Inter Traffic Preview Digital

March 29, 2018 | Author: Akash Sinha | Category: Traffic, Road, Land Transport, Road Transport, Transport



Published byfull details inside: International trade fair for infrastructure, ITS/Traffic management, safety and parking THE OFFICIAL INTERTRAFFIC 2010 PREVIEW T R AFFI C P R O O F lJ11|| îJ\J Jîì\1 “Trafcon’s Automatic Incident Detection solution has led to a higher level of safety in more than 250 tunnels!” — Lode Caenepeel, Sales Director Trafcon FROM THE DIRECTOR OF “THE WORLD OF TRAFFIC VIDEO DETECTION” OUT ON THE STREETS, EVERY SECOND COUNTS. %1ĭ-"$Į%1)42 34--$+ 4ĭ$Į!$(143 ĭ(1/.13 34--$+ 2+.5$-(ĭĮ/.#,(+)Į 31.)ĭ-$ 34--$+ 341*$8Į!.+$,ĭ- /$12$,!+$ 34--$+ 2.43' ĭ%1("ĭĮ'4&4$-.3 34--$+ 3'$ -$3'$1+ĭ-#2Į!$-$+47Į34--$+ '.-&Į*.-&Į+(.- 1."* 34--$+ &$1,ĭ-8Į2"'6ĭ19$1!$1&Į34--$+ ĭĮ31ĭ%(".-Į%(+, WWW.TRAFICON.COM T R AFFI C P R O O F lJ11|| îJ\J Jîì\1 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF “THE WORLD OF TRAFFIC VIDEO DETECTION” WHERE EVER THE ROAD TAKES YOU… ì||||J1Įĭ1lW|î"Į |îĭ1||Įĭ/l 1ĭ|ĭïî|ĭĮ\Jĭ|ĭĮ|J1"JîĮ JîĭĮĭl|ĭ1lĭĮ |l|1ĭĮì||l|1|Į îJîî|ĭĮ1Jî|JWĮ |î||ĭ1JĮ1îJ JJì||1 |lĭ|ïĮìî|î||ĭĮĭ!¦ ï|îJ1ĭĮĭJ|¦ |î||||Įĭll|1î îW|l/|î|ĭ1JĮĭ|/ |î|ìJJî|Į 1JîWĭïĮ|Jl ||î1ĭ1ïĮîlî||ĭîJ1J ĭĮlîĭ|||J1Į|||1 “Our VIP modules automatically detect traffc incidents such as queues or stopped vehicles within seconds, leading to a signifcant reduction in economical and ecological cost.” — Jo Versavel, Managing Director Trafcon WWW.TRAFICON.COM “Easy installation and confguration with a vehicle presence detection rate over 99% is the basic starting-point for our R&D team.” — Peter Jamée, R&D Director Trafcon lJ11|| îJ\J Jîì\1 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF “THE WORLD OF TRAFFIC VIDEO DETECTION” NO JAMS. JUST DRIVING. 42ĭĮ"(38Į.%Į".+.1ĭ#. 2/1(-&2 !$+&(4,Į"(38Į.% !1422$+2 4ĭ$Į%ĭ+".- #4!ĭ( 42ĭĮ"(38Į.%Į+8--6..# 6ĭ (1$+ĭ-#Į"(38Į.%Į#4!+(- &$1,ĭ-8Į"(38Į.%Į,°-23$1 42ĭĮ!ĭ+3(,.1$ ".4-38Į,# "ĭ-ĭ#ĭĮ"(38Į.%Į!1ĭ,/3.- %1ĭ-"$Į"(38Į.%Į#().- ,$7(".Į"(38Į.%Į,.-3$11$8Į /.+ĭ-#Į"(38Į.%Į6ĭ12ĭ6Į "'(-ĭĮ"(38Į.%Į#ĭ0(-& ĭĮ31ĭ%(".-Į%(+, T R AFFI C P R O O F WWW.TRAFICON.COM WWW.TRAFICON.COM THE WOORLDD OFF TRRAFFFICC VVIDEEO DDETTECCTIOON IN TER TR A FFIC AM STERD A M STAN D 10.407 lJ11|| îJ\J Jîì\1 “What Hollywood is to the movie industry, Trafcon is to the traffc video detection industry: THE reference.” — Stijn Vandebuerie, Marketing & Communications Trafcon A THRILLING TRILOGY #(1$"3$#Į!8Į31ĭ%(".- EPISODE I EPISODE II EPISODE III T R A FF I C P R O O F I n t e r t r a f fi c P r e v i e w 2 0 1 0 Freedom is key, how about safety? ATSO METER Breaking traffic rules is a choice, but the results can be devastating. Investment in safety needs to be smart and choosing the right traffic enforcement solution will help you save lives. Gatsometer, the world’s foremost supplier of leading edge traffic enforcement technology, is your best partner for safe and reliable solutions. Gatsometer B.V. P.O. Box 4959 2003 EZ Haarlem The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)23 750 54 50 Fax: +31 (0)23 527 69 61 [email protected] We look forward to meeting you at Intertraffic Amsterdam (stand 01.314) Adv. Freedom UK A4.indd 1 25-01-10 16:53 3 CONTENTS Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 05 WELCOME TO INTERTRAFFIC 2010 > Erik Dijkshoorn, Intertraffic Domain Manager, outlines why there is no other single event that could provide you with the knowledge and insights you will gain by attending Intertraffic. 06 GENERAL INFORMATION > Getting to Intertraffic, event opening times, hotels, and more 9-12 INNOVATON AWARD FINALISTS > The seventeen companies, and the products, that have made it to the finals of the Intertraffic Innovation Award competition 15-16 INTERTRAFFIC SEMINARS > A menu of the technical presentations, industry trends, market developments, and business cases, as well as pilot project results, panel discussions, tenders and project launches to help you plan which ones to attend 18-25 COOPERATIVE MOBILITY SHOWCASE > A major international high-level conference on the theme of cooperative mobility, live on-road demonstrations and the i&CDrive Expo, a ‘show within a show’. This world-class showcase will provide a unique opportunity to understand how the deployment of European cooperative systems – smart vehicles on intelligent roads – will enhance safety, the environment, and mobility. 26-29 EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN AND COMPLETE EXHIBITOR LIST 31-58 PRODUCTS & SERVICES > Fifteen packed pages featuring some of the vast range of products and services being unveiled 9-12 INNOVATION AWARD FINALISTS 18-25 COOPERATIVE MOBILITY SHOWCASE 31-58 PRODUCTS & SERVICES London Office Co-ordinating editor: James Foster [email protected] Contributing editor: David Crawford [email protected] Sales Director: Manuel Battista [email protected] Sales team: Fulvio Bonfiglietti (Italy), Daniel Emmerson, Jorg Heller (Germany, Austria & Switzerland), Yvonne Tindall Production Manager: Nick Bond [email protected] Database Manager: Preeti Lalli [email protected] Internet Services Director: James Howard [email protected] Design: Tim Wickens (Man or Mouse Ltd) [email protected] Office Manager: Kelly Thompson [email protected] Publisher & Managing Director: Andrew Barriball [email protected] Chairman & Director: Roger Adshead [email protected] Contact at: Route One Publishing Ltd, Horizon House, Azalea Drive, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8JR, UK Tel +44 1322 612055 Fax +44 870 751 8327 Reader Enquiry Service: Kelly Thompson, London Office Tel: +44 1322 612055 Fax: +44 870 751 8327 E-mail: [email protected] Published by © Route One Publishing Ltd 2010 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher. Contributors are encouraged to express their personal and professional opinions in this publication, and accordingly views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of Route One Publishing Ltd. From time to time statements and claims are made by the manufacturers and their representatives in respect of their products and services. Whilst reasonable steps are taken to check their accuracy at the time of going to press, the publisher cannot be held liable for their validity and accuracy. Printed by: Headley Bros. Ltd Contents.qxp 19/4/09 18:14 Page 1 T h e f u t u r e i s e a s i e r f o r t h o s e wh o h e l p s h a p e i t . How opportunities become reality. Unusual ideas don’t come out of nothing. They’re the result of careful prior analysis coupled seamlessly with a passionate pioneering spirit. That is the only way to turn a good idea into an opportunity, and the opportunity into reality. This is why we cross boundaries where it pays to do so, thus opening up new, proftable areas of business to our customers in the broad feld of Intermobility. Often these areas will extend beyond pure parking space management. DESIGNA parking space management reliably increases effciency, giving you the decisive edge—today and tomorrow. Interested? Then why not give us a call, or visit us in person at Intertraffc 2010 in Amsterdam. STAND/BOOTh 03.302 // hAllE/hAll 3 www. des i gna. c om i n f o DES_anzeige_1_1_intertr_preview_fin.indd 1 08.02.2010 10:05:02 Uhr 5 WELCOME Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW This year’s event, being held from 23-26 March, is special. But more than that, it is groundbreaking. It adds many new features and innovations to what is already recognised as the world’s most authoritative trade fair for traffic technology and infrastructure. This is the 20th edition of Intertraffic Amsterdam, and we are celebrating a history of successful events stretching back 38 years to 1972. If you have attended Intertraffic before, you will find the same core elements, only bigger than ever: over 750 exhibitors from more than 40 countries – virtually the entire top 50 global concerns are participating – with a breathtaking array of products, services and solutions focused on infrastructure, ITS/traffic management, safety, and parking. This year, reflecting the dynamic growth of this broad and evolving industry, we have added two new segments; environment and cooperative systems. Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 has grown, and not just in the number of exhibitors and industry segment coverage. There’s a new and larger hall configuration with the stunning new RAI Elicium building as the core of the event so visitors will enjoy unique access to the largest sector overview of innovations, network gatherings and learning opportunities, as well as a large outdoor area with live demonstrations. And speaking of innovations, this year’s Intertraffic Innovation Awards reflects the six industry segments, with exhibitors from nine countries winning through to the shortlist for the most innovative exhibits at the event. Category winners from the 17 finalists, selected by an international judging panel, and the overall Intertraffic Innovation Award winner will be announced at the opening ceremony on the first day. In terms of learning opportunities, this year’s event will offer unparalleled options. Firstly, it will again feature a packed, four-day Intertraffic Seminar programme. There will be technical presentations on products and services, on trends, market developments and business cases, as well as pilot project results, panel discussions, tenders and project launches. Attendance is free for visitors. Secondly, a key, and indeed, unmissable new feature of this year’s event will be the Cooperative Mobility Showcase, a world-class showcase of innovative vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure technologies , which will run concurrently with Intertraffic from 24-26 March. It will feature a major international high-level conference on the theme of cooperative mobility, live on-road demonstrations, and the i&CDrive Expo, a ‘show within a show’ in Hall 9. During the conference, which will feature a host of VIP speakers, including Camiel Eurlings, the Dutch Transport Minister, senior figures from the EC, international corporations and academia, the final results of three major, multi-year, European integrated projects, COOPERS, CVIS and SAFESPOT, co-financed by the EU, will be presented. Every aspect of cooperative mobility, from policy through to implementation, will be covered in detail over the three days of the conference. This Preview Supplement, prepared in collaboration with ITS International and World Highways, should provide you with a flavour of what Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 has to offer and what you can expect when you attend. Quite simply, there is no event of this scope and scale in the world. No other single event that could provide you with the knowledge and insights you will gain by attending Intertraffic. So make sure you pre-register before the show for fast track access to avoid delays or queuing at the entrance. All you have to do is visit In addition, we will keep you informed by email about the latest developments in the run up to the show. The Intertraffic team looks forward to welcoming you here from 23-26 March. Erik Dijkshoorn Intertraffic Domain Manager Welcome to Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010! We l c ome . qxp 19/ 4/ 09 18: 43 Pa ge 1 6 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by GENERAL Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Amsterdam Amsterdam is one of Europe's most appealing and charm- ing cities with a rich cultural heritage, diverse and creative culture. Its strongest asset is its people - multi-lingual, relaxed, fun-loving and welcoming. Seeing, enjoying and experiencing Amsterdam couldn’t be easier. The main part of the city, teeming with sights, restaurants, cafes, bars and nightlife, is compact and easily within walking distance. Or you can get around by a highly efficient public transport system (buses, trams and by boat on the canals), or one of the mainstays of personal mobility which Amsterdam is synonymous with – the bicycle! Amsterdam is one of the most liberal cities of the world. So after your time at Intertraffic 2010, when you want to relax this vibrant city offers a vast array of culture, history, art (for instance, the Rijksmuseum with the largest collec- tion of Dutch Masters) and exciting nightlife to suit any taste. Intertraffic 2010 venue The home of Intertraffic is Amsterdam RAI, which is only ten minutes from Schiphol International Airport. The venue has its own train station and is well served by trams and other public transport. It also has a large underground carpark. The RAI is situated alongside Amsterdam’s A10 ring motorway (exit S109).Surrounded by a park, pavement cafés and restaurants, the RAI Convention Centre is also just a few minutes away from the heart of Amsterdam, with its lovely canals and countless attractions. Hotels and more Wherever in the world you are, making arrangements to visit Intertraffic 2010 couldn’t be easier! For accommodation and travel, the smart solution is to turn to the experts - Amsterdam RAI Hotel & Travel Service which has carefully selected hotels near the RAI and in the city centre to suit every taste and budget. It can offer the lowest available rates. And, since the service is officially appointed by Intertraffic, you’ll be using hotels with other event visitors, increasing your networking opportunities. A word of warning, however! Hotel rooms are in great demand during Intertraffic, so make sure you book in time. Visit today to check out available hotels. You can search for accommodation by star rating and area, view a map showing the location in relation to Amsterdam RAI, and find detailed information about each hotel, including facilities and photos. When you’ve made your choice, use the online reservation system. The RAI Hotel & Travel Service can also provide you with air travel to and from Amsterdam, car rental, excursions in and around Amsterdam, as well as airport transfers. Register for Intertraffic 2010 today! Remember, pre-registration = free access. So pre-regis- ter today and you will receive an email confirmation explaining how to collect your visitor’s badge at the show. Pre-registered visitors will also be kept posted on the latest show news with regular visitor updates. Visit and register today! INTERTRAFFIC GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre Halls 1-6, Europa Foyer and Halls 9-11 Europaplein 8 1078 GZ Amsterdam The Netherlands OPENING HOURS Tuesday 23 March 10.00 - 18.00 hours Wednesday 24 March 10.00 - 18.00 hours Thursday 25 March 10.00 - 18.00 hours Friday 26 March 10.00 - 16.00 hours RAI Elicium, the new contemporary face of Amsterdam RAI. Its striking design has not just provided a modern and innovative appearance for the RAI, but an impressive new addition to Amsterdam’s skyline. The Elicium will be a central part of Intertraffic 2010 since it links, in a unique way, halls 1-5 and 9-11. Ge ne r a l I nf o_Fi na l 17/ 2/ 10 08: 12 Pa ge 2 SWARCO AG FIRST IN TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS. SWARCO – YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FOR INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT From highly refective road markings through brilliant LED signals to adaptive traffc control and entire traffc management centers – SWARCO is the comprehensive one-stop shop for everyone in today´s traffc industry. We enable you to better manage travel for all road users und create safer driving conditions on both urban networks and motorways. Talk to us frst. SWARCO AG, Blattenwaldweg 8, A-6112 Wattens, Austria, T. +43-5224-58770, F. +43-5224-56070 E. [email protected], URBAN TRAFFIC HIGHWAY & TUNNEL PARKING PUBLIC TRANSPORT ROAD MARKINGS SIGNALING SIGNAGE STREET LIGHTING ENFORCEMENT TOTAL TRAFFIC SOLUTION S e e yo u a t In te rtra ff c A m s te rd a m o n s ta n d s 1 0 .1 0 3 & 0 4 .3 0 2 SWARCO Advertisement A4_L1_RZ.indd 1 27.01.2010 11:30:33 Infrastructure Solutions that fit together HS Roads is a group of companies within Hill & Smith Holdings PLC. Driving value through innovation and improvement stand 10.502 Infrastructure Products Hill & Smith A wide range of technology driven, proven highway barrier systems and end terminals Brifen A quick and easily installed Wire Rope Safety Fence with low maintenance. Approved to internationally recognised standards Varley & Gulliver Specialising in design, manufacture and supply of bridge parapets, passive sign supports and lightweight gantries Integrated Vehicle Restraints Wire Rope Safety Fence Integrated Parapet & Passive Safety Solutions What piece do you need to complete your picture? [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HS IPG Puzzle Ad InterPreview_Layout 1 11/02/2010 11:22 Page 1 9 Innovation Awards Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by GEVAS SOFTWARE TRAVOLUTION GERMANY Travolution has demonstrated the scope for optimising traffic con- trol for green waves across an entire urban road network. A trial in the German city of Ingolstadt, involving German software developer GEVAS, automotive Audi’s informed driver system and the Technical University of Munich, using genetic algorithms in on-line operation, saw 46 traffic signal locations equipped for traf- fic-adaptive network control. An intelligent in-vehicle display with a communications interface to the city’s traffic man- agement system enabled drivers to adapt their speeds. Stand 11.717 DTV CONSULTANTS ODYSA THE NETHERLANDS The Optimalisation through Dynamic Speed Advice (Odysa) system aims to improve through traffic flows by giving road users time-critical and location-specific advice on recom- mended speed levels. Following these should enable comple- tion of an entire traffic signal-controlled journey without needing to stop at a red light. DTV Consultants, Peek Traffic and Technolution recently trialled Odysa on the Eindhoven ring road in The Netherlands. A key requirement was for the time between detection of a vehicle and delivery of a speed recommendation to its on-board equip- ment to be no more than a few seconds. Odysa In-car is developed in cooperation with Peek Traffic, Technolution, City of Eindhoven and the cooperating road authori- ties (SRE). Stand 11.126 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Innovation Awards shortlist Seventeen Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 exhibitors from nine countries have won through to the shortlist for the biennial scheme for the most innovative exhibits at the show. Chosen by an international jury from 86 submissions - substantially up on the tally for the previous edition in 2008 – the shortlisted entries fall into six categories, double the previous number: • Cooperative systems • Environment • Infrastructure • ITS/traffic management • Parking • Safety. Cooperative systems and Environmental are new for 2010, while Infrastructure and Safety previously formed a single category. The jury will reconvene on Monday 22 March, on the eve of Intertraffic 2010, to choose a winner in each category. One of these will then be selected as the overall winner of the 2010 Intertraffic Innovation Award. Presentations will take place at an exhibitors’ event on the opening day, Tuesday 23 March, to celebrate the 20th edition of the show. The shortlisted entries are: SES OPTIMA VMS FRANCE Resulting from a research agree- ment between French company SES and French scientific institu- tions, Optima is a solar-powered variable message sign designed for motorway use and compliant with the European standard EN12966. Smart electronic boards, with dis- play heights from 160mm to 457mm and equipped with low power-consumption LEDs, run on a combination of photovoltaic panels and storage batteries. An electronic control system optimises output regardless of daylight hours. In exceptional conditions, an optional fuel cell creating elec- tricity from vegetable alcohol and ambient air contributes to a hybrid system delivering 24/7, 365-day operation. Stand 11.517 GATSOMETER THE NETHERLANDS The Amsterdam Environmental Zone Project, based on automated enforcement by Gatsometer, is the first such deployment in The Netherlands, introduced to keep highly-polluting lorries out of the city centre. Using specially-developed ANPR soft- ware, the scheme has achieved a 95% hit rate with a low margin of error. (The camera reading accuracy tolerates a maximum deviation of no more than 0.02%, ie one error per 5,000 registrations). Installation at 38 locations has taken maxi- mum advantage of existing street furniture and avoided disruption of the road surface by deploying Gatso loopless trigger radar (LTR). Data communication is wireless. Stand 01.314 OPEN TRAFFIC SYSTEMS OPEN PARKING SYSTEM SPAIN Open Traffic’s Open Parking System aims to encourage electric car use. Its SAIPE on-street parking meter enables charging to take place during parking and can also accommodate bicycle sharing for short urban trips. Using a paperless system built around centralised licence plate control, it aims to reduce parking times and can run on solar power. The meter can also display local service and travel information, and integrate an LED message panel to show the current parking situation, based on analysis of real-time occupancy data. Stand 01.133 COOPERATIVE SYSTEMS CATEGORY ENVIRONMENT CATEGORY I nnova t i on Awa r ds _Fi na l 17/ 2/ 10 08: 23 Pa ge 1 Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview HOKA VERKEERSTECHNIEK (PART OF BAM GROUP) THE NETHERLANDS Covering destinations on traffic signs using laser technique - as opposed to a black or yellow tape, a laser light is beamed to mask specific destinations on traffic signs during road works or route diversions. This simple yet effective tool pro- vides many benefits, not least the reduced interruption to traffic as lanes do not need to be closed. Simultaneously, it enhances safety for road workers who no longer have to climb ladders or board man-lifts (cherry pickers) to manually apply masking tape onto signs. Stand 11.409 INFRASTRUCTURE CATEGORY CROWN INTERNATIONAL VMC POLE UK The VMC is an 8m-high wind up/down cantilever pole designed for use in mounting and accessing devices such as VMS signs, CCTV cameras and speed monitoring equipment. The 6m-long counterbalanced pole arm can rotate through 90o and be lowered within some 90 seconds to allow maintenance work without the need for lifting equipment or road closure. Independent esti- mates suggest a €2,250 annual saving in operating costs over fixed cantilever designs for the system, which is currently being deployed on the M42 managed motorway scheme in the UK. Stand 11.930 RAMBÖLL ROAD MARKING TESTER SWEDEN Ramböll’s road marking tester (RMT) addresses the fact of road markings’ typically short technical lives in terms of performance lev- els, while growing traffic volumes are demanding highway survey methods that cause the minimum disruption to road users. Historically, such surveys have been carried out using handheld portable instruments. The RMT is designed to enable, in a single run, measurement of parameters includ- ing retroreflection dry, retroreflec- tion wet, luminance coefficient (Qd), friction, and design dimen- sions, faster and more safely than by conventional methods and with less denial of access. Stand 01.226 TOM TOM HDTM THE NETHERLANDS Navigation specialist TomTom’s High Definition Traffic Management (HDTM) system is designed to enable highway authorities and road operators to manage traffic more effec- tively across their networks. Following the 2007 introduction of HD Traffic for consumer customers, the service uses the company’s patented fusion logic. Feed is via a standard XML traffic feed in the internationally-recognised Datex II format. The company expects the system to deliver increasingly high- er-quality information over time, using algorithms that are updated against its historical database of 1.3 billion records every day. Stand 09.212 TRINITÉ BLUE TRACKING THE NETHERLANDS BlueTracking, from dynamic traffic management software developer Trinité Automation, takes advantage of the wide- spread growth in ownership of mobile phones with Bluetooth capability. Their signals form the basis for a new service within the company’s TrafficLink brand. It takes advantage of the fact that each Bluetooth device has a worldwide unique address. This enables anonymous detection of between 20%-30% of road users for the delivery of highly-accurate traffic information. Mounting is simple, without the need for physical intervention. The compa- ny works closely with the Technical University of Delft in The Netherlands. Stand 10.322 ITS/TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CATEGORY SKYMETER CANADA Skymeter Corporation’s smart road-use meter is designed to handle all forms of automotive mobility-related payment, not just GPS-based road tolling, and allows incorporation of parking, insurance and carbon metering, as well as reward schemes to encourage differen- tial driving times, carpooling or teleworking. Specific innova- tions include mitigation of urban canyon error, privacy- protection spectrum ranging from full anonymity for private motorists to full transparency in logistics management, and charging reliability independent of map matching. (Skymeter’s primary technical focus is on charging, rather than position- ing, accuracy). The company has recently released its V5.7 system. Stand 09.216 www.skymeter- Innovation Awards Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 10 I nnova t i on Awa r ds _Fi na l 17/ 2/ 10 08: 26 Pa ge 2 ASIA/PACIFIC USA EUROPE Tel: +61 3 9674 1888 Tel: +1 310 642 0470 Tel. +44 7919 340888 Fax:+61 3 9690 0705 Fax: +1 310 642 0142 Fax. +44 2380 470882 e-mail: [email protected] Fixed and portable speed violations Red light and combined speed/red light enforcement Weigh in motion and toll infringements Bus lane and rail crossing enforcement Whatever the enforcement application, Redflex delivers reductions in violations and accidents, reliable conviction rates and reduced operating and support costs. Making a safer world Redflex digital enforcement systems combine the most advanced sensor and sophisticated image capture technologies for a range of applications: Advanced photo enforcement for credible prosecutions C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 28/01/2010 13:02:44 12 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Professor Fred Wegman, Managing Director, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, The Netherlands. Peter Martens, Corporate Director, Research & Development, Q-Park; member, Advisory Council of Directors, European Parking Association. Helen Aagot Riddervold Vice-President, Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories. Christophe Desnouailles, SETRA/CSTR/GTI, France. David Crawford, Contributing Editor, ITS International, UK. Nick Bradley, Editor, Intertraffic World/Traffic Technology International, UK. Rainer-Michael Rudolph, Director, Park-Bau-Gruppe, Germany. THE JURY THE 2010 INTERTRAFFIC AMSTERDAM INNOVATION AWARD: Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview WPS PARKING SYSTEMS PARK & RECHARGE THE NETHERLANDS WPS Park & Recharge is an intelligent charging station for charging up to 20 electric cars at a time at a central control unit integrated into a parking system, with smart grid integration. On entering, the driver plugs in and activates the system with the entry ticket or a subscriber tag at a unit. On returning, s/he pays a combined fee at the pay sta- tion, at which point charging stops automatically. For subscribers, payment is an add-on to an existing monthly invoice. Integration with dynamic car park guidance allows bay reservation and display of charging status for electric cars. Stand 03.102. PARKING CATEGORY LIDROR BIOPARK ISRAEL Disability solutions developer Lidror’s Biopark portable digital parking permit device, contains an electronic identification system designed to prevent the forgery or abuse of parking concessions for disabled drivers. This is coded for each individual using special- ly-developed software. The authorised user can carry the Biopark in any vehicle, and acti- vate it with fingerprint touch identification, when it starts blink- ing. When it senses that a vehicle is in motion, it automatically switches off. Stand 02.115 CIRCONTROL CIRCARLIFE SPAIN Circontrol’s CirCarLife is designed to enable parking garages and on-street parking manage- ments to offer recharging for electric vehicles. It integrates factors including KWh consumption and power supply balancing, proximity card use, and interfaces for conventional payment. It is designed to allow both drivers and parking operators to take advantage of optimum rates and power load management factors. The launch recognises pressure from within the electrical vehicle industry for roles for parking locations within national charging networks. Stand 03.203 SAFETY CATEGORY TRANSPO INDUSTRIES SONOBLASTER US Transpo Industries’ SonoBlaster work zone intrusion alarm is an impact-activated safety device designed simultaneously to alert road construction workers and deviating drivers at roadwork zones, and so help prevent acci- dents. The US National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 350 (NCHRP350)-accepted alarm can be mounted on typical work zone equipment such as barriers, cones, drums, delineators and A- frames and other barriers. On impact by a vehicle, a built-in CO2 cartridge-powered horn blasts at 125 dB to alert workers that their protective zone has been violated, and intruding driv- ers to steer clear. Stand 04.410 POTTERS INDUSTRIES C-ME-2 FRANCE The C-Me-2 is a standard bicycle, the entire metallic frame of which is coated with a specific white paint containing highly- reflective glass beads especially designed for the purpose. The effect is to make the bicycle highly visible at night when illumi- nated by cars’ headlamps, especially in rainy or misty weather conditions, so giving cyclists greater safety in traffic by allowing drivers more time to react to their presence. Stand 05.220 BADENNOVA BIV SPAIN BIV is an intelligent and selective speed bump containing a non-Newtonian fluid that reacts appropriately to different pre- set speed limits. Contact at a speed above the limit causes the fluid material to harden to the consistency of a convention- al speed hump; while at safe speeds below the limit, it deforms and offers no resistance to passing vehicles. The height of the bump above the road surface is configurable. Stand 11.721 Innovation Awards I nnova t i on Awa r ds _Fi na l 17/ 2/ 10 08: 26 Pa ge 4 Barrier Systems also offers a full line of crash cushions and specialty barriers Barrier Systems also offers a full line of crash cushions and specialty barriers ABSORB 350 ® ArmorGuard TM X-Tension TM TAU-II ® BG 800 TM U-MAD ® Time tested performace of military cardboard The U-MAD LMCC uses military grade XXX to capture an errant vehicle. This technology meets all NCHRP 350 TL-3 mandatory and optional tests. Three major parts. The U-MAD LMCC consists of three major parts, your choice of mounting system, a support structure, and a cartridge. Installation made easy. Since the U-MAD LMCC consists of only three major parts installing the system can be done quickly. U-MAD ® Lorry Mounted Crash Cushion 1 2 3 A Truck Mounted Attenuator As Simple As 1, 2, 3. 1 2 3 1 2 3 Barrier Systems engineers love a challenge. These are the engineers who designed an innovative method to move concrete median barriers to improve traffc fow, the Quickchange Movable Barrier. When Barrier Systems purchased the U-MAD TMA product line, they asked their engineers for their input to take this very good TMA to the next level of quality and excellence. The engineers accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm and the improvements from Barrier Systems engineering, manufacturing, technical support, marketing and sales are obvious. • Easier To Install • Multiple Mounting Options • Additional Durability • Outstanding Field Service • Quicker Delivery • Availability and Support from a Global Network of Experienced Local Distributors Experience the difference today with the U-MAD TMA. U-MAD ® Truck Mounted Attenuator ABSORB 350 ® TAU-II ® ArmorGuard™ U-MAD ® BG-800™ X-Tension™ A LI NDSAY TRANSPORTATI ON SOLUTI ONS COMPANY Global leader in road safety and congestion mitigation solutions We Took A Good Product And Made it Better umad concept.indd 1 2/10/2009 10:56:55 AM 35.4 … Autoscope ® video and RTMS ® radar solutions deliver superior performance for highway, tunnel and urban traffic management. The combination of Autoscope and RTMS will enable us to leverage our combined technologies to create novel hybrid offerings delivering unparalleled technology and performance. ISS’ technologies extend the life and enhance the value of transportation infrastructure everywhere! To learn more about our vision, please visit us at Intertraffic Stand 11.508 or visit ]SWZVc' © 2010 Image Sensing Systems, Inc. – it’s straightforward • Trucks and self-propelled machines for cold paint, 2-component material and hot thermoplastic • Preheaters for thermoplastic • Line erasers Borum Industri A/S Højvangsvej 10, Hadbjerg • DK-8370 Hadsten Phone +45 87 613 213 • Fax +45 87 613 214 [email protected] • Complete range of professional machinery for road marking e SEE US AT INTERTRAFFIC STAND 04.112 Pa ge 14 17/ 2/ 10 09: 19 Pa ge 2 15 Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Intertraffic Seminars The Intertraffic Seminar Programme, organised in partnership with Connekt/ITS Netherlands, is a wide- ranging, three day programme that will comprehensively cover technical presentations of products and services, industry trends, market developments, and business cases, as well as pilot project results, panel discussions, tenders and project launches. They will be held in two specially constructed, fully equipped seminar rooms on the exhibition floor in Hall 9 and will reflect the major themes of Intertraffic 2010. Attending seminar presentations is free of charge for all Intertraffic exhibitors and visitors. Use this topic listing of the confirmed programme (as of 10 February, 2010) to enable you make the most of the opportunities that Intertraffic provides. TUESDAY 23 MARCH: Mobility Management, Parking Solutions and Cooperative Systems 11.00 - 11.45 LPR- Bringing a new era to parking 10.30 - 11.00 Enforcement systems in Istanbul 11.15 - 11.45 Poliscan: next generation non-invasive red light and speed enforcement based on automated laser measurement 12.00 - 12.30 Mobile congestion warning systems 12.45 - 13.15 IPark4U: a demonstration platform for real-time parking information 13.30 - 14.15 Next generation parking guidance systems 14.30 - 15.15 Parking in the mobility chain 15.30 - 16.00 Enhancement of the mobility chain with e-mobility 10.30 - 12.30 Mini-seminar: cooperatieve systemen, verkeersmanagement en routeinformatie in Nederland: een update voor Nederlandse overheden en marktpartijen (Dutch spoken only) 12.45 - 13.30 Data exchange between road operators and map suppliers 13.45 - 14.15 Make traffic become a network. Join the HTAS Connected Car innovation programme! 14.30 - 15.30 Human Factors in driving support development for cooperative driving 15.45 - 16.30 Overview and first results of the road pricing mobility projects SEMINAR ROOM 2 SEMINAR ROOM 1 Wednesday 24 March: Road Safety, Road Maintenance, Incident Management, Road Pricing & Toll Systems 10.30 - 11.00 Absorbing masts improve safety 11.15 - 12.15 Keeping a tunnel dry: seamless tunnel waterproofing. Extending life of bridge surfacing 12.30 - 13.30 Mini-seminar Bridge Assessment: Bridge safety assessment using Bridge Weigh-In-Motion 13.45 - 14.15 Entering a new era of adaptive control with new generation medium range sensors 14.30 - 15.00 Road Marking Tester: a new mobile control technology for road markings 15.15 - 16.00 Scanning Radar for hard shoulder running and automatic incident detection 10.30 - 11.15 Development of ITS policies: efficient tools to achieve Transport Strategy Objectives: Update of the ITS Policy Committee of IRF 11.30 - 12.00 Ensuring trust in autonomous EFC-systems 12.15 - 12.45 Technical approach to congestion charging implementation 13.00 - 14.00 Case study: paid driving in the Metropolitan area Amsterdam 14.15 - 15.15 Payment platform for toll collection system 15.30 - 16.00 New trends for road pricing 16.15 - 17.15 Regional initiatives in the field of peak traffic avoidance and travel information SEMINAR ROOM 2 SEMINAR ROOM 1 Intertraffic Seminar Programme Menu Se mi na r s &Conf e r e nc e s NEW. qxp 19/ 4/ 09 19: 39 Pa ge 2 Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Thursday 25 March: Safe, Smart and Sustainable Travelling, Green Roads, Parking Information and Guidance Systems & Traffic Management 10.30 - 11.00 Closing the loop - online modelling and simulation for intelligent traffic management 11.15 - 11.45 Analytics, smart cities and smart mobility 12.00 - 12.45 Wireless and mobile communications in cooperative systems 13.00 - 13.30 Creating trust on roads 13.45 - 14.15 EFOY Pro Fuel Cells: power supply for mobile and stationary traffic applications 14.30 - 15.30 Time for change. Time for CHANGER: innovative practices for sustainable road infrastructure 15.45 - 16.30 Introduction to the National Data Warehouse for Traffic Information in the Netherlands 10.30 - 11.00 Online permit account 11.15 - 12.00 Multi-channel integrated information system for on-street parking payment 12.15 - 12.45 ParkHelp: new urban information and guidance system for cities 13.00 - 14.00 Case study: smart pricing in the urban region Arnhem- Nijmegen 14.15 - 15.15 Complete ITS platform solution: total integration of intelligent traffic systems 15.30 - 16.15 How cooperative driving can reduce traffic jams: unique demonstration on highway A270 in the Netherlands 16.30 - 17.00 Improving traffic flow by Connected Cruise Control SEMINAR ROOM 2 SEMINAR ROOM 1 Friday 26 March: ITS Tenders, Projects and Pilots, Road Pricing & Mobility Solutions 10.30 - 11.30 Case study: paid driving in the Metropolitan area Amsterdam 11.45 - 12.45 Usage-based charging systems with location aware value added services, flexible architecture, from design to production 13.00 - 14.00 How to test ITS applications? 14.15 - 15.15 Driving Guidance Lab Time slot Title presentation 10.30 - 11.00 Integral mobility solutions for improving mobility, safety and living conditions in cities 11.15 - 11.45 Innovative approach to traffic information systems 12.45 - 13.30 Skymeter: Introducing Financial-grade GPS metering services for Road User Charging applications SEMINAR ROOM 2 SEMINAR ROOM 1 Clearview Traffic Group Ltd 6Talisman Road, Bicester, Oxon, OX264HR, UK The Clearview Traffic Group, the end-to-end supplier of all your traffic safety, technology and data solutions. Visit us at Intertraffic 2010, stand 11.438 YOU’LL WANT THE LOT! +44 (0) 1869 362800 Programme as of 10 February, 2010. Visit for updates Se mi na r s &Conf e r e nc e s NEW. qxp 19/ 4/ 09 19: 53 Pa ge 3 18 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Cooperative Mobility Showcase In association with Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010, a world-class showcase of innovative Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication technologies will run concurrently from 23 to 26 March 2010. The Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010 will provide a unique opportunity for visitors to understand how the deployment of European cooperative systems – smart vehicles on intelligent roads –will enhance safety, the environment and mobility. Co-organised by the European Commission, the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, the three major European cooperative mobility projects, CVIS, SAFESPOT, and COOPERS, and Amsterdam RAI, this event will feature a three-day conference, on-road demonstrations and the i&CDrive exhibition. The Conference This truly international conference will give traffic and mobility professionals a unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field of V2V and V2I communication technologies, applications and services. It is organised by the coordinators of the three European R&D projects CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS (ERTICO – ITS Europe, FIAT Research Centre and AustriaTech), together with the European Commission and Amsterdam RAI. The programme offers a full spectrum of sessions, with VIP speakers ranging from European, national and local policy-makers to company CEOs as well as leading experts in cooperative systems from Europe. The Conference will be opened on Wednesday morning 24 March by the European Commission and the Dutch Minister of Transport, Camiel Eurlings. It will be followed by a round table session with European, national and local policy-makers, exploring how deployment of cooperative mobility systems has the potential to bring substantial improvements to energy efficiency, air quality, road safety and travellers’ mobility. After the official opening of the Cooperative Mobility Demonstrations and the i&CDrive exhibition, a second round table session will feature leading developers and implementers of cooperative systems, including FIAT Research Centre, Daimler, Volvo AB, Bosch, Efkon, Siemens, Swarco and Logica, and cities such as Turin, Gothenburg, Lyon and Trondheim. They will present the newest systems and solutions using vehicle-to-infrastructure communication for data collection, information services and cooperative traffic management. A European vision of OEMs’ development will be presented by EUCAR. The final session of the first day will look at how cooperative mobility services will help users, with a panel drawn from service providers, road operators, traffic managers, user organisations and transport operators. The second day is devoted to the key final results of the EU-funded CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS programmes. The results will be presented in keynote addresses and panel sessions on the themes of cooperative systems communication technologies and architecture; location technologies for cooperative mobility; applications and services for energy- efficient, safe and clean mobility; and the evaluation of the results and real- world experiences from the projects’ numerous test sites across Europe. The final day’s programme looks ahead to the future and to widespread deployment of cooperative mobility systems. The first session presents the toolkit developed by the three IPs to remove barriers to deployment, with presentations from ERTICO, TNO, HiTec Marketing, Volvo Technology Corporation, Trialog and Rijkswaterstaat. An interactive interview session with industry visionaries then looks towards a vision of future cooperative mobility systems and products. The Conference closes with an executive round table session debating what it takes to create widespread user acceptance, system deployment and market take-off. Live Demonstrations Alongside the conference, delegates will have the unique opportunity to experience cooperative mobility in one of the numerous demonstration vehicles. Your demo ride will take you on a safety systems track in the RAI grounds as well as out on the nearby motorways and city roads, to demonstrate tomorrow’s cooperative applications for drivers. The demonstrations will show the positive impacts for the environment, safety, mobility and individual travellers. Cooperative Mobility Demonstrations A wide range of cooperative mobility applications, using a fleet of vehicles, will be demonstrated at the Amsterdam RAI congress centre, on the public highways leading to Schiphol Airport, on the airport’s own road network and on a dedicated safety demonstration area. In addition, a fully operational ‘cooperative traffic centre of the future’ will monitor and control the demonstrations from inside the exhibition hall. Before going out on the road visitors can get the inside story on the new technologies, including: • V2V communication for safety-critical applications using the latest European and global standards; • flexible communication management allowing continuous connectivity using cellular, broadcast and local media; COOPERATIVE MOBILITY SHOWCASE DAY 3 DAY 1 DAY 2 Se mi na r s &Conf e r e nc e s NEW_Ad25. qxp 17/ 2/ 10 10: 02 Pa ge 5 JAI A/S Europe, Asia and Middle East/Africa: +45 4457 8888 Americas: +1 800 445-5444 (toll-free) Take the correct road to high quality traffic imaging JAI’s CCD/CMOS cameras offer industry leading image quality in demanding traffic management systems, where correct imaging of vehicles (vehicle characteristics and license plate reading) is a vital element in the application. The cameras are excellent choices in your traffic systems for electronic toll collection, open road tolling, journey time information, speed enforcement, red light enforcement and traffic security. All cameras are designed and manufactured by JAI and available with different resolutions to fit your “field-of-view” and price/performance requirements. Choose the correct road to the industry’s best camera technology for your ITS application. • Megapixel resolution and full lane coverage • Industry leading image fidelity • Highly resistant to shock and vibrations • Very long operating life and high MTBF • 24/7 imaging features • Auto iris control (selected cameras) • Color & monochrome • Standard GigE Vision interface Please visit JAI at Intertraffic Amsterdam, to hear more about JAI’s traffic cameras, as well as complete vehicle imaging subsystems. Stand no. 11.332, Hall 11 21 Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW • high-precision systems for lane-specific positioning; and • an open platform for application management, allowing software downloading and lifecycle management. The public highway demonstration tour will feature a range of innovative new services, including: • real-time multimodal travel information for energy efficient journey planning; • road charging and access control; • in-vehicle display of traffic signs including fixed and changeable speed limits, lane closure and hazard warnings; • local route guidance and speed advice to avoid congestion and stops at traffic lights; • wrong-way driver detection and alert; and • service discovery and download, local advertising. The safety demonstrations will include applications such as: • hazard and incident warning; • safety at intersections; • safety margin for assistance and emergency vehicle; • lane change assistance; • head on collision warning; and • frontal collision prevention. Meanwhile, the cooperative traffic centre will be both the nerve centre of the demonstrations and the meeting place for the Showcase event as a whole. It’s here, in Hall 9, that visitors can book their demonstration tour, meet and question the project teams and watch the outdoor cooperative mobility activities from a comfortable seat! Integrated within the Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 exhibition in Hall 9 the i&CDrive exposition is a dedicated exhibition area featuring the latest solutions, products and services for V2V and V2I communication. In addition to a range of manufacturers of products and systems for cooperative mobility, a major feature of the i&CDrive expo will be a traffic management centre which will be the nerve centre of the demonstrations and a meeting place for the showcase event as a whole. CVIS is the largest of the three main European Commission’s cooperative mobility projects. It was tasked with developing use cases and technologies for cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems and services. It is the world’s first implementation of the CALM protocol architecture, which enables its router platform to communicate data in real time via multiple communication media. Equipped vehicles can use whichever communications media are in its immediate environment, providing both flexibility and some degree of redundancy. The CVIS communication platform is used within the project to enable trial applications such as vehicle-traffic system interaction, in-vehicle display of roadside signs, hazard detection and warnings and commercial vehicle services. SAFESPOT uses Vehicular Ad Hoc NETworks (VANETs) for safety applications needing very low latency and reliable communications. The project focused on preventing road accidents by detecting potentially dangerous driving situations and providing early warnings to nearby vehicles. SAFESPOT has been responsible for developing a Safety Margin Assistant (SMA). This uses both V2v and V2I communications to create and share safety messages. COOPERS focused on reducing the development gap between the vehicle and infrastructure portions of cooperative road systems. It explored CALM-based continuous wireless data communication between vehicles and the roadside and provides vehicles and drivers with location-based, real-time, safety-related information. In addition, COOPERS explored the use of vehicles as floating sensors to collect traffic and/or road condition data to enable cooperative traffic management, and to disseminate safety, traffic information and other messages to drivers using digital radio broadcast. A number of core software and hardware components are exchanged and re- used between the three projects. Se mi na r s &Conf e r e nc e s NEW_Ad25. qxp 17/ 2/ 10 10: 06 Pa ge 6 22 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Cooperative Mobility Conference - Connecting smart vehicles with intelligent infrastructure WEDNESDAY 24TH MARCH 2010 8.30 Welcome Coffee 10.00 Opening 10.05 Welcome to North Holland Elisabeth Post, North-Holland Provincial Deputy 10.15 Opening Address Neelie Kroes, EU Digital Agenda Commissioner (invited) 10.40 Welcome Camiel Eurlings, Dutch Minister of Transport 11.00 Round Table 1: Cooperative Mobility Policy – How can we make deployment happen? • Policies for cooperative mobility deployment for traffic and energy efficiency, better air quality, greater safety and enhanced mobility Moderator: Frederico Fernandez, Deputy Director General, Traffic Management Directorate, Ministry of Interior, Spain Speakers: Bernd Lange (MEP - Member European Parliament) Nicola Beer, State Secretary for European Affairs of the State of Hessen Roland Rydin, Member of the City Council, Göteborg Gilles Vesco, Vice President of the Greater Lyon Urban Community 12.00 Lunch Break 14.00 Round Table 2: Are vehicle-infrastructure cooperative systems a solution to support policy needs for efficient & sustainable mobility? • The connected vehicle: what value can it bring for drivers, operators, authorities? • Vehicle connectivity and European platforms, do they serve the users needs? • Floating vehicle data: opening a stream of new & better information? • Linking drivers, vehicles and traffic management for safer & less congested travel • Unlimited new services for business and transport managers Moderator: Alessandro Coda, EUCAR Research Coordinator Speakers: Nevio Di Giusto, President & CEO Centro Ricerche FIAT & ELASIS Helmut Matschi, Member of the Executive Board, Interior, Continental Vincent Kobesen, Member of Board, PTV AG John Chipperfield, CTO Swarco Group Jan Casteleijn, Managing Director, Imtech Infra and Traffic 15.15 Coffee break 15.45 Round Table 3: Power to the people – Creating a cooperative mobility services platform for drivers, travelers, businesses, citizens across Europe… • Cooperative awareness: enhancing drivers' perception, awareness and choices • How much cooperative information does the user need, and how good must it be? • Towards a "universal platform" to deliver any service, anywhere, to and from any vehicle… • How can cooperative systems offer new opportunities for business value? Moderator: Michael Nielsen, General Delegate, International Road Transport Union Speakers: Miqel Nadal, Director, RACC Foundation Giovanni Colombo, Member of the Governing Board, European Institute of Technology Jean Mesqui, Executive Director, ASFA Carlo van de Weijer, Vice President Commercial and Business Development, TomTom Martin Krieg, Head of Traffic Management, City of Dortmund (invited) 17.00 Closing Programme as of 10 February, 2010. Visit or for updates Se mi na r s &Conf e r e nc e s NEW. qxp 19/ 4/ 09 20: 19 Pa ge 7 C O M E A N D S E E U S A T I N T E R T R A F F I C I N H A L L 1 1 , S T A N D 6 0 9 This one.qxp 12/02/2010 16:14 Page 1 24 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Cooperative Mobility Conference - Connecting smart vehicles with intelligent infrastructure THURSDAY 25TH MARCH 2010 8.30 Welcome Coffee 9.00 Keynote address: Towards continuous communication for cooperative systems Achim Brakemeier, Manager Vehicle-centric Communication, Daimier AG 9.30 Key Results: Session 1 - Toward a pan-European cooperative systems architecture Session summary: Vehicle and traveler always connected - Dream or reality? • Vehicle communications for safety applications • Towards a pan European communication architecture • A CALM way to manage communication • Location-dependent communication & networking Speakers: Abdel Kader Mokaddem, Engineering Project Leader, Renault SAS Piero Mortara, Innovation, Program Manager, Magneti Marelli S.p.A. – Electronic Systems Knut Evensen, Chief Technologist, Q-Free ASA Andreas P. Schalk, Director Business-Line TT/CS, Director Standardisation, Efkon AG Thierry Ernst, INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique 10.30 Coffee Break 11.00 Keynote address: Location is (almost) everything for cooperative systems… Rob van Essen, Vice President Research and Development, Tele Atlas 11.30 Key Results Session 2: Location Technologies for Cooperative Mobility Session summary: Can we deliver pinpoint accuracy for cooperative mobility? • Relative positioning among vehicles: how much precise? • The “Local Dynamic Map” the future of navigation maps? • How robust are Location Technologies for cooperative mobility? • Location-based personal services vs. personal data privacy Speakers: Boudwijn Schokker, Project Manager & System Engineer, Logica Robin Schubert, Technical University of Chemnitz Jorg Pfister, Managing director, PWP Systems Sheung Ying Yuen-Wille, Development engineer, Robert Bosch GmbH 12.30 Lunch break 14.00 Keynote address: Meeting road operators’ needs for future mobility Jacques Boussuge, ASFA 14.30 Key Results Session 3: Cooperative applications & services – What can they deliver? Session summary: How do Cooperative Systems really work? • Cooperative driving & road safety: seen from the vehicle… • … and from the road/traffic manager… • … and from the driver viewpoints • cooperative traffic information services • Commercial vehicle services Speakers: Giulio Vivo, SAFESPOT Intergrated Project, Centro Ricerche FIAT Christian Faisstnauer, Autostrada del Brennero Gino Franco, Director of Innovation, Mizar Automazione Angelos Amditis, Research Director, Institute of Communication and Compute Systems Marko Jandrists, Asfinag 15.30 Coffee Break 16.00 Key Results Session 4: Real-world experience with Cooperative Mobility Session summary: Panel presentation of results of Cooperative Mobility trials at test sites across Europe • Validation: have the projects proven the Cooperative Mobility concepts? • Interoperability & convergence: chances for “every vehicle, every service, everywhere”? • Cooperative mobility is the answer to all users’ needs? • Lessons learned: ups and downs of real world experience Speakers: Francois Peyret, Laboratoire Central de Ponts et Chaussees Tobias Schendzielorz, Technical University of Munich Siebe Turksma, Peek Traffic Niclas Nygren, Volvo Technology AB (invited) Jan Linssen, Managing Director ARS T&TT 17.30 Reception at the i&Cdrive Expo (Hall 9) Se mi na r s &Conf e r e nc e s NEW. qxp 19/ 4/ 09 20: 17 Pa ge 8 Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Cooperative Mobility Conference - Connecting smart vehicles with intelligent infrastructure FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2010 8.30 Welcome Coffee 9.00 Panel Session: Removing barriers to deployment: A practical toolkit of enablers • Deployment enablers • Deployment scenarios & recommnedations • Data privacy and security • Policy Speakers: Marike Hoedemaker, human factors in transport specialist, TNO Han Zijnenberg, TNO Mats Rosenquist, Director Soft products and Process Development, Volvo Technology Fred Verweij, Senior Advisor, Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management The Netherlands Susanne Fuchs, HiTec Marketing 10.00 Keynote address: Standardisation Soeren Hess, Chairman of TC ITS ETSI (invited) 10.30 Coffee break 11.00 Exploitable results from 3 IPs (non-commercial): Delivering the Cooperative Vision: From RTD Towards Products Speakers: Luisa Andreone, European Network, Product Research, Centro Ricerche FIAT Matthias Schulze, Senior Manager ITS & Services, Daimler (invited) Fahim Belarbi, Head of Department for Traffic Management Systems and R&D, Cofiroute Cees de Wijs, Group Director Intelligent Transport Systems, Logica Andreas Kausche, Urban Systems, Siemens ITS (invited) 12.30 Lunch Break 13.30 Executive Round Table Closing Session: Cooperative systems in all vehicles & on all roads: When and How? Speakers: Ronald Adams, Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management The Netherlands (invited) Gunter Zimmermeyer, Bosch, Chairman of ERTICO Christine Lotz, Head of Traffic Influence and Telematics Department, BASt (invited) Vito Mauro, Managing Director, Mizar Automazione 15.00 Closing 25 Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 7KH:RUOG·V7UDIÀF6HQVRU 6PDUW6HQVRU+'·VSURYHQ SHUIRPDQFHLVDFFHSWHGJOREDOO\ DVDIRUPLGDEOHDOWHUQDWLYHWR WUDGLWLRQDOGHWHFWLRQ :KHQDFFXUDF\FRXQWVWKHZRUOG FRXQWVRQ6PDUW6HQVRU+' Se mi na r s &Conf e r e nc e s NEW_Ad25. qxp 16/ 2/ 10 17: 54 Pa ge 9 Published by Published by Exhibitors Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview 26 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW F o r H a l l s 1 t o 5 p l e a s e s e e p a g e s 2 8 a n d 2 9 A_Z Fl oor pl a ns _Fi na l 17/ 2/ 10 08: 57 Pa ge 2 C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . A A . R . H u n g a r y 1 0 . 2 1 5 A a n d e r a a D a t a I n s t r u m e n t s 1 1 . 6 2 6 A D D C O 1 0 . 1 0 0 A D E C T e c h n o l o g i e s 1 1 . 9 0 2 A D T F i r e & S e c u r i t y 1 1 . 2 2 0 A d v a n t e c h E u r o p e 1 1 . 9 2 1 A E G M I S 1 1 . 1 1 7 A e s y s 1 0 . 2 0 1 A F B - c e n t e r 0 9 . 3 0 3 A G D S y s t e m s 1 1 . 8 0 5 A l d r i d g e T r a f f i c C o n t r o l l e r s 1 1 . 1 1 2 A l d r i d g e T r a f f i c S y s t e m s 1 0 . 3 2 1 A n d e r s B e t a l e n v o o r M o b i l i t e i t 0 9 . 2 1 5 A n d e s 0 9 . 3 0 7 A p p l i e d T r a f f i c 0 9 . 1 1 6 A r p è g e M a s t e r K 1 0 . 2 1 9 A R S T r a f f i c & T r a n s p o r t T e c h n o l o g y 0 9 . 1 0 4 A r v o o I m a g i n g P r o d u c t s 1 1 . 8 2 8 A S C O 0 9 . 1 1 5 A s e l s a n 1 1 . 4 3 4 A u s t r i a T e c h - F e d e r a l A g e n c y f o r T e c h n o l o g i c a l M e a s u r e s 0 9 . 1 0 9 A u t o m a t i o n X 1 1 . 6 2 2 A V E V e r k e h r s - u n d I n f o r m a t i o n s t e c h n i k 1 1 . 2 3 3 A x i t 1 1 . 1 2 0 A y e r s R o c k E n t e r p r i s e s 1 1 . 9 1 1 B B a d e n n o v a 1 1 . 7 2 1 B A M I n f r a t e c h n i e k 1 1 . 4 0 9 B a r c o 0 9 . 4 0 2 B B Z O B 0 9 . 3 0 3 B e i j i n g G e n e r a l E l e c t r i c E q u i p m e n t 1 1 . 8 1 1 B e i j i n g Y u n x i n g y u T r a f f i c E n g i n e e r i n g 1 1 . 8 1 1 B e l d e n E l e c t r o n i c s 1 1 . 1 1 5 B e t a m o n t 1 0 . 1 1 8 B M I A 1 1 . 9 2 5 B r a n d 0 9 . 4 0 2 B r e m i c k e r V e r k e h r s t e c h n i k & K G 1 1 . 5 0 3 B r i f e n 1 0 . 5 0 2 B r i m o s 1 0 . 1 1 7 , 1 0 . 1 2 3 C C A T r a f f i c 1 0 . 5 0 2 C a m e a 1 1 . 1 3 9 C a p s y s 1 1 . 2 2 7 C A S N e d e r l a n d 1 1 . 8 2 7 C e n t r a l W e i g h i n g 1 1 . 4 0 0 C E O S I n d u s t r i a l 1 1 . 3 1 9 C e s t e l 1 1 . 1 2 5 C h a i n z o n e T e c h n o l o g y ( F o s h a n ) 1 0 . 1 1 2 C i c h o n A u t o m a t i s i e r u n g s t e c h n i k 1 1 . 8 2 6 C i t i l o g 1 1 . 5 2 1 C i v i e l e T e c h n i e k 1 1 . 0 0 0 C l e a r v i e w T r a f f i c G r o u p 1 1 . 4 3 8 C o h u E l e c t r o n i c s D i v i s i o n 1 1 . 8 2 1 C o l b e r g & F o r s t e r 1 1 . 6 0 1 C o l l i s 0 9 . 3 1 4 C o m a t i s 1 1 . 3 3 3 C o m p u t e r R e c o g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 1 1 . 6 3 6 C o n n e k t / I T S N e t h e r l a n d s 0 9 . 3 1 2 C o o p e r a t i v e M o b i l i t y S h o w c a s e 2 0 1 0 0 9 . 4 0 2 C r o w n I n t e r n a t i o n a l L i m i t e d 1 1 . 9 3 0 C S C 1 1 . 1 1 6 D D . S . T . A . 1 0 . 3 1 5 D a m b a c h - W e r k e 1 0 . 1 0 3 D a t a D i s p l a y N e d e r l a n d 1 1 . 2 3 7 D a t a S i g n s 1 1 . 1 1 4 D a t a T r a f f i c 1 1 . 1 2 5 D a t a C o l l e c t T r a f f i c S y s t e m s 1 0 . 3 0 7 D B T 0 9 . 2 2 2 D e V e r k e e r s I n f o r m a t i e D i e n s t 1 1 . 6 1 2 D I G I T E C H 1 1 . 4 3 6 d r e s d e n e l e k t r o n i k v e r k e h r s t e c h n i k 1 1 . 7 1 8 D T V C o n s u l t a n t s 1 1 . 1 2 6 E E c o - C o u n t e r 1 1 . 1 3 2 E C T N 1 1 . 7 2 9 E K T A C o m p a n y 1 1 . 1 4 2 E l e c t r o n i q u e C o n t r o l e M e s u r e 1 1 . 1 3 4 E l e k t r o n K f t . 1 0 . 1 2 2 E p l a n 1 1 . 6 2 7 E r t i c o 0 9 . 4 0 7 E S R I 1 1 . 1 3 1 E u r o t r a n s p o r t 1 1 . 0 0 0 E x c e l T e c h n o l o g y G r o u p P t y 1 1 . 5 0 1 E y e v i s , P e r f e c t V i s u a l S o l u t i o n s 1 1 . 8 0 6 F F A B E M A M o b i l e A m p e l s y s t e m e 1 0 . 3 0 9 F a m a s S y s t e m 1 1 . 8 1 8 F o r s t e r M e t a l l b a u 1 1 . 6 0 1 F o r s t e r V e r k e h r s - u n d W e r b e t e c h n i k 1 1 . 6 0 1 F r a m o s 1 1 . 2 3 6 F u n k w e r k p l e t t a c e l e c t r o n i c 1 1 . 7 1 9 G G a r d a s o f t V i s i o n L i m i t e d 1 1 . 3 3 4 G e v a s S o f t w a r e 1 1 . 7 1 7 G l o b a l T r a f f i c T e c h n o l o g i e s 1 1 . 3 1 9 G r a f f i t i M a g i c 1 1 . 8 2 7 G r e e n W a y S y s t e m e 1 0 . 5 1 6 G r u p o E t r a 1 1 . 7 0 9 G r u p o P o s t i g o 1 0 . 4 0 3 H H . I . G . V e r k e e r 1 1 . 3 1 9 H a i l o - W e r k 1 1 . 9 0 3 H e s s i s c h e s L a n d e s a m t f ü r S t r a s s e n - u n d V e r k e h r s w e s e n 0 9 . 3 1 1 H i g h T e c h A u t o m o t i v e C a m p u s 0 9 . 3 0 3 H i g h T e c h A u t o m o t i v e S y s t e m s 0 9 . 3 0 5 H i g h w a y s M a g a z i n e 1 1 . 1 2 8 H i l l a n d S m i t h 1 0 . 5 0 2 H o k a 1 1 . 4 0 9 H o n a c N e d e r l a n d 1 0 . 2 2 2 H o u s t o n R a d a r L L C 1 1 . 2 4 1 H S R o a d s 1 0 . 5 0 2 H y t r a n s S y s t e m s 1 0 . 1 2 3 I I c o m s D e t e c t i o n 1 1 . 9 0 9 I d r i s T e c h n o l o g y 1 1 . 5 2 5 I m a g e S e n s i n g S y s t e m s 1 1 . 5 0 8 I m a g o G r o u p 1 0 . 1 0 0 I m a g s a T e c h n o l o g i e s 1 1 . 7 0 7 I m t e c h I n f r a 1 0 . 1 0 1 I N E X / Z A M I R 1 1 . 6 1 9 I n f r a s p e c i a l s 1 1 . 9 1 7 I n t e r P l e x S o l a r T e c h n o l o g y U K 1 1 . 9 2 3 I s b a k 1 1 . 8 0 8 I T & T t s c 1 1 . 9 1 2 I T E R I S 1 1 . 9 1 5 J J A I 1 1 . 3 3 2 J S C R e s e a r c h C e n t e r " M o d u l e " 0 9 . 2 2 6 J S C S p e c e n e r g o t e h n i k a 0 9 . 3 1 6 J S P 1 1 . 1 3 6 K K a l i b r a 1 1 . 1 2 5 K a p s c h T r a f f i c C o m 1 1 . 8 2 5 K e y u n T e c h n o l o g y ( S h e n z h e n ) 1 1 . 1 2 8 A K i s t l e r I n s t r u m e n t e 1 0 . 3 1 8 K r i a 1 0 . 4 0 9 L L a S e m a f o r i c a 1 1 . 8 1 7 L a c r o i x T R A F I C 1 1 . 3 2 7 L a n d + W a t e r 1 1 . 0 0 0 L E A 1 0 . 1 0 3 L e d d a r T e c h 1 1 . 5 2 7 L e o t e k E l e c t r o n i c s U S A C o r p . 1 0 . 5 1 8 L o c a l T r a n s p o r t t o d a y c / o L a n d o r P u b l i s h i n g 1 1 . 0 0 0 L o g i c a 0 9 . 1 0 2 L U F F T 1 1 . 4 3 5 A L U M I X 1 1 . 1 3 0 M M e d i a p o i n t 1 1 . 0 0 0 M e t e o O m n i u m 1 0 . 2 1 9 M e t r o C o u n t 1 1 . 1 3 5 M I C R O P R O C E S S A D O R - S i s t e m a s D i g i t a i s 1 0 . 5 1 5 M i o v i s i o n T e c h n o l o g i e s 1 1 . 7 2 9 A M I Z A R A u t o m a z i o n e 1 0 . 1 0 3 M o b i l i t y 1 1 . 0 0 0 M o x a E u r o p e 1 1 . 8 0 0 M - U n i C o m p V e r k e h r s s y s t e m e 1 0 . 1 0 3 N N a v t e c h R a d a r 1 1 . 8 2 0 N A V T E Q 0 9 . 1 0 3 A N D W 0 9 . 4 0 4 N e a v i a T e c h n o l o g i e s 0 9 . 3 0 8 N i e c h o j E l e c t r o n i c 1 1 . 5 3 1 N o p t e l 1 1 . 9 0 7 N O W W i r e l e s s 1 0 . 5 0 4 O O p S e c S e c u r i t y 1 1 . 5 1 8 A O r t a n a E l e k t r o n i k 1 1 . 4 2 9 P P e e k T r a f f i c 1 0 . 1 0 1 , 1 0 . 1 0 3 P h o e n i x C o n t a c t 1 1 . 6 2 7 P i l o m a t 1 1 . 3 2 5 P I P S T e c h n o l o g y 1 1 . 6 3 5 P o w e r I n n o v a t i o n S t r o m v e r s o r g u n g s t e c h n i k 1 0 . 1 2 3 P r i s m a f l e x 1 0 . 1 2 3 P r o v i n c i e N o o r d - B r a b a n t 0 9 . 3 0 3 P r o v i n c i e N o o r d - H o l l a n d 0 9 . 4 0 5 P S I P r o d u c t i o n 1 1 . 8 0 7 P T V P l a n u n g T r a n s p o r t V e r k e h r 1 1 . 4 0 1 P W S T r a f f i c S o l u t i o n s 1 0 . 5 0 7 Q Q S G V e r k e h r s t e c h n i k 1 1 . 9 1 4 Q u e r c u s T e c h n o l o g i e s 1 1 . 7 1 2 Q U I X O T E 1 0 . 3 0 3 R R i j k s w a t e r s t a a t 1 1 . 5 1 1 R i t t a l 1 1 . 6 2 7 R o a d S a f e t y M a n a g e m e n t 0 9 . 1 0 7 R o t a p a n e l I n t e r n a t i o n a l 1 1 . 6 2 5 R o u t e O n e P u b l i s h i n g 1 1 . 4 3 5 B R T B & K G 1 1 . 3 0 1 R Z D - P a r t n e r b u s i n e s s m a g a z i n e 1 1 . 0 0 0 S S . C . A . E . 1 0 . 2 1 8 S a g e m C o m m u n i c a t i o n s 1 1 . 4 1 9 S a g e m S é c u r i t é 1 1 . 4 0 5 S a n d e r E l e c t r o n i c 1 1 . 7 2 3 S c h l o t h a u e r & W a u e r I n g e n i e u r g e s e l l s c h a f t f ü r S t r a s s e e r k e h r m b H & K G 1 1 . 7 0 1 S E A S I G N A L I S A T I O N 1 1 . 1 4 5 S E S H e a d O f f i c e a n d T o u r s p l a n t 1 1 . 5 1 7 S F C S m a r t F u e l l C e l l 1 1 . 1 2 0 S I C E 1 1 . 7 2 4 S i c k 1 1 . 7 3 3 S i e m e n s 1 1 . 2 0 9 S i e r z e g a E l e k t r o n i k 1 0 . 1 0 8 S i g n a l b a u H u b e r 1 0 . 1 0 3 S I M I C O N 1 1 . 6 2 1 S k y m e t e r C o r p o r a t i o n 0 9 . 2 1 6 S o d i S c i e n t i f i c a 1 1 . 6 0 9 S o l a r i D i U d i n e 1 0 . 3 1 1 S P L a a g s p a n n i n g s s y s t e m e n 1 0 . 1 2 3 S p e e d a r 1 1 . 6 3 0 S P I E 1 1 . 8 2 3 S t a r T r a q 1 1 . 6 2 8 S t e m m e r I m a g i n g 1 1 . 3 3 6 S T E R E L A 1 0 . 2 1 9 S t e r i a 1 1 . 9 1 9 S u d S e g n a l S r l T r a f f i c S y s t e m 1 0 . 5 0 8 S w a r c o 1 0 . 1 0 3 S w a r c o F u t u r i t V e r k e h r s s i g n a l s y s t e m e G e s . m . b . H 1 0 . 1 0 3 S w a r c o T e c h n o l o g y A p S 1 0 . 1 0 3 T T a t t i l e 1 1 . 4 2 5 T E C T r a f f i c S y s t e m s 1 1 . 3 1 9 T e c h n o l u t i o n 0 9 . 1 0 0 T e c h s p a n S y s t e m s 1 0 . 5 0 2 T e i n T e l e c o m 1 1 . 8 0 3 T e k n o t e l 1 1 . 4 3 0 T e l e g r a 1 1 . 2 0 1 T e l e n t 1 0 . 2 2 0 T e l e - T r a f f i c ( U K ) 1 1 . 7 1 5 T e l v e n t T r á f i c o y T r á n s p o r t e 1 0 . 1 1 6 T e r r a f i x F u n d a m e n t t e c h n i k 1 1 . 8 1 5 T h i n k i n g H i g h w a y s 1 1 . 6 2 3 T h i n k i n g S p a c e S y s t e m s 1 1 . 3 3 7 T h o m a s V e r k e h r s t e c h n i k 1 0 . 1 0 0 T N O 0 9 . 4 0 3 T O L L T E C ( N G O J S C ) 1 0 . 4 1 5 T o m T o m 0 9 . 2 1 2 T o t a l C l i e n t S e r v i c e s 1 1 . 8 2 9 T r a c e v i a 1 1 . 2 3 5 T r a f f i c 2 0 0 0 1 1 . 4 2 9 T r a f f i c D a t a S y s t e m s 0 9 . 1 0 8 T r a f f i c F u t u r a 1 1 . 9 1 8 T r a f f i c I n n o v a t i o n s 1 1 . 1 1 2 T r a f f i c S a f e t y S y s t e m s 1 1 . 5 1 5 T r a f f i c T e c h 1 1 . 1 1 2 T r a f f i c T e c h n o l o g y I n t e r n a t i o n a l 0 9 . 2 0 2 T r a f i c o n 1 0 . 4 0 7 T r a n s m a x 1 1 . 5 0 1 T r a n s p o r t B u s i n e s s I n t e r n a t i o n a l & G r e e n F l e e t M a g a z i n e 0 9 . 1 1 7 T r a n s p o r t P u b l i c 1 1 . 0 0 0 T R A X e l e k t r o n i k 1 1 . 8 2 6 T r i n i t é A u t o m a t i s e r i n g 1 0 . 3 2 2 T S S - T r a n s p o r t S i m u l a t i o n S y s t e m s 1 1 . 6 1 7 T T S 1 1 . 8 3 3 U U T I T r a f f i c M a n a g e m e n t 1 1 . 8 1 9 V V a g e 1 1 . 1 2 5 V a n d e n B e r g I n f r a s t r u c t u r e n 1 1 . 4 0 9 V a r l e y & G u l l i v e r 1 0 . 5 0 2 V e r k e e r i n B e e l d 1 1 . 0 0 0 V e r k e h r s S y s t e m e 1 1 . 7 1 7 V e r s i l i s 1 1 . 1 3 8 V e x p a n s i e 1 1 . 0 0 0 V i a l i s 1 1 . 1 0 1 V I N C I E n e r g i e s S o l u t i o n s T r a n s p o r t 1 1 . 3 3 0 V i s i o n L i g h t T e c h 1 0 . 4 1 9 V T N V e r k e e r s - & B e s t u r i n g s t e c h n i e k 1 1 . 4 0 9 W W a n c o 1 1 . 8 0 2 W a v e t r o n i x L L C 1 1 . 5 2 9 W e i s s - E l e c t r o n i c 1 0 . 1 0 3 W h i t e P e b b l e 1 1 . 9 2 9 W i l l e m s e n V e r k e e r s s e r v i c e 1 1 . 3 3 1 W i r e l e s s C C T V 1 1 . 4 3 9 W o r k A r e a P r o t e c t i o n C o r p o r a t i o n 1 1 . 9 0 0 W u x i A n b a n g E l e c t r i c 1 1 . 9 0 1 X X t r a l i s U K 1 1 . 7 2 0 Z Z h e j i a n g C a i y u a n R e f l e c t i n g M a t e r i a l 1 1 . 2 4 3 Exhibitors Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 27 A_Z Fl oor pl a ns _Fi na l 17/ 2/ 10 08: 57 Pa ge 3 28 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Exhibitors Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview F o r H a l l s 9 t o 1 1 p l e a s e s e e p a g e s 2 6 a n d 2 7 A_Z Fl oor pl a ns _Fi na l 17/ 2/ 10 08: 58 Pa ge 4 29 Exhibitors Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . C o m p a n y S t a n d N o . 3 G - G i o t t o D o n g g u a n I n d 0 5 . 2 2 9 3 M T r a f f i c S a f e t y S y s t e m s D i v i s i o n 0 1 . 5 3 0 4 U 0 3 . 1 1 2 A A . M . P . E . R . E S y s t e m 0 1 . 5 0 0 C A c h t e r E l e k t r o n i k 0 3 . 2 0 4 A A D H O L D 0 4 . 4 2 4 A d b r u f 0 5 . 4 3 6 A d o C e r r a m i e n t o s M e t á l i c o s 0 1 . 1 0 8 B A d o l f N i s s e n E l e k t r o b a u & K G 0 5 . 3 2 0 A f f i l i a t e d C o m p u t e r S e r v i c e s S o l u t i o n s F r a n c e S A S 0 1 . 3 1 8 A m i 0 5 . 3 3 3 A i r p o r t S u r f a c e F r i c t i o n T e s t e r ( A S F T ) E F . 0 4 9 A i s i c o 0 5 . 1 4 0 A l c a n C o m p o s i t e s - A l c a n S i n g e n 0 1 . 4 0 6 B A l c o h o l C o u n t e r m e a s u r e S y s t e m s C o r p . 0 1 . 5 2 8 B A l k a S a n a y i 0 1 . 6 2 6 A l k o b e l 0 5 . 3 2 1 A l l C h e m i e B e l g i u m 0 5 . 4 4 2 A m a n o E u r o p e 0 1 . 2 2 8 A m b r i d g e T h e r m o p l a s t i c s 0 5 . 1 3 8 A m e c U r b i s 0 1 . 2 0 0 A A m e r i c a n T r a f f i c S a f e t y S e r v i c e s A s s o c i a t i o n ( A T S S A ) 0 4 . 4 1 7 A n j i D a S o l S o l a r E n e r g y S c i e n c e & T e c h n o l o g y 0 1 . 4 0 2 A A p e x U n i v e r s a l 0 4 . 4 1 6 A r c e l o r M i t t a l 0 1 . 2 0 0 B A R M A S E l e k t r o n i k 0 1 . 6 0 4 A S P a r k i n g 0 3 . 1 2 9 A S C Q U E R 0 4 . 2 0 1 A s i a S u n ( T a i w a n ) 0 4 . 4 0 6 A s y t e c 0 2 . 3 0 6 A T B A u t o m a t e n T e c h n i k B a u m a n n 0 2 . 1 1 2 A v e r y D e n n i s o n 0 1 . 3 2 6 A V S M e l l i n g e n 0 1 . 4 0 4 A X I M U M 0 5 . 3 1 8 A x i o m e C o n c e p t 0 2 . 2 1 0 A Z D P r a h a 0 4 . 2 1 2 A z k o y e n M e d i o s D e P o 0 3 . 4 1 4 B B & E N a c h r i c h t e n t e c h n i k 0 5 . 4 3 8 B a r r i e r S y s t e m s 0 4 . 2 0 8 b a s l e r l a c k e 0 4 . 4 0 1 B a v a k B e v e i l i g i n g s g r o e p 0 2 . 2 0 5 B D B U L L O N E R I A D A D I 0 1 . 2 1 2 A b e b a r m a t i c P a r k s y s t e m e 0 3 . 2 0 7 B e i j i n g L e w a y I n t e r n a t i o n a l F a i r s E F . 0 4 4 , E F . 0 4 8 B e m r o s e B o o t h L i m i t e d 0 3 . 1 1 7 B e n e l u x R o a d T r a d e C e n t e r 0 5 . 2 3 3 B i m e x 0 1 . 6 2 8 B l a s t r a c E F . 0 5 5 B l u e S y s t e m s 0 1 . 3 0 0 B M C C r a f t 0 5 . 4 4 6 b o c o m L i c h t t e c h n i k E n e r g i e s p a r - T e c h n o l o g i e n 0 1 . 3 2 3 A B o j a 0 4 . 3 0 9 B o n g a r d & L i n d & K G 0 1 . 3 1 2 A B o r d e r B a r r i e r S y s t e m s 0 1 . 5 1 6 B o r u m I n d u s t r i 0 4 . 1 1 2 B o s c h u n g M e c a t r o n i c 0 1 . 1 0 8 B r a n d m a i e r I n f o r m a t i v e L e u c h t a n z e i g e n 0 3 . 4 1 1 B r i l l i a n t T e c n i c s 0 1 . 4 0 5 B r i t e - L i n e E u r o p e 0 1 . 3 1 2 A B S L - T i c k e t p r i n t 0 3 . 1 0 3 C C . M . ( C h i n a ) R o a d S a f e t y I n d u s t r i a l 0 1 . 6 2 4 A C a l e G r o u p 0 2 . 1 0 6 C a r S e g n a l e t i c a S t r a d a l e 0 1 . 3 2 3 C a r t 0 1 . 1 1 9 C a s t e l 0 3 . 3 0 9 C a t w a y F r a n c e 0 4 . 4 1 8 C a u c h o s K a r e y 0 1 . 4 0 9 C e g a s a I n t e r n a c i o n a l 0 1 . 4 1 4 C E P A S 0 4 . 2 0 9 C e s C o m p l e t e E l e c t r o n i c S y s t e m s 0 1 . 3 1 2 C h a n g z h o u H u a R S h e n g R e f l e c t i v e M a t e r i a l 0 1 . 1 3 2 C h a n g z h o u H u a w e i R e f l e c t i v e M a t e r i a l 0 4 . 4 0 8 C H E M P L U S 0 5 . 4 4 4 C h i y e G l a s s B e a d ( H e b e i ) 0 1 . 3 1 5 C I R C O N T R O L 0 3 . 2 0 3 C i x i S h u a n g w e i R o a d F a c i l t i e s 0 5 . 2 2 3 C o l o r P o i n t a n d H e r m s e a l 0 1 . 3 0 1 C o m e s t e r o G r o u p 0 2 . 2 1 6 C o m m e n d 0 2 . 3 0 4 C o n c h i g l i a 0 5 . 2 3 1 A C o n g o s t P l a s t i c 0 5 . 3 2 7 C o r u s C o n s t r u c t i o n & E n g i n e e r i n g 0 1 . 3 0 6 C r e d i t C a l l C o m m u n i c a t i o n s 0 1 . 1 3 4 C r o s s Z l i n 0 2 . 2 1 3 C R Y Z A L 0 4 . 1 0 5 C u b i t F r a n c e T e c h n o l o g i e s 0 2 . 1 0 3 C u s t o m E n g i n e e r i n g 0 3 . 3 1 2 D D . S w a r o v s k i & S w a r e f l e x D i v i s i o n 0 5 . 2 2 6 D a e R y u k I T S 0 1 . 2 2 9 D a m b a c h - W e r k e 0 4 . 3 0 2 D a n c o p I n t e r n a t i o n a l 0 4 . 2 0 4 D a r e s c o 0 1 . 4 1 5 d d m h o p t + s c h u l e r + K G 0 3 . 4 2 0 D e c e u n i n c k 0 1 . 5 1 1 D e i s t e r E l e c t r o n i c 0 2 . 2 1 2 D e l n o r t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l 0 4 . 3 0 8 A D e l t a B l o c E u r o p a 0 4 . 2 0 6 D e l t a D a n i s h E l e c t r o n i c s , L i g h t & A c o u s t i c s 0 5 . 1 2 4 D e q i n g Y i n g l o n g I n d u s t r i a l 0 1 . 4 0 0 D e s i g n a 0 3 . 3 0 2 D e s i g n a t e d P a r k i n g C o r p . 0 3 . 2 0 7 D e t a s D - P o w e r 0 4 . 3 0 7 D i r a m m H a l b a c h & K G 0 2 . 2 0 8 D i g i t a l A l l y E F . 0 4 1 D i n a f T r a f f i c C o n t r o l 0 1 . 2 1 4 A D o r o z h n a y a D e r z h a v a M a z i n e 0 1 . 5 0 0 B D o t a / P C P 0 3 . 1 3 0 F i s c h e r , D r . 0 1 . 2 0 1 A V o n B a l l m o o s , D r . 0 3 . 3 0 8 D r a c o n - E l t r o n 0 1 . 1 1 5 D S S - M P M y a r o r s z á g K f t . 0 3 . 3 1 8 E E c o - E n e r g y d e R i e t p o l 0 3 . 1 2 6 E D V - D r . H a l l e r & C o . 0 1 . 1 1 1 E l d r a 0 1 . 5 0 3 E l e k t r o B e c k 0 3 . 1 0 7 E l k a - T o r a n t r i e b e 0 2 . 3 0 8 E L T O D O E G E F . 0 1 1 E L - T R A 0 3 . 1 0 3 E l u m i n 8 0 5 . 3 2 8 E n f o r c e - I T 0 3 . 4 0 8 E r a m I n d u s t r i e E F . 0 4 0 E r d i V e r k e e r s t e c h n i e k & S t r a a t m e u b i l a i r 0 1 . 1 0 6 A E r i c h U t s c h 0 1 . 1 1 0 e s o 0 1 . 4 2 4 E u r o H i g h w a y S a f e t y L i m i t e d 0 1 . 2 2 4 E u r o T a n c a 0 1 . 3 2 4 B E u r o m e t a l 0 1 . 6 1 5 E u r o P a r k i n g 0 3 . 2 0 4 B E v e l u x 0 5 . 1 2 7 E v e r - G r o w A d v a n c e d M a t e r i a l s E F . 0 2 4 E v o n i k R ö h m 0 4 . 3 0 6 E x c e l l e n c e O p t o 0 1 . 6 2 2 E Z - L i n e r I n d u s t r i e s E F . 0 4 2 F F a a c 0 2 . 3 0 9 F A T O R T o r n i l l e r i a I n d u s t r i a l 0 1 . 3 0 7 F e d e r a l A P D 0 3 . 4 0 6 F e i g E l e c t r o n i c 0 2 . 1 1 3 F i b r e N e t 0 1 . 3 1 1 F i l t r o n a / D a v i d s o n T r a f f i c C o n t r o l P r o d u c t s 0 1 . 4 1 8 F i n d l a y I r v i n e 0 5 . 4 4 8 F l e i s c h h a u e r D a t e n t r ä g e r 0 2 . 2 0 8 F o n t r a f E q u i p a m e n t o s , L D A 0 1 . 2 0 4 F r a c a s s o 0 1 . 4 2 6 F r a n g i b l e S a f e t y P o s t s E F . 0 5 4 G G . P l a s t 0 4 . 2 0 3 G a n i s - S y s t e m s 0 3 . 1 2 5 G a t s o m e t e r 0 1 . 3 1 4 G a y k B a u m a s c h i n e n 0 1 . 5 0 6 G B S e g n a l e t i c a 0 4 . 4 1 9 G E L u m i n a t i o n L L C 0 1 . 5 1 4 G e B E E l e k t r o n i k u n d F e i n w e r k t e c h n i k 0 3 . 2 1 8 G E S I G G e s e l l s c h a f t f ü r S i g n a l a n l a g e n 0 3 . 3 1 4 G e v e k o 0 5 . 2 3 3 G e y e r & H o s a j a 0 5 . 2 3 8 G I F A S E L E C T R I C 0 5 . 1 2 9 G r e e n C e n t e r 0 3 . 1 2 0 G r e e n P a r k i n g 0 1 . 2 1 9 G r ü n S p e z i a l m a s c h i n e n f a b r i k 0 4 . 3 0 1 G S I 0 1 . 2 2 9 G u a n g d D e q i n g J i x i n S y n t h e t i c R e s i n 0 4 . 4 2 0 H H . M . R . H a n d e l s 0 5 . 1 3 6 H a e n n i W h e e l L o a d S c a l e s 0 1 . 3 1 2 H a n s v a n B a r e n V e r k e e r s m a t e r i a l e n & A d v i e s b u r o 0 1 . 2 1 2 H a z a r d S a f e t y P r o d u c t s L i m i t e d 0 5 . 2 3 2 H a z t e c I n t e r n a t i o n a l 0 5 . 1 2 0 H e c t r o n i c 0 2 . 3 1 0 H e f e i Z h o n g t i e B r i g h t T r a n s p o r t a t i o n E n g i n e e r S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y L t d 0 1 . 4 2 9 H e i n t z m a n n S i c h e r h e i t s s y s t e m e 0 1 . 3 2 2 H E L I O S D o m z a l e 0 5 . 2 3 6 H e n a n T A T U H i g h w a y 0 1 . 3 1 3 H e r m a n n S p e n g l e r & K G 0 4 . 1 0 6 H I - Q 0 3 . 4 0 9 H i - T e c h S o l u t i o n s E u r o p e 0 3 . 3 1 6 H i t e x T r a f f i c S a f e t y 0 1 . 2 0 2 H M I T e c h n o l o g i e s 0 3 . 2 2 0 H o f m a n n 0 4 . 3 0 4 H o r i z o n t K l e m m f i x 0 1 . 1 0 6 H R G r o e p 0 1 . 4 2 3 H u a n g S h a n X i n x i n T r a f f i c F a c i l i t i e s 0 5 . 1 1 9 H y p e r c o m 0 3 . 2 1 0 I I + D 3 0 3 . 1 2 3 I . F . B . 0 3 . 3 0 5 I . M E . V A 0 5 . 1 2 8 I C A C h i p k a r t e n s y s t e m e & K G 0 1 . 2 1 8 I d e o m a I n t e l l i g e n t S y s t e m s 0 3 . 4 1 0 I E M 0 2 . 1 1 6 I M O L i c h t s i g n a l 0 1 . 3 1 2 I m p a c t B l a c k H o l e 0 1 . 2 2 9 I m p a c t R e c o v e r y S y s t e m s 0 4 . 1 1 0 I M P A C T s y s t e m s E F . 0 3 7 I m p r i m e r i e N o u v e l l e 0 3 . 3 0 7 I M S I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a r k i n g S y s t e m s 0 4 . 3 0 2 I n c o r B i e r z o 0 1 . 5 3 1 A I N D E C T E l e c t r o n i c s & D i s t r i b u t i o n 0 1 . 1 2 4 I n d u s t r i a s D u e r o 0 1 . 5 2 8 A I n f o s t e r 0 1 . 6 2 1 I n f r a s i t e 0 1 . 4 0 2 B I n t a v 0 5 . 4 3 4 I n t e r c o d a m I n f r a 0 1 . 5 2 9 I n t e r c o m p 0 1 . 4 0 0 A I N T E R K O B O 0 1 . 5 2 0 A I n t e r n a t i o n a l C u r r e n c y T e c h n o l o g i e s 0 3 . 1 1 8 I n t e r n a t i o n a l R o a d D y n a m i c s 0 5 . 4 3 2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l R o a d F e d e r a t i o n 0 1 . 3 1 9 I n t e r t r a f f 0 1 . 5 1 0 A I n t e r t r a f f i c W o r l d w i d e E v e n t s 0 1 . 1 1 7 I P P a r k i n g 0 2 . 1 1 4 I P L g r o u p 0 1 . 4 0 8 I R C S p a I n t e r n a t i o n a l R e f l e c t i v e C o m p a n y 0 1 . 6 1 9 I t a l f l a s h 0 1 . 3 0 9 I T S A 0 1 . 4 2 7 J J . K n i e r i e m 0 5 . 4 4 5 J a n s e n V e n n e b o e r 0 5 . 2 1 9 J C M E u r o p e 0 3 . 2 0 5 J E N O P T I K R o b o t 0 1 . 4 1 6 J e r o l I n d u s t r i A B 0 1 . 4 0 1 B J i a n g s u G u o q i a n g Z i n c - P l a t i n g I n d u s t r y 0 4 . 3 0 0 B J u l u e n E n t e r p r i s e E F . 0 3 2 J U P I T E R 0 5 0 4 . 4 2 4 K K a m b e r 0 5 . 2 3 2 A K A N Z A N S p e z i a l p a p i e r e 0 2 . 1 0 8 K e e r p e 0 1 . 5 1 2 K e r s t e n M a r k e e r 0 5 . 2 3 3 K i n e t i c E n e r g y E F . 0 3 8 K i r s c h b a u m V e r l a g 0 1 . 6 0 6 K i w a C h e m i c a l I n d . 0 4 . 1 1 4 K o r e a P a r k i n g S y s t e m s I n d u s t r y C o o p e r a t i v e 0 1 . 2 2 9 K w a z a r C o r p o r a t i o n 0 1 . 4 0 1 A K Y T r o n i c s 0 3 . 1 2 7 A L L a V o i e E x p r e s s s i g n a l i s a t i o n r o u t i è r e 0 1 . 5 1 7 L a k e s i d e P l a s t i c s E F . 0 2 8 L a r i u s 0 5 . 1 3 0 L a t t i x 0 1 . 3 0 3 L a u r a M e t a a l E y g e l s h o v e n 0 1 . 5 0 9 L E D V i s i o n E F . 0 1 8 L E D S i g n s 0 1 . 6 2 3 L E V A S S E U R 0 1 . 4 0 0 B L I . E . R . 0 4 . 1 0 1 L I C L a n g m a t z 0 5 . 3 1 6 L i d r o r 0 2 . 1 1 5 L i m b u r g e r L a c k f a b r i k 0 4 . 3 0 2 L i n e t e c h & K G 0 1 . 1 0 5 L K F 0 5 . 2 3 3 , 0 5 . 2 3 4 L m - t h e r m 0 3 . 2 0 4 A L P L M u l t i m e d i a 0 2 . 3 1 2 L u c e b i t R o a d E F . 0 2 0 L W H S h a n D e v e l o p m e n t 0 1 . 2 2 4 M M . D . S . 0 5 . 2 3 0 B M a a n s h a n R o a d m a r k i n g 0 4 . 4 2 2 M a c q E l e c t r o n i q u e 0 1 . 5 3 1 M n e t i c A u t o c o n t r o l 0 1 . 1 1 4 M a r c e g l i a 0 1 . 2 1 0 M a r e l k o B e n e l u x 0 5 . 2 1 8 M a r g a r i t e l l i 0 1 . 5 2 6 A M a t a n D i g i t a l P r i n t e r s 0 1 . 3 2 6 M A V A N D S o l u t i o n s 0 1 . 3 1 2 M e a s u r e m e n t D e v i c e s ( M D L ) 0 1 . 6 0 9 M e a s u r e m e n t S p e c i a l t i e s 0 1 . 6 0 7 M e c h a t r o n i c T r a f f i c 0 5 . 3 2 9 M e g a p l a s t K l a d n o 0 5 . 2 2 8 M E I 0 2 . 1 0 5 M e t r i c G r o u p 0 1 . 2 1 4 M e y p a r 0 2 . 3 1 6 M i l e w i d e 0 1 . 4 0 7 M o n e y C o n t r o l s 0 3 . 1 0 9 M o r u I n d u s t r i a l S y s t e m s 0 3 . 1 1 4 M o s e l V i t e l i c 0 1 . 5 0 0 m o t i o n I D t e c h n o l o g i e s 0 1 . 2 2 0 M R L E q u i p m e n t C o m p a n y 0 5 . 3 3 1 M S R - T r a f f i c 0 1 . 2 3 0 B N N a d i a 0 5 . 3 1 4 N e l s D r u c k K e m p e n 0 2 . 3 1 4 N a t i o n a l R e j e c t o r s 0 1 . 2 2 1 N e d a p A V I 0 2 . 2 0 7 N i n g b o D i n g w a n g T r a f f i c F a c i l i t i e s E n g i n e e r i n g 0 3 . 1 3 6 N i n g b o H o p e T r a f f i c F a c i l i t i e s T e c h n o l o g y 0 4 . 3 0 0 A N i p p o n C a r b i d e I n d u s t r i e s 0 5 . 1 3 4 N M A V & V 0 1 . 4 2 8 N o r d b e t o n 0 5 . 4 4 3 N o r t e c h I n t e r n a t i o n a l 0 1 . 1 1 3 N o r T r o n i c 0 3 . 3 2 0 N o v a C o a t i n g T e c h n o l o g i e s 0 5 . 2 2 1 N o v e l i s E u r o p e 0 1 . 5 2 8 D O O & O G a t e A u t o m a t i o n 0 2 . 1 0 9 O a k l a n d s P l a s t i c s 0 3 . 1 1 5 A O l v i a J S C 0 5 . 1 1 7 O p e n T r a f f i c - O T S 0 1 . 1 3 3 O p t i c o n S e n s o r s E u r o p e 0 3 . 2 1 2 O R A F O L 0 1 . 2 0 3 O R É - 3 S E F . 0 3 1 O r t e c o S r l d i S . T a s s i n a r i & C . 0 4 . 2 1 0 O u t i m e x 0 1 . 5 0 1 O x f o r d P l a s t i c S y s t e m s 0 1 . 5 0 8 P P 1 0 3 . 3 1 5 P A U r a l O p t i c a l a n d M e c h a n i c a l P l a n t 0 1 . 2 3 2 P a l m e n c o T r a f f i c A B 0 5 . 2 1 8 P a r k A s s i s t L L C 0 3 . 4 0 2 P a r k a r e G r o u p 0 1 . 1 1 2 P a r k e o n 0 2 . 2 0 2 P A R K H E L P - E 2 S 0 2 . 3 1 1 A P a r k i n g N e t w o r k 0 1 . 1 3 8 P a r k i n g W o r l d 0 3 . 1 2 7 P a r k m o b i l e G r o u p / G l o b a l 0 2 . 3 1 3 P a r x 0 3 . 1 1 1 P a s s + C o B a r r i e r S y s t e m s 0 1 . 5 0 6 P a u s e l l i 0 5 . 3 2 3 P e r f e c t S e c u r i t y & M a c h i n e r y L t d 0 3 . 1 3 4 P e t e r B e r g h a u s 0 1 . 4 0 4 P h o e n i x M e c a n o 0 3 . 1 1 3 P l a s t i c S a f e t y S y s t e m s E F . 0 4 6 P l a s t i r o u t e 0 5 . 2 3 3 P o t t e r s E u r o p e 0 5 . 2 2 0 P R . e l e t t r o n i c a S r l 0 3 . 3 1 0 P r e s i o n y F u e r z a 0 1 . 1 3 1 P r i n s D o k k u m 0 1 . 4 1 1 P r i s m a T e k n i k A B 0 1 . 5 2 6 P r i s m o R o a d M a r k i n g s 0 1 . 4 1 0 P r o C o n t o u r 0 4 . 2 0 7 P R O I N 0 4 . 2 0 2 P U T k a s t 0 1 . 6 1 7 Q Q u a z a r I n t e r n a t i o n a l 0 5 . 3 1 9 R R & D S i c u r e z z a 0 5 . 3 3 0 R A D A R L U X R a d a r S y s t e m s 0 1 . 3 1 6 R a m b ö l l S w e d e n 0 1 . 2 2 6 R a m e t C . H . M . a . s . 0 1 . 6 2 5 R e d f l e x T r a f f i c S y s t e m s 0 1 . 4 2 1 R e d i w e l d T r a f f i c P r o d u c t s 0 4 . 4 0 4 R e f l e x i t e E u r o p e 0 1 . 2 3 5 R i e d e r B e t o n w e r k 0 1 . 6 1 1 R I S E 0 3 . 3 1 1 R o a d M a r k i n g E q u i p m e n t 0 1 . 3 0 8 R o a d i s E F . 0 2 3 R O B O T V i s u a l S y s t e m s 0 1 . 4 1 6 R O L L S R O L L E R 0 1 . 3 2 5 R o n d i n o 0 1 . 3 0 2 A R o u t e O n e P u b l i s h i n g 0 1 . 3 2 1 R o v e k a 0 2 . 3 1 4 R X 2 C l e a n i n g P r o d u c t s 0 1 . 2 3 3 S S . C . T . 0 4 . 2 1 4 S . T . I . 0 4 . 4 2 6 S a b a c a u c h o 0 1 . 2 3 1 S A C S 0 3 . 2 2 1 S a f e r o a d A S 0 1 . 3 1 0 S a f e t y P r o d u c t 0 1 . 5 2 1 S a m H w a A u t o m a t i o n 0 1 . 2 2 9 S A M A R ' T 0 1 . 4 0 3 S a s a 0 1 . 1 0 8 A S c a n t o n P a r k i n g + 0 2 . 2 0 6 S c h a k e 0 1 . 2 1 6 S c h e i d t & B a c h m a n n 0 2 . 1 0 2 S c h i c k E l e c t r o n i c 0 1 . 3 1 2 S c h m i t P a r k e e r s y s t e m e n 0 2 . 1 0 2 S c h ü t t e 0 4 . 1 0 3 S c h w e e r s I n f o r m a t i o n s t e c h n o l o g i e 0 2 . 1 2 0 S E A G r o u p 0 3 . 1 2 1 S e i h - Y i n g 0 5 . 4 4 7 S e k i s u i J u s h i 0 1 . 6 2 8 , 0 1 . 6 3 0 S e n s o r L i n e 0 1 . 6 0 7 S e n s y s T r a f f i c 0 4 . 1 0 8 S e n t r y P r o t e c t i o n s P r o d u c t s 0 3 . 1 1 6 S e r n i s I D I e s t i g a c a o e D e s e o l v i m e n t o 0 1 . 3 2 0 S e t g a 0 1 . 2 0 6 S e v e n s e r v i c e 0 5 . 1 1 6 S G G T 0 1 . 3 2 2 S h a n g h a i J e s s u b o n d T r a f f i c S a f e t y N e w M a t e r i a l 0 5 . 1 1 8 S h a n g h a i N i t e s t a r R e f l e c t i v e M a t e r i a l s 0 5 . 4 4 0 S h e n z h e n H o r o a d E l e c t r o n i c T e c h n o l o g y D e v e l o p m e n t 0 3 . 4 1 7 S h e n z h e n S p a r k O p t o e l e c t r o n i c s S & T 0 5 . 4 5 0 A S h e n Z h e n T o n g D e S h e n g E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i a l 0 5 . 4 5 4 S h e n z h e n W e j o i n M a c h i n e r y & E l e c t r i c a l T e c h n o l o g y 0 3 . 2 1 7 S H E N Z H E N Y D M R E F L E C T O R E F . 0 2 7 A S h i n d o I n d u s t r y 0 1 . 2 2 9 S I C O - S i s t e m a s D e C o n t r o l E F . 0 2 2 S i g m a x L a w E n f o r c e m e n t 0 3 . 2 1 4 S i g n a l 0 1 . 4 1 2 S i g n a l G r o u p 0 1 . 1 2 6 S I I R ( A F A P A R K ) 0 1 . 3 2 4 A S i m t r a 0 3 . 4 1 0 S i n t e l I t a l i a 0 4 . 3 1 1 S i n t e l V a n d e r H o o r n 0 2 . 3 1 5 S i r e n a 0 4 . 3 1 1 S i r i t 0 3 . 2 1 6 S I S A S S e g n a l e t i c a 0 5 . 2 1 7 S i x C a r d S o l u t i o n s G r o u p L u x e m b o u r g 0 3 . 2 0 4 S k i D a t a 0 1 . 1 1 6 S m a r t P a r k i n g S y s t e m s 0 2 . 2 1 4 S m a r t s t u d S y s t e m s 0 1 . 5 2 8 C S M S P a r k i n g 0 2 . 3 1 1 S N G C o m p a n y 0 3 . 2 1 5 S n o l i n e 0 4 . 2 0 8 S o l o s a r 0 1 . 3 2 2 S o p p e c 0 1 . 5 2 3 S O V I T E C 0 4 . 1 0 4 S p a r k l e S a f e t y 0 1 . 2 2 9 S p e c c h i d e a 0 5 . 1 2 1 S P L 0 1 . 4 2 0 S q u a r e S y s t e m e I n t e r n a t i o n a l p / a S o p h i a A n t i p o l i s 0 1 . 1 2 3 S t a l p r o d u k t 0 5 . 2 3 1 S t a v b a a ú d r z b a s i l n i c 0 1 . 5 0 0 A S t e e n I n d u s t r i 0 5 . 4 4 9 S t e g o 0 3 . 1 1 9 S T i M C o m p a n y 0 1 . 3 1 8 B S t i r l i n g L l o y d P o l y c h e m 0 1 . 1 0 9 S T O L L R E F L E X S t r a s s e n m a r k i e r u n g s m a t e r i a l i e n 0 4 . 3 0 2 S u n g I L M o o l s a n 0 4 . 4 0 2 S u n h i l l T e c h n o l o g i e s 0 2 . 2 0 9 S u p e r t e c Z o n a E F . 0 3 6 S u z h o u E v e r i c h 0 5 . 4 5 2 S w a r c o 0 4 . 3 0 2 S W A R C O M . S w a r o v s k i 0 4 . 3 0 2 S w a r c o V e s t g l a s 0 4 . 3 0 2 S w i s s Z o n e 0 1 . 3 1 2 T T M a s t e r 0 2 . 1 1 7 T a l a r i s 0 3 . 3 1 7 T a x a - M e t e r C e n t r a l e 0 3 . 2 0 2 T C M E N G I N Y 0 3 . 4 1 3 T D C S y s t e m s 0 1 . 6 1 3 T D I - T r a f f i c D e v e l o p m e n t a n d I n n o v a t i o n 0 1 . 4 1 2 T e r M a c - R o a d M a r k i n g M a c h i n e 0 5 . 1 3 1 T E R T U 0 5 . 3 1 8 A T h a l e s 0 3 . 3 0 3 T h e r m o s h u t t l e C o r p . 0 1 . 4 0 0 C T o e n n j e s G r o u p 0 1 . 4 3 2 T o p c o a t N e d e r l a n d 0 3 . 3 1 9 T r a d e l e c I n t e r n a t i o n a l 0 3 . 2 0 6 A T r a f f i c S e r v i c e N e d e r l a n d 0 1 . 3 0 4 T r a f f i c - O b s e r v e r . b e b y S I M E l e c t r o n i c 0 1 . 3 1 2 T r a f f i x D e v i c e s 0 5 . 1 2 6 T r a f i q 0 1 . 4 0 6 A T r a n s o f t S o l u t i o n s 0 1 . 1 2 1 T r a n s p o I n d u s t r i e s 0 4 . 4 1 0 T r e l l e b o r g E n g i n e e r e d S y s t e m s 0 1 . 4 1 3 T r i f l e x B e s c h i c h t u n g s s y s t e m e & K G 0 5 . 4 2 7 T T S - T o t a l T e c h n i c a l S o l u t i o n s 0 1 . 3 0 2 B U U n i m a r k L i n e P a i n t i n g ( T h a i l a n d ) E F . 0 5 0 U n i t e d C h i n a E l e c t r o n i c s ( H . K . ) 0 5 . 2 3 0 A U r b a c o 0 2 . 1 0 1 V V a l m o n t 0 1 . 5 2 2 V a n B e r d e E F . 0 4 6 A V a n D o d e w e e r d P a r k i n g s u p p l i e s 0 2 . 2 0 8 V e l u v i n e 0 5 . 4 2 9 , 0 5 . 4 3 0 V e r d e g r o 0 1 . 1 0 4 V e r m o l e n G r o e p 0 1 . 2 0 8 V I A T r a f f i c C o n t r o l l i n g 0 4 . 2 0 7 V i e r e x 0 1 . 5 2 7 V i l l a P r o 0 3 . 3 1 3 V I N M E R 0 4 . 3 0 8 V i t r o n i c 0 5 . 1 2 2 v o e s t a l p i n e K r e m s F i n a l t e c h n i k 0 1 . 6 0 0 V o l k m a n n & R o s s b a c h & K G 0 1 . 5 2 4 V R 0 1 . 3 1 2 W W . A r n o l d 0 3 . 4 1 8 W . E . I . S . S . K . E . R . 0 4 . 3 1 0 W a t e r b l a s t i n g T e c h n o l o g i e s 0 4 . 2 1 5 W a v e t e c R a d a r S o l u t i o n s 0 1 . 6 0 2 W e l l E l e c t r i c C o m p a n y 0 5 . 4 5 0 W e m a s R o a d S a f e t y 0 1 . 5 2 0 W i l h e l m G r e w e O H G 0 1 . 2 2 7 W I M E D O z n a k o w a n i e D r ó g E F . 0 4 7 W i n t e r M a r k i e r t e c h n o l o g i e 0 4 . 3 0 1 W i t t e P l u s p r i n t D r u c k m e d i e n E F . 0 2 6 W P S W o r l d w i d e P a r k i n g S o l u t i o n s 0 3 . 1 0 2 W S A E l e c t r o n i c & K G 0 2 . 1 0 7 Y Y S L 0 5 . 3 2 4 Y u s h u Y e s h i l i R e f l e c t i v e M a t e r i a l , S i c h u a n J i a n g y o u 0 5 . 3 3 6 Z Z e a g 0 2 . 2 0 4 Z e h n t n e r T e s t i n g I n s t r u m e n t s 0 4 . 4 1 2 Z e r E l e k t r o n i k 0 1 . 4 1 7 Z h a n g j i a n g C i t y Y a d o n g H i g h F r e q u e n c y W e l d i n g S t e e l M a n u f a c t u r e 0 1 . 6 2 4 B Z h e j i a n g D a o m i n g O p t i c s & C h e m i c a l 0 1 . 5 1 0 Z n a c k y P r a h a E F . 0 1 0 A_Z Fl oor pl a ns _Fi na l 17/ 2/ 10 08: 58 Pa ge 5 New product, proven quality. The ROBOT innovation and product quality remains the basis for outstanding traffic safety systems from JENOPTIK. There are many reasons for comprehensive traffic monitoring. This is the most important. Improved road safety: communities and towns all over the world rely on our ROBOT technology, tried and tested for more than 75 years, for the monitoring of traffic lights and speed limits. As the global market leader in the photographic traffic monitoring sector, we cover the entire process chain of traffic safety technology – and ensure that the streets in more than 80 countries are safe to drive on at any time. Traffic safety with technology OPTICAL SYSTEMS LASERS & MATERIAL PROCESSING INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS DEFENSE & CIVIL SYSTEMS 31 LED traffic strobe Gardasoft Vision will unveil its next-generation VTR strobe LED light for intelligent traffic solutions at Intertraffic. The new VTR2 light, designed to meet the growing needs of ANPR/LPR based applications, offers a 600 per cent increase in light output, providing the ITS market with a solid-state lighting alternative to conventional xenon- based lighting solutions. Gardasoft claims the VTR2 is now the brightest LED light available. Strobe speeds are also higher, at up to 65Hz. According to the company, these faster strobe speeds offer a solution to applications that were previously impossible due to slow strobe speeds associated with recharging times of the lights. The light can be strobed via a trigger input from a camera or it can strobe continuously in free running mode. Housed within an IP66-rated enclosure, the VTR2 lights are available in 740nm, 850nm and 940nm for non-invasive applications. A white light version is also available where additional colour data is required. All the control electronics are embedded within the VTR range of lights, requiring only a 24Vdc power supply to operate. Intensity and pulse timing can be controlled remotely via RS-232, RS-422 or Ethernet. Stand 11.334 A very bright idea. Potters Europe, a finalist in the Innovation Awards for its C-me-2 product, will be featuring another major safety innovation on its stand: Ultraguard Safety System. Ultraguard can be used to apply on-site paint and high-performance glass beads on guardrails, making them highly reflective at night when lit by cars’ headlamps. This allows drivers more time to react and avoid a collision, and alerts them more effectively to changes in road direction. According to Potters, this dramatically increases road safety in dangerous areas, such as curves, crossings, and work zones, and during difficult weather conditions such as rain and fog. Stand 05.220 Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Visitors to the Euro Parking trade journal stand at Intertraffic will be able to get a copy of the second, newly updated edition of the PARKLex dictionary. It contains some 1,500 of the commonest terms in the parking industry in six languages. As the publishers point out, the parking industry is international. The fact that English can be considered a lingua franca does not change the fact that when communicating as a non-native speaker one quickly comes up against one’s limits, particularly when it comes to trade and technical terms. The PARKLex compact compendium is therefore intended to help users obtain industry product information successfully, even on specialised topics. Stand: 03-240 B Parking terms in six languages Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Traficon will use Intertraffic to highlight SafeWalk, a new pedestrian presence sensor which the company claims takes its established video detection technologies to a whole new level. By using two CMOS cameras in parallel, SafeWalk converts two- dimensional images into three- dimensional information. Such 3D information is useful and necessary as it enables the system to distinguish between real objects and irrelevant background information such as shadows or reflections. Embedded and field- proven Traficon algorithms are able to analyse more ‘in depth’; delivering accurate information on pedestrian presence and behaviour. The main goal of SafeWalk is to improve pedestrian operations and safety at traffic signals. By detecting waiting pedestrians and at the same time managing and controlling traffic lights more dynamically, this intelligent sensor reduces unnecessary delays to both pedestrians and motorists. This above-ground sensor is designed to view a detection zone adjacent to the pole to which it is mounted. Stationary pedestrians or those moving in the designated zone waiting to cross a roadway will generate a detection state 24/7 in urban conditions. Stand 10.407 Pedestrian presence sensor Delnorth will use Intertraffic to highlight its latest innovation - Sign- Flex, a virtually indestructible sign product. The company claims that the product is the most durable and long-lasting available on the market today and is guaranteed to retain its original shape even after multiple wheel-overs. And it is backing up its claims with a 10-year guarantee against breakage. As Delnorth points out, traffic signs manufactured from aluminium or galvanised steel are non-flexible and need to be replaced when impacted. And while PVC/Plastic signs are partially flexible, they deteriorate quickly due to UV weathering and repeated impacts. Sign-Flex has been tested and proven to spring back to its original state even after being bent, battered or repeatedly run over. It can withstand temperatures from - 100°C to +120°C and does to break or crease at impact. According to the company, this is because it is manufactured from a specially formulated polycarbonate substrate material. Sign-Flex products are available in 3, 4.5 and 6mm- thick UV-stabilised polycarbonate, complete with mounting channel, featuring rounded edges and available with radius corners. Stand 04-308A Virtually indestructible signs Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 18: 54 Pa ge 1 32 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Wavetronix will be at Intertraffic to highlight its SmartSensor HD, which has been extensively tested by respected transportation organisations around the world and is now recognised as a formidable alternative to loops. As a result, the company now has active installations in more than 40 countries, including a recent deployment in Denmark that is the direct result of third-party testing. According to Mike Rose, VP of Sales at Wavetronix, the Danish test compared several non-intrusive devices to three sets of inductive loop pairs and found that the per-vehicle speed data generated by SmartSensor HD’s dual radar was most accurate. “Study results show that SmartSensor HD was the only sensor tested whose performance met specified requirements throughout the entire test,” Rose says. Because global acceptance of Wavetronix technologies has led to a year of phenomenal international growth, the company has recently moved its headquarters to a larger facility in Provo, Utah and established offices in London and Australia. These complement its existing offices in China and Florida while the company’s worldwide network of authorised distributors continues to expand. “The Wavetronix exhibit at Intertraffic will celebrate the global acceptance of high- definition radar,” Rose says. Stand 11.529 Germany-headquartered Peter Berghaus will unveil its latest portable traffic engineering products at Intertraffic. These include the MPB 3400 construction site traffic light with quartz, cable or radio control for simultaneous use of various modes such as request, fixed phase and green on request. Further signal heads can be simply added for controlling alternating one-way or crossroads traffic. Berghaus will also present its export hit, the MPB 1400 with quartz control for alternating one- way traffic and crossroads traffic. According to the company, users of this multilingual portable traffic light are guided through the menu as easily as using a TV remote control. The current portable traffic light controller EPB 12 Multiprocessor will also be featured. A data bus cable connects the master and slave components which are used for direct control of large traffic light crossroads with 12 signal groups and up to 32 signal heads. Optional of 40V lamps or LED technology are available for every signal group. The Berghaus service partner, AVS Traffic Safety Group, will also be at Intertraffic with the latest addition to the ProTec roadworks safety family: the portable ProTec 160 crash barrier, together with the proven ProTec 120 crash barrier system. Stand 01.404 Proven product from a new company Frangible Safety Posts Ltd, established in October 2009, has purchased the intellectual property rights for the Frangible Post System from 3M and will be appearing at Intertraffic. FSP will immediately be supplying the passive safety market with reinforced composite posts that will carry signs on motorways and other busy roads. The product (as previously commercially developed and marketed by 3M) is designed to be strong enough to withstand turbulent weather conditions but light and flexible enough to collapse on impact, protecting the driver and passengers and causing minimum damage to the vehicle. When the FSP passively safe 140mm diameter post was independently certified at the UK’s TRL it achieved the highest safety ranking awarded to any make of sign post to date: NE:3 status. The post has been designed to meet the European standard for Passive Safety (EN12767). Stand EF.054 Tested at 100km/h, a traditional steel post (on the left) compared to the Frangible Safety Post, which shatters on impact. The Frangible Safety Post absorbs only a small amount of energy and in so doing prevents the internal trauma to vital organs due to rapid deceleration that can be fatal or inflict serious injuries to passengers. LED Park Circontrol, a finalist in the Innovation Awards for its CirCarLife intelligent recharging station, will also be featuring LED Park on its stand. Developed to provide tools to enable parking operators to get optimum efficiency and economy in their facilities, LED Park is a new concept of lighting through LED technology integrated with the parking guidance system. Circontrol says the result is a better image and a more pleasant environment for the users, coupled with a significant reduction in energy costs for the operator. Stand 03.203 Tried and tested SmartSensor HD Portable traffic lights Borum Industri will use Intertraffic to launch what it claims is a revolution is about to change the face of the road marking industry. The company has developed the LineMaster, a computer system that brings all road marking applications together in one simple solution and makes life easier for road markers. The computer and software system helps operators control all road marking tasks, from line application and pre-marking to reporting and invoicing. As the company points out, new applications in the road marking industry tends to mean new add-ons to existing machinery. But with the LineMaster, all the applications are brought together in one system and add-ons don’t take up extra space. Johnny Jørgensen, Project Manager at Borum: “What’s great about the LineMaster is that it’s scalable. New functions, extra software and upgrades can be installed easily using a USB memory stick. And the intuitive interface makes it so easy to use.” Stand 04.112 Road marking revolution Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 18: 55 Pa ge 2 The Helios Family of Products Cohu’s new Helios Family of products combines the advantages of HDTV image quality with bandwidth-efficient H.264 compression to produce dramatically sharper imaging within the most demanding IP networks. Available in fixed or variable-speed positioner models, Cohu’s HD cameras deliver 1280 x 720p resolution throughout the 18x optical zoom range, with an additional analog output, and dual stream technology for dynamic IP camera networks. In addition, the 9920 Translinx encoder/decoder may be configured for MJPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, or H.264 compression for maximum system flexibility. The Helios family of products uses the latest IP technology and integrates perfectly into systems transitioning over from analog to IP. For more on Cohu’s Helios Family of Products, visit our website at Cohu’s Helios products show you everything in 720p30 resolution for dramatically improved visibility. 3930 HD High Definition Fixed IP Camera 3960 HD High Definition PTZ IP Camera 9920 Translinx H.264 Transmission System a hi gher defi ni ti on of qual i ty DURABLE The iiiLevel marker encapsulates 10 years of materials R&D to ensure long term performance on the road. Virtually flush profile minimises the abrasive and compressive effects of multiple tyre impacts. ILLUMINATION Powered by energy efficient LED’s, 3i can power 200 road markers 2000m from a single source. Adjustable intensity provides one- or two-way visibility with a 500m range in all conditions. Available in red, amber, white and green. Powering Innovation Intertraffic Stand 01.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register by 22 March DURABLE • AFFORRDDAABBLLE • VERSATILE The iiiLevel marker encapsulates 10 years of materials R&D to ensure long term performance on the road. Virtually flush profile minimises the abrasive and compressive effects of multiple tyre impacts. ILLUMINATION • INDUCTION • INTELLIGENCE Powered by energy efficient LED’s, 3i can power 200 road markers 2000m from a single source. Adjustable intensity provides one- or two-way visibility with a 500m range in all conditions. Available in red amber white and green red, amber, white and green. Powering Innovation II Intertraffic Stand 01.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register by 22 March Pa ge 33 16/ 2/ 10 18: 43 Pa ge 1 34 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Developed to address international vehicle detection needs, Iteris’s Pico is a compact video detection system that delivers superior vehicle detection in a value-conscious package. The easy-to-use Pico system includes a weather-resistant camera sensor with a built-in vehicle detection processor and an interface controller that resides in the traffic cabinet. The sensor can be mounted at low heights, eliminating the need for special poles or mounting apparatus, while the electronics design has been proven to have high reliability using the latest technology. The small and lightweight camera sensor can be mounted at various heights virtually anywhere at the intersection. The interface controller provides open-collector outputs for the traffic controller to use as indicators of vehicle presence, thus allowing the traffic controller to actuate the signals for efficient traffic flow. The Pico is also designed to reduce the time needed to install and configure the unit on a pole or other fixture. Once mounted, the camera is positioned and oriented for the desired field of view. Virtual detection zones can be drawn using a laptop computer and uploaded to the processor. This process allows end-users to set up Pico in just a few minutes. Stand 11.915 Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Delta Light and Optics will be launching the LTL-M Mobile Retroreflectometer, based on new patent-pending technology, that takes the measurement of road markings to a higher level. It offers accuracy in line with handheld instruments under all driving conditions, including bumpy roads and curves. Moreover, LTL-M provides continuous measurement of the full length and width of road markings, combined with checking RRPMs (cat’s eyes). As Delta Light and Optics points out, handheld retroreflectometers are currently the only instruments regarded as being accurate enough and accepted for contractually valid measurements of road markings. Indeed, the company’s own LTL2000, LTL-X and LTL-XL instruments are the standards used by the market. However, handheld instruments have limitations. They provide sample measurements which are not representative for retroreflection measurements of the full length and width of road markings. Moreover, handheld instruments are dangerous to operate in traffic or require costly road closure. The LTL-M, which is simple to operate, can be integrated with existing mobile road measurement systems or used as a standalone unit and vehicle-mounted. Designed for easy on-the-spot calibration and maintenance with no, or minimal, downtime, LTL-M offers the accuracy and reliability required with no need for control measurements. Stand 05.124 Mobile retroreflectometer International Road Dynamics (IRD) will use Intertraffic to unveil a new, compact version of its popular iSINC Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) electronics, capable of servicing up to eight lanes. iSINC Lite boasts all of the features currently available in the parent, and is a hardened electronics unit able to accommodate temperature and environmental extremes. Modular and convenient to upgrade, it includes powerful multi-tasking software for improved speed and performance. Applications include traffic data collection, sorting traffic based on compliance with regulations, controlling external systems and equipment, vehicle pre- screening, virtual weigh stations and WIM@Toll. According to the company, the iSINC Lite’s electronics are driven by a powerful operating system which provides the flexibility to accommodate advanced algorithms and new sensor arrays now and into the future. Meanwhile, also highlighted will be how its customer- focused team fuses core IRD technology with integrated computing and communications technologies. The company’s technology includes WIM, toll systems, advanced traffic control and data collection. Stand 05.432 iSINC Lite from IRD Pico vehicle detection LEDSigns has a ‘bright solution’ LEDSigns, the Taiwan-based company established by HONYEE Group in 2009 to concentrate on the development of LED signs, will be at Intertraffic to highlight its new technologies, including its Polestar LED modules. According to the company, its product is a pioneer in terms of breaking the size and legend restrictions of existing solar-powered LED traffic signs. With LED array modules and rails, any character, symbol and legend, in any language can be easily displayed by the system. Moreover, LEDSigns says it can be retrofitted to the existing sign hardware, reducing upgrading cost, installation time, and wastage. To contribute to a sustainable environment and provide substantial savings as against spot lights or fluorescent boxes used on conventional signs, all kinds of traffic signs of any size can now be illuminated by solar power. The system is equipped with smart sensors and will automatically turn on in poor weather conditions such as fog and when ambient light is low. Stand 01.623 Mega Rail restraint Mega Rail from Outimex is an innovative steel restraint double belt system with high containment level H2/H4b and small working width, tested under DIN EN 1317-2. Light and cost-efficient, its simplified design has only four standard elements which can be interconnected without the need for special adaptation. Mega Rail is suitable for a broad range of applications, as a single or especially a dual system on narrow central reservations. Stand 01.501 LED modules from LEDSigns can be directly attached to existing sign boards, illuminating the information by solar power Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 18: 57 Pa ge 3 AFFORDABLE iiiLevel powered by 3i is the most affordable system on the market across all economic tests. Low cost of light units, speedy installation, easy maintenance and long life expectancy. INDUCTION Inductive (or wireless) power technology was recently acclaimed by M.I.T. as one of the top 10 technologies to change the world. 3i is the leading international provider of inductively powered road markers, eliminating the need for hard-wired connections at the road surface. Powering Innovation Intertraffic Stand 01.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register by 22 March DURABLE • AFFORDABLE • VERSATILE E iiiLevel powered by 3i is the most affordable system on the market across all economic tests. Low cost of light units, speedy installation, easy maintenance and long life expectancy. ILLUMINATION • INDUCTION • INTELLIGENCE N Inductive (or wireless) power technology was recently acclaimed by M.I.T. as one of the top 10 technologies to change the world. 3i is the leading international provider of inductively powered road markers eliminating the need for hard-wired connections at the road surface markers, eliminating the need for hard wired connections at the road surface. Powering Innovation II Intertraffic Stand 01.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register by 22 March Image Sensing Systems-Europe, part of ISS, which specialises in ITS detection solutions for urban and interurban transportation management, will use its appearance at Intertraffic to highlight its array of video and radar detection products. For instance, the Autoscope Phoenix, a two-camera video detection system which provides a complete solution for junction control. The detector card slides easily into a rack to provide stopline and advanced vehicle detection at any approach. Also being featured by ISS- Europe, which is headquartered in the UK and has offices in Germany, Poland and Spain, is the Autoscope RackVision Terra video detection solution which delivers high- performance traffic data collection and incident management. Ideally suited for tunnel, roadway and advanced junction control applications, this single card video processor has dual-core processing power, digital streaming video and web browser communications via Ethernet. The RTMS G4, an advanced radar sensor for the detection and measurement of traffic on multi-lane roadways, will also be featured. The G4 is a small, roadside, pole-mounted radar, operating in the microwave band, that provides per-lane presence as well as volume, occupancy, speed and classification for up to 12 user-defined detection zones. Stand 11.508 ITS detection solutions Hong Kong-based firm Elumin8 will be at Intertraffic with a range of internally lit signs which use the latest LED technology and provide a clean, flat lighting surface. Based on a comparison with incandescent products, the firm says its new products provide an energy saving of over 60 per cent. As well as being light-emitting they are also enhanced with 3M retro-reflective film to further boost visibility and these units are produced to all standard sizes required by road authorities. The LED signs have been designed to cater for a global market and tested to resist all climates from extreme heat to extreme cold; Elumin8 claims they even work when submerged in water. Stand 05.328 Elumin8 signs from Hong Kong Stirling Lloyd, specialists in the development, manufacture and application of high-performance waterproofing and structural protection membranes and systems, will be at Intertraffic with products for bridge deck waterproofing and surfacing, highway maintenance and tunnel waterproofing membrane. The company has formed an innovative partnership for its Eliminator bridge deck waterproofing and Aeschlimann International’s Gussasphalt dense mastic asphalt that provides high- quality surfacing and, as it is laid using a rail-mounted machine, improved ride quality. Used to protect some of the world’s most important structures, Stirling Lloyd’s Eliminator provides a 100 per cent effective, seamless membrane. It can be applied, on both new and existing structures, in a wide range of climates, from sub- zero areas to the high humidity tropics, all year round. The company will also be featuring its Highway Maintenance Products (HMP) range that provides an easy-to-use option for road reinstatement, including crack and joint repair, patching material, anti-skid surfacing, coloured demarcation and road marking. Meanwhile, Integritank HF is the latest tunnel waterproofing membrane from Stirling Lloyd. Spray applied, it provides a seamless membrane which ensures that water does not penetrate into the tunnel lining. Even at complex detailing and geometry, the system is homogeneous, without vulnerable joints or laps. In addition to Integritank HF Stirling Lloyd has a range of waterproofing solutions, including Integritank, for immersed tube and cut and cover tunnels, and Eliminator, for suspended decks in tunnels. Stand 01.109 Protection and maintenance New dimension in mobile ticketing German company Sunhill Technologies will use Intertraffic to highlight a portfolio of proven solutions for mobile phone ticketing for public transport, and for phone parking for both restricted and unrestricted areas. The company says the registration-free applications sms&park, sms&exit and sms&ride can be integrated seamlessly into other types of system anywhere a simple, secure, cashless payment method is required. In the case of sms&exit, Sunhill says it has worked closely with all leading barrier manufacturers in developing the application to provide the ultimate answer to the challenges of modern parking space management. The system fulfils the needs of both user and operator for a straightforward, secure, rapid payment solution for daily life. Stand 02.209 Transit UHF reader Nedap AVI has developed the Transit UHF reader to provide long-range vehicle identification - up to 4m - using the latest UHF technology. Based on battery-free passive RF technology, the device offers a cost-effective and enduring solution for parking access. The Transit UHF reader has an integrated fine-tuned antenna in an elegant and compact enclosure, ideal for outdoor as well as indoor applications. The company claims the system offers the best price- performance characteristics over traditional ‘long-range’ proximity card solutions. This plug-and-play reader is easy to install and operates immediately when it is powered up. Integration into any new or existing access control and parking management system is easy to achieve. Stand 02.207 M Applying Safetrack HW, part of Stirling Lloyd’s Highway Maintenance Products range. 36 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 18: 57 Pa ge 4 VERSATILE A broad range of applications – Cross Walks. School Zones, Tidal Flows, Emergency Systems, Stop Lines, Off Ramps, Highway Separation, Intersection Guidance, Overhead Lighting replacement. INTELLIGENCE Patented 2-way communication and diagnostic capabilities control the output of each road marker (flashing, sequencing and degrees of brightness) and receive data relating to marker performance and various road characteristics. Powering Innovation Intertraffic Stand 01.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register by 22 March DURABLE • AFFORRDDAABBLLE • VERSATILE A broad range of applications – Cross Walks. School Zones, Tidal Flows, Emergency Systems, Stop Lines, Off Ramps, Highway Separation, Intersection Guidance, Overhead Lighting replacement. ILLUMINATION • INDUCTION • INTELLIGENCE Patented 2-way communication and diagnostic capabilities control the output of each road marker (flashing, sequencing and degrees of brightness) and receive data relating to marker performance and various road characteristics various road characteristics. Powering Innovation II Intertraffic Stand 01.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register by 22 March Pa ge 37 16/ 2/ 10 18: 41 Pa ge 1 KRIA S.r.l. [email protected] tel. +39 0362.328178 fax. +39 0362.235088 Via dei Lavoratori Autobianchi 1 - PTB Edificio 23/G 20033 Desio (MI) Italia The second generation of traffic enforcement devices based on computer vision. Come toINTERTRAFFIC 2010 and visit the KRIA stand for the complete revelation. T EXSPEED V.2.0 - Kria Labs exceed themselves withHH HALL 10 STAND 409 Noptel Oy, Teknologiantie 2, 90570 Oulu, Finland Tel. +358 40 181 4351, fax +358 8 556 4101 [email protected], Noptel Noptel's CM30 distance sensors are used in accordance with fixed or portable traffic control systems when high-speed measurements from poorly reflecting targets are required. These devices represent a perfect choice for intelligent traffic camera triggering, vehicle profiling or speed measurement. Applications • LPR/ANPR camera triggering • Vehicle profile measurement • Vehicle classification • Speed measurement • Traffic light control • Signal violation control Laser sensors Laser sensors for traffic control The units are small in size, of low weight and power consumption, and are suitable for outdoor use in harsh environments. They are available in different packaging, and customized operation is possible even in smaller volumes. See us at INTERTRAFFIC AMSTERDAM 2010 Pa ge 14 16/ 2/ 10 19: 01 Pa ge 2 39 Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW AGD Systems will be highlighting its recently developed AGD640, an advanced pedestrian kerbside detector which uses a ‘stereo optical system’ for the detection of stationary or moving pedestrians in the wait area of a pedestrian crossing. The dual optical system provides enhanced ‘shadow rejection’ in the set zone as the detector can distinguish clearly between two- and three-dimensional objects. As a result, shadows cast in the set zone will not cause a detect state. This new feature will allow deployment at sites where there is dappled shadow from overhanging trees or shadows from adjacent buildings or traffic signal poles. The AGD640 builds on the complexity of earlier generations of product and is a significant advance on previous models. For example, its dedicated Livewire Bluetooth interface provides a user-friendly set-up tool for configuration of the detection zone in a matter of minutes. Stand 11.805 Advanced kerbside detector The AGD640, a fourth-generation kerbside product, offers the user flexibility of zone setup using Bluetooth combined with market-leading detection performance from a dual optical system which offers high levels of shadow rejection in the set zone. Vehicle counting and classification with laser scanners The Swiss company ECTN has developed a Traffic Information Collector (TIC) system based on a laser scanner. First installations have been realised in Switzerland and Germany. Due to the special overhead position of the laser scanners, 3D vehicle data is generated which is used to automatically classify the vehicles. Up to 28 different vehicle classes are categorised into standard classification tables such as TLS5+1, TLS8+1, Swiss 10. Best classification accuracy (>99 per cent) is obtained by using two laser scanners per lane although the system can facilitate using one scanner over two lanes. TIC is also a free-flow vehicle dimensioning system, measuring height, width, length and velocity, in a speed range up to 250km/h. The resulting data can be used for traffic control and management as well as security surveillance. It is also available as a movable version that can be deployed very quickly on a bridge or gantry over the road. Stand 11.729 Environmentally friendly display AEG MIS will present the new Geameleon, a high-resolution, full- colour, large-area display designed for outdoor applications. It can be used for traffic guidance, general information, tourist information or advertising. The Geameleon belongs to the Green System product group, a newly developed generation of display systems which does not use any energy to display information. The display systems rely on bi-stable display technology which simply uses energy briefly to write new information. The full matrix displays allow a flexible design of typefaces, high-resolution colour images, pictograms and logos. Stand 11.117 www. Quixote Transportation Safety, a subsidiary of Quixote Corporation, will use Intertraffic to unveil the new Terminus CEN, a cost-effective, energy-absorbing end treatment for use with W- beam safety barriers on the world’s roadways and medians. According to the company, unlike most end terminals on the market today, the design of the Terminus CEN greatly reduces the debris field usually created following impact. The steel ‘breakaway’ posts of the end terminal are designed using an innovation where the lower post, having a U-section, is driven into the ground and the upper post is then secured using a steel tension bolt. During a head-on impact the longitudinal forces break the tension bolt, releasing the upper post. Energy absorption is achieved through clamping forces between the rails and deformation of the rail sections as they slide rearward. The Terminus CEN is CE marked and has been fully tested as a P4 terminal for 110km/h using EN1317-4 criteria and meets deflection criteria D 1.1. Easy to transport, it can be installed in less than two hours by a three-person crew using standard safety barrier installation equipment. Stand 10.303 Terminus CEN end terminal Premark Type II stands out LKF Vejmarkering will be featuring Premark Type II, a new preformed thermoplastic wet reflective road marking material, which is better seen in rainy conditions, compared to normal Type I road markings. As the company points out, traditional flat road marking systems have reflective beads on top of the marking, and many perform well in dry weather. However, when wet, they virtually disappear until the water drains or evaporates. LKF says the primary reason why Premark Type II has excellent wet night retro reflectivity is the exceptional drainage effect due to the combination of the profiled structure in the surface of the material and large retro reflective particles on top. While the retro reflective particles on top will be worn out over time, Premark Type II will continue to be visible because the special thermoplastic contains high quality glass beads imbedded in the material. These beads will appear one by one, when the material slowly wears out, and ensure a high level of continuous reflective performance, wet or dry. In praxis and test areas, Premark Type II shows similar performance to the ViziSpot system, which is a machine applied Type II road marking system. Users can therefore achieve Type II performance in areas where it is not practical or possible to use a machine for the application. Stand 05.233 Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 02 Pa ge 5 40 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Easy Access Kit TagMaster will use its appearance at Intertraffic to launch the Easy Access Kit 51 (EAK51), an all-in-one access solution that contains all components needed for an access installation with a single entry. It integrates easily with industry-standard barriers, bollards and gates. The company says it is the ideal solution for gated communities and a range of parking installations that require basic access functionality (read, approve and open) in a single package. The EAK51 all-in-one solution comes with a reader pre- programmed with 50 ID tags as well as pre-configured cabling for power and relay for fast and easy installation. The system is built on proven TagMaster products and services. It has a secure and easy-to- use application built into the reader to add or remove ID tags in the database, using a standard web browser. The combination of TagMaster LR-3 pro reader, WiseMan reader application and MarkTag MeM gives a read range of up to 5m and can include up to 15,000 ID tags. Stand 02.117 TagMaster Easy Access Kit 51 (EAK51) is the ideal solution for parking and access control applications that ask for a safe, secure, hands-free access solution for a single entry in an all-in-one offering Automated traffic counts A patent-pending video analysis system from Miovision Technologies provides an automated end-to-end solution for intersection/junction and roundabout/traffic circle counts. With hundreds of clients and users across the globe, Miovision claims its automated system is the most widely adopted count technology since the original count board. The product provides a cost-effective, simple-to- use, verifiably accurate method for performing movement counts. Miovision says that third-party studies validate that the automated Miovision solution maintains accuracy rates higher than manual collection techniques. Stand 11.729A JAI will introduce a broad range of CCD colour GigE Vision cameras dedicated to traffic imaging at Intertraffic. The cameras (BB- 141GE, BB-500GE, CB-200GE and TSC-4032EN) offer high-quality imaging (day and night) in demanding traffic applications, where correct imaging of vehicles (vehicle characteristics, license plates recognition and driver identification) is a critical issue. The CB-200GE is a colour progressive scan camera, based on Sony’s sensitive ICX-274 sensor, with two million pixels resolution and GigE Vision /GenICam digital interface. The BB-500GE is a high- resolution (five megapixel/2,448x2,050 pixels) colour camera equipped with a standard GigE Vision digital interface. It features auto-iris lens control, making the camera ideal for traffic applications with wide- ranging lighting conditions. The camera has pre-processing functions including automatic white balance, a look-up table (LUT) for dealing with difficult lighting conditions, and a blemish compensation function which eliminates pixels with extremely low or high output characteristics by interpolating the neighbouring pixels. The BB-141GE is a 1.4 million pixel colour CCD camera with GigE Vision interface. JAI says it is particularly well suited for outdoor applications, which are characterised by wide-ranging and continuously changing lighting. JAI says this camera provides a combination of high-performance features well beyond that available from typical small format traffic and security cameras. For instance, the CCD sensor uses its 6.45Ìm pixel size and improved microlens technology to provide higher overall sensitivity (as low as 0.03 lux) with low smear characteristics. An advanced Automatic Exposure Function can simultaneously control gain, shutter and lens iris to maintain optimum exposure levels across a wide range of changing lighting conditions as often occurs in traffic applications. The TSC-4032EN is a new high dynamic range CMOS camera based on a 43.3mm progressive- scan CMOS sensor providing over three megapixels of resolution (2,048x1,628 active pixels). This enables it to cover more than a full traffic lane with a vertical field of view of 3.7m (12ft). The camera features no-smear technology eliminating blooming and loss of license plate data due to problems with sun glare or glint. Stand 11.332 From left to right: CB-200GE, BB-500GE, BB-141GE and TSC-4032EN Cameras for demanding traffic applications Istanbul-headquartered Isbak, a specialist in traffic management and electronic payment systems, will use Intertraffic to highlight two major innovations, Wait’n Fun LED displays and Mobile Traffic+, for which the company won the Road Safety – Changing Driver Behaviour Award category at Gulf Traffic in December, 2009. Wait’n Fun is an innovative variable message sign designed for mounting on traffic lights to communicate traffic information, speed limits, weather information, commercials, traffic light countdowns, etc. Indeed, what can be displayed is infinitely flexible since the device can display a range of image formats (including jpg, bmp, jpeg, tif, png), video formats (including mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mov, vob), flash (swf), as well as web page formats such as php, asp, http, https. In addition, Wait’n Fun can also display online weathercast (Google Api) and online news (RSS). Content management of the LED displays uses Isbak’s LDS (LED Display Software) which can control thousands of displays, located at hundreds of intersections. Several Wait’n Fun units have been deployed in Istanbul, Turkey, while the devices have also been deployed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia by Isbak, along with the company’s traffic lights and countdown devices. Meanwhile, Isbak’s award- winning Mobile Traffic+ application allows users to receive live traffic images and road information on their mobile phones. Users can select either traffic cameras, density information, or travel time from the main menu and then easily select any point on a route using mobile phone navigation buttons to access detailed information in either of the categories. Isbak will also be featuring other products from its traffic management and tolling systems range. Stand 11.808 Traffic-light mounted VMS Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 04 Pa ge 6 42 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Portable traffic management tool Neavia Technologies will use Intertraffic to unveil WebVia Mobile, an innovative new tool that expands the capabilities of its traffic management software. It provides alarms and pictures in real time so that traffic managers not actually in the traffic management centre control room can check and assess road traffic events in real time and react more quickly. Not only that, variable message signs can be activated directly from a smart phone. Thanks to alarm-triggered phone calls, SMS, MMS or emails, WebVia and WebVia Mobile respond proactively to the need of speeding up interventions in case of traffic events. Leveraging stand-by duty personnel and on-road staff, the system enables new and flexible traffic management policies that optimise efficiency while minimising resources. Stand 09.209 Counters and classifiers MetroCount will be unveiling and demonstrating its all-new MC5720 Advanced Bicycle Counter, an innovative, ultra-sensitive system specifically designed for detecting bicycles on dedicated bike paths. The company will also be highlighting several other products, including its very popular MC5600 Series vehicle classifiers which use simple rubber pneumatic tubes combined with sophisticated software to give traffic and municipal engineers unmatched versatility with invaluable road statistics. Stand 11.135 Redflex Traffic Systems will introduce two new products at Intertraffic, the RedflexSmartplate ANPR system and the RedflexRed- speed camera. The highly flexible RedflexSmartplate ANPR system can be installed in both fixed and portable Redflex enforcement systems to deliver point-to-point enforcement and/or ANPR for security or enforcement applications, or both simultaneously. For security and enforcement applications, ANPR can be provided through a selection of the company’s camera solutions, including existing speed and red light systems. When installed in a RedflexRed- speed camera, the application provides accurate point-to-point speed enforcement, which has been proven to reduce speed over long sections of road and thereby reduce the vehicles’ carbon emissions. RedflexSmartplate operates in both speed and red light modes and can also be used in tunnel applications for speed enforcement. For portable speed enforcement, the Dutch-approved RedflexRadarcam-M has been approved for use in a number of configurations. Totally modular and flexible enough to fit a wide range of vehicles, the equipment can be operated from the front or rear of a vehicle in covert or overt mode, or as a tripod-mounted system, and separately identifies the target vehicle, even when there is more than one vehicle in the image. With camera options of two and 11Mp and a choice of white flash or infrared illumination for day and night operation, the system can be utilised for any deployment without the need for additional components. Stand 01.421 The RedflexRadarcam-M is totally modular. Flexible and modular Transpo Industries, which is a finalist in the Intertraffic Innovation Awards for its Sonoblaster, will also be featuring the Pole-Safe and Break-Safe omni-directional breakaway support systems for light poles and sign posts located within roadside clear zones or other locations vulnerable to vehicular impacts. The primary components of the system are high-strength couplings, designed to break away quickly and cleanly upon impact, thus saving lives and reducing property damage. The systems are omni-directional, meaning they break away with consistent, predictable behaviour regardless of the vehicle’s angle of impact. Both Pole-Safe and Break-Safe have been vehicle crash-tested in accordance with NCHRP report 350, and are approved for use on all US FHWA-funded projects. Pole-Safe and Break-Safe are designed for use with the heaviest pole/post mass allowed for use on any breakaway system as specified by AASHTO. This allows each system to be used on the largest possible range of pole/post sizes and configurations for increased safety and efficiency. Stand 04.410 Leading provider of outdoor PTZ cameras for incident management and traffic monitoring, Cohu, will be displaying its innovative new family of products at Intertraffic. The company’s new Helios product range features a brand new offering, the 3960HD, one of the first high definition, outdoor, IP cameras on the market. This rugged outdoor 18x camera provides 720p resolution at 30 frames per second and the latest h.264 encoding technology in an IP67 enclosure and places it on the company’s proven 3960 pan & tilt platform. Also on display will be the Cohu 3930HD, the 18x, fixed position, high definition, IP camera (h.264). Curt Duplack, Cohu’s director of traffic sales will also demonstrate the cameras’ flexibility for use in both analogue and IP systems. Another feature will be the company’s 9920 encoders and 9990 video management software. Stand 11.821 Brand new Cohu camera As this photo demonstrates, in most two post signs, where one of the poles is impacted, the sign still stays up for the short time it takes to replace the couplings and hinges. Breakaway support systems Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 05 Pa ge 7 A clear, simple advantage... TM Advanced video detection, made easy. The RZ-4 Advanced combines Iteris’ RZ-4 camera with streamlined installation, backward compatibility and the power to adjust the camera from the cabinet – providing an advanced ease of use solution for Iteris’ best-in-class vehicle detection system. „Quick-click connectors and adjustable camera mount streamline installation and minimize setup time „Set up and configure at the camera or from the ground „Optimized to work with Iteris’ advanced detection algorithms „Simplicity, ease of use, and reduced life-cycle costs Innovation for better mobility Learn more at C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ITS Int_RZ4Adv_JanFeb.pdf 10/19/2009 3:36:57 PM Worldwide the Number One in Mobile Weight Enforcement HAENNI Instruments AG 3303 Jegenstorf • Switzerland • Phone +41 31 764 99 77 • Fax +41 31 764 99 88 SavE MilliONS Of E With WEight ENfOrcEMENt the investment for road repairs exceeds E200 Mio/1000km/Year! * huge savings in road rehabilitation can be realized with small investments in mobile Wheel load Scales! ** * Numbers and fgures from Switzerland 2008 ** Cost conscious countries enforce the weight limits of heavy goods vehicles 45 Electric road marking machine Aximum will use Intertraffic to launch Elise which the company claims is the first-ever electric motorised road marking machine. Completely versatile and suitable for both open road and urban marking, the machine uses one tenth of the energy required by a comparable unit with an internal combustion engine. It produces zero CO2 emissions and, according to Aximum, Elise has 50 per cent lower operating costs, while the annual maintenance budget is a third of that required by conventional equipment. In terms of performance, Elise can mark 50-80km of road on one charge, or seven to nine hours use. The standard charge time is six hours from a standard 220V 16A outlet while the battery is good for some 1,500 charges. Stand 05.318 Temporary portable rumble strip RoadQuake Temporary Portable Rumble Strip, from Plastic Safety Systems, is an innovative, effective traffic safety countermeasure, designed to save lives in work zones. RoadQuake, which alerts drivers to changing road conditions, is a transverse rumble strip. Drivers crossing over it feel a significant bump and vibration and hear an audible alert. Most drivers will react to the vibratory and audible warnings by driving more cautiously and with more awareness. RoadQuake is temporary, portable and can be installed in minutes without special equipment, adhesives or fasteners. Stand EF.046 Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Switzerland headquartered Zeag Group, which has over 5,000 installations across five continents, will be highlighting four parking system innovations at Intertraffic. The modular Zeag OrionX Range, a scalable system for small or major car parks, integrates with existing Ethernet networks (for CCTV, ANPR etc.) using TCP/IP, to significantly reduce cabling costs and increase flexibility of deployment. Wireless via radio or wi-fi is also possible. The system can handle all current payment methods securely and is future- capable for wave and pay. Also being highlighted will be the OrionXB Bar code only solution. The OrionXB Pay Station has six high capacity recycling coin hoppers, as against the usual four. According to Zeag, that means more flexibility, more change and fewer visits to top it up. Another feature is easy ticket refilling, with materials that are more eco-friendly and dynamic fault reporting means fewer checks on the machine. Meanwhile, Zeag says its new Orion XBIT sets new standards for entry level parking solutions. Simple in design, uncomplicated to use and operate, the OrionXBIT is ideal for small car park applications. Stand 02.204 Zeag parking innovations In September 2009, Gatsometer delivered the solution for the automated enforcement of the Environmental Zone Amsterdam; a bespoke solution based on the demanding objectives and requirements of the municipality for which the company has been nominated as a finalist in the Intertraffic Innovation Awards. The key objective of the project was improving local air quality in order to meet the requirements of the European commission and provide its citizens with cleaner air. Gatsometer not only developed the enforcement equipment, but also designed and delivered an end-to- end solution, including back office software, development, installation and maintenance for the coming seven years, etc. On its stand at Intertraffic, Gatsometer says it would like to hear visitors’ “cleaner air” objectives and understand their specific situation. The company says, based on this, it can advise on solutions that meet specific objectives and requirements. In addition, Gatsometer can also provide additional information about environmental and other solutions, such as red light and speed enforcement. Stand 01.314 Gatsometer wants to hear from you Turkey headquartered Aselsan returns to Intertraffic to highlight its vast experience in the design, development and manufacture of turn-key ITS tolling solutions. These range from conventional operator-assisted cash based systems to fully automatic contactless smart card and microwave-based Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems. To date, the company has delivered more than 800 toll collection lanes to various customers. Aselsan will also be highlighting complete and modular traffic management solutions. Based on a proven platform with numerous components, they provide traffic surveillance, incident/accident monitoring, travel time calculation, weather monitoring, information dissemination via VMS displays, data exchange, communication services and a modular Traffic Management Centre (TMC) that governs these components. Stand 11.434 Majoring on experience Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 06 Pa ge 8 46 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Car classification software Stemmer Imaging will be demonstrating the latest version of its car classification software, based on the company’s Common Vision Blox software toolset. Capable of determining the type of vehicle, as well as make, model, and colour, support vector machine technology enables sample images to be used to train the application. Stemmer says this allows solutions for many complex traffic problems to be developed. Stand 11.336 Four-in-one traffic detector ADEC Technologies will use Intertraffic to launch the TDC4 Series of overhead traffic detectors which combine traffic data acquisition and vehicle classification functionality with affordable video verification capabilities. Four distinct technologies are incorporated in a single, easily deployable device: Doppler radar for individual vehicle speed acquisition; ultrasonic sound for individual vehicle profile; infrared for vehicle width and lane position; and video for traffic alarm verification and improved incident management capabilities. Video images can be captured and transmitted, triggered by preset traffic conditions or upon request by the traffic management station. Transmission of video images occurs via TLS protocol allowing owners and operators to use existing infrastructure and take advantage of video-verified decision-making to dramatically increase public safety. ADEC Technoplogies says that because of its easy deployment and integration, the TDC4 is the instant replacement detector for all installations calling for non-intrusive traffic detectors. Stand 11.902 Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Swarco will have two separate stands at this year’s Intertraffic event, in Hall 10 and also in Hall 4. In the new Hall 10, visitors will find out about Swarco’s traffic management capabilities and latest innovations with Signalbau Huber, Damback-Werke and LEA, which had separate stands at the last event, integrated into the Swarco Group presence. The focus will be the group’s turnkey solution approach by means of an entire traffic control centre based on Mizar’s Omnia and integrating products and systems in urban, interurban, parking and public transport management. A first-ever will be Swarco Futurit’s new LED-based street lighting product line, demonstrating how, by the shape of its lights, street lighting becomes a component of traffic guidance. LED-based traffic signalling equipment will also be a major feature, both as eco-designed traffic lights and energy-saving VMS in various sizes. Intelligent traffic controllers will be introduced by Dambach (Actros) and Danish Swarco Technology (ITC-3 generation). Latest technologies in parking guidance and public transport signage and control will also be displayed. Meanwhile, in Hall 4, the Swarco Traffic Materials Division will feature the combined competence of M. Swarovski, Swarco Vestglass, Limburger Lackfabrik, and Stollreflex. Innovative high performance glass bead products, thin layer and thick layer marking systems, reflective coatings like the new Swarodit, and the practical DecoStone Via product line used in designing urban traffic space will be highlighted. A premiere is Dambach-Werke’s signage business, now integrated into the division. Visitors will be introduced into the pilot of Swarco’s new eShop which will allow all kinds of static and reflective traffic signs to be ordered online. Stands 10.103 and 04.302 Swarco double take Infrastructure products group HS Roads, a division of UK based Hill & Smith Holdings, which comprises a wide range of specialist companies with an expanding portfolio of global infrastructure products, will be showcasing highway safety barriers, bridge parapets and traffic monitoring technology at Intertraffic. Companies forming part of the HS Roads group include Hill & Smith Ltd which has vast experience in the manufacture of highway barrier systems. The company carries a wide range of EN1317 approved and cost- effective safety products including Flexbeam, Flexbeam Plus and Transflex. Also being featured will be the award-winning Brifen Wire Rope Safety Fence system, deployed in more than 30 countries, that delivers reductions in installation, maintenance and repair costs. Meanwhile, another HS Roads group company, Varley & Gulliver, will be showcasing its range of aluminium and steel highway bridge parapets, including the launch of HiMast, a new anti-climb and environmentally friendly passive aluminium sign support. From the HS Roads Technology Division, CA Traffic will be exhibiting a full range of traffic data collection products, including an operational demonstration of the Evo8 Automatic Number Plate Recognition camera and system, as well as the company’s new count classification product, the Black Cat. Techspan will be displaying its latest ITS range, including an All Purpose Gantry Variable Message sign (APGVMS), recently developed with Transport Scotland, and Advanced Motorway Indicator (AMI) as used on managed motorway schemes. Stand 10.502 Swarco Traffic Materials Division will be located at the same spot the company has occupied at previous Intertraffic events. Infrastructure and road technology products Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 07 Pa ge 9 Road Sign Technology Techspan Systems Specialising in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of Electronic Variable Message Signs [email protected] Traffic Monitoring CA Traffic Cost effective traffic data monitoring with comprehensive, accurate and easy to use data collection and ANPR journey time systems [email protected] Technology Solutions that fit together Technology Division What piece do you need to complete your picture? HS Roads is a group of companies within Hill & Smith Holdings PLC. Driving value through innovation and improvement stand 10.502 Griffin Lane, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 8BP • HS Tech Puzzle Ad InterPreview_Layout 1 11/02/2010 11:29 Page 1 ACS® and the ACS design are trademarks of ACS Marketing LP in the US and/or other countries. XEROX® and XEROX and Design® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. We help transportation agencies address challenges with revenue collection and regulation compliance services worldwide. We have more than 40 years of experience in Car Park Management Systems. We ensure quality solutions and high levels of customer satisfaction. We leverage knowledge of the public transportation industries to meet each client’s needs. • Light & Reflex©, a natural and intuitive visual guiding system • The latest technologies such as NFC and cell phone payment • A user friendly, revenue simulator • A web interface with real time access to operational and financial data ACS Business Process Solutions Ltd 7, Riverside Way Watchmoor Park Camberley Surrey GU15 3YL UK Phone: +44 (0)1276 807 100 e-mail: [email protected] ACS Business Process Solutions Ltd C/Manual Luna 12 28020 Madrid Spain Phone: +34 91 567 20 30 e-mail: [email protected] ACS Business Process Solutions Ltd 250, Avenue Des Grésillons 92600 Asnières France Phone: +33 1 41 32 71 03 e-mail: [email protected] For more information please visit us online at or contact us: Visit our stand at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Hall 1, Booth 318 (01.318A) RELIABLE exceed expectations. consistently. ACS Transportation Solutions designs, manufactures and installs highly advanced car park management and fare collection systems across the world. Our Solution Offers: C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 2/9/2010 9:21:34 AM 49 Wireless level crossing warning The iStud wireless rail level crossing system, from Australian company Traffic Innovations, is a low-cost, low- power, fail-safe, remotely monitored, wireless solution that includes an intelligent track side rail stud, solar- powered wireless warning system, vehicle detector and in-road warning lights. The detector uses trackside sensors to detect the presence of trains and has a minimum operational life of 10 years. Since the device is wireless, it simplifies installation of trackside train detectors by eliminating cabling and trenching, significantly reducing installation and maintenance costs. According to Traffic Solutions, unique to its iStud warning system is an advanced warning to the train driver that the level crossing has been activated or a vehicle has not cleared it. The company will also be featuring the iStud vehicle detector, a magnetic sensor designed to replace the traditional inductive loop. The device can detect vehicle presence, speed and classification. This data is transmitted back in real time to a Line Interface Card (LIC) that can be used to activate a traffic light controller or forwarded on to a monitoring centre for traffic analysis. Traffic Solutions says the advantages of its iStud vehicle detector system are the additional data that is collected, reduced installation costs and significantly reduced damage to the pavement. Stand 11.112 MARS from Traf-IQ MARS (Mobile Automatic Roadblock System) from Traf-IQ automates the process of closing lanes with the operators fully protected by the highly visible vehicle and its approved crash attenuator (NCHRP 350-norm, 70km/u). The vehicle can automatically lay (and pick up) a rumble strip to alert approaching traffic as early as possible to lane closures. Cones can be automatically placed and picked up at a speed of 20-30km/h. Stand 01.406A Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Published by Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 3i, the New Zealand headquartered leading international provider of inductively (wireless) powered lights, will be exhibiting at Intertraffic for the first time. Having acquired the SmartStud brand in 2008, together with the relevant technology patents and manufacturing expertise, the company has spent two years developing the world’s first low profile, inductively powered, intelligent road marker. iiiLevel (pronounced eye-level) is manufactured from high-tech polycarbonates and uses energy efficient LED’s. According to 3i’s CEO Charles Maud, “Our leadership is in the ability to power lights without the need for a hardwired connection. iiiLevel was designed to set a new standard of in-road lighting as it is quick to install, easy to maintain, intelligent, durable, versatile across a broad range of road safety applications and best of all it will be affordable.” The iiiLevel powered by 3i offers intelligence with patented two-way communications and diagnostic capabilities. Information can be sent wirelessly to control the output of each iiiLevel light (flashing, sequencing and degrees of brightness) as well as receive data from each unit (marker performance, road temperature and vehicle speed). The power supply itself can run up to two kilometres of 200 road markers from a single source, and can be powered by both mains and by a solar panel. As part of its determination to demonstrate the iiiLevel system in a live situation, 3i will be giving away and installing a school crosswalk installation to one lucky visitor to Intertraffic. Visit the company’s website for details. The company is also interested in talking to potential distributors while at Intertraffic. Stand 01.528C Inductively powered in-road lighting Navtech Radar, exhibiting at Intertraffic for the first time, is using the event to launch ClearWay, which the company claims is the first 77GHz MMW radar designed for motorway incident detection and hard shoulder monitoring. The device, which has been successfully trialled on the M42 motorway Active Traffic Management system for the UK Highways Agency (HA), is also being deployed in a high-profile new tunnel project in the South East of England. Navtech has also dedicated substantial resources to the development of automatic radar incident detection systems for tunnels. Dr Stephen Clark, head of Navtech’s Division for Incident Detection for Motorways, Trunk Roads and Tunnels and creator of the system, will be present on the stand throughout the show. Stand No. 11.820 First appearance Designated Parking Corporation will be exhibiting MySpot 30, its newest addition to the line of barriers and posts that control access to individual parking spaces. The device is a low cost, rugged, lockable barrier that is unusually easy and convenient to use. Once installed at the centre of a parking bay, it reserves the bay for its authorised users. To gain access to the space, a key is used to unlock the device and the user pressed the barrier to the ground with their foot. When the space needs to be reserved, a slight push on a pedal releases the barrier, allowing it to lock automatically in the blocking position. This eliminates bending to the ground and getting one’s hands dirty lowering and lifting the barrier, especially on wet days. Stand 03.207 MySpot 30 lockable barrier Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 08 Pa ge 10 50 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by ParkHelp inside and out At the last Intertraffic, Spanish company ES2 launched ParkHelp, an innovative new guidance and management system designed to help drivers find a free parking space quickly and efficiently. The system uses information panels to automatically guide vehicles entering a parking facility to the nearest available parking space. Moreover, the brightness of the system’s indicator signals can be varied to exactly suit the available levels of natural light and environmental needs. At this year’s event, ES2 is building on the success of ParkHelp by launching an outdoor version to provide similar operational benefits for users and operators. Stand 02.311A Power for traffic control systems SFC Smart Fuel Cell will demonstrate its new EFOY Pro 2200 fuel cell, which the company claims is the highest-power energy solution for professional users of off-grid traffic control systems. The unit, which has a charging capacity of 2.2kW/h per day, is designed for traffic control applications such as alternating traffic signs, directional signs and blinkers in series, speed limit signs, warning-light trailers and warning blinkers. The fuel cells can also be seamlessly combined with other energy sources, such as solar panels. Power supply can be managed remotely through text messaging or via computer. Stand 11.120 Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Italian company Kria, which specialises in the design and production of enforcement cameras, is celebrating the success of 25 of its T-Exspeed units being chosen by the city of Rome for speed detection. However, as visitors to Intertraffic will see, its R&D department has now opened up the horizon to extended applications that go beyond the capabilities offered by first-generation enforcement cameras. As the company points out, today’s traffic conditions demand that devices operate much more dynamically and with multiple vehicles. Kria will use Intertraffic to launch the T-Exspeed v.2.0, a compact version of the instant/average speed and red light enforcement device and ANPR surveillance and monitoring unit. However, the company says its technical innovation has extended the new unit’s applications to a new class of violation relating to dangerous behaviours, such as overtaking and illegal turns, in addition to dangerous goods code and suspect plate recognition. Entirely based on computer vision, without the need of any kind of external sensors, T-Exspeed v.2.0 uses the images captured by three stereo cameras (two IR and one colour), for event detection, evaluation and for violation reporting. The device, which is only 84cm long and weighs less than 5kg, is completely portable without affecting measurement accuracy (error <3cm on distance and <1 per cent on speed). Measurement accuracy is ensured by an in-built self- diagnostic procedure, with the results included in violation reports, while deployment does not require civil works or on-site re-configuration. Because of its wide field of view, T-Exspeed v.2.0 can cover three lanes (and multiples due to its modularity), simultaneously detecting parallel violations. QSXGA (2,540x2,048 pixels) resolution means the unit is suitable for ANPR applications and also produces high-quality images in all light and weather conditions. Stand 10.409 Dynamic developments from Kria Spanish company Imagsa Technologies will use Intertraffic to unveil several new products in its Atalaya range of traffic cameras. For instance, the Atalaya3D, being unveiled at Intertraffic, is an innovative high-speed stereoscopic camera that uses parallel computing techniques to successfully perform real-time three-dimensional analysis of road traffic. It provides, in a single unit, a wide range of traffic measurements, such as precise speed and inter-distance measurement or vehicle counting and classification, combining applications as diverse as speed enforcement, journey time monitoring or dangerous goods transport control. Imagsa will also be featuring AtalayaCompact, an autonomous (no external trigger) megapixel smart camera to perform ALPR in real time and with top accuracy under challenging traffic, light and weather conditions. It integrates a high-speed megapixel CMOS sensor (250fps) and a supercomputing device (FPGA), to detect and analyse license plates in real time. AtalayaSpeed+Class is a software module that is used with the AtalayaCompact ALPR camera for speed and classification. According to Imagsa, this enables a great variety of traffic measurements in a single ALPR camera, without requiring any additional investments on inductive loops, radars or lasers. Imagsa will also feature MercuryTraffic, an ultra-compact license plate sensor that combines a megapixel high-speed CMOS sensor (able to capture up to 1,000 images per second) with high-performance hardware performing advanced image processing algorithms in real time. The company says that license plate images provided by MercuryTraffic enable OCR software to achieve maximum recognition rates. Stand 11.707 Atalaya camera range Profile lining Unimark will be unveiling its newly developed Powermaster model 220 thermoplastic extrusion/spray/raised rib profile lining machine. It can be quickly changed from extrusion/profile marking to spray marking and is driven with the HATZ silent pack engine for EU operation. The larger thermoplastic tank capacity makes it suitable for highway or city marking. Stand EF 050 Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 09 Pa ge 11 Wat er pr oofing f or Br i dges & Tunnel s STIRLING LLOYD POLYCHEM LTD. T. +44 1565 633111 F. +44 1565 633555 Union Bank, King Street, Knutsford Cheshire, WA16 6EF, UK E. [email protected] W. STIRLING LLOYD PRODUCTS INC. T. 860 666 5008 F. 860 6666 5106 152 Rockwell Road, Building A Newington, CT 06111, USA E. [email protected] W. WATERPROOF YOUR STRUCTURE FOR LI FE! Vi si t us at St and 01.109 Stirling Lloyd, leaders in advanced waterproofing technology, understands the complexities involved with protecting your structure. Subsequently Stirling Lloyd’s range of 100% effective waterproofing solutions are designed to overcome these issues, providing long lasting, effective protection for these important structures. Our range of waterproofing solutions: Provide long lasting, durable protection. Are suitable for concrete & metal bridge decks. Are suitable for all tunnel types - NATM, Immersed Tube, Cut & Cover. Have a rapid application and cure, allowing tight deadlines to be met. Are seamless and 100% effective. Traffic enforcement software solutions you can trust StarTraq is used by many of the UK’s leading Police Forces to automate traffic offence management, delivering significant cost savings through improved efficiency. StarTraq has a 10 year track record in the international enforcement arena. The Traffic Offence Management System currently handles over 2 million documents per year in the processing of traffic offences. Back office solutions for traffic offence management Over 1 million traffic offences processed in 2009 Siemens will be unveiling several important products under the slogan ‘Complete mobility – answers for a mobile future’. For example, the company will be displaying its electric charging station, Sitraffic Epos. More than just a charging station for electric cars, it is a complete unit with information terminal and payment system. With this charging station, Siemens says it is making a major contribution to the future use of electric vehicles. Another new product being featured is Sitraffic Wimag, which Siemens claims is a completely new type of detector technology based on magnet sensors. This wireless traffic detection system replaces inductive loops; operates with high precision; does not require any wiring whatsoever; and can be installed in a matter of minutes. With its Sicore camera system, Siemens claims it is now setting new standards in Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). The device is the new-generation ANPR camera system designed by Siemens Mobility to read number plates automatically, thus ensuring positive identification of motor vehicles in a wide range of applications, including parking space monitoring and security, vehicle speed and trip measurement, as well as toll collection. Stand 11.209 Answers for a mobile future Clearview Traffic Group will use Intertraffic to showcase what the company claims is a unique and innovative solution for traffic planners – the Solar Powered Logging Stud. This small, self- contained counter is installed in a 13cm hole in the centre of the lane where it counts passing vehicles, recording data in one-minute intervals and storing it within the unit. Data is collected using a specially designed USB radio dongle. Also being highlighted will be a demonstration of the benefits of the Astucia SolarLite road stud, which is improving driver visibility on recent installations on the M25, in the Middle East and in Poland, among many other countries worldwide. Indeed, as the company points out, these intelligent road studs and hazard warning products are not only smart, safe and sustainable, they have been shown to provide a 70 per cent reduction in KSI (Killed and Seriously Injured) figures in numerous worldwide deployments. In addition, Clearview Traffic will be exhibiting the products and services from across the group which makes up a range of single- provider solutions. These will include Golden River’s comprehensive range of intuitive, cost-effective and sustainable traffic data management solutions, as well as the services of Count On Us, a leading provider of transportation data collection and analysis. Stand 11.438 Clearview at Intertraffic Sitraffic Epos is more than just a charging station for electric cars; it is a complete unit with information terminal and payment system. Becoming an Idris Technology Partner recently enabled PIPS Technology to develop a new Idris-enhanced camera destined for the ITS market. The Idris software will reside onboard the PIPS SpikeHD camera. The product incorporates the highly accurate Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) capabilities from PIPS with the loop-based detection and classification accuracy of Idris software. Marrying the Idris data with the ALPR data generates information such as average speed, vehicle length, class and headway. The compact design specification focuses use of the product on sites where large infrastructure cannot be supported. The power requirements and communication structure remain the same, with GSM, GPRS, WiFi and Ethernet as standard. Both the SpikeHD and Idris run on embedded Linux operating systems offering standard Linux connectivity and encrypted links. According to the partners, this innovative and cost-effective product will serve the needs of a variety of applications such as road user charging, tunnel safety, enhanced incident detection and lighter open road tolling applications. As they point out, the device combines two of the most well-established and proven technologies available today for road user charging and congestion mitigation. Stand 11.525 Stand 11.635 Idris-enhanced PIPS camera 52 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Radar gun with video The Binar radar gun, which Simicon will showcase at Intertraffic, features integrated video recording capabilities to detect vehicle speed and record road traffic violations. Two embedded video cameras simultaneously record road traffic events in two effective ways: ‘normal’ mode to get a wide-angle view and facilitate event analysis and also ‘zoom’ mode to get an enlarged picture for a clearer view of a target vehicle’s license plate. According to Simicon, vehicle speed measured with its Binar radar gun and supported by the video recordings from both its cameras greatly facilitates analysis of road traffic events and significantly improves the evidential validity of traffic violations. Stand 11.621 Road marking tester Swedish company Ramboll will unveil its newly developed Road Marking Tester (RMT) which it claims is a major advance for surveying road markings. Primary advantages of this vehicle-mounted system are increased safety during surveying, faster measurements and the ability to cover more kilometres. In a single run, the RMT can calculate and record the retroreflection dry, retroreflection wet, luminance coefficient, friction, thickness, and width/length/gap/design of road markings. Stand 01.226 Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 10 Pa ge 12 Cost-Effective, Modular, Flexible and . . . . . . . . . . . . Fast. Toll Systems WIM@Toll Traffic Data Services Traffic Products Weight Enforcement Security and Safety Service and Maintenance i nfo@i rdi Parking is never just parking. It’s the start and finish of the customer experience. We understand this. ZEAG is a global provider of Parking Solutions, with our global partnerships we make parking simple to understand, we provide solutions that integrate easily, give quick return on investment and, above all, pay. ZEAG has a proud history. A ZEAG company introduced the first parking meter to the UK in 1958. Headquartered in Switzerland, ZEAG has grown to become one of the world’s largest and most innovative specialists in parking, with over 4,500 successful installations on 5 continents. Our success is based on a commitment to quality and we are accredited to quality standard ISO9001. ZEAG prides itself on being first - recent innovations include the advanced new Orion XR range. Professional Parking Solutions Visit us at Hall 02, Stand 204 or contact us for more information. Sales: T: +41 56 418 81 11 F: +41 56 401 14 78 E: [email protected] W: ZEAG leads the way in off-street parking control systems. ZEAG makes parking revenue control equipment. Our Swiss manufacturing quality ensures reliability and importantly, superior uptime. The ZEAG Orion XR range is scalable - so no matter what your parking equipment demands are, ZEAG has the right solution. make parking... simple pay solutions partnerships 54 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Coin and bill mechanisms Crane Payment Solutions is launching its new NRI compact c2 coin changer systems for transportation. The cÇ spider’s two coin hoppers and six tubes enables it to recycle eight different coin denominations while the cÇ tornado has an integrated true escrow, representing a Plug&Play all-in-one transportation solution with reduced footprint. The company will also be highlighting its latest bill validating and recycling technology (CashCode B2B and CashCode rÇ) as well as its next generation 5in G-40 coin validator, the NRI vÇ eagle. Stand 01.1221 BirdWatch red light detector Quercus Technologies claims that BirdWatch RL, which the company will be showcasing at Intertraffic, is the smallest red light detector in the market, making it discreet and easy to integrate in the urban landscape. It includes a series of distinctive features. For instance, detection is done through virtual loops which can be easily edited and modified. The device can work independently from the traffic signal which reduces complex cabling and makes installation easier. Stand 11.712 Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Kapsch TrafficCom is recognised as a major global player in electronic toll collection systems, especially for Multi-Lane Free-Flow traffic, offering both technical and commercial operation of these systems. That’s hardly surprising, since the company is the turnkey system supplier and operator for the highly successful nationwide Czech truck toll system, the nationwide Austrian truck toll system, and is currently implementing one of the world’s largest toll projects with Gauteng Open Road Tolling in South Africa. However, Kapsch will have a major presence at Intertraffic that will also focus on its expertise in areas other than tolling, including traffic management systems, with a focus on road safety and traffic control, as well as electronic access systems and parking management. For instance, the company’s ITS and telematics systems cover a broad range of technical solutions intended to enhance transportation by improving mobility and increasing safety in road traffic. Its comprehensive portfolio, including incident detection systems, traffic sensor traffic management, safety&security, and end-user services, will feature prominently at Intertraffic. So too will the company’s portfolio under the heading of Urban Traffic Solutions which includes a comprehensive set of products and systems to support demand management schemes for city environments, including charging schemes, parking management and zone access. Stand 11.825 There’s more to Kapsch Photo Courtesy of Costanera Norte PIPS Technology will use Intertraffic to unveil a major innovation: SpikeletSP, the first solar-powered ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) camera. It has been designed to be powered from a single solar panel for an unlimited period of time. SpikeletSP is a fully integrated number plate recognition unit incorporating the camera(s), illuminator, data and image processing within a single sealed enclosure. Wireless IP connectivity over GPRS, EDGE or 3G can be provided by fitting an optional modem, making SpikeletSP truly wireless without the need for power or communications cables. The company will also be featuring its SpeedSpike system that provides cost-effective distance over time average speed enforcement without the need for communications infrastructure using GPRS/3G communications. Effective enforcement can be provided over link distances as short as 100m and at speeds up to 225km/h. The system consists of a single, central SpeedSpike server communicating with a network of high- resolution SpikeHD ANPR cameras. Each camera provides full lane enforcement coverage. Multiple cameras at a site can be treated as a single enforcement point so the system can provide complete coverage across multiple lanes. Each enforced link can be configured with its own speed threshold. SpeedSpike can provide a road network solution for up to 1,000 cameras. Stand 11.635 Two innovations from PIPS Jenoptik Robot will be presenting the new Robot Smart Camera IV for speed and red light surveillance. This high-resolution digital system operates with a two-lens technology, enabling simultaneous still photos and video recordings, for example. Although compact in size, the device can monitor up to six traffic lanes. The integrated, intelligent technology allows for immediate and automatic number plate identification which can be matched with a database, for example, for identification of wanted vehicles and simultaneous speed surveillance. More generally, Jenoptik Robot will be presenting the company’s customer-focused problem-solving approach to traffic surveillance and traffic safety. As the company points out, it can provide from a single technical component and service module, through system development and assembly of complete surveillance infrastructures, right up to managed speed and red light enforcement services at regional and national levels. Stand 01.416 Robot Smart Camera IV Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 11 Pa ge 13 SIGN POSTS SIMPLY SAFER fran • gi • ble adj. Capable of being broken; breakable It has been estimated that vehicle collisions with rigid roadside features such as sign posts cause over 15% of all road fatalities. These objects cannot always be removed and this is where the fully-tested and passively safe Frangible Safety Post System can help save lives: it gives way when struck. The Frangible Safety Post has a unique patent protected design which combines the strength to support large signs in strong winds with the ability to shatter, collapsing in a predictable and safe manner, if struck by an errant vehicle. This passively safe sign post complies with BS EN 12767 and BS EN 12899-1. When tested at 100kph, the Frangible Safety Post shatters on impact as shown on the right when tested against a traditional steel post. The Frangible Post absorbs only a small amount of energy and in so doing prevents the internal trauma to vital organs due to rapid deceleration that can be fatal or inflict serious injuries to passengers. The Frangible Safety Posts system in situ, being installed and also pictured after a car crashed into a Frangible Post at 100kph. The 140 mm Frangible Safety Post • Is the only post on the market to achieve an NE:3 rating in 100kph crash tests. • Has achieved an NE:2 classification at 100kph when two posts are struck at 750mm spacing - no other post has achieved that rating. • Only weighs 4.2kg per meter making manual handling and installation easier. • Uses standard foundation techniques and standard clips and fixings. • Matches in with existing steel posts to maintain the road side look and feel. • Easy to cut on site with standard tools. • Supplied in lengths from 3.5m to 7m plus. E-mail [email protected] for further information Visit us at Intertraffic Amsterdam Europe Foyer Stand EF.054 FSP Ltd | Unit 10 | Charnwood Business Park | North Road | Loughborough | Leicestershire | LE11 1QJ UK | Tel: +44 (0) 1509 224232 | email: [email protected] 56 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Noptel will be appearing at Intertraffic with a complete range of laser distance sensors based on the company’s own integrated pulse laser measurement technology. They are designed for fixed installations or portable battery- operated units, and work often with other sensory or control devices. Over the last 10 years, Noptel’s equipment has built up an enviable reputation, with thousands of units having been delivered to over 30 countries for use in speed measurement, vehicle tracking, classification, detection, red light control and other measurement tasks. Noptel’s customers are typically system integrators who work in the traffic control sector and deliver products like camera systems or other control systems to customers. In addition to showing its current range of laser distance sensors, Noptel will use Intertraffic to introduce some of the new developments which will be available soon. Stand 11.907 Laser distance sensors Sodi Scientifica is proud to present at Intertraffic 2010 in Amsterdam its world premiere of the Autostop 106, speed and red light camera and improper use of lane in the proximity of a stop light. The company says this device sums up the experience that it has accumulated over 45 years of involvement in the field of law enforcement. The guiding principle in designing Autostop 106 has been to create a system that integrates the best technologies and increased usability for the police. Main features of the device include high resolution images up to 15 megapixel showing the offending vehicle and the traffic light as well as vehicle make and model and its number plate. Indeed, Sodi Scientifica says the device can read the plate of a motorcycle in the third lane. Other features of Autostop 106 include: • digital signature of data • Viewing the operation on Smartphone or Tablet PC • IR or visible light Flash • Optional digital video camera • Local or remote automatic download of data, even by support staff • Automatic clock adjustment through GPS • Automatic signalling of malfunctions or vandalism by SMS • Integration with COPS 2000 back office software. Stand 11.609 [email protected] Autostop 106 world premiere For 25 years, Barrier Systems’ Quickchange Moveable Barrier (QMB) has provided the traffic industry with a cost effective solution to add lanes for rush hour traffic to reduce congestion, improve safety, and accelerate road construction. The QMB is used for both construction and permanent managed lanes applications to provide additional highway capacity to relieve traffic congestion and to provide positive barrier separation to eliminate cross-over accidents and protect motorists and construction zone workers. The system is designed to increase capacity and reduce congestion by reconfiguring the roadway based on peak traffic demand, borrowing existing lanes from the off-peak direction to improve traffic flow in the peak direction. In addition to highlighting the QMB at Intertraffic, Barrier Systems, which is part of the Lindsay Transportation Solutions Group, will also be showcasing a complete line of cost-effective crash cushions, specialty barriers, and guardrail terminal end products. These include the Universal TAU-II, the Absorb 350, and the ArmorGuard steel moveable barrier which provides highly portable positive protection and safe work zone entry and exit options. Also being featured will be the recently introduced X-Tension Terminal, which Barrier Systems claims is the world’s only fully redirective, non- gating guardrail end treatment. Stand 04.208 Fast lane changes Energy efficient parking system Scheidt & Bachmann’s latest product generation, the 2 which is being launched at Intertraffic, uses power efficient components and software that intelligently powers them down during periods of inactivity, resulting in a 70 per cent reduction in energy consumption. Moreover, this has been achieved without increasing the sales price compared to previous product generations. Scheidt & Bachmann intends to go further in its desire to provide a holistic approach to green traffic and parking infrastructure. The company states that energy efficient parking equipment is not sufficient so following the market launch of 2, an interface to sophisticated lightning solutions is being developed in order for parking equipment and illumination to interact intelligently. Further innovations in areas of 'Car-2- Infrastructure Communication' will provide opportunities in alleviating operational parking issues and reducing energy usage and carbon emissions further. Stand 02.102 Damage limitation Sentry Protection Products will use Intertraffic to highlight Park Sentry, a new method to reduce costs due to damage caused by vehicle/column collisions in car parks. Park Sentry surrounds columns in multi-story car park structures and absorbs impact. It is easily installed with few or no tools, and can be easily adapted to fit any sized 4-sided column. Park Sentry's bright colour and reflective straps increase the column's visibility increasing safety. Its engineered modular design absorbs impacts without scratching vehicles. Stand 03.116 Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 16 Pa ge 14 World-wide, unauthorized use of individual parking spaces is prevented by MySpot™ barriers. This is the place to start when you want to save spaces and soothe tempers. NEW MySpot™ 30 – Appearance alone makes the MySpot TM 30 an imposing deterrent. When unlocked by an authorized user, this rugged, horse- shoe-shaped barrier folds to the ground with light foot pressure, locking into place. Light pressure on a pedal activates the unit, which rises under its own power to the vertical locked position. 10 Ridge Road • West Orange, NJ 07052 Tel: 1.973.669.8214 • Fax: 1.973.669.5161 e-mail: [email protected] • MYSPOT TM : The World’s Most Popular Parking Space Barriers Designated Parking Corporation Contact us today for additional information and prices. MySpot™: The choice for secure protection. MySpot™ 200 – A highly effective barrier is controlled from vehicles by a hand-held transmitter. It is surface mounted, requiring no wiring because it is powered by a vehicle’s weight. Its rugged design resists forced entry attempts. MySpot™ 120 – Locked by an authorized user into its upright position, this low-cost, key-operated bollard keeps intruders out. Easily installed, it yields to impact, then springs upright again. Lies flat when unlocked. MySpot 200 MySpot 120 NEW MySpot 30 Peter Berghaus GmbH Phone +49 2207 96770 Fax +49 2207 967780 · Herrenhoehe 6 Germany · · 51515 Kuerten Safety products for work zones Mobile crash barrier systems Road hazard warning equipment In expanding our network of dealers and service partners abroad, we are looking for suitable partners for the sale of our traffic technology products. If interested, please get in touch. 58 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by Published by Products Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview All-in-one high-speed LPR Hi-Tech Solutions (HTS), a developer and provider of optical character recognition (OCR) computer vision systems, will launch a new all-in-one high-speed License Plate Recognition (LPR) system at Intertraffic. The C50 is a fully enclosed unit containing all the hardware and software required for a full LPR system package, requiring only a power supply, that complements the company’s low- speed C5 product. The C50 is designed to be easily integrated into city-wide surveillance systems, free-flow toll road billing systems, or border crossings. According to the company, the all-in-one enclosure will facilitate execution of mass-unit deployment, due to the elimination of local cabinets and servers at each camera location, thereby significantly reducing the project costs of mass-unit projects. Stand 3.316 Advanced video detection sensor Citilog’s XCam-ng is a real-time video sensor enclosed in a rugged elegant housing for advanced vehicle detection at intersections and on ramps. The device is designed to replace or expand upon in-road magnetic loop detectors with advanced vehicle detection functions such as real time queue measurement or intersection gridlock monitoring. Ideal at intersections and on-ramps, XCam- ng eliminates constraints imposed by embedded loops. Power and communications infrastructure are also not an issue since XCam-ng provides built-in low power consumption and wireless communications. The XCam-ng communicates with any traffic controller through a communications board (XCom) or through more advanced communications protocols. It can be installed up to a distance of 300m from the XCom, which is typically installed in the traffic controller cabinet. A wireless module enables the connection of several XCam-ng sensors for an easy and flexible deployment. Stand 11.521 Telegra will use its presence at Intertraffic to highlight the company’s role and track record as a single shop stop for system integration. Its second generation of software products (topXview integration software) will be presented together with Telegra’s own core manufactured hardware products (LED displays, roadside outstations, emergency roadside telephones and meteo station). As the company points out, these elements, combined with design capability based on 20 years of international experience in ATMS development, and selected third party products, provide clients with uniquely integrated highly functional systems delivered in a distinctively complete package. An example of Telegra’s role as a specialist international ITS integrator is Qatar’s first tunnel management system which was recently commissioned. Traffic Tech (Gulf) worked in partnership with Telegra to integrate a range of advanced ITS components to provide real time traveller information, vehicle guidance, lane control, automatic incident detection, speed enforcement, and an automated and synchronised system configuration that manages emergency incidents. In addition, the tunnel is equipped with lane lights for increased lane visibility as well as three Over-height Vehicle Detection Systems to restrict entry of vehicles over 5.5 metres in height. All other tunnel components including emergency telephones, fire alarm system, illumination, ventilation system, and surveillance cameras are also integrated into the system, monitored and operated via a graphical user interface (GUI) located at the tunnel’s control room. Stand 11.201 One stop shop ITS integration Canada-headquartered Versilis, a subsidiary of QMB Barrier, will use Intertraffic to introduce the SwiftGate Automated Lane Closure System, which the company says is a safer and more efficient alternative to most hazardous, time- consuming and costly lane closure operations in both permanent and temporary applications. The remotely controlled SwiftGate system is comprised of a series of easily installed modules. Each module is made of a pivoting gate or sign, a solar panel and a control box. Gates can vary in length and can be adapted with traffic signs and/or flashing lights. Each individual module is solar- powered and completely independent of any wiring for ease of installation or relocation. The lane closure system can be easily activated with an RF unit, cellular phone, or a web-based application. When activated, the system creates a continuous obstacle line that acts as a more effective vehicle deterrent than regular delineation markers like barrels and cones. Lane closure can be accomplished in as little as four minutes. The SwiftGate system has been fully tested in accordance with US National Cooperative Highway Research Program 350, and is accepted by the FHWA for use on the US Federal Highway System. Stand 11.138 Technolution at Intertraffic In addition to participating in the Cooperative Mobility Showcase, Technolution will be highlighting MobiBoxx; a telematics platform for vehicles and roadside cabinets, and MobiMaestro, an enabler for network wide, active traffic management. MobiBoxx can be tailored to serve a wide range of applications and is an easy to handle platform for remote wireless data collection from sensors. Project examples which the company will be highlighting include, Transport for London: Intelligent Speed Adaptation; Rijkswaterstaat: Tracking & Tracing for traffic officers; City of Eindhoven: dynamic green waves; and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health & Environment (RIVM). Meanwhile, MobiMaestro is a similarly customisable system that connects, integrates and controls new and existing traffic management systems from configurable workstations, thus making possible the management of traffic throughout the entire road network from a single location in a cost-effective manner. Stand 09.100 Automated lane closure system Pr oduc t s Cor r e c t pa ge s 19/ 4/ 09 19: 14 Pa ge 15 Project1 11/02/2010 09:54 Page 1 T R AFFI C P R O O F Tunnel Road uRban “Trafcon’s Automatic Incident Detection solution has led to a higher level of safety in more than 250 tunnels!” — Lode Caenepeel, Sales Director Trafcon From The DIreCTor oF “The worLD oF TrAFFIC vIDeo DeTeCTIon” ouT on The STreeTS, every SeConD CounTS. FRANCE FRÉJUS TUNNEL U.A.E. BEIRUT AIRPORT TUNNEL SLOVENIA PODMILJ & TROJANE TUNNEL TURKEY BOLEMAN PERSEMBLE TUNNEL SOUTH AFRICA HUGUENOT TUNNEL THE NETHERLANDS BENELUX TUNNEL HONG KONG LION ROCK TUNNEL GERMANY SCHWARZERBERG TUNNEL A TRAFICON FILM WWW.TRAFICON.COM TRAF Ad Tunnel A4 - Intertraffic.indd 1 05-03-2008 14:44:15 T R AFFI C P R O O F Tunnel Road uRban From the director oF “the world oF traFFic video detection” where ever the road takes you… BELGIUM ANTWERP FRANCE A28 MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR U.S.A. ATLANTA CHINA BEIJING RUSSIA MOSCOW IRELAND M50 DUBLIN ITALY BRESCIA (A4) VERONA (A31) GREECE ATHENS SWITZERLAND A12 FRIBOURG NORWAY E39 GERMANY STRELASUND A TRAFICON FILM “our viP modules automatically detect traffc incidents such as queues or stopped vehicles within seconds, leading to a signifcant reduction in economical and ecological cost.” — Jo versavel, managing director trafcon WWW.TRAFICON.COM TRAF Ad Road A4 - Intertraffic.indd 1 05-03-2008 14:44:58 “Easy installation and conguration with a vehicle presence detection rate over 99% is the basic starting-point for our R&D team.” — Peter Jamée, R&D Director Tracon TUNNEL ROAD URBAN FROM THE DIRECTOR OF “THE WORLD OF TRAFFIC VIDEO DETECTION” NO JAMS. JUST DRIVING. U.S.A. CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS BELGIUM CITY OF BRUSSELS U.A.E. FALCON (DUBAI) U.S.A. CITY OF LYNNWOOD (WA) IRELAND CITY OF DUBLIN GERMANY CITY OF MÜNSTER U.S.A. BALTIMORE COUNTY (MD) CANADA CITY OF BRAMPTON FRANCE CITY OF DIJON MEXICO CITY OF MONTERREY POLAND CITY OF WARSAW CHINA CITY OF DAQING A TRAFICON FILM T R AFFI C P R O O F WWW.TRAFICON.COM TRAF Ad Urban A4 - Intertraffic.indd 1 05-03-2008 14:45:44 WWW.TRAFICON.COM IN T E R T R A F F IC A M S T E R D A M S T A N D 1 0 .4 0 7 TUNNEL ROAD URBAN “What Hollywood is to the movie industry, Tracon is to the trafc video detection industry: THE reference.” — Stijn Vandebuerie, Marketing & Communications Tracon A THRILLING TRILOGY DIRECTED BY TRAFICON EPISODE I EPISODE II EPISODE III T R A FF I C P R O O F TRF_WoTVD_Adv_Intertraffic.indd 1 18/01/10 11:39 Freedom is key, how about safety? We look forward to meeting you at Intertraffic Amsterdam (stand 01.314) Breaking traffic rules is a choice, but the results can be devastating. Investment in safety needs to be smart and choosing the right traffic enforcement solution will help you save lives. Gatsometer, the world’s foremost supplier of leading edge Gatsometer B.V. P.O. Box 4959 2003 EZ Haarlem The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)23 750 54 50 Fax: +31 (0)23 527 69 61 [email protected] traffic enforcement technology, is your best partner for safe and reliable solutions. ATSO METER Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview 05 WELCOME TO INTERTRAFFIC 2010 >Erik Dijkshoorn, Intertraffic Domain Manager, outlines why there is no other single event that could provide you with the knowledge and insights you will gain by attending Intertraffic. CONTENTS 9-12 INNOVATION AWARD FINALISTS 06 9-12 GENERAL INFORMATION >Getting to Intertraffic, event opening times, hotels, and more INNOVATON AWARD FINALISTS >The seventeen companies, and the products, that have made it to the finals of the Intertraffic Innovation Award competition 15-16 INTERTRAFFIC SEMINARS >A menu of the technical presentations, industry trends, market developments, and business cases, as well as pilot project results, panel discussions, tenders and project launches to help you plan which ones to attend 18-25 COOPERATIVE MOBILITY SHOWCASE >A major international high-level conference on the theme of cooperative mobility, live on-road demonstrations and the i&CDrive Expo, a ‘show within a show’. This world-class showcase will provide a unique opportunity to understand how the deployment of European cooperative systems – smart vehicles on intelligent roads – will enhance safety, the environment, and mobility. 18-25 COOPERATIVE MOBILITY SHOWCASE 26-29 EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN AND COMPLETE EXHIBITOR LIST 31-58 PRODUCTS & SERVICES >Fifteen packed pages featuring some of the vast range of products and services being unveiled 31-58 PRODUCTS & SERVICES London Office Co-ordinating editor: James Foster [email protected] Contributing editor: David Crawford [email protected] Sales Director: Manuel Battista [email protected] Sales team: Fulvio Bonfiglietti (Italy), Daniel Emmerson, Jorg Heller (Germany, Austria & Switzerland), Yvonne Tindall Production Manager: Nick Bond [email protected] Database Manager: Preeti Lalli [email protected] Internet Services Director: James Howard [email protected] Design: Tim Wickens (Man or Mouse Ltd) [email protected] Office Manager: Kelly Thompson [email protected] Publisher & Managing Director: Andrew Barriball [email protected] Chairman & Director: Roger Adshead [email protected] Contact at: Route One Publishing Ltd, Horizon House, Azalea Drive, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8JR, UK Tel +44 1322 612055 Fax +44 870 751 8327 Reader Enquiry Service: Kelly Thompson, London Office Tel: +44 1322 612055 Fax: +44 870 751 8327 E-mail: [email protected] Published by © Route One Publishing Ltd 2010 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher. Contributors are encouraged to express their personal and professional opinions in this publication, and accordingly views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of Route One Publishing Ltd. From time to time statements and claims are made by the manufacturers and their representatives in respect of their products and services. Whilst reasonable steps are taken to check their accuracy at the time of going to press, the publisher cannot be held liable for their validity and accuracy. Printed by: Headley Bros. Ltd Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 3 Interested? Then why not give us a call. or visit us in person at Intertraffic 2010 in Amsterdam. STAND/BOOTh 03. Unusual ideas don’t come out of nothing. This is why we cross boundaries where it pays to do . DESIGNA parking space management reliably increases efficiency. They’re the result of careful prior analysis coupled seamlessly with a passionate pioneering spirit. profitable areas of business to our customers in the broad field of Intermobility.302 // hAllE/hAll 3 How opportunities become reality. That is the only way to turn a good idea into an opportunity.designa. and the opportunity into reality. info www. thus opening up new.The future is easier for those who help shape it. giving you the decisive edge—today and tomorrow. Often these areas will extend beyond pure parking space management. Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 has grown. a key. But more than that. as well as pilot project results. a world-class showcase of innovative vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure technologies . selected by an international judging panel. it will again feature a packed. unmissable new feature of this year’s event will be the Cooperative Mobility Showcase.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. Category winners from the 17 finalists. If you have attended Intertraffic before. which will feature a host of VIP speakers. we will keep you informed by email about the latest developments in the run up to the show. So make sure you pre-register before the show for fast track access to avoid delays or queuing at the entrance. Welcome to Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010! This year’s event. the final results of three major. with exhibitors from nine countries winning through to the shortlist for the most innovative exhibits at the event. All you have to do is visit www.itsinternational. we have added two new segments. a ‘show within a show’ in Hall 9. The Intertraffic team looks forward to welcoming you here from 23-26 WELCOME This Preview Supplement. this year’s event will offer unparalleled options. In addition. will be covered in detail over the three days of the conference. And speaking of innovations. including Camiel Eurlings. tenders and project launches. No other single event that could provide you with the knowledge and insights you will gain by attending Intertraffic. the Dutch Transport Minister.intertraffic. from policy through to implementation. and the i&CDrive Expo. and parking. European integrated projects. There’s a new and larger hall configuration with the stunning new RAI Elicium building as the core of the event so visitors will enjoy unique access to the largest sector overview of innovations. This is the 20th edition of Intertraffic Amsterdam. Every aspect of cooperative mobility. It will feature a major international high-level conference on the theme of cooperative mobility. co-financed by the EU. is special. will be presented. and the overall Intertraffic Innovation Award winner will be announced at the opening ceremony on the first day. and indeed. network gatherings and learning opportunities. four-day Intertraffic Seminar programme. CVIS and SAFESPOT. and we are celebrating a history of successful events stretching back 38 years to 1972. prepared in collaboration with ITS International and World Highways. panel discussions. should provide you with a flavour of what Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 has to offer and what you can expect when you attend. services and solutions focused on infrastructure.worldhighways. on trends. live on-road demonstrations. safety. which will run concurrently with Intertraffic from 24-26 March. Erik Dijkshoorn Intertraffic Domain Manager Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 5 . there is no event of this scope and scale in the world. it is groundbreaking. international corporations and academia. This year. In terms of learning opportunities. During the conference. Secondly. only bigger than ever: over 750 exhibitors from more than 40 countries – virtually the entire top 50 global concerns are participating – with a breathtaking array of products. There will be technical presentations on products and services. Quite simply. It adds many new features and innovations to what is already recognised as the world’s most authoritative trade fair for traffic technology and infrastructure. COOPERS. being held from 23-26 March. multi-year. senior figures from the EC. ITS/traffic management. and not just in the number of exhibitors and industry segment Attendance is free for visitors. reflecting the dynamic growth of this broad and evolving industry. environment and cooperative systems. Firstly. as well as a large outdoor area with live www. market developments and business cases. this year’s Intertraffic Innovation Awards reflects the six industry segments. you will find the same core elements. 18. Or you can get around by a highly efficient public transport system (buses. Pre-registered visitors will also be kept posted on the latest show news with regular visitor updates.worldhighways. It also has a large underground carpark. 6 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by . The main part of the city. the RAI Convention Centre is also just a few minutes away from the heart of Amsterdam. view a map showing the location in relation to Amsterdam the new contemporary face of Amsterdam RAI. and register today! RAI Elicium. including facilities and photos. restaurants.intertraffic.itsinternational. which is only ten minutes from Schiphol International Airport. The RAI is situated alongside Amsterdam’s A10 ring motorway (exit S109).com GENERAL INTERTRAFFIC GENERAL INFORMATION Amsterdam Amsterdam is one of Europe's most appealing and charming cities with a rich cultural heritage. so make sure you book in time. So pre-register today and you will receive an email confirmation explaining how to collect your visitor’s badge at the show. When you’ve made your choice. history. fun-loving and welcoming. Seeing. pre-registration = free access. however! Hotel rooms are in great demand during Intertraffic.18. or one of the mainstays of personal mobility which Amsterdam is synonymous with – the bicycle! Amsterdam is one of the most liberal cities of the world. the smart solution is to turn to the experts Amsterdam RAI Hotel & Travel Service which has carefully selected hotels near the RAI and in the city centre to suit every taste and budget. bars and nightlife. trams and by boat on the canals). LOCATION Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre Halls 1-6. Its strongest asset is its people . cafes. pavement cafés and restaurants. The Elicium will be a central part of Intertraffic 2010 since it links. making arrangements to visit Intertraffic 2010 couldn’t be easier! For accommodation and travel. car rental.00 hours Friday 26 March 10. Hotels and more Wherever in the world you are. A word of warning. Visit www.multi-lingual. the Rijksmuseum with the largest collection of Dutch Masters) and exciting nightlife to suit any taste. use the online reservation system. relaxed.00 hours Wednesday 24 March 10. excursions in and around Amsterdam. So after your time at Intertraffic 2010.00 . enjoying and experiencing Amsterdam couldn’t be easier.16. you’ll be using hotels with other event visitors. is compact and easily within walking distance.00 hours Thursday 25 March 10. www. when you want to relax this vibrant city offers a vast array of culture. and find detailed information about each OPENING HOURS Tuesday 23 March 10. as well as airport www. Intertraffic 2010 venue The home of Intertraffic is Amsterdam RAI. teeming with sights. diverse and creative culture. halls 1-5 and 9-11. It can offer the lowest available rates. increasing your networking opportunities.00 hours Register for Intertraffic 2010 today! Remember.rai. Its striking design has not just provided a modern and innovative appearance for the RAI. Europa Foyer and Halls 9-11 Europaplein 8 1078 GZ Amsterdam The Netherlands www.18.intertraffic.Surrounded by a park. The RAI Hotel & Travel Service can also provide you with air travel to and from Amsterdam.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. The venue has its own train station and is well served by trams and other public transport.00 .nl/hotelservice today to check out available hotels. You can search for accommodation by star rating and area. in a unique way. Visit www.00 .00 . since the service is officially appointed by Intertraffic. art (for instance. but an impressive new addition to Amsterdam’s skyline. with its lovely canals and countless attractions. com.302 03 10. URBAN TRAFFIC HIGHWAY & TUNNEL PARKING PUBLIC TRANSPORT ROAD MARKINGS SIGNALING SIGNAGE STREET LIGHTING ENFORCEMENT TOTAL TRAFFIC SOLUTION SWARCO – YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FOR INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT From highly reflective road markings through brilliant LED signals to adaptive traffic control and entire traffic management centers – SWARCO is the comprehensive one-stop shop for everyone in today´s traffic industry.SWARCO AG FIRST IN TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS. +43-5224-58770. office. Blattenwaldweg 8. Talk to us fic tertraf u at In n stands See yo dam o r Amste & 04.1 . We enable you to better manage travel for all road users und create safer driving conditions on both urban networks and motorways. F. SWARCO AG. +43-5224-56070 E. www. A-6112 Wattens. T.swarco. uk Infrastructure Products www. Approved to internationally recognised standards Varley & Gulliver Specialising in design. proven highway barrier systems and end terminals Brifen A quick and easily installed Wire Rope Safety Fence with low sales@brifen. passive sign supports and lightweight gantries [email protected] HS Roads is a group of companies within Hill & Smith Holdings manufacture and supply of bridge Solutions that fit together What piece do you need to complete your picture? Integrated Vehicle Restraints Wire Rope Safety Fence Integrated Parapet & Passive Safety Solutions Hill & Smith A wide range of technology stand sales@v-and-g. Driving value through innovation and improvement .hsroads. 717 www.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. 365-day operation. Stand 11. it aims to reduce parking times and can run on solar www. an optional fuel cell creating electricity from vegetable alcohol and ambient air contributes to a hybrid system delivering 24/7. The shortlisted entries are: COOPERATIVE SYSTEMS CATEGORY GEVAS SOFTWARE TRAVOLUTION GERMANY Travolution has demonstrated the scope for optimising traffic control for green waves across an entire urban road OPEN TRAFFIC SYSTEMS OPEN PARKING SYSTEM SPAIN Open Traffic’s Open Parking System aims to encourage electric car use. to choose a winner in each category.substantially up on the tally for the previous edition in 2008 – the shortlisted entries fall into six categories. Presentations will take place at an exhibitors’ event on the opening day. the scheme has achieved a 95% hit rate with a low margin of error. Stand 01.itsinternational. with display heights from 160mm to 457mm and equipped with low power-consumption LEDs. Smart electronic Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 9 . on the eve of Intertraffic 2010. Tuesday 23 March. to celebrate the 20th edition of the show. Installation at 38 locations has taken maximum advantage of existing street furniture and avoided disruption of the road surface by deploying Gatso loopless trigger radar (LTR). (The camera reading accuracy tolerates a maximum deviation of no more than 0. using genetic algorithms in on-line operation. In exceptional conditions. Data communication is Its SAIPE on-street parking meter enables charging to take place during parking and can also accommodate bicycle sharing for short urban DTV CONSULTANTS ODYSA THE NETHERLANDS The Optimalisation through Dynamic Speed Advice (Odysa) system aims to improve through traffic flows by giving road users time-critical and location-specific advice on recommended speed levels. introduced to keep highly-polluting lorries out of the city centre. saw 46 traffic signal locations equipped for traffic-adaptive network Innovation Awards Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Innovation Awards shortlist Seventeen Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 exhibitors from nine countries have won through to the shortlist for the biennial scheme for the most innovative exhibits at the show. based on analysis of real-time occupancy data.126 www. Using a paperless system built around centralised licence plate control. ie one error per 5. involving German software developer GEVAS.gatso.517 www.worldhighways.gevas. An intelligent in-vehicle display with a communications interface to the city’s traffic manSES OPTIMA VMS FRANCE agement system enabled drivers to adapt their speeds. Using specially-developed ANPR software. The meter can also display local service and travel information. City of Eindhoven and the cooperating road authorities (SRE). while Infrastructure and Safety previously formed a single category.02%. is the first such deployment in The Netherlands. Technolution.133 www. and integrate an LED message panel to show the current parking situation. Cooperative systems and Environmental are new for 2010. double the previous number: • Cooperative systems • Environment • Infrastructure • ITS/traffic management • Parking • Safety. One of these will then be selected as the overall winner of the 2010 Intertraffic Innovation Award.dtvconsultants. DTV Consultants. Optima is a solar-powered variable message sign designed for motorway use and compliant with the European standard EN12966. Following these should enable completion of an entire traffic signal-controlled journey without needing to stop at a red GATSOMETER THE NETHERLANDS The Amsterdam Environmental Zone Project.314 www. An electronic control system optimises output regardless of daylight hours. Peek Traffic and Technolution recently trialled Odysa on the Eindhoven ring road in The ENVIRONMENT CATEGORY Resulting from a research agreement between French company SES and French scientific institutions. Chosen by an international jury from 86 submissions .000 registrations). Stand 01. Stand 11. Stand 11. automotive Audi’s informed driver system and the Technical University of Munich.opentraffic. A key requirement was for the time between detection of a vehicle and delivery of a speed recommendation to its on-board equipment to be no more than a few seconds. run on a combination of photovoltaic panels and storage batteries. Odysa In-car is developed in cooperation with Peek Traffic. A trial in the German city of Ingolstadt. based on automated enforcement by Gatsometer. The jury will reconvene on Monday 22 March. worldhighways. Following the 2007 introduction of HD Traffic for consumer www.250 annual saving in operating costs over fixed cantilever designs for the system. The company works closely with the Technical University of Delft in The Netherlands. This simple yet effective tool provides many Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.itsinternational. The RMT is designed to enable. Specific innovations include mitigation of urban canyon error. retroreflection wet. and charging reliability independent of map matching. CCTV cameras and speed monitoring equipment. not just GPS-based road tolling. It takes advantage of the fact that each Bluetooth device has a worldwide unique address.7 system. Independent estimates suggest a €2. The company expects the system to deliver increasingly higher-quality information over time. friction. measurement of parameters including retroreflection dry. insurance and carbon metering. takes advantage of the widespread growth in ownership of mobile phones with Bluetooth capability. carpooling or teleworking.216 www. accuracy).930 www. The 6m-long counterbalanced pole arm can rotate through 90o and be lowered within some 90 seconds to allow maintenance work without the need for lifting equipment or road closure.skymetercorp. Mounting is simple.322 SKYMETER CANADA Skymeter Corporation’s smart road-use meter is designed to handle all forms of automotive mobility-related payment. as well as reward schemes to encourage differential driving times. while growing traffic volumes are demanding highway survey methods that cause the minimum disruption to road users. using algorithms that are updated against its historical database of 1. it enhances safety for road workers who no longer have to climb ladders or board man-lifts (cherry pickers) to manually apply masking tape onto RAMBÖLL ROAD MARKING TESTER SWEDEN Ramböll’s road marking tester (RMT) addresses the fact of road markings’ typically short technical lives in terms of performance levels.trinite.212 www. Their signals form the basis for a new service within the company’s TrafficLink brand. The company has recently released its V5.bam-it. which is currently being deployed on the M42 managed motorway scheme in the UK. Stand without the need for physical intervention. This enables anonymous detection of between 20%-30% of road users for the delivery of highly-accurate traffic information. Stand 09. Feed is via a standard XML traffic feed in the internationally-recognised Datex II format.409 www. Stand 11. from dynamic traffic management software developer Trinité Automation. privacyprotection spectrum ranging from full anonymity for private motorists to full transparency in logistics management. and allows incorporation of parking. Stand 11. in a single TRINITÉ BLUE TRACKING THE NETHERLANDS BlueTracking. faster and more safely than by conventional methods and with less denial of access. the service uses the company’s patented fusion logic. a laser light is beamed to mask specific destinations on traffic signs during road works or route diversions. not least the reduced interruption to traffic as lanes do not need to be closed. rather than positioning. luminance coefficient (Qd).com CROWN INTERNATIONAL VMC POLE UK The VMC is an 8m-high wind up/down cantilever pole designed for use in mounting and accessing devices such as VMS signs. Stand 10 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by . such surveys have been carried out using handheld portable instruments. (Skymeter’s primary technical focus is on charging.3 billion records every day. Historically.Innovation Awards INFRASTRUCTURE CATEGORY HOKA VERKEERSTECHNIEK (PART OF BAM GROUP) THE NETHERLANDS Covering destinations on traffic signs using laser technique as opposed to a black or yellow tape.226 ITS/TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CATEGORY TOM TOM HDTM THE NETHERLANDS Navigation specialist TomTom’s High Definition Traffic Management (HDTM) system is designed to enable highway authorities and road operators to manage traffic more effectively across their networks. Stand 10.tomtom. Simultaneously. and design dimensions. e-mail: [email protected] photo enforcement for credible prosecutions Redflex digital enforcement systems combine the most advanced sensor and sophisticated image capture technologies for a range of applications: Fixed and portable speed violations Red light and combined speed/red light enforcement Weigh in motion and toll infringements Bus lane and rail crossing enforcement Whatever the enforcement application. Redflex delivers reductions in violations and accidents. Making a safer world www. +44 7919 340888 Fax. +44 2380 470882 .au ASIA/PACIFIC Tel: +61 3 9674 1888 Fax:+61 3 9690 0705 USA Tel: +1 310 642 0470 Fax: +1 310 642 0142 EUROPE Tel. reliable conviction rates and reduced operating and support costs. Park-Bau-Gruppe.itsinternational.worldhighways. Intertraffic World/Traffic Technology International. s/he pays a combined fee at the pay station. it automatically switches off. SWOV Institute for Road Safety WPS PARKING SYSTEMS PARK & RECHARGE THE NETHERLANDS WPS Park & Recharge is an intelligent charging station for charging up to 20 electric cars at a time at a central control unit integrated into a parking SAFETY CATEGORY TRANSPO INDUSTRIES SONOBLASTER US Transpo Industries’ SonoBlaster work zone intrusion alarm is an impact-activated safety device designed simultaneously to alert road construction workers and deviating drivers at roadwork zones. Contributing Editor. Peter Martens. The launch recognises pressure from within the electrical vehicle industry for roles for parking locations within national charging networks.pottersbeads. Contact at a speed above the limit causes the fluid material to harden to the consistency of a conventional speed hump.transpo. with smart grid www. drums. The height of the bump above the road surface is configurable. Director. ITS International. Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories. and intruding drivers to steer clear. Managing Director. www.203 www. It is designed to allow both drivers and parking operators to take advantage of optimum rates and power load management factors. 12 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by . SETRA/CSTR/GTI. and interfaces for conventional payment.721 www. Q-Park. cones.badennova. Germany. On impact by a vehicle.Innovation Awards PARKING CATEGORY LIDROR BIOPARK ISRAEL Disability solutions developer Lidror’s Biopark portable digital parking permit device. while at safe speeds below the limit. The effect is to make the bicycle highly visible at night when illuminated by cars’ headlamps. especially in rainy or misty weather conditions. at which point charging stops automatically. Stand 05. Stand 03. when it starts blinking. Rainer-Michael Rudolph. Helen Aagot Riddervold Vice-President. member. Stand 04. and activate it with fingerprint touch identification.102. David Crawford. This is coded for each individual using specially-developed software. a built-in CO2 cartridge-powered horn blasts at 125 dB to alert workers that their protective zone has been violated. the driver plugs in and activates the system with the entry ticket or a subscriber tag at a unit. On entering. Research & Development.220 www. Christophe BADENNOVA BIV SPAIN BIV is an intelligent and selective speed bump containing a non-Newtonian fluid that reacts appropriately to different preset speed limits. Nick CIRCONTROL CIRCARLIFE SPAIN Circontrol’s CirCarLife is designed to enable parking garages and on-street parking managements to offer recharging for electric vehicles. When it senses that a vehicle is in motion. the entire metallic frame of which is coated with a specific white paint containing highlyreflective glass beads especially designed for the purpose. delineators and Aframes and other THE JURY THE 2010 INTERTRAFFIC AMSTERDAM INNOVATION AWARD: Professor Fred Wegman. It integrates factors including KWh consumption and power supply balancing. Editor.wps-group.410 www. Stand 03. POTTERS INDUSTRIES C-ME-2 FRANCE The C-Me-2 is a standard bicycle. so giving cyclists greater safety in traffic by allowing drivers more time to react to their presence. Corporate Director. For subscribers. On returning. UK. and so help prevent accidents. The Netherlands.lidror. it deforms and offers no resistance to passing vehicles. Stand 02. Advisory Council of Directors. Integration with dynamic car park guidance allows bay reservation and display of charging status for electric Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. Stand 11.115 www.circontrol. The authorised user can carry the Biopark in any vehicle. contains an electronic identification system designed to prevent the forgery or abuse of parking concessions for disabled drivers. payment is an add-on to an existing monthly invoice. European Parking Association. France. The US National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 350 (NCHRP350)-accepted alarm can be mounted on typical work zone equipment such as barriers. proximity card use. the Quickchange Movable Barrier.U-MAD U-MAD® ® LorryMounted Mounted Truck Crash Cushion Attenuator We Took A Good Product And Made it Better Barrier Systems engineers love a challenge. These are the engineers who designed an innovative method to move concrete median barriers to improve traffic flow. they asked their engineers for their input to take this very good TMA to the next level of quality and excellence. Barrier Systems also offers a full line of crash cushions and specialty barriers 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 U-MAD® Global leader in road safety and congestion mitigation solutions www. When Barrier Systems purchased the U-MAD TMA product line. manufacturing. • Easier To Install • Multiple Mounting Options • Additional Durability • Outstanding Field Service • Quicker Delivery • Availability and Support from a Global Network of Experienced Local Distributors Experience the difference today with the U-MAD ABSORB 350® TAU-II® ArmorGuard™ BG-800™ X-Tension™ . A LINDSAY TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS COMPANY ABSORB 350® TAU-II® ArmorGuardTM U-MAD® BG 800 TM X-TensionTM www. 2.barriersystemsinc. A Truck Mounted Attenuator As Simple As 1. The engineers accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm and the improvements from Barrier Systems engineering. marketing and sales are obvious. technical support.barriersystemsinc. The combination of Autoscope and RTMS will enable us to leverage our combined technologies to create novel hybrid offerings delivering unparalleled technology and performance. please visit us at Intertraffic Stand 11. • www.508 or visit ISS’ technologies extend the life and enhance the value of transportation infrastructure everywhere! To learn more about our vision. Hadbjerg • DK-8370 Hadsten Phone +45 87 613 213 • Fax +45 87 613 214 [email protected] .]SWZVc' Autoscope® video and RTMS® radar solutions deliver superior performance for highway. 2-component material and hot thermoplastic • Preheaters for thermoplastic • Line erasers RTRAFFIC SEE US AT INTE . Complete range e of professional machinery for road marking • Trucks and self-propelled machines for cold paint.112 STAND 04 – it’s straightforward Borum Industri A/S Højvangsvej 10.4 … © 2010 Image Sensing Systems. 35. tunnel and urban traffic management. industry trends.15.12. three day programme that will comprehensively cover technical presentations of products and services.11.15 Development of ITS policies: efficient tools to achieve Transport Strategy Objectives: Update of the ITS Policy Committee of IRF 11.17.30 .45 .15 .45 Technical approach to congestion charging implementation 13. Road Pricing & Toll Systems SEMINAR ROOM 1 10.15 Keeping a tunnel dry: seamless tunnel waterproofing.14.30 .14. They will be held in two specially constructed. organised in partnership with Connekt/ITS Netherlands.00 Road Marking Tester: a new mobile control technology for road markings 15. market developments.00 .Bringing a new era to parking 10. verkeersmanagement en routeinformatie in Nederland: een update voor Nederlandse overheden en marktpartijen (Dutch spoken only) 12.30 .00 Enhancement of the mobility chain with e-mobility SEMINAR ROOM 2 10.30 .13.00 Scanning Radar for hard shoulder running and automatic incident detection SEMINAR ROOM 2 10. Extending life of bridge surfacing 12.00 Absorbing masts improve safety 11.15. is a wideranging.30 .15 .00 .45 Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Seminars The Intertraffic Seminar Programme.11.itsinternational.15 Payment platform for toll collection system 15.30 .14. Intertraffic Seminar Programme Menu TUESDAY 23 MARCH: Mobility Management. and business www.13.15 Parking in the mobility chain 15.45 .00 Ensuring trust in autonomous EFC-systems 12.16.worldhighways. Parking Solutions and Cooperative Systems SEMINAR ROOM 1 11.15 Entering a new era of adaptive control with new generation medium range sensors 14.00 New trends for road pricing 16.00 Case study: paid driving in the Metropolitan area Amsterdam 14.30 Human Factors in driving support development for cooperative driving 15.15 .45 . Road Maintenance.12.15 .16. Join the HTAS Connected Car innovation programme! 14.45 . Attending seminar presentations is free of charge for all Intertraffic exhibitors and visitors.30 .00 .15.30 Mobile congestion warning systems 12.15 Next generation parking guidance systems 14.30 Overview and first results of the road pricing mobility projects Wednesday 24 March: Road Safety.12.00 Enforcement systems in Istanbul 11. tenders and project launches.30 .14.12.30 Mini-seminar: cooperatieve systemen.30 Mini-seminar Bridge Assessment: Bridge safety assessment using Bridge Weigh-In-Motion 13.15 IPark4U: a demonstration platform for real-time parking information 13. 2010) to enable you make the most of the opportunities that Intertraffic provides.16.15 .11.30 . as well as pilot project results.16. Incident Management.13.30 .45 Poliscan: next generation non-invasive red light and speed enforcement based on automated laser measurement 12. Use this topic listing of the confirmed programme (as of 10 February. panel discussions.15 .15 Regional initiatives in the field of peak traffic avoidance and travel information Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 15 .12. fully equipped seminar rooms on the exhibition floor in Hall 9 and will reflect the major themes of Intertraffic 2010.15 Make traffic become a network.30 .15.11.30 .45 LPR.30 Data exchange between road operators and map suppliers 13.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. 11.15.00 Integral mobility solutions for improving mobility.00 . Smart and Sustainable Travelling. stand modelling and simulation for intelligent traffic management 11.15 Complete ITS platform solution: total integration of intelligent traffic systems 15.11. smart cities and smart mobility 12.12.45 . UK .30 Creating trust on roads 13.00 Closing the loop .438 Clearview Traffic Group Ltd +44 (0) 1869 362800 www. from design to production 13.11.45 Innovative approach to traffic information systems 12.30 Time for change.45 . SEMINAR ROOM 2 10. safety and living conditions in cities 11.45 Wireless and mobile communications in cooperative systems 13. flexible architecture.30 .11. technology and data solutions.15 EFOY Pro Fuel Cells: power supply for mobile and stationary traffic applications 14.30 .30 Case study: paid driving in the Metropolitan area Amsterdam 11. Green 6 Talisman Road.15 .45 ParkHelp: new urban information and guidance system for cities 13.Seminars & Conferences SEMINAR ROOM 1 10. Projects and Pilots.00 Online permit account 11. Time for CHANGER: innovative practices for sustainable road infrastructure 15.15 . Oxon.15 .11.worldhighways.14.15 How cooperative driving can reduce traffic jams: unique demonstration on highway A270 in the Netherlands 16.15 .14.15 .30 Introduction to the National Data Warehouse for Traffic Information in the Netherlands Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.11.clearviewtraffic.30 .00 Multi-channel integrated information system for on-street parking payment 12.15 .17.15 Driving Guidance Lab SEMINAR ROOM 2 Time slot Title presentation 10.00 .15.45 .intertraffic.15.45 Usage-based charging systems with location aware value added www.30 Skymeter: Introducing Financial-grade GPS metering services for Road User Charging applications Programme as of 10 February.00 Improving traffic flow by Connected Cruise Control Thursday 25 March: Safe. Visit us at Intertraffic 2010.00 How to test ITS applications? 14. OX26 4HR. 2010. Visit www.00 .16. Bicester. Road Pricing & Mobility Solutions SEMINAR ROOM 1 10.12.30 .12.30 . the end-to-end supplier of all your traffic safety.30 .00 Case study: smart pricing in the urban region ArnhemNijmegen for updates YOU’LL WANT THE LOT! The Clearview Traffic Group.16.00 . Parking Information and Guidance Systems & Traffic Management Friday 26 March: ITS Tenders.45 .30 . Seminars & Conferences Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview Cooperative Mobility Showcase In association with Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010, a world-class showcase of innovative Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication technologies will run concurrently from 23 to 26 March 2010. The Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010 will provide a unique opportunity for visitors to understand how the deployment of European cooperative systems – smart vehicles on intelligent roads –will enhance safety, the environment and mobility. Co-organised by the European Commission, the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, the three major European cooperative mobility projects, CVIS, SAFESPOT, and COOPERS, and Amsterdam RAI, this event will feature a three-day conference, on-road demonstrations and the i&CDrive exhibition. COOPERATIVE MOBILITY SHOWCASE The Conference This truly international conference will give traffic and mobility professionals a unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field of V2V and V2I communication technologies, applications and services. It is organised by the coordinators of the three European R&D projects CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS (ERTICO – ITS Europe, FIAT Research Centre and AustriaTech), together with the European Commission and Amsterdam RAI. The programme offers a full spectrum of sessions, with VIP speakers ranging from European, national and local policy-makers to company CEOs as well as leading experts in cooperative systems from Europe. DAY 3 The final day’s programme looks ahead to the future and to widespread deployment of cooperative mobility systems. The first session presents the toolkit developed by the three IPs to remove barriers to deployment, with presentations from ERTICO, TNO, HiTec Marketing, Volvo Technology Corporation, Trialog and Rijkswaterstaat. An interactive interview session with industry visionaries then looks towards a vision of future cooperative mobility systems and products. The Conference closes with an executive round table session debating what it takes to create widespread user acceptance, system deployment and market take-off. Live Demonstrations Alongside the conference, delegates will have the unique opportunity to experience cooperative mobility in one of the numerous demonstration vehicles. Your demo ride will take you on a safety systems track in the RAI grounds as well as out on the nearby motorways and city roads, to demonstrate tomorrow’s cooperative applications for drivers. The demonstrations will show the positive impacts for the environment, safety, mobility and individual travellers. Cooperative Mobility Demonstrations DAY 1 The Conference will be opened on Wednesday morning 24 March by the European Commission and the Dutch Minister of Transport, Camiel Eurlings. It will be followed by a round table session with European, national and local policy-makers, exploring how deployment of cooperative mobility systems has the potential to bring substantial improvements to energy efficiency, air quality, road safety and travellers’ mobility. After the official opening of the Cooperative Mobility Demonstrations and the i&CDrive exhibition, a second round table session will feature leading developers and implementers of cooperative systems, including FIAT Research Centre, Daimler, Volvo AB, Bosch, Efkon, Siemens, Swarco and Logica, and cities such as Turin, Gothenburg, Lyon and Trondheim. They will present the newest systems and solutions using vehicle-to-infrastructure communication for data collection, information services and cooperative traffic management. A European vision of OEMs’ development will be presented by EUCAR. The final session of the first day will look at how cooperative mobility services will help users, with a panel drawn from service providers, road operators, traffic managers, user organisations and transport operators. DAY 2 The second day is devoted to the key final results of the EU-funded CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS programmes. The results will be presented in keynote addresses and panel sessions on the themes of cooperative systems communication technologies and architecture; location technologies for cooperative mobility; applications and services for energyefficient, safe and clean mobility; and the evaluation of the results and realworld experiences from the projects’ numerous test sites across Europe. 18 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by A wide range of cooperative mobility applications, using a fleet of vehicles, will be demonstrated at the Amsterdam RAI congress centre, on the public highways leading to Schiphol Airport, on the airport’s own road network and on a dedicated safety demonstration area. In addition, a fully operational ‘cooperative traffic centre of the future’ will monitor and control the demonstrations from inside the exhibition hall. Before going out on the road visitors can get the inside story on the new technologies, including: • V2V communication for safety-critical applications using the latest European and global standards; • flexible communication management allowing continuous connectivity using cellular, broadcast and local media; com .Please visit JAI at Intertraffic Amsterdam. The cameras are excellent choices in your traffic systems for electronic toll collection. journey time information. speed enforcement. open road tolling. Hall 11 Take the correct road to high quality traffic imaging JAI’s CCD/CMOS cameras offer industry leading image quality in demanding traffic management systems. to hear more about JAI’s traffic cameras. JAI A/S Europe. where correct imaging of vehicles (vehicle characteristics and license plate reading) is a vital element in the application. 11. as well as complete vehicle imaging subsystems. Stand no. red light enforcement and traffic security. All cameras are designed and manufactured by JAI and available with different resolutions to fit your “field-of-view” and price/performance requirements.332.jai. Choose the correct road to the industry’s best camera technology for your ITS application. Asia and Middle East/Africa: +45 4457 8888 Americas: +1 800 445-5444 (toll-free) • Megapixel resolution and full lane coverage • Industry leading image fidelity • Highly resistant to shock and vibrations • Very long operating life and high MTBF • 24/7 imaging features • Auto iris control (selected cameras) • Color & monochrome • Standard GigE Vision interface www. org Meanwhile. a major feature of the i&CDrive expo will be a traffic management centre which will be the nerve centre of the demonstrations and a meeting place for the showcase event as a whole. SAFESPOT has been responsible for developing a Safety Margin Assistant (SMA). It’s here. local advertising. The public highway demonstration tour will feature a range of innovative new services. In addition to a range of manufacturers of products and systems for cooperative mobility. Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 21 . COOPERS explored the use of vehicles as floating sensors to collect traffic and/or road condition data to enable cooperative traffic management. It is the world’s first implementation of the CALM protocol architecture. • head on collision warning. COOPERS focused on reducing the development gap between the vehicle and infrastructure portions of cooperative road www. • safety at intersections.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. allowing software downloading and lifecycle management. • road charging and access control.worldhighways.coopers-ip. meet and question the project teams and watch the outdoor cooperative mobility activities from a comfortable seat! Integrated within the Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 exhibition in Hall 9 the i&CDrive exposition is a dedicated exhibition area featuring the latest solutions. in-vehicle display of roadside signs. providing both flexibility and some degree of redundancy. • lane change assistance. The CVIS communication platform is used within the project to enable trial applications such as vehicle-traffic system interaction. www. This uses both V2v and V2I communications to create and share safety messages. • local route guidance and speed advice to avoid congestion and stops at traffic lights. and to disseminate safety. in Hall 9. • wrong-way driver detection and alert. traffic information and other messages to drivers using digital radio broadcast.cvisproject. that visitors can book their demonstration tour. hazard detection and warnings and commercial vehicle services. It explored CALM-based continuous wireless data communication between vehicles and the roadside and provides vehicles and drivers with location-based. and • an open platform for application www. which enables its router platform to communicate data in real time via multiple communication media.safespot-eu. lane closure and hazard warnings. and • frontal collision prevention. A number of core software and hardware components are exchanged and reused between the three projects. real-time. including: • real-time multimodal travel information for energy efficient journey planning. • in-vehicle display of traffic signs including fixed and changeable speed limits. and • service discovery and download. The project focused on preventing road accidents by detecting potentially dangerous driving situations and providing early warnings to nearby vehicles. • safety margin for assistance and emergency vehicle. In addition. Equipped vehicles can use whichever communications media are in its immediate environment. SAFESPOT uses Vehicular Ad Hoc NETworks (VANETs) for safety applications needing very low latency and reliable communications. products and services for V2V and V2I communication. the cooperative traffic centre will be both the nerve centre of the demonstrations and the meeting place for the Showcase event as a whole. It was tasked with developing use cases and technologies for cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems and services.itsinternational. safety-related Seminars & Conferences • high-precision systems for lane-specific positioning. CVIS is the largest of the three main European Commission’s cooperative mobility projects. The safety demonstrations will include applications such as: • hazard and incident warning. Dutch Minister of Transport Round Table 1: Cooperative Mobility Policy – How can we make deployment happen? • Policies for cooperative mobility deployment for traffic and energy efficiency.15 10. better air quality. anywhere. Member of the Governing Board. Head of Traffic Management.00 Closing Programme as of 10 February. PTV AG John Chipperfield. Managing Director. Traffic Management Directorate. to and from any vehicle… • How can cooperative systems offer new opportunities for business value? Moderator: Speakers: Michael Nielsen. Vice President of the Greater Lyon Urban Community 12. Member of the Executive Board.15 15. RACC Foundation Giovanni Colombo. General Delegate. citizens across Europe… • Cooperative awareness: enhancing drivers' Cooperative Mobility Conference . CTO Swarco Group Jan Casteleijn.00 14. greater safety and enhanced mobility Moderator: Speakers: Frederico Fernandez. North-Holland Provincial Deputy Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. do they serve the users needs? • Floating vehicle data: opening a stream of new & better information? • Linking drivers. ASFA Carlo van de Weijer. Visit www. Göteborg Gilles Vesco.Member European Parliament) Nicola Beer. State Secretary for European Affairs of the State of Hessen Roland Rydin. Spain Bernd Lange (MEP .cooperativemobilityshowcase2010.Connecting smart vehicles with intelligent infrastructure 10.Seminars & Conferences WEDNESDAY 24TH MARCH 2010 8.itsinternational.00 Opening Address Neelie for updates 22 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by .05 Welcome Coffee Opening Welcome to North Holland Elisabeth Post. 2010. Member of Board. Ministry of Interior.worldhighways.intertraffic. President & CEO Centro Ricerche FIAT & ELASIS Helmut Matschi.00 Lunch Break Round Table 2: Are vehicle-infrastructure cooperative systems a solution to support policy needs for efficient & sustainable mobility? • The connected vehicle: what value can it bring for drivers. travelers.45 Coffee break Round Table 3: Power to the people – Creating a cooperative mobility services platform for drivers. authorities? • Vehicle connectivity and European platforms. Member of the City Council.40 11. TomTom Martin Krieg. European Institute of Technology Jean Mesqui. vehicles and traffic management for safer & less congested travel • Unlimited new services for business and transport managers Moderator: Speakers: Alessandro Coda. Deputy Director www. Continental Vincent Kobesen. EUCAR Research Coordinator Nevio Di Giusto. and how good must it be? • Towards a "universal platform" to deliver any service. Vice President Commercial and Business Development. Director.30 10. Imtech Infra and Traffic 15. City of Dortmund (invited) 17. EU Digital Agenda Commissioner (invited) Welcome Camiel Eurlings. awareness and choices • How much cooperative information does the user need. Executive Director. International Road Transport Union Miqel Nadal. Interior.00 10. operators. or www. S EE U IC IN 9 S AND TRAFF D 6 0 E COM INTER S TAN AT 1 1 . ALL H . Renault SAS Piero Mortara. SAFESPOT Intergrated Project. Centro Ricerche FIAT Christian Faisstnauer. Managing Director ARS T&TT Speakers: 17. Asfinag Speakers: 15. Program Manager.itsinternational.30 Reception at the i&Cdrive Expo (Hall 9) 24 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by .com Cooperative Mobility Conference . Vice President Research and Development. Robert Bosch GmbH Speakers: 12.Seminars & Conferences THURSDAY 25TH MARCH 2010 8.worldhighways. Tele Atlas Key Results Session 2: Location Technologies for Cooperative Mobility Session summary: Can we deliver pinpoint accuracy for cooperative mobility? 11. Chief Technologist.00 Coffee Break Keynote address: Location is (almost) everything for cooperative systems… Rob van Essen. Magneti Marelli S.00 Coffee Break Key Results Session 4: Real-world experience with Cooperative Mobility Session summary: Panel presentation of results of Cooperative Mobility trials at test sites across Europe • • • • Validation: have the projects proven the Cooperative Mobility concepts? Interoperability & convergence: chances for “every vehicle.30 9. Innovation. Mizar Automazione Angelos Amditis.p.30 11. Director Business-Line TT/CS. Managing director. – Electronic Systems Knut Evensen. Volvo Technology AB (invited) Jan Linssen. ASFA Key Results Session 3: Cooperative applications & services – What can they deliver? Session summary: How do Cooperative Systems really work? 14. Efkon AG Thierry Ernst. Engineering Project Leader. INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique 10.30 • • • • • Cooperative driving & road safety: seen from the vehicle… … and from the road/traffic manager… … and from the driver viewpoints cooperative traffic information services Commercial vehicle services Giulio Vivo.30 Speakers: Abdel Kader Mokaddem. everywhere”? Cooperative mobility is the answer to all users’ needs? Lessons learned: ups and downs of real world experience Francois Peyret. PWP Systems Sheung Ying Yuen-Wille. Manager Vehicle-centric Communication. Peek Traffic Niclas Nygren. Research Director. Logica Robin Schubert. every service.Toward a pan-European cooperative systems architecture Session summary: Vehicle and traveler always connected . Institute of Communication and Compute Systems Marko Jandrists.A.00 Lunch break Keynote address: Meeting road operators’ needs for future mobility Jacques Boussuge. Project Manager & System Engineer.30 • • • • Relative positioning among vehicles: how much precise? The “Local Dynamic Map” the future of navigation maps? How robust are Location Technologies for cooperative mobility? Location-based personal services vs. Schalk.00 Welcome Coffee Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.30 16. Technical University of Munich Siebe Turksma.Connecting smart vehicles with intelligent infrastructure Keynote address: Towards continuous communication for cooperative systems Achim Brakemeier. Laboratoire Central de Ponts et Chaussees Tobias www. personal data privacy Boudwijn Schokker. Daimier AG Key Results: Session 1 . Autostrada del Brennero Gino Franco.30 14. Development engineer. Director Standardisation. Technical University of Chemnitz Jorg Pfister. Director of Innovation. Q-Free ASA Andreas P.Dream or reality? • Vehicle communications for safety applications • Towards a pan European communication architecture • A CALM way to manage communication • Location-dependent communication & networking 9. European Network. Head of Department for Traffic Management Systems and R&D. Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management The Netherlands Susanne Fuchs. Group Director Intelligent Transport Systems. human factors in transport specialist.worldhighways.00 Keynote address: Standardisation Soeren Hess. Director Soft products and Process Development.Connecting smart vehicles with intelligent infrastructure Panel Session: Removing barriers to deployment: A practical toolkit of enablers • Deployment enablers • Deployment scenarios & recommnedations • Data privacy and security • Policy Speakers: Marike Hoedemaker. Head of Traffic Influence and Telematics Department. Cofiroute Cees de www.30 9. Senior Manager ITS & Services. BASt (invited) Vito Mauro. Managing Director.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.00 10. Mizar Automazione 15. Chairman of ERTICO Christine Lotz. TNO Mats Rosenquist. FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2010 8. Siemens ITS (invited) 12.30 11. Urban Systems. Product Research. HiTec Marketing 10. Centro Ricerche FIAT Matthias Schulze. Chairman of TC ITS ETSI (invited) Coffee break Exploitable results from 3 IPs (non-commercial): Delivering the Cooperative Vision: From RTD Towards Products Speakers: Luisa Andreone.30 Lunch Break Executive Round Table Closing Session: Cooperative systems in all vehicles & on all roads: When and How? Speakers: Ronald Adams.00 Welcome Coffee Seminars & Conferences Cooperative Mobility Conference .30 13. Volvo Technology Fred Verweij.00 Closing 7KH :RUOG·V 7UDIÀF 6HQVRU 6PDUW6HQVRU +'·V SURYHQ SHUIRPDQFH LV DFFHSWHG JOREDOO\ DV D IRUPLGDEOH DOWHUQDWLYH WR WUDGLWLRQDO GHWHFWLRQ :KHQ DFFXUDF\ FRXQWV WKH ZRUOG FRXQWV RQ 6PDUW6HQVRU +' Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 25 . Senior Advisor. TNO Han Zijnenberg. Daimler (invited) Fahim Belarbi. Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management The Netherlands (invited) Gunter Zimmermeyer. Logica Andreas Kausche.itsinternational. itsinternational.Exhibitors Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview For Halls 1 to 5 please see pages 28 and 29 26 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by .com www.worldhighways. 902 11.219 11.819 11.712 10.112 11.und Informationstechnik Axit Ayers Rock Enterprises B Badennova BAM Infratechniek Barco BBZOB Beijing General Electric Equipment Beijing Yunxingyu Traffic Engineering Belden Electronics Betamont BMIA Brand Bremicker Verkehrstechnik & KG Brifen Brimos C CA Traffic Camea Capsys CAS Nederland Central Weighing CEOS Industrial Cestel Chainzone Technology (Foshan) Cichon Automatisierungstechnik Citilog Civiele Techniek Clearview Traffic Group Cohu Electronics Division Colberg & Forster Collis Comatis Computer Recognition Systems Connekt / ITS Netherlands Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010 Crown International Limited CSC D D.123 11.502 11.311 10.619 11. Company Stand No.219 11.907 10.829 www.314 11.409 10.227 11.515 11.805 11.327 11.925 09.409 10.und Verkehrswesen High Tech Automotive Campus High Tech Automotive Systems Highways Magazine Hill and Smith Hoka Honac Nederland Houston Radar LLC HS Roads Hytrans Systems I Icoms Detection Idris Technology Image Sensing Systems Imago Group Imagsa Technologies Imtech Infra INEX / ZAMIR Infraspecials InterPlex Solar Technology UK Isbak IT & T tsc ITERIS J JAI JSC Research Center "Module" JSC Specenergotehnika JSP K Kalibra Kapsch TrafficCom Keyun Technology (Shenzhen) Kistler Instrumente Kria L La Semaforica Lacroix TRAFIC Land + Water LEA LeddarTech Leotek Electronics USA Corp.A.303 09.917 11.915 A A. Local Transport today c/o Landor Publishing Logica LUFFT LUMIX M Mediapoint Meteo Omnium MetroCount MICROPROCESSADOR .729 11.721 11.Sistemas Digitais Miovision Technologies MIZAR Automazione Mobility Moxa Europe M-UniComp Verkehrssysteme N Navtech Radar NAVTEQ NDW Neavia Technologies Niechoj Electronic Noptel NOW Wireless O OpSec Security Ortana Elektronik P Peek Traffic Phoenix Contact Pilomat PIPS Technology Power Innovation Stromversorgungstechnik Prismaflex Provincie Noord-Brabant Provincie Noord-Holland PSI Production PTV Planung Transport Verkehr PWS Traffic Solutions Q QSG Verkehrstechnik Quercus Technologies QUIXOTE R Rijkswaterstaat Rittal Road Safety Management Rotapanel International Route One Publishing RTB & KG RZD .000 11.627 09.308 11.125 11.303 11.120 11.403 11.826 11.815 11.516 11.636 09.930 11.502 11.103 10.419 11. Company Stand No.worldhighways.G.501 09. Sagem Communications Sagem Sécurité Sander Electronic Schlothauer & Wauer Ingenieurgesellschaft für Strasseerkehr mbH & KG SEA SIGNALISATION SES Head Office and Tours plant SFC Smart Fuell Cell SICE Sick Siemens Sierzega Elektronik Signalbau Huber SIMICON Skymeter Corporation Sodi Scientifica Solari Di Udine SP Laagspanningssystemen Speedar SPIE StarTraq Stemmer Imaging STERELA Steria Sud Segnal Srl Traffic System Swarco Swarco Futurit Verkehrssignalsysteme Ges.000 11.218 11.911 11.& Besturingstechniek W Wanco Wavetronix LLC Weiss-Electronic White Pebble Willemsen Verkeers service Wireless CCTV Work Area Protection Corporation Wuxi Anbang Electric X Xtralis UK Z Zhejiang Caiyuan Reflecting Material 27 .101 11.439 11.430 11.117 11.103 11.818 11.116 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Exhibitors 10.000 10.803 11.H Swarco Technology ApS T Tattile TEC Traffic Systems Technolution Techspan Systems Tein Telecom Teknotel Telegra Telent Tele-Traffic (UK) Telvent Tráfico y Tránsporte Terrafix Fundamenttechnik Thinking Highways Thinking Space Systems Thomas Verkehrstechnik TNO TOLLTEC (NGO JSC) TomTom Total Client Services Tracevia Traffic 2000 Traffic Data Systems Traffic Futura Traffic Innovations Traffic Safety Systems Traffic Tech Traffic Technology International Traficon Transmax Transport Business International & GreenFleet Magazine Transport Public TRAX elektronik Trinité Automatisering TSS-Transport Simulation Systems TTS U UTI Traffic Management V Vage Van den Berg Infrastructuren Varley & Gulliver Verkeer in Beeld Verkehrs Systeme Versilis Vexpansie Vialis VINCI Energies Solutions Transport Vision Light Tech VTN Verkeers.108 10.429 10.115 11.100 10.235 11.236 11.502 10.108 11.333 11.502 11. Eplan Ertico ESRI Eurotransport Excel Technology Group Pty Eyevis.201 09.719 11.518A 11.103 11.434 09.000 10.404 09.101.312 09.531 11.811 11.923 11.123 09.729A 10.626 10.138 11.243 11.724 11.709 10.435A 11.627 11.811 11.407 11.914 11.425 11. Perfect Visual Solutions F FABEMA Mobile Ampelsysteme Famas System Forster Metallbau Forster Verkehrs.307 09. 10.000 10.114 11.337 10.000 11.126 E Eco-Counter ECTN EKTA Company Electronique Controle Mesure Elektron Kft.630 10.401 10.212 11.806 10.112 10.103 11.601 09.601 11.825 11.117 10.609 10.T.515 11.820 09.319 11.402 11.701 11.222 11.112 09.142 11.104 11.525 11.309 11.123 10.403 10.220 11.402 09. Dambach-Werke Data Display Nederland Data Signs Data Traffic DataCollect Traffic Systems DBT De VerkeersInformatieDienst DIGITECH dresden elektronik verkehrstechnik DTV Consultants 11.116 11.303 11.435B 11.316 11.220 11.Partner business magazine S S.405 11.833 11.117. Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.I.000 11.319 11.219 09.628 11.A.723 11.103 11.415 09.717 11.215 11.330 10.123 11.521 11.116 10.C.919 10.103 10.130 11.311 09.215 09.823 11.128 10.103 11.409 11.601 11.103A 09.Published by Company 11.m.827 11.132 11.402 11.123 Stand No.103 11.120 11.419 11.407 11.903 09. Hungary Aanderaa Data Instruments ADDCO ADEC Technologies ADT Fire & Security Advantech Europe AEG MIS Aesys AFB-center AGD Systems Aldridge Traffic Controllers Aldridge Traffic Systems Anders Betalen voor Mobiliteit Andes Applied Traffic Arpège Master K ARS Traffic & Transport Technology Arvoo Imaging Products ASCO Aselsan AustriaTech .103 11.325 11.233 11.134 10.621 09.627 09.612 11. 10.802 11.717 11.517 11.502 10.319 11.518 11.504 11.itsinternational.507 11.112 11.909 11.502 11.409 09.216 11.912 11.901 11.501 11.331 11.241 10.303 09.209 10.226 09.b.118 11.334 11.000 11.718 11. Verkeer Hailo-Werk Hessisches Landesamt für Strassen.929 11.409 11.Federal Agency for Technological Measures AutomationX AVE Verkehrs.E.503 10.322 11.827 10.S.000 11.128A 10.321 09.102 11.508 10. Company Stand No.319 09.135 10.100 11.222 11.103 11.125 11.107 11.617 11.122 11.511 11.900 11.733 11.100 09.429 09.807 11.R.305 11.139 11.826 10.315 10.808 11.821 11.318 10.125 10.707 10.508 10.000 09.817 11.201 10.623 11.145 11.635 10.und Werbetechnik Framos Funkwerk plettac electronic G Gardasoft Vision Limited Gevas Software Global Traffic Technologies Graffiti Magic GreenWay Systeme Grupo Etra Grupo Postigo H H.136 11.400 11.529 10.720 11.715 10.109 11.622 11.301 11.101 11.436 11.131 11.237 11.202 10.100 11.527 10.405 11.918 11.828 09.336 10.307 09.625 11.800 10.115 10.303 11.332 09.921 11.438 11.125 10. Exhibitors Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview 28 For Halls 9 to 11 please see pages 26 and 27 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by www.itsinternational. 445 Jansen Venneboer 05.207 Ningbo Dingwang Traffic Facilities Engineering 03.323A Boja 04.611 RISE 03.322 LEVASSEUR 01.109 STOLL REFLEX Strassenmarkierungsmaterialien 04.133 Opticon Sensors Europe 03.220 01.208 Solosar 01.415 H 03.031 Orteco Srl di S.310 Laura Metaal Eygelshoven 01. Detas D-Power Diramm Halbach & KG Digital Ally Dinaf Traffic Control Dorozhnaya Derzhava Mazine Dota / PCP Fischer.407 01.207 Vierex 01.214 Smartstud Systems 01.109 01.Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.327 GB Segnaletica 01.233 S S.314 RX2 Cleaning Products 01.116 Smart Parking Systems 02.400 Hefei Zhongtie Bright Transportation 03.S.400A 05.206 Hazard Safety Products Limited Haztec International 05.424 Adbruf 05.113 Intertraffic Worldwide Events 02. Company Stand No.312 W W.312 L La Voie Express signalisation routière 01.018 01.136 KYTronics 03.216 Ganis-Systems 02.321 Roveka 02.224 Incor Bierzo 01.E.308A Adviesburo 04.626 Alkobel 05.406 Intertraff 02.404 Reflexite Europe 01.111 I 01.402 Sunhill Technologies 02.300B 04.316 01.s.308 Hofmann 01.323 Perfect Security & MachineryLtd 03.316 Limburger Lackfabrik 01.500A Steen Industri 05.115 Horizont Klemmfix 03.Alcan Singen 01.423 Lucebit Road LWH Shan Development 01.028 05.116 SGGT 01. Dr.520 Wilhelm Grewe OHG 01.409 Cegasa Internacional 01.229 MAVAND Solutions Measurement Devices (MDL) 01.302 Swiss Zone 01.412 Zer Elektronik 01.231A Gayk Baumaschinen 05.408 01.204 SkiData 01.321 All Chemie Belgium 05.311 Sintel Van der Hoorn 02.112 Avery Dennison 01.112 Boschung Mecatronic 01.312A Border Barrier Systems 01.401 Bavak Beveiligingsgroep 02.318 Axiome Concept 02.617 Q Quazar International 05.111 Pass + Co Barrier Systems 01.217 SHENZHEN YDM REFLECTOR EF.233 KANZAN Spezialpapiere 02. Arnold 03.312 Traffix Devices 05.444 Fontraf Equipamentos.307 HELIOS Domzale 02.446 bocom Lichttechnik Energiespar-Technologien 01.438 Barrier Systems 04.330 RADARLUX Radar Systems 01.311 SNG Company 03.312 GIFAS ELECTRIC Green Center 05.126 Trafiq 01.109 Oaklands Plastics 03.M. 04.414 B B&E Nachrichtentechnik 05.218 03.worldhighways.208 Veluvine 05.010 Sabacaucho 01.104 Sparkle Safety 01.309 Catway France 04.226 Ramet C.314 Kamber 05.042 INTERKOBO International Currency Technologies 02.411 Prisma Teknik AB 01.528A Milewide 01.Giotto Dongguan Ind 05.500 01.319 R R&D Sicurezza 05.204 Guangd Deqing Jixin Synthetic Resin 01.404 AXIMUM 05.E.208 Italflash 01.527 Villa Pro 03.531A MEI 01.426 Swarco Vestglas 04.103 Geyer & Hosaja 03.449 Stego 03.402A Apex Universal 04. 05.421 Rediweld Traffic Products 04.401A 05.) 05.140 Alcan Composites .235 Rieder Betonwerk 01.107 Y YSL 05.416 ArcelorMittal 01.311 Road Marking Equipment 01.132 Findlay Irvine 04.308 Vitronic 05.121 Transpo Industries 04.306 GE Lumination LLC 01.313 LI. Company Stand No.418 Cauchos Karey 01.102 WSA Electronic & KG 02.229 Grün Spezialmaschinenfabrik 04.600 Volkmann & Rossbach & KG 01.219 Kirschbaum Verlag 01.302 Engineer Science and TechnologyLtd 03.628.323 Cart 01.204 Zehntner Testing Instruments 04.OTS 01.041 Hermann Spengler & KG 01.048 Bemrose Booth Limited 03.506 Pauselli 05. 04.101 V Valmont 01.529 motionID technologies 01.Dr.055 Blue Systems 01.452 Swarco by SIM Electronic 01.204A AD HOLD 04.117 Talaris 03.231 SACS 03.412 Signal Group 01.101 01. 01.205 BD BULLONERIA DADI 01.448 Company 01.313 Parx 03.406B Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp.410 ProContour 04.307 International Road Federation 03.M.517 01.229 SAMAR'T 01.324B INDECT Electronics & Distribution 01.229 Kwazar Corporation 01. Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Exhibitors 3G .302 GSI 04.501 Oxford Plastic Systems 01. Company Stand No.324 Yushu Yeshili Reflective Material.M.402B Money Controls 03.314 Jerol Industri AB 01.127A 01.302 CEPAS Ces Complete Electronic Systems Changzhou Hua R Sheng Reflective Material Changzhou Huawei Reflective Material CHEM PLUS Chiye Glass Bead (Hebei) CIRCONTROL Cixi Shuangwei Road Facilties Color Point and Hermseal Comestero Group Commend Conchiglia Congost Plastic Corus Construction & Engineering CreditCall Communications Cross Zlin CRYZAL Cubit France Technologies Custom Engineering D D.117 National Rejectors 01.218 K 03. Dr.229 3M Traffic Safety Systems Division 01. Von Ballmoos.511 Haenni Wheel Load Scales 02.319 Tradelec International 03.209 Supertec Zona EF.129 ASCQUER 04.026 WPS Worldwide Parking Solutions 03.320 Nova Coating Technologies 05.113 Plastic Safety Systems EF.450A ShenZhen Tong De Sheng Electric Industrial 05.I.203 JCM Europe 03.024 Intav 04.318A mi 05.315 Fracasso 03.214 01.624B Zhejiang Daoming Optics & Chemical 01.442 Amano Europe 01.037 Measurement Specialties 05.020 01.403 Sasa 01.234 03.302 03.306 Intercodam Infra 01.432 01.420 H. Dracon-Eltron DSS-MP Myarország Kft.328 IEM 03.443 Nortech International 01.447 Sekisui Jushi 01.itsinternational.118 MSR-Traffic N 05.232 PalmencoTraffic AB 05.432 Topcoat Nederland 03.302A Route One Publishing 01.128 Marceglia 01.204 ITSA 01.417 Anji DaSol Solar Energy Science & Technology 01.200B ARMAS Elektronik 01.120 Kinetic Energy EF.202 Linetech & KG LKF 05.214 Signal 01.207 Heintzmann Sicherheitssysteme 04.303 Thermoshuttle Corp.402 Parkare Group 01.F.110 Imprimerie Nouvelle 01.313 VINMER 04.615 Industrias Duero 03. Swarovski 04.205 03. 04.212 ORAFOL 01.127 Infrasite EF.H.301 Kiwa Chemical Ind.400B 05.108B Adolf Nissen Elektrobau & KG 05.417 Zhangjiang City Yadong High Frequency Welding Steel Manufacture 01.232 Larius 05.326 AVS Mellingen 01.311 IP Parking IPL group 01.112 Parkeon 02. Sichuan Jiangyou 05.528B Alka Sanayi 01.318B Stirling Lloyd Polychem 01.400C Toennjes Group 01.309 Bongard & Lind & KG 01.229 Specchidea 05.310 Waterblasting Technologies 04.208 Henan TATU Highway EF. elettronica Srl 03.221 Saferoad AS 01.R.312 Matan Digital Printers 01.429 LEDSigns 01. 04. Handels 01.R.316 Ramböll Sweden 01.104 Vermolen Groep 01. Knieriem 05.230B 04. 02.106 Car Segnaletica Stradale 01.408 IMO Lichtsignal EF.424 03.427 TTS-Total Technical Solutions 01.322 Shanghai Jessubond Traffic Safety New Material 05.115 03. 05.233 Bimex 01.036 Suzhou Everich 05.319 Nadia 05.302 02.129 Kersten Markeer 05. Company Stand No.032 01.203 Frangible Safety Posts 05.216 SISAS Segnaletica 05.123 Maanshan Roadmarking 01.307 Mechatronic Traffic Megaplast Kladno 05.207 PROIN 04.229 Korea Parking Systems Industry 04.606 04.315 Sirena 04.308 I.123 Stalprodukt 05.105 Geveko 02.212A bebarmatic Parksysteme 03.428 Nordbeton 05.514 JUPITER 05 04.406A Transoft Solutions 01.333 Airport Surface Friction Tester (ASFT) EF.315 PA Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant 01.134 GeBE Elektronik und Feinwerktechnik 02.302B U Unimark Line Painting (Thailand) EF.621 03.050 United China Electronics (H.I. Company Stand No.212 Azkoyen Medios De Po 03.215 Wavetec Radar Solutions 01.201 Asia Sun (Taiwan) 04.106A IMPACT systems Company Stand No.413 Triflex Beschichtungssysteme & KG 05.410 01.228 Ambridge Thermoplastics 05.210 Outimex 01.ME.S.Road Marking Machine 05.308 Roadis EF.512 05.119 M 03.216 Scheidt & Bachmann 02.217 Six Card Solutions Group Luxembourg 03.214A HI-Q 01.103 Ideoma Intelligent Systems 05.528D O O&O Gate Automation 02.500B Hi-Tech Solutions Europe 03.114 05.213 GESIG Gesellschaft für Signalanlagen 04.218 Park Assist LLC 03.406 Asytec 02.520A MRL Equipment Company 01.410 Trelleborg Engineered Systems 01. Swarovski & Swareflex Division DaeRyuk ITS Dambach-Werke Dancop International Daresco ddm hopt+schuler +KG Deceuninck Deister Electronic Delnorth International Delta Bloc Europa Delta Danish Electronics.301 G.130 Hitex Traffic Safety 01.046 Plastiroute 05.046A Van Dodeweerd Parkingsupplies 02.131 Prins Dokkum 01.526 Prismo Road Markings 01.202 PUTkast 01.304 Gatsometer 05.R.207 Beijing Leway International Fairs EF.209 Fibre Net 01.408 Fleischhauer Datenträger 05.221 Novelis Europe 01.124 Metric Group Meypar 02.303 02.401B 01.302 SWARCO M.Sistemas De Control EF. Company Stand No.506 Jiangsu Guoqiang Zinc-Plating Industry 04.623 01.B.508 P P1 03.226 GreenParking 01.312 Schmit Parkeersystemen 02.206 Schake 01.116 Sernis ID Iestigacao e Deseolvimento 01.320 Setga 01.430 Verdegro 01.318A Thales 03.417 Shenzhen Spark Optoelectronics S&T 05.306 ATB Automaten Technik Baumann 02.103 Schweers Informationstechnologie 02.434 Moru Industrial Systems Mosel Vitelic 01.510 Znacky Praha EF. 04.126 SIIR (AFAPARK) 01.220 Lm-therm 03.214 S.227 WIMED Oznakowanie Dróg EF.503 I + D3 03.320 Affiliated Computer Services Solutions France SAS 01.114 01.311A Parking Network 01.127 Parkmobile Group / Global 02.VA EF.427 01.K.047 Winter Markiertechnologie 04.625 Redflex Traffic Systems 01.528C SMSParking 02.311 Sirit 03.236 04.108 Brandmaier Informative Leuchtanzeigen 03.112 A A.044.102 Schütte 04.R. Tassinari & C.208 basler lacke 04.304 Traffic-Observer.102 Schick Electronic 01.E.K.113 NorTronic 03.215 Snoline 04. Haller & Co. 01.131 TERTU 05.413 TDC Systems 01.M.115A Olvia JSC 05.P.300A Nippon Carbide Industries 05.312 Filtrona / Davidson Traffic Control Products 01.218 Marelko Benelux 05.316 04.326 01.105 01.3S EF. E Eco-Energy de Rietpol EDV .405 Brite-Line Europe 01.206 Sevenservice 05.414 Nedap AVI 02.309 International Road Dynamics 01.419 Juluen Enterprise EF.126 Hypercom 01.604 AS Parking 03.530 4U 03.204B Infoster 05.331 01.531 03.212 Hans van Baren Verkeersmaterialen & 04.106 LIC Langmatz Lidror 02.440 Shenzhen Horoad Electronic Technology Development 03.D.420 Cooperative 01.230A Urbaco 02.233.(China) Road Safety Industrial 01.312 01.628 Blastrac EF.422 03.223 G 01.310 Presion y Fuerza 01. Plast 02.622 Intercomp EF. 05.231 Stavba a údrzba silnic 01. Light & Acoustics Deqing Yinglong Industrial Designa Designated Parking Corp. Eldra Elektro Beck Elka-Torantriebe ELTODO EG EL-TRA Elumin8 Enforce-IT Eram Industrie Erdi Verkeerstechniek & Straatmeubilair Erich Utsch eso Euro Highway Safety Limited Euro Tanca Eurometal EuroParking Evelux Ever-Grow Advanced Materials Evonik Röhm Excellence Opto EZ-Liner Industries F Faac FATOR Tornilleria Industrial Federal APD Feig Electronic 04.202 PARKHELP-E2S 02.110 01.238 Keerpe 01.124 Hectronic 01.221 29 .609 04.411 Brilliant Tecnics 01.103 C C.317 Taxa-Meter Centrale 03.526A 02.420 Square Systeme International p/a Sophia Antipolis 01.318 HR Groep Huang Shan Xinxin Traffic Facilities 03.200A American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) 04.429.424 IMS International Marking Systems 01.516 Borum Industri 04.130 05.121 Seih-Ying 05.118 Shanghai Nitestar Reflective Materials 05.232A 05.409 04.a.607 EF.134 Peter Berghaus 01.523 SOVITEC 04.114 01.201A HMI Technologies 03.324A Simtra 03.210 01.322 Soppec 01.108 05.202 TCM ENGINY 03.121 SPL 01.602 Well Electric Company 05.416 ROLLSROLLER 01.418 W.119 STiM Company 01.S.E. LDA 01.426 J EF.206A Traffic Service Nederland 01.119 Castel 03.120 Lattix 01.134 NMA V&V 01.416 01.011 ICA Chipkartensysteme & KG 03.116 Margaritelli 01.312 T TMaster 02.325 Rondino 01.404 Phoenix Mecano www.607 Sensys Traffic 04.521 Sam Hwa Automation 01.022 Sigmax Law Enforcement 03.336 Z Zeag 02.054 J.305 Macq Electronique Mnetic Autocontrol 01.120 SEA Group 03.049 Aisico 05.312 01.233 03.624A Cale Group 02.023 ROBOT Visual Systems 01.210 M.619 02.510A Nels Druck Kempen 02.204A 04.450 Wemas Road Safety 01. 01.314 01.228 04.233 Potters Europe 05.117 Benelux Road Trade Center 05.212 Lakeside Plastics EF.T.114 05.220 PR.509 LED Vision EF.524 VR 01.027A Shindo Industry 01.210 AZD Praha 04.412 TerMac .C. 01.040 Impact Black Hole Impact Recovery Systems 01.105 01.108A Scanton Parking + 02.500C Achter Elektronik 03.138 Amec Urbis 01.203 ORÉ .038 01.314 01.136 Ningbo Hope Traffic Facilities Technology 04.302 Sung IL Moolsan 04.436 Ado Cerramientos Metálicos 01.418 IRC Spa International Reflective 05.T.107 I.106 LPL Multimedia EF.122 voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik 01.125 JENOPTIK Robot 01.224 05.229 SICO . EF.304 02.630 Sensor Line 01.300 BMC Craft 05.108 Sentry Protections Products 03.454 Shenzhen Wejoin Machinery & Electrical Technology 03.410 Sintel Italia 04.E System 01.522 Van Berde EF.309 01.219 04.613 TDI-Traffic Development and Innovation 01.138 Parking World 03.312A BSL-Ticketprint 03.301 Witte Plusprint Druckmedien EF.208 VIA Traffic Controlling 04.329 03.117 Open Traffic .230B 03. 05.310 Safety Product 01. proven quality. for the monitoring of traffic lights and speed limits. This is the most important. The ROBOT innovation and product quality remains the basis for outstanding traffic safety systems from JENOPTIK. As the global market leader in the photographic traffic monitoring sector. Improved road safety: communities and towns all over the world rely on our ROBOT technology. Traffic safety with technology OPTICAL SYSTEMS LASERS & MATERIAL PROCESSING INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS DEFENSE & CIVIL SYSTEMS .There are many reasons for comprehensive traffic monitoring. we cover the entire process chain of traffic safety technology – and ensure that the streets in more than 80 countries are safe to drive on at any time. tried and tested for more than 75 years. New product. will be featuring another major safety innovation on its stand: Ultraguard Safety System. and work zones. All the control electronics are embedded within the VTR range of Products LED traffic strobe Gardasoft Vision will unveil its next-generation VTR strobe LED light for intelligent traffic solutions at Intertraffic. The company claims that the product is the most durable and long-lasting available on the market today and is guaranteed to retain its original shape even after multiple wheel-overs. The PARKLex compact compendium is therefore intended to help users obtain industry product information successfully. A white light version is also available where additional colour data is required.traficon. The light can be strobed via a trigger input from a camera or it can strobe continuously in free running www. Gardasoft claims the VTR2 is now the brightest LED light available. designed to meet the growing needs of ANPR/LPR based applications. making them highly reflective at night when lit by cars’ headlamps.220 Potters Europe. Housed within an IP66-rated enclosure. Sign-Flex has been tested and proven to spring back to its original state even after being bent.SignFlex. This above-ground sensor is designed to view a detection zone adjacent to the pole to which it is mounted. these faster strobe speeds offer a solution to applications that were previously impossible due to slow strobe speeds associated with recharging times of the lights.407 www. As Delnorth points out. such as curves. According to the company.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.kleffmann-verlag. And it is backing up its claims with a 10-year guarantee against Traficon will use Intertraffic to highlight SafeWalk. they deteriorate quickly due to UV weathering and repeated impacts. newly updated edition of the PARKLex dictionary. crossings. Stand 11. Stand 10. a finalist in the Innovation Awards for its C-me-2 product. requiring only a 24Vdc power supply to operate. The fact that English can be considered a lingua franca does not change the fact that when communicating as a non-native speaker one quickly comes up against one’s limits. It contains some 1.500 of the commonest terms in the parking industry in six languages. battered or repeatedly run Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 31 A very bright idea. the parking industry is international. even on specialised topics. 850nm and 940nm for non-invasive applications.pottersgroup. This allows drivers more time to react and avoid a collision. and alerts them more effectively to changes in road direction. Stand 05. Stationary pedestrians or those moving in the designated zone waiting to cross a roadway will generate a detection state 24/7 in urban conditions. And while PVC/Plastic signs are partially flexible. particularly when it comes to trade and technical terms. Intensity and pulse timing can be controlled remotely via RS-232. this intelligent sensor reduces unnecessary delays to both pedestrians and motorists.itsinternational. a virtually indestructible sign product.worldhighways. Such 3D information is useful and necessary as it enables the system to distinguish between real objects and irrelevant background information such as shadows or reflections. RS-422 or Ethernet. this dramatically increases road safety in dangerous areas. According to the Pedestrian presence sensor takes its established video detection technologies to a whole new level. offers a 600 per cent increase in light output. By detecting waiting pedestrians and at the same time managing and controlling traffic lights more dynamically. According to Potters. Ultraguard can be used to apply on-site paint and high-performance glass beads on guardrails. The new VTR2 light. at up to 65Hz. the VTR2 lights are available in 740nm. complete with mounting channel. It can withstand temperatures from 100°C to +120°C and does to break or crease at impact. Embedded and fieldproven Traficon algorithms are able to analyse more ‘in depth’. The main goal of SafeWalk is to improve pedestrian operations and safety at traffic signals. delivering accurate information on pedestrian presence and behaviour. and during difficult weather conditions such as rain and fog. Virtually indestructible signs Delnorth will use Intertraffic to highlight its latest innovation . Stand: 03-240 B www. a new pedestrian presence sensor which the company claims Parking terms in six languages Visitors to the Euro Parking trade journal stand at Intertraffic will be able to get a copy of the second. 4.gardasoft. featuring rounded edges and available with radius corners. By using two CMOS cameras in parallel. Stand 04-308A www. providing the ITS market with a solid-state lighting alternative to conventional xenonbased lighting solutions.334 www.5 and 6mmthick UV-stabilised polycarbonate. SafeWalk converts twodimensional images into threedimensional information. Sign-Flex products are available in 3. traffic signs manufactured from aluminium or galvanised steel are non-flexible and need to be replaced when impacted. this is because it is manufactured from a specially formulated polycarbonate substrate material. Strobe speeds are also higher. As the publishers point out. together with the proven ProTec 120 crash barrier Published by 32 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW . Project Manager at Borum: “What’s great about the LineMaster is that it’s scalable. Stand EF. When the FSP passively safe 140mm diameter post was independently certified at the UK’s TRL it achieved the highest safety ranking awarded to any make of sign post to date: NE:3 status. a finalist in the Innovation Awards for its CirCarLife intelligent recharging Tried and tested SmartSensor HD Wavetronix will be at Intertraffic to highlight its SmartSensor HD. Stand 03. Stand 11.” Rose says. According to the company. which shatters on impact. including a recent deployment in Denmark that is the direct result of third-party testing. As the company points out. new applications in the road marking industry tends to mean new add-ons to existing machinery. Further signal heads can be simply added for controlling alternating one-way or crossroads Tested at 100km/ Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. These complement its existing offices in China and Florida while the company’s worldwide network of authorised distributors continues to expand.054 www. A data bus cable connects the master and slave components which are used for direct control of large traffic light crossroads with 12 signal groups and up to 32 signal heads. the company now has active installations in more than 40 countries. a computer system that brings all road marking applications together in one simple solution and makes life easier for road markers. Johnny Jørgensen. all the applications are brought together in one system and add-ons don’t take up extra space. protecting the driver and passengers and causing minimum damage to the vehicle.529 www. from line application and pre-marking to reporting and invoicing. The current portable traffic light controller EPB 12 Multiprocessor will also be featured. Because global acceptance of Wavetronix technologies has led to a year of phenomenal international growth. will also be featuring LED Park on its stand. users of this multilingual portable traffic light are guided through the menu as easily as using a TV remote Portable traffic lights Germany-headquartered Peter Berghaus will unveil its latest portable traffic engineering products at Intertraffic. “Study results show that SmartSensor HD was the only sensor tested whose performance met specified requirements throughout the entire test. The Berghaus service partner.” Stand 04.404 www. Stand 01. The computer and software system helps operators control all road marking tasks. These include the MPB 3400 construction site traffic light with quartz. New functions.itsinternational. the MPB 1400 with quartz control for alternating oneway traffic and crossroads traffic.worldhighways. has purchased the intellectual property rights for the Frangible Post System from 3M and will be appearing at Intertraffic.112 www. cable or radio control for simultaneous use of various modes such as request. fixed phase and green on request.” Rose says. Utah and established offices in London and Australia.wavetronix. AVS Traffic Safety Group. “The Wavetronix exhibit at Intertraffic will celebrate the global acceptance of highdefinition radar.fsp-ltd. Developed to provide tools to enable parking operators to get optimum efficiency and economy in their facilities. The post has been designed to meet the European standard for Passive Safety (EN12767). As a www.Products Proven product from a new company Frangible Safety Posts Ltd.203 www. Optional of 40V lamps or LED technology are available for every signal group.circontrol.berghaus-verkehrstechnik. Circontrol says the result is a better image and a more pleasant environment for the users. The Frangible Safety Post absorbs only a small amount of energy and in so doing prevents the internal trauma to vital organs due to rapid deceleration that can be fatal or inflict serious injuries to passengers. The product (as previously commercially developed and marketed by 3M) is designed to be strong enough to withstand turbulent weather conditions but light and flexible enough to collapse on impact. But with the LineMaster. FSP will immediately be supplying the passive safety market with reinforced composite posts that will carry signs on motorways and other busy roads. The company has developed the LineMaster. will also be at Intertraffic with the latest addition to the ProTec roadworks safety family: the portable ProTec 160 crash barrier. which has been extensively tested by respected transportation organisations around the world and is now recognised as a formidable alternative to loops. coupled with a significant reduction in energy costs for the operator. Berghaus will also present its export hit.borumindustri. the company has recently moved its headquarters to a larger facility in Provo. LED Park Circontrol. And the intuitive interface makes it so easy to use. LED Park is a new concept of lighting through LED technology integrated with the parking guidance system. a traditional steel post (on the left) compared to the Frangible Safety Post. According to Mike Rose. VP of Sales at Wavetronix. established in October 2009. extra software and upgrades can be installed easily using a USB memory Road marking revolution Borum Industri will use Intertraffic to launch what it claims is a revolution is about to change the face of the road marking industry. the Danish test compared several non-intrusive devices to three sets of inductive loop pairs and found that the per-vehicle speed data generated by SmartSensor HD’s dual radar was most accurate. 3iinnovation. MPEG-4. For more on Cohu’s Helios Family of Products. 3i can power 200 road markers 2000m from a single source. white and green. visit our website at www. the 9920 Translinx encoder/decoder may be configured for MJPEG. In addition.264 compression to produce dramatically sharper imaging within the most demanding IP networks. Powering I Innovation Intertraffic Stand 01.or two-way visibility with a 500m range in all conditions. ILLUMINATION • INDUCTION • INTELLIGENCE Powered by energy efficient LED’s.Cohu’s Helios products show you everything in 720p30 resolution for dramatically improved visibility. Available in red amber green red. by 22 March .264 compression for maximum system flexibility. HD 3960 HD High Definition PTZ IP Camera 9920 Translinx H. The Helios Family of Products Cohu’s new Helios Family of products combines the advantages 3930 High Definition Fixed IP Camera of HDTV image quality with bandwidth-efficient The Helios family of products uses the latest IP technology and integrates perfectly into systems transitioning over from analog to IP. and dual stream technology for dynamic IP camera networks.Virtually flush profile minimises the abrasive and compressive effects of multiple tyre impacts. a higher definition of quality DURABLE • AFFORDABLE • VERSATILE R The iiiLevel marker encapsulates 10 years of materials R&D to ensure long term performance on the road. amber.264 Transmission System Available in fixed or variable-speed positioner models. Adjustable intensity provides one. with an additional analog output. Cohu’s HD cameras deliver 1280 x 720p resolution throughout the 18x optical zoom range. or H.cohu-cameras.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register www. Stand 01.623 Mega Rail restraint Mega Rail from Outimex is an innovative steel restraint double belt system with high containment level H2/H4b and small working width. virtual weigh stations and WIM@Toll. the company’s own LTL2000. downtime. This process allows end-users to set up Pico in just a few camera is positioned and oriented for the desired field of view. controlling external systems and equipment. while the electronics design has been Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.itsinternational. Once mounted. and is a hardened electronics unit able to accommodate temperature and environmental extremes. LEDSigns says it can be retrofitted to the existing sign hardware. including its Polestar LED modules. To contribute to a sustainable environment and provide substantial savings as against spot lights or fluorescent boxes used on conventional signs. which is simple to operate. its product is a pioneer in terms of breaking the size and legend restrictions of existing solar-powered LED traffic signs. Light and cost-efficient. Moreover. LTL-M offers the accuracy and reliability required with no need for control measurements. including bumpy roads and curves. According to the company. Applications include traffic data collection. symbol and legend. tested under DIN EN 1317-2. The company’s technology includes WIM. eliminating the need for special poles or mounting apparatus. thus allowing the traffic controller to actuate the signals for efficient traffic flow. The interface controller provides open-collector outputs for the traffic controller to use as indicators of vehicle presence. Designed for easy on-the-spot calibration and maintenance with no. toll 34 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by . sorting traffic based on compliance with regulations. capable of servicing up to eight lanes.501 www. The sensor can be mounted at low heights.Products LEDSigns has a ‘bright solution’ Developed to address international vehicle detection needs. LTL-X and LTL-XL instruments are the standards used by the market.outimex. the Taiwan-based company established by HONYEE Group in 2009 to concentrate on the development of LED signs. reducing upgrading cost. LTL-M provides continuous measurement of the full length and width of road markings. Stand 01. However. any character. advanced traffic control and data collection.124 www. and wastage. Virtual detection zones can be drawn using a laptop computer and uploaded to the processor.worldhighways. combined with checking RRPMs (cat’s eyes). Iteris’s Pico is a compact video detection system that delivers superior vehicle detection in a value-conscious package. It offers accuracy in line with handheld instruments under all driving conditions. Stand 11. as a single or especially a dual system on narrow central reservations. The easy-to-use Pico system includes a weather-resistant camera sensor with a built-in vehicle detection processor and an interface controller that resides in the traffic Mega Rail is suitable for a broad range of www. Meanwhile.915 www. it includes powerful multi-tasking software for improved speed and performance. installation time.irdinc. that takes the measurement of road markings to a higher level. As Delta Light and Optics points out. The small and lightweight camera sensor can be mounted at various heights virtually anywhere at the intersection. Moreover. all kinds of traffic signs of any size can now be illuminated by solar power. can be integrated with existing mobile road measurement systems or used as a standalone unit and vehicle-mounted. handheld instruments have limitations. Modular and convenient to upgrade.iteris. handheld retroreflectometers are currently the only instruments regarded as being accurate enough and accepted for contractually valid measurements of road markings. With LED array modules and rails. also highlighted will be how its customerfocused team fuses core IRD technology with integrated computing and communications technologies. The system is equipped with smart sensors and will automatically turn on in poor weather conditions such as fog and when ambient light is low.ledsigns. the iSINC Lite’s electronics are driven by a powerful operating system which provides the flexibility to accommodate advanced algorithms and new sensor arrays now and into the Mobile retroreflectometer Delta Light and Optics will be launching the LTL-M Mobile Retroreflectometer. iSINC Lite boasts all of the features currently available in the parent. They provide sample measurements which are not representative for retroreflection measurements of the full length and width of road markings. will be at Intertraffic to highlight its new technologies. The LTL-M. compact version of its popular iSINC Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) electronics. handheld instruments are dangerous to operate in traffic or require costly road closure. vehicle prescreening. Moreover. in any language can be easily displayed by the system. the LED modules from LEDSigns can be directly attached to existing sign boards. The Pico is also designed to reduce the time needed to install and configure the unit on a pole or other fixture. Stand 05. its simplified design has only four standard elements which can be interconnected without the need for special adaptation. According to the company.432 www. Stand 05. Pico vehicle detection proven to have high reliability using the latest based on new patent-pending iSINC Lite from IRD International Road Dynamics (IRD) will use Intertraffic to unveil a new. or minimal. illuminating the information by solar power LEDSigns. easy maintenance and long life by 22 March . eliminating the need for hard wired connections at the road surface. as one of the top 10 technologies to change the world. Low cost of light units.DURABLE • AFFORDABLE • VERSATILE E iiiLevel powered by 3i is the most affordable system on the market across all economic tests. speedy installation.3iinnovation. ILLUMINATION • INDUCTION • INTELLIGENCE N Inductive (or wireless) power technology was recently acclaimed by M. hard-wired Powering I Innovation Intertraffic Stand 01.T. 3i is the leading international provider of inductively powered road markers surface markers.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register www. Based on battery-free passive RF technology. Spray Protection and maintenance The company has formed an innovative partnership for its Eliminator bridge deck waterproofing and Aeschlimann International’s Gussasphalt dense mastic asphalt that provides highquality surfacing and. manufacture and application of high-performance waterproofing and structural protection membranes and systems. Meanwhile. on both new and existing Published by . sms&exit and sms&ride can be integrated seamlessly into other types of system anywhere a 36 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Stirling Lloyd. Stirling Lloyd’s Eliminator provides a 100 per cent effective. Poland and Spain. operating in the microwave band. The detector card slides easily into a rack to provide stopline and advanced vehicle detection at any approach. the Autoscope Phoenix. secure. is the Autoscope RackVision Terra video detection solution which delivers highperformance traffic data collection and incident management. Based on a comparison with incandescent products. pole-mounted radar. in a wide range of climates. secure. Stand 01. digital streaming video and web browser communications via Ethernet. will use its appearance at Intertraffic to highlight its array of video and radar detection products. without vulnerable joints or laps. as it is laid using a rail-mounted machine.worldhighways. speed and classification for up to 12 user-defined detection zones. Elumin8 claims they even work when submerged in water. will also be featured. Even at complex detailing and geometry.elumin8. ideal for outdoor as well as indoor applications.stirlinglloyd. The G4 is a small. patching material. Stand 05.imagesensing.209 www. Sunhill says it has worked closely with all leading barrier manufacturers in developing the application to provide the ultimate answer to the challenges of modern parking space management. which specialises in ITS detection solutions for urban and interurban transportation management. Elumin8 signs from Hong Kong Hong Kong-based firm Elumin8 will be at Intertraffic with a range of internally lit signs which use the latest LED technology and provide a clean. The RTMS G4.nedapavi. flat lighting surface. In addition to Integritank HF Stirling Lloyd has a range of waterproofing solutions. rapid payment solution for daily life. The LED signs have been designed to cater for a global market and tested to resist all climates from extreme heat to extreme cold. improved ride quality. part of Stirling Lloyd’s Highway Maintenance Products range.sunhill-technologies. The system fulfils the needs of both user and operator for a Applying Safetrack HW.207 M www. As well as being light-emitting they are also enhanced with 3M retro-reflective film to further boost visibility and these units are produced to all standard sizes required by road authorities. roadside. an advanced radar sensor for the detection and measurement of traffic on multi-lane roadways. from subzero areas to the high humidity tropics.328 www. Integritank HF is the latest tunnel waterproofing membrane from Stirling Lloyd. Used to protect some of the world’s most important ITS detection solutions Image Sensing Systems-Europe. Also being featured by ISSEurope. Stand 02.itsinternational. that provides per-lane presence as well as volume. all year round. highway maintenance and tunnel waterproofing membrane.up to 4m using the latest UHF technology. the system is homogeneous. cashless payment method is required. Integration into any new or existing access control and parking management system is easy to achieve. The Transit UHF reader has an integrated fine-tuned antenna in an elegant and compact enclosure.Products New dimension in mobile ticketing German company Sunhill Technologies will use Intertraffic to highlight a portfolio of proven solutions for mobile phone ticketing for public transport. the device offers a cost-effective and enduring solution for parking access. including crack and joint repair.109 www. including Integritank. This plug-and-play reader is easy to install and operates immediately when it is powered up. will be at Intertraffic with products for bridge deck waterproofing and surfacing. it provides a seamless membrane which ensures that water does not penetrate into the tunnel lining. Stand 02. and Eliminator. Stand 11. roadway and advanced junction control applications. which is headquartered in the UK and has offices in Germany. Ideally suited for tunnel. and for phone parking for both restricted and unrestricted areas. In the case of sms&exit. part of ISS. for immersed tube and cut and cover tunnels. Transit UHF reader Nedap AVI has developed the Transit UHF reader to provide long-range vehicle identification . For www. this single card video processor has dual-core processing power. for suspended decks in tunnels. It can be applied. a two-camera video detection system which provides a complete solution for junction control. The company will also be featuring its Highway Maintenance Products (HMP) range that provides an easy-to-use option for road reinstatement.508 www. the firm says its new products provide an energy saving of over 60 per cent. occupancy. The company claims the system offers the best priceperformance characteristics over traditional ‘long-range’ proximity card solutions. coloured demarcation and road marking. The company says the registration-free applications sms& Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. specialists in the development. seamless membrane. anti-skid surfacing. Off Ramps.528C • Win a School Crosswalk System register www. Tidal Flows.3iinnovation. Stop Lines. School Zones. Highway Separation. ILLUMINATION • INDUCTION • INTELLIGENCE Patented 2-way communication and diagnostic capabilities control the output of each road marker (flashing.DURABLE • AFFORDABLE • VERSATILE R A broad range of applications – Cross Walks. Powering I Innovation Intertraffic Stand 01. Overhead Lighting replacement. Emergency by 22 March . Intersection Guidance. sequencing and degrees of brightness) and receive data relating to marker performance and characteristics various road characteristics. r. Finland Tel.235088 Via dei Lavoratori Autobianchi 1 . www. +39 0362.328178 fax.PTB Edificio 23/G 20033 Desio (MI) Italia Applications • LPR/ANPR camera triggering • Vehicle profile measurement • Vehicle classification • Speed measurement • Traffic light control • Signal violation control Noptel See us at Noptel Oy. 90570 Oulu. +358 40 181 4351. fax +358 8 556 4101 [email protected] V. The units are small in size. The second generation of traffic enforcement devices based on computer tel. These devices represent a perfect choice for intelligent traffic camera triggering. of low weight and power consumption.noptel. vehicle profiling or speed measurement.Kria Labs exceed themselves withHH T .l.0 Laser sensors for traffic control Noptel's CM30 distance sensors are used in accordance with fixed or portable traffic control systems when high-speed measurements from poorly reflecting targets are required. HALL 10 STAND 409 KRIA S. and are suitable for outdoor use in harsh sales@kria. Teknologiantie 2. www. and customized operation is possible even in smaller volumes. Come to INTERTRAFFIC 2010 and visit the KRIA stand for the complete INTERTRAFFIC AMSTERDAM 2010 . They are available in different packaging. +39 0362.kria.2. First installations have been realised in Switzerland and Germany. aegmis. a new preformed thermoplastic wet reflective road marking material. in a speed range up to 250km/h. Users can therefore achieve Type II performance in areas where it is not practical or possible to use a machine for the application. width. In praxis and test areas. which is a machine applied Type II road marking system. TIC is also a free-flow vehicle dimensioning system. which is better seen in rainy conditions. a high-resolution. Swiss 10.quixtrans. It is also available as a movable version that can be deployed very quickly on a bridge or gantry over the road. a fourth-generation kerbside product. Stand 05. As a result. For example. While the retro reflective particles on top will be worn out over time. having a U-section. fullcolour. Stand 11. These beads will appear one by one. and many perform well in dry weather. 3D vehicle data is generated which is used to automatically classify the vehicles. It can be used for traffic guidance. Up to 28 different vehicle classes are categorised into standard classification tables such as TLS5+1. This new feature will allow deployment at sites where there is dappled shadow from overhanging trees or shadows from adjacent buildings or traffic signal poles. measuring height. will use Intertraffic to unveil the new Terminus CEN. its dedicated Livewire Bluetooth interface provides a user-friendly set-up tool for configuration of the detection zone in a matter of www. TLS8+1. traditional flat road marking systems have reflective beads on top of the marking.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.premark. Stand 11. During a head-on impact the longitudinal forces break the tension bolt. Premark Type II will continue to be visible because the special thermoplastic contains high quality glass beads imbedded in the material.1. shadows cast in the set zone will not cause a detect state. However. Advanced kerbside detector AGD Systems will be highlighting its recently developed AGD640. unlike most end terminals on the market today. pictograms and logos. tourist information or AEG MIS will present the new Geameleon. Terminus CEN end terminal Quixote Transportation Safety. releasing the upper post.729 www.ectn. offers the user flexibility of zone setup using Bluetooth combined with market-leading detection performance from a dual optical system which offers high levels of shadow rejection in the set zone. The AGD640 builds on the complexity of earlier generations of product and is a significant advance on previous models.worldhighways. Energy absorption is achieved through clamping forces between the rails and deformation of the rail sections as they slide rearward. The Terminus CEN is CE marked and has been fully tested as a P4 terminal for 110km/h using EN1317-4 criteria and meets deflection criteria D Environmentally friendly display Premark Type II stands out LKF Vejmarkering will be featuring Premark Type II. and ensure a high level of continuous reflective performance. The Geameleon belongs to the Green System product The AGD640. a subsidiary of Quixote Corporation. The full matrix displays allow a flexible design of typefaces. The dual optical system provides enhanced ‘shadow rejection’ in the set zone as the detector can distinguish clearly between two. it can be installed in less than two hours by a three-person crew using standard safety barrier installation equipment.117 www. Easy to transport. length and velocity.and three-dimensional objects. Stand 10. a cost-effective. general information.233 www. According to the Due to the special overhead position of the laser scanners. an advanced pedestrian kerbside detector which uses a ‘stereo optical system’ for the detection of stationary or moving pedestrians in the wait area of a pedestrian crossing. is driven into the ground and the upper post is then secured using a steel tension bolt. The display systems rely on bi-stable display technology which simply uses energy briefly to write new information.303 www.itsinternational. wet or Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 39 . the design of the Terminus CEN greatly reduces the debris field usually created following impact. Best classification accuracy (>99 per cent) is obtained by using two laser scanners per lane although the system can facilitate using one scanner over two lanes. a newly developed generation of display systems which does not use any energy to display Products Vehicle counting and classification with laser scanners The Swiss company ECTN has developed a Traffic Information Collector (TIC) system based on a laser scanner. energy-absorbing end treatment for use with Wbeam safety barriers on the world’s roadways and medians. when wet. when the material slowly wears out. high-resolution colour images. Premark Type II shows similar performance to the ViziSpot system. Stand 11. large-area display designed for outdoor applications. compared to normal Type I road markings. LKF says the primary reason why Premark Type II has excellent wet night retro reflectivity is the exceptional drainage effect due to the combination of the profiled structure in the surface of the material and large retro reflective particles on top. The steel ‘breakaway’ posts of the end terminal are designed using an innovation where the lower post. As the company points out.805 www. they virtually disappear until the water drains or evaporates. The resulting data can be used for traffic control and management as well as security surveillance. or travel time from the main menu and then easily select any point on a route using mobile phone navigation buttons to access detailed information in either of the categories. Turkey. png). will use Intertraffic to highlight two major innovations. Isbak will also be featuring other products from its traffic management and tolling systems range. CB-200GE and TSC-4032EN) offer high-quality imaging (day and night) in demanding traffic applications. verifiably accurate method for performing movement counts. based on Sony’s sensitive ICX-274 sensor.45Ìm pixel size and improved microlens technology to provide higher overall sensitivity (as low as 0. JAI says it is particularly well suited for outdoor applications. BB-141GE and TSC-4032EN balance. as well as web page formats such as php. Meanwhile. a look-up table (LUT) for dealing with difficult lighting conditions. and a blemish compensation function which eliminates pixels with extremely low or high output characteristics by interpolating the neighbouring pixels. Miovision says that third-party studies validate that the automated Miovision solution maintains accuracy rates higher than manual collection techniques. an all-in-one access solution that contains all components needed for an access installation with a single entry. what can be displayed is infinitely flexible since the device can display a range of image formats (including jpg. The TSC-4032EN is a new high dynamic range CMOS camera based on a 43.000 ID tags. using a standard web browser. the CCD sensor uses its 6. The product provides a cost-effective. Stand 11.7m (12ft). mpeg. WiseMan reader application and MarkTag MeM gives a read range of up to 5m and can include up to 15.Products Easy Access Kit TagMaster will use its appearance at Intertraffic to launch the Easy Access Kit 51 (EAK51). etc. http. With hundreds of clients and users across the globe. The BB-500GE is a highresolution (five megapixel/2. TagMaster Easy Access Kit 51 (EAK51) is the ideal solution for parking and access control applications that ask for a safe. located at hundreds of intersections. JAI says this camera provides a combination of high-performance features well beyond that available from typical small format traffic and security cameras.itsinternational. The combination of TagMaster LR-3 pro reader. asp. avi. The camera has pre-processing functions including automatic white From left to right: CB-200GE. Stand 02.4 million pixel colour CCD camera with GigE Vision 40 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Istanbul-headquartered Isbak. speed limits. mov. flash (swf). The camera features no-smear technology eliminating blooming and loss of license plate data due to problems with sun glare or glint. Several Wait’n Fun units have been deployed in Istanbul.048x1. making the camera ideal for traffic applications with wideranging lighting lux) with low smear characteristics. along with the company’s traffic lights and countdown devices. Cameras for demanding traffic applications JAI will introduce a broad range of CCD colour GigE Vision cameras dedicated to traffic imaging at Intertraffic. It has a secure and easy-touse application built into the reader to add or remove ID tags in the database. BB-500GE. simple-touse. jpeg. while the devices have also been deployed in Jeddah. which are characterised by wide-ranging and continuously changing lighting. Stand 11. where correct imaging of vehicles (vehicle characteristics. bollards and gates. tif. This enables it to cover more than a full traffic lane with a vertical field of view of 3. Miovision claims its automated system is the most widely adopted count technology since the original count board.729A www. The cameras (BB141GE.miovision. 2009. BB-500GE. hands-free access solution for a single entry in an all-in-one offering Traffic-light mounted VMS won the Road Safety – Changing Driver Behaviour Award category at Gulf Traffic in December.332 www. commercials. Users can select either traffic cameras. bmp. For instance. for which the company Published by .3mm progressivescan CMOS sensor providing over three megapixels of resolution (2. wmv. It integrates easily with industry-standard barriers. with two million pixels resolution and GigE Vision /GenICam digital interface. The system is built on proven TagMaster products and services. Wait’n Fun LED displays and Mobile Traffic+. The CB-200GE is a colour progressive scan camera. Isbak’s awardwinning Mobile Traffic+ application allows users to receive live traffic images and road information on their mobile phones.808 www. traffic light countdowns. Wait’n Fun can also display online weathercast (Google Api) and online news (RSS) Automated traffic counts A patent-pending video analysis system from Miovision Technologies provides an automated end-to-end solution for intersection/junction and roundabout/traffic circle counts. Stand Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. approve and open) in a single package. The BB-141GE is a 1. a specialist in traffic management and electronic payment systems.117 www. https.tagmaster. Content management of the LED displays uses Isbak’s LDS (LED Display Software) which can control thousands of displays. An advanced Automatic Exposure Function can simultaneously control gain. density information. Wait’n Fun is an innovative variable message sign designed for mounting on traffic lights to communicate traffic information. video formats (including mpg. The EAK51 all-in-one solution comes with a reader preprogrammed with 50 ID tags as well as pre-configured cabling for power and relay for fast and easy installation. The company says it is the ideal solution for gated communities and a range of parking installations that require basic access functionality (read.isbak. weather information.050 pixels) colour camera equipped with a standard GigE Vision digital interface. Saudi Arabia by Isbak.628 active pixels).worldhighways. vob). In addition. It features auto-iris lens control. shutter and lens iris to maintain optimum exposure levels across a wide range of changing lighting conditions as often occurs in traffic applications. license plates recognition and driver identification) is a critical issue. . This allows each system to be used on the largest possible range of pole/post sizes and configurations for increased safety and Flexible and modular Redflex Traffic Systems will introduce two new products at Intertraffic.itsinternational. including its very popular MC5600 Series vehicle classifiers which use simple rubber pneumatic tubes combined with sophisticated software to give traffic and municipal engineers unmatched versatility with invaluable road statistics. the system can be utilised for any deployment without the need for additional components. MMS or emails. the 3960HD. Stand 01. IP camera (h. Leveraging stand-by duty personnel and on-road staff. The systems are omni-directional.metrocount. the application provides accurate point-to-point speed enforcement. The highly flexible RedflexSmartplate ANPR system can be installed in both fixed and portable Redflex enforcement systems to deliver point-to-point enforcement and/or ANPR for security or enforcement applications. With camera options of two and 11Mp and a choice of white flash or infrared illumination for day and night operation. the system enables new and flexible traffic management policies that optimise efficiency while minimising www.redflex.410 www. Thanks to alarm-triggered phone calls. ultra-sensitive system specifically designed for detecting bicycles on dedicated bike paths. outdoor. Pole-Safe and Break-Safe are designed for use with the heaviest pole/post mass allowed for use on any breakaway system as specified by Breakaway support systems Transpo Industries.209 www. meaning they break away with consistent. Stand 11. Another feature will be the company’s 9920 encoders and 9990 video management software. It provides alarms and pictures in real time so that traffic managers not actually in the traffic management centre control room can check and assess road traffic events in real time and react more quickly.264). Counters and classifiers MetroCount will be unveiling and demonstrating its all-new MC5720 Advanced Bicycle As this photo demonstrates. For portable speed enforcement.264 encoding technology in an IP67 enclosure and places it on the company’s proven 3960 pan & tilt platform. RedflexSmartplate operates in both speed and red light modes and can also be used in tunnel applications for speed enforcement. the Dutch-approved RedflexRadarcam-M has been approved for use in a number of configurations. and are approved for use on all US FHWA-funded Published by 42 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW . operated from the front or rear of a vehicle in covert or overt mode. an innovative new tool that expands the capabilities of its traffic management software. predictable behaviour regardless of the vehicle’s angle of impact. Not only that. one of the first high definition. Stand 09.421 www. The company will also be highlighting several other products. an innovative. will be displaying its innovative new family of products at Intertraffic.135 www. designed to break away quickly and cleanly upon impact. Curt Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. or both simultaneously. the 18x.821 www. variable message signs can be activated directly from a smart phone. the sign still stays up for the short time it takes to replace the couplings and hinges. This rugged outdoor 18x camera provides 720p resolution at 30 frames per second and the latest h. where one of the poles is impacted. including existing speed and red light systems. and separately identifies the target vehicle. Cohu.Products Portable traffic management tool Neavia Technologies will use Intertraffic to unveil WebVia Mobile. WebVia and WebVia Mobile respond proactively to the need of speeding up interventions in case of traffic events. For security and enforcement applications. fixed Brand new Cohu camera Leading provider of outdoor PTZ cameras for incident management and traffic monitoring. the equipment can be The RedflexRadarcam-M is totally modular. The primary components of the system are high-strength couplings. will also be featuring the Pole-Safe and Break-Safe omni-directional breakaway support systems for light poles and sign posts located within roadside clear zones or other locations vulnerable to vehicular impacts. Cohu’s director of traffic sales will also demonstrate the cameras’ flexibility for use in both analogue and IP systems. in most two post signs. SMS. high definition. ANPR can be provided through a selection of the company’s camera solutions. Stand 04.worldhighways. or as a tripod-mounted system. When installed in a RedflexRedspeed camera. The company’s new Helios product range features a brand new offering. even when there is more than one vehicle in the image. IP cameras on the market. the RedflexSmartplate ANPR system and the RedflexRedspeed camera. Stand 11. thus saving lives and reducing property damage. Totally modular and flexible enough to fit a wide range of vehicles. which has been proven to reduce speed over long sections of road and thereby reduce the vehicles’ carbon emissions. which is a finalist in the Intertraffic Innovation Awards for its Sonoblaster.cohu. Both Pole-Safe and Break-Safe have been vehicle crash-tested in accordance with NCHRP report 350. Also on display will be the Cohu 3930HD. simple advantage..A . backward compatibility and the power to adjust the camera from the cabinet – providing an advanced ease of use solution for Iteris’ best-in-class vehicle detection system.. made easy. Quick-click connectors and adjustable camera mount streamline installation and minimize setup time Set up and configure at the camera or from the ground Optimized to work with Iteris’ advanced detection algorithms Simplicity. TM Advanced video detection. ease of use.iteris. The RZ-4 Advanced combines Iteris’ RZ-4 camera with streamlined installation. and reduced life-cycle costs Innovation for better mobility Learn more at www. .SavE MilliONS Of E With WEight ENfOrcEMENt the investment for road repairs exceeds E200 Mio/1000km/Year! * huge savings in road rehabilitation can be realized with small investments in mobile Wheel load Scales! ** * Numbers and figures from Switzerland 2008 ** Cost conscious countries enforce the weight limits of heavy goods vehicles Worldwide the Number One in Mobile Weight Enforcement HAENNI Instruments AG 3303 Jegenstorf • Switzerland • Phone +41 31 764 99 77 • Fax +41 31 764 99 88 www. it can advise on solutions that meet specific objectives and requirements. or seven to nine hours use. The modular Zeag OrionX Range. In addition. but also designed and delivered an end-toend solution. The OrionXB Pay Station has six high capacity recycling coin hoppers. they provide traffic surveillance. with materials that are more eco-friendly and dynamic fault reporting means fewer checks on the machine.314 www. On its stand at Intertraffic. Stand 02. Gatsometer delivered the solution for the automated enforcement of the Environmental Zone Amsterdam. Simple in design. The key objective of the project was improving local air quality in order to meet the requirements of the European commission and provide its citizens with cleaner air. Based on a proven platform with numerous components. portable and can be installed in minutes without special equipment. According to Zeag.) using TCP/IP. the machine uses one tenth of the energy required by a comparable unit with an internal combustion engine. according to Aximum. Also being highlighted will be the OrionXB Bar code only solution.204 www. Completely versatile and suitable for both open road and urban marking. Another feature is easy ticket refilling.gatsometer. Zeag says its new Orion XBIT sets new standards for entry level parking solutions. from Plastic Safety Systems. such as red light and speed enforcement. These range from conventional operator-assisted cash based systems to fully automatic contactless smart card and microwave-based Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems. The company Temporary portable rumble strip RoadQuake Temporary Portable Rumble Strip. uncomplicated to use and operate. Gatsometer can also provide additional information about environmental and other solutions.500 charges. Gatsometer not only developed the enforcement equipment.046 www.worldhighways. The standard charge time is six hours from a standard 220V 16A outlet while the battery is good for some 1. a scalable system for small or major car parks. designed to save lives in work zones. Most drivers will react to the vibratory and audible warnings by driving more cautiously and with more awareness.000 installations across five Products Electric road marking machine Aximum will use Intertraffic to launch Elise which the company claims is the first-ever electric motorised road marking Zeag parking innovations system innovations at Intertraffic. more change and fewer visits to top it up. Stand 11. installation and maintenance for the coming seven years. that means more flexibility. Stand 01. communication services and a modular Traffic Management Centre (TMC) that governs these components. including back office software. Stand 05.aselsan. as against the usual four. is a transverse rumble strip. It produces zero CO2 emissions and. is an innovative. Aselsan will also be highlighting complete and modular traffic management solutions. while the annual maintenance budget is a third of that required by conventional www. based on this. incident/accident monitoring. adhesives or fasteners. integrates with existing Ethernet networks (for CCTV. ANPR etc.plasticsafety.zeag. weather monitoring. Gatsometer wants to hear from you In September 2009.318 www. the OrionXBIT is ideal for small car park applications. to significantly reduce cabling costs and increase flexibility of deployment. Elise can mark 50-80km of road on one charge. the company has delivered more than 800 toll collection lanes to various customers. a bespoke solution based on the demanding objectives and requirements of the municipality for which the company has been nominated as a finalist in the Intertraffic Innovation Switzerland headquartered Zeag Group. The system can handle all current payment methods securely and is futurecapable for wave and pay. data exchange. will be highlighting four parking Majoring on experience Turkey headquartered Aselsan returns to Intertraffic to highlight its vast experience in the design. development. Stand EF. To date.itsinternational. which alerts drivers to changing road conditions. travel time calculation. RoadQuake is temporary. which has over 5.434 www. Gatsometer says it would like to hear visitors’ “cleaner air” objectives and understand their specific situation. Meanwhile. RoadQuake. In terms of performance. Drivers crossing over it feel a significant bump and vibration and hear an audible alert.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. Wireless via radio or wi-fi is also possible. Elise has 50 per cent lower operating Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 45 . effective traffic safety countermeasure. development and manufacture of turn-key ITS tolling solutions. information dissemination via VMS displays. Products Car classification software Stemmer Imaging will be demonstrating the latest version of its car classification software. based on the company’s Common Vision Blox software toolset. that delivers reductions in installation. Meanwhile.hsroads. including an operational demonstration of the Evo8 Automatic Number Plate Recognition camera and system. infrared for vehicle width and lane position. will be showcasing its range of aluminium and steel highway bridge parapets. Meanwhile. The focus will be the group’s turnkey solution approach by means of an entire traffic control centre based on Mizar’s Omnia and integrating products and systems in urban. Swarco Vestglass. maintenance and repair costs. thin layer and thick layer marking systems.stemmer-imaging. Stand 11. Swarovski. as well as the company’s new count classification product. street lighting becomes a component of traffic guidance. Video images can be captured and Swarco Traffic Materials Division will be located at the same spot the company has occupied at previous Intertraffic events.adec-technologies. which comprises a wide range of specialist companies with an expanding portfolio of global infrastructure products. Four distinct technologies are incorporated in a single. and video for traffic alarm verification and improved incident management capabilities. reflective coatings like the new Swarodit. in Hall 4. triggered by preset traffic conditions or upon request by the traffic management station. support vector machine technology enables sample images to be used to train the application. a new anti-climb and environmentally friendly passive aluminium sign support. a division of UK based Hill & Smith Holdings. Capable of determining the type of vehicle. another HS Roads group company. now integrated into the division. both as eco-designed traffic lights and energy-saving VMS in various sizes. visitors will find out about Swarco’s traffic management capabilities and latest innovations with Signalbau 46 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by . Flexbeam Plus and Transflex. Transmission of video images occurs via TLS protocol allowing owners and operators to use existing infrastructure and take advantage of video-verified decision-making to dramatically increase public safety. A premiere is Dambach-Werke’s signage business. Stands 10. Damback-Werke and LEA. will be showcasing highway safety barriers. LED-based traffic signalling equipment will also be a major feature.336 www. deployed in more than 30 countries. and Stollreflex. parking and public transport management. interurban. integrated into the Swarco Group presence. Stemmer says this allows solutions for many complex traffic problems to be developed. In the new Hall 10.103 and 04.swarco. Techspan will be displaying its latest ITS range. and Advanced Motorway Indicator (AMI) as used on managed motorway schemes. ultrasonic sound for individual vehicle profile. including the launch of HiMast. CA Traffic will be exhibiting a full range of traffic data collection products. the Swarco Traffic Materials Division will feature the combined competence of Swarco double take Swarco will have two separate stands at this year’s Intertraffic event.itsinternational. From the HS Roads Technology Division. Intelligent traffic controllers will be introduced by Dambach (Actros) and Danish Swarco Technology (ITC-3 generation). Stand 11. including an All Purpose Gantry Variable Message sign (APGVMS).com www. and the practical DecoStone Via product line used in designing urban traffic space will be highlighted. Also being featured will be the award-winning Brifen Wire Rope Safety Fence system.902 www. the TDC4 is the instant replacement detector for all installations calling for non-intrusive traffic detectors. Varley & Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. easily deployable device: Doppler radar for individual vehicle speed acquisition. bridge parapets and traffic monitoring technology at Intertraffic. by the shape of its lights. Companies forming part of the HS Roads group include Hill & Smith Ltd which has vast experience in the manufacture of highway barrier systems. The company carries a wide range of EN1317 approved and costeffective safety products including Flexbeam. Innovative high performance glass bead products. A first-ever will be Swarco Futurit’s new LED-based street lighting product line. which had separate stands at the last event.worldhighways. demonstrating how. Stand 10. the Black Cat. in Hall 10 and also in Hall Infrastructure and road technology products Infrastructure products group HS Roads. Four-in-one traffic detector ADEC Technologies will use Intertraffic to launch the TDC4 Series of overhead traffic detectors which combine traffic data acquisition and vehicle classification functionality with affordable video verification capabilities.502 www. as well as make. Visitors will be introduced into the pilot of Swarco’s new eShop which will allow all kinds of static and reflective traffic signs to be ordered online. Limburger Lackfabrik. Latest technologies in parking guidance and public transport signage and control will also be displayed. recently developed with Transport Scotland. model. ADEC Technoplogies says that because of its easy deployment and integration. and colour.302 www. 502 .uk Technology Division Griffin Lane.Technology Solutions that fit together What piece do you need to complete your picture? Road Sign Technology Traffic Monitoring Techspan Systems Specialising in the installation and maintenance of Electronic Variable Message Signs CA Traffic Cost effective traffic data monitoring with comprehensive. accurate and easy to use data collection and ANPR journey time systems [email protected]. Buckinghamshire HP19 8BP • HS Roads is a group of companies within Hill & Smith Holdings PLC. sales@c-a. Driving value through innovation and improvement stand 10.hsroads. Aylesbury. manufactures and installs highly advanced car park management and fare collection systems across the world. a natural and intuitive visual guiding system • The latest technologies such as NFC and cell phone payment • A user friendly. We help transportation agencies address challenges with revenue collection and regulation compliance services [email protected] ACS Business Process Solutions Ltd 7. We ensure quality solutions and high levels of customer satisfaction. . Booth 318 ( ACS Business Process Solutions Ltd C/Manual Luna 12 28020 Madrid Spain Phone: +34 91 567 20 30 e-mail: [email protected]) For more information please visit us online at ACS® and the ACS design are trademarks of ACS Marketing LP in the US and/or other countries. Avenue Des Grésillons 92600 Asnières France Phone: +33 1 41 32 71 03 e-mail: parking. consistently. We leverage knowledge of the public transportation industries to meet each client’s needs.acs-gts. XEROX® and XEROX and Design® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.spain@acs-inc. Riverside Way Watchmoor Park Camberley Surrey GU15 3YL UK Phone: +44 (0)1276 807 100 e-mail: parkingsales. ACS Transportation Solutions designs. We have more than 40 years of experience in Car Park Management Systems. Our Solution Offers: • Light & Reflex©. revenue simulator • A web interface with real time access to operational and financial data Visit our stand at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Hall or contact us: ACS Business Process Solutions Ltd 250.RELIABLE exceed expectations. which the company claims is the first 77GHz MMW radar designed for motorway incident detection and hard shoulder monitoring. rugged.navtechradar. a key is used to unlock the device and the user pressed the barrier to the ground with their foot. allowing it to lock automatically in the blocking position. will be exhibiting at Intertraffic for the first time. it reserves the bay for its authorised users. fail-safe. solarpowered wireless warning system. To gain access to the space.trafficinnovations. exhibiting at Intertraffic for the first time. and can be powered by both mains and by a solar panel. the company has spent two years developing the world’s first low profile.worldhighways. This eliminates bending to the ground and getting one’s hands dirty lowering and lifting the barrier. Navtech has also dedicated substantial resources to the development of automatic radar incident detection systems for tunnels. Cones can be automatically placed and picked up at a speed of 20-30km/h. head of Navtech’s Division for Incident Detection for Motorways. road temperature and vehicle speed). 11. unique to its iStud warning system is an advanced warning to the train driver that the level crossing has been activated or a vehicle has not cleared it. “Our leadership is in the ability to power lights without the need for a hardwired connection. vehicle detector and in-road warning Products Wireless level crossing warning The iStud wireless rail level crossing system. Trunk Roads and Tunnels and creator of the system.528C www. The company will also be featuring the iStud vehicle detector. intelligent.207 www. lockable barrier that is unusually easy and convenient to use. significantly reducing installation and maintenance costs.Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. This data is transmitted back in real time to a Line Interface Card (LIC) that can be used to activate a traffic light controller or forwarded on to a monitoring centre for traffic analysis. Dr Stephen Published by Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 49 . Since the device is wireless.itsinternational. Stand 01. Visit the company’s website for details. each iiiLevel light (flashing. Stand 11. Information can be sent wirelessly to control the output of MySpot 30 lockable barrier Designated Parking Corporation will be exhibiting MySpot 30.” The iiiLevel powered by 3i offers intelligence with patented two-way communications and diagnostic capabilities. intelligent road The detector uses trackside sensors to detect the presence of trains and has a minimum operational life of 10 years. Having acquired the SmartStud brand in 2008. Stand No. 3i will be giving away and installing a school crosswalk installation to one lucky visitor to Intertraffic. the New Zealand headquartered leading international provider of inductively (wireless) powered lights. Once installed at the centre of a parking iiiLevel was designed to set a new standard of in-road lighting as it is quick to install. its newest addition to the line of barriers and posts that control access to individual parking spaces. When the space needs to be reserved.820 www. wireless solution that includes an intelligent track side rail stud. The device is a low cost. The device. iiiLevel (pronounced eye-level) is manufactured from high-tech polycarbonates and uses energy efficient LED’s. which has been successfully trialled on the M42 motorway Active Traffic Management system for the UK Highways Agency (HA). Inductively powered in-road lighting First appearance Navtech Radar. The company is also interested in talking to potential distributors while at www. together with the relevant technology patents and manufacturing expertise. Stand 03. Traffic Solutions says the advantages of its iStud vehicle detector system are the additional data that is collected. Stand 01. According to 3i’s CEO Charles Maud. it simplifies installation of trackside train detectors by eliminating cabling and trenching. easy to maintain. will be present on the stand throughout the show. The device can detect vehicle presence.traf-iq.designatedparking. lowpower. from Australian company Traffic Innovations. is using the event to launch ClearWay. is a MARS from Traf-IQ MARS (Mobile Automatic Roadblock System) from Traf-IQ automates the process of closing lanes with the operators fully protected by the highly visible vehicle and its approved crash attenuator (NCHRP 350-norm. speed and classification.406A www. sequencing and degrees of brightness) as well as receive data from each unit (marker performance. The vehicle can automatically lay (and pick up) a rumble strip to alert approaching traffic as early as possible to lane closures. inductively powered. a magnetic sensor designed to replace the traditional inductive loop. reduced installation costs and significantly reduced damage to the pavement. especially on wet days. The power supply itself can run up to two kilometres of 200 road markers from a single source. According to Traffic Solutions. As part of its determination to demonstrate the iiiLevel system in a live situation.112 www. a slight push on a pedal releases the barrier. remotely monitored.3iinnovation. is also being deployed in a high-profile new tunnel project in the South East of England. 70km/u). versatile across a broad range of road safety applications and best of all it will be affordable. 0.worldhighways. an ultra-compact license plate sensor that combines a megapixel high-speed CMOS sensor (able to capture up to 1.kria.sfc. the Atalaya3D. T-Exspeed v.unimarklimited. without the need of any kind of external sensors. in addition to dangerous goods code and suspect plate recognition. such as precise speed and inter-distance measurement or vehicle counting and classification. with the results included in violation reports. The unit. is celebrating the success of 25 of its T-Exspeed units being chosen by the city of Rome for speed detection.048 pixels) resolution means the unit is suitable for ANPR applications and also produces high-quality images in all light and weather conditions. directional signs and blinkers in series. which is only 84cm long and weighs less than 5kg.311A www. However. this enables a great variety of traffic measurements in a single ALPR camera. According to Imagsa. Stand At this year’s event. its R&D department has now opened up the horizon to extended applications that go beyond the capabilities offered by first-generation enforcement cameras. Because of its wide field of view.0 uses the images captured by three Power for traffic control systems Atalaya camera range Spanish company Imagsa Technologies will use Intertraffic to unveil several new products in its Atalaya range of traffic cameras. QSXGA (2. without requiring any additional investments on inductive loops. The larger thermoplastic tank capacity makes it suitable for highway or city marking. light and weather conditions. is an innovative high-speed stereoscopic camera that uses parallel computing techniques to successfully perform real-time three-dimensional analysis of road traffic. radars or lasers. such as overtaking and illegal turns. as visitors to Intertraffic will see. journey time monitoring or dangerous goods transport control. today’s traffic conditions demand that devices operate much more dynamically and with multiple vehicles. being unveiled at Intertraffic.0 can cover three lanes (and multiples due to its modularity).parkhelp. Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. to detect and analyse license plates in real time. such as solar extended the new unit’s applications to a new class of violation relating to dangerous behaviours.409 www. However.2.imagsa. which specialises in the design and production of enforcement Dynamic developments from Kria Italian company Kria. T-Exspeed v. AtalayaSpeed+Class is a software module that is used with the AtalayaCompact ALPR camera for speed and Profile lining Unimark will be unveiling its newly developed Powermaster model 220 thermoplastic extrusion/spray/raised rib profile lining machine. speed limit signs. warning-light trailers and warning blinkers. Imagsa will also feature MercuryTraffic. ES2 is building on the success of ParkHelp by launching an outdoor version to provide similar operational benefits for users and SFC Smart Fuel Cell will demonstrate its new EFOY Pro 2200 fuel cell. evaluation and for violation reporting.2.Products ParkHelp inside and out At the last Intertraffic. Moreover. Kria will use Intertraffic to launch the T-Exspeed v. The system uses information panels to automatically guide vehicles entering a parking facility to the nearest available parking space. The company says that license plate images provided by MercuryTraffic enable OCR software to achieve maximum recognition rates.2kW/h per day.000 images per second) with high-performance hardware performing advanced image processing algorithms in real time. simultaneously detecting parallel violations. Spanish company ES2 launched ParkHelp. a compact version of the instant/average speed and red light enforcement device and ANPR surveillance and monitoring unit. the brightness of the system’s indicator signals can be varied to exactly suit the available levels of natural light and environmental needs. while deployment does not require civil works or on-site re-configuration. The fuel cells can also be seamlessly combined with other energy sources. in a single unit. the company says its technical innovation has stereo cameras (two IR and one colour). which has a charging capacity of 2. a wide range of traffic measurements. As the company points out. which the company claims is the highest-power energy solution for professional users of off-grid traffic control systems. It integrates a high-speed megapixel CMOS sensor (250fps) and a supercomputing device (FPGA).2. for event detection. an innovative new guidance and management system designed to help drivers find a free parking space quickly and efficiently. Stand 11. It provides.120 www. an autonomous (no external trigger) megapixel smart camera to perform ALPR in real time and with top accuracy under challenging traffic.707 www. Measurement accuracy is ensured by an in-built selfdiagnostic procedure. The device. Entirely based on computer vision. Stand Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW 50 Published by .com www. Imagsa will also be featuring AtalayaCompact. It can be quickly changed from extrusion/profile marking to spray marking and is driven with the HATZ silent pack engine for EU operation. Power supply can be managed remotely through text messaging or via computer. Stand 02. is completely portable without affecting measurement accuracy (error <3cm on distance and <1 per cent on speed). For instance. Stand EF 050 www. is designed for traffic control applications such as alternating traffic signs.itsinternational. combining applications as diverse as speed enforcement. understands the complexities involved with protecting your structure. CT 06111. effective protection for these important structures. www. T. Subsequently Stirling Lloyd’s range of 100% effective waterproofing solutions are designed to overcome these issues. Are seamless and 100% effective. Our range of waterproofing solutions: Provide long W.startraq. northamerica@stirlinglloyd. providing long lasting. Over 1 million traffic offences processed in 2009 WATERPROOF YOUR STRUCTURE FOR LIFE! Visit us at Stand 01. The Traffic Offence Management System currently handles over 2 million documents per year in the processing of traffic offences. King STIRLING LLOYD PRODUCTS INC. durable protection. +44 1565 633111 F. www. [email protected] STIRLING LLOYD POLYCHEM LTD. UK E. Building A Newington. StarTraq has a 10 year track record in the international enforcement arena. USA E. Immersed Tube. Stirling Lloyd.NATM. delivering significant cost savings through improved efficiency.109 www. 860 6666 5106 152 Rockwell Back office solutions for traffic offence management . Are suitable for concrete & metal bridge decks. 860 666 5008 F.stirlinglloyd. Cut & Cover. +44 1565 633555 Union Bank. Are suitable for all tunnel types . Knutsford Cheshire.Waterproofing for Bridges & Tunnels Traffic enforcement software solutions you can trust StarTraq is used by many of the UK’s leading Police Forces to automate traffic offence management. Have a rapid application and cure. T. WA16 6EF. leaders in advanced waterproofing technology. allowing tight deadlines to be met. with GSM. it is a complete unit with information terminal and payment system. According to Simicon. they have been shown to provide a 70 per cent reduction in KSI (Killed and Seriously Injured) figures in numerous worldwide deployments. These will include Golden River’s comprehensive range of intuitive. which Simicon will showcase at Intertraffic.ramboll. selfcontained counter is installed in a 13cm hole in the centre of the lane where it counts passing vehicles. Siemens claims it is now setting new standards in Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). cost-effective and sustainable traffic data management solutions. the RMT can calculate and record the retroreflection dry. and can be installed in a matter of minutes. vehicle speed measured with its Binar radar gun and supported by the video recordings from both its cameras greatly facilitates analysis of road traffic events and significantly improves the evidential validity of traffic violations. enhanced incident detection and lighter open road tolling applications. the company will be displaying its electric charging station. tunnel safety. Two embedded video cameras simultaneously record road traffic events in two effective ways: ‘normal’ mode to get a wide-angle view and facilitate event analysis and also ‘zoom’ mode to get an enlarged picture for a clearer view of a target vehicle’s license plate. For example. Marrying the Idris data with the ALPR data generates information such as average speed. Stand 11. In a single run. this innovative and cost-effective product will serve the needs of a variety of applications such as road user charging. as well as toll collection. Idris-enhanced PIPS camera Becoming an Idris Technology Partner recently enabled PIPS Technology to develop a new Idris-enhanced camera destined for the ITS market. thickness. these intelligent road studs and hazard warning products are not only smart. luminance coefficient. which Siemens claims is a completely new type of detector technology based on magnet sensors. According to the partners. thus ensuring positive identification of motor vehicles in a wide range of applications.525 www.worldhighways. including parking space monitoring and security. class and 52 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by . Stand 01. Indeed. a leading provider of transportation data collection and analysis. The power requirements and communication structure remain the same.itsinternational. Data is collected using a specially designed USB radio dongle. faster measurements and the ability to cover more kilometres. among many other countries worldwide. recording data in one-minute intervals and storing it within the unit. Both the SpikeHD and Idris run on embedded Linux operating systems offering standard Linux connectivity and encrypted links. and width/length/gap/design of road markings. The device is the new-generation ANPR camera system designed by Siemens Mobility to read number plates Answers for a mobile future Siemens will be unveiling several important products under the slogan ‘Complete mobility – answers for a mobile future’. The compact design specification focuses use of the product on sites where large infrastructure cannot be The Binar radar gun. Siemens says it is making a major contribution to the future use of electric vehicles. Stand 11. friction. This wireless traffic detection system replaces inductive loops.438 www.209 www. vehicle speed and trip Sitraffic Epos is more than just a charging station for electric cars.simicon.pipstechnology. Sitraffic Epos. safe and sustainable. does not require any wiring whatsoever.226 www.Products Radar gun with video Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www. as the company points out. in the Middle East and in Road marking tester Swedish company Ramboll will unveil its newly developed Road Marking Tester (RMT) which it claims is a major advance for surveying road www.621 www.idris-technology. features integrated video recording capabilities to detect vehicle speed and record road traffic violations. With its Sicore camera system. The product incorporates the highly accurate Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) capabilities from PIPS with the loop-based detection and classification accuracy of Idris software. Primary advantages of this vehicle-mounted system are increased safety during surveying. the device combines two of the most well-established and proven technologies available today for road user charging and congestion mitigation. In addition. This small.siemens. Clearview Traffic will be exhibiting the products and services from across the group which makes up a range of singleprovider solutions.635 www. The Idris software will reside onboard the PIPS SpikeHD Clearview at Intertraffic Clearview Traffic Group will use Intertraffic to showcase what the company claims is a unique and innovative solution for traffic planners – the Solar Powered Logging Stud. operates with high precision. Stand 11. With this charging station. WiFi and Ethernet as standard. As they point out. it is a complete unit with information terminal and payment system. More than just a charging station for electric Stand 11. vehicle length. Another new product being featured is Sitraffic Wimag. Stand 11. which is improving driver visibility on recent installations on the M25. as well as the services of Count On Us. GPRS. retroreflection wet. Also being highlighted will be a demonstration of the benefits of the Astucia SolarLite road stud. Visit us at Hall 02.make parking.. simple solutions pay partnerships ZEAG leads the way in off-street parking control systems.. A ZEAG company introduced the first parking meter to the UK in 1958. We understand this. we provide solutions that integrate easily. Our Swiss manufacturing quality ensures reliability and importantly. Parking is never just parking. ZEAG is a global provider of Parking Solutions. ZEAG makes parking revenue control equipment. ZEAG has a proud no matter what your parking equipment demands are. with over 4. above W: www. ZEAG has grown to become one of the world’s largest and most innovative specialists in parking.500 successful installations on 5 Toll Systems WIM@Toll Traffic Data Services Traffic Products Weight Enforcement Security and Safety Service and Maintenance info@irdinc. ZEAG has the right solution. superior uptime. Professional Parking Solutions .. pay.. ZEAG prides itself on being first .. Flexible and ... Stand 204 or contact us for more information. The ZEAG Orion XR range is scalable . Sales: T: +41 56 418 81 11 F: +41 56 401 14 78 E: sales@zeag... Headquartered in Switzerland. It’s the start and finish of the customer experience. give quick return on investment and. Our success is based on a commitment to quality and we are accredited to quality standard ISO9001. with our global partnerships we make parking simple to understand. Cost-Effective... Modular..zeag.recent innovations include the advanced new Orion XR range. net Photo Courtesy of Costanera Norte Two innovations from PIPS The company will also be highlighting its latest bill validating and recycling technology (CashCode B2B and CashCode rÇ) as well as its next generation 5in G-40 coin validator. it can provide from a single technical component and service module. The system consists of a single. That’s hardly surprising. through system development and assembly of complete surveillance infrastructures. with a focus on road safety and traffic control. It includes a series of distinctive features. as well as electronic access systems and parking management. However. and end-user services. It has been designed to be powered from a single solar panel for an unlimited period of time. for identification of wanted vehicles and simultaneous speed surveillance. representing a Plug&Play all-in-one transportation solution with reduced footprint. Each enforced link can be configured with its own speed PIPS Technology will use Intertraffic to unveil a major innovation: SpikeletSP. Although compact in Jenoptik Robot will be presenting the new Robot Smart Camera IV 54 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by . data and image processing within a single sealed enclosure. Effective enforcement can be provided over link distances as short as 100m and at speeds up to 225km/h. For www. the nationwide Austrian truck toll system. traffic sensor traffic management. detection is done through virtual loops which can be easily edited and modified. intelligent technology allows for immediate and automatic number plate identification which can be matched with a database. the NRI vÇ eagle. the company’s ITS and telematics systems cover a broad range of technical solutions intended to enhance transportation by improving mobility and increasing safety in road traffic. including traffic management systems.416 www.1221 www. central SpeedSpike server communicating with a network of highresolution SpikeHD ANPR cameras. Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview There’s more to Kapsch Kapsch TrafficCom is recognised as a major global player in electronic toll collection systems. Wireless IP connectivity over GPRS. for example. including charging schemes. EDGE or 3G can be provided by fitting an optional modem. More generally. and is currently implementing one of the world’s largest toll projects with Gauteng Open Road Tolling in South Africa. Its comprehensive portfolio. since the company is the turnkey system supplier and operator for the highly successful nationwide Czech truck toll system. including incident detection systems. the device can monitor up to six traffic lanes. The integrated. Stand 01. will feature prominently at Intertraffic.worldhighways. Jenoptik Robot will be presenting the company’s customer-focused problem-solving approach to traffic surveillance and traffic safety. The cÇ spider’s two coin hoppers and six tubes enables it to recycle eight different coin denominations while the cÇ tornado has an integrated true escrow. making SpikeletSP truly wireless without the need for power or communications cables. For instance.712 www. for example. So too will the company’s portfolio under the heading of Urban Traffic Solutions which includes a comprehensive set of products and systems to support demand management schemes for city environments. Stand 11. is the smallest red light detector in the market.craneps. Multiple cameras at a site can be treated as a single enforcement point so the system can provide complete coverage across multiple lanes.000 cameras. Robot Smart Camera IV for speed and red light surveillance. right up to managed speed and red light enforcement services at regional and national levels. the first solar-powered ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) camera. safety&security. SpeedSpike can provide a road network solution for up to 1. parking management and zone access. enabling simultaneous still photos and video recordings.quercus. Stand 11. The device can work independently from the traffic signal which reduces complex cabling and makes installation easier. This high-resolution digital system operates with a two-lens technology. Stand 01. The company will also be featuring its SpeedSpike system that provides cost-effective distance over time average speed enforcement without the need for communications infrastructure using GPRS/3G communications.jenoptik. making it discreet and easy to integrate in the urban landscape.pipstechnology.itsinternational.Products Coin and bill mechanisms Crane Payment Solutions is launching its new NRI compact c2 coin changer systems for transportation. SpikeletSP is a fully integrated number plate recognition unit incorporating the camera(s). offering both technical and commercial operation of these systems. Each camera provides full lane enforcement coverage.635 www. As the company points out. Kapsch will have a major presence at Intertraffic that will also focus on its expertise in areas other than tolling.825 www. Stand 11. especially for Multi-Lane Free-Flow BirdWatch red light detector Quercus Technologies claims that BirdWatch RL. which the company will be showcasing at Intertraffic. com FSP Ltd | Unit 10 | Charnwood Business Park | North Road | Loughborough | Leicestershire | LE11 1QJ UK | Tel: +44 (0) 1509 224232 | email: [email protected] other post has achieved that rating. Capable of being broken.fsp-ltd. • Uses standard foundation techniques and standard clips and fixings. This passively safe sign post complies with BS EN 12767 and BS EN 12899-1. The 140 mm Frangible Safety Post • Is the only post on the market to achieve an NE:3 rating in 100kph crash tests. breakable It has been estimated that vehicle collisions with rigid roadside features such as sign posts cause over 15% of all road fatalities. • Matches in with existing steel posts to maintain the road side look and feel. if struck by an errant vehicle. the Frangible Safety Post shatters on impact as shown on the right when tested against a traditional steel post.5m to 7m plus. being installed and also pictured after a car crashed into a Frangible Post at 100kph. The Frangible Post absorbs only a small amount of energy and in so doing prevents the internal trauma to vital organs due to rapid deceleration that can be fatal or inflict serious injuries to passengers.fran•gi•ble . SIMPLY SAFER SIGN POSTS When tested at for further information Visit us at Intertraffic Amsterdam Europe Foyer Stand EF.2kg per meter making manual handling and installation easier. • Has achieved an NE:2 classification at 100kph when two posts are struck at 750mm spacing . • Easy to cut on site with standard tools. The Frangible Safety Post has a unique patent protected design which combines the strength to support large signs in strong winds with the ability to shatter. The Frangible Safety Posts system in situ. collapsing in a predictable and safe manner. These objects cannot always be removed and this is where the fully-tested and passively safe Frangible Safety Post System can help save lives: it gives way when struck. • Supplied in lengths from 3. • Only weighs 4. E-mail [email protected] www. Main features of the device include high resolution images up to 15 megapixel showing the offending vehicle and the traffic light as well as vehicle make and model and its number plate.907 www. The company states that energy efficient parking equipment is not sufficient so following the market launch of entervo. Further innovations in areas of 'Car-2Infrastructure Communication' will provide opportunities in alleviating operational parking issues and reducing energy usage and carbon emissions further. In addition to showing its current range of laser distance sensors. a new method to reduce costs due to damage caused by vehicle/column collisions in car parks. nongating guardrail end treatment.sodi@sodi. Stand 04. resulting in a 70 per cent reduction in energy consumption. and the ArmorGuard steel moveable barrier which provides highly portable positive protection and safe work zone entry and exit options. will also be showcasing a complete line of cost-effective crash cushions. Indeed. Park Sentry surrounds columns in multi-story car park structures and absorbs Published by 56 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW . and can be easily adapted to fit any sized 4-sided column. Barrier Systems. even by support staff • Automatic clock adjustment through GPS • Automatic signalling of malfunctions or vandalism by SMS • Integration with COPS 2000 back office software. detection. specialty barriers. Park Sentry's bright colour and reflective straps increase the column's visibility increasing safety. Moreover. Over the last 10 years. Noptel’s equipment has built up an enviable Autostop 106 world premiere Sodi Scientifica is proud to present at Intertraffic 2010 in Amsterdam its world premiere of the Autostop 106.Products Energy efficient parking system Scheidt & Bachmann’s latest product generation. red light control and other measurement tasks. In addition to highlighting the QMB at Intertraffic. The system is designed to increase capacity and reduce congestion by reconfiguring the roadway based on peak traffic demand. Also being featured will be the recently introduced X-Tension Terminal. and accelerate road construction. an interface to sophisticated lightning solutions is being developed in order for parking equipment and illumination to interact intelligently. The guiding principle in designing Autostop 106 has been to create a system that integrates the best technologies and increased usability for the police. It is easily installed with few or no tools. this has been achieved without increasing the sales price compared to previous product generations. and work often with other sensory or control devices.itsinternational. Sodi Scientifica says the device can read the plate of a motorcycle in the third Damage limitation Sentry Protection Products will use Intertraffic to highlight Park Sentry. They are designed for fixed installations or portable batteryoperated units. with thousands of units having been delivered to over 30 countries for use in speed measurement. The company says this device sums up the experience that it has accumulated over 45 years of involvement in the field of law enforcement. improve Laser distance sensors Noptel will be appearing at Intertraffic with a complete range of laser distance sensors based on the company’s own integrated pulse laser measurement technology.116 www. the Absorb Fast lane changes For 25 years. Stand 02. These include the Universal TAU-II. The QMB is used for both construction and permanent managed lanes applications to provide additional highway capacity to relieve traffic congestion and to provide positive barrier separation to eliminate cross-over accidents and protect motorists and construction zone workers. the entervo. Barrier Systems’ Quickchange Moveable Barrier (QMB) has provided the traffic industry with a cost effective solution to add lanes for rush hour traffic to reduce congestion.102 www. speed and red light camera and improper use of lane in the proximity of a stop light. Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview 2.208 www. Other features of Autostop 106 include: • digital signature of data • Viewing the operation on Smartphone or Tablet PC • IR or visible light Flash • Optional digital video camera • Local or remote automatic download of data.609 www. Stand 11. Stand 11. Stand 03. uses power efficient components and software that intelligently powers them down during periods of inactivity. which Barrier Systems claims is the world’s only fully 2 which is being launched at Intertraffic. and guardrail terminal end products. Noptel will use Intertraffic to introduce some of the new developments which will be available soon. classification. Noptel’s customers are typically system integrators who work in the traffic control sector and deliver products like camera systems or Scheidt & Bachmann intends to go further in its desire to provide a holistic approach to green traffic and parking infrastructure. borrowing existing lanes from the off-peak direction to improve traffic flow in the peak direction. Its engineered modular design absorbs impacts without scratching vehicles. vehicle other control systems to customers.noptel. which is part of the Lindsay Transportation Solutions Group.BarrierSystemsInc.sentrypro. it yields to impact.MYSPOT TM : The World’s Most Popular Parking Space Barriers World-wide. Easily installed. Peter Berghaus GmbH Phone +49 2207 96770 · Fax +49 2207 967780 Herrenhoehe 6 · 51515 Kuerten · Germany Designated Parking Corporation 10 Ridge Road • West Orange. In expanding our network of dealers and service partners abroad.dp-corp.973. MySpot™: The choice for secure protection. which rises under its own power to the vertical NEW locked position. Its rugged design resists forced entry attempts. unauthorized use of individual parking spaces is prevented by MySpot™ barriers. NEW MySpot™ 30 – Appearance alone makes the MySpotTM 30 an imposing deterrent. MySpot 30 Safety products for work zones Road hazard warning equipment Mobile crash barrier systems MySpot™ 200 – A highly effective barrier is controlled from vehicles by a hand-held transmitter.5161 e-mail: info@dp-corp. Light pressure on a pedal activates the unit. then springs upright again. This is the place to start when you want to save spaces and soothe • www.669.8214 • Fax: 1. please get in touch. locking into place. requiring no wiring because it is powered by a vehicle’s weight. MySpot 120 Contact us today for additional information and prices. key-operated bollard keeps intruders out. we are looking for suitable partners for the sale of our traffic technology products. this rugged. When unlocked by an authorized user.berghaus-verkehrstechnik. this low-cost. MySpot 200 MySpot™ 120 – Locked by an authorized user into its upright position.669. Lies flat when . horseshoe-shaped barrier folds to the ground with light foot pressure. It is surface mounted. NJ 07052 Tel: 1. If interested.973. combined with design capability based on 20 years of international experience in ATMS development.htsol. integrates and controls new and existing traffic management systems from configurable workstations. The C50 is a fully enclosed unit containing all the hardware and software required for a full LPR system package. emergency roadside telephones and meteo station).138 www. the system creates a continuous obstacle line that acts as a more effective vehicle deterrent than regular delineation markers like barrels and cones. will launch a new all-in-one high-speed License Plate Recognition (LPR) system at Intertraffic. the all-in-one enclosure will facilitate execution of mass-unit Canada-headquartered Versilis. MobiMaestro is a similarly customisable system that connects. Project examples which the company will be highlighting include. thereby significantly reducing the project costs of mass-unit projects. The device is designed to replace or expand upon in-road magnetic loop detectors with advanced vehicle detection functions such as real time queue measurement or intersection gridlock monitoring. Power and communications infrastructure are also not an issue since XCam-ng provides built-in low power consumption and wireless communications. and selected third party products. and surveillance cameras are also integrated into the system. and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health & Environment (RIVM). Stand 11. Transport for London: Intelligent Speed Adaptation. XCamng eliminates constraints imposed by embedded loops. City of Eindhoven: dynamic green waves.technolution. ventilation system. fire alarm system. All other tunnel components including emergency Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 Preview www.itsinternational. and MobiMaestro. cellular phone.100 www. A wireless module enables the connection of several XCam-ng sensors for an easy and flexible deployment.316 www. or a web-based application. Stand One stop shop ITS integration Telegra will use its presence at Intertraffic to highlight the company’s role and track record as a single shop stop for system integration. Rijkswaterstaat: Tracking & Tracing for traffic officers. Stand 3. which is typically installed in the traffic controller Automated lane closure system Technolution at Intertraffic In addition to participating in the Cooperative Mobility Showcase. The C50 is designed to be easily integrated into city-wide surveillance systems. and an automated and synchronised system configuration that manages emergency incidents. Its second generation of software products (topXview integration software) will be presented together with Telegra’s own core manufactured hardware products (LED displays.5 metres in height. According to the company. and is accepted by the FHWA for use on the US Federal Highway System. thus making possible the management of traffic throughout the entire road network from a single location in a cost-effective manner. In addition. Each module is made of a pivoting gate or sign. lane control. which the company says is a safer and more efficient alternative to most hazardous. The lane closure system can be easily activated with an RF unit. Stand 11.521 www. illumination. provide clients with uniquely integrated highly functional systems delivered in a distinctively complete package.citilog. an enabler for network wide. a developer and provider of optical character recognition (OCR) computer vision systems. requiring only a power supply. Traffic Tech (Gulf) worked in partnership with Telegra to integrate a range of advanced ITS components to provide real time traveller information.worldhighways. monitored and operated via a graphical user interface (GUI) located at the tunnel’s control room. these elements. Each individual module is solarpowered and completely independent of any wiring for ease of installation or relocation. The XCam-ng communicates with any traffic controller through a communications board (XCom) or through more advanced communications protocols.versilis. due to the elimination of local cabinets and servers at each camera location. speed enforcement.201 www. automatic incident detection. timeconsuming and costly lane closure operations in both permanent and temporary applications.telegra-europe. the tunnel is equipped with lane lights for increased lane visibility as well as three Over-height Vehicle Detection Systems to restrict entry of vehicles over 5. a telematics platform for vehicles and roadside cabinets. free-flow toll road billing systems. MobiBoxx can be tailored to serve a wide range of applications and is an easy to handle platform for remote wireless data collection from sensors. will use Intertraffic to introduce the SwiftGate Automated Lane Closure System. vehicle guidance. It can be installed up to a distance of 300m from the XCom. active traffic management.Products All-in-one high-speed LPR Hi-Tech Solutions (HTS). The SwiftGate system has been fully tested in accordance with US National Cooperative Highway Research Program 350. Ideal at intersections and on-ramps. When activated. Lane closure can be accomplished in as little as four minutes. a solar panel and a control box. roadside 58 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2010 PREVIEW Published by .com www. As the company points out. Stand 09. Gates can vary in length and can be adapted with traffic signs and/or flashing lights. Advanced video detection sensor Citilog’s XCam-ng is a real-time video sensor enclosed in a rugged elegant housing for advanced vehicle detection at intersections and on ramps. a subsidiary of QMB Barrier. Technolution will be highlighting MobiBoxx. An example of Telegra’s role as a specialist international ITS integrator is Qatar’s first tunnel management system which was recently commissioned. that complements the company’s lowspeed C5 product. The remotely controlled SwiftGate system is comprised of a series of easily installed modules. or border crossings. . TRAFICON.TRAFICON. CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS BELGIUM CITY OF BRUSSELS U. managing director traficon TR AFFI “Traficon’s Automatic Incident Detection solution has led to a higher level of safety in more than 250 tunnels!” — Lode Caenepeel.A THRILLING TRILOGY TUNNEL ROAD URBAN TRAFFIC VIDEO DETECTION DIRECTED BY TRAFICON THE WORLD OF TR AFFI PR OO From The DIreCTor oF “The worLD oF TrAFFIC vIDeo DeTeCTIon” F C From the director oF “the world oF traFFic video detection” FROM THE DIRECTOR OF “THE WORLD OF TRAFFIC VIDEO DETECTION” IC A FF RTR M INTE TERDA A MS 407 10.indd 1 05-03-2008 14:44:15 TRAF Ad Road A4 . Sales Director Traficon “our viP modules automatically detect traffic incidents such as queues or stopped vehicles within seconds.E.S. BALTIMORE COUNTY (MD) CANADA CITY OF BRAMPTON FRANCE CITY OF DIJON MEXICO CITY OF MONTERREY POLAND CITY OF WARSAW CHINA CITY OF DAQING “What Hollywood is to the movie industry. A TRAFICON FILM A TRAFICON FILM NO JAMS. leading to a significant reduction in economical and ecological cost.A.COM TRAF Ad Tunnel A4 .” — Peter Jamée.S.indd 1 05-03-2008 14:44:58 TRAF Ad Urban A4 . where ever the road takes you… TR AFFI TR PR OO F PR OO — Jo versavel.A. FALCON (DUBAI) U. Tra con is to the traf c video detection industry: THE reference. ND STA uRban Tunnel Road uRban TUNNEL ROAD URBAN Tunnel Road A TRAFICON FILM ouT on The STreeTS. every SeConD CounTS.E.A.A.Intertraffic.COM F WWW. Marketing & Communications Tra con C C WWW.Intertraffic.TRAFICON.” — Stijn Vandebuerie.COM C 05-03-2008 14:45:44 EPISODE I EPISODE II EPISODE III .COM WWW.S.S. BEIRUT AIRPORT TUNNEL SLOVENIA PODMILJ & TROJANE TUNNEL TURKEY BOLEMAN PERSEMBLE TUNNEL HUGUENOT TUNNEL THE NETHERLANDS BENELUX TUNNEL HONG KONG LION ROCK TUNNEL GERMANY SCHWARZERBERG TUNNEL BELGIUM ITALY ANTWERP FRANCE A28 MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR U.A. ATLANTA CHINA BEIJING RUSSIA MOSCOW IRELAND M50 DUBLIN BRESCIA (A4) VERONA (A31) GREECE ATHENS SWITZERLAND A12 FRIBOURG NORWAY E39 GERMANY STRELASUND U. CITY OF LYNNWOOD (WA) IRELAND CITY OF DUBLIN GERMANY CITY OF MÜNSTER U.TRAFICON.” AFFI “Easy installation and con guration with a vehicle presence detection rate over 99% is the basic starting-point for our R&D team.A.Intertraffic. R&D Director Tra con PR OO FRANCE SOUTH AFRICA FRÉJUS TUNNEL U. JUST DRIVING.indd 1 F WWW.
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