Inter-company Process in S_4 HANA _ SAP Blogs

April 3, 2018 | Author: Srikanth Vs | Category: Invoice, Point Of Sale, Business, Technology, Computing



2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP BlogsProducts Products Industries Industries Support Support Training Training Community Community Developer Developer Partner Partner  About About  Home / Community / Blogs + Actions Inter-company process in S/4 HANA June 3, 2016 | 5,719 Views | Vivek Paul L more by this author SAP S/4HANA former jive document | intercompany | intercompanybilling | order | s/4hana | sto | stock share 0 share 0 tweet share 16 Follow I would like to share the steps that were followed to set up inter-company process during a recent S/4 HANA Implementa on. Manual configura on was carried out. Though the set-up is a bit similar to previous releases, some things have changed in S/4 like Business Partner for internal customer/supplier, new output management and so on. These are the relevant areas in IMG Logis cs: (a) Set up Stock Transfer Order 1/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs (b) Set up Inter-company Billing (c) Most of this should be straight forward, except maybe for the assignment of internal customer number: What is new here in S/4 HANA is that customers and vendors have been replaced by business partner. (d) You must use transac on BP to create business partners: Role FLCU00 is for company code data (FI customer) Role FLCU01 is for sales area data (SD customer) Role FLVN00 is for company code data (FI supplier) Role FLVN01 is for vendor area data (MM supplier) (e) Other master data must also be created (pricing records, etc.). SAP recommends the usage of pricing lists instead of condi on records because this runs faster. (f) Set up FI/CO customizing for billing 2/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs Below are the customizing steps followed to set-up inter-company billing, Example: Company Code US 1710 is delivering company Company Code DE 1010 is ordering company Data: Supplier in 1010 is 10301710 Customer in 1710 is 17101010 Reconcilia on account for customer has to be 12300000 Account assignment group has to be 03 for affiliated comp revenue. Reconcilia on account for vendor has to be 21300000 Trade payables affiliated companies 3/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs Inter-Company Billing – Automa c Pos ng To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) Automa c pos ng to vendor account is done by EDI. In our case where both companies are processed in the same system (& client), it is sufficient to create IDOC This process requires several steps: 1. Crea ng a Customer to represent the receiving Company. 2. Crea ng a Vendor to represent the supplying company. 3. Crea ng a Port 4. Maintain an Output Type 5. Crea ng a Logical Address 6. Crea ng a Partner Profile for both Customer and Vendor 7. The relevant FI customizing is maintained. 1. Crea ng a Customer to represent the receiving Company. -> Done Example HCF7: 17101010 The customer master data has already been created for the purpose of Intercompany processing and entered in the appropriate transac on in customizing (Sales and Distribu on -> Billing -> Inter-company Billing -> Define Internal Customer Number By Sales Organiza on). Note: The sales area data for the IC customer has been created in the supplying company code / sales area. 4/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs 2. Crea ng a Vendor to represent the supplying company. -> Done Example HCF7: 10301710 The Vendor is created with the standard transac on. Note: The Vendor is created in the receiving Company Code. The organiza onal data in this case is the same as above. NOTE: There is NO need to “connect” vendor to customer in the control screen. 3. Crea ng a Port -> logical system HCF7CLNT715 Tools a Business Communica on -> IDoc Basis -> Idoc a Port Defini on (T. Code WE21) Maintain Transac onal RFC: (Choose Transac onal RFC and press the create icon). A dialog box will open asking whether you want the system to generate an automa c name or whether you wish to use your own name. Port name: Automa cally generated Version: 4.x RFC des na on: logical System of the system client -> HC7CLNT715 4. Maintain output type -> Dummy Type RD00 for IDoc necessary Output Type RD00 – Invoice is a special func on, responsible for the execu on of the IDOC. Output type RD00 is maintained: IMG: Sales and Distribu on -> Billing -> Inter- company Billing -> Automa c Pos ng To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Maintain output types (T. Code V/40). 5/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs Assign Outbound process codes Call transac on SM30 and choose the view VEDI_TEDE1. Maintain the following entry: Process code: SD08 Descrip on: “Intercompany Billing” Func on module: IDOC_OUTPUT_INVOIC_IV_MM Set up Output Management in Fiori App In Fiori Launchpad choose App “Output Management” and add the following rule: If receiving BP = IC Company Code use IDOC 6/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs 5. Create Logical Address -> 17100017101010 = log. Adresse / BUK = 1010 and Vendor = 10301710 Tcode SPRO (IMG): Sales and Distribu on -> Billing a Intercompany Billing -> Automa c Pos ng To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Assign vendor. (T. Code WEL1) Logical address 17100017101010 is made of the supplying Company Code (1710) and the receiving Customer (17101010). Note: If the receiving Customer is a numeric number you must add zeros between the Company code and Customer number so the Logical Address will be 14 digits. The Logical address is completed when the receiving Company Code and the Vendor are entered in the detail screen. It is also necessary to ac vate the account assignment. Tcode SPRO (IMG): Sales and Distribu on -> Billing è Intercompany Billing -> Automa c Pos ng To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Ac vate account assignment. -> CI02 Invoice Intercompany / CIC2 Invoice Intercompany Cancella on 6. Crea ng a Partner Profile for both Customer and Vendor Tools a Business Communica on -> IDoc Basis -> Idoc -> Partner Profile (T. Code WE20) 1. Customer: -> 17101010 Put cursor on Partner type KU and press create. Enter type, Agent and Lang, SAVE 7/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs Pressing outbound parameters. Sec on, to maintain detail screens The following screen will appear. Enter the following data in the appropriate fields: Partn.funct.: BP Message type: INVOIC Message Code: FI Receiving port: A000000003 Basic Type: INVOIC01 Press enter and the screen will change to the following: Enter PaketSize 1 Go to the Message Control tab press and enter the data as specified in the following screen. 8/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs Vendor -> 10301710 Follow the same procedures but maintain the inbound parameter Screen as follows: Alert Moderator 11 Comments You must be Logged on to comment or reply to a post. Pablo Martin Ankudowicz October 12, 2016 at 4:06 pm Vivek, Thanks to post and share this documentation. It´s clear and well organized. Best regards. Erica NW October 28, 2016 at 8:53 am Hi Vivek, Thanks for your clear guidance. 9/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs However, after setting all the steps above, we still get the error message “No entry for partner function ” in table TPAR”. Seems that the system didn’t get ‘BP'(or ‘RE’) from the invoice. I’m sure that the receiver and partner partner bill-to are maintained in the invoice. Any other configuration did I miss? Please help. Víctor Gil Franco October 31, 2016 at 3:51 pm Hi, I am also facing the same issue as Erica with the blank partner error. Any clue? Does this have to do with the BRF+ configuration? Thanks. Richard Thomson December 2, 2016 at 9:51 am Hi I’m trying to set up an Intercompany stock transfer process. (ie create a PO in company A, which sends IDOC to company B in the same SAP client, and Sales Order is created in company B). I’ve done this successfully in the past in an ECC6 system, and am now trying to do the same in S4Hana 1511, following my documentation from the ECC6 implementation. So I have done the following steps in Output control and BRF+, but an IDOC is not created. What have I got wrong ? Output Control -> Define Output Types – Purchase Order is already defined here, so no changes 10/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs Output Control -> Assign Output Channels – added a channel for Purchase Order IDOC Output Control -> Define Determination of Form Master Templates – I don’t think this is needed for IDOCs, am I correct? Output Control -> Define Business Rules for Output Determination (Transaction: OPD) – added a record for the Intercompany document type ZNP rules for Purchase Order, determination Receiver – I don’t think I need add anything :- Purchase Order, determination Channel – I’ve added this record I don’t think I need to add any records for the rest of the determinations (Printer Settings, email settings, email receiver, form template) because they don’t seem relevant for IDOCs. Am I right? When I create an intercompany PO, I expect to see message data for Print and Idoc, but I only get the Print message. And the Idoc is not sent. 11/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs Vivek Paul L Post author January 10, 2017 at 9:09 pm Hi Richard, Could you please check whether SAP note 2311488 – No Output triggered when Purchase Order saved is implemented in S/4HANA. Br, Vivek Paul Richard Thomson December 2, 2016 at 12:13 pm I’m also following the process in the blog to set up the billing process. Unfortunately the screenshot for “Output Management” is not clear enough to see all the details – what is in the field “Receiver” ? Richard Thomson December 6, 2016 at 10:35 am I’ve found note 2228611 – Output Management in SAP S/4HANA , which has a link to note 2267376 – Billing Document Output Management (a search for 2267376 doesn’t work, follow the link from 2228611). 2267376 says :- Because output management for SAP S/4HANA only supports the “pure” output channels, while the NAST-based output is also used for several kinds of post-processing, output management for SAP S/4HANA cannot be used if one of the following NAST transmission mediums is required: 8 Special function 9 Events (SAP Business Workflow) A Distribution (ALE) T Tasks (SAP Business Workflow) In this case, please switch back to NAST: So I think we must switch back to NAST to get IDOCs working. Richard 12/14 2/7/2018 Inter-company process in S/4 HANA | SAP Blogs Oluseun Otulaja October 14, 2017 at 4:04 pm In the S/4 HANA environment a few configuration elements are required to enable the correct partner functions. To enable the partner functions AG/RE/RG (basic type INVOIC, message type INVOIC01/INVOIC02, condition record RD00) add the following partner functions in the transaction VOE3: Partner function SP – E1EDKA1-PARVW=“AG” Partner function BP – E1EDKA1-PARVW=“RE” Partner function PI – E1EDKA1-PARVW=“RG” jitendra Jha October 17, 2017 at 12:51 pm Facing a weird issue. Can you help with where do I assign the transport request when maintaining the output management in FIORI ? Nageshwar Rao Nacode December 1, 2017 at 12:30 pm Hi Jitendra Jha, Once the background work is done the same is configured through RFC and binded those into front end. venu gopal January 4, 2018 at 6:28 am Hello Vivek, Could you please explain price list as you mentioned better to create pricing list instead of creation condition records Any difference and let me know how to maintain. 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