Inter Company Billing Configuration ...

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SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration ... Log In Register About Us How to Contribute Store Welcome Guest SDN Community Home Forums Wiki Blogs BPX Community Articles eLearning Business Analytics Downloads University Alliances Career Center SAP EcoHub Events InnoCentive Idea Place SAP Help Portal Code Exchange SAP Community Network Forums » SAP Solutions » ERP SD Billing Thread: Intercompany Billing Configuration This question was marked as assumed answered by a moderator. Welcome, Guest Want to post to the Expert Forums? Reply to this Thread Search Forum Back to Thread List Replies: 10 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: Mar 10, 2011 1:36 PM Last Post By: Claudia Neudeck Patricia Powers Posts: 6 Registered: 6/22/10 Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jun 22, 2010 9:30 PM Reply Forum Points: 0 Hello All I am trying to configure for Intercompany billing, but when I execute VF01 to create the billing document it continues to default to RD00 and not RD04. I have configured as follows: Defined the order type for intercompany billing to IV 1 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM sap.not sure what I am missing or doing incorrectly. Shailabh Patricia Powers Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration 2 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM .jspa?threadID=1718336 Assigned organizational until by plant Defined internal customer number by sales organization . Any assistance would be appreciated at this point. However.does this mean that when this customer is used it knows to post as an IV billing? Created a customer to represent the receiving company Created a vendor to represent the supplying company Created a port Maintained the output type RD00 Created a logical address Created a partner profile for both customer and vendor FI customizing as required. Thank you in advance... http://forums. I can't seem to get past the point of the system actually recognizing that I want to create and IV document . The configuration seems to be alright from what you have explained. Cheers.sdn. Could you also explain the business process that you are executing ( the document flow). 2010 1:07 PM in response to: Patricia Powers Reply Forum Points: 42 Hi Patricia.SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration .com/thread. Pat shailabh_s Posts: 33 Registered: 3/26/10 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jun 23. Any assistance is greatly I"m trying to piece it all together and detrmine exactly how this should work.SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration .this is what I would expect. I have not been able to acertain exactly how the IDOC gets generated . plant P1) and S1 is unable to ship the requested quantity (for any business reason such as shortage of quantity etc). I keep on checking WE05..jspa?threadID=1718336 Posted: Jun 23. via VA01 an order is created and then upon saving the order is WF'd to the approver who then sets the biling block to blank. Intercompany scenario is used in situations where a customer places an order on a sales organization/plant (say S1. Our SD process is very basic. I've pulled up various documents on this subject and although many are VF01 is then executed and the biling and accounting documents are created. We start our SD process at the Sales Order. http://forums.. but no IDOCS are created. As well. 2010 2:17 PM Posts: 6 Registered: 6/22/10 in response to: shailabh_s Reply Forum Points: 0 Hi Shailabh Thank you for responding to my query. they all have a little something that the other documents don't have . It is at this point that I would expect the system to select output type it suppose to generate at the same time that I execute the billing document . but it is still selecting RD00 so it does not seem to be recognizing the configuration I have set for IV. with a few customizations along the way. I am clearly missing something but I'm not sure what. There seems to be a gap in what you are trying to achieve and the functionality for which the intercompany process is used. Pat shailabh_s Posts: 33 Registered: 3/26/10 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jun 23. 3 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM . 2010 3:42 PM in response to: Patricia Powers Reply Forum Points: 42 Hi In the business scenario you have described.SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration . In such a scenario intercompany sales might not be the SAP solution that fits the business process. Goods are delivered to the customer from P2. Or if you are indeed doing intercompany business process then a delivery will have to be created inorder to trigger the intercompany invoice. there is no mention of a delivery.sdn. This time SAP will by default select invoice type IV and create the intercompany invoice.. Plants P1 and P2 belong to two different company codes in SAP (hence the name intercompany). say P2 (which is attached to sales organization S2). This creates a customer invoice (this invoice is sent to the customer) In the next step the intercompany invoice is created. Delivering company code C2 Two Sales organizations – Ordering Sales organization S1. this is not required as the supplying plant belongs to the same company (but to a different company code) 4 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM . In the sales order overwrite the plant to P2 (this will be the delivering plant) 2) Create Delivery and post good issue as usual 3) Create invoice with reference to the delivery. The above 4 steps will work assuming all the relevant customizing settings are correct.jspa?threadID=1718336 In such a case S1 ships the goods from another plant. 4) Once again create an invoice (using VF01) with reference to the delivery created in step 2. the invoice is directly created from the sales order. Delivering sales organization S2 Two plants – Ordering plant P1. Delivering plant P2 1) Sales order Create the sales order the usual way. S1 raises an invoice to the customer S2 raises an intercompany invoice (document type IV in SAP) for S1 as its internal customer Following steps describe how this works in SAP Intercompany sales processing consists of the following three stages: • Processing sales orders • Processing deliveries • Billing Following SAP elements are involved – Two company codes – Ordering Company code C1. I also noticed in your first post that you have created a vendor to represent the supplying company. http://forums. com/saphelp_erp60_sp/helpdata/en/dd/5614e7545a11d1a7020000e829fd11/ Given below are some links from SAP help on intercompany – http://help. Cheers. Do let me know if you have any more queries.. Essentialy I have company code (A) billing company code (B) for services rendered(no stock transfer) and due to timing I am running into foreign exchange(FX) issues as B inputs the invoice a day or 2 later so FX issues arise and journal entries are required to Hope this 5 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM .com/saphelp_erp60_sp/helpdata/en/dd/56154f545a11d1a7020000e829fd11/ Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration .com/saphelp_erp60_sp/helpdata/en/dd/561535545a11d1a7020000e829fd11/content.htm http://help.htm http://help.. We thought that by processing intercompany we could create the billing document in company code A and also create the AP document in company code B via the IDOC process at the same time. http://forums. What I am trying to do is create is as RE(AP vendor document) in one company code(B) at the same time that I am creating the biling(SD/AR document) document in company code (A) . Shailabh Patricia Powers Posts: 6 Registered: 6/22/10 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jun 23.htm http://help. 2010 4:00 PM in response to: shailabh_s Reply Forum Points: 0 Hi Shailabh Based on the way you explain intercompany billing I think I may be using the incorrect tool for what I am trying to thus the exchange rates would be the same and no journal entries would be required.I don't think intercompany will give this to me. . it makes more sense now. How do I attach a document on this forum? Thanks Patricia Patricia Powers Posts: 6 Registered: 6/22/10 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jun 23. 2010 4:12 PM in response to: shailabh_s Reply Forum Points: 0 Hi Shailabh I have a document that I was provided with as my guide for setting up intercompany to create an automatic posting to the vendor account via EDI. 2.SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration . but any suggestions you can offer would be appreciated . Pat Patricia Powers Posts: 6 Registered: 6/22/10 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jun 23.jspa?threadID=1718336 If intercompany if not the solution would you happen to know a process that would work? Thank you so much for what you have provided me with so far. In our case where both companies are processed in the same system (& client). This process requires several steps: 1.yet again.sdn. 2010 4:42 PM in response to: Patricia Powers Reply Forum Points: 0 Hi Shailabh I have copied the solution I have configured below. This is the configuration I was asked to do . Inter-Company Billing . If you have time I would like to show you this document but this is my first time posting on this forum so I am not certain how to send it to you. it is sufficient to create Idoc.Automatic Posting To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) Automatic posting to vendor account is done by EDI. http://forums..which is a bit differnt than the way intercompany seems to work. however I am now stuck as It doesn't appear to be working . Creating a Vendor to represent the supplying 6 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM .not sure if you can help at this but this process seems to create a vendor document via EDI. Creating a Customer to represent the receiving Creating a Port 4.Invoice Receipt MM is a special function. Code WE20) Customer: Put cursor on Partner type KU and press Enter type. The relevant FI customizing is maintained. Note: The Vendor is created in the receiving Company Code.jspa?threadID=1718336 company. 4. Assign Output Types To Partner Functions Maintain Output Determination Procedure Assign Output Determination Procedures Master Data Maintain output Master Data Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Output -> (T. to maintain detail screens The following screen will appear. Section. Creating a Partner Profile for both Customer & Vendor 7. 7 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM . responsible for the execution of the Idoc and will be entered in the Partner Profile later on. 6. Vendor representing the supplying Company Code: P1180 NOTE: There is NO need to "connect" vendor to customer in the control screen. Note: If the receiving Customer is a numeric number you must add zeros between the Company code and Customer number so the Logical Address will be 14 Partner functions Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Output Control -> Output Determination a Output Determination Using the Condition Technique -> Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents. Port name: Automatically generated Version: 4.. 3. The Vendor is created with the standard transaction (XK01). than the logical address would have been 11800000003100 as can be seen in the second line. Creating a Customer to represent the receiving Company. Enter the following data in the appropriate fields: Partn. Creating a Port Tools a Business Communication a IDoc Basis a Idoc a Port Definition (T. Agent & Lang. It is also necessary to activate the account assignment.g. The customer has already been created (XD01) for the purpose of Intercompany processing and entered in the appropriate transaction in customizing (Sales and Distribution a Billing a Intercompany Billing a Define Internal Customer Number By Sales Organization). http://forums. CodeWEL1) Logical address 1180P3100 is made of the supplying Company Code (1180) and the receiving Customer (P3100). The relevant MM customizing is maintained. E. The organizational data in this case is the same as above.x RFC destination: PLD (This was defined by the basis people).. 1. 3. (T. if the customer number was 3100. SAVE Pressin outbound parameters. Maintain output type Output Type RD04 . Creating a Partner Profile for both Customer & Vendor Tools a Business Communication -> IDoc Basis -> Idoc -> Partner Profile (T. Creating a Logical Address 6. Maintain an Output Type 5.sdn. Code WE21) Maintain Transactional RFC: (Choose Transactional RFC and press the create icon). A dialog box will open asking whether you want the system to generate an automatic name or whether you wish to use your own name.SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration . Output type RD04 is maintained: IMG: Sales and Distribution -> Basic functions -> Output control -> Output Determination -> Output Determination Using the Condition Technique -> Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents a Maintain Output Types (T. Code V/40). Code VV31) 5.funct. BP Message type INVOIC Message Code FI Receiving port A000000001 Basic Type INVOIC01 Press enter and the screen will change to the following: Enter PocketSize 1 Go to the Message Control tab press and enter the data as specified in the following screen. Creating a Vendor to represent the supplying company. The organizational data in this case is: Supplying Company Code: 1180 Supplying Plant: 1180 Supplying Sales Organization: 1180 Supplying Distribution Channel: 01 Supplying Division: 00 Receiving Company Code: 3100 Customer representing the receiving Company Code: P3100 2. (In our case the customer is an alpha numeric number so the second line was not necessary. Note: The customer has been created in the supplying company code. It was created just for this documentation and was not saved) The Logical address is completed when the receiving Company Code and the Vendor are entered in the detail screen. Create Logical Address IMG: Sales and Distribution -> Billing a Intercompany Billing -> Automatic Posting To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Assign vendor. IMG: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Intercompany Billing -> Automatic Posting To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Activate account assignment. 8. Enter the IDoc number in the selection screen.jspa?threadID=1718336 You can repeat the process for cases where invoice verification is done against purchase order. You can use transaction WE02 or WE05. Code OBCB) P1180 = Vendor 3100 = Company Code of receiving company (of customer) NOTE: G/L account should not be connected to CO. Materials Management a Logistics Invoice Verification a EDI a Enter Program Parameters Monitoring There are several transaction that allow you to monitor the IDoc. Code OBCE) Make sure to maintain posting Assign G/L Accounts for EDI Procedures (T.otherwise I apologize . http://forums. Just enter text in the "Header note". Tax type = Output Tax Tx = Input Tax Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Master Records -> Individual Processing -> Centrally (T. 2010 4:49 PM in response to: Patricia Powers Reply Forum Points: 0 Hi Shailabh Sorry about the last posting. Detailed instructions are found in note 39503 8. If you have an error in the IDoc. ("Create/Bank/Interest" screen).SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration . you could analyze it with transaction WE19 thanks Pat Edited by: Patricia Powers on Jun 23. MM Customizing: Make sure the Unit of Measure's ISO Codes are configured correctly. Code CUNI) Optional MM Customizing: NOTE: This is only necessary for logistics invoice verification.Code OBCD) It is necessary to match the output tax from the sales order to the input tax.type. NOTE: You cannot use output type RD04 again therefore you must copy it in customizing to another output type (in this case RD00) Vendor Follow the same procedures but maintain the inbound parameter Screen as follows: 7. Make sure manual posting is allowed for the G/L account. 2010 4:45 PM Edited by: Patricia Powers on Jun 23. 2010 4:45 PM Edited by: Patricia Powers on Jun 23. You can see the IDoc number in the processing log in the "Header output" screen in the billing document.. 2010 4:46 PM Patricia Powers Posts: 6 Registered: 6/22/10 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jun 23. This could be either Header Text or Item Text. TEXT In many cases the G/L account has been configured so that text is mandatory. FI CUSTOMIZING Financial Accounting a Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable a Business Transactions -> Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos -> EDI -> Enter Program Parameters for EDI Incoming Invoice (T. If you view it via Edit then it presents itself the way I put it in . Use KR when not using purchase order & RE when using purchase order Assign Company Code for EDI Incoming Invoice By leaving the field CoCd blank. = account number that was entered in transaction OBCB (page 24) Tax category must allow for input tax. tax code and invoice doc. all company codes are available..sdn. First you need to know the IDoc number. Header Text No special configuration is necessary.Code FS00) G/L account no. Assign Tax Codes for EDI Procedures (T. 8 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM . You may use the following access sequence. General Settings a Check units of measurement (T.that's what happens when a newbie posts. in this case enter MM in "message code field. As you can see the only difference between the FI & MM invoice is in the message code and output type. it is quite a mess the way it actually gets presented. Item Text It is necessary to implement a userexit in order to fill the item text P. Shailabh shailabh_s Posts: 33 Registered: 3/26/10 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jul 2. but if with some ABAP/user exit tweaking we could make a change such that the value of the foreign exchange is picked up what it was 2 days earlier then problem could be Cheers.htm The other thing that can be looked at is taking some ABAP help in this case.htm http://help. 2010 11:38 AM in response to: Patricia Powers Reply Forum Points: 42 Hi Patricia. Did you manage to solve the issue? 9 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM .sap. From your post I understand that the problem is only with the foreign exchange due to the 2 day delay in creating the invoice. From the information it does seem that intercompany might not be the solution in this The below links give more details on the customer service scenario..S. http://forums. I do not think it is possible to attach a document in the forum. the only way to do is to post all details like you have done. By default SAP calculates the value of foreign exchange on the day billing is You would need the help of an ABAP person to get this done.SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration 2010 8:15 AM in response to: Patricia Powers Reply Forum Points: 42 Hi Patricia.jspa?threadID=1718336 Patricia shailabh_s Posts: 33 Registered: 3/26/10 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Jun 24. http://help. The business scenario you have described looks more like “Customer Service” scenario. com/thread. because there was no reaction the last 3 months Pages: 1 Back to Thread List Powered by Jive Software Contact Us Site Index Marketing Opportunities Powered by SAP NetWeaver Legal Terms Privacy Impressum 10 of 10 1/27/12 5:17 AM .SAP Community Network Forums: Intercompany Billing Configuration . http://forums.jspa?threadID=1718336 Cheers. Shailabh Claudia Neudeck Posts: 823 Registered: 5/30/07 Re: Intercompany Billing Configuration Posted: Mar 10.. 2011 1:36 PM in response to: Patricia Powers Reply Forum Points: 896 > close the
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