as well as an essential measure for best quality services. The FiNDnet Suite is a complete Operational Database for ground handling agents. x Based around the core Operations module. Amadeus Altéa Ground Handler solutions This solution. x x Inform Groundstar covers processes such as contract creation. from the flight arrival until the next flight departure. designed to drive efficiency. GroundStar is in successful use in multiple areas at more than 165 airports of every size worldwide. service quality and profitability. analyzing. can be used throughout the x airport. the suite provides a comprehensive set of tools for monitoring. x x x x Ground handlers and handled carriers share the same platform.3 Handling Information Management Products Some of the identified Handling IM Products follow: TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER DESCRIPTION NAME HHHHBRS30 FIS26 RPS27 RMS28 DCS29 Altéa Ground Handler Departure Control solution was designedto provide efficient departure control services to a range of airline customers. definition of SLAs. Topsystem Ground The system is modularly structured and offers x Damarel FiNDnet Systems Suite International x x x x 26 Handling Flight Information Systems 27 Handling Resources Planning Systems 28 Handling Resource Management systems (RMS) 29 Ground Handling Departure Control System (DCS) 30 Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 192 . x x SITA Ground Handling Solutions SITA provide Ground handlers IT solutions for Distribution. capture of services performed. accessed through a single application sign-in. ensuring the availability of up-todate data. with as many as possible automated functions. Today. planning and billing.5.8. Passenger self-service and Information and communication technologies. 4 Cargo Information Management Products Some of the COTS products identified in the Air Cargo sector follow. NTM…). Technologies etcetera. weights and special Logistics Hermes CMS x information onto ULDs. Back-office operatives can register. Load shipments to ULDs and/or Bulk. Register contours. handle and produce all cargo related documents in Hermes (Air Waybills. In addition to the coverage of all corresponding fields of operation. FBL. Load Hermes ULDs and/or Bulk onto trucks. If this possibility is used to the maximum extent then the Back Office operatives spend their time on monitoring the (quality of) operations rather than registering the operations. such as accept export cargo from Agents/Shippers. and the assignment of contracts to actual flights is performed automatically. typically IATA Cargo IMP messages (FWB. the focus lies especially on the optimisation of work processes: Handling contracts can be created with an extremely high degree of flexibility and printed out ready-tosign. It combines Real-time paperless warehouse (operated with hand-held terminals and barcode technology) with back-office documentation and billing processes. Table 30 Benchmark of Handling information management products 8.5.TYPE PRODUCT PRODUCER DESCRIPTION NAME Handling System HHHHBRS30 FIS26 RPS27 RMS28 DCS29 software solutions for the complete chain of processes in ground handling from contract management and flight scheduling up to service recording and invoicing. Transfer shipments to other handlers/airlines. Hermes can capture as well as send all electronic variants of these documents. ADR. Transfer Manifests…). the warehouse operatives are provided with diverse functionalities. Through the handheld devices. Lufthansa Systems ELWIS The IT system for air cargo ground handling ELWIS (Electronic x Logistics & Warehouse Information System) aims to improve ground 31 Cargo Management Systems INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 193 . PRODUCER PRODUCT NAME Type DESCRIPTION CMS31 Hermes is designed by Ground Handling professionals and is a latest-generation innovative IT solution for managing the full range of cargo handling activities of air cargo terminals. FHL. FFM. NOTOC. Manifests. Table 31 Examples of current Cargo Information Management Products INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 194 . It expands the scope of information sharing within the air logistics community. The core cargo systems for carriers. conversion and distribution of messages. sales. By covering the entire handling workflow from physical and documentary handling. Air Waybill management. known under the Cargospot brand. customs clearance to invoicing. the TraxoncargoHUB platform simplifies the transmission. operation and accounting processes throughout the entire supply chain of the handling agent. ground handlers and general sales agents CHAMPCarg are completed by applications for Business Intelligence and Unit Load Device (ULD) Management. control capacity.PRODUCER PRODUCT NAME Type DESCRIPTION CMS31 cargo handling efficiency and customer service. which helps increase cargo throughput and reduces handling costs. ELWIS integrates all elements in the transport chain into one coherent. messaging. efficient process. SITA CHAMP’s cargo management systems. They also include optimized load x osystems planning for freight operations. Furthermore. com. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Aero – Aircraft Design and Systems Group Berliner Tor 9.iata. [11] Global Air Cargo Advisory Group “The GACAG e-freight roadmap”. International Air Transportation Association. 2007 [16] IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM).0_Analysis current situation) INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 195 . 29th Edition. [18] European Commission “EU transport in figures”.azfreight. [12] IATA. 2007. 2010.How it works. 2008 [17] Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements and Administrative Procedures in the Field of Civil Aviation" EU OPS 1 (formerly JAR-OPS 1). [4] Sabre “White paper – A look at Cargo Revenue Management”.com/news/ [3] CAPA . [7] F. Scholz “Improvements to ground handling operations and their benefits to direct operating costs”.de/TGI/PetriNets/ [14] REGULATION (EC) No 300/2008. [8] Air cargo Week.9 References [1] EUROSTAT European Commission´s Statistics Data Base [2] Air Cargo Management Group site http://acmg. Germany. “Low-cost Airlines in Europe: Network Structures After the Enlargement of the European Union”.com/news/Low-cost-carriers-expand-belly-cargo_5107.uni-hamburg. Brussels. [10] http://www. Statistical Pocketbook. 2012. European Community/JAA. http://www. CS-25.html [9] Air Cargo .informatik. 2008 [15] EASA. Gomez. [20] TITAN Turnaround Integration in Trajectory And Network – Analysis of the current situation (TITAN_WP1_SLO_DEL_01_v1.Centre for 2008 [5] Azfreight.html [6] Dudás Gábor. http://www. 2009. http://centreforaviation.wikipedia.aircargoweek. European Parliament. 20099 Hamburg. [13] http://www.blogspot. 2012 [19] http://en. Certification Specification 25 „Large Aeroplanes“. http://www. 292.8 1.2 3 London / Heathrow UK 1.569.2 726.556.270.3 1.9 1.348.3 1.538.7 1.2 508.5 2.592.0 638.066.551.1 549.549.0 846.3 730.104.0 2 Frankfurt (Main) DE 2.7 1.2 2.8 744.482.0 1.5 1.1 1.095.7 2.316.8 637.511.2 4 Amsterdam / Schiphol NL 1.882.2 2.3 1.202.10 Annex I Highest Air Freight Traffic at EU airports RANKING (2012) AIRPORT COUNTRY 1 AND 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Paris / Charles de Gaulle 1.151.1 Table 32 Cargo and mail loaded and unloaded (thousands tonnes) at major EU airports [18] INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 196 .1 6 Köln-Bonn 574.5 1.392.7 2.215.8 5 Leipzig-Halle 430. B777s. L-1011s and all Airbus wide-bodies LD2s and LD8s B767s LD1 B747s LD3s with reduced height (45" instead of 64") LD7 A318s. Table 33 Aircraft and ULD compatibility [19] Apart of the compatibilities mentioned in Table 33. other several combinations of ULDs can be loaded in an aircraft:   Interchange ability of LD3/6/11 with LD2/8 (when cargo needs to be quickly transferred to a connecting flight).11 Annex II Aircraft and ULD compatibility The following tales summarizes the aircraft compatibility with common ULDs: Containers Compatible Aircraft LD3s. and LD11s B787s. A320s and A321s B787s. Il-86s. MD-11s. B747s. A319s. Il-96s. LD3 can be loaded in a B767s. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 197 . B777s. B767s and Airbus wide-bodies. B747s. LD6s. the current marking of the net shows the state of the system. This is achieved by changes of state of the PN. Their further development was facilitated by the fact that Petri net models easily process synchronisation. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 198 .1.2. Petri nets model not only the structure of a system but also its dynamics. left. Place Node Arc Transition Node Token Figure 87 Petri Net example Places can contain a non-negative number of tokens. communication and synchronisation. Two special markings are considered: M0 is the initial marking (initial state of the system) and Mf is the final marking (final or objective state). An arc can connect either a place to a transition or a transition to a place.3. performance evaluation and fault-tolerant systems. Thus.informatik. A Petri net (see next figure) is a directed bipartite graph. and the array with the number of tokens in every place of the PN (in a certain fixed order) is the marking of the PN. In the PN of the next figure. there are two kinds of nodes: places (represented by circles) and transitions (represented by rectangles) that are alternatively connected by arcs.1 Petri net modelling formalism Petri nets (PN) were presented for the first time by Petri (1962) in his doctoral thesis as a formal method for describing computer systems. But the ease with which the PN primitives permitted the description of formerly difficult properties like concurrency. The number of tokens in a place is the marking of that place. concurrent operations. Petri nets have been successfully used for concurrent and parallel systems and model analysis. but it can never connect two transitions or two places. non-determinism. In this graph. which are represented by the evolution of its marking. The initial marking indicates the number of tokens corresponding to each place in the initial state. led to the use of Petri nets as true mathematical modelling tools (http://www. asynchronous together with an initial state called the initial marking.2]. as well as the analysis of these properties. communication protocols. and resource sharing.12 Annex III Petri Net Formalism 12. represented graphically as black dots. the marking is M[3.uni-hamburg. The change from one state to the next is given by the firing of transitions. which follow the rules below. services and logistics systems: a lack of tools to efficiently specify the information flow inherent to any logistics system.1. CPN allows the specification of a complex system by means of bottom-up techniques or more advanced software engineering techniques. the transition of the PN at the left hand side of previous figure is enabled because place P1 got at least 2 tokens (weight of the arc connecting P1 to the transition T1). Thus.1 Rules for the Evolution of Marking A place P is an input place of a transition T if there is an arc oriented from P to T.2 Coloured Petri Net Formalism Despite all the advantages of PN as a modelling formalism. The number of tokens to be removed from the input places corresponds to the weight of the arc connecting the place to the transition. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 199 . From the modelling point of view. By using colours that allow the representation of entity attributes of commercial simulation software packages. Places P4 and P5 are output places of the transition. P2 and P3 are input places to the transition T1. promotion of a component-based architecture. In a similar way. the main differences between CPN and PN formalism are:  Input Arc Expressions and Guards: used to indicate which type of tokens can be used to fire a transition. coloured Petri nets (CPN) allow a higher level of modelling. the PN at the right hand side of the previous figure represents the new state reached after firing the transition. A place P is an output place of a transition T if there is an arc oriented from T to P.  Output Arc Expressions: used to indicate the system state changes that appear as a result of firing a transition. In the previous figure Places P1. there is a drawback to using PN to describe transport. Other CPN characteristics that enable the use of this formalism to specify service systems are: CPN allows the specification of a system at different abstraction levels. such as: an iterative and incremental development process instead of a waterfall cycle.  A transition is enabled if every input place of that transition got at least as many tokens as the weight of the arc connecting the place to the transition. according to the modelling objectives. the number of tokens to be added to the output places corresponds to the weight of the arc connecting the transition to the place. In the previous figure. P2 got at least 1 token and P3 got at least 2 tokens.Figure 88 Petri Net firing transitions 12.  An enabled transition is fired if the associated event holds.  The firing of a transition implies the removal of a certain amount of tokens from every input place and the addition of tokens to every output place.1. Thus. 12. In order to determine the spatial interdependencies between the different task. Token colours can be seen as entity attributes of commercial simulation software packages. in such a way that.  Freight and  Ground services. It is expected as a result of the Interaction project the design of new devices with the same functionality as present handling equipment but with different surface or volumetric requirements. present space restrictions can force some activities to be performed sequentially. while with new different equipment some tasks could be parallelized. actors involved and a time duration are the input data required for the spatial-temporal analysis. The state vector represents the number of tokens in each place. as well as the colours of each token.  Baggage.  State Vector: the smallest information needed to predict the events that can appear.3 Coloured Petri Net model of the Turnaround Process as a whole The Turnaround process includes a set of sequential and parallel operations that must be performed considering time and space interdependencies. In the next figure a proposal of zones has been formalized together with some codes that will be used in the causal model to compute the spatial-temporal interdependencies. it is important to introduce an identification mechanism of the different zones under study. Colour Sets: determines the types. Many actors are involved in the process making it a complex operation. In order to be able to develop a causal analysis of the turnaround process. a zone could be decomposed in 2 or more zones) along the evolution of the project. the space resources. The proposed zones should be considered as a first approach to be specified in the CPN model. operations and functions that can be used by the elements of the CPN model. The Turnaround process comprises the set of services required from the moment the aircraft arrives at its stand (actual in block time) until the time it leaves it (actual off block time). a list of all the tasks together with the precedent tasks constraints. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 200 . 12.1. air navigation service provider and airport operator. and they will be subjected to changes (ie. Those activities must be coordinated to optimize the process without incurring changes in the target of block time. The main actors involved in the turnaround process are the aircraft operator. The typical task involved in the turnaround may be grouped in four process categories:  Passenger. ground handler. together with the next table in which the meaning of the symbols used are described. Table 34 Ground Support Equipment Acronyms INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 201 .2 1 3 4 16 5 7 8 6 9 10 15 11 12 13 14 Figure 89 Turnaround Ground Support Equipment Positioning The above figure has been obtained from the Airbus 320 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING document. 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 14 16 11.28 29 31 32 33 34 35 No Post process 0 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Ramp entry area Ramp exit area 1 4 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 35 Inputs for Causal Modelism Some additional restrictions for each task also are needed to complete the description (for instance. attributes). Based on this inputs it is possible to explore the activity network in order to search and evaluate different sequences to perform the process.25 26 2. A preliminary CPN model of the process with the initial conditions is illustrated in the next figure: INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 202 . Working) or some actors or equipment may be available or busy or in transit. For the Causal Model codified in the Color Petri Network formalism. together with the impact of any modification in the spatial-temporal definitions and actor requirements. fuelling is not allowed if the boarding process is in progress). Blocked.11 3 4 2. for instance during the process the areas may be Free. this input data will be represented as colors (ie.The information to describe accurately how the process must be performed is summarized in the next table: Process Id Task id Task description Duration (min) Ramp position 1 1 Placing the PBB 2 1 2 Deboarding at L1 7 1 3 Boarding at L1 8 1 4 Headcounting 2 1 5 Moving out the PBB 2 4 6 Placing the catering vehicle at R1 2 4 7 Catering at R1 7 4 8 Moving out the catering vehicle at R1 2 4 9 Driving cat vehicle to R2 1 4 10 Placing the catering vehicle at R2 2 4 11 Catering at R2 11 4 12 Moving out the catering vehicle at R2 2 4 13 Placing cleaning vehicle 2 4 14 Cleaning 21 4 15 Moving out the cleaning vehicle 2 3 16 Placing Lower Deck cargo loader front 1 3 17 Unload Lower Deck cargo front 5 3 18 Load Lower Deck cargo front 5 3 19 Moving out Lower Deck cargo loader front 1 3 20 Placing Lower Deck cargo loader rear 1 3 21 Unload Lower Deck cargo rear 6 3 22 Load Lower Deck cargo rear 6 3 23 Moving out Lower Deck cargo loader rear 1 2 24 Placing conveyor belt 1 2 25 Bulk unload 4 2 26 Bulk load 5 2 27 Moving out conveyor belt 1 4 28 Placing FUEL HYDRANT DISPENSER or TANKER 2 4 29 Refuelling 7 4 30 Moving out FUEL HYDRANT DISPENSER or TANKER 2 4 31 Placing Potable Water vehicle 2 4 32 Potable water servicing 4 4 33 Moving out Potable Water vehicle 1 4 34 Placing Lavatory vehicle 2 4 35 Toilet servicing 5 4 36 Moving out Lavatory vehicle 1 Task Precedence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No de precendences 1 2. Some additional colors will be defined to describe conditions in the system.17 18 20 11.21 22 24 11. no of precedents) Color Parameter Values PId Process Id 1-passenger Observations 2-baggage 3-freight 4-ground services TId Task Id D Expected Duration nP Amount of precedents Time 1 to N Each task will be listed and assigned a unique id 1 to N Average time in minutes 1 to N Number of task that must finished before start Table 36 Node Task Sources: Attributes definition INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 203 . time. Tokens represent turnaround tasks and are defined with 4 colors (attributes):  1`(process id. In this model only temporal precedent has been formalized. spatial restrictions will be included further to represent the impact of spatial restrictions in the working position and also in the transit areas. task id.Figure 90 Preliminary CPN Model The process modelled is based on the information presented for a full service of an Airbus A320 (AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING). Parameters and scenario definitions are introduced in the place nodes (circles):  Node Task sources: This place node holds all the tasks to be performed during the turnaround process. and with 1 precedent task (load lower deck cargo front).18. precedent task) Color Parameter Values PId Process Id 1-passenger Observations 2-baggage 3-freight 4-ground services TId Task Id PT Task Id of precedent task the 1 to N Each task will be listed and assigned a unique id 1 to N Each precedent is associated with their precedents Table 37 Node Precedent: Attributes definition INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 204 . it represent the task nº 18 ( load lower deck cargo front ) in the freight process with an estimated duration of 5minutes.5.  Node Precedents: This place node holds all the temporal precedents to be preserved during the turnaround process.0) represents the first task (placing the PBB) in the passenger process with a duration estimated time of 2 minutes and without no precedent constraints.In the next figure it has been represented the Initial Conditions for the Task Source place node describing the 36 tasks to be performed during the turnaround process. Tokens represent temporal precedents between two tasks (activity x depend on activity y) and are defined with 3 colors (attributes):  1`(process id. task id.2).2.1. Figure 91 Preliminary CPN Model: Node Task Source Initial Conditions Thus. If we consider for example the token 1`(3. the first token 1`(1. Figure 92 Preliminary CPN Model: Node Precedent Initial Conditions Thus.14.In the next figure it has been represented the Initial Conditions for the Precedents place node describing the 35 precedents to be considered during the turnaround process. the first token 1`(1.2)++1`(4.14.  Node Ti: This place node is used to introduce extra delays in the initialization of a task.1) represents the precedent relationship between task 1 (Placing the PBB) and task 2 (Deboarding at L1). INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 205 . To describe the 2 precedent relationships of task 14 (cleaning) with task 2 (Deboarding at L1) and task 11 (Catering at R2) two tokns are used: 1`(4.11).2. Tokens represent the delay to be computed  1`(time to start) Color Parameter Values T0 Time to start 1 to N Observations Table 38 Node Ti: Attributes definition In the next figure it has been represented the Initial Conditions for the Ti place node describing 10 random delays in the initialization of a task. INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 206 .  Tasks 1_prec = performs an activity with one precedent. process id. the node Ti should be initialized with only 1 token: 1`(0).Figure 93 Preliminary CPN Model: Node Ti Initial Conditions To remove the influence of delays in the turnaround process. end time) Color Parameter Values Ti Start time of a task 1 to N PId Process Id 1-passenger Observations 2-baggage 3-freight 4-ground services TId Task Id 1 to N Tf Finish time of a task 1 to N Each task will be listed and assigned a unique id Table 39 Node Seq Rec: Attributes definition The 3 transitions nodes (rectangles) represent the event that introduces a change in the turnaround state:  Task 0_prec = performs an activity without precedents.  Node Seq Rec: This place node holds a feasible solution obtained with a particular combination of the different tasks. Tokens represent the temporal information when the task was performed  1`(start time. task id.  Task 2_prec = performs an activity with two precedents. Simulation example The initial conditions are introduced in places “Tasks source”. The Task 1 as been removed from place “Task source” (now only are 35 tokens). second and third color are Process and Task Id and the last color are the ending time.2). INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 207 . “Ti” and “Precedents”.1. Based on the information described in table-1 the turnaround process may be initiated by task number 1 at initial time “0”. To illustrate the causal dynamics specified in the CPN model.1. And the “Precedents” remains in its initial conditions (34 precedents). in the model these conditions are indicated by the green rectangle around transition “Tasks 0_prec”. the list of tokens with each parameter are listed in the green rectangles.0) hold in Tasks Sources node and token 1`(0) hold in Ti node.1.2. Figure 94 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation Initial Conditions The process may start by any of the task without precedent. the new state reached has been represented in the next figure. a step by step simulation used in which only on transition will be fired at each step. Once fired the transition Task0_prec with token 1`(1. in the place “Seq Rec” has been introduced a new token 1’(0. the first color 0 indicate the start time. Figure 96 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 2 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 208 .Figure 95 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 1 Under these new conditions the transitions “Tasks 0_prec” and “Tasks 1_prec” are activated (indicated by the green rectangle). the conditions of the system are updated and can be seen in the next figure. The transition “Tasks 1_prec” is now active because Task 1 is a precedent task for others. By triggering “Task 1_prec”. Figure 97 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 3 After these events Task 15 can be performed (by triggering transition “Tasks 1_prec”) the new conditions are presented in the next figure Figure 98 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 4 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 209 . 3 tokens in “Seq Rec” (Tasks 1. Transitions “Tasks 0_prec” and “Tasks 1_prec” still are activated. 2 and 14 have been done) and 32 precedents (Task 14 was performed after Task number 2). By triggering again “Task 1_prec” the system changes to 33 tasks in “Task source”.The new conditions are 34 tasks in “Task source”. 2 tokens in “Seq Rec” (Tasks 1 and 2 have been done) and 33 precedents (Tasks number 2 was performed after Task number 1). Under these new conditions. Figure 99 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 5 The tasks 2 and 6 have been performed and then task 7 is available to be completed by the event “Task 2_prec” (green rectangle around the transition). this task also can be started in “0”. Figure 100 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation step 6 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 210 . It is important to notice that transitions “Task 2_prec” has not been activated yet and the transition “Task 1_prec” now is disabled.Task source contains 32 tasks. the 4 task already processed are registered in “Seq Rec”. the conditions of the system after this are shown in the next figure. for instance task number 6. By triggering again “Task 0_prec” a new task without precedent is simulated. and only 31 precedents remain to accomplish. the number of precedents change from 31 to 29 (see next figure). Once transition “Task 2_prec” is triggered. the results can be represented using different diagrams. Figure 102 Results from simulation represented in a Gantt Chart 1 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 211 .By continuing with the simulations of the events in the model. Figure 101 Preliminary CPN Model: Simulation final conditions Once a solution has been obtained by means of a particular simulation. the final condition of 36 tokens in place “Seq Rec” can be obtained (a complete sequence to perform the process) which is illustrated in the next figure. such as the ones illustrated in the next 2 figures. Figure 103 Results from simulation represented in a Gantt Chart 2 INTERACTION—INnovative TEchnologies and Researches for a new Airport Concept towards Turnaround coordinatION 212 .
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